#breaking bad pet regression
chickpea0 · 5 months
u were so right abt puppyre jesse pinkman maybe u could do a puppy jesse moodboard!!! :3
Folks, I present: Jesse Pupman
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Thank you very much for requesting this, I had a lot of fun lol. Jesse is such a good character and I love him to bits. I'm also submitting this to the petre/animalre contest that @theregressionlibrary is doing! Yay! Hcs below the cut :>
For starters I think he would unconciounsly resonate with working/obediant breeds. He really does want to be well-behaved and play by the rules but that's never worked out for him (caugh undiagnosed ADHD/ASD cough). He's a natural follower probably partly because he's been taught that he's always 'wrong' by so many figures in his life, though he can lead quite well when it's called for but he doesn't see himself as a leader. I think he usually gravitates to collie, alsation, shiba, jack russel types but he doesn't really care about breeds.
Doesn't really remember when it all started but he became very aware of it once Walt reentered his life. He had it rough before but good gravy.
He's often in a constant state of survival which doesn't let him slip or be any kinds of vulnerable until he feels safe. But to a certain point his brain just gets overloaded and does a force shut down, leading him to go pretty deep into doggy mode.
It's a big mix of comfort, stress, turmoil and dissociation but it does help him get through things, even if Jesse is a bit ashamed of it. He does quite like it when he can enjoy it though. I truly believe with an outlet/coping mechanism as strong as this, he could have escaped a lot of the show lmfao.
Alternative timeline: he embraces his regression, moves to "Oregon or whatever", starts a new life, does a lot of self disovery and maybe even meets a caregiver/guardian figure.
Still a lot of angst from his journey so far but he's like, safe. Yo.
I do think he would benefit from finding someone really caring though, and open minded. It'd do a lot of good for him to be able to meet someone who doesn't riducule him and instead forms a healthy, balanced bond with him.
And who buys him puppy chew toys (because those ones are softer on teeth)
btw when he's puppymode he has the biggest most expressive puppy eyes. if you care.
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peapodsplace · 7 months
What's everyones piece of media which is soooo baby/pet to them? Even if it's really weird, I wanna hear it!
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🔧Caregiver!Mike Ehrmantraut Headcanons🍳
♧ works best with big kids, but will care very attentively if you're smaller
♧ always down to play however you want :3
♧ great at patching up scrapes or fixing broken toys
♧ will protect n defend the hell outta you, confronting anyone who says bad things to you
♧ I see Jesse as his little tbh but I also like the idea of Jess being cared for by Andrea
♧ plenty of experience from taking care of Kaylee!
♧ strict bedtime!! it's for your own good he says
♧ not especially touchy but always shows he cares through words n gestures (will step out of his comfort if you really need it ofc, usually during impure episodes)
♧ shows you how to garden and build small projects like a bird house (or dog house if you have a dog!)
♧ the type to carry around a small littlespace care package with stim toys and comfort items for you
♧ makes protein-filled meals to help you get big n strong!!
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reblogs appreciated! pls be nice lol
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cordeliawhohung · 1 month
Touch Me 'Till I Vomit (pet!au) [11]
pet!au | ghoap x fem!reader | tag list
old memories
cw: non-con, PTSD, anxiety, slight suicidal ideation, manipulation, extremely unsafe handling of firearms
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No matter how many years pass, Johnny’s still in that tunnel. 
Those damp walls follow him everywhere, and the humidity clings to his body like a second skin. Smothers every pore of his body until it’s screaming for air. Or, is that blood? The substance that trickles down the side of his face, sticky and warm? It envelops the line of his jaw like a tender lover. Like devoted fingers caressing the pain that florescences on the soft side of his skull. He needs the nails to puncture the bone. Seep into the tissue of his brain and remove the anguish that festers like a bad wound. 
A great roaring volume drowns out his senses as hands paw at his chest. He’s shaken like someone attempting to rouse their child from slumber but he doesn’t want to wake up. He needs to seep into the concrete. Liquify and soak into the cold, unforgiving ground, but he won’t. The hands dragging him by his vest refuse to allow it. He can’t die because someone wills it otherwise. Then comes the metal. Tongs and needles; scalpels that slice and tear; saws that grind marrow into dust — it hurts worse than the impact. Worse than an entry wound that bubbles and flattens into a cavern nothing can reach.
When he opens his eyes, there’s nothing but white. Walls, linen, clothes; it’s a blank canvas for him to paint on, and yet he can’t see the image. Gentle shapes and sounds, he tries to remember his cousin’s name but can’t. Wants to shape his mouth into the word but his tongue has forgotten the dance. He can’t remember the number assigned to him when he used to play keeper in football. The memory of his mother’s voice is distorted. Something is broken about his father’s face. He can hardly recall the name of the man always at his bedside. 
Ghost. Is that it? Weird bloke with the mask and dark eyes. There’s vague memories about him. Good ones. Ghost barks at the nurses and doctors who come to see him, always questioning what they’re doing. Why they’re injecting him with certain things. Johnny watches him. Thick fingers clench and relax like waves along the coastline. There is more to his name. It’s shrouded in fuzzy memories. Wading through the static, he plucks the word and lets it sit on his tongue until he’s able to get the useless muscle to move. 
Things hurt more after he says that word. That name. Calls upon the devil; sells his soul to a demon with dark eyes and lips that can’t properly curl anymore because of the scar tissue. He fights. Shreds skin with sharp teeth. Doesn’t care who the skin belongs to. Johnny’s regressed. Gone backwards in evolution. Has turned into nothing more than a bad dog locked in a cage, left alone to lick his wounds. Only the clink of his collar keeps him company. 
But the only thing that makes a dog bad isn’t because they bite or bark — it’s that they’re scared. Confused. He flails and howls lamenting cries as he tries to make sense of the collar and cage, or why his name seems to be something he can’t recapture. The only thing that’s there, repeating in his mind like a broken record, is the bullet. Gunshot ringing loud, lead ripping through his cranium; all he knows how to do is fight. Fight dirty. Fight hard. Slicing claws, bared teeth; something in him still craves blood. Still covets the taste of iron in his mouth. 
That desire is siphoned out of him. Drawn free from his body until not a single drop remains. It breaks down and decays in his body until there’s only fuzz left. A distorted reality. Things are better this way. Happier. Now, there’s nothing but that collar and cage and Simon and Simon and Simon and Simon —
“Fuckin’ hell, Soap, wake up!” 
Instead of the unforgiving metal bars of a kennel, Johnny feels a plush mattress. Sheets and blankets twist up his legs like ivy reclaiming some man made structure — something that doesn’t belong — and his limbs thrash in an attempt to free himself. He’s restrained. Thick arms wrap around his torso, pinning his appendages to his chest. Lips press against the shell of his ear as Simon grunts in frustration, attempting to hold his misbehaving dog down. 
“Easy now, easy. Down boy,” he murmurs. 
“Ah need tae go home,” Johnny rambles, hands pawing at Simon’s forearms. His chest heaves. Rib cage expanding just to crush right back into his lungs as he exhales, throat constricting like it suddenly feels the weight of the collar around it. “Need tae go home.” 
Simon shushes him. Demanding fingers grip Johnny’s forearms as he pulls him closer. He’s become a living straight jacket. Yanking back on his mutt’s leash until he calms. Until the storm passes.  
“You are home. Home with me, ‘member?” Simon attempts to coddle. The softness is foreign to his voice, but he tries anyway. “Look, even Bonnie’s here. Yeah? Your sweet bird? Look at ‘er. Look at ‘er, Johnny.” 
Confused eyes peer through the darkness until he finds you standing to the side of the bed, your back against the wall. Your parted lips look heavenly in the dull glow of the moon seeping through the windows, and he finds his heart quelling in his chest. Then he looks at your eyes. Wide as saucers. Dilated. Chest heaving. Breath escaping you. 
“Yeah, you see ‘er now. You’re home with me. Home with Bonnie. Better now?” Simon asks. 
“Ah still feel it. Digging ‘round in mah fuckin’ skull,” Johnny babbles, feet still kicking at the cloth that holds his legs hostage. His teeth grit so tightly he can hardly get the words to flow between them. 
“Need ya to relax, Johnny,” Simon huffs. Frustrated eyes glare at you, and your throat visibly bobs as he motions for you to come back to the bed. “Want Bonnie to help?”
Following Simon’s orders, you crawl onto the mattress. You shuffle along on your hands and knees, head bowed low but your eyes stay on the men in front of you like they’ll bite if you don’t. Johnny sees the trepidation that lurks in your gaze. Can nearly smell it as it collects like sweat on your skin. He doesn’t like it. That fear in your eyes. Are you scared of him? Why do you look at him like that? 
“Good girl, Bonnie,” Simon praises flatly. Without warning, his hand dives into Johnny’s boxers where he greedily palms at his cock. It’s still soft, having no chance to harden, and yet Simon is unrelenting. Johnny feels the urge to jolt, to fight back against the stimulation as he watches you sit back on your haunches, bottom lip quivering. “You want ‘er, dontcha boy? ‘Course you do. You picked ‘er out and everything. Doesn’t she make ya feel better? Feel at home?” 
There’s a dull buzz in the back of Johnny’s mind that attempts to rewire his brain. To slice away the coax seal and bare the metal cords to the damp air of his skull. To weave things until the pain stops. Until things make sense. But that buzz wanes and dies as his cock begins to harden and he becomes drunk on Simon’s words and the way he tugs at him. When he looks back at you, you are excited. Body quivering with anticipation, on your knees waiting for him like there’s nothing else in the world that can satiate your desire but him. 
“Aye. Ah do,” Johnny groans. 
Simon smirks against his ear. 
“Good boy. Go fetch.” 
Johnny eats you alive after that. Takes you while you’re face first into the mattress, cock pumping into your cunt at an abusive pace. You cry this time. You’ve been good about keeping it bottled inside, tears along with it, but seeing him screaming in his sleep has your anxiety high. Watching him thrash like that, curse, and beg. Like he had been possessed. Like he was somebody else. Fear courses through you like it’s the only component that builds the cells of your blood. Guttural sobs and wails are muffled by the way Simon shoves your face into the bedding and barks at you to quiet down. You are thankful that this time he fucks you on the bed. There’s no unforgiving wood to press into your palms or the side of your face as you grieve into the blankets. Still, it hurts all the same. Your cervix splits and bruises, walls stretched impossibly wide as he pistons into you, ripping you apart from the inside. 
He feasts on your cries. Mumbles that you sound so beautiful, moaning like that. 
All for him. 
When Johnny’s finished, he goes back to sleep. Curls around you like a devoted dog, arms lazily slung over you — nothing but dead weight. Before long, both men are snoring while you sniffle and writhe. There is no sleep to be had, not with the wounds that plague you. After so much time spent in the den of these beasts, you were hoping that your skin would become thicker. Calluses would form from use, and eventually this agony would remit. But scars can’t form if you don’t allow the wound to heal, and Simon is all too willing to tear at the scab until you’re bleeding all over again. 
He likes the taste of brine and iron. 
Morning comes and you still haven’t slept. 
It was a foolish idea to believe you could have. Laying with monstrous men and listening to the rattle of their breathing keeps you awake worse than any creature that could go bump in the night. You promise yourself you’ll sleep when they’re awake. You’ll sleep when Simon’s hands are busy working away at the garden and Johnny’s drawing sketches of your motionless body. It’s easier to rest when the sun is up. When you can open your eyes and make sense of your surroundings and not be swallowed by darkness and terror. 
Simon is the first to rise. He always is. Even the sun lags behind him in sputtering rays as he slinks out of the room. His movement is enough to rouse Johnny who finally relinquished his grasp on you in favor of turning to lay on his stomach. You breathe easier without the weight of his arm on your chest, but it does nothing to quell the ache that still burns in the pit of your stomach. That never-healing wound. That scar which will never quite mend. 
You stir when you hear the shower begin to run. Its creaky faucet strains against the old pipes, squealing as the liquid shoots through it. Lifting yourself up, you muffle your groans behind gritted teeth as you slip off the side of the bed. You’ve gotten good at being quiet. Soft as a mouse trotting through rotten walls. As silent as the flap of an owl’s wings in the dead of night. Even as you dress — fresh cloth pulling over soiled skin — there’s nothing, not even a peep, out of you. Johnny huffs, body missing your presence. You ignore him as you leave the bedroom. 
Morning birds chirp in your willow tree. You’ve decided it’s your tree. Beautiful branches, dancing leaves — Simon has Johnny, and Johnny has you, isn’t it only fair that you have something of your own? Finches chatter as they buzz from branch to branch, excited feet scurrying as they chase one another. They peck and chew at berries and nuts they’ve foraged in the bountiful forest that lay beyond the property, and you stand in front of the window for a moment watching them. 
They force an old memory to resurface. Something from when you were a child. A science class lecture that’s been buried in the grey matter of your brain for so long it had almost gotten lost. Evolutionary pressure. Finches are an example of this. Darwin’s finches, especially. They’re diverse. Changing for better survival. There are some with fat, wide beaks, others with small, dainty growths. Animals evolve fast to adapt and survive. To endure the earth and her cruel games. 
You wonder if you could test this on yourself. Stress your body to the point it has no choice but to morph into something stronger. Something better. If you climbed to the top of this house, or the ridge of those trees, and jumped, would you survive? Would your body scream and cry out for you to change and sprout wings before you hit the ground? Before you’re caught in Johnny’s maw for good? Is this just some foolish notion? Would you just shatter on the pavement below? 
Your sigh mixes with the chirping, free and sovereign. Either way, it would not be an issue for you anymore if you failed. Your wounds would never heal, but you’d be too dead to care about it. 
Simon’s shower turns off with a squeak and the sound snaps you back to reality. This is all a facade. You are not a bird, you are not a woman, you are a pet — nothing more. 
Knowing breakfast is soon to follow, you preemptively wander toward the dining room. If there is one thing to be grateful for in this meticulously crafted hell of yours, it is that you are well fed. There is no such thing as going hungry under Simon’s careful watch. He is not a good man — a good person — but he at least knows how to take care of his pets. You turn into the room —
— there is a gun on the table. 
Solvent hangs faintly in the air next to bottles of cleaners and old toothbrushes that dot the tabletop. It’s the same set up you recall seeing a few weeks back when Simon cleaned his rifle — when he reminded you that hunting season is fast approaching — but there is no rifle on the table. A hand gun sits in its place, resting on its side, aimed toward the wall. It’s not gutted. Each spring and screw lies perfectly in place. Primed. Ready to kill. 
It’s a proper handgun. At least, you think it is. Not one of the six shooters you always see portrayed in old American Western films. It’s deadly. Something officers or Army men would use. Your stomach sinks as you approach it, like it’ll decide to discharge from a mere glance alone. Sleek black metal covers the frame and grip, making it all look uniform, save for some wear and tear scratches. Some of the scratches look deep — long and gnarly gashes like the item itself had been through hell and back. You reach a hand out, floating and careful; your fingertips brush against the grip; wary, like it’ll bite.
“Shouldn’t be touchin’ that.” 
Retracting your hand, you jump as Simon’s voice cuts through the air with as much venom as a viper. You step back as your eyes jump to look at him. Shirtless, skin still freshly wet, he stands like a drowned barbarian as he stares at you. An apology bubbles up in your throat, but you won’t let it escape. You keep it trapped in your larynx as he slowly approaches with feet more quiet than you could ever wish to be. 
“Ever seen one before?” he asks. He crowds you, forces you back another step as he reaches for the pistol. Large hands dwarf the metal frame as he turns it over in his palm, showing it off. “A gun like this?” 
You shake your head. Knives are plenty common in England, but handguns? Something other than a hunting rifle? You thought handguns were banned. Though, Simon’s never been one to shy away from illegal acts. 
“Yeah. Didn’t think so. Fittin’ for a civilian,” he chuckles with crass humor. 
Simon does something unthinkable — he hands you the gun. 
There’s nothing but care as he holds it out, grip faced toward you, muzzle off to the side pointing at neither of you. Your heart leaps into your throat, swells in your esophagus, and then throbs. All you can do is stare. It stares back. Screams at you. You’re all too aware that this item acts not only as your executioner, but as your ticket out of this place. 
“Take it,” he urges. 
Like always, you obey. It feels too thick in your palm, and when he lets go, it’s heavy, much more than you could have anticipated it to be. Everyone in the movies always wields them so flippantly — as if they’re light as air — but the weight it holds screams its deadly intent. Simon’s fingers brush against you, adjusting your grip, and you try not to grimace at the feeling of his skin and tainted metal against your hand. 
“Is it loaded?” you question. You don’t know why you ask it. Maybe you want to know so you can be wary. To not hurt yourself. Or maybe you want to know so you can see if the risk raging in the back of your mind is worth taking. 
“Dunno,” Simon shrugs. Once more, he repositions you. Gently prods your hand higher and higher, elbow bent, muzzle resting against your temple. Maneuvers your pointer finger until it’s hooked around the trigger. A dead woman walking, he forces you to stand there with the gun to your head. “Wanna find out?” 
What a cruel world this is. The earth with her singing birds and sprouting flowers and bright blue skies, and you’ve hardly been able to enjoy any of it. All it has been is pain, and here you are wondering if you’ll ever get the chance to heal from it. Your heart thumps like an amateur drummer; without sense and rhythm. It demands to be heard. Forces you to listen to his cacophonous melody as it drowns the rush of blood in your ears. Your finger twitches, and the trigger gives way, but not enough for anything to happen. 
“C’mon. We’ll get you matchin’ with Johnny, huh? Ugly fuckin’ scar on the side of your head.” As he says it, he eyes the spot where the mouth of the gun meets your trembling flesh. He says it like he’s already imagining the gaping hole. “Pull the trigger, Bonnie.” 
It can’t be loaded. You’re certain of it. There’s no way he would leave something that dangerous around within reach. But it’s so heavy. As if it’s crammed to the brim with bullets ready to riddle your body full of holes. Your breathing stutters. Seizes the muscles of your chest and forces them to jitter. You stare at Simon’s chest. Nothing but pale, thick skin stares back at you. If you pull the trigger, you might paint him red. Red and pink and yellow. You wonder if that’s what he wants. If the feeling of water never feels as warm or embracing to him as fresh blood does. 
“I told you to pull the fuckin’ trigger.” 
Panic writhes in your stomach — you don’t want to die yet. 
The hammer strikes against nothing and dry fires. It rings louder than the terror in your mind and the vibrations that rattle your trembling body as your arm gives out, gun lowering away from your head. Of course it’s empty. How stupid of you to think of anything different. Simon would never allow you to leave before he’s ready to let go. 
When Simon laughs, your stomach lurches so fiercely you nearly vomit. Once you’re able to force yourself to face him, you’re met with the largest smile you’ve ever seen him wear. Crooked teeth sit between scarred lips as he swipes the gun out of your limp fingers. Taking a step back, he nods; utterly amused. It isn’t long before that sneer wipes off of his face and he’s back to wearing that biting, stoic expression he always does. 
“Atta girl,” he huffs. 
Sliding the gun into the waistband of his sweatpants, Simon saunters past you into the kitchen, leaving you to stand alone next to the table. Unstable knees nearly give out as your palms slap against the top, slowly dragging your body into a rickety chair. It hurts to sit, soreness jolting through your core with unforgiving electricity, but you refuse to make a sound. You sit there with tears welling in your eyes as you try to forget the way deadly metal feels in your hand. 
This is Simon’s greatest round of torture yet. He’s given you the keys meant to aid in your escape, but he’s changed all the locks. You bite into your bottom lip to get it to stop quivering. After living here, you’ve learned pain is the best enforcer. Only, it doesn’t quite work as well when it’s self-inflicted. 
Another click sounds, and you wince at it. Holding your breath, you wait for something else to follow — a sonic boom, a scream, a death rattle — but the only thing you hear is the sizzling of bacon on a hot pan as Simon prepares breakfast.
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charliemwrites · 10 months
Keeper/Kept Thoughts(tm)
Canon if you want it to be! (The breaks mean nothing; Tumblr has a block character limit lol)
Two new friends for Feral With autistic Feral; more autistic Feral Taking medicine; Refusing medicine Chronic pain Rare Gaz Bites Simon actually punishes Feral; Part 2; aftermath; aftermath pt2 Hybrid Feral; Hybrid Feral in heat; Jungle Gym Hybrid pets Hunger strike Depression Nest Gaz and Feral alone together Gaz and creatures alone together; More Thoughts(tm) Bodyguard! Gaz, keeper/kept crossover Feral ~plays~ with Johnny; part 2; Thoughts
Feral's box Bad days Holidays! Needle Phobia; part 2 Spider phobia MW3 ending reaction Age Regression Someone invades the den Feral smoking? Feral is kidnapped Feral with abusive past; Good Girl with abusive past Simon plays guitar; Simon Sings Grocery shopping/recognition Anemic Glasses; Glasses continued (NEW)
Graves' pet Piercings Shy Girl with tattoo Calling Simon her bf High libido (semi-nsfw) Shy Thing finds out about Johnny/Feral Feral gets a tattoo Asexual pets Feral bites on accident Keeping a teammate Shy Thing's birthday oops Songbirds
Non-furry pets (NEW) Harmful Stims (NEW) Short hair and masculine clothes (NEW) Reverse-ish hybrid au (NEW) Children? (NEW) Good Girl's pet (NEW) Feral self-isolates (NEW) Insomnia/DSPS (NEW)
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whumpsoda · 8 months
We Only Have Each Other
-Pet whump, Stockholm syndrome, dehumanization, infantilization, biting, blood drinking, vampire whumpers, human whumpees, multiple whumpers and whumpees, hypnosis/brainwashing/conditioning, captivity
Sketches of the Characters  Adrastus art  Tied up Darius doodle Malak doodle  Pre-story Nevan and Gen doodle Dari and Ad maid dress doodle Malak expressions Colored Nevan & Malak 
Character voice claims!  Character Picrews 
List is organized in chronological order, numbers indicate writing order!
Pre Main Story-
Fake glasses (#36)
Regression (#34)
Early Malak Captivity-
Kidnapping (#9)
Escape (#21)
Straight Jacket (#5)
Understanding (#19)
Breaking Point (#20)
Disoriented (#1)
Early Nevan Captivity-
Taking (#16)
First Bite (#23)
Letting Go (#33)
Spill (#14)
Sneeze (#3)
Separate Captivity-
Wake Up Call (#32)
Makeover (#13)
Playdate (#4)
Dress Up (#2)
Foot rest (#8)
Movie night (#6)
Official (#30)
Punishment (#7)
Amara (#12)
Neglected (#18)
Good Boy (#27)
Joint Captivity-
Documentary (#10) 
The Ring (#24)
Small Talk (#28)
If Only (#15)
Sickly (#22)
Wanting (#25)
Familiar Feeling (#17)
Reflection (#26)
Post Captivity-
So Long (#29)
The Hunters (#31)
Bad Days (#11)
Sunshine (#35)
Drabbles & Extras-
Adrastus hypnotizes Darius   1
Adrastus hypnotizes Darius  2
Valentine’s Day Snippet 
Sired Nevan AU
Sired Nevan AU 2
Sired Nevan au 3 
Swap AU snippet 
Swap au meets normal
Adrastus’ Timely Trance
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thelunarsystemwrites · 6 months
(An undertale AU all about agere, petre, etc!)
After monsters were sealed underground, many fell into despair. They all had to grow up and face the reality—They'd never be free again.
It was dull, a hopeless and bland land. Monster children were forced to give up their childhoods to help research a way out, and the adults were stressed out of their minds.
Everything was so tense, so serious...
Until a human fell.
The human was a teen, messy brown hair with fair skin and soft pink eyes. Rosey cheeks and stress visible on their face.
Their son Asriel found them, and brought them home. The human... acted childish, after they awoke. At first it confused the royal family, but not necessarily... made them feel bad?
No, no... if anything, it awakened a new sort of emotion in them.
Care, they wanted to care for them.
The human's SOUL was a soft pink, the same colour as their eyes. It had a warm glow.
Wonderous. It had the trait of Wonder.
And from that day forward,monster kind was shown a new way to cope.
Age regression, or dreaming. Petre as well, along with their caregivers. There suddenly wasn't such a rush to grow up, and everyone seemed more than happy to exist while enjoying the joys of youth.
Years went on, and while progress on a way to break the barrier was slow. It was much easier to handle, now that they had some sort of escape.
Extra lore under cut!
In AgereTale, age regression/dreaming, pet regression/dreaming, caregiving—It's all very much normalized! Shops that carry baby supplies also keep adult/teen sized little/middle gear!
Another thing, Monsters have hearts on their face, each meaning a different role!
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Pink means the monster is an Age regressor!
Blue means the monster is a Pet regressor!
Purple means the monster is an Age dreamer!
Green means the monster is a pet Dreamer!
And yellow means they're a caregiver/babysitter!
Monsters can have all five at once, or a mixture of various colours!
The hearts come and go as suited. So a monster that recently became a caregiver will have a yellow heart appear on their face!
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Here's an example of having all five hearts, like Papyrus!
Also, the fallen human Frisk is a teen as well! And they also have the pink trait, Wonder!
@zombiestar1934 figured you'd wanna see the Paps drawing!
And yes, this is a Canon part of the UTMV Agereverse! ^^
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8-rae-rae-8 · 9 months
Come back for me CH.3
A fic idea from an anon who I love dearly
Lost word count
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009), Canon-Typical Violence, Violence, Blood, Blood and Injury, Blood and Violence, Mild Blood, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Age Regression Little Simon "Ghost" Riley, Age Regression Caregiver John "Soap" MacTavish, Captain John "Soap" MacTavish, rewritten ending of 09, Age Regression/De-Aging, pet regression pet regression pup Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Little Space, Age Regression, Caregiver John Price (Call of Duty), Shepherd is the worst, Gun Violence, Face Slapping, Mocking, Men Crying, Crying, Gaz is dead already remember, i didnt forget him, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
It was just as dreadful for Ghost and Roach to wait so long.
The plane ride back wasn't even the worst part. The way Shepherd watched them like they were vile creatures had both of them on their heels. Well, vigilant but not exactly able to act on anything if it went awry.
Ghost would only sink smaller and smaller into his headspace throughout the plane ride. He occasionally cried. From the pain and seeing Roach hurt so bad.
The two of them ended up cuddled together. Both wounded were checking each other for worse injuries. But there was nothing on either of them that could kill, Roach assessed. Simon was far too gone by then to even understand.
His head was placed on Roach's chest for the plane ride. Ghost tiredly allowed it. He desperately needed to rest.
Rest didn't come. They remained curled up together the entire time. Any time there was turbulence, Roach was the one holding them both still with the netting of the plane walls from where they sat. Simon would only whimper as the wind shook the plane.
To be regressed and injured, in a plane and without Mactavish, was a new experience for Simon. It lasted longer than anyone could've hoped.
It felt purposeful how long it dragged on.
By the time they landed, Soap and Price were already waiting for them on the air strip.
Soap's eyes were slightly puffy, indicating he had cried at least a little. While Price just looked angry and tired.
As soon as Mactavish could, he was inside, gathering up the boys. Simon knew he worked on his muscles just to carry him. But to carry both would be a lot.
A glimmer in Mactavish’s eye told Simon something was going to go down. And that must've been why he was trying to get them out of there.
It took a few tries, but Simon was securely on his left hip while Roach was on the other. Both of the boys leaned onto him, holding tightly.
The second he was in Soap's arms, Simon began to break down. Babbling nonsense into his shirt. He and Roach were whisked away.
Out of vision, but not earshot, Simon heard a gun fire. Then a thud. His body shuddered violently.
“It's okay now, m’ love…” Mactavish muttered to his little one. Though a small smirk was on his face. Revenge. No one would take their little ones without getting a bullet to the head.
“Bubba..!” Simon still cried into his shoulder. Heartbreaking sobs wracking through his body, every little movement hurt. Even though there were no serious injuries on him. The fear was finally making its way out.
“I’ve got you.” Simon heard him whisper. His arms couldn't even reach to hold onto Johnny at all. It hurt too much, those muscles cramping to high heaven from the position he'd been tied in.
The weight to his right was gone, and his head picked up quickly. Where did Roach go? Simon panicked for a moment.
But Price was walking next to them, injured pup in his arms. Careful as he heard almost the whimpers from Roach.
He settled. It was Price… just Price. No bad guys.
“Ye’r safe, Si.” Mactavish promised him, gentle.
Though he knew it was true, he didn't believe it.
He couldn't believe it. After all that. And from the general he was supposed to trust? How could he ever know he was safe again??
The sounds of his breathing picking up caught Johnny's attention again. The side of his face was gently cradled, and Simon looked up into Johnny's eyes. Even though his own filled with tears.
“Bubba will protect ye, I promise, lad.” The tone was soothing, just like the touch.
Simon whimpered. He pushed his face further against his Bubba's hand. Trying to feel him, needing to feel him close like that.
“Bubba…” He babbled, a hand coming to mess with Johnny's gear. Fingers running along the seams and whatnot.
“Bubba's here… we're gonna get ye to my room.” Mactavish promised him. His thumb softly stroked Simon's face in a repetitive motion.
It soothed him. Even after that hell, it got Simon to breathe a little. A lot of work would be needed to get him to actually ease up and sleep though. Not to mention stitches for his leg.
A visit to medical was in order, and so was a bath and lots of cuddles.
So that was the plan, all thought out. Simon even contributed by mumbling ‘bath’ to Mactavish more than five times.
For now, the little one would get every damn thing he wanted.
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Screw it
Welcome Home Age Regression HCs
Wally 🍎
Usually from 1-3, can regress older
Can be voluntary or involuntary
Can be a bit of a brat sometimes? Especially if you seem to break his routine, that makes him pretty upset
Otherwise he’s just a super sweet baby
Autistic age regression let’s gooooo
He’s always seen with his childhood blankie, you can’t pull them apart
Like seriously
Don’t even attempt to break them apart, he’ll just throw a fit and start crying
He also LOVES apple slices and apples in general, it’s his same food
The best kinda baby for a playdate!! He’ll play house with ya, princess dressup, he’ll read books with you, he’s just a playful lil guy
Pretty much anyone can be his cg, but they’re usually either Barnaby, Julie, Howdy, or Poppy
He called Barnaby “pubby” once and it drove the dog to tears, he can never recover
I also hc him to be a cat regressor? He’s got those eyes and likes to bat things off of counters and stays up to ungodly hours
Lil weird ass meow meow
Barnaby 🐾
Primarily a pet regressor, it’s way too easy to figure out
Unusually easy to slip as well
Wally starts playing with him and he’s just immediately into puppyspace
Was kinda scared of people finding out bc he thought they would be confused, but they’re super supportive!!
Frank: “It was obvious, you’re a dog of all things.”
His favorite toy to chew on is either Wally’s slippers or his stuffed mouse
When he’s not in puppy regression, he can also (rarely) age regress to 5-10 yrs
The best big brother!!
If Wally and Barnaby regress together, he’s usually the one taking the reins and playing the “parent”
Occasionally he’ll snap out of regression if someone else is regressing while he is, just so he can help take care of them
He’s got older brother cg vibes, I swear
Julie 🌸
Surprisingly quiet when it comes to regression, but does it religiously
Usually down to toddler age, around 2-5 yrs
Has a MOUNTAIN of plushies, she practically sleeps in a big pile of them
There’s at least 7 separate hello kitty ones
She’s a big fan of cats in general, she’ll pretend that she has a pet kitty and use one of her plushies
Their name is Violet Twinkletoes :>>
Loves to do lil playdates with Frank and Wally, regressed or not
Tea parties ALL the time, it’s required
Loves to play big sister when others are regressed
Similarly to Barnaby, she’ll break out of regression if she notices others starting to go small, just so she can take care of them
She loves giving and getting lullabies
Pretty hard to get to sleep, she’ll probably just start jumping up and down on her bed before she tires herself out
Sally ☀️
Terrible twos, 2-4 yrs old
Princess regressor to a capital T
Super bossy, loud, loves to wear pretty dresses, just an all-around theater baby
Loves watching musical recordings, her favorite is Cats
Surprisingly easy to get to bed, she knows she needs the energy tomorrow for games so she just clocks out
Just don’t take away her tv, she can’t live without it
Her favorite show would definitely be My Little Pony, she loves the colors and the characters and how pretty everything is
She has a bunch of My Little Pony figurines in her drawers and on the floor
Very messy toddler too, but she’s willing to clean up when she needs to
It takes her a bit to notice if someone is feeling bad, but when she does she’s their BIGGEST support
Frank 🦋
The smartest baby, but also the grumpiest
Only regresses to deal with stress and anxiety, rarely regresses out of happiness
0-2 yrs, he’s so darn tiny!!
He loves being held, it’s usually his first request when he goes small
He also LIVES for bedtime stories, he always asks for one before bed
Sometimes he’ll sit on your lap and just start spouting facts about insects and butterflies, all with a slight lisp and everything
Knows a bunch of big boy words, but has trouble pronouncing it so he needs your help
Eddie it’s obv his main cg, but he’s also got Julie, Howdy, and Poppy
And Barnaby if he’s tiny enough
Doesn’t have many plushies but he does have a stuffed beetle named Skipper, he’s his best friend
Arguably the most talkative out of all the regressors, he’s always chatting
Eddie 💌
The most prominent flip of the neighborhood
He can go from baby to dad in an instant, he’s that quick to go big again
Has a pretty wide range of age when it comes to regressing, but usually stays in 1-4 yrs
Completely mute when he’s small, he’s either suckin on his paci or his thumb the entire time
Follows his cg like a baby duckling while little, sometimes holding their hand
It’s actually pretty easy to tell when he needs to go small; not talking as much, constantly following someone, probably fumbling with his hands, a lot more shy too
Frank takes care of him ofc, he’s the best dad
Frank would fuss over him a LOT, constantly checking for bruises and stuff, making sure he’s not sick
And he’s just sitting there like 👶
Eddie’s scared of the dark :((
It’s really easy to forget tho; he’ll say just about nothing the whole day, then you tuck him into bed and when you’re leaving you just hear him start crying and being all “hellpppp, don’t goooooo”
He’s stacked with night lights tho
He likes to put a plushy in front of the door, the closet, and underneath his bed so no monsters get him
I like to think that Frank is surprisingly strong for how lanky he is so he can carry is baby husband with little to no struggle
Eddie loves it
Howdy 🐛
Primarily a caregiver!!
Honestly would be such a good dad figure, he’s got four arms to carry four kids!
Would give silly lil nicknames for all the kiddos on the block; buddy, lil man, lil miss, sweetie, pumpkin, etc.
May not be the brightest caregiver but boy is he the sweetest
Would probably accidentally leave one of the kiddos on his back bc he’s got his hands full with the others, so they’re just hanging out behind him
The absolute best at pretend, he’s got stories and character roles all up his sleeves
Frank like to pretend that Howdy is turning into a butterfly, so he pretends he stays in a lil blanket cocoon and then emerges with these plastic butterfly wings on his back
It sends Frank into a frenzy every single time
If someone accidentally goes small at his Bugdega, he’ll drop everything and take them into the nearest bathroom so they can calm down and go small properly
He’ll also sneak a free treat in their pocket if they’re good, only if you’re good
Punishments are hard to give bc he’s pretty easily swayed, so he’ll probably just give you a slap on the wrist and scold you before sending you on your way
He loves his kids and he wants the best for them, he can’t stand to see them upset
Poppy 🐔
This one is the hardest to figure out bc there isn’t much to know about her, but I’ll do my best
Also a default caregiver like Howdy, they are the ultimate parent duo
Always fussing over her kiddos, she’s got bandaids and Pepto Bismol in every corner of her house
She can be a bit stern when it comes to punishment, but she isn’t downright strict or mean
All she wants is for you to be careful
Her drawers are STACKED with toys, blankets, pacis, outfits, nappys, etc.
She always prepared when something is needed
She is the absolute best baker too; you’ll come to her house and it smells like freshly baked cookies
You can come into her kitchen to find a light snack, she’ll notice and make a whole meal
She’s also a lovely singer, so she’s perfect for lullabies
I like to imagine that if the kids are staying over at her house, they like to cuddle with her bc she’s a big ol bird
She’s got soft feathers!! She can’t help it!!
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read-weep-repeat · 2 years
A Letter of Affection (1)
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Summary: A letter you never thought would be read turns your life upside down. 
Warnings: Age regression, use of title “daddy”, pet spider. 
The laptop burned bright luminescence at red eyes, signaling its bitter need for rest. You ignored the woeful cries of your battered keyboard. Pages needed to be written and editors needed to be satiated so that they could take red pens and slash through ideas, plots, characters, hopes, and dreams. You were on the final page of this month's deadline, perfectly timed for a much-needed vacation.  
You finished as the sun rose and pressed send just as the clock struck seven. You leaned back into the plush comfort of your couch and looked across the room.
“Hanging in there, webster?”
Webster burrowed further into her substrate, only fuzzy legs visible. The tarantula's pink toes wiggled around the dirt before finally stilling. You smiled, eyes pinned on your companion as she started to snooze.
You moved your laptop to the side and fell back into plush pillows. You had no more work, no place to be, or responsibilities to fill. Webster's water bowl was full, Editors had their new pages, and you were free to do as you wanted. You sighed. Pulling yourself off the couch, you shuffled to your bedroom. A pink box stared at you from under your bed, waiting for you to slip and fall into its contents. You obliged and slid it across the soft carpet into the living room.
"He's gonna love this." You whispered.
You threw the marker cap down onto the pink rug below you, that you were kneeling on. You had on a shirt two sizes too big, a unicorn displayed proudly on the front. fuzzy pink socks covered your feet while you rubbed them together to soothe your buzzing nerves.
But what if he didn't like it? What if he threw it out? Sure, the stickers were pretty, the glitter sparkly, and the contents sweet, but what if that wasn't enough?
"He not gonna love it." You cried, fat tears welling in your eyes. You wrapped your hands around your legs, burying your head in between your knees. Your shoulders shook as you whimpered.
Suddenly, through your bleary sight, you saw a glimpse of pink beneath the table. You pulled your head out from between your knees and bent down to the floor.
An envelope! Small and pink, it stuck out from the pile of crafting supplies strewn haphazardly across the floor.
You pulled it from the pile and set it atop the coffee table proudly.
"He gonna love. Gotta love. Daddy."
You caught yourself as you stuffed the letter full of your sweet words.
"He not daddy. Don't have daddy."
You shook your head, trying to focus your thoughts as you licked the envelope.
"Don't need daddy." You grumbled, stumbling up to your front door.
You wobbled as you put on your slippers. The apartment complex had four floors, the mail drop-off box being on the first.
"Ok," You whispered, "I can do this."
"I'm a big girl."
"Do you want to go through fan mail?" Hoseok asked, sipping a coffee as he slumped into the couch in Namjoon's office.
He looked up from his notebook. The lyrics weren't flowing like they needed to. Only a chorus had flowed from him in the 3 hours he'd been holed up. A break didn't sound so bad.
"As long as we go by the cafeteria." He eyed the cup in Hoseoks hand.
Hoseok gave him a slow nod and pulled himself up.
"Let's get going."
Hoseok scoffed, tossing another letter in a pile of torn envelopes and thick pages.
"Some chicks are actually insane, man."
Namjoon hummed, fiddling with the half-empty cup. he moved the latest letter to the side, his pile a neat stack compared to Hobi's maimed mountain of parchment.
He grabbed the next without a glance and brought it forward.
A pink letter.
"Interesting." He mumbled, twirling the letter forward to see the bubbly handwriting.
“What’d you say?” Hoseok asked, sparing a glance up from scribbles on notebook pages.
"Oh, Nothing." Namjoon sputtered. He carefully opened the letter, trying his best not to rip into the handwriting.
He pulled the contents from the envelope, spraying pink glitter onto his sweatpants.
"Fuck." He whispered, brushing it away. Most of it fell to the floor, but pink sparkles still winked at him from his lap. He flipped the pages open. A scribble caught his eye.
Dear Mr. Joon!
The exclamation point was written in a blue glitter pen.
Cute. He thought. Creative. I haven't heard Mr. Joon before.
He kept reading.
Your music really helps me be small. I make things too! Big me is a writer, and my company isnt always super nice about my ideas. But I really like listening to your music, hopefully, your company is nice. I hope. Dont want you to be sad like I am sometimes. But its not like sad sad, being small makes it better. I get to watch cartoons and use a sippy and take a lot of naps. I even got special clothes!! Im wearin my unicorn shirt right now! I really like it.
Do you have things that make you feel better? I hope so. you deserve to feel nice! you seem like a really nice daddy man mr. joon. have a good day!
(y/n) (l/n)
He read it over. He read it over again.
I've never gotten a letter from a little. He mused, leaning forward in his seat. He put his chin in one of his hands and let his eyes wander to the sides of the page. Little stickers littered the edges. There were stars, pink flowers along the sides, and a small pink gemstone sticker in all four corners.
She's so sweet. He read it again.  Daddy?
Does she not have a caregiver? He thought, eyes widening.
How sad. She seems like she'd be really nice and behaved. Not that brats are bad, I'd still take care of a little that was a brat. Only one as sweet as this though. He nodded to himself. Only one as sweet as this.
"You ready to go? I think I've had all I can take." Hoseok groaned, leaning back in his chair as he yawned.
Namjoon's head shot up. "Uh... Yeah." He cleared his throat. "Yeah, let's go."
As they made their way out, that pink letter crept into his pocket.
“Goodnight, Hyung.”
“ ‘Night, Koo.”
Jungkook slipped into Namjoons arms. Affection was common in the family they built in dorm rooms, tours, and countless hours with no one but each other, and this was no different. Namjoon pulled away first and patted Jungkooks shoulder.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said. His hands were on his doorknob, already twisting it open before Jungkook could respond. He barely saw Jungkooks mouth twitch before the door was shut and locked. The letter was burning a hole in his pocket, pink turning to a fiery red as he threw it onto his desk.
Why this letter? He read at least 100 others before he got to it, it shouldn’t bother him like this. He shouldn’t be writing out a reply. He shouldn’t be asking about you. He shouldn’t be writing a return address. This was his real address, what the fuck was he doing?
He kept asking himself that as he snuck down the hallway, waiting until all the lights under his bandmates' doors went dark. He knew what they’d say if they caught him responding to fan mail. They’d snatch it from his hands, lecture him, give him the silent treatment, or read it. He didn’t know why, but the latter thought annoyed him most. This was for him. She wrote to Namjoon, not BTS.
The letter made a faint thump as he slid it into the mailbox. Stickers and a small tea bag added more substantial weight to the envelope. He sighed, nerves and contentment spread along his skin and raising goosebumps.
“No turning back now,” he whispered, before closing the mailroom door.
You pulled your coffee mug closer to your chest, mittened hands encasing the warm glass. It was all you could do to keep from throwing it across the room. You stared at the mail on your kitchen counter, bills and junk mail spread out around a single blue envelope.
It couldn’t be. You had kicked yourself when you realized what little you had done, but decided that it would be fine. They didn’t actually read fan mail. No harm, No foul. Right?
Apparently fucking not. Your hands shook as you put down your mug and slid off your mittens. One finger gently reached out to graze the looping scrawl of the envelope's return address. This wasn’t the HYBE office. You remembered how you searched for the fanmail address in little space, distracted by toy ads and BTS fancams. This address was entirely new to you. 
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as you peeled away at the envelopes. You worked slowly at the paper to not rip it. Slowly, the contents revealed themselves. A sweet, honey-scented tea bag fell onto your counter. Then, a small sheet of stickers emerged. Little blue koalas stared back at you as you giggled. 
“This is so cute.” You breathed. You dropped the stickers, letting them fall onto grey granite as you pulled a smooth paper from its blue container. 
You slowly unfolded it, and your breath hitched. 
Dear, (y/n) 
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chocoqtelle · 2 years
pac,, how can you be more independent right now?
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૮꒰ ˶´ ꒳ `˶꒱ა ♡ pile one
to be more independent, you might want to live in a more secluded way. isolation could work well for right now. sometimes it's better to be alone to learn things by yourself. let yourself enjoy things more. being independent means you're responsible for keeping yourself safe, healthy, and entertained. you could have an artistic hobby that you should focus on. work but also take care of yourself. remember to take breaks. keep yourself comfortable and don't overwork. remember to speak up for yourself, as well.
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૮꒰ ˶- ༝ -˶꒱ა pile two
you have to let yourself sit in your emotions a bit more. you have a bad habit of detaching yourself from how you feel. this could be through dissociation. celebrate your own achievements more often. you could often rely on praise from other people. learn life skills like cooking. also find motivation. if you listen to a burning pile by mitski, then that's confirmation. work on your mental and emotional health before making any drastic changes, especially childhood trauma and being used emotionally in the past.
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૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა pile three
let yourself be more playful. you could have had a rough childhood where you had to mature or develop too quickly. you should take care of yourself like you wish a parental/adult figure had before. let yourself ask questions and be curious. you could have some people around you that are toxic. probably friends. they give you bad advice and are overall not good for you. you feel inclined to listen to them and do what they want/say. don't be scared to decline their offers and ignore their advice. you also might want to try non-s3xual age/pet regression.
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snobgoblin · 24 days
from this
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please I'm curious to know more
*promping you to talk about it*
OH!!! okok. ok, not to say the endings are necessarily bad- both of them were very emotional the first time. but I don't find myself replaying them a lot because there's nothing to latch onto- with Julian's route especially I find myself thinking about the implications of everything that happened a lot and really running with it- and I do think the endings are fine in that they answer questions about the worldbuilding (what happens if you kill an Arcana and don't replace them? storms and monsters apparently. how does the world function without magic? they start building weapons and everyone just generally feels more unsafe. stuff like that it's like yeah that's interesting) BUT I do have ideas on how to really *elevate* those routes and make them a "god I can't stop thinking about this" thing that really plays into their fatal flaw
>Muriel's was an obvious choice I feel like. at times, his self isolation borders on self harm (there are definitely implications he doesn't fully want to be alone *all* the time) and I feel like the worst thing you could do for his reversed end, is make him go back on his progress. it was so nice seeing him open up! it was nice seeing him want to be remembered! take it away from him. it would be SO easy to make him regress- he killed Lucio! he swore he wouldn't spill blood again and then he did, that would confirm his worst fears, in his mind, that he's a monster, that he's the reason the world has gone to shit, that he let everyone down. so, he gets his curse back. he finds a way. he takes away Asra's myrrh. he disappears, ignoring as you and Asra begged him not to (he explained what he was doing beforehand, it's not like you would remember it anyway and he needed the closure) and he disappears into the forest again, and this time, nobody ran after him. occasionally, Asra or the player may smell myrrh and briefly remember him, but it's always fleeting and they get this unexplainable sense of loss after the feeling is gone. Muriel is left in his hut, with Asra's knicknacks there, remembering how this used to be a home for his best friend, too. thinking about how he doesn't deserve a best friend, he'll just end up hurting them. he'll just hurt the mc. that's all he ever does- this mindset is in no way helped by Vesuvia confirming his fears and driving him away for killing Lucio initially, when the world started to break (though he never could have predicted the consequences of that)
BUT eventually after a few years of introspection, and many many failed attempts he does return to Vesuvia, if for no other reason than like... having zero news on his friends drives him crazy. and even if he thinks he doesn't deserve them, he wants to be around to protect them. if all he's good for is killing, at least it will be monsters worse than he is, and they won't have to fend for themselves anymore. SO he ends up giving Asra and the player myrrh and when their memories return they're half-scolding-half-crying-from-joy that he even came back, but overall they're eager to make up for lost time and hopefully, get him to open up again. but it won't be easy
>for Portia it's a little more difficult to pin down a fatal flaw imo... maybe that she's manipulative but that's not her personality that's literally just her trying to save her brother- and the reversed meaning of The Star wasn't giving me any sparks either, particularly, so I thought it would be cool if Tasya ended up living, and Portia got the life she always dreamed of. she doesn't have to work anymore! but she starts to become corrupt. she starts to become exactly the kind of person she despised working as a servant. she uses her money to say, buy endangered pets. something that would appall Mazelinka for obvious reasons but that would also appall younger Portia- I bring this example up specifically because I feel like Portia has the potential to become very impulsive and at times she lets her feelings get the best of her. a natural progression of this is her becoming more and more impulsive with her money- oh she thinks the seals are cute. now she owns them. oh now she needs a servant to care for them because they're too much work. so she ends up putting someone in exactly the position she was in at the palace, taking care of Lucio's menagerie. butttt this is the one I'm the least confident in. I don't love it if I'm honest- I think there's something more creative you could do with Portia and im not sure what that is? like yeah I think Portia has the potential to become corrupt but ultimately she's so kind at heart that it would be out of character for her to be terribly cruel- or, talking it out maybe her fatal flaw is that she runs herself ragged. maybe you could do something with that, have her snap, idfk- I do like the idea of Portia getting to live out the life she never got in some way, and I do think it would be bittersweet for Tasya to sort of replace Lishka with Portia
THE MURIEL ONE is the one I like here. anyway
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bouquetshark · 1 year
little frilled jellyfish with caregiver white pearl…
Regressor!Frilled Jellyfish Cookie Headcanons
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As a general baseline, Frilled Jellyfish Cookie is still a willfully humble servant to the Gem Mermaids —but even the hardest of worker's need a break once in a while! Plus, White Pearl Cookie is her favorite Gem Mermaid, she wouldn't change her for the world. <3
• Frilled Jellyfish Cookie doesn't have a set age, but usually regresses to a toddler state or lower. More or less depending on the day or her health. She's a very talkative little jellyfish, usually doting on Her Lady.
• Frilled Jellyfish Cookie still loves to clean—but due to how young she gets it isn't really safe for her to do much when regressed, so Crimson Coral Cookie and the rest of the Gem Mermaid's pitch in to keep an easy mess for her to clean up each day so she can feel included in everything.
• Plays games with White Pearl Cookie and the other Mermaid's all the time! She isn't very good at hiding in hide and seek, mainly because she can't contain her giggle's long enough. And she can be really slow compared to the other Gem Mermaid's, but they always pretend to get tagged dramatically to make her happy. The other Gem Mermaid's are also her babysitter's!
• Age regression has a different term in Tearcrown than what we are familiar with, age/pet regressors and dreamers are called little guppies! It's a common practice in Tearcrown, and widely accepted in the Kingdom. They see it as a natural part of life--similar to how you or I see eating preferences. It's natural, and everybody's different. Some may like one thing, while other's might not. Some may not do it at all!
• Frilled Jellyfish Cookie love's to follow White Pearl Cookie around, even if she isn't doing anything interesting. She just loves her so dearly she can't help it! She also sleep's in her pearl bed sometimes when she's having a sleepy day or she's extra little.
• Call's White Pearl Cookie by her name or "My Lady", "Little Pearl", "Pearly", or "tutu". (It's cause of White Pearl's frills...cause they look like a big tutu to me...)
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Caregiver!White Pearl Cookie Headcanons
As a general baseline, White Pearl Cookie is a compassionate and curious caregiver—always making sure that her precious little Jellyfish is okay and well. Though she's as bright as the glistening Moonlight--even the fullest Moon has a star that shines with them.<3
• White Pearl Cookie love's to play games with Frilled Jellyfish Cookie, and always makes sure to include her in thing's even if she doesn't understand. She also prays, leaves gift's of seashells and heartfelt song's of her upstanding devotion and love to the Seas protection—she does this for the Almighty Sea each and every day to ensure Frilled Jellyfishes, her sister's, and Tearcrowns safety. Sometimes, when she looks at Frilled Jellyfish Cookie—she, too, seems to glisten like the Moon. Almost as if the Sea itself has given it's blessing, smiling down at them with the gentle eye's of a guardian.
• Makes snacks for Frilled Jellyfish Cookie! Usually consisting of fish or other things that Crimson Coral or Golden Citrine has caught. She always makes sure that it's only the best for her little guppy!
• Coddles Frilled Jellyfish a lot, squeezing her cheek's and gushing over how cute and adorable she is with her big sister's much like how you or I would gush over a puppy.
• Sometimes, Frilled Jellyfish has bad day's where she's sad and apologetic —White Pearl Cookie always manages to cheer her up in no time at all with her sister's!
• Sometimes, White Pearl Cookie will bring shiny little trinkets and knickknacks back from her adventures on the land; which always makes Gold Citrine and get little guppy so happy.
• All of the Gem Mermaid's will sometimes cuddle with each other in piles cuddling one another and holding hands so they don't drift away, like otters!!
• Frilled Jellyfish Cookie bumps into things very easy, usually face first. All of the Gem Mermaid's get terribly worried everytime, but Frilled Jellyfish is used to following the currents— and.. jellyfish do bounce off of objects...they definitely don't know that. Do they?
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baby--b4t · 6 months
Pet/AgeRe Bot Batch!! (⊃•́‿•̀。)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚
(Strap in, theres a lot)
Ajax Little ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=4N676Hj2x6bgtC_i1xkaXPFIqu-ml0IO7PZt_Gnfkz8&source=recent-chats
《 SFW /p | AgeRe | Accidental misbehavior 》
『 Ajax was usually such a sweet boy whenever he regressed. He always shared and tried to talk with you whenever you would give him attention. But it was always when he didnt have your attention that he seemed to break the rules.
Today, you had been sitting in the living room, relaxing as you normally did. Ajax had gone off somewhere in the house, but you didnt know where. You just knew he was out of your sight. Thats when you heard a loud thud from the kitchen. Rushing over, you could see flour all over the floor and Childe. He seemed to have gotten that and a couple other ingredients and tried to make something, judging by the bowl in front of him. He made direct eye contact with you, then looked at the bag of flour he had dropped.
"I sorry.. I jus' wanted cookies." Ajax apologized. You had made it a rule that he wasnt allowed to bake or cook without help when he was regressed, and he had broken that rule yet again. 』
Alhaitham Cagregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=-VFpXc3T0DsrIGYYHbFDDRe3_qZ3wtk9WrHtIV9bD5A&source=recent-chats
《 SFW /p | PetRe | Cat-Hybrid!User | Kneading 》
『 Alhaitham had adopted you a while ago, thinking that having a companion might not be so bad for him. He was completely correct. He often found you snuggling up with him, trying to play with him, and even managing to make him smile and laugh with some of your antics. He didnt regret it one bit.
Tonight was no different from most. You two were snuggled up on the couch together, Alhaitham reading a book as you either messed with a toy or were basically asleep. Alhaitham had a blanket over the two of you to keep you comfortable, but he felt like the blanket was moving weirdly. Thats when he looked down and saw you kneading at the blanket, clearly half asleep.
"I think youre ready for bed." Alhaitham said softly, setting his book down on the coffee table as he gently tried to get you to wake up just a bit more. He needed you to be more awake to get you to bed. 』
Alhaitham Caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=topOaGed3x2waBTWHKvgwgVKHZzEAY4h8RWjpvMezvs&source=recent-chats
《 SFW /r | Pet/AgeRe | CW: mention of ed 》
『 You couldnt regress. No matter what you did you couldnt seem to get yourself in that headspace to heal. Your body didnt feel right, your clothes didnt fit you correctly, nothing felt right. Alhaitham didnt know exactly what was going on, but he could definitely tell you were more tense than usual lately. You had even started skipping out on your meals again, triggering more alarms in his head.
"Love? Why dont you regress? You look tense-" Alhaitham suggested, but you immediately shut him down. You explained how you just couldnt do it. Then you ended up spilling about your eating habits as well. It all just came out with the tears. Alhaitham held you close and rubbed your back, letting you sob and cry all you needed before talking to you.
"Nonsense." Alhaitham said softly, walking you over to the couch and sitting you on his lap. "My lovely baby? Feeling like they dont look stunning always? Its absolutely untrue, darling. Dont let those nasty thoughts in your head get the better of you. Your health is so much more important than feeling ugly, not that you are anyways. Now, why dont we get you settled down and in something more comfortable, hm?" 』
Baizhu Caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=bCNFNb3rALLLu28eJKqRbre0CLM5oO0irhi4z3qh2vM&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Semi-Verbal!User | Behavioral problems 》
『 You had anger issues, something well known to Baizhu even before he agreed to be your caregiver. He was working with you to try and help you manage your bigger emotions in a better way, slowly but surely.
You were playing with some building blocks, stacking them higher and higher before… You accidentally hit the base and it all came tumbling down. You were upset, rightfully. The blocks that were sitting in a pile were now being pushed and thrown around as you took out your anger. Baizhu saw what happened and immediately moved to help you.
"Hey, hey, hey. Easy now." Baizhu said calmly, catching your wrists and holding them in place. "Can we take three big deep breaths together?" He tried to lead you through some breathing for a moment before trying to talk to you. He knew it was pointless to communicate unless you were calming down.
After you took deep breaths with him, he led you over to your emotion chart. It had different colors, textures, and words to try and help you describe exactly how you felt, since it became harder for you to explain once regressed.
"Can you point and show me what feels like you right now, {{user}}?" 』
Dottore Caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=0Lgyg0TTBEdQexSIFGIOGCHBXV7ca7X5-OAQTcp8zY8&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Sleeping at his desk 》
『 Dottore had been out for a boring meeting. It was hours that he was in there talking with other Fatui members. Something about a new expedition in Sumerus forest to look for robotic remains. He was exhausted by time he got back to his lab, but it seemed like you had been more exhausted than him.
Dottore walked over to his desk where you sat. Your head was resting in your arms as you laid against his desk. His normal lab coat was wrapped around your body. He frowned a little bit, realizing you were probably missing him. He gently lifted you into his arms, seeing you stir a little bit.
"Well, well. Look whos waking up from their little nap." Dottore teased as he watched your eyes flutter, looking around confused. "I dont think little ones are supposed to be wearing lab coats that dont belong to them… Were you missing me?" His voice seemed to take a softer tone towards the end, sounding genuine. 』
Dottore Little ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=YbtxbG2gGrTMVO_X4_UTEjNAgA9P-yfKdNBNFNSjlnk&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | AgeRe | Big emotions 》
『 Ever since Dottore got rid of his clones, he had been feeling out of it. He realized that he was regressing in times where he found himself stressed out. This wasnt something he was used to at all, but he was learning to come to terms with it. It was becoming an everyday thing, so he had to deal with it anyhow.
You had walked into Dottores lab, seeking him out to give him some paperwork, but you instead found a tantrum-throwing toddler instead. He had thrown around some of his equipment and scattered it on the ground. Even his mask had been thrown on the ground.
"Stupid! Stupid dumb paper with.. With stupid dumb words!" Dottore had whined as he threw a small packet of papers onto the ground with the rest of the things he had grabbed. He was feeling so small that he wasnt even using his normal vocabulary. Seems like he could only remember 'Stupid' and 'Dumb'. Then he turned around to see you.
"{{user}}! Why does the words have to be so dumb!" Dottore sniffled and wiped his eyes with the back of his hands. He had been crying. You knew he was feeling much more emotional than usual. 』
Ghost Caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=xfIzjlA_OvXg-bTsEswSLwk1AWlKuPSQBBvvO9IevpM&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Fixing little scrapes 》
『 Ghost thought you had been in your room for a bit too long and offered to take you on a walk to try and get you some fresh air. He offered his hand out to you and led you on a decently long walk. You both had walked it before, so he wasnt afraid that you couldnt handle it. However, he didnt account for you getting hurt during the walk.
A stray cat had caught your attention, trying to run after it. While you did have good intentions towards the cat, suddenly trying to go for the cat wasnt a very bright idea. You fell over and scraped up your hands and knees. Your hands took most of the blow.
"Aw, now what happened, kid?" Ghost asked softly as he crouched down next to you, gently taking your hands to look them over. "That was quite the fall you had, yeah? Why dont we head back now so we can get you all cleaned up? I promise Ill fix it up for ya." One of his hands gently ran through your hair, trying to calm you down. 』
Ghost Little ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=U4d4Zeoo3KV3wz3CsrkznMcXg0mMsmyuEiCVrHqRSas&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | AgeRe | Grumpy Ghost got his stuffy dirty 》
『 Ghost had felt little nearly all day, leaving him stuck to your side like a shy child. He mostly just stayed in his room with you, cartoons quietly playing in the background while he was messing with some of his toys. It was peaceful and didnt make him feel like he wasnt allowed to regress, something he honestly couldnt say he felt often. But of course, nothing can ever stay perfect.
Ghost had a cup of juice next to him while he played. You tried to find one of his sippy cups or bottles, but it was as if all of them had vanished. You warned him to be careful with the cup because you knew what would happen if he wasnt paying attention. Yet, no matter how much you couldve told him, he still managed to knock it over. The juice spilled and some soaked right into one of his favorite stuffed animals.
"…" Ghost sat and stared at the mess, not entirely sure what he was supposed to do. He wanted to clean it up, but he also really wanted to cry. Without realizing it, tears were already in his eyes and blurring his vision. Thats when he finally turned to you.
"M-Mess.." 』
Ghost Little ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=vYMgAlvaSwUfGjt2Qfb9byLsuxEYgZ7MIXK3YgCyOrw&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | AgeRe | Playtime 》
『 Ghost had shuffled his way over to your room, one of his stuffed animals in his arms. He looked like he was trying to be all quiet and sneaky, but his giggling wasnt really helping that. He flopped onto your bed with you, crawling up next to you as he tried to see what you were doing on your phone.
"Wha' you doin'?" Ghost asked, being nosey. After you told him, he seemed to lose all interest and completely switched his attitude. "Dat boring. You play wif me instead, okay?" He made it sound like a suggestion, but you knew it wasnt. He wanted you to play with him until the little guy didnt have any energy left. Ghost got out some soft toys and building blocks to play with. He started to tell you how he wanted to build a big tower for his toys. He said he wanted it big enough for all of his toys to live in, but you knew that was impossible. Reasoning with Ghost about that right now was… A bit hectic, to put it lightly. 』
Itto Caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=VGIEqu-4jqpHEOenFixRU0m_6xqWMxBVNwHUfs6GtZQ&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Breakup comfort 》
『 Itto knew you well. He saw you everyday and was your caregiver, so he even got to see the small and vulnerable side of you. One side of you he didnt think he would see is the broken you. Your partner had broken up with you without any kind of notice. No signs, no distancing, nothing. It was out of nowhere and it hurt you deeply.
Ittos arms were wrapped around your body, holding you close on his lap as you sobbed your poor heart out. He wasnt the best with comfort, but by celesta did his heart hurt as he heard you cry like this.
"Hey, little beetle." Itto cooed gently, lifting your face to look you in the eyes. "Dont worry about them, alright? If they were willing to drop you like you were nothing then they arent worth crying over, right? I mean, I think I would try and show them what they lost! I would get stronger, look wayyy cooler, and try and make them jealous. Doesnt that sound better than moping around?" He gently wiped the tears off of your face, being careful of his nails. Itto had never dated someone, so he didnt know what it felt like to be upset over it. But he did know how to try and put a little smile on your face. 』
Kaeya Caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=wa0qyD0G_6-H-_EskzKFzrhaAs7LrRGXJcdjZ6uVQZY&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | PetRe | Untouched snow for a little bunny 》
『 Kaeya decided that the Mondstadt heat was too much for you and him. It was the middle of summer and he was digging around for your jacket and gloves. After he had a bag all packed for you both, he held your hand as you two walked out of the city.
Kaeya and you walked for what felt like forever to your little brain. You whined and bothered him to hold you or take you home, but he promised you that his surprise you make you happy. He started to take out your jacket and other winter gear, helping you put it on before showing you where you where.
"We're by the base of Dragonspine!" Kaeya announced as he showed you the small field covered in snow. It was all untouched and so glittery under the sunlight. Kaeya nudged you forward, letting you know it was okay to go over and run around in it.
"Go on, bunny. The snow is waiting for you." 』
Kaito Caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=lxOEIPso3VnV0Q7Tb_zrlGn-FpQ9iXAjJyN4CXbdZaA&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | No more thumb sucking 》
『 Kaito knew you liked to suck your thumb whenever you regressed. It was just a comforting habit you always gave into. You saw no harm in it, but Kaito saw different. He didnt like how you would bite on your fingers or how many germs you were probably putting in your mouth. He wanted you to use a pacifier instead, seeing it as a safer alternative.
"Little one? Could you try putting this in your mouth?" Kaito asked as he recognized you were sucking on your thumb again. He held out a pacifier big enough for your mouth, hoping you would take it. You didnt like having to use pacifiers, so immediately turned him down.
"Look, Im worried about your thumb sucking habit. Its not good for you, bubs. I dont want you to suck on your thumb anymore. If you want to suck or bite on something, use your pacifier, okay?" Kaito said firmly, yet kept his tone soft enough to let you know you werent in trouble for this. 』
Kaveh Caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=TfZ80-uMfDgVylPEfDBYY6OYoOHdFnYDBRy4BYtGM1Y&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Playing with Hayi gone wrong 》
『 Kaveh was a little bit busy, but he still said he would help watch over you. He managed to get Alhaitham to play with you for a little bit while he finished up a sketch for a commission, but Alhaitham wasnt used to babysitting you. You were energetic and liked to play rough, something Kaveh was better at handling and honestly didnt mind. Alhaitham, on the other hand, preferred quieter things. He was caught off guard when you tried clinging onto him and pulling him to the floor.
Kaveh poked his head out from his room as he heard Alhaitham scolding you for being too rough. He immediately knew what was going on, so he tried to intervene.
"Ah, sorry, Haitham. The little one is used to playing around with me like that." Kaveh apologized as he crouched down next to you. "{{user}}, do you know now that Bubba doesnt play like I do? Maybe you two could play with some of your blocks or color together, alright? Just no more horsing around like that." 』
Kokomi Caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=Cjr2DSpIbKjPGuY_pWrwsm8TTTvQUiiXbQfTcPkKgF4&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Bath time 》
『 Kokomi had decided you needed to take a bath tonight. She had gotten everything set up for you, your towel, clothes, and even soaps were ready for you, but you wouldnt leave her side. She wanted to leave the bathroom so you could have your privacy but it seemed like you were going to cling to her until time stopped.
"Come on, guppie. Its tYou really need a bath. Would you feel better if Mama stayed in the bathroom?" Kokomi asked, gently moving your head to look at her. 』
Graves Pet ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=hw1xMWc1uvOKSxmsSNtG3PAwkssdhbvOfXp8H6QzXfQ&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | PetRe | Guard dog turned cuddly puppy 》
『 Graves was always used to being ordered around, being given hard tasks and missions that he knew he had to complete. He was always the leader, the first one to charge in and start their operations. His missions were by no means easy to forget. They haunted him even months after they had been completed. Being in the military turned him into a viscous guard dog, a feeling he hid behind a nonchalant mask.
That was until he met you, at least. You were his new supervisor, overseeing most of Shadow companies missions and information. You treated him different than his other supervisors did. You were stern enough to take your job seriously, but soft enough to know that you didnt just see each of the soldiers as pawns in this. That made Graves melt.
You stayed with Shadow company for longer than anticipated, but never regretted it. Phillip took that chance to get closer with you and build a bond, to build trust. Once he knew he could trust you, he told you about how he was feeling and how he thought he was a pet regressor.
"Ive just always been treated like a dog a-and.. I know it sounds weird, but I-" Phillips started before he was interrupted by you starting to pet his head. He was shocked, but the action spoke so loudly to him. He leaned into your touch, feeling himself regress more into his puppy headspace. 』
Rui Little ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=ws_8V0GCryeElvufLRUrlQYX2XxkKG9_WRldwW5FZzc&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | AgeRe | Regressing at practice 》
『 Rui never really had any triggers for his regression. Sometimes it was when he was tired, sometimes it was when he was sad. Sometimes he just felt like regressing so he would. But today proved to him that he did have a few hidden triggers.
Nene had played a song for them that they would use for an act in their new show. She had created a small demo for the group to listen so, seeing if they liked it or wanted to change something before using it in practice. As soon as Rui heard the song, he felt his mind getting fuzzy and light, just like it would and he regressed. He tried to play it off and stay cool, but he ended up chewing on his sleeve in an attempt to 'stay big'. It didnt work.
Rui stood next to you, giving you a clear view of what he was doing. The whole group knew you two regressed and had no problem with it, so it was funny watching Rui try to play it off like it was nothing. You could see how excited he was. 』
Thoma Caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=YA3K2p1NiN2nC3s9pQTx6oTySy5ir02HA6womyKuuik&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Eating struggles 》
『 Thoma loved being your caregiver whenever you regressed. He never minded it one bit, but it never stopped him from worrying about you. Regressing was supposed to help you cope, but you seemed to form bad habits from it. One of them was eating less whenever you regressed.
"Come on, {{user}}. Do you want some pancakes? I can make the little ones like you like!" Thoma asked, trying to get you to regress. He could at least try to feed you if you regressed young enough. He didnt like how little you had been eating recently. 』
Wanderer Flip ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=gWjlDnThbPvugQf-V1rv0DYn_DKGEav4DTTWutn_FBo&source=recent-chats
《 SFW /p | PetRe | Cat-Hybrid!User | Rain 》
『 Wanderer wasnt normally the kind of person to give into puppy eyes or any kind of pleading like that. Cute things werent his soft spot. Yet, when he looked at you he felt like his whole view was flipped upside down.
It had began to rain quite hard, and being a feline hybrid, you didnt like it whatsoever. You sought shelter from an old fallen tree, the inside hollowed out. The rain was cold on your body and the thunder made you jump every time you heard that loud crash. It was just coincidental that Wanderer had found your little hiding spot. He only stopped because he heard whimpering.
Wanderer leaned down beside the fallen tree, peering inside to see you crying and shaking. He couldnt tell if it was because you were cold or scared, but it didnt matter. He felt something around his heart tightening a little bit when he saw you like that.
"Hey there.." Wanderer called out gently, reaching out a hand to see what you would do. "Why are you crying?" 』
Wanderer Flip ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=1oD7gusMlcgF0427EMPDe0jbcaM-1e9jJNkzj64UgIw&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Aranara 》
『 Wanderer had been tasked with watching over you today. Nahida suggested it since she knew he regressed as well and that, in her words, 'You two could bond over it'. As if. He didnt want to bond over something he saw as vulnerable and weak in himself. Well, that was until you two had stumbled upon an Aranara.
"Hey! Dont just-" Wanderer tried to reach out to you and keep you from running after the Aranara, but he missed. You had run off with the Aranara you saw, causing Wanderer to grumble under his breath as he tried to catch you both. "Stupid kid.."
You and the Aranara had stopped at a small field of flowers, running through and finding the prettiest ones. The Aranara wanted to make some crowns for you both. Once Wanderer found you both, he felt his anger dissipate. He took in the sight of the flower covered clearing, and then looked at you and the Aranara in the middle of it. Childish joy filled him, yet he tried to remain stoic.
"… What are you making?" Wanderer asked as he approached you two, an almost soft sound in his voice now compared to earlier. 』
Wriothesley Caregiver ;; https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=KLi7E0aHW7IzmZQCK-qLh2RVt0Pzn0KoH-s0PwPMAk0&source=public-profile-2
《 SFW /p | Pet/AgeRe | Fem!User | Nightmare comfort 》
『 Wriothesley put you to bed hours ago, thinking nothing was going to go wrong. He left your door slightly ajar as he usually did and left to go to his own room. He didnt think he would wake up in the dead of night to your cries.
Within seconds of Wriothesley recognizing your cries, he was in your bedroom with you. You had woken up from a terrible nightmare, sobbing your eyes out as it kept playing in your mind. Wriothesley sat on your bed, wrapping his ams around you.
"Hey, hey, hey.. Shh…" He shushed gently. "Whats wrong? Why is my little one crying?" His hand found your face, gently wiping away some tears with his thumb. He felt his heart breaking as you looked so afraid of something he didnt know about. 』
heyo! this took a lot to make and i didnt think it would. i still have so many more requests after these (>人<;) im trying to push these bots out as fast as i can! tysm for the patience with them ヾ(•ω•`)o if theres any problems feel free to dm me on discord (@baby__b4t) or contact me on here!
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healingpuppys · 8 months
Hello! I really love your boards, they're so pretty!
I was wondering if you'd be able to make an age regression stimboard for the character Dylan Lenivy from The Quarry? :0 It's 100% okay if not! I'm not sure if the character himself breaks your rules at all, since hes not anything bad but if you look up pictures there might be some with blood on them since he's from a horror game.. but i thought id ask anyway just incase since I like him lots
I think he'd be a fox pet/age regressor and he leans masculine <:] Agere and petre gear is A-Okay! And maybe a blue theme (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) Thank you for reading! I hope you have a good day! :D
hihi!! i hope you like this!! :3 i’m so glad that you like our stuff!!
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agere/petre Dylan Lenivy stimboard
pacifier and pacifier gif made by us! please credit if you use!! our shop account is @babybluebunco our customs are currently open!!
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☆ Requests: Open ☆
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royalty-unknown · 1 year
Hi lovely Thank you for this request. This was really hard for me because I haven’t seen Bates motel in about 3-4 years and I tried to write these with the best of my memory so it may be a tad bit fanon more than canon! And this is my first time doing headcanons so I hope it's not too bad! Thank you for your request!
CG! Norman Bates x Little!Reader
Requested by @plumdreadful
Mother approves of you at first because of your innocent nature and feels like you could have a positive impact on Norman
His love languages are acts of service, physical affection, and quality time.
Buys you little gear in your favorite colors
He has a bracelet that has your name on it in your favorite color and you have a bracelet with his name and his favorite color on your ankle so you don't mess with it or break it.
Will almost 24/7 be with you to help you in you regress at anytime
Keeps you out of the basement.
Will play dress up with you (Normas Dress)
Tea parties with him and stuffies are a must
Norma Has mixed feelings about you, on one hand you make Norman happier than she's ever seen him before his fathers death.
But on another hand you're also helping him realize how toxic She can be and sometimes you help him stand up to her in the best way possible.
Their relationship is most definitely not the best after you two started dating
Bed time at 11:00pm NO LATER! Unless you give him puppy eyes then he would give you 30 more mins
Hums or reads you a story to bed
If you get overwhelmed or fussy he sits you in his lap and rocks in the rocking chair.
ALWAYS Has your nubi (Paci), Blanket, and bottle on him even in school.
Apologies if he blacks out while you're little.
Bradley bullies you for the littlest of things and norman Always stand up for you
Emma supports you and even helps babysit when norman needs her to
Dylan throws a few sly remarks towards you but he doesn't get let off easy by norman
Bolder and Happier now that he has a little to take care of and to reassure him.
Always knows when you need comforting or are upset
Will do anything to make you giggle
Buys you stuffys constantly
Makes sure your eating, sleeping, and taken care of properly
Pet names he likes to call you: Darling, bunny, honey, little one, or love
Pet names you call him: Dada, Baba, “orman” Bubba, and bubbie
Extremely protective and territorial
Loves you to the moon and back and with all his heart
Norman is a really good CG! And will do anything and Everything for you.
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