#breathe in my direction and i'll start ranting about this again. anyway.
messedupfan · 2 months
Chapter 21
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Summary: The morning after the school fundraiser, Wanda and Y/n share their fears and expectations. Rachel notices the change in her Baba's behavior. Jean has a heart breaking session with her wife.
A/n: Hellloooooo!! Y'all I watched Deadpool and Wolverine over the weekend and Y'ALL I LOVED EVERY SECOND. Mostly enjoyed dancing in the 4DX seats. But lived for every moment in the movie. My goodness. Idc to hear criticisms or negative comments about that movie. It's everything to me. I love love LOVE it. Anyway... enough of my rant. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter!
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The sun glaring through the curtains disrupts your sleep. You turn away from facing the window and smash your face into someone’s back. You breathe deeply through your nose. Your lips lift almost instantly as you recognize Wanda's scent. You press your lips to her back as you continue to breathe her in. Wanda stretches as her internal clock starts to wake her up. 
You move up and lean against her headboard and smile down at her as she faces you. Her brown hair is a mess, her freckles are prominent. Her eyes are a deeper green, reflecting from the green top she chose for bed. 
“Hi,” you say when Wanda opens her eyes. 
“Hey you,” she replies through a yawn. Her eyes close as she does and she stretches again. “Give me a minute and I'll make us something to eat,” she says as she blinks her eyes slowly. 
“Don't worry about that right now,” you say in a raspy voice. You move her hair out of her face. “Just be here with me. Let's enjoy this moment together while we still can.” She closes her eyes as you rest your hand on her cheek. She leans into your touch. 
“Last night was,” Wanda smiles and bites her bottom lip as she replays the memory in her head. Second to the day her children were born, that has to be her favorite memory. 
You chuckle, “Yeah, it was.” You continue to gaze down at her. You want to kiss her and technically you can. But you're not sure if she wants that right now. “Do you still feel that way?” You ask softly, to confirm with her that things are moving in a direction that the both of you are comfortable with. 
Wanda opens her eyes as moves her hand out from under the covers to touch your arm. “Yeah, do you?” Her fingers dance along the length of your arm. 
“Of course I do, I’ve admitted it three times now,” you say with a humorous tone. 
Wanda remembers each time with a fond smile. The first time she threw herself at you when the two of you got drunk together and kissed. She didn't know that you had confessed your growing feelings towards her until you later apologized about it. The second time isn't the one you're thinking of. The second time wasn't the night that you showed up at her house. That was the third and most painful attempt for her. The second happened the night she had to pick you up from the bar. You kissed her and when she asked what you were doing you said that it was something that you should have done before. “Four times actually,” Wanda corrects you softly. 
“What?” You laugh, not sure if you heard her correctly. 
“Nevermind,” she says as she curls her body against yours. She closes her eyes as she inhales your scent again. It's one thing to have items that smell like you. It's so much better to have you right here. In her arms as a person instead of a fantasy. 
“I love you,” you say to see how she feels about hearing those words from you. She opens her eyes and there isn’t the fear that you’ve seen in them before. It’s a brightness to them. It’s a loving gaze you've witnessed her give her children. “That doesn't scare you?” You ask her to be certain. 
“No,” she smiles and moves her face forward, her lips connecting with yours. Neither of you mind the sour morning breath because you're just happy to be kissing each other. Her soft lips pressed against yours make you feel more alive than you ever had before. At this point, you're not sure if you existed before now. “You don't have to worry about me, Y/n. I'm in this. I want us to take it slow for us to prove to ourselves it's what's meant to be, before we get everyone involved. But I'm not afraid of my feelings for you. I'm not afraid of being loved by you.” 
You nod as you wrap your arms around her small frame and press her closer to your body. “So we're going to keep this under wraps for a bit?” You ask, clarifying what she means when she says that she wants to take things slow. 
“Just until we are certain what this is. I mean, we've talked a lot about what we want for our futures. But not really what kind of partner or what we really think of each other. I have an image of you in my mind as I'm sure you have one of me. I just want to give us time to… settle into the reality of each other.” Wanda explains and you agree. It's something that you weren't aware of with your past serious relationships. 
Sure, you knew Jean practically your entire life but you weren't paying attention to her as a real person until your marriage was falling apart. You had a fantasy of her in your mind that you built up when you were crushing on her. She fell short a lot and it wasn't her fault. She didn't know that you had built up years of expectations of her. 
With Daisy, she had expectations of you that you're still not sure if you met. She never said anything about it but you could tell that sometimes she wished you were the person she made up in her mind. In her defense, she probably expected you to be a lot more in love with her than you were and that is a fair expectation. 
With Wanda however, you aren't sure what kind of person you've made her up to be in your head. You know that you have some idea of what a life with her would look like. You kept comparing Daisy to her after all. And it's true, you could have made her out to be a perfect person for you in your mind. But she could just be a good friend for you. You almost laugh at the thought. There's no doubt in your mind that you're supposed to marry this girl one day. But she's right, you don't need to jump into anything. 
“Okay, yeah, I don't mind that. It'll be good to keep us to ourselves for a bit. Days like these where we can be with each other with no pressure to take leaps in our relationship before we're ready to,” you say as you rub her shoulder. “And the kids were so heart broken when we told them not to hope for this anymore.” 
Wanda looks down as she remembers that day. It broke her heart too. But it was an important day for her. Up until then, she thought she was done letting Vision win with the few moments that she stood up to him. Her therapist helped her realize, she was still letting him win every time she held herself back from happiness or from really moving forward. It wasn't that she wasn't ready to commit to a relationship because she didn't know who she was. It was because deep down, she was still Vision’s wife. Her therapist helped her learn how to free herself from that mental marriage. 
“Yeah, and I’m still working on myself. I feel like if we did end up breaking up the boys would blame me and I wouldn’t be able to tell them any different,” Wanda pouts as she thinks of her boys having proof that she is the problem because they love you so much as it is. 
“Wanda, I am far from perfect. I'm going to make many mistakes and so will you,” you say with a light tone because it's the truth and there's no reason to pretend like it's impossible to mess up. “The important thing is that when we do make mistakes, it's not something that drives us apart. We take that as a learning moment. I mean there are obvious things like no cheating. But if someone makes a pass at you or someone kisses you and you come to me about it, we can talk about that and figure out how to move past it. You know?”
Wanda nods as she listens to you, she hadn't considered that she didn't need to be perfect all of the time. She hadn’t considered that you weren’t a perfect person. Even though both of you have shown each other flaws in the year that you’ve gotten to know each other, there is still so much to learn. “I’m certain that I want to be with you and only you. Which is why I’m okay with going at your pace,” you stress that you’re not doing this to see if you want a future with her. You already know that. You’re willing to go slow because you don’t need to rush anything. 
At this statement, however, Wanda starts to laugh. “You do realize that this will be your third relationship in less than a year?” The thought makes you laugh as you realize that you have become a serial monogamous in terms of dating. 
“In my defense, I wasn’t certain about Daisy. And I was only dating Nebula to pass time. She knew it wasn’t serious and I never tried to make it anything more than what it was.” You defend your actions. 
Wanda laughs more as you defend yourself because she wasn’t being serious when making the observation. She is in no position to judge, she has slept with so many people this year that she lost count because she couldn’t believe how high the number had gotten. How she got through it with only one minor STI is beyond her. “It’s fine, you’re fine, it’s just funny to me,” she says through her laughs. 
You join her as she laughs because it's contagious. She is so bright and bubbly this morning and you feel very privileged to be present for it. Then your phone rings and as much as you want to ignore it, you have to make sure it’s not any kind of an emergency. You look at the screen and sigh when you see the picture of Jean and Rachel making silly faces. You put your finger to your lips and warn Wanda to be quiet as you answer the phone. She kisses your cheek and climbs out of her bed to run to the bathroom. 
“Hey, what’s up?” You answer the phone with a tightness and dread building in your chest. You don’t want to go home yet. You don’t want to leave this bubble. Not yet. You’ve barely gotten to enjoy it. 
“Hey, sorry,” Jean says in a whisper. “I forgot that I have couple’s counseling with Anna in an hour. I hate to ask because you’ve been so generous-” 
“Rachel is my daughter, you don’t have to feel guilty about asking me to come home for her,” you remind her. With the odd arrangement, Jean has been asking you to babysit Rachel. As a parent, that’s not babysitting. She claims that she had gotten so used to asking her wife to babysit Rachel and that little piece of information bugged you. Anna adopted Rachel, making her Anna’s daughter as well. You found it to be very disrespectful that she considers spending time with Rachel babysitting. “Just give me twenty minutes, I’ll be there soon.” 
“Okay, thank you,” Jean says, then she ends the call. 
You sigh as you rub your face. Wanda comes out of her bathroom wiping her face dry with a towel. She sits on the edge of the bed and rubs your back. You can smell the flowery perfume from the products she uses. When she asks you what’s wrong, you can smell the mint on her breath. You remove your hands from your face and flash her a small tired smile. 
“Nothing, I just,” you sigh and shake your head. “I hate going home now that Jean is staying with me.” 
“Woah, when did that happen?” Wanda asks as her hand stops on your shoulder and starts to gently massage you there. 
“A few weeks ago. She got into a big fight with Anna and stayed with me for a night which I was fine with one night. Now it’s gotten a little ridiculous but what am I going to do?” You shrug because you hate the situation that you’re caught in. You scoff bitterly as you think about how Anna wanted to separate their lives from yours but she forces situations like this to happen. “She had Rachel ask if she could stay instead of asking herself, which was just… I don’t know. I can't get into it with you right now.” You say as you pull away from her touch and stand from the bed. You stretch your sore muscles. The pull out mattress in the couch was horribly thin because it has to be and it’s taking a toll on your body. It was nice to have a break in Wanda’s comfortable and clearly expensive mattress. 
“Wait, hold on. I want to be there for you with this,” Wanda says as she tries to be a good partner. “Don’t shut me out.”
“I’m not shutting you out I’m,” you sigh as you make your way around the bed to the side of the room where her closet has your clothes from last night hanging. You almost trip on a dress and you realize how messy her room is. It makes you smile for a second when you realize that it was from the effort she was making in her appearance last night. You grab your shirt and start to button up. “The situation makes me upset. No, it’s infuriating actually. Anna is putting a lot of the blame on me when it’s a shitty situation because of – no, I won’t go there.” You start to pull on your pants and Wanda is standing at the entrance of the closet watching you. 
“I can’t be upset about it because I want to lead a good example for Rachel. Her mom needs some support. It shouldn’t be me, but she alienated everyone else in her life, so it is me,” you explain as you finish getting dressed. “Talking about it gets my blood boiling. So, I’m not shutting you out. I’m just trying to make it throw the day without blowing up at my ex-wife in front of our daughter.” 
Wanda nods, feeling slightly guilty for trying to get you to open up about something that she doesn’t know anything about. But she was only trying to do the right thing so she gives herself a break because she couldn’t have known and you were communicating that you can’t talk about it right now. She watches you move to sit on her bed and thinks about what she can do to help you shift your mood while you get your shoes on. When you stand up and dust yourself off she stands in front of you and wraps her arms loosely around your neck. 
“I love you,” she says and she feels the tension in your shoulders disappear. She leans up and kisses you on the lips. Your body melts against hers in the kiss as you feel safe and secure in her presence. You close your eyes and commit every detail of this moment to your memory so that you can get through the day. And tomorrow. And however many days you have to go without holding Wanda and kissing her. 
You rest your forehead against hers and sigh with content. “I want to stay here with you,” you admit with a pout. 
“I want you to stay,” she says as she lays the palm of her hand on your chest and takes a deep breath. “You have to go. I’ll see you soon, I’m sure. The boys will want to hang out with Rachel,” she says as she thinks of ways she can still see you while you’re going through this tough time with your ex. 
“And I have the orders to finish. One is due in two weeks and the other is due in four,” you remind her. 
“Oh, yeah, you do have to come back for that,” Wanda smiles up at you. “Is this your way of inviting me into the shed for some alone time with you?” She wiggles her eyebrows and it makes you laugh because you didn’t even consider that. 
“No, but hey, it definitely gives me an excuse to take you out on a real date on the weeks you don’t have the kids. That is, if I continue to have an unwanted roommate,” you brush the back of your fingers against her soft cheek. 
Wanda’s fingers play with your tie, her eyes have dropped to adjust the knot. “Is this your way of asking me out on a date?” 
You chuckle, “Of course not. I know better than to mention my ex-wife when asking you out on a date. I'm just saying that the option is there. But I have to get going.” Wanda agrees to let you go. You get one last kiss before you run off to your car. 
The entire drive home you have a wide grin. Wanda is happily spinning around her room like a love sick teenager. She stops when she realizes that one she's is too old for that only because she could throw up. And two, she needs to call Matt to make sure that he doesn't report anything to Agatha. Wanda bites her lip as she thinks about you and her sneaking around. As if you were in some torrid love affair. 
She spends her morning telling everyone that the plan didn't work and that she chickened out when she saw you with Nebula. Carol felt sorry for her and offered to hang out later that day. Agatha was irate; she thought the plan was perfect. She had put in so much time and effort. Wanda and Carol ended up comforting her with how upset she was. She even sent the pictures to the group chat that she received from the mom who was part of the organization of the event. Wanda panicked a little as she thought of the woman having access to photos that could potentially kill her story. But Agatha thankfully mentions that the photographer was an amateur that didn't have enough memory to take photos after a certain point in the night. The last picture that Agatha sends is of you smiling at Nebula. 
Wanda tries to disregard the twinge of jealousy that she feels when she sees you happy with the other woman. Then she remembers whose bed you woke up in this morning and she is filled with joy again. She agrees to a movie night with Carol but she regrets it the moment she realizes she can't pretend to be sad. She tries to look at old photos of her and Vision and nothing. He has no affect on her emotions anymore. Then she tries to look at the image of you and Nebula but she can't get sad again. 
Jean ignores you when you come home. You were a couple of minutes late because of a few traffic jams. She was clearly upset with you but you could care less. You are on cloud nine because you finally have the woman that you’ve been pining for. It had only been close to a year, but it felt like centuries. 
Once you’ve changed into a fresh set of clothes, you start to make breakfast. You have music blasting on the bluetooth speakers you hardly ever use. She comes in, receptive to your energy, singing along with you. Even when she takes control of the music you are still dancing around and singing. Full of energy. 
“Why are you so happy?” Rachel asks with a mouth full of pancakes and eggs. 
“I’m always happy!” You say as you pour syrup on your plate. 
“Not this happy!” She giggles and her laugh is infectious. 
“What? Come on, I’m happy like this,” you make a silly face. “And I’m happy like this,” you make another silly face which makes her laugh harder. “And I’m happy like this!” You take a banana wheel from your plate and dip a side of it in syrup then glue it to your nose and make another silly face.
“No, baba! That’s sticky and gross!” She says as she knocks the banana off of your face with her giggles.
“You’re right, eat your food and we’ll go to a movie or something. You deserve a happy day,” you say as you stab your food with your fork. 
“Can we wait for mom to come home?” She asks as she eats her food. Her voice is so innocent and sweet. You nod with a smile. 
“Sure, we can wait for mom. She might not want to go though. Will that be okay?” You ask as you watch your daughter. She has no idea what happened last night and you want to tell her every little detail. You refrain from it because when you do tell her about you and Wanda, you want to say that you're marrying her. You want to have proof that it's forever. Of course, you can't be certain that the marriage will last forever. But you want to believe that you can. 
“Yeah, I guess that will be okay too,” she frowns a bit as she continues to eat. Then she perks up. “Do you think we can invite Billy and Tommy and Ms. Wanda?” Her eyes are wide as she asks. The excitement evident in her face. 
“Sorry, sweetheart. The boys are with their dad until tomorrow,” you say apologetically. 
“Oh, that's right. I'm not supposed to be here until tomorrow too. Sorry,” she finishes the food on her plate then looks back up at you. “When can I go back to mommy's house?” 
You chew slowly as you consider an answer that will be helpful for your daughter. Another thing that you hate about this situation is the lack of communication between you and Jean. You have no idea how her marriage is going. You have no idea when she's going to be moving back home. You have no idea how long she's going to be gone for today. 
“I’ll tell you what,” you say as you finish up your plate. “I'll call Wanda and ask if she and the boys are available tomorrow or at least some time this week. How does that sound?”
Rachel perks up again, happy about the idea. But then her energy drops. “I still want to go back to mommy's house. I didn't get to pack any of my things.” 
“Honey, what would you need to pack? You have enough stuff here,” you take her hand in yours as you read her face. 
“Because mommy got to pack some of her things,” Rachel says. “I didn't get to do that. I miss my stuff. I miss my room. I miss the house. I miss Anna.” She starts to grow emotional and you are quick to pick her up out of her chair to hold her as she cries. You tell her that it's okay to miss things when she apologizes. That it’s okay to miss her other mom. 
When she stops crying, you tell her to go shower and get ready. You grab your phone and you send a text to Jean letting her know that she needs to arrange a day for Anna to hang out with her daughter since Rachel misses her. Then you walk to the balcony from your room and call Wanda. “Miss me already?” Wanda says as she answers the phone. Her voice has a smile to it that is infectious as you feel one tug at your lips. 
“Very much,” you sigh into the phone. “Rachel wants us all to hang out tomorrow, if that’s okay.” 
“I wish we could. My mom does this thing for the kids at the beginning of summer. Her and Pietro set up some tents in her backyard and she does a mini camp out. My grandpa used to do that for me and Pietro when we were kids. She always says that he did many things wrong, that was one tradition he did right. And she wants to pass it down,” she explains. 
Then you curse as you remember that you need to request time off for your camping tradition with Rachel. “I can’t believe I almost forgot this year. So much has been going on, she needs some normalcy,” you respond to Wanda’s concern. 
“I’m sure Pietro already has it on the schedule for you,” she assures you. “Anyway, I’m sure we can arrange for the kids to get together at some point this week. How is she doing?”
“She’s confused,” you sigh and shake your head. “It pisses me off that I can’t give her any answers. But I’ll save my frustrations for the shed.” Then you look up to the sky and smile. “Rachel noticed that I’m currently happier than I’ve ever been.” 
“Oh yeah? What were you doing? Skipping around the apartment singing love songs,” her tone is teasing and it makes you chuckle because that’s pretty much what you did. Without you confirming it, she knows that she was right. “See, you have to play it cool. If we're going to get any privacy at all. For instance, I have to pretend like you left with Nebula last night because Carol feels bad that my plan to win you over didn’t work. Something that would be happening had I been rejected.” 
“In my defense, according to you, I got some last night and I think I would be pretty happy about it,” you jokingly mention, making Wanda snort. 
“Okay weirdo, go tell your daughter that you got laid last night because that's better,” she retorts, making you laugh. 
“Alright, I get your point. I'll tone it down. But I can't promise the same for when we get some alone time together,” an electric current runs through your body at the simple thought of spending time alone with Wanda. You get filled with a fresh energy just thinking about her. 
“Good, I'd expect nothing less,” she giggles as she imagines you jumping up and down shouting that you are in love with her. She knows that it’s not something that you would ever do. But it’s cute to picture it in her mind. “I’ll let you go, I have to think of sad things to be thinking about to prepare for Carol tonight.” 
You chuckle at the idea that Wanda has to put up a facade that she is sad and rejected. You almost make a joke about giving her some pointers. But you refrain from it, unsure what her reaction would be. You don't want to make her feel guilty about focusing on herself. 
“Alright, good luck with that. I'll call you tomorrow? Or you'll call me when you can? I'll text you,” you don't know why you're rambling as nervously as you are. But it gets a giggle from Wanda. 
“I'll text you later,” Wanda says, then she ends the call and you try not to celebrate the fact that you have won her over. You have to play it cool. So you head back inside and wait for Rachel to finish getting ready. You scroll through the movies that are currently in the theaters and check on the ones she may or may not like to see what times and seats are available. Then you text Jean for an estimate of when she'll be returning and add that you're giving your daughter a fun day and that she wanted to spend it with her mom as well. 
Jean still isn't responding to any of your messages and you figure that she is still busy with her couples counseling session with Anna. You worry that you'll waste a day waiting for her to come home when Rachel wobbles out of the bathroom in her princess themed town with a crown hood to her bedroom.
You really want to give her a good day since she has been through a lot and still has a boot on her leg. 
An hour goes by with you and Rachel on the couch watching television before you finally get a message from Jean. She says that she needs a “pick-me-up” and would be happy to have a fun day. Then she responds to the message about Anna and says that after the session they had today, she isn't sure if that will be possible. Then she says she's on her way home.
You inform Rachel only that her mom is joining on the fun day and that she'll be home soon. She cheers and doesn't ask any questions other than what movie she should pick to see at the theater. You show her the options and she takes a long time. 
“Which one will be good for you and mommy?” She asks because in the past the two of you would argue forever about what to put on when it came to watching movies at home. You shake your head. 
“It's your day, munchkin. Don't worry about us. We'll be happy with whatever you want. Okay?” You tell her as you rub her back to ease her fears. She had grown to be such a people pleaser and it's not a terrible thing to be. But a lot of anxiety comes with that and you want her to be okay with being a little selfish sometimes. It's okay to ask for her to ask for what she wants from time to time. 
When Jean returns, her eyes are red and her cheeks are blotchy. She was lucky enough to come at a time when Rachel was in the bathroom. You help Jean get to your bedroom and ask her what’s going on. 
She starts to cry again as she sits on the edge of your bed. “Anna went on a date. She told me that she needed to be reminded of why she married me in the first place and that she needed to see if things would be easier with someone else.” You shake your head as you sit next to Jean and rub her back with soothing circles. As she starts to sob, you pull her towards you as you do your best to comfort her. Sure, she puts you through a lot but at the end of the day she is Rachel’s mother and she is your childhood friend. You can’t seem to let go of that. No matter how hard you try. 
“Did she say anything else?” You ask when she starts to settle down a bit. Jean nods against your chest. “What did she say?” You want to see what Anna said about the situation first before you say anything about it. Because right now, you want to have her kicked out of the house she is in because she doesn’t own it. 
“She said that she couldn’t see herself building a life with anyone but me. That nothing happened on the date. All she did was listen to the woman yap on and on and that made her realize she only wants to listen to me yap. Which kind of felt offensive but was also very sweet. Then she went on and on about how she loves me and how she would never betray my trust like that again,” she moves out of your arms to blow her nose in the tissues she pulls from the box on your nightstand. 
“How does that make you feel?” You ask as you watch her. 
“Cheated. Betrayed. Hurt,” she sniffles in between each word. You nod as you start to rub her back again. “It also makes me unbelievably angry at her. Because she is the reason we are going through any of this at all. It’s her fault that we’re separated. It’s her fault that my relationship with you is strained and my daughter is confused. I’m just… UGH!” She stands up as she starts to pace around the room. There’s not much you can do when she gets upset like this other than to just sit and listen. If you had said that there was nothing that could bring your mood down earlier, she just turned you into a liar. 
Jean’s rants are cut short when Rachel knocks on the door and asks if she can come in. She freezes and hides in the bathroom while you step out. You apologize to Rachel for worrying her and assure her that you and her mom were just talking. You sit her in front of the television to be distracted while you finish with Jean. Thankfully, when you close the door and Jean comes out, she has washed her face and looks a lot calmer. She pulls you into a tight hug. 
“Thank you for putting up with me,” she sighs with her eyes closed. “I’m going to shower and then I’ll be ready for the fun day with you and Rach. How are we doing with time?” 
You pull away and look at your watch, “We still have a couple of hours before the movie starts. We already bought the tickets. Rachel was certain that you were going to join us because she wants you to be happy today too. So, please, even if you can’t get happy… just fake it for her. She’s eleven, she doesn’t need to put up with your marital problems.” 
Jean nods and agrees to put on a brave face for Rachel. You leave her to get ready and grab something nicer for you to wear and get changed in the main restroom before joining Rachel on the couch. She snuggles up to your side and you smile as you realize that the age of her rejecting you is creeping closer and closer each year. You dread the day that finally happens but embrace this moment while you can still enjoy it. 
“That movie was so funny!” Rachel says as she replays her favorite moments in the movie as the three of you walk out together. She is jumping around and shows off the themed popcorn bucket, happy that she was able to get one. 
“You know you shouldn’t have gotten her that,” Jean quietly says. 
You shrug, “Today is her day to be happy and carefree and look at her,” you point out that she is having fun with her popcorn bucket. Jean laughs at her silly daughter. “Just let her be happy. You’re probably going to have to break some pretty tough news to her soon.” She nods as she lets out a deep sigh. She pushes away her feelings towards her current issues as Rachel runs up to her and asks her what's wrong. Jean looks to you because you’re better at coming up with something on the spot. “Mommy is jealous she couldn’t get one of those. But she is very happy for you!” You tap her nose. 
Rachel groans and rolls her eyes at the boop. “Baba, I’m eleven now. Don't boop me anymore. That’s for babies.” Your heart drops as you see this being the beginning of the end. 
“Oh, my apologies,” you say as you hold your hands up in surrender. 
“It’s okay, you forgot,” Rachel shrugs. “Can we get takeaway for dinner?” She asks as she fidgets with her bucket. “I want to go home and watch the other movies!” 
You frown as you scratch the back of your neck. “Are you sure you don’t want to eat somewhere nice? Or go to the park?” 
“Baba, it’s my day,” she reminds you and you chuckle as you agree. 
“You’re right,” you lift her on your back and hold your reaction when you adjust to holding her weight. It wasn’t because she was too heavy to carry, it was because you were anticipating a lighter weight. You hadn’t realized that she’s grown so much. “This is queen Rachel’s day. And she wants takeaway and the rest of the Despicable Minion movies!” She laughs when you combine the titles in the big old English accent you were attempting. 
“Onward!” She giggles as she uses her bucket to point to the parking lot. 
Jean laughs as she walks behind you. She hasn’t seen this side of either of you in some time. Anna is more focused on what’s better for Rachel’s emotional and physical development. Which wouldn’t be a bad thing if she was silly every now and then. Jean is starting to question if Rachel’s eating habit started because of the overly healthy food that Anna was enforcing around the house and it grew from there. Jean is starting to think that maybe Anna wasn’t as good for them as she previously thought. In the car, you and Rachel go back and forth as you try to beat each other to saying “I love you” first and it makes Jean nostalgic. She hadn’t realized how much she missed days like this. 
Wanda is pacing back and forth, anticipating Carol’s arrival. She isn’t certain it will just be Carol or if she’s planning on bringing Valkyrie with her. Will there be another group call with Agatha and Darcy? She doesn’t know what to expect for this night of comfort. She isn’t sure if she can pretend for more than one person tonight without imploding. 
She only has herself to blame for this predicament. It wasn’t supposed to go this way. She was supposed to be celebrating out loud about the results of last night. But then she felt herself begin to freeze. The pressure of telling everyone that she found someone that she is certain about, again. To then include everyone in every aspect because they all feel invested in the relationship. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself again. Not after the nightmare that Vision is. But she also doesn’t want the responsibility if things aren’t as good as she made them up to be in her mind. 
Wand closes her eyes and stands still in her living room. She counts to five as she takes slow breaths to center herself. She needs to stop spiraling. She needs to be present. Wanda knew that working herself up was going to benefit her performance tonight, but it was going to hurt her for weeks. She doesn’t want to shorten the honeymoon phase with you. She wants to bask in the glow of a brand new relationship a bit longer. 
The knock on her door has her racing to open it in order to get this night over with. Carol rushes past her while holding a plastic bin full of items that Carol has prepared for the night. Valkyrie walks in behind the blonde with a kind smile. She hugs Wanda as she apologizes for the plan failing. 
“Oh it wasn’t anyone’s fault,” Wanda waves it off as she steps out of the hug and shuts and locks the front door behind her. 
“I know, but it’s just… one of those things to say,” Valkyrie shrugs and Wanda nods. She couldn’t argue with that. 
“What’s all this?” Wanda asks as she peeks into Carol’s bin. She is confused by the contents. 
“We tried the natural way, now we’re going to try the witchy way!” Carol says happily. “I got all of this stuff together as per Agatha’s instructions.” She proudly admires the bin on the kitchen table with her hands on her hips. Wanda looks at Valkyrie who just rolls her eyes and mutters something about having tried all day to talk Carol out of it. 
“Agatha put you up to this?” Wanda asks as she rummages through the bin with a frown. Carol nods with a big grin. The brunette nods as she realizes that she is way out of her depth. She expected rom-coms or maybe horror movies. She expected comfort foods and wine. She expected a group phone call where everyone took turns telling sob stories about failed relationships or crushes that didn’t become anything more than that. She did not expect witchcraft as a solution to cheer her up. 
“We are doing spells to either make you fall in love with me or make your next date go terrible, I will keep you posted,” you try not to laugh too hard at the text you receive from Wanda. Included is a picture of Carol and Valkyrie on a video call with someone and a bunch of ingredients for something odd all over the table. You don’t respond as you put your phone back into your pocket. The three of you eat pizza together at the kitchen table with the movie marathon for Rachel playing on the television. She is hardly paying attention to the conversation as she has her eyes glued to the screen, no matter how much you try to bring her focus to the conversation. So you stop trying and Jean moves on from the childish subject. She is currently more curious about your relationship status than she is interested in talking about the camping trip you’re trying to plan with Rachel. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to not come home last night,” Jean says just above a whisper. You freeze and look over at Rachel to see if she was paying attention at all. She was on the edge of her seat watching the movie. 
“Honey, if you promise to be clean. You can eat your pizza on the couch,” you offer so that she doesn't fall over and hurt herself. She cheers as she adds a slice to her plate and grabs a handful of napkins to bring with her to the sofa. You focus on eating your food and ignore the comment that Jean made. But she doesn’t seem to take the hint. She assumes that you sent Rachel away for privacy. 
“Okay spill, what happened? I thought that you weren’t sure where you stood with Nebula?” Jean asks, careful to keep her volume low. 
You sigh through your nose and fight a smile as you think of the events of the previous night. You don’t want to tell her anything about anything. “Yeah, I just needed a night to myself in a real bed. I didn’t stay with anyone.” 
“Oh, I'm sorry. I hadn't realized that you were so uncomfortable,” Jean says as she places her hand on your forearm. You shrug with a small huff of a laugh.
“You never ask,” you remind her. 
Jean nods as she moves her hand back and forth on your arm. “Reading you was never really something I was ever good at. Was it?” 
You shake your head as you lean back in your seat and dust off your hands as you finish your pizza slice. “No, it never was. But that’s okay,” you give her a tight closed mouth smile then you push back on your seat and rise. You grab her plate and yours and take them to the garbage in the kitchen. You keep your back turned to her in the kitchen as you check your phone. Wanda has sent more pictures of the spell casting process. You can’t believe that her friends believe any of it is going to work. She confirms that they’re doing a spell to ruin your next date because the process was easier and you respond by reminding her that she will be your next date so whatever happens she only has herself to blame. 
You put your phone in your pocket and turn around to a surprise. Jean is standing in front of you. She is close and there is a familiar look in her eyes. You shake your head, even though you can’t read her mind, she is pretty predictable. You should’ve known that she would try something when she came back crying about Anna’s date. 
“Please,” she begs in a whisper as she puts her hand on your cheek to keep you in place. There are tears on the brim of her eyes as she gets closer. You put your hand on her wrist to remove her hand but she is quick to kiss you on the lips. You quickly shove her off of you. 
“Jean, I cannot believe you right now,” you say with a stern tone. You move out of the kitchen to keep yourself from exploding on her. She will not ruin your daughter’s day by starting an argument with you. This is a much smaller space than the house. It would be impossible for you and her to argue without Rachel hearing. You join Rachel on the sofa and keep your eyes on the animated movie on the screen. 
Jean doesn’t leave the kitchen for some time. She is having a hard time with her emotions. She hates feeling rejected and lately that’s all she is feeling. From you. From her wife. From everyone except Rachel. If anything, she can continue to be a good mother. She walks out of the kitchen only to bid you and Rachel a goodnight before heading to bed. She holds and cries herself to sleep as she thinks about her recent actions. She doesn’t feel in control. She misses the control. 
The next day, you go grocery shopping by yourself so that you can talk to Wanda about what happened with Jean. You don’t want to hide something like this from her. The first time you call her, you’re in the car. She doesn’t pick up and you decide to wait for her to call you back. You focus on getting to the store safely instead of calling her again. While you’re at the store, your focus is on grabbing the items from the list but you can’t help the anxious feeling of wanting to speak to Wanda. You take a moment to stop in the middle of an aisle to check your phone for any missed messages or calls. You don’t see any so you continue on with your shopping. 
As you’re loading the groceries into your car, that’s when your phone goes off. The moment that you have your hands full of bags of course is when your phone finally goes off. You quickly get the groceries into the trunk and then struggle to pull your phone out or your pocket. You are filled with joy when you see the picture of Wanda with Tommy and Billy and their fresh mullets to match yours at the time. 
“Hey, sorry I couldn’t pick up earlier. I was trying to get Carol and Val out of here. They’re gone now and I’m getting ready to pick up the boys from their dads house,” Wanda says as soon as you answer. You continue to load the rest of the bags as you listen to her ramblings. “Was there something you needed to talk about or were you just missing me?” You can hear the smile in her voice and it warms your heart. 
“If I say both, does that mean your witchcraft worked on me,” you joke as you close the opening of the boot of the vehicle. You walk the shopping cart over to the cart corral because you hate when people leave them in an empty parking spot. 
“That’s funny,” she says with a small reaction to your joke. “We didn’t do anything that would work and if we did, we didn’t do anything that would have you under my spell or whatever.” She corrects your wrong assumptions of the night and you laugh. You climb into your car and warn her that she is about to switch over to the vehicle's speaker system. She points out that she was just about to do the same. The both of you say hello until you can confirm that everything is working correctly. “Okay, so what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?”
“Jean kissed me,” you blurt out almost instantly. You freeze as you wait for her to respond before you even try to pull out of the parking spot. Then you relax a bit when you register Wanda’s laugh. “Did you hear me correctly? Do I need to repeat myself?”
“No, no, I heard you. I just, I’m sorry,” she starts to control her laughter. “I’ve been expecting this pretty much since you told me that she was staying with you and her marriage is falling apart. It’s, honestly, I’m surprised she has held out this long,” Wanda explains her reaction and you can’t disagree. This is very on par with Jean’s actions. You can’t help that you hope she changes but you can’t be disappointed when she shows you who she is. 
“Yeah, well, it happened and I wanted you to know. I know that you know it meant nothing to me but it still felt important to tell you,” you say as you pull out of the parking lot and merge into traffic. 
“Thank you,” Wanda says with relief in her tone. “That, it means a lot to me that you didn’t hide it. I’m glad you told me.” She knew she wouldn’t have to worry about trusting you. She also finds it kind of ironic that you used the example of someone else kissing her and on the same day, Jean kisses you. “And you’ll have to remember how cool I was about this in the future. Just saying,” she adds with a short giggle. 
You roll your eyes but chuckle, “Alright, I will store it in my memory.” You reply sarcastically. The two of you fall silent, each of you focusing on your separate drives. “So, when are we going on this disastrous first date?” You ask as you get close to your apartment building. 
“Hmm, how about next Sunday after I drop the boys off with their father? I know I don’t have them tonight but I don’t want us to have to cut the date short in case there is an emergency.” Wanda suggests. 
“Next Sunday it is,” you agree, you pull into the parking garage and drive up to your floor. “Are we still good to set up something for the kids this week?” 
“Um… yeah. I think we should be. I don’t think I have any projects that will take over my evenings this week. But boy, the lineup for this year is going to be insane. I don’t think I want to work for Tony ever again. He is such a drama queen about the sketches for the next Stark building.” You chuckle as she complains about her former brother-in-law’s behavior about the building she is supposed to design for him. “I have to let you go, I’m close to Vision’s house and I do not have it in me to hear him bitching today.” 
“No worries, love. I need to get the girls to help me with the groceries,” you say as you park and shut the engine of the car off. 
“You can’t give me a pet name right now!” Wanda shouts and you laugh at her reaction. Loving the effect a simple pet name can have on her. “Vision hates when I have joy in my life!” She continues to scold you. 
“Okay, okay,” you say through your laughter. “What can I call you to change your mood?” 
“Ugh, nothing at this point. I really have to get off the phone now,” She says as she slows her car. “Okay, love you, bye!” The car goes silent and you sigh, unable to say a proper goodbye for yourself. You allow the warmth of the way she says her goodbye so naturally settle in your chest. It’s as if that’s how the two of you have always ended a conversation. It fills you with so much joy that this is going to be your new normal. It fills you with excitement that one day you will be pulling into her driveway with a car full of groceries. Either with her or coming home to her. You can see it all now. You want to take the leap and make the fantasies a reality but you agreed to go at her pace. There is still a lot that neither of you don’t know about each other and even though you’re certain that you’ll love her no matter what, you don’t want to rush anything. You’ve seen what rushing a relationship looks like. You won’t make those mistakes yourself.
Chapter 22
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @diealittlesometime @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiofthemultifandom @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters @bittysworld @hopeless-romantic17177 @spongebobtentacles @the-ox-fan20 @shaniiwm @casualreadersstuff @neopolitan-torchwick
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summer-nights19 · 11 months
You don't know me part 2
Daiki Aomine x fem reader
As you looked at Aomine, you couldn't help but notice how much he'd changed in the last years. He was considerably taller and more well built, but his face had also changed, matured. It was enough to trigger a rush of long forgotten and unwelcome feelings from deep inside you.
"Daiki... congratulations on winning," you said, offering him a small smile. He shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing, which, to him it probably was.
"The more I play, the more boring basketball becomes. There are no rivals even close to my level,"
For some reason, listening to that felt like being stabbed in the gut. You took a deep breath and averted your gaze, directing it down your useless arms.
"At least you can still play,"
You'd said it more to yourself than to him, but, judging from the flash of regret on his face, he'd still heard you. He opened his mouth, but you beat him to it.
"Sorry Dai, that was uncalled for. Anyway, how have you been ? It's really been ages," you forced a smile, hoping he'd play along
"I've been bored, and school's been a pain in the ass. What about you ?"
"Not too bad. I'm in the literature club now," you said as you started to walk in the direction of the bus stop. Aomine followed you as if, after three years, it was still the most natural thing in the world.
"The literature club, huh ? You always were a nerd," he teased with a smirk. You simply elbowed him in the ribs.
"Ow- that hurt, asshole," he said, shooting you a glare. You carried on teasing each other and laughing until you reached the bus stop.
"Well, I guess I'll see you around then," you said, smiling as you got on the bus
Something like disappointment flashed on Aomine's features, so quickly you thought you'd imagined it.
"See you around,"
You felt giddy as you walked onto the bus and sat down. Your heart was racing pleasantly, and your cheeks were warm. Seeing Aomine again had awoken feelings within you that you weren't ready to name.
It would be too messy, too painful.
The more you sat there on your own and remembered, the more the fluttering in your stomach faded to a dull ache.
No. The past must stay in the past.
(3 years prior)
That day had been an ordinary day in every regard. It was the semifinals match of the last season of your middle school career. The boys' season had finished two weeks prior, and, as usual, they'd gotten the bigger, better stadiums and a lot more attention from the press. While you tried not to let it bother you too much, you'd still mentioned it to your friends a few days prior.
"Well, of course. Men's sport is significantly more profitable than women's, so it is only logical that most of the resources would go into it," Midorima had replied once you'd finished ranting.
"I don't care. It's still bullshit that women who work just as hard only reap half the reward," you'd stated, glaring at him defiantly.
"Y/N, instead of wasting time talking with this nerd, why don't you come play me ? The winner is the one who deserves the bigger stadium,"
You felt the corners of your lips rise at Daiki's challenge. Without hesitation, you followed him to the court outside, where you spent the next few hours.
That evening was the closest you'd ever come to beating him.
You were thinking of that moment as you got on the court with your four best teammates. As you lined up with them, you promised yourself that you'd play so well that people would be forced to acknowledge women's sports as more than just a footnote.
It had happened during the last quarter. You'd had the other team beaten by 70 or so points, so there was no turning it around for them. However, you refused to relax. You'd play a memorable game from start to finish - this was what you decided as you jumped to dunk the ball into the hoop. Just as you were reaching the peak of your jump, you felt a sharp push from behind you. To this day, you had no idea if it had been deliberate or not.
You fell, landing right on your bent arms and breaking them both. The last thing you felt was a sharp pain from within before you passed out.
When you'd woken up again, you were in a hospital bed. Both of your arms were bandaged, and your head felt fuzzy. You felt something warm on your face and looked up to see Aomine in a chair next to your bed, his hand cupping your cheek. As soon as he realised you were awake, he withdrew it quickly.
"How are you feeling ?" He asked, after a moment of silence
"Dai ? What happened ?"
"You wrecked your arms pretty badly yesterday on the court. They suspended the match, and you were taken to hospital,"
You moved to sit up and felt a sharp jolt run through your arm. You winced, slowly remembering the events of the day before.
"Don't move. If you need something just-"
Before Aomine could finish talking, a doctor came in and smiled at you. It was a sad, almost pitiful smile.
"L/N ? I heard you were awake from outside the door. There are a few things you should know. Before that, though, I must ask your friend to leave,"
"I won't do that," Aomine replied before you could, glaring at the doctor.
"It's ok sir, he's my best friend," you said in a small voice. The doctor frowned.
"Sorry, it's hospital policy. It'll be quick." Aomine sighed and walked out of the door, shooting the doctor one last glare.
"Miss L/N... I'll be blunt with you. Your arms will heal for the most part. There shouldn't be any long-term effects on your daily life. However, to avoid causing permanent damage, you won't be able to play basketball again,"
You stared at the doctor and blinked, unsure if you'd heard correctly. The grave expression on his face confirmed it. In the blinked of an eye, the numbness you'd felt was replaced with a piercing stab through the heart as you fought to hold back tears.
"Doctor, you can't - it's my passion -"
"I'm sorry, Miss L/N. But we just can't risk it unless you want to damage your eyes for good. I appreciate it's hard for you to hear this, so I'll give you a moment."
As the doctor stepped outside, the dam finally broke and you let the tears flow freely. Your career. Your team. Your friends. Everything you'd worked so hard to build was crumbling before your eyes, and you were completely helpless.
When Aomine finally returned, he didn't ask any questions. He just hugged you yo himself and let you cry on his shoulder until visiting hours finished.
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kissesforsatoru · 2 years
dazai and aphrodisiacs make my brain go brrrrrr
𓏲 ˖. pairings. . . dazai x fem! reader
𓏲 ˖. summary. . . dazai giving his darling aphrodisiacs
𓏲 ˖. warnings. . . general yandere themes, aphrodisiacs, non-con, semi-public sex, coercion, drinking.
𓏲 ˖. notes. . . i apologize if this is bad, i only recently started writing smut and i don't think i've quite got the hang of it yet. ahh. i'm also writing this at like 3 am so i'm kind of tired too.
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it had been such a long and tiring week at work that all you wanted to do after your shift ended on friday was go home and sleep — that's exactly what you would've done if not for the taunting voice of dazai begging you get drinks with him as you left the ADA. for an adult, you were still quite susceptible to peer pressure, and dazai sure liked to take advantage of that, you noticed.
he practically dragged you to the nearest bar upon hearing your reluctant agreement to go out with him, his grip painful around your wrist as the two of you walked down the streets. and upon arrival, dazai ignored your protests of refusal to drink alcohol and ordered four shots to split between the two of you.
he held the glass cup up to your lips, urging you to take a drink from it while also downing a shot of his own. dazai was usually pretty pushy, but today it made you uncomfortable how eager he was to get you to drink — especially since you made it clear that you didn't want to. but you ignored it, brushing your unease off as annoyance about being here when you just wanted to be cuddled in bed.
"do i really have to?" you frowned, taking the glass from his hand. "dazai—please, i don't wanna wake up hungover tomorrow, you know how much of a lightweight i am." your pleads fell on deaf ears, though, because dazai rolled his eyes while directing the glass up to your lips again. you frowned, but downed the shot anyway.
your face scrunched up and you gagged at the horrible flavor of the drink. you whined again, muttering incoherently about how much you hate drinking. dazai shoved another glass in your face before you could even finish your little rant. again you felt uncomfortable by his persistence, and again you ignored it.
"last one, i promise." he smiled, taking your hand and placing the glass in it. not having the energy to try refusing again, you downed the second glass. somehow, the second one was worse than the first, and it drew an even stronger reaction out of you.
"fuck, i seriously hate this stuff. i don't know how you can drink it with a straight face." you said, waving at the server so that you could ask for some water. you already felt your body tingling and you quickly wanted to wash the alcohol out of your system so that you could go home and finally sleep.
dazai chuckled at your remark but didn't say anything. he sipped on the glass of whatever it was that he ordered while staring at you intently, like he was waiting for something. you didn't know what it was exactly, but something was beginning to really feel off and you didn't like it.
before you were able to question it further, a wave of heat washed over your body and down to your pussy that you now realized was aching. you groaned, crossing your legs and wiggling in your chair as you tried to relieve the feeling of need that you suddenly have.
you heard dazai hum beside you as he placed a hand on your thigh, rubbing your skin softly with his thumb. you had to fight back the urge to moan at the sudden touch.
"is something wrong?" he asked sweetly, but something about the question seemed condescending. you didn't care, only focusing on the way that his hand slid further up your thigh, dangerously close to your increasingly aching cunt. your breath hitched as you anticipated his touch.
"c'mon, let's go to my car. i'll drive you home." he said, retracting his hand from your thigh and placing it on your back instead. your legs shook slightly when you stood up, and you found it hard to keep yourself stable enough to walk. dazai wrapped an arm around your waist and held you closely to his body while he guided you out of the establishment.
when you got to the car, you expected dazai to leave you in the back seat while he got in on the deivers side so he could take you home. but instead he sat down with you, closing the door behind him and pulling you into his lap so that you were straddling his hips.
"my, you're soaked already and it's barely been ten minutes." he smirked. despite understanding that what he said was weird, you were too dazed to really understand the implications.
you felt his hands trail lightly up and down your body, causing you to shiver under his touch. you panted softly, wiggling in his lap and enjoying the sensation of his dick grinding into your pussy ever so slightly as you did so. but soon it wasn't enough, and you were holding onto his shoulders as you grindes yourself roughly into him haphazardly.
"needy, aren't we?" he teased, placing his hands on your hips to hold them still. you whined, weakly tugging on his arms so he'd let go and you could continue pleasuring yourself. "be patient, baby. i'll give you what you want in a second."
he wrapped both of his arms around your waist before flipping you down on the seats of the car. you watched as he pulled out a small silver package from his pocket before taking off his pants, and getting the hint about what's going to happen, you lifted your dress up and pulled off your panties.
"such a good girl." he hummed, positioning himself above you. "want me to fuck you now?" he asked, but he didn't even have to finish talking before you were nodding your head and grabbing his cock to shove into your needy cunt.
you sighed, body relaxing into the pleasure as he pushed himself deep inside of you until his hips met yours. quiet little moans escaped your parted lips as he began thrusting in and out of you, consistently pulling all the way out and then burying his cock right back into you. and when he leaned down to kiss you, you happily reciprocated, opening your mouth so that he could easily slip his tongue in to explore.
"shit, if i'd know the aphrodisiacs chuuya gave me worked this well i would've done this so much sooner." he muttered, nestling his head into your neck to lick and suck little marks.
his words didn't really register at the moment, but in the morning everything from the previous night would make you dread ever being persuaded to go out with dazai again.
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© 2022 by hheizoukiss ━ all rights reserved. plagiarism is strictly prohibited. comments, likes, and reblog are highly appreciated.
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h0nkch0c0late · 3 years
omg. you are an angel from god it’s so hard to find demetri fanfic anywhere. can you please do an imagine where the reader comforts him and takes care of him after the fight at the larusso’s house? thank you so much :)
You don't know how long I've been thinking about this scenario omg 😭 also, Demetri kinda needed to go to the hospital sooooo I changed your request a bit if that's okay.
Demetri Alexopoulos
Warnings: SPOILERS OF SEASON 3!, injury
Summary: after the fight at the LaRusso house, Y/n drives Demetri to his home after a visit and a cast at the hospital, taking care of him and giving him as much comfort as she can.
Y/n wasn't happy. Not at all. Tonight was supposed to be a night where they could all just relax and have a party, but they never can catch a break when it comes to Cobra Kai.
Now Y/n sits in the driver's seat of her mother's car, driving herself and her very injured boyfriend Demetri to the hospital.
Demetri sat in the passenger's seat, left hand holding his broken arm as he groaned in pain, small whimpers escaping as well as he looked out of the window.
One of Y/n's hands came down to rest on his lap in a comforting way as the other stayed on the wheel, her eyes focused on the road. "It's alright, I know it hurts but we're getting you to the hospital. Do you want me to call your mom?"
Demetri's moaning and groaning stopped as he turned his head to her, "n-no. I'm sure she'll figure it out when I get home."
"Please? Your comfort is really all I need right now and I don't think my mom repeatedly asking me if I'm okay would exactly help me."
Y/n sighed, glancing over at the boy with a small smile, "Alright, do you want me to stay over at your house while I'm at it?"
Demetri's eyes lit up, "that would be great!"
Y/n raised a brow, "you do realize I was joking, right? We have school tomorrow and I don't wanna go drive from place to place just to grab clothes and then stay at your house. On top of that I'll have to call my mom and tell her where I am and why I'm staying there on a school night which, might I add, would be very irritating to tell-" She stopped her rant when she glanced back at Demetri again.
He sat there, one hand holding his arm as he gave her the doe eyes that she just couldn't say no to. "Please?"
Y/n sighed in defeat, "Alright, alright fine. But I am going to call your mom to tell her what happened too."
Demetri nodded in agreement, "just tell her not to come to the hospital?"
"I'll tell her that we're all just getting checkups and that I will explain more to her later. Don't worry babe, I've got all this under control."
Both of them went silent, enjoying the soft music coming from the radio as they drove.
Though, the silence made Y/n think back to the event at the LaRusso house. How she made direct eye contact with her old best friend, pleading him not to do it. How he looked like he wouldn't do it for a second, but right when she thought it, he did it anyways. The cry of agony from Demetri as she heard his arm snap. It made her angry how someone so close to them could hurt them so easily.
The hospital visit went exactly how you thought it would. Demetri's arm getting checked out, him not wanting to let go of Y/n's hand, Y/n calling his mother to tell her vaguely what happened, then calling her mother, the works.
And now she lays there on Demetri's bed, her back leaning against the headboard with pillows to support her with him laying in between her legs, his eyes cast on the ceiling as a blanket was pulled over both of them. his casted arm laying against his stomach.
She ran a hand threw his hair gently, playing with different strands as she had her other arm around his waist, his head leaning against her chest.
"I just...I can't believe he would do that. To me of all people! It was all going great until they started chanting for him to break my arm." Demetri ranted in disbelief, "we were best friends! What happened?!"
Y/n took a deep breath as she kept playing with his hair, moving her hand from his waist to his free hand and interlocking their fingers. "People change, De. And if that's the side he wanted to be on, so be it. Don't blame yourself."
Demetri sighed, closing his eyes. "I guess you're right but..."
"No buts, Demetri. That was Eli's choice and Eli's choice alone. How about instead of worrying about what happened, you just relax."
Demetri didn't say a word after that, only letting his body relax against hers and slowly falling asleep, basking in the comfort that is his girlfriend. "You are the best girlfriend in the world, you know that?" He told her with a small yawn.
She smiled at him, "I do know that, but thanks for telling me anyways." She chuckled.
"God I love you so much." He said quietly through another yawn as he fell asleep.
Y/n chuckled once again at the now-sleeping boy, "I love you too, dummy." She kissed the top of his head before leaning her head against the headboard, closing her eyes. She may have fell asleep a little uncomfortable, but at least her boyfriend was as comfortable as he could be.
I kinda strayed from the original idea a little bit more than I intended to...oops. I hope this is to your liking though! ALSO I KNOW I GOT THE EVENTS MIXED UP IM SORRY I KINDA FORGOT WHICH EPISODES WERE WHICH BUT I PROMISE I WILL MAKE ANOTHER LIKE THIS LMAOOO IM SO DUMB
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: Fred meets the perfect girl at the beginning of his seventh year; although he is reluctant to ask her out, the universe keeps throwing her into every place Fred finds himself in, even in the most unexpected one; the Quidditch pitch.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: mostly fluff
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: language and a little tiny bit of slut shaming (?) and making out
A/N: I was on the subway listening to Sweet Dreams and my brain went 'hOLd oN— bEAteR ReAdER 👁️👄👁️!' so here we are. Kinda long but worth it. Enjoy this <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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It was the first Saturday of the scholar year, and the first ten days tended to be the definition of chaos, so I had volunteered to help my House's prefects with the first years; I was in sixth year, so my first two weeks were mostly free anyway.
I was on my way to the dungeons to pick up the group of kids the prefects had assigned me when I bumped into my Ravenclaw friends, and I decided to chat a bit with them to catch up.
I had my back against one of the hallway's walls, therefore I saw the pair of towering, lean, redheaded figures jogging towards my friends to give them a jump scare.
"That's about it real— AAH!" My friend jolted at the infamous' twins, bumping them for scaring her. "Idiots!"
"Sorry, love." One of them passed his arms over two of my friends' shoulders, while his twin brother's eyes roamed over the circle, tilting his head in confusion when he reached me. "Hello?"
"Hey." I gave them a subtle wave and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Oh, right!" My friend turned to me and pointed at the boy whose arm rested on her. "This is George and that's—"
"Fred Weasley." He introduced himself, offering me his hand to shake with a half smile that promised everything but boredom.
Giving his hand a firm shake, I responded, "Y/n Y/l/n." Our eyes locked; we didn't even attempt to hide the fact that we were measuring one another, and I knew I would have to endure the teasing on my friends' behalf later, but there was something in Fred's gaze that made me extremely curious about his intentions.
I let go of his hand, only for him to take a couple of steps in my direction to stand closer. "And how is it that I've never seen you before, Y/n Y/l/n?" He inquired, leaning on his shoulder against the wall.
"I reckon you don't look much at the Slytherin table?"
His body tensed. "Oh?"
"Oh." I chuckled at his shock. "Scared much?"
The corner of his lips twitched up again. "Should I?"
"Guess that's on you to decide." We lingered on each other's gaze for a bit too long. "I think I'll get going." I was the one to avert my eyes in order to talk to my friends, who were already giving me that look. "See you lat— Oi!" Fred swooped the bag I was carrying off my shoulder and hung it on his.
"I'll carry this for you."
"I'm heading to my House."
"Where else would you be heading?" I turned to my friends in confusion, but they only shrugged; I didn't even have time to ask them what was he up to. "C'mon, Miss Slytherin!"
My eyes got big at the name and I spun around, rushing to catch up with him. "I can carry my own bag, you know that right?"
"But then I wouldn't have an excuse to walk with you." I quirked a brow at him when the ginger winked. "Tell me something."
"Like what?" I questioned, a confused yet amused grin dancing on my lips.
He shrugged, averting his gaze to nonchalantly look to the front "Dunno," He changed my bag to his other arm so it wouldn't be between us. "What do you think about Umbridge?"
"Well, she's got terrible taste in clothing." He laughed, and so did I. Just like that, we fell in a quite fluid and enjoyable conversation.
"—And not only that, she's so smart—" I groaned burying my face in my bed's pillow, very aware that I had been talking about Y/n to George and Lee for at least fifteen minutes. "Yesterday she held my hand and I think my face turned red."
Lee's snort was followed by George's words. "So are you gonna ask her out or...?"
I grimaced. The last couple of weeks, somehow I had managed to bump into Y/n everywhere. It was as if the universe was throwing me towards her, but there was a voice in the back of my head that stopped me from making a move. "What if she says no?"
"Freddie, she blantantly flirts with you every time you see her." George stated with his eyebrows raised. "Just ask her out, mate."
"Aight," I nodded. "I'll do it next time I see her."
When Adrian Pucey informed me that Crabbe wouldn't be able to play in the upcoming Quidditch match, I instantly regretted accepting my friends' dare of showing up at Quidditch tryouts.
Though I didn't put much effort on it, I got in the team as a reserve, and the moment had come for me to shine. How lovely.
I couldn't really back out of that one, so that's how I ended up in the Slytherin changing room before a match that would be played in the worst conditions. Since I was in deep already, I thought I might as well go for the win with everything I had.
"Oi, Malfoy!" I gestured the kid to come closer, which he did with reluctancy. "Don't give me that look— I don't like you either."
"You're not half as good as Potter—" Before he started the rant of insults, I spoke again. "Shut it. You're not half as good but you're faster." My words were clear and slow, making sure he would understand. "Keep your eyes on Potter— if he moves, you move."
He seemed to hesitate, weary of my advice, but then he gave me a subtle nod and walked away.
"C'mon, on your feet everyone!" Our captain called us and we obeyed; as we approached our entrance to the pitch, thunders could be heard louder and louder. "We're not only for the win, we're gonna crush them." He shouted, partially so we could hear him over the racket of the storm and the muffled hubbub of the crowd, but also because he wanted us to know how serious he was about it. "Glasses!" I took a deep breath, grasping the bat "Broomsticks!" The gate opened as I mounted my broomstick. "UP!"
"AND HERE COMES SLYTHERIN!!" We heard Lee Jordan's voice as we took off to go around the pitch in formation.
Even before we flew over the Ravenclaw stands, obnoxiously loud cheers of my friends could be heard, and I couldn't help but laugh.
"The hell are they cheering on?" I frowned at the Ravenclaw stands going nuts when our rivals passed over them. "It's bloody Slytherin!"
My brother, who was waiting besides me for the match to start, scanned the stands, and then the opposite team; in an instant, he stood upright and nudged me with his bat. "Oi, look!" George called my attention over the roaring crowd after the Slytherin team had passed over our heads. "The beater! Number 6!"
I looked for their number 6 in the pitch, only finding what George was talking about when they stopped at their starting points. Squinting my eyes, I managed to read through the rain the back of the robe. "Y/l/n— Y/n?!" George laughed loudly, following Angelina's cue and flying to his respective mark in the circle.
"Move!" Katie yelled, flying past me and snapping me out of my awe. Had she always been a beater?
When I reached them, I saw Y/n meticulously making sure she had everything secured.
Our eyes, despite the glasses and the pouring rain, managed to meet seconds before Madam Hooch's blowed her whistle, and I would have sworn she gave me a smile.
"FRED PAY ATTENTION!" Not even Angelina's yells were enough to bring my mind back to the match, something I regretted instantly; a bludger had been beaten in her direction and nearly knocked her out of the broom. "FUCK!" The quaffle fell from her arm, only to be picked up by one of the Slytherin chasers. "I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!"
"Freddie what the hell!" George had flown to us, probably in hopes to stop the bludger from clocking Angelina. "Will you focus?!"
"Yeah— Sorry!" I apologised again— well, it was more like a grunt rather than an apology. "Go back to Harry!"
"Defend our bloody chasers!" He scolded me before heading off.
I forced myself to keep my eyes on the bludgers and not on Y/n.
The rain kept getting heavier; not even the Impervious charm seemed to work repelling the water from the glasses anymore.
I was cold, drenched, tired and befuddled; my legs were stiff and my arms numb, so I definitely did not see it coming; for that matter, I thought it was a strong blow of wind at first, so the shock that struck me when I was knocked off my broom was a big one.
I heard loud gasps and a scream or two coming from the stands, followed by Lee commenting something about the beater being beaten; in another situation —one where it wouldn't be fucking pouring and I could climb back up to my broom—, I would probably have laughed at it.
But right now, with the hand I held my bat in slipping off the broomstick, the last thing I wanted to do was laugh.
Once I had dodged the bludger away from Pucey, my eyes roamed around looking for the other one. which had just been beaten away by Goyle and, intentionally or not, the bludger went straight to Fred.
My heart skipped a beat as I saw his broom flip due to the hit, leaving him clinging onto it.
My eyes went straight to his brother, who was way to far to help, and then to their captain, who was adamant to score points.
"Fuck." I groaned through gritted teeth as I turned my broomstick and flew towards the Gryffindor beater in distress.
"Y/L/N STRAYS FROM HER POSITION AND— FLIES TO WEASLEY?" Jordan's commentaries reached my ears right when I got to Fred. I stretched my arm and grabbed his hand just in time for him not to slip off the broom. He gripped onto my hold for dear life as I used my broom as a leverage to pull him back up, a groan escaping my lips. "LOOKS LIKE NOT ALL SLYTHERINS ARE ARSES!"
I waited until he was steadily secured to let go of his hand. "Next time let go of the bat!" I advised with a teasing grin before flying off to my previous position.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, Y/L/N" I knew I was going to get shit for what I had just done, but I was expecting my captain to wait until the match had ended.
"HE WAS GONNA FALL OFF!" I yelled, louder than necessary.
"WELL LET HIM FALL THE FUCK OFF!" The captain retorted, venom dripping off his tongue. "WITH ANY LUCK HE'LL KILL HIMSELF OFF!" I didn't expect those words to come out, not even from that mouth.
"YOU KNOW WHAT?" I beat an incoming bludger away from us before shouting, "SUCK MY METAPHORICAL DICK, YEAH?!" And with that, I flew off to defend Malfoy, who was rushing to Potter. Surprisingly enough, he had followed my advice. I flew on Malfoy's track, dodging a bludger away twice until he gave a final sprint and caught the snitch.
The team started to celebrate as soon as we landed, and I thought I would take advantage of that and change into dry clothes, but I didn't have the chance before someone called my name from the entrance.
"Psst— Y/n." I turned around to see Fred standing there.
"Do you have a death wish?" I spoke quietly, though a smile appeared on my gaze as soon as I saw him. "What on earth are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to thank you for helping me out there." His cold fingertips brushed my wet cheek as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and he leaned on to place a kiss there. "Aw you're blushing!"
"I'm not blushing, I'm cold," I excused myself, averting my eyes from him.
Maybe it was his loud snort, or maybe the fact that I was missing, but the changing room fell silent as my team's attention was directed to us.
"Oi!" My captain looked Fred up and down, stepping to where we stood. "You're not welcome here."
"Chill," Fred shrugged, his hand lingering on my forearm. "I was congratulating her on her victory." His tone foreshadowed chaos. "Since, you know, it's obviously her doing." I glared at the ginger my hand going to his forearm, silently warning him to stop. "Can't command your own team, can you?"
his arm folded so his palm would be on my forearm too, giving me a reassuring squeeze.
"She should've let you fall off that hand-me-down broom of yours." Fred's grip on my forearm tightened; by the look on his face and the way his jaw clenched, I could tell my teammate had successfully hit a nerve.
"Shut the hell up, will you?" I snapped. "Can't you enjoy the victory without being an arse?"
"You fucking slut—"
"Imaginative." I cut him off, unbothered. "Want a cookie for the effort?"
"Listen now—" Just as he went to grab my bicep, a large hand pushed my captain away, making him stumble back.
"C'mon, mate, give me a reason to beat the shit out of you." Fred said, pulling me to stand besides him instead of between them. Fred's switch was about to flip, and I was desperate for a professor to step in.
As if I had summoned them, i caught a glimpse of Snape and McGonagall walking in my direction from the stairs of the teachers's tower.
"I'd love to see you try." The boy in front of us scoffed. "There's already too much ginger scum besmearing the pure blood, I'll be glad to send you straight to the hosp—"
It was far from expected it would be me punching that asshole strong enough to make him trip and fall.
"Miss Y/l/n!" Oh, right. McGonagall. "Ten points from Slytherin!"
"And fifty points for Slytherin." Snape added in his usual unimpressed tone. "Due to the comradeship you've shown during the match." I widened my eyes at the statement. "Though I can't ignore this, so Y/l/n, turn up in my class tomorrow morning for your punishment. Now, shall we, Minerva?"
"We're leaving too." I informed Fred in low voice, grabbing my bag before pulling him out of the Slytherin changing room.
"That was one hell of a punch." He observed with a chuckle once we were out. "Remind me not to mess with you."
I breathed out a laugh and we fell silent as we walked under the stands towards the exit, the only noise being the rain ricocheting on its structure.
"Thank you." He whispered, his fingers brushing against mines and consequently sending shivers down my spine. "For sticking up for me."
"I expect a reward at the least." I replied, playfully bumping his shoulder before letting my fingers intertwine with his.
"What would that be?" He inquired, that half smile tugging on the corner of his lips.
I shrugged, looking ahead of us with a grin of my own. "That's up to you."
"Will a kiss do?" He mused.
"Depends on how good the kiss is." I begged for my cheeks not yo turn bright red.
In a swift movement he spun me around and his lips landed on mines. His free hand, initially on my cheek, travelled down to my hips, pulling my flush against him while my own hands tangled on his damp hair.
Probably it wasn't a short kiss, but it felt like it when his mouth left mine, and I couldn't help the sight of displeasure that escaped my vocal cords.
He chuckled, our eyes fluttering open at the same time. "Was it good enough?" He teased with a quirked brow.
"Dunno." I muttered, my eyes falling on his lips again. "I think you'll need to try again—"
"To be sure." He finished, and I could only nod; I wouldn't mind the teasing as long as his lips came back to mines.
This time the kiss was deeper, my hands roaming over his wet robes and his over mines; it was only when my back was met with a post that I realized he was backing me into the darker part of the framework, which I did not oppose to.
Quiet moans began to be breathed into the kiss when he nibbled on my lower lip or my hands tugged on his locks.
We had to pull away when steps and voices where heard coming from both changing rooms.
"I think we should kiss more often." He suggested breathless against my lips.
"I think you should go out with me too."
I had to bite back a laugh. "Agreed again."
"Well, that was easy." The surprised on his gaze was way too amusing.
"Did you think I'd say no?"
"You're an idiot, Fred Weasley."
"Aw but you love it." He wiggled his brows at me and I smacked his chest.
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sunpopp · 3 years
Warm to The Touch | {CCH}
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→ Summary; it's not often that Chanhee gets sick, but when he does, he's a very big crybaby about it. That, or he really is in as much pain as he says he is—regardless that leaves you to take care of him, and funnily enough, it has its perks.
• WC/genre: 2K of smut + fluff
• Includes/cw: Chanhee being sick and reader taking care of him, no kissies on lips 😔, sub!Chanhee, gn!reader, fingering (m receiving), dick neglection (?), handjobs, brief praise, aftercare
Riding the bus wasn't your favorite thing to do, but it was soothing if you were in the right mood.
Sadly, you weren't. Mostly due to the fact that Chanhee was quite literally blowing up your phone with texts asking how much longer it'd take you to be off the train and on your way with his precious medicine, making you sigh and roll your eyes before shooting him a reply that you'd be there soon, but knowing nothing would calm him down until you were in front of him to prove it.
You can't help but smile.
Chanhee didn't complain much about anything, besides maybe you not helping him with washing the dishes or set the table while he made dinner, but everything else was, at most, a dirty look that softened relatively quickly. Sickness, though, was a whole other ballgame.
He would rant and rave about the tiniest of phantom pains, practically on the male equivalent of his period with the way his mood would get snappy and sour at the slightest inconveniences.
But maybe he really did just have a shit pain tolerance like he'd often hint at. Though it didn't stop you from still being baffled when he'd get a bad cramp in the middle of the night and whine about it until he'd fall asleep again.
Coming back to reality as you glance up to the bus's nearing destination, you stretch lazily and begin to stand, muscles aching from walking all day and back cracking loud enough for you to wonder if other people heard it. The bus slows to a stop before finally lurching against the sidewalk, and you take your leave through the opening doors with an appreciative thanks to the driver.
Almost immediately after you hop down from the steps, a layering of chilly wind washes harshly against your front and the familiar smell of petrichor into your nose, relentless rain droplets against your coat as you begin in a jog in the direction of your apartment. Chanhee must be freezing right now, you think, concern growing even heavier at the visible breaths of air you let out. If he's already got the sniffles, a sore throat, and headaches, he's probably getting worse considering you'd forgotten to turn the heater on before you left.
Stupid mistake.
It takes maybe a couple more minutes, less than it'd take if you were walking like normal, before you're finally at your door, punching in the code for the lock before shouldering it open and kicking off your shoes on the shoe rack. It's cold inside, you can tell by the way your cheeks still feel numb.
"Chanhee! I got your medicine!" Your words echo throughout the hall, spreading out when you keep calling his name as you move farther in; past the open kitchen and to the bedroom door opposite the bathroom.
When you come into the room, Chanhee is still in the bed where he was when you left, but this time, he's sat up, looking at you with hooded eyes and a thin sheen of sweat covering his face. He frowns, "It's about time. While I was here suffering, you were out with your friends. Unbelievable..," he pouts and shakes his head.
With a chuckle and now eased posture, you sit in front of him and set the bag of medicine beside you to check his temperature. He's extremely hot.
"Yeah, well, staying around you while you're sick is enough to drive me crazy so you can't really pin the blame on me for needing to leave. Plus, it's not like you tried to stop me, did you?" You smile at him, standing back up to go run him a lukewarm bath.
"I was asleep!"
"Your problem, not mine!"
"Alright, up you go."
"Ah, but my whole body hurts..."
"Too bad, you're sweating a bunch and you haven't done anything to clean yourself yet."
Another tug of Chanhee's hands, and he's stumbling into your arms with a raspy groan at the jerky movement. You pat his back, pecking his damp forehead, then drag him to the bathroom.
"Can you undress yourself or do you need my help with everything?" You half-joke.
"Don't be rude, it's actually hard for me to do a lot of things," Chanhee utters bitterly, but he does manage to pull his shirt over his head, albeit with your help, as well as his pants and boxers before stepping into the water.
"Or maybe you're just fragile as hell and the smallest things have you bedridden for a week."
"Oh my god I'm gonna-"
"Hush, princess, you won't do anything," you find yourself laughing as you lower yourself to your knees beside the tub, folding your arms on the side before resting your cheek atop them, "Just relax, okay? I know you're too tired to argue right now, so let yourself calm down for a couple."
He thankfully doesn't protest, and takes your advice for once; letting himself fall against the back of the bathtub and close his eyes, the sigh through his nose an indication that he's allowing himself to enjoy the water. He looks so peaceful like this. Doll-like eyelashes fluttering against smooth, heated cheeks, and head slowly lolling to face you.
You feel yourself reach out. You know it's happening, but you don't stop it when you run a hand through Chanhee's bangs, then swipe a thumb past his eyelid to trail to his nose, then lips.
He opens his eyes, but doesn't say anything, even if he probably finds it strange. He lets you touch him.
"You're very pretty," you mumble whilst pouring water onto his head using the wash bucket on the back surface of the bathtub. Drops trickle down into mini patterns on his face, and he drags a hand over it to clear them away.
"Even while sick?" He raises his eyebrows, pleasantly surprised at your answer.
You comb the water into his hair to wet it as you nod, "Even while sick."
Chanhee smiles, "So, how was your day out?"
"It was nice. Found a perfect place where I'd love to take you, actually."
"Oh? Where?"
"The bone zone-"
"Oh my god, you're so annoying!"
You erupt into a fit of laughter as Chanhee swats a hand at you, getting some of your shirt and arm wet where you shield yourself from his little attack. You pinch his cheek, flashing a toothy grin, "Oh, come on! That was a good one and you know it. Smooth as ever if I do say so myself."
"Yeah, and you're the only one saying so," He pouts, pulling away from your pinchy fingers and trying his best to hide the steadily growing smirk that threatens to break his face into a smile. Stubborn as always, you see.
"You can leave now," Chanhee gives you a pointed look.
"Alright, alright. I'll be in the bedroom awaiting any further commands, your highness," You shake your head, and make a grand display of leaving the room and him to his own privacy.
Chanhee doesn't take long in the bath anyway, so you knew you wouldn't have to wait long as you fall back against the bed, shifting around until you've made yourself comfortable against the strewn navy covers. You spare a glance out the window pressed against your side; still raining, and still bathed in a silver glow from the blanketing clouds. It'd make you kind of sad, if not melancholic, but you were in a good mood from coming home, so at the most, you were calm.
Calm, even when Chanhee emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam a half hour later, only wearing a pink striped button up pajama shirt and matching bottoms, hands raised above his head whilst he dries his hair with a small towel. He comes to a stop in front of you.
"There he is," you exclaim, looking up from your phone and patting the spot next to you with a mischievous glint in your eye, "C'mere."
"I wonder why I'm hesitating," he says, and you can practically feel the the sarcasm in his words.
"Because hot people make you nervous? Duh."
"Are you insinuating that you're hot?"
That's your queue.
Leaning forward, you grab Chanhee's wrist and tug him into your chest, causing him to stumble slightly, but you catch him and pull him flush against you. A flurry of kisses to his face, excluding his lips, ensue.
Chanhee squirms around in your arms and acts like he doesn't like the affection at first, but a few more seconds of the same treatment prove true to his soft side when he goes limp and begins to giggle at the ticklish feel of your butterfly pecks.
Oh, that giggle. How you loved to hear it; sweet and beautiful like the chime of the prettiest bell in your ears.
You pull him on top of you as you relax against the crevice where the mattress meets the wall, and rest your cheek on the top of his head, humming, "You saying that I'm not hot?"
"No you weren't."
"Yes I was."
"You- Hush!" Chanhee covers your mouth finally and you chuckle against his palm at his feeble attempt to silence you.
You press a kiss to it instead of bickering further, causing him to soften. Just then, you realize something as you touch down his wrist.
"Woah, has your fever not died down at all? You're even starting to sweat a little bit again, too..."
Your suspicions prove true when a closer inspection at the ruddy skin flushed from his cheeks down to his chest and heavier-than-normal breathing indicates that he's still hot, or at least overheated.
"Here," you murmur, already shifting him on his back so you can easily unclasp the buttons of his shirt, "Are you in any pain or is it still just the sore throat?"
"The headache I had earlier is starting to come back. It's getting worse, but that's about it so don't worry, I'll be fine," Chanhee tries his hand at reassurance, you can tell, but it doesn't do anything to stop you from crawling over him to scurry into the kitchen.
"I'm getting you some water, hang on!" You call out from down the hall, making quick work of filling up a decently sized glass before you return to him with some painkillers as well. He barely manages to sit up when you reach him; his face scrunching at the obvious pain that's beginning to hit him tenfold as he gratefully takes the pills and throws his head back when he tosses them in his mouth, chasing them with the cold glass of water you provided.
"Ah, it's actually really starting to hurt...," Chanhee whimpers and at the sound, you slide back into the bed to pepper his face with pecks once again. He's grateful for the comfort, if the way he gently drapes his arm over your shoulder says anything.
"Oh, my poor baby," you coo lowly, feeling the goosebumps on his back that prickle at your tone, "Is there anything I can do to make it better? Did you already take your medicine?"
"Yeah.. still hurts.."
"I can tell," you snort and trail a finger down Chanhee's sternum, looping it back up to flick at one of his nipples. He jolts, and you can't help but give a cheeky smirk, "Even your nipples have taken on somewhat of a hue. I wonder what other places are doing the same thing...," your words would hold suggestion to even the most clueless of people, spoken through lips now slicked with saliva as you roll your tongue across the tinted flesh and lower your head for a taste of his exposed breast.
"Ah!" Chanhee gasps loudly and his fingers find purchase on the back of your head, his body trembling when he arches his chest up into your face, searching for more when his mouth fails to ask you such a favor.
Teasing his nipple with a gentle nip before pulling away to kiss it instead, you caress his narrow waist, "You said it hurts, no?"
"It does...," Chanhee pants and nods as fast as his throbbing head will allow him.
"Where does it hurt most, baby? Tell me," You wet your fingers with a quick swipe of your tongue then reach under his lower half to slide your hand into his shorts, Chanhee helping you by taking one leg out, and glide down the seam of his ass to tease his rim, "Here?"
"Y-yes..!" you chuckle when he huffs and flings both arms around your head, pulling you close into him and meeting your forehead as he grinds down against your digits.
"Awe, look at you..."
And look at him indeed; Chanhee is already a mess before you. Staring at you with those big watery doe eyes of his, and silently pleading for you to continue doing things to his body that has him feeling like bursting.
You give him exactly what he wants.
Pushing your finger into him, slowly due to how tight the fit is, you press sloppy kisses to the underside of his jaw. The reaction Chanhee gives is a familiar one, with sensual lips dropped open to let out a high-pitched moan and legs trembling as he holds them open for you, fighting to not shut his eyes upon feeling you enter him.
"Good," you drawl, tilting your wrist at an angle once your index and pinkie meet the backs of Chanhee's thighs and gently curling your fingers upwards, "Just like that, baby. Is this okay? Are you okay?" Your eyes search his face for discomfort, and though you don't find any, you still your movements.
He nods and nuzzles against the top of your head with his cheek, "Mm-hm. Keep going, please."
You start back up at his polite request, as much as you love hearing him ask for more of something, and begin to drag the pads of your fingers back and fourth alongside his walls until you feel the telltale firmness of his prostate, then start on massaging it.
"Ah!" He emits a short, melodical whine at the burst of sensation now seething within him. It drives him one step from crazy as he scrunches his face and unconsciously slaps at your shoulder in a sort of mid-euphoria result.
You huff out a half-laugh, sitting back on your knees so you can get a better view of what you're doing, "Good?"
Chanhee tries to use his words, but by the way you pin him down to the bed with a palm flat against his collarbone before speeding up your hand, he can only manage a broken sob. It's followed by another of the same needy type, but this time, it's louder and causes your stomach to all but flip at the sound. Chanhee throws his head back, thrashing this way and that to somewhat get away from the overwhelming feeling, but also pushing down against it at the same time; all the while your hand keeps him in place.
"I'll take that as a yes," you jest, mostly to yourself because Chanhee sure isn't listening, then bend down slightly to finally turn your focus to his weeping cock. It's full-blooded from being hard for so long, angry red at the tip and jumping every once in a while, especially when you open your mouth to lick a strip from the base to the head.
"P-please I can't! You're gonna make me cum!" Chanhee rushes to sit up, but you push him back down as soon as he tries. He looks absolutely horrified at being so close already.
"And what's the problem with that?"
"I-I just- I don't want to disappoint you."
"Oh, baby," You take your hand from his chest in favor of jerking him off, which he all but chokes at, "It doesn't disappoint me at all. I find it very hot, actually."
"Plea-ease..! Oh!" Chanhee wails one final time before he lets go all over your hand.
It covers your knuckles, dripping white down the side of your thumb as you keep stroking him to help him ride it out. The orgasm must've hit him hard, you think when you look up to see Chanhee shuddering in time with the aftershocks that zap his body every few seconds, eyes closed and skin dewy with a sheen of perspiration.
"Hey, come back to me. You alright? Does your head still hurt?"
He takes a moment to open his eyes, but when they roll open and find your face, he does something that catches you off-guard. He latches himself onto your front, straddling your lap, and rests his head over your shoulder with a sigh.
"Chanhee, hang on a bit, my hand's still dirty and I need to clean you up-"
"In a second. I'm tired."
"You still haven't answered my question."
"Mm, I don't feel like talking right now."
"... You are such a handful."
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@vanillaknj @stealerhwa1
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aquamoonchaii · 3 years
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•• genre: fluff, angst
•• warning: mentions of alcohol
•• pairing: xiaojun x fem! reader
•• wc: 1.4k
•• collab: Resonance Beach by @amorajae
•• charlie's notes: enjoy this cheesy piece <3
•• summary: you two choose the worst time to argue and separate each other for a while so xiaojun is now a party pooper and he is a sappy drunk asshole. did he even understand what you said that night?
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“He is the luckiest asshole in the whole resort.”
“Not as lucky as me, remember I won the tickets to get here in the first place.” YangYang brags and a couple of mocking “thank you sir” echo the room.
“But really, who the fuck brings this alcoholic to his room?” Hendery questions and the man in question scoffs, sitting up just to find all the idiots gathered around him.
"Are you really talking about me….around me?" SiCheng, without a word, grabs his face like searching for something then proceeds to grab his hands and puts them up as he is shirtless. "He is complete, no organs removed or bruises. This guy right here is indeed lucky." Xiaojun furrows his eyebrows as SiCheng gives him a slap on the back, stands up and leaves as everyone follows him talking about what they should have for breakfast but the only rational one stays.
Kun rolls his eyes at his hungover friend when handing him a glass of water with pills he got there. "You know this resort masters at wild parties and strong liquor so why are you drinking so much? The blackout thing and being lightheaded are not sexy nor a good combination."
"I'm a grown man, it's fine."
" I know, that's why no one follows you."
"Don't lie, I heard the bartender calling you."
"...maybe. But that's not the point, how do you even get here?" XiaoJun groans because it's too early for this and he is hungry, thinking how he wants to go home and be at peace. "Whatever, just don't die DeJun. Do you have any news?"
He lowers his head and shakes it, no one really mentions it as they promised to shut up about it hoping he shuts up and enjoy.
Xiaojun indeed has been quiet but drinks one beer and he is sobbing about Y/N once again. Goddamnit. It's been a week of him drowning in his tears and three days of him drowning in alcohol, his friend is really heartbroken and he secretly wonders if this type of codependency is actually good for him.
Kun bites his hand to not call you and ask what happened because XiaoJun won't talk about the whole stuff. You two were basically glued to each other since you started dating and it was a bit awkward but XiaoJun looked happier and you were really nice to everyone.
He wonders if his probably now single friend is going to be alright. For now, he just listens to him talk for a bit and forces him to swallow a lot of healthy snacks so his liver doesn't collapse.
It's been two long days at the resort and everyone is having fun except XiaoJun. He has been basically brought here as another suitcase anyways, one night he has been slurring words about Y/N and how the guys would have to kill him to make him accept the invitation to the resort and the next day he woke up at lunch time with a huge hangover at a king sized bed... at the Resort.
Fuck them all.
Until Kun made some sense because well, they didn't do it to mess with him. Actually, yes but also because XiaoJun was one of the most excited when Yangyang played a stupid lottery and won tickets to a luxury resort for a week. He helped Kun to organize everything for the other chaotic asshats, it was gonna be an unforgettable summer vacation.
Yangyang and the guys approved Y/N so they invited her but no one asked anything, maybe it was because he arrived late at the dorms looking like garbage after meeting you. He remembers reaching them and opening his hand to show them both of your rings, how embarrassing but at least that stopped the questions.
After Kun leaves, he slurs a thank you because he knows he is making this trip a nightmare for him. But a question keeps running through his head, does he actually reach his own dorm by himself?
DeJun can't even stand on his feet when frick an he acts wild almost screaming what he feels because the alcohol softs his vocal chords and makes him rant about his feelings he prefers no to talk about sober.
He doesn't stand up but leans to the little table at his left to search for his wallet and grab a lot of cash, he'll search the person and tip him extra because it's probably one of the service people that looks the worst side of him.
Let's give us some time. It would be good for both of us, DeJun.
Honestly, fuck you.
How is this good?
It was a silly argument that turned into something big as stress and miscommunication clashed, you both hurt each other with harsh words and stormed out in opposite directions. The next day he met you to talk things out and you forgave each other but it had turned awfully when you returned the promise ring to him.
You are not coming back, he can feel it.
Honestly, he wants to run to you and do something for you to get him back. But what if you end things right away? You said something about giving him a week to enjoy himself as the most repetitive thing of him at the argument was you being everywhere and he couldn't breathe.
He sighs, how stupid of him.
Basically, DeJun is the clingy one so that didn't make sense. He was the one expecting for you to come and cuddle him as you bicker with Yangyang as he tried to roast him, you caressing his hair as he played the guitar and sing for you, the little kisses on his cheek when he felts sad, how you didn't leave his hand even when you were paying for the snacks. He loved it, he was the one to search for your hand so you can hold him a bit more.
If you are taking your revenge now, it's working and he wishes once again being at the dorm so the wondering and the waiting eats him alive.
You are not coming back but he is hoping you do somehow.
"DeJun! Are you drunk?" He shakes his head as he arrives at the fun stuff to do, maybe doing something would make him stop thinking about you for a bit. Everyone pats their back as he probably looks like crap and make him go to beach and learn surf.
...it doesn't work but he feels less miserable at least.
No headaches are cool too as night arrives and they are invited to a party. SiCheng bet him 100 dollars he couldn't pass the night without a single shot and he raises an eyebrow.
"I'll be the one who takes you to the dorm, I won't clean anything tho."
The variety of cocktails makes everyone drunk as hell and XiaoJun actually has fun watching Kun dancing on the table as everyone cheers for him. Hendery breaks empty glasses as he tries to do a house of cards with them, he is the one in charge of apologies tonight. SiCheng literally passes out on his lap and he can't move.
Luckily, the staff helps him and takes each asshat to their room and he gets the chance to ask who is the person who takes him to his own room.
"No staff was needed, sir. A lady came the first night and handed me her number so I could call her when you were passed out."
"Uh, what?"
"We allowed it as he addressed herself as your girlfriend. The friend who slept over you confirmed to us she made you arrive safely."
"Can you call her please?"
And there you are coming hurriedly from another side of the resort, waving at the bartender. "Where is he?"
He lifts his hand and nervously waves, you approach him awkwardly and waved too. "So you caught me."
"Why didn't you tell me you were here?"
"Well, you weren't in conditions for it."
"And what's the best condition?" He doesn't know how to feel, but being embarrassed is the first thing that gets the best of him as you saw it all.
"Maybe sober?" You shrugged your shoulders and sat down in front of him, his cheeks heated because he remembers talking to someone about how sorry he feels for the woman he loves. "You really don't know how to listen to me, huh?" He looks at you utterly confused but his heart flutters when you extend your hand to him. DeJun carefully grabs yours and lets out a shaky sigh like he has been holding his breath since you left.
"There's no need to explain further, I heard it all with hiccups and everything." You chuckle and caress his hand. "It was too extreme for me to return the ring, I'm so sorry for that. But I really thought a week alone would make us think if this relationship was going well and… I felt awful. I literally made you cookies twice and kept forgetting we were on a break. I am not sure how to ask this but, how did your week go?"
"I literally can't see because of how swollen my eyes are. Never do this again please I'm so annoyed I'm going to cry again."
"I won't I promise, I also can't see." You laugh and he looks at you, your sweet eyes lighten up as he stands up and kisses them both over the table as he mutters apologies again.
"Can you keep it as a secret what I did hen drunk?"
"You screamed my name but I loved it." XiaoJun groans and covers his ears as you laugh, he searches his pocket and give shou the ring.
He is never going to drink again but he makes you write on a napkin a promise to wear the ring everywhere.
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smuggsy · 3 years
heyo! If you feel like a prompt, I'll offer up one for the flyboys? How about, “Am I going to die?" pls <3
Thank you! I always feel like writing for these two! Two prompts in a day, wow, this is unheard of. I would feel accomplished except I should've been working on an essay for my medieval history class so I only feel guilty lmao.
Anyway. Here, have some pining idiots. Bit of angst sprinkled in but really this is just Collins biting off more than he can chew. You know I love putting him in these situations #sorrynotsorry.
Collins has always been the heavier drinker. He's more easy-going, always accepting pints from the younger lads and beating them at cards and joining in on their bets when dark clouds loom close to the ground and they're allowed to leave for the day.
It's usually Farrier keeping him in check, walking him back to base late at night and watching carefully from behind, giving him space but close enough to grab in case he trips over his feet after a good amount of beer has numbed his reflexes.
Collins naively assumes Farrier isn't a booze lover. Isn't that into alcohol in general; he never has more than two pints, not even when Collins refuses to indulge in it does Farrier let himself get too comfortable at the bar or at a table.
Never when Collins is with him, anyway. This is a thought that has just recently taken form, as in, about ten minutes ago when Collins caught up with the group at the local pub after returning from his daily rounds.
Today he walks into the crowded place brimming with pilots as a thunderstorm announces itself outside, and when he takes a seat next to his wingmate on the far-off corner from the door he finds Farrier doesn't look up to meet his gaze.
"Evening," Collins greets, but he's not sure he's heard him over the music and incessant chatting of their peers.
Even if he does, Farrier pays him no mind.
To say that Collins is instantly bugged by it is an understatement. Farrier stares down at something in his lap, he's hunched down and sports a permanent frown and the overall sight of him just looks wrong.
"Ey, alright?"
He realises, but only once Farrier snaps his head up, that his eyes are a bit too glassy, his breath smelling a bit too strong when he sighs in Collins' direction.
"What? Oh, hey."
Collins only sees the paper in a flash, before Farrier tucks it back into the inner pocket of his jacket. The quick motion clearly meant to keep it away from prying eyes is the only reason Collins doesn't ask. Yet.
"Having fun?" he says instead with a smile, trying to brush away the sudden heaviness of a conversation that hasn't even started, and he leans back on his own seat and surveys the table in front. He counts at least five empty pints close enough to Farrier's side.
"Fun," Farrier scoffs with a shake of his head.
Collins finds the irony dripping from the word so strong and uncharacteristic that he leans over and takes a chug or two of his own beer.
"Let them have fun," his mate continues, gesturing vaguely towards the youngest recruits fooling about on the dancefloor, "they don't know what's fucking coming."
At that, Collins can't help but stare.
He gently places his pint back on the table and doesn't tear his eyes away from Farrier, now stumbling out of his chair looking much drunker than he did just a second ago.
"M'gonna head back," he says, trying to walk past Collins who only manages to move his chair back once Farrier's already on the other side.
"It'll be pouring outside!"
Just then, a thunder rumbles low and menacing under the sweet voice of The Andrews Sisters coming off the gramophone. Farrier stops dead in his tracks for a moment and just when Collins thinks he's going to turn around and sit back down, he shrugs and walks away.
"Ah, s'only a bit of rain, innit..."
He only stops by the bar to pay for his round of drinks, pushing through one or two excited couples dancing away the night and apologizing to one of the gals for almost stepping on her foot.
Collins watches the whole exchange from his spot, a bit taken aback by Farrier so easily brushing him off.
He gives himself a few moments to feel hurt and then he stands up and pays for his own unfinished pint, only catching up to him as he rounds the corner and the first droplets of rain start announcing a hell of a storm.
"Yer gonna be wet straight through if ya walk back now!"
"Yeah," Farrier says over his shoulder, lighting a cigarette and sending a sour smile Collins' way, "I am."
His gaze seems only a bit clearer as he stares Collins down, giving him a once over and taking in the sight with an approving nod. It makes something in Collins' stomach turn.
In a good way.
"You go back though, get yourself a nice bird to dance with. Put in all that effort to walk me back like I'm your granny?"
With the dragging of his words and the cigarette he keeps firmly placed in between his lips, Collins almost doesn't understand him.
He lets out an emotionless laugh and starts walking again when Farrier does.
"What effort? I always look like this."
Farrier blows away the smoke and nods again.
"You do."
"Something happen?"
There it is. He asks.
Farrier almost halts, just almost. He looks like he's about to answer but then the cigarette is back in his mouth and he openly ignores his question for a whole minute. Collins gets the cue but he still doesn't turn back. He figures he can play chaperone tonight, like Farrier's done with him so many times before.
Except, he's always ranting on after his round of pints and his wingmate's not much of a talker. No way to fill in the awkward silence. Collins can't help himself.
"You got mail," he tries again, a statement, just a simple comment that doesn't mean any harm and it definitely doesn't mean to make Farrier turn around like that - like he's properly annoyed at him for asking. For caring.
"Just go back," Farrier bites out, harshly, "you just got 'ere. Go on, don't lemme spoil your night."
"You're not."
"I'll go if you really want me to."
That makes Farrier look at him again, truly look at him like the words have taken a bit of the alcohol off his blood and sobered him up. He stares for a long moment and then starts walking again without a word. Failing to answer again but answering nonetheless.
The lamp-posts they walk past light up the heavier drops of rain as if warning them of what's to come. Collins' hair is still wet from the shower so he doesn't feel much of a difference.
"You're a good kid, Jackie," Farrier says after a while, hands in the pockets of his trousers and looking up to the moonless sky. When he does, he seems to lose a bit of balance that he quickly regains before Collins can actually grab his arm to steady him.
He reckons it's better he didn't get to, judging by Farrier's general snappiness tonight. Can't be completely sure his help would be welcomed. 
"What did you just call me?" he teases with a grin.
He sees a smile tug at Farrier's lips.
"A good kid."
"I'm twenty-fuckin'-five, thank you very much!"
At last, Farrier lets out a laugh. Collins feels like a heavy weight's been lifted off his shoulders.
"You're a fuckin' tease, s'what you are."
It's just as well that mother nature stops him as he intends to give an answer, because the words get stuck in his throat at the implication of that sentence.
The sky goes white for a split second, lightning flaring up above their heads before the cracking of thunder seems to switch on the merciless pouring rain once and for all. They're already far enough that they'd still end up drenched from head to toe even if they walked back to the pub.
"Shit, come on!"
Farrier starts running forward, where there's a couple of leafy pines by the road before the clearing starts the path back to the airbase: a very long and tree-deserted runway and training field.
In short, they're fucked.
Farrier beats him to the cover of the canopy and Collins thinks that perhaps he wasn't that drunk after all.
"Quicker in the air than on the ground, eh lad?"
"Want to race me, old man?"
"Nah, wouldn't want that spotless suit wrecked with mud."
Collins turns to answer and finds Farrier grinning at him playfully, looking him up and down again for the second time in twenty minutes - the spark in his eyes doesn't go unnoticed because he's never caught him staring so openly before. It makes his pulse quicken and turns his filter off.
"You really like me in my suit, dontcha?"
Farrier's next words sound fuelled by beer, as does that almost imperceptible lick of his lips.
"Why, of course I do."
He looks away to the curtain of falling rain in front of them, pooling down on the grass, and he shakes his head and talks so low that Collins almost doesn't hear him again.
"Don't do that."
"Do what?"
"I'm drunk."
"Yeah, I know. Ye keep lookin' at me like ye want to eat me or somethin'."
Farrier snaps his head back to look at him, mouth half-open like a fish out of the water - like he can't quite believe what he's just heard, and Collins panics, thinks he's misread the situation completely (thinks that even if he didn't, he really shouldn't have called Farrier on it because, as his wingmate so bluntly put it, he is drunk). Thinks that's a very reckless and stupid thing to say and that he hasn't even downed half a pint of beer so he can't even use that as an excuse.
Collins stares back, for a moment he considers stepping away, jumping over that poodle increasing in size and running away in whichever opposite direction Farrier means to walk.
Try and pretend he didn't fuck this up royally.
"Well, would you want me to?" Farrier blurts out all of a sudden, openly staring at Collins' lips and neck and cheeks and hair now.
"I said, would you want me to."
Another lightning. Farrier's face is so close that Collins can count the scattered freckles on his nose and cheeks where stray drops of rain slide down on his skin. He has very long eyelashes.
"Eat you or something."
The thunder following the light drowns out that pitiful noise that escapes Collins' throat. He feels drowsy like he's the one who spent hours sitting down at that table in the wet sweet air of the pub gulping down pint after pint.
Farrier is very, very drunk even if he doesn't look like it anymore.
He must be.
Collins wonders: if he answers truthfully, will Farrier remember it tomorrow?
"Yeah," his wingmate snickers, and after what feels like ages he takes the slightest step back and smiles that sour smile from before, fishing another cigarette out of his pack and putting it between his lips, "thought so. Pretty boy like you."
Pretty boy like– what the fuck's that supposed to mean?
"Answer me this, Collins. Am I going to die?"
And just like that, the conversation steers away from longing looks and unspoken words. Farrier's back to smoking that ciggy that's already wet and his hands return to his pockets and Collins feels he's just lost an opportunity that isn't going to arise again any time soon.
"What?" he repeats, like a broken record, refusing to let his own eyes derail from Farrier's face, refusing to look away to the falling of rain, the runway, the clearing, the town far away like Farrier himself is doing. Refusing to let the moment go.
"What are my chances? What are our chances?"
Collins shakes his head in frustration.
"Surviving this shit. Let me tell you: they're very thin. So it's better this way. I mean, it's me but– well it's just not worth it, is it? Forget it."
"Forget. Forget what? Tom, the fuck are you on about? Is this about that letter?"
"Fuck that letter."
He tosses the cigarette to the ground.
There's no remorse in the words, no hatred despite Farrier turning back to him and suddenly standing up straight, shoulders broad, gaze unwavering and challenging. Collins is still a bit taller but that doesn't mean he feels taller.
"I– sorry I– didn't mean to–"
"My fiancée," Farrier cuts him off, cocking his head and studying Collins' reaction for a moment before continuing, "got killed. A bombing over Portsmouth."
He drags the paper out and almost shoves it in Collins' face, who just stands there at a loss for words, again. Stammering like a broken record, again.
"I–," didn't know you were engaged, "–sorry, I'm sorry that happened."
He wants to kick himself for his lack of eloquence but it's the least of his concerns because he was just flirting with Farrier a moment ago, and Farrier was leading him on for some fucking reason – a fiancée?
That tends to mean one's attracted to women.
A dead fiancée.
"Sorry, Tom."
"Don't be."
Another lightning, another thunder, more heavy rain and Collins is already starting to feel the cold reach through his layers of clothes.
"I'm not. Fuck, I'm relieved!"
Farrier runs a hand over his face.
"I'm– fuck."
"It's okay," Collins offers uselessly.
"She's dead and I'm relieved I don' have to marry her. How fucked up is that?"
Collins thinks he hears a cry, and when Farrier tries to look away again he knows he heard a cry, and he doesn't let him turn around and steps forward to hold him in a tight embrace instead. Farrier wraps his arms around him tightly like he'd been waiting for Collins to hug him.
"I'm fucking horrible," he says, words muffled in the fabric of Collins' suit and sniffing through a runny nose. Jack keeps a hand rubbing at Farrier's back in what he hopes is an empathetic touch.
"No you're not, you're not."
They stay like that, holding onto one another against the trunk of a tree that's doing a really poor job of sheltering them from the rain at this point, but is better than nothing. Farrier doesn't really cry, stubborn as he is even in this state of inebriation, and after a while Collins feels his stubbly chin brushing against the side of his neck and smells the scent of alcohol again.
"I like it when you use my name," Farrier mumbles, words still muffled and burrowing his nose in Collins' shirt like it belongs there.
Collins' only thought at that moment, frozen and unable to say anything back, is that Drunk Farrier is a real piece of work. He thinks he understands, now, why he doesn't drink.
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dweetwise · 4 years
a silly thing i wrote about felix and ace reacting to cheryl and feng dating <3 once again inspired by @skllyr‘s lovely art, along with my need to write a grumpy, overprotective felix.
ship(s): cheryl x feng, felix x ace warnings: none word count: 3020
Felix’s adventures in questionable parenting
“I'm… dating Min.”
From everything Felix expected to hear Cheryl say when she pulled him aside after a trial, this has to be the very last thing on his list.
It takes him a few seconds to even properly process the confession, and when he does, he's only more confused.
“Min? Feng Min?” Felix asks, baffled.
“Yeah…” Cheryl says, shuffling her feet self-consciously.
And Felix just stares, not having any idea how he's supposed to react to this information.
His not-quite-daughter but the closest thing he has to one in this world, dating one of the worst troublemakers Felix has ever met? The girl who has left him to die countless times and then made fun of him for getting killed afterwards? The one who bullies killer and survivor alike, having made even Leatherface cry mid-trial?
That Feng Min?
“I'll… give you some time to think about it?” Cheryl suggests when Felix is frozen in place for a whole minute.
He doesn't protest when she walks away, only gaping in confusion while trying to wrap his head around how on Earth the brilliant girl would ever fall for such a self-centered and obnoxious person.
Still, he decides he should get a second opinion.
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So he seeks out Ace, partly because his boyfriend loves gossip, partly because he wants someone to tell him he’s not being ridiculous for disapproving of Cheryl’s terrible new girlfriend.
“Hey, handsome,” Ace greets him with a grin and a wink, but Felix doesn’t have time for flirting.
“Cheryl just told me she's dating!” Felix exclaims, fully expecting Ace to be just as shocked as him.
“Huh,” Ace says instead, not looking the least bit surprised. “Good on her for finally telling you.”
“Wait—you knew?” Felix asks.
“Honey, half of the fricking camp knew,” Ace snorts. “I've seen them holding hands and making o—”
Upon Felix's scandalized expression, Ace interrupts himself.
“—ooaan effort to get to know each other?” the man finishes instead, complete with a sheepish grin.
“And you're okay with this!?” Felix demands, astonished that his boyfriend not only knew, but didn’t think it was big enough of a deal to tell Felix about. He knows Ace isn't as close to Cheryl as him, but the gambler has also taken the girl under his wing following Felix's lead, always calling her "kiddo" and going out of his way to protect her in trials.
“If she's happy, who cares?” Ace merely shrugs, infuriatingly carefree as always.
“I care!” Felix protests. “Feng is a mean person and not suited to be in a relationship before she fixes her attitude! She's going to be terrible for Cheryl—you know how sensitive she can be!”
“Opposites attract, babe,” Ace smirks, placing a hand on Felix's knee.
The gesture manages to calm Felix after his little outburst, and he pauses to consider that maybe Cheryl and Feng aren't that different from him and Ace. He knows Cheryl is almost just as reserved as him, slow to make friends and needing time to come out of her shell. If she has taken to Feng just as Felix did to Ace, against everyone's expectations, he should respect her decision. A small smile spreads over his face as he places his hand on Ace's, realizing that maybe they're not as different as he thought—
Well. There's the notable exception that Ace isn't a complete bitch to everyone around him.
“But nobody even likes Feng!” Felix continues his rant, making Ace snort and shake his head in amusement.
“I like her,” Ace points out.
“You like everyone,” Felix huffs, rolling his eyes, annoyed at how difficult Ace is making it for him to be a judgmental bastard.
“Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine today,” Ace grins, pinching his cheek. “I know you’re not Feng’s biggest fan, but you should give her a chance. For Cheryl.”
“I know,” Felix sighs in defeat. “God, I hate it when you're right.”
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The following day, Felix approaches Cheryl when the camp is mostly empty, fully intending to at least appear supportive despite his justified concerns. But as he tries to tell Cheryl he’s happy for her and thinks they’re a good couple, the girl isn’t having any of it.
“For someone who lied his entire life, you sure are shit at it,” Cheryl huffs, the unexpected honesty catching Felix off guard. “Now tell me what you really think.”
He always forgets that she’s much more perceptive than her years would suggest, able to read Felix better than people twice her age.
“I… don't think she's good for you,” Felix confesses hesitantly.
“Why?” Cheryl prods, her determined gaze practically boring into his soul and making Felix feel incredibly small. When he’s quiet, not able to decide how much he should say, she continues impatiently. “Come on—you can't just say that and not give any reasons!”
“I don't want to be mean,” Felix says, pretending like he hasn’t been secretly shit-talking the gamer for the last twenty-four hours.
“I told you, be honest,” Cheryl pushes.
“Alright,” Felix sighs, before taking a deep breath. “I think she's a horrible teammate, and not a good person. She's unpredictable and a bad influence, and I don't know what you see in her.”
Instead of being upset, Cheryl huffs and cocks her hips, raising an eyebrow.
“Really?” the girl asks.
“Um… yes?” Felix hesitates under her strangely calm demeanor.
“And that isn't a bad influence?” Cheryl asks, nodding somewhere behind Felix, who turns and sees—
Ace, who looks to be eating the contents of a toolbox.
“Ace!” Felix hisses. “Excuse me,” he says to Cheryl, who merely snorts in amusement, Felix hurrying over to his boyfriend making an idiot out of himself in front of some of the others.
“Uh-oh, mom's here,” Nea snarks when he approaches the scene, Meg giggling next to her at the joke.
Ace offers Felix a wave and something that might be considered a smile, if his mouth wasn't stuffed to the brim with mechanical equipment. And to add insult to injury, he adds another grimy gear into the mix from the toolbox.
“What the hell are you doing?” Felix demands.
Ace holds up a finger, wordlessly telling him to wait while inserting yet another brand new part, grimacing as he tries to fit it into his mouth.
“We have a bet, shoo,” Meg explains, shoving at Felix who is blocking her view of the occurring trainwreck.
“What could you possibly have bet that warrants this kind of idiotic—” Felix starts, annoyed.
“We bet five keys he couldn’t fit ten brand new parts in his mouth,” Nea explains.
“And he took it?” Felix exclaims, glancing at his boyfriend who, somehow, seems way too pleased with himself considering the situation. “Of course he did,” Felix sighs in fond annoyance, wondering why he’s even surprised at this point.
Suddenly, he remembers Cheryl, turning around to address her only to find her gone.
There’s a high-pitched laugh from the other side of camp, Felix recognizing the grating sound even before he sees its culprit, eventually spotting Feng Min and Cheryl standing next to each other with Feng… laughing at Cheryl and hitting her arm?
“Find me when your mouth isn’t occupied,” Felix sneers in Ace’s direction, annoyed at how the entire thing turned out, Cheryl not heeding his warnings and immediately going back to Feng—
And then Meg bursts into another fit of giggles and even Ace barks out something that might be a laugh.
“Woah dude, TMI!” Nea jokes, putting her hands over her ears with a shit-eating grin.
And Felix finally realizes the joke.
“Not like that!” he insists, feeling heat creep up his neck from embarrassment. “To talk! Nothing else!”
“Oh, like all the times you’ve disappeared to ‘talk’ even in the middle of a trial—” Meg starts.
“I’m leaving!” Felix announces, ducking his head to feebly try to hide his blush while stomping away from the group and their filthy minds.
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He ends up at his and Ace’s shared space away from the campsite, sitting next to the overflowing trunk of items while absently picking at some prayer beads attached to a broken key.
“I’m here!” Ace’s voice eventually announces. “What were your other two wishes?”
Felix snorts and doesn’t even look up, continuing to fiddle with the item in his hands.
“Did you win?” Felix asks, spinning one of the beads around its axis.
“Ta-dah!” Ace declares, squatting down in front of him to show him a handful of skeleton and dull keys. Felix hums in acknowledgement, still lost in thought, and Ace carelessly dumps the items into the trunk before sitting down next to him.
“So, how'd it go with Cheryl?” Ace asks, wiping some residual oil from the corner of his mouth following his bet.
“Well… I may have told her I don't like Feng,” Felix reluctantly confesses.
“I… okay,” Ace says, clearly fighting a smile at Felix’s social incompetence. “It’s… good that you were honest?”
“Why does that sound like a question?” Felix says, sulking.
“Aww baby, don’t pout,” Ace says, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him closer. “I know you tried your best. We can tell her together, if you want. Just to make sure she knows you support her!”
“Thank you,” Felix murmurs, leaning his head on Acer’s shoulder. At least he has Ace, who despite his eccentric personality is always there for him.
If only Cheryl would also have the same kind of support from her partner.
“What the hell does she see in Feng, anyway?” Felix mutters, not able to stop himself from engaging in another round of shit-talk.
“Well—” Ace immediately starts.
“That was a rhetorical question,” Felix snaps without any actual heat. “She couldn't have chosen worse if she tried.”
“Oh, I don't know about that,” Ace grins. “What about, say… Élodie?”
Felix can't help the disgusted face he makes. No matter how much he pretends for the sake of keeping up appearances, he still doesn't like the Frenchwoman.
“Or David?” Ace eggs on.
“Oh, god,” Felix says, shuddering at the thought. “I see your point—”
“Legion?” Ace continues.
“Shut up! I get it, I get it! Feng is fine,” Felix says, going back to his brooding.
“You're not… upset with this whole thing because Feng's a girl, right?” Ace asks, his good-natured smile masking something unpleasant.
“What?” Felix balks. “Oh, heavens, no!” he hurries to explain. “After what I went through with my—ehm, sex… s-sexuality—” he stutters, still not comfortable talking about the subject when it comes to his own preferences, even in the arms of his very male partner.
But judging someone else for theirs? He wouldn't even dream of it.
“If anything, I'm just happy she's figured it out so early,” Felix admits.
“Okay, good! So Feng—” Ace starts excitedly.
“Is still on my shit list, regardless of her gender,” Felix deadpans.
Ace sighs and holds his hands up in defeat.
“Well, I tried,” the gambler says, before a familiar smirk appears on his features. “Now give me a smooch.”
“While you taste like a ten-year-old toolbox? In your dreams,” Felix huffs, curling up against the man instead in an attempt to save his tastebuds.
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Finding the right opportunity to pull Cheryl aside seems to prove difficult, as any time Felix spots her she’s either with Feng or Ace is stuck in a trial. And after his previous failure, Felix isn’t ready to try confronting the girl alone.
But the Entity always seems to have a strange sense of humor or just impeccable timing, because after just a few short days Felix finds himself materializing at the pre-trial campfire with not only Ace and Cheryl but also Feng, all standing in a neat little row like the Entity placed them there purely to annoy him.
Great; just great. Just because Felix begrudgingly accepts the gamer, doesn't mean he wants to spend time with her. He’s been lucky to avoid any trials with her ever since Cheryl’s confession, but of course this would be the time they’re put together in one, when he’s supposed to have a heartfelt conversation with his foster daughter.
It’s a while before anyone says anything, Ace looking at Felix expectantly, Cheryl avoiding eye contact with Felix, and Feng clicking her flashlight in an annoying habit.
“Let's go, lesbians!” Ace eventually cheers, trying to muster up enough excitement to break the awkward silence.
“Try to actually do gens this time instead of just jacking off into chests,” Feng snarks just as the fog sets in.
And even though Felix knows she’s right and Ace could afford to do a lot less looting, he still shoots her an annoyed glare for daring to insult his partner, right as the fog takes him.
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The trial starts much smoother than expected. The Hillbilly seems to be focused on chasing Ace and Cheryl, and Felix manages to get two generators done in between unhooking and healing them. Feng, as is typical of her, sticks purely to generators instead of going for any altruism for the first half of the trial, but then pulls through and unhooks Cheryl from the proxy camping killer.
And then the gamer proceeds to lead him straight to Felix’s generator.
As Felix is hoisted up on a hook, the last generator gets done. Felix doesn’t mind being hooked since it’s his first, more than happy to buy his two teammates dead on hook some time to escape, but he sure as hell isn’t happy with how the thing panned out.
Right as Cheryl is chased out of an exit by the killer, the Entity’s claws descend on Felix in the second phase of the sacrifice process. Ace, injured, is making his way over from the other side of the map, but he barely makes it halfway before he runs into the killer chainsawing across the map.
Felix curses under his breath, annoyed over dying on his first hook because of the selfishness of one of his teammates. Maybe Cheryl will finally see Feng’s true colors, seeing as even now the girl is just—
—running to unhook him at the last second?
The gamer doesn’t offer an explanation, merely grunting from exertion when she pulls his larger frame off the hook while Felix just gapes in confusion.
“Run, you fucktard!” Feng screams when Felix takes half a second longer than she’d like to take off in a sprint.
Luckily the killer still seems occupied with Ace and isn’t returning to defend the exit, and they manage to make it there with plenty of time to spare before the Entity forcibly ends the trial. Felix is just about to suggest they leave to give Ace a chance at the hatch, when he hears the chime of said hatch being opened with a key, signaling the man’s escape.
Now just the two of them remaining in the trial, standing in the safety of the exit gate, Felix sees an opportunity and takes it.
“Thank you for the rescue,” he says, but doesn’t get an answer, Feng merely glancing at him in distrust before looking away. “I don't know if Cheryl told you, but—” he starts, wanting to clear the air.
“You were a cunt about us dating?” the girl snarks, crossing her arms. “She mentioned it, yeah.”
“I see,” Felix says, cringing from embarrassment. “I guess I never realized how much you do for the team—and especially for Cheryl. I'm sorry.”
“Ugh, spare me the fucking sob story,” Feng scoffs. “I'm gonna be with her regardless, but you not acting like a bitch about it will make Cheryl happy. So… I guess it's fine.”
She's crossing her arms and looking away in a gesture of indifference, but is also hiding her reddening cheeks behind her bangs and showing a side of her Felix has never seen before.
“Truce?” Felix asks.
Feng looks at him warily, but then she smirks.
“Only because I could kick your ass any day.”
Felix finds himself huffing out a small laugh in amusement, and when the killer finally comes to chase them out, he’s not even annoyed at the girl’s obnoxious crouching and taunts.
As soon as they make it to the other side of the invisible threshold of the trial grounds, Cheryl and Ace are there waiting for them.
“There you are!” Ace scolds while Cheryl looks between the two, hesitant. “I thought you'd killed each other!”
"We had to stay to say bye to Billy,” Feng says.
And then Cheryl comes up to her and grabs her hand.
“Thank you,” she whispers with a happy smile, and Feng bristles like an angry cat.
“I don't know what you're talking about!” Feng exclaims and stomps further away in embarrassment, tugging Cheryl along with her.
Meanwhile, Ace sidles up to Felix, giving him a wink.
“I told her everything,” Ace explains. “And I also mentioned Feng saved you. You ever consider Cheryl might be a good influence on her, instead of the other way around?”
'No,' Felix should say if he were being completely honest.
“I still don't like her,” Felix says instead.
“Aww, it's okay," Ace says, before turning to where the girls are walking ahead of them, chatting away. "We make a good team, don't we kids?” Ace calls, smirking.
“Sure, grandpa,” Feng shoots back.
Ace gasps in shock and Cheryl has the audacity to snicker, pulling Feng along by her sleeve to continue their conversation in private.
“Well?” Felix prods, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh this means war,” Ace says with a mischievous grin.
When his lover leans in to whisper about replacing all of Feng's skeleton keys with broken ones, Felix feels a smirk tugging on his lips. Even if he no longer minds them being together, he can at least get petty revenge for all the times the gamer has been less than polite to him.
Smiling pleasantly as his boyfriend goes on in detail about putting bugs in the gamer’s toolbox and other practical jokes, Felix decides that if worse comes to worst, he can always just blame Ace for being a bad influence.
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cherry-ber · 4 years
Too drunk to fuck pt 10
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♡ Part one| Previous
You couldn't believe it, that not even a month could go by without having to worry about Mark. You woke up several hours after you got that text, and couldn't help the way your heart sinked, you had to get up and shower with the coldest water to be ready for the upcoming long day, calling said unknown number to ask for an explanation.
“Who's this?” ask back as you make your way to the door.
“Y/N? It's Jisung! Do you not have my number saved?”
“Jisung, it doesn't matter right now!” although you knew that it would be a big complain from him later “What happened to Mark?”
“He's alright now... Do you want us to pick you up so you can see him?”
“Well, yes, that's why I called, but what happened?”
“Wait, I'll tell Jeno and Jaemin to pick you up, they must be close to your place now” and he hung up, avoiding the question you made him.
You sat on the sidewalk, waiting for the car to arrive, writing a text for your mom apologizing for leaving suddenly and so early. The streets were barely lighted by the daylight, but when you saw the car lights shining in your way, you knew immediately who it was, you stood up quickly and walked in their way, Jeno rolled the passenger window down and both him and Jaemin smiled sweetly at you, you almost forgot where you were going, and jumped in the back seat. The ride to the hospital was full of laughs, you even stopped in a convenience store to buy coffee and snacks because none of you have had breakfast. Jaemin parked and the tension in the air made its way back to the moment, suddenly feeling too awkward and guilty to hold hands with Jaemin when he started brushing his fingers on your palm while you three walked to the hospital.
You've never stepped in a hospital before, when you were younger you were over protected, you never got [physically] hurted, nor did you go with your parents when someone did have an emergency, and everything overwhelming; families waiting for news of their loved ones, people who looked in pain, doctors and nurses who probably went home crying from too many emotions at their work place, you couldn't even imagine how Mark would look laying in those uncomfortable beds.
“Mark Lee” Jaemin says walking to a lady in a counter
“Are you his family?” she says in a monotone way, not even turning to look at him “only his family is allowed to see him”
“His family doesn't leave here, I'm his roommate”
The lady types Mark's name, not questioning anymore, probably feeling compassion over that young boy being alone all night , having no one else for him than his friends, who had been annoying her since she started her shift. She tells him he's not taking visits, but he's gonna be allowed out in a couple hours.
Jaemin makes his way back to you and Jeno, both unsure of asking, he just sits in the waiting chairs, his body too tired, not from today, rather than everything becoming too much.
“I'm going out for a smoke, do you want to come?” his friend asks, noticeably stressed with the hospital environment, Jaemin looks at you and shakes his head, Jeno palms his back and rushes out.
“You should go, I can wait here” Jaemin can't help the grin forming in his face when he hears your voice, he thinks it's adorable how not even in a time like this he can't be unhappy if you're there.
“No, he's just-” he realizes he's spilling too much “he doesn't like hospitals”
“I mean, who does?” you sit next to him, placing your hand on his thigh “are you okay?”
Jaemin thinks of opening up, he trusts you and he knows you'd understand his emotions better than him anyway, he wonders if it's easier to lie and say he's alright, but tired, and eventually decides that whatever he says is useless anyway.
“Aw fuck, did you tell your parents you were coming?”
“I left a note, I told them Mark had an emergency and to call me when they read it”
“I shouldn't have brought you here, I shouldn't have brought you yesterday, I just keep dragging you into this mess, I'm sorry Y/N” he hadn't even realized himself how guilty he had been feeling, for the longest time, none of it was him, but he made it him anyway, he'd never been violent, neither did he enjoy the things he did, he just did them anyway, but after a couple years of losing himself, he forgot that too, and having someone that cared for him as much as you did, he felt guilty over making you a part of his life, over stealing Mark's chance, your chance to leave him and leave the whole thing, he never meant it, he'd never do that to you “I'll take you back, Jeno can wait here and-”
“You never even told me what happened” you cut him off and he wonders if you were able to listen to the rant on his head “no one has told me what happened and I hate making up scenarios of this, just tell me what happened, I'm gonna find out anyway” your voice was full of anger and fear, but you couldn't handle it any longer, you hated that feeling of being kept from the whole thing, it made you feel like they didn't trust you at all.
“He, uh, a lot happened, actually” he takes a deep breath as he dives in deeper waters of guilt “you saw him last night, we kinda got into an argument before you left, he's not himself when he's drunk, he's a good guy, you know, but, he got a little bit out of his mind, he had been drinking, he had been smoking with Jeno prior to that, and when we left he tried to leave too, he crashed, but that's not why he's here, he, uh, got up, too numbed to realize that he hurted his ankle and got some lines of coke, too many, actually, he got overdosed and they took him here” Jaemin didn't notice the moment tears started rolling down his cheeks, it was guilt that was swallowing him alive, thinking of how he was the root of every single problem they were having “I didn't know that, I didn't know he was doing all that in a single day, I didn't know he'd try to follow us, I would've taken his keys, I would've said sorry, I shouldn't have taken you there, I shouldn't even be talking to you right now”
And you can't help but cry when he does, knowing how emotional and empathetic Jaemin could actually be, knowing how he tends to take credit for everything that goes wrong, hell, he probably blames himself for climate change, and knowing how sorry and scared he must have been feeling.
“Jaemin, it's not your fault. Mark makes hus own choices, maybe all of them are bad, but those are his” you swipe away the tears off his face with your thumbs “you didn't force him to do any of that, and I know you mean so much more to each other than you say, but you can't keep taking everything he does just because he's broken or whatever you're telling yourself” but you noticed mid-sentence that this was something you needed to tell yourself too “I'm sure he's grateful for you, but you can't keep fixing his mess every single time”
He feels like a weight has been lifted off him, knowing that you can see him for him, you can see how he cares for Mark, and understands what you mean, but it doesn't feel right at all.
“Yeah, i know that” he sits straight again, he looks like he never had that breakdown “Anyway, he's alright now, somehow, do you want me to buy you some coffee?”
You spot Jeno coming back, probably just because it was cold outside. “No, but I could use a walk, the environment is weird here”
You stand up as Jeno makes his way to the chair next to Jaemin.
“Can you take a shift waiting? She's feeling sick and we're taking a break” Jaemin asks his best friend “or you can come, he's probably taking hours to be free, he can wait anyway”
Jeno shakes his head, assuring Jaemin that he'd rather be inside, and that Mark could get kicked out any minute if he was awake.
There's not much to see in the surroundings of a hospital, nor in the parking lot, but the pain of all those people, mixed with Jaemin's and your own was getting overbearing. Jaemin takes a cigarette in his mouth and skillfully lights it real quick, you try to remember if you've ever seen him smoking, but you couldn't remember, nor could you remember his car of his clothes smelling like he did. He's quick to finish it, taking big puffs and barely taking it away from his mouth. He noticed you were staring at him.
“Do you want one?” he forgot his whole lecture on why he was guilty over dragging you into his life and suddenly he remembered as he was sure you were about to say yes “please don't say yes, I didn't mean to offer you one, actually” but he takes out another one, places it on his mouth and lights it, too quickly.
You couldn't help it but remember Mark, because the truth was that anyone who met Mark, would never be able to leave without thinking about him, he was too special to forget. Yes, Jaemin was the sweetest person on Earth, and granted, you'd choose him any day over any other person, and that's why your heart sunk when you remembered what the days hiding in abandoned place with Mark were like, full of uncertainty, but exciting anyway, how his strong leather and tobacco scent would pierce into your nose for the whole day, how he'd make you feel when his fingers ran through your thighs. You loved Mark, you've loved him for a while now, but now you loved him in a different way, you told yourself. There was no use in comparing the two of them since they were absolutely opposite to each other, but you'd love to forget what you felt for Mark anyway.
You take Jaemin's hand on your own, stealing a puff of his almost finished cigar, blowing the smoke directly to his face and smile fondly when he laughs it off. Something about Jaemin always felt right. He throws the rest of it, not risking a burnt when as he rounds your back with his big arms. He could swear he sees a whole galaxy in your eyes, the way they shine is absolutely stunning and it makes him feel warm and fulfilled. He gets closer for a kiss, a sweet kiss, but with the taste of tobacco in his mouth, it becomes easy to forget where you are. You can feel someone walking in your direction as you get away from each other. Jeno and Mark are walking slowly to the car, you remember how Jaemin said he hurt his ankle and giggle at Jeno smiling at Mark's struggle. Both you and Jaemin walk to them, but Mark doesn't care at all, you expected him to be less of an ass by then, and he expected it too, knowing well how much everyone cared for him, but too bitter seeing Jaemin with you, convinced that it should be him who's kissing you and taking you out every Friday night.
Jaemin drives you all to Mark's place, you've never been there, and you don't want to be there either way, so you wait in the car while they make sure Mark can survive a couple hours alone, he can't help but feel defeated, owing his literal life to Jaemin but still pretty annoyed about his new relation. Jeno decides to stay with Mark, promising he'll call someone to take a shift later, and now Jaemin has a some more time alone with you.
Your mom was worried after she read that note, following your instructions and calling you as soon as she saw it.
“He's alright mom, he hurted his ankle, that's it”
“Are you sure? We can bring him something and pay him a visit”
“I think he is tired, besides, I want to spend some time with Jaemin, can I come home later?”
She agrees, too enchanted when Jaemin was mentioned, and diving more into the idea of you setting down with him. Boys were never a priority to you, and somehow it made her happy you were with him. You had already hung up when Jaemin came back to the car, not sure if he should ask you out on a spontaneous date or wait until you suggested it.
“Are you busy, like, right now?” you ask before he can decide on what to do
“Not really, why?”
“I don't know, I wanted to go out, but now I'm thinking I'm more in the mood for a movie at home”
“Do you want me to take you home?” you laughed at how naive he could be sometimes
“I want to go to your place” you confess “well if you don't mind it, maybe we could go to my room and cuddle there”
Jaemin thought of the scene: his mom would definitely be surprised, he couldn't remember if his room was clean, but he sure wanted his mom to meet you, he wanted to have dinner together, he wanted to show you the cool stuff gathered in his room. “Well, we can go to my place”
A.N: i will never say sorry enough times because i can't help but take too long to update this,,,, anyway, thank you so much for reading this, i hope you're having a nice day/night, some people are still in quarantine and it can be messy to our heads, remember to take care of yourselves, much love! ♡
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lozzypoz321 · 4 years
Steve Rogers| Shopping
(This chapters related to the 'Steve Rogers| Stutter' but it isn't exactly a sequel)
"I'm going out to get groceries, anyone wanna come?" Steve asked the room from the steps. "Yeah I'll  come" Bucky answered and stood up, "c- c- can I g- go t- t- t- too?" (Y/N) asked and looked up from the video game she was watching Peter play. "Yeah, come on Princess"
The girl pushed herself up and joined them at the elevator ready to leave. "D- do you have t- t- t- the li- list?" She stuttered then reached up to hold her fathers hand to steady herself, not really liking heights and being in a glass elevator wasn't really helping. 
"Yeah I've got it" he reassured, pointing to his pocket with the hand that wasn't holding a hand. "Better not get mine messed up" Bucky threatened to his friend but in a joking manner. (Y/N) looked out of the window apprehensively, feeling sick but got pulled out of her thoughts when her hand got squeezed comfortingly, looking up she saw her father smiling down at her.
"It's okay маленький солдат" Bucky assured from near the door while they headed down (little soldier). When they finally reached the ground floor all three of them exited the elevator, "a- a- a- are w- we walking?" The girl asked, to which Steve nodded his head and Bucky chuckled, humorously thinking of how long it's going to take them to get there with (Y/N).
"H- hey!" She defended herself, almost reading her godfathers thoughts "I- I- I'm not t- t- t- that sl- slow"
"Yeah you are"
Bucky was right, it took them ages to get around the corner, so long that Steve just decided to pick his daughter up and place her on his shoulders. 
"W- w- w- what are w- w- we g- getting?"
"Whatever it says on the list, you want to hold it (Y/N)?" Steve asked and offered the piece of paper to her, she nodded after thinking about it for a second and gently grabbed it.
Food- Tony
Wine- T.S
Beer- Your local billionaire
More wine- The best avenger
Pop tarts- Thor son of Odin, god of thunder
Jelly babies- Peter Parker :)
Orange Juice please. Suggested by Bruce
A voucher to get rid of these idiots- Nat
Bird seed- Clint
Energy drinks- Pietro
Coffee- Nat
Milk- S.R
Cheerios for (Y/N)- S.R
Sausages- Clint
20 Plums- Bucky Barnes
Sushi- (Y/N)
Pringles- (Y/N)
Pot noodle- Vision
Lemonade for (Y/N)- S.R
Popcorn- Wanda
TEA SIS- Peter :)
"T- t- t- this is a- a weird l- l- list" (Y/N) commented after scanning it but then added on "n- n- no d- disrespect to a- a- any of t- them t- though"
"We still have to get all of it" Steve told them both and picked up her the hand again so she wouldn't get lost in the many isles of the supermarket. "What first?" Bucky asked her then shoved his hands in his pocket, already slightly bored. "E- erm T- T- T- Tony p- put down F- F- Food"
"Next" Steve said, rolling his eyes at the billionaires 'humour', "H- h- h- he also p- p- put W- W- Wine". Steve once again rolled his eyes and Bucky huffed in annoyance, "ya know what (Y/N) let's just skip Tony's for now shall we, what's next?"
"T- T- Thor want's p- p- p- p- p- p-" Bucky looked over her shoulder as she struggled and helped her out "Pop tarts". "y- y- yeah, thanks”
So the three ventured over to the breakfast/ snack isle and picked up the pop tarts for the god then got Jelly Babies for Peter and Orange Juice for Bruce. Steve told (Y/N) to go get Pot noodles for Vision then to come straight back back to them, that would have happened but once she'd got the noodles the girl could no longer find her way back to her dad and godfather.
After 5 minutes Steve started to panic that she'd been kidnapped and once he shared that idea with Bucky he also started to fear the same thing. "Oh my god! I've lost her!" Steve ranted and paced up an down the empty isle "She's my daughter and I've lost her!"
The father got taken out of his thoughts when a sudden yelling was heard from the other side of the supermarket "D- D- Dad! U- Uncle Buck!", so immediately their instincts kicked in and they both ran to where the voice had come from. When the two best friends caught sight of the girl, Steve sighed in relief and Bucky said "Jesus Christ". Steve went up to his nearly kidnapped daughter, picked her up and hugged her tight. 
"God princess don't do that ever again" He whispered then put her down in front of him. "I- I- I- I- I didn't m- m- mean t- to" She stuttered out and gulped nervously, worried she would get yelled at. "No it's okay (Y/N), I know you didn't mean to"
"We just need to get lemonade, popcorn and... Tea sis?" Bucky told them, squinting at the last part. "I've never heard of that brand before" Steve said, then took a second to ponder what it could be, (Y/N) however knew what it was.
"I- I- It isn't a- a br- br- brand" the girl shared to the men, they looked up confused "I- I- I- I- I-". "Deep breaths princess"
"I- I- I- It's an o- online t- t- thing" the girl hardly knew herself but her tagged brother Peter had tried to explain it to her many times. "Right" the two soldiers said uncertainly at the same time, trying to gather their head around what the hell that could mean. 
So with that they finished the rest of the shopping trip and gathered at the counter, ready to pay. In the end Steve decided to just get Peter some tea anyway and get Tony one bottle of wine since that's what he wanted so badly.
"Oh and who's this little lady?" The cashier asked kindly and looked in your direction while her hands were scanning all the items. "My daughter" Steve answered proudly "her names (Y/N). (Y/N) say hi"
"H- H- H- Hello" she said, nervously but smiled at the nice lady all the same. "Hello dear" she greeted back, it was weird to Bucky that a stranger was being so nice and welcoming to the three without knowing them at all, so him being paranoid he brought over his goddaughter closer to both of the adults and held her hand incase anything was to happen. "U- U- Uncle B- Buck?"
"Yes возлюбленная?" Bucky asked, looking down at the girl with concern (sweetheart), "w- w- w- what ar- are we h- having f- f- for tea?"
The soldier chuckled, no longer worried that it was something important "Whatever you want ангел" (angel)
"W- w- what d- do you w- w- w- want U- Uncle Buck?" She asked him and raised up her arms so he would pick her up. "I just want what you want кукла" he replied then lifted the young girl up and turned her around so she could cuddle into his chest (doll).
"Awww" the cashier said upon the sight of the two, Steve gently smiled then handed the lady a fifty dollar bill. "I think she's asleep Stevie" He informed his friend.
"Your daughters adorable" the lady added while putting the money into the cash machine making Steve smile yet again, "yeah, she's my everything" the man expressed while Bucky lifted up a bag on the floor with the hand that wasn't carrying his goddaughter.
"Nice to meet you but we best be going" Steve told her and grabbed the remaining bags, she smiled at both of them before carrying on with her job. The conversations were a lot quicker on the way back without (Y/N), many would have appreciated it but not them. It felt as if it was missing something, you can easily say that they were happy when the conversation was interrupted by "w- w- w- where a- are w- we?"
"We're nearly back at the tower princess, you remember?" Her father asked her and looked over at the girl, concern filling his chest at the thought she may not remember what they'd been doing previously. "Y- y- yeah"
(Y/N) snuggled closer to her uncle, the weather getting to her. "I- I- I'm c- cold" 
"We're nearly there now кукла" Bucky told her and gently moved a stand of (Y/H/C) out of her eyes that was visibly bothering her (doll). "D- D- Dad, I'm h- hungry t- too"
"Okay sweetheart, we'll get you some food when we get back, what do you want?"
"Mac and cheese" was all she said with a tired smile on her face which made both the men chuckle. Steve was right, she is his everything.
Written by me. Wattpad; @Lozzypoz321 Tumblr side acc; @padfootbuckster Pinterest; @lozzypoz321
@marvel-ous-hobbit @snarky--starky @rae-is-typing @stargazingfangirl18 @canadianhufflepuffavenger (if you would like to be added to the tag list, don’t be afraid to ask!)
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f33itan · 4 years
Ok, hey demons, it's me, ya boy girl. Back at it with another dream rant. now this one is kinda uh, interesting. I would call it a hybrid nightmare dream shat thing, but I HAD FEITAN IN IT FOR EVERY BIT FISMDISJSISK (well mostly every bit) Anyways this is a train wreck but here we go..
First part of dream I remember...
So me and my cousins lily and dominick were in this dude's car on an adventure or something, like you know in games that one person who's your guardian or someth8ng like that? wWe were in the car with that dude. Anyways, then we dropped off lily and domo so i went to the front and me and the dude were chatting while he was on the freeway, then he started swearing a lot, to what i assumed time be the stupid drivers on the rest of the freeway, but then a light teal smoke bomb went off and we had to drive through it. Whilst we were doing this we ran over a pretty lady, and the car broke and I fell right on top of her. I could see her brain goop shit com8ng out of her head, all of the blood splattered on her and the street, and I started hyperventilating in weird patterns. The paramedics came and I got to drink a baby bottle of water. Once I calmed down, i was talking a bit to this lady taking photos of the crime scene, and this other dude who idk what the fuck he was doing. Then some people dressed in bee colors started dancing and the world turned orange, which was kinda weird but i joined in their dancing and it was fun. oh and did I forget to mention while the whole car thing was going on the road and everything was foggy already?
Second part of dream I remember...
Ok so we're back at it again with domo, and this time is a bit hard to explain. So yk when 80s themed movies start and they're in a teen's room? that's where we were. we were playing some video games and there was another older teenager in the other room, and there were these weird colored tape lock things on domo's door. the more you could break and get past the cooler you were or something like that. So somehow i pissed the teen off and he wanted to throw me out the window but in order to do that he needed to break the locks. he broke about 7 or 8 of them and he was pissed and breathing heavily while me and domonick were so excited that somebody got that far on the locks. He was weirded out and left. then this part of my dream shifted to my school and we were doing some sports and stuff.
Now here's where it gets interesting...
So me and Feitan were at this super mario type setting world, and i've been in this setting before in another dream, just not with fei. so we were playing whatever games princess peach had for us but THEN it was a punishment round bc we messed up on something. So the dream shifted to this dark room and I had a black katana in my hand. Sillouettes of the troupe members were coming at me and I had to cut off their heads, but for some it was really hard. Fei was standing behind me while I cut them all, but I missed some. Then the dream shifted again to a dark woodsie area, and me and fei were crouched down on the ground. He had an arm around my back holding me really close to him.
F- "We should get out of here --starts turning in the opposite direction holding me to his side- "
N- "No, I see a door over there."
While we were shimmy shamming to the door we passed this momo lookin ass thing but kept crawling. eventually we ended up on this medium sized ramp and started to shift down it but then there were these weird baby things. I'll draw what they look like at the bottom of this post but then feitan accidentally hit some big metal things and they fell, then the babies started screaming. We ran to the door as they were chasing us then got into the door but i was going to be sent somewhere else. He couldn't come with me soo-
F- "Please be safe and be careful"
N- "I'll try"
N- "Okay, Ill see you in a bit, love you"
F- "Love you too"
THE DREAM SHIFTED AGGGAAAIIN and now I was in this carnival kind of setting. If you know the VR game rush of blood then yeah this will make more sense, but if not go look it up ODNHEOFMEJ but anyways.. so yk the second level after the pig one where you're in the red and yellow run down carnival tent? that's where i was but it was rectangle shaped and it was kind of an obstacle course. the carnival runner from rush of blood was the controller person thing for it and me and another dude had to run the obstacle course. THE BABIES WERE IN THE OBSTACLE COURSE >:( there was a lot of hurdles which we had to put one hand on and use that to jump us over as if you were jumping a gate from the cops. after the 3rd round i couldnt do it anymore bc i was getting tired and so once the 3rd run was done i think I took a wrong turn into this maze that had orange and blue uv lights with glowing sticky stars and LED lights. I would pass a baby or a blue glowing light from time to time which was scary, but then i got taken back to the super mario world. I ran to Feitan and hugged him and then the dream got foggy.
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And their skin was a discolored grayish yellow with dried blood and when they walked they stomped. that's what the babies looked like.
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I always have, and always will...
Your parents are going overseas with you. It was the day before your departure, you ran to Juza crying. "Juzaaa!!! I don't wanna go!" Tears streaming down your face, as you cling on to Juza's jacket. "(Y/n)..." Juza didn't want to see you cry, and parting with you actually hurts him more than it hurts you. You are his only friend outside the family, and yet here you are leaving. "Juu... waaa! I wan... na stay wi*hic*th you!" You barely completed your sentence in between your sobs. Juza, however, an attempt to make to you feel better, he rubbed his free hand on your back but it only made you grip even harder. " 'Kay. What if I buy us ice cream, will that cheer ya up?" His second attempt worked, you gave him a weak nod and he slowly wiped the dampness in your eyes and went to the your usual sweet shop.
"Juza, If I ever come back, will you be here waiting for me?" You sounded like you are about to choke. You already know what he's going to say, but you wanted assurance. " 'course." Juza answered with unwavering ness in his eyes. Those were simple words yet, somehow,  you feel a wave of overwhelming relief wash over you. "Good, because you're seeing this face of mine whether you like it or not." Your declaration made Juza let out a light-hearted chuckle and soft smile appeared on your face. "You finally smiled," Juza whispered, and you almost missed it. "Eh? Well, hanging out with you always have, and always will make me smile." Juza had a hint of blush on his face, luckily you too looked at another direction to hide yours.
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"Here ya go." Juza played it cool and hands you your ice cream. "Woah, that's a lot of flavours." You stared at your tricoloured ice cream. "You'll melt it if ya keep starin' at it." "Pfft... Alright. When I get back, buy me the same ice cream, okay?" "' 'Kay." Juza replied with a warm smile on his face, "I Promise."
"Oi! Hyodo, wake up!" The sound of his flatmate, Banri, woke him from his dream. "You were laughing like a weirdo in your sleep." Banri looked visibly annoyed. "Says the guy who was moaning a model's name two nights ago." Juza retorted. "Whaddya say?!" They are about to raise their first, but Sakyo is standing by their doorway. "Both of you, shut up!" They felt chills down their spine, as Sakyo entered their room. "Now, now, Sakyo." Omi followed Sakyo inside, To bid them out of the room, and the four of them got out.
"Ah, Nii-chan! You're up early!" Kumon wears a tight-lipped smile as he greeted Juza. "Kumon, whassup?" Juza peered into his face, but Kumon immediately looked away. "Ya hiding somethin' from me, Kumon?" Kumon darted his eyes to the main entrance. Just then, there was a soft knock on the door. Kumon walked towards the door and slowly opened it, "Surprise?" The moment the door opened, you leapt right into Juza's arms, catching him off guard by hugging him tightly. "Juzaaa! I missed you so much!" You loosen your grip a little to catch a glimpse of his face. Juza's mind is still processing the situation. He couldn't believe his eyes, the person he had longed to see is right there in front of him. He can tell you just arrived by looking at your clothing. He blinked again and again in disbelief, "(Y/n)?" Saying it somehow made his heart thud like crazy. "Dude, you're killing the mood here! This is supposed to be our happy reunion!" You pouted but immediately hugged him again, this time more comforting and gentle. Your heart sang in happiness, as you caught a whiff of his scent, "[I missed this scent, I missed you, Juza...]" You slowly looked at his face again, not too different from back then. "Now, say those words." Juza already know what you meant, but is too embarrassed to say it. "Wel...Welcome home?" You can tell he's still shaken by your sudden appearance. "Say it properly!" "Welcome home..." And you thought you can't smile wider than you already did. "It's good to be back." You are completely unaware of your surroundings like he's the only one you see and nothing else.
"Juza is dating?!" A loud voice across the hallway brought you back to the real world. You turn to see a young woman around her 20's sprinting to your direction. "[Hm? Oh, she must be the director.]" Thanks to the troupe's blog, you can tell who's who just by one look. When you were about to introduce yourself loud voices from other troupe members cut you off. "No way!!!" All of them exclaimed at the same time. "Uh... This is Nii-chan's friend, (Y/n)." Kumon explained the whole situation to clear the misunderstanding.
"Ah, so you and Juza are friends since childhood. Well, colour me surprised." "Yes, and you must be Omi, oh wait... can I call you Omi?" "I don't mind at all." "[Woah, He's tall, built, and has a mom-ish vibe going on around him.]" "To think Hyodo has a friend like you." A tall guy with light brown hair interjected. "[He's Banri, I think?]" "How did you and Juu-chan meet?" A pinked hair boy asked, "[He's Juza's cousin, Muku.] Well, I was bullied back then, but Juza came to my rescue. And that's how it started. At first, He would always keep his guard up but eventually relaxes with time. He's a really sweet boy." "Wow, it's like a scene from a shoujo manga!" Muku's eyes gleamed in delight. "..." Juza remained silent throughout the entire conversation. "Let's continue this in the dining room, I'll be preparing a very special meal., " "Well... if it's not too much of a bother, then I'll stay." You agreed to Izumi's suggestion and her eyes sparkled.
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"Yay!" "It's curry." Tsuzuru sighed "*gasp* How did you know?" "Don't act surprised!" "I'm cool with curry." You said. "What about eating it every day?" "Uh, I guess I'll skip a meal or two when that happens. Ehe he."
"(Y/n), what's Juza like back then?" Izumi asked with a very curious look. "Well, there's not much of a difference. He grew taller at least." "Ya didn't change a bit. either." Juza stated "Well, I can see you still wear sandals" You smiled teasingly. "I can see, Ya still haven't grown taller." "*gasp* How dare you!" You gave a light punch to Juza's arm, as he let out a burst of amused laughter. It's been so long since he had little arguments like this with you. "Hmph. Your comebacks have gotten a little better, I'll at least give you that." "Thanks." "Hey, hey. Don't give me that 'Victory is mine' look, cuz you ain't won anything yet." Azuma wore a knowing smile as he observes your exchanges. "You two seemed very close, maybe a little too close to be called 'Just friends', don't you think?" You paused for a moment at Azuma's words. You actually stopped seeing Juza as just a 'mere' friend a long ago, but a part of you still wavers, you fear that he might only see you as a family member. And because of that fear, it kept you from admitting your feelings for him. And so you kept it to yourself but it only grew by the day, especially the time when you were away. "Yeah, Juza is my special friend?" You sounded unsure about your answer. "[What am I to you, Juza?]"
Hours passed by quickly, and you enjoyed your time with the company members and made friends them. You pulled Juza away to talk with him privately. "Hey, Juza. I believe you forgot something." "What?" "You can't hide anything from me. I know you know what I mean." "Sorry." "You say that, but you're smiling, Juza. Anyways, let's go." You said your goodbyes to everyone and left with Juza.
The two of you walked side by side to your usual spot, as you were reminiscing. The streets you walked a child, the playground you used to play, and the person next to you who was always with you in those places. "Nothing has changed, it was exactly how it was when I left." You hummed a tune, as you swung your arms freely. "What have you been up to lately, aside theatre of course." "Not much, the usual." "And by usual you mean; 'eating sweets while no one is looking' usual." Juza turned his gaze away from you, and it looks like you hit the jackpot. "LOL. Alrighty then, let's get moving." You took Juza by the hand and dashed to the store.
"This is it, right? Here ya go." You reached for your ice cream but froze midway through.
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"What?" Juza peered at your face curiously. "Ah! it's nothing, I'm just having a Deja vu right now. Uh, thanks" You took it from his hand and began indulging the sweetness. "Mmm, it's so good! Uh, Juza, you got a little something on your face." "Here?" He then touched his face. "No, a little bit to the right, no that's too much. You know what, I'll wipe it for you." You brought your hand to his face and wiped the cream off with your thumb, and you licked it." Juza stiffened and has forgotten how to breathe. You realized what you've done, but kept it cool. "What's wrong?" "No..nothing." An awkward silence fell upon you as you tried to think of another topic. "The sunset looked beautiful." You reached for the sun as if you easily grab it. Juza followed your lead and reached out for the light, but your hand brushed against his and you immediately pulled your hand away. "Ah, I... Um... sorry." Juza apologized "[Oh shoot!] No! don't apologize, it's fine. If it's you, I don't mind." Your heart's hammering out of your chest, "[Oh my! Why on earth did I say that?!]" "(Y/n)..." You slowly glanced at Juza, and to your surprise, you see his cheeks flush. Juza didn't know if it's the mood or you actually looked gorgeous in the sunset.
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"Listen. I don't care if ya laugh, but.... I... I... Don't wanna be friends with you, I mean I do wanna be friends with you It's just... Ugh! You... You're special to me."
"Wow, are really are good at killing the mood. Fine, I'll finish. I love you, Juza. More than you'll ever know, for a long, long time."
"[How long exactly?]" He thought to himself.
"Are you really gonna keep silent? It took a little courage and a huge amount of fear to say it, you know?" You tiptoed and gave him a light peck on his lips, and it left Juza stunned. "You were always there for me. You would always listen to my rants, you would always give me the encouragement I needed. Juza, when I was away, you are all I can think about. Like; 'I can't wait to see you again' or 'I want to hug you again'. Juza, I love you. I always have, and I always will." Juza lifted your chin and with unexpected confidence, he kissed you ever so gently. And you welcomed that kiss by slowly closing your eyes. His kisses are sweeter than any candy or sugar in the world.
"[I love you, and I'll say it a million times if I have to. I'll say it again and again for as long as I can breathe.]"
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Crime Doesn't Pay
Crouched low, breathing steady, the night vision lenses of her cowl active, Batgirl counted the numbers in the warehouse where she was hidden silently. 
Twelve gang members. All with half masks or bandanas covering their faces. Only two of them armed with anything more than a blade or bat. 
A new forming gang. 
They must have been stupid.
“Alright boys, listen up, listen up. Tonight, we're gonna get the rest of you some heat. Then we're gonna start the real work on these streets.”
He sounded young. Not much older than her. Early twenties, maybe? She almost felt bad for what she was about to do to them. But it was better her than The Big Bad Bat, really.
‘Or was it?’
She mused as she flung a batarang (just a standard one, how boring) at the table in front of the 'leader’, already moving, sticking to the shadows, deactivating night vision on the go.
'At least if it was Batman, it would be, you know, Batman kicking the crap out of them, not a tiny blonde thing. Bah. They'll probably tell who ever it was Bats anyway…’
Steph would shrug to herself, a slight grin at the mental image at the thought. However, the batarang did what she wanted. They were spooked.
“Who's there?!”
Unable to help herself, she let out a laugh, continuing her movement.
“Did you really just ask that? With the Batarang right there?! In Gotham?! At NIGHT?! You poor sweet summer children…”
As she spoke, she kept on the move, her obviously feminine voice having them less on edge than they were, yet still spooked.
“Come out and fight like a man, you bat bitch coward!”
The one nearest to her yells, into the darkness about six feet to her left. Slowly, she grins, coils her legs under herself from her current perch on the shelving, and pounces, driving her knees into his chest, her hand on his head, forcing it into the floor. 
Vicious? Perhaps. But she was here to teach a valuable lesson, and even with that concussion, he wasn't likely to forget tonight's schooling. Stepping aside and giving her warmest smile, as opposed to a Batglare, she sat her hands on her hips.
“If you insist… Gentlemen, my name is Batgirl. I'm here to remind you that in Gotham, we do things a certain way. Shall we begin?”
One of the ones she noted was armed pointed at her, reaching for his gun.
“She's like, a hundred pounds, and we out number her, ten to one! Get her!”
The rush began. Knives thrusting towards her chest, baseball bats swinging in every direction.
“Those odds hardly seem fair. For you.”
She grinned, ducking the first bat to come for her head, catching the wrist holding the blade, striking the elbow, while twisting back on the hand, kicking the knife away.
Frankly, it was unfair, with how trained she was, and how unskilled they were. She had to admire their dedication though. Weaving through them, it might as well have been the lowest setting on the training simulations back in the Batcave. 
Steph found that she had begun toying with them. Letting them get body blows in, only to hit back harder across the face. One with a broken nose came back for more. She liked his moxy. She wasn't sure when she started using moxy. But here she was. 
There was a click, as something pressed against the back of her head. She had been toying with them too much, and not paying attention. Eyes quickly darting around, she noted that the two she pegged as armed with guns weren't on the floor around her.
Letting out a sigh, she slumped her shoulders slightly, and slowly turned in place, so the barrel was against her forehead. It was shaking.
“Stop right there Batgirl. I'll shoot. I will.”
His voice was younger than the others. But similar. A brother? That would explain why he was also armed when the others weren't. 
Keeping a neutral expression, she blinked once, examining his face. His dark eyes were terrified. Shooting a look over to the other armed one, who hadn't left the table (some leader he was), his hand on his gun, watching intently, Steph knew what she was going to do.
“Big Brother pulled you into this mess, huh? You really wanna end up Bat fodder when you could be home? In bed? Not getting hospitalized?”
Little Brother looks back at Big Brother, shakes his head, pulls off his half mask and shoves the gun into Steph's hands.
“I didn't wanna be here at all…”
Big brother puffs up indignantly, slamming his fist into the table.
“Eric! You're meant to have my back!”
Shuffling off towards the door, stepping around the bodies of the beaten and broken, Eric left, Steph dismantled the gun, throwing it in opposite directions.
“Good call, Eric. Get home, and call the GCPD. And you…”
She turned her attention to Big Brother, with a grin.
“We have some things to talk about, don't we bud?”
He, however, disagreed, and took off like a shot, taking his gun, down the hall, further into the dark warehouse. Steph sighed slightly, rolling her eyes, and went out the window, following on roof, activating her heat vision lenses in her cowl. Once he had stopped moving in, in a loading dock, and was spinning around in place, obviously looking for her. Slipping in through a long busted window, and returning to regular vision, she caught the last part of a rant.
“-creepy fucking bats just lurking around in the damn dark!”
Unable to help herself, she crawled along the top of a rafter, starting her talk and relocate routine again.
“Have you idiots ever considered meeting in well lit places during the day then? Maybe we wouldn't be a factor then. Just putting it out there.”
Apparently, Big Brother wasn't playing around. He fired three shots in the directions her voice came from. All missed her, just. One clipped a fire extinguisher, filling the area with a growing cloud of whirling, thick fog like obstructive gas.
“Whoops… maybe you should watch where you're shooting, Tex. You are keeping track of your shots, right? Because I am… three more. Make them count…”
She should just end it. Here and now. But if this punk was stupid enough to try to start a gang, in Gotham she needed him to understand what that meant.
Darting across the floor now, causing the cloud to swirl around her, she dropped down into a baseball side, under the long forgotten truck, as another shot fired off behind her, ricocheting off the floor somewhere, lost.
“Ooh, unlucky. Two more…”
Was it bad that she was enjoying herself? Probably a little. She could practically hear Batman in her ear, telling her to end it already. 
Crawling silently up on top of the truck, she did something, frankly, bordering on cruel and unusual punishment territory. She flung a gooparang at his feet, and ran along the top of the truck, vanishing down the back behind him, as he fired at her.
Her beloved green goop detonated from its pods, encasing his legs from the knees down, trapping him in place.
“And then there was one!”
She called from somewhere behind him. He did with the shot what she thought he might. Try to shoot at the goop. It did nothing.
Steph thought about immediately pouncing on him. But watching him strain his eyes and ears to try to find her, jumping at every little sound, the cars on the freeway in the distance, the rats in the walls, kinda amused her.
She had some problems she needed to work out. She knew.
After five minutes, she had crept up behind him, and lightly tapped his shoulder.
“So, what did we learn here tonight?”
He screamed. Of course he did. It took everything she had to not laugh.
“That crime doesn't pay. Please. Miss Bat. Batgirl please don't hurt me. Please…”
Circling to his front, she raised a brow, not that he could see it under her cowl.
“Oh, honey. Don't worry. You won't feel a thing…”
He looked like he was about to start thanking her, when she grabbed the back of his head and drove him, skull first into her knee, which she swung upward with just as much force. 
She lied. He'd feel it when he woke up.
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moonlightpadfoot · 6 years
Happier (Caspian X Reader)
Summary: Reader is Caspian's best friend. And always thought that Caspian has a feelings for someone else. But it turns out to be wrong.
Fandom: Chronicles of Narnia (Voyage of the Dawn Treader)
Words: 1348 words
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A year. A year had passed since the Pevensie Children brought you to the beautiful place called Narnia. It had been the most wonderful thing that ever happened to you. Well, minus the fighting and stuffs that make you think that you won't come out of there alive. But still it makes you think from time to time how magnificent that world is. And of course, talking mouse and Fauns aren't the only one you missed in Narnia, It's their King, your best friend, Caspian. Yeah, you only just met him for a while but you get along well. Both of you like to stargaze every night.
One day he saw you outside looking at constellations that is very different from your world. You had a talk about it, and he easily gained your trust and became your best friend. And this friendship deepened. Well, in your perspective. You think that he don't really like you because his attention was with someone else, Susan. She's your friend but not as close as Peter or Edmund or Lucy. She preferred to be alone and read books as always. You didn't mind your feelings for him because you're going to get out this place anyway. Then until such time that you had to say goodbye to him, It's the hardest thing to do, he's been your friend and apparently you like him. So, there's no turning back now. You just accepted the fact that you won't see him again.
You're now vising the two Pevensie Children, Lucy and Edmund. Who are now living with their aunt and uncle with their son who is always complaining about almost everything. Knocking at their door, You heard someone speaks at the other side. The door flew open and you saw Lucy, frowning at her uncle who's sitting in the chair. But when she saw you, Her face lit up.
"Y/n!" she attacked you with a tight hug. You missed this girl.
"Lucy! It's so nice to see you! I've missed you so much." You said, returning the hug.
After you broke the hug, You saw Edmund went out ranting about something, "Why didn't you told me who it is Lucy! It's hard to gu-" He was cut out when he saw you, "Y-Y/n! I-I didn't know you would come!" He said not looking at you. But you promise you saw him blushing. You push the thought aside and look back at Lucy.
"Come on Y/n! We've got loads of stories to tell you!" She grab your hand and pulled you inside, Not minding his uncle who's busy reading his newspaper.
You, Lucy and Edmund went upstairs, to their room and told you a lot of stories about Susan being invited to a tea party that you've never heard off. But then you heard that Lucy and Edmund are going to stay on Cambridge for a few months again and that didn't make them pleased.
"Another few months? How will we survive?" Lucy said looking upset. They've always wanted to get the hell out of this place.
"You're lucky. At least you've got your own room. I'm stuck with mullet mouth." Edmund lets out a sigh.
"Susan and Peter are the lucky ones." Lucy got up and took a look on her reflection in a mirror.
"Yeah we don't matter much."
"Lucy! Edmund! Don't say such ridiculous thing! All of you are lucky, it's just that they're older, and they're now finding their opportunities in life." You replied trying to make them feel good.
"Lucy, Y/n, have you seen this ship before?" Your eyes landed on an old painting of a ship.
"Yes, it's very Narnian looking isn't it?" The three of you are now staring at the painting.
"Yeah. Just another reminder that we're here
not there." Edmund said bitterly.
"Come on Edmund! It's not so bad here! Narnia maybe a paradise for all of us, but we have to embrace this world! This is where we're born after all." You look at the boy and smiled.
"There once was two orphans and a pathetic teenager friend who wasted their time believing in Narnian nursery rhyme." Your eyes diverted to Eustace, Lucy's cousin, and the spoiled brat that Edmund told you, leaning at the door frame.
"Please let me hit him!" Edmund lunged to hit Eustace but your fast enough to hold his arms.
"No!" You and Lucy said in unison.
Edmund and Eustace began to argue, And you're trying to stop them. But they won't listen to you.
"Edmund, Y/n! The painting!" You look at Lucy's direction. You gasped, don't really know what to say. The painting is really moving! The water is pouring out of it.
"This is some kind of trick. Stop or I'll tell mother." You can see the worried expression in his eyes. Then all of a sudden he started shouting for his mother. But it's no use, So he just grab the painting and trying to destroy it. We held him, forcing him to let go of the painting then tons of water bursting out making a flood out of it.
Then unexpectedly, you fell on the water. You can't feel the floor anymore, looks like it vanished. The water went up to the ceiling and you're struggling to stay afloat.
"Everyone! Swim!" Lucy announced to us.
"I can't swim!" You shouted, And you feel like your body is pulling downwards. You kicked your feet so your head would be at the top the flood but nothing happened.
Lucy feels that someone grabbed him, "Caspian?" She look at her old friend.
"Lucy!" Caspian smiled, his friends are finally back at Narnia.
"Y/n! She can't swim! Find her! She might drown!"
About a minute or two, you accepted your death. You're going to die. But luckily, a pair of hands grab your shirt and pulled you up. You gasped for air and saw Caspian. You wrapped your hands around him.
"Why didn't you tell me that you can't swim!" Edmund shouted and you turned towards him.
"You didn't ask, Idiot!"
After a few moments, You went to the ship that you saw on the painting, who happens to be Caspian's.
"It's good to see you again, Caspian." You said looking at him. You can't deny that he's handsomer than ever.
"It's great to see you to Y/n." Your eyes met, You missed those dark brown eyes. You hugged him tightly, like your life depends on it. This might be the last time you will ever do this to him. You might not come back to Narnia after.
"I've waited for so long," He said brushing your hair, "I can't let you go again." You were stunned by his words and you look at him with confusion.
"It's been Three years here in Narnia. Three years without you. Three years that I've been looking at the stars knowing that you're not by my side." He held you close that you can feel his breath in your skin and his heart beating rapidly.
"Wh—What are you talking about?" This is impossible. You can't believe he is saying those things to you. You know it, He likes Susan. Then why is he looking you like this?
"I've been blinded by my ignorance. But for the past years, I've learned a lot. I've felt things that I never feel before. You—You made me feel these things."
"I thought you like Susan?" You asked.
"What? No! I never liked Susan. It's always been you! Since... Since you defended me to Peter. I've been admiring you all the time." You just can't believe you're hearing this.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" You broke off the hug, Looking at him angrily.
"You didn't ask." He told you with a smirk in his lips.
"I feel happier when you're around." He seriously said. Placing a hand to you cheeks, Slowly, he kissed you. You've waited for him to do this for a long time now. Now, It happened.
You can't be more happier.
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iconic--trash · 2 years
I'm gonna rant about this on here
Cause I don't know what to think
I've always had bipolar, always. So far I haven't found the greatest treatment for it. Antidepressants at least take the edge off the anxiety part, but don't really help a lot overall. Anyway, I've always been a person to push myself to and past my limits. "If your muscles aren't sore, you aren't working hard enough". I've always had a really hard time working jobs, it never lasts long. I'm unemployed at the moment but Ive had warehouse and assembly line jobs before.
Anyway. I just learned that bipolar does count as a disability (in the states) and I've never been great at managing my bipolar.
But (as with everything) I'm torn in two directions. I wanna just call myself disabled, it would ease my anxiety. I'm unable to work bc my roommate is using my car for work and has a crazy schedule, and I live in the middle of nowhere where there's no work. So Im waiting it out til my roommate and I get things more settled. Calling my bipolar a disability, even just in my own mind, would make me feel better.
But at the same time it feels like giving up, or giving in. I don't want to be called lazy, or a mooch, or anything like that. I've always been one to push myself hard
But that does come with consequences. In assembly line I wanted to be the fastest builder on our shift. After a year and a half I got there, but now forever if I use my left arm too much I get nerve pain from the carpel tunnel I almost sorta got. So I know I have to be careful, I'm not great at minding my own limits.
Which is another reason working is difficult. I end up pushing too hard, mentally and physically. I really see why bipolar is a disability. Just the amount of times I've gotten hurt at work from being work-obsessed.
I get so work-obsessed. Dude. I get the attitude that I have to be the best and end up thinking about it at almost all times. It's almost unhealthy, now that I think about it like that. It's always compulsive. I start off not caring and wind up being so obsessed that I would lie in bed at night thinking of how to be better at my job.
If you made it this far you might as well know, I also had freaking long covid for a year. I had the terrible part, was scared I'd stop breathing in my sleep and die so I didn't sleep, and then spent months unable to get out of bed. I'm just tired now, dude. I'm just so tired. I survived freaking covid and I'm just so tired.
I wanna push myself as hard as I can, but I might push myself off a cliff. I already got nerve damage and some broken bones from reckless manic-working. But if I try to call myself disabled because of my bipolar I'm always afraid everyone I know will try to call bs on me, saying they've worked with me and obviously I'm a good worker so how dare I call myself disabled and ruin the name and reputation of actual disabled people.
I get so paranoid. When I was sick with covid no one believed me except my roommate. I was too busy pushing myself at work to notice how I felt and didn't know I was sick until I was already past the point where the tests could detect it. (This was in 2020, pre-vaccine. I've def had my vaccine now) but I didn't get tested until it was too late. Then all I could hear from ppl was 'when are you going back to work'. Even my doctor didn't like that I wasn't working even though I had long-covid, which drs were sorta just learning about at the same time I was sick.
But ever since then, I just feel like I have to be the normal healthy person ppl think of me as, but I don't feel normal or healthy.
I may end up pushing myself into another warehouse job again where I'll be miserable, barely surviving, and hating myself but at least I'll be a productive member of society. Until I eventually lose that job because of my bipolar. Then it just starts again. I really truly feel this disabled thing is up my alley but I have this in-bred compulsion to ignore it and not allow myself to think about it.
As with almost everything I feel two conflicting things, both just as strong as the other.
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