#breaking benjamin gender
crawlershq · 2 years
CRAWLERS' Songs of the Week
Hello hello my lovely creepies!! This week's 'songs of the week' comes after we've been up to some Christmas adventures!
Amy and Holly went to NYC to visit our friend Jenn and record some tasty demos!! Harry and I are so proud of them both, and we can't wait to hear what they've made!
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Meanwhile back in the UK, Harry and I have spent some time catching up on some Christmas shopping, seeing family and drinking hot chocolate to help us get into the festive mood!
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Despite all the festivities, we still had time to listen to some of our favourite tunes, and even discover some new loves.
Top Track: Love Will Get You There - Inhaler
Top Track: Track 10 - Charli XCX
Top Track: Hotel Yorba - The White Stripes
Top Track: Topless - Breaking Benjamin
With only one week left to go before Christmas, how are you spending the time in order to feel festive?!
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endusviolence · 7 months
Rowling isn't denying holocaust. She just pointed out that burning of transgender health books is a lie as that form of cosmetic surgery didn't exist. But of course you knew that already, didn't you?
I was thinking I'd probably see one of you! You're wrong :) Let's review the history a bit, shall we?
In this case, what we're talking about is the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, or in English, The Institute of Sexology. This Institute was founded and headed by a gay Jewish sexologist named Magnus Hirschfeld. It was founded in July of 1919 as the first sexology research clinic in the world, and was run as a private, non-profit clinic. Hirschfeld and the researchers who worked there would give out consultations, medical advice, and even treatments for free to their poorer clientele, as well as give thousands of lectures and build a unique library full of books on gender, sexuality, and eroticism. Of course, being a gay man, Hirschfeld focused a lot on the gay community and proving that homosexuality was natural and could not be "cured".
Hirschfeld was unique in his time because he believed that nobody's gender was either one or the other. Rather, he contended that everyone is a mixture of both male and female, with every individual having their own unique mix of traits.
This leads into the Institute's work with transgender patients. Hirschfeld was actually the one to coin the term "transsexual" in 1923, though this word didn't become popular phrasing until 30 years later when Harry Benjamin began expanding his research (I'll just be shortening it to trans for this brief overview.) For the Institute, their revolutionary work with gay men eventually began to attract other members of the LGBTA+, including of course trans people.
Contrary to what Anon says, sex reassignment surgery was first tested in 1912. It'd already being used on humans throughout Europe during the 1920's by the time a doctor at the Institute named Ludwig Levy-Lenz began performing it on patients in 1931. Hirschfeld was at first opposed, but he came around quickly because it lowered the rate of suicide among their trans patients. Not only was reassignment performed at the Institute, but both facial feminization and facial masculization surgery were also done.
The Institute employed some of these patients, gave them therapy to help with other issues, even gave some of the mentioned surgeries for free to this who could not afford it! They spoke out on their behalf to the public, even getting Berlin police to help them create "transvestite passes" to allow people to dress however they wanted without the threat of being arrested. They worked together to fight the law, including trying to strike down Paragraph 175, which made it illegal to be homosexual. The picture below is from their holiday party, Magnus Hirschfeld being the gentleman on the right with the fabulous mustache. Many of the other people in this photo are transgender.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of a group of people. Some are smiling at the camera, others have serious expressions. Either way, they all seem to be happy. On the right side, an older gentleman in glasses- Magnus Hirschfeld- is sitting. He has short hair and a bushy mustache. He is resting one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of him. His other hand is being held by a person to his left. Another person to his right is holding his shoulder.]
There was always push back against the Institute, especially from conservatives who saw all of this as a bad thing. But conservatism can't stop progress without destroying it. They weren't willing to go that far for a good while. It all ended in March of 1933, when a new Chancellor was elected. The Nazis did not like homosexuals for several reasons. Chief among them, we break the boundaries of "normal" society. Shortly after the election, on May 6th, the book burnings began. The Jewish, gay, and obviously liberal Magnus Hirschfeld and his library of boundary-breaking literature was one of the very first targets. Thankfully, Hirschfeld was spared by virtue of being in Paris at the time (he would die in 1935, before the Nazis were able to invade France). His library wasn't so lucky.
This famous picture of the book burnings was taken after the Institute of Sexology had been raided. That's their books. Literature on so much about sexuality, eroticism, and gender, yes including their new work on trans people. This is the trans community's Alexandria. We're incredibly lucky that enough of it survived for Harry Benjamin and everyone who came after him was able to build on the Institute's work.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of the May Nazi book burning of the Institute of Sexology's library. A soldier, back facing the camera, is throwing a stack of books into the fire. In the background of the right side, a crowd is watching.]
As the Holocaust went on, the homosexuals of Germany became a targeted group. This did include transgender people, no matter what you say. To deny this reality is Holocaust denial. JK Rowling and everyone else who tries to pretend like this isn't reality is participating in that evil. You're agreeing with the Nazis.
But of course, you knew that already, didn't you?
Edit: Added image IDs. I apologize to those using screen readers for forgetting them. Please reblog this version instead.
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vetyr · 5 months
hi, i ireally love your work and i don't know if you've answered this before but, what kinds of studies do you do or how did you learn color theory? i wanna get better at rendering and anatomy but im having trouble TT TT
Hi! Long answer alert. Once a chatterbox, always a chatterbox.
When I started actively learning how to draw about 10 1/2 years ago, I exclusively did graphite studies in sketchbooks. Here's a few examples—I mostly stuck to doing line drawings to drill basic shapes/contours and proportions into my brain. The more rendered sketches helped me practice edge control & basic values, and they were REALLY good for learning the actual 3D structure behind what I was drawing.
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I'd use reference images that I grabbed from fitness forums, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and some NSFW places, but you could find adequate ref material from figure drawing sites like Line of Action. LoA has refs for people (you can filter by clothed/unclothed, age, & gender), animals, expressions, hands/feet, and a few other useful things as well. Love them.
Learning how to render digitally was a similar story; it helped a lot that I had a pretty strong foundation for value/anatomy going in. I basically didn't touch color at all for ~2 years (except for a few attempts at bad digital or acrylic paint studies), which may not have been the best idea. I learned color from a lot of trial and error, honestly, and I'm pretty sure this process involved a lot of imitation—there were a number of digital/traditional painters whose styles I really wanted to emulate (notably their edge control, color choices, value distributions, and shape design), so I kiiind of did a mixture of that + my own experimentation.
For example, I really found Benjamin Björklund's style appealing, especially his softened/lost edges & vibrant pops of saturated color, so here's a study I did from some photograph that I'm *pretty* sure was painted with him in mind.
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Learning how to detail was definitely a slow process, and like all the aforementioned things (anatomy/color/edge control/values/etc.) I'm still figuring it out. Focusing on edge control first (that is, deciding on where to place hard/soft edges for emphasizing/de-emphasizing certain areas of the image) is super useful, because you can honestly fool a viewer into thinking there's more detail in a piece than there actually is if you're very economical about where you place your hard edges.
The most important part, to me, is probably just doing this stuff over and over again. You're likely not going to see improvement in a few weeks or even a few months, so don't fret about not getting the exact results you want and just keep studying + making art. I like to think about learning art as a process where you *need* to fail and make crappy art/studies—there's literally no way around it—so you might as well fail right now. See, by making bad art you're actually moving forward—isn't that a fun prospect!!
It's useful to have a folder with art you admire, especially if you can dissect the pieces and understand why you like them so much. You can study those aspects (like, you can redraw or repaint that person's work) and break down whether this is art that you just like to look at, or if it's the kind of art that you want to *make.* There's a LOT of art out there that I love looking at, probably tens of thousands of styles/mediums, but there's a very narrow range that I want to make myself.
I've mentioned it in some ask reply in the past, but I really do think looking at other artist's work is such a cheat code for improving your own skills—the other artist does the work to filter reality/ideas for you, and this sort of allows you to contact the subject matter more directly. I can think of so many examples where an artist I admired exaggerated, like, the way sunlight rested on a face and created that orange fringe around its edge, or the greys/dull blues in a wheat field, or the bright indigo in a cast shadow, or the red along the outside of a person's eye, and it just clicked for me that this was a very available & observable aspect of reality, which had up until that point gone completely unnoticed! If you're really perceptive about the art you look at, it's shocking how much it can teach you about how to see the world (in this particular case I mean this literally, in that the art I looked at fully changed the way I visually processed the world, but of course it has had a strong effect on my worldviews/relationships/beliefs).
Thanks so much for sending in a question (& for reading, if you got this far)! I read every single ask I receive, including the kind words & compliments, which I genuinely always appreciate. Best of luck with learning, my friend :)
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mamaporcupine · 16 days
Idk if anyones sent an ask likethis before but do u have any bio information about Liam? like his last name, anything about his life that youre willing to share? i'd like to know more about him ^^
Much of the current information can be modified, but I can leave what I know will no longer be changed. I'm sorry if some things here changed in a short time, like the song haha
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❖ Full Name: Liam David Williams Pintos (Son of Argentine-American biological parents. Father of American origin and Argentinean mother. It is very normal in Argentina not to put the mother's surname and only the father's surname.) ❖ Gender: Male (he/him/they) ❖ Age / Birthday: 29yo - 14/07/1995 ❖ Zodiac: Cancer ❖ Sexuality: Asexual / Demisexual (Sometimes, due to their difficulty in processing positive emotions towards themselves and others, people perceive it as aromatic. He don't know how to show affection in a normal way. Most of the time, he feels bad about himself.) ❖ Disorders: Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Also major depressive episode, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-complusive disorder. It's normal for him to be medicated with Quetiapine to maintain mental calm, sleep and not suffer hallucinations. Liam can suffer frequent crises and horrible pains that lead him to take morphine. Night terrors are an everyday occurrence.) ❖ Height: 1m85cm ❖ Favorite song: Breaking Benjamin - Breath ❖ Location - Global: Argentina/ Santa Fe/ Rosario
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batfammeetsspidergang · 3 months
Spider-Gang Headcanons
I was bored, so I decided to create headcanon character sheets for the Spider-Folks! Basically, this is how I personally envision the characters when doing incorrect quotes. Like I've said before, these origins are mish-mashes of the comics, TV shows, movies, games, and so on, plus some minor, original ideas. (And yes, I was lazy so I copy-pasted much of the info and stats from the Marvel Wiki. Shout-out to the editors and their amazing work!)
If your favorite Spider-People aren't here, that DOES NOT MEAN I don't like them! Lmao I adore Pavitr, Cindy, Jess, etc. These are just my personal favorites. Also, I'm still tryna figure out Ham's cartoon powers, and movie-verse Miguel can go sit on a barbed wire brush XD
P.S. No ai art was used. These are all borrowed from official Marvel media.
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Peter Benjamin Parker
New York City, New York; present-day
16-18 years old
5′10″ (1.78 m)
160 lbs (72.57 kg)
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown
Gender: Cis male
Orientation: Bisexual
Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained a suite of powers reminiscent of a spider, including agility, wall-crawling, and the ability to sense danger. When Peter learned that his beloved Uncle Ben had been murdered by a thief that Peter himself had selfishly allowed to escape, he realized that with his new powers also came a responsibility to use them for good. Since that day, Spider-Man has fought criminals while enduring a constant barrage of negative press, a stream of personal losses, and the occasional crisis of confidence. Somehow he manages to maintain a positive attitude and rarely lacks for a humorous quip when battling bad guys.
-Peter is a geeky, shy, socially awkward, high-spirited, caring, and friendly teenage boy who is loyal to his family and friends. While his heroics as Spider-Man have given him a reputation for being a flake, Peter will always be there for anyone that needs help. 
-Since the death of his beloved Uncle Ben, Peter's vow of responsibility has led him on a path of heroism and humanitarianism. He regularly sacrifices (or sabotages) his personal well-being for the greater good. It has also meant that Peter often takes on more burdens than he can bear and blames himself unnecessarily when the city is hurt.
-He possesses an innate scientific curiosity and loves to figure out how things work. He has been known to immerse himself in personal projects for hours on end, forgetting to eat and sleep as a result.
-Though it can be difficult for him to open up with new people, he becomes enthusiastic and talkative when asked about his favorite subjects (i.e. science, photography, TTRPGs, the New York Mets).
-Peter has a tendency to use humor and sarcasm as a defense mechanism, a trait that is amplified when he fights criminals as Spider-Man. He is proud of his humor, deploying it to break tensions and lift the mood, something that has at times irritated his friends and allies.
-Peter also has a bit of a vengeful side—he once secretly used his powers to humiliate his bullies and was single-minded in his pursuit of revenge for his uncle’s death. If Peter's trust is betrayed, it can be difficult to get back in his good graces.
-His humility often teeters on the edge of self-loathing, to the point of considering himself lamer than his counterparts. These feelings also extend to his romantic relationships—Peter is often blind to his crush’s reciprocated feelings simply because he doesn’t believe they could ever be reciprocated. According to Peter, he always falls for people who are "way out of his league."
-Behind his naturally upbeat demeanor, Peter possesses a tragic and depressed side. This is brought on by the immense guilt he feels about the deaths of people he held close: Ben Parker and Gwen Stacy, his first girlfriend.
Spider Physiology: Peter Parker possesses the proportionate powers of a spider, granted to him by the bite of an irradiated spider.
Superhuman Strength: Peter can lift up to 10 tons. His physical strength also extends into his legs, enabling him to jump to a height of several stories in a single bound.
Superhuman Speed: Peter possesses the proportionate speed of a spider; therefore, he can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Stamina: Spider-Man's advanced musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows him to exert himself physically for much longer periods of time before fatigue begins to impair him.
Superhuman Durability: Peter’s body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. He has shown little to no discomfort when sustaining great impact forces.
Superhuman Agility: Spider-Man's superhuman agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Spider-Man is extraordinarily limber, and his tendons and connective tissues are twice as elastic as the average human being's. He has the combined agility and acrobatic prowess of the most accomplished circus aerialists and acrobats. He can also perform any complicated sequence of gymnastic stunts, such as flips, rolls, and springs.
Superhuman Equilibrium: Peter possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seems able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.
Superhuman Reflexes: Spider-Man's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are currently about 20 times greater than those of an ordinary human. In combination with his spider-sense, the speed of his reflexes allows him to dodge almost any attack.
Wallcrawling: Peter can cling to any surface using just his fingertips and feet.
Spider-Sense: Spider-Man possesses a precognitive danger sense that warns him of potential or immediate danger through the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of his skull, and links with his superhuman kinesthetics, enabling him to evade most attacks unless he cognitively overrides his automatic reflexes.
Regeneration: Spider-Man is able to rapidly heal and regenerate from harm faster and more extensively than normal humans are capable of.
Web-Shooters: Spider-Man's trademark equipment. With his brilliance in physical science, Peter created these devices to fire thin strands of a special web fluid at high pressure and speeds. These enable him to web-swing between buildings and entrap enemies.
Web fluid: Created by Peter Parker. A shear-thinning liquid (virtually solid until a shearing force is applied to it, rendering it fluid) whose exact formula is unknown but is related to nylon. On contact with air, the long-chain polymer knits and forms an extremely tough, flexible fiber with extraordinary adhesive properties.
Specialized Web Cartridges
-Acid Webbing: Webbing laced with hydrochloric acid. -Taser Webbing  -Impact Webbing: Web-pellets that, upon impact, release tendrils that ensnare the target.
Spider-Tracers: Small, electronic tracers that allow Spider-Man to track objects or individuals. Typically, he plants or throws one on a departing enemy, but he can also use a launching device in his web-shooters for better range and accuracy. Spider-Man can follow the signal within a 100-yard radius by using his spider-sense.
Genius-Level Intellect: Peter Parker possesses a natural talent for science, standing out as a top student in his high school. His favorite subjects are biology, physics, and chemistry. A prodigy biochemist, Peter could understand his father's, Dr. Richard Parker’s, research notes at age 15.
Expert Inventor/Engineer: As a teenager, he developed his signature web formula, Web-Shooters, and the Spider-Tracers.
Budding Photographer: Peter is a talented photographer and has worked part-time for the Daily Bugle.
Skilled Acrobat: Due to his superhuman physical abilities, Peter easily surpasses normal acrobats and is able to perform somersaults, flips, spins, cartwheels, etc.
Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Spider-Man's fighting style incorporates and takes full advantage of his proper use of physical forces, momentum, and leverage, with the hero staying low and mobile while utilizing the momentum of frequent spins to come crashing down on his opponents. Peter has stated that he is self-taught, having learned many of his fighting techniques from movies and lucha libre.
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Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
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Miles Gonzalo Morales
New York City, New York; present-day
16-18 years old
5′8″ (1.73 m)
160 lbs (72.57 kg)
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Gender: Cis male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Miles Morales, a fellow student of Peter Parker, was bitten by a genetically altered spider that his uncle had stolen from Osborn Industries. The next day at school, he found that he had grown taller overnight and gained incredible, arachnid-like powers. Donning a similar costume, Miles became a budding superhero with the original Spider-Man as his mentor. Miles was the first person Spider-Man revealed his identity to, and they have become the closest of friends. Miles considers Peter a great hero, but can he live up to the legacy set before him?
-Miles is a passionate, bright, confident, selfless, and extremely eager young man. 
-Miles' dedication to helping others stems from his deep respect for his father, Officer Jefferson Morales, and his admiration of Peter Parker as Spider-Man. He draws his passion for science from his mother, Rio, who is highly regarded for her boundless dedication to being a nurse. Moreover, being a long-time fan of Spider-Man, Miles aspires to uphold his mentor and friend’s legacy while also forging his own path.
-Like average Spider-Men, he has an irreverent attitude towards villains, although when enemies indicate psychological instability, Miles addresses them respectfully to prevent further danger.
-He has a strong love for science, having started inventing at an early age, as well as a passion for music, mixing hip-hop beats with his uncle during his early years.
-He is much more sociable than Peter Parker, and often initiates conversations with strangers in his neighborhood.
-Miles instantly fell for Gwen Stacy upon their first meeting. They’ve since become the best of friends, though a part of Miles still pines for her romantically. 
-His relationship with his Uncle Aaron is complex; while Miles acknowledges Aaron's inherent goodness, he also grapples with his uncle's shadowy past as the Prowler and their differing views on heroism.
-Miles' eagerness to be a hero is both a strength and weakness; it propels his desire to grow and assist others, but it also makes him prone to danger and reluctant to accept help. Additionally, he has been known to act impulsively on occasion. Miles also dislikes being a victim or receiving pity. 
-He initially displayed panic and insecurity due to struggling to handle even basic spider powers, and he felt unworthy of the Spider-Man mantle. When it is up to him to save the city on his own, Miles occasionally has doubts about his capabilities, often comparing himself to Peter. 
-Miles' intellect and love for others can cloud his judgment. At times, he can be too arrogant to listen to those who might know better
Spider Physiology: Miles Morales gained the proportionate abilities of a spider after being bitten by a genetically-modified spider.
Superhuman Strength: Miles can lift roughly 10 tons.
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Agility: Miles' agility, balance, flexibility, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of an Olympic-level gymnast.
Superhuman Equilibrium
Superhuman Reflexes
Spider-Sense: When danger is present, Miles feels a buzzing sensation in his head as a sort of early warning system, allowing him to react accordingly. His spider-sense offers him near-complete awareness of his surroundings and, in conjunction with his reflexes, allows him to instinctively dodge or counter nearly all attacks. 
Bio-Electrokinesis: Miles is able to generate and manipulate a form of bio-electricity that his body produces and can utilize the energy for multiple purposes. Miles has learned to discharge the energy from his hands in controlled bursts of what he calls "Venom Blasts".
-Mega Venom Blast: Arguably Miles' deadliest ability. Miles is able to emit a larger scale burst of bio-electricity from his entire body. It is powerful enough to repel a large group of opponents and destroy sturdy restraints. This ability leaves Miles exhausted after using it, and can be triggered with focus or by extreme stress. -Venom Beam: Miles has shown that he can channel his bio-electricity outward as a direct burst of electrostatic energy to knock away enemies in a stunning/concussive manner. -Venom Punch: Miles can enhance the power of his punches by infusing his fists with bio-electricity. -Lateral Repulsion: By projecting a controlled Venom Blast, Miles is able to launch himself in the air with greater force than when jumping or web-swinging.
Camouflage: Miles, including his clothing, can blend into his surroundings, allowing him to sneak up on his enemies or, in some cases, flee from them. The resulting effect closely resembles that of invisibility.
Bilingualism: Miles speaks English and Spanish.
Gifted Intellect: A fast learner from a young age, Miles is a highly gifted individual with an aptitude for science. He attends the Robotics Club at school and has experience in programming applications. Upon discovering his bio-electric powers, he demonstrated an impressive understanding of biophysics, throwing out possible explanations for this new power, such as electrolytes. At the start of his superhero career, he was able to mimic the original Spider-Man's fighting style by watching online videos to improve his own abilities.
Photographic memory
Skilled Acrobat
Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Despite his lack of formal training prior to his spider-bite, Miles' enhanced agility, reflexes, and coordination made him an extraordinary melee fighter. He has developed his own unique combat style which incorporates a rudimentary form of boxing, Capoiera, and breakdancing.
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Gwendolyn "Gwen" Maxine Stacy
Alternate New York City, New York; present-day
16-18 years old
5′5″ (1.65 m)
125 lbs (56.7 kg)
Eyes: blue
Hair: blond
Gender: Trans female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Leaping from an alternate reality in which she was bitten by a radioactive spider instead of Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy learned the painful lesson that with great power must come great responsibility. At first, Gwen used her new powers for selfish reasons, reveling in the attention it brought her. Meanwhile, her friend, the bullied Peter Parker, turned himself into a lizard monster because he was desperate to be special like her. Gwen inadvertently killed Peter during the ensuing fight, and the police blamed her for his death. Seeking redemption, she now fights crime as the amazing Spider-Woman.
-Gwen Stacy is a spunky, sarcastic, awkward, and emotionally vulnerable teenage girl. She has a history of rejecting friendship since she can't bear to go through the pain of losing another loved one. After getting to know Miles Morales and Hobie Brown, however, she tentatively decided to give companionship a chance.
-Gwen initially put on a tough, antisocial front when she met the other Spider-People, but she has come to view the Spider-Gang as family and is fiercely protective of them.
-It can be difficult for her to look at the other Peters when they are unmasked, hence why it was initially easier for her to interact with Miles and Hobie. 
-Currently, Gwen's interest in Miles is platonic, bordering on sibling affection.
-Gwen has a zero-tolerance policy for bullying, especially where her friends are concerned. On impulse, she will intervene on their behalf. With this in mind, Gwen and Peter (Spider-Man) have sworn to always watch each other's backs.
-There used to be unresolved tension between Gwen and her police officer father, George Stacy, regarding the morality of Spider-Woman’s vigilantism. Upon realizing that the vigilante he had been pursuing for years was his very own daughter, George reached out to Gwen about her problems and insecurities. Father and daughter have reconciled, and George Stacy has become Spider-Woman’s staunchest supporter.
-She is absolutely fearless in battle, but not to the point of recklessness.
-Gwen’s relationship with her bandmates has become somewhat strained since her superhero lifestyle often interferes with their gigs. That said, Gwen’s band members have made attempts at getting her to open up about her feelings and trauma.
-Gwen tends to bottle up her emotions and release them when she's playing drums, leading to her being particularly angry and distant. When dealing with people she is unsure of, she puts up fronts and walls to appear more confident and put together than she actually is.
-She hates when Noir calls her "doll."
-Her favorite band is The Smashing Pumpkins.
-Outside of music, her hobbies include skateboarding, gymnastics, and ballet.
Spider Physiology: Gwen gained the proportionate abilities of a spider after being bitten by a radioactive spider—genetically engineered based upon the genetic template of alien spider parasites.
Superhuman Strength: Gwen can lift roughly 10 tons.
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Equilibrium
Superhuman Reflexes
Web-Shooters: Twin devices, which she wears on her wrists, that trap moisture from the air to create a "web-fluid" that allows her to eject web ropes, nets, and globs. The Web-Shooters also enable her to web-swing between buildings. Given to Gwen by her universe’s Janet Van Dyne. 
Amateur Detective: Gwen has a proclivity for analytical thinking and detective work. She is also the daughter of a police captain, thus she knows some police protocols and methods.
Skilled Fighter: Gwen is a skilled freestyle fighter. That said, she is untrained and learned most of her moves from Kung Fu movies.
Trained ballerina: Gwen trained in ballet since she was young. Her ballet training has allowed her to be incredibly precise when moving, often walking on the tips of her toes. Evidently, her ballet experience is incorporated into her fighting style.
Trained gymnast: Gwen was a member of the gymnastics team at her school; even before her radioactive spider bite, Gwen was able to hold her own body weight and possessed an athletic build similar to that of an acrobat. She incorporated her gymnastics training into her fighting style.
Trained musician: Gwen plays the drums with her band, The Mary Janes.
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Spider-Man Noir
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Peter Benjamin Parker
Alternate New York City, New York; 1933 AD
Approximately 19 years old
6′1″ (1.85 m)
150 lbs (68.04 kg)
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown
Gender: Cis male
Orientation: Bisexual or Demisexual (still figuring it out)
In another New York, in the year 1933, Norman Osborn murdered Ben Parker for encouraging a strike on the local sweatshops. Seeking justice for his uncle, Peter Parker became an investigative journalist in an attempt to expose the corruption in New York. One evening, Peter was investigating a warehouse where Osborn's henchmen were housing stolen artifacts. An ancient spider statue broke open and released a swarm of spiders, one of which bit Peter. He passed out and dreamed of a spider god who told him it would bestow the curse of power on him. When Peter came to, he discovered that he had been gifted with arachnid-like superpowers. Thus, Peter became the Spider-Man: a dark avenger fighting for the rights of the downtrodden and waging a one-man war on crime.
-Noir Peter Parker is an unwavering, righteous, sympathetic, brooding, solitary young man of few words.
-Peter grew up witnessing injustice in the harsh environment of the Great Depression. This, combined with his Uncle Ben’s horror stories about the First World War, made Peter distrustful of would-be leaders and political figures. He’s leery of police officers; in his world and time period, especially, police corruption is rampant.
-Unlike most Spider-Men, Noir Peter was never taught the motto "With great power, there must also come great responsibility." Instead, his Uncle Ben told him, "If those in power can’t be trusted, it’s the responsibility of the people to remove them."
-Peter’s jaded demeanor and bleak realism belie his indomitable will and inherent idealism. He will never stop fighting for truth and progress, no matter the personal cost.
-Peter is a devout socialist and liberal activist, often participating in protests for workers’ rights, racial equality, and standing against the rising tide of Nazism.
-Peter is an empiricist—he believes his eyes, no matter how implausible something may be. Ever since his encounter with the Spider-God, he has gradually come to accept that some things are never going to have an explanation.
-Unlike the other Spider-People, Peter is willing to kill his enemies if absolutely necessary.
-Peter struggles with trauma and depression, perhaps more than his counterparts. To cope and better do his job, he closes off his emotions and ignores his bodily needs.
-Peter smokes cigarettes, even though he has been warned that they cause cancer. The nicotine helps calm his nerves, and he doubts that he’s capable of contracting cancer due to his powers.
-Peter puts on a convincing, deeper voice to make himself seem older. The rest of the Spider-Gang was dumbstruck when they learned he wasn’t much older than them.
Superhuman Abilities: Peter possesses enhanced physical abilities granted to him by the Spider-God.
Superhuman Strength: Slightly inferior to that of his mainstream counterpart.
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Durability: Although he is incredibly durable, his body does have its limits—unlike his modern counterparts, he cannot sustain multiple injuries and continue to function.
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Equilibrium
Wall-Crawling: He can stick to walls using just his fingertips and feet; however, Peter prefers a type of parkour over clinging to the walls themselves.
Organic Webbing: Spider-Man is able to shoot organic black webbing out of his wrists. However, he cannot generate webbing in a constant stream (like his more modern counterparts) and is therefore unable to travel via swinging on webs.
Night Vision
Regeneration: Slightly superior to that of his mainstream counterpart.
Pain Resistance: Ever since he was bitten, Peter no longer feels physical pain as potently as an average human.
Gifted Intellect: Peter is of above-average intelligence and possesses a natural talent for science.
Experienced Reporter: Peter is a gifted investigative reporter and very skilled photographer.
Investigator: Honing his talents as an investigative reporter, Peter has become experienced in detective work and research.
Hand-to-Hand Combatant: He is formidable in hand-to-hand combat, having received boxing training from the Daredevil of his universe.
Skilled Marksman: Peter is adept in the use of and has impeccable aim with firearms; more often than not, he is able to hit his targets accurately.
Weapons: Peter has been known to carry revolvers and incendiary grenades.
Glasses: Unlike other Spider-People, after receiving his powers, Peter still requires corrective lenses to see properly. 
🕷️ 🕷️ 🕷️
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Hobart "Hobie" Brown
Alternate London, United Kingdom; c. 1977-early 80s
Approximately 19 years old
5′11″ (1.8 m)
150 lbs (68.04 kg)
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Gender: Cis male
Orientation: Pansexual
In an alternate London, foul-mouthed teenager Hobart Brown was living as a squatter in a United Kingdom ruled by the fascist regime of Prime Minister "Ozzy" Osborn. He was bitten by a spider irradiated by illegal waste dumping, which gave him spider superpowers. With his newfound powers, Hobie became a punk-rock-inspired Spider-Man and led the oppressed people of London in a revolt against Osborn and his storm troopers. Spider-Punk is defined by his rebellious attitude towards absolutely everything, and will take any opportunity to turn on an establishment, regardless of the consequences.
-Hobie is a zealous, headstrong, brazen, uncompromising, and altruistic young man.
-Although he pretends to be an apathetic badass, Hobie clearly has a deep connection to his team and a surprising amount of respect for Spider-Man Noir.
-He is surprisingly good with children.
-Hobie is an extremely devout anarchist who chafes at all forms of authority. Whenever he is given orders, Hobie makes it clear that he’s only going along with them because he wants to. Put simply, Hobie fights evil on his own terms.
-Hobie lives by two rules: No Gods. No Masters. He hates the rich, authorities, and politicians.
-Hobie takes the Spider-Man staple of flippancy to a whole new level—oftentimes, he doesn’t even attempt to be clever with his quips, instead throwing out the harshest insults he can come up with. 
-As a musician and activist, he integrates anti-authority messages into his performances. He frequently encourages (and joins) mosh pits among the audience. Such acts are deemed illegal in his home universe… not that he cares. 
-Hobie is a terrible singer, but he argues that’s what punk rock is all about.
-With the plethora of questionable decisions he’s made just to survive, Hobie does not consider himself a role model, let alone a hero. Despite this, he still has high praise for himself and tries to project an aura of "cool."
-Hobie's boots are ladder laced. In punk culture, ladder lacing with colored laces is a way to discreetly express your beliefs. Hobie's laces are blue, which means the wearer has killed a police officer. Though Hobie remains unwilling to divulge many aspects of his life, he has mentioned that he was once betrayed by a police officer…
-Hobie enjoys playing with people’s gender expectations and dresses as androgynously as possible. He believes that it is impossible to separate punk history from queer history.
Spider Physiology: After being bitten by a spider irradiated by illegal waste dumping, Hobart obtained the proportionate powers of a spider.
Superhuman Strength: Hobie can lift at least one ton.
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Equilibrium
Superhuman Reflexes
Modified guitar: An instrument that can emit a large shockwave attack similar to Miles Morales’ "venom power". In addition, the guitar can play frequencies strong enough to cause electronic equipment to malfunction.
Cricket bat: A simple yet effective wooden bat inscribed with "Beat on the Brat," a Ramones lyric.
Engineer: Hobart is a tech genius, able to create his Web-Shooters and a functional dimension-hopping watch after studying the properties of Peni Parker’s teleportation device. He was also able to engineer his guitar into a weapon.
Skilled Acrobat: Spider-Punk is able to perform acrobatic and gymnastic moves, such as high jumps, somersaults, flips, etc. at a level far beyond the ability of normal humans.
Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Hobie has years of street fighting experience. He utilizes techniques that enable him to make full use of his speed, agility, and strength. However, he lacks any formal training.
Musician: Hobie is a talented musician and plays both guitar and drums.
🕷️ 🕷️ 🕷️
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Peni Parker
Futuristic New York City, New York; 3145 AD
9-13 years old
4′11″ (1.5 m), 9′ (2.74 m) (in armor)
105 lbs (47.63 kg), 900 lbs (408.23 kg) (in armor)
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Gender: Cis female
Orientation: Asexual
In an alternate Japan, in the year 3145, Peni Parker was born the only daughter of Dr. Richard Parker. When she was 9 years old, her father passed away piloting the SP//dr suit. She would be adopted by her Aunt May and Uncle Ben in New York, and they informed her that she was the last person able to bond with the radioactive spider that controlled Richard’s bionic armor. Peni accepted this responsibility, allowed the radioactive spider to bite her, and repaired the mech suit. Now known as SP//dr, Peni protects her futuristic neighborhood with her new best spider-friend and a powerful robotic suit!
-Peni is a peppy, energetic, optimistic, intelligent, tough, and somewhat smug girl. 
-Peni’s bubbly nature is infectious, and she loves making new friends. She quite literally views the Spider-Gang as her family, even addressing them as onii-chan (big brother) and onee-chan (big sister) respectively. Likewise, she cherishes her bond with the SP//dr spider more than anything—in many ways, it’s her last connection to her father.
-A generally happy-go-lucky person, it is rare to see her sad or discouraged. That said, if grief or anxiety do strike, her productivity takes a sharp decline. She is a very emotional person, and her friends’ struggles affect her profoundly.
-Peni is a responsible and dedicated individual; she has devoted countless hours to her studies and working on her father's suit. That said, she can be a tad arrogant where her work is concerned, and bristles at outside input or assistance. It can be difficult to get Peni to accept technological help or admit when she’s made a mistake.
-Peni is proud of her intellect to an almost vain degree. She unconsciously comes off as condescending when explaining her technology to others, especially Spider-Man Noir (even though he can easily pick up how modern tech works).
-In battle, she is ruthless, aggressive, and devastatingly analytical.
-She has a habit of striking magical girl or idol singer poses.
-Peni is a vegetarian but isn’t preachy about it.
-Peni has an ultra-secret candy stash hidden… somewhere.
-Her hobbies include J-pop and manga (she’s recently gotten into Boys’ and Girls’ Love).
Genius-Level Intellect: Peni Parker is extremely intelligent, mostly regarding her exceptional scientific, engineering, and hacking skills. 
Scientist: A wunderkind prodigy, she is remarkably skilled and knowledgeable in a wide range of scientific fields.
Engineer: Peni takes great pride in her engineering intelligence, which has enabled her to create upgrades for her SP//dr armor and even invent an inter-dimensional teleportation device.
Expert Hacker
SP//dr Suit Mk III: A psychically-powered mech suit created by Peni’s father. The SP//dr suit is genetically linked to her, so only Peni may use it. The suit uses magnetically manipulated appendages for versatility, wall-crawling, and enhanced strength, and it can shoot lasers from its fingers and weld various metals. Additionally, wrist-mounted web shooters built into the SP//dr suit allow it to web-swing between buildings and entrap enemies. The suit is shielded against radiation, biological, chemical, corrosive, and electrical attacks. In the cockpit, there is an on-board computer operating system that aids Peni in accessing the internet, providing background information, and connecting with (or hacking into) other devices. The inside also has a snack compartment.
Bilingualism: Peni speaks Japanese and English.
Expert pilot: Peni’s piloting abilities have advanced to the point where the SP//dr suit feels like an extension of her body.
Psychic link: Peni allowed herself to be bitten by the SP//dr spider—a radioactive, sentient spider (whom she refers to as her best friend) acting as one half of the CPU that makes the SP//dr suit work. Beyond piloting the suit, the spider shares thoughts and emotions with Peni.
Spider-Sense: Through her psychic connection, Peni possesses a precognitive "spider" sense that warns her of potential immediate danger.
🕷️ 🕷️ 🕷️
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berystraw · 8 months
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Synopsis: In which! Due to a letter calling her to go back to Texas Verity Rosewood goes back to the place she spent years trying to forget. While she is there, she tries to reconnect with the people she left. Her family, friends, and especially the person she loved most.
[L.L.S Masterlist] [M. Masterlist] [G.H Masterlist]
Case file #1:
[Name]: Verity Rosewood
[Nickname(s)]: Veri
[Age]: 20
[Date of birth]: August 22, 2000
[Gender]: Female
[Sexuality]: Bisexual
[Eye color]: Brown eyes
[Hair color]: auburn
[Height]: 5'6
[Playlist]: Top of my school 【Katherine Lynn-Rose】 Pov 【Ariana Grande】 You're on your own kid 【Taylor Swift】 Brutal 【Olivia Rodrigo】 Little Miss Perfect 【Write out loud】Lose you to love me 【Selena Gomez】 All I want 【Olivia Rodrigo】 Dollhouse 【Melanie Martinez】 Be myself 【Why don't we】 I wanna be yours 【Arctic Monkeys】 Consequences【Camila Cabello】 Mess it up 【Gracie Abrams】 Control 【Halsey】 Elastic Heart【Sia】Applause 【Lady Gaga】 Thumbs 【Sabrina Carpenter】 In my mind 【Lyn Lapid】 Happier than Ever 【Billie Eilish】 Not strong enough【Boy genius】 If Only 【Dove Cameron】
Case File #2
[Name]: Grayson Hawthorne
[Nickname(s)]: Gray
[Age]: 19
[Date of birth]: August 23, 2001
[Gender]: Male
[Sexuality]: heterosexual
[Eye color]: pale gray
[Hair color]: blonde
[Height]: 6'0
[Playlist]: Looking at me【sabrina carpenter】Can I be him【James Arthur】Labyrinth 【Taylor Swift】Daddy Issues【The neighborhood】Ador You【Harry Styles】If I killed someone for you【Alec Benjamin】Man of the House【Marilyn Hucek】Money, Power, Glory【Lana Del Ray】I bet in losing dogs【Mitski】Angels like you【Miley Cyrus】Surface pressure【Jessica Darrow】People Watching【Conan Gray】I ain't perfect【IV of spades】Mistakes like this【Prelow】Mirror ball【Taylor Swift】Favorite crime【Olivia rodrigo】Feelin good【Michael Bublé] Lay all your love on me【ABBA】All of the girls you've loved before【Taylor Swift】Set fire to the rain【Adele】
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Verity Rosewood
—The one who absquatulated
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"I never wanted to leave, but I had to. For me."
Being the heir of the Rosewood family, Verity has been training and learning how to manage her family's company even at such a young age. She went to different kinds of classes, may it be public speaking classes, business management, dance classes, and many more. She had to be different, to be perfect. The pressure of being the best and perfect heir was exhausting, but she had her friends, right? The Hawthorne brothers have helped her cope with all the pressure and stress her family and everyone else pressed on her. She thought she could handle it, but everyone had their breaking points.
Grayson Hawthorne
—The Heir Apparent
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"And that made me hate you even more."
Grayson had been considered as the "Heir apparent" of the family for as long as he remembered. As a Hawthorne, he was taught many things, and that included never showing emotion. He had to learn how to not cry or show signs of weakness. Being one of the oldest siblings didn't help with that at all. In fact, it just added even more pressure on him. Having to be the older and more responsible brother out of the rest. It was difficult. Trying to make yourself look as if you're not broken. He is broken and hurt, yet he makes sure not to show anyone even a second of his true emotions. He was not raised to be like that.
Verity + Grayson
—The never ending story
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"In this toxic and suffocating world, we had each other."
The friendship of the Rosewood and the Hawthorne family has lasted for years now. So Verity being friends with the Hawthorne grandchildren was no such mystery. The group was always seen together during classes, tea time, playing outside on the grounds, or even skipping classes together. They were inseparable, but there were 2 children in the friend group that were much closer with each other than the rest; Verity and Grayson. The two consider each other as their safe places, the person who brings comfort to each other. Due to the pressure of their families, both of them really understood each other and considered one another as the place that they could bring down their walls and become their true selves. They felt safe, comforted, and peaceful in the presence of each other. Because for once, they felt as if they had one place they didn't have to pretend as if they're perfect.
[Playlist]: Back to December【Taylor Swift】Play date【Melanie Martinez】Tattoos forever【lauv】Love song【Why don't we】Make you mine【Public】Somebody to you【The Vamps】You and I 【One direction】That way【Tate McRae】Runaway【Aurora】If the world was ending【JP Saxe, Julia Michaels】Your name hurts【Hailee Steinfeld】Why's you only call me when you're high【Arctic Monkeys】Talk too much【Coin】Overdrive【Conan Gray】The one that got away【Katy Perry】House of memories【Panic! At the disco】Back to you【Selena Gomez】Midnight Memories【One direction】Still the one【One direction】Lover【Taylor Swift】The way I love you【Taylor Swift】Favorite crime【Olivia Rodrigo】I love you so【The walters】WYD now 【Sadie Jean】Somewhere only we know【Keane】Afterglow【Taylor Swift】Kiss it better【Rihanna】Kidult【Seventeen】No one can fix me【Frawley】Fall for you【Sarah Kang, Jesse Berrera】Remember that night【Sara Kays】
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study-with-aura · 28 days
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Wednesday, August 28, 2024
It has been really busy around here since my parents are back to their campuses regularly again. That, and it has been so quiet! There's nothing wrong with the quiet of course, but it reminds me that Julien isn't at home anymore, which makes me sad. It is okay though. He is having a great time back at his university, and that makes me happy to know!
My updates may start to get sporadic again, as I am already starting to experience slight difficulties with staying motivated in studying. One would think, since I had an amazing summer break (despite the small studying I still did), that I would be good and ready to keep going until the next break. However, my summer was still packed with activity and maybe not a true break at all even though all of it was enjoyable and fun! The work this year is also more demanding. If you haven't noticed, there is a lot more revising going on with my notes and more writing and reading material in general. It will prepare me for more advanced studies of course, but I need to get back into the groove of it, so to speak, and I will.
Tasks Completed:
Algebra 2 - Learned about graphing linear inequalities + practice + practiced with the graphing calculator
American Literature - Copied vocabulary terms + read about Benjamin Franklin as a writer + read excerpts from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin + answered discussion questions + read about Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac in the article "The Prominent and Prodigiously Popular Poor Richard" + read over Benjamin Franklin's aphorisms and the virtues associated with them + wrote down three aphorisms from the list that I liked including what they meant + read over the article "Reflective Writing: A Basic Introduction" + read chapters 20-21 of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Spanish 3 - Read over an activity in Spanish to determine how much I could read and understand (I understood most of it) + reviewed gender and plural in Spanish
Bible 2 - Read 2 Samuel 22
Early American History - Watched a short video about the first Thanksgiving + read chapter 9 of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford
Earth Science with Lab - Watched a video about hydroplate theory and Earth's radioactivity
Music Appreciation - Read about and listened to Musical Signatures associated with Gustav Mahler + read about and listened to the "Refuge and Renewal," "Triumph and Tragedy," and "Awe and Affirmation" tabs about Gustav Mahler + copied major necessary terms from the H section of the music dictionary
Khan Academy - Completed US History Unit 2: Lesson 3 (part 1)
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish + French + Chinese) + completed daily quests
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Reading - Read pages 211-277 of We Are All So Good at Smiling by Amber McBride and finished the book
Chores -  None today
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Matthew 5)
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Full Name ── Theophilus William Camden✮ Proxy Name ──PANT⦻MIME✮ Nicknames ── Mime, Smiler, BNW freak (BY jeff, doesn't like it)✮ Gender ── Male✮ Sexuality ── Aroace(Cupioromantic and asexual)✮ Sexual Preference ── None✮ Pronouns ── he/they/xir/it✮ Date of Birth ── 26th september 1906✮ Age ── 118✮ Place of Birth ── England✮ Nationality ── English✮ Languages ── BSL, speaks English when xe is forced to speak✮ Scars ── scars and burn marks across his skin and stretch marks from being Heightened while he was in the hospital✮ Height ── 6'8 feet✮ MBTI ── INTP✮ Zodiac Sign ── Virgo✮ Natural Hair Color ── brown✮ Hair Colour (now) ── black✮ Hair Length ── to xiers chin✮ Eye Colour ── Black✮ Skin Colour ── black and white✮ Smell ── Black ink✮ Proxy-mark ── wrist(covers them up)__`☆ About them:`__❧ Status 》Dead❧ Species 》Proxy(?)❧ Relationship 》Single❧ Skills 》 murder, whipping, dancing, a bit of art❧ Likes 》watching EJ bleed sometimes, dancing to music, listening to people he is fond of ramble.❧ Dislikes 》Bullies(especially jeff and natalie) , crows, smell of smoke or coffee, some textures (polyester, cheese), getting forced to talk (it hurts xem.)❧ Touch 》 hates it, but let's some people touch his appendages❧ Fears 》losing a person they are fond of❧ Triggers 》Talking about xiers past, calling xem names, saying the sentence, "Dont fight back, let it happen, it will all be okay soon."❧ Weakness 》Will cry if remembering his past and hurt himself because he cries acid, needs to rest for 2 hours to recharge, cuts his appendages sometimes when triggered, can barely talk, Weak bones ❧ Working for 》Slenderman but disobeys sometimes❧ Work 》Proxy❧ Addictions》cutting❧ Earning Trust 》possible but takes at least 3 weeks❧ Clothes 》grey overall and warm grey t-shirt, appendages with eyes on them, black shoes, white and black glove, white and black mask❧ Items 》Candy canes, whips❧ Aid 》None.❧ Parental Figures 》None.❧ Theme songs 》 So cold by Breaking Benjamin, Emergency contact by pierce the veil, Going under by evanescene, Zombie by the cranberries and if you can't hang by sleeping with sirens❧ Disorders 》 Existential OCD, social anxiety, Emotional disorser in childhood, Generalized anxiety disorder, Schizophrenia, C-PTSD, body dysmorphia__`☆ Favourites:`__❧ Favourite Interest 》bugs, what slenderman Exactly is and how it works, dancing (but only alone because bro has social anxiety), Life in general ❧ Favourite Songs 》I will not bow by breaking Benjamin, bad things by get scared,dead memories by slipknot❧ Favourite Artists 》 Breaking Benjamin, sleeping with sirens, decaying nature, Black Sabbath,Slipknot, getting scared, Evanescene❧ Favourite Animal 》xe eats animals when he can't get humans, but insects, especially Beetles ❧ Favourite Colours 》 Maroon red (likes to collect EJs blood sometimes)﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊﹊__`•☆༄࿐ Personality`__It is observant, and tries to be polite as much as they can, when they are triggered however they often lash out in a way of hurting their fond ones and will cry about it later on and apologize in a way of giving them gifts (which can be handmade or an eye that they ripped out of their appendages). Generally shy, and often stays with a person they are fond of to socialise. When they are having hallucinations they will hide themselves under its appendages and not come out until someone else comes in and protects them from what they are seeing. They are a sensitive person and hide themselves away a lot of the times. If people are too loud and they get overwhelmed they will hide themselves in a closet for 3 hours.
Gonna Post the backstory later :)
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fangirlvibez · 1 year
The Bradshaw son and Seresin daughter - introduction
Characters: Bradley Bradshaw x female!OC Madison Ella Hanscott, Son!OC Nicolas Peter Bradshaw, Jake Seresin x female!OC Quinn Kelsell, Daughter!OC Hazel Alexandra Seresin, Son!OC Benjamin Jacob Seresin
Warnings: in this chapter: mention of (teenage) pregnancy, pregnancy difficulties, Navy inaccuracy. (Let me know if I forgot a warning)
Summary of the story: The 16 year old daughter of Jake Seresin gets pregnant. The dad: the 18 year old son of Bradley Bradshaw. How will the dads react to their kids becoming teen parents?
A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is any spelling or grammar errors: please let me know
next part - masterlist
Introducing the families
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✈️ Name: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
✈️ Birthday: June 27, 1984
✈️ Nationality: American
✈️ Gender: male
✈️ Profession: Naval Aviator
✈️ Husband to Madison Ella Hanscott
✈️ Father to Nicolas Peter Bradshaw
✈️ He and Madison met at the navy base in 2020, 1 year after the dagger mission.
✈️ Madison was there for a documentary about the Navy troughout the years, Bradley was one of the people Madison interviewed.
✈️ Bradley asked her out on the last day of shooting the documentary.
✈️ After 2 years of dating, the couple got married on July 10, 2022. 9 months later Nicolas Peter Bradshaw was born.
✈️ Bradley has a good bond with his son and is very found of the idea of his son becoming a naval aviator like he is.
📓 Name: Madison Ella Hanscott
📓 Birthday: March 5, 1991
📓 Nationality: American
📓 Gender: female
📓 Profession: writer and TV journalist
📓 Wife to Bradley Bradshaw
📓 Mother to Nicolas Peter Bradshaw
📓 She and Bradley met at the navy base in 2020, 1 year after the dagger mission when Madison was in charge of a documentary about the Navy.
📓 She is best friends with Quinn Kelsell.
📓 She is a very busy person and does a lot of overwork.
📓 Her and Bradley decided to buy Sparky for Nick when he was 16. It was around the time both her and Bradley were both very busy with their jobs and they didn’t want Nick to feel alone in his home.
🏈 Name: Nicolas Peter Bradshaw
🏈 Birthday: April 9, 2023
🏈 Nationality: American
🏈 Gender: male
🏈 Profession: Naval academy student
🏈 Son to Bradley Bradshaw and Madison Ella Hanscott
🏈 Boyfriend to Hazel Alexandra Seresin
🏈 Nick used to play football in high school but stopped to focus on getting into the naval academy.
🏈 His best friend is his dog Sparky
🏈 His dads opinion is very important to him.
🏈 He is named after his grandad and his dads godfather.
🏈 He fell in love with Hazel when she came knocking on her door. She was wearing a sundress and crying about her first date standing her up. Nick was 17 and Hazel was 15. Nick took her out and slowly fell in love with his best friend.
🏈 Nobody knows they are together because they don’t want it to be weird between their parents if they ever break up.
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✈️ Name: Jake “Hangman” Seresin
✈️ Birthday: November 17, 1987
✈️ Nationality: American
✈️ Gender: male
✈️ Profession: Naval Aviator
✈️ Husband to Quinn Kelsell
✈️ Father to Hazel Alexandra Seresin and Benjamin Jacob Seresin
✈️ He and Quinn met at a Bradshaw party in 2021. With Jake being Bradley’s best friend and Quinn being Madisons best friend it was bound to happen for them to meet.
✈️ They dated for 3 years before getting married on December 27, 2024.
✈️ Jake comes from a big family and wanted to have a big family like his own.
✈️ He is very over protected of Hazel and Benjamin.
🩺 Name: Quinn Kelsell
🩺 Birthday: January 24, 1992
🩺 Nationality: American
🩺 Gender: female
🩺 Profession: doctor
🩺 Wife to Jake Seresin
🩺 Mother to Hazel Alexandra Seresin and Benjamin Jacob Seresin
🩺 She and Jake met at a Bradshaw party in 2021.
🩺 Quinn comes from a small family but wanted to have a big one of her own.
🩺 She and Jake wanted to have more kids after Benjamin, but the doctors said it could be dangerous for Quinns body to have more. That’s when they decided to just having two kids.
📚 Name: Hazel Alexandra Seresin
📚 Birthday: August 2, 2025
📚 Nationality: American
📚 Gender: female
📚 Profession: High School student
📚 Daughter to Jake Seresin and Quinn Kelsell
📚 Girlfriend to Nicolas Peter Bradshaw
📚 Sister to Benjamin Jacob Seresin
📚 Hazel isn’t sure yet about what she wants to do after high school so she focuses mostly on her studies.
📚 She fell in love with Nick a month after he took her out after her first date stood her up. Nick was playing with Sparky on the beach while she was reading on her towel.
📚 She cares about what people think of her and can get quite emotional at times.
🛹 Name: Benjamin Jacob Seresin
🛹 Birthday: September 16, 2027
🛹 Nationality: American
🛹 Gender: male
🛹 Profession: High School student
🛹 Son to Jake Seresin and Quinn Kelsell
🛹 Younger brother to Hazel Alexandra Seresin
🛹 Benjamin loves skateboarding
🛹 He is close to his sister
🛹 When the Bradshaw family went on vacation or went away for the weekend, Benjamin was in charge if Sparky.
🛹 He wants to be a doctor like his mom.
🛹 Benjamin is named after his grandad and his own dad.
Taglist: @confusedpimp (let me know if you want to be tagged)
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About me.
Hi. I'm rebekah. Here's some random shit about me incase anyone is curious.
Sexuality/Gender: I'm straight and afab and my pronouns are she/her (I personally don't like the term cis, but I understand why people use it)
Birthday: September 17th, I'm a Virgo (if you care about that, I don't, really)
Favorite bands/singers: Pheobe Bridgers, Lord Huron, Queen, Breaking Benjamin, Gregory Alan Isakov, David Bowie, Linkin Park
Favorite Books: The Outsiders - S.E Hinton & The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
Favorite movies: Amsterdam (2022), Batman : Under The Red Hood (2010), Howl's Moving Castle (2004), Benny & Joon (1993)
I write poetry and random things I'm thinking about, this blog is a love letter to myself and I hope you enjoy it.
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maskedrealities · 2 months
•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•
•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── 💛 ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
・❥・ Name: Lilith
・❥・ Age: 21
・❥・ Pronouns: She/They
・❥・ Gender: Intersex Woman (transfemme, intersex traits)
・❥・ Orientation: Demiromantic, Demisexual, Omni, Poly
・❥・ Extra: I’m American, Japanese, and Korean and currently reconnecting to Japanese heritage before connecting to Korean.
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Get To Know Me
•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•
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・❥・ I am someone who identities as non-human due to past trauma and cannot easily identify with human experiences. I associate more with demon/devil, puppet/doll, vampire, and angel. These labels help me have a better understanding of myself and allow me to love myself more.
・❥・ I actively enjoy reading, writing, photography, gaming, and making art. My favorite games include Halo, Assassin’s Creed franchise (particularly fond of the first, Mirage, and Valhalla), Jedi: Fallen Order/Jedi: Survivor, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, and otome games (major fan of Shall We Date games).
・❥・ I write more poetry but I’m getting into fledging more into books. I actively despise AI “art” as it takes away from the process it takes to learn and shape your own designs while writing. It also isn’t art, it is something that has used works of incredible people and takes away from the artist.
・❥・ I am an active fan of Hozier, STARSET, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Set It Off, Sleep Token, Citizen Soldier, 8 Graves, Fall Out Boy, Hollywood Undead, and many more.
・❥・ I deal with a lot of things regarding obsessive thoughts and behaviors relating to my disorders. I do consider myself to be a yandere as it gives more details into how my disorders affect me and I support other people that have reclaimed the term.
・❥・ I am an intersex individual and learning more about my community and learning to be more comfortable with myself.
・❥・ My religion is mainly surrounding Norse paganism. I do not claim the people that use the religion as a means of supporting any sort of bigotry. I do not support ANY type of bigotry here.
・❥・ I actively enjoy making friends and answering questions. Please feel free to talk to me!
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•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•
Blog Related:
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・❥・ The only tags I will post under will be regarding to the blog itself, such as #maskedrealities and #lilith speaks/#lilithrambles/#rambles of Lilith.
・❥・ My blog is where I get to be unapologetically me. I will not conform to what others want of me.
・❥・ I actively do not mind others needing a place to go either, you are more than welcome to send something via message or ask as a means of just talking to someone. Though I cannot say I’ll be quick to respond.
・❥・ Anon asks will always be a thing, but any hate will include me laughing in your face. If you’re going to waste my time and your time being negative, I can at least find some joy in how much you must hurt someone else because you aren’t able to appreciate yourself.
・❥・ I am not required to be nice.
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•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•
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・❥・ Homophobes, transphobes, racists, any and all types of bigotry.
・❥・ Pro contact, anti-recovery paraphilias (I.e pedophilia, zoophilia, etc.). If you are actively getting help or are no contact and pro-recovery, feel free to interact.
・❥・ Political things. I know the world is going to shit, but I can’t stand it.
・❥・ Anti goodfaith, anti mspec labels.
・❥・ Anti neopronouns/xenogenders.
・❥・ If you actively mock or hate furries, therians, otherkin, otherhearted, non-humans, etc.
・❥・ If you use any sort of regression as a means of supporting pedophilia.
・❥・ Anything dealing with self harm or eating disorders.
・❥・ If you judge kinks/what someone likes.
・❥・ If you preach about “closed culture” and try and remove people from that culture away from it and need “proof.”
・❥・ Anything related to Christianity. I love you guys and what you believe in, but I have personal issues related to the religion and I don’t want that to cause harm for either party.
・❥・ Pro harassment people.
・❥・ TransIDs/radqueers
・❥・ If you actively make fun of, mock, or harass people for taking the term “yandere” back to express their experiences.
・❥・ If you believe in any type of [disorder] abuse. Such as narc abuse, bipolar abuse, borderline abuse. These types of “abuse” don’t exist. Stop turning disorders into horror tropes.
・❥・ Endogenic/any type of non-traumagenic “system” and their supporters. A CDD must have trauma behind it.
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Extra Notes
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・❥・ Thank you for your time and patience for reading through this! It means a lot to me that this was read or skimmed through.
・❥・ Things might be added, changed, or removed in the future. As of now, though, I welcome everyone that isn’t on my DNI to interact even without following!
・❥・ I hope you have a good day!
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•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•
Bye Bye!
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[Begin ID:
Top border (Section Divider): Three pairs of decorative symbols; a series of a dot, lines, two dots, a filled in star symbol, a center empty heart symbol, a filled in star symbol, two dots, lines, a dot.
Basics in Bigger text
Bottom border (Section Divider): Three pairs of decorative symbols; a series of a dot, lines, two dots, a circle filled in star symbol, a center empty heart symbol, a filled in star symbol, two dots, lines, a dot.
Top Border (Decorative): Decorative symbols in order of bolded curved line, lines, two dots, lines, yellow heart emoji, lines, two dots, lines, curved line.
Sideways heart symbol Name: Lilith
Sideways heart symbol Age: twenty one (21)
Sideways heart symbol Pronouns: She/They
Sideways heart symbol Gender: Intersex Woman (transfemme, intersex traits)
Sideways heart symbol Orientation: Demiromantic, Demisexual, Omni, Poly
Sideways heart symbol Extra: I’m American, Japanese, and Korean and currently reconnecting to Japanese heritage before connecting to Korean.
Bottom Border (Decorative): Decorative symbols in order of bolded curved line, lines, two dots, lines, yellow heart emoji, lines, two dots, lines, curved line.
Top border (Section Divider): Three pairs of decorative symbols; a series of a dot, lines, two dots, a filled in star symbol, a center empty heart symbol, a filled in star symbol, two dots, lines, a dot.
Get To Know Me in Bigger text
Bottom border (Section Divider): Three pairs of decorative symbols; a series of a dot, lines, two dots, a circle filled in star symbol, a center empty heart symbol, a filled in star symbol, two dots, lines, a dot.
Top Border (Decorative): Decorative symbols in order of bolded curved line, lines, two dots, lines, yellow heart emoji, lines, two dots, lines, curved line.
Sideways heart symbol I am someone who identities as non-human due to past trauma and cannot easily identify with human experiences. I associate more with demon/devil, puppet/doll, vampire, and angel. These labels help me have a better understanding of myself and allow me to love myself more.
Sideways heart symbol I actively enjoy reading, writing, photography, gaming, and making art. My favorite games include Halo, Assassin’s Creed franchise (particularly fond of the first, Mirage, and Valhalla), Jedi: Fallen Order/Jedi: Survivor, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, and otome games (major fan of Shall We Date games).
Sideways heart symbol I write more poetry but I’m getting into fledging more into books. I actively despise AI “art” as it takes away from the process it takes to learn and shape your own designs while writing. It also isn’t art, it is something that has used works of incredible people and takes away from the artist.
Sideways heart symbol I am an active fan of Hozier, STARSET, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Set It Off, Sleep Token, Citizen Soldier, 8 Graves, Fall Out Boy, Hollywood Undead, and many more.
Sideways heart symbol I deal with a lot of things regarding obsessive thoughts and behaviors relating to my disorders. I do consider myself to be a yandere as it gives more details into how my disorders affect me and I support other people that have reclaimed the term.
Sideways heart symbol I am an intersex individual and learning more about my community and learning to be more comfortable with myself.
Sideways heart symbol My religion is mainly surrounding Norse paganism. I do not claim the people that use the religion as a means of supporting any sort of bigotry. I do not support ANY type of bigotry here.
Sideways heart symbol I actively enjoy making friends and answering questions. Please feel free to talk to me!
Bottom Border (Decorative): Decorative symbols in order of bolded curved line, lines, two dots, lines, yellow heart emoji, lines, two dots, lines, curved line.
Top border (Section Divider): Three pairs of decorative symbols; a series of a dot, lines, two dots, a filled in star symbol, a center empty heart symbol, a filled in star symbol, two dots, lines, a dot.
Blog Related in Bigger text
Bottom border (Section Divider): Three pairs of decorative symbols; a series of a dot, lines, two dots, a filled in star symbol, a center empty heart symbol, a filled in star symbol, two dots, lines, a dot.
Top Border (Decorative): Decorative symbols in order of bolded curved line, lines, two dots, lines, yellow heart emoji, lines, two dots, lines, curved line.
Sideways heart symbol The only tags I will post under will be regarding to the blog itself, such as #maskedrealities and #lilith speaks/#lilithrambles/#rambles of Lilith.
Sideways heart symbol My blog is where I get to be unapologetically me. I will not conform to what others want of me.
Sideways heart symbol I actively do not mind others needing a place to go either, you are more than welcome to send something via message or ask as a means of just talking to someone. Though I cannot say I’ll be quick to respond.
Sideways heart symbol Anon asks will always be a thing, but any hate will include me laughing in your face. If you’re going to waste my time and your time being negative, I can at least find some joy in how much you must hurt someone else because you aren’t able to appreciate yourself.
Sideways heart symbol I am not required to be nice.
Bottom Border (Decorative): Decorative symbols in order of bolded curved line, lines, two dots, lines, yellow heart emoji, lines, two dots, lines, curved line.
Top border (Section Divider): Three pairs of decorative symbols; a series of a dot, lines, two dots, a filled in star symbol, a center empty heart symbol, a filled in star symbol, two dots, lines, a dot.
My DNI in bigger text
Bottom border (Section Divider): Three pairs of decorative symbols; a series of a dot, lines, two dots, a filled in star symbol, a center empty heart symbol, a filled in star symbol, two dots, lines, a dot.
Top Border (Decorative): Decorative symbols in order of bolded curved line, lines, two dots, lines, yellow heart emoji, lines, two dots, lines, curved line.
Sideways heart symbol Homophobes, transphobes, racists, any and all types of bigotry.
Sideways heart symbol Pro contact, anti-recovery paraphilias (I.e pedophilia, zoophilia, etc.). If you are actively getting help or are no contact and pro-recovery, feel free to interact.
Sideways heart symbol Political things. I know the world is going to shit, but I can’t stand it.
Sideways heart symbol Anti goodfaith, anti mspec labels.
Sideways heart symbol Anti neopronouns/xenogenders.
Sideways heart symbol If you actively mock or hate furries, therians, otherkin, otherhearted, non-humans, etc.
Sideways heart symbol If you use any sort of regression as a means of supporting pedophilia
Sideways heart symbol Anything dealing with self harm or eating disorders.
Sideways heart symbol If you judge kinks/what someone likes.
Sideways heart symbol If you preach about “closed culture” and try and remove people from that culture away from it and need “proof.”
Sideways heart symbol Anything related to Christianity. I love you guys and what you believe in, but I have personal issues related to the religion and I don’t want that to cause harm for either party.
Sideways heart symbol Pro harassment people.
Sideways heart symbol TransIDs/radqueers
Sideways heart symbol If you actively make fun of, mock, or harass people for taking the term “yandere” back to express their experiences.
Sideways heart symbol If you believe in any type of [disorder] abuse. Such as narc abuse, bipolar abuse, borderline abuse. These types of “abuse” don’t exist. Stop turning disorders into horror tropes.
Sideways heart symbol Endogenic/any type of non-traumagenic “system” and their supporters. A CDD must have trauma behind it.
Bottom Border (Decorative): Decorative symbols in order of bolded curved line, lines, two dots, lines, yellow heart emoji, lines, two dots, lines, curved line.
Top border (Section Divider): Three pairs of decorative symbols; a series of a dot, lines, two dots, a filled in star symbol, a center empty heart symbol, a filled in star symbol, two dots, lines, a dot.
Extra Notes in Bigger text
Bottom border (Section Divider): Three pairs of decorative symbols; a series of a dot, lines, two dots, a filled in star symbol, a center empty heart symbol, a filled in star symbol, two dots, lines, a dot.
Top Border (Decorative): Decorative symbols in order of bolded curved line, lines, two dots, lines, yellow heart emoji, lines, two dots, lines, curved line.
Sideways heart symbol Thank you for your time and patience for reading through this! It means a lot to me that this was read or skimmed through.
Sideways heart symbol Things might be added, changed, or removed in the future. As of now, though, I welcome everyone that isn’t on my DNI to interact even without following!
Sideways heart symbol I hope you have a good day!
Bottom Border (Decorative): Decorative symbols in order of bolded curved line, lines, two dots, lines, yellow heart emoji, lines, two dots, lines, curved line.
Top border (Section Divider): Three pairs of decorative symbols; a series of a dot, lines, two dots, a filled in star symbol, a center empty heart symbol, a filled in star symbol, two dots, lines, a dot.
Bye Bye! in Bigger text
Bottom border (Section Divider): Three pairs of decorative symbols; a series of a dot, lines, two dots, a filled in star symbol, a center empty heart symbol, a filled in star symbol, two dots, lines, a dot.
End ID]
If anything is missing/wrong within the ID, please tell me. This is my first time trying to make an ID.
7 notes · View notes
revenant-coining · 5 months
(pt: Castleofglasical /end pt)
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(id: a rectangular flag of 5 centered and evenly-spaced concentric circles. colors in order, outermost to innermost are dark blue, grey-blue, light blue, grey, and dark green. in the center of the middle circle is a light blue symbol of two connected eighth notes. /end id)
(id: a rectangular flag of 5 centered and evenly-spaced concentric circles. colors in order, outermost to innermost are dark brown, darkish brown, brown, yellow, and pale yellow. in the center of the middle circle is a darkish brown symbol of two connected eighth notes. /end id)
(id: a rectangular flag of 5 centered and evenly-spaced concentric circles. colors in order, outermost to innermost are black-blue, dark blue, blue, blue-green, and pale blue. in the center of the middle circle is a dark blue symbol of two connected eighth notes. /end id)
Castleofglasical; a gender connected to the song “CASTLE OF GLASS” by Linkin Park.
Diaryofjanical; a gender connected to the song “The Diary of Jane” by Breaking Benjamin.
Lostinthechoical; a gender connected to the song “LOST IN THE ECHO” by Linkin Park.
etymology; castle of glas(s)/diary of jan(e)/lost in the echo, ical
let us know if these have been coined before!
for cam!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
13 notes · View notes
bluepastels29 · 1 year
Skye (Numbuh 7) Ref sheet
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Skye Dickson
Sky Queen (Numbuh 2), Wingnut (Numbuh 86), Robo-expert (herself)
(Gen 1) 11
(Gen 2) 14
(Gen 3) 27
Humorous, carefree, and sarcastic, Skye likes to crack jokes at any given moment to keep the mood lightened (much to her most of her sector's annoyance). She loves messing around with the adults and teenagers when fighting them, watching them fall for her tricks and small traps she leaves behind. Having an IQ of 140, Skye is quick to thinking up plans both for fighting and inventing. She can be cocky at times to where it gets the best of her and can easily catch her off guard. Whenever she feels down or stressed, she quickly masks it with her usual joking self and bottles up her feelings rather than talk to someone. She can be very protective of her friends and family, immediately jumping in to defend them of any danger.
Very sneaky when leaving traps such as mini paint bombs, trip wires, and marbles behind during a battle A quick thinker for being in tight time situations Is talented for inventing weapons and uses them to fight and help her teamIs very optimistic and it's hard to wipe off her smile. She knows how to motivate her team after a failed mission to get then in higher spiritsHer main combat style is air battles and can be a huge advantage for those who don't have any 2x4 air tech on themHer weredog form makes her weigh 180lbs more so it's easier to pin someone down or throw a powerful hit
Skye sometimes has trouble controlling her anger which can end to really hurting someone or herselfSkye tends to bottle up her emotions and mask it with her usual happy attitude until she eventually breaks down.Can get too cocky when competing or just showing off and can be blind to everything around her from focusing too hard on her goalHer anxiety causes her to easily get overwhelmed and get in the way of finishing thingsSkye works best at night so she most likely stays up til dawn or up to a few days working on projects and making her act loopy and clumsy from tiredness
Numbuh 7
2x4 tech officer
Global Pilot
Mostly anything she invents
Sector V (formerly)
Other abilities
When going into her weredog form, she is more agile and quick and has big paws to strike and pin someone down Is talented at air battles but gets a bit carried away with ariel stuntsVery agile in the air and uses her J.E.T.A.B.O.O.T.S to her advantage Uses her surroundings to help with her hand-to-hand combat and to plan getaways
Amelia Dickson/Mega Mom- She doesn't remember much of her mom during her time at the orphanage but heard from Chad and Brynlee that she can go a bit overboard when giving her kids affection and can be downright embarrassing when attending school plays,sports games, or around their friends. She found her to be pretty strict when it comes to school grades and keeping the house clean but overtime she started to step back a little when the sibs are in their mid teens.
Arthur Dickson/Destructo Dad- Her Dad is known as the fun parent who cracks a lot of Dad jokes, which Skye loves to join in on. She secretly gets along more with him than her mom and finds out they both act almost alike. Skye loves that she has a parent to talk to and be herself around (and to have a test subject for a few inventions)
Benjamin Beaumont- Its still a mystery for Skye never hearing about her uncle and only knows that he's mom's twin brother. Whenever Skye mentions him, Amelia instantly changes the subject or starts to get angry but either way it was weird. She asked her dad about it and he hesitantly mentions that Benjamin is a hermited inventor and that Ben and Amelia got into a huge fight when they were teens during their parents divorce and haven't spoke since. Nobody knows his whereabouts but assumes he still lives in France where he was born.
Chad Dickson- During when her memory of him was wiped, Skye saw Chad as an enemy and a traitor like everyone else in the KND. She would pull as many pranks on him when she got the chance, especially during the times she visited Brynlee. When getting her memories back, she instantly felt horrible and guilty for the way she treated her older brother and tried to find ways to make it up to him until he instantly forgave her. Their the type of siblings to constantly mess with each other and try to annoy the other (which Skye doesn't most of). They can count on each other whenever one of them gets into trouble and not to rat each other out to their parents. Chad is known to get overworked so Skye is the one to pry him away from studies or missions and make him take care of himself, same with Skye and staying up working on projects.
•Brynlee Dickson- Even when losing her memories, the two instantly got along when reuniting in cadet training. Skye always begged Numbuh 1 to arrange both sectors to go on missions together, but unfortunately that's only for emergencies. When regaining their memories, they became even more inseparable and started taking back the time they were apart and filling it with more positive memories. Out of the two, Skye seems to be the most protective and sometimes even turning into a mother hen whenever Bryn gets injured during a mission or dealing with jerks. Like most twins, they know what the other is feeling and is in danger, also can unintentionally speak in unison.
Jet Dickson- Skye and Jet have been through a lot together and sadly know more about each other than their siblings. They can also be the type of siblings to bicker and get on each other's nerves but almost instantly make up like nothing happened. They both have ptsd from the orphanage with Jet having severe paranoia, so when something is triggered, they know how to calm the other down. They can sometimes get into dramatic arguments over the smallest things, but its mostly fake and do it just to be funny.
Numbuh 1/Nigel- Skye respects him as a leader and a sectormate. She admires his loyalty to the KND and his team, and knows to always count on him. Whenever they are the only two at the tree house or on a mission together, they usually go to the moonbase to hang out especially on meatball sub wensday. Sometimes people assume that their dating at first sight, but unfortunately Skye has feelings for Numbuh 2 and Nigel being with Lizzy (before the series ends)
Numbuh 3- Despite the two having opposite personalities, they still got along really well. Skye doesn't mind playing tea parties with her but will only fill in if someone else won't to not hurt her feelings. Unlike Numbuh 4, Skye never acts rude around her or call her interests "cruddy" or "stupid" and instead tries to like things she likes to give them a chance and vice versa.
Numbuh 4- Skye is basically his partner in crime right next to Numbuh 2. They like causing trouble together and plan pranks on adults and teenagers. They work very well together in missions despite they usually attack first before planning. She usually forgets to think before acting when around him and becomes reckless and a lot more rowdy.
Numbuh 5- Skye knows to come to her when she wants to chill out. She enjoys going on candy hunts and bringing back truck loads of candy for the team. At times they can get competitive with each other and have friendly challenges such as finding out who can eat more candy under a minute or a soda chugging challenge. They also share a similar incident involving weredogs have been bitten by one.
Numbuh 60- Skye respects him as a higher rank than she is but also wants him to lighten up a little and drags him to have fun with either her siblings or with her sector. They are opposites between strict and workaholic to fun and laid-back which is why Skye usually gets on his nerves. Patton use to be awkward on dates with Brynlee and had Skye as a secret wing-girl until he got more confident with dating.
Numbuh 362- Highly looks up to her as the soopreme leader and greatly admires her leadership. When Rachel also started dating Brynlee, Skye was shocked at first but was really happy and supportive about the news.
Numbuh 86- Skye has a record for the times Fanny screamed her ears off for damaging global airships or crashing them into the moonbase. Skye gets on her bad side without meaning to, so she's one of the very few girls Numbuh 86 yells at. However, they got a chance to bond at Fanny's slumber party and officially became friends.
Antonio Fizzuras/ Ace the kid- Skye was a bit standoffish towards him from hearing about shooting down Numbuh 2's aircraft and disliked it whenever he was flirting with Numbuh 3. They became huge rivals and Ace seems to get Skye furious enough to want to challenge him to air battles. It takes a while for Skye to eventually start to warm up to him but they still remain extremely competitive with each other.
Dustin Rosewood- She became fond of Dustin when Chad introduced him as his boyfriend and thinks him and her brother make a good match. She loves how his cheerfulness is contagious and knows it makes Chad the happiest out of them. Skye also loves to make jokes about them followed by a few mature ones to annoy the hell out of Chad while Dustin hides his face in his hoodie.
Justin Cavallero- Use to see him as an enemy for being a teen ninja and despised him after finding out he was using Chad while they were dating. When he and Chad got back together and now in a poly relationship with Dustin, it took Skye a couple of months to fully trust him.
Madame Rouge- Skye will forever hate her for separating her family and leaving scars on her and Jet. She sees Rouge as nothing but a heartless monster for her time at the orphanage, having severe ptsd whenever going near the place despite it now being abandoned.
•Natalie Keller- Skye saw her as a big nuisance during cadet training and picked a fight whenever Brynlee was being bullied by her. Was determined to score a higher rank than her to prove herself.
•Jacob/Numbuh 211- Skye always gets furious whenever she sees him, wanting to wipe the smug look on his face when bullying her sister and Sector V. She feels the need to defend those who ever interact with him, feeling a bit on edge.
Love Interest(s)
Numbuh 2- Due to her huge crush on the flyboy, Skye is usually more loving towards him and will occasionally flirt by using pick up lines when no one else is around. The two share a love for jokes and aircraft, and usually go out for chilidogs. She loves his charming and kind nature and the fact that he easily makes her laugh. Although he tries to charm up other girls, She can thank Numbuh 5 for literally smacking him out of it. They love collaborating with each other when working on machines to test them out.
On the night of her and her sister's 5th birthday, Skye along with her 3 year old brother, Jet, were taken from their house and woke up in what they were told was an orphanage, which was named Forever Home, with no memories of their family or even their last names. The lady who was running the place was named Rouge Adderson but strictly wanted to be addressed as Madame Rouge and lied to the two siblings informing that their parents were reported to have died and will now be residing at Forever Home until the age of 18. When Skye asked about her last name, Jet blurted out "Rocket" while pointing to a space rocket drawing on the wall, giving them their new names: Skye and Jet Rocket.
The next eight years were like a living hell for Skye, having to deal with Madame Rouge's abuse and intense study sessions. Her arms and face were marked by scratches and tiny scars for having to receive discipline after standing up for her brother or making a small mistake. She also had a fresh injury on her left side going up a bit towards her rib after making the mistake of lashing out of anger towards Madame Rouge for striking Jet and got the feeling of claw like nails scrape across her side, which was intended to cross her face but missed when Skye tried to dodge. One night, Skye overheard her roommates planning an escape and took the opportunity for her and her brother to be apart of it, swearing not to tell anyone else along with agreeing to sneak them candy until they're free.
On the night of the escape, 8 year old Skye snuck out of the room with a now 6 year old Jet and sent him with the others while she checked if Madame Rouge was asleep. Madame Rouge was asleep and all looked according to plan until she remembered the box of necklaces inside Rouge's nightstand on the day Skye snooped inside to find more information about her parents and accidentally found the box instead. Quickly, Skye grabbed the box and left to meet up with the kids while hiding it underneath her pajama shirt. The leader of the escapist was a girl named Sarah and led them down into the basement to escape through a small window which was surrounded by kids Skye never seen before and wearing cooking pots, baking sheets, sand pales and other stuff to look like armor with numbers and the letters KND painted on their "helmets" and "chestplates".
Despite meeting these strangers, Skye knew they were sent to help them escape. Before anyone could get away, the door slammed open and out flowed a number of security and women who Skye recognized a few who are her study tutors and lastly Madame Rouge, making the kids hearts stop while frozen in place while shielded by the KND operatives aiming their weapons. After Rouge furiously yelled out an order, a fight broke out, and most of the operatives were taken down from being outnumbered. Soon enough, some of the escapists were captured as well, leaving Sarah, Skye, and Jet the only kids to fend for themselves. Sarah grabbed hold of both their hands and made a run for the open window with Rouge closing in. Jet was the first to go out, and Skye followed behind, only to look back and witness Sarah being captured. A KND air ship was waiting outside for them and were taken to the moonbase to be checked and treated for any injuries for their first moments of freedom.
2 years later, Skye, age 10, is now a member of Sector V with her codename, Numbuh 7, and worked alongside Numbuh 2 as a 2x4 tech officer and pilot. Jet, age 8½, wasn't assigned a Sector and is instead a floating operative as a detective and journalist and is sent to sectors when on detective duty. During the night they sleep in Skye's room at the treehouse ever since their escape and were well taken care of for staying 2 years in a treehouse. Skye also has a best friend, Brynlee Dickson/Numbuh 205, when in cadet training while still blocked by the truth of who she truly is. One summer, Numbuh 1-love was hosting a summer party at Sector J with every sector being invited. The summer party was only the beginning for them, being the most eventful summer of their lives.
It wasn't until Madame Rouge started helping the adults make a mind control device that'll take down the entire kids next door, that all sectors were ordered by Numbuh 362 to station at Forever Home for a war between kids and adults. Chad tagged along with Skye, Bryn, and Jet to help them in the fight while secretly calling some TND operatives to help on the sidelines. During the last days of summer, Madame Rouge was finally defeated, and her body retreated into one of the necklaces, trapping her inside. Once she was contained, the necklace began to glow and got brighter by the second until releasing a red flash causing Skye,Jet,Brynlee, and Chad's eyes to flash between blue and red until finally ending at a bright blue before going back to normal. Slowly, their memories start coming back, revealing the truth about them being long-lost siblings to each other. After that, the family catches up on lost time, slowly turning whole again.
Voice Claims
Young- Hayley Tju (voice of Marcy Wu from Amphibia)
Teen/Adult- Linda Cardellini (voice of Wendy from Gravity Falls)
(Brynlee, Jacob, and Natalie belong to emtem.xox on instagram 💙)
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cambrioleur · 7 months
a totally not sarcastic guide to the 'Lupin' ships
Assane Diop x Claire Laurent
all-time failmarriage (although they do both genuinely adore their son)
when "I can fix him" goes very wrong
Assane is Claire's catnip, apparently
it’s not a real 'Lupin' season if it doesn’t end with Claire breaking down in tears because of some insane family-ruining bullshit that Assane has just pulled
possible portmanteau nicknames: "classane"; "diorent"
you like this couple: if you're only interested in canonical pairings; if you enjoy watching a woman's Polyanna-esque willingness to hope for a better future get repeatedly crushed into oblivion; if you're a little bit in love with Ludivine Sagnier it's me, I'm the one who is a little bit in love with Ludivine Sagnier, to the point where I even liked her in that recent Starz period drama 'The Serpent Queen' in which her character is a deranged villainess who bathes in gold (it's as weird as it sounds)
Youssef Guédira x Sofia Belkacem
geek + tsundere dynamic
do they actually have any chemistry though? Discuss
possible portmanteau nicknames: "beldira"; "youssefia"
you like this couple: if you simp for tall women who wear combat boots and could kick your ass in virtually any individual sport; if you're a huge anime fan
Assane Diop x Benjamin Férel
VERY popular on Tumblr and AO3, to the point where people were somehow all over this even back when Ben had about 5 total minutes of screen time in Part 1
funnily there's an official tie-in book which implies that Ben might be aroace
either way, the showrunners absolutely declared war on the Assane/Ben shippers with the second half of Part 3
possible portmanteau nickname: "diorel"
you like this couple: if, much like (seemingly) a solid 25% of the internet, you have a tendency to sexualize any and all same-gender friendships
Assane Diop x Youssef Guédira
the other pairing that’s especially popular on Tumblr and AO3
per the series’ timeline we’re currently about 16 months into "if a rivalry lasts longer than 7 years then you are no longer rivals, you are GAY"
Chapter 5 in Part 3 is Assane/Guédira enjoyers’ Roman Empire
possible portmanteau nicknames: "lunimard"; "guédiop"
you like this couple: if you're a fan of a good (fr)enemies-to-lovers arc; if you think that "giving each other corny nicknames that are based on shared interests" is a love language
Youssef Guédira x Fleur Bélanger
short-ish king meets short queen
probably won’t help the Paris police department beat the corruption allegations (to be fair the allegations aren't exactly inaccurate)
possible portmanteau nickname: "guélanger"
you like this couple: if you’re a Guédira stan who isn’t interested in shipping him with Assane but at the same time you like watching Belkacem get screwed over
Claire Laurent x Benjamin Férel
this ship does indeed exist in the wild and it's more common than you might think
together these two max out on "good" but maybe not so much on "lawful"
possible portmanteau nickname: "clérel"
you like this couple: if you’re mad at Assane and think both Claire and Ben deserve better (and honestly, you're not wrong)
Assane Diop x Juliette Pellegrini
I'm sorry but if you're into this then we can't be friends
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stratossphere · 1 year
Tumblr media
cigarettes | v.v
you and ville are freshly broken up, but you still have to work together, and you’re hurting.
warnings: gender neutral!reader, angst, broken-up pining, suggestive content, getting interrupted, smoking
word count: 4k
a/n: some breakup angst for you while i work on my drafts!!!
tags: @asskickedbygirl @lieutenant-cinnamon-roll @kissofdawn666 @brandons-wife @valos-venus-doom @ghoulishguns @h3artk1ller @4377666 @althaiascure
— —
Work was really starting to wear you down to the bone. Sure, you'd been the one to agree to this stupid goddamn project in the first place, but that had been before you and Ville had separated, and now the very fresh strain of you not being together paired with the fact that Bam Margera was more than a headache to work with wasn't something you'd fully prepared yourself to deal with.
You and Ville had broken up not even a week ago. The fighting had become too harsh and the constant time away from each other had grown too much, and after an explosive fight and a lot of angry packing, you were both trying to continue to do your jobs while fresh out of the joint worst breakup of your lives.
So yeah. You loved your job, and you totally weren’t miserable directing HIM’s ‘Buried Alive by Love’ music video at all.
Not to mention the millions of hiccups you'd experienced so far in the short amount of time that you'd been filming. It was making you really glad that the project funding was coming from HIM's producers and Bam's own pockets instead of yours.
"Let's just take a fucking break. 30 minutes. I can't fucking deal with this." Bam had said after you'd experienced the last fuck-up in your plan, throwing down his binder and ripping his headset off of his head from where he had been standing next to you behind the camera. You threw a hand in the air, because you knew that you were never going to get the fucking video done if he kept quitting every time he got annoyed, but held your tongue because as long as it was on his dollar, it was kind of his right.
"Go pick up lunch, then." You called after him. If he was going to put everything to a halt just because he had a touchy temper, then he was going to have to pay for it. He turned around slowly on his heel, a venomous look on his face.
"Fine. Good thing I have your wallet, huh?" And then he stomped off down the hall to the left. With your wallet, which you had entrusted him with because you happened to not have any pockets at the moment, and which happened to have both your debit and credit card inside. Great. He was getting paid the Benjamin to your Washington, and yet he couldn't be bothered to have any courtesy.
You could feel yourself starting to get agitated, and you could tell that everyone else was close to being the same, so you removed your headset from around your neck and set it down much nicer than Bam had on the table behind you. Ville, Burton, Mige, Linde, and Gas were all still in position on the stage with their instruments in the positions that you had intricately formed so that the camera was hitting them correctly, and you heard a chorus of groans.
"How many times are we going to do a goddamn pause?" Mige complained, pulling his bass strap from over his shoulder and gently setting it up against the amp that was close to his foot. The rest of the band also began to abandon their instruments, and you let out a deep, apologetic sigh.
"You know I can't do anything about it. He's in charge." You muttered, shaking your head as you stopped in front of the stage. Ville was standing close to you, and you could see him rifling around in his pockets for the third cigarette pack that he'd already burned through half of in the six hours that you'd been working so far. You knew that your pack wasn't far behind, and you also made the decision that you were going to be spending your 30 minute break burning through the second half. "You guys are doing great, though. Patience is a virtue."
"Not one of mine." Burton muttered, which made both Gas and Linde snicker while Mige just shook his head along with him. Ville then rolled his eyes, motioning to you before looking back at everyone else.
"Be good. They’re buying your lunch." He scolded, tutting as he put a cigarette between his lips and patting down his pockets before groaning and turning to you. "Do you have a light, by chance?"
"Did you not hear the whole speech about no smoking in here? If they see it on the cameras they'll charge us another grand in cleaning fees." You said tiredly before you pulled the cigarette right out from between his lips, shaking your head and giving him a look that said 'do you listen to anything that people say to you?' At his offended look, you held the cigarette away. "I'll give you a light. Outside."
"Okay, but seriously. Only 30 minutes, guys." The product manager gave you a warning look, because you knew that she knew how suspicious it looked that you and Ville were going out on your own. Everyone obviously knew that you were broken up by now, but you knew that it was probably pretty obvious that neither of you were really completely settled in that change. So you had that going for you.
"Just send Bam out to get me when he gets back with food." You reassured. If she had to worry about anyone wasting your time, she should've been more focused on the man that was literally leaving the building. Bam had a tendency to never actually come back to do things when he was supposed to, and at this point you had given up on trying to keep a solid time schedule. "If he comes back."
"He fucking better." She muttered, half sounding as if she was warning you against it. As if you could control anything that Bam did. The best you could do was threaten to hurt him if he didn't do something you wanted, which was unfortunate when you were dealing with the masochist that Bam was. He wasn't exactly one to cooperate with anything. Ever.
You led Ville out of that godforsaken building as quickly as you could manage, because with your crew breathing down your neck and Bam acting like a toddler with behavioral issues, you were really starting to get annoyed. As the both of you walked, you were trying to distract yourself from the fact that you were alone with each other by silently trying to decide whether or not you wanted to smoke a cigarette anywhere near Ville, or just keep your distance. You settled on multitasking just as you stepped outside into the cold air.
"You know, I passed up an opportunity to go to a big shoot for this project." You complained as you handed over both his confiscated cigarette and your naked-lady lighter. Ville raised his eyebrows slightly when he got a look at the lighter, then shrugged.
"You would've still been dealing with drunk idiots. Just on a different set." It was a pretty accurate reminder, and you shrugged. There was a look in his eyes that you couldn't quite read when you did so, and you felt your stomach do a barrel roll as you looked away for a second. Stop it. Stop fucking looking at him like that. It was literally taking every ounce of strength you had in you not to fall right back into that habit. Hell, a week ago you'd still been holding him in your arms while you fell asleep at night.
"Bam wouldn't have been there." You muttered, shaking your head to yourself as you walked to where your car was parked on the curb. You had been smoking before you'd come into the building when you'd gotten there that morning, and your pack was still in the glove box.
Unfortunately for you, you had enough cigarettes to last the average person a week at least, but somehow you'd forgotten to actually bring a jacket of any kind. In the dead of winter. You didn’t exactly live in a frozen tundra, but it was still winter. And you ran cold in general.
You weighed your options. If Ville hadn't been there, you would've just sat in your car for the 30 minutes that you had to yourself, but he was there. And you didn't know if you had enough self control to be in such tight quarters with him for more than a couple of minutes. You could tell by the way his eyes were following your every move where he thought you didn't notice that there was a good chance he was going to have the same problem on the premise that you did invite him into the car.
But he still had your lighter, you were in a t-shirt, and he was in a tank-top. He usually didn't get cold, and had a habit of wearing light sweatshirts in the middle of winter, but it couldn't have been warmer than 35 degrees outside. So you took a deep breath and steadied your mind.
"You wanna sit in the car? It's freezing." You offered, trying your best to keep how nervous you were out of your tone of voice. Your consolation was that he often took up on almost whatever you offered, which meant that you probably weren’t going to have to smoke alone for once.
"Everyone told you that you would be cold." Despite his sour reminder, Ville was already walking towards the car, which was an unfortunate angle, because you were bent over in the passenger seat digging through your glove box. You scoffed.
"Yeah, but you'll excuse me if I've been feeling a little off lately." You defended yourself, finally finding your pack of cigarettes in the midst of all the junk crammed into your glove box before you stood back up and out of the passenger seat. "I'll borrow somebody else's. Eventually."
Ville made a slight face at your bringing up feeling off, because you both knew exactly why you felt a little off, before he cleared his throat.
“Sorry. I guess.” He muttered out an apology as he watched you circle around to the driver’s side of the car, standing long enough to shoot you a look before he slid into the passenger seat at the same time you pulled the driver’s side door open. You could clearly see the way he was watching you like a hawk to gauge each and every one of your reactions, but you held a front to avoid his scrutinizing stare.
“You know, I don’t think I’d be able to do my job if I didn’t get breaks of peace in between.” You said thoughtfully as you stuck your own cigarette between your lips and lit it, staring woefully through the glass of the windshield as you pictured being back behind the director’s chair with Bam in half an hour or so. Sometimes you didn’t know if you would consider it friendship or torture.
"I didn't think you were going to agree to do this." Ville spoke tightly, as if he knew exactly what tension that was going to add to the car, his words coming through billows of smoke as he exhaled.
"Bam is paying me good money." You pointed out as you blew smoke to the side so that it wasn't directly in his face, grinning sheepishly when he rolled his eyes at your reasoning. In all honesty, you had actually come very close to dipping out on this job. But you weren’t about to tell Ville that the only reason you were hanging out with him was because you were offered a pay raise and three six packs. "And how can I say no when we're like, five minutes from my place?"
"I don't know. I just...we aren't talking anymore, so I don't know." Ville finally looked back up to your eyes then, and although you weren’t looking directly at him, you could see the discomfort on his face. His tone was unkempt and he obviously didn't quite know what to say, which in a way made you feel guilty.
"We're still talking. Promise. I just need some time to let this settle. This is really hard for me." You admitted, finding his eyes with a look that begged him to bear with you. You knew everyone wanted you to be normal and just pretend like things that were happening weren't actually happening, but you just didn't have the strength.
He didn't respond, just stared at you with those soul-searing black-lined green eyes as he took a long drag off of his cig. You were basically squirming in your seat at the crushing discomfort that was clouding the car faster than the stale burn of cigarette smoke as you blew smoke into the air, and you couldn't help the way your fingers tapped against your knee over and over again. Finally, when he'd exhaled his hit and quelled a bit of clearing his throat, Ville killed the silence again.
"It feels weird to stay in a hotel when you live five minutes away." Great. It's not like he was making this any easier on you. Here was the man you were still hopelessly, painfully in love with in your car, alone with you, talking about how he missed staying at your apartment. Knowing you couldn't have him. Fucking prick.
"Bam’s staying there, so it’s not like there’s any room for you." Irritation was easier than distress, so that's exactly what you settled on, a scowl plastered on your face as you went back to staring out the windshield so that you didn’t have to look at him. You had just asked him to let you let this settle, and he was doing about the opposite.
"Don’t get pissy. That was my second home for years, Y/n." His tone was harsh, as he clearly had no problems with speaking his mind on things that you had been trying as hard as humanly possible to keep buried deep inside over these past few days, and you almost choked on the smoke you were inhaling as he leaned towards you just slightly. "Please don't shove me away."
"Ville." You couldn't tell if you were begging him to stop talking or to talk even more. The car suddenly seemed ten times smaller than it had a minute ago, and despite the fact that you had gotten inside in the first place because you were cold, you could feel yourself starting to sweat. You knew you probably looked like a deer in headlights, but your brain couldn't seem to keep up with his talking. "I'm not shoving you away. We—we said distance. We're doing distance."
"You can barely even look at me. I wish you would just look at me." He said, his eyes practically burning holes in the side of your head as he rolled down his window just enough to ash his cigarette. You didn’t give him a response, only slowly turned to face him where he had leaned even further forward, closing most of the distance between you so that there was no possible way for you to escape his intense stare. Your chest felt like it was going to cave in.
"Ville, I'm trying to control myself. Seriously. You're making it worse." You breathed out nervously, trying desperately to keep your eyes from falling down to his lips. It was such a practiced habit that it felt unnatural not to. His gaze was unwavering, and suddenly you could feel his hand on your knee.
"I can't be without you right now. I'm not ready." He said quietly, taking a puff of his cigarette and letting the smoke slowly float up from his nose. You tapped your fingernails anxiously against the steering wheel as your eyes shifted between his and his hand, your nails clicking softly and filling the heavy silence as you tried to wrap your brain around the situation you were currently in. You knew he was referring to a more emotional standpoint than a physical one, and you felt your chest tighten at how much you felt the same. You didn't know if hearing it out loud made it better or worse.
"If we don't start, we're never going to." You were really trying to hold on to what you'd been forced to build in your mind in order to do this specific job, but you were falling apart. Internally, and maybe externally, too. "We can't."
"Then why are you doing this job?" He questioned, clearly not falling for your bullshit. His hand hadn't moved from your knee, and it felt like it was burning right down through my skin. You opened your mouth, then closed it momentarily as you tried to figure out how to answer that question without sounding like a bad person.
"I almost quit." You hadn't really wanted him to know that, but you said it anyway, because you didn't know what else to do. You knew you were going to regret it if you went further than just sitting in the weird tension between the both of you, and you were trying to control the insatiable urge to close the minuscule gap between you.
"I'm glad you didn’t." Alright. That was it. Self-restraint was going out the window and your head was tipping forward to touch your lips to his before your brain could even compute. He looked a little surprised that he'd managed to convince you at first, but then he was quickly catching up, his hand immediately pushing further up your leg as he leaned further forward.
You haphazardly reached out to flick your cigarette out your window once you had cracked it, your free hand moving up to cup his cheek as he deepened the kiss with his hand on your upper thigh. You knew where this was going, and you were already checking to see if there was anyone around you before you spoke.
"Let's get in the back. We have like, 20 minutes." You said breathlessly as you broke apart for air, putting your hand over his on your thigh and giving him a look that told him exactly what you wanted. He nodded in agreement, letting you go so that you could fumble into getting into the cramped backseat of your car. He came back after you, landing on top of you without much grace and then pulling laughter out of both of you before you were kissing again.
This was exactly why you were supposed to be giving each other space. Shit like this.
Your legs came up around his hips as his lips began to trail down your neck, one hand pushing under your shirt as he pressed a knee between your legs. You hadn't realized how much you'd needed him until now, and you were feeling a slight sense of panic rising in the back of your brain at how much you were enjoying something you definitely shouldn't have been doing.
And then, as if some greater power was intervening on your lack of good decision making, someone was frantically knocking on the window. You felt dread run through you, because you were in a very compromising position, only to have Ville sigh and slowly get off you, giving you a pretty good idea of who was on the other side of the window.
And, low and behold, when you sat up and turned your head, you were met with the sight of Bam Margera himself standing there looking furious. He jabbed a finger at you and then down at the ground, clearly telling you to get your ass out of the car. Great. You had just made out with Ville after trying so fucking hard no to, and now Bam had been there to see it, too. Things just kept getting better and better.
You took a deep breath before shrugging at Ville and getting out of the car, a sheepish grin slowly forming on your face as you saw him glancing between Ville, who had just gotten out of the car behind you, and you.
"I'm gonna head back inside." Ville mumbled, his hand brushing across your lower back as he passed you and headed back towards the side door that would take him back inside. That left you alone with Bam.
"Are you fucking serious. You told me to keep you in check, and you just waited until I walk away for the first time to tongue him down!" He snapped as soon as Ville was out of hearing range, throwing a hand in the air in exasperation. You cringed, leaning up against the car and wiping off your mouth for good measure.
"I can't fucking help it! I don't know! He...convinced me." You couldn't really give him a better answer than that. It's not like you were actively trying to stay away from Ville, anyway. Plus, Bam had been the one who had begged you to work on this project with him in the first place knowing fully well that you were in no way over Ville.
"You were seriously gonna fuck in the back of your car in broad daylight?" Bam scoffed at the idea, the tip of the cigarette he had between his lips going bright red as he inhaled off of it. "I mean, that's committed for a guy you said you 'can totally be cool with' or whatever."
"Well, obviously I was lying." You retorted dryly, running your hands over your face and trying to clear your head. If it hadn't been at least a little awkward before, it was definitely going to be now. You had literally been minutes from fucking. That wasn't exactly great for your 'we're over each other' motto that you and Ville were both trying to play between each other. "You gotta keep me away from him. Seriously. I'm like, gonna make myself all moody and depressed if I start this shit."
"Would it help if I told you that he made a vow not to talk to you unless he had to?" That was in no way helpful, and had also clearly been a broken vow, considering Ville had actually talked to you almost more than he normally did even despite the circumstances.
"Bam. Not helping." You cut him off before he could make it somehow worse by trying to make it better, raking your fingers through your hair and silently hating yourself for ever agreeing to work with your friends. You could've been filming for real media right now if you hadn't called off specifically for this bullshit. "Just—can we please just get this done today so that I don't have to be around him anymore? This whole thing is easier to deal with when he's not 10 feet up my ass all the time."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. At least try to keep your tongue in your mouth for the rest of the day.” You could always count on Bam and his five star, incredibly helpful advice. You were always thankful that your best friend was always so worried about your well-being and the severity of your emotions.
However, his advice was advice that you weren’t going to take, and throughout the rest of your filming day, you never let your eyes off of Ville. Not that you really had to, considering you were in the middle of directing him, but you could see it in his eyes, too. He felt the same deep, gnawing need and regret that you had been trying to push down for days now.
God, he was so perfect. He was handsome, he’d been laughing with the band all day despite the stress of trying to film on a schedule, and it was just making you miss him so badly. Everything about him seemed to be infecting your mind today, and you felt as if you couldn’t take it.
You weren’t over him. You assumed it was pretty obvious to everyone else, but you weren’t quite done combating the thought in your head. And they also didn’t have to deal with what felt like your heart being ripped in half every time you forced yourself to ignore his stares from across the room.
You couldn’t have him. God, you wanted him, but you couldn’t have him, and as hard as it was, you managed to pretend for your own sake. You pretended that you didn’t need him. You pretended that you didn’t feel it when his hand would linger on you every time he passed you. You pretended, because you knew that was the only way that you were going to survive.
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ambushingghostart · 4 days
Blog number 4
How to Challenge the Digital Divide and Poverty
In "The Revolution Will Be Digitized: Afrocentricity and the Digital Public Sphere," Anna Everett focuses on the intersection of African Americans and their efforts to bridge the digital divide. African Americans, referred to as "black technophiles," have been driven to break barriers in the digital workspace. They advocate for the use of social platforms and technology as tools to empower education, businesses, and political activism within African American communities.
Many technological platforms and corporations are designed with biases against poor communities, which often lack the resources for modern digital infrastructure necessary to empower the next generation. Black technophiles challenge a system that has neglected marginalized African American communities, demanding equal access to the opportunities of the digital age.
How to Break the Modern "Jim Codes"
In the article "The New Jim Codes," Ruha Benjamin examines the historical parallels between past and present forms of discrimination, focusing on how technological inequality resembles the tactics used during the Jim Crow era. Benjamin argues that algorithms and artificial intelligence disproportionately discriminate against people of color, compared to white Americans, based on the biased data used to program these platforms.
The "New Jim Codes" are unethical in minority communities due to the lack of human oversight and the potential for flawed technology to perpetuate discrimination.
At What Age Should Digital Data Begin Being Collected?
In "Algorithms of Oppression," Safiya Noble provides critical insight into how the data collected from young people through surveillance can reinforce racial and gender biases, limiting opportunities. This data is often used to perpetuate systems of inequality, frequently without the knowledge or consent of the individuals involved. Innocent people, particularly children, are caught between biased algorithms and security risks, with little accountability from agencies meant to provide neutral oversight.
Are You Protected from Safe Searches?
In the introduction to "Algorithms of Oppression," Safiya Noble argues that while search engines are often perceived as neutral, they are, in reality, filled with racism and sexism. Google search algorithms, in particular, tend to prioritize content that often works against women of color, especially Black women. As a result, minority women and girls are frequently sexualized on the internet, with harmful platforms gaining access to innocent users without safeguards or accountability. Protecting users should be a priority for search engines, but these algorithms often serve to exploit and maintain power over the user instead.
Everett, A. (2002). The Revolution Will Be Digitized. Duke University Press. 
Benjamin, R. (2019). Race After Technology. 
Noble, S. U. (2018). Algorithms of oppression. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt1pwt9w5
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