#borderlands Krieg dlc
trickibe · 5 months
BL3 switch moments in a nutshell
@chaoticgrimm, chilling with Timothy in the Casa De Timothy:
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Me with Evil Brick and Evil Mordecai in the Krieg DLC:
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tavi-calypso · 6 months
Maya : “Don’t stop now…”
Sane Krieg: “I won’t.”
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Literally spent the last 9 hours playing all DLCs in a row, one after another.
worth it.
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zer0zaneathenamain · 1 year
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Art collab between @salmondragonart and me!
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wittness · 6 months
everyday ( lie ) i think about how my highest level bl2 save is krieg.. timmy is my highest for bltps and i’ve only played as fl4k in bl3 so, yeah.
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pooka-dragon · 1 year
So the final votes are here for the stream on August 6th, I will have to figure out a good time to start and you all chose:
Borderlands 3!
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I am honestly surprise that half of you chose this game and was expecting MH Rise/Sunbreak, but hey, nothing wrong with a little Mayhem!
And I do have all four of the DLC’s, not the second one since I wasn’t all fond of it, (which is murder mystery that a character did and little added bonus skill for each character) but I do have the Handsome Jackpot Heist, GLT: The marriage of Wainright and Hammerlock, Bounty of Blood, and the fourth one that I can’t seem to say right, but hey, our good ol’ pal Krieg will be there!
So the main plan will be to tackle the main story first, then go through the DLC by their release date.
And yes, I have beaten the game along with the DLC, so I will reset all and amp up the mayhem mode on it. And for the character I will be going with, it will be Zane
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I love his dialogues since he is the funny one.
I will most likely will set the time for the evening so I can get everything ready! And if things are looking good, I will do another stream on August 7th, but we shall see how it goes!
See you all on Sunday!
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angeltannis · 2 years
So do we have an explanation as to why Gaige was the ONLY playable main series Vault Hunter left out of the Vaultlanders figures? ‘Cause it almost feels like they just straight up forgot to put her in?
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gaymars97 · 1 year
« It’s just a place why you do damn emotional? »
The place in question:
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rachetmath · 22 days
RWBY X Video Games Pt 2.5
Ruby: Hey I bet you can't figure out what characters we played as in Borderlands.
Jaune: Hm. Ren? Nora?
Nora: Yeah I think so.
Ren: Me too.
Yang: Alright guess.
Jaune: Weiss was a Siren two times, so she was Lilith and Maya.
Weiss: How?
Jaune: Your semblance is similar to their move set. Obviously, plus I bet you enjoyed the look.
Weiss: shut up.
Nora: Yang, no doubt was Brick. He was a desecrator.
Yang: So true.
Ren: Blake had to Mordecai.
Jaune is leaving Ruby to Roland because she is a little more tech-wise than you. But mainly because she likes guns.
Ruby: Okay what about the sequel? I mean Weiss is already figured out.
Weiss: Shut it.
Ruby: But what about us?
Jaune: Hm. Hey.
Messenger: What?
Jaune: Did you give them DLCs?
Messenger: Yeah.
Jaune: Okay thanks.
Nora: Hm.
Yang: What's the matter? You guys are stumped?
Ren: I mean a little, we know Blake was Zero.
Blake: Damn that quick?
Jaune: Yeah that quick, come on. However you and Ruby we are torn against.
Ruby: Pfft how come?
Jaune: Were you two fighting over one character?
Yang: … Um.
Ruby: I-I-I mean-
Nora: It was over Salvador the Gunzerker wasn't it?
Yang: … mmm
Ruby: mmmm
Jaune: it was. It was. Give me five.
Nora: Damn right. *High five Jaune*
Jaune: I haven't forgiven you though.
Nora: Can we please talk?
Ren: Um can we get back on topic?
Jaune: Since when are we on topic? Anyway, it's clear why either of you wanted him. Mainly, why Yang wanted him.
Ren: I mean their personalities match so-
Jaune: No Ren, it's clear as day.
Ren: I mean- Oh. Oh. I see.
Yang: *blushes covering her breast*
Jaune: I don't understand why you are showing boating those balloons every day.
Nora: He's right, girl, there is no shame.
Blake: I don't get it.
Jaune: There were two options for both Ruby and Yang. Ruby could played as Gaige but she loves guns more than giant robots so she wanted Gunzker. Yang however didn't want the other character, Krieg because he was half naked.
Blake: So that's why two were arguing that time? Why didn't either of you choose Axton?
Jaune: Roland’s clone? Really?
Blake: Fine.
Nora: So Ruby understood why Yang wanted Salvador so she played as Gaige.
Blake: Alright, but you three won't figure this out. Pre-sequel.
Jaune: Ah shoot.
Ren: mm. Mm
Nora: Damn. That is hard.
Ren: No Handsome Jack Clone right?
Blake: Ew.
Weiss: I hate you for saying that.
Yang: I'm too sexy to be that arrogant.
Ruby: I mean the weapons are cool but no.
Yang: I mean I could have been-
Jaune: Hell no, don't say that. You ain't no Athena.
Yang: gasp how dare you sir? I’ll have you know-
Jaune: Athena has a shield and a sword. She is more about defense than offense. Plus you never used a sword.
Yang: How does that matter?
Jaune: Anyways I believe Ruby was Claptrap.
Ruby: What? how did you -
Jaune: Claptrap has access to all the previous Borderland character's moveset. I know you would be happy to use them.
Weiss: Guess you've become basic Ruby.
Nora: Lady Hammerlock.
Weiss:*stares at Nora in anger*
Nora: *cockly smiles* It suits you, considering your previous statues, Ice Queen.
Ren: Blake was Nisha. Her skill is very useful and she has a whip.
Blake: *blushes*
Jaune: Which leaves with Wilhelm the Enforcer. Mainly because you both lost an arm.
Yang: Okay. True.
Weiss: Well you won't guess who we-
Jaune: Borderlands 3. Weiss the Beastmaster. Blake the Operative. Yang the Siren. And Ruby the Gunner.
RWBY: ………………
Ruby: Man. No fair.
Nora: Come on, it wasn't that hard. Blake's semblance is basically Zane’s hologram. Amara power is Yang semblance except stronger and more versatile. FL4K just fights with his pets like Weiss with her summons except he does a better job.
Weiss: What was that?
Nora: And Moze has a giant robot with guns. Ruby would never miss a chance like that.
Ruby: Damn right!
Jaune: So are we done?
Yang: Yeah we’re done. But I have a question. How does it feel to be maiden-less in the Elden Ring and real life?
RWB: Oh.
Emerald: Shit!
Oscar: DAMN! You get no bitches!
Jaune: I mean, in the Elden Ring, I’ve seen a lot of crazy women. One was hell-bent on destroying a tree. A blue-doll woman who basically wants me to devote myself to her. A dragon woman. A flower woman who I’m surprised can live for so long. A woman who believes in a snake, so much so she was willing to eat off his corpse. And a knight who was dying and was beating me like no tomorrow. Took me three times to beat that woman and it wasn’t on her second phase. So yeah, being maiden less was more of a blessing than having one of either them.
Yang: Oh.
Jaune: As for real life. I mean I had women look at me funny back at Mantle, I had Pyrrha back at Vale. Glyanda believed in me so she might count. Then you got Weiss who complimented me. And it seems I was on your girl's mind before you even entered the picture. Regardless, I don’t care, but at least I don’t settle for less.
Yang: Um..
Jaune: And I love my mom. Too bad you will never know that feeling cause you never had one
Yang: Jau-
Jaune: I mean I’m not too judgemental but come on, at least I’m not a hypocrite, an irresponsible brat whose only accomplishment was getting a lamp. Oh, wait, that’s gone too.
Ruby:: Jaune.
Jaune: How does feel bitch? To be motherless, having to show nothing for all life's struggles but a girl who once fantasized about another man.
Yang: *cries*
Ruby: Really, Jaune?
Jaune: I mean I may have messed up a few times. But I was right on the majority of things and I produce great results.
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❤️‍🔥🧨⚙️💙I'm addicted to madness, but what can I say?
I started this piece years ago and never finished it! Well, after diving into the INCREDIBLE dlc for Borderlands 3 featuring Krieg, I knew I had to find it and finish it the way it deserved :) I adore Krieg and Maya so much, and I really hope we havent seen the last of them!
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As an apology for missing yesterday's character of the day, today will have 2 characters instead of 1!! The first character of today is:
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Krieg is one of the 6 playable characters in Borderlands 2, and one of the 2 DLC characters that released later on in BL2s life cycle. His play style is focused on melee, bloodlust stacking or fire damage!
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And during Borderlands 3, he has an entire DLC for exploring who he is as a character, and thus fleshing out his story.
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Today's second borderlands character is:
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Maya is one of the 6 playable characters in Borderlands 2, and one of the 4 characters that were in the game day 1. Unfortunately, I never played her, so I dont know what her skill trees are based on. Sorry guys!
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Anyway, during Borderlands 3, she shows up to help the new vault hunters get to the vault on Promethea. Unfortunately, during the events of BL3, she ends up dying to the Calypso twins. After her death, during the Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fuster-Cluck DLC, she shows up once again inside Krieg's mind.
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kitsumidori · 9 months
Almost every single Borderlands 3 youtube video's comment section: Ugh Ava's the worst!!! she killed Maya!!! Krieg should of killed this kid in the dlc!!!! Ugh!!!!!!!
Me: Krieg would more likely kill Troy (in a very gruesome way) because well, you know..... TROY WAS THE ONE THAT LEACHED HER!!!!!!!
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backtothedisaster · 5 months
For the ship ask game
Psyren (Krieg x Maya)
Wainlock (Wainwright x Hammerlock)
Morbrick (Mordecai x Brick)
Gaigel (Gaige x Angel)
Lilith x Gaige (idk they're both massive nerds and I think it's neat.)
Obviously don't have to do all of them I just like to give a variety of ✨options✨
psyren - makes sense, compels me (kriegs dlc in bl3 fucked me Up. Good god)
wainlock - makes sense, compels me (gearbox was so right for this If i’m honest)
morbrick - makes sense, compels me (honestly more surprising that they’re NOT canon at this point. i really like them…when i first got into borderlands i was really into the b team. and i still am but like. You know how it is)
gaigel - doesn’t make sense, compels me (I feel like people started shipping them just because they were similar in age but honestly there’s nothing wrong with that … just becssue it doesn’t rlly make sense to me doesn’t mean i don’t like it)
lilith x gaige - doesn’t make sense, doesn’t compel me - (alas. i do nawt understand this one but that’s okay)
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Strip the Data, Salt the Misinfo: A Borderlands Fanbase PSA/Rant
TL;DR: The current Borderlands wiki sucks huge balls for anything after and including BL3, but it also sucks for other reasons and the best way to fix it would be just to nuke it and move on to Miraheze.
I am a huge Borderlands fan. It's my special interest, in fact. Everyone knows that. I'm quite invested in the community, though not as much as I would like to be, despite my constant attempts to garner attention in various places that are not named Tumblr. In fact, I am invested enough to frequent various sites focusing on this video game series.
And there is a major problem with one of the biggest sites dedicated to it:
The Wiki.
At first, it seems like a good place to get information regarding the series, both its gameplay and story. But you would be solely wrong.
While it does provide accurate information on the gameplay, guns, loot and boss attacks of every looter shooter entry, it is massively lacking on the story front. Especially after and during BL3.
Let's look at some examples.
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This is Krieg's quote page. Not only is every single one of his BL2 quotes displayed, it's also got the audio files for all of them!
But the BL3 ones? It only transcribes the base game ECHO logs he talks in. No audio, and none of his many, many PKatFF lines.
In one of his videos, the youtuber ItzTermx compares Krieg's quote page and Fl4k's quote page in an attempt to showcase the superiority of BL2's dialogue. But in reality, Fl4k has significantly more quotes than Krieg, they are simply unlisted on the wiki. Where are they then, you may ask?
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Fucking TvTropes of all places, not the main wiki.
I used the quote pages as an example, but this isn't the only case where this disparity is true. Check the wiki for yourself, and you'll see that every single BL2 and TPS quest, main or side, has a detailed transcript. What do the BL3 quests get?
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This. A plain objective list.
And this is not even touching upon the incredibly incomplete - hell, MISSING Crew Challenge pages, and of course... the critical lack of lore/character information.
I will use a youtuber as an example here yet again.
This is EruptionFang's video on Wainwright Jakobs. EruptionFang is widely the most popular Borderlands lore youtuber, if not the only one that actually has a somewhat large following.
In this video, he openly says we don't know how he met Hammerlock. This is a blatant lie! We do know! An idle line in DLC 2 reveals that they met on a hunting expedition!
Of course, getting through idle lines is a slog, since you're likely to get repeats, so there must be an easier way to access this information.
Does the wiki say anything about it? No. But you know what does?
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You might ask: "why don't you contribute yourself, then?"
You see, the Borderlands Wiki is well, a Fandom Wiki. The site that's known for being infested with ads and autoplay videos, which are 99% of the time completely irrelevant to whatever you're viewing. There's a reason I use Breezewiki.
Fandom is awful to use, and especially difficult to browse through. It's an accessibility issue, something you definitely don't want in a place meant to provide information. I am not willing to contribute to such a place.
You might ask, then, is there an alternative?
This is Miraheze. It's ad free, community run, and non-profit. It uses the same software as Wikipedia, and provides a similar, accessible look. If this community managed to move there (and toss a coin or two to Miraheze, they're accepting donations!), we could foster a significantly more accessible environment.
I hope y'all enjoyed reading this edition of me malding over something seemingly innocuous. Before anyone asks, yes, I allow sharing of this post to other websites. The Borderlands community deserves to be aware of this.
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I’ve been on a bit of a Borderlands kick lately after replaying the BL3 Psycho Krieg DLC, and I’ve been thinking about the character exploration and plot continuation that was somewhat left behind due to how the DLC stories are handled. Might be tempted to write a handful of mini-fics focused around the aftermath/potential next steps for each of the DLC stories (aside from maybe Bounty of Blood, not as much to work with there). Can’t promise they’ll be ready for publication in the near future, but I’ve got a few story sequences in mind that should be interesting.
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captainimfangirling · 1 month
Finally Saw The Borderlands Movie
I went into the theater with an opened mind. I understand nobody can make a movie exactly like the games because there are too many characters, too many guns, the story line is very complex, and everything about it is just so chaotic.
I feel like the only ones who like it are Cate Blanchett fans. I'm not a fan of Cate Blanchett because haven't seen many movies she was in but I do know she's a good actress however this movie didn't suit her at all. I think she only got the role because Eli Roth liked working with her or they're friends. So far I haven't seen him say anything about how she fit the role as Lilith, only that he enjoyed working with her on The House with a Clock in Its Walls. I feel like Hollywood is all about who you know rather than what's best for the movie/tv show. That's why we see the same damn actors in movies.
Kevin heart didn't feel like a soldier to me. He felt more like an annoyed security guard. Tiny Tina being attached to Roland was cute because she did love him in the game. I'm not trying to hate on Ariana Greenblatt but I feel like she wasn't crazy or bubbly enough to be Tiny Tina. She's good at playing teenagers with an attitude like in Barbie. I think she would've been better suited as Ava from Borderlands 3 (it's not an insult like I didn't hate Ava as much as you guys). I did love her costume and her room with all the toys/bombs.
I think Jamie Lee Curtis' did her best with Tannis because it seems very awkward when talking to Lilith and very into science but I don't think she was eccentric enough. Personally I think it makes sense for Tannis to leave a child instead of raising her because she lacks empathy and is more obsessed with science than raising a child. But to be honest making her older than Lilith was a terrible idea because I want to know more about Tannis and Lilith's mother relationship instead of Tannis and Lilith's relationship.
Krieg looked cool but like Tiny Tina I feel like he wasn't crazy enough. He should be twitching and doing crazy stuff. Not just being a little girls body guard. I wish they had one small scene where we hear the sane Krieg talking to show why this Psycho was special and give him more of a personality. Maybe have sane Krieg explain how Tiny Tina reminded him of his daughter. I don't know give us something about sane Krieg.
I don't remember General Knoxx in Borderlands because I haven't played any DLCs games so I got nothing to say. Deukalian Atlas was kind of weird. I feel like he was mix of Handsome Jack and Rhys Strongfork. Also him creating Tiny Tina was stupid. I feel like Tina in the game had a more tragic background because she did have parents who loved her but they were murdered so that explains why she's crazy. In the movie she had no attachments to anyone until Roland. Maybe if they explained in the movie how she was experimented on it might give us a reason why she's crazy but there was no explanation on how she was treated other than she was locked up. I mean being locked up can drive people crazy but being experimented on is much worse.
Anyway that's my review. I'm glad I went with a friend who offered to pay for my ticket so I didn't waste any of my money. Just because someone doesn't like the movie doesn't mean they're a hater, it just means they have an opinion. I really did want to love it and was hoping it would at least make me laugh like the games do I would've thought was movie was fun but I did not laugh at all. It wasn't enjoyably.
One last thing: the movie should've been rated R!!!!
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monmuses · 3 days
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥 - currently accepting!
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this specific ECHO log from the Borderlands 3 from the Fustercluck DLC where Krieg's splitting actually shows up in the audio. the pain in his voice of him witnessing innocent people die and how he makes that his entire goal to NEVER be like the bandits on Pandora; how he wants to be better and knowing right from wrong. how he is so desperate to be a good man, even when he was hurt in the worst way possible; mentally, physically and emotionally.
i always think about this ECHO log from this DLC because, to me, this is one of THE best pieces of writing. to hear him in pain because of the testing and how awful Benedict is to him and the others in the facility. and how, even with being psycho, he works to be better and to teach himself everything again.
i fucking love Krieg, man. he's the epitome of witnessing the horrors of how man could be tortured and ripped apart, but still coming out with his empathy and strength.
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