#boniface writes
boniface-fiction · 2 years
The Walking Dead - 100 words - Daryl/Rick
Alexandria sucked; the people, noise, pretentiousness.
Hunting was a respite from the chaos of 'civilized' life.
Coming home was the only thing better than leaving, toeing between his family as they slept, settling between Glenn and Maggie and Abe and Rosita, pressing his cold nose to Rick's throat, feeling Carl burrow against his side.
Maggie turned just enough to throw him half of her blanket, Abe grunted a greeting, Rick sighed into his dirty hair. Carol turned to smile a true smile at him, not the mask she wore for outsiders.
Daryl hated Alexandria, at least his family was there.
Read on AO3 here
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little-frog-writes · 2 months
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More plans for that Mermaid ISAT Au I was working on! Now I know I should be writing for my other stories, but this silly little plot is taking over my head. I can’t stop thinking about it!
I fell like Bonnie would be the type to imitate everything their sister does and ends up following her to work more often than not. Because of this little habit, Bonnie would sneak onto the merchants ships that Nille works for. Usually, this would end up in a light scolding from their sister, but this time pirates attack the ship and the siblings were separated in the chaos.
Nille pushes Bonnie into one of the last life boats, ending up saving their life at the cost of being separated. She gives Bonnie her hair chain in order for Bonnie to agree to leave in the dingy life boat (Not very stable cause the merchant ship Nille worked for was sketchy ‘hence the pirate attack).
Bonnie would be lost at sea for a while until a mermaid (Siffrin) finds them and brings them back home (unknowing to the mer). They would be found covered in dried bits of seaweed, cuts, and bruises. Bonnie would be unconscious throughout the whole journey to the mainland causing Frin to worry (Bonnie doesn’t end up finding out about Frin’s mermaid-ness until much later in the story).
Siffrin would give them the “sea’s blessing” (A mystery tattoo in the shape of a strange symbol (A star). No one knows where it comes from, but it is said to bring good luck to anyone’s ship if a person with the symbol is present.) on their upper arm. For Siffrin, the symbol is a way for them to see if the random guppy they found is alright and also works as a tracker. He can find Bonnie anywhere they are and would later follow their trail after being worried about them (and maybe also boredom from being kept in the sea for so long/ the need to explore).
Bonnie doesn’t care about the cool new protection they have and only wants to find their sisters which would eventually lead them to Odile’s research boat where the party meets up. They would sneak onto the vessel thinking it was a merchant ship, but ends up convincing Odile to help them anyway.
Isabeau was a guard Odile hired to protect her ship while sea bound and Mira is a researcher who transferred over to Odile’s team from Euphrasie branch, therefore the party meets and the story begins.
None of them realizes what lays in store for them ahead, but relationships and silly confrontations start soon after Siffrin finds his way on board Odile’s ship. Maybe if I ever write more for it we can see where this would lead, lol.
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eros-ghoulette · 4 days
Sam being scared of clowns has so much fanfic potential
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openphrase123 · 2 months
anyway. weird little bonnie whatever below the readmore it just kind of leapt out of me. just writing down my own little analysis of boniface instarsandtime
you're twelve. you live with your sister. you pick up on things because adults will gab and talk for days near you because they think you're too young to understand. your sister took you away from your parents for good reasons. but what do you know, you were a toddler when that happened
you're twelve. you've probably read a hundred stories written by adults about a plucky kid without parents that goes to save the world. and that sounds super awesome but of course that will never happen to you.
you're twelve. the world is ending. your sister tells you to run, and you do. and then you almost starve and pass out in the wilderness.
you're twelve. you're nursed back to health by literal actual storybook heroes. and the world is ending but this time you're in the pathway to help save it. you can help your sister, you can help your town, you can help these cool adults that love you now.
you're twelve. they don't let you help them.
you're twelve. one of them loses an eye trying to save you and they don't even seem to care about that.
you're twelve. you're on the cusp of being a person with their own opinions that aren't just what adults tell you. you're old enough to cook, you're old enough to swear, and you're old enough to fight even if nobody else thinks that. you don't know why adults care about some things and not about other things and you're worried that one day, you'll be an adult, and you'll be stupid like one too.
and then, the day before the adults are supposed to save the world, you realize they're all talking like they're not going to be able to do it. everyone acts like this is their last day on earth. and maybe if they had a little more help, something else, they could do it. but you're on snacks duty. and all the adults talk about when they think you're out of earshot is the worst case scenario. but they still won't let you help.
you're twelve. it's the end of the world. and you're in the right place to save it, but nobody will let you.
you're twelve, and all of these adults are looking at you as if you'll never be thirteen.
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kyri45 · 8 days
So. You’ve given me The HyperfixationTM. So it’s time I get payback via giving a snippet of something I’m writing.
It hadn’t taken long for Odile to decide that Siffrin was… strange. Perhaps others would attribute it to how closed off he was, but Odile knew better than that.
She saw the lightness of the young one’s steps as he walked, as though practically floating. The gaping holes in his memory that were made apparent every time he forgot common words and recent events. The way he looked longingly to the sky as the stars shone above, mouthing something that perhaps even he didn’t understand.
Odile saw it, and she wondered.
…Regardless of how far her late night musings could go, however, she hadn’t exactly been anticipating her most troublesome charge perfectly replicating a bird’s chirping. More specifically, she hadn’t considered the possibility of him knocking himself out whilst attempting to show off to Boniface, only to wake up unable to communicate in anything except chirps.
And frankly? She really should’ve predicted this, if only by virtue of their merry band’s lack of awareness of what the word ‘normal’ means.
Oh MAN. Now I MUST know where this leads to!!! I also imagined so many times Siffrin just at one point being unable to switch back to normal speech and just honking hopelessly while the others are just half worried half laughing.
Plus I love the small detials that his swiftness is related to his nature being a Sky Kid
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funny-passerine · 3 months
I'm never gonna be okay about the "I hate you I hate you I hope you die" dialogue with Boniface. Never. I did it 15 minutes ago, had to stop playing for tonight. I can feel my heart in my ribcage. This dialogue is so brutal, so raw, and you can't do anything about it. You can't even blame Bonnie because hell, they're a kid. Of course a conversation about death would upset them, make them panic. Of course the possibility of their current caretakers and friends dying during the following hours is horrifying to their eyes. But.... Fuck, Siffrin's reaction. How, by that point, if you just played the game, you know Siffrin has a very bad self esteem, feels guilty for all the times they didn't notice the keys or traps in the House of Change, and how fucking bad they are doing by Act 3. Hell, you can see it, it's thrown in your face each time you look at their sprite. Just. Fuck. This scene did a number on me, that's incredible writing, but. Yeah. Wow. What a game.
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the-bitter-ocean · 7 months
(ACT 2/ ACT 3 SPOILERS) Wrote more stuff for the In Tales Of Time Au made by @tealgoat based on the scenario of if the group has ever died fighting a sadness! Writing is under the cut:
< It happened again.>
<You don’t know how or why it came to this- but you are revisiting a painfully familiar chapter of your life. >
<You are once again in a situation where a stray sadness is harming your party.>
<The sadness looms over all of you. >
< Boniface is giving a tonic to Isabeau. They’re doing their best to save everyone. >
< Isabeau, who’s trying to stand back up again and fight but can’t. His body won’t allow him to. >
< Mirabelle is passed out. Her body curled up in a defensive position, trying to recover from the over usage of craft. >
< The last time this happened, Siffrin finished off the sadness all on their own at the expense of their own health. >
< You can’t let it end like that this time. >
< Siffrin is- no he’s still breathing. He’s fine. He’s going to be fine->
< You made sure to push him out of the way and took the brunt of the attack instead. >
< You won’t let him or anyone else in your family needlessly sacrifice themselves anymore. >
< Siffrin is fine. Siffrin is fine. They all are fine. Passed out but still surviving. >
< They will be fine. You made sure of it.>
< You press a hand to your side of your stomach. >
< You breathe in and out slowly. >
< You look at your hands. The visceral shade is all over your fingertips. >
< You shudder.>
< Your family will be fine. >
< You on the other hand, will not. >
< The sadness is making their way over to Boniface. They’re too distracted with reviving Isabeau to notice. >
< You. Cant. Let.. it . End .. like.. this! >
< You grip. .. your.. journal.. >
< And.. with the last.. of your.. strength .. >
< ..Y .. ou-! >
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it’s 3am I woke up from a nightmare time to post abt my isat fanfic
really this is just notes abt chapter 1 of ouroboros (a not-quite postmortem if you will)
[spoilers for isat and twohats below the cut]
So if you couldn’t tell/didn’t know this fic actually takes place in the version of twohats where you lose the battle against loop! I’ve always kind of liked this version better? I think the emotional impact of loop deciding, even after having siffrin’s life literally within their grasp, that they don’t want to kill them hits so much harder for me. Also, feels a bit more realistic in the context of this fic as a sick/recovery fic. Siffrin definitely did NOT have enough energy to take on a fully-charged and pissed off Loop in their condition.
I’ll probably make a larger post about siffrins physical condition in this fic later, but in the case of chapter 1 there’s a few fun things to note. One is that siffrin’s handle on pain is kinda fucked! “Not as bad as it could have been” is pretty literal in this case. I think they’re simultaneously very desensitized to recognizing and acknowledging their pain but also prone to being acutely aware of it when it’s in tandem with their shitty mental state. When they’re Being Normal it kind of fades into the background buzz, but when they’re spiraling and can feel how close they are to falling apart I imagine it’s a lot more overwhelming and obvious.
the stars and ocean connection to the forgotten island has been pointed out before but I’m being a little more heavy handed with this fic bc. In my mind the reverence for the stars goes hand in hand with the idea of an island where the ocean has a major impact on the daily life??? The idea of stars being used to guide sailors comes to mind, but also the idea of vastness, reflections, and a “void” feeling also feel right. A lot of naval navigation tools have a lot to do with physics, astronomy, and atmospheric stuff, and given the island’s technological and scientific method of displaying the universe I don’t think it’s too far fetched to extend that to the ocean as well!
CARRYING SIFFRIN. BRIDAL STYLE. Isabeau is so fun to write????? I don’t think I expected to enjoy his chapter as much as I did. Reaaaaly leaning into Freaksabeau energy but also. I think a lot about how Isa feels has such a strong protective and comforting personality? Throughout the game it’s expressed a lot, but the fact that it comes out of his deep childhood insecurities makes it feel all the more painful… not to mention that siffrin targeted these insecurities pretty harshly! Even if Isa forgives him, I imagine that it’s very hard for him not to internalize it. He’s a coward, and he knows it, but having someone acknowledge that and show how it can hurt others and himself is an entirely different beast. Hence why Isa ruminates a lot over it during his section.
Odile is THE #1 isafrin shipper. She’s also homophobic/j
Bonnie. Boniface. Bon Bon. My heart and soul. Writing them is so fun. I know a lot of people (me included) have trouble with them, bc writing kids can be hard. Still, I have such a deep respect for their characterization that I really spent a lot of time making sure they felt right. In this case, it was acknowledging that they are!!! NOSY!!! Like many kids are!!! But not maliciously, just out of worry and curiosity! They’re not dumb either! They know that siffrin’s whole situation is fucked- maybe not the fullest extent of understanding, yes, but they seem to grasp the seriousness, even if it is through the forever school metaphor. It was also kinda important for me to show that they take their role in the party as Tonic Carryer and Chef Cooker VERY SERIOUSLY. Odile complimenting them on their foresight is feels all the more genuine that way.
I think by now we all kinda realize that. The idea of camping out in the clock tower. Where siffrin spent countless sleepless nights mulling over their sins. While maybe marginally better than being forced to stay in the house, is…. An oversight, to say the least. See chapter 5 for more context on that. It’s better, yeah but only by proxy of not having hundreds of deaths associated with it.
I’m also gonna be focusing a lot on the inter-party dynamics outside of siffrin in this fic! Because!!! The friendships of the others mean a lot to me!!! Odile and Isabeau’s friendship comes up the most in this chapter; I think Odile has a bit of an inkling about Isabeau being a bit smarter than he lets on, and even if she spends a larger portion of their interactions in game teasing him for his crush, I also think that they have a pretty close bond for Odile to feel comfortable being the one that isabeau goes to about his feelings. So I thinks he has a better read on him as a whole, and does her best to keep him from spiraling.
Bonnie and Isa also come to mind- they aren’t talked about nearly as much as I think they should be???? Like, Bonnie sees Isa as a younger sibling (which. Stares in Middle-Child Isa Enjoyer), and Isa is the other person who uses Bon Bon, which is a pretty important nickname in the context of Bonnie’s character??? They have less interactions than the rest of the party but I like to think that Isa humors Bonnie a lot and also sees them like a younger sibling which makes their whole teasing and nagging dynamic all the more realistic to me!
ah, the Favor Tree Void Space. My sweet beloved. My magnum opus of imagery in this fic. In my mind, this represents Siffrin’s subconscious connection to The Universe and wishcraft, even after the loops. Favor Trees are obviously something culturally important for The Universe (given that the wishes it grants are so powerful and that the book detailing all wishcraft rituals has a favor tree on the cover), so I thought that it would be fitting to place it here. It’s simultaneously part of siffrin’s trauma from the loops, but also a safe space, a haven offered by Loop where they can simply just. Be. At least for a little while, anyways. Also drew back to the ocean/sky imagery with the ground having some kind of water qualities.
writing about the stars, I emphasize the idea of their??? Aliveness very often. As facets of the universe, thousands of granted and ungranted wishes, an audience and plot device in one. I can’t say much on them in this chapter, mainly bc I go a little more into it chapter 3 and onwards, but keep in mind the idea of music and the chorus of a theatre production, as well as a captive audience. That’s kinda the vibes.
anyhoo- I’m tired again. Gonna try and sleep a bit more before work! toodles!
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auncyen · 6 months
and another little scene THIS IS THE LAST ONE I'M POSTING UNTIL I UPDATE ON AO3 JUST BECAUSE I REALLY SHOULDN'T SPOIL MY OWN FIC THIS MUCH but like. I'm also just excited that I'm writing. And the mental image of this scene has been in my head for way too long lol
"You're…real this time, right?"
Siffrin has always been on the quiet side, but this question could have been whispered by a mouse. You nearly miss it; Isabeau reacts first while you're still parsing it. "Sif? Of, of course we're real! Can't you tell??"
Siffrin flinches away, shrinking into their cloak with a faint "sorry", and you know.
They can't. They can't tell. Not well enough to be sure.
Have they been hallucinating? How long, that they're doubting their own sight right now? "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry," they whisper. "I'm sorry, I lost you. I'm sorry, I have to make sure you're fine, I have to be sure, I have to loop back--"
"Siffrin," you say loudly, just as their hand lights on their dagger. Why is he reaching for his dagger if he's going to loop back? No, no, that's not the issue right now. The issue is that they cannot loop back. You'll forget everything. He won't tell you again, not if this is how things end. You cannot have him looping. "If--If you can't trust that you're seeing us," you say, thinking quickly. "What if I touched you?"
Your question works in that it distracts Siffrin. His eye widens as they stare at you, the surprise clear as crystal on his face. "Huh?"
His hand falls away from the dagger.
You don't like that it was there to begin with, but you need to convince them while you have their attention. "If you're doubting sight and sound, touch would be the next logical option. It may be distasteful to you, but…" You raise your left hand with a deliberate slowness so that it's clearly in their vision. "If I touched you, would that be enough reassurance?"
He stares at you for a moment. The 'no' is already ringing in your mind. If he goes for the dagger again you'll need to use your Craft to slow him down and grab him--or hope Isabeau grabs him--but why would he reach for the dagger? He said he was going to loop, he said he was going to loop last night, how does he choose when to loop when he's made it clear he can't control the looping itself? The only answer coming readily to mind is abhorrent--
His hand moves up, further away from the dagger. Both of his hands reach up to the top of his head, snatching his hat off to hold by the brim as he stares at you, light eye unblinking.
"You want me to put my hand on your head?" you guess, trying to make sense of the silent response. The question elicits a nod, and it seems…logical enough--their cloak and gloves would mute any touch on his body, and the face and neck would likely feel too vulnerable--so you move your hand toward the bird's nest of hair, still slowly, not wanting to alarm them. He's so tense. "Breathe, Siffrin." You don't want them panicking, and you certainly don't want them fainting, either.
He breathes deeply in a familiar way. In and out. He still stares at your hand as it approaches, but at least he knows it's coming. Both his hands are occupied with the hat and won't make a Craft sign by accident. He has time to object, either with words or a gesture, if he realizes it will be too much.
You lower your hand into his hair in a waltz count, one-two-three. Immediately you encounter tangles and take care of where your fingers go in his unkempt hair. He tenses up even more, his breath hitching, but otherwise doesn't move. You hope that means they trust you.
"I'm real, Siffrin," you tell him, putting all the self-assurance you can muster into your voice. "As are Isabeau, Mirabelle, and Boniface. We're fine. We were only separated for a few moments."
"…Anything could have happened," they whisper.
"Nothing did. And even if it had, we're a bit hardier than that."
He winces. "I'm sorry I lost you."
You can't help the dry exasperation that creeps back into your voice. "Then don't storm off again. Straightforward enough, don't you think?"
He quickly nods several times, the motion frantic under your hand.
"We're here, and we're okay. You're…" They're not fine. You can't bring yourself to say that they're fine when it's plainly untrue, especially after how often they've misused that word in the past day, but you need to reassure them somehow. "You aren't alone. We're here with you. Do you trust me?"
The nods are less frantic this time. He seems to be calming down. He's still rigid, though. Touch has done its job and now it's only making them uncomfortable, so you start to take your hand away--
And then they bunt your hand with their forehead. Their eye darts up to look you in the face before it widens in horror. Siffrin takes two quick steps back, his gaze dropping back to the floor as he jams his hat back on. "Sorry! Sorry!" With his shoulders hunching up, his cloak and hat eclipse his entire expression.
"Siffrin?" Mirabelle asks. Isabeau and Boniface are both looking at you, likely trying to gauge what Siffrin did that they're apologizing. You're trying to figure that out yourself. The way he moved…certainly, you're not harmed. They tapped against your hand with only a little bit of force; if anything, it reminded you of how one of Ka Bue or Poteria's many friendly stray cats, comfortable around people, would sometimes ease up to you as you were reading in the open and bunt your hand to signal they wanted to be pet.
You doubt that was anywhere near Siffrin's intention. They hate being touched. Still… you wonder what that expression meant. Before he'd gotten scared, the expression he'd given you had been almost…
The only way you'll figure it out is if you ask. And if, hopefully, you get a straight answer. "What are you apologizing for this time?"
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: More Running Grave
JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: tonight I'm going to tell you more about cormorant ssstrike's latessst adventure King: there's more? Rowling: there'sss lotss more Rowling: itsss 961 pagesss Rowling: do not give me sshit sssteve Rowling: you of all people
Rowling: in thiss book, cormorant ssstrike makesss a whole lot of phone callsss and hangss out in a whole bunch of fancccy resstaurantsss Rowling: he doessn't actually do the detective work, he hiresss freelancersss for that Rowling: cormorant sstrike is a job creator
Rowling: so this guy hires cormorant ssstrike to get his autistic sson out of a cult Rowling: funny thing about this sson Rowling: he'sss really sssmart when he'ss making decisionss i agree with Rowling: but he'sss alssso a naive child when he'ss making deicionss i dissagree with
Rowling: so the guy is all 'i want to get my autistic son declared mentally incompetent because. c'mon, he's autistic he can't be trusted to think' Rowling: 'as evidence of his mental incompetence, you should know that he previously dabbled in socialism' George Romero:
Rowling: asss we all know Rowling: only really ssstupid people would fall for sssocialisssm Rowling: and abandon the good common sssense of blairite centrissm Romero: [eyes flashing,  L'Internationale plays] what did you say joanne Romero: what did you fucking say
Romero: you got a problem with the dictatorship of the proletariot joanne?!   Rowling: i don't know anything about that Rowling: i just know they're annoying online Romero: that's not a fair judgement! Romero: posting is not praxis!
Rowling: ugh i jussst hate the sssocialissstss, the transss, the autissticsss, the dissabledss... Barker: did you just write and publish a 961 page book about your internet enemies Rowling: correction Rowling: i wrote and published ANOTHER 961 page book about my internet enemies
Barker: why don't you just keep a burn book like a normal person Rowling: sshut up Rowling: it'sss perfectly acceptable to write a book to sshit on my internet enemies Rowling: dante did it Dante Alighieri: this is a call-out post for Boniface VIII Dante: highly problematic pope
Dante: check it out, you know that pope i don't like? Dante: what if he was in hell Dante: haha got 'im Barker: which pope is this? Dante: oh i dunno, all of them Dante: they all suck
Roald Dahl: ee hee hee i don't know what you're all mad about Dahl: writing petty grievances as literature is an upstanding british tradition ee hee hee Rowling: thank you roald Dahl: are you gonna say anything about the vegetarians ee hee hee Rowling: Dahl: i fucking HATE them
CS Lewis: oh yeah the FUCKING vegetarians Lewis: i wish they'd all fucking die Dahl: ee hee hee die PAINFULLY ee hee hee Dahl: oh you don't wanna eat an animal ee hee hee? what if you were DEAD instead ee hee hee King: King: huh british culture is kind of different isn't it Dahl: so you gonna give those fucking vegetarians what they got coming ee hee hee Rowling: they're   Rowling: not really a high priority for me Dahl: oh Dahl: what about the jews Rowling: oh yeah i got wordss about them Rowling: jussst you wait!
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boniface-fiction · 2 years
I am a Lost Boy - ch. 1
The Walking Dead - 2.5K words - Mystery/Minor Thriller - AO3
When little Sophia Peletier goes missing deep on the Appalachian Trail, Rick is in a race against time to find her. He has to work with his estranged best friend and a pair of mountain brothers who each have something to hide.
Abraham turned his attention back to Rick. "You're on the case with Walsh, right? Missing girl?"
"Yeah, Sophia Peletier. Ten years old." The door behind him opened and Rick glanced over his shoulder at a dark haired man in a leather vest. After a nod in greeting, he turned back to Abe to continue, "Think she might've run off into the woods, they live right on the Trail."
"Be with you in a second," Abe waved a hand at the man who came through the door then frowned and pushed his papers off to the side. "She been missing long?"
Rick scrubbed a hand through his curls and sighed. "At least since last night or early this morning. Dogs won't be in until tomorrow."
"You boys need someone tracked?" the voice hollering from the cells lost its playful edge. "My baby brother's coming to bail me out, you's just ask him."
A scoff from behind and a quiet "Fuck off, Merle." Rick turned back to the newcomer and watched him bristle.
Read on A03 here
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koshiaoi · 1 day
Ima make a post for this ig! But I changed a lot of small details in my au of isat called in Galaxies And Eons, or GE if you don't want to type the entire thing out. So the characters might be different than you know them! Specifically, the main cast!
Siffrin is more of a chill, overprotective brother type now and likes to be called the "big brother" of the group. Basically, just take cannon sif, make them way happier before the loops, and they are able to handle stress a bit more. He also opens up a little more than his cannon self! (This one I won't explain as this is actually a really big backstory change! Is still he/they)
Odile is more anxious than her cannon counterpart but also likes to try to teach different methods of craft to Boniface. Though she didn't understand potion craft that well she did try her best, Siffrin also helped immensely as well! She can't see herself as the mother of the group, it weirds her out when she's called that, she more prefers to be called the teacher or researcher, but she also adores the nicknames they've gave her. She is more self doubting because of being constantly bullied and harassed when she was in her homeland.
Isabeau is mostly the same, but because of sif being more talkative (and his crush on him), he actually shows a bit more of his smart side when it comes to craft and strategy. But he is nowhere near open enough to fully admit his backstory yet without the romantic backdrop of the familyquest situation. Also ik how people always make either sif or isa Trans in their au's, so I wanna keep tradition and I'm making Isa trans! He loves that he can be his new self! (Ftm, btw)
Mirabelle is largely the same, well before... incident, she was a lot less anxious because Siffrin always made her talk to him about her feelings! Even if he never did for her, which she still HATES that he never opens up! But because of him, she catches herself before any terrible thoughts plague her mind.
And Boniface...
Oh boy! Where do I start?
I have changed their pronouns in this au to try and show that they are the little brother of the group, as a contrast to siffrin who he sees as a big brother! (mostly for the little brother and overprotective sister nille dynamic, cuz i love that, anyway) not just that but they now can make potions! Just not crafted waters! Isa, sif, and odile, always told them not to because he couldn't control his craft as well as them, and they didn't want him to be hurt! Not just that, but they hang out with sif way more! Meaning something very bad is going to happen because of their slightly impulsive behavior! Which yes, they are happier in this au! Which makes sif teach them origami, but the true reason they hang out with sif more is because they still see sif getting his eye hurt as their fault, and isa made a comment once about how he talks to and hangs out with someone when he feels he did something wrong...
there is a lot more for bonnie, but this is as much as I can write down without straight-up spoilers for my au!
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kembleford1953 · 10 months
Series 11 episode titles and new info
Ep.01: The Kembleston Olimpicks Father Brown investigates when rivalries escalate to murderous heights at the Kembleston Olimpicks. Ep.02: The Forensic Nun Father Brown investigates when his old friend Sister Boniface is implicated in the murder of a renowned artist.
Ep.03: The Hermit of Hazelnut Cottage Brenda faces ghosts from her past and becomes embroiled in a local dispute that ends in murder.
Ep.04: The Last Supper Father Brown has a lot on his plate when a food fayre comes to Kembleford, bringing murder with it.
Ep.05: The Father, The Son Flambeau is stunned to find his estranged father at St Mary’s, who has a dangerous mission in mind.
Ep.06: The Quill of Osric Father Brown must discover the culprit when a novelist is attacked at a crime-writing festival.
Ep.07: The Word of the Condemned Lady Felicia asks Father Brown to help prove a convicted serial killer didn’t murder her beloved goddaughter.
Ep.08: The Last Tango in Kembleford Father Brown investigates when the competitive atmosphere at a local dance school leads to a dance with death.
Ep.09: The Dead of Night Father Brown is determined to unmask a mortal being when a supposed vampire strikes in the village.
Ep.10: The Scars of War Sullivan asks for Father Brown’s help when Mrs Devine’s son Eddie is framed for murder.
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aimlesspixel · 23 hours
Isat Scintillation Ch 13
Idk man
The diner is located closer to the top of the town with a great view of it and the salt although it's a bit hard to look at while the sun's still rising. You all get seated as a waiter brings over some menus and you all order. 
Bonnie orders chocolate pancakes with pineapple juice,  Mira some eggs, ham, and orange juice, Odile eggs, toast, sausage, and tea (the most expensive kind they have), You decide on eggs, bacon, and orange juice, Isa gets an omlette, bacon, and some milk, Petronille hesitates a bit before eventually ordering an omlette as well with some orange juice.
Nille - "Thank you all again for keeping Boniface safe I don't know what I'd do if something happened to them." Odile - "It truly was fortunate of us to come across them and to be honest their cooking skills made it a lot easier to travel." Isa - "It's true, although I have found a few spicy peppers inserted into my sandwiches after they joined us." Bonnie gives a mishcevious grin to Isa - "Not my fault you don't check your sandwiches for pranks Za."  Mira - "And I'm sure it's completely unrelated to you swinging Bonnie around by their boots." Drinks arrive! You make sure to scoot away from bonnies a bit in case they spill you don't want any accidents after all (even it would be a tasty one). Nille takes a sip of her juice - "So you've been dragging each other around in turn huh? Almost seems peaceful the way you're talking about it." Mira - "Oh no If anything I was the one dragging everyone around and-" Siffrin - "We've all agreed already right?" Isa - "We wanted to accompany you Mira you didn't drag us anywhere someone had to help so why not us." Odile - "Please It's over and you're still concerned about it I you really should understand by now Mirabelle." Mira grumbles a bit. You take a sip of your drink.
Nille - "You know when we were unfrozen something weird was happening." Odile - "Oh? Do tell." Nille - "It was the sky, it was a weird shade inland. Since It was happening while we were unfreezing I was curious if you knew what it was." Odile - "So you could see it even from Bambouche? That's interesting." She's pulled out a small notepad and started writing something. "Was there a smell too? Bonnie has a remakably good nose so you might be able to answer this as well." Nille - "I can't say I remember any particular scents. Maybe? I was more than a little disoriented and concerned at the time." Odile - "That's completely understandable considering the circumstances. As for that shade..." Theres a pause as she looks towards but not at you "It resolved itself after a little while, we're not entirely sure what caused it but we do have some leads." She concludes. It's a big event and all but...
The sunlight traveling through the glasses creates small constellations on the table.
They're not really constellations and the constant changes of the drinks within make them change in turn. 
The lights slowly approach the glasses as the sun rises on Bambouche.
Bambouche is bigger than you thought It'd be based on Bonnies descriptions.
Oh! You spot what seems to be a theater lower down the town. 
You wonder what kind of plays they'd have you have some time here so maybe you can catch some.
Would they make a play about you all? Hopefully not or at least leave most of the closing act.
The beach seems larger than last night it must be low tide.
What month was it again?
The clattering of ceramic snaps your attention back to the table and conversations. Can't do that Sif you have to stay with everyone.
Time to dig in! Hmmm... It's good! Well... Bonnie could make it taste better but for not having to cook it's good!   Nille - "So you're going to keep travelling? Do you have any destinations in mind?" Odile - "There are a few ideas we have floating around but we still haven't decided on one yet." Nille - "Ah. I- see." Bonnie - "We don't know yet but when we do why don't you join us Nille!" Nille - "Hold on who said you were going too? We can't just keep forcing these nice people to watch you, it's my job to keep you safe not theirs." The pain and worry is clear to see in her expression. Bonnie - "They're not watching me, we work together! Besides you'd be joining us wouldn't you? You want to travel right?" NIlle - "Hold on slow down Bonnie that's not- *sigh* that's not it Bonnie." Isa - "There's a lot to consider right? When I first joined Mira to save Dormont there was a pretty big motivator for joining what with the country and all our lives at stake, but now? I can imagine It's a tough choice to make. Plus while we may have kept Bonnie safe you don't really know much about us yet." Nille - "Exactly..." Bonbon looks deflated next to her. Siffrin - "You don't have to choose now you know. We're stopping here for a while to plan and prep so..." Mira - "I wouldn't want you to regret the choice you make so please take some time to think it over." Isa - "None of us would so please take your time." Nille nods.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Saint Boniface
Saint Boniface (or in Dutch the Heilige Bonifatius) is one of the most famous saints in the Netherlands. His real name was Wynfreth and he lived from 672 until 754 CE. Pope Gregory II, who ruled from 715 to 731 CE, was at that time struggling with pagan Germanic tribes and, keen to convert them, Wynfreth offered Gregory the perfect opportunity to achieve this goal, the Christianization of Europe. After he received the name Boniface on the 5th of May 719 CE, which means 'he who does good', he served as a missionary in the first half of the 8th century and helped reorganize the church in Germany and the Frankish kingdom.
Early life
Boniface was born in southern England in the Essex region, probably near Exeter, and presumably Crediton. Descended from a noble family, from his earliest years he showed great ability and received a religious education. His parents intended him for secular pursuits, but, the young Wynfreth was inspired with higher ideals by missionary monks who visited his home. Consequently, he was, according to Celtic and Anglo-Saxon tradition, taken in at the monastery of Adescancastre. Such children as these were known as pueri oblate and in the monastery the children learned to read and write and became familiar with Roman civilisation. Even at this early age the young Wynfreth was both intelligent and eager to learn.
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doodlecircuitredrawn · 8 months
Happy New Year, everyone!
Damn, I’m gonna have to dust this blog off-
It’s Circa! (Temperarily) back from my lurking hibernation! I have some writing for y’all for my newest brainrot, In Stars and Time (ISaT)! Please be warned that this game generally talks about really heavy issues. So please read further with caution. The bad formatting is because I had a spike of inspiration and creative energy at like,,, what? 1, 2, 3 in the morning? AND I wrote this into a google doc, lmfao.
Warnings: Angst, slight description of gore, ISaT Spoilers!
I’m not sure what particular act these are spoiling, so I’ll be cautious and put in as many of the spoiler tags as possible because I don’t wanna ruin anyone’s gaming experience on accident!
These are ISaT au ideas!
Looper Odile au (Her birth country, Ka Bue is now the Forgotten Country)
“Hey, Odile, your accent sounds a little-“ “Unfamiliar?” (Mirabelle startles. You notice and quickly fix your face.) “…Yeah, I know.” “Y-your Vaugardian is perfect, though! I could confuse you for a native!” (…Hah. You laugh. Cackle, even. A little too much. You’re crying.)
(…Okay calm down, you’re scaring Mirabelle.) (You quickly wipe your tears and clean your glasses with a rag.)
“…Ah. Sorry, I needed that.” (Mirabelle has a slightly nervous smile.) “…I can tell.” (Oh gems. You’ve made the situation awkward. Time to end it here.) “…Alright, go away, I’m reading.” (You reopen your bookmarked book.) (Mirabelle gets the message and quickly walks away.)
(…You need to get out of here before you start losing your mind… Any more than you already have.)
“Odile, have YOU ever run away from home?” (What? This is new… They haven’t asked this before…) (You blink confusedly.)
“…Why are you asking the old lady?” “Ooh, Now I wanna know! Tell us, ‘Dile!” (…And now Boniface has their attention on you. Okay. Erm…) “…I was absolutely furious at my parents about… Something. I ran all of the way to the coast over a few days and took a boat, and then…”
(You refocus on everyone’s faces to help gather your thoughts…) (They’re starry eyed, holding on to your every word.) “…And then…?”
“That’s all I remember.” “WHAT!?” (You stare wide-eyed at Boniface) “Siffrin’s forgetfulness is rubbing off on you!” “Hey!” (Siffrin pouts dramatically.) (You tune out the rest of their conversation. You’ve heard enough.)
Looper Isabeau au
(Not again. Not again. You’ve been put at a standstill AGAIN. You forgot to tell Siffrin to look harder for that key. No. NO. ENOUGH.) (You make a beeline towards the rock. Everyone is staring at you, confused.)
(You frustratedly and impulsively hit the rock as hard as you can.) (Why is it not broken yet? …Fine.)
(You hit it again, and again, fists getting bloodied and dark as the rock slowly caves under the pressure.)
(…It breaks.)
(…No, that’s not the right word… It shatters.) (Yes. Yes! YES!) (You turn excitedly to your friends.)
(…Oh. They’re scared. You realize that you’re smiling a little maniacally. You quickly fix your face.)
“…Got it!”
(…They’re stepping back from you. Why?) (You’ve helped! You were helpful! Helpful Funny-buff Isabeau! And they’re looking at you like… No.) (Madam Odile has put herself in front of a wide-eyed Bonbon in a protective stance. Mira looks like a deer in headlights with her hands covering her mouth. And Sif… Siffrin has their hand on their dagger.)
(Why? You’re being helpful! Whydidtheynotwantyourhelpwhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy-) (Wait.) (You barely noticed how mangled your fists are, no wonder they’re so scared of you.) (…You’re a monster Isabeau, a big, disgusting monstererererererer-)
(You feel a tug on your stomach.)
Looper Bonnie au
“I know you’re on tonic and juice duty, but you can’t just snatch keys and rush into places we haven’t been to, yet!” “…How did you even know the key would work there, anyway?” (AH! A-port [abort] mission! A-port [abort] mission! Quick, say something!)
(Frin’s inviting you to fighting lessons again. But you’re literally stronger than him at this point. …Okay! Okay! Weak hits! Weak hits!)
(…Or… better, yet… You could use this chance to make Frin stronger instead!) (As you try to tune back into what he’s saying, you both notice a sadness. You both get into fighting positions.)
(Frin is trying to weaken it a bit for you.)
“…Okay, first you need to-“ (You tune him out.) (Frin, Frin, Frin, if only you knew how strong I was, now…) (It’s time for you to help him!)
(You rush in and let the Sadness hit you, and purr-pose-fully [purposefully] fling yourself to the ground and lay still for good measure… Just a scratch!)
“BONNIE!” (Frin doesn’t seem to think so, as he finishes off the Sadness in record time.) (They rush over to you.) “BONNIE!” (They pick you up and start running… To Mirabelle maybe?) (Well at least something different is… What’s that noise?)
“*sniff, sniff, hic!*” (…Oh. Frin’s crying. AND he’s taking you to Belle. You have a bad feeling about this…) (Despite your miss-givings [misgivings], you lay still with your eyes closed to not blow your cover.)
“Siffrin! Sif-“ (With a gasp, Belle becomes a blur as she looks at your woo-nds [wounds].) (After she uses her healing craft, you feel a lot better.)
“Bonnie! Are you okay!?” “Never better! I feel great! I’m gonna take a nap now! Don’t worry! I’m just sleepy!” (You remember Belle mentioning that fuh-teeg [fatigue] is a common side effect of having healing Craft used on you. That should curb at least some of their sus-pish-un [suspicion])
“Wai- Bonnie! BONNIE!” (Frin’s still crying.) (You run off before they can stop you.) (Okay. Not the best outcome… Let’s just go to the clock tower and regroup for now.)
2.5 (Part 2 of the thing earlier)
**Siffrin and Mirabelle focused**
(…Bonnie ran off before you could react.) (…And Siffrin’s inconsolable right now. The townsfolk are politely looking away. You take him to a secluded field.)
(…You don’t know what to say. You should start with…)
“…Siffrin. What happened?” (They turn to look at you blearily.) “…” (…They’re not responding. You should probably say someth- Oh, he’s opening his mouth.)
“…Bonnie rushed in while I was teaching them to fight. And they didn’t seem like they were paying attention to what I was saying in the first place… *sniff* …They got hit and fell so I had to deal with the sadness really quickly before I could pick them up. I…”
(He breaks down into tears again… You can’t really do much else except be there for him, seeing as they don’t like touch.) (…You’ll talk to the others — and more importantly, Bonnie themselves, later. Siffrin needs you right now.)
…Aaaaand that’s about it for now! I’m very much considering posting these to my ao3. Wait, what? I didn’t say anything about it? Ah, shit, erm. It’s the same user as my main blog here on tumblr, @/CircadianAnomaly. I haven’t posted anything, yet, so y’all aren’t missing much, lmfao. Do let me know, though — I crave feedback!
Bye for now!
- Circa [:
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