#blah blah we get it. shes crazy and not in a sexy way! to men. to ME she is michelle pfeiffer's selina kyle pre and post origin story.
pulsingvoid · 1 year
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she is sooo misty quigley. to me
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Dear John – The road to redemption
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Summary: John is out for blood and tries to be a father for your twins at the same time.
Pairing: Mobster!John x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, age gap (the reader is around 30, John 50), mentions of break-up/unrequited feelings, mentions of an abusive relationship/domestic violence (not John), daddy!John, comforting, fluff, Dean being a good big brother, just like Sam
Characters: Benny Lafitte, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
<< Part 1
Part 2/3
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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“Look, John jr., I saved you a slice of my favorite pie,” Dean grins when his five-year-old brother’s eyes grow wide. My baby boy nods eagerly, already grasping for the fork to dig it into the pie Dean places in front of him.
I smile, knowing all too well my eldest is a proud big brother who would go to hell and back for his new siblings just like he did for Sam.
“Johnny loves pie,” my baby girl quips, grinning up at Dean. She smiles, knowing the tall guy next to her is her big brother. “Now I got three big brothers – awesome,” in not two days Sofia grew close to Dean and Sam.
“Daddy, do you like pie too?” John jr. asks, earning a chuckle from Dean who looks at me, a cocky grin on his lips. “Do you?”
“I like some once in a while but, unlike Dean, I am not addicted,” nodding thoughtfully my little boy looks at the pie. A grin appears on his face and he looks me straight in the eyes.
“More pie for me and my big brother, daddy,” I laugh, even throw my head back as I haven’t had kids at my house for ages. The kids make me feel like a young man again and I forget for a moment, a douche is after my girl. “What do you like daddy?”
“That’s not for your ears, John jr.,” Y/N enters the kitchen, kisses the top of my son’s head softly as she covers his ears with her hands, Sam immediately covers my daughter’s ears, knowing Y/N will use a bad word.
“He’s more into eating something else,” I can’t hold back the groan leaving my lips at Y/N’s words. She looks at me, something dangerous in her eyes but, I can see the tension left her body. “Not that I would have complained, though.”
Shit, I feel my face heat up. I bet my sons can see I am putty in Y/N’s hands if she wants me. Before I find my voice to give her a snarky comment she turns her attention toward Sofia and John jr. and my heart swells when she switched into ‘mommy modus’. 
“And how good you tasted,” I finally find my voice, and Y/N giggles at my words, missing the way I roam her body when she takes the cup of coffee Dean offers to her. “I mean, your pie.” I backpaddle as my sons look at me, pointing toward the kids. 
“Dad said you want to sell your parents’ house,” Sam tries to change the topic. “Maybe my girlfriend can help you. She sold her parent's house three years ago.”
“Yeah, we all know your girl is awesome, Sammy,” Dean groans, causing me to roll my eyes. My boys are grown men, but they like to tease each other like kids. “Ruby is smart. Ruby is sexy – blah blah.”
“Son, not now. Ruby is your brother’s girlfriend, stop nagging about the girl. She is part of our family soon enough,” I need to stop my eldest, knowing he doesn’t like Ruby too much.
“Did you forget she got him addicted?” Dean bites back. His hands balled into fists he curses under his breath. “We need months to get him down from that shit and suddenly she’s a saint to everyone but me. I do not trust her one bit.”
“Dean, not that old song again. Ruby and I got addicted and-“ Sam stops in his tracks when Y/N raises one hand.
“Not in front of the kids, Sam. If you and your brother want to fight or talk about adult themes, do it when my children are not around. They went through enough due to my mistake,” she sniffs now. “I need-“ I run after her when Y/N runs out of the room, crying bitterly. “I shouldn’t have come here.”
“Y/N, you belong to me,” I cup the back of Y/N’s neck to force her to look up at me. I hate to let the dangerous mobster out, but she needs to understand – there is no way I’ll ever let her go. Not now, not ever. “You’re mine,” my lips claim hers, a bit too rough, and honestly a bit clumsily but I can’t help it. I need to feel her lips against mine.
“John,” she pants against my chapped lips, whimpers as I kiss her again to calm her a little. Fuck me, she still tastes like back then. Like strawberries, vanilla, and sin. “John.”
“Sorry, doll,” I breathe against her soft pillows. “I wanted to show more patience but having you here makes me go crazy. I know you can’t forgive me that easily, but you cannot deny you feel it too. The pull, the need to touch me,” I kiss her again, this time slow and gentle. “How about you get ready for the day and we talk later?”
“John, this isn’t a happy reunion or a second chance for love. This is me and my kids running from a violent man who tries to get me back whilst my former lover keeps me hostage at his house to protect me,” Y/N spats. I didn’t believe she will forgive me anytime soon but her words still sting. “I just want to be left alone.”
“I understand you do not trust me but,” I cup her face, not letting her look away, “you are my girl, always were mine. I don’t care about anything else but you and my kids. Trust me, I’ll make that bastard pay for hurting you.”
“I don’t want you to hurt him, John. I just,” she sniffles, tries to hide her tears from me. I always admire Y/N for being strong and stubborn, “Please, I never want to see him again. Tell him to leave me alone.”
“That I can do, doll. I promise he will never hurt you or my children again. But,” I bring Y/N into my arms, not caring she struggles against my strength, “I can’t let you go after. You’re my girl, the one I love. Even if you never let me in again, I want you in my life, Y/N.”
“John, I-“ her voice cracks, and I hold her a bit tighter, let her fist my button-up and take the slap she gives me with all her strength like a man. “You can’t just tell me what to do,” and there she is, the angry stubborn girl I loved to tame.
“You’re still my bad girl,” I muse, pecking Y/N’s forehead. “Please stay here until I handled the situation with James. He seems to be a dangerous man.”
“You are one to talk,” Y/N grins up at me, the fire I loved so much back in her eyes. “John Winchester, head of the Winchester’s empire talks about James being a dangerous man. Your dark aura was one of the things making me fall for you.”
“Oh, you naughty girl,” teasing Y/N is like a hobby to me. “I knew you loved being my hostage a bit too much, dirty girl,” I whisper the last part into her ear. “I will not let anything happen to you or the kids, promised. Benny will stay here with you.”
“John,” Y/N looks up at me with teary eyes. “I don’t think you should kill him. Maybe it’s enough to tell him to stay away from me? You can be scary as shit.” I chuckle at my girl’s words. I know that most people are afraid of me, but oddly, Y/N never was one of them. 
“I promise to not kill him if it’s not necessary, Y/N,” I lie, fuck I lie shamelessly but how could I tell Y/N that the moment James laid hands on her he was a dead man. He just doesn’t know he’s dead yet. “How about you and the kids spend the day in the garden? Or do you want Benny to drive you somewhere?”
“I think I’ll just stay here,” I can see the fear return. Y/N’s eyes betray the brave face she puts on for me. “Do you have Netflix? We could watch cartoons or something.”
“I show you the TV later. If you get hungry, tell the cook what you want to eat, doll,” I smirk when Y/N tells me she’s a good cook. “Baby, you are anything but a good cook. You burned eggs, Y/N.”
“I got better,” she insists, and I kiss her again. Hungrily I invade her mouth, make her moan against me. “Hey, I didn’t mean that kind of cooking.” she scolds me playfully and I feel hope bloom in my chest. “I can make toast, pancakes, and baked a pie for the kids' birthday. Don’t underestimate my talent in the kitchen.”
“Oh-I remember your talent in the kitchen, especially the kitchen counter,” there it is, the nervous giggle. “You were such a good girl.”
“JOHN WINCHESTER,” Y/N punches my chest with her tiny fists. “Don’t say things like that with your kids around. They don’t need to know about all the dirty things you did to me.”
“…and with you,” I smirk when Y/N sighs at my words. “Promise me you’ll be still here when I come back.”
“I will stay as long as he’s out there, John. I don’t want him to get close to my children or me ever again. I am stubborn, not dumb,” I look at Y/N one last time before I decide it’s time to hunt that bastard down.
“I’ll be back in a blink, doll. Benny will help you today,” I peck Y/N’s check, let my lips linger a bit longer than needed. “No one will ever hurt you again.”
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“Dean, Sam, Jimmy, I want you to come with me. Benny, you’ll stay at the mansion and watch over my girl and the kids. No one will enter the house without your permission. James Milster is out there, and we need to get hold of him,” close, so fucking close to losing control I look at my eldest. Dean, the one always following my orders places one hand onto my shoulder, nodding silently.
“We will get him, Sir,” Dean looks at his brother, unsure if Sam will follow my plan or not. “Right, Sam.”
“Y/N and her children will be safe after today,” Sam gives me a curt nod. He’s the smartest and most caring man I ever had the honor to meet.
I’m not saying Dean is not a good or smart man too. My eldest is a strong-headed, strong and caring man, but Sam, Sammy is different. I don’t know how he does it but around him, people feel comfortable, even though, he’s a giant.
“I need to make sure Y/N and my children are safe. John jr. and Sofia Rose are your siblings and it’s your duty, just like mine, to protect them at all cost. That man lived long enough after he hurt my girl. He’s out of luck now,” I pat my gun, giving my men a curt nod before we leave the mansion.
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“Mommy, when will daddy be back?” Sofia Rose watches her brother pace around the living room. He couldn’t concentrate on the cartoons he wanted to watch, too busy to wait for John to come back. “Will he hurt James?”
“John,” I sigh, not knowing how to explain to my five-year-old son that his father will probably kill my ex-fiancé. “Your dad wants to talk to James, okay. Do you remember what I said the day we left his house?”
“That we don’t have to see him again and that daddy will protect us,” Sofia Rose steps closer to her brother, grasps his hand as she can see the worry on his features.
“Mommy, can we wait for daddy to come back? I want to see him before we go to sleep,” my daughter asks, knowing her big brother is worried about his father. “Please.”
“Of course, sweet pea. We will wait for daddy to come back,” it’s already late but I will not let fear cloud my mind. John knows how to handle any situation so I will wait for him to return and not worry.
I am a terrible liar, am I not?
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Look at that bastard. How dare he to call me a lousy father when I aim a fucking gun at his head.
“That’s how you want to play the game?” I smirk when I unlock my gun. “How about we play – Winchester roulette? One bullet, six chambers – your life for my girl.”
His eyes wide James starts to beg for his life and I, well I, enjoy the show. I will not kill him with that gun, but this doesn’t mean I can’t have fun before I end his life as painful as possible.
“What do you say, son? Shall I play a game with James?” Dean sits onto the chair opposite James, shrugging. He doesn’t need to say a word, I can see it in my eldest eyes; he wants to rip James apart for hurting Y/N and scaring his siblings.
“Do as you wish, Sir,” Sam is the one opening the bag I brought with me to reveal all the nice toys to torture someone who really pissed me off. “Shall we begin, dad?”
“Please, I-“ James chokes on his words, wets his pants as he begs for his life but unlike other men – I know no mercy…
>> Part 3
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myglogic · 4 years
Priceless | Bang Chan | 01
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Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Pairing: Bang Chan (Stray Kids) x female reader
Genre: Crime, enemies to friends to lovers, angst, fluff
Short summary: Y/N is a journalist who dreams of writing a frontpage article at the Seoul Times. She gets the chance to attend the Bang Charity Gala through her work where she plans exposing Kevin Bang, father of Chan and one of the richest men in Seoul. How is she planning to do that? The Gala is a masquarade ball where no one will recognize her. Y/N just wants justice for herself and everyone Kevin Bang hurt.
DISCLAIMER: Everything in this fanfic is fiction - that includes Chan’s fictional father who of course does not represent Chan’s real father! ♥
The event was full of people. Full of filthy rich people, you might add. It was the event of the year for Seoul’s richest and most famous people. The Bang Gala. What is the Bang Gala, you might ask? It was a charity gala where tons of money was gathered for a good cause every year. The cause is always kept a secret until the gala. Last year the money went to an organization that helps orphans who didn’t get adopted to adjust to society. Sounds like a beautiful event, right? In one year, the money went to survivors of natural catastrophes, another year it went to the homeless. Each year millions of dollars were donated. You couldn’t even imagine how big the sums must be.
Bullshit. That was what you thought. Because the people behind this charity gala were the Bang family. Kevin Bang, the owner of Seoul’s biggest real estate agency, no, you could even say the owner of South Korea’s biggest real estate agency hosted the gala. In the media, he was known for being a generous businessman, always leaving huge tips at the restaurants he was eating at. He was not only known for being generous, but also being down to earth too.
All of it was an act. Because you knew who the real Kevin Bang was. You knew how the real, evil, Kevin Bang was like and how he treated the people around him too. He was the reason why your father lost everything.
You were just a kid when all of that happened. You didn’t like to dwell on the past but you were a girl who hated unfair treatment. The past was the past but it wasn’t easy to forget. In the past two years you have been working for a pretty big newspaper – the Seoul Times. Okay, working would be an overstatement. You were basically there to proofread the articles written by the real authors and bring coffee. But you were still happy to be there because it was a start. You studied journalism but had no experience yet so it was even a miracle that you got a job at such a renowned company. Sometimes you did write small articles but mostly it was about boring stuff, for example, how the private school next door opened their new library which was – what a coincidence – sponsored by none other than Kevin Bang.
Your parents were proud of you because you worked your ass off at university for this degree. It was very underwhelming to get such an underpaid job, but you had to work hard to become the head editor one day. Right now, you worked at the “celebrity” department, where they basically gathered all kind of news about any kind of celebrity. Like for example how BTS got another win for their latest album. It wasn’t what you envisioned. Sometimes you switched departments too and just work wherever you were needed. That is why you needed an incredible story to write, a story that you have discovered. You didn’t only write articles but sometimes you had to investigate too, like doing interviews outside the office if the writer himself was too lazy to do it. But this story was your personal story. No help from Seoul Times or any other editor. You knew that this story, your story, would secure you a job on the top. That story was exposing Kevin Bang.
Exposing the real Kevin Bang. Not the beloved charitable, kind person that everyone looked up to, but the asshole, getting-anything-he-wants Kevin Bang. Why was your hatred for him so deep when everyone seemed to love that guy? The answer was simple. If something didn’t fit into Mr. Bang’s plans then he just bought everything with his money and influence. He was one of the reasons why an orphanage was demolished because he wanted to free some space for his clients, so he built a 5-star hotel on that area. According to your research he made some hefty payments to make sure that this does not reach the media. It hurt you a lot because you volunteered a lot at that specific orphanage. The kids there were not prepared to leave at all. It was a shitty move of him and you hated him more for that.
But that was just one of his many wrongdoings. You hated reading anything about that guy and his family.
Chaos. The office was very chaotic because of the on-going charity gala. A lot of newspapers used the gala to get interviews with big names, because anyone who had influence attended that gala. But this year’s theme was not optimal to get a lot of interviews: Masquerade. Everyone had to wear masks so no one knew who you were.
It was interesting since all of the people there already had two faces. The theme made a lot of interviewers back out because if you can’t see the celebrity, interviewing them would be difficult.
You were sitting at your desk, trying to find more dirt on the Bang family when you heard a stack of papers landing next to you, making you flinch a little. It was your supervisor, Hana, who looked at you, annoyed. “Proofread these, okay?”, she sighed, rubbing her temples.
“Okay.”, you said, not wanting to annoy her more.
“I need these by tomorrow by the way.”, she added arrogantly.
“Excuse me, what?!”, you said, standing up in shock. “I can’t even get half of those done in a day!”
She stared you down with an angry expression. “Okay, then why don’t you go and try to interview some masked celebrities at that stupid gala, huh? Our top interviewers don’t want to go because they think it’s a waste of their time!”
You sighed. “Just because you have problems, doesn’t mean that you can put all the workload onto me.”
“I am sick of you complaining, Y/N. This gala is stressing me enough already. It’s not like anything happens at these galas anyway, I don’t even know why we have to send so many employees there. The big boss is crazy. Taejoon doesn’t want to go and we have to send someone from our department.”, Hana said angrily, clearly angry at Taejoon who usually does the interviews for your department.
Then an idea popped into your mind. “Wait… So technically if Taejoon goes to that gala thing, doesn’t he get a free pass?”
“Yeah, we cannot identify the celebs there anyway. But we still have to send ten of our people so that they can write down how much money was donated, where the money goes to, blah blah. Also, if anyone decides to show up without a mask, interview them. Stuff like that.”
This was the idea! You gathered information on Kevin Bang for a while now and if you could find a way to get in there, you might be able to turn everyone against him. You just needed to get the attention of the guests and the media. You knew that you wouldn’t get the recognition you wanted but it would be a start to dig the dirt on him.
Maybe, if you tell the boss that it was you who exposed him, he will let you write the big front-page article about him. Nobody knew more shit about Kevin Bang than you.
“You know, if you let someone else proofread these articles, I would go to that gala instead of Taejoon.”, you offered her.
She gave you a tempting look. “You never went, right? Of course, you would be excited to enter such an exclusive event. But please don’t fall asleep, it gets boring pretty quickly.”, Hana warned you. “Also, you can’t wear a mask as someone from the media. You need to stay in the background, especially since you are still a rookie. Got it?”
Yeah, of course, it was because it was an exclusive event. It’s not like you had a huge ass plan to destroy Kevin Bang or something. “Yeah, got it. Can I go?”, you asked innocently.
She sighed. “Okay. But don’t do anything stupid!”
“I won’t!”
‘At least not when you are around.’, you thought.
Now that you got your free pass to the Bang charity gala, you needed to make up a plan. A really good one. Because your operation was big and you couldn’t risk making any mistakes. The gala was in two days and you quickly needed to figure out what to do and how to do it.
With all the information you had on Kevin Bang, you knew you had to somehow get the attention of the audience that would attend the gala. Through some insider information you found out that there will be a huge projector. It’s projecting at the main stage. So, you somehow needed to get to the tech room to show the audience your evidence.
You found out that a friend of yours, Felix, will be working there on the night of the gala as a waiter for drinks. You were sure that he would be a huge help and approached him but at first, he thought you were crazy. You were basically trying to ruin a charity event. But after explaining why you wanted to do it, he agreed to help you with your plan. There was a designated area for the press, so you needed to get inside and change first to mix with the actual guests.
This was your plan:
1.    Get inside the actual building as someone from the press
2.    Bring a sexy dress and a mask
3.    With the help of Felix get in the employee area to change
4.    Act as if you’re a guest and talk negatively about Kevin Bang
5.    Get in the computer room to “hack” the projector
6.    Expose Kevin Bang
Sometimes you felt like one of those drama Youtube channels. But this was more than just telling everyone about a horrible person. You did this for your family, especially for your dad. Your family was ruined because of him. Your parents worked their hardest just so you could go to university. Of course, you also did this to write an article about him and get a better position at work. But there was more of a personal agenda behind this.
After a long day of work, you finally came home, clearly exhausted. The gala was tomorrow and you were really nervous about everything. Your roommate Jisung walked out of the kitchen and looked at you. Jisung and you met on your first day of university and became friends quickly. He was your closest friend and you knew you could trust him with your life. “Hey, I got a huge ass dress delivery for you today? What are you going to do with such a fancy dress?”, he asked you curiously.
You smiled at him, determined. “I will attend the Bang charity gala tomorrow.”
Jisung’s eyes widened. “What? For real? Because of your job or what?”
You smirked. “Just wait. After tomorrow, I will finally get the recognition I deserve. And yeah, I will get in thanks to my job.”
Jisung looked at you suspiciously as he sat down with a bowl of chips in front of you. “You're planning something, aren’t you?”
You put on a confident smile as you laid down on the couch. “Yeah. Look, I will tell you everything after the gala. It’s a huge thing so…”
“Don’t get arrested or something, dude.”, Jisung sighed. “Well, since you won’t tell me now, why don’t we watch a movie on Netflix then?”
The day of the gala arrived quickly and you found yourself with a camera hanging onto your neck in front of the huge ass gala building. You gave your dress to Felix before so he could hide it in the employee changing rooms. Your hands were sweaty as you took some pictures.
“So, we will be at different locations throughout the building. Try to get some good pictures and if you recognize someone, try to get an interview, okay?”, one of the interviewers told the Seoul Times journalists.
As you went to your designated areas you looked around for Felix to get out of here. At the same time, you admired the huge building with a rich history. Literally, rich. The guests were coming in slowly and everyone looked glamorous and fancy. Their dresses probably cost more than you earn in a month. The location was beautifully decorated, the main stage was huge. While looking around you saw the tech people going upstairs. The tech room must have been upstairs. You couldn’t find a good floor plan on the internet and security was high alert. There had to be a way to get up there. Dressing up as someone from the tech crew would be too obvious but no one would suspect a masked woman in a dress. Especially since you were masked, you were even safer.
As everyone was seated Kevin Bang entered the main stage shortly after. His crisp suit looked expensive, his hair was slicked back. His face was half covered by a black mask. Behind him was his wife, probably number 6 by now, and his son Chan. They also wore masks that didn’t do a good job with covering their faces. Your gaze wandered more towards to his son than Kevin himself. He looked handsome, you couldn’t deny that, with his black hair and dark blue, perfectly sitting suit. You also noticed that he didn’t look too excited to stand there. Interesting.
“Welcome to the annual Bang charity gala! I am happy to see so many faces – well, technically I can’t see you but I appreciate every single one of you!”, Kevin said enthusiastically which earned him hearty laughs from the audience. You rolled your eyes. “You for sure have been wondering where the money goes to this year! This year, we are donating the money of this beautiful gala to a brand-new hospital! With the money you donate every year we can build a completely new hospital where everyone can be treated! The best thing about the hospital?”, he started and showed a picture of the future hospital that was projected behind him. “We will get the best doctors! Anything for our residents of Seoul!”
The crowd cheered and clapped politely. The rich were delighted. “Let’s see how much money we can gather tonight!”
You scoffed at his stupid smirk. “What a freaking liar, the money doesn’t even arrive there.”, you whispered angrily.
The event kicked off, classical music was playing in the background. Since the theme was “masquerade” the guests started waltzing in pairs. It did look very appealing but it felt like this wasn’t your world. In fact, this was not your world. You sometimes wished it was. Not worrying about anything, especially money. You knew you could never fit in.
You then got up looking around. Security was everywhere. Then you spotted Felix who walked up to you. “Hey, sorry, I’m late. These rich people never stop drinking.”, he sighed, clearly exhausted as he pushed his blonde hair back.
“It’s fine the event just started. How can I get out of here without security noticing?”, you asked him, feeling the fear inside you coming up.
“Just walk next to me. As long as you don’t act suspiciously nothing will happen.”, he assured you and walked you to the employee changing rooms. You noticed a few glances from some security guards but nobody stopped you.
As you were getting dressed, Felix spoke up. He was hiding behind some lockers so you could dress in peace. “But Y/N… what if you get caught? How do you plan on getting out of here after doing that stunt?”
You sighed, “I need to do everything step by step, Felix. First, I need to get to the tech room and make sure that everyone out there can here hear me. Then I will decide what to do. But I won’t get caught.”, you told Felix while putting on your red dress that had lace details on the top part. It wasn’t tight but still looked really nice. It was a rather flowy dress and you could breathe in that dress. It looked expensive enough for the elite of Seoul. Good thing that you can rent dresses. You then put on some red lipstick and put your mask on that covered nearly your entire face except for your lips. You were unrecognizable, especially since you looked like a zombie normally.
As you turned the corner to meet Felix his eyes widened for a moment. “Wow, you look nice! I bet you will fit in without any problems!”
You smiled at him and then squeezed his cheek. “Aww! Thank you, Felix. I’m really nervous… but I have to do this.”
He looked at you with a worried expression, “Please, be careful, alright?”
You nodded and quietly exited the dressing room. Some people sat at their assigned seats, others were talking about the event. The music was loud but the atmosphere was alright. For now.
You decided to join a group who were talking. They were two women who were gushing about how extravagant this gala was. They were wearing expensive designer dresses.
“I love the gold details in the decoration.”, one of the women, the one who wore a black mask, said.
“I wish they would serve some more seafood. The buffet is horrible.”, the other one said, sighing. Wow.
“But no matter what Mr. Bang does, his galas are still the best!”, black mask spoke up again.
“I don’t get why everyone likes him so much…”, you spoke up, taking a glass of champagne from a waiter that was walking by.
The women looked at you, a look of confusion in their eyes. “Why would you say that? Everyone loves him.”, black mask said, defending the man.
You sighed. “I heard that he's a real asshole in reality. Ever heard of when he bulldozed an orphanage for his new hotel?”, you told them.
They gasped in shock. “He would never do something like that, would he?”
“Well he paid the media so word couldn’t get out.”, you told them.
Then they started discussing if this was real or not. That was what you did for the first hour. While there was some show on the stage, you trash talked Kevin Bang. While some people didn’t even listen to you, others were saying that they had assumptions about him. Kevin Bang was a smart man. He wouldn’t show his real face to anyone.
As you were looking around the room, you felt something or rather someone staring at you. Now that you think of it, you felt that even earlier. Then you saw that in fact someone was staring at you. That suit and mask… He looked really familiar. He walked up to you and held out his hand. “Would you like to dance with me?”
You were surprised and didn’t know what to do. “Uh, I’m not really a dancer.”
“Just follow my lead, you will be fine.”, his butter smooth voice assured you. Damn it.
You then took his hand and followed him to the dance floor. He put one hand on your waist and his other hand held yours. You wondered why he asked you out of all people. You carefully followed his steps, trying not to embarrass yourself.
“So, what’s your deal? Who are you?”, he grumbled, his eyes dark.
“This is a masquerade, isn’t it? Why would you ask me that?”, you told him, slightly surprised by his sudden change of attitude. What was he trying to do?
“I heard you talk shit about my father. What the hell are you even doing here if you hate him that much, huh?”
Your eyes widened. Of course, he was Kevin Bang’s son! You recognized him from earlier. “Why do you act like everyone in this room loves him? As if I am the only person who dislikes him.”
He tightly squeezed your hand and waist to symbolize his seriousness. “Oh, really? You don’t know him. He is a businessman, sometimes he has to make sacrifices like relocating an orphanage.”
So, he was listening to you. Interesting. “You call that relocating? You don’t know shit.”, you said in an annoyed tone.
“And you know that better than his own son?”
It was your turn to give him a tight squeeze on his shoulder. “Yeah, I actually have my sources.”
You were dancing in circles and his gaze bore into yours. You would find it cute that he tried to defend his father if he wasn’t Kevin’s son. “I will find out who the hell you are. I bet you are one of the Lee’s. You guys are always jealous of us.”
You sighed. “I am so jealous of you and your life. Oh, fuck off. You know, I don’t have to like you or your father. And here I thought I would dance with a gentleman.”, you said, trying to sound disinterested.
The music finally came to an end and you looked at the man in front of you. “It was not nice to dance with you. Let’s not do that again.”, you said and turned your back, walking away from him.
“Wait! Who the hell are you?”, Chan shouted, gaining a few looks from the crowd. But before he could follow you, you were lost in the crowd.
You tried to go through busy crowds and then tried to find a way to go to the computer/tech room. You decided that it would be best if you pretended to search for a bathroom or something, so you sneaked upstairs without anyone noticing you for now.
It was time. Time to get revenge. Time to show the world who the real Kevin Bang was. Time to shine.
A/N: Hello guys, this is my first (consistent) series on this blog! This is also the first time I am writing for Chan and I hope I do him justice. Buckle up because this story has a lot of twists and turns. I appreciate every form of feedback and maybe even theories! What do you think will happen next? Thanks for reading! ♥
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deantransgressions2 · 4 years
9x22 stairway to heaven
#1: he’s lying about his addiction to the stick and the consequences of his matching stick tattoo. sound like s4 sam? it should bc dean is a hypocrite and just copies everything sam does without getting reprimanded for it 
time tag: 2:46
#2: judging the angels for not knowing how to use technology to find a missing person properly...
time tag: 8:36
#3: just dean being a dick to cas. as usual
dean: “stop saying you don’t know.”
cas: “you can’t think that i would allow something like this”
dean: “cas, i know you try to be a good guy, okay? i do. you try. but what you got here, this is a freakin’ cult. and last time you had this kind of juice, you did kill humans and angels, and you did nothing but lie to me and sam about it the whole damn time”
dean yet again bringing up others' past mistakes unprompted. he’s begging for attention here. it’s so embarrassing. 
time tag: 9:44
#4: he’s being a dick to cas again. as usual.
cas: “what do we do now?”
dean: “well you don’t do jack. me and sam will head to the hospital, see if we can find somebody who know this...walking nuke.”
cas: “hold on these are my people, i can help.”
dean: says something boring about cas being the new charlie manson blah blah. and then demands sam to hang out with cas to “help”. then dean runs off to do who cares what.
time tag: 10:12
#5: started attacking a female presenting angel because she basically said he was a killer and ugly. “there ain’t no other men like me” yeah, let’s keep it that way...one dean is one too many already.
time tag: 15:23
#6: hannah and the angels were like, “omg pls don’t hurt tessa, that’s not ur job lol why are u even here, loser” and dean was lowkey gonna cry, but he acted like a 7th grade bully instead and put on a weird smug face and started puffing his chest out. he lost anyway <3. embarrassing
time tag: 20:47
#7: anytime dean puts his hands on a woman, i wanna throw up. if women wanna kill, let them! stay out of their way! 
time tag: 23:54
#8: his face whenever he holds the blade is....inappropriate. he should not be allowed to act like that on a cw show. it’s very porn like i’m not sure if that’s what the actor was going for, but.....ew. 
time tag: 29:30
#9: “yeah, i lied, but you were being an infant.” imagine being called an infant because you don’t want your serial killer brother to have access to a weapon that makes it easier for him to kill....imagine..
time tag: 38:28
#10: in this scene he has the demeanor of a pokemon obsessed middle school boy with a “my dad is a hero” complex
“i’m not apologizing. i’m telling you how it’s gonna be. that blade is the only thing that can kill metatron, and i am the only one who can use it...so from here on out i’m calling the shots. capisce?” 
do yall see the difference between demon blood sam and moc!dean? you should because it’s really fucking obvious. demon blood sam was a sexy, bloody creature crazy girl, who hung out with a cute demon every once in a while to try and save the world. only mean thing he said to dean was that he wasn’t strong enough to kill lilith...and he was right. moc!dean is a domestic abuser and serial killer. end of story. but sam still apologizes for the demon blood, and dean has never once apologized for the moc. 
time tag: 38:30
#11: another quality speech from dean. very villian from scooby doo like. very enjoyable! :D
“until i stab that blade through that douchebag’s heart, we are not a team. this is a dictatorship. now, you don’t have to like it, but that’s how it’s gonna be.” 
time tag: 38:40
#12: roaring like a lion??? is this animal planet yall? 
time tag: 41:21
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
immj2 03.04.21 lb
aryan is literalllllllly the fuckin dumbest. zero peripheral vision or gut feels.
lmaoooooooooooo yeah right, i’d like to see you shoot at vansh bhai, aryan. i really wanna see this lololololol.
lo aa bhi gaya vansh. (fuck he looks good in this shirt!!!!!! damn my stupid hormones making me horny for the absolute baaaaaaaaare minimum.)
vansh [seeing an obviously shot angre]: angre, kya hua???
plan ke hisaaaaaaaaaab se. god i hate all the men in this show so much. angre honestly, why are you suchhhhhh a chaaatu for vansh’s ootpataaang plans?!?!
anyway long story short, vansh saw aryan spying, went and replaced all of aryan’s bullets with blanks, and sent the sms about riddhima being alive. LMAO DOES THAT MEAN HE ALSO CONNED A COOL 2 CR. OUTTA ARYAN?!?!!?! ASDKSADJLASKDJLKASDJKAS GOOD JOB, VANSHHHHHHHH.
angre like why i had to die for this tho???? oh angre, you sweet summer child. do you know NOTHING about your bhaiyya/bhaabi’s amaaaaaaazing relationship????? you think he’d give up a chance to emotionally manipulate her like this????
how’d the dumbass finalllllllllllllllly figure this is real riddhima tho??? also he has fully made his peace with treating his PREGNANT WIFE this way huh????
ishani/siya having a girly convo about siya’s “date”. ishani’s like “was it sizzling, burning, sensational?”
uhhhhhhhhh siya, if you’re feeling all these things, you should go see a gynaec. sounds like an STI to me.
this is a very creepy convo ishani is leading, about how far siya got with vyom. who wants such specific sexual details from their sister????????
asalkdjlaskjdlaskjdlaskljk ishani is like “men are like goats [....] they’re dumb. and women are powerful.” can’t say i disagree.
anyway this convo is really dumb and cringey and i can’t take it anymore. inke bhaiyya ka chutiyaapa dikhao, instead of this nonsense. 
angre is over the moon ki this is riddhima bhaabi itself, unaware that boss is fuming ki uska chutiya kat raha hai.
6 ghante 6 ghante 6 ghante blah blah blah FUCKING OUT WITH IT ALREADY
the only time i like vansh as a person is when he’s smirky over buddhu banaao-ing aryan. 
idhar aryan ne aake chugli kar di sabke saamne.
yeh anupriya ka kya hi chakkar hai, idgi. is she fr on vansh’s side now??????
riddhima khud entry maaar rahi, to prove aryan right.
everyone except siya’s reactions are like ugh, this bitch again 😒😒😒
ouff 10 min of dadi’s mafia queen reactions nonsense now.
lo vansh bhi aa gaya.
riddhima trying to interfere to save vansh (why???), and dadi’s like STFU B.
lol vansh playing stone cold stupid, like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.
he’s spinning yarn after yarn ki “YEH riddhima hai, WOH jisko maara woh humshakal thi. MERA PYAAAAAAAR WOULD NEVER GIVE ANY OF US DHOKAAAAAAAAAAAA.” pftttttttt.
vansh breaking it down for the truuuuuuuuuuuuuly stupid, ki he shot a girl who had riddhima’s face, she was dead, aryan confirmed it. now there’s a riddhima standing in front of all of them. thus............???????
bechaara aryan. bachpan mein thode aur badaam khaata toh shaayad itna bewakoof nahi hota.
lollipop girl is nodding appreciatively at all this drama; she’s honestly the most relatable character here. if i was a houseguest here, main bhi roz roz mazze looot rahi hoti in chutiyon ka.
le aryan ne phir bandook taan di riddhima par, to get her to uglofy the truth. ab toh isko pakka maar padne waali hai. remains to be seen by whom. hoping it’s vansh as per usual, but i shall take dadi also.
anyway riddhima flipped the whole damn game and is like dadi, aryan wanted to make you distrust vansh and that’s why he did all this and lmaoooooooo even vansh is a little stunned for a second or two and then jumps in and starts haan mein haan milaao-ing with wifey’s story.
riddhima rubbing it in reallllllllll good in front of dadi ki aryan tried to killllllllll meeeeeeeee!!!!! and now aryan’s like bitch imma kill you both istg and got the gun on them.
ASLKADJLAKSJDLASKJDLKSAJLDKJSLAKDJLAS DADI’S GOT HER GUN SET ON ARYAN NOW!!!!!!!!!!! honestly, this whole family is just so fucking dysfunctional, there needs to be a wholeass team of mental health specialists monitoring them and writing case reports about them at all times.
vansh trying to talk aryan down and got shot in the arm for it. pehli baar aryan ne zindagi mein kuch sahi kiya hai.
oh goddamnit. he didn’t get shot. coz aryan sucks at aiming, just like he does at everything else.
someone make rrahul trim his damn beard, that thing is like a foot off his face. there must be whole ass beehives and civilizations inhabiting it.
aryan passing by dadi and is like you’re making a big mistake believing vansh/riddhima and their lying asses. and what did he get for that? one jhaapad from dadi also. lol. just not his dayyyyyyyyyyy, man.
oh shit dadi is throwing aryan out the house. does he have anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy skills to fend for himself outside this place? he’s gonna die in like 15 minutes.
dadi warning vansh ki if aryan’s baat sahi nikli, she gonna murder his and riddhima’s asses too. hey vansh??? now would be a good time to take your 5000 cr. and fuck off outta this crazy house rn.
riddhima can’t stop reliving angre’s death.
vansh’s here and just sooooooooooo cool about it. shouldn’t that tip her off?!?!?!?!
ohohohohohohoho ofc, he’s like he didn’t die for ME, he died for YOU. you and your dhoka are why he’s dead. today angre’s dead, tomorrow it’ll be me. waaaaaaaaaaah bhai. amazingggggggggg manipulation only. you should write papers and give TED talks about it, that’s how much of an expert you are at this.
do not tellllllllllllllllllllllllllll me she falls for this shit. pls god do not.
lol vansh is really pushing on the 6 ghante thing and she’s like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i get it now.
toh ofc he has to resort to sexy fuckery and pulls her under the shower to seduce it outta her.
riddhima don’t think with her pussy no more. she’s like you want the truth????/ i gotta confirm some shit first. took the gun (which he’d taken from aryan earlier) and left.
yup she went outside and found a blood ka packet. lolllllllllllllllllll vansh ki khairrrrrrrrrrrr nahi ab.
sopping wet saiyyaan is like what youuuuuuuu doing??? and she pulled the gun on him. bwahahahahaha. sis not so much of an idiot anymore.
she’s like bitch you and your lies and your dhokasssssssssss.
oh dang she fully called out his game, from sending aryan to manipulating her into being guilty for angre’s death. MANNNNNNNN, WHY DIDN’T WE HAVE THIS RIDDHIMA FROM THE FUCKING START????????????
oh now he’s gaslighting her about the dhoka. he’s got some nerve. i swear to god he’s asking to be shot for reals.
she’s like you know what, i woulda told you, but now, after all this fuckery, imma take it to the grave. bwahahahahahhahaha, i love it. exactly what my petty ass would do.
challenge challenge challenge and tashan waala walk-off. lol, what’s the point, tum dono ko jaana toh ek hi kamre mein hai.
ishani’s freaking the fuck out at angre’s haalat. oh damn. she really does love him!!!!
angre’s all mehhh, it’s part of the job, and OMG YES ISHANI IS LOSING HER SHIT AT VANSH BHAI’S CONSTANT CONTROL OF THEIR LIVES!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idhar riddhima and vansh seem to have made up???? she’s waking him up cheekily, and he’s all “good morning to youuuuu too, my love. 😏😏😏” they fucked in the night, for sho.
he’s like is this love or repentence for yest? and she’s like bitch tf i got to repent for????
lmao the way she’s staring at him as he drinks his coffee makes me think she’s poisoned it. or spat in it, at the very least.
standard pulling and falling and sexy stuff. lol these two are so dysfunctional. constantly trying to sex the other into submission. at least it’s more equal now, than just him making all the moves.
yeah, she’s doing all this shit to protect him from some shit FOR SURE. ugh yaaaaar. oh well, at least she got some chracter development outta it.
lol he got mad at her for not melting at his do takke ka seduction. son, you thought a bloody forehead kiss was enough? we’re not saying SHIT for less than 3 orgasms.
riddhima cooolyyyy regarding jeeta-jaata chalta-phirta angre, who thankfully has some sharam for his actions.
she’s like don’t worry, i’m not mad at you, i know vansh put you up to it; and he’s like yeah you know i have zero self respect when it comes to vansh bhai. he says jump, i ask how high.
and she’s like you’re your own person dude. and i hope you’ll one day realize that and do what you think is right, not just what vansh tells you to. DUDE I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY DIDN’T GIVE US THIS RIDDHIMA TILL NOW. 
asdkljlaskjdlaskjdlaskjdlaksjdlkasj vansh speaking chinese was really not necessary but....... lol ok.
wtf even is this black box, dude?????? like.............. you know what, idec anymore. nothing in this show is worth wasting brain cells over.
snort, vansh assures his shady business friends that the black box is in safe hands, and instantly riddhima comes and picks it up from the table.
some sultry talk about love and war as they keep taking the box from each other. lol man you’re both so fucking lame.
anyway he put it in the safe and is being patronizing to her, and she’s like be careful at how you play this........ “kahin meri dukhti ragg pe haath na lag jaaye....” OH DAMN. DUDE. I THINK SHE’S LOST THE BABY OR SOMETHING. IT HAS TO BE SOMETHING THAT’S HURT HER MASSIVELY TO BRING ABOUT SUCH A DRASTIC CHANGE (OTHER THAN THE SHOW MOVING FROM TV TO ONLINE)
asldkjsaldjlskadjlksadjlksajd she’s threatening to tell dadi that he played this whole farce in front of her and he’s like U WOT MATEEEE
anyway both of them smilingly fucking each other up about 6 ghante ka raaz and how the other one will lose. man, y’all need SO MUCH THERAPY.
riddhima’s here talking to stupid shunya fucker; and he’s just laughing and talking about his stupid saxophone.
he’s all only the two of us know about this deal we have, no one else in the worldddddddddd knows......
and she’s like actually................................. there’s a third person.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy. why did she have to tell vyom that kabir knows? now vyom’s gonna try and kill kabir for sure and i want the reverse to happen!!!!!!!! please god gimme some #kava love where vansh saves kabir from vyom to make up for that one time kabir saved his life from chang!!!!!! i just want my two boys together!!!!!!!!!
precap: same old chutiyapa. vansh got her fingerprints off a glass to open her phone; she tries to steal the black box from his secret room and he catches her. abbe yaaaaaaaaaaaaar. 
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heich0e · 3 years
Gash this GIRL. so dense 😓. Even before Levi's pov chp. He is always like, whY cAnT thEy sEE us ToGeTHeR?? Like. GIRL. HE WANT ALL YO FRIENDS TO SEE YALL TOGETHER. I know we not supposed to be jumping to conclusions and these men needa step tf up and make it known but levi, he out here for u bitch 🏁🏁 and don't even get me started about the times he be salty about erwin 🤣💀 girl if that ain't obvious!! Boys dont ask about other boys unless they care!!!
Love this work. I'm quite an over thinker so cant relate too much to her but I obsess over any and all pining arcs and slow burn tropes lmfao. I feel like this is great because I am very used to ff where the boy is the oblivious one and the girl pov is like, I will never tell him blah blah blah but it's so obvious and the boy just needs a smack upside the head. But in percolate I wanna slap both of them. Respectfully!!! We wasting time lovebirds!! You know that song Honest by Bazzi? Yeah that's how I feel they both feel.
Also completely off that train, if she knew how he felt and how crazy she made him, even if she wasnt sure of her feelings yet. She could be the one smirking and taking advantage (in a nice, sexy way) of him and that would just fit with their banter already. -Such a great power play btw. I hate it when one person is way too submissive or doesn't stand up for themself- There is so much power in her hands that she doesnt even know she has in this way too! 🤸‍♀️
Ok my rant is done. Really love your story, I yell because I care. Art that elicits any emotion is the S tier <3
Also ur so right if Rookie was cognizant of how levi felt she would be SO POWERFUL can u imagine how much she would tease him?? poor guy it's probably for the best
tysm for reading and sending me this message which MADE MY MORNING ILY
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dipplie · 4 years
Temporary list of my stories and OC’s until one day I make a comprehensive and well made list:
Polli: My oldest OC and fun fact was my persona till she become edgy and I wasn’t 12 anymore. Everyone’s favorite yes yes I’m aware. Yellow, energetic, eats dirt and bugs, I can’t tell if she’s evil because of a wisp possession or just crazy. Breaks the 4th wall. Is she a Mary Sue???????? Who knows.
Melody: NOT Polli’s girlfriend despite Polli’s delousions. Has an abusive mom :(. Only has one eye and then no eyes and then robot eyes or smthn idk she becomes a badass when she gets older. But otherwise trembling in her shoes all the time.
Melodys Mom/Sharren: Bitch. Okay well all I’ll say is she’s old and grumpy and probably smells bad.
Louise: Total hotty, rich kid, FtM, got bullied as a kid for his weight. Had a squad of fans basically in high school. Lived with his mom after his parents got a divorce but his mom was semi abusive, projected her femininity onto him, and wouldn’t have been supportive of his transition, so between middle and high school he went to live with his dad and got his sex change and testosterone. His best friend in elementary and middle school stopped talking to him after his transition, and became his competition for the most attractive and sought after boy in school (except Louise is a sweetheart while his friend Tommy is a dick and really gross) His dad runs a company that specializes in technology, and after meeting and falling in love with Melody (even after all her abusive trauma and losing both her eyes) he has his dad and some of the developers create a way to get her vision back and I mean honestly I love him how could you not love him he’s so perfect.
Fick: Big nerd boy with thick glasses. I feel like he’d use Reddit but don’t quote me on that. Big crush on Vivinya. Boy don’t wander into the woods- oh look dead body with a curse on it don’t touch it- aaaand now he has a wisp that makes him kill people, way to go kid. Panic attack central.
Vivinya: True crime girl, yucky yucky. Probably had a knife collection. “uwu I’m insane” except she actually is and starts using Fick to kill people for her and treats him like her “Yandere boyfriend” or something cringe and gross oh god. She deserves jail. JAIL. Needs to learn guys need to give consent too. Just overall sucks 1/10.
Tommy: I mentioned him early to be Louises ex best friend and rival. He used to have a crush on Louise actually but that don’t excuse being a BITCH!!!! Also needs to learn people gotta give consent he is just as gross as Vivinya. Cheats on all the girls he gets with because he’s again, a bitch. Idk if he deserved to get murdered though I mean he was still a teenager but it’s fine. Thinks of the song Seventeen from Heathers actually this story does feel a tad reminiscent of heathers with vivinya being a crazy and wanting to off a bunch of students. Huh.
Suzannie: Tommy’s older sister who’s a detective. What a coincidence. Monotone and depressed. Probably because her little brother got murdered. Gets real awkward when she’s talking about her brothers murder(s) to Fick and Vivinya like “when I find who did this to him they’ll regret being born”. Kind of really pretty actually.
Adolescents (there isn’t actually a story here yet but don’t worry about it shhhh):
Nelson: HIMBO HIMBO H- Jock stupid idiot big dork god he’s so awkward and his main personality trait is having a crush on Naomi and being a dork when talking to her. Probably could benchpress you.
Naomi: Gamer or something and a nerd geek. Her main personality trait is having a crush on Nelson and also being a dork when talking to him. Probably a weeb and fandom dweller. Can’t draw but she commissions artists to draw. She does write copious amounts of fanfiction though.
Andrés: Ohhh the school bad boy babyyyy. Baseball bat with nails in it or something. There’s like... A thing between him in Charlotte and he wants to be a thing but she’s being difficult and makes it hard to talk to her or about her and ugh.
Charlotte: Princess, high school princess. She’s actually pretty nice when you get to know her- but she’s a diva. Ballerina after school. Best friends with Naomi and doesn’t know what she’s talking about when she mentions ships or OTPs but she listens anyways because she’s a good friend. There’s like... A thing between her and Andrés but she doesn’t know if she’s super into him but geez he’s really hot but she gets such mixed responses when she asks her friends about it and what if it doesn’t work outttt.
Marlon: They/Them but they’re okay with either pronouns they aren’t sure yet, he or she is okay... Box boy box boy. Autism... He doesn’t want to admit He’s attracted to men but he’s totally attracted to men. He lives alone which is probably illegal for his age but somehow he manages. Everyone thinks he’s “the quiet kid” and he’s really sad about it no don’t make jokes like that please guys ahh-
Sing for Me:
Kat: The color pink, addahadda(adhd), angry and loud and short. For being only like 10 and being an adorable little lesbian dressing in sparkly pink dresses she actually likes screaming a lot and would totally sing heavy metal if her producers let her. Loud and mad but gets so soft around her girlfriend. “If anything happens to Brie I’m killing everyone in this room and then myself”.
Brie: French... Birds and stuff. Loves her girlfriend even though she is so loud. So fast. So much. Likes to write pretty things. Is only like an inch taller than Kat. Filled with so much love for everything.
Elliot: The girls manager. Lots of coffee. Stressed out of his MIND please help this man. Probably gay. Seems like a smug dick but he is just a tall and lanky dork that loves puppies and wants nothing more than for Kat and Brie to be happy. Accidentally brands them as sisters and then Kat kisses Brie and- oh fuck oh shit oh no what has he done. Hides the fan and non fan responses from them. Poor guy.
Horror Hosts:
Ichabod: Hot demon who’s the son of the current ruler of hell or something. I mean he’s hot, smart, and royalty, what more do you want. I very specifically hear the dub voice of Kyoya Ootori from OHHC as his voice don’t @ me. Goat legs????? Yeah??? Don’t be rude.
Barnabie: Ohhhhhhhhh big orc teddy bear I’m crying I love him????? He puts up a more confident ploy and the given stereotypical personality orcs supposedly have but he’s just a shy boy that wants to give girls flowers and call boys pretty. Help him.
Garrison: Gary Burger. Fat hairy gay man. I mean werewolf. Wouldn’t it be funny if I made the whole werewolf thing backwards and made him transform into a HUMAN only on the full moon??? Party animal, pun absolutely intended. LOUD AND FUNNY he’s a dork. Bites. Horny on main Garrison please you’re supposed pamper and flirt with the guests but not quite that much.
Vincenzo: Token Vampire but he’s Italian because I felt like it. Talk and lanky of course. Bitch face. Blood coffee? Yeah lots of coffee. Tired. Let him sleep in Ichabod. Steps on people. Can summon and reanimate corpses but has a bitter attitude towards them because they get annoyed with him as much as he gets annoyed with- everyone else. He does have a soft spot but idk where it is. When he’s talking to guests he’s more suave and sexy though.
Kai: Genderfluid haha get it because slime fluid-... I’ll stop. Probably objectively the hottest because they can look anyway they want and shift their vocals to sound like almost anything, also probably objectively the best in bed (if you’re okay with the texture of Jell-o) and honestly come on save some for the rest of us it’s not fair. This boy can SING oh my god seranade me and whisper in my ear baby. Spunky and sassy.
Hallvor: BABY OCTOPOD BOY OHHHHH I LOVE HIM HE’S SO SWEET AND IS AN ANGEL DARLING BOY SO EMBARRASSED SO SHY SOFTEST VOICE OHHH- ohhh nooo he’s got a knife ohhhhh Hallvor baby don’t be like that ohhhh... Used to work in hentai actually (I wonder why) but quit because of immoral practices and good for him we love that. Okay he’s not actually a yandere or whatever but he DEFINITELY wants to squeeze you a little too hard and has those crazy eyes.
Carla: Main character of this OHHC monster clone. She sucks I don’t like her because listen listen she kills monsters as a living and when she tries to kill our boys here, Ichabod catches her and goes “no” but then the rest (not knowing her murderous intent) fall in love with her and Ichabod is like: “shoot well I’ll keep you alive and around but I’m watching you” and blah blah romance and feelings and character development and wow she seems like she’s grown to care about them... So Ichabod removes a curse he put to prevent her from harming them or leaving... AND THEN SHE STABS THEM ALL IN THE BACK IM CRYING. I mean she might have an extra reason for needing to kill them but I haven’t decided if I want to actually put it in the story yet so.
Maria/Marianna: Was this goth angry chick and the head of these losers but after a failed heist, fire, and being betrayed and dropped from a window on a 3rd or 4th story down into flames, and going to the hospital and changing her name, she changed totally and become a soft pretty girl... And then the next three boys went “HEY BOSS WE FOUND YOU” and she went “oh no” and now she’s just an anxious wreck like “no no no no no I don’t shoot people in the face anymore no no no no no” And has a fear of hands. Also was Diamontés best friend in primary school and yes all these characters went to the K-12 school all the other characters do/did. Pretty voice. The story is mostly about her being anxious around all the other characters because who was it that betrayed her and dropped her into the flames below? Find out next week on th-
Nikki: He’s that character that you see and immediately go “oh he’s gross and is angry and is a bitch” and you’re right he is and has a cockney accent and screams a lot and probably swings a knife around a lot, but he’s got a sweet interior (somewhere in there... somewhere) Screamo heavy metal. Him and the rest of these character briefly talked about having a band and then they didn’t and then at the end of the story they do and although he plays guitar mostly, if he does do lead vocals he screams a lot. Bitch.
Anthony: Pretty boy but like the “was in the army” pretty boy vibe. Probably played football in highschool. Pyromaniac. Punches Nikki a lot. Almost gives himbo vibes sometimes, almost. Kind of likes the old timey cozy aesthetic. Plays the piano sometimes but “oh I’m not very good at it” Plays extremely well
Diamonté: TALL. Purple goth boy aesthetic hellll yeahhhh. CRAZY EYES AND THEY SPEAK VOLUMES WATCH OUT. Drums. The scary kind of quiet because he just smiles at you. Crowbar. Okay but he’s actually really sweet though. Secretly loves watching Anthony and Nikki get into fights so that’s why he rarely puts a stop to it. I think he’s a sadist. Can be a gentle giant, but can also be a not so gentle giant. The only time he’s really talkative is after copious amounts of booze.
Unnamed/Undesigned 1: Literally a pimp and he’s pretty gross. Blonde hair and pink and white clothes.
Unnamed/Undesigned 2: Chick that likes to throw knives and be angry and threatens Marianna a lot but in a quiet and monotone way, Marianna is pretty scared and hopes that these are just shallow threats uhhhhh.
Unnamed/Undesigned 3: Sells guns (without a lisence of course) and wears a bandana over his face a lot. Tired. Grumpy.
Unnamed/Undesigned 4: Like Marianna, was cold hearted and cool but then got caught in the fire and got all soft. He only has one eyes but how sweet his eyepatch is a heart. Recoved along side Marianna and they are good friends good friends tha- wait Marianna are you going back with them oh god you can’t do that oh dear oh no oh-
(I don’t have a story or name for these two but they’re my comfort ship OC’s and my current hyper fixaction right now):
Rodriquéz: I literally designed him with almost all the traits I find attractive in a guy other than freckles so as you can imagine I find him super HOT. I also designed his personality on what I find attractive from a guy so as you can imagine I find him super GREAT. But anyways he’s grumpy and closed off and monotone and smug. I really could go on for hours about how I want him to step on me I’m so sorry guys. Both him and Samantha give the “21 and having immature fun” vibes. They’re a thing but they like going to bars together and splitting off and doing their own thing (or doing someone else’s thing if you get what I mean haHhahHhahGahGhaha-) But so help them if anyone doesn’t oblige by the “no” from one of these two, someone’s gonna get beat up.
Samantha: (She literally just my personality shhhhh don’t tell anyone it’s a secret) Bubbly, energetic, a little shy by extroverted, bombshell blonde or something? It took me way too much time and effort to design her but I’m really happy with how I finally designed her, I love her outfit. She could kick me in the face and I’d say thank you. Girly drinks at the bar. Got that trauma and anxiety™️ secretly though. Skips and jumps a lot. As I’m typing this I keep looking up at the drawing of her and more and more I would want her to also step on me.
(Space Story I don’t have a nice title for):
Unnamed/Undesigned 1: So... Funny story this story originally was with me and uh... My ex I guess... So I gotta replace the MC’s... Whoops ahaha... Awkward. But anyways the MC is a robot and a girl and is a slight tsundere or smthn.
Unamed/Undesigned 2: Has a space ship, works for this organization in space that protects the galaxy. Is cocky, lazy, sly, oblivious, and an idiot. The love interest- obviously. Probably accidentally committing space crimes. (Like space pirating hAHAHA-) Kind of cool when he wants to be.
Dandelion/Dandy: CAT. WITH A JET PACK. Kind of an asshole. Fun fact used to be Polli’s cat but then when the Second MC crash landed on earth she was like “fuck this noise I’m going with space boy laterz” (okay she can’t talk but she thought it).
Zizii: Lesbian alien? Yeah???? Okay but I mean her main character trait is being a dorky back alley doctor and engineer obsessed with the MC because they’re a sentient robot with emotions and a lazer arm and rocket boots WOW!!!!!!!!
Story I want to revive:
So I had a story I started writing a long time ago about this tech theatre kid that had a crush on this other theatre kid character, but in a play that other character has to kiss another person for the show, and as the story progresses the MC convinces themselves that it isn’t just a play and that their crush actually loves and is kissing that other kid. And in the play, that other character is supposed to die. Show night comes along and they die, but like actually, and by the hands of the MC (Idk maybe like a light falls on em or smthn). So it’s a grotesque scene the audience sees as just an act. (Mutters I dunno I think my idea’s cool...) So I’ve been wanting to design these characters and work more on the story but I’m busy being obsessed with Rodriquez and Samantha so. (And the Horror Host Club too I love them too still).
Other Characters that either don’t have a specific story or are kind of like background characters:
Jacqueiliquinne Merril: Sara Berry vibes from 35mm (go look up The Ballad of Sara Berry, maybe like an animatic idk the first one that comes up is nice) But otherwise rich, pretty, popular, bitch. Tries to like, steal Louise from his squad and it’s like bro that’s unnecessary who hurt you that’s so rude. She gives Nui from Kill La Kill Vibes too. Oh she knows her name is long and annoying but you have to say the whole thing.
Brianna: Jaqueiliquinne’s sister. Big titty goth gf??? She’s pretty popular too and kind of a bitch too but to a much lesser degree. Her and he sister throw hands a lot when no one is around, you know, “THEY GIRLS ARE FIGHTINNGGGG”.
The Louise Fan Club: 4 characters I haven’t named yet. One writes fanfiction of Louise and shares it with the others and with him sometimes and although he thinks it’s a bit weird he also finds it a tad endearing and supports her. One is an aspiring photographer and is constantly asking Louise to model for him. One is an artist and draws Louise all the time. And one is an aspiring musician who writes songs based of Louise’s relationships which again he finds a little weird but endearing and supports her.
The Jacquiliquinne Merril Fan Club: Genderbent-ish (I say ish because one of the characters is a little bit less defined gender wise) versions of the Louise Fan Club. Yes I’m lazy, and no they don’t get along with them, infact they hate each others club with a passion. 
Unnamed/Undesigned: I wanna make some hacker kid just because I wanna have one.
Unnamed/Undesigned: I also really wanna have a super cutesy magical girl and then a really super duper generic boring character probably like star vs the forces of evil idk I never watched that show but it looks cute.
Me: I exist in the universe fukc you I can do what I want it’s my story and I get to chose the who also if you wanna be in the mess of a universe go ahead draw yourself with my OC’s I allow and encourage and appreciate it. I literally made the Horror Host Club as a sort of Harem story and you are absolutely allowed to make out with them if you’re a monster fucker DO it GO ahead it’s canon.
and that is ALL I have FOR now Knowing me I’ll make like 12 more characters by July, and I mean I need more characters for the high school anyways so...
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yenslilac · 5 years
Daenerys Targaryen and Ophelia: An Essay
I wrote this a while back, just after Season 8 ended. After a few edits, I decided to share it with you! Disclaimer: I wrote this fueled with rage at 11 at night for two weeks straight. Don’t judge. 
Part 1: The Heroine Goes Absolutely Bats**t Crazy
Ophelia. Known throughout time as That Crazy Chick Who Drowned Herself. What a legacy. And Daenerys: She Who Toasted A City Like Marshmallows And Then Was Offed By Her Nephew/Lover. The sad thing is, these are my heroes. What a life. But the ‘Insane Heroine’ trope is prevalent in many forms of media – Dark Phoenix is another example. At first glance, Daenerys and Ophelia have very little in common; Daenerys is a powerful and assertive leader, and Ophelia is a background love interest. The one thing that unites them – they go crazy because of rejected love. While their descent into madness is slightly different; Ophelia is pitiful, Daenerys aggressive, both end up dying indirectly or directly as a result of their lover. Lovely. Let’s talk first about Ophelia – She is rebuffed Hamlet, the original pathetic sad boy, and at the death of her father, goes insane. After several performances of her insanity, she makes her way to a river where she falls (or throws?) herself into the water and drowns. This is witnessed by Gertrude, who then goes on to tell her brother Laertes of her death. It’s a pretty monologue, describing the flowers and plants growing along the riverbank, and how pretty and peaceful she looked as she sank under water and DIED. Remember this. Then my girl Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men etc. etc. Oh boy. Ohhhhhh boy. What can I say except **************** ***** ** **********. Thank you for your time. But she like Ophelia, was scorned by her Boyfriend Who Felt It Was Just A Little Weird That She Was His Aunt. But like, your paternal grandparents and the rest of your great-whatever grandparents were siblings, and your maternal grandparents were cousins so… But I digress. Wait no, this is what it’s all about. I’m back! I un-digress! So, she goes ‘insane’ cause she can’t get laid (don’t we all?) and roasts a whole lot of people and becomes… Hitler for some reason… So, Boyfriend Who Felt It Was Just A Little Weird That She Was His Aunt And Really Wishes He Can Just Catch A Break For Once Is It Really Too Much Too Ask is egged on by Murder Sister™ and Smarty Pants McGee to kill her. Just like my friends! He makes out with her and stabs her (best of both worlds!) and she dies. Very prettily. Remember this. You know. YOU KNOW I’m going to rant about this.
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Part 2: Heroic Man Kills The Crazy Lady Like The Feral Dog She Is (But Feels Sad About It) 
Trope as old as time… why is this still fine… surely there’s a better plot deviiiiiice. “Duty is the death of love…” Shut up. Shut up. No, it isn’t. There is a thing called multitasking. You should try it. But let’s recap. Woman goes crazy because of lover/hero of the story rebuffing her because he’s got issues of his own that he doesn’t care to share with her, and close friend/family member is killed. This is when the paths of the Hero diverge. Hamlet does not actually kill Ophelia himself, but his careless actions towards her eventually drive her to suicide. Jon, on the other hand, does kill Daenerys, (no, I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed) by a knife to the heart while snogging her. (I’d like to take the opportunity to say that this was ridiculous and yes, I will die mad about it.) What else is similar? Hamlet holds Ophelia’s (or in some adaptations tries to) dead body in his arms as she is about to be buried and Jon holds Daenerys as she dies. They cry and wish it didn’t have to be this way, but really guys, this is Your Fault.
The problem with this trope in particular (and I’m talking about a lot of other examples here, like Dark Phoenix and Wolverine) is that it renders the killer sympathetic. They didn’t want to do this, but it was for the good of humanity, it was a mercy, blah blah blah. Really? Did someone make you kill her? No, a sense of moral justice does not count. Hamlet abuses and humiliates Ophelia then claims he loved her so much that ‘forty thousand brothers could not…” Creepy. I have to say, creepy. And Jon Snow. “Was it right? It doesn’t feel right…” I’m glad you came to that conclusion. I really am. But I knew this from the moment you stuffed that butter knife into her spleen, so honestly you don’t have any business feeling sorry for yourself. If there’s one lesson that Game of Thrones and Shakespeare has taught me, it is:
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(not an artist, don’t judge)
Part 3: Someone Died And The Director Said, “Cool But Like… Make It Fashion.”
Do you remember what I told you to remember? Did you? Cause I’m about to RANT.
Throughout time (like 500 years) men have been painting Ophelia’s drowning – the probable suicide of a tormented young woman – and made sure she looked hot while doing it. True, the description of her death is pretty and all, but depictions of her floating just below the surface, a dramatic and lovely pose and flowers strewn around her glamorise her death – something many other people have taken note on – and give her death something of a peaceful, serene departing note, rather than the death of a woman so deranged she did not appear to understand the gravity of her situation as she sank under water. Daenerys suffers a similar case of SDPS (Sexy Dead Person Syndrome). Let’s go through it step by step, shall we? While in an embrace with someone she loves and trusts, she is stabbed in the heart area (I guess?), and she dies. The End. My respect for white men flew off with Drogon. But I haven’t complained properly yet! Compared to other characters, like Myrcella, Joffrey and Catelyn Stark to name a few, her death was very clean. In these other examples, blood runs down their faces or spurts out of their neck in suitably graphic fashion but Daenerys’ case, two thin lines of blood trickle from her nose and mouth. Pretty, pretty. We get a brief shot of a pool of blood on the snow as Drogon picks her up, but blink and you’ll miss it. She looks shocked and confused as she dies, yet the next shot of her face shows her eyes are closed and an almost peaceful expression on her face. Not only this but we don’t actually get any proper Last Words, when she knows she is about to die. She makes no sound at all. She dies prettily and quietly. We also don’t see the knife at all until she is dead, removing any very graphic nature from the scene. A lot of the camera shots are of Jon’s face. This scene is not about Daenerys Targaryen’s death; This is about Jon Snow’s inner turmoil as he selflessly sacrifices the woman he loves to save the rest of the world. Hold up one second I gotta……
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I mean, come on. Daenerys is barely mentioned after her death. She, a woman who freed hundreds, no, thousands of slaves and worked hard to reach her goals (albeit a little dragonfire-y) yet she dies without a whisper and is forgotten almost immediately. She becomes less of a central character and more of a catalyst for other men’s rise to power (see Bran the Broken). Wait, what about Sansa, you cry? Well, at this point, she was so out of character I’m striking her from the narrative. Bye bitch 😊 The same goes for most of the other women in the last season. They become plot devices with a little agency and that’s about it. Missandei? Unnecessarily killed to create the “Mad Queen”. Cersei? A compelling villain reduced to a ‘crying girl who wants to be comforted’. Arya? Kills the Night King and then, I dunno. Sansa? Suspicious of Daenerys because of reasons, betrays her brother/cousin because she doesn’t want Daenerys on the throne, then just ‘forgets’ about this whole thing to become Queen in the North. Brienne? Honourable knight left sobbing after her one (k)night stand left her. Another thing that many of these women have in common (the ones who survived to the final episode anyway) is that none of them have romantic endgames despite this being set up. Arya and Gendry have been close friends in Season 2 and 3, then <3  and everyone (i.e. me) thought that you know, they get together and stuff, because that’s what the writers seemed to be setting up. But nope. Arya’s all like ‘I wanna kill the queen’ (which she never does) and throws all that out the window. (But Gendry was totally on that ship at the end). Brienne and Jaime seemed to finally stop eye fricking and then got straight to the actual fricking but nooooo. “I lOvE CeRseI! WE’re bOTh tERrIble PeOple!” And of course, the crowning glory:
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And the woman who actually does come out on top is Sansa, a largely unemotional, suspicious woman whose brother is now the king and made her a queen because she’s his sister. Riiiight. That’s totally not nepotism or anything. 
The End: But Boy, Am I Just Beginning
To conclude, the ending of Daenerys Targaryen was largely misogynistic as it painted a brutal and dishonourable murder as an act of mercy and gave the killer (sorry man, I feel like I’m throwing you under the bus here, but it must be said) a sympathetic angle as a heartbroken martyr sacrificing for the greater good. I had high expectations, I really did, but you just took it anD THREW IT IN THE DIRT. Good god. But it’s fine, I have fanfiction anyway.
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Thank you for reading this, if you stuck around this far!
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thearvariblues · 4 years
The Bard And The Wolf - Chapter Seven
(AKA Geraskier in the Metal Band AU you didn’t know you needed)
AKA me desperately trying to catch up my Tumblr with what’s already been posted to AO3. ;)
The masterpost for this fic can be found HERE.
7 – You Stop This, Jaskier
All eyes turned to the door when Jaskier entered the rehearsal room, a big paper cup of coffee in one hand, a paper bag in the other.
“Fifteen minutes late with Starbucks,” Renfri smirked.
“I have two things to say to that, dear heart,” Jaskier said, taking a sip of his coffee. “First, I’m merely three minutes late. And second, I would never ever in my life set foot in a place as wretched as Starbucks, so don’t ever accuse me of something so horrible again!”
“Did you stop for a coffee or not, Jask?” Geralt chuckled.
“No. I stopped for something to eat. The coffee was an afterthought.”
He placed the cup on a little table next to the couch, sat down right next to Geralt and reached into the paper bag, pulling out a big sandwich which he immediately took a big bite of.
“Wow. Your night must have been really taxing,” Lambert laughed.
“Is Ciri around?” Jaskier mumbled.
“She’s walking Roach,” Geralt said.
“Good. In that case, my dears, I can tell you that my night was exquisite. I spent most of it in the middle of a very lovely, well… sandwich. Our fans really do get enthusiastic after a good show!” he grinned, but then he frowned. “Wait, who’s Roach?”
“What do you mean, who’s…” Renfri blinked. “Oh, of course, you haven’t met her yet. Roach is Geralt’s dog. Technically, she’s Roach number two.”
“Oh,” Jaskier said. “Right.”
“She’s a husky,” Eskel added.
“Of course she is. And… She’s coming here with Ciri?” he beamed.
“Yeah. In a few minutes,” Geralt nodded. “But don’t touch Roach. She doesn’t trust strangers. I adopted her a few months ago when Roach number one died. She wasn’t even one year old, but her life must have been really shitty before, so…”
“Poor little thing.”
“Yeah, she’s definitely not like Roach number one,” Renfri sighed. “That was such a sweet girl. This one is like a tornado.”
“But of course Geralt still adores her,” Eskel said.
“Yes. I seem to have a thing for totally unpredictable and crazy individuals,” Geralt smirked. “Jesus, Jask, are you seriously going to wolf down the whole thing? This must be the biggest sandwich mankind has ever seen. How does it even fit in your mouth?”
“Lots of practice.”
“Eating sandwiches?” Lambert said, cocking his eyebrow. “Or stuffing large things into your mouth?”
“The latter,” Jaskier grinned. “And stop giving me that look, Geralt. I’m hungry and I refuse to look like a starving bag of muscle like some of us do.”
“Some of us, Jaskier?” Geralt asked.
“Come on, I saw you getting dressed before the gig yesterday. I mean, yeah, big muscles, ripped body, it’s meant to be sexy, but it only means you should definitely eat more. A little layer of some nice, protective fat would do you good.”
“Don’t waste your breath,” Renfri muttered. “He keeps his body like that because Yennefer liked it.”
“I keep my body like that because I like it,” Geralt growled.
“Well, don’t mind me then,” Jaskier shrugged, getting another bite of his sandwich. “I just tend to like men who are strong and a little bit soft at the same time. Like Eskel here. But that’s just my problem. If you want to look like this, go on. Hey. Hey! That’s my sandwich!”
“You said I should eat more, didn’t you?” Geralt smirked, effortlessly wrestling Jaskier’s snack out of his hands.
“Yes, but I didn’t mean my sandwich, you ass!”
“Too bad,” Geralt said, biting into it. “Oh, this is delicious!”
“So glad you like it,” Jaskier muttered. “I’m hungry over here, you know?”
“Shut it. You already have that layer of nice, protective fat,” Geralt mumbled.
“Yeah, yeah. Didn’t use to, you know?” Jaskier sighed, grabbing his coffee. At least something to soothe his hunger. “I used to be really thin. Always hungry. Because Valdo always used to tell me Oh, Julian, look, those tight pants would look so nice on you, too bad you’re not a size smaller. Oh, Julian, sweetie, look a this guy’s thighs, they don’t even touch each other, isn’t that beautiful? Julian, is that a tiramisu? Yeah, it’s a fucking tiramisu, you ass, and I’ll have as much as I want. Ugh. Can’t believe I wasted two years of my life with that bitch.”
A complete silence fell in the rehearsal room and Jaskier suddenly saw everyone was staring at him with mouths agape.
“I’m sorry,” Lambert finally said, after a few long moments. “Did you say Valdo?”
“Mhmf,” Jaskier muttered, trying to hide his face behind his coffee cup.
“As in Valdo Marx?” Eskel specified.
“Might have,”Jaskier peeped.
“Are you telling us that you dated fucking Valdo Marx for two years?!” Renfri yelled. “And you starved yourself for him?!”
“We broke up three years ago!” Jaskier said, throwing his arms open and nearly knocking the sandwich out of Geralt’s hand. “I was an idiot, okay? I thought I was glad to have found him, thought no one would be ever able to love the real me, blah blah blah. Took me way too long to realize I was being a total idiot and break up with him. He’s hated me ever since and my mother’s yet to speak to me again.”
“Your mother?” Eskel frowned.
“She thought Valdo and I would get married, adopt a kid and I would become a perfect housewife for him,” Jaskier sighed.
“Wow. She doesn’t know you at all, does she?” Renfri chuckled.
“Not in the slightest, honey.”
Lambert shook his head.
“Honestly, I’m still trying to process that someone like you would spend two years fucking that insufferable prick. Valdo Marx. Fuck.”
“Could we maybe stop discussing Valdo fucking Marx?” Geralt grunted. “Has anyone read the reactions to the gig yet? Because I haven’t.”
“Yes. Thank you, my lovely white wolf. Absolutely. Let’s focus on the reviews, because I kind of haven’t had the time yet to...”
The door swung open and a large husky came barging in, heading straight for the couch.
“Roach! Stop!” Ciri yelled behind the dog.
Roach stopped in front of Geralt, sniffed at his sandwich, and then turned her head to Jaskier.
The bard, remembering that the dog didn’t like strangers, avoided her eyes and merely offered her his hand. The next thing he knew, he had a massive dog in his lap and a wet nose was enthusiastically sniffing at his face.
He yelped when a broad tongue licked his nose.
“What was it you said about her not liking strangers?”
“I’ve never seen her do anything like this before, I swear!” Geralt chuckled, taking a coffee cup from Jaskier’s hand so it wouldn’t spill. “Roach, get down. Bad girl.”
The dog gave a tiny, desperate whine.
“I said get down,” Geralt repeated.
Roach turned her body to Geralt, eyed his sandwich and whined again.
“What did we say about begging for food?”
She lowered her head and looked pleadingly at her owner.
“Oh, I love her already,” Jaskier laughed. “Will love her even more when she stops crushing my crotch. Hi, Ciri, by the way.”
“Hi, Jaskier,” the girl replied. “Sorry, dad. I didn’t think she would do that. Where did you get the sandwich?”
“Stole it. Shamelessly!” Jaskier huffed. “Geralt, your dog is heavy as hell, you know it?”
“Roach. Get. The fuck. Down.”
Another whine.
“Oh, dear,” Jaskier chuckled. “Well, can someone at least read me those reviews and make me happy before I die?”
“Don’t you have your own phone?” Geralt asked.
“I do. In my pocket. Underneath your dog.”
“Right. Ciri?”
The girl already had the phone in her hand.
“On it.”
“Good,” Jaskier muttered. “And give me back my coffee, Geralt, because if you decide to steal that too, my chances of survival will grow even lower than they are now!”
“You really are such a drama queen, Jask…
“The Bard and the Wolf? What the hell is that?” Geralt frowned after the third (very positive) fan review of their gig. He had already finished Jaskier’s sandwich, and even managed to get Roach down from Jaskier’s lap. That seemed to be a mistake, as the dog clearly decided to hate him for that – judging by the fact that she was currently sitting on the floor by Jaskier’s leg and tapping his hand with her paw every time he had the audacity to stop petting her. She was completely ignoring Geralt’s very existence.
“Oh, that’s a new hasthtag. My creation,” Renfri said. “I needed to tag a pic with you two, and I thought of this...”
“What, instead of The Witcher and the Witch?” Lambert asked.
“And what’s that?” Jaskier asked before he could think better of it.
He should have expected the answer, of course.
“The hashtag people used to use for Geralt and Yennefer,” Eskel explained. “It was her character. A witch.”
“Oh, good,” Jaskier muttered. “Shouldn’t it have been The Witcher and the Bard, then?”
“Doesn’t have the same ring to it,” Renfri shrugged. “Besides, Geralt’s more of a Wolf, really.”
“True,” Jaskier nodded. “But to be honest, I don’t think it’s gonna stick.”
“You’re probably right,” Renfri nodded. “I’ve seen it used like… four times. But everyone calls you The Bard.”
“Perfect,” Jaskier grinned. “What do you think, Roach, isn’t it perfect? No, no, no! Roach! My coffee!”
He shrieked as the dog suddenly turned and jumped back onto his lap, knocking the cup out of his hand.
“Oh, dear, even dogs adore him,” Lambert sighed. “How is that fair?”
“Geralt!” Jaskier yelled. “Geralt, would you help me instead of fucking laughing?!”
“So sorry, dear heart,” Geralt chuckled. “But I think Roach has found her new favorite human.”
“I’m really glad to hear that! Oh, Geralt, you’re so gonna pay for this shirt!”
A few hours later, Jaskier was sitting on the couch in his living room, sipping wine and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling through his social media.
He knew he shouldn’t. He knew that it was narcissistic and, well, stupid. But he had to see. Had to convince himself that it hadn’t only been his imagination that afternoon.
He had to convince himself that yes, Kaer Morhen’s fans really did like his mad, cheeky, queer self. There were even a few who claimed that he was an improvement on Yennefer. An improvement! It was a dream come true.
He forced himself to stop and he put his phone down. Took a sip. Picked his phone back up.
He couldn’t help himself.
He gulped when he saw that Ciri had posted a new photo from the rehearsal room. A photo of Jaskier and Geralt sitting on the couch, with Roach on Jaskier’s lap. It must have been shortly after Roach knocked the coffee out of Jaskier’s hand, because Geralt was clearly laughing and Jaskier was just starting to.
Roach meeting @jaskierthebard for the first time. In case you couldn’t tell, she really hates strangers... #thebardandthewolf #andawolf #loveatfirstsight #husky #dogsofinstagram
Jaskier smiled and liked the post, and then kept looking at the picture a little longer.
He really loved Geralt’s expression there. It was so open, so happy and so damn beautiful.
Jaskier sighed, forced himself to put the phone down and closed his eyes, but he couldn’t stop himself from seeing the white haired man’s face.
“Oh no, oh no, oh no,” he whispered to himself. “You stop this, Jaskier. You stop this right now, because if you don’t, you’ll only get in trouble.”
He could stop his thoughts, yes. But he couldn’t stop his heart from beating a little faster.
Geralt knocked on his daughter’s door.
“Ciri, it’s eleven already. Lights out.”
He waited, but she didn’t answer, so he opened the door carefully.
The girl was asleep on her bed, dressed in her pajamas, with her laptop next to her.
Geralt took the laptop and the screen lit up. He stopped and blinked. Ciri had a new wallpaper – of Geralt, Jaskier and Roach in the rehearsal room.
He looked at the picture and smiled. He really had never seen Roach fall for someone so fast, but here she was, sitting on the bard’s lap, happy as ever.
And Jaskier…
Geralt shut the laptop and shook his head to clear it.
No. He wasn’t going to go there. No way.
He placed the laptop on a table, covered Ciri with a blanket and kissed her forehead.
“Good night, honey,” he whispered to her. “Sweet dreams.”
He turned off the light and closed the door behind himself.
Continue witch Chapter Eight
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mfackenthal · 5 years
MFR #10 Minipost: TRR
TRR Fanfic is abundant and I love it!  
Here’s a list of the work I read for TRR in the last two months.
Epiphany (series) by @ao719
In this series – we get to see what may have happened in Liam let fear keep him from proposing to MC (Daniella) when he had the chance. Instead, he didn’t choose her out of fear that doing so would put her more in harm’s way.  When Daniella returns and Liam has to watch her fall for another man … let’s just say sparks fly.  Come see if Liam can prove he still has what is needed to get the girl.
The Consequence of Secrets – Part 18 – The ICU by @blackcatkita
The pregnant Queen is finally awake.  She’s on anesthesia and a bit high – so that’s entertaining.  Liam’s anger is thawing towards Drake (finally!) This series is so good – so if you haven’t started it – it’s time to catch up.  And if you’ve been waiting for the next chapter – here it is!
Vengeance (series) by @ao719
Colette comes to Cordonia on a mission.  Drake seems to know her and be able to vouch for her.  Liam, of course, falls for her quickly.  As people in high places end up in jail for their illegal activities, Colette’s life is threatened.   Is Colette a danger to the crown?  Will Liam be able to keep her safe? 
Guarded Hearts by @lolablackwrites
In the most recent chapter (37), Bas and Alice are back together.  Bas asks Alice to move in with him!  We get more of BFF Frankie.  A delightful conversation occurs between Alice and Bertrand.  This chapter made me snort coffee.  It hurt but it was so worth it.  As the president of the Bastien Fanclub – I’m telling you that you must read this if you love Bas!
Worth the Wait by @speedyoperarascalparty
Happy Father’s Day Drake Walker!
The Sins of the Father by @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat
Liam learns that Drake is his brother.  Come find out how that happened.
Running on Fumes by @cocomaxley
When exhausted men babysit their children, they learn the importance of tagging their strollers.
Liam’s Journal (series) by @whenyourheartskipsabeat
TRR book 1 through Liam’s 5 senses.  You know the story – but not this intimately.
A Question of Paternity (series) by @whenyourheartskipsabeat
Riley marries Drake and quickly learns she is pregnant.  Is it possible that Drake is not the father?
Marry Me by @theroyalweisme
Drake watches the love of his life marry someone else.  It’s beautiful anguish. 
Family Secrets (series) by @whenyourheartskipsabeat
Bertrand knows there’s a sister Beaumont out there.  Maxwell doesn’t.  Maxwell invites Nev to come compete for Liam.  The stage is set for secrets to reveal something good or make life more complicated.
Whatever Comes Next by @drakewalkerwhipped
Drake and Jaela are on their honeymoon.  This is a chapter of love, smut, tenderness AND plot. 
A Twist in the Tale by @whenyourheartskipsabeat
Things are a little different in this story about when Liam learns what happened with Tariq.
Living with Consequences by @argylemnwrites
Drake and Riley agreed their child could be the next heir to the throne and regretted it almost immediately … come find out a few of the reasons why.  I particularly love how Drake and Riley are on the same page at the end. 
Sweethearts (series) by @elles-choices​
Liam is King.  Lola is a fashion icon.  They’ve found a way to get back together but that’s still not public knowledge.  In this NSFW chapter, Liam lets Lola know that she can be seen with someone else, but he owns her body and heart.
July 1: Home by @darley1101
Liam and Karin (MC) take a moment to breath and remember how lucky they are.
Finding Riley (series) by @emceesynonymroll
An amazing AU where we learn that Riley isn’t who she originally claimed to be but she may just be what Cordonia needs.  This was so creative, I was hanging on every new chapter.
Unexpected (series) by @ao719
Driam x Riley – it’s NSFW, it’s sexy, no one has been able to clearly think through their feelings on their own, let alone share those feelings … but there’s a lot of love to go around.  I cannot wait to see where this one goes!  And in the meantime – every chapter is HOT HOT HOT!!!
We Owe Him by @drakewalkerwhipped
The conversation we all deserved between Drake and MC about naming a child the next heir. It’s real, it’s honest, it’s intense.
The Secrets Out (series) by @ao719 (CGW)
Liam has a cousin that Anitah had a one-night stand with and never mentioned anything … Liam is very drunk when he learns this and says shit he never should have even thought.  Check out this series to learn how Liam learns this truth and then whine with me for more so we can learn how Liam gets out of the dog house. 
One Handsome Devil (series) by @onehandsomedevil-trr
Follow the TRR story that you love with greater details.  Drake with with MC (Kate) and right now Liam is with Hana.  Liam and Hana is not a pairing I usually like – but it works.  Come see why.
The Royal Honor by @katedrakeohd
This is going to kind of follow the plot of The Royal Heir … but with @katedrakeohd flair. 
Pas de trois (series) by @ritachacha
Maxwell has married MC (Riley).  She has had a few flings with Liam … which Maxwell has just recently learned and is not thrilled by.  Liam has asked for permission to be with Riley so that an heir might be born.  No one seems to be speaking their full truths – least of all Riley and Maxwell.  But the sex they’re having is hot.  I can’t wait to see where things go from here.  
Fall Apart (series) by @debramcg1106
Riley and married Liam and let’s just say that Drake is not handling that very well.  Drake has friends who want to help – and some who will force him to get help.  Will he accept it?
Totally, One-Hundred Percent Brand New Information by @argylemnwrites
A delightful story about how and when Maxwell figures out that Riley has fallen for Drake.  Maxwell is such a good friend!
Treason Never Wins (series) by @whenyourheartskipsabeat
Liam and Riley are trying to get down the aisle, but Anton may find a way to stop the wedding.  Will everyone survive?
Don’t Confuse Having a Career with Having a Life by @choicecrossover
Ana De Luca interviews Bastien and Rinda.  While I believe that MFackenthal would give a better interview, I am in love with Bastien and Rinda.  This interview is just one more reason why.
Worlds Collide: Prologue by @cordoniansgonewild
An AU to the original AU – The start of a social season where Liam isn’t the only guy looking for a partner in life.
All He Wanted by @emceesynonymroll
Drake wakes up one morning to the life he always thought he wanted … but everything is not as it seems.  Come figure out what is going on. 
Be Careful What You Wish For (series) by @bobasheebaby
Liam does not accept that Rebecca could really choose Drake and he continues to pursue her after their marriage.  If you get in Liam’s way – you may end up dead.  Can Liam be stopped?
I’m Flossy by @cordoniansgonewild
Liam’s dance is caught for others to see. 
The Pain is In the Knowing (series) by @ritachacha
In this beautifully written and bittersweet story – Maxwell is in love with Savannah. Will he tell her or let her marry his brother?
Obsessed (series) by @speedyoperarascalparty (CGW)
Drake and Pam have a stalker.  This person is closer than we want.  Danger! Danger!  Can Drake keep Pam safe?
More than This by @hopefulmoonobject
To be honest, I had a small hand in the creation of this one – so yeah yeah bias blah blah blah.  But seriously – it’s sooooo good and popular demand has asked for it to become a series.  I cannot wait to see where things go!  Leo is trying to turn a new leaf.  He’s getting clean from alcohol, but other addictions are harder to let go … then he meets a woman that might just be worth staying healthy for.
The Masterlist for @stopforamoment
Bas and Rinda.  Rinda is my spirit animal.  This series is AMAZING!  It’s the slow burn of slow burn.  I had to edit a few chapters just to get a damn kiss!  BUT Rinda is full of life.  She’s soulful.  She brings out a lighter side for Bas.  The humor in this series will surprise you at times.  I read series 1 – 6 in two days and will be catching up on the next 20 series as soon as I can.
All the Stars (mini-series) by @ao719
Liam and MC (Lauren) have a child, but Lauren stays in New York to raise their child.  Can Liam convince her to come to Cordonia? Bring some tissues for the later chapters. 
The Commoner’s Wife (series) by @dcbbw
Riley has married Drake – but is it out of obligation or love?  Liam and Riley are having an affair.  Liam wants Riley but he also wants the sneaking around to end.  What does Riley want?  Drake isn’t as in the dark as everyone is trying to convince him to be.  It’s complicated and sexy and I cannot wait to see where things go from here. (Many thanks to @darley1101 who told me to read this!)
All Is Not What It Seems (series) by @whenyourheartskipsabeat
Is Liam cheating on Riley with Hana?
Addicted (Preview 2) by @indiacater
Liam and Naima were addicted to each other in the past.  They’ve been forced apart but now Naima is back – and the addiction is too.  Things are going to get delightfully messy. 
Crazy Week by @butindeed
It’s all in the title ;)  It’s a crazy week for Riley, Liam, Drake, Hana and more.  A TRR AU.
A Peek Behind Liam’s Instagram (series) by @the-soot-sprite and @zaffrenotes
Pictures may say more than words – but that won’t keep the Cordonian crew from sharing their opinions.    
Shameless Promotions:
The MFackenthal Show with @cordoniansgonewild: Think Ellen meets choices.  In this episode, the ladies of Cordonian’s Gone Wild take over The MFackenthal Show – let the shenanigans and drinking commence while you learn how these four ladies make the magic happen.
From the World’s Collide AU with @cordoniansgonewild come 5 interviews with MFackenthal and the guys:
**MFackenthal Interviews Liam from @cordoniansgonewild
**MFackenthal Interviews Drake from @cordoniansgonewild
**MFackenthal Interviews Rashad from @cordoniansgonewild
**MFackenthal Interviews Leo from @cordoniansgonewild
**MFackenthal Interviews Maxwell from @cordoniansgonewild
69 notes · View notes
Well, Supernatural is actually ending and I don't know what I'll do
[ Brevity is not a strong suit of mine since I've included personal details but there's stuff I feel everyone in the SPN family needs to read]
You might be expecting another post about how Supernatural saved someone's life and how devastated they will be when it ends because they've watched it for so long as well as how the actors have impacted their lives. This is probably one of those but please hear me out.
Supernatural premiered in 2005 and I was in preparatory class (aged 5 years and was before I began 1st grade). I heard of it because my aunt would watch it time to time so I'd also tried to get some peeks myself but I wasn't allowed to because it was "too scary".
Then our local cable began to show seasons 1-5 and that was when everyone in class started watching and quoting it. This was in 6th grade and I was frustrated because I knew about it before most of them yet they acted like it was a new show. I had a fair idea about the story but once I began watching it, I fell in love with it and loved it like a part of my soul.
Yes, Jensen Ackles was my first crush but I still thought (and do think) that both he and Jared are super hot. So I was sucked into this vortex, this Neverland which I never thought I would end.
I joined Tumblr for this show in 2013 because I saw the jokes about there being a Supernatural gif everywhere and wanted to be a part of the fandom/community. This was also the year I actually became interested what other fans felt though I never used this site properly until 2016 I would read the IMDb discussion boards because I hated scurrying through Destiel-infested posts.
(Fun fact:I wasn't using any social media of my own but on my mother's Facebook I liked a Supernatural fan page asking people's opinions on Destiel. This is was around the time season 8 was just finishing or had already finished so I read the comments--- people talked about Dean and Castiel being gay and didn't approve of it as there was this one girl who was conservative and didn't believe in homosexuality while others went on how Dean was always a ladies man which I agreed with. Not that I commented but I thought there was something I missed and I thought Castiel used Dean as a vessel, thus Destiel.)
But I digress. I was in deep by the time season 9 premiered and majority of the people I knew stopped watching the show except for this girl who bullied me throughout preschool who put up this update that Dean had become a demon. I doubt she watches the show now but it was hard seeing her put pictures of "I heart Dean Winchester" and pictures of Jensen when my mom asked me why I don't do the same.
Supernatural, I feel, has become that embarrassing thing you are into in middle school but suddenly drop when you're older, looking back and thinking, "Yeesh, I can't believe I used to watch this show."
I'll be a grown woman at 30 or 40 and probably eventually in my 70s and 80s but I will still look back fondly, the good, the bad and the ugly because I have like many teenagers have undergone many changes (friends, family, emotions, hobbies etc) but Supernatural has always been this constant in my life.
Because let me tell you, I'm seeing these posts saying stuff like how people are glad that it's finally over with its "bullshit" and that's it's dying. That is extremely disrespectful and insensitive to those people who literally live for it, who have invested time and money into it: gif makers, artists, meta writers (I may not agree with you guys but even you count). They don't know what to do once the show ends because it has helped them in ways others will never ever be able to fathom.
I saw the video put up by the guys. I saw and I could tell that Jared, Jensen and Misha had probably cried their guts out before the announcement because their eyes were red and puffy. Jared was controlling himself by talking less as Jensen was clearly on the verge as well but yes they said that they should save the angst for next year.
I love the guys; I love Jared being a goofball and Jensen being equally goofy as well and I'll say this too, I used to enjoy some of Misha's crass jokes (not the highlight ) as well which was why I looked forward to the gag reel every summer (because of J2) because it was cathartic after a traumatic season finale. I love the witty banter and the pranks the cast would do and I will miss it tremendously.
I have some issues with my aunt but everything would be okay when we would fawn over the guys and bingewatch the entire season the summer after it finished airing. We'd quote quotes back and forth and even spiritually killed ourselves watching short clips of "Sammy, close your eyes", "I'm proud of us" etc. Hell, she even promised me that when we go visit my uncle in the States we'd attend a con together.
If, and whenever we do go, it'll be different because the show won't be on air anymore and I know for a fact that I won't feel the anticipation of an episode.
So don't say disrespectful and callous things like "fucking finally". You can dislike the cast/plotline/show but don't ridicule and mock those who invested in the show,some of you are most probably speculating and have barely seen it.
I'm not some dumb, blind fan. I can see some stupid mistakes and don't always eat up what the writers show. For example, everyone must have figured that I dislike Destiel because it's based on groundless assumptions. I thought the Bloodlines was a crap idea that had nothing to do with the main plot and knew it was destined to fail.
As for Wayward Daughters/Sisters or whatever the fuck it was supposed to be called, I was not looking forward to it at all because it was one of those "forced diversity" shows, y'know gender bent stuff.
I felt that they were bastardising everything that Supernatural has and will (always) stand for because some people had a hair up their backsides. Yeah, I loathed Claire and that Kaia mourning thing was bullshit. Thank goodness I was sick that day and couldn't keep my eyes open for that episode.
If we were told that there would be a Men of Letters(with Henry Winchester) or even a Bobby-Rufus spinoff I would be okay with that but for now since the show will finish next year let's the wounds heal first, shall we?
I hope that Jared and Jensen get some offers once the show is done and I will pay good money to see movies, TV shows of them etc but for now I will keep quiet since I hope we get an ending we (and the boys) deserve.
Yes, the writer situation scares me and I think they should call Eric Kripke for a last hurrah. I mean, it is his baby and he should get to have a say in the series finale as well as J2.
Will one of the brothers die and the other will live (I'm worried we'll get a reverse Swan Song)? Will they both die leaving Cas behind and Jack as some sort legacy who trains future hunters? That would be a possibility since the sheriff in 14.16 asked the Winchesters why they don't tell people about monsters. What happens to Baby?
I seriously doubt the ending will be happy(maybe not 100%) but the best thing would be if they go driving with Baby into the sunset...
Dean at the steering wheel with Sam riding shotgun, where they should be ---- where they will always be, home. Dean plays his "mullet rock" as Sam would playfully mock his brother's musical choices. No chick flick moments. Just the Winchesters.
The boys need to lay their weary heads to rest, so they can cry no more. Because they are the legendary Winchesters, the hunters who saved the world countless times unbeknownst to many. I don't think their work will ever be done but there will be peace when they are done and how they will reach that point we'll never know till 2020.
Everyone will hear "Carry on wayward son" for the last time ever in Supernatural over a painful montage of "Dad's gone on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days" and "Saving people, hunting things, the family business". Now who in this fandom wouldn't be wracked with pain?
This is the show we all joked about that made a deal with the devil to never go off air but I did expect this a long time ago. Only thing was that I didn't know how I'd treat the news. I was that person who would go, "pfft, of course Supernatural would get renewed". Then again, this was the show that an ending was imminent and the whole season 4 debacle about Misha and the angel storyline saving the show blah blah blah.
So next year, everyone will flock to see the finale and epic conclusion to the Winchester saga whether they stopped at season 5,6,7 or 10,12. Diss it all you want for the shit show it may have become but wherever you left off, you may still want to know what happens to Sam and Dean Winchester in the end.
Once Supernatural ends, I'll turn 20 next summer and I would like to think of it being poetic that I end my adolescence with a show I have loved when I brave the cold, ruthless world of adulthood. I'm a picky person and can't say what's my favorite xyz is but you know what I'll say about my favorite TV show.
We will have completed 327 episodes which is the highest for a scifi TV show so I do hope the boys get some sort of recognition. It was us crazy bitches and jerks that gave the show the mileage and it was us that gave Jared and Jensen faith that they could carry on so for the remainder of season 14 and for 15,support these guys. Support these annoyingly sexy and ridiculously hilarious dudes for this show. I'm sure Jared and Jensen love the show like it's their kid practically but I wish everyone would just shut up, tinhatters, bronlies, stans, destihellers because we are all fans of the one show so let's ease the time we have left.
But seriously imagine Sam and Dean on a desert highway, the orange and yellow rays of the setting sun make Baby shine in all her splendor which makes Dean swell with pride. He starts the engine with a low rumble and they're off. They might to California to feel the sand beneath their feet or to Disneyland. They're living the "apple pie life" and this is their personal heaven : with each other.
I wouldn't mind this playing in the background if the ending is the inevitable and unspeakable you know what :
It's wishful thinking, since I wish they'd actually play some Zeppelin instead of song titles being used as episode titles but I wish they could use some Queen or Guns n Roses and stuff before 1979 because everything sucked ass afterwards according to Dean.
I want the classic rock resurgence in the show as well but I know they'll end up using the cash elsewhere. I wouldn't mind a body swap episode but if wishes were horses, right?
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valkyrieofsmut · 6 years
Starting with an accidental encounter   part 11
Kurt Wagner x Non mutant! OC
Types: Smut. All smut. Romance, too. Maybe some angst?
Overall series warnings: Smut. Always smut. Anxiety, panic attacks, bit of violence, swearing, sexual harassment in one chap, German (translations provided, but I have bad grammar… Sorry native speakers…) (can’t remember any more at the moment)
A/n-  Smut, BDSM type of stuff, Yay! Hey guys, sorry it was so crazy I didn’t get this one out when I wanted to (dang holidays lol), but here you are!
Series masterlist     Masterlist
Kurt laid in his bed, looking out the window with a small smile on his face as his hand trailed up and down the trail of fur below his belly button.
It was a little strange, finding out that something he'd thought was unwanted wasn't. It reminded him of himself a little; he'd thought he was unwanted, but Lacy always seemed to want him around, he'd thought that any woman he'd ever be in bed with would have trouble dealing with his appearance, but Lacy couldn't seem to keep her hands off of him when they were together.
His smile widened as he muttered, "Schatzsuche." {treasure trail}
She was so cute, naming the path of fur down his lower stomach, letting him do what he wanted to her, always looking at him so tenderly after he made her come, holding him close, her begging as he made them both feel good.
He felt himself getting pinched by the zipper on his jeans and rolled to the side, trying to relieve the pressure to his stiffness. He pulled a pillow to him and wrapped himself around it, wishing Lacy was there so he could wrap around her instead.
She was so much more soft and pleasant than the pillow.
There was a knock on his door, and he called out, "Go avay!"
"Kurt, it's important," Scott said through the door.
"Vhat is it?" He asked.
"The Professor is calling a meeting in ten minutes. All X-Men are required to attend," Scott told him.
"Ok, I vill be zhere," Kurt told him.
"And so, I think it is obvious that we need to stay close to our home base at all times this next week. We don't know what the senator is planning, but with the amount of seemingly random deaths, all from the same cause and all mutants, we need to be on high alert, and watch each other's backs," Scott finished.
"Yes," Xavier agreed. "It is alarming that there would be so many without them being recognized as a pattern before. I think they made something and were testing it. I'm sorry to say, that I have come to the same conclusion about staying close to home as well."
They all filed out of the office and made their ways down the hall.
"What's wrong, Kurt?" Kitty asked, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Oh, I know, now you have to stay here all the time, and you can't see your girlfriend." She looked down at the floor and back up at him.
"I von't even be able to tell her," Kurt said angrily.
"Why don't you just call her?" Kitty asked.
"I don't have her number," he said. Kitty looked at him in shock. "I've never needed it," he told her.
"Yeah, I guess that's true." She looked around and back to him. "You know, you could probably go out tonight. Even if you get into trouble, you could get away," she told him.
"But, zhey vill be able to track me if I used my powers," he said.
"But you'll only have to use them if you can't get away any other way," she told him.
Kurt hesitated. It would be dark, he would be invisible... "I don't know... vhat if zhey find out I'm gone?"
"I'll cover for you," Kitty said. "Come on, just go out and tell her, let her know what's going on, and come back without getting caught."
Kurt paused and looked at her. She was like the older sister who always got him into and out of trouble, but with his best interests at heart. "Vell..."
"I don't want to hear any wells, just, 'Ja, Kitty, I vill do vhat you say, oh vise and great Kitty, quveen of logic-'"
"Kitty," Kurt stopped her train of self compliments in her version of his accent. "Ok, I vill... Zhank you, Kitty," he said, hugging her.
"Good," she said, hugging him back.
…    …    …    
Kurt was back in his room, trying to read a book, but his thoughts kept straying to Lacy and holding her against him, wanting to see her looking up at him tenderly as he kissed her, wanting to hear her beg for more as he held her close…
Kurt groaned and closed the book, giving up on reading and watched the sun slowly go down.
Finally, he was able to sneak out of the mansion and hurry across town.
"Ok, thanks," Lacy said and hung up the phone, setting it back in the cradle. She sat in her chair and pulled the book she'd been reading from the arm, starting where she'd left off.
Nothing too interesting was happening; the male character, Darin, was telling the female character, Serah, that she was making a mistake by insisting on staying with him, saying that she should stay away, get off the ship at the next chance, but she insisted that she was staying with him. Blah blah blah. She suffered through the boring part, but when it finally started to heat up, her lips turned up in a smile, recognizing that there was a sex scene coming. When she got to it, she bit her lip.
Serah had insisted that she didn't care what he said, she still had feelings for him. He told her that she didn't know what she was getting herself into, and when she pushed him further, he threatened to show her what he wanted to do.
There was a tapping at the window and she put the book down, going to the window and opening it for Kurt.
She hugged him when he was inside, kissing him as well before turning to close the window.
"Hallo, Lacy," he said, his tail wrapping around her hips.
"Mmm, hi, Kurt," she said, leaning against him. "Oh." She looked down at her watch. "I ordered pizza," she told him. "It should be here in about five to ten minutes."
"Ok," Kurt said, his hand moving to her hip and pulling her closer to kiss her.
"Sorry, Kurt," she said, kissing him and pushing him back. "You can't get in without a key, and delivery guys pretty much refuse to walk up the stairs this far. So, I have to meet them at the door downstairs. I'll be back in a few minutes, though," she told him.
"Alright," Kurt said, letting her go. He sat in the chair to wait and looked at the book on the arm. He picked it up and looked at the page she was on, starting to read where the page started.
Darin took the rope from the bed. "I warned you," he told her.
"I'm not afraid. I think you're bluffing," she told him as he bound her wrists behind her to one of the bars on the wall.
"We'll see about that," he told her. He pressed against her, making the bar dig into her back. "We'll just see what you think after you see what it is I'm really like." Serah's breath caught in her throat. Darin was in the crook of her neck, and he bit her, his hand squeezing her breast roughly. He pulled her shirt up and pulled a knife from his belt. He held it up to her and she shivered as the metal touched her stomach. "Don't worry, I'm not so interested in blood," he told her, sliding the blade under her bra and cutting it from her.
The fabric hung open and he roughly took hold of her. He moved his mouth down her and licked her nipple, his tongue moving around it, making her arch against him and her hands twist against the bonds holding her to the bar.
The pleasure was suddenly interrupted by pain as he bit her. "Ah!" She cried out and he stood straight.
He looked at her smugly. "I told you you wouldn't like what you found."
"No, I- I don't believe you're enjoying this," Serah told him.
"Oh, you don't?" He asked. He pressed his rock hard erection against her, rubbing and grinding it into her hip. "Then why am I so excited?" He asked.
Serah's eyes widened. "Y- you- really?"
"Oh, yes," he told her. "And I'm going to enjoy so much more," he said, flashing a dangerous smile.
Kurt stopped reading and just scanned through the pages, seeing how rough the man was being to her, and that the woman found that she enjoyed being tied up.
The door opened and Kurt put the book back on the arm of the chair. "Ok, the pizza is finally here," Lacy said as she closed the door behind her. 
Kurt stood and followed her to the kitchen, getting the plates out of the cupboard. "Mmm," he hummed in appreciation as he smelled the slice he picked up before taking a bite. 
Lacy laughed and put a couple of slices on a plate. "What are we watching tonight?" She asked, going to the camping chair and sitting down. Kurt just shrugged, since his mouth was full, and Lacy suddenly stood up. "Oh, I was watching Red Dwarf earlier," she said, picking up the remote. "British humor, but funny," she told him, making the disc play.
They watched the show, and Kurt smiled as she hummed along with the music, eating pizza all the while. He got seconds and sat back down, watching Lacy as she enjoyed everything around her; the pizza, the show, her foot even snuck over and slid against his. She looked so happy.
Kurt felt his elbow hit something and looked down, seeing the book still there, and glanced back at Lacy. It seemed when he took a peek through her romance novels, that all of the sexy parts had to do with being tied up. He started wondering if that meant that Lacy wanted to be tied up.
Of course, she would probably never ask him to tie her up, he knew, but if she was interested…
He wasn't too nervous, or turned off, in fact, it made his blood run just a little hotter, thinking of Lacy tied up, laying there, ready for him and whatever he was going to do, unable to stop him from giving her as much pleasure as he wanted to.
He glanced over at her again, seeing that she was finishing her pizza. He took her plate with his and put them in the sink in the kitchen.
On the way back, he stopped and pulled her out of the chair. She looked at him in question, but followed him to the bed and sat on the edge with him. He kissed her neck and smiled. "Lacy, I have a quvestion for you," he said.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Vell, all of zhese books you have, zhe romance vones," he started, gesturing at the pile of books next to the ottoman.
"Yeah?" Lacy asked, blushing a little.
"Vell, zhe parts vhere zhey, have sex... Involve a same influence..." She looked at him in question again. "Being tied up," he told her. Lacy's eyes widened and she opened her mouth, trying to think of something to say, something to defend her weirdness. "Lacy," Kurt ran his hand along her cheek, brushing her hair out of the way. "Do you vant to be tied up? Is zhat vhy you're reading zhat type of book?"
Lacy looked at the ground, feeling her face catching on fire. "Ummm..."
Kurt took her chin in his hand and brought her face back to his. "It's ok if you do," he told her. "But, you know zhat I can't do somezhing if I don't know vhat you vant."
"I- I- it's weird, right- I mean- Not extremely weird, but-"
"Lacy, having somezhing you vant somevone to do to you is not veird, not at all. It- makes you normal," he told her, repeating words he'd been told long ago, when he'd confessed that he was starting to think about sex and women touching him.
"So? Do you?" He asked.
"I- I don't know..."
"Lacy," he started, but she interrupted him.
"No- it's not that I'm being shy, I just- you know how you read about something, like anchovies, and you think, mmm, that sounds good, so you eat one and find out it's slimy and salty and gross? What if being tied up sounds good, but it turns out horrible?" She explained. "That's all."
Kurt smiled and kissed her, then kissed her collar bone. "Vell," he said, his breath blowing across her neck and making her shiver. "I vill tie you up, and ve can see if you like it. Do you trust me?" He asked.
Lacy felt a flush starting to cover her face. Kurt was asking if she wanted to be tied up. Did she? Yes, she decided, she did. Did she trust Kurt enough to not hurt her? She bit her lip, making sure she thought it through thoroughly.
"Yes," she told him.
"Gut," he told her as a smile spread across his face. "Lassen Sie mich Ihnen etwas binden mit zu finden, dann," he said, standing from the bed. {Let me find something to tie you up with, then}
Lacy blushed a little harder. "Um... I have a silk cord... In the top of my closet, in that box..."
Kurt pulled it out and shook off the dust, looking up at her with a raised brow. "Also, haben Sie darüber nachgedacht für eine Weile, dann," he said, running the long silk cord through his hands. {So, you've been thinking about this for awhile, then}
Lacy blushed, looking to the ground. Kurt smiled, though, and took her hand in his, pulling her up from the bed. "Zunächst lassen Sie uns diese von dir," he said, pulling her shirt off of her and reaching behind her to unhook her bra. "Sich hinlegen, in der Nähe der Kopfteil," he told her, climbing on as well and pulling the cord around her headboard so the two ends would be able to tie around her hands. {first, let's get these off of you, lay down, by the headboard}
Lacy looked up at Kurt as she gave him one hand. He wrapped the silk around her wrist and tied it. "Tun ok?" he asked and she nodded. He took her other wrist as it was offered to him and tied it as well. "Noch tun ok?" She nodded as she moved her wrists around a little. "Gut. Nun wollen wir anfangen zu spielen," he told her. {doing ok, still doing ok, good, now let's start playing}
He climbed off of the bed and stood where she could see him, taking off his shirt and dropping it to the ground. She looked down at him, and he knew she wanted to reach out and touch him, but was stopped by the silk. He ran his fingers down his chest watching her bite her lip as he got to the edge of his pants. He undid them and let them hang open, but didn't take them off, climbing back on to the bed and laying against her.
"Mmm, Ein köstliches Angebot?" He asked, moving one finger to flick her nipple. "Ah, wir sollten ein sicheres Wort haben, nicht wahr?" Lacy nodded. "Was ist ein guter?" {A delicious offering, we should have a safe word, right, what's a good one}
"Um," Lacy looked around, seeing her sewing machine hiding in a corner. "Needle," she suggested.
"Nadel, ja, das wird funktionieren. Nun zurück zu meinem leckeren Angeboten," Kurt told her as his hands smoothed over her breasts. "So weich und geschmeidig," he said, running his hands all around them. "Und lecker," he said as his tongue joined in. {Needle, yes, that will work. Now back to my delicious offerings, so soft and smooth, and delicious}
He looked up at Lacy's face, noticing that her cheeks were flushing red with excitement and her eyes had closed while she arched to him, letting out soft moans, pulling softly at her bonds. He smiled and let his tongue rove over her breasts, pausing at each nipple as he made his way across her chest. "Fühlt das sich gut?" He asked teasingly. {does that feel good}
"Yes," Lacy told him, her chest arching to him more.
"Gut," he told her, stopping and pulling back, making her eyes fly open. He ran his fingers down her stomach to her hips, which tilted up to him by themselves, and undid her shorts, slowly pulling them down and tossing them on the floor with his tail. He smiled and pressed against her again, letting the open part of his jeans press against her hip while his tail wrapped around her other thigh and moved along her skin. He took one breast into his mouth and teased the other with his hand, making Lacy moan loudly and press up against him. "Fühlt das sich gut?" He asked, letting his hot breath brush against her breast, his tongue flicking out to her nipple.
"Yes," she moaned.
He smiled wickedly and pulled away again, making her look down at him with want. He kissed down her stomach, letting his fingers trail down her sides, until he got to the top edge of her panties. He ran his tongue up to her belly button, then along the edge of her panties before tugging them down slightly and licking her there as well. He heard her breathing quicken and nipped her hip, making her jump and gasp. He pulled her panties down her legs, finally flinging them behind them, and kissed her thighs.
Kurt looked up again to see Lacy biting her lip, trying to keep a hold of herself. He smiled at her and spread her knees, raising himself to be in the right spot to open her and start licking. "Fühlt das sich gut?" Lacy started to say something, but stopped, remembering that he'd stopped after she'd answered both times before. "Sagen Sie mir," he told her, but she didn't answer. "Sagen Sie mir, Lacy, oder ich werde aufhören," he threatened. {does that feel good, tell me, tell me, Lacy, or I'll stop}
"Y- yes, it feels good," she told him. 
"Gut," he told her, making a moan escape her mouth as his tongue traced a path from her opening to the bundle of nerves above. He suddenly pulled her clit into his mouth and gently sucked on it.
"Oh!" She cried out. "Kurt, oh my-" He smiled and licked her clit while it was still in his mouth, making her gasp and cry out again. He tormented her until he could tell she was almost ready to burst, then stood and watched her watch him drop his pants. She looked so sexy the way she was looking at him, almost at orgasm, tied and subject to his every whim.
He laid next to her and pulled her on top of him, making it so his cock was laying between her folds, but not in her. "Bewegen," he told her, and she looked down at him in confusion. "Bewegen," he said again, this time taking her hips and rocking them back and forth. {move}
Lacy gasped as the head of Kurt's cock rubbed against her clit and followed his orders, rocking her hips so he rubbed against her. "Gut," he told her. "Ja, so," he said, his eyes closing and his head laying back more. "Ah, gut," he groaned. {good, yes, like that}
Seeing Kurt so turned on under her made Lacy's cheeks heat more as she bit her lip, pressing a little harder against him, and the resulting moan made her feel her insides twitch. Kurt looked up at Lacy's face from between her arms as she rocked back and forth and could tell from her panting that she was getting close again. He took her hips in his hands again and moved them, pressing up into her and making her moan loudly.
"Weitermachen," he told her. "Machen mir kommen." {keep going, make me come}
"Ok, I- I'll try," she said a little nervously, rocking her hips again.
"Kein versuchen. Machen Sie mir, oder ich werde dich bestrafen," he told her. {No trying, make me come, or I will punish you}
Lacy gasped as heat filled her belly. "Y-yes," she told him, almost calling him master. She rocked her hips, trying to pull him in and out, but it wasn't quite working. She changed direction to side to side, but the same thing happened. She tried bouncing up and down, but everything she did only prolonged the near orgasm torture, and didn't seem to be making Kurt get any closer. "I can't, I need help," she told him after what felt like forever trying.
"Nein, Sie haben es selbst zu tun," he told her. {No, you have to do it yourself}
Lacy bit her lip, trying to move up farther and down harder, mixing the other motions in with what she was doing, but it still only felt nice and didn't bring either one of them closer to orgasm. After trying for another long time Lacy asked, "Please help me..."
"Nein, Lacy, Sie haben es selbst zu tun," he told her again, staring up at her as his tail slid against her skin, lazily wrapped around her stomach. {No, Lacy, you have to do it yourself}
She tried harder, moving faster, but her movements were too awkward to be effective. "Please, Kurt," she asked, sounding like she was begging as she closed her eyes. "I don't have any practice, I need help..." Kurt was enjoying watching her move and trying to make them come. "Just a little," she begged.
"Nein," he said. "Lass mich nicht bestrafen," he told her, making her groan. {No, don't make me punish you}
He watched her move for another moment, looking desperate to make them come, biting her lip and gripping her bonds, pulling at them with her movements. Kurt put his hands on her hips, stopping her and pulling her from him, pushing her so she was on her knees next to him. "Oh Lacy," he said, sitting up and moving behind her. "Sie waren frech, jetzt muss ich dich bestrafen." {You've been naughty, now I must punish you}
She looked down behind her to look at him as she spoke. "I tried," she said.
"Shh," he told her, smoothing his hand down her butt. "Ich weiß," he said, squeezing her butt cheek. "Aber das hast du nicht, so müssen Sie noch bestraft werden." {I know. But you did not, so you still must be punished}
He smoothed his hand over her butt again before lightly slapping it. He looked up to her, but she didn't say anything, so he did it again, a little harder this time. Her body bounced forward, and she moaned softly. He raised an eyebrow and let his hand fly, this time winding it back first. "Ah," Lacy cried out as her body bounced forward.
" Fühlt das sich gut?" He asked. {does that feel good}
"Y-yeah," she told him, blushing.
He reached back and slapped her on the ass again, making her moan. Kurt took her hips and positioned himself so that when he gripped her and thrust, he plowed into her, hitting her hips and knocking her forward. Lacy cried out and laid her head on her forearms as she pushed her hands against the headboard to steady herself so she didn't go head first into it.
Kurt reached back and slapped her again, and felt her tighten around him as she moaned. He looked down at her in wonder. It wasn't an orgasm, she only tightened once, but the tightening felt almost like one. He reached back and slapped her again, making her cry out with desire, tightening around him again. "Ah, Lacy," he groaned as he slammed into her and slapped her ass at the same time. "Haben Sie Ihre Strafe gefallen?" He asked. {do you like your punishment}
"Yes," she moaned out to him.
He slapped her again, enjoying as she tightened around him and moaned. "Ja," he groaned. "Ah, Lacy," he growled, leaning down and biting a spot on her back, making her moan and stiffen as she pressed against him.
His tail wrapped around her waist and his fingers dug into her hips as he pulled her back to meet his strong thrusts. She was crying out, he could hear her, though she was muffled by the pillows at the headboard.
Kurt's toes griped into the bed, his tail and fingers tightening as he thrust into her. One hand let go to fly forward and slap the now red spot on her ass, making him half growl half groan again as she tightened. His hands moved up to her waist, holding tightly as he thrust.
He felt her start pulsing around him and couldn't stand the muffled cries any more, so he pulled back, taking hold of her and turning her over before thrusting back into her. He licked up her stomach, nipping at her ribs until she stopped crying out, and started thrusting into her again, biting her ribs and gripping her tightly.
Lacy pulled at her bonds, wanting to grab onto Kurt and dig her nails in, helping him thrust harder. Her head was flung backwards, crying out and almost screaming because of his actions. "Oh, Kurt- oh God Kurt!" She cried out as she tightened around him again.
Kurt growled softly, looking up to watch Lacy's face contort in pleasure. He ran his tongue up her ribs and leaned down over her breasts, starting his torture on them again. Lacy's head moved to the side, moaning as Kurt's tongue ran around her nipple before he nipped her breast. "Ah," Lacy cried, looking down at him, her enjoyment obvious in her half lidded eyes, passion reddened cheeks, and gasping mouth.
"Haben Sie Ihre Strafe gefallen?" He demanded in a lower grumble. {Do you like your punishment}
"Yes," she moaned again, her chest heaving. He pulled out of her and replaced himself with his hand, thrusting into her and rubbing over her clit. "Oh, Kurt," she moaned, her head turning from side to side as she tried to contain her pleasure.
Kurt kissed her throat, lightly running his tongue along her pulse and sucking, making her moan more. He continued stroking her, starting to nip her neck as she got closer and closer. "Ah, Lacy," he groaned against her neck, nipping her again. He felt her on the edge, her hips moving restlessly against his hand as her hands restlessly moved against the cord tying her to the headboard. "Kommen Lacy, wieder zu kommen," he groaned into her neck. {come Lacy, come again}
He felt her tighten after a few more thrusts of his fingers, and she cried out his name, making him bite her collar bone. "Lacy," he looked up at her with dark, passion filled eyes. "Haben Sie sich jemals probiert?" He asked. She slowly shook her head. "Nein?" She shook her head again. {have you ever tasted yourself, no}
He pulled his finger from her and moved it to his lips, running his tongue along it. "Sie schmecken köstlich," he told her, sucking all of her juices from his finger before sliding his hand along her body, between her legs, and slipping his finger back into her. Lacy stared at him, her mouth slightly open as she panted, turned on from watching him continue. He gave a few slow thrusts before he pulled his finger from her again and moved it to his lips, licking up it and sucking again, taking his time to make sure he cleaned all of her wetness from it. "Wie Honig," he told her, making her gasp out, wanting to reach out to him, but unable to because of the cord. {you taste delicious, like honey}
His hand drifted down her again, again sliding his finger into her and stroking her insides for a moment before he pulled it out and moved it close to her lips. "Lecken," he told her. {lick it}
Lacy looked at his finger for a second before her tongue slowly came out and slid up his finger, making his eyes darken further. She could feel his still hard member pressing against her hip, reminding her that he hadn't come yet. "Kurt," she started, but he put his finger to her lips.
"Lecken," he told her again. She bit her lip, looking into his eyes for a moment, then licked his finger again, taking it into her mouth as he had, sucking her musky flavor from him, swirling her tongue around his finger before she pulled back. Kurt groaned, looking down at her for a moment before putting his hand on her jaw and pulling her closer, kissing her deeply and desperately.
Somehow, Lacy was moved, the silken restraints sliding around her wrists so they were now behind her as she was sat back against the headboard. Kurt moved so he was kneeling in front of her and pulled her into his lap, sliding into her.
He thrust into her, holding onto her thighs at first to keep her there, but his hands moved to hold onto hers, making the cord dig into her a little tighter as he thrust. Kurt's hands moved back to Lacy's hips, holding her steady as he thrust up, his toes again digging in for purchase.
Lacy felt herself being pushed back against the headboard, her hands trapped behind her hips, and she could feel Kurt getting a little rough again, but she met every desperate kiss, her body took every rough thrust as she started to feel herself sliding up the headboard. She assumed that Kurt must be slowly standing up, but was caught when the silk cord didn't allow her to move any farther. She could feel the tension as he thrust into her, pushing her up, but the cord didn't want to let go, and it started to feel like her wrists were being separated.
Finally, he groaned into the breasts he was nipping the edge of and she felt her hands slip free of the cord. They immediately went to him, burying in his hair and going to the base of his tail to tug. At that action, he groaned and bit her rib, his hands and tail tightening on her as he thrust harder into her and she cried out.
He growled something she couldn't understand as he moved back to her mouth and took it roughly, almost so forcefully that she couldn't breath. She wrapped one thigh around him tighter, her other leg now the only thing touching the bed, somewhere with a hard surface, the headboard?
The half formed thoughts and pondering left her mind as she felt herself tighten around Kurt, moaning into his mouth which drank in her every pleasured noise.
Kurt's fingers dug into Lacy's butt, into the tender spot he'd been slapping earlier, and she let out a small, pained gasp, but that just made him slap her in the spot again and pull back from her mouth to- stare wasn't the word, it was almost a glare he fixed on her closed eyes, he was so filled with passion and lust. He thrust into her and slapped her in the tender spot again, watching as she bit her lip and her head turned away.
Suddenly the heaviest of the fog seemed to lift and he looked around, realizing that they were against the wall, not just against, but that his toes were digging into the wall to thrust harder. He'd literally fucked her up the wall so he wasn't even touching the bed any more, and the only thing of hers touching it was the toes on her right foot.
Kurt looked back to Lacy's face where it had turned to. What was he doing to her? He was being so rough, rougher than he'd ever dreamed he was capable of, and she wasn't a mutant or a super being, just a delicate, tender human. He didn't know how her body was standing all the abuse he was giving it. He looked down in shame, both that he'd been so rough, and that his body wanted to continue it, feeling his cock tighten and twitch inside her at the thought.
He looked up as Lacy moved his face back to hers. "Kurt," she whispered, and he could tell her throat was raw. "Kiss me," she asked, guiding his jaw back to hers, but he paused. "Kurt, I know you haven't come yet," she told him, running her lips along his lips and up his jaw. "Please, I want you to cum in me," she whispered against his jaw, her hands sliding over him and distracting him from his thoughts.
Kurt's last defense was tumbled and he was lost. He took her hips in his hands again and started thrusting into her. She gasped, and he could hear her almost voiceless moans, cutting in and out depending on pitch due to her sore throat. He kissed down her neck, nipping along her shoulder until he finally felt the end nearing.
All of Lacy's breathy gasps and moans pushed him closer, and when she came around him, her nails digging into his shoulders for support, her cry of his name echoing back to him, he pushed harder, coming, filling her and feeling her collapse onto him, burying her nose in the crease of his neck.
Kurt slowly lowered them from the wall, kneeling and laying Lacy back onto the bed where she laid limply, completely spent. He looked down at her, turning her head to kiss her gently, but passionately. "Lacy," he whispered, still laying over her.
"Huh?" She asked.
"Just seeing if you vere still avake," he told her, smiling.
"Yeah," she told him. "I just can't move. I'll have to call in to work all next week," she joked breathily.
The memory of what had made Kurt sneak out of the mansion and make his way here in the first place struck him, and he pulled back from her, laying and rolling her so she could cuddle against him as she liked. "Lacy, I- I have somezhing to tell you," he started nervously.
"It better not be that you're really married, or have another girlfriend... I can't move now, but I'll talk to death the best I can," she told him.
"Nein," he smiled for a moment before it left. "I- Zhere is some trouble, a lot of mutants are dying, being attacked, and, zhey have decided zhat ve must all stay at home zhis next veek, in case whoever is killing mutants is close to tracking us..."
Lacy managed to open her eyes and look up at him. "You have to stay home this next week?"
"Ja," he told her.
She cuddled into him tighter. "But I'll miss you..."
"I'll miss you, too, li- Lacy," he told her. She just pouted against his side with her eyes still closed. "Oh," he said. "Zhere- zhere is vone ozher zhing..."
"What's that?" She asked.
"Vell, vone of zhe people I live vizh... She has been bozhering me for a vhile... She vants me to bring you over so she can meet you..." Lacy let out a rusty chuckle. "Vhat?"
"I was just thinking that it's strange; you're the one in hiding, but you can tell anyone you want about us, but I, I'm free to date as I please, but I don't even have anyone to tell."
Kurt pulled back and looked down at her. "'Free to date as you please?'" He asked stiffly.
"I mean that I don't have to pretend I don't have a boyfriend or anything," she told him. "I'm only with you. I couldn't handle anyone else, nor would I want to," she said, pulling closer to him.
"Are you sure? Vhat about zhat man at vork, Peter? You don't vant to be vizh him?"
"Eww, are you kidding? Gross... Besides, if I wanted to go out with him, I've had a year and a half since he's started to have the chance."
"Vhat about zhat Doug guy?" He asked.
"Doug? He's a nice guy, but not my type," she told him.
"Ja?" She nodded. He pulled her lips against his, only pulling away when they both needed air. "Lacy, do you zhink you vould vant to come to my home?"
He felt her bite her lip. "Are- are you sure they'd want me there?"
Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Vhy not?"
"Well, you know, knowing where your safe spot is..."
He ran his hand down her cheek. "It vill be ok," he told her, smiling.
"H- how many people are there?" She asked.
"About zhirty," he told her.
"Oh, that's not too bad, I thought there were more, the way you talk," she said, and he could hear the relief in her voice.
"You are afraid of crowds?" He asked.
"No- just... Awkward around large groups of people..."
"Don't vorry, Lacy, I vill be zhere vizh you, and I von't leave your side if you don't vant me to," he told her.
"Ok," she said as she yawned.
"You vill come?" He asked.
"Mm-hm," she told him. "But not tonight... Sleep tonight," she told him. "My next weekend. Around two some time."
"Ok," he told her, holding her close. "Lacy," he finally sighed. "I should probably leave, I had to sneak out to come visit you as it vas..."
"No," she almost whined. "I don't get to see you for a whole week, at least stay until the sun starts coming up, like you normally do..." She pleaded, opening her eyes to look up at him.
Kurt looked down at her face, stroking her cheek. "Vell, ok," he told her. "Zhey probably von't even be looking for me until tomorrow, anyvay..." He held her closer, kissing her lightly every so often as he fell asleep.
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dangermousie · 6 years
Like Georgians, Jacobites and some of the most awesome romance novels? A Patricia Veryan pusher post
I have just discovered that Patricia Veryan, a writer of romance novels set in Georgian and Regency time, has had the bulk of her books reissued on kindle.
So this is a giant pusher post.
Who is Patricia Veryan, you may ask. She was a British writer of romance novels who was old school enough to belong to the style of Georgette Heyer and Jeffery Farnol (who deserves his own pusher post), instead of the newer but now old “bodice ripper, rapey” school like Woodiwiss, Rogers et al. Her novels have plots, no sex scenes and are swoonily, amazingly romantic. She also did her research and they feel like true period novels, not modern people in period clothes prancing about.
They are full of swashbuckling, angsty heroes with awful families, strong heroines fighting off villains, conspiracies unmasked, swords at dawn, tons of hero torture and gorgeousness. Does it sound good? It should.
As I mentioned above, she wrote both regencies and Georgians, but I am gonna talk about the latter series today, because they are all on kindle. Her two Georgian series are The Golden Chronicles (set in the aftermath of Bonnie Prince Charlie's 1745 uprising) and Tales of the Jeweled Men (ditto). TGC follow the supposed treasure that Bonnie Prince Charlie amassed to help his Rebellion, which disappears, and which now the good guys are trying to get to the donors and bad guys want for themselves. There are six books in the series (though there are two earlier books, Mistress of Willowale and The Wicked Widow, which tie into it too. MoW is not available on kindle but TWW is and is a delightful Georgian romp with a rakish, cynical hero who ends up adoring the spunky, cheerful, pragmatic heroine. I am rereading it RN). * Practice to Deceive - Penelope Montgomery always meant to marry Quentin Chandler but he went off and joined the Jacobite rebellion and her family died and she's stuck with her awful aunt and uncle. Quentin resurfaces when he comes to her for assistance but he gets captured by her psycho family and tortured for info about the treasure. Penelope rescues him and they go on the run. I loooove this book. Penny is not flighty or dim or anything but calm, a little reserved, very ladylike, yet awesome. And I have a crush on charming, funny, h/c magnet Quentin. My fave Veryan character, Roland Mathieson, first appears in this one as the bad guy's henchman who kinda wants Penelope. * Journey to Enchantment - the hero of this one is Penelope's brother Geoffrey and heroine a Scottish gal Prudence McTavish. I remember liking it OK (short version - Geoffrey is Jacobite Scarlet Pimpernel) but was not particularly in love. * The Tyrant - love this one. Phoebe Ramsay ends up being stuck in an engagement to Meredith Carruthers as a cover for some Jacobite-related smuggling. I love both fashionable, fun Phoebe and cool, common-sense, angstmuffin Mededith (we are introduced to the first but not the last of Veryan's horrific parents in this one - I am not sure whether I hate his father or his mother more) and we see more of Roland who actually ends up helping the lead couple, in a very ironic, standoffish way, while sneaking bad guy bits now and then. * Love Alters Not - super super super obsession. Dimity Cranford, in order to lead soldiers away from an injured Jacobite family friend, ends up in all sorts of complicated embroglios which ultimately lead her pretending to be someone else entirely, that someone a woman trying to disposess Sir Anthony Farrar, an English army captain in the late Rebellion, who has been ostracized by everyone for running at the battle of Prestopans, leading to the rout of his unit and *da-dun* making Dimity's brother crippled. So much angst and hurt/comfort and awesomeness, you have NO idea. I think Dimity/Anthony are my favorite Veryan OTP which is saying a huge huge deal. Also, I believe I was gibbering and screaming at my book during Anthony's trial. Roland appears again and this is the book I fell for him in - he's sort of Anthony's friend and is thoroughly delicious. * Cherished Enemy - follows Robert McTavish (Prudence's brother) and Rosamond Albritton, sister of a recurring character. Tbh, it's my least fave in the series, though I don't hate it or anything, so I don't remember it much. * The Dedicated Villain - LOOOOOOVE! Roland gets a book! And what a book! Roland is on the hunt for the Jacobite treasure, comes across a troupe of actors (or are they?), which includes the tiny (short ladies represent!) but fierce and awesome Fiona Bradford - will he actually change his mind about his obsession? The Dedicated Villain is my favorite of her Georgians (well, that, and Love Alters Not are probably tied). I mean, Roland and Fiona! This series actually manages to do a convincing job of moving Roland from villain to antihero to hero with me buying the transition; also it explains why he starts out the way he does without making it a full excuse. TDV is also one of the very few books that maxed out my hurt/comfort love - PV never really went much for h/c of the physical as opposed to emotional sort in general but Roland's torture scenes in TDV are beyond brutal, I was kinda reading through my fingers and bawling (one of my vivid memories is being high school age, sitting under a tree during the very hot summer, reading that stuff and sniffling). But oddly, it didn't feel gratuitous because it was sort of karma for some of the stuff he did, especially to Quentin in Practice to Deceive (though what happened to him was miles worse than what happened to Quentin). And props to Veryan for having the guts to give him permanent damage. Jeweled Men follows a nefarious conspiracy to take over certain strategic properties to stage an invasion and a bunch of sexay aristocrats who stumble on the plot and decide to fight it (think 18th century Pimpernel). * Time's Fool - follows Gideon Rossiter, a discharged officer who's just returned from the Continent, and his attempts to figure out why his family's properties and wealth imploded. Heroine is Naomi Lutonville, Gideon's erstwhile fiancee. I normally wouldn't like Naomi - she's high-maintenance and dramatic, but I adore her to bits. I ship them like crazy, too. * Had We Never Loved - my first Veryan! Clearly, I was impressed. Horatio Glendenning (remember Jacobite family friend in Love Alters Not? That's him) fought for Bonnie Prince Charlie so his future is not so good. His OTP is a feisty gypsy, Amy Consett, who is NOT discovered to be a Duke's daughter in disguise or anything. It's a lovely lovely book and they are a lovely lovely OTP. * Ask Me No Questions - Quentin's staid older brother Gordon gets his own books. There are all sorts of machinations, but this is not a huge favorite. Gordon and Ruth Allington are nice people but give me Penny and Quentin's humor and reckless courage any day. If you like nice and mature leads though, this one is for you. * A Shadow's Bliss - like amnesia? This book is for you. Ruth's amnesiac bro Jonathan tries to solve the mystery of a shipwreck he was involved in blah blah heroine is Jennifer Britewell and I literally remember nothing about her. Or Jonathan, for that matter, other than he has amnesia. The reason to read this book is the recurring characters of August Falcon, Jamie Morris, and Gwendolyn Rossiter. I read Jeweled Men as if was coming out and remember devouring each book for even the slightest hint of progress between cynical, cutting August and smart, unimpressed Gwendolyn - they are one of my fave Veryan OTPs, together with Dimity/Anthony, Roland/Fiona, and Mitchell/Charity from Sanguinet books. * Never Doubt I Love - Dimity's bro finds love. Once again, I was in it for finding out what makes August tick, Jamie's adoration of August's sis Katrina, and Gwen and August's sexy sparkle. It’s a good book on its own merits though and has a hero with a disability, which was unusual at the time. * The Mandarin of Mayfair - EEEE! EEEEE! I still remember pre-ordering this book and rolling in mad glee (hyperbole. Or is it?) August and Gwen get their own book, plus the conspiracy gets finally unmasked, there is kissing and hurt/comfort and gals being the ones to propose. The OTP is beyond amazing - August is so smart and lethal and functional despite his major issues arising out of the fact that as 1/4 Chinese he’s looked down as a mongrel by “polite” society (I love that Veryan's heroes never wallow), Gwendolyn is full of common-sense and rescues him from prisons and bad guys and won't let anyone bash him (himself included, but also their friends, which turn on him for spoilery reasons. I still have residual rage about it. Katrina, you are the worst sister ever and dead to me!) I think the ending is a little pat to resolve the very real issues he has with marrying Gwendolyn and dragging her into his life, but at that point they've been through so much hell, I didn't even care.
My favorite OTPs in her Georgian series are are four-way time between ladylike Penelope x incorrigible adventurer Quentin in PtD, tormented and self-abasing Anthony and fearless Dimity in LAN, reformed villain Roland x not really an actress Fiona in TDV, and deadly and messed up August x fearless and clever Gwen (btw, Gwen is a heroine with a disability, which, once again, was an unusual thing at the time.)   Worst father award goes to Roland's father (die in a fire, please!) and worst mother is either August's or Meredith's. Coolest family is either Dimity's or Horatio's. Favorite brother-sister pair are Gwen and Gideon Rossiters.
Basically, you should go read them yesterday!
PS Disclaimer. I used to run a Veryan listserve in the really old days. So I am biased. But she is a rare author I am rereading 20 years later and still love.
PPS If you are a Veryan fan, come talk to me!
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ritacaroline · 6 years
In The Light        Jimmy Page Fan Fiction           Part 30
Part 30 Good Buddies
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 Written on  Monday, April 9, 2018
Takes place on Dec. 23, 1977
After dinner, Jill got changed into a new set of clothes she had bought and fixed her hair a little differently. She wore a gorgeous brown suede skirt and a beautiful sweater top which was forest green. Jim put on some fresh clothes and they got ready to leave for the half business, half fun evening with the band and guests. It was the eve before Christmas Eve.  Jimmy looked at her outfit and said, “You look ravishing. Your legs, they’re,…well, long and sexy. And all I’ll say is that I can’t wait to be alone with you later.”
Roland drove them out to a pub in town and they got out into the freezing air. The shops and pubs were all lit up in gorgeous Christmas lights and the atmosphere was simply festive. The feel of all the old fashioned shops and pubs and the train station, all in holiday décor was such an amazing warm environment. Especially being there with the most beautiful man on the planet. It was one of the best feelings of Jill’s life.
As the two walked into the pub, Jimmy had his arm around her waist and at her back. He felt so proud to be walking in there with her. Then, he saw a few of his band in a higher level, three or four steps up. It was a raised room toward the back. The pub had a lot of windows in it, and was full of spirit. There was a tremendous fireplace with a huge raging fire in it. The place smelled smoky from the fire and a little like cinnamon. A huge Christmas tree adorned the lower level and all the light came from only candle light and the many colored Christmas lights decorating the tree and along the walls. So much old world personality in there. Robert was there already with Linda, and John and Clare, as well. Also Peter Grant and a girlfriend, Alison, and a few others Jill didn’t know.
Everyone got up and shouted out, Jim !  They all had huge smiles. And one by one they hugged Jimmy like crazy, since not having seen him in over a month. He felt great receiving such an awesome greeting. A few people there were thrilled to see Jill as well. Clare ran right over to Jill and they kissed and then hugged for a long while. “I’m so glad to see you, Jill !” Clare said. “When we first left New York, I wasn’t sure if I’d see you again. I hadn’t heard barely a thing about you since we left.  Then John said a week ago that he had spoken with Jimmy. And that Jimmy said things were going extremely well between the two of you. I was so pleased to hear it !  Then when they spoke again by phone just a few days ago and John told me you were coming over here to stay with Jim, well then,… I was just so delighted ! And I’ve been waiting to see you, anxiously ever since that day, darling !” and they hugged tightly again.
While still in Clare’s embrace, Jill was beaming and said, “Oh my goodness, I am so excited to see you again too ! Your beautiful greeting absolutely made my day !  And Lord knows, I’ve had a pretty great day ! Clare you look so pretty. And your face is just so full with joy and peacefulness, I couldn’t be happier right now. I wished I had given you a call over the last few weeks. We were really just getting to know each other and it was a huge change in my life.  I wasn’t used to…I barely had time to even think.“ 
Clare said, “Oh, sweetness ! Don’t ever worry, I know how things must’ve been, in a new relationship with someone incredible. And I can certainly see, by the way you’re behaving together, that you’re completely enamored with each other. It’s all over his face. And you too. It’s absolutely beautiful and adorable.  Why would I expect you to give me a call amidst all that ? I know..”
Clare and Jill hugged again, tightly.   Jill said to her, “There’s one thing I need to ask you,…who do you have to blow to get a drink around here ?” Clare burst out laughing and kissed Jill again and hugged her. 
Jill took off her coat and threw it onto a bench.  John (Bonz) approached Jill and gave her one of his huge hugs and lifted her off the ground. He kissed her face and she kissed his. “Jilly ! You are a sight, girl. I’m feeling good here with you in my arms ! So beautiful.” They hugged awhile and she hung on for dear life, since he was so brawny. He liked Jill just so much, because, Reason 1. she was sweet, warm, funny. Reason 2. his girlfriend, Clare talked about Jill in such a positive way and was crazy about her. Reason 3. Jimmy seemed happier than ever, which was quite different to his usual brooding self. Thus causing his life to be easier, in turn.
A moment later, Clare handed Jill a rum and coke with a lime in it, and Jill laughed and thanked her. Such an awesome friend. They clicked glasses, and smiled and drank.  Next Robert came up to Jill and kissed her on the lips and also hugged her, “My darling Jill ! You look as fresh and young as a spring garden !  Such a pleasure to see you ! I’m so glad you’ve come, and finally I can say, you have the cutest accent ever !” And he kissed her briefly on the mouth again, then again on the side of her face. “Rob ! How great to see you too !  It’s so fantastic to be with you all.” she said. While still holding her with both his arms completely around her body, she had her face buried in Robert’s mane of thick blonde curls. He smelled like heaven on earth. He pressed his face close to her ear and said quietly, “Darling, not sure if you know this, but Jimmy is absolutely over the moon for you. I know him very well, my girl, many years. And I know that it’s not his way to put into words, the way that he feels. He usually piles on that crap about how he expresses himself better through playing guitar than he ever could through his mouth. Blah, blah, blah, yeah yeah. Thought you might enjoy hearing how he speaks about you, to us. ”
Jill responded, “Wow thanks, Rob. Thanks for telling me that and I‘m touched to hear it !  You’d be surprised though, Jimmy does pretty well sometimes, describing his feelings.  Just sometimes, though !”
Just at that moment, John Paul and Maureen came walking in. They first went to Jim and hugged him, greeting him a few moments.  Then over to Jill and greeted her.  Maureen held Jill’s two hands and gave her a warm look and a nice embrace. Maureen was very quiet, but also kind and loving. She said, “Jill, give me a call this week, why don’t we get lunch one day ? While my girls are at school.”  Most of the others were seated now, and Clare called, “Jill, come sit by me !” So she did and Jimmy sat on Jill’s other side. There were about twelve of them at the table.  It was an interesting architecture, felt like a ship in there, all wood. There was loud chatting for awhile, as they all caught up. Jimmy had his arm around Jill the entire time and would lean over and kiss her mouth every once in awhile. She loved being against him and just enjoyed his attention and caring.  Soon, the women noticed that the men were talking band business now, and it was getting more serious as time wore on. So Maureen said, “Why don’t we go to the lower level and get our own table for awhile ? They seem to be so involved. We could have our own chance to talk privately.”
So, the women got up and began to leave and Jill kissed Jimmy on the side of his head. She said, “We’ll be right down there talking.” and pointed to the open table she saw down a level. He smiled and nodded and squeezed her hand.
Once the women left, the guys wanted to talk with Jimmy since nobody had really spoken much to him in almost a month.
Bonzo said to him,  “You two are glowing like idiots !  I’m guessing the sex is good, aye ?”
Jimmy responded,  “The word ‘good’ can’t even begin to describe it.  But that’s all I plan to say, and it’s far from any of your business.”
A few of the guys heard that remark and laughed. More drinks came and business was discussed a bit more. Robert was off somewhere, blabbing with folks as per usual.  About ten minutes later, he came back over to the table and placed his hand around Jimmy’s shoulder.
Robert said, “So, Jim, I heard from Bonz that things between you and Jill are going pretty great, in a physical way, huh ?”
Jimmy didn’t answer.  But he did close his eyes, put his open hand against his front left shoulder and rubbed there, a few times. Then drew in a deep breath and let it out heavily. Then he looked down, and a smile came over his face. At that point the whole table just burst out laughing. 
The subject changed to rehearsal dates, concert dates, and they all were quite seriously in focus again for a long while.
The women, down at the table on the lower level, were having plenty of laughs of their own. There were about five or so of them. Clare, Linda, Jill, Maureen, a couple others. Jill went over to the bar and ordered a pitcher of Tequila Sunrises for the table. Jimmy happened to look down there that moment, Jill was on his mind a lot of the time. There was a perfect view to the lower floor from the area which the guys were occupying. 
Bonz was also pretty impassioned with Clare. She was a beautiful, tall brunette with gorgeous amber eyes. And a loving adorable personality to go with it. Men were drawn to her like magnets. As the two enticing young ladies waited for the pitcher of drinks, Jim noticed a couple of strong looking guys behind them, staring and gesturing to each other toward Clare and Jill. So he watched closely for awhile. The two ladies brought the pitcher and glasses to the table and started pouring drinks. Linda said, “Could someone give a toast ?”    Jill said, “Sure.” She put her glass up, they all followed. “A toast to men’s underpants…. they may not be the most tempting thing in the world, but they’re right next to it.” It took a few of them a moment to get it, but soon everyone was laughing. Next, Clare said, “I want to give a toast to Jill. Welcome to England ! And please stay !! We all enjoy you !” after they took a drink, the two big guys from the bar stepped over to the ladies’ table. They wore nice smiles and one approached Clare and one approached Jill. They asked what the occasion was and started some small talk. Clare answered them sweetly, but followed with the fact that they were all there this evening with husbands or boyfriends and sorry, but weren’t available. So the two guys were very nice and polite and wished them a good evening.  After a couple drinks, the table of women started heading back up to the guys. Jimmy was sitting on the bench area of the table, against the wall, and the other guys were all situated near him. When Jill came up there, he got up and walked her the few steps to the place he was sitting and pulled her into his lap. He kissed her mouth several times and held onto her tightly around her waist. Jill had her arm around him and was petting his hair and twirling the ends in her fingers. Jimmy felt really warm and comforted with her against him. He had earlier felt a few pangs of jealousy seeing those guys approach Jill. He didn’t like that, nor did he like that feeling. He decided to let out his thoughts, “Babe, what did those guys want, who came over to you girls ?”
Jill answered, “Uhm,….what do you think they wanted ?  Ok, let’s put it this way, when you’ve been at a pub and walked up to a woman, what was it that you wanted ? “  Jimmy just remained silent.
She continued, “Nothing to worry about, sweetheart. They were just tryin to catch a rap. But Clare told them what was up, so no harm done.  But, later on, if you wish, I can take him down with a poison blow dart to the neck.”
Clare heard that last part and started cracking up. Jimmy started laughing too. Jill said gently to him, “Babe, you don’t need to worry, ok ? I have the most gorgeous, hottest guy on earth here, and I’m not letting go of you. You’re the only man I’m craving. And, …I really mean it.”
Jimmy got a sweet smile on his mouth and Jill kissed him there with a tender wet kiss. And she put her face into his hair and nibbled on his delicious earlobe. That gave him a chill up his spine and he squeezed her really tightly in his lap. He knew he was acting possessively but he also knew he had some issue with insecurity. Jill whispered to him into his beautiful shiny hair, “Darling, when we get home later, I’m going to kiss you all over every inch of your body. I’m crazy about you.” Jimmy just closed his eyes and smiled and smelled her beautiful hair. 
Clare didn’t hear their private conversation, but, she said to them, “Would you two like to come to our place tomorrow afternoon ? We’re going to be having everyone over for a Christmas Eve party with a nice meal and desserts. Why don’t you two talk it over and tell me later.“  They had no plans, so they agreed and were looking forward to it.
On the way home later, Jim said to her, “Would you mind coming with me to visit my mom and dad on Christmas day ? It’s about an hour away. They’re very kind people and would adore meeting you.”
“Of course I would. That’s so sweet. Would love to go. I get shy though. Will they be ok with me being there ?” Jill said.
“Yes, of course they will. I’m not 14, I’m 32. I think they’d be more concerned if I didn’t have any woman in my life.  They’ll be thrilled to see I’m with someone great like you. No pressure. There may be a few other relatives or friends there, not sure,  but they’ll all be happy to meet you, baby.”
Jill still felt nervous to meet them. She knew Jimmy was an only child and that possibly, no one could ever be good enough for their son. But Jimmy wanted her to go and she wanted him to be happy, so why not. She would simply do the best she could. She had nothing to hide or be embarrassed about. If they didn’t like her, that would be their problem.
Next Part 31 :  https://ritacaroline.tumblr.com/post/174877635676/in-the-light-jimmy-page-fan
Chapter Index :
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
immj2 09.04.21 lb
vansh's dumb ass rushing off to that random address he saw. like......... are you even checking on google maps ki kya area hai, is it conducive to having a secret person stashed there as a hostage? pata chala udhar tak pohunch gaye aur ek big bazaar hai.
ishani tripping riddhima as she runs into the house. such middle school bitchidity.
and now some interrogation of really wtf are you and vansh bhai upto all the time, coz no normal ppl can understand wtf your relationship dynamic is anymore.
blah blah some dhamki on dadi ko pata challllllllllll gaya toh??????
idc about this scene except for ishani looking hot af. i love her shirt dress and red lipstick. style icon.
anyway riddhima promises answers in 24 hours and fucks off.
lol vansh reached destination and from the looks of it, it's an empty lot. lmaooooooooooooo, fucking idiot. pehle hi bola tha maine, check kar udhar hai kya.
riddhima meanwhile steals the black box, which changes how it looks every single day.
calls vyom and is like i did my part of the deal, now your turn. they arrange the drop.
lmao vansh comes home to empty safe. follows her as she goes and dumps it in the recycling bins and tells vyom to pick it up.
hoodie waale kisine aake pick up kar diya. which i'm sure is not vyom, but angre/someone else instead.
ew vansh rootin around in the garbage bin for the box. sees it's gone and is all smirkily "INTERESTINGGGGGGG VERYYYYYYYY INTERESTINGGGG" about it. ok either box iske aadmi ne uthaaya hai ya woh asli waala black box nahi tha. warna yeh itna khush nahi hota.
ugh siya is video calling vyom and all WHYYYY CAN'T I COME SEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUU?!?!!? i promiseeeee i won't disturb you while you work, i'll just keep looking at you and listening to you. what the ever loving fuck? behen, the relationship you're describing is the one ppl have with animals in zoos. yuck i actually cannot watch this shit man, i'm fwding.
anyway riddhima walks in hearing his voice from siya's room. ek toh yeh kaun bewakoof hai jo apne secret bf se BINA HEADPHONES ke baat karta hai? ffs, 6th graders doing aashiqui better than these fucks.
riddhima yelling at siya about getting involved with shunya circle zero man, while siya yelling back about how did YOUUUUUU see my earring with him, why are YOUUUU meeting him huh?!!?? and vyom is just there on the call like
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riddhima trying to warn siya ki he's not a good man............. sis kabhi apne relationships ko dekha hai???? you're running on full 100% in the dept. of having romantic relationships with psychopathic men who try to injure/kill you on a weekly basis.
asdkjsakjdhksajdhksajhdkj i honestly am vyom in this sitch, who's enjoying this convo to the maxxxxxxxx. zoom call par baithe kisi aur ke ghar ka kalesh dekhne ka mazzzaaaa hi kuch aur hai.
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angre losing his mind about riddhima stealing the box and vansh is all cool which meansssss........ nakli tha. for sure. shoulda known when we saw it looked diff itself.
lmaooooooooooooooo black box ko orange paint kar ke rakha hua hai iss chutiye ne. and he's bragging about how no one can open it without the key.
meanwhile peeth pe key waali didi andar jhaank ke spying kar rahi hai, as per usual.
kabir over here like main riddhima riddhima chillaaunga, banyaan phaad ke........... guard has had enough of his shit and tells him to stfu.
someone from outside hears this chillam-chilli and calls the police. wow, a responsible citizen, in this show?????????? unbohlievable.
cut to riddhima walking into bedroom (in whole new outfit; huh??? is it a whole other day suddenly?????) which is decorated like a mixture of a grade school on valentine's day + the set of a suhaag raat porno, lmao. husband is also in here, in his red velvet suit, giving her bhaaaaari sex eyes.
riddhima's thinking lagta hai issko pata nahi chala ke maine naak ke neeche se box udaa liya, warne yeh saare phool meri arthiiii pe chadhte.
this b has some nerve talking to siya about her "dangerous relationship" with that shirtless bhopuuuu player when her own husband/said chick's elder brother is a quasi-murderer they live with.
LMAO THEIR WHOLEASS BED IS GONE. ABHI SESK KAHAAN KAROGE? IS CHHOTE SE DINING TABLE PAR? ouff, they must still be in their 20s if they don't require proper lumbar support.
she's all ohohohoho dard bhi tum, dawa bhi tum huh? and he's like yeah babyyyyyyyyyy, coz tum poori ki poori meriiiiiii ho.
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ok the sexy is getting scary now. as is on par with this fucker. never a moment where heart rate can be at resting rate with him. and not in a good way.
she's telling him she wants to tell him something, give him some surprise....... and he's like.... ok? and they slow dance while making shakki faces at each other's back.
kabirrrrrrr stillllllllll screaming for riddhima. guard finally calls her and makes him speak to her. she's like bitch tf you want i was about to get laidddddd.........
kabir suddenly in i love you i love you mode. shady. kal tak toh yeh gaana nahi chal raha tha??? *acp pradyuman hand motion* kuch toh gadbad hai.
whoopsssssssssss, police is here. guard is like fuck someone musta called hearing this dude's ruckus.
kabir is like mwahahahahahaha, your game is over now. police will find meeeeee and freeeeee meeeee.
lmaoooooooooo she talks to the police and says ki woh jo chila raha hai, mera mentally unstable bhai hai, toh bas...... inspector is like SAY NO MORE MA'AM, WE DON'T WANNA CHECK ON THE MENTALLY ILL, THAT'S A YOU PROBLEM, NOT AN US PROBLEM AS A SOCIETY, SO GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR CRAZY BRO, BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
anyway she's like listen up kabir, my deal is over, i'll tell vansh the truth and then you'll be free. so part of the deal with vyom is to keep kabir locked up???????? hein? what even.........
kabir freaking out about riddhima telling vansh the truth, and keeps on saying he'll murder her........ DUDE WHAT THIS SORDID TRUTH ANYWAY IM SO DONE JUST OUT WITH IT ALREADY
vansh comes outta the bathroom shirtless and............... lollipop ladki is here sexily breaking wine glasses in his bedroom. zero boundaries up in this house. NONE WHATSOEVER.
ok sorry i'm not paying attn to anything being said rn coz
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lollipop ladki is like why not we drink from one glass and he's like 🤨🤨🤨
wifey's here to spoil the party.
or to make it better????????? coz lol she's like make it three glasses of wine! won't you invite me to whatever's going on???? she looks waaaay more into lollipop ladki than vansh is, which would be the best possible development to riddhima's character.
vansh like hein aise kaise you stealing girl away from meeeeee, and telling lollipop girl ki why don't you and i just chug from the bottle?
cursory invitation to riddhima too.......... man, why is this giving heavy threesome vibes???
riddhima like "no thanks, mujhe do se zyaada hont ek bottle par achche nahi lagte." alksjdlaskjdlsakjdlsajkdlaksjdlka
vansh: achche toh mujhe bhi nahi lagte.
riddhima: par lagta hai tumhe toh kisi ke bhi chalenge.
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lmaoooooooo now these two are just having their own petty pati-patni fight filled with vague statements about trust and misunderstandings, and lollipop girl is just here like
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precap: riddhima about to tell vansh the whole truth or whatever, when vyom calls and is like wtf you gave me a fake black box. riddhima and vansh are once again fighting about truth and dhoka and like.......... bro. idc anymore. someone take your shirt off to make this worth my while.
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Collide Part 12
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Characters: Dean Winchester x reader, Sam Winchester, CW executives
Rating/Warnings: We’ll call it R for cussing, violence, a little sexual advances.
A/N: Thank you so much for continuing to read this! Let me know what you think!
Collide Master List
Hollygopossum’s Master List
Sam’s point of view
Filing the police report had gone as expected. They weren’t going to worry about it until she had been missing for 24 hours. Y/N was an adult and were we sure that she hadn’t just needed some fresh air? Blah blah blah…
 Dean had fumed silently, letting me handle the methodical police officers involved. It was probably for the best anyway. Dean couldn’t afford to be arrested today. He was already pushing it with the way his fists were clenching so tight that his knuckles turned white. He’d clenched his jaw so many times that I expected to hear teeth cracking to bits in his mouth.
Ditching the Impala hadn’t gone any better. Dean had assured and caressed the hunk of metal until I was red in the face and ready to drag my brother down the street so that we could get this over with. I didn’t like the idea of Clif being involved any more than he did, but in our situation we’d be better of safe than sorry. We had to investigate. We had to collect more information to get the entire picture.
 “She’s fine, Dean, and we’re coming right back.” I grumbled, trying to focus on something other than my brothers inconsistent breathing.
 “Whatever.” He grumbled half-heartedly, his expression that of a petulant child’s as he basically dismissed the whole thing.  I didn’t stop to think about what was going on in that twisted brain of his.
 I rolled my eyes, trying and nearly failing at holding in all the things I wanted to say. Some might be helpful; others were downright hurtful. So I kept my mouth shut for the sake of our well-being and Dean’s sanity.
 We were a block away from our charred home when Dean started to talk to me again. “Hey, Sammy?” Dean’s voice was breathy, but we were walking at a pretty good clip, so I ignored it.
 “The car is fine, Dean.”
 “Yeah, yeah. I know. I was just thinking that she could use an oil change, ya know? And maybe some new spark plugs, she’s kind of lagging lately when I press on the gas…”
 “Yeah, you can fix Baby as soon as we solve this mystery first, okay? So can we focus?” So, I hadn’t been able to hold in my frustration completely. However, I wasn’t too hard on myself. I was convinced that Mother Theresa would have trouble being around Dean 24/7.
 Somehow, I let Dean talk me into splitting up. Unfortunately, it probably had more to do with keeping my cool than any tactical advantage. I’d take the back of the house and he’d take the front. At the time, I figured we’d be a lot quieter separately and cover more ground that way.
 The back of the house was still and covered in a silence that I found hair raising. The house was a charred mess, but everything in the back yard was left untouched. There was something not right about this whole thing. It drove me crazy not to have all of the information, to be going through this blind.
 I didn’t even hear Dean enter the house before he bellowed, “Here I am, you son of a bitch!” My heart dropped to my stomach like lead and I realized instantly that I’d made a grievous mistake. “Come and get me asshole!” I nearly fell over my own legs in my rush to get to Dean who I now saw standing in the middle of our charred home with his arms spread wide. The missing walls the fire fighters had knocked down trying to control the blaze made it convenient that way.
 I didn’t even make it up the stairs, that were strangely untouched by the fire, before two men in black jumped him. I ducked down below the porch, only barely able to see Dean and itching to go to his rescue. But the expression he threw me as he was carried out like a sack of grain stayed me.
 He had planned this all along, the asshole. He’d played on my irritation and used it as a distraction.
 The jackass had planned to be jumped and planned to be taken to where they were keeping Y/N and I could scream! I was so frustrated by my brother’s self-sacrificing assholery. He couldn’t know for sure that he’d be taken to the same place or if they’d even let him live long enough to see her.
 The man had not one self-defensive bone in his goddamned body when it came to people he cared about. If there was a kid in the road in danger of being hit by a car, he’d push that kid out of the way and get himself killed. Hell, he’d probably rescued kittens from trees and old women from being mugged.
 “Shit. Damnit, Dean.” I whispered along with a few more choice words as I tried to get to the Impala as fast as I could while keeping an eye on the white, windowless van that carried my brother away. It was impossible, of course. They were too fast and I wasn’t fast enough. But there was one thing that I knew Dean had been counting on.
 Dean’s POV
It didn’t take them long to drag me from the van after a hugely uncomfortable ride. I think whoever the hell these assholes were had succeeded in hitting every pothole on the way. I felt the hard concrete and patches of grass as I was drug by my arms through a doorway. I sighed because I knew there’d be grass stains all over my jeans. I’d just gotten these comfortably worn in.
 My frown deepened when I felt some of the thinner fabric tear on a sharp corner. The rough feel of concrete rubbing my thigh raw did not make the situation any better.
 I couldn’t see for myself, of course. The dark fabric they’d pulled over my head and tied at the bottom made that a little difficult to do. I could feel my sweat tracking down my face, the humid air making it difficult to breathe a full breath. It was itchy and only made me more irritable than afraid.
 I tried to ignore the erratic, fluttering beat in my chest. It made me feel like something had embedded its hooks into my throat and lodged itself there.
 It was obvious that there was something going on with my heart. What was new? But, if we’d stopped now to address it, we may never have had a chance to find her. My hope was that it would correct itself, like usual.
 Life was a little less horrible when they pushed me into a seated position on a wooden, creaky chair. However, it sucked out loud when they tied my legs and arms to it with the roughest rope possible. Even without any struggle, the material bit into my skin like I was made of dough. I could feel the grimace of distaste stretch across my face.
 “Well, well. If it isn’t Dean Winchester.” The small hands that smoothed over my shoulders and the nails that then raked lightly across my chest gave me the serious creeps, mixing the taste of bile with the salty taste left by my own sweat.
 “Hey, I didn’t sign up to be molested by the world’s biggest douche bag, douche bag. So if you don’t mind keep your fucking hands off me.” I growled out as soon as I could stop gagging, a heavy shiver shaking me down to my bones.
 The punch I knew was coming, but could do nothing to avoid, exploded over my cheek bone like a goddamned firework. I had a moment to check the status of my teeth with my tongue before the blinder was taken off, reflexive tears in my eye.
 “Lori, I knew you’d have something to do with this.” My usual cocky attitude was getting harder and harder to maintain as the pain in my chest spread. It made my voice raspy, rather than the steady tone I was going for.
 “Winchester.” She smiled at me in what I knew she thought of as alluring. It would take a shit ton of whiskey before that became even remotely sexy. “So glad that you’re finally here with us.”
 I was scanning the room, wanting to look anywhere but Lori’s sickly sweet face and to find a way out of here, when I spotted her. The exchange of emotions was dizzying. I felt a second of relief before her appearance filtered through and struck an oxygen depriving blow.
 She was similarly tied to a chair like me, but her chin was resting at an odd angle on her chest. There were scrapes and bruises that looked like she’d put up a hell of a fight.  That’s my girl.
 “What did you do to her?” Internally, I rolled my eyes at myself. I sounded breathy and panicked. Way to bluff your way out of this, Winchester.
 “Don’t worry about, Y/N. She’s just unconscious. For now.” Lori took a dramatic breath before her smile stretched even wider. It was the smile of every fucked up psycho from every horror movie ever made. “But now that we have at least one of the intended audience, we can begin.”
 “Don’t you fucking touch her!”
 “Oh yeah, I’m so intimidated.” Lori rolled her eyes before leaning over to smack Y/N’s cheek hard, the sound echoing in the empty warehouse. “Wake up, pretty! It’s time for the show to begin.”
 Y/N’s y/c/e eyes were glassy as I watched her struggle to focus, a heavy feeling settling in my stomach when I realized that they’d already given her something. “What did you give her?”
 Lori smiled brightly before patting Y/N’s cheek in a disgusting charade of motherly affection. “Just a little of her own medicine.” She pulled a pill bottle out of her pants pocket, the pills rattling together benignly. “They really are hers… I’ve tried this particular brand of sleeping pills, but they just weren’t for me. They were too strong and I felt like I’d never wake up in the morning.”
 So that’s how it was going to go? Desperation gripped me like it never had before. What if Sam had been unable to track my phone? What if I was just signing myself up to watch Y/N die, just like my mother had? “They’ll never believe that she killed herself.”
 “That’s where you’re wrong, baby cakes. Mark has been building a file on her ever since she started at the station. He knew that she wouldn’t have the sack to just stay out of the way. Why do you think he told her everything?”
 My heart gave a particularly vicious pulse that made me cough, a couple of tears of exertion tracking down my face. It was getting even harder to breathe, the first threads of panic started to wind their way through me. I could feel that my hands and feet were cold for more reasons than lack of blood circulation.
 “Did she tell you that your Mom had a choice? That it was her life or Sam’s?” She bent over my chair to talk, her breath washing over my face. The only good point was that this was Hollywood. Of course she had perpetually fresh, minty breath. “So, it’s basically little Sammy’s fault that your Mom was a cold corpse when you got home from little league?”
 I spit with all the moisture I could collect in my mouth, smiling in triumph when she backed away with a shriek. “Sam didn’t give our mother those sleeping pills, you fucking bitch!”
 Lori made a shrill scream of frustration in her throat as she wiped the amalgam of bile and mucous from her face. “No, he didn’t but he might as well have! Your Mom had a choice! She could’ve left with Mark, left her family a little heart broken, but ultimately she would’ve been alive. She chose death instead! She would rather die than live with you as her son!”
 The blow to the stomach pushed all oxygen out of my lungs, causing my chest to burn with renewed vigor. Like someone had thrown acid there. I felt like my body might pull me inward and I would disappear into nothingness. Fuck. Her fist hurt like a bitch to my unguarded stomach, but for once the words hurt more.
 Her voice, even though it was slurred and raspy, cut through the ringing in my ears. It was a fucking balm to my shredded fucking heart to hear her fight through the effects of the drugs they’d already given her. “S’not true. S’not the whole story, Dean.” Through the moisture in my eyes I could see her trying to focus on what she was saying, blinking and swallowing hard. “He t’me. She w’sn’t l’ving alive.” She took a deep breath, her eyes looking a little clearer. “’f she d’dn’t leave w’him.”
 “I know.” I wheezed out, lying through my teeth and trying to smile. Lori didn’t need to see how easily she could tear me apart with just words. “I know. We’re gonna get you out of here, okay? You don’t have to take anything else.”
 Lori’s laugh was maniacal and almost hid the sound of the safety clicking off of the 45 in her grasp. “Well, we can’t get too carried away, but we can have a little fun.” She sat on my lap, careful to avoid my face, as if she knew that I would bite the hell out of her if she got close enough. Her weight and bony ass against my thighs was torture and I could already feel bruises forming. Stupid blood thinners. “We can decide who wants to die first or we could play a little Russian Roulette with this gun. I’ve only loaded one bullet.”
Tagging (Forevers): @perpetualabsurdity, @maileann , @daydreamingintheimpala, @tas898, @gecko9596, @gemini75eeyore, @jotink78, @dancingalone21, @winchesterprincessbride, @sandlee44, @exploratiionist, @arryn-nyxx, @littledarlinhavefaithinme, @tiffanycaruso, @boredoutofmymindstuff, @feelmyroarrrr, @raeganr99, @ruprecht0420, @anokhi07, @letsgetyourdeanon, @sis-tafics, @jensen-gal, @theoneandonlysaucymo, @27bmm, @callmesatansprincess, @hbenth, @atc74, @ryansgirl5509, @mysteriouslyme82, @notnaturalanahi, @keepcalmandcarryondean, @sea040561, @just-another-busy-fangirl, @spn67-sister, @uniquewerewolfsuit, @ria132love, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @pretty-fortune, @butiaintgonnaloveem, @justanotherdeangirl, @weasleywinchester
Tagging (Collide Only): @4401lnc
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