#brotherly angst
septic-skele · 8 months
It was no one’s fault. Papyrus wasn’t pushed, there was no malicious intent. He’d just had a slip, scraped his knee, the school healer said. Just slipped, just scraped it, as if that was supposed to brush away any fear Blue may have of his brother’s dust scattering across the school yard under his playmates’ careless feet.
“I’m fine, Blue, I swear. They already gave me a healing item—hey, c’mon, stop! You’ve checked me four times already!” Papy whined.
“I know, I know, just once more. Last time, starshine, I promise,” Blue pleaded, pulling him into a squirmy hug.
* He doesn’t understand why you’re still so worried.
Blue always worried about him. That was his job. Nevertheless he was at 1 HP again, not .9 as he was in the nurse’s office. 1 HP was where he would stay.
Right? Would one healing item be enough for the wound to really clot? What if it reopened and the numbers slid back down without his notice?
Papy sighed against his collarbone as he shuddered, tightened his grip, broke his promise and checked again.
* He’s right here. He’s not going anywhere.
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usagi-s2 · 2 years
Dad for one fic rec!
A Postmortem with a Ghost by katydid
summary: all for one finds a quirk that lets him talk to ghosts. Yoichi has a lot to say. It's crack untill Yoichi brings up all for one's parenting and misdeeds.
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sarathrwizard · 2 months
I Care. Chapter 5 (Part 2/2) - (Rottmnt comic)
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Despite the fact that Leo is sleeping, he can still hear the conversation. But what he didn't expect to see when he woke up was Donnie much worse than he was earlier that day. He came over to Donnie as quick as he could to help his twin however way he can. Leo gave Donnie some pain killers, as requested. But only moments later Donnie had passed out, risking his broken ribs to damage his lungs even further! Leo, feeling that something was wrong, began to pray. (As many would do in a time of desperation.) Then, before him formed A spirit that knew the ancient technique of the 'healing hands'. Scared at first, Leo protected Donnie from this spirit. But the spirit paid no mind to Leos efforts. They laid their hands on Donnie, healing him from his fever and breaks and reliving him from the pain he's endured.
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sabyfangirl · 7 months
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Stay With Me
Let's just say that sometimes, when you're having an atrocious night, you need that special someone to be there for you...
“Chris!” Martin called for his brother. “Chris?!”
He was nowhere to be found.
Martin was running through a forest, unlike any other forest he’d ventured in before. He dodged branches, jumped over fallen tree trunks... It seemed as though the trail would never end.
The sun was shining through the tree leaves, making his surroundings all but beautiful. Yet, it all felt so... ominous.
Finally, he slowed to a stop. He thought he had caught a familiar shade of green from the corner of his eye.
Maybe even a hint of red.
He backed up and went to take a look.
His face dropped at the sight of his brother lying unmoving on the ground, like a marionette with no puppeteer.
“CHRIS!!!” Martin cried out as he dropped to his knees.
He quickly held his little brother in his lap, and nearly screamed at the sight of blood covering his abdomen. It didn’t take long before his shirt got stained, though it was the least of his worries at the moment as he was too busy trying to put pressure on the wound.
Chris gave a faint whimper. His eyes were closed, almost in a lifeless way…
With a bloody, shaky hand, Martin felt his brother’s pulse: it was weak. Nearly non-existent.
“No, no, no- ” In a wave of panic, Martin held his brother’s face close to his. “Chris, look at me. Look at me, I’m right here!” He begged him as he swiftly brushed his brother’s hair back. He held his hand tight, heavy tears forming in his eyes.
Only two barely audible coughs came out.
“Y-You’re gonna be just fine, I-I promise!” his voice cracked hard.
What even happened? Was it a wild animal?!
Martin gasped softly hearing his brother’s frail voice.
With the little strength he had left, Chris forced his eyes half-open, barely . He was terrifyingly pale; he had lost a lot of blood…
He met his brother’s tormented gaze and, without a word, he simply smiled bittersweetly.
Martin’s eyes grew wide.
No. This couldn’t be happening .
“Chris…” Martin shook his head, his little brother still smiling at him. “Don’t do this to me.”
Chris’ eyes began to close, his hand gradually losing grip on his brother’s.
Finally, his fingers were resting on the edges of his brother’s palm.
Martin was left staring at his little brother’s lifeless face, eyes wide from shocked despair.
“Christopher…” A pained cry escaped his chest. ��Don’t do this to me, bro. Come on…” He gave his body a vain shake. “No, no…” His voice was feeble, nearly broken.
With trembling hands, Martin slowly cupped his little brother’s bloody face. His poor, precious little brother . His tears began to pour down harder than they ever did. He gasped silently as he buried his brother’s numb face in his shoulder. He soothingly ran his hand through his hair, his lips pressed against his forehead. His glassy eyes wandered into nothingness as he painfully processed the fact that he was no longer there, no longer with him.
“No, no, no… Please. Please, don’t do this.”
Eventually, his sobs became louder and interminable, tightly hugging his dear little brother’s limp body in his arms, his tears falling onto his hair.
“ Oh, God. ”
He could already feel the crushing weight of grief pushing down on him, life seeming to have lost all meaning all of a sudden.
“Please, God. No…”
What would he do without him?!
His companion. His best friend.
The world around him began to spin, his tears blinding him from looking at his brother’s face. Then-
Martin’s head was pounding. His entire body was soaked with sweat. He was gasping for air, clenching his chest hard. His heart felt like it would burst out of his chest any moment. Tears were stinging his eyes and staining his face. Heavily disoriented, he couldn’t even make out where he was, and the darkness in the room didn’t help much.
He suddenly heard him, his eyes growing wide in the dark. That voice .
As he looked to the side, Martin found a pair of brown eyes glowing in the dark. He wanted to say something, but it almost felt like his voice had been stolen. He was paralyzed .
He sensed someone getting out of bed on the other side of the room.
Click .
A night lamp was turned on.
Chris, who looked very much alive , went over to check on his brother. As he sat on the side of his bed, Martin’s eyes remained fixated on his brother’s visage.
“Hey, are you okay?” Chris asked with concern, as his brother only stared at him like he was a ghost. “Martin, you’re kind of freaking me out,” his voice cracked a little.
Martin was pale as a sheet. His eyes scanned Chris’ abdomen: no blood.
At that moment, the image of his brother’s blood-covered body flashed before his eyes.
“ AHH! ” he let out a loud, panicked CRY .
“Martin!” Chris immediately tried to calm him down.
Martin kept screaming, hot tears flowing down his face.
“HEY! Hey, I’m here. You’re okay. Breathe. Breathe.” Chris held his brother’s hands tight, trying to look into his eyes.
“I-I can’t! I can’t!” Martin was practically gasping for air.
“I’m right here, shh…” Chris slowly leaned in for a hug. He gently rocked him back and forth, just like Martin always does to him when he’s in distress.
It took a while, but Martin finally started to calm down a bit, his eyes now bloodshot from all his tears. He held onto his little brother as if the whole world was about to fall apart.
It was a miracle that none of the crew members had woken up so far. (Although Jimmy could be cast aside for that.) It had been a long day, after all.
Chris subconsciously slid into bed, his brother’s arms locked around him as though he was a treasured possession.
In a way, he was .
Chris tried to get his brother to lie down. He could hear his heart pounding hard; he frowned. His brother’s tears had really soaked his hair. Nonetheless, he didn’t mind. The bed was shaking from his brother’s agitation.
Several minutes later, Martin let out a prolonged, heavy and shaky sigh. He sniffled as he wiped his face in his pillow before taking a deep breath.
“Sorry- I-I’m so sorry- ” his voice was terribly raspy.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Chris rubbed his back comfortingly. “I’ll go get you some water.”
As soon as he shifted to get up, Martin instinctively locked his hand on his brother’s wrist like a handcuff.
“ NO! ”
Chris nearly jumped at his reaction. He looked down at his brother’s pleading eyes, his hand tightening on his wrist so hard that he winced from the pain.
“Martin?” Chris’ brows furrowed.
“S-Stay with me,” Martin begged.
Reading his brother’s eyes, Chris understood. “Okay, then. I’ll help you get to the main room and grab a glass of water,” he suggested with a tender tone.
Martin scanned his brother’s eyes deeply, and with the soreness in his throat, it was all enough to convince him. He gave a small, quivery nod.
Carefully, Chris reached out two hands, one to hold his brother’s, and the other wrapped around him for stability.
Martin’s knees were trembling so hard, doing an incredible job at making the trip from the brothers’ room to the main room a challenge of its own. He felt weak, so close to just collapsing onto the floor right then and there. Despite the fact that his brother was heavier than him, Chris was determined to support his weight as much as he could.
When they made it to the main room, Chris led his brother to the center table where he could rest while he went over to the sink to fill him up a glass of water.
That small, insignificant distance between the sink and where Martin was sitting were enough to make him dreadful to the core. He couldn’t even swallow anymore. His shoulders were tense. He kept his drowsy eyes on his little brother, refusing to even blink , fearing that in that minuscule fraction of time, he would just vanish into thin air.
He watched as Chris brought him a glass full of refreshing water before sitting next to him. It took him a few seconds before having a good hold of the glass; his hands were still a bit shaky. But the cool liquid was all but soothing for his throat, making that small “trip” all worth it.
Putting the glass down, Martin sighed heavily. “Thanks,” he whispered.
Chris put a hand on his shoulder and, thanks to the bit of moonlight shining through the rooftop, Martin was able to see his smile. A smile he wouldn’t trade for the whole world.
“Let’s get you back to bed,” Chris finally said in a hushed tone.
Without another word, he accompanied his older brother back to their room, Martin seeming a little less shaken. Regardless of how small the change was, it made Chris feel a little at ease.
Once they made it back, Martin lay down in bed, refusing to let go of his brother who had no choice but to stay by his side. He ran his hand through Chris’ hair as a coping mechanism of some sort, cherishing each second of it. Normally, Chris would be giving him a hard time for touching his hair, but this was an exception he was more than willing to make.
“You wanna… talk about it?”
Martin’s heart skipped a beat. He shook his head hard, tightening his arms around his little brother.
Chris sighed. “You don’t have to... But it might help you feel better?” His voice was calm and soothing.
Martin swallowed hard.
“I- ” he found it hard to talk. His eyes began to water again. “I’m just glad you’re here. With me .” He pulled Chris even closer.
Chris felt another tear fall on his hair. His brother’s words deeply perturbed him. He remained silent, snuggling deeper into the embrace.
All through the night, Martin was almost certain he’d never be able to go back to sleep. But Chris refused to fall asleep before he did. He could tell Martin was fighting to keep his eyes open.
“You need sleep, bro,” Chris finally said.
Martin didn’t say anything.
“I was running in a forest,” he suddenly started.
Chris was all ears.
“And I was looking for you…” His voice was getting more shaky with each word. “And when I found you- ” A small squeak escaped his throat. “You- ” He swallowed hard. “Y-You were- ” He began to tremble again, sounding as though he would burst into tears once more.
Chris could feel his fingers digging into his shirt and arms. “Hey, it’s okay. Everything’s okay now.” He brushed his hand against his brother’s agonized face. “Whatever happened to me, just know it was never real.” He looked up to find tears already seeping through the corners of his brother’s eyes.
“But i-it felt so real ,” Martin’s lips were shaking badly. He never sounded so scared, so vulnerable.
It almost made Chris burst into tears.
“Hey, look at me.” Chris held his face and looked deep into his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere, you hear me?” His voice was comforting and reassuring. “When you wake up, you’ll find me right here.”
Martin looked down at his brother for the longest time, sensing the sincerity in his eyes. “Promise?” He gave him a longing look.
Chris caressed his hand. “I promise.”
With a tear-stained face, Martin gave him a somewhat relaxed smile. “Okay.” He seemed a little pensive.
After a while longer, Martin finally yawned. “Thanks, Chris.” He gently rubbed his face against his little brother’s hair, scooching as close as possible.
It didn’t take long before Martin gave in as he was drifting back to sleep.
Soon, Chris could hear him snoring softly. With a tired smile, he carefully pulled the blanket over them both, his brother’s arms strongly locked around him.
Chris hid his face in his brother’s shoulder and curled into a little ball, Martin now seeming at peace for the first time since he’d woken up.
At last, Chris closed his eyes, and whispered, “Good night, big bro.”
Thank you @littlecrittereli for the wonderful cover you made for this fic!
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acracana · 28 days
I feel like I rarely see people talk about the inherent tragedy that is Gun and Daniel’s relationship—especially if you choose to view their relationship as fraternal/like brothers.
Because you have Daniel, a kind-hearted and genuinely good person, choose to see Gun, who is shown time and time again to be an arguably awful person, as an older brother figure.
And Daniel has shown strong dislike if not hatred for people he considers to be genuinely terrible people. He says it straight up to Eugene’s face when he betrays him, and he even falls to his knees when he finds out that he is related in Jinyeong (another truly awful person in Daniel’s eyes).
But Gun? Daniel knows he’s a terrible person (he knows this ever since Gun threatened his friends all the way back in the og Daniel vs Gun fight after the Hostel arc). Yet, when given the ability to fight him, he chose to try and talk to him—try to convince him to change and calls him “hyung”.
Now, we don’t fully understand why Daniel suddenly has this fraternal affection towards Gun. We don’t know the extent of what happend during his training besides for the small snippets ptj has shown, but it’s possible that Gun resonated with Daniel in a way that made him start viewing Gun as a respectable older brother. I mean, just comparing Gun to Daniel’s male relatives (his uncles and cousins), it’s no wonder that Daniel would look to Gun, his teacher, as a beacon of immense strength and respect as he spent more time with him ans getting to know him.
We don't fully know about Gun’s feelings towards Daniel. We know that he thinks Daniel is strong with a lot of potential (his masterpiece), but whether or not he views Daniel as a younger brother is unclear. He makes a face of disgust when Daniel tries to appeal to his emotions by calling him “Hyung”. Whether Gun just doesn’t see Daniel in that light or he doesn’t want to see Daniel in that way remains to be seen (give us more of them please ptj)
Narratively, ptj is setting up for an eventual final showdown between Gun and Daniel (probably when Daniel finally masters UI). Since Daniel is the MC, he’ll probably win, but not without an intense and emotional showdown between the two. Whether Daniel actually kills Gun is debatable, but Gun has some intense death flags in general so 🤷
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muyru-iru · 1 month
Commander Fox: I started to dream about the heat on Geonesis...The scorching rock that had this uncaring orange colour as it also clouded the sky....when the sand hit our unit...for the first time...I liked how the sand got everywhere and yet do I wished to be back on Kamino. I miss the rain. Stone. I miss it.
Commander Stone: stop talking, Commander. You need to rest. Please sleep. You're running on high fever. The CMO ordered you to rest....please Fox.
Commander Fox: is it raining? Stone, it's raining.
Commander Stone sobbing: ...please just rest, Fox. Ni ceta...ní ceta..ori'vod...please ... we need you...I need you....rest, Fox.
Commander Fox softly: you're a good man, Stone. You all have been very kind to someone like me...
Commander Stone crying: Ret'urcye mhi. Fox...ni ceta...
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bluestarjay · 2 months
The Bakugous are def the type of family that got a newborn puppy at the same time katsuki was born, so they would grow up together. Idk what breed, but like, I love the concept of them having a dog it's so sweet. Bonus points if since it's technically katsukis dog, he named it, so it has a ridiculous cutesy name or smth, like "Mr fluffy" or some basic ass name like marshmallow or oreo 💀💀💀 OR HE NAMED IT AFTER ALL MIGHT LMAOAO when All Might and Aizawa visited the bakugous to talk abt dorms, mitsuki is like, "All Might, Aizawa, this is my husband Masaru, and that adorable little shithead right there is, ah, named All Might. Katsuki named him when he was quite young,,,," and then he's screaming at her to shut up bc that's embarrassing, but all might is 🥰🥰🥰 "You named your puppy after me, young bakugou? How thoughtful! I'm so honored!!" And All Might the dog loves deku more than katsuki, and on the rare occasion that deku visits, all might the dog is jumping on him and giving him sm love and attention and bakugous like, "you can't just steal my fucking dog, nerd ☹️" their dog takes after masaru the most bc it's the sweetest dog you'll ever meet, like, if someone broke in the dog would lick the intruder kind of friendly. Deku's apartment doesn't allow pets, so he had pet bugs for a while, but he never told his mom he was keeping them, so she was understandably terrified when she found a bugs in his room, even if they were contained, so then he got a pet rock. Yes, a pet rock. He was really lonely in middle school,,,, but anyways, deku seems like the kind of guy that would have a pet praying mantis. Ngl, I could see either one of them owning a pet tarantula. Bakugo would have a pet snake, too. He found a snake in the woods and took it home to his parents, and they made him release it, but they agreed he could have a pet snake if he promised to take care of it, so then he got it, and then invited deku over to see. Deku thought it was gonna be a nice little thing as bakugo had already started bullying him at that point, and thought he was gonna be his friend again, but instead, bakugo made him watch as he fed the snake a mouse 🥰🥰 deku was traumatized,,,
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hooffuloftootsierolls · 6 months
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Some angel sketchbook doodles for you
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kindaasrikal · 3 months
So like we’re just not gonna talk about how Garmadon’s whole life was spent doing horrific actions that he couldn’t help do as he’s burdened from the guilt of harming others and himself and pushing away everyone he so desperately loves and wishes to protect, and Wu’s whole life was spent trying to prevent Garmadon from doing something horrifically irredeemable and actively stopping him from harming others and himself whilst also drawing to the conclusion that his elder brother that he so deeply cares about has to be stopped no matter what and he became desperate to find a way to just end Garmadon because at this point its the only way to save him from himself?
‘Kay, guess we aren’t.
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septic-skele · 1 month
I'd love to see a story where Blue coming back really shook up from a Star Sans vs. Nightmare gang fight and Stretcy has to find out why, and it turns out instead of the Sans Nightmare called out his "B team" this time (the Bad Paps you drew) and seeing a Dust version of his brother really scared Blue....
“Papyrus? Papyrus! Stretch, are you here?” Dream called out, keeping a bracing arm around Blue as he guided him through the portal into his living room.
At a first glance his support wouldn’t have seemed necessary; Blue wasn’t on the verge of collapse, he was barely even shaking. He was fine—or at least he would be now that he was home, where everything was familiar and safe and as it should be.
“Everything” included his brother, his real brother, not that—that—No, stop thinking about that, him, it’s done, it’s over—But it wouldn’t be over forever, not now that Nightmare had noted how Blue reacted to the sight of him. Of course he would take advantage of it again, he would bring him back sooner or later—preferably later, preferably never—
Where was he? Where was his Papyrus? Why didn’t he come to greet them? Had something happened while Blue was gone? Had he—Was he—?
Now he was shaking, his soul hammering frantically, painfully against his breastplate. Distantly he felt Dream tense and tighten his grip at the change, heard him trying to shush and soothe but the words were mostly unintelligible, swept in one nonexistent ear and out the other on the rising roar of white noise.
“—pyrus!—need you down here now—!”
“—right, alright—’s the fire? Can’t a guy—couple hours without—Blue?” Perhaps it was an illusion as Blue’s vision swam or Papyrus had taken a shortcut from the top of the stairs to the bottom; either way he appeared before him with disorienting speed, his hands replacing Dream’s on Blue’s shoulders. “Sans? Bro, what is it, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
Papyrus was worried. Blue was worrying him. He shouldn’t be, everything was okay now, they were home, they were safe, not…But when Blue tried to say as much, his body didn’t get the memo. His throat was trying to close. All he could manage was a ragged, strangled gasp and the air tasted like dust that wasn’t his. Papyrus must have smelled it on his breath; a sting of panic crossed his face as he checked.
* SANS – 20 ATK 20 DEF
* HP: 456 / 680
* He’s in shock.
“What happened out there?”
As it stood right now, Blue couldn’t have answered even if he wanted to. All he could do was crumple, bury himself away from the world in the folds of his brother’s jacket, dig cold, trembling, desperate fingers in against his chest and cling. Cling to what he knew, his only family, his heart, hope, Papy, starshine, never let him go, never let him leave his sight again, never let him lose himself like that, never, never, never—
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m right here! I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.” Had Papyrus read his mind or had Blue managed to choke out some part of that inner monologue aloud? It didn’t matter. “I’m here, Sans, you’re with me. You gotta breathe, okay? Breathe with me, c’mon. In…and out…”
It was the first time Blue could ever recall being comforted by the smell of Papy’s cigarette smoke as it enveloped him, dry, stale and stuffy, not at all like dust (faintly metallic, wet chalk and flint.) With every ounce of willpower he had left, Blue sought that smoke he had always loathed as quick fingers worked at prying off pieces of his armor. The less weight bearing down on rattled bones, the better—the easier it would be to lift him, he realized, squeaking in surprise and scrambling to keep a handhold as Papyrus shifted.
Blue couldn’t remember the last time Papy had actually picked him up but he wasn’t about to protest. The fact that he was making the extra effort to calm him was a comfort in and of itself. Blue had always done this for him when he was small and frightened; it was one of a few surefire ideas to fall back on in desperate times.
After what seemed like hours holding on for dear life, Papyrus walking him back and forth across the living room as steadily as he could, Blue was finally able to draw a slower breath. Lifting his head took more effort than he expected, his face plastered to fabric by half-dried tear streaks he hadn’t even registered.
“There we go,” Papyrus murmured, sounding relieved and strained at once. The exertion was getting to him. Blue let himself have one last shaky inhale, exhale before testing out his voice.
“Y-You can put me down now.” Hoarse and hollow.
The couch cushions were cold in comparison as he sank into them but he was too drained to move. Papyrus cracked his back as subtly as he could, rolled his shoulders.
“Lemme get you a healing item,” he said instead of asking any number of reasonable questions. “I’ll be right back—”
“Don’t. Please. D-Don’t leave me.”
“…Okay then.”
Sinking uncertainly down next to him, Papyrus hesitated briefly before resting a light hand on his skull, clumsily consoling. Even as he leaned into it, Blue could sense all of the questions Papyrus was trying to suppress, could feel the anxiety bubbling at the thought of answering them. But after dealing with the fallout, holding Blue together despite his weakness, didn’t he deserve to know?
“Nightmare…” he started, voice already breaking. Papyrus’ fingers tensed against his temple, his voice dropping to a venomous hiss.
“What did he do to you?”
“Nothing. He never touched me. Too preoccupied with Dream, as always.” Come to think of it, he hadn’t noticed Dream leaving. Maybe he assumed this conversation would be better held in private but Blue almost wished he had stayed to explain the hardest parts for him. He was much more practiced at coping with the heartache of battling one's kin. “It seems Nightmare has formed some new alliances s-since the last time we fought. They caught us off guard…A secondary team, made up of…corrupt Papyri.”
“Oh. …Let me guess, one of ’em looked a little too much like me?”
Even more so than whatever he was imagining. Blue’s soul twisted with cloying nausea as he squeezed his sockets shut again, wishing he could will away the mental image of his baby brother standing there, dripping fresh dust, allied with the enemy.
“I froze. T-That’s never happened to me before, I’ve never…Standing face to face, standing against the monster I love most in the whole multiverse, looking into your eyes and seeing such—nothingness, it was—The way you looked at me—” Before Papyrus could protest, he threw up his hands. “I know, I know it wasn’t the true you. You’re from different universes.”
The couch springs groaned as Papyrus shifted uneasily. “Why am I sensing a ‘but’?”
“Because…” Twisting his hands into fists on his lap, he struggled for another breath. Dare he even admit it?
“Sans.” Papy’s hand slipped from his crown to his mandible, nudging him to look over. His eye sockets were soft, concerned. “It’s me. I’m here, not some dumpster fire doppelganger. You can trust me. You know that, right? You can tell me anything.”
But you haven’t trusted me with this. How much will it hurt you to find out that I already know?
Blue swallowed hard, forcing himself not to tear away from Papyrus’ earnest, expectant stare. “The way he looked at me…” he breathed. “Sometimes…on your very worst days…you look the same way.” New tears threatening, he twisted aside to grab at him before he could reel back in disbelief. If either of them faltered now, he wouldn’t be able to go on. “And the fact that I recognized that in him, in you, it was terrifying! T-That darkness, that detachment, the cold! I’ve seen the way you look at the human sometimes, how you look at that prized locket, at knives—I’ve never understood it but whatever it is, it’s there and it scares me and I don’t know what to do! Now that I’ve seen what it can become, what you can become, I-I can’t bear it! I can’t help but wonder if it’s my fault he—”
“No, Sans, you can’t think like that! Whatever life he’s had over there, he made his own choices—”
“But where was his Blue?! Why didn’t he—why didn’t I do something to stop it, to help him, to save him?! I can’t let that happen here, I can’t lose you to it, not my Papy! Please, not you! J-Just tell me what to do! Whatever it takes to wipe any trace of that darkness out of you, I’ll do anything!”
“…I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. I’m sorry. I’m sorry you’ve had to see any of that. I don’t know what more you can do. If I didn’t have you…the darkness would’ve gotten me a long time ago.” The tremor in Papyrus’ voice ripped a sob from Blue’s ribs. That admission only made it more dreadful. “But it hasn’t. Not this time.”
This time?
“And as far as I’m concerned, it’s not going to. All I can think of for you to do is exactly what you’ve always been doing. Stay with me. Survive. Live. Be happy. That’s all I need, that’s what keeps me out of those dark places. As long as we’re together, we’ll be okay. Okay? I promise.”
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zee-rambles · 2 years
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Just get better…
First I Prev I Next I
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fallen-mario-bros-au · 4 months
Aight just a warning I'm pretty new to Tumblr and I'm DEFINITELY new to making AUs so I'm pretty nervous to post anything here but I figured I'd just rip the band-aid off.
Anyways I love Mario and I love Undertale and I NEEDED TO COMBINE THEM LEGALLY so I decided to make an au about it! Dunno if I'm actually going to do anything serious with this, I mostly just want to imagine cute shenanigans with my favorite characters and whatnot, but who knows? Maybe I'll actually try to give this a proper plot
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So here's the basic info:
- Mario and Luigi, in the midst of trying to chase down Bowser, who has just kidnapped the princess again, somehow wind up far away from the Mushroom Kingdom and on Mt. Ebott. Where, of course, they fall into the underground.
- All the monsters are pretty much their canon counterparts (at least, my best interpretation of them 💀)
- Mario ends up discovering he has the power to reset/load/save/etc, but Luigi does not. This is because Mario has the most determination to get out of here and save the princess
- Toriel isn't quite as overprotective of them as she would be if they were a literal child like Frisk, but she is still very motherly towards them because it's just kinda who she is. She would probably be concerned about them potentially attacking the monsters so she might make them promise not to hurt anyone. I still don't think she would want them to leave because Asgore would take their souls
- Honestly mostly this is just an excuse for the Mario Bros and the Skelebros to hang out XD
- the thing that is really interesting is that Mario and Luigi are not 1, but 2 humans, which means only one of their souls would be needed to break the barrier. This ends up becoming a real issue but I could see it being resolved in a few ways.
1. one of the bros self sacrifices so the underground goes free (much to the dismay of the other, and also my heart would break haha)
2. They decide to just stay in the underground instead of going home (but they would be pretty sad about it because oh no their kingdom is still in danger
3. ??? IDK tbh
- Since Mario can load saves, he's just constantly in this angsty cycle of trying to keep his bro from getting killed off ;;
- Not sure if Mario could keep the resets secret for long since Flowey would taunt them about it, but he definitely would be pretty closed off about it, especially to Luigi. He does NOT want Luigi to know about the horrible things he's seen
-ofc cut to Luigi being confused as heck as to why Mario seems to already know what's going to happen.
- they have cute sweaters because I said so
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- not sure how omega fight would work, but either way Mario would have to fight to save both of them (probably all by himself :c)
- I want them to eventually do true pacifist but IDK how it would work so I'm not gonna think about it too hard rn
- Mario and Undyne having a friendly rivalry about who's the most heroic
- sans trying to convince them they could just stay in the underground and they're like "no we have to save the tiny mushroom people" and he's like "ur just like my bro fr"
- monster speculation about the purpose of mustaches
- It would be kinda funny if they had the firebrand and thunderhand since... Like... Humans aren't supposed to be able to do magic
- "are you sure you're humans? You're so small"
- *confused Italian noises*
Also here's some assorted doodles (I know the quality sucks 😭)
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troublezoey · 1 year
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“Thinking about your Brother?”
“We’ve never been apart this long.”
Here’s a moment I don’t see a lot more of people talking about, the devastated look in Mario’s eyes just kills me. He probably feeling so much guilt over losing Luigi after he basically forced him down into the sewers just to try and prove to their father wrong. Not to mention how utterly terrified he also must be, not knowing if Luigi had been hurt, or if he was even still alive.
He must be remembering the last interaction he had with him, wondering if that would be the last memory he would ever have of his little brother. As well as his father disapproving words:
“And the worst part? You're bringing your brother down with you.”
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sarathrwizard · 7 months
I Care. Chapter 3/4 (Part 3/3) (Rottmnt Comic)
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The brothers have finally reunited! But it seems they didn't return undamaged. The wounds they received in their spiritual form seemed to effect their physical bodys as well.
Next Part:
Pevious Part:
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fosermi · 4 months
Idk if you read the Thanksgiving fic but Silver Shadow and Eclipse all petting Ozzy?
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Y'know, I decided that since I haven't finished catching up yet that I'd listen to the fics while I draw.
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mirrorofliterature · 6 months
alejandro knows his parents do not love him.
still, he thought -
he hoped -
that they would still pick him up after total drama. even if he is a failure, he is still their son, still their responsibility -
don't even talk to us. you are a disgrace.
well. alejandro is almost an adult, but almost is not enough.
his parents have abandoned him, he lost the money, he trashed his reputation on international TV for nothing, he... he...
he kissed noah last night.
that was nice. but he cannot crash at his maybe-boyfriend's place indefinitely when things are still so new, still so fragile.
so he is back to where he started. waiting for someone who will never come.
he hasn't told anyone else that. why would he? why would he admit that his parents have finally cut him loose, finally made it explicit how much they do not care, finally crushed his foolish hope that one day, they will love him -
to anyone, let alone a bunch of people who hate him?
to noah, to prove that he is ultimately unlovable to the one person who might actually stay, who saw through him but still saw someone worth pursuing?
it was a pipe dream, thinking that winning a reality show could trick his parents into loving him. but total drama had accepted him over jose.
for once, for once, he had been better than jose.
none of that matters, now.
families - not his family, never his family - turn up for his fellow contestants in droves.
some are awkward -
heather scowling at her parents' faux cheer -
cody being ignored by arguing parents -
some are not.
he sees noah whisked away by a loving mother and sisters. he doesn't go over.
a part of alejandro wants to, but they only kissed last night. it is too soon, too much.
still, his heart aches.
the day wears thin, the sun setting over the horizon.
alejandro has some money. he will figure something out.
he will.
now, if only he can get the water out of his eyes.
but then -
then -
someone does come for him.
someone he has not seen in years.
carlos smiles at him. his hair long, his shirt untucked.
alejandro rushes forward and hugs him, closing his eyes.
thank god.
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