#but ?? for the pinned?? for strangers clicking on your blog and not knowing what to expect??
martyrbat · 1 year
okay its been a hour and i still have a migraine and am lethargic & twitchy so. its great you have a pinned post saying as a general warning your blog isnt seizure safe and to be careful. but when your warning is surrounded by rapidly flashing banners and eye straining colors and without the post itself being properly tagged for those, it does fucking nothing. saying look at your pinned post in your bio before following you and it being the direct trigger you're trying to warn against (and that warning being AFTER a long thing with personal information and underneath the triggering gifs instead of on top) is super misguided and dangerous to anyone that has epilepsy.
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yourmoonmomma · 2 months
Re-doing my pinned post again, now that another birthday has passed and have returned from my paid reading hiatus.
I'm a 24 year old cosmic witch with a Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, and Sagittarius Rising; I have a Cancer & 8th House Stellium. I'm transmasc, and my pronouns are he/they. I prefer gender-neutral and masculine terms, with "mom/momma" being the only exception.
This blog is dedicated to witchcraft. I will post about my life from time-to-time as well, but these posts will use the #abt me. If you are only here for readings and/or astrology, look at #readings or #astrology. I also have a #divination and #witchcraft tag. I do have a multitude of sideblogs for my other interests, feel free to inquire about them if you are interested.
This is my full-time job, so any and all support is appreciated. Ko-fi is the best way to tip me, which you can access by clicking here! If Ko-Fi doesn't work for you/isn't available, let me know and we can discuss other tip/payment options. I do also have 3 published poetry books that you can find on Amazon. Their titles are "I Call For You, Endlessly", "I Bleed Your Blood", and "Into The Floral Night" written by Alexandra Joan.
I started studying astrology, divination, and witchcraft somewhere between the ages of 7-9 years old. You can check my #reviews tag for reviews.
My free readings are always open! You can ask through DMs or my askbox. Please do not send more than 5 questions more message/ask, as it becomes a little overwhelming, however you can send multiple messages/asks! Do not ask about health, death, or pregnancy. If you tip with the free reading request, I'll give you a more in-depth answer to your question(s). As well, as a disclaimer, the answers you receive are not set in stone. You can make the decisions in your own life, and you should not base serious decisions on what a stranger on the internet says. You control your own life. Not me, or any other reader.
3 Card Reading - $6.25 - You can ask 1-3 questions for this reading, however only 3 cards are pulled. Meaning either a 3 card pull for 1 question, or 1 card per question if you ask 3 questions. Clarifiers to be pulled if needed. This can be done as a written reading or a video reading.
Multi-Question Reading - $13 - A 3 card, at least, reading where I pull a minimum of 3 cards to answer each question you have. Meaning if you ask 3 questions, you will receive 9 cards. Clarifiers are pulled as needed. This can be done as a written reading or a video reading.
All astrology readings require your birth date, birth time, and birth place. Some readings may require additional information.
Transit Analysis - $18.75 - A written reading to either provide you with a week-ahead forecast based on how the week's transits interact with your Natal Chart, or to let you know how a specific transit will affect you (such as Mercury retrograde). This reading does require your current place of residency.
Specific Placement or Question Analysis - $24.50 - A written reading to either give you further insight on a placement in your Natal Chart (this extends to asteroids as well!) or to answer a specific question you have (such as "what career suits me best") using your Natal Chart. This reading is best for someone who has already read their Natal Chart/understands it.
Natal Chart - $44.75 - A written reading analyzing your Natal/Birth Chart.
Composite Chart - $44.75 - A written reading analyzing your relationship with someone in your life. It is best for learning how the relationship exists as its own entity, the way the relationship changes and shapes you both, and the world around you. I will need the second person's birth date, birth time, and birth place as well.
Synastry Chart - $56 - A written reading also analyzing your relationship with another person, however this is best for learning how you & the other person interact with one another, where the pitfalls & shortcomings exist in the relationship, and the way you two can support each other & communicate healthier.
Solar Return - $56.50 - A written reading analyzing your Solar Return Chart. This Chart is created once a year, on/around your birthday, when the Sun returns to the same position it was when you were born. It helps provide an idea of what opportunities and obstacles your Solar Year holds for you, and how you can best take advantage of the year.
If there are any other readings you are interested in, and you don't see them listed here, let me know. As well, if you have an idea of what you want, but don't know what reading is best, also let me know!
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madstronaut · 2 months
TATS TATS TATS TATS (to the tune of Shots by LMFAO ft. Lil Jon)
tattoo au tattoo au tattoo auuuuu my beloved, one of my favorite AUs to read about!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alright I’m throwing a bunch of these fic rambles out now as I’ve got a busy season coming up for traveling off-site/pulliing long hours for work for the next few weeks but rest assured I have read all these july (and june…and may..april..march…etc etc) fanficowrimo fics a disturbing # of times and I will continue to do so during my mini work-related hiatuses  
Reading: Skin Deep by @rememberwren
first off the A/N at the beginning said “at least three nipples” and for some reason my brain went straight to chandler from friends havin a third nipple and thought i would also see a reader with a third nip 😂
also now that Ive seen this gif I can't help but see ghost+soap as military brit chandler & joey lmao
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Her silky little tank top is drooping off of one shoulder, so you reach out and tuck it back into place.
i love this lil sisterly/affectionate gesture 🥰
“Oh no. No, no, no. Not Kevin. Not Kevin. Why, Kevin?” 
IT’S ALWAYS A FUCKIN KEVIN ISN’T IT (no shade to good kevins out there but most if not all the IRL kevins I know are little shitbags)
You deflate like a balloon, going limp and letting her drag you to the nearby free seats at the bar where you sit heavily.
nooooooooo I want to hug reader and pep talk her so bad here rn
...sipping at it and keeping your hand curled over the top of it protectively.
I both like and hate (that the need for this exists) this inclusion; club/bar survival 101
There is a personal instagram linked @GHOST89 but it is private when you try to click on it. 
hehehehe me also giggling as an 89 baby
The phone number your friend gave you rings straight through to voicemail…Groaning, you contemplate dialing him back when the phone in your hand rings—and it’s him. 
i guess my millennial is showin at the horror i felt at reading about answering a call from a strange #/stranger lol
All at once a shadow appears on the other side of the door. The shadow is enormous: well above six feet tall, and broad shouldered.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. And Ghost. 
He doesn’t laugh. “Everything. Is someone putting you up to this? This smells like Soap.” 
“What? No, of course not. I want this, I’m just, I’m an anxious personality. I promise.” You hesitate and then add: “I probably smell like soap because I showered this morning.” 
His mouth twitches. He leans back in his seat and sucks on his teeth, and you get the distinct feeling that he is trying very hard not to laugh at you.
You do your best to express your idea, but your words feel halting and silly.
ah *pats reader’s arm* we’ve all been there lovey
pausing only once, when you say that you want this to be a sternum piece. Only then does his pencil seem to hover over the paper, his dark eyes seeking you out and pinning you in place on the armchair. 
He reaches for his tea to take a generous sip and then continues writing. 
first off I looove that ‘dark eyes pinning you in place’ line, if you have been on the receiving end it feels like being caught in a tractor beam just absolutely arresting knowing you’re at someone’s center of attention! but also fucking caaaaaackling seeing ghost attempt to keep his cool and be profesh imagining himself touching reader’s…sternum yes her sternum of course what else could he have been imagining- this is a christian blog writing about a 100% christian tattoo shop au you sick fuc-
How do you take pain?”  “I mean, it hurts?” you offer.  He stares.
He’s handsome, in an odd sort of way. His brow is a little too low, his gaze a little too intimidating to be considered conventionally attractive, but you find him fascinating to look at, especially when he is so clearly in the throes of something he enjoys doing. It’s almost like watching someone have sex. The thought makes your face go warm.
oh I love this whole section…I think everyone is most attractive when they’re doing what they love/were born to do/fully themselves and in their element, and yes reader, it IS indeed so intimate to witness, akin to watching someone have sex indeed dw you’ll get your turn 🤭
He made them so the image would better fit the contours of your body. He made them because the ink will spread over time, and he wants the look to stay clean. 
His thoughtfulness touches you. 
You didn’t tell me this guy was cute, you text to your friend.  GHOST? Cute? I’ve never even seen his face lol. He’s always wearing one of his masks. 
 sidenote shoutout to this bestie for connecting reader and ghostie🥰
Did it mean something that you wanted it to mean something?  
i am half in love with how relatable this reader is and her part curiosity bravery awkwardness cluelessness is absolutely endearing to meeee
Fuck the tattoo artist!!!! she says. Maybe he’ll ink you for free. 
lmao the feral bestie energy is immaculate (speaking as an IRL feral bestie)
Two days later, you squint blearily into the darkness at your phone after it vibrates on your nightstand. The time reads twelve past one in the morning. It’s from GHOST. 
hahahaha I would love to see this whole story from ghost’s perspective working his ass off to impress his clientcrush and texting her in the middle of the night GOD I LOVE BOTH THEIR ENERGIES
“Your tits are cute. Let Ghost see them.” 
You felt reasonably safe with Ghost, but still a degree of embarrassment about your own body. Or perhaps that was too strong a word—it didn’t embarrass you, but it felt private. Baring your breasts to a near stranger (especially one you had a grudging attraction to) made your anxiety reach epic level proportions. 
so valid, reader, so valid! I loved their exchange discussing her anxieties as well
but his blond hair, cropped short to his scalp is riotous in a way that is adorably charming, like he hasn’t been able to keep his hands out of it.
looks like reader wasn’t the only anxious one 👀👀🤭🤭
You fight the arousal that blooms in your belly at the sight of him doing such benign things as washing his hands, putting on gloves, opening fresh needles, preparing little wells of ink and sticking them to the movable cart with Vaseline. There’s just something about a person who knows exactly what they’re doing and who is able to do it with efficacy.
yes, yes, yes, and (checks notes) yes
Finally, you sit in front of him in only the pasties, the shirt lax around your shoulders, and your sweatpants, socked toes curling in anxiety in your shoes
ghost nervously aroused by reader in this outfit (SWEATS, SOCKS. BUTTONUP???) is so endearing to me lmao
“Yes,” he says. Then his eyes flicker to yours. “Everyone is. Everywhere. It’s normal.”
I know somewhere, ghost’s bestie soap is facepalming at his answers here LMAO
“Very good,” you answer, sitting back down, hoping he ignores the way your breasts bounce a little as you do
His gentleness and thoughtfulness go straight to your cunt. 
me, reading: “is this reader…me?????” 🧐🤔🧐🤔
He pauses when this happens, eyes flickering up to your own, making sure you are alright even though he can likely feel the pounding of your heart beneath his hand. That hand on your chest, wrist just brushing the top of your breast, is a solid warm weight that seems to tether you back down to the earth as he lines you.
ah i love this sm. there’s a special tenderness (and sexiness) in getting on an intuitive/anticipatory/reading body language/unspoken cues level of communication🥰
“Alright. Break,” he says, abruptly turning the gun off. He covers your exposed breast with another towel. “Take ten.”
It had almost weeded out you, you think about telling him, but in the end you decide against it.
almost..but you made it!!! *strong urge to pep talk reader and boost her confidence intensifies* CMON GIRL YOUR BEST ASSETS ARE RIGHT OUT FRONT WORK WITH WHAT YA GOT
“I need breaks too,” he says stonily. 
yes cos hes rock hard rn get it *badumtss* sorry I’ll stop here
His face is stoic—what bits of it you can see from behind the mask—as he washes his hands thoroughly and preps his work station again. 
the amount of screeching/cackling I made while reading this was really unhealthy 
This time his hand keeps a very respectable distance from your breasts—a fact which you both lament and appreciate all in one.
sigh I feel you reader, the paradox of A Good Man indeed
a happy trail you’d give your life to follow
“Eager to be done?” you wonder.  He stares at you, expression flat, and says nothing. Nothing needs to be said. 
what good is yearning without some delicious tension arising from some misinterpretation?!?! btw having some curiosity/courage/humility to talk things out can NIP so many conflicts in the bud before they start… (I know I said I'll stop well I lied)
After he takes the photo, he posts it and asks for your handle to tag you in it…You get home to find that Ghost’s personal account has requested to follow you.
🤭🤭🤭🤭again gigglin madly
You find yourself staring at his fixated expression for longer than is respectable. 
awwwWWWWWWWWWWWW-[audio cut off, voice reached inhuman decibels]
What sort of ink did Ghost use? Was it reputable? What if the infection reaches your bloodstream? You were too young to die! Your anxiety spirals like a plane with one wing, trailing smoke as it soars straight down, determined to take you with it.   
omg reader reader WHY ARE YOU SO RELATABLE I HATELOVE IT the anxiety tailspin’s so real
You don’t bother with a bra, not when it irritates your tattoo so much.
as someone who has experienced skin irritation under clothes definitely sympathywinced reading this
“I was smoking,” he says when you roll your eyes in exasperation.  “You’re worried about getting the chemicals on my skin but not in your lungs?” “Fuck my lungs,” he mutters.
I’m in love with their exasperated banter here lmao
As he speaks, his breath fans across your chest, making you shiver. He sees this, his eyes darkening. “When you called, I thought it was for me.”
FUCKING FINALLY (also why he wore the mask during their session earlier i suspect)
“It was for you,” you say, brow furrowing. “Who else?”
OH MY FUCKING GOOOODD READER!!! READER PLEASE LMAO this is comedy of shakespearean proportions to me
God, it’s like he’s not getting it. Maybe you need to be bolder. Fortune favors the bold, doesn’t it?
“If I—“ it hits him then. You can see it in the fractional widening of his eyes, the way his mouth parts softly in blatant surprise before he shuts it, dark eyes returning to your sternum. He says: “Closer.”
“Be still,” he says firmly. Another pitiful sound slips past your throat. “Let me play with you.” 
ah riley ever the professional lmao
“Please,” you gasp. “Play with me—even if that’s all you want—just don’t stop, please.”  His mouth parts as he listens to you, his eyes so, so dark. The pupils have nearly swallowed his irises whole, until you can see yourself bare from the waist up in the reflection. He shakes his head a little. “You don’t even know what you’re saying.”
“you don’t know what you’re saying” could be the alternate title for this whole damn fic lmao also fucking love this with the reflection in the pupils! I had this experience IRL and I still think about it from time to time
You gape at his admission. Had you been? He’d been so closed off and cool…though now that you thought back, maybe that was just his way of hiding it.
“You the kind of girl who can cum like this? Just from this?”  “Uh-huh,” you promise, head bobbing. 
READER!!! you fucking cutie pie also if simon asked me a question any question while dry humping all my answers would be promises, well said reader, well fuckin said
“You can play with it.” You shyly run your thumb over it the way he had yours. He sighs, breath fanning across your arm
oh I love this mirroring here!!!
He lets you, very patient, like a dangerous creature withholding its bite. 
this line is perfection mwah mwah mwah
Then he touches you, and when he does, he touches you with surprising reverence. He touches you like you are art. 
this is so tender, I love this sm!!! this might be my favorite line in this whole blessed fic-
“Can’t believe you let me ink you,” he mutters.
this line + his reaction to reader calling him hot makes me think he has some self-esteem issues 🥺🥺🥺
His sigh is shaky. You’re learning his reactions, his very breaths. That shaky sigh means he’s pleased with you. You’ve said something right. 
this is a very revealing insight imho as in contrast, simon showed he’s been reading her body language very well much earlier on (he fell first and harder)
“Can’t,” you gasp, his revelation electrifying you. I loved this phrasing!!!! “Not sure I want you to cum now,” he says. “Hold it. I’m thinking it over.”  You broken?”  “Yes.”  He snorts. Then it turns into that laughter, warm and rumbling against your back. You smile where he can’t see. 
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA my god when writers get simons droll brit humor right THEY GET IT SO FUCKING RIGHT
“I jerked off in the back just from seeing half your tits,” he admits.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH GOD wrenny this whole story was so sweet and sexy and like a shakespearean comedy in the best way with the tension and miscommunication built up then resolved and mirrored in the best way with all that release of tension
also when I came back to link this story absolutely gasped at the little link atop indicating a SEQUEL??? MOTHER WREN YOU ARE TOO KIND INDEED
also finally realizing now as I write this the third nipple was ghost’s lol
also screaming IRL at how reader met soap LMAOO the TONGUE FLASH AND CASUALLY DROPPING HE’S PART OWNER, the screamers line from simon? AAAAAAAAAAAA [screeching reaching unholy decibels rn]
With Simon, you were just discovering that sex could be fun; sex could be slow; sex could end with no one orgasming and it could still change your life. 
🥹🥰🥹🥰yes yes PSA this is true IRL as well dear readers
He’s got cute nipples: small and pink as his mouth.
what a compliment, reminds me of that weird irl clock app trend I thInk with those glossier lip pencils mimicking nipple/dick colors or smth smth idk im too old/lazy/tired to keep up with tikkytokky trends
“You’re alone with Soap for sixty seconds and now you want your tits pierced. Are you saying that’s a coincidence?” 
mmm i can smell some tension/insecurity/anxiety brewing in this line of questioning already, fascinating!!!
You’ve never considered yourself to be particularly sexy, but the way he looks at you makes you feel powerful, like the sun lives just underneath your skin.
“We’ve got a spectator? A voyeur?” Soap asks, rubbing his hands together. “Oh you know all my seedy kinks, Ghost.”  Soap extends a hand to you. “The big guy still hasn’t introduced us. Some call me Soap, but beautiful women are allowed to call me Johnny.”  You shake his warm hand to be friendly and make the mistake of meeting his eyes. They are very blue, framed by dark lashes and expressive eyebrows. He flashes his tongue piercing at you again and you jerk your hand back like you’ve been burned. He laughs. 
 wow I know soap is often headcannoned as “flirts with anything that moves”/“flirts as friendship” but I love this little extra wrench/kink he throws in simon x reader’s relationship here (and very revealing of simon & johnny’s relationship here)
the whole ghost offering soap a free tattoo for reader’s nip piercing exchange is a fucking FASCINATING insight into his + johnny’s psyche in so many ways!!!!! johnny immediately drawing a boundary with reader as simon’s girlfriend and completely switching off his casual flirting (maybe in response to being shocked at the exceptions/rulebreaking simon made for her?) - I would also ask, as reader did right after this, about their friendship & history…a picture paints a thousand words and what a picture!! I loved this weird lil heated exchange
“I was doing stick ‘n pokes for anyone who would sit still. He was piercing soldier’s ears in exchange for cigarettes.
I like this lil canon inversion of what I’d think their roles would be in a tattoo au (johnny is an avid sketcher and would probably be more likely to be the artist if we follow canon)
"We both decided we’d rather live to see thirty, so when our time was up, we didn’t re-enlist, pooled our money, bought a location and never looked back.” 
#JohnnyLives in AUs and fanfic, god bless fanfic, yes and amen
“Was Johnny the one to pierce your nipple?” Simon stills for a moment, considering the question. At length he sets his glass down and says slowly: “Yes.”
what is it about fanfic writers who pluck our beloved blorbos out of their element (always reminded that COD is a first person shooter military propaganda game) yet capture their essence and personality so perfectly as they do??!?!?! one of the things I loved about this story is how wren writes simon in such a simon-y way if that makes sense
also reader, you are quite kinky and curious from what I can gather re: braving through a fucking sternum tat as your first one and ghost’s giant dick and considering a nip piercing; in conclusion LETS HANG OUT IRL I ADORE YOU (platonic)
He is much more abrupt today than he had been yesterday. You’re almost moved enough to ask him if he’s upset, but perhaps this is just his professionalism. Regardless, you miss the easy-going nature that had gone so far to put you at ease yesterday. 
this + the lack of eye contact compared to ghost’s behavior with reader is fucking revelatory to meeee aaaaaa livin for the drama here
“Left out all the tastiest bits,” Johnny says. “I bet he does that a lot when talking about his days with the 1-4-1.” Your stomach dips.  “That’ll do,” Simon says sternly from the corner. 
HAHAHAH but also sOAP WHY ARE YOU MAKING 141 sound like a bacchanalic orgy LMAO 
“If you can’t go without playing with them, I recommend just doing one at a time.
again the “playing with them” mention re: nips 👀👀 I feel like im playing clue here rn LMAO “IT WAS SOAP WITH THE CLAMPS IN TEH FOXHOLE”
my current crackpot theories are:
- ghost & soap fucked, possibly stlll fuck on and off
- ghost & soap share partners (ghost’s “this smells like soap” comment reads totally differently after reading pt. 2 to me) and they both give indications of romantic-attraction based insecurity in how they interact with each other
- ghost getting pierced was sexual
- ghost hasn’t had a steady partner before like reader and soap realized she was different when ghost maNIPulated (see what I did ther-ok I’ll stop no more puns) soap into a free piercing for her and may have experienced a bit of sadness at what he may perceive as the loss of ghost (as fuck buddy? something more? idk! soap keepin us all on our toes as usual)
- though I also think soap refusing to look at her, get her #, his sad lil smile re: “I’m a liar” and his reaction to her being invited to bday drinks with 141 all just might be signs of soap trying to adjust to the fact that a friend closer than a brother (in the sense they survived combat/PTSD-inducing sitchs together) is changing and “leaving” in a sense with the addition of reader in his life
- OR MAYBE johnny is protective of simon and knows how much simon likes her, and perceived her wanting a nip pierce as flirting with him (soap) and he resents her cos he thinks she’s not as head over heels for simon as he can see he is for her?!?!?!?!?!?! and they’ve had past drama re: love triangles here? IDFK anyway sorry let me put my pepe silvia conspiracy meme glasses away lol THIS FIICCCCCC has me in a chokehold (sexy)
It’s clear that their time spent serving together has made a brotherhood of them, and while a small part of you feels estranged as the outsider amongst this group, the larger part thinks it’s beautiful to see. 
🥹🥹🥹I’ve said this before but such a lovely part of being beloved is meeting others who also love your beloved (and who also become beloved to you)
“It wouldn’t be the first time that a girl who was supposed to be mine ended up being for Soap.” 
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the painjoy of liveblogging a ficread is regretting to stop to conspiracy theorize but I FUCKIN KNEW IT!!!!! RAAAAAA
ch2 brought a completely different spin to the fic but honestly what a fuckin ride!!! I love both so far because I love all my kinky COD men equally (cough no I don’t but my favorite is the rarest blorbo of all so I make do lol cough)
update: SHE WROTE A PT 3!!!!!!
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lovelyhan · 1 year
kwannie w a corruption is my fav thing ever … i’ll never shut up abt it >_< he just loves cute things … “that’s my cute girl” … and he goes feral when he sees u wear anything w lil flowers on it :c
he's finally debuting on this blog 🤧 also heads up that i'm Well Aware that sk's bday is in january but just roll w me on this one ok?
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seungkwan likes cute things.
from adorable puppies to frilly dresses; from afternoon tea parties and dainty flower arrangements—his affinity for all things cute is something a lot of people know about him, but don't really think twice about.
so when he brings you to this year's birthday dinner, no one really bats an eyelash at the way you're dressed. everyone knows seungkwan loves dolling you up. always decorating you in those cute babydoll dresses that flutter across your thighs, hair adorned with pretty flower pins, and a light sheen of makeup that makes your pouty lips all the more delectable.
god, those lips... it's already a difficult for him to let his other friends see you when you look like the epitome of adorable. but when you keep acting so shy and bashful every time someone compliments your outfit? seungkwan can hardly wait for all the formalities to end so he can get you alone in your shared hotel room again—doing things that are the furthest thing from cute.
he finally gets what he wants hours after wining and dining with his friends—with you giggling in the hallway as you drag your boyfriend into the privacy of your room.
seungkwan can't help the way his heart momentarily swells at how breathaking you look. you've only had one glass of champagne, but the alcohol has colored your cheeks a lovely shade of red—further emphasized by how your cheekbones puff out as you beam at him lovingly.
it's in times like this when he can't wrap his head around how he managed to end up with someone as otherworldly as you. but when the door to the hotel room clicks shut and you immediately spread yourself out on the queen-sized bed, all those wholesome thoughts are gone in a flash.
"i've been itching to give you your present, kwannie," you giggle as you spread your thighs, tugging the hem of your babydoll dress to reveal what you've been hiding underneath. "i think you'll really like it."
seungkwan nearly chokes on his own breath when he catches a glimpse of the white lace of your underwear. he's no stranger to seeing you in such intimate fabric—silk and lace were his favorites—but the dainty red roses embroidered on the crotch area are enough to make his brain short-circuit.
fuck. he likes cute things—adores them way too much. but you in particular love to drive him just a little more insane with each passing day.
"what a pretty baby," he groans, letting himself join you on the mattress as he helps you out of your dress. when he sees the same embroidery patterns stitched across the matching bra, he hisses between his teeth. "all this for me?"
"you deserve it," you purr, guiding one of his big hands to cup your throbbing heat through your panties. "happy birthday."
with the last threads of his self-control finally snapping, seungkwan lunges for your sweet lips—tasting the peach lip gloss on his tongue as he pries your mouth open. you let out a quiet whine that he swallows with another kiss, pushing your underwear to the side so he can glide his lithe fingers along your wet slit.
"you're drenched, sweetheart," he notes with a laugh that has you pouting against his lips.
seungkwan brushes his fingertips along your entrance, gathering enough slick before spreading it across your puffy clit. your reaction is most adorable—a buck of your hips and another whine reverberating in your chest.
"kwannie," you whimper, hooking one of your legs around his waist to bring him closer. "i've been wet all night. wanted you to come unwrap your present while we were at dinner."
"dirty girl. you wanted me to take you in front of all my friends? is that it?" your boyfriend gives your pussy a playful but firm slap, making you jolt on top of the mattress as another rush of slick trickles out of your needy hole.
"uh-huh," you babble, grinding your cunt against his hand with parted lips. "want them to know i'm yours."
gods above. he only has so much self-control.
while others might've completely caved and stuck their dicks inside of their adorable girlfriends, seungkwan likes seeing you fall apart on his fingers first before he fucks you dumb with his cock.
you're always so receptive when he preps you like this. whining so cutely when he rubs your clit with just the right pressure. the way you frame the his name around such a pretty moan as he pumps his long fingers into sopping cunt is all the incentive he needs before feeling your walls clamp down on his length.
"f-fuck," seungkwan stutters—thighs clapping against your ass with each forward thrust. the sight of you still wearing the dainty lace set as he takes you from behind makes him feel just a little more feral. "that's my cute girl. taking me like i'm made for you."
the squelch of your pussy is the most obscene sound he's heard all day and your boyfriend decides he wants more of it. seungkwan amps up the cadence of his strokes as he presses your head down on the mattress. but as much as he wants to pull your hair to keep you in place, he wants to spare those pretty flower pins even more.
"baby's the prettiest little thing in the world," he whispers raspily in your ear, one of his palms groping your breasts as he continues hitting it from behind. "you'll let me finish inside you, right? then you'll keep these cute panties on so my cum won't go to waste."
the mere mention of being filled has you clenching even tighter around him—desperate moans echoing across the four corners of your hotel room.
"need it, seungkwan," you nearly sob into the sheets—reaching between your thighs to find your clit before timing your rubbing with your lover's movements. "need you to stuff me full of cum so badly."
who is he to deny his pretty girl such a desperate request?
your boyfriend's hot cum surges into your cunt in thick globs, dragging a long-winded moan out of your lips as the sensation of being filled pushes you over the edge.
seungkwan inhales sharply when he feels you milk him for each drop of his release. but no matter how overstimulated the both of you are, he continues to fuck his cum into your sloppy pussy. as if to make sure it'll take you days to sweat him out.
when his vigor has all been spent, seungkwan slips out of your hole carefully—so quick to pull your delicate lace panties back in place before tugging the fabric against your ruined pussy. the material catches across your sensitive clit, making you moan out on instinct.
your boyfriend quietly observes the way his cum is starting to stain the pure white lace before his eyes flicker to your fucked out face. still panting and squirming like you want more even though he's already given you so much.
but hey, he's nothing if not a fool for his adorable baby.
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⟢ end notes: Obviously i got carried away with writing this 🦧 but that is ok bc everyone deserves to be headass for corruption kink seungkwan 🥰🥰 thank you for sending this in, mika my love so sweet <3 i enjoyed experimenting w kwannie more than i thought i would !
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espers-n-espurrs · 4 months
Pinned Post
ello! supposed id do an intro post or what have you !!
my name is esper, i am not an espurr, my pronouns are she/her and im 14 !!
im currently attending my first year in naranja-uva academy though i grew up in spikemuth over in galar! so this is my first time out of my home region !!
some of my interests include art, photography, music, video games, baking/cooking, etc !! i also REALLY REALLY like sawsbuck and deerling, theyre my all time favorite pkmn !!
ive recently gotten my own pkmn as well, those of which are listed below !! yayyy !!
fauna - deerling | female | starter pkmn harley - maschiff | female | service pkmn taffeta - mareep | female
anyways thats all ive really got to say here !! 👍!!
[ OOC: Please read under the cut !!! ]
Other PKMN IRL Blogs can be found linked to my OOC hub: @grims-local-pkmn-irl-hub (I also talk there a lot :])
Though the mun is an adult, the character is still a minor, so please be mindful of how you interact! NO NSFW.
Pelipper Mail/Malice: OFF
Musharna Mail/Malice: OFF
Magic Anons: OFF
Mystery Gifts: Currently OFF
ANY kind of PKMN IRL blog can interact! Eeby Deebies, sapient/sentient pkmn, evil teams, canon characters, etc. ➥ Be aware that Esper will fearful/hesitant when interacting with legendary/mythical blogs!
IN CHARACTER anon hate is fine! Keep in mind that I reserve the right to not answer all anon hate asks though! Especially if they are something I don't feel comfortable answering!
ASK TO TAG! Sometimes an important tag may slip my mind or I may not think of it so please do not be afraid to let me know!
HIGH STAKES! This blog will delve into high stakes territory at certain points! Be aware of this for your own comfort!
Story Arcs
Moved to separate page for ease of viewing, click here to access!
General Tags
#esper beams -> Posts made by Esper
#esper rbs -> Esper reblogging something
#askbox -> Answered asks
#dog brother -> Posts about Flynn aka @estranger-and-stranger-still
#victoria / MN tag -> Victoria aka the Mystery Neighbor aka @/victoria-vd
#thievul tag -> One of Esper's friends from Galar
Important Tags
#miracle eye -> Offscreen posts
#foresight -> Posts to pay attention to! These might provide clues or foreshadowing for ongoing or future arcs!
#blind spot -> Blind spot signifies that the tagged post is completely invisible to certain blogs linked to this one! ➥ If a post is tagged with a specific character than that specific character cannot see it while the others are able to! For example "#blind spot: esper" would mean that Esper cannot see that post! Blind Spots are completely visible to everyone else besides the above blogs so anons or otherwise are able to see and engage with these posts!
Blogs heavily tied to this Esper:
@estranger-and-stranger-still | @victoria-vd | @jaimemes | @yveltalreal | @aspens-dragons | @vulgrados-best | @rock-n-rolycoly
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befemininenow · 1 year
Deconstructing the sissy in you (extra)
Let’s go back to the beginning of the tutorial. However, let’s amplify it a little more. You always had a thing for this thing called “feminization”, which involved forcing men into wearing feminine clothing or adopting feminine roles in an embarrassing manner. That kind of thing was your kink/fetish for a good while and imagined what would it be like if it happened for real. Little did you know it was a gateway to explore your sexuality.
You browse the web for TG captions and transformations as a way to spend some “me time”. All of a sudden, you see this post:
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“Damn, she’s sexy!” you say out loud. You obviously want to be inside her body, but deep in your mind, you secretly want to be in her body. As in, you want to feel her soft skin, her boobs, her skirt, hair, you want to be her!
In no time, you start to see more pics like this:
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Eventually, your feed begins to fill with captions like these...
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...while some daring strangers fill your inbox with captions like these...
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Soon enough, you start to get into female fashion, changed your way of words, became interested in men, and slowly incorporated your feminization in your public life. Those hypnos and captions have changed your thinking! It got to the point where you opened a Tumblr, started to make "sissy besties", and asked for tips on how to become more "feminine". It felt mutual, it felt exclusive, it felt like becoming a part of the Mean Girls!
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But you wanted more. You wanted hypnosis that can destroy your "manhood". You wanted captions that affirmed your "sissy identity". You wanted hormones to grow boobs and ass. You wanted to become a woman at an instant!
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But how? Desperately wanting to view more captions, you decide to find more of them on your search bar. You type "feminization captions" and the results are abundant! But as you scroll all the way down to a dead end, you find a picture of a sexy, blonde woman in red that catches your attention:
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"OMG! She's so gorgeous! She's the type I want to become! I need to find out who she is!" Just as you click to the image, you're sent to a blog that you're somehow familiar and/or following. You try to find the image and as you keep on scrolling, you found it belongs to a certain blog: @befemininenow. ""Be feminine now?" This is it! This is what I need! Someone who can instantly change me into a feminine woman!"
But as you read the pinned post and the introduction greeting, you feel a little conflicted. You like feminization, but the blog doesn't cater to sissies. Yet, the captions feel so persuasive and alluring, you don't know where to start. You decide to go all the way back and finally found the one that seems the sexiest.
What was the caption that caught your attention?:
Of course the one with Lilly Roma and her tight, revealing, black suit! But instead of being a sissy caption, it's a caption that tells you to be a fellow sister! "Sister? Mmm... I... I like that. Better than sissy!"
You browse the blog and find more than enough caption to your taste:
Some were a dream, some were so sexual, some were unbelievable, and some... hit right at home.
Very few captions mention the word "sissy" and when they do, it's usually not as you expected it to be. That's because the blog is about embracing femininity instead of treating it as humiliating. You try to find if there are more blogs like hers and luckily for you, there's a bunch more...
Joanna's Journey, A Miss Inside, Every Alice, Gym Bunny Candie Hart, GGS-Trans-Inspo, and so much more!
It took a while for you to realize that some of those feminization blogs aren't like the rest, including sissy blogs like Sissypinkfashionfun. They may seem a bit unrealistic at times, maybe a little overboard with the "wipe masculinity" posts. But what you love about those blogs the most is that all of them have something in common: they are not ashamed of femininity, but rather embrace it as their own.
It all makes sense: as a kid, you wanted to be a ballerina:
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Later on in life, you wanted to become a princess:
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But now...
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You just wish you can come out as your true self! Why be ashamed of being feminine? Why do you need to be punished for showing weakness? Why be subject to bullying for behaving a certain way? You don't really want to be a "sissy", but you want to be a girl. You love your feminine side.
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But in order to move on from your "sissy phase", there is one step you would have to do:
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That's right, girl! It means you have to come out. Whether you like it or not, it's the next step to your change. You can keep hiding in the closet, experiment with the "sissy lifestyle", and reblog feminization captions all you want. But as much as you hate to face reality, she is you. You're transgender. You're a woman inside, even if your current anatomy doesn't match it.
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The latter sentence didn't discourage Mikaela Ville nor Angelick Poleth (girl in the next pic) from postponing transition. Look at them now. Don't you wish to want to be like them?
But to be sure of the change, to be sure of what you really want, how far will you go into your life change? Do you want just dress feminine, but still identify as a man? Maybe you identify as a different gender? Or do you want to go further and take hormones to turn into a woman?
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Whatever you end up identifying as, know your identity and femininity are valid. Find your nearest gender support group, talk to doctors and therapists who can assist your gender change, and be very safe in today's environment. Remember, you are not a sissy, but a brave woman! Unlock the cages and let the lioness inside out!
(End of guides. Thank you for reading 'till the end!)
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aria-ashryver · 3 months
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art by @marquainequeen
This is a signal boost for Raghad Qanou and her family!
vetted by nabulsi here vetted by el-shab-hussein here gfm campaign is verified as #225
I am urgently calling on anyone who sees this to please consider matching my donation to help Raghad's family evacuate Gaza!
They urgently need more donations - currently they have raised only £3,253 of their £55,000 target
🍉🍉 [Click this link to donate!!] 🍉🍉
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Raghad was studying as a second year human medicine student at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, before her entire life as she knew it was ripped away from her. She and her family have already been displaced seven times, forced to flee under fire. Their family has already suffered so many losses, and they are in desperate need of food and medical care.
I would encourage you to take a moment to read the many posts on Raghad's blog, including her pinned, to get to know her better, and to truly see what she and her family are being forced to endure. Read about her uncle. Read about her sister. See the many photos she has shared. Take the time to appreciate her moving and awe-inspiring art:
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Title: Waiting for a ceasefire by Raghad Qanou
They are relying on the kindness and compassion of strangers to spread word of their plight and to donate to their campaign.
Please follow her account: @rhq274 Please share her story Please donate where you are able
You may not think that your small donation will amount to much, but it will mean the world to Raghad and her family. Please, lets get them to safety 💖
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blazehedgehog · 8 months
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Putting this out there for y'all but I'm 99% sure this is a scam.
I'm wary about this kind of stuff since I've heard people run scams like this. Generally I don't blog about this kind of stuff, but if you follow me on Cohost or Twitter, you know I will sometimes retweet people in need -- but I never do it at random, I always try to make sure it is coming from someone I marginally trust or even know personally. Never strangers.
So when a "stranger" approaches me in my tumblr ask box, immediately I go about investigating.
This user's blog passes the first sniff test: a seemingly "real" avatar (not a default shape, not a stolen selfie), there's an actual blog description, and they even have some likes.
Red flag number one: This blog has only made six posts. I have post timestamps turned on, so I can see that all six posts were made on January 31st of this year. Nothing before that date, and nothing after that date.
Red flag number two: Five of those six posts are reblogs (generic animal memes). The only original blog is the pinned post about the supposed cat. No other pictures of the cat, no other pictures of the daughter, no other posts about lifestyle or interests in any shape or form.
Red flag number three: Though the blog has some likes, they only have seven likes, five of which are also the things they reblogged. One of which is someone publicly boosting their message about the supposed cat.
Red flag number four: Tumblr lets you view a blog's following list, so you can see who they follow. This user is following at least two obvious spambots (empty blog, default shape avatar).
Red flag number five: They don't even follow me. How did they find my blog? On what grounds do they think I'd be a good fit to boost their message? I do not signal boost charity on tumblr very often, as stated.
Red flag number six: Their pinned post mentions they "have a paypal" but they're gathering money through some obscure crowdfunding platform I've never heard of ("because gofundme takes too much money out.") I haven't clicked their link, but I did google the site name, and it's some sort of social media profile card service (like linktree) that also lets you raise money. The service lists high profile clients, most of which may as well be fake clip art images for all I know, outside of the Comedy Central logo. Not super trustworthy.
Red flag number seven: "Try to answer this ask privately." Why? Because it's obvious this is all super suspicious?
Nobody wants to be heartless, which is exactly what this message is built to prey upon. If this person's cat is real, my heart truly goes out to it, because I've lost many pets over the years. Some of which had their health decline so rapidly they literally died in my arms as we were rushing to the vet emergency room. I've been more emotionally wrecked by some pet deaths than people I knew.
So I don't want to inflict that on anyone.
But the red flags are overwhelming. This person is not to be trusted. Be on your guard with what you share, folks.
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sspd1rtythoughts · 4 months
Imagine someone you see everyday finding this blog. Not someone you know but someone who gets to see you everyday, maybe they take the bus with you or eat at the same place. Imagine them learning all your filthy fantasies. They send you a DM saying they know but you miss it. So next day in the bus, they walk up behind you and grope you, rub your cunt, tease you. You don’t say anything, such an innocent filthy whore getting all her fantasies fulfilled. You come back to write about it on tumblr and you see their DM telling you all about today. You ignore it just to see what will happen. The next day they get off at the same stop as you, they follow you and push you into an alley, pinning you to the wall, they rub your cunt, no words. Looking deep into your eyes, they rub your cunt till you’re a dripping drooling mess, they click a picture and walk away. They send you the picture and ask you to reply or else. Do you reply or would you push more to see what will happen?
Oooh I'd love that a lot.
I'd push for more.
Maybe they get more aggressive in their advances, maybe they post the picture and let everyone know how much of a whore I really am, how I'll let anyone use me for free. Maybe it even circles around in my close friend circle.
Maybe they take a video instead next time, catching all my panting and moaning on camera.
Maybe next time they do it strangers join in. Humiliate me in public.
Maybe they use it as blackmail to get me to do certain things like wear the shortest skirt I own with no underwear on the bus next time. Or wear the tightest most see-through top without a bra. Maybe even dare me to ride the bus while cockwarming a dildo in my cunt.
A slut like me gets off to just having my pussy filled after all, even if it's just a fake dick. And a slut like me should be stretched and ready for anyone to use her at any time after all.
God I'm getting all wet just thinking about this
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stoned-r4peslut · 3 months
Imagine someone you see everyday finding this blog. Not someone you know but someone who gets to see you everyday, maybe they take the bus with you or eat at the same place. Imagine them learning all your filthy fantasies. They send you a DM saying they know but you miss it. So next day in the bus, they walk up behind you and grope you, rub your cunt, tease you. You don’t say anything, such an innocent filthy whore getting all her fantasies fulfilled. You come back to write about it on tumblr and you see their DM telling you all about today. You ignore it just to see what will happen. The next day they get off at the same stop as you, they follow you and push you into an alley, pinning you to the wall, they rub your cunt, no words. Looking deep into your eyes, they rub your cunt till you’re a dripping drooling mess, they click a picture and walk away. They send you the picture and ask you to reply or else. Do you reply or would you push more to see what will happen?
I think I would have to keep pushing it and see what they would do. After all it would just be too exciting to resist seeing how much they would escalate.
You're gonna have me paranoid and needy, always looking over my shoulder, wonder if any of the strangers I see follow me and know what a filthy little r@pe whore I am 🥵
Tit slap count: 14
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apomaro-mellow · 4 months
you really need to get on ao3. i dont know anyone who reads 10+ part fanfics by clicking through hyperlinks until they reach the first part or whatever. youre a great writer, but no one is gonna read your work while its in 30 different posts on tumblr that we have to either open in 30 different tabs on a desktop, or manage to click through and not lose your place in while on mobile because tumblr doesnt save your place like a seperate ao3 tab does. please get on ao3 because i would love to read your fics but i refuse to click through *10+ tumblr posts* to read it, knowing the app could just refresh and i have to do all of that work over again.
I re-read this like 3 times trying to figure out what was wrong with this and I think I figured it out. There's this sense of entitlement that just doesn't sit right with my spirit. You warn me that "no one" will read fics that are dozens of posts in but King and Prince part 20 has comments and reblogs that say otherwise.
I could just tell you to get good because no one else seems to be having any issues finding my fics and the ones that do know how to navigate their way through this site. But I don't know you anon. You could be someone in their 70s with limited computer literacy. Or you could be a thirteen year old who just received their first laptop and doesn't know where to start.
You're asking me to hold your hand and so I will give you that grace and oblige.
Now if you go to my blog the first thing you will see is my pinned post with-what's this? All of my Stranger Things fics!
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All present to be bookmarked, liked, or otherwise saved for your convenience. But you want AO3 specifically. Now let's say you've somehow missed the titles that have links to AO3 next to them. Well, when I like someone on tumblr, the first thing I'd do is go to AO3 and see if they have an account there. You see most sites have this nifty little function:
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Hey, that username looks familiar. Anyway ignore that. I want you to focus on that ovular shape. In that, you can look up anything you desire. Lucky for you, I've got a rather unique name. Even just putting in "apomaro" and you get this
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Odd that it says only 3 found, but not everyone and everything can be perfect. We're all still learning, even computers. But anyway, I think you can figure out the rest. Just in case though. You'll want to click the author's name (next to "by") and presto!
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You've found that AO3 that you said I should get. Sure is a good thing I made it *checks notes* nine years ago just in case this happened.
Anyway, happy reading!
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kiindr · 5 months
Your page and pinned post caught my attention. I noticed you used the word empathize rather than sympathize. And your statement of creating the blog as proof someone cares....that you care about others. It's easy to become jaded. So many seek advantage or personal gain. I would prefer not to allow past experiences with others to cloud my judgement. If you are true to how you present yourself...and understanding sharing the feelings of those in distress can sometimes be overwhelming especially if you are inclined towards empathy; then allow me to simply give a positive message to you. Thank you. You say you care...about others ...about strangers....about those you have not met. One might ask, how could you really care about someone you don't even know? But that is what makes unconditional love such a beautiful concept. To care and love and give freely without expectation. And if this concept has meaning for you...then accept it in return with understanding. I know you not, but I care about you. If for any reason you doubt my words, then your words become meaningless as well. Better I accept your words are true. That you truly care for this stranger, and this stranger also cares about you.
thank you for going through my blog so carefully and paying attention to the exact vocabulary i have used. all of it has been highly intentional so i’m glad someone noticed :)
i understand the skepticism some people might have when it comes to believing my claims that i really care about people’s well-being even if i don’t know them. that’s alright. i’m willing to be patient and let them have their time in coming around to this fact. and even if they don’t, it’s okay. i can’t control how others think, behave, or feel. i can only control what i do. and i don’t need other people’s validation in order to believe the credibility of my own work (although it’s nice to have).
in the meantime, i want to continue putting out the content that i do, which thankfully, i’ve been told, some people find helpful and that makes me happy. a lot of people also like the little study posts that i do and the snippets of my life as a psychology student that i post. all of it brings the readers of my blog and myself equal joy.
it would be a lie if i said that im doing it all solely for others. i’m not. being on this blog, interacting with people here, writing posts for it, clicking pictures for it, etc. it’s just as therapeutic for me as it can be for other people.
in sum, i’m grateful to have the opportunity to do what i do, to make what little difference i can, and it makes me happy to see that there are more kind, empathetic strangers who believe in the same cause as me!
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inkydoc · 1 year
About me (for pin purposes)
Tamara (Tem) - 🎂 01.01. - young old person - 🇭🇺
I used to have a shitton of info in my about me section, but in the long run none of that is important or relevant tbh. All you need to know about me is that sometimes I doodle (more and more rarely as time passes), I like food, cartoons, games, sci-fi and fantasy, and all around am just a really basic gal, here to have a good time, reblog cats, and occasionally post about my gaming shenanigans. If you have questions you are always welcome to send in an ask, I might be late in answering tho, we all know how stable this hellsite (affectionate) is :D
All in all, be safe both irl and online, do not share too much info with strangers, be kind, and take care of yourselves, your loved ones, your pets, and your plants.
Oh also you can find me in other places too if you want, and then there are some things I sometimes work on, so here is a list of links for all your link-clicking needs.
#inkydoc doodles (what it says on the tin. hopefully won’t be completely abandoned.)
#inkydoc crafts (trying my hands at various craft-related hobbies - so far sewing and knitting, but i see crochet and bookbinding in my future)
insta (I post doodle stories sometimes)
smol random writings blog (sometimes i manage to string words together in an interesting fashion, please read my writings I’m very proud of them)
gaming sideblog (a little bit of everything - some Minecraft, mostly Sims, but honestly can’t wait for Paralives to come out)
twitter (only for retweeting cats and other cute stuff)
The Cult of Nyankotep (old project that I wanna get around completing one day, it will take very long tho)
Sound Witch Lyra (yea okay technically not much yet, it will be a collection of short stories about this witch girl and shenanigans)
Dusk to your Dawn (just a handful of characters and a bit of worldbuilding that I wanna expand on, but probably no story for this one, just designs)
See you space cowboy 🤠
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kryptoknight · 2 years
"I'm not following godpup" then why are you in the likes of his pinned??
Oh fuck you caught me anon im so sorry i lied can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me please ive seen the light now
Lol can you imagine? Anyway.
I genuinely cannot decide which is more stupid:
The idea that you've been going out of your way to check my blog for my answer
The fact that you apparently also check the blog of someone you clearly don't like
The fact that you go through the notes on said person's posts looking for people to harass
The fact that you obviously can't see how ridiculous this all is
That you feel so self righteous about this as to harass random strangers about it, yet don't have the guts to come off anon
Did it really not occur to you that maybe I followed her, liked some posts, and unfollowed and didn't bother to unlike the posts of his bc I have better things to do? I mean, that's not what happened, but you didn't know that. Smh
My first answer was mostly just to get you to fuck off, but here's a proper one bc hopefully then you'll stop wasting both of our time.
I follow her bc there's a little button in the corner of every blog that says "follow" and I clicked that. That's it. There is no real life harm coming out of any of this and so it's none of your business.
I could go on about how there should be some hard lines, but I get the feeling you already know that. So the thing I'm gonna tell you is that there is nuance to everything, context that you may not have, things you don't or can't understand.
I encourage you to sit with whatever feeling that brings up and examine it, because, respectfully, getting in a twist over what strangers on the internet are doing is a pretty shit way of living life.
And if you can't do that, then at least learn how to set your own boundaries. If you have such a problem with me or godpup, just block us; you'll be saving everyone a lot of hassle
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neurotheascars · 1 month
I'm sorry I didn't expect to be on your blog at all while scrolling through the syscourse tag. Thanks for triggering our host. Is that better?
No it's not better. I told you if you want me to take you seriously you shouldn't be on anon. Now anon is being turned off by my host because your inability to reveal your identity is triggering -me-
I told you I'd be more likely to honor your request if I knew who you were. I told you that you were making me uncomfortable. I told you asking me to tag mentions of specific individuals make me uncomfortable.
You had the option to block me and walk away but you didn't take it and now you are bringing your pain to me as a stranger and expecting me to care.
Please stop because this is manipulative as all hell. I'm a trauma victim too asshole. If you really had an issue with me, it's said in my pinned(that you clearly refuse to read before interacting with me) that you can message my host for a nicer response. He may have even gone in and tagged for you. But you decided your boundaries are way more important than anyone else's so If you aren't even going to read my pinned but you want me to tag for your comfort while you ignore what I'm uncomfortable with than you can kindly fuck off. It's called mutual respect. You aren't respecting me so I'm not tagging shit for you. Block me and move on.
You know what I do when I see a triggering post in the syscourse tag? I block the person. I don't visit the persons blog to make it worse on myself. Don't act like you didn't expect to be on my blog. You clicked a post and went on my blog, scrolling right past my trigger warning. I don't expect strangers to tag for me. I don't go into the persons ask box anonymously to tell them to tag for me. I block and then I never have to deal with it again.
Also- the post I tagged with syscourse only said I wasn't unfollowing Sophie. I didn't talk about her in depth. It was more about how Blue is making up rumors about Nox The post where I did talk more was untagged and I wouldn't have even gone so in-depth if I wasn't asked.
I'm not using the fucking Sophiecourse tag because I don't want engagement from people who use it. Again- if I'm talking about a topic that triggers you, dont go digging?
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not-a-space-alien · 2 years
Hi! Call me Nasa. All the cool kids are using pinned posts now. Here's my old about page.
If we are strangers to each other, please do not ask me to share your fundraiser. I will not share fundraisers from people I do not know.
Due to my own personal triggers, if you follow me from a blog that centers heavily on eating disorders, I will block you.
I'm 31. This blog is mostly sfw, but does occasionally contain adult-oriented content. If you are a minor following me, I expect you to block the "nsfw" tag so these posts are blocked, and to not interact with them. This blog also will occasionally contain graphic depictions of violence and blood.
I’m okay with anything I post being reblogged unless it’s tagged with “please don’t reblog” or some variation thereof.
If you don't want me to answer an ask publicly, please say so as I will usually do so. I am also open to private DMs. Anons are usually on and usually it's fine to ask me anything as long as it's genuine/in good faith, just put warnings ahead of anything explicit, suggestive, or potentially disturbing so my followers can be warned if I answer publicly.
I will tag things if you ask me to, as long as it's not too difficult to do so. I already tag commonly blocked things like nsfw, gore, and blood. I have also been asked to tag spiders, trypophobia, blood, and weed so I will do my best to remember.
I usually prefer to just dump all of my interests on one blog rather than side blogs, but I (sometimes) run @good-omens-classic @women-of-good-omens and @thisbutgoodomens. I own @audiomens which is an archive. @thistleposting is also my blog.
I'm a human. Read the URL.
My writing:
On writing hiatus as of 9/21/24
Coming November 2025: Bonnie and Guy
I write as a hobby. Most of my current writing is original works. Some of them have illustrations/visuals, but you are free to imagine the characters differently if you like. I welcome fanart, fanfiction, roleplaying asks, and collaborative worldbuilding, for anyone who feels so inclined. Just tag me so I can see! :)
Most recent story updates:
8/29/24 Tinytopia Chapter 12: Monoculture
8/18/24 Desperate Daybreak Chapter 8
My AO3 page
Watch Your Step - An entomologist finds an injured fairy while out in the field. (The tag for posts about this story is #Watch Your Step) (Does not require reading anything beforehand) [Active]
Magnanimous Moonrise & Savage Sunset - A story about a vampire and a vampire hunter, told from dualing perspectives. (caution: graphic) (The tag for posts about this story is #MMSS) (Does not require reading anything beforehand but related to/inspired by another series) [Complete]
Desperate Daybreak - The direct sequel to Magnanimous Moonrise & Savage Sunset. (The tag for posts about this story is still #MMSS) [Active]
Click the readmore for more info about my writing, recent updates list, and what I'm currently working on!
K+J fanfic - here and here. This is fanfiction of someone else's whump series (caution: graphic) [complete]
K+J x MMSS - Crossover between my vampire story and K+J [on hold]
Older writings:
Good Omens fanfiction: I am no longer active in the good omens fandom, but all my fanfiction can be found on my blog under #my good omens fanfiction, or on my AO3 for easier reading. My longest and most elaborate, OC-heavy series is Your Own Side. Most of my GOmens fanfiction was written using book canon, before the TV show came out.
Miscellaneous original short stories
Story 1 | Story 2 | Story 3 | Story 4 | Story 5 | Story 6
Lost story I need to put up again: The Gamble
PS:  Here is a link to my ko-fi if you want to tip!!   ABSOLUTELY don’t feel obligated to tip though, just figured I’d put this here because I put a lot of work into my fic so I’d make it possible to tip if you wanted to, don’t feel guilty for not doing it, it’s just an option :)
More select recent updates:
8/29/24 Tinytopia Chapter 12: Monoculture
8/18/24 Desperate Daybreak Chapter 8
7/16/24 Desperate Daybreak Chapter 7
7/7/24 Desperate Daybreak Chapter 6
7/4/24 Desperate Daybreak Chapter 5
6/30/24 Desperate Daybreak Chapter 4
6/28/24 Desperate Daybreak Chapter 3
6/22/24 Desperate Daybreak Chapter 2
5/25/24 Tinytopia Chapter 11: Bloodthirst (Part 3)
5/25/24 K&J x MMSS 4: Valen & Jim Part 7B
4/7/24 Savage Sunset Choose Your Own Adventure Finale
12/14/23 MMSS: Aftermath
12/2/23 Magnanimous Moonrise & Savage Sunset 29MS
Currently working on/coming next:
Tinytopia ch 12
Desperate Daybreak chapter 9
A short story for thewhumpyprintingpress collection "The Whumpboratory"
A standalone novella set in an original universe
A big surprise about MMSS 👀
PPS: i have been on tumblr for a WHILE (like since circa 2015) and this blog has gone through many phases. If you happen to stumble across any of my old posts that are not properly tagged, or contain something problematic or offensive, please send me a private DM so I can address it.
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