#bulma x launch
damnningen · 2 months
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Pink girlfriends 🩷
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celticcatgirl2 · 9 months
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Bulma, your gay is showing…
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raditzxsthighband · 5 months
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New edit!
Gemini Saga Eclipse Chapter 29: Binding Of The Fates
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wastokins · 8 months
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Bulma receives a love letter!
The second chapter of my Dragon Ball fanfic, "I wish for your heart." is out! Please go give it a read!
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AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53606368
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1421056772
FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14325275
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db-gochifan · 2 years
Dragon Ball Ships Week 2023 - Day 7: Free Day
Title: The Spy and The Thief Characters: Vegeta, Launch, Bulla Briefs, Bulma Briefs, Yamcha, Son Gohan, Son Goten, Trunks Briefs Pairing: Launch/Vegeta Summary: Bulma has had enough of Yamcha's fan club. Warning: Rated T for language.
Cross-posted on AO3 and FFN
The lights were all out when Vegeta walked inside his house. It had been another exhausting day and he just wanted to lie down on his bed as soon as possible. He hung his black coat in a pin behind the door and loosened the knot of his black tie. By the time he walked into his daughter’s room to give her a goodnight kiss, his white shirt was fully open. He stared at her for a moment and then bent over to kiss her forehead. His tie was curled up on his hand and fist when he walked into his bedroom. Launch was sitting on their bed reading a book, while waiting for him. “Hi.” “Hi.” Vegeta sat on the bed and untied his shoes, then removing them and placing them in a corner. He took his shirt off and turned it into a ball before throwing it above his shoes. “Tough day?” She closed her book and put it away. Then she approached him and started massaging his shoulders. “Yeah, there’s this woman who’s causing a lot of trouble and we can never seem to catch her.” “That’s awful.” She tried to sound serious, but couldn’t stop a smile from coming to her lips. “So what are you going to do now? Can you get into trouble for not succeeding in catching her?” “No, that’s one of the benefits of working on my own. I can’t get fired or anything.” “That’s good to hear.” She pulled back and watched him stretch his neck. “I’d hate to see you getting into trouble because of her.” The couple started laughing at how ironic the situation was. “I can’t believe they haven’t figured out who you are yet. They’re really a bunch of morons.” “Well, the long blue wig really helps out, so I don’t blame them for not recognizing me.” “How much did we get today?” With a large grin, Launch bent down and reached for a heavy bag next to her side of the bed and placed it between them.“Two hundred thousand zeni.” “Wow, that’s great!” Vegeta cheered. “I think it took us two or three robberies to make this amount of money last month.” “That’s true. Now that we have enough to live by, why don’t we go live somewhere else? This city sucks.” “Come on, it doesn’t suck. It’s amazing.” “Do you really want to risk getting caught?” “I won’t get caught. I’m the head spy, they can’t fire me.” “They can if they find out you’re involved in this. And then we’re screwed.” “Don’t worry, they won’t.” He moved a lock of her long curly hair away. “We’re being very cautious about it. There’s no way it can happen.” “Okay, if you say so.” “Now, why don’t we celebrate our big accomplishment?” “I thought you’d never ask.” She smiled and then pushed him towards the bed. **** “Papa!” Bulla jumped up and down on his bed excitedly very early in the following morning. “Mama asked me to wake you up or you’ll be late for work.” “Alright, sweetheart.” He mumbled and then buried his head on his pillow. “But can you please not jump on the bed?” “Sorry, papa.” She knelt down beside him and cupped his face. “Are you going to make my breakfast?” “Yes, I’ll make it.” Vegeta rolled over and rubbed his eyes before sitting down. Then he stood up and went to his wardrobe to choose a new shirt to wear. He turned around with a dark blue and a pink one. “Which one should papa wear today?” “The pink one!” Bulla sat on the edge of the bed and started swinging her legs happily. “Alright then. Pink it is.” “Good morning.” Vegeta walked into the kitchen with Bulla sitting over his shoulders. “Food smells great.” “They better taste great too.” Launch put a plate full of pancakes over the table. “These ingredients were quite expensive.” “Mama, did you know I chose Papa’s shirt today?” Bulla said as Vegeta put her in a chair. “You did? You already have a good taste.” The blue haired girl giggled and then looked at her father. “Papa, I want five pancakes with chocolate sauce.” “Five? Are you sure you can eat that much?” “Of course!” She showed off her muscles, so he could see how strong she was. “I want to become as strong as you.” “That’s great, sweetheart.” He grabbed her decorated plastic plate and put the five pancakes she wanted. “How do you say?” “Thank you, papa.” She eagerly started eating her breakfast. “What are you going to do today?” The blond man turned to his wife. “Oh, I’m just going to…” Launch immediately stopped talking when Bulla lifted her head and looked at her, not at all hiding how curious she was to hear her mother’s answer. “Go shopping, I guess.” “That’s so cool, mama! Can I go with you?” “I’m afraid not, Bulla. You have to go to school.” “Ah, but I don’t want to. School is boring.” “You need to study. That’s the only way to be successful in your life.” The blonde pair exchanged looks, not believing a word that had just been said. Launch shook her head and laughed, finding it ironic Vegeta would say something like this, from all people. They were most definitely the greatest thieves in West City. “Your father is right.” She said eventually. “You can go really far with a good education. Plus, you get to see your friends and play with them during lunch break.” “This is true. I’ll go to school then.” “That’s the spirit.” **** Vegeta reached for a lighter on the left pocket of his black coat and a pack of cigarettes on the right one. He lit one on while he walked down the street towards his office, after dropping his daughter at school. Like all the other days, his team was already working frantically when he walked in and slowly hung his coat on the coat rack in a corner of the office. “Good morning, Mr. Vegeta.” Son Gohan, one of his most competent employees, greeted him briefly and resumed his task, not having enough time to wait for him to answer. Vegeta thought West City was probably a chaos sooner than they expected that day. “Looks like we’ll have another busy day ahead.” He said with a sigh. “Yeah, the thieves decided to start acting way earlier today. Hopefully we’ll be able to catch many of them by the end of the day.” “Let’s hope so.”
When it was almost noon, Vegeta walked out of his room to have lunch in a restaurant nearby. That was always the excuse he gave, but in fact that was the time Launch robs a bank and he stays hidden, so they can get away with no problems. That was one of the benefits of knowing every inch of West City. Little did he know his luck was about to change soon. A smirk appeared on his lips when the first few police cars passed by him at full speed. He couldn’t help but think the cops were wasting their time, they were going to run away with the money once again. However, something in the corner of his eye got his attention and he looked across the street, but there was no one there. He waited a while and then resumed his way to the bank Launch was robbing, as peacefully and slowly as he could. “Uh, that was close.” “Mrs. Briefs, we almost got caught.” “I know.” Bulma Briefs, another spy from West City, told her partner, Yamcha. “I need to be more careful if I want to take him down.” “May I ask you what he did to you? You seem pretty determined to do that and I was wondering if…” “Let’s just say I have some unresolved business with him.” “Got it. He turned you down and you didn’t take it very well.” “That’s not it, you moron!” She smacked him in the head and he flinched. “I loathe that guy, I couldn’t possibly get involved with him. I’d rather be single than be his girlfriend, even if he was the last man on Earth.” “What about me? Would you go on a date with me?” “I’ll think about it… if we can take him down.” “I’ll do my best. He isn’t getting away with it today.” Yamcha said with determination and then looked at his boss. “May I ask you how long you’ve been observing him?” “You surely ask a lot of questions.” “I’m sorry.” He felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment. “Sometimes they just slip through my mouth before I realize. I didn’t mean to…” “It’s okay.” Bulma assured him. “I’ve been following him for about three months, and I’m surprised he hasn’t noticed that yet. I thought he would be more careful about his surroundings. He let his guard down very easily.” “That seems like it.” “Come on, we can’t lose track of him. Let’s go.” She pulled him by the wrist and they secretly followed Vegeta.
The situation in the bank was chaotic. The blue haired woman had stroke again and was using a human shield to bribe the police officers and security guards to get what she wanted. “Just fucking give me the combination of the safe and no one will get hurt.” “Please don’t hurt me.” “Alright, lady.” One of the employees said. “I’ll take you there and open it for you.” “No!” She shouted and turned around, the gun still pointed at the person’s head. “I want the damn combination!” “Alright, alright.” The man wrote the combination on a paper and handed it to her, shaking. “Please don’t kill me.” “Where’s the damn safe.” “It’s the room in the back of this hall.” He pointed towards a door behind her. “Thanks. I’ll take this one, just in case.” Vegeta was waiting for Launch outside the bank when he had the feeling someone was watching him. He looked all around him, but didn't see anyone. And then, the sound of a familiar voice sent a shiver down his spine. “So there you are.” He turned around and saw a female figure in the shadows. “Bulma.” “So now you got together with a thief? The one you're supposed to arrest? No wonder why no one seemed to get her. You were covering for her the whole time.” “That's not what it looks like.” “Stop fucking lying to me!” She shouted and came out from the shadows, staring intensely into his dark eyes. “Is that the environment our daughter is living in?” “I've been taking good care of her.” “That's not what I asked!” She snapped, her eyes burning with fury. “She is, isn’t she?” “What about you, huh?” Vegeta raised his voice and walked towards her, not intimidated by her at all. “Wasn’t it your idea to include her in this whole mess? You wanted to use her as a bait.” “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” “What?!” Yamcha looked at her in shock. “Don’t play dumb on me, Bulma.” The blonde continued, completely and blatantly ignoring his ex-wife’s partner. “You know exactly what you were doing. You used Bulla as a bait to finally get Launch behind the bars. You even advised her to call Launch ‘mom’. But you weren’t expecting the fact we could fall in love.” “You fell in love with her?” Bulma mocked, laughing hysterically. “You’re so funny, Vegeta! You can never love anyone.” “Alright, I got the money.” Launch walked out as she removed her long blue wig. “We can… what’s going on here?” “That’s the end for you, Launch.” The blue haired woman looked at her. “You’re finally going to be where you deserve.” “You mean in Maldives?” “You f…” She motioned to jump on her throat, but Yamcha held her back. “Mrs. Briefs, you don’t want to end up in jail too, do you?” “You’re right. It’s not worth it.” She took a deep breath. “Mr. Vegeta?” Son Gohan’s voice echoed a few meters behind them and they all looked at him. “What are you doing here?” “You should arrest him.” Bulma said as she walked away with Yamcha. “He’s been helping her with stealing the banks in West City. That’s why no one seemed to catch her. He was covering it.” “You’re lying!” He shouted and tried to get away from a few officers who went to put the cuffs on him. “You can’t prove it.” “Are you serious?” She turned around and started walking backwards. “Did you forget I’m a spy too? I’ve been following since we broke up. I wanted to see how long you would resist until you became a criminal as well. Turns out it was sooner than I expected.” “You’ve been following me?” “Oh honey, you don’t know who you’re dealing with.” She blew him a kiss and then turned her back on him. “Bulma, come back here! I swear to my life I had nothing to do with this. I can’t be way from my daughter.” “So now you don’t have anything to do with this?” Launch kicked him hard on the knees. “Are you fucking kidding me?” “Hey!” One of the police officers took her away. “You brainwashed me to join you in committing crimes.” “Are you out of your freaking mind? I didn’t force you to do anything. If anything, you made me believe we were in this together.” “And you were naive enough to believe it. I’m a spy!” “You bastard!” She nudged one of the officers on the belly and rushed to the blonde, strangling him. “You told me you loved me.” “And you believe that?” He laughed out loud. “That was all acting.” “I will fucking kill you!” Launch snatched an arm one of the police officers was carrying and pointed at him. “No one lies to me and goes unpunished.” “Hey!” A spiky haired officer threw the gun away from her hands with a precise kick, while a lavender haired one immobilized her. “Get in the car!” “Make me.” “Get in the fucking car!” The second officer demanded firmly and pushed her in the trunk of the vehicle. “The deputy will talk to you as soon as we arrived at the station.” “Gohan, you have to help me!” Vegeta begged as he was being taken to another vehicle, to leave. “I didn’t do anything wrong! I’m innocent, I was a victim.” “Then you should have no problem with clearing things up with the deputy. If you’re really innocent, you’ll be released soon.” “I need to see my daughter! You can’t let them do this to me. I’m begging you. She will hate me.” “I’m sorry, Mr. Vegeta. I work for the city above all.” “This is a mistake! I’m not her partner, I wanted to take her down.” “Sir, you better cooperate or things will be worse for you. The deputy just wants to talk to you.” “You can’t arrest me, I work for the police.” He grabbed his badge and his ID card and showed them. “See?” “We’re an honest institution and the corrupt ones inside it should be investigated and punished, if guilty.” “This is not fair, I was only doing my job.” He started knocking on the back window with both hands as the police car drove away.
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heyyallitsbeth · 10 months
Whenever people bring up the "can X character beat Goku?" hypothetical, it always revolves around modern DB power, like SSJ4 and Ultra Instinct, which makes sense since theyre the recent top tier power levels in a shonen sense. but the fact is, Goku aint been at his A-game since OG DB. Since like, you gotta remember, Dragonball started as another Toriyama gag manga, similar to Dr Slump.
Goku is a gag character who transitioned to a shonen fighter since fighting was more fun.
THAT is terrifying. Goku can still apply to gag manga rules if he wants to. Bullets have no effect on him, but he will scream in agony if you hit him with a small rock.
Goku is like an anime Hannah Montana, best of both worlds, a jack of all trades. He can be a cheery funny gag character when he wants, and a serious fighting protagonist when he wants. Like, one of his most famous fighting styles is biting people. He bites Frieza, he bites Buu, he bites Beerus, he bites Whis.
Goku is one of the strongest fighters in all of anime, he can take the punch of a God, or all the condensed evil in hell and not even flinch, but his wife Chi Chi, Bulma and Arale can whoop his ass because its funny.
Basically the answer to any "can X character beat Goku?" revolves around the answer "would it be funny?"
Thanos from MCU? There's nothing funny there at all, Thanos loses.
SpongeBob? Incredibly funny, SpongeBob would blow a bubble that looks like a bus at Goku and he'd be launched back past the horizon and you'd see a nuclear explosion happen.
And like the most stereotypical ones of Saitama and Luffy, thats like a draw, they all have the half and half of shonen and funny. They beat the shit out of eachother and then the next scene is them bandaged and bruised in an Applebee's chowing down on endless appetizers together, then immediately back to fighting.
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cringe--is--dead · 1 year
Peaceful Paradise Interrupted
Type: One Shot
Gohan x Reader, Reader is the adopted daughter of Vegeta and Bulma
Summary: Your peace wasn't often challenged, but when someone came to earth to challenge your father and/or Goku, you end up more annoyed being in the middle of it than fearful.
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Your life had settled into a routine, though after most of your childhood and adolescence, you weren't complaining. The structure gave you a peace of mind, minus the occasional extraterrestrial being hell-bent on revenge against your father or challenging Goku.
Those spats, at this rate, lasted a day at the most, an hour at the least. You hardly ever knew of them until after the issues were resolved.
Safe to say you enjoyed your peace, you enjoyed your routine, you enjoyed everything your life had become. Minus this.
The barrel of some weird, foreign gun looking at you had become your new common view. The alien man who had broken into your home, looking for one of the several (like five) Saiyan life forms, only to find you lazing around in your pajamas while attempting to finish some paper due for some class you were beginning to hate.
You craned your neck to peer around at him, studying him as he spoke into whatever communicator his people used, before speaking up, more annoyed than anything, "You realize how stupid this is right?"
He blanched, taken aback by the calm demeanor in which you spoke. He barked some orders before turning his full attention towards you, "Excuse me?"
You shrugged, "This was dumb of you to do." Your legs were beginning to cramp up under you, and you were at least grateful you had worn longer pants, "Haven't you even heard of what happens to people who come to earth looking for a fight?"
He sneered, "They end up choosing life forms far beneath them, yes, little lady, I've heard the stories."
Rude. "I'm just saying - "
"You are not the one I'm after."
"I kind of figured," He narrowed his eyes at you, pressing the gun closer towards your face, "I can't imagine I did anything wrong enough to piss you off."
"Do you know of the Saiyans Vegeta and Kakarot?"
"Hard to not know them," Your voice was dry, and you knew that after the scolding your mother would unleash on you, she'd have some pride in how you were keeping your cool.
"My readings had indicated that they had been here, though upon arrival, I only found you. What is a weak, earthling like you doing around two of the most powerful beings on this planet?"
"Don't let them hear you say that, my father's ego is large enough already."
His eyebrow, or where you would assume an eyebrow would be, twitched, "Your- your father?"
You hummed, introducing yourself casually, before sending a sarcastic smile, "Vegeta's oldest."
"Your power levels are far too weak to be - "
"Adopted," You could feel the energy before anything else, the feeling of your hair standing up on end alerting you that your fiancé had gotten the emergency signal sent to his phone, "But, still."
You braced yourself, the door launching open with the sounds of splintered wood falling all around. Gohan was standing in the doorframe, hair still black, but eyes livid. You glanced at the shocked man before you, if Gohan didn't feel the need to power up than this guy was weak- what had he been hoping to do?
You watched as your fiancé smiled, something cold and dark, a look that was so foreign to see on him. It sent chills down even your spine, "Hi," The cheeriness was forced, "Honey you didn't tell me we had guests."
"Surprise visitors." You glanced sadly at the remnants of the front door as Gohan walked inside, you'd have to ask Goku to fix it again.
The energy coming off of your fiancé was beyond suffocating, and the blaster fell from where it had been pointed at you, trembling in the alien's hand.
"W- Who are you?"
"I should be the one asking you that considering you're in my house." Your fiancé's anger was getting harder to hide, the smile bordering bloodthirsty.
You flexed your hands from where they were bound, sighing, catching his attention, "Please don't destroy anymore of the house."
Gohan didn't look away from the man, who was frantically trying to contact some of his men. You assumed they had all scattered- and odds are some ended up coming across your father and Goku.
They might fare better than this man was about to.
"Of course," You blinked and he was across the room, grabbing the man by the front of his tunic, before lifting him up, the gun dropping to the floor.
"Let's take this outside, shall we?"
Just as quickly as he had gotten across the room, your fiancé had taken the offending man outside, the sounds of shouting growing muffled as they left your home.
You sighed to yourself, twisting further as you remembered the self-defense classes your mother made you take. It felt almost pointless at the time- who was stupid enough to do something to piss off your family? But as you managed to free your sore wrists, you were grateful.
By the time you moved on to untying your legs, Gohan strolled back in, not a hair out of place. He smiled at you, moving to crouch down in front of you, softly batting your hands away to undo the rest.
"Are you alright?"
He paused, laughing softly at the question.
"I should be asking you that," The rope fell, and he helped you stand, hands moving softly across you, feeling and searching for any indicators that he should go out and end that man.
"I'm alright," You smiled, "You got here just in time."
Gohan nodded, eyes falling shut, and he leaned down, forehead pressing against yours. You remained quiet, letting him process everything.
"I was so scared when you sent me that signal," He spoke quietly, eyebrows furrowing as if reliving the moment, "I wasn't sure what to expect. And dad and Vegeta were already dealing with their own stuff at the moment."
"He didn't hurt me," You reached forward, pulling your fiancé closer, allowing him to burrow into you as best he could, "I think he was more confused than anything to find a human here."
Gohan laughed, a wet sound from the back of his throat, "Right. Not the terrifying Saiyan legends he was expecting."
"Just a human college student who probably would have hit him with a frying pan had I been in the kitchen," You glanced at the dishes laying in the sink- had you been closer you definitely would have.
"I assume the others are taken care of?"
Gohan nodded, "Dad and Vegeta are on their way here - "
The sound of your name being shouted outside alerted you that more company had arrived, and the sounds of an engine being killed let you know your mother had arrived with them.
You watched as Goku made his way to the front entrance of your house, peering down curiously at the broken door, hand rubbing the back of his head, "Aw man, I feel like I just fixed - "
He was interrupted by your father barging by, snarling an, "Out of the way Kakarot", before he made his way inside. You saw your mother trailing close behind, eyes wide and worried, hand clutched to her chest. Goku had enough smarts to step out of the way, moving to stand where you saw your brother and Goten in the yard, the later of the two poking the unconscious assailant with a stick.
"Oh, my baby! Are you hurt?" Gohan stepped back, hands up in defense as you shot him a glare.
Your mothers arms wrapped around you tightly, your ribs wincing at the strength of her hold, "I'm fine mom, he didn't do - "
"And this is why I still think you and Gohan should have taken one of the homes near us!" She huffed as she let you go, arms resting on your shoulders as she glared at you, no malice behind her eyes, "My security would have ensured that that man never even looked at you - "
"She moves back in and Gohan can go home with Kakarot, everyone's happy," Your father snarked, arms crossed over his chest.
"Vegeta," Your mother turned to glare at him, arms never leaving their place around you, jerking you forward with her.
"To be fair dad he was the one who got here first," You rolled your eyes as your father pointedly ignored this remark.
"Still - with the damages done I think it's best if you two come stay at home for now!"
"Mom, it's literally just the front door - "
"Perfect!" She squeezed you tighter- a warning not to argue.
You glanced helplessly at your fiancé, who only shrugged in response. The man who more than likely stopped himself from killing moments ago, fell powerless in the face of your overprotective mother.
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dballzposting · 10 months
Dragon Ball pairings that nobody really ships even though they're not that weird or outlandish or anything it's just that nobody cares and there are better options out there evidently
- Goku & Krillin (They are BFFs and that's enough for a hoard of people to ship Truten .......... IS IT BECAUSE HE'S BALD????)
- Launch & Tenshinhan (This is canonically at least one-sided but TBH they're a horrible match but I think that it just takes a lovely soul to make it sing. There's a sweetness to Nice Launch x Tenshinhan specifically, they're both so mild mannered that I think it could work. But I think that no one gives a crap about either of them is why you rarely see it)
- Tenshinhan & Goku (....swag. Kind of cheeky and based. I could make an AMV.)
- Krillin & Bulma (Maybe Krillin is too smart idk..... OR IS IT CAUSE HE'S BALD?????)
- Goku & Yajirobe (they had a fun little adventure together and that was sweet and they kind of want completely opposite things out of life but I think you could make it work ... They go fishing together and sit in silence for hours and hours and at the end Goku kisses him on the lips and Yajirobe knows that he's gotten himself into some hot water and he never ever ever ever ever says anything about Goku's wife or how if Goku is able to go behind her back like this, then he sure as hell could do the same to Yajirobe. Or actually that might be the first thing he says. "Where does your wife think you are?" every time Goku shows up at Korin's Tower. Goku can still ride Kinto-un so maybe it's not that bad idk)
- Gohan & Shrapner (People love gratuitous gay shit and they love Gohan so why isnt it a thing where people draw locker room fanart of them or something. Is it because we all have better things to do)
- Videl & Erasa (^ again is it becasue we all have better things to do...)
- Gohan & Shin (I've seen it before and shut up right now. It could work. I'm telling you it could work. The vibes are off the charts. It's an aesthetic bomb)
- Chichi & Piccolo (PLEASE bro PLEASE we need MORE 😭😭 Chiccolo nation is DYING hit like if you're a true Chiccolo Fan)
Feel free to add more
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fanfic-lover-girl · 11 months
Examining Goku's Claims About Villains at the End of the Cell Saga
I have never liked Goku's reasoning for staying dead at the end of the Cell games. I still think the reasoning was superficial and hurt Gohan and his family more than necessary. But I want to go over each of the DB and DBZ villains that I can recall and validate Goku's claims because I am curious. This may not be 100% accurate since it has been a while since I watched the series.
Dragonball Villains
Pilaf - He wanted the dragonballs to rule the world. His quest had nothing to do with Goku. Bulma had more to do with the world domination attempt since she was the one actively looking for dragon balls. X
Red Ribbon Army - This army also was not a response to Goku. They were taking over the world and gathering the balls too. Goku kind of fell into the conflict. X
King Piccolo - Pilaf is the moron who released him. Maybe fear of Goku encouraged Pilaf's idea that he needed help to rule the world but I still would not blame King Piccolo on Goku. X
Piccolo Jr. - King Piccolo created Piccolo Jr. as a last-ditch attempt when Goku defeated him. King Piccolo, I believe, launched the egg away from the battle so it's not like Goku had an opportunity to destroy the egg. But let's say Goku is responsible for Piccolo Jr. Y
1/4 is Goku's fault
Dragonball Z Villains
Raditz - He came to Earth looking for his brother. Y
Vegeta & Nappa - They came to Earth because of the dragonballs. They don't seem to care much for Raditz so I am not sure they would visit Earth to seek revenge. X
Frieza - He came to Earth because Goku did not kill him off. So Frieza coming to Earth is 100% Goku's fault. Y
Androids - Dr Gero made the androids as revenge against Goku. Goku defeated the Red Ribbon army as a kid so you can't blame him for not being thorough. But still, the androids were due to Goku. Y
(Extra) Buu - It's a nasty coincidence that the Buu fiasco happened when Goku came back. Goku was the catalyst but ultimately it's not Goku's fault. It's mainly Vegeta's fault. And the Supreme Kai's fault for being so incompetent. X
3/5 is Goku's fault
Total: 4/9 is Goku's fault
So around half of the villains in Dragonball and DBZ are Goku's fault. And that was worth missing 7 years with his family?? What crap.
It's ironic. Goku hardly attracts villains when he is peacefully minding his own business with his family. And most of the villains that came to Earth that Goku was responsible for were due to Goku not finishing the job. Of course, you have outliers like Raditz. But if Goku did not seek out problems and eliminated villains without prejudice, everything would be fine for the most part. I am tired of people justifying Goku goofing off in the otherworld and leaving his family in the dust. These are the same people who defend Goku flying off into the sunset with Uub in peacetime, once again leaving his family hanging.
I love Father!Goku but only up till the Cell saga and dbz fanfiction. The Cell games took my rose-colored glasses off when it came to Goku's fatherhood.
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fabuloustrash05 · 18 days
Dragon Ball x Epic the Musical Cast
So I decided to combine two of my obsessions with Dragon Ball and Epic the Musical. For those who don't know, Epic is a musical version the Greek story, The Odyssey. You can listen to the playlist HERE.
When deciding who plays which character, I became stuck on which DB character should play the lead Odysseus, Goku or Vegeta, so I ran a poll HERE, and with the final tally, I now have my cast!
Vegeta as Odysseus
Whis as Athena
Bulma as Penelope
Trunks as Telemachus
Nappa as Eurylochus
Cabba as Polites
Piccolo as Poseidon
Goku as Hermes
Lord Slug as Polyphemus (The Cyclops)
Zangya as Circe
Goten as Aeolus
Fortune Teller Baba as Teiresias (The Prophet)
Launch as Calypso
Android 21 as Scylla
Beerus as Zeus
Heles as Hera
Broly as Ares
Cheelai as Aphrodite
Lemo as Hephaestus
Android 17 as Apollo
Zarbon as Antinous
Lady Snake as The Siren
King Vegeta as Odysseus’ Mother
The Saiyans - Odysseus’ Crew
The Frieza Force as Penelope’s Suitors
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a human!reader teaching Goku how to cook so he can impress Chi-Chi? I love to cook myself, so I thought it'd be a cute idea!
Bone App the Teeth | Goku & Reader |
author's note: i was actually in the process of writing a goku fic when i got this request! i also happen to think it's a cute idea and absolutely love the idea of goku and the reader being old pals spending an afternoon together to get goku out of the doghouse :p i hope you don't mind i added a slight bit of vegeta x reader as a background pairing to add more to the story!
pairing: goku &fem!reader (it's platonic!) vegeta x fem!reader, goku x chi-chi
warnings: goku being a terribly cute student, vegeta being a little jealous, small mention of trying for pregnancy, in general just some fluff between two old friends!
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You're reading on the couch when you get Goku's phone call. He's speaking incredibly fast and fumbling his words, which sounds alarm bells in your head. It can't be something super serious, after all, since you would definitely not be the first person he'd call for help. You set aside your book and take a deep breath.
"GOKU!" You yell, succeeding in getting him to stop talking for a moment.
"Why'd you yell at me?" He whines pathetically.
"So I could tell you to slow down and start over!"
"Oh, sorry about that!" Goku laughs and then sighs. "I really need your help."
"Tell me what's up."
From there Goku launches into a tale of what essentially boils down to him needing a way back into Chi-Chi's good graces after an incident the night before. He didn't go super in detail, but to you it sounded like he'd gone and ruined dinner last night with his ravenous Saiyan appetite, and he wanted to make it up to his dear wife.
Only problem was, he had no idea how to cook.
"So that's where you come in!" Goku says, and you can literally hear that big smile on his face. "So whaddya say? Can you help me?"
"Of course I will!" You smile. "Come on over and-"
"I'm here!" Goku now stands in front of you, hands on his hips and his eyes smiling, no doubt excited to make up his mistake to Chi-Chi.
You scream, holding your hand to your chest. "Goku! You can't just-"
There's the sound of shouting from outside, and then Vegeta is suddenly in the living room. "Who the hell dares attack my w- Oh, it's Kakarot." He scowls, arms crossed over his chest.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya!" Goku rubs the back of his neck. "Hey best buddy!" He waves at Vegeta.
"No." Vegeta glares at Goku. "Why are you in my house?"
You stand up, your heart back to a normal beat. "I'm teaching him how to cook, sweetie. Would you like to join us?"
"Tch. I'll pass." Vegeta turns and heads out to resume his training. You shake your head and pat Goku's arm and lead him to the kitchen.
"So, when do you think you'd wanna make this meal for Chi-Chi?"
"As soon as possible!" Goku says. "I wanna make something she'll love."
"Hmm..." You put a curled finger to your lip, thumb pressed to your chin as you consider something that you know your longtime friend loves. "Last time she and I went out with Bulma, we went to this really nice restaurant and she tried something called 'chicken cordon bleu' and she said she really, really liked it."
"Chicken what?"
"Cordon bleu." You repeat. "It's a simple dish that I think you'll be able to make just fine! It's chicken wrapped around ham and cheese, which is then breaded and fried or baked. I've had it a several times before myself and it really is a tasty dish."
"Then let's get to it!"
You smile softly. "Alright, let me make sure I've got everything we'll need first."
You hum softly and start looking through your refrigerator and cupboards, Goku scratching his head as you pull more and more out onto the kitchen island. "I thought you said this was simple."
"It is, I promise. Most of this is just seasoning that's gonna make it taste better."
Goku grins. "In that case, the more the merrier!"
"That's the spirit." You chuckle and fish out everything else, happy that you didn't have to lug Goku to the grocery store. (Or worse, be instant transmissioned there with him.)
"First, we wash our hands." You remove your wedding ring and set it aside, and Goku washes his hands right after you. "And now we'll prep our chicken."
As you show Goku how to properly clean and prep the chicken thighs you had tucked in the fridge, Vegeta peeks inside through the window above the sink, a frown on his face. He sees your wedding ring off to the side and scoffs. He knew he should've gotten you one with a larger diamond...
He swears to himself and flies away, angrily punching a tree before going into the training room Bulma had built for him in your backyard. (In actuality she'd built it for you, knowing full well how irritating her ex could be at times so you could shoo him away to train when he was on your nerves.)
Back into the kitchen, you've just laid a piece of plastic wrap over one of the pieces of chicken. "Okay, you'll probably like this part. The chicken is too thick to roll up, so we need to take this little meat mallet and flatten it out."
"Oh, I can do that easily!" Goku picks up the mallet and smacks it against the poor piece of chicken, splitting it in half. "Uh... Oops?"
You rub your forehead. "Not so hard, Goku."
You set him up to try again, and this time he tones down his strength and flattens the chicken with the mallet until you stop him. He smiles, proud of his handiwork, and repeats the process until there's no more chicken to flatten.
"You've always been a quick study." You comment fondly and clean up the island to move to the next step, encouraging him to add some more seasoning to the kitchen while you set up the ham and swiss cheese.
"This part here is probably the hardest thing about the recipe, and it's still super easy."
Goku nods and his eyes are trained on your hands after he's washed and dried his again. You lay out two layers of ham and cheese and then carefully pinch in the sides of the chicken and roll it up, leaving the seam side down against the plate. "After we roll them up we'll bread them and get them in the oven."
"Okay!" Goku smiles and attempts rolling one up himself, but some of the filling ends up sticking out. You unroll it and put your hands over his, helping him to keep it all together like the one you had previously rolled. "Keep it neat, Goku. Presentation matters!"
"I guess that's true." He concedes. "Chi-Chi makes the most delicious looking food! And it smells good... But most of all, it tastes good!"
"And that's why we're gonna give all three of those qualities right back!" Goku's smile makes you laugh, your chest light and mind at ease. You always loved having one-on-one time with your friend.
You wash your hands again while Goku very carefully rolls all the chicken up, setting up the breadcrumbs and mixing them with paprika, and then adding some water to beaten eggs. Goku's just finished with his latest step and instinctively washes his hands, rushing back to the island and bouncing with eagerness.
"How much left?"
"Almost there, buddy. Now we're gonna dip them into this egg mixture and roll it in the breadcrumbs after, and after that they go into the baking dish!"
"Chi-Chi's gonna love this." Goku smiles and takes initiative this time, picking up a piece of the chicken and dipping it in the eggs. You instruct him to let some of the excess drip off and then switch hands to roll in the breadcrumbs.
"A wet hand and a dry hand is the best way to bread something. It keeps things as clean as possible." You explain, greasing a casserole dish. "Maybe next time we make this I'll teach you how to pan-fry, but today we'll stick with baking the chicken."
"Oooh, getting stronger in the kitchen? I like the sound of that."
You laugh and the two of you finish prepping the meal in a companionable silence. You think back to when you met Goku all those years ago. You'd reunited with Chi-Chi, an old friend you hadn't seen since childhood, and learned that she was married to none other than the boy she was adamant was going to marry her even back in the day. Goku was looking around, undoubtedly bored, and complaining about being hungry. That's when you'd invited them over for dinner, and ever since then Goku would come over for a meal anytime he was hungry after Chi-Chi had closed down the kitchen for the night.
"Thank you for doing this." Goku says softly after he's washed his hands for the last time. "You're really helping me out here. You're always here when I need you. You're really the best."
You smile at your old friend. "You've saved the world countless times, Goku. I'll help you with anything, cooking or not, anytime. Hell, you're the reason Vegeta and I got together. I basically owe you the whole world for that alone."
Vegeta, who has come back to listen at the window after being unable to focus on his training, crosses his arms and smirks proudly. For all the times you roll your eyes, mutter things under your breath and ignore him as he rants about his Saiyan pride... You still find him worth more than the world. With that, he stands and strides into the kitchen and grabs your waist, pulling you in and pressing a firm kiss to your temple before striding right back to train, this time his mind clear.
You raise a brow, and Goku can't help but laugh. "I don't wanna throw him under the bus, but..."
"He was listening at the window." You conclude, shaking your head fondly.
Goku helps you wash dishes and the two of you trade stories you've both heard hundreds of times before, laughing so much that Goku has to catch you from falling onto the floor at one point. You wipe your eyes, body still shaking from laughter, and then dry your hands, clearing your throat.
"Alright, now we'll make the sauce for the chicken and make some rice, and then you should be good to go."
You set Goku up to grate the parmesan and you fix the rice up in the rice cooker, and with some dijon mustard, butter, flour and milk, you help Goku make a lovely sauce. You get some on a spoon and hold it out to Goku, whose eyes light up at the flavor. "Man, you never stop amazing me with your skills!"
"I'd hope not, since I used to be a chef." You laugh.
"I've been meaning to ask why you stopped." Goku sits on one of the island stools while you start fixing up a quick pot of green beans.
You chop up a bit of bacon and onions, adding them to the pot with some garlic. "Well, for starters, I was just so stressed and tired all the time, which was fine when I was single. But then when I got married and became a step-mother it just wasn't working well anymore. When I'd get home, I'd start arguing with Vegeta and it wasn't healthy for our marriage, not to mention I wasn't getting much quality time with Trunks. Plus, I wasn't getting to go to birthday parties or holiday gatherings anymore since I started working at my last restaurant. And when Vegeta said he was wanting to have kids..."
Goku's eyes widen. "Wait, really? Vegeta wants another kid?"
You smile softly. "He does. I'm sure Trunks would love a sibling."
"That's really great!" Goku grins. "I'm happy for you guys."
"Thanks, Goku. Not pregnant yet, but we're working on it." You add some tomatoes and then the green beans to the pot, stirring and then leaving it to simmer. You turn and sit on another stool, opening a drawer on the island and pulling out a game of cards.
"It'll be some time before everything is ready, so why don't we play your favorite card game?"
Goku gasps. "Yes, I love Go Fish!"
You laugh and deal the cards out, and after a few games (poor Goku never stands a chance against you) you pack up his meal to take home to Chi-Chi and Goten. "You're all set, bub."
Before he teleports home, Goku gives you one last hug, and you smile and hug your friend back tightly. He presses a quick kiss to your head and pulls back, picking up the containers and within a flash, he's back home to set up for Chi-Chi.
You're in bed with Vegeta that night when you get Goku's next phone call.
"She loved it!"
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Piccolo x Female Human! Reader Headcanon - Love In a Different Way
Mr.Satan x Maid Female! Reader Oneshot - The Acts of a Scandal
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celticcatgirl2 · 11 months
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Come on:
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raditzxsthighband · 1 year
Gemini Saga Eclipse
Chapter 42: Turn Of The Tide
"Saavoy is my older brother...well, was. But, he died a very long time ago. Unfortunately, he was slain without the chance to defend himself. He couldn't die a warrior's death, so he was unable to go onto the Great Warrior's Rest. I don't know, I suppose he's trapped in Infinite Hell."
"She's seeing ghosts?" Kannon whispered worriedly, her dainty hands covering her face as she agonized over the dangers of Launch being a medium.
"Yes. It's possible that our daughter has a rare power to communicate with the dead," Nappa suggested, though he had come to this conclusion shortly after Launch told him.
"Why didn't you tell me, Launch? Having ahmidsya is not something to be ashamed of." Raditz chuckled, his apprehension slowly seeming to melt away with his relief.
"Ah… amid-see-ya?"
"Yes, Raditz is right. What you have is a gift from the gods!" Nappa enthused, yet Launch and Kannon didn't feel quite as enthralled by the concept. They shared a frightened glance at each other, then the room went silent as the wind battered against the walls outside and raindrops pummeled the roof in powerful sheets.
"I- I'm not sure I want this. I don't know how I'm supposed to help Saavoy! I don't even know why he's asking me for help, what can I do?" Launch cried, dropping her tea cup on the floor, clutching her belly as she attempted to hold back her sobs. Kannon quickly moved to soothe her, as did Raditz, stroking her shoulders and shushing her tears.
Nappa sobered out of his happy spell and looked up at the ceiling in thought, attempting to find a deeper understanding of Launch's dilemma. His daughter was somehow able to tap into the realm of the dead, using a combination of her natural Saiyan telepathic ability and her Gemini mind powers, which had endless possibilities.
"Perhaps you're meant to help him. Since Saavoy's time was cut short before he could reach his true potential, he was not able to rest with the other Saiyan warriors. He must still have business in this world that he needs to finish." Nappa said in a moment of clarity, which stunned Raditz and Kannon.
Launch took a deep inhale and nodded, quelling her tears, though an acerbic taste was building in the back of her throat with Nappa's words.
"....Maybe this is a gift and not a curse. After all, if I can use it to help others, it must be a good thing. I promised to help Saavoy in whatever way I can," she whispered the last part to herself, suddenly feeling a lessening of her nausea.
"It could be dangerous for you–that's what I worry about. How do we know this spirit means well?" Raditz growled and Launch sighed as the reaction she had been dreading came true. She had avoided telling him the truth and with each encounter she had with Saavoy's specter, her anxiety grew.
Raditz moved away from his concerned family and pushed his fingers into his hair at the temples, rubbing his cranium where it felt like the tension was growing with each stressful part of this discussion. He had a strange feeling about it all, as if he too had seen something odd, but didn't understand what until now. During the battle with Vulcane, a mysterious Saiyan had arrived at the last minute to assist them in the Blutzkrieg Blast that killed their enemy and blew up Planet Neptune. Not only that, but when Launch had her miscarriage, he had seen an unfamiliar Saiyan in his mind.
"Stop! Stop!" He screamed, clutching his skull in pain. As Raditz struggled with the agony, a dark shadow flashed in his mind and loomed over him. Its facial features were hidden, yet the silhouette was a near perfect reflection of himself, with long, spiky hair and Saiyan armor making the shadow's outline sharp and jagged. He began to notice the blood and wounds covering the man, before a wagging tail caught his eye, the appendage moving before the full moon that was casting the mysterious Saiyan in shadow.
"Don't let us die."
Realization hit Raditz suddenly, and he fell to his knees, resting his head in Launch's lap as his back heaved with each deep breath he was taking. Noone dared to say anything, though Launch began stroking his mane in an attempt to soothe him. Kannon stood up and began gathering everyone's tea cups with a shaky hand, placing them on a tray before she hurried out of the room with tears in her eyes. Nappa soon followed after, and the younger couple was left alone to allow this situation to sink in beside the fire. Raditz turned his head so that his ear rested against her stomach and cupped her remaining free hand.
"I'm sorry for my reaction, I just…I can't believe this is truly happening to you. I never dared speak of it, but I think I too have seen Saavoy. Once, on the battlefield and the other time to save your life."
Launch nodded and continued to comb the tangles from his unruly spikes, scratching his widow's peak, which always made him purr. Raditz resisted the urge to purr like a big puma, growling instead. Launch let out a giggle and kept scratching until his growls turned into deep, rattling purrs that shook through his body. Though she had little answer to why her ancestor was communicating with them, she knew that Saavoy's presence was not meant to scare them, even if it came across as frightening at times. The essence of his spirit was full of warmth, though it was tortured and writhing with dark energies.
The flickering fire before them cast a dark shadow behind them, which moved along the wall and into a shadowy corner, enjoying the darkness and warmth along with the cuddling mates.
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Read More ⏬️⏬️
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wastokins · 8 months
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I started another new project OOPS.
Launch struggles to write a love letter to a certain blue haired genius.
I present The FIRST Chapter of my Dragon Ball fanfic, "I wish for your heart." Please go give it a read!
| Likes & Reblogs very much appreciated! |
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53606368
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1421056772
FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14325275
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carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
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Back At The Garden
Pairing: Goku x Reader Warning: M / 18+. MINORS DNI. explicit language. referenced alcohol drinking Content: established relationship. implied reader is gohan & goten's mom. fluff. outdoor quickie. public sex. A/N: Getting back to my writing roots. ♥ The lack of ss4 smut I've written so far this year is disGUSTING.
Gathering at the Home of the Briefs gradually became rare over the years. With Trunks now running Capsule Corporation, Bulma had more free time for her tinkering, but how she managed to round you all up for a lunch date was a miracle in these peaceful times. Android 18 and Marron, Launch, The Ox Princess, Videl, and yourself. It was Mrs. Brief's idea to make it a garden party for all the girls and it turned out far more elegant and grandiose in presentation than expected, so when you all arrived you felt a little underdressed for the occasion. Bulma apologized for her mother "overdoing it" for a simple lunch, but it did not deter you all from catching up with each other. In fact, it felt in character for a Brief-hosted party.
While you all sat and reminisced on old times, your eyes caught sight of the gazebo roof beyond a few tall hedges of the maze. It's been even longer since you have seen that old thing and even from here it seemed Mrs. Brief kept it in good shape. Your thoughts drowned out the conversation as you stared in its direction, recollecting the last time you were underneath the gazebo. A smile teased the corner of your lips until you could no longer hold it back. You felt warmed in the comfort of your memories.
A gentle hand on your forearm interrupts, shaking the memory loose from your mind and you turn to look at the blonde android. "(Y/n), did you see something?" 18 asks you, her uninflected voice masking the concern for your displaced attention. You quickly recompose from the steamy daydream and answer her with a soft laugh.
"No, I was just remembering something from a long time ago." You reassured, lifting your cup to your lips for a sip of your drink only to find the other’s eyes on your now when you lowered it. Clearly you couldn't just drop that tease of information on the table and not explain it. You scanned over all of their faces and they seemed frozen in their position waiting for you to continue, all chatting ceased. The warmth in your chest soon found your face, taking a bigger sip from your cup to stall but they weren’t going to let it go. You swallowed, then bit your lip preparing your word, hoping to explain it less naughty than what it really was. 
"Me and Goku were…here once." You quickly say with your gaze fixed on your drink, voice under your breath as you raise the cup to your lips again. You were met with a collection of light "oh's" and "aww's" that was easier to face than what you expected. No shock, just soft nods and suggestive smiles and giggles. Looking across everyone again it appeared your confession brought a handful of them to a familiar, similar memory, and at least once did every female at the table glance in the gazebo’s direction. You were the only surprised one.
 Seems you were all young once.
"Vegeta and I used to go there on occasion, but that was before Bulla learned how to fly." Bulma casually laid out, earning a wide-eyed gape from you. But she only seems to laugh warmly in the embrace of her memory. You couldn't imagine that being Vegeta's idea. But your visit to the gazebo wasn’t exactly Goku’s either and he may have enjoyed it more than you. You felt a little less ashamed, as did the others around when yet another confession joins the discussion.
"Since we're being honest. Gohan and I were here once." Videl adds with a deep shade of pink in her cheeks and thumbing her teacup. "...Twice." Her smile widens giving into the memory but is short-lived as she is playfully elbowed by Blonde Launch surprising her. The rowdy woman let out a hefty, proud laugh at Videl. She flattened her hands on the table with devious eyes ready to spill her guiltless tale.
"A lady doesn't kiss 'nd tell, but I ain't afraid to say me and Raditz made a habit outta coming here every party." Launch proudly admits, then gives you a knowing look as she leaned over to you. "Well except that one time." She snickers, now giving you a nudge. "I blamed it on his tacky outfit so he would storm off and I'd meet him here, but it was ocupado." She cackled, swiping up her glass and gesturing to Mrs. Brief as if to make a toast. "You got somethin' real special in this old scrap, Nana Panchy."
"Hmph. I don't have anything so indecent to add about this place." Android 18 declares, taking a drink from her cup in order to mask the shade of red in her cheeks. A confession told in so few words, but not details to be shared in the presence of her daughter. Strange as you know she, more than anyone, was never shy to express the love between her and her husband. But the line had to be drawn somewhere, you guessed.
“I bet Krillin would spill the beans.” Launch adds with a wiggle of her brows as 18 sharply turns her way.
“Don’t you dare!”
Well, you always told yourself to expect the unexpected at a Brief Party.
Now you felt some acceptance in opening up about your drunken encounter and the chat it sparked. However, it felt a little less special now if everyone was casually going about hooking up in the gazebo. You began to wonder if that moment itself even was anymore. Different from your other rumps with your husband for sure, but the facts surfacing from the core of it was you were a drunk mess at the time while he was only trying to look out for you before you groped and begged him to take you in the garden. Was it as sudden and romantic as you remembered or were just sloppy?
Not to fall short on the changing topics by getting lost in your own head again, you pushed the thought away. Continuing to enjoy the company of your old friends until it completely disappeared from your train of thought. At least until your ride showed up.
Goku and Pan’s arrival signaled that it was about time to return to the norm of your daily lives. Most of the others bid their farewells with hope of doing this again sometime soon. You and Videl stuck around longer to help clean up a little while Goku and Pan waited, quickly occupying themselves by catching up with Bulma and her parents, though it was a short interaction once they learned Vegeta and Bulla were out and Trunks was just plain busy. They returned to you as you wrapped up your little tasks and you broke away from cleaning to meet them halfway with a cheeky, little grin as you looked at Goku.
“Hey, Do you remember when we were here a long time ago?” You started to ask him, wiping your hands off. “When I had too much to drink and-...” You quickly glanced at Pan and you sealed your lips, your smile briefly leaving you. You made a gesture with your eyes to Goku. These two were like glue, but Goku knew how to dismiss her when “grown-up talk” came into play. He placed his hand on her head to get her attention and smiled at her.
"Hey, Pan. Didn't you say you wanted to go ask your mom for some boy advice?" Goku brought up, exposing his prior chat with his granddaughter about how she “scared off” another boy. Not entirely meant to embarrass her, but that she could go find Videl now that they were in the same place. Though, the mortified look Pan gave him says otherwise. Even if it was to send her off, you were intrigued by the news. Playing along, your face showed your interest as you leaned down to her with a knowing grin.
"Pan, you have a crush on a boy?" You asked her with an awed smile, the preteen flustering as she turned away.
"N-No! It's not like that!" She attempted to defend herself, feeling only further exposed and rattled to even think of delving further into something like that with her grandparents. She wiggles free of Goku’s hand and quickly ran shouting back with a wave of her hand. “I-I’ll go find my mom!”
You straightened up with an adoring laugh, Goku moving to stand beside you as you both watched her round the corner into Bulma’s home. Your endearing smiles for her meet and Goku tilts his head now looking at you.
“What’s this about you drinking too much? Guess you girls had more fun than you let on.” He jested, leaning his elbow on your shoulder. Rolling your eyes with a more crooked smile, you shook your head.
“I was referring to a different time. When I ‘smooth-talked’ ya out of your pants. Remember?” To help jog his memory, you pointed to the roof of the gazebo peaking above the hedges, his eyes wandering over in the direction. Goku’s face thoughtfully scrunched with his head tilting opposite of you now and his other hand on his chin. 
“...Oh, yeah. I remember now! When you made me wear those tight clothes.” He couldn’t quite forget enduring that outfit, or any clothes that made him uncomfortable. But that one did benefit him more than the others. And in your defense, it probably would have fit him better when you originally bought it, long before the universe decided he needed a stronger body to fight off the next big enemy of the Earth. 
You shrugged at his clothing comment and leaned in toward him, speaking low for his ears. “Apparently, we’re not the only ones who have ‘been there’ if you know what I mean.” You revealed to him. “It's practically a regular thing around here. We were prudes compared to what I’ve learned today.” You snickered, nudging him slightly.
“Really? That's what you talk about a ladies-only brunch?” Goku blinks with a guileless stare, thick brow arching. He knew his friends were adventurous but he didn’t expect to learn that today. He starts to laugh with you. He’s not one for gossip but he wouldn’t turn down a juicy detail or two. “Guess we aren’t the only ones with crazy ideas.”
Good to know others thought the same to try it out too, he figures. Obviously smutty-natured things don’t cross his mind too often without some outside stimulus, but even if it was inappropriate to have sex in a place like that, he recalls it being wild and fun when you two were there. Maybe some of the best he’s had with you the more he thinks about it. It was like a game of chicken at first, how quickly he could appease his wife’s needy request before it was too risky and you’d have to stop. But once you were going, he wanted to cum too. In spite of his surroundings and the instant rush in his chest when he thought you were caught, he could drown them out to fulfill the both of you. You had already inflated his interest in you with your drunken antics the whole night, trying to help him manage his awkwardness in his clothing until you helped to loosen them up. If not for Raditz, Goku believes he would have become afflicted with lust for you and the party would have ended without either of your presence. If your tipsy state could handle it, that is.
Realizing those around him also did it took away the modesty of it and made him see how casual being there like that really was, opening up the possibility that it can happen. Could it have really been so wrong if everyone was doing it?
A deviant leer flashes on Goku’s face as he steps around in front of you and lifts your hand into his own. “What do you say we even our odds a bit. Wanna go check out the garden with me again?” He suggests invitingly. 
You look up at him with a wide-eyed disbelief, then shake your head. “Goku, we can't do that here!”
“Why not, we’ve already done it once.” He continues to beam at you, brows suggestively lowered over his eyes.
“Once is more than enough. It was risky then, and it’s risky now.” You objected. Goku tilts his head down slightly as if to look at you through his lashes and pouts now donning a pleading expression.
“But I wanna…” He playfully whined, clasping your hand between his larger pair in a plea for your blessing. Mimicking you from that time.
There were so many reasons not to do it here this time, mostly everyone around would know somehow! Though you can make your peace with that now knowing what you know, the sun was still out completely exposing the garden, and you haven’t exactly been throwing back cocktails to loosen you up like before. And what if Pan came back looking for him?! You would never forgive yourself if she found her grandparents like that. There were just too many big reasons not to.
“We will get caught.” You insisted, denying his begging and slipping your hand free. Putting a real pout on your husband’s face. “You want it so badly, then you’ll just have to wait until we get home.”
“That’s not as fun as here, we always do it at home…” Goku groaned, shoulders slumping in defeat. He knows it’s even less likely to happen at home if Pan decides to come too and Goten isn’t there to distract her. He loves his family, but sometimes he does just wants to spend time with you. “...I got an idea.” Goku then straightens up, raising his fists as he channeled his energy. He looks like he’s turning into a super saiyan when the golden aura visibly appears around him, but it increases and his body shines brighter for an instant making you shield your eyes.
Once your line of sight cleared you looked back to him, eyes widened again staring down a Super Saiyan 4.
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“Like this, everyone will just think I'm training.” Goku’s proudly expressed with his low tone, hands on his hips and long tail swaying into a posed, upward curve behind him.
“You are…s-so sneaky.” You tried to reprimand his pushing, though your words were feeble leaving your lips when you couldn’t keep your eyes off his protruding chest. Your argument was quickly losing its ground. Your eyes wandered taking in this altered shape of the man you called your husband. How had his waist looked more trim with such large muscles tapering down from his upper body? He completely tore through his blue gi with his pants still intact to give him some modesty. Goku shot up a foot or two in height and everything was just bigger— Is everything bigger? You clasped your mouth at the thought masking the flush of color starting to fill your face. “...But wouldn’t Vegeta or Raditz read your energy and come running? Or the others?” Even last time you were barely able to fix yourselves before Raditz stumbled upon you and thanks to Launch, he wasn’t as unperceptive as you thought.
“No one’s gonna come.” He insisted, leaning forward to look you in the eye. His yellow eyes then thoughtfully rolled and his smirk grew more suggestive.  “Well…”
You let out an amused, but ungraceful squawk behind your hand in response and could feel your whole body react to that look on his face. A taste of that Cheeky Goku you only knew in private, and he’s using that dirty sense of humor you loved so much against you. Did he have to make himself so pretty to do it?
Then it hit you, why you even got so frisky over Goku in the first place years ago. Regardless of your composure and what dressed his body, he was the most beautiful creature in existence. Inside and out. To you, every curve and tuck of muscle he worked for embellished anything that adorned them and in fact stole the attention away from colors and fabrics. Even covered in fur, you could make out the detailed bulge of his build. These muscles would burst out of that old outfit like it was wet paper and the thought sent a light shudder past your lips. Shades of blue in his outfits always flattered him. But red? This red…is scrumptious.
 And to top it off, he’d still effortlessly make you laugh and smile by simply embracing who he needed to be in a given moment.
“You are making it hard to be a decent woman right now…” You softly griped, lowering your hand and looking up at him with seduced eyes. “Why not just use your technique to take us home?” Surely Goten was home so he could sense his energy and get you both there in no time.
“...Same reason we are here now.” Goku moves in closer to you, gathering your smaller hand into his own. “You gave me that look the entire time we were at the party. Made me blush.” He chuckled, bringing your hand to his lips and placing a kiss to your knuckles before pressing his nose to the skin, taking in the scent with closed eyes. “You didn't exactly make it easy to focus on anything but having you after that.”
“Even now?” 
His eyes reopen and lift toward you. The tip of his tail flicks and he gently smiles, “Always. Who am I to turn down my hun?”
A desirous look settled in your features, a shiver of breath leaves the light parting of your lips and seeing it made him want to steal it away. Victory flashed in his eyes.
Getting to the gazebo felt like a blur. Goku held your hand, he led you to the garden hedges and through the small maze, but once you found yourself in that same place you started it before and his ravenous kiss captured your mouth, your mind went blank and your lust took over. Ensnared by his wiles, your core pulsed in full surrender to him, the need coursing through your body. Goku wraps a single arm around your waist lifting you off your feet as you pull yourself into him, his lips parting from yours to trail your neck. Just as needy for the heat of your flesh, choosing to indulge in the scent of your natural aroma over the variety of flowers surrounding you. He carries you under the gazebo, enveloping you both in its shade from the midday sun.
It’s changed a bit since you were last here. There’s a backless bench here now that Goku makes use of. He sits down and your natural reaction is to sink into his lap with a leg on each side of him. His transformation definitely made you feel smaller than you were like this, it didn’t even compare to him being a normal super saiyan. Up close you could really take in all the accents of his form that drew out his more handsome features. Mostly the way his fur framed his chest and abs. Goku all settled in, however, wasted no time claiming your skin again with his hot lips and getting your clothes loose. With your hands getting familiar with the length of his hair and rounded shoulders, he buries his face in your cleavage after lifting your shirt over your breasts.
Your legs tightened at his sides when he exposes one of your nipples from your bra and draws it into his mouth. His other hand gives your ass a squeeze as he moves your hips further up his lap to brush you up against the tent in his pants. Your body ignited with pleasure, dry humping his lap in response and squirming in his hold. With a deep hum, his tail sways with delight, finding more skin gracing his palms as you worked yourself out of your lower dressings. Opening his pants was not as easy as you hoped, feeling around for the knot in his gi to discover it was made all the more tighter against the strain of his bulging muscles. But your determined fingers found a way, the sash and tattered remains of his top were cast to the floor once you got it loose. You feel an affection tug on your nipple that stills you, Goku pulling away from your breast to retrace his trail up your neck with nips from his fangs in some appreciation now that he was given some relief from what kept him bound from you. His actions were rougher now however, a sensual glow in his eyes as he claims your mouth again. Your tongues lapped one another between your lips rousing a moan from you.
There was no going back now, the moment made all the more real when he buried his freed cock inside you. Or, he tried to, the hitch in your breath stopping him. Everything was definitely bigger than what you’re used to, more than you expected at his peak arousal. Looks like you would have to adjust to another super saiyan form. The stretch of your walls makes you back off a little, settling on what extent of its girth you could handle for now. Goku’s eyes soften from his carnal leer, reigning his excitement in and letting you pace yourself. He meets your eyes and the lustful haze between you briefly lifts, the realization sinking in that you were here again, his cock between your legs and the two of you throwing away inhibitions for a quick fuck.
You bit your lip as you started to laugh quietly in deep affection for your husband, that with a clouded judgment, yet sober mind, you could trust him with your passions anywhere. Goku grins and joins your soft laughter holding you closer. He wasted no time kissing at your smile, reassuring the rush of nerves that must have hit you and embracing your devotion to share in revisiting a blissful moment between you.
It was enough to feel your hips rock more in his lap, all worked up from the excitement. With your hands embracing his face, cradling your foreheads together, the sweet sound of your moan creeping through your breath.
So he kissed you harder to help mask them from the unseen corners of the maze and you felt him twitch inside you. His tail curls in brushing over your thigh, soothing you with its motion and strangely turning you on more. You adjust your hips and widen your legs allowing you to finally fill yourself with his needy cock, feeding almost full strokes in and out of your weeping bloom. Goku then seizes control of your hips winding you up further, faster, and bouncing you in his lap. 
The deep sound in his chest left his throat and he closed his eyes. He allowed his willpower to slip a little more and let hips counter the motion he guided for you. It felt like his body was heating up against you and that he himself couldn’t fill enough of his hands with your body to take it away, his hold shifting between the dip in your lower back and pulling your hips into his thrusts. Giving up the grace of making love to you in order to fuck the cum out of both of you. Your succulent insides starting to tremble around him just made the heated aura around him worse, his breath shortening and the delicate hold on his own volume slipping.
Super Saiyan 4 made him feel tougher, but in this moment he felt more susceptible to his pleasures unlike ever before. Even if you’re found like this, he doesn’t think he could stop. He could cum in the nestle of your body and he would be stuck in this intoxicating rhythm to keep thrusting to maximize the ecstasy. Filled in the burning desire to push harder, keep going, and taste more.
Goku’s eyes glow again and his fangs press into the tender flesh of your shoulder, a possessive growl muffled in your skin as he held on. With his tail flicking, his thrusts grew rougher. His hands forced your pussy down his cock, stirring up your deeper parts in delicious, clumsy motions. He could feel it getting closer by the clench of your insides and sensuous pants near his ear.
You were breathless, sharp beats of pleasure consuming you. “G-Goku-...Goku!” You tried to alarm him, to beg him to slow down as you lost control of your voice. Your entire body writhe as you were pushed closer to your orgasm, legs locking around his waist once it peaked and your own wetness squirted around his cock. You threw your head back in a cry of ecstasy and pulled his arms for mercy, every stimulated nerve between your thighs pulsing at once and dying for relief from his thrusts. You clung and you pulled and squirmed. It was when your nails clawed through his fur and around his back, catching the area above his tail that it snapped him out of his trance with a loud groan. Your legs shook around him with shakey snaps of his hips. Liquid heat poured into you, warming the already soaked and numbing walls of your insides. 
You slumped, winded and deadweight in his arms leaning up against him, both you and Goku lost in the high and slowly letting the surroundings back into your love bubble. Goku pulls his teeth from your skin seeing the indent of his bites and quickly peels you from his chest to look you in your hooded eyes.
“Did I hurt you?” He asks with concern, glancing over the bite again apologetically. “Sorry about that...”
“Ah… I liked it...” You breathed, closing your eyes and huffing a quick laugh bringing your face back into his furry shoulder. “I dunno wha' that was... but do it again.” You uttered in your bliss, pussy still nursing his cock inside you with his cum spilling out into his own lap. 
Goku blinks at you, perking up at your words. “Like…now?”
Tempting. Very tempting. You didn't think it was possible for him to make you cum that hard. But that was not a subtle orgasm by any means. Someone, somewhere, heard that— Would come to find the source. You don’t even think you have the sense nor the strength to redress yourself after that. 
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