#brrrrr excitement!!
mitamicah · 9 months
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Hello all you wonderful people!🤗💚
Hvala, kiitos, og tusind tak for bringing me 1k+ followers on these two platforms (tumblr and Instagram)! I’m grateful that so many of you have decided that I was somebody you wanted to follow on this journey. 🥹
To celebrate I have decided to take you all on board on the boat of love with this DTIYS event featuring two of my biggest muses at the moment being Bojere (Bojan Cvjetićanin and Jere Pöyhönen). ⛴️🌈💚❤️
There are three simple steps for you to enter:
Follow me on tumblr, Instagram or both platforms.
Draw this artwork in your own style. It doesn’t matter your skill level, your media (digital or traditional or maybe even crafts? Skies the limit :3) as long as the artwork is your own (no AI, tracing or bases, please).
Submit the artwork on either platform, tag me and use the hashtag #micahstigdtiys (stands for micahs tumblr Instagram dtiys).
Shares are not obligatory but very much appreciated btw.
That’s it: you’re now in!
All artworks will be shared either through reblogs on tumblr, stories on IG or both!
Deadline (edited 02/19): March 17 2024
If we get enough entries, I have planned for some lovely prizes that’ll be given using the raffle method meaning I’ll pick a random entry using a random generator (wheeloffortune.com).
I’m excited to see all your wonderful artwork. Take care you wonderful kääryleet and baby boos.
Until we meet again; have a nice day 🤗💚❤️
(resources and more information under the line)
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Flat colour version + reference pictures
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leonstamatis · 2 months
there really was something in the water with blaseball. for like two years i was constantly writing, and thinking about writing, and talking to other people about what they were writing, and creating stories that forced me to consider different perspectives and backgrounds and beliefs, and i fuckin loved it. and now i’m just not really writing anymore, and even when i do, it isn’t with that same kind of fervor and certainly not with the same level of dedication or enthusiasm. strangest, longest fugue state i’ve ever been in.
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
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Welcome to the Stranded AU: a space/Martian-inspired concept where Y/N, an astronaut sent off on a one-way mission toward a possibly habitable planet for research, crash lands on the wrong planet!!
There, they meet Monty—brash, rude, and VERY much not human— also stranded on the barren planet after his crew left him behind.
Together they strive to survive before the unknown environment kills them first.
(And obviously it’s a romance because @starrspice @honiegoo and I are nothing if not predictable. ENJOY DOODS)
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starswimmingart · 9 months
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bringing this back because it's still silly and relatable
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c0smiccl0wn · 1 year
once upon a time
i made a post about wanting to make a dca au that wasn’t a sh*tpost or joke. so, @starrspice spilled some brain worms into my unorganized head. therefore, wizard au
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so far, it’s just a few sketches of concepts, but i wanted to show what i’ve been working on ^^
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ddarker-dreams · 8 months
that first chapter of golden girl was delicious I really hope you continue it! :))
aAAAA thank you so much <3333
if i were to make a list of the stories i'm proudest of, golden girl would definitely be up there. (even if it's only 20% ish done). in true jjk fashion, i wanted the introduction to be a little lighthearted with some hard hitting horror moments before the Emotional Torment begins. i'm vibrating with excitement to get to everything. when i'm creating a story, i like giving myself some rough directions that go on to influence its development. the most prominent for golden girl is for it to be a character study of the MC, geto, and gojo. their beliefs shift around. sometimes for the better, sometimes uh... not so much. (🐵).
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my rough directions . very rough.
since i'm playing around with some elements i've unfamiliar with like multiple POVs and a non chronological order, it's taking me a bit longer to write. that and the whole being a cog in the capitalist machine. i will keep writing away though!!! one of my 2024 goals is to finish golden girl, which is looking to be my longest series yet 😭
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
ever get an idea so delicious you think you're gonna explode yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
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immobiliter · 9 months
@apocryphis sent a meme: so you lied to me. (from neuvillette to furina)
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       Thank you, Furina. From this moment on, please live happily as a human. Just as I wished we could.
       The water had... gone. Just like that. As she'd stepped outside of the Opera Epiclese, having expecting the encroaching flood to burst its way in through the windows and doors, submerging her gilded throne as the prophecy had always foretold, Furina had been surprised to see those same waters recede without a trace. More surprising still was the sight of the people of Fontaine still living, breathing — as bewildered as she at the turn of events, but not dissolved. Alive. There, by the Fountain of Lucine, were a couple helping each other up. There was somebody else emerging from beyond the hill, soaked through, but walking.
       She did not understand what had just happened, whether the prophecy was wrong, whether the true divinity of Focalors had intervened somehow... or whether she hadn't failed after all. But the shock soon turned to terror as she glanced behind her, back through the doors of the Opera Epiclese, where her once-beloved courtroom and the Oratrice still remained. Everyone now knew that she was not the true Archon. She could not stay here.
       And so that was how Furina found herself back in the Palais Mermonia. Amidst the chaos and combined rescue efforts of the Maison Gardennage, the Spina and the Fortress of Meropide, it had been easy for Furina to return there unnoticed. Or so she thought. Her one prevailing impulse, one that had served her well throughout her endless charade and she found herself leaning on once more, was to run. She had to pack her things and leave. She did not know where she would go, but if the trial had proven anything, it was that she would no longer be welcome here. The people of Fontaine would never accept her again.
       Unfortunately for her, Furina was caught half-way through packing her belongings by a painfully familiar voice. She whirled around on the spot, feeling as guilty as ever under the weight of that steady, discerning gaze.
       “ No! I didn't, I — ” Oh, but she did. She'd lied to him and everyone else, for hundreds of years, though hearing the words spoken by Neuvillette held far more of a sting than they would have from anyone else. She'd had no friends, after all, only subordinates — and the Chief Iudex had been the most constant of them all.
       Lying, pretending, acting... it had become as natural to her as breathing, and even now, she could not force a truthful admission to her lips. She simply stared helplessly at Neuvillette, words deserting her in favour of an anguished cry, forcing her to turn away. Surely she'd already cried enough tears, and yet here they were again, pricking at the edges of her vision. Furina reached up to rub her eyes, steeling herself. Strength, Furina, one last time. Then you can leave the Palais Mermonia and never come back.
       “ Something happened in the courtroom. What was it? ” It was with a much smaller voice that she spoke now. Furina could recall little of what had happened after the Oratrice's verdict was read out, but she was sure that there was more to it than even that. Why had she heard Focalors', Mirror-Me's voice again, after all? Why had it felt like a goodbye? “ The prophecy... it didn't come to pass? ”
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aroacespacerock · 1 month
don’t let me watch too many video essays, the autism hits hard
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guild-guardian · 10 months
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Remembered that captura mode exists in Warfame. Please look my my Little Guy (prime)!
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knotsoangelic · 1 year
In the theatre for mutant mayhem now !!! :D
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the-jellydex · 1 year
Guhhh I don't have the spoons to work on my newest aquarium review but I do want to say...
A lot goes on behind the aquariums we know and love, and I have a newfound respect for them.
Character development: I should probably also not be as harsh when it comes to minor information mistakes (incorrect species name) and jellyfish variety (unusual jellies can be expensive and hard to find). They also consider what species would be suitable to show in public (many- like hydrozoans- are too small to be properly seen ;w;)
Additionally, breeding efforts for certain species can be difficult. After getting their hands on one species, it's possible that they simply... die, without being replaced. Displayed jellyfish species at an aquarium can be almost as seasonal as the plants that grow around your local area.
// Fun fact: The aquarium of the pacific is the first aquarium I've found to feed medusivoric jellyfish... other jellyfish
Also fun fact the Aquarium of the Pacific has the most detailed descriptions of jellyfish ever. I've came across them before but now I feel a bit silly for not doing more research there (like, they're more in depth than the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and Monterey Bay is GOOD)
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msfcatlover · 2 years
Which of the batkids would make the worst Batman successor?
Hmmm, now that is a complicated question. I think it depends on how you choose to measure “worst,” as being Batman is a complex & multi-faceted thing. I have two answers.
Jason would have the hardest time sticking to the core code of being Batman. He has his own very strong opinions of right & wrong, they don’t always mesh well with the bat-legacy as a whole, and I don’t think he’d be willing to put them aside for the sake of the mantle; it would go against his very idea of heroism to not do the right thing for the sake of your public image. I also think that despite how he’s sometimes written, Jason never really wanted to be Batman (as Robin, that would mean losing his dad, which was unthinkable; post-resurrection, it’s all a complicated mess, but Jason even more should not want that mantle for both what it represents & his feelings towards the man wearing it.) For him to be in a position where he has to officially take up the mantle means being in a position where all the more viable candidates are for some reason completely unable to, and for Jason to lose that much of his family… even if he was willing, he would not at all be in a mental place where he should (or maybe even could) do it. Jason would not be great at being Batman, and it would be very, very bad for Jason as a person to even try. Therefore Jason Todd would be the worst Batman.
My other answer is Damian, and it’s a much simpler matter. So much of Damian’s story revolves around legacies, family, what those mean, and who he is in relation to them. It’s not good if all he does is hop from the “al Ghul to assassin” pipeline over into the “Wayne-kid to superhero” pipeline. If all Damian does is go from striving to meet the rules & expectations of one side of his family, to the exact same thing just from the other. Honestly, I’m in the camp for Damian throwing off all expectations & quitting the cape-scene entirely (not stop helping people, just… you know that trope where a total badass looks like an every day person, and when they save people they’re like, “Oh, I was just in the area.” Or they get dragged into a big dramatic fight, and they’re yelling at their old friends for ruining their retirement? Yeah, that’s what I want.) but if he must still be a hero, Damian should define his own mantle like Dick did with Nightwing. Damian could probably make for a pretty good Batman, but it would not only be bad for him as a person, it is thematically dissonant for Damian to live his entire life being defined by the expectations of people around him. Therefore, Damian Wayne would be the worst Batman.
(For the record, I don’t think Dick should be Batman either, based on how much of his life he’s spent working to specifically not be. However, I think Dick can adjust his own self-perception in order to find what differentiates him from Bruce, even when they’re wearing the same suit, and could eventually move past constantly comparing himself to the man who came before him. It is not fair to Dick to steal his independence & future away to force him to be Batman, and it would not be good for him as a person at least in the short-term, but he makes for a really good Batman when he tries & he would eventually find balance again. Therefore, Dick should not be Bruce’s successor, but he definitely is not the worst option.)
To end this on a positive note, my top 3 candidates are Cass, Tim, & Steph. In that order.
[DISCLAIMER: I have only recently started getting into comics, so a lot of my info is based on meta-posts & wiki summaries. I like to read things in chronological order, and am about to hit the early 90s. Please be nice to me.]
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meglinpancake · 2 years
yes you did influence mikaela haddie
Guess I’ll have to spam the Haddie ask blog twice more as thanks <3
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pocketsonny · 1 year
thinking about takeryo yet cursed to read texts for class 😔😔😔
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meeep-morp · 2 years
So, in light of the recent events here on tumblr dot com, I decided to fuck around and give Welcome to Night Vale a listen. After all, the potential of a new hyperfixation to go nuts about honestly outweighs the likelihood of boredom that'd come from a podcast. Besides, there's transcripts too, and I wouldn't mind reading if worse comes to worst.
So um- I'm not even halfway into the first/pilot episode, and I'm already loving it. This thing is full of absurd and unexpected humour, while also having the energy of something like SCP or Omega Mart. It's actually a lot like Omega Mart in many ways, now that I think about it. Like- Omega Mart would probably fit nicely into that world.
Anyway- Omega Mart is not my point. My point is that I can already tell that this thing is amazing. Screw the people who were saying that Night Vale was irrelevant and were trying to shove it away. Honestly- irrelevant my ass! It's literally still getting updated to this very day.
Night Vale seems to be full of wackiness, goofiness, Omega Mart, unrecognizable bodies in the water, inconvenient quantum planes, and gay panic over Carlos and his perfect hair. Well- in the beginning at least for that last part there. But really, if you love any of those kinds of things, then I'd consider giving it a chance. It's lovely.
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