#but “she's a good character” as in interesting intricate etc etc
poisonedfate · 19 days
you can dislike morgana, but only because you don't understand her like i do
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rayroseu · 11 months
!!! book 7 spoilers
content: general lilia vanrouge chibi animation, general lilia and baul zigvolt full sprite, knight of dawn full silouette, and princess malenoa full silouette (source: @alchemivich) (advisable you use a light theme tumblr bcs u might have problems viewing the silouettes lol)
THE MOMENT IVE BEEN WAITING FORRRR WAYAUDGAUDHSHGSHA general peepaw at his 300s cracking his spine 💕💕✨💕✨💕😍
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AAAAHHH hes so tired from making sure the silver owls go extinct JSHAJJS also for always dealing with the Draconia's tantrums😭💥
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do YOU see the fricking flips hes doing on top of swinging a pure stone around??? GURL, THEY WERENT JOKING ABOUT HIS STRENGTH EVEN IF THOSE ARMS LOOKS AVERAGE 😭💥💥
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I love his new expressions are more sinister than what we knew ✨✨✨
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his cape is too long Jbdjaa I cant make up his form too much AAA😭✨ I'm very interested for more lore about him thoughh-- 😳✨ knight of dawn... pls be a good and likeable guy lol
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the way i gasped and she is so exuding of power and elegance ✨💕✨💕
everyone go home this is the best character design ever
*malleyuu insert* man, imagine introducing yourself as her son's bf/gf 😂😂💥💥 we're truly that meme where it goes -> the guy you like, his mother, his father, etc etc 😂😂💥💥‼️
HER FREAKING STANCE-- I CANT GET OVER IT ITS SO EFFORTLESSLY AUTHORITATIVE!!! Prince Levan scored a baddie holy freaking gosh--
Now, I really believe theyll release an actual sprite for Princess Malenoa ✨✨ She looks too detailed to just end it like this lol
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melrosing · 5 months
As your not a big fan of fantasy books in general. What drew you into loving asoiaf? What got you hooked?
now that I'm invested in asoiaf I do genuinely like the fantasy elements of the story, but the stuff that really pulled me in was the human drama and political intrigue etc. I love the character work, almost all of the POVs feel fully realised and subvert typical tropes in really interesting ways (imo). I like the inter-generational drama (the reasons I like succession are v similar to the reasons I like the Lannisters), like if I want to understand Jaime and Cersei and Tyrion I can look to Tywin, and if I want to understand Tywin I can look to Tytos, and if I was to understand Tytos I can look to Gerold, like it's a russian doll of intergenerational trauma what more could a girl want.
and on that note I really like the scope! GRRM obviously feels this need to account for all details minor and major, so that even with everything that's already on the page there's room to extrapolate so much more. i mean here I am writing who knows how many words about a fake 20-episode long robert's rebellion tv series lol like this all happened before the series even starts and yet I hardly need to make anything up bc there is so much to draw on just based on all the random little details we've got here and there from characters reflecting on the same events from different angles, and trying to piece together portraits of the people who died based on the recollections of those on the page who remember them..... it is so fun)
and yeah usually I prefer to read about that kind of thing on a smaller scale but the drama that plays out in AGOT is so engaging that upon initiation I didn't find it so much of a chore to keep track of all the various houses and lands etc in order to understand the full implications of each thing that happened - it felt like it was worth the effort. generally it's the 'keeping track' of it all that I find grating about fantasy bc I really want to just get on with the story rather than keep on top of a hundred magic systems and sub-species of pixie.
and obvs asoiaf is low fantasy rather than high fantasy, i.e. there aren't intricate systems to the magic and or complicated genus for each of the creatures, so that made it feel a lot more accessible for me as someone who just isn't very interested in those kinds of details. Dany's magic is made up as she goes along, it's never explained, and that's the same for pretty much all the fantastical elements - it's very show don't tell. and even though when you count it all up there are quite a lot of fantastical features and subplots, taken together with the rest of the story it's more like.... seasonings I wouldn't usually choose but ended up liking just fine in this overall dish lol
and finally asoiaf just really appealed to me from a fannish perspective! I really hate when you're trying to dig deeper with a work and you quickly start to realise that the writer(s) just weren't thinking that hard. it feels like striking concrete with a spade, like it's a one-sided conversation rather than something both the writer and the reader are participating in. I think some fans are perfectly fine with that and good for them - who cares if the author built the work to sustain your analysis if you're just having fun doing it - but for me it's a complete killjoy, I end up v frustrated and like the work isn't worth my time
so here's GRRM who is so fixated on the finer details that he's churned out a history book like 700 pages long and a bunch of short stories and also another history book just to add a bit more texture to the main story. and I don't have to worry about network input or co-writers or actors' intentions or whatever other external conflict or influence cos for better or worse it's all his story. and that just suits me better lol, it's one guy and his shitty computer, and me reading the shit he wrote with it. pure and simple living in the moment no phones in sight
also jaime and brienne are everything to me xo
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striped-carpet · 1 year
M. List
Genshin Characters With A S/O Who Likes to Bake:
Includes: Kazuha, Heizou, Mona, Alhaitham, Zhongli
A/N: i apologize for the lack of posts, and i'm going to be attempting to get back into writing soon! during my absence i got an actual bf who i broke up with, however i got another (almost 2 months ago) so that's nice. i can't wait to disappear for another few months after posting this!
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I feel like Kazuha wouldn't be too big of a fan of sweets, but would definitely eat them if you were the one making them
He would also like to help out in the kitchen when he can, especially since he sees it as a way to bond with his lover
Always makes sure everything is baked to perfection and looks presentable
Definitely focuses on small details if you're doing something more intricate like icing a fancy cake
Heizou probably has a bit of a sweet tooth
Only problem is that he isn't too big of a fan of baking
That being said, he's extremely grateful that you're someone who enjoys doing that
He'll also never refuse or harshly critique any of your baked goods because of that, unless something is seriously wrong with it, of course
He also really likes to help you with smaller tasks like icing, stirring, etc. and would probably be more detail oriented like Kazuha
Mona may be intelligent, but baking is definitely not in her field of expertise
When she found out that you liked to bake she started asking you a bunch of questions about it and was overall very eager to learn
This lead to the two of you spending some time in the kitchen together while you taught her some things about baking
She's also always happy to receive some of your treats considering how she is with money and will occasionally bake you something if she has the time and money
Alhaitham doesn't strike me as someone who would be particularly interested in baking. He's still surprisingly good at it, though
He also doesn't seem like he would have much of a sweet tooth, so I don't think he would accept very many of your treats that you offer to him
Nevertheless, he's glad that you have something that you enjoy doing
If you asked him to, he wouldn't be against helping you with some of your baking if he has the time
Zhongli doesn't seem like someone with much of a sweet tooth either, but he'll accept almost all of the things that you offer to him
He would also give you little tips and advice about baking if he felt the need to
I also feel like he wouldn't mind helping you with baking if he has time since he finds it entertaining
Occasionally makes you a small treat and it always turns out extremely delicious
Thanks for reading! Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes and have a great day/night! :D
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sp9culation · 4 months
An Analysis: The Beast-Yeast Update + White Lily, AKA What Could’ve Been
Crossposted on the Youtube video of White Lily’s release in a fanatical comment. Will do the same here, only longer and more detailed, for the White Lily stans (around 5 total)
For the people who don’t get the lore and/or White Lily’s character, I made a very long explanation and analysis. (The Literature student in me couldn’t resist.) Scroll to the very bottom for short summary.
From what I can tell from this video, Whire Lily seems to have been in some sort of coma or unconscious state. This is likely because she fell into the Ultimate Dough and most of her consciousness was reincarnated into her “evil” form Dark Enchantress Cookie. However, the part of her that is pure and good is trapped in the glass coffin shown, and she’s trying to gather her essence to stay awake for as long as possible. She needs “life powder” to escape, so she can only remain in the coffin if no one else sacrifices themself. Faerie King did make the necessary sacrifice, thankfully, and she’s escaped with the intent of repenting for her sins as her alter ego, Dark Enchantress. Then, it’s revealed that an even darker and more dangerous force has awakened: Shadow Milk Cookie, the first Fallen Hero and Pute Vanilla’s counterpart. Seems like the Fallen Heroes are all counterparts to the Ancients. The Ancients and the Fallen Heroes have the same essence (Truth, Happiness, etc) but things went awry some time along the way, turning them evil.
Looking deeper into it, White Lily is a good example of “same goal, different choices, different story”. Perhaps she, like the Fallen Heroes, had the same fate, but she was at least able to preserve her last bits of goodness. She is my favorite Ancient because the conflict happens internally and not externally. Basically, she’s fighting another version of herself. And the interesting part is, it shows that anything can be “good” or “evil”. You could also say that she’s a morally gray character who could go either way, and this created 2 personas: White Lily and Dark Enchantress. You ever read an “Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence” fanfic? This is exactly what happened. Both of them want to seek the truth. It is only the actions they took (and will take) that differ, and what makes them so different from each other. It is why White Lily’s soul split into two. White Lily wants to seek the truth to help Cookiekind: improving stamina and attempting to bake a perfect Cookie, while Dark Enchantress has gone rogue in her quest for and obsession with the truth, firmly believing that Cookies are made to be eaten. It’s noted that this destroyed her character fundamentally, and is ultimately what turned her evil. I like to think that she herself was the reason behind her descent into madness and villainy, not the Ultimate Dough.
Back to the update. Did anyone notice that the Fallen Heroes each have their own corner, or nation, on the map of Beast-Yeast? If we look at the parallels between the Ancients and the Fallen Heroes, we can see a pattern: the Fallen Heroes are direct rivals of the Ancients. If I recall correctly, Pure Vanilla represents kindness, and sincerity (at least he does in my eyes). Shadow Milk is written as a trickster, as someone who likes pranks and doesn’t take anything seriously, the opposite of the genuine Pure Vanilla.
Also, I love PureLily. Don’t hate on PureCacao or anything. Just putting it out there that they were childhood friends turned almost lovers turned enemies to almost lovers again (?) in the coming update, and I’m really hyped. My favorite trope.
I’m honestly impressed that a Cookie gacha game has such intricate lore. Looking forward to this update a lot, the 3 year wait was worth it.
TL:DR: White Lily is in a glass coffin and needs Life Powder to get out. Faerie King sacrifices himself. Evil awakens in the tree as Faerie King’s magic is no longer active: aka Shadow Milk Cookie, first of the Fallen Heroes in the preview and counterpart to Pure Vanilla, similar to what Dark Enchantress is to White Lily.
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greenerteacups · 9 months
So, because I definitely care a Normal Amount ™ about Lionheart, I went back and re-read the entire thing in preparation for the last chapter of Book 4. It was such an interesting exercise because while I love reading serialized fiction (it's such a core part of what makes fanfic amazing) - it really does hit differently when you look at the story up until this point in it's entirety. (I could go on absolutely unhinged tangents about how much the way you have adjusted canon that just scratches the excema in my brain.)
However- on this re-read, the line that Draco says when he and Hermione have their seminal discussion in the owlery snagged my mind and I can't stop thinking about how Draco accuses Hermione of liking the fact that he's meaner than she is. Because on one hand - yes? He absolutely has less of a sense than she does about Right Decisions, because she always wants to do the "right" thing, but objectively its not always the right thing to do - its just moral relativism rearing its old ugly head again. But on the other hand, he's completely wrong because Hermione (at least in the original books) has this enormous capacity for cruelty that shes not even aware of - partially because girly does not have a single ounce of tact, but also because she wasn't brought up in the wizarding world. She lacks some of the context and cultural clues that allow characters like Draco and Daphne to navigate with an ease she likely envies. And while all the Slytherin bbs have high IQs and low EQs, I think they also are hyper aware of personal standing, so I could easily see Hermione blithely insulting someone without realizing it and completely RUINING their day/month/year etc.
I'm curious if you've thought any more about this dynamic between D/H - and what they think of the others capacity for mean-ness and cruelty??
YES! To all! Especially the bit about Hermione having "an enormous capacity for cruelty that she's not aware of," because yes, that's pretty much one of her cardinal faults as a character — the insidious combination of (a) not really prioritizing other people's feelings if/when they conflict with something Hermione wants or feels, and (b) not being at all aware that she has that quality, and in fact believing herself to be the most emotionally intelligent member of the Trio. (Remember "emotional range of a teaspoon"? I burst out laughing when that happened, because like... girl. The call is coming from inside the house.) At the same time, she's smart enough to recognize when other people are unkind or tactless, so there's this beautifully intricate hypocrisy to how she understands her own emotional intelligence — her pride and arrogance blind her to ways that she neglects others, but her sincere generosity, kindness, and desperate yearning to be helpful and good to other people actually do allow her to see when other people are bad at it, as well as propel her to... well... try. It's a really interesting combination. Hermione is so much fun.
I wouldn't characterize that as cruelty, though, and to an extent it's not necessarily meanness — not in the way that Draco's talking about in that conversation, anyway. Firstly, as a caveat, Draco is in the middle of a fight when he accuses Hermione of liking the fact that he's mean, so I don't think he's altogether sincere about it; I think if you asked him in a moment of repose, he would have a more measured and generous interpretation on their dynamic, even though he's not necessarily wrong. Rather, I think what Draco said is a very inelegant way of pointing out how Hermione uses Draco as a moral backboard: she enjoys the moral high ground, does Granger, and Draco is almost always completely happy to cede it to her. Being around Draco makes her feel like a Good Gryffindor, because while he matches and challenges her intellect/ambition/drive, she gives him direction and moral focus, which is a role he's explicitly told her she plays on multiple counts, and which she's expressed insecurity about in the past (their fireside conversation about "am I good?" and what that means — the idea of capital-G Goodness, and how it becomes increasingly difficult to find as you leave childhood, is one of the tenets of Hermione's arc.)
Secondly, I think Draco is just meaner than Hermione because when he is mean, he does it on purpose. One of the earliest moments of bonding that they ever have as people comes from Draco making fun of Ron's performance in Charms (while imitating his accent, to add insult). Hermione doesn't make the joke herself — but she does laugh at it. She finds it funny. Of course, that's before she's friends with Ron, and she has about 500,000 words of personal growth in front of her, but she still enjoys Draco's dry humor and his attention to detail, both of which he not infrequently uses to make fun of people on purpose. Draco knows this, and he likes amusing her, and sometimes he'll actively make a mean joke because he knows she finds it funny, and because he knows she won't make it herself. They're not the most likable people in the world.
Hermione may not have the same social graces as people born in the magical world, but when she insults people, she usually does it on accident, out of tactlessness, or because they've (in her eyes) well and truly earned it. She doesn't go out of her way to pick on people who haven't asked for it first, and I would go so far as to say her moral compass bars her from it. That's part of what Draco means when he claims to be the worse person, and while he's being wildly uncharitable in that argument, not to mention just an all-around arsehole, he is also a licensed expert on the particular subject of his relationship with Hermione Granger. He knows their dynamic very well, and she knows it.
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familyabolisher · 1 year
re: the other questions about books, this is probably impossible to answer but what does make a good book in your opinion? like what would you say a good book Does if that can be identified
lol yeah i mean that’s the question innit! i don’t really believe in “good” and “bad” as like metaphysical properties that one can kind of alchemise into being by using the Right combination of literary discourses in narrative construction, so i guess i can’t really then point to one fixed set of criteria by which a book becomes “good” or enjoyable to me. i think the closest approximation i can get here is like, a good book (to me) is one that has a clear and sophisticated discourse to it, but doesn’t just tell me its discourse; rather, it makes generous use of literary techniques in order to essentially chart the path by which i can trace that discourse (or trace one of many possible discourses) on my own. i like a book that takes its readership seriously rather than worrying that people won’t get it and need to be told what it’s about. more ambiguity please people!!!!!
one of the reasons i like locked tomb so much despite its many faults is that tazmuir is operating within a very developed discourse of sexual violence, imperialism, catholicism, and queerness/lesbian gender relations—but she’s not spelling this out for the reader on every other page. she’s making use of unreliable narration, multitudinous shifting perspectives, intertextuality (don quixote, the iliad, lolita, etc) to gradually map this discourse out on the good faith assumption that the reader will ask their own questions about what those references and allusions and shifts in perspective are doing. and it makes for something that i can talk about for days and days and days—like, you can follow a line of argument through about the significance of dulcinea’s name being dulcinea relative to ideas of chivalry in gtn, how those ideas of chivalry are linked to an internal system of imperialism enacted in-world, how imperialism is linked to death, how cytherea & gideon’s relationship as a Highly Questionable one feeds into these constellate ideas of death/imperialism/sexual violence/chivalry, how all of that then reconverges at our original point of entry (don quixote) with questions of shifting + unstable identities, doubles and doppelgangers (also a lolita thing), the extent to which falsely occupying a role is the same as ‘becoming’ or internalising it or if that difference even matters. (is don quixote a knight? is dulcinea del toboso a lady? is gideon a cavalier? is cytherea Her Lady?). all of that gets v effectively encoded in the naming of one (1) character and unpacking it is far more gratifying on my end than it would be had it all just been Explained on the page!
like—i like things that offer me thought trajectories i can follow through on and construct my own argument within; i hate books which just kind of … hand me what they want to say, often spelt out in quippable extracts. like, write a medium article! i want to think about this text—i don’t want to read it and have it be like “here’s what i think” and then have myself be like “here’s what the book thinks.” my only avenue for response then becomes responding to the book’s discourse—which can be interesting, but is nowhere near as fun as trying to locate it and build the case for my own reading in the first place.
i also just love a playful, original prose voice. i love a writer who understands that prose itself is a site of discourse, that prose can be used to communicate certain ideas and obscure others; i love writers with unique prose voices who don’t just imitate the elevated MFA voice that’s such a big deal right now. anything experimental, innovative, intricate, thoughtful, deliberate will scratch an itch for me. 
i think often this kind of question collapses into a tautology: a book is good when it’s good! i don’t really know how to answer this coherently. i like books that make me think about things that i find it satisfying to think about. i know the good ones when i see them; at the same time, my "good" is someone else's "very very bad" and my "fucking unreadable" is someone else's "favourite book ever" and neither position can really supercede the other without appeals to external intellectual hierarchies that i tend to reject. that’s probably the best i’ve got.
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driftwithme · 7 months
Right now I'm kinda sick which means I have no brainpower to talk about this properly or at least how I want to.
Subject at hand: Mako, Chuck and Raleigh all had an specific item in the movie that kinda explains or contains them as characters.
Mako and her relationship with swords is the obvious example. If you'll permit me to call it her motif, then let that be it. For the sake of storytelling, Mako is given an object that is the summary of her struggles and dreams, of her traumas and her hope. Swords are part of her heritage, given that his dad dedicated his life to making them. An item capable of both great damage and impossible beauty, the movie even adapts it to be more like the girl itself: chainswords that stay hidden and silently away for their turn to strike, capable of flexibility and quick adaptation, they are almost unbreakable, used to support others in need, cut straight through the heart of the enemy and provide a sure win even under great underwater pressure or up in the sky.
Mako is the girl welding the sword and she's the one crafting the sword from scratch designing it and she's the sword itself, okay?
Mako's a weapon in the context of she being a soldier. She's deadly, trained to kill, efficient with a perfect score in combat simulations, one of the brightest in the Jaeger Program. But she is also a craft in the sense of being someone intricate, because her story is way more complex than people imagine. She is beautiful as a woman, delicate in her ways of treating others, elegant in her movements...
In this case, the objectification serves a more artistic purpose. Whenever you think of the chainsword, you think of Mako and the other way around. Her scene killing Otachi in the name of her family is her breakthrough in the movie, where she achieves her dream/goal, when all she has gone through pays off. Then the scene where she uses the chainsword to oin Slattern to G. Danger is the culmination of her arc to say so: now she will kill the Kaiju that killed her adoptive father and will finally put an end of the apocalypse.
Without having to make it explicit in the film, you know that Mako gave those chainswords to G. Danger during the restoration program hoping that it'd be somehow her jaeger, that she'd finally become a ranger piloting it, etc.
Now, I said something similar can be found looking at the depiction of both Chuck and Raleigh in the movie. That's because, to me at least, the narrative does something similar in Chuck-Max and Raleigh-his photographs.
Raleigh is our narrator, our protagonist, we see the world through his eyes. I guess the thesis hear is that Raleigh is the man behind the camera, guiding our perception of this fictional world. Photographs can be intimate, int he way they reveal the interest of the one taking them. In sharing with us the concept of Raleigh having photography as his hobby, the story reveals us a man oriented to details and sensitive to the art of framing an instant, telling a story in one snap.
It also tells just how sentimental he is, how much he loved his home, his brother, 'cause he was surviving with rations at the end of the world but wherever he traveled, he took his pictures with him, put them on the walls of his residency. He's then a man who likes to take a look at the past. He said it himself: he spent 5 years on the past, never thinking of how the future would be. Nostalgic or even melancholic, but ultimately willing to make new good and bad memories and capture them for posterity. Loyal, down to earth in the sense that he knows where he came and what made him the way he is, sensible and patient, likes walking around cities or touring maybe, which is interesting really. For all the cocky American dream of a man the movie suggests he was, he didn't have posters of action movies or pics of him in fights or any of that. He had pics of architecture, nice tiny shots that suggest calmness, a steady hand and a more passive spirit. It really matches Mako Mori in that sense.
I could dive more into the subjects of how his photographs characterize Raleigh Becket, but I'm not lying when I say I'm feeling sick and my brain is kinda foggy.
I'll close this post talking about Chuck and his relationship with Max instead.
One of the first things I noticed on my last rewatch is just how many times Chuck and Max are practically switching roles in the film
As in Chuck gets treated like a dog and Max gets treated like a son. As in they are one and the same sometimes, given that Max is the vehicle of Chuck's repressed emotions, since he refuses to let them out openly. As in Max is the representation of the intricate rituals the Hansens use to communicate the things they cannot say but want to.
I'll try explain it quickly using two scenes from the movie, okay?
First one: when Pentecost and Mako were showing Raleigh the jaeger bay on the Hong Kong Shatterdome and the Hansens arrived just in time to greet the newcomer, Herc tells someone to stay but he is not talking to Max.
His clipped tone given as a short command surprised me because it sounded like the one you'd give your dog when you see someone or some other dog approaching. Now, if you know your dog is a troublemaker and if you have trained, you could give the command to tell him to stay away from the trouble.
But Max runs freely to Mako and Herc only jokes about how Max is always slobbering over pretty girls, a comment you'd expect from a dad about his teenage son. He doesn't tell Max to stop. He doesn't even look at the dog as he's talking with Raleigh.
The one who stayed behind, grounded, was Chuck. This alone tells us so much about the Hansens and their stiff relationship. Chuck is the dog who might bite, the one you need to pull the leash to avoid him attacking. Herc is not a perfect man but here it's obvious he did fuck up as a dad. He gives orders like he's a commander and Chuck a subordinate. Stay.
(I can't remember exactly the dialogue, so you might forgive any discrepancy. What I know is that Herc told Chuck to stay behind while he greeted Raleigh, meaning that Herc knew Chuck might cause a scene. What did he know about Chuck and Raleigh and why did he tell Chuck to stay behind?).
The second scene: on the farewell moment before Operation Pitfall, Chuck kneels to pet Max one last time and tells him to take care of Herc (or was it the other way around?).
I choose this moment to defend my point because here? Here Chuck is assigning Max as his replacement. Not in the mean way, of course, but he acknowledges that his dad might lose his only son and trying to soften the blow, he gives Herc one last mission: to take care of Max and also let Max take care of him. Max is an extension of Chuck, so it's a way of saying that their bond stays there and they will ALWAYS take care of each other, it doesn't matter if Chuck dies during Pitfall.
It's also telling that Chuck kneeling to pet Max is a metaphor for Chuck asking Herc for forgiveness. All his intentions go to Max in that sense. Now Chuck has become Max and Max will always be Chuck. Now, man and dog are one, because the dog has taken Chuck's place as Herc's son and Chuck is the dog that gets send to die at the bottom of the ocean, some fucked up version of Laika up in space.
That's why we see almost every pilot eating at least once in the movie, but not Chuck. He was feeding Max and once it was over, they both walked away like the food was not on Max's belly but Chuck's. That's why Max and Chuck almost never interact with someone at the same time.
Chuck is the kid who got instructed but not raised by his dad. He's the war dog with an impressive killing count that doesn't get to brag because he barks too much and he's not nice to strangers. He is, to any means, just an scared animal behaving like he was taught to. He is confused and jealous when Herc gives his attention (and affection in Chuck's eyes) to someone else. Chuck is desperate to be told he's a good boy, he's enough, he's loved and appreciated. He lashes out when he feels threatened or cornered and he gives puppy eyes meaning "sorry" when he knows he has fucked up, etc etc etc.
An if it feels abhorrent to reduce Chuck to the role of a dog, it speaks volumes about the way he got treated in the movie. In the end, the only thing he really wins during the movie is to be called his father's son. You can argue "but Shan, doesn't he also wins the respect of most characters?" and I'd tell you that it's a sad sad thing that the only way you can get others to acknowledge you as a good man is by exploding yourself at the bottom of the ocean.
I'm not talking about Mako or Raleigh here, because through Max, we know that Mako and Chuck could be friends but in the movie all we get is a tense relationship summarized in maybe one exchange of words (that got Chuck beaten up by the way). And when it comes to Raleigh, all the resolution we got was a silent apology and the equally silent acceptance of such after the Double Event, if we don't count that Chuck was on Raleigh's left side during Stacker's motivational speech
But you know those metaphors of pets being like children? From that angle, Pentecost and Herc are always treating Chuck as an spoiled brat. Which he is, but c'mon. It's not like Herc can talk much being that he failed Chuck big time and it's not like Pentecost wasn't there to witness how the youngest ranger ever to be graduated survived 5 years of actual hell and achieved the best killing count. You don't get there for being a kid. You don't go so far without maturing hard and fast. Chuck is not some annoying puppy picking fights because he's bored. He let's Max sleep and eat and okay to his liking because that's the side that Chuck himself can't be: carefree, soft, selfish in the sense of being self-indulgent.
Mako had to shape herself into a sword to avenge her family and make justice and even survive in a world that tried to kill her when she was still just s little child. Raleigh had to freeze his memories in photographs because he's by now used to tragedy and not having enough time, things ending fast, his happy days going away, losing his home and family. Chuck gave his dog the comfortable life he wishes he could have, he devoted himself to the task of giving Max all that he felt Herc failed to give him, and finally gave Max his place as Herc's son.
Which yeah, pretty much is what I tried to say in many clumsy words ejdjdkjfkfkdn:
Mako, Chuck and Raleigh all had an specific item in the movie that explains or contains them as characters.
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bisupergirl · 1 year
i’ve seen some talk lately about how superhero civilian outfits have become boring and uninspired, and that their outfits in the 70s/80s showcased a lot more individual personality. which kara outfits from back then would you say suited her the most?
thank u so much for this question i love thinking about kara's civilian outfits <3 here are some of my favorites from the 70s/80s:
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(my favs from this are the green pants/black top and the pink skirt outfits from the top row <3) they're all very cute and fun. there was obviously effort put into designing something she would genuinely wear, and i think everything that they put her in does a good job at getting across what her personality was at the time. she was very confident and actually really enjoyed fashion, which you could chalk up to male writers thinking "what do women find interesting? clothing, obviously." BUT i do view kara as a very artistic person (in every field—acting, painting, music etc etc) so it definitely ties into that for me!
and because i spent a good half hour collecting panels of kara's more modern outfit choices, here's my thoughts on her fashion from other eras:
when kara was first reintroduced in 2004 it was clear that the outfits she was put in were chosen to maximize her sexual appeal:
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to me this just reads as what the artists (ian churchill and michael turner in this case) found attractive. there's no real character reason for why she chooses to dress this way, which i guess is fitting considering how she was characterized during this time. imo she really didn't have a discernible personality beyond "oversexualized 2000s teenage girl". later on (when loeb and kelly stopped writing her) her clothing choices get more personality and it seems like there's genuine thought put into what she's wearing:
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i'm generally not a fan of 2000s/2010s fashion (i do think a lot of these outfits are cute though!), but it's clear to me that the artists thought "what would kara—someone who's in her late teens and had been on earth for a couple years at this point—choose to wear?" instead of "what is the sexiest thing that i, a grown man, can think to put this teenager in?"
now for rebirth—i don't like how she dresses (i think it's boring and uninspired), BUT i do think it's fitting for her personality at this time. early on in rebirth kara was characterized as being pretty reserved and unsure of herself. all her clothes are fairly plain and she also worked at catco (cw supergirl my enemy 🔪) so she pretty much just wore business casual outfits all the time (🤮):
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and i don't love it! it's just shirt-jacket-pants over and over again (with some exceptions). and it makes sense! she's trying to stay out of the spotlight and keep her identity hidden, so i get that she'd wear some plainer clothing that contrasts with what she wears as supergirl. and obviously it's important to keep in mind that she's like 16 at this point, so it's not like i expect her to have a super intricate wardrobe, but again it's just boring to me. it's somewhat fitting! but it stinks.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Do you think that the issues with Imogen and Laudna ties into the campaign being more railroaded (compared to C2 specifically) and with less campfire conversations, shopping episodes etc. where more organic character development can happen? While I do find all C3 character's interesting on their own, I feel like most of their relationships with one another are more shallow compared to C2 (that had the Empire Siblings, Veth and Caleb, The Detectives etc.). Do you have any thoughts on this?
I don't actually think so!
I agree that we haven't had as much downtime - and that more downtime would help flesh out all the relationships - but Imogen and Laudna have talked frequently, and all of these things would have helped and wouldn't have taken up significantly more time.
They still don't really feel like they've known each other two years. I bring up that they have because I feel like that fact should be informing their relationship and that they should have the security to disagree with each other, but the fact remains that Caleb and Veth, Fjord and Jester, and Yasha and Molly felt like they'd known each other before the campaign and Imogen and Laudna...really don't. Like, we know they met in Gelvaan, people were doing something to Laudna, Imogen used her powers, they ran off, and they arrived in Jrusar a few months prior to the campaign, but that leaves the entire middle year-plus as a big empty blank. (For what it's worth, I'm also still like, yes, Laudna, I get that you were in the woods for 30 years doing crafts and making Pate, but like, make me feel it; why were you in a point of stasis? Ironically, I feel like Ashton has more sense of history even though the whole point is that they don't feel like that. Fearne was just bopping around at her Grandmas for 90 years and she feels like it. This is a whole separate post but like...this came up with Patia too; I feel like Marisha has a good sense of her characters in the present, but I don't always get a sense that she fills in the backstory in the same depth as much of the rest of the cast; and Laura also tends to work from something a bit more solid in terms of ambiance and vibes but often doesn't have a ton of intricate plot beats. Anyway, point being that Marisha and Laura fleshing out those two years would have done tons of work for the relationship, and that was pre-campaign and totally unaffected by the pace of the campaign.
Any one of these existing conversations could have been a turning point - ie, this is no more extra time. They could have leaned into the gnarlrock fight being a betrayal; when they spoke in the Calloway Getaway they could have talked more; Imogen could have actually asked Laudna to come back (or even said "it's your choice" rather than "I can't ask you"); Imogen could have actually asked Laudna how she felt and what would have been upsetting to her after she was resurrected instead of making assumptions and just telling Vex; last episode, as I said, Laudna could have quite literally just said "I want you to be happy but if you side with Otohan I can't come with you."
I think this is brushing up against something I really try to avoid, which is removing the agency that the women in the cast have. If Marisha and Laura wanted Imogen and Laudna to kiss last episode? they could have. They chose not to. As I mentioned before, Marisha decided to have Laudna have a drink with Ashton. On the airship to Yios, for example, the two of them could, in fact, have said "I go seek out (the other)," and they didn't. There is less organic time to do this the way there was in the Nein campaign, but that does not mean there haven't been opportunities. They've chosen not to take them.
Which means I also think we need to ask ourselves: how do we know that this isn't how Marisha and Laura want to play it? Like, it is, actually, a very interesting dynamic, and the gaps in the backstory honestly work in favor of it if you see this as a codependence that came because both were so trapped in their own loneliness they became stuck rather than a fluffy cottagecore romance. Why assume these actors are aiming for something and falling short, rather than achieving precisely what they want?
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rawbertchase · 8 months
house post nobody asked for: house md characters if they had a minecraft smp. i wanted to give them gamertags but im not smart enough so if anyone has ideas please add them i will love u forever ❤️❤️ if u want to add later season characters or minor characters pls also feel welcome
btw i was not writing this with the idea that they are a youtube smp just a friend smp
lisa cuddy: server admin. not actually a huge minecraft fan she prefers games where you kill monsters a lot and build skill trees etc but likes the smp community aspect with her gaming friends. built her base in the nether. usually trades with people for supplies she needs instead of going out to mine for them.
greg house: Ass Hole. the reason explosions are now disabled. usually not online at the same time as anyone else and if he is it's to bother wilson into giving him his best gear (only to go throw it into lava). actually really good at building when he bothers to make anything tho. occasionally gives really heartfelt gifts to other server members too.
james wilson: LOVES going mining. awful at building bases. paid house to build him a base. with real life money. refuses to disclose the amount. he also has a huge animal farm. probably really bad at combat tho despite having really good gear. one of the highest death counts on the server.
robert chase: always doing something that looks cool followed by smth idiotic a second later. Slays a zombie epically then falls down massive hole. lol. only person on the server to have every advancement. mid builder. has like a little corner in everyone's home.
allison cameron: loves making intricate and epic builds. wilson gifted her a pair of feather falling iv boots cause he was sick of seeing her die of fall damage all the time cause she's always building high up with no cares in the world!!! she's just here to build and sometimes tame some animals!!!!
eric foreman: only person on the server smart enough to use redstone. not even like.. that complex of redstone he just uses it a little bit and everyone is like Oh my god ur a geniusss. he plays pretty averagely besides that. he does refuse to build his own enchanting table tho, he just steals wilson's whenever he needs to use one. also a big fan of trading with villagers.
lawrence kutner: Why is this man wearing a leather chestplate and diamond boots. good god. and is that.... a Gold sword???? this man always has something strange going on but his base is gorgeous and luxurious. Huh.
remy hadley: built the nether travel hub bc she was so irritated when she joined the server and nothing was optimized. also knows how to use redstone but hasn't shown it off bc she's amused by the way everyone treats foreman. someday she'll build some fancy resource farms with it and shock them all with her modern minecrafter skills. for now she's content with her beachfront base.
chris taub: not really sure how he ended up playing minecraft. kind of a noob. watched a bunch of videos but still doesn't understand what he's doing. tags along whenever people are doing stuff. house built him a base out of sheer pity and taub has just been vaguely building more on the back of it. it's .... interesting, to say the least.
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longlostbaby · 2 months
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“  𝘎𝘖𝘖𝘋  𝘌𝘕𝘖𝘜𝘎𝘏  to  know  you  was  all  i  wished  to  be  .   it  hurts  when  i  remember  you  were  𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬  good  to  me  . . .  ﹠  they  tell  me  i  should  hate  you  ,  say  you  put  me  through  it  —–  𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃 i  know  i  used  to  but  i  just  can't  do  it  !!  you're  just  some  𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜  -  𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙩  𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮  ,  hope  you  find  what  you're  looking  for  .
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a semi - selective independent multi - muse blog featuring original characters by jess / twenty6 / she & her / uk ( gmt ) . main blog is @ncstalgiaz . varying / sporadic activity . to inquire about writing through discord or private tumblr 1x1s , please reach out to my main blog . mature / triggering themes may be present . writing partners should be 21+ . please read the below in full before interacting !!
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬  /  𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝   𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬  /  𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝  𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬
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before we get into writing together , please consider the form you would like our collaborate writing to take !! if you're more into quick , chemistry - based sort of writing between two of our muses you're in the right place as that's mostly what i'm looking to use this blog for !!! however i'm also a fan of creating more long - term , detailed 1x1 or multi - muse verses with lots of back story & more intricate connections between characters and lots of threads building on the ongoing narrative over time . if this sounds like something you're interested in please reach me on my main blog at @ncstalgiaz & i'll chat to you about it via IMs or more preferably, d*scord !!
i  love  to  write  angst ,  friends  to  lovers  /  invisible  strings ,  musician  /  band  muses ,  slow  burn  /  skinny  love ,  muses  with  complex  back  stories ,  found  family  dynamics ,   and  more !!!  at  the  moment ,  when  it  comes  to  ships ,  i'm  only  looking  to  write  m / f  and  f / f  and  i  enjoy  writing  both  male  and  female  characters  equally .
i  don't  really  write  smut  —  it's  not  that  i'm  dead - set  against  it ,  it's  just  a  personal  preference .  i'm a romance writer at heart so i understand that sexual content will arise between our muses but most  of  the  time  i  prefer  to  fade  to  black  or  headcanon ,  or  for  sexual  content  to  remain  pretty  softcore .  i'm  in  no  way  a  prude ,  i've  just  never  been  good  at  writing  smutty  content .
i'm only looking for writing partners that are 21+ and prefer for both of our muses to be in their twenties or thirties .
i don't have a specific ban list but i reserve the right to say no to writing against anyone i'm uncomfortable with and will make this clear whenever necessary. a general blanket ban applies to the known problematic & morally irreprehensible , those under 21 , the deceased and those who have asked not to be used .
i  do  not  write  age-gap  relationships .  this  is  a  major  trigger  for  me  and  i  ask  that  in  any  ships  we  write  together ,  our  muses  are  within  a  three  to  five  year  age  range  of  each  other  and  that  there  are  no  instances  in  which  our  muses  met  when  one  was  a  minor  and  one  was  an  adult.  other  no - go  plots  include  real  celeb  rp ,  inc*st ,  abuse  of  power  situations ,  etc .
please  have  an  open  conversation  with  me  if  i  need  to  tag  a  post  that  is  triggering  for  you  or  place  warnings  on  any  pages  anywhere  on  my  blog  and  furthermore ,  if  we  are  writing  together  and  i  ever  need  to  change  something  to  make  you  comfortable.  i'm  human !!!
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If THG's characters are a fanfic writers/readers, what do you feel would be their AO3/ffn account name and icon?
Also, what would be their preferred read (example : rating = K, T, G, M, E; type = canon, canon-divergent, modern AU etc.) and what kind of comments would they leave on a fic?
You can include as many characters as you can or want.
Thank you so much 😊
Okay I’m going to talk about Finnick and Annie since I feel like other people will be talking about Katniss and Peeta.
Finnick: I think Finnick would be really into those types of AUs where it’s canon divergent but really intricately plotted. You know those stories where it isn’t canon but it’s good enough that it could be? I think he’d really like to explore those different scenarios and think them through extensively.
Annie: She’d be the type who likes to put the characters in a ton of different situations, like modern AUs, canon divergence, etc. I feel like she would be very character focused and would read/write stories that kept the integrity of the characters while completely changing their situations. Also, she would look at pretty fanart and try to leave as many comments on art/writing as possible.
This was such an interesting question, thank you!
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 years
Idk if this exists in blest, but which characters would have the full 12 step skin care routine, who would have the basic wash/moisturizer/sunscreen, and who just uses bar soap or 3 in one conditioner/shampoo/bodywash
Ooh I love this! I'm going to answer this as if it's a modern AU because I haven't thought much about the fantasy equivalent of like face scrubs and retinol and etc. lol, but it's a pretty even translation!
Blade: he's one of those annoying people who basically doesn't have a skin care routine behind washing his face with bar soap and water and yet he has flawless skin 😒
Trouble: he like barely finds the time to run a comb through his hair in the morning so I feel like his skin care is splashing some water on his face when he first wakes up, but I could also see him having that 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash for efficiency's sake! 😂
Tallys: she has a nicer skincare routine: it's not really complicated or intricate, but she takes good care of her skin by washing it in the morning and the evening, applying sun screen and moisturizer, and using things like toner and night cream!
Shery: she has a very long skincare routine, but mostly because she finds it relaxing rather than for appearances' sake: she uses various face washes, moisturizers, creams, face masks, pore strips, and uses one of those chilled gemstone rollers to massage her cheeks at night!
Riel: this one stumped me... I could see him being meticulous enough for skincare but I think he would ridicule the idea of trying to preserve his youth a little bit or would be too busy with his work to bother much. I think he has an extensive grooming routine to make sure his appearance is polished (applying pomade to his hair, scenting his clothes, folding his pocket squares, etc.) and skincare would be a small/token part of it, not a whole thing on its own! It would probably just boil down to face wash and moisturizer/sun screen!
Chase: I think he'd do more than the basic routine, but not as much as a really insane regimen. Probably face wash + scrub + moisturizer + toner/serum. I think his overall grooming routine is pretty involved, like Riel, and skincare would just be a part of that!
Red: he'd have a more extensive skincare routine because he's a little bit vain but never admits it 😂 I don't think it would be 12 steps, but it would exceed that of most of the guys! Probably a high-end face wash from like Kiehls, some acne combatant/pore-reducing toner, moisturizer, sunscreen, and he wouldn't be opposed to a face mask now and then! His aftershave routine is similarly very diligent!
Ayla: I don't think she'd have much interest in skincare and would have to be grudgingly talked into wearing sunscreen, but other than washing her face with soap before bed, she likely wouldn't bother!
Briony: I think she'd have like a 5 step skincare routine that she would be a bit lazy about now and again. At a minimum, she always does the basics (face wash, moisturizer) and when she remembers (or when she's dating somebody) she adds in the various serums, toners, and etc. that she's bought while out shopping with Lavi, but it has to be like maximum 5 steps total or she'll forget!
Lavinet: 12 steps and more. All the way. It's an hour-long ritual every night. Her bathroom counter is covered with skincare products. But it pays off because she glows!
Halek: he takes good care of his skin, much to many people's surprise! He looks like the kind of guy who just uses body wash to scrub his face, but he has a little bathroom bag with a few skincare products for nice, healthy-looking skin. He cares even if you don't think he does 😌
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zelphin124 · 8 months
I hope nobody else sent this yet- But here, for you~
1. who's your favorite oc?
2. who was your first oc?
3. how many ocs do you have?
4. have you kept all of your
ocs since the beginning?
5. are any of your ocs based
off of a show/book you like?
if so, who?
6. what is the species of the
majority of your ocs?
7. are any of your ocs an
original species? if so,
what's the species and who?
8. if you can, draw (oc name)!
9. write a few sentences as
(oc name)!
10. are any of your ocs part
of a story? if so, what is it
about and who's in it?
11. do you have any twin ocs?
12. are any of your ocs
13. what is the gender of the
majority of your ocs?
14. make up a new oc right now
based on (concept/show/color/
15. would you ever give up any
of your ocs?
16. who is your oldest oc
17. have you ever roleplayed
as your ocs?
18. how many of your ocs were
adopted from someone else?
19. who is your least favorite
20. which oc do you think has
changed the most since you
made them?
21. who is your newest oc?
22. have you ever cosplayed
your own ocs? if so, who?
23. which oc do you think has
affected you the most as youve
grown with them?
24. have you gotten cosplayers
of your ocs? if so, of whom?
25. do you have any ocs that
you havent drawn/written as/
talked about in a long time?
if so, who?
Aww! Thank you skele-things! I appreciate it! And no one has asked me this yet (:
DISCLAIMER: I have many many many many many many OC's... especially outside the Undertale fandom. BUT- I'll try to center around Undertale as those are known best! Questions below!
I mean, I love all my boys equally what do you mean- Winter Sans. Outside of UTMV? Garrison, a character in my novel.
For the UTMV - Iro!Sans. My girl has been with me for... six months now.
Too many. UTMV-wise, eight 6. I have six, for now.
For the UTMV yeah! I've kept all of them!
I got inspiration for SeasonTale based off one Game of Thrones clip I saw with a dragon, a man, and a woman, and the bad sanses. It was literally only one scene, and it sparked a story!
Heh, Sanses... Outside of UTMV? I love writing elves, creatures I make myself, or humans! Humans are so interesting when they're powerless in a powerful world.
Unless you count a girl Sans original... nope! As for my other books, I've made a TON of fantasy species! The main character in my novel, The Fergen, is a Fergen! Which is an elf with dragon wings and can breathe fire! Lmk if you wanna hear more.
aaaaaa sadly I am not confident in my art enough to draw my characters... I will learn someday, I hope!
Winter: "Must you cause yourself pain to get revenge? It isn't worth it! This is only hurting you!"
Oh yeah! SeasonTale and IroTale have very complex and intricate stories that I am in process of writing! You can find more info on their masterposts!
Oh, good question! Although some come close, nope!
Yep! Winter Sans and Summer Sans are brothers! That's why Summer's eyes can sometimes be seen as snowflakes!
Male. I make a lot of females outside the UTMV though; it's been really interesting to learn about how the male mind works when writing them!
Crap ya didn't give me any concept to go off of! Haha! I am a creative dumpster, if you give me some concepts, I can definitely spit out some ideas!
Yes, I have given a ton up outside the UTMV, so I am sure it could happen with my Sanses, unfortunately. But I don't plan to anytime soon (:
If Cocoa!Sans doesn't count, as I made it with a community, then probably Iro!Gaster, who is timeless. W!Gaster is like... 250 years old too.
Oh yeah! All the time! It's how I flush out some of the lore! Usually, it's on discord.
I was about to say none but then I remembered Reformed!Error, haha! So I guess 1?
Like I said I love all my boys equally- there's Chester from my novel... as for my UTMV? Hmmm... Maybe F!Gaster (Fall!Gaster). He's very cowardly and I don't like his character, but it serves a purpose.
Definitely Iro!Sans. She went from a maintenance Undye to who she is today. She's developed a LOT.
I created all my Season Sanses together... probably Solstice!Asgore. He's a new edition to the story!
Nope! I don't have the money to cosplay ;'/
Iro!Sans probably, mainly because of how her villainhood is from her brokenness, and honestly... she just needs a big hug. I relate to some of her brokenness and needing a hug so she's always been a character that in every scene I write with her, it hits deep.
Nope! None that I know of! If you have please let me see!
Probably Cocoa!Sans! I don't get to talk about my jolly old pal and his cafe a lot! He's super sweet and loves serving coffee from CoffeeTale, and his cafe is a universal hotspot! I've heard there's a lot of similarities between him and Ccino, though I've never read Ccino!Sans' story before.
WOW! What good questions! Thank you for allowing me to answer them!
Always feel free to ask whatever questions you have! (: Have a splendid day!
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gutsncookies · 8 months
this was very ranty and i doubt anyone is going to read this but i still want to get my point across to anybody who reads this. my point is that brig, ana, mercy, sombra, tracer, sym, pharah, mei, jq, winston, rein, dva and probably a few more that i'm forgetting rn require you to learn a new character. if you main sym and decide to learn sombra you will need to learn a completely new character, obv game sense follows over so it's not completely new. but if you main soldier (fuck you) you can move to a bunch of heroes (ashe, bastion, cass, reaper, hanzo, widow) and already be pretty good at them, i don't like that. to me that's not a balanced game and it's not a fun way to play the game either.
second rant for today, this time about supports and meta in general instead of just doomfist:
illari is not designed good in any way, she has the potential to out dmg most dmg classes while also being easier to play than quite a lot of those other heroes. i've heard a lot of people talk about illari and say that if a character requires skill then a skilled player should be able to carry the game and i agree BUT illari does in no way require a lot of skill. just click heads. quite literally just click heads. it's not that difficult.
if this game was actually skill based then heroes like sym, sojourn, pharah (without mercy), genji, echo, mei and heroes that actually take either a lot of game sense and/or mechanical skill would be dominating the meta. but no that's not how this game works. people don't play the heroes that can gain the most value for their team, they play the heroes that can gain a lot of value EASILY. that's why illari, bastion, torb, orisa etc. are being played a lot. they're easy as shit to get value out of.
now of course this isn't the case for high level play like owl, contenders or even top 500. you need skill to play any hero at that level obviously. at that level of play every game is going to be skill based even when there are metas there too, BUT what i'd love to see is a game where the game is actually skill based for the majority of the player base instead of just the 1%. no i'm not asking for every team to be running the same comp, what i want is actually interesting and intricate hero design for EVERY HERO. like tracer, like sombra, like pharah, like junker queen. even mei, she's cool as fuck. her walls have so much potential, her secondary fire is harder to hit than most thing in the game (looking at u hanzo with ur log sized arrows that one shot and travel insanely fast)
going back to support. i don't think heroes like ana, brig and mercy need changes at all. mercy is not op in any way but they still nerf her movement over and over again for some unknown reason. ana has two incredibly valuable abilities yes but those abilities aren't exactly easy to use either. when 4 people on your team get anti-naded that's not because nade is op that's because that ana has spent time learning their hero. brig too, she's not easy to play in any way. imo the only "free value" in her kit is rally, but it's an ult and most ults in the game are very easy value.
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