#buck wild take to post on main
jackdoohangf · 10 months
i don’t want to be mean but there is a certain subsection of f1 fans on here that act eerily similar to the ‘not all men’ and ‘all lives matter’ intersection
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webdollzz · 9 months
💦 of konig jiji love u!
hi angel! thank you for requesting. my first könig request! enjoy <3 ps, my 400 post >> here warnings kinda a mix of rough / soft dom König x fem!readerr, teasing, mild kinks, my headcanons so don't come 4 me saying ohhh he'd never do that!!! in my head he do!!! shush!!
Lemme start this off with size. fucking. kink. he's 6ft4. Big. Burly, you could say. So if you're smaller than him (which isn't necessarily hard), fuckin hell he's gone wild. but, to my lovely tall girls, don't fret!!! if your nearly his height or taller, gods you've wrapped him around your lil finger. But he definitely likes it when he's able to toss somebody around - he doesn't ask to switch, he just switches you and carries on about his business. Not just in bed, either - wrong stance at a line up? His hand is firmly sliding up your spine to make you straighten your back, his gloved hands putting your hands where they need to be, not where they carelessly were.
I reckon in bed he switches. all soft touches, whispered praises, gentle kisses to your temple, but the minute his tip lines up with your entrance and he pushes in, your wetness coating him and giving him easier access to you? he is not responsible for his actions. bruising grip on your hips, his body leaned over yours as his lips are pressed to your ear. "Fuck, this pussy so fuckin' tight. Gonna be a good girl f'me, ja? gonna come all over this dick?" He'd grumble.
but, if you were ontop, taking what you needed from him, his hands tied with the ropes he puts terrorists in so he can't touch you? fuck. might as well kill him right now. "Bitte, meine Liebe(please, my love)..lemme touch you, ja? Will make you feel so good." and when you shake your head no, for the first time ever, you hear him whine. he tries to buck his hips up to meet yours, but you force them down, making him groan. "When I get out of these ropes, Du bist in großen Schwierigkeiten, engel." (you're in big trouble, Angel.)
when he's been away on deployment and he comes back, getting to bury himself deep in your cunt, he's needy. Babbling incoherent german in your ear as he gets close, grunting, hissing, groaning, and even whimpering softly when your warm, tight pussy clenches around him, making him immediately spill himself deep in you. "Fill you with my baby, ja? gonna be the prettiest mama..fuck." He cooed, fucking his cum into you, his half hard cock already getting hard again.
soft!!! choking, hair pulling to get your attention, leaving his marks, breeding, size difference, and funnily enough, guns, are his main kinks. and I'll explain every one for you. choking because knowing he has that control over your body and pleasure makes him tremble. he'd immediately stop if you told him to - but you haven't. and he enjoys the fact he can control your pleasure. hairpulling for when he's fucking you infront of the long mirror he had put at the end of your bed, and your head bows down from overwhelming pleasure so he gently grabs your locs, forcing your head up to look at your perfect arch, your fucked out face, and him slamming into you from the back. "Keep those pretty eyes on me, ja?". leaving his mark cus then everyone knows who the fuck you belong to. bites and a few hickeys decorating all over your throat, chest, thighs, stomach - anywhere he can get, but especially your throat so he gets to see you sweat when you try to hide them. breeding is sorta linked to leaving his mark. but permanently. his little children running around the house, one on your hip as you cook and he cleans, fuck. It makes him crazy. That's why he makes sure to fuck his cum deep inside you. size difference explained before but I'll say again - he loves tossing you around like a ragdoll if you're smaller and he likes to be able to either look up at you or you be at eye level. Both get him uncomfortably hard. now here's the cray cray one, guns. he wouldn't fuck you wit one..(unless you into that..no judgment.) he just likes seeing the way you can handle yourself with one, quickly reloading and firing several bullets, your enemies dropping dead seconds later. if he wasn't on the battle field, he'd be getting a boner right now.
his aftercare is soft kisses all over your face, him cleaning you up gently with a rag wet with warm water, him putting you in a shirt of his, giving you food and water and cuddles. the whole shebang. running his hands up and down your sides. "did so well f'me, meine Liebe. I'm so proud of you. you took it all." He whispered in your ear with a soft kiss to ur temple!!
hope I did okay, thank u for ur request <3
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spxdyr · 27 days
A lot of bucktommy shippers who have no media literacy when it comes to 9-1-1 just haven’t watched most of the show. And if they do watch the show, it’s gonna be through the lens of Tommy for some reason. I remember scrolling through tumblr one time and this person (who was obviously only watching the show for Tommy), literally saw a helicopter at the train derailment episode (the episode where Abby came back with her fiancé) and took a picture of a air rescue helicopter that was in a scene for like a few seconds and posted it with the caption “Tommy!” When in reality, no one was thinking about Tommy when that episode aired lmao. Cause he wasn’t that important of a character, and he never will be.
This isn’t to say that all bucktommy shippers are the same btw, but like it still explains why some of them have some interesting takes. It’s hard to have a substantial opinion about a show or a storyline when you haven’t even watched it. And while I do know that some people watch 9-1-1 specifically just for Buddie, I feel like it’s a little different b/c they’re main characters? Even though I still disagree with it, I still understand it way more than watching a show because of a character with barely 30 minutes of screen time throughout the whole show, and that only is ever there to add support to the main characters in some way.
Also to add to the thing that Ryan said Eddie is a straight man…..Buck was literally canonically a straight man until 7x04. Even though some of the fandom considered him to be bi for a while at that point lmao. All the arguments they use as to why Eddie can’t be gay are the same arguments people used before season 7 as to why Buck can’t be bi or into men. But wait…..they wouldn’t know any of that….because they haven’t watched all of the show.
When I was younger I might watch a show for one couple but I would at least watch the whole show to do it. I can't imagine watching a show for a character only to find out the character is not only, only in the show for like 10 minutes but for the first eight of those minutes he was a tool to show what racism was like for ACTUALLY main characters in the early days of the 118. Then sticking to that character like glue, WILD.
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911 Season 7 Critique
This is a long post. If you don’t make it to the end, I totally understand.
I know we all have lots of feelings about this season and most of what I’ve read from others in the fandom here on tumblr has been overwhelmingly positive, but I have serious and persistent concerns. Here me out, if you’re willing and able.
This entire season something about 911 has felt off for me in a big way. I couldn’t quite put my finger on exactly what the problem was until recently. All I knew was that season 7 was weird out the gate. Now I finally think I have something coherent to say about this season now that it’s over. The whole season’s main plot(s) have been overblown and overworked. All season long, the characters have felt bodysnatched by extraterrestrials being just similar enough to our beloved characters to not raise total alarm - at least initially - but different enough to snatch some epic side-eye outta me. Then ep 4 happened and the whole time I was a mix of elated and confused. Anybody who’s been paying attention for the last 7 years knows that Buck is queer so that wasn’t the shocker. For me, it was the way everything went down in ep 4 with the characters that felt heavy-handed and untrue to who they are. The weird strange bizarreness through the season just kept on coming like a freight train with no breaks or relief. By the finale I was scratching my head and kinda irritated because the tiny bit of actual character work that we saw over the course of the season was odd as hell and now it’s over and I’m not really excited about much of anything that’s supposed to be coming in s8. The characters feel too ooc and the plots feel too uncharacteristic of 911. Like for a bit there I thought I was watching Days of Our Lives meets Miami Vice meets The Walking Dead, and that’s not what I signed up for with 911.
Season 7 left me earnestly wondering: Where are the family feels, the tight bonds, the heartfelt connections, the vulnerable conversations, the healing community that is the 118, the fucking togetherness? Everyone feels like they are adrift and alone without the found family support that they enjoyed in previous seasons. This season has been a trauma fest with little to no emotional payoff. Drama for its own sake. Problems resurrected, rehashed, blown way out of proportion, repackaged, and sold as authentic current issues. This season I felt like I was watching a completely different show.
Yes we are on a new network. Yes Tim is back. Yes a bit of shake up can be good. But this doesn’t feel like a good shake up. I feel like I’m being jerked around for sport. Like past BS is being thrown in my face instead of laid on the table and worked through by the characters that I know and love. Season 7 was mostly just trauma porn and I did not enjoy it.
Yes we could argue that Tim is trying to grab the attention of new viewers on a new network. But honestly that kind of feels like a cop-out explanation given what he delivered. If I were new to this show, I would not feel like I have any idea who these characters are beyond the wild crap that happens to them. I feel like I know more about how to sink a cruise ship or how to traverse the desert than I do about how the characters relate and connect with one another.
As someone who’s watched 911 from the very beginning live and in real time, the plotting, pacing, and character choices in season 7 feel like Tim is putting on a show instead of telling stories. Shows are a wacky wild ride with little cohesion and/or progress; characters take a backseat to whatever the ptb can cook up for the weekly plot. Stories center characters and what’s happening to them is processed by them and moves their arcs along in mostly coherent ways. A show is ‘shit happens’. A story is ‘shit happens TO ME AND I DEAL WITH IT in ways that show the audience who I am and what matters to me’’.
Maybe season 8 will feel more like a story since it won’t be a truncated season, and season 7 has reintroduced people to - aka dredged up long-past but somehow present again - character issues. I don’t know. I hope season 8 is more coherent, character-focused, and progress/healing-oriented like previous seasons have been. Honestly the show has been running too long to act like rehashing the past over and over again is enough to carry it for 7 more seasons.
Anyway, my specific concerns with season 7 are below the cut.
The main plots have just been hilariously bad. Soap opera levels of wtaf.
The cruise ship disaster had pirates, cheaters, and poorly-developed conflicts between lovers all of which (mostly) came out of the thin blue sea air and/or were handled in incredibly ooc ways. MIssing groom because of viral encephalitis. Hospital wedding like its a good thing and preferable to the warm fuzzies that Madney deserved. Long-dead wife put on such a high pedestal by Eddie that she walks the earth once more. Bobby chasing a random man from his past into the desert to say/do what exactly? All while mixing it up with a literal Mexican cartel. A desert crossing complete with traumatic flashbacks, a car crash, and a makeshift stretcher. (Bobby should have left Amir where he was after the crash and just walked the mile to the road without him in tow. But instead he slowed himself down and risked sunstroke in the process. That was a drama choice made by the writers, not a paramedic/firefighter choice made by the character.) Post-house fire Bobby’s heart stops for 14 whole ass minutes and he wakes up fine and perky as meringue. Athena Grant choosing cold-blooded vengeance over holding vigil for her allegedly dying husband. Racist and misogynistic Gerard returning for absolutely no narrative or character-related reason at all, at least not for one that couldn’t be more effectively accomplished by some/any other means.
The women have been side-lined in their own stories, and/or their characters altered in problematic ways.
Hen dismissed the councilwoman’s son in the season’s opening arc and ignored his potential injuries because he was being an asshole. A lesser paramedic would do that, but NOT our Hen. Also that plot point was unrealistic af because if someone is not in their right mind to make a life-saving decision for themselves, like in the case of intoxication, medical personnel can ethically treat them anyway. It was such a weird plot/character choice to Hen use that guy’s intoxication as a reason NOT to treat him when it’s actually a great reason to go ahead and check him out. She should have and would have worked the problem (poised and professional) instead of storming off in a huff (emotion-driven and unethical) because that guy was being a dick. Hen is not easily unsettled, nor is she unprofessional!
Hen and Karen were oddly clueless about Mara’s trauma and the fact that it was actively relevant to her behavior when they took her in, despite the fact that they have fostered several children at this point in the story. They considered “returning her” before they considered the trauma factor. Unreal. Our Hen and Karen were not born yesterday, are no strangers to hard times with foster kids, and have hearts the size of the 7 seas. This writing choice made no sense to me and made Hen and Karen feel like extraterrestrials to me. Ignorant ones at that. In the finale, Hen didn’t tell Karen she was going to see Mara. Like. Why? They talk about everything. Hen claimed it’s because Karen would have tried to stop her but we all know that would have been a half-hearted comment while she put her shoes on and grabbed her purse. No. Hen and Karen are partners and they act like it. The one woman show era between them has been over for a while. Especially when it comes to their family.
Athena and Bobby had a conversation at the end of season 4 about cutting each other out and leaving each other emotionally stranded and since then have been actively committed to communicating and staying a team. So what the hell was that vibe between them on the cruise. Athena was evasive and weird the whole time and in the most banal gender stereotyped way possible. In addition, Tim seems obsessed with women as damsels in distress this season which is not and has never been Athena’s vibe. Even with the Jeffrey arc in season 5 while she coped with the trauma of that encounter, she displayed agency. So I’ll never understand her indirect approach to dealing with Bobby running off to ‘Step 9’ Amir or her decision to turn right around and talk to Amir about Bobby instead of talking to Bobby directly. Athena is a direct person, especially about her family. She cuts to the quick and gets to the heart of things. The drama I needed was Bathena working through Athena’s fears for Bobby and Bobby working through his trauma/recovery with Athena…not a Mexican cartel and shenanigans in the desert. Then there was the way Harry talked to Athena when she discovered that he ran away from Miami. Athena’s response to Harry would have been understanding but corrective. She wouldn’t have stood there and let him disrespect her. Not in a million lifetimes. She also wouldn’t have left her allegedly dying husband at the hospital to reenact a revenge plot from some B movie. Plus what was up with her blaming herself for Amir supposedly burning the house down, and her doing no police work to puzzle out what happened? She just went on an emotion-fueled rampage. That’s not how Athena operates. Remember her namesake, goddess of WISDOM and warfare. Come on bffr.
Maddie. Oh where do I even start. From ep 1 she was treated like a means to an end instead of the first responder former nurse badass that she is. This whole season, she comes across as ‘just another dispatcher’ instead of the focused problem-solver and active agent that we know her to be. Prior to season 7 Maddie would have had her thinking cap fully on right along with Hen in the first episodes as they worked out a way to get in touch with the cruise ship. Calling Tommy could have even been Maddie’s idea since Chim and Tommy are still in touch but Hen and Tommy don’t seem to be. Then there was the whole Maddie hearing what she expected to hear with the abuse victim on that one call. Like. What?! This is not Maddie’s first rodeo, she is not easily unsettled, and she’s a damn professional. She would have done what she had to do to emotionally regulate and help the woman in danger before she let herself ‘hear what she expected to hear’. Admittedly she would have cried the whole time because that’s JLH’s jam and she’s good at it but Maddie wouldn’t have fallen down so hard on the job (especially not after what happened in season 3 with Tara and Vincent). And the wedding stuff! Maddie was just watching and waiting instead of using what she knew about her partner in life Chim to deduce where he might go or what he might do. Instead of collecting information about their previous calls and how they might be playing into Chim’s disappearance, she was busy being insecure about whether Chim actually wanted to marry her. Mind you, Maddie was the one who was originally reticent about marrying again AND she’s the one who proposed to Chim. After all the drama with the ring, there is no world in which Maddie would have imagined Chim was running from her. She would have known something bad was up and that it had nothing to do with their love for one another. In the finale Maddie calls Chim to talk about Athena’s suss behavior but Maddie has more connections and professional wherewithal than just ‘call my husband he’ll know what to do’. She would have called the precinct and asked about 727-L-30 in a discreet way and put most of the pieces together herself and then actually sent Chim and Hen to stop her. And she would have been ready at a moment’s notice to call the cops on the rogue cop. The way that scene actually played out felt more like gossip on the high school bleachers than Maddie doing her actual job.
The relationships seem plain odd/ooc, distant, and/or superficial. Very few vulnerable emotional conversations happened and when they did they felt generic, shallow, and/or incomplete.
Bobby and Athena on the cruise. Athena just didn’t feel like herself because she refused to talk to Bobby. When they did finally talk it was when they were about to drown and it was more of a mini-therapy session for Bobby. After Amir was introduced, Bobby pulled away again and Athena let him. Then Athena chose to approach the traumatized stranger rather than have a talk with her own damn husband. When they finally confronted each other about that situation, she walked away from Bobby almost like she was punishing him for walking away first instead of them both leaning into the conversation as partners. Really? Bffr.
Buck and Eddie having a bro convo about womanizing in the early episodes of the season. The ‘hey pal please talk to my kid bro because you have experience with these issues’ rather than the all important ‘there’s no one in this world I trust with my son more than you’ vibes of it all. Eddie making limited eye contact with Buck and ignoring him in ep 4. Eddie’s physical demeanor in ep 4 being bro-ed up and distant. Yeah I know we can argue that was all from Buck’s perspective in the moment but that explanation seems insufficient to me because it was so extreme, and was kind of maintained in some ways throughout the season. The ‘i’m gonna maim my best friend’ energy of the bucktommy origin story despite the fact that buck is not violent at all and definitely not towards loved ones. (Tim seems determined to ruin everybody just enough to generate unnecessary and ooc drama.) Buck’s weird dudebro conversation with Eddie while on his date with Tommy as if the foundation of buck and eddie’s relationship has ever been conversations about women solely to assert their heterosexuality * facepalm emoji * The super textbook sterile coming out scene in ep 5 like these guys aren’t besties and don’t actually know each other deeply. I wanted that coming out scene to have 504 patio conversation energy, not whatever it was we got in 704. Like that coming out conversation could have played out the exact same with one of the no-name background firefighters at the 118 or with Connor or some other rando. It felt so impersonal to who they are and to their particular brand of vulnerable courageous conversations. Honestly even the hug in 704 was weird. I was happy to have it but it was still weird. The kitchen conversation in ep 9 at Eddie’s place felt odd and incomplete for buddie. We get queer sexual innuendo (‘skulking around my back door’), basic mutual acknowledgment of worry about the dead wife doppelganger, and that’s a wrap? Okay I guess * eyeroll emoji * Then we had the finale where Eddie is obviously losing his mind and Buck is just sitting on the arm of the couch like ‘i dunno what to tell you man’. Like they’ve never had a (chris) conversation before in their life. Like buck wouldn’t have been the one to VOLUNTEER to go talk to chris without eddie spelling it out. Like buck wasn’t the person who stayed with chris talked to him and took care of him when eddie got shot and when eddie lost his damn mind in 513. The buck in the finale was not the buck who did all those things. He was so bodysnatched it’s not even funny. Also, in what world would buck have snarked that chris can’t keep eddie out of his room??? Buck, my good sir, if eddie wanted to break down chris’ door he wouldn’t have called you over bc he can do that on his own without a consult. That scene felt ooc af plus the dialogue was just plain dumb.
Hen and Chim have barely had a meaningful friend moment this season. It’s mostly Hen razzing Chim, a polite smile, or nada. Let’s not even talk about the ‘betrayal’ in the beginning with the councilwoman’s son and then the deeply meaningless drama that ensued after. So much so that they commented on it in a joking way on the helicopter. That’s not how Hen and Chim roll. They give each other clear and unapologetic honesty at all times. Not the cold shoulder for sport which is what it felt like when Hen finally said she wasn’t actually mad. The gender and racial implications of how that played out are not lost on me. It felt like a 180 from how these characters normally interact in serious circumstances. Complete waste of time and invented drama for drama’s sake. I don’t blame Hen and Chim for that, like everything else I’ve mentioned in this critique of the season, it’s pure writing room weirdness.
Bobby’s locker room conversation with Buck in ep 9 was more like mentor-mentee than father-son. We’ve stated that as their dynamic several times but that’s not what we got in that locker room. They were standing several feet apart, Bobby and Buck smiled politely, no hug, no shoulder pat. Just textbook sterile ‘you’re okay kid’. Bobby could have given that speech to no-name firefighter number 12 and it would have felt the same.
You mean to tell me in the finale that Bobby was just gonna stroll back into work in uniform after quitting like nothing happened? Like he’s still employed. My good sir, you didn’t even call headquarters before showing up to be like ‘just kidding i want my job back’. You mean to tell me Buck and Ravi were at work, in uniform and clocked in, but didn’t already know Gerard was there? You mean to tell me Bobby was supposedly that allergic to having a real emotional/vulnerable conversation with literally anybody that he strolled into work WHEN HE NO LONGER WORKS THERE like he was gonna get to actually work??? I just can’t -
Anyway, this post is long af so if you made it to the end, thank you. Honestly, I'm still processing this season but as of now, in the words of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, “I take no leave of you, [Tim Minear]. I send no compliments to your [season 7 showrunner decisions]! You deserve no such attention! I am seriously displeased!”
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naritaren · 1 year
How to use strategy to follow the G1:
The first tip I am going to dole out is just pay for njpwworld. It's like 7 bucks USD and you won't be fighting for your life on the high seas. When signing up, use Google translate and sign up with the site in Japanese. Once you get logged in, switch the site language to English and you are good to go. For some reason the site bugs out if you try to register in English. 🤷
Secondly, NJPW posts all of the cards and the order they are in ahead of time. You can check on the schedule page. The results page on the same website will give you just that, the results. This is going to be key so if you are fast forwarding to watch just one match, you know where to stop. If there is a change in the card for any reason, they will announce it at the very start of the show, on Twitter, and on the website.
Now, you want to get a feel for the storylines? Your best bet is to watch the backstage comments. The only people that get in-ring promo time on these tours are the winners of the main event. Everyone else gets to be unhinged backstage. There are three places you can find the promos; njpwworld, njpwworld Twitter, and Youtube. They go up pretty quickly and get subtitled, but give the translators a day to get the subs up. YouTube will have them broken up by match, Twitter is by person, and njpwworld is all of them in one long ass video. Be warned: some people might do A Bit during the whole tour. Kenta absolutely totally didn't shill his book. ELP kept eating hamburgers. Jay White had the ToJay show. You get the point. It's wild. You'll find the ones you want to watch.
Now, if you are watching live, godspeed. The air times are always on NJPW Global's Twitter account. They usually have a few time zones listed. Your best bet is to just set a clock in your clock app to Tokyo time.
If you are watching live, there are no commercial breaks so you'll need to learn where is the best place to do bio breaks. You can always just go during a match you don't care about, but there are a few key times that always will work. The first is during Naito's entrance. Second is during Shota's entrance. Both of them take at least 5 minutes to get to the ring. Another good time is leading up to the start of a Yano match. This can be hit or miss depending on his opponent, but his in-ring intro is decently long. Another good time is after a match where they fucked up the ring or removed the corner pads. It'll take the Young Lions a few minutes to put it back and you get an extra cushion of time where you can miss the entrances for the next match and be fine.
Some miscellaneous tips:
Don't fuck up your sleep for this. It'll be tempting. It's not worth it. You'll enjoy the experience better if you just put it on when you have the time after work or school. The replays go up almost immediately after it airs so if you are using the subscription, you'll have it. These are 3 hour long shows. Just watch at your pace.
The NJPW codecs are shit so the video quality will be trash on the website. There is no way around this. Sorry. You just learn to live with it.
Main events and semi-main events will always have red shoes as a ref. How will you know it's him? Well you see, he wears red shoes. (and sleeves) He's also Shota's dad, so you'll hear some drama about that.
There might be nights where wrestlers are guest commentary! It's typically a surprise who it is, but you'll get to hear some interesting voices. Generally it's the native English speakers, but it'll be interesting. If Chris Charleton is on commentary, he will do live translation. (He's the Brit)
And my final tip:
Don't post fancams, clips, gifs, or screenshots on Twitter. God works fast but TV Ashai works faster. They will take your shit down fast. It's how TDE got their og account banned. (They don't know about Tumblr and let's not alert them to it either).
Enjoy the G1!
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hippolotamus · 1 year
get to know your fic writer
tagged by the lovely and talented @stereopticons @jesuisici33 @heartshapedvows @wikiangela Thank you mwah! 😘
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
July 24, 2021
First character(s) you wrote for:
I had always written for OCs and never considered writing for established characters until I met David and Patrick from Schitt's Creek. After a few months of reading SC fics I finally wrote something of my own.
Main character(s) you’re currently writing for:
Currently Buck and Eddie, but I also write for Alexis/Twyla and David/Patrick
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon:
I’m not sure I have any? Technically I’ve not really written Lucy before so exploring that currently is interesting. Does that count?
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing for:
911, Schitt's Creek
Platonic pairing(s) you currently write for:
Currently Buck and Lucy but I also love writing David and Stevie.
Romantic pairing(s) you currently write for:
Buck/Eddie, Alexis/Twyla, David/Patrick
Your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3):
Fluff, First kiss, POV David Rose
Your current platform where you post your works:
Snippet of the wip you’re currently working on:
This is a future scene that I don’t think really spoils anything. But I love it and what I’m not sharing made me ugly cry so…
Buck cups his cheek, pressing a gentle kiss there. He gets a grunt in response that makes him chuckle under his breath. “Sleep well, sweetheart.”
Stiff, achy joints make getting out of bed much more of a process than it used to be. Eventually he swings his legs over the mattress and puts on his slippers. After relieving himself, he shuffles to the kitchen for breakfast.
The routine hasn’t changed much in the years since they retired. A few more prescriptions have found their way into the medicine cabinet, and neither one of them eats a hearty meal like they used to. But Buck still starts by turning on the radio and getting coffee ready for when Eddie wakes up, the same way he has for decades.
While the coffee maker gurgles, dripping the precious liquid into the pot below, Buck gets his own breakfast ready. He pulls out a container of plain yogurt, then some berries Chris brought from the market yesterday. Slowly, steadily Buck assembles a small bowl with his ingredients, topping it off with honey and granola. Before he takes it to the table he fills a mug with coffee, cream and sugar for himself, and sets an extra mug out for Eddie.
An old country song he can’t remember the name of anymore plays on the radio. The singer croons about a Mexican maiden and a young cowboy, wild as the Texas wind. Buck looks to the doorway and smiles to himself thinking about the young cowboy who swept him off his feet so long ago.
Eddie’s hair has turned completely gray, coffee brown eyes have dulled, surrounded by wrinkles and crow’s feet, and there’s nothing quick about his movements anymore. Not that Buck’s any better. It doesn’t stop him from seeing the ruggedly handsome man with the devastating smile that could always stop Buck in his tracks.
I’ll call on @blackandwhiteandrose @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @disasterbuckdiaz @giddyupbuck @vanillahigh00 @monsterrae1 @buddierights @statueinthestone @spotsandsocks @pirrusstuff @apothecarose @rmd-writes my love @lizzie-bennetdarcy @your-catfish-friend @watchyourbuck @thewolvesof1998 @forthewolves @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @hoodie-buck and anyone else who wants to
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worldburnrp · 10 months
Tumblr media
The Butterfly Effect is never quite as enigmatic as it seems.
Change doesn't happen overnight, and yet most can pinpoint the moment their trajectory shifted. A decision made, however long ago, that altered everything for better or for worse. Right, or wrong.
Many would take the chance at change. Few would consider subsequent consequence.
Please check the event post before this one!
This event will run until Monday, November 27th.
Since this event will run for only TEN DAYS, we ask players to please pause any threads not belonging to the AU event.
This is so there is no confusion between threads which are canon, and those which are not — and that everyone can focus their threads to this universe, without any added pressures of other replies.
We encourage you to plot with your fellow players what your characters will be up to during the event, as well as any plots and/or conflicts that may happen. As this is an AU event, any heavy conflicts do NOT need to be brought to the main first — this event's threads are not canon outside of the event. Go wild! <3
Please tag all AU replies with "AU". This way, it will be easily identifiable on everyone's blogs that it isn't a canon thread.
As always, should there be any questions or need of assistance with any plots, please feel free to contact the admins and we’ll be happy to help you!
UNLOCK THE AU: Write and post a MINI INTRO to your character, to introduce us to who they are in this AU. This will be used as reference for all other members/characters throughout the event, so make sure to have any and all important info there. As this is a mini intro, 3-5 bullet-points should be more than alright, length-wise. You must link the post in #AU-INTROS for the points to be tallied. [ You will be awarded 300 points for this ]
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The event is now open.
Have fun!
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doubledyke · 8 months
Over your headcanons about allowance... I have a hard time believing Edd gets real pences every mouth or that he's a penny-pincher. I could see this scenary, but regarding his paperboy chore in Read all About Ed, seems unlikely. And he probably takes part on the scams bc he enjoys having fun with his friends and improving his constructions skills, he don't care about them getting money or not. Also, I believe he don't mind about his parents giving him allowance or not, he just wants affection and attention from them... and about his parents, I believe they just give nickels in very situational moments, when they see him somewhat sad, disappointed and feel the obligation ''do something as parents'' (just like the special lunch in ''Too Smart for his Ed'').
Either way, I feel Edd's ''allowance'' is very situational (hence your books on the disease episode) and otherwise he don't care about money at all.
About Ed case, I also have a hard time believing he gets allowance, due to how neglected he is and how his parents favor Sarah. But there is the question from knowing where he got all his movies and comics... maybe he just got any pennies once a year, in his birthday day, and he will immediately spent on comics and movies (or grave like in All Eds are Off). (I believe Eddy's family is actually just avaricious, and he never gets allowance at all. Greed runs on the family).
well they're headcanons after all so they are by definition not canon. that post wasn't me telling anyone what to believe lol. if you thought that was bad you should hear my other headcanons.
but you make a fair point, maybe edd knew they were gonna have a sale so he asked his parents for money. but he did have 50c in every which way but ed, as a very young child. the newspaper thing, i mean the electron microscope was like $20k so he probably figured he needed to supplement his income if he was going to get it before he turned 25 lmao.
with ed i can see what you mean but he has things he likes, like his comics and his model kits that must come from somewhere. either his parents buy them or he buys them with an allowance. if they're willing to buy him those things, then it's not that crazy to think he'd get an allowance. someone suggested they might be handed down from his father which is possible! but some of them must be current cuz he was able to order those jawbreakers in ed or tails.
eddy's parents (specifically his dad) are undoubtedly greedy but he is spoiled rotten. their spoiling does come in other forms though, outside of money. like not requiring him to do any chores whatsoever. and i like the idea that he pulled a regina george and made them trade him bedrooms so he has the biggest one in the house... but that's besides the point. it's very possible that be doesn't get an allowance, hence the scams. i just put together a silly little backstory that i thought was fun.
it's possible that none of them get allowance. you're allowed to believe whatever you want, i can't stop you. nor would i want to.
one of the great things about the show is how ambiguous a lot of things are, and that continuity is far from its main concern. so we fans can kinda go buck wild.
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 months
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
HI CRICKET!!!!! :)
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love Oh god this is hard because there are so many amazing fic writers in every fandom I've ever been a part of.
I'm gonna recommend two because I can't pick just one and I recently reread fics from both of them.
@cal-daisies-and-briars writes some of the best stories I've ever read. They take you on twists and turns. They write the characters really well. They clearly care about what they're writing. Every one of their fics is like being dropped into the world they're writing. Check out their AO3 here.
@sunshinediaz has such an amazing way of writing both Eddie and Buck, but especially Eddie. The care that Amanda puts into the characters in her fics is so beautiful. I love that she doesn't write fics where the main characters are perfect, instead she takes their flaws and writes them like they're human. Check out her AO3 here.
Also, both Cal and Amanda's fics have made me weep on more than one occasion. Take that for what you will.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before I feel like every new bit of personal lore I drop makes my life seem even more wild, so here's a relatively tame bit of lore.
When I was 22 I accidentally flipped off a railing outside of a baseball game while waiting for the bus. It didn't hurt at all, but I ended up bleeding A LOT because head wounds bleed (and maybe I was a little drunk). I got taken to the stadium clinic and they wrapped my head in gauze to stop the bleeding.
Got on the bus and then my roommate insisted we go to the ER when we got home. I ended up with 6 staples in my head and a mild concussion.
When I went back to get my staples out a week later a nurse just took me behind the desk and did it without admitting me so I wouldn't have to pay for the visit (thank you Stacey, I still remember you. You are an angel with very tender hands).
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh Free Shavacado never fails to make me giggle.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately? So many things. Not liking the vibe, the formatting being wonky, female character bashing, OOC characters, and more.
I find that being able to click away from a fic you don't enjoy is a skill more people need to learn. Not every fic is for me and that's actually very normal. If I don't like it, I don't read it and I go on living my life.
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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bugtransport · 1 year
i think we need to bring back manga sidebars?? so this whole dive i've been doing into older shoujo has been because i was informed that viz put a bunch of old shojo beat titles up on the app and i was like fuck it, two bucks a month i'll check it out... and i'm having an absolute blast with it. it doesn't have my all time faves but it's a really good excuse to check out series that i know i read and didn't completely click with when i was a wee little kid as an adult now to see what's going on in there. the answer is that shoujo is a wild fucking ride and i think my faves were on the tamer end so it's nuts looking back at this and being like "i read this when i was HOW OLD??"
that's not the point at all of the post. my point is this: holy shit if you think 2000s shoujo could be unhinged you have not seen some of the shit these mangaka will put in the sidebars. i've read about surgeries and jrpgs and the yaoi doujins people have written for friends and european work trips and how much, theoretically, someone would pay for a boyfriend (you can tell where that one's from i think) and of course, what are essentially the author's notes on each chapter.
i'm definitely not as up on modern manga as a lot of other people are so forgive me for making this assumption if it's incorrect but i think with the advent of social media and all it's a lot easier to follow creators and interact with them even so i can get why they died off. i would presume that to be one of the main reasons. but reading these sidebars is like coming across an audio log in a videogame almost: the author's just rambling to themself about what's going on in their life and in the plot and some of it's relevant and some of it's not but you can kinda feel what life was like for them in that moment. the nature of manga being released chapter by chapter means that they didn't really have things necessarily all figured out while they're writing so they're tied to a specific time unlike an author's note in a book or something. they become part of the experience of reading something it's a very unique experience that i hardly ever have seen replicated in a similar way since they're so tied into the pages - yeah you could argue that an author explaining something on twitter could be similar but that's a separate platform and experience; posts online can easily get lost to time and someone reading the series say 5 years from now would not necessarily be able to find them. there's not the staying power of print there. this is also the era where the artists are starting to mention their blogs in the comments and... these aren't necessarily up anymore...
anyway i've always appreciated seeing sidebars in manga and i didn't know just how much i really missed the author updates i would get even years behind the fact (what with the time it takes for them to get translated, published, and for me to pick up the book). they feel like a sweet little time capsule i'm unearthing. i love them!
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borkthemork · 1 year
Started watching Miraculous after you reblogged a few related posts. Though I haven't gotten past season 2 yet, it looks like there's a pretty stark division between season 1/2 and the later seasons, and apparently season 4 gets real bad? Seems like you're all the way through - is it worth the time sink to reach what looks like some Cool Shit from the movie?
So the thing with Miraculous the series and Miraculous the movie would be that they're both separate entities, and have different canons. You don't have to watch the series to understand the movie, since they basically have different characterizations, interpretations, and overall divergent tones. Which is a good thing, because I would recommend Miraculous the series on the condition that someone recognizes that the writing is absolutely buck wild, and it's based on how much you're willing to cope through its buck wildness to see what's happening. So, when it comes to asking your question, Anon, I would have to go a bit more in-depth to at least showcase which one I would recommend based on your preferences. We can start with the movie, since it's quicker. [Warnings for some spoilers in the series, including the last season.] The Miraculous movie is pretty good. I can say that the composition, songs, fight scenes, and animation are quite beautiful, and a definite recommend for anyone who wants to get some understanding of the series, without being obligated to watch the show, and prefer a more "polished" look. Excellent designs, gorgeous lighting, I cannot stop thinking about the composition toward the piano scene. Stunning. It does lose characterization or mix up the personalities of the characters to make the story fit for a movie run — unfortunately, Plagg has been hit by this the most, alongside a few other characters like Alya. Marinette and Adrien, specifically, have had their personalities tweaked to match the tone of the movie, and overall, make the film complete, yet lose some of the complexity that comes from the series. If you're looking for a more action-focused, shonen-esque experience with a complete end, that would be the media I would recommend. If you're looking for a more magical girl-esque experience, with writing that makes you wonder what type of crack the team was on to give me an existential crisis while having this conveyed through zany shenanigans, the series would be more to your alley. There has been some discourse in the fandom regarding the quality of each season, and to be fair, a lot of this comes down to stuff I'm not really much invested in. Miraculous, at its heart, is a romance action show, so characterization and the romance (which includes the love square outside the two characters) will be that focus. Some characters that fandom want redeemed won't be redeemed, or are annoying, and I'm fine with that. As a casual viewer, I don't find myself seeing them as heavy flaws, unless the writing makes it too overbearing. I will note that, Anon, you're definitely correct that there is a difference between Miraculous's first two seasons compared to the current ones, and I think that's probably the main appeal for me as someone who listened in and then decided to watch again, since the tone transition is entertaining to watch during the course of the show. The seasons begin to go into a downward spiral in the best way possible. Details from past seasons get brought up. More of the monster-of-the-week is shown, and yet it gets more sinister with Hawkmoth's new power-ups and allies. You go from Chloe being your typical rich character in a show, to being manipulated in a massive political game to take over France using robotic infantry by the end of the latest season. You have characters like Plagg and Tikki — tiny creatures with the powers of gods — making multiple jokes of how powerful they are and sometimes how apathetic they can be to human suffering, and then have that be an actual pay-off within the show. This series is wacky, insane, and yet I can't help but enjoy the journey on how it dives into more serious undertones while also keeping its more wacky side to it all. It might not be everyone's tea, but if you're curious on how Season One went from that to (Motions to Season 5) this, then I think the journey is worth it.
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call-boy · 7 months
Literally woke up and saw a post about someone letting their hamster eat baking soda and vinegar as it free roamed their kitchen counter and it obviously died traumatically… a lot do the comments were like this isn’t funny, all hamsters die traumatic deaths. But the people in response saying typical responses about exotics pets like their lives don’t matter, who cares, this is hilarious lighten up it’s a hamster etc pissed me off so much. It’s the main problem we see in exotic animal medicine…people with that exact mentality taking shitty care of their pets bc it cost 20 dollars and only lives 2-3 years, it’s life is less important than their cats and dogs. It’s just crazy that you can own multiple species of animals and value some of their lives higher than others… also the classic “this animal is sick and not doing well bc it’s my child’s pet! I never wanted this thing” like sorry to break it to you but you purchased this animal…you’re responsible for it even if you consider it to be your child’s pet. Also what are you teaching the child? That some lives matter less than others and how to not give a fuck about lives they’re responsible for? Wild tbh always denying treatment plans bc the animal is worth 20 bucks and they can just get another one…
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fasttube · 11 months
The Literacy of Lyricism: For Swifties
I stand by my seat at The Eras Tour and eagerly await the arrival of one of my favorite artists as the clock on the screen counts down. The screams around me reach an unimaginable volume as we all hear “It’s been a long time coming.” I look out at the crowd and see so many faces. Almost every single one was screaming or crying, some were doing both. This singular person who was coming up on stage had created a mass fanbase of people who would cheer for her through thick and thin. In fact, Taylor Swift has created more than just a fanbase, she’s made a community. Communities can be defined simply as a group of people whose interactions create some kind of unity and commonality (Prior 26). However, the Swiftie community goes further than this by becoming a discourse community. It’s a discourse community through which people engage with each other on topics relating to Taylor. Where they have online chatrooms and in-person events to discuss and share their thoughts on Taylor and her music. Where dozens of fanfictions, parodies, blog posts, and even full-length college courses are created to spread the “word” of Blondie, a term of endearment by fans for Taylor. I make it sound like a cult, and although some people take it seriously enough to call it a religion, it’s just an accepting community that shares the goal of appreciating and sharing the music of Taylor Swift (Swales 12). Because of all these things, I find it fitting to define the Swiftie fanbase as a discourse community, according to John Swales's definition. The main mechanism through which Swifties appreciate and share Taylor’s music is through her lyrics. These lyrics enable Swifties to pursue writing and advocacy in some of the contexts that Taylor writes about. Through Taylor Swift’s lyricism, the literacy of Swifties is uplifted and encouraged in the contexts of emotional expression, feminism, and insecurity.
Writing and literacy can take many forms. It can be in the form of poetry, screenplays, non-fiction books, Tumblr blogs, or lyrics, among many others. Lyricism, especially, is one of the most popular ways that literacy can be learned and spread. Although I have heard my fair share of lyrics and songs with questionable messaging and imagery, I believe most artists value their lyrics. One such artist is Taylor Swift. About an hour into the concert, I stood by my seat eagerly anticipating the next song and saw one of her backup singers hand her a guitar. She strums casually, gives a little speech about love, and asks, “Do you have about 10 minutes to spare”. The crowd goes absolutely buck wild, all of us recognizing that she’s singing the 10-minute version of her Grammy award-winning song, All Too Well. For the many Swifties at the show and me, this song carries much meaning all because of the touching lyrics she wrote. As the bridge of the song builds, I take a deep breath and prep my vocal cords to scream out as loud as they can.
“And you call me up again just to break me like a promise. So casually cruel in the name of being honest. I’m a crumpled-up piece of paper lying here cause I remember it all too well.”
I look at my cousin next to me and she is brazenly sobbing while singing each lyric and screaming as she recalls that last time someone hurt her and made her feel the same feeling that Taylor was singing about. That’s one of the beauties of the lyricism of Taylor Swift, the relatability that allows people to feel comfortable sharing their feelings.
Blondie’s music has always been catered towards women, both young and old. So, the teenage girls within all of us that have been heartbroken a dozen times over because of our fresh, unexperienced hearts, really FEEL every word that she writes. This feeling is especially multiplied when I look online and see hundreds of blog posts, tweets, and images detailing how a stranger hundreds of miles away feels exactly the same way that I did. Knowing that someone else feels the same way I did, gives Swifties the confidence to share their stories and tell others of their ventures, both gleeful and sorrowful. In this way, the Swiftie community uplifts and encourages each other to write their feelings. The encouragement that is provided among the Swifties community and from Taylor Swift’s lyrics, empowers fans to engage in literacy that has to do with their own emotions and manner of expression. Even as someone who is studying to be a writer/editor, I still find it difficult to find the right words to express myself and my feelings. I often find it impossible to put pen to paper and write exactly how I feel in regard to what I felt at a specific moment; it’s why I have never been one for journaling. The masterful lyricism with which Taylor Swift writes is one that inspires me to find better ways of expressing myself. And this is something that is further fostered by the Swiftie community. Every cover, parody, inspired piece of poetry or art, is uplifted and celebrated by Swifties. They’ve even come together as a community and created fan chants to sing during some of Taylor’s songs and a slurry of inside jokes that only other Swifties would recognize. This scale of supportiveness and expression of the community is something that is second to none among the often-toxic fandoms that many recording artists have amassed.
Soon after the Red era of songs was over, the entire stage was emptied as just Taylor walked towards the end of the stage. At the end of the stage stood a wooden piano, decorated with painted flowers. The entire audience was abuzz with anticipation as we waited to see what song would come next. Taylor spoke, giving a relatively long speech about the love she has for her fans before introducing her special guest for the evening, Aaron Dessner, one of her co-songwriters. The crowd went wild once again, I stood in confusion but cheered and asked my cousin “Who’s that?”, “That’s one of her songwriters,” she said. I understood the cheers now, this was someone who had written some of Taylor’s most powerful and touching songs. He begins to play the piano, everyone sitting in silence trying to see what song it was. This was what was called “Surprise song time”, where Taylor would choose two songs from her discography to sing acoustically. It was different at every show so the fans never knew what surprise song was coming even if they knew the full setlist. In the midst of Aaron’s piano playing, “What did you think I'd say to that?” is sung, and as if they were commanded to do so, the crowd screams in unison and begins to sing along with Taylor. After the first verse, she almost angrily sings
“Good wives always know, she should be mad, should be scathing like me, but no one likes a mad woman. What a shame she went mad... And you'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out And you find something to wrap your noose around. And there's nothin' like a mad woman”
I feel anger well up from deep within me as I recall all the times, I have had to suppress my feelings for fear of being told I am “crazy”. This is an experience not unique only to me, but rather one that could be felt by every woman who exists in male-dominated spaces (which, let's be honest, is almost everywhere).
As a woman, I find it to be incredibly important to read, listen to, and watch material that empowers women and supports feminism. This applies to books, movies, academic texts, and music. Music is mostly the one that I surround myself with the most. Music is the media that reaches the widest audience, as it can be listened to, recognized, and appreciated beyond the barrier of language. The lyricism of songs like “Mad Woman” and some of Taylor’s other songs, allows Swifties to be empowered and embrace their femininity without fear of judgment. The song reminds me of the story The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a story about a woman who slowly goes mad as the men around her ignore her and her pleas for help. Although in this story the narrator actually does become a “mad woman” it is because of the lack of reception and mental help that her physician husband refused to give her. Both this story and Taylor’s song encompass the experiences that most women have. Experiences where men undermine the feelings of women and place them under this umbrella of being “crazy” rather than acknowledging their very real feelings and issues.
The lyrics behind “mad woman” encourage women to put their feelings into words, specifically their feelings about being a woman. Women are inspired to become feminists through songs like these. Although feminism has gotten a bad rap, it’s really just a different word for equality (Logsdon 5). In this constant struggle for equality, the sharing of female rage and despair actually uplifts women to continue the fight, rather than delving them into a depression from the lack of equal rights. The feminist lyrics behind some of Taylor’s songs, promote Swifties to engage more with feminist rhetoric and discourse. From this, the community gains a newfound courage to share and engage with feminist literacy. This form of literacy actually encourages abstract and conceptual language (Havelock 1). The metaphorical nature of her lyrics adds a visual component to her already descriptive and immersive audio. In this song, the lyrics give Swifties the image of a man pushing and pushing a woman till she reaches a point where she goes mad. The relatability of Taylor’s lyrics once again serves as the catalyst for why Swifties engage so much with her music and get inspired and empowered by it.
The crowd was still yelling, with screams getting more and more raspy as people lost their voices. The first surprise song had finished and left all the women in the crowd with a rush of adrenaline as they thought of all the times, they were told they were “mad”. These screams continued as Aaron left the stage. Screams still cheer out for Taylor as we see water being projected onto the stage. Taylor readies herself assumes a position similar to that of professional divers and literally jumps headfirst onto the stage. “What the, that was so cool!” I remember exclaiming to my cousin as we watched the interim visuals of Taylor Swift swimming inside the stage. Soon after this truly jarring moment, the final era of the tour, Midnights, was about to begin. I really wasn’t ready for it to be over, I felt what seemed to be every emotion possible throughout the last 2 and a half hours of this show. I probably screamed the loudest of everyone in my section, even with my already shredded vocal cords from the night of excess screaming. We eventually reached my favorite song from the era, Anti-Hero. It’s a song I, unfortunately, deeply relate to.
“It’s me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me. At teatime, everybody agrees. I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror”
My throat grew tight as I felt the emotions rush through me, it became almost painful as it combined with the soreness I already had. I knew exactly what it felt like to be insecure about the things you do and to have anxiety about what you could have done better. It’s a feeling I know isn’t unique, but one that still hits hard nonetheless.
It’s not often that I get emotional in a space with so many people around. I normally like to keep my emotions to myself. But something about the experience of seeing this person on stage singing about this feeling that I had had so many times before and that I see so many people around me sharing, had me close to tears. The song itself is upbeat and happy sounding, but the lyrics tell a story of anxiety and insecurity. As a student, I especially relate to the feelings in this song as I often question my abilities and wonder if my writing is good enough. And I know I’m not alone. In a letter to her students, Erica Dolson exclaims about how she so desperately wishes that she could allay the sentiments of stress and anxiety that her students express to her (1). Despite advice on breathing, healthy habits, and professional help, those emotions are still there. One thing that has really helped me with my anxieties and insecurities is knowing that I am not the only one who feels this way. Dolson explains that she also feels those same stresses and anxieties as her students do. Taylor Swift, this person who people have long been idolizing and claiming to be perfect, also feels that same way and she’s letting us fans know that through her lyrics. She’s insecure about her writing, her actions, and herself. Swifties feel these insecurities and anxieties too, and by opening up about these things, Taylor Swift is sponsoring the normalization of vulnerability and creating mental health literacy.
Through this normalization, the Swifties community becomes a supportive space where people can express their feelings and show their vulnerability with people who will try their best to uplift someone out of those negative thoughts. On Twitter (I know it’s X now, but that name is stupid so I still call it Twitter), I’ve seen dozens of posts from Taylor Swift update accounts who apologize for being inactive because of their mental health. Rather than attacking this person for being absent and being upset that they didn’t get their daily Taylor Swift news, the community supports that person and tells them to take their time and prioritize their own health. This isn’t really something hard to do as they're just being decent human beings, but such support among fans is uncommon in a lot of fanbases. By giving each other empathy, offering support, and encouraging open conversations about mental health, Swifties contribute to a broader understanding of emotional well-being within fanbases.
As I write this piece, still in my post-Eras Tour depression, I continue to think about all the lyrics of Taylor Swift and how they have touched the lives of so many people. Through her lyrics, Taylor Swift has sponsored the literacy of her fanbase and inspires them to be raw and creative. The Swifties community has been shaped by Taylor Swift's impactful lyrics and now serves as a vibrant discourse community that encourages emotional expression, feminism, and mental health. Through the shared experience of her lyricism, Swifties finds not only entertainment but also a source of empowerment, understanding, and connection with a broader community that extends beyond The Eras Tour. Taylor Swift's lyrical artistry, combined with the communal spirit of Swifties, has cultivated a space where literacy transcends traditional boundaries and embraces the human experience.  So, just remember, when the crushing weight of the current state of the world and your own anxieties and emotions get you down, just do like Taylor Swift and “Shake It Off”. 
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jaybluebugs · 3 months
The Original Eight Apprentices
Of ThunderClan (All art by me)
(This is gonna be a longer post so brace yourself)
Real content coming soon (enough) but take some more old art + lore dumping for now
Uh I’ve been needing to put these guys on my blog anyway.
Ahem, allow for me to introduce you all to the eight original apprentices of my original story that I’m ALMOST done writing.
1. Cooper
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“On the greatest intentions that we're too stubborn to let go. And with this little time before I go, I'll open up my mouth and scream it out, to cast my voice into the crowd…Don’t let the world beat you down.”
You know him, you love him. He’s the main character of my story because OF COURSE HE IS. Literally not a single bad bone in his body; the most innocent and naive creature ever.
Theme Song:
2. Blue
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“I'm going to Hell. Any way that I can I'm going to Hell. For I am a cynical man, I'm going to Hell. Come catch me if you can.”
Snarky, vulgar, witty, atheistic, and will say a slur without hesitation for a measly 5 bucks. He’s basically the complete opposite of Cooper; and yet the two somehow manage to be best friends (They’re so close that they consider each other brothers.)
Theme Song:
3. Dawn
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“He is in my eyes, he is in my ears, he is in my blood, he is in my tears…For I just threw out the love of my dreams.”
This fiery hopeless romantic here completes Blue and Cooper’s trio. Believe it or not, she is a cat. I just based her design off a hyena cause Dawn over here has more of a rocker vibe, well in her more recent design at least, and for some reason hyenas just remind me of rock music. Anyway, she is definetly the mother of the group and the sweetest she-cat you’d ever meet. Mwah meah mwah I love her!! Oh and fun fact, she smells like warm cinnamon and bread :]
Theme Song:
4. Amberpaw
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“Oh the world is a wild and a wondrous place…And your heart, my love, has no need to break right now…This is the way it should be forever. This is the way it could be forever.”
Woohoo the medicine cat of the group! Amberpaw over here is sweet, kind, and calculated she-cat; and a perfectionist at heart. But never mistake her kindness for weakness; cause she will have no problem reminding you that when you’re sick or injured, your life is quite literally in her paws (Although she’d never actually cause you any real harm.)
Theme Song:
5. Silkpaw
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“Every single heart would beat for you alone if you would let em…You gotta keep yourself composed, So don't let em in…You gotta cut them off before they get too close to you.”
Ruh roh here comes an antagonist! This lass right here is the Queen Bee of a trio of antagonists that are present in my story. She’s cold, brash, unforgiving, and will find any piece of dirt on you to ruin your reputation if you even dare to question her hollow authority; and I love her for it. Also, she has a grudge against Amberpaw, her cousin, ever since they were kittens and nobody is sure why, especially since Amberpaw has been nothing but kind to her.
Theme Song:
6. Blackpaw
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“I could’ve been anyone, anyone else. Before you made the choice for me…I loved you like the sun…I shine only with the light you gave me.”
And here comes Silkpaw’s right-hand gal; Her beloved sister, Blackpaw! Blackpaw isn’t afraid to say even what her sister won’t and doesn’t bat an eye at getting deep and personal when publicly humiliating you. And, strutting around with all the confidence and all the “beauty” in the world, Blackpaw blindly follows her sister and suddenly despises whoever Silkpaw does without a single ask. Her and Silkpaw are closer than two peas in a pod.
Theme Song:
7. Graypaw
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“Constantly doing things that you don’t like…Chasing these pretty, pretty things. That talk too much, but I don't mind. Riding bikes across the street Without lookin' either way…Either way.”
And to complete Silk’s and Black’s tight-knit trio, here is Graypaw; the downy soft-to-the-touch momma’s boy! Even though he is the only tom of the group, he has no problem matching his she-cat friend’s anti-sociability. But, in all honesty, he doesn’t truly care for any cat he’s mean and just follows what his crush- I mean.. his best friend, Blackpaw, does. For Blackpaw, he has absolutely no spine and will do almost anything to impress her; but he does love to lightheartedly tease her. And for every other cat besides his two she-cat best friends, he isn’t afraid to get physical just to prove a point. Also, even though it’s so obvious he absolutely refuses to admit that he’s a momma’s boy.
Theme Song:
8. Bearpaw
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“Days seem sometimes as if they’ll never end. Sun digs its heels to taunt you…Oh-oh, close your weary eyes. I promise you that soon the autumn comes to darken fading summer skies. Breathe, breathe, breathe.”
And last, but not least, we have Bearpaw! This chubbster is Amberpaw’s quiet and reserved brother. Although the main victim of Silk’s, Black’s, and Gray’s bullying, he’s learned how to deal with them. He doesn’t talk back to them, though; not because he’s afraid of them or shy, but because he understands that it wouldn’t be wise to waste his breath on them. His voice is very flat and monotonous and he acts rather mature for his apprentice-age. A tom of few words but when he does speak, cats will have no choice but to listen.
Theme Song:
If any of you guys are curious and would like to know more about a specific character, don’t be afraid to ask about them in the comments!
I’m so open to talk more about my babies.
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fushipurro · 7 months
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy
Chapter 1 - Ante Up
Masterlist | Next Chapter ->
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☆ Synopsis: Life on the frontier is nothing short of being difficult, especially for you, a lone woman living day to day atop the saddle of your trusty mare. Your path takes you to a growing city by the name of Valentine, where you end up finding more than just liquor in a saloon.
☆ Content: 18+ MDNI, cowboy!au, fluff smut & a bit of angst in between, gambling, alcohol, guns, gun violence, gangs, mentions of blood, degradation, pet names, violence, cunnilingus, creampie, aftercare
☆ Word Count: 4.3k
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Not only the name of your beloved horse, a beautiful bay quarter horse, but also that of the town you rode into after a long day of hunting out in the prairie. Typically you’d rather camp out under the stars in a nice open field but tonight, you’re more in need of stocking up and a good butcher.
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“Wooaah, there,” You pull back on the reins, stopping just in front of a hitching post. You take a moment to pat the shoulder of your trusty steed before swinging your leg over the read and down onto the ground, tying your horse to the post.
“What do we got here? Some fresh meat all for me?”
You follow the voice to the beefcake of a man standing behind you, butcher knife in hand and an apron stained in red. His hair’s pale pink in color with eyes closely matching the blotches adorning his body. The grin on his face makes him appear more like a killer than a butcher, but who’s to say what he might be doing in his free time.
“Yes sir, all right here,” you tell the man, patting the hindquarters of Valentine right over where a beautiful five-point buck lays limp over the rear. “Got some other odds ‘n ends in my satchel too.”
“I’m referring to you, girl.” His eyes darken with a cheshire grin. “Haven’t seen you before in these parts, and I would know.”
Valentine stomped her hoof into the dirt, her tail swishing from side to side in a swatting motion and ears pitched back. A warning that you all too easily picked up early on in your conversation.
“Why don’t you just keep your eyes to yourself and carve me up some dinner? That’s your job, ain’t it mister?”
“Feisty. I like that,” he chuckles. He stabs his knife into the butcher block before walking back over to collect the buck, all too close for your comfort.
You roll your eyes at his remark. You’re all too used to the men out here in the wild west that think every woman is only good for keeping their dick wet and their beds warm. Thanks to your ex-outlaw of a father, you’ve been raised to be stronger than that; always putting yourself first and putting a bullet between the eyes of anyone that tries anything funny without your consent.
Your father taught you a lot about how to live the life that you do and the skills you’ve honed. It’s too bad his old gang he ditched didn’t take kindly to him up and leaving to settle down with a nice lady out in Manzanita Post. You miss him, but life must go on if you’re to survive in this harsh growing society.
“I’ll have this all done by tomorrow, doll. Come back then and we can discuss payment.” He spares you one final glance before resuming his work, knife in hand, skillfully chopping away.
You turn back to your mare, taking the lead in hand as you marched onto the town’s main street in search of your next goal. Looking around you find the stables, a hotel, a bank, even a gun store in the distance that you make a mental note to hit up later. Soon, your eyes landed on the big wooden sign. Saloon.
There’s an open spot out front next to an all-black stallion by the looks of it, but you really don’t need to lose out on your only companion for upwards of six months to a year. Instead, you opt for another open spot across the street in front of the bank near a palomino mare.
As you approach the swinging doors of the saloon, you’re met with another man who towers over you on his way out. Not a drop of color exists on him, save for the dark green eyes you catch a glimpse of from underneath the rim of his torn black cowboy hat.
“Excuse me, sweetheart.” He tips said hat, looking at you for a moment while the scar on the corner of his lip stretches up. He gives a quick whistle before continuing over to the stallion right up front. Go figure. His muscles bulged as he hoisted himself up and over the also black saddle and taking off out of town.
“Tch,” you click your tongue. Had you come a moment later you’d be hitched in the perfect spot, but whatever. You shake your head and push your way into the saloon, walking up to the counter of the bar for a much-deserved drink.
“What’ll it be, Miss?” they greet.
“Rum, thanks.” You toss a bill to the bartender who then quickly serves you your glass of choice. With your back turned to the counter, you take in the sights of the place. Drunks singing and dancing to parlor songs, women getting hit on by drunks, and surprise, more drunkards sitting around gambling tables. There’s also some weirdo with a raccoon for a hat ranting about some shit you don’t care to try and even understand.
“Least there ain’t no damn Chelonians here,” you think to yourself, rolling your eyes once more.
“Drinking alone, Miss?” A new voice chirps from a nearby stool. This time instead of a rough and bloodied man or a blacked-out cowboy, your eyes are met with a clean-shaven blond dressed in a fancier style than the cattleman known to the town.
“Is every guy in this town in heat or something?” you sigh, taking a swig of your drink.
He gives a husky laugh in response, rotating himself to face you. “I’m more than happy just to have some old-fashioned conversation with you.” He smiles, raising his own glass to sip.
“So… what’s your deal?” You turn your head in his direction, casting a curious glance over his figure and sizing him up. “You don’t like much of a cowboy for this place.”
“Looks can be deceiving, Miss. I’m a farmer turned banker, here on business from Blackwater.”
“Ya know, I’m more used to farmers shooting bankers than becoming one. All those loan disputes and what not getting in the way of the family business,” you deadpan.
“Precisely why I became one,” he begins, “Banking makes for good stable money and is a career that works just as well for someone like me. If I can do more to help others keep their properties with firsthand experience, then that’s what I plan to do.”
You bark out a laugh, “Never thought I’d see the day where I meet a respectable rich guy instead of some pompous pig.”
He places his glass down on the counter and stands up, adjusting his suit. “Might I interest you in another way I deal with money?” he asks, nudging his head to the poker table by the entrance.
“What the hell.” You chug the last of your drink, stepping off from the counter towards to the table. “Let’s see what you got, money bags.”
“Excellent.” He follows you over, sitting down in the available seat next to you. At the other end of the table are two equally sleezy men ogling you with their eyes.
The blond takes the cards, shuffling them with ease before distributing them to the players. You peer back to the cards in your hand to reveal a queen and a six. Others at the table start raising their bets as you match with your own.
As the community cards begin to unfold, only one of the players at the table has decided to fold, still leaving you, the blond, and the fleabag drunk. It becomes unbearably hard to hide a maniacal grin when two of the center cards are queens.
“Raise,” you chirp with clear intent, pushing a stack of coins forward to the center. The banker knows a bad business deal when he sees one, so he folds. The drunkard however, calls, pushing his bet forward while smirking to himself.
“Let’s see ‘em, girl.” The man places his cards face up on the table to reveal a pair of 9s. “Beat that, little missy.”
“With pleasure,” you say, placing down your three-of-a-kind queens. The blond leans back in his seat, adjusting his hips upwards while whistling. The other two at the table don’t take too kindly to that, quick to scoff before gathering up the cards to shuffle themselves.
The next hand that comes around, you end up folding early on while your newfound friend lands a tactful victory to win the pot that round. The two of you smile at each other, clearly enjoying the moment together.
On the next round, you’re met with another bad hand of a 2 and 4. This time, you decide on a whim to do something fun this round that your father always did to you in poker games at home. A true bluff test.
You start out slow, matching bets and watching one fold. The man across from you isn’t even bothering to hold in his grin at the pairs forming in his hand. Nonetheless, you decide to throw down the real ace up your sleeve.
“All-in,” you say, pushing your whole stack forward.
“Fold,” the remaining two say after, money bags included. The third begins to bite his lip while looking at your sadistic smile eyeing him up. Begrudgingly, he too folds his hand and watches as you throw down your cards that don’t even make a pair with any of the community cards.
“You bitch! Making me fold for that?” he spits, suddenly standing with enough force to knock his chair back. The parlor music stops as all eyes land on your table. “You didn’t even have shit!”
“Yet you still didn’t have the balls to call my bluff,” you bite back, leaning back in your chair as the blond quietly laughs with amusement written all over his face.
“You better get your ass outside if you know what’s good for ya.” His hand moves over the iron at his belt, taunting you into a duel.
“Is that really necessary?” the man at your side calmly asks. “You can always sit down and earn your winnings back fairly instead of throwing a tantrum.”
“You shut the hell up before I put a bullet in you after this whore!” he threatens with a cold glare. “You both are fuckin’ cheats working together!”
“Now, now, let’s just do this right,” you say, standing up, hand at your hip. “You want to duel me, fine. Let’s see if your draw is any faster than your brain, tough guy.”
You and several others from the saloon walk out onto the street, a crowd soon forming on the porch and others looking out from nearby buildings. You can’t help but feel there’s a lot more horses present than before you came in, but no matter, you have a duel to win. People watching can wait.
Both you and the fool take your stance as the other continues to hiss at you, eagerly ready to pull the trigger. You lock eyes and the atmosphere stills, the only sound present being the blood in your ears as you draw your Schofield up from your hip.
The bullet fires, crackling through the air like lightning striking from the heavens.
In a heartbeat, the man opposite you is down in the mud, rolling about in agonizing pain. He’s clutching his hand and the sizeable hole through it actively bleeding out, cursing at you beneath tears.
But hey, he’s still alive. That’s gotta count for something, right? At the very least, it does good for your honor and is less work for the sheriff in town to deal with. His buddy took that as his warning and no sooner ran off.
At the same time, an alarm sounds from across the street. The front doors to the bank fly open as several men run out clutching bags of what you can only assume to be money as they frantically mount up.
The crowd starts to scream and run from the apparent robbery as you stand there eyeing one man in particular with long black hair throwing a hefty bag over your beloved mare, pulling her lead off and tying it to his tobiano paint.
“Hey!” you scream, “that’s my horse, asshole!” You raise your gun up to fire off at him before suddenly you’re pulled away behind a wagon to hide. “What the hell, man?” you bitterly hiss.
“I’m sorry,” he tells you between loud pops of gunfire spread through the town like wildfire. “I’m sure you can take them just fine, but this isn’t the place to try.”
“Tch.” You peek up from the wagon to see the outlaws long gone, galloping off in the distance as lawmen attempt to chase after. “That’s my fucking horse.”
The man at your side sighs deeply, “and what was going to be my business opportunity too.”
When the commotion died down, you stood up and dusted off your clothes, looking around with a heavy heart. No matter what, you were going to get your Valentine back one way or another. She’s one of the few things you have to remember your father by and some punk wasn’t going to take that away.
“What are your plans now, Miss?”
“Get my mare back,” you say without missing a beat. “I’m going to track those sons of bitches myself if I have to and save my horse.”
“I imagine they’ll want to hide out tonight away from the eyes of the law,” he states, adjusting his suit from the debris. “You might be better off hanging out here and start your search tomorrow when they’re tired and itching to get home with their spoils.”
You look at him with a hint of surprise on your face. “Smart man, I’m really starting to like you, money bags.”
He chuckles, “Please, call me Kento. Money’s nice but I prefer to believe there are other defining features to my character.”
“Kento,” you say aloud, nodding to yourself. You tell him your own name after which he parrots back in a suave tone pleasing to your ears. “Now that your business deal is off, what will you do?”
His eyes lead him back to the bank where several lawmen are hanging around, interrogating workers and the crime scene. “Well, it looks like I’ll be staying the night here as I already intended to,” he pauses to think, “Tomorrow I suppose I’ll get back to business.”
All your camping supplies are buried in your saddle. The very same one now miles away from you. Seems the hotel will be your plan as well.
“Looks like I’ll be renting a room for the night then too.” You pinch the bridge of your nose to quell your anger.
“Come on, I’ll walk you over.” Kento holds out his arm in a gentlemen fashion. It’s hard to stay frustrated when you’re with someone being levelheaded and calm through it all. You oblige, hooking your arm around his as you let him guide you across the street and into the hotel. The innkeeper nods his head to the man before looking at you.
You approach the counter, breaking away from Kento’s grip. “I’d like one room, please.”
“Sorry Miss, we’re all out of rooms for the night.” You click your tongue in response.
“If you’re okay with it, why don’t you share mine?” Kento speaks up. “I certainly don’t mind, given your circumstances.”
“It’s either that or finding some empty stall out by the stables,” you joke, earning a laugh from the man.
“I definitely would not want to see you need to go that far for a bed. It wouldn’t be right for a lady like yourself.”
The two of you head upstairs and down the hall to his prepaid room, entering inside to be met with only one large bed in the center. You stare at it for a moment as Kento closes the door behind and locks it.
“I can sleep on the floor if sharing the bed makes you uncomfortable, but I promise not to do anything you don’t like either way.”
“Oh please,” you scoff. “I don’t take you for that kind of person, sharing is fine by me.”
“I’m glad you think so,” he laughs sweetly, folding his blazer neatly inside a dresser drawer. “I don’t believe the floor would’ve been that comfortable anyways. It might’ve made me go out to some stall.”
You laugh in response, taking off your hat and jacket in a rather unceremonious manner to drape over a chair. The two of you lay down on opposite sides of the bed. Kento has his eyes closed while you’re left staring up at the ceiling playing back the image of the ass that stole your horse and every detail you could make out to better the chance of finding both him and your steed later.
Oh how you were going to make him suffer for even thinking about stealing from you.
“Trouble sleeping?” Kento asks, opening his eyes to look over at you. “I’ve heard you sigh at least a dozen times.”
“Yeah,” you sigh. again. “Not used to being away from my Valentine like this. It’s been just us against the world for the past few years, always having each other’s back. Hell, I remember a time a damn viper tried to sneak up on me, but she knew.” You think fondly back to your memories with her. “I’m sure she’d drag my ass to a doctor somehow if I got injured.”
“I hope you find her soon, she sounds like a trustworthy steed.” He smiles. “Just…be careful, outlaws can be a tricky bunch to deal with.”
“Don’t gotta worry about a cowgirl like me, I’ll manage just fine and get my revenge.” You raise your hand up, forming a mock gun with your fingers and firing a blank at the ceiling with the pop of your lips.
“I’d be a fool to doubt you after what I’ve seen from you so far.” He rolls onto his side, propping his head against his fist to look at you. “You’re quite smart, brave, and especially pretty,” his voice almost purrs at you.
You huff with amusement, turning to meet his gaze with half-lidded eyes. “Is this another one of your gambles at spending time with me?”
“Perhaps.” He starts to lean in closer to you, his eyes on your lips for a few seconds before fluttering back to your own orbs in search of approval. “One I’m willing to go all-in on too.” His lips now ghost your own, his breath hot against your skin. “Question is… do you fold?”
“Never,” is all you can say before your lips crash against one another. Kento’s hand moves to cup your cheek as you lean forward, pushing his back against the mattress.
You swing your leg up over his waist to straddle him, not breaking the kiss for even a second. His hands move to pull you in close and leaving no room to spare between you both. Instinctively, you slowly begin rocking your hips back and forth to create friction, feeling the outline of his cock slot perfectly between your inner thighs.
“Fuck,” he whispers, throwing his head back to reveal a trail of saliva connecting you to one another. You move to kiss from his cheeks down to his throat, right over his adam’s apple.
Kento’s hands soon found their way to the mounds of your chest. It takes him no time to easily unbutton your shirt, freeing your chest for his eyes to take in. “You’re such a pretty girl,” he purrs, circling his thumbs over each swelling bud.
You respond in kind with a moan against his skin, leaning back from his touch to undo the buckle of your jeans and that of his own. His cock springs free as a result, perking upright as it drips with small white beads from the hot tip.
Kento’s fingers found purchase at your hips, guiding you back onto his lap. You kissed his shaft with your lower lips, hissing with pleasure each time your clit rubbed over the veins strung along his flesh.
“darling, I need you around me,” he groans impatiently, dripping with lust that brings a depraved smile to your face. Oh how nice it feels to lose yourself with another.
“Let me help you with that then,” you tell him, lifting your hips up and aligning the tip just right with your entrance as you slowly come down on him. “Oh fuck─“ you whimper, feeling his pelvis kissing yours.
You both begin to moan in turn, biting down on your lip as you acclimated to his girth until a metallic taste filled your mouth. Kento reached for your wrist, pulling you down so he could kiss you through the growing high.
His thumb found its way down to your pearl, moving in calculated patterns that could best be described as cursive writing to share words of affirmation straight to the source. Your letter of reply being returned via morse code pulses.
“Kento~ f-fuck…‘m gonna-“
“I know, darling,” he murmurs into your ear. The vibration of his deep voice serving only to unravel you completely alongside his next words. “Cum for me, let me feel all you have, sweetheart.”
And cum you do, enough so that your vision fades to white and you bury your face in the crook of his neck, clenching down on him with a vice grip and muffled hums.
“Good~ girl,” you hear him as your senses come back to you. Suddenly he leans upwards, and your body threatens to fall back until his arms wrap around your body to stabilize you.
You’re still sitting on his lap as he’s now resting on the heels of his feet staring so lovingly into your eyes. Kento begins to take control, holding you tightly while his hips rut into you at a faster pace than what your legs could handle before.
For someone who’s a banker, he certainly hasn’t lost his touch from the days of tending to fields of crop. The muscles he carries still strong as ever with thick bulging veins under that smooth unblemished skin of his.
His hair is no longer slicked back, now falling in front of his face adorned with beads of sweat dripping down. A cool touch against the fire burning through your body.
You resume kissing him, tongues lashing at each other with open eyes taking in the sight of each other so passionately as one. It isn’t long before you feel yourself at the brim of another orgasm, and you can tell he’s close from the sloppier thrusts and that subtle twitch against your velvet walls.
“If we were still playing poker,” Kento hums between thrusts, “I’d call this my Ace high flush.” he gives one last deep push up into you before spilling his seed out with a guttural groan in your ear.
“Guess minngh─would be the ‘Nut Flush’ then,” you breathe out deeply into a moan, holding back the urge to scream as ecstasy coursed through your body.
His thrusts slowed to a stop as he came down, still holding onto you in one arm as the other tucked the hair out of your pretty face so he could admire your blissful expression.
“I’d say we have ourselves a draw then.” He smiles, kissing from your cheeks up to your lips before finally pulling out and resting you back down to the mattress.
Kento moves off the bed before returning with a rag. His intentions are to clean you, but not before he sits himself down between your open legs, peppering kisses up your inner thigh and onto your slit. He rubbed his hands soothingly over the plush of your sore thighs, slotting his tongue up inside you and gathering your shared essence into his mouth.
You looked down into his hazel eyes, grabbing golden locks between your fingers and throwing your own head back into the pillow. Words can hardly describe how endearing is to have found a man respectable enough to clean up after the mess he made in you, and quickly you found yourself at the brim of another orgasm. This time, you yell out his name between saccharine moans, feeling him hum your own into your body.
He leaned up from your core, his chin glazed and reflecting moonlight off your slick. You use the last bit of your strength to pull him up to you and into a deep kiss before falling back into the pillow for a final time, panting softly for air.
Kento went back to cleaning you up (with the rag this time), telling you with his sweet husky voice how good you were and how good you taste. Better than all the money and gambling prizes the world had to offer.
You soon found yourself drifting off to sleep, occasionally stirring but unable to move from his hold around your body and the face buried in your neck breathing softly.
When morning arrived, it was quiet, and sadly cold as well. Kento’s warmth from the bed had faded, but his scent remained on the sheets. You stood up out of bed after huffing it for more than you’d like to admit, soon finding a handwritten note placed neatly over your now folded clothes.
“Dear Y/N,
It’s my deepest apologies to have to leave you alone-and far too early for my preference. Business awaits, and as much as I would’ve enjoyed bringing you back with me, if you so desired, I know you need your Valentine first above anything else.
As such, I’ve taken the train back to Blackwater. Outside the hotel, you’ll find my own mare, a palomino named Clementine, hitched up and ready to go. She may be of a more docile nature but use her until you have your own again at your side.
If your path ever leads you to Blackwater, do stop in and find me. I would love the chance to see you again and play another round of poker. We can even raise the stakes next time.
Until then, I wish you the best Lady Luck has to offer.
─ Kento Nanami”
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☆ Notes: Ngl I struggle with poker cause I’m a blackjack girlie when it comes to card games. This whole fic is just me using all my actual equine and red dead redemption knowledge to my advantage lmao
I had SO much fun writing this though and I hope you guys enjoy the start of what's to come <3 i tried to put in several references to the game too but if you guys have more ideas, i'd love to hear them
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Whumptember 15th: Broken Bone
Oh my! I'm so sorry everyone. I got so busy yesterday that I forgot to upload my story! So here's yesterday's story and as an apology and because we are halfway through Whumptember, today's post may get a little spicy. I don't know if it will be full smut, but I'm going to at least try to add some steam. Sorry again for the delay in this one and I hope you like it! --Anna
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You rushed through the doors to the emergency room, walking up to the main intake desk.
“Can I help you?” The lady at the desk asked without looking up from her computer.
“Yes. My son was brought in about thirty minutes ago.”
“What’s the name?” She asked, still seemingly uninterested.
“Theodore Y/L/N”
Upon hearing your answer, she finally looked up. You could see the wheels turning in her head. 
“Y/L/N? Is your son around 10 years old?” When you nodded your head yes as her question, she continued. “You know that the Winter Soldier brought him in right?”
You felt your anger spike. “He’s not the Winter Soldier. His name is Sergeant James Barnes. Please address him as such. Now can I please see my son?”
At your response, her face turned red in embarrassment. “Of course, my apologies. If you’ll follow me please.”
She led you down the hallway to an exam room. Knocking on the door, she then opened it and motioned for you to step inside. Inside was your son, Bucky, and someone who you imagined to be the physician on call. As soon as Bucky saw you, he breathed a sigh of relief, however, you could tell that he was still stressed and nervous.
“Mom! The doctor said I need a cast and I get to pick the color for it!” Your son seemed cheerful and excited and in less pain than you expected, which you were grateful for.
“That’s great Teddy! Be thinking of what color you want while I talk to the doctor for a bit.” You said as you placed a kiss on his forehead and went to sit next to Bucky, taking his metal hand in yours.
The doctor spent the next few minutes explaining that your son had broken his Ulna but luckily the fracture was relatively clean and wouldn’t need surgery to correct anything. A simple plaster cast for the next 6 weeks. After that, they would x-ray it again to see how it was healing but that it shouldn’t need recasted. He said that Bucky had done a good job immobilizing and icing the break before they got to the hospital. It probably saved your son some pain and also kept the injury from getting worse. Bucky forced out a smile but it didn’t reach his eyes. The doctor said that someone would be in shortly to apply his cast and he exited the room. 
Your son was busy playing games on his tablet while he waited to get his cast. You turned to Bucky and stared at him long and hard. “What’s going on Buck? I can practically see your wheels turning.” You were still holding his hand and gently caressed the back of his hand. You knew he could feel it but he didn’t acknowledge it. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. We were busy running around the playground and being wild. I should have been more careful. I saw him lose his balance but I couldn’t get to him fast enough.” He shook his head and seemed really upset by the whole scenario.
“Bucky…” You tried to get him to look at you and he just kept looking down at his lap, chewing on side of his cheek. 
“James.” You said more firmly, using a bit of your “mom” voice. Even your son looked up for a moment, until he realized that you weren’t talking to him. He finally looked up at you, his eyes filled with apprehension and guilt.
“None of this is your fault. He’s a kid, and a rambunctious one at that. This is not his first time in the ER for something like this, and I highly doubt it will be the last.” You smiled at him kindly. “Do you remember when he chipped two teeth playing hockey last winter? Or when he sprained his ankle trying to jump from one couch to the other. Kids get hurt. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. Especially not yours. If anything, you being there kept him safer. He is less hurt and in less pain because you were there and knew what to do.”
He still hadn’t responded, but you nudged him a little with your shoulder. “Hey, I mean it. Thank you. I would have been so much more scared if you hadn't been there with him. I love you.” He finally smiled at you and you could see that he was starting to relax.
You held his hand and rested your head on his shoulder as you waited for the orthopedic tech to come in and cast your son’s arm. When they finally came in, they asked your son what color cast he was going to pick.
“Black.” He said very assuredly. The tech nodded their head and went about wrapping his arm in gauze and padding.
“Really? I thought you would have gone for blue or green?” You questioned him, knowing that those were his favorites.
He shook his head. “No. I want black.”
“Well, okay then.” You let him have his pick. It was his arm anyway. 
“Hey mom, before we go home can we go to the craft store?” 
“What for, bud?” 
“I want a gold paint marker.”
“Why?” You asked him, confused.
“I want to put lines on my cast. That way Bucky and I can match.” He said with the biggest smile on his face.
“W-what?” Bucky sputtered out his question, taken aback by your son.
“Well, my cast is on my left arm and I thought it would be cool to match arms. I mean, if you’re okay with that.” He gave Bucky a small smile, hoping that he hadn’t crossed some line.
“Y-yeah, bud. I’m okay with that. I mean…if your mom says it’s okay.” Bucky looked at you, his eyes slightly misty as he felt your son's love for him. You smiled bigger than you had in a long time.
“I think that sounds like a great plan.”
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