#bt friendship map
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further elaboration
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dearweirdme · 9 months
Responding to some of the comments from my last mole anon ask I'm not new to the group but I am new to the ship. I first started listening to the group around 2018 but watching stuff like Run and the festas a few yrs later and from that, I wouldn't have guessed taekook were dating or even one of the closest friendship. They seemed touchy yeah but i think that for the whole group tbh. It wasn't really until solo era that I started focusing more on fan stuff. I'd say before that I was more fo a casual fan who enjoyed watching the content but wasn't really desperate to see everything bts. Like I knew the basics and the memes but never really was inclined to delve any further and my knowledge of shipping was mostly critical. I did see some of the narratives in the backlash to shipping such as taekook being less close than other members and with (what I now know is edited) official content reinforcing that, it was much easier to believe that than a secret taekook love affair.
But Layover turned out to be one of my favorite albums because it was closest to my musical tastes and culture of music i grew up with and so I started hitting up twitter and specifically searching stuff up to discuss more about tae and his musical influences coz I thought he did such a great job with that album and had some real soul in it despite not being raised in that culture or country of that kind of music. And I think because of the algorithms and how popular taekook is that's when I started seeing my taekook posts pop up on my timeline and from a ship critical perspective, I brushed most of as delulu coz wlmy first exposure of ships being discussed in fandom was that it was weird and inappropriate to ship.
And the stuff that I did see out of morbid curiosity (and I admit it wasn't a lot at that time) just really validated the 'fake' accusations because it was all slow mo'd edits and taekook seemed to have 7 different anniversary dates according to the taekook stuff I read so it was seeming more like shippers were just trying to fit a circle onto a square hole or something. Plus I'd see people responding to those slo mo edits with the real time links and that made it seem even faker.
The I recently saw the mole video on twitter that brought me here and that was the first thing were I couldn't really rationalise it with a platonicary answer because one of the first things I can remember doing in a relationship is laying in bed counting and mapping each others marks and freckles.
So that to me seemed just highly romantic for a couple of bros.
Except I lost the video on twitter so I tried YouTube to find it, nothing. Searched the Internet on general, nothing and I ended up stumbling across this blog. I think I discovered while browsing after seeing a response to an ask that I thought sounded fair enough a d really kinda middle ground for a shipper. It was framed as like 'idnk for sure but here's what I think' and after looking for the link and coming across people who were more definitive in their theories and stuff, I thought somewhere like here would be the best place to ask for the info.
Because at that point, shipping didn't have any good associations to me and I wasn't really comfortable with my own speculation that the mole vid was leaving me with but I also couldn't stop second guessing my own first reaction to deny, deny, deny and make an excuse for it.
So my intentions really were to post here, get a link to the vid, watch it again and be like 'oh yeah, that's been blown out of proportion. No ships sailing here' like I had when people sent those real time links in response to ship edit videos.
(Except we all know what happened next)
While waiting for a response which came pretty quickly, I was looking up for more info on taekook in general and was coming up with mostly horse shit but I was also noticing the more reasoned stuff now that I was actively looking for it.
And in the response, DWM mentioned and tagged the taekook timeline which really topped off me taking a second look at the ship because again it was presented as kinda 'this is what I think, beware, I could be just high on delusional and this whole post could be wish fulfilment but here's what happened and what I think' and angles like that I can appreciate because I find it way more trustworthy than someone presenting a theory as fact which is what it felt like taekook lyves was doing a lot of, imo.
The timeline really sealed the deal for me, tbh, because seeing all their interactions in one place and running on concurrent really blew the hinges off the 'distance' narrative.
Which lead me to the ultimate question which I think is the fossil fuel that taekook sails on; what's with all the fucking secrecy and what's bighit hiding??
Because to me and with the timeline on front of me there was no distance on their distant relationship.
And so I've recently started a rewatch of some of their biggest hits. Like I started with bon voyage and I'm kicking myself and wondering why I didn't consider stuff like the room choosing situation in Bon Voyage Morrocoo or Malta wherever they were, more closely. I can't even explain why I just took it at face value as a joke because looking back JK made it so damn obvious.
And I started noticing the subtleties of their touching and the lack of space. I think part of me started reqatching the BV and Run episodes to be kinda proven right that there was nothing more to the ship and I was being delulu but the more I watch, the more Im starting to notice and those fossil fuel questions keep popping up in my mind.
And as a logical creature who said taekook isn't real when I couldn't see anything proving it, I can't then refuse to consider the possibility that it might be real now that I'm seeing stuff that I consider legit proof or support of a relationship.
As for theories, I don't want it to come across like I'm acting smarter or more superior than anyone else because I think everyone is working off theories even the people who don't believe in it because none of us know these guys or their lives but I don't like when theories are pushed as fact or manipulated or framed as the only possible conclusion to a question. Like could I make another theory as to why taekook ate mapping out each others moles, yeah, course I could but based on my own experience perception and no real clear arguement otherwise etc---the romantic reason is still the strongest supported to me.
So I don't have anything against theories just the way they're framed.
So yeah I guess that's my looong (sorry) story about how I accidently became a taekook shipper.
Hi again mole anon!
It’s really nice to hear your story actually. I think skepticism is definitely a good way to get into this. Also, props to Kayla @taekooktimeline for documenting so well 💜.
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pluckysidekick · 1 year
Am I the only one who can’t watch any older episodes, or do anything else, at the moment and can only keep re-watching the premiere? It’s taking up 99% of my brain (the other 1% involves baby animals).
There were so many amazing moments between all of the characters: the Dads and Nancy, George and Nick, Bess and Ryan, George and Carson, Nancy and Nick, Nancy and Ryan.
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Nancy and Ace - I could never have imagined that we would get three amazing scenes of them together, two almost kisses, 2 glass breakings, Ace getting arrested, Ace taking charge TWICE - with the partygoers (that whistle!) and when he won’t take no for answer when he knows Nancy’s lying to him. All in the first episode.
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And then a super interesting mystery - murder boarding, zombies, town history, maps, and Drew Crew shenanigans at The Claw, the police station, and in the woods.
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I loved all the little moments - social media star Nick getting all the likes (poor awkward Ace, but SCRUBS), Nick (who may be MVP in this episode) sipping from his cup like Grogu, Ryan remembering star gazing with Lucy, CHUNKY VELEZ, Bess and Addy PDA.
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We also got some great callbacks: Ace carrying boxes like it’s his job (Tom Swift and DetectiveCon eps.), Nancy forgot the CIDER (callback to 301 and Ace offering to help her with the cider), Ace confessing how mad he is at Nancy (201 and “Just because I’m mad at you”) - BOTH from season premieres!!! I’m so impressed with the long game the writers are playing.
Now touching on a few early BTS photos and what we got in the episode:
So we’ve finally learned who the mystery lady was from Maddison’s creepy woods golf cart ride back in July:
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Erin Cummings plays the new police chief. Glad we have a woman Chief - so far she’s just condescending, but I suspect she may have secrets.
Note there was another blond actress listed on IMDB for episode 1 who I mentioned in an earlier blog, but she’s been removed. Maybe she’ll show up in a later episode.
So now we know this is Tristan’s boat!
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This was the day it was 100 degrees F and they had to shut down production. At least Henry was dressed for the occasion! I enjoyed the humor of this scene, and Henry is adorable. My heart is already breaking for the inevitable (hopefully temporary) parting of Nancy and Ace due to the curse, though. But keeping an open mind (as I keep repeating to myself !).
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Of course now we also know what was on Nancy’s phone that Kennedy erased - zombie arm would have been my third guess at least 🧟‍♀️. Loved all of the new fits, and the friendships, and that final scene, just everything.
I’ve run out of room for more photos so ending here. Will try to do an Episode 2 post before it airs, if not will do one after. Cannot wait!!!!
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funkyllama · 1 year
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Celina and Claire: "The Union's Forgotten Princesses,"
The Princesses Celina (Celina Anne Bach-Rodchester; born 10 May 1982) and Claire (Claire Tatiana Bach-Rodchester; born 25 September 1988) are the daughters of Princess Rose Mary and Josef, the Count March. They are the nieces of Queen Viviana I of the Ionian Union, first cousins to the children of Crown Prince Arnaut of Uspana ( @nexility-sims ), and first-cousins-once-removed to Queen Viviana II. Neither are in line to inherit the Ionian throne, as their Mother recinded her inheritance rights during the Monarchical Election of 1982. Though, Princess Celina will become the 4th Countess (9th Count) March. The title is currently held by their Father; its roots belong to the, long extinct its male line, Royal House of Wittenburg ( @royaltysimblr ). Neither sister performs duties as Working Members of the Royal Family, though, they do enjoy the Royal Stylization that was stripped from the non-mainline descendents of Viviana I. Their personal lives are not often seen by the common Ionian, nor the media. Neither are known to be in a partnership. Princess Celina has worked privately with many charitable organizations, the most notable being in the field of childcare. In March of 2019, she published her first childrens novel: When the Road Begins. All-the-while, Claire's professional and personal actions have taken a (public) backseat, her friendship with a peticular Princess Jade ( @theroyalcoldwells ) has been entirely notable. In 2022, it was rumored that the Princess began working at the French Embassy in Bergstrasse ( @empiredesimparte ) ; though such rumors are unconfirmed.
I thought it was a good time to make a post about my girls! While they're well loved and connected bts, they've never been in an actual story post---- I recently decided that should change, though >:D apologies for tagging everyone, but it's for the LORE D:< speaking of: they're also related to the Valois ( @officalroyalsofpierreland )through mr emperor Jean Charles, but it wasn't a close enough relation for me to map it out in wiki-format.
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not7wu · 10 months
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Chapter Six: A Symbiotic Relationship
Recap: You might have remembered why you woke up naked in Jin's bed...but the hope you had to explore something more came to a screeching halt when you learned about Rule Five and Jin's first love. Jieun instead encouraged you to spend less time on Kim Cho-hee and more time with your family of eight, so you do just that. Oh, and you have a cleaning lady, apparently.
Tae is waiting for you with a corsage outside of your apartment.  Both dressed casually and comfy, the corsage brings a note of whimsy so uniquely Tae that honestly you should have expected it.  Wrist now decorated with periwinkle, thistles, and eucalyptus, you walk hand in hand to the parking garage.  
When you tried solidifying plans with Tae earlier in the day, he said he wanted to surprise you, so you happily settle in and enjoy conversation with him as his driver navigates the streets of Seoul.  There’s a mischievous twinkle in Tae’s eye when you pull up into an alley.  You’re led through a backdoor, through the kitchen, and down a staff hallway to a secluded, closed dining room.  The table is set low with seating cushions.  The wood accents from the trim to the table are rustic with blackened knots and scars.  It’s beautiful and you wonder if Namjoon has been here before.  Your server enters with water and menus and you finally find out where you are.  
Ossu Seiromushi, Jin’s brother’s restaurant.  You peek over the menu at Tae who is staring back at you unabashedly.  You don’t know what he’s planning, but you can’t do anything but go along with it, completely at his mercy.  After your order is put in and your juices placed in front of you, the silence stretches, but it’s different than what you’re used to–the comfortable silences, the anxious silences and the silences that are too loud.  This silence feels buzzy and slinky, like an animal crouched, waiting to pounce.  The Tae sitting in front of you is the same Tae, but he seems different from the persona he normally projects like he has decided to set aside his hahoetal mask for a short time.
“Hello,” you murmur.
“Hi.”  He seems to take the measure of you, stripping you of your own mask that you hadn't realized you had on. Though it's not like he's ripping off this protection you made for yourself, but more like he's letting you breathe unhindered for a while. 
You clear your throat. “How are you?”
He settles into the cushions to consider, leaning back on his arms in a calculated way to seem casual.  You know he's trying to allay your anxiety, but you're actually okay.  Everyone says he's your first friend, one of the ones closest to you, if friendships were to have levels, and even with this given fact, you've never felt deceit from Tae. All of his emotions and reactions have been genuinely and sincerely broadcasted to you.  You trust Tae.   
“Today, I’m content.  It’s a rollercoaster otherwise,” he shrugs.
“Why is that?”
His smile turns half-hearted.  “Our Map of the Soul Tour got canceled.  That sucks.  And you'd think we would have more time to take breaks and see family, but our schedule is still going at the same pace we usually do, if not more, to make it up to Army.”
The pandemic has been difficult for many people.  Even you know that the reason you rarely venture outside their condo isn't entirely to isolate and guard you, but because the world is on edge with these social distancing regulations.  But social distancing for a performance group like BTS, whose relationship with fans is more intimate than most fandoms, must be agony.  “I’m sorry.  I know you were all really looking forward to the tour.”
“Yeah, concerts are the endgame prize for all our hard work and it got snatched away.  We can’t even blame anyone.  So I guess our schedule is a double edged sword to protect and distract us from depression.  Idle idols are not a good thing.  On the other hand, the Tour being canceled wasn’t all that bad either.”
“Because it means we can stay home and spend more time with you.”
“What?”  That was an unexpected turn.  The boys love performing.  It’s the only time they can see the people they’ve inspired to move to the beat, to live life to the fullest, and to dream quietly or loudly.  And Army is like a mirror in that way, inspiring the boys to make the beats, to breathe life in verse, and to accomplish their dreams.  You suddenly feel like an obstacle and it doesn’t sit right with you.  
Tae chews on his lip for a few seconds, assessing your stricken expression, your face an open book.  "Can you handle some heavy conversation? Or do you wanna put a pin in it and we can come back to it when you have the emotional energy for it?"
You want to blurt out that you can handle it, but you respect him for considering your well-being, so you instead take a moment to actually gauge yourself.  Your mind is calm, your emotions are stable, and you feel safe here with Tae.  Confidently, you say, "I can handle it."
His expression is grave, but there's some pride there too, like he's proud you weren't carelessly eager.
He wets his lips, his next words deliberate and conscientious.  “Your attack happened near the beginning of 2018.  We were already burnt out.  We hadn’t seen our families properly in over a year, and then you got hurt.  It felt wrong to leave for the Love Yourself Tour while you were still in the hospital, confused and disoriented.  And the hits just kept coming.  Jungkook’s foot injury.  Jimin’s issues with his muscles and overworked voice.  We became submerged in a blue and grey fog, but that wasn't fair to Army, so we used Army as our focal point.  The guiding constellation until we could be home again.
"But I still felt out of focus, like double vision.  I was giving it my all, but my angel's voice would be drowned out in cresting and ebbing waves of this other voice whispering things like 'Y/N doesn't know who you are.  She doesn't recognize anyone and you abandoned her.  She doesn't have anyone else and she's scared and sad and panicked.  And you left her.  You left her line of sight.'
"And I worried.  Worried that the people we left behind to care for you wouldn't know how best to quiet your brain, how best to cheer you up, how best to distract you.  And as all these worries piled up, I realized I needed you to quiet my brain, cheer me up, and distract me, but you couldn't.  I couldn't call you for encouragement or comfort.  Like a snake biting its own tail I just went round and round in the guilt and depression.  And it wasn't just me.  Jin-hyung, Hobi-hyung–we wanted to leave.  Not just the Tour but everything."
Tae was right to ask if you could handle this.  It's a lot to take in.  You're trying your best to listen, to process, because this moment is for Tae.  He's been holding all of this in and steadily marching on for you.  So you anchor yourself, determined to hold his ship steady.  
You prompt him, "But you didn't leave."
He plays around with the condensation on his water glass.  "No. We didn't leave.  Yoongi-hyung convinced us to stay."
“How did he do that?”
“Eh.  He said that we had more power now to advocate for ourselves in contract negotiations and more means to delegate.  But the ultimate selling point was when he said you would kill us if we left," he chuckles here, melancholy lacing the velvet of it.  "He said you wouldn’t want us to break up.”
“I wouldn’t.”
“Yeah, Yoongi-hyung tattled on us to you during one of your 'lucid' moments and you really laid into us.”
Tae rolls his eyes at your satisfaction, but he shares your grin.  He leans in almost conspiratorially.
“You know, you’re the reason why I’m even in BTS.”
“Bullshit.  You’re in BTS because of you.”
He laughs, shaking his head.  “No, seriously.  I’m here because Park Haneul asked you to go with him to an audition, but you couldn’t ask off work.  So, you forced me to go with him instead.  It’s funny cuz’ you were oblivious that he was trying to ask you out and then I passed the audition.  Actually, now that I think about it, that super sucked for him.”
You giggle, “Oh, shit, that’s horrible.  Is it too late to send him an apology gift basket?”
“Eh, I don’t know if that would help or just rub him the wrong way.”
“You’re probably right," you concede.  "Still, even if I got you to the audition, you did all the hard work.”
“Oh, Y/N.  What people don’t tell you in this business is that you can work as hard as you want, but it all ultimately comes down to luck.  I was lucky.  We were lucky.  Now we’re racing towards a ceiling and we can’t predict when it’ll all come crashing down.”
The humor subsides, Tae looking the youngest you've ever seen him, troubled and vulnerable.  You’d do anything to erase that expression forever, but you don’t think you have the power to.  You want to try though.  
“Tae.  It might hurt when you reach the end, but you’ve got parachutes.  You’ve got people like me who are more than ready to catch you.  You say it's all luck, but we are lucky to have you.  Trust that we've got you.  And, it’s all ultimately out of your control, so let’s just enjoy the ride.”
“Advice you could take too, you know.”
You flinch, his words stinging a bit.  “You’re right,” you admit.  “That was a bit careless.  I didn’t mean to dismiss your feelings.  I just meant that I’m here for you, no matter what state I’m in.  And I know you’re here for me too, that all of you are.  I’ve never once felt neglected or abandoned.   If anything, I would understand if you guys put me up in some hospital and went on with your lives.  Seriously, you’ve gone above and beyond what any normal person would do for a friend.”
“Family, Y/N.  You’re family.”
“Yes.  Above and beyond what any normal person would do for family, then.”
“Well, you should know by now we aren’t normal.   I adopted you when I was just a scrawny kid with ears too big for my head and you were just a bookworm who stubbornly refused to get glasses.”
“I don’t know why you’re so dead set against glasses.  But fine.  Let’s ask seonsaeng-nim to move you to a desk in the front,” Tae suggests.  He’s sitting on your desk before class starts, drawing abstract cartoons on the desktop.  There’s a little alien character saying ‘Fighting!  You can do it!’  You’re gonna have to erase it before the test, but it’s still nice to have this reminder and encouragement beforehand.  In turn, he’s making you draw cartoons on his shoes with markers.  You decided to go with a plant theme and he giggles when you add sunglasses to a cactus.
“If I move, we wouldn’t be sitting next to each other, Tae. ”
“Aww, you love me," he coos at you.
You huff.  “We have a symbiotic relationship at best.”
“So you’re saying I’m a clownfish and you’re my sea anemone.”
“Yeah, Tae, you’re a clown.”
“So zappy.  Nice.”  You stick your tongue out at him and he sticks his tongue out at you, crossing his eyes.  It inspires you to draw googily eyes on a sunflower, earning you an approving pat on the head that you bat away.  “Well, just cuz we don’t sit next to each other doesn’t mean we won’t see each other.  We can make it fun!  Passing notes is not a challenge when you’re literally sitting right next to me.”
“So you’re saying you don’t want to sit next to me.”  You mean to say it as a joke, but a tinge of hurt manages to bleed through.  He’s been pushing this idea for the past couple of days, ever since you mentioned your nearsightedness.  Now, you wish you hadn't.  
You know he means well, but it’s hard for you to make friends.  Well, it’s not like you don’t have other friends.  You could end up sitting next to Hanuel or Bora and it’d be fine.  But they’re not Tae.  And you’re the only one who can help him concentrate during lessons.  As you’re thinking that though, you fight off the knowledge that, ultimately, Tae would be fine without you.  Yes, Tae is your person, but Tae is so friendly and charismatic, he doesn’t need to stick with you.  
Tae gets up with no warning, making you accidentally draw a red line through a sunflower, as well as getting a bit of ink on his khakis.  Whoops.  He doesn’t care though, draping himself over you and almost strangling you in the process.  
Some classmates think that you’re together when it couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Many of them are beginning to be interested in things like kissing and sex, so they find your physical closeness suspect, but Tae has confided in you that while he doesn’t think he’d mind kissing, the idea of sex makes him nauseous, makes something wriggle and itch under his skin, so he isn’t interested, nope, no way.  You, on the other hand, aren’t interested in kissing and sex because you’re barely comfortable with hugs.
You remember the first time Tae hugged you.  This boy plopped himself next to you during lunch and proclaimed he was adopting you.  You were particularly sensitive that day being in a new school alone, afraid people would notice that your secondhand uniform (or rather fourthhand) was frayed.  That people would notice no one had dropped you off or would pick you up.  Afraid they’d know you’re an orphan, something abandoned and not worthy of nice things like friendship.  
Orphanages are survival of the fittest.  You only get adopted if you are young and pretty or cute or handsome or charming.  You know you aren't ugly.  Objectively, you think you look generic.  Cookie cutter.  Not only that, you know you aren't charming.  And while your facility tries to be fair and equal, there isn’t always enough to go around, so you often are skipped over for things like new clothes, toys, and treats and get smaller portions of meals, the caretakers citing your apparent 'independence' and 'maturity.'  
But your independence is not voluntary.  It's loneliness.  You are not mature.  You are resigned.  And here was a boy who had already guessed all this, smelled it on you, and was making fun of you for it.  The little hope you had for something different, for something completely your own, died.
You burst into tears and the boy panicked, stumbling over an apology and eyes wildly searching for help before he dove at you, squeezing.  You immediately froze, unused to skinship, arms awkwardly hanging by your sides unsure what to do with them or where you should place your hands.  No one had ever hugged you or held your hand.  None of the caretakers ever tucked you in bed or comforted you after nightmares.  
Like a plant, you wanted to soak it all up like water.  Like sunlight.  You didn’t know how you could prolong it, how to keep this or even if you were allowed to.  So, you froze because maybe if you didn’t move, if you held your breath, this boy wouldn't let go.  
He did eventually let go, but he stayed.  He didn’t ask you questions, but he patiently waited for you to reveal parts of yourself until days, weeks, months went by and you realized he could see all of you.  The world didn’t end and he continued to stay.  He saw your insecurities and he built your confidence with attentive prodding and careful wheedling, drawing you into seemingly innocent arguments and discussions that emphasized the double standards you set for yourself.  He saw how anxious you are and he listened to music with you, introducing you to jazz, trap,  emo-rock and a healthy coping mechanism. He saw how touch starved you are and he hugged, cuddled and held your hand, wearing down your awkward hesitancy with exposure therapy.  Now you grab his forearm and squeeze.  He returns your squeeze bodily, the weight of him grounding you.  
“I’ll always be next to you,” Tae says.  “You can’t get rid of me.  You’re my sea anemone, remember?  I just won’t be in your direct line of sight is all.”
“Well, I’d still rather see you than the board.”
“Aww, you do love me.”  You duck your head, but can’t fight the smile.  His declarations of love are apparently also part of his exposure therapy.  No one has ever said they love you, except Tae.  You only ever read about it in books, books with passionate romance, covenants of friendship, and embers in the hearth of home.  And you think you feel love for Tae too because his love feels like home.  
Tae laughs and ruffles your hair.  You huff in feigned annoyance, shrugging him off and smoothing out your hair.  He moves back to his desk, reaching to ruffle your hair again and you bat his hand away.  “Okay, so if you don’t want to move to the front then you could, I don’t know, get glasses?  You know, those things people wear so they can see?  Come on.  You can get the round ones like Harry Potter!  It’ll be magical!”
“Tae, for the last time, glasses are expensive and–they won’t turn me into a wizard,” you say breathlessly.  Your eyes refocus on the present moment and the first thing you see is Tae stunned, eyes wide.
You remember him as he was in your youth and you now see this beautiful man.  He really has grown into his ears.  The freckles on his nose, cheek and lip are more prominent now from so many days in the sun.  His eyes, though, still hold the same child-like wonder you’ve always admired.  His face lights with that boxy smile, the one that holds so much joy his face can barely contain it.
“Aww, you love me,” he teases.  His expression and tone is playful, but there’s a sincerity, a gravity, a note of bittersweet, a whisper of a question at the end.  His words don’t encompass like a blanket or taste like strawberries.  They don’t weigh you like an anchor or light you up like a firework.  The words flow through you like a river, the surface running free, vibrant and frolicking, but with depths that cut paths in unexpected ways.  A path that connects you to him.  So you have no hesitation, no doubt when you say, “I do.  I love you, Tae.”
He beams and you can’t help grinning back.  You stick your tongue out at him for old time’s sake, but instead of returning the sentiment, his smile softens.  “You know, that’s all we’ve ever needed.  I’m in your corner and you’re in my corner.  As long as we have this, then nothing else matters."
“You’re right," you nod.  "I just–I just want to remember more.  It’s like I have all these pieces to a puzzle, but I’ve lost the box, and every time I remember, I finally get a glimpse at the picture of what I’m supposed to make.  Our experiences and memories make us who we are, Tae.  I wanna complete my puzzle so I can start living my life, you know?”
“But you are living your life.  No one’s puzzle is complete anyways.  It’s constantly changing.  We’re different from when we were twelve and we’re different than we were yesterday.  So even with all that’s going on, you are allowed to be different and to change.  We can make new memories.  Have new experiences.”
“Still.  Those memories are precious.  I don’t wanna throw away the box completely.”
“Then I’ll remember for you.  You can take or borrow any piece you want.”
“What if I stray too far from the original design until I’m too different for you to handle?”
His eyes issue a challenge.  “I can handle it.”
You believe that.  You do.  It’s just–
“Plus,” Tae continues.  He cocks his head at you.  “No matter how many times you’ve reset, you’re still the same at your core, even if you can’t see it.  You’re resilient and kind.  Anxious in yourself, but fierce for others.  And you still baby me.  
"You know, I’m the oldest hyung in my family.  I always take care of my brother and sister and all of my cousins.  I’m expected to be the rock of my family, and in a way, I guess I succeeded.  I worked hard to be where I am so my siblings can do whatever they want.  But you were the first person to let me be me without any expectations.  You let me be silly and strange.  You follow my whims and encourage my weird.
“And if you hadn’t, I don’t know if I could have made it with the hyungs.  I’m a hyung to Jungkookie, but without you, I wouldn’t know how to be a dongsaeng to the hyungs.  To be soft so they can be hard.  To let go of control so they can be in control.  You gave me time to figure it out.  So you can be you without any expectations.  You’ve always taken the reins so I can daydream.  This is your daydream now and I can take the reins.”
You’re deeply touched, and you get it.  Just as you see the twelve year old him still buried in the man he is today, in the way he smiles, the dare in his eyes, he’s still just your Tae.  But you lightly scoff.  “Thank you for taking care of me, but you don’t fool me, Tae.  You still act like an oppa, like a hyung.  You take care of everyone in your wily ways.  You really are our dramatic alien, but I also know that you turn it on, on purpose, for BTS to give them energy.  I know you turn it on, on purpose, at home so everyone can turn off and get comfortable.  I know you turn it on, on purpose, to bring out the oppas’ instincts.  I know you turn it on, on purpose, so Namjoon-oppa, Jimin, and Jungkookie can be silly dongsaengs with you.  You are my silly dongsaeng, but you are also my oppa, Tae.”
“Just let me take the reins, noona.”
You watch the switch happen.  This conversation has been much too serious for far too long and, being called out for his ways, Tae retreats now, putting his hahoetal mask back on with that grin, his eyes twinkling in the way they do, impish and goofy, but wiser than anyone suspects.  The perfect disguise for the enigma that is Kim Taehyung.    And just because you know it’ll please him, you tell him, “You’re an enigma, Kim Taehyung.”
He pumps his fists in victory.  “Yes!  That’s all I’ve ever wanted!  Wait!  Does that mean I’ve peaked?!  I’m too young to peak!”
You’re so fond of this man as he rambles on a mile a minute.  The boy who adopted an anxious girl and a girl who was chosen by a fearless boy.  A Tom Sawyer who wanted you to be his Huckleberry Finn.  You know you fall short, but he’s always had enough Tom and Huck in himself that he never cares that you don’t.  That’s why you will always play along wholeheartedly.
You scoff.  “Oh, please.  I have no doubt you’ll always find a way to top yourself.”
“Ooh, kinky.  That’s what they call self-cest, right?”
“Oh, my god, Tae, are you reading fanfics?!”
“If Army didn’t want me to read their dream journals, they shouldn’t post it online.”
“But you’re asexual.”
“There are some asexual fanfics.”
“Then how do you know about self-cest?”
“Trial and error.  Lots of error.  Sometimes I can’t help myself, okay?”
You both laugh because if that isn’t Tae’s motto, you don’t know what is.  
The rest of dinner goes much like that, tangents you can’t fathom how you found yourself on, but filled with humor nonetheless.  By the end, you feel more settled than you’ve ever felt.  Maybe Tae’s right.  Maybe you can let him take the reins and just be the person you are right now.  Figure it out as you go along.
The both of you are waiting for the bill and you’re trying your best to reenact Jieun getting caught by Bang PD-nim doing an impression of him rapping, Tae giggling manically, when a man you don’t recognize enters.  
“Jung-hyung!” Tae shouts.  He tackles the man as you smooth your hair down, hoping this guy didn’t catch the last bit of your reenactment of Bang PD-nim flailing because when he sat down in Jieun’s chair, it was too tall, so he pulled the lever to lower it and it shot down too fast.
The man pulls back from the hug and says, “I saw ‘Vante’ on the reservation list and had to come say hi.  You know that pseudonym doesn’t fool anyone, right?”
“Yeah, I should have used Y/N’s name cuz’ she’s not as famous at all,” Tae says, pointing his thumb at you.
You sigh, but don’t take any offense to his teasing because you’re honestly grateful you’re not famous.  You don’t know what you would have done if your privacy was invaded on top of all your other issues.  You politely bow to the man and his lips quirk in amusement.  “Y/N,” he says, startling you.  “It’s been a while.  I hope the dongsaengs have been behaving themselves.”
“You hope for too much,” you say with a straightface, earning you chuckle.  Apparently, you have some sort of relationship with this man?  You try to silently communicate your need for assistance to Tae, but he’s paying you no mind, too busy climbing the man like a tree.  You don’t have to worry though because he receives your telepathy.
“Noona, Seokjung-hyung is Jin-hyung’s hyung.”
Realization dawns, Seokjung remembering that you might not remember him and you remembering that you’re at Jin’s brother’s restaurant, so this really shouldn’t surprise you.  
“Aish!” Seokjung exclaims.  “I’m so sorry, I forgot. I’m your Jungie-oppa.  I give Jin shit.  You give Jin shit.  We’re the give Jin shit team.”
You like the sound of that.  You can see a slight resemblance now, except he’s taller and has broader features than Jin.  His easy going nature immediately sets you at ease.  The charm must be genetic.
“All you need to remember is that I’m your favorite oppa,” he says with a very Jin-like wink.
“It’s just me here,” Tae says.  “If you want to sow the seeds of chaos, you need to wait till the rest of the hyungs are here.  Where is Jin-hyung by the way?”
“He’s at the park down the street with Areum and Byeol.  Areum is my wife,” Seokjung explains to you.  
“Areum and Byeol are here?!  You’re saying I can hang out with all three of my favorite girls?!” Tae exclaims.  He shimmies off Seokjung, nearly kneeing Seokjung in the groin.  
“What about Jieun-unnie?” you ask as Tae crouches in front of you.
“Jieun-noona is a menace.  A menace, I tell you!  Hyungie, pay for our dinner!”
“I already did.”  Seokjung rolls his eyes with no heat.
“What are you doing?” you ask incredulously.  Tae remains in his crouched position and you have no idea what’s going on.  
“Get on my back!  You’re too slow!” “I am not and I will not!”
“Get on my back, noona, or I’ll bridal carry you instead!”
At the very real threat, you grumble as you clamber onto his back.  He’s out the door before you can adjust yourself, but you manage to call out, “It was nice to see you, Jungie-oppa!  We ate well!  Thank you!”
“It was nice to see you too!  Kiss Byeol for me!” he calls back to you.
Tae marches you hurriedly down the alley towards where you assume the park is.  It’s funny watching all the plainclothes bodyguards trying to catch up with Tae’s antics.    
“Who’s Byeol?”  You sputter around wisps of Tae’s hair in your nose.
“Only the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world!”
“Wow, thanks.  That was some helpful information, Tae.”
The park comes into view, pathways lit, faerie lights in some trees, and a dark lake reflecting the moon.  You don’t know how Tae could possibly know where Jin is in this expanse, but he marches assuredly on.  It isn’t long before Jin comes into view.  There’s a small deck with a few benches.  He’s standing by the railing pointing at something on the lake and you hear a child-like squeal.  The sound seems to spur Tae on because he’s excitedly jogging with you struggling to find a comfortable position.  
“Tae, lemme off!”
“We’re almost there, you potato sack!”
“I am not a potato sack!  You forced me up here!”
“Cuz’ you’re slow!”
“I am not slow!  I am efficient with my energy!”
“Whatever you say, sloth lady!”
“I am not a sloth lady!”
“Okay, sloth man!”
Your argument alerts Jin who turns around with wide eyes.  The deck is a bit in shadow, jutting out from the path and its lights, but you think you see him panic as you both approach.  
“Taehyung, what are you doing here?” Jin asks incredulously.  
“I’m here to see my niece!  Seokjung-hyung and Areum-noona have deprived me of her for too long!  Hand her over!”  Tae drops you unceremoniously and you stumble to catch your balance.  When you find your equilibrium again, Tae is blowing raspberries into the belly of the most adorable giggly little girl you have ever seen.  She can’t be more than two years old with pudgy cheeks and flailing miniature limbs.  She has Seokjung’s eyebrows and nose, and her dark hair is short, curling at the end.  This is not doing good things to your uterus, oh my god, she’s so cute!  “Byeol, look who’s here!”
Tae points you out and Byeol babbles happily, reaching out to you with chubby hands.  Who are you to deny this little one?  Byeol settles comfortably in your arms with no fuss, her little body tucked against all your curves.  She grabs your corsage, crushing some of the flowers and looks up at you with big beautiful brown eyes and long soft lashes.
“Aren’t the flowers pretty?  But not as pretty as you Byeol,” you coo conversationally.  You pretend to nip her cheek and she squeals in delight and you wish you could make wind chimes out of it.  You are literally melting, goo, a puddle.  Byeol’s nose is so cute, you don’t even try to resist eskimo kissing her, her face scrunching up toothily.   
“Noona, watch this!  Byeol!  Who’s the best?  You’re the best!  Kaepjjang!”
Byeol fists a hand and then gives a thumbs up.  She’s pleased when you all break into laughter.  Even Jin who has been quiet all this time laughs and you want to make a windchime out of that too.  It’s squeaky and hiccupy, and it is such an odd sound to come out of a handsome man, endearing in its contrast.  
“Aigoo, I can’t believe she remembers what samchon Yoongi taught her.  Our Byeol is so smart," Jin says.
“Yoongi-hyung is gonna be so jealous we got to see her,” Tae states gleefully.
Byeol reaches out to Jin and emits an excited squeal as Jin immediately scoops her up making airplane sounds.  You pout feeling bereft of her warm, sturdy, compact body.  
As Tae points out a bird to the little one, you glance around, realizing you’re missing someone.  “Where’s Byeol’s eomma?  Jungie-oppa said she’d be here.”
“She’s here,” Tae answers instead of Jin.
Jin huffs a sigh.  “Areum-noona is just a little ways down the path.  The stroller decided it was the best time to malfunction during a night stroll.”
Tae begins playing peekaboo with Byeol, so you move in closer to Jin to catch her radiant expression.  
“So you met, Seokjung-hyung, huh?  And now you’re here to see Areum-noona and Byeol.  How fortuitous.”  Jin’s tone is weird.  When you glance at him, he’s giving a pointed look at Tae who easily ignores him.
You suddenly feel bad, even if this wasn’t your idea.  Jin hadn’t invited you to meet his family and you blindsided him.  “Sorry for intruding on your family time.”
Jin instantly turns to you, expression horrified.  “No, Y/N.  Don’t apologize.  Tae is just annoying.  I just–you could never intrude.”
“Smooth,” Tae says like a brat.  Jin responds with a jab Tae isn’t quick enough to dodge.  “Ow!  Help!  Byeol, I’m dying!”  
Tae dramatically flops to the ground to the chorus of  Byeol's giggles.
“Now look who’s slow, sloth man," you say as the three of you tower over him.
“I’m not a sloth man.”
“Okay, sloth lady.”
“How did I get stuck with you two on my night off?” Jin despairs.  “It’s like I’m watching three babies.”
“Wow.  Filicide.  Way to turn this biblical.  I like it!” Tae says from the ground.  He gives a thumbs up and Byeol gives him one too.  Oh, you could just eat her up. So cute!
Instead, you lightly elbow Jin.  "I don't think you have a leg to stand on with your Mario figurines and Maplestory plushies," you tease.
"Cuz that's so much worse than a room with my face plastered all over it like a shrine."  Jin smirks at your growing horror.
Oh my god.  You kick Tae who "oof"s. "Tae, I told you that in confidence!"
Tae's eyes widen.  "You can't remember what you ate two weeks ago, but you remember telling me that in confidence?!"
"I didn't remember, but thanks for confirming, you dog bird! And no one remembers what they ate two weeks ago!" you hiss.  
"Waffles. Chapagetti. Ojingeo bokkeum."
"You made that up!"
"No, I didnt!"
"Dog bird!"
"Y/N!" Tae whines.
There's no way you'd ever volunteer that info to Jin who is now squeaking the most you’ve ever heard him squeak.  Of course, Tae told him.  He’s a sucker for bribes and probably traded that secret for nothing more than dumplings.  Tae begs apologies to you, but you're having none of it.  You're so embarrassed you could die.
Byeol reaches for Tae so Jin carefully sets her on Tae’s stomach, who immediately pulls her down to nuzzle her ruddy cheeks.  Ignoring Jin’s continued amusement at your expense, you dig out your phone and start taking pictures.  As you snap pictures of the two, you can’t help but think this is what Tae meant.  Making new memories.  Having new experiences.  You feel eyes on you.  Jin’s laughter has subsided, but he watches you three, content.  He winks at you and you wink back.  
A small woman appears beside him.  “You know, the other day, I almost thought Byeol was having a stroke, but I finally figured out her weird blink was just her trying to wink.  I’m kind of scared to see what she’s gonna be like as an adult with all of you influencing her,” she says wryly as she parks her stroller.  
“Well, at least she has Y/N and noona, so it won’t be that bad,” Tae coos, stroking Byeol’s back.
Areum waves his flattery away, for this must be Areum.  Light brown hair and fae-like with her sharp eyes and sharp nose, but soft lashes and delicate hands.  You’re immediately intimidated by her, but to your surprise she pulls you in and embraces you.  For such a small person, she hugs like a bear.  She pulls back and gives you a once over.  
“You look like you’re in one piece, so that’s good,” she says, gently brushing your hair back.  “I’m Areum, Seokjung’s wife and Jin’s hyungsu.  I know you don’t remember me, but if you ever need anything, like a break from those crazy boys, you just call unnie, okay?  You have my number in your phone.”  
Her motherly tone is warm and inviting and you can't hide the eagerness in your voice.  “I don’t need a break, but I’d love to spend time with you.”   
Areum exudes a quiet confidence that you wish you could emulate.  It isn’t arrogant or vain, even though she’d have every right to be with her looks, but rather it’s a surety in how she holds herself.  Like she knows who she is and what she brings to the table.  You could do with some of that.
You’re graced with a pleased smile.  “Let’s do dinner on Saturday then.  We’d love to spend one on one time with you.  Plus, I think Byeol would love that.”
“Me too.  Let’s do it.”
“What about me?” Tae whines.  “I want to spend more time with Byeol.”
Areum turns a stern look at Tae.  “I know for a fact you have a GQ photoshoot that evening.  There’s no way you’re getting out of it.  Don’t pout.  You don’t think I’ve become immune?  Byeol has taught me resolve of steel.”
Tae makes a sad cry when Areum lifts a sleepy Byeol off him.  
“Sorry, samchon.  You can schedule a different day.  I need to get oppa and this little one home and into bed.  Say goodbye, Byeol.” 
Byeol rubs her eyes and half-consciously waves.  Your eyes catch Tae’s and you share a telepathic contemplation of kidnapping, but you’re scheming is interrupted by the sight of Jin kissing Byeol.  With a sleight of hand you’re not normally capable of, you manage to take a picture in time.  It’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen, and you secretly set it as your homescreen.  Movement has you looking up as Areum starts moving away.
“Wait!  Seokjung told me to give Byeol a kiss.”  Areum pauses and kindly waits for you, her smile encouraging despite your outburst.  
Byeol is already asleep in the stroller, hand clutching a blanket and mouth open in a soft o.  You stroke her hair and press your lips to her soft cheek.  “Sweet dreams, Byeol.” 
You place your corsage next to her, petals brushing her hair.  You know Tae won’t get mad at you for passing the gift on.  It just feels right to do.  The three of you watch Areum make her way out of the park, carefully pushing Byeol.  
Your hair stands on end.  Your heartbeat quickens and your body tenses, your gut clenching.  You’re not sure why, until you spot people following Areum and Byeol.  Your mind sounds an alarm, words like ‘stalker’, ‘sasaeng’, and ‘protect’ blaring.  You move to chase after them, but Jin catches your naked wrist.
“It’s okay.  Breathe, Y/N.  They’re just bodyguards,” he explains.  He rubs your wrist and takes a deep breath, showing you how to breathe.  And now you see it, when Tae and Jin’s bodyguards nod to those people.  You continue the deep, steady breaths, the ball of panic dissipating.
Tae tugs the hem of your sweater from your hand.  You hadn’t even noticed you were fiddling with it.  “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.  I’m okay,” you answer weakly.  You suddenly feel exhausted.  Exhausted from a full day.  A good day that you refuse to let the last thirty seconds ruin.
Jin shifts his hand to interlace your fingers.  “Let’s go home.”
You nod and Tae loops your free arm into his, a note of whimsy in your steps as you all stroll home.
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sillyname30 · 11 months
I made my peace with the and that's what you really missed on Glee podcast.
I wish the recaps would be less chaotic, they would cover all storylines and have a little more bts stories, but I have accepted that this won't happen.
I made my peace with the fact that Kevin and Jenna are more interested in their own stuff, but I'm okay with it when it comes with little bts stories.
I made my peace with the fact that Kevin is a big fan of Santana/Brittana and talks a lot (too much) about them. I have the feeling he likes Santana, Brittany and now Sugar, because he's friends with Naya, Heather and Vanessa.
I made my peace with the fact that they don't talk about the characters I'm interested in (Blaine, Klaine). At least Kevin is a little bit more open to it. Jenna admitted she hated the Warblers and so far I don't think she likes Blaine. Maybe that will change when they share a storyline.
What I didn't make peace with is Jenna's negativity. She seems to hate almost everything about Glee. I get it. They had long hours, they were exhausted. Tina didn't get the storylines/songs/attention Jenna wanted. I guess Tina/Jenna didn't have a big enough fan base to push the character. (I didn't have internet back then, so I'm blissfully unaware about most of the drama around Glee.)
There was a lot of stuff Jenna felt uncomfortable with. I didn't notice there were so many asian jokes and I didn't realize they were offensive. (Jenna made me aware that the way german people are portrayed in american TV shows is really offensive. I get how she feels. And it's much worse for her, because it happened on a show she was in.)
But Glee ended more than eight years ago. It's time to let it go and focus on the positive stuff. It would be healthier for her.
They were in a successful TV show. This is like winning the lottery for unknown actors. They had a steady income and made a lot of money. They are still making money out of it.
They got life-long friendships out of Glee.
They had unique experiences. A sold-out arena tour? Who is successful enough to pull that of?
They went to events they wouldn't have went without Glee. They met people (actors, musicians) they wouldn't have met without Glee. They sang for Obama!
Glee put them on the map and made it easier to get work as an actor. And they didn't need a lot of screentime for that.
Harry was mainly used as a dancer and he is working pretty steady as an actor.
Grant had just a guest role and became the Flash.
Chris was a main character, but he isn't working that much as an actor. He is successful with his books. Who knows if that would have happened without Glee.
I could go on, but there were to many of them.
Fazit: I will keep listening to the podcast, because I made my peace with it. I just wish Jenna would make her peace with Glee and let go of all her negative feelings.
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sevencoloredstar · 1 year
🎵, 🤭 , 💗 (seventeen), 👯‍♀️ (bts), 🌟 (both? 🫣) and flowers for weekend from me 💐
Hiii Julia!! thank you so much for the ask love you love youuuuu 🎵 recommend a song based on your vibe/blog Julia what can I possibly recommend to you? I feel like you own all the beautiful songs in the world. But I think about this one 🤭 tell you about a bias that came as a surprise DK, but it was because was love at first sight, the first time I saw him I said he’s my bias. I usually know someone is my bias after knowing more about them, but with him was from the first moment. I was like it's him and i love him
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💗 tell you my favorite thing(s) about one of the members (you can choose or let me decide who!) (seventeen) My favorite Seungkwan things are that he’s so sensitive. He feels very deeply and shows it. I think he can find sweetness in small things, like little moments that were significant to him or little details about others that he remembers. I like how he can make people feel part of something, either the other seventeen members or their fans. I love his sense of humor, his voice and how he dance. His deep feelings also show there, when he performs.
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👯‍♀️ send w/ a group, and I’ll rant about a favorite friendship (bts) Sope. I love the soulmate/divine connection they have, like meant to be, and that their paths were destined. But also  the connection they chose to have, admiring and supporting each other. I love that both of them seem so happy when they are together and when little coincidence happen between them. It’s like they’re saying: “see? We told you, we are soulmates” Like they are so proud and happy to have each other.   
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🌟 I’ll talk about my favorite era, concept, and/or album (svt, bts) Favorite concepts (because I can't choose between albums lol) Attacca. The mermaid vocal unit and the indoor photoshoot so warm an cozy
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The Love yourself Tear concept and the black wings map of the soul concept
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Thank you so much for your flowers, and I send you flowers too!!! 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷💐💐💐💐💐💐
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I posted 45 times in 2022
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Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 44 of my posts in 2022
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#warrior cats - 24 posts
#burning thistles - 24 posts
#burning thistles au - 22 posts
#warriors - 16 posts
#warriors au - 14 posts
#warriors generations - 12 posts
#warrior cats au - 12 posts
#fireheart - 9 posts
#lgbtq+ character - 9 posts
#lgbtq+ - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#honestly fire is always so supportive of his sibs. oh ur dating a kittypet? cool. oh you left for shadowclan? cool. oh u want to commit murd
My Top Posts in 2022:
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bi power couple
Firestar and Sandstorm are both bisexual in Burning Thistles! and in canon probably lol
their relationship in BT is slightly different - not filled with as much initial hatred since Firekit was clanborn, but that doesn’t mean there’s not any tension between them in the early days, considering Auntie Frostfur liked to fill Sandpaw’s ears with whispers of Firepaw’s parentage
they’re very much in that “oh my StarClan you guys are basically already mates just ask each other out!!” phase in BT currently lol
also i think it’s funny that Sandstorm is friends with Creekflower (mostly bcus she’s friends with Fireheart and Cherryfur) even tho she thinks Creek is a traitor/stupid for getting with a kittypet (also think it’s funny if Sand had a brief crush on Creek too lmao)
16 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
did anyone ask for Evil Frostfur? No? Well take it bcus I’m obsessed with her.
Yes this is from @firealder2005​ and I’s Burning Thistles AU once more (I’m also obsessed with it). well, technically this event doesn’t exactly happen as seen in the video (it’s more exaggerated here, also the collar is more symbolic than a real object Frostfur got her paws on)
Thumbnail under cut
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18 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
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gay gay homosexual gay
gosh ngl Feathercloud from @firealder2005 and I’s fic Burning Thistles is by far my favorite character to not only write but to just... his personality, his story, his hardships, his family, his lovelife... I love it all sm i swear, and he’s not even a main character even vsjfsdkfjs but my love for him makes him one <3
Featherkit is one of Runningwind and Dappletail’s canonical kits- the deaf tom-kit who ‘wandered away’, but in BT he is Runningwind and Redtail’s son with Dappletail being his surrogate mother, born alongside his sister Crickekit :)
the amount of angst and fluff i can shove into this boy is incomprehensible
20 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
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video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MQvzd65jKY&ab_channel=LollingCatto
24 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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 why did i do this to myself
yep its a Burning Thistles Friendship Map as of Chapter 101! ...well, and a few spoilers, technically, but shhhhh. they’re minor anyway lol. i made sure not to do the big spoilery ones ;)
betcha cant identify every character here lol (i feel any avid BT fan could name 31/32 of them, bcus that 32nd one is a curveball whose only been important in like... 1/101 chapters. and prob only mentioned in.... 5/101?)
anyway here’s all the names, have fun putting them to faces: Fireheart, Sandstorm, Cherryfur, Creekflower, Oliver, Airleap, Morningflower, Onewhisker, Copperleaf, Dawncloud, Grasswhisker, Silverstream, Lightningfur, Mousefur, Runningwind, Darkstripe, Longtail, Dustpelt, Ravenpaw, Barley, Runningbrook, Ashheart, Cinderfur, Tallpoppy, Mistyfoot, Graystripe, Gremlin, Brackenfur, Feathercloud, Cricketheart, Scraps.
so there are also a lot more characters in this “friend group” but i tried to only hit the major ones. but just to have the full scope here, I’m gonna list every main-main character’s friend group. this means NOT including kin, so no sibs/parents/niblings
Fireheart’s: Runningwind (BFF), Darkstripe (ex-BFF/brother-figure, still wants to be friends w/), Sandstorm (crush), Cherryfur (friend through his sis Creekflower), Graystripe (apprentice), Cinderpelt (apprentice), Brackenfur (apprentice), Oliver (through Creekflower), Mistyfoot (apprenticehood friends), Stonefur (apphood friends, not as strong as Misty’s), Cinderfur (apphood friends), Onewhisker (apphood friends)
Creekflower’s: Cherryfur (BFF), Sandstorm (frenemies through Cherryfur/Fireheart, who are both friends w/ her), Brindleface (queen friends), Runningwind (through Fireheart), Longtail (mutual hatred; through Cherryfur) Mousefur (through Sandstorm), Oliver (mates), Oliver’s kittypet friends (through Oliver)
Lightningfur’s: Silverstream (BFF), Mousefur (ex-BFF, no longer friends), Rippleclaw (supporter), Sedgecreek (Sedge has a crush on her; she hates Sedge), Beetlenose (supporter), Mallowtail (supporter), Grasswhisker (thinks Grass is annoying but also Grass is her step-mom technically), Vixenleap (supporter/through Grasswhisker), Shadepelt (supporter), Greenflower (supporter), Mistyfoot (through Silverstream) .... (really Lightningfur has no friends at this point since Silverstream’s death)
Airleap’s: Morningflower (platonically raised kits together; his first WC friend), Onewhisker (friend; One probably thinks of Airleap as his closest friend), Ashfoot (friend), Deadfoot (friend), Runningbrook (friend), Whitetail (friend), Ravenpaw (mentorly towards him), Barley (through Ravenpaw), Sandstorm (from the mission/through Fireheart; he doesn’t think they’re friends but Sand feels defensive over him bcus of what happened), Tallpoppy (same reason as Sandstorm), Cinderfur (same reason as Sand and Tall but less so)
Copperleaf’s: Dawncloud (QPR mate/BFF), Cinderfur (BFF), Ashheart (friend), Tallpoppy (friend/Dawn’s BFF), Whitethroat (through Tallpoppy), Wetfoot (through Tallpoppy), Badgerfang (son-in-law/mutual respect), Flintfang (mutual respect), Fernshade (mutual respect)
Darkstripe’s: Fireheart (ex-BFF/brother-figure, still wants to be friends w/), Runningwind (ex-friends/kinda still friends but distant), Cherryfur (mutual hatred), Longtail (apprentice), Dustpelt (apprentice), Tigerclaw (idol), Onewhisker (apphood friends that grew apart)
Feathercloud’s: Graystripe (kithood friends that grew apart), Ravenpaw (ex-mate/crush), Brackenfur (BFF/crush), Gremlin (from mission), Scraps (from mission), Barley (through Ravenpaw), other WC cats (through Ravenpaw)
Spottedleaf’s: Yellowfang (most trusted), Mudfur (sympathetic to her), Bluestar (admirance; now weakening), Brindleface (rekindling friendship), Frostfur (formerly; crush), Tigerclaw (only slightly; formerly), Whitestorm (kinda awkward friends now)
Frostfur’s: Willowpelt (formerly), Spottedleaf (formerly), Redtail (formerly), Whitestorm (formerly/strained politeness on Whitestorm’s end), Tigerclaw (reluctantly/formerly), Speckletail (BFF; starting to strain)
also everyone hates Grasswhisker and its... kinda sad. like, hello, she’s a victim... yeah she’s been really mean, but truly it’s been out of fear and desperation for Thistlestar to love her and only her just like she loveslovesloves him (why can’t he just love her? why isnt she good enough? her mind cries). like Airleap was the only one who was like “Hey wait a minute-” (and now everyone hates her bcus she was mean to Airleap... by blaming him for murder)
42 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
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moreworms · 23 days
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Ꮺ '01 ๋࣭ ⭑જ⁀➴ they/them ˚⋆꩜。 ♌︎ ⋆༄.
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(DNI/have your opinions just don't talk to me:)
homophobes, transphobes, racists, xenophobes, pedophiles/MAPs/NOMAPs, anyone invested in "fanwars" or cares about being a "multi-stan", or anyone looking to engage in discourse.
fandoms i'm interested in (updated as i discover:)
🎵 music: my chemical romance, pierce the veil, bts, twice, tomorrow x together, trixie mattel
🎬 media: adventure time, alice in borderland, better call saul, breaking bad, free! iwatobi swim club, friends, idolm@ster cinderella girls, love live! school idol project, monster high, my little pony: friendship is magic, smiling friends, sweet home (netflix), true blood, UNHhhh, way of the househusband
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kiwibirb1 · 6 months
yall why do i keep ending chapters in such ominous ways? like take WV for an example-
the end of chapter 2: "If she had her map, things may have turned out very differently. She may have chosen to go in the direction of the capitol, and reunited with her friends. She may have witnessed the fall of an empire as a tyrant king speared her friend through with a flaming sword, the other disappearing into a portal. She may have returned to Grime and led a rebellion with him, saving this world. But as it was, she didn’t have a map, and so set out in a random direction. A simple decision, yet one that changed the course of history. One that caused pain that may never have happened, yet also growth. Almost a reverse of her first decision, the one to set out into this unfamiliar world. In some other place, there were two girls, friendship torn apart upon a crumbling tower. Fate broken twice, the destiny of this world changed forever." Okay wow like what unresolved angst am I projecting here?
end of chapter 3: "The figure set out, and the bird flew on, both unaware of what could have been." this one is short but the same theme is still there
end of chapter 4: "In a castle across the world, the one place left unwandered, a music box softly played a tune. One that told a story of strength and passion, and becoming a better person. The gray gem, the only one that remained so, flashed a bright pink before fading back to its lusterless, dull color. Hundreds of orange eyes opened, and a king spoke alone to no one in an empty throne room." and like the paragraph before this i fucking kill sasha and have this really emotional memories flashing by scene???
end of chapter 5 (i havent even posted this yet lucky you): "He drifted off into a dreamless sleep, unaware of the much kinder fate he had been dealt. One in which all that was lost was an eye."
And like this is just Wandering Vagabond???? I go crazy in BT here wait lemme get a thing-
actually nvm BT is just ominous in general nothing to specific to grab. But my point still stands why do I keep doing this???? Like I guess i just writing ominus things? I mean look at the first poem I wrote for Musings of a Bog like-
"The Bronze Toad is a place of refuge for many. A place away from the eyes that judge. Eyes that blame you for their wrongdoings. Wrongdoings of a society. Criminals, by birth or deeds. Birth that leads to deeds. Deeds that lead to fear. Fear that leads to death. But before the death, there is a life. A life that must be lived. A life, that sometimes, involves love. This is not his love. But others, well, who's to say?"
HELLO?? that middle stanza?? What hurt me like damn
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burning-thistles-bt · 2 years
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another friendship map! this one of the current (ch.134) apprentice group
SPOILERS! mostly just for one minor plotpoint, which is why i left it in... oh and i guess there’s a more major-ish plotpoint but its a canon plotpoint so eh
characters in some kind of order: Feathercloud, Brackenfur, Cinderpelt, Thornpaw, Brightpaw, Bramblekit, Cliffpaw, Lizardflight, Cloudpaw, Swiftpaw, Tawnykit, Snowkit, Elderpaw, Fernpaw, Tulippaw, Mistlekit, Perchpaw, Ashpaw, Lynxpaw, Dustpelt, Rowanpaw, Lavenderpaw, Reedpaw, Primrosepaw, Swampfur, Turtlepaw, Dawnpaw, Pikepaw, Woodpaw, Blossomtail, Robinpaw, Badgerfang
alright! just like last time, here’s the “main groups” expanded:
Feathercloud’s Friend Group
Cricketheart (sister, deceased), Graystripe (former best friend, former crush), Ravenwing (former mates, crush), Gremlin (distant/former friend), Scraps (distant/former friend), Brackenfur (best friend, crush), Storkpaw (distant friend), Barley (close friend), Airleap (friend), Runningbrook (friend)
Lizardflight’s Friend Group
Cloudpaw (brother), Cliffpaw (adopted sister), Cinderpelt (best friend, crush), Perchpaw (best RiverClan friend), Primrosepaw (friend, crush), Reedpaw (distant friend), Dawnpaw (distant friend), Woodpaw (distant friend), Robinpaw (considers him a friend), Pikepaw (NOT a friend)
Cliffpaw’s Friend Group
Cloudpaw (adopted brother), Lizardflight (adopted sister), Storm (adopted  brother), Night (adopted sister, not close), Oat (adopted brother, not close), Elderpaw (best friend), Fernpaw (friend)
Night’s Friend Group (not on tree)
Storm (brother, former best friend), Cloudpaw (brother, annoyance), Cliffpaw (adopted sister, more tolerable annoyance), Oat (brother), Scourge (mentor, close), Claw (mentor), Gremlin (close friend), Scraps (best friend, crush)
Lynxpaw’s Friend Group
Swiftpaw (brother), Longtail (half-brother), Cherryfur (half-sister, not close), Bramblekit (half-brother, not close), Tawnykit (half-sister, not close), Dustpelt (one-sided best friend, crush), Swampfur (close friend)
notes: Lynxpaw hangs out with Swiftpaw’s friends too, but would consider herself “not really their friend” (she’s a “fake friend” type basically. Swift, Dust, and Swamp are the only ones she cares about)
Swiftpaw’s Friend Group
Lynxpaw (sister), Longtail (half-brother, mentor), Cherryfur (half-sister), Bramblekit (half-brother),  Tawnykit (half-sister), Dustpelt (friend), Brightpaw (best friend),  Ashpaw (close friend), Tulipaw (friend), Thornpaw (distant friend), Fernpaw (distant friend), Swampfur (mate)
Dustpelt’s Friend Group
Ravenwing (brother, not close), Frostfur (sister, formerly close starting to drift), Brindleface (sister), Longtail (half-brother, best friend), Cherryfur (half-sister, not close), Lynxpaw (former best friend, still close friend), Swiftpaw (friend), Darkstripe (mentor, best friend), Ashpaw (apprentice), Fernpaw (friend, crush), Fireheart (growing respect)
Tawnykit’s (future) Friend Group
Bramblekit (brother), Swiftpaw (half-brother), Lynxpaw (half-sister, not close),  Mistlekit (best friend), Snowkit (close friend), Sorrelkit (friend), Sootkit (friend), Rainkit (friend), Elderpaw (distant friend), Fernpaw (distant friend), Lavenderpaw (close friend), Turtlepaw (close friend), Rowanpaw (friend, crush)
She will also possibly be friends with: Rumblepaw, Quietpaw, Cedarpaw, Nightpaw, Wildpaw, Snakekit, Smokekit, Aspenkit, Fangkit
Robinpaw’s Friend Group
Dawnpaw (sister), Woodpaw (brother), Primrosepaw (former close friend, now distant), Perchpaw (close friend, trying to make distant), Reedpaw (former friend, now one-sided rivalry/hatred), Pikepaw (best friend, but not overly close), Lizardflight (hates, crush), Featherkit (jealous), Stormkit (future friend)
notes: Dawnpaw and Woodpaw are a “trouble duo” that stick together at the hip, which often leaves Robinpaw feeling left out. Dawnpaw has a very “silly” personality (hopeless romantic in a tame way, enjoys life for what it is, jokester) and Woodpaw is more mellow/duller (not the brightest bulb but also enjoys life for what it is). Dawnpaw and Woodpaw are both still prone to prejudice (ex.: against Lizardflight), though, like Robinpaw
Badgerfang’s Friend Group
Blossomtail (best friend, mate), Swampfur (friend), Oakfur (distant friend), Applefur (former friend, deceased), Littlecloud (friend)
notes: Badgerfang is very out-going and so is his mate, Blossomtail. The two of them are friends with most every cat in the clan, especially those of the younger generation (ex.: their app-group like Wetfoot, current apprentices like Turtlepaw, or in other clans, like Ravenwing, who Badgerfang met once but thought was cool/nice, or Gorsepaw as well)
Swampfur’s Friend Group
Blossomtail (brother), Oakfur (brother), Applefur (sister, deceased), Badgerfang (friend, growing distant), Lynxpaw (close friend), Swiftpaw (mate)
notes: Swampfur has always had an interest in the cats outside of her clan and their lifestyles, and finds it easier/more interesting to be friends with cats not from her clan (including that of Tigerclaw’s followers). This has also caused her to grow less closer to her family/formerly close friends, due to the secrets she keeps.
Oakfur’s Friend Group (not on tree)
Blossomtail (brother), Swampfur (sister), Applefur (sister, close, deceased), Badgerfang (distant friend), Littlecloud (best friend), Wetfoot (friend), Brownclaw (friend)
notes: Oakfur had been very close with Applefur until she left the clan (then died). He has always been more distant from his family (ex.: Blossomtail, Swampfur, Dawncloud, Copperleaf - of which he is closest to Swampfur) and more willing to get to know Finchflight. He gets along better with the “bad crowd,” and often hangs with Tigerclaw’s followers
Other Friend Groups
WindClan’s Youngest Generation: Gorsepaw, Storkpaw, Quailpaw, Tawnykit II, Robinkit II, Rushkit 
(Storkpaw has friends outside the clans, also close to her mentor’s friend group)
ShadowClan’s Youngest Generation: Turtlepaw, Rubblepaw, Quietpaw, Rowanpaw, Lavenderpaw, Cedarpaw, Nightpaw (formerly Niko), Wildpaw (formerly Wild), Aspenkit, Fangkit, Smokekit, Snakekit
(Turtlepaw is friends with Badgerfang’s friend group; Rowanpaw is more of a loner while Lavenderpaw is welcoming to the newcomers/younger cats)
Bubbles’s Situation: She is growing closer to Tallpoppy over time, and would so far only consider her a friend/ally.
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dorefasolsido · 1 year
7. BTS-related 2
In celebration of Festa 2023!
***credits to the original creator***
We start with the basics: Your bias(es)? Your bias wrecker?
Bias: Jimin
Bias wrecker: Don’t really have one anymore, but it used to be Jungkook
The music that made you discover BTS?
Fake Love got me into them, but my road to actually listening to Fake Love is connected to Eurovision, so I guess thank you, Eurovision?
Favorite album?
Map of the Soul: 7 or Wings.
Top 5 favorite songs?
Nooo, don’t ask. It’s impossible to rank them. My favourite two are Blood Sweat & Tears and Fake Love, but everything after that is way too difficult.
Favorite solo song from BTS albums?
Namjoon: Reflection.
Jin: Moon
Yoongi: First Love
Hobi: Boy Meets Evil
Jimin: Lie
Taehyung: Singularity
Jungkook: Euphoria
Favorite solo song out of BTS albums?
Namjoon: Closer, Change Pt.2 and Lonely
Jin: The Astronaut
Yoongi: Amygdala
Hobi: Blue Side
Jimin: Like Crazy
Taehyung: Christmas Tree
Jungkook: Still With You
Favorite mixtape?
Maybe D-2? I generally really love Yoongi’s rap style.
Favorite friendship?
How could I ever choose? I’m a big fan of Vmin because they are ‘95s and I’m also a ‘95, so it’s somehow relatable. But I also love Jinkook and Namjin and Yoonmin and Jihope and just everyone. I can only dream of having what they have.
Favorite BTS meme?
Not sure, but I love how Run BTS editors roast the boys all the time.
Favorite MV?
Blood Sweat & Tears reigns supreme.
Which member personality is like yours?
I feel like I’m somewhere between Jungkook and Suga. Like, generally pretty quiet, slightly spaced out, would gladly just sit around and do nothing, and people usually think I’m cold at first. But when I’m into something, then I’m into it.
Which member’s style you like the most?
Even though Hobi is the ultimate fashion icon, I lean towards Jungkook’s style a lot. Black on black on black.
Who's the funniest member?
Probably Jin, he’s hilarious and knows how to always lighten up the mood. Jungkook as well, he is sometimes just existing in a really funny way.
Who's the most comforting for you?
Jimin. Namjoon and Yoongi rank highly too, but everything about Jimin is so warm and fuzzy.
Who could be the scariest when he's pissed off?
People often say Hobi, but for me honestly Namjoon. Like, the few times I’ve seen him pissed off I was like damn, wouldn’t want him to look at me like that. Not to mention, I would feel really bad if I did something to annoy him.
Smile you like the most?
Laugh you like the most?
Lmao everyone’s? But I’ll pick Hobi and Jimin because they laugh with their whole bodies. Like, Jimin literally disappears from the screen when he laughs.
Voice you like the most?
Singing voice? Probably Jimin’s.
Eyes you love the most?
Jungkook’s big bambi eyes.
Which song can make you cry? (solo/group)
Which song make you happy? (solo/group)
Permission to Dance, Anpanman
Which song to kick asses?
Mic Drop, Run BTS
Which song to party?
I went to a K-pop party where they played their songs, and I think I had the best time during Idol. But mostly because I know part of the choreo lol
Which song make you feel invincible?
Idol and Set Me Free Pt.2
Sexiest song?
Blood Sweat & Tears
Best live performance at an award ceremony?
Oof, tough. I’m super biased towards 2018 MAMA with Fake Love/Airplane Pt.2/Idol because that’s what got me into BTS, but what can possibly top 2019 MAMA with that long, dramatic Dionysus? That whole thing is a masterpiece.
Best choreography?
Fake Love, Mic Drop, Run BTS, I don’t know man
The moment you laughed the most with them?
So many Run BTS episodes. But one of my faves is when Tae betrays Jimin in the episode where they had to stick little stickers on each other’s backs.
The moment you cried the most with them?
Well, I didn’t exactly cry, but my heart sank during Festa dinner 2022. It was my first Festa too and I was looking forward to it, and then everyone just seemed so sad. I hope to god Festa 2023 has a happier tone.
Your favourite BTS memory?
Aaah that whole week before Busan’s Yet to Come concert. So much was happening, everyone was excited, I cursed my luck for not being able to go, but I was preparing to watch the livestream of the concert. That was before the military announcement too, and it was great fun
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0613magazine · 2 years
201123 Esquire
Esquire's BTS Cover: The Selected Transcripts
Read three unedited exchanges between the members of BTS and Esquire's Dave Holmes.
ESQUIRE: Tell me your favorite thing about the person to your left.
Jung Kook to Jin: I like Jin’s persistency. I also like that he is a deep thinker but at the same time is light and casual. He feels like an older brother and also like a younger brother. I really like the flexibility in his thinking.
Jin to RM: RM has got everything. He seems perfect. But if you look closely, you can also see his imperfections, too. And I really like that about him.
RM: You don’t even have to look closely.
RM to SUGA: We have much in common. For BTS, I was the first trainee. SUGA was the second. We’ve spent so much time together. Almost a decade. We were billboard kids. We’ve been listening to ‘90s music, TI. My idols were his idols at the same time. We have different characteristics and hobbies. But when I think of him I feel like my old homie in my hometown. He gives me comfort as an old friend, old housemate.
V: Very touching.
SUGA to j-hope: What I really like about j-hope is his positivity. I’ve never seen him negative. Maybe when he was a trainee. But since he got his name j-hope I haven’t seen him be negative. And I think it’s important to have that kind of high self-esteem. So I learn a lot from him.
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j-hope to Jimin: Just like what Jung Kook said about Jin—that he feels like an older brother but also like a younger brother—I feel the same about Jimin, but the other way around: he is younger than I am, but he almost feels like an older brother. There are a lot of things that I learned from him. But at the same time, he has the charms of a younger brother—he’s cute and fun. Also, we all love performing of course, but Jimin has a particular passion for the stage and really thinks about performance. I can feel that he really loves performing, and in that sense, there are many things to learn from him. Despite all the things he has accomplished, he still tries his best and brings something new to the table, and I really want to applaud him for that.
Jimin: Thank you for saying all these things about me.
Jimin to V: V is handsome. And that’s it.
SUGA: That’s the highest praise. Jimin: I’m joking. Jin said about RM that if you look closely you see his imperfections. For V, you don’t have to look too hard, you just can see it. And that’s his special charm. He has this innocence in him that makes him lovable—he is loved by so many. And I think that trait also enabled us to become best friends—that gifted me his friendship.
V to Jung Kook: I’ve never seen anyone who looks better with long hair than him. I also really like his personality. All jokes aside, I think Jung Kook is one of the most persistent people I know. And he has incredible talent so whatever he does, he can do it above average. And he puts everything into his performance to the point that I get worried. He gives his everything on the stage.
ESQUIRE: Congratulations on MAP ON:E ... It was gorgeous.
BTS: Thank you.
ESQ: How did you feel when the concert was over?
Jimin: I think for this concert we really had to draw our own meaning. We weren’t really taking time off, but we had to. So we asked ourselves during this whole period why are we working so hard doing this? What do these performances really mean for us? The biggest thing we got out of this concert was getting the answers to some of those questions and realizing why and for whom we are doing this.
ESQ: What were the answers?
Jimin: We did this in part for us. We were also reminded of the fact that we exist because of our fans. And for almost a year we had forgotten the joy of performing for a live audience, so it was a chance for us again to remind ourselves that we really need for this situation to end and we really want to start performing and meeting our fans in person again.
ESQ: How was it performing without a live audience? Did that throw you at all?
RM: We’re living in 2020, so there was some new technology that we haven’t seen, like connecting to thousands of cams and seeing fans on screen and hearing the live noises. We can’t compare it to the real scene, the real audience, but it was quite close to the real ones. It was quite okay, but we were afraid, like is this some future concert? Should we do this from now on? Forever? We had those fears, but thanks to technology it was okay.
“People who have their own view of life are cool, especially those who are not imprisoned by the past.”
ESQ: How do you come up with a setlist? Who comes up with it?
SUGA: This was a setlist that we had originally developed for the MAP OF THE SOUL TOUR. For this online concert, we discussed the setlist with the stage director about what we can do and we tried to come up with a setlist that is appropriate for this concert at this point in time. If we wanted to put a certain song in a certain place, we made a really strong appeal to the stage director and that would most likely change the setlist. We especially included a lot of our own ideas in this concert in terms of stage directions, so again it was too bad that we unfortunately weren’t able to perform in front of a live audience as planned, but it was still great to perform at least virtually in this situation and I was grateful for that.
ESQ: You know how many people watched worldwide, does that make you more nervous? More confident?
V: It was after the concert that we heard how many people actually tuned in. When we were actually performing, I think we were just focused on doing our best thinking about ARMY watching us.
j-hope: I actually feel less nervous performing live at a stadium. I felt a little bit more nervous knowing that this was being broadcasted live.
Jin: j-hope, born to perform at a stadium.
ESQUIRE: How do you define “cool”?
V: For me, when I shoot or do a performance, and if I am satisfied, then people tend to be satisfied. When I am satisfied, then it usually turns out to be cool.
Jimin: I haven’t put much thought into this, but I think when somebody wears something, says something, and their thoughts are well organized, and they are confident about what they are expressing, I think these types of people are cool. It’s different from stubbornness. People who have their own thoughts, their coolness shows. I think that means cool.
j-hope: Everyone takes things differently, and feels different emotions. When you get different opinions or feelings from what you think, rather than being offended, you accept it, I think that is something that I consider cool. I don’t think there is a correct answer.
SUGA: People who have their own view of life are cool, especially those who are not imprisoned by the past. It's cool to see people who aren't trapped in time.
RM: This is really an interesting question. I have been thinking a lot about this. I'm asking myself: What is cool? I think there are two kinds of cool: First of all, instinct. Sense. When somebody is cool, when he or she comes as an outsider and she or he has an attitude like, “yo, I can do this … why can’t we do this?” Not harming others. Secondly, there is a whole different cool. It’s like seeing the waves inside big trees that are thousands of years old. For example, when I see somebody—he could be an architect or artist or anyone—he has these waves and trees inside, I feel like "yo, that’s really cool”
Jin: I think being “cool” is being “generous,” which means me. Even if I could win, I lose. Even if I can fight, I lose. Isn’t that coolness itself?
Suga: That’s exactly what makes a person not cool.
Jung Kook: As the members have all said, the standards for coolness are very different for each person. I am myself and you are you, but then to know how to respect and understand each other is what I think defines cool.
V: Because I went first, I don't think I was able to give you the best answer. I think a person who can look after the people around them is cool ... but that means I am probably not.
ESQ: Is BTS cool?
BTS: Yes. We are cool. Do you know BTS?!
Source: Esquire
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purplesurveys · 2 years
satiating my craving for bts-related questions part 2/5
We start with the basics: Your bias(es)? Your bias wrecker? Bias would be Namjoon, bias wrecker has long been Yoongi.
The music that made you discover BTS? This is always a difficult question to answer because it wasn’t their music that got me into them, but their variety/reality shows that allowed me to know more about them in less rigid/polished situations...but I guess the song that decisively turned me into a fan is Life Goes On. I burst into tears when I heard the lyrics for the first time.
Favorite album? I am forever the biggest cheerleader there is for Map of the Soul: 7.
Top 5 favorite songs? I have a top 2 – Butterfly and Sea – but top 5 is kinda difficult because after those two songs I love all their other stuff equally hahaha. Keeping it to OT7 songs, I’d say other songs that can make the cut would be Autumn Leaves, Blood, Sweat & Tears, and Spring Day.
Favorite solo song from BTS albums? Namjoon: Reflection.  Jin: Epiphany Yoongi: First Love Hobi: Outro: Ego Jimin: Serendipity Taehyung: It’s a very difficult choice between Singularity and Stigma, but I think I’ll go with Stigma because of his amazing falsetto towards the end. Jungkook: My Time.
Favorite solo song out of BTS albums? Namjoon: everythingoes and Bicycle. Jin: ABYSSSSSSSS. Do covers also count? Because his rendition of Autumn Outside the Post Office is beautiful. Yoongi: The Last. Hobi: Blue Side for days. Jimin: With You. Taehyung: Winter Bear. Jungkook: Still With You.
Favorite mixtape? It was Hope World for a while, but mono has since crept up to be my favorite. I listen to the mixtape from start to finish every Sunday evening because it helps calm me down when I start thinking about work.
Favorite friendship? Taejin is my main ~ship because 1) I feel like their friendship is the least focused-on, and I love me some underrated duos lol, and 2) They’re the only ones who have actually fought on camera, and there’s just something about that that made me admire their dynamic more?
I love Yoonjin’s friendship for the Yoongi’s-only-hyung bond; Namkook because of the massive amount of respect that friendship contains; Yoonkook because I like the fact that Yoongi lets Jungkook get away with everything that the other boys can’t; and I love the closeness from the 94z and 95z.
Favorite BTS meme? Everytime the Run BTS editors portray the boys with their souls leaving their body after having done something scary or stressful.
Favorite MV? Pretty basic and expected answer but I’ll have to go with BST.
Which member personality is like yours? So I feel like I would jibe with Namjoon the most. He’s an extroverted dude who likes to meet new people; goes out every chance he gets regardless of how much he’s worked and socialized in the past few days; and visiting museums and other cultural spots is his pastime. He also loses everything he owns and breaks everything he touches...at this point, I am convinced I am pretty much just a girl version of him lol.
Jimin also! As a big extrovert himself I feel like we could easily hit it off. He strikes me as someone who’s super chill and can create lots of fun wherever he is and whoever he’s with.
Which member’s style you like the most? I mean I think all Armys are in agreement when we say that Hobi has the finest fashion sense of all the members.
Who's the funniest member? This title goes to both Jin and Jungkook.
Who's the most comforting for you? Namjoon, which I feel like comes out naturally due to his being the leader; and Yoongi, since he is also the most realistic of the boys. He’s the first person to tell you it’s okay to fuck up, be lost, have to give up on your passions for a while, etc because you will eventually find your way.
Who could be the scariest when he's pissed off? I feel like a lot of people would say Hobi, but have you seen Jimin when he gets less-than-happy? He was never the type to hide his annoyance on camera and I wouldn’t want to piss him off lmao. He’s thrown glares and pursed lips towards the members that would otherwise make me feel like want to shrink lol. 
Smile you like the most? Taehyung’s.
Laugh you like the most? There have to be multiple winners for this lmao because Hobi’s, Jimin’s, Jin’s, and Jungkook’s laughs all make me laugh myself.
Voice you like the most? Namjoon’s and Yoongi’s for reasons any other fan would know lol.
Eyes you love the most? Jungkook’s.
Which song can make you cry? (solo/group) Answer: Love Myself.
Which song make you happy? (solo/group) Dimple, because I have one lol
Which song to kick asses? UGH!, or Tear.
Which song to party? Home and Love Maze are perfect for my type of party.
Which song make you feel invincible? Idol and Run BTS.
Sexiest song? Singularity.
Lyrics that touched you the most? From 00:00 –
When the second hand and the minute hand overlap, The world holds its breath for a very brief moment Zero o’clock And you’re gonna be happy, and you gonna be happy Like that snow that just settled on the ground, Let’s breathe as if this is the beginning And you’re gonna be happy, and you gonna be happy Turn this all around A time when everything is new, zero o’clock
Best live performance at an award ceremony? Their 2016 MAMA performance was great overall but I’m particularly a sucker for the Boy Meets Evil/Lie mashup intro that Jihope did. 2019 MMA of course has since evolved to become one of their must-watches and is my absolute favorite.
Best choreography? Fire and Mic Drop.
One of your favorite moments on Vlive? When 95z took over Namjoon’s live and pretended to be expensive sculptures, and Namjoon played along with the gimmick hahaha. Taehyung forcing Yoongi to spit out “I love you” during the latter’s birthday was hilarious too.
The moment you laughed the most with them? Probably the photozone episode of Run BTS. I made SO MUCH noise when I watched that for the first time.
The moment you cried the most with them? I wasn’t there to cry with them then, but it was the moment they gave their speech at the 2018 MAMA especially when Jin mentioned the band had been thinking of breaking up. I know 2018 was mentally the toughest for the boys and the fans so I can’t even imagine what winning all those awards meant for them that night.
Your favourite BTS memory?  Deciding that I was going to be a fan right after I heard Life Goes On for the first time.
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asiaestheticc · 5 years
‘for eternity, keep staying here...
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...you are my soulmate’
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yeshawithluv · 5 years
They are the cutest. Uwu. 🥺💜
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