#blended bourbon
bourbontrend · 6 months
Dive into the world of blended bourbon excellence with the 15 STARS journey! 🌟 Discover how tradition meets innovation, and why every sip is a story of American whiskey mastery. Just one taste, and you're part of a legacy. Cheers to exceptional sipping! 🥃 #BlendedBourbon
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Operation Campfire
Part I
"We need to leave."
Quiet and unobtrusive, Akai has slipped up to Rei through the sea of people around them. He really needs to stop doing that; the warm, low voice, barely a whisper in Rei's ear, makes the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
It's not even been twenty minutes. This is going to be a long, long night.
He's lucky the attention of the guests is on the stage; otherwise, someone might notice the flush creeping up his cheeks at Akai's too-close proximity. It's nice, in a way, to know he'll come this close; gods know Akai's not particularly comfortable with most people, prefers to keep his distance. The fact he doesn't, with Rei, in a public space no less, is an admission of their mutual trust.
It's also highly inconvenient, right now, because it sends a shiver down Rei's spine.
He manages to supress the movement, barely, and focuses on the issue at hand. Leaning back against Akai would be very lovely and all, but this is hardly the time nor place for it. He already has a reputation of cozying up to the FBI too much - and that's with his colleagues barely knowing half the things he and Akai have been up to. He can't afford to give them more ammunition.
In fact, he's here tonight for precisely the opposite purpose. He has an image to improve.
It is a little annoying, though. Because it should be their night. Theoretically. The celebration of five long years of undercover work, coming to a successful conclusion. Food and drinks on the house, how lovely.
As it stands, however, being himself would probably be a disaster. He's going to be Amuro, tonight, and he's going to do a lot of networking and very little else.
(They've got their own celebration planned in a couple of days, anyways. Just Hiro, Akai, and himself, on vacation for the first time in years.)
Between an hour of speeches, another hour of rewards for key figures, food and drink and dance, Rei's not particularly looking forward to the night. But he's got superiors to bedazzle, and he's not going to let this opportunity slip through his fingers - especially not for an idiot that hasn't managed to apologize, properly, for trampling all over Rei's feelings.
Akai has certainly tried; has even had flowers delivered to him.
(At least Rei presumes it was him; there's very few people that know his new address, even fewer with reason to apologize, and then there's the fact his mysterious gift giver forgot to sign their name on the accompanying card. Even detective Mouri Kogoro - also present, tonight - could crack this case.
That reminds him- he should toss the dried-up hydrangea into the trash already.)
But at the end of the day, Rei doesn't care for flowers or chocolates or cards. What he really wants is for Akai to suck it up and say the words himself. He knows it's a tall order; after all, it's not like he's apologized for any of the privacy violations - and other assorted crimes - he committed while hunting for Akai.
That was different, though.
Akai setting him up with Hiro was entirely pointless, utterly avoidable. If Akai is worth Rei's time, he'll acknowledge that and apologize properly.
At least, Rei would like to pretend his affections hinge on Akai's words.
Unfortunately, that isn't quite the truth any longer, probably hasn't been in a good long while. Because Akai, stupid, reckless idiot that he is, has wormed his way into Rei's heart. Even if he desperately wishes it weren't so.
He's tried, of course, to exorcise Shuuichi from it, several times in fact. But Akai is burrowed in too deep, nestled into Rei's weak spot; unless he wants to rip himself apart in the process, there's no getting rid of him that easily. And that's if Rei could even bring himself to want to do that. Which he doesn't.
They've grown too close, entwined with one another. Relying on each other.
And were it a matter of life and death, he'd go with Akai in a heartbeat.
(Considering its rabbit-quick palpitations in the FBI agent's proximity, that would be rather fast, these days.)
Right now, however, Akai's still projecting calm.
Not that he ever shows many signs of distress, generally too in control of himself. A useful trait, in their line of work - but somewhat inconvenient if one cares about this idiot. It's for the best, then, that Rei has become quite adept at reading even the smallest cues Akai lets slip through the crack. He's not impossible to read, especially up close.
(Close enough that his concealed gun presses into Rei's flank. His breath hitches at the realization.)
He takes a moment to fiddle with the folds of his suit jacket, to make sure it hides his own shoulder holster adequately. A feeble attempt to calm himself.
Akai's presence demands too much of his attention.
He's barely moving at all, even his breathing tightly controlled. Rei's sure if he looked back, he'd see the muscles of Akai's lovely neck pulled taut, his eyes sharp and unyielding. But given that he's chosen to stand in a way that would make it hard for him to draw his weapon, there's nothing to worry about - not yet, at least.
Knowing Akai, it's very possible he just doesn't like how many people have gathered here, tonight.
(A sentiment Rei shares, after too much time spent in the shadows.)
In the end, however, it's just a party. And one with such a high percentage of law enforcement attendants that it would be utterly stupid to try any funny business tonight.
(Rei tries to ignore that this would also make it an appealing target for anyone with a grudge against the police.)
He's not about to let Akai (or a hypothetical terrorist) ruin his career opportunities.
His answer, thus, remains firm.
Still, he can't help wondering what has Akai so wired. If there's something to worry about, he probably needs to know.
"What's wrong?" Rei mouths, barely a sound passing from his lips. He stares ahead to the podium, pretending to listen to the speech Kuroda's giving at the moment.
"Several people have been staring at you and me - including your subordinate, for the last twenty minutes. And I'm not supposed to cause trouble, tonight", Akai mumbles, too soft and too close.
If he keeps speaking like that, it's going to be trouble, alright.
Rei grits his teeth. Resists the urge to draw him in close. Akai can damn well protect himself, if need be.
"At least half the people in this room have read your dossier. I would be more surprised if they didn't stare at you, Silver Bullet."
He tries for dismissive, but the nickname flows from his lips too easily, too affectionately. Rei can't help it. His feelings bleed out of him, whenever he's not careful enough - a circumstance with historical prevalence, in Akai's presence.
Still, he'll humour Akai and assess the situation. Looks around, pretending to look for a waiter, a guise to survey the room.
He doesn't get far.
His gaze gets caught on Shuuichi, for what must be seconds at most, though they feel like an eternity. On the smile, soft and private and barely noticeable, the warmth mirrored in the creases around his eyes. He should be doing something else, but it's hard to look away, when Rei knows he caused this look, that the fondness is meant for him.
(It's the look usually reserved for Akai's family. The thought makes Rei nauseous.)
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, before he does something very, very stupid.
Because Akai doesn't look like his dossier's picture, tonight. He looks even better.
Akai must have slept more, recently, to reduce the bags under his eyes. Someone, presumably Kudo Yukiko - because Rei refuses to believe Akai's managed it himself - has dressed him up appropriately for the gala, too - he's wearing a navy-blue suit over a cream turtleneck sweater. His hair has been slicked back; his curls forced into a short ponytail by a silver ribbon. And if Rei's not mistaken, Akai's even wearing a bit of eyeliner that defines his already sharp eyes in even starker lines.
He's stunning, like this. Anyone with a pair of working eyes would be drawn to him.
Like hell Rei's going to tell him that, though.
Instead, he will use a different outlet for the emotions that are threatening to boil over within - Kazami.
He finds his associate in the crowd easily enough, staring intently at the pair of them, just as Akai had described. Rei's learned from the best; despite the brilliant smile, the glare he gives his subordinate is positively murderous.
Kazami flushes, coughs into his fist, and finally has the decency to look away. Rei will need to ask later why his subordinate thought it a good idea to leave his manners at home when attending such a prestigious gathering.
By his side, he can feel Akai relax a bit, a warm breath released past his ear. It's all the thanks Rei knows he'll get for the sniper to squeeze his arm, once, before he disappears back into the crowd.
(Where Akai touched him, the warmth lingers.)
Rei goes to find himself that waiter. He needs a drink, or maybe two.
While he's sipping his champagne - one of the few drinks left without that certain bad aftertaste - several people are called to the stage to receive their accolades.
It stings to know neither himself nor Akai will be called there tonight, despite their contributions.
It makes sense; what they did does not belong into the light. If their deeds were exposed, the public would see just how ugly and dirty and bloodstained public safety's hands really are. Better to keep it hidden.
Because even their peers, so many of which are here tonight, those that should understand, often don't. Rei has seen the looks people give him. Some of his superiors have been away from field duty for too long.
(Have forgotten when the ends justify the means.)
He's made sure to document every crime he committed, to send the reports to the higher-ups on a regular basis. And yet they left him to his own devices, offered no support or advice when he reported extortion and murder, torture and theft and arson.
(Before Kazami became his contact, communications had been so spotty he'd laid awake some nights, wondering whether they'd just leave him to die alone if he needed extraction. Wash their hands off him.)
Now, for the first time in years, he'd been face to face with his superiors during the post-takedown interviews - though they would be better described as interrogations, really, questioning his motives and loyalties.
In their quest to understand what happened, they'd pried apart every last reason, every justification he gave for his actions, the legitimacy of every injury he'd sustained. After lying for his survival for so long, he'd been afraid, for a moment, to be truthful with them - but there could never be absolution for his crimes, if he kept them locked up in his mind. So he'd laid it all out for them.
Had watched them pale as he described cutting off a young woman's fingers to send them to her husband. Had heard them swallow at the illegal pornographic materials he'd found on the laptop of a prestigious prosecutor, used for blackmail.
(Had seen the fear in their eyes, quite clearly. They must have thought he was a monster.
And some days, Rei's sure that they are onto something. He wouldn't change a thing, but still his deeds keep him up at night.)
In the end, they found nothing to fault him for. Pardoned his crimes, even if they weren't pleased about it. Awarded him with the honours he was due - the medal he's wearing pinned to his chest today a symbol of his service to the country he loves so much.
(Part of him wonders, can't help it, really, whether they'd ripped him apart just as much if he didn't look like he was a foreigner in his own country.
The rejection burns, bile rising in his throat.)
Maybe Akai was right. They should've just left right at the start. Then he wouldn't have to listen to those who fought and lived, nor the remnants of those who fought and lost.
Why is he doing this to himself? It's only dredging up bad memories he's trying to leave behind.
For a moment, he considers finding Akai and ditching the gala right there and then. But wherever he ran off to, Rei can't find him while his resolve wavers.
With a sigh, he resigns himself to the long night ahead.
He empties his glass in time for Hiro to be summoned to the stage.
It's not a surprise to hear his best friend's name be called, they knew ahead of time, but it still drives home just how different their lives turned out, in the end.
Hiro is a killer just the same, after all, but by being removed from active duty for a few years that somehow become palatable. They've made him out to be a survivor, a hero - the poster child for the kind of brave young officers the PSB needs to take on the difficult missions.
(Young and enthusiastic, because without their fervour, the work would break them.)
Even though Rei tries, he can't help but envy Hiro's moment in the spotlight.
(They should stand up there, together. Them, and three others that lost their lives in the line of duty already. It was always supposed to be the five of them.)
Rei hates himself for it.
It's not like Hiro's basking in the limelight. His smile is strained, his words curt, as he's thanked for his service. Somehow his attitude is understood as professional, instead of rude - the benefits of his cool smile, Rei supposes. But even if his best friend can fool the audience, Rei knows Scotch when he sees him.
(It's a small consolation to see that Hiro, too, has been changed by what they've been through. Rei clings to the connection, painful as it is.)
It's over fairly quickly, thankfully.
Hiro brushes past his proud older brother's congratulations, and instead finds Rei, wordlessly grabs the drink saved for him.
Time crawls and drags. More people go up, give a little speech of their own, step back down again. Their faces blur together.
Hiro bumps his shoulder, gently reminding him of the present, his presence.
The doom and gloom permeating the room is poisonous. Here Rei is, being envious of his best friend, when it's a miracle he's standing there at all. How stupid. Things could've gone bad so easily, but they made it through alive, and that's worth something.
He leans back against Hiro's shoulder, focuses on his best friend's breathing.
When the ceremony is finished, it's time to do what Rei's come for - socialize, improve his standing. He's doing what he can in the office, but to limited effect, since he still spends a lot of time on field investigations. His identity might no longer be a national secret, but he's missed afterwork beers a few times too many. His colleagues treat him as other, despite his best efforts.
He'll just need to show them that he's human, too.
(Even if he can't show his true self.)
Rei could probably go at it alone, but he's used to two-person jobs - briefly, he wonders which tropical island Vermouth is enjoying her pardon on, is glad she hasn't sent a postcard - and Hiro's agreed to be his back-up. Probably for the best, considering how the night went, thus far.
If he wasn't a decently capable sniper, Hiro would have made a good intelligence officer for the organisation as well.
The amount of intel they gathered because calm and collected Scotch didn't take sides, knew to listen and offer insightful advice, was a little insane. The organisation never expected his betrayal, until it was too late (and even then, Rei vividly recalls Chianti pissing off Gin when she insisted that surely Scotch wasn't a rat - one of the few sources of amusement, in those trying times). Charismatic enough to get even the ice-cold grim reaper to thaw - that's his best friend.
And some of the familiarity they're trying to reclaim is still there, because they slip into their masks effortlessly, side by side. Fall into their old patterns.
Between Scotch's dry wit, and Amuro's dazzling charm, very few people manage to avoid the conversational vortex that sucks them in, spits them out with an improved opinion of agents Furuya and Morofushi.
A compliment about an officer's subtle earrings here, 'heartfelt' congratulations for the graduation of a colleague's daughter from a prestigious university there - after years of depending on highly sensitive intel, it's laughable how easily these people can be won over with the information they volunteer on their social media profiles.
In the ebb and flow of conversations, Rei makes sure they don't stay past the small talk, lest they reach actually interesting or even controversial topics. Usually, this is fine - people are looking to celebrate, not form meaningful connections. But every single one of them wants to toast with him, and there's too many detectives around, so Rei actually takes a sip when they ask him to.
It's been a while since he drank that much, and he probably shouldn't have.
It starts out innocently enough. The young woman talking to their latest mark seems vaguely familiar, though Rei can't quite place her.
They chat, for a while, about nothing of importance, when finally, they reach the dreaded stage of meaningful conversation. They should dip, but her enthusiasm is helplessly charming, provide an easy in with their target. Rei can't help but want to indulge her, nudging Hiro to stay a little longer. It's nice when others do his job for them.
"It makes me so happy, to see the case that took my partner finally laid to rest. Were you part of the final operation?"
Of course, the question isn't unexpected. Rei's prepared a variety of different answers for why he's here, depending on who's asking. Unfortunately, he makes the mistake of really, truly, looking at the woman.
He freezes, his mind caught on all the things he can't ever tell her.
Because Rei's never seen her in person before, but he knows her. Showed shots of her picking up their kids to her husband, in a last-ditch effort to finally get him to break. The man hadn't.
Instead, he had quietly and resolutely told Rei he'd rather die, now, than drag his family into it.
Bourbon had given him what he'd asked for.
All he sees is the concrete cellar, monochrome but for the blood splattering on the floor and Bourbon's gloves, white fabric stained crimson. The smell of iron and gunpowder rises from the cold, hard, gun in his hand.
He blinks.
Thankfully, Hiro notices his stupor and steals the woman's attention away to cover for him, but they cut the conversation short after that, regardless.
Rei hurriedly removes his gloves, tosses them into the trash on their way out.
"What was that?" Hiro asks, when they're out of earshot of the woman, heading to one of the lesser-used employee bathrooms. His best friend is projecting calm, but the last syllable came out too sharp - he's clearly concerned.
"It's nothing to worry about."
Hiro, unfortunately, has never been particularly inclined to believe Rei when he lies straight to his face.
"You blanked out for half a minute and started shaking."
Okay, so, Rei doesn't remember that part, but he was a little preoccupied at the time.
"She caught me unaware. It won't happen again."
His best friend checks the bathroom stalls to make sure they're empty, puts a 'cleaning in progress' from the supply cabinet on the door. Pats the spot next to himself on the counter, and gives Rei a long look.
Hiro's voice is soft and gentle, as if speaking to a spooked animal, and that really is the worst. Rei could resist anger and accusations, but genuine concern? Not a chance.
"Sometimes I get flashbacks. Short ones, but vivid. Started when you were gone. They haven't happened in a while, so I thought it was over."
It's an uncomfortable relief to finally tell someone, like removing a splinter from a wound - it still bleeds, but unless it's done, he can't ever heal. Rei would much rather not have divulged it, at least not right here and now, but his best friend is persistent - it's easier to just tell him what he wants to know, before he launches a full-on cross-examination. Besides, Rei's known for a while it needed to be addressed; he's lucky the episodes haven't happened in a situation that cost him dearly, thus far.
(And that Hiro was there to bail him out, tonight.)
"What kind of flashbacks?"
Rei winces and rubs his temple. Tries to shake off the memory.
"Usually harmless. Sometimes traumatic."
Hiro has entered the stage of damage assessment, and it's unlikely he'll stop before he's satisfied.
"Visual? Auditory?"
"All senses."
Hiro pinches the bridge of his nose.
"And this has been going on for years now?"
It's a rhetorical question, but at this point Rei might as well indulge him.
Hiro sighs.
Rei's just glad the dissection has stopped, momentarily.
"You should really talk about this with someone. A professional, preferably." That much is expected. Rei knows he should, hasn't done so for a very simple reason - it might get him disqualified from field duty. If he was ever constrained to a desk job, he would simply shrivel up and die.
He's sure the aversion is clearly visible on his face.
"I'll take that as a no. Have you tried talking to Akai?" That suggestion, at least, is novel, albeit utterly stupid.
"He has the emotional intelligence of a starfish, why should I bother?"
Rei knows that assessment is a little unfair, but even if Akai's not utterly hopeless, his inability to communicate what he actually means results in just about the same outcome.
(Not that Rei's any better, most days.)
Hiro smiles at him, too knowing. 'Because you like him, and there's a very short list of people that applies to', Rei can almost hear him say.
There would be no arguing with that, even if Rei sure as hell would try. Instead, Hiro finds a different way to casually knock the breath from his lungs.
"Give him a chance. He might understand."
They rest up for a couple minutes, grab a breath of fresh air, and then return into the fray.
It's probably no use to try and bedazzle more people; Rei's tired, woozy, and he's all but exhausted the list of officers that are likely to influence the office climate. Still, there's one last thing he should be doing tonight, to improve his image.
Not his favourite part of the night, and he really can't afford to jinx it by asking if things could go any worse.
As it is an international gathering, there's a section of the facility sectioned off with a live band, providing an improvised dance floor. Amuro, a 'proper gentleman', should let himself be seen on it. There's always a surplus of women who wish to dance on these occasions, and indulging a few is an easy way to earn good will.
Still, he'd really rather not.
His apprehension isn't for lack of competence.
Years ago, in an unlikely team-up, Rye and Vermouth taught him the basics of ballroom dancing for a mission (the fact the sniper knew how to do that really should've been an indication he wasn't as American as he had claimed). Their lessons had been more enjoyable than Rei had anticipated - mostly because he got to step on Rye's toes whenever he felt like it. It was quite satisfying to feel the sniper tense in his arms, trying not to flinch.
(And more pleasurable than he cared to admit, at the time, to get to hold Rye, pressed close, taut but compliant, moving only at Rei's behest. Their clothes soaked through with sweat-)
Rei slams the lid on that memory before it starts burning. They really like to cling to him today, huh.
In the end, Rei picked up dancing without much issue. Would even say he enjoys it, sometimes.
No, the problem is simply that it feels wrong to let someone into his personal space.
Rei's a very in-your-face kind of fighter, but he likes to controls the ebb and flow of the exchange through aggression. He doesn't stay close to give his opponent an opportunity to get back at him.
Years undercover have taught him that while more than an arm's length of distance doesn't guarantee his safety, at the very least it gives him time to react. To willingly allow someone to be close to him is utter insanity, and uncomfortably intimate in a way he shouldn't ever be, with strangers.
Furthermore, dancing will mean splitting up from Hiro (unless they want to cause a scandal, and that's not the kind of publicity they want to generate tonight). Rei's already slipped up once tonight, would rather like to avoid a repeat performance.
Even if he wanted to, though, Hiro wouldn't be available. Because Akai has noticed them approach the dancefloor.
Rei's caught only glimpses of him throughout the evening, hiding in the shadows and scaring people off with a glare so grim it justified the reaper nickname all on its own.
But that darkness falls from his face as he's making his way over to the pair of them, eyes bright in the dimly lit area. It's like seeing the sun rise from behind the clouds, and Rei's definitely not staring at him, ignoring whatever Hiro just said.
For a moment, Rei gives himself over to the delusion that Akai is coming over, looking all eager like that, to ask him for a dance. Rei would have to decline, of course, because of they aren't alone, but still. It would be nice to be asked, to be wanted, by Akai, for real this time.
(When Akai doesn't bother with any of the women that give him longing looks.)
The closer the FBI agents gets, though, the more Rei feels like an idiot.
Because Akai's grin means trouble, and it's not reassuring in the least that it's directed at Hiro.
(Rei tries to push down the stupid spike of jealousy; he's very much aware, after all, that Akai's not interested in his best friend. He's only partially successful, but Amuro's smile withstands his inner turmoil.)
"Agent Morofushi, would you care to join me for a glass of scotch?"
That can't be good. The bar doesn't serve hard liquor.
By his side, Hiro straightens, picking up the very same threat to public safety. His best friend addresses the arising problem the way he does best, with a smile. Whatever Akai is up to needs to be contained, or at least supervised, as they're both well aware.
"Of course, agent Akai. If you'll excuse me, Furuya, I'll be right back."
"Is now a bad time, agent Furuya?"
At this point, he'll take anyone other than the cadet that seems like she's barely more than half his age, fluttering her fake eyelashes coquettishly. Even if he was interested in women - and if there wasn't already someone holding his heart hostage - her high-pitched voice, needily whining for his attention, couldn't be further from his type.
"Pardon me, miss." He doesn't even remember the girl's name, couldn't care less, and turns to look at his saviour. Barely manages to keep his poker face in time to not falter under a steely stare. "I promised officer Satou a dance earlier."
When it rains, it pours.
Still, she extends a hand to him, so, as Rye taught him so graciously several years back, he accepts and leads her to the floor, in time for a slow waltz to begin. Officer Satou may appear brash, but when dancing, her confidence is an asset. She follows his movements without much issue.
"You're a difficult man to get a hold of, agent Furuya."
She just has to rub it in every time she sees him, to show that she had the right hunch all along. Annoying, but respectable. If she wasn't happily engaged to a detective of the homicide unit, he would have tried to recruit her already.
"I'm quite busy, as I'm sure you understand."
She nods, briskly, swaying through the sea of bodies around them. At least with the slow tempo of the dance, they're unlikely to waltz straight into someone - or, more likely, have someone waltz up to them.
"Aren't we always?"
Her rhetorical question doesn't need an answer, but he replies in kind, weaving around a couple to turn a corner.
"You still owe me that talk - don't think I've forgotten your promise."
Rei hasn't. He has, however been conveniently too occupied to think about trying to schedule it. Even if he can bring Hiro for back-up, it's sure to rip open old wounds. He's not looking forward to it.
(But Matsuda's and Date's friends deserve better, from him. He hasn't even asked Hiro, because that would make it official. He should. He will.)
He nods.
"Relax. I know now is neither the time nor the place to discuss it, so don't worry about it, for tonight."
They effortlessly avoid collision with a pair of drunken dancers, swaying out of tune and out of lane. Rei doesn't let go of a relieved breath, but it's a damn near thing.
"If you say so, then I shan't."
She smiles, past him.
"Good. Instead, you will give me your address, so I can send you a wedding invitation. Takagi and myself are getting married in autumn."
Rei stiffens, loses his rhythm. Why would they want him there? It makes no sense. He should decline.
Amuro smiles, because that's the appropriate reaction to such an event, right? "I appreciate the thought-"
She interrupts him, drags him out of the way of a tumbling dancer.
"Don't you dare think for even a second about rejecting this offer. You owe me, and we owe you. You come, and we'll call it even. Don't make me go through your superiors - I will, if I have to."
Her face hardens.
"Besides, the kids will be there. They've been asking about you."
Just because Rei knows she's guilt-tripping him, doesn't mean it's not working.
She doesn't have to specify which kids - there's only one group of elementary school students that runs into the pair of homicide detectives often enough to be invited to their wedding. Really, them being there should be an argument against agreeing to come - the kids only ever knew him as Amuro, and, statistically speaking, people don't tend to like Furuya Rei much when they've met one of his disguises first.
He's intimately familiar with how it feels to lose a friend, though. Elena's disappearance still hurts, some nights, and he wouldn't wish that pain upon anyone else.
And while they are certainly a lot to handle, and a little annoying at times, it was kind of nice to spend time with the detective boys. Unlike his regular life, their cases were mostly harmless and quick to solve, and hey, that one time he even got to punch an ass.
A welcome break.
Rei finds himself smiling without really meaning to. Is horrified and delighted at once to find it's genuine.
The waltz has ended, and officer Satou looks at him expectantly. It's not like she's given him much of a choice, but he still waits a moment, considers his options.
Does he want to anger Satou Miwako? There's probably smarter uses of his time.
Though he doesn't feel like he owes her, she's raised a good point. Maybe it would even be nice. Weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions, right? He needs more of those in life. Maybe he gets to be selfish for once, accept a good thing.
It breaks something within him, to accept without putting up much of a fight.
(But it's too nice, this feeling of being wanted somewhere.)
"I will let you know where to drop the letter off."
He might have surrendered to her, but he's not giving up his home adress. Doesn't want her to be able to just show up, unannounced.
She smiles at him, like the cat that caught the mouse, even though he's only agreed to receive the invitation, not to show up.
He'll try, though.
"Good. Feel free to bring a plus one."
Rei doesn't see Hiro and Akai for about an hour.
The longer they're gone, the more restless he gets - the last time he only heard Akai's grin, and then the guy showed up with a rocket launcher to shoot down a submarine. It's a show of confidence and bad ideas and he's way too tired to deal with the fallout at this hour.
Rei's on his fourth glass of champagne, his feet hurt from running around all evening and then dancing for an hour, he's sweaty, the air's too stale-
Sudden cold drenches him, gives him barely enough time to brace himself before Mouri Kogoro, who just spilled his wine all over his dress shirt, crashes into Rei.
Maybe he's had a few too many of his own; because his first instinct is to reach for his gun and get the guy to back off, then demand damages for Bourbon's ruined suit.
(Bourbon doesn't exist anymore, never existed in the first place.)
A hand wraps around his wrist, presses it down over his heart, stopping Rei from completing the draw just in time. He struggles against it for a moment, then shoots a dirty look over his shoulder. Of course it's Akai who's holding him down, steadfast as ever.
Rei still tries to resist, for the sake of it.
Once, twice.
Akai's not budging an inch.
(A cold shiver runs down Rei's spine, quickly followed by a hot flush of arousal. Damn Akai, and his everything.)
"Causing trouble without me?" Akai's infuriating smirk is way too close, and definitely not helping to calm down the situation.
At least it's distracting.
Rei can think of at least six different methods to wipe that stupid smile off Akai's face, including, but not limited to, breaking his nose. Doesn't need his hands for that - he could just headbutt him, no problem.
Getting his head close to Akai's also appears in some of the other ideas. Most concerningly of which: he would really like to kiss the smile away.
His heart beats quicker, trapped as he is by Akai, is trying to free itself from Rei's chest and reunite with the one who holds it in his grasp.
(Can Akai feel his pulse? Can he tell what it means?)
Shit. Definitely too much alcohol.
People are staring at them - too many officers keenly attuned to the bloodlust that filled the small space between the four of them for a moment. Hiro appears from wherever he was hiding to pry Mouri off Rei, hold him steady.
Akai tugs his wrist down, insistently. Lets go disappointingly quickly, once Rei relaxes the grip on his weapon.
(Instead of disappearing, Akai's warmth seeps into Rei's heart, burns him from within.)
He keeps his mouth shut. There's too many stupid things he could say right now that would ruin all his efforts of the night.
Instead of his gun, Rei draws a handkerchief, uses it to dab at the wine stain rather ineffectively. That shirt is thoroughly ruined. Well. Maybe their cleaner can salvage it.
"Detective Mouri, are you alright?"
The high-pitched voice promises an earlier onset of the headache Rei's sure to receive come tomorrow morning. Great. Who let officer Yamamura attend this gathering?
"I am perfectly fine, thank you very much", is what Rei can make out from Mouri's slurred speech (and even that only because Rei spent way more time than he would have liked around the miserable creature that is the detective).
"I think you've had quite enough, sir. Why don't you head home?" While he says it to Mouri, it's clear from the sharp look Hiro gives Rei that it's mostly addressed to him.
"We'll settle this tomorrow." Rei manages to tone his glare down to frigid instead of murderous, and turns on his heel.
He's not willing to deal with any more of this nonsense, tonight.
"Do you need a change of clothes?" Akai asks, keeping pace with Rei without issue. Long-legged bastard.
Rei, of course, has planned for this eventuality, but he really can't be bothered with dressing up again for an encore of that performance. No, it's time to go home and rest. He's earned it. Though...
Akai looks at him, deadpan. "No. The ones I stole from Kuroda, obviously."
Rei gives him a dirty look. "You think you're so funny, huh?"
They make their way to the garage downstairs, on foot.
"Positively hilarious, I've been assured."
"Whoever told you that, you'll want to get your money back from them."
Akai laughs quietly while he rummages through the trunk of his obnoxious red mustang. It's a lot fuller than Rei remembers, brown boxes of some kind stacked in it that he doesn't remember seeing before.
He'll need to ask Akai about them later, but for now, he has other priorities.
The stain is cold and wet and irritating. He really wants to get out of the soiled clothes. Hm. The trunk lid should offer enough protection from the cameras...
Rei starts stripping.
And if he's taking his sweet time, putting on a little show, well. Akai's the one who ran around all evening looking like he wanted to be eaten alive. It's only fair Rei pay him back in kind.
It's not like they haven't seen each other half-naked a dozen times before.
It's the cold night air that causes goosebumps to form on his skin. Not Akai looking at him more hungrily than that one time they shared Rei's bento.
He expects to have his change of clothes handed to him by the time he's done, but since that's not the case, he extends a hand. As flattering as it is to catch Akai staring, green eyes burning bright in the night, Rei's still freezing.
"I'm cold, Akai."
Taking his cue, Akai hands his clothes over.
"And clearly inebriated."
Rei slips into the too-large tank top, doesn't bother with the shirt. Opts instead for the cozy sweater. Much better. He hugs the fabric to his chest.
"Tipsy, at most."
Akai gives him a long-suffering look. What's with people seeing through him, today?
"Rei. Do you mind if I drive you back?"
Akai's eyes burn with undisclosed emotions. At least Rei hopes he's not looking too deep into it, again. But Shuuichi seems painfully sincere, sombre, asking for permission - when really, it should be Rei asking for a ride, should thank him for offering.
The house of cards stacked against him all evening crumbles under the weight of Akai's look. God. Rei just wants to rest, nestled into the sniper's side, while he looks at Rei like that. Talks, as if he matters. Holds him tight.
Akai gets up, takes a step closer.
"You know the way, don't you?"
It should be casual, carelessly callous, but it comes out too soft, instead. An admission of familiarity. He's given Akai the keys to where he's most vulnerable, because he trusts Akai won't abuse that privilege.
The word is small and breathless between them. So simple, and yet.
Rei lets the shiver run its course through him, this time. It's too late to pretend he isn't affected. Even if he can't bring himself to say the words, maybe Akai will understand if Rei just stops suppressing what he feels.
Akai closes the gap between them, wraps his arms around him. Rubs his back, pressure gentle through the knit fabric. How does he still think Rei's cold, when he's been set on fire? Idiot.
He melts into the embrace, warmth seeping through the suit's thin fabric. Takes a deep breath of the smoke and sweat and sandalwood that make up Akai's scents, today. Holds him too tight, creasing the suit.
Neither of them cares.
"Take me home, Akai."
Rei drifts in and out of consciousness on the way back, Akai's steady driving lulling him to sleep. He doesn't bother trying to resist his body's demands.
A cool breeze stirs him awake, as Akai opens the window and slides his keycard for the underground parking lot across the scanner.
He parks in Rei's space, and is left waiting.
And waiting.
Cozy as he is, covered by Akai's suit jacket for further insulation, Rei's not particularly inclined to move. At the prospect of getting out of the car and climbing three flights of stairs, a groan escapes him.
Akai's observing him, critically.
"Will you be alright by yourself?"
If he's being honest, Rei's doesn't feel all that drunk. He should grab a snack before bed and a painkiller in the morning, then he'll be good.
"Most likely, yes."
And that's it, isn't it? Akai's fulfilled his duty, and now he'll be off to his own home. The thought leaves Rei cold.
"What about you?" he finds himself asking, doesn't want Akai to go just yet. Besides, he's genuinely concerned; Akai's been taut as a wire most of the evening.
The FBI agent sighs, deep and long-winded. Tension bleeds out of him with every breath.
"Too many people. But I'll be fine."
He doesn't look fine. Looking into his eyes from up close, Rei sees, surprise surprise, how tired Akai looks. It's been a long day, an even longer night, and it's probably only his stubbornness that keeps him from falling asleep in the car.
He shouldn't have driven Rei around, like this. Should've headed home, himself. This is Rei's fault, and he doesn't like owing self-sacrificial idiots anything.
There's a very simple way to pay Akai back for his kindness.
(A very selfish way.)
It's nothing unusual. They've done this a dozen times over, locked up together, so Rei might as well ask.
Rests his hand tentatively over Akai's, still on the gear stick, to test the waters. He counts it as a win when the agent doesn't flinch, only looks away.
"Akai. Would you like to stay the night?"
(Rei knows how bad Akai's insomnia gets on a good day. And if today's interactions have rattled him, he can hazard a guess as to how bad off Akai will be.)
It's only payback. Nothing more.
His heart beats quicker in objection.
Akai moves his hand under Rei's, and for a split second, he fears he's pushed the other too far.
Relief floods him, when the other agent simply turns his hand around, laces their fingers together. Akai's grip would be enough to break his bones, if he tried; but he's just holding him, firm and steady.
Akai sighs softly in the space between them. Finally, he looks at Rei again. There's fear in Akai's eyes, fear and hunger and restlessness and the emotions are switching up faster than Rei can read them.
They settle, eventually, on longing. Rei shivers under their intensity.
A smile blossoms on his face, but he's seen Akai's idiocy from up close one too many times to trust it just yet.
"Will you?"
Just because he wants something, doesn't mean Akai will permit himself to follow that impulse, self-sacrificial bastard that he is.
(It takes one to know one.)
"Are you requesting I stay?"
Rei doesn't even pretend to consider his options. This is an opening, and while it's unclear whether Akai feels exactly the same way, the comfort they feel in each other's presence is very real. It will have to be enough, for now.
His answer comes a little too quickly, too eagerly.
"If you promise to shower."
Akai squeezes his hand.
Before he shoos the agent into the bathroom ("You're my guest, you're showering first."), Rei tugs at the ribbon, releasing Akai's curls. He ruffles his stupidly gelled-back hair, just on this side of roughly. There. That's much better. He wasn't quite looking like himself, before.
"Don't forget to wash your hair, too."
[03:57] Morofushi Hiromitsu: He got you home safe?
[04:04] Furuya Rei: Yes.
[04:04] Morofushi Hiromitsu: Let me guess. He's still there?
[04:06] Furuya Rei: ...yes.
[04:06] Morofushi Hiromitsu: Good luck.
[04:06] Furuya Rei: It's not like that.
[04:07] Morofushi Hiromitsu: Sure.
[04:10] Furuya Rei: You get home safe, too.
[04:11] Morofushi Hiromitsu: Eh, I'm still catching up with Micchan.
[04:17] Morofushi Hiromitsu: This bar is kinda seedy though, if I disappear, start your search here.
[Morofushi Hiromitsu has shared his location.]
He could get used to seeing Akai's shoes, neatly set side by side with his own.
Akai's jacket, draped over the kitchen chair.
The smell of smoke, lingering in his flat.
Akai, undressing in his bathroom.
Akai, waiting in his bed.
Akai, freshly showered, flushed and slightly damp, still-
By the time he emerges from the shower, the edge taken off a little, Rei has managed to put himself back together, somewhat.
The fresh clothing helps. At least he's physically presentable. Mentally...
They've done this before. There's no need to be nervous.
Except there's a shift that makes all the difference. Before, there was always plausible deniability. One of them half-asleep, injured, otherwise unwell. Fine, Rei's a little drunk, but Akai came here of his own, free will.
God. Rei hopes Akai wants this, too, isn't just going along with his selfish desires.
His stupid heart panics, beating a staccato rhythm. If this goes on, he'll need to see a physician. Or maybe that therapist Hiro suggested.
Damnit. He's an adult and in control of his impulses. He can share a bed with Akai. It will be fine. They'll lay side by side, like responsible adults. He didn't buy the double bed with Akai in mind, but there's enough space for the two of them. They won't even need to touch.
He wants to, though. Badly. Shuuichi's so warm, so lovely to hold. If only Rei had never touched him. He can't ever go back to not knowing the smoothness of Akai's skin, the softness of his hair.
Shit. He's getting too worked up.
Rei grabs two glasses of water from the kitchen, and heads over to the bedroom.
(There's too much space for just himself. It's nice that he's not alone, tonight.)
He pushes down the bedroom door handle with his elbow, balancing the glasses, tries to be quiet. It's unlikely, but he was gone for quite a while, and if by some miracle Akai's already asleep, he wouldn't want to wake him.
The bed is empty.
Panic spears through Rei, freezes him in the doorway. Did Akai hear him in the shower after all? He wasn't that loud, right-
With a creak, the balcony door opens, and Akai pads back in, the smell of smoke intensifying. Ah. He was being mindful of Rei's house rules.
So considerate it makes his heart hurt.
The poor thing is working overtime as it is. It's highly unfair that with dishevelled hair and wearing an oversized pyjama, Akai looks so overwhelmingly cute. Rei wants to drag him into bed and eat him alive.
"Couldn't sleep", is all Akai says, stifling a yawn.
Rei sets the glasses down on the bedside table.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Akai gives him a dark look, shakes his head.
"Not tonight."
Alright. It's not like Rei can't relate, so he drops the matter. For some of the things they've done, they can only ever distract themselves. Rei can help him relax, if he's willing to play.
He steps up to Akai, raising his hands as if to hug him -
"Off to bed with you."
- and shoves him roughly, sending the FBI agent tumbling.
Not one to go down without a fight, Akai grabs his arm as he falls. They land in a tangle of limbs on the bed, Akai managing to roll to the side and try to get on top of him.
Rei can't have that, so he struggles against him. pushes his arm between them, hoists his hip up, and reverses the pin, straddling Akai.
Akai's so beautiful beneath him, hair fanning out, eyes bright, breathing elevated from the brief altercation. Wide awake and smiling.
Licking his lips, eager to continue.
Rei could-
He wants to-
Gods help him.
This is too fast. It was just supposed to be a distraction.
He can feel Akai stir against him.
Rei freezes. This isn't how it was supposed to go.
(At least he doesn't have to question anymore whether the attraction is mutual. Isn't that great.)
Akai takes the responsibility out of his hands.
Weaves a hand into Rei's hair, drags him down.
Looks for permission in his eyes.
And then, Akai kisses him.
Sweater Weather AU masterpost
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varchasspirit · 1 month
Blending bourbon is an art form that allows you to tailor whiskey to your exact preferences. Our article breaks down the process, offering tips on combining different bourbons to create a balanced, unique blend. By incorporating straight bourbon whiskey and understanding key flavor elements, you can achieve a signature blend that’s truly your own.
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techdriveplay · 3 months
Elijah Craig Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey Cocktail
Elijah Craig, known as the ‘Father of Bourbon,’ is thrilled to announce the arrival of their latest creation, the Introducing Elijah Craig Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey: A Modern Twist on Tradition Elijah Craig, known as the ‘Father of Bourbon,’ is thrilled to announce the arrival of their latest creation, the Elijah Craig Straight Rye Whiskey, now available Down Under. This new drop continues…
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goodspiritsnewsat · 6 months
GSN Review: 2XO Icon Series Limited Edition Kiawah Blend Straight Bourbon Whiskey
This is the 4th small-batch blend release in 2XO’s ongoing Icon Series. Each blend is different, and bears its own name and symbol, inspired by the story behind its making. Kiawah is founder Dixon Dedman’s happy place, where he goes with his family and friends when he wants to unwind for a while. Many things separate 2XO from other spirits producers, but chief among them for us is that Dedman…
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tojisun · 10 months
!! smut - minors dni; this is fuckin nastyy so look away or smthn; breeding kink :’3
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mmm but simon not realizing he has breeding kink until someone brings it up
they’re out in a bar, chatting quietly even amidst the sheer volume of the weekend crowd, before johnny snorts and bumps his shoulders to simon’s in a teasing manner.
“especially LT,” johnny says, scottish accent even thicker now that he’s intoxicated. “he probably can’t wait to see his bonnie lass swollen with his kids. would probably retire jus’ for the very reason of makin’ her a momma.”
john snorts at johnny’s slurred words while kyle chokes on his drink, coughing quietly, almost politely, until john takes pity on the kid and smacks his back with measured thumps. johnny laughs, loud guffaws blending well with the buzz in the bar, but it’s not like simon noticed.
how could he focus when his mind’s feeding him images of the way you’d look heavy with a babe? or how he’d make it so that you are?
the way he’d fuck you until it takes; your pussy leaking and gaping and full of his cum. the way he’d keep you on his bed for hours, make a routine out of it until he’s repeating it for many days because he wouldn’t risk the chances. then, he can’t stop thinking about the way your body would change, building fat to cushion your belly, your sharp edges turning into soft and pudgy corners. the way you’d be so sensitive, so dependent on him.
simon gets yanked back into the reality when he hears john chuckle, low rumbles of disbelief spilling from the puffs of his laughter. simon’s eyes flick up towards his captain and all john does is give him a pointed stare, his eyes crinkled in a surprised delight, before the older man tips his drink into his lips and finishes his bourbon.
simon’s fist closes around his glass of whiskey, and he tries his best to ignore the growing tightness of his jeans.
he can’t wait to file for a vacation leave.
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maltrunners · 1 year
Bardstown Bourbon Co. Discovery Series #4 and #7
Review by: Raygun The Discovery series features blends of sourced whiskies. The Fusion series contains some of Bardstown’s own distillate, but none of that here. For my first try of any Bardstown product, I have these two, one a blend of Kentucky bourbon and the other a little more out there, including rye and Canadian corn whiskey in the mix. Reviewed from samples. Bardstown Discovery Series…
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deunmiu-dessie · 5 months
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price, after seeing you with kids, vows to himself that he'll get you pregnant.
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  "i'm so happy you guys could make it!"
    john watches fondly as you smile. it's wide and genuine, the action making your nose scrunch up; your head tilting to the side to mimic the woman's excitement─ and john can hardly take his gaze off of you. your eyes glimmer at the sight of your heavily pregnant best friend and the woman watches with a soft smile as the two of you make your way up their driveway. 
 your body is tucked away underneath john's arm, the usual warmth of your perfume; a sweet and spicy blend of saffron and sugared vanilla, has him unable to keep his hands off of you and he makes it obvious with the way his thumb rubs back and forth over your bare shoulder. and you're just as guilty as he is, with the way your hand is nestled snuggly in the back pocket of his jeans, the other stationed right atop his hand that rests affectionately on your shoulder. 
when the two of you can make it to gatherings in your neighborhood, there's bound to be talk and swooning about you and john the next day. most women were envious that even after being together for years, it seemed like the two of you were still in your honeymoon phase.
 "jas! babe, what are you doing up?" your voice is a teasing lilt as you shimmy your way out from under john's arm, looking back at him briefly to flash him a pleased smile. however, it's different from the one you sent jasmine earlier, it's softer, intimate, and familiar and it warms his belly better than bourbon ever could; his eyes soften and he smiles back, the crow's feet around his eyes deepening. 
despite john only having a few days off until his next mission, which he had wanted to spend with you, cuddled up next to the fireplace and watching movies, or perhaps cooking and baking with each other, all lovey-dovey and tête-à-tête─ you had instead asked if he could spare a day and go to a cookout hosted by a mutual friend. 
of course, he couldn't say no to you. not when you looked so reluctant to ask in the first place, with your eyebrows furrowed and a small frown marring your lips─ the same lips he had languidly kissed until it flipped right side up, with gentle murmurs of reassurance. besides, john didn't mind jasmine's husband. tom was a retired colonel of the army and they had hit it off quite quickly, especially given john's position. 
  reluctantly, john's eyes drift away from where you stand hugging jasmine, immediately spotting tom who is situated with a few other men at the grill. sucking in a breath, john made his way over to them, a smile splitting his cheeks when tom notices him, his tongs clanging against the metal. "well i'll be damned, if it isn't john, fucking, price." 
 the two men join hands briefly, "tommy, i've been gone a few months and she's already pregnant again." john chuckles softly at tom's sheepish look, the man's cheeks pinkening. "m'surprised y'r balls haven' shriveled up yet." john finishes, dropping into a squat to pluck a lone water nestled amongst the beers. “well, what can i say? she’s all over me!” tom, through his boisterous laughter at his own joke, notices the bottle and sends john a smirk, "you gone in a few days?"
 john grunts, hoping to save himself from the conversation, talk of work right now would only annoy him. tom clasps him on the shoulder firmly and sends him a mocking grin, perhaps this is why john liked tom, banter flowed naturally between the two of them. john was reminded of gaz time and time again when holding a conversation with the retired colonel. "it's as i said before. maybe it's time for you to settle down, you're not getting any younger."
  john grunts at that one too, eyes scanning the bustling cook-out to look for your comforting presence. he immediately finds you amongst your group of friends, a newborn babe nestled in the crook of your arms delicately and other children playing a simple version of tag around your legs. you're gazing down at the baby with envious adoration, eyes sparkling with awe and something akin to being maternal and it knocks the breath from his throat, his heart swelling within his chest at the sight of you. 
   and for a moment, he pictures that you're holding his child in your arms and that those are his kids circling your legs. and it's when your eyes somehow find his, your smile shy and your eyes almost pleading, that he swears to himself that he'll get you pregnant. and an ache to see your belly swollen with his child starts in his chest before traveling straight to his cock. tom chuckles, it's a knowing and judgment-free look. "i guess your mind is made up, huh captain?"
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strangererotica · 3 months
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Anthony Bridgerton x Reader
Mean!Dom!Anthony Bridgerton x Reader • smut smut smut • this is my first Bridgerton fic; please be gentle with me (unless you’re Anthony Bridgerton, in which case go hard as fuck on my ass…) Includes: mean Anthony, rough sex, degradation, cum play, prostitution, oral & vaginal sex, spit
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The moment you saw Anthony Bridgerton enter the room, your stomach dropped. His handsome features were sharper than usual, eyes colored black with an intensity you’d never seen before. He appeared to be in a state of rage, well past the usual harshness of attitude he normally presented.
Several of the ladies you ‘worked,’ with at the gentleman’s club flocked to Lord Bridgerton, though it was immediately clear that his interest lay elsewhere. Dispersing them with a wave of his hand, he moved through the women easily. His penetrating gaze refused to soften, growing even more severe when his eyes landed on you.
Bowing politely before him, you forced a smile to mask your anxiety. “Lord Bridgerton,” you greeted. “How good to see you a-.”
He abruptly took your arm, leading you towards the stairs. “Silence. You will not speak until I allow it-do you understand?” Lord Bridgerton’s words bit low at your ear. He guided you to the second floor, clutching you at his side. He reached for the handle of the first door you came too, yanking it open only to realize the room was currently being used. He glared at both its occupants, before pulling the door shut and dragging you to the one across from it.
When this second room proved to be unoccupied, Lord Bridgerton ushered you inside. He kicked the door closed with his foot, his hands busy loosening the white cravat around his neck. “Undress,” Lord Bridgerton ordered, speaking so low and quickly that you failed to hear him. “Very well,” he snapped, aggressively discarding his vest to the floor. Your pulse was racing, your heartbeat thrumming against Lord Bridgerton’s fingers as they slipped beneath the front of your bodice. He tugged your body into his, making you gasp. In his impatience, Lord Bridgerton had failed to notice how genuinely unnerved you were by him tonight.
The previous week had been a frustrating blur for Anthony, as he was busy interrogating interviewing women for marriage. He’d felt himself completely at the mercy of what society and his family told him he must do. Although he’d never admit it, the pressure of being Viscount Bridgerton was exhausting. It was even a bit frightening, in some ways, to have so many people depending on him. Tonight, that pressure would be removed from Anthony completely. He could transfer his nerves to someone else for awhile, allowing you to carry that burden for him.
Sinking his hand over your chest, Anthony felt your heartbeat kick rapidly against his palm. He almost pitied you in that moment, realizing what a fearsome creature he must have appeared to be downstairs. Then again, Anthony reminded himself, did the feelings of a whore really matter to him anyway? He would take what he needed from you, as usual, and move on. Just as he always did. This transaction had taken place between you countless times before. The only difference being that tonight, Anthony had come to you in a particularly dark mood.
His fingers began roughly working the laces of your bodice undone. “Since you seem to have forgotten how a whore behaves,” Anthony scolded. “I shall have to instruct you. Open your mouth.” You parted your lips obediently. Anthony’s thumb hooked between them, tugging your bottom lip downward. His eyes were like black pools, void of emotion as he spat inside your mouth. He closed his hand around your chin, prompting you to swallow, then forced your lips apart with his tongue. Anthony tasted like bourbon, the harshness of his kiss blended with the smooth flavor you’d now come to associate with him alone.
He suddenly pulled back from you, hurriedly undoing his trousers. “On your knees,” Anthony ordered. He felt ready to burst at the seams, both figuratively and literally. His cock was already leaking onto his fist as he worked himself out of his trousers. Anthony tapped the head of his cock to your cheek, satisfied with the way his precum was left smeared down the side of your face. “Why do you insist on painting your face with cosmetics, (y/n)?” Lord Bridgerton asked. “When you look so much better painted in this…?” He dragged his swollen tip along your cheek and lips, pausing there to press just slightly between them. With the head of his cock nestled at the front of your mouth, you instinctively began to nurse it lightly; but Anthony removed his cock and continued his strange, degrading little ‘art project,’ by smearing your saliva and his precum all over your face with his cock.
“Hmm,” he hummed condescendingly. “Perhaps my brother isn’t the only artist in the family?” He pressed the tip of his cock between your lips again, collecting more of your spit, and spread it along your other cheek. “Such a pretty canvas,” Lord Bridgerton observed. “I’ll certainly take great pleasure in ruining it.” He released his cock, letting his shaft rest thick and weighty against your chin. You gazed up at the gorgeous, intimidating visage of Anthony Bridgerton, grateful to see that while his words remained barbed as ever, his countenance had softened considerably. Whatever stress he’d entered the gentleman’s club with that evening, he’d apparently managed to release some of it between then and now.
You decided to test your theory by playfully inquiring “In what ways do you wish to ruin me, my lord?”
Anthony’s confident smirk returned. He lifted you onto the bed and settled between your legs, shoving your dress around your waist. Pivoting his hips over yours, Anthony rubbed his erection against your thigh. A slippery trail of precum wet your leg, the veins along his cock throbbing as he lowered himself over you. “Allow me to demonstrate,” he replied, settling his teeth over your shoulder just hard enough to sting. You winced, drawing in a sharp breath. Without giving you time to recover from the shock of his biting you, Anthony plunged his cock inside you. The air left your lungs at once, your eyes fixing on Anthony’s and the debauched look of ‘victory,’ on his face.
Regardless of how many times the viscount had made use of your ‘services,’ the impact of him entering you always felt like being split in half. Anthony was well endowed, particularly in terms of girth. You’d seen longer cocks before (not that Anthony was lacking in length) but his thickness was on another level entirely. Fitting him down your throat was almost impossible, and your ass?? That would have been unthinkable, had Anthony not spent a considerable amount of time (weeks, in fact) teasing you open with his fingers, working your tolerance up to the point you’d be able to take his cock.
Feeling his climax approaching, Anthony quickly pulled out of you and moved up your body till he was straddling your shoulders. Sweat dripped down his forehead, his cheeks flushed, black eyes wide and craving. Anthony fucked himself over you, his damp chest rising and falling with harsh breaths as the head of his cock bloomed white. Semen pulsed thick and warm onto your lips and cheeks as Anthony frantically tugged his cock over your face. Breathy, vulnerable groans escaped his lips as his orgasm consumed him. The former, fearsome lion of a man he’d behaved as earlier was now diminished to little more than a timid lamb.
Anthony collapsed backward onto the bed beside you, tilting his head to inspect his design all over your face. Semen coated your lips in a milky gloss, streaked in globs across your cheeks, pearly drops beaded on your lashes. Anthony used part of the bedsheet to dry your eyes. He then scooped his cum from your cheeks with his forefinger and fed it to you, guiding it onto your tongue. Planting a satisfied kiss on your breast, Anthony looked up at you with a humble, happy grin. You couldn’t help but chuckle, at this complete change in his character in so short a time.
“Was I that frightening?” he asked, and you nodded: “Very.”
Anthony tutted softly in self reproach, before swiping his tongue across your breast. “Then I should like to make amends for my incorrigible behavior, by apologizing,” he grinned up at you, kissing his way down your belly. “And although most apologies are spoken-.” Anthony lingered between your thighs, his breath dusting your clit, making you shiver. “-I prefer to use my tongue in more creative ways…”
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ghcstao3 · 8 months
Ghost knows that Soap flirts for his drinks. He knows that Soap isn’t above using his charm and good looks to get what he wants for free, and Ghost knows this well because he’s seen it many times, and almost just as often has reaped Soap’s rewards as well.
So why does this time have Ghost feeling like his chest is about to cave in?
He watches as Soap leans against the bar, batting his eyelashes and flashing a fierce smile at a stranger, worming his way into getting his free scotch. He dances teasing fingers over a shoulder, splays out his hand on a lower back, whispers something into an ear of the unsuspecting man Soap has chosen as his prey tonight.
An unsuspecting man with a broad frame. With muscled arms and dark tattoos and blond hair. A man with dark eyes peering up at Soap like he’s a prize to be won, like he thinks he’s in charge of their interaction.
Ghost wants to vomit. He wants to storm over there and claim Soap as his own. He wants Soap to flirt with him, genuinely, to not have it be some game like it is with other men and women. He wants to—
He wants. But he can’t. And that, Ghost realizes with a start, is exactly why he currently feels so miserable observing Soap’s routine.
And maybe the fact that the man Soap is currently flirting with shares far too much likeness to Ghost himself.
Eventually, though, Soap does return from his brief escapade—though only with a single glass in hand as a show of his victory. And, surprisingly, it’s Ghost who he sets it in front of.
“You look like you need it more than me.” Soap nudges the drink closer to Ghost as he sits, an almost shy smile toying on his lips. “He wasn’t that fun, anyway. Cheap, too. Sorry if the bourbon tastes like piss, at least more so than usual.”
Ghost rolls his eyes, but gratefully accepts the drink. The weight on his chest has lifted a little, but not fully, not yet. Ghost doesn’t know if it ever could, not while he can’t have Soap to call his own.
He takes a sip, trying to let his thoughts blend into the buzz of the bar’s patrons—but it’s difficult, when Soap’s eyes won’t leave Ghost’s face. Or, at least, what of it can be seen.
“Something the matter, Johnny?” Ghost hums.
Soap’s gaze is unwavering, and staring back sends a pleasant chill down Ghost’s spine.
“Not at all,” Soap murmurs, voice distant. “The opposite, really.”
Ghost cocks an eyebrow. He doesn’t break eye contact as he takes another sip of his bourbon.
Soap’s mouth opens then closes, repeats, then his lips pull into a thin line as he shakes his head. Soap shifts in his seat, eyes darting away from Ghost as if he’s snapped himself out of a daze. Ghost thinks, if he squints, he could make out the faintest blush dusting over Soap’s cheeks.
“Just enjoy your drink, LT,” Soap finally says. He flashes Ghost a smile, one much warmer and sincere than he had offered the stranger, then lets his attention wander away.
Ghost wishes he could understand. Wishes this was easier. Wishes there wouldn’t be any repercussions to kissing Soap right here, right now.
But for now, all he can do is oblige Soap’s gentle command.
He’s always been a weak man.
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jarofstyles · 7 months
hey lovely, don't wanna bother u bc you specifically put ceo but those harry pics are making me think dad's friend! harry. like maybe he is married or not. just... dirty thoughts. he is looking very very dilfy.
ACTUALLY UR CORRECT because it does also give that vibe…. So I got a bit out of hand and made it filthy.
Warnings- age gap, daddy kink, teasing, bratty y/n, name calling/ degrading… it’s dirty but if u want more I’ll definitely continue lol
It was always the things she shouldn’t want. Chocolate after midnight, peeking in on Christmas gifts, looking over someone’s shoulder as they texted. Y/N knew she had a taste for things that should not be- but she had definitely taken the cake when it came to the man sitting next to her at the dinner table.
In all fairness, she hadn’t been the only one looking. It was his gaze on her legs that she noticed the first night they were introduced that she had her interest peaked, but it had been nearly impossible for her to leave it alone. Not when he was such a staple in the family dinners they had, the parties her parents threw, hell- he had even joined them at the very lake house they were at now. It was indeed Harry’s lake house that he had offered up for them to use for their annual summer vacation, her father gratefully taking the opportunity. He was just blind to the reason why.
Fucking your father’s best friend was probably one of the worst things you could do, but when they looked like Harry? She doubted many people could blame her. She’d always been into older men and seeing one as successful and charming as the man to her left, it wasn’t hard to give into the temptation. There was guilt there, of course. There was always the knowledge that this wasn’t exactly right and it would hurt feelings. But she wanted to be selfish for once.
The first time they’d said it was one and done. Get it out of their system. The second time they’d called it a mistake. The third they’d blamed alcohol and a wedding. By the forth they’d stopped making excuses. Now she knew the man’s tattoos, knew the spot on his neck he liked to be kissed, she knew his favorite position to fuck her in and that he had the most talented tongue she had ever experienced. She was becoming an expert in all things Harry right under the nose of her parents, who saw him as their great friend.
Her fingers ran over his thigh as he spoke, calm as ever while he sipped his bourbon. He didn’t spare her a glance as they trailed to the inner thigh, her other hand bringing the wine glass to her mouth and her tongue being greeted by the tart bite of the notes in the blend. Harry had gotten this with her in mind, she was positive. Not too sweet.
They were talking about something she, quite frankly, didn’t give a fuck about. They were in two different businesses but somehow found some way to talk about stocks or something like that. Y/N didn’t particularly care as long as Harry kept giving her cute little gifts like the diamond tennis bracelet he’d brought her when they first arrived and he snuck her into his bedroom.
They weren’t alone on this vacation- their little friend group of a few men and their wives and grown kids were at the table too, but her focus was on Harry. His rolled up sleeves and hair freshly cut, cropped close tot he sides and growing a bit longer at the top. A perfect amount to run her fingers through.
She knew she was getting into trouble when her fingers brushed his semi hard prick laying under his trousers, a smirk kicking up the side of her mouth. He gripped his glass a bit tighter, eyes cutting to the side discreetly to give her a look. Y/N didn’t move her hand, instead running her fingertips over the bulge and pretending to be engaged in the conversation.
Of course she was going to pay for this. But the rush made her even more wet. Doing this in front of people, being bratty because she wanted his dick inside of her two fucking hours ago and this dinner was dragging on, she was aiming for him to give in. Her ass would be sore tomorrow but she would love each stinging slap and yank of her hair.
“Cut it out.” He mumbled, hiding his lips with the glass. The words were quiet enough, just for them. The conversation continued around them and no one was the wiser, oblivious to the hand palming over the older man’s cock under the tablecloth.
“Make me, Daddy.” Her soft whisper purred, eyes glittering with mischief. She’d signed her own punishment papers there, watching his own gaze darken before shooting back the rest of the drink that was meant to be sipped and savored. Giddiness shot ip her spine as he ripped her hand off, stretching slightly in his chair before saying he needed to call it a night. There was the unspoken promise that laid under his words, the secret message in his tone that meant for her to follow.
It didn’t take her long to scurry up the stairs and find the master bedroom, slipping inside the dimly lit room- only to be grabbed roughly from behind, a gasp leaving her lips as she was pressed against the door. The click of the lock was quiet, his labored breathing against her ear making her grin widely as his cock pressed into her ass. “You just had to be a fucking brat, didn’t you?” He growled, wrapping her hair around his fist and tugging back so she arched into him. “Gagging for it that much, touching me right in front of your family?” Lips ghosted her neck, making her shudder as the sting in her scalp made her whimper. This was exactly what she wanted, what she deserved. “Dirty whore. Fucking cockslut.”
The degrading words were spit in a way that would make the normal girl want to tear up, but Y/N knew she was exactly what he described. She was a cockslut just for him. “What are you going to do about it, Daddy?” The slightly delirious giggle left her as if she wasn’t about to be fucked brainless, but she loved every fucking second of this. Harry didn’t treat her like a little girl. He treated her like a woman, gave her the things she needed. He fucked like a real man should, something she knew no one else could replicate for her. “Are you going to fuck me with them just a few doors down? Don’t think you’re going to make me scream loud enough to get caught…” her mouth dropped as she felt his teeth graze her throat, wishing he could bite down. Not here, not when she had to wear her summer dresses and tank tops.
“No. I’m going to shut you up.” Y/N didn’t have a chance to react before fingers were shoved into her mouth. The two long digits hooking over her teeth, prying her mouth open as she whined, feeling him grind his thickening cock over her ass. She had wanted this so badly, the neediness of her weepy pussy only reacting to him. Her own fingers never did it justice. He’d ruined her in ways she hadn’t expected to ever be ruined, but she wouldn’t change it for the world. “You aren’t going to make a fucking sound unless you want your father to know how disgusting you are. Like to call me Daddy with my cock pounding your perfect little holes.” He hissed, breath washing over her ear as he pressed her further into the door. “So you’re going to shut the fuck up and lift that pathetic excuse of a dress up so I can slip into the sloppy cunt and make sure you keep your hands to yourself tomorrow.”
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bourbontrend · 2 months
Guess who just snagged a HUGE win at the World Whiskies Awards? 🚀 Wenzel Whiskey's Wheated Two bourbon took home the title of Best American Blended Limited Release! Find out what makes this barrel-proof beauty so special and get a sneak peek into their exciting expansion plans.
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
Since Ghost forgot readers birthday, let's maby turn it around? How is the lieutanants big day celebrated on base? I know he scolded reader for not telling him that it's their birthday, but I really can't see him running around with a party hat, giving out cupcakes and demanding birthday wishes either to be honest...
What birthday?
He hasn’t celebrated in a long time—the days passed, and he treated that special day just like any other.
What was there to celebrate anyway? He took lives. How audacious it would be of him to celebrate his own.
He buried that day deep within his subconscious, alongside all the other memories he wished to forget.
But occasionally, the memories would blend together and manifest themselves as nightmares in his sleep. He was a little boy in them, blowing birthday candles on a pile of corpses while other soldiers on the battlefield were running for their lives.
Price was the only one who knew Ghost’s birthday. After all, he was the one who removed that date from his file.
You asked him about it one day when Ghost wasn’t around. You and the rest of the team were joking about Zodiac signs and wanted to know what Ghost was.
But the captain clicked his tongue and told you he couldn’t disclose such information. You asked why he was so secretive about it, and he smiled. It was unlike the smiles you were used to seeing from him. It was a smile of pity—like the one you give to a stray cat who’s curled up on your car’s roof on a cold night.
He said he had wished the lieutenant a happy birthday a few years ago, and it didn’t go well. So Price kept trying to find more indirect ways to celebrate with him—ways that would make him feel more comfortable.
He remembered that one time when he invited Ghost for a couple of beers at the pub, but Ghost became suspicious.
“Why today, of all days, brother?”
Price acted shocked as if it was a coincidence and Ghost rejected his invitation. He had something else to do.
On that day, every year, the lieutenant would go to his mother’s grave instead. He would take a few flowers with him, sit in front of her grave, and think. His mind often wandered, and other painful memories threatened to resurface—memories unrelated to war, engraved in his mind from an earlier stage in life when a child’s only job was to have fun. And he did anything but that.
Inspiration struck you then, and you came up with an idea.
You decided to create a card for the lieutenant. It was a plain white sheet folded in half—nothing special on the outside, but its beauty lay within.
You all wrote him wishes and expressed gratitude for his guidance, teachings, and the countless times he came to your rescue. You placed the card in an envelope, sealed it shut, and handed it to him on a random day. You told him that, even though you didn’t know when his birthday was, the card was there, and he could open it whenever that day arrived.
He took the card home and left it on the coffee table. Sometimes we’d look at it, and other times he would use it as a coaster, hoping it would get ruined so he wouldn’t have to confront his feelings.
And that day came, and he followed the same routine: he went to work, visited his mother’s grave, and then returned home.
But there was something else waiting for him at home; that card. It was stained and warped, but it was there for him, just like all of you were.
He opened a fresh bottle of bourbon. And then he opened that card.
He smiled. Yes, he rolled his eyes and facepalmed himself, but he smiled.
He hid it in one of his nightstand drawers, and every now and then, he would revisit it. Lying in bed, he would pull open the drawer, retrieve the card, and read it like a bedtime story.
It was just like his mother used to do every night—his mother, who gave birth to him that day and tragically passed away.
But, within the card, he found another kind of family—a silly group of Zodiac sign-pestering nuisances, but nevertheless, his family.
A/N: I didn’t expect this to turn out that way. But I’m glad it did.
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ghost-proofbaby · 5 months
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☆ pairings: rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader
☆ warnings: no use of y/n, strong language, angst, consumption of alcohol, (overly poetic) smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, technically unprotected sex even after the idiots discussed protection, minors dni
☆ WC: 3.9K+
☆ A/N: extremely sorry for the shortest chapter in this series yet. also, out of all the songs referenced for the title of chapters, this one might be the most on the nose. i kid you not, i cannot explain how perfectly loml encapsulates reader/sugar's emotions during this chapter. if you'd like the extra hurt, 10/10 recommends listening as you read. :)
thank you to my love @hellfire--cult for the divider!
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 “Can I kiss you, Sugar?” 
You’ve made your fair share of dumb decisions in your life. Plenty of moments have slipped right between your fingers due to hesitation that you’d later regret, you have a catalog of embarrassing encounters to serve you a lifetime. You’ve said yes when your answer should have been a resounding no, you’ve made promises you knew were impossible to keep, and you’ve always had an unexplainable habit of digging yourself into graves that will surely bury you alive. 
This moment is no different. 
The correct reaction is to tell him no, to push him away and end the night here. You should leave before either of you make any mistakes and ruin whatever fragile thing resides between the two of you any further. There’s a million other options you should be taking, but at the end of the day, you still nod your head. 
Not even a second later, Eddie’s lips are on yours, and it’s hard to call it a mistake when it’s the first time you’ve felt like you could properly breathe in two years. 
He tastes like bourbon, and mistakes, and regret, and a youthful type of love impossible to grasp onto. A vague memory you never get to hold, but always learn to miss. When his hands travel slowly to your hips, you’re only pressing closer, deepening the kiss with the desperation of someone starved. Someone stained. 
You were an idiot to think it wouldn’t end this way. You were in his apartment, and you were drunk. You were brimming with bad decisions. It was always going to end up this way. 
Your knees somehow end up digging into the sofa cushions on either side of his hips, your recollection of how you climbed into his lap nonexistent. Had it been his doing, his own needy hands guiding you here? Or had it been you? You, with an ache that rang throughout your entire body, soothed only by sharing each of his breaths with him when he finally pulls back from the kiss. 
“Are you sure you want thi-”
“Don’t ruin it,” you beg, silencing him as you look into those deep autumn eyes, memorizing rivets of soft auburn that never really changed. An ever changing kaleidoscope, but there were simply parts of Eddie he’d never be able to hide from you,to change, “Not yet. Please.”
You don’t know if you’ll want it come morning. You can’t estimate just how deeply the regret will burrow once it’s all said and done; you’re not in the mood to think sensibly. No hypotheticals, no curiosity for the future. 
You just want him. Right here, right now. Far beyond just sex, and far beyond casual touches. But it’s the only way you can have him, the only way he can have you, for now. 
His fingers are more skilled these days. More deft and nimble as they race up and down your sides, quickly undoing the button of your jeans and easily sneaking beneath your shirt. Two years could be two seconds with the way he still knows you and your body, knowing exactly where to apply more pressure as he plucks on every string beneath your skin that makes you sing out for him. Hums, gasps, moans – they all sort of blend together at some point, don’t they? 
“I’ve missed you,” you swear you hear him mumble against the skin of your neck when his mouth begins to wander, “I’ve missed this.” 
You convince yourself he didn’t say it just to avoid ripping yourself apart any further.  
Instead, you busy your mouth with kissing him harder, faster, more desperately. You’re all but burying yourself in him. Your hips grinding against his, your lips swallowed in his, your hands finding themselves tangled in his hair. 
You’re drunk enough that you convince yourself that this is it – this is home. 
It feels natural to let him run you down this way. It’s instinctual as he takes his shirt off and your hands roam over bare skin that whispers with the ridges of paths you’ve traced before. You know that scar on his right hip from when he got his appendix removed as a child, you know that lightened patch of skin on his left thumb from when he’d managed to burn himself with a lighter while cutting class one day with you. You know him – so much better than you’d let yourself believe these last few weeks. 
“Do you have a condom?” you pant, and you both pretend like your words are choked up from gasping to recover the air you’d offered to the kiss, and not the emotions rearing their ugly heads. 
He does. Of course he does. He’s a rockstar now – he has women throwing themselves at him constantly. Of course he’s prepared. 
It happens somewhere between him pulling the condom out of his wallet, and managing to pull his own shirt off. At some point in which you’re left in nothing but your undergarments, hips grinding down on his in sloppy circles, he lets out a low and drawn out moan. All your movements stutter, nearly halting, as that sound rings out around you. You swear, it echoes off the walls of your own head and not the eerily empty apartment. 
You break as you gasp out, “Fuck, Eddie.” 
Another dumb decision for the books. All it takes is you sighing his name for him to flip the entire script. Suddenly, you’re no longer straddling his lap, no longer biting his lip and gripping onto the back of the sofa for balance. 
Your back collides with the cushions below and he hovers over you, kissing with more intent and purpose this time. Each press of his lips is followed by the nipping of teeth, desperately trying to mark you up along your chest, completely oblivious to the way he’s already left his stain. 
You’re convinced if he presses his lips just hard enough, if he bares his teeth just sharp enough, he’ll see right through you. Your skin will become all but cellophane and he’ll see all those blooming violets and deep maroons still left behind in the shape of his mouth. He’ll see the way another has never followed these paths, not after him. 
All the failed rebounds, all the failed distractions. There’s never been another person capable of taking your mind off of Eddie Munson. No one’s kiss ever made you bleed the way he’s capable, no one’s touch could ever erase the mark of his. 
The wine still makes your head swim as your chin tilts to the roof, giving him all the room possible to paint whatever picture he’s vying for on your skin. You let him leave his physical mark; you let him leave a physical reminder of something to regret. 
“Do you know how many times I played this moment back over in my head?” his voice is a murmur that vibrates against your sternum, words not quite slurring, “Do you know how many times I swore-”
You don’t know – and you never find out what exactly he had sworn time and time again as the trill ringing of a cell phone shatters the entire atmosphere. 
One moment, Eddie’s lips are painting portraits along your chest and neck, the acceptance of making a mistake settling deep into your bones. And the next, he’s lifting up, looking wildly towards his kitchen, where you’re sure that it’s his phone buzzing erratically on the counter. 
“I-” he looks wildly between you and the distant phone, pupils blown out and lips swollen, “Fuck, I-”
All the air leaves your lungs.
There will be no mistakes tonight. 
“Go answer it,” you whisper, deflating as you accept the interruption. The moment’s over, fading in between the lipstick marks on your wine glass and the glow of the lamps scattered throughout his living room, “It’s fine.” 
It’s not fine. It’s written plainly across his face that this is the furthest thing from fine at this moment. But duty calls; his phone is ringing, your mind is buzzing, and the moment is simply gone. 
It has to be fine. You have to be fine with it. 
“I’ll be right back,” he swears as he lifts himself up off the couch, but you know he won’t be. 
Your shirt is already back by the time he’s reached the counter, laptop already tucked safely back into your bag as he answers the call. 
“Hello?” he asks, eyes flitting over to you as he watches you gather your things, picking up the wine glass that had been yours the entire night in order to carry it over to the sink he leans against the counter next to. A bit of chatter comes from over the line, and Eddie’s entire face twists, “Am I busy? Yeah, yeah – as a matter of fact, I am.” 
Just as you sit the glass into the sink, you bring a hand to his bicep, letting it rest there selfishly. Feeling his bare skin one final time, drinking in the heat he radiates through your palm, giving yourself one last chance to memorize it. 
You’re not busy, you mouth to him with a sad smile. 
He’s not. Because there will be no mistakes tonight. 
You go to pull your hand away, prepared to somehow call an Uber or taxi, but he’s quick to wrap his fingers around your wrist just as your skin slides from his. It’s not forceful, but simply firm. Clinging with a desperation you can’t recognize. 
Stay, he mouths back, the person over the line clearly continuing to speak without Eddie paying them any mind.
You almost do. You falter and consider dropping your bag then and there. You nearly stay, wait out the phone call, sit pretty and patient until he returns to you just as he had promised. 
But he had left you with a promise of later once before, and he hadn’t kept his promise then. 
“Oh,” you whispered, disappointment gripping your lungs, “Oh, that’s fine! Go, they need you.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled. You missed hearing that in person, that soft laughter in the shell of your ear over inside jokes and one too many glasses of wine. “Rockstar duties and all. We’ll talk more later?”
Later had never found its way back to the two of you all those years ago – why would it now? 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Eds,” you whisper, soft enough to guarantee whoever was on the other side of the phone call wouldn’t hear you. The fall of his face is almost enough to make you take back the words and swallow them back down. 
“Wait-” he’s not whispering, almost as though he’s forgotten about the call entirely. You can hear the silence over the line, probably in confusion, as you walk away, “Wait- No- I-”
You motion to the phone still pressed to his ear and cheek, trying to remind him that someone else can hear. 
He removes it and ends the call before you can protest.
“Eddie-” you start to scold, but he refuses to hear any of it. 
“No, no,” he sounds as though he might be begging. And you can’t tell if he’s begging you to not reprimand him, or if he’s begging you to not leave, “I don’t care. It was just Matt, he can wait till morning.” 
It doesn’t answer the question of what he wanted from you. 
“It’s getting late, anyways,” you’re still trying to detect your escape route, the longer you spend in the aftermath making your chest tighten more and more.
You can’t do this. 
You can’t stand in this room with him and pretend that it’s all okay. You can’t act as though the wine’s effects are slipping away from you and you can’t brush off the feeling of his lips across your chest. You have no patience left to act as though your lungs aren’t shriveling up in your chest, unable to get enough air when he’s too close all while being all too far away. 
It would have been a mistake, and you’re both better for the interruption. 
Eddie shakes his head, letting out a dry laugh, “We aren’t doing this again, Sugar. We aren’t going to just pretend that didn’t happen-”
“Why not?” you challenge him, “This… it’s better this way, Eddie. If we kept it up, we both would have regretted it, and it’d just be another mistake-”
“Who’s we?” he cuts you off. 
We. You, me, both of us. We’d both regret it, wouldn’t we? 
But you still didn’t regret kissing him. You still didn’t regret sitting in his lap and drinking him in, you still wouldn’t take back whatever moment was shared prior to the phone’s interruption. 
All your regrets are spoken in future tense. All the mistakes are somewhere ahead of you, your mind running to things that haven’t happened yet.
How do you know if you’d regret it? How do you know if he’d regret it?
Your hold on your bag begins to loosen, “I- Both of us. We’d both regret it.” 
“I wouldn’t regret it. I don’t think I could ever regret you.” 
This is the part you walk away. You sling your bag onto your shoulder, you tell him to have a goodnight, and you leave. You’ll see him tomorrow, and you’ll pretend this conversation never happened. 
Except you don’t.
Your bag falls to the ground, a muted crash that probably pisses off his downstairs neighbors. The toes of your shoes knock into the worn bag, kicking it to the side with more gentleness than you should be capable of right now. When he reaches out a hand to hold you, you take it. 
You let him get his hot palms back on your body. You let his lips find their way back to yours. 
You finally just let the mistake happen and take the chance on finding out if the regret is nothing more than shadows in the closet, make-believe once you turn the light back on. 
The couch isn’t the destination this time. You’re almost sad that you don’t get to admire any of his decor as he drags you down the hallway, but you also doubt there’s even a sliver of the ghost of the man holding onto you in any of it. He’s not on the walls, he’s not in the pictures; he’s right in front of you, kissing you heavily and desperately, letting his feet stumble right over yours as he finally reaches blindly for the knob of the door behind you. He’s in the rings pressing into the skin of your hips and he’s in the wavering cologne that bursts from his sheets as he carefully drops you back on a bed far too large for one man. 
He’s in the shadow hovering over you, he’s in the slide of his leg as he spreads your thighs to find home between them. He may not haunt this apartment, but he haunts you. Your body, your mind, your senses. 
Always have, always will. 
Alcohol isn’t clouding the moment anymore as each kiss is gentler, retracing the bruises already forming across your collar bones. He’s taking his time, enjoying himself, no longer rushing through the process of getting to know you again. The loss of your shirt and the unbuttoning of your jeans is done with shaking hands this time. Less sure, but far more determined. 
Your own hands are steady, though, as you undress him. You’re sure. This is your mistake to make, your mistake to regret. And maybe he had a point – maybe it is impossible for either of you to regret each other. For all the tears shed and all the nights spent cursing his name, it’s never once crossed your tongue that you wanted to erase him. You think if someone were to try and take him, take all that you two had shared together from you, that they’d be met with white knuckles and deathly screams. A rancid animal foaming at the mouth, refusing to let go of the one thing it had ever managed to sink its claws into. 
You’d forgotten just how well you know him. 
It was beyond superficial scars and childhood stories. You still remember the exact pulse point that makes him moan out with just a brush of your mouth against it. You can still find that spot above his hips that spasm when your hands grip them, encouraging him to grind down onto you. You know his body, you know his past, you know his mind. 
Words are no longer necessary as it finally happens. 
Prayers of each other’s name, ignorance in the way this entire moment was becoming too gentle for two fools rekindling. A practiced dance you once only ever dreamt of swaying to with him. 
You would have given him everything. You did give him everything. Your youth, your future, your aspirations, your daydreams of a glittering gem on your sacred finger and a list of baby names the two of you had argued over endlessly. All those things still belong to him, even now. Even as this new version of him hovers over you, lips trailing with purpose over your abdomen, making his way down to your core. 
You can’t tell if he’s a stranger when he places a hot kiss over the cotton of your underwear. You can’t tell if you ever spent two years away from him as his hands hold down your hips when they buck in response. 
“Eddie,” you beg, fingers lacing into his curls just as they had earlier, gripping onto him for dear life. You’re looking down at him between your thighs, refusing to blink on the off chance that he’ll simply vanish when you do, “Please.” 
“Please what, Sugar?” 
“Touch me,” you gasp out as his fingers toy with the waistband of your underwear, colossus course against soft skin, “Kiss me, fuck me- I just-” 
No further explanation is needed. Your wish is his command. 
Your panties are tossed to the hardwood floor at the edge of the bed as if they always belonged there. His mouth ravishes you as if this was just a nightly routine between the two of you. As if he didn’t have to second think what pace you might prefer, or when to add the first finger. Or the second. He plays you beautifully, crooking his fingers and nipping at sensitive skins and nerves alike, listening to the way you only seem to remember his name. Like you don’t remember the sound of a dial tone instead of declarations of adoration, like you don’t remember the excuses for him denying you all his attention. 
You wish you could just stay in this moment forever. Him, buried between your thighs. All hurt and all stains forgotten when he builds you up to the edge, when he murmurs against your clit about how pretty you look for him right now. 
Cheap wine soaking Halloween costumes. Hazy rooms, smokey with youthful desires and incense. Dancing in an apartment filled with boxes not yet unpacked. Whispers of something being real. Late night trips to the gas station and all the pride in your eyes as you heard his song played on public radio for the first time. The terrible waiting, the messy kisses of more teeth than lips. A simple necklace adorned with a simple ring, burning with more promises than either can comprehend, still gathering dust at the bottom of your jewelry box to this day. 
Just in case. Just in case he ever came back; just in case you ever returned. 
By the time he’s climbing back up your body, you have one foot in the past, cleaving yourself in two as you cling to him like water. 
“Look at you,” he whispers when his face is back above yours, lips still slick with you, “You’re fucking beautiful, you know that?” 
You swear, for just a moment, his eyes are mirrors. And you can see that dazed look you wear, the face of a woman still trapped by her past. The face of someone who can’t let the dead stay buried. Someone you wouldn’t describe as beautiful, but Eddie would. 
You should have left. You should be regretting this. You only pull him closer. 
His boxers bunch at his ankles, your fingernails dig into his back. When you feel him press against you, the tip of his dick just barely tapping against your clit, your entire body tenses. This was it. This was the mistake you had taken responsibility for, this was the choice you’d decided was worth damnation. A simple slip up, a quick fall backwards, and you’ll be right back where you started two years ago. 
“You still want this?” he sighs into your ear, clearly feeling the way you’d froze up. 
Your breath catches for just a second. More memories, more images that cut straight through you. Every careless afternoon, every serene morning. Every haunted night. 
“Yeah,” your entire body relaxes, muscle by muscle, “Yeah, I still want this.” 
You mean more than just the sex. 
The press of your heels into his lower back is all the encouragement he needs to finally push into you. The stretch burns, but it’s welcome all the same. Just an aftereffect of years of emptiness, of failing to ever find something that could make you feel as whole as he does. 
The moan he lets out as he’s wrapped in your warmth sends shivers down your spine. You swear, laced in it, there lies a gasp of relief. A sigh of coming home after a long tour, the huff of an exhale just before he crosses the threshold of a front door and has you in his arms again. 
You don’t know when the tears started. 
But between his thrusts, between all his wanton groans and your own quivers of excitement, your cheeks turn wet. 
“Then I say let it burn.”
You can’t tell if it’s sweat or his own tears seeping into your skin as your bodies press together harder, your head thrown back in ecstasy. 
“I love you so goddamn much, it hurts. I can’t believe this is real.” 
You find your hands tugging on the roots of his curls even harder as you try to tether yourself back to him, but it’s no use. 
“When I get back, all I care about is you.” 
It all comes crashing down on both of you as his face is buried in the crook of your neck and your thighs squeeze around his hips – all the love that was there, all the love that was lost. All the love that still remains. 
“Something for you to always have as a reminder that I’ll come back to you. You’re it for me, sweetheart.”
He’d always warned you this would happen. That one day he’d come back to you. That he’d only ever come back for you. 
It doesn’t matter how deep of scratches you leave across his back, or how many hickies he paints your skin with. There will never be enough bloodshed between the two of you to wash away the truth. It’s not a mistake, it’s not something to regret. You wish it was; you wish it were so simple. No, this moment was one thing and one thing only – inevitable. 
They always did say that your life would flash before your eyes right before you die. 
And flash it does – a lifetime of love that was had and love that will never come back to you – as Eddie brings you both to your graves from the most cursed of little deaths.
eddie's taglist: @capricornrisingsstuff @thisisktrying @hideoutside @vol2eddie @corrcdedcoffin @ches-86 @alovesongtheywrote @its-not-rain @feralchaospixie @cheesypuffkins87 @thebook-hobbit @babez-a-licious @eddies-acousticguitar @aysheashea @kellsck @cosmorant @billyhvrgrove-main @micheledawn1975 @eddiesxangel @siriuslysmoking @witchwolflea @tlclick73 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @mizzfizz @nanaminswhore @mikiepeach @ali-r3n @hawkebuckley @alwaysbeenfamous @darkyuffie-blog @vintagehellfire @lilmisssiren @elvendria @loveryanax @stylexrepp @princessstolas @fangirling-4-ever @eddiesguitarskills @babez-a-licious @josephquinnsfreckles
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