#btw i have nothing against the ship the characters or the shippers
alternishicons · 8 days
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bisexual leo valdez and gay nico di angelo matching icons
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lalagoona · 14 days
I hope that Howleen x Venus in g3 won't cause toxic g1 Tw*leen shippers to give Tw*leen a bad name because I really love it and I don't wanna start hating it because of toxic people like I did with Cle*ce and Drac*deen
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evans-kinard · 6 months
I'm honestly getting really tired of Buddie shippers. Don't get me wrong, I ship it too and I've loved the paring for years, but the stans are making it so hard not to become resentful of the ship.
It's just the way they're always so misogynistic against any female love interest Buck or Eddie might have, insulting every little aspect of her and even attacking the actresses. Like, I saw a post that had pictures of Marisol smiling and someone said that she's just a cardboard cutout and that the actress is talentless. I can promise you that if she'd been dating ANYONE other than Eddie none of you would have given her existence a second thought. And another post where the OP headcanoned her as homophobic just so that Eddie could dump her and "realize it was Buck he wanted all along".
And now that Buck is confirmed bi (I'm still shook, btw), people have started attacking Tommy/Lou for "getting in the way" of their ship. Insulting the character and actor alike and talking about him as if he's worth nothing more than being a plot device to be used and discarded, even going after the actor's looks. Saying that Tommy is just a carbon copy of Eddie and that this proves that Buck loves Eddie. Like, calm down, they had three things in common, characters are allowed to have the same interests. Hijacking posts about Bucktommy and making them all about Buddie. Hell, someone has apparently even written a fic where Tommy is ab*sive/r*ping Buck and Eddie saves him and they realize they only love each other.
All I want shippers to do is have respect for the characters/actors, and stay off the bucktommy tag.
Also, to all the people saying that bucktommy shippers are now ok with Buddie not going canon because Buck now has a "white version of Eddie", NO ONE believes that you all are mad because of the supposed racism. Everyone knows that all you care about is getting people to fight for Buddie only and you're using the racism card to manipulate others. You're embarrassing yourselves.
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chubs-deuce · 7 months
Charlastor brainworms anon here again. I was reading your reply to a recent ask and i have to say I agree, and also it's really silly to me that some people act like charlastor is some kind of morally dubious ship.
I don't think anyone's here to ship this because they want it to be canon, it's honestly just for fun! There's nothing wrong with it being non-canon compliant.
As an aroace lesbian, charlie isn't even lesbian herself, just in a lesbian relationship. So many ships split up canon pairings anyway, it's not something new. And i think people tend to forget aromanticism and asexuality are broad spectrums, it's not a black and white one or the other. The aroace label can encompass a lot of different identities, and there are many ways to pair alastor and charlie while still respecting his identity. He could be romance favorable, or they could be queer platonic, or people could just generally have different headcanons for him. It's also very telling that I don't see people bringing up how he's aroace nearly as much with radioapple or other ships. Fan works don't have to be an exact mirror of whatever's canon, and that's not the serious issue that some people act like it is.
I've generally noticed in recent years that people act so much more viciously towards non-canon ships when they're het-presenting.... :')
I think a lot of it has to do with how fandoms generally tend to assign more inherent moral value towards more visibly queer pairings... Combine that with the bs that is twitter's infestation of performative activism and morality policing in modern age fandom culture and this is the result lol
What gets me is the sheer fucking hypocrisy of it all tbh?
People keep conflating Aromantic and Asexual and confusing them with one another in their anti posting about this ship and it will never not be the bane of my goddamn existence tbh, especially because they're not even consistent with what ships they apply this criticism to, as you've also pointed out.
I will personally assume that anyone who can't tell these two labels apart and acts like they're one and the same yet whines about shippers not respecting Alastor's canon sexuality is probably nobody worth listening to anyways.
Charlie btw is canonically bisexual, and the amount of blatant fucking bi erasure I keep seeing people do just to feel morally superior for calling her a lesbian like it's a clever argument against a non-canon ship is so tiring...
Ultimately the best course of action is to silently block and ignore them.
Can we go back to that era of the internet where people would explore shipping two characters just because they stood next to each other for three frames or because their color schemes match or something equally insignificant?
We had so much more fun getting creative with how we just made random dolls kiss for fun back then :(
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gloriousburden · 13 days
I agree with your take on Mobius so much! People treat him like a cinnamon roll. Which he isn't. He is a horrible person but no one wants to acknowledge that. Sylvie is terrible too, but at least people acknowledge her flaws which is something I guess. Oh, and I had watched season 2 of Loki series, and Mobius was so ooc in the first episode. Like, he randomly went from torturing and manipulating and gaslighting Loki to suddenly risking his life for Loki. It made me wanna throw up. I have never seen such a random 180° turn. Extremely ooc. And Lokius shippers eat that shit up. Like, I don't know whether you have watched Season 2 or not, but there's a scene where Mobius volunteers to do something extremely risky to save Loki. And yeah, I don't believe that crap at all. Tomorrow they might suddenly show Thanos risking his life for Loki too. I think season 2 episode 1 should have came with an OOC warning attached lol.
Have a great day! ❤️
Unfortunately, I have watched all of the series. I may talk about Lokius shippers a lot, but Sylki shippers (though there’s only like… two of them nowadays) have the same issue that Lokius shippers have. They only acknowledge the flaws of the character from the opposite ship, and not the flaws of the character they ship with Loki. Sylvie fans hate Mobius, Mobius fans hate Sylvie. There’s issues with both characters! Are you kidding me?
YES EXACTLY. He was very OOC… I guess he got some kind of “redemption”/“change of heart” or some shit behind the scenes. Why do you suddenly love Loki so much? Of course the shippers eat it up. They’d eat literal garbage if it was orange color coded with grey hair, and green color coded with black hair or played by Tom/Owen.
Nothing towards either actors BTW hope it doesn’t come off as that. I mean this towards the fans, not the actors!
It’s just… these aren’t even the same characters anymore. That’s not even Loki! And Mobius, though I have no love for him, isn’t even himself anymore. The writing is so fucking inconsistent not only with Loki, but with EVERYONE.
Yep. I do know what you’re talking about. Why so lovey dovey and knight in shining armor all of a sudden? Why would he suddenly risk his life for someone he threw into a time loop to get physically assaulted without a second thought? Oh why cause they hugged so it’s okay now? 🤦🏻‍♀️
Look, if Mobius had apologized or even acknowledged his previous behaviors, then I wouldn’t be so freaked out by the way the fandom treats him or the OOC-ness (because obviously they’re gonna let shit slide for a mediocre ship) But… NONE OF THAT HAPPENED! Think I spoke about this in one of my last posts but so many Loki “fans” TRULY believe Loki needs to be humbled. That’s why they don’t bat an eye at the abuse coming from Mobius. As well as them being eager to excuse absolutely anything in order to not ship the “straight” ship.
It’s getting really weird. Some of them want Lokius to be canon just because “Ooh gay ship” and not because they really believe Loki and Mobius go along well together and they’re opposites attract and one’s a god one’s a human and so on. Whatever tropes you can throw in there.
And Lokius fans pretending to be so much more morally superior/holier than thou for being against Sylki because of the selfcest shit… YOU EXCUSE MOBIUS VERBALLY DEMEANING LOKI AND HAVING HIM BE PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED… HOW IS THAT BETTER?! This is like the pot calling the kettle black. Like I’ve said before, If Mobius was female.. People would hate his guts! And the amount of people shipping Lokius would be so, so much lower. And they’d actually see the flaws of the show.
Hope this does not sound like me trying to defend Sylki/Sylvie in anyway, Both are HORRIBLE, bottom of the barrel, and garbage ships. Sylvie’s writing/actions are not excused just because she’s female. It’s just Lokius shippers are more prevalent, therefore more annoying to me. And for some reason, Lokius shippers tend to be a lot more immature. I think because they’re usually younger than Sylki shippers.
I understand people want representation, but there are so many ships that have been done better. You don’t need to grasp for straws just because you only now learned that Loki is bisexual!
THE THANOS POINT LOLLLLLLL EXACTLY. That cracked me up, I won’t lie. I wouldn’t be surprised if that became a thing. They’re just so desperate to ship anyone and everyone! Can we think critically about these characters/movies/series for one moment?
Thank you! You too ❤️
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sneakyboythingz · 8 months
omg yes! I've been wanting to talk about that, apparently there's a few ragapom artists on here who headcanon bunnydoll as siblings, at first I was like "ohh this sounds like a great idea, won't stop me from shipping them tho if it happens 👀👀" then I visited their blog, the ragapom arts were cute! I was ready to follow, but when I started seeing posts like "Jax x ragatha makes me uncomfortable" "I see them more as siblings btw" "oh hey did I mention they are siblings??" "I love their dynamic!......they are like siblings!" "Their siblings dynamic are so good? am I right???" Oh and "I dont get people who dont see them as siblings they are literally sibling coded!!!" And idk, I felt a weird vibe when I read these, but yea i agree with you.
The vibes you're feeling is the classic:
"i dont like to see these characters being shipper togheter, so i will indirectly make everyone uncomfortable with it with my siblings headcanon bc in petty as fuck"
I saw this multiple times, on the murder drones as well. And this is interligated to that one tragic voltron event where a guy that simply just because they din't like a ship they tried their best to make it problematic.
And this is why fandoms have this mentality nowadays
Those litte Ragapom shippers try to hide it but we can feel the litte sparkles of toxicity
(i have Nothing against Ragapom btw)
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catofoldstones · 8 months
The bemoaning of s@nsan's loss of popularity by shippers fascinates me because iv'e seen a lot of ancient fans stance on it was that sansa's flaw is liking pretty things/people so her lesson should be to marry the hound for humility yet not ONE of them look inside the text that all the men that attack/abuse/molest sansa all find her pretty or are infatuated with pretty women worst abuse them, the double standard of fans against sansa fascinates me as they ignore one of sansa's character traits is to treat people with courtesy,they also ignore every character has been attracted to pretty people even j0n yet not one person says that hes vain for liking val based on her attractiveness, the only person iv'e seen thats been as criticized is d@ny simply for her infatuation in daario and dismissal of quentyn and while we as readers didnt like that she did that she's also a teenager(and doesnt know quentyn) again there's huge double standard for girls and boys in this fandom yet no one saw it
im getting off track but basically s@nsan's loss of popularity shouldn't be such a surprise when there's a whole new generation of readers that might not have the same readings or bias from previous years especially when a lot of it was just misogynistic undertones
Has san/san lost popularity? It’s still heralded as one of the most iconic ships to come out of the game of thrones and late 2000s/ early 2010s in general, isn’t it? And the san/san posts I see have a good number of notes, always around and upwards of 400, which is a hefty number to me. But yes, it has definitely left major pop-culture discourse centres.
I have heard a lot about this “flaw” you are talking about and I consider myself extremely lucky that i didn’t join the fandom earlier. I absolutely cannot imagine being in the fandom from the 90s to 2018 as a Sansa stan, when hating her was the norm. I was just about to bring up this point you mentioned, that all men, who are full grown adults btw, lust after Sansa based on her looks. They consider her pretty and want them all for herself, and all the while she’s a 12 year old.
“Why should I be guilty? My wife wants no part of me, and most especially not the part that seems to want her.”
Tyrion VII, ASOS
“Give your Florian a little kiss now. A kiss for luck.” He swayed toward her. Sansa dodged the wet groping lips, kissed him lightly on an unshaven cheek, and bid him good night. It took all her strength not to weep.”
Sansa IV, ACOK
And these are just two people, with one out of many such instances each, among a hoard of men who think of her like that. A very simple answer to all of this is misogyny, in and out of the universe. Of course the entire san/san fandom has no hive mind, they were apparently the first ones to come up with the qitn Sansa theory while also coming up with the cottage theory, but shipping a 12 year old with a grown man who almost raped her at knifepoint is an open letter invitation for haters to find a settling point for making sansa suffer without actually getting called out for it. It becomes such a perfect cover for actively hating a 12 year old because even the haters realise how insane that actually is.
I think the “flaw rectification” argument was birthed to fuse the thought that yes, sansa did bad things, here’s how we can still enjoy her character while the undercurrent of unfounded hatred runs through the ship while we conveniently never acknowledge it. Obviously new readers came along who had never interacted with the fandom and realised “hey, what the fuck?” and had a different opinion of “that’s a defenceless 12 year old girl who actually did nothing wrong”. I’m sure there were voices who expressed such opinions before but were silenced. Internet is such a friendly place after all.
The “courtesy” thing is so true. She literally has no option but to respond the way she does. One wrong word and she might get beaten or killed. That girl is terrified and only trying to survive. Considering Sansa’s action as anything but survival mechanism is so superficial. This is so analogous to how women today are polite to men while because they’re scared that the men might hurt them/kill them. It’s the same shit, times ten, with Sansa. This also goes for when San/dor catches her during the battle of black water and demands a “song” from her (which is a thinly veiled euphemism for rape), and Sansa sings him a hymn of Mother’s mercy as a way to protect herself.
As for the Dany thing, I just want to say, what exactly is wrong about a teenage girl having a crush? Why is she termed as “lovesick” and “stupid” and “annoying” anytime she shows any interest in a guy? And it’s always the dudebros screaming this the loudest. Obviously, Daario is not a good choice and Dany herself acknowledges that.
“Daario might whisper words of love when the two of them were as one, but she knew it was the dragon queen he loved. If I gave up my crown, he would not want me.”
Daenerys VII, ADWD
I mean, the other shoe will definitely drop with this guy but this the first time we see Dany have a consensual relationship, which I feel is important to her arc - the relationship and the man she has the relationship with. Moreover, she has bigger fish to fry like her governance/dragons/moving towards westeros etc.
And berating her over Quentyn? Wasn’t she supposed to get married the next day to Hizdar? Didn’t she herself say that she’s not sure if Quentyn is the real deal or not? Moreover, she remembers Quaith’s prophecy about the “sun’s son” and double backs (Dany and prophecies are a whole another thing which we can talk about later) and solidifies her decision to go forward with her wedding with Hizdahr.
“Enough,” Daenerys said. “Prince Quentyn has crossed half the world to offer me his gift, I will not have him treated with discourtesy.” She turned to the Dornishmen. “Would that you had come a year ago. I am pledged to wed the noble Hizdahr zo Loraq.”
“The sun’s son. A shiver went through her. “Shadows and whispers.” What else had Quaithe said? The pale mare and the sun’s son…”
Daenerys VII, ADWD
Although, the Martells will not understand that Dany didn’t order Quentyn’s death and might antagonise her so that’s a chekov’s gun waiting to go off. Clearly, Quentyn was clearly the first leg of a bigger arc that we’ll likely see in TWOW (consider Quaith’s whole prophecy) and a part of a bigger theme Dany has to fulfill. Her decision to make Quentyn wait was not based on whether she found him ugly or not, it was based on being right in the middle of a political crisis with another volatile variable being added that has the potential to uproot a lot of what she has struggled to maintain (which ultimately does happen). Dany does have a knack of picking the worst option and that does not bode well for her governance/politics but that is not the point here. The point here is how dare a 16 year old doesn’t find a guy attractive and another guy too attractive (which is a part of a bigger theme btw) and sometimes, it’s a thin line between misogyny and valid criticism. Let’s stop flattening female characters into digestible one-dimensional beings, especially when it comes to teenagers. The fact that they have more than one motivation to act a certain way, makes them so much more enjoyable and interesting and honestly, human, like you and me.
Let’s also stop pigeonholing (12 year old) female characters into high-school mean girl clique leader trope who is so shallow and superficial that she needs to be assaulted by an “ugly” middle aged man to come to her senses. Also, that is called projection. The character that we are talking about isn’t like that at all. But whatever 🙄
Sorry I got carried away and got angry, things like these piss me off so bad. Never change, fandom, never change.
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helluva-dump · 10 months
for the ship bingo thing: stolas/blitz
oh man the ultimate question of all, I wanted to save this one for last to give my full thoughts on this ship
Warning: I have a VERY unpopular opinion with this ship that you guys may not like to hear. So I suggest scroll and ignore this if your a St*litz shipper. You have been warned.
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So once upon a time, I had used to be a fan of this ship at one point… Well I didn’t ship them hardcore, I shipped them as a dumb crack ship at first when they treated them more like a gag. But when the Ozzie’s episode came along, I think you can say this is when I was liking the idea of them together.
Now granted, it’s one of those toxic relationships that intrigue you due to how awful both characters are. (Much like Chucky and Tiffany from child’s play) And I like the idea of two messy people starting out as friends with benefits but slowly come to terms to want to do something serious and to try and their their shit together.
That was until the Circus episode came along…. THE FUCKING CIRCUS EPISODE 🙃🙃🙃🙃
They literally retconned things, did the childhood lovers cliche, and just woobified Stolas as a OwO baby boi who can do no wrong…. That whole episode frustrated me so much… we didn’t even get to see Stella’s pov than being a very bland kke note bitch (btw that is NOT how narcasstics work) and I was hoping he and Stella were equally messy to another like Clay and Bloberta from Moral Orel or Jessie’s parents form Big Mouth.
Dude Paimon wanting to buy Blitzo as a playmate for his son was so gross… that’s like when white aristocratic a buy child slaves as a playmate for their white children. Does Viv not realize how unitionally racist that is???? Since Stolas is white coded and Blitzo is POC coded???? This is why racism allegory never works if you don’t research history books…
Blitzo always found Stolas interest boring and Stolas literally sees blitzo as just as sex toy and nothing more! And they failed to address what happened with the Ozzie’s episode!
Also, I feel like shipping them both together soley because they’re both messy dads with angsty goth daughters feels kind of shallow…. Hell, I think that will make shit worse for Loona and Octavia. All that’s gonna do is make them fuck constantly while they dump Octavia on Loona. And as much as I don’t like Loona, she doesn’t deserve that.
I still think Loona and Octavia can be sisters WITHOUT hooking their dads up together. Best friends that are sisters by soul are a thing you know. I have close friends I consider my sisters without our parents hooking up.
But my hatred for this ship is mainly due to Octavia and how much of a neglectful asshole Stolas is to her… HE NEGLECTED HER TWICE BECAUSE BLITZO DADDY 🤪🤪🤪
Octavia is my favorite that I personally relate to because her situation REALLY hits close home or me as I have a dad like Stolas… I’m against this ship since I worry about her mental health.
I can go on and on but these are my thoughts about Stolas x Blitzo.
Now I will say, this ship is written so bad I’ve noticed some people that do ship them then complain about how they do NOT like how Viv is writing them in season 2. I can relate with that since I felt that way for Apriltello (tmnt 2012) and Haida x Restuko (Aggrestuko) since I used to be a fan of those ships but the way the writers dragged shit out too long and executed them killed mh joy for them… I don’t think it’s really fair and I think fans deserve more authentic chemistry for their ship.
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im gonna vent in your askbox i hope thats alright, but genuinely deangirls who are also hellers are so. delusional. like even if someone doesnt "ship" wincest like... incest is a theme of the show? like you cannot meaningfully do analysis of the wincest show without talking about wincest. and when hellers try to make every moment about destiel (even when it would be more apt to talk about wincest, like in the siren episode!!) it just. frustrates me so bad. i feel like samgirls + wincesties have a better understanding of the themes of the show (esp s1-5) like. genuinely.
ok to be frank, i wasn't originally gonna post this and just let it sit in my inbox/be deleted and you got your vent and etc. but i'm gonna use it to push back a little in places i'm frustrated with the wank in this fandom. i'm sorry that it's your ask, anon, that prompted this--i have nothing against you, and completely understand your frustration. however.
(btw, in good faith, i'm going to take your usage of "hellers" to be like extreme destiel-only shippers, not chill destiel shippers, as per the original meaning of the term. also note that everything i say here is based on my experience of the FIRST FIVE SEASONS, aka core spn.)
i agree that incest is a big theme of the show--or i should say, incest subtext. there is no actual incest between the show's main family (aka the winchesters) aside from mary's demon deal. is this due to the network? is this due to kripke's creative vision? we'll never know. it can't be ignored within a full analysis of the show, but to say that one can't have meaningful analysis of the show without discussing the incest subtext ignores the conversation that supernatural has with masculinity/gender, american folklore, race, class, etc--whether these conversations are done well or not. i'm not saying you are doing this, but there is a tendency of wincest shippers, as with destiel shippers, to focus solely on sam and dean's relationship, as if there is literally nothing else that matters in the show, which is just blatantly false and prevents people from having a fuller understanding of the show, just as wincest shippers claim to be frustrated about.
and the other thing is that yes, while i do feel that wincesties (using this broadly to also encompass the entire winchester family) have a better understanding of the show than those who don't engage with the incest subtext, i don't actually think that samgirls or deangirls better understand the show over one another. i know i jokingly make posts about this, but it's mainly out of frustration with the dean-centric hellscape that is what the spn fandom is. the true fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter who your favorite character is, it just matters the way in which you understand their motivations and engage with that. i'm sometimes critical of dean because i love him, but i think a lot of the stuff he does gets glossed over by both the fandom and the show, while sam does enough self-bashing on top of the bashing canon already gives him, resulting in a fandom who, when combined with ignoring him in favor of destiel, doesn't choose to engage with the text critically and question why the narrative repeatedly slams sam but praises dean, when they both are complicated people. but i don't think that means you have to necessarily be a samgirl to fully understand the text. especially if you're ignoring dean's plights and positioning of victimhood/survivorship (as sam is too) because he's just not your favorite character. imo it makes someone just as short-sighted.
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literally hoping they break up in the last season
Why Mileven is shit - a submission-based essay, part 2/3
Mileven - a currently canon het ship from the Stranger Things fandom between Michael (Mike) Wheeler and Jane (Eleven) Ives/Hopper/Byers/IDK
they NEED to breakup (AGAIN) in the final season let's start w their character arcs rn. el was born in a lab and was raised VERY strict to be a weapon and shit. she escapes and now her whole arc is finding herself and being who she is separate to what people tell her she is. mike comes from a lowkey conservative family with parents who are married only to fit into the normal, not because they love each other. his arc, similar to his sisters' struggle in earlier seasons, is to not fall into conformity just because you feel like you should. both of these stories line up with the main moral of the show: be who you are even if it isn't "normal" ot whatever now how does mileven go against this? mike, and a bunch of ppl around el, in the earlier seasons keeps telling el what she should do/be. even in the later seasons we see mike refering to el as a "superhero" (which she doesn't like). neither of them feel free to be themselves around the other (shown by el lying to mike and mike being WAY out of character around el, etc). mike literally can't tell el he loves her while not under pressure. mileven sometimes parallels mike's parents' and sta.cy (a failed conformity relationship) and other bad relationships ANYWAYS it also reallyyyy pains will byers (who's been canonically in love with mike for like years, and mike's best friend) to see this. also, milevens keep harassing will/mike shippers on anon even months after the last season. like they have a hate discord server just for it. anyways i love mike and el but ohhh my god there is still SO much i haven't mentioned about how bad they are together (and how bad shippers often are, sometimes being violently homophobic and calling bylers delusional and shit)
they have no chemistry or buildup unlike the other st couples. they kissed season 1 right after she asked if he would be her brother. hes very obviously compensating for something. i think i gagged when they made out in season 3. speaking of. thats all they do. make out. they dont really have meaningful conversations. this also comes from the fact that when mike met her she was fresh out the lab that abused her for like 11 years. she was not socially ready to understand the bounds of a platonic relationship let alone a romantic one. anyway mileven break up s5 will happen i believe it. if nothing else. cross ur fingers gamers
the sheer homophobia and general toxicity that the fans of this ship create is absolutely insane when their perfect (read: mischaracterized) straight (read: homosexually-coded) couple is judged for having toxic or incompatible elements is insane. the only good romantic aspect between these two characters is in a cringefail "wow this really doesn't work at all" i-want-to-put-this-dynamic-under-a-microscope-and-study-it-because-it's-an-absolute-trainwreck" kind of way. el has been abused and cut off from society her whole life and at 12 years old she immediately gets together with this guy at whose earth shattered after his best friend went missing who then has surviors guilt after she almost does which is misconstrued as romantic rather than unhealthy obsession and trauma. and so on and so forth.. there's just so much wrong they lie to each other So Fucking Much despite truthfulness being very important to them and they ignore their friends to make out (which is filmed in a way that is meant to feel uncomfortable btw lmao) and el doesn't understand mike's trauma from bullying and he doesn't understand how she doesn't want to be built up into being a superhero etc etc. and it's just so increasingly bad I want to rub my temples just thinking about them. they're just so bad for each other and their relationship has done nothing but make them worse in general but for some reason their ship is viewed as fluffy or cute or whatever the hell. anyway mike is so heavily coded to be fucking gay and in love with his best friend (and el can be interpreted to be lesbian coded) and I just need to get them out of there amen
I'm gonna make a list bc the reasons are many: 1) their first casual interaction they get together but in the same conversation she asks him if she can be like a sister to him 2) all their "cute moments" are them making out in the 3rd season with still absolutely no chemistry 3) their only actual cute scene is them dancing at the snowball yet in the same scene they portray the same way two couples that are not romantic 4) mike becomes a terrible person when he's with eleven 5) eleven literally GOT OUT OF A LAB SHE WAS RAISED IN and this is the first guy she dated 6) she can't even say he's a good kisser 7) mike can't tell her that he loves her (bc he doesn't) and the only time he does he makes this whole ugly ass speech up about how she's his "superhero" even though she doesn't want to be seen only for her superpowers 8) in said speech, while listing the things that he loves about her, he only names her superpowers + he lies multiple times 9) EVEN AFTER SAID SPEECH she is still mad at him and won't talk to him (probably bc she saw right through his bs) 10) she spent a whole 6 months lying to him about all of her life 11) mike is clearly gay and is meant to be with his childhood best friend will 12) mike idolizes her and doesn't see her as an actual person 13) eleven needs to be her own person (ffs she just got out of a lab) 14) the ship sucks and even the authors and actors say so
they have NO chemistry. they kissed after one week of knowing each other when they were 12 and eleven didn't even know what a romantic relationship was at the time, given the fact that right before mike kisses her she says "will you be like my brother?". they spent the entirety of season 2 apart with mike calling el on his walkie and el watching romantic movies on the tv for a year (then will is in trouble and mike says 'fuck it' and goes full protective boyfriend mode but this isn't about byler so i digress) and start dating soon after they meet again even though they haven't had a SINGLE conversation and are barely friends. season 3 comes along and the writers do their utmost best to show us how incompatible they are. their makeout scenes are uncomfortable, they break up at the beginning of the season and neither one of them seems particularly bothered that their first relationship is over. in fact, the happiest we see el in the entire series is during the time they're broken up, when she gets close to max (who she actually has chemistry with, by the way) and finally experiences freedom, being a teenage girl and etc since mike had been "keeping her all to himself" for like, a year. aside from that, he doesn't go after her at all after she dumps his ass (literally) but when he and will have a fight, he bikes across town in the rain just to apologize, that boy is GAY. finally, the theme of season 4 is lies and once again, mike and el spend the season apart (once again, mike spends the season with WILL) and right before they part ways, they have a big fight about mike being unable to so much as WRITE "love, mike" on his letters to el, let alone say it, and he bullshits his way through it and refuses to say the actual reason until vol. 2, when he apparently "confesses" that he's afraid he'll lose her if he says it (okay, amigo, you're gonna lose your girlfriend who was literally begging you to say 'i love you' not even a week ago, aham, totally valid excuse). conclusion: they don't know each other and they don't act like themselves when they're together. mike hides his nerdy nature, el feels like she has to be the amazing superhero he's always viewed her as or else he'll lose interest and it just feels like they're both grasping at straws because this relationship has been dragged on for too long that they don't know how to break up permanently. they are afraid of losing each other, but not romantically, as mike was el's first semblance of family after escaping the lab and mike feels like it's his duty to protect and care for el. also, mike is gay. in other words, FREE THEM.
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myymi · 2 years
dni list
>proshippers (sibling x sibling {includes adopted, found family, etc.}, adult x child, etc)
>anyone against human rights (racists, homophobes, etc.)
>people who start drama for no reason (im a sonic blog,, drama does not need to be here, i just want to talk about the dumb speedy hedgehog and his smart little fox brother ok)
>”ai art is real art” supporters. leave, this is not the blog for you
>those who purposefully misuse tone tags (/j, /lh, etc. {if you ave questions abt tone tags, you’re more than welcome to ask!! but if you’re knowingly using them wrong, leave.})
>anyone who hates tails (everyone is entitled to like/dislike any character they want, but i am a very tails-centric blog. you will not find content you enjoy here if you don’t like tails lol)
>anyone who says sonic and tails aren’t “real” siblings just because they aren’t related.
thin ice / you’re okay but don’t push it
>people who are a lot older than i am ({25+} you can chill but don’t be weird or i will block you)
>shippers ({and this one kinda goes especially for child shippers. really don’t care to hear about 5-12yos being in relationships, even if aged up.} don’t talk about ships on my blog. just about every relationship is platonic here, unless canonically stated others {ex: tom and maddie wachowski})
>those who still watch problematic creators (what you do is up to you, but don’t bring up anyone here unless i specifically talk about it. if you see me talking about someone who’s problematic and it seems like I don’t know that, PLEASE tell me.)
>religious people (again, what you do is entirely up to you but don’t bring any sort of religion onto my blog unless it’s a canonical character trait.)
please interact <33
>anyone who’s favorite character is tails / is a tails-centric blog !!
>non-toxic writers / artists <3
>anyone who is willing to scream w/ me abt tails / tails and his siblings
>maria/tails parallel enjoyers
>kitsune tails believers
>anyone who headcanons aroace and/or non binary tails
if you’d like to be mutuals, feel free to msg me!! ^^
under the cut is a few more little “rules” for my blog!
{you don’t have to follow them to be here, but not doing so could possibly lead to me blocking you}
as i stated before, i don’t want ships mentioned on my blog besides cannon ones like tom and maddie. especially if its tails, charmy, cream, etc. in the ship.
though, there are a few cannon ships i don’t want mentioned either;
>tails x cosmo (nothing wrong with it, i just don’t really care for it. i really don’t like tails ships)
>tails x mina (that whole thing was,, eh. i hate it so much)
>tails x zooey (she looks like she could be his sister. she’s literally just a genderbend of tails without the second tail)
>sonic x amy (i know sonamy is SUPER one-sided, but i still want to mention it here because sonamy fans can be wild)
>sonic x sally (i don’t know much about satam cause i just kinda skimmed through it, but this relationship felt weird to me)
>sonic x elise (not a fan of the human x mobian thing,, and also the whole “kissing to save his life” deal was weird, i hate that trope)
and here are a few ships I REALLY don’t want to hear about, cannon or not;
>kit x tails (they’re both really not in good spots mentally to be in a relationship tbh. also, kit is 11 while tails is 8, which is only a 3 year gap but it’s still weird to me. like, kit would be 18 while tails is only 15 which is just uncomfortable. at 17 i wouldn’t date a 14yo, y’know?) {if you actually know me and we talk on a regular basis, i am okay with hearing abt this ship btw!! just,, not on tumblr please, and same goes for tails x cosmo}
>silver x sonic/shadow/espio/anyone from the current timeline (these ships have always been weid to me cause like,, silver is from the future?? everyone else is, like, dead or just really old in silver’s time while he’s 14. it’s just weird to me ahhhwoiefoeiw)
>sonic x blaze (sorryyy sonaze shippers, but i don’t really like the “dating someone who’s you from another dimension trope” or really just any sort of thing that’s slightly selfcest. {nothing wrong with it, it’s just really not for me} this kinda goes with kit x tails, since kit was made to be a better version of tails)
i know some of these aren’t technically cannon ships, but everything that’s considered cannon in sonic lore can just be so confusing, and i don’t care enough to go into detail about it so they’re mentioned here
but generally, just stay away from mentioning any ships on my blog. it’s the safer bet ^^
also, please don’t talk about sonic x on my blog. there’s nothing inherently wrong with it, but i just,, do not like it. i physically cannot bring myself to finish even the first season of it, so i’d rather just stay clear of it.
and please don’t try to move the topic of my blog from tails to another character. i’m more than happy to discuss tails WITH another character, but without him it’s just,, i will not enjoy that, and i won’t do that to myself. please stay tails-centric on this blog :]
and you ever want to discuss something that contains spoilers PLEASE mark it as spoilers or ask if i’ve seen what you’re wanting to talk abt before you start discussing it. i’d like to keep this blog as spoiler free as possible, for others and myself, so i want to mark everything that could be spoilers.
{and, this probably goes without saying, but if i tell you i haven’t seen the subject, please don’t talk about it with me. doing that will absolutely get you blocked. just be considerate :]}
i would also appreciate it if y’all don’t try to convince me to watch/read a certain piece of media, like sonic x for example. if i want to, i will look into it on my own time. but if i don’t want to, and people try to pressure me into it, i will just end up hating whatever it is you’re wanting me to see. {this does include trying to make me get into it any sooner than i plan to}
i am a human with my own schedule, interests, and dislikes. i will not have time to see every piece of media out there, nor will i like all of them. that’s just how it is, nobody can change that.
it is possible i’ll come back to edit/extend this later on, but for now that’s everything i want to mention.
thanks for reading!! <33
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ladymorghul · 7 months
Don’t you think fierce Alysm0nd shippers tend to overrate Alys, acting as if she was going to have some insane amount of screen time? Personally, I’m glad we’re going to get a glimpse of her early life, but she’s still just a side character. Personally, I find this ship problematic since I have read FnB. It's not the matter of shipping Helaem0nd or not. It's the matter of non-con elements and captor-pow dynamics. Moreover, I don’t buy the whole “Aemond left his family for Alys” discourse. Imo Aemond might have refused to follow Ser Criston and Daeron to KL and stayed in Harrenhall not because he suddenly stopped to gaf about his family but due to the fact he assumed Daemon would be somewhere in the Riverlands and wanted to meet him in battle? For both personal and strategic motives?
In addition, I don’t get it why ppl pit Alys against Helaena. Like alysm0nd will happen even if helaem0nd is confirmed. It could be interesting to watch how Aemond’s perception of love, as well as his attitude towards love and (for want of a better word) love interests changes as different experiences shape his personality. Plus, they're two different women, and the fact at some points on their life, they got invovled with the same guy desn't automatically make them idk? Natural born enemies?
I would also like to ask what's you opinion on kind of... "fetishizing" Alys' age and calling her a milf. Like she didn't even look her age, right? So where the hell this estimation of Aemond's sex*al preferences comes from? And why no one calls Melissandre a "milf", although she was literally centuries older than Stannis? Let alone the fact in the quasi-medieval Westeros ther was nothing unusual about women to becoming grandmoters in their early 30s.... Or even late 20s.! So, if we assume Alys wasn't a centuries old witch and just a skilled herbalist, we could risk saying she might have been only 7-9 years older than Aemond!
Sorry for the rant. I simply like the alysm0nd discussion on your blog. I will be honored if you decide to share your more of your thoughts on alysm0nd and Alys as such. BTW isn't it strange fans keep asking themselves if "Aemond wanted Alys with every fiber of his being", "loved her so much that he stopped to care about his family who never cared about him" BUT never seem to wonder if ALYS was really in the position to reciprocate Aemond's feelings?
right! the whole non con element to it and the power imbalance and the differences in life experiences and the implications for the greens just make me go nuh huh.
i think the milf thing is a bit much. i mean at some point it was the only thing attributed to al*s name. and i think it's related to how many alysm*nds reacted to alys' casting as "but she was supposed to have long black hair and be curvy and sexy"
i think calling alys a milf isn't bad per se, but the way some of her fans view/handle talking about her character in relation to her being a milf is sometimes a bit cartoonish... in their heads they combined their image of a milf + the sexy witch trope and bam, theyr kinda went err on al*s' casting
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
It's so funny that people are saying you're too negative. Because ever since the finale aired, all I've seen buddie shippers do on twitter and tumblr is complain about how buddie was handled and about the other storylines of the rest of the characters! I even saw people say they might not watch s7 bc the show is bad now. I guess criticizing the show is only alright when it's certain people doing it 🙄
This is...very true. There is SO much negativity surrounding the season as a whole - starting with the blimp emergency in the very first episode which many people correctly predicted would end up a minor "disaster" similar to the zoo animal outbreak and blackout all the way through the finale where the "couch theory" really was about Buck's feelings on couches and girlfriends. But once you apply "negativity" to your opinion on Buddie going canon (at least this season), those same folks don't want to hear it. "It's right there in the text!" Where? It's season six and Eddie didn't come out to his aunt. His aunt didn't hint at knowing he's not straight. In fact, instead of doing that, the writers brought up his marriage to a woman, the relationship he was in prior to meeting the girlfriend he broke up with because it didn't feel right. It's season six and Buck related couches to girlfriends. Barely spends any time with his male BFF (that fandom ships him with) in one half of the season, and then once the second half starts that same BFF is isolated from the main plot of the coma dream. And btw, Buck never even mentioned remembering Eddie from the beginning of the dream, yet he remembered what Bobby was like. "Negativity" would be having the path to canon laid out before us and having a "Suddenly I can't read" moment. Was the fandom baited (into thinking their interpretation was the right one)? I guess, depending on how attached they were to "couch theory" even though, I'm sorry, the scene from 6x15 was explicitly about Eddie and not Buck, about needing to try and free himself from his loneliness. Headcanons and theories do not alter the facts. Were we lied to? Nope. Not a chance. Mr. Trustworthy himself tried his damnedest to steer fandom away from expectations he knew would not be met. But you (gen) needed to actually read those articles in order to pick up the real clues he was putting down. (There's a reason why certain blogs were only posting snippets of interviews. You can't keep convincing yourself and those around you that "Eddie is the couch" if people were made aware of OS advising against going down that road or saying the dynamic can be interpreted in different ways if that's what fans want to do.) [I feel like the most angry people have never actually been in a fandom before or had hope for a m/m ship because for me...nothing that's happened thus far came as a shock. The straights almost always win in the end.]
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aliferousdreamer · 10 months
@livingincolorsagain Okay, so first of all:
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Seriously though, unforunately it looks like I can no longer answer your long-awaited ask because I just saved my response to your inbox in the drafts and apparently that just deleted both your ask and my answer?!?! It looks like it's just been completely gone for no reason?!?!?!?! Tumblr: WHY????????? (Btw this is my shorter back up draft so luckily I at least have this lol)
Now... I cannot say this enough... I'M SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO BLOODY LONG to do this. I think it has taken me about 1 ½ years to do this?!?! I'm so freaking embarrassed omfg. There really is no good excuse for why it has taken so freaking long. I remember that I have at least a few drafts that I made, but then my drafts became like this-
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-and then I either forgot about it completely or got overwhelmed when I couldn't find any of the drafts and just abandoned it. My ability to just "nope" out of anything and procrastinate for eternity is unmatched.
Btw: I'm gonna censor most of the fandom/character/ship names (even the ones I like) because 1. I don't want to attract people who feel the need to argue with me (because I cba I really cba) and 2. I don't want to offend anyone who likes those things. It's gonna look super silly with *s everywhere but I don't have the energy for any heated discussions or arguments.
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Ooh I have several squicky ships that I do get but I just don't feel them at all and have negative connotations associated with them... It's not exactly an answer to the question but it is what I first thought of.
Pre 2020 me didn't like Harm*one as a ship (in H*rry P*tter). Nowadays I don't interact with the fandom so I don't care but I still have negative associations with that ship and its fans.
I don't have any positive associations with Cl*uis (in TW*DG) because of bigotry.
I understand the appeal of E*yam (from C*kur) but it's a toxic, abusive, insulting mess like its fanbase. Man, I'm so glad C*kur ended in 2021 so I could leave that show and its fans behind.
I also used to feel more negative towards R*xi (from E*phoria) as a ship because of shippers' attitudes towards J*les/R*les but since F*xi became really popular I don't see nearly as much of that ship anymore.
I'll explain the reasonings more in the next question because the answers in both questions are pretty similar.
Also, to sprinkle some positivity amongst my mostly critical answers, here are some OTPs that I do like:
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7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Again, this applies to me pre 2020, but I still remember that I used to somewhat like Harm*one as a ship from H*rry P*tter, but yeah... the portion of toxic fans who were super hateful and bitter and straight up mean towards R*n and G*nny.
I used to like L*ouis and sorta like Cl*uis from TW*DG but the homophobic/lesbophobic/biphobic fans have pretty much turned me off from the ship completely. This doesn't really apply to fans on here, moreso YouTube fans who are just The Worst tbh.
Similarly I used to like E*sun from C*kur and back in season 3 but E*yam fans (particularly on Twitter and YouTube) were just horrible. I remember being civil and polite and considerate to every single one I encountered but they were awful and one fan even wished death on my family when I had said nothing to warrant such a bizarre comment lol. They were also The Worst towards D*lan D*niz and their relentless bullying campaign against her from 2019-2021 (but I saw a few months ago that they're still hating on her in 2023 ffs), all because she was a "threat" to their toxic ship. Man, I'm so glad their ship flopped in C*kur's finale, even if it was upsetting to see them being more hateful towards D*lan. They deserved some karma after being some of the worst fans I've ever had the misfortune of seeing.
Again for positivity's sake, here are some characters I do like:
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12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Unlike seemingly most of the fans on here, I like El*ven getting with M*ke in Str*nger Th*ngs. I will never understand why M*leven is so hated. She can be both independent and in a relationship, and I don't see how that's such an unpopular take. Sure, there are issues with codependency, miscommunication and lying but considering what those kids have been through, is it any surprise?! They've both been through so much trauma, both together and separately, so no wonder they don't always go about the things the "best" way. I'd cut them both some slack (especially El*ven considering the hell she's endured all her life that has stunted her growth). Also, I feel like fans are way too harsh of them because aren't they supposed to be around 14 in season 4?!?! I'd say that they're remarkably mature for their age. I will admit that I like them less than I used to after season 4 but tbf there are several characters/relationships that I like less because of season 4. I like other ships like B*ler and E*max but I don't see why liking them should almost become synonymous with hating M*leven.
On another note, this scene >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Again I'm so sorry this took so long, and that this version of my answer isn't the final one that I wanted to send (because Tumblr just erased the original one lmao).
Thank you so, so much for checking up on me and being so kind and sweet to me, even when I haven't responded or showed the gratitude that I should do!!!! I hope you're doing really well!!!!!! <3
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ihateliterature · 2 years
There are reasons why there are so many aspec (especially acespec) antis, all of them are bad, all of them are avoidable
Many acespec ppl, regardless of whether they identify as sex repulsed, neutral or even positive, are uncomfortable with sex. It just comes with the territory, it's normal and we all go through it at one point or another. That's why a lot of them feel uncomfortable in fandom spaces, especially queer fandom spaces, as they are usually shipping heavy and that can feel alienating. These communities have a history of treating aspec fans like garbage for the sake of shipping, which alienated aspec fans even further
There are a lot of acespec proshippers and even just acespec folks active in sexual parts of the fandom. But compared to the rest it feels like they are few and and far between
The main complaint aspec people have about the over focus of shipping in fandom is that in shippers' zeal to ship they are often willfully invalidating the lived realities of aspec people for the sake of jokes and "arguing" the validity of their ship and get defensive when called out for it, which often proves that allo shippers care more about drawing and writing fictional characters fucking then about the erasure of aspec people, which they are collaborating to. All of this feeling like a slap in the face, especially coming from queer centric spaces
Now, after all this harassment, disillusionment and fake support, there comes the other side of queer fandom: the antis. They tell these acespec people that there is nothing wrong with them, that the dirty degenerate proshitters are the problem, that they make everything about sex and never create any gen content (provably false, btw). But they are not like that, they understand, they love platonic ships and understand how someone can be uncomfortable with sex, they are better, more pure, then those freaks who, frankly, are mostly just predators looking for victims
It's manipulation, plain and simple. This kind of rethoric is particularly effective on acespec people because, after feeling incomplete and broken because of your lack of *something*, being told that that exact thing makes you somehow better is an alluring idea. It's easy to fall for it, and many do. It doesn't make them bad people, it just proves they are desperate for any crumb of acceptance
Just like adult antis manipulate minors by calling themselves "safe adults", roping them into sharing porn in discord groups and harassing artists under the guise of good will, so do allo antis manipulate acespecs to their side of the argument through faux ally ship
Everyone is to blame for it. Antis with their morbid history of manipulation and love bombing and proshippers for being over vigilant and overzealous at the expence of aspecs
I'm a proship aroace and I've seen this happening countless times. I've seen young aspecs having their complicated feelings regarding sex used as manipulation tools by people who simply wish to use them as weapons against someone else and it breaks my heart every time
I made this mostly for aspec fans, so they don't fall into these kinds of traps. I know neither side can change, I've lost hope for all of them
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b-rainlet · 1 year
You seem tuned out of HOTD fandom so I don’t want to burden you LMAO but people are also very hot about Lucemond. It’s a real jungle out there. There’s a small but vocal section of Aemond fans who think if you write him being interested in anyone but Alys you’re demeaning the sanctity of their relationship. But, as you said, she’s not in the show yet. There is no reason for people who haven’t read Fire & Blood to have any inkling who she is. I would argue against the idea of canon or noncanon ships being self inserts solely because shippers like Aemond so much (that’s a lot of credit for him lol) but at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter. People are going to write whatever they want and this website gives you the tools to block and mute it 🤷‍♀️
I've never gotten behind shipping wars in the first place tbh.
Like, what are people taking away from you by sitting in their own corner, shipping Lucemond while you ship say...Aegond? Or Luke/Jacaerys (which is a very spicy ship btw, more awful and spoiled Jace/Luke, who are very much aware of how biased their grandfather is in their favour and use that to their advantage, less innocent little babies, who never ever bully anybody ever (biased)).
I have heard of Aemond Wives(?) before, I think they fall under the category you just mentioned but I also gotta admit that you're right, I am kinda tuned out of the Drama(tm). I also believe that most of the more unhinged takes seem to happen on twitter and I don't do twitter at all, it's way too aggressive for me.
Maybe I am seeing this as a bigger thing because whenever I look at the main tag, I see AemondxReader fics and Aemond definitely seems to be one of the more beloved characters (not to mention that Ewan Mitchell has a lot of people thirsting over him) so it would make sense that people tend to latch onto Aemond ships because they think he's hot.
(Which is btw nothing I am condemning, I have preferences in type too and I have read some xreader ships for other Fandoms, it's perfectly normal. I do think TGC is a hot dude and it obviously leads to me latching onto him more).
Sometimes it's also the only way I can explain the popularity of some ships tbh, when you have one character who is well-loved and the other has like two minutes of screentime, you kinda start to wonder where the obsession stems from -> especially when you have ships that seem like twice removed from their canon characterization in a very specific way (like - just a statement, not a judgement - making one character overly feminine and 'slutty' and having all the fics just be an accumulation of specific nsfw tropes).
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