#boom. problem solved.
horce-divorce · 2 years
"hey guyysss I've been thinking about doing an undercut/chop/dye for a while but IDK confidence and stuff and I just don't wanna look weird but I've been thinking about it for years but idk would it even work??? I dont wanna look dumb lolol will it look bad on me????? Should i do it?????? What if i look stupid?????"
Babe. Honey. Sweetie. Listen to me. Hairstyles are like gender. NO ONE KNOWS! Only you can learn from your own haircuts!! Shave your head. Just fucking shave it. Or whatever it is. Dye it. Chop it with random scissors idc. You literally will never know if you'd regret it or not until you do it. Yeah you might hate it! You might regret never trying it too! It's a learning experience!
Listen. Listen to me. You only live once, but hair grows back repeatedly. Stop worrying about looking ugly and just fucking live your life. Hell, being ugly could be the spice your life is missing!! not to sound like a dad but literally how do you know you won't like it if you won't try it lmao.
Maybe you DONT look bad. Maybe you look hot. Maybe it's a mistake but you end up loving wigs and hats. Maybe your Vibe is one you haven't even tried on yet! You dont know, youre asking me. And im telling you. Do it. Give into the dramatic urges. You own nothing in this life if not your own goddamn hair, and you can make more of it!! Chop Chop
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your-royal-momoness · 11 months
Sokka: you can’t just set all your problems on fire
Zuko: you’d be surprised how many things are flammable
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victorie552 · 6 months
I headcannon that after 3rd Kinslaying, and especially after Elrond and Elros left them in whatever fashion, Maedhros was a total dick to Maglor.
You know how sometimes old or sick people are nice to neighbours/nurses/strangers, but are horrible to their primal caretakers? That's them.
People aren't dicks to their caretakers just to be dicks - it's because they are often frustrated with themselves or their situation and don't know how else to deal with it or they can't deal with it the usual way. It also happens because, paradoxally, they feel safe around their caretakers - you can be a dick because you know they won't leave just because of that.
And boy, did Maglor cast himself in a role of caretaker (let's not kid ourselves, he wasn't qualified, and with his own problems to boot), and BOY, did Maedhros resent him for it. He did not NEED help, he did not DESERVE help, he's not another kidnapped child MAGLOR, I'M the older brother, I should take care of YOU YOU WRECK, WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO BABYSIT YOU GROW UP ALREADY and leave me Nothing is EVER your fault, even when you left me to Angband as you should Why would you care now, it amounted to NOTHING before, it's WORTHLESS
And about half the time Maglor just takes it, actually likes it even. Mostly because of his guilt complex about how he deserves it, but also because Maedhros is only like this with him - he's trying his best to pretend to be fine and be a leader to few followers they have left, because they deserve better and that's the only thing he can give them now, and their brothers are all dead and would always be Too Little to act like that around them anyway. Maedhros would behave himself even around Fingon, to make him think rescuing him was worth something. So by being a dick to Maglor, Meadhros sees him as an equal, a safe haven. Maglor basks in that.
But obviously no one could just take such abuse like it's nothing, and Maglor is a Feanorian too, is prideful and stubborn, with his own laundry list of complains about Maedhros, and also unwell, and also thought of a new insult while lying awake at night and just wants to yell too. So half the time Maglor yells back and their yelling matches would bring orcs to tears, with hate and blame dripping from every word. I don't have enough imagination to picture it realistically, and actually I don't want to, it's too heartbreaking.
And sometimes, one or the other just starts crying. They don't talk about these times.
After some time, their arguments and insults are just a noise, something to repeat endlessly to the point of boredom.
By then, what actually hurts are the words that were not meant to harm.
Example 1:
Maedhros: 'did an all-night inspection of their stores cause he couldn't sleep' I found a herb you always liked to wash your hair with.
Maglor: 'doesn't remember last time he washed his hair, no less scented them'
Maglor: 'choked up' Appreciated.
Example 2:
Maedhros: 'feels like he's dragging Maglor to damnation with him' You could go with the twins, you know.
Maglor: 'doesn't want to upset Maedhros today so decides to pretend as if that was actually an option' Vanyar would probably like my singing but you know they would get mad at you for having better battle plans than them.
Maedhros: 'now KNOWS he's dragging Maglor to damnation with him'
Maedhros: 'dying inside' Of course they would.
When love hurts, it's easier to be a dick.
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blade-that-was-broken · 3 months
How funny would it be.
If instead of JD leaving he’s just like WE ARE GOING HIKING and throws premade camping bags at each of the brothers and he makes them all go hiking together (he wasn’t going to include Branch cause Branch doesn’t have issues with anyone and he’s a baby but Rosiepuff was all like haha no he’s going with to keep the peace) and instead of radio silence for 20 years, Branch’s abandonments issues and John Dory thinking everyone is dead for years, we force them to take a walk for their mental health and get some fresh air and fresh perspective.
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 10 months
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Dazai you idiot, you utter buffoon, you literally could have just reached up and grabbed his wrist
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comradekatara · 5 months
the thing about the adult gaang movie is even if it’s somehow done really well, i don’t wanna see aang and katara as adults, that will actually make me really sad. whereas if sokka is the protagonist that’s fine because i already think everyone should heal and find fulfillment after the war except for sokka. i think sokka should get worse. i think sokka should continue collecting mental illnesses like they’re pokemans creatures. a qing dynasty court intrigue film with sokka navigating ba sing se politics (and iroh can feature as he dispenses occasional wisdom. but sokka is just like “call your son”), or a xai bau spy thriller (except tbh this one would work better as a novel), or even just. a mai and sokka roadtrip movie in the style of an early 2000s stoner comedy (this one would have no artistic merit but it’s also probably the best idea ive ever had). these are but a few examples of the many ideas i have for movies that put my favorite guy through hours of suffering without having to depict my other favorite guys as anything other than the precious babies i know and love.
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somerandomassguy · 3 months
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shitty ass drawing of This Guy (the materials used are a 50 cent notebook page i stole from my mother and a mechanical pencil the same mother gave to me for some reason)
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icarusbetide · 22 days
there are many ways to write laurens, hamilton, and other amrev figures into modern aus but because i physically cannot handle any angst that hits too close to home, i take the coward's way out and exclusively deal in fix-its & wish fulfillment. with the power of tiktoks to kill their attention spans along with copious therapy, they'd all have less thoughts and be happier actually.
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skellagirl · 9 months
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nalu-gifs · 1 year
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“If you take out Zeref, won’t you--?”
“No way! You told her that?!
Don’t worry, okay? I’m gonna be fine. Really. A bunch of stuff went on in my head, and now, I made up my mind that I’m human after all. Boom! Problem solved.”
“O-Okay, if you say so...”
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loot-and-cake · 1 year
The Answer to Everything: Explosions
Cale and the crew encounter a problem. What shall they do?
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When Alberu confronts Cale the other just acts innocent and pushes all problems to the tired crown prince:
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Alberu isn't so impressed but silently suffers anyways:
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hyyyperfixated · 3 months
this problem could be fixed with polyamory
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squeezysgardenofcakes · 2 months
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fuck it *mlpifies a rarepair*
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steamanband · 3 months
Chat I'll be real idk howbmuch longer I can "vice Quadrant save me" my way out of this
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soup-scope · 1 year
what makes me giggled about darlin and sams relationship is that even if sam was never turned, they totally could’ve met anyways
i mean darlin is public enemy #1 when it comes to self preservation. bro probably has met every single healer dahlia has to offer
so they 1000% could’ve met and fallen for each other even if sam was never turned 💔💔
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wolfcamellias · 2 years
I am new to your tumblr. Is your Wukong transgender? Was he born male and represents as female? or vice versa? Sorry I just want to know what is right to think.
He’s genderfluid and sexless
So he alternates between he/she/they and shapeshifts to whatever he feels like being that day.
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