#bsd saw au
disabledstraydogs · 2 months
OMG BSD SAW AU....pls infodump if u wish. Sawtism twinsies
(Shakes your paw) Sawtism.....
The details of the AU are as follows
TW for typical saw things ie gore (although we haven't described anything), death, and some weird dynamic relationship stuff between Dazai and Chuuya (by this I mean they have complex feelings and have tried to kill each other miltiple times)
Natsume is the OG Jigsaw... Kinda? He had the idea while killing someone and was like 'wouldn't it be fucked it this happened on a regular basis' and Mori took that way too seriously
So I guess the OG jigsaw is Mori (everything in this AU is his fault) but he claims that it's Natsume who 'inspired him on the divine path of righteousness' (he's a shitty jigsaw though and claims to have morals but like. Doesn't. As in he punishes Chuuya for setting up the bathroom incorrectly but also does inescapeable saw traps for people he really doesn't like).
Mori's first victim was possibly Tachihara? I'm unsure about the characer but the trap was successful in killing him so Mori kinda rolled with from there. Next is Chuuya, who is put into the reverse beartrap, survives and becomes an apprentice.
Dazai is next. He's been poking around as a journalist and getting a bit too close to Mori for his liking so he has Chuuya kidnap him and put him in the bathroom trap alongside Fyodor, who's role I'm not too sure of. He's probably killed someone (or a few people) and Mori is all 'killing is distasteful' type of thing.
The trap goes like saw does and in the end Dazai and Fyodor have this scene (which could happen in canon if Asagiri wasn't a fucking coward)
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Dazai makes it out, fully intending on saving Fyodor and killing himself in the process. But in the end Fyodor dies on the bathroom floor and he survives, then is recruited by Mori as a jigsaw apprentice.
Dazai accepts (he has no other choice) but doesn't know at first that Chuuya is the one who set up the bathroom trap 'insufficiently' which leads to Fyodor dying (which he heavily blames himself for- Idk if he knows about Fyodor's crimes or even cares about them at this point because like. Killing a few people normally is better than torturing them).
It's only during one of Mori's other games that Dazai finds out Chuuya's role and then sets up a trap for them (although Dazai has feelings for Chuuya but they're very deeply messed up because it's like 'you killed my homoerrotic bathroom buddy but not me. Why? Why do I deserve to live? Why do you deserve to live? I'm good you're bad and need to be punished. You're sick but so am I.' type of thing)
Anyway Dazai kills Mori and becomes the next Jigsaw (Chuuya survives but probably only with one eye and less limbs than before) and because of this Dazai goes onto recrut Akutagawa (who was probably a cop working on the case) and then stuff happens with Atsushi (idk what. Maybe he's Aku's first 'project').
That's where we're at with the AU so far... Thinking of killing a few more BSD characters (specifically Nikolai who's arc probably ties into Fyodor's) but the details are not fully fleshed out yet.... If you have any imput then feel free to lmk.
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damianito · 1 year
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I need more content of Chuuya being the boss of the PM, so i did it myself
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carrotkicks · 9 months
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[sends them to school au!]
takes place directly after this comic. Dazai meets Oda! Dazai vents to Oda! About her torrid love life too... It's okay the storm will pass.
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dazai: you know what they say about you...
atsushi: ... what do they say about me
dazai: there are rumors, atsushi nakajima, that you are a bloodthirsty monster, who feasts on human flesh
dazai: who knows what your true nature is. the rumors are quite explicit-
atsushi: i know dazai-san
dazai: oh?
atsushi: because i was there while you were spreading them, you ass! you know damn well i've never eaten anyone!
dazai: heehee but its fun watching everyone's reaction~
atsushi: it is NOT you jerk!!
dazai: hehehe
atsushi: i'm never gonna make you lunch ever again
dazai: wait- atsushi- aren't we being drastic- why don't we sit down and talk about-atsushi? atsushi where r u going, come on make me lunchhhhhh
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kitsquared · 2 months
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Pokemon AU Main Route
Ive never drawn ADA Dazai with his pokemon and ive been meaning to draw Albatross with his Archeops!
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eggginabagg · 2 months
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Happy Chuuya day my boyo
(peep the iwsynttr ref)
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orangecoffee1010 · 1 year
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chuuya from skk switch au belonging to @muaviinu !
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originalartblog · 10 months
Would you mind if someone wrote a fic using the tiny-[insert character] idea?
I was brainrotting hard over an AU where everyone has a tiny version of themselves, who acts like a child with no adult like restrictions (an unleashed inner child, you could say)
Oh for that you don't even have to give me credit/mention me unless you really want to, I didn't come up with the original idea of tiny-fying your faves, that's rather common and comes in many flavours!
If you're directly using my lore and stuff, like actively using my ideas, yeah I would like and prefer to be mentioned (and notified, as I've said before!), but if you got your own original spin that happens to resemble and/or was sparked by me or some other fan's ideas, that's an entirely different topic
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Atsushi : Wow. I wish I had something like the both of you. What's more romantic than meeting the love of your life and living happily ever after?
Dazai : We met at a seafood restaurant waiting in line for the bathroom.
Atsushi : I bet it was love at first sight.
Chuuya : We both had food poisoning.
Atsushi : And love poisoning!
Dazai & chuuya : ...
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smol-stardust · 8 months
skk being shampoo commercial rivals with dazai claiming his hair is fluffier and better and chuuya unimpressed because his is smoother and more luscious.
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asterlae · 4 months
more of the lycoreco AU :D
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also oda is in this AU too but i still dont know if i want her to have a blue or a beige uniform
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frankenjoly · 3 months
Maybe the world could be ours
“Oh, thanks. If I’m being honest, I’m more worried about what Kunikida-san is going to think of me. After all, he’s my direct… superior, I guess? Now.” They doubt not clicking fully would result in getting fired, but still Sigma couldn’t help feeling a bit nervous about it. Until Nikolai burst into laughter. “You’re kidding, right? He’s gonna love you, trust me.” The conviction he said it with may not be the magical remedy against Sigma’s nervousness, but damn if it didn’t help.
have circus au siglai + nikolai & mushitaro friendship (with the greatest showman references sprinkled all over)
(Read here.)
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hellonoblesky · 11 months
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i was gone / then / i was gone and then / i was / gone
commission me !!
[ID: A digital drawing of Fukuzawa Yukichi as he’s depicted in the Execution AU: Wearing all black and with much longer hair, part of which falls over his right eye. He’s looking dully at the viewer, his pupil drawn as a white slit, like how a cat’s eye would reflect light. Swirling red patterns mix with his hair to his right, and a heavy black and read static effect mixes in the background. The final poem from My Name Is Wolf by Chiwan Choi is in white text in the bottom right of the drawing. The poem is as follows:
in the kitchen / i only heard music / but the music / was just the sound of the ocean / emptying out of my heart / i told my feet to dance / i told this terror / to cry / there was nothing / but this body / these feet shuffling / this body / this body swaying / and i don’t know / if it was how it ends / or / the beginning of another life / in the kitchen under two broken light bulbs / i was there / trying to dance /trying to cry / and then / i was gone / then / i was gone and then / i was / gone / i was gone / and then i / was gone was gone i / then i was gone and / then i was gone/ i was gone / gone / and i was gone.
A vhs line static layer is over the whole drawing. End ID]
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sickficideas · 10 months
I have a little headcanon about Fyodor.
We know that his health is canonically not really good and he's pretty weak (and probably has an anemia).
So, in Russia there are a lot of old buildings where the elevators don't work or there are no elevators at all, and something Fyodor has to mount the stairs, like 5, or 7, or even 9 floors. And every time after that he feels so nauseous and dizzy, he can barely breathe and he can even lose his consciousness, so he has to sit still for a long time while his heart is racing and his head is spinning. Sometimes Nikolai squat down beside him handing him a glass of water and trying to comfort him but Fyodor is just so sick that he doesn't even want to see him.
sorry if it's nonsense and sorry for my english
your english is great anon no worries!!! this is really cute 😭 ive been thinking about these two recently and fyodor is just such a good candidate for illness stuff like this...i love childhood friends au for them i think it's so sweet ... so I'm imagining the two of them attending school or church or something regularly back in Russia that's up on a high floor like this, and Nikolai has gotten used to how Fyodor is when they get to the top. he's tried a variety of things to help him but realizes he just needs to sit down for a while and he'll be okay, so Nikolai sits with him until he's okay to keep going💖
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(x) Either R or W, please!
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
hmm well i know for a fact that one or two people must ship this cause there are several fics on ao3 but it doesn't seem like anyone really thinks about it so - i think that odasaku/ranpo from bungou stray dogs has potential for fics given that they're similar ages and ran into each other i think once in the ranpo backstory episodes in season 4 and also once in the oda backstory at the start of season 2
and since you're a black butler mutual i will try to come up with something black butler very quick ummm - how about snake and edward? i have an au i'd almost forgotten about where it really feels possible
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
i mean, since i'm hyperfixated on bungou stray dogs rn we're just gonna end up with bungou here (also i shall not give any kinks cause i'm shy and that's reserved for the smut channel in my server)
chuuya/ranpo (bsd) - i think it's so funny and maybe a little hot. like yeah someone needs to shove ranpo into a wall for his hijinks and i think chuuya would do it
sigma/dazai (bsd) - i didn't really care about it until i saw the recent spoilers for the next chapter and now suddenly i'm vibrating like omg dazai's really committed to saving sigma huh. that feels big for both characters
ranpo/oda (bsd) - again, i think it has so much potential and could be fun to play around with. like idk maybe they dated as teenagers. i like to headcanon ranpo has a thing for criminals tbh and oda was an assassin and then in the mafia when he quit that
ranpo/mushitaro (bsd) - i wish there was more fic. it would be so good. i also want to see them interact more but understand that yeah...the way things are in canon rn they don't really have the time for that
clara/12th doctor (doctor who) - i don't think i actually ship them romantically but their dynamic is very interesting and makes me feel things
bonus black butler lol: maybe either bard/lau or bard/sebastian. i like it when a man presses a knife to another man's neck (is that what happened? it's been a while), and the sebastian and bard dynamic from bard's flashbacks was fun
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im writing out this timeline and realising how insane i look rn
give in to your insanity
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