#brian is still in my basement
bpdjennamaroney · 1 year
Will and Emma are having relationship problems because Will is not taking COVID seriously enough ("Therapy"). The next day Will takes his frustration out on the glee club and accuses them of not taking COVID seriously enough (Finn doesn't understand germ theory and Brittany is QAnon.)
Will says, "You guys lack historical perspective. Back in the 80s and 90s there was a young gay composer named Jonathan Larson who saw disease and suffering all around him. When he found out he was afflicted with AIDS, he put all of his pain into the timeless and unreproachable work of art, RENT. RENT taught us about community and caring for one another and more importantly...it taught us that musicals can rock." Will sings the title song from RENT with Artie and Finn.
That night: Santana is fed up with lockdown restrictions and sneaks out of her house to visit Brittany ("Out Tonight"). Brittany is planning a big show that will blow the whole COVID conspiracy wide open. She previews it for Santana ("Over the Moon"). Santana is freaked out and breaks up with Brittany. Santana can excuse ignoring disease prevention guidelines but she draws the line at being Republican about it.
Also that night, Will tries to sleep with Emma but she's too COVID-cautious ("Green Green Dress"). She says maybe they need some time apart because of their different priorities.
While grocery shopping, Will runs into Holly Holliday. Holly is lighting scented candles in the middle of the store but for some reason all of them are defective/unscented ("Light My Candle.") Holly propositions Will. Will says he's seeing Emma, and Holly admits she also has a boyfriend.
"I'm sure we can work something out," Holly says. "Meet me at the basement of the swinger's club at 9:00."
Will shows up at the swinger's club and spots his old rival, Brian Ryan (the Neil Patrick Harris character). They glare at each other, then confront each other and it's revealed that Brian is Holly's boyfriend ("Tango Maureen.") She knew Brian and Will were old high school rivals and set all this up because she's into the whole enemies-to-lovers thing.
Will scolds her. "That is so cruel and manipulative of you. I can't believe you would do this."
Holly tries to convince him to live life to the fullest. ("Another Day.")
Eventually Will thinks about what proud openly gay icon Jonathan larson would do, and he has a threesome with Holly and Brian ("Contact," I'm afraid.)
The morning after, Will can't believe he kind of cheated on Emma/hooked up with Brian and really enjoyed it ("Real Life").
On Monday, Brittany and Santana are still broken up but sitting on opposite sides of the choir room is emotionally difficult for them ("Without You.")
On the way home from school, Kurt and Blaine are like "Aren't you glad we're not like Brittany and Santana, breaking up every 5 seconds over something stupid?" and they sing "I'll Cover You" but then they break up over something stupid.
Will contemplates his sexual awakening, torn between Holly+Brian and Emma ("Johnny Can't Decide/Come To Your Senses" mashup).
The tension in glee club is unavoidable.
"Mr. Shu, this is ridiculous," Rachel says. "Ever since you brought up RENT and Jonathan Larson, it's been nonstop hookups and fighting. Also, Jonathan Larson wasn't gay and he didn't die of AIDS! He was straight and died of some random heart thing."
"What? Jonathan Larson wasn't gay? So my sexual experimentation was under false pretenses?"
Will immediately calls and breaks it off with Brian and they argue ("What You Own").
The next day Santana says "I can't believe we caused this much fuss over a straight man, who died of a random heart thing."
"Wait, just because he was straight doesn't make his words less powerful," Finn says.
"You're right," Will says. "Maybe I'm bisexual." ("Louder than Words.") And then they all sing La Vie Boheme.
At some point Santana and Mercedes sing "Take Me or Leave Me" as their glee club presentation. (It's a four-part episode.) Also I think Gwyneth would have fun with Today 4 U, don't kill me.

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storiesofsvu · 3 months
CM 17.3
Alright!! 17e3 here we go!!
(I meant to rewatch the first 2 eps before this but didn’t get around to it, so a more in-depth review/more film student analysis is still to come.)
Enjoy this chaos with no context for now! (a lot of it likely isn’t gonna be fully fleshed out cause I have a full thought/reply and try my hardest to type it all out super fast before the show moves on but I have to stop to pay attention OR something else comes up and im just SCRAMBLING)
Absolutely hate there’s no subtitles right away for this but I mean.. I could wait a couple of days til its on Disney I just have no patience.
GOD why is it so fucking dark.
Thank you Emily for not letting luke spill the beans, like, kinda like Rebecca as a person, but can’t trust her as long as her job goes
Okay, em is in the right here, both in the sense of keeping it quiet originally but also making luke keep hush. Cause im sorry but she’s right. It would’ve 1000% drove the team to the brink and split them apart AND made them spiral so deep about what was on the site/other people seeing them/trying to cleanse the web of them (which obvi is impossible). Esp jj of all people? Like I’m not really sure *what* is on there, but jj is the one with KIDS, a full family, she’s still in contact with her parents (at least the mom?) she’s probably likely known in the circle of the boys friends parents? Like that’s SO much damage control to stress over??
Im so fucking excited for prentiss’ wacko neighbour to come back loool
LOOOOLL em’s “oh.. oh no…” reaction. I love this.
Did pen just say “tik tack” instead of tik tok? or was I not listening properly lol
“what are you gonna do?” “put out fires” that is LITERALLY a boss’ job. This being said as a boss.
“I don’t want to say no to your face…” SAME girl… same
GOD Emily is so fucking beautiful
This back and fourth with Garcia and her opinions on tyler is SO annoying. At first she hates him and doesn’t want to even look at him, then they’re flirting, then they’re fucking. Then she’s all twitterpated and wrapped around his finger. Then she AGAIN wants nothing to do with him?? Even though in the last ep she was all high school girlie about working with an “ex”?? I GET that the writers/showrunners are piling the comic relief onto her/the situation but come ON.
“I didn’t call you” “your landlord did” BRUH. COME ON. I don’t care how crazy things are, you ALWAYS double check that! I once saw a dude backing into my driveway with a ladder and immediately went outside to be all “uh..hello?” he immediately pulled out his phone, named my landlord, pointed out what he was there for (damage to the siding of the house, I hadn’t noticed cause I hadn’t left the house and live in the basement) AND offered to call my landlord. ALWAYS BE SUSPICIOUS.
WHY THE FUCK ARE JJ AND LUKE PAIRED UP!!!!????? Jj’s a profiler, she’s obvi gonna be able to get it outta luke, or press him for details, or whatever. If he’s supposed to keep shit quiet why tf are they off together. (or were they specifically asked to be together by voit? Cause that’s just him playing into his bullshit again)
“Emily practising deception isn’t a lie. It’s good leadership” THANK YOU.
Also...to feed all the jemily shippers out there… if this was a fic written by me.. it would be bundled into the AI shit, but there would be pics of Emily and jj hooking up that were very easily proven to be legit and the entire situation would out them and that’s what the actual issue was/is with the site…
I understand jj is outside with Sydney and luke’s job is to keep the girls distracted inside but of COURSE its himbo’s first reaction to pull out the soccer ball INSIDE.
Okay is that just some weird direction/camera angles or are we eluding to the older sister being a cutter?
Emily’s reactions to brian were perfection.
JFC NO! who’s out there stalking them? Uggghh (though I will say that the moment something clinked in the parking garage I said to myself “pls don’t let her get kidnapped in ep 3…”
Why does it feel like tyler knows more about gold star than the bau does?
Oooo but he cloned the phone! Good boy!!
Penelope: in charge of tracking down tyler
Tyler: texts Penelope “I need to see you”
Penelope: “NO!” doesn’t reply….
Ah yes.. I was right about the cutting… oof. Uugggh talk about heartbreaking..
LOOOOL tara teasing rossi! “I think I pulled… everything…” HHAH
Im not gonna lie, I absolutely HATE that they went down this AI *porn* route, as if these fucking poor characters haven’t been through enough, and like, again as I said, JJ… she’s got the most damage control to do no matter what, and poor girl hasn’t dealt with more than half her trauma so far…
“but I didn’t exactly get it legally, so you know what rebecca’s gonna say” THANK YOU. But also, like fuck that. cause this show has ALWAYS been above the law in that sense. I can’t remember if I said it in last week’s summary or if it was another random post, but CM vs like, SVU is WILD because we NEVER see things past the cuffs being put on/the unsub getting killed/killing themselves. We never go to court, we never see the legal side of it BECAUSE 99% of them would be not guilty due to mental…defect? LOL I know that’s not the right word/phrase but you know what I mean. CM is about the mind of the criminal and chasing them down and finding out the trigger and stressor and figuring out the pattern, not seeing things through to court and prison.
and while I love the addition of her character (Rebecca), it’s making other characters act in ways they never have before/never would simply because now the show is implicating the legal side of things. again, love having Rebecca and that boundary in line for the team but it is messing with the normal dynamics we are used to. Like..as IF Penelope would have any issue using an illegally cloned phone in the past. She was all “don’t ask questions” “well yes I *could* get access to that record, but it is technically sealed” and hotch would be all “I didn’t hear anything…”
LOL Emily with a full bottle of wine at her desk. Love her. god she’s SO annoyed with brian and I love it.
SEE this is why luke never should have said anything. Cause it doesn’t matter how hard you try not to look, you’re never going to be able to resist being able to look it up, no matter how bad it is, how fake and evil and ugly it is, you’re still gonna want to know and jj didn’t need to see that/know about it. How is she supposed to go home and act ok now??
“okay they’re here… somehow” DUDE YOU KNOW BETTER EM! Doesn’t matter that youre in an fbi parking garage, no cop gets there that fast!!
Also..that red coat is TRENCH COAT. YEESSS
“FUCKING BRIAN!” thankkkkk you em
Also…in all seriousness. Em was in HER office at the BAU, somewhere you (I assume) need clearance to get on property, much less in the building or into the parking, so WHY/HOW the FUCK were both brian, the guys who beat him up and whoever took the pictures get clearance?? SHOULDN’T QUANTICO HAVE SOME PRETTY FUCKING HIGH SECURITY LEVELS???
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skullytotheark · 4 months
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Random Creepyhornets Heacanons
[i made that thumbnail btw]
Additional: in this canon, marble hornets takes place when youtube was extremely fresh & ends in 2006/2007. But in saying that the current time within this canon is 2008
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The Mansion.
The Mansion is built on top of a massive cave
Context: Deeeep within the cave is a large pit of sorts which houses one of the Slenderman's 'towers' [which is a hivemind source. Think of it as a 'spawn point' for slender incase he 'dies']. Most of the food the proxies collect for slender is tossed into a basement corner which has a massive hole, The hivemind uses smaller roots to grab ahold of the food before dragging it into the depths
The Mansion is actually an asylum that was made into a "mansion"
You can still find some left over files fron when the asylum was up and running. A bunch of patient records, Weird experiements [which is probably why slender picked this place in the first place] and a bunch of cells
This also confirms that the 'basement' is a boiler room
The mansion moves around???
Well actually, The Forest moves around the mansion. But for this reasoning proxies need to be marked so they can find the mansion with ease, It has a strange 'six sense' thing going on where the proxies kinda know where the mansion is even when the forest shifts
Only proxies are allowed in the mansion
This just means that 'followers' or unofficial proxies aren't allowed in the mansion
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Timothy Wright "Masky"
[drawn by my bestie @peachy-cloudds]
Background within this canon:
A year after marble hornets, Was shortly forced into becoming a proxy. The Operator's 'hauntings' becoming so bad to the point it was physically attacking Tim until he finally submitted. A choice he regrets to this day
Tim is a 'commander' or a 'leader' of sorts
Tim is a 'high ranking proxy' [which was a rank he was instantly given, alot of proxies hate him for how fast he ranked up], Meaning he can give orders and tasks to his follow proxies.
Tim's 'normal life'
Tim worked extremely hard to regain what was left of his life after marble hornets, Which meant him trying to be stable enough to hold a job as a Computer wiz, Of course having some experience with computers from marble hornets. He kinda dreads work but it's alot better then being a proxy and killing people
Tim constantly feels guilty for the things he's done as a proxy
As a proxy, It's your job to follow every order, Even if it means killing innocents.. But when being a proxy it's pretty much you or them.
Tim doesn't remember Entry 83
..... "I don't know what it is but.. something is off about brian.."
Tim's hobbies
One of tim's hobbies include photography, A thing he remembers enjoying in his childhood.. before he was sent away of course. He remembers having a shit camera he wondered around with and taking photos of whatever he saw as a kid
"I'm not like these freaks.."
Besides the events of marble hornets and his childhood, Tim is literally just a everyday guy. He's not a ruthless serial killer like everyone else in the manor nor is he some asshole some ppl make him out to be. He's just wrangled into this because of the Operator..
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Tobias Erin Rodgers. "The Woodland Maniac"
[His surname is Rodgers in this canon, Just cuz no real big reason]
"You're wreckless Tobias.. That'll be your downfall" - The Operator
A Lot of the time Toby is pretty short tempered and doesn't like to be mocked, He prefers to be taken seriously like the other proxies around him. So he kinda does whatever to prove that he deserves respect like the others
"Everytime I look in the mirror.. He's there."
Toby fucking HATES looking in the mirror or at any of his reflections. Toby pretty much looks like a younger version of his father which pisses him off alot, Even beyond his dreams he seems to not be able to escape him
Toby dropped out of school at 17
Toby isn’t very good at Math or writing since he was pulled out of school when he was 15. Of course Connie tried to homeschool him but the rogers household wasn’t the best place for learning. But just because Toby isn’t extremely educated doesn’t mean he’s stupid, Toby can be pretty smart with certain scenarios thanks to his years as a proxy
spare time in Childhood
When Toby was younger Toby never really got to grow up with any computer/console games since and isn’t really familiar with the big brands. When he was little he heard of games like “mario” or “sonic” and was alil jealous of the other kids and their stable lives, However Toby always found himself being an outside kid which Connie considered to be a lot better than sitting in the house all day playing video games since, Toby spent most of his days doing that already
Fucking lies. All of them
Upon awakening Toby found himself in the edge of the woods, Feeling strangely sick from blacking out. His body aching while he coughed violently, Often coughing out bits of blood. Toby would begin to make his way to the edge of the forest before he finally broke through the treeline to find a group of police. While Toby was informed he was missing for about a month, Word had gotten out about Lyra’s sudden death along with Toby’s sudden disappearance and he was a prime suspect for her death thanks to his aunt Evelyn [Frank’s sister] spreading rumors about Toby possibly killing Lyra.
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Skully "The Vessel"
"Whispering voices"
Skully tends to pause in between sentences due to some of the soul’s memories flashing before their eyes, It often distracts them and leaves them stunned for a second or two.
"Brian Isn't Here Right Now."
Skully often disguises themself as Brian / Hoody to scout around the mansion, Due to being a similar entity to the Operator it is unable to detect them. However there was only one tiny problem, Tim is a proxy too.. So one night Skully erased the memory of Brian dying before proceeding to weasel their way into the Manor. Using Brian as a meat suit
Skully is a lesser being of the Operator, Which means that they have similar abilities. Skully mostly uses teleportation though since they don’t wish to bring any form of harm to others.
Skully doesn’t really express any emotion, They often rarely talk or show any form of emotion. Their voice often montoned while Their body language often still similar to the Operator
"You can be fixed."
Skully is often a guardian angel for those who have been infected via drowning or the Operator, Often observing them in the distance and protecting them when they need too.
"How Much Do You Hate?"
Skully is often rarely aggressive however if provoked they tend to enter a more intimidating form that is similar to the Operator, Skully’s arms being outstretched while their mask expresses anger of sorts. 
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The Operator.
[drew this the first time i used procreate on my sister's ipad]
Living nest
Spiders tend to make small nests in the small holes that are on slender’s body, These spiders due to long exposure can give you the drowning if they bite you
"that horrible face.."
The Spiral in the center of Slender’s face can hypnotize it’s victims. In my canon it’s how Slender gains most of it’s proxies
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[example image]
• "The Hivemind."
The Operator has more than one variant that all act as a single hive mind sharing the same exact thoughts. The following examples are The Tower, The Drones and Hallucination
The Tower: The Tower is the main source of the hivemind, These variants are basically the "Queen Bees" that pop out smaller versions of themselves to scout for food and return it to the Nest. Towers often borrow themselves deep underground where they cannot be touched, often growing extremely giant, For example they can grow to the size of the statue of liberty before stopping. Their tentacles can connect to the roots of trees which allows them to shift the forest at their command, It's also worth noting that the hivemind all share the same thoughts
Drones: The drones are basically mini clones of the hivemind that are produced so the tower doesn't have to expose itself to the outside world and get injured or killed, Their goal is to collect food until the Tower is ready to bloom. But a lot of the time these drones will hypnotize people into doing their biddings for them which is considered to be the norm nowadays. It's also less stressful for the drones in case they do not wish to be discovered by the outside world. Drones can also become towers if they live long enough
Hallucinations: These are as you expect, They're the dones way of messing with your head by haunting you and breaking you mentality. They often appear in hallucinations and aren't the actual drones themselves, The main way to tell the difference between a drone and a hallucination is by the color of their tie. Red means that they are physically there attacking you while black means it's not real
The Great Blooming / The Arrival
This event is pretty straight forward. So the main reason these towers need to collect so much food and souls is so that they can bloom, Their heads unraveling to reveal a black rose that shoots out a giant cloud of spores that will infect those whoever breathes the spores in. These spores have the regular side effects such as the drowning, However those who are infected with the Tower's Spores are a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. If one is infected long enough their heads will implode into a flower and spread more spores around them
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Connie Melody Rodgers.
Young mother.
Connie had Lyra when she was pretty young, Connie was 21 when she had Lyra who was born in 1984 while she was 25 when Toby who was born in 1988.
public shame
Connie often avoids crowded areas and neighborhood events due to the amount of people pinning blame on her son for the casualties when Toby burnt down the neighborhood. At times they would pin the blame on her even though the outside world never really got an insight in the Rodgers Family Household
Small distractions..
Connie tries to distract herself as much as she can, Constantly bottling up all of these emotions she has inside of her the best she can trying not to break. These distractions are often work, Household chores, Cooking and Painting
Family drama
Connie often avoids Frank’s side of the family who were just as horrible as frank was. But they often come knocking at her door trying to rile her up and often threatening to take her to court. But alot of the time when Connie hears them knocking she just pretends she’s not there.
"Burnt It All To Cinders Burnt To Ash.."
Connie recently went back to the burnt remains of her house, When she found the old metal box that surprisingly protected the things she had put in it she nearly bursted into tears when she found all of the old familt photos she has.. Although She could’ve swore she put Lyra’s jacket in it
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
For the birthday boys: Sinclair twins and a gn reader
So today is Brian Van Holt's birthday and I wanted to write something special for the twins. This is more experimental in the perspectives too, just to try and expand my writing style. This can be read as platonic or romantic with the reader. This is pretty short and sweet, I couldn't come up with much else.
Warnings: Nothing I can think of
Bo knew something was up when you gave him his lunch for the day.
"Don't open it until you're ready to eat." You tell him. He nodded and went down to the station. On the way he asked Maggie if she knew anything about what you had planned or if you even knew it was his birthday. She didn't know anything about it so Bo waited until he got to the station.
Despite it being seven in the morning he opened the bag and inside found a normal lunch, but this time with a note, a cupcake, and a birthday candle. Bo sighs and reads the note.
'I know you don't want anything too big for your birthday but you at least have to blow out a candle. I even made this myself, well Maggie helped me a little but still. Happy birthday Bo.'
He sets down the note and chuckles to himself. He picks up the candle and sticks it in the frosting of the cupcake. He takes out his lighter and lights it. He waits a few seconds before he blows it out. He's going to talk to you about this later, but he can't be too mad at you.
Vincent slept in the basement the night before his birthday and woke up to breakfast waiting on the table for him, still hot and ready. On the side he finds a cupcake with a candle in it, waiting to be lit with the lighter on the table. No one else is to be found in the kitchen as he picks up the note you left him.
'Don't worry, it's a real cupcake. Although I did consider making one out of wax just for you. I made you a special breakfast too. I assumed you didn't want to make a big deal about your birthday so this is all I'm doing, unless you want more then I'm totally doing more. Happy birthday Vincent.'
He sets the note down as he takes a seat at the table. He's smiling as he lights the candle on the cupcake and takes off his mask, careful to not get it too close to the candle. He blows out the flame and starts to eat his breakfast. He wonders if you did this for Bo too. Either way he's going to thank you the next time he sees you.
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ask-opsys · 4 months
Man, you'd think having your brain explode like that would be a much more serious affair. How do you think he's getting repaired after that?
Good question! In all honesty, I uh...
Well, I haven't actually seen the way he replaces his "brain".
But! I do have my theories. Seeing as it explodes and is active without any other organic parts, I assume it to be entirely artificial. Ironic for someone who claims to be sooo smart.
The first theory is that he has replicas in the basement. This would explain why he's able to appear with one so quickly after each defeat.
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The second is that the brains are produced and can be bought easily. Therefore, whenever his tantrums outbursts happen, he buys new ones... or maybe it's covered by C.O.G.S insurance. Would that classify as a medical issue or a mechanical issue?
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Of course, this ties into the first theory. He stockpiles them.
My last theory is, um, less logical. But still possible, I assure you!
The brain regenerates on its own. Do you ever notice how the glass doesn't crack or break? An explosion that close to glass would surely have some effect. So maybe it's built to be withstand-able and is catered specifically to that brand of brain.
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But then the real question would be what is the brain made out of?
I'm too busy for this sort of never-ending hypothetical! Perhaps some smart and skilled toons could find out and report back?
What is certain though is that Brian's a giant pest. Now if you excuse me, I have some papers to recycle.
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bijouxcarys · 6 months
Queen's Hot Space Era: A Deep Dive
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I’ve been thinking over this album and era more than usual lately, and decided that I’d write this up. Perhaps as a way to extricate all the Queen knowledge from my head, and the era in question takes up quite a lot of RAM.
The Hot Space album, and era, is very controversial and to this day garners a polarising set of opinions amongst fans and critics alike. So I just thought what the hell, let’s let everyone know what the hell was going on with Queen in the early 80s.
The Hot Space album was the 10th studio album by Queen and was released on the 21st May 1982. It had elements of disco, funk, R&B, dance, and pop, which was very different to what Queen had been doing throughout previous albums. The dance elements of this album was supposedly inspired by the success of Another One Bites The Dust, released in 1980.
Another One Bites The Dust was extremely successful in the US and the UK, the two largest marketing countries in the Western world, at least at the time—and Queen aimed to prolong that success.
The band started recording for Hot Space in June of 1981, and spent a gruelling 10 months on the project before wrapping up the production element in March of 1982. Upon its release, fans and critics found it disappointing. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of Allmusic said “the band that once proudly proclaimed not to use synthesisers on their albums now dramatically reversed course, dedicating the entire first side of the album to robotic, new wave dance pop, all driven by drum machines and coloured by keyboards with Brian May’s guitar coming in as flavour only on occasion.”
The fourth track on Hot Space, Body Language, has been dubbed the worst song in Queen’s discography by fans, and the whole album received no more than a 3-star rating overall.
Rolling Stone gave them a 3-star, whilst the Encyclopedia of Popular Music gave a 1-star… Yikes.
Hot Space is one of the more obscure Queen albums to those who are not currently, or have ever been, active within the fandom. So we’re going to break it down a little bit, and let’s just talk about the background and context of what the hell was going on with them.
So in 1981, Queen recorded Under Pressure with David Bowie, and it’s still considered one of Queen’s staple and most popular songs. It was recorded in Montreux, and was a completely separate project to Hot Space. The band had met up with Bowie and jammed together for a while, just to see if they could come up with something to lay down and master. Of course, as most people know, bassist John Deacon came up with the iconic Under Pressure bass riff, just before they all went out to get some pizza. And by the time they’d returned to the studio, he’d forgotten it! But luckily drummer Roger Taylor remembered it.
Now, this was the first time Queen weren’t working alone; they were used to working only with their producers, never having had anyone else’s input. The two artists merged as one for the song and it pointed in the direction of a potential new road for Queen—it was looking like an exciting one.
But what went wrong during the recording of Hot Space?
Brian May recalls that there was a total change of life for all of them. They travelled to Munich and according to Brian, that’s when things started to go downhill.
Let’s talk a little bit about the studio in which they recorded the album in Munich. It was situated in the basement of a hotel, and it was called Musicland Studios. It closed in the 90s due to some road issues, so it’s no longer open. But Brian remembers this place being grim and depressing.
The band’s mental health started to deteriorate after learning some unsettling details about the place. In Brian’s words:
“A lot of people used to jump off the top of the building and kill themselves off that particular building. We didn’t know that until we got there.”
The urge to finish recording grew, and they spent months at the hotel.
The aim was to create an album that focused more on the dance elements of music due to the success of Another One Bites The Dust, as I mentioned before. They seemed to be in luck, as Freddie Mercury’s entourage at the time was concentrated with dance influences in the form of Paul Prenter.
Now, who was Paul Prenter, you ask? If you’ve seen the film, you’ll kind of already know, but here’s a bit more of an in-depth look at him.
Paul Prenter was Freddie Mercury’s personal manager from 1977 to 1986. Despite their professional relationship, the two also engaged in intimate relations, and Prenter had a huge influence over Freddie’s life during the time he worked for him. He held partial responsibility for Freddie’s excessive involvement in drugs, alcohol, and his growing promiscuity. 
Freddie was known to have fired Prenter in 1986, and shortly after it was plastered all over the news. It turns out Paul Prenter had sold personal stories to the press about Freddie… What a dick.
After receiving money from multiple press outlets, he moved back to his hometown of Belfast and spent it all—smart. He then asked Freddie for more money! After all that, he went back and asked him for money! But it’s okay, he did succumb to complications from AIDS a few months before Freddie. So… Freddie got the last laugh, it seemed.
You’re probably wondering what Paul Prenter had to do with Hot Space. After all, he wasn’t part of the band, right?
Well, Freddie’s life was ruled by the New York-inspired gay lifestyle of the 80s, particularly engaging in extreme partying and extreme promiscuity. And at the time, Freddie had suggested to the band that the music on their new album should sound like that of which they’d play in a gay bar, but those words had initially come from Paul Prenter.
It’s said that Prenter despised guitars and relentlessly referred to Brian May as old-fashioned. Roger Taylor recalled that Prenter was a “very bad influence” on the band:
“He was a very, very bad influence upon Freddie, and hence on the band. He very much wanted our music to sound like you just walked in a gay club, and I didn’t.”
The strain and tension became inevitable with the four personalities—and we all know that John, Freddie, Brian, and Roger have massive personalities. Whilst they had always experienced bickering, as most bands do, they now with the added tension, the production of the album isn’t going to go as smoothly.
“Arguments would start off as creative, but slowly became personal.”
Brian recalls that less and less time was spent in the studio and more time was spent arguing.
To put it into perspective about what life was like for the 10 months they spent recording Hot Space in Munich…A regular day recording this album went a little bit like the following:
The entourage recall waking up at 3am, working for hours, having dinner, and then roadies would mix up cocktails and other things would pursue. The band got mixed up in cocaine and various other drugs. Random women, and relentless drinking, and as any sane person will tell you, that is not a good thing.
Roger described it as an exhausting cycle day after day. Imagine doing that for 9 whole months.
Brian remembers them getting into “deep trouble emotionally” in Munich, which possibly explains why their mental states deteriorated.
Now, the Hot Space era didn’t just end when the album came out. Obviously, when an album comes out, you have to do interviews to promote your album and after months and months of bad influences and arguments, the band’s relationship had kind of broken down. Things continued in quite a tense fashion. 
In fact, Freddie was left very unhappy and depressed after Hot Space wrapped up—it lasted a while, and he was completely immersed in places and habits that remained detrimental to his fate. Freddie became passive during interviews and defensive on certain questions concerning anything but current projects.
His attitude during the 1982 press conference in Europe was already standoffish and it was extremely obvious that he didn’t want to be there. The body language of the others, especially Brian, speaks volumes. The mood is low and they all seem exhausted.
Another nationwide interview the band gave in promotion for the album presented the group separated; Freddie was notably disinterested as the others spoke. There was even a moment where Freddie responds to the interviewer’s question with “let’s break up tomorrow” as a joke. But, watching it, you can’t help but feel there’s some truth to his words. Nobody laughed, even Roger looked uncomfortable by it!
One of the more well-known interviews from this era was with Brian and Roger, which displayed multiple moments of awkwardness with them both trying to make jokes and seem like they’re happy with what they’d produced, making up amateur excuses as to why they created something with a different sound. In my opinion, they just didn’t seem very happy. Do we even need to mention the “shut up” from Roger, and then the succeeding comment from Brian about Mack having the best drum sound?
Then, we have the iconic 1984 Freddie interview, where he left viewers stunned with his answers:
“I love my job, but I hate talking to people like you,” “I’m not an artist, I’m just a musical prostitute, my dear.”
The long-term effects of what happened behind the scenes of Hot Space were everlasting and turned the group into four completely different people than they were prior to 1982. 
As I’ve already mentioned, Hot Space wasn’t received well upon its release, and there are still very strong opinions about it today. Brian stated in 2014 that it isn’t the band’s worst album, but the timing of its release was just wrong. As time goes on, more people begin to accept the Hot Space album as just another reason why Queen is one of the most versatile groups of all time, with them branching out into very different styles to what they’d done earlier in their career, like Sheer Heart Attack, News Of The World, etc…
80s culture looked down upon disco and funk, so reception for Hot Space was bound to be less than amazing. However, today, all styles of music are simultaneously celebrated, and people enjoy the album more now than they did 40 years ago.
So in conclusion, recording Hot Space was a difficult period for Queen. It’s horrible to think about your idols going through the kind of thing they did in the early-mid 80s, influenced by not very nice people. But focusing on the album itself, it’s truly not a bad album at all. Granted, the timing of the release wasn’t the best for Queen, but it holds up as a fan favourite today.
If you haven’t heard any of the songs from Hot Space, besides Under Pressure, I highly recommend you check it out. It’s very different to what Queen usually did and I think it’s worth a listen.
Anyway, I’ll leave it at that. Let me know if you liked this little… post, whatever the hell it is, and if I should do more posts like this. I enjoy throwing all my useless knowledge onto a page lol.
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I’ve always wanted to do an alternative version of Entry 80 so this is my excuse to do it >:)
Content Warnings for: Canon Typical Behavior, Guns, Gunshot Wounds, Non-graphic Injuries, Blood-loss Induced Delirium, Hurt/Comfort (of course), and Angst With A Happy Ending (Or at the very least a heavily implied one).
Word Count: Roughly 2.6k
— —
Everything is spiraling out of control. Brian knows that a good chunk of it is his fault. He brought Alex here and could not find the will to kill him, even after all this time. He asked Jay and Tim to come here and now Alex is loose and all of them are in danger.
It lurks around every corner, within every shadow, and Brian isn't safe from it's reach anymore. It's stronger, it feeds off this situation, warping reality to its whims, and it intends for most of them, if not all, to die here. And it very well may succeed.
It’s been haunting Brian the most lately. When it finally leaves Alex’s side, it shadows him, pulling him in all directions and warping him to other planes of existence entirely.
The Ark awaits. It wishes to swallow him whole.
Brian wonders if it’s not a matter of if he will end up there, but rather when. Nonetheless, he fights to escape it, to keep it all together, but deep down, it feels inevitable. Hopeless. Like Brian can no longer control any of their fates, much less his own. He should have killed Alex when he had the chance but even now, even with this bastardization version of him who spits curses and bears his teeth at him, he cannot find it in him to pull the trigger.
Brian remembers—
(“And that’s a wrap!” Alex lowered the camera when the red light stopped blinking. He was sweating a little from the heat, the sun beating down on them relentlessly, but his grin doesn’t waver and the pride in his eyes is genuine. “That was fantastic, Brian! Seriously, if you ever wanted to get into acting, you could pull it off.”
Brian laughed then, rolling his eyes a little. “You’re just saying that— I know I sound cheesy.”
“You’re just following the script.” Alex waved him off. “I’m being serious! You could make it if you really wanted to! Plus,” Alex nudged him playfully, “You’re good looks are a bonus.”
“More flattery, Kralie?”
“I speak only the truth, Thomas.”)
—and he really wishes he could forget. The past doesn’t matter when he’s trying to salvage the present. And yet, it still haunts him, ever present and reminding him of the days he will never get back and the person he can and will never be again.
He has had so many chances to kill Alex Kralie, and the fact that he has been unable to go through with any of them will always haunt him.
Brian stumbles through the rooms of Benedict Hall, static receding from his mind as it finally leaves him alone. He doesn’t know if it’s giving up or merely choosing an easier target but it’s difficult to think about anything but finally getting a moment to rest. He staggers into one of the rooms in the basement, just barely remembering to close the door before he slumps against the wall and feels unconsciousness pull him under.
He doesn’t know how long he’s been running, nor how long he rests for. What he does know is that when he awakens again, there are footsteps nearby and he tenses on instinct.
Brian waits a few beats before managing to get up, unsteady on his feet but pressing forward. He opens the door just a crack to look out at who has joined him and lets out a small huff when he sees it’s just Jay. Someone he can handle— at worst, he might need to get him to back off, but Brian will burn that bridge when it comes.
Jay doesn’t seem to notice him, too busy looking through the rooms and not quite getting to his yet. However, he also doesn’t notice when silent footsteps descend the stairs into the basement, and Brian’s breath hitches when he sees Alex standing at the bottom of the stairs with a gun in his hand.
When Jay does notice, he freezes. Camera in hand, he stares at him and lets out a cautious and almost disbelieving, “Alex?”
Alex raises his gun.
Brian knows his role has always been to stay in the shadows, be cold and calculating, always one step ahead and always doing what is necessary in order to ensure the survival of who is left. He knows that he is the man with the plan, the haunting wraith, and the one who has to maintain control above all else. He knows.
But Alex raises his gun and Jay is just standing there like a deer in headlights and Brian can no longer think.
He acts.
The door is yanked open and Brian throws himself at Jay in an effort to get him out of the way. He succeeds on that front, but the gun still goes off and pain rips through his shoulder and suddenly, they’re both on the ground. Jay scrambles to get Brian off of him, panicked and attempting to ask questions that Brian can’t really hear. Alex is yelling now but Brian can’t tell what he’s saying either.
He just knows one minute, he’s lying on the ground, trembling and unsure if he has the strength to get up again, and the next, there’s hands wrapping around one of his wrists and yanking him somewhere else. Either he’s light or Jay is tapping into some hysterical strength, or a mix of both, because another shot just barely misses him and suddenly, he’s in another room with Jay using his entire body weight to keep the door closed. There’s pounding on the door, more yelling from Alex, and a camera is discarded on the floor.
Brian struggles to keep his consciousness. Everything passes by in a blur and when static rises to his mind, he isn’t terribly surprised. His body goes involuntarily limp, eyes struggling to open at all, and he can feel invisible tendrils beginning to curl around him, claiming him as theirs.
The Ark awaits. They whisper. The Ark has been waiting for you, Brian Thomas. You cannot deny it any longer.
All fight in him starts to drain away. Static builds, numbing him to the point where Brian thinks he’s gone for a moment there.
But then there’s a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him but getting more frantic. Brian lets out a shudder, feeling something tugging him back and urging him not to leave yet. That his work is not finished, that he cannot go into the Ark and feed it, and that he is not the Ark’s to claim.
Someone else has claimed him, needs him, and is not letting it take him. The invisible tendrils (were they ever really there to begin with?) recede, and Brian feels the familiar feeling of being warped somewhere else but the grip on his shoulder only tightens. A cool breeze passes over him, and it is welcomed.
When he falls into unconsciousness, it is with the knowledge that it has not taken him yet, and that he can rest easy for now. The uncertainty of where he is now and what comes next falls away, and it is a problem for when he wakes up.
Consciousness is a hazy thing when he returns. At first, Brian feels nothing at all, but the moment he stirs, pain shoots through his shoulder and he lets out a low and pained hiss.
Ragged breaths escape him. His skin feels cold and clammy and when he cracks open his eyes, his surroundings are blurry. Sunlight hits his face and blinds him, but he can’t move without aggravating his shoulder so he just squints and tries to put his thoughts together. Nothing quite makes sense but the greenery around him tells him he’s outside, though something about what he’s seeing is off. He can’t quite put his finger on it however.
A blurry shape moves closer to him. Brian stiffens, ready for a fight but their hands(?) are raised as if to try and convince him they’re not a threat. It confuses him slightly— definitely not Alex then— and his gaze doesn’t waver from them as they inch closer.
Slowly, a hand is pressed against his forehead as if checking his temperature. Something in him crumbles at the contact and hazily, he leans into it, causing them to freeze for a minute but steadily relaxing.
Something is off but he can’t quite place what.
“Hey uh— can you hear me?” A hesitant voice asks. Brian knows that voice. He blinks lazily, racking his brain for the answer before it hits him.
“Jay?” He manages to slur out. It’s rough on his throat to speak but it almost feels nice to speak at all. To be heard by someone for once.
Jay’s breath hitches a little. “Uh, yeah. It’s me.” He’s awkward and tense. Brian can’t remember why. He can’t really remember why Jay is here at all but his hand moves to keep a steady hand on his uninjured shoulder and it keeps him from drifting. That’s enough for now.
There’s a long pause before Jay hesitantly asks, “Brian? Brian Thomas? It’s you, right?” Like he can’t quite believe it.
Brian blinks a few times at that. It’s been a while since anyone called him that. He can’t remember how long. “Mmhmm.” He hums after a beat. There had been a reason he was hiding his identity at first but he really can’t remember it. Maybe he should stop worrying about what he can and can’t remember. “How’d you know?” He finds himself asking.
“I mean, your face is kinda a dead giveaway?”
Brian pauses at that. Then slowly raises one hand to brush against his face. It finally clicks then, what’s wrong. The cool breeze against his skin, the skin to skin contact, the ability to see clearly without anything blocking his vision— his mask. It’s gone. Jay probably took it off.
That’s probably a problem. Brian is struggling to care right now though.
“Huh.” He says instead. “Guess Brian is out of the bag.” A snicker escapes him at his own joke and he tilts into Jay’s grip more than he intends to.
“Shit.” Jay swears under his breath. “Questions later— you owe me and I have a lot of them— but we need to get out of here and to an actual first aid kit or hospital because I kind of just tore my jacket and used that to tie it off but you still got shot.”
That’s what happened. He knew he was forgetting something.
“Can you stand?” Jay asks. Brian makes a noncommittal noise. Jay grimaces but says, “Well, we don’t really have a choice right now.” And steadily helps him to his feet. Brian hisses when his shoulder is jostled but manages to stay standing with Jay helps. After a second of hesitation, Jay slings one of Brian’s arms around his shoulder and carefully, he leads as they stumble through the woods together.
Brian squints, trying to think. “We’re in Rosswood?” He mumbles.
“I think so. I haven’t really had a lot of time to think about it.” Jay glances at him. Brian stares back, tilting his head. “You— you saved me. Why did you do that?”
Brian frowns. “You were gonna get shot. What was I supposed to do?” The words come out slow but clear enough for Jay to understand. Jay searches his eyes for something. Brian isn’t sure if he found it when he finally looks away.
They walk in silence for a little while. Brian’s eyes glaze over the trees and his eyes flutter a little when he hears the soothing sound of a nearby babbling stream.
“Stay awake.” Jay reminds him. Brian’s eyes open a little wider obediently. He thinks he missed having someone else around him. Someone who made him have to think a little less. Someone to rely on.
“Where are we going?” Brian manages to get out.
Jay stops, staring straight ahead and lost in thought like he just realized that himself. “I… Was going to head to Tim’s house. I don’t have anywhere else to go but,” his gaze drops, “I don’t know how welcoming he’ll be.”
“‘s Tim.” Brian points out, trying to blink the sleepiness out of his eyes. “He’s not gonna kick you out if you don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“Maybe.” Jay pauses. He then uses his free hand to fumble for his pockets. “I should— call him first maybe?”
Brian nods, leaning against his shoulder. “Probably.”
Jay scrolls to Tim's contact on his phone. He stares at it. Keeps staring at it. Doesn’t stop.
“You’re not calling.” Brian points out.
Jay grips the phone a little tighter. “I’m still kinda pissed.” He admits, hissing through his teeth. “Why did he lie? Why didn’t— why didn’t he trust me?” His furious gaze turns to Brian, bitterness seeping out into his voice. “Why didn’t you trust me? What was with the code bullshit, why— why did everyone else know what was going on and all of you collectively decided to leave me in the dark?”
Brian thinks of scrambled thoughts, beyond what he’s experiencing even now. Codes upon codes upon codes, masking what needed to be said. He needed to hide his messages— too many eyes were watching, never alone, always watches, can’t trust anyone but desperately needing to at the same time— like a cycle. One that repeats over and over and over and over and—
And he needs to break out of it. Because it spirals his thoughts and has him self sabotaging himself like a snake devouring its own tail until there’s nothing left, is there anything left, how much of you is really left—
“I didn’t want you to make the same mistakes as me.” Brian says slowly, feeling out the words as best as he can. “But I don’t think I did a very good job of that, did I?”
The angry look is gone now, replaced by a guarded one, but almost… Hopeful, he thinks. Like Jay doesn’t think it’s going to immediately crash and burn.
“I’m sorry.” Brian finds himself saying. “For… A lot of things.”
Jay doesn’t say anything. His gaze drops to his phone and after another beat, he presses the call button and brings it up to his ear.
Tim picks up on the third ring. “Jay?” Brian can hear him well enough, being in close proximity and all. He sounds hesitant, almost disbelieving.
Jay swallows before speaking. “Tim. We need to talk.”
Tim pauses for a long moment. “Is this gonna be like the last ‘talk’?” He sounds almost weary but there’s something else there. A wall he’s put up.
“No, I—” Jay lets out a breath, “It’s important. Alex almost—”
“—shot you.” Tim finishes. “I found your camera. I wasn’t sure what the hell happened or if— if you really got out or not but… You should know I’m glad you’re alive, alright?”
“Thanks.” Jay’s gaze flickers to the ground. “I’m not looking to fight but we really need to talk. All of us.”
“You, me, and— and the Hooded Guy.”
“The— he’s with you?” Tim’s voice raises an octave higher.
“Long story. He’s kinda the reason I didn’t get shot but he got shot instead and he needs medical attention. I did what I could but— he lost a lot of blood, Tim. He’s barely standing.”
“‘m fine.” Brian insists.
“You’re delirious— look, Tim, we’re in Rosswood right now. It took us here but— can we meet you back at your place? It's better to do this in person.”
“That’s a long walk. I’ll pick you up— meet me at the parking lot, alright?”
Jay agrees and hangs up soon after. They take off again, now with a new purpose, and the rest of the walk is uneventful.
Tim is just pulling up when they finally get there. He takes one look at Brian and his mouth drops open. Jay tells him to focus on the more important matter and they lay him down in the back of the car to rest. Brian feels sleep dragging him down and finds it hard to resist.
Tim and Jay’s voices wash over him. All tension bleeds out of him and Brian finally sleeps, trusting that they’ll make sure he wakes up again.
— —
Listen. LISTEN. I wanted Jay taking care of a half delirious Hoody!Brian so I know he’s a little more relaxed than he should be but bloodloss and suddenly being in contact with somebody after all that isolation are some powerful drugs. I’m being indulgent, as a treat.
Hope this satisfies your Hurt/Comfort Brian desires, feel free to send more writing requests if you want! I might put this on AO3 too but unsure yet! Anyways, hope you enjoyed and thank you very much for the request!!
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sins-slender-mansion · 6 months
Entry 0: Slenderman and the Mansion
It has come to my attention that the man himself, the big boss, the operator, the most evil creature alive, has not been properly observed and detailed since [redacted] . As a result I have brought it upon myself to make a detailed entry on his existence, to warn others of him and hopefully deter them from seeking him out in the near future.
Slenderman Status: Alive Age: Unknown Species: Unknown Danger: Lethal, DO NOT APPROACH Appearance: A very tall, thin humanoid creature, capping at about 14 feet, with a featureless white face. It appears to be wearing a tuxedo but that may just be the way his skin patterns appear. It grows tentacles when angered or threatened. The creature seems to be as old as evil itself. It can manipulate people by breaking into their minds and planting fearful ideas in their brains. You know that it is nearby due to the static it emits, and sometimes it can even mess with depth perception and cause other visual problems. If you are ever left alone with this creature, you should stay quiet, avoid 'eye' contact, and appear as small and as meek as possible. It hates when people talk back, and is not above torturing someone simply for getting on his nerves. Its origin is unknown, however its purpose is. It exists purely to destroy the creature known as ZALGO. Slenderman exists to build an army to destroy Zalgo once and for all. It will go through as many proxies, as many killers, as many soldiers as it takes to build the proper army to take down Zalgo. It is unknown what happens after Zalgo is defeated. For now though, all that matters to Slenderman is that it gathers as many weapons as it can. End entry 0
Entry 0.5 04/03/2024
The Slender Mansion (Wisconsin Location) Status: Slightly damaged, still standing Age: Unknown Species: N/A Danger: Safe Appearance: A very large mid century gothic mansion built in the middle of a massive clearing found deep in the mid Wisconsin forests. It is huge, meant to house upwards of 25 people at a time. The interior seems to change and twist but that could be the effects of its inhabitants. If you stumble onto this mansion, give up. You can't leave now, they already know you're there. The interior, usually, consists of 3 floors, a basement, and an attic. The bottom floor holds the kitchen, living room, den, and library, as well as two small emergency medical rooms. There are three bathrooms, usually used for post mission clean up. The middle floor holds most of the bedrooms that the residents reside in, as well as two full bathrooms, one on each side of the floor. The top floor holds Slenderman's quarters, Tim, Brian, and Kate's rooms, as well as 'the safe', where all guest data and files are stored. The bedrooms on this floor have their own attached bathrooms as full closets. The basement is where hazing and body storage is, as well as emergency resources. The attic is for extra storage and extra guest facilities. The mansion, or manor, or house, depending on who you ask, did not exist until Slenderman needed it. It was built under mysterious circumstances by an unknown crew, and there are 6 others just like it scattered across the country, but remain unoccupied at the moment. They are used as emergency escape routes, and nothing more. A backdoor in case someone contacts authorities. The Wisconsin Slender Manor, its technical name, has a barrier created by Slenderman that protects the house and residents from outside authoritative forces. It's like a blank mind field. Once someone who is not connected to the Project enters and exits, they do not remember what happened in the time they were there. However, once that field is left, if something happens outside of the property, it can be recorded and identified by police. This mansion is extremely important to the Project, as it houses the man himself and all his little minions. Use EXTREME caution when going anywhere near its location. End Entry 0.5
"And it was I that brought you here, but it was you who chose to stay."
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blazeismyname · 5 months
Hey. Um.
Brian wakes up one morning. He looks into his arms, his warm embrace holding Jonny. But Jonny is not warm. He's cold. Unmoving. "Jonny?" Brian whispers, feeling his human heart skip uneasily. "Jonny..." He looks into the face of Jonny, soft and still. Jonny had passed the most peaceful death: In his loves arms while asleep. And Brian's heart aches and wobbles, and his lip trembles. He lifts the body out and calls down the hall quietly. "Mama... Mama, you'll want to... want to see this"
Carmilla, of course, comes to her son's side quickly. "Darling- is that-?"" "Jonny.. he's dead. " Carmilla tears up. She's just as uneasy as she leads her son and her son-in-law (assuming Brian and Jonny get married) to the basement. Carmilla hadn't needed anyone to know so soon, but she had coffins ready after what had happened with the royal throuple. "It's for both of you. When your time comes, you lay with him." Carmilla explains that gently, laying Jonny into the coffin. "May I hold him in death? May his body forever lay in the arms of my body? I must know Mama." Carmilla nods. "Whatever you wish, my darling. I'm sure he would've wanted to be lost in your warm metal arms for eternity anyway.'
Brian will not live to see the next sunrise. His heart is pained so deeply now that his love has passed. He, too, dies in his sleep, and everyone in the castle knew when he wasn't downstairs, humming to himself over breakfast at his normal time. This is even more painful for Carmilla, and she can not carry the dead body of Brian for a second time. Tim, Bertie, Lyf, Raph, and Ashes opt to carry his heavy metal body to the coffin, even in their old ages. He's placed under Jonny, arms gently wrapped around. Carmilla sobs quietly, as does everyone as the two prince, the two lovers are laid to rest in their deep dirt grave.
Maybe they had children? Adopted or somehow biological (we know Carmilla and Raph could probably do that when put to it). They just lost their only parent in less than a day... (This one depends on whether we feel it's in character and that they should have kids)
Anyway, happy birthday to me :)
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lemonfairy-yearns · 17 days
BrnPrThnkr LOGs: 22-30 BCFB LOGs: 70-77
an intersected real time compilation. each employee wrote these logs themselves and are marked with an emoji. which is which should be evident.
🧠: He looked at me with those big sad eyes again. He wasn't trying to get anything from me. It looked more like pity. I can't stand it. He shouldn't pity me. I am the best there is. I am the smartest. I'm …. Good.
🐰: I saw him again today. I bet if I'm careful no one will see me go into the schoolhouse basement. I just have to time it right. If anyone asks, that's just where a book I like is kept. Cog, if he only knew. I mean, I told him… but I don't think he believes me. I don't blame him. If he came into my house and brought a bunch of friends to beat me up I wouldn't like him much either. Maybe I should just give up. It's not like there aren't other people who'd love me more. Love. What a Freakish word for it. I don't have a better one.
🧠: why can't I just tell him to stop coming back here? If I didn't see him so often my judgement wouldn't be so clouded so frequently. He'll give up soon I suppose. Everyone else has. It's a matter of time. I can wait out his foolishness.
🐰: I need to stop shaking. Everyone already thinks something is wrong with me… why is loving others so scary? Why can't I just go back to before I cared about everything???     That's miserable.. I'm not doing that. I should just go grab a book. I don't have to stay and visit, I'll just go get it from the schoolhouse. He won't even see me.
🧠: he came down for that entomology book. I found it for him and he… didn't linger like usual. If he comes back I'm going to tell him where to buy a copy. No. I'll give him one. No, that's weird. Avoiding it is weird. Everything I can do in this situation is too weird. I can't just not talk, that's impossible. He didn't say goodbye. That's weird. He's weird. Why do I mi…… no not going to say that…. I'll get back to this later.
🐰: Mildew taught me how to steer the ship today. It's harder than it looks. Rhubarb said I did a good job. Then they joked about boatfulls of Bagholders. I wonder if they’d still run them into the shoreline if they knew his name was Rodger and his favorite food is SteelBerry Pancakes. But maybe I wouldn't actually care because he's a jerk who revels in making little toons cry and also cheats at Rummy. I need to go look up some definitions for words. 
🧠: I'm going to call him. I just… won't freak out if he doesn't answer. He might be busy. He might not want to. Nope, not calling actually, strike that. I should do something. I feel myself boiling over. I think stranger, less rational things. Like if I was in trouble, would he come save me? And if he did, would it just be part of his usual work of keeping his coworkers in working condition? It probably would. He's a good person, he'd do it for any of us. I can't keep spending my time dreaming nonsensical things like this.
🐰: I was asked to look through some recent disciplinary files. I should visit Brian. I'll bring something. And not just the book I have to return. 
🐰: I bet he'd like sugar water… No, that's dumb. Stupid Bex… I'll just grab some… nothing coming to me. Stuuupid…
🧠: I can't track him but I found a bug book he hasn't quizzed me on yet, that'll have to do. He can keep this one. I don't care what that moron Pete says.
🐰: He’ll probably hate it. I don't know. I just think he can do cool stuff with it if he wants. He's good with delicate materials like this. Ok someone's asking for help Fighting him. I don't think I can do this. Ok I'm going in with them. They're strangers, maybe it'll be less weird.
🧠: he's behind a group of other toons. Of course he was planning an attack. I'll show them.
🐰: everyone else is greened. But the desk jockeys stopped attacking. Maybe I can explain.
🧠: why is he crying. Don't do that. Don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that- the following is a conversation recorded by my staff, desk jockeys 3, 4, and 5. if this leaks, no it didn't.
[BFCB] Im sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't want to fight I didn't mean to bring them here-
[BrnPrThnkr] why DID you come here then?
[BFCB] I just wanted to give you something nice because I was reading records today and I don't know I just wanted you to have a nice thing because people keep taking away your things and it's not fair and I couldn't bear it but maybeyoucanandIlooklikeI'mbeingcondescending but Idon'tmeanto and I want to be nice even though that makes me stupid like a real toon and-
[BrnPrThnkr] ok. Slow down…. please. Look at me. What did you read about me?
[BFCB] you only have 2 infractions. They were projects you didn't get to finish. They took them away before you could refine them. It's not fair.
[BrnPrThnkr] so you… know. About. Buck.
[BFCB] they won't let you fix him. Which sucks because he won't let me fix him. He misses you. He won't say it, but I think he'd let someone repair his head if the someone was you. I don't count. I'm not permanent like a cog. Or real like a toon. I can't even be a good repairman. I'm not anything.
[BrnPrThnkr] you're everything.
[BFCB] ….. I …what…
[BrnPrThnkr] UHHH I didn't mean to say that!!! Ignore that !!!
[BFCB] oh. sorry….
[BrnPrThnkr] WAIT- … I JUST. Ne-e-eed to get my w-rds right. I'm not done. Don-n't…
[BFCB] I still need... to give you this.
[BrnPrThnkr] …. Origami paper. How did yo-ou know I needed th-s?
[BFCB] I just thought because you're good with your hands.. you could make something. Something no one could take away…
[BrnPrThnkr] you meant i-it didn't you. When you said you … l-ved me-e….. I-I'm so-o-rry I don't usu-lly cut o-t like thi-is.
[BFCB] I did mean it. I do. I don't know if it was fair. Just leaving you with it sounding like a joke. It's stressing you out isn't it? 
[BrnPrThnkr] no-o-o it's f-ne I just need to get my-elf in or-r-rder. One mom-nt
about 9 seconds pass.
[BrnPrThnkr] see? Good as new. And look. 
[BFCB] an arachnid book!
[BrnPrThnkr] I was ready for you to come over. I… don't mind having you here … sometimes. I know your work has you here as one of them. It's annoying, but I don't judge you for it because it's not your fault. When it's just …. Us …it's. Not bad. Pleasant, even. 
[BFCB] you're too wonderful, you know that?
[BrnPrThnkr] no, I think I'm just the right amount wonderful actually. 
[BFCB] so you'll believe me now? That I love you?
[BrnPrThnkr] how do you say that so easily? It doesn't gunk up your circuits at all.
[BFCB] it's easy because I mean it.
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magentagalaxies · 11 months
Kids in the Archive: Episode 2
the long-awaited follow up to my kids in the archive series, where i highlight the original scripts i have uncovered from iconic kids in the hall sketches and showcase the changes between script and screen.
Previous Episodes: Episode 1 - armada finale ("do we make it?")
today we're traveling all the way back to S1E8 for the classic Fran & Gordon sketch The Vacation.
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fran & gordon, and the entire wilson family for that matter, have always been some of my favorite recurring characters mostly because Fran is my own mother's favorite KITH character. even before I started watching the show myself, I remember her quoting the "salty ham" sketch to me as a kid, and since kids in the hall has become such a part of our lives she often compares herself to fran with her own quaint mom mannerisms. my personal favorite fran & gordon sketch is the one where their son gets caught trying to steal gordon's wallet in the middle of the night, though i loved their reappearance in the revival season too.
The Opening
this sketch is fairly faithful to its script in the opening, with the only major difference being fran's outfit in the description. this is understandable, as the outfit in the sketch still captures a similar vibe and contrasts nicely with the orange-and-yellow color scheme of the kitchen itself. otherwise, only small phrases are substituted likely for pacing.
The Extra Wilson Family Lore
the only major deviation between these two versions of the sketch is a page of dialogue between fran and gordon which takes place before it's revealed brian didn't come home the previous night
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once again, i can assume this exchange was cut for the purpose of pacing since the sketch is already on the longer end of kith scenes, and while there aren't any jokes i'm devastated to have missed, i do love how all of this added info is so in-character that of course this is something else they'd have in mind preparing for their vacation. however, the addition of this page does modify our understanding of fran's behavior: in the show version, her obsessive checking of the stove seems to be a coping mechanism consciously made so she can wait to see if brian walks in before she leaves. in the script, though, she doesn't remember this fact until gordon mentions her son directly. this implies that while the stove behavior was still motivated by brian, it was likely subconscious, or perhaps she is like this every time she travels.
The Ending
unlike our previous entry, this script does not include an extra ending beat, and instead ends a beat earlier with this line:
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however, that might not be the case. most scripts i've found have the word "(FADE)" after the last line signifying the sketch is done, and this page instead ends with the stage direction above. it's entirely possible there's a page of this script i do not have in my possession, but for now this script does not include the final punchline of gordon's schedule having alotted time for a family blowout.
overall, this is one of the more faithful script-to-screen adaptations in my kith collection, likely because it was a table read script, while the armada script was a rough draft. while i was in toronto last time, bruce taught me that there was a different font and formatting used depending on which stage of development a script was in, with rough drafts, table read scripts, and shooting scripts all present. this script was at a stage where the writer(s) would be sharing it with the rest of the troupe, but other jokes could still easily be slotted in. my favorite jokes of this sketch, "why don't you just cut out my heart and put it in the bird feeder!" and "well, if you do get drunk, do it in the basement so you won't fall down the stairs" are nowhere to be found, but the general structure is as sturdy as the wilson family matriarch
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skeeverboy · 7 months
hi i'm skeeverboy and here's my review of every tfb album (not including singles or eps but maybe i will at some point)
I Hate My Friends (2008)
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despite being their first and least finished albums, it is one of my fav albums of all time. it's unique and definitely not for everyone, but the garage/basement sound and unique vocals are so charming. it has this whole immature feeling in both instrumentation and lyrics that i'm just obsessed with. i really like the background vocals and the entire shouty kind of singing this one has.
fav track: push-ups
rating: 9.5/10
My Grandma Vs. Pneumonia (2009)
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very similar in sound and vibe to IHMF, with the same acoustic recorded-in-someone's-basement feeling (this is because both albums were in fact recorded in random basements and garages). it feels a little more finished than IHMF, and the songs have a bit of a different vibe that i don't know how to explain. ultimately though i put it in the same category as IHMF and frequently forget which songs are in which albums.
fav track: the bass is too loud
rating: 9/10
The Front Bottoms (2011)
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absolutely amazing album. it has all the charm of the first 2, with significantly more development and more of a finished feeling. it starts off with an amazing first track and there's really not a dud on this album at all. both versions of the cover art are beautiful. the lyrics in this album are just like some of my favorite of all time and often times soul crushing. i love it. enough said.
fav track: looking like you just woke up
rating: 10/10
Talon of the Hawk (2013)
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another absolute banger. it has a lot of the same vibes as self titled, though it started getting a lot higher energy. while still angsty and gut-punching, it's also a lot easier to jam out to than their self-titled, with more electric guitar featured and absolutely banger choruses. maybe a little bit overrated, but a great album nonetheless.
fav track: santa monica
rating: 9/10
Back On Top (2015)
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another one of my favorites. it's nearly completely abandoned the more acoustic feeling, aside from chunks of songs like the beginning of West Virginia. pretty much every song can be either cried to or rocked out to in the car. even though there is one song on this album that i kind of hate (summer shandy) the rest of them more than make up for it. fun electric guitar parts, the epic wind section in 2YL, the hard hitting lyrics in songs like Plastic Flowers, it's all just amazing.
fav track: ginger
rating: 10/10
Going Grey (2017)
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everyone hates me for my opinion on this album but ultimately it's just kind of meh for me. it's not bad, but it's my least favorite TFB album. the entire sound of the album isn't my favorite, and at times the vocals feel a little dull, which i mean the vocals are like the number one reason why i love the front bottoms. some of the lyrics leave something to be desired, especially considering past songs.
i don't hate the album though. it's high energy, really transitioned TFB into IS&IF and YAWYHOW smoothly. it has a lot of good songs while remaining pretty true to the core TFB sound.
fav track: trampoline
rating: 7.5/10 (don't crucify me please)
In Sickness & In Flames (2020)
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ok on my tier list i admit i ranked this one way too low. it pushed the band into a new direction, with the autotune and the way more developed and finished sounding instrumentals. pretty much every song is high energy and catchy. it strays way more into the pop side of tfb's pop punk/emo sound, which is fine but not exactly my thing. i think they do it in a really graceful way though and most songs on here are bangers
fav track: bus beat
rating: 8/10
You Are Who You Hang Out With (2023)
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this one is significant for me because it was their first full-length album they released while i was actively a huge fan. it was exciting and i heard a few of the songs before the album's release live, so i'm definitely biased in this one. the autotune is a little weird, but it works for me. the mix between brian's unique voice and the autotune and just the general sound of it are really good.
i'll admit it did take me a minute for it to grow on me, especially as an early tfb girlie, but grow on me it did. outlook and batman both feel like really nice tie-backs to the older sound, almost sounding like they're from TOTH or back on top?? and the newer, weirder songs (i'm looking at you Paris) work really well with the sound of album and such.
fav track: batman
rating: 9.5/10
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endlesstwanted · 8 months
I Can’t Like That
My entry for @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt #238 — take my hand & the @febuwhump’s day 1 prompt — helpless, read under the cut. You can find it on Ao3 here.
Fandom: Chicago Fire
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairing: Joe Cruz & Brian "Otis" Zvonecek
Tags: Canon Compliant, Emotional Hurt, Implied Canon Character Death
Summary: Joe waits, helpless, for his best friend to leave.
Wordcount: 570
Also filling the prompts: @seasonaldelightsbingo — “I’d rather it be me than you.” / @fnafbingo — “There is room for one more.” / @lyricalescape — “And you can’t save me.” / @multifandom-flash, round 2 card #2003 — “It’s alright, you could never hurt me. I just feel you.” + Awesomeness Is a Force
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Joe has learned from a young age that making good things would eventually bring good things to his life. He considers himself to be a good man, or at least most of the time he tries to be one, staying loyal to the beliefs that raised him and aiming to be pure of soul.
But Brian has been a good man all his life. Not only has he the most pure of hearts, but he’s been the kindest, more selfish and trustworthy person Joe has been blessed with meeting. Honest with every action on his back, and every word he’s shared. He’s been a huge support not just for Joe, but for a lot of people. Brian has saved lives.
He saved Joe’s. Even in the times when he wasn’t someone good to have around, in the time where Joe had met dark routes and taken decisions that were sometimes hard to live with, Otis has always been good to him.
The best of men.
That’s why Joe doesn’t understand how they have gotten here. Now, the chance to have it all paid back to his friend is only a dream. All the good that Otis has given to the world, everything that he has done for their town as a firefighter, it can’t get back to him.
Somehow any of this seems to matter now that Joe stands next to his friend, still unconscious on the hospital bed, because this is another day in his life in which Otis has chosen to be good.
He wants to reach out to take Otis’ hand. He wants to take it, and squeeze it hard, and change himself for his best friend because he knows Otis’ closer to heaven than to Earth.
But they told him not to touch him. And Joe doesn’t want him to be in more pain, so he doesn’t.
He doesn’t take his hand, but he wishes he would have been with Otis and took his hand in the fire, bringing him along instead of letting fate leave him behind. If they were together, if they’d been running away from the flames side by side, Joe would have never let Otis give his life to save everybody in the basement. The factory’ workers. Their family. Joe himself.
He would have taken his hand and dragged him inside the room. They would have closed the door, together, and they would be taking Sylvie’s and her broken arm back home by now.
Yet, Joe can’t give himself the chance to think of the what if’s. Of what they would do when Otis got out of the hospital, of how they would help Sylvie organise her wedding before she moved away, of how Otis would tell Lily the story about this fire with some joke in between because that would be the only way he would be able to talk about this day.
Joe supposes he’ll never be able to do it himself, as the day he’ll lose his best friend is meant to become the worst day of his life. And right now, he can’t take the sound out of his head. Joe’s afraid the last thing he’ll ever hear from Otis is the SOS signal of his suit.
That can’t be the only thing left of the man that had been so much for him. But if it is, he hopes someone’s taking Otis’ hand from the other side.
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fr3akzzzzz · 3 days
more more more about my oc and creepypasta
- She has Slenderman cards in her room (She just found it in Tim's basement and decided to take it.)
- When she had, so to speak, "drowsy attacks" and she didn't even manage to enter the residence, she simply fell asleep in front of the door. Only in the morning, when Jeff was leaving the front door, he did notice that Mara was sleeping. (he laughed about it for a good month)
- What is she doing at Tim's house besides annoying him? She sometimes cleans when he is not at home, sometimes goes shopping when she sees that his fridge is almost empty.
- How did she even come to see Brian?... ,,You have to find us, you have to take care of this guy [...]"
- If she rarely appears at the residence, why is she needed there at all? She took part in the final fight between Slendermanen and his people and Zalgo. She made a contract with Slenderman (man, I don't know how this mannequin could not kill her and make a contract with her)
- Smells like mint chocolate
- She doesn't speak often when someone is talking just because she tries to understand what they are saying (English is not the language she was raised with)
- Why are the elf's ears sewn together? She was in a rather unpleasant place where she was given the title Project M. She also has a scar from a severe burn on her back.
- her hair is actually much shorter, she just has a wig that she always wears. (but she still has her dyed blonde hair under the wig)
- Brian appears most often in her dreams, less often when she is awake
- Mara is smart enough that when she goes to the forest or at least on some "mission" she dresses in such a way that it is not visible who she is, just an ordinary passer-by or she's camouflaging herself.
- Because she wanted to be a psychologist, she has a lot of psychology books in her small library (unfortunately, she doesn't read them very often anymore), she also has adventure and fantasy books. The rest are linguistic repetitions
I will try to post something here every day, but I have no idea how it will be because of school :((
I sincerely apologize for any spelling mistakes!
If there are any questions about my OC, feel free to ask!
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gaybananabread · 2 years
If it’s ok for request Lers willow and Gus lee hunter? He’s acting strange because of he’s fear of them finding out about his secret so they try and cheer him up
Sure! Hunter is the fandom's baby, and nobody's gonna argue with me. I'm sorry this took so long, my brian didn't want to work with school.
Lee: Hunter
Ler: Willow, Gus
Summary: Hunter's worried about the others finding out about his secret. Willow and Gus have a way to cheer him up. (angsty at the start, cuz why not)
Warnings: Owl House spoilers! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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He was walking. It looked like the forest, but darker. Shadows lept at him, ominous and evil-like lights flashed in the darkness, convulsing under the moonlight. A loud groan broke through the trees, sending a shiver down he spine. Now he was running.
To where, he didn't know. He had this overwhelming sense of fear, driving him to go faster and faster with every step. His heart hammered in chest, nearly downing out the loud, angry groans from the trees. Nearly.
He had wound up in a clearing, eerie and desolate. There was nowhere to go, the treeline far to thick for navigating. A loud SNAP echoed just a few feet behind him. When he whipped his head around, all he saw was the jaws of Belos, his rotten nub-teeth and thick blue veins.
Hunter woke up screaming. It had been like this almost every night, one Belos nightmare after another. That night's, however, had been the worst yet. He hugged himself and curled into a ball, fighting back tears. Gus was upstairs already, and they had sound-proofed the basement for musical reasons.
He just sat, rocking himself and trying to calm down. He tried to be positive. He was fine, Belos was dead, and nobody was going to get hurt because of him.
'Again ' a voice whispered. It wasn't wrong, either. He had tried to hurt Luz multiple times, kidnapped and almost forcefully covened the whole Flier Derby team, and helped cause the Day of Unity.
'You're a monster. They're all going to hate you once they know. Know that you're just a bag of dead bones and magic, know what you've done, what you've helped create. FREAK!'
Finally, the dam broke. He cried, sobbing into his pillow. He let it all out, tears pouring out of him, along with all the thoughts that caused them. Hunter believed every word of it, just crying and feeling horrible.
When he calmed down enough to stop the tears, he went into the bathroom. Perring into the mirror,, He saw how puffy his eyes were, the bags under his eyes deeper than usual. Hunter tried his best to clean up, drying his eyes and washing his face. It helped a bit, but didn't do much.
He fussed with his hair, trying to look presentable. He was still getting used to his new look, struggling to comb out the knots. Hunter made his bed, cleaned up, and changed his clothes. When he was ready to actually head upstairs, he looked normal, save for the deeper bags. He would have to manage.
In the kitchen, he was greeted by friendly "good morning"s and "hey sleepy head"s. Mrs. Noceda had made pancakes and sausage. She slid him a plate of some; he nodded, thanking her. He poked at his food, only nibbling a small piece of the fluffy disk. Willow and Gus noticed, shooting eachother the friend-is-sad-mission face.
Once breakfast was over, Hunter lumbered into the living room, plopping down on the couch. He laid down, getting comfy. He was going to nap, but a pair of shadows loomed over him. Opening his eyes, Hunter saw the smiling, yet concerned faces of Willow and Gus.
"Hey, Hunter. Watcha doing?" He sighed, closing his eyes again. "Taking a nap. I'm tired." Gus creased his brows, confused. "But you were in your room 'til 12!" They took a good look at his face, noticing the extra deep eye bags. It was clear he hadn't been sleeping. Hunter just turned away from them. "Still tired. Afternoon."
They were not taking that for an answer. "Come on, buddy! Cheer up!" Gus poked him in his belly, trying to get a response out of him. What he didn't expect was the squeak he got in return. Hunter whipped around, eyes wide and defensive. Gus was smirking, same with Willow. The distance between them now seemed nonexistent.
"Wait, guys, don't!" His plea fell on deaf ears, the pair already trying to pin him down. Hunter kicked and squirmed, but he was outnumbered in energy and hands. In seconds, his arms were above his head, Gus on his waist. A pair of hands started clawing at his belly.
"Gahahaha! Noho!" His sleepy giggles were soft and sweet. Both his friends just had to hear more. "You know, I think Hunter's a bit stressed. What do you think Willow?" She hummed, mock thinking. "Yeah, you're right! Maybe tickling him will help! He seems a lot happier when he's not brooding!"
"Ihihi'm rihight here!" He couldn't belive them! They were talking like he wasn't in the room! "Oh yeah! Hey Hunter, is this helping? We wanna know how you feel." The tickling slowed down, but didn't stop.
Now his face was bright red. To be honest, he did enjoy it. It took his mind off of things, and it made him feel happier. Not that he would ever say any of that out loud. "Maybehe."
That was all they needed. Willow fluttered her hands at his neck, while Gus went to work on his ribs. "GUHUHUHUYS! AHAHAHA!" Hunter was nice and awake now. His laughter was squeaky and loud, filling the room.
While he was there, squirming and thrashing on the couch, he only thought one thing:
I love this house
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bellqmione · 1 month
holloway i just slept for like 18 hours how did i do that. i
had a dream that the musical apocolypse was happening like in guy and i was with emma. and i saw zoey and she was watching black friday and emma was like "yeah shes a starkid fan". and there was some scene where rm ethan and brian rosenthal as. someone? had someone tied up in a basement.
then for some reason i was with my mom and i was trying to think of the most painless way to kms (still bc of the apocalypse) but i think i woke up (enough to stop dreaming, not fully) before i ever did anything
also uh. good morning. when you see this
thats. literally their new musical
hiii hiiiiiiii sorry its 5 am rn im not ready to. Answer properly
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