#at the VERY VERY VERY!!!! least put the not seizure friendly warning on the very top so i can click away
martyrbat · 1 year
okay its been a hour and i still have a migraine and am lethargic & twitchy so. its great you have a pinned post saying as a general warning your blog isnt seizure safe and to be careful. but when your warning is surrounded by rapidly flashing banners and eye straining colors and without the post itself being properly tagged for those, it does fucking nothing. saying look at your pinned post in your bio before following you and it being the direct trigger you're trying to warn against (and that warning being AFTER a long thing with personal information and underneath the triggering gifs instead of on top) is super misguided and dangerous to anyone that has epilepsy.
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pokeheadcannons97 · 4 years
I'm not sure if requests are open or not but can you possibly write hc's for milo gordie leon and piers about having a s/o who suffers from epilepsy maybe include their reaction to the first seizure they see, and things like how they handle when s/o starts to seize/show warning signs,
I only do 3 characters at a post so I am going to do Leon, Piers, and Milo since I have Pokemon Shield
(and mama Melany)
Also, I’m speaking and writing this from my perspective of helping my aunt who has seizures regularly and will be answering in what I do and other things that I’ve looked up or found that help, please let me know if I can make it better, thank you! <3 Be safe
Even though he is super directionally challenged, he is so very perceptive. He will be the first to notice when you are about to have a seizure.
The distant look in your eyes and the nonverbal responses when he asks if you are okay are always signs you’re about to go into one.
He’s by your side in an instant, holding the back of your head up steady while rubbing your arm.
“Hey, it’s okay Y/N… you’re okay.” He repeats this all through out it, steady and comforting.
When you blink back after a few moments, eyes bleary but answer softly back to him, he knows you’re okay and out of it.
Will immediately stop what he’s doing, be it in the middle of an interview or sees you go down in the stands, he is next to you to help you through it
Wont hesitate to absolutely eradicate any disrespectfully words or jokes towards you about your seizures
When you first went into one, he had not expected it.
The two of you were out having lunch together after Leon had invited you out for a date to get to know each other more closely. He had been persistent, always engaging you in small talk when you were at work at one of the local shoppes in Wyndon. Would offer to help in carrying heavier things to help you out, and to make your work load lighter. 
You had been perfectly fine, sitting across from him eating lunch at a local restaurant that you favored, when you seemed to be staring off into the distance as he was talking.
When Leon saw your Gothita get destressed and practically climbed up on you, he knew something was wrong.
He was scared, and that was putting it lightly.
With Gothita surrounding you in her psychic powers she steadied your body and instructed Leon through her telepathy to hold your head straight to where you wouldn’t choke.
He frantically rubbed your arms, while looking for your distant eyes to come back to the cheery e/c he found so attractive.
When you started to move slowly on your own your eyes peered up at him, the distant look fading quickly.
“Mmm…? Leon?” You asked softly, trying to attempt to remember where you were and what happened.
“Y/N!” He replied a smile forming on his face, full of relief. “You’re okay, my God I was so worried, are you ok?”
“Mmmhmm… thanks to you and Gracey.” You replied with a soft smile, giving your pokemon a thankful expression, to which she cried in happiness as a reply.
“Let’s get you to the hospital, to at least get a look at you. Then I’ll make sure you get home okay.” Leon said as he helped you up with his strong arms, letting your body lean against him. “I never knew you had to deal with these. You’re so much stronger than I could ever be, Y/N.”
Your heart thudded in your chest, your stomach knotting up in that similar way it did when you would see him visit your work on his days off from the league. Most people would be so scared and standoffish, more afraid of you than anything. See you as someone that needed to be fixed, someone that was fragile, and needed to be looked after like a child.
But Leon? He shown genuine kindness, he didn’t make you out to be this weak person who had epileptic seizures. He treated you with respect. As an equal.
You were strong, something that you did not hear often in your life.
You gave a small laugh, and peered up at him, your e/c eyes shining against the streetlights. “Is it too late to ask you for a second date?”
Leon’s cheeks uncharacteristically burned a deeper red and low chuckle came from his throat. “Not at all.”
There’s not many times he’s serious, but when it comes to you, he is stone cold serious.
Will constantly ask you if you’re okay if you seem more nervous or shakier than usual.
Always holds your hand when you’re feeling more shaky, will go into any quieter space to get you to a safer environment just in case
Even though his shows can be flashy and loud, he really prefers that you stay home or listen to CD’s of the shows of his that are flashier and with more lights. He’s talked to his producers about incorporating more epilepsy friendly aspects into his shows and videos so that more people can enjoy it safely.
On the times that you do watch him, he makes sure that the place is better lit, and no strobing lights.
Will rub the top of your head softly when you go into one, and holds you to where you wont hurt yourself during it.
He knew you had them, but you said that it was less common these days. So he thought that it would most likely be a while before you had one.
The first time you had a seizure in front of him, he was terrified and confused on what to do.
You were sitting beside him, listening to him strum on his guitar as try to work out the sound to his new song.
Your Kirlia sat beside you, listening too.
When he looked up from the strings and papers he had scattered around him, rewriting certain parts he paled.
Your arms were shaking as you began to fall backwards rather quickly. Luckily your Kirlia predicted this and carefully grabbed your shoulders and placed you on your side.
Kirlia’s eyes rose to Piers and she instructed him to gently rub at your arms as she used her abilities to work on the overfiring electrical impulses your brain was having.
Piers scanned your body frantically, your twitching limbs and far off stare causing his heart to race in nervousness. He didn’t know what to do, but hoped that what he was doing helped in some way.
Your Kirlia called softly as your twitching began to stop and your eyes regained their soft e/c hue. You hummed a little as you blinked back the glaze over your eyes.
“Y/N, hey… are you with me?” Piers asked, eyebrows knitted together, refusing to leave your side.
You gave him a confused stare and nodded slowly. “Yes…what…?”
Your Kirlia touched your forehead and you understood.
“Thank you… for helping me, Piers.” You patted your Kirlia’s hand greatfully. “And you too Meena, you did amazing.”
From then on Piers was sure to be more observant and learn about how to be better prepared for the next attack. The zigzagoon brigade are always alert and ready to go into pillow mode to help you not hit your head or hurt yourself. 
The absolute best at making sure that you are taking you meds and taking care of yourself
Always tries to make sure that you have enough time to get enough sleep and goes to bed at the same time as you to help make it easier
He’s used to dealing and helping new gym challengers that have anxiety problems, so he knows how to relax you and help manage your stress
Being as strong as he is, it’s nothing for him to grab you when your legs give out when you go into one, making sure that you are laid down on your side safely
His big hands will make soothing touches and coax you through it, making sure everyone around you is quiet so you’re not overwhelmed with voices around you
If you ever feel bad about having them, he is so quick to reassure you that it is never a problem and he loves you so much
The first time you went into one
You were battling him as your first gym battle, with your Espeon battling against his Glossifleur.
You seemed so strong, easily ordering move after move from your companion, but that changed when you started to wobble on your feet, your Espeon immediately ran to your side to catch you from hitting your head and braced your body against her own and let you fall at a slower rate to the ground safely.
Milo gave a wave to the stadium, with a shout of “Everyone stop!” and made his way over to you. The stadium went into a quick and silent hush. The rotom camera, now focused on you.
Your body jerked involuntarily, your gaze far off and unfocused.
Your partner pokemon gave a cry and rubbed against your body while Milo held your head to where it would be easier for you to breath.
“Hey, Y/N… it’s okay lass. You’re okay.” He said softly, his hat blocking out the harsh sun above you. He gave your cheek a few soft pats, his green eyes searching your face.
It took about a few moments for your hands to stop seizing and jerking. When they did you let out a steady breath. You blinked slowly and gave a low hum as your eyes refocused and fell upon the grass type gym leader above you.
“There you are, are you hurt?” Milo asked you, his voice lower but understandable for your comfort.
You swallowed, and went to slowly sit up, the sun from above now shining painfully on you. You blinked your eyes shut but nodded and turned to him.
 “Yeah… just...” you began and suddenly noticed where you were and felt the anxiety well up inside of you.
“Would it be possible to…stop our battle for today? Please?” you finished and picked at a part of your nails, cheeks flushed.
“I’m sorry but I think I need to lay down for a while, I’m just wiped after…” you tried to explain yourself, your Espeon chittered next to you, rubbing against you softly.
Milo held up a hand with a genuine and kind smile. “Say no more, Y/N. Let’s get you to the nurse on call to get a look at you. Make sure you’re okay.” He rose to hit feet and held a hand out to you. “Can you stand?”
You gave a nod and stood up slowly, but wobbled a little, your legs still unsteady.
Milo scooped you up into his arms effortlessly. “Just rest, I’ll get you there safe and sound.”
And he did, 
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theplumsoldier · 4 years
fear he who fears nothing
prologue summary: as a public figure living in modern germany, you would have thought your past was just that, just a past, but now, it has come back to haunt you and pushes you into the clutches of one baron zemo, while making you acquainted with the american heroes, falcon and the winter soldier.
series warnings: vulgar language: cursing; explicit scenes: mentions of blood, explosions, shootings, torture, injuries; a wannabe’s pathetic try at german; hinting at sexual themes.
a/n: little german is used in this but enough that i felt the need to add translations. translations will be marked as italic and are hedged in between “<>”. note i am not familiar with the languages colloquialisms so if you notice something wrong with my translations, you are most welcome to message me!  this is the prologue to my series “fear he who fears nothing”. it will kick of in the next year in will be no longer than around six to seven parts. i haven’t figured it all out yet, but im working it out and updating along the way!
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The two men, the ones whose identities later would be divulged and state to be an age-old relic and a national hero on the lam, did not at all fit into the club. It was always dark inside the White Lady, however the blinding lights – which one would not be wrong in their observation, should they deter them prone to trigger epileptic seizures – could not hide the two most rigid gents standing tall in the midst of the dance floor. You can ask why one, who does not dance, would stand on the dancefloor, however, your words would be in vain and your time lost, for Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes do not have time for anyone who is not Baron Zemo—
Who in this very second was in full swing of a Super Smash Bros match, using your club for arena.
The White Lady was a luxurious club, everyone in Germany was well aware of that. A place for important people and all who frequented the state of the art club knew the person next to, too, spent money like water. It was not a space for gang violence and illegalities, so when security had let them distract for just long enough, politicians and business owners, men and women of wealth ran around, much portraying the image which comes to mind when one would think of a fox entering a henhouse.
Panicking, people ran about like headless chickens, not for the exit, per say; for when in shock, instinct conquers rationality, sprinting and pushing their peers as if their lives depended on it. In a way it did, but in a club of important Europeans, they were not the target. Should they injure tonight, it would merely be in the result of the live American action movie-like fight which had now taken to the balcony lounge.
It took a rough shove to the back to send you back to the current state of affairs. It dawned on you now you would have to act, howbeit you had yet to figure out in which way.
Ushering past the frantic dancers that previously had revelled, you went pretty much unnoticed up the stairs. Pretty much unnoticed surpassing entirely unnoticed due your loyal bodyguard.
You quelled the urge to scream at the fighters when two of them pretty much shot through the air, hurling through at least 30k worth of ceiling lights.
They were the ones you had heard of multiple times through the years now: They were the “good guys”, from America. Albeit as they impoverished you, ruining 10 years of blood and sweat, before your very eyes, they were far from the good guys. Having pushed through what you had over the years, it now became clear if anybody was going to push you to your knees it had better be in another setting, with a whole other mood–preferably with some Frank Ocean in the background.
“Na los, komm schon!” Lina called, shoving you back down the stairs to get you out of danger. Your safety was her priority and so she updated security of your location via her Bluetooth earpiece. <Let’s go, come on!>
You were halfway down the stairs when the sound of an explosion went off. It was impossible to tell where it came from, but the next thing you knew was shattered glass raining from the ceiling. A group of red lights had severed from the ceiling and judging by the panic-stricken cries people were hurt.
The lights were suddenly killed, the whole club jet black for seconds until the standby generator switched on. You used this to your advantage, and scurried past Lina. You knew she only acted in your best interest, however your moral compass did not allow this terrorist to destroy your club.
When the lights turned on, the whole place lit up in a hideous yellow light, the kind you will find makes life difficult for drug addicts. This allowed you to properly see the damage done. It made you angry, seeing all these people suffer in your club; foreigners using your territory as playground.
“Schafft sie hier raus! Ich werde dafür sorgen, dass es hier oben kein Versteck gibt! Die Polizei soll Krankenwägen schicken, die Türsteher sollen die Umgebung sichern! Bin gleich draußen!” Lina protested, stepping up the staircase but you were adamant, and if Lina had learned one thing in her many years of her current position, it was that you were stubborn and steadfast as hell. “Ich komme schon klar, kümmern Sie sich um die Kunden!” <Get them out of here! I’m going to make sure there’s no hiding up here! Contact the police and have them send ambulances, have the bouncers secure the perimeter! Be right out!” > <I’ll be fine, tend to the customers!>
With that you sprinted down the hall to your office, punching in the code to unlock the door. At least your safe space was still intact. For now.
Getting the gun from the classic secret-safe-behind-the-wall-painting spot, you swiftly checked the chamber for rounds at full tilt. Finding only five bullets, clicked it back in place and took a second to exhale. Inhale, exhale.
Checking the chamber was about as nifty as your skills – if one could even call it that – got, so let’s just say it was going to be fun carrying out your little idea, threatening them.
You made sure to only hit the floor – it had to be replaced anyway – when shooting, and if a couple of toes would suffer your not-at-all refined skills, so be it–better that than accidentally killing one of these buffoons because you were not about to have a death on your conscience.
That got their attention.
“Y’all better get the fuck out of my club now!”
Shooting pretty much fuelled your wrath, but a fuming woman with a gun in her hand was something to fear, and you wholeheartedly trusted these idiots knew that.
“Ma’am, you should get—”
“Shut up!” seethed you, jaw clenched as much as the index finger you kept hovering over the trigger. “Now!”
You had lost sight of the bird-man. You hoped he had the decency to have grabbed a broom by now, cleaning up what chaos he so ignorantly had commenced with his little cyborg friend.
“Ah, Miss YN,” charmed Helmut Zemo then, not letting down his guard to the soldier not far from him, but he allowed himself to send you a duplicitous smile, evidently having convinced himself that this was a friendly visit.
But you had two bullets left and one hell of a grudge against this one.
“I was hoping to find you here,” spoke he, he thick-laced accent ringing through the room with an aftertaste of a memory of someone you once knew. “Perhaps we could have a little... Chit-chat, hm? Put down the gun, will you?”
“Du Hurensohn!” swore you and grit your teeth. “There are other ways to reach out to a person than destroying their livelihood!”
“Well, I had to get your attention, you understand—”
“Yeah, you got it alright! Now get the hell out of my club before I blow out your brains!”
That is if there are any left, you thought, waving the gun towards the exit. God, you hoped the police had the place surrounded.
Sirens sounded from the street, and the Winter Soldier took the opportunity – Zemo being distracted with you – to charge at him, attacking him with a knife. Zemo noticed the change in your expression, and thwarted the attempt.
You did not noticed the man coming up from behind you before he had you in a neck lock, pulling you away from the balcony railing. Screaming, you pulled the trigger, trying to twist your arm around, while out of his reach, and shoot him blindly. To no avail, however. The sound of the shots must have been what ushered the police through the doors, yelling and firing warning shots to stop the whole affair.
You could not be sure, though, for while you struggled for air, clawing at the assailant’s muscular arm, you vision veiled in black and the last thing you felt before drifting off, was a heaviness taking you to sleep.
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autistic-beshelar · 4 years
Neurodivergent Link Headcanons (BOTW)
Here are... my headcanons for ND Link! I’ve tried to put them in fairly concise bullet points so hopefully they make sense. A lot of the autistic/adhd traits overlap, but I’ve put them in separate sections just to try and make this easier to read 
Headcanons under the cut!
 - sensory seeking! Link needs constant stimulation and his preferred sensory input is touch, whether it’s rubbing his palms over tree bark or smushing his face in soft pillows. Auditory and visual stimulation are good too, but he’s very, very tactile. Of course taste is another big thing for him, he loves cooking and trying out new food and exploring different tastes, whether it’s sweet or spicy or sour, the stronger the better.
- he stims. SO MUCH. he has so many stims that I’m going to make a separate post to include all of them, but the main ones are rocking and flapping his hands.
- very good with gross motor skills, generally good with fine motor skills but there are a select few he struggles with - he has very poor handwriting, has to focus tying shoelaces, struggles washing his hair, overestimates how hard he’s brushing his teeth and makes his gums bleed
- poor interoception. Has a hard time telling when he’s hungry, or tired, or in pain. Sometimes he will walk around with an injury and not realise until he sees blood. Finds it hard to recognise negative sensations and his body tends to just interpret them as discomfort.
- very good at recognising and deciphering expressions and body language, but not particularly good at (or interested in) emulating it. He’s very astute and can pick up on microexpressions and hidden glances and the like, and can work out people’s true feelings or motivations, but in a social context he’s not necessarily good at responding to it.
- easily picks up on small details and notices things others don’t - this can be related to the former point, but also just in general. Also very good at pattern recognition which lends itself well to solving shrines.
- nonverbal. Mostly uses sign to communicate, or noises (usually with animals or people he’s comfortable with). Can occasionally manage to speak in short bursts when he has to, but it’s few words and usually stuttered, and if he gets at all stressed (which he often does if he’s forced to talk) he won’t be able to say much of anything. He can talk a little around Sidon and Zelda, they’re pretty much the only he feels comfortable enough to be verbal with, and they understand the way he talks and are patient when he’s slow or gets words mixed up.
- difficulty with eye contact. Either too little or too much, though usually it’s the former. He only tends to stare at people if he likes them, or if he’s angry with them or trying to make them uncomfortable
- echo echo lalia. Loves to repeat fun noises, especially animal noises, but sometimes words (sees a dog and just goes doggy doggy doggy doggy doggy for the next hour). He does this with sign as well, but tends to prefer making fun mouth sounds
- special interests in food and horses! Those twins at the stable were right. That’s all that’s on his mind. Food and horses. He really loves trying out new ingredient combinations and exploring different tastes. And he knows a great many horse facts. 
- forms connections with animals more easily than with people. This is partly because when he first left the Shrine of Resurrection he was alone in the wilderness, and partly because he doesn’t really talk, but it’s also just an autism thing. People are friendly to him, but he doesn’t tend to form deep connections with them like he does with animals.
- can tell the time by the position of the sun in the sky but can’t read a clock. What are those numbers on the slate. It’s a mystery!
- has mild visual processing issues, mostly struggles to focus on things like screens or pages, things look blurry or strangely coloured, or have a weird overlay.
- inattentive AND hyperactive AND impulsive, a triple threat
- gets the Zoomies. Often ends up conking out afterwards. Will run around chasing frogs all day and then just fall asleep in the middle of a field
- Can’t Stay Still. Has To Bounce Leg.
- nonexistent sleep schedule. Granted, he doesn’t sleep well or regularly what with travelling all over Hyrule, but even without that his sleep would be terrible
- sometimes zones out in the middle of a conversation. Good luck guessing whether he’s having a seizure or if he’s just thinking really hard about jellyfish
- alternatively, he will hyperfocus. Very good at hyperfocusing on shrines, or anything that involves challenges. Also good at hyperfocusing on physical activities.
- executive functioning… what’s that. Link doesn’t know. Link can’t organise to save his life and honestly thank god for the sheikah slate because without it he’d be screwed. Cannot schedule, cannot plan, cannot organise. 
- thrillseeking!!! He gets easily understimulated and needs adrenaline to survive. Will do anything remotely dangerous for fun and profit. 
- often thinks very quickly, usually jumping quickly from one thing to the next, but only about certain subjects (usually related to animals, nature, food, chaotic activities) and usually when he’s full of adrenaline. Although other times, especially when he’s tired, it’s just. Dial up noises. Head empty
- focus juice… for mentally taxing activites? Nonexistent.
Expressive language disorder:
(It used to be separated into receptive language disorder, expressive language disorder, or mixed, but these days it’s lumped together into developmental language disorder. However I use expressive language disorder for link because he specifically only has problems with expressive language (forming his own words) and not receptive language (understanding other people’s words)).
- gets words in the wrong order
- sometimes replaces a word with something else, especially if the signs are similar
- has difficulty with tenses (more so in verbal speech)
- often misses out words completely
- has quite a large vocabulary, but struggles with word recall. Will sometimes remember the word he meant to use hours later
- often flaps his hands in an attempt to remember a word, if he can’t think of it he will try to find an alternative
- c a n n o t  s p e l l. Sometimes when he doesn’t know the sign for something, he’ll try to fingerspell it, but if the word is hard to spell he’ll try and find an alternative
- finds sign much easier than spoken language, because its grammatical structure (particularly how it uses tenses and combines language with muscle memory) is simpler to use for him, and because it’s so expressive he finds it easier to get his point across
- his language disorder is a part of why he’s nonverbal (as well as that he has a bit of a stutter), so signing in general is just much easier, though not everyone knows sign, and he isn’t fluent himself.
- has temporal lobe epilepsy
- mostly gets absence seizures and focal seizures
- absence seizures (essentially his brain ‘switching off’) are his more common ones. They usually only last a couple of seconds, and tend to look like he’s just distracted or zoning out (which he also does because of ADHD), though sometimes his eyelids will flicker, or if he’s walking or doing something he’ll suddenly stop, and go back to it like nothing happened. He isn’t aware of them at all. If they happen during something like a conversation with someone, he’ll just dismiss it as being distracted, though he does start to notice when he has longer absences and misses whole sentences, or has clusters of absences.
- focal aware seizures (auras) usually present as deja-vu, intense fear, or out of body feelings. He doesn’t realise they’re seizures for a while, since he experiences these anyway, and attributes the deja-vu to the memory loss, but eventually learns to tell them apart because his auras tend to come on very suddenly, though they can last a while
- he also gets focal impaired awareness ones, which tend to happen more when he’s very tired, especially when waking up/going to sleep. When he gets auras he’s still completely aware of his surroundings (and usually doesn’t have trouble moving, unless it’s a particularly bad one), but with impaired awareness he gets drowsy and confused, and won’t understand what people are saying
- usually his focal seizures stay just that, but sometimes they will become tonic-clonic seizures. This is usually only when he’s exhausted/injured/extremely stressed/otherwise worn down. Most of the time his auras come on soon enough to warn him he might have a worse seizure, so he can go somewhere safe (at least, once he realises he’s epileptic
- they’re arguably the mildest, but his absence seizures at the most dangerous, even though they’re usually short, because he gets no warning for them. He usually gets them a couple of times a day (especially waking up/going to sleep), but he gets them more frequently if he’s very tired, and if he gets absence clusters it makes it really hard to do anything.
- his main triggers are sleep deprivation, missing meals, extreme stress, and extreme heat. Which is unfortunate considering he spends his time running around Hyrule on no sleep and forgets to eat all the time.
in conclusion link is neurodivergent and i love him. thank u for ur time pls feel free to comment ur opinions and headcanons etc 
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vespertine-legacy · 3 years
Watched someone’s play through of the new flashpoint on the PTS, since I didn’t get a chance to go through it with a group (the PTS is down now as of today) and couldn’t get very far on it solo (rip lol). Second boss looks like the hardest part, mechanically?
Anyway, 7.0 flashpoint spoilers I guess? There aren’t any cutscenes yet, so no spoilers for the story of it, just discussions of the fights, and I won’t even mention any bosses by name, though at least one is not hard to figure out even if you have tried to stay away from spoilers.
I’m… confused at best? about the overall combat mechanics of the new flashpoint, but visually, it is stunning, so they did at least do a really good job there. The Ranphyx (new animal mob) enemies are neat looking, even if they are just reskinned Ice Cats (Snowblind and his ilk). I don’t like the new way they’re going in all of the flashpoints of forcing all combat encounters - part of the objective is “fight X mobs” or whatever, and has kind of been for the last few new flashpoints, with mobs that are scripted to engage with you no matter what, and combat couldn’t be stealthed out of (guess they were preparing us for combat stealth not actually dropping you out of combat, just being a threat drop). But with flashpoints getting longer and longer, there are players who will definitely miss being able to skip at least some mobs rather than having to engage with every mob in the instance…
First boss has attacks that seem like they can be LOS’d or ranged as long as you’re not stunned. I do know some folks who managed to solo this one, and I did get it down to about 20%, but my companion kept dying due to Stood In Stupid if the boss was on them instead of me while I was stunned and couldn’t break the stun and then couldn’t get to a kolto station in time. If my vanguard had a level 50 influence companion instead of a level 1 influence companion, I probably would have beaten this encounter, but alas. My sin  with a level 50 companion (copied Eleison to the pts) probably should have been able to clear this one, but I’m kind of confused by the ability tree tbh and really felt like she was not putting out the damage I’m used to, even though when sin was first on the PTS, people were saying sin was going to be top dps no doubt about it.
Second boss just seemed like it got more complicated (and unnecessarily so? lasers! missiles! more lasers! even more lasers!) with each phase, and definitely looked like it’s not designed to be friendly to anyone who wants to try to solo it (rip to your companion, who will definitely stand in stupid unless they’re on passive, and you don’t have time to keep putting them in and out of combat). At least there did seem to be a pattern to the lasers, and a warning grid and flash before they went off, so you could do a little cha cha real smooth to stay out of the lasers. (This boss doesn’t look friendly to people who have issues with bright lights. Not necessarily a photosensitivity/seizure issue, but god are there a lot of lasers).
Bonus boss looked… deceptively easy? And there were little arrow markers (at least on the pts version, I kind of assume that won’t be there in the live version, little “kill me next” arrows over their heads?) marking the kill order lol, so the group I watched burned them down super easily.
Final boss was… trash? He just did a little box step line dance (with markers on the ground showing where he would end up, again, I kind of figure that the telegraph lines won’t be there in the live version, at least not in vet mode and higher?) and occasionally placed a whirlwind on the ground that I’m assuming you need to stay out of, so you just need to not hit him while he’s dancing, stay out of his fart circle, and smack him to death the rest of the time (oh and he’s yelling “yOu CaNnOt KiLl Me” the entire time, which doesn’t get annoying at all).
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mermaidxatxheart · 5 years
It’s Always You {1}
Ok. Chapter One is finally here. I hope you enjoy it. Yes, I posted a sneak peek a couple weeks ago. This has since been updated, revised and is extended.  Thank you so so so so so much to @everythingisoverrated​ for putting up with my insanity on this one. I made the mood board myself specifically for this story. If you want to be added or removed, send me an ask.
Pairing: Bucky X OFC
Word Count: 1964
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, angst, trauma, car accident. Sarcasm like you’ve never seen. Oh boy.
Summary: Ava has been in a car accident. When she wakes up, she’s surprised to find Captain America waiting for her. Will she be able to help him find the answers they’re both looking for? 
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The last thing I remember is the set of headlights coming directly at the left side of my car. The screeching of metal twisting, the hollow popping as the door panels crack and the shattering of glass are the last noises I hear. 
 The next sound I become slowly aware of is a quiet beeping. A steady, even rhythm. 
It almost lulls me back to sleep. But then I’m aware that something isn’t right. I try to roll over but my whole body is immobilized, held down, and I begin to panic. That quiet beeping becomes frantic, picks up speed. I can’t breathe. Something is blocking my airway, something hard forced down my throat. 
 “She’s awake!” A voice yells and there’s more noise. People talking over people, hands touching me, and my panic ratchets up another notch. 
 The hard plastic something is pulled out of my throat, leaving it burning and raw, but at least I can breathe. I gasp for air and my throat feels like it’s on fire.
 “If you can hear me, you need to calm down. You’re safe, you’re in a hospital.” A voice says gently, a hand pressing on my shoulder.
 I struggle to open my eyes, but for the first time I realize I can’t, they’re being held shut. 
 I try to lift my arms but they feel like dead weight and won’t move.
 “Easy, now. Just relax.” The voice says again and I feel fingers against my eyes, but there’s a gap in the sensation. It takes me a long minute to realize that it’s because I can’t feel all of the fingertip. 
 Something like tape is pulled off my eye and I wince as pain flares. But now I can open my eyes. One only opens a little, it’s mostly swollen shut.
 “Your eye kept popping open, it was unnerving some of the staff.” The voice says again, gentle and feminine. 
 I try to turn my head to look at her, but my neck won’t twist. “What happened to me?” I croak. My voice is scratchy and rough, and speaking even that much hurts like a bitch. 
 “Don’t try to move. You’re very lucky to be alive. Can you tell me what you remember?” She asks, stepping into my view. She’s very pretty, a dark-skinned beauty with obvious Western Asian features and a British accent. 
 “I…” I try to think back before waking up, but it’s just a big black void. Faces appear, my parents, my sisters, people I used to know, my boyfriend. “I was talking to my boyfriend... on the phone, I think.” I start, my good eye drifting down over my body. 
 It looks like the entire thing is in a cast. My legs are elevated, the left one in a complicated looking brace and the right one in red plaster. My arms are suspended in front of me, needles stuck along the fingers and thick bandages wrapped from my palms up to the middle of my forearms. My right arm is in a cast up to the middle of my bicep and I can feel the massive bandage over my right shoulder.
 “And what were you doing at the time?” The doctor asks. Her face is kind and I want to answer, but thinking back that far hurts my head. 
 “I don’t remember.” I close my eyes, trying to calm down. 
 “That’s alright. Maybe with a little rest, it will come back to you. Can you tell me your name?”
 “Ava. Ava Fonesca.”
 “That’s really good. I’m Doctor Haskin. If you need anything or have any questions for me, you can always have a nurse page me.”
 “Can’t you tell me what’s the matter with me?” I ask.
 She glances towards the door for a moment. “Someone is here to see you. We can discuss your injuries later after you’ve had more time to heal.” She says, stepping outside.
 I nearly choke at seeing the man who enters the room. He’s tall, he’s blond and those baby blue eyes seem to look right through me. They roamed over my injuries at first, only a natural instinct.
 Captain America.
 “Hi,” He says once his eyes meet mine.
 “Hi,” I reply, feeling ridiculous. I should have a better comeback.
 “Do you know who I am?” He asks.
 “Don’t tell me you have amnesia, too. The whole world will fall apart if Captain Steve Rogers can’t remember who he is.” I reply, my jaw aches so I’m careful to keep it mostly shut.
 He grins. “Finally, a sense of humor I can get along with.”
 “You get along with everybody.” A female voice says as a woman comes into the room. She has red hair, bright green eyes, and a petite figure.  
 Wanda Maximoff.
 “Don’t let him lie to you like that.” She says with a friendly smile at me. 
 I don’t respond, mostly because I’m trying to keep my panic under control.
 “How are you feeling?” Steve asks.
 “Like an elephant is sitting on my chest,” I admit.
 He gives a small chuckle. “I’ve been there. It will go away.” He stalls for a minute and I can tell the small talk is over.
 “What are you doing here?” I ask.
 “Direct, to the point. I like her.” Wanda says, turning a little to Steve. 
 “We need to talk about what happened to you.” 
 “I don’t know anything,” I answer honestly.
 “Okay. So, let’s talk about what you do know.” He pulls a chair close to the side of my bed.
 “Literally nothing. Don’t tell me you’re going deaf already.”
 He chuckles. “I’m sure that’s not true. You must know some stuff. You’re one of the best biochemists in the world, from what I hear.” He smiles and I have to try hard to resist rolling my eyes.
 “Well, sure, I know stuff. But you’re not referring to what I know like that. You want to know what got me here and honestly, I have no idea.”
 Wanda snorts in a very unladylike way behind Steve. My eyes slide to her. Does she not believe me?
 “Okay.” He takes a deep breath. “So, do you remember going to work?”
 I close my eyes, trying to focus. “I remember a conversation.” I want to rub my face. It’s frustrating to not have the mobility I should.
 “With who? With your boyfriend?” Steve asks. 
 “No, with... with a friend. I think I sent him something.” I frown. 
 “Was this friend Michael Chambers?” Steve asks gently.
 I try to nod, but can’t. “Yes. We went to Harvard together.” It dawns on me that I never said Michael’s name. “How did you know it was him?” I ask, my eye one good eye trained on Steve.
 “He was found dead in his apartment two weeks ago. The same night you had your accident.”
 Everything in me stops cold. The beeping next me flatlines for a minute before it picks up double time.
 “Huh, I didn’t think that actually happens.” Wanda comments. Steve shushes her.
 “Dead? How?” I ask, my face going numb.
 “Self-inflicted gunshot wound.” He says it gently, like it will hurt less if he gives me those big blue puppy dog eyes.
 This takes me a long time to comprehend. I can’t even picture what he’s telling me. A world where Michael isn’t alive doesn’t make sense. “He killed himself?” I say finally. 
 “I’m sorry.”
 “That’s... that’s not right.” I say, a cloud fogging up my mind. 
 “Suicide is never easy to process,” Steve starts. 
 “No, that’s... he was...” The taste of metal fills my mouth and pain flares on my tongue. “N-no-”
 “Ava? What’s wrong?” Wanda asks, reaching a hand towards me.
 My whole body goes rigid, locking everything into place, and then it’s like my nerves spark and explode. Everything on my bed and my body start shaking at once as my body tries to start convulsing. 
 Thankfully, I don’t feel anything after that as the darkness comes for me again.
 “What do you mean you don’t know when she’s going to wake up?” I snap at Doctor Haskin. I’m aware that it’s not her fault, but I need to yell at someone.
 “Brain injuries are complicated. Honestly, we were surprised she even woke up the first time. With that many concussed areas, it was a miracle she was able to open her eyes, to speak, to remember anything at all. With the extent of her injuries-it’s a damn miracle she lived. Her body is healing the best way it knows how.”
 “It’s been two months since you put her into that coma.” I cross my arms over my chest, fists clenched underneath.
 “Yes, and half of that since we took her off the medicine that induced it. I’m telling you, Captain Rogers. She may never wake up. You need to prepare yourself for that possibility.”
 “She has information we need.”
 “Then you should have thought about that before your interrogation sent her into a bout of seizures,” Haskin says with a glare before turning on her heel and storming away.
 “Curvă,” Wanda mutters, looking after her. 
 I ignore her comment and turn to the girl in the bed. She had been on the verge of telling me something important, I’m sure of it.  And whether the doc is right and I did cause this, or I didn’t and it would have happened anyway, I still feel awful. That’s probably why I’m still hanging around some random hospital in Maryland.
 She’s pretty, I can see it better now that the swelling on her face has disappeared. Her high cheekbones give her face almost a heart shape. Her lips are a little pouty, a petite nose rests just above them. The scars that crisscross her face don’t take away from the natural beauty, and I hope that when she wakes up, because she just has to, she’ll see it that way too.
 “Do you think I should...” Wanda trails off, giving her slender fingers a wiggle.
 I look at her and shake my head. “No, whatever is going on with her, it should be her telling us. I think she might be pissed if she finds out we were digging around in her brain. Hopefully, she should wake up naturally from it. If she’s going to at all.”
 “Captain.” A Wakandan accent reaches my ears and I turn to see one of the King’s Guard, the Dora Milaje.
 “The woman’s partner is here again. Shall I send him away?” She asks.
 “No, let him come up. He should be able to say his goodbyes.” I sigh and rub a hand over my face. This was always the hardest part. 
 The man, Jonathan, comes down the hallway, flowers in his hand.
 “No change yet?” He asks. He always asks.
 “No. I just spoke with the doc. Doesn’t look too good.” I tell him, trying to soften the blow.
 “Yeah, they always say that, don’t they?” He steps into the room and sets the flowers in another vase. “She just doesn’t know Ava like I do. She’ll wake up, you’ll see.” He bends down and kisses her forehead. “Won’t you, baby? You’ll come back to me.” 
 Wanda makes a face and turns away. I also turn away, feeling even more guilty. 
 “Come on. Let’s go get some food. We can come back tomorrow.” I say to Wanda, pushing away from the window and heading for the door. 
 “Yes, please. I cannot watch a grown man call a grown woman ‘baby’. It’s pathetic.”
 “What does Vision call you?” I ask with a smirk as I hold the door open for us.
 I tip my head back and laugh loudly. “Of course, I honestly don’t know what else I was expecting.”
Chapter 2
Everything Tag List:
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It’s Always You Tag List:
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conchstellations · 4 years
hogwarts houses for the lads!!
these are my thoughts on the Hogwarts houses! honestly, a lot of them are hard to place imo, and i can see where people are coming from for other houses, this is just my personal opinion. i’m still working on making like a ‘hogwarts au’ for my personal hcs, and these houses have changed like 7 times throughout but im fairly confident with them now, and i personally feel like they fit!
tl;dr: (warning, it’s pretty long, oops) RALPH: Hufflepuff JACK: Gryffindor PIGGY: Ravenclaw SIMON: Hufflepuff ROGER: Slytherin MAURICE: Hufflepuff
I looked through house traits a lot, and I considered all of them when placing a character, I just picked the most obvious ones for the character matched to the house, which is why the traits that make Maurice more Hufflepuff-y are different than Ralph or Simon.
HARD-WORK: Ralph kept working on the shelters while everyone else slacked off, even though he may have done this because he was chief and wanted to make a good impression, he still did it and put in the effort.
DEDICATION: Ralph was 100% dedicated to not turning to savagery. Even though everyone else was technically much safer in Jack's camp, he kept his beliefs and didn't join them, even when it was clear that things were going downhill.
PATIENCE: As much as he may have snapped at many people, he was fairly patient for somebody being put in charge of a large group of children under 12 in a very stressful situation, and was pretty kind to the littluns.
FAIRNESS: Ralph's whole thing is representing democracy. As well, he is even described as 'the fair boy' which many say is describing both his appearance and his personality.
STRONG MORAL CODE: As said earlier, Ralph refused to turn over to the side of 'savagery' and did not join Jack's camp because he realized it was wrong, and never joined them because it was the easier thing to do.
REASONS AGAINST OTHER HOUSES: SLYTHERIN: Ralph didn't have much ambition (wanting to step down as leader, never really wanting to be in charge), and wasn't really cunning either. RAVENCLAW: Ralph didn't show much intelligence, creativity, wit, or wisdom except for a few occasions. Most of his ideas were just from Piggy. GRYFFINDOR: This would be my second choice for him, but I feel as though he would fit a bit better in Hufflepuff because while he was bold at times, bravery wasn't his main skill he brought to the table.
BRAVE: Jack climbed the mountain with the beast on it first, and killed very large animals which had to have taken some bravery at least.
RECKLESSNESS: Jack never really seemed to think about how his actions may make others feel, or the consequences of his actions, as shown when he burned down an island.
SHORT-TEMPERED: Jack spent a whole of not even one day on the island before he got into an argument with Piggy. Ralph only had to call his hunters 'boys with sticks' before he decided to start his own tribe. Obviously, there was much more build-up beforehand, but that shouldn't count as a 'last straw'.
CONFIDENT: Jack seemed to be quite confident, or egotistical, in the book. He only doubted himself a few times, and after these times he quickly went back to his usual self. STUBBORN: Once Jack was set on making his own tribe, there was no backing him down. No matter how many times Ralph attempted to talk with him, he was 100% convinced of his own ideas.
REASONS AGAINST OTHER HOUSES: SLYTHERIN: This would for sure, for sure be the next house, and it is a very close tie, but I think he does fit slightly better with Gryffindor. RAVENCLAW: Jack is smart, but he isn't really wise or anything. As well, Ravenclaws tend to be much more calm, which he is not. HUFFLEPUFF: Jack wasn't really all that patient, which is a large Hufflepuff trait, and he clearly was not very loyal considering he just started his own tribe and went off instead of sticking with the others. PIGGY: RAVENCLAW
INTELLIGENCE: Piggy was the main one who provided the intelligence in the group, which is shown many many times.
WISDOM: Piggy knew that a lot of what the others were doing was wrong, and understood the morality of everyone's actions fully. CREATIVITY: Piggy was the one who came up with a lot of ideas and suggested them to Ralph, he was the main person who had ideas to fix things or improve the group.
INDIVIDUALITY: Piggy was always the odd one out, and was made fun of for it a lot. And, of course he did let that get to him, but he seemed fairly okay with the fact that he was different from the others until he became the joke.
OBSERVANT: Piggy seemed to always be aware of how everyone else was behaving, and warned Ralph many times that things seemed to be starting to go wrong. REASONS AGAINST OTHER HOUSES: SLYTHERIN: Piggy never really showed any cunning or ambition, or any of the other Slytherin traits. HUFFLEPUFF: Piggy wasn't really hard-working, although he does fit with some other Hufflepuff traits. GRYFFINDOR: Piggy wasn't really bold, brave, or daring in any way. SIMON: HUFFLEPUFF
HARD-WORK: Simon worked on the shelters when everyone else was slacking off, and while Ralph was chief and therefore should work because he's in charge, Simon just did it because he wanted to help.
DEDICATION: Simon is the epitome of this. He saw a horrific dead pig head on a stick, had a seizure, climbed a mountain, puked his guts out and saw a dead body, then continued to run down a mountain for the sole purpose of informing the others. He was dedicated to making sure they knew there was nothing to fear but themselves, he was dedicated to the truth.
PATIENCE: Simon was very, very patient. When the littluns gathered around him to ask him for fruit, he stopped and grabbed some even though he was on his way to his resting place, and he was just generally patient with everyone.
FAIRNESS: Simon supported the ideas of having the conch to allow everyone to speak, and generally wanted to make sure everybody was heard.
STRONG MORAL CODE: Simon literally died for his morals, he wanted to make sure the truth was told, and would do anything to ensure that.
REASONS AGAINST OTHER HOUSES: SLYTHERIN: Simon didn't show any Slytherin traits whatsoever to me. GRYFFNDOR: Simon was brave, but he wasn't hot-headed or bold. RAVENCLAW: This would be my second choice, as he was quite wise, and I could see him fitting in well. I just think Simon would put patience and loyalty, (the main Hufflepuff traits) over intelligence and wisdom (the main Ravenclaw traits).
ROGER: SLYTHERIN (Honestly, Roger was hard, but this seems most correct)
SELF-PRESERVATION: Roger didn't often get involved in any of the major discussions, he tended to just keep to himself. He only really did what he had to in order to get into a position where he could, well, be Roger.
'A CERTAIN DISREGARD FOR THE RULES': I'm going to assume that murder does count as disregarding the rules, so I think Roger matches this description quite well. Also, throwing rocks at kids, even if you're purposely missing, doesn't seem very rule-following. SHREWD: Roger was always thinking ahead, and seemed to be quite clever and knew what he was doing. He was sharp-witted, and seemed to have a plan.
REASONS AGAINST OTHER HOUSES: HUFFLEPUFF: Honestly, this would kind of be a close second choice. He was patient, and he was pretty dedicated. But, he wasn't exactly fair. GRYFFINDOR: Roger didn't show many signs of being particularly bold, or having much recklessness. RAVENCLAW: Roger was also pretty smart, but I personally wouldn't consider him wise. MAURICE: HUFFLEPUFF (We really, honestly, do not know much about canon Maurice. This is kind of a mix of both, to be honest)
KINDNESS: Maurice was always there to lighten the mood and joke around whenever it was needed. As well, fanon Maurice seems to value being nice to his friends and being an all-around sweet dude.
HARD-WORKING: From what we see of canon Maurice, he does join in on a lot of hunting parties and was seen helping around a lot.
FRIENDLY: Maurice in canon seems very friendly and up-beat, and fanon Maurice is like this as well.
REASONS AGAINST OTHER HOUSES: GRYFFINDOR: I honestly was not sure whether or not to put him in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. I landed on Hufflepuff because he didn't seem to be very Gryffindor-y in canon as he is in fanon, and even fanon Maurice has many, many Hufflepuff traits. RAVENCLAW: Maurice is smart, but I don't really think he seems like a Ravenclaw whatsoever. SLYTHERIN: Maurice doesn't show many Slytherin traits in either fanon or canon.
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the-devil-herself · 5 years
Never Enough - Chapter 9
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 9 DESCRIPTION: Certain mates of Jotuns receive soulmate marks on their bodies. What happens when Loki’s mark is found on a girl with immense power? RATING: M NOTES/WARNINGS: Plot development!! Hope you enjoy, all feedback is welcome!
TAGGED: @kneel-before-queen-loki​ @lokis-girl-in-mischief @tarithenurse
Sunlight trickled through the windows, illuminating the book I had in my hands. It was on the history of the Assyrian Empire in Mesopotamia. I needed something to draw my mind away from the events of the past three days. Reading always calmed me down.
The doctors had kept Loki in the hospital room for observation. They wanted to be absolutely sure that no other seizures or accidents would occur. But he seemed fine. Thor was with him every hour to hear his whining about being kept as a lab rat.
Clint visited once. He didn’t say much, only asked to see if Loki was okay then left. It was a start.
The other Avengers came in and out bringing food and drinks. They seemed to have accepted him as an ally at the least, and they didn’t treat him as an outcast anymore.
Meanwhile, I brought him books to keep him occupied, which Thor was always thankful for. He hadn’t asked me about my powers since, even though I dodged the question because the doctor interrupted us. I had a feeling he hadn’t dropped it but simply saving it for a better time. I wasn’t looking forward to it.
Another issue was my mark. It was burning like crazy again, on and off for three days. It was like the intimate contact I made with Loki set off an explosive inside my wrist. I kept looking for things to soothe it, but it was all temporary. I even went to Bruce, lying that it was a kitchen accident with a knife, to see if he had any anecdotes. Nothing worked.
I put a cool bandage around my wrist in place of the bracelet now. I explained it all away to the team, but I couldn’t keep the act up for longer. Kitchen cuts don’t bleed for days. The bandage had to come off soon, but it calmed the burn if only for a slight bit.
“Dana,” a voice called to me. Tony walked in front of my chair and sat down on the couch next to me. I had never seen him in the library before, assuming he had read everything already. “Can we talk?”
I hadn’t exactly been avoiding him the past few days, but I just couldn’t feel comfortable in the same room. What if he still saw me as a monster?
“Sure.” I put the book down, settling in my seat more comfortably.
Tony sighed. “Listen, I realize what I said to you last week was… bad. I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. God, I didn’t mean it at all. I just want you safe and protected, not because you’re a monster but because you’re family.”
“You said I would never be an Avenger,” I started.
“I meant… that you weren’t ready. Maybe I was wrong, but Dana if something were to go wrong, what would the world see you as?”
“You’re worried about what the world thinks? Since when?!”
“Since you were thrown into my life! I want to protect you not just from physical harm but from emotional damage, and having the world hating you counts as that.”
“I’m not worried about their opinions.”
“Yeah, well you should be.” He looked me dead in the eyes. “Their opinions mean everything. They can take away your privileges, your rights, your life. If they don’t like what they see, they will push back.”
“Well then I’ll just have to do my best to not piss off the whole damn world. Sounds easy enough.”
“I’m serious Dana! One wrong move, one innocent life taken, they will be at the gate.” His words were sinking in. He was leaning forward, making sure he had my full attention. “Can you honestly say you’re ready?”
I stuttered. “I… I saved Loki’s life.”
“One life, not in the midst of heavy battle,” he interrupted.
I blanked at that. He was right, I wasn’t fully ready for battle. I could control my powers in a controlled environment, but a real fight was different. And if civilians were around… things could go south for me very quickly.
“Dana, let us keep training you,” he pleaded. “Don’t give up on us yet. You’re here for a purpose, not for imprisonment. We just need a little more time.”
I nodded, defeated. I couldn’t reject the one man who had stuck by my side through all of this.
“Thank you,” he breathed.
He stood up and gave me a big hug. I held him tight, almost tearing up at his love for me. We were all each other had most of the time.
“And another thing,” he added, “Loki is back in his rooms. He’s been released by the medical staff; they say he’s in the clear. You did well kid.”
I smiled at his words but also at the confirmation that Loki was okay. I let out a breath I feel I had been holding in for days.
Before Tony walked out of the library, he turned to me, smirking. “And he wants to see you.”
“See me?” I exclaimed.
Tony shrugged. “Evidently so. But if he gets too friendly, I’ll kick his ass.”
Chuckling, I stood up to follow him. We parted ways when he turned to go to the lab and I kept straight to the resident area.
I felt my heart skipping a few beats. What could Loki want? He was probably going to interrogate me on my powers now that he was able to be alone in his rooms again. I had no idea what I was going to say to him. I wasn’t confident in my ability to lie to the God of Lies’ face. Surely, he would know!
The walk to his rooms seemed far too short, but there I was. I took deep breaths, willing my heart and mind to steady so I could be more composed in front of him. But I was also facing the issue of calming my heart from the excitement of seeing him.
I had a crush! What was this? It didn’t seem like an ordinary crush. Feeling so intensely for someone so fast. And a god at that, who wouldn’t think of me like that in a million years. But there was something there, between us. I swear I felt it. Did he?
Okay, Dana calm down. It was time. I knocked on the door, eager and dreadful of the next step. The burning in my wrist made an appearance. It was like it could tell when he was near, like it wanted something. But what?
I scoffed at myself. This was all silly, just romantic notions in my head getting out of control. The burning was something medical, and it needed to stop soon. Very soon.
I heard footsteps approaching the door. I breathed in as much air as I could take in, praying that this was just a “thanks for saving my life” conversation. But doubtful.
Suddenly, the door opened.
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boogiewrites · 5 years
Choking On Sapphires 80
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Genevieve (OFC)
Title & Song: 505
Summary:  Genevieve comes home from the hospital. The journey to her recovery begins, but there are so many more things besides bruises and broken bones to worry about healing. Alfie tries to push back his own trauma from the event he's in denial over, and the whole house has to watch as things get worse before they get better. Song is 505 by The Arctic Monkeys.
Warnings/Tags: Language. Canon typical violence. References to assault and violence. Near death experiences. PTSD. Suffering/Physical Pain. Fluff. 
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.) Please like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed it! It helps out us writers A LOT!
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Alfie had kept his word so far. Every time Genevieve would open her eyes to escape the mixture of horror and fantasy that kept circling in her subconscious in her sleep he would be there.
When the memories of what had happened would become less fuzzy, would creep into her dreams, he’d be there holding her hands as she fought out of the drug-induced slumber she felt held prisoner in to keep her from hurting herself. She’d make unsettling noises during her fits. Feet kicking and arms twitching and flailing as her face pained and winced, eyes rolling under their purple lids in the misshaped sockets for the violence she was reliving.
Sometimes the dreams would be pleasant though. An escape to another timeline where none of this had happened. She’d make hums of approval in her sleep, nuzzling into her pillow and it would make Alfie sigh with relief. She deserved some respite from this reality he thought, and he was happy she could find it. If she stirred his hand would always find hers. Even on the rare occasion, he’d be able to fall asleep, back aching and twisted in the chair by her bed he’d keep hold of her as if someone could steal her away without him knowing again. When she would wake from her pleasant dreams he’d be there with his ruffled hair and haggard face, a soft glance she’d meet as he’d stroke her swollen hands. She liked to touch his face in these tender moments they shared. The back of her hand, the knuckle of a finger lightly against his scaled features and wiry beard. She’d give him an affectionate smile, one he’d seen in the mornings before her eyes would close again, him placing her hand back onto the bed as it started to slowly lower when she fell back into her peaceful distraction.
Within a few days with no seizures or signs of internal bleeding, she’s given the go-ahead to be released. Instructions for her care are given to each Alfie, Claire, and Aggie as they were life-threateningly important. She was out of immediate harm from some things, but plenty could still go wrong. Alfie schedules home visits with the doctor ahead of time and even has Ollie hear the orders for her medicine. He was taking no chances at anyone that would be near her not knowing what the fuck they were doing.
With the state of her still being so very fragile, still multicolored from injuries and barely breathing without pain, although the morphine did help that part, she couldn’t exactly walk out on crutches for her twisted ankle. Alfie commandingly insists on being the one to handle her. She did admittedly respond best to him. He has her taken out of the hospital by a back entrance via wheelchair. He wanted all the details of her situation to remain a secret for now. No one that didn’t already know, needed to know how bad it was. He didn’t want word getting out to the community they were a part of, her students, here children at the home. He wanted to keep that ideal version of her alive and well, as he still had faith she would return to it one day.
Despite the fog she found herself in, she tried to keep her head up as they drove out of town. There was a distinct smell to the air and as they were on their way out of the city, the swirls of smoke could be seen in the rear view mirror.
He sees her focusing, her nose twitching like a rabbit. She raises her hand, a single finger pointed behind them with a subtle tilt of her head in question as she could still not speak.
“The smoke?” He asks.
She moves the pointed finger up and down as an indicator for her answer of yes so she didn’t have to nod.
“That was me, love.” He says with a noisy exhale, turning her head from it gently. “I had everything he owned burnt down and everyone in it killed.” He has no remorse and a fling of hunger for the day left in his eyes. “Seems me 'n Tommy’s men burnt down near half of fuckin London. For you, love. No one is gonna mess wif a Solomons. ‘Bout time us Jews started remindin’ these goyim what we’re capable of. Didn’t survive this fuckin long through slavery and oppression to lay down on the cusp of birth of fuckin' Nazi’s.” He shakes his head, brow low and lips tight as his mind only thinks of more things to worry about. He closes his eyes before turning back to her and kisses her forehead. “I’d set the whole fuckin' world ablaze for ya love. If I had to have ya live on a fuckin' island somewhere to escape the flames yeah? Nuffin else but you and ours matters now, eh? Now you lay your head down darlin' and have ya little lie down and I’ll keep ya steady 'til we get ya home, yeah?” He offers, having her place her head on his shoulder, his large hand cradling it and her hip like a baby in his arms. He rests his cheek against her hair and breaths her in, keeping his lips to her when he’d inevitably get emotional with her in his arms all small and helpless now. With the lack of sleep and the strain of the events of the past few days, he’d been a mess. He’d been moody, even more so than usual. He'd neglected himself entirely. Not eating or sleeping of his own doing, always thinking, always worrying. It was starting to take more of a toll on him than he would admit to himself. But he was blinded by his compulsion to protect his love. Following the advice to be delicate with her the best he could.
Her home wasn’t exactly wheelchair friendly, but Alfie certainly didn’t mind carrying her back into the house, the chair brought in behind them as he keeps his eyes on her in his arms, anyone else not existing as far as he was concerned when she was within his eyesight. He has pillows brought and piled high on the bed for her, a little bell for her convince on her nightstand. He leaves his cane by the bed to aid her when she would inevitably need to use the loo.
The time spent with her unconscious he’d spent wisely with Ollie. Preparations of his own taken for the business to keep moving along without him. Despite the always nervous young man’s suggestion to keep his affairs as usual to keep up appearances, he was met only with a  smack to the face as he was reminded he needed to understand that Alfie's word was rule and the rules would be changing now. It wasn’t that he didn’t care about his business, the tracks, the money, he still very much did. But for now, there would be a noticeable lack of Solomons around. He’d had his close call and it wasn’t going to take another one to make him see where he was needed. Ollie was a big boy and had been his second for years now. Ollie could handle it. At least until the threat against Gen’s well being was passed. But as the doctor had said, it was one day at a time.
The first step was to get her comfortable again. The bath proves difficult for both of them. He wanted her to feel clean, to smell like she had before the hospital, flowers instead of sterile. Neither of them spoke, Genevieve still having much difficulty doing so, and Alfie not wanting to say the wrong thing. His usual approach with humor to serious situations with her wouldn’t work his time and he didn't want to confuse the poor dear. As it turned out it was very easy to do in her currently still unstable state. She only makes sounds of pain when he touched her and his hurt shows on his face. She doesn’t meet his expression as she feels varied, swinging emotions as she’s faced with her naked body for the first time since being rescued. The bath water helps distort it, but she can tell even with her blurry eyes that there was plenty of distortion without the filter of waves from the water. Her swollen joints and skin that held reminders of the events that were still hazy to her, they were both left with undeniable proof that even if they didn’t know exactly what happened, that it had clearly been worse than either knew. For the first time in their relationship, they sat alone together in a heavy, uncomfortable silence. The things unsaid about the events that had unfolded sat like an invisible barrier between them, neither wanting to share how it truly made them feel. For the first time there was a disconnect between them, even Gen in her hazy mindset knew he looked at her differently, just as she was looking at herself. With a confusing mixture of pity and guilt.
Alfie does his best as the gentle touch she needs doesn’t come first nature to him. He brings her one of her favorite gowns, all silk and lace and slight enough to be able to keep watch on her injuries. But she makes a small sad noise and pushes it away when he brings it to her. She would’ve said she didn’t want something so lovely on this body, that it would only remind her of how she was before, but she couldn’t, and Alfie's expression remained puzzled. She didn’t need to try to be who she was before just yet. That version of herself was so far away, possibly even unobtainable now she felt. She wanted simple, to keep her mind calm. She needed comfort to offset the pain. She tugs on his shirt, damp from carrying her to bed. His intuition has never been such a highly valued skill to him as he retrieves one of his shirts from a chest of drawers and puts it on her gingerly, limb by limb. It smelled like him, it felt like him rubbing against her skin and let her chest bindings breathe. This is what she needed, not her silk and frills. Alfie sees a calmness take over her face as she strokes the fabric over her thighs. His darling needed him, needed comfort now. He had to attempt to let go of trying to do things his way. But that was never his strong suit.
After getting her set up in bed, she falls asleep quickly from the full day she’d already had in comparison to barely moving in the hospital. She sleeps soundly, seemingly heavy as she lies in a nest of pillows like a little bird.
He’s called from the bed, a phone call from Ollie already. He’s hesitant to leave her, but he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. He’d had the phone removed from her room to make sure her rest wasn’t interrupted by it. He wanted her in quiet and calm with nothing that could disrupt or startle her. So he agrees to leave for only a moment.
When he returns, trying to shed his annoyance for Ollie’s tendency to panic and over question his own decisions he finds the bed empty and panics. Flashes of the night she disappeared come to him, his heart in his throat as all the hairs stand up on his skin, an anxiety attack on the verge of blooming like a boy after the war. He had his own issues from the abduction to deal with it seemed.
He hears a pained sound, something like a hurt animal, and as he approaches swiftly he finds just that. His little kitten on the floor and struggling to breathe, the cane by her side. Her arms shook and failed time and time again to hold herself up as she cried with croaked grunts from her bruised neck.
He calls her name over and over, she keeps her eyes screwed shut, teeth clenched in pain as her hands cling desperately to his forearms. “Gen you stubborn thing.” he sighs. He shushes and coos, pulling her up against his chest and setting her back on the bed. His big warm hands on her face and hair, wiping away tears and he instructs her to slow her breathing. “That’s it love breathe slow. It’s only pain. Don’t let it make you afraid.” He says in a kind tone,  a hand to her wrist to feel her pulse.
At last she opens her eyes, her breathing wheezy and her posture slumped from the pain in her ribs. She opens her mouth and tries to speak and he shakes his head, putting his thumbs over the rough, broken skin.
“Don’t try to talk.” He instructs sternly. “Catch your breath and I’ll fetch the paper after. No rush now is there?”
She gulps and continues moaning with every exhale, feeling overwhelmed. Her hand reaches out and points to the bathroom as her head spins.
“You were trying to get in there, eh?” He asks, brushing her hair out of her face and she wiggles her finger to indicate he was correct. “I had a call and left for just a moment, thought you were deep asleep. You know better than to try to walk yourself in your condition.” He voice grows weaker with his pushing back of his frustrations, feeling another wave of guilt wash over him. “You wait for me to help you, yeah? Don’t go tryin’ so hard alone. We’re not there yet.” He plants a kiss to her forehead, lingering there as her hands move to his forearms. He feels her breathing steady, her hands stop trembling and her rest her weight against him. “That’s a good girl, yeah?” He says with an affectionate and very light stroke to her back. “Ya needed to take a wee love?” He says with a more playful tone, holding her chin up as she answers with her eyes looking to the bathroom doorway. “Well, we can manage that now can’t we? Right. Let’s get ya up. Ya ready for your Alfie to carry you?”
She mouths yes and raises her arms slowly to around his neck. The soft nuzzle into him as he grunts and lifts her, babying her the entire way makes her feel better in the moment. He was there. He was staying through every ugly bit of it and she didn’t need to worry about him right now, only herself. Whoever that was presently. She felt like a different person or no one at all at times. The mix of head injury and medicine leaving her confused, disoriented, bewildered and to say the least, spacey most of the time.
After settling her back into bed, he can tell she’s hurting badly, little whines with every exhale as he settles in next to her. He gives her another small dose of medicine to take the edge off. He couldn’t stand seeing her in pain and knew inside her was nothing but. It was only the first day of her being home, of the official start to the road of recovery and he knew it was going to be harder than he had initially imagined. But what he hadn’t expected was for it to be far worse before it got better.
Sleeps takes her quickly. She’s sucked into a dark undertow and deep into a very vivid dream. She comes to with a blink, as if she had been plunked into this new place. The first thing she notices is that there is no pain. A warm sun hits her skin which after inspection looked to be blemish free, her hands only wearing a wedding band and diamond ring and no bandages.
“Papa!” She hears, her head quickly turning towards the sound and having no dizziness from it. She’s surrounded by large green hedges that are dotted with flowers. They rise too tall for her to see over, but she can clearly hear the laughter of children beyond them. With fingertips dragging on the surface of the thick bushes as she walks, she follows the path before her and hears the laughter, sprinkled with the sound of birds throughout it. “Mama!” She hears called out, and she somehow knows the happy sound is for her. Her bare feet move quickly over the well-kept paths, a sense of happiness, of joy as she moves to a jog, her dress soft against her legs as she moves.
She emerges from the maze to a wide open garden of grass, trees and ivy wrapped lattice, bird baths and statues along the space that was nestled in the valley of a yellow-green rolling hillside the tall grass swaying in the distance. A young child runs in front of her, catching her attention.
She quickly hitched up her dress and chases after, running through the garden. One child disappears behind a corner, to reveal two as she rounds it as well.
“Mum!” She hears an older girl laugh, her long dark hair swishing and a crown of flowers atop of her head as she moves with the small child. Another corner, another child, all seeming to be different. All in their own little clothes, varying heights, hair colors, and styles. She chases around the hedge maze until there are five of them, then they move as a small herd, the older ones helping the younger as they fall and squeal.
She calls out for them in her pursuit. But their faces stay hidden from her. Even she stumbles, the soft, dark auburn hair of a little boy in shorts moving just out of reach. She comes back into the clearing, a white house now at the other end of the stretch of grass and an easily recognizable man standing with his little glasses on his nose, cane in hand, and a lovely booming voice calling out for her.
“Genevieve!” Alfie shouts as Aggie rushes out of the room and to the phone. “Wake up love, come now, stay with me.” His voice breaks as he holds her in his arms, his panic pulsing through his exhausted body.
He’d noticed her fall so still, not resting himself as her little tumble earlier had shaken him up. As the night went on she grew far too still for his liking, he could no longer see her chest moving up and down and that had sent the shouting and panic throughout the house that they sat in now. Her pulse was there but weak, his eyes wild and voice so angry as Aggie told him the doctor was on his way.
“Chanah!” Alfie's warm voice calls out to her. A sense of rightness, of contentment, follow as the small herd of children also hear him and let out their various sounds of approval as they head towards him ahead of her.
“Ari!” She calls out with a beaming smile.
“Papa!” One of the boys responds as he stumbles on his still young legs towards the inviting outstretched embrace of Alfie.
“Ari.” Genevieve’s voice is a whisper, if he hadn’t been holding her head to his he would’ve missed it. He chokes back tears as he kisses her face and holds her hand, once again not thinking about having to let her go once the doctor arrived.
The five children like broken stair steps range from an older girl, probably a teenager to a young boy and girl who looked to be barely even 6. The girls had bows and flowers in their hair and the boys had grass stains on their pants and messy hair. They looked a portrait of perfect to her. They kept moving just out of reach of Genevieve’s hands, the dreamscape making the run to meet Alfie go on for so long, and her frustration grew. She began feeling desperate to touch them, to feel them and know they were real, to see their faces and tell them sweet, loving things. But they kept out of her reach and she kept stumbling towards them with now filthy feet from the ground.
With the edge of the back porch of the house reached by the kids, Alfie ruffles their hair and looks a picture of a proud father. A little girl in his strong arms, her face buried in his neck as he laughs at another small boy wrapping his little arms around his leg. For a moment the thought crosses Genevieve’s mind that this might be heaven.
With the thought the oldest turns, her face coming into view now. She was strikingly beautiful. With dark hair dotted with flowers, the same Genevieve had been chasing earlier, and similarly, as the girl just a touch shorter than her who stood next to her, face still toward her father.
“Mum.” The girl says with a sweet voice that came from lips that looked like Alfies, Gen’s large eyes looked back in their mirrored image over the same rounded nose with Alfie's stormy blue pupils looking back at her.
“Yes, cheri?” Genevieve responds with a fluttering of her heart in her chest as the girl steps closer.
“I’m sorry.” She says with a kind smile.
Genevieve is confused, their hands reaching out, just a hair's width from touching.
“Chanah!” She hears Alfie shout, her head whipping fast to him as he motions her to come towards him, children still swarming him.
She gives a nod and a smile and moves to turn back to the girl but as fast as she’d turned her head, she was gone. She could almost feel the heat from her hand when it had almost slid into her own. She looks around, startled and upset, wondering where the lovely girl had gone.
“She’ll be alright, love.” Alfie says, motioning her towards him, he's missing his usual assortment of jewelry. Only a gold wedding band on his aged hand with it's faded crown tattoos. The little girl in his arms puts her own around his neck and squeezes. “Not time to meet her yet.” He says with an almost cheerful disposition. “You’ve still got to meet the others.” He says, turning and bouncing the girl, the boy now sitting on Alfie's foot as he walks with a waddle. The older girl that was left now walks with the older boy under her arm, rubbing his back affectionately as they move toward the house. Gen turns to look around the garden, still worried about the girl who disappeared. “Chanah!” Alfie calls out and she ignores it, feeling her heart race and her breath shorten. “Chanah love, come back to me!” His voice sounds different now. More demanding. “Chanah!” He shouts again with anger and she turns to look his way, a sharp dizziness taking her over as it feels like an omniscient hand yanks her from where she stands.
Her eyes open back into the reality Alfie had been dealing with while she was having her most curious experience.
“Chanah! Fuckin ‘ell girl ya gonna kill me wif 'is.” He says bending over her body on the bed.
She tries to say his name and only gets out “Ah-“ as is standard.
“Shhhh catch your breathing up love. Ya medicine put ya a bit too far under. Had to pull ya out of it dinnit I?” He holds her like a child as her eyes with their mixed pupil sizes loll around in her head.
“W-wuh-“ She grunts out.
“Hand us the paper there Agatha.” Alfie instructs, holding the ice water they’d been applying to her skin for past few minutes. “Ya need somethin'?” He asks, putting the pen gently into her hand.
“Ch-chi-“ She stutters and rasps, writing ‘children?’ On the pad.
“What are you on about love? There’s no children.” He doesn’t hide the confusion on his face as he turns to the doctor for answers.
“She’s most likely having trouble distinguishing real life with dreams as she comes out of it. Fairly common occurrence.” He says with a flat delivery.
“There’s no children, love.” Alfie whispers softly.
She whimpers, writing ‘where are the children?’ again as Aggie starts to cry at the state her lovely Genevieve was in. She thought of her as her own and seeing her suffer in any way, especially in a way she could not help hurt her deep down into her soul.
“There’s no children, love.” Alfie says with a more stern delivery, as she sweats and groans in his arms, wanting to struggle to get back to that lovely place but she’s so weak. Each toss of her head sends nausea flooding over her, her eyes showing white as the room spins. Nausea gives over to actual vomiting as Alfie leans her over the side of the bed where a bucket sat just for such an occasion. He shoots another questioning glance to the doctor.
“Also very common.” He nods. “Could be her stomach rejecting the excess medication, could be from the head injuries. Severe dizziness is common in cases such as these. It will pass.” His bedside manner wasn’t the best, but his reputation was and Alfie could easily forgo a  sugar-coated delivery for fast facts.
“Let it out, love.” He says softly, rubbing her back and keeping her hair out of her face. This was worse than any other time he’d seen her sick whether from drink or violence. The sounds that escaped her were gruesome and churned his stomach just as much as hers was.
But the sounds faded, she passes out again, limp in his arms like a classical painting of tragic lovers. He holds her close, keeping her warm as she chills, speaking to her as she groans and shifts in her unrest. All this was reminding him of the war. The constant feeling the other shoe was going to drop at any moment, the tension and paranoia. He couldn’t sleep, he could barely allow himself to blink, lest she take a turn for the worst. Deep sleep and shallow breathing were part of the new medication she was on. He could’ve been told that one hundred more times but it didn’t make the terror that shot through his core when he thought her dead any easier to handle. Or the frustration he felt at the strong rise and fall of his own emotions he was not accustomed to.
She sleeps, but it is not peaceful. Her mind trying to rewire and heal, skipping and making missed connections, leaving her in a disturbing mix of memory and dream inside her own head. He stays up, swearing to himself she would not fail because of him. He kept watch like an ancient guardian relic over her. A slumped and bent, red-eyed and scaled skin gargoyle over her in the dark of the room, the fire casting them in uncanny low light. The sight of them was frightening, and only Agatha and Claire dare enter the room.
The two women, shunned by Alfie in his slow descent into madness it seemed watched on helplessly. Claire was by far the most optimistic of them all. She recalled Gen’s brother after the war and knew things like this happened. Setbacks were all part of the road to progress.
“Although you might think it insensitive of me to say so, I can’t help but look upon this scene as she would if she were us right now.”
“What do you mean dear?” Aggie says with a wrinkled nose.
“The lighting, the love, the tragedy. She’d be a big enthusiast of this would she not? The drama and aesthetic. I only wish I could capture it for her.”
“Why on earth would you want to recall this hellish night?” Aggie’s confusion clear in her voice.
“Because I know she’d think it would make a lovely painting,” Claire replies with a sigh, an almost happy look on her face as she watched on from the darkened hallway. “Gen would find the beauty in this madness. Since she can’t...we must.” She says confidently with a nod.
“That’s a beautiful point dear. We would all be best to keep it in mind the coming days. I fear this is not the end of the ugliness of recovery.”
“It is not. And we will. We will tell her of this when she’s better. And she will be. But healing from this will be unpleasant. She’s strong but not inhuman. We know what those men did to her, and when she remembers I don’t know how she’ll respond. We could be looking at another wave of rebellion again like last time.” Claire’s lips pursed.
Agatha sighs and slumps. “I hope for everyone’s sake you’re wrong.”
“Oui. So do I.”
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missfeisty199 · 5 years
“What About Our Tea?”
(Friendlypack Fic)
Summary: They were going to be enjoying a nice cup of hot tea to warm from the overbearing wintertime outside, but things get thrown in a whole other direction when Stan walks in on Jimmy changing.
Content warnings: major angst with a very happy ending, mention of prostitution/sex work, mention of abuse, mention of self-loathing, loss of one’s virginity, explicit sex between male and male (with consent of course). 
Rating: Explicit/NSFW
Author’s Note: WOW, this was WAY longer than I had initially planned! This idea was only inspired by this scene from “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World”, but the thought of what it would be like for Stan to (finally!) lose his virginity to Jimmy got a hold of me, so here we are. Hope you still love this fic!  
It has been unusually frigid in the bustling city of Los Santos lately. Even in the wintertime on other occasions, the city still maintains a sort of warm climate with soft winds and clear skies. Fall, Winter, Spring, or even come Summer, the Los Santos sun still shines on as it stares down the city with raging heat.
This time, however, wintertime is actually what wintertime entails. Freezing winds, light fall of snowflakes, thick attire, snow as white as a pure lamb covering every inch of ground, and plenty of hot drinks to go around. It was currently this that Stan Wheeler and Jimmy Bending were discussing as they walked along an empty central park at night.
“Surely you wouldn’t just have straight hot water with nothing in it,” Jimmy muttered to Stan as he lit a cigarette to get some sort of warmth through him. “I’m not even sure that’s healthy.”
“Oh, but it sure is, Friendly J! The warmness kills off all the bad stuff inside and cleans the pores!” Stan replied with confidence.
Jimmy rolled his eyes. “Pretty sure it doesn’t work that way, but whatever.”
The pair had just recently finished off what was thought of to be a normal delivery in the Sandy Shores area until it turned out to be another accomplice bait thrown by Mr. Lang Buddha and his stooges. Memories of the Polito Bank robbery came flooding into both men’s conscience, sending panicked chills down their spines. Luckily the men played both their cards right exactly the same way they did in Polito, managing to get off safely just the same way.
Mr. Buddha did manage to take Jimmy’s car keys again, along with the actual vehicle itself instead of just abandoning it this time, and with Kiki being too busy with a film shoot to pick them up, the two were left no other option but to go on foot in the snow. They had been walking for what felt like hours until they finally made it back to Vinewood, catching sight of the park in which they presently found themselves strolling through.
Reflecting on all that has happened in the day, Jimmy let out a deep sigh as he exhaled the smoke from the cigarette, seeing his own breath in the chilled air. “Well, this has been a pretty lousy excuse of a date.” He did not intend for the wording to be taken so seriously, but it apparently caused Stan to stop walking and look at Jimmy perturbed.
“S-so t-this is a d-date, eh?” the older companion stuttered.
“Oh, did I say this was a date?” Jimmy sarcastically questioned.
Even with the freezing temperature, Stan felt his face heat up in a blush. “W-well uh...um...i-it sure sounded l-like you did.”
Seeing his friend fluster gave Jimmy the leverage to tease him. “Hmm, guess it was just a slip of the tongue, Staniel.”
He flashed Stan a mocking smirk, actually getting quite amused at the fact that he was so stunned about this that his frequent bold speech had melted into a sheer blubbering stutter. Jimmy even winked at Stan, even though his dark shades would thankfully prevent him from seeing so. Not only that, but it secretly made Jimmy feel honored that even he had that effect on Stan and not just beautiful women.
“O-oh…tongue, yeah...”
Remembering where they were and what weather they were standing in reminded Jimmy of where the two were heading to. “Anyways,” he began, “we gotta get out of here before a blizzard freezes us stiff.”
Clearing his throat, Stan agreed. “You’re right, Friendly J.”
“Besides, the night ain’t over just yet, Sunflower. I think there’s a thingy over here somewhere.”
The perplexed look returned in Stan’s expression. “A thingy?”
“Ya know, a shortcut to the apartments,” Jimmy corrected as he made his way across the road and in the direction of behind some buildings, Stan obviously tailing right behind him like a loyal puppy.
They may have spent God knows how long walking straight from Sandy Shores in the heavy snow, but for whatever reason, it was as though the way to the apartment complex had the duo fly by in a dazed void. Stan was about to head over to his apartment when he felt Jimmy hold on to his hand suddenly, the touch startling him.
“I ain’t gonna leave ya to sit with just a cup of hot steaming water,” Jimmy chuckled as he pulled Stan towards his own place. Stan had no other choice but to go along with it.
They entered Jimmy’s apartment, thankful for the little warmth it brought at the very least. Jimmy stubbed out the butt of his cigarette on a small ashtray buy the window and shrugged off his thick jacket, chucking it at the sofa that rested in the corner of the living room. He gave Stan the okay to do the same for his winter coat as they made their way to the small kitchenette.
“Ya ain’t tricking me into having that devil’s juice, are ya?” Stan asked Jimmy as he took a seat at the far-too-small table in Jimmy’s kitchen.
“I wish it was that easy, Wheeler,” the younger of the two replied. “I’m not. However, since you are so damn picky about what you put into your body, I’m gonna treat you to a nice hot cup of tea. ”
Stan was taken aback. “Tea? You mean the beverage that entitles dirty leaves contaminating the drinking water?”
As if Stan’s own lead-filled bottled water was any better, Jimmy thought to himself. “Look, it shouldn’t be all that bad since ya technically have to use pure clean water to make it.” Jimmy opened his fridge to take out a Brita-filter pitcher full of cold water. “Besides, ya have to boil said water as well.”
Stan was still reluctant given his own biased preferences, but he was grateful that Jimmy was being generous to help them warm up from the weather. “O-oh alrighty then,” he mumbled.
“So, what kind of tea do ya want?” Jimmy asked the blond man once he had poured water into the kettle pot and turned on the stove.
“There’s more than one kind?”
Jimmy had opened one of the cabinets and took out a box full of mixed tea bags. “Let’s see... we have Raspberry Zinger, Country Peach Passion, Wild Berry Zinger, True Blueberry, Black Cherry Berry, Peppermint, Sleepy Time...”
He continued on listing off what seemed like a tremendous assortment of tea flavors, so much so that Stan had begun to wonder if Jimmy was pulling his leg and just making up names to spite him. When he had not said anything after a while, Jimmy took advantage of picking out a flavor himself.
“I think I’ll go with a nice cup of Sleepy Time,” he said, enjoying the fact that Stan had no say in it otherwise.
Stan knew this as well, accepting his defeat. “That sure sounds good to me.”
Jimmy had set two separate tea bags on the kitchen table, taking a seat across from Stan.
Neither of them said anything for a while, the only sounds filling in the room coming from the soft bubbling of the boiling water in the kettle. Jimmy ran a hand through the tealed locks of his hair before going to rub his face, the other hand pulling off his shades, but not entirely so that Stan could see his eyes. Stan always wondered to himself why Jimmy would never let him see what his actual eyes look like. He has only caught very quick glimpses when his seizure spasms would cause him to accidentally knock off Jimmy’s sunglasses, but the younger man would turn away in pain and frantically search for his shades.
Stan could not remember if Jimmy’s eyes were a dark hue of hazel or brown or perhaps a unique color of green. The only thing he knew was that Jimmy suffered from migraines from time to time, so it was best that he always had his shades on to block out any bright lights and such.
Stan was about to bring it up with Jimmy at last but thought against it at the last minute. He decided to go with some other topic. “So, I never figured a cool guy like ya would be into some of the tea.” Then he felt bad for even saying anything at all.
“Oh, I have some once and a while,” Jimmy said, making Stan thankful that he had not offended him. “I drink tea when my migraines just really get to me, or to relieve some stress from a day or night’s work. Like tonight.”
Stan could only vouch for that as well. “Yup yup,” he sighed.
Jimmy had finished massaging his face from all the stresses, putting his sunglasses back on.  
“You should really save the damn phone number for when they call again, that way you know to just fucking ignore it. Put the contact under something obvious, something like ‘Big Dick and His Henchmen, Don’t EVER Answer’.”
“B-but they said they know what we look like,” Stan nervously answered back. “Ignoring their call would just mean bullets planted into our skulls, Friendly J.”
“Yeah, I’d like to see them fucking try it,” Jimmy scoffed. He saw the scared look in Stan’s crystal blue eyes and sighed. “I’m kidding, Stan. Besides, if they hadn’t done so this second time around, they probably ain’t got the gonads to do it a third time...if there is a third time. I know I said to watch out for drug dealers like Buddha, but I’m sure they’re just putting up a front. All bark and no bite.”
“We should have seen it coming when they told us to meet them in Sandy Shores,” Stan uttered.
“The place where there ain’t hardly any service around, not even a bank to rob,” Jimmy finished off. “A big fucking waste of our time.” He glanced to the kettle pot on the stove, waiting to soothe his nerves of frustration as patiently as he could.
“I...I’m sorry about them taking your brand new vehicle, Jimmy.”
“Why’re you sorry, Stan? It wasn’t your fault.”
Stan shifted in his seat, a look of culpability in his eyes from what Jimmy could tell. “It...it kind of is. I was foolish to answer the call and agree to the deal.” His voice was quiet, so much so that Jimmy had to apply some extra hearing than normal, but he understood Stan clearly nonetheless.
“Aww, Stan. You didn’t know.” Jimmy reached across the table and placed a hand on Stan’s in a reassuring nature. “You were just looking to make some cash, doing your job as usual.”
“S-so you’re not u-upset with me?” Stan sounded like he was seconds away from shedding tears, and it hurt Jimmy to see him be so hard on himself. Yes, Jimmy had just bought the car today. Yes, they had to walk all the way back to the city because of it. Yes, Buddha threatened their lives if Jimmy were to call the cops or AAA.
However, he was not upset with Stan.
“It’s the whole circumstance I’m upset with, but not you, Stan. Never at you.”
This gave Stan a sense of relief. No, a lot of relief actually.
He still felt shivers from the outside run through his body, especially in his arms since he had on his regular baby blue polo shirt.
Jimmy took notice and got up from the table. “Let me go fetch you a blanket.” With that, he left Stan alone in the kitchen to head into his bedroom just down the hall. It gave Stan some time to be with his thoughts.
Gosh, darn it, Stan! You know you really fudged it up this time! Jimmy may not be fuming with you, but you know it really was all your fault he lost his brand new car! You know Mr. Buddha is a very dangerous man. You’ve seen and heard things about him. You know what he’s like! You know what he can do! When will you learn, Stan?! When will you learn that your actions have consequences?! Wait...where have I heard this before? Ah, darn it all, it doesn’t matter! What matters is that you could have gotten you and Friendly Jimmy killed! All because you wanted to make a quick buck, some quick dosh! I mean yes the people of Los Santos need water, and it is your dream to sell them the sweet glorious 10% lead-filled water, but you definitely should have known better! You gotta stop being so naive! Think about what you’d do if you lost Jimmy, all because of your actions! You would be nothing without Jimmy! No Jimmy means no point of living! You’ve lost Denisse, you may have lost the respect of your sweet baby boy Roy, but you certainly haven’t lost Jimmy just yet! Wait...speaking of Jimmy, how long does it take to grab a gosh darn blanket?
Stan quieted the voices in his head to look out for any clear sign that Jimmy was still around. The only thing he heard was the shrilling whistle of the kettle pot, signifying that their tea was ready. He got up from the kitchen table and turned off the stove, easing the cry of the appliance.
He figured since he was already up he might as well check up on his dear friend. The apartments are only so small enough for what they are worth, every room only being a few steps away, so it wasn’t like Jimmy could have gone too far. He made his way through the short hallway where he saw an open door to a room that Stan could only assume was Jimmy’s bedroom.
What he saw when he entered said room stunned him into a frozen shock. Stan saw Jimmy standing half-naked in front of his closet, his boots were scattered across the floor along with his velvet-hued T-shirt. His exposed back was towards Stan, and he was about to work on pulling down his black jeans when a gasp Stan had not noticed he was holding escaped him. Jimmy had turned his body around in a haste, his face immediately blushing crimson red against his light skin once seeing Stan in the doorway. It was then that Stan took note of Jimmy’s sunglasses off, at last, seeing that his eyes were indeed a dark brown color from where he was standing.
“STAN, WHAT THE FUCK? I’M CHANGING!”, Jimmy screeched.
“I...duh...I...o-oh...uh I...eh um...I...I...S-SORRY!” The only thing Stan knew of to do in such a flustered state was to cover his face with his hands and turn his body a full 180 degrees. His feet did prevent him from walking out though as if they had been nailed down to the floor.
Gah Stan look what you’ve gone and done now! You gosh darn idiot! How could you walk in on your best friend in the whole world being almost completely naked?! How dare you?! You gosh darn frickity pervert! How could you go and do such a thing?! You could have waited! You could have waited for Jimmy in the kitchen! How could you go and invade Jimmy’s privacy - WAIT someone’s touching me!
Even with his hands still enclosing his eyes in the darkness, Stan felt his body being turned back around in such a fragile manner. Then came when another set of hands uncovered his face, and a familiar and near voice instructed him to open his eyes. When he did, there was Jimmy only an inch away from him this time, and there was a smile on his face.
“J-Jimmy…,” Stan began softly. “Your eyes…” He now had the chance to examine the other’s facial features. With Jimmy’s shades off, Stan was able to see that there were very obvious bags under Jimmy’s eyes, along with bloodshot redness in his scleras.
“Yeah, cocaine does that,” Jimmy chuckled. “In all seriousness, though, I have trouble sleeping at night. That’s why they’re so bloodshot and exhausted, and any brightness that comes in just hurts them. ”
“Oh...w-well how come?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why can’t you sleep at night?”
Jimmy nonchalantly shrugged. “Um, I suppose from the line of fucked up work I do. Work involving strangers...paying strangers... naked paying strangers. Does that ring any bells, Stan?”
“Oh! Right, right!”
Stan really did tend to forget that one of Jimmy’s so-called occupations under his belt was prostitution. Maybe because the thought of Jimmy having to forcefully sell his own body to people and let them do whatever they want with it made Stan’s stomach turn. He did not like the image of Jimmy having to do such a thing in his head, so that was probably why Stan would block it out from his memory.
“So, did you come in here just to watch me strip tease or what?” Jimmy said. Kind of half-jokingly, yet also half serious.
“Wh-n-no! I-I didn’t mean to...I...uh…”
“It’s alright, Stan,” Jimmy said, his face slowly inching closer to Stan’s. “You don’t have to answer that.”
It was then that Jimmy softly pressed his lips to Stan’s, leaving the older man speechless. He did not know what else to do, or better yet his body did not know. He just...stood there with his lips sealed shut, and Stan wasn’t sure why though. He wasn’t sure why his body had just shut down.
Yeah, it was a surprise to see Jimmy kiss him...but it wasn’t like Stan hadn’t thought about doing the same thing before…
“J-Jimmy…,” he murmured. Stan had wished he had not said anything if it meant for Jimmy to stop.
Blushing, Jimmy rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I...I’m sorry, Stan. I guess my job as a sex worker has got me - ”
“No, it’s not that at all,” Stan had cut off.
Jimmy blinked. “Then what’s wrong?”
“I...well...I...I want to kiss you back...but…you recall the story of my ex-wife and I, right?”
It took Jimmy a while to figure out what Stan meant, then he remembered that his ex-wife Denisse would never allow Stan to touch her at all. Puzzle pieces came together and created the full picture.
“You’ve never even kissed anyone before,” Jimmy said.
Jimmy was a bit relieved to know he hadn’t done anything to make Stan uncomfortable, but it also made his heart ache for him.
“Besides,” Stan added, “I-I don’t know if I’d do a good job...with you...with everything that goes along with it.”
“Everything that goes along?”
Stan shifted his weight, having become so restless. He felt like a loser. He felt so small. It irritated him that he knew what he wanted, but his low-self esteem and inexperience got the better of him. If his own wife at the time never wanted him to lay a single finger on her, then who the hell would? With Jimmy, on the other hand, and the line of unfortunate work he has been dealt...well...
“Damn it,” Stan sighed.
He was tired of beating around the bush. He didn’t care one single bit if he just rambled on and on to Jimmy.
“I want to kiss you, Jimmy! I want to kiss you, and I want to touch you...but I don’t know how to do any of those things! My ex-wife wouldn’t let me do that, so why would someone like you?! I also don’t want to do anything that makes you think of me like all those other folks that take advantage of you and your body! I would never want to use you like they do! I wouldn’t want you to flinch if I were to lay even a fingertip on you!”
It was Jimmy’s turn to be surprised. He knew all about the whole ex-wife thing, but he hadn’t realized Stan was extremely bothered about Jimmy being used as a fuckboy since the middle-aged man always forgot or was insensitive about it. The occupation conditioned him to have the mindset that anyone he’d get intimate with would just end up using him like a cum dumpster and hand him some major hundreds of paper greens. It made him think that this was all his body, or even his own existence, was good for.
That’s exactly why he was never able to sleep well at night. Every chance he’d get at closing his eyes, he’d be transported back to clients that would intimidatingly tower over him, assault his asshole until it’d hurt too much to sit or lay on a bed, or even choke and beat him if he did something they did not like.
So the fact that Stan was worried about making him feel uncomfortable if he’d touch him...really just made Jimmy’s heart melt straight to his stomach. He thought it was the sweetest thing ever.
“S-Stan…” Jimmy cringed at his own voice shaking like he was about to cry. Fuck, maybe he actually was.
“It’s the truth,” the blond lamented. He set his eyes on anything other than Jimmy at the moment, but the younger man had suddenly cupped Stan’s cheek, causing him to look back at Jimmy. Back to those beautiful, yet tired, bloodshot eyes of his.
“Stan, you wouldn’t be like any of them. Not by a long shot.”
“Then I’d be lousy at pleasing you since I don’t know where to even begin.”
Jimmy placed his hand on the other side of Stan’s face. “Hey, it’s okay. I’ll show you.”
Jimmy nodded, even throwing in a genuine smile. It made him so happy to see Stan, his Stan, smile back at least. “Your pathetic excuse of an ex-wife may never have let you touch her, but I will gladly allow you to.”
Stan cleared his throat. “S-so, where should I s-start?”
Jimmy smirked, tilting his head to mimic the expression of deep thought. “You said you wanted to kiss me back, didn’t you? We can start with that.”
They brushed their noses against each other before Jimmy brought them back to a kiss, pressing his soft lips to Stan’s just as gently as before.
This time, Stan reciprocated it, finally taking control of his senses. He even let his eyes close as he tilted his head to really kiss Jimmy with meaning. Stan then picked up the distinct taste of the cigarette Jimmy had a while ago, along with the smell of cigarette ashes and sweat and bold cologne. All these overloads of tastes and scents should have disgusted Stan but he couldn’t have cared less. He didn’t mind it at all because he was kissing Jimmy at last. To say it felt like nothing Stan’s ever felt before was a stretch, but nevertheless, he knew for certain that he was loving it.
Because it was with Jimmy.
One of Jimmy’s hand let go of Stan’s face and trailed it down his neck and chest, not wanting to break their lips’ exchange for one second. He knew it was definitely safe to touch Stan this way because he heard a soft moan come from the older man. If anything else, the contact even urged Stan to open his mouth to get more of Jimmy’s lips, and he had to desperately restrain from pushing Stan up against the wall and take him then and there.
Instead, Jimmy took one of Stan’s hands and gently placed it on his own bared hip.
It was like a switch had turned ON in Stan’s brain, and he knew what he was asked to do without any words from Jimmy. He placed his other hand on Jimmy’s exposed chest, allowing him to gradually feel all of him at once.
They then separated for breath, much to Stan’s dismay. Jimmy moved down to kiss Stan’s neck, delicately at first and then sucking at the skin. He felt the goosebumps from Stan rise under his lips, signifying again that this was fine to do.
“You learn fast,” Jimmy chuckled. “It’s okay, you can continue doing what you’re doing.”
Seeing as Stan was given the green light to keep touching Jimmy, he smoothed the palm of his hands over every inch of his body. His hands admired the buff of Jimmy’s biceps, the light hair on his arms and chest, the broad of his shoulders, and even the slight flex of his abdomen when Stan’s fingernails brushed over it. One of Stan’s hands went as far as catching Jimmy’s nipple, causing the other to let out a low groan and dig his head into the crook of Stan’s shoulder, suddenly nipping his teeth on the sensitive skin.
Stan flinched a little, then giggled nervously once he realized why it had happened. “Did I do something right?” he sheepily asked.
“You did,” Jimmy reassured. “Could...could you maybe do it again?” Jimmy’s voice was shy when he said it, but it made Stan’s heart flutter knowing he was leisurely on the path to satisfying Jimmy.
His fingers graced against Jimmy’s nipples like before, even pressing down into the buds and feeling them get hardened. It reduced the younger of the two to become a purring mess. The sounds from Jimmy and the attack of his lips on Stan’s neck and shoulders urged the blond to explore all the ways to work his companion. It was as if endless treasures were unlocked for him to cherish from the very second he met Jimmy. It may have taken Stan long to get over Denisse, remembering all the days and nights he had cried about their divorce.
It made him feel foolish beyond belief to think he had wasted all this time chasing around beautiful women all over Los Santos, only to find that the key to all heaven was right next to him. That key just so happened to have a name; Jimmy Bending.
“Yeah?” Jimmy answered when he separated from Stan, looking into his eyes.
“Were you just going to bring the blanket from your bed?”
Jimmy raised his eyebrows before remembering that they had tea awaiting them and Jimmy was supposed to bring him a blanket. “I...guess so. Do...you still want a blanket, Stan?”
Putting some thought into it, the blond shook his head, placing kisses on Jimmy’s face instead. “Later.”
“Oh? What about our tea?” Jimmy inquired playfully. He was actually astonished at Stan’s new-found confidence. He still hasn’t quite nailed the seductive part just yet due to his inexperience, but that doesn’t mean Jimmy didn’t also think of it to be adorable at the very least.
Stan ran his fingers through the tealed part of Jimmy’s hair before cupping the back of his head. “I can...not have tea.”
Before anything else was said, the two returned to kissing with so much vigor put into it. Jimmy gently led them over to his bed, turning them around so that it was Stan who would lay on the somewhat decent mattress and Jimmy towering over him. Although the way they were positioned easily reminded Jimmy of various “appointments” with clients, he knew for certain that this moment here with Stan was nothing at all like those. Just the way they took the time and care to discover what turned them on and turned them off said enough.
“Do you want to take anything off?”, Jimmy asked.
“I...I’m not sure. I’ve never been naked in front of someone before.”
Jimmy chuckled, mentally cursing Stan for always being so cute in everything he says and does. “You don’t have to be completely naked if you don’t want to, Stan. I’m not entirely naked myself, as you can see.”
“Well...you were about to b-before I walked in.” Stan blushed a beet red.
“True, but I originally wasn’t planning on being naked for long. Now, however, I don’t mind it at all.”
Neither did Stan apparently, considering that his eyes couldn’t keep from staring at the shirtless young man above him. “I do feel bad for being the only one in clothing out of the two of us,” he admitted. “I..I just don’t think I-I’m all that...you know...compared to you and all.”
“Oh nonsense, Staniel,” Jimmy comforted. He massaged the older man’s arms before trailing down to Stan’s waist to untuck his polo shirt just enough to slip his hand under. He felt his stomach, then up to his chest where there was evident curly, thick hair on pecs. Jimmy wrapped a finger around some of the tuffs, amused at seeing Stan sigh at the touch. The blond even pushed his body up against Jimmy’s hand to get more feeling. “Still not sure about getting undressed there?”
“Would it make you feel better if I turned off the lights?” As much as Jimmy wanted to see all of Stan clearly, what he wanted more than that was for him to be safe in however way he wished. “It wouldn’t be all that dark,” he added. “There’s a faint glow from the city lights at this time, even with the curtains drawn.”
“O-okay then,” Stan said. “We can do that.”
With that being said, Jimmy got off of the bed to quickly turn the light switch to OFF. Just like he described, the entire room was pulled into slight darkness with the illumination of blue and pink from the lights outside the complex. Jimmy returned to his place above Stan. “So, you wanna start with the fanny pack?”
Stan nodded, and so Jimmy reached his hand down to his waist as the other lifted his body up to help. Jimmy unclipped the accessory and gently set it on the nightstand. “What’s next, Staniel?”
“You can do my shirt.”
Jimmy pulled Stan’s polo shirt up from the bottom as he lifted his arms up to assist. Stan may be a light-skinned fella as it already is, but his bared chest and stomach were even lighter now that Jimmy saw him shirtless finally. He leaned his face down to the exposed fleshy skin, making sure to worship every spot of Stan by planting attentive smooches. He also wanted to make sure Stan knew how beautiful he was to Jimmy.
“What were you so worried about, Staniel?” he said between kisses. “You already look gorgeous and strong as it is. I wouldn’t even dream of you looking any other way.”
Words could not describe how grateful Stan was for Jimmy to show his body some rightful appreciation. He decided not to even use words at all, and just let sounds do all the talking. He let out moans as his hands roamed their way over Jimmy’s hair and then down that smooth back of his. He gripped Jimmy’s hips to pull him down closer to him, pressing their torsos tight with so much need to feel skin to skin.
Jimmy made his way up to devour his lover’s lips as if his life depended on Stan’s kisses, never getting enough of them. It was already becoming his new favorite drug, and it delighted him to no end to hear the beautiful man beneath him moan and whine and sigh, all because of his doing. Even the strong grasp of Stan’s hands on his body excited Jimmy, and the feeling of one of them going as far as cupping one of his arse cheeks sent Jimothy spiraling into aroused bliss himself.
Without any warning whatsoever, he thrust his still-clothed groin against Stan’s, a deep moan emitting from both of their throats. When they broke apart to catch their breaths Jimmy starred into Stan’s bright eyes.
“Jesus Christ, Stan. What are you doing to me?” he gasped.
“Touching you? I thought that was obvious?”
Jimmy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know you’re touching me, Stan.”
“D-did y-you want me to stop?” Stan asked nervously.
“Are you kidding me? Of course not! The complete opposite actually.”
It overjoyed Stan so much to know that Jimmy was loving his touch, mentally shouting a sort of “take that!” at Denisse. He squeezed Jimmy’s buttocks again, getting the same reaction from him as he rubbed against Stan. The blond was surprised to feel a distinct hardness this time around from Jimmy, and his own khaki shorts felt tight around the edges, meaning only one thing.
“Yes, Stan?”
“Can...can I take off your pants while you take off mine?”
Jimmy soon widened his eyes at how direct the request was. “Are you absolutely sure you’re ready for that?” he questioned.
“I mean…” Stan chewed his lip anxiously. “M-my undercarriage is losin’ some empty space here…”
“Yes, Jimmy, I am absolutely sure. I’ve gone these long forty years of emotional twists and turns without losing my virgin-card even once. I thought it’d be over and done with when I married my ex-wife, but that certainly was with no prevail. I thought that the women I’ve desperately pursued after in this city would be the answer, but still nothing. Then, here you...here we are…”
Stan didn’t even have to finish his sentence. Jimmy’s eyes softened. He cupped Stan’s face in both hands and kissed him. “Stan, I am honored to relieve you of your position as a forty-year-old virgin,” he whispered.
“I...I love you.”
Hearing something like that would usually make Jimmy feel nauseous. Like Stan, he never thought he was someone worthy of being loved by another person. Love was something Jimmy didn’t believe in anymore, losing hope in it long ago. So long ago that he couldn’t even remember the exact date and time.
To Jimmy, love meant a lot of things:  
punches from strangers, bruises, abuse, pain, being thrown around like a ragdoll, money, drugs, sex, forced sex, nightmares, not being able to look at yourself in the mirror, feeling disgusted with everything about yourself, and not being able to love yourself.
Love was something that Jimmy believed only to be in movies. Movies with happy endings, and it’s happy endings he thought he would never receive for as long as he lived.
Until now with Staniel Wheeler.
“I love you, too.”
With all that was said and done, both men got to work on unbuttoning one another's jeans and shorts. There was no need to be in any hurry, so they took all the time they wanted, admiring every curve of their hips, thighs, legs, and calves. The men kicked off their bottoms and tossed them aside, along with Stan’s boat shoes.
Jimmy palmed the self-evident bulge in Stan’s boxer briefs, causing him to whimper and shimmy his hips to maintain the contact with the other’s hand. It wasn’t even much that Jimmy was doing but it still sent rushes of arousal through Stan. Out of nowhere he grabbed Jimmy’s wrist and pressed his hand farther down on his crotch, letting out an elongated moan louder than what Jimmy’s heard from him yet.
It felt like Jimmy’s head was spinning just from watching Stan go crazy right now, and they were only still in their underwear. It caused his own member to twitch with lust. He had never thought that he’d ever find a man twice his own age to be so God damn attractive.
“What do you want right now, Sunflower?”, Jimmy inquired. “How can I take care of you?” Usually, when these kinds of questions were asked by Jimmy to people he’d be with, his tone would be that of forced passion with no other need than to only get his clients off. Now, his tone was affectionate and with meaning.
Stan looked up at the young and handsome man above him, not even being shy about what his body needed from him anymore. He was giving himself to Jimmy and he couldn’t have thought of anyone else in Los Santos or even the entire world to finally lose his virginity to. “I want you to jerk me off, Jimmy. I want your hand to wrap around me.”
In all truthfulness, Jimmy never thought that he’d hear such a request of him coming from Stan of all people, but it added more fuel to Jimmy’s fire in his stomach. “Of course,” he whispered. He pulled Stan’s boxer briefs down ever so carefully like he was unwrapping a fragile gift on Christmas morning, and he certainly was in a way. Just like that, Stan’s dick sprang out of the fabric. Jimmy looked him up and down, taking in the reality that Staniel Elizabeth Wheeler was fully naked in front of him. “Holy shit,” he muttered.
“W-what is it?” Stan began to worry that Jimmy was suddenly turned off by him, thinking that he was disgusted and had changed his mind.
That wasn’t the case, however, as Jimmy smiled at him. Even with very little light in the room, Stan could see the love in Jimmy’s eyes. “You are so beautiful, Stan.”
Relief washed over Stan. “Come here.”
He pulled Jimmy down and the two shared a quick chaste kiss before the other already sat back up again. Jimmy reached his arm towards his nightstand and opened a drawer. His hand fumbled in dimmed darkness for a bit before he had pulled out a small bottle full of clear liquid and a Trojan condom. He sensed hesitation in Stan’s eyes, and he was quick to calm his anxiousness.
“The bottle is lube. It’s going to make my hand slippery so that giving a handjob is easy. We won’t use the condom just yet until you’re ready.”
“Ah, alright.”
“And wouldn’t you know, the lube is actually water based!” Jimmy thought this would excite Stan at least.
Instead, it perplexed the older man. “Water-based lubricant? Why would that be a thing? Water is for drinking, and only for drinking! It’s for quenching the thirst of parched people - ”
“If you utter one more word, I will send you out into a snowstorm with your boner hanging out. I won’t even give you back your clothes, you’d just walk up the stairs to your apartment cupping your shivering balls.”
The interruption from Jimmy cut Stan off, and he giggled embarrassingly. “R-right, I’m sorry.”
Jimmy popped the cap of the bottle open and poured a very little amount on his palm. He then placed the lube gently on the nightstand and looked down at Stan. “My hand’s going to feel a little cold at first,” he warned. “You ready?”
Stan nodded. “Yes.”
Jimmy gently wrapped his hand around Stan’s erection with a firm grip. At hearing him groan at the touch he started a slow and steady rhythm, aiming for Stan to get used to the feeling of what a hand on his dick felt like. It was clear that Stan was enjoying it as he sucked in air and swirled his hips to get more friction. “Do you want me to go faster, Staniel?” Jimmy asked.
“Y-yes...please?” It came out more like a desperate beg than just a simple answer, and it sure got the message across to Jimmy.
He began to pump his fist at a quicker pace, and as expected Stan went crazy over the sensation. There came a heat in his pelvis and his hips would spring upwards here and there. Stan’s head rolled back into the pillow under him and he placed his own hand on his mouth to muffle his moans.
“Aww, you don’t have to be shy to moan in front of me, sweetie,” Jimmy reassured. “I wanna hear you.” With his free hand, he caringly moved Stan’s own hand away, giving a small peck to his soft lips, letting Stan’s blond mustache tickle him. Never did Jimmy pause his other hand that was occupied on the older man’s shaft, stroking it rapidly than before.
“Jim...Jimmy...mmm feels so nice…haaaaaah.”
Stan had thought that he was going to release himself onto Jimmy’s hand right then and there, but was proven wrong when nothing happened. Nevertheless, Stan was in heaven as Jimmy catered to his body and needs while continuing the work on his dick. Jimmy’s free hand caressed both of his nipples back and forth the same way Stan had done for him moments ago.
Not only that but then Jimmy soon replaced his fingers and leaned down to Stan’s chest. There then came the feel of something warm and wet and Stan looked down to see that Jimmy was running his tongue on his nipples, sending him into a frenzy.
Throughout this whole time, Jimmy had held off from giving any attention to his own hard-on, wishing to put more focus onto Stan. That is until one of Stan’s hands reached out and palmed Jimmy through his briefs, causing him to shot up and let out a yelp of both surprise and extreme lust. “S-Stan,” he gasped, “what’re you…”
“It ain’t fair that you’re taking care of me while nobody’s doing it for you.”
Jimmy’s heart jumped. “It’s not...about me, Stan. You’re the one priority here…”
Stan obviously ignored Jimmy and pulled his briefs down swiftly, his erection flying out in a single swoop. It was somewhat already wet with pre-cum so it was easy for Stan to mimic Jimmy’s hand on him, wrapping his fist and jerking the younger man. Unlike Stan, however, Jimmy let out a high pitched moan and immediately started thrusting himself into Stan’s hand.
“F-fuck Stan...I...I don’t...oh Jesus fucking Christ…” Jimmy’s mind raced as he tried his very best at fight off the imminent heat pooling in his stomach already. He was overwhelmed that someone wanted to take care of him for once instead of the other way around. “Stan...S-Stan please s-stop….STOP IT!”
The outburst made the older man pause what he was doing, and a look of horror was on his face. “I...I’m sorry, Jimmy...I just wanted to -”
“I know, Stan. You did nothing wrong, and I’m so flattered that you want to pleasure me at the same time. I love you for that.”
“Then why’d you tell me to stop?”
“Because...because I don’t want to finish just yet. Once I cum it would take a good while for me to fully take your virginity. I’d just be too exhausted to do it, Sunflower.”
Stan hadn’t thought of it that way, obviously for reasons they had already addressed. He recoiled his hand away from Jimmy’s member and interlaced his fingers with the others. “I’m sorry, Jimmy.”
Jimmy smiled and brought their intertwined hands to his lips, giving a sweet kiss to Stan’s fingers as a way of saying everything was fine.
“Um...Jimmy?” Stan uttered softly.
Stan was quiet for a good while then. He even shifted his eyes away from Jimmy’s and he bit his lip. Jimmy began to think his outburst had scared Stan too much to request or do anything, and he mentally kicked himself in the ass for having him stop taking care of him. “Stan, I’m sorry for yelling at -”
“I’m ready,” Stan suddenly spoke up.
Jimmy blinked. “W-what?”
“I’m ready,” he repeated, even gesturing at the packed condom wrap on the nightstand.
A shiver ran down Jimmy’s back. So they were going to do this. They were really going to do this. He was really going to do this. It was then that he realized he was actually quite nervous about it, which was really ironic for many reasons. It wasn’t like he hadn’t taken other people’s virginity in his lifetime. Then again, those people were around Jimmy’s own age range. Stan was different, but not to say that it was a bad thing. Jimmy had to remember that while Stan is older than him, he had circumstances that led them to where they are now.
When Jimmy really thought about it, the fact that he was going to take the virginity of a way older gentleman excited him. Besides, there was another way this moment with Stan would be much different than the others.
Jimmy was not going to simply fuck Stan...he was going to make love to him...and that made everything so much better.  
“I love you, Stan,” he said as he reached for the lube bottle again along with the condom.
“I love you too, Jimmy,” Stan had answered back.
Jimmy carefully opened the thick wrapper and pulled out the prophylactic, then rolled it ever so gradually onto his dick. Then was for him to prep Stan, who had been attentively watching Jimmy as he himself nervously anticipated what was to come. Even he knew that this was going to be it, a major moment in his life right now. Albeit it took Stan way longer for this to happen to him, he thought better late than never.
He watched as Jimmy popped the cap of the lubricant bottle open and poured the liquid onto his fingers again, only this time he separated Stan’s legs apart with just enough room to fit in between them. Stan flinched a bit when he felt the coldness of the liquid on Jimmy’s finger on his exposed hole. “Okay,” Jimmy began. “This is where things start to get heavy. What I’m gonna do is what’s called prepping, where I’m sticking in my fingers little by little until your body is used to having something foreign inside of you.”
“L-like a prostate exam?”
“Yeah,” Jimmy chuckled. “Just...yeah, just like that. So what I need you to do is relax, and breathe in and out. Can you do that for me, baby?”
The new nickname made Stan’s heart soar, and he smiled up at Jimmy. “I can do that.”
Jimmy lined up the tip of his index finger and instructed Stan to start the breathing process. When he heard him suck in a breath, Jimmy slowly inserted his finger inch by inch into Stan’s hole, whispering affirmations to ease Stan as he would groan and flinch again here and there. It went on for a bit until Stan gave him the alright to add in a second finger, and then the whole process repeated as Jimmy eventually added a third and final finger, then urged him to relax as he moved the digits in and out of Stan. After a good few minutes or so, Stan went from groaning because of the foreign feeling to then letting out faint moans.
“You okay to move forward?”, Jimmy asked.
Stan nodded.
With that, Jimmy took out his fingers and added a small addition of more lube to Stan before taking the tip of his protected member in his hand. He leaned forward to bring his body even closer to Stan while also maneuvering him to have his ass off the bed just a bit.
“I want you to breathe more, the same way you’ve been doing.” When Stan did what he was instructed to do, Jimmy pressed himself through the tight ring with care. He repeated lines of “you’re doing so good” and “keep going” throughout the process, even placing reassuring pecks on Stan’s nose and face. Again Stan would go from groaning to soon sighing and whimpering with pleasure the deeper Jimmy went in. It did hurt him, to say the least, but he knew it wouldn’t be that way for long, and the focus on Jimmy and how good it will feel helped ease himself.
At last, Jimmy was fully inside Stan. “How are you feeling?”
Stan exhaled the last breath he was holding and gazed into Jimmy’s doting brown eyes. “Ain’t gonna lie, it feels strange, but it’s a good strange.”
Upon getting his answer that Stan was alright, Jimmy smiled and kissed him. “I’m going to start thrusting now. Let me know if we need to stop at any time, okay?”
Jimmy began a steady pace of shallow thrusts into Stan. The other smoothed his hands over on down to Jimmy’s back just to have something to hold on to. At a given point Jimmy’s steady rhythm increased and they both began to feel ultimate pleasure, with Stan being the first to moan lowly and the other followed. Jimmy’s weight shifted on top of Stan as he placed both of his hands in between Stan’s head and buried his face into the crook of the blond’s shoulder. He kept pushing in and out of Stan even faster and deeper until he felt him wrap his strong arms around him and let out an elongated gruffed whimper. He had already managed to find and hit his sweet spot. Jimmy lifted his head a bit to inspect Stan’s face for any warning and was met with such a breathtaking sight. Stan’s eyes were closed and his jaw was hung open. “You okay, there?” Jimmy made sure.
“O-oh Jimmy…”
Just the way he had moaned his name out like that was enough of an answer for Jimmy, and so he lost himself in his own aroused bliss. He locked his lips onto Stan’s in a passion-fueled kiss as he let his hips run on auto, even slipping in his tongue for a good measure, not even knowing if Stan would like it or not. Apparently, Stan did as his own tongue had run against Jimmy’s, and only then did things really get carnal.
Jimmy brushed against Stan’s prostate and the bottom man tightened his grip on Jimmy’s body, his fingernails digging into his back. The mattress below them soon squeaked the more Jimmy drove himself into Stan, making both grateful for the fact that he only lived on the ground floor. He took in everything about Stan in that moment, from how so unbelievably amazing it felt to be inside Stan, the way their heated skin slammed into one another, the moans that he was driving out from Stan, the mysterious yet sweet taste the inside of his mouth held, the way their lips devoured each other greedily, and then finally the reality that he was sharing this moment with him.
They soon parted for much-needed air, a given chance to hear their moans more clearly now. “S-Stan...Staniel…mmm my Staniel....fuck you feel so damn good, my precious Sunflower!”
“Jim...Jimmy...o-oh s-sweet Lord y-you fill me up so d-darn well!” There was an evident heat spreading all through the depths of Stan’s being, and it was something that he knew could not be contained for very long. He didn’t ever want to have this, all of this, to stop. He wanted nothing more than to stay this way with Jimmy forever, them being connected together and become one with their bodies. It was all just so addicting, not even his addiction to oxy could ever match what’s happening here.
The burning pool inside of Stan was approaching quicker than he could have held off and he clung onto his lover as if he’d fade away if he didn’t. “Jim...Jimmy I...I feel s-something…”
“Go ahead, Stan,” Jimmy finished him off, his own release catching up. He reached down to stroke Stan off to help him reach his climax, sending him over the edged.
“J-Jimmy...Jimmy...o-oh h-haaaah J-Jimothyyyyyyyyy!”
Everything had gone bright has Stan lost himself. His hips stilled and he came into Jimmy’s fist, his lover’s name on his lips as he rode off his orgasm.
It did not take very long for Jimmy to follow right behind Stan as he gave one last powerful thrust into him, letting out a hoarse groan while he spilled all of his hot load into the condom. He thought he saw stars even as he clenched his eyes shut and collapsed onto Stan’s sweating body.
The men had stayed that way while they waited for the high to wear off and regain their normal breathing. When they did Jimmy gently pulled himself out of Stan. He unrolled the soaking prophylactic on his spent member before tying a secured knot on it like it was a balloon and getting up from the bed. It was cute to hear Stan whine out of protest from the loss of Jimmy’s warmth on him. He went into the hallway to throw away the used condom in his bathroom waste bin and grabbed a hand towel from the shelf.
Jimmy returned to his room and his place on top of Stan, cleaning both of them up with the rag before setting it aside and laying his body back on top of him. He tiredly lifted his head to meet his eyes with the very man he loves, smiling weakly at him.
“How was that?”, he mumbled out, running his fingers through the curly and damp blond strands of hair on Stan’s head.
“Do I even have to answer that?”, Stan lightly laughed. Still holding onto Jimmy, he pulled him in for a chaste and fatigued kiss.
“I take it that I did pretty well then,” Jimmy chuckled.
“You betcha. Thank you.”
Jimmy grinned and kissed the tip of Stan’s nose before resting his head on his chest. “You’re welcome. I should also thank you as well.” The steady beating of his heart next to his ear easily lulled him to sleep. He knew from this very moment that he would never dare to try and fall asleep with someone he’d have intercourse with unless it was with Staniel Elizabeth Wheeler. There was possibly no escape from the life and job of a male prostitute, but at least Jimmy had someone at home to come back to every time.  
The last thing Jimmy heard before falling asleep in the safety of his lover’s arms was Stan whispering, “You’re welcome as well”.
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savvysass · 5 years
Self-Sacrifice is a Bitch Chapter 5
Chapters 1 2 3 4 5
Sorry this is late! I was slow writing and my beta was busy. Thank you @minkcatus​ again for betaing! Also guys I am now understanding this is going to be REALLY LONG so like... hang in there. I’ll get better as I go along.
*updated tags and rating. I’m combining all the parts into one, and it gets dark as far as death and illness. No major character deaths tho- don’t worry.
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Chapter: 5/?
Chapter Summary:
“Kid, you’re okay. You’re arm is gone, but you are okay. We are just going to sit here and breathe, and I will take care of everything else. You are okay now.”
Okay… he was okay. The doctor put something in his IV, but he was okay. He tasted metal in his mouth as the drugs entered his system, but he was okay. He felt like his body just turned to lead, but he was okay.
He couldn’t move, and that wasn’t— that wasn’t okay—that wasn’t—
“Peter shhh…It’s fine.” Tony said, and May was running her fingers through his hair. The pain dulled, and he breathed.
He was okay.
Additional Tags: endgame fix it fic, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Whump, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Near Death Experiences, Recovery, Amputation, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, probably more than i remember, Sickfic, Major Illness, Blood, Legoland, Kidnapping, Torture, god what else happens everything happen, Seizures, Fainting, Medical Trauma
Peter didn’t want more medicine— that much he knew. Mr. Stark was right though— it hurt too much. All of this hurt too much. He was tired of being in pain.
He wanted to reach out and hold his hand. He wanted Mr. Stark to squeeze his hand tight and suck out all of the pain in his arm.
When he tried to move it though, nothing happened. Only a sharp agony in his shoulder.
Why won’t his arm move?
He looked down.
His eyes widened as he was greeted with the sight of his shoulder, wrapped in bloody bandages and very much missing what goes underneath.
He was missing his arm.
The beeping in the room started screaming in his ear, but everything was muffled as he looked at his shoulder, the agony spiking as he realized what it was he had felt.
They had been amputating his arm.
His chest felt tight, air coming in short gasps as he tried to grab at his shoulder. This couldn’t be real. He didn’t really lose his arm. That’s crazy. This is crazy.
A gentle hand took his chin. It turned him away from his arm, carefully avoiding the side of his face.
“Pete-Pete, look at me.”
His eyes searched Mr. Stark’s face as he stared down at him, sympathy pouring into his gaze.
“You’re okay, Peter.”
A sob tore through Peter’s throat. 
It wasn’t okay.
He wasn’t okay. 
His arm is gone.
He desperately reached for Mr. Stark’s hand with his other arm-— thank god still attached— and tried to pull him as close as he could. He needed Mr. Stark to fix this. He needed someone — Anyone— to fix this. Panic was making the pain more intense, and he could feel the knife slicing deeper and deeper and deeper—
“Peter, calm down. Cho—”
“Peter, we are going to give you the medicine now,” a woman said, and no please not yet he can’t yet!
“Peter.” It’s May this time, her hands in his hair.
“Relax Peter. Tony and I are right here. Just breathe.”
Breathe. Right. Breathe. He was panicking. He knew this. He just lost his arm and he was panicking. Of course he was panicking because his arm, his arm—
“Kid, look at me.”
His eyes flicked up. Tony was staring at him, the same panic that he was feeling reflected in those tired eyes.
“Kid, you’re okay. You’re arm is gone, but you are okay. We are just going to sit here and breathe, and I will take care of everything else. You are okay now.”
Okay… he was okay. The doctor put something in his IV, but he was okay. He tasted metal in his mouth as the drugs entered his system, but he was okay. He felt like his body just turned to lead, but he was okay.
He couldn’t move, and that wasn’t— that wasn’t okay—that wasn’t—
“Peter shhh…It’s fine.” Tony said, and May was running her fingers through his hair. The pain dulled, and he breathed.
He was okay.
Tony held Peter’s hand as the panic in his eyes started to fade. His body was slack, and Tony begged whoever was listening to please let that mean he was in less pain. The kid’s eyes were still open, but he wasn’t talking.
“We didn’t give him enough to put him under. He probably can’t talk, but he should be able to at least blink. He can definitely feel when you touch him though.”
“Peter baby, can you blink once if that sounds right?” May cooed, and Peter blinked.
“Does it hurt less, baby? Blink once for yes, twice for no.”
One blink.
Tony sighed in relief.
“Is it numb? No pain?”
Two blinks.
He frowned. That was to be expected though. He rubbed his thumb against Peter’s knuckles, the hand limp in his grasp.
“You should talk to him, Tony. Distract him,” Cho said. He nodded softly, tapping Peter’s cheek to get his attention.
“Let’s shoot the breeze, kiddo. Get yourself out of your head, huh?”
Peter breathed deeply as he tried to push through the pain. He looked at him expectantly.
“So… I guess you heard it’s been five years,” Tony said softly.
One blink.
“Well a lot has happened that I’m sure you want to know about. Pepper and I got married— I’m sure that doesn’t surprise you.” Tony chuckled. The kid’s eyes crinkled a little in what he guessed was a tired smile. “The ceremony was small in the end. It just didn’t feel right to make a huge party after what happened.”
Peter blinked up at him rapidly, and Tony could see the sadness in his eyes.
“Don’t worry about it, kid. It was still wonderful. It was nice actually— Only having a few people. Rhodey was there, Happy. Some of Pepper’s family. It was nice. You and that monkey suit I bought you would have fit in well.”
Peter’s eyes flicked to May, and harshly squeezed before blinking again.
“Me?” May asked quickly, furrowing her brow as she tried to decipher his signals.
Peter closed his eyes slowly then snapped them back open.
“May got dusted, Peter. Is that what you’re asking?” Tony said quietly. Peter blinks once and then looked to her pleadingly.
“Yes baby. I did, but it’s okay. It meant I didn’t have to go a single day without you,” May said soothingly, scratching his scalp. He relaxed into her touch. “Ned did too. He called me to check on you. I told him you were going to be okay. He’s going to come see you when you feel better.”
Peter let out a deep breath of relief. He scrunched his face again though, as if the action pained him. Tony scooted closer.
“I had a kid while you were gone,” he said softly. Peter’s eyes fly open, looking at him in shock before blinking like a mad man.
“Okay, okay, Jeez!” Tony laughed, squeezing his hand. “Her name’s Morgan. She’s 4 now. Looks like me and acts like Pepper.”
Peter’s eyes sparkled despite the exhaustion, joy radiating through them. The kid was happy for him.
“I think you’ll like her. She uh— I’ve mentioned you once or twice, and she always seemed interested in you. I bet she’ll like you too.”
Peter’s eyes softened. Tony didn’t know how to interpret it. He pushed on though.
“She doesn’t give me as many heart attacks as you do, though. The worst trouble she gets into is sneaking sweets before bed,” he chuckled, and Peter rolled his eyes with as much energy as he could.
“I don’t think any kid could give you heart attacks like Peter can,” May teased, and Tony snorted
“Only one kid ever came close to giving me a heart attack like he gives me,” Tony said with a shake of his head, flattening his hand on Peter’s sheets. “At Stark Expo 2010, there was this kid— must have been around six or so— that stood toe to toe with one of Hammer’s drones. Do you remember that incident? It was a PR nightmare.”
Peter eyes widened before forcefully blinking.
“What- what is it kid?” Tony asked as he looked to May. She was smiling.
“Did you come up and save that kid? Telling him ‘nice shot?’” she said with a grin, and Tony frowned.
“How did you—”
“You were right, Peter. He did remember you,” she laughed and Peter breathed out what Tony guessed was a chuckle.
“What do you mean? Kid—” Tony clicked his mouth shut before looking at him incredulously. Peter was beaming.
“Oh for fucks sake— That was you?! You were the kid that scared the shit out of me?!” He breathed out in exasperation. He could picture the shit-eating grin Peter was trying to give him.
This kid was going to be the death of him… if the guilt of almost getting a child Peter murdered didn’t kill him first.
“You know I always thought— ‘God that kid must have driven his parents crazy. What is that kid up to?’ and I guess this is it! You’re out here, saving the universe— giving me all the heart attacks I thought were going to be someone else’s problem!”
May snorted next to him.
“We will both need pacemakers at this rate,” she said breezily. “I know I’m going to need one after this.”
Tony hummed in agreement, but he looked down to see guilt in Peter’s eyes.
“Hey-hey…” he chided, squeezing Peter’s hand. “Don’t worry about us, kid. We’re just glad you’re okay. We’ll get you back in shape in no time. Then you can get back to giving us regular sized heart attacks that comes with being a Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman, okay?”
Peter relaxed and blinked once.
“Good man.”
The next few hours pass easily, with May singing songs and Tony droning on about things that had happened in the past five years. Peter never quite fell asleep, the pain keeping  him up, but did seem to fade in and out every once and awhile. Now, about 12 hours after the battle, Tony could barely see straight as the kid zoned out to the sound of May’s humming. He absently stroked the kid’s hand, staring at the heart monitor with the reassuring and steady beeping.
The man startled at the sound of Bruce’s voice, Peter blinking at the jump of his hand.
“Shhh… Sorry kiddo. Just relax,” Tony said softly, turning to see Bruce looking at him apologetically.
“I didn’t mean to disturb you. Sorry,” he said quietly, leaning over to fiddle with Peter’s medicine. “How are you doing, Peter? Still hurting?”
One blink.
“That means yes,” Tony said tiredly.
“Okay, well I am going to take a few samples and mix them with the medicine I’m making. If it works, I will come back and give you a dose, okay? You should feel a lot better after I give it to you.”
Peter blinked, exhaustion pooling in his eyes, before looking back to Tony.
“You’ll be okay, kid. All of this will be over before you know it.”
Bruce cleared his throat.
“Tony, can I talk to you for a minute?” he asked while motioning to the hall. Tony frowned
“I’ll be right back Peter. You hang tight, okay?” he said tightly. God he didn’t want to leave this kid, especially not in a room like this— sterile and foreign— even with May there. Peter blinked in acknowledgment, and May nodded.
He followed Bruce into the empty hall outside of the room, the brighter lights making him squint. It was quiet without the beeping of the monitors, and exhaustion seeped into Tony’s bones in its absence.
“What’s up?” Tony asked as he dragged his hand down his face. 
“I just—. I wanted to check on you,” Bruce said in a hushed tone. “You came straight from a battle with Thanos into the waiting room, and then immediately into Peter’s hospital room. You haven’t left since. I think you need to take a break.”
Tony scoffed.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll just go home and sleep this off while the kid lies in agony. Great idea, Bruce.”
“Tony, listen to me,” Bruce said softly, placing his big hand on Tony’s shoulder. Tony’s eyes looked anywhere but his face, not wanting to hear what he had to say. “I know you want to stay by his side, but you are going to collapse if you don’t take a breather. The kid wouldn’t want that. Pepper’s at a hotel with everyone else— why don’t you go see her? You have another kid wondering where you are.”
“Low blow using my daughter, Brucey,” Tony said with a scowl. After a moment, he sighed, rubbing at his neck. “And you’ll call me if anything happens?”
Bruce smiled softly. “I promise. The medicine should be done in about 12 hours if the tests are successful. We don’t know the long term effects of the stones, but so far everything seems to be progressing without damaging him. We are playing the waiting game now, and you have to sleep when you can.”
“I’ll be back in four hours max,” Tony said as he ran his hand through his hair.
“Eight,” Bruce said firmly.
“Six, and that’s my final offer.”
Bruce sighed, his shoulders slumping. “Okay. I will see you in six hours minimum.”
“FRI, start a timer.”
Bruce rolled his eyes. “Tell him you’ll be back soon.”
“Yeah yeah… Whatever you say, Doc Green,” Tony said with a small smirk.
Bruce returned it with his own lopsided grin.
“Fatherhood looks good on you, by the way. You’re suited for it.”
Tony scoffed, a fond look in his eyes.
“Yeah, yuck it up. Just go make my kid some medicine.”
He turned on his heels, pushing through the doors quietly as to not disturb Peter. May looked up at him in exhaustion and motions for him to sit down.
Tony returned to his chair, grabbing the kid’s attention and brushing through his curls.
“Hey kiddo. I’ve been sentenced to bed by the Jolly Green PhD— says something about staying up after a fight isn’t good on my body. Personally, I think I could run a marathon right now, but the good doctor could not be convinced.”
Peter blinked up at him, worry on his face.
“I’ll be back, don’t worry,” he said, but Peter blinked firmly twice. Tony frowned.
“I think he’s telling you to take care of yourself,” May said softly. “When you get back, I’ll take a break too. I haven’t been fighting aliens, so I’m good to go for a few more hours.”
Peter relaxed at her words, looking up at him pleadingly.
“Jeez kid… You shouldn’t be worrying about me when you’re the one in the hospital bed,” he chuckled, but the guilt still sits heavily in his stomach. This kid was here because of him, after all. He shouldn’t be leaving his side. “I’ll be back in six hours. I don’t think Bruce will let me back in a minute sooner.”
Peter blinked once and then closed his eyes, May returning her fingers to his hair and smiling at him.
“Tony… Thank you,” she said as he started to stand. “For being here.”
Tony blushed. These last five years have definitely made him less emotionally constipated, because he doesn’t brush off the comment.
“Of course. I’ll be back soon.”
May nodded, and Tony stepped outside. Exhaustion washed over him as he walked down the hall, catching a ride with a shield agent to the hotel everyone was staying at. His mind was numb now that he was out of the room, and he could barely keep his eyes open through the ride, the trees and headlights blurring before him.
When he arrived at the hotel, he was too tired to really take in his surroundings, but he did notice the beautiful mop of golden hair that stood in the lobby, soothingly talking into her phone.
Pepper turned when she heard his voice, murmuring something into the speaker. She rushed to him, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him softly. She brought her phone to her ear.
“Yes, Daddy’s right here. Everything’s okay.”
Tony motioned for her to give him the phone, and he could cry with relief when he heard his little girl’s voice on the other end.
“Daddy! I saw Spiderman on the TV!” she squealed, and Tony chuckled fondly.
“Yeah, Baby. He saved everyone,” he said with as much enthusiasm as he could muster. He couldn’t let her hear how tired he was.
“Is he hurt? He looked hurt,” she said sadly, and Tony’s heart clenched. Pepper looked up at him expectantly.
“He’s a little banged up, but he will be okay. He’s resting right now.”
“You should rest too, Daddy,” she said firmly, and he could picture her little nose scrunching up as she laid out orders. This was definitely Pepper Potts’ kid.
“Okay, sweetheart. I will rest. When Spiderman is better, you can come visit him,” he said with a small smile, and an excited squeal echoes in his ear.
“I get to meet Petey! Daddy, tell him to get better soon!”
Tony chuckled. The thought of his kids meeting was like a dream, and he held onto the thought as he tried to ease the anxieties that came with being away from both of them.
“I will baby.”
Pepper took the phone back, wishing Morgan goodnight before turning back to him.
“How is he really, Tony?” she asked quietly, her hand clenching on his shirt.
“He’s hurting, but Bruce says he should have medicine ready soon. I’ve been ordered to rest up for… Five hours and 42 minutes.”
Pepper smiled fondly before pulling him towards their room.
“You clean up and then get in bed. I could use some sleep too.”
Tony nodded as he headed to the room and into shower, watching the blood of battle wash down the drain. He absently ran through the motions before climbing into bed next to her.
“Just try and close your eyes for as long as you can. He will be here when you wake up,” she said as she pulled him close to her, running her hands through his hair. Tony nodded.
Thoughts of his kids playing by the lake-side lulled him to sleep.
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scrawnydutchman · 6 years
Incredibles 2 Movie Review (Spoiler Free)
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Pixar has become somewhat infamous for releasing nostalgia pandering sequels in recent years. Cars 2 & 3, Toy Story 4, Finding Dory, Monsters University. These all have their fans to be sure but many people, myself included, wished for more fresh and original ideas from Pixar that made them so great to begin with, rather than friendly reminders of how great they once were. So needless to say I’ve never been horribly interested in a great deal of the Pixar sequels . . . that is except for Incredibles 2. After the third Toy Story I’ve been saying for years that Incredibles is the only Pixar property that actually needs a sequel. Why? Because it’s a premise that’s ripe for continuation. I’m a huge fan of the first Incredibles, so much so that it’s my favorite 3D animated film ever. I loved the family dynamic, the performances, the dialogue, the design, the action. It was cool, slick, charming and heartfelt. It had the stylish edge of a spy thriller with the action of a superhero blockbuster. To put it simply, I wanted to see the Parr family do more superhero AND family antics. So needless to say I was as pumped for this movie as anyone. Did it live up to my expectations? Hell yes it did. It was everything I was hoping to get and improves on a great deal of where the first film left off in fact . . . while also being weaker in some other areas. Let’s break it down.
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Synopsis: The Parr Family is back in action, continuing their superheroing despite the fact that doing so is still illegal (why the legalization of supers wasn’t  even considered after the family saved the city from Syndrome, I have no idea. But whatever. Just go with it.) Things might change for the better though when Elastigirl gets an offer from a telecommunications expert to share her superhero perspective on why these heroic acts shouldn’t be shunned. While she takes up her new job, Mr. Incredible fights his own battles of being a stay at home dad and realizes it isn’t as easy as he thought it was going to be, especially since Jack Jack demonstrates a new superpower every second. Things for Elastigirl get complicated as a mysterious new villain called Screenslaver makes their appearance. Can she get to the bottom of Screenslaver’s new plan before things turn for the worst?
I mentioned before that Pixar has a known tendency to pander a lot to nostalgia in their sequels, and Incredibles 2 is no exception. There’s more than a few references and repeats of the first film including reused sound effects, shots, settings, cinematography and so on. While these certainly are present and are admittedly a touch distracting at times, make no mistake; this sequel has it’s own identity to it. The concept is interesting, I love the idea of the parents more or less reversing their roles from the first film and all the comedic antics those bring . . .and every scene involving Jack Jack got uproarious laughs in the theater. Admittedly the story has a few noticeable holes and isn’t as tight as the first film, but they weren’t nearly noticeable enough to ruin the experience as a whole. Also the movie kind of falls short in terms of pacing; by the end of it I was honestly kind of amazed that it felt over so quick. For whatever reason the first film felt way more like it took it’s time, despite the fact that there’s only a difference of 3 minutes between each films runtime. 
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The characterization of each family member is arguably the Incredibles greatest appeal. It’s so much fun watching this family interact with one another. This time around the family dichotomy ups the anti with a handful of cute little moments between members.  I loved all the interaction between the siblings and the parents and they have constantly great dialogue between each other just as the first film does. Mr. Incredible is probably the most accurately portrayed dad in the history of animated films; he reminds me so much of my dad it’s actually insane.  There’s also one VERY small interaction between Dash and Frozone that I won’t give away but the moment I heard it I completely gushed. Also, while not as developed a villain as Syndrome in terms of motivation, Screenslaver is one hell of a cool bad guy. While Syndrome was a larger than life hamfisted manchild who loved to boast and brag, Screenslaver is a cold and calculated entity whose hidden behind layers and layers of intricate planning and espionage. Again, Screenslaver’s motivations aren’t as fleshed out or as interwoven with the family as Syndrome is but the villain more than makes up for it in aesthetic and outright creep factor. I kind of wish the movie spent more time keeping Screenslaver’s identity shrouded in mystery as that was when the appeal was highest IMHO but the twist is pretty good too. I won’t spoil it obviously, but I thought it was a pretty clever way to spread everything out. I do wish they gave Dash a bit more to do in the film though. While he has a memorable fast paced chase scene in the first movie Dash is unfortunately given next to nothing here; opting instead for more screentime for Jack Jack. In fact, both he and Violet pretty much get the shaft in favour of their baby brother when it comes to what is supposed to be their big action scene. All well. I still enjoyed seeing them again.
Visuals (Animation, Composition, Visual Storytelling, Etc.)
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*this shot of Dash and Jack Jack running through a series of portals is among the most memorable.*
While the script and plot of this sequel all in all recaptures the appeal of the first Incredibles but falls just short in matching it in quality and pacing, one thing it absolutely improves upon this time around is the visuals. This film is gorgeous as one may expect it to be. The textures are beautiful, the use of the trademark Incredibles colour scheme involving shades of orange and red is great. The characters this time around are a bit more on the geometric and cartoony side whereas the first film was more rounded and mushy looking, which is a welcome change IMO. The animation is excellent as predicted. The characters move and behave their own charming ways and the facial expressions in particular are ON POINT in the film. Not to mention the slapstick is a lot better. The big thing where the visuals really shine though is the action. OH MY GOD the action in this film alone is worth price of admission. This is right up there with the first Kung Fu Panda when it comes to fight scenes oozing with creativity. The way characters utilize their powers, the way they interact with their environment, the way the stakes in every fight build as they progress, the way one action follows up another and it’s so clear despite it being so quick. It was simply excellent. The story developers have come up with stuff for this film I would have never thought of in a million years and it’s the coolest damn thing every time. 
One minor thing to note; you may have scene a seizure warning floating around on the internet for a particular scene in this movie. I’m telling you right now; they weren’t kidding. I’m not epileptic but it was quite a bit for me. I’d take the necessary precautions before you see it thinking it’s safe. While the scene in question is definitely a bit of a strain on the eyes, it’s undoubtedly a really cool aesthetic regardless.
Voice Acting Performances:
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Holly Hunter, Craig T. Nelson and Samuel L. Jackson all return for their iconic performances as Elastigirl, Mr. Incredible and Frozone. They all do as great a job as they’ve ever done and haven’t gotten the least bit rusty. Craig T. Nelson still plays a down to earth sentimental father. Holly Hunter still plays an empowered, sharp and quick-on-her-feet mother. Sam Jackson still plays a suave and cool Frozone. Sarah Vowell returns as Violet and gives a great performance for the awkward, pugnacious yet responsible teen. Brad Bird is directing/writing again which means he also returns as Edna Mode; as entertaining as ever. We also get some exceptional performances from voice actors acting as standins for the first films roles. Huck Milner takes the role of Dash this time around and plays it very close to Spencer Fox. Between Dash and Nemo in Finding Dory  Pixar has an uncanny ability for replacing child actors after the first got much too old. The only performance that kind of stands out as not really matching the original is Jonathon Banks as Rick Dicker. I could tell instantly he wasn’t quite the same as the late Bud Luckey (R.I.P). All well; a small gripe in the grand scheme of things. The newcomers such as Catherine Keener and Bob Odenkirk are great. Overall, great performance from everyone.
Sound design (Score, Sound effects, etc.)
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Yet another great element from the first movie that makes a triumphant return: the damn jazzy MUSIC. You can’t tell me you don’t get pumped up just from the killer soundtrack to Incredibles by itself. Those fans of said soundtrack should stick around until after the credits for a special treat in that regard. The sound effects for the film are great too, particularly the original made sounds for each of the superpowers. Not a whole lot else to say; it just nailed it. 
Fans of the original will not be disappointed. It’s got all the appeal of the first with a great set of original stuff to be it’s own visual experience. It about matches the first in overall quality with it’s superior visuals and action but inferior story and pacing. If you haven’t checked it out already please do. I haven’t had that much fun in the movie theater in quite some time.
Story: 1.5 out of 2 - Above Average
Characters: 1.5 out of 2 -Above Average
Visuals: 2 out of 2 - Excellent
Voice acting performances: 2 out of 2 - Excellent
Sound Design: 2 out of 2 - Excellent
9 out of 10 - A worthy successor!
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themjamstho · 7 years
Something Beautiful Pt. 2
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Pairing: Reader x Jimin
Genre: Fluff~
Warning: None
A/N: Here’s the second part!! I know I’m a bad author. I obviously didn’t update on time... I’m really sorry~~ It’s finally here, though. I hope you enjoy it! Requests are open so send anything you want me to write and I will make sure to tune in and write it as soon as possible, I promise!
You were sitting in the library as usual. It wasn’t a surprise. After that one encounter with Jimin, you’ve been more addicted to books, more specifically, the university library. That’s what others have observed. The real reason of you coming to the library was, yes, you loved books but – Jimin was such a distraction.  
You had always been anticipating Jimin’s arrival, always waiting for the newly polished chime bells to ring and show a raven black head of silky and shiny hair. You always remained in readiness for when he will show up. Then you could alarm yourself and pretend that both of you didn’t lock eyes and stare into each other’s souls for a straight minute while giving off a genuine smile that reached your eyes, despite the people moving about.
This was the routine ever since you first officially had a conversation with him, you would come every two days and he seemed to follow the same pattern as you, coming after or before you with a margin of 5 minutes, maximum. You don’t know if was a coincidence but you liked to believe it was, because why would he come and take out three to four hours of his day just to see an ordinary book-addicted girl, like you? Putting aside this huge doubt and some insecurities, you couldn’t ignore the fact that every time you locked eyes with him or shared soft smiles or even only brushed your shoulder with his, you could feel some sort of spark jolt up inside of you. You were dead sure that it wasn’t only you, but it was him as well. His intense gaze after the both of you made the slightest of direct or indirect contact always gave away the fact that he felt adrenaline rush in his body just as you did.
You were snapped out of your flashback of all of your small encounters with your crush when the chime bells clashed together to make a pleasant sound and you immediately turned your eyes to the book in your hand when you saw a few strands of the all too familiar hair color. Your attention, unlike your stare, was focused at the advancing footsteps towards you. A small smile slowly crept up on your face because he could start a conversation with you anytime now.  
Even though you were ready for his sweet and velvety voice to dance its way to your ears, you got slightly startled when he took a seat right beside you and exclaimed your name in excitement, which, obviously, earned a ‘shh’ from the part-time worker in the library. Apologizing quickly, he turned to face you with his angelic smile. He only flashed his smile and you were already weak in your knees, trying your best to focus on what he was going to say rather than paying attention to his face and repeatedly admiring all of his charms that you knew so well. “Hi, Y/N! What’s up?” He whisper shouted. You slightly chuckled due to his giddy attitude and, instead of speaking, you waved the book in your hand in front of him. “Ooh, being the usual bookworm, I see?” You gasped and tapped the book on his shoulder nearest to you, which resulted at him trying to stifle a laugh at your pouty lips.
Oh, how bad he wanted to kiss them. He knew he couldn’t. Why would a girl way out of his league, like him? And besides, if he kisses them or even makes a slight move like that, he might ruin his friendship with you. Surely, he doesn’t want to ruin a relationship where he is closest to you. He never considered the possibility of you liking him. Not even once. This was all because when girls liked him, it was obvious. They stuttered, giggled and did everything girls do that is fake, merely to impress their crush. But in his mindset, you were very different. You were perfect. Beautiful, smart, charming personality, love for books just like him and so much more all in one person, you.
Ever since that one blessed day where he got to talk to you, he’s been completely head over heels for you. He wouldn’t miss to notice the way you walk to the way you talk. Always finding everything about you so intriguing and fascinating that even his friends noticed how he was attracted to you just like how a moth is drawn to a flame. It didn’t matter if the conversations he had with you here and there were long or short because to him, only hearing a few words slip out of your plump and naturally pink lips, laced with your soft and smooth voice was more than enough for him to keep thinking about them the whole night.
Surprisingly, he was able to keep calm when he talked to you but only he knew how loud and fast heart beat when he made contact with you.
You thought it’d be awkward if he sat there without anything to do so you moved the book to the middle of the small table, where he could clearly see the text on the book too. What you didn’t realize, however, was that, due to this action, you guys would have to sit with you bodies pushed next to each other. ‘Damn it. It may seem like I’m making a move on him.’ He caught up and moved his body closer to yours, making heat rush up to your cheeks and neck. Both of you adjusted yourselves and focused on the book.
A minute passed and Jimin tore his concentration from the book and shifted it to you. He made sure not to let you notice, sparing two or three glances a minute. After some moments of painful silence, he couldn’t control himself anymore and sparked up a conversation. “Don’t you think that the library is getting a little boring?” He decided to take his chances. ‘It’s now or never’ he thought. But, even if he was asking you out for a sudden and an unplanned date, he was not going to do it directly. That was too much of a risk. He wanted to play it safe.
“Boring? A library? Ha! Never. I’m surprised this is coming from you, as well.” Well, he just had to try harder, there’s no way he’s going to give up now. “Oh, c’mon. There’s this new, uh, amusement p-park that opened up last week. Or w-we can go to a coffee shop j-just round the corner of the, uh, nearest stre-” You cut him off by tittering. In an amused tone, you asked, “Is the Park Jimin possibly asking me out on a date and is nervous, at the same time?” He gave you one of his smiles that you adored so much. “Maybe. Who knows?” You nudged your elbow to his side playfully and replied, “I do. It seems like to me that you are.” He chuckled lightheartedly, earning another call of keeping quiet, this time, from the librarian. He apologized again and turned to you with the same carefree expression on his face. “So, Miss. ‘I know that Park Jimin is asking me out and I’m sure’, what do you say? Let’s go?”
That very moment, everything for you seemed to stop working. Your mind, your heart, you limbs, everything. It wasn’t a joke. He wasn’t playing with your feelings – well, he still is. But, you didn’t think that he was, in all of his seriousness, officially asking you out on a date. Does that mean that he feels the same way about you too?
‘Nah. It’s probably just a friendly date. We’ve become good friends so it’s logical for us to go out as just friends. I should stop over thinking too much.’
You felt a pang in your chest when you referred to your relation with him as just friends, but it was true. It hurt like a bit- never mind. However, if this was what fate wanted for the both of you, you were willing to take the chance. Risking what you have with him right now was a big step and you didn’t want to take it. At least not right now.
“-at got your tongue? Y/N? Hey! Are you having a stroke? A seizure?” He asked, growing genuinely worried, while snapping you out of your train of thoughts. “Huh? Oh. Yeah, sure. I’ll go.” You ended your reply to his request by letting a gentle smile dance on your features ‘like a ballerina when she makes an already breathtaking ballroom look even more wonderful and magnificent when she dances gracefully across’. This is the phrase that Jimin once used, to describe your stunning smile. He was quite satisfied with it too. “Thanks, uh, great! Let’s go now!” “Now- oof!” He locked your hand in his and ran out of the library, not even bothering to let you process anything that happened just now.
It wasn’t as far as you thought it was, the amusement park. You had to admit, it was pretty well built and it looked really fun. Not long after you reached, you realized that Jimin was still holding your hand, tightly, at that. A small blush crept up your cheeks as you called out his name. “Yeah?” He asked, confusion written over his features but he still managed to keep a bright smile on his face. You gave him a signal by curtly nodding towards your locked hands. He looked at the sight and smirked. What you thought was that he was going to be flustered and take his hand away from yours but, instead of doing that, he gave your hand a brief squeeze and said, “I know. I like it this way.” He scanned your face for a few seconds and it just so happened that your blush was very visible now. This only encouraged his smirk to grow wider and mumble, “Cute.” You didn’t believe your ears. ‘He probably said that I'm a creep. I'm definitely hearing things.’
The rest of the afternoon was spent with laughter, giggles, sly remarks and of course, slight body contact which would make your heart into a frenzy of excitement and merriment, altoghter. You were usually calm and composed in front of him but this time, you weren’t sure. But, you didn’t care either. You felt so good with him. It almost seemed as if he was just as mad for you as you were for him. Without knowing, he made you feel special. You never wanted this moment to end.
At the end, Jimin asked you to wait for him on one of the benches near the crowded food stalls. He said that he was going to get something, so you agreed. During the time he was gone, which was around ten minutes, you observed the view in front of you. The sight was beautifully lit up with fairy lights surrounding the bridges and fountains. The water was thrown into the air in marvelous patterns that made you spell-bound. You quickly changed your mind. ‘No – This is beyond beautiful.’  However, a frown came on your face when you thought about how you could be enjoying the same view with Jimin by your side. He didn’t have to hold you in his strong arms to make you warm, just his presence would’ve been enough.
In expected time, Jimin came back and handed you a stick with blue colored cotton candy stuck on top. You chortled, finding the simple gesture cute, yet silly. “This is why you went away for, like, ages?” You exaggerated. He faked a gasp and pretended to be hurt. “This cost a lot and I had to walk so far just to get this. Be grateful.” He said, while pointing at a nearby stall. “It’s not even that far. How did you manage to take so long?” You gave him a reply and playfully narrowed your eyes at him. He smirked at you. You could swear that you heart skipped a beat. “Did Y/N L/N miss me?” He whispered teasingly. You could feel your heart beating faster by the second and your breath starting to stagger. His simple action somehow gave your body a rush of adrenaline. Without thinking it through, you replied, “Yes, I did. A lot.” For what seemed like the thousandth time today, you blushed insanely once again as you tried to cover up what you said, but failed as you stuttered profusely, “T-That’s n-not what I-I me-eant, uh, i-it sli-” You hadn’t noticed how Jimin slowly started to close the space between your bodies just as your answer to his question slipped out of your mouth. He cut you off by putting a finger to your lips. Flustered and surprised by his closeness, you widened your eyes and stared into his. His gaze was focused on yours. It had a glint of something you couldn’t quite decipher, but you were sure that you had seen the same gaze a few times now. You could’ve drowned in his eyes and never want to leave. That’s how captivating and deep his eyes were at that moment. You were so busy in staring into his eyes which were full of unknown meaning, that you didn’t notice him leaning into your face.
The next moment, he placed his lips on yours. At first, he simply brushed his lips on yours. It made sparks fly. Everything else in the world stopped mattering and just when it couldn’t get any better, he pressed his lips and started moving them. You instantly responded. Both of your lips fit perfectly as if they were puzzle pieces. It was perfect. You never wanted this moment to end. He snaked his arms around you waist and held you tightly, as if he was going to lose you anytime. In response, you held his face in your hands and pulled him closer. Your stomach was performing somersaults and your insides were twisting. Your mind was fuzzy.
To your dismay, he pulled away some time after. Of course, the rush of sadness of him pulling away left as soon as it came. He held your hands and looked to your eyes with intensity more than before. This is was what you loved. How he noticed and smiled at you as if you’re the only thing he can see, even if you were in a crowded place. How he looked at you as if he’d seen the most precious thing to him in the world. How he held your hands tight as if he was afraid of letting you go. You were expecting him to confess to you because it was pretty clear that his feelings were mutual after that kiss.
Instead of saying those three words you longed for him to say, he started to run toward the exit of the amusement park while holding one of your hands and making you run along with him. You were confused but went along anyway. At last you reached to a place which appeared to be abandoned. There was a beautiful wooden bridge right above a sparkling blue stream of water. The sun was about to set which made the sight even more delightful to watch. You wondered why people would want to leave this place in the first place.
He took you up to the top of the bridge and turned around to look into your eyes once again. ‘Is he going to confess now? Or should I do it?’ You thought. You were nervous and were afraid that it was going to get awkward so you parted your lips to confess before he did. He cut you off again. This time, by singing.
Wise men say, “Only fools rush in.”
But I can’t help
Falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can’t help falling in love with you?
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can’t help falling in love with you
For I can’t help falling in love with you
By the end of his confession – song, tears were running down your face. He smiled angelically once again. “I love you. More than you can imagine, Y/N. You drew me in and you have been, since day one. I love everything about you. I love you.” You let out a choked chuckle and gently shoved his shoulder and said, “Do you want to make my heart explode?” Without wasting another moment, he pulled you closer and hugged his arms around your waist tightly. You snaked yours around his neck. “I love you too, Chim.” He laughed at his new nickname. “You're mine now.” He groaned out of relief and satisfaction, it seemed, "Finally." You buried your head in his neck as a response and smiled gently.
This really is beautiful. Can this get better? You’re in for a long ride for that answer.
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One Summer Part 2/5
Part List
Ship: Jimin x Reader (so far). Includes all of Bangtan
Description: Since you are stuck with a huge crush on your childhood friend how the hell are you going to survive the whole summer with him?
Warnings: Drinking, cursing
Word Count: 978
“I can’t believe we have been doing this for ten years,” you strain, trying to keep your voice steady. “Ummhum,” Jimin breathes into your ear. “Let the night begin,” Yoongi shouts as the group all take a big gulp of their drinks.
You and Jimin sit down on a beach towel between Jungkook and Yoongi. This is normal, you repeat to yourself, trying not to overanalyze the current situation with Jimin. “How’s college?” Yoongi slurs, he is already hammered. “Great,” you reply still aware of Jimin inches away from you. But you can’t help but love the warmth emanating from him. “Come on, there HAS to more!” Yoongi complains. “Yeah spill the tea Y/N,” Jin quips as he comes from the house with 3 huge bags of Doritos and a flashlight. “Come on Y/N,” Jimin pokes you in the side. “Ow,” you exclaim and lightly shove him back. Soon the whole group surrounds you. Most of the boys either finished college or live close enough together to hear whatever mischief eachother participate in. “Well…one time I cut my roommates hair or… tried to at least,” everyone seems a little disappointed, “but wait,” you stand up, though you are wobbly, and almost falling on Jimin. “Her hair was down to here,” you point to your mid-thigh “I think she spent 8 years or something without cutting her hair, then she starts complaining like blah blah my neck hurts blah blah blah I hate my hair,” you start to sway side to side and Jimin helps you sit to the ground safely. You lose balance coming down and land hard into Jimin’s lap, praying that your blush is hidden in the dark. “Get on with the story,” Yoongi complains. “R-Right,” you’re still on Jimin’s lap. All alarms blare in your brain. WHAT DO I DO OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. Calming down you quickly start up the story, intimidated by Yoongi’s glare. “Anyway, I tell her just cut the damn hair,” one of Jimin’s hands is resting on your thigh. OH SHIT OH SHIT. “So she’s li-“ suddenly your voice cracks. Jungkook and Hoseok burst out in laughter, and Hoseok topples into his side looking like he is having a seizure. Jungkook barely is able to wheeze, “I didn’t know you were a 12 year old boy Y/N.” “Whatever,” you huff. “Back to the damn story, so my roommate says she can’t because her mom can sense if she does stupid stuff,” Taehyung snickers for some reason, “I was like stop being so paranoid and my roommate said that I was right.” “When have you ever been right,” Namjoon inquires smugly. “Every damn moment of my life,” you quip. “I get some kitchen scissors, ya know we get set up with a trash bag on the ground and whatever. She wants her hair cut to her shoulders and I said alright. Just I was about to make the first cut. My roommate’s phone buzzes.” Jimin’s hands have now traveled to wrap cozily around your waist. You tell yourself that he is only being friendly since you STILL are sitting on his lap. “So my roommate goes to pick her phone up and all I hear is and I quote ARIA YOU STUPID, I TOLD YOU NOT TO CUT YOUR HAIR and my roommate was like Mom it’s fine and her mom is still yelling through the phone. Then there is a knock on the door,” you can see people leaning in with interest, “I open the door and my roommate’s mom pushes me over and screams at her. I’m thinking what the hell is going on. Then I try to escape to my room and the mom shouts this was all YOUR idea pointing at me. So my roommate is dragged out of the apartment and the next day says that she needs to leave and MOVES OUT. She never was seen or heard from by me again.” You complete your story finally. Hoseok asks, “She really was forced to leave like that?” “You know how overbearing mothers are,” Namjoon interjects. You look to the side where Yoongi is laying down very still. “Do you guys think Yoongi passed out?” You crawl towards the sleeping boy accidentally kneeing Jimin in the stomach. Jimin hisses with the push against his gut. Poking Yoongi’s face your suspicions are confirmed, “yep he’s passed out you say and it’s only like 1 am.” “It has been that long?” Hoseok asks. “Well you all came at around 11pm so it has only been two hours,” Jin responds. “Who wants to help me carry Yoongi back to his room?” you ask through the noise of small conversations. “I’ll do it Y/N,” Jimin responds and you hear Taehyung and Jungkook try and contain their laughter. You pick up Yoongi’s shoulders and Jimin gets his legs and you both almost drag him into the house and up the stairs. You plop him into his bed. “Here,” you say turning his head to the left over the side of the bed, “if he pukes now he won’t choke and die.” “I can always trust you to know best,” you shrug as Jimin laughs. “Hey, I got to show you my room in this house,” you remember last year Jimin shared a room with Jungkook which lead to some… shenanigans to say the least. He drags you up a flight of stairs into an attic bedroom, which is, to be honest really nice. “When did this room exist? It’s nice!” you exclaim and flop onto his bed, “AND the bed is super comfy, you lucked out this year.” Jimin flops next to you, and suddenly you assess the situation. You are in your crush’s room, on his bed WITH HIM, this thought makes you blush hard. “Why are you blushing baby?” he asks as he scooches closer to you.
Thanks to everyone who liked my first part, I really appreciate it. Please comment any suggestions!
Also the first time I got the word count wrong. I put characters instead of words… sorry
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myectjourney · 6 years
ECT procedure #1 (4/2/2018)
Today was my first electro-convulsive therapy procedure and my first unilateral.
They had me check in with the business part of the hospital to take my insurance info down.
After that, a nurse did a standard check up and asked me for my urine for a spontaneous pregnancy test. My partner was with me during this process and they made sure all my medical history was correct.
Then they asked my partner to wait in the lobby and took me into a different nurse room where I was asked to take my shoes off and put a gown over my clothing (turns out it's a really non-invasive procedure in that manner).
One of the nurses had me lay down on a gurney and put in my I.V. and asked if I wanted some socks to keep warm (I wore flip-flops).
I want to add that they injected me with lidocaine in my hand (the spot they were going to put the I.V.) to numb the area before they put the I.V. in and I'm sure also to lessen the pain of the anesthesia when they inject it into the I.V. (that my speculation at least)
Another nurse wheeled me out into the operation room.
Up until that point, every single nurse was very friendly and each one asked if I had any questions.
When I got to the operating room, I was greeted by an anesthesiologist and my ECT doctor. They re-explained the process of the procedure and that this first one I was going to be shocked more than once so they can find my threshold/how much it takes to make me properly seizure.
They also told me I might experience some jaw pain after it's over, due to clenching and they will put a mouth guard in me after I'm put under.
The anesthesiologist explain they she will be putting the anesthesia in my I.V. and I should fall asleep fairly quickly and remember nothing about the procedure.
They put electrodes on the right side of my head and some on my chest to monitor my heart rate.
They warned me before they added the meds to my I.V.
I woke up in the anesthesia waiting room. My first reaction was panic and I started to cry, seemingly without reason. I kept apologizing to the nurses because I didn't know how to stop.
This apparently happens sometimes during the first few treatments. It's not something I'd say to expect but it CAN happen. I calmed down as soon as I came completely off the meds and they helped me up and back into the first room where my partner was waiting. They gave me crackers and juice, gave my partner a contact sheet for emergencies and said to take my time in there before I go and they'll see me on Wednesday.
As I stated previously, I made a form to track my symptoms after each procedure.
Long-term Memory Questions: Answered correctly and without hesitation.
Short-term Memory Questions: Answered correctly and without hesitation.
Slowed cognition? No.
Memory loss? No.
Attention span? Good.
Tiredness? Yes.
● Dizziness and slight trouble standing
● Headache and nausea (mild-moderate)
● Tiredness (mild in the beginning)
● Slightly slurred speech (due to tiredness probably. VERY mild)
● Spacey (mild)
● Jaw pain (moderate)
● Coughing (from oxygen being pumped in me)
● Sore arm from I.V.
On my very long ride home, my headache and nausea got worse but that was mostly due to stop and go traffic.
When I got home, I took a 5 hour nap and woke up still with a headache, slight disorientation and extremely MILD nausea. I also hadn't eaten since the night before so I'm sure that was a part of it.
We'll see how I sleep tonight.
~ End of ECT day #1 ~
My insomnia meds continued to work and I slept fairly well. I did wake up extremely sore around my neck though.
I also have another theory on why I panicked after I woke up from anesthesia: I take a drug normally that helps my anxiety and they flush it all out of my body before they perform the procedure (because its technically an anti-seizure/convulsive drug). Maybe the panic came because my body was shocked to have it all completely out of my system? Just an idea.
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Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you’ve created this past year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2017. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
I was tagged by the wonderful and talented @perrydowning
I only started writing fic in 2017, so at least I don’t have to sort through what’s eligible. Let’s see though...
My first AU and second fic, an AU where the Resistance was waiting in Tuanal to ambush the First Order with the intent of capturing Kylo Ren. He escapes, injured. While this is a fairly dark, pragmatic Kylo that shifts lighter through the story, this fic pushes most characters into a very morally grey zone. Expect the unexpected.
“Kriffing bitch,” he growled the words out, refusing to look to the corner where she sat.
“So nice to see you too, Ben,” her voice was cold. He didn’t need to see her to know the hard, steely glint that would be in her eyes. The way she always looked when she locked away her emotions and operated on sheer determination to do something, and damn the consequences to those around her.
It was the look she had when she sent him away, even as he pleaded with her not to make him go. He winced at the memory, now raw again after reliving it in the force vision. His chin tapped the metal band around his neck and he let out a growl, “You put a suppression collar on me.”
“We did,” she answered, “it’s a nicer option than the chemical suppressants.”
“You collared  me like a kriffing dog.” He gritted his teeth, “Kriffing  bitch. ”
He heard her stand and the rattling of the chair as she dragged it closer, so she was sitting in front of him. Still he refused to look at her, keeping his eyes trained onto the floor. “It’s unfortunate, but necessary.” She paused, he could see in his mind her pursing her lips as she waited to see if he’d say anything else, “This entire ordeal, I’m afraid, was unfortunate but necessary.”
Anger spiked in him again and he jerked hard on the chains before stilling, staring at the floor. “ Unfortunate  . Yes, nearly killing me was  unfortunate  . Getting so many of your people killed was  unfortunate  . Niima being leveled to ruins was  unfortunate  . Tell me, did you do anything to help your  allies down on Jakku? Or did you pull your people out without even an apology for leaving them with nothing but destruction?”
There was a long pause, the room silent except for the sound of his mother’s deep breaths. He had aggravated her with an accusation that was completely true and she loathed to even think about. But when she spoke again, her voice was calm and cold.
“You’ve seen the rest of the map to Luke,” she said, as he blew air angrily out of his nose. “And you’re going to give it to us so we can find him.”
My very first fic (well, at least since my teenage years). Canonverse post TFA. Kylo starts very dark, be warned on that. Kylo and Rey deal with the aftermath of Starkiller and the realization that their minds appear to be linked. A complex (but far less grumpy than the one we got in TLJ) Luke, fiesty Rey, dark and obsessed Kylo. I even brought Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren into this story (but not in a way that requires you to have ever watched Rebels). It’s a fun, very plot driven ride. And I really like this Kylo---
“I don’t think they saw us,” she said, quietly, backing away from the door and ducking behind one of the consoles. Her nerves were on edge as the sound of footsteps stopped somewhere close to the room they were in. Leia nodded, her face pale, peering over the console.
It all fell quiet and for a moment she felt like she could breath again.
Then the door exploded inward.
A pair of troopers rushed, raising their blasters. She jumped to her feet, ready to ignite her staff, when the two went flying in opposite directions and smashed into the walls. Freezing in place, her head not quite wrapped around what just happened, she heard the sound of commotion and shouting and a few screams from the hall… and whistling. A pleasant, almost jaunty sort of tune. Someone was whistling? Dakriff?
A lightsaber crackled from the hallway as another trooper screamed in pain, and her breath caught in realization.
Ren appeared in the doorway, saber crackling in his right hand. Nonchalant, whistling, as if he was strolling through a park and not a battle. As if he likely hadn’t just cut his way through a unit of stormtroopers. His eyes met hers and grinned.
One of the stormtroopers who’d been flung into the wall shifted, trying to raise his blaster. Ren’s head turned and the arm lifting the blaster slammed into the ground. He spun his saber as he walked casually over to the trooper who strained against the force hold. Lifting the saber up mid twirl and catching the hilt in both hands, he plunged the blade straight down through the trooper’s chest. Withdrawing it he spun it again, glancing over at the remaining trooper, he appeared to deem him not a threat and disengaged his saber.
He still hadn't stopped whistling.
Apathetic Synergy
AU where Rey is captured on Starkiller and is taken prisoner by the FO. Slow burn forced cohabitation as Ren tries to gain her trust and loyalty. Very wild, feral Rey and an OCD Ren. 
She stared up at him, trying to blink back tears that were leaking out of her eyes. “I want to go home…” she whispered. “Please, just let me go home.”
 He closed his eyes, letting out a sigh as he shook his head, “No.”
 “I need… I need to get back. You don’t understand I need to get back,” her voice broke. “I’ve been gone too long…” A dam broke as she started to sob below him.
 The depth of her fear and sadness seemed to fill the room. Still holding her down, he leaned forward, pressing his forehead against hers as he shook his head, “There was never anything for you there beside false hope.” He pulled back as she shook her head hard letting go of her wrists and sitting up. She pulled her hands down and buried her face in them.
 “Look at me, Rey,” he said, leaning over her slightly. She pulled her hand down and looked up at him, her hazel eyes wet.  “They were never coming back,” he said, voice gentle.
 Her eyes shut as she shook her head, another sob wracking her. He sighed, rolling himself off of her, looking down she curled herself up as she cried. After a minute or two he reached down, slipping his arms under her back and cradling her against him awkwardly. It had been a long time since he had tried to comfort anyone. Tucking her head under his chin, he let her sob into his chest.
 “Whoever they were, they didn’t deserve you anyway,” he murmured. “They didn’t deserve you.”
Low Places
My sequel to Pro Forma, which you may want to read first for background, but I don’t think it’s necessary to understand the story. Given my tendency to write dark and angsty stuff, this fic is my relief of lighthearted banter and affection between these two idiots on opposite sides of the war who are totally infatuated with one another. Bonus, Phasma/Mitaka side ship, which I’ve been told does have the official ship label of “Lt. Chrome”. I wouldn’t call this fic angsty free, but it’s angsty light and with wonderfully cheesy flirtation mixed in.
“The blond--”
He let out a laugh, “Phasma?”
“You two seem friendly.” He seemed really amused by this-- was he laughing at her? It wasn’t until she noticed him looking at her mouth that she realized she was pouting, her lower lip sticking out as she glared at him. Gods, was she a five year old? Her face burned and she forced her lips straight.
Ren just shook his head, “We’re friends, kind of, in whatever way people like her and me can have friends.” He leaned towards her, “You were jealous.”
“I am… “ she sputtered a moment. That was ridiculous, “I am not jealous.”
“Is that so?” he gave her a patronizing smile.
“I ran into her in the ‘fresher,” she said, trying to reestablish her footing again as she glared accusingly, “I got the feeling she knew---”
“Oh…” he leaned back, looking slightly sheepish.
She put her face in her hands, shaking her head, “You told her?”
“So…” he leaned forward, “here’s the thing with me and Phasma. I provide the whiskey, we bitch about work-- mainly Hux, mostly we bitch about Hux, and she listens and absolves me of my sins.”
She shook her head at the absurdity of this, “I’m a sin then?”
His eyes scanned down from her face and back up again, “Best I ever committed.”
Something to Love
My take on a Reylo baby fic. At some point, post TFA, Rey and Ren ran off together, building a home and a family hidden in wildspace far from the war. But sadly, the war isn’t done with them, six years later they find themselves dragged back to the mess against their will.
I warn you in advance that I will make you hate characters you didn’t know you could hate in this fic. It’s very very angsty. If you don’t like angst, read chapter one and pretend that I don’t have any other chapters where I utterly destroy the domestic bliss I create in that first one.
She growled, it was a feral sound, “I want to talk to Organa.”
“Organa’s not the only one in charge now, Rey. But I’m sure she’ll want to talk to you too.”
Frowning, her eyes darted to the rank badge on his jacket before looking back at him, “I see you’ve moved up in the world. Is that your way of telling me you were behind this?”
“I’m one of them. Your seizure was my operation,” he studied her. “And it’s my way of warning you that Organa has no say in any of this. Conflict of interest.”
She blinked again, her eyes wet, willing herself not to cry, not now, “Why? We weren’t hurting anyone, why go through all this effort for us?”
There was a long pause before Poe sat up and leaned an elbow on the table. He opened his mouth, then shut it, seeming to reconsider what he was about to say before finally speaking, “We need your help, Rey.”
“My help?” She stared incredulously. “You attacked  us, kidnapped us,  kidnapped my children  , and you think I’m going to  help  you?”
“The First Order, they’re building something. A weapon. But we’re not entirely sure what it is,” he seemed to be ignoring her outburst. “And give we’re currently pinned back, investigating is next to impossible. We want to attack some key First Order bases, see if we can’t get some breathing room, before going in and finding out what they’re doing before it’s too late. We could use a little Jedi help in all this.”
“I’m not a Jedi,” she snapped.
“Close enough.”
Okay, that’s my five, I tag @dvrksister, @reylojohnson, @nottheyounglings, @otterlyanonymous, and @lonelyspacebabies. Play if you like, ignore if you’d rather not ;)
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