#breaking bones and getting concussions and falling on my arm so hard it snaps in half and theres nothing that can be done for it so they
painsandconfusion · 3 months
Off Guard
Whumping the Whumpers - Part Thirty-eight
(tw: electrocution, escape attempt, concussion, torture, death mention, murder mention, plotting murder, handcuffs, stun gun, blood, beating, unintentional self harm (bloody knuckles)) [Previous | Masterpost | Next]
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Ethan’s fingers tingled as he walked, flicking them against each other by his side to stave off the sensation as he moved down the hall. 
He didn’t want to be too loud. Not tonight. The light was off in Nate’s room, so the bastard must finally be getting some half decent sleep. No reason to wake him and have the idiot trying to take over the scene. Again.
He shoved open the workshop doors, ignoring the slight grinding whine the hinges gave off - though still subconciously noting to add some kind of oil or whatever the fuck you do with hinges later. As the lights snapped on, the pitiful lump of a man in the middle of the room curled into his chains, a small sound of displeasure coming off of him.
“What, were you sleeping? I’m sorry-” Ethan stepped up to him, almost delicately pressing a foot down onto a dried slurry of blood that gashed over Crawford’s thigh. 
“Hmm… I dunno, maybe beg a little more and see if it puts me in a good mood?” The edges of his mouth seemed to shift, tugging like curtains pulled by a string on the other side of the room to coax a smile out of him. 
Getting there, at least.
It was an almost completely forgotten sensation. Smiling without meaning to. It pulled an entirely different set of muscles than the simple, polite curve he gave to people he wanted to shut up or leave him alone. Different than the ruse he put on or the sarcastic toothy grin he threw in Nate’s direction in place of a verbal response. This was something different entirely. Like a little parasite had carved up inside his cheek and gnawed at the thin strands of muscle until they tightened like strings of a violin, ready for the steady screech of rosin to truly set them alight.
“Hmm~?” Ethan’s foot ground in further, leaning in to see Crawford’s face as the man squished it against the cement. 
Another incoherent slurry of sound pressed from the man’s throat, still curled into a ball around the spot where the shackle lashed him to the ground. 
Ethan rolled his eyes, pushing off the man with a small kicking shove before crouching down and squirming his hand into the knotted ball of a man to grab his jaw. Twist him round. Hear his neck crackle with the fresh movement after nights sleeping on cement.
“Use your words,” he prompted, forefinger alone relenting the grip to taptaptap on Crawford’s jaw.
Ethan knew pain.
Close friends as they were for so many years, it was strange he found himself at a loss for its name when it reared its ugly head once more, overwhelming his mind in a single snap of blank, processing emptiness.
Ethan felt the echoing crack as his head hit the concrete, remnants of what he was finally recognizing as electricity buzzing down his twitching legs.
Some strangled growl ripped up his throat as he tried to right himself enough to grab for the man who was shoving on top of him, but his arms were slow - groggy from sleeplessness, shock and lost, aimless electrons trying to find their way underground. 
He shoved at Crawford only to feel the prongs of the stun gun shoved hard into his collarbone, burning agony through the skin and crackling as if eating through the bone itself as he thrashed to shove the searing pain away.
My name is Ethan Scott. The mantra lit up the back of his skull without prompt or ask. It was just there.
It begged him to fall stoic. To sit still and take it. Be tough. Be a good b-
My name is Ethan Scott and you cannot break me.
He won’t sit still- he can’t. Taking it isn’t strength right now, taking it is defeat.
Crawford was the one in chains today. 
Ethan’s hands scrabbled for Crawford’s arm, finally knocking the thing off of his flesh with a roaring gasp, shoving the other man off of him as best he could. 
Knuckles snapped against his nose, crunching it back. Some dull part of his mind calculated that that wasn’t even half the force of Crawford’s normal blows, but it locked up his mind anyway, pushing his gaze hazy and blurred as heat snapped across his sinuses and exploded behind his eyes. 
There was blood. He could taste it.
Shoving numbly, he was barely keeping up enough to track the bastard’s fingers knotting into his hair and slamming his head into the ground. Again. Again. Again-
And it stopped.
The weight lifted off of him in a blur of white and charcoal grey, sound muffling to the side. 
Ethan shoved back, hand moving to his face to press against the bleeding and squeeze his eyes shut to will vision to return to him. His head was spinning, like he was about to tip over and crack against the ground again. 
He shoved it back. Forced his eyes open and made them focus on the sounds and movement to his left as he shoved himself up on an elbow to squint at the unknown blur.
It took a moment to process exactly what he was seeing. 
Nate was a cheerful kind of bitch. The asshole whose smirk you could never wipe off. The life of the party. Class clown. Charmer. No matter how many screams he ripped out of Ethan, he did it with a gentle, almost seductive tone, grinning, smirking, or smiling almost fondly. He’d only seen Nate angry the once. When they’d met for the second time. 
But this savage blur in front of Ethan’s bleary eyes had him wondering if he was knocked into a dream. Blood splattered up Nate’s face from the sheer force of his hits as he drove his fist into Crawford’s face again and again, snapping it back and forth against the unforgiving cement. He didn’t even have to pin the man down - the welp on the floor couldn’t do anything but try to throw his arms up in front of the blows, shielding his face. 
Nate didn’t seem to care. He hit them too. Silent yet somehow screaming a rage tha echoed through Ethan’s skull.
Ethan sat there for several long seconds, trying to blink away the mirage in front of him before it slowly sharperned into clarity. It was really happening. 
A dull thought finally graced his addled mind. He’s going to kill him.
Immediately a panic pressed up through Ethan’s veins like acid, snapping him to attention and the closest thing to lucidity his star-studded mind could handle. He shoved up to his knees and flopped forward to tackled Nate off of the man. “St- sstop- STOP!”
Nate shoves at Ethan, trying to throw him off enough to get back to Crawford. Ethan could practically see the red smeared over Nate’s eyes as he shoved the man’s hands away, fogged body easily ignoring the nails slicing blood from his arms in their desperation to return to their proper target.
“NATE STOP.” Ethan finally just grabbed Nate’s face, forcing it toward him. 
Nate’s eyes stayed on Crawford, but he did slow, chest heaving and teeth barred like some kind of animal.
“..that’s enough-!”
Nate tried to shove off the words along with his hands. “He w-”
“I get to kill him. Me. Not you. Me.” 
Nate’s breath stuttered off its ragged rhythm, and his jaw set, lips pinched tight as a glare snapped to Ethan’s eyes at last. 
In a surrendering kind of huff, he shoved Ethan off of him again. This time Ethan let himself roll to the side, lying with shallow, echoing breath on the ground as Nate shoved out the workshop doors at a brisk walk, sticky hand leaving a smear of blood like claw marks over the edge of the door.
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(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @wormwriting @distinctlywhumpthing @whump-cafe @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @azayta  @batfacedliar-yetagain @there-will-always-be-blood @siren-of-agony @whumpworld @bandages-andobsessions-deactiva @deltaxxk @whumpasaurus101 @pickywhumpreader @whumpberry-cookie @morning-star-whump @nailevislev @throwawaywhumper @the-mourning-star @d-cs @pigeonwhumps @suspicious-whumping-egg @snakebites-and-ink @whumpedydump @orphans-parent @whumplr-reader @rainbowsandwhumperflies @starfields08000 @sunnyesunny @crystallizedme @lumpofsand @taterswhump)
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fandomsnstuff · 7 months
We're moving so i did So Much today to prep my room for staging or whatever, i didnt even get to writing until like. 9:30 or 10, so it's short and sweet today, posted with just over an hour to spare
Day 12: coworkers au
Lup's just trying to help Magnus out and make a little extra pocket change. Why does shit always have to go sour?
Read it on AO3
When Magnus first proposed his idea for a winter time side hustle, Lup didn't think it'd really get off the ground. Who was going to pay to have someone put up their outdoor Candlenights decorations for them? Decorating is half the fun of the season. But she agreed to help when she could.
Turns out, a lot of people will pay for it. They had to introduce a service to just put lights along the eavestroughs. People hate doing that shit, but she and Magnus run like a well oiled machine. Neither of them necessarily need the money, but it's a nice little bonus to end the ear. Plus it gets them outside during the few hours of sunlight. Take that, seasonal depression.
Lup's up on a ladder, adjusting some of the attachments along one part of the house. Magnus is somewhere nearby, fiddling with another string, trying to untie the knot it tied itself into over the past ten months in storage. “We wrap these up nicely, don't we?” He says. “Every year, we bundle them up so we don't have to do this, and every year they're impossible!”
Lup attaches a few extra hooks to the house. “Just give it a good shake, they'll sort themselves out.” She hears the jingling of little lightbulbs clinking against each other, and Magnus exclaims happily. “Told you.” She snaps the string she's working on into the new hooks. “Alright, Mags. Give that a tug.”
Magnus plus his untangled string into the end of hers, and pulls gently on the join. The droops in the string pull taut, and the lights hang perfectly straight down. Lup nods, satisfied.
She's taken two steps down the ladder when her foot slips. She tries to throw her hands out behind her, but she lands hard against the frozen ground. “Holy shit!” Mangus runs over and drops to his knees by her side. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she says unconvincingly, “just waiting for the sky to stop spinning.”
Magnus inhales sharply. “Alright, uh, I'm gonna call 911.”
“You don't have to do that.”
“No, I super do. Because, one, you just fell off a ladder onto dirt that's been frozen solid, without any snow to break your fall, and two,” he pauses, and she can see him cringe, “I, uh, don't think your elbow's supposed to bend like that.”
She cranes her neck up to look, and she really wishes she hadn't. Her arm is laying in a way it really shouldn't be. She drops her head back against the ground. “Why doesn't it hurt?”
“Shock, probably? Just- don't move.”
By the time the ambulance shows up, it hurts. The paramedics do whatever tests they have to. She wiggles her fingers and toes, she knows her name, where she is, the date, the president, all that good stuff. They stabilise her arm and load her up. Magnus stays behind so he can drive his truck and meet her at the hospital.
Once there, they do some x-rays and it turns out she fucked up her arm real bad. No concussion, thankfully. They set the bone, which hurts like a bitch, but she gets a pink cast out of it.
“I always wanted to break a bone when I was younger,” Magnus says as the nurse wraps Lup's arm in the hot pink material.
The nurse laughs. “That's pretty common.”
“I dreamed of having a red cast. Like, firetruck red. And everybody at school would see my cool red cast and sign it.”
“I'm living my dreams, babe,” Lup says. “Hot pink cast for the win.”
“Hell yeah.” He high fives her good hand.
She looks back at the nurse, “how long do I have to wear this anyway?”
“With the complexity of the break, it could be six to eight weeks."
“Eight weeks?!”
“Maybe more, if an x-ray shows that it's shifted or not healing properly.”
“It didn't feel like kids had casts on for that long in elementary school,” Magnus says.
“Simpler breaks don't need as long.”
“Damn.” She looks at Magnus, “I don't think I'll be going up any ladders any time soon.”
“Yeah, god, please don't.”
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underworldqueen13 · 2 months
I just really have chubby Tech on the brain so I wrote a fix it fic for my favorite little nerd.
Tech wants to tell Phee how he feels. But each time he goes to say it, he loses steam and sidetracks to something else.
If Phee tries to coax it out of him, he'll conveniently take the opportunity to get something to eat. Can't answer questions if your mouth is full of food, a logical solution.
Except Phee is persistent. She wants to know what Tech was trying to say. He can't possibly use meals and snack breaks to avoid her every time.
But Tech is also stubborn. There couldn't possibly be a downside to this. Phee can't get mad if he has to eat. And there is no short supply of different foods he can try and enjoy. So he continues this routine. Dodging Phee's inquiries with fruit, sweets, fresh breads and stews.
When they're preparing to head for Tantiss, that's when Tech notices what his routine has done. A soft layer of fat pushes between his belt and armor. The plating ill fitting in places where his once firm flat physique has thickened and rounded out.
All he can do now is adjust his armor and plan to fix his gear properly when they return.
Except the mission doesn't go as planned. Tech falls, hard. He feels the stinging of snapped bones as he slams against the rocks. The metallic taste of blood lingering long after his body hits the ground. His right side burns but he can't get his arm to respond. He can hear the sound of a ship landing somewhere near him but can't tell who is coming.
He's surprised to see Phee's worried face when he opens his eyes. Even with his glasses off, he knows her features.
"easy brown eyes, I got you. We're going to patch you up."
Phee notices when she's fixing Tech up how he has softened in a few places.
"all that food had to go somewhere," she thinks.
But without it, AZI mentions his injuries could have been fatal. Instead he's sustained a concussion, two broken legs, broken ribs, and his right arm has been severed just above the elbow.
When Wrecker and Hunter finally come back with Omega and Crosshair, they're surprised. It's been almost a month and while healing, Tech has certainly been taken care of. His stomach rounds out, his thighs are thicker. Even his chest seems to be softer.
"guess you're mouth still works," Crosshair jokes.
Tech blushes when he realizes what his brother means. He hadn't even thought about that. He definitely wouldn't fit into his armor now. So he stops eating some of his meals. He gets cranky and snappy when everyone tries to ask what's wrong. When he's able to actually get out of bed, Phee keeps a close eye on him. He's started his regular morning routine of training but she sees how he winces with each movement. He's still adjusting to his cybernetic arm and gets frustrated when he can't handle tasks that take more finesse.
"Ok you need to stop before you kill yourself." Phee finally intervenes.
Tech is lying on the beach, chest heaving and out of breath. She can't tell if the tears she's seeing are from pain or something else. She sits down beside him on the beach and stares quietly towards the water.
"What's been going on with you? I get wanting to get back into your routine but you're smart enough to know the process should be eased into. A walk on the beach, maybe some pushups.
Tech sits up and looks out where Phee is watching. His body protested the movement.
"I'm out of shape. And I've increased in mass beyond an acceptable number. I am simply trying to shed the excess and prepare myself for missions."
Phee doesn't laugh. She doesn't even speak as she looks Tech over. Her hand reaches out and lands on his softer stomach. She gives it a squeeze and smiles.
"I actually kinda like it. You look comfortable, like you've been kept safe by someone who cares about you."
"you do care about us don't you," he muses. "It's no surprise I've fallen in love with you. At least I think I have. I'm quite new to that feeling but I know I feel different when I'm with you."
"Is that why you started the random binges when I tried to get close? I get it, feelings are complicated. You can't always determine how things will go if you act on them. Not to mention getting attached with the life you live can be a liability."
They say on the beach quietly for almost an hour before Phee eventually stood up.
"Alright Brown eyes, let's take a walk and get something to eat. Like it or not, I'm going to take care of you and if that means you getting a little soft then you're brothers will need to get used to it."
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strawberry-possum · 4 years
Just the idea of wearing a grey shirt and black shorts makes me uncomfortable and today I accidentally did that and by the time I realized (which was like five or six hours into the day I guess I really don't pay attention to what I wear lol) it was too late bc people had already seen what I was wearing so if I randomly changed for no reason in the middle of the day it'd look weird and every time I remember I die a little inside
#btw it makes me uncomfortable bc thats the uniform for pe#pe is just a really big stresser lol#even the fun units like badminton and frisbee!#bc i have A Lot Of Problems with my body#and in the back of my mind during pe im always kinda thinking about them#like#what if my back goes out if i make that jump? and then i imagine how id stiffen in pain and gasp and try not to cry and slowly and#carefully make my way over to the teacher and maybe one of my classmates would ask me whats wrong and i wouldnt be able to answer wo crying#a little etc etc#or ill imagine what would happen if i pushed myself too hard and i couldnt stop coughing and wheezing and id fall to the ground dizzy and i#wouldnt be able to breathe and maybe id even black out a little and id have to be practically carried to the nurses office bc i cant stop#wheezing etc etc#those are the two major things i think about#but i also imagine like#breaking bones and getting concussions and falling on my arm so hard it snaps in half and theres nothing that can be done for it so they#have to amputate it and ive thought a /lot/ about what limbs id prefer to have amputated and lemme say hands down id much rather lose my#right leg#bc my right arm is what i use the most and it sounds dumb but i cant imagine not having my scars on my left arm and leg#idk#during pe i just cant stop thinking about my body breaking and failing#and i guess ive associated that mindset with being in a fucking grey shirt and black shorts#i feel like theres tw tags for this but ill be damned if i can think of what theyd be
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userholland · 3 years
all for her [3]
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pairing: dad!bartender!tom x female!reader
warnings: cursing, lots of angst
summary: a single-dad bartender, a supportive best friend and their continuous, unrequited love noticed by his optimistic daughter. is it possible to break a heart they never knew they had?
word count: 8.7k! 
a/n: another month has passed but! finally here’s part 3!!! sorry for the delay but i was caught in between this rut & midterms so it took a while for any big ideas to spark. but i’m so happy that so many of y’all have enjoyed this story. i want to say again that this is my favorite fic series i’ve ever written so thank you so so much for appreciating it! i may end with 5 parts, but i won’t leave y’all hanging!
— masterlist ☆彡
A week had passed since the gruesome bar fight and Tom was still left with a dark bruise surrounding his right eye along with another on the side of his chin and the start of his jaw. Luckily, there were no broken bones or dislocated limbs, but it was made known that he had a concussion after you forced him to go to the emergency room and get properly looked at by a doctor. As stubborn as he was, Tom tried listening to the careful instructions given for the follow-up appointments that would come, but everything went in one ear and out the other.
“We want to make sure each part of the brain that was impacted is still intact, so we want you to see this specialist and they’ll run a few cognitive tests to make sure everything is okay.” The doctor explained in simple terms as he scribbled the information on his prescription pad and ripped it off.
You nodded, taking the paper from him, “How much is all this?”
“It’s not too costly, but insurance should cover most of it.” He reassured, glancing at you before looking back at Tom’s chart, “I recommend a lot of rest and time away from work for at least two to three days.”
Tom quickly looked over, “I can’t take off work right now. I really can’t afford to do that right now.”
“Mr. Holland, we want to make sure that there’s no way you could injure yourself even more than now. You need to take a few rest days in order to relax and stay away from anything strenuous.”
“I’m a bartender, I think I can-”
“Tom... relax, please.” You retorted at him, your jaw slightly clenched.
Tom stared out the window with his side against the wall, feeling like he was miles away even though he was just across the room. You peered over at him a few times throughout the appointment, but you knew he didn’t want to be here. One of the strings of his black hoodie curled around his pointer finger, pulling on the coil before letting it spring back, repeating it a few times as the doctor continued informing to you.
He’d been fixated on the results of the DNA test. It was rooted in his mind from how many times he read over it, convincing himself it wasn’t true and it was a huge mistake. Doubt consumed his thoughts, wondering how he could have been so stupid to fall for the entire ruse even though Tom never regretted one moment of raising Summer. He loved her so much and would do anything to have her back, but finding out the truth made it harder for him to figure out if he should still be fighting for her.
Throughout the nights, he tossed and turned enough to wake you up, feeling his pull on the sheets. Sometimes you’d hold him from behind, curling your arms and locking them to make him feel safe. You pressed your cheek against his back, the eerily sound of his heartbeat against your ear as it quickly thudded. His thumb brushed over the top of your hand, remembering that you were still there, but when he closed his eyes, every thought crawled its way back in and cluttered his mind enough to make him want to burst into an angry fit.
After a few minutes, the doctor left you two to gather your things. Tom ran his hand over his hair as he started to walk to the door, but you blocked him from taking another step. With your arms crossed in front of your chest and your eyebrows furrowed, Tom knew that look was never good.
“Talk to me… C’mon, what’s going on? What’s on your mind?” You softly asked, still looking into his eyes.
Tom ran his hands down his face, a light groan leaving his lips from the frustration slowly building inside his entire body.
“I don’t want to talk about it now, Y/N. Please. I’m fucking embarrassed enough.” He huffed.
“Then when are you gonna talk about it?” You retorted, your eyebrows furrowed from concern, “You can’t keep the weight of the world on your shoulders forever.”
He shrugged, “I’m not Summer’s dad. That’s it! It was all fucking nothing. It doesn’t matter-”
“It’s always mattered, Tom!” You whisper-shouted, not wanting to make a scene with everyone passing by even though the door was closed, “What Maggie did to you was fucked up, but you raised that girl to be who she is now and that’s what matters.”
Tom gulped, his tired eyes beginning to water as he kept eye contact with you. His bottom lip quivered, but he quickly wiped his tears with his hoodie sleeve. The dryness in his throat hurt and even closing his bruised eye was painful to do, making him curse under his breath every time. He clenched his jaw tight as he rubbed the back of his neck, but you placed your hands on each side of his delicate face. 
It was hard to see him in this state where nothing mattered to him and there was a greyness that clouded over the great and wonderful person he truly was. It wasn’t the Tom you grew up with, not even close, so to see this side of him for the first time astonished you, and you weren’t sure what else it would take to see his old self other than getting Summer back.
He ran his hand over his soft curls, “Can we just go home?”
“Yeah, but remember we have a call with a lawyer tomorrow morning. He thinks you could get a good settlement deal since the guy who beat you up had prior arrests.” You reminded him, pecking his cheek then rubbing your thumb over the bruised skin under his eye.
Tom nodded, “You know we can’t afford this guy.”
“We’ll make it work.” You said, wrapping your arms around his waist with his around your neck.
He licked his lips, “Y/N, I’m not gonna make you pay for it.”
“Who said you were making me? I know you want her back as much as I do.” You sniffled, gently holding his face so he could look into your sincere eyes and saw the way they gleamed.
Neither of you wanted to surrender and it never crossed your minds to give up on Summer, but it was getting harder when you felt like Tom was a ticking time bomb and it could only take Maggie’s choice of words to pick at the one nerve no one else could reach to make him completely snap.
Your noses brushed together with your foreheads lightly pressed, both of you reminding yourselves that you had one another. Tom placed his hand on your cheek before leaning in, feeling how soft and light your lips were against his and tasting your minty chapstick. As your eyes tightly closed, you shared a slow kiss with your arms still loosely wrapped around his neck. It was a blissful kiss, one you hadn’t shared in a while, but it was comforting in moments like this where you were terrified of what was to come. 
When Tom pulled away, he planted a faint kiss on the center of your forehead, “I love you so much.”
“I love you so much more.” You mumbled as you looked into his beautiful, russet eyes, “C’mon. Let’s go home and put some ice on that eye again, maybe take a nap after.” You hinted.
He half-smiled, “That sounds nice.”
You quickly furrowed your eyebrows, pouted your bottom lip, “Hmm, and maybe take a shower, you look like hell.” You joked, raking your fingers through the front of his messy curls to the crown of his head.
Tom rolled his eyes and smirked, “You know you used to be nicer to me, like when we were kids.”
“Well that’s before I fell for you, I can’t get too soft… plus, I think it balances your ego.” You smiled, pressing your lips against his while the two of you giggled within another kiss.
Later that afternoon, you and Tom were napping on the couch with the TV on low volume. The birds chirped by the window and traffic was below the terrace, the sudden honks echoing between the buildings. You were laying between Tom’s legs, the fluffy blanket over your whole body. With your arms loose around Tom’s torso, you slumbered with your head comfortably against his chest. Tom wanted to go some sleep, blinking his dry eyes every few seconds to keep himself awake, trying to distract himself with his phone.
Light snores left your lips, your face hiding in his neck as you unconsciously curled up more. Tom stretched his neck a bit, making sure you were okay before running his hand over your hair. If he could lose Summer, Tom worried that you could slip away just as easily. He never realized how protective he was, hoping it wouldn’t push you away from his own faults and insecurities; he didn’t want to be left alone.
Tom kissed the top of your hair, nuzzling his face against the top of your head. Throughout this, you were his rock, an anchor to hold him down when things got to be too much and he couldn’t believe how supportive you were with how confused he was. You held him when he cried and you listened to him when he needed to vent. It was things you’d done before, but you both felt emotionally closer like another wall had fallen and there was nothing you couldn’t tell each other.
He slowly raked his fingers through the crown of your head to the end of your back, over and over as you peacefully napped before his phone vibrated against the coffee table. You stirred in your sleep, turning your head away and loosely wrapping your arm under Tom’s neck. As his vision cleared from his sleepy daze, Tom furrowed his eyebrows at the contact name.
“Hey, baby, I have to take this,” Tom said in a low tone, not wanting to completely wake you up.
You nodded, your eyes still closed, but Tom slowly got on his feet. After he placed the blanket over you, Tom went out to his bedroom so you could have some quiet.
“Hey, dad.” He answered.
“Hey, Tommy.”
His father always had the same monotone voice, like a poker face that he had to figure out since he was born.
“What’s going on? Is Sheryl okay?” Tom replied, sitting down on the bed.
Ever since his dad got remarried a few years ago, Tom and his father’s relationship slowly parted over time. With work, school, and a kid, Tom didn’t have time to take the backhanded compliments and concerned parenting skills that his new stepmom persistently gave to him on any family occasion. They used to have dinners together every Saturday night when Tom could get away from the city and school, but each one got worse. The last straw was around this time last year, it was Thanksgiving dinner and the blowout was something Tom tried to forget every other week. He couldn’t even bring it all up to you which was hard to keep since it’s been biting at his nerves for the last year.
As Summer got older, Tom didn’t want her to think she was “some kind of mistake” as Sheryl would put it. So for the sake of her, he told himself that his family wasn’t going to cost his daughter’s happiness and he never returned a call back until now. She asked about her grandparents around birthdays or holidays throughout the year, but it was getting harder for Tom to avoid the question when she wouldn’t give up sometimes.
Even though Tom’s mom was usually out of the country, she made sure to send presents, pictures and call every other weekend to make sure he and Summer were okay, but Tom would never admit to her if something was wrong. His mom was never there, not for him growing up and rarely now, but he knew she was trying to make up for it holiday after holiday.
“Uh, she’s well. We’re fine. I just wanted to call you and ask what’s going on… How’s Summer?” His dad genuinely asked.
Tom chuckled, “Why do you ask?”
His father hesitated for a second with his answer, “I haven’t heard from you in a while. Your mom called me and said that she hadn’t heard from you either. So, we’re just worried about you…”
“Yeah… yeah.” Tom raised his eyebrows as he rolled his eyes.
He heard his father sigh, “I know things weren’t the best the last time I saw you-”
“Some woman I barely know tells me that I can’t raise my daughter? That she was a mistake? No, dad. I should be visiting even more after that.” Tom retorted, grinning to mask how the anger was building up inside him slowly but surely.
“She’s your stepmom.”
“Not to me.”
Tom’s dad didn’t fight back his bitter attitude, “Tom, I just want to talk to you. It’s just you and me.”
“Dad, I’m really… not in the mood.” 
“Let’s get lunch… or dinner, maybe? Just the two of us.” His dad suggested, almost pleading.
There was silence between the conversation as Tom thought for a few seconds. As damaged as his bond was with his dad, he didn’t want to push him away. It would be what Maggie was doing to him, and to feel the separation from a child hurt like hell.
Tom sniffled, “Fine, yeah. Sure.”
“Great. Well, what about dinner tonight? Where do you want to meet?”
“Um, we can meet at the bar I work at… before my shift starts. Six o’clock.” Tom trailed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Okay, I’ll see you then.”
Tom quickly hung up before he could burst into tears. In the back of his mind, he thought there was an ultimatum behind the real reason he wanted to talk, not thinking it was just some catching up. But, the stress of the past month had made Tom into a walking mess. Maybe this would bring back some old times, like when he was a kid in a baseball cap and his dad brought him to baseball games and carnivals when his mom was on business trips.
“Fucking Christ,” Tom said under his breath, running his hands through his hair. He blinked away the tears at the waterlines of his tired eyes, wiping them with his t-shirt before getting up.
It was still hard to pass Summer’s room and see it still untouched and empty. Tom kept it neat and clean, hoping it motivated his hope to have her back home. Sometimes he’d sit on her bed and think about the little life the three of you had together. She probably missed her stuffed animals she had tea parties with or the t-shirts she couldn’t fit in her bag. Maggie refused to let him over anymore, not after the last time they saw each other and how frustrated he got. It was hard to think that Tom was holding out for nothing, and Summer could never be in his life again.
He leaned against the doorframe, staring at the bunny sitting on her bed. It was the bunny you and Tom spent hours looking for sometimes, one day realizing that Summer started to do it on purpose. She would hide it in the last place you could think of and it became a race of who could find Mr. Fluffycakes first. She finally admitted one day that she thought it was a game that you and Tom liked to play, so she would try to find the perfect place to almost camouflage the soft, grey bunny.
Tom held it in his hands, bring it up to his face, and smelling the familiar, lavender-vanilla detergent. He sighed, glaring at the small paintings taped with scotch tape to her wall by the dollhouse in the corner of her room. It was Summer’s favorite Christmas present she had ever gotten, Tom’s mom hoping she’d like it after getting it from London. She traveled a lot, always sending things in the mail to Summer, but rarely making appearances with how much she did work. Tom hoped that would change from when he was a kid, but now he understood how his parents ended up separating.
“You okay, babe?” You grinned, leaning on the doorframe and glaring at Tom sat on Summer’s book nook.
“Yeah, just miss her.” He half-smiled, biting his bottom lip after and tossing her bunny on the bed.
You walked over, sitting next to Tom and wrapping your arm around his shoulder before kissing his temple trailing to the apple of his cheek then lightly pressing your nose against his cheek.
“I bet she misses you a lot too.” You replied. “Have you heard from Maggie? Any chance of… seeing her? Maybe a short visit.” You asked, pulling your head away to turn to him.
He nodded, “We haven’t talked. I don’t want Summer to see me like this anyways.” Tom said low, lightly touching his bruised eye.
“C’mon, you look noble and tough. She’ll think you’re more of a hero than you already are.” You joked, trying to get a smile out of him.
“Hmm, I wish I felt like that.” Tom sighed.
Trying to figure out the gears working in Tom’s head was always a mystery. You watched his brown eyes shift back and forth as he was leaned over, his elbows against the top of his knees. Another long sigh passed his lips and you could tell something else was really bothering him, not needing him to say it.
“What’s wrong, baby? C’mon, you have that furrow in your brow.” You tilted your head.
He bit the inside of his cheek, his pride fighting his urge to just open his mouth, but he had a soft spot for you like no one else could. The instant Tom looked into your eyes, he felt the comfort he knew he needed.
“My dad called me, just now.”
“Oh… Is that good or bad?” You asked.
He cracked his knuckles, shrugging, “Both, kind of...”
You didn’t know much about Tom and his dad’s relationship other than Tom hating his stepmom, in light terms than he used. But, he wanted Summer to keep in contact with them for as long as he could. So many years had passed since you last saw his dad, so it didn’t feel right to butt in when you knew the bare minimum, but last Thanksgiving was unforgivable in Tom’s book so you stood by his side on what he felt.
“We’re gonna meet for dinner tonight… at the bar. I want to take a shift tonight.” Tom added.
You sighed, “Tom, you can’t work. We have to go to the doctor soon.”
“Just tonight. I promise. I… I need to do something with myself.” He groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair, rubbing the top of his head before looking back into your eyes.
“Okay… I understand. But, just tonight.” You agreed and rubbed his arm, pressing your cheek against his shoulder.
Tom sat up, straightening his back and you pulled your face away from his shoulder to look him in the eye. Your faces were close together, a few inches away before he asked, “Can you come with me? ‘Cause, I don’t think I can do it alone.” He admitted then bit the inside of his cheek.
You tried to hide your smile, happy that he was opening up a bit at a time.
“Of course, babe. I’ll go with you for however long you need me.” You said as you trailed your hand to his, intertwining your fingers together and giving him a quick squeeze. Tom’s smile slowly painted on his tired face, bringing the top of your hand to his lips.
“Thank you. Really, thank you. You don’t know how grateful I am for you.”
“Well, I have all day.” You jeered and it made him smile again, wrapping his arms around you to scatter kisses on your cheek and neck.
The bar wasn’t busy during the late afternoon, before the fleet of college students and single women came through for the nightlife. But it was a relaxed spot when the sun was still out. A few husky men sat at the bar, eating chips and drinking pints to watch the various games on the flat screens or truckers stopping by for a nice meal and taking a smoke outside. It wasn’t the most formal place to meet up, but Tom had work in two hours so it was more convenient than worrisome to impress his dad.
You and Tom sat at a table for four, sitting next to one another and your arm linked around his. He was dressed in his work attire which was a dark-blue button-down paired with a white t-shirt with his name tag on the right side of his chest, solid black jeans that were a bit baggy on him, and his raggedy converse with the laces looped around the ankle once. He kept checking his watch every few minutes while he tapped his right foot against the floor and it began to make you a bit antsy.
“Baby, you need to relax.” You reminded him, lightly pressing your hand down on his thigh.
“I am. I’m just mentally preparing for what he’s gonna say to me.” He sighed as he sat up in his chair.
“Like what?”
“Oh, you really want me to go through the entire list?” Tom sarcastically joked, a half-smile on his lips.
You humored him with a giggle, but nodded your head, “You’re overthinking it. It’ll be okay and I’m right here next to you.”
Tom leaned in, giving you a light kiss that made your stomach fill with butterflies. You never knew how tender he could be when he didn’t seem like the kind of guy who enjoyed PDA. But, he became putty when he was around you by this point that it was hard not to want to kiss you when you comforted him.
He quickly looked down at his watch again, “He’s almost an hour late. He probably bailed.”
“Don’t say that. He’s gonna come, maybe, he’s just in weekend traffic.” You tried to keep his head up.
Tom rubbed the back of his neck, but he couldn’t help but slowly feeling the creeping feeling of abandonment on his shoulders. He wanted to give his dad a chance, he really did, but this was reminding him of how he was never the most reliable. It twisted Tom’s trust issues in every person he met and having to be forced to sit there, wondering and waiting, was eating Tom alive.
Another half-hour passed and Tom decided to clock in early. He didn’t feel like having to sit there for another hour, only to be asked and told exactly what he expected to hear. You told him that you’d sit at the end of the bar, staying with him until he specifically asked you to go home, but really you wanted to hang around to make sure Tom didn’t get into another bar fight that ended up with him having more than a concussion.
Some college students fled in and asked for a round of beers while others waited for their favorite cocktails. There was enough staff tonight that Tom didn’t feel overwhelmed like last few times, sometimes having to clock in on days he didn’t work because someone called in sick. The new guys were nice, most of them young and needing something to do during graduate school or trying to make rent.
As Tom wiped down the bar when a group of girls left, his manager, Teddy, called his name from behind. He quickly looked over his shoulder and tossed the rag in the bucket underneath the bar, walking over to Teddy who never failed to not have a clipboard in his hands. He never took off his wedding ring at work like some of the other servers and bartenders and even so, he gushed about his wife, Anna, when he could. Even though he sounded like a broken record some days, Tom admired how Teddy flaunted his stable, almost 20-year relationship.
“Glad to see you back, Tommy!” Teddy grinned at him, putting his hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah. I feel better, I just have to go to a few doctor’s appointments, if that’s okay with you.” Tom asked in the moment, crossing his arms.
“Of course! Of course. For how long you’ve been working here, I don’t think you’ve ever taken a sick day or called in last minute.”
“It’s just been two years, Teddy. You make me sound old.” Tom joked, cracking a smile.
“Yeah, but I still appreciate you. You’re a valuable asset.”
Tom didn’t want to take the compliment, but he still nodded and grinned.
“Hey, have you heard anything from that guy’s lawyers? Are they giving you any compensation?” Teddy curiously asked as he wrote with his signature, blue pen on the paper of the clipboard.
“My girlfriend and I found a lawyer, but I don’t know if he’s good enough to make sure I get the money I’m supposed to get. We’re working it out.” Tom reassured him as he glared at his feet.
Teddy smiled at Tom, big and sincere, “Well, as long as you have that support, you’ll be prepared for anything that comes your way. I’m sure your daughter will too.”
Tom nodded, “Yeah… She’s a great kid.”
He still hadn’t told anyone at work what had happened with Summer, seeing it was no one’s business other than everyone knowing he got hired because he was a single dad trying to provide for his daughter, at least who he thought was his daughter.
“Well, I’ll let you get back to work. Let me know if you need anything.” Teddy acknowledged before walking to the kitchen through the doors.
Tom bit his bottom lip before sealing his lips, looking out at the crowd coming in. Out of habit, he checked his watch again, but quickly turned away to not keep holding out with his dad to come. When Tom’s gaze landed on you, his eyes softened a bit at the natural glow you had. You were talking to a girl who you knew in college, both of you still sat at the end of the bar and you smiled and laughed with her.
As he walked over to where you were, your eyes went to him and your friend looked over her shoulder.
“I’ll see you around, Y/N.” She grinned, flashing Tom a friendly smile before she walked back over to her table of friends.
Tom’s eyes followed her then turned his focus to you, leaning on the bar, “Who was that?”
“She was in a few of my classes in college. Good friend. She thought that I had a pretty cute boyfriend too. Apparently, his black eye makes him look very brawny.” You teased, bringing your class of water to your lips as you watched him chuckle.
“Is he here tonight? I’d love to meet him finally.” Tom joked back.
The brightness was back in his brown eyes, a glimmer of hazel under the warm light. You hadn’t seen that gleam in a long time and it was a good sign and as much as you couldn’t know what was going through his mind, you just wanted more moments like this. Both of you away from the apartment where you weren’t secluded to walls that had too many memories built within them.
You leaned on the bar, your nose brushing against Tom’s before you shared a sweet, short kiss. You giggled against your lips as he did too, but you pulled back when you heard someone say his name from behind.
Tom’s dad stood there, his hair was a salt-and-pepper shade and a few lines along his face. The shoulders of his cargo jacket were wet from the downpour outside, a few raindrops dripping down his forehead and nose.
“Hey, Dad…” Tom sighed.
You turned to Tom, “Go, it’ll be okay, baby.” You reassured him, placing your hand on top of his.
“Okay. I’ll see you in a bit.” Tom said before giving you another kiss then walked around the bar to meet with his dad in the middle of the floor.
“Do you wanna sit?” His dad asked him, gesturing his hand to the table next to them.
“Yeah, I just have a few minutes,” Tom said, pulling out the chair.
His dad furrowed his eyebrows, “What happened to your face? Did you get into a fight?”
“Uh, yeah. Sort of. It’s not important.” Tom deflected as he lightly touched his eye, not thinking his bruise was that noticeable in the dim lighting of the table.
“I think it’s important.” His dad chuckled, leaning on the table to get a closer look, “C’mon, who was it?”
Tom nodded his head, “That’s not why you’re here to talk, Dad.” He said lowly, crossing his arms.
“Well, I wanted to catch up. How are you? How’s Summer?” His dad tried to carry the conversation in a more positive manner, hoping he could connect with Tom without it becoming an argument.
“Um, Summer’s fine. She’s in kindergarten this year.” Tom replied.
“Wow! Kindergarten already? It’s like yesterday you were that age. You would always wear that damn baseball hat everyday… your mom would throw a fit and she tried to hide it from you all the time, but you managed to always find it. Ah, she just loved when your hair grew out.” His dad chuckled, leaning back in his chair and he glanced over at you.
“Yeah… She’s getting older.”
“You have a picture?” His dad quickly asked.
Tom pulled out his phone, scrolling through his gallery until he found a picture from a few weeks ago at her birthday party. It was when Summer was blowing out her candles, her knees pressed into the chair cushion and her one hand pushing her up on the table while the casted one was by her side as she tried to reach the top of the cake.
“She broke her arm? Geez, what’s going on in your lives?” His dad smiled at the picture before Tom took his phone back.
“Her and Y/N went ice skating and she fell and… it was a whole thing, but she’s okay now.”
His dad grinned, “Is that Y/N over there?” He nodded his head in your direction.
Tom looked over his shoulder at you, still sat at the bar and you were talking with one of the bartenders. You crossed your leg over the other as you carried the conversation with a glowing smile painted on your lips, gesturing with your one hand while the other cupped your drink. The red and yellow lights strobed against your face, highlighting it past all the people passing by to get drinks or dance on the other side of the room. You felt Tom’s eyes glued to you, making you stare back at him and give him a playful wink.
“Yeah. We’re... dating now.” Tom admitted, glancing down at the table and drawing slow circles with his index finger on the polished wood.
Tom’s dad smiled, “Yeah well, you always had a crush on her. Glad to know you guys are still close. She was always a nice kid and… from what you told me, she was good with Summer.”
Every time Summer’s name was brought up, it struck Tom’s nerve and it made his face heat up. The more he talked about her, the more upset he got about what was going on complied with the other things going on in his life. Tom clenched his jaw, not able to reply and his dad could see he was upset. Even though Tom was growing older and he was his own man, his father could always tell when something was wrong. As much as Tom didn’t think anyone could figure him out, his dad could read him like the back of his hand.
“Is something else going on? Other than me just showing up?” His dad tilted his head to try to look at Tom.
As Tom’s pride fought his ego, he didn’t want to feel like he was suddenly giving into his father now that he was sitting in front of him. The idea of talking to his dad made him upset and brought back cruel memories, but now that he was venting and talking about things he thought he would be angry about, this seemed like a better time than any other to explain what was really going on.
Tom picked at his nail, trying to find the first words to say to how he felt without it feeling like a corny, emotional sitcom moment.
His face heated up, “I… I sort of found out that I’m… not Summer’s biological father.” Tom pinned his lips, tears developing by the corners of his eyes saying it out loud.
Tom’s father was shocked, not showing it on his face, but he gulped, “Are you sure?”
“A hundred percent. I took a DNA test at the doctor’s and… it sort of just… Well, I trust it enough to take it one time. The girl who’s her mom took her away, probably just for the child support, but I can’t figure out what to do… It’s been a month without her and I can’t sleep anymore, Dad. I raised her and I never doubted she was my daughter until now.” Tom choked up, a dryness in his throat making it hard to take a deep breath. He ran his hand over the top of his hair, weaving his fingers through the fluffy brown curls and pushing it away from his forehead.
His dad took a few seconds to contain his thoughts, wanting to truly think before he spoke and knew how much Summer meant to Tom.
“And on top of that, this asshole threw a punch at me at the bar last week and that’s how I got this.” Tom gestured to his eye, “And now I’m trying to get a settlement, but I don’t think I can afford the lawyer, and… everything is falling apart.” Tom trailed, finally looking right into his dad’s eyes who’s were similar to his.
Tom lowered his head, trying to hold his tears back at the sudden release of everything on his mind.
“I know you raised that little girl so well and I’ve always admired you for that.” His dad started.
Tom ran his hands down his face, sniffling as the whites of his eyes turned a light red. He couldn’t look at him as his father started to talk, worrying it was going to be a backhanded compliment and it was the wrong decision to do this.
“But, it’s gonna be hard to get her back if she’s not yours… but, if you find out more about how the mother feels about Summer and the whole situation, I can get in contact with a good lawyer or steer you in the direction of one.” His dad offered, but Tom nodded his head in response.
“Dad, I can’t do that.”
“I’m your father and I’m not gonna leave you hanging like this… I know you love Summer and you raised her. I’m not gonna let you drown yourself in a settlement on top of that, okay?”
“I’m not a kid anymore. I can take care of this-”
“You’re not, I know that! You’re a grown adult who’s just needing some help and that’s fine.” His dad emphasized, understanding how hard-headed his own son could be.
Tom nodded, “I want it to be a loan. I can pay you back for however long it takes.”
“No, no. Let me help you out… as your dad. I’m not a bank, I’m not… anyone else. I’m your father and I know that if you were taken away from like Summer was to you, I’d want everything to be as smooth as possible.” His dad explained, trying to show how much he truly cared about his son despite the cold, bitter tension between them for the past year and a half.
The two of them sat there with the noise of the people’s conversations around to fill the silence, but Tom came to his decision and he nodded, “Okay. It’s a deal.”
They didn’t even shake hands, let alone hug, but the thankfulness was implied. Tom’s dad grinned at his son, the one who was just a little kid he wishes he truly gave the world to instead of sitting here thinking he had a lot to make up for. 
“Other than all of that, have things been good otherwise?” His dad asked, glancing up at him.
Tom chuckled, “Just this and not much else. It’s been pretty boring without Summer around. But, Y/N has made it better.”
“Is she a keeper?” His dad grinned.
“She’s more than that. She’s really great and I could… see her in my life forever.”
His dad smiled, “I remember when she broke her arm and you just went on and on about dropping her homework at her house. I had to… call the school and get the parent contact information and then you were all jittery and nervous in the car. Even gelled your hair that day.” He recalled, smiling at the memory.
Tom blushed, “I wasn’t that nervous.”
“She really is a sweet girl. I’m happy for you.” His dad appreciated him, nice to see a smile finally on his face.
“Thanks, Dad.” Tom’s smile curled up, patches on red painting his cheeks at the thought of you even if you were sitting a few feet away.
“Well, it looks busy here so, maybe we can reschedule for an actual dinner. One that I don’t have to tip you for.” His dad jokes as they both stand up from their seats.
“Yeah, yeah. Of course. Definitely.” Tom nodded, running his sweaty palms down the front of his pants.
“It was really nice to see you. Don’t be a stranger.” His dad stood in front of him, staring at the mature and put-together man his son had become in the blink of an eye. It was a bittersweet feeling that maybe their time apart was leading up to this moment.
“I won’t.” Tom grinned, leaning in and wrapping his one arm around his dad.
His dad linked his arm around him as well, his hand meeting Tom’s back and giving it a few rubs before they pulled apart.
“I’ll keep in touch with you about the lawyer.”
“Thanks again.” Tom nodded.
You glanced over your shoulder, watching them go their own ways and his dad gave a quick wave to you. When your eyes shifted to Tom, he had a glow on his face, wanting to hide his smile by sealing his lips. You couldn’t help but grin, swiveling the barstool around to face him and you reached out for his hand.
“How did it go?” You simply asked, placing your hand on top of your knee.
Tom nodded, “It was fine, we can talk about it more when I get home.”
“No, tell me now.” You giggled, not wanting to put a damper on his news.
He half-smiled, “Just know that everything is going in the right direction. My dad said he’d help me a little bit with the settlement stuff and that way I can focus on Summer and what we’re gonna do.”
You ran your thumb over the top of his hand, “I’m really proud of you, you know that?”
“It was nothing-”
“It was something.” You retorted with a sweet smile, giving a light squeeze to his hand, “C’mhere.”
You placed your hand on his cheek, pulling him in to press a soft kiss on his lips. Deep down, he knew it wasn’t easy, but he didn’t want to take pride in something that seemed silly after it had happened. Luckily, he had you to remind him that he was taking the steps he needed to get Summer back. It was the first time you could see the light inside him even if he didn’t want to show it. Just from the difference in his smile, there was that gleam of hope.
As you pulled away, you sealed your lips and grinned at him. Your nose scrunched up as you both giggled, suddenly overwhelmed by the happiness filling yours and Tom’s hearts. You brushed your nose against his, your foreheads pressing together before he gave you another light kiss.
“Okay, I gotta work. You should go home, get some rest.”
“Well, I kind of wanna stay. It’s nice here and you’re just someone cute to look at.” You tilted your head.
“Why don’t you order something, on me, relax for a while and I’ll try to get off work early. Maybe, we can pick up ice cream on the way home to celebrate.” 
“Celebrate? Must have been really great news that I can’t wait to hear in detail.” You jeered and he planted a light kiss on your forehead before rounding behind the bar. He grabbed his rag, shoving it in his back pocket and you turned around toward him.
“What would you like to drink tonight, ma’am?” Tom said jokingly, placing a cocktail napkin on the bar in front of you.
Your lips to the side, “A rum and coke and make it dirty, Mr. Barkeep.”
He chuckled as he pulled a glass off the bottom shelf, beginning to make your drink in swift moves. He looked so natural behind the bar as he poured the bottles in intricate ways, finishing off the beverage with two cherries.
“Let me know if you need anything.” He smiled followed by a wink.
“Nothing I can say in public.” You teased before taking a sip of your drink.
Tom smirked at you before moving down the bar, tending to other customers with a natural smile on his lips. You tilted your head with your drink in your hand, almost in awe of him and how handsome he was.
The night was getting louder while the crowd was growing, some people passing by bumping your shoulder even though you were still sat at the bar. You saw a few friends and struck up conversations with them to catch up, not completely bored while Tom was working, but you were worried about him. You hoped that he wouldn’t oddly hurt himself, having to take him to the ER and give him a good “I told you so” talk on the way there.
As you worked on your second drink, your phone vibrated in your purse and the screen lit up. You furrowed your eyebrow at the unknown number but still decided to take it in case it was important. You asked your friend to save your seat as you took your purse, moving through the crowd to get outside. The rain was pouring still, but you stood underneath the awning of the bar as people ran under it, drying themselves off before entering.
“Hello? This is Y/N.”
“Y/N? It’s Summer.” She whimpered, her voice at a whisper.
She stole Maggie’s phone that she left on the charger in her room, sneaking it away and using the emergency numbers written on the tag of her backpack. Tom didn’t answer first, making her worried so she decided to call you and hoped to hear your voice she missed so much.
Your heart dropped, “Summer? Are you okay?”
“No, the lady is mean. She makes me go to bed early with no bedtime stories like Daddy said she would. She-she’s not fun and she leaves me with a strange lady next door.” She sniffled, curled up behind her bedroom door.
“Wh-What strange lady?”
“She’s old and mean too. I don’t wanna be here anymore. I wanna be with you and daddy.” Summer continued to cry at a low volume, muffling her whimpers to not let Maggie hear in the next door.
You felt your heart breaking, not sure what to say since she wasn’t your kid but, in a way, she was. You pinched your nose bridge and the heavy rain making it hard to have a clear mind.
“Um, um, have you talked to your dad? Are you safe?” You asked, frantic as her.
“N-no, Daddy didn’t answer. Please come pick me up. I hate it here.” She wept, her voice shakey as she begged.
You nodded, not able to take it anymore, “You wait there, we’re gonna come to get you.”
The time was almost midnight, but a loud knock echoed against Maggie’s door. She groaned, getting herself out of bed and thinking it was a drunk at the wrong apartment or someone playing a prank. As she approached the door, Maggie put her hair into a bun to clear her vision when she approached the door in the dark. After flicking on the light switch for the warm light above her, she opened the door and saw Tom dripping wet.
“Tom?... It’s almost midnight. I told you not to come here again.”
Tom sighed, “Y/N got a call from Summer and she was upset.”
Maggie rolled her eyes, “I can’t believe she took my phone. Jesus, what did you teach her? Because she’s been acting out in school, whenever I’m at work, I can’t take her anywhere!” She complained, her arm slapping against her side as the other held the door open.
“I didn’t teach her that. You’re the one who doesn’t know her and I know you’re not treating her right.”
“Oh, how do you know?”
“You leave her with some strange woman when you’re not here?”
“It’s my mother, Tom. I work, I have an actual job, okay? Not some side gig at a crappy bar where I can live on my tips.” She retorted, but it made Tom’s anger quickly grow.
Tom ran his hand through his wet hair, almost defeated by how defensive she was.
“Why are you doing this? She’s upset and she wants to see me.”
“Well, Summer is just a kid, she’ll get over it. Not getting her way is a part of life, Tom. God! You babied her so much that she just comes crying to you.” Maggie hissed at him, ready to slam the door in his face.
“She is a baby! She’s a kid, Maggie. She called Y/N because she can’t stand you. Do you think that’s good for her? Being here?” Tom yelled back, his jaw clenched and his face heating up.
“You know, I’m getting really sick of you saying what Y/N thinks is good for Summer like she’s her stepmother or something.”
“And where were you being mom of the year? Huh? Why do you have such a problem with her, Maggie? She’s the one who helped me throughout raising Summer, not you because you were never here!”
Maggie crossed her arms, her only defense since she didn’t have any words.
“Where were you when she took her first steps? Her first words? When she got her first A in kindergarten? Did you take her to the hospital when you thought she had a peanut allergy or when she fell ice skating? Who was there for her, Maggie?!” Tom persisted, his eyes filling with tears at how angry he felt.
Maggie couldn’t look Tom in the eyes because it was all true, she knew it this whole time, but hearing it out loud made her even feel a bit guilty.
“So, why do you suddenly want her now? Is it money? Or do you really want her to be in your life? I can arrange it any way you want if you really do what her back in your life, but I don’t think it’s fair that you just swoop up and take her away when she’s my kid too. A kid that I raised since you left her on my doorstep six years ago.”
Maggie chuckled out of spite, “You’d never get it.”
“Then tell me! Tell me so I understand. It’s just us right now. Y/N isn’t here and all I want is Summer back home so, what is the reason, Maggie?” Tom asked, his voice a bit more calm, but still frustrated that he hadn’t gotten a straight answer the entire time they had been standing there, “I know there’s a reason why you didn’t tell me all these years that she wasn’t mine. You know it and I know it… I just want you to be honest with me. Okay?” Tom retorted.
She sighed, stepping outside and closing the door behind her. As she rubbed her hands down her face, her breath was shaky as the truth was trying to inch out of your mouth.
“I… Summer’s dad and I were dating and I told him about her and he was… upset. Like, he thought I was just a bad mom and he said he’d leave me if I didn’t just take care of her.” She huffed, shrugging at how stupid it sounded coming out.
Tom was baffled, but he let her explain herself without interrupting.
“H-He left to Vegas or San Diego or wherever. He left me again and now I just… I wanted to prove myself!” She whined, gritting her teeth as a tear trailed down her cheek, “But, she hates me and I don’t blame her, but I know I’m not a mom. I never… wanted a kid, okay? I just… I wanted him back.”
All Tom thought was that she was selfish. He could yell and scream all he wanted, taking Summer away from her in the next few seconds, but nevertheless, he controlled his breathing and tried to hear her out.
“Anything else?” He asked looking down at his feet, his arms crossed and feeling a chill from the AC.
Her eyes were teary, but she nodded, “Don’t hate me, please. Please.” She begged at a whisper.
“I don’t… Just, do the right thing now and let her come back home.” Tom sighed, his voice broken as well.
Your body felt on fire from how anxious you felt, your foot tapping against the floor of Tom’s car. You waited, thinking your heart was going to burst in your chest if you had to wait any longer. A few minutes went by, concentrating on the time on the radio, but the heavy rain made the car windows look like stained glass. You hated biting at your nails, but you couldn’t help it after hearing Summer’s scared voice.
You curled up in the passenger seat, pulling on the seatbelt. You couldn’t just sit there anymore and do nothing, but stare at the dashboard and listen to the rain hitting the windshield. Your eyes began to tear up, wiping them quickly with the sleeves of your shirt, but you turned your head when you heard the back door open.
Tom was soaked from head to toe by this point, but Summer was curled around him before he set her on the seats. She had her backpack on, her hair damp and she was in her matching pajamas. Rain dripped off her noise and she wiped her wet forehead with the back of her hand.
“You get buckled in, just buckle in, okay?” Tom told her, still standing in the rain as he gave her the buckle of the seatbelt.
She nodded, guiding it across her body and pushing it in the lock until she heard the click.
“There you go.” He nodded, shutting the door and walking around the front of the car.
You sealed your lips as tears ran down your cheeks, tasting how salty your tears were. When Tom sat down, practically throwing himself into the car, your eyes met and you smiled at him. There was a sense of relief back in your lives at this moment, possibly a perfect one. As you glanced over your shoulder, Summer’s head was against the door and her eyes were heavy, but you reached your hand back to meet hers, holding it so tight that you never could think to let go again.
tags/taglist: @felicityparkers @dhtomholland @duskholland @sinisterspidey​@itstaskeen​ @tomhollandsgirlfriend​ @bi-writes​ @infinite-imagination​ @honeyspidey​ @hollandcrush​ @sunsetholland​ @pparkersbitch​ @namoreno​ @calltothewild​ @spideyspeaches​ @veryholland​ @osterfieldshollandgirl​ @slutforsebstan @bi-lmg​ @sunshinepeterparkr​ @annathesillyfriend​ @madmadmilk​ @antigoneidk​ @hollandcreep​ @wierdflowerpower​  
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beigehearts · 3 years
Due to request I will be making a nsfw version of this post (Landing a hit on the adult trio)  Please refer to the linked post as I will be continuing the stories from where they left off  fem!reader 18+ content warnings will be listed separately for each drabble
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Illumi CW: dubcon, bruising, fingering
Your eyes travel to the floor as he continues speaking, his words beginning to sound like fuzz. You snap back when a strong hand grabs your chin and tilts your face towards his. It almost feels as if his fingers are going to go through your jaw bones. “I expect you to look at me when I’m speaking.”
His bone shattering grip only gets tighter when you look away from him. He studies you closely, only to let go and you drop to the ground again. You gently touch where he grabbed you, knowing that the bruises would be just as painful as the initial injury. Your pants are covered in blood from the trail you were dragged in. Your eyes finally travel upwards to meet his but you can see something has changed. His usual dark and emotionless eyes have something of a spark in them. 
“Normally I would make you sleep outside with Mike in a situation like this.” He tilts his foot up to take a better look at it. “Though that doesn’t seem to be working. Mike has warmed up to you.” He places his foot back on the ground and sighs, “It seems I only have a few options left. Rather than punishment- how about you make it up to me?” 
What does that mean- does he want you to tend to his wounds? Crochet him a pillow? You’re taken from your thoughts when two arms grab you by your sides, lifting you off of the ground and carrying you into another room. As you’re placed on the bed- looking at the blood bath practically makes you gag but it’s short lived when he closes the door. 
“I’ve been curious.” He grabs the hem of your pants, “What will get you to show me something other than disdain for my existence?” You’re frozen in place as he pulls the legs of your pants off of you, leaving your panties exposed.
He places one hand on your chest, holding you down while the other one rests on your hip. He examines your body closely, as if scrutinizing it and it leaves you with an uncomfortable feeling. The hand on your hip travels down to your thigh, gripping it tightly, he’s like a kid playing with a new toy. 
That same hand finds it’s way to your clothed, slick folds. You didn’t realize that you were already a little wet until his fingers against you told you. His fingers begin massaging you, rubbing circles around your most sensitive area. You turn your head to look away from him, if not to avoid his gaze, then to hide your expression. 
He moves your panties to the side, his cold fingers assaulting your warmth. Your legs twitch when he places his thumb on your clit and begins pushing a finger inside of you. His finger curls inside of you, exploring your walls. Your cheeks flush and you put a hand over your mouth, stifling any noise that could encourage him. Another finger pushes inside of you- only stretching you out more and inviting more pleasure. They scissor inside of you and you cant help but let out a squeak. 
His fingers push in and out of you, until they create an unstoppable rhythm. Pleasure racks your body, and your legs start to uncontrollably shake. He moves his hand that held you down to your lower stomach, pushing down. A know builds up inside of you, tightening and tightening and pushing loud moans out of you. You’ve given up hiding it, and allow your body to soak in all the pleasure. His fingers curl inside of you while pumping in and out and the knot in your stomach is ready to burst. 
You gasp for air when it explodes inside of you, warmth spreading throughout your entire body. Your limbs go limp and your vision is blurred by the tears in your eyes. He removes his fingers from your slick, warm insides. 
He examines his fingers, staring at the liquid that coats his finger. “So that’s how.” 
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Hisoka CW: noncon, unprotected sex, physical trauma
“You’re so cute when you defend yourself.” You stare up at his untouched face and fear shoots down your spine. He leans down and licks a strip up the side of your face and brings his lips to your ear. “It only turns me on even more.”
You’ve really done it now. You messed up your escape and now he’s pissed. His face doesn’t show it but it doesn’t need to. The grip on your arm says enough. Your throat burns, but not even a cough can escape your mouth. The thought that you can’t even scream whether or not it’s heard, it intensifies your fear. 
“See, I could kill you right now, with my bare hands and watch you die slowly.” A grin creeps on to his face, “But I don’t want to break my toy before I’ve even gotten to play with it.” He lets go of your arm, standing up but grabbing you by your hair and pulling you up to his height. The pain shooting through your skull causes a silent screech to claw it’s way through your neck. 
He pushes you against the wall without a single speck of mercy in his body. Your head is smashed against the wall so hard you begin to worry about having a concussion. His hand lets go of your hair, only to grip your throat even tighter- the firey burn intensifying. 
You begin to flail around when you feel his free hand travelling under the skirt he makes you wear. He brings your head from the wall by his grip on your neck, only to slam it against the wall again. You wish you could even make sounds of pain just for your own sanity. Your arms fall back to your sides, realizing the more you fight the more likely your skull will be shattered. 
You close your eyes- waiting to get this over with, but your eyes shoot open when his lips meet yours. And by meet you mean assault. His tongue brushes against your lips in a matter of seconds until it pushes into your mouth, exploring every crevice. He pulls away from you, a string of spit connecting your mouths. His mouth clamps down on your neck, sucking and nipping until he draws blood. He leaves trails of bruises down your neck to your shoulders but that’s not your concern when you feel two fingers begin to massage your core. 
“I know you’re dying to get to the point, so why don’t we.” With those words he presses himself against you, lifting your legs to wrap around his slender but sturdy waist. He moves your panties to the side and you feel something poking at your entrance and the grip on your neck tightens. You try to protest but the only thing that can escape your mouth are breaths of air. 
Just as he said, he gets to the point. He pushes inside of you and a sharp pang of pain shoots up your back. You begin sweating and your body is doing everything to fight him. It’s no use, he begins thrusting in and out of you, his cock filling your insides as much as possible. He bites down on your neck and suddenly the pain of his thrusts turn into pleasure. If you could moan you would be, the feeling of him dragging in and out of you- rubbing against your walls becomes torturous, and you find yourself moving with him. 
His movement begins to speed up and the wet sound your insides are making only adds to the embarrassment. A ball of tightness begins to form inside of you and your body begs for more friction. You try to move your hips with him but he grabs your waist and keeps you still, fucking up into you. 
Your hands grab his hair when you can’t wait any longer, and your walls spasm around him while your body shakes. His shit eating grin pisses you off but that doesn’t matter when you’ve just cummed all over him. He presses inside of you as far as he can, holding you in place. The warm sticky liquid filling you to your brim indicates his own orgasm. 
He pulls out of you, dropping you like a rag doll and you drop to the ground with a loud thump and a lot of pain. You gasp for air look up to your captor. 
“Oh look you’ve made such a mess.” He points to your legs, and you look down. His fluids leaking out of you and onto the tile floor. It’s still warm and it’s sticky against your thighs. 
“You better clean that up before it dries.” He turns on his heel, “I don’t want dried cum on my floor.” 
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Chrollo CW: blowjob, noncon (also this drabble is really bad because I was burnt out once I started writing it so I will rewrite it later and let you guys know when I have rewritten in)
He brings your back against his chest, and he wraps one arm around your arms and torso, preventing you from hitting him. His other arm lays loosely around your waist. “You’re very resourceful y/n.” He purrs in your ear. “Thank you for trying your best and not holding back.” You continue squirming in his grasp but know what your fate is when he says, “Though it’s quite unattractive for a girl to be so feisty.”
You shiver against him and he turns you towards him. He grabs your chin and tilts your head to look at him, “I can’t let my darling go unpunished when she throws such a tantrum.”
He let’s go of you and says, “Get on your knees.” 
Your eyes go wide and you shake your head.
“Would you rather I put you on your knees?” 
You shake your head again, getting on your knees for him voluntarily seems humiliating. But you’d rather kneel on your own than find out how he would put you on your knees. You slowly bend down, settling your knees against the cold wood floor. 
Your eyes travel up his body, meeting his and you send a pleading look at him. “Go ahead, take it out.” 
You try to play dumb, hoping that he would just give up, “Take what out?” 
He grabs your chin tightly and frowns, “You’re not dumb, take it out.”
You nod slowly, your hands shaking when they reach the fabric of his pants. It’s almost impossible to unzip his pants when your hands are trembling so badly. He keeps his eyes on you, watching your every move to make sure you don’t try anything dumb. Your fingers pull down his boxers, exposing his already hard member. It springs into the air, mocking you only inches from your face. 
“Go ahead. Take it.” His cock twitches as if begging for your lips around him. 
Your pride is badly wounded, dissolving little by little with each passing second. Your hands reach for his member but he stops you, “Don’t use your hands.” 
There’s no chance of having an ounce of self respect after this. You move your head forward, your lips brushing against the tip of his dick. You push your mouth down his length, not wanting to prolong the experience. Your tongue lubricates his length and you stop when he’s touching your throat, only half way. He huffs, getting impatient and grabbing you by your hair, and pushes you down all the way, your nose pressed against his pelvis. You gag around him and feel bile rising from your throat. When he moves your head back, you gasp for air but your freedom is short lived.
He bobs your head on his cock, and you can’t help it but your teeth scrape against him. He seems to enjoy it when a low groan escapes his lips. Breathing becomes a privilege with every push your nose meets his skin again. Saliva coats his cock, and drool drips down your mouth. You’re an absolute mess and the sight of it only makes him harder. He begins bobbing your head fast, his grip in your hair tightening. You hope he’s close.
You know he is when he pushes your mouth all the way down on him, his dick invading your throat, blocking your airways. Your throat begins to constrict around him, and you fight him as your body begs for oxygen. You can’t escape his grip. A warm feeling travels down the back of your throat, and your vision begins to go dark. Your body begins to go limp and at the very last second of consciousness he says, “You’re going to swallow this when I pull out.”
He drags his cock out of your mouth and you do as he says, not wanting to find out what will happen if you don’t swallow his seed. You begin coughing violently and gasping for air all at the same time. You hold your throat as you gasp in air. 
“I will not permit such childish behavior from you y/n.” 
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spinchip · 3 years
It’s Not That Bad
Wordcount: 2400 Ship: Mountaingshipping, Cole/Zane/Kai Warnings: Broken bones, blood, violence, injury
Summary: Zane hides an injury.
The fight can’t even be classified as a real fight, in Coles opinion. It’s a street brawl, raw knuckles and split lips- the remaining members of the SOG are brutal when they catch the scent of blood. Without leadership the gang has devolved into troublemakers and men itching for violence, and they’ve gotten bolder- the fight taking place in broad daylight near the center of town. Two weeks ago they’d taken Jay down in the middle of a scrap, a bat to the side of his temple when the group had been separated (he’d been laid up in bed in the dark for days afterwards with a concussion) and since then they’d gotten cocky about the Ninja's weakness.
Lloyd had been adamant about showing a united front- the Ninja team had to be unflappable, rigid and strong to show the growing gang that they were not so easily beaten. They couldn’t afford to give them another inch, which is why it’s so frustrating when they get separated once more. There’s a new player on the gangs side this time, a big man hefting a hammer that could hold its own against Coles. He’s not particularly fast, but the others in the group keep them occupied while the man swings his weapon with bone breaking force. His presence was not something they could ignore, splitting their attention dangerously, making their formation too easy to break.
And it’s not Jay this time, but Zane, who is pushed into a throng of enemies all looking for blood.
Cole doesn’t see what happens to get them to this point, he misses the moment Zane is surrounded, but Lloyd urges the others to make their way to him over the clash of fists. Zane’s always been capable, and today is no exception- but just like before when it had been Jay, there are too many, and it’s not long before a lucky shot sends Zane to the pavement. A sloppy leg sweep Zane wasn’t expecting, going sprawling onto his stomach. It’s simple enough to recover from just fine.
Except the big man swings his hammer before Zane can get his hands underneath him. Down down down in a deadly arc-
There’s no warning Cole can give, no speed or strength to stop it, random men pushing him away from his friend but not crowded enough where he can’t watch it happen. The head of the hammer hits the base of Zane back and the sound it makes- Cole can feel the impact in his bones, his stomach churning and nearly making him gag. The crack of the anvil on metal makes him feel ill.
Zane doesn’t yell or scream, his fingers dig into concrete so hard they leave gouges, and then he goes completely limp. He looks dead, lying facedown on the pavement. The gang members hoot and holler, their fight rejuvenated, and they jump into the fray with more vigor than before.
Slowly, the man brings his hammer up and Coles realizes he means to hit him again.  He pushes frantically through the fight, blows glancing off his shoulders as he barrels through. Nya appears at his side, hair askew, and throws waves of water that sweep several people off their feet, dumping them clear of the path. Cole slams into the big man's side before he can deliver another blow, knocking him back from Zanes still form. Before either of them can get to the downed nindroid, new adversaries file in to try and beat them back, the fight resuming- but the ninja now scrambled and panicked at the loss of one of their own, and the gang member reveling in it.
The man with the hammer, he’s got thin blonde hair and dark eyes, manages to keep up with Cole. Despite Coles obvious skill and experience, he’s making stupid rookie mistakes. Internally cursing, Cole urges himself to focus- rushing into the fray to protect Zane would mean nothing if he fell to the man's hammer too, but it’s looking increasingly grim. The man is pushing himself faster, sweat beading on his brow, and he’s strong.
A smaller man darts past the two of them in a planned maneuver. The big man steps back and Cole is thrown off kilter as his hammer swings wide, and realizes too late that the smaller man has a knife- he can’t avoid it now. He twists, steps back, tries to minimize the damage- and then the man’s legs slide out beneath him and he hits the ground hard, head bouncing off the ice-slick pavement. Zane appears at Coles side and throws ice hard, frost and big chunks of ice invigorated by the wet pavement from Nyas last attack freeze the big man's legs to the road. Cole falls into place at his side, the two fighting off a few more before the gang realizes Zanes back on his feet.
Their bravado and cockiness vanishes. One man turns and runs, and at that the gang scatters- the one who are able to, of course, and are not frozen to the sidewalk or knocked unconscious.
Cole spins around to face Zane, who’s surveying the scene silently, “Are you alright?” He asks, hovering his hands over Zane as if to feel out the injury by aura alone.
Zane’s eyes are trained on the alleyways the gang members disappeared into, mouth a thin and calculated line, “I am alright. The Sons of Garmadons strength is dwindling.”
Cole blinks, frowning. It was almost like Zane wasn’t speaking to him, but the backs of the men hiding away in the dark corners of the streets. As if he was making a point.
The cops show up and begin to load the remaining men into Police Cruisers or ambulances, depending on their state. The ninja did not always pull their punches, especially after Zane hit the ground.
Zane watches as the man with the hammer is loaded onto a police cruiser.
Lloyd motions the two of them over, the others are gathered near a throng of policemen milling about, and Cole reaches out and sets a hand of the small of Zane's back to lead him- Zanes shirt is soaked through and ice cold. The moment his fingers make contact, Zane jolts forward with the barest intake of breath between his teeth. Cole jerks his hand back, the pain flashing across Zanes face almost impossible to catch, but Cole knows his boyfriend better than anyone. A blank mask slips over Zanes face as he stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the act, striding across the pavement before Cole can comment.
Cole trails after him, and now that he’s really looking he can see a dark outline of what looks like water straining the back of Zanes gi. In the heat of battle, if Zane got a particularly bad scape, he’d do some emergency first aid and patch himself up with ice like a scab. The hammer hit him hard, it must have jostled something loose- Cole tries not to worry too hard, Zane is still standing and had even fought with him. They just needed to wrap this up quick and get him home. He has half a mind to scoop the nindroid up gently and carry him back right now- but Zanes' words from earlier hang around his ears. Treating Zane like a delicate injured flower in front of any of the new SOG was bound to encourage their violence, just like in the aftermath of Jay. Like Lloyd wanted, a united and unbreakable front is what they needed to project.
Zane is hiding an injury, and for the sake of reputation, Cole has to allow it.
The police chief is standing with the others, and by the time Cole catches up Zane’s already reassuring everyone, “I am fine.” he says gently, Kais worry coming off of him in waves, “Is there anything we can help with?” He directs his next question to the police chief, clasping his hands in front of him.
Cole, along with the rest of his little family, zeroes in on the way Zanes hands are trembling.
His face is completely serene, his gi is soaked through as his ice patch job struggles to stay frozen, and he’s shaking badly enough for even Nya to notice, shooting him a concerned glance as the Police Chief thanks them. He drones on about safety measures and clean up and other things Cole wants him to shut up about so he can bundle Zane up in his arms and kiss and make it better.
Finally, once the conversation draws to a close and they can excuse themselves from the scene, they unconsciously box Zane in as they walk back to where the bounty is parked. The ramp is down and they surround him protectively as they trek up it. Zane still doesn’t hint that anything is wrong, the silence stretching over them tense as they wait for something to happen.
Nya lifts the bounty into the air, and still Zane doesn’t say anything as he pensively stares over the edge of the railing. Cole can’t stand it anymore, he turns around as the city disappears beneath the clouds, “Zane-” he starts.
“Cole.” Zane gasps, grabbing at Coles shoulders as his knees buckle, the calm mask cracking down the middle as he collapses. Like on the pavement before, Zane clenches his hands and bunches Coles gi in his fingers. Cole, startled, grabs Zanes waist- he gasps and whimpers, and cold fear snaps across Cole's mind. He’s never heard Zane make that noise before.
“Not there,” he shakes his head, Cole moves his hands up to cup under Zanes armpits, and while he doesn’t seem to be happy he doesn’t make that awful whimper again.
Jay and Kai are at his side, fluttering their hands in a panic. They want to help but Zanes reaction makes them reluctant to put their hands on him.
“How can we help? What’s hurt?” Jay asks as Cole pulls Zane closer, pressing them together to help stabilize him.
Zane doesn’t attempt to stand on his own, “Shut me down,” He pants, “It’s- the hammer. He broke my spine.”
Jay pales dramatically, weaseling between the two of them to gain access to Zanes chest compartment. He pried it open quickly, reaching it with practiced ease and resting his finger on the switch off button.
He hesitates, under normal circumstances Jay was to never use this button, “Are you sure?”
“Jay.” Zane stresses each letter, and tears spill over his eyes.
He goes limp- again- as Jay pushes the button, his forced shutdown stealing the iron grip from his hands and the tension from his body. He ragdolls in coles arms, slumping bonelessly into his chest. With no ice to keep him stable, Coles can feel the way his body- it’s… it’s not quite right, the break in his spine sending intense warning siglas to coles head where he’s laid against him. The same bone deep wrongness he’s felt once, in dance class when he was 12, and a girl landed wrong doing a complex dance move and her hand had twisted the wrong way- it’d made him sick, seeing the new bend in her wrist where there wasn’t supposed to be one. It makes him feel sick to carry Zane down to the garage when the dock at the monastery, legs trailing behind him and waist a little too loose where the rigid metal casing was snapped.
Jay's prognosis is, “It’s better than It could have been.” Which is not reassuring to Cole, but Nya seems to lose a bit of tension at.
Zane's artificial spine worked much like Cole or Kais, a bundle of ‘nerves’ and wires and other tubes strung through it to keep it safe. The blow had broken through the outer protective metal but the main cord and delicate wiring was largely unharmed. A few pinched and torn wires, mostly- Zane's ice brace kept the wound from deteriorating drastically. Jay wouldn’t comment on how much pain an injury like this would heap onto their friend, but Cole remembers the way the blood had drained from his face at Zanes confession.
“The fact that he could even move…” He mutters to Nya in awe, delicately and oh so gently maneuvering wires. Nya nodded, mute.
Once their repairs reach completion it’s nearly dark out, Jay flips the on switch back up, and they wait for Zane to turn on.
He wakes up with wet eyes, a few stray tears slipping down his face as the leftover pain signals work their way out of his system. He twists over the edge of the table, looking for relief from the hazy pain, nearly taking himself to the floor if not for Coles gentle hands steadying him.
He clutches at Cole again with a low sound of pain, and slowly his eyes clear.
Cole holds him as Zane buries his face in the soft of his gi top, hiding his eyes against Cole's collarbone. Kai moves in and starts to pet his hair soothingly, warmth spreading through his hands.
“You should have said something.” Cole murmurs, “This wasn’t a loose tube or a scrape, this isn’t something you should have powered through. You should have stayed down.” Cole doesn’t dwell on how much it must have hurt for Zane to get back on his feet, and how if he hadn’t the grunts knife would have struck home.
“I could not.” Zane breathes, pulling a way to readjust so he’s resting his cheek against Cole and his face is bare, “If the SOG knew they had hurt me-”
“We would have dealt with it just fine.” Kai says firmly, “Zane, this- you can’t hide an injury that bad. Watching you collapse, knowing how badly you were in pain…” He can’t finish his sentence, huddling closer and clutching at both his boys.
“I apologize,” Zane mutters, his eyelids flutter.
“We can discuss this tomorrow.” Cole says gently, “But I think we’re all exhausted. Let’s go to bed.”
Kai looks like he wants to say something else, but Zanes dazed and sleepy expression makes the words die on his tongue. He runs a hand through his hair, and Cole watches the weight of the day fully settle on his boyfriend's shoulders, “...Yeah, that sounds good to me.”
Cole carries Zane up to bed, Kai immediately taking up a spot at their boys' side. Zane curls into the warmth of Kais embrace as Cole turns out the light and crawls in behind him. Cole cuddles into Zane, who’s already asleep again, and idly traces the near imperceptible scar on his back where the hammer had split metal.
He stares into the patch of darkness where Zanes head is, and thinks about Zane lying prone on the pavement. He pulls him closer, wraps him up in his arms and holds on tight.
He closes his eyes, and sleep doesn’t hesitate to come.
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Dilema 2
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Promt: In your angry state you were busy speeding home that you you weren’t paying attention and got into an accident
Warnings: possible death, broken bones, angst
Part two was requested by a number of you hopefully you guys enjoy this one also ♥️
Part One Part Three
Aaron Hotchner had some balls on him, dumping me one week and then two weeks later he’s introducing the team to Beth after the FBI race. Four months later he’s telling me that he loves me
“I still love you y/n”
“I never stopped loving you”
My grip on my streering wheel tightened as his voice replayed in my mind. My vision was blurred from the streams of hot tears that poured out. My phone started riging and the screen lit up with Penelope’s caller ID 
Letting it go to voicemail my foot pressed harder on the gas, that was the third time she tried calling me. Eventually it stopped buzzing but it wasn’t long before it started ringing again this time with an unknown number, I answered putting the phone up to my ear
“Agent Y/l/n” 
“Y/n it’s Beth, don’t hang up ple-” 
Quickly hanging up I switched off my phone and carelessly threw it on the passenger seat. In my enraged state I hadn’t noticed the headlights of a truck heading my way until it was too late
I blacked out 
Aaron’s POV
She slapped me
You deserved it
My cheek stung, most likely red by now. Reaching up I placed my hand on the aching spot
“You’re lucky she just slapped you” Spencer walked out from behind the wall arms crossed shooting daggers at me
“How much did you hear?”
“Everything, really Hotch, why would you do that? Why would you hurt her like that?”
Defeated I slumped against the counter thinking about what I could possibly say
“Aaron?” Beth came in the kitchen with the others following right behind her
“What was that all about y/n just took off?” She moved to pull me in her arms but I stopped her
“Beth and I have been trying to call her but she ignored me and hung up on hers” Penelope is panicking
“We just got into an argument” my eyes flickered between Dave and Spence, both annoyed at my choice in words
“What was it about?” Morgan asked shifting his weight on his legs
Sighing I rubbed my face avoiding the two people that knew the real reason
“She was right Hotch, there’s nothing to hide so why not just come clean” Spencer’s hard tone of voice made the others even more suspicious
“Y/n and I wer-“ I started but was cut off by my phone ringing. I quickly pulled it out of my pocket, looking at the caller ID, unknown
“Hotchner” putting the phone up to my ear I waited for the caller to speak
“Agent Hotchner this is Detective Raul, there’s been an accident and one of your agents has been rushed to the hospital” steadying myself on the counter I felt my stomach drop to my ass
Oh no, God no
“Thank you for calling, I’m heading there now” swallowing the lump in my throat I looked at the group who were anxiously waiting for me to speak
“Did we get a case?”
“It’s y/n, she go into an accident and was taken to the hospital”
“Go, Will and I would look after Jack just keep us updated”
Without another word I hastily made my exit heading straight to my car. In my daze I hadn’t noticed that Reid, Rossi, Morgan and Garcia were behind me until my car doors were being opened and shut
Rossi pat my shoulder from where he sat in the passenger seat and we left
Everything’s gonna be alright
Thankfully the drive to the hospital was short. As soon as I parked the car we all piled out running to the entrance
“Hello I’m looking for y/n y/l/n, she was in a car accident” Breathless I asked the nurse at the desk
“Are you all family?”
“SSA Aaron Hotchner with the FBI, the woman I just asked about is a part of my team” Flashing her my badge she nodded
“She’s in surgery right now you guys can have a seat in the waiting room the Doctor should be out soon”
Thanking her we walked down the hall and did as told. My feet tapped aimlessly as the unnerving feeling returned. Looking around I took in the others, Spencer was trying not to cry, Derek had his head in his hands, Penelope was indeed crying as Dave tried his best to hold it together as she cried into his shoulder.
This is all your fault, if you had listened and left her alone maybe this wouldn’t have happened. If you hadn’t broke her heart she’d be in your arms, smiling and laughing like the old times
My eyes blurred from the tears that threatened to fall, it took everything in me to not break down. Swallowing the lump in my throat I pushed myself to my feet, pacing the room trying to focus on the bright side of things
She’s strong, she’ll be alright 
“Y/l/n family” Snapping out of my bubble I focused on the Doctor who came over to us
“She’s going to make a full recovery, she has two broken ribs, minor internal bleeding which we were able to stop, a concussion and a dislocated shoulder from the impact as well as some superficial cuts and bruises” he informed us and we collectively released a sigh of relief
“Can we see her?” 
“Of course right this way, she’ll be waking in a few minutes” he lead us to her room the others rushed in but I couldn’t bring myself to look at her fargile state 
She was banged up pretty good, her lip was busted, she had bruises that covered her face possibly from the airbag
“Agent Hotchner a word please” nodding I encouraged the Doctor to continue
“I believe that what I’m about to tell you may or may not surprise you” 
“What is it?”
“She’s roughly five months pregnant, luckily we managed to save the baby in time”
My entire body froze as he went on, she’s pregnant
Pregnant with my baby  
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vanderlindemorgans · 3 years
Cross My Heart (Chapter 5)
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Rating: Explicit/18+
Summary: A traitorous Agent Whiskey returns to the United States on the run. Being cast out by Statesman, he soon finds that you’re the only person he can turn to - the embittered former flame from years long passed
Word count: 7.5k
Warnings: Eventual smut, some references to alcoholism and drug use. Reader is in her late twenties but there is an age gap between her and Whiskey. Chapter specific warnings: one scene takes place in a hospital, some medical talk, more heavy drinking, talk of death and alcoholism (specifically related to drunk driving), mentions of drug addiction, Whiskey being a dick, lotta heavy topics in general.
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“Alright, so the X-Rays have come back and as you can probably already guess your left arm has been fractured”.
The news hadn’t been a shock to you at all - it was only logical that the result of being thrown off the back of a horse was your arm breaking from the impact of the fall, nevermind the sheer amount of pain that it had already caused you was even more indication that something was definitely wrong there. All things considered, it still wasn’t a pleasant piece of news to receive, causing you to let out a low groan as you settled back into the hospital gurney they had allocated to you after the ambulance had pulled you in. Dressed in only a hospital gown, you felt the chill from the room's air conditioning prick the edges of your skin, the coolness of temperature making the whole experience even more foreign to you. Of course, it wasn’t like you’d never been to a hospital before - an unlucky bout of croup had sent you to the emergency room as a little kid when you’d almost stopped breathing. At the resurgence of that particular memory you felt yourself shudder, recalling the hours spent passed out in a brightly lit room and being forced to drink gross tasting liquid that was meant to clear up your airways. At least you weren’t choking on your own breath this time round. 
“Well that’s just fantastic. How long will it take to heal? I kinda got a ranch to run” you asked the doctor, who was standing off to the side consulting the clipboard nestled against his arm. Sighing, he looked up at you with a look of sympathy while he ran through the information he’d jotted down on his notes. “Usually it takes twelve weeks for fractures to heal - given the fact that a good part of your arm has been displaced you’ll need to be put into surgery to shift the bone back into place, which we’ll have scheduled for you in the next twenty-four hours. Afterwards, I’ll be putting you in a cast for a couple of weeks and you’ll have to come back in for checkups weekly. I’ll also give you a list of rehabilitation exercises you can do to ensure the recovery process goes as smoothly as possible” he explained. “After your surgery and subsequent discharge, I heavily recommend a few days bed rest due to the concussion you have sustained”.  
“So I’m guessing most physical labour is out then” you muttered under your breath, sighing once you realized how heavily this would impact your ability to keep things running smoothly back at the ranch. Yes, you had employees but without you to oversee everything things would slow down and descend into madness real quickly. You wished you had allocated some sort of second in command for times like this, a manager of sorts to keep things in place while you recovered but you’d just never gotten around to it, brushing the thought aside every time it sprung up with a simple “Why would I need extra help anyway? Nothing ever happens around here”. 
“You’d be correct on that. Now, I have some other patients to check on but I will be back in about 20 minutes or so to prep you for surgery, though I will send a nurse to give you some painkillers so you can stop feeling the worst of the pain for at least a little while” he replied. You went to thank him but before you could you felt a light touch graze along your right arm. Your eyes glanced over to where Jack’s hand was placed, his touch delicate and comforting, sparking that same feeling in your chest that you’d felt when he’d stroked your forehead back at the ranch. His eyes met your own for a moment, deep cedar brown looking at you with nothing more than concern and worry, somehow pulling at a single string of your heart even though you wanted to fight against it with all your might.
Snapping you focus back into place, you nodded back over to the doctor and thanked him for all he was doing, listening to his reassurances that he’d have you fixed up as soon as possible as he hurried on out of the room to his next patient in need. Once he was gone, you exhaled in annoyance and went back to staring aimlessly at the ceiling, mulling over the inconvenience of your predicament. 
“Everything ok, sugar?” you heard Jack ask you, feeling his enchanting eyes study your expression, his anxiety over your wellbeing plain as day. Letting out a small laugh, you returned his question with a small smile of your own. “Does it look like I’m ok?” you joked, gesturing vaguely to your fractured arm. 
He chuckled at your sarcasm, always enjoying that certain fire you had to your character that refused to silence itself. Unbeknownst to you, that was one of things that drew him towards you in the first place - his own air of cockiness and confidence was equally matched by your spitfire and sarcastic wit. Finding out the sweet disposition that lay behind that harshness the first time round had taken him by complete surprise, but only did more to endear himself to you. God, he was such a fool for losing that. He was certain that your sweetness was still there, closed behind even more layers of hurt and pain that he’d caused such a large hand in. 
From the moment the ambulance had arrived, Jack had stayed beside you, refusing to leave for even a single moment. It was quite endearing, truth be told, a feeling that attempted to worm its way through your steadfast reasoning against him. He’s a liar. Don’t fall for his shit again, you repeated to yourself. Though it was becoming harder and harder to continue regarding him as your greatest mistake when he was behaving so kindly and gentlemanly towards you. Just a part of his deceptive charm, I guess, you thought bitterly. 
“Y’know, you don’t have to worry about things gettin’ outta hand down at the ranch. I’m more than happy to step up and help” he spoke up, snapping your attention back to his words and out of your own contemplation. You thought about his proposal for a minute, the temptation to say yes seeming very appealing towards you, though somehow that felt like admitting to weakness. The ranch wasn’t his responsibility, it was yours, left to you by your dear parents. It was your obligation to run it in their stead - there’d been difficulties along the way, sure, including the occasional nasty cold every now and then but you had pulled through without any trouble. You didn’t need help or any sort of handout, and you were more than capable of taking care of business by yourself, even with a broken arm.
Then again, it is gonna be kinda hard to run a business while being confined to bed rest. Briefly you thought about just closing the ranch for a couple of days while you got back on track yet once you thought about the loss in profits you discarded that idea quickly. It wasn’t like you were struggling to make ends meet but a dip in profits could cause a bit of issue. 
“Yeah but...It’s my responsibility. I can’t just ignore that because I got a stupid broken arm” you rebuffed, though you didn’t sound entirely convinced of what you were saying yourself. Sadly, stubbornness was your nature and even if you knew you were fighting a losing battle, sometimes it was more about the principle of having a position rather than whatever thing you were debating over. Some would say that was quite a counterproductive way to look at things, and you’d agree with them, yet you still remained stubborn in spite of them, feeding back into the cycle.  
“Darlin’, with all due respect, I think what’s best for you is that you take a step back and let someone else take the reins. You need to allow yourself to rest a lil. Tell me, in all the years of runnin’ the ranch by yourself, have you ever once taken a day off?”. 
“No, but-”.
“Exactly as I thought. You’ve been doing an amazing job at keeping things together for all these years, sweetheart, but you gotta relax a bit. Let me help you” he interrupted, gazing at you with those heart-meltingly sweet eyes of his, a look which made you seize up ever so slightly in minor fake annoyance. Little shit, he had to be doing that on purpose.
“Fine, only if it’ll get you to shut up” you relented, rolling your eyes in a dramatic fashion and hitting your head back down into the pillow below, eliciting a playful smirk from him in return. “That’s my girl, stubborn as always” he jested. 
To that you cocked an eyebrow at him in disbelief. “Your girl? Careful there, Jack, for a minute I thought you were capable of genuine compassion and care. I may have once been your girl, cowboy, but not anymore. Or did you happen to forget?”. 
His own expression softened slightly in regards to your snide remark, his mischievous grin faltering while he turned his gaze to the floor, looking somewhat sheepish towards what you had said, a far cry from his usual air of arrogance. “Yeah, I guess I deserve that” he murmured. “Tell me, sugar, do you ever think one day you’ll believe me when I say that I’m sorry?”. 
“When pigs fly, dearest” you smiled with a shit-eating grin, though you couldn’t miss that momentary flash of hurt in his eyes that made you pull back, a sharp pang striking through your chest that hurt harder than the agonizing ache in your arm, which really, was saying something. Could that be...guilt, perhaps?, you thought, searching Jack’s face for any further sign of offense. If he was feeling hurt, he was doing a pretty stellar job at hiding it. Maybe it was nothing, and even if he was hurt, well, he said it himself, he deserved it. Without giving you another minute to ponder your own feelings, a welcome interruption in the arrival of a nurse found you, shifting your thoughts towards the relief of finally getting some painkillers into you. 
The surgery had gone over well, and after a grueling day spent hanging out in that hospital room hopped up on painkillers you were finally discharged late afternoon the following day. The worst of your concussion had cleared itself up too yet you were still confined to your bed for those first few days - the doctor was insistent on that fact, saying you could never be too careful. You’d begrudgingly complied, not wanting to cause any further problems to your health, and even if you had tried to go against the doctor’s orders, you knew that Jack would be there to send you off back to bed if you dared lift a finger. 
Jack had doted on you the entire time, making sure you were well hydrated and cool enough in the midst of the hot Texas summer, fetching you snacks and whatever else you needed from downstairs. In his own words, what kind of man would he be if he didn’t take care of an ailing woman. You’d rolled your eyes and insisted that he didn’t have to go all out with looking after you yet he’d insisted. It was somewhat heartwarming, and it felt nice to be taken care of again after those last few years alone. It reminded you of when you’d come down with the flu back in third grade, staying home in bed lazily watching television and barely being able to keep your eyes open while your mum made soup in the kitchen. You could feel your heart drop at the mere recollection of your parents, pain that stayed beneath the surface rising up in full force. Usually you pushed those feelings down, not wanting to become distracted from the business, but today, you allowed yourself the indulgence of missing them. What would they think if they could see you now? Would they be proud, or disappointed? 
Feeling your stomach grumble, you shifted over in bed and reached your only good arm out to grab onto the half-eaten grilled cheese Jack had brought in for you five minutes before, letting out a low wince at the pain that writhed through your other arm, which had been placed into a cast and sling for the time being. Already you couldn’t wait for the day you could get the damned thing taken off - you hadn’t been able to shower and you felt grotty and gross. It wasn’t like you had to impress anyone, it was just you and Jack lying about the place. Still, you could only take so many days of waking up with unwashed greasy hair. And it was itchy too. Oh dear god, it was fucking itchy. You’d heard about how itchy the plaster could get second-hand but you never anticipated it to be that bad. 
Directing your eyes to the clock on your bedside, you took notice of the time and let out a small relieved sigh. You could finally take another one of those painkillers, the fourth and dismally last one for you of the day. 
Your relief quickly fizzled out into disappointment when you realised the packet of painkillers that had been sitting by your bedside was empty. “Seriously? It’s only been a few days, I couldn’t have gone through them already…” you muttered to yourself in annoyance. Nevermind, there was another packet downstairs. You may have been perfectly capable of getting out of bed and retrieving it yourself, though you found yourself not wanting to be bothered with such a task. “Hey Jack, you there? I ran out of painkillers, could ya run some up to me?” you called out.
“Sure thing, sweetheart” you heard him shout back, and no more than two minutes later he was striding through your bedroom door, carrying exactly what you had requested within his palms. “How are you feelin’?” he asked. 
“No better than six minutes ago when you last asked me that. Thanks for bringing these up though, fuck that stupid horse for bucking me off” you grumbled, sniping the blessed white packet out of his hands and into your fingers. “Pain making you grumpy, sweet girl? You seem a bit more full of spitfire than usual today” he joked. 
“Nah, you’re getting the discounted version today. If I wanted to vocalise exactly what I was feeling right now you’d be obliterated in a second” you laughed, chucking a tablet into your mouth and washing it down with a large gulp of water, anxious to feel some semblance of relief. 
“You don’t say. How’s your head doing, though? No dizziness or anything like that?”. 
“I’m fine, Jack, I promise. You don’t have to fawn all over me just because I broke my dumb arm” you assured, rolling your eyes at him. 
“I wouldn’t call in fawning, I only want to make sure you're comfortable and all that. Not only because of your arm and all” he smiled gently, reaching out to brush a stray hair off your forehead. It could have been the heat of the room but you could have sworn your skin felt on fire the moment he touched you. You could feel him press the back of his fingers against your head, unconsciously allowing your breath to hitch at his touch. And just like that, the warmth of his hand was gone, leaving an invisible searing mark in its place and your own head full of frenzied and confused thoughts. 
“Like I said earlier, just call out if you need anything else, alright darlin’?” he said as he was leaving, words that you didn’t care to take notice of as he left you to yourself again. Blinking slowly, you couldn’t even fully begin to describe what had just taken place, or why one little gesture was throwing your mind into somersaults. Why did his mere touch have to affect you like that? Why couldn’t he just leave you alone? Groaning loudly, you settled yourself underneath the sheet covering you and huffed at nobody in particular, cursing both yourself and him for even existing. For fucks sake...
Taking a sip of bourbon from your glass, you leaned against the side of the stairs of the veranda with your gaze fixated off into the distance, though you didn’t take any notice of what lay ahead, lost deep in your own thoughts that clouded your mind. It’d been a couple more days, and you’d finally been able to get out of bed and get back to helping out around the ranch - not that you were still of any use to anyone, given the state of your arm. It felt good to be back overseeing things, albeit a bit more behind the scenes than you had been in years. It’d be a good month or so before you were able to move your arm properly and have things back to normal. At first that fact did nothing short of irritating you, since you weren’t one to lie about helpless when work needed to be done. Over the last few days though, seeing the ranch go about with business as usual with Jack’s extra help had put you at ease a little. It still bothered you somewhat that you had to be asking any sort of help from Jack Daniels of all people, though really, he was the one offering it in the first place so you hadn’t so much as asked him to do anything, moreso conceding to his instistance at the behest of your stubbornness. 
The pain was getting a little better too, though whether that had more to do with the painkillers or not remained to be seen. For example, you couldn’t feel anything now but you had just ingested two glasses of pure straight bourbon, so of course any type of pain would be numbed. Remember when it could numb more than just that? You let out a small snicker at the thought, sounding as hollow and empty as it felt. Once upon a time you might have been classed as relatively lightweight, a fact that changed after years of the trials and tribulations life had thrown your way. You still got drunk easy, but it took a good few glasses before you actually passed out.
“You know, you should let me sign that for ya”. 
Hearing that familiar voice ring out from behind you, you swivel around so see its owner standing right in the opened doorway of your home, his hands casually resting in his pockets and his frame leant against the wall. “What are we, in middle school? I don’t want it getting dirty” you scoffed, rolling your eyes at him for good measure. 
He smirked right back at you, letting out a small snicker that mirrored your own. “Why not? It’s not like you're gonna have to be wearin’ it forever. A little scribble in permanent marker wouldn’t do ya any harm” Jack grinned, taking a large step forward to descend down to your level, seating himself right next to you on the veranda. You cocked an eyebrow at him, letting your fingertips trail over the edge of the glass in your hands while you stared at him with utter audacity. “And yet I know you’re only so persistent in signing it because you’ll write something crude or vaguely flirty” you snipped. 
“How little you think of me, sugar. I’d never dream of doin’ such a thing. I am nothing if not a gentleman”. 
“Oh, do cut the charm, Jack. What is it you want?”.
“Please, can’t a man share a glass of bourbon with a lady without being subjected to the Spanish Inquisition?” he asked, wearing his devilish and frustratingly charming grin as he spoke, the appearance of which you swore made your cheeks flush a little bit hotter. Probably because of the alcohol...and it is hot out here after all...
“Not this lady, cowboy” you stated, gulping down the last dredges of bourbon in your glass and placing it back down to the floor with a thud. You went to go grab the bottle from beside you but found Jack had already snatched it up, pouring you another glass. Mumbling out a small thank you, you considered asking him if he wants a glass of his own, however once you caught sight of his silver Statesman issued flask in his hands you dismissed the idea entirely. With nothing else left to say, you glanced back up to the sky above towards where the moon was hanging over you two, the delicate light illuminating the stretches of countryside around your property in a soft glow, one that was both enchanting and eerie at the same time. Every now and then you would be reminded of how beautiful the Texan countryside could look, whether it be bathed in the rays of that damned blistering sun or the enigmatic glimmer of moonlight. It could pull you back to moments lost in time, years ago sitting right where you were in that very same spot, seven years younger and with the exact same man sitting beside you, head rested on his shoulder and looking out into the vast expanse of midnight black. Funny how things change, don’t they?
Out the corner of your eye you saw Jack shake his head, his eyes quiet, the sparkle of stark confidence bordering on plain arrogance missing. It was a similar look to the one he’d given you at the hospital that night, before he’d tried to cover it up with a certain facade of indifference. “What will it take for you to believe I’m sorry? What happened between us, it was all-” he started before being unceremoniously cut off by your interjection. 
“In the past? I’m well aware of that. Doesn’t change how I feel” you stopped him. You’d anticipated him throwing out that line from day one and you’d come prepared. Shut it down. Don’t let him try to swindle you for a fool. 
His expression changed to one more serious, a hint of him being slightly miffed that you cut him off in the first place. “Let me finish, darlin’. I’m gonna level with you for a second - what I did to you was one of the worst mistakes of my life. Letting everything fall apart like it did, I never should have let it happen” he expressed, his tone straddling between being firm and also being gentle. Cocking an eyebrow at him, you turned back to your glass of liquor, swirling the liquid around idly in a way that reminded you of that persistent thought running round your head. Did he have a point? Were you being too harsh on him? 
Don’t become soft on him. Don’t do it. You shifted back into focus, pushing those thoughts far to the back of your tipsy mind while you took a couple large sips of liquor as if it were a lifeline. “Worse than whatever mistake led you to showing up on my doorstep?” you asked, eager to direct the conversation right back out of that uncomfortable territory and into something a bit more easier to stomach. Maybe later on you could ponder the true depths of your perceptions of Jack. Right now, though, you wanted to get wasted and not have to think about anything anymore. And hey, it’s not like I wasn’t wondering about the events that led him here in the first place anyway.“You never did tell me what happened. I know you said it was none of my concern but...I want to know. Call it a spate of drunken curiosity, if ya want”. 
The question alone was enough to draw Jack’s face from being merely serious to an expression more cold and distant. He looked away from you entirely and rested his gaze to the few steps below the two of you, his hand clenching in a subconscious act that alone was enough to tell you his own reservations regarding the topic. “Truth is, I’ve been fucking things up for a good couple of years. What happened to lead me here, well, it ain’t a pretty story”. 
“I don’t care, Jack, I wanna know” you asserted, surging with a sense of fiery confidence. It might have been the alcohol giving you a bit more moxie to push the topic. One thing was for sure though: you wanted answers, and you didn’t wanna let this go. Stretching your legs out, you finished off the glass you had while you waited for him to reply, not wanting to cave to your request even if he was looking at you like you’d threatened to kill the President. 
Finally, he let out a low groan of annoyance and leant against the side of the veranda, not affording you a single look as he launched into his tale. “Basically what happened is some agents from an English based secret service came over to the states as a last resort - their base got blown up by someone and the two guys that approached us were the only ones left alive. Well, them and this other guy we had at our headquarters, but that’s a whole other story. The people behind the attack were a group called the Golden Circle, and Statesman had already been investigating them for awhile. I was called in by Champ to partner up with the Kingsman fellas, do the regular secret agent spiel of espionage and savin’ the world and all that crap. But, me and these other agents, we had an...ideological disagreement. I was covertly tryin’ to hinder them until the older guy got wise to my shit and shot me in the head. Ginger managed to bring me in and revive me, I went over to Cambodia where the two agents were confronting the leader of the Golden Circle, and to make a long story short things got nasty pretty quickly. I barely escaped with my life” he explained.
You nodded along to his explanation, the load of information being a lot to take in the first time round. You were always somewhat aware of Jack’s position as a secret agent though you were never privy to the nitty and gritty details - in fact, the way you’d found out about it in the first place was by complete accident and Jack had to beg Agent Champ to allow you to become cleared on even knowing the basics of his true work behind the front of being a Statesman investor. “And these ideological disagreements were…?” you pushed. 
“Trust me, you don’t wanna know” he deflected.
“Try me”.
He didn’t reply to you straight away, instead staring at you with a stark look of confliction across his face, an inner turmoil brewing inside of him on whether or not he should tell you even more. Being cast out as a traitor, he didn’t have to worry about breaking any sort of rule of confidentiality, so if you had to wager a guess at what his dilemma was, then it must have been that he felt mildly ashamed, or even embarrassed about the whole situation. In your mind though, you’d let him keep his secrets for weeks now, but if he was going to stay in your house you wanted to at the bare minimum know what he did that was so bad that he simply couldn’t return back home anymore.  “Well go on then, hit me with your best shot” you prodded further, hopefully enough to get his demeanour to crack and for him to spill what exactly the entire fuss had been about. And sure enough, crack he did. 
Running a hand across his forehead, he let out a low exasperated sigh, one that would have been inaudible if you hadn’t been seated beside him, indicating the exact moment he finally decided to break his own silence and reveal everything to you. “The Golden Circle were primarily a drug cartel and terrorist organization based out in the hidden depths of the Cambodian jungle. Their leader had devised a plot that involved lacing their distribution of drugs with a new type of chemical she created that caused death. Since their supply was mass distributed over the globe, they were holding the entire populace of drug users and addicts hostage to their respective governments, demanding a payout for the antidote. They didn’t, however, anticipate the President and other world leaders not really giving a red hot shit about the lives of junkies. Being the noble men they are, the Kingsman agents as well as the rest of Statesman were striving to get ahold of the antidote to save all those people. And that, is where me and them disagreed” Jack elaborated, avoiding your gaze in what appeared to be a calculated move in order to refrain from seeing your reactions to his admittance. In the span of two minutes, your expression had shifted from intense curiosity to straight up bafflement at what he was saying. It didn’t make sense - why was he against distributing the antidote? He was a secret agent, wasn’t he meant to save the world and innocent lives and all that?
“Let me get this straight - you were assigned on a mission to try to save the lives of innocent people, and you chose...not to do that” you asked, your tone laced with judgment. Not that you had intended for what you said to have come across any different. If what he was implying was right, then that would mean...
“Well, when you put it like that, sure, it sounds awful. I will concede, it wasn’t my best move. But all the people who ingested those drugs did so willingly. They knew they were taking a gamble on their lives the moment they stuck a damn needle into their arms” Jack grumbled defensively, allowing you to gawk back at him in utter disbelief. “Jack, no, you can’t seriously believe that? So what you’re saying is that the kid that decided to get high with his mates one weekend at a party deserves to die? Is that right?”. 
“No, no, I didn’t mean like that, I just…”.
“Really? ‘Cause it sounds a lot like you’re saying that innocent people should die for their poor choices” you cut in, shaking your head to further drive your point in. “Jesus, just when I thought you couldn’t be a bigger asshole you proved me wrong”. 
“Sweetheart, please, I know. It was a mistake, you don’t have to keep rubbing it in”. 
“You know it’s a mistake, but do you truly feel it? Do you really feel remorse? Because if you don’t then it’s just a bunch of empty words” you rebuffed, shooting him with a cold piercing glare that could make an entire continent freeze over. Around about this time, you really began to take notice of the dazed feeling clouding you, every glass of liquor draining straight into your brain and making you feel like your entire head was swimming. Maybe take it easy on the next glass, why don’t ya? With that thought, you shoved the glass off to the side with your free arm and bit your lip, debating whether or not you should even say what you wanted to next. That debate, however, did not last very long as you found yourself blurting out exactly what was on your mind within two seconds of your last thought. “Jack, look...maybe I’ll hate myself for saying this later, and maybe it’s just the liquor talking but I don’t think you’re an inherently bad person. I think you’re an arrogant son of a bitch who does cruel stupid things but probably has a decent enough heart. You just...you gotta stop with this shit. Stop with the betrayals, and the lies, and the false promises, all of it, and just be the real you. The Jack I knew may be a prick but he was never one to let an innocent die on his watch. What’s really behind all this?”. 
He continued to glare from his position beside you, somewhat intent on making you recant and drop the whole subject entirely. You wouldn’t go down that easy though, and he knew it, for as stubborn as Jack was you were at least ten times moreso, so when he folded first and trained his eyes low to the ground, you knew that he’d finally conceded. You could feel a whole shift in his demeanour from where you sat, the mask of defensive anger slowly falling away to reveal what was truly underneath: hurt. Pure, raw, unbridled hurt. Anguish that felt especially familiar to you and spoke to a part of yourself that you’d been turning away from for years, and even before he said those words you knew exactly what he was going to say. 
“Years ago, before I became an agent to Statesman, I was married to the young woman I’d fallen for in high school. I think I told you about her in passing maybe once, or twice, I don’t know…” Jack started, trailing off once he began to fully re-immerse himself in the past, heartache plainly sewn across his features. It was then that you felt an ache of your own in your chest, a heavy feeling of guilt descending upon you once you realised the gravity of what he was saying. “I remember. You said her name was Lily, wasn’t it?” you murmured, your voice small and unsure, with a hint of something else present too. Regret? Guilt? Whatever it was, you couldn’t quite put a name to it, but it was there, strong as anything and clearly wasn’t going away any time soon. 
Jack let out a small hum in reply, everything about his composure presumably a million miles away from everything around the both of you.“So you do remember” he muttered, brushing his fingers over the edge of his silver flask that he had cradled in his handles, tracing the Statesman logo engraved on the side with the pad of his thumb. “I remember you askin’ me about her the first time you came back to my apartment in New York - you saw the photo of her I kept on my desk and asked who she was. I only told you briefly that she was long gone, but I never told you how. The both of us were only twenty-three, and she was pregnant with our first child, a baby boy. Last time I saw her she left the house to go to the convenience store a few streets over”. He stopped himself for a split second, the darkness of his eyes being the all-too recognisable sign of falling deep into his own recollection, feeling as if he was reliving every memory that he revisited in his mind. “Twenty minutes later I get a phone call from a cop, saying there’d been an incident. Meth addicts had robbed the store at gunpoint and she’d been caught in the crossfire. She died instantly, and I wasn’t there to say goodbye. I never got to meet our baby boy, I never got to hold her in my arms again and say how much I loved her, because she was taken from me by a couple of meth-addled scumbags”. 
You were honestly at a loss for words, not knowing if saying something would be the appropriate option or not. He was right, you knew he was married before - the time with the picture that he mentioned was the most you had heard of her. He never brought Lily up again, and you never thought to ask, since in your mind it wasn’t any of your business who Jack loved before. Now, the pieces were falling into place, the interwoven connections of his past to his actions as an agent making all the more sense to you. 
What you wanted to do most was lean forward and envelop him into your embrace, tell him that you understood more than anyone what exactly that felt like, and even permit yourself to pour out your own heart to him. Drunk as you were though, you couldn’t talk yourself into doing anything more than placing a reassuring hand on his knee, letting your touch be soft and hesitant in case he shrugged you off, since you did basically just goad him into revealing his own wounds in the name of having answers. “Jack, I...I had no idea, I-”. 
“How could you have known? I never told you” he mumbled flatly. In the dim veranda light, all though it was faint, you could swear that there was a teardrop lingering in the corner of his cedar brown eyes, nudging the dagger of guilt further into your heart. Say something, you idiot.
Starting off softly, you let your hand rest firmer on his knee, trying to catch his eyes into your own. Tearing his glance away from the flask, he looked back at you with the same raw grief that you had seen on your own face so many times. “I know it must have hurt like hell losing her. And you have every right to feel angry, and hurt that she was taken, but that doesn’t give you the right to hate. Every addict in the world is not the same man who took her life. You can’t just-” you started, before the sound of Jack’s harshest tone cut through your words like a knife. 
“How would you know? Do you have any idea what it feels like to hurt, to have lost everything because of someone else’s choices?” he spat, anger seething in his scowl that was directed solely at you. It had taken you by surprise at first - as a reflex you withdrew your hand quickly from him as if he were burnt, perplexed at his sudden outburst. That didn’t last long however, as soon enough confusion was replaced by your own flair of anger. Now it was your turn to get defensive.“I think I do know what it’s like to hurt and to lose. In case you’ve forgotten, dickhead, there’s two people who should be right inside this house that aren’t anymore and haven’t been for about six fucking years now!” you yelled back. 
Shit. He’d forgotten about your parents. The anger that had been in him disappeared without a trace right then, being replaced by something close to resembling remorse over his behaviour. “I...I didn’t mean...fuck, sugar, I…I’m sorry. I don’t even know what to say” he apologised. You didn’t say anything back to him. You didn’t want to dignify him with any sort of a response. First of all, how dare he? You were only trying to empathise with him, and here he was biting your head off for daring to suggest that he doesn't hate every drug user on the planet. Why do I even fucking bother? 
The awkward silence between you hung for awhile, the two of you not wanting to break it for your own different reasons. You could feel Jack stealing glances at you, like he was trying to talk himself into saying something but never had the courage to follow through. Huffing to yourself, you took in your next glass fast enough to make your head spin. You’d have to turn in for the night eventually, and truth be told you were considering doing so right then when you heard Jack speak up. 
“I never did ask...if you don’t mind me askin’ that is...what happened to your folks anyway?” he asked hesitantly, as if he knew the question was fat-witted to begin with. Not that you minded too much by then. Drunk you was a lot more forgiving than you were sober. 
Taking in a heavy breath, you relayed your tale of woe to him, one hand placed steady to your side to keep you sitting upright. “It was late, and they were coming back from a friend’s 50th birthday party. Their friend lived in downtown Dallas, so they had a fair way to go to get from there to here. When they were almost on the highway, an out-of-control car barrelled towards them, smashing into the front of their windscreen and killing both of them instantly. The driver of the other car had been drinking - according to the local news he was a known alcoholic and had been out having a heated argument with his friend in the passenger seat. The only survivor of the entire collision had been his friend”. 
You saw Jack blink at you in silent shock, the weight of your words falling heavily on him while he continued to process it all. “Shit, darling, I feel like an even bigger piece of shit than I already did. If you slapped me clean across the face and kicked me out on my ass after this I wouldn’t blame ya one bit” he replied to you solemnly in a way that didn’t leave you questioning the authenticity of his words - he was genuinely sorry this time round. Taking his apology in stride, you shrugged back at him  and acted as nonchalant about the whole thing as possible, not wanting to ponder the topic further. As far as you were concerned, you’d felt enough things for one day and would very much like a break from it all. 
“It’s fine. You had no way of knowing. But please, if you take anything from this, at least listen to my words: externalising hate towards random people only feeds your trauma. It doesn’t resolve anything, and the only person left suffering in the end is yourself”. 
He furrowed his brow at you, most likely feeling a little defensive that the topic had circled back around to here, but considering his unruly display of anger earlier he wasn’t one to indulge in his own instinctual need to defend his position. “But...didn’t you want the man who took your parents away to suffer? Didn’t you look at every other drunk driving incident in the papers with a little more anger and rage than before?” he asked, earning a single eyebrow raise from you in return. “I mean...I guess what I’m trying to say is...it’s so easy to hate...why didn’t you fall into that trap?”. 
“Well, I did, for a little. It was almost tempting to look at every person I saw struggling with alcoholism in red. Since the man who caused the collision was already dead as a result of his own mistakes, at times I’d externalise part of that pain I was feeling onto others, and sometimes that anger became so hot and so burning that it was almost impossible to ignore. I realised pretty quickly that hating alcoholics wasn’t going to bring my parents back and that I’d have to make peace with their passing at some point. Honestly, I still haven’t processed a lot of that shit myself yet I’m still out here living my life as best I can, and really, with my own drinking habits I’d be a goddamn hypocrite to even try to find any true hatred in my heart towards heavy drinkers” you explained. Taking one last sip of bourbon, you discarded your glass off to your side and chuckled lightheartedly. “God, If I drink another glass I’m gonna collapse on the fucking floor. Think it might be time for me to turn in for the night. At least it’s Sunday tomorrow so we can sleep in a lil”.
“Y-you’re goin’ to bed? You’re not telling me to get lost or anything?” Jack sputtered in disbelief, which in turn earned him a minorly strange look from you. “Why would I do that?” you asked. 
“I quite literally just admitted to treason against my former organization to you”. 
“So? You made a mistake. A pretty fucking big mistake, and a shitty one at that, but still, a mistake. You obviously have some of your own pain you need to work through, and I can get that. Doesn’t mean I agree with what you did, but I get it. I’m not gonna kick you to the curb just because you have issues”.Upon saying that, you hoisted yourself up by latching your free arm onto the veranda’s fenceline, stumbling a little as you fought to maintain your balance while being both drunk and unable to fully utilise one of your arms. Nevertheless, you’d managed to straighten yourself up, and once you’d determined that you were alright to take yourself upstairs you faced on towards the front door and grasped at the brass knob in your hands, taking a brief pause to turn back and nod softly towards the man behind you. “Night Jack, I’ll see ya tomorrow” you called out, leaving him to sit there and watch you disappear back into the house with a certain look of dumbfounded astonishment.
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illegal-spiegel · 4 years
To Save a Dog’s Life
Genre: angst, fluff Warnings: reader sustaining injuries  Summary: Bakugo, Todoroki, Deku, and Kirishima’s reaction to the reader who risks their life to save a dog A/N: I am not a doctor so sorry if none of this is ✨accurate✨
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Katsuki Bakugo:
he is literally blasting towards the villain when you jump in out of nowhere
he slams on his nonliteral brakes and gawks for a second 
what kind of moron are you? 
you run right at the villain before stopping a couple of feet away to pick something up 
is that a...?
it’s a dog
you start to run away again when the villain sends rubble your way
Ground Zero is right back into action when he gets over his initial shock 
but, of course, he just wasn’t fast enough
next thing he knows, you’re being crushed 
he flies to you using his quirk and lands before you
he goes to help you while the other idiots try to stop the villain 
“You sure are stupid.” 
that is literally the first thing he says to you when he reaches you 
he’s not very good at this part of the whole hero thing 
you gawk up at him after telling the dog to run home 
he watches the dog take off before looking back to you 
“Did you seriously just risk your life to save a dumb mutt?” he asks as he tries to lift the rock off of you 
you scoff at his question, rolling your eyes 
“Well duh! The poor thing was about to be crushed!” 
Bakugo gives you a straight face as he assesses your situation right now 
your entire lower half is trapped under concrete 
“God, you’re such an idiot,” he groans before deciding to just blast the rubble away 
you scoff again and go to say something as you move to stand up when you feel it 
you cry out in agony, your legs refusing to move
“Your legs are broken, you imbecile. Stop moving,” he snaps, moving to lift you up bridal style 
you huff and roll your eyes, looking at the villain who is now tied up 
“My hero,” you say sarcastically
he clicks his tongue and scowls at the sight of the villain restrained
“You made me miss all the action, you extra.” 
“Do you have a single nice bone in your body?” you snap, growing agitated 
“I saved you, didn’t I?” he snaps right back 
you huff and look away from him once more 
he personally took you to the hospital and made sure you were taken care of before leaving 
he barely spoke the entire time he was with you after you both reached the hospital 
you can’t help but feel sad that he left
maybe you only like him because he saved you?
but he’s so handsome...
and he can keep up with your quips and sarcasm...
you tried to forget about him during your stay in the hospital but it was hard 
he was always on tv saving people and he even appeared in your dreams 
stupid hero 
when you started physical therapy, halfway through the first session, you discovered that he was there 
you asked for a break and sat in your wheelchair before wheeling on over to him 
“Ground Zero?” you ask shocked 
“Yeah. Good thing your brain isn’t more damaged than it already is,” he says as he crosses his arms over his chest
you grunt and roll your eyes 
“And you’re here because...” you trail off, waiting for him to fill in the blank 
he stays silent for a moment, just staring at you 
then he finally says, “I just wanted to tell you that the stupid dog you saved is okay. The family found it and said they’ll pay for your hospital bills as thanks.” 
you’re shocked, to say the least 
you try to argue with him but he says it’s too late and it’s already been done 
turns out, he’s actually the one who paid for them 
he didn’t lie about the family’s dog though. They got you flowers, balloons, and a ‘get well soon’ card to which he brought to your room
after that one visit, he found himself coming around more often 
after your legs were good as new, you ended up asking him on a date
you’ll never let him live down how red his face got 
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Shoto Todoroki:
he uses his right side to freeze the villain’s legs in place 
this is when he sees you just a couple of feet away with your feet stuck as well 
you’re also holding a dog?
you quickly set the dog down though and let it run away from you 
before he can do anything else, the villain extends his arms to you and hits you with all of his might 
so he can extend his body 
he must also know that saving you is the priority  
because he hit you from behind and made you go forward
since part of your legs are stuck in the ice though, your knees break with the pressure as you fall forward to the ground 
Todoroki curses and quickly freezes the rest of the villain, not even caring at this point if he freezes the villain to death 
he goes to your side and uses his left hand to melt the ice around your legs
you look up at him with wide eyes, staring at him and refusing to look away 
“Is the dog okay?” you stutter out, voice laced with pain 
he was not expecting that
his brows furrow at your question as he looks at your face before looking back down to your legs
yup, your legs are definitely broken 
“Yeah. It ran away. Is it your dog?” he asks as he lifts you up 
you shake your head with a weak laugh 
“Oh, no. I just saw it and knew I needed to save it.” 
he honestly can’t believe you right now 
you risked your life to save a dog that isn’t even yours 
you’re starting to remind him of Deku 
did you hit your head too?
he takes you to the hospital, leaving the villain to the police 
he doesn’t even bother melting the ice for them 
he stays with you for as long as he can before visitors are forced to leave
he visits you every single day though 
it is his fault that you got stuck there and then the villain attacked you 
you tried to tell him it wasn’t necessary but he refused to listen 
it took a while for your legs to heal and for you to be able to walk again but the day eventually came 
Todoroki then told you he’s taking you out to eat
yes, you read that right 
he didn’t ask 
he demanded it 
he tried to tell himself that it’s because he felt guilty for being the cause of this 
when in reality 
over the time he visited and stayed with you at the hospital, he began to grow feelings for you 
you already felt bad enough for getting in his way and having him pay for your hospital bills (despite your protests)
and now he wants to take you out to eat?
you agree but only if you could pay for the meal 
he agrees, if anything, to just see you longer 
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Izuku Midoriya:
he’s already in mid-jump heading toward the villain when you appear out of nowhere
he starts to panic but tries to remain calm
wait, okay
maybe you have a quirk and just want to help
maybe you’re not an innocent civilian 
yeah, you’re most definitely not a hero 
you pick up a dog that’s about to get crushed by the villain and turn around just to have Deku run into you 
he can’t exactly stop himself in the middle of the air
you both crash to the ground and you weakly let the puppy go to let it run off to safety 
you cough a bit as Deku quickly moves off of you
just as he does though, the villain sends heavy debris both of your ways
he punches through it to make the pieces smaller but they still hit you 
one hits your head and has you laying back down onto the ground 
he quickly takes care of the villain before rushing to you 
he jumps high into the air with you in his arms to the rooftops, knowing it’ll be quicker for him to take you to the hospital this way rather than having you go through traffic 
“Did you just risk your life to save a dog?” he asks incredulously 
at your weak laugh and nod, he can’t help to smile a bit despite his worrying 
you’re just like him 
even before he got his quirk, he was running out into danger to save the people he cared about 
you pass out halfway there and it only makes him go faster
when he brings you inside, he refuses to let you go unless it’s absolutely necessary 
he just wants, no—needs you to be okay 
turns out you have a concussion 
he asks the doctor how long you’ll be here for 
“Normally, someone who sustains a head injury only needs to stay three to seven days unless it’s serious. We won’t know until we run some tests,” he replies smoothly before excusing himself to check on other patients 
whether you’re there for a couple of days or a couple of weeks, Deku is there for it all 
it’s his fault you got hurt in the first place
with his caring and protective personality, it didn’t take long for you two to become close 
anytime he mentioned you getting hurt is his fault, you stop him and reassure him it’s not 
“You saved me. You’re my favorite hero. I’ll never forget that day,” you reassure him the first time he ever said it was his fault
you’re the first person to tell him that he’s your favorite hero 
he’s red in the face for the rest of that day 
the day you’re released, he asks you to get food with him 
“Deku, are you asking me out on a date?” you tease 
“No! Maybe! Yes! Only if you want to!” he stutters out, face the darkest shade of red you’ve ever seen 
and who would you be to deny him?
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Eijirou Kirishima:
he’s trying to think of a plan on how to stop the difficult villain when you appear out of thin air 
he thinks you’re a hero for a second before he realizes that you’re just a civilian trying to save a dog 
the giant villain is about to crush the dog with his foot when you run towards the villain, grab the dog, and slide it out of the way 
it was very manly of you, whether you’re a man or not 
Kirishima is very moved and even tears up a little 
he snaps out of it though when he realizes that you couldn’t move out of the way fast enough and got stepped on
Kirishima has never moved so quickly in his life 
he hardens as he runs at the villain and goes right through their leg 
it’s gross and he’s covered in blood but at least it prevents the villain from walking anymore 
he runs to your side and checks to see if you’re alive, praying that you are 
if you died because he wasn’t manly enough and didn’t stop the villain sooner...
his whole body softens when he realizes that you’re still breathing and you have a heartbeat 
both are weak though and you need medical attention asap 
he lets the ambulance take you since its the fastest way
he makes sure to know what hospital you’re going to though
once he knows, he saves it into his memory as he heads home to clean up 
when he’s free of blood and in his regular clothes, he goes to the hospital to visit you 
he’s devastated to find out you’re in a coma 
this is all his fault 
you stay that way for weeks but you best believe that Kirishima visits you every. single. day.
he talks to you too
he tells you about his day, what he learned in class, his friends, about being a hero, and anything else
he’ll spend the whole day there and he never grows bored 
sometimes, he’ll even read to you or work on homework out loud 
no matter what he’s doing, he makes sure to include you 
because what if you’re awake but just can’t show it and you’re so incredibly bored?
he’s there when you wake up 
you’re shocked to see him there and even more surprised to watch him start to cry 
he begs for your forgiveness and promises that he’ll be a more manly hero and do a better job at protecting people 
all you do at first is smile at him and weakly reach for his hand 
“Thank you for saving my life. I heard you, you know. Everything you said to me,” you say weakly, voice barely working thanks to lack of use for weeks 
he wipes his teary eyes with his free hand and smiles the brightest smile you’ve ever seen 
he thanks you and makes sure to visit you every day until you’re released 
when you are, he blushes as red as his hair and asks you out on a date 
“I think it’s only fair to keep you company after you’ve kept me company after all this time,” you lightly tease 
he tries to get rid of his blush while you laugh at how red he’s turning 
yeah, it didn’t take long for you to start dating  
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sailor-manga · 4 years
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long, and I’m really sorry if this isn’t the greatest. I just know quite a few of you have been waiting for it so I tried to finish it with little motivation I had left. ;u; I love you guys, hope you enjoy. Also, I know there is mention of a party in this fic, and it was just getting long already so if you guys want a part two where they go on their first.. official date [I guess?] Just let me know. 
This fic is meant for readers +18, if you are not +18, please go elsewhere.
Warnings: Smut, Swearing. 
Word Count: 5,397 words.
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You hurt, you didn’t know what went wrong.. One second you were simply walking home from a friends house, next thing- You found yourself in a pile of rubble, trapping your leg and leaving you helpless. Letting out a loud cry, you would hear more smashing in the distance, as well as yelling- There was a fight breaking out and you were in the middle of it. You could see a flash of red, it was Red Riot, pinning down a hybrid looking human. Your eyes practically lit up! Red Riot was your favorite Pro Hero and you found yourself constantly swooning over the male on TV or on the internet. 
You were so giddy that he was here, you ALMOST forgot the fact that you leg was being crushed by a fucking piece of building, begging to be let out. You could feel blood dripping, and it did hurt- a lot, but thankfully nothing felt broken, the pain would be ten times worse. 
Glancing back down at your trapped limb, you would try to pull it out, only to get out a strained cry.. You were really in there. You never thought you’d see yourself in this type of situation, you always saw yourself as careful and aware of your surroundings, but this happened out of nowhere! 
You were quickly snapped from your thoughts when some landed next to you loudly. Flushing slightly you would turn your head, expecting to see Red Riot himself ready to save you- But instead you were met with angry looking eyes and spikey blonde hair. Furrowing a brow, you would look past the male to see if you could find Red Riot “Are you fucking blind?” he grunted annoyingly, which made you huff “W-Where is Red Riot?” you asked in a shaky tone, your body shifting uncomfortably on the pile of rocks “Listen you ungrateful bitch, I’m the one here to get you out of the stupid mess you stumbled into like a fucking idiot! Now hold still so I can blow these rocks off of you” he barked at her, vile coating every word. 
This was why you didn’t like Bakugou, he was rude, arrogant, and vulgar with a horribly explosive temper.. Every interview you saw with the Pro Hero, there was always some kind of situation. He put a bad taste in your mouth and now that you were formally meeting him, you knew exactly why. Feeling small against his words you would quiet down and he would quickly put his hand on the rock and with one swift CRACK, the large piece of stone would crumble, freeing your leg and allowing it to breathe. 
Looking at your leg now, you would visibly cringe hard . Your leg was peppered with cuts and already bruises as black as night. Reaching over, you would prod at one of the cuts which immediately began to ooze crimson. Before you could really collect yourself, you would feel a hand grip at your forearm and yank you to stand. Letting out a loud cry, you would fall into Bakugou, who would quickly catch you, holding your weight up effortlessly “What are you doing, dumb ass?” he yelled, which caused you to shoot a glare up at him “M-My leg, you fucking jerk!” you snapped back at him. 
Only for a second, would his face soften to a look of concern before letting out an annoyed grunt “I should have left you under there, now I have to fucking take you to the hospital” he growled. “I don’t want to go anywhere with you! I can take myself there, I just.. Need a moment to recoup” you’d mutter out with a frown. “Listen little girl, you’re talking to a God- and I don’t wanna hear your drama” he spat, quickly cupping your cheek and letting out a ‘tch’ sound “You busted your head too, that’s probably why you don’t realize that I just saved your fuckin’ ass” he grumbled before picking you up bridal style, causing you to cry out a little. 
“Fuck! You’re hurting me” you spat before the male would shoot you another death glare, making you shrink into his chest “Just shut the hell up and let me help you, dumb ass” he spat. Swallowing hard, you knew that you wouldn’t actually be able to make it to the hospital yourself. Wrapping one of your arms around his neck, the other would lift to inspect the gash that was on your head and oh boy.. There was definitely one there. You could feel a jagged cut that started from your hairline to your brow. 
“Don’t fucking touch it, idiot- It’s already filthy from the dirt” he barked, which caused you to jump a little “Can you just.. Shut up or be nice!” you yelled out, your face growing lightly rose from frustration. Bakugou would smirk and shrug his broad shoulders “Sorry babygirl.. Kindness isn’t my brand” he replied in a cocky tone, which caused you to huff and glance away from him. The hospital wasn’t that far, but you still didn’t know why the male was walking you there rather than calling the ambulance or even taking a taxi if he really wanted to do it himself. 
As he carried you though, you would idly drop your head onto his shoulder, which made him growl out a little bit “Hey, dumb ass” he said in a soft tone, his arms shaking you lightly “You need to stay awake, who knows if you got a concussion or not, idiot” he scoffed. Staring up at him through your lashes, you would frown some “I-..just hurt” you muttered out, which caused concern to fill his eyes “We’re almost there, okay? Talk to me or whatever.. Just don’t fucking pass out on me” he snapped quietly. 
Licking your lips, you would let out a soft sigh, which caused him to shake you a little again “Tell me why you were looking for my friend” he asked, his eyes glancing elsewhere. Feeling the lump in your throat, your cheeks would vividly ignite “I-.. I’ve always wanted to meet him, he seems so nice and gentle.. I’m a fan, to put it short..” you’d mutter out in a skittish tone. The male would roll his eyes “Of course you are, there’s nothing that great about shitty hair.. He wasn’t even the one who saved you” he grumbled, which caused you to frown even deeper. 
“It doesn’t matter! At least if he was the one who saved me- We’d be at the hospital by and and he’d be a hell of a lot nicer to me” you barked out softly, which didn’t get an answer from him. Looking down to avoid any sudden glare, you would feel a little guilty.. Yes, he was a fucking jerk- but he saved you.. You knew you should thank him, but for some reason, something was stopping you. 
Before you could really get up the courage to talk again, you could hear doors opening- You two were already there? You must have zoned out, lost in your impending thoughts. Bakugou would carefully set you in a wheelchair before telling some of the staff what happened, his hero costume sticking out like a sore thumb and causing bystanders to snap his photo and take little videos of him. 
“W-Wait, Bakugou” you said quickly, but the male waved his hand at you dismissively. Biting onto your lip, you were spun around in the chair by a nurse and quickly carried off to a room so you could get further examined. Now that all the excitement was away from you, and you didn’t have that stupid jerk barking at you every five seconds, the pain was really starting to kick in and a wave of exhaustion washed over you. You were in and out as the Doctor examined your battered leg. Luckily the rubble had only created some flesh wounds. The Doctor talked about simply cleaning the wounds, and putting some ice on it. 
When it came to your head though, you needed stitches.. Luckily there was no concussion, but the cut was pretty deep, it probably happened when you initially fell. Unfortunately you weren’t able to sleep through that, the stinging feeling as the male sewed the cut shut. 
Once he finished, you would let out a whimper.. Why.. did you miss that fucking jerk? Maybe it was guilt that you didn’t get to thank him or apologize, because he was right in calling you out on being ungrateful. “Alright [First and last name], we just wanna keep you overnight to make sure that head injury is okay. Is that alright with you?” the Doctor asked with a soothing smile. 
With a small nod, he would return it and collect his tools “Get some rest, you had a hard day” the male claimed quietly before exiting the room. 
That was the last thing on your mind though. Regardless of your body feeling absolutely exhausted, your mind was going insane.. You hurt so bad, you probably would have been there longer if Bakugou hadn't seen you. Growling out to yourself, you would cover your face with your hands and shift in bed, wincing out.. Broken bones or not- Those fucking bruises felt like little needles gutting into your beaten leg. 
Sooner or later, you had drifted off- well, barely.. You couldn’t get the explosive male out of her head. That had been the whole night, occasionally waking up from both the pain and him on your mind. It wasn’t until the sun started to shine through the window of the hospital room, and you would feel a hand on yours. “B-Bakugou?” you’d mutter out quickly, your eyes fluttering open to see not Bakugou- But Red Riot himself standing sitting there next to the bed. Your eyes would widen as he smiled cheerfully at you “Hey! Sorry.. Not Bakugou- But I heard you wanted to meet me” he mused, patting your hand, 
Your guilt immediately grew, you knew that Bakugou had told him, and the whole reason he was here was because of the blonde. 
Staring at the Pro Hero, wearing his sexy costume.. You weren’t enjoying the meeting as much now that you knew why he was here. Biting your lip, you would immediately let out a whimper and hang your head down your body tensing out as you felt a few tears start to stream down your cheeks. 
The red head immediately stood and placed his hands gently on your shoulders “H-Hey, are you okay? Hurting?” he asked quickly, his voice oozing with worry. Shaking your head, you would quickly wipe at your eyes “I-I’ve wanted to meet you for so long, and now you’re finally here.. And I can’t help but feel terrible because I was mean to Bakugou and didn’t thank him or apologize for saving me and being a bitch.. And he- he did this!” you’d claim out, trying to explain only further urging the tears out. 
Kirishima’s face would fall a little, into a frown “Hey now.. I’m sure he didn’t take it heart- I mean, he got me here didn’t he?” he said in a soothing tone. Your ears weren’t completely hearing his words though, looking up at him, he would offer a comforting smile before using his thumb to wipe away a few stray tears “You want to talk to him again, don’t you..” he asked quietly.
Eyeing the male you would hiccup quietly and nod “I-I’m so happy to meet you, but.. I need to do the right thing” you’d mutter out, which caused him to chuckle “Damn, here Bakugou said he found me a cute girl, but it seems she’s already grown a crush on someone else” he purred out before patting your shoulder “When are you discharged? I’ll take you to the hot head.. And you can fix things” he assured. 
You were still taken back by the male assuming you had a crush on that jerk, that wasn’t it- Was it? No! It couldn’t be.. You simply felt bad.. And well, kind of missed his smell.. His warmth. Shaking your head quickly, you would glance up at him “I-I would really like that, but don’t get the wrong idea! I’m not crushing on him” you’d say quickly before biting your lip “Also.. I should be able to leave today, the Doctor just wanted to make sure my stitches settled alright” you claimed quietly. 
You were so incredibly grateful to meet Kirishima, he was so nice and so willing to help. After about another hour, the nurses came in and gave her clothes back, allowing her to change and leave. 
Kirishima was a gentleman and left her alone to change into her battered clothing, it wasn’t exactly the outfit you wanted to wear around Bak-... Wait, what were you saying?! You didn’t care what he would think! Shaking your head, you would open the door and head down, immediately greeted by Red Riot once again “Ready? Come on” he said, placing a hand on her upper back and urging her forward “You know, if you really wanna get to know Bakugou- there is a party tonight that he and I are going too. You should come” he suggested with a gleaming smile.
Swallowing hard, you would fiddle with a rip in your shorts “I-.. er I don’t know” you’d mutter out “I just want to say thank you is all” you’d press, which only caused the red head to roll his eyes “Fat chance, cutie! It’s all over your face~ Come on, just come for a few hours and if you aren’t feeling it- I’ll personally drive you home” he said patting your back. 
Letting out a soft sigh, you would nod your head in defeat- How could you say no to someone doing so much for you? Not to mention.. He was your favorite Pro Hero after all. 
The male would lead you to his car, opening the door for you to slide in. Doing so, your eyes would watch as he made his way around to the drivers side, plopping it with a sigh “Are you nervous?” he asked. Turning your head to him, you would look a little confused “N-Nervous? Why?” you’d ask sheepishly before he let out a snort “Well, I am bringing you back to our house” he stated quietly before looking at you.
You would stare at him with wide eyes, you didn’t think he’d make a move like that- You thought maybe you’d be meeting a cafe or something “A-Are you sure? You’re okay with me knowing where you live?” you’d ask in a shaky tone, red faced as could be. 
Kirishima shrugged “I mean, no offense.. But what are you going to do? Do you have a hidden quirk or something?” he asked with a chuckle. Sinking in your seat, you would shake your head “No.. I don’t” you pouted, which caused him to snort once again before starting the car and driving off. 
The car ride was nice, it was mainly him talking- Tell you stories about how he and Bakugou met, shit that the two had gotten into together. They honestly sounded like super close friends, it made your heart warm just thinking about it “It doesn’t ever bug you? His attitude?” you asked curiously, causing the red head to shrug “I mean, yeah he’s got a temper.. But he also has a good heart. He cares about people in his own hot headed way” he said with a bright smile.
Looking down some, you’d sigh.. You were the jerk, not Bakugou. 
It didn’t take super long before the male would finally pull over, parking in front of a rather fancy looking apartment. Biting your lip, you’d lean forward to gaze up at it. “Come on then, don’t just stare” he chuckled before getting out of the car. 
Letting yourself out, you would wince some.. Your leg still hurt pretty bad, but at least you could walk. Slightly limping your way around the car, Kirishima would once again place a hand on your back, leading you up the stairs carefully, ready to catch you if you were to lose your balance.  
Going up to one of the upper floors, Kirishima would unlock the door and immediately you would hear Bakugou from the other room “Back already, shitty hair? I thought I fucking told you to make it meaningful- And did  you get my text?” he barked loudly, causing Kirishima to roll his eyes with a smile. 
Quickly taking your hand, he would lead you down the hall “I think I did one better” he called out as they turned the corner into the living room area. 
Bakugou sat there lazily, feet propped up on the table- Shirtless and only sporting a pair of loose sweatpants. Swallowing hard you would tense as he turned his head to more than likely yell at his friend, but those deep crimson hues landed on you. Immediately, his cheeks would light up before quickly standing up and turning his attention to Kirishima who was taking his head gear off “Yo, shitty hair! This wasn’t the deal” he spat. 
Kirishima would look at him with a small smirk on his face “Hey, I didn’t intend on doing this- But this cutie here wanted to talk to you, and I invited her to the party tonight” he said flashing a grin and disappearing around the corner once again, probably to get into some more comfortable clothing. 
The blonde quickly stepped forward to stop him, but was cut short with the quick exit. Soon those eyes turned to you in a harsh glare “What do you want? You got what you wanted” he spat, flopping back on the couch with a huff. 
Building up your courage, you would step forward and awkwardly sit on the edge of the sofa, folding your hands over your lap “I’m sorry..” you muttered, causing the blonde to tense a little “What?” he grunted. 
Biting your lip, you would keep your eyes on your fidgeting hands “I-I was a jerk to you, you were totally right to call me an ungrateful bitch.. You saved me, and made sure I got into care. So thank you, Bakugou, and I’m sorry for the way I acted” you whimpered, barely able to make out the words as the male stared at you in a bit of surprise. 
“You.. came all the way here just to say that?” he asked, his voice seeming slightly softer. It didn’t last long though “D-Dumbass, you could have just told Kiri to relay the message” he huffed, crossing his arms, but never once taking his gaze from you. Finally looking up, you’d meet his stare once again. You could feel a blush start to surface which made him flush in return “Y-You sent Kirishima to me as well.. Even after I was rude to you” you muttered out.
Bakugou would quietly lean forward, his fingers just barely grazing the bandages on your head “So what.. You wouldn’t shut up about it” he grunted, his eyes now trailing down to your leg injuries “Are you.. In pain?” he asked, quickly changing the subject. 
Giving off a slight shrug, you would bite your lip “Y-Yeah.. It hurts, but I’ll manage. Luckily, nothing was broken” you said softly. 
His hand never left your head as he scooted closer “It would be better for me to have a look anyways” he grunted, sitting directly next to you and leaning forward to prod at the bandages, he didn’t want to take them off, obviously- But he still tried to see, a clever way of getting close to you. 
He would mumble some profanities to himself before looking down at you, the way you were staring up at him was almost.. Longingly? Swallowing roughly he would break the gaze for a moment before taking the risk and leaning in, pressing his lips roughly to yours. You would let out a small whimper but seem to lean forward, attempting to melt into his chest. This only further caused an arm to wrap around your waist as parted his own lips to take yours in his teeth, tugging on it roughly and causing you to moan out.
“What the fuck are you doing to me, idiot..” he growled out, his weight pushing forward to make you lay back on the couch. You would oblige and shake your head some, you also questioned this.. You were never the type to just dive into something like this, so what about Bakugo was different? 
Before you could really answer him, his mouth was roaming your neck, careful not to bump any of your injuries “W-Who said I wanted to do this to you” you retorted out, blinded by a hazy fog and unable to make proper words “You did.. Staring at me like that, pain in the fucking ass..” he growled, lifting his head slightly to meet your gaze “Do you want me or not, dumb ass” he hissed out, taking you into consideration. 
Blinking up at him, your face would soften.. Like you said, you never expected it to go this far, but now that it has you felt butterflies start to rise in your stomach “I do” you’d say sheepishly before biting your lip, causing Bakugo to slowly start trailing kisses along your jawline, his strong calloused hands gripping at your waist. 
Resting your head against the arm of the couch, you would blush and let out a small sigh as he explored your body. 
Your eyes would slip closed as those strong hands moved to the bountiful mounds on your chest, giving them a firm squeeze before suddenly mashing his lips up against yours again, his tongue shoving past your lips and immediately pinning yours down in dominance. You would moan into his mouth and wrap your arms around his neck as those devious hands went to the end of your shirt and started to peel it off of you.
The kiss broke for only a second so the shirt could go past your head, but as soon as the pesky piece of clothing was rid, he was back to exploring your cavern, growling into your mouth. You two would go from tongue dancing to just sloppily making out, noises rising from both of you. Breaking the kiss, he would sit down on the couch, smirking at you deviously “Come on dumb ass- hop on my lap” he ordered, taking your hand to help you stand. 
At first you seemed a little shy about it, but Bakugo was quick to grab your hips and make you straddle him, his hand going to your neck and pulling you down for another messy lip lock. Your hands would quickly grab at his shoulders, slowly moving into an embrace as you groaned quietly into the gesture. 
Before you could realize, your bra felt loose and his hands were eager to pull it off of you. Moving your arms and breaking the lock he would toss it and stare down at your breasts, his face looking surprised for a moment before a sinful smirk painted his expression. “What are you looking at” you muttered out, covering your breasts with your hands. He was quick to pry those hands off “Ah, ah.. I don’t think so princess.. Let me look at those sexy fucking tits” he growled, leaning forward and taking one of your nipples into his mouth. Letting out a loud gasp, you would let your head fall forward, nestling against his blonde tresses as his tongue skillfully circled around that sensitive bud “B-Bak-” you were cut off by him suddenly releasing your tit and glaring up at you “Katsuki” he corrected with a glare before starting to palm your mounds with his hands “If I hear you call me Bakugo one more time, I don’t care if you’re injured, you’re getting a punishment, dumb ass” he grunted before letting off a devilish smirk, his hands trailing down to your shorts to pop them open “Stand up and take those off, and make it fucking sexy” he demanded, letting go of you altogether. 
Slowly getting off of him, you would blush and stand there for a minute “I can try..” you’d mutter before hooking your thumbs through the belt loop of your jeans and shimmying them down, making sure to be a little extra with those hips of yours. It seemed that it was working, because Katsuki’s hues were glued to you the whole time “That’s right princess.. Even with a battered leg you still managed to get me hard” he teased. 
Scoffing quietly, you would cover your naked pussy and roll your eyes “W-Why do you have talk like..” you trailed off as he shrugged down his sweats, revealing that he was definitely telling the truth that her little shake had gotten him hard, because his cock was standing at full attention. “You like what you see?” he said with a smirk before offering his hand. Without word, you would take it and the male would lead you to straddle him once again, which only caused you to wince a little with how your leg was bent “Fuck, does that hurt you?” he asked quietly before moving your weight so you were laying down rather than on top of him. 
“Y-You don’t have to do that, once I sit for a minute I’ll be nnghh…” you trailed off with a moan as he began to rub his shaft into your folds, his warm cock teasingly rubbing against your clit. “That’s right princess, just shut up.. Let me take care of you” he purred out, using the pad of his thumb to reach down and pay good attention to that swollen bud, making your back arch and toes curl. 
You hadn’t experienced something like this before, yeah you’ve been with other guys.. But Katsuki managed to be so gentle with you, yet so.. Rough at the same time. Making his movements very prominent so you could feel just about everything he was doing to you, being oddly attentive to making you feel good. Your thoughts were finally cut off by his body looming over you, and his mouth finding your neck to sink his canines into, making you moan out loudly “F-Fuck.. Katsuki, you’re.. Being rude, just.. Put it in already” you’d groan.
“Mmh? Put what in princess.. I have no fucking idea what you’re talking about” he scoffed against your neck, you could practically feel the smug smirk on his features. “Y-Your cock, Katsuki, I want your cock” you’d mutter out helplessly. Those pathetic, whimpering words were all that Katsuki needed. Reaching down he would line his cock up with your hole and roughly start to inch it in, your slick making great use as a natural lube. 
Your arms would immediately grip onto his shoulders as your tight little cunt attempted desperately to stretch to his size “Ka.. suki.. Please” you’d mutter out with a gasp, only to be silenced by a rough kiss “Calm down dumb ass.. It hurts because you’re clenching on me.. Relax, princess.. I’m going to make you feel good” he grunted, though it was much softer than the others.
Taking a deep breath, you would try to relax your body and he would slowly do small thrusts, trying to get you warmed up “See?” he muttered in a shaky tone, all you could do was nod. 
He took that as permission to keep going, rearing his hips back he would thrust into your clenching cunt, causing you to moan out loudly, Your good leg would spread further for him to nestle in between and his hips would work fluently, the sounds of soft smacking filling the room “Y-You can go.. Harder” you’d pant out, looking up at him with an awkward, embarrassed smile. Katsuki would smirk and lean down, pressing his lips against your cheek “Oh, I planned on it, Princess.. Just getting you used to my fat cock” he purred.
It was after that when he reared back again and started to thrust at a fairly rough, rhythmic pace, causing your fast to twist in a pleasure you had never felt before. It was like his cock was perfectly made for your dripping sex. Long strings of mewls would escape you as the male laid claim to your pussy, his grunts and growls filling the room. At this point, you didn’t even care if Kirishima walked in on you two, you just wanted him to keep going, to fill you to the brim with his hot and sticky cum.
“You’re fucking mine now, do you hear me?.. Fuck I’m never giving up this tigh tlittle pussy to anyone” he growled, his hand wrapping lightly around your neck. Your breathing would hitch and you would stare up at him with wide eyes, the pleasure fogging any logical thought you had “Ye..s.. I’m yours, Katsuki..” you’d moan out, which caused his cock inside of you to twitch violently “That’s right, Princess.. You know who your man is now.. No more thinking about Red fucking Riot.. You’re all mine”he hummed, leaning down to bite onto your neck, which caused your walls to squeeze the life out of his cock. 
Letting your head fall to the side, you would let him mark you up as he pounded that G-Spot with incredible force. releasing your flesh he would lick up your neck slowly and let out a grunt “You better tell me now, Princess.. Can I fill up that slutty little pussy or do you want me to pull out” he huffed, slowing his thrusts only slightly “N-No! .. Don’t pull out.. I want you to fill me up, Katsuki..” you moaned out quietly. 
It must have been what he wanted to hear because his thrusts became rough again, no specific pattern or rhythm, he was all over the place and it was fucking amazing. “Get ready, Princess.. I want you to feel how badly I’ve been thinking about you, and I want to feel that cunt cum all over my cock” he growled, sitting up a bit and letting his head fall back. 
All it took was three more hard thrusts and his load was pooling out inside of your needy hole, coating the walls and making you feel warm. That was what did it for you, as you milked him, your hole would clench around him and an orgasm would rip through your body, sending jolts of white hot pleasure from head to toe. 
He would be careful of your leg, but his body was soon pressed against yours as he attempted to catch his breath “The.. party, you’re going as my date” he gruffed, which caused you to blush. As you slowly came down from your high, you would glance at the male who was staring you dead in the eye “I mean it, Y/N.. I want to take you as my date, show you off as my woman” he breathed, moving some strands of hair from your face.
At first you couldn’t answer, there was a pit in your throat stopping you to do so. Idly nodding, he would press a kiss to your cheek “I promise I’ll make it fun, after all you owned up to being a bitch so consider it a thanks for that” he snorted before pushing himself off of you and pulling up his hands. 
Carefully helping you up, he would make sure to carefully put your clothes back on for you so you didn’t hurt your leg.
“I’m taking you back to your house to get dressed and showered, okay?” he said grabbing a tank that was hanging off of his couch.
“If you’re going to a party with me, we gotta make sure you’re the sexiest thing there” he said with a dark smirk. 
You had no idea how it escalated this far, and you know you should run now .. But the man you thought you hated was slowly becoming your favorite person, he was different behind closed doors and you were more than glad that you gave it another shot. 
[[WIll do a Part Two if you guys wanna see the party part ;P ]
taglist: @hipster-merchant-of-death​ @nighthoodhawk​
Credit to my picture: Made by my lovely waifu @queensynderella​
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nakedmossy · 4 years
Alone, Together - Chapter 3 [JJ x Reader]
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Description: JJ is not the only pogue on the cut who deals with abuse at home. Reader is an only child who lives with her mom and her abusive stepdad, has a strong relationship with JJ because they share the same home life. Reader experiences physical abuse for the first time, which changes her relationship with JJ irrevocably.
Chapter summary: John B brings JJ back inside to talk to you, things get heated, and then things get *h e a t e d*
Disclaimers: Mentions of physical abuse, swearing, alcohol.
You trusted John B to bring JJ back before he did something reckless, but you saw the look in JJ’s eyes and knew that not even John B could help him when JJ put his mind to something. This had blown up into a bigger mess than you could have predicted...but, to be fair, you hadn’t known your ribs looked so bad and would have tried harder to hide the bruises if you did.
You and Sarah stood in front of the mirror again and she ran her hands gently over your bones to make sure there were not obvious cracks or bones out of place. You had told her it hurt but not that bad, but she hadn’t listened.
“We should get these looked at...properly. Just to be safe. Don’t want you popping a lung because there’s a piece of bone floating around.” She said as she rubbed some numbing ointment on the skin.
“It’s fine, Sarah. Seriously. I’m alright.”
Sarah looked at you in disbelief and chewed on her lips as she resumed her work. When she was done she helped lift John B’s shirt above your head and pull it down so you didn’t need to lift your arms as high. You followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the table again, grabbing one of the beers and holding it for a few moments as you stared out the window, listening for John B or JJ. 
“We need to find them” You said quietly, bringing the beer to your lips and taking a quick swig. It burned your throat but immediately started to soothe the pounding in your head.
“John B will bring him back” Sarah said, not touching her beer, just staring at you. You looked back at her and raised your eyebrows as best you could without hurting your eye. 
“What” you insisted, tired of her looking at you like you were going to crumble into an ash pile on the floor at any moment.
“I’m worried about you, Y/N. I know that this is...not as wild to you or JJ as it is to me...but this is pretty fucked up. This isn’t normal.”
“I’m aware of that.” You said, slightly bitterly. It was one thing for the pogues to say that to her, but for Sarah Cameron to say it felt different. Lucky her to be from a wealthy family that never put her in these situations. Must be nice.
“I mean...you passed out at the party, Y/N” She continued, leaning forward and putting her elbows on her knees. “I’m worried about you.”
“It was just...a panic attack. I think.” You looked out the window again, trying to squint and see if you could see either of the boys. Nothing.
“Since when do you get panic attacks?” She snapped her fingers, drawing your attention back to her. “How hard did he hit you?”
“What? He hit me...hard, Sarah....look at my face.”
“Yeah, my point. I don't think it was a panic attack. I think you might have a concussion.”
“Those aren’t symptoms of a concussion.”
“Well...still. I don't know. I’ll call my family doctor tomorrow, see what he says.”
“Fine” You said nonchalantly, standing up from the table to see out the window better. 
You could see the top of John B’s hat in the distance now, then his arms go up the air. He was ... flailing. Then you could hear JJ yelling, and his voice getting closer. Suddenly the screen door flew open and JJ burst through, John B tailing him close behind.
“JJ” You said quickly, watching his red face calm slightly when he saw you. He put his hands in the air and sat down at the table, grabbing one of the beers. “John B” You acknowledged him and he nodded once, then told Sarah to come with him outside for a minute. Sarah, confused, stood up and followed him out.
You were alone with JJ in the dimly lit kitchen, the sound of the screen door squeaking shut breaking the silence.
“You okay?” You said slowly, sitting down at the table across from him.
He stared at you for a few seconds blankly before putting his beer on the table and putting his hands behind his head.
“Are you?” He asked before closing his mouth and grinding his jaw.
“Why do I feel like I’m in trouble right now” you said sternly, leaning back in your chair and taking a drink of the beer that constituted a chug.
“Why didn’t you tell me about...” He motioned at your stomach/rib area and grimaced. “You told me he hit you once and you left.”
You took a deep breath and shrugged, looking back at his cold eyes again.
“I left a few of the details out, but it doesn’t make much of a difference.”
JJ leaned forward and put his elbows on the table, frustrated and pinching his fingers together in synchronized pointing motions.
“This was not just a fight, Y/N. He didn’t just lose his cool and smack you around. He beat the shit out of you. If I had known the extent of it when I saw him-“
“What?” You interrupted, leaning forward to match his posture. “You would have what, JJ? Done some stupid shit? Gone after him and got yourself hurt? Psh” You flicked your hand in the air and leaned back, shaking your head. “Exactly why I didn’t say anything.”
His nostrils flared and he grunted before running his hands over his face, exasperated. You could tell he was upset with the situation but right now it felt like he was upset with you, and it was making your stomach and your head hurt more.
“Look, JJ. I appreciate that you are trying to look out for me, but...I can’t be in this position right now. I can’t feel like I need to protect myself and YOU from him. I cant”
You stood up and started walking away from the table when you heard JJ’s chair scratch along the floor and his footsteps behind you. He put his arm in front of you, blocking you from going down the hallway. He was right behind you, so close that if you moved either direction you would bump into him. You turned your head to look up at him, challenging him with your facial expression. His head was hanging, hair falling into his eyes. He normally towered over you when he was slouching, let alone standing tall and trying to block you.
“Y/N, please. Talk to me.”
“What do you want me to say?” You said back, your eyes lingering on his jaw line and neck veins. 
“I don’t know...that you know you’re safe here. That you know you can talk to me.”
Your chest felt tight and you swallowed the lump in your throat. 
“Of course I know that” You said quietly, your voice cracking. You looked back up at him again and felt yourself starting to hold back tears. “That’s kind of the only thing I know right now.”
JJ’s face pinched and before you knew it he was holding you so gently but so firmly that you felt yourself fall into his chest and collapse against him. He pressed a hand to the back of your head and held it against his chest as you started to cry. Being near him, holding onto him, was the closest feeling to home you knew. You felt him kiss the top of your head before you pulled back to look up at him. He held your eyes and brought a hand to the clean side of your face, putting it under your chin and tilting your head so he could brush a light kiss above your bruised eye, around your bruised cheek, and on your jaw line. Lastly, he slowly placed a gentle kiss on the corner of your mouth near where your lip was split. You felt adrenaline pumping through your body, and your head felt light. It was happening so fast but so naturally that you didn’t need to think about anything, you just let your body move with JJ’s. You had dreamed about this moment for years, but never like this, never in this state. He ran his thumb across your bottom lip and waited until you met his eyes again before you both shared a breathless moment and he lowered his lips onto yours firmly. It hurt, minimally, but you didn’t care at all. You moved your lips in sync with his, hungrily latching yourself onto him and feeling his hand move from the back of your head to the nape of your neck, cradling your head. You pressed your body against him until there was no space left between you. Mindlessly he brought a hand to your rib cage below your breast and you let out a sharp breath. 
“Shit, I’m sorry” He breathed into your mouth between kisses. You shook your head and kept kissing him, managing to mutter an ‘it’s fine’ inaudibly. 
You pulled him by his shirt backwards down the hallway until you bumped into a wall, catching your foot and tripping you slightly. JJ hooked a hand under your thigh and lifted you up, cradling a hand behind your back as he lifted you into the air and you wrapped your legs around his hips. He walked both of you into the spare bedroom he always slept in, still feverishly kissing you as if he couldn’t get close enough, fast enough. He was a good kisser, it was fluid and smooth and easy.
You kicked the door shut as JJ walked you both through it, and he gently placed you down on the bed. You watched him as he peeled his shirt off and threw it in the corner, his tanned skin stretched tight over his muscles which glistened with sweat. He leaned down, returning to your mouth and you tangled your fingers into his hair, consumed by him. You felt his hands moving to lift your shirt off, you moved your hands to his belt to start undoing it.
You didn’t want him to take your shirt off, knowing it would expose the bruises again, but JJ’s hands worked tirelessly against you and you relented, lifting your arms slowly and carefully as high as you could without it hurting. He knelt down on the floor in front of where you sat on the edge of the bed and brought the shirt over your head carefully, throwing it in the corner where his laid crumpled in a ball.
With your stomach and ribs exposed, wearing nothing but your bikini, JJ leaned forward and ran his fingers slowly across the tender and bruised flesh, giving you goosebumps. He was eye level with your chest, and started planting kisses first on your collar bones, then in between your breasts, then slowly lower he placed kisses across your bruises, on either side. You kissed the top of his head, then put your hands under his chin and lifted his face to yours. He had tears in his eyes.
“JJ” Your voice broke when you saw his eyes, full of sadness and pain. “Don’t cry, its okay” you whispered, wiping his tears with your thumbs. 
“I love you” JJ whispered back, his voice cracking. “I always have. I know we’ve said it before. But I mean, I really love you, Y/N.”
He didn’t need to say it, you knew what he meant. You knew it was different this time than the handful of friendly “love you’s” you had shared growing up. 
“I love you too” You said back, breathlessly. 
He smiled and pressed his mouth to yours again, lowering you onto your back, climbing on top of you. You were tangled in each other now, legs and arms all over each other, JJ careful not to touch your ribs or bump your face. You felt the butterflies and the tingles and the adrenaline pumping now, you had never kissed anyone like this, it had never felt this good.
JJ’s hand caressed your shoulder, drifting over your chest near your throat, which sent a wave of panic through you, jolting you back and away from him. You covered your throat with your hand, breathing heavily and closing your eyes for a moment. When you closed your eyes you saw a vision of your stepdad holding you against the wall by your neck pass by.
“You okay? What happened? Did I hurt you?” JJ’s eyes were wide and he stayed frozen in place, watching you. You shook your head, shaking the vision away.
“Sorry, I’m sorry” You breathed, stretching your neck around and rubbing the skin.
JJ moved towards you, his hand on your leg, leaving a bit of space. 
“You’re safe with me.” He said calmly, waiting for you to open your eyes. You did, and met his with your own full of disappointment. “It’s okay. We can slow down.”
Frustrated, you buried your face in your hands, letting out a puff of air. You felt JJ’s hands pull yours away from your face, and hold them gently.
“I don't want to slow down” You said in a small voice, sounding as pathetic as you felt.
“What’s the rush” JJ smiled, shrugging lightly. “I want you to enjoy it. I don't want you to...feel that.” He motioned to your throat. You nodded and bit your lip, finding it hard to look at him.
He leaned forward slowly, keeping his eyes on yours, and blew hot breath on your neck before kissing the skin lightly. You swore you felt your eyes trying to roll into the back of your head, you had to close them. 
“Come here” He murmured, opening his arms and letting you crawl into them. He pulled you back onto the bed until he was leaning against the wall, and cradled you in his lap. “This is perfect” He whispered into your hair, kissing the top of your head again.
After the most traumatic, eventful, and tiring day of your life, you fell asleep to the motion of his chest moving up and down and his hands drawing pictures on your back.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 7 Snippet
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I’d like to say that I’d been perfectly on guard and ready for the attack. I mean, I‘d told Ruby how the bandits were doing what they were doing. Setting lures and manipulating the Grimm. We hadn’t been subtle either, though.
Ruby playing ping-pong in the sky didn’t detract at all from our presence. She literally flew around, and we’d made no attempt to hide our attempt to save the village. We couldn’t. That made us obvious targets.
All that aside my semblance glows in the dark, and I’d been consciously trying to activate it while riding. We were just taking a mellow pace to try and get back to civilization, so I wasn’t doing much more than steering and thinking.
It suddenly worked and I just sort of lit up in the dark. Georgia jerked Ruby awake before I could do anything. “Huh- whats-“
My semblance is anti-stealth. If camouflage could collide with something and destroy itself and become pure energy, it would be my semblance.
She made out the blue blur that must have been me and woke up quick, “is something bad or good happening?”
Then I got shot.
I was falling off the horse which was taking off someway. I was going to land flat on my back and my chest stung, too. The Titania plating was more than tough enough to take the bullet through my aura without fear of breaking, but not enough to not hurt.
Whoever fired had a friend that also tried to shoot Ruby, but she just burst into petals with a flare of aura and took cover behind a tree. Georgia, pre-spooked, may or may not have taken off in the direction of Indiana.
I’m not sure. My head cracked against a rock hard; hard enough to concuss or kill a normal person, even. I just rolled with it and found a tree to hide behind. I swept my sword from my back and stood with the sword tip down and my body hidden behind the tree.
“Are you hurt?” She wondered. “It wasn’t high power, or MA based.”
I shook my head. Twelve percent. Maybe ten, based on the discomfort. I peeked my blind and the tree lost a lot of itself in a small explosion of wood. I might have lost a few percent, too. If I wanted to use my semblance, then I’d need to use it before the power faded. Peeking out into the dark again, I saw nothing, however.
“How fast did your semblance activate that time?” She wondered. I guess we were the only ones in danger, so she felt confident enough to chat.
I shook my head. “I think I can charge it.”
“Oh, really? That’s useful.”
“Huh?” I was checking my chest to make sure I really was all good. Sometimes Aura was hard to believe. I glanced over.
“Oh, I just thought you were trying to keep me asleep again?”
“In a gunfight?”
She raised an eyebrow at me. “Ready?” She was waiting on my mark. Poised with Crescent Rose ready to snap into place.
I folded my weapon, slipping my left arm into the shield and drawing the sword free. I swept out from cover with Ruby, perfectly synchronized. Humans and animals usually responded to audible stimuli faster than visual ones, even still I didn’t say anything as I leapt out of cover. Ruby was in perfect harmony with me regardless and she was already prepared to use me as cover to fire out.
We gazed out into the dark in a shower of petals and I held my sword up to extend a soft blue glow. We received no fire and perceived no targets in the dark trees. Therefore...
We were already mid ambush on this position.
I whipped around in time to be thoroughly jabbed at by three quick stabs of a small and fast dagger. The girl behind it wore a simple tunic and dark olive skin with some visible even darker tattoos.
She slashed at me and I stepped back, trying to make some space. I heard Ruby call out behind me, likely engaging my opponent's friend.
I leveraged my shield between us, but she jumped off it and backflipped above me. I watched the eighteen-centimeter blade in her hands fold inwards like a fan or accordion. She let it roll across her fingers like she was reversing a butterfly knife and its form became that of a jagged pistol.
She shot me twice more as she twirled over me. A confident grin like she'd killed a thousand idiots like me roaring on her face, which may be the case.
I turned around, grabbed Crocea Mors with both hands over my head and whipped it at her. It caught her at the pinnacle of her leap in the center of the blade and it slammed her into the ground nearly ten meters away.
It was immensely satisfying to watch a deep green crackle come over her. It was hard to fake that. I'd done something to another hunter.
I didn't get to soak it in, because it became clear why Ruby was being kept busy while I was keeping up. We were outnumbered.
Ruby shouted out again, something very helpful that I couldn't interpret without our connection. With it, I was able to spin around and meet the butt of a spear. The man behind it knocked me back and reversed the weapon.
It was shorter than the longest reach of Crescent Rose. He was also shorter than me by nearly ten centimeters. Maybe more. He was also at least ninety pounds lighter and much less broad across.
I was able to avoid his attack but all it did was force me back into the range of the girl with the green aura in purple. Her light blonde hair was held back into a tight ponytail. To keep it out of her eyes, I imagine.
She had the glow to her that all people with aura had that made them stand out. The hue of her eyes. The shine of the hair. How she backflipped and kicked me in the face before burying her blade at my collar bone.
It bounced off my aura and armor and I heard Ruby call out and the last opponent, a girl in mostly white and brown with pale skin and red hair, flew by. She slammed into a tree next to me hard enough to shake it.
She slumped down with blue aura pouring over her and she lay without moving.
The dude turned around only to eat lead from Ruby's gunfire before she was on him. The purple girl shouted the dude's name and I dashed towards her while she was distracted. I got my shield between us before she could rip any more of my aura out.
She tried to regain her advantage, but it was already lost. She rushed me but I'd had practice with similar ranges of weapons with Ren and even some other people back at Beacon not worth mentioning.
I was ready for her to go low and I predicted her movement with my shield. I slammed it into her face. I took my sword in both hands once she was air-born and lashed out in two hits. The first one knocking her up, the next bashing her out with both hands. I ended it with a shout.
She landed on her back and pushed herself away from me. I watched her land back next to her friend with black hair.
I glanced back. Ruby was dancing circles around the poor guy, out-speeding and out-ranging him. Slowly picking his aura off in large tan chunks.
I rolled my wrist with my weapon over the one with my shield and the two clicked together into the massive broadsword. I pointed it down at the two girls. The girl with the purple tattoos didn't get the memo and was fumbling for her friend’s sword but she only looked up to meet the lowered business end of Crocea Mors.
I clicked my tongue. She met my eyes and must have known I wasn't kidding because after just a moment of consideration, she dropped it.
"Jaune!" I whipped around. Ruby's enemy had left the fight. He abandoned it and ran straight at me, some desperate jailbreak but…
I stepped forward and swung. My semblance… I didn't realize I'd gained it.
"Don't-" Ruby finished her eyes wide.
I stepped threw him and across the other side. I turned around.
I watched as the boy fell apart.
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Killing someone was something new for me. The cold Titania edge glided through first aura then muscle and bone as I swung in a tremendous cross slash. I stumbled with it. I expected to meet resistance, instead I just went through.
I imagined it was cold. I couldn't feel it beyond the padded wrapped handle. The cold night air was constantly drawing warmth from my fingers like a giant heat sink. I actually felt that lessen, as the weapon moved through him. I had so much time to think.
I stumbled through the falling puddle of person. The spine and ribs were splintered and crushed. His upper body rolled around trembling in the gravelly mud and soft grass. His legs twitched behind me on the ground while he shuddered and gasped one horrific choking last.
I was hardly looking at him, I was staring at Ruby and she was gaping down at the body. I flinched, feeling scorched just being so close to the target of her dread. The sheer frost against my soul wilted me in a way that not even my mother's harshest glares could. I wanted to destroy it, but I was the source of it. The cold was me. I turned back to his compatriots.
I knew far better than to underestimate them. Unarmed or not. Woman or man. I'd gotten my ass kicked before.
They panicked when I stepped towards them, which was expected. Big dude, bloody sword, evidently homicidal. Yep.
I took two steps and halted at the sight of the terror on their faces. My emotions were ablaze, roaring in my chest, but my mind was stunned and muted.
Ruby was beside me in a scattering of petals, her hand on my chest. A gentle crimson touch. Her lips were tight but her eyebrows were wide. Bright eyes pleading with me, something desperate in them.
My indignancy over their reaction faded slightly, I mean, they did shoot me. My face, I realized, was twisted into something awful. My skull roared in a way I wasn't super comfortable with, clashing with the feeling of victory I deserved and the rush in veins. My heartbeat hammered in my ears for a terrible moment and I thought the sum of it all would drive me mad if I wasn't already.
My indignancy didn't fade entirely.
Ruby's gaze was so full of concern that I could barely hold myself together. I swept a hand through my hair, rubbing the whole of my face hard. The motion broke our eye contact and I felt her recede in the direction of our prisoners.
How dare Ruby empathize with a dog like me, honestly? As though something like her could empathize with something like me. The sheer audacity brimming in those eyes made me want to lash out, but against what?
I always meant to kill them; whoever was responsible, that is, but I hadn't wanted to get my hands dirty for real. It was inevitable upon retrospect. I'd need to kill again, too. Probably here soon. That wasn't really what scared me.
I… wanted to, too.
Ruby would understand what had just happened. Any sane person would. However, even the gore and the trauma of shredding a mortal coil with my own two hands didn't actually shrink my rage towards Cinder one iota.
I wanted to do it again.
I wanted to guide Crocea Mors through Cinder Fall's body. I wanted to watch her life fade. I wanted to feel it in my hands when I unwound her. I was hungry for it in a way that kept me up at night with an empty stomach.
That desire to make someone end felt gross. As gross as any of the bodies I had seen or… or made myself, I guess.
The sight of the guy with his staff was far, far easier than having to gaze at Ruby again. If I really felt so bad and gross, then why was I doing it anyway? How could I face her? Could I look at her and say this was an accident and then… then when I made my move, whatever that meant, what could I say?
I wanted to talk to her about it, too. I wanted to tell her how I felt. I wanted to tell her that every single day it ate me a little more.
Surely only she could save me, least I sink, though if she saw what I really was, would she still rescue me?
"Jaune," her soft voice returned me. "Jaune, I need you." I woke up from my stupor.
Ruby and the music were waiting for me to face them. She was right. This was no time to lose focus. Who was to say this trio was alone? They almost certainly weren't.
I focused my disgust and self hatred on the problem at hand. I felt like an ocean that was as still as a lake.
"Look you have no idea who you just killed, alright." The girl with the dark tattoos began.
I blinked, "well yeah. You shot me in the dark."
Silence reigned.
"Well Khagan Branwen isn't the sort to forgive people killing her people."
"Branwen…" I murmured, absently, trying to think.
"What did you just say?" Ruby spun her scythe off her back. The edge, a razor to the waking girl's neck. "What was that name? Branwen who?"
"Branwen, Branwen." The girl insisted. "Raven Branwen."
Ruby's face twisted into something awful. Something like disgust filled her as her nose twisted and she glared downwards. She put a round in the chamber.
"Khagan?" Ruby wondered.
"Branwen as in…" I struggled. "Qrow Branwen?"
Skepticism turned sideways in the kneeling girl's eyes. They flicked from Ruby's weapon up at me. "You know the Khagan's brother?"
"I thought she was Khatun Branwen," Ruby refocused.
"No, not anymore, not since the black-out. Maybe before."
"Jaune, uh, a little pow-wow?"
I bent down and grabbed the bandit's pistol. Her eyes followed it, as I collapsed it and slid it into a belt. It was actually well-made. Not Ruby Rose(TM) quality but the way it folded couldn't be cheap.
We stepped back, I matched Ruby's distance away from the prisoner. "Aunt Branwen?" I wondered. She glanced behind me at the captive.
"No. Not Aunt Branwen. She was-ugh- I wanted to..." She squeezed her hands tight at her side. "She was Dad's first wife."
"She abandoned us after Yang was born. She went here and started a horde of bandits." She snarled. She just spat the words out.
"Um." I just blinked.
"What do I do Jaune?" She reached out and grabbed my shirt.
How in the fuck could I possibly know?
I opened my mouth and stopped. Ruby looked up at me. I felt the tip of something press against my head.
When I got off the ground my head was ringing. I wasn't in a lot of pain. Well scratch that. The inside of my head pounded like an entire xylophone being struck at once over and over.
The girl with the gun… her weapon had a twin.
I realized, dazed. It was a sort of black flash when it happened. The point blank shot immediately dropped my aura to red and activated my semblance at the same time. It threw me forward and made me splay against the ground.
I lost sight of Ruby as the force tossed me but I am fairly certain I heard her gun fire again accompanied by the girl's arm twice more. One final crack of Crescent Rose, then there was silence.
I picked myself off the dirt with a groan, but I pulled my weapon into my hands and stood up. "Ruby?" I whipped myself around. I blinked a few times fast. My vision wasn't clearing.
At all.
I rubbed the back of my head, that would leave a bruise. Right above the occipital lobe, too. I really liked that hemisphere, two.
Vague grey shapes I distinguished using aura rather than with any means of light. I felt beyond myself in the ways Ren had showed me. I wasn't one half as good as him. I barely made out colored blurs before me. Mostly red and fading green on the ground but… no distant blue?
I expected a distant blue by the vaguish tree, there was nothing, though. "Jaune? Are you alright?"
"That's a hard maybe?" I gave, squinting. "The prisoner?"
"She's alive. Probably stable." Ruby judged for me.
"The other girl?"
I felt as much as saw the blur turn around. "Gone. A semblance, maybe?"
I nodded. I watched my own power fade, my aura turned to its usual dull grey and yellow, the charge wilted. There was nothing to spend it on and so it left. It took my breath with it as my gauge fell to empty. I felt exhausted and swayed on my feet.
Ruby caught me. My vision completely going. "Ouch," I confessed. "The horses?"
"They'll find us, you goof." She shushed. "I'll set up camp and secure her. Rest for a bit, alright?" I didn't have much choice. My head in her lap and her fingers against my forehead and through my hair and in my scalp was like a narcotic. I couldn't even try.
She cooed, running my hair through her fingers as darkness descended over even those details my eyes made out. "I'm sorry Jaune." She whispered, hands cupping my cheek.
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If you're enjoying these snippets give my fanfic Motion Sickness a chance.
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obxsummer · 4 years
Heart of Gold // Hold On
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word count: 3.1k
warnings: physical violence, cursing, blood, injuries
summary: there’s pain in your eyes with no escape in sight as you remain in the kook kingdom. the rescue mission begins and suddenly, it seems like agreeing to rafe’s terms are the only chance at living that you may have, especially when jj’s life is put on the line.
a/n: ooh i love some nice angst, y’all already know
series masterlist
Your head was pounding against your skull as you laid on the cold concrete floor where you had fallen. A concussion was most likely the cause from Rafe slamming you against the wall before leaving you to crumble to the ground with no assistance.
“We could be so powerful,” He complained as he paced the room in front of you. With a sigh, he crouched down to survey your bruised, sunken in face. “I’m sorry I have to do this to you. I don’t like seeing you in pain but you clearly don’t understand my point of view.”
You rolled your eyes and shifted out of his grip. “I understand it loud and clear, Rafe, but it’s not happening. Tossing me around and beating me doesn’t change the fact that I love JJ and that I’ll never be with you! I don’t know how Sarah hasn’t run from your psychotic family because I would’ve never looked back.”
You screamed as Rafe’s foot collided with your ankle, snapping the bones with pure force as he glared at you with enraged eyes. “You’re pathetic. Once Maybank sees how damaged you are, he won’t want to even look at you. It’s over, princess. Whether you think so or not, I won. They clearly don’t care. They haven’t looked for you once and nobody’s said a word about the beloved Princess Y/N missing from her kingdom. You’re nothing. They were probably looking for a way to get rid of you all along. I just did the dirty work for them.”
Tears were falling down your cheeks as you held your knees to your chest. Your hand shook above your ankle as immense pain filtered up and down the injured area. Chest heaving with sobs, you let your head fall against your knees.
It was so hard, so hard to hope and have faith that you would be out of Rafe’s reach sometime soon. Sarah had come back every so often to sneak you food and water as well as tell you what she was hearing from your brother, but none of it eased the aches in your body. You were so close to giving up and just agreeing so Rafe wouldn’t touch you again.
“Aww,” He faked sympathy as he kicked you again, sending you on your side as you winced from the pain of your bruises. “It’s a shame. I don’t have pity for you. Perhaps I could find some if you just agreed to my terms.”
The door slam shook you to your core as you curled into a ball as tight as you could. Ribs aching, head pounding, and all you could think about was if JJ would be okay without you.
The kingdom became a mess of plans once there was confirmation from John B of your whereabouts. The four remaining members of your group remained by each other’s sides as JJ was given the special task of going in amongst the raid and bringing you back. John B would be fighting by his side, the duo having trained together since the beginning of days. Pope and Kiara would be behind the scenes, but ready at a moment’s notice for when the boys returned, hopefully with you in hand.
“Okay, we’ll move in from this quadrant all together and then break off into smaller groups.” JJ’s finger pointed at the detailed map of Kook Kingdom that was broken down into sections. “The prince and I will move in through this path to where Princess Sarah will be awaiting our arrival. The main point is to defend and distract until we can get Princess Y/N back to safety. As soon as you see the signal, back out if possible. Don’t be afraid to call for backup and if deemed necessary, shoot to kill.”
Pope watched over his friend’s shoulder as he addressed the group of soldiers in front of him. JJ never failed to step up when it came to protecting any of his friends. Now that it was you on the line, he would stop at no end until you were in his arms, safe and sound. Pope’s chest was full of pride to know the boy in front of him.
“You have your orders,” JJ concluded as he looked at each person in front of him. “We have one shot at bringing her home. Let’s not fail. For the princess.”
“For the princess!” The group repeated his word before breaking off through the doors to prepare themselves for the battle ahead.
JJ let out a deep breath as he removed his hands from the table. Turning around, he came face to face with three important people in his life. Kiara, Pope, and John B wrapped the blond boy in a hug as he just let them hold him out of exhaustion.
“Almost there, J,” John B ruffled his friend’s hair in encouragement before they broke their embrace. “Come on, Mom and Dad want to see us before we leave.”
JJ’s heart was beating out of his chest as he walked down the hall beside his friends. He was anxious about what they were walking into. He just wanted to have you home, and he was itching to get inside and make sure you were okay.
“Kids,” Your mother greeted as the group stopped in front of her. She looked exhausted, having been tormented by her own thoughts of what went on behind closed doors as she waited for your return. John B walked into his mother’s open arms and hugged her tightly, knowing she needed the reassurance nobody could really give except you.
“I wish I could be on the field with you today, but it is for safety that I cannot,” King John addressed JJ mainly as he spoke, “Rest assured, I know each and every one of you will do your best to come back safely to me and Mariah with Y/N.”
Kiara nodded, her hand resting on Pope’s shoulder. “We will, sir. We promise.”
“Be careful,” Mariah kissed her son’s forehead before hugging him tightly. She did the same with Kiara and Pope before facing JJ. “Will the three of you step out so we can have a moment with JJ?”
The three teens gave their friend reassuring nudges and pats before exiting the throne room to wait for him outside. JJ looked at your parents with concern in his eyes. “Have I done something wrong?”
King John shook his head and placed a hand on the young boy’s shoulders. “Quite the opposite, JJ. We know of your relationship with our daughter. We have for a while now.”
“But, we promise we aren’t upset. She’s so much happier with you than we’ve ever seen her,” Mariah reassured when she saw his face falter with worry. “JJ, Y/N’s always loved you. From the first day you met I remember her running to me with the biggest smile telling me about her new friend that she found. You’ve always been there for each other, now is no different.”
“I-I… I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say.” JJ felt stupid in the moment for being unable to find words. He was here, learning that your parents knew every inch of your sneaking around, yet they were so kind and accepting of it that he was confused.
Mariah pulled him into a bone crushing hug, feeling him relax into her grasp from pure relief. She truly loved the boy, he was so good hearted. It was like he had a heart of gold, she swore at times. “It’s okay. We know you’ll save her, JJ. You always do.”
So, JJ Maybank stood there in the embrace of the King and Queen with his heart and his mind set on bringing you back to your kingdom and that was exactly what he was going to do.
Black spots danced across your vision as Topper yanked you to your feet. You stumbled and crashed into him with a whimper, your body failing to hold you up as you blindly tried to follow him.
“Ridiculous,” The guard mumbled as he continued to drag you from the room you had been kept in. Your eyes were wide in disbelief as you realized this was it. Rafe was going to kill you, and he was going to make sure everyone knew.
The Cameron Palace passed in a blur as Topper pulled you along towards where you assumed the throne room was. Shouting became evident to your ears along with the firing of weapons as you entered a long hallway.
“What’s happening?” You choked out as you attempted to look out the windows. “Topper, what’s going on?”
There was no answer as the young guard shoved you forward through the large double doors into the throne room. You tripped over your own feet and landed in a heap at the end of the stairs amongst the five chairs on the elevated stone. To your shock, King Ward wasn’t in the seat and it was instead occupied by Rafe who was smirking down at you.
“Finally!” He shouted, his voice echoing through the empty room as he stood and approached you. “I’m glad you could make it, really.” Rafe pulled you from the ground, his arm curling around you in a chokehold as he dragged you towards the window. You swore your feet weren’t even touching the ground as he moved while you writhed in his grip. Wounds were reopening at his rough actions, sending blood over your stained clothes and his pristine dress shirt.
Rafe’s fingers curled into your jaw as he forced you to look out of the glass. “Look at it. Your kingdom thinks it has a chance at beating mine to get you back. It’s comical, really.”
You whimpered at the strain on your sore body but you still had the energy to argue back. “Doesn’t look like they’re losing, does it?” You hissed as you watched your red and white uniformed troops take over the blue and white ones. “I know it’s hard to lose, Rafe, but I’m glad I’m here for your first time.”
“Everything isn’t as it seems, princess,” He sneered as his grip tightened on you. He moved back to where the large pillars stood next to the throne platform. Your back collided with the marble surface as Rafe yanked your arms back behind you. You screamed in pain as you felt a pop in your shoulder, the joint dislocated with the force of his actions. Harsh rope wrapped around your wrists, leaving you pinned in the awkward position as the prince stepped away.
The evil glint in his eye was evident as he stood in front of you, a devilish smirk on his lips as he observed your broken form. Stepping forward, he pressed a harsh kiss to your lips as you protested beneath him before he pulled away. “Contrary to your belief, my plan is just starting.”
Beneath the castle floors, John B and JJ were scrambling after Sarah Cameron who was leading them through the secret tunnels. Water splashed on their ankles as they finally climbed up the stairs that led them into the main dungeons.
“Come on. She should be here.” Sarah rounded a corner where a singular door was at the end of the hallway. JJ rushed forward, his anxiety getting the best of him as he threw the door open only to come upon an empty room.
“They moved her,” He huffed as the other two stood in the doorway. “Where would he go?”
“Throne Room!” Sarah snapped her fingers in recognition. “My parents aren’t here, they took Wheezie to the beach for the week. He would go there to watch the battle from up high.”
JJ squeezed the necklace in his pocket tighter as he followed the blonde out of the room and through the palace. His heart threatened to burst from his chest with adrenaline as they raced to get to you.
“Right on cue,” Rafe mumbled seconds before the room doors were thrown open to reveal JJ, Sarah, and John B. Your eyes were on the blond boy’s in seconds as you started crying in relief. They were here. They found you.
“Y/N!” Your brother shouted as the three of them moved towards you.
You shook your head desperately as you tried to get them to stop. “Behind you!”
Rafe had relocated around the edge of the room, both he and Topper jumping on JJ and John B and tackling the two boys to the floor. You and Sarah screamed in protest as you watched the two boys fight to free themselves.
“John B!” It was your turn to scream your brother’s name as he fell to the floor unconscious from the force of Topper’s hit. Sarah was by his side in seconds, cursing out the blond guard she used to trust as she cradled the brunette boy in her arms.
Rafe and Topper managed to get JJ on the floor as you cried and shouted for them to stop, all hope of freedom slowly leaving your body as you watched the blond struggle to get loose.
Rafe stepped away once his friend had gotten a decent grip on JJ. He turned to you and shook his head. “I told you, Y/N, you had a choice. I’m really sorry that JJ’s life has to end this way, with you watching.”
“No!” Your throat was raw from the scream you released as you shook your head. “Please. Rafe, please. You can’t do this.”
“I’m not completely heartless, though, princess. I’ll at least let you say goodbye.” He tapped your cheek lightly before releasing your hands, letting you go.
You didn’t hesitate to sprint across the throne room to where Topper let JJ go for a moment. JJ was ready for the impact of you hitting his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, cradling you in his lap as the two of you cried.
“You’re okay,” JJ whispered as he kissed your forehead before your lips. “You’re okay. I’m so sorry, baby.”
You shook your head, holding onto him as tight as possible with your left arm as your right one rested between the two of you from the pain in your shoulder. “You actually came.”
JJ held your head against his chest as he trembled. “I’ll always save you, Y/N.”
“Aw, how touching. Too bad I have to cut this cute reunion short.”
JJ shouted as Topper regained his grip on the smaller boy, yanking him to his feet as you sobbed on the ground. You turned to face Rafe, face full of tears as you saw him grab the sharp sword on his side.
“No!” You begged as you got to your feet. “Rafe stop!”
“Move, Y/N. I won’t hesitate to make you,” The prince growled as he approached, sarcastically brushing off the gleaming metal as if it had dust on it. “This pathetic being is the only thing standing between us and marriage, do you get that?”
You walked closer to him as JJ struggled in Topper’s grip. Your throat was tight as you fought to breathe and push air into your lungs, but you closed the gap between you and Rafe slowly. “I’ll go with you,” You agreed as you came to a stop. “You let JJ and John B go, and I’ll stay.”
“Y/N, no!” JJ’s face was red as he cried, his teary eyes never leaving your bruised form. “I’m not letting you do this.”
You ignored his plea as you set your hand on Rafe’s arm. “Tell Topper to let him go. They need time to leave the palace, and then I’m yours, okay?”
Rafe was clearly considering the offer on hand. This was a win-win. He didn’t have to clean his sword and he got the girl of his dreams all at the same time. “You double crossing me?”
You shook your head as he lowered his sword slightly. “I promise,” You vowed, your voice betraying you as it cracked amongst your emotions. “Let him go.” Rafe’s eyes watched yours as you turned to glance behind you. He waited to see if you would crack, if anything would reveal your true motive against your words. When he realized you were telling the truth, he motioned for Topper to let JJ go.
The next thirty seconds felt like hours. JJ knocked Topper down in seconds as he pulled his own weapon and ran headfirst towards Rafe. You spun at the commotion and panicked once you realized what was happening. Rafe reacted similarly as he grabbed his own weapon for attack.
Your legs moved before your brain processed as you jumped in front of JJ and shoved him away from the injury that would no doubt end his life. You hit the ground next, a groan leaving your lips from the impact. There was more screaming and shouting, the clanging of metal, and worried cries as you tried to keep your mind moving.
JJ’s crystal eyes appeared above yours, Sarah’s above him as you blinked. Your ears were ringing with noise as you tried to understand what was going on. JJ’s hands were red when he pulled away for a moment, making you confused as to who was bleeding. He was crying, Sarah too, as they both stared down at you, the blonde girl’s mouth moving but you couldn’t hear her words. You moved your good arm to rest your hands on top of JJ’s that were pushed against your chest, catching his attention. He shook his head, his tears falling against your cheeks as you mustered up a smile.
“I love you,” You whispered.
JJ shook his head desperately as he tried to stop the bleeding from your wound. He was shaking, his whole body freaking out as Sarah screamed for help, for anybody. His eyes never left yours though. He wanted you to know he was here, that he wasn’t leaving. Blood seeped through his fingers from the impact of Rafe’s sword as you protected him. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He was supposed to save you, not be the reason you were bleeding out beneath him.
The world slowed down, your eyes growing heavy as you fought to stay awake. JJ watched, unable to look away as your eyes slowly closed and your hand went limp against him. Now, he knew. Now, JJ knew what it was like to have the world ripped away from you without any warning, and he sobbed with the realization that he didn’t know if he would ever get the chance to return those three words to you in this lifetime.
tags: @dpaccione​ @socialwriter​ @mimi-multifandomxo​ @hmsjiara​ @rudths​ @bubblyglimmer
want to be tagged in the next part? let me know here
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bigboomboi · 4 years
Anchor- Bakugo X Reader
Words: 3431
Warnings: Cursing and slight mention of blood
A snarl echoed through the training field and Y/N swiped at Momo, who easily avoided her claws. Y/N ducked under Momo’s staff, and punched her in the chest, sending her to the ground. Momo grunted, but didn’t miss a beat and tripped her attacker, taking her to the ground as well. 
Growling, Y/N easily caught the staff aimed for her face, using it to flip the creative quirked girl over into the ground before trying to stand herself. But again, Momo was quick, kicking Y/N in the back, launching her through the dirt.
Momo stood and froze, noting Y/N’s adopted stance. Crouched on all fours, teeth sharpening further than they already were, a stripped tail sprouting. Momo hesitated her advance on Y/N as her eyes flashed, pupils thinning. Momo instantly reached for the blow dart, out of habit and fear.
But thankfully, Y/N shook her head, struggling to hold back her transformation. She slowly took several deep breaths before glaring at Momo again before charging her. Momo tightened her grip on her staff, seeing that Y/N stayed human. 
Dodging the swing of the metal bar, Y/N slashed at Momo again, her attacks much more frantic than before. She had to exert the unused aggravation somehow. So when Momo created a pair of restraints and snagged Y/N’s hands, Y/N simply vaulted the girl and yanked her handcuffs into Momo’s neck to choke her. To which she responded by reaching back doing the same thing with her own weapon.
The girls stood, back to back, awkwardly choking each other out for several moments before the need to shift returned. Much stronger than the first time. Panicking, Y/N backflipped over Momo again and tried to pull away from the tangle of limbs they were.
Her opponent noted the panic in Y/N’s eyes and released her, to kick her again. Sending her across the field before jumping back herself, giving Y/N space. And once again, Y/N stayed crouched, growling and panting hard. She was going to shift, she could feel it. Her grip on her form was slipping, so she did the best thing at the time.
She slammed her head into the ground.
“Y/N!” Momo gasped, holding herself back from moving to check on her at least until Y/N collapsed to the ground, effectively ending the match.
In mere moments the class surrounded the concussed student. “You can’t knock yourself out, everytime you almost fully shift, Y/N….” Aizawa muttered, rolling his eyes. 
Y/N groaned, and closed her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Give me a better option…”
“Figure out how to control your full shift.” Aizawa advised her.
"But, I can’t. I actually can’t.” She whimpered as Momo helped her up. “I get tranquilized everytime I full shift.”
Her quirk was an animal transformation, to be more specific she shifts into the world’s deadliest big cat. A Bengal Tiger. Coming from a family of shapeshifters, she was the only one with the quirk that couldn’t control her full shift.
“Fine, then in addition to the homework tonight. Brainstorm on some ways to keep a whole of your mind when you use your quirk.” Aizawa ordered, before dismissing the class. “Get to the nurse’s office.”
Later, back at the dorms Uraraka gently prodded, the bruises on Y/N’s cheeks with a cool towel. Despite the fact that Recovery girl fixed her broken nose and slight concussion, she advised Y/N to allow her bruises to heal naturally, for she far too exhausted to take in anymore accelerated healing. Y/N hissed and jerked away from her friend’s fingers when she poked a particularly sore bruise.  
“Okay, what if you wear a shock collar that tases you bv every few minutes.” Denki offered.
“She’s not actually an animal!” Mina punched his arm. 
“Technically … She is…” 
Somehow her extra homework turned into a dorm discussion, when they all gathered in the living room to hangout. As much as Y/N appreciated the help, they were getting nowhere. But the ideas they came up with were surprisingly creative. A safe word, a whistle, netting her until she calmed down. Really, even the shock collar wasn’t a bad idea.
“We could just spray you with water?” Kirishima commented. “Like what people do when their cats are being bad.”
“Yes, Kirishima. Let’s spray the rabid, Bengal Tiger with water and see if you don’t get mauled.” Y/N grumbled.
“She’s not some stupid house cat. She’s a deadly Tiger that can’t control herself.” Bakugo grumbled from next to her.
“Yes, thank you for the reminder, Mr. Anger Issues and Superiority Complex.” Y/N huffed, trying to move away from Uraraka’s caring hands.
“At least I don’t break my own nose to avoid mauling my friends.” He glared at her.
“Don’t worry, when you’re in the ring, I won’t.” She snapped back.
His hand crackled at the threat. “You wouldn’t get close to me, shitty woman.”
“Let’s see about that.” She snarled, her teeth elongating. Despite the slight crush she harbored for him, he was still an ass and she wouldn’t let him get away with talking down to her.
“O-okay! We should get back to finding a way to control yourself.” Midoriya panicked.
“Do whatever, I don’t give a fuck about it.” Bakugo broke eye contact and stood off the couch.
“Asshole.” Y/N mumbled, glaring while he stomped off. “But anyway. Any more ideas? Or is the shock collar the best thing we got?”
After a moment of silence, Kirishima perked up again. “What about an anchor or something. Like, from that american show with the werewolf dude and his nerdy sidekick.”
“Are you talking about Teen Wolf? Where he dated a chick that hunted his kind?” Jiro raised an eyebrow.
“Uh, yeah. That.” He scratched the back of his neck. “But think about it. In the show, the werewolves needed an anchor to keep a hold of themselves. To keep them grounded.Like the Scott guy had his girlfriend as his anchor.”
“First off… She dumped him. Second… I don’t have a girlfriend. Or a boyfriend.” Y/N sighed.
“Do you want one?” Denki asked hopeful only to be nailed in the face by a couch pillow. 
“Okay, yes, she did break up with him, but then he became his own anchor.” Kirishima added. “Remember yourself, who you are, where you are, why you’re here. Stuff like that. Or another person, a family member, Mina. Someone or something that means more to you than anything else.”
“An anchor…” She chewed her lip. What the fuck was her anchor going to be.
“Today, Y/N. Bakugo.” Aizawa matched up. “This time. I will be the only one with a tranq. Y/N you are to fully shift before the match is over.”
Y/N nodded, before turning to Mina, who gently adjusted the collar around Y/N’s neck. “Alright, Denki, remember only three time every minute if I’m wild, okay. Please don’t fry my brain.”
“Got it.” He nodded.
Y/N took a deep breath and stepped out on the field, standing across from Bakugo. He looked pointedly at her collar and scoffed at the fact that she actually went with the idea of it. His palms crackled and she activated her quirk partially, nails and teeth sharpening and amping her speed.
“Come on kitty, kitty, kitty.” He taunted before charging her.
She easily dodged his blasts, trying her best to find an opening, before he backed her into a corner. Snarling, she grabbed an explosive hand, aimed for her face and yanked him close only to thrust her foot into his chest. She smirked and followed his falling figure.
He grunted when he landed, but still managed to avoid her pounce. As he rolled over, he barely managed to slam his crackling palm into her side. Sending her rolling and gasping.
“Oi, I thought you were gonna let me have it, stupid cat.” He mocked.
“I’m just waiting for you to show me a reason to use my full quirk.” Y/N shrugged, hiding the pain in her ribs.
He growled and charged her again, this time she stood her ground, blocking his blows to the best of her ability. She easily ducked under his first and punch him in the stomach, before twisting to kick his side, pushing him to the ground, but he just swiped her legs from under her as he fell.
He was quick to pin her to the ground, sitting on her, and start slamming his exploding fists next to her head as she dodged. She growled, her want to shift pounding at the back of her skull. But she forced it down, knowing he was just toying with her, trying to piss her off enough to shift. She reached up and grabbed his collar and yanked his forehead into hers.
He groaned, dizzy, from the sudden head trauma, giving her an easy window to flip their position. She mimicked his own attack from moments before, but instead actually connected her fists to his jaw. Several hits in, Bakugo snagged her arm and flipped them again, twisting her arm out straight behind her back.
She cried out, and struggled against his grip but he only pulled tighter. Y/N panicked, he was going to break her arm if she didn’t pull out and the thought forced her fight or flight to kick in. She was shifting and needed to get him off.
Turning her head she glared at the foot next to her head and bit down on his calf muscle. He cursed, relinquishing some of his pull on her arm. She took the opportunity to free herself, rolling over, definitely straining the joint in her shoulder and using that same arm to push him into the dirt before scrambling to put a few feet in between them.
Like before with Momo, Bakugo watched Y/N crouch and struggle to control herself. As did the class, cheering for her to shift. She closed her eyes to steady her breathing as bones started to crack. Maybe if she transformed slowly she’d keep a hold.
Bakugo took his chance while she shifted and rushed her, palms popping.
A large paw extended claws forced him to duck, but not quick enough as a larger than normal Bengal Tiger pinned him to the ground. She snarled at him, warningly and opened her mouth to bite him, but she jerked as a sharp jolt was sent through her neck.
Bakugo was quick to thrust his foot into her chest, and roll away from her. She was already struggling to keep a hold of her mind, he saw the wild flicker in her eyes. 
“Y/N, remember to control it. Not let it control you.” Aizawa called to her, but she only turned to growl at him. She was completely gone already, and the shocks in her neck were only pissing her off.
She crouched and narrowed in on Bakugo before pouncing. Even with several feet between them, he barely managed to dodge her claws. She spun sharply to follow his dodge and leaped to bite him. He cursed and punched her with an exploding fist. She yelped and rolled through the dirt, her shock collar falling off, destroyed from his blast.
Now there was nothing to pull her back to reality. All that was running through her head was to attack. And she couldn’t help the idea, her conscience was slowly drowning in the instinct to hurt him. She growled at herself and tried to shake her mind clear but it didn’t help, nothing helped. 
She mentally felt faint, and seemed to be blacking out. Though she felt her body rush forwards and attack Bakugo, she couldn’t focus on the fact that she drew blood, tearing through his hero suit. Just the suffocation of her shift.
She was fading…
And further…
“Shit! Y/N, stop fucking biting the gauntlet!”
Blinking, she felt like an alarm went off as Bakugo shouted at her. She blinked, eyes locking on to his panicked ones. He struggled a bit more before he noticed her growls silenced. He froze looking at her.
“Y/N?” He gambled.
She blinked again, jaw loosening on his arm. She noted the blood on his cheek, an obvious scratch from her claws. Y/N slowly let go of his grenade piece and whimpered looking him over completely. He was bloody and bruised, thanks to her lack of control.
“Stop, stupid cat!” He noticed her backing away and quickly stopped her. “You’re doing it. You’re in control.”
He could clearly see the panic in her eyes, if he let her succumb to the overwhelming emotion, she’d lose herself again and he knew that. She whimpered when he reached out to her and he paused. Y/N heard a shout from behind her, it was only their attempts to call out to her conscience, and she whimpered shaking her head. Her grasp slipping again.
Bakugo sighed and grabbed her, his fingers deep in her fur. “Relax, Kitten. Look at me and only me.”
She did as she was told and tried to ignore the calls from the class. “See, you’re doing fine. You feel this?” She wasn’t sure if he meant his comforting fingers petting her or the feeling of control she had, but she jerked her head yes. “Remember it. Anytime you shift, okay? Don’t panic or you’ll lose it.”
She whined, licking apologetically at her bit mark on his arm. He pushed her face away, a slight pink colour tainting his cheeks. She licked and nipped at him playfully, feeling more comfortable now.
“Stop licking me, shitty woman!” He kept pushing away at her snout while she tried to lick his wounds. She ignored his protests and continued, now that she had better control, her emotions and feelings were multiplied and she couldn’t help but let them bubble over. Disguising her kisses as simultaneously apologizing and thanking him. 
Suddenly Y/N yelped and glared at her side, where the tranquil dart stuck her. Bakugo followed her gazed and cursed, reaching to yank it out but it was too late. She’d already collapsed into his lap, revealing Aizawa making his way to them.
“What the hell was that for?” Bakugo shouted, before returning his attention to the tiger whimpering in his lap. “Shit, Kitten.”
“She wasn’t in control.” He answered, easily.
“Yes, she was.” Bakugo sighed as she passed out. “She had control…” 
It had been a week since her match with Bakugo and Y/N had managed to avoid all contact with him since. No matter how hard he tried, she always seemed to slip out of his fingers. Even their friends started trying to trap her into seeing him.
It wasn’t that she was scared or anything, she just didn’t know what to do. She had the intense urge to touch him in someway, anyway. Holding his hand, hugging him… kissing him. But she knew that wouldn’t end well if she acted on her feelings.
“Y/N, babes, it’s us. We’ve brought dinner.” Urakaka’s voice called through her door.
Y/N sighed and stepped to the door. “You’re not trying to trick me again are you, cause I will bite.”
A moment of silence answered her before an actual voice did. “No, Y/N. It’s just us.”
Slowly, she opened the door to see her friends. She stepped aside to let them in and accept the curry Urakaka offered. They all sat and contemplated a way to start the conversation they’d all been putting off.
Finally, “What the fuck happened with Bakugo?” Mina yelped, tired of the pressure in the room.
“Nothing.” Y/N shrugged, pushing her food around on her plate. “I lost control and hurt him, like I always do.”
“He seems to think differently.” Jiro hummed.
“Yeah, well he was probably delirious from me slamming his head on the ground.” Y/N said.
Urakaka huffed. “Why are you trying to ignore the fact that he helped you control yourself?”
“Because, now I can’t shift without the thought of him in my head. If I try to think of anything other it will always revert back to him.” She snapped. “And it’s not just him! It’s wanting him. It’s my feelings for him and now I’m fucking scared to talk to him because when I fucking see him and want to run into his arms becuase I- fuck.” 
“Because what, Y/N. You gotta figure this out, because at this point, we’re going to tie you up, put you in a box and give you to him like a present.” Mina threatened.
“That sounds kinky, ribbit.” Tsu teased.
“Can’t I just avoid him forever.” Y/N whined.
“No!” They all quipped.
Hours later, once Y/N was sure everyone had gone to bed she slipped down to the kitchen. She didn’t finish her dinner, but that didn’t mean she’d waste it, she’d just take it for lunch so she could run straight to her hiding spot of the day. But first she had to find her bento.
Muttering quietly, she checked the lower cabinets, where they normally were placed, but found the area empty. She opened and closed each cabinet until she found them. On the very top shelf. 
Y/N grunted stretching to try and reach the lunch boxes, even though it was futile. She gave up and was about to climb the counter, knowing there was no one around to stop her- except the warm hand on her back. She froze, the light scent of warm caramel and a strong chest pinned her before her bento was placed in front of her.
For a long moment, they stayed frozen. While he hoped she’d turn and look at him, she was trying to will him to disappear. While she felt wonderfully serene with him so close, she needed him to leave. She wasn’t ready to face him yet. Not that she thought she’d ever be.
“Would you fucking look at me already?” Bakugo urged. Y/N shook her head, frantically, not trusting her voice.
“I’m not mad, if that’s what you’re worried about, idiot.” Again she shook her head.
“Then, for the love of fuck! Why are you avoiding me, shitty woman?” He snapped.
“Because I’m scared!” She admitted finally turning to face him.
“Like I said, I’m not mad at you.” He tried again.
“That’s not it, I’m just scared!” She glared at him. 
“Scare of what, Y/N?”
She opened her mouth to answer, but chickened out and pressed her lips together looking away. As panicked as she was, his proximity still calmed her. Tears welled in her eyes, not knowing what to do with her feelings. So she did what was best at the time; she slammed her head into his chest.
“Oi!” He grunted, ready to snap at her again, but paused when she mumbled something into his chest. “I can’t understand you into you whisper into my shirt, stupid.”
Taking a shaky breath, she spoke again, louder this time. “You’re my anchor.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. “I’m your what?”
“You’re… ‘Someone that means more to you than anything else.’ An anchor, keeping me grounded, when I shift.” She explained softly. 
Bakugo paused for a minute, thinking carefully of what to say next as to not scare you away. “Why me?”
“Because… I…” Y/N stopped and tried her best to build up the strength to say it.
“Kitten,” He tugged her chin up to look her in the eyes before repeating her question. “Why me?” 
As cliche as it sounded, she couldn’t hide it or lie about it. There was nothing she could do about it. “Because I’m in love with you and I’m scared because I don’t know what I’ll do when you leave.”
She closed her eyes, bracing for his laugh. For rejection. Y/N felt his hand squeeze her hip and his nose bumped into her gently. She took a deep breath as he pressed her into the counter before his lips brushed over hers fleetingly.
“Who said I was going to leave?” 
Y/N and Bakugo laid cuddle together on the couch, watching a movie. Y/N was slowly dozing off, thanks to the warm fingers rubbing her back. At least she was until-
“I thought you said you didn’t want a boyfriend?” Denki pouted at the couple on the couch.
This time Bakugo nailed him in the face with the couch pillow. “Fuck off, Sparky.”
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patroclusonly · 4 years
You need to be safe
Do I always use lines from the fic for the titles? Yes, cause I don’t know how to think of one to fit the story
This is based on this post, kinda didn’t like how it turned out but i wanted to write it anyway so here it is.
 (@multi-fandom-writing you asked to be tagged, i’m sure this isnt exactly what you had in mind but it’s my take on it, hope you don’t hate it!)
Buck and Eddie have been together for five years, and married for two. Not much has changed in their relationship after they got together since they used to spend most of their time in each other places. 
They’ve been living together since pretty much the beginning and they rarely got into fights, but that night they did. It was 10 pm., they were driving home back from work and they were arguing. 
“I don’t know what you want me to say, Eddie, it’s my job!” Buck says, waving his hands in exasperation. 
“Your job is to save people not to get yourself killed before being able to do it!” Eddie snaps at him, trying hard to keep his focus on the road.
“Well, it’s not like I knew the man had a gun!” He scoffs, throwing his hands in the air. 
“But when you did, you still had to run up to him didn’t you?” He snarled, his hands gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were white. 
“At least he was pointing the gun at me and not at the woman!” He shrugs and Eddie lets out a growl and rubs his forehead. 
“Are you really that stupid?!” Eddie fumes, turning his head to look at Buck but being blinded by two lights instead. “Buck!” He screams but it’s too late.
Eddie groans as his consciousness comes back and opens his eyes slowly. His head is pounding and he grabs at it to try and make it stop, but once he sees Buck, he doesn’t care anymore.
The other man is passed out beside him, pale and with blood dripping down his forehead. 
“Buck?” He calls him and when the other man doesn’t respond, he starts to panic. “Buck?!” He moves to his side and tries to remain calm, checking his pulse. It’s weak but it’s there. 
He  hears someone tell him that they already called 911 and he breaths for a second. 
“Come on, baby. Wake up.” He says to Buck, looking over his injuries. He was much more injured than him, the hit to the head alone was bad enough, he didn’t want to think about the other injuries he would have after taking most of the impact.
Minutes later, that felt like hours to Eddie, he heard the sirens coming closer.  
“Helps is coming.” He whispers and kisses his forehead before he hears his name being called. He gets out of the crushed car, takes a few steps and falls on his knees, tears falling down his face. He feels hands on him and then Bobby and Chimney come into vision, keeling beside him. He shakes his head.
“Help him, I’m fine. Please, help him.” He says, voice breaking. Chimney looks at Bobby and when he nods he goes with Hen to check on Buck. Eddie keeps crying, uncontrollable sobs breaking through him.  
“He’s going to be fine, Eddie.” Bobby reassures him but he can’t stop. He sees Hen and Chimney moving Buck in the spinal board to the stretcher and then get him into the ambulance. 
Chimney then comes to where he and Bobby where, they help him stand and get him into the ambulance too. Once in, they take off to the hospital but he still can’t snap out of it. He sees Buck, lying there and he’s so scared that he won’t wake up. He takes his hand.
“How…” He tries to speak but the lump of his throat stops him. Hen puts a grounding hand on his shoulder.
“He’ll be fine.” She answers him fast and Chimney nods.
“Come on, Eddie. This kids has survived much worse that a little car crash.” He says smiling, but the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. Eddie tries to focus on the raising and falling of Buck’s chest, the weak but steady pulse beneath his fingers.
Once they get to the hospital they take Buck into surgery. Eddie sits on the waiting room, elbows on his knees and hands covering his face. He’s stopped crying now but the dreadful feeling was still there. 
The team had left except for Bobby and Eddie appreciate that because he didn’t trust himself to be alone.
“He’s a strong kid, Eddie. He’ll be okay.” Bobby pats his shoulder lightly.
“The last thing I told him was that he was stupid.” He mumbles, pressing his hands into his neck. “I called him stupid for risking his life to save someone and now…” His breath catches in his throat.
“Hey, Hey.” Bobby squeezes the hand on his shoulder and he looks up at him. “Those won’t be your last words to him. He’ll be okay.” He nods, trying to calm down. A few minutes later a doctor approaches them and they jump to their feet. 
“Are you here for Evan Diaz-Buckley?” She asks.
“Yes, I’m his husband.” Eddie says quickly and the doctor smiles at him.
“He’s awake now. We had to perform surgery to put back in place the pieces of broken bone from his clavicle, he has a concussion and some broken ribs, but with a month or so of rest he’ll be good as new in no time.” She tells him with a calm expression and Eddie lets out a long breath.
“Can we go see him, now?” Bobby asks for him.
“Yes, but just for a few minutes. He needs the rest.” She explains. “I’m assuming you’re staying with him?” She asks Eddie and he nods quickly. “Good. He’ll be discharged tomorrow afternoon.” She announces and leaves.
Eddie stands there and looks up at Bobby who gives him a small smile.
“Go. Me and the rest of the team will come by tomorrow before our shift.” He tells him and he sprints to the room. 
When he enters it, Buck looks up at him and a big smile appears on his face. Eddie’s eyes fill with tears again.
“Hey, no. Don’t cry, I’m okay.” Buck tells him and holds out his hand. Eddie takes it and lets himself be pulled in by him. 
“I’m so sorry.” Eddie cries out and Buck shakes his head.
“No, baby. It wasn’t your fault.” He makes Eddie lean back. “And look, I’m okay, just a little banged up.” He cups Eddie’s face and looks up at him with the sweetest smile. He has a cuts in his face, a bandage in his forehead, a sling in his right arm and yet he’s looking so bright and beautiful.
“I was so scared, i thought… the last thing I said to you was that you were stupid. You’re not stupid, you’re amazing and so caring you’d put your life in the line for whoever needs it. But I’m so afraid I’m going to lose you someday.” He whispers, looking straight into clear blue eyes. 
“I was a little reckless, I’ll admit that.” Eddie lets out a breathy laugh. “And I’ll try to be more careful, but you know I can’t not help someone who needs it.” He says and Eddie shakes his head.
“I know and I don’t want to stop you from helping people. I just want you to be more careful with how you do it. You need to be safe so you can come back home to us.” He leans in again, pressing a kiss to Buck’s head and holding him close. 
“I’ll do my best.” He mumbles into Eddie’s chest and looks up, bringing him in for a kiss.
“Are you going to stay with me?” He asks once they break apart.
“Always.” Eddie answers and gives him a soft kiss on his temple.
“Chris is with Carla?” He asks when Eddie settles beside him on the small hospital bed.
“Yeah, she said they’ll facetime with us before school. You’re getting discharged at noon anyway.” He whispers, and kisses the side of Buck’s head and he hums, closing his eyes. 
“Great. I miss the little guy already.” Buck whispers, burying his face in Eddie’s neck and sighing in content. 
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