#brotp: bonds we share
ok4ru · 10 months
My brain: What if Luxu really cares about Brain, like saw them as a little sibling…?
Me: Why would you-
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fumifooms · 3 months
With what we know of Chilchuck's daufhter's personalities; Who do you think would each daughter get along with best among their father's party members?
Alright so we got 4 options: Laios, Marcille, Senshi and Izutsumi.
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Immediately I think for Meijack it’d be Senshi. Yes yes, very ironic since she’s the only one not after his heart lol.
A lot of people consider her to be Chilchuck 2.0 but I don’t think that’s really true, she takes after her father in conscientiousness and profession yes, is the most serious and reserved of the daughters, but that’s the thing— I flip flop a bit on wether I think Chilchuck is an extrovert, introvert or just ambivert, he loves hanging out with people, but it’s distrust from past professional experiences plus boundaries due to drastic personal events that push him to avoid being open, especially since we see how cheery he used to be. With Meijack though… She’s an introvert, that’s it. She looks so so tired lmao. Chilchuck says it himself that she’s brusque/not personable. Obvi she might also have trauma that push her to be this and that way, but from what we see I think she’s just genuinely the type to stick to her business, be quiet and stick to her corner.
So why Senshi then? I think she’d gravitate towards him because he has the least overwhelming energy, Senshi can get fired up but mostly he tends to be laidback and gentle. While the others would be talking and arguing, Meijack would be sitting besides Senshi and helping him cook or tend to the fire, working in companiable silence. And if they do talk, I think they’d have nice conversations, Senshi giving life advice that affect her somewhat. Having a stable work and future is very important to Chilchuck and I’m sure he drilled that into his daughters as best as he could, so seeing Senshi thrive, the very opposite of a working responsible adult with a secure lifestyle aka an hermit hunting alone on the fringes of society, would be a wtf moment. If nothing else she’d be intrigued I think. I wasn’t even thinking of that but I do feel like she has daddy issues, if I had to write for her her arc would prob center on that, so in that way yay her getting a second, very different and uplifting father figure! 🎉 Senshi would be nothing but warm and happy to take her under his wing and chat, and much like with Chilchuck in the traps chapter would like learning a thing or two from her too.
Honorable mention to Izutsumi! I don’t think they’d hit it off which is why I didn’t pick her, but I think the people making fics about her and Izu interacting have the right idea, they’d clash at first I think especially on Izutsumi’s side since she’d see Meijack as a stick in the mud, and Meijack wouldn’t have a favorable impression either esp with how rude and irresponsible she is, but… I 100% believe that if they spent times together and got used to each other, to the point that Meijack understands Izutsumi somewhat and Izutsumi stops being prickly with her, that they’d develop an unlikely but strong companionship. Meijack’s section is already long so I’ll stop here but yes Meizu brotp
Marcille. Next-
Ok jkjk, but also yeah I feel like this one is pretty self-evident. They share the same sort of emotive demeanor and social values, they both seemingly love gossips and romance, and most of all Flertom is very social. We see with her panel at her workplace, the tavern, that she cheerfully talks with customers, this girl is a social butterfly who loves talking and making new acquaintances. She values her family a lot as shown by her taking in her mom and sending her dad a letter alongside a gift, so they could even bond over having a broken off family or over trying to solve others’ problems hah. They’d have a grand old time getting to know each other and swapping stories (maybe even about her dad specifically) and I could totally see them starting to exchange letters even.
Honestly without reaching, the only thing I could see them arguing over is if Fler has a competitive streak, or if she’d think Marcille too uppity/academic on some occasions, but even then I think she’d appreciate Marcille’s elven princess flair and they’d both be too emotive to bottle shit up and let bad blood brew between them, althouuugh yeah they could totally give each other the silent treatment after arguing for a while hah. Chilchuck doesn’t help them reconcile, but he does tease both of them about it. They reach out to each other soon after and apologize, and laugh it off. "Haha my parents taught me what happens if you don’t communicate and aren’t willing to self-reflect and apologize haha" … Me just now realizing that maybe this is how Marcille can get the details on the wife situation and the family dynamics, tho idk at which point, on one hand I could see Flertom being pretty flippant over it but on the other I can imagine it’d be a very personal and sensitive topic. Who knows if she’s had friends to vent to about the stress of the divorce- oh pardon, "separation"— But I do think she’s the kind that it’d really help to talk it out and vent, AND YET I do think with my family hcs that Flertom tended to take it on herself to help around the house and be an emotional support glue with her sisters and would notice the strained parts about her parents’ relationship so she’d have kinda grown being able to bottle her emotions up a bit… Okok I’m done, next fr this time.
Ok imo she’s the hardest to pin down, and that’s a part of why she’s my fave. Because of her being optimistic and cheerful I tend to compare her to Marcille a lot, but beyond that they aren’t all that similar, even if Puck also is interested in romance like Fler. She has a bunch of stuff that’s implied, like her working in scams, but they’re all under like, layers of interpretation. She’s shown to be cheerful and allegedly careless, happy-go-lucky, a bit of a ditzy, and although Chilchuck isn’t necessarily an accurate judge of character about it even, what we’re shown with that is that she worked selling "dragon dung" for a while and it’s implied she switches jobs regularly. What Chilchuck’s saying about her being reckless and too optimistic is probably about her not having a stable career, reliable work & income. Before the new comic from the Complete Adventurer’s Bible that was all we could glean from personality wise, but now we can see she’s also direct, and she’s emotive though not as much as Flertom, and she’s quick to scheme, not oblivious at all and sharing a conspiratorial spark with her sister. I’d describe her as laidback, here for a good time not a long time, ambtious and self-driven, and doesn’t let obstacles scare her or keep her down. She’s like….. Is she like, a cheerful Mickbell. A little scamp.
… Ok what now. Honestly Laios and Izutsumi tie with each other in my heart. I think she’d enjoy conversations with Laios and would find him fun/entertaining to be around, would like when he gets excitable and fired up. Puck seems like she might try her shot to get romantically involved with him, but maybe while doing that she sees something in him that’s worth hanging around to even if for platonic reasons, but mostly I think they’d be like friendly acquaintances. I honestly personally don’t see Puck being all that into making deep friendships, I get the sense that her life’s a lot about herself and where she wants to go next, so friendships would also be oriented towards having a fun time and not as much like, deep emotional connections. But the Izutsumi angle… Izu is the cool rebellious older sister. Izutsumi’s brutish and unruly free spirit attitude have her enraptured. She wants to hang around her because Puck thinks she’s cool and lowkey admires her, and thinks she’s fun and a good influence to have around. Finally someone who Gets It, to go on shenanigan adventures with. I think Izutsumi would also be interested by her, in a big part because unlike her party members, Puckpatti would be interested in following her as she does her thing, encouraging her in whatever she does even, unlike Chilchuck Laios and Senshi who kept trying to instill in her values and lessons and looking after her so she doesn’t do something reckless. Izutsumi notices early on that Puck’s easy to have around, nice even, and from there on Puck couldn’t get rid of the cat that took a liking to her even if she tried. Izutsumi brings her dead birds and stuff like "Hey Patti look at this isn’t it rad!" and Puck is like absolutely, you rock. Oh maybe Puck would want to run some scams together tbh, because of her ninja/stealth skills or otherwise. Anyways yes devil-may-care troublemakers duo, the bane of Chilchuck’s existence.
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Yeah I think Izutsumi is Chil’s fourth daughter and she should have a bond with all the daughters <3 Flertom’s the sis you go to if you need comfort, and she accepts Izu easily into their circle.
Between worrying about maybe his oldest and most serious thinking about courting Senshi (she’s not), Flertom teaming up with the nosiest and loudest friend he has and the duo of reckless agitators about to get in all kinds of trouble, Chilchuck is truly sandwiched by horror and agony.
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falleri-salvatore · 6 months
My ship headcanons and how I view them
Anyone who sees my feed knows that I reblog a lot of jaune shipposts. That said, not every one of them are ones I actually see working out romantically and I mostly do it because the prompts/drabbles made me laugh or were well-written more than anything..... .....in short, just because I don't ship something doesn't mean I can't appreciate good work when I see it. That said, here's how I actually view the relationship between the main characters. Lancaster: Split between BroTP and/or OTP; Jaune and Ruby are, simply put, two sides of the same coin and their interactions pretty much cement that fact. Currently waiting for Volume 10 to see how their bond further develops and how their underlying tension resolves. If I judge BroTP, then I go with Rosegarden, since my Gold Medal OTP for Ruby is currently impossible (Why? Why did they have to take Penny? T_T) Dragonslayer: BroTP, Full Stop. People often overlook the fact that, as we see more of and learn more about Jaune and Yang, the more we realize these two dorks are both birds of a feather. Their chemistry is immense and undeniable, and while Yang would admit that Jaune has gotten hot; and Jaune would admit that Yang is gorgeous, there is no romantic tension between them. For Yang, she already knows Jaune as the dorky yet very kindhearted male bestie of her little sister. In Jaune's part, Yang reminds him of Saphron far too much for him to think of her as anything but a friend and sister. Knightshade: BroTP, as well. These two's friendship is much more subdued but no less strong; they often bond over their shared hobbies, such as a love for books and they often get together to read while maintaining a comfortable silence between them. Would not be surprised if these two ended up founding a Book Club. Whiteknight: Silver Medal OTP. Volume 5 and onwards has convinced me of the viability of this pairing, due the subtle yet telling looks and touches shared by them in the background. Arkos: ARKOS MY BELOVED!!!! THE OTP for me. Just, everything about this. Nora's Arc: BroTP. Nora is firmly Rensexual. To Nora, Jaune is her Fearless Leader and the best Big Brother she could have ever asked for. To Jaune, Nora is the hyperactive and boisterous little sister who can be quite a headache yet he can't help but want to do anything for in order for her not to lose her smile.
Martial Arcs: BroTP. Ren is Norasexual, and Jaune is shown to be firmly heterosexual. They consider each other brothers from different mothers.
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 month
Character asks: Lirael!
1: sexuality headcanon
Aspec. I think she definitely doesn't interrogate her sexuality at all and is pretty ace and at least a little arospec. She knows she's supposed to be interested in that, but she mostly doesn't have the time, patience, or interest for it. She's not opposed necessarily, but she doesn't have an active interest in it.
2: otp
Nicholas Sayre. I've said this before, but I think they would love researching magic together. Nick would teach her the scientific method, and she would show him her fuck around and find out method of research. They would fumble a bit around navigating relationship expectations and Nick wouldn't know how to deal with Lireal's asexuality, but by the end of their time in the books, I'm pretty sure they know they need to communicate better, and I have faith they'd figure it out (also, they'd have very weirdly powerful kids who would almost certainly become Abhorsens, although at least one of them is gonna want to just hole up in the Library of the Clayr for their entire life).
3: brotp
The obvious choice is the Dog, but I think she and Ellimere would become best friends pretty quickly. They're very different, but Ellimere reminds Lireal that there can be joy around responsibility (while they still both are overachievers going above and beyond to live up to a lot of intense expectations).
4: notp
Sam? I mean, there's the obvious bit about how she's his aunt, but they don't know that at first, so we do get Sam looking at her that way briefly. But they are friends. Also, even though they've bonded through the shared trauma of saving the universe, they still frequently just don't understand each other. And also end up not talking to each other for months at a time while Sam is locked up in his workshop and she's off fighting the Dead. But yeah, that's a big no for me.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
I mean, the aspec stuff. But outside of that, it's that Lireal hides out at the kennels at the Palace when she's there and doesn't want anyone to find her. The Palace library is fine, but she misses the Dog and the dogs in the kennels love her.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
I too am a nerdy gifted kid who weirded people out and read ahead in the books at school. I related to her so hard about that when I first read the book. Also the depression a bit. Related a lot in high school.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The weepiness sometimes. I've never been much of a crier, so that was always just uncomfortable for me to read.
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon roll.
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c-e-d-dreamer · 1 year
Wonderland: Part Seven
A/N: And we're back to pain, pain, and more pain! At least this will be the last part full of pain? Small consolations? Also, we get to see some nice Nezriel brotp aka my ultimate brotp. Hope everyone enjoys! :)
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Chapter Masterlist // Previous Part // Next Part
Nesta wakes to an empty bed, not a sight or a sound other than the rays of light spilling in through the window. She slides her hand along the sheets, but they’re cool to the touch, not even a bit rumbled to suggest that Cassian ever made it to bed last night. Nesta tries not to let it bother her, but there’s no denying the cool darkness that creeps between her ribs and settles like ice there, the way her heart squeezes just that little bit tighter. She can’t deny the prickle pressing behind her eyes and echoing the sting in her chest.
She supposes that perhaps this was the disastrous end they were always tumbling headfirst toward. Despite their late night talks, finally getting to know and understand one another in a way they never had the opportunity to before. Despite the bridge finally broaching that yawning void between them, unsteady and new as it is. Despite the feelings Nesta can no longer deny that have buried their roots and bloomed deep within her, bond or no bond.
It’s all gone up in flames.
At least, there are still two days remaining from Nesta’s original plan of staying for a week. Two days before someone will come to take her back to Velaris. Perhaps, she and Cassian can properly talk, can get back to a place where there’s peace between them again.
Perhaps, they can get to a place where Nesta can stay.
It’s certainly an idea she’s been toying with for a few days now, the idea of staying here in Illyria. Staying in this cabin. Staying with Cassian. There’s just something between their two souls, something Nesta can’t quite put her finger on, and she knows it’s more than just that golden thread tying them together. It’s when the fog clears in Cassian’s eyes, and he sees her, knows her, the way no one else ever has, maybe ever will. It’s the way they’re both so battered and bruised, and yet they share so many of the same scars. The way that though their pieces are shattered and jagged, they still fit together.
With a soft sigh, Nesta pulls herself out of the bed. She changes and braids her hair back before padding out of the room and down the hallway. When she steps into the front room, she finds Cassian sitting at the table. There’s a mug clutched between his hands, but it doesn’t appear to be steaming anymore, seems to have long gone cold. He doesn’t look up when Nesta enters, his shoulders hunched up and head hung slightly.
“Good morning,” Nesta greets tentatively, quietly.
“I wrote to Azriel,” Cassian says, his voice hoarse. “He should be here soon to take you back to Velaris. And then from there you can go home.”
The words spear straight through Nesta, and she blinks a few times before they fully register, before she realizes exactly what he’s saying, what this means. She swallows hard, but the word still grates against her throat when she finally speaks.
Whatever it is that Cassian hears in her tone, Nesta doesn’t miss the way he flinches, the way his fingers tighten around his mug until his knuckles go white. A muscle ticks in his jaw, and when he finally turns his head and his attention to Nesta, it’s like she’s back on that very first day she arrived at this cabin. His guard is up high again, hazel eyes cold and hard even under the morning light that streams in through the kitchen windows.
“It’s for the best,” Cassian tells her, dropping his gaze again.
Nesta scoffs, crossing her arms across her chest. “So, that’s it then? You’re kicking me out?”
“I can’t do this, Nesta.”
“You’re just going to discard me? Toss me aside, after everything that’s happened this week?”
“Dammit, don’t you get it?” Cassian exclaims, standing up so abruptly that the chair topples back against the floor. “Having you this close… Every part of my body is screaming at me to touch you, to have you, and I can’t. You don’t want that, don’t want me. You broke the bond for fuck’s sake, and I’m trying to be respectful of that, but gods, every day, every second that you’re here… it’s worse than any madness.”
Nesta takes a tentative step toward him, her arm outstretched between them. “Cassian—”
“Don’t,” Cassian cuts her off, his voice little more than a broken whisper. “I won’t let you break my heart again, Nesta Archeron. I won’t let you fool me into thinking that this, here, is something that we both know it isn’t.”
“That’s not fair.”
“Is it not? Then what are we doing here?”
Nesta opens her mouth to respond, but any words die quickly on her tongue. What can she even say to that? How can she answer? It’s a question that’s been haunting her recently, plaguing her thoughts when she’s left alone with them. What she and Cassian are doing, what they are now. Even with every step forward the two of them have taken this past week, every prickly knot they’ve carefully untangled. With every ray of sunlight that may now be peaking through, it’s still a road full of brambles stretched out before them, full of every part of them shattered across the floor just like their mating bond.
“I don’t know,” Nesta finally whispers.
“Exactly,” Cassian scoffs, shaking his head. “It’d be better for us both if you just went back home.”
Nesta swallows hard, but before she can say anything more, she catches movement out of the corner of her eye. She glances out the front window of the cabin to see shadows gathering along the ground, signaling Azriel’s arrival. Just the sight of them has Nesta’s heart twisting in her chest, and she half expects to look down and find a knife buried to the hilt there. It’s nowhere near the normal elation she feels at seeing the Shadowsinger.
Lips pressed together thinly, Nesta nods her head slowly. “I’ll go pack my things.”
It doesn’t take long for Nesta to gather up her dresses and books, tucking them all neatly into a bag. She carries the bag out of the room, Cassian having returned to his seat at the table. He doesn’t get up, and it seems that after his last visit to the cabin, Azriel has elected to keep a safe distance, Nesta spotting him patiently waiting for her outside.
“Tell Vidar I said goodbye then,” Nesta requests, making her way toward the door.
She grabs her cloak from the hook, sliding it over her shoulders. She reaches forward for the door handle, but pauses, glancing over her shoulder at Cassian one last time. He doesn’t even look up at her, doesn’t meet her gaze, but his whole body is tense, bracing, his wings tucked in tight and his siphons seeming to flicker as if readying for a defense.
A final scoff and Nesta yanks open the door, stepping outside into the crisp air. She makes her way over to Azriel, keeping her head held high, her spine straight, even if the mask feels more forced than usual. Even if every step away feels hollow and heavy. Even if she feels like somehow, someway, there’s a piece of her that’s been chipped away and is being left behind.
Thankfully, if Azriel notices with that cutting gaze of his, he doesn’t comment or ask. He merely holds out his hand toward Nesta. “Ready?”
Nesta isn’t quite sure how to answer that, but she slides her palm into Azriel’s anyways. “Let’s just go.”
Azriel dips his head in a nod, and shadows slide up Nesta’s legs and around her arms, blurring the Illyrian landscape, the cabin, until it all fades fully, the air around her squeezing. The pressure releases a moment later, and Nesta finds herself standing in front of the River House in Velaris. She swallows down a sigh and makes her way through the front gates and up the steps to the door. She reaches out for the door handle, but before she can make contact, the front door is pulled open, Feyre standing on the other side with Nyx balanced on her hip.
“Nesta, you’re back,” Feyre greets, stepping back to allow Nesta and Azriel inside. “How was it? How was… how’s Cassian?”
“I fear I made things worse not better unfortunately,” Nesta admits quietly.
Feyre reaches forward, giving Nesta’s hand a squeeze. “It’s not your fault. It’s just a… a difficult situation.”
Nesta knows that Feyre’s words are meant to comfort, and she offers her sister a small smile and nod, but she can’t help but disagree. She can’t help but wonder. What if she had never broken the bond between them? What if she had never gone to Cassian’s cabin? Is she not to blame for those choices? They’re thoughts that weigh heavy on her, dragging her down as she makes her way deeper into the house.
But more than the guilt that sinks its claws into Nesta’s mind, it’s the disappointment that tears through her chest until it’s aching and bleeding. Disappointment at everything that happened with Cassian, the way it ended between them. Again. Disappointment at being back in Velaris, just when she had begun to get comfortable being in Illyria, had gotten comfortable with the quiet, the snow, curling up and reading by the fire with Vidar.
It’s a feeling that Nesta buries deep down while she spends the rest of the day with her sisters and nephew, a feeling that she doesn’t allow herself to reexamine until she’s alone in the guest room that’s become her own. She stares up at the canopy that hangs between the four posters of the bed and finds that she misses the wooden beams and the chips in them, misses the heat of a body pressed beside her, of a wing curled protectively around her.
Tentatively, Nesta reaches a hand within herself, finding that golden thread that’s bloomed back to life, finding where it’s coiled tightly around her ribs, digging into her heart. She runs a finger along it, testing its strength, the way it shimmers lowly, just barely an ember. She holds her breath as she curls that finger, giving the bond a gentle tug.
She waits.
And waits.
But nothing happens.
With a huff of frustration, Nesta pulls herself up and out of bed. She quickly slips on a robe and pads out of her bedroom, intent on going down to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As she passes by the library, though, she notices a light spilling out from beneath the door. She pushes the doors open, finding a fire burning low in the fireplace, Azriel perched in one of the large armchairs opposite.
“Am I interrupting your nightly brooding?” Nesta asks, stepping fully inside and closing the door behind her with a soft snick.
Azriel snorts quietly, raising a glass of amber liquid to his lips and taking a sip. “Who says I’m brooding?”
“So, what do you call this then?” Nesta shoots back, biting back a smirk as she settles into the other armchair beside him.
“I call it being unable to sleep,” Azriel explains, quirking an eyebrow at her. “A concept it would seem you’re familiar with.”
Nesta bristles at the underlying accusation, but she doesn’t disagree. She tucks her legs up under herself on the armchair, reaching forward and plucking Azriel’s glass away from him. She takes a long drag of his drink, the liquid burning slightly before it settles in her stomach. Rather than comment, Azriel merely pours another glass from the decanter on the small side table between them, raising it in a silent toast.
They sit in quiet together, watching as the flames in the fireplace die down to just flickering embers, casting the whole library in long shadows that seem to dance through the moonlight that spills in through the large windows. Nesta’s hand rubs at her chest almost absently, pressing against that empty, silent hollowness. She considers daring to tug at that thread again, to see if she’ll get a response back this time, but a shadow twists around her wrist, drawing her attention. She glances over toward Azriel, the male already watching her, his hazel gaze accessing.
“I don’t know if you remember,” Azriel begins, setting his glass down. “But when we first met, when we visited your manor in the human lands, you and Elain made Cassian and I share one of your guest rooms.”
“Better to contain you,” Nesta explains with a shrug. “I didn’t trust any of you for a second back then.”
“A fair assessment probably, but what you don’t know is that as soon as Cassian and I were in our room, he wouldn’t stop talking about you. He ranted and raved, sure, said you absolutely infuriated him, but I saw through it in an instant. I knew right then how much you would mean to him, recognized how much he already cared… even suspected what the two of you might be.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“The two of you are certainly evenly matched,” Azriel continues as if Nesta hadn’t spoken. “The Mother certainly paired you well… You’re both incredibly and equally stubborn. And you both are deeply caring, willing to risk it all to help others, including risking yourselves.” Azriel pauses, meeting Nesta’s gaze head-on, his hazel eyes full of a knowing that has Nesta’s skin prickling. “I know that’s why you did it.”
The comment cuts deeper than Nesta expects it to, slicing straight through her chest to her already bruised heart. She turns her head away and hugs her knees tighter to her chest, swallowing around the emotions threatening to clog her throat. It does little to help the heaviness settled between her ribs, to ease the ache left throbbing beside that still silent bond.
“I’ve been there before, felt that darkness, thought that I was undeserving,” Azriel tells her, reaching a hand out and curling it around Nesta’s wrist. “I know that’s why you originally broke it. I know that at the time, the only one you thought you’d be hurting was yourself, and you were willing to do just that. But I hope you know he’s doing the exact same thing now. The two of you really are equals in every sense.”
“And what would you have me do?” Nesta asks, finally turning her head to meet Azriel’s gaze again.
“I’m not trying to tell you what to do, Nesta. It’s always been your choice, and it always will be. Feyre will happily get you a boat ticket and you can go back to the continent tomorrow if that is what you want.”
“How do I really know what I want?” Nesta dares to question. It’s a thought that’s been whispering in the back of her mind since that first flare returned between her ribs. “What if what I think I want is merely what the bond wants?”
“Mating bonds don’t create feelings. You may feel the pull toward him, the tug, but it’s merely instinct and nothing more. Anything that you might feel toward him, and him toward you, that isn’t the bond.”
Nesta isn’t sure what to say to that. If she thought Azriel’s earlier words cut too closely, these leave her bleeding across the library floor. There’s a part of Nesta, a part buried deep within her, clinging to the back of her mind, that already knew that. A part of her that remembers reading something similar when she had researched the mating bond and how to break it. A part of her she’d pointedly ignored back then, too scared and too unwillingly to consider what she had seen shining in Cassian’s eyes ever since their first meeting, what she had felt taking up home in her own heart.
It’s still a hard truth to swallow hearing it from Azriel, though. It shatters that denial, that protective shield she’s been hiding behind to avoid what’s been right in front of her face for days now. For years now. It forces her to face the hope, the care for Cassian, the happiness that has bloomed so thoroughly that there’s no uprooting those vines.
“It’s quite late,” Nesta says instead, standing up from the armchair. “I think I should try and get what sleep I can. Goodnight, Azriel.”
“I’m sorry if I upset you,” Azriel calls after her, causing her to pause right before the library doors.
“You didn’t,” Nesta assures him, turning over her shoulder to smile at him. “You always were my favorite bat.”
“We both know I was always only second favorite.”
Nesta pads back down the hall to her bedroom, but despite what she said to Azriel, sleep still evades her as she lays curled up beneath the blankets. She tries not to let her thoughts drift to Cassian, to Azriel’s words, but that just has her thoughts drifting back to the continent, the life she’s built there. A life where she was content but never truly happy, a place that was truly her own but never felt like home.
Only one place ever really felt like home.
Updated Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added): @moodymelanist @nesquik-arccheron @sv0430 @talkfantasytome @bookstantrash @eirini-thaleia @ubigaia @fromthelibraryofemilyj @luivagr-blog​ @lifeisntafantasy​ @superspiritfestival @hiimheresworld @marigold-morelli @sweet-pea1 @emeriethevalkyriegirl​ @pyxxie @dustjacketmusings @hallway5 @dongjunma @glowing-stick-generation @melonsfantasyworld​ @isterofimias @goddess-aelin @melphss @theladystardust​ @a-trifling-matter​ @blueunoias​ @kookskoocie​ @cassiansbigwingspan​ @unlikelypersonalknight1​ @blurredlamplight
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daily-rayless · 8 months
Asch, for the character rant meme ❤️
Oh, absolutely.
Favorite thing about him:
This feels very hard to narrow down. I like the arc of his story. I like how he both mirrors and contrasts Luke. I like that he's dark and often in the wrong. I like that he's soft and wants to come across as cold and rational, but is fundamentally incapable of burying his feelings. I like that he's a loose cannon who sometimes makes mistakes, but then also comes at his enemies from a direction they never saw coming. I love the character growth we get in things like Tales of the Rays, which show him warming up to Luke and becoming happier and his whole personality expanding into something more mature. I always like long implausibly red hair. But I think what really draws me to his character is the tension between him being angry and depressed and disengaged, but still an idealist. He has the potential for heroism, and he never succeeds in killing it -- arguably, he never even wants to kill it. He might think of himself as worthless, and he might say awful things to his loved ones, and he might frown all the way through it, but he keeps doing what he thinks is the right thing. Not the right thing for himself, the right thing.
Least favorite thing about him:
I think there's a reason Abyss adaptations keeping cutting out the scene where Asch controls Luke's body in order to make him attack Tear. Yes, it's a dramatic scene, but when you look at the rest of Asch's personality, it feels jarringly sadistic.
Favorite line:
I'll go with Asch's closing line during Natalia's escape from Baticul: "Luke! One mistake and I will kill you." First off, he does it while standing over an evil general he's just struck down for the sake of his people, check him out, he would actually be a decent royal. Secondly, look at him revealing his love for Natalia, right then and there, in front of a crowd of witnesses. A lot of his lines in that scene do that, and it's great -- a rare moment of Asch being emotionally honest. And tied in with that, he unthinkingly, seriously calls Luke "Luke" -- not replica, but using their shared name. Yes, he's threatening to kill him, but he's not only trusting Luke with his most precious person (Natalia), he's using his own name for Luke -- I feel like, in that moment, Asch trusts and respects Luke in a way he usually doesn't allow himself to -- he finds reasons not to. This is the real Asch in this moment, and this is what his relationship with Luke could really be.
Ginji! I feel like Asch and Ginji seriously bond over the course of the game. Asch doesn't often express it (of course), but by the end of the game, I think they're as close as Luke is to any of his party members. I see Ginji as having a softer, more emotionally open personality, but he's also thick-skinned enough not to take Asch's angry posturing too seriously; he sees past Asch's pretenses to the real him, and I imagine he misses him terribly and has a lot of regrets after the game.
Asch and Natalia, it's always Asch and Natalia. I remember my first time playing Abyss, being in Ortion cavern when Natalia thanked Asch for protecting her from the boss monster, and Asch very coldly brushed her off. And my brain just went, Oh wait, hold on...? Does he still...? Is it not just her? Are they both...? And then a few minutes later there was an earthquake and he protectively grabbed her and I haven't looked back once.
This is sort of a yes and no. No, there are no (major) Asch ships that I consider so out there that I can't believe anyone would ship it. (I had to add the "major" because maybe out there there's someone who ships AschMieu.) But at the same time, while I acknowledge that Asch and Natalia can have very interesting ships with other characters, I love them so much together that I tend to never even entertain the possibility. I think for me, one of the most significant things that bothers me in an AschNot-Natalia ship is when writers use it to denigrate Natalia's character. Write her off as unimportant, or even unlikable to Asch. By all means, pair him with someone else, but I don't think you can believably write him as not caring at all about Natalia and finding her awful.
Random headcanon:
He (and Luke) are naturally very musically gifted. Asch is particularly good at the piano and used to play it for his mother when he was a child.
Unpopular opinion:
Hm, I think there are potentially some controversial takes with Asch. I think some fanwriters sometimes err too far on the side of making Asch cool and composed and mature, always in control and aloof compared to the more emotional Luke. This makes him very suave and alpha and unflappable, a bit more of a conventional brooding hero. That's not really the Asch I see. To me, Asch is overflowing with emotions and often not good at hiding it. There's footage of the stage play rehearsals showing their Asch actor releasing a primal scream, and I don't know why he's doing that, but whatever his reasons, that feels closer to Asch.
Song I associate with them:
Something edgy and forceful would be right, but let's go with his softer side and say "Lonely Lullaby" by Owl City. It's always made me think of Asch, and all through writing The Stars Are Fire, I had my eye out for an opportunity for Asch to sing Natalia to sleep -- never happened though.
Favorite picture of them:
Excuse me, let me go search my files.
Okay, I limited this to art that's just of Asch, no one else, and while a lot of his official art is unintentionally hilarious (I have a dedicated tag), I've always liked this shot from the anime:
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Hair is down, he's super moody, and having him leap onto the side of the moving Tartarus is a much more dynamic way to end the scene than in the original game.
Thanks for the ask! I always love talking about Asch.
Meme taken from here.
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acourtofthought · 10 months
Hi! Hru? I hope you had/ having a good day so far<3
I was reading some Elucien scenes (as one does ofc) and I have the genuine belief that Rhys is 100% Elucien Stan... Well maybe I'm a little exaggerating lmao but for real he's so on Lucien team and it shows.
And I feel like is mostly bc he's been in Lucien's place (sort of) and knows how it feels to not have your mate by your side and being completely oblivious (or in Elain's case acting oblivious) about the bond and try to pursue someone else. And one of the reasons he stopped Azriel was this very reason, he didn't want another Feyre/Tamlin situation happen to Lucien.
I know that he brought some valid points about his court safety and wanting to avoid them but those feels like they're just there to stop Azriel and pulling rank was to make him see some sense and get him out of the fog of lust and stupidity as he said it in his pov that make him stop on his track bc Rhys never does that.
Bc if you think about it Rhys wants his family to get to their HEA like he did. He cares about them sm. I mean wouldn't he find a way to help Elain and Azriel to be together bc he knows they would be happy and in love?
But no he knows Az feeling on the matter and he knows him better than anyone else and dare I say better than Az himself? lol
Back to Lucien's case, even tho he has some problems with him for valid reasons he would never wants for anyone to be in this position not unless Elain objects on the matter. And that's the point Elain hasn't rejected nor says anything about accepting it. She only said that she doesn't want a male therefore Azriel is also on the things she doesn't want lmao.
So it seems even Elain is confused and lost as Azriel so ofc they subconsciously seek each other. Bc let's be real if they were in the right head space they wouldn't go as far to kiss while Lucien is in the same house, they wouldn't even chose each other. And let's not forget Azriel is obsessed with mating bond and I wonder if he ever thought about what he would do if he ends up with Elain AND find his mate as well (I mean he thought about Cauldron being wrong to believing he won't get a mate... like dude you clearly have some serious problem😭)
Yeah so we have Rhys as Elucien leader and Nesta as Gwynriel leader and that would result in Rhys and Nesta brotp and that's what I live for haha :D
You bring up such good points. Rhys has often gone about things in the wrong way but outside of that, all he really wants is his loved wants to be happy. He is often willing to sacrifice himself for their happiness. He was willing to sacrifice his own happiness if it meant Feyre could be happy. In ACOWAR, Rhys had no real reason to care for Lucien or consider him an ally as he did in SF yet he still spoke to Lucien's loyalty when Feyre asked if he thought he and Elain matched. Even in ACOFAS, we see that Lucien is still not Rhys's favorite person ever so why in SF would he put Lucien's own happiness above Azriel's, his own brother if he knew Elain was what made him happy? If Rhys was going to allow Feyre to be with Tamlin who wasn't her mate then there's no reason to think he would stand in the way of Elain and Az being together if that's what made them happy UNLESS he knew deep down that they really didn't want one another. I think it is a first love kind of mentality that believes "no one can understand the kind of love we share" and "they just don't get us" where the older you get, you start to realize that our friends and family (the friends and family we love, not the toxic kind) actually can see when someone isn't right for us. Rhys probably went a bit overboard in his reaction but it doesn't change that it's clear to him that his brother was not thinking rationally and he was about to do something for all the wrong reasons. Some readers want to yell and cry about how mean Rhys was but I think what they're forgetting is that Rhys has been Az's brother for over 500 years and if he is coming down with an iron fist, having to pull rank which he RARELY does (Az's own words), it's more than likely there's a good reason for his behavior rather than going the route of thinking he's wrongly standing in the way of two lovers who want to be together.
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wolfboy88 · 10 months
mason; corey :)
Favorite Thing About Them:
Mason - His intelligence, endless curiosity and unwavering loyalty.
Corey - He's literally the sweetest thing. And he can be sassy when he wants to be.
Least Favorite Thing About Them:
Mason - I really can't think of anything right now.
Corey - not much is known about what abilities Corey has apart from the healing and invisibility. It would have been interesting to see what other powers he could've had.
Favorite Line:
Mason – How could I not say “Intense!” But I do also love this line he says to Liam: “Wounds heal. People Move. Things Change.”
Corey - "He has fangs!"
Mason – well, has to be Liam of course.
Corey - hmm, I wanna say Liam again but maybe Theo, I can see the two of them bonding over their shared trauma and becoming like brothers.
BOTH - Each Other! Those two are meant to be.
Mason – Liam, I only ever see them as best friends/brothers and nothing more.
Corey - Theo, again, the same reason as Liam and Mason but I think too Corey needs someone who's gonna be open and honest with him, so yeah.
Random Headcanon:
Mason – He and Brett hooked up in S4 in a friends with benefits type arrangement (without Liam knowing 😉) until Mason met Corey.
Corey - He and Liam are history nerds/buffs and get lost in debates much to the amusement of their boyfriends.
Unpopular Opinion:
BOTH - Even though their meant to be and considered endgame, I reckon in college they temporarily break up and explore other options before finding their way back to each other.
Song I Associate With Them:
Mason - "You Get What You Give" by New Radicals or "Freestyler" by Boomfunk Mc's
Corey - "Here I Am (Come Take Me)" by UB40
(We may have been listening to 90s music today at work while I was trying to think of songs for all the character asks)
Favorite Picture of Them:
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princesssarisa · 10 months
Character Ask: Persephone
I already did this some time ago in a joint ask with Hades, but I'll share my answers again, just for Persephone this time.
Favorite thing about them: Her status as a nature goddess who embodies the changing seasons makes her a fascinating character. Not only does she split her time between the upper world and the Underworld, but as a result she has a dual personality – the gentle, sunny goddess of spring, and the stern, feared queen of the dead – which makes her unique among the Greek deities.
Least favorite thing about them: The fact that in some versions of the story of Minthe (the nymph who became the first mint plant after her death), she brutally kills the poor nymph out of jealousy of Hades' affair with her. Fortunately, not all versions of the myth go this way – in another version, it's Demeter who kills Minthe for boasting that she's more beautiful than Persephone.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I have both a light side and a dark side.
*I'm close to my mother.
*I like pomegranates.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not married.
*I've never been kidnapped.
*I'm not a goddess.
Favorite line:
Her account of her kidnapping from The Homeric Hymn to Demeter:
"We were playing and gathering sweet flowers in our hands, soft crocuses mingled with irises and hyacinths, and rose-blooms and lilies, marvellous to see, and the narcissus which the wide earth caused to grow yellow as a crocus. That I plucked in my joy; but the earth parted beneath, and there the strong lord, the Host of Many, sprang forth and in his golden chariot he bore me away, all unwilling, beneath the earth: then I cried with a shrill cry. All this is true, sore though it grieves me to tell the tale."
brOTP: Her mother Demeter (in traditional versions of the myth where they have a warm, loving bond, not the versions where Demeter is controlling and Persephone is glad to escape from her), and the nymphs with whom she plays and picks flowers just before Hades kidnaps her.
OTP: Hades, in the versions of the myth where their marriage is ultimately happy.
nOTP: Her father Zeus. Brother/sister incest and uncle/niece or aunt/nephew incest might be normal for Greek gods and goddesses, but not parental incest!
Random headcanon: This isn't a headcanon so much as "which of the different versions of her myth I like best." I prefer the Homeric Hymn to Demeter's claim that Persephone spends just four months each year with Hades, and eight months with Demeter, to Ovid's claim that she spends six months with each. In versions where she's happily married to Hades, then I can accept the equal time split, but if we take the traditional view that she was kidnapped and married against her will, then I prefer for her to spend most of the year on earth and only a small amount of time in the Underworld. Besides, in my experience at least (though I know climates vary), autumn is a pleasant time, with comfortable weather and with so many fruits and vegetables at their best. It makes more sense to me that Persephone should still be with Demeter then.
Unpopular opinion: I'm open to different interpretations of her story. There's no such thing as "one true meaning" of any myth. I can accept versions where Hades is sympathetic, where Persephone falls truly in love with him (whether she starts out as his prisoner but then is slowly drawn to to him, a la Beauty and the Beast, or whether she goes with him willingly from the start), where she comes into her own power as his queen, and where she willingly eats the pomegranate seeds, knowing full well that they'll bind her to Hades, because she wants to stay. I see the appeal of taking Persephone's traditional story of helpless victimhood and making it empowering instead – which is valid, because she's always portrayed as a powerful queen in the myths of the Underworld set after her marriage. I see the appeal of not demonizing Hades either, and of telling a romantic love story rather than a story of a miserable forced marriage. But I also see the value of versions where Hades is the villain, where Persephone is brutally kidnapped and just as unhappy in the Underworld as Demeter is on earth without her daughter, where she's either forced to eat the pomegranate seeds or naïvely eats them without knowing what the result will be, and where the ending is bittersweet, as she divides each year between happy months with her mother and sad months in the Underworld. It is valid to read the myth as an allegory for the pain of a mother and daughter separated by the daughter's loveless arranged marriage, and/or for a young girl's death and her mother's grief. Myths can be retold in many ways, with many possible meanings. I'm open to them all.
Song I associate with them: None in particular.
Favorite picture of them:
This ancient statue:
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Gian Lorenzo Bernini's famous statue of her abduction:
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Dante Gabriel Rosetti's 1824 painting:
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Frederic Leighton's painting The Return of Persephone, 1891:
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From Disney's Silly Symphony The Goddess of Spring, 1934 (her movements are sometimes laughable, but her character design itself is pretty):
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And from D'Aulaures' Book of Greek Myths:
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Meri, would you like to play that Tumblr game? If no - ok! 🙂 If yes, then: Mary 🙂
Sexuality Headcanon: High libido pansexual. This has a lot to do with the McGarrett family dynamic that happens. Mary is the baby and she was young when Doris "died". John being a product of that time really wasn't the best dad in a lot of ways but at least with Steve...he was a man. With Mary? Her puberty probably scared him the most and any talks if there were any probably had the opposite effect he wanted. The McGarretts are...emotionally guarded...even among themselves. They wanted to be strong for each other but that built walls even within the home. When Mary needed attention, as any child would and does, she didn't get any...unless she was acting out. How would she then get her dads and her big brother's attention? Wrong crowds and stuff and add it with the typical teenage hormones...I feel she explored that. With a variety of colorful characters. She was lonely and even if the relationships weren't strong enough to last before being sent away she searched for them because she wasn't getting the attention she wanted at home. Gender Headcanon: She/They. She grew up in a masculine dominated house hold. I think she was a tomboy that kept up with Steve and his friends well enough...and as she got older she also embraced her femininity but sometimes struggled with feeling womanly enough. In those moments they/them fits and carries her.
A ship I have with said character: Through talks and chats with @cowandcalf I see her with Kawika. It's really just based on the talks we've had. A BROTP I have with said character: Obviously I adore episodes with her and Steve. Getting an insight to their dynamic and how they rebonded after the gap and despite always being siblings becoming friends again. I do think she and Eric would have a fun friendship and they just hang out and get wasted sharing McGarrett and Williams family secrets.
A NOTP I have with said character: I really don't have one but that's really just because of how limited time we see her. A random headcanon: She sent Steve care packages while he was deployed. Maybe they didn't talk as much and he mostly went to see her physically when he needed to bail her out but I feel like they were trauma bonded enough that even if it's just a jar of Steve's favorite peanut butter or snack he'd share with her on those stressful nights as kids when their dad was out for a case and should have been home but wasn't and they were both silently worried about being orphans and he tried to cheer her up by sharing with her his favorite snack he'd been waiting to eat. Was their relationship strained? Sure, but I hate thinking of them as strangers so I like to believe he sent her post cards from every place he was deployed and she sent him care packages that reminded him he wasn't alone. General Opinion over said character: I think she's really fun. I wish we'd had more of her. Even if she couldn't be on screen, Steve mentioning any updates Mary would send him about Joanie and herself would have been so great...she did have the 'little sister' vibe amped up to 11 so as an older sibling myself could see the 'annoying' part but it's for the plot so...I wish we had a lot more of her. One of my favorite bit of McDanno fanart is Mary leaving a copy of the gay Kamasutra as a present to Steve because she's tired of him fussing about and not being with Danny already.
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somin-yin · 1 year
I see you reblogging Johan stuff so what about you do that character ask game you did days ago but this time with Johan if not too late. ✌🏾
OMGGG YES! First of all, thank you so much for the ask, of course it's not too late and of course I'd love to share my thoughts on Johan ❤️
Sexuality headcanon: Homosexual/gay, I've tried seeing him as pan or bi but for some reason I can't see Johan with any girl at all, so homosexy it is.
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I mainly ship them because their dynamics would be so interesting. If they team up, no one would be able to stop them, not even Near and they would definitely defeat whoever comes after them. I also like the idea of Johan subtly manipulating Light to guide him the way he sees fit, but very subtly so that Light doesn't notice. Meanwhile Light would think he has the upper hand and that he's manipulating Johan instead but we all know it's the other way round. Of course manipulating Light would be difficult because the guy is brilliant and a very skilled manipulator himself but Johan knows how to do it without the other noticing 🤷‍♀️ also Light has a big ego, and many flaws that Johan can exploit for manipulative purposes. (Shout out to my probably only fellow Light x Johan shipper @captainhysunstuff, go check her Light x Johan drawing!!)
But if you're asking about Monsterverse then Johan x Christof. I love those 2 devils together, the devil and the devil's apprentice, delicious ❤️ But I also ship them because:
They were both the only ones who survived Kinderheim 511 so they can trauma bond about that and they are somehow alike in their manipulative and sneaky techniques.
Johan killed the people who were posing a threat to Christof and Christof possibly funded Johan's plan too.
In the wiki, it was mentioned that Chirstof may have put himself in that powerful position so that someday he can meet Johan again (I bet Christof must have been dreaming of his reunion with Johan all those 10 years they were apart, he has a massive crush on him, I smell it 😂)
When Christof came home he called out for Johan, this makes me think he's used to having Johan around, he even said "Where were you Johan?" in a very casual manner, which makes me think they are familiar with each other. I bet they may have lived together for at least short periods of time after their reunion and you can't tell me nothing happened between them meanwhile 🤷‍♀️
They both possibly killed that man known as The Baby, so they have potential for murder husbands 😂 Do you need more reasons to ship them?
BROTP: Johan and Anna/Nina, the twins ❤️ and I completely subscribe to the idea that Johan did everything for her! (For a better explanation of it read @xprincessgarnetxvi's interpretation and watch @leovoid's video)
NOTP: Johan x Roberto I suppose 🤷‍♀️
First headcanon that pops into my head: Johan and Christof did the nasty when they met in that hotel room, I imagine Christof was like "Hey Johan, you won't believe what I did! I just manipulated that man exactly like you taught me!" And Johan would feel so proud of having that very good apprentice that he'd decide to reward him 😂 (if you know what I mean)
Favorite line from this character:
"Hatred is created when people gather. I just poured a little oil on it."
"Tell me what do you think is the ultimate fear? I really though that I'd already reached the darkest of the dark, but then, ahead of me, I beheld a darkness even greater still."
One way in which I relate to this character: Oh boy, this is about to get serious yet again. I suppose I relate to his feeling of void and to the frustrating sensation of wanting to feel more in certain situations but something blocks it. It's a very uncomfortable sensation. Johan became like that due to severe trauma and abuse (of course in my case the trauma is not as bad as his but I can see why he became like that: the brain creates a block, a disconnect as a defence mechanism). As for me, I'm just usually numb in my day to day and the only things that break that numbness are my S.O. and my fictional favorites. In Johan's case what breaks his numbness is his twin sister ❤️ This makes me feel empathy for him and at the same time it makes me feel conflicted for feeling empathy for someone who committed all those atrocities. But I can't help it, when I see him, I see the child who was broken down to believe he was unwanted and unloved crying for help. He wasn't born like that, he was broken down intentionally by some monsters. I could see he realised he wasn't born that way when he told Capek: "The monster inside of me wasn't inside of me, it was outside". No child should be broken down and no child deserves to go through that. But of course this doesn't mean I justify what he did, nothing can justify him. And I also feel for his victims, specially the children, please Johan leave the children alone. Moral of the story: provide children with love and safety when growing up, otherwise they will become broken adults or monsters in the worst cases.
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: His complete disregard for his own life.
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Problematic fave all the way, he even gets compared to the devil 😂
And last but not least, a couple of Johan songs because I can:
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cryptidanathema · 3 months
Why I like them: He turned out to be a much more complicated character than he seemed to be on the surface. It took me until his literal last scene in the game to realize this but damn if that scene didn't paint all of his actions in a new light. Like yeah he's still a bastard but you saw WHY he became the way he did. How easily it all could have been avoided. How he and Hendrik deserved the chance to move past the lies that poisoned their relationship without him having to be a ghost living in his armor. It hurt in a weird way. He became my first true character hyperfixation and honestly opened my mind to engaging with fiction in a whole new way. No one deserves to be painted in the Crying Lucifer Painting pose more than him lol 
Why I don’t: I will forever have a chip in my shoulder that he didn't get a redemption arc, sorrynotsorry. Even Party Chat tries to desperately downplay the significance of the armor scene if you check it on the now-memorial balcony. On a lighter note the fact I missed 99.9% of the Piers fandom is entirely his fault because I was too busy hyperfixating on him lol. Also, the classism. The classism is bad, mkay? :P
Favorite line: His melodramatic evil speech in the throne room where he lists love first as something he's given up on is hard to beat. Also his final line in the game being "we will never be apart again'...yeah 🥲😭
Favorite outfit: The evil queen ensemble. It's so...very.  Exactly the sort of thing a raging disaster gay that designs his own outfits (according to the character book) that's devoted himself to eeevil would wear. 
OTP: He literally only makes sense as a character if you assume he was extremely, painfully gay for Hendrik and sublimating it in a WEIRD way. And Hendrik certainly showed enough signs of feeling the same way (the way he clutches his necklace to his chest after his death in the first timeline...) Mordegon and Heliodor's toxic monarchy just got in the way... 
Brotp: Jade was apparently just as close to him as she was to Hendrik but the game NEVER EXPLORES THIS AT ALL. Also I think he and Sylvando could have been absolute terrors together lol. And I've always liked the headcanons where he and Mia bond over their shared pain and rage at their (perceived) abandonment. 
Head Canon: Quite a few, so I'll just share one that he wrote the MOST emo poetry as a pining teen, something he will never admit to on pain of death as an adult. I'll also bring up the fact he's successfully taken over the world but still paying for cake as proof he's not as happy as he thought he'd be and eating his feelings about it in Act 2 lol
Unpopular opinion: No one reads deeply enough into him, everyone takes the bullshit he tells himself at face value even when he directly contradicts himself *eyetwitch* I often suspected I was literally the only person right about him lol. Also, the Gay Armor Marriage was incredibly touching, but not enough. He shouldn't have died at all. Also while I've read Jasper/Sylvando fic and enjoyed it before I don't really ship him or Hendrik with Sylv myself which kinda feels like a minority take in this fandom 
A wish: At this point I can only hope he gets the Psaro treatment where his death is avoided entirely when the game is rereleased in like 25 years 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I honestly don't want Square to revisit him, they treated him so harshly compared to other villains of the same caliber that pretty much got away with everything so yeah, just leave the angry wet cat man alone guys...
5 words to best describe them: Poor little meow meow supreme 💛
My nickname for them: Bastard son, the Purple Titty Monster (for Unbound obviously)
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mousegard · 1 year
Hapi from Three Houses/Hopes
favorite thing about them
i love like... everything about hapi. she's the best of the ashen wolves. a+ character design. a+ backstory. a+ personality. she's just so fucking good. the apathetic doomer cynic with a good heart deep down who deserves kindness after having been beaten down by one thing after another for her whole life is just. precious. protect her. she deserves only nice things
also. boobs.
least favorite thing about them
hapi being the "honorary blue lion" out of the ashen wolves sucks ass. her supports with dimitri serve no purpose other than to exposition dump about his stepmom to him. she should have had supports with edelgard. we got a taste of hapi and edelgard bonding in three hopes but were still cruelly denied actual support conversations
favorite line
"yeah i'm buff as heck. what of it?"
i really like seeing platonic/sisterly relationships between hapi, lysithea, and edelgard. i want the former slither experiments to bond and find kinship in their shared experiences! lysithea deserves a cool big sister like hapi and hapi deserves a little sister like lysithea. and edelgard would bring out the best of them both
there's also hapi and mercedes, which literally only makes sense in the specific context of the au i created for an eagle among lions
i really have a soft spot for hapi and ashe, their support chain is really cute and they have great chemistry together
also, hapigard is a vastly underrated ship. i was shipping them before they had any canon interactions with each other
i mentioned how much i dislike her supports with dimitri. i don't like viscerally recoil from the thought of shipping them or anything but like... why would you do that
all of hapi's other ships i'm neutral about at worst. they may not do anything for me but they don't feel like a waste of effort
random headcanon
hapi likes cats and cats like her. she has ingame dialogue about how she can't seem to get cats to like her, but when i was last playing cf i triggered that line of dialogue not five minutes after i saw her literally surrounded by like half a dozen cats so i think she was lying about that
also. tgirl swag to the extreme
unpopular opinion
i don't think i have any unpopular opinions about hapi. is "what the fuck is she doing with the blue lions" an unpopular opinion?
song i associate with them
"bullet with butterfly wings" by the smashing pumpkins but it's the neil cicierega version that takes the lyrics and puts it over the instrumental backing track of "working for the weekend" by loverboy
favorite picture of them
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lunaremy · 5 months
Plasma Bomber?
oooh im so excited to answer THIS one
favorite thing about them
His backstory is both relatable and relevant to the environment of the story as a whole, and if anything, he's basically the ONE character that puts all the important aspects of being a mechanical lifeform into perspective. Either way, he's a great foil to our slightly-too-optimistic protagonists and he's the part of R1's story that makes it actually worth something. Even after R1, he's the point of reference I get to use when discerning just how difficult it might be for the dastardly bombers to get used to being alive again (spoiler alert it's very difficult).
least favorite thing about them
It's sort of an unofficial rule to me to not directly count the Konami Moments because it's redundant by now at best and almost harmful to me at worst, but I think it's weird how his mech was just a big gwinbee. To be fair, the team had lots of fun (it's there because one of the team members was a big twinbee fan) so it's not like an advertisement for twinbee or anything, but it was still odd. Not the worst thing to ever happen, though.
favorite line
Something something "let us do battle", my memory is poor but the way he worded it is a good insight into his character and general patterns. He has more lines I like but again, my memory is absurdly poor.
Hmm, probably Plasma and the other dastardlies? I think a unique bond could be formed due to their shared experience of, y'know, being dead a bunch. Seems to be suggested in canon even though we don't see much of them after the end of R1, but what we do see is adorable and precious for those guys (as they deserve to live like semi-normally after getting used by some old guy with megalomania or whatever)
WHITE. AND. PLASMA. PERIOD. Oh man, where do I start? It's like yin and yang, they're both fans of fighting for justice but it's SO vastly different for them, and then there's... I can hardly continue without stumbling over myself, but believe me! Probably one of my favorite ships of all time, I can write sad and serious moments with them but I can also write times where they just buy apples and are happy and alive together!!
Plasma/Magnet. I fucking hate this ship. Hope that explains everything!
random headcanon
Oddly enough, I feel like he likes sports a little. I feel like he would sit down and watch a tennis match. Not his favorite interest, but it's certainly a nice pastime for him when he's not busy training or at work.
unpopular opinion
I honestly just wish more people liked R so I could see other people understand him the way I do. This extends to a lot of characters, but yeah.
song i associate with them
Weirdly enough, even though there are a lot of sad songs, I don't have one?
favorite picture of them
plasma with da spoon
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laceratedlamiaceae · 1 year
Izzy for the ask meme.
(ask game)
asdgfklsdkf of course everyone sends me Izzy. I think I have enough to say about him to do it again though lol
favorite thing about them: his charming personality :) this is not a joke I really do find him endearing least favorite thing about them: his ass </3 we need to start a gofundme to get him some implants favorite line: "You will rue it long and you will rue it hard." Why are you, as a man, talking about something long and hard? Is there something else long and hard you want to talk about? hmm brOTP: I want him and Roach to bond over being disrespected by Stede. Izzy should try to kill him all over again when he hears about "it hardly tasted of orange" OTP: A convoluted polycule with Izzy at the center in relationships with Roach, Black Pete, Spanish Jackie, and Jack; friends with benefits with Jim, Lucius, Frenchie, and Buttons; and hatefucking Stede. (I actually made a chart of this once but I deleted in shame after I noticed I somehow forgot Roach lol). nOTP: uhh Nigel Badminton I guess, since I can't think of anyone else. (I could get into Izzy/Chauncey though tbh) random headcanon: I love projecting touch-averse Izzy. He's okay with Ed touching him as long as it's properly telegraphed but anyone else and he'll flinch so hard he elbows them in the gut by accident (and then again on purpose because fuck you, you're not allowed to touch me) unpopular opinion: I despise the genre of steddyhands fanart (and fics) where Ed and Stede are smiling while Izzy looks like he's being held at gunpoint. Not that I expect him to be smiling all the time but at a certain point it really starts to seem like he's being forced into it (which is something I'm just really sensitive to, as I've posted about before). song i associate with them: Cellophane by FKA Twigs. Both for the lyrics:
Didn't I do it for you? Why don't I do it for you? Why won't you do it for me? When all I do is for you
And I just want to feel you're there And I don't want to have to share our love I try but I get overwhelmed When you're gone I have no one to tell
and also because I like to imagine Izzy in the music video, looking like this:
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favorite picture of them: He looks so heartbroken here I can't even stand it. It's not fair that he's fictional and I can't go over and give him a hug
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lunarblue21 · 2 years
For the non-shipping ask meme: Ice Age, of course!
Aww thank you so much for asking! :) <3
M/F BroTP: Ellie and Diego. I really liked how DoTD gave them some scenes and an important moment together with Diego protecting her during her birth with Peaches. Diego fairly glows around the herd's mammoths, especially Manny (like he does with no one else!) and I headcanon that Ellie did try to get Diego to talk about his problems - before he decides to head out in IA3 - before defaulting to Manny since Diego is guarded with her and won't be as open like he is with her mate.
F/F BroTP: Mothers and daughters can count as a friendship, right? In that case, I love Ellie and Peaches' dynamic. Ellie is a good mother, she lets Peaches be herself but she still corrects her if necessary. Peaches as well seems to have a good relationship with her mother and it's sweet to see, becos it's always nice to see comfortable mother/daughter bonds in fiction.
M/M BroTP: Manny and Diego, of course! :) <3 For so many years now they have been my longest-adored friendship. Part of the reasons why I LOVE Manny and Diego goes back to IA1 and how they save each other virtually back-to-back in the story, and more so, are willing to risk their lives to the point of being willing to die for each other, and that just creates deep bonds and a strong friendship; this is even supported by science! I also love how pivotal Manny is to Diego's redemption arc and how he helps him grow as a character in IA1, which goes back to the whole "self-sacrifice" thing he teaches Diego as IA1's story plays out. And this is another reason why the sequels were such a disappointment to me, I was so hoping to see IA1 callbacks or inverses of IA1's ending scene with the Battle at Half Peak with Manny protecting Diego - since a tiger alone has it rough! - and that never happened, nor was their beautiful friendship explored/fleshed out as it deserved, imo … Anyway, their friendship is my favourite in many many ways I could go on and on about it tbh...
crack BroTP: Uh, I guess I would say Buck and Diego (most of these are Diego or Manny-based lol I noticed. Diego has many "circles" within the herd's dynamics because he is the glue not Sid! ;)) but it's not even really cracky becos Buck and Diego have good chemistry. Buck & Diego is also a good dynamic becos I learnt recently from the IA3 BTS - Buck is Diego's foil. He foils Diego, since he's wild and carefree, whilst Diego's heart has always belonged to the herd, even though he tries to leave it and so they have a good push and pull to their dynamic/bond with each other.
dynamic I didn’t expect to like: Hmmm... I think I am go ahead and say... Diego & Peaches! Sure, for me, it's mostly headcanons, but I remember when I heard about IA3 I didn't expect Diego's connection and chemistry with the mammoths he lives with to be explored like it was, and the fact that he was present at Peaches' birth gave me so many feels, oh my gosh, and I just fell in love with an uncle/niece dynamic btwn Diego & Peaches and it's become my second most treasured Ice Age herd family bond becos I love the idea of them being close and Peaches admiring Diego and thinking of him as something of a "second father" :) whilst he adores her wholeheartedly. It disappoints me so much still that officially we didn't get many scenes btwn them in the movies/specials to flesh out that dynamic but Peaches' relationships with her adopted uncles were so shafted and I'm still not over that ngl. :((((
dynamic I didn’t like: In all honesty, Sid and Diego.... their dynamic doesn't have the same vibe and earnestness that Manny and Diego have and Diego imo kinda always looks annoyed or bored in scenes he shares with Sid, especially in the sequels. The fact that the Sid/Diego "ship" is so popular is another reason, tbh, why I don't like this dynamic - they're suited more as brothers than a romantic ship imo. 🤷‍♀️ Heck, their entire dynamic is "little bro annoys middle bro constantly" let's be honest! Also I am aware this opinion is sure to be unpopular. 🤷‍♀️
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