#btw this takes place the day after the war ends
wolfnight2012 · 20 hours
So is the fandom at large still characterizing "Open Arms" as the ~pacifism~ song or have we gotten past that?
Like, I don't know how keen Polites was for violence as a soldier in the Trojan war, since we meet him after the fact & lose him soon after.
But "Open Arms" doesn't tell us about his capacity for violence. It barely tells us about his thoughts on violence as an option.
The most we can infer from "Full Speed Ahead" and "Open Arms" is that Polites doesn't believe violence is the only option (or the one they should jump to first.)
But that's not even what "Open Arms" is about (not really)
"Open Arms" is about Polites noticing Odysseus' trauma & trying to help his friend heal.
The first lines of the song are:
"I can tell you're getting nervous, so do yourself a service"
Here "nervous" isn't being used to mean "scared" but rather "anxious" or "tense." I think Polites is calling out the fact that Odysseus is going 'fight or flight' mode despite everything being calm/no threat in sight.
He then tells Odysseus to have hope.
"Think of all that we have been through, we'll survive what we get in to"
He then starts to call out Odysseus a bit more explicitly (and notice how Odysseus does not contradict him. After his first [and unconvincing imo] "I"m fine, Polites" Odysseus doesn't speak again until the lotus-eaters show up)
(Btw, if you wanna read my breakdown of Polites & Odysseus' relationship [as explicitly depicted in EPIC], I wrote a post about it here)
"I know that you're tired of the war & bloodshed" <-We the audience also know this: "Will these actions haunt my days/is the price I pay endless pain?" (Plus killing Astyanax messed him up)
"Tell me, is this how we're supposed to live?" <- Must we remain in that kill/be killed mindset, always on alert, always warriors first, men second?
"Look at how you grip your sword, enough said" <- I think we can infer that Polites is either calling out the fact that Odysseus hasn't let go of his sword since they left the ship (aka always in 'warrior mode' aka "is this how we're supposed to live?") OR that Odysseus is white-knuckling his sword, (aka he is nervous/ anxious/stressed about a potential attack despite no visible threats)
Either way, in Polites' eyes, this mentality is detrimental to his friends' mental and/or emotional health.
Then we get to the point where I think the misunderstanding started & ended up overshadowing the rest of the song:
"You can show a person that you trust them, when you stop and lower your guard" <- I think we can take this literally (lower your sword until you actually have need of it) or figuratively (be ~emotionally~ vulnerable by asking for help.)
"This life is amazing, when you greet it with open arms" <- It doesn't have to be "endless pain" Life can be beautiful, but you have to stop closing yourself off/seeing everything as a threat first
Polites is arguing that the world is not always out to get you. Sometimes people are decent. Sometimes they are willing (or want) to help you.
It's a bit of "Try extending your hand in greeting before reaching for your sword" (Not everyone will be friendly, but you won't know if you are aggressive from the get-go.)
And a bit "Life is what you make of it" (if Ody treats every stranger like an enemy, then that is what they'll be.)
"We'll be fine if we're leading from the heart" I talk a bit about this in my response here. TLDR; Odysseus is lying to himself when he says he can "Lead from the heart & see what starts" in "Luck Runs Out" because that is not what he is doing,(and his reward is the windbag betrayal) MEANWHILE he does successfully "lead from the heart" while warding off Circe's advances & it's what saves his men/gains Circe's sympathy.
"No matter the place, we can light up the world, here's how to start" <- Again, life is what you make of it. You can make it a good one; not everything is an enemy/potential threat. Stop being a warrior first & go back to being a man
Of course, this doesnt immediately work, because Odysseus greets the world with his sword when the lotus-eaters show up
(Tbh, I find it hilarious that the lotus-eaters' FIRST word is "Welcome" and Odysseus responds to a Friendly Greeting by drawing his sword)
Like, Odysseus is genuinely seeing a threat here, he IS scared "nervous"
His first words to the lotus-eaters is a demand/warning for them to "stay back" (and both their cute voices [going off audio only] or their canonical fluffy designs tell us these are tiny things. They have no weapons, they haven't indicated any aggression, but Odysseus is so high-strung he sees something he might need to fight anyways)
THIS is what Polites has been refering to. THIS is why he's so concerned about his friend. That is not healthy and Odysseus is buckling under the weight of living in "survival" mode/always being "on"
"My friend, greet the world with open arms" <- this isnt Polites horrified Odysseus is responding with aggression/concerned for the innocent lotus-eaters, THIS is Polites (knowing Odysseus is tired of war & bloodshed) reminding his friend that he doesn't have to put himself through this. There IS another way. These creatures could be friendly, "Maybe they'll share some food, who knows?" Maybe, maybe not, but they won't know until they extend a hand first & ask.
And Odysseus does it by half measures *cough* just like all his actions after "Just a Man"*cough*
He lets the lotus-eaters know of their plight "We're only here for food" and threatens them in the next breath "600 men are waiting/stay back, I'm warning you/my men will turn this place into blazes"
He doesn't even ask for food/help, he simply lets the lotus-eaters know they're searching for food, then immediately piles on three additional threats to make sure they don't try anything.
Then of course the lotus-eaters offer food, but not food they can eat & Odysseus becomes dejected (which I think implies he was [sorta] listening to Polites, or at the very least, is so tired/stressed/wrung-out that he was secretly hoping it could be as easy as Polites claims.)
And Polites tries one more time.
"I'd like to show my friend that kindness is brave" <- I've seen so many people call Polites naive. That his optimism is too extreme/and not fit for the world (or at least the world of EPIC) but i would disagree with this common interpretation as well.
Why is kindness brave? If Polites believed greeting the world with open arms would help them find ONLY friendly strangers (instead of hostile ones or outright foes) then why would kindness be brave. Wouldn't it simply be? After all, what's brave about a sure thing? What's brave about having a get-out-of-danger-free card?
Kindness is brave because sometimes you WILL be met with hostile strangers/foes. But you extend your hand in peace first anyways. You don't know for certain if you will be met with friend or foe. But that does not mean you walk around, one hand on your sword, seeing enemies at every turn. You greet the world with open arms & give strangers the benefit of the doubt first, THEN use force if necessary.
I see Polites' philosophy as similar to Waymond's from EEAAO in that regard.
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Polites, like Waymond, is choosing kindness. Is choosing to be optimistic. Not because he is naive to the ways of the world, but in spite of them. That is how Polites fights against darkness & despair. He is not naive.
When Polites tells the lotus eaters he'd "Like to show my friend that kindness is brave" he knows he's taking a risk. That's why it's brave. He is extending his trust to these creatures in the hopes they'll help/they have no ill intent, BUT being Well Aware he could be met with the latter.
Just because he's optimistic about the outcome doesn't mean he doesnt understand the risk. To refuse to dwell on the negative doesn't mean you're unaware of negative possibilities.
Then Polites reiterates his advice "This life is amazing, when you greet it with open arms" because it doesn't have to all be war & bloodshed & stress. You CAN find goodness in the world, and you'll feel much better if you don't assume everyone & everything is out to get you. And he lets Ody know he's aware of what he's going through/what's upsetting him.
"I seen in your face there is so much guilt inside your heart" <- I genuinely don't know if the crew know Odysseus dropped Astyanax, every time Odysseus references the infant, it's vaguely or as an aside. But even if Polites DOESN'T know Odysseus killed an infant, he still has 10 years of war to draw from (plus the wooden horse/killing sleeping Trojans bit.) Like, Polites is aware of what Odyssues has done, he knows what Odysseus is grappling with. This is not a simple/superficial/naive call for Odysseus to 'cheer up!' Polites knows of the darkness weighing on Odysseus' shoulders & he's telling Odysseus he's allowed to put it behind him.
"So why not replace it, and light up the world" <- He's allowed. It's over. It's behind them. Polites does not want his friend to torment himself forever. Whatever he did, he can move on. He can be a better man that what he was forced to become while at war/Troy (remember, Polites is well aware Odysseus is "tired of the war and bloodshed".)
And how can Odysseus begin to heal from his guit/trauma?
"Greet the world with open arms" <- stop seeing every stranger as a potential enemy/threat. Open yourself up to the possibility that good things happen sometimes. Sometimes, people are kind
"Greet the world with open arms" <- and Odysseus begins to tentatively open himself up to the concept & take Polites' words to heart
"You can relax, my friend" <- you're allowed
Sidenote: I told myself this post would ONLY be about Open Arms (and this ended up being SO Much longer than I anticipated) but I have a few more things to say, so I'll try to be brief.
Warrior of the Mind:
I'm convinced Athena pops in when she does because Odysseus is listening to Polites. He's been eaten by guilt since Astyanax & shyed away from violence in Full Speed Ahead. His nervousness is not very "warrior of the mind" of him. YET Athena doesn't come in to scold Odysseus at any of these points.
It's only when Odysseus sings Polites' chorus back to him, signaling he's opening himself up to the concept of open arms that Athena makes her entrance.
I'm not asserting this, but I think the argument can be made that Odysseus checks out the cave because of Polites. Like, either:
A.) He's giving Polites' advice a try here & now by trusting the lotus eaters/that they mean no ill-intent OR
B.) (less likely probaby??) His friendship/affection for Polites is the sort where he wants to please him. Polites is set on trusting the lotus/showing Odyssues "another way" & Odysseus will humor him because it's Polites asking
(Tho obviously the other explanation is that they are just THAT desperate for food & Odysseus doesn't think they have time to go searching for yet another island when this one (the lotus eater one) already turned out to be a bust
I feel like the general consensus for Polites' section of "Underworld" is that Polites died still seeing/believing in the good of the world OR that his dying wish was for Odysseus to chose nonviolence/pacifism???
(But as you can tell from *gestures at this entire post* I don't subscribe to the idea that "Open Arms" is about nonviolence. THEREFORE)
We know Polites last words/action in life was calling for Odysseus. And, imo, Polites' dying wish was for Odysseus to heal. If "Open Arms" is about Polites' calling out Odysseus' stress/trauma & trying to coax Ody to approach life differently so he can start to move on from the horrors of war.
Then that means, in death, Polites is stuck hoping Odysseus heals. Over & Over Polites sings for his friend to let go of his guilt & try to build a life worth living (not just one have to survive in)
And THAT imo is 1000x sadder than a call for pacifism. Because Polites' dying wish doesn't come true. Odysseus' mental/emotional health grows worse & worse. He pushes everyone away in the Ocean Saga, to the point that his crew of 10 years starts to doubt him! He already "can hardly sleep" in the Circe Saga. The Underworld Saga almost destroys him and it only gets worse from there!
In the Underworld Odysseus is confronted with Polites' love for him. His desire for him to get better. His hope for Odysseus to find peace/happiness.
Polites loved him soooo much, his Final Thoughts were concern for his friend. (Then Ody gets to hear from his mom, who loved him so much she died waiting for his return)
No wonder it breaks him.
[Anyways, if you wanna see my (much shorter) post over how the Wisdom Saga basically argues for/confirms Polites' philosophy Was RIGHT, you can find it here]
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atlasdoe · 6 months
it's currently crying over Amelia Bones and Pandora Lovegood hours so here's a snippet of my Amelia fic :)
One thing could bring her back.
Pandora was standing on the pavement, a few steps away from her. The bags under her eyes were dark and her arms hung by her sides. Amelia had never seen her so defeated.
“What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same question.”
Amelia lifted up the bottle of wine.”I’m celebrating obviously.”
Pandora sighed and moved closer, sitting down next to Amelia on the curb. “You shouldn’t be drinking.”
“I can do what I want.”
Pandora shook her head as Amelia took another swig. “Not when it comes to drinking you can’t. Do you want to end up like Edgar?”
“Don’t talk to me about Edgar,” Amelia snapped. “I’m not responsible for him anymore.”
“It’s not about being responsible for him, it's about being responsible for yourself.”
“I am responsible for myself!”
“No you’re not,” Pandora breathed. “Edgar was responsible for you and you for him.”
“Edgar’s dead.”
“Exactly, so who will be responsible for you now?” she asked, taking Amelia back to the conversation she had with Basheda only hours before.
Who will take care of you?
Why did everyone keep asking her that? She didn’t need anyone to take care of her. She didn’t rely on Edgar that much. She didn’t need him that much. She could live without him.
Couldn’t she?
“I don’t need anyone to be responsible for me,” she said. “I don’t need anyone taking care of me.”
“Everyone needs someone, Amelia. Just because your person has left doesn’t mean that you can do everything alone.” Pandora sighed and carefully reached for the bottle gripped in Amelia’s hand. “Do you want me to call Jamie?”
Amelia almost flinched. “No. No, don't call Jamie. I don’t want him here.”
“You need someone.” she tried again.
“I have you.”
“You don’t have me,” Pandora said slowly. “I’m not that someone.”
“Why not?” she yelled back. “Pandora you’re my best friend, we’ve known each other since we were eleven! I – I love you! Why isn’t that enough?”
Pandora’s expression turned into something between sadness and pity. “Amelia you know I love you also –”
Amelia shook her head. “No –”
“You don’t understand,” They both said at the same time, locking eyes the moment the words left their mouths, both pleading with the other to listen.
Tell her, the voice in her mind screamed. Tell her everything. That this is more than friendship for you. That you love her the way she loves Xenophilius. Tell her every single thing your rotten mind thinks. Tell her that she’s the only reason why you’re still alive. Tell her that she’s kind and caring and beautiful. Tell her that she brightens your day just by smiling and that everytime you see her sad you feel like carving out a hole in your heart. Tell her about all the things you would do for her if only she’d give you the chance. Tell her about all of the times you fell harder and harder for her eyes. Tell her that she is loved. Tell her that you love her and that you will always love her no matter what she does. She could scream at you, she could ignore you, she could kill someone, or hurt someone, or burn the entire world to the ground and you wouldn’t even blink. Tell her that she could choose every single slytherin, every single boy over you and you would still run whenever she came calling. Tell her that no matter what she is loved, because she is Pandora Lovegood and you are Amelia Bones and there is not one universe where she is not the love of your life, even if there isn’t one where you are the love of hers.
Tell her. Tell her. Tell her.
They both opened their mouths at the same time, but Pandora got her words out first.
“I’m engaged,” she said.
Amelia’s mouth snapped shut as she swore to never open it again.
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controld3vil · 3 months
here we stand
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pairing: jacerys velaryon x mormont!reader
synopsis: news had broken out that the throne has been usurped. jacerys rides his way to winterfell, the end to the north where he meets cregan stark. and in evidently, you, lady mormont of bear island.
notes: first of all, HE LOOKS SO GOOD w/ long hair !! also this mentions the first scene in s2 ep 1, i just tweeked a few things where now jacerys receives the terrible news days after getting acquitted in at winterfell. and bc i wished for more jace & cregan interaction >:( no beta reading btw !!
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Duty is sacrifice.
All know of it. It bypasses any blood or foe. To honor one's duty is to sacrifice one's possessions. And oaths can last long over through generations. It is bypassing children and their children. It is the utmost fidelity any honorable man should know. If for the Seven Kingdoms and everyone at stake at what's beyond the Wall. A barrier that towers over seven hundred feet from what lies more gruesome than death.
Your cousin, Cregan Stark took up the responsibility as Lord of Winterfell, sometime after the passing of his father, Rickon Stark. He's a noble lad, he took upon the role at the age of six and ten. He was young but quickly learned how to command and serve the people. Much like his House's words, he understood what was coming. Though unexpected news of an envoy from Dragonstone had landed him in monetary consideration. Of what's to come with his men and the upcoming raging war.
"This is only late summer snow, my prince. In winter it will cover all you see and all memories of warmth will be forgotten." The metal chamber that brings them to the top of the Wall stops and both men walk out into the cold winter bridge. It's desolate and high in altitude.
Jacaerys could only imagine what it would feel like in wintertime, where there is nothing else but ice. "It pleases me that over a century ago our ancestors were treated in this very place. The Conqueror and the King in the North." His brown hair, inches longer, flutters past the cold air. Even with his blood, the descendant of the ferocious fire-breathing creatures, his heart still churns with a chill.
"You at least had the mercy not to threaten me with your dragon." The Lord of Winterfell smiles, eyeing the prince's reaction to the weather. No Southerner would know the true cold past summer.
The crowned prince returns his grin, looking out into the view beyond the Wall. From seven hundred feet above, everything, even the trees and people looked small. A wall that has been built this tall must offer security for what's beyond more terrifying than wildings and foes.
"While your men stand to protect against wildings and weather, the Hightowers plan to usurp my mother's throne. It is the duty of the Seven Kingdoms, and you, as Lord of Winterfell, to uphold your oaths sworn to the heir to the Iron Throne," Jacaerys gaze moves across where his eyes can take him off the Wall. It stretches out ridiculously long with men at every post. He has passed by a few to know whether or not, it was their obligation to join the Night's Watch, it was now their vow to protect this sacred place. However, he needed to remind Lord Stark of his reason for visiting. If the realm remained unbalanced, even Winterfell would not prosper.
"Starks do not forget our oaths, my prince," Cregan restates, with a look of sympathy and seriousness. "But you must know that my gaze will forever fall between the north and south. Here, in the winter, my duty to the Wall is more dire than what I ought in King's Landing. I need my men."
The prince of Dragonstone's look flickers, questionably. Until a holler from one of the watchmen signals Cregan of a visitor. He nods before glancing back at Jacaerys to dismiss him. A soft courtesy of his name before stepping down the post to greet the newcomer.
The cranks of the elevator come to a final stop. Before a pair of boots shuffle out of the old compartment to be met with the face of your cousin. Cregan's eyes meet yours in surprise and you subconsciously feel your shoulders untensed.
"Lady Mormont," He says with utmost respect as he can decipher the faint footsteps from behind Dragonstone's envoy. "What reason may you come to visit the Wall?"
"I received word that a messenger from Dragonstone came," Your bear fur coat holds you snug to protect you from the harsh winds. And your embroidered gloves, made from leather and deer fur have kept your fingers from freezing off during the trip to the edge of Winterfell. Your hands clasp together in an assertion. "Though I can already see he has arrived." Your soft stare transfigures onto Jacaerys and the sudden attention makes him slightly step aback.
Your lord gives you a playful look before turning back. "My prince, this is Lady Mormont of Bear Island. She is a close friend of mine and cousin." As embarrassed as the prince was, he could feel heat run up his spine as Jacaerys struggled to say anything welcoming.
"It is an honor to meet you, Lady Mormont,"
"The pleasure is mine," You blink innocently before addressing yet again your reason for presence. “Come, discuss matters over the fire,” 
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Eventually, a week has gone by with Jacaerys Velayron’s stay. His extended stay has left questions and concerns for the townsfolk. However, Cregan reassures them, replying to them in short curt responses. In all, he explains the prince should rest before riding back to Dragonstone as it was a few days' journey from the North. This brought no rejection from either party and allowed the two boys to catch up and take into consideration the risks. 
You were always welcome at Winterfell. When you were little, your father, Lord Mormont, visited the black castle occasionally to meet with Lord Stark. The maids and servants knew you well as well as the Starks. They treated you like their own blood despite you being a distinct relative from a faraway island. Rare at times would they come to visit your home. Your homeland was not as welcoming as Winterfell some may say. Your House resided over lone shores, topped with horrific rock structures and charcoal reefs. A ruthless and barbaric landmark for the House of the Bear. 
“I appreciate your hospitality, Lord Stark,” Jacaerys starts, holding his ale cup to drink as all of the other guests gather to feast for the night. The three of you alongside Cregan’s son, Rickon, were seated at the high table, enjoying the luxurious scene before you all.
Large condiments of meats, pastries, and wine for the people, nobles of the Northmen. Feasts were something that brought together everyone during harsh times. In times of violence or sorrow, it is the shared appreciation you all must endure to move forward. That is true of what the people of the North had that no other House had. The Velaryron prince gives you an appreciative smile. “And to you, Lady Mormont, I thank you for your sincere support of my mother’s claim.”
“Here we stand,” You raise your goblet, reciting your very House words. True to what it meant, your family stood prepared for what days would come to an end. You understood one day you have a place in something greater when the moment was right and here it was now, lying right in front of you. Mormonts are known to be willing to fight even when the odds are against them. So were you when you declared fealty to Cregan Stark, your dear cousin. Your loyalty towards him would only mean you would go to the ends of the Earth to fulfill your promise. “And here we fight for the queen.” 
Despite not having Rhaenyra, her son knew she would be fond of you. Your attitude and strong integrity were something few held at King’s Landing. He acknowledged that people may not agree with his mother’s claim. However, there will always be those who still believe and support her. You are one of those people. Despite being hundreds of miles away from King’s Landing, Cregan and you showed fealty and loyalty to the oaths sworn nearly a decade ago. Some day, he wishes his mother would meet you. 
“Of course,” Cregan begins, settling his cup down, before patting for his son to come towards him. “With the men we have, it is guaranteed they’d be ready to march the earliest as of the morrow” Rickon starts off his wooden seat and shuffles to his father’s lap. A clumsy stumble and the Lord of Winterfell picks up the child with ease with a soft smile. “From there, the men will march to King’s Landing.”
“Then I should leave by the morrow,” Rhaenyra’s son places his arms on the table.
Your heart skips a half second, knowing that the time you spent together would be short-lived eventually. The prince was sent as a messenger, nothing more. His stay was long overdue, though no word from Dragonstone has the eyes of the ravens yet. It sinks to you momentarily when you place the last piece of meat into your mouth and down the last drops of your ale. 
“Yes, your visit has been short-lived,” Your cousin sighs, too aware of how the brief meeting would be over. Jacaerys was a good friend, being the same age as him, Cregan felt well acquainted with him. He had only wished that they had met under different circumstances and times. Perhaps when war wages on, they would meet again on the battlefield or after they have won against the Greens. Speculation of what was next was unknown. “But you have our support, my prince. Do not fret, we will prepare for what the Hightowers plan.” 
Jacaerys nods, understandably. He turns to you who sweetly bobs your head in agreement. How delicate your features looked in the dim ambers of the Winter halls. He’s enamored by your presence with how often he gravitates towards your direction.
He had always assumed Northern women would be different from Southerners. They were different. Northerners were divine in their way. You excluded such poise and delicacy, Jacaerys sometimes couldn’t help but become curious of you. Your hobbies, what you liked to do, what was your favorite food, and your most desired ambitions. Southerners in King’s Landing were graceful and fragile like the summer breeze. However, you were like a chilly snow cast. The cold, it’s welcoming and he constantly feels chills running down his spine whenever your eyes meet. 
“Now what do you think of the North?” Your lord light-heartedly brings up to lighten the mood. You and Cregan enjoyed the short mornings with the prince. The limited time you shared allowed for intimate discussions and a way to become acquainted with one another. The people, how things functioned, and how you adapted to the cold. It’s far much different than what he’s accustomed to in Dragonstone, where his home echoed through miles.  Compared to the North, Winterfell was exceptionally enormous but had a sense of home and warmth. 
“It’s different from Dragonstone,” The brown-haired envoy laughs, showing quite fond forever his home. “My home resides by the sea, surrounded by the high tides and rough shores. The castle is covered in obsidian stone and is known to be indestructible. My family has lived there for centuries now.” 
“How fascinating,” Your cousin breathes, showing his teeth. “I’ve heard stories about Dragonstone. Some say you can find dragon eggs deep in the mountains.”
“That is true, our dragons reside in caves. They lay their eggs in crystallized magma. Our dragon masters look after the eggs and know when the time is right to harvest them.” 
“What happens when a dragon egg doesn't hatch?” You lean your head forward, hands clasped together again. Learning about his family and their customs kept your interest for a long time. Not many Southern Houses come to visit from King’s Landing. They rather stay where it is warm and avoid the uncomfortable weather and travel to the North. Your eagerness was appreciated when Jacearys considered your question. 
“We wouldn’t know for sure when they would or would not hatch. We simply wait it out.” He quirks a gentle smile when your gaze is sort of magnetic. It’s like you were in a trance every time he spoke of anything he was interested in. 
“How long have you waited for one to hatch?” Cregan picks up his cup again to refill while his son pivots to run to the other side of the table, only to be greeted by you. With big smiles, you gladly carried the child to your side. 
“A few years,” Jacearys remembers the day well. He remembers his brother Joffrey, struggling and whining to his mother about his egg. He was as young as four, however in the first three years of his life, his dragon had not hatched. It’s a mystery when the dragon decides to break out of its shell. He was fortunate with Vermax after months of being born, his companion was right beside him from the start. Lucerys had a similar reaction. Rhaenyra often told stories of many instances of good and bad hatchlings alongside their rider. Some may not have been awakened by its rider, for they might have been dead already. The unknown enigma of those ferocious beasts pales in the prince’s head.
“It must’ve been unpleasant,” You joked, hugging Rickon tightly, having his cheek meet with yours. The young boy giggles loudly, taking hold of both of your cheeks in excitement. 
The atmosphere felt sublime and almost too perfect. Here in the warmth and formality of the Stark Household, everyone was lively and heeded no sorrows. How the prince wished upon the same for Dragonstone. If only the realm was brought together and the Hightowers had not usurped his mother’s throne despite her rightful claim. Would his family be united and happy finally?
He wasn’t sure as Jacaerys had never known familial love on his mother’s side. Both of his uncles vexed him, Luke and Joffrey. Helaena was kind, however, never showing malice towards him and his brothers. But the Hand of the King, and Queen Regent. Quiet in their schemes and distaste for bastards. 
Affection is what fills the prince’s chest with glee. As he scans the dining room of men, women, and children, they all feast and brawl over pointless endeavors. The scent of mead and hot fresh meat fills the room with chaotic laughter and nonsensical bubbling. In another time and place, Jacaerys would have been thrilled to visit Winterfell during this time of year. 
And his gaze slowly follows the wisp of your faint figure by the fireplace. With the heir of House Stark, you blow raspberry kisses against Rickon’s hot cheeks. As the boy squeals in delight, grabbing at the ends of your hair like ropes on the ship, bouncing them back and forth. You were good to Rickon, Jacaerys knows you care for the boy like it were your son. He thinks Cregan is grateful to have someone's endearment and protection toward his son. For the lack of a maternal figure had been long gone. You would be a great mother one day, he deciphers. You constantly fiddle Rickon’s hair which reminds him of his mother when he was little. 
It was such a faint memory that stuck in his mind whenever he saw you with the children. Rhaenyra would question him if she were here. Mothers had a knack for spotting things such as things. The prince knew of his interest in you. However, would you do the same if he made them clear as day?
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You never said anything to him. It makes him question if you were truly interested or not. You’ve shown fondness over meals and spoke of jokes whenever he came out to the stables, where his poor dragon, Vermax, gruntled in the snow. 
“I’m sorry the farmers could not do much to help your dragon!” You shouted out one day in the early sunrise. He takes a few steps from his companion to find you in white fur coats and boots. You looked beautiful, the color suits you. As elegant and dainty as the pigment of his mother’s hair. Your locks were braided halfway with the rest, flowing down from your ears to your shoulders. “We don’t often have dragons visit us in the North!”
The prince laughs with small puffs of his breath becoming visible. “The stable boys did a fine job in accompanying Vermax.” At the call of his dragon’s name, it slowly hovers over his dragon rider. It purrs warmly in the frost as your eyes glower in fascination.
“He’s beautiful,” Your voice is nearly breathless at the size difference Vermax has over the buildings and people. It is a creature that comes far beyond your imagination and fairy tales. It's olive green scale prickle in delight as your eyes began to wonder back and forth. Dragons were rare in the North and it must’ve been a relentless recurrence for the people in King’s Landing. 
The prince hums before kicking a chunk of frozen dirt. He makes an effort to be bold for once. “Would you like to pet him?” 
You looked shook and it made him struggle to keep a composed posture. You stumble to make any words come out of your mouth. “I- May I?” 
“Of course,” The dragon rider comes forward and grabs your hand, dragging himself closer to the beast. The sudden contact and closure make your heart beat faster than anticipated. As you find yourself glancing up at its reptilian eyes. In horror, you hold your ground, wanting nothing more than to back away. “It’s alright, he won’t hurt you.” 
Jacery’s reassurance doesn't comfort you as you resist his grip on your wrist. Vermax merely stands, grumbling in curiosity as to your stricken presence. It’s trying to inquire about your anxiety when it was the reason for it in the first place.
Taking a short take of air, you stand in place. You did your best to calm your breathing, feeling a hand on your lower back to support you. Your dainty eyes meet the prince. And within contact, it felt as though you felt everything would be alright. His touch soothed your racing heart as you excelled forward, step by step closer to the beast. For you, it must’ve felt like the clock had slowed down when you were merely inches away from Vermax. Its enormous size was breathtaking and you could make your lungs free of oxygen again. 
Yet your state of mind returns when the queen’s heir comes into view. The air felt a tension between fear and anxiety. It was both exhilarating and terrifying for someone who has never seen a dragon up close before. You took the last big step when you lifted your fingers above its nose. 
Vermax shivered and at the last minute, you wanted to back out. Until Jacaerys hand envelopes over your hand to pet his companion. With such care and attentiveness, you should have realized the prince’s advances towards you by now.
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The Godswood was a welcoming pastime you’ve grown to respect. With the decline in visits, you’ve come to value the historic tree for what it stood for and the ancestral value it had over your people. Cregan did not mind whenever you went away to pay your respects. He knew how important it was to you to respect the old gods and the new. War was coming. If you were going to support Rhaenyra, you only wish for your men to come out victorious. 
You were no war-picking woman. But death was something you’ve come to accept recently. The passing of Rickon Stark brought a hole in your heart. You mourned in your ways, and so did Cregan when you had heard he had taken the mantle as Lord of Winterfell. He still is a young man, barely over six and ten. The best you could do was offer your presence and time. To him, being present with the people and acting lively was enough for him to regain his mind. Everyone looked up to Rickon for what he stood for and the House. There is no doubt Cregan would do the same in the coming time to King’s Landing. 
“It’s saddening, isn’t it?” You breathe into the crisp air, only to feel your throat grow dry. But the person behind you knows you were referring to them. “How war affects us all.” 
The prince of Dragonstone steps out from the shadows. His steps were slow and gruff, still worn out from the feast and the massive amount of ale that was offered to him. But you were the only thing that had piqued his interest. You were quiet, not expecting an answer from him. Until he stepped and stopped right beside you, shoulders nearly touching but inches apart. Your bear coat was held loosely on you as he recalled you too struggled to leave the dining table. You all drank too much tonight. 
“The Godswood know of it all. They see everything,” The bear bronze sigil shines past his peripherals when he cannot meet your gaze. You were not drunk enough to do something reckless but not too sober to do anything either. 
In return, all you could ever see was Jacaerys furrowed expression. He’s contemplating something. But you choose to stare and take in his features with such interest and curiosity. His soft and tranquil pout resembles much of a wolf you’ve seen. As though his curly strands, which you would imagine, are dim to the touch. The prince holds assertiveness in his duty, falling into the role of heir as for his queen. Perhaps he’s everything that his mother stood for. You admired it. 
“Know you and your men's contributions would be known,” He whispers, it’s clear you could feel his breath close to your neck. The dark clouds could not even hide the indisputable truth. The crescent moon gleams somewhere in the far distance you can’t seem to find. But you know what’s true. Because moments ago, you could discern his distance inches away. Now it seems that he wants to close the gap by the second. “And that…”
“That we did our duties, nothing more.” You pant, unable to keep your eyes from moving from his gaze and lips. Strands of his dark brown hair trickle against your cheeks as you take one last glimpse at your prince. If any of this was acceptable. You wouldn’t exceed further to know he’d reject your proclaimed assumptions. 
But nothing happens. It was as though the chill in the air had changed. When another figure reappears out of the shadows and into the light. Jacaerys distances himself from you. While you did your best to compose yourself for being caught red-handed by a servant boy.
“My Lady,” The innocent boy chants, as he holds up a scroll. “A message from Dragonstone.” Jacearys’s eyes shot up as you were given the letter. The moment you give the signal of approval, the servant boy leaves into the abyss and back into the cabin. 
You unlatched the curly paper and patiently read its contents. The prince carefully awaits, every so longing to catch any misdemeanor you would have upon what letter had. He hopes and wishes it is good news more than anything. But you held a stone-cold expression and when you looked up at him, he could only discern sorrow with the words that come out of your mouth.
“I’m sorry, my prince.”
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carlsangel · 3 months
(for curvy!fit!fem!reader. reader has known carl since the start!!!!)
tags: fluff!!! little tiny pieces of angst
masterlist here!
btw, these headcanons go farther than season 8, aka if carl hadn’t…you know -_-
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✦ At the quarry, you and Carl would mess around in the woods a lot. You never quite understood what was going on but you guys did your best to stay entertained. He has his own toys and since you didn’t really have the opportunity to take your own or find some, he shared with you and that’s how you became friends.
✦ After Carl got shot you took every opportunity to spend time with him. You practically never left his side at the farm, up until the prison. After Lori passed, you tried your best to give him space but at some point you helped him realize that being cold wasn’t the solution to grief. The prison was the start to his large crush on you and yours on him.
✦ When Carl got his gun back he taught you how to properly clean a gun, you were trained back at the farm like he was. Cleaning his gun was an activity he liked doing so he invited you, his favorite person to share the fun with. He loved doing that but also reading comics so sometimes he would invite you into his cell just to sit there and quietly read. He enjoyed your presence even if you were just quiet the whole time.
✦ Reading comics was something he’d share with you for a while after the prison. You stayed with him through the fall of the prison and you experienced probably the worst of the worst beside him. After everything, the Claimers and Terminus, he felt okay but only because you were there with him. “Are you okay?” You ask. “Im okay. As long as you’re here.” He replies, sort of shyly. This was what helped him realize how much he loves you. He wanted to express that to you without directly saying it and he did that by using physical affection or giving you objects he think you’d like.
✦ At the church, he sat down with you on one of the pews and gave you a small gift. The day before, right after Terminus the group separated to look for supplies. Him and Michonne searched a house and he ended up finding a small dinosaur keychain he thought you’d like.“I found something for you.” he tells you. He pulls it out and gently plops it in your palm. “I thought maybe you’d like it…for your backpack.” After that and seeing your reaction, he knew he wanted to be with you.
✦ You were really hesitant about Alexandria, you were worried it would fall apart just like the prison did. Carl was able to convince you that it’d be good for you, even if some of the group thought otherwise. When you arrived, he held your hand until he was pried away from your side to go do an interview with Deanna. In that interview he mostly talked about you. “She’s really strong…she deserves this more than anyone.” He tells her. You also started your relationship soon after arriving.
✦ Alexandria falling the first time was horrid for you. You were worried it’d never go back to the way it was. Carl getting shot again only made it worse. Although he was the one that was injured, he assured you everything would be okay. Once he woke up and dealt with the reality of losing his eye, you’d cuddle with him just talking about how you wanted your future to be. He’d rest his chin on top of your head which was laid on his chest. “Alexandria will go back to normal soon. One day we’ll be leading this place. You know?”
✦ Throughout the Savior war, you stood beside him and supported him in the decisions he’d made. He basically saved Alexandria and he couldn’t have done it without your support. At the end of it all, his dad took his wish in locking Negan up rather than killing him in order to maintain peace without death.
✦ As time went by, he started to fall more in love with you and he noticed your body more. He loved the way your clothes hugged your curves. He absolutely was infatuated with your body. From that point forward he just touched you ALWAYS. He adored cuddling with you, holding your hand, holding your waist. He hugs you from behind and rubs his hands along your tummy as he kisses your neck. He’s super sweet with you, after the war was over he was happy to just be able to relax and be gentle.
✦ As time goes on and you get older, the both of you take up leadership positions in Alexandria. You get to work together to better Alexandria. At some point you’re able to move into Deanna’s old home. When clearing it out, you find the old camera that she used to interview people. You’d watch each other’s interviews and giggle over the sweet stuff you said about each other.
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a/n: sorry for not really incorporating the curvy part HEJSJFHDH i struggled a tad with that. i started doing match ups!!!! so if u want one u can read the info for that and it’s linked in my masterlist :))) i love u bye!!!!
tag list: @zomb-1-egutzz @lunarnightt @ilikestrawberriesandwomen @hiro--aoki @h00d-tr4sh @callsignwidow
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sansaorgana · 7 months
Hi, I sent in the ask about smut? I was thinking about one where Gale is just so gentle during sex, holding you close and making sure you're okay? I just think he'd be so sweet
hello! 🌷 thank you for the request 👀 I'm a bit rusty with writing smut but I tried my best 😅 Buck and reader are married here and he's back from the war 🥰
btw Viola I'm sorry for using your gif for this 😂 I love you 😘
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
🔞 THIS FIC IS 18+ 🔞
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You missed him so badly all those lonely nights when you blasphemously dreamt of his big hands roaming all over your feverish body, right after praying for his safety. As soon as the prayer ended, the fever started and no amount of pacing around, sipping water from the glass by the bed or reading books could help. It was a fire that only Buck could put out. You slept with the window slightly opened even during winter, writhing and sweating under the covers, whispering his name like it was another prayer. Touching yourself but it was never enough. How could it be?
And now you had him back in your arms and you were paralyzed underneath his body like you forgot how to do anything. It had been some time, of course, but you dreamt of this every night. Yet, there was no power in you to take over and show him how much you had missed him. You just wanted to lay down and savour every moment he spent on pleasing you.
"Baby, we don't have to do it tonight," Gale whispered and you furrowed your brows.
"What do you mean?" you asked and caressed the back of his head. "Are you tired, honey?"
"No, I mean… You seem to be absent," he noticed as his bright eyes searched through your face, worryingly. God, he was so beautiful with his cheek scratched and full lips slightly parted, a golden strand of hair falling down nonchalantly over his forehead. You couldn't believe he was yours and only yours.
"I want it, I just… I missed you so much, Buck. And now you're here with me, you're back, safe and sound, you're back for good and I… It's overwhelming," you confessed, avoiding his gaze.
"Oh, sweetheart," he cooed to you as his big, warm hands worked on pushing your nightgown up, slowly, tickling your skin with his fingertips and causing the goosebumps to appear on your arms. You moaned softly and he brought his lips to yours to give you a big kiss on the lips. "I missed you, too, doll. Every day and every night. You were always on my mind," he confessed in hasty whispers between the passionate kisses.
"I can't believe you've been a good boy, Buck," you giggled but he stopped immediately and cupped your face to make you look at him. His expression was dead serious. "Hey, it was a joke, baby," you explained.
"Don't make jokes like that, (Y/N). I didn't go there to have fun. I left fun here," he looked down at your body and then went back to your eyes. "It was my duty what I did there. I served my country to keep you safe."
"I know," you whispered softly. "Buck, I'm sorry. I know," you nodded and he nodded back before pressing his forehead to yours and going back to kissing you. You got lost in his taste and his sweet breath as you tangled your hands in his golden hair and pulled on it slightly.
Gale helped you to get out of your nightgown and placed lots of small kisses all over your jaw and neck, making you melt whenever he sucked on some sweet spot that would make you see stars. His fingers reached down to pull your panties and rub circles where you needed him the most. He smirked at how wet you already were for him.
"Well, well, well, Mrs. Cleven," he teased and you gasped at the sound of your surname coming out of his mouth in that deep voice of his. You had married shortly before he left so you weren't used to being called that. Not by him. "Is everything alright?" he furrowed his brows.
"I'm fine, sir," you smiled at him and he chuckled as his long fingers finally found their way inside you, curling and rubbing you vigorously. You arched your back at that sensation. It wasn't the real thing yet but it was already much better than what you had to live with until now. It was his very real touch, scratching the feverish itch deep inside that had been making you so frustrated for the past few months. It was like the wedding night all over again. "I'm so happy you're back with me," you whispered softly, almost inaudibly.
"And I'm happy to be back," he leaned in to kiss you all over your face as his fingers explored you gently, taking their time. His warm, muscular chest was pressed to yours and he watched carefully your facial expressions. Each time you winced or whined, he would slow down or stop completely, but at the same time he was getting drunk on your reactions and sweet moans.
"I'm gonna…" you closed your eyes, chasing the high you almost reached.
"No, doll, not yet," Buck stopped and you whined. He took his fingers out of you, leaving you with the painful feeling of emptiness. Instead, he took your panties off completely and got rid of his boxer shorts as well. He was more than ready for you now and you swallowed thickly at the sight.
It had been some time since the last one. And even then, you hadn't been married for long. You didn't get used to that fully yet.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, I got you," he whispered as he put one of his hands under your back to pull you even closer to his chest. You felt his heart beating and his breath on your neck. Your legs opened wider to take him in.
"Mrs. Cleven?" he asked just to be sure. You only let out a nod in response. "Use your words, darling."
"Go on, Mr. Cleven," you crossed your legs behind his back and felt him slowly sliding inside. You throbbed around him, feeling every inch of him stretching you out in the most delicious way. Despite the pain, it was making you see stars from all the pleasure and the fulfillment.
Inch by inch, slowly, soon enough he was all the way in and gave you a moment to adjust to his size. In the meantime, Buck kissed away all the tears that showed up in the corners of your eyes from how overwhelming it felt.
"You're such a good, brave girl, you know that?" he asked and you nodded before kissing him and bucking your hips a little to let him know you were ready for him to thrust inside of you. His hips started to rock, hitting your sweet spot and making you moan out his name over and over again. You were almost out of your breath and completely out of your mind to finally have him like that.
Buck held one of your hands and intertwined his fingers with yours before bringing it up to his mouth to place tiny kisses upon your knuckles.
"I love you," he whispered and you wanted to tell him the same thing badly, but you couldn't. You couldn't say anything else except for his name that you kept saying over and over like a prayer.
"Buck… Buck… Buck…" you let go of his hand and grabbed his bicep to squeeze it and scratch it as you felt the overwhelming waves of pleasure growing inside of you.
"I know, doll," he shushed you and picked up the pace, still holding you close but making sure your bed squeaked as the frame began to hit on the wall gently. The sound alone mixed with your gasps and moans was enough to drive him crazy but he wanted to make you finish first. "Let go for me, baby," he breathed out, watching in awe all of your facial expressions; your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your toes curled and your lips parting lustfully.
"I'm gonna, oh, Buck…" was all you were able to said before exploding around him and getting lost in the pleasure. A few shivers went down your body as you squeezed him and he began to thrust even faster to finish as well. Not long after you felt your insides getting warm and sticky as Buck's sweaty face was inches away from yours. You put your hands behind his head and brought him down for a wet, sloppy kiss.
"Oh, baby," you smiled softly. "It feels so good to have you back."
"Damn it does," he chuckled and kissed your forehead as you giggled. "I'm gonna stay like that for a while, is that alright?"
"Yes, sir," you bit on your lower lip as your right hand started to draw circles upon his chest above you.
Suddenly, the lovely moment was spoiled by the sound of loud barking coming from the downstairs. You rolled your eyes and chuckled.
"Sorry, it's Meatball. I don't think he likes being down there all alone, you know?" Buck explained.
"So, we're gonna let him sleep in our bed?" you asked, unsurely. You didn't mind your husband bringing a whole huge dog from the war but you weren't sure about it invading your personal space so much.
"Might be a good practice," Buck kissed your forehead and finally got out of you and the bed to put his boxer shorts back on. You covered yourself with a blanket and watched him with a soft smile.
"Practice?" you asked, teasingly.
"Before we have babies of our own, Mrs. Cleven," he winked at you and went down to get Meatball. You giggled like a schoolgirl at that as you felt your cheeks heating up.
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mhsdatgo · 8 months
Hotd writers choosing to adapt Mushroom's records out of everything they had in hand is the worst decision they could've ever come up with btw.
It's been stated time and time again that while F&B is purely built on records and gossip and morphed retelling of events out of bias and propaganda, Mushroom is the LEAST reliable of all the sources. He's a fool at Rhaenyra's court, his job is make people gasp and laugh, not retell historical events.
We're talking about the same guy who said that he had a penis large enough to match the size of his head, mind you. Also, he's obsessed with little girls giving BJs to Targaryen men somewhere in Flea Bottom. It's happened twice according to him.
The writers' reasoning for this choice is basically that F&B was written by Maesters and Septons, who were all greedy men, apart from being Green supporters. So anything they say is false, anything they say is written with sexist intent. Writer's intention was to do the exact opposite.
Then tell me, for the love of God, tell me, why is every woman apart from Rhaenyra, who is clearly whitewashed and I can go into heavy detail about that, basically shunned?
The Maesters claim Alicent left Viserys' body to rot and swell for days preparing and LEADING Rhaenyra's usurpation. She's the leader of the Greens, she and she alone. Not Otto. The Green Council answers only to her orders, they are loyal to HER.
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I've seen people argue that since Alicent is what Maesters view as an "ideal" woman, then they would try anything to paint her in the best light possible. While I agree that this may be true, I don't think this is the case. In history books, even in real life, women are rarely painted as leaders or important figures.
For Queen Alicent to be written as THE face of the Greens, you know this mama wasn't playing around.
Now, how is this:
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In ANY WAY, even comparable to THIS?:
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At the end of ep.8 and quite literally the entirety of ep.9, Alicent is shown as a lost woman who doesn't even seem to know what she's doing, pushed by Viserys' last words about prophecy rather than SHEER DESIRE to get her hands dirty for her children's safety (which by the way will always be superior imo). The Green Council conspires behind her back, and on top of it all, she's yelled at by one of her own men and is made to take it like a beaten dog.
Moreover, we had Helaena's ROAST (yes it was a roast, my Queen inherited cunty lines from her cunty mother) against Aegon and her coronation, the latter being addressed as something quite wholesome, if you ask me. Alicent places her own crown upon her daughter's head and calls her "my Queen" after kissing her cheeks and kneeling. Afterwards, her and Alicent are literally written to be the only ones who could get through Aegon II's thick skull when he wanted to start the war right then and there as a result of Rhaenyra crowning herself on Dragonstone.
You hear me??? Aegon sat down and fucking listened to the two women in his life. Not the Council, them. These two were dogwalking him, the KING, on the daily, how is that sexist writing on the Maesters' part????
Yet these things are nowhere to be seen in Ryan Condal and Sara Hess' "progressive" show. We got beaten dog Alicent and Helaena being nothing but a walking spoiler machine other than yet another instrument to paint Aegon as the big bad wolf and usurper. Not a single scene of them counseling Aegon.
Baela and Rhaena have nearly no lines or scenes that don't show them in the presence of the Strongs. They are seemingly okay with anything Rhae throws their way because it's Rhae. The one and only scene about Baela openly speaking to her grandma about her wish to fight for Rhaenyra was deleted.
Meanwhile, Rhaenyra is stripped of her rage and thirst for vengeance, and instead made to negotiate for peace while in the books she was the one pushing to go to war first.
Can you tell me, again, how the fanfiction that is Hotd supposed to prove that they want to be "progressive" in contrast to the Maesters' "sexist" work, when literally all they do is whitewash Rhaenyra and sideline any woman who isn't her?
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wilcze-kudly · 24 days
I've honestly always loved the scene between Zuko and Katara in the Crystal Caves during the Crossroads of Destiny, even though it's been kinda diluted by shipping discourse.
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I love how this scene showcases how far Zuko's story has come, but that it still has a ways to go. It's also a great moment from Katara, showing off her compassion and kindness, despite her rightful anger at Zuko. And this moment of "reaching across the aisle" between two children who were forced into something much bigger and crueler than they could ever be apways makes me quite emotional.
But I'm kinda tired of seeing this scene in just that vacuum, when looking at it in relation to two other scenes makes it so much more interesting.
The first scene we can compare this interaction to is pretty obvious, since it's basically "the other half" of Katara and Zuko's moment. It's Iroh and Aang's conversation in the tunnel.
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I adore this scene it's just such a vibe I too would like to walk through a tunnel with a nice old man who gives me good advice (even if said nice old man is a war criminal)
Of course the first obvious parallel between these two converastions is a member of the Gaang (two members who have been most affected by the fire nations actions btw) having a genuine, deep conversation with a banished member of the Fire Nation royal family.
I also think this conversation contrasts Katara and Zuko's conversation very well. It juxtaposes Iroh and Zuko, showing us how far Iroh has come and how far Zuko still has to go.
I think it's very symbolic that Katara and Zuko connect mainly on their pasts, while Iroh and Aang do about the present and future.
Two quotes in this conversation stand out to me particularly.
Iroh: Perfection and power are overrated. I think you were very wise to choose happiness and love.
It not only relates to Aang's current predicament, but it also foreshadows Zuko's dissatisfaction with his life after he returns to the Fire Nation at Azula's side. After Zuko helps "kill" Aang and take over Ba Sing Se, he has acheived what he believed would be his version of perfection, while also getting back the power he was born into. But he is miserable. He's dissatisfied, wracked with guilt and constantly second guessing himself and the world around him. He even says this: During the meeting, I was a perfect prince... the son my father wanted. But I wasn't me.
But Zuko was also unable to fully choose a simple life of peace and happiness in Ba Sing Se, choosing to fight Azula when she attacks him and Iroh. Because he still subconciously was searching for that feeling of power and wasn't ready to allow himself to prioritise things other than his honour. He wanted to fight Azula and prove himself, but he just eneded up allowing himself to be captured by the overwhelming force of the Dai Li.
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While Iroh has learnt to see the merit in a simple life and actively rejects the power (for better or for worse) that comes with his status as a member of the royal family.
Iroh: I don't know the answer. Sometimes, life is like this dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving, [Aang earthbends the rocks away one last time. Iroh's fire blows out. He smiles.] you will come to a better place.
Of course, this quote could relate to many things, including just the whole story of the show, but it also obviously relates to Zuko's redemption arc. Zuko's story is the epitome of continuing to slowlu crawl through a dark tunnel until you reach a better place. He stagnates and stumbles occasionally, but he keeps goingm and eventually gets there.
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He reaches his better place.
It's interesting to see the contrast between Zuko and Katara's interaction and that of Iroh and Aang.
I think the scene in which Aang and Katara split off from Zuko and Iroh.
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Aang and Iroh maintain eye contact, and Aang even gives a respectful bow. While Katara tries to make eye contact with Zuko, but he turns his gaze away, as if ashamed of his moment of weakness. Eye contact is very important is ATLA's visual storytelling, as I've spoken before in my post analysing the mutuality of Kataang's gaze.
I believe this scene foreshadows Zuko siding with Azula and Iroh siding with the Gaang at the end of the episode. Iroh and Aang have reached an understanding, and therefore, they are represented as facing each other and parting on good, respectful terms.
While in Katara and Zuko's case, Katara tries to make a similar connection with Zuko, however he rejects that connection. Ultimately this forces Katara to turn her back on him too, which may foreshadow her rightful anger at him in B3.
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Ok, so the first interaction I want to metion gives us a bit of insight to Zuko, but what about Katara?
For that we have to go all the way back to B1, to an episode that I don't really see talked about in relation to Katara's story. Jeong Jeong is only the second friendly firebender Katara has encountered in probably her entire life, the first being Shayu, with whom she had very little interaction. Of course, I think this would at least give her pause.
Jeong Jeong and Katara's conversation is very short, but I think it had a great impact on Katara.
Jeong Jeong : You have healing abilities. The great benders of the Water Tribe sometimes have this ability. I've always wished I were blessed like you - free from this burning curse. Katara: But you're a great master. You have powers that I will never know. Jeong Jeong: Water brings healing and life. But fire brings only destruction and pain. It forces those of us burdened with its care to walk a razor's edge between humanity and savagery. Eventually, we are torn apart.
Jeong Jeong is the polar opposite of the firebender archetype Katara had in her head. He's thoughtful, disciplined and very careful with his firebending. Jeong Jeong's hatred of his own firebending also stands as a contrast to Katara considering her waterbending a vital and beautiful part of who she is as a person.
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I always found it interesting that outside of Aang, Jeong Jeong was one of the first people in the series to respect Katara as a waterbender and see her potential, as he even connects her abilities to great waterbenders. It's especially a stark difference to how he treated Aang, the literal Avatar.
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The way Jeong Jeong talks about firebending also reflects what Katara has seen herself of it.
Yet she pushes back at his self depreciation, showing that she still sees the value of his abilities. This foreshadows Katara's compassion for the people of the Fire Nation, especially when paired with Sokka's distrust of them.
I also think it's quite interesting that healing is often involved in Katara's attempts to connect with Fire Nation people. Her first connection is with Jeong Jeong, then she offers to heal Iroh, later Zuko's scar, she heals people in the village during the Painted Lady incident. Finally, the crowning jewel of this series of events is her healing Zuko after the Agni Kai.
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This is especially poignant in the story of her and Zuko's relationship, with Katara offering her healing services to him twice, but being either rejected or interrupted. And finally she does heal him at the very end of the show, after he took lightning for her, symbolising a "bridging the gap", so to speak.
I think Katara and Zuko's conversation ties back to Katara's interaction with Jeong Jeong for a few reasons. Firstly, there's the obvious of Katara having a moment with a firebender with a facial scar. Also Katara's wording when she offers to heal Zuko's scar: instead of saying that she's a healer, she says "I have healing abilities ", which is exactly how Jeong Jeong described her power.
Ans once again, Jeong Jeong is the one to protect Katara and buy her time to escape, ehile Zuko betrays her. This once again just shows how far Zuko has yet to go before B3.
I've always thought that the way ceratain Avatar scenes intertwine with themes and similarities is very fascinating and fun to pick apart.
The scene between Zuko and Katara is profound, but I think it's often viewed in isolation, be it due to people wearing ship goggles or it just standing our more. But I think one of the reasons it's so wonderful is that it interweaves into so many other events of "reaching across the isle", of our protagonists connacting with firebenders. It's not just a good character moment for Zuko and Katara, it's a mark that connection and peace with the Fire Nation is possible, that it can be acheived, that it slowly is being acheived. Every one of these interactions is unique, but they all form a good foundation for B3, when we really get into humanising the Fire Nation civillians.
The scene between Zuko and Katara is beautiful not only because of what it is, but also because of what it symbolises: the hope of peace.
Ok this was "stating the obvious", once again brought to you by Quill in their pretentious humanistics student hat. I like to vomit words and some of you like to read them! So thank you if you have read them
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cannellee · 7 months
HI-HI! I've been really enjoying your alpha! tokyo revengers fics and I was wondering if you were taking requests?
If so, could you do yandere! alpha! Kawata twins fighting over omega! reader before deciding to just share the reader? Like, the reader now has to deal with two yandere alphas who are working together.
You don't have to do it if you're too busy!! I just thought it would be a fun idea to explore and read.
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yandere! alpha! kawata twins x omega! reader
tw : assault, rape attempt, curse words, possessive behaviour, isolation, sequestration, soft yanderes (sorry I made it extremely angsty for some reasons??)
my masterlist : ☆
(I feel like I didn't exactly answered your request, I still hope you'll enjoy reading it!
btw I'm trying a new format, different from my usual headcanons, I tried to make it as less boring as possible and not write anything unnecessary but I'm not sure... I would love to hear your thoughts !)
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as far as you remember, it's always been the three of you. since you were little, your joyous friend group did everything together.
school hours were spent with you trying to appease their arguments, playing with them and going back home hands in hands.
as a kid, you were less aware of your surroundings and what was happening around you. you had a dynamic you were very much pleased with, smiley taking the role of your alpha, angry following meekly his brother, and you, you were their omega. they looked after you, with clumsy attempts at impressing you, growling to other kids when they were being mean.
to them it was clear since age 5, you are their omega. you never gave it too much though, at the time you simply went along with it, you growing instincts beckoning you to follow what your two alpha friends told you.
you noticed growing up that they became very dependent on you. the both of them seem to always know where you were, trying to be the first to help you carry your bags after you went grocery shopping, helping you with homework and asking questions about who hung out with today.
you liked this routine, and accepted gladly their presence. you were so close, it was only natural for them to stay close to you.
however, the older you became, the more they acted out of line. you could forgive them once or twice, but it soon became too much to bare.
their once innocent bickering, turned into a full war to see who was better suited for you. you surely hadn't expected this turn of event, angry having always went along with his brother's every words, seeing his in such a confrontation surprised you.
high school was tough. being in separated classes gave you a few hours break, but considered the interrogation which followed right after, you didn't know which was worse.
lunch period was spent in a secluded area where you gave to each their lunchbox. this was something they requested and eagerly waited every day. being able to taste their omega's cooking was a privilege they didn't take lightly!
careful though to prepare them identical, otherwise, - if one was to notice how you accidentally gave the other a bigger portion, or how you placed the sauce in a heart shape while the other couldn't witness that same attention in his- you would be met with a fight.
at first, they would verbally fight each other, cursing the other. however they recently started throwing hands, probably coming to the conclusion that it was the most effective method to assert dominance over the other.
sadly, none of these ever came to a decent end. they either would both tire the other out without any real "winner", or you would successfully stop them.
the situations really stressed you out, you didn't like them baring their teeth at each other. they're your precious friends and it makes you feel so sad to see them so hostile. whenever they went too far, unable to talk them out of their nonsense, your sent turned sour, incredibly painful to the nose, their behaviour even forcing a few whines out of you.
this would pull them of any trans they found themselves in seconds ago, stopping in their tracks to cradle you in their arms. your teary eyes and trembling lips did their job right, they hated that sight of you. how could they be the ones provoking such awful reactions out of you ? them who swore to protect and care for you.
"it's okay omega, we're so sorry"
"we didn't mean to scare you, it's over now please don't cry"
it seemed to be the only moment when they stopped to argue and instead focused on your wellbeing, their scent mixing with the other and completely showering you with their comforting pheromones.
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to assume their aggressiveness doesn't go beyond their fraternal relationship would be wrong. you can't even count the number of time they teamed up to get rid of one of your poor classmates. they got too close to you, they said. you didn't like that one bit, nonetheless, you had little to no control over your entourage.
if angry or smiley considered someone to be too shady, threatening or unworthy of your time, they were quick to scare them off, no matter the irony behind their actions.
the same goes to anybody, really. they don't have to be associated with weird business to not being allowed to approach you. a male ? a friend with too much influence? someone who dares speak up about the twins' strange possessive behaviour with you ? or worst, an alpha ? all of them are nowhere near you the moment they surprise you talking to them.
a few broken ribs, a beaten up face and threats will keep them at bay from their precious omega.
by the end of the first month, everyone's heard of the rumour concerning you. and even though it's hard to confirm them, nobody's crazy enough to attempt finding out. and with the way you always smell of the two alphas' pheromones, it seems plausible.
you don't miss the worried glance thrown your way, or the hurried and panicked apologies whenever someone accidentally bumps into you.
having no one else to turn to, you spend all of your days either alone or with angry and smiley. they love it, love how you now rely on them. of course they'll give you all of their time !
they coax you into coming at their place more often, not caring if you miss a few classes. their bickering lessened, you note. but you can feel the tension in the air, whenever smiley's hand caresses you too close to your breast, angry is quick to yank it away. but they say nothing, your cries from last time being a lesson they'll never forget.
you spend a few nights there, watching movies while cuddling. you're able to find comfort in their arms, surrounded by their familiar scents.
despite how they tend to go overboard when it comes to you, you've never once felt threatened or in danger by their side.
actually, that's when you feel the safest. late night walks are no longer a foolish desire, they'll walk with you, each one on one side of you, watchful and alert. whether it's their reputation or the strong aura they emit, you've never been bothered when you're with them. you can't say the same when you go out alone, even during daytime. that's why you like the protection they provide.
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they take you wherever you want. they always try to loose the other, angry making you walk faster when smiley has his back turned.
it never seems to work though, and at the end it's always the three of you.
they're always observant, especially in crowded areas. you really wanted to go to an amusement park, and upon seeing your hopeful eyes, they reluctantly agreed, already dreading how you'll be exposed to the eyes of countless of strangers.
"don't wander away y/n, we don't want to loose you, okay?"
you happily nod, too focused on what you could do next.
angry is tightly holding your hand while his brother is buying you a treat. the queue is long and you suggest that you go and try your luck at another stall.
you watch angry doing his best to earn that big plushy you had your eyes on earlier. you stay on the sidelines, softly cheering on him. while letting him focus on shooting the balloons, your eyes wander over the next stall. the prizes are even better and you tell him you're going to check the prices. you don't wait to check if he heard you and get going immediately, eyes glued to the huge teddy bear.
you slalom between the people, until you're able to see more clearly. this one is the same price, might as well try it too you thought.
you went to join back angry when a strong smell prevented you from doing so. a massive hand grips your arm before you can even do anything and you're dragged in the forest near the stalls.
the music is slowly fading away as you trash around. you're scared, unable to free yourself from this man.
he pins you against a tree, the darkness around you making it harder for you to make out his face. all you know is that his voice is low and frightening.
"what's a pretty omega like you doing here all alone, hm?"
he pulls your chin up, grabbing your ass. you froze instantly, eyes shutting on their own.
"come on, you can't tell me you went there without expecting something like that to happen"
time seems stuck, you can't help yourself from shaking and each of his movements send you into an even more distressed state.
his scent reeks, it's all over you. pleas leave your mouth one after another and you so desperately want angry or smiley to find you. surely they're looking for you now ? angry has noticed you weren't there anymore and alerted his brother, you hope.
"fuck, omegas like you always make me so fucking hard", he laughs, his hands undressing you despite your attempts at taking them off of you.
you successfully kick his nose, taking advantage of the moment of surprise to make a run for it. you almost instantly regret your act as soon as you feel him tackle you to the ground, having no problem getting to you, this alpha being obviously faster than an omega.
"you fucking bitch! quit trashing around and take it"
a slap is all it takes to stop all movements from you. the silence is excruciating, a ringing sound in your ears and his excited breaths as he unbuckles his belt are the only thing you seem to hear. your tears cascade over your cheeks. you don't dare move.
"there you go, now that's more like it. discipline always works with your dumb brains, fucking omegas.."
you shut your eyes, not wanting to see anything more, when you're suddenly freed from the painful weight over you. still, you don't move a muscle.
you hear your name being shouted and gentle arms making you sit.
"y/n ? y/n please are you okay ?"
you recognize smiley's voice and pheromones. you lean into him, accepting wholeheartedly the comfort he's providing.
you open your eyes to an extremely pissed off smiley. he's caressing your face, pushing a few strands of hair behind your ears.
"everything's fine now, angry is taking care of that bastard"
at the mention of his brother, when you turn your head to the side, you're hit by a bloody vision, one you never saw, before smiley tear you from it.
"don't look y/n. listen, we'll just go home okay? don't worry about anything, you're safe now. we're so sorry we couldn't get there sooner"
you can only nod, still very sensitive and vulnerable from what you just experienced. the sounds of angry beating up the alpha to death doesn't appease you one bit. with frantic pupils and distressed whimpers coming from you, angry does everything to keep his composure. the sight of his panic omega is atrocious and he can't believe it happened while you were with them.
he carries you in his arms, still making sure you can't see angry, "angry stop, you're scaring her"
it takes a moment, but you eventually stop hearing punches and bones being broken. then you're given a tender squeeze, your clothes dampened by blood.
you look up and see angry, his usual warm smile gone and instead looking at you with ferocious eyes. you cuddle closer to smiley's neck, nose buried in his scent gland. he's purring, hoping that'll ease you up.
the way back home is silent. you're covered with their jackets, to keep you from the cold and hide your naked shoulders after your clothes were torn apart.
you see them exchange a few glances, silently communicating, but you don't say anything, too occupied by the plushies angry gave you.
the walk is long, and the breathing of smiley lulls you to sleep soon enough, way too comfortable to do anything else.
"hey, we're home baby"
you feel yourself being put on a soft bed, you don't answer, too tired to do anything else. still, you wait for angry to say something too, which never happened. his silence is unusual and you can't help but worry.
"I'm really sorry for what happened, I shouldn't have left your side..."
"no of course not, it's not your fault, nobody's mad at you, just go to sleep okay, we'll talk tomorrow"
you only listen to him, an alpha knows better, you should've stayed close and listen for once, you feel really bad and disgusted at your behaviour.
you let them dress you up with their own clothes, a sweater from smiley and angry's sweatpants. you know that's also their way of reassuring you, and themselves.
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"can't you see? the world is a scary and dangerous place. if you stay here, you'll be safe"
"angry and me will take care of you, together like you said we should, we won't argue anymore okay? so just let us love you baby"
head still fuzzy from waking up a few minutes ago, you're sitting at their table, eating the breakfast angry cooked.
you don't say anything at their words, events from last night preventing you from even finding a decent protest.
you can't help but feel like locking you up is wrong, but what can you say to them ? they're always there for you, and always will. you know they want the best for you.
"that's why we're doing this baby, I hope you understand, it's for you, only you"
"but, always staying inside still is a bit..."
"a bit what? what do you think would've happened yesterday night if we weren't there huh? are we wrong for our way of dealing with this? we're going to protect you, provide for you, isn't that enough?"
his voice scared you, he sounded mad, you didn't like that one bit. he unknowingly let out a more domineering presence, your omega not even able to protest. it forced your eyes on the floor, not daring to look up, in fear of upsetting the pink haired alpha more.
this was in those moments you got reminded of the painfully obvious difference between the three of you. angry and smiley were alphas, no matter how hard you would try to act as friends on a same level, the power imbalance between your two genders would always make it impossible for you to win an argument.
"it's just... I'm worried about your safety. we will protect you from everything, just rely on us for once"
you choose to stay quiet. you head was pounding and no matter what you replied, they would always find a way to prove you wrong.
you finished eating, letting them guide you back to their shared room. they dropped you on the floor, a small and tidy corner. you questioned them, wondering why smiley didn't carry you back to the bed you were on earlier.
when angry came in too, he held a few hoodies, blankets and pillows. he gave it to you, immediately understanding what he meant.
building a nest was a permanent thing, only done in places you consider home. it's very intimate and only the alpha's omega was allowed to come near it. to make you build such a precious space, inside their room ; you knew you weren't getting out of here any time soon. they were deeply serious about you.
smiley scented the first blanket, handing it to angry so he could do as well. they then gave it to you, softly urging you to start your nest.
you were hesitant, but eventually gave in. carefully placing each items, the two alphas practically purring from satisfaction with the way their omega was obediently going along with their request, trusting them enough to let them help her with her process.
"good omega, so docile for her alphas"
he takes you in his arms once it's all over, pushing your head against his neck, while laying down inside the soft nest you made.
you were quite proud of the outcome, having put much efforts to accomplish a well made nest.
"right, you're so pretty, we were so lucky to find someone like you. a sweet little omega, letting her alphas cuddle her like that, you're such a good girl"
you were ashamed to say their praises worked like a charm, and soon appeased your worries and constant questions. you wanted to trust them wholeheartedly. it felt too right, they sounded so right. praising flowing towards you, you felt loved and appreciated.
they both gave you soft, gentle kisses, a boy on each side, heat of their chest engulfing you entirely. you wish you could stay like this forever, in the warm embrace of your alphas.
their love for you would only grow from now, knowing that they now had full responsibility over you, their adoration having no limits. they'll work twice as hard to become he alphas you're deserving of.
and you'll stay in the safety of your home, patiently waiting for them every day to come back. you won't leave. you're now bound for life, especially after the claim they put on your neck.
a sign of the ownership and affection they so preciously hold over you.
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dear-ao3 · 10 months
Can I ask for a translation on what happened in Vegas?
what didnt happen in vegas!
-carlos sainz ran over a drain cover that was not welded down 9 minutes into the first practice session. it ripped a hole through his car basically (he narrowly avoided getting royally and permanently fucked up by it) and he got a 10 place grid penalty for fixing said car
-toto wolff, the mercedes team principle, said very emphatically that carlos deserved this penalty. carlos did not in fact deserve this penalty because it was not remotely his fault.
-probably out of spite, carlos managed to finish the race above both mercedes cars
-back to practice 1, it was redflagged 9 minutes in after he crashed and it took nearly 7.5 hours for them to fix the track because they had to check all the other drain covers
-practice was already late to begin with and reportedly at 1am ish they kicked all the fans out who had bought tickets because it was "too late"
-tickets btw were over 1k USD
-practice two started sometime around 2am and didnt finish until nearly 4am
-yes, people were driving cars at over 200mph at 2 in the morning, jetlagged to hell and back. idc if you're a professional, that sounds dangerous
-the announcers were descending into madness the whole time and during practice two i think tried to talk about oceans 11 but fucked it up
-there was also the sphere. the sphere was relatively unhinged.
-the drivers didnt get back to their hotels until after the sun rose that day. and they had to race again that night
-oh also it was fucking freezing and when its freezing the cars don't work cause the tires don't warm up and the brakes don't warm up
-tires also warm up best on corners, high speed ones. the vegas track had mostly all low speed corners and really long straights. not ideal
-the pit lane exit was also smack in the middle of a really tight turn. which they would be exiting onto on cold tires with cold brakes.
-also the track looked like an upside down pig
-practice three was normal until the very end when alex albon crashed into the wall. no one was allowed to do practice starts because the session was red flagged and not resumed.
-the most notable thing to happen at qualifying was that both williams cars (which are basically tractors) managed to place p5 and p6 on the grid. especially interesting considering that logan sergeant has placed dead last in qualifying for the last several races.
-also both mclarens were at the bottom. this is not super relevant or particularly interesting but i was upset about it.
-ferrari went p1 (charles leclerc) and p2 (carlos sainz), but sainz had a 10 place grid penalty for fixing his car that had a literal hole through the bottom, so he started p12.
-weirdly, sir lewis hamilton and checo perez also started pretty far down the grid.
-anyway onto the race.
-there were so many safety cars. literally on the first lap the whole back half of the grid rammed into each other.
-then! terrifyingly! lando norris ran over a bump in the track on lap 3 or 4 i don't remember and spun several times before ramming into the wall. he sounded not ok on his radio but he got out of the car. eventually they ended up taking him to the hospital, he is quite fine but it was still a terrible crash
-his teammate, oscar piastri, seemly got possessed by someone or something, possibly lando himself, because he had a very impressive race until mclaren decided to use the worst tire strategy possible (as in, pit him in the last 10 laps to change his tires when this was largely avoidable by all accounts). he could have ended on the podium potentially if they hadn't fucked him up. still, he ended 10th and got the fastest lap and as a result the track record.
-there was also another episode of French Civil War at alpine when they told esteban ocon to stay behind his teammate, pierre gasley, and he said no !! and passed him for funzies
-charles leclerc also got possessed by something, possibly his own bad luck, because he managed to finish p2 after overtaking checo perez on the last lap.
-the same checo perez whos f1 career has been basically dead for half the season
-also lance stroll weirdly slayed
-despite starting high on the grid, both williams managed to finish out of the points
-surprisingly there were only 3 DNFs and 0 red flags
-this is surprising because of all the tire and brake issues that people thought there would be
-unsurprisingly max verstappen won. what was surprising was that he sang viva las vegas over his radio afterwards, especially surprising considering that he spent the whole weekend shitting on the race, saying that the track was terrible, he hated it, and that the fans should burn the place down for getting kicked out on practice 1 day and only getting a voucher in response
-related to that, the fans sued f1 over getting kicked out
-someone thought it was a good idea to put max charles and checo in the back of a rolls and film them driving to the podium. it was incredibly memey.
-there was definitely more that happened but this is all i can remember right now
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Liveblog: Wakfu Season 1 (episode 19, The Sadida Kingdom)
NOTE: This is the thing I've been looking forward to the entire rewatch. I'm not sorry for my insanity. This entire blog has been built on my insanity.
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This translation error in the fansub is the source of the mistaken belief that Amalia's father's name is Oakheart btw. Though it is a nice name.
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Two days prior is when The Horror started...
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Sadida also have their own Boufbowl tournaments... Big day for Joris hobby lore.
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I'M INSANE. I have waited for ages to get here, and I will not be leaving until I have multiple paragraphs of insane things to say:
They have been arguing for a bit of time at this point. Joris does not sound happy about this conversation. Armand also doesn't sound happy about this conversation.
Armand is probably high on his "I am acting in the stead of my father, so you will tell me everything that you need to tell him" supply. Joris is so fucking desperate for Armand to act normal. He doesn't want to be here either. He doesn't need to be arguing with a 17ish year old prince with daddy issues on a weekday.
All of this to say: This level of politeness from Joris always screams to me "I'm so fucking mad right now."
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The way he uses the same words, "allow me", almost reads a bit ironic, or like a thinly veiled show of disregard.
Him repeating the information that we as the audience already knew to Joris — which Joris probably also knows, judging from the fact that they have been talking for at least a little bit, — seems less like exposition, and more like Armand treating Joris like an idiot who just won't get it. A power struggle is happening here.
And while it isn't a part of the subs, I can hear him say "my father, the king" which is, in my opinion, yet another little element of psychological warfare going on here.
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Basically, he uses a lot of thinly veiled little jabs to establish himself as The Leader.
...He really is high on his own supply.
The mention of the Master of Bonta is interesting. Joris is not just under the King's direct command, — he is also a messenger for other people in the Bontarian government. Perhaps the master in question is connected to the Huppermages?
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His exasperated tone here is so customer service-core. Which wouldn't be that funny if we didn't know he also works customer service.
Also, the dramatic "Alas!"... That he definitely added just to seem less rude. While cutting off Armand's last word, as if he was waiting for him to shut the fuck up. Before looking up at him at the end.
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The way he's so fucking rude is just so jaw dropping.
"I have an important secret message", "come back later. FUCKASS."
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Joris's first instinct whenever things go bad is to go political incident mode and political incident all over the place.
But to be more serious: I think after 600 years of witnessing wars and murder, Joris's mind would go in that direction after seeing Armand's behaviour.
Joris just doesn't know Armand well enough to know that he would not do that, and that he loves his father. It's quite prudent of Joris to get sneaky.
And even if he didn't think of this — you have seen my headcanon for what I think Joris wanted to tell the king (soft oak and that weird xelor that keeps ravaging places). It concerns the safety of the country. And just like Amalia and Eva, I doubt Joris would want Armand to be the one taking care of this.
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[guy who made an entire blog thats 33% literally just talking about doomed siblings] I don't know why I like Armand and Amalia's relationship so much. I think I hauve covid. It's just that imagine you were a kid, and your father — who is so, so very powerful, who is the leader of your people, liked your sibling more. And your sibling had this fortunate life, and you were always in the shadow, and people thought you're mean and furless and bal— [I am electrecuted]
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Joris behind the columns, trying to stop himself from screaming or trying to actually kill Armand:
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I hope he dies. <- I said, before remembering.
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If I was forced to work in Joris's sphere, I would literally just end my life instead. The things he subjects himself to...
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On the topic of subjecting himself to things, I really think that Joris came so late because:
He was sneaking around like a silly little gumshoe (he was spying on a foreign government),
He needed a break after talking to Armand. <3 Who doesn't
He hoped that this situation wouldn't end so disastrously. Like maybe Armand would get hit a little bit... Just a tinyyy bit. But no. It's worse. Multiple people are down.
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He looks so fucking unimpressed with Armand's words here. I can't do this anymore. He hates this shitty teenager.
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Magical powers activate! [hits you with a tree stump 16 times until you lose consciousness]
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I don't even know what to say besides the fact that the things he subjects himself to (having to defend and talk to royalty who don't even take him seriously and insult him the whole time) are literally unspeakably insane. Could never be me.
He has a lot of anger within him, and for legal reasons, it cannot be expressed.
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sister-of-hitoshi · 7 months
The guy in trench-coat
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Word count: 707 ; Genre: Fluff
Anime: Mr villain's day off
Character: Warumono-san/Mr villain
Note: This is my first time writing, finishing and posting a fanfic...please be kind about my mistakes TvT (Btw you can imagine yourself in the little girl's place (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)<3)
"Panda-san!! Hereee!!!! Look here!!!"
You were again swarmed by a throng of little devils.
It was a hot sultry day in mid-June. And every passing minute felt hotter than the last. Especially if you were wearing a thick armour of impenetrable material, ready to go to war against the little devils of humanity with the cuteness of the armour being your only weapon. But hey, the pay for participating as the solo warrior of cuteness was pretty reasonable, and despite the challenging conditions, you just couldn't find it in yourself to be angry at your cutsy panda costume.... curse it's cuteness! Nobody till date seemed to understand the extent of your love for these adorable begins, not even when they saw your humble abode festooned with an overbearing amount of panda merch.
With your head in the clouds and over-exaggerated gestures towards the kids, you had almost forgotten your purpose of deliberately loosing each game of stone-paper-scissors so that they could stop bothering you- you mean- win prizes. However, never did you expect a handsome, full grown man in a trench coat to appear in front of you to play the game as well. This snapped you back to reality as you gaped at him for a few seconds straight, not quite believing this handsome aloof looking dude has willingly come into the kid's play area without an ounce of embarrassment. You immediately understood the gesture though, you immediately figured that he likes pandas as much as you do, and finding a person of similar interest after such a long time had made your day a lot better; it made you extremely happy. So much happy that even during your break you had gone looking for him inside that heavy armour of cuteness. So so happy that you missed him after your work had ended for the day. It was evening now, and there were less and less people in the zoo now. You finally opened the headpiece of your costume and sat on a nearby bench, gazing at the orange sky. Tired and drenched with sweat you had exclaimed to yourself out loud that you missed him, and that "the guy in trench coat seemed very nice", when suddenly there was a shadow looming over you, with a napkin in hand, the shadow of the very person you had thought of all day. The very person you had wanted to meet again. Gaping at him you took the handkerchief, suddenly feeling very embarassed about your sweat drenched face.
"Thank you. The work you do must be tiring."
"Why are you thanking me? I should be the one thanking you" You turned to him, offering a gentle smile and some space as he sat beside you.
"You said that I am nice."
"Haha, I feel so." You blushed in embarrassment
He had heard me-
"You must love pandas?" You tried to continue the conversation, for some reason you didn't want to let this opportunity go.
"I do." He said, offering a smile in return.
You looked at him and weighed your options, finally going with: "I have some free panda merch with me, which I wouldn't mind sharing with someone who seems to share my interests...would you be alright with it?" You fished inside your costume pockets and found a panda keychain, immediately taking his hand in yours and placing it on his palm.
Met with silence you looked at him and offered a sincere smile, cheeks tinged red due to both the internal and external heat.
His speechlessness was broken by him suddenly holding your hands and offering you a sincere 'thank you'. "I'll cherish it" he replied in return as well, letting go of your hands and standing up. Not wanting it to end, you immediately stood up as well, and blurted out "M-My name is Y/N, and I'll be still here for week so you can come whenever you like...umm please let's meet again! We can discuss so much about pandas!!" You had basically said the first thing that had come to your mind without much thought, and as soon as you started doubting everything you had said so far, you heard a "Sure thing" and saw him smile.
You were sure of it. You had found the one.
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undertheorangetree · 2 months
How to Improve HOTD S2
This is truly just me feeling frustrated with the second season and screaming into the void. Feel free to ignore it I wrote it at 10pm in a hater spiral and probably have some information wrong
1. Shift away from the Alicent vs Rhaenyra thing and highlight Aegon vs Rhaenyra. It would be hard when zero relationship had been established in season 1 but after Jaehaerys’s murder it would have been SOOO easy to shift the focus of Team Green on to Aegon and make him really want to take Nyra down.
2. Speaking of Nyra I’m begging them to give her some agency. Her son was MURDERED. She spent TEN DAYS SEARCHING FOR HIS BODY. She should’ve been ready and raring to go to war at the end of episode one!! She should be doing everything she can to destroy those who took her baby boy from her!! Instead they had her crying about going to war and no one taking her seriously for 5 episodes. Let her be morally grey I’m begging you she is not a saint nor should she be
3. Introduce Ulf and Hugh WHEN they claimed their dragons. No one cares about their lives yet. Regular viewers don’t know who they are. They can talk backstory once you’ve shown why they’re important
4. While we’re introducing characters GIVE US SOME TIME WITH DAERON. Non book readers have no idea who he is. Establishing his place in Oldtown, the fact that he has a dragon, the dichotomy between himself and his brothers all would have been GREAT to see before they started throwing his name around.
5. More screentime for the younger generation! Helaena lost so much of her arc due to them removing her fall into madness (which I’m not mad at btw) but showing her grief would’ve still been nice. Baela is ride or die for house targaryen and that’s about all we’ve seen from her, plz give my girl some agency. Rhaena is angry about being cast aside and that’s got so much meat for character motivations but EVEN THE WRITERS ARE IGNORING HER AND GIVING HER ONE 30 SECOND SCENE EVERY OTHER EPISODE. Jace is also being done dirty, they should be establishing reasons why we should care about him and why he’s such a good heir before the battle of the gullet (which in an ideal world would’ve been where we ended season 2 but).
6. ENOUGH WITH THE HARRENHAL ARC!! The first few scenes were fine but now it’s just repetitive. Daemon wanting to be king in his own right came out of nowhere and will have zero consequences when we all know Nyra is just going to take him back when he’s done pouting. He’s literally just wandering around Harrenhal like a freak. That arc needed 3 episodes at the absolute max to establish the castle and Alys and the river lords and then he should’ve come back. I hate him but they’re wasting his character.
7. Aemond turning into a super villain?? After we established he regretted what he did to Luke?? Trying to take out his own brother for power is fine and I support you if that’s what you want king but maybe give us some more context other than “brother bullies you in front of his friends”?? Maybe my sister was just mean but that’s an average sibling experience as far as I’m concerned. It would have made more sense with the characterization they had already given him if Aemond had been given no choice but to burn Aegon in order to save him and take out Rhaneys and Meleys. The 180 into anime villain felt way too abrupt (like dany going mad sorry)
8. Alicent and Cole………… as much as I fly the Alicent is gay flag it could’ve made sense if they didn’t just immediately beat us over the head with it. We were immediately thrown in the deep end of them having a sexual relationship with zero context other than “everything you feel for me… as your queen” PERHAPS GIVE US SOMETHING MORE. I actually would have loved Alicent reclaiming her sexuality after 20+ years of having to fuck her rotting old husband but they went about it the wrong way.
9. Speaking of Alicent, I feel like they truly do not know what to do with Alicent. They took away every ounce of agency she could have had in order to make her a victim and now they don’t have anything for her to do. They just keep taking everything from her in a way that just shoves her character in a box while also trying to maintain her as one of the main characters?? It’s just all very odd to me
10. In that same vein, I feel like they don’t really know what to do with ANYONE honestly. Game of Thrones also had a big cast following multiple locations but somehow juggling between them all felt much cleaner than it does here. It’s as if they lose track of their characters and forget about them so they throw in a quick 30 second scene to be like “btw they’re still here!!”
11. I need more character interactions. Aegon/Helaena. Daemon with his children. Just people you expect to have some kind of relationship. I don’t think any of those characters have ever actually had a significant interaction with each other which feels absolutely WILD to me but
12. STOP WITH THE TEAMS!!! STOP IT!!! There is no good guy and bad guy here and there shouldn’t be. It’s a monarchy, a whole ass empire that has its roots in an even worse empire. None of the Targaryens are good. They aren’t gods. Rhaenyra has been completely screwed over due to the patriarchy but being a victim doesn’t make you a good person. She’s still sacrificing the country for her birthright. Let her be evil, morally grey, ANYTHING is better than her pushing against common sense in order to seem like a good guy. Aegon and co as well shouldn’t be portrayed entirely of super villains and victims. They’ve also done a shitty thing but at the very least give us some nuance no one is entirely good or bad.
13. This is nitpicky so it’s at the end but it’s called house of the DRAGON. I wanna see more rider/dragon interaction. I shouldn’t be introduced to a dragon the same episode it’s maimed (Sunfyre). You shouldn’t be telling me one of the main characters has a dragon when we haven’t so much as heard her speak about it (Dreamfyre). If a bond is so important between a dragon and it’s rider I want to see that bond
• IN THAY SAME VEIN why was vermithor letting nyra and daemon get all up in his grill?? They’re bonded dragonriders they’ve got their bestie, he doesn’t. Shouldn’t he have lit them up for that?? What makes them so special?? He’s barbecuing Targaryen bastards left and right but these two get a pass?? Why??
And now for some general overall complaints���🏼
1. Fix your pacing I’m begging you. They could have made 8 episodes work if they had let us move through the plots faster but instead there’s so much dead air. After Jaehaerys was killed we should’ve been FLYING through plot points. Two child murders are enough to declare a war started, but we still hadn’t seen any battle until episode 4 and then it stalled out again. Harrenhal doesn’t need this much screentime. You don’t need to hint at Rhaena claiming Sheepstealer for 3+ episodes. We don’t need to hum and ha about going to war for 4 episodes. There should be fewer long shots of the actors faces simply reacting and more SPEAKING. More PLOT. MORE OF ANYTHING TO MOVE THE STORY FORWARD
2. Stop repeating information. Characters constantly beat you over the head with the same information over and over again. One character will tell a person something then a second character tells that same person almost the exact same thing an episode later it’s like no one proofread the script.
3. Why are you having your actors use giant words in order to sound more period accurate?? You don’t need to repeat lickspittle every five seconds. You don’t need to use gainsay or comportment. I promise your audience knows it’s a medieval setting, put the thesaurus down you sound like an idiot
4. It’s almost totally inaccessible for non book readers. I watch with my mom and sister, neither of whom have done any research about ASOIAF but have seen GOT, and I’m constantly explaining shit to them. The showrunners rely too much on people having read them that they don’t explain anything. I know Helaena has a dragon, but they don’t because NO ONE HAS MENTIONED IT BEFORE!! BY THE SECOND SEASON!!
5. This is just a me thing but I would’ve LOVED more regional costuming. We got a hint of it with Sabitha Frey wearing a headpiece when treating with Jace and I love the idea of each region having their own specific fashion trends. The costumes are fine, some are even great, but most are lacklustre and feel too fantasy to me. I’m a history girly I want to see more hoods and headpieces and different shapes in the dresses etc etc.
Despite all this there are still some great scenes!! Aspects of this season were awesome and I think the first two episodes in particular were really strong, there is just so much lost potential this season and it has been really disappointing. I’m still gonna be sat for the finale this week but I hope that they really up their game in season three
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s4 episode 2 thoughts
ah, this episode! i have heard it is very scary. so i’m curious to see how creepy it can be. usually what gets me the most is body horror, at least so far. 
i’m really not a horror fan so i’m interested to see if this will push my limits or just be kinda silly. remember that evil AI in like s1 episode 8? and when it was unplugged it said “noooo, brad :(“ or something like that? yeah that one just made me giggle lol
(author's note after seeing the episode: what...)
(additional author's note: read to the end to see why i think this episode might be actually about the civil war's long-term consequences)
how far we have progressed since then! 
let us begin!!!
we open with a storm and some scary music. pretty intense for the first few seconds. oh, now someone is giving birth. it is very dark and hard to see but it appears these individuals do not look like your average fellow off the street.
GAG! slurping noises are produced as the baby emerges. birth counts as body horror btw i do NOT make the rules. EUGH the umbilical cord…
(sorry y’all pls take no offense to those who have or desire children someday... it’s just something that makes me feel dizzy to watch but i support your dreams and choices i promise 🙏)
okay, but the baby is crying so that’s usually a good sign right? like better than a quiet baby, i think.
but a bunch of people are leaving after the delivery and i thought they would stick around to do things like look at the baby and see if it is healthy and stuff. but no. they’re leaving. where are they going...
they’re digging a hole?????? WHAT DA HELL. BABY IN THE HOLE??!!!!!! while someone cries terribly. OMG the grief…
what have i gotten myself into……
intro time. always gonna think about that tweet regarding scully’s glamour shot on her ID. anyway just in case you forgot the truth IS out there.
so we see some kids in a place called home, pennsylvania, and they’re playing baseball. you know how children are, with their baseball. it’s as serious to them as a senator running a reelection campaign. 
kid knocks the ball over the fence, and onto the property of “the peacocks”. the kids will NOT go get the ball, and instead find a spare. seems they prepared for this, or could maybe find a place that isn’t next to a very scary house to play ball, but i understand spacial constraints.
OH???? the kid is digging his foot in to go swing and…. BLOODY PUDDLE???? THIS MUST BE THE BABY FROM BEFORE????
he backs away as we see a tiny hand in the dirt. that poor kid omfg he must have been traumatized… and his sneakers were so bright and white…..
cutscene to mulder in the field after all the kids have fled! ah, mulder loves his baseball. in fact, he even sniffs it. he’s practicing his pitching LMAOOOO please be serious for FIVE minutes. 
scully is measuring the hole while he does all this. in fact, he is not stopping. it just keeps going while she talks about the angle of the shovel.
she makes some quip about quitting the FBI and becoming a spokesperson for the ab roller, when he SHOVES THE BALL UNDER HER NOSE and says “smell that” THIS MAN IS SUUUUUCH A WEIRDO I LOVE HIM
“it’s perfume. eau de ball” (stupid little mulder smile)
very strong juxtaposition between baby death and a daydreaming mulder, but that is the sort of thing we have come to expect from this show. he seems enchanted.
WAIT! he’s talking about his sister… “all-day pickup games out on the Vineyard” and going down to the beach… no cell phones or faxes… oh man, this baseball has him talking about his family :(
“mulder, if you had to do without a cell phone for two minutes, you’d lapse into catatonic schizophrenia” <- WELL GET HIM! it is true. he is always making calls and then abruptly hanging up.
feels weird to be smiling like a fool at my screen as these two talk about their lives after seeing the opening scene... but here we are!
“scully, you don’t know me as well as you think you do. you know my work demands that i live in a big city, but if i had to settle down, build a home, it’d be a place like this” 
1. he has though about settling down and having a life outside of his work, and this is such a character reveal, and i know he wants like a small army of children, and
2. i just KNOW those words are gonna come back and bite him when this place is revealed to be some sort of cult
she says it would be like living in mayberry which i had to google BUT: it is the town from the andy griffith show. ah, i see. so very quaint.
someone pulls up to see them and i paused at just the right time to see that mulder’s shirt is very baggy and living up to my URL, which is good because sometimes i worry it’s a bit TOO niche, but i made it after watching 4 episodes so i’m too attached to change it now. meanwhile, scully’s coat is wonderfully sleek and it’s a fun little contrast.
this is sheriff taylor, who says this is a very small town, and there are no real suspects. mulder asks about the peacocks next door, and the sheriff goes… quiet. apparently three boys lived there, and their parents were hurt in an accident. the sheriff and his team tried to administer care to the parents, but the boys took the bodies home??? that’s. odd.
so these peacocks have no electricity, grow their own food, and… are inbred. the sheriff says they are feeble and sad, and wouldn’t have any idea what they are talking about. which just makes me think they are the prime suspects.
the sheriff is saying that he loves his town, it is quiet and peaceful, and he knew someday it would change when something terrible happened. when he saw “it” in the ground, he knew that day had come. he seems convinced it’s an outsider but also he is purposefully ignoring all the evidence in the other direction. and he wants their help, but he doesn’t want anything to change. 
(i see... this is about the terrible secrets of small towns and the wish to keep everything quiet and preserve an idyllic image rather than make meaningful change)
apparently they were recommended to help out when “the victim” was described, so mulder says that maybe they should go take a look.
and whew, when they cut to a bundle of blankets next to some cans of spam (that look like they’re partially covered to hide the branding?) it’s a lot. it's a lot to handle, for me, emotionally, but i guess that's a fairly normal reaction. the sheriff just pulled the baby right out of the fridge. we also meet a deputy named barney.
they shove poor scully in a tiny bathroom with just a sink in it to do her work, because they don’t want anyone else seeing the autopsy go down. the sheriff says they can’t do it in his office, because everyone knows he never locks his office door, and they’d start rumors. this whole small town thing is starting to seem quite oppressive.
mulder is also here in this tiny closet-like bathroom, and i can feel the claustrophobia from here. despite the lack of space, scully begins.
and she is taken aback, but not as much by the fact that it is a child but that said child “has been afflicted by every rare birth defect known to science”. mulder has his arm on the wall leaning in and watching in a way that is weird for the space.
we only see a few shots of the baby- thankfully, because i don't think i could handle seeing any more of it than we do- but it’s enough to make me go whew, shout-out to the props department for making something that looks like that, because that is how i cope with seeing things on this show that make me nearly faint
she is reciting the various things that this child has been born with, and mulder says that they can probably rule out murder, right? but scully says idk… it looks like it WAS murder, actually. dirt in the nose.
lord, they walk out after doing that and somehow don’t need to like, down some vodka or something to cope. 
“imagine all a woman’s hopes and dreams for her child, and then nature turns so cruel. what must a mother go through?” oh my gosh is scully gonna make me cry…
“apparent not much in this case, if she just threw it out in the trash”, says mulder, while they sit on a bench on he is manspreading like you would not believe. but i assume they are in a tough spot mentally so manspreading is permitted in this situation.
“i guess i was just projecting on myself”, she says, and oh my gosh does scully want kids someday…. stop i’ll cry!! i’ll cry. 
“well, just find yourself a man with a spotless genetic makeup and a really high tolerance for being second-guessed and start pumping out the little uber-Scullys” he says, rubbing her back.
and i can’t decide if this is funnier if he’s truly and deeply down terrible for her and suggesting subtly that HE could be that man, or if he’s just being a really good pal. so i’m gonna turn around both options in my head for a while and see which sticks.
“what about your family?” “hm? aside from the need for corrective lenses and a tendency to be abducted by extraterrestrials involved in an international governmental conspiracy, the mulder family passes genetic muster” (said with a celebratory flourish of his hands)
oh my gooooooosh i love them both so bad. he is SUCH a nerd. and his constant need to joke about the horrible things… even when they are approaching a serious topic, life ambitions and the desire to start a family, he has to go in there with some sarcasm to avoid getting Too Serious...
see? he has good genes. allegedly. go forth.
but he sobers up, points out that the child they had to just examine is a serious tragedy, and some likely very young parents are probably incredibly scared. but this isn’t really an FBI matter. 10 points to him for being serious for once.
she is brainstorming how such a thing could happen- “now, we all have a natural instinct to propagate” “do we?” <- ace mulder subtext i see you…
scully is convinced that the woman who gave birth to that child did it against her will, and mulder points out that kidnapping is a bureau matter… she seems determined to save someone caught in a horrible circumstance here, and i admire that about her, the sense of justice she has. she gets up to go investigate.
but he calls out: “hey scully- i never saw you as a mother before” <- OH MY GOD??? OH MY GOD. i can’t even begin to process that right now. oh my gosh it seems like he has wanted kids SO terribly… but scully never really brought the subject up, which is fine because not everyone wants kids!! but what does it say about her character if she DOES…? i am analyzing.
i hope she is happy someday with whatever she chooses. music is playing as he looks after her. do not for a second think i missed that little musical flourish and gaze combo.
so, they go to the peacock's farm. where they find a chopped off pig’s head on the steps. it doesn’t seem to bother them at all, which must be a testament to the strength of bureau training.
mulder tries to do his usual “enter first and ask questions later” thing, but scully STOPS HIM, saying there is no probable cause.
WHAT!!! for once they did NOT JUST BURST IN!!??? their random entering of places is one of my favorite running gags and for once they didn’t. oh she is serious about this one…
so they just peek inside instead…. and then they get their guns and go inside after seeing a table covered in blood. oh…. the scissors from before…. yes, bloody table = probable cause
there is blood everywhere, and the footprint from the crime scene matches the footprint in blood on the floor. AND they find a bloody shovel. well!!! we know who did it now!!! but… where are they??
it is soooo dark and creepy as they make their way through the house. and someone is WATCHING THEM THE DARK as they investigate. BLEUGH we get an extreme closeup on their eyes…….
i am spooked.
now scully is on the phone with sheriff taylor, who is describing the warrants for the arrest of the peacocks he put out, while mulder slams a TV in their hotel room, trying to get it to work. typical mulder behavior
(i bet they felt a need to incorporate some silly moments to lighten out the heavy heavy heavy content, and honestly i didn't think it would work, but for me it kinda is. don't get me wrong, it's still VERY heavy, but it's not start to finish just trauma like we got in calusari, which stands out to me as being the darkest and least fun episode in the series so far. but let mulder sniff a baseball a little and smack a TV and our agents talk about having a family and it is slightly less overwhelming in terms of tone)
and she brings up the white cadillac they found there but he says get a lot of abandoned cars. damn, who is abandoning a cadillac...
what is this sheriff hiding…?
he pulls out his gun from a locked box, and seems deeply regretful. before he puts it back in the box… hmm…
back at the peacock farm. the brothers are packing what looks like clubs into the cadillac. and i notice how silent and scary the whole thing is… no music whatsoever.
meanwhile, mulder is doing a little dance to try and get the TV working, which scully is smiling at him in a way that implies long term affection and exhaustion. i want to get those gifs and save them upon my blog forever and ever.
he’s trying to watch the knicks game, but as she heads out, he says “goodnight mom”, and she looks… uncomfortable. i mean, it’s a weird thing to say, but still. he says a lot of weird things and she doesn’t always look sort of… hmm. idk, the only phrase that comes to mind is “cut to the quick”. i WILL be analyzing that.
she tries to leave and the lock is broken, so he places a chair underneath, which might do something but like… probably not a ton.
anyway, back to the cadillac, where the brothers are pulling out while listening to music. where are they going….
sheriff taylor is up late at night, “taking one last look around before it all changes”. oh, he loves his town… but it is rotten, like mulder says. AND HIS WIFE DOESN’T LOCK THE DOOR AS THEY COME IN!!! NOOOO!
the brothers are on the move, while scully sleeps and mulder watches a fuzzy documentary on hyenas?? okay. king behavior.
but back at the sheriff’s house, he can hear the brothers approaching, and pulling into his yard. oh no…. he looks out the window and the brothers aren’t there. so did they already get in…?
he’s going for the gun, he says, and they enter his house. and he’s got a baseball bat, but where is the gun! they have clubs! like the kind the bad guys in zelda use!!! they look very very dangerous!
he hears them approach as his wife is under the bed……… and he swings his bat at the intruder, but he is barreled right over, it’s three on one, and they beat him RIGHT AS HIS WIFE SEES THE WHOLE THING FROM UNDER THE BED. and they sniff and sniff and FIND HER UNDER THERE????????
what the fuck. who came up with this…….. that song is still playing as they get in their car and leave. i'm sure the song also has some significance to the meaning of what these guys are doing but tbh i have never heard it before so it's hard to unpack.
the deputy is at the scene of the crime the next day, smoking a cigarette, hands shaking in terror. he had come over to give the sheriff a report… and found them that way.
so the owner of the cadillac was found in baltimore, she had left it behind after running out of gas. this is not a lead in the slightest.
mulder is investigating the scene while scully pulls out files from the crime lab, and it is. well, it is very bad, to put it bluntly. the crime scene is horrific. 
she says that the crime scene messed up the tests on the infant… but mulder proposes that… perhaps each of the brothers were the father? she talks about how babies are made and how that makes no sense, but he proposes that generations of inbreeding could maybe make such a mutation. but she says that isn’t possible, they’d need a female family member and there aren’t any left. hmm...
scully wants to try and trail them right now and go save whoever it was that was forced to give birth, but mulder points out that they are outnumbered and could further endanger the victim. what to do…? i don’t know the answer. 
oh! the deputy barges in and says he’ll take them up there so it’s three against three. and they have guns, which should give them the advantage. okay. shoutout to the deputy.
mulder seems suspicious however, and says his suddenly entry was a bit “too chuck bronson for me”. so yeah, i had to google that too. this chuck fellow is the guy from machine gun-kelly. and NOT that sleazy rapper one. the more you know.
scully is confused, though, because why would they kill the sheriff? he didn’t even investigate them. unless they somehow overheard them talking about issuing the arrest warrants while in their house… and they are operating under the assumption that the brothers were not in the house when they were…. but we know that someone was in hiding!!!
OH! back to the house. one of the brothers declares he is hungry. we finally get a semi-decent look at them, and they are incredibly gruesome. someone is under the bed still…. 
and when they declare that they are “ready”, they strip down. they knew this day- and change- was coming, and all they can do is be ready for it. this is our home. and this is the way it’s gonna stay. 
again, i ask, who came up with this……
the deputy and our agents are on the property, now. deputy wants to come in from the front and let them take the back. a brave thing to offer, but i am slightly suspicious of him. they have wired headsets on and bullet proof vests on, and he is going in.
so they’re approaching- scully and mulder in the field, the deputy out in front. scully is peeking through binoculars but she doesn’t see anyone inside!!! it has to be a trap!!!!
OH MY GOSH!!! just as scully tells the deputy to not go in, he opens the door and an AXE SWINGS DOWN AND CHOPS HIS HEAD OFF!!!!!
i am sorry for being suspicious of you, deputy. may you rest in peace.
mulder’s reciting his facts from the hyena documentary. they are witnessing something akin to prehistoric humanity. but he has an idea: divert them out of the house, so they don't have to deal with their traps. it is a good idea.
so they are sneaking into the pig pen, which had to be a pain to shoot. “scully, would you think less of me as a man if i told you i was kind of excited right now?” he asks as they try to get the pigs in a line to topple like dominoes or something???
“is there some secret farmer trick to getting these things moving?” “i don’t know!” lmaooo these city slickers...
they’re shoving pigs straight out the gate, and she’s trying to say some magic pig words from babe, which her nephew apparently watches all day. you know what that means...
! SCULLY LORE REVEAL ! she has a nephew!
but there are more pressing matters at hand than a lore reveal as one of the brothers emerges, falling for their piggy trap. we see them in daylight now, and it is an unsettling sight. 
as the brothers try to herd the pigs back in, the agents sneak in, with mulder picking up a giant log to poke open the door. and it is a good thing he did that, because a trap descends right on the log that surely would have beheaded him as it did the deputy if not for the log taking the axe/weapon thingy for him. thank you for your service, giant log.
they sneak in beneath the log and close the door as if nothing went down. scully is yelling to see if anyone is in the house. they’re doing a sweep in excellent coordination. mulder mumbles “oh no” and i’m scared but he just picks up a newspaper that says elvis is dead and frowns 😭 his ass cannot be serious for more than five minutes 
but something approaches!!!! they enter the bedroom and see photos of generations and generations of this family, with varying conditions. and at this moment mulder notices that someone is under the bed!!
he’s trying to say that they’re here to help, but whoever is down there is screaming, screaming at them to go away. so scully tries to move the bed, but she’s strapped to a board underneath the bed, and they pull her out and…. oh my gosh, she has no limbs, i think? it’s dark and hard to tell. they keep her under the bed..........
mulder says they’re going to get her home, but after a glance at the pictures on the wall, scully says that she already IS home. it’s mrs. peacock. the mother of the family that they thought died in the car accident!!!!!!
she is sobbing and they roll her back under the bed, with mulder having a horrific look on his face, unable to process what he just saw. 
mulder is back on the prowl to find the other brothers. and he tasks scully with trying to convince mrs. peacock that she is the only one who can get “her boys” out of here without them being hurt. a mighty task, indeed.
she walks away, and he says “scully, w-watch your step” and he’s worried about her and i want to cry. oh!! we see a trip wire……….
so scully goes back to mrs. peacock, explaining that she needs medical attention, and the agents are here to help. she says that this is their home- why leave it? she has to see if the boys are okay. 
and she lost her limbs in the accident that killed her husband. “sewed me up just like the family learned in the war of northern aggression” OH! so that is an WILD thing to say in pennsylvania. but it was at this point i thought i was putting the pieces together for an extended metaphor...
but she insists she felt no pain, and that no one in the family does. and they’re such good boys. scully points out they murdered three people, and mrs. peacock says she can tell scully has no children, but maybe someday she’ll learn the pride and the love “when you know your boy will do anything for his mother”
well i think you probably just made her swear that off forever!!! so!!!!!
the brothers see mulder in the window, and they start to run in. and as he holds one at gun point, another tries to bash in his head, so scully shoots him. but this isn’t enough to take him down! and the other one joins in on their attack, so it’s two against one tag teaming mulder!!! oh my gosh scully can you use your perfect aim???
yes, she can, but despite emptying the whole clip, they aren’t hurt!!! 
they’re running and running and dodging a whole lot of terrible blows, and scully yells out that she has the mother! she trips over the wire and one of the traps falls RIGHT into one of the brothers, seemingly finally taking him out.
she notices marks on the floor, and when they go back for mrs. peacock, they can’t find the other brother or the mother.
so they put out an APB for them, saying that in time, they’ll catch them. but he counters with “i think time already caught them, scully”
cutscene to the cadillac- where mrs. peacock says that “sherman and george were good boys”- SHERMAN? a union name? edmund, sherman, and george… 
it ends with mrs. peacock saying that there will be more peacocks, and they have to find a new home, make a new family to be proud of. she is in the trunk of the car while she says this.
okay so first thoughts: WHAT THE FUCK.
this episode definitely lived up to its horrific reputation. but i can’t figure out exactly what it is it MEANS!
beyond exploring the horrific topics of generational abuse, i feel that there is something a bit deeper going on here. i actually felt so compelled to see if i was imagining things that i went on the wikipedia page for the episode, which spoke of its themes on the american dream and the nuclear family. those themes i see for sure- how mulder was talking about settling down in a place like this, so quaint and quiet, how they started discussing their own desire for a family, and how every idyllic thought about what a family could be was upended on its head with the peacocks. that made sense to me. but...
that line- “the war of northern aggression”- was what the confederates called the american civil war to justify their rebellion. this is notable for the fact that this whole episode took place in pennsylvania, which was a union state- but somehow, they got so twisted up in their own hatred that they’re parroting the lost cause ideology over a century after the war.
the repeated motifs of “things being the way they are in a small town, in our town, in our home”- is that a symbol for the festering of post-civil war wounds? the inability for the war to make meaningful change when it came to the attitudes of the people on the losing side, who continue- even to this day- to spew their hateful ideology? the inbreeding metaphor- is that a representation of how hate begets hate begets hate, generation after generation, compounding and corrupting by the lack of intervention from outsiders who are too afraid to change “the way things are” and call out harmful behavior? and the newspaper from elvis’s death… is that another allusion to the family (or perhaps certain parts of the country) living entirely in the past, in addition to their lack of electricity and water, just stewing in their own hatred? even the name- home- reminds me of the “house divided cannot stand” rhetoric. is this talking about the rot of "back in the good ol' days" thinking?
or if not a metaphor for the country, and instead just the horror of abuse? of how people can feel that things are the way that they are, and so that makes it correct, no matter what the cost? about how warped perceptions of family can be made and shaped? and the fact that mrs. peacock went along with all of this, despite being the biggest victim of the family... is that to speak on the twisted nature of gender roles and how they are weaponized in familial abuse?
i have to clarify that i am not an expert on abuse in the slightest; i am just trying to work through the themes of what i just saw. you know how it is on this blog; i do my best to interpret the big issues, but also recognize that i can only see and comment upon so much.
i'm really, really curious to hear how you interpreted the episode, though. or how audiences have understood it in the past, or if it has ever been re-evaluated. what did the cast and crew have to say on it? i want to know.
man. this is gonna really make me ponder. i want to know. it was too purposeful to just be a “wouldn’t it be fucked up if…” sort of situation.
regardless of the terror, i actually thought this episode was pretty good. it felt cohesive, not just a sideshow of horrible things to make you feel shocked. and we learned more about our characters- their ambitions in life, the possibility of a family someday dangling over their heads, and the terror associated with everything that could go wrong. i think there is always some fear about starting a family (i wouldn't know, but i do read books and stuff), and for scully to just now vocalize her thoughts on the subject and to immediately see this case- i can only imagine what it did to her thought process.
i thought the more light-hearted elements were working at the beginning- mulder's TV dance, baseball time, the merits of their genetics, family talk- worked well at first. but by the end it was just... damn. that was a lot. maybe that is the indication of a successful episode, that it can take you along heavy subject matter with a sense of character analysis and horror, but end with just terror.
i'm not a horror fan outside of this show, so the balancing of the heavy and the humor always baffles me a little bit. i don't know how other materials do it, so i can't really say if it could have been done better or worse. i think the important part though is that they don't turn the tragedy itself into the joke. it wasn't giving "point and laugh at the horrible peacock family!" it was finding humor in other situations, that ultimately still surrendered to the sober feeling of what humanity can do.
whew. this one is definitely gonna stick with me for a while, and i’ll need like 12 hours to formulate my thoughts into something comprehensible. but, you ask, did you like the episode?
yes! while i'm not sure i'd watch it again for funsies, i thought our agents had to confront some inner demons while also learning a lot about them together and individually, which is exactly the thing i want in an episode. i think it brought them closer and they understand each other better, and i think we're getting into some real juicy parts of their relationship. i can't stop thinking about him rubbing her back- how terribly devoted they are to each other, regardless of if either of them can put that into words. those dynamics of devotion that go beyond words- it's so special to me.
and sure, i'll take the bait, and daydream about them living together... i am not above fan service in the slightest. it is me, the fan, who loves to be serviced.
but again. i'm spooked.
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lottiecrabie · 17 days
answering asks 💌
while i am here let me catch up on my asks😭 making a general post as to not overwhelm the tl with my collarbones
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and just like jesus….. she died again three days later
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i NEED to be in a quirky situational comedy with host adam STAT omg. want to be back to back crossed arms and he rolls his eyes playfully at me at the end of our generic. nothing sexual, just his suffering and misery played off for laughs from our live audience
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you are unfortunately begging the wrong tree as i am both retired and extremely NOT british. famously placing all my fics in america cos i don’t know what��s going on overseas. matty forever an immigrant in the crabieverse fr
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stop i’m sorry 😭😭 i hope it’s not sending too many war flashbacks lmao. at least delilah is a delight and has done nothing wrong and is generally regarded as deserving better so ur truly the person with the moral highground in this story❤️
(as a galatea i genuinely had not considered people might relate to this story from the other angle lmao)
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it haunts me too friend. literally as it was based on my real life 😭 lottiecrabie Will be farming her inner turmoils for content ☝️☝️ i wish i had finished it because i genuinely love the beginning as well, but it might be for the best since i don’t know how i would face my childhood friend after that lol
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there are pfms references everywhere for those with the eyes to see
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sooo true. he’s the most perfect lame loser angel<333
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i see it….. he definitely has not picked up one social clue in his life
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sorry i took him out back and shot him
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PLSSS she rly just needs to be in pink and it’s perfect
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this is how i want to be remembered❤️
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yes. it’s also me in your closet speaking in tongues btw. if you want to see sims pictures i’d love to see them !!
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found in some creek wailing…. matty makes rock covers of hozier songs lol
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i will not go back on my fic grind But i might make another blurb if the whim takes me 🙆‍♀️
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this is how the lottiecrabie pipeline goes actually
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this i…. you’ve found me 😣
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omg is the fairy village okay how are they surviving the no birth blight 😭 this aging ass fairy population damn (thank u though ily)
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YASSS im so happy for you!!! its really what the main virgins anonymous advice has always been: someone you trust and lube lol
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darlingeto · 9 months
gojo satoru and his half ironic half bashful romantic gestures.
he’s gone quiet while you’re yapping about some dumbass thing someone did to you, his eyes hazy with gentle adoration as he resting his squished cheek onto his hand, lips pursed in a certain pout as their default resting form.
you notice how the himbo in love look he’s sporting probably means he wasn’t listening so you ask with a cocked brow.
“..earth to the chosen one..hello?”
and in the most damsel in love tone he says with a small chuckle.
“sometimes i think you’re edible, you’re so pretty, like cotton candy..”
after the initial baffle washes out you poke him on the forehead and he giggles while taking your hand into his large 2+1 apartment of a hand and softly kisses at your palm numerous times.
sleepy satoru is basically a domesticated fox.
his responses have a short range of biting for no, making a certain “mhm!” while nodding eagerly for, well all other stances and flat out ignoring you and nuzzling his face somewhere on your body, preferably chest.
if he’s laying his head on you and you try to move to go to the toilet, the man traps your thigh with his own fully wrapping his long limbs around your leg. you tap his shoulder a few times matching it with a short groan of his name “sa-to-ru..i need to go badly..” he grumbles in his own, set of sounds, before biting at your cheek softly and kissing your face all over after. then as if he hadn’t even registered your words he nuzzles his face at your neck and within minutes he’s fallen asleep.
whenever you two are sleeping and you even remotely move or shift, his arm you’ve rested your head upon will enclose around your back and rather tightly press you onto his chest and its always followed by some barely understandable “what..baby it’s okay..what is it..” and you definitely know he’s asleep by the way he’s drooling at the corner of his mouth. and he talks in his sleep if he’s had too much sugar during the day, you hear it all, from “finder’s keeper” to some extremely soft whisper of “baby i got you, you’re okay..” usually this will bring a deep upturned furrow to his eyebrows and his hands squeezing the parts of your flesh closest to grab.
btw more..ahem..content below.
he goes to town at any given moment, tired? might as well have you sit on his face while you basically fuck yourself on his tongue. if he’s trying to make a point, usually after you go overboard with insults you yell to his face and his smug demeanor breaks, since he doesn’t exactly engage you in vocal arguments, he will put you in a vulnerable position such as a deep arch to your back with your bum up and your face onto the pillows. will slap the hell out of your most sensitive parts and his entire goal is to get you to squirt but will warn you not to make a sound if you’d like to have enough voice to speak tomorrow. however that’s rare because eating you out is “the reason he was brought in the world.” in his words while he’s drunk off of your taste, so if satoru is anything he is going to war for that pussy. but one thing is certain, if the man will have you on his tongue he must and i mean gojo satoru (30) whines if you don’t let him hold both of your hands, and must have your fingers tightly intertwined as he holds you in the place at the edge of the bed he pulled you to, the only time he allows for your interlocked hands to detach is if he uses a hand to fist his dick as he more often than not will finish when he eats you out.
he most definitely loves something flamboyant but effortlessly so, like pressing his chest to your back and speaking lowly in a huffy tone about how you’re ruining the sheets followed by a whiny “what a bad little girl..” while his lower body pistons his dick into you at a scary pace.
i will most likely add more to this post like its a goddamn journal. but the brainrot will never end until the war does, give me my spouse back gege akutami he was your golden character.
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decadesfinds · 2 months
I think my least favourite interpretation of the past is that women "did what they were told" - especially married women. A lot of what people interpret as subjugation was done because it had to be done, and somebody had to do it, or everyone would suffer and die.
The idea that they could just pick up their skirts and go live an awakened, enlightened #feminist life without this labour is also ahistorical. You still have to have someone do the dishes after the feminist luncheon, as someone put it, and it doesn't matter who. Things, even today, need to be done. There is no path to enlightenment that ends in housework being obsolete.
These women would look at you extremely strangely if you asserted they were subservient, and laugh in your face if you insisted they get a mind of their own. They were doing things like cooking for long hours because it was that, or starve. Spin wool, or have no clothes. Split wood, or freeze.
Their job was usually "make sure nobody starves, the children are cared for, the animals are fed and watered, the injuries are tended, the fires stoked, the food purchased, the money managed, the supplies ordered, the home cleaned, the food stored properly, the wool and flax spun, the hired workers paid etc etc" and that's still an important fucking set of jobs to do.
There are also a lot of skills that we simply do not have to do anymore. We still have to have someone who cooks, who scrubs, who feeds the cat and orders the refills and makes sure the gutters are repaired. It's just less gendered now. But labour was much different then. Laundry took an entire day of the week, by hand. You had to do your own canning, your own darning, your own boot repairs, or take it to a professional for a fee... which required you to hook your own animals to a wagon, get in the saddle, or go on your own two feet. There were no fridges or lightbulbs for many years, and cleaners were often just vinegar, soap, bleach, and elbow grease. Someone had to be around to do that, or you hired someone to do it.
The idea that women were these woebegone, overworked, horribly depressed and isolated housewives is a creation of the 1950s. In the 1950s, the war was over, and most young women lived apart from their families and communities for the first time in many decades. New suburbs sprung up and isolation followed.
(This is partly why food in a box became such a staple, btw. Being in your 20s with four kids and nobody nearby to show you how to cook something, outside of memories of WW2-era foods now considered outdated after rations ended - of course packaged and instant foods became a success. It was easy.)
Of course, not every woman back then was depressed, and many were proud of their lives. It was all so new and exciting. But it was also so divorced from how life used to be, that it was still a huge shock to the system for the many that came before, who knew community and families all in one place. Now women were expected to be isolated with just their husband and kids, with no help from family, and often hours of driving between family members (parents, grandparents, siblings) on brand new highways. The cultural shockwaves are still lingering now. The world this woman knew growing up was being torn up for perfect little boxes. It's not the universal lot in life for women. It was created by housing developers to sell properties, by companies to sell products. This is not the reference point for all women, it's an aberration.
Historical women did not often live like a 50s woman did, or like we do now. We are the exception, and the Decades Challenge helps explore how history became now. But it's not linear, and women were not liberated on an ever-increasing timeline of rights. Women have always had choices, but they also had obligations different to ours.
Women were happy, they had joyful lives and were full of memories, and able to make their own decisions. They lusted, they cried from laughter, they had tenderness and were able to shape a life they were happy within. They lived in communities and were a proud part of them.
This applies heavily to a lot of narratives around the Decades Challenge - that women were simply wives until feminism liberated them. As if being just a wife is anything to sneeze at, as if women didn't also have lives beyond that. The idea that they were forced to cook, forced to milk the cow and tend the hens and have the kids is insulting. Many women wanted these things and chose them willingly. Many dreamed of that life. Many did it to survive and would feel it strange that you wouldn't see her choice as smart or valid.
Of course, not every woman got free choice (there is abuse everywhere!) and many did suffer. Many did feel trapped. Many still do. But it's absolutely appalling to me that there's even the idea that all women universally were miserable waifs for centuries, waiting to be liberated from behind drawn curtains, waiting to bloom. It's untrue.
I just wish people would write their historical women as more than pitiful or uneducated on their own rights. They had a different world than we do, but that world wasn't solely a horrible place to be a woman, and you should show them the same respect as that #girlboss you think of today.
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