#brazilian positivity
gender-mailman · 2 years
This is expecifically for all the brazilians that ive meet while in the mogai community, so if youre not brazilian DNI /j /j /j
OI! vei! Vcs fazem a menor ideia de como foi massa encontrar vcs aqui, sim! N são muitos mas tipo, é incrivel q eu pelomenos achei pessoas q me entendem nessa comunidade!! Isso foi a coisa mais foda q ja aconteceu com migo esse ano! Djavsksvkz, vcs são as pessoas mais legais q eu ja vi no tumblr q são brazileiras e q nunca vi na vida real sjwfjwvskd
@gennerflooid eu amo seu blog pra generos mais dark! Eu amo generos desse tipo q tem aver com sangue e etc (uhhh very gendie) todas suas bandeiras tb! So quero comer elas vei (/pos) ksgejgks, melhor de tudo é q eu ja te seguia mesmo antes de saber q tu era brazileire! Eu fazia a menor idea mesmo q tu era! Zjskshkdb
@julietianboy CARA! vc foi um dos primeiros brazileiros q eu achei aqui nesse site q eu fiz request! Vc é tao legal e eu fico muito feliz de ter te encontrado aqui :3 todas suas bandeiras e as cores são tao boas! Espero q tu estege bem!
@dylan-the-gay Dylan! Vc é literalmente a primeira pessoa brazileira q eu achei nesse site q n é anti mogai, eu devo dizer, vc foi uma das minhas inspirações pra criar esse blog! :D eu sei q vc n esta muito ative esses dias mas ainda quero dizer palavras legais pra ti :3 seus outros blogs de genero e pronomes são muito legais e eu acho q suas bandeiras são minhas favoritas em questão de bandeira pra pronome, elas são so tão criativas!!
Enfim, eu sei q n é muito (e tb n tem muito brazileiro <:3) mas eu queria fazer isso e mostrar apreciação pros poucos brazileiros q eu achei aqui!! :3 amo muito todos vcs! /pos
Sim eu sei q é meu aniversario, mas ja q é meu aniversario, eu escolho o geito q eu quero comemorar sgksgamdv >:3c
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hunniidu · 2 months
selfies pls
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this is the best I can do 🫡
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thetruealaska · 8 months
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weirdplutoprince · 1 year
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A Valentine’s Day update from my Webcomic Cor de Rosa, a story about an aroace little girl navigating life with an empty heart in a world where love is pink.
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russilton · 2 years
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How I hope Max feels starting tomorrows sprint race
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rubatozis · 11 months
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today is a day of celebration for me
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tudonosso · 1 year
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brasilienne · 1 year
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beauty queen 🥰❣️💜🫶🏽❤️✨
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Google Launches AI Anti-Theft Feature for Android Phones in Brazil
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Alphabet’s Google will launch a new AI-powered anti-theft feature for Android phones in Brazil, the first country to test this technology, aiming to reduce phone theft rates in a country where nearly one million phones were stolen last year.
Google, the tech giant under Alphabet Inc., made a groundbreaking announcement. Brazil, a country plagued by high phone theft rates, will be the first to test a new anti-theft feature for Android phones using artificial intelligence (AI). This innovative technology, a significant step in the fight against phone theft, automatically locks the device’s screen when a phone has been stolen, thereby enhancing security for users.
The initiative is part of Google’s broader strategy to leverage AI to address real-world problems. Starting in July, the anti-theft feature will initially be available to Brazilian users of Android phones running version 10 or higher. According to the company, this phased rollout will eventually extend to other countries over the year.
The new anti-theft feature, powered by AI, operates through three types of locks. The first lock utilizes AI to identify movements typically associated with theft, such as sudden, rapid movements that suggest snatching or running. Once these movements are detected, the feature automatically locks the screen, rendering the phone unusable to the thief. The AI model has been trained to recognize specific patterns that indicate a theft, enabling it to provide an immediate response to protect the user’s data.
Continue reading.
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hunniidu · 6 months
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gatinhaaaaa (quero te encontrar)
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Here’s some positivity for Brazilian systems!
Systems live, struggle, flourish, and thrive all over the world! Just because many vocal systems online live in North America or Western Europe does not mean that these are the only places systems live. In Brazil, we’re certain system life can be rich, beautiful, and community-driven! This post is for all the Brazilian systems out there!
🇧🇷 Shoutout to systems that immigrated to Brazil, or are Brazilians living in the diaspora outside of Brazil!
🌼 Shoutout to Brazilian systems who are also indigenous, or who are indigenous people residing in Brazil!
🇧🇷 Shoutout to systems whose plurality is inherently connected to Brazilian customs and culture!
🌼 Shoutout to Brazilian systems who are bilingual, who love the Portuguese language, or are studying Portuguese or an indigenous language of Brazil!
🇧🇷 Shoutout to Brazilian systems who love their nation’s rainforests, who advocate against deforestation and work to preserve their nation’s biodiversity!
🌼 Shoutout to disordered Brazilian systems who struggle to find healthcare due a lack of providers in their area!
🇧🇷 Shoutout to Catholic, Spiritist, and medium systems in Brazil whose plurality is based in their religion!
🌼 Shoutout to Brazilian systems with introjects of Brazilian characters, celebrities, or public figures!
🇧🇷 Shoutout to Brazilian systems who love their nation and relish taking part in Brazilian holidays, traditions, and celebrations!
🌼 Shoutout to Brazilian systems who have concerns about their country, who advocate for positive societal change!
Whether you’ve always lived in Brazil, you lived there briefly, or you’ve never been there but it’s a part of your heritage, know that as a Brazilian system you bring a unique and wonderful perspective to the plural community. We are so very grateful to have you here, and hope that you can continue to find joy and belonging in our spaces! Please try your best to take care of yourself and your system, and have an absolutely lovely day!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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thetruealaska · 7 months
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Felt so cute <3
Black week discount on that site
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weirdplutoprince · 1 year
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NEW UPDATE IN MY WEBCOMIC Cor de Rosa: A story about an aroace little girl navigating life with an empty heart in a world where love is pink; cor de rosa. We’re almost done with the story now!
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brazilspill · 1 year
Coming out to my mom
Last year I told my mom about this sketch by a trio of Irish comedians about this dude that keeps trying to come out to his family only to repeatedly get interrupted for 15 years straight (pun unintended).
A few weeks later, I casually came out to my mom as being ace during a car ride.
Her response?
"What kind of coming out was that? You're LATINA, it needs to be DRAMATIC. At the very least as dramatic as that Irish sketch you told me about! I demand a do-over."
My mom doesn't give a flip about who I do or don't bone so long as I'm happy, but by god, she will not stand for a daughter who's less dramatic than the Irish.
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the day i meet someone who votes for perez for dotd is the day you guys pls call a lawyer for me because i will be arrested for manslaughter
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kmagsy-moved · 2 years
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brazil gp 2022 post race reaction
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