#brooklyn answers
screamxqueenx94 · 1 year
Hey! Not sure if im asking at the right place but could i get a teen wolf ship please
Tw:mention of mental disorders
About how i look:
I'm 21, i have dyed ginger hair, green/grey eyes, im 4"9 in height, i am overweight.
More about my personality: french is my first language I play video games, i love animal crossing, the sims, life is strange and the last of us, i like movies like LOTR the hobbit and HP a lot i'm into witchcraft and spirituality, true crime, I have a 9yo black cat they are my favorite! I have a wierd obsession with snails as well they are my dream pet.I'm usually very honest with people and very blunt, i've been to psychwar before where i was diagnosed with BPD, PTSD, ED and anxiety.
I have 2 older sister, a mom and dad abandoned us, i m not close to anyone and i'm usually in my own bubble.
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply ot even read!
Have a good day/night
Hi love! Sorry it took me awhile to get back to you, work has been crazy!
So I ship you with Stiles!
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Stiles would understand you more than anyone since he has been in a mental facility as well (even if by his own choice)
With everything he's been through, there's no question he has PTSD too (also he has anxiety)
He'd also figure out ways to help you have healthy coping mechanisms for your ED
While it's obvious he loves Star Wars, he would be all for getting into LOTR, The Hobbit and HP as well
Let's be honest, he's probably into video games too
And true crime considering he's basically the pack's detective
He gives off dog person vibes, however I think he'd be super sweet to your cat
Especially since he understands the way black cats are seen as bad luck
He'd playfully tease you about your obsession with snails
But then anytime he sees anything snail related, he gets it for you or is always sending your pics of snails
He'd love to hear you speak French to him
Even if he doesn't understand it
He'd absolutely respect your bluntness and honesty
It's one of his favorite things about you
He thinks more people should be like you
Your eyes are unique and he loves it
He could get completely lost in them
He would probably look into them all day
He would also love how tiny you are
He would love that he gets to always be the big spoon
As for being overweight?
He doesn't care
In fact, he reminds you how beautiful are everyday
He reminds you that it just makes you twice as cuddly
As for being in your own bubble?
Well, he can help with that too
He wouldn't force it by any means
But he would help you get out of your comfort zone
He worries that you may be lonely
He wants you to have friends because he thinks it'll help with your mental health
He also hopes that you'd like his friends so you all could hang out together since he knows his friends would like you
Well that's all I have! I hope you like it! (Wasn't sure if I should ship you with a boy or girl since sexuality wasn't specified, but that's okay!) Thank you for sending in your ship request babes! I had fun and related to this one a lot! (I also have PTSD, ED anxiety and have depression) Hope you have an amazing day/night!
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noellawrites · 6 months
How would Rosa Diaz react to somebody else flirting with you? What if you played along with the flirting to get a rise out of her?
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you know in movies when someone crushes a mug in their bare hand? yeah that’s rosa. she’s not going to take well to someone flirting with her partner, especially if you’re playing into it too.
she’s going to drag you into the closet and make sure everyone knows you belong to her.
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joeythefrog · 2 months
jack: Spot Conlon is- well he's the type of guy who's always thinking about one thing davey: girls? jack: no- davey: is it... yahknow jack: it's murder dave, murder
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
hi!! could i request a fluffy rosa diaz x reader fic where reader works as a detective at the precinct and rosa kind of has a soft spot for her (more like a crush on her), so when rosa gets sick like in that one episode reader finally convinces rosa to admit she doesn’t feel good and takes her home and takes care of her? tysm!!
- Rosa Diaz x detective fem! reader -
Warnings: coarse language, fluff, implied smut at the end
Thank you for your request! :)
You clocked in at exactly nine o’clock that morning. Right on time, you looked at the desk opposite of yours and it was empty. “Amy, has Rosa come in yet?”
“Oh. No.” Amy’s eyes widen briefly, shocked.
“Oh, wow. Rosa’s not here yet? Doesn’t she stay like really near here?” Jake remarked.
“Yes she does.” Gina chimed in, “Her apartment is the closest to the precinct.”
“Is she not coming to work today?” Amy asks you.
“If I knew that, I wouldn’t have asked you.”
“Right.” Amy smiled sheepishly, focusing back on her work.
“She hasn’t texted you or anything?” Jake carries on the conversation with you while you got settled.
“No, I just thought she was already here-” Before you could say anything else, hurried footsteps interrupted your train of thought. Your eyes followed the sound, which turned out to be Rosa who’d just arrived.
“Holy shit, girl.” Gina broke the silence as the rest of the squad watched her, bewildered, “You look like hell.” Rosa scowled, sitting down in her chair.
You’d been glaring at her since the moment she sat down across from you. Rosa shot you a look meaning for you to drop it and leave her alone. That was the end of that conversation for a bit. Meanwhile, she was sniffly and sneezed a handful of times. Not to mention she looks pale as a sheet. She somehow made it to lunch before you got so annoyed that you pulled her aside, “Will you just admit you’re sick and let me take you home?”
“y/n, I’m fine. Diaz’s don’t get sick.”
“Oh, yeah? What are you then? Just trying a new makeup look for Halloween?” You huffed.
Rosa chuckles. “What’s so funny?” You ask, almost offended.
“Ha ha.” She responded, “You’re not scary.”
“Rosa!” You nearly rolled your eyes, “You’re sick, please just let me take you home so you can rest? The last thing I want is you passing out on the gross precinct floors.”
“Wait a minute-” Rosa got all serious for a second, “You said ‘please’?”
“What?” You asked, puzzled.
“You asked if you could please take me home.” She pointed out.
“So, okay.” She shrugged, “Whatever.”
“Okay?” You repeated, not expecting her to agree.
“Rosa’s going home?” Jake gasps, “Oh, she so likes you.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Rosa complains, tossing an eraser at him.
“I’ve been watching you two, Diaz.” Gina added on, “Very flirty~”
You tried to hide a blush that very clearly still showed. “You two would be great together.” Charles chimed in, “So great.”
“Also, that height difference is mwah- perfect.” Gina wasn’t done.
“I agree.” Amy shrugged, “Rosa’s always had like a soft spot for you. From the day you started, even.”
“Wow, you guys are suddenly experts, huh?” Rosa scoffed, “Let’s go, y/n. Ignore them- they’re a bunch of kids.”
As Rosa laid on her couch, you were at the stove cooking her some soup. “Hey.”
“Yeah?” You glanced at her over your shoulder.
“Do you buy what they say?”
“What do you mean?” You asked nervously.
“Do you think they’re right? That I’ve had a crush on you since you joined our squad?”
You stayed quiet for a minute, stirring the soup. “Um…you’re not gonna beat me up depending on my answer, are you?”
“What?” Rosa guffaws, and ended up coughing. “No, that’s crazy.”
“Well, if I’m being honest. I hope they are, because literally- god, this is going to sound so stupid.”
“Oh, just say it.” Rosa insisted, grabbing a tissue to blow her nose.
“Over time, I’ve found myself liking you as more than a friend. But- despite all the time we spend together while on the job, I realise I still don’t really know you. But I mean, the squad thinks we’re best friends. And I’d like to think that we’re close because you haven’t threatened to chop me up yet and compared to how you are with the rest of them, don’t you see a difference? I mean, do you?” You panicked at the end.
Now Rosa was stunned into silence. That was a first. “Honestly…I didn’t even realise what I was doing. It just naturally happened over time- Holt kept partnering us up and little by little, we got closer.” She began, “I guess…I didn’t dare to take a bigger step to actually flirt with you because I get so nervous, I suck at it. And- I didn’t know if you were attached or not so I didn’t want to weird you out either.”
She’s never one to talk about her feelings- she says it makes her want to throw up. But she actually opened up and talked to you. You were shocked, then you were somewhat…honoured. Maybe also a little smug that you managed to get that out of her.
You turned the stove off, grabbing a bowl and a spoon. “I’m not seeing anyone and I’ve never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend before.” You admit, she walks over to the kitchen- to you, and wrapped her arms around you from behind. “You’re the first person that I’ve fallen for so quickly and so hard, it feels terrifying, but also equally exciting. But I just- I really didn’t know and didn’t want to say anything because I was afraid of the outcome.” You managed to say before her grip around you tightened fully, and she’d rested her chin on your shoulder.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” She asked softly as she watched you ladle a scoop of the chicken noodle soup into the bowl. You would’ve dropped the damn ladle if you weren’t so aware that she had her arms around you.
“Will I be your girlfriend?” You repeated her question in disbelief, “Oh, my God. Yes, Rosa.”
She chuckles into your ear, sending a chill down your spine and made you squirm, “I won’t kiss you because I don’t want you to get sick, but once I’m better, you’re about to get pampered, hermosa.” You asked her to let go of you so you could take the bowl over to the table, and she does.
“Eat with me.”
“Yeah, I will. Just gonna set this down for you first.” You told her.
Rosa tells you to return to the precinct after lunch, but you said no. “Holt let me. Besides, he says if they needed me, I’ll get a call. I don’t think he was expecting me to go back today, anyway.”
Rosa smirked, “What do you mean, y/n?”
“What I mean, is that he seems to know about your little crush on me.”
“No he doesn’t.”
You snorted, “Please- he so does. Yesterday, I was out with him for a case. He asked me directly if I liked you and if I’d noticed that you’ve been extra nice to me. Also, it was very funny to see that look on his face when I dragged you into his office so he could see how pale you were.”
“Hilarious.” Rosa agreed, “Thanks- for making me the soup and making me come home.”
“No problem.” You smiled, eating a spoonful of the food.
“Look, this soup is great, but why couldn’t we get pizza?”
“That dairy’s just gonna make you more congested.” You pointed out. “Like I would care.”
“You might not, but I do. I’m the one that’s taking care of you and having to deal with your whining.”
“My whining?” She gasps dramatically, “God, y/n. I think that’d be you. We made out at the New Year’s party and you were whiny freaking mess.”
You blushed thinking about the memories of that night. “Speechless?” She teased, “What do you say you get us dinner tonight and I’ll give you a little thank-you? I might be sick and can’t kiss you, but there’s a lot I can do with just my hands.”
“I’ll think about it.” You shrug, a smirk creeping onto your face.
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noxexistant · 3 months
ough I want girlsies headcanons that would make my little heart happy ❤️
girlsies my absolute beloveds, i am SO happy to provide
ritz has absolutely no idea how to do her own french braid. spot, on the other hand, is well-versed in braiding - but only on her own hair type (and jack’s, if you will join me for a second in them being siblings in some sense. i like to think they had some sort of connection in the immigration community jack grew up in). so, spot does ritz’s braid for her; she just started out doing it way too tight. it look a little while for her to get the hang of ritz’ fine hair and sensitive scalp, but now she’s got it down to a fine art. she does it half-asleep at the absolute crack of every dawn.
scope is perhaps the girliest of the brooklyn gang. she’s fascinated with makeup, with wealthy women’s fancy dresses, with vaudeville dancers’ costumes. she has vivid fantasies of at least getting to work with clothes like that someday, becoming a seamstress - a Proper one, not just a factory girl - so she can help make them, even if she’ll never be able to wear them. also, her favourite colour is light pink.
mack has the loudest laugh anyone has ever heard, and it is a full-body event. she throws her head back, cackles, knees buckling, hands grasping at anyone or anything close enough. near screams on her exhales, snorts on her inhales. oftentimes, her laugh is funnier than the joke, but god forbid the joke is told somewhere that’s meant to be quiet.
lucky used to be a factory girl. earned her nickname for coming out fully intact, all fingers and nails and hair firmly in place, and then it became some sort of prophecy. she always picks a good selling spot, always manages to miss the rain, always manages to catch something after she drops it. she leans into her luck by occasionally placing a bet with race - she hasn’t lost yet.
stray is the most sociable of the girls. she’s always happy to strike up conversation when the opportunity arises, and has Connections because of it. i’ve also decided she has a lil friendship with otto.
splint has a limb difference in her splinted/slinged arm. <3
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bengiyo · 9 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
10 Favorite Characters
You asked a broad question, so I hope you’re okay with answers outside of my daily posting. I post a lot about BL on here, but this list is a mild reminder that I am Black. As I’m putting this list together, I’m recognizing a common thread of ruthlessness in these characters that I will have to unpack at some point.
Omar Little (The Wire)
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Omar is one of my favorite characters of all time because he was the first sympathetic gay character I ever watched on TV with my dad. As I got older, my dad decided I was old enough and wanted me to watch what he considered to be one of the greatest shows ever made (NOTE: He is correct). I was obsessed with Omar because of his strict code and how gentle and loving he was with his boyfriends. It was amazing to me that we had this powerful gay character in the middle of a modern Greek tragedy and he is one of the most compelling characters ever created in American television.  
Ender Wiggin (Ender’s Game)
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One of the sad thing about growing up queer is the people who wrote a lot of your formative works hate queer people. Orson Scott Card was my first major disappointment in this regard. In the 7th grade, I discovered this book in our school library and ended up reading it and the related books multiple times throughout my adolescence.  I was a weird kid who was too smart for my own good. In middle school I struggled with feeling out of place because I was relatively new compared to most of these kids, and my family had me on a specific life track that meant that I had to perform at a high level constantly. I connected with Ender’s isolation and his brilliance. I also connected to his ruthlessness.
Marco (Animorphs)
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Animorphs is a pretty dark series for a bunch of elementary school kids to read, but that was K. A. Applegate’s point. War is horrible, and should be avoided. Reading this series is a reading the perspective of child soldiers. There was something about the way Marco always masked with jokes, but was quietly the most ruthless member of their group that means he’s always the one I remember first. There were also the ways he commented on Ax and Jake that just didn’t read straight, and I’ve been relieved that Applegate and the ghost writers have acknowledged the fan read on Marco’s bisexuality. I just love how from appearances at the end of the series Marco is actually okay after all the war, but he absolutely is not.
Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
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He was our first Black captain in Star Trek and I will love him forever. He’s also from New Orleans and cooks our food. He’s a devoted father, which was something Avery Brooks requested for the role to make sure we had a positive depiction of Black fatherhood on TV in the 90s. He has an understated spirituality to him. He has grit from facing the ugly side of maintaining a utopia and has an incredible temper that he holds most of the time. He’s a nerd about baseball. He cares about his people and holds firm as their commander. This isn’t a committee for him. He can be so brutal. I love him.
Ghost Dog (Ghost Dog)
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Ghost Dog (1999) is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I’ve always loved the version of masculinity Forest Whitaker put into this character. He has a sense of style and flair, and also follows a strict code of conduct. His adherence to his way earned him the respect of everyone in his community, and gangsters in his neighborhood show him admiration and respect. I loved his friendship with Raymond, in which neither knows what the other is saying and yet they are actually on the same page constantly.
Raymond Holt (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
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Yes, this show is copaganda, but I love Raymond Holt so much. I love that Andre Braugher played the Straight Man role in a comedy as a politically out gay man who has such a serious exterior. Holt was so gay in so many ways and I am obsessed with him. He is so deep into his niche interests (like me) and yet he was actually such a great mentor figure to everyone under him. I loved that he and his husband were so devoted to each other but were never depicted as the perfect couple. I love that he has a petty beef with another colleague. He’s just an incredible character.
Kiram Kir-zaki (Lord of the White Hell)
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Kiram is the first time I ever realized how deep the programming in speculative fiction to read the protagonist as a white man with brown hair and brown eyes. Kiram is a dark-skinned Haldiim youth with curly gold hair and light eyes. It took me three readings of this book to perceive Kiram properly, and it’s something that has shaken me for a long time. Kiram is brilliant, snarky, and too gay for his own good. He’s also not stupid. I love reading a smart gay character who generally cannot hide who he is doing the work to blend in to a homophobic setting. Ginn Hale also writes gay sex better than some gay male authors.
Kakei Shiro (What Did You Eat Yesterday?)
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Honestly, when am I ever not thinking about this man? I love how, even if he can’t immediately give Kenji everything he might want, he gives Kenji all that he can. He couldn’t say he loved Kenji for a long time, but you could feel the love in his cooking. I’m so happy to have this man and his partner back on my screen again. It is just so hard to be gay. I am so relieved that many of the folks reading my posts didn’t suffer The Knowing, because I know that Shiro and I will never be able to get away from what it did to us.
Chiron (Moonlight)
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The terrible intersection of poverty, race, and sexuality has never been better exemplified for me than in this film that has no white people in it. There are just so many fewer choices for us, especially if you can’t hide who you are. I love Chiron so much because we see so much of what he was forced to be pushed onto him. There’s something heartbreaking and beautiful that as an adult he resembles Juan, and that he never got over Kevin.  I find it hard to explain why Chiron means so much to me, but I’m black and gay so I don’t always feel like I have to.
Max (Black Sails)
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I love Max because she consistently chose to not be cruel when so many others would have. She is not accumulating power for her own ego or to punish those who wronged her. She holds power as a facilitator. History doesn’t remember the facilitators who keep the lights on and make sure the bread gets made every day, but you notice their absence within two days when they’re gone. Max is also funny to me because she and Flint almost never encounter each other, but have caused the other so much grief.
Thank you for the ask!
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jasperscringepit · 9 months
doodle suggestion: any of the brooklyn girls? maybe?
Hi so you probably completely forgot abt this request, but I bring you a v quick Mack!! I haven’t seen much art of her and I love her sm so here we go.
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I’ve been crazy busy settling back into uni and stuff, but I promise I remember your requests!! I’ll try and do a few more as soon as I can :)
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sleeping-in-the-sky · 4 months
what're your favorite headcanons about the infinite blue boys
asdfghjkl thank you for the ask! Apologies this took so long, I love wanting to do multiple hobbies and subsequently not making progress on any of them
Anyway I'm a sucker for domestic mundane things, like the list of random facts VelvetFox posted in this ask, so here are some headcanons for the boys with that same vibe:
(I had some scraps of IB dad headcanons so those are mixed in here too)
Infinite Blue LIs x Reader. No mentions of reader pronouns or gender. Also posted on Ao3 here.
Has journals full of thoughts and observations about anything and everything. Some of his writing is illegible and other parts make no sense to anybody but him because it's literally his runaway train of thoughts dumped onto paper. He sticks post-it notes with diagrams between the pages, jots down excerpts from Wikipedia pages, and overall it's not an aesthetic read... But flipping through can give you an idea of how this super genius's brain works.
He also writes about you in these notebooks, albeit they're written in between stuff like the thirty-seven fun facts of siphonophores and his favorite part of last night's dinner. Many of them are things you’ve never even noticed about yourself like the way you hold the steering wheel while driving. This is also where he'll stick date memorabilia, like movie tickets. (this hc was inspired by this fic by @sailxrmxrs <3)
If you two own a saucer chair or some other small round comfy seat, he'll probably fall asleep in it at least once. He curls up, all 5'10" of him tucked in that tiny space. Naturally, his body hurts when he wakes up and therefore he gets a bit grumpy. So next time if you see him dozing off maybe lead him to the couch or the bed so he can stretch comfortably.
I want to imagine that he has a closet only for his clothing irons and ironing boards. Like a fucking broom closet and you open it to see that there's those four boards and a dozen irons. These include vintage clothing irons, restored and repurposed. He knows how to use them and take care of them too. Why does this make me laugh so hard.
Clothes shopping. Take this man clothes shopping. Yes, he'll buy you anything but honestly? Even disregarding that it’s a fun time because he would enjoy discussing outfits, and if your taste isn't the same as his business-academia-formal style he could be convinced into trying an outfit you styled, or vice versa. Also he's a total simp every time you step out of the changing room. Need fit pics? He's got you covered.
Something tells me Brooklyn would enjoy snacks and desserts from around the world. He'd love to make them himself (and with you!), but you could just come home with some mitarashi-dango because your local Asian supermarket was having a sale and he's already cracking open the container for the ceremonial-grade green tea leaves.
Leo's our favorite gamer guy, but I think he also enjoys jigsaw puzzles whether they be with his friends or you or both. These are the quiet nights where everyone is focusing, intently staring at the puzzle sitting on the coffee table while aimlessly chatting. It's super peaceful, though sometimes time slips by unnoticed and by the time you all finish it's two in the morning.
Does that thing where you put someone in a shopping car, sprint across the parking lot while pushing said cart, then jump on it while it's moving. He does it with his friends, you, and his future kid (albeit with a lot more caution). He really wants to kiss you while he’s doing it too, but maybe not because what happens if he hits a car, or worse, someone else?
While we're on the topic of transportation and kisses, every time you're sitting shotgun and he pulls the car in reverse he'll put his hand on your seat and lean in to kiss you. Every. Single. Time.
Kiss him first. It'll get him flustered. Do it.
I want to believe he really likes having his hair brushed. If you ask him about it he'll never admit it beyond a quick affirmative, but anytime you sit behind him and start to gently run the bristles through his tangles, he could feel himself relaxing. It's soothing. He might fall asleep like that.
Milo would own a 3d printer. I have no definitive reasons why. Vibe check says he owns a 3d printer and will print out cool little knickknacks and give them to you without a word because they either help you in a mundane way (like a toothbrush holder), or he'll print out something cute like a tiny frog with a mushroom hat because he likes seeing your face light up.
Or he'll print out something cursed, like that Thomas the Tank Engine bottlecap where the liquid streams out of the eyes. It's a coin toss every time.
Was that one kid reading with a flashlight under the covers. Even now that he's older, he likes to get a bed light and read before bed. Sometimes he gets super engrossed in it and you gotta peel that book off him. He’ll complain. Stand your ground. Otherwise he'll be super sleep-deprived and cranky the next morning.
If his future child also turns out to be an avid reader, he'll secretly change out their flashlight batteries. Or get them a night light with some half-baked excuse of, "so you don't turn on all the lights when you get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and wake the entire house up." Sure, Rory.
Speaking of sleep-related things, he really likes it when you fall asleep next to him/on him. His expression melts into the softest smile and he'll pull you in tightly. If he falls asleep on you, he's the kind to unconsciously hold onto you/must be touching you at all times. He gets really embarrassed about it if you mention this to him. I recommend taking a picture and making it his contact photo.
Has terrible handwriting but an impeccable signature. Don't ever ask him to write the grocery list because it takes forever to decipher his chicken scratch, but he'll sign stuff for fans in one fluid stroke, and that shit looks clean. And yes, he'll offer to sign something for you too.
Loves it when he's chilling on the couch after a long day and you flop on top of him. He'll happily be your teddy bear and let you lay there for hours, the two of you chatting and watching TV while he rubs soft circles on your back. Feel free to fall asleep like that too.
He's the type to enjoy flashy, expensive dates. He takes you out in his sports car to get dinner at a fancy restaurant, followed by spectating sports games from the VIP seats. But I also think incredibly mundane things, like the two of you going out just to grab ice cream in sweatpants and hoodies give him a special kind of happiness.
Seeing you sleepily rubbing your eyes as you come to pick him up from the airport is enough to make him giddy.
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jack-kellys · 5 months
if you're still taking requests (no worries if you're not!!) a newsie with a pokemon perhaps? can be any newsie and any pokemon!! - @pigeonwit
had a Blast
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why pick pockets at sheepshead alone when u simply don't have to
here's pidge's pokémon au lineup btw. if u even care
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silverthelovebug · 15 days
So I know that your main au is a Hybird one, but what about an AU more in line with single bc meshi?
In other words, what dinosaur do you think would be good cooking, who is the Fallin, how big even is the island, etc
Sorry, I might not be reading your question right. Are we talking about a Dungeon Meshi Camp Cretaceous AU?
I’ll try to interpret what you meant,
I think the more meaty herbivores like Cerapods would be best cooked for food? It could be like a Red Dragon situation where the large carnivorous dinosaurs would be good for large portions of meat too. There’s obviously vegetation on Nublar as well. And for who would cook the food? I’m thinking Brooklyn or Sammy would have the most experience with things in the kitchen. Brooklyn probably made a cooking video at least once and Sammy has farming experience.
We don’t really see the Nublar six cook for themselves so it’s hard to say. Maybe Season Two Ben?
More in line with the Hybrid AU, it’d be funny if the Falin was Brooklyn. Just because I feel like Laios and Falin have a similar dynamic to Darius and Brooklyn, plus Chaos Theory.
And for the island, um, if we’re comparing it to the dungeon, it’s definitely smaller. But I think Isla Nublar would stay relatively the same.
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Kotetsu: So, Bunny is late today. Anyone wanna bet why?
Ryan: I say he slipped through the subway grate and is having terrible sex with the mole man.
Lara: I don't know about that... I think either his alarm clock didn't go off, or he's in line at the bank.
Ivan: Take this more seriously! Barnaby was clearly taken in his sleep!
Nathan: I bet he tucked himself into the bed too tightly and got stuck.
Karina: Maybe he fell into another dimension where he's more interesting...?
*Barnaby arrives*
Barnaby: Sorry I'm late - there was a problem at the bank.
Lara, clapping her hands in excitement: HOT DAMN!
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wooshofficial · 5 months
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wayward-persephone · 2 years
This sounds like something one of Ethan’s characters would say
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Y E S 🥵🥵🥵
I can see...
The Grabber/Albert Shaw
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Goodnight Robicheaux
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King Aurvandil War-Raven
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Gif by @transjohnny
Sal Procida
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Paul from In the Valley of Violence
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James Costa
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John Brown
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eva-eyre · 2 months
What's your top 5 favorite books? Also just wanted to say I love your aesthetic 💙
thank you so much! here are my top 5!
1. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
2. A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith
3. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
4. Twelfth Night by Shakespeare
5. The Secret History by Donna Tartt
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buckttommy · 1 year
Considering the unholy amount of pictures Oliver took of everyone during the shooting of the last episode I was 100% sure they thought the show wasn’t going to get another season. When he started sharing all the pics on his ig thanking everyone I was like ahhh that’s it, they’re gonna announce the show is cancelled now. Glad ABC decided to keep it but the cast discovering about it a few hours before the public is heartbreaking, they really thought they were done working together 💔
Remember when Oliver posted this under that picture of him and Aisha hugging? Hits a lot different now that we know they thought they were cancelled
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noine-noine · 2 months
Do u come up with all of these yourself??
And if yes, how???
There have been a few text posts here and there that I did fully come up with myself, but most of the dialogue is not my own, just stuff I see from shows or movies or other incorrect quotes. I come up with how it would apply to the b99 cast and I just try and keep it as in character as possible!
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