#blue exorcist x reader fluff
animekpopsimp · 2 years
Rin Okumara with a Chubby S/O
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Rin is such a sweetheart
He does not care about your body type, he finds you beautiful regardless, no questions asked
So if you ever feel insecure about the way you look, he won't stop until you feel better
He'll cuddle with you, his arms wrapped around you while he lists everything he loves about you
He'll hold onto your waist, loving how soft your skin feels
Rin will encourage you to wear what you want and says you look great in everything
You'll catch him staring at you, his face a shade of pink
He just can't help it
If anyone talks bad about you or makes fun of your weight, he's willing to throw hands, no matter who it is
He hates when people put you down and will make you forget about whatever they said
He's always taking pictures of the two of you together and has his favorite one set as his phone background
Sometimes, he'll pinch your cheeks and mumble how adorable you are
He never fails to make you smile
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odezsmi · 7 months
good n plenty
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pairing: rin okumura + reader
warnings: light angst, hurt w/comfort
now playing 🎶 : good & plenty by alex isley, masego, + jack dine
an: hello !! this is my first time writing fics on tumblr ! while written elsewhere, i thought it would be amazing to try this out here now bc now or never lolol.
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“You know you really don’t have to be here, right? feels like you’re monitoring me at this point.”
“Monitoring you? I can’t simply spend time with my boyfriend?”
The words came off as playful, but while his tone mirrored yours, you knew what he meant.
See, Rin Okumura eventually had come to terms with who he was. While it took a bit longer than he had wanted, he knew who he was inside and out.
Being Satan’s son was the heaviest burden anyone could carry, and Rin had fallen victim to that.
With every event that had transpired so far in his life, from the Blue Night to Kyoto and other following events he accepted the fact that he was Satan’s son.
Satan. A fallen angel, once radiant and powerful, who defied divine authority and was casted out of Heaven. A symbol of evil, human frailty even and the enemy of God. A being who sought to destroy God’s children and bring nothing but destruction.
But Rin Okumura?
Oh, nothing hurt more than to see how wrong people could be about this careful being.
Rin was anything but destructive. If anything, he’s more gentle than anyone you’ve ever met.
With the kindest words and the gentlest of gazes towards you, you never understood what it was about you that caught his eyes.
And each time you asked whether it be a joke or not, you were always met with his softness and light words.
“Because you see me.”
And that, made him more human and less of a spawn.
You saw him for his eccentric self, whether it’s over his cooking for him and his brother. Or how Kuro slept the previous night and he’s showing the 45 pictures he took.
Whether it be how he’s excited he’s invited out of a simple game of baseball with the other ex wires or an older woman took time out of her day to chat with him, you saw him for who he was.
Not what he was forced to be.
Sometimes though, the reminders of who he is catch up to him and he’s left shaken up with fear and doubt. The fear of his friends leaving him for good, of losing Yukio, or even losing you.
You received a call at 3 am and now you’re snuck into the dorms, not caring that he’s seeing you with crazed hair and your athletic-based pajamas.
“Plus it sounded like you realllllly wanted me here. Didn’t we just have a date? Didn’t know you’d miss me that much.” The cheesy grin was enough to make the boy scoff.
“Hey- I have a cat I can also talk to-“
“Who I can’t understand-“
“And go back into my super comfortable twin bed by myself. Well. With him too.”
It wasn’t long before you were laughing gently at his banter, reminding yourself Yukio was asleep down the hall.
If he were awake he’d certainly scold you two for being up so late.
“Well, can Kuro enjoy some nice chamomile tea and spend time with you like this?”
It was unfortunately also a late night with heavy storms, the drops pattering against the windows. It was loud and clear for the two of you, and you had managed to distract Rin for a bit from it (in case he felt guilty for making you come here).
As he glances over at a window from the empty cafeteria, you stare at his features for a bit and exhale through your nostrils.
What you would give to ease his troubles, to take away all of his fears and insecurities. It was a late night and he clearly had a nightmare, one which his friends had shunned and demeaned him for his heritage.
While not possible with all you guys have been through as exwires, who are you to dismiss that?
You’ll never understand the full extent of it, but you’ll be there as much as you can for him.
His head turns from the window to look at you, a puzzled look on his features.
His expression was precious enough you’re already smiling, eyes crinkled and teeth showing. Thumb drawing patterns on the back of his hand, you hum.
“You’re… you’re so good. You’re just… a beautiful being.”
The words caught him off guard, and both of you sat in a moment of silence.
Him? Good?
Are you sure you’re talking about him?
“You’re a gift from the universe, a blessing to many. You’re choosing a life for yourself, and defying anyone else who disagrees. Who tells you what you should be and what you are. Except…” You frown, and that worries him for a moment.
“I wish you saw how wonderful you are from my eyes.”
Wonderful? All he can remember being called is aggressive, a brute, hell even a thug.
But a blessing? Wonderful? Satan would be laughing if he heard the formal.
Hands withdrawing from him, you chuckle to yourself out of meekness. “Maybe that’s a bit much. Sorry if it was weird-“
Your words died in your throat when his arms engulfed you, yelping a little from the force. Your arms hung in the air uselessly as you tried to look at your boyfriend.
“Stay the night with me.”
“Huh? But-“
The word is forced out, in a way which you understand in a snap. His hug was tight, body trembling and voice strained.
Brushing his locks down for comfort, you stand from your chair and nod. “Okay.”
With you in his arms, his soul was able to find a little bit more peace. The tranquility of the rain and him holding you close to his chest brought on sleep to him.
For so long, he had been haunted by the echoes of his past, the weight of his bloodline threatening to drown him in despair.
But in your arms, he found sanctuary — a haven where his flaws were not condemned, but embraced with love and understanding.
And just like that, he fell asleep and remained asleep throughout the rest of the night.
Until of course, a very hungry cat woke him up and an irritated younger brother scolded you both for this recklessness.
It was all worth it in the end for Rin.
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(teehee I didn’t proofread so sorry for any mistakes; I wrote this at 2 am.)
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faerishv · 1 year
Sorry, same anon from before, I apologize I didn’t look at the rules but thanks for clarifying, can I get Rn Okumura hc’s from the Fluff Alphabet, letters E, L, and S?
FIRST BLUE EXORCIST REQ WOHOOO , sorry for the lack of posts btw , i don't feel like wanting to write these days , so im trying to do the shortest reqs first !!
okumura rin + letters E , L , S
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E : emotions ( how do they express emotions around you ? )
he wants you to think he's a big , cool looking guy , he doesn't cling to you like a baby ... pft of course not ..... 10 minutes without seeing you and he's already frustrated omg. He gets embarassed giving you affection in front of others but that doesn't stop him from touching you ; though when you two are alone he's completely different , he follows you around like a lost puppy until you give him the attention he deserves ... he's so whipped for you tbh.
L : love ( how do they love you ? )
His love his warm , like his flames ; everytime he's with you he feels so happy and relaxed , he knows he doesn't have to hide nothing from you , that you'll accept him for the half demon and half human he is , son of Satan. He's not someone really important , like a rich guy or something like that , he can't shower you in the appreciation he thinks you deserve , but he's sure to remember you you're very special to him , you're part of the family after all , something he really loves with all his heart. He's so happy to be with you , and he hopes you think the same about him too.
S : secrets ( how open are they with you ? )
I don't think he'll ever hide something from you , like i said before , and its not like he had many secrets to hide tho. But , if we're talking about something , a secret The Vatican has forced to be secret , hidden from all the human expect exorcists , than he will have to make the effort to shut his mouth from you , you could never know what they could do to you if you were to discover it , and Rin of course doesn't want anything bad to happen to you
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randomchaosyay · 2 months
Not sure if you write for him, but general relationship hcs for Satan? (Blue Exorcist) 🫣
Satan x reader ~ relationship headcanons
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I know he’s supposed to be a bad guy, THE bad guy (at least so far where I’m at), but I hc him as such a sweet lover
Warnings: none
- It’s hard to get him to like you, but once he does, there’s no letting go
- You’d need to be patient with him, as there are something’s he still doesn’t understand
- He’s so protective of you, even if he lets you go somewhere without him, one of his minions will be following you.
- He just makes sure you’re okay
- Very much so a cuddler
- Lots of cuddles, all the time
- Once he loves you, he loves you very much, so you’re going everywhere with him
- Even the most menial tasks, chores or the likes, he’s there following you around, a bit of your top pinched between his thumb and pointer finger
- He likes long sweet kisses, just sitting there reveling in your taste
- He’s definitely a hand holder, just walking around town with him or anything
- Let the world burn ~ Chris Gray
- Let’s take a short pause to appreciate the lovely chills that song gives me
- If anyone hurts you they’re dead, which probably goes without saying
- I feel like, contrary to that, he’s very gentle with you. Like you’re a dandelion that could blow away at any moment
- If you’re gone or get taken, it’s basically the blue night all over again, he goes feral trying to get to you, to help you.
- Would try to give flowers, probably has them burning in his hands cuz he’s so flustered
- If you surprise him with affection he probably bursts into harmless flames instead of a blush
- Overall baby boy demon lord loves you very much and very gently, he would do anything and everything for you
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weirdxstarseed · 1 year
imagine you need to take care of a sick rin
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content: pure fluff, friends to lovers, platonic love, sick!rin x carer!reader | words: idk | warnings: none
It was a peaceful afternoon when you suddenly received a call from Yukio
He asked if you can take care of his brother cuz he had an important mission and he can’t take care of him
You hesitate to risk your sunday for being in charge of one of your classmates
Even tho you had a good relationship with anyone
taking care of rin was a complete challenge
rin was the type of sick person who always complain about his illness
and you didn’t have the patience to deal with a trouble-maker
at the end, you accept with the condition that yukio will let you absent any day you want
consequently, he replied with an assertive answer letting you know all the information that you need to take care of rin
you arrived at their home and gave an esceptic glance to the surface
It looks pretty neatly to be a department where two boys lived.
you knock twice the door to verify if there was someone in the room
unexpectedly, a blue-haired boy open the door with an angry face
your eyes were bigger than usual and without hearing anything rin said, you guided him to the bed
“HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” he screamed before start coughing like a sick dog
“Stop, you’ll get hurt” you scold him, leaving your bag in a chair
He examined you with a distrusting glance and you showed him your tongue
mocking him
Rin rolled his eyes annoyed and started complaining
“I don’t know why Yukio told you to take care of me”
“I like money” you said, winning a indignant glance like a drama queen
“He offered you money?”
“Yes, a lot of yen is at stake”
“REALLY??” he sit on his bed, watching at you with a red blush in his cheeks
You smile openly and laugh at his expression
“Of course not, idiot” you replied “Sleep a little bit, you’re in great hands”
“If you said it. . .¡OUCH!”
You hit him with a pillow when you heard his comment and start organizaing everything in the room
Believe me, it was a challenge to shut him off
He always complained aboy everything
The coldness in the room, the hot weather outside, his sore throat, his headache
You patienly heard every complaint controlling yourself preventing to hit him again
Until you started organizing in the table
Towels, fresh water in a little bowl, termometer, analgesic, more towel
You know, things you need to take care of a sick person
The noise transform into silence
And when you saw rin sleeping peacefuly
A little smile cross your face
Feeling your heart beating
You roll your eyes trying to ignore the feeling raising in your chest
Prefering to concentrate in your labour
You sat in the floor to read a little bit watching over your shoulder if your patient was calm
Ignoring that when you read time goes by
You scream after feeling an air going through your spine
Rin was reading your manga behind you so you stand up trying to search the termometer on the table
He was a little bit slow so he didn’t notice your nervousness
Nervousness that went down the trash when both of you start to complain cuz the little baby didn’t want to swallow his pills
Sometimes when you change his front towel, he distracted you by talking about the manga you were reading, but suddenly you stop him putting the towel all over his face
Both of you stayed fighting like cats and dogs for an hour until rin proposed you to sit near him
You’ll be in an easiest way to check him out and he could bother you in a simple manner
You were with one eye reading and with the other one, watching the breath of rin
He would sleep multiple times and just wake up to say “I’m hungry”
In those spaces, both of you would love to talk about your favourite tv show
Or even complain about the difficult things that it’s to be an exorcist
Again, he would be in the land of dreams and you’ll be so astonished about his curious beauty
You check the clock, it’s 9.15pm time to Yukio arrive to their home
Carefully, you’ll approach to Rin’s face and leave a soft kiss in his cheek
In a sign of “good-bye”
Without noticing that some boy was awake and feeling your kiss over his cheek put him as a weird tomato
faster, you’ll clean all the room
Picking up food packaging, clean towel in the table and ofc medicine in order
You’ll write a cute letter to rin and a letter to Yukio telling all the stuff that you did for his cares
And when you’re to leave, Rin calls you
You gave a glance of confusion and he look away blushed as hell
“Can you give me another kiss?”
You soul left out your body when you hear those words and with shyness, you gave him another kiss leaving the room with your heart in the sleeve
Rin went to school the next day screaming that he was in there in a good health cuz he received the best treatment in the whole world
Provoking you to choke with the water that you were drinking
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xjulixred45x · 10 months
Hi, how are you? I would like to request Blue Exorcist Lucifer fluff alphabet if that’s ok, thank you!
Hi! Lets see (i really enjoy do this but please don't Request the WHOLE thing again y'all, it's exauisting😅)
Lucifer Fluff Alphabet
Warnings: kind of yandere behavior?? It's Lucifer, what do You spect?? Fluff.
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
I think i already Say this in my work of Angel Reader, but Lucifer enjoys reading with his S/o, he is sick most of the time, so when he has free time, he prefers doing simple but nice things with his Beloved. Besides reading(mainly mystery, personal hc), i would say he also likes take them out in littles walks.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Lucifer greatly admires his s/o's mind, their qualities and what makes them unique, but that doesn't mean he doesn't admire them in appearance. He sees it more as a complement to the whole that is his s/o.
Although indifferent to everything, Lucifer finds his s/o very beautiful, internally and externally.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
This is a hard one, Lucifer is HORRIBLE with emotions (he doesnt show emotions in the manga unless is for Manipulation) but when it comes to his S/o is a 180°twist. He would try to console them in a kind of awkward way, like, hug them but the man is STIFF. He's trying, okey?
In the case they feel down, he tries to give them words of affirmation and be more affectionate. Also, if Someone makes them feel Bad, know who was to "take care" of that person, y'know what i mean.
In the case of the Panic attacks, he is pretty concerned bc he doesnt know what the hell to do, he would call his doctors while staying with you and REFUSE to let you go of his embrace even after you get better.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
After his plan success, he gets cure with a funcional, probably just pictures them along side with him, no matter the way. If his S/o wants kids, he is pleased to aplead. If not, also. It doesnt matter, as long as they are together.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
the dominant one without a doubt! He is used to being one already due to his position in the Illuminati's and he probably also likes to maintain that dynamic in the relationship.
It doesn't mean you don't have decision-making power! He wants you to be comfortable and happy after all, but he is the one who predominates the most in, for example, the act of giving.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Lucifer VERY DIFFICULT accepts that he is wrong. But I think he would only recognize it if someone else pointed it out to him (eg Homura) and then he decided to apologize.
On the other hand, if you believe that your s/o is the one who is wrong, you will wait until they apologize, but it will not be mean per se, especially if you see that the fight left them sad.
Overall, 50/50.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He's quite grateful, he didn't think having his s/o would make things so enjoyable or in general make him feel so good about himself. He even feels less sick when he is with them. So yes, he is very aware of what they do for him and he is grateful for it.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Yes and no.
I think he would only keep secrets from his s/o if, for example, they were human. Apart from the fact that it would be temporary, because they will find out sooner or later and he prefers that they find out from him and not from someone else.
but except for that case, I think not. because you would have to have the whole image of what it was like to be with Lucifer to BE with Lucifer.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Lucifer tries to cheer up his partner but not in the traditional way. If he encourages them to resolve certain personal problems from the past and try new things, he is there every step of the way.
But he is not willing to do the same with, for example, his family. and in a way it is understandable, so it remains halfway. but I would say that it is something that he already discussed with his S/o and that they are both fine with it.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Lucifer can get jealous but he really doesn't see the reason why he should be like that, he knows that his s/o loves him, why would he doubt them? He basically dismisses it.
Now, if he were in an episode of strong jealousy, how much more jealous would he be than normal or more cuddly, but he would not be aggressive or angry with his s/o (in any case, the one on whom his fury would fall would be whoever made him jealous). .
generally pretty calm when jealous.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
(i will make a work of this soon)I imagine it was somewhat rigid but quite soft compared to what one would expect.
He is a decent kisser. He doesn't have enough experience to go beyond that, much of his experience was obtained with his current s/o.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
quite direct, although at least he does it when he is 90% sure that it is reciprocated and it doesn't feel so abrupt.Apart from that he tries to expand as much as possible on how he feels about you. It was... strangely cute.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Most likely to get married.
Although he proposes it to you seemingly out of nowhere, it is most likely that he has planned it for a while and has anticipated any reaction (we already know what he is like).
He would probably want an Illuminati wedding somewhere he considers beautiful.
Married life wouldn't be that different from now, it's just that maybe as your partner you're more involved in Illuminati things and spend more time together. You two become a power couple in short.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
One of his favorites is "Beloved" but i think he would also like to call you in a loving way "angel" or "Love".
Of course, if You don't like the nicknames, he can just call you your name.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Because of how expressionless he is, it's almost impossible to tell that he's in love. Of course, unless you are that person. There you can see it a little more obviously.
wants to spend more time together, or says nice things about your appearance out of the blue, compliments, etc. In his mind it is being very obvious and for someone who barely changes his facial expression, it is quite noticeable.
He can even smile in the presence of the person he is interested in romantically, you could say that it is, like, the definitive proof that he is in love.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He is not shy per se, although he is not one to be very physically affectionate with his s/o in front of others, he can handle hugs, but will not initiate kisses or similar things.
Although if they talk about them, he can definitely brag about them a little, yes, with his stone face all the time, but talking A LOT about them with a lot of love. It generates some confusion but it's cute to see.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
How many people (or demons) have the fucking Illuminati on their side?
As something more typical, his poker face would say, it helps him when preparing surprises for his S/o.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He is Cliche but more than because he wants to, it is because cliches are the best references he has 😅 as I said, much of his experience in relationships was with you, so he plays it safe with what he knows is appropriate in a relationship .
That is clear at first, when they are more advanced, they let go more and do things that are more their own (like the ones I mentioned above, doing activities together mainly).
He becomes more creative over time, learning from the experiences he has with his s/o and yes, he makes his s/o very happy.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Yes and yes.
can and will provide resources so that your s/o can easily achieve their goals. But if they want to do it on their own without help, even if I'm watching closely to make sure they're doing it right, not because you don't have faith in them, but because you don't have faith in the world at large.
He is happy when his s/o reaches their goals and lets them know.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
I would say that mostly Routine, of course, from time to time a change is good, but Lucifer is a man with many responsibilities and routine is very good for that. so he prefers it.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Lucifer? empathic? HA! usually not. but with its S/o we could say that it is the exception.
And yes, he knows his partner very well, even if at the beginning he knew them in a more basic way (with documentation and information about them), once you are in a relationship he can say things about them that denote that he DOES know them well (likes, dislikes, certain anecdotes, etc. you could tell him anything from years ago and he would still remember it).
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
I would say that the relationship is almost as important as your plan, almost, but it's close (you still understand it because the plan has been around for much longer than you, it's hard to compete with that).
but in general, Lucifer is not above using many lives of the Illuminati's to save yours for example, or the rest of the world to be honest.
Do you think he's going to leave the little good in this world behind? do not make me laugh.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Besides he likes ro read mystery novels with his S/o-
It is not uncommon to find Lucifer's S/O asleep in his bed/gurney even when they should not be there. coml I said, Lucifer insists on sleeping with them when he feels particularly ill. He doesn't care if he shouldn't because of the cables, he feels better with his s/o around.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Although he doesn't say it openly, he is kind of touch-starved, so he quite likes hugs and snuggling with his s/o, especially if he is feeling particularly bad. It helps you not feel the pain as much.
If his S/o is also touch-starved, the affection only multiplies.
Although kisses are more for more intimate situations, he prefers to leave them for privacy, although I don't think it will stop his s/o if they decide to kiss him in public.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He will focus more in his duties with the Illuminati's to distract himself.Maybe if he thinks that remembering his s/o will help him not miss them so much, he will take a walk. but in general he handles well when he misses them.
(also, expect a clingyier Lucifer when s/o returns)
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He would make another Blue Night and destroy EVERYTHING just for You, mind that, if you suffer, the world is fucked.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request!! I'll see if today I can translate all this and publish another order that I have pending. stay tuned!
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Could I get some hcs about Yukio Okumura with an s/o who slowly starts to act a little more like Rin every day?
The concept is funny to me. Like could you imagine he falls for some sweet innocent girl who ends up being an absolute menace
Yukio Okumura with an s/o that is slowly acts like Rin Over time Headcanons
Fandom: Blue Exorcist/ Ao no Exorcist
Rated: G
Warnings: none!
Admin Wisteria:
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-When Yukio first dates his s/o everything seems just fine. 
-They are smart, sweet, calm and collected just like him. 
-He is in bliss. 
-But once he sees his s/o becoming more…loud? Excited? Silly? Like Rin, he doesn’t pay attention to it because he just thinks, oh they are just now comfortable around him, so no big deal. 
-Things start to get more of a turn when his s/o becomes hot-headed and reckless especially when they are in battle. 
- Yukio will definitely freak out when his s/o starts to become more reckless. 
-”What the hell are you doing?! You know better than to go into battle recklessly!” 
-This boy is going to have an aneurysm because of his s/o’s recklessness. 
-Will become a bit more worried if his s/o is also friends with Rin because he will think Rin is a bad influence on his s/o. 
-Once his s/o clearly acts like Rin you know Rin is going to tease Yukio. 
-”Hahaha you think I will make a great Girlfriend!”
“Don’t say it like that you Idiot!” 
-Don’t worry, other people will also take notice and will tease as well, from Shura to Mephisto. He will not escape the teasing. 
- Yukio will eventually accept his fate that he loves someone who is a lot like his brother. 
-Because he won’t break up with them especially if they have more positive qualities that Rin doesn’t have. 
-But if they are straight on just like Rin there is more of a chance they will not last… but hey you never know!
- If Yukio loves the person despite being just like Rin then he will love them and stay with them no matter what.
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writing-fanics · 1 year
rin playing matchmaker trying to set up Yukio and Y/n, both have feelings for each other. rin playfully locks them in a broom closet. which leads to y/n having a panic attack cause they’re afraid of cramped spaces.
rin then left them alone during a festival. while walking she almost trips and he catches her in his arms. and they continue walking trying food he even won her a stuffed animal (favorite animal). as the fireworks lit up the night sky they held hand smiling at each other
[Success] but not enough
rin then “accidentally” makes enough food for only two and is like well I guess y/n and Yukio will eat it and leaves basically giving them a date it’s awkward not much is said. so it’s literally just about school despite then deep down wanting to confess their feelings
rin decides to give it one more shot third times the charm right? so he leaves notes for them to see telling them to meet at a certain place at a certain time. and when they go they’re both confused thinking they left note.
and it leads to them confessing their feelings for each other. and a kiss. fun watching from behind the bushes and then them walking towards it revealing him
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totalbrainr0t777 · 7 months
Official request!
Dating hcs with Shiro!
(up to you if nsfw or just sfw 🩵)
here you go anon! Pure fluff, tooth rotting actually. Sorry its short! Enjoy it :) (GN/Not gender specific reader)
Shiro Fujimoto who will eat anything you make him, disgusting or otherwise because he wouldn't want to hurt your feelings.
"This is amazing, more please, darling?"
Shiro Fujimoto who would make you carry around holy water at all times and would make you learn Bible verses so you can protect yourself whenever he isn't around.
"I only want to keep you safe angel, this is for your own good"
Shiro Fujimoto who will hold you whenever you cry, just to make sure you know he loves you and he is there for you.
"Just let it out baby, I'm listening, what happened?"
Shiro Fujimoto who will constantly joke around with you, and make you want to hit him because he never knows what he should say.
"You know I'm funny, see you're smiling!"
Shiro Fujimoto who will call you beautiful at any opportunity just because.
"You're too beautiful for a guy like me, what did I do to deserve you"
Shiro Fujimoto who calls you constantly at work to make you haven't been attacked (He just misses you and wants to hear your voice)
"I'ts cuz I'm worried about you"
Shiro Fujimoto who will constantly baby you because he thinks it annoys you.
"You're so tiny, can you even reach that? Aw let me help you. Aw don't be so mean to me"
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animekpopsimp · 1 year
You're safe Now (Rin x fem reader)
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(Y/N) slowly opened her eyes, though they only did so half way. Her entire body felt heavy, as if there was some sort of supernatural force pressing against her. She was leaning against something, and guessing by the thought texture of it, she guessed it was a tree. The girl could feel blood dripping from her forehead, slowly but surely. And she was sure that her clothes were stained with it as well. How much time had passed before she woke up? How did she get here? Those questions and many more raced through the girl's mind as she tried to process the situation she was in. After a moment, (Y/N) took a deep breath as she tried to push herself to her feet. However, her body was too weak and all she could do was sit there, letting out a cry of pain.
Hearing this, the humanoid figure turned to face her, its eyes staring directly into her soul. A smirk spread across their face, and from the looks of it, (Y/N) could tell it wasn't human. That's when she remembered something, how she ended up in this situation. That night, (Y/N) had been staying up late, studying for cram school. The dorms of True Cross were quiet, so she found it odd that she was hearing the faint sound of what seemed to be signing. (Y/N) simply ignored it, doing her best to focus on studying.
However, the noise slowly got louder until it sounded as if it was right outside her window. The girl once again looked up, muttering something under her breath as she went over to her window, poking her head out to see if she could find the source of the sound. However, looking around didn't show her anything. All she saw was darkness, yet the sound still persisted. Feeling a bit creeped out, (Y/N) closed the window and decided to try and get some rest, suddenly feeling tired. Yet, just before she fell asleep, the girl felt as if she was losing control of her body. And as the humming continues to fill her ears, her mind went blank.
With an emotionless look on her face, (Y/N) got out of bed. She could be seen wandering through the dorm until she reached the front door. She opened the front door, the sound of the humming continuing, not even realizing how dangerous this was. She continued as she exited the building and made her way to the forest. It was dark, and (Y/N) simply stared forward. Eventually, she made it to a clearing in the middle of the forest. She stopped, looking around as the sound finally came to a stop. Finally, she came back to her senses, looking around frantically.
"Where am I?" She asked, her heart starting to race. It didn't take long for (Y/N) to realize that she was lost, she wasn't even sure how she got there. Suddenly, she heard the sound of movement behind her. Becoming panicked, the girl spun around, but she saw nothing. Then, another noise came from a different direction and she turned once again. Soon, the girl had become so distracted that she didn't even notice the figure approaching her. (Y/N) didn't have time to react before she suddenly blacked out, her unconscious body falling to the ground.
And that's what led to her being in the position she was in. Injured and unable to move as she found herself face to face with a demon, she didn't know what it wanted, but whatever it was, she knew it wouldn't end well for her. As she sat there, she picked up a faint noise, though it was hard to make out what exactly it was. (Y/N) turned her head, trying to find the source of what she was hearing. In the distance, she could barely make out a familiar looking figure running in her direction. As they got closer and closer, she could make out who it was. It was Rin, running toward the clearing with a panicked look in his eyes. He tightly gripped his sword in one hand as he came to a stop in front of the injured girl, glaring at the demon.
"Ri-Rin" (Y/N) finally found the strength to speak, said male turned his head to the side, looking down at her with a concerned expression on his face.
"don't worry, I got this" he told her, unsheathing his sword. His body became engulfed in blue flames as she launched himself toward the demon. Meanwhile, (Y/N) closed her eyes, her world going black once more. Some time later, she wasn't sure how long it had been since she passed out. (Y/N) opened her eyes once more. This time, she found herself being carried by Rin, a piece of cloth wrapped around her injury to stop the bleeding. Noticing the fact that she was awake, Rin looked down at her with a comforting smile on his face.
"Don't worry, you're safe now" he reassured her, and (Y/N) smiled.
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krak-jj · 8 months
heyy guys, this is my first post! I just wanna inform yall on things I will be writing, which will include chubby reader, poc reader, gender neutral reader, trans (ftm or mtf) reader, and many more!
most of them will be chubby or fluffy reader. only because I'm tired of barely being able to find any.
I will also NOT be doing NSFW. that's just my preference, and I hope you guys respect that.
I am up for requests! so these are the Fandoms I'm good with doing.
my hero acadamia
blue exorcist
spider-man into and across the spiderverse
the disastrous life of saiki k
that's all for now! hope you guys tune in!
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Blue exorcist masterlist
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Rin -
Rin headcanons
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randomchaosyay · 6 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request Blue Exorcist Lucifer fluffy headcanons with a sick s/o? I’d really appreciate it. I’m currently recovering from being sick myself and it really sucks.
I know this is super late, but I hope you feel better now🫶🏼
Sick S/O HCs - Lucifer
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Warnings: None
- If you’re sick expect him to be right there with you
- He’d definitely have experience with sickness given his current fragile human body
- He’d also be in a hazmat suit masked at least because as much as he loves you, he’s not entirely sure if his human body could handle another sickness
- Also the reason he probably doesn’t give or take affection while you’re sick, if you try to kiss him he’ll probably run away
- Makes you food definitely, mainly soups because that’s the food he heard other people associate with sickness
- So if you’re sick, all you’re getting is soup and porridge for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
- Won’t let you get out of bed unless it’s to go to the bathroom, it doesn’t matter how sick you are
- Will get you anything and everything you need and ask for no hesitation
- He will do anything for you
- If you didn’t have a TV in your bedroom he’s either moving the one from the living room there or buying you a completely new one so you don’t get bored
- If you prefer books he’d buy you the whole bookstore, which has definitely happened before and you now have to explicitly tell him which books you want and not to buy out the whole store if it isn’t there
- Overall, he cares for you and will do anything to get you better soon <3
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weirdxstarseed · 2 years
Imagine you started to catch feelings for Rin Okumura and everybody confused your attitude thinking you like Yukio.
content: a lot of fluff, slight angst, school oriented, best friends to lovers, tsunderegirl! x dumbass guy! | warnings: none! | pairing: reader x rin okumura
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You don’t know where or how, but you fell in love with Rin.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
— At first sight:
Everything where just laughs and fun when he was around you. You loved his bad jokes. The wrinkles in his face when he showed you his canine smile ¡! A/N: Holyfuck
then he started to bring you every morning breakfast cuz you’re too distracted and lazy to do your own
in the beginning, the gesture surprised you but after Rin continue making you the lunch
it became a tradition
Continue with the topic of school…
Everybody knows that Rin sleeps like a rock
You go every morning to his room, and you scream “TAKE OUT YOURE ASS FROM THAT BED” to waking him up
Taking a “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU” in response
At this point, Yukio is taking both of you out of the room so you can arrive early or mid-early to the class
Both of you assist at the same class of exorcist, but since you’re in different desk you’re in charge that this boy doesn’t sleep and pay attention
It’s a caos over there, you’re throwing him paper airplanes or if you have the chance to stand up, you pinch his arm in the way
Bon is always helping you cuz both of you share the same rudeness with Rin
When the class finally finish, both of you like to choose the long way to talk about anything and everything
After all, Rin is a gentleman, and he always, ALWAYS, walks you at home so you can arrive safe
Finally, when you arrive to your home, Rin hugs you in a gesture to say goodbye
In the moment his arms closed you to his chest, you started to feel an extremly nervousness and shyness
You were so schock that you didn't response to the hug, i mean, it wasn't weird at all, but your feelings catch you by surprised.
"What's going on? You're ears are red" he said.
"Nothing" you replied with a weird laugh.
"Yes, idiot, you can go now !!"
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
— Now you're a mix of feelings:
Now, you're attitude was a whole change of 360° grades.
the next morning he arrive to your house, you're too thoughtful to understand that Rin was explaining you his theories of Shura's class
"Y/N, did you hear what I said?"
"You didn't listen anything I was telling you!" he screamed annoyed, passing an arm around your shoulders.
The gesture freeze you completely and Rin notices it.
"Y/N, you're weird since yesterday" he said getting close to your face.
< those red ears, again > he thought.
"I NEED TO GO, I'M GETTING LATE TO THE CLASS" you screamed and start running to the wrong direction.
Rin was so confused that he scratch his head a little worried about your attitude.
Meanwhile he was asking everyone of you're presence, you were hiding in the library, trying to clear up your mind.
"I know this will happen" you said, a little bit angry with yourself.
"Happen what?" Shura asks, behind you.
You scream out of your lungs reaching a lot of -pissed- attention.
"Holyshit, you scared me"
"It´s not my fault you're acting weird, all the class was talking about you"
"Stupid Okumura" you mumble.
"Do you mind if I ask what's going on?" Shura asks confused, taking a book of the shelves to distract the librarian who was watching both of you long time ago.
"I think I start catching feelings for Okumura" you finally said.
Shura was surprised that you we're too honest, but a fine smile trace her lips when she notices that you were a mix of feelings.
"And what's the matter you like Yukio?" she ask, pissing you.
"Yukio?" you ask confused, opening your eyes worried by that supposition.
Shura was going to say finally the name of the other twin, when the librarian kick you out of the place. Leaving a special group boys surprised by the talk, they already heard.
"There's your answer, Okumura" Bon said. "Y/N likes your twin brother"
If Rin was confused at first, now on he was shock by all the information he heard.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
— Nobody knews the talk Shura had with you, but your attitude with Rin was a holy change:
Rin and you can't talk freely as they do
You always are in your thoughts and Rin is the same as you
You think is necessary to confess your feelings but isn't that easy
You don't want to lose his friendship
And you don't want to be humiliate
in the past a bitter experience caused you to no longer like confessing your feelings
So...you didn't admit it, but you were afraid.
You are afraid.
In the other hand, Rin is confused cuz he understand you can like his brother, everyone loves him. He's intelligent, handsome and brave.
But he can't accept that you didn't have the confidence to talk with him of that topic
He thought you we're best friends
Now, you don't joke with him, you don't go all the afternoons for a ice popsicle, you make your own breakfast, you don't visit his room and stay all the afternoon talking about mangas and playing with Kuroo.
He feels out of orbit.
"Rin" you said, taking out if his thoughts.
"Yes?" he asks.
"I don't think is a good idea to continue bringing me home"
He stop walking believing he heard wrong, and a evident "HUH" is in the air.
"What the fuck are you saying, Y/N?" he ask angry.
"Language, Okumura" You said, furrowing your brows.
"Language, my ass!" he scream. "You have been acting strange for weeks except with Yukio and Shura, did I do something wrong to have this attitude of yours?"
"Rin, isn't something we can talk in the middle of the institute" you said, stressed that a lot of people was watching the scene.
Now, everyone is paying attention and you're getting angry.
"I'll say it again, I'm not talking about this topic here. If you don't calm your shit down, I'll leave" you challenge him, holding tightly to the strap of your bag.
He gets close to you.
He watch's you directly to your eyes
Oh god, his eyes
For an instant, the butterflies in your stomach were raising, but the anger was stronger. And your eyes were getting crystallizing by the anxiety.
He notices it, and when he was going to say something to mend the situation, he heard those words that freeze him eternally.
"Don't talk to me ever again, Okumura".
"Stay away for me" you said, finally. Leaving quickly, feeling your heart in your throat and your breath stuck in your chest.
Rin was going to chase you, but Bon hold him up, leaving him and all the class surprised by your mad attitude.
You used to be happy, calm, rude and angry as a normal person. But the attitude recently you show...was so cold. Nobody expect that of you. No one except Shura that knows your feelings.
A/N: this wasn't supposed to be angst, but hell yeah...
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
— THE DRAMA FINALLY END, but you weren't assisting school:
Your mom didn't pressure you
She knew what happen in the past and she understood your attitude.
You were eating a little bit, but you missed the lunches Rin prepared you. You missed his jokes, his laughs, his eyes, him.
You were so annoyed by your own attitude.
You were out of your mind.
All your life you were honest with all kinda people, but when it's about love, you're totally a dumbass.
You're phone was turned off all the week and Rin was getting anxious about you.
Nobody knew what happen with you
All the teachers said you were sick, but Rin didn't believe that. He was going to run out of classes, when Shura stopped him.
"Hey, kiddo. Calm down, where are you going?" she asks, clearly interested in the situation.
"It's not of your business, Shura" he said. "AUCH! WHY DID YOU HIT ME?"
"Are you going to see Y/N, aren't you?"
He nod, feeling his cheeks warm.
"Listen to me, you little dumb kid" Shura started. "The reason Y/N has those attitudes was because of you. I didn't want to say something cuz I appreciate her, but if you want to know. . . ask her directly, not in front of the middle of the school, idiot" she scold him.
"Ok, I admit it. Was my fault, but I was so stressed cuz I heard you both of you talking and I-"
"Nosy" she said, hitting him in the head. "Be a man and go an see if she isn't throwing by the window, she's a little impulsive like some guy I know"
Rin went to Y/N house the faster as he can, that when he finally arrives, he was just blanked. He saw Y/N in the street too thoughtful petting a cat that he didn't notice that a happy smile was tracing in his lips.
He reached you in silence when you stand up, you hit with his chest.
"IDIOT, WHAT ARE YOU-" the words were in the air in the instance your eyes met.
All the mixed feelings you were carrying all those weeks were finally a war all over your body.
"Rin" you finally said. feeling goosebumps just by saying his name.
He didn't response. He didn't know what to do. He got closer to you and before you said something. He hugged you. He hugged you with a gentleness that you feel dizzy just by smelling his cologne.
"I miss you" he finally said, hugging you more stronger.
"I miss you too, idiot" said honestly, corresponding to the hug.
Now on, you were in the park. Both of you in each swing waiting patiently for someone who can break the ice. You breathed harder and watch your jet black hair friend lost in his own thoughts.
You hit him in the arm in the middle of a joyful laugh after that coincidence that Rin couldn’t help to dedicate you a warm smile tracing in his lips.
“I’m sorry for being so cold to you that day” you said.
“You don’t need to apologize, it was my fault. I put a lot of pressure on you and it wasn’t correct to expose you in front of all the school” he said, resting his face in chain of the swing.
You sigh, nodding with your head. You stop swinging and leaned to him in a chance to express yourself the things that were in your mind for a long time.
And the reason both of you were in this chaotic situation.
“I need you to tell you something, Okumura” you started, feeling your blood rushing harder through your veins.
“Woah, why you need to be so serious?” He asked with a piece of playfulness in his voice.
“Just, listen to me” you supplicated, closing your eyes pretty nervous.
He opened his eyes bigger as usual and placed all his attention on you.
“I think, no, sorry” you inhale nervously.
“If you are trying to broke our friendship is not fun enough, huh” he joked, watching your hand in his arm. You hit him, again.
“Ok, I’m going to say it now” you said. You breathe again and speak as faster as you can. “Im in love with you and I was to shy to say it cuz you’re my best friend and I didn’t want to break our friendship and now on, you’re watching me weird, what’s the matter?” You said the final phrase in a scream, preparing your feet to run for your life.
“I’m not going to say it again” you said, covering your face with both hands.
“I thought you liked Yukio” he said shocked, not moving your eyes from you, contemplating how your hair falling in your hands that covered your face.
Rin was going to take your hands when you lift your head just to scream “WHAT?”
“I never liked Yukio, how do you get to that conclusion?” You continue, showing your red ears and cheeks standing up of the swing and begin to walk from one place to another.
Now, he was embarrassed. He mumbled the response to himself and for an instance you need to get closed to his face so you can hear.
He instantly got red by the closeness. You were a mess too but your curiosity was more.
“That time you run like a crazy donkey, I told to the guys that you were acting weird. Izumo proposed that you’ll be in the library. So…all the boys went there and in the exact moment Shura was asking you what happen, we heard that you liked Yukio” he told you, watching how the iris of your eyes make smaller.
“Idiots. I didn’t even say that. Shura proposed that on purpose” you explained, bending down at the height of him.
“Well, that’s a relief…”he mumble, passing a hand over his hair.
You didn’t understand what he was trying to suggest with that reply. But you were standing up when he stopped you taking delicately your hand.
“Don’t go. You didn’t hear my opinion about your feelings”
“I know what you’re going to say and it’s okay, I don’t mind ignoring this and continue being -“
A soft pair of lips were in yours, stopping your speech.
"I was trying to say that I like you too" Rin smiled. He contemplate your reaction for a second. Your cheeks and ears were red as always. Your eyes were sparkling. And your brows were furrowed in a funny gesture showing your tsundere facade.
He was stunned by the way you looked and the way you looked at him.
Like a dumbass he leaned into you, again. Waiting for a kiss. Rin was telling you that with his eyes. But you tried to provoke him just a little.
"What?" you raised a brow crossing your arms in front of your chest.
"I'm waiting my kiss, I gave you one, it's time to give me one in return"
You looked at the sky being a blushing and erratic mess trying to concentrate
"I'm still waiting ~ " he sang, enjoying the view.
"Oh shut up, you idiot" you said finally closing the distance between the two of them, giving him a much more needy but still sweet kiss.
"Thank you, sweetie. I love you" Rin said, hugging you harder.
"I hate you" you said, laughing after the guy of your dreams make you tickles trying to give you a butterfly kiss.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
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xjulixred45x · 10 months
Hello, I apologize if I request a lot. I love your writing! Is it ok if I could request Blue Exorcist Lucifer first kiss headcanons with a female reader? Please and thank you!
Howdy! Lucifer seems popular, lets work(this is kind of shorts bc this is a very specific scenario with a established relationship, so-)
Lucifer x Fem! Reader: first kisses
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: none, fluff and kisses.
I see that you were the one who had the first kiss, and while it was a relatively big deal, it didn't make a big impression on Lucifer until later in the relationship when he was discovering certain forms of PDA.
In general, many forms of physical affection were initiated by you.
I already mentioned it in Lucifer's Fluff alphabet, he really has no experience beyond the basics of a relationship, but the BASICS VERY BASIC.
Much of his experience of a REAL relationship was gained with you.
So at the beginning he is very rigid in almost all the activities you propose as a couple.
whether due to his own physical limitations, his lack of experience or his own stoic personality. sometimes all three together.
His favorite love language is usually gifts or physical contact, so it is not unusual to expect him to want to try kissing at some point.
and as I said above, at first he was as still as a statue.
literal. He didn't move.
You were the one who used to have the initiative almost all the time, and when you didn't, he would simply tell you to give him a kiss and you would give it to him.
Was it quite surreal for the Illuminati's to see their leader so, well, static? Stupefied? Whipped?
either way it was a sight.
although eventually when Lucifer begins to get used to it and learn on his own based on your actions, he himself is the one who initiates the kisses.
And, again, what a sight.
The first times he started it, he grabbed her face and gave her a peck kiss. and almost immediately asked if I was okay, all in his monotone voice.
(If you laugh at this, he won't understand shit, but I don't think he'll be offended)
Eventually he stays that way, when he kisses you he still holds your face, but it's more of a soft kiss than a peck.
They are always gentle.
I don't think Lucifer is a fan of more aggressive kisses, they just don't attract his attention.
(It may also be that he generally has an aura of gentleness in his partner, which is why he reflects it in various actions, including kisses).
He prefers to take his time when they both kiss, thanks to this much of this type of display of affection is private.
Although everyone knows that if you kiss Lucifer in public, no one can do ANYTHING about it, NO ONE, not even him.
in general, gentle and soft kisses :3
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Shares reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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lemon-muncher · 2 years
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My Hero Academia
BakuDeku x Male Reader: Toys and Machines
BakuDeku x Male Reader: Instructions
Yandere Deku x Male Reader
Deku x Male Reader: Dom/Sub Roles
Deku x Male Reader: Vanilla
Deku x Male Reader: Thigh Riding
Bakugou x Male Reader: Shibari
Bakugou x Male Reader: Ass Smacking
Bakugou x Male Reader: Thigh Riding
Bakugou x Male Reader: Masochism
FtM Kirishima x Male Reader: Soft Domming
KiriBaku Headcanaon
KiriBaku x Fem Reader: Mommy/Daddy Kink
DekuTodoKami Headcanon
Todoroki x Male Reader: Exhibitionism
Tamaki Amajiki: Pegging Headcanon
Tamaki Amajiki x Fem Reader: Punishment
Hawks: Pegging Headcanon
Kaminari x Male Reader: Masochism
Shigaraki x Male Reader: Insecurities
Sugawara x G.N. Reader (Fluff)
Kageyama x Male Reader: Remembering (Part 1)
KageHina x Male Reader: Remembering (Part 2)
Demon Slayer
Tanjirou x Male Reader: Exhibitionism
Tomioka x Fem Reader: Apologies (Angst/Fluff)
Douma x Male Reader: Masochism
One Piece
Sanji x Male Reader: Punishment (Part 1)
Sanji x Male Reader: Punishment (Part 2)
Sanji x Male Reader: Punishment (Part 3)
Luffy x Male Reader: Thirsty
Zoro x Male Reader: Shibari
Ace x Fem Reader Headcanon
Zoro x Male Reader x Luffy: Threesome
Jujutsu Kaisen
Megumi x Male Reader: Exhibitionism
Megumi x Male Reader: Summoning
Megumi Headcanon
Inumaki x Male Reader: Breeding
Inumaki x Male Reader Headcanons
Gojo x Male Reader: Voice Mail
Blue Exorcist
Rin Okumura x Male Reader: Somnophilia
Rin Okumura x Male Reader: Roleplay
Rin Okumura x Male Reader: Masochism
Rin Okumura x Male Reader: Tail Play
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Jospeh x Male Reader: Remembering
Mista x G.N. Reader: Fingering
Josuke x Yandere Reader
Bucciarati x Male Reader: Exhibitionism
Chainsaw Man
Denji x Male Reader: Sex Tapes
Denji x Male Reader: Exhibitionism
Denji x Male Reader: Wax Play
Denji x Male Reader: Puppy Play
Denji x Fem Reader: Feminization
Denji x G.N. Reader: Public Vibrator
Aki Hayakawa x Male Reader: Wax Play
Hunter x Hunter
Feitan Portor x Male Reader Headcanon
Feitan Portor x Male Reader: Masochism
Feitan Portor x Bad at Cooking!Reader
Feitan Portor x Male Reader: Blood
Shalnark Headcanon
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