pterodach · 1 year
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strscrossed · 6 months
Love omegaverse AU
So what if the moment Eren and Mikasa meet, Alpha Eren's smell is too strong and immediately induces Mikasa's heat? She doesn't know what to do because she has never experienced heat like that before, she has never been so close to an alpha let alone one as attractive as Eren.
On the other hand, Eren went crazy with Mikasa's smell and beauty so he wanted to take her and mark her at that moment. They both lose it and end up giving up their instincts. After having the most blowmind sex of their lives, they realize that neither of them knows the other's name.
yes see I like this because that means that they’re each other’s perfect match and let’s say in this world, that is incredibly rare!
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ross-nekochan · 2 years
Qual è il mio obiettivo?
Basterebbe saper rispondere a questa domanda per annullare la confusione che ho in testa.
Mando cv come se già facessi parte di un ciclo produttivo. Li mando come se fosse una malattia, senza nemmeno sapere il perché, senza sapere se è davvero quello che voglio. La verità è che non è quello che voglio. Però non riesco a fare altrimenti perché mi sento letteralmente schiacciare all'imperativo morale e sociale di entrare a far parte di questo ciclo mortale di produzione.
Sono solo pochi mesi e già mi sento intellettualmente depauperata, sfiorita. Non leggo più paper, non seguo più una lezione universitaria, non sto imparando niente che mi faccia riprovare quella bellissima sensazione di sentire praticamente due mani che ti separano i due emisferi del cervello tanto è il blowminding.
Penso ancora al dottorato, ma non esiste una sola persona che faccia un dottorato umanistico a spiegare com'è che si faccia - a meno che non hai già un prof alle spalle per qualche motivo. Ancora peggio se uno vuole puntare all'estero, dove non esistono graduatorie pubbliche e quindi boh. Oggi ho letto commenti di una povera ricercatrice italiana che si lamentava di avere paper in revisione per mesi per poi riceverli rigettati, nel loop per cui se non li invii pare che non stai facendo nulla per cui devi necessariamente ricevere revisioni, spesso incongruenti, per dimostrare che fai qualcosa.
Dove mi giro mi giro vedo solo abnegazione e sacrificio: se entro nel circolo produttivo sono consapevole del fatto che potrei non durare a lungo perché vivrei come una macchina da guerra ed è una cosa che mi fa soffrire; se entro nel circolo accademico, niente avrà valore, oltre a vivere pure economicamente di stenti.
Ogni colloquio è per me una figura di merda che mina fortemente la mia già poca esistente autostima. Un mondo lavorativo dove mi devo fingere fiera e sicura di me e delle mie capacità, quando sono esattamente il contrario. Ed è inutile che io scriva un cv pompato, perché poi al colloquio mi metto a figura di merda da sola.
Mi sento persa, immobile, impantanata nella melma, difronte a milioni di scenari diversi, difronte a mille interessi che potrei perseguire ma che non hanno un futuro.
Ho amiche che lavorano già in azienda, altre che sono in Giappone a loro spese pur di perseguire la carriera accademica.
Se solo capissi, decidessi in cosa puntare, in cosa investire le mie energie, piuttosto che essere una macchina invia-cv, forse, sarebbe tutto più semplice. Invece così non è. Perché è sempre stato così, davanti alle scelte, io non so scegliere.
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alakrad-vindor · 2 years
"Being nice is the bare minimum"-
I always heard. Bitch, what? No?
Like, there tons of ppl that is NOT nice at ALL. Taking for GRANTED that ppl must be nice is blowminding for me.
Being nice is a cool act that many ppl practice and is Amazing when you find them. But you can't say is the BARE MINIMUM.
Like????? If being Nice is the MINIMUM what's next??
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matyldasaresta · 2 years
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SILENT NIGHT FILM 2021 Zdaję sobie sprawę z tego, że to w założeniu miała być czarna komedia, ale to był jeden z najbardziej przerażających filmów, jakie oglądałam. Zagrał mi na emocjach właśnie przez to zestawienie pseudo humoru i prawdziwej grozy. PRAWDZIWEJ. Nie czytałam recenzji, więc nie do końca wiedziałam, czego oczekiwać, ale z pewnością nie oczekiwałam TEGO. To swojego rodzaju blowmind na poziomie, który w trakcie oglądania kazał się mega intensywnie zastanawiać - co ja bym zrobiła...? Lepiej nie grzebać i nie doczytywać, o czym naprawdę jest ta historia. Zaskoczenie będzie naprawdę o wiele większe. Napiszę tylko tak - TO NIE JEST tak do końca ŚWIĄTECZNA KOMEDIA. Polecam mega! *** "Idealne przyjęcie świąteczne znajduje nieoczekiwany finał." https://www.instagram.com/p/ClJ8hcUtJV-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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luisirigoyen17 · 5 years
Hay días en los que el hormigueo simplemente no desaparece, las piernas no dejan de tambalearse entre ellas y mi paranoia me rompe las entrañas, brindo por esos días porque me hacen valorar cuando simplemente solo me siento vacío.
Luis Irigoyen 2020
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thezoouniverse · 5 years
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rodprojects · 3 years
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Who not to try to shoot some science fiction #fictionvideo #fiction #sciencefiction #sciencefictionvideo #sciencefictionmovie #sciencefictionfilm #creariveproduction #breackmind #blowmind #mindblowers #breackbrain #smartthings #smartstaf #onlysmart #forsmart #clererthings #cleverstaf #justclever #onlyclever #justsmart #onkysmart #becleber #besmart #intomind #intobrain #deepinside #insidedeeep #verydeep #superdeep #mostdeep (at California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVIhT5Ap7Gg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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conaneatsoup · 3 years
Ninth letters.
Hello, good morning my reader.
Trid. I have one condition that I have no time to write my letter. A lot of story that I want to tell you but I have no mood to share because difficult to translate in English. But in this time, I lay in my bed 7:13 am before I go to the office and I have mood to tell my day before.
I was have random feeling with my surroundings. Emm I just wanna tell the tittle for my experience and after work i will continue with a complete story, okay.
1. Vaccine in my office
2. Nightmare in two days
3. Mom slip in the bathroom
4. Strange movement: durex
5. Achievement: exercise by bicycle
6. Resign: Tommy
Six points that I will to complete as soon as possible. I really enjoy to share it but pardon me bcs the English I should try my best to translate my heart.
Bye.. Bye I should go.
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blogscuba10 · 4 years
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#bullsharkseason Started already, certified divers, on your marks & let's go! This is a beautiful and educational dive experience. For more [email protected] ....... scuba10.net ....... #sharkeducation #mexicancaribbean #realdiving #blowmind #iamssi #divesafe #divessi #divessimx #méxico #playadelcarmendiving #maresdeméxico #sharksprotection #sharks #nosharkfinning #conscientdivers #scubadivermagazine #scubadivers (en Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHk42crhjw_/?igshid=1d1jvrdgsgfkk
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mediazink · 4 years
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Go to: http://www.mediazink.com/20-geometric-tattoos-that-will...
Follow us on:
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matyldasaresta · 2 years
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NIGDY CIĘ TU NIE BYŁO/YOU WERE NEVER REALLY HERE FILM 2022 Są aktorzy, którzy już samym swoim udziałem w filmie gwarantują doskonałą rozrywkę. Tak było w tym przypadku. Jak zawsze zresztą. Już pomijając oczywiste oczywistości, jak (świetliste spojrzenie...? Nieee... o tym nie będę pisała) geniusz wcielania się w każdą rolę, jaka jest mu podstawiana pod nos - Joaquin jest MISTRZEM. W tej ekranizacji (nie napalać się proszę, powieść nie została wydaja w Polsce...) także jest MISTRZEM. Mistrzem dramatu i traumy, wrażliwości i zwierzęcości, ale tylko w słusznej sprawie. Jego zaangażowanie i kreacja, na granicy monolgu, wymiata i hipnotyzuje, kolejny raz. I nawet nie przeszkadzało mi tu zupełnie ślimacze tempo akcji, bo można dzięki temu prawie w slow motion podziwiać Joego - bliźniacze wcielenie Leona Zawodowca. A kto nie kocha Leona?;-) P.S. Scena: dwóch zabójców leżących w kuchni - blowmind... Nie powiem nic o innych aktorach, bo ich nie zauważyłam. *** "Były agent do zadań specjalnych podejmuje się odnalezienia zaginionej nastolatki. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckv68T6NuK7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bazan-lab · 4 years
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La ultima sobre #museos, lo prometo! (Bueno... en realidad no jeje 😜) . . Yo etaba ahí, leyendo al expositor que nos invitaba a “crear #arte” con unos lápices de colores rígidos (líneas sin textura, colores pálidos...) intenté escribir algo, solté el lápiz y pensé “vaya manera de hacer interactuar a la gente no? #creativo? O pérdida de tiempo? Arte? Con estos lapicitos feos?” Me hizo gracia... . . Al girar la cabeza, para despedirme de “tan dinámico juego de #artistas” ella estaba ahí, una mujer mayor, tranquila y con tacto impecable rellenaba los espacios como si de restaurar La Gioconda se tratara... estaba casi en un estado de meditación! no te miento, en ese momento fue #poesía en mi cabeza! 🎆 todos los aires de grandeza y critica se me terminaron de golpe. Acabo de ser testigo de una obra de arte! de #percepción y #sentimiento! De pronto presté más atención, que esa láminas tenían trazos de miles de personas que habíamos pasado por ahí, personas de todo el mundo, personas que sentimos empatía por lo que nos estaban invitando a hacer en medio del gran salón del museo... muchas veces el paritario del arte 🎆 (#blowmind) . . #sagmeister #andwalsh #design #art #contemporaryart #instaart #instagood #hamburg #mkghamburg #beauty #sagmeister #blue #art #aftercovid #flow #contemporaryart #instaart #instagood #museum #museumlover #artlovers #lifestyle (en Mk&G Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_4NF-6Kdb9/?igshid=1jjxsg9yef2jd
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kadanors · 7 years
The Three Lies Gypsies
Once in a fair i made an acquaintance. Long, black haired women, with eyes wider than the moon. She glanced at my face and politely asked for my hand. I refused. She laughed as she admitted, she would’ve been disappointed if i granted it to her. How curious?, i believed. Yet i wondered. Why. Why me? 
I prowled as i filled my wits with courage, missing the sounds of the surroundings. I approached to an empty bar with a burgundy tablecloth, down a Ferris wheel. The lights suddenly dimmed, and the women appeared with her hands on her chest, as her breath became the wind’s beats. With a peer she invited me to sit right in front of the bar. She took out a curious deck of cards. So queer i believed, they were pretty normal to me, “I thought gypsies used different ones”. She notice my uncertainty; Once again she laughed. She put the cards face-down in a rainbow form arraignment. And before i could asked what was i supposed to do, she said, “You’ve been missing the details, Anastasia”. What’s she referring to? was the first thing that pop-out in my head, then in a blink of an eye, I realized she knew my name. I did not said anything. Somehow I was more concerned with the other interrogate. “You’ve missed indeed what the noises have been trying to tell you, because you’ve been more curious on why i asked for your hand”. At that moment I knew, she was never meant to read my hand, although something else had to happen. Our meeting.  She told me I had to choose one card and i could not turn it up. Just one. And so i did. She took the card and wrote my name with a crimson lipstick she took out of her bag. “I’ll keep that one for myself as the fee”. Then she asked me to respond a question: How many? “Excuse me? How many what?” I responded. “How many?”. I started seeing all the cards moving toward my eyes, and i wondered why I had such a hard time to pick one, instead of thinking about the interrogate. I pulled one card out of the deck, then she asked me to put it in front of my eyes, where I was the only one capable of seeing, then she told me to remember what my eyes have seen, because it was going to be the last time. Then she lit a cloth from her robes and burned the card in a consuming and gentle fire. I freaked out. Grabbed my purse and left.  “One is not enough”, I heard from a voice down the Ferris wheel. I leaned back as my face turned and my body was still. There was the bar, lacking the gypsy. 
7 of hearts. That was my card. The one she burned. The one I had to remember, because it represented the answer to “How many?”. 
This is a passage i told my grandmother. And she responded to me that if i was looking for answers, i should know something about those missing gypsies. They were called the Three Lies Gypsies. 
Their secret was within their name. They lied about three things. Love. Divination. Coincidence. 
I looked up and i still could not connect all the new information i had. 
It has been almost 4 months since my encounter with the one who hold a card with my name, written in crimson lipstick. 
That night i dreamed about the day I met her. As i remember the first few details. “I’ve been missing the sounds of the surroundings” “One is not enough”. I realized that my ticket number for the fair was 032007. I was the seventh person to win the hot prize at the Gun’n’Shot game. The place was playing the song by Jon English, Hollywood Seven. That day was July 7. 
The next morning, the sun was warmer and the sea was louder, as i opened my eyes, i remembered that all my life i have always said that “LiFe is too short, to just dedicated to one thing”. How many? was the question. How many lives are enough for me to live? 
I got up and looked myself on the mirror, a mirror i have never seen nor the reflection in it. I woke up and i was not myself. 
Prologue from Seven Hearts Chance 
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sugajimin · 5 years
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MMA 2019 Dance Practice - Intro for Dionysus
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aleexpez · 5 years
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