#blue coded duo...
lightprkdraws · 11 months
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Probably the most unexpected and funny part of watching death island in the cinema was seeing them call people μαλάκες (albeit in the subtitles)
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jamazzilblog · 3 months
What if, what if I was a pirate blessed by the sea and blue was my color and you were a mailman and red was your color and we flirted in the most weird way possible every time we see each other...just kidding...unless
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moeblob · 1 month
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(throws them into a modern AU)
So since Ymber wouldn't be a deity there are some things he lacks physically - such as no pointed ears and no bright blue undertones to his hair. Just the basic blue. (does he dye it in a modern AU ? who knows) Also while he doesn't have a collar to symbolize his servitude to humans I still think he should have a choker.
I had some help a while back brainstorming how there would be some form of "superior" dynamic could still exist and I really liked the idea given that he's a famous architect. (he does design all constructs for his city as a deity so it checks out - he likes buildings) And Deacon just admires all the guy's works and never expects to run into him but of course they do! Gotta have a very awkward "oh it's you I'm going to melt into the earth" and "I have no idea who you are but we should hang out".
Sooo Deacon still just really admires Ymber and feels like they're on totally different levels and doesn't understand why Ymber would want to associate with him since he's just a "boring human".
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sqlmn · 8 months
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Sebastian (pink hair) and Cornella (blue hair) meet as children and realize "ah, that's the kid my parents told me to avoid because of business reasons" and immediately decide "hey, we're going to be best friends and not fight". Which... in the long run helps a lot in regards to their parents companies because now the parents have to play nice around their kids.
long history below lol
So they're just bffs throughout their youth and a couple years before their high school graduation, Sebastian spots a kid with messy hair who looks really nervous. Since it's early in the year, maybe the kid needs help finding somewhere? So he goes over to offer to help him to class buuuuut the guy flinches and runs away. So Sebastian is ready to report to Cornella at lunch but she slams her hands down on the table saying "I JUST SAW THE CUTEST GUY EVER". And Sebastian puts his concerns on hold until he realizes they're about to talk about the same guy.
The duo then decide "operation befriend shy guy" and spend like an entire school year getting Matis to warm up to them. Good! Except now they're seniors and STILL both pining for the underclassman (only a grade below) and they have an agreement to not pressure Matis into any weird situations about picking between them.
Matis and Sebastian like to draw though and so one day as Sebastian is vibing and sketching Cornella while stealing glances at Matis, he decides to put little hearts around her head. It's fine, it's not weird, it's totally cool. And Matis sees and comments he must really like her and while he DOES really like her it's .... not quite like that. So he laughs it off.
The two graduate and then start to train at their parents companies while attending college and the years go on. They still sometimes think about Matis and go "wonder how he's doing" "wonder if he's more outspoken now" "wonder if he'd remember us" because they're both very normal about the lingering crush they have. Cornella walks into the building she works at one day and is going directly to her office in hopes no one sees her since she's supposed to be off when she hears her name.
"I'm not here, you didn't see me and you REALLY didn't see me if my dad's asking" is her immediate response but the guy's like 'oh, sure, understood. i am interviewing someone who said he went to school with you' and so she looks over and is just. Floored. Yup, still nervous looking, definitely remembers them, he's doing fine, and he's apparently now working at her company. Fabulous.
She does say hello and then nervously excuses herself to go to her office before anyone else sees her but hey see you around good to see you bye haha... and calls Sebastian with "He's hot now" with no context. So he asks who and she's like "oh only the cutest boy to ever plague our brains for years" and Sebastian is just "wait wait, Matis ? ? YOU SAW HIM? WHERE? HELLO? Why was I not invited to see him? Why did you not video call so I can see him? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S HOT" and then they scheme how to actually meet up and involve Matis. And they agree while he's definitely handsome dealing with other people, the fact he still blushes and looks nervous around them and looks to them for approval is the absolute cutest thing on the planet.
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
people in the tags of that poll are saying that sonic and knuckles didnt have any meaning or thought put into their design and they just happen to have red and blue fur and they should lose because of that. what if we all exploded and died
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artekai · 5 months
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When I tell you that when I saw the top hat and the red ombre hair I LOST my mind
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lavalampstealer · 9 months
colored it
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tyy @the-valiant-valkyrie for the monotone/greyscale overlay tutorial :)
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vazaez · 2 years
Literally the same ppl/j
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rivalswsh · 2 years
I will always associate mm oliver with green tbh
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inupibaldspot · 5 months
Paring : Gojo Satoru x Reader
Note: My Blue Eyed King is indeed handsome without his glasses, it even makes you who is so oblivious realize your feelings for him.
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“No Shoko.” Gojo’s face had as frown on his face as he stands near the alley way. Shoko really needed a smoke break but then the closest smoking zone was still a considerable distance away so here they were, in an alleyway Shoko smoking with Gojo as company. “I think I have been very obvious by now.”
“No shit, I think even Yaga knows by now”Shoko let’s out a chuckle. “Buts it’s also funny how oblivious y/n is.”
Shoko smiles as Gojo’s face contours in a frown further. She remembers when Gojo took a sip from your drink followed by a wink and despite Shoko giving a snide remark of ‘Wow~ An indirect kiss!’, you were pouting saying Gojo was after your drinks and scrambled away, hiding behind Geto.
“Even yesterday, we were in Harajuku.” Gojo huffs as Shoko takes a final drag from her cigarette and crushes the item beneath her feet. “I won a pop-ring from the pachinko and put it in her ring finger; RING FINGER!”
The duo starts walking back to where you and Geto were sitting at, Gojo still yapping away recalling the recent incident. “You know what y/n did? That idiot pulled it from their finger, bit the candy from the handle, threw the ring handle away and said it was inconvenient to eat candy that way.”
“Well, Y/N doesn’t like having things around their fingers and wrist.” Shoko smiles as Gojo huffs in frustration. “Have you maybe tried confessing?”
Gojo looks as her as if she had grown two heads. “Why do you think I was ignoring them for 2 days last month?”
“Pfft… You sulked only for two days?”
“Yeah, they called me over to their room to play Mario kart.”
Shoko cackled thinking how Gojo really can’t ever be genuinely upset at you,ever but smiles as she sees Geto and you not too far away. You were standing behind Geto and your hands were combing through his hair, Geto sitting comfortably with his eyes closed,undoubtedly a bit drowsy. “Your love of your life is being taken away though.”
Gojo follows his friend’s line of sight and sees what’s was going on making him screech. “Geh!”
You were combing your hands through Geto’s hair. Geto who always had his bun high and tight in the morning would always start to slouch and become slightly messy towards the evening, so you being a good friend offered to help.
Geto denied it at first. Gojo would blow a fuse if he sees his crush so close to him. But on second thought, Gojo did eat the yogurt he had saved up so it was a good chance for a payback so he agrees.
“Suguru!” Gojo slides infront of him in great speed, a trail of dust behind him. “That’s breaking bro code!”
To which Geto just sticks his tongue out with a smug look on his face. You tilt your head in confusion. What’s Satoru going on about? You think as your hands still. “I’m fixing his hair,Satoru.”
“Let me help you then.” Gojo scoots your away gently, as he then takes over making Geto’s hair as his hands swiftly takes over. “Done!”
Geto stills frozen for a second as he sat with his hair in a twin tail, his bangs covering one side of his face as usual with a proud looking Gojo beside him. He looks stupid. This make you and Shoko burst out laughing.
A nerve pops from Geto’s forehead and he swiftly swings his fist.
That’s how you guys ended up in a glasses shop, after Geto swings his fist on Gojo his fist collided with his face which in turn breaks the Gojo’s sunglasses.
“How about this?” You stand on the ball of your feet as your outstretched your hand to put on a sunglass on Gojo.
Gojo stops breathing for a second on how close you were to him, the tip of his ears felt hot. You put him a heart shaped pink glass, stupid he know but when sees you slump back and giggle, he thinks it’s worth it.
Geto and Shoko looks away from the pair. We’ll give you two space. Shoko has whispered to him and they walk around the store keeping a distance.
“Yeah yeah.” Gojo sings and you still continue laughing; he brings his hands to the frame of the glasses and removes it. “I know I look handsome but let’s get serious.”
You nod at him, your face still had a dust of red due to laughing. “Fine I’ll pick out a good one.”
“Ah! Look at that guy~”
“The white hair one…He is so tall!”
“Kyaa~ He looks so dreamy.”
Gojo puffs his chest in pride. This wasn’t old news at all as he always knew he was a good looking guy. He may have actually missed this kind of attention since no one at Jujutsu High would react like that.
“Try this one.” Your stiff voice breaks him from his thoughts as you once again put him a glasses; another stupid one where the frame was shaped like a flower.
“Listen.” Gojo says. “Let’s pick a proper one.”
“Why?” His heart skips a beat as your lips turn into a pout, your eyes look at him as if you were a puppy. “You like the girls fawning over you?”
Before Gojo could respond, you held the cuff of his shirt as you pull him towards Shoko and Geto.
“Ehh~ He had a girlfriend.”
“That’s boring.”
Gojo gulps loudly as he racks through his brain. No way? But then you- Damn I really don’t want to get too confident. He thinks as Gojo then opens his mouth.
“Hey? Don’t tell me you’re jealous?” He tries to keep his tone in his usual teasing one but there was a slight tremble at the end.
“I-“ You swiftly turn around, your eyes was nervously wandering as you try to look into his eyes, face increasingly red ; Gojo wished he could kiss you then and there. “I just- I guess I am.”
Gojo stills as he then breaks into a series of laughter. What the hell, all these time of him pinning on you, trying to make you realize the Gojo Satoru loves you and all it took was some random group of girls gushing over him?
“Fuck.” Gojo covers his huge grin on his face with his hands, and maybe the blush aswell as he then warps his hand around your waist and twirls you around . “You’re so fucking cute.”
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The way they both want their orange coded sibling here too
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Gotta love our blue and orange sibling duos
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lightprkdraws · 5 months
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the bi agenda
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omartinyosef · 2 months
ST5 Leaks/Fleaks
Gen Plot
Season picks up briefly where we left off in 1986 before jumping into either late 1987 or early 1988. The season is contained entirely in apocalyptic Hawkins. Things with the government are shaky. Owens doesn't appear in the beginning of the season and it's unclear if he's returning, but Ellen Stinson is the new Owens. Hawkins is like a combination of the UD and Kamchatka.
Labyrinths/Mazes being important to both the supernatural plot and the interpersonal relationships. They're inherently linked.
Two songs to be featured are 'Listen to Your Heart' and 'Alone,' both of which were apparently foreshadowed in a previous conversation between Hopper and Joyce, similar to how Hopper's "I'm the puppet, you're the master" to Joyce in S3 basically foreshadowed Eddie's 'Master of Puppets' in S4.
S1 and 2 scenes being referenced are "Nancy and Mike's conversation in the bathtub" and "Hopper + Lando Calrissian"
Lots of importance in COLOR CODING and blocking from the final shot of S4, and a good chunk is told in the costuming—like passing the torch from one character to another as their arcs overlap. For example, Hopper and Will share the "am I the curse and therefore putting my loved ones at risk by being near them?" sentiment for S5, therefore their wardrobe in the final shot of S4 is similar. Joyce/Jonathan and Nancy/Mike's costuming also similar for the same reason, whereas Eleven stands out because she's the first one coming into her own this season. The white for her represents shedding of false skins.
Character duos this season will be primarily dressed in colors of blue/green and yellow/red.
There's lots of symbolism and foreshadowing for every character in S5 from the moment Will touches his neck in the last sequence of S4.
S4 focused on themes of lies and miscommunication, and everyone is going to have to work through these lies before they can defeat Vecna.
Murray and Argyle are both back. Dimitri and Yuri don't seem to be in the beginning of the season.
One thing left unresolved with the Russian plot. Something important will happen involving the machine and the green liquid from the Starcourt bunker. Reference of Dustin vowing to die with Steve when they initially discovered it.
Hopper, Joyce, Mike, Will, and El had to be away from Hawkins, otherwise Vecna wouldn't have won.
An important death that they're nervous about given the reception to Eddie (not Joyce or Jonathan—see details below).
We'll see her unlike we've seen her before. A badass who doesn't take shit from anyone. Not a Monster, not a Hero, Jane. Think: adult El could be headed for a Charles Xavier type role.
Erica, Lucas, and El will share scenes together.
El has significant blocking and development with many characters this season.
Max, Eleven & Max
The "kaleidoscope of colors" from a script the writers posted makes a feature in both the scene where young El remembers her mother's love in order to defeat Henry in the lab, as well as the scene where El revives Max. This is significant because it's the first time we see El using her powers on someone in a non-violent way.
El was able to revive Max because of she, herself, being revived in the bunker by Brenner and Co. It's a show, don't tell moment from the writers.
Max getting Vecna'd was foreshadowed in the beginning of 2x01.
Will, Henry/Vecna, The UD
Filming was supposed to commence mid-June, but Noah and Jamie were set to begin in May due to more complicated costuming. Will is going to require heavy prosthetics at some point.
Will's character design is blocked in three stages. The more the UD bleeds into Hawkins, the more connected to it he feels. The gates being open will physically influence him, especially when he's not as mentally strong.
He's kind of like "the card up Vecna's sleeve."
It appears they want to confuse the audience about Will.
Will wrestling with his own morality
Henry/Will mirrors. Will will sympathize with Henry because, unlike El, he knows how and what Henry thinks, and he can feel him.
Vecna and Will are very similar, but the difference is Will is made stronger by love not hate. They will play into that duality.
Vecna was nerfed in S4 compared to how we see him in S5. He'll be much stronger.
At the beginning, he'll be taking a hiatus while he plans how to divide and conquer now that everyone's back together in Hawkins.
Soteria will be the key to saving Will. If they want Will to be untraceable to Henry, they'll have to insert it into his neck and it'll be painful. Vecna not having access to Will fucks up his ability to leave the UD.
Byler/Mileven Triangle
Apparently, it's complicated and up in the air as of now.
Mike dealing with guilt this season. He feels guilty/responsibility for El. He feels stuck in a loop that keeps him from a truth he's scared to face.
Will and Mike to spend a good chunk of the season together based on character designs and blocking.
Will telling El that Mike won't like being lied to comes back with the painting. During a pre-time jump scene in 5x01, while everyone's together plotting how to defeat Vecna and brainstorming how to save Max, Mike brings up the painting El commissioned for a D&D analogy. Will has to pull Mike aside and confess he lied about El commissioning the painting. Mike gets angry, because he doesn't know about Will's feelings and feels embarrassed that Will thought he was that pathetic he needed to be given a pep talk. Their own version of a "fight you can't come back from." Immediately after their fight, we get the time skip.
Mike's character motivations are unclear and seem to be kept under wraps. After the time jump, he and El won't be talking as much because he's keeping the details about Will's painting from her. She's gonna ask what's wrong between him and Will, and he lies/is very vague.
Joyce, Hopper, Jopper
Joyce feels immense guilt/responsible over Bob's death since she's the one that asked him to help in S2, which is why she pushed Hopper away at first.
Hopper has a secret from S1 that was never addressed, and it comes back to haunt him.
Joyce sustains an injury in S5 that is reminiscent of the way someone was injured in S3, but it isn't critical and she'll be okay.
Jopper are the most established couple after the time jump. Lots of bickering still, but Hopper trusts Joyce more than he ever has.
Jonathan, Nancy, Jancy
So far, does not seem like a breakup is happening.
Jonathan's still lying about the college letter and distant because of it, and Nancy thinks he's not as into the relationship and that there might be someone else. She confronts him, which leads to a talk. She's touched by the lengths he would go to try and protect her and any of their future children even from himself.
A moment where we're led to believe Jonathan dies but doesn't, like Hopper in S3.
Hopper-Byers Family
These five characters slowly unraveling their arcs together and have always been closely linked. Their perfect endings are together.
We see the family combining, especially in relation to El.
Joyce gets to witness Hopper being paternal and tender towards the boys.
Scenes with Joyce, Jonathan, and Will
Hopper being back lifts a weight off Jonathan's shoulders.
So, now time to shine.
''(...) sentiment for S5, therefore their wardrobe in the final shot of S4 is similar. Joyce/Jonathan and Nancy/Mike's costuming also similar for the same reason, (...)''
Okay. How did we see Nancy in S4? Confused. Confused with the love triangle between Jonathan, her and Steve. Jonathan is her actual boyfriend. And Steve is her posible love interest again.
So, putting this in byler language: Nancy = Mike Jonathan = Eleven Will = Steve
If Mike's and Nancy's character's clothing is important at this point of the time line and that means they feel similar feelings, this could mean that byler has a chance. BUT then we read this: ''(...) He (Mike) feels stuck in a loop that keeps him from a truth he's scared to face.'' And
''Mike's character motivations are unclear and seem to be kept under wraps.''
THIS LITERALLY MEANS BYLER. FOR REAL. Like byler could be endgame. Also, remember Eleven's injury in S3? Do you remember the leak of a shoe covered in blood?
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It's Joyce. ALSO YOU CAN READ THAT WE'LL HAVE SCENES BEFORE THE TIME JUMP. And here it comes. Look at this freaking hair:
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Does this look more like this
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or this?
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The season 4 bowl cut right? So maybe this is right in some part? I dont know. But that could make sense why Will is wearing Mike's pants, because his clothes were in California by that moment. But i really do think that the pic that was leaked a few days ago is before the time jump.
Im so late with this info haha :) but i kinda think some things here make sense. Even if this is too well explained to be a leak.
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seungrem · 21 days
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Jeonghan x m!reader
‘Make It Up To You’ ~*+
request (it disappeared from my drafts wtf)* - masterlist **
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summary: Growing up together and later becoming idols, Jeonghan and Male!reader have always had a special connection. On a night defined by sleep deprivation and impulsive decisions, a spotlight illuminates their true feelings for each other- allowing one action to lead to another.
( overview: shy idol!jeonghan, 14th-member!reader, childhood friends, smut: just a bj - hannie receiving, and hickies - reader receiving, more fluff than not, hickies subtly seen by other members, other seventeen member cameos with ‘going seventeen’ mentions )
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emoji code:
🌱 ( short story / oneshot - 3.5k words )
🧸 ( fluff )
-❄️ ( +18, mdni )
☁️ ( stands for y/n )
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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“Which number?”
“1114” Jeonghan responded, following ☁️ as the two strolled down their hotel’s posh hallway. After a long flight, the exhausted duo solely sought to fall into their beds and rest.
Upon reaching their shared room, ☁️ unlocked their door and swung it open. The two trudged in, dropping their bags onto the ground almost immediately. ☁️ traveled down the tiny hallway and into the bedroom, stopping upon seeing only one bed. After a few seconds, he felt Jeonghan’s breath glide across his neck from behind.
“What’s wrong?” Jeonghan asked, peaking over ☁️’s shoulder.
“There’s only one bed.” ☁️ groaned, him then looking over his shoulder. Jeonghan stood inches behind ☁️ with an expressionless face, the dark blue light emitting from the window casting its soft hues across his face.
“Who booked the rooms?”
“Seungcheol, I think.” ☁️ responded, him then walking toward the bed and sitting on it.
“We can talk to him after we rest. I don’t mind if you don’t.” Jeonghan said, walking toward the other side of the bed and uncovering the sheets.
“I don’t.” ☁️ replied, smiling to himself as he, too, climbed into the sheets. He placed his phone on the nightstand and looked over to Jeonghan, who was still engulfed in the pre-dawn hue. The man looked back at ☁️, the two staring at each other for a few seconds before bursting out in a tired laughter.
“Stop looking at me.” Jeonghan teased, draping the blanket onto his shoulder as he turned the entirety of his body to face ☁️.
“Nah, you stop looking at me.” ☁️ responded, smiling softly as he continued his gaze. After a few more seconds of quick glances, ☁️ rolled his eyes and laid on his back. The two laid in silence, ☁️ noticing Jeonghan continue to stare out of the corner of his eye.
“You know..” Jeonghan sighed. “I’m glad you let me you convince you to join the group.”
☁️ furrowed his eyebrows, looking over to see a sleepy Jeonghan. “Where’s this coming from?” ☁️ teased, “Since when did you get all sentimental?”
“I’m serious. We’ve known each other for a long time.. and we’ve always been together.”
“Yeah.. I’m glad too. I don’t know what I’d be doing right now if not for you.”
The two once again sat in silence for a while before Jeonghan proceeded.
“Sorry.. that was random.” Jeonghan muttered, rubbing his eyes.
“No, no- it’s fine. I like when you actually say how you feel.”
Jeonghan reached over to ☁️’s arm, grabbing it and suddenly pulling the man close to him. Though confused, ☁️ was too tired to process the man’s actions. He let Jeonghan wrap his arm around his waist, though his heart continued palpitating as his crush abruptly spooned him. Though he would never admit it to Jeonghan, ☁️ savored it- him closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep after another minute.
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“Wake up~” Jeonghan hummed, snuggling his nose into ☁️’s neck. ☁️ opened his eyes, taking a deep breath as he once again felt the man’s arm weighing down his torso. Slowly rubbed his eyes, he turned his head to look at Jeonghan.
The sun’s rays gleamed through the window, illuminating the fact that Jeonghan was in nothing but a robe.
“Hey, goodmorning. Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, did you?” ☁️ muttered, confused as to why the man was still holding him. Jeonghan raised his head up and rested an elbow on the pillow, him now looking down at ☁️.
“Yes. I brought our bags over to the room because I know we were tired early. Your toothbrush is already in bathroom and you can use my toiletries. Also, I ordered breakfast for us already, I know what you usually get so I figured I’d-“
“Hey.” ☁️ turned his body to face Jeonghan with his eyebrows still furrowed. The man remained quiet, tilting his head in confusion. “Thank you for doing all of this,” ☁️ muttered, raising his head and looking over to the suitcase that sat against the wall, “but.. why’re you acting like this?”
“Like what?”
“Just.. different. You’re treating me, like-“ ☁️ looked down at Jeonghan’s arm across his waist, and then back to him. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t like it?”
☁️ tilted his head as if pondering a response. “I mean..”
“I was too tired to realize what I did last night- or rather, this morning, and considering we slept like that.. I figured you didn’t mind.” Jeonghan stated softly, removing his arm from around ☁️.
“Oh, I don’t mind.. at all actually.”
“Ah, really?” Jeonghan was taken aback, only raising an eyebrow at the response.
☁️ felt his body warm up as he continued to look up at Jeonghan, the man’s lips slowly forming a smirk. As the man slowly leaned into him, ☁️ unconsciously did the same- their faces becoming only inches apart before a series of knocks erupted from down the hotel room’s hall.
Instantaneously realizing what he was doing, ☁️ yanked his head back and faced the opposite direction. He heard Jeonghan huff and slide off of the bed, ☁️ scared to look over to him.
“I’ll be in the bathroom.”
☁️ glanced over to Jeonghan, who immediately glanced back from across the tiny table in which they sat. The two awkwardly ate their breakfast together, with the sound of metal forks tapping against porcelain plates echoing around them. The two stole occasional glances from each other, having not said a word since room service’s knock. Finishing first, Jeonghan waited patiently for the man across from
☁️ tapped the napkin on the edges of his mouth and looked up at Jeonghan.
“Thanks for getting me breakfast.”
“It’s no problem..” Jeonghan hesitated. As he opened his mouth to speak again, ☁️ pushed his dishes aside and stood up.
“I’m going to shower quickly.” ☁️ announced, swiftly turning around and traveling back into the bedroom. Jeonghan stood up immediately after, following ☁️.
The man began hastily digging through his suitcase for clothes as Jeonghan peaked in.
“Yes?” ☁️ responded, continuing to pull items out of the bag.
“Can we talk about earlier?” The man asked, walking into the room and sitting onto the bed.
☁️ huffed and put pulled-out clothes on top of the suitcase. He then looked back at Jeonghan and stood up, sitting next to him.
“I didn’t mean to-“
“You have nothing to apologize for.” ☁️ interrupted, him looking into Jeonghan’s eyes. ☁️ could tell the man was at a loss for words by his wistful eye contact, resulting in him taking Jeonghan’s hands and holding them in his own.
“I’ve liked you for long time.” Jeonghan dully blurted out, him then looking down at his intertwined hands. “If you don’t feel that way, I’d compl-“
“I’ve liked you for a while now, too.”
Jeonghan’s eyebrows rose upward. “Really? Did you know about how I felt?”
☁️ shook his head. “Not really.. you’re naturally caring towards everyone so I didn’t think twice of it.”
Jeonghan looked back at ☁️ and nodded in understanding.
“I’d ask if you knew how I felt, but-“ ☁️ began.
“Actually..” Jeonghan interrupted. “One of the others told me that you liked me a bit.”
“What?!” ☁️ grimaced, unintentionally squeezing the man’s hands.
“It was a few months ago, though. So, I was worried that you didn’t feel the same way anymore. I tried to show you how I felt but I guess you never noticed.”
“What the hell Hannie?!” ☁️ yelled, yanking his hands away and softly pushing the man.
“You couldn’t just tell me??”
“I was nervous..”
“Guess you didn’t want me bad enough then.” ☁️ teased, rolling his eyes as he stood up. Jeonghan quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping the man.
“I did..” Jeonghan tilted his head to the side and yanked ☁️ forward once again. The man fell into his body, not noticing Jeonghan’s shy smile.
“Assuming you still do?” ☁️ asked as he placed a hand on Jeonghan’s shoulder, leaning over his lap as the two inched closer.
“Mhm.” Jeonghan responded, placing a hand on ☁️’s waist as the two then smashed their lips together. With his eyes wide open, ☁️ looked at Jeonghan, who had his eyes closed and increased his grip on the boy’s waist. After another second, he felt his body heat back up, ☁️ melting into the flame that was Jeonghan.
☁️ slid the hand on Jeonghan’s shoulder around his neck while placing his other on the man’s chest. It didn’t take long for their tongues to begin intertwining as well, deepening their kiss. ☁️ felt his bulge grow as he slowly rubbed against Jeonghan’s exposed thigh, him also feeling Jeonghan move his hand from ☁️’s waist up to his shoulder. It was then that Jeonghan quickly pulled his lips away from ☁️’s, him instead positioning them onto ☁️’s neck. He bit gently and sucked at the skin, changing his lip’s placement every few seconds. ☁️ practically whimpered at the sensations, allowing his body to soften in Jeonghan’s grasp.
As the man switched to the other side of ☁️’s neck, ☁️ noticed the alarm clock behind Jeonghan- it reminding him of their schedule.
“Hey-“ ☁️ pulled away softly to look at Jeonghan.
“What’s wrong?” The man asked innocently, wippng his mouth.
“We have an hour before we all leave, and I still need to get ready.”
Jeonghan looked down seemingly disappointed, ☁️ assuming he misunderstood.
“I mean I liked it, I just-“ ☁️ looked down to Jeonghan’s lap, where his bulge was very visible despite the thickness of his robe. “Oh.”
“Ah- I’m sorry, you should go shower.” Jeonghan removed his hands from around ☁️ and placed them over his erection. He then scooted away from ☁️, crossing his legs.
“Well you’re already hard..”
“☁️, go shower.”
“Just let me help quickly.”
“….Quickly.” Jeonghan instructed after thinking for a few seconds, him then untying his robe as ☁️ hurried over to his side. The man’s dick popped up as he moved the robe off of his shoulders, exposing his stomach and chest as well. ☁️ placed a hand on his lengthy cock, stroking it a few times before leaning forward and shoving it into his mouth. Shifting his tongue around Jeonghan’s cock as he bobbed his head, ☁️ felt the man brush his hand down ☁️’s back.
☁️ continued to shift up and down, occasionally hearing a soft moan from Jeonghan. After amother minute, Jeonghan moved his hand from ☁️’s back up to his head- grabbing it and forcing the length deeper down ☁️’s throat. Jeonghan now guided ☁️’s head up and down faster and faster between each second, making the man gag.
“Sorry, you okay?” Jeonghan asked after yanking off of his dick. ☁️ wiped his mouth and nodded, pushing Jeonghan’s hand off of his head.
“Yeah.” He responded, placing his lips back onto Jeonghan’s cock shortly after. Back to a normal pace, ☁️ continued oscillating his head, it now earning him frequent moans from Jeonghan. The man continued to throw his head back and whine as ☁️ throated the entirety of his length.
“Ah- I’m close.” Jeonghan eventually whimpered, pulling ☁️ off of his dick but keeping the man’s head close to his thigh. Jeonghan began rapidly stroking his cock in a haze, yelling out as white liquid shot out of his cock. ☁️ watched as some of it fell onto his cheek, him flinching before Jeonghan’s hasty strokes slowed.
With Jeonghan breathing heavily above him, ☁️ raised his head back up, using a finger to wipe the semen off of his face.
“Ah- I’m so sorry, I’ll make it up to you.” Jeonghan said, leaning over to help wipe the liquid off. “I promise.” He then murmured.
☁️ pecked the man on the cheek with a soft smile. “I believe you.” He whispered before standing up and walking over to the bathroom.
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“Can’t you just help me?”
☁️ stared at Jeonghan, who held his hands in his jean pockets. The two stood close together in the middle of a dimly lit school hallway.
“Move, I’m not helping you.” Jeonghan responded, attempting to walk around ☁️. ☁️ wrapped his hand around the tiny mic on his collar, using his other to make a fist around Jeonghan’s.
“But you said you would.” ☁️ whispered.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Well, still help.”
Jeonghan sighed as ☁️ took his hands off of the mics, him then holding out his hand. The man placed his palm in ☁️’s and intertwined their fingers. ☁️ smiled and whispered a ‘thank you’ as the two turned to continue down the eerie hallway. Just as they began to walk, footsteps echoed from behind them.
“Hey! What’re you two doing?” Dino called out, him then running over from down the other end of the hallway.
“We’re completing our missions.” ☁️ responded dismissively, softly tugging Jeonghan’s arm to start moving.
“You’re teaming?” Dino asked, him now standing in front of the two.
“No, I’m just doing my mission.”
“Your mission is to hold his hand?” Dino asked, him then reaching his hands out as if preparing to separate the two.
“Pretty much..” ☁️ said, grimacing as Dino placed a hand on both Jeonghan’s and ☁️’s wrist. Dino looked at ☁️ with a smirk before ☁️ whispered, “Dino, I’ll beat your ass if you try it.”
“I’m just completing my mission.” Dino whispered, removing his grip of the duo’s wrist. A small, glittery sticker now sat on both of their hands, leaving the two confused. “I have to leave stickers on each member.. Also you have some stuff on your neck.” Dino pointed at ☁️’s bruises, startling both him and Jeonghan. How he was able to see the hickeys in the hallway’s dimness was beyond them.
“Oh, uh- thanks. I’ll be sure to wipe it off when we finish.” ☁️ responded awkwardly, moving to the side next to Jeonghan to allow Dino to pass them.
“Mhm. Do you know where the other guys are by chance?” Dino asked, looking the two up and down as he did.
“We haven’t- this place is big so keep looking.” Jeonghan responded dryly, moving Dino along.
“So you’ll help him but not me?” Dino complained, rolling his eyes with a smile and continuing down the hallway.
“You’ll be alright.” Jeonghan called out, the two watching as Dino disappeared in the distance.
“You need to steal a member’s phone and make a call on it, right?” ☁️ asked, turning to Jeonghan. He watched as the man got extremely close to him, using a finger from his free hand to peel the sticker off of his other hand.
“Mhm. Let’s follow Dino.” Jeonghan then responded, power walking forward with ☁️ following.
“Wow.. you’re mean” ☁️ teased, practically jogging beside the man. Jeonghan seemed to ignore the comment, him choosing to change the subject instead.
“☁️, when he pointed at your..”
“Is it that noticeable?”
“Mm.. just pull your shirt up.” Jeonghan replied, using his free hand to adjust ☁️’s top.
Their hands still intertwined, the two continued to wander until they found Dino, them watching as he turned the corner. They silently followed from a distance, seeing that he had eventually disappeared into a room. The two crept over to the room’s window, where they saw two other members standing together beside a bright, red light. Another person lingered slowly down the hallway, wearing a large piece of cloth over his head.
“Is that supposed to be a ghost?” ☁️ asked, about to laugh.
“I guess. Let’s just go in.” Jeonghan replied, walking over to the room door and sliding it open. Dino and DK yelled out, horrified, while Seungcheol jumped slightly.
“Relax, it’s just us.” ☁️ giggled, approaching the small group. As the duo strolled over to the other side of the room, Jeonghan leaned over to whisper in ☁️’s ear.
“Tell Seungcheol that your mission is to hug all of the members and then hug him. He’ll do it willingly and I’ll take his phone.”
☁️ nodded in understanding, remembering that Seungcheol usually wears his phone in his back pockets.
“Hey guys, my mission is to hug everyone. Can I?” ☁️ asked as he and Jeonghan stood in front of the three. DK and Seungcheol looked the two up and down, while Dino tilted his head in confusion.
“You told me your mission was to hold hands with him.” Dino said in a state of confusion.
“Oh, no. That’s his mission.” ☁️ replied, pointing at Jeonghan. “You might’ve misheard, you do that a lot.”
“He does! It’s super annoying.” DK responded, turning from ☁️ to Dino. At a loss for words, Dino held his arms out mouthing a ‘What?!’.
“I’ll help you with your mission if you help me with mine.” Seungcheol grinned, turning to ☁️.
“What is it?” Jeonghan asked.
“I have a keychain plushie that Mingyu is supposed to keep on him until the end of the game. He saw DK give it to me after he stole it, so can you keep it away from him?”
Jeonghan took the small dog plushie from Seungcheol and placed it into his back pocket.
“Okay, now come here.” ☁️ said, dragging Jeonghan next to him while he held his arms up for a hug. Seungcheol wrapped his arms around ☁️’s back, squeezing him slightly as the two embraced. With his head in between Seungcheol‘s shoulders, ☁️ could see Jeonghan place a finger on his mouth while looking over to DK and Dino.
“Are those hickies on your neck?” Seungcheol whispered, continuing his embrace.
“No, just.. bruises. I didn’t sleep that well because you booked us a room with one bed.”
“Doesn’t look like you two slept at all.” Seungcheol said, letting go of ☁️.
“Hey Seungcheol!” DK shouted as ☁️ and Seungcheol had finally let each other go. ☁️ looked over to DK and then to Jeonghan, who had Seungcheol’s phone to his ear.
“Stop snitching, Dokyeom.” ☁️ growled, leaving Seungcheol confused and looking behind him.
“Hello?” Jeonghan hummed as he then dragged ☁️ to a corner of the room. He showed the phone screen to a camera attached to the ceiling.
“My mission is complete~” He cooed, smiling brightly. ☁️ stumbled behind again as Jeonghan hurried back over to Seungcheol, holding the man’s phone out as he approached him. He ended the call before Seungcheol was able to snatch the device back.
“Thank you~” Jeonghan waved teasingly. ☁️ smiled at Seungcheol as his mouth was open ajar.
“You two are menaces!” DK yelled out.
“So, who completed their missions?”
Jeonghan, ☁️, Dino, Minghao, and Hoshi raised their hands while the others groaned. Jeonghan started.
“My mission was to make a call on somebody else’s phone, and I used Seungcheol’s.”
“You mean you stole it?” Seungcheol argued, throwing his hands up as he spoke. Jeonghan just smiled innocently in response.
“My mission was to follow another member for the entire game, and I followed Jeonghan.” ☁️ stated, him earning some nods from the other members, and another grimace from Dino.
“Anyway, my goal was to make each member wear a sticker until the end of the game. I made sure to get most of them without them knowing. The only people I told were Dokyeom, ☁️, and Jeonghan.” Dino explained, showing everyone his small pack of unpeeled stickers. ☁️ looked over to Jeonghan nervously, the two making eye contact almost immediately.
“I took mine off, actually.” Jeonghan said, showing Dino his wrist. Dino stared at his wrist for a few seconds before smacking the table. He then stood up and began pacing back and forth behind his chair, yelling out as he did so. The group bursted out in laughter as they watched their frustrated maknae sit back down.
After another minute of Minghao and Hoshi explaining how they won (Minghao having to take someone’s flashlight for the rest of the game and doing so by trading one for another with Seungkwan, and Hoshi having to dance the entirety of ‘Super’ uninterrupted- which he did by locking himself in a classroom) the group said goodbye to the cameras and ended their day’s schedule. Their last event was to film a ‘Going Seventeen’ video in a school decorated in a ghostly and haunted fashion, which exhausted everyone.
Jeonghan and ☁️ strolled down their hotel’s posh hallway; their hands still intertwined and bodies close together. After a long day, the exhausted duo solely sought to get comfortable.
“Did you want me to make it up to you tonight?” Jeonghan asked with a sly smile.
“As long as you don’t leave another mural along my neck, sure.” ☁️ replied with a tender tone, him then softly squeezing Jeonghan’s hand and looking over at him.
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a/n: i made u wait two months for this- i’m so sorry lol :,) hope it was worth the wait tho, thank u for requesting ♡ alsooo another side note- but jeonghan is such a hard person to write for because (from what i know/have seen) he doesn’t express himself very much. which is fine, im just scared to write him and how he talks accurately. but anyways thx for reading !
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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angelmichelangelo · 9 months
wanted to talk about my favourite scene in my favourite episode because i have a lot of feelings about it so here we go.
so it’s this particular scene in ‘of rats and men’ - anything to do with the rat king and i am there. he’s a really cool villain and i think the added bonus of him using solinher to fight the boys is really interesting but there’s this ONE scene that is always in my head when i rewatch it.
so after we see mikey hide away ice cream kitty we get a little comedic scene with him and his brothers + april and casey until splinter comes in, having just had the rat king invade his mind, he’s clearly unwell and weak, he goes to the freezer for some ice and a cheese sickle to which mikey tells him no and straight up slams the door in his fathers face to keep him from seeing the mutated cat in there.
to which splinter doesn’t take kindly towards.
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remember, at this point, it’s not obvious to them that splinter is basically being possesed. he towers over mikey (ik he’s crouching here but the shot is really well done, pulling back to really emphasis how much he towers over these kids) and mikey just looks up in fear. again, splinter’s eyes don’t turn red straight away, he doesn’t show any obvious signs of change so to mikey, he’s suddenly aware of the fact that he’s pissed his dad off big time.
then, splinter strikes him, sending him across the kitchen.
we don’t see it, just a flash of red but it then immediately cuts towards the brothers reactions which again, i find interesting
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it’s total shock. usually when one of them is hurt or down, we get angry reactions, something protective. but here they’re not mad. they’re just in utter disbelief that their father has just struck one of their own.
and i know splinters done this many times in the past but that all happens during training. it never occurs just because mikey is being odd. casey (and i know he was still grappling with his fear of rats here) actually recoils at this.
then we get a chase scene. again a little comedic just to lighten the tension but splinter is honing in on mikey. he wants to get to him, ignoring the other five teenagers who are in the room with them.
then we get these shots (the main reason i wanted to talk about this scene)
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mikey is pushed against the fridge, exactly where he started. and you obviously can’t tell from screenshots alone but mikey is actually trembling with fear here. he’s hyperventilating and it’s not because he’s out of breath. he’s a trained ninja. he can go far longer than the little lap around the kitchen he’s just done. he’s positively terrified, and it’s not like the kind of fear in “invasion of the squirrelanoids” where he was making quips and making jokes to un-scare himself. this is a new fear because this is his father that is attacking him. he doesn’t even say anything during this moment. he just whimpers. he just trembles in fear until leo calls out to the others to “help him!”
then after splinter is pinned down, the rat king breaks through and we get reaction shots from the rest of the characters as they realise what has happened to their sensei.
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i think it’s really sweet that april immediately goes to mikey, putting a protective arm over him. his eyes have shrunk to pinpricks (a neat little trick i really love that they show throughout and show when they’re scared or shocked) mikey doesn’t move or try to get back up, staying down with april it’s a nice moment (also we needed more of this duo! orange coded, blue eyed freckled friends for the win!!)
another little detail i found interesting was that after splinter seemingly goes back to normal everyone rushes to his side. april stands from where she’s crouched down with mikey and leo, raph and donnie are there to help him.
but mikey doesn’t get back up. he stays on the floor, perhaps coming out of his shock. he makes no attempt to reach his dad which.. breaks my heart little actually.
and as much as i love this episode, i really do wish it had some mikey + splinter pay off. we hardly see any moments of them together, especially since each brother gets their share of dad moments where he passes down some sort of wisdom, mikey gets a very brief “love yourself you don’t need to change” lesson in “mikey gets shellacne” and that’s it. we really were robbed of more of these two as father and youngest son. and ik all of them get attacked and scared by possessed splinter at some point but it clearly really affected ooor mikey here after being targeted in this one scene.
anywho. that’s my rant over. if anyone has any additions to this post feel free to add them as i’d be interested to see if anyone else is as crazy about this scene as i am lol
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minhosbitterriver · 5 months
Hihihihi!! Hru!
I was wondering if you could write a stray kids x 9th member!reader where their a a maknae and their family lives far away so chans kinda a father figure for them? Like he looks after her and helps her fall asleep when they’re struggling, and maybe in skz vlogs or codes fans can see how much of a father figure he is to them. Its okay if you can’t ilyy bye❤️❤️
ꖛ ꙳꯬ 🦋 how he cares 𓂅 ໋⋅
「other works by green. 」
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‧₊° pairing. chan x female reader ( platonically ! )
‧₊° content warnings. not proofread.
‧₊° rating. everyone
‧₊° summary. an episode of 2 kids’ show reveals just how deep your friendship with chan runs.
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2 Kids’ Show has come to mean a lot for STAY, a fact that warmed your heart as you glanced around the set which was definitely an upgrade to the old yellow room with the blue couch, although the latter was a symbol of simpler times in a lot of ways. Still, the dingy feeling of a garage being occupied by a band was an aesthetic you hadn’t realized you’d appreciate this much.
Minho was already sitting on his assigned velvety green chair, a small stack of talking-point cards with the freshly designed logo of the show printed on the back in his hands as he waited for his cue to begin. Chan stood by your side, chatting lightly with his hairstylist as she ensured that his hair was perfect. You were already set and ready to begin, no trace of the tingling anxiety that usually plagued you before interviews and you knew it was because the only people you’d have to interact with were the very same people you spoke to daily — this was a relief to you these days.
“Okay!” The manager announced with a sharp clap of his hands in order to attract everyone’s attention. All of the staff quickly made their ways to their needed positions and the hairstylist Chan had been speaking to left him be. “Ready? Scene!”
“Where two kids share their secret stories and music, this is 2 Kids’ Show,” announced Minho, pausing for a moment for a light applause — to which you and Chan obliged albeit belatedly to tease your friend. Minho’s eyes playfully narrowed in your and Chan’s direction, though he quickly moved on with a smile. “I am 2 Kids’ Show’s handsome MC, Lee Know.”
You cupped your hands around your mouth to cheer exaggeratedly, overcompensating for the lack of an enthusiastic applause just a moment prior. Minho winced away from you even with the distance between the two of you. “You were scolding Hyunjin and Jeongin before, you don’t have any grounds to complain saying I don’t cheer now!”
“I do have a complaint actually, you’re being too loud! It hurts my ears!” Minho rolled his eyes playfully before glancing back at the cards in his hands with an amused smile. “Anyway, as you can see, today we have a special pair with us — Stray Kids’ wolf and bumblebee duo that STAY have always loved. To me, they’re a good representation of an endearing friendship, our oldest and youngest members — Chan and Y/N!”
Chan pressed a hand on your lower back to urge you forward, and you let yourself be guided by him with a practiced bright grin as you waved at your group member. You end up seated in between the two men, quickly grabbing one of the cushions of the couch and placing it on your lap out of habit. Chan followed suit, but only so he could fiddle with the fuzz.
“It’s so strange seeing you as our MC,” you commented lightly.
“Is it? Good or bad?”
You shrug innocently. “I guess we’re going to have to wait and see!”
“Careful,” Minho teased with an exaggerated ominous grin. “I’m the one leading this interview.”
Chan chuckled beside you, though he remained quiet otherwise.
“Okay! Chan and Y/N how have you two been lately?”
You glance over at Chan, unsure of whether he should begin speaking of you, but he made the choice for you as he absentmindedly nodded at you whilst keeping his eyes glued on the pillow. With an understanding nod, you clear your throat and turn to face Minho. Chan has been a bit on the quieter side, evidently exhausted by the grueling hours of work and the pressure of the recent comeback almost weighing him down slightly — although he would never admit it. “I’ve been pretty good, actually. Yesterday was my day off, so I was able to tend to my plants at home.”
“Oh, how are they?”
A frown tugged at yourself, pushing your lower lip into a frown. “Titi, my tradescantia died, which was really sad since it’d managed to live so long. They’re really difficult to keep alive since they require a lot of water, and I’ve heard how often they tend to die so I was very proud of myself when I managed to keep it for a bit despite our busy schedule.”
“Oh, Titi died?” Chan questioned, highly surprised by this new piece of information. It wasn’t uncommon for you to call or text him whenever one of your plants died since you had a deep love for them and always took their ends straight to your heart — it was a failure you couldn’t bring yourself to forgive, and it always made you work harder with the next plant. Not to say that you didn’t have a green thumb, your experience caring for them since childhood was more than enough proof of your abilities, but death comes to all and yet it hurts nevertheless. Titi in particular had been struggling for quite a bit despite your constant attempts to make things better for her, and by the time you found her completely lifeless in your pot, you were painfully aware of Chan being asleep after spending all night awake.
“Yeah,” you confirmed with a slightly guilty smile. “It was quite tragic, actually. But my gardenia flowers have just started blooming a few days ago, and I’m really excited to see them in their prime. It’s also nerve-wracking because they’re also said to be extremely difficult to maintain and I really don’t want to deal with another Titi. Since I don’t have an actual garden in a subtropical country, I had to invest in a container so I can control the temperature. They’re actually said to thrive really well with moderate warmth that is somewhere between 18°C and 21°C and their soil must be kept consistently moist at all times and also —”
Minho splayed his hands in front of himself to signal for you to stop, and so you snapped your mouth shut as a slight tinge of color rose to your cheeks. “You know we love you, and I will ask you about this after the interview. But we should probably move on with the questions.”
“Right. Sorry.”
Chan chuckled a bit, reaching out to rub your back in small circles to soothe you like he always did. Minho, catching the kind gesture, grinned brightly and pointed at Chan’s hand that stopped immediately when caught.
“That’s actually one of the things we wanted to talk about here,” Minho announced with a slight glint of mischief. “I think it’ll be okay if I jump a few questions now that we’re on the topic and then circle back to the others, right?”
The three of you glanced at your manager and director, both of whom nodded and motioned for Minho to continue. Chan drew his hand back, focusing on the pillow once more.
“Right, so I think we’re all guilty of watching some of the videos that STAYs make online. I for one find them to be very entertaining, but I also noticed that there’s a greater amount of content made of you two — a lot of people really admire your friendship, so how’s that looking so far?”
This time, you nudged Chan’s knee with your own. He glanced up and cleared his own throat. “I love watching those videos, honestly. I think it’s really interesting to see how many STAYs can appreciate it. I know Y/N and I have been through a lot together and it really makes me appreciate her even more these days.”
“Channie,” you teased. “You make it sound like we’re dating.”
“I was just about to say! Right?” Minho burst out, chuckling as Chan rolled his eyes. It’s a joke as old as time, really, and it couldn’t be further from the truth — no matter how many fans believe it to be true. You didn’t blame those who viewed you and Chan as something more than friends, however, because everyone is entitled to their own opinions when it really comes down to it, and it’s a consequence of being an idol that you needed to embrace regardless of how frustrating it could be at times. All that being said, you and the boys have found a way to bring humor into the whole thing, which oftentimes makes it easier to deal with.
As Chan reached across from your body to swat at Minho with his pillow, you couldn’t help but giggle. “Anyway,” he continued as he sent his friend a pointed look. “I just think that after being friends for so long, it’s natural for us to become as close as we are. Besides, Y/N always needs me, which makes me very happy.”
His words seemed to warm every cell in your body, these thoughts of his were not new to you since it was something that he frequently mentioned during those late nights spent either working or having a drink together. It was the mere thought of you making him feel as wanted as you knew he deserved to feel that made you content, it was the least you could do for him when he sacrificed so much for everyone in the group on a daily basis.
“I think we’ve earned the right to be this close.” Minho cocked his head to the side, silently urging you to elaborate on your comment. “I mean, I’m not born or raised in Korea like most of the other members are, and the only ones who could really understand what it meant to be homesick were him and Felix. Oftentimes, I would find myself in bed just wide awake because I couldn’t help but obsess over my troubles. Every time my mind was just spinning like that, I knew I could count on Chan, to calm me down.
It’s especially sweet, too, because we all know Chan is a bit of a workaholic, but whenever someone needs him he just…stops and turns all of his focus on us and it made me feel very seen. He listens, and offers his own insights and is just like the big brother I always need around. Usually those nights end with us in the living room, and I’ll fall asleep to the sounds of his keyboards click-clacking as he continues working. Chan just has that soothing aura that helps so much.”
Chan could only watch as you spoke about him, those mini stars that only seemed to appear when watching his members. You held his gaze for only a moment, hoping he could feel the sincerity oozing from your expression.
“I think it’s safe to say that STAYs really do see that.” Minho was leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees, lips curled up into a soft lopsided smile as he watched the interaction between the two. All of the members shared their own special friendships with you that you adored and appreciated with every fiber of your being, but the fact that Chan was your platonic soulmate was an undeniable fact. “The fact that Y/N is our maknae also probably plays a part in this friendship. Chan, has there ever been a time in which Y/N felt like she was older?”
After a moment of careful consideration, Chan responded with: “I think Y/N can be very nurturing when she wants to be. She’s always making sure that I’ve drank enough water and she often brings me meals when she can because I do spend an awful lot of time working. But other than that, she’s still very much a big baby — OW!”
Your hand stung slightly from when you smacked his arm, guilt seeped into your smile since you hadn’t meant for it to hurt that much. Nevertheless, you stood your ground.
“Would a big baby be that strong?”
Minho chuckled at the scene. “I think you’re proving him right, though.”
“I’ll hit you too, you know.’
“Okay, okay, let us move on from this before you start getting all violent.” Although he was partly teasing, Minho was not a stranger to your slaps that always hit harder than you’d mean to, as though you were a large puppy that didn’t know its strength. “Y/N, has Chan ever felt like he was younger?”
“You didn’t even think about it,” Chan chortled.
“Don’t have to,” you said with a wicked grin curling up your lips. “He’s a big baby when he doesn’t get any attention and also when he’s sick.”
At this, Minho burst out laughing. “No, you’re right. She’s right.”
It was now Chan’s turn to let his hand fly and make contact with your arm, though his slap was significantly lighter than yours. You still pretended to be distressed due to the pain, clutching the area that he touched and twisting your face in mock suffering.
The questions on Minho’s talking-point cards continued rolling off of his tongue as the interview carried on. It was a time that, had the goal truly been to cover every single aspect of yours and Chan’s relationship, it’d never end. He was the kind of guy you trusted with everything, and you knew he felt the same way towards you. Bang Chan was your best friend, the brother you always needed, and your guide when in the darkness. By the time the cameras stopped rolling almost immediately after your collaborative singing in the end, the promise of buying lunch was on the tip of your tongue as you jogged to catch with his wider footsteps.
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word count: 2.2k 🦋 posted: 01 • 03 • 2024
💬 a note from green;
First of all, Happy New Years! Hope it’s 2024 is being kind to everyone thus far.
Secondly, thank you for the request my dear Anonnie! I really hope this is good, I’ve never written anything about a ninth member, much less in a platonic way so I struggled slightly on how to do it. I’m gonna be very honest right now and say that I am not a platonic anything haha, my girlfriend (who found my account recently) will tell you that much. We did a lot of “platonic” shit before we finally admitted that we were, in fact, not being platonic at all. So, yeah. I do love a challenge so I really appreciate it!
Finally, I’m finally feeling better! All I have is a mild cough, nothing too bad compared to what I was dealing before so be ready for more posts!
⨳ kofi ⨳
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( 🏷️ ) taglist: @grandpafelixx , @agi-ppangx
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