#bobby being sarcastic about everything
lovebugism · 3 months
I have an idea for and eddie x reader fic where f!reader really wants to get into dnd but had no idea where to start, and is afraid of getting further teased by family and bullies at school. Tsym, your writing is the best! 🖤🖤
i can't stop writing part twos to stuff apparently, so please enjoy the unofficial second part of this fic! — the new girl learns about the hellfire rumors (shy!r, hurt/comfort, cw for brief mentions of bullying | 1.5k)
A familiar face waits for you outside Mr. Kaminsky’s chemistry lab. Eddie Munson, anticipating your arrival around the corner, grins with all his teeth when his unexpected presence takes you by surprise. 
You stumble back on unsure feet — a little like you had when you first met (though you don’t fall on your ass this time, thankfully) — then smile before you mean to.
“I’ve been going here for two weeks, you know?” you tell the boy towering over you, peering at him beneath your lashes. “I think I know my way around by now.”
Eddie bounces a shoulder in a lazy shrug. “Well, better to be safe, don’t ya think?” 
He flashes you a crooked smirk and tosses a leather-clad arm over your shoulder. You notice quickly that he’s got nothing in his ringed hands, not even a backpack, while you carry a mountain of textbooks in your aching arms. 
With Eddie’s help, you weave through the bustling hall of Hawkins High, which would otherwise trample you completely. The crowd seems to part for him instinctively — whether it’s intentional or not, you can’t tell. You don’t think Eddie notices it, either. He guides you to the west end of the school like doing so is muscle memory. You’re starting to think he knows your schedule better than his own.
“A lot of people would pay good money to have me as their personal escort, you know?” he jokes and tilts his wild head to his shoulder. A few untamed curls tickle the apples of your cheek in the process. He scrunches his nose down at you. “So you should be thanking me, really.”
Your face warms for a reason you can’t name. From the close proximity, maybe, or from the weight of your gratitude. Equal parts of both, perhaps. “Thank you,” you murmur shyly.
Eddie falters, sneakers scuffing against the tile. He’s still getting used to how kind you are; and how softly you look at him. “I was— I was being sarcastic. Don’t actually thank me,” he stammers, cheeks flaring pink. “Jeez. You’re too sweet for your own good, you know that?”
You giggle when he sweeps you around the corner. The sound is pretty enough to make him smile, though it ebbs much quicker than he’d like. It takes Eddie a moment too long to realize why, ‘cause he’s too busy ogling at how pretty you are. Which makes the sight before him borderline gagworthy.
“Well,” an infuriatingly familiar voice huffs. “Look what the cat dragged in.”
Jason Carver, clad in his bright green letterman, stands at the center of a bunch of guys, also wearing bright green lettermans. 
You recognize a couple of their faces. Andy is the one with the sandy curls who spends all of biology cracking sex jokes. Patrick is the tall one with the Bobby Brown haircut who helped you with your locker once when the combination wouldn’t budge. 
The rest are nameless and unfamiliar. Save for the blonde boy in the middle of them, with the hundred-dollar haircut and the bright white smile. Everything you’ve learned about him has been entirely against your will.
Eddie blinks slowly at the crowd of muscled teens, not nearly as startled by the sight of them as you are. His dark eyes flit to the side, where they crowd at the entrance of the Hellfire room, and then back to Jason. “Well, are you gonna let us through, or do we need a password?” he deadpans.
Jason’s thin lips quirk at the edges. “Where are you guys off to?” 
“You’re a smart guy, Carver. I’m sure you can figure it out.”
The boy’s stone blue eyes dart between the two of you for a moment, before settling finally on you. “He’s not trying to recruit you into his cult, is he?” Jason squints.
Eddie tenses beside you. His warm arm slips from your shoulders and leaves you fighting back a shiver. An agonizing second passes before you get the courage to speak. “C-Cult?” you echo, noticeably unsure.
“Yeah,” Jason nods with wide eyes and a voice that borders on sympathetic. “They’re Satanists— him and all his Hellfire buddies. The five of ‘em? They’re bad news, sweetheart.”
Eddie’s chest tightens. Not because of Jason’s stupid melodramatics (he’s used to those now) but because he’s calling you sweetheart. And you’re not his fucking sweetheart. Eddie knows you’re not his either, exactly, but the principle still stands anyway. 
“Oh! You can count!” Eddie muses with an emotionless laugh. “I bet you know your ABC’s too!”
Jason’s face cracks only slightly. His sharp jaw clenches enough to make his temples shift. His suffocating gaze never wavers from yours. 
“I’m just trying to look out for you. That’s all,” he murmurs like he’s telling a secret, but obviously wanting Eddie to hear all of it. “Don’t get wrapped up in Munson’s shit, alright? He’s dangerous. He’ll swallow someone as sweet as you whole before you can blink.”
When Jason passes you, he caresses your elbow with a touch you assume is meant to be comforting. You tense like he’s burned you instead. He walks on by and takes his friends and too-strong cologne with him.
Eddie grits his teeth and stares daggers down the emptying hallway. He doesn’t want to cause a scene like he typically would — for your sake — but staying silent leaves him with no real place to put his anger. His rage simmers like a fire behind his ribcage, and he keeps it all to himself. Just like Jason wanted.
“Fucking douchebag,” Eddie grumbles as he storms into the Hellfire room. You follow cautiously behind him, watching silently while he paces around the empty classroom. The boy talks wildly with his hands. “I can’t stand him— He’s like a fucking goblin with an intelligence score of zero—”
“What… What was he talking about?” you wonder in a mousy voice, clammy hands wringing. “Back there? About the… the cult?”
“Nothing,” Eddie groans. He huffs and tilts his head back, revealing the tendons of his milky white neck. “He just thinks a couple of nerds playing D&D are worshipping satan, which is just… I mean, he throws balls into hoops in his spare time, but you don’t see me calling him a goddamn neanderthal, do you?”
He turns to face you, wide-eyed, like he’s expecting an answer. Then he sighs, bringing his chin to his chest and hiding behind his hair. “Nevermind. I actually do call him that, so… I guess it’s fair…”
“Does he always bother you like that?” you question, chest sparking with an emotion stronger than you used to. Strangely protective and very foreignly angry.
“Me? God, no— He’s not that big of an idiot,” Eddie scoffs, then turns suddenly serious. His dark eyes narrow across the room at you. “Has he been bothering you?”
You shift your weight under his smothering gaze. “No… Not like that, anyway. I’m usually with you, so… He mostly leaves me alone.”
Eddie sighs. His chest deflates with the heavy breath. He grows quickly shy as he closes the distance between you, arms crossed over his chest like a shield. He averts his gaze and swallows hard. “I’m— I’m sorry, by the way.”
Your brows pinch. “For what?”
He shrugs sheepishly, scratching at the back of his neck. “I don’t know. I just… I feel like I should’ve done more—”
“You did enough.”
“—I should’ve stuck up for you.”
“It’s not your job to stop assholes from being assholes, Ed.”
He doesn’t want to smile, but you make it distressingly hard not to. Especially when you’re grinning up at him like you are now. Especially when such vulgar words are spilling from such a pristine mouth.
“Well, I did kinda promise to keep you safe.”
“You have been, Eds,” you tell him with a pretty laugh, smiling so hard you’re squinting. “There’s no one else I’d rather be around, so… That’s gotta count for something, right?”
“That’s just because you’re crazier than I am, sweetheart.”
Your face flares, warmed by the term of endearment — far more when it’s spilling from his mouth than Jason’s. “Well, Hellfire’s for crazy people, I’ve heard. So I guess I’ll fit right in.”
Eddie’s button eyes go wide. His chin falls to his chest as he flashes you a solemn look. “You… You still wanna join?” he wonders, half shocked.
You take his surprise for distaste and cower all over again. “I mean… If you— If you’ll have me, I guess—”
“Of course!” the boy assures, far quicker and far louder than he intended. His voice rings through the empty classroom and he clears his throat, trying to play it cool. “I just thought that after Jason, you’d—”
“Screw Jason,” you blurt, foreignly harsh in a way that makes his heart skip. “I don’t care what he thinks. I like spending time with you.”
A smirk flickers at the very corner of Eddie’s mouth. “Really?”
“Really,” you echo. When you feel yourself start to drown in his chocolate eyes, you turn to the wooden figurines sitting on top of the table beside you. “You’ll have to teach me how to play, though. I have exactly zero clue where to start.”
“That’s okay,” Eddie shrugs, taking a daring step closer. He smirks and fights the urge to hold you — to caress your arm like Jason had, and to erase any remnants of his unwanted touch. His ringed hands tremble with yearning. He balls them into fists at his side. 
He smiles through the aching. “Just means we get to spend more time together, right?”
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wolverigrl · 2 days
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Scorched Earth
Logan Howlett x mutant reader
!Disclaimer! Y/n is a mutant with the same skills as the human torch! Let me know if you'd like to read another part!
Warnings: mentioning of alcohol and death, angst
“Bobby, for real, you can’t possibly think that’s better than mine!” I laughed, leaning back on the chair in the kitchen, feet propped up on the table. Across from me, my brother grinned, folding his arms over his chest with that cocky smirk of his.
“You’re just jealous I got the better nickname.” Bobby replied, his voice light, teasing. “Iceman? It’s sleek, it’s cool - literally - and it fits me.”
I snorted, rolling my eyes. “Oh, please. ‘Iceman’ sounds like the title of some second-rate action movie. Meanwhile, I’m lighting up the sky over here.”
Bobby raised a brow, feigning offense. “That’s a lot of talk from someone who’s still stuck with ‘Firecracker.’ ”
I punched him lightly on the arm. “I’ll take ‘Firecracker’ any day over your ‘cool’ puns.”
Our banter was easy, the kind that came naturally after years of being siblings. Bobby had always been the steady one, the one who could calm everyone down with a joke, while I was the hothead - pun intended - never one to back down from a challenge. It’s what made us a good team, even if we drove each other crazy half the time.
The way he carried himself, his calm demeanor, and his unwavering sense of control over his powers - everything I wasn't.
I was the fire to his ice, the chaos to his calm. We clashed often, but it wasn’t because we didn’t care. It was because we cared too much. And despite all the bickering, all the teasing, there was a bond between us that no one could break. I’d die for him. He was my anchor when my temper flared, my tether to reality when my powers spiraled out of control.
Just as I was about to throw another sarcastic remark his way, Logan walked into the room, his usual gruff self. He barely acknowledged us, heading straight for the fridge. Typical.
“Hey, Logan!” I called, a mischievous grin spreading across my face. “Did you finally get that stick outta your ass, or is it still lodged in there pretty good?”
Logan froze mid reach for a beer, then slowly turned his head, giving me the look - the one that said 'I am not in the mood for your crap right now, bub.' But that just made it more fun.
“Don’t you have somethin’ better to do, hotshot?” he growled, slamming the fridge shut and twisting the cap off his beer with more force than necessary. “Or do you just live to run your mouth?”
I smirked, unfazed. “You know, it’s funny you say that, because I’ve noticed you love listening to me. Maybe it’s because no one else has the guts to call you out on your eternal grumpiness?”
Bobby snickered from beside me, enjoying the show. “She’s got a point, man. You’re not exactly known for your sunny disposition.”
Logan shot Bobby a glare before turning his attention back to me. “Maybe I’m grumpy ‘cause some people around here don’t know when to shut up.”
“Oh, come on, Logan. You’d miss me if I didn’t poke at you every now and then.” I said, leaning forward with a grin. “Admit it - you secretly love the banter.”
Logan let out a low, frustrated growl, shaking his head as he took a long swig from his beer. “The day I admit that, is the day hell freezes over. And even then, I’ll blame Bobby.”
Bobby grinned, raising his hands in mock surrender. “Hey, don’t drag me into your weird dynamic. I’m just the innocent bystander.”
I shot Bobby a mock glare. “Innocent? You? Yeah, sure. Tell that to the last five people you pranked.”
Logan huffed, clearly done with the conversation, but I wasn’t quite finished yet. “You know, Logan.” I continued, leaning back again and stretching my arms behind my head, “You really oughta work on that sunny disposition. You’re gonna give yourself wrinkles with all that frowning.”
He narrowed his eyes at me, jaw clenching. “Why don’t you mind your own damn business and keep that fire of yours under control?”
“Oh, I keep it very controlled, thank you very much.” I said, flashing a smile. “Besides, you seem to enjoy living dangerously. Why else would you keep hanging around us?”
Logan shook his head, muttering something under his breath before retreating to his usual corner of the room, beer in hand, grumbling the entire way. Bobby leaned in toward me, his voice low enough so only I could hear.
“I still think you’re his favorite.”
I laughed quietly, watching Logan brood from across the room. “Nah, he just hasn’t figured out how to handle all of this yet.” I gestured to myself with a playful smirk.
“Sure, that’s what it is.” Bobby chuckled, leaning back with a relaxed sigh.
Despite Logan’s gruff attitude and my constant teasing, there was a kind of unspoken respect between us. He was the first to step in when things got dangerous, always willing to put himself on the line for the team. And even though he’d never admit it, I knew he appreciated having someone who wasn’t afraid to challenge him, to call him out when he was being extra cranky. In a way, it kept things balanced.
Bobby and I exchanged another look, both of us knowing exactly how this dynamic worked. I teased Logan, Logan growled, and the world kept spinning. It was our version of normal - a delicate balance of sarcasm, snark, and the occasional grumpy Wolverine glare.
It was one of those rare moments when everything felt light, even if just for a little while. Days like these, with Bobby teasing me, and Logan grumbling from across the room, were the best. I’d give anything to hold onto them.
But life as an X-Men had a way of reminding you that those moments could be fleeting.
And I didn’t know then just how fleeting they would be.
Todays mission was supposed to be a standard takedown. Another mutant extremist group, radicalized and bent on 'mutant supremacy'. Charles had briefed us thoroughly, and we had faced worse before. Or at least we thought we had.
It went south almost immediately. We were outnumbered, and it was clear that our enemies had intel we weren’t prepared for. They knew where we would be, how we would strike, and worse - they knew how to separate us. That was when things really started to fall apart.
The battlefield was a mess of chaos and screaming. Blasts of energy, ice, and fire lit up the sky, while the air howled with the sound of Storm’s winds tearing through enemy lines. I was a blur of fire and fury, every step a combustion of flame as I ripped through the chaos, throwing up walls of fire to keep enemies at bay. But no matter how hard we fought, there were too many. We were getting spread thin. Too thin.
I caught sight of Bobby ahead of me, just in time to see him raise an enormous ice wall to shield a group of our teammates. His back was to me, and before I could shout a warning, a blast from one of the enemy’s weapons slammed into him, sending him sprawling across the ground.
“Bobby!” I screamed, my heart lurching.
He struggled to get up, one knee bent, but the blast had been too much. His walls of ice began to crack and crumble around him. Panic rose in my throat like bile. He was surrounded, the enemies closing in.
I pushed forward, flames erupting from my palms as I blasted through the mob, trying to reach him. “Hang on, I’m coming!” I shouted, but my voice barely cut through the cacophony of combat.
But I wasn’t fast enough.
Before I could get to him, a second blast hit him. The impact was devastating. I saw his body jerk violently before he collapsed, crumpling like a rag doll on the cold, scorched ground. Time seemed to slow, my breath caught in my throat, and everything else faded away.
“No!” My scream tore from my chest, broken and raw, but there was nothing I could do.
He was still, too still.
I scrambled toward him, my flames fizzling out as I dropped to my knees beside his body. I reached out, hands trembling as I gently touched his face. His skin was cold, colder than it should have been. His chest didn’t rise. His eyes were closed. My pulse pounded in my ears, but I couldn't hear anything except the roaring silence in my own head.
He was gone.
“Bobby, please…” I whispered, my voice cracking. “Please don’t leave me.”
I don’t know how long I sat there, holding him, begging for him to come back. I couldn’t save him. I. Couldn’t. Save. Him.
Then, something broke inside me.
The grief, the rage, the helplessness - everything surged at once, overwhelming every rational thought. The fire inside me, the power I always tried to control, flared up in an instant. It wasn’t just fire anymore - it was fury, pure and uncontrollable.
Flames erupted from my body, hotter and fiercer than they ever had before. I screamed, the sound ripping through the air as fire exploded in all directions, a supernova of heat and light. The ground beneath me cracked, molten lava seeping from the earth as the intensity of my power burned through everything in its path.
I couldn’t stop it. I didn’t want to.
The flames raged out, consuming everything they touched. The enemy soldiers who had killed Bobby screamed as they were incinerated, their bodies turning to ash in mere seconds. The ground smoked, trees around us igniting in a blaze, and the air became thick with heat.
Jean’s voice echoed in my mind, faint, as if she was shouting at me from the end of a long tunnel. “Y/n, stop! You have to stop!” Her voice was desperate, but I couldn’t listen. Couldn’t hear her over the roaring firestorm inside me.
Storm tried to summon her winds, pulling clouds thick with rain to douse the flames, but it wasn’t enough. Even the sky couldn’t hold back the inferno that had taken over me. I felt her power strain against mine, but my emotions fueled the fire, making it burn hotter, stronger. I was losing control completely, my body heating up like the core of a star.
“Y/n! You’re going to kill everyone!” Scott shouted through the comm, his voice barely audible over the roaring flames. I could see them, all of them, struggling to get away from the heat, the fire spreading in every direction.
Charles reached out, trying to touch my mind, but I was beyond reach. His calming presence couldn’t get through the thick walls of grief and rage that had consumed me.
I was going to burn everything. Everyone.
Then, through the haze of heat and fire, I saw him.
He was moving toward me, slow and steady, ignoring the screams of the others as they begged him to stop.
“Logan, no! You’ll die!” Jean’s voice, frantic, but he didn’t listen.
“Logan, don’t!” Storm shouted, the wind whipping around her, but he kept walking, one foot in front of the other, his eyes locked on mine.
I couldn’t stop the fire. I was too far gone, too lost in my own power. The heat radiated off me in waves, scorching everything in its path, and yet he kept coming.
His skin started to blister almost immediately. The heat was unbearable, even from where I stood. I could see his face contorting in pain, could smell the sickening scent of burning flesh as he got closer. His clothes were already charred, the leather of his jacket melting and fusing to his skin. But he didn’t stop.
I wanted to scream at him to get back, to stop, but the words wouldn’t come. All I could do was watch in horror as he walked into the flames, his healing factor struggling to keep up as his body was scorched by the heat I was putting off.
And then he was there, standing right in front of me, his skin bright red, his hands trembling as the fire licked at his skin. His face was a mask of pain, sweat and blood mixing with the charred burns that covered his arms and neck. But his eyes, his eyes were steady.
“Y/n.” he said, his voice low and raspy, strained from the pain. “You need to stop.”
“I can’t!” I gasped, my breath catching as the flames flared up again, fueled by the storm of emotions inside me. “I can’t control it. I-I’m going to kill you, Logan!”
“I don’t care!" he growled, taking another step closer, his boots melting into the molten ground. His body trembled, his skin bubbling and cracking under the heat, but he didn’t back down. “I’m not leaving you.”
Tears streamed down my face, evaporating the moment they hit the air.
His eyes locked onto mine, unwavering, even as the flames licked at his skin. His face contorted in pain, but he didn’t stop.
“Bub.” he rasped, his voice hoarse from the heat. “You need to let go. I know it hurts, but you gotta stop.”
I couldn’t hear him over the roar of the fire. I was too far gone. The heat, the flames, my emotions - it was all consuming me. I was a supernova, and there was no pulling back.
Logan took another step. His healing factor was working overtime, but even he couldn’t withstand this for long. Yet, he didn’t hesitate.
“Y/n!” Logan yelled, louder this time, and I felt his words cut through the haze. “I know what it’s like! To lose someone - hell, to lose everyone! You feel like you’re gonna burn up inside. You feel like it’ll never stop, like you’ll never breathe again. But this ain’t the way!”
I felt the fire flare around me, almost as if it were trying to drown out his words. I wanted to listen, but the grief, the rage - it was still so raw. Bobby was gone. How could I stop the fire when everything inside me was screaming to let it burn?
But Logan didn’t back off. He stepped into the heart of the inferno, his arms opening, and wrapped me in a hug. The flames surged as they met his body, and I could feel his skin burning under my touch. I could smell it. His face twisted in agony, but he didn’t pull away.
“Let it out, hotshot. Let it all out,” Logan whispered, his voice softer now, almost tender. “But don’t burn yourself with it. You ain’t alone. I’m here.”
I could feel his chest rising and falling rapidly, his breaths ragged from the heat, but his arms around me were steady, grounding. In that moment, the fire faltered, flickering as my mind struggled to grasp what was happening.
Logan - the one person who could barely stand to be in the same room as me without a sarcastic remark - was holding me, burning alive in my fire, all because he wouldn’t leave me alone in my pain.
And then, I felt it.
The fire started to die down, the flames retreating into my skin as I began to sob against his chest. The heat that had consumed me so completely, so violently, began to ebb, leaving behind only the suffocating weight of grief. Logan’s chest was soaked with my tears as I clung to him, my body shaking with the force of my cries.
“I couldn’t save him, Logan." I choked out between sobs. “I couldn’t- ”
“I know." Logan murmured, his voice rough but soothing. “I know, bub. It’s not your fault.”
The last of the flames flickered out, and the air around us was suddenly cooler, still. Logan’s body, still blistered and burnt in places, didn’t move. He just held me tighter, letting me cry into his chest, never once letting go. I buried my face into the fabric of his ruined shirt, his heartbeat the only thing keeping me tethered to reality.
After what felt like forever, I became aware of the world around me again. The sounds of the battlefield had quieted. Jean, Storm, and the others were slowly approaching, their faces a mix of worry and relief.
“We need to get back to the mansion,” Scott said, his voice soft but firm. “Y/n, Logan… let’s go.”
Logan didn’t move to let me go, and I didn’t want him to. The thought of being alone right now, without the steady warmth of his presence, was unbearable.
“Can you walk?” Hank asked me.
Logan shook his head, giving a low grunt of pain as he stood up, still cradling me in his arms. “I got her.”
I felt Logan’s arms adjust under me as he began to walk, carrying me like I weighed nothing. I should’ve been worried about him, should’ve told him to let me go, but I couldn’t bring myself to. I pressed my face into his chest, feeling the burn marks on his skin, the roughness of his wounds. He was hurting because of me, but he didn’t care.
The journey back to the mansion felt like a blur, the sounds of the battlefield fading into silence as Logan carried me, step after step, his breathing labored but determined. I clung to him, my body exhausted, but my mind still racing with grief and guilt.
When we finally reached the mansion, Logan carried me straight to my room. He pushed the door open with his shoulder and laid me gently on my bed. His face was tense with pain, but his movements were careful and protective.
I reached out, grabbing his wrist as he turned to leave. “Don’t go... please.” I whispered, my voice barely audible. “I-I don’t wanna be alone.”
Logan’s eyes softened, just for a moment. He gave a small nod and sat down on the edge of the bed, his weight making the mattress dip slightly. He didn’t say anything, didn’t try to offer any more words of comfort, and for that, I was thankful. I didn’t need words. I just needed him to stay.
I curled into his side, my head resting against his chest once again. His heartbeat was slower now, more even, though his body was still warm from the burns. He didn’t flinch when I pressed closer, seeking the comfort of his presence. His arm wrapped around me, holding me close, and for the first time since Bobby died, I felt a small flicker of something like peace.
As I sobbed into Logan’s chest, my body exhausted from the emotional and physical strain, I felt his hand gently stroke my hair. He didn’t say anything, just let me cry. His presence as steady as the heartbeat beneath my cheek.
The tears slowly began to subside, my body relaxing into his as the exhaustion took over. I was grateful for the silence, grateful for the way Logan just was - strong, unyielding, and never pushing me for more than I could give.
Eventually, my eyes grew heavy, the grief and pain pulling me into a restless sleep. The last thing I remembered was the feel of Logan’s hand still in my hair, his quiet strength wrapping around me like a protective shield.
And for the first time in what felt like forever, I let myself drift into sleep, safe in his arms.
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lucky-ducky006 · 2 months
An extremely goofy movie fanfic!!!!!
They go to the mall!!!!
Bradley was invited by Max to go with his friends to the mall. Bradley enjoyed shopping, but he still had a hard time figuring out why Max wanted to be his friend. No matter how much Bradley tries to accept everything and move on, he still has this lingering guilt that is haunting him. Bradley pushed away those thoughts and quickly changed into different clothes. He is now wearing sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt. This wasn't his usual style in clothing but it was comfortable. Bradley took a deep breath and left the Gamma house to meet up with Max. He skateboarded to Max's dorm where Max, P.J, Bobby, and that beret chick were waiting. Bradley felt a sting of anxiety in his chest but hid behind his overly confident countenance.
"Hey, Brad!" Max called out.
Bradley got off his skateboard and walked up to the group. He rolled his eyes. "Do I need to correct you every time, freshman?"
Max giggled. That stupid, ugly giggle. "Oh, yeah, my bad. Well, lets get going."
Bradley felt awkward being with this group. Sure he had gotten pretty comfortable with Max, but his friends still made him a bit nervous. Especially that beret chick. He still didn't know her name and it would be awkward to ask now. The mall they were going to was one of the largest in the state. Bradley grew up in this area so he had been to the mall several times, but rarely for fun. He had usually only ever gone with his dad to get tailored for some fancy clothes or to get some nice shoes. The few times he had come for fun his siblings had brought him and spoiled him rotten, buying him all sorts of things. Bradley fidgeted with his sleeve as they walked inside the mall. Before he knew it P.J. and his girlfriend had already broken off the group to go off on their own. Why did they come if they were just going to leave the group...Bradley wondered. Bradley took in the bustling atmosphere and looked at all the different stores to choose from.
"So, Bradley, what's your favorite store?" Max asked.
Bradley smirked. "Nothing you afford to know."
Max shook his head. "I guess you're right there."
"I want some cheeese, man." Bobby groaned.
"I don't think they sell cheese at the mall, buddy." Max said.
Bradley had looked away for one moment then turned to see that Bobby had run off in search of cheese. In a mall. What a weirdo.
"I guess it's just you and me now." Max shrugged.
"Oh, goody!" Bradley said sarcastically. But he really didn't mind. He felt more at ease with just Max anyway.
"How about we check out your fancy, rich people stores? Just for fun?"
Bradley shrugged. "Nah, they're more boring than you think. Plus I doubt they would let you in to dirty up their floors."
"Oh, wow, thanks." Max pouted.
The two walked into a generic clothing store. Bradley noted how different the vibe of the store was. It didn't feel like you couldn't touch anything without getting scolded for getting the merchandise dirty. Max looked through the graphic t-shirts while Bradley looked at some of the accessories. Bradley wasn't really interested in buying anything. He just came for fun. Max bought a shirt and they left to search for a different store.
Max suddenly lit up. "Bradley, have you ever been to build a bear?"
Bradley snickered. "Yeah, I went with my sister when I was like, seven."
"We should totally go, it would be so fun!"
"You're such a child. Why would I want to go there?"
"You're literally no fun. You're the most boring person I've ever met."
"Whatever-" Bradley was cut off by Max dragging him into the build a bear store. "Max, I'm not going in there, it's for children." Max ignored him and kept on walking. Bradley felt his face flush slightly. He felt so humiliated walking into a build a bear at his grown age. Max excitedly looked through the different bear skins trying to decide which one to get. Bradley rolled his eyes and stood by the entrance. "You look like an idiot, don't you know that?" Bradley called out.
"I'd rather be a fun idiot than a boring idiot." Max said mockingly without taking his eyes off the bears. He finally settled on a dark brown bear. "Bradley, are you sure you don't wanna get anything?'
"Uh, yeah, I'm totally sure." Bradley answered. Bradley thought fondly about the time he had come with one of his sisters. He had picked out a light brown bear and dressed it in a t-shirt and jeans. He was embarrassed of this but he had actually brought it to college and kept it hidden in a drawer. When he has a bad day he pulls it out to sleep with. If anyone found out he would probably kill them. Bradley looked up as Max came to show him his finished bear.
"Isn't he cute? I named him Steven!"
"... Why Steven?"
"I dunno." Max shrugged.
Suddenly Bradley heard someone call out his name. A familiar voice that made a shiver run down his spine. No. Not now. Bradley froze as he saw Nicole walking up to him. Normally he would love to see any of his siblings, but right outside of build a bear workshop was not a good time. Nicole gave him a big hug.
"It's so good to see you, Bradley! And how cute, you're at build a bear!"
Bradley awkwardly hugged her back. Max had met Bradley's other sister, but he didn't recognize this one. Max laughed at the sight of Bradley's panicked expression.
"Oh, is this your friend?" Nicole said as she pulled away from the hug.
"Uh, yeah, this is Max. Max, this is my sister Nicole."
Max shook hands with Nicole and Nicole started to speak again. Shut. Up. SHUT UP! Bradley thought.
"Bradley, remember when I took you here when you were little? You still have that bear, don't you?"
Bradley cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah, I do."
Max snickered. He had never seen Bradley like this and he was entertained.
"You should get it a new outfit or something! That would be so adorable. Well, I gotta go now, it was nice seeing you." Nicole gave Bradley another quick hug and walked away.
"It was nice seeing you too." Bradley sighed in relief when Nicole was officially gone. Max started to laugh out loud.
"Wow, I'd never expect you to act so shy, Brad!"
"Just shut up, lets go before I throw your bear in that trash can."
Max hugged his bear protectively and gave Bradley a feigned annoyed look. Neither of them found much else to buy and now they were waiting to meet up with the rest of the group where they had come in. To their surprise Bobby came up to them holding a can of cheese in one hand and a bag with several more in the other hand. He looked like he had already been snacking on some. Finally P.J. and his girlfriend found them. P.J. was holding several bags in one hand while his girlfriend held his free hand. They looked like they had a good time. The group laughed and joked on the way back to the campus and said their goodbyes. Bradley arrived back to the frat house and sat down on his bed to process his day for a moment. He really did have some fun despite his moment of embarrassment. Reluctantly Bradley opened his drawer and pulled out his bear and looked at it. He could've used another outfit. Bradley jumped when he heard his door open. It was Tank. Bradley looked at him in horror knowing he had been caught. Tank looked at what he had in his hand and smiled. He closed the door and Bradley heard his yell that could probably be heard across the entire campus.
Once the shock had worn off Bradley ran out of his room to attack Tank
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
Tis the Season... Mistletoe Season
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Pairing: George Weasley x Best Friend!reader 
Characters: Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Best Friend!reader, Ginny Weasley, Molly Weasley, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Arthur Weasley (briefly mentioned), Bill Weasley (briefly mentioned), Harry Potter (briefly mentioned)
Warnings: Shenanigans, this is crack I swear, use of mistletoe, Reader is late to the crushing on a Weasley twin game, fluff, slight angst (at the end), reader has the best friendships with the twins, mentions of the war, mentions of... Fred (I somehow can’t not mention him when I write for George)
Word Count: 2,256
“I know someone who has a crush on you,” Fred whispers in a sing song tune. 
You don’t look up from your essay, adding a coma where you see it needs to be. “Are you sure that it isn’t you, Fredbear?” 
“I still prefer Fred the one with Fabulous,” he lifts his hand, swishing his hair all about. “Hair but whatever.” Fred yanks the nearest chair and sits on it with his arms crossed. 
“No, no, no,” you repeat. “No sitting.” 
“And, why not? You saving it for someone? The real someone who has taken a liking to you for some reason.” You scoff, shoving his shoulder. “I’ll have you know, Fred that I’m a delight.” 
He nods, pretending to listen as he stares off into the space in front of you. “You still coming over?” 
“And break Molly and Arthur’s hearts? No thanks mate. I’m not that crazy.” 
“Same time?” 
You think about it for a minute. “You mean when you drag me home with you?” 
“Same time.” 
“You better be ready or else I’m leaving without you.” 
“You’re the one that’s late. Last time, I went out and you weren’t there so then I figured you’d forgotten because you had other plans involving your pranks and I went to Diagon Alley.” 
“I was on time,” he scoffs. 
“You showed up three days late.” 
“Whatever. You better have everything you need before you come over.” 
“I will because I’m leaving Hogwarts with the Weasley clan.” 
“You are?” 
You nod, returning your attention to your homework. “I am, I’ve already written to your mum about it, and she can’t wait.” 
“I don’t know if I should be concerned or not that you’ve talked to her.” 
You turn towards him, head resting in your palm, fingers curled settling on your cheek. 
The sarcastic and dark smile sends a shiver down his spine. “And you wonder why I don’t invite you to help George and I with pranks.” 
“Oh, shut it!” You shove his shoulder. “You lie.” 
“I would never,” he says with his right hand over his heart. “Scouts honor.” 
“You have no idea who or what the scouts.” 
“Harry said it.” 
You barely walk through the hallway to your usual meeting spot with Fred when you hear his voice. 
“Finally. Let’s go.” 
You scoff, “can’t even be a charming mate and help me with my bag. You can clearly see I’m struggling here.” 
Before he could respond, someone took your bag from you. “Thank you, George. I’ll buy you a chocolate frog as repayment for your kindness.” 
His brothers jaw drops open. 
“Don’t you start with me, Fred. Your brother has been more helpful than you, therefore he deserves a nice treat before we go home to the chaos.” You start walking ahead of the two, not wanting to hear Fred being a little shit. 
“Told you.” 
“Told me what,” George grumbles, hoping that the cold air will take away some of the warmth from his cheeks before you could see. 
“She fancys you. Why is this so hard for you to understand?” 
“Her offering to get me something on the train doesn’t mean she likes me.” 
“The only other time she got someone a chocolate frog was our second year and she bought it for that idiot Bobby.” 
George pauses, taking in this new information he’s just learned. “Wasn’t he the bloke who stood her up?” He continues to walk towards the train. 
“Exactly,” Fred nods. “She liked him, so she bought him a chocolate frog. Now she likes you and wants to buy you a chocolate frog.” 
“Maybe- Maybe she’s just being nice.” 
“I’m nice but I don’t buy people chocolate.” 
“That’s because you eat it all before anyone can get to it like the toad you are.” 
“That was uncalled for!” Fred shouts, chasing after his brother. 
You turn around, realizing neither of them are behind you only to run into something. 
“Sorry,” his voice comes out quiet. 
You lift your head from his chest and realize it’s George. You shake your head, smiling at him. “It’s alright, better you than the other one.” 
He chuckles. 
“Are you alright though?” You step back, placing your hands on his forearms as you check him out, making sure he’s not injured. “Oh, you’re looking a little red. Are you sick?” 
He shakes his head, lowering it to hide his embarrassment. “I’m fine.” A piece of paper slides by his foot. “Look up. Tis’ the season.” 
He can hear Fred snickering off to the side, his nerves are teetering closer to the edge of full-fledged embarrassment. He slowly lifts his head to find a bundle of Mistletoe beside you. He walks away from you, rushing over to Fred so he can bear him or spell him, whichever comes first. 
You notice the note and bundle, covering your mouth to hide your nervous and excited smile. 
George comes back, his hand on your back as he guides you onto the train. “Let’s go.” 
“Are you sure you’re, okay?” 
“Would be better if my brother would stop being such a prat.” 
“Good to know we agree on something. Oh.” 
“What is it?” 
“Sit with me and you’ll find out.” 
“Prank Fred?” 
You nod, a wide smile dancing across your lips. 
“I have a notebook full of ideas.” 
He finds an empty seat for three even though you’ll both try to kick his brother out. “Let’s get started, shall we?” 
“Hey, can I-” 
“I’m your brother, Georgie. Let me sit with you.” 
“That’s rude to say to your best friend.” 
“I have George, that seems like plenty of company to me.” 
“Why do you hate me?” 
“Should we let him in before he causes a scene?” You ask him. 
“If we do, we won’t be able to plan anything.” 
“I know what to do. Don’t you worry about that.” 
He stops when he notices you two have stopped whispering. 
“Come in and shut it.” 
“Good. I was worried I’d have to do something Ronnykins in order to have a seat.” 
You roll your eyes. “Shut up.” 
“Gladly... but-” Fred raises his hands when he sees your glare. “Alright, alright. I’ll shut up now.” 
“Oh, look at you, dear.” Molly greets you with a smile, arms wide open for a hug. “Have they been feeding you?” 
“Fred stresses me.” 
“Oh, that won’t do. Fred!” 
You snicker into her embrace. 
The boy hops down from the last few steps, wondering why he’s being called down like he’s in trouble until he sees you. 
Now it all makes sense. 
“Why have you been putting stress on your friend?” 
“What? Stress? I haven’t-” 
“Don’t try and deny it. Look at her.” 
“She looks fine.” 
“Fred Weasley! You little-” 
You sneak away while your friend whines. You stare up, knowing that he’s around here somewhere. 
His head pops over the railing, his arms crossed as he leans over slightly. 
You give him an okay hand signal with a nod. 
He smiles, waving you up. 
You look back, making sure no one is watching so you can escape. 
He backs away from the railing, leaning against the wall as he waits for you. 
You snicker as your foot touches the last step, “Oh that was too funny.” 
“It was. It’ll be funnier later.” 
“I hope so. Do you think he'll know it was us?” 
He shrugs, “maybe. Maybe not. He’s gonna try and blame us but we won’t break, right?” 
You shake your head and hold your hand out for him, “I’ve got your back as long as you have mine.” 
He shakes your hand, holding onto it longer than a normal person would. 
Ginny’s voice travels up as she runs up the stairs bringing you two out of your mini staring contest. 
‘He has really pretty eyes- oh no.’ “Uh- I gotta- bye.” You pass the youngest Weasley and run down the stairs. 
You stop in the kitchen, resting your back against the wall. ‘I fancy my best mate’s brother, who’s also my best mate.’ “Oh Merlin,” you head falls back, resting against the wall. 
“What’s got you all flustered?” a mumbled voice comes from beside you. 
Your head snaps over at his. “Noth-nothing Ron. All good here,” you give him a nervous smile. 
He narrows his eyes at you, taking another bite out of his snack. 
“Ignore him,” Fred shoves the boy away from you. “Good plan you two created back there. You should be proud.” 
You narrow your eyes at him, ignoring him as you search for your bag. 
“What’s got you all red? You’re face practically matches my hair.” 
You march in front of him, index finger a mere few centimeters away from his chin. “Shut up.” 
“Calm down,” he pushes your hand away from him. 
All of a sudden, he’s on the ground and you’re being pulled away. 
“Wha- George?!” 
He sheepishly smiles. “I’m back.” 
Neither of you say anything. 
“Would you two look at that? Why is that- Hermione, is that what I think it is?” 
The girl stares at him with furrowed brows, unsure of why she’s been brought over and then she sees it. 
A quiet, “oh,” escapes her. “If you’re talking about mistletoe, then I do believe your right, Fred.” 
“And what is that?” You ask, jaw clenched. 
A mischievous smirk takes over, “if I remember correctly when I asked Harry, which I do. You and whoever stands under the mistletoe must share a kiss and not- not on the cheek or the forehead or anywhere else. I know you and loopholes.” 
“That,” you point up to the bundle, “that is- is holly.” 
“No, it’s not.”
“No, it’s not,” you whine. 
“Fred,” George starts. 
“No, Georgie boy. You’re not getting out of it today.” 
“Out of what?” You ask him. 
“Oh, look at that. Ron’s choking- we’re coming to save you brother of mine. Have fun, you two.” 
“What did he mean by that?” 
“Huh? Oh, nothing,” he rocks on the balls of his heels. 
“Well, now that’s just rude-” 
You take a step closer to him. “How is it rude?” 
“You called me a liar with no proof,” he tells you, also taking a step forward. 
“Well, maybe it’s because I know you and I know when you’re lying.” 
“Only Fred can do that.” 
“You forget, I can tell the two of you apart.” 
He nods, eyes focusing on your lips. “You can.” 
You try to respond with a witty comeback only to feel his lips smashed against yours. It takes you a second for your brain to process his movements but before he can pull away, you eagerly return the kiss. 
“Finally… wait, does this mean you two are gonna be doing this all the time?” Fred has the audacity to ask (when he was the one pushing you two to get closer for the last few months. 
You two part, his hands on your waist, yours wrapped around his neck. You share a look with him and glances back at your friend. 
“Yes,” the two of you say in sync. 
“Oh, Merlin.” 
You giggle, turning to look at George again. “Good holiday so far?” 
“Best one before I ask you a question.” 
“Hmm. What’s that?” 
“If I tell you now, it’ll ruin the surprise.” You pout but he makes it up by showering you in affection. 
After Fred and George decide to open WWW, Weasley Wizard Wheezes, he proposed to which you happily accepted and got married after the war. 
You would have chosen to do it sooner had their older brother, Bill, not planned on getting married around that time. 
But you both had something to honor him. You used the pin he secretly made when he found out George had begun to fancy you. It was a prototype then and once the shop was open and he had proper tools and supplies he was able to successfully make a one-of-a-kind hair pin that popped out a small veil. 
The only reason you found it was because Fred had, at some point, stuffed it into your jacket pocket before you all left for Hogwarts. 
You thought your fiancé had barely just fallen asleep when you began weeping as you read his note. 
I always knew he would ask you to marry him and, look at that, I’m right. Ha! 
This is the first and only of its design, don’t lose it or else I’m gonna be upset when it’s time. 
Put it in place and it’ll work, I promise. 
P.S. I better be best man. I don’t have the right figure for a maid of honor dress. 
Warm arms and shaky hand pulled you close to him. 
And George, he wore Fred’s friendship bracelet, the one you made (during one of your crafting stages) after the two of you decided you were gonna be friends and pranking partners, if there ever called for a time. 
It was the only thing Fred wore on his wrist since it was “special”. Also, he would never switch with him if they pretended to be the other. 
You two didn’t leave each other’s sides during this time but as time went on, you two slowly began to get help regarding your trauma while learning how to heal and not lose one another. It pains you to say but, it’s possible that your friend’s unfortunate death brought you two closer and more understanding of how special it is to know someone and have the kind of bond you two do. 
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tornadotree · 2 months
Whether done intentionally or not, I like how the ways of Rida and Jodie trying to help Cam just allowed him to push them away whereas Siobhans allowed him to feel safe talking to her so much so he went towards her rather than pushed her away.
Jodie and Rida are worried about him, but they comment on his state in a way that I feel makes him defensive. Jodie sarcastically asks if he has a busy day ahead. Rida comments on it not being normal to watch so much daytime telly.
Jodie states "Look at the state of you," she says that he's "wallowing," that "it's been weeks since baby Chloe died" and questions whether something else is wrong after telling him they've all lost patients and they've never acted in such a way.
"Are you sure there's nothing else?"
He's unable to tell them there is something else and he feels worse for this because his friends seem burdened by his behaviour. He's not acting his usual self and this is brought up as a nuisance for Jodie and Rida from Cam's perspective rather than a concern.
"You should come to the Schwartz later." It's what he should do. Not what he wants, but what he should do to stop being so burdensome.
Siobhan, however, validates his struggles, telling him it's okay to feel that way. She offers a way for him to open up, reassuring him that "whatever it is, it's okay."
When he pushes back, she doesn't try and pull it out of him. She takes his word and tells him that they can talk about the babys death again-no "it was weeks ago" or "we've all lost patients." She doesn't try to make him feel worse for feeling this way. She tells him that everyone is in the same boat, reinforcing the fact he is not wrong for feeling this way and he is not alone.
She asks him if he'll attend the Schwartz later, telling him he doesn't have to do it for himself, but he can do it for the team. He hates everything about himself right now but this gives him something outside of himself to focus on. She confirms with him that Schwartz have helped him in the past, so maybe this may help him feel better too.
It's not to stop being so burdensome on those around him, it's for him.
When he's approached in the pub by Teddy, Jodie and Rida, they question whether drowning his sorrows is a good idea, another critique that he'll no doubt hate himself for. They tell him "We'll put you in a taxi-" they don't allow him a choice in the matter. Jodie tells him its a problem to drink when he is "the way he is at the moment"- again something he will take as a jab due to his fragile state.
And then he breaks.
He's been crowded by people with good intentions but who are allowing him the room to push them further and further away. And he takes that room and shoves them completely out of it.
But then Siobhan arrives.
She reassures him. "This isn't like you Cam." She wants to understand and she allows him that space to reflect. She knows he's not himself, and he needs to get out of the mindset that this is just how he is.
"Something else?" She's careful not to make any assumptions. She wants him to be able to get to a point where he can open up. She allows him that space to tell her.
"Tell me if I'm wide off the mark" again allowing him that agency he was denied with Jodie and Rida to talk about his feelings. She asks if he believes Bobby. He doesn't respond and she doesn't press him to. She tells him she can see he's hurting-again validating how he's feeling.
He says, "I trusted him."
She responds, "Of course you did."
She's relieving that blame on himself ever so slightly, she's soft and gentle in her approach, and she shows him the warmth and validation that he's needed all these years.
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marcelllyn · 24 days
Best lovers- Oops, friends.
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Sam is my boy of the month, and wow what a man!
Synopsis: Sam and Letty have been best friends since college, after a while they meet again at Bobby's house. But this time something strange is happening.
Warnings: English is not my first language, Possible mention of blood, mentions of pain and hallucinations.
In college, I remember being great friends with Sam, and we were glued to each other everywhere. Like conjoined, or Siamese, siblings. We both had crazy families who hunted peculiar things, with brothers devoted to their parents, and a dream of escaping that life. We were roommates, two Nerds, he graduated in law and I graduated in psychology, we were going to escape from that family curse that we carried. Together.
So when Jessica showed up, Sam left to live with her, which wasn't really a problem since he didn't ignore me. Whatever happened, he was scared that Jessica would find out about hunting, about his family, about his mother. The memory was vivid, me sitting on the cafeteria bench with some friends while he laughed with Jess on a bench far away, pretending to be someone he wasn't. He always wanted me if it was hurt or jealousy.
Anyway, the day I heard a knock on the door and saw him standing there and sad, with that puppy dog ​​look, and he hugged me tightly crying over his girlfriend's death, I knew that everything was lost, that he was lost and I didn't He was going to rest until he found the thing that killed his mother and his girlfriend. That was the last day I saw him.
Looking out the window of a truck that reeked of booze, I let my mind wander through the good memories I had at the college I dropped out of. Traveling the world and hunting supernatural things runs in the family. I chuckled as I remembered Sam. Even though a few years have passed, the longing for him never went away.
— So, how are your parents doing? — Bobby who was in my direction, questions, an old friend of my mother who has been a nanny on many occasions. — You know, after death, your sister.
— They are doing well, sad, but recovering. — I gave a robotic answer.
— Sad, but well, what a beautiful way to describe grief. – He murmured. — And how do you feel?
I looked at him smiling and responding:
— I feel good, strangely, it's as if she were still alive. Only far away, like she always was.
— She was a great hunter. You remove it from her. -Bobby laughed. — I remember that she played hunting vampires while you pretended to be a victim of the situation, when you weren't kissing the teddy bears saying that you had fallen in love.
— I've always been very soft-hearted and you know that. — I poked him. — She was really great, but unfortunately not even a great hunter can resist a shot.
Bobby agreed, shaking his head.
— You two have always been like two daughters that I never had, I have to say that having four children that are not yours is very difficult. — He laughed sarcastically. — I had to see her face when you left home to study psychology. She screamed, cried, I think she was afraid of being alone or jealous that you were brave enough to leave the hunt.
Four? I felt a pang of jealousy, who were these two other girls that Bobby considered his daughters?
— That's just like her. — I gave a painful laugh. —But I got back on track. Let the spirits and werewolves prepare! — I screamed.
We both laughed. I wanted to honor my sister, continue the family thing, and with the help of Bobby who was like family.
— I hope you don't mind. — He said as he parked in front of his house, which must have been a mess. — I have two other people accommodated, hunters too. Try to be kind, they are going through a difficult situation.
—What kind of difficult situation? — I got my backpacks. — Being in this house is already a difficult situation, how long has it been since you cleaned?
—Watch how you talk, young lady. — He took the backpack from my hands. — One of them kind of sold his soul to save the other's life, they're looking for a way to reverse it, and I swear I'm going crazy with them.
— That sounds interesting. — I turned the handle with more force than necessary, as it was super dirty and rusty.
I entered the house where I spent many good times with my sister, messy as always, but at least it wasn't smelly.
— I'm going to clean this place up. — I commented. —And where are the two visitors?
— They must have left, anyway, feel free to clean up, just don't touch the magazines under my bed.
I frowned, it was disgusting to think that he saw naked women.
— How disgusting! — I let out a shrill laugh. — If I'm going to spend time here, I better organize some things.
I settled in one of Bobby's forgotten rooms that were full of boxes and rubble, lucky for me that I had gotten there early. It took me a whole morning and most of the afternoon with Bobby to tidy up the room and get the dust out of that house. Cleaning the disgusting bathroom that was full of hair in the drain and expensive hair products.
At the end of the day, I was sitting on the couch painting my nails while Bobby watched the football game to hide his concern.
— What do you think of a pizza?
— I think it would be a good idea, my boys will be home soon and hungry. — He took a sip of beer.
— Your boys? — She said intrigued. — Don't tell me you hired…
-No! Obviously not! — He was so stressed that, if he wanted, he took the trouble to make a joke. — Order two, please.
I got up from the couch, leaving the red nail polish on the coffee table and picked up the phone, dialed the number of the pizzeria and walked around the house while ordering a cheese pizza and another Margherita. Being in the hallway, I heard voices coming from the room. For some reason, my heart seemed to be beating faster at one of the familiar voices.
I walked into the living room again, looking at my toenails, which were super smudged red.
— The pizza is about to arrive and I don't drink beer, so I'll buy some juice… — I looked up.
A man in a leather jacket was sitting on the couch messing with my nail polish.
-Goodnight. — He said gently. — You must be one of Bobby's boys. — I tried to say that without laughing.
The man raised his green eyes to see me and smiled, putting down his nail polish.
-Goodnight. — He gave a sideways smile. — Look, when you say it like that, it sounds weird, but what about you? Is that his girlfriend? I didn't know he was into that attitude.
I laughed and sat down next to him.
-No! — She said a little offended, but with a smile on her face. - Bobby is like a father to me, I'm just spending time here.
— Well, there are two of us, yes. — He got a little closer. — I'm Dean and wow, how lucky am I…
I turned my face away, choked on my words when I saw Sam there, standing there with a beer in his hand.
—Sam? — I got up.
—Letty! — He said excitedly. — But what… Are you and Bobby?
-No! — Bobby responded quickly, then taking a deep breath. — She is the daughter of some friends of mine, practically the same as you. Where do you two know each other from?
-Faculty. — We repeat in unison.
— Ah, so this is Letty… — Dean murmured. — Sam talks about you a lot, annoyingly.
I laughed, as if I was unable to understand anything. But I soon remembered what Bobby had told me when I arrived.
— Who was it… Sam, did you make a pact for Dean? Or was it the other way around? — I asked, taking a step closer to Sam.
— That's a long story for later! — Dean coughed, pretending to be melancholy. —Was she your college crush?
Sam laughed, shaking his head and said:
— Kind of yes, kind of no.
I opened my eyes wide, OK, that had taken me by surprise. But I cleared my throat, changing the subject.
— I'm really happy to see you again, Sam, and I'm really happy to meet you Dean. Sam loved talking bad about you. — I joked. — And I ordered pizza.
In addition to being happy, I was nervous. Sam or Dean had their souls at stake, and it was making me anxious.
— Bobby, how many children were you a father figure? — Dean said, getting up and grabbing a beer.
— Only four. Bobby laughed. — So, what did you find out today?
As he and Dean talked, my eyes were glued to this man who looked more like a double-door refrigerator. It was almost magical how handsome he was, how tall he was and how his hair was so well taken care of.
—So, what are you doing here? — He asked, approaching, I took a step back.
— I came to spend time with Bobby, help him with some cases.
— But you don't even like hunting. — Sam commented, taking another step closer. — And it’s dangerous
— The world is a danger in itself. So which of the two handsome guys died?
— Topic for later. — He pinched my nose. — And your sister? Didn't she come along?
— She… — I sighed and laughed. — He's traveling. — I lied, I didn't want him to feel sorry, he already looked bad enough.
— Crazy in both terms, Bobby as he is known. - He laughed, tucking his hair behind his ear.
— I think this proves that we are connected by something bigger. — I poked.
We heard the noise at the door. The pizza. I signaled with my eyes for him to excuse me and went to the door, I started to feel a sharp pain in my head. The voices in the room stopped, and a silence fell. I tried to open the doors with shaking hands, and when I managed to do so, I fell forward, in front of feet wearing pink boots. I looked up and saw myself there, literally, my ten-year-old self, with a sad face, wearing a pink dress and with both scraped knees. He held a strangely familiar necklace.
— Don't trust her, don't let him trust her. — Mine, I started repeating it several times. And then it stopped. — You have to protect him. She comes to get him.
She dropped the necklace to the floor, the pendant being a piece of stone shaped into the shape of an S but stained with blood. As she walked away, but without taking her eyes off me, I clutched my chest, it felt like my heart was trying to get out of my chest. My whole body started to feel cold, I screamed in panic and pain, but it seemed like no one could hear me. I closed my eyes and tried to take a deep breath and get up from the floor, but the pain in my chest and head was leaving me paralyzed.
— Letty, is everything okay?
At that moment, I couldn't distinguish which voice it was. But the moment I opened my eyes, all the pain was gone, I was in the living room, lying on the couch, with three men looking at me worriedly. I didn't feel any pain.
-Yes I am well. — I got up quickly by reflex. — Has the pizza arrived yet? — I asked bewildered.
Sam's strong hand placed me on the couch again.
— Look, you might have hit your head, or something. — Dean said, putting ice on my head. — I was lying in front of the door when we saw you.
— I didn't hit my head. — I took the ice out of my head. — It was a silly faint, I haven't been eating properly.
Sam laughed a little irritated, he hated it when he laughed in that superior and worried way. And I smiled at him, very genuinely.
— Fainting is never a silly thing! —Bobby and Sam said at the same time.
I got up again, I wanted to say what had happened, but I was embarrassed. So I simply said:
— It must be the contraceptive I'm taking, it's driving my body crazy! — I laugh nervously.
The three were silent. I walked to the kitchen with the pizza on the table. I tried to avoid them, trying to absorb what had just happened, the reason for that vision, the necklace. And of course the necklace represented Sam. But why? I thought it ended a few years ago, but no, apparently being the weird person who has visions is my charm. I took a deep breath, leaning on the sink counter.
I looked at the door. Sam was looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.
— I must have scared the delivery man. How long did I pass out? — I sat down trying to look normal.
— About ten minutes. — Sam replied, placing his hand on my forehead. — You should change contraceptives. And after all, why do you take it? You are in no danger of getting pregnant anyway.
I laughed and closed my eyes.
— Haven't I? — I provoked. — And I take it so I don't have to go through the unbearable pain of my colic. — He said dramatically.
— We both know you'll stay a virgin until you die.
It will be? — I raised my eyebrows.
— Terrible liar.
— Terrible… — I rolled my eyes. — I lost my touch.
He looked at me sideways with concern.
—Stop looking at me like that, you weirdo.
— You're the weird one here.
— You are more. — I got up, going to get a glass.
I was surprised with a strong hug. He placed his face in my neck and sniffled as if he missed my scent. I could have done the same if he wasn't so tall and my face wasn't so comfortable on his chest.
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jackwhiteprophetic · 2 months
Okay so I don't usually go into asks, so l'm sorry if this isn't the correct etiquette (its not rlly an ask, more of a anti-bt rant), BUT the amount of bt truthers on my feed recently have been pissing me off, and then I saw this one post that said,
"honestly i love tommy not entertaining their shovel talk with any serious answers, he's like yeah this is my relationship with my adult bf who wants me so im gonna go eat my cake now (double entendre)"
Which??? I don't even know what to say.
honestly i love Tommy not entertaining their shovel talk with any serious answers
Shovel talk?? You mean them asking legitimate questions on his intentions with their friend, who they care about??? who they're protective over??? who's dating a guy that in the past was both racist and misogynistic??? Who treated hen terribly when she joined the 118???
Idk about some people but I'd def hold a grudge 💀??
And it's the way he's not even TRYING. Like they said, not entertaining their questions with any serious answers. he's just making poorly landing jokes (that apparently his cult following chalks up as sass????) and being so dismissive of everything they say.
"I'm wearing a medal" dear god I hated him before that clip but the way he was acting made me hate him even more and gave me SO MUCH of an ick.
It's the way his following are following him so blindly? That they can't see that he wasn't being sassy he was being a sarcastic little shit who doesn't know how to read the room. Henren are trying to look out for their friend who this asshat is dating and he can't even bring himself to try to assure them that he's good for buck.
Idk I think I might've gotten a bit off topic but bt stans are so aggravating???? I've been called 'delusional' by so many people in this fandom who used to be buddie shippers but converted as soon as Buck was kissed by another guy.... And I've seen so many bt shippers be like 'Oh, yeah, I used to be in that sub fandom, I know how annoying and pushy they are'. I'm SO tired of the infighting, and the sudden shitting on Eddie that's going on ever since Tommy reentered the picture. And I'm so tired of THEM thinking that bt will be endgame because it's Buck's first relationship with a man and Bobby gave his approval. They don't care about Buck. I saw another post the other day talking about how 'Evan Buckley better not break Tommy Kinard's soft gentle heart or they're gonna have words'. Atp all they care about is Lou/Tommy. 
Hello!!! Anyone is always welcome to send me asks especially just to rant, I don't end up responding to all of them because I don't want to only focus on Tommy or BT shippers because there are lots of other less aggravating things to talk about, but I saw the same post and I had the same thoughts and I will say I find it incredibly frustrating how some people have praised Tommy for that scene.
Because I think he should be a lot more ashamed of how he treated Hen, and I think if he understood the weight of his ignorance/outright bigotry on her in the past, he would be a lot more receptive of the fact that obviously she feels protective over her friend in this situation. The fact is, the characters of Gerrard and Tommy were written in S2 to show how fucking dangerous workplace bigotry is. They're firefighters. Try telling me that Tommy would have fought as hard to get Hen from a burning building than a white male teammate. Do we think that this extended to the public? When Gerrard was probably evacuating crew members from burning houses earlier than he would for white neighbourhoods, do we think Tommy stood up and said "no, I'm an ally and I say this is wrong, we should fight just as hard for every life". Or did he sit there like a fucking coward and think about cars or boxing or something? I don't have much more to add because I fucking hate the character so much and I am quite disgusted by the white people who excuse this or look past it. You should feel more shame and Tommy should show he is fucking ashamed of his actions and at least show Hen some fucking respect. Tommy should take Hen seriously because his actions had fucking serious real life consequences.
Anyway thank you for the ask!!! My ask box is always open for people to rant and I will always read them!! I'm very much limiting how much I talk about that character BC I am trying to focus more on positive stuff, but if anyone would like to message me ranting about him or any 911 thing I am always available!!!
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silent-stories · 2 years
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Summary: When Y/N needs help on a hunt, she doesn't expect Bobby to send Dean Winchester to her. Now the two must work together to solve the case and Dean has to deal with Y/N's sarcastic and biting personality, that maybe he likes a little too much.
Pairing: Dean × F!Reader
Warnings: blood, spn level violence
Word count: 2625
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They got into the Impala with the intention of thinking up a plan for the hunt and following it as meticulously as possible: they had to speed things up.
“We should arrive early in the morning. Unless we're stopping to—” but when she saw Dean shaking his head, she dismissed that option. “Okay, no extra stops. Not even for breakfast?” She tried again, she couldn't stay awake and active without her black coffee every time she got out of bed.
"How can you live this life?" Asked the man sitting in the backseat of the car with a shattered face.
Good question.
"Everyone makes their own choices, right?" Y/N said, partly because she didn't know how to answer in any other way and partly to silence him once and for all with an allusion to his private life. Which worked perfectly as hoped.
"So" The girl started again speaking to Dean "We get to Toledo, prepare the weapons, wait for the sun to go down, leave the "fish food" near the lake, we wait for the creature to show up, we blind it with a light that we place exactly on Michael and we slow it down and then we slice it.”
It sounded very simple from how she described it but they both knew it wasn't going to be easy at all, especially to Michael, the one who played the more dangerous role.
Dean nodded, it was their last chance to kill the monster.
"Are you ready?" He asked with a smirk at Michael "Do you need to take a chamomile tea before starting?"
Y/N laughed glancing at the man in the back seat who pretended not to hear the question and turned to the window as if the scenery suddenly became incredibly interesting.
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They arrived in Toledo twelve hours later, in the late afternoon. Y/N got the chance to drink hrr daily dose of coffee, while Dean to gobble down a double bacon burger.
"If's vefy goof" he commented with his mouth full, after inserting the last piece in his mouth.
Dean, Y/N and Michael were still aboard the Impala. The two hunters were rather calm in spite of everything, while their bait seemed more and more out of his mind.
“No, no, no. I... I-I can't do that. I just can't!"
"Hey! Calf down!' muttered Dean as he chewed. "Eferything's goffa be just fine."
"Because we've faced situations like this before, and we know how to handle it," Y/N replied.
"Of course, you are not the ones who risk being eaten by that fucking thing!" Michael defended his theory, looking around as if feeling a sudden sense of claustrophobia.
“We can't do this without you, Michael. You're the only partner left, and everyone who works on this project—or who will work on it—is in danger,” he observed, tossing the burger wrap across the backseat as if Michael wasn't even there. “Even if you get out of this situation, someone else will work on that project and history will repeat itself.”
Dean was righ and the two hunters would have to deal with that later, anyway.
“Okay. Okay, I'll do it." Michael said even though he seemed about to cry.
"This is the right spirit!" exclaimed Dean enthusiastically, giving Y/N a small smile, which she returned with some satisfaction.
They waited for the sky to darken before reaching the lake: they needed the penumbra for the creature to come out into the open. Dean repeated several times to Michael that they would be there, close to him, ready to help him. Y/N just patted him on the shoulder.
When he got off the Impala, Dean and Y/N looked at each other, hoping the plan would proceed as planned. Then they took their weapons: guns with silver bullets for both, for Dean an ax and for Y/N a sharp blade.
"And with this we'll blind that son of a bitch," said Dean, taking the flashlight from the trunk before closing it and walking towards the trees in the grove nearby.
The location they chose wasn't the best but it was the most adequate: they had to hide in some way.
Not very far from the lake, camouflaged with the environment thanks to that slight darkness, Y/N and Dean were waiting with their eyes half closed in two slits to be able to see through the trees of that place.
"Do you think that flashlight will be enough to stop it?" She asked dubiously, looking down at the object in Dean's hands.
“It lives in the depths, right? There is hardly any light there, so I guess so.”
"You guess so?"
“It will work.” And this was strangely enough to give her the confidence she was looking for.
"Okay, so as soon as we see something moving in the water we go into action," she said, distracting herself only for a moment to be able get her binoculars from her jacket pocket. It was useful for sightings.
«And we have to make sure that it doesn't go back into the water, it has an advantage there. If it's that fast on land, we don't have any chance in an underwater fight, it would take us under and drown us in less than two seconds."
"Please don't be so optimistic!" She said sarcastically as she raised the binoculars to her eyes, scanning the surface of the lake. The more she zoomed in, the more she blessed the inventor of that instrument. The clarity of the images was reassuring. “So what do we do? Do we wait for it to move away from the water? We risk losing Michael too. You said it yourself that on dry land it's fast-"
"I'm working on it." At those words she was speachless for a moment. She lowered the binoculars and peered at him, motionless. What the hell did "working on it" mean? Michael was there waiting to be attacked and he hadn't even had the bright idea of ​​planning anything specific?
“I'm so sorry Flash, but we have a really anxious man at the scene of the attack and little time left."
At that nickname they both came up with the same idea and their eyes widened synchronously. They looked at each other with the typical "do you think what I think?" look and when they both turned to Michael, they knew they had the same idea in mind.
They mimed the gesture of the phone, as if to invite him to use it in an emergency. At least now they were sure that, if only for some reason the monster would escape them, Michael had the flash of his phone.
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Michael pulled out his phone and sighed deeply, his eyes closed. For a moment Dean thought he was going to have another anxiety attack, but luckily he seemed to calm down - as far as the situation allowed - soon after.
"Okay," Dean muttered under his breath, never taking his eyes off Michael. "Now we have to w-"
A rustle behind them. Dean and Y/N whirled around, in a snap. It's just the wind, he thought. But when there was another movement in the bushes, as they turned around, he changed his mind.
"I'll go check," said Y/N, daring to take a few steps forward. Dean grabbed her arm almost immediately, not squeezing as hard as he had that night when he had a nightmare.
“You're not going anywhere,” He indicated Michael with a significant nod of his head. "It's a trap. The thing knows we're here and it's trying to get us away from its dinner.”
They both looked around furtively. Michael stood motionless, hands clenched into fists, in front of the lake.
"Keep an eye on him."
"No, wait!", Y/N grabbed Dean's arm, just like he had done with her seconds before. "You can't go, you said it yourself, it's a trap."
"If we don't play its game, it will never come out," Dean said. “One of us has to go check and it won't be you.”
Y/N remained silent, she seemed almost surprised by his words, she stared at him for a moment then let go of his arm nodding slowly with a serious expression painted on her face.
Dean cast one last look at the girl and then advanced towards the darkness, disappearing between the trees. The handle of the gun tightly in one hand and the flashlight inside the jacket. It all seemed apparently peaceful, but he knew perfectly well that the Ahuizotl was there, hidden somewhere.
Dean cleared his throat, drew an arrogant smile on his lips and he began to whistle as to get the attention of a dog.
"Hey, I'm here!" he said aloud, looking from bush to bush. "C'mon! Come out, you son of a bitch!"
A movement to his right. Dean stiffened and swallowed a lot of saliva.
"I know you're there," he continued quietly, spinning carefully, trying to locate the creature in the dark.
He caught two small white lights just off the trunk of an oak tree. Dean frowned and froze, jaw set. The Ahuizotl's eyes were shining in the night. The creature growled and walked slowly forward. Dean backed away and as soon as he realized the thing was about to attack him, he turned on his flashlight and the thing backed away abruptly.
"Ah! You're not having fun anymore, are you?!"
Within seconds the Ahuzotl was gone again.
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She wasn't really glad about Dean's decision when she saw him disappear into the woods taking her place.
"Dean?" She whispered in a low voice after some minutes spent in silence alternating her gaze from the thick vegetation to Michael still standing in the place they recommended to stay.
She knew she wasn't supposed to leave but the feeling that Dean might be attacked by that creature while she stood there made her stomach feel weird. She stared at Michael with hope.
The man turned back towards the woods but, when he saw only Y/N watching over him, he began again to breathe fast and to move his pupils from right to left
Honestly, he had all the right to be terrified: he only saw an arrogant girl who had revealed to him how easy she was to kill ordinary people. How could he have remained calm?
"I can't do it," the man said, words that Y/N was able to catch even from that distance through lip-reading.
"Don't panic right now, c'mon!" She couldn't even reach Michael to give him that little courage that would once again convince him to fight for the right cause.
Then that she was not good at that was another matter.
When she saw the man move away from the shore and then start running towards the opposite side, without a precise destination, she was forced to definitively unmask their cover and reach him, inevitably running after him.
“I'm running after a man who doesn't even like girls. I didn't think I'd ever say something like that" She thought aloud as she ran after him. "Michael! Michael come back!" Y/N's voice thundered louder than it should have. "I swear I won't throw you in the lake, but stop!"
And he stopped but not to do Y/N a favor, rather to catch his breath. She would have gladly killed him herself.
"I can't do it, I'm not like you!" The man vented himself, gathering his strength word after word.
"I know." She said looking back out of the corner of her eye but not letting Michael slip under her radar.
"We're all going to die, aren't we?"
"Certainly your improvisation did not play in our favor, since we are in the middle of nowhere now" she asserted sincerely deciding to use her machete as a defense weapon in case of attack.
Y/N heard noises of dry leaves crumbling and twigs breaking.
"And that's not a good sign, stay behind me."
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Silence. Surrounding him there was only an eerie silence, broken from time to time by the rustle of leaves in contact with the night breeze. Dean looked around furtively, expecting to see that thing suddenly emerge, ready to feed on the most disgusting parts of a human body. But nothing happened. He frowned, suspicious.
The Ahuizotl probably went to finish what he had started, killing Michael and possibly Y/N too if he tried to stop it. Yet Dean felt something, a presence.
A movement. Dean turned away, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. But he saw nothing.
"I don't like that," he muttered to himself.
Then he heard growling, right there, behind him. He swallowed and froze for a few seconds before turning carefully. The Ahuizotl watched him, slime running down the sides of his sharp teeth. It wasn't the same one he'd been dealing with a few minutes earlier, it was smaller, but probably as bloodthirsty as its mother.
He sighed and gripped the ax handle even tighter. When the creature lunged at him, Dean decapitated it in one snap. The head rolled off like a bowling ball and the body fell on the ground. Its thick dark blood splattered everywhere. The tail kept moving and the hand at the end of it tried to reach Dean in vain. He grimaced, disgusted by the scene. Then with another sharp flick, just as Sam had told him to, he separated the tail from the body. He doused the creature with some gasoline taken earlier from the Impala's trunk and set the creature on fire without thinking about it twice.
A shot.
Dean looked up, beyond the trees.
He abandoned the fire and ran away, his heart racing at an almost alarming rate. He just hoped Y/N was okay and that Michael hadn't screwed up everything.
He arrived just in time to see the Ahuizotl stand up as if the bullet hadn't even grazed him.
"Hey!" he yelled for attention, but the monster didn't seem too interested, as he had a scared Michael right in front of him.
Y/N was lying on the ground nearby.
Dean wasn't one to pray, but in that moment he found himself mentally begging any god that she wasn't dead.
He picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at the creature, hitting it right on the head.
"I just killed your little, lovely son!" he added in a louder voice, so that the monster could hear those words well. When he turned in Dean's direction, he knew it had worked.
"I just cut off his head while his little hand went bye-bye," he teased him with a smirk.
The Ahuizotl leapt upon the hunter in no time, thirsting for vengeance. It had been so fast that Dean didn't even notice, the ax slipped from his hand.
He found himself pressed against the ground, the creature's paw pressed to his chest, its claws starting to tear through his shirt and a long trail of drool running down on him.
He hadn't noticed how sharp the monster's teeth were before. The creature's heavy breath, so reminiscent of the iron smell of blood, burned his skin. Dean narrowed his eyes and fumbled for his axe. He tried to retrieve the gun from his jeans or the flashlight from inside his jacket, but in the position he was in and with the weight of the Ahuizotl resting on him, it was practically impossible.
Suddenly the creature groaned and moved away quickly. A hand with long claws lay next to Dean. His tail had been docked. Soon its large head rolled on the ground too, its blood splattered on Dean and created a puddle.
"You've always had good timing," the hunter said when he saw Y/N holding a long, sharp, bloodstained blade.
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Tags: @eevvvaa @spn730015 @supernatural111222 @youcancallmelily @clairenovakanddeanwinchester @dads-on-a-hunting-trip @3amstillawake @supernaturalmess @marvelandsupernatural @agirlwatchingalotoftvshows @candy-coated-misery0731 @impalaslytherin @rudy-the-winged-wolf @dean-winchester-6767 @samanddeansannoyingsis @roseblue373 @waynes-multiverse @random-spn-fan @xoxokiaraaxoxo
Series: @stitchintimefan @foxxymunson @sagexcandles @deans-spinster-witch @raisinggray
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vicsnook · 1 year
Long Story Short | Bob Floyd x Reader
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word count: 1018
warnings: arguing, profanity
song pairing: Long Story Short -  Taylor Swift
notes: Hey y’all!! This is pt 3 to Wildest Dreams and Exile but Bob’s version! There will be more parts to this which will be linked under Bob in my masterlist. If you’re Team Jake, in my masterlist you will find Cruel Summer which is pt 3 to this but Jake’s version (will be posted Sunday 😅). Hope y’all enjoy!!! Please if you don’t mind, don’t forget to like and reblog and thank you for the previous ones!!! 🫶🏼
I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me
It was now Thursday. 3 days since the fight between Bob and Jake and since you told Nat everything. Everyone at work initially tried to find out what happened but when they realized none of you were going to say anything they quit asking. All of the bruises were now turning yellow but yours were hidden under what felt like a pound of concealer.
Maverick had pulled Bob and Jake aside to ask if there was anything he should know but neither men told him anything. You assumed the concealer was working since he never asked you. Everyone continued the exercises without a hitch. The only noticeable difference was that you always headed off home instantly after the squad was dismissed.
Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep
The past few nights you’d woken up screaming. In your nightmares, you couldn't stop the fight and one of the boys always got seriously hurt. It was the same nightmare each night but with a different guy being left in the hospital each time. Bob had called each day since the fight and asked how you were, never pressuring you to talk and apologizing endlessly. Jake on the other hand was radio silent.
And you passed right by
I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides
After you were done with your exercises that morning you headed for the vending machines in the conference room. Regretting it immediately as you shut the door and came face to face with Jake. 
“Hey” you whispered as he stood in front of you. His eyes were cold, sending a shiver down your spine. “Excuse me,  I have somewhere to be.” he replied and reached for the door handle behind you but the door handle didn’t turn.
And I fell from the pedestal
Right down the rabbit hole
Long story short, it was a bad time
“It’s fucking stuck, of course.” He sighed as he let go of the handle. You turned around to try it and confirmed it was indeed stuck. Most doors at the Academy tended to get stuck due to being so old. “Can we talk?” you asked as you sat on the table across from him. “Well, I don’t think I have much of a choice.” He replied sarcastically.
“Please don’t be like that,” you retorted and he chuckled sarcastically in response.  
“What do you want from me, Peach?” 
“I just want to fix things or try to.” 
 “Look, I’ll fix it for you. It was just sex. I don’t care what you do, we’re just teammates.” He said, the Hangman persona clearly at play which you knew he resorted to in difficult conversations.
“Teammates? I thought we were at least friends. Was it really just sex for you?” You asked, afraid you knew the answer because Hangman didn’t care about your feelings even if Jake did.
“Friends? No, I just wanted to fuck you, Peach.” He answered coldly. The tears starting to pool  in your eyes. 
“What?” You asked, trying to get past Hangman and to Jake.
“Oh Peach,  I bet Mickey that I could sleep with you before the summer was over.” 
“No, you didn’t.”
“Oh darlin’ I sure did. Ask him.” His smug look told you he knew you wouldn’t ask because then you’d have to tell Mickey why you wanted to know. 
“Why did you stick around so long? Why did you keep coming back until Bob showed up then? If it was just a bet?” you asked, beginning to stand up from the chair and heading for the door.
“Well honey, to put it simply, I was just bored. I was always going to leave but Bobby here gave me the perfect out. Why’d you think I haven’t answered your calls? 
You turned away from him and pushed on the door as you turned the handle. Still stuck. But as you pushed again it opened causing you to lose your balance and land on the floor.
“Peach?” asked Bob who’d been walking down the hall. He extended his hand and helped you up as Hangman walked past you both. You thanked him and turned to walk off but he grabbed your wrist.
“What’s wrong?” His blue eyes scanning your tear stained face. “Not here.” You murmured quietly, leading him outside to your car. 
Pushed from the precipice
Clung to the nearest lips
Long story short, it was the wrong guy
You had explained everything to Bob as you drove towards the beach. He listened quietly but you noticed his jaw tense when you told him about you and Jake. His fists balling up when you finished off with what Jake had just said in the conference room. 
As you both sat down in the sand he reached over and caressed your cheek but stopped quickly as you winced. “Sorry, I forgot about the bruise” he mumbled as you shook your head and gave him a small smile.
“I want to tell you something.” He said, breaking the silence and then he explained that Cobra kissed him the night after you and him broke up. It never went further than a few kisses but he felt you should know.
“Don’t beat yourself up about Hangman. I was out of line. You had all the right to do whatever you wanted.” He said as you looked ahead at the ocean.
“I shouldn’t have and I don’t want you to think I’m coming back to you just because of what he said either.” 
No more keepin' score now
I just keep you warm (keep you warm)
And my waves meet your shore
Ever and evermore
“I know. I want you to take your time. Let’s be friends first and we’ll see what happens later.”
“I’d like that,” you responded as you placed your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. Listening to the waves as you did once before with him when he told you he was being deployed. 
Long story short, it was a bad time
Long story short, I survived
taglist: @harperdoodle , @weirdothatwritess
click here for the next part!
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sharkzippo · 2 months
while bobby drake is likely the closest friend john has at xavier’s school, their relationship has always been rather taut. it goes much deeper than a simple conflict of personalities or powers: as far as john’s concerned, bobby represents everything he does not and cannot have. in the director’s commentary of x2, it’s mentioned that john comes from a dysfunctional family and in the chris claremont novelization, john mentions being a runaway. so it’s safe to say that whatever family he did have wasn’t a happy one. still– it’s the lingering stares at the drake family photos, in envy and anger, that give him away. he doesn’t have a family but he longs for one. of course he does! he’s a kid who has never had stability or anyone to tell him that he isn't the monster the media depicts people like him as. it certainly doesn’t help that even once he starts attending a school for “people like him”, xavier only continues to reinforce the idea that he IS dangerous and that he must always be in control of his powers lest people get hurt.
so when we see john in bobby's house, of course he’s being sarcastic and making vicious comments because yes, fuck it, bobby is a mutant, and if the people who are supposed to love and care for him no matter what are going to get freaked out and treat him awful just because he's a mutant … then maybe family isn't a real thing after all. and that's a fucking harrowing thing to have to accept when you’re barely seventeen and trying to make sense of the world, a world that continues to prove how much it hates you. it’s terrifying and yet at the same time, he can’t help but feel a little freed by it.  because now he doesn’t have to pretend or dream about the what ifs or the could have beens. all he's left with is the narrative the media gave him.  he's a monster, they’re only going to see him as a monster. so he might as well be the best fucking monster they’ve ever seen. at least that way he knows he will survive.
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buddiewho · 4 months
I'm convinced people don't want characters to grow. Everyone says "Characters should grow and be better people." But then hate when a character does that exact thing. Yeah, Tommy started off as a not so good person. "He was racist and homophobic." Sure yeah, maybe. He didn't stick up for chim or hen openly, and was rude to both of them. But he clearly grew as a person, in large part because of them. Just because we didn't see it devlope on screen doesn't mean it didn't happen. But we saw where that growth was getting him in Hen begins and Bobby Begins Again. Hen and Chim would not be friends with him if he did become a better person. I swear media literacy is dead.
Yes, I agree. The way I see it if it wasn’t shown then you fill in the gaps. I once took a Film as Literature course and that taught me seeing the story of the film. It’s just told differently either in movie or television format. Sometimes, not everything is shown or written and so as the viewer/reader you can make assumptions. The assumption that Tommy never changed is odd to me, because I often think of Tim and other writers in their space. Would they sit there and be like, “yeah I’m going to bring back this character but he’s still going to be racist, sexist and homophobic but also gay…” I don’t know it just seems odd to think that from writers standpoint they wouldn’t fill in the gaps and say he’s changed but we will only see that by a few words of Tommy’s and interactions with the ensemble characters.
The gaps being that Hen and Chim haven’t voiced anything against Tommy. Bobby isn’t against Tommy. Which also reminds me of my Shakespeare acting course. In that class, we were often told to understand what other characters are saying about the character you’re portraying so it helps develop the character and it might also be a crucial part of the story. Since, Tommy isn’t being reviled by the ensemble cast; actually being quite welcomed, then I believe wholeheartedly that Tommy has changed.
Sure, is Tommy still a bit crass, sarcastic and a bit of brute yeah maybe. Also, the line “enjoy it while it lasts,” come on folks! It’s simple. Tommy is a character who does not think good things last which also means he is probably still treading waters with Buck. Are they maybe treading into kink territory? Who cares. And also when Tommy points out the jealousy that’s pretty simple too because I get it. I’d be jealous of everyone in the 118 having that found family and having each other’s backs. Having that kind of loyalty is one in a million so yeah enjoy it while it lasts.
Because unbeknownst to Tommy the 118 is meeting storm Gerard again so…
I digress. Know that I agree with you because Tommy has changed and that’s that. Would direct apologies go a long way? Sure, but why can’t I believe he has done that long ago with Hen and Chim?
Well, I can and will.
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blackquillchillin · 6 months
Okay for Simon romancing people in Stardew Valley, we gotta evaluate the potential relationship with each of the characters, so, starting with the Bachelors!!
Alex: gives young person vibes, similar to how Sam does, but more then that i just don't think he's Simon's type. Cocky Jock with Gridball on the brain, eh. I don't know they'd have anything to talk about, really.
Elliott: Aesthetically quite nice, though I don't know if I picture Simon as being very appearance focused in partnerships. Very Artsy. Could work, though I think Simon would be pretty neutral towards him initially.
Harvey: Huge Bonus is that he does not appear as young as some of the other Bachelors. I'm also biased, as He and Sam are the only two I've gotten to marriage to personally. (and quite liked both of them) That said...I don't think he has enough Confidence for Simon. He's dedicated to being a doctor, sure, but he's also nervous, with huge amounts of anxiety at times. He talks constantly about the health and safety of the town, but when other topics do come up, particularly in dating, he's easily flustered. As cute as i find him (and his mustache) I don't think Simon would be interested.
Sam: Reads as too young. everything's still about skateboards and music. Not too young for romance, mind, I romanced him, but too young for Simon. does have golden retriever energy though, which is nice, and really loves his younger brother, also a plus. and he does grow a little once married, But I think it would feel weird. Better match for someone Athena or Apollo's age.
Sebastian: Now here's where we get into the fun stuff!! I think Sebastian would NOT like Simon, who in turn would be....very neutral towards the young man, and completely unaware of the one sided rivalry brewing. See, a lot of the problems Sebastian faces are concerns about not being able to establish himself. He's living in his Mom's basement, with his Step Father he dosn't get along well with, and half-sister who he sees as being favored over him. He also feels no one takes his job seriously, (example, in his two heart event we learn Abigail plans to come visit regardless of him working) but one thing he IS is the town's resident Goth, even more so then Abby. So, imagine, just imagine, how frustrating it would be for him when Simon rolls up, Grumpy and Standoffish, Shock of black hair, dressed all in black, hawk perched on his shoulder, already having his own space with a job everyone recognizes and not having to answer to anyone. If we wanted to count who's edgier, Simon's even been to prison. Heck, in this world he might even have prison tats, anything could happen. And Simon? not the least bit concerned about this, or even aware.
Shane: On the one hand, no one should romance Shane. Shane needs a friend, absolutely, but he also needs therapy, and is not ready to commit to marriage. I might feel differently about this if he wasn't returning to drinking after tying the knot, or reacted to you giving him Beer after quitting. On the other hand, they're both deeply troubled, and I absolutely pair deeply troubled fictional characters, both romantically and platonically. (Bobby Lives! Blackbright whomst, on both counts) They could be deeply troubled.....together..........
And that's the Bachelors! Next up, Bachelorettes..... Abigail: One of her Big character conflicts is growing pains and tension with her Dad. Too young for Simon.
Emily: Too new age-y. I do think they could be friends, though. She'd gift him crystals to "help him absorb negative energy" and he'd get caught in anything she's hung from the ceiling, like dream catchers or beaded curtains. She would be brightly optimistic even as he grouses about life, though wouldn't always appreciate his sarcastic ways.
Haley: Okay hear me out, same energy as Blackmahdi, or NyQuill as I prefer to call it. Sure, it's missing the Ying-Yang color scheme, but consistently arguing? taking pot-shots at each other? both being complex characters with real human motivations underneath their cruel exterior? yeah. It could work. Emily wouldn't be thrilled that that's how they talk to each other though.
Leah: Don't have a reason for it other then I just don't see it. Like, sure, it could happen, but I just don't think it would, you know?
Maru: Simon would be immediately put off by her dad, like that's a big no. Also, she reads fairly young, being at least younger then Seb. also, while he may be reasonably fond of her as a person, (or maybe not, i dunno) I think growing up with Aura may have killed any interest in inventors in general.
Penny: Okay, I know I said Harvey was too timid for Simon, and Penny doesn't exactly exude confidence, but it's not the same. She's a lover of children, who's actively trying to teach the only two children in town. She's aggressively helpful, and trapped in rough circumstances. Also, he could sweep her up in his arms and hold her close and she could gently help him through his anxiety attacks and no I'm not projecting-
Lastly, It's not Romance, but Platonic,
Krobus: No notes. Sweet little guy. Perfection. Simon would share his house with him, as would anyone.
And that's the list!! let me know if you want to hear potential dynamics with the other townsfolk, I may have more thoughts about some of them then others, of course.
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einloukrativesangebot · 7 months
January 2024 Destiel Fic Recs
Here are some of my favourite Destiel fics posted in January 2024. The point of this rec list is to shine light on some new fics that otherwise might go drowing in the ocean of Destiel fics on ao3.
cure of all, this fruit divine by hurtygurdyman
Father, I am sorry my nature does not come easily to me. I know neither how I was made nor why I feel so alone.Cas draws a line in the soil that will one day become the Mississippi River. He looks up at God with a feeling in his gut he doesn’t want to name. spnflash day 4: envy.
This one is very short and poetic. (868 words)
i'm half-doomed, and you're semi-sweet by 13zepptraxx
“Thanks,” he whispers still, allowing Castiel’s hand to reside on the side of his face. He could shrug it away, and he knows he probably should, because right now he and Cas are tiptoeing along a line set a long time ago, one that they both silently agreed they should never cross. Across this line is uncharted waters, unknown consequences, no semblance of what will become; but it’s important to note that Dean wants to cross that line, all the time, every single day. He yearns so badly for it; so he’s taking this moment, this blurring of the line. Tomorrow they can go back to only looking at one another when the other is looking elsewhere, and stealing touches in the form of healing or in a quick pat on the shoulder that turns into a balled fist as they walk away. Tonight, Dean will allow himself to be weak.
Everything about this fic is just perfect. The fucking hours I spend going through every fic posted in january were worth it just for this one, honestly. (1,642 words)
What a Brave Little Ant You Are by withthekeyisking
The first time man-in-charge Cas shows up at Bobby's place, Dean promptly flips the fuck out and shoots him.By the fourth time, Dean doesn't bother reaching for his gun.
Season 7 godstiel, very interesting dynamic. (2,320 words)
Baker Company Pie by S1nging_Y0u_S0ftly
Castiel remembers a recipe from the Great Depression, and decides to bake it for Dean. It's a water pie, something he'd had a few times as a child and remembers it being edible. It will have to do.
This is a coda fic for Ninety One Whiskey, and if I loved 91w as much as I did, you'll love this one as well. (2,570 words)
Nobody Here But Us Chickens by ImYourHoneyBee
Dean has been trying out endearments inside his head for years. He can’t help it. Some sentences feel wrong on his tongue without one, the unsaid words jumping over themselves to leap out of his mouth like living things. It took him a long time to label it love, but what else could the urge be when Cas makes him feel so much? When Cas is hurt, Dean's gruff, “You good?” needs a comma and a ‘sweetheart’ at the end. Calling out in a dank, dusty storage room for a hand with hauling boxes or needing a clarifying eye on an obscure, potentially magical trinket wants to start with a questioning, “Hey, honey?” He can almost taste it, dripping off his tongue sweet and wanting, casual in its intimacy. Sometimes, Dean slips up. “Good morning, sunshine,” while passing Cas a doctored-up cup of coffee in his favourite mug has become a morning ritual. It’s innocuous enough to get away with if he doesn’t think about it too hard. Sometimes, he tries his best to make it sarcastic, but it inevitably comes out too sincere. Cas hasn't caught on yet, though, and Sam has stopped shooting him questioning side-eyes, so Dean's pretty sure he's pulling it off. The problem is that it’s not enough. It’s never enough. 
Very fluffy, they are soo soft in this, I love it. (4022 words)
45 by soft_pine
Dean's 4th, 5th, and 45th birthdays.
The contrast between those birthdays just chef's kiss! (1,158 words)
found it here in your love by nevernevergirl
Dean's birthday doesn't go as planned. Cas is definitely not throwing a tantrum about it. (In which learning to live your life after nearly two decades of saving the actual world is a process. They're doing it together, though.)
Another Dean's birthday fic, I actually read this one his birthday :). (2,779 words)
Don’t Let the Sound (of Your Own Wheels) Drive You Crazy by Eightbitpale
Like a crazy person, like this is new information, Dean thinks: there’s an angel of the lord in my passenger seat. One day I brought him home with me and he hasn’t left since. Cas sighs loudly, and turns a little in his seat to look at Dean head on.
“You’re thinking very loudly.”
“Don’t read my thoughts, Cas”, Dean replies on autopilot, knowing even as he says it that that’s not what the angel meant. There’s a beat of silence between them where Cas just lets the tension hang, knowing all too well that the steely look he’s currently beaming into the side of Dean’s head is enough to make him crack eventually. Dean cracks. “I guess I was just thinking that some shit never changes, y’know?”Its been a long drive. Dean is thinking loudly.
I love the way this one was written, the atmosphere was really special.(3,917 words)
I (22m) am concerned about a coworker (30sm) but am wary of getting too involved in his life by bitterred
A coworker at the Gas-N-Sip that Castiel works at has noticed some weird things about him and decided to write into /r/relationships for advice. "I (22M) have a coworker (mid-30s, I think, M) and this dude (I guess I’ll call him Steve, it's anonymous enough) is more than a little weird. We work at a convenience store/gas station. It’s like he doesn’t understand any pop culture reference, at all, but talks about stuff from ancient history (like, literally, stuff that is in the bible) like he knows it happened for sure."
Short reddit fic about a one of Cas' coworkers perspective on Dean. (492 words)
but honey, most of them are true by Owco
Sam overhears some gossip between two hunters at a bar. He is surprised to learn that it’s all true. Set sometime after Exodus, around Let the Good Times Roll.
A very funny and unique take on the "Sam finds out about Dean and Cas"- trope. (2,996 words)
If you read and enjoy these fics make sure that you leave kudos and/or write a comment! Some of these stories are first fic the author posted on ao3 and they deserve all the love and motivation.
(And please feel free to point out any mistakes I might have made with the links and stuff... hope you enjoy! See you next month for the february recs.)
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aylacavebear · 5 months
Dimensional Shift - Chapter 7 S4E3-6
Story Summary: Maria was just a regular girl, worked at a gas station, wrote fanfic, and loved Supernatural. She even created her own supernatural creature for her writings. When the aurora borealis comes to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, one Halloween night, everything changes for her in ways she never expected. Will she be able to navigate this new world she's thrown into?
Word Count: 3688
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will eventually be 18+!
Warnings: Angst, some Fluff/Comfort, Alcoholism.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 7 - S4E3-E6
(Sep. 20/08 - Oct. 28/08)
Maria stayed out of the next case, knowing that this would be when Castiel would come to Dean in his dreams and then send him back in time to see what happened between his mother and the yellow-eyed demon Azazel.
After which Dean would be confronting Sam about being on demon blood and working with Ruby. Then they’d have a Rurguru case, which was when Sam would choose to stop drinking the demon blood all on his own. She also had no desire to watch Dean flirt shamelessly with the waitress when they’d deal with the shapeshifter at the Oktoberfest.
She told the boys to be safe and that they could handle it, but if they needed anything, she and Bobby were there and only a phone call away. After the boys left, Maria filled Bobby in, swearing him to secrecy because, in her words, “This needed to happen a specific way.” Bobby wasn’t happy about it, but he agreed. 
“Kid, they should know more than what you’ve told ‘em,” Bobby sighed after she explained some things.
“I can’t risk changing too much, though. I know they both miss her, and I don’t know another way to bring her back,” Maria practically mumbled.
“But do they really need to go through all that crap?” he asked, not completely sure how it all fit together.
She sighed, staring at the coffee table, “Over the time that passes, the two of them learn things on their own and it helps their bond eventually get stronger. Those two would do anything for each other. Even Cas ends up being family, but he does some stupid shit too.”
Bobby sipped his whiskey as he eyed Maria momentarily, concern etched into the lines of his weathered face, “How are you holding up?”
She shifted in her seat, her gaze flickering to the floor before meeting Bobby’s eyes, “Honestly, it’s both weird and cool, being here. I fell in love with all of the show's characters. It’s why I wrote fanfic. I just never thought I’d actually end up here,” she chuckled dryly, a hint of vulnerability in her voice.
He leaned back in his chair, studying her with a mix of sympathy and understanding, “Just know, I still see you like my daughter. You can talk to me about anything,” he tried to reassure her.
“I know, and I appreciate it. I just don’t know how to act around the boys sometimes,” Maria sighed.
Bobby chuckled, “Well, the you from here has had a crush on Dean since she was about thirteen. Swore me to secrecy back then. I’m gonna guess you probably have more than a crush.”
Her cheeks warmed as a deep blush appeared, and she was thankful neither of the brothers was there, “Yeah, that would go over really well. The girl from another dimension is in love with what used to be a fictional character in her world,” she said fairly sarcastically, then sighed and looked back down at the table. “He’d laugh at me.”
Bobby sighed, not quite sure how to say what he was thinking about, “You could always just be blunt about it. Don’t live with regrets, kid.”
She knew exactly what he meant. Bobby had regrets, most of them having to do with his deceased wife and choosing never to have kids himself. He’d broken her heart and then had to kill her three days later due to her getting possessed by a demon. She debated telling him he should get an anti-possession tattoo, but that would have changed far too much. 
“Dean isn’t the kind to settle down, Bobby. He likes his “freedom”,” she replied, rolling her eyes and putting the word freedom in air quotes.
He eyed you for a minute before he continued, “He may be an idjit, but he has a good heart. I think he might surprise you if you were honest with him.” After sipping his whiskey, he realized something, “Is that why you didn’t go with them?”
She shifted in her seat uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact with him, “You try to watch someone you love flirt with every girl but you. Can we talk about something else, please?”
Bobby sighed, deciding he’d try to figure out a way to help her, but kept that to himself for now. “Then, while you’re here and not on a case with those two, you’ll train. That way, I don’t have to worry ‘bout you so much when you do go out with them.”
“Thanks,” she replied, giving him a thankful smile.
During that month, she spent a lot of time practicing movements, using her Touched abilities to get the hang of them better. It was the training she needed to reacquaint herself with what the character from her fanfic had been doing since her powers manifested. One thing she was having the hardest time with was feeling so alone. 
She was a fangirl and had been for over a year, and now she was in her favorite show with a fictional character she’d gone and fallen in love with. She also figured this entire situation had to be weird for all three of them.
When she slept, memories of “her past here” played through her mind, and she began missing the man who was her father here. She also got memories of the times she had hung out with the brothers, Bobby, and even with John. 
Bobby made sure to reacquaint her with how to shoot a gun. Her body knew what it was doing, but she had to grasp the feeling of it when she pulled the trigger. Each gun felt different. She didn’t want to be afraid of them, so she managed to stay serious while Bobby taught her.
Castiel couldn’t infiltrate Maria’s dreams due to her being a Touched and having the protection of Bastet by a birthmark or, more, a brand of a small, one-inch black cat mark on the back of her left shoulder. Most monsters couldn’t use their energy powers on her due to that. It did depend on how powerful they were. Of course, she wasn’t invulnerable. 
When Dean got Ghost Sickness, Sam called Bobby in for some help, so Maria tagged along. She stayed in the motel room with Dean while Bobby went to help Sam. Dean didn’t have long left, a couple of hours if he was lucky, and the hallucinations were bad at this point. Maria did her best to keep him distracted but couldn’t when the sheriff showed up, worse off than Dean was. 
Maria’s blood could only heal so much, and this was not one of those things. Even though she tried, cutting her finger and dripping blood into Dean’s wound that he had scratched into his arm, sadly, it had no effect. All she could do was hold him as he held his chest, gripping where his heart was. She knew he wasn’t meant to die here, but being a part of this was hard for her, far harder than watching it on the show.
“Bobby and Sam will fix this, I promise,” she tried to tell him, even if he was in too much pain to hear her.
Then, out of the blue, he was fine, and Maria let out a sigh of relief. The blood she had dripped into his wound now healed his injuries fairly quickly. Dean looked up at her, slightly confused as to why she was holding him. He got to his feet and then helped Maria to hers.
“Thanks for trying at least,” he told her with that smile smirk of his.
“What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t at least try?” she replied, smiling more with one side of her lips than the other, not quite a smirk though.
This was the first time the two of them had been alone since she had arrived in their world. Dean was relaxed as he headed over to the fridge, grabbing himself a beer and chuckling slightly. Maria, on the other hand, felt nervous and anxious around him. Keeping her composure took quite a lot, but Dean noticed the smile she couldn’t completely hide, as well as the emotions in her eyes.
“Well, I appreciate it,” he finally told her before he took a drink.
She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt as she went over and sat on the edge of the bed. Her nerves felt as though they were on edge. Maria knew there was more to Dean than just his outer appearance. But dear God, that outer appearance was something she’d fantasized over on numerous occasions. 
He was the epitome of rugged charm. With broad shoulders and a sturdy build, he exuded an aura of strength and confidence that drew people in effortlessly. Along his chiseled jawline was two-day-old scruff since he hadn’t bothered to shave, accentuating his rugged good looks. Then, there were his piercing green eyes. They held a hint of mischief, always ready with a smirk or a cocky grin that sent hearts racing.
Dean had the most expressive eyebrows that could convey a range of emotions, from determination to vulnerability. He moved with a relaxed, self-assured swagger, every step exuding a magnetic charisma that made it impossible not to be captivated by. From his leather jacket from his father to the worn-out boots, he was the embodiment of any girl's wet dream.
“Want a beer, Sweetheart,” he asked, that damned smirk plastered on his lips again.
“I’d say sure, but beer doesn’t do anything. It’d kinda be a waste to drink it,” she chuckled, hoping he hadn’t noticed the blush that had crept into her cheeks. She also hoped he hadn’t caught her staring at him, again.
He chuckled, “I’d offer you whiskey, but I don’t have any here. We can get some at the store down the block if you want.”
She tilted her head slightly, wondering if he had something else on his mind, but was too nervous to ask at the moment. “It’s okay. I’m pretty sure Bobby and Sam will be back soon.”
Dean leaned against the counter, sipping his beer, occasionally looking over at her, but hadn’t said anything. She could tell he was in his head, lost in his thoughts while still paying attention to everything. It was moments like this that his personality captivated her. He had the kindest heart and the sharpest tongue that cut with a pain that was capable of pushing someone away forever. Just as their eyes locked, Sam walked through the motel room door.
“You two okay?” he asked, concerned for his brother still.
“Yup. Hunky-dory,” Dean replied, sporting that playful smirk of his again.
Then, the three of them drove back out to the factory. Maria had been lost in her thoughts on the drive. Dean kept glancing at her in the rearview mirror, which his brother did notice, but neither of them said anything to her. They met back up with Bobby, and after Dean parked, he pulled four beers out of the green cooler, but Bobby declined. Maria leaned on the trunk of the Impala, thinking about the events that were about to play out soon when Sam pulled her from her thoughts.
“So, Maria, you comin' with us, or heading back with Bobby?” Sam asked, glancing over at her.
“I could do either, but it’d probably be more fun going with the two of you,” she chuckled playfully.
Dean raised an eyebrow, as did Bobby, “Bobby can’t be that boring,” Dean stated, that smile smirk on his face again, which made Maria roll her eyes, but in a playful way.
“Well, if I’m gonna be here, in this world, I might as well get to hunting,” she told him. 
The week she’d spent at Bobby’s while Dean and Sam were working out their issues, she had begun practicing with her abilities, feeling how her body had moved. It was almost muscle memory for her, which she found only slightly odd. 
She had also been having more dreams that consisted of memories of her life in this world, things that her character may have dreamt about in her fanfic. Maria was done questioning going back or even attempting to find a way back. 
She’d already decided she was going to stay, and no one was going to change her mind on the matter. This whole thing reminded her of a few different anime shows she had watched where a player got sucked into the game they had been playing.
Maria’s words made Dean chuckle, “Alright, Sweetheart, but you’re in the back seat.” 
She rolled her eyes before grabbing her bag from Bobby’s back seat and putting it in the Impala’s trunk. Then she hugged Bobby, promising to check in with him while she was out with the boys. Maria had gotten better about Dean’s scent not affecting her as badly as it had in the beginning. 
Her main reason for going with them was because she wanted to see the angels, knowing they were going to show up. She’d already told Bobby about the seals that were being broken, telling him what books were going to be the most helpful. Maria had also gotten more confident over that week, smiling as she walked over to Dean and Sam.
“Ready when you two are,” she told them with a smile before climbing in the back seat of the Impala, getting comfortable in the middle. 
Dean, Sam, and Bobby looked at each other, all exchanging looks while signing to each other.
Bobby: Keep an eye on her. I don’t know if she’s really ready for this yet.
Sam: We will, and we know. She seems eager, though.
Bobby: She’s been training the whole time the two of you were gone.
Dean: Really?
Bobby: Yeah, really. Just watch her. I worry.
Dean: She’s family Bobby, and our old Maria was a damn good hunter. We’ll keep an eye on her, we promise.
Sam: Yeah, Bobby, we promise.
They said their farewells before Bobby got in his car and drove off. Sam and Dean exchanged another look before they got in the Impala. She knew they had just over a week before Sam would find the next case. This was one of those timeframes the show hadn’t added for the fans to watch. She was curious as to what the two would end up doing.
She stared out the window at first, just watching the scenery pass by while Dean drove. Her mind wandered again, thinking about the future events and how pissed he was going to end up being with her.
“So, since you know the future, Sweetheart, what’s our next case?” Dean teased her playfully, glancing at her in the rearview mirror.
Maria rolled her eyes, “You’ve got roughly ten days before the next one comes up.”
“Didn’t answer my question,” he sighed.
She clenched her jaw, still looking out the window, “It’s in Red Wing, Minnesota, okay? But nothing is gonna show up for a case till around the twenty-ninth.”
Sometimes, she hated her memory. She’d done so much research in her world on locations that weren’t easily found when it came to towns that weren’t listed on regular fan sites. This had been one of those that took far more research than she was willing to admit, putting together bits and pieces of information and asking numerous other fans on several chat sites.
“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Dean smirked, feeling accomplished that he got something out of her.
“So, what are we gonna do for just over a week?” Sam thought out loud.
They normally didn’t have time to themselves, and now they knew they had a week off of hunting monsters or dealing with a case. Maria was pretty sure what Dean would want to do, and she didn’t want to think about it.
“Well, I say we go find a nice small town near there, get a couple motel rooms, and relax,” Dean said happily.
As long as my room is on the other side of the building entirely, Maria thought to herself.
“Sure. It’s been a long while since we’ve had time to relax and do nothing,” Sam chuckled, looking forward to it now, too.
The drive wasn’t horribly long, just under half a day, but they got in sometime near three in the morning. When the brothers went in to get a couple of rooms, she followed them after grabbing her bag. Dean wanted her room next to theirs, but she asked for one as far away from theirs as possible, making sure it had two beds. She had a feeling Sam wasn’t going to want to spend much time in the room with Dean or would end up getting kicked out due to Dean needing some private time.
“What was that all about, Sweetheart?” Dean asked, trying to catch up with her, “Don’t want to share a room with me now?”
She rolled her eyes, “I know what “relaxing” means to you, and I’d prefer not to hear it.”
He smirked, which Sam saw, and he shook his head, knowing his brother was an idiot, having no clue why she really didn’t want to be near his room.
“Oh, and Sam, you’re welcome to bunk in my room, when Dean picks brings a chick back,” she added, making her way to her room on the far side of the motel building.
“Thanks,” Sam chuckled as he and Dean headed to their room.
Maria locked her door behind her before tossing her bag on the bed, grabbing some fresh clothes, and taking a shower. It wasn’t the best water pressure, but it did the job. She threw her hair up in a ponytail and went to the closest corner store, purchasing five bottles of whiskey. Her excuse to the cashier was that she was hosting a party, which he bought.
She hadn’t planned on drinking that night. She just wanted it on hand for the next day. So, when she got back, she tucked it away and out of sight, then crawled into bed. Her dreams were again of memories of this world and her character's past, things she’d never added to her fanfic.
It was a long week for her, and she mostly hid from Dean more than anything. Sam spent several nights out of the week in her room on the other bed, as Dean had done exactly what she knew he would. 
“How long are you gonna not tell him how you feel?” Sam asked on the next to last day.
“He’d laugh at me, Sam. I mean, seriously. A girl from a world where he’s just a fictional character, and my dumb ass had to go and fall in love with him,” she retorted with a humorless chuckle.
“He might take it as a compliment?” he replied, raising an eyebrow
“He’s also not the settling down type. He likes his freedom. Then there's the way he always worries about losing those he cares about most. That somehow being close to him puts them in danger,” she sighed, then groaned, “He’s so stupid in that though. Any person he’s helped is in danger if a monster wanted to get to him.”
“Looks like you know him pretty well,” Sam chuckled, realizing that just because she looked like “their” Maria, she was very different, in all the best ways.
She rubbed her face with her hands, mildly frustrated, “He’d think it was creepy. I could probably tell him what he was thinking most of the time.”
“Not sure I’d want to know what he was thinking most of the time,” he laughed.
“Sometimes I wish I didn’t know,” she sighed.
The alcohol was long gone at this point, and she knew they’d be heading out the following day for the next case. She again offered the other bed to Sam for the night in case Dean picked up yet another girl at the bar he’d been spending far too much time in, at least in her opinion. He did take her up on that offer when he saw Dean’s car gone, yet again, around dinner time.
Maria and Sam had pizza for dinner while watching a movie when they heard the Impala pull up at the motel. She didn’t even need to look out the window to know he had another girl with him. She could hear the woman giggling after the car doors closed.
“You’re only torturing yourself,” Sam sighed, hating seeing her sad like she was now.
“Not like I can just turn off my hearing,” she grumbled, turning up the TV.
She barely slept that night, unable to get him out of her head, so the following day, she looked as tired as she felt when she and Sam joined Dean at the Impala. Dean just watched her, attempting to read her expression, body language, and what she wasn’t saying.
“Never saw you at the bar. You into Sam now?” Dean asked, leaning against the driver’s door.
“He’s like a brother to me, and I’m not into family like that,” she snapped, not looking at him.
“Geeze, Sweetheart. Sounds like you just need to get laid,” he teased.
“Dude? Seriously?” Sam questioned him from the opposite side of the car.
“What?” he asked, acting innocent before sliding into the driver’s seat.
Maria ignored him on the drive, sitting behind Sam and keeping her gaze out the window. She was still fighting with herself on how to handle future events and deal with the man she loved, having no clue how she felt toward him. Knowing him the way she did, she knew how he was going to react to numerous things, especially since if she shared the information, he’d stop it. Her only thought was that she wanted the brothers to have their mom in their life again, and one family dinner that they never got. The one day where their dad got pulled from the past, but that was a great many years from now.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 8 - Coming Soon
Dimensional Shift Master List
Main Master List
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she-wolf09231982 · 2 years
Chapter 2-Fare Thee Well
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Summary: Sam, Bobby, and Dean are about to face a nemesis more clever and adaptable than any they've encountered thus far. As the world around them becomes increasingly perilous, the resources they've come to rely upon have been stripped away. They will find themselves totally outmatched and outgunned and pushed to their limits, with no one to rely on but each other…that’s when they decided it’s time to bring you back to the team. In the meantime, Sam is literally battling the Devil internally after being roomies with him in Hell.
Castiel has inadvertently released Leviathans while defeating the Archangel, Raphael. With the Apocalypse averted, Castiel was again resurrected by God with new powers after absorbing all the souls of Purgatory, resulting in his powers reaching a level much higher than that of an archangel, but at a high price: the powers that the evil souls granted him had gone to Castiel's head, causing him to proclaim himself as the new God.
Leviathans (Ancient Sea monsters that were the first beasts created by God that harvest humans as a food source) become an imminent threat where Sam and Dean are required to team up with a resurrected Castiel (Angel), Meg (Demon), Crowley (King of Hell), and Kevin Tran the prophet to overthrow the Leviathans and their front-runner Dick Roman with a weapon designed by God.
Author Note:  Story starts during Season 2 (2006) then flashes forward to the beginning of Season 7 (2011)
Latin to English translations
*Carpe noctem-Seize the night
Bobby is usually on point when it comes to knowing Sam and Dean. When he told you Dean would get past the fact that you were a witch, he was dead wrong. Dean’s resentment of you outweighed his ability to forgive you and has been giving you the cold shoulder since he found out about you a few days ago.
The air was heavy and awkward when each of you were in the same room. Whenever you try to speak directly to Dean, he’d ignore you and speak to Sam instead, replying with snide and sarcastic responses such as,
“Did you hear something, Sam?” or “I’m sorry, Sam, did you say something?”
Sam would roll his eyes each time while you release an irritated and defeated sigh. Dean was obviously upset, but his petty behavior towards you was getting to be too much… for you and all involved. Until day four of his spiteful performances, Dean ghosted you when you came into the kitchen and attempted to place a piece of pie in front of him, Bobby had enough.
“Alright, Dean, get back in here and have a seat!” Bobby bellowed at him.
Bobby’s voice stopped Dean in his place but remained with his back facing the three of you. Dean turned his head barely looking over his shoulder.
“What is it, Bobby?” Dean asked curtly almost sounding like a growl.
“Dean, we have to clear the air here.” Sam insisted.
Dean crossed his arms and scoffed, still facing away from all of you. Sam and Bobby exchange looks of exasperation. You sat quietly at the table with your arms folded with your eyes on Dean’s back. To Bobby, Sam, and Dean you were sitting there just listening and waiting. What you were actually doing was zeroing in on Dean’s internal movement. His heart rate, pulse, breathing, and his mental activity.
His aura was red hot, and his brain waves were surging with rage and rigor. The heat you sense radiating from him made you sweat in your chair. You zoned in so meticulously on Dean’s emotions you began to feel everything he was feeling. You finally decided to speak up while they were all talking over each other.
“Dean, your blood pressure is skyrocketing, please just take a breath. Sit with us. We can talk this out. Everything.” You proposed.
Dean turned finally acknowledging you.
“Y/N, I don’t need to talk about anything. I’ve heard enough to know that this,” he motioned to the group with his hand, “does not work.” He stated.
“What do you mean by ‘this,’ Dean?” Sam asked. Dean shot a look at him.
“I can’t hunt with someone that is one of the reasons we hunt, Sammy!” Dean yelled.
Bobby and Sam stared back at him.
Dean continued, “First of all, she withheld she was a witch for what? Over 25 years?? Makes me wonder what the hell else she’s been keeping from us.”
He looked at you, “How am I supposed to trust you to have my back…no, all of our backs if we can’t trust you to tell the truth?” He questioned.
You remained calm, not breaking eye contact or cowering back from his hostility. Sam and Bobby watched you with deer in the headlight eyes. Bobby secretly hoped you’d turn Dean into a rabbit or something to show him you don’t have to take his childish crap.
“Dean, this is exactly the reason why your parents didn’t want you to know about me. Because you would lose your shit and punch holes in the wall like you did the other day.” You finally replied.
Dean’s jaw clenched and lips pursed from both anger and embarrassment. He punched a hole through Bobby’s already deteriorating bathroom wall. His hand still bearing bruises and minor cuts. Dean isn’t proud of how he’s been acting out, but this deep-rooted sense of betrayal he felt triggered his inner monster, and he just couldn’t control it. He was angry that you were once someone that brought out the best in him and now the witch that activated his animalistic side.
Dean crossed over to all of you, placed his hands on the table and shifted his weight forward. His icy green eyes burning a hole into your soul.
“Y/N, as of right now, you won’t be hunting with us. I’ve been thinking about it a considerable amount, and weighed all the pros and cons, and it’s just not going to happen, babe.” He mandated.
Sam flitted a look of panic at Dean.
“Dean! Are you serious??” Was all Sam could say.
“Serious as a heart attack.” Dean replied without looking away from you tilting his head.
You move forward, leaning on your elbows meeting Dean halfway across the table without the fear of repercussions of getting too close.
“You don’t really want to do this, Dean.” You say softly but assertively.
Dean exposed a roguish smirk, “Oh, I know I do, babe. Your time with the Winchesters has come to an end.”
He pushed off from the table, slowly backed up, turned on his heel and exited out the front door without another word. You all hear the Impala speed off into the distance.
Sam stared into space with his hand over his mouth gripping his chin. Bobby started chugging his beer.
You stood up gradually, rolled your shoulders back and proceeded to where your jacket hung behind the door. Sam and Bobby watched you intensely, waiting for whatever might happen next. You sense their stares and quietly chuckle.
“You don’t have to gawk at me, you two.” You utter across the room.
Bobby and Sam looked at each other shaking off the shock of what just occurred.
“Y/N, I’m…Don’t think that-“ Sam tried to formulate a sentence, but you cut him off.
“Sam, don’t. It’s fine.” You reassure.
“No, Y/N, it’s not fine. Dean shouldn’t have the final say in this.” Bobby pushed.
“Bobby, it’s just easier this way. Dean will take every opportunity to throw this in my face if I stay. He’s right, we can’t hunt together like this. Someone will get killed. I’m just going to go.” You confirmed.
Sam’s eyes started to get glossy. He knew you would disappear, and that you were clearly capable of doing so. They may never see you again. Something Sam has never fathomed and quite frankly, whole heartedly disagreed with.
“But…where will you go?” Sam asked.
You gather your things into your leather messenger bag, don your jacket and beanie, and shoulder your backpack then turn towards Sam and Bobby as they walked over to meet you at the door. Sam towered over you when he reached you. You look up at him.
“Don’t worry about me, Sam.” You say confidently with a weak smile.
With Sam in close proximity of you, you fuse to his current sensations he was feeling.
“Heartache, hurt, sorrow, desertion…his aura is dark blue and cold. He’s fighting back tears...” You reflect to yourself.
As the intensity of Sam’s sentiment increased, you felt more of his emotions within you. One tear shed from your eye.
“We’re gonna miss you around here, Y/N.” Bobby said.
You look at him affectionately, “Bobby, I will never forget you.” You embrace him in a bear hug, hating the thought of letting go.
“Yeah, Y/N, I…I really don’t think you should go.” Sam urged pushing down tears.
You look back at him with a smile.
“Sam, all of our paths will cross again. Until then, watch out for each other.” You raise your eyebrows at him as if to ask, “Ok?”
Sam nodded and pulled you in for a hug. Sam being 6’4, he practically absorbed you as he held you. Your ear right over his heart, hearing his beat accelerate as you stood there with him. It’s time…
You pull away from Sam and pat him on his chest over his heart.
“*Carpe noctem.” You whisper to him.
He flashed a faint smile at you then looked at the floor so you couldn’t see his tears beginning to fall. You turn and walk through the screen door, and onward to the dirt road. You walk without looking back as Bobby and Sam stood on the porch watching you literally vanish into the fog that was beginning to form.
Five years later…
Dean and Sam are about to face an enemy craftier and more adaptable than anything they’ve encountered thus far as hunters. As the world around them becomes increasingly perilous, the tools and people they've come to rely on have been stripped away. The Winchester brothers have found themselves totally outmatched, outgunned and pushed way beyond their limits, with no one to rely on but each other.
You relocated to Chicago, Illinois after you left Bobby’s house that day. You tried to continue hunting, but you’ve been denied joining other hunters after Dean’s resentment spread like wildfire. He put the word out that you were a turn coat witch and was not to be trusted. His warning hustled through the hunting alliances, and nobody would work with you after that. You decided to apply to a local pub in the downtown area as a bartender and just live your life using your craft to do good for people who seek your help and not you seeking to help others.
You began to sense a shift in the planet’s balances one evening while you were working. Gravity seemed to be heavier, the air was less breathable, and everywhere you looked had a foggy filter to it. Something was wrong…
A new evil was released into the world…
A dense, violent element hovered in the atmosphere…
Something happened. You close your eyes to concentrate on this fierce aura you were sensing, but it was impossible to concentrate on what it could be.
Then suddenly, another sensation pushed into your thoughts. Someone nearby was seeking you out.
You can hear the thoughts of this person looking for you.
“She has to be here.” You hear him think to himself. His presence is very familiar.
You furrow your eyebrows when his presence hits you like a train:
“Sam?” you whisper to yourself.
Your eyes spring open and you gaze out into the room to see Sam Winchester pushing through the crowd looking around like a lost child searching for a responsible adult.
You bee line through the sea of patrons towards him. His back is turned towards you when you reach him. He backs into you almost stumbling, then turns meeting your resting bitch face expression.
“Sam?” You say briskly.
Sam’s mouth fell open, his heart filled with panic. You felt it.
“Uh…Hey, Y/N! What are you doing here??” Sam responded a little too enthusiastically.
You narrow your eyes at him not believing his little ‘what a coincidence’ act.
“Please, Sam, there’s no way you just happen to be in Chicago. Let me guess? Dean is here, too. Don’t tell me where, let me guess. He’s either at the pool tables, or he’s at the bar buying a cheap rail shot for a girl who’s pants he wants to get into.”
You start to scan the busy room for Dean’s presence. It didn’t take too long to locate the glow of Dean’s green eyes. (As kids that’s always how you were able to find him when you played hide and seek).
There he was at the bar hitting on a pretty blonde female, ordering what looked to be two shots of second-rate vodka and a couple of beer chasers.
“I knew it.” You scoffed. “What are you doing here?” You ask turning back to Sam.
Sam looked back at you alarmed.
“Uh…we’re just passing through.” Sam struggled to respond.
You lift an eyebrow at him as you cross your arms.
“Oh yeah?” You shot back unconvinced.
Suddenly you hear another voice behind you,
“Oh good. You found her.” Another familiar voice called out over the music.
“Bobby??” You shrill as you turn around facing a worn looking Robert Singer.
You looked back at Sam with a ‘care to explain?’ expression.
“Found me? So, you were looking for me.” You confirmed.
Sam tightened his jaw in frustration as he looked beyond you at Dean who just walked up.
“Oh…Guess you didn’t tell her yet, huh?” Dean asked after seeing your irate expression.
Sam shook his head.
“Tell me what?” You snapped with arms still crossed.
Dean and Sam looked at each other, both letting out a long breath before looking back at you.
After you finished your shift, Sam, Dean and Bobby accompanied you to your apartment just above the bar you worked at. You made a pot of coffee since the rest of this evening was sure to be a long one with this sudden appearance by the Winchester brothers. You give them each their own coffee mug with all the coffee condiments they may have needed while Sam explained why they came looking for you.
You massage your temples after Sam completed his story.
“Sooo let me see if I’m understanding you right: Your friend, Cas, unintentionally released Leviathans from Purgatory and in the process swallowed them to defeat the Archangel, Raphael?”
“Yes.” Bobby responded.
“Right. And this Cas guy is traveling through the public water supply raising cane with a Leviathan multiple personality disorder.” You continue.
“Sounds like you got the gist of it, there, sweetheart.” Dean stated condescendingly.
You slowly bring your gaze to Dean. Your eyes still piercing and contempt rising inside, then your lips curl into a mischievous smile. You’re amused by his boldness since it was his fault you left in the first place. Now here he is, seeking your help to battle mythological sea monsters. You look at Sam.
“I’m sorry, Sam, did you say something?” You ask him. Sam rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling.
Dean chuckled sarcastically, “Ok I see how it’s going to be.” He said walking over to your fridge finding your beer stash and helping himself to two bottles.
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scornedserendipity · 12 days
7: The Wendigo and The Box; Winchesters x Younger Sibling (OC)
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quick authors note: hi, been a minute. i started thingking this fic was shit but then i was like "i've read worse and if I know it's not as bad as those fics, then im golden. but enjoy chapter 7. idk what im doing here lol
After Jamie left the Euporium, she got everything she needed, she even managed to find a decent laptop bag. She continued to explore, getting a bit hungry after all the news. She found a local diner and took a seat. Her head was spinning, all the information she just got, out of one person. Lady Luck really must have a crush on her. She looked out thewindow as she waited. 
“Evening. What can I get for you?” A woman asked. 
Jamie turned and flash a smile. 
“Can I get a cream soda and one piece of that pie to go.” She asked with a smile.
“Sure thing boss, do you want your drink with ice cream?” The waitress asked.
“I can have ice cream with creame soda ?” Jamie asked, her eyes getting wide.
“Well yeah. We have vanilla or sherbert.”
“Vanilla to go then, please.” Jamie said pulling a twenty out of her pocket. “Charge me and keep the change.” 
“Are you sure? That’s a ten dollar tip?” The waitress asked. Jamie winked and nodded before turning back to the window. 
She couldn’t help but continue to think about Histor. Besides her Dad that was the closest she had ever been to her mother and she was getting closer by the second. Jamie was no fool though. 
She already anticipated how much research she would be doing so she picked up a journal and some hard drives when she found her laptop bag. 
If someone was looking for her, she should tell her family. Someone, in case something happens. 
She pulled out her phone and passed by Dean and Sam’s contacts till she reached Uncle Bobby. The phone rang two times before her uncle picked up.
“Bobby, we need to talk.”
Jamie explained everything by that had happened in the last week, she explained what Histor told her and how she felt about it. Bobby listened. He was staring wide eyed at his notes as he listened to what Jamie said, taking sips from his cup as she continued.
“Wait, so why even break the spell if it’s protecting you from someone?” Bobby asked. he was never so surprised about anything anymore, more shocked when it didn’t end up being something weird.
“Remember a couple of months ago when you found me by the Corvette in the junkyard and I didn’t know how I got there? He said that keep happening and will get worse. The spell is stopping whatever is inside of me from ‘awakening’ and it could kill me if something isn’t done and I don’t want to die Bobby.” She said. 
“You seem pretty adjusted to this news.” Bobby said sarcastically. “but we don’t want you dying. Have you been losing more time?” 
“I’ve had some time but No, that was the only time as far as I know but I don’t know, even since we got on the road I’ve felt different. I’m getting worked up easier and it’s getting harder to stay civil with Sam and Dean. I just feel like I’m losing control sometimes.” She admitted. “When I touched Dad’s notes, I had a vision. I can feel it, Bobby, whatever Frida had, I have.”
“Well, you call me if you start going dark. I still haven’t told your Dad or Dean about the sleepwalking.”
“Yeah, I haven’t told them anything yet. I’m scared they are going to do something drastic, especially if they find out I could drop dead because of some unknown spell. We’ve never dealt with anything this big before and Dad thinks something even bigger is happening, could they be related?” 
“I have no clue hon, we just have to take it one step at a time,” Bobby said. He was never super emotional or anything, but he was more of a father to the siblings than their own Dad. in the year Jamie had been there, they had gotten closer. They had agreed that she could look for her Mom so long as she told Bobby everything and he promised to keep it between them until they couldn’t.
“So, what do you know about witnesses?” Jamie asked. 
“Gee kid, let me just pull out my notes on biblical bloodlines,” Bobby said sarcastically. “Are you sure you should even mess with this? How can you even trust this guy?”
“I don’t know. It’s all I got right now.” Jamie said. Her order was brought to her table and she immediately dug into the soda float but she still thought about what Bobby said.
“Well if you do trust him maybe you shouldn’t do anything. He did say that the spell is protecting you from someone, you most likely don’t wanna meet them.”
“I know Bobby but you know when you wake up after not eating dinner. How the hunger stays through the day. That’s how I’ve felt since I was a kid. I just need closure.” Jamie said. She heard him sigh heavily on the other side of the line.
“Alright but, if I help you, you have to tell the boys. We can’t do this without them.” Bobby said. Jamie sighed. “And if we do break that spell, you are sticking it out in a safe house till we figure something out.”
Of course, she knew why these conditions existed. Even more so now that she knew there could be someone after her head. She debated for a moment. Was telling Bobby the best thing? It was the safest bet.
“I know, and I will tell them. If they find out from you I will never have freedom again but even though I just got all this information, I don’t think they will believe me until I either have evidence or they witness it. I want to avoid telling them about it if I can. When I first touched Dad’s notes, I saw a vision of him. It felt like someone threw gravity at me.” Bobby couldn’t help but chuckle. Just as he was about to say something, Jamie saw the familiar shape of the Impala pull up on the street. “I gotta go, Bobby, thanks.” She hung up quickly and grabbed her stuff. Sam and Dean were leaning on the car waiting for her.
“Here.” She passed the to-go to Dean, handing Sam the bags of supplies. 
“Is this pie?” Dean asked untying the bag.
“No, it’s a bag of cat poop.” Jamie joked as she sipped on her soda. Dean cringed but peaked inside anyway.
“It is pie!” Dean said showing off the dessert to his brother as if to brag.
“Sam, why didn’t you tell me I could put ice cream in my soda?” Jamie asked innocently.
“Because it’s bad for you.” He said rolling his eyes. Dean put his hand out for the cup, wanting to try it. Jamie stared at him. Sam had been watching her since they pulled up, ever since the hospital she seemed off.
“I got you pie and now you want my soda shake?” She asked, offended. Dean nodded with a smirk.
“Gotta make sure it’s not poison.” He said sarcastically. Jamie handed the drink over to her brother and moved to the back door. 
“Common, we have places to be boys.” She said, opening the door and hopping in. Her brothers followed.
“So. Who were you talking to?” Sam asked as they got ready to take off.
“Bobby. I forgot to call him last time so I filled him in.” Jamie answered. She was just staring out the window, sipping on her shake.
“Okay, what did you do?” Sam asked again.
“Went to a couple of shops, walked around. That’s it.” Which wasn’t at all a lie, it just wasn’t the full truth.
“Okay?” Sam said. he looked at his brother, who was more focused on picking a less-played cassette than anything else going on in the car. In Sam’s mind, something was wrong. Jamie was always excited to tell him about her day, whenever she did something new. He huffed to himself and looked back at the map. Glancing at the side mirror to see Jamie’s face in the window. 
Her eyes were a little puffy. Was she crying?
“How much did you spend?” He asked in a joking manner. California was not cheap, never was and probably never will be. 
“uh, maybe like two or three hundred, I’m not sure,” Jamie answered, not taking her gaze off the window.
“Where the hell did you spend three hundred dollars? You got maybe 50 bucks worth of supplies, that bag was probably another thirty, and food was twenty. Where did the other two hundred go?” He asked. “I’m not trying to tell you how to spend your money but why start spending it now?”
Dean had turned down the music. Hardly ever was Sam taking on the role of impromptu parent, but he was also curious and sam was hardly ever wrong about math. Dean listened silently, ever since he got back she had been acting weird, even before she was attacked. He couldn’t put his finger on it, Jamie had very few tells and they were always easy to miss.
Jamie still didn’t take her gaze off the window. 
“Dude, you’re paranoid.” She said calmly. 
“Then let me see your receipts.” 
“Tossed em. Why would I carry around trash?” Jamie said. Sam was about to keep going back and forth with her when Dean joined in.
“Yes, Dean?” She said, she didn’t want to panic but she felt like the questioning wasn’t going to end well for her.
“Are you telling us the truth about what you did today?” He asked. He wasn’t even taking his eyes off the road, but his tone of voice told her he was serious. If she lied she would probably never go on a hunt again, or leave Bobby’s house. She had the receipts, but there was too much evidence about her excursion on them since she wrote down the spell on one of them. She debated for a while and remembered what Bobby said about telling them the truth. Maybe they would help her?
“Fine. You can’t be mad though.” She said scooting to the middle seat.
“Well, that depends. You already lied.” Sam said. He was usually more patient with her, the roles being reversed were weird.
“Right well, you shouldn’t dwell on the past Sam. I found someone who knew my mom and I asked for a favor.” Jamie said quickly. 
Now it was Dean’s turn to be mad. The car jutted to a stop. Gravel kicked under Baby’s wheels as they pulled off the road.
“You what!?”
“Hey chill out, he didn’t know anything useful,” Jamie said, putting her hands up. She blinked. Dean hadn’t taken his eyes off of her. His brow was furrowed and his lips did not have the usual smirk. He looked torn like he was mad but didn’t want to be. 
“Why do you always get mad when I talk about my mom? I know what you guys went through but that is no reason to punish me.” Jamie said, staring her brother in the eyes; if she looked away now it would be suspicious. 
Sam blew air and leaned his head back. That’s what was off. She was still hiding the fact she was searching for her Mom. It was only weird because Jamie’s a chatterbox most of the time. She would talk about any and everything. Sam gulped and weighed his options. 
Better late than never he thought to himself. Worse case Demario she does find her mom, she did kill those people and she kills Jamie. If they don’t know where she is they may never find her body.
“You’re right, but you don’t know the full story, Jamie,” Sam said. He wasn’t looking at his siblings. He couldn’t. He felt like his life was some huge fucking joke in that moment. Not because of what his siblings were saying, not because his Dad was M.I.A., it just felt like a joke. How he would never have a normal life how he could never really escape hunting or his dead mom, he was just done with it all.
“What do you mean, I don’t know the whole story? She called, she was gone I was there? Right?” Sam cringed when he heard the pitch in his sister’s voice change. She was always level-headed and headstrong. She never cared about anything but being okay but he knew that when she found out, it wouldn’t be pretty.
“Sam!” Dean scolded. He was glaring daggers at his brother. “Why the fuck would you say that?” He asked.
“Dean, she isn’t going to stop looking! When have we ever been able to give her a good reason not too? I’d rather she find her mom and we know than find her and something happens and we don’t know.”
“Yes, she is if she knows what’s good for her. She could get herself killed!”
“Dean, she needs to know the truth. We can’t keep treating her like she is some toddler! Jamie, when we picked you up that night you weren’t the only person in the house. Upstairs there were six men, dead. Dad never wanted you to know that your Mom was probably the one to kill them.” Sam said. He felt a weight lift from his shoulders. “There ya go. that’s the big secret. That is why they don’t want you to find your mom.”
Dean scoffed and threw his hands up. He was turning away from his sister and facing forward. Dean wanted to say something but what could he say? Over a decade of lies had just been unraveled by his brother and his sister had yet to speak.
“Okay. Fine. Let’s just go.” Jamie relented.
“Wait that’s it?” Sam asked, putting his hands up.
“What do you want me to say, Sam? That I’m angry? Do you want me to start crying like a child? There is nothing to change it. Thank you for telling me.” 
The brothers said nothing. Dean turned the engine over and pulled onto the road. Jamie went back to her spot staring out the window. 
The drive was silent except for the pur of the Impala and the wind that flew past it.
She wasn’t going to cry, she was far too old to start crying, but she felt it like a frog in her throat was trying to come up and choke her but she had to get over it. It was already done, it wouldn’t have changed anything, now she just knew.
Now that she knew the truth, however, all it did was confirm what Histor had told her, but the fact that six men were dead the night they got her, wasn’t in the story Histor told her.
She couldn’t prove Frida didn’t do it, but they can’t prove she did. Nothing Histor said about her would give the impression that she would kill six men, but you don’t know somebody till you do. Maybe Histor was biased. What if she died because she didn’t do anything about it? Would it just go away? Symptoms don’t usually just go away without getting rid of something.
“Dean, Sam?” Jamie broke the silence after the first sixty miles.
“Yeah?” They responded in unison.
“You guys would never leave me, right? No matter what?” Jamie asked. Her thoughts were racing with hypotheticals and possible bad endings for her story. “You wouldn’t let me die right? You’d move heaven and earth for me?”
“Of course, you are our sister, what makes you ask that?” Sam scoffed. He tossed a confused look at his brother.
“No reason, I just…you guys are all I have and if finding my Mom means losing you then I won’t do it…”
“Is that you’ve been thinking about for the past hour?” Sam asked, turning to look at his sister. She had turned on her side and was using Sam’s jacket as a blanket. He couldn’t see much of her face due to the lack of light but she looked half asleep.
“Jamie, even if you did find your Mom, we would never, ever leave you to die. We are family.” Dean said, Sam nodded in agreement, looking back at his baby sister.
“Jamie…what’s wrong? You’ve been off since the hospital.” Sam asked.
“I’m just tired. I guess I’m still getting better.” Jamie muttered. 
Sam and Dean shared a look. Sam shrugged but Dean was starting to get worried. He kept quiet though, if anything they could talk when they were sure Jamie was asleep, but he knew something was going on with his little sister.
Jamie woke up to the loudest volume setting on the Impala, blaring Back in Black. She shot up and looked around. Her brother Dean couldn’t stop laughing as she looked around in a panic.
“What the fuck guys!?” She groaned. Sam leaned into the car and turned the music down, still chuckling. “I’m so getting you back for that.” She muttered. Jamie tossed Sam’s jacket by the cooler. She was rubbing her eyes and yawning. They were parked somewhere with a nice view.
“Hurry up, we have to take you to a motel before we check out the crime scene,” Dean said, tossing the tube of toothpaste onto her lap. Jamie sighed and drank some water to clear the dryness in her mouth. She grabbed her bag and dug through it, searching for the plastic baggie she kept. 
Sam opened her door and handed her his cup. The one plastic cup they kept for rinsing.
“I almost forgot how shitty life on the road was.” She muttered as she put toothpaste on her brush and looked around. “Where even are we, how long did I sleep?” She asked. “Can’t I just stay in the car? Ya know, get away style?”
“We are about three miles out from the coordinates. You slept the whole time.” Sam answered.
“Right,” Jamie said. Still groggy and leaning on the Impala. Sam scoffed and got into the passenger seat. He looked at his brother who shrugged, switching out the cassette tapes.
Jamie slumped against the Impala as she brushed her teeth. She tiredly stared into the distance as she brushed. She wasn’t focused on anything in particular, just the dirt road she assumed they came from. 
“Can I camp instead?” Jamie asked as she brushed. 
“No, if there is a case out here the woods is the last place you want to be. There was a body found out here.” Sam answered. “Unless of course, you want to be eaten.” He shrugged. 
“Haha, very funny,” Jamie said. 
She was tired, which was weird because she slept for longer than usual, no weird nightmares making her wake up in a pool of her sweat, and no itchiness inside her ear. It was weird to wake up feeling normal. 
“Besides, Sam and I were talking. Since you decided to lie, you get to stay in a motel.” Dean said, popping out on the other side of the car. Jamie turned around to face her brother. She wanted to scowel but she could barely keep her eyes open. She finished brushing and spit, making sure to turn away from the car. She rinsed and spit again. 
“I don’t care, so long as I can sleep and order pizza.” She muttered. She took a look around and found a decently sized tree. “I’m gonna take a wizz.” Jamie turned and walked away, her hands in her pockets.
“That went smoother than I thought it would,” Dean said, shrugging at his brother. Sam watched while Jamie disappeared into the tree line.
“Do we have to make her sit this one out?” Sam asked.
“Yes! How will she learn if she doesn’t have consequences?” Dean asked. 
“Well yeah, she is tired anyway. She slept the whole time.” Sam said. “What are we going to do if she does manage to find her mom?” 
“Easy, we won’t let it happen,” Dean said. 
“Dean, she is already looking on her own, who knows how much she knows,” Sam said. He didn’t want to throw his sister under the bus but there was no ignoring the obvious. “She is going to be 18 soon. We won’t be able to stop her then. I’m honestly surprised she isn’t putting up more of a fight about it.”
“Yeah, it’s suspicious but we got bigger problems right now.” He muttered, getting into the car. Sam followed.
“Ever since the hospital, she’s been weird,” Sam said. “I can’t put my finger on it, but she has been weird. Tell me I’m not the only one.”
“I know,” Dean muttered before sitting down in Baby.
Jamie returned shortly after, hands in her pockets and hair tied back. It always looked like some kind of puffy cloud when she put it up.
“Let’s go. I want a motel with wifi.” She told Sam not to bother to look at him before getting in the car. “When are we going to Bobby’s to fix the car?” She asked Dean. 
“After this. I can’t bear to see my baby hurtin’.” He said, running his hands on the steering wheel.
“Kay.” That was all she replied with. Sam got in the car and they were off. While they drove they reviewed the newspaper article Dean had found but it wasn’t long till the car came to a slow stop.
Jamie had her backpack, her duffle, and her laptop bag. She stared up at her weirdly tall brothers, normally she would be extremely irritated that she was being left out. She would be fighting to go and help them.
“You guys are gonna wish I was there. You won’t have cell service.”
“We will be fine.” Sam chuckled.
“No leaving, no panhandling, don’t open the door for anyone, and no research,” Dean said with a shrewd face.
“Sure thing, Mom.” Jamie rolled her eyes and turned away. Heading towards the checkout room. She didn’t bother looking back. 
Sam gave Dean a concerned look. 
“We can talk on the road,” he muttered, getting back in the car and driving away.
Jamie let her shoulders drop when she stepped into the lobby of the motel. Why it had to be so far out of town, she had no idea. It felt planned. Like they didn’t want her to have anything to do. She sighed and examined the room. It was very brown but everything looked relatively new.
“Welcome, how can I help you, little lady.” 
“Hey, I need a room for the night. Two beds please.” She said she made sure to grab her fake ID. The photo was of her, but the name and information were just short of the truth. Easy to remember. Dean had made it the one time it was just the two on a case and they needed to see the body. 
The clerk took her ID and examined it carefully. 
“You don’t look 23, you look younger.” He said with a raised brow. He was bending the ID and scratching at it. 
Jamie rolled her eyes. “Thanks for the compliment. Can I get my key now? My brothers will be here sometime in the night as well. Let them up. One will be freakishly tall and the other one will look a douchebag.” She said, handing him a hundred bill. “and I need the wifi password.” She added. the clerk counted the money and shrugged. Lying about your age was the easiest thing, it was as easy as just having confidence.
“Password is, Hitchcross. Capital H.” He said handing her a key to room 12. She nodded and thanked the man before heading towards the room.
It was cleaner than she expected for a motel damn near in the middle of nowhere. The beds had blue quits and a lot of pillows. There was a mini fridge and a distinct smell of pine and something floral.
“At least I get it to myself for a while.” She sighed. Jamie dropped her bags and went to inspect the bathroom and the towels. 
It was a simple bathroom with a tub and shower, nothing fancy but not dingy like she was worried about using it, so that was a plus.
It felt like when she was a kid and it was just her in the motel. For a while, it was her and Sammy, sometimes Dean. More often than not it’s just her now.
“Nothing a hot bath can’t fix.” She muttered to herself while she tested the water temperature. She couldn’t remember the last time she took a bath just to relax. The burns were mostly just scabs now, they couldn’t have been as bad as the hospital was telling her. She was just sore now. 
Jamie sighed as she lowered herself into the bath. Hardly ever did she get a full bath to herself, usually one of her brothers had to use the bathroom before she got to relax. 
It was all crazy to think about. Her Dad is missing, who killed her brother’s Mom, killed Sam’s girlfriend, and tried to attack her. She is some kind of witness, her powers might kill her, and she is fighting monsters rather than working at the grocery store. 
That one wasn’t really out of the norm though. 
“So many questions. I wish I had someone to talk about it with. Would God answer my prayers? Is that how it would work?”
Jamie stared at the bubbles that floated in her lap. The steam that rose from the water and how the smell of her soap. How all of it felt so visceral, how it didn’t feel any different than any other day in her life. Her sad, dirty little life. 
Almost everything was silent. The only sound being made was the sound of the bubbles. Popping away as they reached their limit. 
“Crazy, how a mind could compare something as short-lived as a bubble, to that of a human life, to an impact of change,” Jamie muttered to herself. She felt in a daze, like when the buzz starts to wear off on the walk home and everything starts coming back to you, all your inhibitions coming back to the forefront of the mind.
“Should I follow this path? What else would I do? Become a therapist? That sounds too depressing.”
“You will never be able to stray from your destiny. Jamie.”
“I don’t believe in destin-” Jamie looked up, panicked. It was her, in the tub…with her. She looked around again, she wasn’t in the motel anymore.
“What the fuck?” She asked, putting her arms up to get out of the tub.
“I wouldn’t try that. It’s easy to get lost in there.” Other Jamie said.
“Where am I? Who are you?” Jamie asked. She checked her senses again. She was definitely in the water still, she could still smell the soap.
“In your mind. You wanted someone to talk to. Here we are.” The Other Jamie lifted her hands as if to showcase the expanse of emptiness that currently surrounded them. 
“Okay, I must have fallen asleep. I need to wake up,” Jamie said, splashing her face with the water and slapping her cheeks as if it were a lucid dream.
“This isn’t a lucid dream Jamie. You are here, in your mind. Well, a version of it. You are still in the real world, I can assure you. If you get out of this tub here, your body will do the same thing but you wanted to talk, so let’s talk.” 
The Other Jamie smiled. 
“So are you my subconscious or something?” Jamie asked. 
“You could say that. I already know everything you are thinking, I look just like you. You can call me whatever you want.” Other Jamie shrugged.
“Okay, well what am I supposed to talk about now if you-I already know everything I’m thinking,” Jamie asked.
“Well, you don’t know everything you are thinking.” 
“How so?” 
“Awareness is the greatest part of free will. We have a gift for it. The more aware of the seal and our abilities you become, the more they will present themselves. Whether we can control it or not. Self-”
“Self-actualization is the gateway drug,” Jamie said. She was finishing her sentence. Other Jamie nodded with a smile.
“Your question was what to do next. right? Where to go from here after talking to Histor? How to tell Sam and Dean the truth?”
“I guess. I mean, how would I even tell them? Dad is missing, Sam's girlfriend just died. That should be my biggest priority, but I don’t feel like it is.”
“Ah, the heart…the soul. At the end of the day, we have to do what is best for us. Sam and Dean will always have a life outside of us. We should tell them because they are family, but do we have to? Do we want to?” Other Jamie asked. 
“Well, I do. I want my brothers by my side. They are all I’ve ever known. Finding Frida only means finding answers and there will probably be more questions. They said I would still be their sister even if I found her.”
“That was one thing about Dad and the boys we never understood. Believing that the next step was the answer. Look how that turned out and they will. You could kill a man and they would help you hide the body, but what if it ends up just like Dad and Sam?” Other Jamie snickered.
“Right, Dean isn’t Dad though. These are all irrational thoughts. I suppose the only real question I have is where to go next?”
“You already know where to go next.” 
“The Box.”
Jamie was back in the motel. Still in the bathtub. Any normal person would have questions as to what the fuck just happened. Jamie already knew it had something to do with her powers.
She looked around and stood up. Grabbing a towel and wrapping it around herself. She headed towards her bag. She had dropped them onto the beds before she ran the bath. 
She tore into the bag, grabbing the box Histor had given her. She set it in front of her. Weighing her options. There is a chance something else could happen if the same rules apply and she is sent somewhere by the book, she will be naked. 
Jamie got up and grabbed her clothes bag, taking out some jeans, underclothes, and one of Dean’s old hand-me-down band-tees she kept.
“I guess I shouldn’t feel weird about talking to myself now,” Jamie muttered to herself, she looked around just in case she manifested another hallucination. “Whatever that was had to be a side effect.” 
Jamie gulped and sat back down in front of the box. She wondered what would happen. Maybe it would kill her. 
Slowly, Jamie undid the latches on the box and opened it. There was no bright light or horrid smell like she expected. It was a book—a spiral-bound book with a bright green leather cover. 
“That was anti-climactic.” She said to herself. She grabbed the book and opened it. It was some kind of journal, not a published book, it would have been typed if it was. There was no title or author. Jamie flipped through the pages, barely able to tell what the words were supposed to be. It looks written in multiple languages. 
“What the heck?” She said to herself. “All that and it’s just a boo-”
Early Morning
“What do you think Jamie has been doing?” Sam asked as they drove back.
“No clue, she better not have checked herself out though,” Dean said, taking a drink from his beer. Sam wanted to say more but he didn’t even know where to start.
“I’m worried about her, Dean. She isn’t acting like herself, ever since the fire.”
“Well, something like that changes you, but I see where you are coming from.” 
“It’s not just that. It’s something else.” Sam said, taking a drink of his beer.
“She is a teenage girl, Sam. Something is off about all of them.”
“When has Jamie ever been a normal teenage girl? Person in general who also happens to be a girl?” 
“Why don’t you ask her? You two were buddy-buddy all last year.” Dean said as he put the car in park.
Sam remained silent but got out of the car with his brother. They grabbed their stuff and headed into the Lobby.
“Hi, we’re looking for our sister. Debbie Derst.” 
“She was right, you are freakishly tall.” The clerk was staring at Sam with a mix of disgust and amazement. Dean laughed and took the key. Sam glared and gave a nod to the clerk.
“Thanks,” Sam muttered as he followed his brother.
“hang on.” The clerk spoke up. The brothers took a few steps back and listened. The clerk looked around and leaned over to peek down the hall before making eye contact with the brothers again. “ I don’t want to speak ill of your sister but some loud noises were coming from up there a couple of hours ago. I went to check on her but I couldn’t open the door, even my master key didn’t work.”
The clerk said, getting up from his seat and following the men. They stopped and turned. 
“What do you mean, loud noises?” Sam asked. He searched the man for a name tag but didn’t see one.
“Oh, call me Earl.”
“You’ve been here all night, Earl?” Dean asked, looking down the hallway. Room twelve was in the creepiest spot—the very end of the hallway.
“Yes, I have. Around six or so, the lights started flickering and then there was all the noise. It’s been silent ever since.” 
“Did you call the police?” Sam asked, glancing at his brother.
“Do I look like a snitch to you mister?” Earl asked. He put a hand on his hip and gave Sam an ‘are-you as stupid-as-you-are-tall? look. 
Sam and Dean gave each other a concerned look. 
“uhm, our sister sleepwalks. She probably just knocked something over,” Dean said, giving a curt nod and a smile. “Sam, let’s go,” He whispered. 
Sam and Dean approached the door apprehensively. Dean watched as the fluorescent light slightly dimmed. 
“Will this key work?” Sam asked as he watched his brother. 
“It better work or I’m dropping lead,” Dean said as he pushed the key in. He tried to turn it but it wouldn’t budge. Dean turned and looked the other way down the hall. Earl was back at his desk.
“Why would Jamie lock herself inside?” Sam asked. 
“I don’t think she did,” Dean muttered as he crouched to be eye level with the lock. He grabbed his lock-picking kit and got to work. 
The door flung open.
“What the fuck?” Jamie said. She was only halfway showing her face. When she saw her brothers she sighed in relief. “Oh, it’s just you two. I could have killed you ya know?” She said, opening the door fully. She had one of their guns in her hand.
Dean stood up and nodded. “Why wasn’t the key working?” he asked. 
“What do you mean? Mine works.” She said as the boys entered the room.
“Jamie, Earl said he heard loud noises coming from here, the lights started flickering and the key didn’t work,” Sam said as he dropped his bag down.
“Well, Earl is an idiot because it’s been quiet as a mouse here. I’ve been asleep, woke up like an hour ago.” She answered, going back to her spot on the farthest bed. “How was the hunt? You guys look like shit.” She said.
“It was a wendigo,” Dean answered. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed with a beer.
“Ouch. Those things aren’t usually out this far.” She replied calmly.
“Tell me about it,” Sam said. He grabbed the remote and clicked through the channels.
The siblings fell into silence. Jamie could feel the pit in her stomach grow. She stared at the back of her brother’s head.
Twelve hours ago, when she interacted with people she could just barely sense what they were feeling unless it was a prominent emotion when they were strong, like fear or happiness. Now she felt like she could sense everything.
“You guys hungry?” Jamie asked, standing up. 
“We ate on the road. You?” Dean said, looking back at her. 
“Uh, no. I ate some sleep and then had some sleep for dessert.” She joked.
“We’ll get something on the way out of town,” Dean said, leaning back and looking up at the ceiling.
Jamie nodded and looked down at the floor where she had stashed the box, it was just barely peaking out from under the bed.
The truth is she didn’t know what she was doing for the last hour. She woke up to the sound of the lock being picked and jumped up. She had no memory of the last twelve hours she had been in the room.
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