#buddie proposal fic
fionaswhvre · 6 months
I am once again back from the trenches to post humble little snippets of my fic 🤌
Here's a little snippet of Buddie proposal fic:
Eddie lifts up his head and to no one’s surprise, he sees Buck’s eyes closed, mouth open, sleeping soundly. Cupping his cheek, Eddie gently shakes him awake. “Baby? Let’s go to sleep, yeah?”
Buck is again awake in an instant. Taking a moment to realise where he is, he scrambles around the couch to find the remote and point it to the TV, but he doesn’t press pause like Eddie was expecting. Instead, he only checks how much time is remaining in the movie. “Only thirty more minutes, we can do this.” He says, pressing a wet cheek on Eddie’s cheek before turning back to the TV, rubbing and widening his eyes to keep them open.
Buck's hand fumbles around on Eddie’s lap to blindly search for his hand till he finds it and squeezes. “I promised you I am gonna watch it tonight. I am gonna watch it.”
Eddie’s heart bursts. A train of emotions runs through it with such speed that he doesn’t realize what to feel, how to stop at a single emotion, whether to just sit back and be happy or to jump around with joy or to just take Buck in his arms and kiss him or to wake up his son and tell him that they both are no longer alone and that finally, they are loved or to cry ugly tears because why why why? Why does Buck love him so much? He doesn’t do any of those things. Instead, letting his tongue cut contact with the last remnants of his braincells, he blurts out, “Marry me.”
Tags: @hippolotamus @cal-daisies-and-briars @revenge-of-the-assbutt @your-catfish-friend @spagheddiediaz @watchyourbuck @elgascreamslikehell @dreamforrest @adarkermiserablecrow @housewifebuck @buckleyobsessed @liabegins @femalemusketeer
You can always ask to be removed (if I'm being annoying) or added to this list!
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diazsdimples · 3 months
Here's a cute fact about the first year of Buck and Eddie's relationship. Buck decided to surprise Eddie with one gift for every week of their first year together.
It started completely by accident because they were going for a walk, and Buck realised it had been a whole week since they'd finally confessed their feelings for each other! So, while Eddie found a public bathroom (he's got the bladder of a child and Buck teases him so hard for it), Buck ducked into a tourist shop, panicked at all the stuff that was there, and found Eddie a small, carved elephant. He presented it to Eddie while they were on the beach, all shy and cute with a little "happy one week, baby."
The second week was also accidental - Buck had been at the grocery store and found a pretty red rose, and had a flashback to Eddie grumbling at one point that all his girlfriends expected him to get them flowers, but no one ever got him flowers! So he got Eddie the rose and politely pretended he didn't see how misty eyed it made Eddie.
The third week was a little book on cool fungi that Eddie had spotted when they were looking for a birthday present for Chris. He'd been looking at it wistfully but apparently couldn't justify the price (Buck could though, so he bought it and hid it in Eddie's locker)
By the 4th week, Buck's realised he's started a Thing. He woke up on the morning of the 4th week, and hadn't found anything so h went outside, fretted around a bit and fond a really cool rock, which he gave to Eddie. He told Eddie that otters have favourite rocks and Eddie reminded him of an otter, so therefore needs a rock of his own. He stole it back later that evening and painted it in a pretty orange/pink pattern that Eddie loved.
And so it continued. Buck would find something small (or maybe something big, like one time he accidentally bought home this big grand clock he'd found at the antiques store and Eddie teased and teased him about it when he said it was for Eddie because "baby when have I ever shown interest in clocks") every week, and every week Eddie would hold him close and thank him for the gifts.
Around the 48th week, Buck realised that 1. they've become hoarders a little bit and 2. it's almost been a year and what the fuck does he get his boyfriend that already has 48 other gifts?? He goes to Hen and Chim and Bobby about it, and they're also at a loss, because as Bobby says, it's not like Eddie's short on things these days. Chimney very helpfully says "well I would tell you to get him a skateboard that doubles as a backpack but that was last week's gift so..." It's only then that Hen asks if he's ever considered asking Eddie to marry him.
That's it sorted. Buck's going to get Eddie a ring for the 52nd week. Nothing feels right when he goes to jewelers, though. They're all too standard and boring, and nothing feels like BuckandEddie. He ends up finding this very cool lump of obsidian in a box from his travels, which he takes to the jeweler and asks if they can turn it into a ring. They can't, because it shatters, but they do make a band out of gold and create an inlay of obsidian in the band. Buck plans this big, elaborate proposal for their 1 year anniversary, which naturally Eddie accepts. Eddie makes Buck promise never to buy him anything again, which of course Buck can't do but he makes the gifts a lot less frequent and more practical.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
Ok well i had the brief thought “what about an ER nurse Eddie au?” and then this popped fully formed into existence so fuck it Friday pt 2.. warnings for smoking and vague references to critically injured kids
“That doesn’t seem very healthy.”
Smoke curls up from the cigarette held loosely in Eddie’s hand. “It’s not, particularly.”
Buck’s hands are in his pockets as he strolls away from the glass doors out into the ambulance bay where Eddie is doing the mature, professional equivalent of playing hide and seek. He comes to a stop barely a foot or two away from where Eddie leans against grimy concrete. “Didn’t know you were a smoker.”
“I’m not,” Eddie sighs, “Particularly.” He looks over Buck’s face as he takes a drag, cataloging bruises and cuts. He hadn’t been the one to look him over before he was discharged, probably because he was out here avoiding having to do so. “Only when it’s- only after the bad shifts.” And only once a month, even if the bad shifts come again and again. He bought this pack in January, it’s stale as shit.
Buck’s eyes follow the smoke as it drifts skyward. “Rough one today?”
Eddie thinks he probably doesn’t have to explain to Buck that it’s sometimes better when a kid is dead on arrival so he doesn’t have to try his best to administer care he knows will be useless. He doesn’t have to explain a day where nothing goes right and he loses more people than he can save and he still has to walk away from someone’s parent or wife or sister, left behind forever in a waiting room on the worst day of their life, and go on to lose the next person too. Doesn’t have to explain why he’s out here, and not in there. “Mm. We’ve got this repeat customer, always hate to have him back.”
Buck’s eyes flick to his face before they settle somewhere around his elbow. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. He seems like a nice guy. I worry about him. He’s here too often.”
Buck doesn’t look up. “What was he in for this time?”
“Minor concussion. Bruising. Lacerations.” Eddie sucks cancer into his lungs. “Heard a house fell on him.” Exhales it into the night.
Buck does look up this time, eyes a darker blue out here in the shadows. “Part of a house. Just a staircase and the- like, the balcony, really.”
“Maybe he should stay away from those.”
“From houses?” Buck asks, half his mouth twitching into a smile.
Eddie rests his head on the wall behind him. “Guess that’s not really practical.”
“No.” Buck is quiet for a moment, one hand slipping out of his pocket and running through his hair. Eddie wonders what he looks like, when he’s not here. He’s more styled, sometimes, when things aren’t very bad. He wonders if he’s usually all gelled up and neat. Eddie kind of likes the loose curls. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Making your day worse.” Buck looks genuinely apologetic, and Eddie shakes his head.
“The guy made it out okay this time.” Buck is just close enough that Eddie can kick at his boot with his sensible orthopedic sneaker. “You didn’t even need stitches.”
“That’s good.” Eddie’s left foot is pressed along the inside of Buck’s right, and Buck is staring down at them. “His favorite nurse was on break. I would have missed you if someone else had to do them.”
Eddie laughs, just a few bursts of soundless oxygen. “You gotta find new ways to see me before something happens that I can’t fix.”
Buck moves, taking the few steps necessary to lean against the wall beside him. Carefully, he takes the cigarette from Eddie’s hand, holds it between two of his own fingers, and takes a drag. Eddie watches it happen like he’s monitoring somebody’s pulse ox, and when Buck coughs he laughs again, louder this time. “Fuck,” Buck says, laughing too. “Thought that would be cooler than it was.”
“Smoking isn’t cool, firefighter Buckley,” Eddie says, taking the cigarette back and pulling from it again between smiling lips.
“Hm,” Buck says, grinning out into the night. Then he sighs, and rolls his head along the concrete to look at Eddie. “I think there’s nothing you can’t fix.”
They’re very close. “There’s lots I can’t fix.”
Buck shrugs like he disagrees. “I also think I’d like to find other ways to see you.”
Buck’s eyes are even more in shadow at this angle, and they’re the color of the lake back in El Paso that he and a bunch of kids went to after graduation, drunk off beer somebody’s cousin got for them, skinny dipping with breathless terrified delight under bright constellations. “Then ask me.”
Buck inhales as Eddie exhales. “What time’s your shift end?”
“5:30 AM. So, probably 6:15.”
Buck traces the two fingers he’d used to hold the cigarette down Eddie’s arm. “You wanna get breakfast with me?”
“Yes. I would.”
Buck smiles, and Eddie snubs out the cigarette on the wall between them. “I’ll meet you here?”
“Alright.” He takes a step forward, then a step to the right so he’s standing in front of Buck. “Two hours.”
“Uh huh.”
He should really get back inside. They’re understaffed, as always, and there are too many patients, as always, and not enough beds, as always. “See you then.” He doesn’t make any move to leave.
“See you then,” Buck almost whispers. He leans forward, and Eddie still doesn’t move, so he presses a tiny kiss to the corner of his mouth for just a moment. His lips are warm. Eddie hadn’t noticed it was cold outside.
Buck pulls back and leans against the wall again. Eddie smiles, puts a hand in his pocket, and walks back toward the doors.
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shitouttabuck · 3 months
Hi! Hope you don’t mind my dropping in. I just read let the world have its way with you and thank you I had to sniff back tears on the plane it was so lovely 🥺😍. Question, and if you’ve answered this before I’m so sorry but I just have to know: how did Buck react when inevitably he sees the photos taken of him and Eddie at Halloween? Thank you again for this fic and I’m sending you all the good vibes of an unexpected humpback whale breech.
hello!!!! thank you so much for dropping in to say these lovely things!!! to answer your question: yes, a bunch of people have asked this actually, but no, i’ve never had a reply until now ! your message sparked something haha so here you go, have a little bucket list fic timestamp:
a thousand times (which isn’t half enough)
buck/eddie | 2k | t
“Oh, ow, what the fuck,” Buck says, wincing as he snatches back his hand.
Eddie glares at him, no hint of remorse while he crumples the dish towel he just whipped Buck’s fingers with before putting his hands on his hips in that perfectly bitchy way he’s got down to an art. “I’m supposed to be doing the cooking, I’m the one who’s actually made this before,” he tells Buck, stepping forward to stir the curry and jostling Buck out of the way. “You’re sous chef today.”
“And this is in no way an objection to that kitchen hierarchy, or a criticism of your cooking capabilities,” Buck says, hands up pacifyingly, “but Eddie. I’ve eaten this enough times at Ravi’s to know this is, uh, nowhere close to the colour it’s meant to be.”
“What do you mean,” Eddie frowns, stirring and peering down into the large saucepan, dent in the side courtesy of Buck’s clumsiness nearly half a decade ago. “It’s a—process. A culinary journey. I’m sure it’ll be the right colour when we’re done. It just needs some time.”
“Eddie, it’s green.”
“Plenty of curries are green. Thai green curry, it’s even got it in the name.”
“Eddie,” Buck says, trying not to laugh at the disgruntled furrow in Eddie’s brow, “I don’t think Ravi’s traditional beef curry is supposed to be green at any stage.”
Eddie’s face scrunches as he squints down at the curry he’s stirring, thick and aromatic and unexpectedly pea-soup coloured.
“Oh God,” he says, staring at the spoonful he’s ladled out. “You’re right. Fuck. How the fuck did it get to—this? Fuck, Bobby and Athena are gonna be here in—” He glances at the wall clock, “—an hour, oh my God, Buck, that’s not enough time to fix this.”
Buck rolls his eyes, hip-checking Eddie in a way he hopes is comforting but not bothering to try and ease any of Eddie’s—quite frankly ridiculous—anxiety about seeing Bobby socially for the first time since the engagement.
He knows the nervousness stems entirely from the fact that Eddie didn’t ask Bobby for his blessing before proposing to Buck, which he’s teased Eddie for endlessly, declaring it old-fashioned and archaic even if there’s something achingly sweet about the intentions with which Eddie went into it.
It did not end up prefacing their engagement. Apparently Eddie’d been testing the waters, gearing up to propose when he hoped the moment was right. Except, then, one night on the couch, watching telenovela reruns, Buck had made an offhand comment about the bride on-screen taking her husband’s last name despite being of the girlboss variety one might expect not to, and how in context it was a win for cheesy romance but maybe a hiccup for some kind of feminism somewhere.
And Eddie, one arm curled around Buck from behind, scratching at his stomach gently as he spoke, had sleepily and thoroughly unintentionally mumbled, “Would you wanna do that with me?”
Buck had blinked and asked what, and Eddie’d yawned and said, “Take my last name.”
Buck had laughed through the want and said, “Careful, Diaz, you might give a guy the idea that he’s being proposed to.”
And Eddie went stiff behind him for a full five seconds, Buck not daring to breathe either, before wrapping his other arm around Buck too, kiss to his temple and a quiet, “And if that was the idea intended?”
And so they’d gotten engaged and had to get the couch dry-cleaned and Eddie was made to pass on his well-meaning, antiquated desire to profess his intentions to Bobby prior to the actual proposal. Which is fine, obviously, but they’ve been engaged just going on three weeks and Bobby and Athena are coming around for dinner, and that, on top of committing himself to captaining an unfamiliar culinary adventure—something decidedly not in the Eddie Diaz wheelhouse—has Eddie strung the fuck out, mild and amusing as it may be.
“Okay, uh, I’m just gonna look at the original recipe again, not the one Ravi altered for white people,” Eddie says, looking around. “Can you get it? Phone’s charging in the bedroom, I think it should just be in the media roll of my chat with Ravi, he sent me a photo of his grandmother’s recipe book.”
“His grandma’s? What did you do to gain access to his family recipes? I feel like I should be jealous.”
“We exchanged abuela secret recipes,” Eddie shrugs. “You already have a direct open line of communication with my grandmother. I think you text her more than me.”
This is true; Isabel is a formidable opponent in online Scrabble and likes to get Buck’s thoughts on the weekly MasterChef episode. She’s his family as much as Eddie’s, and Buck was just teasing anyway, but he skips to their bedroom with a pleased grin nonetheless.
Eddie’s phone is nearly fully charged, so he just unplugs it, typing Ravi’s name into the message app search bar. A few clicks and then he’s snorting at the last image Ravi sent Eddie: a meme of Steve Buscemi saying how do you do, fellow kids? with a rainbow flag Photoshopped over the skateboard he’s carrying. Ravi’s succinctly captioned it, “you,” and Eddie has thumbs-downed it without deigning to respond.
Buck scrolls through the media roll quickly, scanning the images for something that resembles a recipe book or an old lady’s handwriting. It’s mostly memes, some goofy photos of each other taken on one of their phones during slow shifts, and—that’s a picture of Buck. Two pictures of Buck.
He pauses, frowning at the adjacent squares in the media roll. It’s not that it’s unexpected that Eddie and Ravi would have photos of Buck, it’s just—Buck’s usually seen them, too. He has most definitely not seen these pictures.
He clicks on the first one, feeling almost nervous. And, oh. It’s from Halloween the year before last, when everyone else was sick and he and Eddie went to that big gay party. He’s in his Sandy get-up, looking—pretty slutty, actually. He hums appreciatively, re-experiencing the leather pants and crop top and heels. In the photo, his eyes are shut, head tilted back to the music, cheeks pink and red-painted lips ajar. And then he takes in the other side of the photo.
Eddie, watching Buck through the crowd not unlike a lion zeroing in on a gazelle. His mouth is parted too, but—his eyes. It’s like he’s undressing Buck right there in public with just his gaze. Jesus, it’s like he’s doing so much more than undressing him—Buck half-expects the picture to swirl into motion, see Eddie stride across the dance floor and bend Buck over in front of everyone present.
It's not a wholly unfamiliar expression now, to Buck who’s had Eddie like this for over a year, but this was from before they were together. This was before Buck knew Eddie wanted him in any way but platonic. And even then, the kind of raw, unmasked desire plastered across Eddie’s face? Like he wants to swallow Buck whole and keep him there, inside Eddie, close as possible, for the rest of time? That’s the kind of intensity Eddie only reveals on occasion, a vulnerability that’s a certain effort to access.
That doesn’t mean Eddie holds back or censors himself in their sex lives, not anymore, not for a long time now. It’s just—this is the kind of want that comes from a place without adequate words to communicate it, a near animal desperation that’s taxing for the everyday.
And here it is, unmistakeable, before Buck even knew. Eddie, so good at the suppression and the repression in that era, unable to escape the honesty of his hunger with just one look.
Buck swallows and adjusts himself in his pants.
The second picture is—oh. It’s of him and Eddie dancing during the Grease song, when Eddie had held him close and dipped Buck like he’d been doing it all his life. It’s—oh. He can’t believe Eddie’s not shown him this one before, because—there’s so much love contained inside this photograph, he can feel it seeping out of the phone and into his hands, liquid sunshine.
Buck’s head is thrown back, face scrunched in delighted laughter, and Eddie’s so close, beaming at him with nothing short of adoration. It’s pouring out of him, clear as day, the happiness in this single photo a tangible thing even over a year later.
Buck kind of wants to urge the him in the picture to open his eyes, see the way Eddie’s looking at him. But then again, the way Eddie looked at him didn’t really change, before and after. So maybe he wouldn’t have clocked it as anything other than Eddie’s everyday love, so far from the romance column in his own tangled-up brain at the time it wouldn’t have mattered.
He wanders back to the kitchen, swiping back to the first photo. Heat licks its way up his spine, uncaring of the fact that they have dinner guests and no time for this. He slouches in the kitchen doorway, watching Eddie chop cilantro carefully.
“What?” Eddie frowns. “I’m in a crisis, Buck, don’t look at me like that, it’s not helpful.”
Buck clears his throat. “Like what?”
“Like you’re eyefucking me so hard I might undergo immaculate conception.”
Buck can’t focus on the nearly painfully arousing implications of that, but never let it be said his horniness surpasses—rightful—indignation. “Me?” he asks incredulously. “Eyefucking you? That’s fucking rich, considering the contents of these.” He waves Eddie’s phone at him for emphasis.
“What’s that,” Eddie asks impatiently. “Where’s my recipe?”
“Oh,” Buck says. “I didn’t actually get that far.”
Eddie makes a noise of irritation, washing his hands and reaching out for his phone. “What the hell have you been—oh.”
“Yeah, oh,” Buck says. “How come you’ve never shown me these before?”
Eddie flushes, even more than the heat of the kitchen can take credit for. “I dunno. I guess I just look so… I dunno.”
“So in love with me?” Buck asks, mouth quirking up on one side. He steps forward, wraps his arms around Eddie’s waist.
Eddie sighs, listing forward in Buck’s grasp. “I mean—yeah. I guess I was just thrown by how obvious the, I don’t know, enormity of my—the way I felt about you was. And by the time I was okay with it—the enormity and the obviousness—I kinda forgot about these.”
Buck turns his head, pressing a kiss to Eddie’s hairline. Eddie lifts his face, searching for Buck’s mouth with his own, and Buck happily obliges, kissing him gently.
“Well, I’m sending these to myself,” Buck informs him, “and then we’re getting the second one framed and hung up in our room.”
“Is that the less horny one?” Eddie asks.
“They’re both plenty horny,” Buck says, “but yeah. Marginally less.”
“Fine,” Eddie allows. “But it will be subject to temporary removal if and when my parents come stay.”
“Deal,” Buck agrees, and then leans back in to kiss Eddie again.
He uses his grip on Eddie’s waist to steer them back, caging Eddie against the counter and lining his body flush along the length of Eddie’s, thigh to hip to chest. Eddie sighs contentedly, hand sneaking under the back of Buck’s shirt to splay across his bare skin. His jeans have a delicious heavy-weight friction to them, and Buck tries to angle himself so he can rock against Eddie lazily. He opens his own mouth under Eddie’s, trying valiantly to deepen the kiss, have Eddie lick into him hot and sweet, but Eddie pulls back.
“The curry,” he says mournfully. “Bobby and Athena.”
Buck groans, taking the edge off it by leaning in to kiss the corner of Eddie’s mouth. “You are so overthinking this Bobby thing. I’m not a woman in the early 1900s. Bobby’s technically not even my—”
“He is, though,” Eddie interrupts. “As far as it matters.”
“Okay,” Buck agrees, because that’s true. “But why are you so hung up on being old-school traditional here?”
Eddie huffs. “Sometimes tradition is good. It’s not like I’d have been asking permission to marry you, just. Wanting to have his—I don’t know.”
“Okay, well, I’m not some blushing bride.” Buck kisses the other corner of Eddie’s mouth, making it quirk up into a smile.
“Debatable,” he murmurs, and Buck pinches him at his waist. He squirms, grinning.
“We’re getting married,” Buck tells him, and Eddie lights up so incandescently Buck thinks even the Halloween photograph doesn’t know such happiness. “Bobby’s really happy for us. A curry’s not gonna change any of that.”
“I know,” Eddie says, sighs. “This is just the first time since—I just really wanted to show him I can be good for you, too.”
Buck gapes at him. “Are you—Eddie. Are you serious?”
Eddie shrugs one shoulder, looking embarrassed. Buck takes a step back so he can grab both Eddie’s hands in his own.
“I’m not even gonna—mention the bucket list,” he says, “but Eddie. Eddie. Why do you think Bobby made us partners in the first place?”
Eddie huffs a laugh, but it’s a real one. “I know, okay, but this just—we’re getting married, Buck.”
“And watch him take credit for it in his wedding speech,” Buck says.
Eddie smiles at him, but the underlying current of nerves is still thrumming, visible to Buck a step away.
“Okay,” he says, one final kiss to the centre of Eddie’s mouth. Eddie chases it when he pulls away, but he stands firm. “Let’s save this curry and the sanctity of our marriage to-be. Tomorrow, though, tomorrow, you’re putting on the greaser jeans and fucking me into the mattress.”
Eddie snorts, cheeks pink again. “Sounds like a plan.” He opens his phone, searching for the original recipe.
The ingredients are read aloud, and when Buck swings shut the fridge door as he confirms them, the faded yellow list pinned with a star-shaped magnet looks back at him, ready to have scribbled-out number 5 ticked off completely, wholly, permanently. Buck’s already there with start a family, but get married? He doesn’t think he could’ve imagined it being as good as this.
And if this piece of paper accompanies them to the courthouse, actual marriage certificate second in importance, that’s for him and Eddie to know, because the list doesn’t end, but God, does it feel good to live through it.
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kumquatqueenb · 4 months
“You’re asking Buck to marry you?!”
Eddie held back his groan in the interest of not waking up the sleeping toddler, "Yes, but Chim, this has gotta stay a secret! Can you do that?"
Chim nodded, "Yeah, yeah, totally!" And Eddie let out a relieved breath only for Chim to add, "Just one thing though."
"What?" Eddie asked.
Chim sucked in a breath, "I can't keep a secret Eddie, you know this, you both know this. The second I find a willing and captive audience I will sing like a canary!”
Or 5 times something goes wrong with the buddie proposal +1 time it goes just right.
This is my first prompt fill for the 911Gotcha4Gaza event being done by @911actions if any of you are looking for a specific art/edit/fic prompt to be filled then you should check out the event! It runs through June 17th.
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lover-of-mine · 8 months
Wip Wednesday!
I was tagged by @theotherbuckley @daffi-990 @steadfastsaturnsrings @spotsandsocks @jesuisici33 thank you 💜💜
Have a little bit of Buck spiraling after Eddie hangs up the phone in the Eddie gets drunk and calls Buck to confess his feelings fic. prev snippet
Well…fuck.  Eddie is in love with him. Eddie is in love with him? How can Eddie be in love with him? Eddie is… well, he's Eddie and he's just Buck.  Eddie is loyal, and kind, and funny, and beautiful, and he could have anyone if he wanted, but Eddie loves him?  Eddie loves him.  Eddie, his best friend, his partner, his… he doesn't even know how to categorize anymore, loves him.  Loves him enough to go on a drunken rant over it.  It’s surreal, really. Makes him pinch himself to make sure this isn't some weird dream tripped into just because he fell asleep on his book.
No pressure tagging 🩷: @eddiebabygirldiaz @sherlockcrossing @watchyourbuck @try-set-me-on-fire @aspecbuddie @wildlife4life @giddyupbuck @captain-hen and you if you have something to share 💜
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wikiangela · 1 year
I'd marry you with paper rings
another silly corny fluff, with a dash of pining and possessive Eddie, and friends to fiances ❤️
words: 3.4k
[read on Ao3]
“If we’re not married by the time we’re, like, forty, we should just marry each other.” he chuckles, and downs the rest of his beer. And Eddie… Eddie knows it’s a joke. Obviously. It can’t be anything but. But still, it does something to him. He’s thought about it, fantasized about it, but hearing it from Buck, even jokingly… “Why wait?” his tone is also teasing. He can play it off as a joke, while still looking for Buck’s reaction, for any indication about how he feels. (...) “Let’s just do it now and get it over with.” Or, Buck makes a joke that leads to an unplanned marriage proposal.
It’s a late evening, the house is quiet, Christopher is fast asleep already, having been tucked in by them both, was out like a light as soon as his head hit the pillow. The kitchen is dark, only the small light over the stove illuminating the space, while Buck and Eddie sit at the table, bottles of beer in hands.
One of Buck’s hands is fiddling with the edges of a few pieces of paper tucked away in the corner of the table, drawings Buck and Chris did while waiting for dinner, that Eddie cooked – they take turns now, and Eddie’s getting so much better. 
They had a late dinner today, because Buck was late – well, he wasn’t supposed to be here at all, to be honest. He had a date. Eddie tries to ignore the bitter, ugly feeling in his chest whenever he thinks about it. Similarly, he tries to fight the feeling of relief and satisfaction that Buck’s date apparently didn’t work out and he cut it short. To be with Eddie. With him and Chris. To come home to them. Well, he probably just didn’t like whoever he met and didn’t have anything else to do, but still. He’s here, and not with some random girl from a dating app. And Eddie’s happier than he should be that his best friend's dating isn’t going well.
To be fair, Eddie also had a date just last night, so who is he to talk. But it was awful. So now that’s what they’re talking about. How horrible they are at dating. While Eddie’s silently longing to be the one Buck takes out on a date, on many dates, that could lead to- he can’t hope. He can’t help that he does hope.
“So it didn’t go well?” Eddie sums up after Buck’s finished venting about how awful this date was. Another bad one. He’s been dating for a while now, and Eddie has tried to be supportive, but he feels like a piece of his heart is being ripped away with each date Buck tells him about.
“That’s an understatement.” Buck scoffs, taking another sip of his beer. “How about you? You didn’t tell me how your date went last night.” he asks, and Eddie cringes just thinking about it. He has no idea what he was thinking. It was just one date he reluctantly decided to go on when someone asked him out, because, well, he was tired. He’s still tired. He’s tired of feeling alone, of not having someone, and of Buck not realizing that he’s that someone Eddie wants. He was also very jealous, though he hates admitting that to himself.
“You know how I feel about dating.” Eddie responds, not looking at Buck, instead focusing on the beer in his hand, nail catching under the edge of the label. “It was weird and, uh, felt performative. I didn’t really feel like myself.” he shrugs, absentmindedly starting to peel the sticker away, it falls apart as he pulls at it, the condensation making it soggy. He focuses on that, it’s something to occupy his hands and eyes, and thoughts. “I don’t even know why I agreed to it.” he huffs, trying for a casual chuckle, but not quite getting it right.
“Yeah. I don’t know why I went back to dating, either.” Buck admits. “I just wanted to get back out there, you know? Maybe miraculously find someone I could maybe, eventually, settle down with.” he scoffs and shakes his head. “It’s so stupid.”
“It’s not stupid. We all just want-” he pauses and licks his lips nervously, averting his gaze again. “It’s okay to not want to be alone. To want to find a- a partner. Someone you can go through life with.” he muses quietly, trying to ignore the little voice in his head screaming that he already found his person. And that his partner is sitting right there, so close Eddie could just reach out and grab his hand and let him know… but he’s too scared. Not until he knows how Buck feels.
“I guess. I mean, that’s what I want. But it’s- it’s weird. The dates, I mean, they were all-  None of them really felt right.” Buck continues talking, and Eddie wants to stop the topic of Buck’s dating life. He doesn’t want to hear another thing, or he won’t be able to contain his jealousy and heartbreak anymore, and he’ll do or say something stupid that he'll regret. But they’re friends first, and friends talk about this stuff, right? He kind of hates it. “It kinda- it kinda made me feel like Buck 1.0 sometimes.” Buck adds, quietly and almost forcibly, like he doesn’t want to actually say it, a blush coloring his cheeks.
“What do you mean?” Eddie frowns.
“I mean, some of them see what I look like and only want to hook up.” he grumbles a bit, blushing, as if embarrassed. And, well, Buck knows what he looks like, and Eddie would be lying if he said he's not the hottest person he's ever seen. And on one hand, Eddie understands those girls, because what wouldn’t he do to have Buck like this, all to himself – but there’s so much more to him, and Eddie can’t comprehend how someone can take one look at that bright smile and those blue shining eyes, that hide so much sadness and hurt too – how someone can see that, and talk to him for a second, with his passion and facts and excitement, and so much kindness and compassion, and not want to get to know him better. “But it’s not like anyone would stay once they got to know me better anyway. No one ever does.” he adds bitterly, and it takes everything in Eddie not to grab him by the shoulders and shake him and scream that there is at least one person who will never leave him, who wants him just the way he is, while knowing him better than anyone. A person that sees all of him, the good, the bad and the ugly, and loves and wants it all, despite and because. 
“Buck.” Eddie doesn’t know what to say without spilling his whole heart.
“No, I know, I know. The right person will come along, right?” he shakes his head. “I don’t know. Dating is just hard. It’s hard to find someone you might even consider to want to spend your life with.” he sighs again, taking another sip of his beer. “It never goes far enough for that anyway.”
“Yeah. Dating is really not for me.” Eddie chuckles, because, yeah, he sucks at dating – not that he puts in much effort anyway, especially since his heart is already taken. “I wish I could just find a partner-” here’s that word again, and he sneaks a look at Buck to see if he picks up on it, on the connotation of it not only being a gender-neutral term, but also of Buck being his literal partner. At work, but still. “And settle down. Skip the whole dating part altogether.”
“Yeah.” they fall silent for a moment, before Eddie sees Buck smirk, and he knows he’s about to say something silly. “You know, we should make a pact.” he says, his tone clearly joking, and still a little bit bitter. “If we’re not married by the time we’re, like, forty, we should just marry each other.” he chuckles, and downs the rest of his beer. And Eddie… Eddie knows it’s a joke. Obviously. It can’t be anything but. But still, it does something to him. He’s thought about it, fantasized about it, but hearing it from Buck, even jokingly… 
Before he knows it, his lips are moving and he says:
“Why wait?” his tone is also teasing. He can play it off as a joke, while still looking for Buck’s reaction, for any indication about how he feels. And if he doesn’t feel the same, well, at least Eddie will know and he’ll stop torturing himself with hoping and wishful thinking and daydreaming about his best friend. Or he’ll try to stop, anyway. “Let’s just do it now and get it over with.”
“What?” Buck looks at him with a confused frown and a nervous chuckle.
“I mean, we’re almost there, anyway, just a few years away.” he shrugs, clearly leaning into the joke. Nothing more. Just a joke. It’s fine. It’s not like his heart is pounding a thousand miles a minute, and his face is hot – he’s pretty sure he’s blushing, and he can’t let himself think about Buck seeing that. If he asks, Eddie will claim it’s from the alcohol. No big deal. It’s plausible.
“Uh.” is all Buck says for probably just a few seconds, but the silence feels like it stretches into minutes, or hours, and Eddie’s hands are starting to sweat. Almost the entire sticker is in little pieces on the table right now. Buck doesn’t say anything more until Eddie looks at him, immediately meeting his piercing eyes. He wonders how long Buck’s been staring at him when he wasn’t looking. And tries to read his expression, that looks suspiciously like a hopeful and excited smile. “Okay.” he whispers, licking his lips and clearing his throat, the only indication of any nerves.
“What?” it’s Eddie’s turn to ask. His heart is hammering so hard, he’s almost scared it’s going to rip through his chest and fall onto the table in front of him.
“I mean,” Buck swallows audibly and licks his lips again, eyes not leaving Eddie’s. Eddie can’t even avert his gaze anymore, he feels pinned, frozen in place, sinking in the blue of Buck’s eyes. “Why not, right? We’re single, we know each other better than anyone else will ever know us. We work well together. We get along.” he shrugs, smile turning sheepish, tone turning to more teasing again. “I'm sure we’d make a good couple, too.”
“You think?” Eddie tries to smirk, but he’s not sure he’s succeeding. 
“Yeah. Plus, there’s another thing.” he bites his lip and looks over Eddie’s face, as if analyzing, gauging his reaction so far, wondering if he should say whatever he wants to say. Eddie lets himself hope that he knows what. 
“What's that?” Eddie thinks he’s leaning closer to Buck now. It’s involuntary, like he’s being pulled by some invisible force. He leans his elbow on the table, facing Buck.
“You know, I can’t say I never- I mean, the way I feel-” he pauses, closes his eyes and shakes his head. “Fuck, I am bad at this.” he mutters, and Eddie chuckles. He thinks he knows where Buck is going with this, and he relaxes a little bit. 
“Let me, then.” he puts his beer on the table, and then takes one of Buck’s hands. He’s not very good at it, either, but it’s Buck. Everything is easier with Buck, even the hard parts. Buck always makes him feel lighter, unburdened, like he can do anything. So he can do this. He takes a deep breath, and Buck’s wonderful eyes are back locked with his, shining with hope and uncertainty, and, well, what Eddie thinks and wants to be love, finally allowed to shine through, not hidden and concealed. Eddie allows himself to look at Buck the way he always does when Buck’s not looking, too, not bothering to school his expression. “I love you.” is what gets out of his mouth on an exhale, not evening meaning to say it. Buck’s eyes widen and fill with tears.
“Eddie.” he whispers, breath catching.
“I love you.” Eddie repeats with conviction. “I fell for you a long time ago, and I just keep falling deeper and deeper, and hearing about your dates is slowly killing me.” he admits, and Buck winces, looks like he’s about to apologize, but Eddie continues, “I don’t know where we go from here, but my heart belongs to you. I gave it to you with my son, years ago, and you can keep it forever if you want to. I love every little part of you, and I want you, I want it all. Forever. You’re my person. My partner. And-” his smile widens, turns more teasing, but still genuine, “I know we haven’t even gone on a date, but I would marry you tomorrow. Just say a word.” he finishes. He wishes he’d known this would happen, he could prepare, and now he had to wing it, and he hasn’t even scratched the surface of what he wants to say to Buck. But if this conversation goes where he thinks it’s going, he’ll have time. They’ll have all the time in the world.
“Who cares about dates.” is what Buck says with a watery laugh, his free hand comes up to cup Eddie’s cheek. “I love you so much, Eddie. I’m so in love with you, it physically hurts, knowing that I can’t have this- well, I guess I can now.” he chuckles again, a tone of disbelief in his voice. “For so long I was just trying to get over you, and here you are, saying you feel the same.” he shakes his head. “You and Chris are my whole world, and- and what we have- we don’t need to date, Eddie, I think we’re way past that. Let’s get married.”
“Seriously? Are you sure?” Eddie asks, feeling his cheeks starting to hurt from how wide his smile is. He feels himself leaning closer. Buck’s right, they don’t need dating, they’re far from a regular couple. They’ve been best friends, partners, even basically co-parents, for years. They’re so far ahead, it’s almost silly they’re not married already.
“Never been more serious or more sure about anything in my life. Please marry me?” he adds quietly but decisively. He’s closer now, too, their faces inches apart. Eddie’s gaze drifts between Buck’s eyes and lips.
“Yes.” Eddie answers, not quite believing that it’s happening yet. If this is a dream, he never wants to wake up. “Like I said, I’ll marry you tomorrow, or, hell, even tonight.”
“I’d love that.” Buck responds, his lips even closer, and Eddie’s aching to close the distance. “But Bobby would never forgive us if he didn’t get to officiate our wedding, we’ll have to hold off on that.” he adds, and they both laugh, as their lips finally meet for the first time.
Eddie imagined their first kiss many times over the years, in many different ways. He imagined it heated and desperate after a close call on a job, or drunken and sloppy after having one too many drinks when they’re out with the team. Or passionate and impatient, once he finally snaps and walks over and kisses Buck after he does something sweet and domestic, like cook dinner for them. And so many others – he’s fantasized about it way too much. 
But this one is soft and gentle, and almost hesitant at the beginning, before Eddie deepens it. It’s unhurried, exploring, and tender, and full of so much emotion, and love. If Eddie was even sappier and cornier than he is, he’d say he can feel his heart sing and dance with happiness, and he feels simultaneously lighter than air, and more grounded than he’s felt in years. He’s almost dizzy, intoxicated with Buck’s taste on his tongue, Buck’s skin under his fingers, where one of his hands is on Buck’s waist, sneaking under the shirt, while the other he places on the back of his neck. Both of Buck’s hands are framing his face, and his skin feels tingly wherever Buck touches it. It’s the best damn kiss of his life, and he never wants it to stop. Though he also can’t wait to share all the other kinds of kisses with Buck at some point.
In the end, Buck pulls away first, and Eddie chases after him, leaving one, two, three more lingering kisses, until Buck’s laughing, gently grabbing Eddie’s arms to keep him in place.
“Wait a second, Eddie.” he runs his hand through Eddie’s hair, looking at him with such fondness, Eddie almost melts on the spot. “I just realized something.”
“What?” he tilts his head in curiosity, but he also feels every nerve of his body longing for Buck. He needs him all over himself. Now that he got a taste, he can never look back, he wants more, more, more.
“We just got engaged, and I don’t even have a ring.”
“Who cares about a ring?” he dismisses, wanting to get back to kissing. But Buck frowns.
“Eddie. We need a ring. I need people to know that you’re taken.” he says, tone serious, and Eddie’s heart flutters. He’s Buck’s. 
“I’m yours.” he says out loud, tasting the words, almost in wonder. It feels right.
“Yeah. And we need to make it official.” he looks around the kitchen, and his gaze falls on the pieces of paper on the table. His face lights up. “Oh, I have an idea.”
Eddie watches, awed, as Buck goes through the drawings, finds one of his own, which consists of mostly multi-colored doodles, and rips two stripes away. Then, he folds it, a little awkwardly and hurriedly, and somehow makes them into two rings, measuring it against their fingers to get it right – Eddie’s amazed, because, for real, how does Buck know how to do everything? When he’s happy with it, he gets out of his chair and drops to one knee.
“Eddie Diaz, will you marry me?” he asks, beaming, and holding out one of the colorful rings. 
“I already said yes.” Eddie chuckles.
“I know. But I have a ring now. I mean, it’ll have to do until I get an actual ring.” he says, as he slides the ring onto Eddie’s finger.
“Come here.” he hunches down and grabs Buck’s chin, bringing his face closer. “You’re ridiculous. I love you.” and he kisses Buck, this time hard and passionate. It’s brief, over way too quickly, but he pulls away to grab the other ring and put it on Buck’s finger, as well. “Now it’s official. We’re getting married.” he adds, not able to contain a grin. He’s going to marry his best friend. It’s not a dream, not a fantasy, not wishful thinking. This is happening. His best friend, with whom he’s head over heels in love, loves him back, and they’re getting married.
“We’re getting married.” Buck repeats, his happy, giddy expression surely mirroring Eddie’s.
“How did we get here from talking about our terrible dates?” Eddie asks with a laugh, now only feeling satisfaction at the thought of Buck’s dates. He wins. He has Buck, all of him, body, heart and soul, forever. He’s Buck’s and Buck is his.
“Stop.” Buck groans, leaning his forehead against Eddie’s. “I didn’t know that you- but you do. You’re my partner, that I want to spend the rest of my life with.” he grins. “Uh, this-” he pulls away to gesture between them and to the table, with the discarded pieces of paper and almost empty beer bottles. “This was actually a perfect date.”
“This wasn’t even a date, sweetheart.” Eddie leans in to kiss his lips again. “I know we said we don’t need to date before getting engaged, but now that we are, of course I'll take you out. I’ll wine and dine you, and woo the shit out of you.” he says, and Buck laughs. Eddie wants to listen to that laugh for the rest of his life. And he can. He will. “Dates with you will be the only ones that won’t be awful.”
“First of all, you don’t need to woo me, I’m already yours. And second, prepare for a lifetime of awesome dates with me. It’s gonna be so fun.” he smirks, and then kisses Eddie again. Eddie pulls at his arm, to get him back on the chair, because the angle is making his back hurt. But of course Buck has a better idea, and he climbs into Eddie’s lap, straddling him. Eddie briefly thinks that he hopes his chairs are sturdy enough to support two grown men, but if not, well, who cares? He has the love of his life in his arms, he’s engaged – which is wild, since he was single a mere twenty minutes ago – and he’s making out with his fiance in his kitchen, while their kid sleeps soundly in his room. 
Life couldn’t be better. And the future looks so bright and promising now, like never before. He can’t wait to spend a lifetime with the best friend he’s ever had.
Tag list (if you want to be added pls interact with this post): @idealuk @thebravebitch @this-is-moony-lovegood @greenfairrryy
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thelikesofus · 2 years
color me in, make me your own
9-1-1 on Fox | buddie | 1k words | established relationship, marriage proposal, sidewalk chalks
I have spent all day feeling like I wanna vibrate out of my skin so I wrote this as a distraction. Have some soft boys in love xx
Read on AO3
The chalks were for Chris. Buck had brought them online and had them sent to Eddie’s house while they were in isolation. He had thought they might be a fun way for Chris to keep himself occupied while he was stuck at home and couldn’t go to school or hang out with any of his friends. Eddie and Buck had sat squished in next to each other on the couch watching Chris open the packet via video call and the bright grin Chris had flashed them as he excitedly babbled about all the cool things he was going to draw had been enough to ease the desperate ache in Eddie’s chest, if only briefly.
Post pandemic the chalks had been lost to the back of the cupboard as trips to the park and the zoo had taken priority. This week though, Chris has been stuck at home with the chickenpox and the chalks have served as a great distraction from the near-constant itching.
Eddie has always hated any time he and Buck end up on different shifts, especially since they started dating, but he has to admit it has worked in their favor in this case. Knowing that Buck can be at home with Chris has certainly eased Eddie’s conscience and the near-constant updates and photos Buck has been sending while Eddie he is at the firehouse have eased the pang of being away from his partner and his sick kid.
He knew to expect the chalks before he even left the station, having seen them featured in most of the pictures from that afternoon but finding Buck sat out on the footpath by himself is a surprise.
“Hey!” Buck greets him as Eddie gets out of his truck. “Chris is inside taking a nap, he finally wore himself out.”
Eddie drops his bag on the lawn and crouches to kiss Buck hello. He hums against his lips, savoring the sweet taste of his boyfriend soaked in the late afternoon sunshine.
“Rough shift?” Buck asks as Eddie finds a blank spot on the pavement to sit nearby without smearing the carefully drawn images that decorate the footpath.
“It wasn’t that bad. Mostly run-of-the-mill calls.” Eddie shrugs and reaches out a hand. Buck meets him in the middle, passing him one of the pieces of orange chalk and Eddie starts absentmindedly doodling small shapes next to his feet. “Oh, but we did have one cat-up-a-tree call, and when we go there the caller literally had about thirty or forty cats roaming around.”
“Oh, Bobby would have had a field day.” Buck laughs.
“Yeah, the place stank. Animal control had to be called. Chim had kittens stuffed into every pocket of his turnout.”
Buck passes Eddie a green chalk while he asks for the orange one in exchange. Eddie passes it to him and shuffles around to find another patch of empty concrete. The movement puts his back to Buck but he leans against his side and kisses his shoulder briefly before turning back to his work in progress.
They work in comfortable quiet for a while before Buck pipes up again and Eddie can almost guess what he’s about to ask before he even says it.
“Do you know which shelter they took them all to?” Bingo.
“No, Buck. We are not getting another cat.”
Buck turns around to grin at him in that cheeky way of his that’s one step away from puppy eyes and begging. “You said that last time.”
Eddie sighs and waves his hand dismissively. “Yeah, well. Cosmo needed a friend and Hulk was so small, I couldn’t just leave him at the shelter.”
“You mean you couldn’t say no to Chris?”
“Yeah, well you taught him that face and you know I can't say no to it. You can’t either.” Eddie sighs, His small collection of stick figures and lopsided cartoon animals look like a kindergartener drew them next to Christopher’s many detailed pieces. He adds his chalk back to Buck’s pile, stands, and brushes his palms off on his work pants, leaving smears across the thighs. “Speaking of, he’ll be awake and hungry soon so I’ll go check on him.”
He presses a kiss to the soft curls at the crown of Buck’s head—loose and gel-free, just how Eddie prefers them—and turns towards their front door only to be stopped in his tracks by the brightly colored rainbow lettering that has appeared in front of Buck, each letter carefully drawn in clear broad strokes.
Below is an image depicting three figures holding hands and two pointy-eared and long-tailed blobs that could only be Cosmo and Hulk. It is just as carefully and lovingly drawn as the words above and Eddie cannot even begin to describe the warm feeling that is bubbling up inside him.
“Ah, Christopher actually drew the picture. He said he wanted to help and that I would get it wrong.” Buck ducks his head bashfully while Eddie’s heart feels like it's about to leap out of his chest.
“I have a ring,” Buck adds quickly, glancing up at Eddie’s, no-doubt, stricken face. “I mean, not on me, it's inside but–”
Eddie doesn’t give him a chance to finish as he pushes Buck back against the footpath—chalk dust be damned—and seals his mouth against Buck’s firmly. He kisses him deeply and brushes his hands up Buck’s sides to fist into his t-shirt and when he pulls away he leans their foreheads together he breathes heavily, watching the way Buck’s eyelashes flutter against his cheekbones which are stained with a vibrant pink that matches the smear of chalk adorning his chin.
“Yes.” Eddie breathes out between planting a kiss to one of Buck’s cheeks and then the next. “Yes.”
Buck grins up at him, all teeth and pure joy and then they’re both laughing, and Eddie sinks down to wrap his arms around Buck’s shoulders and bury his face in his neck as he breathes him in, content to ignore nosey neighbors and passing cars as they lay plastered together on their front walk-up. Buck’s arms wrap tightly around his back and one hand finds its way into Eddie’s hair, pressing his face closer as Buck drops a kiss to the side of his head and whispers in his ear. “I love you.”
Eddie lets out a wet chuckle and mouths at Buck’s throat. “I love you too. I’m gonna marry the hell out of you.”
Buck laughs, so deep it rumbles through Eddie’s chest where they are pressed together and he cannot help but squeeze him tighter and laugh with him.
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daylightdiaz · 1 year
i wrote a proposal fic and almost started crying after i blacked out and wrote this line —
A part of him asks himself what he’s done to deserve someone like Buck, how he managed to let Buck stumble into his life and stake a claim on him, his best friend, the one person in the world — other than Christopher — who losing would be the closest to dying Eddie thinks he could feel without actually dying.
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spotsandsocks · 2 years
Of Mice And Men
💕💕💕💕💕 💕💕💕
T 2.4K written for @mayrriedbuddie mini proposal event. An unconventional proposal- no ring/no kneee
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Buck has plans to propose but things don’t always go exactly as you expect. Sometimes laundry gets in the way.
Buck’s feet are cold, he forgot to put his socks on. He always does. Luckily the laundry basket is on the kitchen table and his favourite fluffy socks are sitting there. He pulls them on which is immediately much better.
It’s their day off and Eddie’s kicked him out of bed to make the coffee because apparently he’s the only one who knows how to make the coffee machine work properly, Eddie says it’s too complicated but Buck’s pretty sure he knows how to work it just fine. Eddie just wants to keep his own toes warm.
Buck complains but he secretly quite likes it; having a special job that’s just his, taking care of Eddie just a little bit by bringing him the perfect coffee, it’s so domestic, a regular routine and it makes him feel settled, at home.
He waits for the coffee to drip it’s way into Eddie’s favourite  mug. He’s never quite worked out if he fell in love with Eddie the first time he saw him and just ignored it for years or if he’d fallen slowly one step at a time, drawn into Eddie’s orbit until they were bound together in a way as fundamental as the laws of gravity.
Somehow he thinks it might be both at the same time which makes no sense and perfect sense. 
Just like Eddie. Eddie makes sense, through the ups and downs he’s always known that being with Eddie made sense, as his friend, his partner, his co parent, then eventually his boyfriend and his lover,  Eddie just makes sense. 
Sometimes it’s been the only thing that has. 
So Buck wants to add another name to the list of what Eddie’s is to him, what he is to Eddie. He wants to add fiancé and then husband. He wants it all. 
He’s worked out how to do it. He’s got a plan. He’s already checked with Chris; that he’s happy with the idea of him and Eddie getting married. That conversation  had resulted in a hug, a yes and an eye roll so reminiscent of his father that it made his heart ache at how fast Chris was growing up.
Buck carries the coffees back to bed and is rewarded by a kiss from his boyfriend (soon to be fiancé even if he doesn’t know it yet) before he climbs in next to him, they have about an hour before they need to get up and that means he can curl up next to Eddie and listen to him list all the things they need to get done today. He really couldn’t be any happier.
A week later Buck lies in bed and reviews his plan, everything's coming together. He’s talked to Bobby and he’s agreed and ordered what they need so that part is sorted, once he gets his hands on “the goods” he can get the second part underway until it’s all ready for the big event, Chris knows his role too, it’s all been discussed. Yup as soon as he has everything, he smiles to himself just as Eddie rolls over and snuggles closer, wrapping an arm around him. Yes, not long to wait and Eddie won’t know what’s hit him.
The subject of his affection wriggles even closer and kisses his neck making Buck shiver, the first kiss is followed by a word pressed into his skin “Coffee?” 
Buck knows the routine, more words follow, coming between each of Eddie’s kisses “Why yes!”-kiss , Buck shakes his head at Eddie’s antics, “I’d love one” - kiss “thank you sweetheart.” - kiss.
Buck sighs dramatically and pushes himself out of bed. “You know we can get an easier machine if it helps.” 
Eddie rolls onto his back exposing his chest with a wink, he looks delicious and Buck’s tempted to forget all about the coffee. Eddie grins at him, “nah I like ours fine”
“You mean you like me getting the coffee every morning.”
Eddie doesn’t deny it. 
Buck trots out to the kitchen and starts the comforting routine of getting their morning caffeine fix ready except his feet are cold again. He always forgets his damn socks. Glancing around he sees a pair sitting on top of the laundry. 
He grabs at them and stops a little confused. It feels like there’s something inside them, curious, he investigates. 
Reaching in his fingers brush against something, pulling it out he can see it’s a small pouch, black and velvet. It’s definitely not what he’d expected to find hiding in his sock, how on earth has it gotten there. He’s not even seen it before. 
His feet are still cold so he takes a moment to pop the socks on before he pulls at the drawstring to tip the contents onto the palm of his hand. There’s a piece of paper inside it and something else, he shakes the pouch and a metal disc and chain slip out, he stares momentarily confused at the necklace sitting in his hand then his heart stutters when he recognises it for what it is, a St Christopher's medal. It can’t be Eddie’s because he’s wearing his. He’s just seen it around his neck.
He reaches inside for the paper and discovers it’s cut into a heart. The handwriting is instantly recognisable; it’s Christopher’s, it says ‘love you Buck.’ There’s something on the other side too, he turns it over and in a different but equally recognisable handwriting it says,’ want to make it official?’ He stares at the words, heart pounding.
“Look on the back, we got it engraved.”
He startles at Eddie’s voice but turns to it automatically. There he is, in the doorway leaning against the frame, a soft smile on his face and love in his eyes. Buck’s lost count of how many times he’s been looked at like that and he’s still not used to it, will never get tired of it.
Chris is next to him, rumpled and sleepy but smiling, he’s not as patient as his father. 
“Look at it Buck!”
Tearing his eyes away from Eddie he does, flipping the medallion over. There are two words engraved on the back of it.
Be ours? 
Oh. Oh! His chest feels tight, so this is what it feels like to be chosen. 
“So? Will you?”
Eddie’s words are quiet, spoken with a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth but Buck can tell he's a little nervous. Chris on the other hand  is positively bouncing with excitement.
The younger Diaz doesn’t seem even slightly worried about what Buck’s answer will be. That’s because he’s a smart kid, there’s only one answer Buck would ever have to this question, except Eddie hasn’t said it out loud and he’d like to hear the words, just to be sure.
“Will I what?” 
He holds Eddie’s eyes and both Diazes speak, almost at the same time. 
“Adopt Chris?” 
Eddie says it softly, still looking at him, still smiling, still with everything he feels in his eyes. Buck can’t look away from him, not until Chris follows it up a moment later with
“Marry dad!” He’s much louder than his father. 
Buck looks at the boy whose become his son and beams before returning to Eddie’s eyes. 
He crosses the room to his boys and wraps Eddie in a hug pulling Chris in too and after he kisses Eddie he stoops to kiss Chris’s head. 
“Absolutely yes.”
Chris punches the air and Eddie laughs, kisses Buck back and grins. 
Buck’s still a bit dazed by the sudden turn of events but one question fights it’s way to the front of his brain.  
“How’d you even know I’d pick up the socks?”
“Sweetheart” Eddie gives him a look, “You kept getting up to make the coffee and coming back to bed with freezing feet so I started leaving your socks out where you’d see them and you started coming back to bed with warm toes. So it seemed like a good plan when Chris and I were plotting.”
Eddie plucks the chain from Buck’s hand and moves to fasten it around his neck. 
“Can I?”
Buck nods and Eddie fixes it around his neck. He gently touches the image on the medal now resting on Buck’s chest , “Perfect”
Buck touches Eddie's fingers where they rest, he’s a little overwhelmed by it all to be honest, he whispers “I love you,” then a thought occurs to him and he frowns “but… “ he tries hard not to sound like he’s complaining but he’s just realised Eddie beat him to it and now his own plans are ruined.
“I was gonna ask you, I I had plans and everything!” he’s failed at not sounding a little sulky. 
Eddie looks amused “plans huh? Well I don't want to get in the way of plans, do I? How about we do ‘plans’ too?” 
Buck’s not quite sure what he means. 
“Don’t see why you can’t propose too.” Eddie looks away “I think I’d like that actually.”
Buck studies him and he realises Eddie’s blushing, just a little. 
Their eyes meet again.
“Yeah” Eddie says softly “I’d like to be proposed to. We can wait to tell people , let you have your turn at proposing and then announce it.”
“Really?” He’s a little in awe of the man he’s going to marry, he’s so disgustingly perfect.
“Sure. Just don’t keep me waiting too long Buckley!” Eddie arches an eyebrow at him.
“No promises Diaz. Remember patience is a virtue.”
Buck looks at Chris, “Hey you,” he chides him, “being all sneaky on me, you knew about this and you didn’t even give me a tiny hint.”
Chris grins up at him.
“I’m good at keeping secrets Buck.”
Buck grins back because he knows that, Chris is in on his plan too and he hasn’t breathed a word to his dad either. He ruffles his hair and winks.
“Yeah, you certainly are.”
Buck knows he has to wait but hopefully not for too long, last time he checked with Bobby he’d said it would be soon. Patience is a virtue, but not one he’s particularly good at.
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ebdaydreamer · 2 years
Seven sentence sunday
I’m finally writing fic again! I was tagged in one of these a while back by @ajunerose so here’s me, finally getting around to it!
This is from Eddie’s POV of this fic
The team are starting to notice, although they seem to be doing a good job of hiding their concern. They look to Eddie for answers, and it breaks him a little that he has none. Unlike the first time, Buck doesn’t come to him. Eddie’s not sure what else he can do to make Buck see exactly how much he means to them, to see how much he’s worth. He thinks about telling him every day. He wants to beg him to come home with him and never leave. He wants to hand Buck adoption papers and hey, whilst we’re here, there’s this marriage certificate with our names on it-
Tagging: @elvensorceress @princessfbi @monsterrae1 @yelenasbuddie @ajunerose @dickley-buddie @extasiswings @prettyboybuckley @mymercyy @gayhoediaz @swiftiediaz
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
maybe fall in love
rating: G | words: 1,802
Morale is flagging here at the ass end of a 24 hour shift where they'd been bounced all around the city for a never ending stream of calls. The first week of summer is always like this, every kid in the district flooding out of the confines of the classroom and stretching their wings in the form of minor traffic accidents and what Eddie's heard Athena refer to as "stupidity induced injury." It's not just the kids either, the frantic energy spreading to even the oldest citizens. They'd had to confiscate illegal fireworks from a retirement home some uncountable amount of hours ago, Bobby doing his best stern dad lecture at a man 30 years his senior. Nothing's been too drastic, no death or mass destruction, but it's three AM and they're at their fourth block party fight mop up in a row and even Hen and Chim are snapping at each other and Eddie can actually see Bobby thinking through damage control.
"Buckley, Diaz."
Buck and Eddie are loading gear back into the truck, still sweating in the dead of night because the June gloom settled thick over the city has just trapped the heat in, turning the air into an oppressive muggy sludge. Eddie doesn't have the energy to respond, just turns generally in Bobby's direction. Buck, behind him, leans against the engine.
Bobby sighs, fishing around in his pockets to pull cash from his wallet and press it into Eddie's hands. He nods over at a couple of food trucks down the street that still, somehow, have lines. "Get food. Anything."
So Buck and Eddie shuffle down the road, more distance between them than usual, the normally comforting brush of shoulders suddenly an unpleasantly sticky concept. The options are bougie cheeseburgers with lobster or kimchi or peanut butter and jelly piled on them, or a fried chicken truck with an obnoxiously flashing neon sign on the roof. Buck raises an eyebrow in a question and Eddie shrugs, and they get in line for chicken.
Buck stands with his hands in his pockets and Eddie feels his palms sweat just looking at him. He's holding his arms slightly away from his torso, begging from the universe a breeze, trying to escape his own body heat. The neon flashes red and that makes Eddie feel hot too, the burning color of fire washing over Buck's features, swallowing his birthmark whole. It makes his face look strange, young and unfamiliar, and Eddie doesn't realize how intently he's studying him until Buck makes surprised eye contact. He raises an eyebrow, Eddie shakes his head with dead-exhausted eyes, Buck nods and stares back out at the street.
"How're Peppa's dates going?"
Eddie barely resists groaning at the question. Bad, is how they're going, and Buck knows that because Eddie calls him after each one to complain about it. He hasn't hit it off with a single one of the women his tia keeps plucking out of her mysterious bottomless pit of single young hopefuls, because he doesn't like their job or their interests or their laugh or the way their hand feels on his arm. Manicured nails, soft skin. Buck's head tilts lazily to the side, a little grin pulling up one side of his mouth, and the sound of the neon feels like it's buzzing around the inside of Eddie's skull.
read the rest on ao3
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
i go through cycles of wanting to consume media, wanting to consume fan content, and wanting to create fan content. usually it works out so im only usually focused on one of these at a time which is great.
except right now i am focused on all three and it’s like my interest levels in all of them are turned up to the max and it is so. OVERWHELMING AAAAHHH
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paper rings (buddie's version)
—if you love sappy marriage proposals, this one’s for you!
author: annaslibrary | rated: t | words: 3.9k | ao3 link
5 times Buck makes Eddie a paper ring + 1 time Eddie gives him a real one
—kels reasons to read—
i just love when they’re so soft and in love
cheesy handmade rings are so cool 🥹
this song is such a buddie song and perfectly executed here
it’ll make your heart melt
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
I think it's funny when I'm writing for buddie that the tiny Eddie in my head likes to tell me feelings and the tiny Buck in my head likes to tell me situations. Sometimes tiny Eddie won't give a single line of dialogue. Or even setting. Sometimes he's just floating in a void because he won't even tell me where he is. Buck on the other hand, hates to tell me how he's feeling. I had to switch povs before because he won't tell me and I need the scene so I needed to ask tiny Eddie. But sometimes tiny Buck won't shut up, I don't know how we got here, what triggered this confession, or revelation, all I know is that he's in front of tiny Eddie and he wants to say things. I have no control over them. They just do what they want and I'm along for the ride.
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buckedsworld · 9 months
Buddie fic idea no.2
Navy seal: Evan Buckley
Firefighter: Eddie Diaz
Calling each other by nickname’s
Sleeping on top of each other
Love letters
Writing poems
Buck surprising Eddie at his probationary end party 
Marriage proposal
Okay first of all I just love Buck writing poems and i haven’t seen one so he writes to Eddie during his deployment just silly lovesick poems and of course love letters and there be like scenes where Eddie just remember moments where he’s missing Buck while he’s like overseas somewhere God knows where and then he just shows up to Eddie’s probationary and Party and just propose to him
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