#bobby didnt mean it guys!
cas-coding · 1 year
"don't get your panties in a twist, darlin'," bobby says, rolling his eyes at whatever dumbass thing dean has just said, and dean knows he doesn't mean it like that, he knows, but everyone he's met means it like that, and sometimes he thinks sam means it like that, and it's not fair.
it's not fair those words carry more meaning to him than they do to anyone else.
sam must see it on his face, then, because he's shooting a look that shuts bobby right up, slapping a hand on dean's shoulder. "hey," sam says, his voice tiptoeing on sympathetic, "we should prep more salt shells for it either way. get out of bobby's hair while he figures out what we're gonna eat, yeah?"
dean hates that he just nods along, numb to it all. he can't change anything; he's already changed enough about himself, and he's sure as hell not going back, so what way is there to make them more comfortable with him?
he's not the type to beg for some doctor to give him testosterone, the reliance would only make it worse, make it harder for him to get his job done. he'd thought about the surgery, but the recovery time is several weeks, several weeks of people dying because he was selfish enough to fix something that most people don't even think is wrong with him.
the basement door creaks open and sam's footsteps sound out in front of him, jolting dean back to the reality where he's supposed to be helping sammy instead of getting lost in his own head.
"you alright?" sam asks, looking up at dean's figure at the top of the stairs, tilting his head just a bit, like he'll be able to read dean's thoughts.
dean sighs and clomps down the wooden stairs, each creaking under his weight. "would you even be askin' if i was born with a dick?" he shoots back, shoving past sam at the bottom of the staircase, his anger bubbling up inside him.
"woah," sam laughs, trying to take the weight out of it. "you know you're my brother, i'm just worried about you, dean. you went all freaky quiet up there."
"yeah, well, next time one of you decide it's funny to make a joke about the fact that i wasn't born 'your brother', i'm going to fucking shoot myself, so cut it the fuck out."
it takes dean a moment to realize what he's said, the basement falling gravely quiet around them. he shouldn't joke about it, shouldn't think it's funny that he carries around a gun for himself, banking on its final blood being that of its owner. a couple times, he'd toyed with the ideas, loaded and unloaded it until his hands cramped, deciding he was too tired to pull the trigger.
"dean," sam whispers, and there's that pity, that sinking, deep pity, the thing dean had been avoiding. "i'm sorry. we don't think about it sometimes. it's not because you're trans, honest to whatever god is out there. bobby sees you as his son as much as he sees me as his son, promise, and he probably doesn't even realize that's more offensive to you than me. i can talk to him?" sam offers, shrugging.
"no, don't."
"what do you want me to do then?" sam fires back, instantly taking a step back. "fuck, i'm sorry. i just, shit, you don't get it, do you? we really don't give a shit that your voice isn't all deep or whatever, and we really don't give a shit that your chest isn't completely flat. you're the one who's making all this up, writing this narrative that we hate you for it, all in your own head. we love you, dean, and we don't give a shit that you weren't born with that name. honest."
and in that moment, it doesn't matter; no matter what dean is, he's just glad he's got a body to hug his brother with.
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cthulhum · 3 months
dean thinks about his daughter emma, charlie, kevin, ellen, jo, pamela, benny, kelly ALL the fucking time guys no one understands actually hes constantly thinking about Them
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narcissusbrokenmirror · 9 months
aro Luke be like "no, u dont get it. I want a girlfriend...im just so busy with my band that i dont really have time for it."
"Sure making out is hot but i cant get really involved with anyone rn I'm trying to make it big in the scene."
"Of course I'm bisexual, i have chemistry with everyone, i could date anyone who i really like.. I just won't, because my bandmates are the most important people for me."
"Yes i like romance, i like writing love songs and ballads and some of my favorite songs are romantic."
"Okay, okay, I'm not into dating. Sure, i like making out and cuddles but i can do it with my friends."
"All i really wanted was a relationship where we're not necessarily in love with each other but we could still do all the couple stuff, and write love songs together and never get married. "
and he doesn't even realize.
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flowers-that-sing · 11 months
oh hey guys remember the weird energy and thrill seeking thing? yeah well update on that, turns out i probably have bipolar and i’m in a manic episode
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kindnessisweakness2 · 3 months
The next morning Emily drove her truck into Teller Morrow. Clutching the warm coffee in her hand she rolled her eyes at Cara for the millionth time that morning. "Im sorry Em! We didnt mean to keep you awake." Emily nodded at her best friend as she slumped back in the seat. She was grumpy in the morning. Especially since she had no sleep last night from Juice and Cara's long goodbye, if thats what you want to call it. 5am they finally quit it. It didnt matter how many times Emily banged on the wall, screamed at them to shut up or shoved a pillow over her head. Nothing could drown out Cara's loud Moans. "Im gonna miss him so bad." Emily groaned as she faceplanted her steering wheel. "Cara i love you. But please get out and give me five minutes peace." Emily didnt lift her head but she knew from the sound of the door opening and shutting, she left. God she could just fall asleep right there.
Not even 2 minutes later a knock on the window made her jump out of her skin, almost spilling hot coffee over her lap. Looking up she saw a smiling Jax. His face pressed against the window in a funny expression, nose squished. She couldnt help but smile at him. Shaking her head she rolled down the window. His face returned to normal as he threw his arms on the roof of her car and leaned in. He only wore a white t-shirt, his leather and a pair of jeans. Her breath hitched in her throat as she watched the muscles in his arms flex and his shirt rise to show his hips. The delicious V she would love to run her lips over. "Morning Darlin'" She smiled wide at him as she leaned back taking a sip of her coffee. "I heard Juice kept you up all night. Do you want me to put a stop to him coming over?" The look on his face told her he was serious. "No! its fine, honestly. Cara would never forgive me. She really likes him. I just need to start booking a hotel so i can escape the fuck fest and actually sleep." Emily rubbed her dry eyes, she knew she looked awful. Black tracksuit bottoms, a white cropped vest and a black zip up hoodie covered her body. Her hair was down and straight and not one bit of make up covered her face. She didnt really care what she looked like when she got dressed this morning, pulling anything on. Now she kicked herself for it. Here he was looking like a God even in simple clothes and she looked like a tramp. "Nah you wont need a hotel darlin. You can always stay at mine when you wanna get away." Emily could feel herself going red, but before she could say anything Jax pulled her car door open. "Come on, moms made breakfast." Jax threw his arm around her shoulder as she got out of the car. They made their way into the clubhouse under the watchful eyes of many.
Emily couldnt wipe the smile off her face when she was greeted by the guys. Hugs from Opie and Chibs, high five from Happy and even a nod from Clay and Bobby who were deep in convosation. Jax couldnt wipe the grin off of his face either. He loved how the guys liked her already, how nice she was for them. Made him like her even more. Jax pulled out a seat for her at the table where the guys sat and disappeared into the kitchen where his mom was. Emily winked at Cara who was currently sat on one of the many sofas on Juice's lap, giggling as his hands wandered up the back of her shirt. God these next few days Cara is going to be miserable without him. Seriously good sex with Juice had her falling in love already and it had Emily worried. Cara being here was only meant to be temporary. She didnt want either of them hurt. "Here you go Pocket." Jax placed a massive plate down infront of her with a fresh cup of coffee. Sitting down next to her he stole bacon from her place and flashed her a toothy grin. "Fuck how hungry do you think i am?" Emily shook her head before stabbing at the scrambled egg with a fork. "Its for us to share. I've got a long ride ahead." Jax kissed the side of her head before sipping her coffee and handing it to her. Emily's stomach felt like it wanted to burst, releasing all the butterflies he made swirl. Fuck. He knew what he was doing to her. He had to.
20 minutes later, Clay moved to the door of the clubhouse shouting that they were to leave in 15 minutes. That cut the laughter across the clubhouse short. Emily couldnt help the smile dropping from her face. Jax squeezed her thigh trying to offer some comfort. Standing up he threw his arm around her shoulders as he always did and lead her outside to his bike. All the families started to gather outside to say goodbye to their men. "So how long are you away for?" Emily asked as Jax let her perch on the seat of his bike. He lit a cigarette leaning back against the railing behind him. Emily couldnt help but think about how attractive he looked when he was smoking. The way his perfect lips would wrap around the filter and form a perfect O to blow out the smoke. "Shouldnt be no more than 3 days." She nodded and smiled at him softly. "Nice friendly visit, yeah?" She looked at him dead in the eyes as he froze. She didnt know where she got the confidence to ask but she would be a liar if she said she wasnt worried for their safety. Emily wasnt stupid. There'd be no need for such a big club presence if they werent expecting trouble. Emily stood from the bike at the sight of Clay and Gemma walking their way. "Ready VP?" That seemed to shock Jax out of his frozen state. Nodding at Clay he threw the cigarette on the floor, crushing it beneath his pristine Nike trainers. Emily looked down the row of bikers kissing and loving their families as if it was the last time they'd see them. Her stomach dropped at the thought of something bad happening to Jax. She felt stupid, He wasnt hers to worry about. Spotting Cara's long brown hair at the bottom of the row as she hung over a smiling Juice, kissing the life out of her. She worried about Juice too. All of them even. Cara would never get over it if anything happened to Juice and she'd grown to really like the rest of the guys. Her and Happy's talks about Ink, Opie and Chibs love for her food that made her feel good, Halfsacks innocent but puppy like manner as he often put his foot in his mouth, but did as he was told. She hadn't had much interaction with Bobby, Piney and Clay, but maybe that was for the best. She had brought trouble to their door on more than one occasion because of Noah and her temper. They probably werent as forgiving as the younger members of the club.
Feeling Jax move beside her she stepped out of the way allowing him to straddle his bike. She watched him as he clipped his helmet and started his bike. The sound made her wince. There was nothing like the sound of a Harley. Leaning down so he would be able to hear her over the rumble, Emily moved her hand to cover his. "i dont know what's going down in Nevada. But what i do know is I need you to come back in one piece." Pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, Emily tried to savour the moment. Just incase something did go wrong. Which she hoped to god it wouldnt. "Ride safe, Teller" were the last words she could manage before her throat got thick and the familiar sting started in her eyes. With one last squeeze of his hand, Emily moved to stand with the rest of the women and children who were waiving their men off.
And with one last look in those baby blues, the men disappeared from the lot.
Here is another part loves!
I really hope you enjoy. As always please let me know what you think and where you would like this to go!
Love all messages and comments!
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evansboyfriend · 15 days
am i the only person who doesn't see buck as a people pleaser?
i see him as caring and attentive and someone who goes the extra mile to help the people he loves. he's someone you can rely on to be there when you need them.
people pleasing is a very specific trauma response behaviour that essentially means ignoring your own wants and needs, prioritising others over yourself, making yourself smaller, trying to keep the peace, not rock the boat.
that's not the buck who quit his job when he was desked. who sued the LAFD to get his job back. the guy who told the newbie "you're my problem" and ripped off bosko's temporary label from his designated shelf. or how about when his relationship with ali ended because she couldn't handle his risky job, and buck wasn't willing to compromise on it? when he told taylor kelly that they can wipe the slate clean between them but not continue their relationship? when he broke up with natalia because he realised she wasn't really interested in him as an actual person? if he ever displayed this behaviour, might've been with abby, which was a wholly fucked up relationship with buck looking for commitment (maybe for the first time in his life?) with a woman who wasn't looking for anything serious. but even then when he had doubts he talked to bobby about it.
my point is, when buck's upset about something, he doesn't stay quiet about it. he doesn't neglect his own wellbeing and doesn't compromise his peace just to make others happy. he'll go about it in very wrong ways, especially in the earlier seasons when he was still young and hadn't even began unpacking his childhood trauma, and he's matured since then, of course. and I think he had that "people would be better off without me" mentality but i don't think ive seen it since his coma, when he said that being buck is enough. he has grown so much (and i hope he will hold on to his newfound self esteem, i hope nothing will ever make him doubt his own worth).
but even in s7 - when he was bothered and did something about it. again, went about it the wrong ways. but he went to talk to maddie when he hurt eddie, admitted his mistake, made up with him (even though we didnt see it on screen). and then again when he thought he had sabotaged his first date with tommy, he talked to maddie and eddie, and then he reached out to ask for another chance, and invited him to his sister's wedding, insisting tommy should come as his date because he wanted him there (i'm not saying he wouldn't have taken no for an answer, but he knows what he wants and is vocal about it). and - throwing a bachelor party for chimney, who didn't even want one, but buck wanted to do the nice thing for his friend/future BIL and he made a theme around things chimney likes. being there for eddie and christopher but setting his boundaries ("i dont think i can explain this") because he cares about them and wants to help them any way he can.
this doesn't read as people-pleasing behaviour to me. buck is someone who cares so fucking much, no doubt about it, his compassion for others is endless. but he also goes for the things he wants and stands up for himself against things he doesn't tolerate.
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theosconfessions · 10 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can do so over hereeeee :)
Theo: river,man...what the fuck are you watching this shit for? River: this shit? you mean the show where you found the love of your life? Theo: you know what i mean and why im saying it. [motions towards the paused screen] River: wasnt me. Dustin:riv River: why would i be watching it? come on. [Dustin and Theo look at eachother] Theo: the girls. River: obviously... and i wouldnt want to have that conversation Dustin and Theo: shit... Dustin: well i mean Bobbi knows right? so its not that bad. Theo: the BAD thing is kid..is that this wasnt my first go round on this bachelor shit. Dustin:well i know that. Theo: you do BUT. Dustin: Theo... Theo: theres a reason why i didnt want scarlett to be digging into this shit.i didnt want to look shittier than i already do. for what ive done to you..Dustin..hurt them..ive been in and out man..she goes down this road shes moving back with her mom. Dustin:ehhh she'd never leave me [smirks] River: she does love dad more than you. Theo: thanks kid[smirks and sighs] ill figure it out. River: with the way they ran outta here i think theyre already ahead of anything youd be saying to them.they do have the internet. Theo and Dustin: rightttt..... River: how old are you guys? Theo: shut up
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queerbuckleys · 1 year
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BIG LOVE AHEAD [1.2k | cute| small town/coffee shop au] {ao3}
for @firemedicdiaz- I hope this can be a soft blanket of distraction <3. and for @singlethread- happiest of birthdays <3
surprise i wrote an au that didnt turn into a 20k+ saga lol. Title from Big Love Ahead by Mon Rovîa. enjoy!
Evan Buckley is absolutely soaked. Standing in the rain and miserable If he’s being truly honest with himself. But that’s the thing. He should be miserable. Because he just had his heart broken. He was supposed to have had the cinematic love story— from the meet cute while he had been helping Bobby host the annual toy drive to a kiss in the rain after they decided to exchange keys and each have a drawer at the other’s place, cheesy keys in a jewelry boxes, contact paper and all. But the box is in his jacket pocket and it’s pouring rain.  and Alex was the one with the car that night so Buck trudges towards home. Trying not to think about how this news will spread throughout town, for lack of a better term, like wildfire. 
Sure he could have called a cab had his phone not died of course. So yeah he was pretty much stuck walking through town, completely soaked. 
He's not sure why he stops on the corner that he does, maybe to take a break under the awning of the little coffee shop that opened recently. He had been meaning to stop by, but it felt like a betrayal against the old machine that sputtered out the perfect cup at the station. 
He runs a hand through his sopping curls. And he hears a crack of thunder and sees a flash of lightning. 
“Fucking hell,” he mumbles to himself. 
“You wanna come inside?” 
Buck jumps as he turns towards the door, where he finds a man about his age leaning out of it. He's wearing a henley and a flannel— both of which look impossibly soft. He has a towel sling over his shoulder and gentle eyes. 
“Aren’t you uh, closed?” 
“Technically, but when I see cute guys walking through severe weather I get concerned.” 
“I- um, I don't want to keep you. I really don’t live too far.” 
“I live upstairs,” The man says and shrugs, “and I can make you a hot beverage so you don’t get sick.” 
Buck swallows the fact that standing in the rain doesn't necessarily get you sick and accepts the offer. 
Once they are both inside the other man takes stock of him and how he’s dripping onto the welcome mat. 
“Uhh let me get you a towel— and maybe a change of clothes?” 
He’s gone before Buck can protest. 
He looks around the cozy shop and then locks eyes with a pair behind red glasses. The gaze scrutinizing. 
“Who are you?” the boy demands  
“Uh, my name's Buck.”
“That's a funny name. Why are you all wet?” 
“Christopher, what have I told you about rude questions buddy?” 
“It was a valid question. I just didn't know how to explain getting brutally dumped to a six year old.” 
“I'm seven!” Christopher pipes up. 
The man laughs shyly, “I'm Eddie Diaz by the way.” 
“Evan Buckley, but everyone calls me Buck” 
“You’re the…firefighter right?” 
Buck just buries his face in his hands, “Sorry there are approximately 10 queer people in this town and we must all know each other.”
“It’s okay. There’s a bathroom around that corner.” Eddie holds out a fluffy towel and what looks like a neatly rolled t-shirt and pair of basketball shorts, “sorry this is all I had that I  thought might fit.” 
“Hey, it’s better than what I've got on.” 
He exits the small bathroom feeling a bit refreshed and finds Eddie behind the counter seemingly hard at work at a new chalkboard sign. 
“Pick your poison—tea, cocoa, or decaf?” 
“Cocoa!” Buck brightens. 
“Are you really a firefighter?” Chris asks with the pure wonderment only a seven year old can have. 
“Yeah, I am!” 
“Can I come visit and slide down the pole and sit in the truck? Please?” 
Buck smiles so much it hurts his cheeks a little bit. 
He lowers his voice down to a conspicuous whisper, “You ask your dad and I'll ask my captain and we’ll see what we can do.” 
He knew Bobby would say yes, he loves having kids at the firehouse as long as they are respectful if they have to rush off. Which doesn’t happen all that often anyway. 
Eddie comes back to the table tray in hand, loaded up with two hot chocolates and a black coffee along with a cookie split into thirds. 
“Thank you, you really didn't have to do this.” 
Eddie waves it off as he brings his mug to his lips and takes a long sip of coffee. 
“Can we please visit Buck at the firehouse Dad?” 
Eddie smiles down at Chris and ruffles his hair, “Sure kid.” 
The beaming smile that comes in return nearly blinds Buck– and only makes him smile harder too. 
It’s two days later when Bobby texts that Marie (the coffee maker) has finally and officially shorted out (RIP) and asks Buck to bring a round of various coffee concoctions into work for the crew. 
So of course he stops by Eddie’s shop– which is of course swamped, because it's 7:30 on a Monday morning. 
Ravi, a kid he recognizes from one of their community events is behind the register while Eddie seems to be the one focusing on the drinks. 
“Hey um Ravi?” he asks while handing over the cash for the drinks, “Could you tell Eddie that I'm asking about my suit? He’ll know. Thanks.” he smiles as Ravi nods. 
It's later that day, they've cleaned the entire station, as per the Monday schedule, and even went on a few calls. 
“So,” Chimney pops his gum, “I hear that you had quite the roller coaster weekend in the relationship department, Buck.” 
Buck raises his eyebrow with uncertainty. 
“Well I heard that–”
“Stopping you right there Henrietta.” Buck replies holding up his hand. 
“Yes, Alex and I broke up. And yes I met Eddie who owns the coffee shop. That's it. Happy?” 
“Then what is Eddie doing here with a child and what appears to be your date night suit?” Chimney asks eyebrows climbing rapidly. 
“Just because that's all that happened doesn't mean- Hey you two!” 
“Ravi got your message to me, I took it to the dry cleaner. And I, um, thought you would want this back too." Eddie holds out the box tentatively. “I didn't realize it was that-”
“Oh,” buck smiles, opening the box, “it's just a key- it wasn't”
“Oh!” Eddie smiles, “well regardless. It's yours.” 
Buck glances over his shoulder to see that Bobby is entertaining Chris with a plastic firefighter helmet and the different parts of the engine. 
“Come here,” Buck takes Eddie's hand and pulls him further away from the prying eyes of his well meaning but nosy family. “So, I know I was just broken up with, but I would really like to take you out on a date sometime. Or just for dinner, as a thank you. Totally fine if-”
“Yes, I'll go on a date with you.” Eddie encroaches further into his space and brushes a light kiss over his lips. “Wanted nothing more since I saw you sopping wet under the awning.” 
Buck rolls his eyes and laughs. 
“So Buckley, are we gonna get free coffee out of this whole deal or what?” Chimney asks, leaning against the engine. 
He looks up at Eddie and whispers, “you can say no,” in his ear. 
“Dad, Dad, Dad, can you and Buck help me down the firefighter pole?” Chris asks, rocking excitedly on his crutches. 
“Let’s do it!” 
Eddie looks over at Buck, smiling in a way that makes Buck realize exactly where Chris gets it from, and just reflects it back.
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m1k333 · 5 days
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again chat 🙁
am i even making it to heaven with this one.
‘flash back’
‘yeah- you should come..its gonna be cool’
there he was again, bradley uppercrust the third… (zesty ass name 😕)
he cleared his throat, shifting in his position.
“ill see if i can make it”
he smiled,
i mean it was worth a shot? i didnt know him and who was i to judge,
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it was the night of the party, more infact i was already at the party.
“broo y/n! didnt know ill see you here!!”
i heard a familiar voice, turning my head to see a drunk bobby..
“same goes to you, why are you here in fact? doesnt bradley like… hate you?-”
it wasn’t normal to see max and his crew in this very frat house. infact some might call me insane.
“bobby who are you- y/n?!-“
and there was max. pj followed close,
“hey guys”
i warmly smiled, bobby had offered me a drink but i declined.
“whos that angry guy”
bobby slurred,
i was met with a displeased bradley. was he waiting for me? crazy.
“ill be back guys, dont wait up for me”
i waved them a small goodbye.
“what were you doing with- with- those losers..”
oh. right, they don’t like each other.
“we have the same classes,”
i shrug, not wanting to be on this topic any longer.
“i wanted to-”
he paused. i raised a brow,
“y/n i thought about it, why not join the gammas?”
what? i dont even know theses people and there already trying to get me on there team?.
“you barley know me.”
i spoke, shifting in my place
“and!- i seen you skate- you have talent! think about it y/n..”
he lifted his hand for a handshake. how odd.
i looked at his hand with second thoughts. but none the less i shook it.
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‘fast forward to now? idk how this shit works 😕’
“no y/n! listen to me!- i desperately want you here! i- no. i need, you here. y/n please..”
what was he talking about.
“bradley?- have you gone fucking insane?!”
“listen to me…”
“no!- you listen to me!-”
there it was again.
he kissed me, again. i didnt fight back,
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thank u bradleylover 69 for this glorious idea 🙏💔🔥‼️
if i get tumbler famous for writing fanfics i might just off myself.
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florscn · 10 months
i find it so sad that out of all the dead eggs juanaflippa still has no grave her body nowhere to be found i know mariana didnt want to make her a tomb when bobby asked but shhshh i like to think juanaflippa’s body got lost at sea. even if there was a tomb it would be empty her body will never be found as it sunk down to the ocean which could explain how she came back, bear with me, there was no body found which means she isn’t dead guys she was just hiding in a cave for the past 3 months or so with grave injures surviving off the washed up kelp around the floor , it tastes awful and she can’t stop thinking of the avocado toast her dad would make her but she has to eat to survive to go see her mama and dad but just a theory (i miss her so muchhh)
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Suresh Route Episode Summary: 42
He asks if its for real...im getting second hand embarrassment rn but I said im serious lets get married 💀💀 and I really thought this man was going to say nahhhh LOLOL but he said hes wanted this so much for so long and that he obviously says yes.
Alfie and Dana both say congrats and good luck but Kat says she doesnt see this nonsense lasting 🫣
Dana asks if MC will miss the dressing room hangs with the girls, like literally no but I didnt want to be mean so I said yet. Kat's bitchy ass had to say if you and MC are so close, then why is she dating Suresh instead of you. GIRL KICK ROCKS! People can be friends without wanting to date...Kat says her and Finn will probably get married before Suresh and MC...call me after you watch the season back babes.
Suresh says hes nervous and asks how you feel about it all. (also died that he said MC and him could blow through the 50K pretty quickly...OK big baller)
Kat pulls MC and Dana for a chat and basically apologizes without apologizing for her behavior this summer and that shes "matured" and basically wishes everyone luck and that she's loved getting to know the girls.
MC gets a text in third place...Alfie and Dana (no surprise there) Alfie uses your nickname here again 🤣 Suresh asks to hold your hand while you read out the final text...the winners are.......MC AND SURESH (duh!) you can jump into his arms and kiss him, passionately kiss or play it cool. I jumped in his arms 🥰 Kat and Finn are surprisingly good sports about losing. (especially Kat) A SPECIAL VIP IS WAITING TO SPEAK TO YOU ABOUT YOUR SUMMER OF LOVE....BOBBYYYYY (they butchered him so bad 😭😭)
Bobby goes over the best bits of the summer...highs and lows. ITS ALL WORDS AND QUESTIONS not like s2 where you actually saw your best / worst moments...He asks what it feels like to win...if you thought u'd end up with Suresh...if you were happy to see him when you walked into the villa. He asks about excess baggage and says that he'll come back to rings in a minute, Arlo and Meera's entrance and Bobby digs into Suresh how he chose Arlo over MC and Suresh gets mad 🤣 He talks about Casa and how you picked Nic/Johnny and the crowd BOOS LMAO. Bobby says Suresh brought back Lulu and immediately Suresh says he feels terrible for using Lulu to get back in the villa bc shes a great girl. he asks how we feel about the ex drama being over...and one word to describe the summer.
BOBBY GEM SCENE: he asks if Suresh and MC want to chat for a few so he can give them advice. He asks if MC is excited for the opportunities she might get after they leave the villa, Suresh says theyre gonna be celebrities (lmao what?! not Suresh wanting to be an influencer...im dying) Suresh asks Bobby if he thinks he and MC have what it takes to make it and Bobby explains why he thinks yes and its really cute. OMG LMAO U CAN FLIRT WITH BOBBY HERE!!
Time to make decision love or money... Bobby asks MC to choose an envelope I chose Black Heart (but I dont think it matters) MC has the money and the choice...Love or Money...I chose Love. We can kiss Suresh and the crowd goes wild. Suresh can carry you away into the sunset 😭
FB confirmed they are working on a new season and they are "factoring in our feedback from the start" we'll see about that!
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jackienautism · 1 year
The thing about Travis that gets under my skin besides the numerous red flags shown throughout the game, is the fact that he doesn’t seem to understand that being a werewolf isn’t a moral failing or anything. I’m not sure if you get what I mean, but when he says “if every last one of [your family members] just decided to jump down a well…” it almost sounds like he thinks Kaylee and Caleb got bit on purpose, like he’s condemning them for it. It’s so frustrating because they clearly suffer from a lot of guilt and untreated mental illnesses. He is so lucky they weren’t there to hear that shit
i've never thought about that line in that way before... but you're sooo right, that's like. exactly how he sees it :/ and if that ISNT the way he sees it / not what the devs intended for travis, then it deeeeefinitely shouldnt have been worded as such
i get that this is a lot to deal with i get that your niece nephew and brother being werewolves is a lot to digest but GOD shut the fuck up! and the way he like ? frames himself by saying shit like how hes "[the one] at the top of the well with a rope" and that "pulling on the rope means youre gonna fall down with the rest of them, and whats the point of that" and like ???????????????????????????? is it just me or is he acting like ALL of this situation's burdens lay on him and on him only? when that VERY CLEARLY is not the case? and that HES the perfect guy in this situation? he isn't any better than kaylee caleb or chris, in fact, he couldve done SOOO much more to fucking help them but hes too stupid to do shit. instead he really only landed them in even more trouble with the cover ups and shit! and newsflash? do jed and bobby and constance just not exist? its not just you dealing with this from the outside bud! fuck you!
and gosh of course kaylee and caleb didnt get bit on purpose, they thought they were doing a good thing but said thing just backfired terribly. its real tragic what they had to go through. and you're absolutely right, i cant even imagine the guilt kaylee has for being the one to come up with the idea to free silas, and caleb for being the one to infect the other two. this sort of guilt and emotional turmoil is just unmatched, it's nothing that travis would know anything about. so for him to be talking about them that way? after going on about how family is everything? it's soooo shitty, you are so right about that
i thought i had more to say but i think my anger got the best of me LOL i hate this man so much, thank you for bringing this up
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fandomfoundmyart · 2 years
yesterday i put a fanart of Will on my insta story and one of my friends texted "ITS UR BF" as a joke obviously
but then i had to explain that he was gay and in love with someone but i didnt say it was mike
then i just burst out laughing bc she said mike had an edna haircut 😭😭
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i mean...
moral of the story is dont specify who will is in love with bc chances are, its the guy with the edna haircut
the actual message exchange for those who want to see it (its funny i swear) ↓
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ignore the theme this was a scrollshot
also she means eleven by millie bobby bronw
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Bendy and the dark revival part 3
Thonks and notes.
She was the fourth
Something tells me this is about Audery? But... The fourth of what?
Better not be the fourth closet...
Listens to Jane Todd tape
So the fourth is Carly, a ghost girl Jane wants to join the Butcher gang.
That was rejected.
... Hmmm
So Nathan Arch, aka guy from Archgate productions bought the rights to Joey's characters.
He talks about Joey as an old friend but idk if its just cos of fnaf and Henry addressing William the same way.
But something doesn't seem right bout this.
Porter is interesting, I mean there's very few people nice down here.
I like how he just goes nope your name is Bobby now.
.. And he has ink magic 2.
Sure okay than.
I like him.
The power belongs to him
Apparently not just him.
Game needs to stop taunting me with Boris...
Boris plushi in the ink.
Boris cardboard cut out which is also bizarre cos it's usually bendy ones.
In the words of Susie Campbell's Alice Angel from the first game
"Give me back my Boris!"
Ohhh chain door.
This should be good.
They crawl
Okay than and there's a dead lost one? On the floor surrounded by ink.
And the ink demon is back.
The deep abyss remembers you, Audery.
If the abyss is Wilson... Than tell him we're not here.
A child of the darkness.
Hmm that's werid cos everyone else is referred to as a child of the machine.
Just more and more hints that Audery is different to the others.
And remembers?
Has Audery been here before I wonder.
I mean Henry was stuck in a time loop so... Who knows.
Wandering ebat the difference between lost ones and searchers are... Other than one having legs and feet.
Your journey will end as you are consumed into my dark kingdom.
That's just late stage capitalism man, was already there in while working in a dark semi abandoned animation studio
Here you will find meaning in your pain.
That's what we call a paycheck.
And I doubt your giving one out.
Also.. Ink demon needs to clear his throat once in a while.
People saying I should watch Superhorrorbros videos on this rather than Mark's playthrough for lore.
And I will but it's nice seeing stuff for myself and making ideas and having thonks and than seeing it from someone else.
That and than I don't get to see Mark aggressively "wallopolise" lost ones with the wrench while screaming and cursing them with eternal damnation.
The sweat cannot be cleaned
I love the wall writings in this game but.... Ew.
Couldn't you go with idk blood or death or literally anything other than sweat.
We don't live forever.
When we're killed or finally pulled apart our diseased soils return to the ink to be reborn.
An unending cycle of torment.
But sometimes, something even worse can happen.
A soul can slip from the ink completely. It gets caught between worlds, unable to die or return.
They wail in the night. Drifting in shadow. The phantoms of the machine.
The ghosts.
So... You do live forever.
Also this sounds like what happened to Henry.
Stuck in a loop of time unable to truly die and stuck in an endless cycle.
Werid how the ink demon doesn't have the ability to Flow like Audery and Porter do.
Ugh... Wilsons back.
Attention children of the machine. It's Wilson.
We know!
There have been lies that the Ink demon has been spotted in animation alley.
Pay no attention to these filthy rumours.
I destroyed the ink demon myself! Be died my hands do don't be afraid.
I legit forgot he said that.
He's a fucking liar.
I knew he was lying because obviously but wow.
If said demon kills him ima just turn the other way.
Didnt see it.
Your friend Wilson will protect you.
I'm more afraid of you than him frankly.
Without fear there's chaos
Wilson would love star wars with his whole with fear is order and with order there is no chaos and all that wallop.
Audery... Maybe don't punch through ink canisters.
Like I get it.
But you know could be glass or something. Hell there is a glass shattering sound.
Be careful.
Feels like Nathan is now going to the church of the ink machine.
Just like Joey before him.
And chapter 3 begins, the Eternal machine.
This is Wilson
Go away!
Anyone caught in the restricted areas will be taken immediately to the Pit.
Where a ballpit will send you to a Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria in the year 198-
... Wrong pit.
My bad.
So be a good egg.
Follow the rules.
.... Hmm nope.
Good to know the true enemy of Joey Drew studios is slow working lifts.
Audery gets in lift. Recalls in the 1st game how the lift crashed down and Susies Alice Angel stole Boris
...I have a bad feeling.
Unauthorised surface elevator in use. Manual lift ejection activated.
Knew it.
See lifts in this game... Not good.
Bad things in this game:
And Wilson.
... And ink crabs now apparently.
Still better than Sea Bonnie's.
Audery finally gets the coffee she came for!
... Hold up its $15.
Jeez I knew Joey Drew studios went bankrupt and all that but... Who the fuck is paying that much for coffee.
Especially when it's called Compost Coffee.
... See this is scarier than the ink demon.
Late stage capitalism is the real enemy of this game.
.. And Wilson.
Fuck that guy.
... Actually don't.
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squirreljc2 · 2 years
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I posted 1,200 times in 2022
That's 1,060 more posts than 2021!
93 posts created (8%)
1,107 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@fellshish (I literally think half of my posts were just 30k dean fells [affectionate])
@vampireinterview (mack you’ve given me several hyperfixations and also were my only source of World Cup news)
@avaarts (Ava your art is adorable <3)
@squirreljc2 (this is me)
@werepires (I literally love your art so much Bobby I have some on my walls[that i bought from you])
I tagged 593 of my posts in 2022
#art! - 138 posts
#destiel - 60 posts
#spn - 59 posts
#supernatural - 57 posts
#deancas - 54 posts
#ofmd - 26 posts
#castiel - 18 posts
#the boys - 18 posts
#chucky - 16 posts
#chucky tv - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
“And I’m your beloved host, the professor.”
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253 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
275 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
281 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
“Just two guys hugging it out”
340 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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…Heller Shane confirmed?
2,571 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
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ajoytobeheld · 8 months
The films of the year! (last year)
January 11th, 2010
Here in no particular order is my fail safe opinionated and completely flawed list of films I enjoyed the most last year. There are a lot of films I did not see, so for all “A Serious Man” and “Antichrist” lovers IM SORRY I DIDNT GET AROUND TO WATCHING THEM! They are on my ilovefilm list, honest. There are also some films missing which I thought were okay, but did not find them as effecting as others, e.g “Let The Right One In” and “Up” but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy them, it just means I am a heartless bitch. Also my memory sucks so I probably left loads out too.
Drag me to hell!
An entertaining B movie pastiche of disgustingness and stupidity with Mr Raimi returning to his “Evil Dead” esque horror comedy roots after the awful “Spiderman 3.” Plus the heroine does battle with a evil handkerchief, and we all love it when linen goes bad.
Starring lots of Sam Rockwells and Kevin Spacey’s REALLY creepy voice, it’s budget allowed special effects which make “Red Dwarf” seem sophisticated but is a highly original and character driven Sci-Fi film. Yes, it was made by David Bowies son.
Zombie land
Best Bill Murray cameo I can remember.
Inglorious Basterds
This film got bafflingly average reviews despite the fact it is a complete return to form after the film about Kirk Russel killing women WITH HIS CAR!
The acting displayed from Christoph Waltz would make Daniel Day Lewis weep into his cobblers shoes, and the  scene in which the “Basterds” are undercover in the German bar….I was literally hanging off my seat, about to fall unto the floor, gripping the chair of the arm scared…..it was unrelentingly good. Even my mum liked it, and her favorite film is “Shirley Valentine.”
The Hurt Locker
This Katherine Bigelow piece tracks a bomb defusal squad in Iraq and although I am unsure about its slightly one sided patriotic message, it is still an educational, gripping and somewhat disturbing insight into the American army.
One of my favorite films of last year, I knew little to nothing about Watergate or Nixon himself and this film made me learn things which normally I hate! plus Michael Sheen is always an incredibly watch-able and charismatic presence.
Star Trek
It could have sucked, it could have been a sacrilegious experience, but it was entertaining and sensitive to its origins.
Where The Wild Things Are
This is a incredibly brave and incredibly heartbreaking film which shows that Mr Jonze does not bend to the will of studios, it explores the confusion of childhood so perfectly and really pulls the “Stand By Me” esque punches. Perfect. BRING TISSUES.
In The Loop
I love Armando Iannucci very hard, plus its nice to know what “My Girl” is up to. The political ramifications this film depicts are also somewhat terrifying.
I love Michael Fassbender very hard as well, and this biopic of political prisoner and hunger strike participant Bobby Sands is a uneasy viewing experience… he was also great in the disturbing “Eden Lake.”
A heartbreakingly beautiful biopic with the guy from High School Musical.
Public Enemies
There was something about this which sparked me despite its glaring errors and flaws (e.g filming on digital and Christian “continually disappointing” Bale.) I think its the unrelenting charisma of Marion Cottilard and Johnny Depp.
A incredibly terrifying “kids” film with wreaths of imagination and darkness to boot.
My Least Favourite Film of the Year: (500) Days of Summer. It has to be seen to be believed how try hard and awful it is. I would recommend going out and watching it right now, honestly. Do it.
Ellen x
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