develop-your-oc · 1 year
I was so sure I had seen you answer an ask from someone about what to do have a visual of their OCs. you(?) recommended character and avatar creators and also said something about a community of artists offering to draw people's OCs for free but that there is a longer wait. I wanted to find the answered ask again. was it you that answered that ask or am I getting things mixed up? If it wasnt you, sorry. Either way, I hope you have a good day! :D
You may be thinking of the how to page! It hadn't been updated since 2019, so I did a few touch ups, but it could use an overhaul. And it should actually, honestly, 100% be a post and not a page. As for an answer, the closest thing I could find was this ask with tips on how to get started with OCs and such. (It's from 2018... I wonder how many OCs this person has now?)
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ailesswhumptober · 9 months
hi! :D I have a question regarding one of the prompts. I'm not sure what "stress position" means. is it about a position that puts strain or stress on the body? I hope you have a good day :))
yep, that's basically it! You got it! It's a position that puts a lot of strain on the body, usually on one specific part over the others, but it's up to the position and you! I hope you also have a good day ^^
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pinktrashgoblin · 6 months
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Getting into the holiday spirit! Lycan’s got some awful advice to share with y’all ^^
Also, decided to pay a little homage to the comics that inspired me to start BM in the first place! Y’all inspired BM’s creation, so huge thanks to @afrothunderxx96 , @deltaqi , VineBunny, RaisaDrawz and SoulOfZurvan! The last three don’t have tumblr as far as I’m aware, but you can find em over on DeviantArt, I HIGHLY recommend reading their comics if you haven’t already! It’s the season of giving, after all, so I’m giving thanks for what y’all gave to me ^^
So yeah, now that I’m done being sappy, this was a lot of fun to do! I’m trying to make some more mini comics like y’all wanted, so here’s my little trial run.
Not all of them will be silly and goofy, some are gonna be more lore-oriented, but I will make them, even if they aren’t as high quality as the official pages.
Maybe give me some recommendations in asks on what lore y’all might wanna see expanded upon in mini comics!
(also: sorry for the @! Just had to make sure I gave credit where credit is due.)
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mo-the-half · 7 months
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:) Happy Full Moon..! Happy to finally share this pic I finished of Lycan Alclyde. >:3
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Aaron Lycan's Headcanon Of The Day: Aaron's actually not that sensitive, he just gets triggered by certain stuff as a reaction to trauma.
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sanguineterrain · 7 months
Hi! I saw your post on Halloween prompts and if your still taking them may I request
Jason was born a werewolf and they're used to their transformations and abilities. They're out on a walk when they find Reader, a human-just-turned-werewolf. Jason decides it's their job to take care of Reader until they're able to use all their powers efficiently, etc. Both didn't expect to catch feelings along the way.
Werewolves are actively hunted down and humans even carry specific silver items and spray to ward them off if they suspect someone of being one. Reader finds Jason, an injured werewolf, hiding in their backyard. They don't have the heart to chase them away, instead opting to heal and hide them away from the hunters after them.
Fem!reader if possible?
Prompts from @promptspa
hi there! thanks for the prompt. i decided to go with the 2nd one, but i tweaked it a little. reader is gender neutral simply because there wasn't any moment to identify gender, but you are free to picture them as female! hope you like :)
werewolf!jason todd x gn!reader | injured jason, tending to wounds, wolf form, reader and jason knew each other when he was robin.
"...In other news, reports of animal attacks have skyrocketed, leaving Gotham citizens paranoid. The mayor is enforcing a six o'clock curfew, urging citizens to lock their doors and keep pets inside. Now we have Dan with the weather—"
You mute the TV, stand, and stretch. The wind howls outside, rattling the roof slats. Dan, the weatherman, soundlessly describes how it's only going to get colder this week. That reminds you of Lucy, your Ragdoll. She's been outside for most of the evening.
"Lucy," you call, opening the bag of cat food. Usually, the sound causes her to race into the kitchen, claws clicking on the floor.
But there's no sound. You stop what you're doing and stand instead, moving to the stairs.
Animal attacks. Your stomach churns at the thought.
Gotham News often exaggerates that stuff since they're so anti-lycan. Werewolves don't attack animals and haven't done so for centuries unless they're desperate for food. But most citizens don't know that and will happily buy into the scare tactics. You can't afford to, living miles outside of the city.
You head outside when Lucy still doesn't appear. Logically, you know werewolves wouldn't attack your seven pound cat that's seventy percent fur. You know that. But something still feels wrong.
You search around the house first, using your phone as a flashlight. Then you walk toward the shed. That's when you hear meowing.
"Lucy!" you yell. "It's alright, Lucy, come on!"
Lucy makes no motion to move. She meows incessantly, urgent, yowling meows that make you rush over and check her for injuries. She continues to meow, even when you don't find an injury.
"What's wrong, Lucy? What's happened?"
You stroke her back, but nothing calms her. One time, she ran into a skunk, and that had spooked her. It also resulted in three baths to get the smell out.
But the skunk had attacked her then. Here, Lucy is unharmed, but whatever she's seen, it's scared her beyond comforting.
She continues to meow, eyes fixed on the shed. You take a deep breath and go to the shed. Lucy's meows get louder.
"It's alright, Lucy," you say, but now your heart is thumping. The wind rattles the padlock, which is odd, so you shine the light on it.
The lock is broken. You pull open the door, ready to run.
A soft whine comes from inside the shed. You shine your light, and the creature shies away, except it's too big to avoid the light completely. Too big to be a regular animal...
You make out black fur, large ears, and a tail. You gasp. The wolf whines again, curling into the corner like it's trying to make itself small.
There's a trail of blood on the ground. Without getting closer, you can't tell where the blood is from. But if it's enough to make the creature whine, it must be a deep wound.
"I'm not a hunter," you say slowly, and its ears twitch at that. "I'm not here to hurt you. No silver, see?"
You pull out your pockets, unzip your coat, and show your hands. The wolf watches you silently. Its head comes into view, and now you can see that the wolf is male.
And his eyes. His eyes are what confirm your suspicions; they are too intelligent to not be supernatural, glowing an eerie green.
He's an adult wolf, from what you can tell, but still young, his fur dark and thick. His youth doesn't make him any less intimidating, though. He looks much like the pictures of werewolves the antis use to scare people: huge, long body, glowing eyes, claws. He must be double your size, at least.
Lucy has stopped meowing. Now she just stares alongside you, keeping her distance. No wonder she was so distressed.
The wolf suddenly stands, and you take several steps back, heart racing. You hate being scared, hate letting the news report get into your head.
The wolf lies on his back with jerky, uncoordinated movements. He makes a desperate noise and shows his belly.
Knife wounds. Big ones. If he wasn't a wolf, he'd be dead.
"Holy shit," you say. "Oh my God."
This is as vulnerable as any creature can be. But you're just as much a stranger to him as he is to you. Why is he trusting you like this?
You've only known one werewolf in your life. And he's never coming back.
The wolf whimpers again. You nod quickly.
"Okay," you whisper. "It's okay. I'll patch you up."
The wolf sags against the ground, and you run out of the shed, your stomach turning at the thought of another wolf dying.
Lucy follows you, clinging to your ankles, and you try not to trip over her as you gather supplies from the house. She doesn't follow you back outside.
You return to the shed and thread a needle. Then you take a step forward and wait. When he makes no move to attack, you close the distance slowly and crouch by his belly.
His fur is matted and torn in odd places. Carefully, you place a hand on his belly. He doesn't move.
"I'm going to pour the antiseptic now," you say.
The wolf watches as you do. He tenses but doesn't make any more sounds as you clean his wound. Almost like he's used to the feeling.
You feel up his fur for other wounds. That's when you feel a scar that runs from his chest to where his bellybutton would be. It's Y-shaped.
"What—" you say in horror. "What did they do to you?"
The wolf whines again.
"Right, right. Sorry. I'm going to sew you up."
He lets you tend to his wounds without a hitch. He's unusually comfortable with your touch; he doesn't howl or flinch when you touch him, and any warning sounds are gentle.
You finish the stitches and top it with a bandage. He waits patiently, not moving an inch. You haven't done this in years; you never thought your medic training would come in handy again.
Nightingale. That's what the Bats called you. That's who you might've become eons ago, until...
"I won't turn you in," you say when you finish.
The wolf blinks at you.
"But you know that, don't you?"
He protests when you pull a blanket over him. He whines and nudges you away with his nose.
"It's cold here, and I can't carry you inside," you say.
He drags the blanket off with his teeth and throws it onto your lap. You smile and put it back on him.
"I'll be fine. I have blankets inside. Get some sleep."
You start to stand, and his whines become barks. He tries to stand with you, pawing at your knee.
"Whoa, hey! Don't, you'll pull your stitches. What's wrong?"
He barks again, and nods at the forest line outside in the distance. Then he licks at his bandage.
"You're afraid the people who hurt you will get you?" you ask.
He chuffs and licks your hand.
"You're afraid they'll get... me?"
He nudges your shoulder. You touch his head and make a soft noise.
"Okay. I'll stay and keep watch. If I hear anything, I'll wake you, alright?"
The wolf grunts, then finally lays down. He shuffles closer to you, so his body is practically on your legs. He runs hot, and with him so near, you hardly feel the cold.
The wolf falls asleep before you.
It has been a long time since you trained with a Bat, and your nocturnal practices have faded since then.
So you wake up in the shed with a backache.
Black fur tickles your hand, and you open your eyes.
But it's not a wolf at your feet; it's a man.
A man wearing a dead boy's face.
He awakens as you do, bare and bandaged beneath the blanket. Those odd green eyes stare at you. They're wrong; all of him is wrong, but his face... you know that face.
"Jason?" you whisper, chest tight.
His sigh is full of grief.
"Hey, Nightingale."
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soulofzurvan · 28 days
I just noticed Blixer ran in all fours in one of the pannels, what else is he going to do? Howl at the moon?
(This comic is awesome and i hope you have a great day/night!)
Now a question for Blixer, do you have night vision cuz how did you break that window in the middle of the night and didn't got hurt with the window's broken glass?
[Sorry for the long ask i was just really curious]
Howling at the moon would more be a Lycan thing... Joke aside, he doesn't howl at it. But he likes to watch the moon. It calms him down.
Glad you like the comic so far! :D
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fantasy-relax · 21 days
Sweet Alpha Dangerous Omega
Part 1 Part 9.
“Mother, I need to talk to you urgently.”
Bela entered accompanied by a young omega and Alcina frowned as she noticed the scent of guilt that surrounded both of them, as well as that of her daughter's anger.
"Tell me"
Bela took a deep breath but her scent continued to radiate intensely, whatever she had been through was seriously affecting her.
Pointing to the woman behind her Bela proceeds to speak in a controlled tone. “Zina has informed me of a series of abuses towards the alpha by the other maids.” The scent of guilt increases. "Since the first day the alpha started living here, she has been a victim of verbal and physical attacks to the point of avoiding contact with the other staff as much as possible. The only group that seems to treat her with decency is the kitchen staff, the Head Maid Greta, the Master Carpenter Relia and the Chef Dorottea”
Alcina sighed placing a new cigarette in the holder and proceeding to smoke.
You were a magnet for trouble.
“She could have talked to Greta or you instead of hiding it to save her pride.”
“Umm Lady Dimitrescu.”
The lady of the house turned to see the maid.
“I don't think it was out of pride, you see, for as long as I can remember, that woman has been treated like that.”
That´s impossible, alphas were revered, an alpha woman while treated worse than a man would still be considered better than omegas or betas.
"Her parents had kicked her out of the house and no one from her family came to help her. She survived by doing work for the elderly for a miserable pay. I remember seeing her sleeping on the streets of the square with only her old and torn clothes for shelter she stopped doing it after a group of men beat her, complaining that she infected the place with her smell.” The young servant lowered her head. "I learned that one of the elders had sold her a cabin far from the town with a narrow path surrounded by trees, I thought that the Lycans would be the ones who would end her life." Looking up, Alcina noticed the pity in the woman's eyes. “If she didn't say anything, it wasn't out of pride, it was because for her that was normal.”
The matriarch rubbed her temples.
“So, Lucia attacked her and finally broke her patience.”
Directing her gaze to the servant, she noticed how she squeezed her hands tightly, fear mixed with her guilt.
But he was overshadowed by the scent of fury that come from her daughter.
The human cleared her throat.
“The alpha was heading to the kitchen when Carla sent her a lewd comment, the alpha ignored her, but she stopped and attacked after hearing what Lucia said.”
Lady Dimitrescu stared at the servant.
“What did she say?”
The woman was shaking.
“She told Carla not to joke like that because being mounted by a stray dog was something disgusting.”
Alcina raised an eyebrow.
The human gulped.
“And if Lady Cassandra was so desperate to be fucked, she might as well have let the Lycans use her tight pussy.”
The desk collided with the shelf, shattering both with the impact.
The maid was almost crying, she stammered, unable to continue with her story because of the terror that the scent of mother and daughter's fury caused her.
"Get out of here"
She didn't have to repeat it.
The silence was broken by Bela.
  "The alpha maintained her composure the entire month without even growling or returning words, only attacking when the honor of the omega of her interest was attacked." If it weren't for her gloves her nails would have already pierced the skin of her hand. "And even she maintained enough control to just attack the culprit, no one else was hurt, she didn't go into a frenzy despite the immense fury she felt." The weight of her actions and her hasty conclusions weighed on her. “We let our prejudices control us” she gave a humorless laugh. "How ironic"
The wounds on your body were not caused by parents trying to control a rebellious alpha who was trying to impose her authority, they were made by a man and a woman who sought to cleanse the stigma of your existence with your blood.
Bela assumed the worst about you, despite knowing what you had done for her sister. If you had tried to take advantage of Cassandra, she would have killed you in seconds, regardless of whether she was at the peak of her heat. However, she was happy with you and if Daniela didn’t' interrupted you, both of you would have ended up mated. By the Black God, your first action was to comfort her when you saw her again! You were covered in dirt and had glass embedded in the soles of your feet and yet your priority was Cassandra.
How was that different from the way humans treated her family?
Every time new staff arrived, they always whispered the same rumors:
The Dimitrescu kidnapped women to enslave them, experiment on them and consume their blood.
The Dimitrescu devoured any man who had the misfortune of entering her territory.
The eldest daughter had a frozen heart, unable to feel anything for anyone.
The middle daughter was a brute beast whose only pleasure was to cause pain and misery.
The youngest daughter had a damaged brain, living in fantasies that when broken, blood stained the floor.
That's what the townspeople said.
She was not going to deny that in the early years they had no control over the bloodlust they had and would go into a frenzy at the slightest event. But mother kept them trapped in the castle and taught them to control themselves, there were no servants and the castle was neglected for years. The day they came to their senses and realized what they were eating they refused to eat until hunger sent them back into a frenzy, to survive and maintain control they needed at least human blood there was no other option.
Over the years they got used to it, blood and violence were part of them, it was their nature to deny it would be to deny themselves. Bela could be apathetic at times, Cassandra enjoyed punishing the maids, and Daniela sometimes lost track of reality. However, things were not exactly like the rumors, something that few maids understood:
There were almost never kidnappings, the women were the ones looking for work and they did it under a contract with everything they had to do, as well as the accommodations they needed. The punishments and deaths were only when they failed to comply with what was agreed, which while it was common, they did not mindlessly kill all the staff who entered the castle; some even preferred to live in the castle for the rest of their lives and in the end offered their meat as food.
The men who entered the territory tried to kill them or take advantage of the maids, acting in a rude and disgusting manner.
Bela was quiet but not cruel and any problem was listened carefully and solved appropriately.
Cassandra spent her time fighting to protect the castle's inhabitants. Many servants died at her hands, but others were saved by her from being killed by wild animals or subjected to perversions by intruders.
Daniela used to comfort the maids and try to liven up their stay, her attacks were not violent and were actually painful to witness.
Despite this, the vast majority refused to see through their prejudices because the simple fact of not being human was enough to hate them and break the rules, which led them to learn about the famous cruelty of the Dimitrescu.
Bela hated that they created a false truth based on only rumors and prejudices without even trying to see the other side of the coin.
And that's what she did with you.
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As she felt the scent of her guilt increase, Alcina approached her daughter and knelt in front of her, delicately wiping away the tears that, due to her surprised look, the girl she didn't even know had shed.
Bela took a deep breath, leaning closer to the hand that was caressing her. She stayed there for a few seconds before composing herself and slightly distancing away from her.
Alcina sighed, but she knew that her daughter would not stop feeling guilty until this mess was solved.
“What comes next mother?”
“I will take the alpha out of the dungeon and take her to her room; you look for Greta and tell her to bring me a first aid kit, then go with Daniela to pick Lucia, have fun with her.”
“And Cassandra?”
“She is still punished by not going to the dungeons for at least another four months, but you can ask her for advice on how to proceed with Lucia.”
The blonde rolled her eyes smiling. “She will talk for hours”
Alcina smiled. “Of course she will.”
-------------------------------------------------- --------
“Come on, stretch more. Aren't you hungry?”
It was too far away, the only thing you would do was open your wounds. You had to accept that you weren't going to eat today.
Footsteps echoed along the walls and a scent of roses reached you, you knew who was coming.
The maid knew the same, for a moment you thought she would bring you the tray, but instead she threw it on the floor.
“Lady Dimitrescu, it's good that you've arrived!” Fake tears ran down her cheeks as she pointed at you. “This beast attacked me, causing me to throw away the tray of food that I so generously brought her, it's a danger!” You sighed as you smelled the lady's anger, you didn't try to defend yourself after all it was your word against hers and Lady Dimitrescu would not be on your side.
A cut adorned the face of the servant who tried to contain the blood between sobs.
“Get out of my sight and be thankful I don't cut your tongue off, you lying rat.”
The woman ran out and the matriarch looked at you, the scent of roses was stronger and underneath it was an emotion that you couldn't identify.
Without saying anything she opened the door to your cell.
"Get out"
You tried to stand up, but dizziness caused you to stagger and fall.
You heard the woman sigh “You're a mess.”
Hands lifted you up by your armpits and then placed your head on a white shoulder. The lady placed her arm under your legs. You were amazed at the ease with which she could carry you like a little girl.
The scent was stronger but you still didn't know what emotion it contained.
But the tiredness you felt was too much and the scent of roses was so relaxing.
You slept the entire way with your face hidden in the matriarch's neck and a purr in your chest.
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shogvnate · 1 year
GODS & MONSTERS. yan! re8 ladies x reader.
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general yandere headcanons + snippets pt 1.
contains; mother miranda, mia winters.
warnings; extremely toxic and unhealthy behavior, broken mindset, body mutilation on miranda's part, potentially triggering content, yandere. you've been warned.
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⸻ 🐦‍⬛ mother miranda
obsessive, stalker, and training type
arguably the worst.
other than how to revive her deceased daughter, her thoughts revolve around you, you, and you. It drives her absolutely insane that she's drifting from her original plans of marking you as just another one of her failed experiments.
you can never feel alone, no, not with her being lovesick.
her crows are always watching, always listening.
she knows everything, don't try to hide anything from her, it never ends well.
she despises disobedience, no one wants a darling who's rebellious, no?
at some point she'll definitely break your mind, it's unavoidable, basically.
rarely ever affectionate, shows her love in other extreme ways such as giving gifts (eg. putting a golden bracelet still attached to a severed hand in front of your bedroom door for your 'anniversary', wrapped in the guts of the lycan who attacked you earlier that week), and of course, words of affirmation.
she truly does love you in her own sick and twisted way, but oh, darling, she's too far gone to save.
"don't deny me. worship me, acknowledge me as your one and only savior, and you shall find what you need," her smile was like a blank canvas, begging for someone to add value to it. it made you sick the more you think about it.
because she didn't want no simple mortal.
she wanted you.
miranda drowned herself in the way you gazed at her numbly, twirling a lock of your hair in her clawed fingers. "anything you could ever possibly need will be with me."
how you hated her smile.
⸻ ❄ mia winters
removal, isolating, and manipulative type.
mia doesn't like it when you smile at anyone other than her. she doesn't know why, but she loathes the feeling of being ignored for someone who clearly doesn't fit the standards for someone like you.
she goes to unhealthy measures to make you stay by her side. gaslighting, threats, guilt tripping, you name it.
someone asking you out for lunch? they didn't show up for lunch and they never talk to you again.
gets scolded by her peers due to her constantly being in your shadow and controlling everything you do but she shrugged them off.
most of the time she's not aware of how she's acting like she can't breathe without you being in the same room as her but when pointed out by you, she usually apologizes.
physically affectionate, too physically affectionate. so much so that she comes off as smothering.
unlike miranda, she can still grow and change as a person so you have hope…?
"mia, this isn't right." you pushed her away slightly. she was getting too comfortable in your personal space. it was supposed to be the only thing she'll never get a hand on but she managed to do so in the end too.
she already took too much from your life. your friends, your co-workers, your favorite florist from the subway, your bed, your house, oh the list goes on forever.
the most outrageous fact was that you were the one who actually let her do whatever she wanted. now look where that got you.
"what makes you say that?"
there it is.
her frown, something she knows you can't stand seeing.
"i thought you knew i'm only doing this because i love you?"
"it's just…" you bit the inside of your cheek, "it feels... wrong."
"tell me more about it, maybe I can help you understand how I see you," she suggested, but when you looked at her dull eyes and warm smile, you could hear something on the back of your mind telling you not to push it.
you sighed, opening your arms for her to bury herself in again.
"changed your mind?" she cooed.
"forget I said anything, mia."
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beautifulblooms · 7 months
A Lord Brought to His Knees - Karl Heisenberg x Male Reader SMUT
So I may have more things to pull out of my hell that is google drive, anyways, enjoy this shit show, not actually proofread btw, this hasn’t been touched in at least a good couple years, so once again first person pov might be shitty.
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Let’s just start off with how Karl ended up in this situation, he decided to be a bitch for much longer than he should’ve been. You were both called to a meeting held by Mother Miranda and of course, Karl wanted to try and tease you. Wrong day, wrong time, things were already going haywire because of some mishaps in the factory that day. One of the dead bodies that had been experimented on got out of its little holding area and started causing havoc. This led to a very upset you, a few broken tables and doors, and one very dead experiment. So when Karl decided to tease you at the meeting by brushing up against your crotch several times, even palming you through your pants once or twice, you knew that tonight he would get his punishment. And that he wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. Exiting the chapel you grabbed Karl’s wrist and began pulling him to your shared sector of the Romanian countryside you lived in.
“Woah, what's with the rush doll? We’ve got plenty of time to get back to the factory before dark, besides none of the lycans would dare touch either of us.” Karl said trying to A. figure out what pissed you off and B. calm you down a bit.
“Oh trust me, I’m well aware of that, but you on the other hand should be worrying about what’s going to happen as soon as we make it back to that factory. Now walk faster.” There was nothing but anger and bitterness dripping from your words as the walking pace you set became faster. Karl realized he might’ve pushed you too far and now he would have to deal with the outcome, he could handle it, right? Spoiler alert, no he couldn’t. Upon reaching the factory and opening the main doors, you dragged Karl inside and slammed the door shut. “You have exactly five minutes to get your ass up to our room, strip naked, and lay yourself out on that bed before I come up there and give you what you deserve.”
There was nothing but anger and lust in your voice as you gave him very clear instructions about what you expected of him. Karl soon hightailed it up the stairs, taking off his hat, coat, and glasses on the way up. Opening the door to your shared room he began stripping the rest of his clothes, his boots and socks followed by his belt and necklace. Quickly pulling off his shirt and pants along with his underwear he jumped onto the bed, laying himself out like you instructed. You, on the other hand, took your sweet time to get the ropes you had been saving, nylon ropes so they wouldn’t hurt his wrists and ankles too badly and walked up to the bedroom where a naked Karl awaited you.
Walking through the still-open door you looked to the right to see Karl on the bed, sprawled out with a hard-on. A smirk came over your lips, happy he so easily followed directions given how bratty he was earlier. Placing the ropes on the bedside, you began to strip yourself, slowly of course to tease Karl. Once you were down to nothing but your boxers you grabbed the first bundle of the nylon rope, unraveling it to tie up his ankles.
“You my dear have been very obnoxious today, and because of that,” you tied his left ankle to the bedpost, “you will be at my will for the next several hours.” Finishing off his right ankle you moved back to the nightstand to grab the next bundle before repeating a similar process with his wrists at the top of the bed.
“C’mon I didn’t tease you that much I mean it didn’t even look like ya got hard from it.” Karl’s words were shaky, trying to reason with a very angry and horny you was not going well for him, nor would it go well over the rest of the evening.
“I don’t want to hear it, you pushed it too far on a really shitty day and now, here’s the consequences.” A twisted smile replaced your previous expression, finally getting to remind Karl that when he teases there are in fact things you can and will do as retaliation. Finishing up his wrists, you stood back and moved to the end of the bed, staring down at the lovely sight. The powerful Lord Heisenberg tied to his bed with a raging boner almost begging to be touched at all. Walking back over to the nightstand you open the drawer on the bottom, pulling out a black gift box, this is where Karl starts to regret what he did. Once open, all the lovely little toys and things you could ever want to use on Karl were inside vibrators, fleshlights, plugs, dildos, cock rings, and even a cock cage, to say you had the strangest order history from the Duke was an understatement.
Looking down at your options, you pulled out one of the vibrators that you could strap around his dick and one of the larger plugs. Placing the box by his feet you crawl onto the bed and straddle his chest to face his dick, strapping the vibrator around his cock and turning it on pretty high he began to jerk his hips up at the mild touch from you, and extreme stimulation he was now experiencing.
“Oh fuck me, why so god damned high?” Karl was groaning and forced some words out in protest of your actions.
“I will just give it a while, and it’s turned up so high because I said so.” There was a bittersweet tone to your voice, happy with how he was taking the punishment. Moving off his chest, you turned around and shuffled between his legs, now grabbing the plug you pulled out. “This will stand in for me for a little bit, so get comfy.” You smiled sickly at him, the face he made was enjoyable to you given what you were currently doing. Pushing the plug to his rim, you started slowly feeding it into his hole, moans left the lord below you. Finally bottoming out the plug, you began to thrust it in and out of him gently, trying to make this enjoyable for him for the short period you were touching him. Thrusting it in one last time, you let go of the glass plug that now sat inside of him, a small noise of distaste left his mouth when you stepped off the bed and moved to the desk chair on the other side of the room, in perfect view of the bed.
“So are you just going to watch me deal with all of this from over there?” Karl was upset that you weren’t touching him, his words still shaky, and struggled as the vibrator continued its job.
“Yeah, I am, I might just read a few chapters of a book while I’m at it.” Another sickly sweet smile was sent in his direction while you grabbed the book off the desk to your left, opening it to where you had read last. However, Karl was rather determined to get you to touch him, moaning, groaning, and whining too loud for you to focus on the words written on the page.
“Please just come touch me, anything, please, I’m sorry, ple-” Karl’s sentence was quickly cut off by his first orgasm of the night, you were honestly surprised it took this long considering you had put the vibrator on nearly 5 minutes ago.
“I thought I made myself very clear that I was going to let you deal with all that for a while before I did anything, this is your punishment remember?” Without even looking up from the book you tried to remind him once more that he was in the dog house for the shit he pulled earlier. Trying to once again focus on the novel in your hands you took a deep breath and started reading. The sounds of Karl’s moans and whines were pleasant background noise at this point, you were now able to tune them out to some degree, but still keep track of how many orgasms he was having.
Finishing off the 20th page of that evening, you looked over at Karl for the first time since you sat down. His face was covered in tears, spit dribbled down his chin and mixed into his beard as his abdomen and thighs were drenched in his own cum. The sight could make anyone turned on, but knowing that this happened because of you made it even better. Accepting that his five orgasms were enough without your help, you grabbed the bookmark and placed it between the pages, closing and setting down the book on the desk before standing up. Walking to the end of the bed you smiled at Karl.
“How do you feel baby?” Your mind was still set on making sure he knew better than trying to tease you in front of everyone again.
“Please just fucking touch me, it hurts please, I’m sorry I won’t do it again just *groan* touch me” Satisfied with the response you got, you crawled onto the bed, sitting between his legs as you turned off the vibrator and took it off, his cock red and angry, still hard as could be even with cumming five times. Leaning up to his face, you kissed him as a reward for putting up with this for so long. He could’ve just used the safeword after the first few orgasms but he stuck through it like a good little puppy.
“You wanna be touched huh? Who do you want to touch you, who makes you feel the best?” There was still something in you that knew he wasn’t quite broken to where you wanted him, persistent to get him to whine and beg for your dick a little more.
“You, I want you to touch me please, you’re the only one that makes me feel good, please just fuck me, fuck me (y/n)” There it was, that’s all you needed to hear to make you pull the plug out of his ass. Standing up to pull your boxers off, you reached over to the nightstand once more to grab the bottle of lube you kept in the top drawer. Popping the cap off, squirting some of the cold viscous liquid into your palm before rubbing some on your cock, now fully erect at the sight of the fearsome Lord Heisenberg broken to almost nothing. Getting back onto the bed, you sat between his spread thighs, moving one of your fingers that still had lube on it to his ass and pushing it in slowly. His moans were like music to your ears, curling the finger you had inside him you quickly put in a second and started to scissor them.
“Just put it in already, I’ve been sitting with that plug up my ass for an hour, I’m more than stretched.” His bitter attitude was making you wish you had left him for another hour.
“I will fuck you when I want to fuck you, and you will be patient.” You should’ve known that he would backmouth you as soon as you started to touch him. Continuing with your stretching you shove a third finger in and continue to scissor him. The only noises in the room were the squelching of his lubed hole and his moans. Pleased with how stretched he was you pulled your fingers out and jacked yourself off a few times before pressing the tip to his ass. Finally pushing into him, you slowly continued inch by inch, his hole almost sucking in more of your dick each time you pushed in more. Bottoming out you just let the both of you sit there for a minute, letting Karl get used to feeling full and you get used to his walls squeezing your cock.
Pulling all the way out to the tip of your cock, you slammed back into his hole setting a brutal pace, only chasing your own pleasure at this point. Pounding his prostate his moans jump a pitch as he grabs at the ropes binding his wrists to the bedposts wishing he could do nothing more than rake his nails down your back.
“Let me touch you, I want to hold you, (y/n) please” Karl’s composure was starting to fully crumble, and you smiled at his begging. You were not about to let him possibly overpower you by letting his arms free so you pulled out of him and moved down the bed. He whined as you left his hole, not happy that his pleasure had ended, no matter how painful it was. Untying his ankles very quickly, you moved between his thighs again and pushed into him setting your pace back to what it was.
“Y-ou bastar-“A moan cut off Karl’s words as you rammed into his prostate, changing your angle to make sure you hit every time now.
“Be careful with your words pup, they might just be your ruin.” There were a couple of breaks in your sentence as low groans left your throat. Karl’s walls clenched around your cock as he came once more, seeing him cum only spurred you on more to keep pounding into him. “God you look so hot like this, covered in your own cum while I fuck you dumb.”
Karl could only reply with whines, not able to formulate words with how fast your hips pistoned into his. He was starting to break down to where you wanted him, finally. Not slowing down at all you continued to ram your cock head into his prostate, he needed to cum at least two more times before you were satisfied with his punishment. After a few more thrusts into him, he started to clench around you. The added pressure to your cock made you cum into him, but he wasn’t getting away just yet.
Continuing the brutal assault on Karl’s prostate, your thrusts didn’t slow down, you barely felt any overstimulation at all. His whines and pleas to slow down were music to your ears as Karl looked up at you with teary eyes and puffy cheeks.
“Does puppy like my cock pounding his hole?” The taunting only brought more whines, poor thing couldn’t make any actual words anymore. “C’mon I don’t like being ignored, give me an answer pup.”
“Y- *hic* ye-ess” managing to get but the one word out was hard enough for the lord, with his overstimulated body and throat raw from moaning. Karl’s orgasm came quickly with each pound of your hips onto his, the knot in his stomach grew tighter and tighter before he came. Well, not really. He orgasmed, but it was dry, nothing but his stiff cock sitting there and a blissed-out look on his face.
“Just one more baby, I know you can do it for me.” Your tone started to show more kindness, and I'm happy that Karl put up with so much of this already. Folding his legs at the knee, you threw them over your shoulder, locking Karl into a mating press. Somehow you managed to only get faster in this position as your cock head drove even deeper into your lover's ass. A few minutes later Karl had yet another dry orgasm while you finished chasing your second, filling him to the brim. You let Karl’s legs go from their position but didn’t quite leave him just yet. The moment you took to catch your breath, you also used to lean up to the smaller male's wrists and untie them from their bonds.
The lord was too weak now to do anything but lay limply on the bed, legs still loosely wrapped around you. Pulling out you groaned from the wave of pain and overstimulation that hit you, only able to imagine how Karl would be feeling in the next few hours. You climbed off the bed and headed to the connected bathroom, knowing you couldn’t lift Karl up, and that he definitely couldn’t walk you settled on wetting a rag and heading back to him.
“Hey baby, do you need anything? Some water or Tylenol?” there was nothing but love and pure contentment in your voice as you began to wipe Karl’s chest, thighs, and face down with the rag.
“Mmhm” so weak from the rough treatment he couldn’t even express more than a groan of approval.
“Alright, I’ll get you some water” Leaving a kiss on his head, you snagged your boxers off the floor near the desk and slipped them on, headed down the hall to the kitchen to grab one of Karl’s mugs. Easier to hold a mug than a glass in his condition. Then rummaging through one of the cabinets you found the Tylenol, pouring two into your palm you headed back to the bedroom. Karl hadn’t moved an inch from where he was when you left the room. “Here, sit up a little.” Placing the pills and water on the nightstand you helped to move him up slightly with a couple of pillows behind his back.
Giving him everything he needed you sat down next to him, running a hand over his thigh.
“Remind me not to piss you off again” A small chuckle from you followed his statement.
“Oh baby, I could remind you time and time again but you wouldn’t listen, we both know you’re too stubborn for that.” You leaned up to lightly kiss him on the lips. It was already past dusk, and he decided it best to simply lay in bed and sleep until morning, not like he was going to be up early like normal.
“You sure you’re okay? I didn’t go too hard on you?” Trying to see what level of care he would need in the morning you asked him a couple of questions.
“If you went too hard I would’ve said the damn safe word, now get over here and cuddle me.” His demand was cute, but you followed it nonetheless, not wishing to be anywhere else in the world at that moment.
“I love you my dear Lord Heisenberg.”
“I love you too Lord (L/N)”
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mo-the-half · 8 months
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:) Some old Lycan Alclyde's. For spooky Halloween month.
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mackmp3 · 9 months
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gif from @broken-lycan
ok so this bit in Bright Young Things really got me because
this did actually happen to queer people (esp. gay men) a lot.
Miles had a lover (Tiger the motor racer) who got tired of him / felt that his reputation and livelihood was at risk by being associated with him, and so left his love letters from Miles out where they would be found, completely ruining his reputation and livelihood and causing Miles to have to flee the country, not being able to pack or properly say goodbye to anyone. and the movie never tells us what happens to him. he just has to go. and i dunno, of all the tragic endings to characters in this film this was the one that got me because it felt so hopeless - not only betrayed by his lover, having his private emotional life shown to random strangers, but betrayed to the police who are now looking for him (sodomy being a crime at the time) being of a social standing that means it really could not just be swept under the rug, and having been so flamboyantly gay, so incredibly open, and now having to hide and flee - it's just really sad. and sad knowing that this kind of thing did really happen. and that the war started days later and he probably never got to france, but where else was he going to go?
i knew at the end of this scene we wouldn't see him again but i was hoping for some kind of closure and happiness for him
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: I read the Donna and Alcina adopts a toddler story I was wondering about how you think the dimitrescu sisters would be as moms
Cute! Here’s what I came up with. I just wrote head canons for the girls adopting Y/N because I love the idea. Let’s get into it!
Bela found you on the castle grounds near the front of the main doors.
You smiled and laughed at her while waving your little hands.
Bela fell in love with you immediately.
She felt a strong bond with you, much like her mother did with her when she was newly created.
She convinced Alcina to let her keep you.
When Bela first adopted you, she set up your crib in her room so that she would be nearby in case you needed her. If you ever cried, she would wake up immediately and run over to hold and soothe you.
She was a very hands-on mom. She loved to teach you new things and read to you.
Bela made pretty strict rules, but she didn’t nag you or make you feel bad. She only kept you in line because of how much she loved you.
She would always take time to talk with you if you were upset or needed to vent.
She loved to hold you and rock you… Even when you got older.
Bela had to sometimes limit your time with Cass and Dani because you three would get into a lot of trouble.
Bela took excellent care of you when you were sick and kept you company.
She was a bit possessive of you at first and wanted everyone to know that you were her child.
All in all, Bela is a very responsible parent and raised you with tons of love.
Cass found you when she was hunting. She heard a baby’s frightened cries and made her way over to investigate.
She saw you cowering in fear as a lycan looked poised to attack you.
Cass saw red and her first thought when she laid eyes on you was “Mine!”.
She immediately dealt with the beast before walking over to you and couching down to your level.
She felt extremely protective of you and your cries had broken her heart.
“Hello.” She started softly. You looked at her curiously, but held out your arms so that she would hold you. Cass smiled and picked you up. You both felt a bond form quickly between the two of you.
You took comfort in Cass’s soft skin and the sound of her beating heart. Cass buried her nose in your hair and breathed in your scent so she could memorize it.
“Would you like to come home with me?” She asks you.
You weren’t old enough to talk yet, but you just loved hearing her voice and giggled as a response.
Cass grinned. “I’m gonna take that as a yes.” She said.
From then on, as far as Cass was concerned, you were her baby.
She was very possessive and wouldn’t let anyone touch you. She came around eventually, but she would always want you by her side.
Cass loved to cuddle with you. She told you stories and you loved to lay your head on her chest and feel the rumble as she talked.
Cass did have firm rules, but she wasn’t super strict. The rules were there to keep you safe, that’s all.
She loved to play with you and the both of you got into a bit of trouble with Alcina from time to time.
Cass was a great mom and you were lucky to have been adopted by her.
Dani found you when she was in the village. You were sitting by yourself and shivering next to a bunch of boxes and trash. You looked completely miserable.
Dani felt her heart break at how little and defenseless you were. She approached you and you looked up at her.
As soon as you and Dani locked eyes, it was over. You belonged to her.
“Hi, baby.” She said gently and cupped your cheek. You smiled and giggled at her.
You reached up and wanted to be held. Dani laughed and picked you up before nuzzling her face in your hair. “Let’s go home, lovey.” She said. You happily buried your face in her neck and marveled at how at how warm she was.
Dani had a bit of a hard time convincing Alcina to let her keep you, but once she saw how the two of you looked at each other… She caved.
Dani was so affectionate with you. She loved to wrap you up in her arms and place kisses all over your face.
She read to you every night before you went to bed and the sound of her voice made you feel so relaxed.
Dani spoiled you and it was often up to Alcina to lay down the law.
Dani loved to play pretend with you as well. You always made her be a princess so you could be a knight and save her… She really loved getting to play a princess. Sometimes, Cass would pretend to be the dragon.
Your mom was so great, but when you had a question about an academic subject, you quickly learned to go to Bela for guidance.
Dani always made time for you to vent or tell her about your problems. She snuggled you close as you told her about what was troubling you. Things didn’t seem so bad when she held you.
You and Dani loved each other so much. You couldn’t have gotten a better mom.
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rennymayflower · 19 days
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BEHOLD THE GOSPEL AU (ignore that the name says Geo thats outdated (also do not ask why the au is called gospel (i was running out of names and gospel sounds cool)))
also even tho Cyan doesnt know how to fly (YET) he can use a laser HOWEVER he doesnt use it often and his preferred weapon of choice is a sword
iris is his mentor cus fellow sword wielder and Gold is his magic mentor for how to use magic n stuff
ALSO in this AU the heroes are much more competent and independent especially cyan
in this AU when Cube got knocked out from being yeeted a bajillion miles instead of just waiting around to lycan to inevitably find him he immediately sprung into action by using a literal VINE AND BROKEN LOG to drag Cube to the nearest village and get help for em both and thats how they end up meeting chipzel :] (in case u cant tell i really want cyan to be more a badass LMAODFSDFSDFS)
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drarryspecificrecs · 1 year
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2023.04 ~ Top 10 longest fics posted on AO3
1. When Harry Sniffed Draco by CorvetteClaire [E, 137k]
►Once upon a time, wizard blood was mingled with that of wolves and a race of magical creatures known as Lycans was born. In the millennia since the race nearly died out, until Lycans have become little more than legends or fairytales. So imagine his surprise when, shortly after his 18th birthday, Draco Malfoy goes into heat! Draco now finds himself in the awkward position of being the only known Omega in the wizarding world. [...] The only saving grace for Draco is that Alphas are even rarer than Omegas, and the chances of him running afoul of one at Hogwarts are virtually nil. Until Harry Potter turns up, that is.
2. It Started With A Handshake by i_dont_read [E, 113k]
►One year after the war, Draco Malfoy is fresh out of a three-month term in Azkaban. As part of his parole, he's back at Hogwarts as an eighth year student to finish his studies. All Draco wants to do is lie low and make it out of Hogwarts in one piece, but when he finds that he's forced to room with none other than Harry Potter, that proves to be much more difficult than Draco anticipated. After a particularly eventful detention together, Harry and Draco must reconcile their relationship. What started as a volatile feud eventually becomes something much deeper than either of them could've imagined. The question is, will Draco ever come to terms with his feelings, or will he be left pining forever in secret?
3. Twenty-Two Cards series by peu_a_peu [E, 105k, 6 works]
►Aurors Potter and Malfoy crack the case.
4. A little bit confused but not at all surprised by indigospacehopper [M, 103k]
►When auror-in-training Harry Potter accidentally drinks a truth potion, he’s sent straight to St Mungo’s for their expert potions master to help him. The problem? Draco Malfoy is the expert potions master, and he’s having far too much fun taunting Harry about his problem. However, more sinister things are afoot and whilst Harry and Draco bicker and flirt, dark forces prepare to make their move…
5. What The Fuck Draco Malfoy! by Silverhood [M, 70k]
►After being almost killed by Harry Potter, Draco decided that being a death eater is most definitely not what he wants with his life. After lots of planning, and a bit of help from his Godfather, Draco finally comes up with a way to escape. Becoming an animagus and fake his death. /// Snape brings in a strange creature to the great hall with him. Harry finds it adorable. Dumbledore is not pleased.
6. A Game of Cat and Mouse by @steampunkserpent27 [E, 66k]
►It's best to not stand too close to the water's edge, lest something pulls you into the deep. Draco knows this well, but something keeps dragging him back to the elusive, green-eyed stranger waiting for him by the dock.
7. Your Soul Sat On My Lips by @m0srael [E, 61k]
►Sometimes, two broken men can love one another whole again, and sometimes they can’t. That doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to try.
8. along each garden wall by @oflights [E, 61k]
►Draco has to have a baby (or have one on the way) at the time of his fast-approaching 35th birthday, or he's going to lose his home to his vile cousin. Harry offers to help, but their complex past—even beyond Hogwarts—prompts Draco to set out on a long journey of friendship, kittens, gardens, motorbike rides, and more.
9. Under the Invisibility Cloak by bribri02 [E, 54k]
►Draco and Harry have been hanging out on top the Astronomy Tower. Only Draco doesn't know it's Harry he's starting to catch feeling, for the Gryffindor stays hidden from his love under his cloak.
10. Thunder in Our Hearts by Miss_and_the_Rope [E, 50k]
►Harry and Draco both turn to running to help them process their trauma after the war and they end up bonding over it. Will their newfound friendship turn to something more or will it crumble under the pressure of their pasts?
※ Word count: 1k ~ 10k
※ Word count: 10k ~ 40k
arranged love by @stvrlvghtwrites [M, 28k]
Come, To Say Thank You by @shewhomustnotbenamed [E, 10k]
I just wanted you to know (that this is me trying) by Kendra_Storm [T, 13k]
In Memoriam (S.B, J.P, R.L) by @unturbulent [M, 33k]
An Open Mind by NettaAmi [M, 14k]
Safe With You by @amillionregrets [M, 28k]
Slippery as a Snake by sweetasmaple [M, 12k]
Under the Confetti Mist by @azalealarae [E, 12k]
We are strangers again. by IcarusGWings [E, 14k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
Draco Tops Harry Fest 2021 | @dracotops-harry
HP Poetry Fest 2023 | @hp-poetry-fest
HP Trans Fest 2023 | @hptransfest
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marilynthornhilllover · 9 months
When you call my name. do you think I'll come running? { chapter 6}
+ my heart skips a beat at once
+ when did it end? All the enjoyment...
+ I'm sad again
Alcina dimitrescu x fem!reader
Warning: kidnapping, broken bones , anxiety, depression, implied pain, chronic pain and depression, heavy violence, grief, regret, anger, frustration, sadness, depression. etc HUGE PLOT TWIST. HUGE CLIFFHANGER. read chapter 5 here!
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Reader's pov*
You felt as if you've been running for hours on end. Your chest was raising and falling heavily with every breath you took. Your heart was pounding against your chest so hard you thought it would eventually rip itself out and run away. You stopped and held onto a tree, taking a large capacity of air into your lungs - man did it feel nice. You dropped your bag of supplies and sat down on top of it. You looked up at the sky and sighed. Luckily for you, you've made it to the middle of the forest called middle crew, mainly from lyans always hunting in groups and only reaching as far in the middle before hunters killing them off..but you haven't had any encountered any lycans or worse - mother miranda.
You took out some water and began to gulp it down rapidly. After drinking the entire bottle you threw the bottle away but that's when you heard a branch crack. Your entire body froze as you listened again.
Another twig crunched. At first you thought It was the bottle you threw but now it's clear that it's not. You slowly slid yourself up the tree while getting up - this way you won't make any unnecessary noise to inform your predator what you were doing. You remember alcina saying that lyans can smell fear, it's a natural instinct of them. Since..well before they died fear was all they knew.
You grabbed your bag and pulled it over your shoulder. You looked back and saw no one. You carefully started tip toeing away from your current position. That's when you heard another twig crack, so you immediately froze once again.
" y/n" you heard. Your eyebrows quirk as you dropped your bag. Was your brain playing trick on you? Or was it really alcina? Even if it was why would she call your name so loud, knowing the situation.
"Y/n!" You heard her whisper, but it was almost like a shout. You emerged from behind the tree and saw alcina standing some good distance away from you.
" alcina?" You called out looking at her weirdly. Something about the way she looked made you scared to your bones. Your gut was telling you to run for your life and never look back.... but why?.
Each step you took backwards she followed.
" what are you doing here?" You asked slowly looking for ways you can escape. She chuckled softly and took three steps towards you. She sighed as she looked at the mixture of confusion and fear on your face. She placed her hands behind her as if she was a shy little kid and looked up at you through lidded eyes.
She chuckled again and stood up straight. That's when she gaved you the most sinister smirk and your heart dropped. Alcina started to melt and reform. You watched in horror as her eyes disappeared and her body moved like a snake trying to find its home.
Suddenly miranda appeared infront of you. Needles started piercing through your skin as realization hit you like a moving train at 100 miles per hour.
Miranda can shape-shift....
You didn't know whether or not to run, hide or fall to your knees and beg the earth to save you by opening up and swallowing you - but neither one couldn't save you....
Your breathing started to get expeditious as your body was still trying to process what's happening or rather... what's going to happen.
" Oh little lamb... are you scared?" She asked in a caring voice, almost mocking really. She faked a pout as she took a step closer to you, but stopped dead in her tracks when you backed away. Tears began to form in your eyes as you shook your head in disbelief. You mouthed the word 'no' and miranda let out a squeal of a laugh.
" you didn't really think I was alcina, your so called lover did you?" She asked and when she saw that fear started take it's rightful place in your eyes as your breath got faster she took a step closer to you. Tilting her head to the side, studying your expressions.
" when you call her name.... do you really think she'll come running?" She asked softly walking up to you, until your back hit a tree.
" Well well, dimitrescu really has you under her love spell doesn't she" she chuckled walking around the tree, leaving cravings with her sharp deadly golden talons. She stopped right in front of you and looked at you dead in the eyes. You could feel her blue eyes piercing into your soul, ripping every good thing that was felt in you.
" who is lady dimitrescu?" She asked, her voice now high pitched, startling you. You were basically shaking with fear. No one wanted to die by the hands of miranda. Matter of fact no one wants to die.
" she's not a monster" you whispered, looking at her from head to toe. Dressed in her long sleeve, floor length black dress with a sliver and black cloak with bits of gold across her shoulder that had her coat of arms on it. You realized that her feet could not be seen, there was thick layers of feathers covering them entirely. Although her cloak has a hair vail, you were still able to see her golden blonde-ish grey-ish hair.
" to whom do I speak to?" She asked her voice probably colder than Antarctica and sharper than Russian blades. Miranda spoke in a way that was soft, yet she demanded an answer, she allowed you time to answer, yet punishment for hesitation was always given.
" alcina is not a monster..." You whispered, finding the last bit of courage you had in you to use against the black god standing before you. You would always defend alcina, even though she was who she was. You didn't care if miranda kills you for her, even though you don't want to die you'd take your death. You loved alcina. And you hope she'd do all the things you do for her for you.
" telling me who she isn't, doesn't tell me who she is, a smart girl like you should know that. What are you on earth for? pretty looks? That you certainly don't have? I don't even know how alcina could defy me for you.... your as worthless as Heisenberg.... oops don't tell him I said that. Matter of fact, do tell him. I mean what is he going to do? Hit me with his hammer?" She asked her voice raspy as she laughed like a crazy person.
" how am I going to tell him that?" You asked sarcastically. Miranda stopped laughing and looked at you seriously, before laughing again before it came to a halt.
" That's right little one. Your a nobody, to some you exists and to others you weren't even born" your blood boiled as you looked her dead in the eyes.
" fuck you miranda" you spoke before running off. You didn't know what made you think it was possible to out run mother miranda even though you were a fantastic runner. A super natural force lifted you up off the ground and slammed you against a tree, repeating this process until you were weak.
She grabbed your limp body before it was able to fall to the ground and held you up. She allowed you to fill your lungs with air for a while before she started choking you, lifting your body high above the ground all together. Miranda threw back her head and laughed in your face. You quickly grabbed her hand that was around your neck, slightly pulling it down with any strength left in you, this way she wouldn't kill you on the spot from strangulation.
" why are you running from the heat in the kitchen when your the one that volunteered to cook?" She asked smiling at you innocently. She smiled as you started to trash against the tree, loosing air more quickly than she thought you would.
" you can run but you can't hide, you should know that" she spoke, her voice dark and sultry.
She dropped you. You gasped for air as your body fell from the air but mid way she grabbed a tree trunk that was suitable for her hand and slammed it against your stomach. You felt the impact and screamed. When you fell to the floor that's when you started feeling pain. The pain was unbearable. You thought you were going to die on the spot. For sure she had a broken rib cage. You protected your stomach by wrapping your arms around yourself.
You started crying.
" weak!" She screamed. She angrily picked you up and threw you against a tree. How the fuck did she get this strength you didn't know because if you did you'd go sign up to get it too. You sobbed as you whimpered trying to crawl your way from her.
" YOU HEAR ME?! YOUR WEAK" she screamed more, making the birds that were sitting on the trees fly away as she stepped on your arm breaking it. You cried out very loudly. Miranda froze as she felt the scream in her bones.
" ah yes. The scream of love.... your calling for your lover..... but she's not here is she?" She mocked you as she knelt to be on the same eye leavel as you. She took a strand of sweaty hair that was sticked to your face and placed it behind your ear. She 'tsk' in a cooing way.
" worthless, weak and desperate.... if alcina loved you wouldn't she be here? Oh wait! Let me rephrase.... would she have sent you out here knowing well enough I would be lerking in this forest?" She smirked. " I told alcina theses same words.... with blood and sweat i will find you..." She whispered before standing back up straight.
Your vision started to get blurred as you were starting to lose consciousness. The pain was becoming too much. But upon remembering how much you suffered when you were once in Miranda's captive you tried the fight the pain... and the unfightable force to.. sleep...
" don't fight it my love.... everything will hopefully be alright" that was the last thing you heard, along with seeing miranda's ugly face before you passed out.
Alcinas pov *
Alcina was waken by a sudden loudness of a heartbeat - your heartbeat. She squinted her eyes to see what time it was on her digital clock. She sighed and sat up against her headboard. She looked around her room darkness prorated her eyes. The other side of the bed was cold as ever, regret started to fill her cells in her body, realizationhit her just as it had hit you. The call was late.....
Why hadn't Donna called her yet?
Alcina flew up from her bed and immediately ran out of her room, maids jumping as they moved out the her way as she walked quickly towards her study.
She opened the door, almost pulling off the handle.
" good morning my lady, your up quite early!what would you like for breakfast-"
Elizabeth stood there stunned but she sighed and went downstairs.
Alcina moved quickly towards the phone in her study and dialed Donna house number.
" PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE DONNA" she shouted putting one hand on her hip as she held the bridge of her nose with the other. The phone rang for another minute before Donna picked up. The lady one the other line had only gotten up a few minutes ago to get an hour of meditation before sitting down to have her morning tea with her doll, before a ringing of a phone interpreted her peace.
She groaned as she walked swiftly towards the phone and picked it up.
" hello-" before she could answer properly and ask who it was alcina was aleady shouting at her.
"WHERE IS SHE?" alcina shouted through the phone making Donna pull it away from her ear with a whine, from the loudness of the phone.
" good morning to you too alcina, look i'll go look for her later today and bring her to you, i was tired i-" alcina cut her off shouting again.
Only she heard it. She felt it in her heart, she felt the pain, the distress, the confusion, the betrayal, she felt everything you were feeling. She immediately knew mother miranda had already gotten to you. Alcina hang up the phone with Donna and immediately called Miranda's lab line.
The Phone rang out and went straight to voice mail.
"FUCK! ANSWER THE PHONE YOU BITCH" she mumbled to herself. Alcina could feel her very own heart racing from out of her chest. She needed to know you were ok... that you were going to be ok.
She called again and finally miranda answered.
" I knew I would receive a call from my dearest daughter-" before Miranda could go on alcina cut her off.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS Y/N! I SWEAR MIRANDA IF YOU HURT HER I'LL - " alcina stopped as miranda spoke.
" YOU'LL DO WHAT?!" She screamed through the phone. Alcina fell silent knowing there was little to nothing she could actually do, because miranda has you under lock and key protection. Tears started to form in alcinas eyes as she held her forehead in her hands, crying - sobbing.
" Well will you look at that.... the big bad wolf actually crys" miranda said, her voice cracking exposing the sympathy she had for alcina deep down inside. As she spoke up again it disappeared just as it had appeared.
" I told you alcina..... many years ago..... if you can still remember the pain I HAD TO PUT YOU THROUGH.... I told you If you ever dared to go against me that I WOULD TAKE WHAT EVER IT IS THAT YOU LOVE MOST! now your lucky I have compassion for thoses girls and am proud of the young women they became because I gaved them to you and I would not hesitate to cut them down!" She shouted and alcina sobbed into her hand.
She couldn't risk the girls she loved them.... but she also loved you.... your the first person she had ever loved in over a thousand years.
" I want to test her, to see if she can be evas vessel... if not she'll probably turn out like you..." She said coldly but with a hint of of that you'll be Eva's vessel.
" no alcina. I gaved you a chance to get rid of her and you DISOBEY ME! ME!!!" She screamed at the last word as if she was insulted.
"TO WHOM DO YOU SPEAK TO!? AFTER EVERYTHING I'VE DONE FOR YOU! YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME! YOU UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF SHIT!" miranda shouted. Alcinas heart stopped as she got flashbacks.... that was a sentence her mom used to say alot. Alcina didn't want to become the next reigning queen of the village she wanted to play jazz aboard, but of course that was below her mom's standards for her.
" mother please...." She whispered her voice breaking as tears overflowed her eyes and clouded her vision.
" I love that girl mother...... just as you loved eva" alcina whispered. Hoping in her heart that miranda would give her a second chance or even give you a second chance, it was rare but its also possible.
" I'll take her stand, please mother just don't hurt her...." alcina whisper again.
" she's my one chance of survival and happiness..." alcina muttered choking on her tears.
There was a long silence over the phone of Miranda's end .... alcina thought that miranda was thinking about it.
" NO! I GAVED YOU MANY CHANCES! MY DECISION IS FINAL THERE WILL BE NO ARGUMENT! YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT IS DUE" miranda ended the call and alcina fell to her knees crying and choking on her tears. Alcina felt her heart rip in half.... it had no use now.... it might as well come out of her chest and leave her heartless....
Alcina couldn't stop thinking of you..... she did this to you.... she brought danger to your door. She hurt you. She made you feel pain that you didn't even think was possible to be felt. Alcina felt like she should die.... if your hurting because of her she deserves to die.
Meanwhile you layed on the lab bed in Miranda's personal lab as she stood above you....
She was talking.... you were hearing her, something about was she was about to do would hurt but you weren't listening.... you didn't care. You wanted to die.... you wanted to see alcina one last time before you do. Wanted to hear her voice tell you it's going to be ok but truthfully it's not. Hear her say she loves you.... she misses you.... she just wants to hold you... hear her sing songs in Romanian til you fall asleep... help you pick roses from the garden and kisses your finger when you get pricked.
You knew if she got a chance to speak to you one last time that everything would be lies. Alcina said she doesn't want to hurt you but the phrase ' I love you draga mea' alone has caused you so much pain and hurt.
You felt weak as miranda injected you with some greenish brownish substance.... you couldn't fight it.... you wanted to but why bother.... as miranda said Your a nobody, to some you exists and to others you weren't even born.... there's something called fight or flight.... and right now you were willing to risk it all and chose flight....
You were done fighting.... done loving....
You started twitching and shaking on the table as miranda mumbled 'shit' or and over again as she tried to hold you down but it wasn't working.
" please y/n! Shit! Hey! I can't lose you! Alcina can't lose you! Fight it! Do it for alcina please!" She shouted as she tried containing you but nothing worked. Tears formed in her eyes as she realesed you. With alcinas already raging anger plus this happening miranda was sure that alcina would surely find a way or even strength to kill her....
The heart line went flat, ringing in Miranda's ear ad your body laid there unmoving......
Tag list: @willalovexx @ilovehugslikealotalot @milkiedimitrescu @willowshadenox @heidsworld @enchantressb @moistblobfish @nclgsticore @vampire-s61914 @snkskyler15
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