#blueberries diabetes
metanailcomplex · 1 year
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Gluco Berry Supplements - Health
GlucoBerry Supplements: A Blast of Goodness for Balanced Blood Sugar Levels
I've always been mindful of my health, but lately, I'd noticed a bit of a wobble in my energy levels. Afternoons were a struggle, and I craved sugary snacks more often than not. Concerned, I decided to take a proactive approach and see if there were any natural ways to support healthy blood sugar levels. That's when I stumbled upon GlucoBerry supplements.
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Intriguing Ingredients
GlucoBerry's blend of natural ingredients immediately piqued my interest. The formula boasts a range of botanical extracts, vitamins, and minerals commonly used in traditional practices for blood sugar management. Some of the key players include maqui berry, known for its antioxidant power, chromium picolinate to enhance insulin sensitivity, and gymnema sylvestre, which has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for blood sugar support.
Easy to Take, Easy to Integrate
The capsules themselves are small and easy to swallow. I incorporated them seamlessly into my daily routine, taking one a day with breakfast. Within a couple of weeks, I started to notice a positive shift.
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Feeling the Positive Effects
The afternoon slumps became less frequent, replaced by a sustained energy that lasted throughout the day. My cravings for sugary treats also began to subside. It felt wonderful to have more control over my energy levels and not be a slave to sugary pick-me-ups.
More Than Just Blood Sugar
Beyond the noticeable impact on my energy, I believe GlucoBerry has also contributed to my overall well-being. The powerful antioxidants in the formula seem to have given my skin a bit of a glow, and I generally feel more focussed and clear-headed.
A Reliable Partner in Health
GlucoBerry supplements have become a trusted companion in my health journey. They've helped me manage my blood sugar levels naturally, provided a sustained energy boost, and even improved my overall well-being. If you're looking for a natural way to support your blood sugar and feel your best, I highly recommend giving GlucoBerry a try. Remember, it's always wise to consult your doctor before starting any new supplements, but for me, GlucoBerry has been a game-changer.
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wildweirdly · 7 months
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Blueberry morning at my gf’s place
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foodhealthandscience · 10 months
Blueberries: A Diabetic Delight with a Low Glycemic Index
In the pursuit of managing diabetes, dietary choices play a pivotal role, and blueberries emerge as a sweet and nutritious ally. Renowned for their delectable taste and health benefits, blueberries boast a low glycemic index (GI), making them an excellent addition to a diabetes-friendly diet. Understanding Glycemic Index The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a particular food raises…
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cheekios · 5 months
Last Cartridge of Insulin
This is an URGENT REQUEST as I cannot go a day without insulin. Currently I am unemployed through no fault of my own. I do not have insurance so I will have to use GoodRx. My insulin is called Afrezza. It costs around $450-$490 depending on the pharmacy I go to.
Goal: $450
CA: $HushEmu
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Currently I cannot drive because my only pair of perscription glasses are broken. So I will also need help with ubers. Please.
I’d like to stress that not taking insulin daily is deadly. This is a medical emergency. Begging for this request to be filled.
Informative read:
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unstablequeerbitch · 2 years
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*sits in front of fridge eating blueberries bc im sad*
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meeshnut · 2 years
It drives me absolutely crazy that I can decide to eat a bowlful of frozen blueberries for my dessert and people tell me
“yOu HaVe To Be CaReFuL; bLuEbErRiEs HaVe SuGaR!”
Look, Susan. Susan, look.
Shut up.
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c0stiffen · 2 months
It sucks that people gave you shit for your blind Arven AU- it's obvious that yours comes from a place of heart and has care put to it. Do you have disability HCs for the rest of Team Star and/or anyone from Blueberry Academy?
This is very old, sorry for the very late reply! And yes, I didn't have many ideas because I think this question was asked to me when the DLC part two had been released like 1 or 2 months ago so l wasn't very sure.
Thanks to the people who suggested or gave me ideas, especially Drayton because I had no idea what to give him.
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About the Team star, yes, I have their old references but I need add things to their refs.
• Penny: Myopia and chronic fatigue
• Giacomo: Selective mutism
• Mela: Diabetes type 1
• Atticus: Vitiligo
• Ortega: Limp
• Eri: Has a prosthetic leg
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poem-i-wish-i-wrote · 3 months
okay this request is a little special for me so I hope you like it enough to write it ☺️
so I have my own little baking business and ever since I started with it I haven't been able to get this thought out of my head:
charles meeting the reader at her own bakery and once they start dating and become a couple she makes him try and approve all of her creations before selling them, just super sweet fluffy stuff pretty pleaseee 🧁🩷
Hiii dear. it's so cool that you have a bakery business. That's admirable. You are officially the coolest person I've interacted with. And I love how cute this request is. The writing isn't as good as it could have been, but I hope it satisfies you. Thanks for requesting.
I think that you’re sweet
pairing: Charles Leclerc x baker!reader Warning: too many dessert items listed, might make you diabetic. Proceed with caution
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 You got to the shop early today. It wasn’t even bright out yet. You cleaned the kitchen and started working on different pastries.  You put the croissant in the oven, and work on some delicious strawberry shortcake, and blueberry cheesecake. Fresh brownies and cookies. Even some eclairs, danishes, cupcakes, blueberry and chocolate muffins, glazed donuts. It took about 4 hours to prepare everything. You came in at 4 am. Your employees came around 6 and helped you with everything. You cleaned the counter as your employee Inez went to turn around the open sign. 
Soon a guy with very handsome features, dark hair, and beautiful green eyes. He instantly caught your eye and not only because he's the first customer. “Good morning. How can I help you?” You smile up at him. “Good morning, I heard about this place from my friend Alex. Heard he is a regular here.” The French accent was really charming on him. “Oh yes, Alex is a regular. I’m glad he spreads the word.” you chuckle. “What can I get you?” 
“Umm, do you have any fresh croissants?” “Yes, they are just out of the oven. We have almond, chocolate, and blueberry filling ones ready. And the pistachio ones will be ready to serve in 10 minutes too.” you smile. He smiles back very warmly. 
“Perfect, can I umm…..get all of them? As many as possible?” That caught you off guard. “All of them?” The boy in front of you chuckles at your disbelief. “Yeah, I’m buying breakfast for all my coworkers.” “Oh,’’ You smile. “Yes, I’ll get them packed,” I say as I gesture at my employees to start the task. I go to help them. The boy's eyes follow you. 
“So are you Alex’s co-worker?” you ask. “Yeah, I’m Charles one of his fellow drivers.” he introduces. “Oh, that explains why you have so many co-workers” you chuckle. “You're the driver for Ferrari, right? I thought you looked familiar,” you exclaim looking back at him. “Yeah, the very one,” he confirms. “What’s your name?” He asked. You look back at him. “I’m y/n”
“That’s a pretty name. Do you own this place?” he asks, eyes still on you as you work. “Yeah, I do.” He smiles in admiration. “It’s a very nice place. You seem so young to own your own bakery. I admire that”. “Thank you” You smiled up at him with genuine gratitude. 
“Do you wanna take a seat, and enjoy a cup of coffee as the pistachio croissants are ready? It’s on the house, as you are the first customer of the day and probably the biggest customer for the month” you ask him. He chuckles a bit, “I’d like that” 
Charles takes a seat as your employee serves him a cup of coffee. He sips on it, eyes never leaving you. He watches as you work.
 Soon his whole order was ready. He comes up to pay with his card. “Thanks for coming and placing such a big order. I hope you like the croissants.” you smile at him as you hand him the bags.
 “Oh, I’m sure I’ll love them. How can I not when someone as sweet as you made them.”
That was the first day you met Charles. That night he called the bakery looking for your number. It took only one date for you two to be absolutely smitten with each other. You found out, Charles was a specially charming guy, kind and warm, and he was a guy willing to be yours. A few months and a handful of romantic dates later you two were in the bakery again tonight.
The bakery was closed. It was already midnight. You two were in the kitchen. He was sitting on the counter chuckling at the flour adorning your nose right now.
You were experimenting with some new flavors tonight, trying to figure out a new recipe. He just wanted to spent some time with you, So at the time of closing, he showed up to your bakery with two cups of coffee, as your volunteered taster. “Come here,” he says. You walked up to him as he wiped the flour from the tip of your nose with his sleeves, and then kissed it. You both were giggly, having too much fun in the kitchen. 
“Try this”, you hold up a spoon full of fondue for him. He leans in to taste it and immediately his face scrunched up. “I’m sorry to tell you, mon cheir. But that’s the most disgusting thing I tasted” He exclaimed before grabbing the glass of water beside him. “What was that?” “Chilli and chocolate fondue,” you exclaimed laughing at his expression as his eyes widened. “I can’t believe you made me taste that. You are a menace.” you laugh a little bit more at his remark. 
The oven rings and you go to get out the pastry you were experimenting with. His eyes follow you with complete adoration. As you put the cake sponge on the counter he comes up behind wrapping his hands around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder as you go prepare the piastries with the cream and fillings you have made. When you are done, he leaves a kiss on your shoulder before standing straight. 
“Ready to taste some more?” “Absolutely” He expresses. “You know my trainer’s gonna hate you,” he says making you laugh again. “So what is this one? it’s pretty.” He says picking one of the three types of pastries you made. “That’s a lavender and honey pastry.” Charles bites into it and slowly closes his eyes savouring the taste. “Do you like it?” I ask in anticipation. He puts the half-eaten pastry down. And pulls you close.
“It’s amazing. Tastes almost as sweet as you,” he says, before closing the gap between your lips.
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metanailcomplex · 1 year
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honeygrahambitch · 24 days
Summary: Hannibal and Will question whether they are overprotective when it comes to their daughter.
Hannibal watched the blueberry jam boil softly in the pot and added two more spoons of sugar. Will entered the kitchen just as he was stirring.
"Smells good." He commented and grabbed the spoon from Hannibal, earning a scolding yet playful glance. "Where's Maeve?" He asked while tasting the soon-to-be-blueberry-jam.
"Still in the garden. I was supposed to help her catch butterflies but she clearly figured it out by herself." Hannibal replied and nodded towards one of the kitchen counters.
Five jars were aligned, each of them containing around two or three poor butterflies.
"That's impressive. Make sure to tell her they escaped by the time they die." Will said.
"Hopefully they don't die too soon, she said she was grabbing them a snack from the garden."
"I'm surprised you are fine with the bugs in your precious kitchen."
"She asked me to keep them company and I couldn't say no." Hannibal smiled. "You know, Will, I was thinking...are we doing what we are supposed to be doing? When that poor bird died we told her that she flew back to her family. When the squirrel died, we told her she found herself a better tree."
"Nah, it's fine. She is six, she shouldn't be worried about stuff like death. It needs more sugar." He said as he handed the spoon back to Hannibal.
"Only if I was trying to induce someone a diabetic coma." Hannibal commented, still thinking about the previous subject. "I sometimes wonder if we are overprotective but then I convince myself that I would rather have that than any other outcome. Isn't it the least damaging mistake we could make?"
"That's right, doctor." Will said as he wrapped his arms around Hannibal's middle, hugging him from behind. He rested his head on Hannibal's shoulder, watching the blueberry jam. "What were you saying about that bottle of wine?"
"Maybe later we could..." Hannibal started seductively but was interrupted by Maeve who excitedly burst into the kitchen, taking aback both of them.
"I brought them a snack!"
"That's amazing." Will said awkwardly after immediately stepping away from Hannibal. "So, did you get to name all of them?" He mumbled awkwardly.
"Are we really naming every creature?" Hannibal asked while innocently going back to his stirring. "Every time you name a bug, I am no longer allowed to...set it free."
Will's glance was what made him avoid the word "kill".
"I mean, Jeremy the bathroom spider hasn't hurt anyone." Will replied.
"I think there are too many to find names for all of them." Maeve said thoughtfully. "Help me feed them."
"Yes, you both go outside and do that. I don't want butterflies lurking around my blueberry jam."
"It would give it a special crunch." Will suggested making Maeve squeak. Hannibal arched an eyebrow that only added to Will's amusement.
Will's cheerful expression vanished in a second.
"What's that?" Was all he could mutter, his tone drawing Hannibal's attention too.
A drip of blood went down Maeve's forehead, reaching the bridge of her nose. She was just as confused so she reached out to it with her little hand. She was in fact more scared by her dads' reactions than the actual wound.
"When did you get hurt?" Will asked as he knelt on the floor and brushed her hair away, immediately followed by Hannibal.
"I think it was a twig-"
"Does it hurt, baby?" Hannibal followed carefully carefully turning her head so he could get a better glimpse.
"No. I'm okay-"
"What if it's getting infected?"
"What if she hit her head and will get a concussion? Baby, do you know what day is today?"
"Do you think she will need stitches?"
"Maeve, don't be scared, it's nothing."
She knew from previous experiences that it was best to let them do their thing. Bomb her with questions, think about the most absurd causes and consequences. Then she would help the calm down.
"It doesn't even hurt-"
"It's probably the shock." Hannibal concluded.
"Did you get any other bruises? Let's lie down for a few minutes."
As if seeing them in utter shock was the most amusing thing, Maeve wiped the blood on her forehead with the back of her hand and smiled. "Now it's fixed. And the scratch is matching dad's. Can we feed the butterflies now?"
Blood didn't stop but was a lot less abundant this time.
Will and Hannibal sighed and looked at each other.
"No stitches. For now." Hannibal declared.
"It was worse when dad got his hand stuck in the meat grinder machine. I'm okay."
"He made quite a scene, didn't he?" Hannibal asked and earned a glance that screamed "fuck you" from Will.
They were, in fact, overprotective. Hannibal scolded himself for their reaction. He should have known better than to scare a child. Not that she looked scared. He didn't exclude the concussion possibility just yet but smiled when he saw Will's expression soften. He was probably thinking about the same thing.
"I can start listing the periodic table of elements if you are still worried. From the end to the beginning. Atomic mass included. But my butterflies are really starving."
"That's fine." Will said as he got up and grabbed two of the jars. "Let's go feed these weirdos."
"Just be careful." Hannibal said and kissed her forehead.
"I will. However I would be more worried about your blueberry jam. It's overflowing."
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Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is essential for overall health and well-being, especially for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition. Consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods can help regulate blood sugar levels and promote optimal health. Some of the best foods to eat to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels include:
1. Non-starchy vegetables: Vegetables such as leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, and zucchini are low in carbohydrates and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels and can help promote satiety.
2. Whole grains: Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, oats, and whole wheat contain fiber, which slows down the absorption of glucose and helps prevent spikes in blood sugar levels. They also provide essential nutrients and energy.
3. Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are rich in fiber and protein, which can help stabilize blood sugar levels and promote fullness. They are also a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
4. Lean protein: Sources of lean protein, such as poultry, fish, tofu, and legumes, can help regulate blood sugar levels and support muscle health. Protein-rich foods can help slow down the digestion of carbohydrates and prevent rapid spikes in blood sugar.
5. Healthy fats: Foods high in healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation. Including healthy fats in your diet can help maintain steady blood sugar levels and support overall health.
6. Berries: Berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are low in sugar and high in fiber and antioxidants. They can be a nutritious and delicious option to satisfy sweet cravings without causing significant spikes in blood sugar levels.
7. Greek yogurt: Greek yogurt is a good source of protein and calcium, and it contains probiotics that can support gut health. Choosing plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt can help maintain stable blood sugar levels while providing essential nutrients.
Overall, focusing on a balanced diet that includes a variety of whole, nutrient-dense foods can help support healthy blood sugar levels and overall well-being. It's also important to monitor portion sizes, limit added sugars and refined carbohydrates, and stay hydrated to maintain optimal blood sugar control.
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zzzykiek · 5 months
Play it Sweet
2P Alastor (Blueberry) x Diabetc fem!OC Reader
Chapter 2: Done Deal?
(parenthasis indicate MCs thoughts)
*Please dont share without credit*
TW: Creepy Boss, diabetes, coerced kiss
Current chapter is SFW however future ones will not be so Minors please DNI.
The blue deer demon snaps and then is gone from under the table, causing you to startle and scramble out yourself. As you turn, your eyes fall to a pair of unique blue sneakers, your gaze trails up as you stand taking in the sight of who you had to assume to be your new friend (Can I call him that yet?). Blue jeans and a shiny sky blue shirt with a white and blue argyle sweater. His face remains relatively the same, albeit with a more human tone. You note the blue lipstick he now wears. (Never would have expected that to be attractive.) The blue of his eyes is reduced to the Irises only (They are still so mesmerizing.), ears gone, and his blue hair replaced with a platinum blond fringe adorned with blue tipped bangs. He smiles and holds out a hand for you to take, blue painted nails rest gently on the back of your hand as he pulls you up.
“Al, pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure,” There was something oddly attractive yet sinister in his voice as he introduced himself, placing a kiss on the back of your hand leaving a blue stamp of his lips behind. Now it was your turn to blush, you felt the heat burning from your cheeks and down your neck as he looked into your eyes. The glint of mischief and danger made you sigh.
You had to shake that away quickly as you could hear your boss's footsteps approaching.
“Suniffa, where did you get off to?”
You couldn't hide the snarl at your boss's attempted caring tone.
Al raised an eyebrow and somehow you understood, “Clifford,” you whisper.
Al kept your hand in his and jumped into a laugh as if you had just said the best joke. “You can’t be serious; no wonder you wanted me to cover this for my broadcast!”
As your boss peeks into the break room, Al made eye contact with him. “Oh you must be Clifford; you must forgive my late arrival. I intended to make it to the meeting, but my flight from New Orleans got delayed. I don't know why I ever trust those flying contraptions to get me anywhere on time. Suniffa has been just beaming about all the wonderful opinions of the people. I would love to get some interviews. Oh! Do forgive me; I jumped over some important bits.”
Releasing your hand, he moves to fully face your boss, one hand behind his back, the other outstretched for a shake.
“Al, host of the Evening Tea, KMFDM Radio; Pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure!”
He firmly shook your boss's hand. (Was this the same timid deer you just had stuttering under the breakroom table?) You saw your boss light up hearing his position as a media personality. Though you also saw the slight sneer towards Al’s lips and nails. (They were perfect….. Wait, where did that thought come from?)
“Well, I had no idea my Sunni was being so proactive in her new PR role!”
You flinched at his use of that damned nickname.
“You said you wanted to have the opinions of the people fully heard; what better way than the best broadcast for controversial topics in the US! Al has been a friend for a while so when you dropped this project on me, he was the first one I called.” (Where did that random information come from?) Al slid his arm around your waist, you knew he could read right through your boss and see his unsavory thoughts toward you. Though having a demon take a protective stance for you was new. Being able to understand as if you were telepathically connected was also very new…but definitely helpful in this situation.
“And I have been itching for a good community to feature for this quarrel of literary proportions,”
You couldn’t help but chortle at Al’s choice of wording. Suddenly you felt light headed (Oh shit, I originally came in here to boost my blood sugar…and never did). You whimper slightly and Al’s attention turning toward you as your hand shoots up to his shoulder. You try to smile.
“Whoops, Al, I was so excited to see you I forgot why I left the meeting. My blood sugar is running a bit low,”
You saw Clifford make a move forward as if to scoop you up, but Al beat him to it. (Thank Lucifer.)
“Darling! You really need to take better care of yourself.'' He gently sat you in one of the chairs and went back over to the donut box pulling out a headlight donut you knew wasn't there before. (Wait, didn't he eat the last one?) “Headlights are still your favorite right?” he asks, that mischievous glint in his eyes letting you know he was toying with your boss and loving it. (To be honest you were too. It had been a while since you had the attention of someone you wanted it from…The comment about wanting company wasn't all in jest.) He positions himself next to you, half sitting on the arm of the chair handing you the doughnut. You happily accept and bite into it as he engages in conversation with Clifford. You are in no state to engage at the moment, absentmindedly leaning your head against Al’s torso. His hand moves to gently rest on your shoulder bringing your awareness to the position you had taken. (I just got cuddly with a summoned entity without a thought WTF is wrong with me?) You glance up, slightly flushed. His attention is fully on your boss; his eyes are gleaming as he is apparently winning some sort of internal competition he set. You then look over to your boss, whose gaze has moved from Al to the point where his blue nails stand out against your black sleeve, eye twitching at the sight. He clears his throat and obviously changes the subject on Al.
“So, How exactly do you and Al know each other, Sunni dear?” Clifford gives you his full attention.
“Hmm, well I was his fan first and foremost. I always love a good serving of gossip and he was the best one I knew to truly give all sides with no filter.” (Why am I talking so animatedly and excited about a story that doesn't exist…. I hope Al is ok with this.) You glance over to see Al beaming at your response. “I started calling in to contribute to his show, and then when I needed some extra experience for my portfolio, I reached out to see if he could spare a day or two for me to shadow him.”
“Her comments were always most impressive! I loved picking her brain when she rang in. There was no question of helping her gain some experience in my studio! Besides…” Al tilts his attention from Cliff to you, as your cheeks flush with the look of pure adoration in his eyes. “It was the perfect excuse to meet the little sunshine of my show in person.” He flashes his gaze back to your boss. “Best decision of my life! I am sure you feel the same with hiring quite the impressive young lady! Can you believe that was two years ago, darling.” His attention is back on you.
“Has it really been that long? Oh my time flies!” You laugh, the first real laugh you have had in a while, and you can't help but see the flush and flash of desire pass in Al’s eyes. (Is that what that was? My laugh cant be that nice can it?)
“I can't believe it took me that long to come see you, my sunshine! I do wish I had been able to get us together in person again sooner. But I am here now! We have much to catch up on.” He settles back against the back of the chair and gently runs his fingers through your hair as his hand makes its way back to your shoulder, sending light static through your body. It felt so good you had closed your eyes and leaned into his hand. “Are you feeling better now?” He looks back at you with genuine concern. Your eyes fly open.
“Yes, Al, Thankfully the dizziness doesn't last once I get some sweets in me,” you can’t help but giggle at some very inappropriate thoughts that pass through your mind regarding the sweet demon perched to your right. (Where did those ideas come from…?)
“Good, can't have anything dimming my sunshine while I am here,” He gently squeezes your shoulder as he stands.
“Well, Mr Clifford, when would be a good time to arrange for some interviews? I will need some time to observe the library activities and craft some questions and scripts of course.” Al bursts your little thought bubble with his abrupt switch in modes. Your attention is drawn back to your boss who is obviously fighting some sort of internal conflict. You knew his desire for media coverage would win out.
“How about we do Friday? That should give you two days to observe and curate your questions and a day for myself and the other board members to review said questions.”
“Of course Suniffa will review them before I hand them in! I wouldn't think of doing anything without her approval.” Al interrupts him, obviously wanting to cut out the last part of Clifford's plans. You stand up at the mention of your name. “Let's do Thursday at the latest. I was hoping to use Friday to play a little catch up for my two years of absence.”
“Oh Al! That’s so sweet!” You step up and embrace him, wrapping your arms around his torso under his arms, thankful your back was facing your boss so as to avoid the daggers you know he was throwing at you. (Thank goodness Al embraced me tightly in return.) Then you give an over-exaggerated sigh into the crook of his neck. (Did he just shiver?) “I am scheduled to work though…”
Al’s hand finds its way to your hair in a comforting yet oddly possessive gesture, “Well, I am sure, considering all I am putting into your town's broadcast, that your boss can let you free for a day at least,” his words come out in a firm and demanding tone. Lifting your head you enjoy the profile view of Al returning Cliff’s glare ten fold.
“Better have her check her schedule before granting anything, don't want my Sunni to fall behind,”
You break off the surprisingly comforting yet demonic embrace and twirl excitedly to face your boss.
“Friday is the library inventory, which thanks to my new position, I am no longer involved with, so it works out perfectly!” You watch your boss's eye twitch, definitely regretting that promotion now, even if it had put you in the same office area working directly with him.
“Wonderful!” He bites out with a clenched jaw, trying so hard not to explode at the broadcaster about to bring his dreams to life. (So he thinks.) “We will plan for the interviews on Thursday. What did you wish to observe until then?”
“Oh there is no need to waste your precious time with that, I can arrange all that with your wonderful PR representative.” Al gives your hand a covert squeeze. (Don't let him take over.)
“Of course! I do have a drafted itinerary already prepared, a tour will be the first activity!”
“Always prepared, Sunni!” Clifford gently takes your arm, “Where do we begin?”
You take a peek at your watch. “Oh my, time flies when planning such important events! Four p.m. has arrived. I am sorry Al; the tour will have to be first thing in the morning.”
“Oh, not a problem at all! In fact, that is preferred. After all the kerfuffle with my flights, I am quite tuckered out.” Al smooths his sweater as he turns to you with a look that takes you a moment to decipher. (How many of this Boss of your's buttons can I push?) You smirk in answer. (As many as you want.)
“It was wonderful to meet you Mr. Clifford! I look forward to picking your brain tomorrow.” He shakes Cliff’s hand firmly then softly offers his hand to you. “I am so happy you thought to bring me here for such a grand story!” He places another kiss on your hand, ensuring Cliff has a view of his stamped lips left behind on your skin. “Now I must apologize, my sunshine, I wasn't able to arrange for transport or lodging past making it here to you.”
“Al, you don't have to worry about that! I have plenty of room and what hotel could provide you with a recording studio any way?” If your boss was jealous before…he was about to blow his top now.
“I never doubted you wouldn't welcome my company. I will have to make sure we are properly supplied. I do owe you some of my blueberry pancakes after all.”
You'd never felt so excited in your life, and from the looks of it, Al seemed to be just as excited!
“Let me grab my purse and print the itinerary for you gentleman to review tonight.” You walk down the hall to grab your things, and you hear hushed arguing floating down the hall from the break room. (Somehow you didn't doubt Al would set your boss in his place.) A few moments later, you hear footsteps as Al turns the corner to your office, an absolutely manic look on his face. “Cliff said to leave the itinerary on his desk; he needed to get home.” Al suddenly grabs your chin and pulls you to meet his gaze. (How tall is he? Even in human form, he stood taller than Clifford and was at least a foot above you…)
“You're lucky you're pretty and I find this little rivalry fun. I don't usually step in before a deal is made.” (Oh shit…I thought things were going good.) Al then pulls you up to him, making you stand on your tiptoes, and forcefully presses his lips to yours. It's passionate, desperate, yet somehow chaste as it ends abruptly. (Ok… I hope that means he likes me.)
“What do you want in exchange for your help?”
His eyes soften as he thinks for a moment. “Y-you… I-I-I want you.”
You don't even think before the word spills from your lips “Deal.”
A flash of green light and an odd sensation fills you and when you regain awareness, Al’s lips are on yours again. He seems more nervous this time. He breaks the kiss and you see tears in his eyes. He’s visibly shaking. You tightly embrace him. (I know a panic attack when I see one.)
2P Alastor originates from the following
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Food as You Know It Is About to Change. (New York Times Op-Ed)
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From the vantage of the American supermarket aisle, the modern food system looks like a kind of miracle. Everything has been carefully cultivated for taste and convenience — even those foods billed as organic or heirloom — and produce regarded as exotic luxuries just a few generations ago now seems more like staples, available on demand: avocados, mangoes, out-of-season blueberries imported from Uruguay.
But the supermarket is also increasingly a diorama of the fragility of a system — disrupted in recent years by the pandemic, conflict and, increasingly, climate change. What comes next? Almost certainly, more disruptions and more hazards, enough to remake the whole future of food.
The world as a whole is already facing what the Cornell agricultural economist Chris Barrett calls a “food polycrisis.” Over the past decade, he says, what had long been reliable global patterns of year-on-year improvements in hunger first stalled and then reversed. Rates of undernourishment have grown 21 percent since 2017. Agricultural yields are still growing, but not as quickly as they used to and not as quickly as demand is booming. Obesity has continued to rise, and the average micronutrient content of dozens of popular vegetables has continued to fall. The food system is contributing to the growing burden of diabetes and heart disease and to new spillovers of infectious diseases from animals to humans as well.
And then there are prices. Worldwide, wholesale food prices, adjusted for inflation, have grown about 50 percent since 1999, and those prices have also grown considerably more volatile, making not just markets but the whole agricultural Rube Goldberg network less reliable. Overall, American grocery prices have grown by almost 21 percent since President Biden took office, a phenomenon central to the widespread perception that the cost of living has exploded on his watch. Between 2020 and 2023, the wholesale price of olive oil tripled; the price of cocoa delivered to American ports jumped by even more in less than two years. The economist Isabella Weber has proposed maintaining the food equivalent of a strategic petroleum reserve, to buffer against shortages and ease inevitable bursts of market chaos.
Price spikes are like seismographs for the food system, registering much larger drama elsewhere — and sometimes suggesting more tectonic changes underway as well. More than three-quarters of the population of Africa, which has already surpassed one billion, cannot today afford a healthy diet; this is where most of our global population growth is expected to happen this century, and there has been little agricultural productivity growth there for 20 years. Over the same time period, there hasn’t been much growth in the United States either.
Though American agriculture as a whole produces massive profits, Mr. Barrett says, most of the country’s farms actually lose money, and around the world, food scarcity is driving record levels of human displacement and migration. According to the World Food Program, 282 million people in 59 countries went hungry last year, 24 million more than the previous year. And already, Mr. Barrett says, building from research by his Cornell colleague Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, the effects of climate change have reduced the growth of overall global agricultural productivity by between 30 and 35 percent. The climate threats to come loom even larger.
It can be tempting, in an age of apocalyptic imagination, to picture the most dire future climate scenarios: not just yield declines but mass crop failures, not just price spikes but food shortages, not just worsening hunger but mass famine. In a much hotter world, those will indeed become likelier, particularly if agricultural innovation fails to keep pace with climate change; over a 30-year time horizon, the insurer Lloyd’s recently estimated a 50 percent chance of what it called a “major” global food shock.
But disruption is only half the story and perhaps much less than that. Adaptation and innovation will transform the global food supply, too. At least to some degree, crops such as avocados or cocoa, which now regularly appear on lists of climate-endangered foodstuffs, will be replaced or redesigned. Diets will shift, and with them the farmland currently producing staple crops — corn, wheat, soy, rice. The pressure on the present food system is not a sign that it will necessarily fail, only that it must change. Even if that progress does come to pass, securing a stable and bountiful future for food on a much warmer planet, what will it all actually look like?
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evotthigh · 7 months
had the most captivating dessert lunch today. it was the most flaky crispy crunchy chewy chocolately cherry caramel blueberry raspberry açai banana honey strawberry hazelnut kiwi apple walnut almond sweet peach fudgey cranberry pineapple orange coconut mango lemon vanilla metallic thorny hairy sticky bitter frozen candy-coated sandy volcanic bloody salty oppressive heavy rich creamy sunny herculean geometric dog I had ever eaten, and it howled/screamed as you ate it. I went into immediate diabetic shock and woke up as the littlest tiniest bunny in a new and special Rabbit World and i went to do whimsical little things..... tonight is the festival of Happy, and I will play my whimsical flute with the other bunnies. are you okay with this... ? im the littlest pinkest one but I think I'll do a good job.......... I highly recommend the lunch dessert shop it was called Granny Fucker's Ice Cream N Snacks
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cursed-byesexual · 2 months
When my inner nihilist starts rearing their ugly head, I wash my anti depressants down with one of these bad boys:
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(Blueberry coconut redbull in a fancy glass) and remind myself that it has its advantages that nothing matters.
Would I choose to live in a bubblegum dystopia? No, but I'm here, so might as well enjoy my chill pills with liquified diabetes in funky colors. Cheers.
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