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If I recall correctly, you said you had created alters, right? If so, I was wondering how it happened and how they're doing right now. I'm trying to do a bit of research on it to help out a specific alter in our system, but to no avail. We're trying to do this as safely as possible.
Right now, they’re doing well, but when they first formed, it was horrific for them and us. Trauma was… not great! I think it might be time to expand on their stories actually. Too many people in syscourse assume they know things about my alters, and the last time I opened up about them, folks came into my inbox to tell me I was wrong about my experiences.
Tw for suicidal ideation, harassment, depression, and alter death.
She was our first created alter, and the one we actually consciously purposefully created. In terms of us having a created alter, she’s probably the one who counts — LED’s experience is closer to a regular traumatic split, but I’ll get to him later.
Context for this time of my life: We were in high school. We had never heard of DID, we were being actively abused on two fronts (parental abuse and COCSA), and the only people who we felt understood us were folks much older than me online who I talked to on a daily basis. I thought my alters were just imaginary friends to represent my emotions. The voices I heard were just my emotions and feelings, very loudly, and I was imagining those emotions as people — like Inside Out!! And this was normal, my peer abuser told me. Yay! (Oof.)
Wade was our main fronter at home. He held onto a lot of our depression and dealt with the brunt of the current abuse from our parents. He was also dealing with gender issues and just generally was struggling. We started getting more and more suicidal and depressed, and our systems only way of handling that emotion was repression (via Numb’s emotional blocking or Sierra’s toxic optimism).
Finally, one night, Wade got the closest he ever got to self harm. It was nothing, really - the mark of it was gone within an hour - but it panicked him, and he reached out to our friend at the time.
This friend comforted him and told him that he needed to manage his depression somehow. We knew we couldn’t get therapy, so he suggested something he’d heard of before, about parts therapy. AKA, IFS. “Your depression is a part of you. What you need to do is talk to it. Imagine a person; someone who is all of those depressing thoughts. And talk to that person; why do they treat you that way?”
Those aren’t direct quotes. In all actuality, all of this is so blurry. I was so fucked up and stressed, it’s not hard to know I split. But the thing is, Debra’s split was entirely different than any other split I’ve had. All of my other alters, it was… one second they’re not there, the next they are.
Debra didn’t do that. When Wade imagined someone to talk to, it wasn’t in our innerworld. It was in a different space, where we imagine our thoughts happening. Deb was entirely imaginary, and she seemed to say things as I thought them. Each negative thought I had was suddenly her saying them. (Sometimes, it seemed almost as if she would say the thought before I had it.) For every night for a week, they talked — though, it was more Debra talking and us listening and feeling worse about ourselves.
That first conversation, I remember Wade feeling better — empty, but not suicidal. After imagining Debra for that first time, Wade only felt non-suicidal if she was talking to him. Sometimes that didn’t even help, because really, she was just imagined — we were planning her thoughts. Until, suddenly, we weren’t anymore.
Side note: Deb is the first marked hallucination we have had. We were walking home from the bus stop, which was always inherently dissociative for us, and we looked over at our house. Out of the corner of our eyes, we saw Deb, floating around the cars parked on the road. We panicked at that, but a second later, she was gone. We believed magic was real for a solid day after that, and that our imagination was coming to real life.
After that week, Debra was autonomous. She started to slip out of the void and into our innerworld. She started to harass Wade in a living hell 24/7, instead of from 11pm to whenever Wade finally passed out at night. And she hated a lot of us. She expressed that we should all kill ourselves so she could take over, because she was so much better than the rest of us. It was around this time that Wade made his trauma room in our innerworld and ceased fronting as often.
It only ended when Numb, fed up with her and panicked from even him feeling the suicidal ideation, killed her. Protector killing the persecutor, how classic. He crushed her to death innerworld.
Deb didn’t make a reappearance until college, when she emerged from dormancy. But in the meantime, there are two blank years of my life after we killed Debra. I have so few memories from those years, I could count them on my hands. Clearly, killing her destabilized us, but if we hadn’t, I have no doubt I wouldn’t be alive today. She was succeeding in her goals, and it sounded logical to us at the time. We’ve worked hard to make peace with what happened.
College. We’re now self dx’d as having DID. We’re no longer around our peer abuser, and in fact had ‘broken up’ with her after she ‘crossed a line’. I was now an hour away from my parents (though I had to call them each night and drive home each weekend). I was living with my then-roommate-now-fiancé and I was best friends with the only person in my life who knew I had DID, who lived in a different dorm. We were convinced Rice was a host by people online, and we were in pro-endo spaces (though had yet to strongly participate in syscoruse spaces).
Deb came back. At the time, I was in a nice Singlet Era Lite(tm) — aka, Rice fronted almost constantly, until she would collapse and meltdown and then we would rapid switch for the next few days, only for Rice to power back to front. It was unstable, unhealthy, and an incredible burden on Rice (one she is still recovering from to this day). Until, one night (at 3am), Rice was on the verge of a mental collapse again. She was down on herself, convinced she was a failure.
And then Deb was there, telling her she was, telling her how worthless she was, and altogether making everything harder.
That summer, Deb would take to harassing Rice, in particular. We had a flawed idea from the systems we spoke to that Rice was the “original core identity” and that the goal of DID healing was to integrate* those identities into one. She wanted Rice to feel out of control, so Deb could take over as host. If she could just become the original identity somehow, then we could fuse and just be perfect like her.
The best way she could think to make Rice no longer be in control? Make Rice split. Force a split, make Rice create someone, just like how we’d made Deb, and make Rice realize she was pathetic.
So, the nightly torture began. No sleep until 3am most nights, passive influence of suicidal ideation, near constant whispering about our mistakes. And, long story short, one night it worked.
Rice finally had enough, and completely went dormant in her room. And, in her place, was LED. Not visualized like Deb had been, but planned by Deb, and made specifically to counteract her. Debra is a being of darkness and shadow; LED’s name is literally Light Emitting Diode. Debra is an ageless demon; LED is a 10 year old ray of sunshine.
Only… Debra came for him, said hello, and. Well. LED took one look at her, screamed so loud I thought it happened in real life, and shattered. Broke apart into a million pieces and went immediately dormant.
This shocked Debra enough to actually break through to her at least. Damage was done, though. A new split and two dormancies in one night. Deb retreated from the front and left everyone else to clean up the mess while she watched. Rice remained dormant for a few months, and would only come back for, at most, a few hours at a time before having a breakdown and leaving for, usually, around a half a year. LED didn’t come back for almost a year after that. Debra had a “come to Jesus” talk with our friend who was in the know, and she started helping out some.
They get along really well! It’s been years and years since those incidents. Deb feels guilt for what she did back then, but everyone’s forgiven her — LED being one of the first. He actually apologized to her for being scared. Goddamn sweet guy.
Both of them have adapted to the system, but needed time to adjust. LED adjusted in dormancy, whereas Debra had to adjust after she returned from dormancy. It was… incredibly unstable for us after Debra’s creation. Our therapist cites that as part of the risk of IFS with DID systems, and how it can lead to increase dissociative barriers. It did for us.
We call both created, because there was purpose behind their splits. Debra was imagined consciously, purposefully, to hold trauma. LED was purposefully made (even if unplanned, visually and personality wise) to make Rice feel worthless (and instead made her feel stronger… after a year or so). We also distinctly call both of them created traumagenic alters.
Whew. That was a long one. I’m gonna to rest after that…
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circular-bircular · 1 year
(This post is satirical for the purpose of absurdity and poking fun at shit. Also, I have a bad fever and it’s nearly 1 am and I can’t slee cause sick. Bear with me folks and don’t take this too seriously)
I was reminded today that homosexuality used to be classified as a mental disorder in the DSM. This was said in an effort to discredit how DID is presented in the diagnostic manual, and the reliance many individuals have on it when discussing their own disorder. My eyes were finally opened.
Clearly, the point that homosexuality used to be in the DSM cannot be ignored. This completely discredits every argument; the crimes of the past DSMs that are no longer utilized in modern psych need to be acknowledged. As such, I can see no other solution than tossing out the DSM altogether.
After all, despite the fact that homosexuality was removed from the DSM in 1973, and properly removed altogether in 1987, clearly it’s still incredibly relevant to the modern research being done about dissociative identity disorder. It’s only been 36 years since then, and so clearly the thoughts of bigots trying to uphold religious mantras and societal norms from the late 80s have infected the criteria for DID, which specifically excludes religious phenomenon and delineates it from the more stigmatizing view of possession. This is completely unacceptable!
Clearly, the DSM should burn. And why stop there?
The ICD also needs to go. I know they just seemingly acknowledged endogenic plurality, and we’re all quite proud, really, but it also took them until 1990 to remove homosexuality as a diagnosis, so they clearly suffer from the same problems as the DSM. We also will be blocking every individual who is diagnosed with any form of diagnosable mental disorder, as they’re perpetuating what is obviously a harmful system of ableism. Self diagnosis is also out too - that just relies on stereotyping completely normal experiences! Cause clearly mental disorders aren’t a thing - the internet told me so. They’re all just societal concepts, like gender norms.
Thanks for clearing my psychology addled brain, syscourse!!
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junonboi · 1 month
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Ok so 2 days ago i was mad eaware of the max x bradley ship aka MADLEY and it’s so cute have humanized fanart 🫡
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b-33-s · 10 days
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AU stuff. As a treat.
Holy shit i almost forgot big big ty @superxstarzz i stole one of ur designs X3
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slothpile · 5 months
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"I mean, it's not like you've gotta go or anything, but if you wanted to...y'know...check it out...well, it'd be fun."
i'm late on the twitter bandwagon and i'm pretty sure someone already drew this but i still very much wanted to do a redraw of these 2 from a scene in _K0TTERl_'s manga, Veil
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psychopyro813 · 1 year
So I'm rewatching the movie compilation, as you do, and something hits me at about 1:54 as Belos is possessing the Titan
We all know Tiny Nose is Dana's self insert, right? Did y'all notice that she got forced out of her spot by...a *mouse*?
Well played, Dana. Well. Played.
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malewifeph1lza · 2 months
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random expressions wawawawawa
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lichfucker · 4 months
tess!! do you happen to have an onion jam recipe? that sounds delicious
YES I DO!!!!
this is the one I use.
it's So good. the sugar may seize up when you add the onions in but don't worry about it just keep stirring and it'll melt back down eventually. also people in the comments suggest using balsamic vinegar instead of red wine vinegar but the one time I tried that it turned out terrible and burned really quickly. I did use sherry vinegar one time when we were out of red wine vinegar and that turned out pretty good!
hmm what else do you need to know about making it... it says to start with 1/4 cup of vegetable oil but I use less than that (more like 1/8 cup) and it works just fine. I usually take the caramel darker than the recipe says before adding the onions but I suppose that's a matter of taste. I also usually cook the onions for longer than fifteen minutes before adding the vinegar but that, too, is a matter of taste.
PLEASE let me know if you make it!! I love to spread the gospel of onion jam 🤩🤩🤩 I put it on literally everything lmao. one time I made onion jam hamentaschen and they were delicious
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xxbrodydaggersxx · 1 year
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don’t come home for christmas, you’re the last thing i wanna see underneath the tree
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ghosty-ghoulz · 3 months
I was told to do it so why not✨ Here's all of my recent Buttwitch art I've been drawn for the past week kdbdb from oldest to latest
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She's so prettyyyy :')
Expect more art of her hopefully- 👀
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gggoofiestgoober · 7 months
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drew this at work today
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"Are you saying that functionally multiple systems who have great communication don’t experience DID?" if you do not have any dissociation or barriers at all, you'd be fused into a "singlet" in some form, under the concept of how many see the TOSD, and/or be considered ""recovered"" from your disorder. functionally multiple DID/OSDD systems would still experience some degree of dissociative separation, that's the (at least medical) difference between fusion and functional multiplicity
i think the rest of the post somewhat makes sense, but i think there is a difference between:
a system's internalized collective feelings and the reactions certain system members have to that feeling (the sui part for example),
and separate beliefs/feelings that a system member may have compared to the rest of the system but that still might influence how the other system members feel (wade switching out bc he felt stressed and that affecting you (whoever came out after) and causing you to realize "oh hey, huh, wade wants a break bc he's stressed and i am aware of why, and im able to relax and just have fun"). like those are two entirely different situations.
granted, both should be dealt with similarly (a pause of "hold on, why are we feeling this, what is causing this situation/belief/feeling") and deserve collective and/or individual processing and care, but those are two very different sides of the same coin i think.
Very fair. It sounds like it’s just a case of terminology then. As I explained in another post, I find deeming it “processing a collective belief” has helped me the most with my recovery, but everyone can have their own way of saying it.
I just want to reiterate that having dissociation doesn’t bar you from processing the beliefs of others. Even if your barriers are high, you can work on processing the beliefs of others around you and of those you share space with.
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circular-bircular · 1 year
Tw alcohol mention
I know you guys have mentioned you’re teachers, I saw a thing that said teachers can’t have social media/ post pictures of themselves in a bikini or drinking? Is that true? Just curious
Obvs tumblr is weird and work is unlikely to find so I’d figure maybe it’d be an exception
Hey! Fun question.
Essentially, if it can be connected back to my work easily, I’m not allowed to post it. Me in a bikini would be fine? But me drinking would not be. If it is public enough that a student can see it, and connect it to me, it’s more than frowned upon, and work has the right to ask me to delete anything. Ain’t that gross?
However, since work doesn’t know I have these blogs, and would never be able to connect my school and job to any of the weird shit I do on here, I could post my nudes and still be fine. Anonymity at its finest.
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presumenothing · 10 months
so we all know the drill, yeah? my keyboard slipped etc etc and thus i present: 吉祥纹莲花楼 aka LOTUS CASEBOOK (the novel) CHAPTER ONE: TASTER EDITION further aka "the first chapter, but minus the Case Exposition bit because wow noooope". note also that this is not as serious nor thoroughly-edited as some of my other TLs (nif fandom alumni may remember me from known, unknown aka this absolute unit/research spiral of a post-canon fic; this is Not That and also, hi!!). and now with that out of the way, enjoy! ETA: fixed some missing bits that got eaten while posting to tumblr + only maybe 30% on-topic footnotes over here
Changzhou City, Xiaomian Inn.
The seventeenth of the sixth month, just around midnight.
It had been two days since Cheng Yunhe, the head convoy of Hexing Convoy Company, started escorting these sixteen boxes of precious goods. Though all had been well so far, he felt tight-strung with exhaustion, and despite having fallen asleep he woke up without quite knowing why.
Silence permeated the dark room.
Outside the window… there was singing.
Faint waves of sound, barely discernible, as if someone was singing; and apparently quite in earnest, too, but in an incredibly odd tone… just as if… someone was singing with their tongue cut out. 
He opened his eyes, and looked at the window directly across from his bed.
Amidst the darkness, green flecks flickered dim and sudden across that window, now far then near, and only on this one window across from him.
Outside the window, the faraway song continued, that broken tongue singing a tragic melody that no-one living could possibly understand…
He’d already practised almost forty years of martial arts, and though his hearing and sight might not be the top in the jianghu, it could hardly be weak either, but he… could not make out the sound of anything human.
As the wind whistled through the slightly-ajar window, he stared at that window with its flickering green shadows – and for the very first time in his life, he thought of a word – ghosts?
The broad daylight of a sunny day.
Bingshan Town was not a remarkable place by any means; it had neither rare treasure nor great legends, and just like the vast majority of places in the jianghu, its denizens were a little boring, its crops a tad skinny, its rivers a tinge dirty, and its post-meal conversational topics a touch lacking… far too lacking, actually, so whenever there was something everyone had to delight in it for the longest time – not to mention how that recent happening was an odd one indeed.
The tale so far: on this day, the eighteenth of the month, when the people of Bingshan Town opened their doors to sweep their stoops, they abruptly found that their only-too-familiar main street had suddenly sprouted a two-storey wooden building. This building was hardly a short one, either, fully capable of housing people inside, and in spacious lodgings no less; it was made fully of wood, and engraved with patterns unusually fine and ornate, that even a blind person could recognise by touch – none other than lotus flowers and auspicious clouds.
After a good half-day’s worth of discussion, some eagle-eyed people recognised at last how this building had “suddenly appeared”: though its structure was that of a building, it turned out that it was not connected to the ground… at any rate, this building had been pulled by someone with a cart, here to the main street of their Bingshan Town, and put it there. Everyone expressed their amazement at this, but nobody could comprehend why anyone would bother dragging over such a large building in the dead of night just to leave it on the street, or what it could possibly be for. Perhaps as a shrine for their town god? Though speaking of which, their local shrine had indeed fallen into disrepair and gone unworshipped for many years now…
Such debate continued for three days straight, up until an express convoy working at some company who happened to be coming home was struck dumbfounded upon seeing it, screeched “The Lucky Parlour!” and there and then turned to run madly away without even returning home, still yelling “Lucky Parlour!” along the way – and thus the building abruptly became a haunted house, that would drive anyone who saw it right mad.
Only seven days later, when that express convoy suddenly brought the entire convoy company back to Bingshan Town, did the masses discover that said building was not in fact some haunted house. 
Not only was it not a haunted house, it was actually an auspicious building, a super-duper auspicious building. 
The “Lucky Pattern Lotus Parlour” was a medical clinic.
Its master was of surname Li, named Lianhua.
What kind of a person was Li Lianhua? As a matter of fact, nobody in the jianghu knew either. Whether his master, his background, the level of his martial arts, his age, or even the matter of his looks: all of it was unknown. Six years had passed since this person appeared in the jianghu, and in total he’d done only two things, but just these two things alone had been enough to turn the “Lucky Pattern Lotus Parlour” into the single most fascinating legend in the jianghu.
The two things Li Lianhua had done: the first was bringing back to life the martial scholar “Lifelong Learner” Shi Wenjue, who’d been buried for many days after dying from major injuries after a decisive duel. The second was bringing back to life “Ironflute Hero” He Lantie, who’d also been buried for many days with all his bones broken after dying from a cliff fall.
Just these two incidents alone had already made Li Lianhua the one figure in the jianghu that people most wanted to acquaint themselves with, but there was also the matter of his strange house that he always brought along with him – this only made Li Lianhua more of a legend amongst legends.
The head convoy of Hexing Convoy Company led every last one of his men on swift horseback to Bingshan Town, and after three days of clean baths and devout incense, finally delivered on great tenterhooks a letter of greeting to that building carved of precious softwood: Cheng Yunhe of Hexing Convoy Company wishes to consult on an important matter.
Said letter was pushed in via a window gap.
All forty-odd men of the company waited alongside Cheng Yunhe, as if it was the King of Hell inside of that building, passing judgement––
Soon after, that building that had been so silent as to seem unoccupied let out the faintest of creaking sounds. All of Hexing Convoy held their breath, and even the rubbernecking passers-by caught theirs, too, widening their eyes to better await whatever creature could possibly emerge from this building.
The door swung swiftly open, and not in the slow swing of everyone’s imagination.
A large cloud of dust burst forth with a bang, blowing all over Cheng Yunhe, and the figure in the door made a sound of dismay, saying with great apology: “I was tidying up odds and ends, and didn’t even realise I had guests, my apologies, apologies indeed.”
All of Hexing Convoy, now covered in dust and sawdust, stared in astonishment at the one who’d opened the door with a broom in one hand; the very same broom where that bright red greeting letter was now stuck on. He looked very young, no older than twenty-seven or twenty-eight, and perhaps even a little younger than that if not for the much-mended grey robes he was wearing; his skin was fair and his looks refined, but neither was he so beautifully handsome as to be unforgettable from a glance. He held the broom in his right hand and a dustpan in his left, and looked out at the dozens-strong line outside his door with a face full of apology.
Cheng Yunhe gave a heavy cough, and saluted in greeting: “I, “Thousand-Mile Crane” Cheng Yunhe, humbly greet Li-xiansheng of the Lucky Parlour; may I perhaps request that you pass a message to him that there is a matter I wish to consult him on?”
“Ah,” said the grey-robed young man. “A message?”
Cheng Yunhe spoke gravely: “I fear we must meet with Li Lianhua, Li-xiansheng himself, for there is crucial business to discuss.”
The young man set down the broom. “I am indeed Li Lianhua.”
Cheng Yunhe’s eyes widened abruptly, mouth falling open, and in that moment every last bystander wanted nothing more than to toss three or five eggs into his mouth. Very swiftly he shut it again, and gave another heavy cough. “Your good reputation precedes you, Li-xiansheng…” 
And then he found himself at a loss on how to continue, for he had already detailed the ins and outs of the matter on the greeting letter, but that same letter was now stuck on Li Lianhua’s broom.
Li Lianhua said: “Apologies, apologies… my residence is covered in clutter at the moment…”
He raised a hand to invite Cheng Yunhe inside.
The Lucky Pattern Lotus Parlour was indeed covered in assorted junk; from nails to hammer, saw to axe, dustcloths to broom, sawdust and dust everywhere, and a few boxes holding who-knew-what. The front room held only one table and chair each, both made of bamboo and not worth even twenty bronze coins. Cheng Yunhe felt heavy doubt in his heart, but what with the sheer reputation of the Lucky Pattern Lotus Parlour, and this grey-robed man to be sitting in it, he dared not to suspect him to be a fake, either; and thus he was left with no choice but to sit respectfully across from Li Lianhua and recount every part of those fearsome events he’d encountered a half-month ago.
Such was the tale of the “Green Window Ghost Murder” that had thrown the martial world into heated debate over the last half a month. Yu Mulan, heartbroken over the senseless death of his beloved daughter, flew into a rage and commanded the death of all the swordsmen who had been escorting Yu Qiushuang that night, alongside a kill order for the entirety of Hexing Convoy Company. Cheng Yunhe, pushed to his wits’ end, had been about to bring his family and disband the company for a scattered escape when he heard the news of the Lucky Parlour.
Li Lianhua could bring the dead back to life – and so Cheng Yunhe suddenly thought: if Li Lianhua could resurrect Yu Qiushuang, wouldn’t that resolve everything? Resurrection was not something he would have ever believed in, just a half-month ago, but with matters the way they were now he could only work with what he had, dead or otherwise, and since the heavens had seen fit to let him come across Li Lianhua, why not give it a try? After all… if the legends were true, all could not but be well.
But even until he’d finished recounting the “Green Window Ghost Murder” incident, he hadn’t heard any startling insights out of Li Lianhua, only an ah and a nod of his head.
After finishing his tea, Cheng Yunhe had no choice but to leave. He truly could not think of any good reason to remain any longer in that empty building of Li Lianhua’s, full of assorted junk and Li Lianhua’s expression full of gentle incomprehension. 
Cheng Yunhe departed.
From the second storey of the Lucky Pattern Lotus Parlour, someone said, leisurely: “Even five years later, you’re still plenty famous, aren’t you…”
Li Lianhua sat on the chair, drinking tea. “Ah…”
Who even knew what he was ah-ing about.
“Actually I’ve never been able to figure it out.” That figure descended slowly from the second storey. He was thin and pale, all skin and bones, and perhaps if he gained twenty pounds he’d be a elegantly beautiful young man, but as it stood he mostly just resembled a victim of starvation. Yet this particular hungry corpse also happened to be wearing a set of rich white robes of particularly meticulous workmanship, with the tassel and jade ornaments favoured only by those fine young masters untouched by worldly troubles, and a long sword with an unusually elegant shape to its hilt. “How could anyone in this world possibly believe in something like resurrection? It’s been five whole years, and yet nobody has forgotten those two scandals of yours…”
“Because none of them are as smart as you.” Li Lianhua smiled faintly, stood up to stretch, then picked up his broom and resumed sweeping the floor.
“Can you not sweep the floor?” The hungry corpse from the upper storey suddenly glared. “How can you possibly keep sweeping when I, the great Fang-dagongzi, am here right in front of you? Do you realise that if Cheng Yunhe had known I was in here just now, he’d definitely kneel down and beg me too ask that old geezer Yu not to slaughter his entire family? You have a young master of my handsome looks and eminent status in front of you, and yet you’ve been doing nothing but sweep the floor?"
“I can’t.” Li Lianhua said: “I haven’t cleaned and repaired this building in too long. It’s very dirty, and leaks when it rains, too.”
The white-robed corpse kept up the wide-eyed glaring for many moments longer, before suddenly letting out a sigh. “Someone like you who can’t fight and can’t treat diseases, who doesn’t plant crops or commit theft either – how have you even managed to survive all these years in such fame? I really don’t get it.” 
This white-robed hungry corpse was “Melancholic Young Master” Fang Duobing, the eldest son of the of the Fang martial family. He’d known Li Lianhua for an entire six years, long enough that he even knew exactly how this same person had come to fame – Shi Wenjue had suffered major injuries in his duel and used the Turtle’s Breath method to close his qi and recover, the local villagers had taken him for dead and buried him, Li Lianhua had gone to dig him up, and thus Shi Wenjue had naturally come back to life; He Lantie, on the other hand, had staged an entire cliff jump after failing in his pursuit of a wife, played dead and buried himself in the ground, and Li Lianhua who’d just happened to be passing by dug him out yet again. The whole world was wondering how Li Lianhua had managed to bring the dead back to life, while all Fang Duobing wanted to know was how he knew where on earth (or under it) there’d be a live person to dig up.
“I did still have some silver coins, a while ago.” Li Lianhua carefully swept the front room, then put away the dustpan. “As long as you plan well, you can still make do.”
Fang Duobing rolled his eyes. “And how much silver do you have now?”
“Fifty taels.” Li Lianhua smiled faintly. “That’s enough to use for a lifetime, to me.”
Fang Duobing tsked. “To think that there’s losers like you in the martial world, who only plan to spend fifty taels in their whole life, it’s practically a shame upon the jianghu. Had Cheng Yunhe known what kind of person you are, I’d like to see whether he still would’ve come asking for help… heh, asking a ‘miracle doctor’ who doesn’t know a drop of medicine and has to go everywhere with his house on his back because he’s too stingy to stay in an inn, to go treat the dead, I can’t believe he thought of that.” Fang Duobing rolled his eyes again for good measure, and eyed Li Lianhua up and down. “Though I can’t actually tell whether you are going to help him go treat the dead or not.”
Li Lianhua sat on the chair, fingers still meticulously fiddling away with the interlocking joint on that squeaky bamboo table of his, and gave a small smile upon hearing this. “Why wouldn’t I go? After all, I don’t know how to plant crops, or sell vegetables, and I’m not in want of coin. Wouldn’t life be incredibly boring if I didn’t have something to do?”
“When that old geezer Yu finds out that you’re a fake miracle doctor and decides to kill your entire family, Fang-dagongzi is absolutely not going to save you,” Fang Duobing said, leisurely. “Go on then, don’t expect this young master here to see you off.”
And so it was that Li Lianhua spent a whole three days tidying up inside the Lucky Pattern Lotus Parlour, packing who-knows-what into that small parcel of his, and after meticulously writing a lengthy missive temporarily entrusting the parlour to the care of “Lifelong Learner” Shi Wenjue, he set off at last.
He was headed to Yu Fortress, to see the corpse of Yu Qiushuang.
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sexymancatalogue · 10 months
Tumblr Sexyman Of The Day #0028
Daycare Attendant/Eclipse (Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach, 2021)
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Art by @/pillowspace on tumblr!
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List Of Archetypes
Distinctive Voice
Eye Imagery
Monster Features
Object Head
Perpetual Smiler
Quotable Catchphrase
Technically Antagonist
White Twink Humanization
Tongue Imagery
Submitted by Anon!
58 notes · View notes
slothpile · 7 months
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"This is the chair that I always sit in."
"This is the chair Basil always sits in."
🍽️ sunflower cutlery
246 notes · View notes