#boa lock moment
yeyinde · 26 days
in connection to the previous post about simon/price’s dynamics; do kyle and johnny have similar dichotomies w their loves ?
i love the surge in SoapGaz because we really get to see how insane these two really are together lmao but yeah. charm and obsession is kinda how i see them.
both are intense, bold. their attention makes you feel like a bug under a microscope, but not at first. when it first happens, it's a spotlight. red carpet. dizzying. who wouldn't go a little insane having such an intense, gorgeous man lazer all his focus on them? and the way they do it is fan-ish. an unfathomable concept to wrap your head around until you have a man checking every single box you've ever had, raising the bar to an unreachable height as they shower you with unparalleled attention.
but the problem is, you don't see all the red flags because their personalities blind you to it. a little bit like a tsunami. you don't see the wall looming in front of you when the water recedes because you're too busy staring at the pretty seashells they uncovered for you.
with them, it's all charm, manipulation, and an unhinged obsession to the point where they're not content to simply be with you. they need you rooted so deeply to them that you just can't be without them.
Gaz slowly, steadily breaks down every wall you've ever had and rebuilds it around the two of you. locking you inside. sealing the exit. and you let him. because why wouldn't you?
Gaz is mature. a rock. he's someone who immediately feels untouchable; a phantom in a dream you can't ever seem to catch. but when you finally get him, it's almost fantastical. he's solid. steady. takes everything single thing you throw at him and tidies it up for you. ailments, illnesses. quirks. nothing seems to phase him. there's not a single thing you could try and leverage against him to see if he'll leave because he has an answer to it all. he doesn't mind going to physiotherapy with you. he reminds you to take your pills. gentles you into submission. peels back the layers slowly and examines every single part of you until nothing is without his fingerprints.
Gaz leaves you yearning. there's nothing else after him. no one else.
(and if you happen to slip away, he makes sure of it. stalks you, the people you date. threatens them with a flash of his canines and eyes that look far more wolfish than they should. isolates you slowly. methodically. narrows your world down to just him and ensures you'll come crawling back.
what else is out there for you when he's the Perfect Man? just ignore the stench coming from the closet.)
Soap is tumultuous. a whirlwind. the sirens wail warning you of a tornado but he's already ripped your house apart by the time you hear it. his attention is undivided. blistering. he's too handsome for his own good. too sweet, too. lures you in with roguish charm and devoted from day one. if you met on a dating app, he's deleting it before the first conversation is over. doesn't need it anymore, he says. he found the one. with Soap, it's the most intense relationship you've ever been in. a nonstop marathon of everything: conversations, future plans, sex. he dotes on you, but doesn't treat you like you're made of glass. showers you in affection, attention. makes you feel wanted in every conceivable way.
without him around, you feel dazed. confused. waking up on the beach after falling asleep under the sun. a little sunburn and sick.
and that's how you stay without him. a sigh of relief, at first. the silence is blissful. but then you hit a wall. you stagnant. he's the human version of a serotonin hit and the moment he leaves, you're left feeling empty. sucked dry.
it just makes sense to go back.
they pull you in, strip you bare. wrap themselves around your neck like a boa constrictor but where Soap takes a bite right away and then breaks you down, Gaz plays the long game of slowly coiling around you until it's too late.
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vorrentis · 9 months
M Reader x Momo - Forbidden Love (Part 3)
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So, it's NOT the final chapter.
AN at bottom for explanation.
WORDS: 18151
Your words failed to escape as her words literally crushed yours.
You cleared your throat, shifting uneasily in your place. 
"Momo," you began, your voice soft and tinged with regret, "...I'm sorry, I-I didn't know you were-"
You gulped as Momo didn't respond.
"...I'm sorry I haven't been here for you as much as I used to, but you work, our parents have me tied down and-" 
"It's always about work with you," she said, her voice trembling, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and honesty, "is that honestly more important than me?"
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Momo's eyes flared for a second till almost closed and she hugged herself while looking away.
"S-sorry, sorry I-I didn't mean to-..." Momo took a deep breath while you sat there.
You hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words to convey the depth of your emotions.
In those ticking moments, your brain went into overdrive. 
It was like a mental race, thoughts sprinting in all directions, the air heavy with unexpressed feelings as a rush of conflicting emotions surged within your chest.
In the hushed silence, your mind raced, thoughts colliding like a storm and each choice presented its own set of consequences, and the pressure to choose loomed large but as time collected, you felt the weight of the right choice settle, a realization echoing in your mind. 
With determination etched on your face, you took a deep breath, seizing the seconds to embrace the uncertainty that lay beyond.
GRASP (Gently)
You reached out and took her hand, squeezing it to provide comfort as Momo turned to you, her eyes evident of her feelings as you swallowed your feelings and needed to say something back.
"I...I miss those times too, Momo. I can't tell you how sorry I am about you feeling like this. You know I never, ever want you to feel even a percent of what you're in now," Momo very slowly moved her head, "of course, I thought about us together. I truly do think about being with you daily Momo."
"And I never meant for work or any other responsibilities to overshadow us Momo," you continued, your gaze locked with hers, "My job or our parents aren't more important; it's just...complex, but trust me I want to be there for you to Momo. To cherish the moments we shared just like we used to. I don't want you to feel neglected or unimportant. You mean the world-no everything to me."
Her grip on your hand tightened, and a small, hopeful emotion came upon feeling it.
"..." you took a deep breath, "and I promised you ever since I could that I would be there for you no matter what Momo, first as a brother, but now as something deeper. I was there for you when you needed me the most before and I'll be damn if I left you feeling like this. I want to be there for you for as long as I can Momo. I'm sorry for you going through a tough time, but you don't have to worry any longer. I can't promise how quickly, but I'll be here. To be there for you to get through it together like we've always done."
Momo's eyes glistened with delight as a tear descended with her hold on your hand tightening.
You appear to have done the right thing as Momo quickly got on her knees and hugged you; nuzzling into your neck and digging her free arm around your neck with strength rivaling a boa.
"T-Thank you (YN)...you-you are the best..." she whispers in your ear as you hug back, no words needed from you.
The world outside ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the connection between you and her.
Though you felt the heaviness of the decision settling in, all decided in the blink of an eye.
But as the hug deepened, you could feel the unspoken words echoing between your hearts.
That's also when you realized that you two were still nude as Momo's naked body was pressing against yours and common sense returned as you cleared your throat.
"Uh, Momo, I hate to ruin this, but we should get dressed, no telling if any of the girls will come."
Momo pulled away, much to her dismay, but it was a more pleasant sight...
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was adorned with an infectious grin that stretched from ear to ear. 
Her eyes sparkled with an inner light as if happiness itself had taken residence within her, revealing the depth of their joy, and a contagious warmth emanating from them.
There was an unmistakable sense of fulfillment, a silent acknowledgment that, yes, this was the right decision.
"Yeah, you're probably right, Mina and Chae are out walking too, but we're talking more about this."
You nodded as you two stood from their spot and went to gather their clothing.
14 Minutes Later
"So how close are we?" Mina asked Chaeyoung while fanning herself from the heat, "The heat is agonizing,"
"You should hear the water in a minute or two." Chaeyoung waved held hands hers and Mina's up and down.
After a long walk and lugging what's left of their lunch from their picnic, Chaeyoung decided to take Mina to the waterfall, the same one where you and Momo were at the moment.
"Good, I need to be in the water ASAP. You think (YN) and Momo are there?" Mina asked as Chaeyoung shrugged.
"Who knows, if they are great, if not, even better."
"How is that better?" Mina turned to her girlfriend who turned back to Mina.
"Cause we get some alone time~" Chaeyoung smiled as Mina rolled her eyes.
"We already had plenty before coming here,"
"Oh don't act like you don't want it too~" Chaeyoung's smile turned to a devilish grin as Mina pursed her lips, "knew it,"
Mina's response was side-bumping Chaeyoung as the younger one giggled back.
It was a few moments later in peace Mina started to hear something...
"And there's the water." Chaeyoung pointed forward and started to pick up the pace, "Come on Mina!" eventually dragging Mina forward as they were linked.
"Ah-Chae relax." Mina almost fell, but she picked up the pace to match Chaeyoung and another few moments later...
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"Now this is a sight," Mina complimented as Chaeyoung stared with the memories of her family and herself being here long ago.
"It sure is...oh! And there's (YN) and Momo." Chaeyoung pointed at the two sitting on the shore, both positioned to be looking at the duel waterfalls.
"Hey! (YN)! Momo!"
The two turned quickly to Chaeyoung's voice and saw her waving fast and high as Mina was at her side.
You and Momo waved back, surprised at the sudden appearance of the two as you turned to Momo.
"Now I'm really glad we got our clothes on." You noted as Momo nodded while her sisters walked towards you both sitting where the water was to your mid-torso.
"I see you found the place." Chaeyoung started while being near the two.
"We did. It's pretty relaxing," You said to them as they dropped their bags near the water end.
"It seems like it," Mina answered, "it's truly beautiful,"
Looking at the two, you remembered what Momo said about the two being together.
Mina was one of Momo's closest friends from Sixteen till now and Chaeyoung was fun and energetic throughout the week, they do seem nice together.
"It's like I remembered," Chaeyoung took a look at the scenery and inhaled a large amount of the outdoor air, "I'm hopping in," Chaeyoung then grabbed the helm of her shirt and pulled it over, revealing her pink bikini top, "Mina?" 
"In a bit Chae."
"Alright, you two?" Chaeyoung asked dumping her shirt and started walking into the water.
"We're worn out," Momo said as you nodded, "now we're planning stuff,"
"Suit yourself, you better come with me Mina," Chaeyoung dipped her toes into the water as Mina smiled at her back, "and it's perfect~" 
She took off her sandals as Mina joined you two sitting, dipping her feet into the temperate water while Chaeyoung was already swimming away.
"Full of energy she is," Mina stated, but she talked in Japanese since the trio shared the same language, "so, what are you two planning?" Mina asked turning to you both.
"About (YN) staying in Seoul permanently," Momo answered in Japanese as well.
Mina took a look at you and then Momo.
"Really?" She repeated.
"Yeah," Mina turned to Momo nodding as she smiled afterward.
"Wow, well that's wonderful, but uh, but can you?" Mina asked you as you shrugged.
"That's why we're discussing. It's gonna require a lot of planning, it's not as easy as you would think. Especially in the position I'm in with our parents."
"Your parents? What's wrong?"
"(YN) is...well, we'll talk about it when we get back with the others," Momo capped the conversation as Mina nodded.
"Alright. Regardless, it does sound like it'll be some effort, but the eight of us can help too." She stated while you smiled at Momo's J-line partner.
"Arigato Mina," Momo said to her nodding back. 
"Mina!" Chaeyoung's voice echoed in the area. 
"Alright, I'm coming! The things I do for her," and removed her top to reveal a lilac floral bikini top, "at least the water isn't too cold," Mina slowly went in and within half a minute, she was swimming towards her girlfriend.
As Mina swam towards Chaeyoung, the sun cast a warm glow on the serene waters of the isolated water spot. 
The conversation about staying in the city permanently lingered in the air between you and Momo, creating a sense of uncertainty about the future.
After a few seconds of side-eyeing Momo moved her feet in the water, head hung watching the ripples being caused, you turned forward and let a silent sigh out.
Navigating family expectations and planning for a permanent stay in Seoul wasn't as simple as you made it be, or what Momo seems to think. 
"And here you go Tzuyu," you walked over to her side and placed a plate in front of her, "careful, it's hot," 
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Tzuyu smiled at her well-prepared meal.
"Looks good," she turned to you, "thank you (YN),"
You nodded.
"No problem, but all the credit goes to Jihyo and Nayeon, they did all the work," you pointed at them towards the island table.
"And thank you for your instructions." Jihyo stated while cleaning up her section as Nayeon kept stirring the pot of curry, "And you better leave the recipe too."
"It's not much different from a Japanese Curry, it's my variation of it."
"Someone knows their cooking." Nayeon gave a grin as you turned from Tzuyu and towards the two.
"Google helps," you joked as they both smiled, "now then, you two can serve yourself, I'll clean up."
"You sure?" Jihyo asked.
"Go ahead,"
"Cool," "Thanks (YN)," both girls stopped their tasks and helped themselves to a plate, and started to serve.
You looked at the table after and the other seven girls were enjoying themselves, each one digging into the meal along with Momo eating, but slowly.
You let a silent sigh out through your nostrils.
Since coming back from the lake, Momo's energy seemed shot, not to the point of being miserable, but not the high energy she had the whole week, she was like another Tzuyu.
Understandable though.
The emotional baggage Momo had been carrying, the weight of decisions and plans, seemed to have taken a toll on her usual vibrant demeanor. 
As you observed Momo slowly consuming her food, you had a sense of concern for her.
The meal continued, laughter and chatter were filling the air, and the other girls, immersed in their enjoyment, hadn't noticed the subtle shift in her mood but you.
Jihyo decided to sit next to Momo as there was an empty seat.
"Momo tell your brother to send us more recipes, 'cause this is good~" Jihyo already took a spoonful on the way to the table as Momo nodded.
"He cooked this all the time, huh Otouto," Momo said from her seat as you nodded at her.
As they exchanged glances, she managed a small smile, appreciating the unspoken support.
"If anyone wants seconds there's more in these pans," You informed the girls. 
"Me!" "I'll get some more," Dahyun and Chaeyoung rose from their seats as you continued to clean up.
After seconds were served, you were lucky enough to have enough for two more servings, but now it wasn't the time.
You nodded to yourself and looked at the table of Twice sitting and finishing up their meals.
"Guess by the number of plates you girls ate, looking at you Sana," you pointed at the second J-line member while heading towards them.
"You girls enjoyed it?"
"Very," "Yup," "I need the recipe (YN), I mean it." Jihyo pointed at you nodding back at her.
"I'll write it down for you in a bit."
"Thank you."
"But right now, there's something Momo and I need to talk about to the rest of you."
The atmosphere shifted as you addressed the group, their attention was now focused on the upcoming discussion.
"Everything okay?" Nayeon questioned with you nodding.
"Yeah, we told Mina and Chaeyoung this before coming back from our hike, but Momo and I had a serious conversation about me staying in Seoul permanently."
"Really?" "Ohh," "Nice,"
"Yeah, I think it's best if I stay here and be with Momo supporting her and you girls as well. It's gonna take some planning though." You added after and it was evident the girls were happy as most looked to Momo who was all smiles.
"So how long do you think till you can stay?" Chaeyoung wondered.
"Hard to say. It's not as simple as moving to another town, and my job is an obstacle along with-"
"Oh! Maybe you can work with our company," Chaeyoung added, "I'm sure our place could use someone like you (YN)," she pointed at you, "you have lots of responsibilities,"
You smiled at her description of your job.
AN: It could be any high-job
"That's not a bad idea," Mina stated, though none of the girls knew the extent of how ludicrous this can be.
"Well thank you, but it's not a job I'm worried about, but I appreciate it Chaeyoung. It's convincing my parents. And I do need perfect convincing for them to understand that I want to do this. It won't be easy."
Now the girls were confused.
"Wait? Why do you have to talk with them?" Sana asked and you knew her opinions of your parents from Momo's stories, "You could do whatever you want right?"
"They're still my parents." You answered back, but for most, it wasn't an ideal answer, but didn't want to say it.
One, however... 
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"No offense and I do mean no offense," Jeongyeon spoke up, "why do you have to try to talk to them about it? I thought you weren't even close to them?" Jeongyeon spoke up.
"I mean, I'm not 'that' close, but I can't just leave them either." 
"That's stupid," Jeongyeon retorted.
"Jeongyeon." Jihyo's voice boomed as Jeongyeon pointed at Momo.
"Jihyo you know how they were treated behind Momo's stories. If their parents didn't care for them, why should he to them?" Jeongyeon brought the table as the girls were silent, though they shared the same opinion, "I'd tell them I want to be with my sister. Isn't that a good enough reason?"
Jeongyeon's direct and assertive stance echoed through the conversation, raising a valid point in the situation. 
Momo, caught between the two perspectives, wore an apprehensive expression shifting between you and Jeongyeon, not wanting to pick sides between one of her sisters or her brother.
"...she's right," you started as the girls turned to you, "you're right, it may be stupid, especially after everything, but that's exactly why it's difficult for me to leave. I've been with them since the start and with everything that's happened, you would think so, but for some time now I attempted to convince our parents to reconcile with Momo. They haven't at all spoken with her since the start of her training, training," you said twice, "and I can't leave without convincing them to forgive Momo."
"..." "..." "..." "..." "..." "..." "..."
"I thought after these years, we could be close like Momo and I wanted since we were younger. I know Momo got used to it, but I thought I could make that a reality that the four of us could hash things out and have dinner or camp or...something. And I know, if I tell them this, that's it, that slim dream we had is gone and I can't come to that. And despite the amount of times I bring her up, they won't even listen and move on, but I haven't let that stop me."
Your response carried a sense of responsibility, an acknowledgment that, despite not being 'that' close to them, you couldn't turn a blind eye to the struggles you faced. 
The girls were heavy hearing your reasoning.
"So I'm sorry Jeongyeon, it is stupid to think that it-"
"No," Sana spoke very quickly, "you're far from stupid (YN). It's not wrong for you to believe in that." 
The other girls nodded except Jeongyeon and Momo who stared at you.
Momo recalled what you said when they were at the lake outside the cabin, the conversation about being a family, she didn't know you were still trying till the waterfall location before Mina and Chaeyoung joined.
Imagine her surprise when she heard your reasoning of why it wasn't as easy to leave.
Jeongyeon, while sticking her to opinion, did feel for you, though she couldn't forgive what your parents did, or didn't do in this case.
You eyed Momo for a few seconds before your attention lowered to the table.
"...I'm gonna lie down and charge my phone." You hushed towards the end and didn't wait for an answer as you started walking away from the table as the girls behind.
"..." "..." "..." "..." "..." "..." "..."
The heavy silence that followed your revelation hung in the air. 
The vulnerability in your tone, coupled with the genuine desire for a reunion resonated.
Some of the others looked at you leaving and once you were gone from their sight, they turned to Momo eyeing the table.
"I'm sorry Momo," Mina spoke up, but Momo merely nodded and...
It didn't take a genius to know Momo was going to follow behind as she scooted her chair and headed in your direction.
Once gone...
"Poor (YN)..." Dahyun muttered as some nodded.
"Jeongyeon, you're better than that." Jihyo started watching Jeongyeon as her eyes were set on the table too.
Hearing her, the girls turned to their second eldest as Jeongyeon sighed and looked up at her leader.
"I didn't mean to be rude, honest. I'll apologize later, but you know I'm right Jihyo." Jeongyeon pointed at her as Jihyo exhaled hard through her nose.
"I didn't want to say it in front of him, but I'm with Jeongyeon," Nayeon started, "I understand (YN) for wanting what he wants, but from what Momo told us, it's not right to her that he wants to keep the ones who didn't raise them. If you ask me, I think it's too late for them," Nayeon stated.
"As much as I hate to say it, I think so too," Sana agreed, "even Momo says it's passed and she got to used to it."
"She used to get sad about it, but when (YN) comes to visit she's more happier than ever," Mina finished as Chaeyoung nodded.
"He's all she needs," Jeongyeon cut in, "I'm sorry for being negative, but he's making it more difficult than it has to be."
"Well look at (YN)'s side here," Dahyun spoke up, "it was easy for Momo to pass on because she had us to fill in for that family. I don't blame her one bit for not feeling the way her brother feels, but after leaving him, who did (YN) have to replace that role?"
The girls took in Dahyun's words.
That's true, the nine of them treated themselves as a family, even labeling Jeongyeon and Jihyo 'father and mother' along with their managers being aunts/uncles of the groups.
But for you, it was just your 'parents'.
It was no wonder for them as to why Momo was able to move on as you were still hinged.
"Well right now, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong," Jihyo started, "it's about finding a solution that works for everyone, even if we don't agree," Jihyo urged, her leadership shining through her words, "the same goes for (YN), family is important to him, even if he is a less-knitted one."
"..." "..." "..." "..." "..." "..." "..."
"But enough about them. Let's wait for them," Jihyo leaned forward, "it's not our place to meddle or talk about their problems behind their backs. Until they need our help, then we'll talk about it. If we're done eating, let's clean up." Jihyo sat up from her seat, shifting the focus away from the Hirai family, redirecting the conversation with a decisive tone. 
The room fell into a wordless silence after that; the scraps of plates, utensils, and water were heard as each member, while your problem was lingering on their minds, contemplated on the memories of their own families: the good and the bad.
It didn't take a genius to know Momo was going to follow behind as she scooted her chair and headed in your direction.
Following into the hall, she spotted the different doors and peeped into the first two on the right and left and didn't see you.
Going further to the next set of doors, she looked into her room and she spotted you sitting on the edge of Sana's bed.
No word was said as she stepped inside, closing the door behind and in the quiet glow of their shared bedroom, Momo sat next to her younger brother, who looked average after the explanation.
"...You okay?" She asked as you nodded, "You know Jeongyeon didn't mean it when-"
"I understand. I'm not upset or anything. I told you I figured this would be their reaction. I just needed a minute," Momo nodded, "I get what she meant. Wouldn't surprise me if the others agreed with her." You answered, your eyes fixed on the floor.
Momo gently placed a hand on your arm, lowering towards your hand and gripping it, offering a warm closure. 
"You should have told me that you were talking to them about us sooner." She questioned and you nodded in response.
"Didn't bother to tell you since it wasn't going anywhere. I didn't want to hurt you more especially after you said if it's too late for that. I've been trying for a while, a long while..." You sighed, looking forlorn and then your sights set on your sister, "it was like you said with us sitting by the lake with your friends, I thought time would fix things and them looking back and thinking about what they did or didn't do in this case," your eyes lowered once more and then forward at the furniture of the room.
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"but nothing...I'm sorry Momo, I know your opinion of them, but I didn't want to believe you were right about them. Deep down I truly thought that they might have changed and..." You shook your head, "I don't want to lose you Momo," your eyes adjusted to her once again, "I love you, truly I do, and what you said to me, believe me, I took it to heart but as I told you at the lake, once I tell them that I want to leave to be here, that's it, it's over. And the four of us are just-..."
Momo looked at you with a mixture of understanding and sadness, her gaze softening as you poured your heart out.
She leaned in, but instead of speaking, Momo brought her other hand up to your left cheek, stroking it softly, trying to convey her feelings through the warmth of her touch.
"I get it," Momo whispered, "That's who you are (YN), that's the (YN) I fell in love with," she noticed a raise in your lips, "I thank you for trying, I mean it. And I know it's not easy for you, and I appreciate that you tried to keep going on what we wanted. I don't blame you for thinking that things could change now, I thought like that too." Momo's smile dropped, "but," there it was, "I don't want you to be hurt (YN) while having a second chance with them could be great, I hope you understand that...well..."
"That it won't happen." 
You finished for her as Momo felt awful for hurting her brother, but she had to put it through.
She didn't say this at the lake but figured now it was best to voice her thoughts.
"...I'm not saying it won't. But at this point, I'm afraid that it's close to it. I'm not saying what you're doing is wrong or bad or a waste. I love that you're trying, but I don't want you to dwell on it for too long for us. Just like you mean the world to me," Momo continued, her voice softening with each word, "unfortunately the Hirai company means the world to them; then, now, and always."
You remained silent, absorbing Momo's words. 
Momo's expression fell, thinking that maybe this wasn't able to go through.
"...if you want to stay with them (YN), I'd understand. If I knew you were like this then I wouldn't have asked you to-"
"Give me one more try."
You stopped her words.
"Just one, if it doesn't work out, then...it'll be you and me only."
Momo was split down in her emotions.
Fifty percent of her was jumping with joy, the other was devasted that you going to lose that link with their parents like her.
Trust her, she knows how that feels and she's ready to help you if that happens to you in any way.
"You sure?" 
"...yeah." Hearing that made Momo feel the opposite of what she wanted, "I need to know, for myself and maybe for them, that I did everything I could for this to work, and if not...then so be it."
Momo nodded slowly.
"And I'll help you in any way I can. I am sorry (YN)."
"Don't be. I was in denial."
"No, they're in denial." Momo corrected, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and concern, "I can't feel the way you feel (YN), but I'll do everything I can to make this workout. I owe it to you to give it my best shot."
You offered a small smile, appreciating Momo's sincerity. 
"Thank you Momo."
As the two of you delved into the challenging task ahead, Momo couldn't help but admire your resilience. 
The weight of the situation hung in the air, but there was an unspoken agreement to face it together.
"Here Jihyo," Jeongyeon brought four plates with her to the sink and placed them near Jihyo doing the dishes.
Jeongyeon nodded while stepping on the other side of her, picking up a dishcloth and started to dry some more dishes that Jihyo washed.
Meanwhile the other six girls were in the living room with the TV turned on watching some people running an obstacle course, but it was one of those joke type of runs.
Most likely Chaeyoung's way of turning the mood as she was the one to put it on.
"Jeong," Jihyo called her friend as Jeongyeon turned to her, wiping a cup, "do you mind checking up on (YN) and Momo?" 
Jeongyeon nodded and placed the cup on the side with the cloth.
"And Jeong-"
"I know,"
Jeongyeon knew it wasn't just to check on them, Jihyo didn't need to say it as her leader nodded back.
She walked away from Jihyo and turned to the group as Chaeyoung and Mina were watching the screen, the other four on their phones.
Turning away from them, she headed down in the hall and locked eyes at the closed door of Momo, her and Sana's room.
Standing in front of the wooden panel, Jeongyeon exhaled, brought her hand up and...
"Hey uh, are you two busy?"
"Coming," upon opening the door, Momo met Jeongyeon with a simple expression.
"Hey Jeongyeon," Momo greeted but her eyes showed a hint of concern as she noticed the pensive look on Jeongyeon's face, "what's up?"
Jeongyeon looked behind her to see her younger brother sitting on the bed.
"I would like to talk to (YN) for a minute. Alone if that's okay." Jeongyeon questioned as Momo turned to you already standing from the bed too.
"Sure," you said and headed towards the duo with a questioning expression, "be right back," you informed Momo as your sister nodded.
"It won't take long," Jeongyeon gestured toward the hallway, signaling for you to step outside for a private conversation. 
As they walked a few steps away from the closed door after you two left, Jeongyeon turned and you stopped, her lips pursed for a few seconds before taking a breath.
"I need to apologize for what I said," 
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She began, her voice wavering slightly, "I came off too strong and I didn't help the situation. It was careless of me to say something like that and I'll be honest, it is difficult for me to understand. What Momo went through got to me and the others and hearing what you wanted got the best of me and, I'm sorry." She gave a slight bow and in return, you looked at her with a surprised yet understanding expression.
"Hey it's okay Jeongyeon," you started as she resumed form, "you don't have to apologize. I appreciate it, but I understand why you said so after what you and the others heard from Momo."
Jeongyeon felt a wave of relief wash over her. 
She had feared your reaction, but hearing what Momo said about you, she should have figured.
"So we're okay Jeongyeon. Trust me, I want to be with her to support her and everything and now we're planning something to find common ground here with my sister and our parents, but ultimately, I'm staying in the end."
Jeongyeon nodded slowly.
"Alright. Again, I'm sorry, I, well all of us want the best for Momo, and you too. "
"And I'm grateful for that. If anyone should be thanking it's me to you for caring so much about her. We're extremely lucky that she's with you."
Jeongyeon gave a warm smile.
"If anyone's lucky, it's Momo having a brother like you," now it was your turn to show a ginger smile, "and we're here as well (YN). If you need anything, don't hesitate to tell us. We want to help too."
You couldn't contain your joy knowing Momo was surrounded by a group of amazing friends who wholeheartedly supported her. 
Momo had always been a kind and caring soul, but seeing her with the other eight who appreciated and uplifted her was something truly special for you and her. 
It wasn't just about the number of friends she had; it was about the quality of the relationships she had formed.
And she couldn't have formed a better eight.
"I will," you smiled at her as Jeongyeon smiled back.
"So, we're okay?" She asked as you nodded.
"We're okay," 
Hearing that, you raised a fist as Jeongyeon smiled and fist-bumped back.
"Alright, thanks Jeongyeon, if you don't mind, Momo and I kind of need some more time to ourselves." 
"Say no more, we'll be waiting in the living room until then," Jeongyeon finished for you as you nodded.
"Thanks," and with a nod, you two headed back out, you into your room with a final nod to her as you entered Momo's room and Jeongyeon back to the living room.
Upon entering, she spotted the girls sitting still and turned to Jihyo's back who still doing the dishes.
"Hey," she alerted Jihyo once she got closer and she turned her head to her approach.
Jihyo turned the faucet off and turned her body to face her as Jeongyeon got on her side.
"How'd it go?" Jihyo asked as Jeongyeon gave a thumbs up.
"We're good. It didn't bother him. Seems like Momo is doing well too. They want their space though for now. Seems like they're discussing things."
"That's good," Jihyo responded as Jeongyeon nodded.
"It is. I'm sorry to you and the others as well," Jeongyeon gave a side pout, "I was harsh."
"It's okay Jeongyeon," Jihyo claimed for the group while she patted her left shoulder, "you had Momo on your mind. We don't fault you for that, just the approach wasn't it." 
Jeongyeon nodded.
"Hopefully whatever happens, it won't end badly," Jeongyeon stated, "I want Momo and (YN) to be happy."
"Oh I wouldn't worry. With what Momo told us, they had each other's support since at a very young age. And if doesn't go their way, then we'll be there for Momo as much as we can." Jihyo proclaimed as Jeongyeon nodded at the statement.
"Right, well, until then, these dishes aren't going to get done themselves," Jeongyeon pointed and returned to her original spot with the cloth as Jihyo nodded and assisted her in drying and putting them away.
On a lighter note, the atmosphere was more relaxed now, and Jeongyeon felt a weight lifted off her shoulders.
"Hey," you said upon entering back into the room.
You closed the door behind you as Momo was lying on the bed, phone in hand but now sitting up and turned to you.
"Everything okay?" She asked and you nodded in response.
"She apologized for what she said at the table. I told her it wasn't necessary but thanked her."
"That's nice of her," you nodded and sat down on the edge of the bed with Momo.
"Yeah, you have an amazing group." You complimented as Momo chuckled.
"Hehe~ indeed I do." You nodded, "Hey so, I'm not too sure, but I think I have an idea."
"While on my phone, I googled something, and that led me to another thing and well I'm not sure if it's a good one or an idea at all." Momo pointed at her phone and shrugged.
"At this point, anything will be good, what'd you got?" Momo fixed herself on the bed for her legs to bend and turned to you.
"Okay, so our parents love their company, right? Like a lot?" You nodded, "And they still want to become a grand success right?"
"It kind of is already, our distribution is in all of Japan. Got to credit to them, they know how to run an efficient business," you answered.
"Perfect, so I was thinking, have you three had talks of expanding outside of Japan?" 
Momo saw your eyes flare.
"What if they want it to make it even more amazing as to bring their work here with you? Companies do that, right? Is that something you can do?"
"...Momo, that's a big-"
"Of course, it won't be as big as in Japan to start," Momo waved her hands to cut you off, "but seeing as how mom and dad made it to what it is now and not to brag but I am a big deal over here, it shouldn't be that hard to get a start if we plan this right, right? So I thought, what if this could convince them that you could stay here and be working under their name while being with me, or close to me, but that means we could see each other every day and you get to be working with mom and dad still. Plus they could expand their business to be more known, so that's a win-win-win for us four."
"Soooo, what do you think?" Momo asked leaning forward, a smile on her as you looked outward.
You stared away from Momo, cementing your last thoughts as you considered Momo's proposal.
"...I-I mean, saying is one thing, it's doing it another. Expanding here is a bold move, very bold." you finally replied, meeting Momo's eager gaze. "I mean we had a talk here and there but it was always about having a foothold in Japan and even then expanding was difficult but it worked out, but to Seoul...that won't be easy,"
Momo kept her gaze up as you stood up and started to walk a few paces.
"And while there are plentiful amount of businesses here, this isn't a next city over, it's a new country."
"..." Momo saw you turn and walk in the opposite direction as you voiced your thoughts.
"Plus we'll have to have a deep understanding of the market since preferences, trends, and competition are different from Japan. Also, the cultural differences between us might not directly translate to success in Seoul so we'll have to adapt our business model to fit local customs and deal with a new set of legal and regulatory hurdles with business permits, taxation, and intellectual property rights, among other things."
"..." Momo stared at the side of your head as you turned once more.
"Then we'll have to build trust and relationships if we get that far so local partners, distributors, and influencers are essential to gain credibility and visibility in this system so finding the right connections who could help us navigate the market effectively could be challenging since partnerships are already formed."
"But even if we pass all that, our parents will have to agree. And this will be a significant financial investment and given all that I said, it's going to have to be-"
You turned to Momo...
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"And you're smiling."
"You seem to be already planning everything."
A low-tone sigh escaped your lips as your thoughts ran through like a train.
"Well, I'm not saying it's impossible, but even then it's a big 'if' Momo."
"Of course, I know that (YN). But I do feel this can go somewhere. I know it's a lot, but our business is anything but slacking. It is well known in all of Japan, and lots of businesses are with us. It's not like they haven't done this before."
"True, but it doesn't mean that would want to start anew. I'm not trying to sound negative or in denial, but it's a long and I do mean long shot here Momo."
"So was me taking a chance of being an idol, and look at me."
Momo wasn't fazed as she pointed at herself.
Her eyes reflected a mix of determination as you looked into them, searching for a sign, a reassurance that this leap of faith was worth taking and Momo's unwavering gaze spoke volumes.
18 Minutes Later
"Hehe~" Sana grinned over Jihyo's shoulders.
Their leader heard and placed her phone down.
"Oh come on Sana..." Jihyo pouted.
"Texting Vor again~" Dahyun teased as Jihyo rolled her eyes.
"I'm just asking how he's doing, nothing much." She responded
"Haven't you been on the phone for twenty minutes now~" Sana poked Jihyo's shoulder as Jihyo sighed.
"And that's why Vor can't update," Nayeon grinned, "too busy with our leader~"
"Oh don't give me that," Jihyo countered and raised her phone, "Ms, 'back off, I saw him first' " Jihyo taunted back as Nayeon's smirk fell to a frown.
"I didn't mean it like that!"
"This is sad." Tzuyu gave a shake of her head as Jeongyeon nodded.
"Alright moving on," Mina shook her hands in front as Jihyo and Nayeon huffed.
"How much longer do you think they'll be in there?" Chaeyoung asked looking into the hallway, already moving past the initial conversation.
"As long as they need Chae, it's not an easy conversation to have," Mina answered as Chaeyoung sighed in return.
"They'll be fine," Sana reassured, "I'm sure it won't be long-...oh right on time." Sana looked onward and saw you walking towards them.
"Hey everyone," 
Your voice caused the other members of Twice to turn too.
"(YN)," "Hey," four of them said.
"How are-" Jihyo was asking, but they all looked at Momo coming from behind you...
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...pulling her luggage, which confused the others.
"Uh, why do you have your luggage Momo?" Nayeon pointed at her.
"Momo and I are heading back to Seoul." You spoke up and all gave quizzical looks.
"Is something wrong?" Jihyo asked.
"No. While there, Momo and I were discussing a plan that she came up with that could be beneficial to our entire family. It's quite a plan, but at this point, I'm willing to try anything."
Momo nodded in agreement.
"What is it?" Sana asked for the whole group.
"Well," you started, "Momo came up with an idea. I'm going to attempt to convince our parents to expand the business to Seoul."
The girls had immediate reactions.
"And if it works out in our favor; I could keep in contact with our parents as well as live near Momo, and our parents get exponential growth. So in Momo's words, it's a win-win-win scenario." You finished as Momo nodded with a smile, happy that this was happening.
The others well, were quite stunned at the sudden plan.
"Oh...wow," Mina muttered.
"That sounds pretty difficult," Chaeyoung stated.
"Will it work?" Tzuyu inquired.
"Don't know, it won't be easy, but I'm going to try to convince my parents of this and then we'll go from there. That's why we're heading towards the city to discuss with a firm that'll help us get information about it."
The girls looked at one another for a shared expression.
"I mean, even then, will your parents agree to this?" Jihyo's question was a tricky one as you shrugged.
"That's the trickiest part. Momo figured that since they love their business so much, this will influence them, though I haven't heard of talks from them about leaving Japan," you reasoned, "I won't be able to just say the idea to them like Momo did, they'll have to be convinced and my pitch to them will have to be spot on for them to even consider this. Not only that, they'll have to let me oversee it so...yeah, not easy." You topped it off as the girls weren't so keen on how much this was.
"Well...that's something I guess," Dahyun muttered.
"And what if it doesn't convince them?" Jeongyeon asked.
"If it doesn't...then I hope they understand that leaving is the best for Momo." You answered to Jeongyeon.
"You're going to quit then?" Jihyo clarified and you nodded and their leader looked to Momo, "Momo don't tell me you implied him to-"
"It's my choice," you affirmed, "nor what Jeongyeon said as well," you turned to Momo who nodded at you, "we had a serious talk at the lake before Mina and Chaeyoung showed up and," you turned to the others now, "Momo needed me more than I thought," the girls turned to Momo whose eyes downcast, "it's best that I remain here with her rather than leave and have her feeling...torn."
After hearing that, the girls turned to Momo. 
"Is this true?"
"Were you that down?"
Momo took a deep breath, lifting her eyes to meet her group. 
"I...haven't been myself lately. I love you eight to death, I do, but," Momo then looked at you, "I need my brother twice as much here. I wouldn't be here nor be who I am without him and now, I need him more than ever," 
The others exchanged glances, sensing the gravity of the situation and Momo turned to her group.
"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't keep it from all of you but work has been getting to me and you know whenever I feel down, I talk to (YN) to cheer myself up, but talking isn't enough for me anymore. I need him now more than ever." 
They heard her and seconds later Sana quickly came further and hugged Momo, even pushing her a few inches back.
"Momo, gomen nasai. Kon'na fuu ni kanjite ita nante shirimasen deshita. Watashi, motto kizuku beki datta noni..."
I'm so sorry Momo, I didn't know you were feeling like this. I should have known better...
Momo returned the hug quickly.
"Kokorowaketa kutakunakattanda. Ayamaranaide, Sana."
I didn't want you to worry. Don't be sorry, Sana.
Then another member came in, more slowly as Mina joined the trio.
"Sore ni kakawarazu Momo, watashitachi wa otagai o kizukaimasu. Hitori de kakaekomu koto wa shinaide. Watashitachi wa anata ga shiawase de ite hoshī nda yo.
Regardless Momo, we look after each other. You shouldn't keep this to yourself. We want you to feel happy.
"Mina, kimitachi wa mousude ni watashi o shiawase ni shite kurete iru. Demo, (YN) mo issho ni ite hoshii nda." Momo spoke to the two.
You already make me happy Mina, all of you. But I also need (YN) with me too.
The MiSaMo trio were comforting one another as you smiled at the sight of the three who were together before Sixteen started. 
The sister's Momo never had.
"(YN)?" You turned and saw Jihyo waving her hand at her so you walked closer to the group remaining.
"Don't get us wrong, we want Momo to be happy, but are you really okay with this?" She asked upon being near them, "We don't want you to put a dent in your life or with your parents."
"Yeah, I'm sure. If they weren't going to connect with Momo since she started being a trainee and my words weren't going through then, what Jeongyeon and Momo said was true, I just needed to hear it. Plus Momo's well-being means more to me than anything, more than my parents after hearing her at this point. I said what I said, but no point in trying for knows how long and leaving Momo behind like that. So if my parents say no to this then I'll be fine knowing that they're doing well."
The girls didn't give much positive reactions, Jeongyeon the most as the guilt was building up on her.
As you spoke, the remaining group sat in contemplative silence, absorbing the weight of the decision.
The leader that she is, Jihyo leaned forward, her expression thoughtful. 
"Okay..." Jihyo could only agree with your words, "Just making sure that you're okay with it."
"I am," You nodded to her as Jihyo didn't like the outcome, but it wasn't her place to stop you.
"So what's the first step?" Chaeyoung asked.
"We're going to visit a firm to help us. I looked into it and it's a very reliable start. It's called Koisraup."
The girls never heard of it, but then again, they know nothing of business.
"But don't you leave in two days?" Nayeon asked.
"Yes. I'm not going to be able to come back for a while so this will be the only opportunity I get. I doubt I'll get anything done, but a couple of days of work is better than nothing and then I'll figure it out myself back home." 
"Well, I wish you well in that then," Nayeon stated and you appreciated the words.
"Is there anything we can do?" Jeongyeon now brought her voice in.
"Being there for Momo once I'm gone again," you turned to Momo, but the Misamo trio were gone from their spot.
'Probably went in a room.'
"she'll most likely need it after I leave," you and Jeongyeon exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them, "but it won't be for long this time."
"We got her," Jeongyeon stated.
"I know you do. Besides that, nothing else. No offense, but I doubt there's anything you can help me for now." You added.
"Really? Nothing?" Tzuyu asked as you nodded.
"Sorry Tzuyu, I would love your help, but in this area, I don't think there's much you eight will know."
"I guess that's true," Tzuyu nodded after hearing you.
"Wait, what's your job again (YN)?" Nayeon asked, "You move stuff around yeah?" She corrected herself.
"In lighter terms, yes, we move stuff around. Why?"
"Well, what about our company? Chaeyoung is right about working with us. Maybe you can talk to producer-nim about getting a deal with us? Our albums and everyone else's in the company sell a ton. Would be pretty big of you to score us~" Nayeon flaunted herself up...
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...you smiled at her aid.
"Well that would be a great deal to have you and JYPE, but before we start talking about deals, the main focus is finding a location before setting a foothold. Plus I'll have to see what businesses are around, who's with whom, information like that, but I'll keep that in mind." Nayeon nodded. "And I'll be taking my rental car and I'll come back for you to drive you back," they nodded, "thank you and sorry for leaving early."
"Don't apologize (YN)." Dahyun quickly replied.
"At least we had fun for some days." Chaeyoung gave positive words as you nodded.
"It was, thank you Chaeyoung. Thank you all of you for allowing me to be here." You turned to each one as they smiled or nodded, "You're all great to be with."
"And you as well (YN)." Nayeon reflected as the others nodded.
"So does this mean we won't see you again?" Chaeyoung asked with a pout.
"You'll see me for a bit. Since I'm leaving Sunday morning, we'll be coming back for you girls tomorrow to drive back to your dorm since I'm bunking with you till my flight the next morning." 
Chaeyoung nodded.
"So we have one more night then," she pointed one finger up.
"Yes, we do. Alright, then let me get my stuff and we'll be on our way when they come back." You walked forward as the remaining members gave looks at one another.
"Ready?" You asked Momo nodding as you started up the car and buckled yourself up.
"Be careful Momo and don't attract too much attention." Jihyo was near the passenger's seat speaking to Momo.
"Don't worry. We won't be stepping out of the car. I'll be hidden." Momo explained as Jihyo nodded.
"Good. Keep us updated, and if you need anything, we're just a call away." Jeongyeon added as Momo nodded.
"We will," Momo said to her group.
"And don't forget to take breaks. Make sure both of you get some rest too." Sana added as Momo smiled at their antics.
"We get it hehe, don't worry about us, I'll take good care of him," Momo answered as you rolled your eyes.
"Take care of each other," Jihyo corrected, "be safe you two."
"We will," "See yah,"
"Bye," "Good luck," "Be safe," 
And with that, the group exchanged a final round of well-wishes and reassurances before the car was in drive and you drove into the main road, Momo waving at the girls out her window as they continued to wave back before they left their POV.
"Well Otouto, it's you and me now." Momo stated while pulling her phone out, "I'll put the directions for the first spot...which is what?" 
"Ah yes, Koisraup...who was that again?" Momo questioned as you smiled.
"A business development and consulting firm. We'll discuss with them first about the administrative, legal, and tax implications here. From what I read, they'll guide us in what we need so hopefully we'll get a decent amount of info from them."
Momo nodded and typed in the location.
"Kois-there it is,"
Starting route to Koisraup
Continue on this road for # miles and take exit #
"Alright," Momo placed her phone in the middle of the two, "it's an hour and forty-seven minutes to get there. Road trip." Momo leaned back in her seat.
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"Get cozy then...are you okay?" You asked as Momo nodded slowly.
"I am, much more now that this is happening." You smiled and nodded.
"Right, by the way, what did Mina and Sana talk to you about? You three left the room for a bit."
"Oh, they wanted to know if I was doing okay, like mentally," Momo answered as you figured as much, "they were worried about how long I was hiding it and if I needed to talk to our boss about it. I said I would be alright."
You side-eyed Momo as she was looking forward and you looked the same again.
"Glad to hear. I'm happy you have your group Momo," Momo nodded.
"Me too (YN)."
You nodded afterward.
"So, any plans for you girls? Any spoilers you can give?" You diverted the atmosphere into a more pleasant one as Momo turned to you.
She figured the business talk would be later, the ride is an hour and a half there.
"Well, there are some plans, there's even one with Sana, Mina, and I."
You raised your brows.
"Really? Can you tell me about it?" 
"As long as you keep it quiet,"
"You know me." You responded as Momo giggled.
"Okay, so our unit is going to be called Misamo, that's our names put together and the video is about..."
And so Momo started to talk about the plans of her and her group as you listened along.
TIMESKIP - 11 hours later
"Kuso jigoku..." you swore under your breath while you stretched your back on the couch.
"Take a break (YN)." Said Momo on your right, "We haven't had one since we left the cabin."
You glanced at the laptop's clock, realizing that it was getting close to 11 PM.
"Yeah, no good to overwork ourselves."
Momo nodded and was glad that you finally had a break, lunch didn't count for her as you also worked through that while she stared at the coffee table.
On it was her laptop that she lent to you, with a couple of folders of papers in each and an assortment of notes.
You two have been busy driving around Seoul, especially where most businesses reside such as Dongdaemun.
After consulting with Koisraup, which was pretty helpful in delegating what to do and where you can start, it was off finding sites.
Of course, a very select few buildings were up for sale and ready to be moved in, however, they were problematic as they weren't in the designated areas that you wanted.
The other hand was to buy the land itself; closer, but more costly.
Either way, it wasn't anything new, just extra steps...a complex few steps.
Doable? Sure you can see it.
The question is, can your parents?
"Gomen (YN)," you turned to your sister, "I wish I could help you more. I've been on the side just taking notes. You've been talking to these companies about everything."
"Hey don't talk like that Momo. You right here is support enough."
"Okay but it's only one of me, you have a whole army of workers to help."
"I do, but why would I want a bunch of boring people over someone as beautiful as you," you grinned as Momo playfully rolled her eyes.
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Her quick faint smile was turned upside down upon looking over the laptop and then back at you.
"Still can't believe it's a hundred million Won to just start it all."
AN: Unless I'm making a mistake, that's legit the starting investment for a company to buy stocks to be a legal business in Seoul
"Same in Japan. That's business, it's a way to know that you have the money to do this and to properly ensure the government." You explained as Momo combed through her hair at the revelation. "Although, the market here is vast and intricate, much more than Japan, which is good. Lots of potential work and I mean lots and it's not just large but a larger portion of smaller business around meaning many goods are being transported thus needing quite a lot of what our work does."
"And what's the bad?"
"That everyone is set here and being new means we'll have to convince our way to these deals being done and we'll have to figure out where and who'll want to listen to us which isn't something I can do now."
"And you deal with this daily?" Momo picked up a document given by Koisraup.
"No. Only twice I had to deal with this when we expanded to other cities. Dad decided it was time for me to step up in bigger responsibilities. I do smaller, but everyday duties, like your manager, but replace you nine with branches of our building." 
"...do you like it?" She asked after a few seconds while you shrugged.
"It's alright work. It doesn't scream fun, but it's not boring."
Momo nodded slowly.
"...do you like working with Mom and Dad?"
"You know, you would think it'd be great, but..." you shrugged, "they're not easy to work with," you continued, "Mom has this meticulous way of planning everything, down to the last detail. Dad, on the other hand, is all about spontaneity and gut feelings. You would think it wouldn't work between but they mesh very well together. Hearing them discuss is, intense, in a good way. The way they think of everything and I mean everything Momo."
Momo nodded.
"And I respect them a lot. They built our empire from the ground up, and they're trying to find my place in it. It's a challenge, but challenges keep things interesting, right?"
She chuckled.
"Heh, I suppose so," as you sifted through the few documents on your desk, "and that's what they expected of me," Momo took a look at the laptop, "to be like them."
"As I said, you turned out better,"
Momo had another faint smile, but her response...
"...I'm not being selfish am I (YN)?"
Her response caught you off guard, but it didn't faze you for long.
"Sel-why would you think that?" Momo looked away from you, embarrassed of the matter.
"I want you here, I do, but throughout the day, I've also been thinking about what you said with our parents. I don't want to force you into doing anything that was also thinking that maybe I'm being-"
"No you're not," you stopped her, "there's nothing selfish about expressing your feelings," her gaze met yours, and you could see a mixture of uncertainty and longing in her eyes, but you offered her a reassuring smile, "we," you pointed at you both, "wouldn't happen if you haven't told me about the same our first night together. I'm glad you told me how you felt Momo, really."
Momo's eyes softened as she absorbed your words. 
The weight on her shoulders seemed to lift a little, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
"Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and she reached out to gently cup your cheek, "I'm really glad you're doing this (YN). I mean it."
"You know I'd do anything for you onee-san," you assured her, your gaze locked onto hers, "Aishiteimasu," (I love you)
Momo let out a gentle breath.
"Watashi mo itoshite iru yo," (I love you too)
And as if on cue, you both leaned in, closing the distance between you.
The kiss was gentle yet filled with the depth of unspoken words. 
It was a promise of understanding and a celebration of the emotions that had brought you to this point.
Continuing with the moment, Momo brought her other hand up and she probed her tongue at your lips as the millisecond you opened; Momo explored your mouth as you both just moaned at each other's touch.
The kiss wasn't an overloaded sexual one, but a comforting one; one that declares your love for another.
You can hear the rumble of her moan vibrating through her naked chest against yours, feeling the gentle cadence of her breathing.
It wasn't long before you both lost yourselves in the dance of passion. 
The environment seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of the sibling's bodies and the sweet symphony of shared desires.
Momo's fingers traced gentle patterns along your skin, leaving a trail of electric sensations in their wake and the air was filled with a heady mix of anticipation and the taboo love the two shared that only the two of you understood, a language of intimacy, trust, and boundless affection.
Of course, it wasn't like that in a few moments...
Momo pressed her hand down hard on your shoulders and straddled you to have your back on the couch as Momo captured you on top, pressing her hands to the side of your head once more and capturing your lips.
Leaning back against the cushion, you embraced her tongue within your mouth, moaning past her lips as Momo nearly collapsed onto you. 
It was an otherworldly experience to be lip-locked with her, no matter how long or much it's been since that first day, it always felt incredible to have her body on you or the naughty feeling of her being your Onee-san gave you thrills.
Either way, the kiss soon ended and you opened your eyes to gaze back at her hues.
Momo pulled her face away with a grin.
No words were needed to know that you two were going to share a time.
"Guess that break will have to wait~" she didn't ask but stated while shoving her hands down between your legs and pressed against your cock as you hissed as she started to rub up and down.
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Momo gazed back into your eyes and softly whispered...
"Besides this being our last night, I think you deserve a reward for being doing so much hard...work."
You wanted to chuckle, but Momo kept grinding her hand harder and deeper.
"Oh come on..." Momo groaned as you both turned to the coffee table and noticed your phone lighting up with 'Dad' on it.
"It's Dad," you turned to Momo and noticed a flat expression at her side, "...but I'll talk to him later."
And just like that, Momo turned back to you and seconds later, she grinned once more, but not a devious one, but more of a gratitude.
"Oh my Otouto~ someone's being naughty~"
"You're a bad influence," 
"Hehe~ then let me show you how much of a naughty sister I can be~" Momo raised her hands to your body, cupping your face and Momo shoved her lips to yours.
Her plump ass down onto your lap while you threw your arms around her back and pulled her in.
Momo pushed her lips to yours once again and you two continued to kiss as she moved her lips against yours and snaked her tongue into your mouth, her hips began to roll, grinding her ass down into your lap against your crotch. 
And not because she was your girl, Momo had one of the best bodies you've seen in any woman, and for her to be grinding her assets on you, it was never not ineffective.
You moved your hands out from her back, soon feeling her body rub up against you in unison with her hip movements and Momo threw her arms behind your neck, allowing you to feel her slender fingers on the backside of your neck as they enjoyed one last passionate kiss together. 
She pulled their lips apart, moving her hands away from you while grinning.
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"I think we should get comfy~" She hinted, pushing her hands down onto your chest, Momo slowly moved up, her heels elevated onto the floor below with a soft touch.
"Can't say no to that."
"You can never say no to me anyway~"
She giggled as you began to remove your shirt and pulled it out from over your head and you were greeted with the sight of Momo's ass. 
She had bent over, removing her shorts and shaking her hips to shake her ass. 
Slowly to the left, then a fast pump to the right. 
You shook your head with an amused smile as her hair swayed down her back and Momo moved her hands down to her hips. 
Her shorts dropped from her hips down to her ankles, your eyes were set instantly on the black thong she wore.
She took one glance beyond her right shoulder, witnessing your eyes while stepping out of the shorts and turning around, crossing her hands, and holding the helm of her shirt, she pulled up to show her strapless black lace bra while throwing the shirt somewhere.
You leaned up, hands on the side of your Onee-san's hips, roaming your fingertips down her sides and bringing her back onto you as you felt her plump ass shove down into your crotch. 
Momo wasted no time beginning to grind her hips down, rubbing her ass up and down with your erection poking up the front.
"God Momo..." You groaned as Momo's giggling voice caused you to breathe heavily as she continued to grind her hips and pump that ass back down into you. 
"You'll be saying that more (YN)-kun~"
Your voice had elevated from the excitement at hand, swallowing your breath and began to slide your hands across her body. 
The smoothness of her skin was felt beneath your fingertips as you took to feel her muscular stomach. 
Momo moaned, still grinding her ass down into you.
"Mmmmm, someone's touchy~"
She made her demands and you didn't neglect Momo of what she desired at this moment. 
As you moved your hands across her stomach, she moved her own hands to the straps of her bra and began to pull at it. 
Watching her, you were greeted with the view of her pulling it to free her breasts as Momo dropped the bra down to the floor below, soon feeling your hands move over her breasts; her hard nipples rubbed against the palms of your hands and cooed to you as you gently squeezed her tits.
"Enjoying this~" 
Hearing her words, you moved your lips to the right side of her neck. 
Momo closed her eyes and then made one last series of movements by grinding her hips. 
She could feel your cock sticking straight up through your pants, poking into her buttocks. 
Taking a deep breath, Momo opened her eyes, still feeling you down below as you kissed and sucked on her neck, though Momo needed more.
She bent her knees, watching the expression change across your face as she brought your head between her tits, soon feeling her right hand roam across behind, her fingernails grazing through your hair.
You had moved your mouth to her right breast, shoving her nipple between your lips as you began to suck it. 
As Momo moaned, she began to grind her hips back down into you.
"That's it (YN)~"
She bit down on her lower lip, softly purring her moans while caressing the back of your head with her hands. 
Momo waited until you moved to her other boob and then she used her hands to squeeze her breasts into your face. 
"Suck on my nipples (YN), bite them," she insisted, as she forced your hands off of her tits and used her hand to pull your head towards her left tit so you could suck on her large breast. 
Who were you to complain?
You opened your mouth and started sucking on her hard nipple, Momo kept moaning as she felt her Otouto suck on her huge tit as if you were a baby.
"Mmmm oh yes~ That's it (YN)~" Momo moaned sexily with you now cupping the bottom half of her breast as you sucked on her left nipple and gave a strong squeeze to her tit-flesh.
Still grinding down into your crotch, she could barely take it for much longer. 
Her desire grew stronger with each passing moment. 
When you moved your head to the other breast, Momo cupped your cheeks against her palms, leaning down to kiss you passionately one last time. 
She took a final moment to rub her ass up against your crotch, coming to a halt with grinding into your lap as their tongues danced together. 
Once the kiss ended, she got back up from your lap and then fell to her knees below, feeling Momo's hands tugging at the lace strings to your pants (let's say pajama pants) loosen up.
Momo glanced up at your chest, grinning when she placed her hands back to the front of your pants, grabbed the helm, and slowly slid them down, letting the bulge sticking up finally release as she came in sight with your briefs.
Biting down on her lower lip, Momo squeezed your bulge and then moved her hand away. 
She surprised you by getting up from her knees, hooking her thumbs down to the thong she was still wearing.
"I forgot to finish stripping. It's only fair I get naked too before I'm done taking your clothes off."
"I can't argue with that." 
She winked back at you in response to your words, swaying her hips left and right, Momo leaned over a bit as she tugged her shorts down.
It didn't remain on her body for long, as Momo hooked her thumbs at the sides and shoved it down to reveal her dripping wet pussy. 
Freshly shaved without a single hair in sight of those beautiful pink folds. 
Stepping her feet out of the thong and shorts below, Momo stood in front of you for a moment, moving her hands to her breasts, squeezing them as she gave a nude pose to you, all before dropping back down to her knees.
No words were needed from her voice, as Momo seemed prepared and truly ready to get down to the business of lust at hand. 
Grabbing the front of your underwear, she tugged it down, watching as your cock flopped freely across your skin. 
You witnessed Momo licking her lips in clear anticipation of this moment. 
As she tugged your underwear down to your ankles, you leaned up and carefully pulled your feet free from them while she wrapped her right-hand fingers around your semi-erect pole. 
Momo wasted no time beginning to stroke it, moving her hand up and down.
"I don't have to remind you that your cock is all mine Otouto~"
"Yes it is dear Onee-san."
No disagreement whatsoever from you. 
You stared down into her big brown eyes as her hand continued to jerk your rod up and down. 
Momo parted her pink lips, revealing her gritted teeth while giving you an expression of absolute hunger and your cock had grown from the touch of her hand, rising in thickness and reaching full length.
Sliding her hand down to the base, Momo smirked up at you before gazing her sight back onto your pole awaiting her mouth.
"Mmm~ nice and big. Just the way I like it."
You exhaled, taking a deep breath now as Momo parted her lips and slid your cock right between them. 
She squeezed her fingers around your pole, using her left hand to drop down and caress your nut sack as she began to slowly suck her way down the first few inches. 
Swallowing your breath, you moaned out to her but didn't utter any words.
There was nothing you could say to ruin a moment like this. 
Momo took her time, slowly bobbing her head up and down. 
She pulled her lips back to the head, making a popping sound as she released your cock, but only momentarily. 
With a quick stroke of her hand, Momo went back down on it; this time, she began to bob her head in sync with her hand stroking from the base of your cock upward. 
Her fingers met with her lips in sync, giving you the pleasure of her hand and mouth simultaneously. 
Her mouth began to quickly make slobbering and sucking noises while you bit down on your lower lip as a way of preventing yourself from crying out in pleasure. 
You wanted to play strong for her as you were left at the mercy of her oral talents. 
Stopping the movement of her hand, Momo pulled her hand away and then used both hands to push down into your legs. 
All you could do was rest your back against the cushion of the couch as she began to bob her head up and down your cock, sucking it deeper with each passing second. 
Her efforts paid off as Momo was able to get her lips down to the base and shove the head of your shaft to the back of her throat.
"Oh my fucking god..."
Finally breaking the silence between breathing and moaning, you cried out to her in words of pleasure. 
Momo devoured your cock, inch by inch sucking it down. 
Pulling her lips back to the head, she released it again with a popping sound, saliva strings dangled from her open mouth back to your cock as Momo gripped your shaft with her right hand, flicking her tongue and then spitting on the head.
"You like that~"
Her voice was low and seductive in asking her question. 
You nodded back at her.
"Can't complain."
With a grin and licking her tongue again, Momo spat on your dick once more and shoved her lips up to the head, kissing it, and then used her tongue to glide down the underside of your shaft, moving her hand away to lick it. 
Once she reached the base, Momo wrapped her fingers back around that pole as she began to pay special attention to your balls below. 
Squeezing your nuts with her left hand, her tongue licked over them and she stuffed one into her mouth and your toes curled at the sensation. 
You leaned up in a desperate attempt to catch a better view of your Onee-san slobbering all over your balls.
"Damn it feels good~"
Calling out to her in excitement, you bit down on your lower lip again, softly moaning. 
You soon heard the slobbering and sucking noises as Momo loudly sucked them while her right hand wanked your cock up and down, easily gliding across your saliva-soaked shaft. 
You dropped your lower lip as you felt such blissful pleasure at this very moment.
"Ohhhhh, fuck..."
As you moaned out to her once more, Momo pulled her mouth away, releasing your balls from her lips. 
She leaned back up, gazing up at your face with her devious eyes.
"Put your hands on my head and fuck my mouth~"
And that you did, hands now on the back of your sister's head. 
Momo closed her eyes, just as she felt you push her head back down; her lips sealed around your long dick and she began to suck on it once more.
'Mmmmmmmm', she softly purred a muffled voice against your shaft. 
You began to slowly buck your hips forward while holding her head in place, taking control as you fucked her mouth.
"Oh god...!" 
Her mouth began to create a fusion of sucking and slobbering noises as you slowly fucked her oral hole. 
Back and forth, you rocked her lips while your cock pushed in and out. 
Strings of saliva began to dangle down from the corners of her lips as you pushed her head all the way down, forcing her to devour every inch of his long pole. 
As Momo's mouth pushed down to the base, you moaned while holding her there; listening to her mouth, gagging after a few seconds. 
Momo's eyes watered up while her left hand was shoved down her thighs, playing with her pussy while sucking your cock.
At the rate she was going, you feared she would end up forcing you to blow your load in her mouth in the passing minutes. 
She knew you wouldn't be able to hold back long so she tapped your thighs as you felt and stopped your movements to release her.
She breathed in relief while long ropes of saliva dangled from your cock back to her mouth while Momo looked back into your eyes while catching her breath.
"You okay?" You asked while your cock was twitching.
Momo smirked, reaching out with her right hand to grab your cock once more, and began to wank it up and down as she replied.
"I'd say my mouth had enough, I think it's my tit's turn to have fun no?"
"Hehe, whatever you want."
Her soothing voice was enough to motivate your cock to react with a pulse, pretty much aching at her touch again while Momo bit down on her lower lip, quirking her eyebrows at you.
You rested your hands over the cushions as you watched Momo grab her breasts and hold them up. 
As she moved them on both sides, she reached her hand out to shove your dick between them. 
Her eyes gazed into your long pole, starring directly into the head while she squeezed her tits around it and began to slowly pump them up and down.
You let out a slight moan as you watched your sister begin to fuck you with her breasts. 
This was what any man, even the most innocent, would have wanted from k-pop idols like Momo. 
They'd be lying if they had no interest.
Momo had a body that rivels supermodels and her chest was without a doubt one of the best in the k-pop industry, even outside of it too. 
And to sit here while one of the greatest pair of tits in the world was wrapped around your dick, you couldn't ask for a better time. 
"Fuck Momo..."
Momo concentrated, licking her lips she pumped them up and down slowly. 
Since she was in control at the moment, she wanted to go slow so you could enjoy every second of her beautiful valley of breasts. 
Her breasts were so big that your cock disappeared between them. 
Only the head poked up. 
Over and over, she slowly pumped them up and down, listening to you moan.
She leaned her head down, gazing at your cock between the folds and spitting on the head.
"How close are you?"
"Really fucking close."
"Well, then go ahead and finish yourself off~"
You wasted no time beginning to buck your hips, thrusting your cock between her breasts while Momo chuckled at your increase of speed, gazing up to see the expression of pleasure across your face. 
Dropping her lower lip, she let out another moan as she called to you in a low, slutty voice.
"Fuck my titties (YN)-kun, hmmm~ how does it feel to fuck your sister's boobs~"
Letting out a grunt, you tried to maintain control over yourself. 
Momo squeezed her tits harder around your shaft, never once breaking eye contact as she had made a true attempt to drive you wild with her lust while panting as she felt every inch of your cock pumping up and down between her tits.
"I want to cum (YN)-kun~ cum for your naughty Onee-san~"
Hearing your sexy sister's talking dirty made you go further in lust. 
You started thrusting back and forth, the friction of her big breasts getting tighter around your cock, it was indescribable. 
Momo made sure to keep a firm pressure on her Otouto's cock, watching your face in full lust, and your cock head popping out from her soft, warm, mounds every time you trusted forward.
You moved your right hand to her shoulder, locking her down in place as you bucked your hips as hard as you could. 
She had you right where she wanted you, under her control by using her body. 
Momo lowered her head and began to flick her tongue across the head of your shaft each time it poked up between her tits and the cherry on top with Momo starting to suck the head of your shaft when it poked back up.
Every time you thrust forward, Momo kept licking the head of your cock with her all; fucking her tits with force, making Momo's big tits bounce and jiggle like waves in the ocean. 
You kept doing this until the head of your cock was engulfed by your sister's soft red lips, into her warm wet mouth. 
Momo was sucking you away, towards your mind-blowing orgasm.
"Ugh...Momo I'm about to-fuck!" You yelled as you felt that feeling in your cock and balls that you were about to go.
"That's good (YN)-kun~ Give me my reward~" She said, still keeping her firm grip on her breast as her she let the head of her brother's cock out of her mouth, as you were ready to burst.
She could feel your body tensing up, just as you breathed in hard and and explode you did, the first shot of his incest cum shot into the back of her wide-open mouth, the hot cum running down her throat. 
'Mmmmmm', a muffled moan could be heard from her mouth as Momo drained your balls. 
She could taste wad after wad, flowing into her mouth as your sister just sucked on your dick harder. 
She could hear you taking in a deep breath and moaning out as she milked your cock to the final drops.
You came to a complete halt, watching as her eyes looked up at you with a look on her face still of pure lustful hunger.
She released it from her mouth with a pop sound and Momo leaned up, opening her mouth to reveal to you your white seed drenched in saliva. 
She then closed her lips and loudly swallowed it before moaning.
"Hmm~ you came a lot (YN)-kun hehe~ almost drowned me~ and you're still hard~ Ara ara (YN)-kun~ your energy is impressive~"
You didn't respond as you caught your breath while Momo grinned.
"Now, it's time for some real fucking. No wasting time."
Shoving her body up against you, Momo threw her arms around your neck and began to kiss you passionately. 
You responded by wrapping your arms around her back, slowly sliding your fingers down to grab at her ass cheeks, not caring where her mouth just was or consumed.
Upon feeling your hands digging in, squeezing her plump cheeks, Momo moaned into your mouth and when the kiss ended, she looked back at you and moved her hands, promptly shoving you to sit back down as she wasted no time straddling you. 
She bent her knees after grabbing your cock with both hands, holding it forward so she could properly line herself up and come down on it. 
You attempted to help her by moving the palms of your hands beneath her ass cheeks, but it didn't matter once Momo was ready. 
She gazed down into your face and noticed that you were too busy staring down at her tits. 
That was enough to convince her of the next move, as she slammed herself down and sent your cock up inside of her pussy with a loud gasp.
You began to buck your hips, pumping your cock into her pussy while Momo moved her hands to your shoulders to help herself up. 
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She wanted to bounce for you, her huge tits were already jiggling around. 
Within a few seconds, the sound of your balls slapping up against her ass could be heard as she pumped herself down into the rhythm of you bucking your hips. 
Momo closed her eyes, arching her head back as she moaned. 
"Ohhhhhh, yeah! Fuck me Otouto!"
That beautiful long brown hair began to wave around while her breasts bounced back and forth.
Momo's pussy hammered down on your cock to the point you were forced to move your hands down to her ass. 
She arched her body forward, moving one hand to the back of your neck as she pushed your head down to where her boobs could crash over your face. 
You pushed your lips out to her right nipple, beginning to suckle back and forth to each nipple as your mouth created various slurping and slobbering sounds. 
Momo moaned as she felt her brother's hard cock pumping into her blazing pussy, her lone nipple cold from your saliva with the other being devoured as you took all you could in your mouth. 
Her fingers clenched into your shoulders; this was her moment, as Momo was determined now to ride your cock; her brother's cock.
"Hmph! Oh fuck!"
Her voice rose in pitch as she bit down on her lower lip, feeling your cock thrust and throttle into her pussy with the way she rolled her hips. 
"Fuck me! Fuck me!"
Momo shoved you back on the couch from her breasts, leaning your right hand down below as you began to buck your hips forward in an attempt to help her as they were now locked in the act of fucking Momo gasped before coming to a halt, her hair swaying and her breasts beginning to shake as she allowed you to take over.
"That's it! Fuck me Onee-san!"
Momo leaned down, rubbing her chest up against you now as you began to buck your hips harder and faster.
"Ohhhh, ohhhhhhhh yeah!"
"Oh shit...oh shit..."
Over and over, your cock pumped in and out of your sister's tight pussy and soon feeling Momo's lips pushing against yours.
A muffled sound was heard of her attempt to moan into your mouth as their tongues began to dance together, all while you continued to thrust your cock through her cunt. 
Wrapping your arms around her, you began to move on the couch in an attempt to change the position. 
Momo threw her arms around your neck, still kissing you as she began to roll on her right side and you found a way to stand up now. 
As the kiss broke, Momo lay on her back, gazing up to see your face; your cock remained lodged inside of her but now in this position, you could look down at her perfect body while fucking her.
"Oh god! Fuck me, (YN)!!"
She cried out to you, begging now as Momo spread her legs and you soon seized them. 
After arching her built legs over your shoulders, you began to buck your hips and thrust your cock into her needy pussy again.
Squealing in pleasure, Momo screamed to you.
"Ohhhh, ohhhhhhh yeah!!"
Her breasts shook, bouncing with each thrust you sent into her until she moved her hands to catch them. 
Momo squeezed her tits together, still looking up into your eyes as she felt your fingers around her calves, curling her toes up at the feeling of your hard cock pumping into her, inch by inch. 
You continued, picking up the pace with each thrust.
"Fuck me! Ohhhhh, FUCK ME!!"
To hear Momo scream those words to you, you almost couldn't control yourself. 
You continued to thrust, listening to the sound of their bodies smacking together, studying your sister's beautiful body with each passing second; everything about her was perfection in the body of a woman in your mind.
Momo closed her eyes, moving her right hand down below to begin playing with her clit, pinching it between her fingers while using her left forearm beneath her breasts, tilting them up as her fingers twitched at her clit, Momo panted and moaned.
You knew not to stop, as you fucked her to the height of her pleasure. 
Opening her eyes, she cried out to you and then screamed.
She curled her toes and her feet moving about, as that was only another clue for you you had nearly fucked her into a climax. 
You grunted, trying to hold back yourself as Momo gasped and began panting. 
She dropped her lower lip, gasping at the feeling of your hard cock still pounding into her pussy. 
Her fingers furiously worked her clit back and forth as she suddenly pulled her left hand away from her body and then screamed to you in a high pitch shattering voice.
As Momo screamed in experience of her orgasm, slapping sounds could be heard of your nuts smacking up against her ass. 
You still pumped your dick into her, all while moaning as she swallowed her breath as your balls slapped against the undersides of her ass as you continued to pump at your moderate pace, giving her inch after inch of your long shaft.
You didn't want to stop but the rush of your orgasm was fast approaching and on cue.
"Oh, god! Ohhhh god, I'm gonna cum!"
"No! I want you to cum on my face!"
Breathing heavily, you removed your cock as Momo adjusted herself to be facing to the right as she pushed the palms of her hands down into the cushion surface, lifting herself lightly being face to face with your cock.
You wrapped your fingers around your dick, jerking it back and forth with your right hand as you began to aim it down at her face.
"Are you gonna cum on my face Otouto~?" 
"Fuck yeah...hmm~"
She closed her eyes and opened her mouth. 
"Cum all over me (YN)~ Mmmmmmm, I want my Otouto's cum to drench my face~"
Moving directly under your cock, Momo closed her eyes after she spoke and parted her lips, audibly moaning 'ah' while you continued to wank your cock for this moment. 
There wasn't much time to wait as you soon groaned and felt your explosion begin.
"Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhh~"
Within just a few seconds she heard you moan and then felt a thick string of cum shoot up over the right side of her forehead, drenching her eye and down her cheek. 
A thick string of cum shot from your cock, flying into the air like silly string, completely avoiding her face, instead landing into the left side of her hair, just above her ear. 
You grunted, and watched the second wad of cum shoot out of your cock and land across her right eye, drenching her eyebrow up the temple of her forehead and down her cheek. 
Momo giggled upon feeling the warm cum splash across her skin. 
A third wad of cum came out of your dick, splashing into her closed right eyelid while Momo giggled again, sticking her tongue out in a desperate attempt to catch any droplets of your seed.
"Oh my god, Momo..."
A few drops rained down onto her forehead, followed by another sticky string that slathered her left eye and forehead and again, Momo giggled and kept her eyes closed. 
She stuck her tongue out again but soon felt the last wad of cum fall directly onto the right side temple of her face, drenching her hair above.
As your spurts began to weaken into drops, he held his cock over her forehead to empty out the final drops. 
You were out of breath and appeared spent and lowered the head of your cock to her lips, squeezing it to get the last remaining drops out. 
Her face was a complete wreck in your hot seed, almost like layers of icing over a beautiful cake. 
As you were finished, Momo slowly opened her eyes. 
She blinked, feeling the cum in her eye lids while a few drops fell from her eye brows, somewhat disappointed she didn't catch a single drop from above and the last bit of your cum had to be squeezed out, rubbing your cock against her lips, watching Momo eagerly part them and suck it clean.
"Damn...fucking hell Momo..."
At a loss of words, you didn't know what to say while standing there and gazing down at her cum drenched face. 
You were satisfied to know you managed to unload several spurts for her as Momo gasped after swallowing what few drops of your semen she sucked from your cock. 
Raising both of her hands, she wiped the cum from her closed eyes and could finally open them and see again.
"Heh~ Glad we did it?" She asked with a shit-eating grin as you nodded.
"Well, you know it's kind of unfair that you got to cum twice and me once."
You downgraded to gentle breaths as you smiled.
"I'm guessing you want to change that?"
Momo smirked.
"Get on your knees and turn this way," she commanded as you didn't know what she wanted, but you kneeled and turned your body a bit to the left of her, facing probably 30 degree angle from Momo, "good, now lean your head back,"
You understood now.
With your head leaned back, Momo rose from her lying position, feeling the effects of your onslaught of her pussy, but she's hoping this will be a more softer touch.
Momo now stood in front of you, you were eye level of your sister's pussy and not wasting more time, Momo planted herself down onto your mouth.
"Go ahead~ eat out your Onee-san~"
Soon, Momo was sliding her pussy from your chin all the way up to your forehead, leaving you sticky with her fluids and letting them slide into your mouth. 
"Lick me," she ordered. 
You did as she said while she grounded her pussy against your face. 
Her thrusts were forceful without being painful, and there was just enough time between them for you to breathe a little through your mouth, although it felt like her juices were all the way inside your nose. 
"Oh that's it~ stick your tongue in there (YN)-kun~"
She seemed to be done lubricating your face and now kept her grinding over your tongue.
As she dumped more and more of her pre cum into your mouth, you alternated between lapping it up and sucking it out of her as she grew bolder, really fucking your tongue. 
You licked her faster and faster, and moved your head from side to side, occasionally turning it altogether and biting her thighs so she could fuck the sides of your face again.
"No~ I didn't say do that~" She cooed and ultimately held your head down so you could only face her.
That was fine, you loved watching her titties bounce and collide into each other. 
You could feel her muscles contract around your tongue as you licked her in just the right way, and her lips opening to let her wet juices out as you lapped at them, her face contorting in time with her gyrations and with the spasming of her cunt.
"That feels so good~" she moaned as she looked straight down at you. 
She locked eyes with yours and you could see the pleasure in her eyes as you moaned straight back into her cunt, completely submissive to her desires.
"Ah (YN)-kun! I'm gonna come soon!" she exclaimed.
You moaned into her cunt approvingly as she rode faster and faster. 
"I want you to latch your lips onto it when I cum! Don't you waste a single drop!" 
Her attitude leapt between blissfully absent, dominant and an all out frenzy.
You moaned into her cunt again as she kept riding and her moans kept coming with more and more frequency. 
You were in ecstasy. 
She kept grinding and moaning, until finally her moans became quick and heavy. 
"Fucking suck on it, ah!" she was arched over you and you latched your lips around hers, feeling as wads of her cum streamed into your mouth with the pulsations of her body. 
Her nails digging into your scalp and gripping your hair.
"Ah yeah (YN)-kun! Oh my god that's ama-ohhh! Ahhhh..."
Her hips bucked, and she kept grinding away until her orgasm while you licked up the streams of cum. 
You relished the feeling of her cumming in your mouth, as what was a forceful grip on your hair turned into a caress between sighs and pants.
You swallowed all the juices of your sister in a quick pace, feeling drops on your chin as Momo twitched in her post orgasm sensitivity.
She seemed completely satisfied, and your sure she could tell you were too. 
Half a minute passed and Momo slowly hopped off your mouth, looking to meet your gaze and her work as she brought a hand on your chin, collecting the leftover cum and then smoothing over her slit, feeling your work.
You saw her fingers moist and then pointed at your mouth with them.
Getting the hint, you opened your mouth as Momo inserted her fingers inside after.
You clenthed your lips around her fingers and Momo pulled away, leaving her fingers dryer as the remains of her juices were left in your mouth.
"Good boy..." she complimented and slowly sat on the couch, leaning back on the cusions, huffing from her orgasm.
You joined her on her left as Momo laid her head on her shoulder.
"Amazing work, Onee-san..."
You didn't respond, keeping quiet as you relished the aftermath of the sex with your sister.
As Momo laid on you, her eyes fixed on the desk with the scattered notes and laptop. 
The dimly lit room was filled with an uneasy tension as Momo wanted close comfort.
The minutes ticked away, reminding her that their time together was drawing to a close. 
You would be leaving in a day, and the thought of being separated from you weighed heavily on Momo's heart.
Even after getting your promise of staying, she still hated that you had to leave again. 
"Aishiteimasu (YN)-kun," (I love you (YN)-kun) she announced as you turned to her sight.
"Soshite Momo-nee o aishiteimasu," (And I love you Momo-nee)
You two smiled at another as their energy was zapped by their actions as Momo started to close her eyes.
"I know we're tired, but I think we really need to wash these cushions asap."
Momo opened her eyes and looked down at the couch.
"Oh...uh oh..."
Sunday morning
"This is as far as we can go Momo. Sorry." You stated as Momo sighed.
Usually, the airport terminal was bustling with travelers and the hum of conversations, a symphony of goodbyes and reunions. 
But not for a trio. 
You and Momo sat in the back seat of your rental, as a manager drove them to the airport.
After picking up the girls from the cabin, you two informed them of how it was coming along and they were impressed at how much information you two received in a day, but there was much to do.
So after dropping them off at their dorm, you and Momo went to travel around to a couple more companies to discuss several notions and regulations, but seeing as they couldn't do much more, it was a few hours before returning to the dorm and spending the rest of Saturday with the girls.
Sadly, days go faster when fun happens and nighttime quickly came.
You, Momo, Jeongyeon, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Sana all slept in the living room after a long night of gaming and the rest in their rooms.
Morning came along and with you leaving early, only goodbyes were enough to have before you had to leave.
Saying a goodbye to each one, they bid you farewell as you, Momo and a manager of theirs went off with you and Momo in your rental car and their manager in a car behind to take Momo back when you drop off the car.
The sun was just beginning to cast long shadows across the highway and weighed heavily on Momo, who struggled to hide her sadness.
You tried to break the heavy silence that had settled in the car constantly during the ride, turning to Momo with a warm smile each time, your eyes filled with affection and then concern as Momo kept her eyes out the window.
After parking in the free short-term parking lot for Momo to swap cars, her manager pulled up on the right of them.
 You undid your seatbelt and turned to Momo, reached out, and gently patted her on the shoulder. 
Momo turned to you; her silence spoke volumes, and it was a language you understood all too well.
Even with this plan in action, you two knew it wouldn't be simple to formulate something and deliver it to their parents.
This morning before heading off, you had to let Momo know that this could take a bit of more time to figure this out.
It wasn't enough for Momo, but at least it was something.
She was grateful for your efforts, but the reality of your departure was overwhelming and she managed a weak smile, nodding in understanding.
While the week they had was fun, a much-needed reunion, it was time for you to return home.
"Hopefully this will be the last time you return to Japan," Momo said as you smiled at her.
"Come here." 
You raised your arms out and Momo unleashed her seatbelt as well and shifted into your hug, giving you a very tight embrace.
"Don't worry, it'll take maybe a week to get this sorted out and then I'll tell them. I'll tell you when I do okay?" You said to her, your arms around her as well.
"It better be a week," Momo complained as she lowered her grip and shifted her head away, your hands were now on her shoulders, "but I guess if it needs to be good, I'll give a week and one day."
"How charitable of you," Momo chuckled under you, but now it was time for the hard part.
If she was within her manager's sight, Momo would have given you a big kiss goodbye, but with her manager...damn she thought.
You two let the hug go slowly as Momo opened the door on her side.
Momo turned to you from her position as you looked at her.
"I love you," she stated.
"Love you more," you returned as Momo gave one final nod to you as you did the same and closed the passenger door and into the manager's car.
Getting in, she turned to see you driving off, deeper into the airport as Momo watched her brother until you disappeared from view, her heart heavy but filled with hope for their future. 
She knew that this goodbye was just a temporary parting, and she held onto the promise that you had made. 
"I know how difficult it is to say goodbye to family," she heard her manager as Momo nodded in your direction still, "but if it's any consolation, in our line of work, time passes very quickly and before you know it, he'll be back." Her manager attempted to bring some morale into her as Momo turned to him.
"I know. It's just sad to see him go."
"It always is. Ready?" He asked as Momo clicked her seatbelt and nodded slowly, her eyes turning to the airport as her manager proceeded to do a U-turn and leave the airport through the exit.
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'I hope everything goes well...I believe in you (YN)-kun,' was Momo's last thought as they left the area.
So, yeah, this isn't the final chapter of Momo's story.
As I kept writing, I realized that the chapter felt so rushed and not enough detail to my liking so I went back to the beginning to re-write/add more details here and there and it got to me thinking that it was taking WAY too long to finish up while I got other works to do.
Originally was suppose to have 2 smuts, but decided to extend the first one to that and leave the second one with Part 4.
I have already part of Part 4 but I didn't want to release a semi-crappy/rushed ending. I want it to have feels and such so I decided to cut off from the ending here and go to work on Part 4. 
Now hopefully some of you will see (YN)'s side of wanting to be a family again. It might not be what most of you would be thinking like Jeongyeon said, but being with them and working alongside them, a connection could be formed, even if it's not that close.
And it's not as if they abused or anything, they just ignored you both.
And now my plans going forward.
I won't be working on my ONESHOT book as I'll be focusing on my SMUT and COACH books now.
Smuts I have way too much to write and Coach I really want to progress.
I am sorry for the lateness of my writing, and I'm not making excuses, but I am lazy af and I was holding off on writing for a bit.
Plus, it's pretty difficult to make each story different from each other so I'm trying my best to make each one feel unique-ish.
Anyway, that's all I got to say.
Thanks for taking a pause in your life to reading this! Vote/Comment if you want and thanks again!
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redtsundere-writes · 6 months
Jinx | Sukuna Ryomen
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mma fighter!sukuna ryomen x femalecoach!reader
Part 8. Fight For Me.
Beginning. ← Previous | Next →
Spynosis: Sukuna is a world champion with anger issues. It's believed by many that he is untrainable. Yeah, you can't train him, but you can dominate him. Contents: Fighting. Sukuna being Sukuna. Female reader being dom. Jinx AU (the BL, not the character from lol) Warnings: Cursed words. Unethical violence. Sexual harassment. I only read it once, lmao Word count: 2927 words. A/N: Another Saturday, another chapter. I picked up studying Japanese again, so far so good. Any advice is welcome :) Hope you guys like today's chapter. :) Btw I made a PLAYLIST
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That was the most uncomfortable morning of my life. I can’t get the idea that I fell asleep in Sukuna's bed like it was nothing out of my head. All I could do was to get dressed quickly to get back to my house before the morning training started. Luckily, I didn't see Sukuna on my way out, maybe he slept in the guest room… or so I thought. His penthouse was huge, there must have been an extra room for sure. Upon arriving at the gym, Sukuna just scolded me for being late as if nothing happened last night, so I acted accordingly. 
Cheers and praises flooded the arena as soon as Sukuna's anthem began booming over the speakers. Even though it was the last fight of the night, this was just starting. The sound mitigated with every step we took upon the intimidating octagon where Naoya was waiting for us after making his grand entrance. I was so nervous I felt like I was going to throw up at any moment, but I had to stay strong. This was not the time to act like a coward. 
The referee checked Sukuna's gloves and body for sandbags or anything out of place. During the inspection, Sukuna gave me a serious glare. He looked so calm for someone who was about to be locked in a cage to fight another beast his size. I had interrupted Naoya's lucky ritual and helped him perform his luck ritual successfully. He was sure he was going to win, but he couldn't let his guard down. 
Sukuna stepped onto the big stage and jogged around the perimeter so that everyone could admire his greatness. Naoya instead of watching him to analyze his opponent, was focused on me. His eyes were looking at me through the black fence, conveying a message I did not want to decipher. Sukuna had to beat him if I didn't want him to escape from the cage and lock me in his clutches. I gulped hard as soon as the referee approached them to give them the basic rules. It was time. I closed my eyes to pray to all the deities of the constellations, crossed my fingers and prayed that Sukuna's sign was lucky today. 
The bell rang and the first round began. People shouted in anticipation as the lion engaged the cheetah in a dangerous dance for dominance. As we had planned, Sukuna was taking his time with him. He was waiting for our common enemy to feel comfortable enough to approach him. Naoya took the bait as he slammed in on him with a pair of jabs, he was going right at his jaw to end the fight. “He looks different,” I thought as I watched him attack Sukuna without hesitation. He was desperate to win as fast as possible, even if that meant throwing away all his energy in the first round. 
Everything was being decided by boxing in the first two rounds, so far, we were going according to plan. Sukuna was like a fish in water, dodging every punch he landed and landing a couple of jabs that connected perfectly with his body, while Naoya struggled to take him down. There was a minute left in the third round when Naoya knocked Sukuna down with a spinning kick. The cheetah turned into a dangerous boa that attached itself to his body mercilessly. Its legs wrapped around his waist to put him in a neck lock. Sukuna tried to pull away from the cheetah's grip with hopeless punches and kicks, but Naoya wasn't about to let it go so easily. 
“Hold on, Sukuna!” I yelled in desperation amidst the howls of the fans. 
I looked at the clock hoping that the seconds would pass quickly, but it felt like an eternity. Sukuna was pushing away with difficulty the arm that chained his neck to keep from fainting. My eyes were on the verge of tears, the champion could not lose, not today. 
The bell rang, and the fighters walked away. I sighed in relief and rushed up to the octagon with Gojo and Yuuji to assist him in the break. Gojo put ice on his shoulder and Yuuji gave him water. 
“Change of plans. We must go to the floor,” I said. 
“What?” Sukuna asked me, taking off his mouth guard. 
“Naoya is desperate. He wants to win at any cost, it seems that this time he doesn't want to leave it to the judges. This is your chance to use his attacks against him,” I explained, but Sukuna didn't seem to be convinced. 
“I agree. He is fighting differently from before. Use your legs, they are longer than his,” Gojo intervened. With that, Sukuna nodded before the next round was announced by a beautiful ring girl. 
Naoya's eyes were on me as he prepared for the next round. I returned her gaze in kind, I wasn't going to let him bully me just because. The bell announced the fourth round and my eyes returned to Sukuna. After a back and forth of punches and low kicks, Naoya went straight at him. Naoya knocked him down, pushing him by the shoulders. Sukuna fell backwards with a loud thud. This time, time wasn't going to stop him. I had seen this attack before. 
“Push him with your legs!” I yelled so he could hear me as I ran around the perimeter of the octagon to get a better angle on the attack. 
Sukuna understood what I meant. With the inertia of Naoya's attack, Sukuna pushed him by the abdomen. I thought he would push him away, instead, he grabbed him by the arms and lifted him up to have him at his mercy for a couple of seconds in the air. I could see Naoya's eyes as he realized he had screwed up. Sukuna threw him to turn him like a helicopter propeller to put his leg between his arms and whip him against the floor. He caged him between his legs and kept pulling him by his limb to keep Naoya in a headlock. 
“Sukuna…” I mumbled in shock. 
Naoya was hitting him by the legs while trying to free his trapped arm. The referee was asking Naoya to get out of it quickly, or he was going to call the fight over. Time paused again as the scene unfolded before me. A king demonstrating his power to a rebellious knight. I no longer heard the people, nor my team, nor my thoughts. It was just my eyes taking in the facts, tasting those uncertain moments. 
Naoya was completely trapped, so the referee announced the end of the fight. I caught my breath and came back to my senses at the decision. Sukuna broke away from Naoya and slowly stood up to regain his posture. He looked at me through the fence and gave me a slight smirk. “Mothafucker did it,” I thought before a tear of happiness slipped down my cheek. We had won, I was free and the champion proved himself the best once again. 
I met up with the team to go up to the octagon to celebrate the victory. I moved through the crowd to give him a sweaty bear hug. I wanted to congratulate him, and thank him for giving his best as always, but I was so happy the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. I could only cry of joy on his shoulder. 
“Stop crying like a bitch,” he whispered between chiding teeth as he wiped my face with the towel around his neck. 
“Can’t I be happy?!” I scolded him between sniffles. 
“You're humiliating me. I can't have a crybaby of a trainer,” he complained. 
“I'm not...!”
My eyes popped open as soon as Sukuna connected his lips with mine in a sweet kiss in front of everyone. My cheeks turned the color of his hair and my heart started beating like crazy from shock. It was not a passionate kiss as he usually kisses me in the secrecy of his ritual, it was a tender touch in the middle of an octagon full of fighters and cameras watching us. Our lips didn't last more than 5 seconds connected, but it felt like it lasted an eternity. 
The sharp sound of something metallic woke me up from the moment. Naoya had hit Sukuna in the head with his metal water bottle before anyone could stop him. The arena gasped in shock at the unsportsmanlike attitude. Team Zenin pulled him back before he could land another misplaced blow. Yuuji, Gojo and Nanami lashed out at him and his coach for not being able to control their athlete. 
“How dare you kiss what's mine?! Let’s get back together, y/n!” Naoya screamed in a tantrum as he tried to break free from the grip of his teammates. 
“Are you okay?” I asked Sukuna worriedly as I put some ice on his bump. 
“Yes, I feel better now,” he said with a proud smile as he watched Naoya in emotional agony. 
“Naoya Zenin will appear before the official UFC committee for lack of discipline and unsportsmanlike attitude tomorrow afternoon for his actions after tonight's fight, but there are already rumors that he will be suspended for more than 5 years from all events,” The commentator announced. 
Team Black howled with joy at the news. My heart had finally calmed down after drinking a nice beer and chatting for a while with Yuuji and Megumi at the same bar we came last time. My mind was finally resting at peace after Sukuna beat up Naoya and explained to Nanami that the kiss had only been to get Naoya off her nerves. “Relax, that kiss didn't mean anything, it was just part of the strategy,” I thought as I remembered how intense that unexpected contact felt. 
“Aren't you supposed to be with the Zenins? Aren't they family?” I asked Megumi curiously to distract my mind from the strong palpitations of my passionate heart. 
“More or less. My father was kicked out of the dojo as soon as he challenged my uncle Naobito and beat him. The family could not bear such a breach of family honor,” Megumi explained, not caring at all about the incident. “I never thought that Sukuna could lift Naoya with his body, it was really incredible. Did you teach him that move?” He asked me before taking a sip of her beer. 
I looked briefly at Sukuna who was chatting pleasantly with Nanami on the other side of the table. Quickly, he noticed that I was watching him. I turned around in time so that he wouldn't think I had been watching him for a long time and that we had only connected casual glances. “Why am I thinking like a lovesick teenager?”, I scolded myself.
“I didn't know he could do that either,” I agreed, to which Megumi looked at me strangely.
After a stressful day and a couple of drinks to counteract the body ailment. I said goodbye to everyone and set out to head home under the midnight stars. I smiled to myself as I replayed in my mind how Sukuna had cornered Naoya against the canvas. The sound of his bare back impacting hard played in my mind on loop. It had been a lousy day, but an incredible night I would never forget. 
“Where are you going?” someone asked behind me. I could recognize Sukuna's voice anywhere in the world. 
“Home, to rest,” I answered as I faced him fully. Why had he followed me? Whatever the reason, we were alone on the sidewalk, it was the right time to tell him how I felt. “You did amazing tonight, thank you very much.” 
“I just did my job, I didn't do it for you,” he said with that serious tone I knew so well by now, he purposely made it sound like he was annoyed. 
“I know you didn't do it for me, but I still want you to know that I owe you one,” I joked.
He didn't hesitate to approach me, I thought he would give me a hug or another kiss, so I just froze in place. Instead, he just handed me a silver key with a Team Black keychain on it. I inspected it carefully as I twirled it between my fingers. 
“You are going to live with me, starting tonight,” he announced as if it was nothing. 
“What?! Why?!” I was really confused.
“Naoya will probably be suspended from the UFC tomorrow and have to pay a stupidly expensive fine. Guess who he's going to blame for that,” I explained. 
“You?” I really didn't want to blame myself right now. 
“Do you really think he'd try to come near me after I beat him up on the ring? And I was fighting under the rules,” Sukuna smiled proud of himself for his performance in the fight. 
“Naoya promised me that...". 
“Naoya promised you that he would love you forever and not hurt you and look where you are. Just because you're innocent doesn't mean you're stupid,” Sukuna interrupted me and then turned his back to me. “You better be home by the time I get back,” he demanded before going back to the bar.
“Hey! Sukuna! What about my stuff?!” I shouted for him to stop, but he ignored me and walked into the bar without saying anything else. 
I stood still on the sidewalk while my fingers caressed the keychain. How could someone be so nice and scary at the same time? It was obvious that Sukuna wanted me to be safe, but the way he did it felt like he was doing me a favor instead of actually wanting to help me. “He wants to protect me,” I thought as I realized what he was doing. My heart skipped a beat even though he was no longer in my presence and my cheeks dyed pink just thinking about him. 
“Sukuna sure is a strange man…” I thought out loud as I went on my way to the penthouse. 
Even though I had entered his home before, I couldn't help but be surprised as I walked down the huge carpeted hallway. I arrived in the immense living room that shared the professional kitchen, the 12-person wooden dining room and the contemporary living room surrounded by huge windows that allowed me to see the entire city glowing in the dark night. What it's like to have all the money in the world. 
“I think I'll sleep in the guest room,” I said aloud to test the echo of my new home. “First I must find the guest room,” I planned as I looked at the maze I would be living in.
I avoided the entrance doors because I knew that one of them was Sukuna's room, so I had to go up to the second floor. When I got to the top, I could see through the large windows the indoor pool on the first floor, the bar with karaoke and the small zen garden that divided the rooms. “What songs will he like to sing,” I wondered curiously as I continued my search for my room. A little smile escaped my lips as I imagined Sukuna singing Single Ladies by Beyoncé.
I had finally found the guest room. It had a king-size bed with beige sheets, a small couch to watch TV, its own bathroom and a large empty closet. I dropped my backpack on the small white couch and headed for bed. Before I could throw myself out of exhaustion, I noticed a Victoria's Secret bag at the foot of the bed. My eyes widened as I realized the real reason Sukuna wanted me to come to his house. 
“That fucker is planning to fuck me tonight!” I exclaimed, offended. 
I couldn't believe it, I was really stupid for thinking that Sukuna wanted to protect me. I had escaped from the Zenin just to face a Ryomen. I am so naive for thinking he was different, but he was just another disgusting man who can't see women as equals. I really wanted him to be different. He only fucked me twice, and he already assumes he can do it whenever he wants. I wasn't going to let him. 
I took the things out of the bag to throw it in the trash, but stopped when I saw that it wasn't lingerie, it was a full set of satin pajamas. White pajamas with pink stripes in my size. I covered my face with it from embarrassment. I had misjudged Sukuna, he sure bought me pajamas after I fell asleep naked in his bed the night before. I took off my clothes to put on the soft and comfortable pajamas, they fit me like a glove. I smiled like a fool when I saw myself in the mirror. 
“How cute…" I thought out loud before throwing myself on the bed comfortably. 
Quickly, I realized what I had said and stood still, staring at the white glitter ceiling. Did I just say Sukuna was cute? No, he couldn't be. He is a rude, selfish, impatient, serious, self-confident, independent, disciplined, strong, handsome, rich man... I couldn't fall in love with him. I was his trainer, his co-worker. I couldn't like him because he has an amazing body, takes care of me even if he doesn't want to admit it, and kisses me like no one else ever has, right? Right?! 
I was in trouble.
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Me and the 4 other Usopp fuckers go wild! This is 100% not proof read or well written - this was fully whatever came into my brain onto tumblr, I just needed something with Usopp/M!reader. This was written with me as the target demographic.
Fully inspired by Hurling Downs 🐉 Anon thirst. I hope you like this.
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Warnings! A little Sanji/Usopp/Reader at the end. Ftm Usopp (Usopp has a pussy). Male reader (not really mentioned?). Oral (Reader giving). Voyeurism? Exhibitionism. Crying. Nothing dark or too weird, Usopp and Reader are in an established relationship.
A hand latched onto a clump of your hair, pushing and pulling your head with erratic indecisiveness.
Usopp cried out, lips quivering, unable to decide wether he wanted your face closer or away from his aching cunt.
A choked noise left him when he finally pressed your face fully into his dripping pussy, the usual moans and shrieks he let out were quiet and restrained, and you could see his worried eyes flicker toward the unlocked door.
That wouldn’t do.
It had been weeks since you had any alone time together, an onslaught of sea beast attacks and pirate gangs that left no room for you and Usopp to have any alone time.
And finally! Finally, you had caught him alone, tinkering with Nami’s clima-tact so blissfully unaware and exhausted.
You had planned on just a few innocent, fluffy touches, kissing him gently against the nape of his neck, getting him ready for a night in your shared cabin - but, a few whining noises and a shuddering plea led to you shoving the straps of his dungarees from his shoulders and settling yourself beneath his cluttered workbench.
The flat of your tongue laved over his clit, the tip circling under his hood - he yelped and slammed a hand against his mouth, the one in your hair tightening as he tried to control himself.
“Hey!” You laughed breathily, goosebumps rising against his brown skin, already coated in a thin sheen of sweat.
You kissed the inside of his thigh, relishing in the beautiful display, the way his thighs parted subconsciously, allowing you to indulge further and the way tears were already welling up in his eyes.
He tasted earthy and sweet, something so him. And you showed your appreciation with a throaty groan, the lower half of your jaw already drenched in his slick and your own saliva.
“Wait! I need to- ugn.. Mn! I need to finish this f’r-for Nami!”
You pitied him, pulling your tongue from its attack against his pretty pink hole - letting it hang lewdly from your lips as you gave him a heated, half lidded look.
“I’m not stopping you Usopp. You’re the master craftsman, I’m sure my little distraction won’t be enough to stop the Great,”
Your tongue returned to his clit slowly, eyes locked with his as you gave it a much too gentle kitten lick. His breath caught in his throat, hips stuttering forward to chase his pleasure.
Your tongue swirled beneath the hood, suddenly pressing harder against the bundle of nerves, just to listen to him gasp. His body doubled over, hands balling into fists - pulling your hair tighter, using the strands as leverage to pathetically fuck your face.
Usopp had worried when you first became official that he was not what you wanted, his self doubt doubling tenfold. He was worried you wanted someone stronger, like Zoro, or skilled, like Sanji. Even someone more optimistic, like Luffy!
But fuck, in this moment, with his glistening pussy on display, rivulets of sweat running down his scarred chest and an already fucked out expression on his face. He put even Boa Hancock to shame.
He nodded, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes - tips of his ears and long nose turning red with his blush. He leant forward, relieving your scalp of his tight grip, shaking hands picking up the delicate metals of Nami’s weapon.
Your mouth returned to its rightful place against his cunt, licking and sucking like a man starved. Each time he cursed or a spring fell from the work top you nipped at his most sensitive areas, his clit and the edges of his drenched lips, your teeth dragging from to top of his cunt to press against the gushing hole of his entrance - he was practically sobbing by the time he had screwed one nut in place.
Your cock strained against your pants, just aching to be nestled within him again but you withheld - this was for his pleasure, a calm sea in the New World was rare and was sure to allow you both enough time to get reacquainted with one another.
His hips bucked against your chin impatiently, pulling you from your thoughts - his teary eyes pleading with you, a line of drool connecting him to his arm, where he had been stifling his moans, his pretty plump lips opening, presumably to beg for you to return to your feast.
Your tongue dipped inside again, hoping to oblige your pretty partner, lapping at his inner walls before freezing.
“Usopp! Dinners ready, didn’t you hear me calling?”
Sanji knocked on the workshop door, luckily thick enough to muffle the sounds of panic and pleasure as Usopp writhed, still skewered on your tongue.
“I-in a second Sanji! I’m.. ngh.. oh- I’m finishing this last thing on Nami’s climax..- CLIMA-TACT!”
You muffled a laugh within Usopp’s folds, puffy lips swallowing sounds of amusement and amplifying Usopps panicked moans and whispers of disapproval.
“Uh huh, right. You can do that after you eat. I need to keep an eye on Luffy, I’ll just stick the plate on your work bench.”
Usopps walls tightened around your tongue, eyes cloudy with humiliated tears - his hands trying to push your face away to no avail, much too weak to even move you an inch.
They tangled in your hair, instead, as you wiggled the slimy muscle, pressing into the spongy nerves that made up his favourite spot.
“Stop.. oh god I can’t..”
The handle to the door creaked, smoke from Sanjis daily cigarette billowing into the room.
It must’ve been a sight to behold from Sanjis point of view - one you are sure could never be replicated by artist or photographer.
Usopp’s curly hair unravelled and frizzing with sweat and the humid temperature of the room, his dungarees pulled bellow his knees - flushed face and sniffling nose, humiliated gaze drawn to Sanjis confused one.
His nipples were hard and the muscles in his lithe stomach jumped, wet pussy between his legs coating his stool, the dungarees and your face in his juices.
And as the last topping on, arguably, your favourite session with Usopp, was his cunt clenching hard around your tongue - his hips thrusting themselves forward as he cried out, pleasure erupting from him in a stream of his release. You watched as his head fell backward, eyes crossed - the muscles in his legs jumping erratically as he came in gushes of slick.
Sanji stepped back in shock, watching his crew mates in such an intimate position.. not to mention the way Usopp was still crying and begging. Looking Sanji in the eye with a panicked explanation that this was “not what it looks like!” Even as his cunt still creamed and his muscles kept spasming.
Sanji’s black jeans were tight around his crotch, the lies spilling from Usopps swollen lips just adding to the erotic sight before him.
You grinned, back and neck aching slight as you squeezed out from under the workbench, a hand carding through Usopps curly hair to calm his frantic ‘explanation’.
“I think Luffy will be fine for a few minutes, right Sanji?”
Usopp gulped, hand intwining with yours atop his head. Sanji shuddered, thousands of thoughts running through his head.. but the sight of you with Usopp’s cum still running down your face and the way Usopps thighs were still shaking from his mind numbing orgasm.. how could he say no?
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bts5sosempire · 1 year
the tyrant (vi); side two
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sukuna ryomen x reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 3,443
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: old time period, mention of arranged marriage, polygamous marriages, slow-burn yandere, power imbalances, peer pressure, anxiety attack (beginning, it's mc), superstition involved, etc.
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: "you were the apple of Sukuna’s eyes, the one who brought him solace and everything. The only thing you were incapable of was giving him a child, an heir he wished to spoil like he did to you."
𝐚/𝐧: so I finally churn and did the other half, I didn't proof read this btw. For now letting y'all simmer in this one. Pls like, comment down below for tagging, and reblogged if you like! Thank you for your patience lovelies! 💖✨️
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Your heart was hammering that it resounded loudly in your ears, and you could feel your blood rushing through every part of your body and veins. You were scared. Sukuna quickly departed after the revelation and reveled in your horrid expression; he had made it clear what his intentions with you were; this time, it wasn't just a fleeting dream you could avoid. It's a reality now. You quickly dismiss everyone to go on break, much to their appreciation, and then throw yourself into an abandoned room where no soul is around.
Once inside the room, your legs give out just in time as you drop onto the floor while screwing your eyes shut tightly when your body goes through rapid temperature changes. Your anxiety keeps spiking up as you struggle to breathe correctly; one of your clammy hands grips the collar of your kimono in pain while the other is blindingly holding the door shut. To prevent anyone from coming in and seeing you like this.
You waited until your anxiety went down and your throat was not encasing itself like a boa. The inside of your mouth tasted dry like chalk, yet it was slimy. Even your body glides in light sweat when you can feel them forming on your forehead too. It feels pretty hot now despite the cold air inside the room. The fabulous cape on your shoulders reminds you of Sukuna's presence, and you tear it off and throw it as far as you can in a fit of weak anger. The sudden anxiety attack left you tired when you tried to move further inside the room but couldn't and just hopelessly lay still against the door.
Your stomach gnaws in discomfort, and the sourness pools inside. You tried to steer your mind away from Sukuna, and it's hard. The problem seems to arise after another when you think you have taken yourself out of it. Your mind reels that there's nowhere to hide anymore; this is too much for you to bear at the given moment.
Cursing at yourself, tears pools around your eyes, and your vision blurs for a second. Wiping them away before they can fall only enables the dam to be broken; once one falls, all starts to cascade down your face. The quiet sniffles and hiccuping down your voice echo around the vacant room quietly; you cry over many things, but the fear of losing your individuality and becoming Sukuna's scares you the most. You don't want to submit to someone like him.
Your bracelet was the only thing that gave you peace and comfort, knowing that you still had complete control over your anatomy. Your rights to your life, but he had to take that away from you, didn't he? Using your sleeves to wipe out the tears, you fiddle with the bangle and see it is polished when turning it around on your wrist. You unclasped the lock and saw the small door on the inside was sealed shut. If Sukuna thoroughly modifies your bangle, then the residue of basil should be gone too.
Without much thought, you gradually pick up your bearing and act normal again, like you didn't experience any turmoil. Once you go back out there, you have to face everything again. You're sure that mouths were already flapping around with rumors and stories of the stunt Sukuna had pulled prior. Looking at the forgotten cloak that pools on the floor, disgust fills your red-rimmed eyes. There was a heavy sigh from your lips; you pondered whether you should leave it there to be found by someone else or pick it up and hand it to someone to give it back.
If you were to wear it again, you would have to meet him and return it in person. You don't want to see him; the fear of him subsides only a little bit, and it is slowly replaced with bitterness. Graciously picking it up, you decided to find the nearest available servant. "You two there," You call out when opening the door. Your presence startled two maids that jumped up in fright, and they quickly bowed before sticking close together. "Take this to Lord Sukuna," handing the cloak over to them; they took it from your hands gently despite being hesitant to do so while trembling at the mention of his name since everyone was afraid of Sukuna.
When you're out of sight, two young maids do what they are told when walking out of the long corridor. One suddenly said, "Did you see Lady (Name) eyes? I think she was crying." It piqued her friend's interest, but they shook their head. "I didn't see it; I'm too nervous to look at her."
"I guess it was confirmed earlier when Lord Sukuna came by to visit Lady (Name); nobody was close enough to hear what they were saying, but as soon as his Lord left..." The first maid was continuing to whisper to her friend until a figured pop around the corner.
It was Uraume, and both shut up instantly and properly greeted Sukuna's retainer. Uraume barely acknowledges their existence and walks on to help you with decorations. It was until they spoke loudly for only those two to hear, "It would be in your best interest to be careful about what you utter around. Every day, heads roll around in the execution yard."
That was enough for them to walk away faster.
Sukuna stares at a 3d map in front of him; it shows the whole region of Japan, but he's more concerned about the mountains. Up in the hills were the Heiyan people, native to the harsh nature there. For as long as Sukuna knows, they have been a thorn in his side. They are nothing but vicious in his eyes, deluding themselves from the path of advancing modern technology. The Heiyan are known to be strict with their traditional values; they rarely derive from their beliefs, as they don't even mix their blood with other people, only their own.
Sukuna wanted rare ores from there, but they made it difficult for him to gather as they had pushed him away. He knows that marriage is always a topic when dealing with anything political. The chieftain of the Heiyan, Cheif Mozuru, was a stubborn man. The only way to access the land was to marry one of his four daughters, but Sukuna was also a mule, perverse in his thought that they weren't worthy of him.
The War Demon has taste, but he wouldn't lower himself to be with them as they expect him to change too. They also wish for him to convert to their beliefs, and much to Sukuna's dismay, he rejects the notion on the spot. Now they are at war with each other.
But there was exciting news that was brought to him the other day by a spy who he had happened to bribe. The spy was no further than an agent from a neighboring rival, Totsuwa Iriyu. The man was marrying the second eldest daughter to secure a treaty. News of Sukuna trying to get access to the land was probably the main reason why Totsuwa decided to strike. Totsuwa was often an overzealous man, having been trying to pine down Sukuna's title for the longest as he knew. And for another reason.
Sukuna was the reason why Totsuwa's father died in the first place—he framed the poor senile man for converting power secretly and trying to raise a coup d'etat against the former Emperor.
"You should be thankful that your father had passed away peacefully." Sukuna chuckled lowly into Totsuwa's ear with the intent of throwing salt to the wound. The blood of Totsuwa's father drips down the Sukuna's face onto Totsuwa's garb. The son could only watch with eyes wide with shock and terror as his father's corpse, hollow vacant eyes with their mouth wide loose, reflected in his eyes. The blood that seeps from the open slash across the torso dyed the tatami mat red.
Sukuna then patted the latter shoulder a few times and stood up from his one-kneeling position and out the door. The blade shines brightly from the moonlight despite it being coated in droplets of red.
With the death of Totsuwa's father, Sukuna was granted more of the Emperor's grace for taking such a jaded person out, making him unstoppable. If it was known, the Totsuwa household name fell from grace as they were no longer invited to be a part of the Emperor's insiders. Soon, more fell off their seat, and only a few remained behind. The Gojo, Geto, Zen'in, and a newly formed clan, the Fushiguro.
To add more history, Sukuna was the one who put Emperor Hoshu up on that seat by assassinating their younger half-brother, Hoshen, during a power struggle.
Sukuna then gazes to the side of the table where his cloak lays. Two hesitant maids returned it, saying you ordered them to return it to him. What Sukuna had done may have spooked you. Returning his items is like returning his undesirable affection, as always; this is nothing new to him. He already got a grasp on you; all he needs to do is tighten it and let you submit yourself into his palm and accept his pampering.
"Doctor," Sukuna spoke up suddenly, and the physician almost toppled their pills to the side with fright. "How long would it take Lady (Name) to conceive?"
"Depends; in the meantime, she shouldn't consume anything such as medicine and concoctions for at least a week. Feeding her anything may disrupt the blood flow and cause a clot in her system, as her body needs to be recovered naturally." They nervously explained to Sukuna, who was considering their words.
Sukuna: "If she can't consume anything now, is there a way to speed up the process?"
The doctor ponders momentarily, "There might be a way, but it's a slippery slope." They look around the room and then pause to stare at the door for long seconds, then cup their mouth to whisper at Sukuna. "There is this rumored famous witch doctor among the locals, especially for the ladies, that they can cure any afflictions."
"Surely you're not jesting me? I'm a man who believes in advanced warfare and science, not superstitions." Sukuna gives the man a dubious gaze that tests the physician, "What (Name) suffered from is internally inside her body, not spiritually."
The doctor rapidly waves their hands, "You're mistaken, My Lord! It's also not about spirituality; they can also cure the body and let it return to its natural state physically. What you say about Lady (Name) is accurate; if you wish to remove the coldness that makes her unviable, I suggest you visit them!"
Sukuna pinch the bridge of his nose; he regrets even asking and should wait for your time limit to be up. "You do understand that you sound like a cuckoo, right?"
"This is ridiculous," Sukuna muttered under his breath. His red steed snorts and clomps its hooves against the pebble ground to agree with their master. In front of him two days later, he decided to visit the shaman's house ground. He had left the estate in secret, not without informing Uraume to keep an eye on you, and traveled a few hours out of his domain by horse to throttle up a pathway to a steep mountain.
There were no signs of life when he arrived, so much for being a famous shaman. Climbing off his horse, he ties the reins against a tree stump. Sukuna went further inside the location, his piercing red eyes scraping any signs if anyone was residing in this place.
The only thing that was presentable in front of him was a red door, and inside were countless candles lit. Sukuna heads inside with slow, studious steps that not even a trained ear can hear him. Hand at the hilt of the sword that was strapped by his side.
The further he walks in, it reminds him of the time he was targeted or willfully let himself be away by an enemy into the danger zone. Sukuna could feel a presence coming close to him, and the hand that held the hilt tightened.
With a quick draw from the scabbard, a ting resounds in the air through the available space of the building. Sukuna turned around with precision and let a full swing as his blade rested neatly against the stranger's neck; just a few more centimeters and their head would be swiped clean off and hit the ground. "Who are you?" Sukuna demanded, his red orbs locking onto the person, not phased by his overbearing attitude.
"Is this how a guest greets the owner of this place?" The person scoffs. They raise a finger and push the sharp edge away from their neck. "Although you're not the first nor likely be the last to do so." The shaman had had multiple occurrences of almost getting their heads chopped off due to virtually having little to no presence. "I'm quite impressed that you could detect me, Lord Sukuna. " They ask, "What special occasion has brought you here to my humble adobe?" Their tone changes to sweet and sultry in an instant.
"I've heard you are a good witch doctor from an acquaintance of mine," Sukuna starts, and the shaman only hums before guiding Sukuna to follow and sit on a pillow across from them.
"Who exactly did you get it from?" Sukuna gives the doctor's name, and they roll their eyes sarcastically, "I see it's that moron." Getting comfortable with themselves, they propped an arm up the table and lay sideways with their hips and curve showing. They give off an androgynous physique. "If they led you this far to me, I guess I could help. What is the problem?"
"It's about my wife," Sukuna curtly replies.
"Ah, that fair maiden?" They gave a knowing look, and Sukuna knew the shaman thought of you. Sukuna didn't miss how the unhidden admiration of mirth in their eyes was so bright it could be a night sky. He is slightly agitated by that acknowledgment. "Lady (Name) is quite a character, I looked up their star chart, and it was filled with many things. She has quite a life, I should say."
"I came here for help, not to idle." Sukuna's voice got gruff, and the shaman cleared their throat and recomposed. "Recently, I have learned that she doesn't have fertility issues but was caused by something else, and before you run your mouth, it's not anything relating to your superstitions ideology. She causes it herself semi-permanently."
"And the cause is?" They inquire with a raised brow.
"Basil. Basil seeds, she doesn't consume them, but wears them." That's all that the shaman needs to know where it's heading. It's uncommon to stumble upon women making them sterile to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The shaman had come across a crisis like this a few years ago prior.
"You wanted me to remove the cold affliction in her body?" There was a slight smile from them, but it was daunting. "I could, but there is a heavy price to pay."
Sukuna: "How much do you need?"
Shaman: "It is not gold being used for this transaction; what do you think the womb that creates life is equivalent to?"
[At the same time.]
It was quiet at the manor, with a few more decorations; it should be complete. There was a proud breath of air exhaling from your chest; all you need is to finalize everything and report to your mother-in-law. The thought of Hanami made you feel disgruntled, "Everyone, please take a quick break before we continue." A murmur of thanks filled the air.
"Let's go, Yumi," taking a walk; you were chatting with her, making small jokes here and there. Occasionally Yumi reminds you that she represents a simpler time when you were still young and didn't have this much weight on your shoulders.
"Is Concubine Asuna this dense?" An exacerbated pitch voice raised in the courtyard. You can hear two quiet sniffles; it belongs to a woman and a child. Concubine Asuna held her weeping son in her arms as two higher-upper consorts bullied them.
"She's a person with no backbone, yet dares to be courageous," another concubine snide, "even the boy doesn't even look like Lord Sukuna. Do you think she slept around?"
"Probably," the same annoying voice quip back and laughs at the thought. "Plain and undeserving too. Hey, take off your outer layer, or these servants will."
"Under whose order?" You stepped in, and the two concubines, along with their subjects, froze when they saw you walking toward them with a cold, menacing gaze that could cut a person down.
"We were just teaching Concubine Asuna manners Lady (Name)," the concubine with the pitched voice sputters out; they kept their head low, and so did everyone else. No one dares to look at you in the eyes except for Asuna's child, that looks at you with comprehensive, wondering grey eyes. You represent Sukuna.
"And by sullying Lord Sukuna's name and one of his heirs?" You tilt your head to the side with a questioning gaze, and there is a click of your tongue when they start denying with nervous laughter. "I was standing not that far away from here and heard everything, so you say I am deaf?"
"That's not what we're implying, Lady (Name)!" The second concubine cries, lifting their head to meet you, with no other excuses; they spit out the first thing that comes to mind. "You're just bullying us since Lord Sukuna favors you!"
This made you laugh. "Oh? Interesting. Should I bring it to His Lord, then?"
The second concubine put a hand over her mouth and sped away; the first one could only watch with disbelief as she was abandoned by one of her supposed allies. She sneers at you with hatred and then follows suit. "Are you alright?" You ask. Asuna only nodded. You grab her by the arm and pull her up, "You should be careful."
You then eye the little boy who is no older than three. They looked at you, blinking a few times, and then continued. "Mommy, this is the princess on my book cover!" They point at you in happiness, and you look down at your garb.
"Danzo, that's not the princess," Asuna turned to you and mouthed a sheepish sorry.
"Yes, it is!" Danzo ripped their hand from their mother's hold and tried to wrap their chubby arms around your legs. They cheekily smile at you with their round, flush faces.
You were surprised that you didn't know how to react. Since you couldn't see the bewildered expression on your face, Asuna found you decent despite the stigma everyone labeled around you. You were hesitant as you are relatively flustered coming into contact with a child. Asuna noted that this was the first time one came to you willingly. You pat Danzo's head softly like you're handling a fragile glass. Even if it is maladroit, Danzo melts at the contact; their smile becomes buttery as little flowers float into the background. If they could sink into your clothes, they would.
"You can let go now," You bumble out, and they tighten their grip. Danzo rubbed their face into your legs as they let out a muffled 'no.' It was rare to see you be socially awkward, something so innocent as a child.
"Danzo, you need to listen, or you won't see Lady (Name) anymore." The boy gives their mother a stink eye before loosening their grip. Asuna pulled her son to her side.
With Danzo gone, you return to your normal state.
"My son and I should get going; sorry that you have to see such a sight," Asuna apologizes, and you brush it off with a hand, indicating it is alright.
"If they ever-" There was a ringing in your ears as your vision suddenly blurred in front of you in slow motion. Even sounds sounded such a damper. Your body was heating up, and you felt a searing pain shooting straight through your abdomen where your womb lays.
Staggering forward, everything went dark. The last thing you hear is Yumi crying out your name, and Asuna throws herself forward to catch you.
[The Shaman's place, current time.]
"Are you willing to trade one of your own for the health of her womb?" The shaman asks again. Preparation was already made, but they give another glance at Sukuna for confirmation.
Without hesitation, Sukuna answers.
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Taglist: @sukunasobject @lilliansstuff @lucyrocks86 @ladywolf44005 @watyousayin @sandronebabyy @pinkrose1422 @skepticalleo @please-help-therapy-needed @whatsonthemirror @krispsprite @loser-alert @saturnknows @samdric @littlemochi @akigoat @mxghostbee @rose4958 @shadowywizardarcade @huicitawrites @baji-keisukes-wife @choso-wifey @jovialeggsbailiffsoul @sanderaen @peonnnny @tiredlattes @waytomanyhusbands @whatamidoing89 @utena-akashiya @outrofenty @welcometodemonschoolfan @im-a-killer-queen @loverisa @bubera974 @sashaphantomhive @chaoticstrawberryland @onetwo123three @sxftiebee @bbrrose @gretel-gravain @slasherflickchick @floraroselaughter
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iridescentpull · 8 months
Ramón can feel his eyes get droopy.
He stifles a yawn, rubbing his tired eyes. He doesn’t want to go to sleep– he can’t remember the last time he had this much fun! The day can’t end yet, they still have to keep working on the pool of the egg mansion and clean the snowman in the favela more! But when Ramón goes to voice these problems, a yawn overtakes him.
Pai Pac laughs softly, running a hand through his curly brown hair. “I have to head back, I’m getting tired too.” He says, running a hand through his own black and blue hair. “Ramón, do you want to spend some time with Tío Mike or are you done?”
The dragonling wants to spend more time with Mike, he wants to see his chocolate factory! But he’s so tired, he feels like he’s gonna fall asleep at any moment. So with a bit of sadness, he shakes his head. ‘Im very tired, sorry Tío Mike.’ He signed.
After a bit of teasing from Mike, the pink-haired male hugs both of them before going off his way, probably to work on his chocolate factory. Pac turns to Ramón and smiles. “You heading off on your own, Ramón?”
Ramón paused, before shaking his head. ‘Can you take me home, Pai?’ He asks shyly, blushing when Pac’s dark, brown eyes brighten.
“Of course!” He exclaimed, pulling out his warpstone, Ramón quickly following suit. “Ramón’s house, right?” Pac asks, with Ramón nodding.
After the cloud of purple particles disappeared around them, the pair were standing in front of Ramón’s quaint, little home. The Brazilian started to walk towards the door when Ramón grabbed his sleeve of his blue hoodie, pointing to the elevator hidden between the bamboo. Pac hummed and let himself be dragged by the dragonling.
The pair arrived at the bottom of the elevator shaft and Ramón yawned once more, scratching his tired eyes. Pac smiled softly before grabbing Ramón and pulling him onto his arms, carrying him through the hall. Ramón’s eyes widened, staring at Pac with disbelief. He doesn't remember the last time someone carried him, it’s... very nice.
“Where to, nenê?” Pac asks, humming when Ramón points to the security door to their left. He taps the door and gasps when it opens, glancing at Ramón who gives him a tired smile.
‘I added you to the allowlist.’ He signs, and Pac’s heart melts.
He still can’t believe this beautiful baby trusts him so much that he’d write his name on the allowlist. Pac would rather die than break that trust, he wouldn’t dare. “Thank you Ramón.” He says earnestly hugging the small body close. “I’m so honored.” He says, smile widening when he feels a pair of small arms hug back and a tail wrap around his waist.
Pac places Ramón on the bed gently, helping him remove the meathead and goggles from his head and placing them on top of the crafting table nearby. He helps the child get into comfier clothes and tucks him into the red bed.
Ramón gives him a tired grin. ‘Boa noite, Pai!’
“Boa noite, nenêm.” He says, smiling when the dragonling hums. “Do you want me to sing you a Brazilian lullaby?”
The child nods excitedly and Pac sits on the bed, Ramón shuffling so he could lay his head on the older's lap. The Brazilian smiled, helping him get into a comfortable position and being mindful of his prosthetic leg. Once they’re in a perfect position, Pac starts running his hand through Ramón’s soft, brown locks. He grins when he hears a quiet purr coming from the dragonlings chest. He closes his eyes and starts singing.
Dorme neném
Que a cuca vem pegar
Papai foi no roça
Mamãe no cafezal
Bicho papaõ
Sai de cima do telhado
Deixa o meu bebê dormir sossegado
Pac opens his eyes and smiles warmly when he notices the young dragonling sound asleep, still purring. He carefully moves them so Ramón is now lying on the bed comfortably, wrapped in the red blanket. The Brazilian stands up, giving one last look at Ramón, before he gives in and kisses Ramón’s forehead.
He goes to move when he feels a small hand grab his wrist. Pac turns to see Ramón's eyes opened slightly. ‘Pai?’ He signs, causing Pac to internally freak out.
Did he cross a line? He knows Fit isn’t the most touchy person, so is Ramón the same? But the dragonling always asks for hugs– unless that’s the only physical contact Ramón allows. Fuck, he needs to apologize–
‘Obrigado.’ Ramón signs, and Pac stops. At the look Pac gives him, Ramón looks down, embarrassed. ‘For the lullaby... and for the kiss.’
And God, Pac wants to wrap this baby in his arms and protect him from every type of harm that’s trying to come for them.
“No problem, Ramón! Anytime.” Pac says, hugging the dragonling before pulling away. “Boa noite, neném.” He says, smiling when Ramón nods and closes his eyes, his small chest going up and down slowly.
Pac leaves the room, and all he can think about is how much he loves this baby so much.
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[After Najma breaks them up]
Jayden: That's it! I've HAD IT! (Points at Jamil) From the moment you found out we were twins, you have been a bother. At first, it was tolerable, but the moment I freed the Viper Family; you've been more suffocating than a Boa Constrictor! You follow me around! You constantly pull me away from my friends and Dorm just to keep me locked in Scarabia when I am not even a student of that dorm! I tried so hard to understand you, thinking you wouldn't go too far and you'll ease up, but you keep proving me WRONG! Now, you ruined my date and embarassed me in front of all those people by pulling me out by my arm like I'm a child! Let me tell you something, Jamil: I took care of myself long before I met you!
Mr. Viper; Jayden, you shouldn't speak to your brother like that!
Jayden: The same with boht of you! (Points at the Viper Parents) You're just as bad as Jamil! The only one who treats me like a person here is Najma and she's the YOUNGEST ONE here! (Exhales) I'm done. I need a break. I need to breathe! I need my own space. I'm going to stay in the Servant House (The Smaller House on the Property). I can't stand this aymore.
[Without another word: Jayden ges to back his bags and moves into the Servant House.]
Najma, slow clapping: Way. To. Go. Jamil. Best brother in the world award goes to you.
Jamil: Najma! Don't start! He needs to be kept-
Najma: Are you so far up your ass that you can realize what just happened? You drove him away, it wasn't a spell that did it this time, it was you, Jamil!
Jamil: ...
Najma: ..I don't want him gone again... We wouldn't be able to handle it this time around.
Jamil: ...Was I too... I was too overbearing...
Yes, yes you were Jamil.
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shinyrhinestones · 1 year
A feminine side
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Summary: Penelope, Derek and Spencer choose to dress up.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!reader.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff.
Category: Oneshot.
"Come on, Spencer. You're gonna look absolutely wonderful" Penelope squeaked as she was digging through piles of clothing she had already went through, but now was scattered on the floor to have a better perspective of all the clothing. "Okay, how about this one?" Penelope held up a beautiful dress as Derek sat on the floor going through the clothing trying to see what would look good on the shy boy they had decided to hold hostage. He was already holding a bunch of blouses, skirts and whatever Penelope had thrown at him. "Can we stop going through Y/Ns things?" Spencer complained, and threw the clothing into the wide open closet. Penelope had whined and begged for the boys to do a little fashion show for her. Not only could it be fun and hilarious to see these men in womens attire, but since they didn't have much to do in the place there were in temporarily, they had to be inventive. They were in a Beach House not far from the ocean, but they had already been out and had know locked themselves inside of their friends bedroom.
Penelope, Derek, Spencer, Y/N, Elle and JJ were the ones who had agreed to the trip. Now, they were in Y/Ns room, while Y/N was out grocery shopping with JJ. Elle was somewhere in the house, but the boys and the girl didn't really pay attention to that in the moment. It wasn't long after they left, that Penelope came up with the idea, and dragged the boys with her. The sun was shining through the window, as it was slowly going down. The window was open, so any noises were more evident than before. Like seagulls, birds and the waves from the ocean. It was quite hot that day, but the temperature had died down as it was now evening."Spencer, Derek is gonna dress up too. Come on, it's fun" Penelope almost whined, as she threw a dress at Spencer. Spencer flinched and grabbed it as it hit his face. He sighed, and looked over at the other man in the bedroom. Derek chuckled, as he himself grabbed a dress. Penelope turned around and closed her eyes "I won't look, I promise" Penelope stated, but of course Derek came with a flirty remark. "I won't mind, babygirl" Spencer rolled his eyes, while Penelope giggled. The boys undressed, to put on the feminine clothing. As they were finally dressed, Penelope turned around and instantly smiled widely at what she had made the boys do.
Penelope went over to the CD player that came with the house, as she put on a CD. Penelope had dressed herself in some clothing you could see a superstar wearing on stage. But the most significant was the black boa-like thing she had draped around her shoulders and the purple sunglasses that were big, looking like they came from the 70s. But just because it looked like something from the 70s, doesn't mean it was ugly. Penelope looked good in her outfit even if it was silly. The boys were dressed like they came out of Bratz, with their boots, skirts and graphic t-shirts. What Penelope had done to adjust their outfit, was tightening the t-shirts and adding sunglasses aswell. Yes, they looked ridiculous. But with the confidence Penelope and Derek held, it came off as cool. However, Spencer was pulling down the skirt he was wearing, holding his hands close to his body. His hands roamed over his outfit, feeling the material and the rhinestones attached to the t-shirt. He took off the sunglasses and looked at the other two. They were putting on their own little show for no one, as the beat of music could be felt through the hardwood floor. Penelope sung along, while Derek was cheering her on. Penelope grabbed onto Spencer and made him join in.
The music, singing and laughing had been to loud for them to hear the front door open and close. It wasn't until the doorknob to the bedroom turned, as Y/N tried to get in. Her eyebrows furrowed, and grabbed onto the door with her other hand to maybe push it open. Her other hand tried opening it again, but it was locked. It simply wouldn't open. She banged on the door, and tried over and over again to open it. Penelope, Derek and Spencer all stood in shock. For a moment Spencer got scared, but then his whole mood changed. he sat down on the bed, so he could take the high boots off with out falling. He threw the sunglasses on the double bed, and immediately grabbed his own clothing. His breathing was unsteady, and his palms grew sweaty. Penelope giggled, and went over to the white door. "Don't panic!" She whisper yelled, after she had stopped the music. She unlocked the door, and right away the door flung open, as the very confused woman stood in the doorway to her temporary room. Her eyes widened at the sight infront of her, her arms falling to her sides. "Wh..What?" She let out a breathy chuckle at the crazy sight infront of her. Two men dressed up in womens clothing, and a woman aswell. But in her clothing. In her very own stuff. "Why are you dressed like this?" She questioned, gesturing to all of them. Spencer sighed, and refused to look at the shocked woman in the doorway. But when she started laughing, Spencer looked up. Her laugh was like a melody playing through out the room. His breathing became steady again, as his heart was beating faster. He tried to hide his smile, turning it into a smirk. "How rude of you. You didn't even think of involving me" She rolled her eyes, as her body pressed up against the side of the doorway. Suddenly two more women stood in the doorway, laughing at all three of them. Elle walked over to Spencer, and walked around him to analyse his outfit. Spencers cheeks and neck grew a faint red. "Wow, Spencer, you look good" She laughed along. Spencer left the room, hiding himself from all of you in his own. He wasn't upset, but he was a little embarrased about his crush seeing him in her clothes, women clothes.
Derek and Penelope got dressed in their clothing aswell, and left it there. A sweet light hearted memory was it all it was now. But Spencer was still embarrased. Y/N reassured him it wasn't anything to be so embarrased about, she thought it was sweet, funny and cute.
"Why does it bother you?" She asked calmly, standing in the middle of Spencers room. "Because you saw me in girls clothes, and it was yours!" The tall dark haired man complained. "Mhm.." She stared at him with no particular expression, with crossed arms. "So would it be embarrassing for me, if I wore some of your clothing?" She suggested. Spencer scoffed and rolled his eyes. "That's not the same." He answered without daring to even look at her. "Why?" His voice got lower as he tried to explain. But Y/N couldn't hear him at all, so she turned around and opened the closet doors wide open. She started grabbing one of his cardigans and put it on. "Does it fit me?" She posed for him, before looking behind her again to dive deeper into the closet. He stood up, and softly and carefully held onto her shoulder. She looked back at him, staring into his eyes that were now so close. She could see every emotion go through those eyes, as he let go of her again. "You're silly" He chuckled feeling a warm rush of adrenaline run through him, at the sight of his crush in his cardigan. "Mhmm...not as silly as you earlier" She giggled, and took off the cardigan leaving the starstruck boy in his room. He held onto the cardigan, making the garment have a whole new meaning to it. He smiled, and shoved the cardigan back in it's place.
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Made To Be Yours (Part 2)
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Pairing: Dabi x reader
Summary: a sequel to this fic requested by @hunny-hotline and @sanaatay Sorry this took a million years to get done, but I hope you like it!
Warnings: smut, language, degradation, slight praise, the title is still a warning
Word Count: 2k
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Even through your best attempts, the door creaked open with a long drawl, alerting the individuals on the other side of your presence. An exasperated sigh fell as you slid through it, any hopes of sneaking in unnoticed squandered.
Throughout your walk back to the League's hideout, you had debated many things, one of which had been whether or not to run away completely.
However, you had ultimately come to the unfortunate decision of returning, along with the even more unfortunate one of following the request of the person bringing you such debate in the first place.
'Make sure to bring the outfit.'
You had spent the remainder of your shift serving panda shaped rice and trying your damnedest to push away the memories of Dabi from moments prior. Afterwards, you made a quick, impulsive choice before trudging back to the hideout.
As usual, the bar was meagerly lit, a dim reflection of its inhibitors. The remnant of a fire was crackling in the corner, glowing embers a whisper of what might have once been a roaring flame.
Golden eyes flashed as you turned away from the now-locked door, a pairing of arms slamming around your waist with strength that rivaled a boa constrictor. "You've been gone for, like, three days."
"Ten hours, but close enough."
Toga was, without a doubt, an interesting individual.
According to her, you were the only other female to have joined the League, in exception to a woman named Magne who had unfortunately passed a few months prior to your arrival. Apparently, this minor fact granted you an immediate friendship with the teen, even through your initial attempts to keep your distance.
"And I had to spend all afternoon with these boring people." She gestured to the room, unbothered by the fact that the insult had been directed to a group of dangerous killers, before allowing her gaze to fall on the bag in your hand. "What's that?"
She reached for it, giving a huff when you swung the satchel out of her reach. "Paperwork. Lots of paperwork."
"Can I see-"
"Sorry, but I'm ninety-percent sure sharing company information with you guys is against the law." You gave Toga an apologetic smile.
Shigaraki was slumped over the counter, nursing some cocktail Kurogiri must have crafted. "Since when have you cared about what's legal or not?"
"Since I get paid over minimum wage," you replied, moving around the girl and towards the stairs.
"So, how was work?"
Your movements came to an abrupt halt at the voice behind you. With a slow turn, you quickly averted your eyes from the man standing behind the bar. "Uneventful."
Dabi cocked an eyebrow. "Is that right?"
"Yeah," You nodded, trying to push away the image of him close to fucking you against an alleyway wall hours ago. "Pretty boring, actually."
You did not just say that.
With a soft hum, he leaned forward on the counter, forearms exposed against the marble. It took a palpable amount of self-discipline not to focus on the veins stemming from the darkened skin past his wrists.
"Night, then."
And with that, you dashed away, sprinting up the stairs and down the hall into your room. The door was quickly closed and you threw your bag to the floor.
Part of the zipper had come undone, revealing the dark fabric of your waitress uniform. It sat, almost mocking you with its inanimate presence, a representation of your diminished pride and bad decisions.
You were a villain. You were dangerous, you were powerful, and you most definitely were not supposed to be so compliant just because you thought someone was attractive.
In hindsight, you probably shouldn't have been such a brat to Dabi, but a big part of you was a bit piqued at the power he held over you. Actually, he had for a few weeks, but you had been persistent in making sure he didn't know about it.
But one unfortunate coincidence made sure he did now, and you were fucked.
And the worst thing was probably that you were voluntarily walking into said fucking on your own free will.
With narrowed eyes you glared down at the bag, trying to ignore the desire gnawing at your common sense like an attention starved animal. It pounded against the glass of rational thought, effectively capturing your attention away from each sensible reason to forget anything happened today.
But even as the pieces of logic began to tower higher, they couldn't seem to overpower those ever-influential physical desires.
You nudged the zipper further open with your toe, swiping the garment inside like it was some illegal item you were bound to become caught with. Then you slipped it over your head, smoothing the ruffled skirt over your thighs.
The mirror captured your appearance around the large crack running down the lower end. It created a fractured image as your reflection gazed back, but a pretty one nonetheless.
Despite your self-assured persona, one that was necessary for surviving the world of villainy you had been sucked into, confidence definitely hadn't come easily to you. Still, it was somewhat enjoyable to entertain the compliments you received in the regular during work hours.
A low whistle sounded through the room and you jumped, pivoting to face your intruder. Dabi leaned in the doorway, arms crossed as cerulean irises unabashedly scanned over your figure.
A frown crossed your features. "Do you know how to knock?"
"If it benefits me, sure," he shrugged, pushing off the wall and ramming the door shut with his ankle. "But I kinda like it when you're so jumpy."
An unconscious attempt to avoid the fervor of his gaze, you turned to look at the mirror again, stiffening slightly as his arms snaked over your shoulder blades. "Are you scared of me or something?"
You scoffed, eyes rolling back in annoyance. "You wish."
"Then let me look at you." He caught your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, tilting your line of sight to the left so it was forced to meet his. The corners of his lips twisted upward into a smirk. "You're adorable."
"And you're an asshole," you retorted, nodding out of his hold.
"Well, you're the one asking to be fucked by an asshole, so I guess that makes you a whore too." His grasp moved toward the top of your dress, pinky snagging the fabric to pull it open. Brazenly, he peered over at your chest.
Heat bloomed into your cheeks as you smacked his wrist away. "Perv."
"How rude," he sighed in faux-disappointment, amusement at your embarrassment underlining his tone. "And here I was, coming up with all these ways to make you feel nice."
"It's only been a few hours since I saw you. Is sex really all you think about?"
"You're assuming I started wanting to fuck you today." His mouth trailed over your neck, quickly finding a spot that had you straightening against him.
His hands slipped under your corset to massage your breasts, warmth sparking below your abdomen. Your teeth sunk into your lower lip when he pinched at your nipples.
"Come on, doll. I just want to hear those pretty noises again." He bit into your shoulder, pulling a gasp from between your lips. "There it is."
One final kiss and he withdrew, arm wrapping around yours as he drew you towards the bed.
With surprising tenderness, he pushed your body into the sheets, hands trailing beneath your skirt. His lips followed, sucking the skin of your inner thighs until you were unconsciously rolling your hips into him.
"Aww, does somebody want to be touched?" Dabi veered back, moving to cup your face. Cerulean irises burned into yours, forcing you to shift underneath their intensity. "Beg for it then."
The memory of earlier flashed in the forefront of your mind, soft embarrassment washing over with it.
"Didn't I do that already?" You rolled your eyes, missing the way his own darkened significantly at the act of defiance.
"And you'll do it again as many times as I tell you to. I'm pretty sure I established that I was the one giving orders here, sweetheart." He titled his head, features glossing over in feigned-sympathy. "But you were such a fucking mess earlier. Have I fucked you stupid already?"
His expression turned wicked, hand slipping beneath your underwear. Cruelly soft, his thumb brushed over your clit.
"I bet I could tie you up here for hours, edge you until the only thing your mind can comprehend is whether or not I'll let you come. And, the thing is, you wouldn't say shit because you're so desperate for my cock." Dabi leaned forward, breath warm and nose nudging the tip of your ear. "Now, beg."
You turned away, nails biting into your palms, perturbed at the truthfulness of his words. Even more so at the way your body was continually betraying that honesty.
With an exhale, you lowered your gaze, almost as if looking away would lessen the difficulty of the statement. "Please."
Grinning, he slipped a finger into you. "Keep going, doll. Try and make me forget what a brat you were earlier."
"I'm sorry," you groaned, cringing at how pathetic the statement sounded. "I'll say it a million times, just please touch me."
Still, it seemed to be enough for him, satisfaction flashing over his features as he pressed his mouth against yours.
"Good girl."
He watched in delight at the way you responded to his touch, the way your shoulders arched into the mattress with each thrust of his hand.
"Does it really turn you on that much when I order you around? What a slut," he laughed, wrapping his free arm around your waist to steady it. "Or do you just like dressing like one?"
"That's not-"
You were quickly cut off when he inserted another finger, curling them against your core until the only sound your words fizzled into a low groan. "Sorry, doll, but I didn't catch that. Mind repeating it for me?"
Any protest against his arrogance had dissolved, replaced by the pleasure coursing through your limbs. Although you barely discerned it, your heart jumped in excitement as he began to undo his belt with his free hand.
Still, you couldn't help the whine that came as Dabi withdrew his fingers from you, prompting a short chuckle from his direction. He aligned himself with you, tip brushing over your clit for a moment before it was replaced by his thumb once more.
It was almost torturous how slowly he pushed into you. Taking a moment, he gave you time to adjust, an act that was just as wordlessly sweet as it was agonizing to you.
He began to steadily roll his hips against yours, pace quickening slightly with the lewd sounds falling from your lips.
"Still think you can follow orders, sweetheart?"
You nodded fervently, an unspoken reply that you could barely understand in the first place.
"Then come for me."
And you did, ecstasy washing over you until mindless bliss was left alone in its wake. You unconsciously clenched around him, bringing his own release.
Even in the midst of it, his stroke over your clit continued as he eased you off your high, muttering soft praises into your ear. They carried on even as he pulled away, arms lacing under your legs and torso.
"Alright, sweetheart, come on." Dabi placed a kiss on your forehead, gently lifting you from the covers.
Brain still foggy, you buried your face into your chest, eyelids dropping in tranquil fatigue. "Where are we going?"
"Bathroom." He kicked the door open, making sure to carefully usher your form through it and into the shower. "We're getting you cleaned up and then into bed, how does that sound?"
Instead of a response, you just nodded, chest fluttering at the admiring hum he provided.
"Good." He gave your thighs a soft squeeze. "It's whatever you want, doll."
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androgynousblackbox · 3 months
How I Met Your Father. Epilogue [Appleradio, Radioapple]
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Lucifer finished applying make up exactly how he liked it and came out the bathroom, giggling. Alastor was already bathed, dressed and ready to come out at any moment, waiting for him as he read a book on his favorite seat near the chimney. Upon the twitching of his ears, he lifted his gaze and watched as Lucifer showed off the new dress he had conjured around himself.
A slutty tight blue one that looked almost black, with a wide boob windows to show off his cleavage at all times. To finalize the outfit, a purple boa over his shoulder. His pink hair was arranged on a tall ponytail that brushed against his small bat wings. He smiled with his newly finished black shiny lips.
"What do you think?" asked, making his voice come out high pitch one, almost like a chipmunk. "I saw it the other day online and thought, hey, Honey could wear that! It's exactly her style!"
"I can't deny that" Alastor send one of his tentacles to put the book back to it's place on the library and walked to Lucifer, taking one of his hands as he made him twirl, seeing every portion of his new chubby hot pink body. "Isn't a little too on the nose, my love?"
"That is the idea!" Lucifer locked his fingers with the hand of his husband, tiltind his head. "You said you felt like having her today."
"I did say that" said Alastor, holding up his hand and inclining a bit to kiss the backside. His thumb ran over the tiny delicate hand. Lucifer noticed the finger running over the absent wedding ring and almost bite his lip not to say anything about it. If he did, it could potentially ruin the entire night and that was the last he wanted. "I was just thinking of all the men I will have to punish for thinking you would look better without it."
"Oh?" Lucifer arched an eyebrow, taking his hand back to cup the cheek of Alastor. His tail swished behind him. "Would you be one of those men to think that way, babe?"
"Well, no" Alastor said simply, both his hand rubbing his sides. His forearm merely brushed against the considerable breast of Honey and Lucifer had a slight shiver down his spine. Oh, it had been too long since he took this form out to play, way too long. "If I want to see such a vision, I only have to ask nicely and hope my Honey feels generous that night. I don't have to waste my time in fantasies when I already have the real thing. Clothes or no clothes, it's always a pleasure to see her."
"That is right" Lucifer nodded, locking his arms around the neck of the radio demon. "And Honey doesn't want anyone else to see her like that anyway. She dress like it, but in reality she only wants to catch the eye of one single demon. A big tall handsome one obssesed with the color red."
Alastor, dressed up on a new red shirt over a different shade of red pants, chuckled at that.
"What if she already has his eyes, dear?" asked, his hand falling easily into the chubby waist of his other form. Everything about Honey was soft and cushy, inviting, like the best pillow anyone could ever dream to sleep on. "What would Honey do then?"
"Mmm. I guess she will have to test it out then" Lucifer kissed the corner of his smile and slipped his tongue over the lip until finding the center of his mouth and gave him a chaste kiss. "Make sure that it stays that way. Keep it interesting so he doesn't get bored."
"You offend me, my love" purred Alastor, kissing his forehead and brushing his bangs back. Lucifer had the sudden urge to take those fingers into his mouth and suck them up, just to see the look of surprise on Alastor. "I would never get bored of this."
Lucifer made a little whiny noise. Why did he have to look so good on a ponytail? So composed, so well put together? It made him want to make a mess out of him, but it was too early on the night for that.
"Okay, enough playing around" decided, breaking character and slipping into his real voice. He took one of the hands of Alastor and hold it on his, closing his eyes a moment to get into it. Plastering a happy smile, he spoke again. "Alastor, you look positively gorgeous tonight. Where do you plan to take to take me, sweetheart?"
Alastor took the cue, straighten up his jacket and offering his arm for Honey to cling to, which of course she did with a little giggle. The small gestures of old fashioned gentleman manners from Alastor got Honey in the moon, they were her favorite thing about dating the dangerous radio demon. One of the many that Lucifer had included on her profile.
"I was thinking on that place called Pitball near the center of the city. Do you remember it, doll?"
"The one that is really, really tall?" asked Honey, his eyes twinkling. It was always fun to see Alastor throwing guys out of the balcony, mostly because Alastor could see the fall and laugh when they inevitable splashed against the concrete.
"That one exactly" Alastor flashed a big smile as one of his tentacles open up the door.
On the two months since Alastor had returned to hell, his room had adquired a lot more color since then. Not only the chimney with a perpetual green fire, but the bayou where they usually took breakfast and many of their family pictures decorated the walls along with his own sketches for future duckies or toys to make. Finally the place wasn't looking so deserted and abandoned, even if, ironically enough, they were spending a lot less time on it. Who knew that actually helping out with an hotel could take work sometimes?
"Oh, I like the drinks there!" commented Honey, grinning with a double meaning. The bar being close to the center of the City meant that it gathered a lot of wealthy clients. People were used to get their way one way or another, no matter how much someone said no. A perfect recipe for a good time if one counted with the right companion. "And the music is usually nice to dance too!"
"Indeed, I thought so too" Alastor kept the door of the elevator open for him and close it once they were inside.
Honey clinged to his arm, making a not so subtle motion of rubbing his tits against the arm.
"Love" warned Alastor, but there was a note of humor in his voice. "Don't get greedy."
"It's your fault, you know" pouted Honey, puckering out his full lips. "You have been dating too much with that blue handsome demon and leaving me to wait your call. I missed you too, sweetie. I missed your touch."
Alastor arched an eyebrow. Lucifer was really hoping he wouldn't go for the easy "are you jelous about yourself" reply. That would ruin the immersion and although it wouldn't break it, it was always more fun when both players knew their rules without being told to.
"We only went on a pair of dates" pointed out Alastor. His claws brushed against the curvature of his chest, ever so slightly gracing the nipple underneath because Honey didn't even thought of wearing bra. Lucifer had actually tried to buy ones and none of them fit him or were comfortable enough to bother. "Hardly I would qualify that as too much, dear."
No, it wasn't. Usually he wouldn't ever bring up the dates with his other forms on any of their nights together, but the last two had been more annoying that he had ever cared to admit. Not the dates themselves, but how Alastor had taken to keep making him believe that was the night of his proposal. On the first one since he came back, Alastor had gone to his knees on their private corner and Alejando was ready to say yes on the spot. Only to turn out that he was picking up his monocle from the floor. Alastor had noticed everything and asked teasingly if he was expecting for something else. The second date, suddenly turn out that Alastor had some dirt on his shoe that he absolutely had to take care of by kneeling and then stand up as if nothing happened.
It wasn't limited to those dates either, that would have been too merciful. Time and time again, whenever Lucifer thought he would make the question, Alastor kept turning it around so it was nothing and every time Lucifer had to pretend he didn't care. Bury the dissapointment and the yes he wanted to scream from deep within his chest.
A part of him almost admired the hilarity of the situation. They have been married already, so one would think that the possibility of marrying again would be nothing but a mere formality, something esy to take care of and move on. And yet, he kept waiting for Alastor to take that step as if something terribly important depended on it. What exactly, he had no clue.
It was a stupid idea, but a idea that kept coming back to him and no doubt Alastor was perfectly aware of to keep using against him. The worst part was that, intentionally or not, the continuos prank was making him wait for the next day with a new excitement he didn't had in what seemed a long time. Maybe that day would be the one. The one where Alastor would have his whole speech prepared, present him with a temporary ring and put it on his finger with a promise that added to the many others they kept. If it wasn't, then there was always another tomorrow to look forward to. It was easier to get out of bed if he thought that Alastor wouldn't propose him if he stayed there.
That night, though, he didn't want to think of that. Alastor had wanted to take out Honey and Honey would be with him. Honey was a single mom of a beautiful baby girl she loved to gush to whoever would hear her, but marriage wasn't even a thought on her mind. To her just being around someone she liked was more than enough, without any other expectation but having a good time together. She had been hurt before so she knew what a bad partner was, making her ever the more grateful when she found one that treated her as she deserved.
"I still waited" said, squeezing the arm between his tits. Playing up the clingy side a little, but not too much, always played straight into Alastor's need to be the center of the universe. A small treat he didn't mind giving him. "I wanted to go out too, you meanie. I have been so lonely without your smile around."
"You did? Poor thing" Alastor chuckled and kissed his cheek, patting the hand gripping him. "Well, tonight is all yours, darling, and I don't plan to make you even think about nothing else but us."
Honey giggled and kept close, breathing the cologne Alastor was wearing for tonight. A delicate one that reminded him to a fire in a forest that rain couldn't keep quiet. Honey was just enjoying the attention however she could get it. Honey was a nice simple succubus with nice simple desires. A joy to be around with and be. He would get into his role and just let the night happen however it had to happen. If it happened, great, but if not, then that was okay too. That sounded like a feasible thing to do.
When the doors of the elevator opened up and they walked to the lobby, locking hand, Charlie had just entered with a tray full of snacks. She offered it first to Vaggie, who was making sure everyone had their own cup to drink, and then to Emily sat at the couch, scrolling away on her new obtained phone.
Lucifer had been frankly impressed with how well she was adapting to her life in hell. She still got shocked and disgusted by something or someone whenever she came out of the hotel, but everyday was a little bit less. The expected attacks of homesickness for heaven were becoming all the more rare.
Ever since finding out there was a library financed by the Goetia, she returned from there with a new book to devour and learn more about her new home almost everyday. Lucifer was almost sure that at that point she probably knew as much as he did, if not more, about the realm.
Learning something new seemed to be her cup of tea, so of course he encouraged it even more by giving her all the books she could want. More so after showing her the official adoption papers that would make her a recognizable Morningstar for the rest of hell. They were mostly a safety precaution so other demons wouldn't even dare to mess with her for fear of having the royal family against them. The sins had welcomed her to the family with the same warmth as they would have for any other hellborn, not minding at all where she came from.
Despite Emily being much older, Charlie took on her role as a big sister seriously by helping her out as much she could and Vaggie didn't took long either to accept her as a friend she could talk to on the regular. It wasn't all that easy all the time and Lucifer would have never expected that. But for whatever memory of Heavne that sometimes plagued her or any residual feeling of guilt or shame, there was more often than not someone willing to take her mind out of thing and get her back on her cheery disposition.
That night the bonding activity for the residents that Charlie had cooked up was a sleepover, which explained why everyone was on their pajamas and there was so many pillows and blankets around the couch area. A pile of boardgames was nearby waiting to be used as Husk prepared the white screen for them to project a movie.
"Hot, hot, hot!" announced Sir Pentious, bringing another tray with small bites of pizza to grab.
He reserved a especially cheesy one, slapping away the hand of anyone who tried to take it, to offer it to Cherri working on the projector.
Charlie put the tray on a small table and lifted her head, just in time to seeing her parents descend from it. Way too many times she had seen Honey already to be in any shock from that. To her not even the revealing clothing was an issue anymore because it was all part of the same disguise.
It wasn't the same for the other residents who haven't seen him like that before. Sir Pentious instantly averted his eyes as his boob window was going to shoot lasers anytime. Angel whistled appreciatevely.
"Oh, papa, are you going out already?" asked Charlie, after glaring at him. "The driver was waiting outside."
"Yep!" said Lucifer, regaining his natural voice for his daughter. It was just second nature to do it. "I will still have my phone on me, duckling, so if you need anything…"
"I will call you" finalized Charlie and gave him a squeeze when Lucifer reached to hug her. "Have fun, okay? But not too much fun."
They never shared the details of their dates. Charlie never asked either, and yet, she still was compelled to give them the same request. Whatever she didn't know couldn't hurt her, had decided Lucifer time ago.
Emily gasped and went out to see them go. Her own pajama was the duckie filled one that Lucifer had bough for her and he couldn't help to beam with pride at how unquestionable adorable she looked on it. Alastor had gotten her a deer themed one too, but that one was a little too warm for that night.
"You both look amazing" she commented, smiling up to Alastor. At the small nod of Alastor's head, granting her permission, Emily hugged him. They both had gotten better at the physical contact, receiving it or giving it, even if Emily still couldn't quite address them as parents yet. She never had parents before so it was hard get used to the mere concept. "In case I don't see you later. I have never been to a sleepover before, I am so excited!"
"The idea is that you stay up all night, sweetie" commented Lucifer, extending his arms with a pout that only Emily's hug could cure. He squeezed her some more until she started laughing softly and only then let go, addressing everyone else. "Everyone be nice to my little girls and don't do any pranks tonight, alright? I am looking at you, Angel!"
"Me? I wasn't planning to do anything" Angel smirked, popping up another snack into his mouth, sitting with Fat Nuggets on his lap. "But if I did, that would only be because that is what you are supposed to do in sleepovers. And Emily here surely would want the full experience, don't you, Sunshine?"
"Well, if it's part of the tradition on these events…" said Emily with a shrug and half smile, but Lucifer wasn't going to have it.
"No, nope. Everyone play nice!" insisted, putting his hand on his new hips. "Vaggie, you are in charge of keeping everything in order here."
"Sí, señor" accepted Vaggie, saluting.
The serious tone of her voice was quickly diminished by her amused smile. They had progressed from her calling him sir to señor now. Lucifer had no idea if that was truly progress or her just finding another title to avoid using his name, but dedicated her a small pout all the same. Someday she would get her.
"We are not teenagers, papa" said Charlie with a slight blush. "It will be fine."
"You could be a thousand years old and you are still going to be my duckling" declared Lucifer like it was the only truth worth knowing in the universe. He flapped his bat wings to kiss her cheek. "You too have a good time, sweetie."
Charlie nodded and giggled when Alastor gave her a kiss on her other cheek, giving her arm a squeeze before he followed Lucifer. Their driver was waiting for them in a white limo, which was their usual one but turned white to appear different, parked in front of the hotel. After presenting himself and indicating their destination, Alastor went on to hold the door open for Honey to slide in, only to traslate to Alastor's lap when the demon sat himself.
"Comfortable, dear?" asked Alastor as soon they started moving.
"Not yet" said Lucifer, turning around to straddle Alastor and then plop against him, nuzzling his face against the chest fluff through the fabric. Only then he exhaled heavily, relaxing. "Now we are talking."
Alastor wrapped his arms lazily around him. Lucifer's tail swinged content when he could feel the sharp claws of his husband move slowly on the space between his wings, that twitched ever so slightly. The backless area of his dress finished right at the point his tail started, giving Alastor plenty liberty to touch his skin up and down with no rush at all, enjoying of the tiny responses that could get out of him.
Lucifer kissed his clavicle, exposed barely by one button left open, but didn't went any further. Alastor let his chin rest on top of his head, between the small black horns of Honey, without looking more either. They had all night to do everything they wanted. The whole eternity actually. There was time to just enjoy the warm of his body against his, even though the fabric, the smell of his skin and the gentle, soft grumbling of white noise coming out of his center. All so distinctively, irrevocably Alastor with all the safety and comfort that it entailed, that he almost regretted when the limo stopped.
"Are you sure we can't just stay here?" asked, curling his tail around Alastor's wrist, knowing full well that wasn't the plan.
Alastor smirked, taking the extreme of the thin tail to brush his lips against the heart at the center.
"Nope" said simply, patting his back.
Lucifer sighed and cleared his throat, getting his Honey voice back. He kissed Alastor briefly and exhibited his pointy fangs in a wide smile.
"Showtime, sweetie!" He winked an eye as one black tentacle open up the door and Alastor came out first, taking his hand out to help him out.
The entrance of the club was heavily guarded with a large line of demons waiting to enter. Alastor just had to flash a smile to the bouncer for him immediately let them in.
"Oh, so impressive" cooed Honey, hanging from his arm. The few other people that were coming inside with them stepped aside, making sure to keep a considerable distance. Honey could feel their looks over her body, but they were quick and guilty ones, nothing worth noting. When they came into the elevator, they were the only ones there despite having the capacity for an entire group of 8. "Nobody messed with the radio demon before, but now no one even wants to try with the new King of Overlords. I feel so honoured that someone of your position decided to take along little old me" added with a chuckle.
"The pleasure is all mine, dear" Alastor beemed, not bothering to hide how much he liked the live terror that his mere presence caused now.
If Lucifer had known how much fun it could be, he would have proposed the new role ages ago, but he was aware that Alastor would have never accepted it if not for his own strenght. That was part of the reason why nobody was supposed to know about their real relationship, the one neither of them said outloud. Being defended by his husband in times of crisis could be alluring sometimes, but relying on it exclusively to gain respect was humilliating. Alastor now had earned command the attention he always wanted and Honey thought he looked all the more adorable for it.
"So" started Honey, purring against him "how it's going to be tonight, love? Am I going to be the helpless drunk Honey, the flirty Honey or maybe just want to dance to see what happens?"
"I feel on the mood to improvise" Alastor tilted his head, his smile flashing a dangerous tone for a second. Honey never missed those, they all stayed intrinstically tied on her memory as a reminder for what would come. "Considering the line outside, tonight seems it's going to be a busy one, darling. We will have no shortage of options to go through."
Lucifer relaxed a bit with that. If Alastor really only wanted to play, then he didn't have to concern himself with the possibility of a proposal or not. He could just play with his role. Honey was just a fun girl anyway, not really wife material for a man such as Alastor.
"If that is what my Overlord King wants" cooed Honey.
"You misunderstood, love" Alastor elevated her chin gently, so she would look into his red eyes. "It's what we want. The date of a king should indulge on her own desires as well. What is the point of dating a king then?"
"Mmm, I feel you wouldn't need dating any king to just do whatever you want" pointed out Honey with a little bit of Lucifer on her smile. Alastor arched an eyebrow, not disagreeing. She giggled with a shrug. "But if you said so, sweetheart."
Alastor perked up more when the elevator finally stopped and the doors opened up automatically. He walked inside and as soon as he did, every security camera exploded from the inside all at once. If anyone was casually taking pictures on any vecinity to their direction, their phones now were going to be completely useless.
Honey appreciated that the cameras themselves haven't exploded in such a way that caught fire and activated any potential smoke alarm, like on the first date when Alastor returned home. Now, instead, they just exhaled a little line of smoke from it's circuts getting instantly fried. A subtle work, but effective.
"Good job" murmured Lucifer, giving him a subtle nudge with his hips.
"Did you say anything, Honey?" Alastor smiled bigger, returning the movement on his direction, emphasizing the name. "I couldn't hear you because of the music."
"I said you look cute" pouted Honey, floating to kiss his cheek and grab his hand, taking him to the dance floor. "How did you know that cute men are my weakness?"
"Not a word people often associate with me" commented Alastor, following her along as most club goes made way for them as soon they recognized him.
That happened a lot more frequently after Vox had made his announcement with images of him taken by his drone, associating him with the nervous manic energy of the man as he relied everything Alastor had told him. He would hate to admit it, which is why he was never going to plan to do it, but letting the picture box show present him to the rest of hell had a much bigger and quick impact that he would have if he had stuck to radio only to start his broadcast like nothing happened. Ever since then, he did got a tone of new listeners too. Souls that were too curious to know more about him, aspiring to be overlord or overlords themselves wanting to know the competition.
Those that had a immediate rejection to his self acclaimed position had already being dealt with and their deaths transmitted for everyone to hear. It was almost like good old times before TV became so popular in Hell and Alastor was absolutely radiant about it. With such a beeming aura about him, it made it all the more easier to take all the looks and attention over her body without becoming self conscious about it. That is what they were supposed to be doing anyway. First look at the dangerous man she was with and then the literal eye candy with him. Neither of them could even hope to defeat the King of Overlords in a battle, but maybe their own insignificance could make them feel compelled to try to win over his date. At least, that is what they were counting for.
"Well, I have better eyes than everyone else then" commented Honey with a giggle, landing on the floor, balancing their hands joined together. "Show me a good time, darling" added with a wink.
Alastor grinned and tilted his head to the left. The music that was sounding on the speakers let out a brief record scratching noise, completely digitally, and changed into another song. Lucifer laughed out loud at recognizing it. One of the very first songs they ever danced together after marrying, when Alastor prepared a whole club on his palace because he found it impossible to get out, but still very much wanted the experience of dating like any normal couple.
"Oh, did you know this one, love?" asked Alastor, moving his feet and going forward as Honey adapted, swinging her hips. "I didn't know that your tastes were so diverse. Color me surprised."
"Oh, my grandpa used to listen to it" teased Honey with a toothy smile. "I guess that is what I get for going out with an older gentleman."
"Good taste is timeless, my dear" Alastor lifted her off the floor, bringing her with him as they turn in a circle and then pull her out to the full extend of his arm. "I even sometimes like things from before my time as testament of it. From way before I was born in Earth. Things so old they have been practically forgotten, with a golden shine that never dies."
"Oh, yeah?" Honey arched an eyebrow and Alastor chuckled, kissing it.
"I almost prefer it that way" commented, twirling her around and bring her over again against his chest. "Not everyone can appreciate a true classic."
Honey laughed at that, her blush turning her cheek on a darker pink than they were. The ability of Alastor to say an insult like a compliment and compliments like insults was something to admire.
"You do have such good eye, my sweet king" smiled Honey and hang from his neck as they twirled, talking to his ear, where no one could her. "What would you do if someone else happened to appreciate the same old things as you?"
"Rip their eyes out, of course" laughed Alastor. Still dancing, Honey knew he was taking notice of who was looking at him and who looked at his date, but his sight always returned at her. "And then fed them to my love."
Honey squealed, her feet light and the flapping of her wings too happy to care about the looks over her short skirt, the following of her curves, the thoughts that came accompanied with them. When the song finalized, Alastor let it come back to the previous selection with a simple head gesture and kissed the hand of a seemingly breathless Honey. She casually pushed the skirt of her dress down her thigh, even though it had stayed at the same level the entire time. Just in case someone else still haven't noticed.
"Something to refresh your throat, darling?"
"Oh, yes" said Honey, when suddenly a high pitch voice could be heard over the music.
"Is that you, Honey? Baby girl, where you have been? I haven't seen you in ages!"
Lucifer took a deep breath as another tall succubus came to them, with her own drink on hand. Honey regarded her with a smile.
"Alastor, nice to see you too" greeted the succubus, trying to give him a kiss on the cheek, but Alastor was faster on taking her hand and leaving a quicker one there. "Oh, come on, I wasn't going to feed off that!" She laughed, making a dismissive hand wave with a shrug. "Still so old fashioned! How is the King life treating you?"
"Wonderfully, dear. Never been better" Alastor's smile was as polite as ever, as he turned to Honey. "My love, you two can catch up while I go bring us some drinks."
"Oh, totally. Honey, baby, you have to come with us!"
That was the bad thing of choosing a succubus as another form, a detail that Lucifer didn't remember until it was too late. Succubus were naturally sociable with each other and it was weird not seeing them in big groups of friends. So whenever Honey came out, there was that exact risk of another one either recognizing her or wanting to talk with her. Not out of a desire to feed, but just to be among their own. They were usually nice and charming, as they had to be for their job, but Lucifer really would have chosen to not deal with socialization he wasn't prepared for beforehand.
As the tall succubus took his arm toward the other side of the club, where another bunch were talking and laughing on a couch, Lucifer tried to keep the smile up and not show his dissapointment. He was hoping this was going to be a thing between himself and Alastor, no one else.
"Hey, bitches, look who I just saw dancing to whatever that music was!"
The other succubus greeted Honey with kisses on the cheek and pats on the back, inviting her to sit with them.
"What the hell kind of music was that?" said another succubus. "Don't tell me that was Alastor?"
"Of course it was, who else?"
"I didn't know he could do that now! Hey, Honey, how strong he has become now? You certainly must know it."
When Lucifer had five pairs of eyes waiting for his response, he swallowed and threw a glance to the bar. He could barely make up the tip of Alastor's ears at the distance. Just because he had gotten better at worrying he was going to die again if he didn't saw him, didn't mean that having him close wasn't still his first choice.
"Oh, yeah, is incredible" said Honey, crossing her legs and pulling on her skirt down again. "You know, he was so strong already, but ever since coming back from the death is like nothing else can compare. He gets so cute when he takes his time too! One time he pulled out the guts of this guy and made him jump on it before choking him with one finger" She giggled, remembering the maniacal laughter of Alastor as he saw the life dissapear from that overlord.
The other succubus looked a bit weirded out, but what else could they expect from someone willing to date the radio demon?
"Yeah, real cute" said the first succubus, reclining over her. "So you don't know either how the whole resurrection happened?"
"Nope" said Honey with ease, shrugging. "He never told me a word. I don't really care either. I am just relieved that he is back. I… I really missed him when he wasn't here."
"You poor thing" offered the succubus at his side, patting her knee. "We didn't see you for so long, we were worried. How are you?"
"Oh, you know, I had my baby to distract me so it wasn't all that bad" Honey saw her hand trembling on her lap and she forced a bigger smiled on her face, hiding it under her leg. If he started talking about those horrible five months, he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to stop himself. "But look, it doesn't matter now. He is back and better than ever! We are recuperating the lost time now. My baby girl was so happy to see him too!"
"Am I crazy or he has gotten hotter too?" asked another succubus, also looking in Alastor's direction. "Like, I don't know, more daddy than usual."
This was another thing about succubus finding each other. To them, just talking about how hot the partner of others were was the same as talking about a painting on the wall. Normally he would understand that and let it go, but tonight that comment was doing something else.
"What do you mean?" asked Honey innocently, burying her manicured nails on the couch.
"No, no, I get it" laughed the tall succubus. "The new title really suits him. I bet he has also changed in bed, hasn't he, sweetie? With all that new power, he must be an entire feast now. Are you sure he still is a big no on the threesome idea?"
"On fourthsome" added another succubus.
"Or… whatever the word is for five" said another.
"Did you all saw his giant demonic form? Now that is a true monster I would like to tackle."
All of them laughed and they weren't being mean, they were just joking around, and Honey would know that and laugh along. She just had to say that no, Alastor haven't changed his mind about that or that she didn't want that and they would let it go for the rest of the night, as easy as that. But Honey wasn't the one who raised her hand and snapped her fingers.
The music on the club stopped. All the music stopped. Mouth stayed still on the middle of phrases. The group of succubus were equally paralyzed, like someone had made a photograph of that moment. Lucifer covered his eyes with his hands and groaned loudly.
"Dear?" asked Alastor, materializing in front of him. "Are you okay?"
"I just need a second" said, taking a deep breath. After a bit, he exhaled again and looked at Alastor, making a hand gesture to the other succubus. "They were talking about fucking you. Again."
"They always do that, love."
"I know" grunted Lucifer, squeezing his brow. "I just don't want to hear it tonight. I don't want to share you. I told them thousands of times already."
Alastor chuckled.
"Did you get jelous for that, my darling?"
"And what if I did?" Lucifer lifted his gaze with a glare and blushed when realizing that Alastor was absolutely delighted with his response. Looking to a side, he sighed again. "I will send them away. Go back where you were."
"Are you sure?" Alastor, still with the same pleased smile, reached out to caress his cheek. Lucifer leaned towards the warm touch. "We could also go home if you don't feel up to it."
"No!" said Lucifer, a bit too quickly. That was exactly the last thing he wanted. He took the hand of Alastor with his and nuzzled his knuckles. "No, babe, I want to stay. I do. Just not with this on top."
"Very well" Alastor inclined to kiss his forehead. He stayed there to add: "I heard some demons in suits talking about you already. You certainly attracted a lot of looks."
"Yeah?" Lucifer grinned. "Should I go to them or wait for them to come for me?"
"They will go to you if they think I am not around" Alastor smiled, lifting his chin. "They might offer you a drink. You know what to do, don't you, darling?"
Lucifer nodded, more calmed down now.
"I got this" said, patting his thighs. "Now move that ass, babe, and let me do my magic."
Alastor laughed, ruffling his pink hair before he summerged into his shadows. Lucifer followed the direction of the black spot. When Alastor appeared again at the bar, on the exact same spot he was before, he send him a thumb up and Lucifer chuckled, sending him a playful wave.
"Alright. I am sorry, girls, today is not your tonight but mine" said, standing up and touching the forehead of every one of the succubus, drawing a golden sigil that quickly got absorbed in their heads. "You are all tired of this club and want to go to the next, to later go home safely in taxis with the money you forgot you had in your pocket. You had a good talk with Honey and have nothing to worry about her. Also, Alastor still wants nothing to do with any of you and only likes Honey. Understood?"
The group of succubus nodded their head slowly in unison. He did feel a bit bad for cutting their fun shortly, but they weren't going to be fans anyway of what Alastor wanted to do. Lucifer lowered his hand, making all of them blink at once, and snapped his finger. Immediately the club regained it's previous life and the tall succubus groaned.
"I am done with this place" commented, finishing her drink and leaving the glass on a table nearby. "What do you all say?
"Yeah, I think I had enough too."
"Totally, there is no good food here."
They all agreed and gave Honey a quick hug, kissing her cheek and wishing her a good night. Honey lamented that they couldn't talk some more. Lucifer conjured up money that almost bursted out of their pockets as he let them go, waving them as she decided to wait.
Once they were all gone, Honey relaxed on the couch, playing with her hair until a demon sat to her side with two glasses. He had a suit, but who knew if it was the same demon Alastor was talking about or another different entirely. Either way, she looked at him up and down with the same welcoming smile. He had already two glasses full on his hands.
"Hey" said the demon.
"Hey" greeted, twirling a strand of hair. "I am sorry, sweetheart, I didn't came alone tonight. Is that glass for me?"
"Oh, I saw" The bird demon grinned. "You looked thirsty and I didn't see your date anywhere, so I thought I could give you a hand. You are too hot to be on your own."
"Oh, I can take care of myself" Honey pouted, putting her hands to a side, in such a way that she squeezed her chest together. The demon wasn't even attempting to be subtle as he stared, licking his beak. "But thank you. You seem like a good catch too. Did you came alone?"
"With some friends. They are there" The demon pointed his chin to another point of the club, a group of demons that were trying and failing to keep tabs on them. When they realized she was staring back, they all smiled and waved on her direction, something that Honey returned with a wink. "Aren't you going to drink? It's going to get warm later."
Lucifer almost rolled his eyes at the total lack of subtly. At least try to make it look more legit, play a little, make it more interesting. But this guy reeked to rich guy used to get everything served on his hand barely doing anything for it, so probably he would see it as a waste of time.
"Oh, I don't know" said Honey, throwing a glance to Alastor that was still at the bar, his back turned to her. "Are you sure you don't prefer to give it to another girl?" offered, even though he wasn't actually going to let him do it. If he did moved on, Lucifer would make him trip to throw whatever he was carrying and later point him for Alastor to find anyway. "I don't know if my date would like it."
"Well, that guy isn't here" The demon bird also looked back for a second before turning with a slightly more tense smile. Honey's jaw squeezed tight. Guy your ass, jackass. That is a king you are talking about. "That is why you should drink it before he comes back. Live a little, baby, there is nothing wrong with that."
"Mmmm" Honey pouted, thinking about it for an entire second before she smiled again. "Okay! I am thirsty. One drink can't hurt, right?"
"Yeah, exactly, cutie" He put the drink on her small hand and didn't drink from his, waiting for her.
Good grief, was he terrible at this. Was this his first time or he had done it so much that he didn't even bother with a good script anymore? Either way, Lucifer wasn't going to feel bad for what happened to him after. Honey drank the entire glass, feeling that distinctive flavor that didn't correspond to the drink alone. She licked her lips and smiled sweetly to him, reaching a hand to caress the feathers that surrounded his face.
"Pretty birdy" cooed.
Only then did the jackass drank his own glass and accomodated expanding his legs.
"Yeah, you liked that, baby? Why don't you come closer so I can hear you better?"
"Oh? Sure, why not" Honey giggled, trusting, sweet Honey as she crawled closer and pressed her breast against his arm. "Oh, you are so strong" She giggled, giving his arm-wing a little squeeze. He wasn't going to have not even the dream of a chance with arms like those. Did his stupid friends put him up to this? Lucifer had to imagine that. That or he was just that stupid. Not that it was going to make any difference anyway. "Would you fly me away if I asked you to with those arms?"
"Babe, I can do so much more for you" The demon chuckled and reached forward to kiss Honey's neck, as she let out small giggles. "Come closer."
"I am close…" said Honey and was surprised when the guy actually lifted her up from the couch to sit on his lap. "Oh" said, as if impressed with his strenght. She smiled, putting her arms around his neck. "Like what? What else can you do for me?" She smiled wider against his shoulder. "Are you going to scream for me? I love it when they scream."
"What did you say?" The jackass must had assume he heard badly, but in any case his hands didn't stopped. From the top of his back went down his spine, but those fucking feathered hands were greedy and quickly went to his ass, squeezing it like there was nothing stopping him from it.
The moment he did that, Lucifer was not surprised when he heard the violent noise of feedback coming from every speaker on the club and the sudden explosion of multiples phones. Honey turned around to see Alastor standing there, his antlers big and his face turning large in mid transformation, mouth drooling with hunger.
"Hey, sweetheart" greeted Honey, smiling sincerely now. "I missed you. He gave me a drink that tasted funny. You were taking long."
"Apologies, dear" The radio dials on Alastor didn't lose sight of the bird demon.
A couple of tentacles coming out from shadows at each side lifted Honey and sat her gently a little away on the couch, patting her head. Honey giggled and gave a kiss to one of the tentacles before they dissapeared again.
"He has his friends there, sweetie" added Honey, pointing at the group with her head.
They all looked paralyzed in place. Two of them moved away from their table and tried to run to the elevator. Without even turning his head, Alastor send tentacles to grab them by their ankles and hang them in the air. The others followed the same fate.
"Thank you, darling" said Alastor, towering over the bird demon as he puts his claws at each side of his feathered head, cracking on the wall behind him. The whole club seemed to be containing their breath all together, as the radio static grew stronger like the growl of a beast at the distance. "Do you have anything to say in your defense?"
"He-e-hey, man, it's okay" said the bird demon, lifting his arm. Everything on him was shacking like a leaf on a storm, even his voice. "She was the one coming on to me, okay? She was begging me for that drink. Maybe you should look at your date first instead of looking at others. I didn't do anything."
"Nuh uh" said Honey, reclining on the sofa.
"Yes, you did, don't you remember? I was just passing along and you begged me to come here" the voice of the demon was turning high pitch as he spoke quicker, like that was going to slip his words faster into Honey's brain to become the absolutely truth.
If that stupid drink had any effect on her, that could have worked. They were, after all, created to make people susceptible to almost any suggestion.
"Nope, I don't remember that" Honey giggled. "You are such a bad liar."
"She started it all, man, look at her."
"He called you guy" added Honey with a pout and this time Alastor did look at her, twisting his neck. "You are not only guy. You are my big bad radio demon and a king. Not guy. He is guy, not you."
A second of silence passed as Alastor looked at her and Lucifer smiled back, pressing his lips together as if to send him a kiss. The static noise became even louder than it was for a instant. Many people covered their ears or their whole heads to try to defend themselves of it, without any result. A few started scurring away to the elevator. On the blink of an eye, Alastor grabbed the demon bird from the neck.
"My little queen has spoken."
That was the start of the massacrer. Honey at first stayed at the couch as she saw it all, conjuring some snacks for herself. Nobody was paying any attention to ask themselves from where she took the snacks anyway, trying to run away from the splashes of blood or viscera that were flying everywhere. The bird demon and his friends begged the entire time, but all of their words and crying fell to deaf ears.
When she finished with the bag of snacks, Honey walked calmly to a nearby trash bag and found a table nearby to sit at, conjuring a sweet drink on a newly made glass to see the whole show.
"Hey" called a demon, who somehow had escaped from the blood, slipping on the seat at her side. "I can bring you a new drink if you want, cutie."
"That is my boyfriend and if you touch me or anyone without consent after tonight, you will be next" having said that, Honey grabbed his tie and brought him down to barely brush her lips against his cheek. A tentacle instantly took the demon away and she waved him goodbye. "He will find you if you respawn and do that shit again!"
Honey took out the little bag with pills she had stolen from the guy and the bird demon, putting them all on his glass to let them melt until they were nothing but black stains at the bottom. At least those weren't going to hurt anyone anymore.
Honey just had time to stare at the new guy for a second before he was also dragged, joining the little espectacle of Alastor. She chuckled to herself. Maybe that one didn't even had pills with him, it didn't mattered to Alastor anymore.
"You look so hot, baby!" encouraged Honey, the static becoming distorted in response. "I love you too!"
She kicked her feet under the table, sighing content as Alastor was finishing to decorate the walls with was left of those guys, as a warning for no one to forget what happened for the rest of the night. Once the static calm down and the music slowly came back, Alastor went back to his original form, fixing his tie. He made his way towards the table of Honey and reached over it to kiss her cheek. He was spotless, except for the traces of blood all over his face.
"Let me" said Honey, pulling up a napkin from her purse to clean him up. Alastor did let her, sitting at the tall chair at her side. "There we go, that is the face I like to see" cooed, taking her chance to kiss him again. Her wings fluttered behind her when he looked back at her with a softer smile. This was the part that she liked the most out of these dates. Not the blood and violence itself, but this, seeing Alastor so relaxed and pleased like a cat under the sun. No matter what he said about how other people percieved her, he looked cute like that. Adorable even. Something she wanted to see the rest of her life in hell. "Did you had fun, sweetie?"
Alastor nodded, lifting up his other hand.
"Can you open this one for me, dear?" said, leaving a severed head on the table. "I think he was hiding another one of those pills, but something got stuck and it won't open."
"Aw, baby, got tired already?" said Honey, incapable of not slipping some teasing note there. She still did opened up the mouth of the head as Alastor was making a gesture for a waiter to come bring him a drink.
One did came rushing to attend him and just as quickly she came, she was away for Alastor to see Honey staring down. The jaw of the deceased gave away easily.
Honey lifted her eyes to him for a second before returning where they were. Not the head, the mouth or the tongue, but specifically the golden ring that was left at the center of the tongue. Honey picked it up with a trembling hand and gasped when realizing that it was definitely real, too solid for it to be her imagination.
"You…" Lucifer looked at Alastor and started laughing, a few tears running down his cheek. "You are so fucking gross."
Alastor grinned wider, taking the ring from her fingers to take her hand, kissing her finger.
"Honey, would you…"
"Yes" said Lucifer and blinked. "Oh, wait, did that ruin that? Sorry, didn't mean to. Try again."
Alastor laughed crinkling his eyes, soft and sincere. Lucifer grabbed to his chair to stop the impulse of jump at him right there. Alastor squeezed her hand between his and did try again.
"Honey, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
Lucifer smiled, so big that he could swear it was going to split his face in half, and only after a second did he realized he still haven't said anything.
"Yes" said again. He saw through some new tears Alastor put on the new ring on him. On his favor, the ring wasn't wet with saliva, blood or anything. Alastor must have taken care of completely drying the mouth before pulling that manuever. It was pristine gold with engravings of antlers surrounding an apple that could look as a heart for the majority of peple. "Oh, Alastor" sighed with his Honey voice, now floating from his chair to the other to hug him tighter, pespering kisses all over his face. "I was so nervous. You dick."
"I know" Alastor hugged him back, accomodating him better.
"Asshole" Honey found his mouth and kissed it over and over, running her fingers through his hair. "I love you."
"I love you too" Alastor whispered on her ear and she perked up.
The small gathering of people around that were close enough to see what happened applauded. Alastor growled at them, but that didn't stopped the staring. Lucifer grabbed to his shirt with tense hands, suddenly way too aware of all the eyes on them.
"Congratulations, sir! Here is your drink, courtesy of the…" said the waiter, not even finishing the sentence before one of the tentacles grabbed the drink before darnkness pulled them away from them.
When he saw light again, Lucifer realized they were at the superior level of the club, on a couch. Up there the majority of people were minding their own business, either fucking on the side or high enough to reach Heaven on their own.
"Thank you" murmured, relaxing again.
"No problem" Alastor kissed his temple.
Lucifer breathed in and out a couple of times to clear his mind. He contemplated his hand, the one with the ring that wasn't really his.
"Wait, I am confused" said, lifting up his eyes. "Why did you wait until I was Honey?"
"Because Honey is untraceable" Alastor explained, brushing his pink hair gently. "I can talk about my wife all day long and they could never use her against me, because they don't know who she is. Don't get me wrong, darling. I still think the secret is important" added, taking the pink hand to kiss it the ring. "But I really liked to say my husband outloud without concerning myself with who could be hearing. I can even talk about my beautiful little fawn and people won't think of Charlie thanks to your backstory."
"But I am your wife" pointed out Lucifer.
"And husband" added Alastor. "I am marrying Alejando too. And Lucifer" said, looking to kiss his lips before he could make any more questions. "And every other facet of you you ever want to make. I want everyone to know they are all mine, every single one of them. There is no rules against polygamy here in hell so nobody will care."
"But we are having one wedding, right?" Lucifer tigthen up his lips when Alastor just looked at him with a half lid blank stare as a response. "You are the one who is talking about marrying multiple people, it's a valid question!"
Alastor sighed.
"Yes, one wedding is enough, love" said with the same tone he would have for a not so brilliant child.
"Dick" Lucifer huffed as he laid against Alastor. A smile spread across his face as he saw the ring. His hand finally felt complete again..
When they returned to the hotel, everyone had already succumbed to slumber on top of the bunch of mattress they had prepared around the couch. Only Niffty was sleeping on top of that one, turning and rolling in her sleep as she muttered about stabbing things. Alastor put her weighed blanket on top of her, that had slipped to the floor, and that seemed to finally calm her down.
"Aww, so cute" commented Lucifer, back on his original form, floating above everyone to cover them up with their respective blankets as well. When he came to Charlie and Emily, he smiled at seeing the duckie hairclip still on their heads. They still weren't trending in Hell, but someday perhaps, if they kept using them. He took them out carefully to put them on the table.
"Mmm" came out a soft murmur as Emily opened up an eye, feeling the movement between her hair. "Lucifer? Alastor?"
"Yes, dear?" asked Alastor, lifting her blanket with tnetacles until under her chin.
"I was just resting my eyes a little" said Emily, moving her head lazily to change position, eyes closed again. Lucifer took her phone laying at her side to put it on the table, next to the duckies. "I was the last to sleep… Did I win the sleepover?"
"Yes, of course" said Lucifer, inclining to kiss her forehead. "Tomorrow you can have anything you want for breakfast as a reward."
"Yay…" Emily yawned, curling up around herself. "Good night, you two."
"Good night, dear" Alastor turned off the last lights that were on in the lobby and Lucifer disconnected the projector, leaving them in total darkness.
They still made their way back to their room. Tomorrow they could announce the proposal properly.
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trikeyaredilfs · 9 months
I’ve had to wait so long to reveal, but I was @mesetikpng ‘s Secret Santa for @gtafest I hope you enjoy this, as it took a few tries to get this the way I wanted it!
Michael’s car nearly slid down the road as he slammed his brakes. If he was somewhere dying, fine. But this lanky prick had been dodging his calls for some sleazy, run down, overglorified glory hole?
He cuts the wheel hard, pulling into the pothole ridden parking lot, right next to that red rust- ridden eyesore of a truck. Michael slams the car into park and gets out of the car, fuming.
The bouncer can’t even get a word out before Michael storms past him. Shoving through the too-narrow hallway to get into the club. His boots stick to the floor as soon as he crosses the threshold of the swinging door.
Michael grimaces, the ‘girls’ in here were old enough to be his mother. For a club, the place was dead. Nearly half of those there were only there because they were working. Even the dancers hung lazily around the stage, gossiping amongst each other. But nowhere could he spot the lanky Canadian.
No stained white tee, no oil ridden flannel, not one of Trevor’s tasteless outfits anywhere. Figures. That man was likely in the ‘VIP’ lounge that doubled as a broom closet getting a private session with the oldest woman he could find in here.
Fine, then Michael would just wait for him. Catch him in the act and rip him up one side and down the other. Did Trevor know how much gas he’d just wasted searching down practically every last dirt and gravel side road in North Yankton? All because this idiot couldn’t answer the cell phone that Lester even provided him with?
He knew where that phone was if he wanted to talk to Brad. He’d witnessed it first hand. Made him want to wring Trevor’s neck, Michael was business. Michael was more important than that stupid blonde’s God awful jokes.
Michael’s blood pressure was going to go through the roof at this rate. He made his way over to the vastly understocked bar, the bartender seeming surprised to be serving someone beside the dancers.
“I just want a Pisswasser, put it on Phillip’s tab.”
The bartender eyed Michael, but only shrugged.
Michael watched the man pull the bottle from a box on the floor, of course. Why would it be cold? He thought to himself taking the semi-cold bottle and popping the top off with the edge of the counter, slipping the cap into his pocket as he made his way to the stage.
At least he’d be able to watch one of the shows as he waited. The woman just in front of him had long slender legs, covered by thin, black tights. As his eyes moved up her body, he noticed how thin she was. How you could see every muscle flex beneath her skin, a sheen of sweat that almost glittered with the spotlight. Beneath a soft, floral green dress and a fluffy, pink boa. Black hair that fell over her shoulders and large golden hoops that swayed with her movement.
She was…beautiful. Michael had never seen her here before, but the way she moved to the music was mesmerizing. For a moment, he’d forgotten how pissed he was with Trevor. He’d just flat out forgotten what he’d been here for.
Her hands reach for the boa, teasingly pulling it away from her chest, rose red nails that matched her lipstick, Michael stared as he slowly began to remove the boa, revealing her slender neck beneath that read ‘cut here’ with a dotted line.
“Cut here’ with a dotted line.’
The realization hits Michael like a ton of bricks. The woman he’d just been ogling for the last 5 minutes was Trevor.
“T?” He says in a loud whisper.
The woman’s eyes widen as she locks onto Michael, that confirmed it.
The feelings that were mixing in Michael’s gut right now were some of the most profoundly confusing feelings he’d ever had.
Their awkward eye contact didn’t break, they only sat and stared at one another . Trevor seeming to almost forget that he was on stage.
How the hell did some hick like Trevor become such a beautiful and almost elegant woman? Had Trevor done this before? Would Michael have noticed if he was drunk?
No, it was Trevor! The feelings weren’t like that, were they? No. It was just the beer. It was just the alcohol in his system. But he could not take his eyes off the woman in front of him.
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Olá, isso parece divertido. Tentarei ser o mais compreensível possível. Meus pronomes são ela/ela. Tenho 18 anos, tenho pouco mais de 1,70m, tenho cabelos castanhos que chegam um pouco acima da cintura e olhos castanhos. Uso óculos gatinho.
Costumo ir para a cama muito tarde porque costumo passo a noite lendo. Sou uma mistura de produtividade e um pouco de procrastinação. Demoro muito para fazer o dever de casa, mas sempre entrego na hora e tiro boas notas. Não sei como descrever minha personalidade, mas sou uma pessoa que não costuma mentir Na maioria das vezes, sou uma pessoa calma, mas perco a paciência facilmente.
Sou bastante criativo e tenho tendência a me distrair com bastante facilidade. Há um pequeno problema em ter a língua presa, então às vezes é difícil entender o que estou dizendo. Às vezes falo muito rápido, o que torna um pouco difícil entender o que estou dizendo. Sou muito gentil com meus amigos.
No início consigo ficar bem quieto, mas conforme vou avançando tenho tendência a conversar mais, principalmente sobre coisas que gosto.
Sobre meus hobbies gosto de ler, ouvir música, estudar desenho, lugares tranquilos, (detesto barulhos muito altos. além da música dos meus fones de ouvido) doces, coisas fofas, brinquedos de pelúcia, gosto muito de animes e mangás, alguns dos meus favoritos são Sailor Moon, InuYasha, Card Captor Sakura, One Piece, adoro mitologia principalmente greco-romana e sobre Youkais .
Espero que isso seja suficiente para o evento que você fez.
note: sorry for my english, this is not my mother tongue
I match you with Idia Shroud
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The First Impression:
Idia didn't really mind you at first...actually he didn’t even notice. Not that you didn't share any classes or anything, he was just never in person for anything except gaming club and even if he was he would have written you off as a normie.
Once Idia did notice due to you constantly being in his circle and Ortho suggesting he make friends you didn't bother him....he actually sorta didn't mind your presence. You had some pretty good tastes, and it was nice to see a anime/manga enjoy-er. After hearing a rather passionate long winded speech about your current obsession he began to sorta respect you.
Why He Fell:
Idia began to slowly fall for you the more he hung around you. He didn't know it but every small ramble, boardgame match you won against a clubmate, notebook he noticed you writing in, manga he happened to notice you reading and glimpse of your screen showing the whatever anime you decided on that day he was slowly falling in love with the Idea of you.
Eventually as he began spending more and more time with you're to bored game meetings, run ins at Sam's, and Ortho's encouragement he slowly but surely began to fall in love with the real you.
Though the shut in wasn't that oblivious to his own feelings and came to the realization after months at trying to gaslight himself into believing he was delusional and that there was no way he feel for you finially had his "Oh fuck" moment after catching himself litterally tripping over himself to pick up his phone when the small ping came from his phone thinking that it was a message for you.
Cursing himself for letting himself become so attached to someone he know would leave and a relationship he knew would fall apart causing himself to lock himself in his room and shut you out.
The Relationship:
If you were persistent enough to break down his walls he could not shake the ach in his soul. Not heart. Soul when you were missing. Eventually caving just a tiny bit, he decided to screw it and be selfish...for just a little bit. Swearing that he would let you go when it came time to take charge of STYX. Promising himself that he would not allow himself to be that selfish and rip away your life so that he could be close to you.
It actually worked out quite well with no drama. The fact you were honest and he was blunt actually worked in your favor. It made things very easy since you didn't hide anything, and due to the two of you both preferred quiet areas and also worked well since you could both hole yourself in his room. It was actually enjoyable since you had relatively similar interests. He was able to rant passionately to you, and you did the same to him. Not to mention there was a mutual understanding of boundaries that you each respect and a fair amount of both us and be time. He often stayed late into the night with you and although refused to do any cuddling until MONTHS into the relationship was extremely clingy once he worked up the courage to be able to do so. You have to initiate though.
He also would often help you with anything you have issues with especially tech related and sent gifts often....he really loves the patients and kindness you share with him and wants to make sure you feel loves as well....for as long as he is allowed to have you. Constantly reminding himself that as painful it will be for him for you to not remember anything about your time together he will one day have to send you down the river.
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tinytinybumblebee · 1 year
How do you think the other companions would react to finding out that Astarion regresses? Do you think he'd tell them voluntarily, or would they find out by accident?
Oh, it'd 100% found out by accident!
Astarion is a man who keeps his secrets so tightly tied to him that he's gone past rope burns, those ropes have become engulfed by his flesh but oh boy,,,,it isn't a pleasant feeling for those ropes to be yanked from the flesh.
Perhaps it's been a long couple of days. The party escaping by their teeth from the horrors one finds while finding their way to Baldur's Gate.
Astarion is tired, of course not physically. He's an elf, and they don't require sleep. But, mentally, mentally, he's drained.
It's becoming a dull ache in the back of his mind, creeping through the cranium like the damn parasite. He keeps up with his quick wit, his tongue as sharpnas ever, and fingers nimble with locks.
But, Astarion can feel the sensation. That fuzzy flutter slowly takes on the feeling of a boa constructor, squeezing his chest and leaving him breathless.
The party has gotten used to Astarion, and his grumbles over less than adequate situations. So when they notice his withdrawal, they take it as him just huffy over, gods knows what and leaving it at that as they go to set up camp.
That night, Astarion is at his tent. He's trying to find the book he had been reading, but through all rummaging, he can't find it. Truly nothing major, it's a popular book, they'd probably find one in the abandoned hut down the road.
But, it was the last straw for the vampire when he's told exactly that.
His lower lip trembles as his foot stomps.
"No, no, no!" He yells out, that loud voice quickly turning to sobs as he sits himself on the ground, pulling his knees to his chest.
It's such a sudden action that everyone at camp just stands there for a moment as the residential vampire is having a tantrum over the lost book. Definitely not sure what to say or do.
But, eventually, one of them (perhaps Tav or Halsin because...that man has probably some idea of what's wrong or, at least, knows how to calm a fussing child) goes to kneel down infront of Astarion.
They say nothing, just letting Astarion know they're right there and not going to do anything rash over this out burst.
Something something, Astarion explains it the morning after. Saying that sometimes, his mind will revert back to a young mindset to help him cope with...everything, especially when there's been stress topped on top of stress-
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
Deicide (33447 words) by VickytheSnake, thesavagesabretooth Chapters: 9/?
Summary: In the aftermath of the raid on Onigashima everything changes. The path to the One Piece is a course that can only be charted by those who agree to join together as friends and fight without taking the easy way out.
catch up here.
While Crocodile had taken Mihawk, Buggy and his crew to go 'recruiting' and Doflamingo and his family were out 'hunting' Boa Hancock found herself briefly in charge of the operations at Cross Guild's base.
Compared to ruling over Amazon Lily and the Kuja, it was hardly anything to trouble the Pirate Empress. A little logistics work to keep the bounties flowing, a few audiences with those brave enough to bring in decent bounties, and the general upkeep of things around the base.
She’d been dubious about it at first when Crocodile suggested it. The idea of hitching the Kuja’s horse to a bunch of ambitious men was a dangerous prospect, but she couldn’t say no to the promise of striking back at the government.
The gamble had paid off. The Kuja pirates were slowly getting used to the company of men, and Amazon Lily was safer than ever in the hands of her parents and the contingent of Cross Guild they’d left stationed in the Calm Belt.
She had taken to draping in a divan chair, Salome curled up just beside her alongside the arched back with her head resting against Hancock’s shoulder. It was a moment of rest, gladly taken. 
There was a soft knock from the door at the back of the room, which then opened. That could only mean one thing– one of her sisters coming to see her.
Hancock sat up, letting one arm still hang off the back of the divan as she looked over her shoulder towards the door with a smile.
When the Navy had beset Amazon Lily– when they arrived with a fleet of government men dead set on destroying them and their culture in the name of ‘apprehending’ a woman they had made a deal with and betrayed– her sisters had fought bravely by her side.
Then, when the time came to leave home in the care of her mother and father, her sisters had been the first to announce they wouldn’t let her leave them behind. She’d taken them, and the rest of the Kuja pirates with a number of fresh-faced young warriors, right alongside her in her bid to enter Cross Guild properly alongside her fellow Warlords.
It was an adjustment, for all of them. Even the Kuja Pirates, who’d seen men more often than the women of the Lily, weren't quite used to their presence. A dangerous situation when Cross Guild’s home base was swarming with the things.
But her sisters were already starting to settle in all the more, growing more comfortable day by day as they assisted in the occasional ‘hunt’ for Marines and organizing the completion of several key facilities within the base. 
Sandersonia ducked into the room with a cautious smile, and glanced quickly around– Hancock was sure it was to make sure they were alone.
"Glad I'm not interrupting anything," Sonia tittered, pushing locks of hair from her face.
Salome flicked out her tongue at Sonia in her usual bored way, before Hancock gently pushed the serpent’s face to the side and leaned on the back of the divan to wink at her sister. “Hardly. I’ve put the affairs of men on hold for the moment. I needed a break…and I’ve given the edict that I’m not to be disturbed by any of Cross Guild’s rabble.” 
"I heard many of the rabble– at least at the top– were away for the moment." Sonia smirked and let herself down gently into the divan across from Hancock, her long legs hanging off of the end of it. "You're in charge, aren't you?"
“That I am, dear sister.” Hancock raised a leg to lean against it, arms crossed around her shin. “Crocodile and Mihawk have dragged Buggy on some fool’s recruiting venture. Doflamingo and his gang are hunting down marines with abandon. And we, the Kuja, rule the roost. For the moment, I’m the head of Cross Guild.” 
"As you ought to be!" Sonia giggled, raising her head onto her folded hands. "Just let me know when it's time for the coup, sister dear."
She battered her eyelashes, and Hancock knew that she was teasing— mostly. If she ever actually said it was time to turn on their alliance, she knew her sister would be at her side before she'd finished declaring it.
“You and Mari will be the first to know,” Hancock smiled like a serpent herself, Salome pooling over her shoulder as she winked. “I know how much you like getting a jump on a good fight. But for now…things are quite comfortable, don’t you think?” 
"Somehow– despite all the men running around." She made a face, sticking out her tongue at the 'disgusting' word. She was getting better at being around them though– in their presence, at least. She hadn't deigned to speak to one yet, however, as far as Hancock knew.
Hancock’s nose wrinkled all the same, and a soft hiss came between her lips. Neither of her sisters, as far as she was aware, had shown even the slightest inclination of speaking to the men even if the overt hostility had begun to ease.
She couldn’t blame them one bit. Even as used to men as she was from her time among Crocodile, Doflamingo, Mihawk and the like…and of course her beloved Straw Hat Luffy. There still was the instinctive skin-crawling discomfort with so many of them flitting about.
She wouldn’t call it a fear.
“Yes, well…they can’t be helped, unfortunately…” Hancock tossed her hair “I can’t even turn them to stone while their captains are away.” 
"Nooo?" Sonia pouted teasingly. "Not even for a little while?"
Hancock leaned forward with a wicked grin. “pout enough, little sister, and I might just be tempted to…at least for a little while…just for you~” 
She giggled into her hands. "You're always so sweet to me, sister. I know we can't though. Even as uncomfortable as they are, I suppose they're important in their way. None of them have been impolite to me, at least."
Everyone knew what would happen if one of them was.
The ire of any of the Gorgon sisters was a deadly thing to have turned upon you. And if you survived Sonia’s fury, everyone knew Hancock would wipe them from the face of the earth without a thought. 
She sniffed.
“They do the jobs they’re instructed to, even if they all fall short of the few men I'll respect…” She closed her eyes and tensed against the divan. “Even the peons here respect the Kuja. If I heard a single one being rude to you or Mari, so help me I’d bring the fury of mother ocean down upon them! But they seem to be decent enough– they’re a far cry from the men of Mary Geoise.”
"A far cry," Sonia agreed, with a slightly distant quality to her voice. She shook her head, as if clearing away a dark thought, and smiled. "Though they're a far cry from your Luffy too, hmmm?"
It was likely the same dark tunnel that her own thoughts were drifting down, towards memories of leering smiles plastered on the faces of beings more monster than ‘god’. . She shook her head, clearing them away as she flashed a flustered smile instead, her gaze snapping back to the here and now as her vision focused back in on her sister.
“They sure are!” she gestured with a wave of her fingers towards the door. “not one of the men within these walls can stand up to the example of Straw Hat Luffy.” 
"I can't imagine any– at least in your opinion, hmm, sister? How long has it been since you've seen him?"
“Hmph!” Hancock twisted a lock of her hair around her fingers with a growing flush “and my opinion is as grand as they come, Sonia!”
It’d been months since she’d seen him. He’d been off on his adventures in the new world while she’d been drawn into the drama of the Warlord System’s slow decline.
“It’s been quite some time…almost half a year now without him in my company…” 
"Is it hard for you?" Sonia asked, wide eyed. Lately, Hancock had noticed her sister becoming more curious about, well, her love life.
Hancock fished on the table beside her to snap a paper fan out to idly fan herself with, anything to dispel the heat of her flush as she watched her sister’s expression.
It was nice to see her fascination, her curiosity— .and part of her had an inkling exactly why it’d started bubbling to the surface now that they’d spent more time away from their homeland of Amazon Lily.
She always indulged Sonia. She never could say no.
“It’s agonizing, Sonia dear. I feel like I’ve been wasting away…if it wasn’t for the work of Cross Guild offering a modicum of distraction, I’d be long torn to pieces by the hurricane of love. I keep seeing him in the papers, you know…seeing his exploits.” 
"The ones I see in your room with the pieces cut out?" Sonia teased, leaning toward her.
Hancock allowed herself the very un-regal gesture of sticking her tongue out at her sister with a loud ‘hmph!’!
“Yes, those very ones, Sonia!” she snapped her fan shut to point her way with a pout “I hear about him winning against all odds…facing down Big Mom of the Emperors…disrupting a wedding with the Army of Evil…and…and…” 
Sonia leaned so far forward toward her sister, she would be threatening to fall off the couch without the counterbalance of her legs. "And?"Hancock collapsed back against the divan, arm thrown over her face as Salome hissed in annoyance and twisted back around to make herself comfortable once more.
“I want to be with him, sister! You know the thrill of a fight as well as I do, the way it brings you together…brings us together…so why can’t I be there, the blood of our shared enemies on my face as I tell him what words cannot express?” 
"Well…" Sonia squirmed on the couch thoughtfully. "Why can't you be?"
Hancock looked over at her, half leaned off the couch as her hair cascaded down off the edge.
“...because he’s on a mission, traveling with his crew towards his dream.” She gestured towards Sonia “and I couldn’t simply abandon the Kuja, I couldn’t leave you and Mari behind either.” 
"Well, no, of course not," Sonia said. "But couldn't you find some way to… bring the two together?" For emphasis she pressed her hands together.
“And bring the Kuja into alignment with the Straw Hats?” Hancock shifted to look at her upside down, hanging partially off the couch with a widening smile “I’ve thought about it before, sister, though this bid for safety with Cross Guild has distracted somewhat…”
She waved her hand in the air. “With that lovely promise of vengeance on the hated Celestial Dragons…” her eyes closed. “I suppose I could start moving pieces into place, can’t I? Engineer a reason to set out towards the One Piece so we might happen to fall into step right beside him and trigger our dear alliance.” 
Sonia smiled broadly. "Oooooh, see I knew you'd take the idea and run with it, dear. I know how much you love moving pieces. And won't it be more satisfying to be working toward your goal instead of waiting for your Luffy to fall into your lap?"
Hancock huffed, squinting up at her. “You know me well, sister. I’ve never been one for waiting around on my ass…as a pirate or an empress.” She sat up with a sly edge to her smile “and what speaks more to the intensity of love than a mutual goal, worked towards together?”
She tossed her hair “I imagine I’d have no objections from you or Mari?”
"More than that, you'd have our support," Sonia promised, sitting up again. "We want you to be happy, sister. And it's nice to see you smile so much."
Hancock felt her face flush again. It was true, she’d been smiling so much more often ever since that incident two years ago. Before then– between the trauma of their past and the lies to their people, she’d remained closed off to all but her sisters, even reigning distantly over her crew on the high seas.
But she felt so much happier with the thrum of love in her chest, and the doors to the greater world blown wide open in her heart…her sister’s support did a lot to help that.
She smiled with a sheepish edge. “I know I worried you and Mari terribly for a long while. But I’ve been happier as of late. Love…and warmth…and connection…they have such an effect on you. I can’t help but smile.” 
"And we can't help but support you," Sonia said. Her voice took on a teasing tone, and she winked playfully. "Even if it's because of a man."
Hancock tossed a small throw pillow at her sister’s face playfully in return, her smile just as snakelike as the fellow Gorgon’s “Yes, yes. Tease all you like, Sonia. But should it ever happen to you, you’ll get it back threefold!”
The two of them laughed together for a good long while before the siren call of their duties as current leaders of Cross Guild called. The various pirates of Cross Guild…the sights and sounds of the world outside Amazon Lily now that they took a moment to enjoy it…shared ambitions and more passed between them until Hancock stood with a smile.
Like nothing else, not even the hurricane of love, Hancock adored her time with her sisters and the clarity it gave. Soon, she resolved as she returned to war maps and diagrams of Naval Bases, she’d have a proper sister’s night with Mari and Sonia both. 
Sanji found Zoro up late when he returned from the ship. Luffy by that time, was basically passed out and had had to be carried back, still pretzeled around the cook's shoulders.
Zoro raised his cup when he saw them. "Wondered where you two got off to."
Sanji flashed him a lazy smile “Hey marimo. We got around. As you can see the Captain tuckered himself out.”
It’d been a long day, he couldn’t blame Luffy for passing out like that. Between the emotional revelations and the increasingly complicated nightmare of just what had happened in Wano, he was on the edge of passing out himself.
Zoro chuckled. "Yeah the docs warned him that might happen. Didn't listen did he? Just flop him down wherever. Unless you're all tuckered out too, cook."
“Tch, never too ‘tuckered out’ to keep up with you, swordsman.” Sanji grinned, as much a fondness as a minor challenge. He paused a moment before he simply set Luffy down on a pile of cushions probably meant more for sitting than sleeping. But he was sure Luffy wouldn’t give a shit either way if it was comfortable enough to keep him asleep.
“You know Luffy. The day he listens, even to a doctor, is the day the ocean freezes over.” 
"Might be less likely to listen to a doctor," Zoro scoffed. He spared a fond look toward their captain, and poured himself another cup of sake, before shoving the bottle of it at Sanji. "Speaking of which. I heard Chopper and the Clown talking about blood samples."
“Blood samples of who? Luffy?” Sanji snatched the sake with a half smile before pouring himself a cup “have to wonder what they’re thinkin’...does Devil Fruit shit even show up in the blood?” 
"That's what I was wondering. Hadn't had a chance to ask Chopper about it. Wondered if you knew anything," Zoro grumbled, taking a long drink. He smirked at him. "But I'm guessing you two didn't talk much."
“Tch.” Sanji flushed as he downed a long sip of sake. “We talked a lot, actually. Then he got distracted, ya know. Like he does.” 
Zoro chuckled and clinked his glass on Sanji's without asking. "Like he does. Anything I should know about before he wakes up?"
“Have you heard about this ‘new gear’ he hit? Has he talked to ya about it at all yet?” Sanji asked with a grimace. 
He frowned and Sanji immediately knew that the answer was no. The captain and the swordsman sometimes had a habit of not talking, more than they talked. In motion, in battle, it seemed like an almost psychic connection, but when it came to other things…
"The new gear. So that's what he's been upset about?"
“Kinda,” Sanji savored the smooth taste of the spirit before he took another tip of it. “...he’s scared, marimo. Sounds like it’s the same sort of worry I had with usin’ the Raid Suit.” 
Zoro poured more sake. How much had he even had? With marimo, there was no telling.
"You're fucking with me." It didn't sound like he believed it. "I thought it was more about the fight with Kaidou. But it was that… state that came over him."
Sanji glanced over at the sleeping Luffy with a furrow of his brow. “Partially, I think. But he says something in his head was urging him to strike the killing blow.” 
Sanji felt Zoro's glance follow his own, as they watched their tousel haired captain sleeping peacefully in the pile of cushions. 
"Luffy didn't want to kill him."
“Nope, and for good reason” Sanji agreed with a frown. “but something that awakened with that ‘Gear Five’ business did. Desperately.” 
"And the docs are doing blood tests about it," Zoro scoffed. From the tight posture of his shoulders, Sanji could tell he was getting riled up. "You think that's gonna help?"
Sanji shifted, and suddenly pressed his weight against the man’s side with a quiet huff. “Maybe. Maybe not. It’s Devil Fruit shit, it’s probably way more entangled with the soul than the body, right?” 
"Hell if I know," Zoro grumbled. Sanji felt him adjust and press his shoulder against him in return, wordlessly deepening their contact. "You think he needs, what, a soul doctor or something?"
“I think they call those priests, Zoro.” Sanji drawled as he reached into his pocket for a cigarette. 
"Priests, right," Zoro shrugged. "I don't really do priests. Do you know any priests?"
It was a teasing jab, but Sanji could hear the real frustration at the bottom of it. Zoro felt out of his depth. Admittedly, so did he.
“Yeah, sorry to say I’m not exactly a priest guy myself.” Sanji put a cigarette to his lips. “Zeff wasn’t exactly a religious man. I’m guessin’ we’ll just have to figure it out ourselves.” 
Zoro scoffed and shook his head. "As usual then. No surprise there. I guess we've started getting good at making it up as we go along, at least."
He drained his sake glass, and slapping it down on the table, slipped his arm around Sanji's waist. This had to be at least his third bottle, Sanji assessed.
He always got more openly touchy when he was a few bottles in. He tipped back his own cup of sake before placing his cigarette back between his lips and boldly throwing an arm around Zoro’s shoulder.
“Fake it until you make it, right? Not bad for a bunch of ramshackle freaks from all across the damned world.” 
"You can say that again." Zoro grinned at him with a tired expression. It made it easy to remember that he, like Luffy, hadn't even been conscious for the last several days since the fight. "People think our goose is cooked, and we cook it right back. Or you do, anyway."
Sanji smirked at him. 
“That's right. I cook it. I don’t trust you in the kitchen as far as I can throw you, marimo.” He leaned his head against his shoulder with a tired smile “you feelin’ alright? You were out like a light for days.” 
"Me?" he snorted, looking away, but leaning further against him. "I should be asking you if you're okay, shouldn't I?"
Sanji laughed sharply. “Me? I’m fit as a fiddle. Looks like I didn’t need you to take me out in the end, swordsman.”
He turned back to him and looked him over with his single, intense eye. "That better be true, cook."
Sanji’s expression softened as he took a drag off his cigarette. “...yeah , it’s true. I was scared for a while, but I seem to be the same damn bastard I’ve always been. I’m still feeling.” 
"Good." Zoro yanked the cigarette out of Sanji's mouth roughly, and put his tongue in its place, half pushing him over on the table.
Sanji’s eyes briefly widened as the smoke blew from his nose now that his mouth was very much occupied. He flushed deeply, wrapping his arm around Zoro to press the kiss roughly back even as bent against the table as he was. 
Zoro bit and sucked at his lips like a hungry dog for a moment, pinning him between his body and the table. When he let him go, he pulled him back up, shoulder to shoulder with him and offered him his cigarette back.
"I was worried about you," Zoro grumbled.
Sanji leaned forward to take his cigarette between his lips, watching Zoro through the bangs of his hair. “I know you were…maybe we can call it turnabout, huh? I was worried about you too. You looked like a goddamn mummy when they were done with you.” 
"You say that every time I get a little banged up." Zoro grinned, and leaned on his hand. He picked the sake bottle up absently– his lips quirked as he noticed it was empty.
Sanji grabbed his glass and tipped back the rest with a soft snort. 
“you say a little banged up like you weren’t one big fucking bruise, ‘Demon Swordsman’.”
He let the taste of the sake fill his mouth, before he leaned in and surprised Zoro this time with a kiss, flavored with the lingering taste of sake on his lips and tongue. 
Zoro melted against him this time, pressing his tongue deeply into his mouth with a warm noise— surely not just enjoying the taste of the alcohol but it certainly didn't hurt.
"One bruise only counts as one wound, right?" He grinned, resting his chin on Sanji's shoulder.
Sanji snorted, and lightly slapped Zoro just under one of the still lingering bandages. 
“You’re an idiot.” he murmured with affection.
Zoro sucked in a breath at the jolt of pain and grinned wider at Sanji. "Makes two of us, then."
“Any other day I’d argue with ya about that, Zoro.” Sanji laughed before flashing him a wide grin. “But what the hell. I’m in good company.” 
"You sure your personality's in tact?" Zoro leered at him. "Referring to me as good company– the captain must have put you in a hell of a good mood."
Sanji leaned in closer with a sharp leer of his own. “Want me to call ya a pain in the ass instead?” 
Zoro leaned in closer, putting his hands on Sanji's shoulders. "Want me to be one?"
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 11 months
Rapunzel Riddle AU... but make it the Barbie version.
We can still follow some idea of the original background from the Rapunzel Riddle Au I told you before, but this time Riddle did not have healing hair, instead he has that magical brush✨
In this one, the witch (Madam Roseheart) is actually not Riddle's mother (so she is not Madam Roseheart :V), instead she is actually Riddle's real mother's twin sister who loves her twin's husband. The three of them used to be best friends, but a triangle love was formed and the Witch thought the King (Riddle's father, who was a Prince then) propose his love to her Boa Hancock's style (she thought Luffy proposed to her, when he just said thank you to her). It lead to a heartbreak when he announced his engagement to her twin, and hatred when she found out they're expecting a child.
Not long after his birth, she stole Riddle away and locked him in her castle. Riddle meet Trey and Che'nya still and it goes similarly to the original Rapunzel Riddle Au. However this time he still not in a tower, but the magic barrier around their castle is updated.
Riddle have magic, a strong one, but he never know about it because his "mother" forbidden it. Telling him how it is dangerous and unfitting for a "stupid" boy like him. But you see, Trey and Che'nya both have magic, and they have been teaching Riddle some basic spells that they know behind her back.
Riddle here is used to do basic houseworks and studying. He only ever learn about medicine, potions, and laws through the books he found in the library. In this AU, his "mother" hate him more than anything, so she doesn't want him to be smart. However, she often left him alone in the castle, which make him has a lot of free time to wander around and find many secret places in the castle. Including the hidden library underneath his room. The only reason why he know basic houseworks and cooking was because his "mother" is too lazy to do it herself and Trey know how to basic cooking so he teach Riddle so they can eat properly.
However, the Witch did not leave him to be too bored and then bother her, so she taught him how to draw and often left him some cheap art supplies to spent his time. Riddle really adore those gifts, because to him, those are his mother's way of showing her love to him. It must be.
So he draw everyday. Every time he got a spare time (which is a lot), he will spend it with drawing and painting. His room now fulls of his drawings.
Anyway, I don't really have an idea how to continue it for the moment because I am at work. But I will continue it if you're interested.
Heck yeah! Inferiority complex! :'D
I had to re-see the Barbie Rapunzel movie and BOI was it so feverish... Like I had to take the thermometer out and check if I'm sick or not. That weasel is nightmare fuel...
I also stood way too much with my makeshift whiteboard just contemplating how I would tackle this, because in the movie itself some pretty important shit was nifty and at worst, made me question life choices.
Anyhow! On with this chaos :'3
First of all, congratulations to Mr Rosehearts for finding a decent woman to marry U-Ub
Second, poor Riddle having his Cinderella moment, but worse since it's all he knows since he was an infant, therefore he has no idea it's wrong. :'3
He's getting better at housework over the years, but it's such a big house that it also takes a lot of time. So much that after he's done with the housework, Riddle either goes to rest or paints a bit.
Hence why, he never has proper time to cut his hair, growing so long he was dragging it on the ground if he doesn't tie it.
He meet Che'nya and Trey as kids that wondered through the forest to play. They would come and help Riddle with the work, so he could finish early and play together more. After a few years, Riddle would always pick for the 2's birthday some flowers from the garden, as a sort of gift for them. He sometimes felt bad he couldn't offer more, but Trey and Che'nya looked very happy with the flowers, which was what mattered after all.
Time goes by and the 3 become very close friends. The 2 do try to indulge Riddle into going out to the city or at least wonder through the forest. He couldn't, as his 'mother' could always come earlier home and if she doesn't find him there, she's going to be very mad.
One day, the 3 are cleaning the attic, when they find a very pretty box. Being curious teens, the 3 open the box, discovering a very simple brush. It wasn't something that special, just a simple wooden brush. Being not interested in it, none of the 3 even take it out of the box, but Riddle thinks to present it to his mother, in case she would want another brush for her hair.
Of course, the woman doesn't want the brush and tells Riddle to keep it since it was a simple brush anyone could find in the market for what? 3 coins? Cheap at best.
So very excited of this 'gift', Riddle takes it to his room, really excited since his last brush was a bit old and he couldn't use it properly anymore.
Watch his surprise when he finally gets to touch the thing and it turns into a beautiful silver brush. Being mesmerised by it, Riddle just can't wait to play with it and discover what it could do.
He also discovers he could turn it into various things, opting for a small pretty brush he puts to hold his hair (he doesn't have many things to tie his hair, so he often uses the sticks methods and other improvisations).
Trey and Che'nya are also very hyped about this, saying that it was a wand. When Riddle asks about it, the 2 show their own wands, which were made out of actual wood, unlike Riddle's silver paintbrush.
Trey explains that mages use wands when young to better control their magic. It doesn't really matter what kind of wand you have, if you study magic for a few years, you could just as well go without it. It's more of a training tool, but also used for better accuracy by doctors and other functions where magic has to be extremely precise. Wands were basically tools through which one could make their spells be extremely precise as opposed to freehanding it. Kinda like an add-on: you don't need it, but if you have it, it's in your advantage.
Che'nya says that it's a very pretty wand, as they never saw one made out of silver up until now. Sure, there were wands who had metal casing made out of copper or iron, but those were for guards who needed them in combat as swords or other weapons.
Even so, Riddle saw it as an act of love from his mother. Surely she knew what it was and didn't outright say it. This had to be how she shows her love. No, it isn't, bby, she thought it was some cheap wood brush.
So with this, all excided, Che'nya and Trey also show up their wands, made out of wood. Che'nya's often took the form of very intricate pins, while Trey's as baking tools, or, if he's out, just a simple stick. Nothing that special.
Riddle gets introduced then to a better understanding of the magic concept. He read about it in his free time, but actually practicing it was just something he would fathom about. Thankfully, children in the kingdom were obligated to attend magic base courses, as to avoid potential accidents caused by uncontrolled magic. Of course, the kids who show to be magicless only have to attend a few baiscs so they would know how to act in case of such accidents, while the ones who do have magic, have to study more baiscs and practices and even go up until they are teens. And Che'nya with Trey had to attend those courses. Of course, being open class, the 2 saw some adults attending too, so it wouldn't be far fetched if Riddle got to attend at least 2 or 3 lessons. Just to polish a bit. Until then the 2 tried to teach Riddle how to do it, as they knew he couldn't just leave the place.
But Riddle was, unfortunately, a horrifyingly fast learner. So fast that it ended up going the other way around, with Riddle teaching the 2 tips on improving their casting.
So seeing that the 2 were not capable on handling the teaching, Trey and Che'nya suggest, even insist that Riddle should attend those open classes. He could learn so much more from them and his talent won't just go to waste. His mother always told him to never pursue such thing, because he was unfit for it and this is what prompted Riddle to decline and and all insistences on the matter.
One pelicular day, Riddle had his mother at home, him being done with serving the tea and cleaning, as such simply staying outside and drawing a bird he saw on a branch. Of course, drawing with his wand, now turned into a pen.
That's when a horse is heard and some rides comes by, scaring the bird in the process. Of course, Riddle was mad about it, since the rider could've came more quietly and not scare the subject of the drawing.
The rider presents himself as Floyd. And he was coming from the southeast, for a celebration in the kingdom, but he got lost in the forest. He also ran out of food for his horse, Vorpal, so that's why he was in a bit of a hurry.
Riddle does indulge for the man to wait a bit, until he grabs a carrot so the horse could eat something. He reassures that the 2 weren't far from their destination, but because he was not used to traveling at all, Riddle had to also get out a map.
This gains the attention of the mother, who demands to get the boy inside, to see if he deserves their help. As such, Floyd is welcomed in, to state his motives and how much would they have to welcome him here. If he's welcomed at all, that's it.
Of course, Floyd states again that he came from the southeast, going to the festival that the capital is throwing. He is obligated to attend as it's family business related and if it comes down for payment, he'd gladly pay for at least 1 night of rest. He didn't want to reach the city and wonder aimlessly without knowing from where he could even get some rest, let alone food.
The mother tho, notices something pelicular about Floyd and lets him stay in Riddle's room, saying that the redhead will sleep on the living room couch that night. As for the payment for the hospitality, Floyd pays in advance some quite heavy gold coins. He had to swap currency a few times, so he hoped that those were enough. The mother seems more than pleased and as such that was the arrangement for the night.
For the rest of the day, Riddle had to tend to the horse, but Floyd insisted that Vorpal was a feisty lil shit. This horse listened to very few people and sometimes even kicked over servants who tried to take care of it. Even Floyd had some difficulty sometimes. Riddle tho, insists that he could find a way around it.
And indeed, Vorpal seems fond of the redhead. Alas, the horse was feed and taken care of for the day.
Floyd is welcomed with nice food and a clean bed, but still, he didn't really show much happiness or showed displeasure in the things that were given to him. Mayhaps since he was in a hurry. Riddle was told to be polite and respect their guest's wishes, but so far, Floyd didn't ask for anything else, even refusing when it came to extras.
Floyd tho, also notices the silver brush. He recognised it as a wand, but didn't say anything while the mother was present. Only when she was gone did Floyd ask how come Riddle has a such a pretty wand if he's only a servant in the house.
Riddle, of course, corrects by saying that he's the son, not a servant, but Floyd always assumed he was the servant. There was bearly any physical resemblances and by how the mother ordered him around, one may draw the logical conclusion that Riddle was a servant.
Floyd also shows his own wand, which was made out of silver as well, saying that for underwater folks like him, usually there were used dead coral branches glued together with kelp slime. Silver wands were a sign of a rich family, even royalty, although most times royalty have wands casted in gold or precious stones. He also mentions that a brush wand can take things up a notch and even give life to the caster's imagination if their magic is strong enough.
This gives Riddle a bit to think about.
After Floyd leaves, quite early in the morning, he thanks formally to the mother for the hospitality, while for Riddle, he makes a whisper promise that he would bring him something nice from the city, as a proper token of gratitude for his work.
Again, alone, since Trey and Che'nya were at the open classes, Riddle finds himself daunting over Floyd's words.he saw his empty, unpainted wall from behind his closet, so he pushed it aside with a spell, before taking a deep breath. If it turned out to be a lie, he could always cover it with the closet back.
But it didn't. 2 strokes and already a full image was dragging on the wall, forming a vivid scenery from a field close to the city, a field Riddle often imagined as it was the field Trey and Che'nya told him they had classes. He never imagined it would turn out so different from his vision tho.
But that's also when a small butterfly flies out of the painting. Surprised, Riddle tries his hand on it and it passes through. But because of Floyd's leave, he still had work to do, so first was putting the closet back in it's initial place, covering the painting-now-portal and going to tend to his work before he would get nagged.
The next day, his mother was out all day to go in a far away city for some things. So Riddle decided it was the perfect day to finally go fully through that portal he accidentally created. Just for the occasion, he dressed in some nice clothes he had, which weren't something in any form fancy by normal standards.
Imagine Trey and Che'nya's surprised faces when they see their buddy on the field, minutes away before class would start. Riddle was just taking in how different and open the place was around him. He never went anywhere else, so this was a radical change of scenery.
Of course, the 2 again insist for Riddle to join him for the class. This time, knowing that the mother would be gone for at least 2 days, he accepts.
Of course, Riddle stands out in class too, for being pretty advanced, keeping pace just fine, even surpassing the class. The teacher, Trein, asked why he never saw him at lessons, since he was a true talent. He even suggested that Riddle should apply for the courses offered at the palace, which are courses offered only for the most advanced to become the special line of defense for the king and queen. Just the finest of mages in the whole kingdom are selected and even then, some don't end up making it through it all.
Riddle kindly refuses, saying that he's just visiting the place. He thanks for the kind words, but doesn't plan on applying for such thing.
Trey and Che'nya plan homicide of a certain hag in the bg
Riddle tho, was absolutely excited to spend all day outside. Tomorrow he would have to do immense work all day to catch up, but it was all worth it for him as he got to walk around, see how other people went about their days, the different shops and literally everything that was outside his familiar scenery. And Trey with Che'nya were absolutely egging him on, attending small festivities and dances of the people around. Just enjoying the festival atmosphere overall.
Riddle does ask if everyday is so colorful and fun and happy. Che'nya explains that only on festivals days the kingdom is celebrating like this. This results in asking what exactly are they celebrating?
Trey explains that it's the king's birthday in 2 days. Birthday which is made known with a ball where everyone can attend. The 2 friends did go in there almost every year, excusing the years when they were very small. It's a generous ball holded mostly in celebration of the kingdom rather than the king's birthday, so that's why the people around are so happy.
Of course, mesmerised by this, Riddle absolutely wants to go to the ball. But his mother would probably be at home on that time, so he was bummed up by this. He has read about balls in the fairytale books and all depicted it as some wonderful must-be event.
Surprisingly, the 3 run into Floyd, who was also wondering through the streets in exploration. He seemed happy to see the redhead without his 'master' around. Riddle does explain to Trey and Che'nya that Floyd was a guest they had for a night. Floyd himself confirms it that he was only a rider that crashed on for the night out oof need.
Riddle failed to notice how Trey and Che'nya were stiff for some reason.
Of course, as promised, Floyd did grab something for Riddle. He saw how long the redhead's hair was, as such he picked some pretty pins that resembled flowers, made out of silver, to go with the wand. Riddle didn't seem to know just how pricey these were. He wanted initially to refuse, saying that Floyd was too kind, but Floyd insists, even puts them in the redhead's hair with magic, so there won't be anymore protests.
For the rest of the day, Floyd joined in the group with exploring around. Sometimes being childish, but Riddle was too mesmerised by everything to even pay any mind to him. Trey and Che'nya both seemed to be a bit more stiff, Riddle assuming that it was a late hour and that he should get back.
Of course, people around did notice the redhead and the odd group. So when Riddle himself was asked by local people if it's a chance to see him at the ball, he promptly said that he didn't know. Many found it wierd, because even travelers who just stumbled upon this place also attended the ball.
Even so, Riddle had to return to his home. Of course, he was asked if at least tomorrow he will go for another lesson at least, but he refused, saying that he has to catch up with his missed jobs around the house.
When the mother returns, she finds the house cleaned up everything just as she wanted. Riddle himself presented in a poise manner the food and only did things like clockwork.
But his mother didn't notice something: Riddle seemed lost in thought.
At the evening, Riddle finally takes some courage and asks his mother about the upcoming ball. She seems taken aback by this, asking what ball, Riddle saying that Floyd told him that there was a ball where all people around were free to come and celebrate. This was a truth, since Floyd did explain to Riddle how the ball would go as well as the theme of it, things which Trey and Che'nya didn't provide in their explanations.
But the mother grows enraged, saying 'how come you, a stupid child, even have the entitlement to want this?'. As such, Riddle is taken aback, not really understanding how come this was stupid. Floyd, Trey and Che'nya made it seem like a wonderful event, made to bring happiness to everyone. Why was he not allowed to share some of that happiness too? Why did he have to be privated from a thing even the lowest of the low get to enjoy? Was he really that unworthy?
But, because Riddle kept insisting, she gives him one condition: He could go to the ball, if on the day of it, he cleans up every corner of the house before he goes there. Unfortunately, the day was today and already it was the middle of the time. It was an impossible task, which is why the mother knew that Riddle would finish it only after the ball would be done. And to just rub salt on the wound, she also demanded for him to iron and prepare her gown for special occasions, meaning she gets to go, but on time.
But the redhead seemed very confident that he could do it. That he could reach the ball on time. He was running around, wiping and cleaning everything as fast as possible. The gown was taken care of and left for the woman to dress in it, as Riddle was wiping the floors.
When the woman left for the ball, Riddle was cleaning the living room carpet. Once she did leave, the redhead tho switched to spells and magic, speeding up everything significantly. A lot of spells to clean in his stead as he was trying to come up with something for the ball.
So using his paintbrush on himself, Riddle realised he could change his clothes that way. He wanted something simple, but then again, he got inspired by the pretty princesses in sparkly gowns from his fairytale books that he had an outfit inspired by them.
So making sure to take off all his enchantments once the house was all squeaky clean in record time, Riddle passed through the portal he made and followed the people of the town towards the palace. Since it was a masked ball, Riddle didn't quite recognise anyone familiar, but he was way too happy to just be at such cheerful event overall. He was all happy by everything: the decorations, the music, the food, the people just dancing around.
One thing that was noticeable tho, were the pins in his hair. Familiar pins which Floyd recognised. He had to sit through a whole ass meeting with all the possible suitors he had for his hand, but he recognised those pins and immediately decided to dip the pretendants, in favor of taking the redhead up a dance.
Riddle, poor confused Riddle, didn't realise it was Floyd the man that asked for a dance. Even so, being all happy and excited over the ball, he took the offer, all dance saying just how beautiful it was this party and how happy everyone looked. He didn't realise that other people were also looking at them, more like at Floyd, as he was of royal blood after all.
Riddle does ask what is the name of the man, but Floyd denies it, saying that where's the fun if there isn't some effort to find it. He says he's here as he was initially promised to the heir of this kingdom, for a way to strengthen the relationship in between mers and humans. But the heir dissappeared when it was merely an infant. So as to still have a reassurance of an alliance and someone to lead the country in the future, Floyd was given and he needed a pretendant from this kingdom as to make a union. His brother, Jade, was up to lead his home kingdom, as he was here too, but with no fiancé yet.
Riddle still didn't make the connection, but got embarrassed aas he took the prince from the pretendants. Floyd counters that he was the one who invited him to the dance after all.
And Floyd being an absolute bastard at heart, he dances all night with the redhead, not letting anyone else get a turn. Jade sees this and finds it infinitely funny since his brother was doing this just to be petty and screw up with the rich bitches.
As such, when the clock strikes midnight, Riddle doesn't really know how late it was, but he saw a few hours after that people started to leave. Alarmed that his mother won't find him home, the redhead wants to run back home.
Floyd tho, insists for him to stay, saying that surely he would make one hell of a pretendant, that he wants to take him, not the others, but Riddle insists that he is no worthy to even attempt to try and get the prince's hand. He shouldn't and that was final.
With that, he leaves through the rose maze and uses his paintbrush to paint a quick escape.
Except that he was awaited at home, by the mother. She came in earlier than him. She knew he attended the ball and as such she was mad, insisting that Riddle was lying about finishing his jobs. The redhead says that he finished them, that the house was clean from top to bottom and that everything was done just as he promised, but the woman doesn't believe him, insisting that he must've skipped on a job.
As such, she makes the magic barrier over the tower, saying that until Riddle doesn't give the name of the one he danced with at the ball, the barrier won't be lifted. It was cursed so that anyone who lies won't be let in or out.
And poor Riddle doesn't know the name of the one he danced with, which again, he isn't believed for. The mother broke his wand, leaving him with the broken pieces on the floor to cry about how it was absolutely unfair. He didn't lie, yet he still wasn't believed.
He realised that mayhaps he should've taken on the prince's offer. That offer was too fairytale-esque to believe, but really Riddle wanted to think he had a chance.
Of course, to add salt on the wound, the witch decided that she would find the man that Riddle danced with. So she stole the redhead's silver pins and used an illusion spell to pose at him and try to return to the ball, as it was still in full swing. To assure Riddle won't try anything funny, she destroyed the portal painting too.
So while that plot is going at the ball, Riddle is trying to mend his wand. Trey and Che'nya told him that wands were mere tools and that magic could be casted without them. So Riddle hoped to use his own magic to mend it back together.
It doesn't work.
So in desperation, the redhead tries to get through the barrier, knowing that he didn't lie to his supposed mother.
He manages to pass through! :D
So using his hair and a hanger from the window, Riddle manages to get down. He does fall in a bush, but he was happy he manges to get out and off he was to warn the others about the plot against the prince.
Meanwhile, at the ball, it turns into chaos once the witch reveals her presence and starts attacking around. By the time Riddle reached the place, people were running away and guards were trying to protect the innocents, but mostly the king and queen.
Of course, Riddle was thinking on how he could turn the tables in his favor, coming up with the idea of distracting the witch by his mere presence alone.
So he steps up, saying that the barrier didn't work against him because he was no liar. The witch, of course, charges up at him, but Riddle was faster to dodge.
That couldn't be said about his hair tho, as it was cut as a result of a stray spell.
During this fight, it was revealed the truth about the king and the 'affairs' he had. Man really only thought of the witch as just a good friend and sister in law, nothing more. Man really just didn't feel the same, but because she was blinded by the idea of becoming a queen she thought that the feelings of the man were towards her.
Of course, when the whole secret is blown up, Riddle is in an absolute shock. It all came crashing down for him. So in rage, he decides to do a better plan: use the fact that the witch lied to him, against her.
Thankfully, Floyd willingly gives his wand to the redhead, as he turns it in a paintbrush, using it to make a portal to the tower in which he pushes the witch inside. Once that is done, the said painting is destroyed, assuring that now, the witch cannot leave the tower as the barrier prevents anyone who lied to pass through.
Of course, the aftermath was awkward. Finding out you are a prince and not only that, but that also you were promised to some royalty you danced at the ball with, which turns out to be the kind guy you kept meeting around. Not to mention almost everything you knew about yourself was a complete lie.
The broken silver wand does prove it, as it was a wand that was supposed to be inherited throughout the royal bloodline. It used to be the king's wand, so Riddle felt absolutely ashamed that he was the reason it ended up broken. The king does reassure that it's not his fault and mainly that they had a lot to catch up to.
Also Trey and Che'nya are invited to the palace, a bit salty that they can't still put in action their homicide plan(they even got Floyd on the board with it, but alas it was in vain now)
And that would be the end I guess :v
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A/N: Hello hello hello! Thank you to those who participated in the poll of if I should cross post: the most answers were for yes! So here we are...and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200 FOLLOWERS!!! That is a HUGE HUGE HUGE blessing to me. Seriously, I cannot thank you enough for how happy this makes me feel. So now, as a thank you for your support through my rambunctious posts and chaotic DMs, I present to you...
Below the Surface: A 2023 Lackadaisy Fanfiction...now posted here, there, and NOW on Tumblr. Enjoy!
"His voice means to deceive you...my voice just wants to lead you...Below the Surface."
The smell of cigarettes was heavily sticking in the air. An overwhelming warmth accompanied it in the suite. The night was muggy, hence why she locked up all the windows. It was a warm Missouri night: yet Lacrimosa Ambrose was far from tired, despite how late it was. 
She was in her lavish flapper dress, consisting of pigments of indigo and black. She had toed off her shoes and let the feather boa around her slip down, softly and caressing her arms. Tonight was a rather eventful night for the jazz singer: she really brought the blues out in her sultry voice. She was fawned over by many men, and she adored the attention secretly: yet she never wanted anything serious with anyone, as she was a lone wolf in the relationship department. However…no one ever asked about her… side hustle, regarding her occupation in the Rose Brigade: she was the boss after all …
That’s good: if people became suspicious, she would end up shooting some people in the head with her Colt M1911 pistol…she’d thank her husband for that lovely gift…if he weren’t dead.
She got up off her couch, sauntering over to her phone as she spun the dial numbers slowly and deliberately, and she put the phone to her ear. She sighed sharply, her pointed ears perking downwards slightly, and she took another hit from her cigarette to calm herself down.
“Mei deliciae, this is getting old…I get you’re in Hotel Maribel, but at least speed up this process.” She told the other person on the phone.
“Of course, of course! I’ve just been…under the weather.” He reassured her: Silas Tueuse, a French actor visiting Missouri with his sister Raquelle, was far from innocent…just like Ms. Lacrimosa.
“If you mean you were busy being at a damn juice joint and getting sick from drinking too much giggle water , then you are surely a fool to think you can fool me with this excuse.” Lacrimosa chided, as if she was talking to a child: from her perspective, she might as well be. She was almost twice Silas’ and Raquelle’s age, and her beauty slowly dimmed as more wrinkles showed from stress.
“Ah, shucks,” Silas hissed a bit, snapping his fingers, “that trick never works, dunnit?”
“Use proper grammar in my presence, Tueuse. I will not ask you again.” Lacrimosa twirled with her pearled necklace with a finger, and her claw retracted. 
“What’s the problem with the way I speak, ma’am?”
“You and your sister come from wealthy parents, I highly expected some elegance from you.”
“Ma’am, I come from a French mother and an English father, as does my little sister: we have different ways of speaking: she’s like mother, I’m like father. So expect a bit of slip ups and slangs from us…~”
Lacrimosa internally cursed him. She sucked in a sharper breath, brandishing her cigarette. “Silas, do me a favor and get yourself in line…I won’t hesitate to lodge a bullet in your pretty little skull.” She glanced over towards an ebony desk, seeing a slightly rusted revolver, glinting a little in the soft lighting.
“...yes ma’am.”
“Are you about to go down from your room to…do the task?”
“In a few moments…after all, I am a good actor~” Silas pulled out a small vial of cyanide, playing with it. “After all, I could always slip it into a drink or two.”
“You remember the target?”
“Yes ma’am. I’ll get it done as soon as I can.”
“I want you to go immediately after we finish this call: is that clear?”
Silas grimaced: “Yes, that is crystal clear, Ms. Lacrimosa.” Oh lord, what was he going to do? His sister was conked out on the hotel bed in Hotel Maribel, after drinking too many dry martinis and throwing up on herself in a not–so elegant fashion. She had changed out into something much more comfortable to sleep in.
“Good: that’s my left hand man~” Lacrimosa teased, smiling with feigned sweetness. She then hung up abruptly, the smile drooping into a deep, frustrated frown. She rubbed at her temples, leaning against the table and sighing. Her tail thumped against the wood, and she walked over to the window, opening it. The smoke and smell of cigarettes wafted out of the apartment complex, and she pressed her elbows on the windowsill, hands under her chin. Her amber eyes dulled, watching the cars, the people, and everything else slowly drift by. She craved some form of entertainment, something different from the dullness. St. Louis was a hit or miss sometimes…but soon there will be a good story: a good dose of entertainment, all thanks to the French actor Silas Tueuse. She smiled, flicking off some ash and ember, and it landed on her rose plant…the flame ate at one of the petals, and it shriveled up: she didn’t feel too bad. The poor plant was dying anyway…
Her ears flicked at the sound of a violin. She sighed almost gently, shoulders dropping. She extinguished her cigarette onto the ashtray, put her shoes back on, and grabbed her feathered boa again, wrapping it around her: the violinist lived in the exact same apartment building as Lacrimosa, and boy did she love her like a daughter. She grabbed her keys and left her apartment, locking the door and leaving. She began treading down the hallway, tail slowly swishing in sync with the violin’s notes. She hummed along to the tune. She knocked on the door at the end of the hall, and the music stopped. There were footsteps, and the door opened. 
An older Sphynx with a left glass eye and scar marks stared at her, an eyebrow raised. Her cold, stern features softened slightly. Her ice blue eyes dulled, and she backed away, beckoning Lacrimosa to enter.
“Your playing is soothing, Mandisa. I enjoy it.” Lacrimosa walked into the darker apartment, and she put her arms at her sides. She gazed around with a bit of a sleepy–eyed look to her.
Mandisa smiled slightly: despite being wrinkly, she was still a bit in her youth: thirty–five was still rather young. “I’m doing it for the kids.” She told her.
“They’re asleep, yes?” Lacrimosa raised a brow.
“Both Cassandra and Malachi, yes.”
“...what about the other one?”
“Don’t you recall? He’s living with his father.” 
“My condolences.” 
“It’s quite alright.”
Their conversations were light, but filled with calmness and respect.
“I have another job for you, Silas, Raquelle and the others.” Lacrimosa fluffed up her boa.
“So soon?” Mandisa straightened herself up.
“Yes…Silas is already after the target. He’ll be done rather soon…but that’s not the point. We’re going after Marigold’s head honcho.”
“...really? Asa Sweet?”
“Bold, isn’t it?”
“A little tempting, but much more dangerous: don’t you remember his little shadow? James has that divot in his ear thanks to Heller’s bullet!”
“Damn…that’s right.” 
“Certainly, we can’t go head on.” 
Lacrimosa then grinned deviously. “Lure Heller away…as well as his little posse. We could also ruin some lives in the Little Daisy Cafe~”
Mandisa sat down, her tail curled next to her thigh. “This is…interesting.”
“In due time, everything will work out~” Lacrimosa grinned sharply, crossing one leg over the other. “Lure them all away…that way, we pluck away everything they love.”
…and this is the beginning of how things become twisted.
Aaaaand here's chapter one! I'm going to post a chapter or two on here a day, but once I really write more in the future, the posting process fic-wise might slow down. Either way, hope you enjoy!
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