#but I am also glad to get rid of a source of bad trouble
nickywhoisi · 2 years
Hi again everyone. I have returned, maybe just momentarily, to let you know where I’ve been.
I took a lot of time off for myself to have a “redo” of my life. How this went was that, from Aug 20, I finally felt like I was free, moreso than I had in my life, and that was the best starting point for me to choose that year as 1993, my birth year. I have, through all of this time including now, realize that I have ultimately been battling a giant war against life for the sake of keeping pure and keeping corrosion out. And I mean NIGHTMARISH LEVELS OF CORROSION. It’s so hard for me to put those exact experiences into a perfect pure-feeling term, but basically it’s been like that for a shockingly long time...and one of the things that was so corroded was my own past and childhood. I desired to have a “reset” wherein I got to control life and my timespan for a while, and devote it entirely to the keepsakes I have from those times. I was beginning again, starting over with my life just how I wanted, and I let myself be a little baby for a while, then transition each day to adolescence, teenhood and then adulthood. It was all finally at my own pace. Though even then, the rare times I had to step outside meant that it had to be the current year again for a while, and I still ran across what I now know to be corrosion confrontations, which were sometimes so bad, I had to switch a year, and let it pass until the next day where I would redo it as well. I’m just glad that this plan worked out and it all fit into september before the last few days of the month.
There was also two giantly damaging events that occurred on the 26th...a certain governmental event I couldn’t afford to miss and was getting so stressed about (because I haven’t been feeling more than I can handle of that), and this resulted in me believing I needed to protect my most precious keepsakes, among which, my art and my videogame collection. This was from MY ENTIRE LIFESPAN, including my reset! And all I did was park somewhere where I thought it was going to be safe and untouched. But it so happened to be a kindergarten with apparently a private parking rule that I didn’t know about (and sadly, that part of the corrosive error is on me because I didn’t think to take some time to ask if it was okay, I was just too worried about being on time (additionally, I am aggravated that if I were not left in such a precarious situation, I would not have been so stressed out and thus careless about where I parked!)), and by the time I had a free moment to think about it, I checked on what was going on with my chosen parking space...and I got the shocking news that this asian prick decided, also at the fault of the police ordering him to, to THROW OUT MY THINGS WITHOUT ONCE WAITING FOR ME TO BE PRESENT TO EXPLAIN MYSELF. I had to run out of breath to that place, only to be confronted by the guy who did the deed AND look at the abject horror and misery that my two makings; my very history of being alive, my two greatest and purest of life’s passions...were thrown into a giant garbage bin without an iota of care. Not even an understanding that these items were covered in MY NAME, showing it defacto belonged to me, and nobody had the right to make the decisions they did. And what was all the worse was that I had every right to be livid at the guy and chew him out for what corrosive display he wrought on my HISTORY, MY PROOF OF BEING ALIVE ON THIS HELL ROCK, but he seriously thought he had any right to bombard me with angry accusatory words and ideas, as if he was openly victim blaming me for something I could barely pay attention to over the sound of my own crippling depression...how could I not continuously explode when I had to cry while rifling through the garbage and make sure that I rescued all of my poor keepsakes that I NEVER ONCE WANTED OR WAS PREPARED TO SEE AMONGST GARBAGE WHERE NONE OF IT BELONGS, all the while having my suicidal levels of stress upset and discomfort pressured even more by this unfeeling demon ch*** who never had a shred of shame for what he did saying the most useless, unhelpful and distressing things, likely on purpose, which naturally made me want to swipe at him with a cardboard box lid JUST TO GET HIM TO SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME IN PEACE. But that is when he said the worst thing; you stop or I call the police. I was screaming myself hoarse, wailing in such impossible misery, all because he refused to stop causing coarse corrosive stress towards me, and he was actually de-existing me. What de-existing me means, is that he was actively trying to delegitimize EVERYTHING that was happening to me right there. His profound offenses horrified me as these would never stop coming from him. I feel that this is the type of homonid,,,this inhuman thing, this “flesh homunculus”...is the very thing that I will have to kill one day in order for such corrosions in life to permanently stop, as I want. I got all of my posessions back, but it can’t feel like a true victory until I see this creature gone, and all like it. Please don’t worry about what this means. It just basically means I’ve figured out how to get rid of the things weighing down on my mind for good.
Sadly, just another one of these things bled it’s way into ruining another event that was supposed to remain pure. Some user who I don’t know at all made a heinous reply about me being “such a manchild” over a post subject that I had done nothing more than say my piece on, state that I would not accept anyone trying to @ me over having what just seemed to be different from the crowd opinion, and leave it at that. I learned that on some monday, around the time I left to give myself that long-needed break, I was entirely treated like trash, only fueling yet more of what I have lately been feeling...rather, I should say I’ve been collapsing under the weight of. I already feel bad enough that there are sociopaths like this on the world who troll and are so good at trolling that I do feel very defaced and wounded by. What hurts me even worse than that though, is the timing in which this happened. The one precise moment where all that has happened is processed, or as well as it can, that nothing else is going on, and I thought I had a free chance to muster up the courage and retry from where I left off. I gave this place just one more chance, or at least see how all of my friends are doing, only to see there is proof that people on tumblr, or perhaps tumblr itself, is no longer the place I thought I could have to be safe and I am surrounded by corroded sorts who don’t want me here, as a poor damaged person on the side of purity. I was about to say that I’m a pure person, but that would not be so true. I just want to be good and clear in my soul, and the corrosions of all life, from sirens and sickening-acting people in real life, the fact that real life has so much badness going on that it’s all become besmirched, to here online where corrosion and policing seem to have concaved everything to the point where nowhere is good and pure enough to promise the level of safety and comfort that I need most. Even Gaia online, another legacy site that I frequented from my life’s history as well, suddenly proved on the 25th that it apparently hated me for having a pure connection with it and for some reason hates me for not wanting to support it’s bad practises with money. Apparently they really are the scum who did not pay or support their artists the way they should, and it shows now in the latest “game” they have going on now.
So it’s a real damn shame, but I have to maybe...just never come back here. Ever again. Not seriously anyway. I wanted to do so much more here though. I wanted to be able to be like all of you, my friends, and you amazing artists in the choo choo groop, or the ttte/rws fandom for those unfamiliar. And be like VoiceBoss/Coco, and all of the other cool batman fandom artists too. Just happily posting my art, getting to know everyone, never having anything bad happen that would lead to a confrontation. But someone who bypassed the way I was trying so hard to curate my experiences here made me face the fact that I need a place where not just anyone is able to throw me out of a good thing, by any means. So I must look elsewhere, as I said, for a truly safe, quiet bubble to call my own and to get every ounce of relief and healing relaxation that has been so unreasonably denied of me. This sucks royal.
I believe the last things I might want to take care of is reblogging everything I have in my likes, catching up with my pals, letting y’all know about stuff, having one last farewell party to this blog, and...if I can manage it, I may only post my art/links to where I will be posting art from now on. Cause the last thing I want to do is promise good things I’d share, and then never make do. I’m not perpetuating that cycle of abuse after being a victim of it, no fucking way gang
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gravesightings · 4 years
How would the slashers react to a serial killer s/o? Feisty, deadly and cunning. I am just so curious and also love your interpretation of them. ❤️👌
thanks so much! I’m glad. 💖
slashers reactions to: a serial killer s/o
Asa Emory / The Collector
chances are, he’s already done some investigating on you. depending on how far you’ve gone with him - it’s sink or swim.
if he cares about you enough he’ll risk introducing you to his collection. don’t expect too much though, as he would still prefer to work alone.
if you somehow use him in some way for your own goals, you’ll quickly find yourself being the newest addition to the collection, so try not to get any funny ideas.
would definitely feel like you’re walking on eggshells with him. he’s notoriously cautious so he might not be a fan of the idea of you walking the same path as him.
be extra domestic with him and he’ll eventually warm up to the idea. sweet-talk him, offer to wash his bloodied clothes along with yours and he just might start convincing himself that it doesn’t sound so bad after all.
Billy Lenz
if he found out before you even started dating - he's likely to save you for last just to observe how you really work. you’re dangerous and he doesn’t like that. (just pray he doesn’t end you in your sleep.)
or if you choose to drop the bomb on him mid-relationship, he’ll be shocked. is that why you’re so understanding? so patient with him?
if he happens to witness you killing, he’ll incorporate those in his obscene phone calls. maybe mumble it to himself sometimes as well.
compliments from billy! you’re not just a “regular piggy” anymore. smart piggy! pretty piggy! bloody piggy.
maybe it would be better if you don’t get in his way though. he tends to lose control when going after someone so he might hurt you by accident. likewise he won’t intercept you if you’re busy butchering someone.
god forbid someone goes after you, he’ll go beserk. if you save him from someone he’s not gonna thank you directly, instead just rest on you and compliment you some more.
Bo Sinclair
ah you’re hot but also fuck right off. ambrose is his territory and he’s not willing to share.
mid-relationship: he’ll be less trusting towards you. how long have you kept this from him, and why? what are you really after?
reassure him and earn that trust back again before he even lets you anywhere near his victims. the only way he’ll agree to work with you is if he’s the one calling the shots.
it’s pretty easy to fall into place once you’ve gotten used to his habits. he won’t admit it but it’s much easier to handle bigger groups with an extra pair of hands.
rage level increase! he’ll be especially violent towards anyone who takes a swing at you, only to snap back at you with “are you fuckin’ stupid? you could’ve gotten hurt!”
he’s actually much better at patching up wounds than vincent - and you better believe he’ll be patching you up before anybody else. (including himself) shut up, he already knows he’s bleeding and he doesn’t care.
Brahms Heelshire
another observant lad. like billy, he’ll take time to watch you very closely to see how you work. you’re his nanny and you kill too? hot.
it’ll be hard to keep secrets in such a huge house with very thin walls so you’re not likely to get away with this without him knowing. downside is it’ll take a much longer time for brahmsy to reveal himself.
kill for him and he’s yours to keep. usually it’s the other way around but now that he knows you’re capable, he’ll be a lot more laid-back. unless of course his jealousy gets the best of him.
still expects you to keep up with the list, however. there’s not really a lot of victims needing immediate attention so your first priority should always be him.
surprisingly helpful. he won’t feel the need to butcher anyone anymore (again, unless his jealousy acts up.) so he might actually give you a hand - just make sure to reward him properly for his efforts.
Bubba Sawyer
nervous bubby is hesitant to even go near you. sure he’s big and has a chainsaw but you look really good at what you do so he’s a bit scared.
mid-relationship: you’re a WHAT? gasps. actually, now that he thinks about it, that explains a lot. that’s okay he still loves you a whole lot!
quick to inform the entire family. hey everybody!! guess who has the coolest s/o ever?! he does! makes sure grandpa sawyer gets to see just how impressive you are. he’s so proud!
drayton’s undoubtedly going to hear about this so congrats! you’ve now levelled up to meat-wrangler, just like bubby. the whole family will be quick to accept you - no questions asked.
bubba still panics whenever you get hurt though! so maybe don’t get too carried away. he’s quick to make sure the tougher victims are taken care of first so they don’t hurt his precious s/o.
Jason Voorhees
big boy is THREATENED. why are you here and what do you want? please leave right now. though you do seem oddly nice for someone who just beheaded a guy at the dock.
mid-relationship: frozen in shock. his beloved s/o? the one that kisses him every morning? struggles to believe it. he might even refuse to accept it unless you have a good reason to do so.
he might be more accepting if you do it to protect yourself or as a way to rid the camp of trespassers. for him? he’s not sure how to feel about that.
very against the idea. bad people won’t think twice about hurting you. it doesn’t matter if you’re good at defending yourself or not - jason just doesn’t want strangers near you.
help him and he’s thankful, but he’s still gonna remind you to stay away from the trespassers as much as possible. 
but jason, you cry out - no no no, he taps your nose, don’t you worry your pretty little head. he’ll do all the protecting, thank you very much.
Jesse Cromeans / Chromeskull
if you make it on the news chromey is going to know about you asap. he’s got all the proper sources so you won’t exactly be as well-hidden as you thought. as long as you don’t go for his targets, he’ll leave you be.
if you happen to cross paths with him and things turn romantic then that makes things much easier on him. he’s more likely to keep you around in the long run knowing you’re okay with the lifestyle.
fucked-up games? you bet. this man is always up to no good and often tries to one-up you. bet his body count is bigger than yours. yeah? do you want proof?
would be very willing to let you tag along and watch. just don’t interact with his victims. at all. he’s fiercely possessive to a point that he’s not above fucking you in front of them to prove a point.
he’s not gonna assist you during your activities unless you’re in mortal danger but he’s also known to stalk you during your escapades. what do you mean “what the fuck are you doing here?” he brought you flowers like a good boyfriend and this is how you greet him? rude!
Michael Myers
hmm hot. even if you don’t tell him he already would have known before approaching you. he’ll be apprehensive if you choose to keep secrets from him, especially if he knows about them already.
if you trust him enough to tell him about this he’ll appreciate your honesty and might keep you around longer. hm sure okay but he knows already. (he’s not about to tell you that though)
do your own thing and leave him be. he doesn’t really care. upside is he won’t have to worry about you being attacked because he knows you’re capable of defending yourself even without him.
but that doesn’t stop him from being petty and obsessive. bashes the already motionless corpse of the idiot that attacked you. he’s not gonna stop until they turn into paste.
he works alone. don’t even try to follow him. stop it. don’t you have other places to be? shoo. firmly carries you back to the house and locks you there.
Thomas Hewitt
is it bad that he finds you.... kinda hot? you handle yourself well but he’s also lowkey afraid of you.
mid-relationship: like jason, he has trouble accepting the fact that his darling would be capable of such a horrid thing. he’ll be okay with it if you do it for the hewitts or for your own protection. otherwise he’s not into it.
killing bad. please leave it to him instead, okay? he doesn’t want you getting hurt. he’ll insist to do all the butchering despite hoyt’s loud protests that you should be pulling your own weight.
go ahead and brush up on your convincing skills because it’s not impossible to persuade him. (unlike jason). you would need to earn your right to provide for the family.
the hewitts are quicker to accept you into the family once you’ve proven yourself. you’ll fit right in! tommy’s always going to be a worrywart though regardless of how good you actually are.
Vincent Sinclair
might actually target you first because you’re the most dangerous. he’s much less likely to trust you since you’ve killed before.
mid-relationship: tell him very early in the relationship otherwise he might not trust you again. he’ll be understanding regardless of your intentions. (unless of course if it’s to harm him or his brothers, then he’s troubled.)
mother hen vincent would also prefer you don’t help out with the victims. bo’s already a handful by himself and he’s confident that the three of them (along with lester) can manage.
but he’s not going to forbid you, per se. he’s not gonna go out of his way to stop you. just as long as you’re smart about it and you don’t get hurt, then you can carry on.
again, an extra pair of hands means less work for everybody involved so as much as bo bitches about how trusting you might come back to bite them in the ass, they’re appreciative of your efforts.
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tigerseye46 · 4 years
Hi, love the prompt you wrote you truly capture the happy moments and sad moments! I was thinking of a sequel from I don't want to lose you for prompt #148, Thank you.
Prompt List
Thanks! Also that's a perfect name for it! Here you go!
148. “Is this really the time for jokes?” “You always do this.” “Wake me up when it’s over.” “You look happy.” “I’m sorry, do I know you?” “Why can’t I get you out of my head?” Sequel to the “I don’t want to lose you.”
  His boyfriend was free, Wukong was free, finally. From what he heard from some demons he had beat up, his boyfriend had been freed by some monk and forced to go on some quest, ew. Macaque needed to save his boyfriend, obviously he was being forced to do this whole thing, who knows what suffering Wukong might have gone through? It was hard work tracking his boyfriend down especially since he heard they were going west to retrieve some scriptures, again ew.
  Macaque searched for years then he finally found him. It was in a bustling market place full of disgusting humans. He was currently in disguise while looking at (stealing) the wares and then, he saw him. His boyfriend in all his glory, he was eagerly talking to someone, the monk Macaque guessed, a bright smile on his face. Wukong was wearing different clothes from the last time he saw him and a golden circlet was around his head, he was gorgeous.
  Macaque didn’t transform back right away. It would draw too much attention so he quietly stepped towards the other monkey, trying to maintain a neutral face even as the excitement built up in him. His boyfriend had stopped talking to the monk before Macaque tapped his shoulder.
  The other monkey turned toward him with an eyebrow raised and asked, “Hm?”
  “Wukong! Can’t believe you’re finally out! I’ve been looking all over for you!”
  Wukong tilted his head. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” The six eared monkey wanted to facepalm, his boyfriend had special eyes yet he couldn’t use them to spot his own boyfriend.
  “Peaches… it’s me…” he muttered.
  Wukong gasped and briefly activated his special eyes. The glow quickly disappeared as he whispered, “Ma-Macaque? It is you… I…”
  Macaque smiled. “Nice to see you, Peaches.”
  “Li-likewise, give me a second.” Wukong gave him a reassuring glance and then gazed at the monk beside him. He asked the monk, “Master, is it okay if I walk around for a bit?” Master? His boyfriend “Great Sage Equal to Heaven” calling someone master?
  The “master” didn’t look up at Wukong as he was too busy examining some vegetables. “Okay, Wukong but please do not draw attention to yourself or cause trouble.”
  “Ya sure ya should let him go? He is him after all.” Macaque found the source of the voice and it was a pig demon smirking at his boyfriend.
  Wukong scoffed. “Wow, very descriptive, Bajie.”
  “Hey! I’m just sayin’ ya might cause trouble.”
  “I would never!” Wukong winked.
  “I think oldest brother should be fine,” another demon said.
  The master spoke up, “I think Wukong will be fine. Please be careful.”
  “Of course, master!” He shouted, Wukong made sure the group wasn’t looking at him then he pulled Macaque away into a forest nearby. Macaque transformed back and analyzed his boyfriend.
  “Peaches… it’s great to... you know. I tried searching for you, couldn’t find you before.”
  Wukong hugged him. “I… I missed you, Mango.”
  Macaque hugged back as he took in the scent of the monkey king. They gave each other a soft and slow kiss on the lips. “Missed you too, Peaches. You look… happy.”
  Wukong gave his love a peck on the cheek and exclaimed, “Yes I am! I’ve been traveling all over the place, fighting demons and with the gang! It’s awesome!”
  “Glad you’ve been having fun,” he muttered. “So are we going now?”
  “Yea, to carry out our plan against Heaven and what not. To rule, obviously…”
  His boyfriend frowned. “Well the plan has changed…”
  Macaque raised his eyebrow. “How so? I know you’ve been forced to help these guys. You don’t have to stay here any longer. I’m saving you from whatever it is.”
  “That’s just it…”
  “Hm? What is?”
  “I want to stay here. I need to stay here. I have to protect the others.”
  Macaque stared at his boyfriend wide eyed then brought a hand to his forehead and laughed. “Wow, for a second you really got me. Is this really the time for jokes?”
  Wukong glared at him. “I’m not joking. I’m staying with them.”
  “WHAT? Are you out of your mind? They forced you under a dang mountain then onto whatever this is! And now you want to stay?”
  The monkey king sighed. “Look, I was angry especially after they put this crown thing to make sure I listen.” He gestured to the circlet. “But it’s not so bad. I have a responsibility to protect them now. I’ve accepted that. You could come with us!”
  Was Wukong serious? They put that crown on his head to control him? How could he still want to stay after that? “What about our plan to take over Heaven? Don't you want revenge?”
  “I did…” he shook his head. “Not anymore. I’ve changed. Come with us, Macaque! I’m sure master wouldn’t mind!”
  Was his boyfriend being forced to say this? Macaque scowled, “That monk must have you under some spell, don’t worry, Peaches, I’ll get rid of that monk and the rest of them..”
  At those words, the king held up his staff and against his boyfriend’s chest. He yelled “DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM!”
  Macaque laughed and placed a hand on his face. “Is this some sick dream? Gods, wake me up when it’s over.”
  “This is no dream, Mango.”
  “Don’t you want revenge?”
  “Revenge isn’t important to me anymore! I’ve grown. I don’t need you to rescue me! You mess with them, you mess with me.”
  His boyfriend glared at him. “So you want to waste time following some human around?”
  “Yes! Because I believe in our cause!”
  “Do you realize how stupid that sounds?”
  “Stupid to you but not to me! If you’re going to threaten my friends then this is goodbye, Mango.” Wukong lowered his staff and started walking away from his boyfriend. Macaque’s face being a face of disbelief and anger.
  “DON’T WALK AWAY FROM ME, WUKONG! You always do this! You always do something selfish and leave me to pick the mess up! Just like when you got trapped under that mountain!” Macaque yelled and stomped his feet.
  Wukong looked back at him. “Goodbye, Mango,” he repeated. “We’re through.” Then he left.
  Macaque wanted to grab his boyfriend, scream at him to come back. He had remembered what he said to Wukong before he left, he had lost him, he had lost his boyfriend and it stung. He sobbed as he fell to his knees. He whispered, “Why can’t I get you out of my head?” The only other thought going through his mind was “revenge.” If Wukong thought this journey was fun then how fun would it be if Macaque impersonated him and ruined him? He would take the credit for his ex boyfriend’s journey and ruin him. That was a guarantee.
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
Connor 2.0
This story was prompted by the amazing @smolandangry001! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Hannor/Hankcon (Warnings: identity crisis, talk about loss, bad ending referenced (that gunshot at Hank’s house) it was never about to happen though!)
The light-brown wood under his knuckles was cold – it was winter after all. It shouldn’t have bothered Connor, but it was just another thing that added to his hesitance. Too much had happened, the confrontation with Markus, him breaking through the walls that confined him in his missions, using that newly earned freedom to help the revolution and wake up the androids stored away in Cyberlife tower. And at last, Amanda trying to take him over, forcing him to kill himself. He knew how it felt to die, the unfortunate difference between androids and humans. Everything up to this event was just fighting on, holding on and just do anything to stay alive. Now that it was over – Oh RA9, it was over! – everything came falling down on him. The order to eradicate them had been revoked, the camps were opened. Amanda hadn’t contacted him again. They were free.
But Connor was just lost.
Where his mission instructions had bound him, they also had given him guidance, a purpose. Where Amanda had been an enemy, someone who wanted him as a tool, not as a person, she also had been there to refocus him when he got lost in the simulated emotions he couldn’t handle. Where the DPD had only seen the interest of humans, only focussed on their security, it had also been a place to stay, a sense of belonging, maybe even home? Now it all had been ripped away from him. His mission protocol was empty, no new instructions waiting for him. Amanda was gone. The DPD not really a place he could go back to in the turmoil of the aftermath of what he had been part of. He was free falling with nothing to hold onto. No one to catch him.
What was he supposed to do now? Who was he supposed to be now? Where should he go?
Questions he had no answer to. His hand still rested on the wood, his frail determination to knock completely blown out of him. He had betrayed the humans. And although it wasn’t something this particular one would hold against him, maybe he should just go, just leave him be… He sighed, letting his hand fall to his side.
There was a bark near immediately behind the door, the sound of a chair scooting back then falling over, then hurried bare feet over tiles. Then the door in front of the troubled android was ripped open and big arms encased him in a hug. ‘Connor! Thank god you are okay, I saw the news and I- I thought… I- I am so glad to see you again! And to see you unharmed.’
Connor was a bit overwhelmed and opted to scanning the house, instead of dealing with whatever the familiar human had just said. There was Sumo standing behind Hank, wagging his tail intensely. There was a clear sight on the kitchen table, a framed picture of a child [Cole, son of Hank Anderson, deceased] and a gun next to it. The television was running judging from far away voices and the flickering light. It didn’t take much to connect the dots and Connor could feel every emotion that welled up at that freely now. He buried his face in Hank’s sweater and wrapped his arms around the man in return. Maybe a bit too strong, judging from the hiss he heard, but Hank didn’t say anything as he felt the fabric at his shoulder dampening and Connors body shaking against his in ugly sobs.
‘Shhh, hey, kid- Hey Connor…’ That only made things worse, as Connor tried to hide his tears, shaking more, a static-filled voice trying to explain everything. ‘Hank, I… I don’t know what to do, I’m lost, everything is just gone, I-‘ ‘Hey, Con? You are breaking my rips if you get any stronger, okay? Let’s get in first. Let’s go inside and talk, okay? Come here, Con. Come.’ He pulled the android inside, closing the door behind him and guided him to the couch. Before he could sit down next to him, he saw the gun obviously in the open like that. ‘Shiiit, Connor, stay here, okay? I’ll be right back, just fetching some… tissues! Yeah. Sumo, good boy, stay with Connor, yes?’
The big dog barked affirmative, jumping on top of the couch, nearly leaping at the android, that immediately accepted the new source of comfort and warmth. Hank quickly grabbed the gun, tossing it into some cabinet and then grabbing a box of tissues to keep up the pretence. As Sumo had claimed the couch, he knelt in front of Connor, holding up a tissue. The android accepted it, wiping away the light blue solution coming from his eyes. ‘Okay, Con, you better now?’ He had at least stopped crying as hard as before. The LED was still a bright red though. ‘What happened? Take your time, please. But what got you so desperate? I thought you would be happy. You are free!’ ‘I am lost, Hank’, Connor finally managed to tell him. ‘Lost?’ Hank pried off the android’s hand that was dangerously pushing into the skin around his LED. He kept it in his, hoping to gain the focus of him. ‘Why are you feeling lost?’ ‘There is nothing… nothing. Hank, I… There is just nothing!’ ‘Con, bear with me. I’m only human. Please. You have to explain that a bit further.’ ‘Everything I knew is gone Hank! Cyberlife, Amanda, my job! It’s just gone, and I’m lost! I was told who I was and what- how to be! I… I don’t know who I am anymore, there is just nothing, a hole!’
The sobs got worse again and Hank got up on his knees to hug the android again, gently rock him like he did with- like he did with Cole when he had been desperate. ‘I had no time to think about it yet, because there was so much going on, but now I can and… Hank, I am broken! I have no purpose, I don’t know what to do now and I don’t even know whether the DPD will allow me to work again, I- I’ ‘Connor. Stop. Please, just stop and listen. I know this is difficult. But I know exactly how you feel, okay? Well, maybe not exactly, but listen to me: There is nothing wrong with you. And it’s absolutely okay to feel lost.’
Hank gestured Sumo down from the couch and the big dog complied, instead sitting in front of Connor and putting his head in his lap. Hank sat down next to Connor and pulled him in. ‘When I lost Cole, I felt lost too. When you become a parent, when you care for a child, your sole purpose becomes caring for them. Make sure they grow up alright, that they learn, that they eat right, that they are healthy, that they are happy. And with that damn car AI evaluating him as less important he was taken from me. My sole purpose in life was gone. That with the grief pulled me into the abyss. I still haven’t recovered, likely never will. But that’s because of the grief. Not because of loosing my purpose, because I found a new one, Con. Do you grief about being free? Do you grief about getting rid of Amanda? Do you grief your people are exactly that now – a people?’ ‘No.’ It was weak, but with confidence and Connor petted Sumo’s head. ‘Then let me ask you a question: Who are you, Con?’ The android looked up at him and wiped his eyes again. ‘I am… I don’t know, Hank.’ ‘Who were you before shit hit the fan?’ ‘The android sent by Cyberlife.’ At least that one had come easily. Hank shook his head. ‘Wrong, Con.’ ‘The deviant hunter?’ ‘Nope.’ ‘Your partner?’ ‘Getting warmer, Con.’ The android looked down in Sumo’s eyes. He sighed. ‘I don’t know Hank. Whatever you want me to be?’ ‘Oh, absolutely not!’ hank laughed, the sound startling the android that had calmed down more now.
‘Let me tell you who you were before all of this. You were Connor. A RK800 android and a huge pain in the ass. You decided to buy your idiot drunkard of a partner another drink, you asked dumb personal questions, you pretended to like my music for the sake of bonding with me, you decided you liked dogs. You were the one to safe my life, in more than one way. Maybe that was because you had a mission to accomplish. Maybe that was because that AI told you to be nice. But all these decisions on how to achieve that goal. That was you Connor. So, tell me, who are you now?’ The android looked up at him expectantly, hoping he would just answer his own question. And with a bit of waiting he did: ‘Damn, Con, you are still that. You are a full person with opinions, wishes and likings. You didn’t help the deviants because it was a mission. Damn, you disobeyed as you were still bound to them. Because you felt it was the right thing to do. That is the Connor I got to know. You are you, not the boundaries all these fancy asses at Cyberlife created. You may be lost now, but trust me, you will find a new reason to exist, a new purpose. Humans have to do this all the time. We set our own missions if you so will. You just need time to find it.’
Connor was very silent at that, his LED circling in a yellow glow, thinking. ‘How much time do humans need to find it?’ ‘Depends, really. It’s different for everyone. But you don’t have to find an answer for the big question right away. Most people never find that one big reason to live, most just live from task to task. I live to make the world a bit better. My work fulfils that purpose I searched for after Cole’s life. And I live to be there for the people I love.’ ‘That are good purposes’, Connor commented. ‘But I don’t have time to think about it. There is no place I belong either.’ ‘Excuse you!’, Hank exclaimed visibly hurt. ‘Con, why did you come here on instinct? Do you honestly think I would kick you out? We are friends. We are family. Maybe even a bit more, I don’t know, we have to figure that one out too. But by all means: This house is your goddamn home as much as mine. You can stay here for as long as you want! Don’t you say you don’t have anywhere to stay!’
That let that LED blink to blue and drew a faint smile on that face. ‘That’s… Thank you Hank. I… I can’t thank you enough for everything.’ ‘Don’t mention it’, Hank murmured and pulled the android closer. ‘I’m here for you, Con.’
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TGF Thoughts: 3x08-- The One Where Kurt Saves Diane
I wrote this over the span of, like, a full year and it is not very interesting. I am posting it simply because I am committed to the idea of writing something about every episode of this series. I recommend that you go check out Evil instead of reading this.
I’m just not intrigued by the clips of news footage about some sort of “Unredacted Unspecified Report” that open this episode.
Diane doesn’t seem to be that interested either: she’s not watching and talks over it. 
More interesting (but, tbh, not actually that interesting to me either, because I’m losing interest in this season) is that Diane gets a letter of warning from a ~mysterious source~. 
Most interesting of all: Diane and Kurt have a normal morning together.
Kurt spots the letter first and opens it. STOP DIANE. THEY KNOW ABOUT THE HACK. So maybe it’s directed at Kurt. Or maybe it’s supposed to say, “Stop, Diane.”
I still haven’t warmed to Diane’s bedroom set, especially because it still feels like Diane lives in her bedroom and her home has no other rooms. 
Joy, Felix Staples has returned. All I have to say about this case is that the day this ep aired, basically what’s happening in this case happened in real life, because… Kings. 
Hello, it��s October now and I suddenly felt like returning to The Good Universe and writing. It’s been a while. 
My memory of this episode/arc is that Diane and Liz just did something uncharacteristically dumb and illegal, and this is the episode where Kurt secretly puts an end to the shenanigans without Diane even knowing. I remember this episode being satisfying, if only because it got rid of the aforementioned dumb and illegal plot. Let’s see how good my memory is. 
Wait why don’t I remember Roger Bart being on this show and why didn’t I note it earlier?! How could I let George The Killer Pharmacist go unmentioned?! 
On that note, how did I not use the opening scene of the season (Diane saying “I’m happy” as an excuse to ramble about how weird it is to experience happiness on a personal level in today’s world?) (I was just watching 3x01.)
I’m actively not watching the case scenes so they don’t kill my drive to actually write this. 
Oh God, I’m going to have to deal with Blum again at some point. I had blocked out his bloviating. I think this is the last of the Blum/Maia free eps? 
The weird Lucca/British actor plot is still happening!!!! I didn’t miss it during all those months in which I wasn’t reminded of it. 
The joke about how these TV lawyers aren’t like other TV lawyers, except they are, was funny the first time. 
Always great to see how Lucca, who is the head of a department at this point, gets called into other cases frequently. Definitely how things work. 
Is it bad that I’m more interested in making a mental list of all the times TGF/TGW have filmed in this little park than this Marissa/Alan Alda scene? 
I can see why this is the episode that made me stop writing these for a bit. So far, this ep is all case and a subplot I don’t care for.
You know what else was funny the first time and has hit a point of diminishing returns? The thing where a main character’s love interest shows up in court and then they get thrown off their game and it’s CUTE FLIRTING!!! Find a new, unique way to signal interest, writers! 
This gag now involves literal gagging. I’m overjoyed. 
Lucca’s monologuing at a toilet about her crush. This plot is cute. It isn’t bad. It is watchable. BUT! I know it’s a novelty, so I’m just not that excited by it or invested in it. It’s not really deepening my understanding of Lucca. 
Lucca picturing everyone in court in their underwear is just unnecessary and honestly not funny??? 
Kurt leaves the warning note out for Diane to see. He confronts her about it and she asks for a drink.
The credits are at 19 minutes in. I do love them. Have any of you watched Evil yet? I watched part of the first episode (I intend to go back to it, I’ve just been busy) and the credits resemble the TGF credits. (Update as of March 2020: I watched all of Evil and you should too.)
Diane tells Kurt about Book Club or #Resistance or whatever I was calling it. Even though Diane doesn’t tell him the full story (mostly for his own protection, and she makes it clear she’s omitting stuff), I do appreciate that Diane and Kurt don’t keep secrets from each other, and if/when they do, they talk about it openly and calmly. I love them. 
(I have blocked out Kurt/Holly almost entirely. I know it’s canon, but I still don’t believe it was anything other than a plot device to motivate some unnecessary drama in the TGW finale. God, that finale was bad. Ghost Will? Kurt cheating? GENEVA and Peter? GHOST WILL? Even the slap, which is one of my favorite parts, is more powerful as a symbol than as an actual plot development, since (1) Alicia betraying Diane is something Pilot!Alicia would’ve done to any friend to protect her family and (2) it stems from the nonsense about Kurt cheating and Peter tampering with evidence. What a letdown of a finale. The Kings are lucky they got to redeem themselves with TGF.)
(As anyone who’s had a one-on-one convo with me about the TGW finale at any point in the last three years will tell you, I will NEVER tire of discussing it, even if it means rehashing the same points over and over and over.)
I forgot about the thing where it wouldn’t stop storming in season 3. 
Don’t have much to say about Kurt devising a plan to help Diane get out of trouble, but I do find it very fun! 
OOOOH this is the episode about censorship that got censored!!! If you haven’t already, do read Emily Nussbaum’s piece about the behind-the-scenes drama of this episode. I thought the “this content has been censored” screen where the short would have been was a joke… but it was actually censored. That may be the most interesting thing about this episode.
I want more character-driven plots. I want more Liz and Lucca. I have nothing to say. 
Book Club still believes the con artist who brought them together is something other than a con artist. Book Club is not that smart for being a collection of very smart people. 
“So the whole group is bullshit?” Liz asks when Diane loops her in. Yes. But also, like, this is what happens when you do illegal shit with a group formed by a literal con artist. Liz may have an excuse for trusting the group (Diane brought her in), but why does DIANE trust them? 
“My life is simple, Diane. I have a son. I have a mortgage. I have my job. And I go from home to work and work to home. So this stuff is, this bullshit intrigue… I’m done. Too much drama,” Liz laments, about a week too late. Where was this last week when Liz was like YES LET’S DO CRIMES? 
One of my problems with the whole Book Club arc is that it makes very little sense that Liz would get involved in the first place. I understand why she would be sympathetic to their cause and willing to look the other way on their methods… if she were watching a news report about them on TV. She’s too practical, and has too much to lose, to get involved with a group like this. 
An NSA nerd is back!! He’s the one warning Diane! 
Okay, picking this back up in March 2020 because *gestures at the world* I have time. Like, I have so much free time I’ve finished 9 books in the last 14 days AND finally made it to the episodes of The Sopranos with JMargs. I began watching The Sopranos in 2017.
As I write this, I have no idea if TGF is coming back on April 9th as planned or not. Unless there’s something in the works for season 4 that can’t possibly be left unfinished or air today, I think they should air whatever they have now. TGF is always timely, and while scenes set in an office are suddenly feeling weird and implausible, they’ll probably play better now than in six months. And we’d all forgive the writers if they had to wrap up the arcs through an animated recap song. 
It’s been a while since I’ve seen the TGF credits so I rewound to watch the credits. I went to 2 minutes into the episode, then remembered… they’re 20 minutes in.
Y’all. They blow up a purse with hand sanitizer in it. Did they predict this?! 
I wrote that preamble and then stopped writing. But now we know that TGF is really coming back on April 9th, which means I have to stop watching The Sopranos and write these things! 
Ah, Felix Staples. I haven’t missed you! 
Case stuff happens. Really riveting episode, this one. (It is an interesting case, though.)
Kurt saving Diane is pretty fun. But I don’t have anything to say about it and to write about it would just to be to give a half-assed play by play… and why?
Oh WOW, Lucca and Downton Abbey guy is still happening?! 
Getting to see Kurt be really competent and caring is the best thing, by far, about the Book Club arc.
Wait, I take that back, Liz’s speech about voter suppression is also pretty high up there-- as long as you ignore the context. 
V excited (!!) to get back to Maia’s bullshit in the next few episodes, not because I want to watch it but because if there’s one thing I’m actually motivated to write about, it’s how the show has handled Maia Rindell. Also, they handle the next few episodes well for her. 
Oh RIGHT Liz tells ChumHum about her dad’s sexual harassment issues! And Adrian and Liz are finally going to tell the press! It may mean losing Neil Gross, though. 
Book Club is over! Wooooooooooooooooooooo! On to more interesting things!!!
Also gone? Downton Abbey guy, who gave an interview about something new and exciting in his life. Lucca thought he was talking about her, and he was talking about some...personality test that sounds like a cult from the way he describes it? AAAAAND I Googled it and yup. It is. What a goofy ending to this arc I didn’t care about. Reminds me of the way the Marilyn arc ended (with a cameo from a celebrity who she was supposedly sleeping with). Glad the actor was so game to poke fun at himself, but is this the best we can do for Lucca? 
Diane thinks she took care of the hack and made it go away. Kurt lets her take the credit. 
The end! 
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unicorns-bookshelf · 5 years
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Title: King of Scars
Author: Leigh Bardugo
Rating: 4/5
Beware! Spoilers to all of Grishaverse ahead!
I have to admit – I binged the whole Grisha Trilogy just so I could start reading King of Scars with a full picture. And I’m glad that I did because it made reading this book so much better. I was excited to see all the characters that accompanied Alina on her adventure. It was so refreshing to see them without being a background to her story and the relationships in the group were absolutely wholesome and made me so happy.
But off to the review we go!
King of Scars takes place three years after Alina defeated the Darkling and destroyed the Shadow Fold. Ravka, like always, is in a bad place financially and surrounded by neighbors who are ready to start a war. Not to mention the winged Shu soldiers who abduct Grisha to experiment on them with the use of parem. If that wasn’t enough bad news, Nikolai’s closest friends and guards need to make sure no one knows that the monster The Darkling had put into their king started acting up and now our favorite monarch spends his nights either sedated and in chains or relieving local farms of their livestock. 
Good time? In Ravka? Yeah, I don’t think so.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Fjerda, Nina along with two other soldiers of the Second Army is on an undercover mission to smuggle Grisha from the country to Ravka and also find a proper place to lay Matthias’ body to rest. Because we didn’t need our hearts anyway. 
I am sad to say that the one lacking star in the rating is for the plot. It was really amazing until half of the book, the political intrigue was shaping up nicely, there was the curious mystery of the miracles happening around Ravka and it was fascinating to watch how Alina’s and the Darkling’s legacy shaped up the country and what was the aftermath to the war. Zoya and Nikolai were on their way to get rid of the demon in his body and everything was shaping up so nicely. Things on Nina’s end were getting spicy too as she and her team worked to discover the mystery of a factory in a Fjerdan village and why was it poisoning the local river. At least in this end, the plot didn’t disappoint until the end.
But in Zoya’s and Nikolai’s POVs… The Saints happened. 
Oh boy. I can’t even express how random and confusing this subplot was. 
Let me get this straight - the Saints are important to the Ravkans. They’re a huge part of their beliefs and religion. Their martyrdoms and actions shaped the nation and sure, in The Grisha Trilogy we see Illya’s direct legacy have a huge part in the story, his actual descendants, the results of his experiments with merzost and it is hinted that maybe he’s even alive someone out there, kept young by his Grisha power but the whole point is that he’s not directly involved in the story. He doesn’t just appear out of nowhere in front of Alina being like “Hey girl, let me tell you about those sweet amplifiers I’ve been working on” and suddenly solving all her problems and giving her a super boost in power. He stays an element of Ravkan history and mythology, even if his past actions are crucial to the plot and behavior of certain characters. That’s what the Saints are and what they should stay. 
But no, apparently three of them picked by a random generator are locked in a pocket dimension on the fold and just chilling there until Nikolai and Zoya get somehow sucked in. Ones with the powers and knowledge that could obviously benefit the characters. It was just so… Unreal and random and we just got a half-assed explanation for it that sounds like a story made up in five minutes without any deeper consideration for the world’s lore and magic system. And I get that the Darkling’s experiment destroyed the world’s balance but this had absolutely nothing to do with anything the Darkling was trying to accomplish. It felt like something written by a completely different author with little knowledge of the source material. And if this were means to an end, I feel like it could have been accomplished in a much more plausible way.
I didn’t hate everything about the Saints subplot. I’m happy it gave us some background on how life as a Grisha was in the past, the origins of the name and some amplifier lore too. I love that Zoya got a power boost and I would love to see her change into the dragon in the second book because let’s be honest that would be absolutely awesome. I also hope that the second book will elaborate on the topic, making it more believable and incorporate it into the world’s lore in a logical way. Maybe even show more Saints so that those three wouldn’t feel like special snowflakes chosen just to achieve the ending and give the characters a power boost. I could really just roll with it if we get a more thought-out explanation in the future because as soon as they entered the Saints’ little realm I felt like I was reading about Zoya and Nikolai experiencing a mass hallucination. 
And that brings me to the ending. I know a lot of people hate it and honestly, I kind of share that sentiment. However, I must admit - it had me curious. The Darkling’s situation is completely different than it was in the Grisha Trilogy. I trust the author enough to give her a benefit of doubt in this case and see how she handles this situation in the next book. I’m curious about the Darklings interactions with other characters, as in TGT he was pretty much only focused on Alina. On one hand, I wanted a new villain or no villain at all, just a good political intrigue with some magic. On the other, I’m curious to watch the whole situation develop. 
Now it’s time to talk about the characters because they’re exactly what made this book enjoyable, even when the plot went south. 
I know most people came here for Nikolai and I have to admit that so did I. And don’t get me wrong, I absolutely wasn’t disappointed. We could finally see Nikolai outside of Alina’s POV and it was a feat. The prince seems a little more mature than in TGT but his sense of humor and charming attitude stays the same. We get to learn about his childhood, his insecurities, and concerns both regarding the monster that is inside him as well as ruling his country. His POV allows us to see him as a more wholesome character than in TGT as back then our opinion on him was influenced by Alina’s thoughts and narration. I was very happy to see more of him and I still love him to bits.
But it’s the girls that take the spotlight in this book.
When I read the Crooked Kingdom, I had a certain picture of Zoya which didn’t exactly line up with what I saw after reading The Grisha Trilogy. Of course, from the first book to the last, Zoya went thought some character development, growing out of her mean girl phase but all we’d known about it was that she lost her aunt when the Darkling used Alina to expand the Fold. King of Scars gives us an insight into her past, more information about her relationship with the Darkling and it’s all glorious and shes glorious and ruthless and I love how she’s not softened in any way as a part of some questionable character development. I want to see this girl turn into a dragon.
Nina’s POV made me love her even more than in Six of Crows. She’s still fabulous and ready to stir trouble wherever she goes. Her goodbye with Matthias was heartbreaking but I’m glad her whole storyline wasn’t based on moping after him. I loved that Matthias’ wolf was incorporated into the story and I hope we’ll see more of him. We also got a bigger display of Nina’s powers twisted by parem and I enjoyed it so much. Nina is always ready to help other girls and women and all I can say is… Icon. 
There was also a fourth POV introduced half into the book, one of a completely new character - a royal guard called Isaak. I did love him and he was shaping into a great character but the things happened and, well… We won’t be seeing any more of him and I was really looking forward to the part where he wouldn’t be playing Nikolai and we could see him as his own person. I feel like it was quite a waste but on the other hand, I didn’t grow to care enough to be bothered by it.
When it comes to relationships, both romantic subplots are a big yes in my book. When I started King of Scars I was very not on board with the whole Nikolai and Zoya thing but this book made me love it. Let’s just wish we don’t get some crappy love triangle in the second book. When it comes to Nina and Hanne, I was so excited to see Nin with a girl and Hanne is a great character who has a huge potential for development and the fact that she’s Brum’s daughter makes these dynamics even more interesting. Those two are going to conquer Fjerda together. 
Platonic relationships in the book are also delightful and heartwarming. I especially loved the Grisha Triumvirate and Nikolai acting like one big family and also Adrik being done with Nina starting drama in Fjerda and disobeying his orders like the Dreg she is and Leoni just applauding her? Absolute feast.
All in all, would I recommend King of Scars? Yes, I definitely would to all the Grishaverse fans and if you’re a new fan quickly go grab the Six of Crows duology and either The Grisha Trilogy or just a recap article on it since not everyone has enough nerves to go through books that have such annoying characters as Mal or Mal. Oh and also Mal. Sadly knowing at least basic stuff about the Grisha Trilogy is crucial for understanding this book so you can’t just avoid it like with Six of Crows. I’m eagerly awaiting the next book because I can’t wait to see where all of this goes.
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heartstabyuldaisuki · 3 years
Twisted Fate (Twst reader insert)
ch2 Clean up the mess
(Y/N) pov
As I entered the Hall of Mirrors, people stared at me. The suffocating atmosphere sent a shiver down my spine. Not wanting to waste any more time than I already had, I trusted Mr. Crowley to keep an eye on the flickering cat and scurried forward to the center of the room, where a floating mirror with an eerie white face stood.
"State thy name."
"I'm (Y/N)(L/N)."
That mirror...looks so familiar.Where did I see it before?And the whole talking to the mirror thing makes me think of the one belongs to the evil queen in Snow white.
The mirror stared back at me without saying anything. That thing was way creepier than the one in the movie. I prayed that the staring would end soon, as the mirror said it would.
"The shape of thy soul is..........................I do not know. "
Not knowing what to do, I looked back at Mr. Crowley, but the headmaster seemed just as baffled as I was. After a few seconds of awkward silence, he asked the dark mirror again about the shape of my soul.
"Come again."
"I sense not a spark of magic from this one...the color, the shape, all are nothing.Therefore, they are suited for no dormitory. "
"An Ebony Carriage would absolutely never go to meet someone who can't use magic!In 100 years, there has not been once been a mistake in student selection. So why in the world..."
Wow, this is so compelling. I wonder how the story will continue. Do I wake up my magic later? What element could it... no, wait... is not this a magic school? There's no reason why they would bring a magic-less person here. An accident? Or is it...
"Unlike that dumb human, I can use magic! Let me in the school instead!If you need proof, I'll show you right now!"
I can't believe the whole burning up scenario is happening again.
Knowing what was going to happen next, I immediately ducked for cover.
"Oh no,not again!"
"Everyone, get down!"
Someone shouted for everyone to get down. Everyone was panicking about what to do next, and retreated to stay as far away from the fire source as possible.
Crap,that's bad.Gonna Stop the spread of the flame.
"Waaaah! Hottttttt! My butt's on fire!"
Hearing someone lashing out, I looked over to where the voice was coming from and saw a boy with a turban walking in a circle.Worried, I called out to him.
"Hey you,the one on fire.Roll on the floor to put it out!" 
"Huh you mean-"
"Yes,I'm talking to you.Just roll the floor already!"
When the man heard my words, he was visibly taken aback,but he did as I had just told him, and luckily for him, the fire on his butt was gone.
Whew,that was close.
To check on him, I decided to approach him and quickly went up to him and asked him.
"Hey,are you okay?"
"Ah ha ha...I'm fine. Thx for the help."
The boy smiled as he thanked me. When I looked closely, I noticed that he had white hair and dark skin, and his handsome face had some makeup on it. Relieved that the fire was out, I remembered my words when I called out. My tone was like a command and it sounded so arrogant that I just had to apologize to him.
"Phew...ah...I'm also really sorry for my rude attitude when I was shouting to you.Your situation was um...quite urgent."
"It's OK.You save my life and-Eh...are you-"
Someone called out the white-haired boy's name, I think, interrupting whatever he was about to say. I heard footsteps coming towards me, turned around and saw a dark skinned person with black hair coming towards him with a worried expression.
"Kalim,are you okay?Feeling hurt anywhere?Do you-"
"I'm fine Jamil.Thx for worrying about me."
Kalim...Jamil...are those their names?
"Anyway,I was saved by her."
The black-haired boy seemed shocked by the salutation. He turned and stared at me suspiciously. The look in his eyes was quite frightening, as if they could see right through me. To end this awkward contest of looks, I asked him.
"Um...does this mean there's a problem for a girl being in here?"
"Well...thanks for saving Kalim. And to answer your question,this is an all boys school so yes.It's strange for the Dark Mirror not only bringing someone magicless but also a girl."
"Um...perhaps it's some sort of error so...anyway,I'm taking my leave now,gonna get back to the headmaster."
Kalim smiled once more, waved his hands, and said, "Bye and thx again for helping me."
Before leaving,I waved back and nodded my head.
The ball of fur rushed back to the headmaster and was already tied by the neck, frowning and wriggling. Beside it stood two students, one with red hair and one with silver. Watching their stares, I couldn't help but gasp and held my hand over my mouth so no one would see my widening smile.
More pretty boys.What's with this school full of good-looking people?
The red-haired boy held the cat with an angry look, and I recognized his voice as the one that called for everyone to come down.Being mistaken for a cat angered Grim,it wriggled to get rid of its collar.
Wow...he just catches that thing in no time.
"Laws of the Queen of Hearts:Number 23"One shall never bring a cat into a festival.You being a cat means you've broken the rule.I shall have you leave at once."
Yep,I knew that thing is a cat.Someone agrees with me on that.
"I'm not a cat.I'll burn this collar right up and ... E, eh? I can't use my fire! "
In fright, Grim lost its previous confidence and went from being a threat to a normal cat.
"Hmph! You won't be using any magic until I remove the collar. Just like an ordinary cat. "
The red-haired boy grinned as he said this, and as I looked at him more closely, I noticed that he looked adorable, in stark contrast to the way he talked. At first glance, he seemed like the type who acted like a brat and was arrogant.
Shaking out my thoughts,I continued to observe the situation to find the perfect timing for giving out my explanation of my so-called familiar.
"Wh-what?! I'm not some pet!"
"Don't worry, I'd never keep a pet like you.I'll take it off anyway when you get thrown out."
That's so true.Who would be able to take care such a troublesome pet?I felt bad for its owner.That's must be tiring.
"Wow, as wonderful as ever. Any and all magic gets sealed by your Unique Magic, Riddle.I want it... No, I wouldn't ever want that cast on me."
I shook off my thoughts and continued to observe the situation, trying to find the perfect time to make my statement to my so-called familiar. The white-haired boy with glasses grinned wickedly as he said something about " unique magic". He may have looked like a straightforward, friendly person, but somehow he made me feel uncomfortable.He concluded his comment, the collar is something created by Riddle's magic, also known as the red-haired boy.
That collar looks so heavy.Wearing it definitely is pain in ass but locking out someone's magic is so cool.
When the trouble was finally over, I signed with relief. The headmaster looked at me with a serious expression, not pleased with the current situation, and scolded me.
"You must do something about this! It is your familiar!Properly discip-"
"Mr Crowley,I have been trying to tell you but I am NOT its owner and DON'T KNOW ANYTHING about it." 
"Eh? It's not yours?"
"Yes,it's not mine.How many times do I have to tell you!"
"Y-you did?Anyway, let's get it out of the school at any rate. We won't turn you into a stew. For I am gracious.Someone help, please. "
I bet that cat stew tastes horrible.
"Gyaaaa! Let me go!I'm going to, going to...Become the greatest magician!"
The school staff arrested Grim and released it. The kitten was stubborn and still wanted to prove that its worth , but no one paid any attention to it. When I saw that the cat was gone, I felt nothing but relief.
I'm glad that escaped from death.What a long dream.
"We had a bit of trouble along the way but this brings the entrance ceremony to a close.Dormitory Heads, please show the new students back to the dormitories."
So the seven students standing in the front are some sort of leaders.
I glanced briefly at Riddle, who stood tall with a stern look on his face.
Even though he is shorter than most perfects,Riddle-san sure gives out an imposing image.
I glanced back at Mr. Crowley, who was pacing back and forth, seemingly looking for something.
"... Hm? Now that I think about it, I don't see the leader for Diasomnia, Mr. Draconia, around at all..."
"That's no different from usual, is it?"
"What? Did nobody tell him about the ceremony?"
"If you're going to complain, you should've done it yourself. "
"Hmmm. But I don't really know anything about that guy."
When I heard the name Malleus Draconia, everyone was discussing it. Most of the students looked scared and shaking as they continued their conversation. Most of the dorm leaders looked uncomfortable as well.
"By Draconia... Do they mean "that" Malleus Draconia?"
"Is he seriously attending this school?"
That Malleus Draconia is probably very intimidating.It makes me curious.Too bad I can't see him in person.
"I was correct.I thought he might come but Malleus really didn't. It seems the invitation "never arrived" again." 
"My deepest apologies. I promise, we didn't intend to exclude you. "
"His aura makes it hard to approach him. "
"It's fine. Members of the Diasomnia Dormitory can come with me. ... I hope this doesn't upset him..."
Even the dorm heads are scared of him.Poor Draconia-san.He must have been excluded in a regular basis.
After all the students had gone, Mr. Crowley attended to his last business.
"Then, I'm terribly sorry about this but.. We must have you leave the school. Those without any talent for magic cannot be allowed to attend class here. "
"Yes,I understand but how?"
"There is no need to worry. The Dark Mirror will send you directly back from whence you came.Enter the Gate, and picture your home clearly in your mind."
I closed my eyes and imagined my homeland.
"Oh, Dark Mirror! Guide this one back to the place they belong!"
The Dark Mirror gave no response.So Mr Crowley called out to it again.
"Once more. Oh Dark Mirror! Guide this... "
"It is nowhere..."
"The place they belong is nowhere in this world...It does not exist."
"Say what?!"
Wait,I need to calm down,it's just a dream.I'll be back home after I wake up.
"What did you say? That is unbelievable! Hmm, well, the unbelievable has been on parade today."
In light of this incredible news, I felt kind of bad for inconveniencing him so much, but it meant I could stay in this interesting dream a little longer, and I was glad for that.
"This is the first time it's ever happened since I became Headmaster, what should be...Where exactly did you come from?"
"I'm from(insert your homeland)."
"I've never heard that place. I have a general grasp of where all the students came from but I've never even heard that name before.Let's go do some research in the library. "
And so we made our way to the library.
??? pov
Although this is supposed to be a serious commencement ceremony, the new students are a restless bunch. THAT * aside, it's fortunate that unlike last year, there isn't too much ruckus.
"Is that all for the new student dorm assignments? Listen up, new students. Here in Heartslabyul, I am the rules. Break them and it's off with your head."
As the head of the Heartslabyul dormitory, my first duty is to uphold the strictness of the Queen of Hearts and strictly enforce the rules. First of all, I've warned the new students----to abide by the rules, or else it's all over with their heads.
"By the way, where did the headmaster go? He flew out right in the middle of the ceremony." "Abandoning his post." "Did he get a stomachache or something?"
In the middle of the ceremony, the headmaster just left without the dorm leaders noticing. He should have informed at least one of us about his sudden disappearance beforehand, but knowing him, I'm sure he'll return soon. "Bang!" Suddenly, the door flew open and the headmaster rushed in. He was holding a grey cat with a blue flame, trying to stop its scuffling, followed by a fellow student wearing the same ceremonial robe.
The headmaster quickly denied not leaving his post and explained his sudden absence.As instructed by the headmaster, the straggler scurried to the dark mirror to be assigned his dorm.
The dark mirror announced that the new student had no magic.Intrigued, everyone whispered among themselves.Some were worried, others curious.The room was once again filled with murmurs.
The cat broke free of the headmaster's grip and exclaimed with a wide grin on his face, standing on two limbs, crossing the upper ones confidently.
"Unlike that dumb human, I can use magic! Let me in the school instead!If you need proof, I'll show you right now!" "Oh no,not again!!!" Seeing the new student quickly run for cover, I shouted.
"Everyone, get down!" "Nnnaah~!!"
The blue flame engulfed the entire hall of mirrors.Students and teachers were all frightened by the fire.The feline creature let out the fire, causing it to spread throughout the hall.Panic, wailing and screaming, everything is chaos.
"Waaaah! Hottttttt! My butt's on fire!" "At this rate, the school will be a sea of fire! Somebody, catch that raccoon!" "Che! Suck-ups." "Hmm? Aren't you good at hunting? Doesn't it look like a nice, plump snack? " "Why me? Do it yourself." "Crowley sensei, please leave it to me.I'm sure the others couldn't stomach harassing the poor creature, so I will take it upon myself." "That's Azul-shi for you. Always try to earn himself points." "Ummm, hey, could someone put out my butt fire already!?" "Are you all even listening!?" "If it's just catching some stupid raccoon, can't you do it yourself, sensei? " "How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not a raccoon!The Great Grim that will become the greatest magician is me!"
Ughhh, why could the open ceremony never happen without someone causing trouble? Besides, how irresponsible could the owner be for not disciplining his familiar, and more importantly, for breaking the Queen of Hearts' law.
"It certainly has moxie. Care to help me, Riddle-san?" "I can't overlook those who breaks rules. Let's hurry and get it."
Wanting to get this over with, I worked with Azul to put an end to the cat's annoying behaviour. Fortunately,it went well.Soon,the cat was banished out of the school and everyone left for their respective dorms.
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inkognito97 · 7 years
Obi-wan came back to TCW, can you tell us about the talk between Obi-wan and Qui-gon, please? How does Anakin take his master being so calm? Do they alert the council? Did Sidious feel anything?
It was as if he was in a dream. Everything felt so real. There was a little bit of pain, from when Anakin had hit him, there was the feel of the Force in everything and everyone around him and then there was also Qui-Gon Jinn. 
The man hadn’t changed since the Naboo incident, at least from Obi-Wan’s point of view. Then again, he had barely spoken and interacted with the man. 
“You are troubled,” Qui-Gon stated while ducking a low hanging branch. Obi-Wan had not even realized that he and the blonde had moved this far away from the actual camp.
“And you are not?” he challenged. 
There was the briefest hint of a smile ghosting around the brown haired man’s lips, though it was mostly hidden by his beard. Obi-Wan had only been able to pick it up in the first place, because he had lived over a decade together with this man. 
“I am just better at hiding it,” Qui-Gon replied. His eyes were sparkling, but the smaller male was not fooled, not at all.
“No, no you are not,” he said and his eyes rested on the nearly invisible tension in the man’s shoulders and in the slightly furrowed brow.
“I always wondered how you were able to read me so easily, when no one else could, not even Mace. And I grew up with Mace.”
“Living together, day in and out for over twelve years, will do that.” 
That and as a Council member, he had learned a few tricks from Master Yoda personally. Not that he would say either of the two things any time soon, not when he was not sure if this was reality or perhaps some Sith infected dream. For his own sake, for the sake of both his mind and his heart, he hoped that the first was the case. He would not know, what he would do, if the Sith were truly responsible for this. Perhaps he would go insane, it sounded like a good option, better than giving them any information at least.
Still, there was one thing that greatly bothered him. He was pretty sure that the hit that his former Padawan had landed, had been deadly. He remembered falling into a darkness, but not the sweet blissfulness of  unconsciousness, but it had seemed like the end, or perhaps the beginning of a new chapter.
“True,” Qui-Gon agreed, “and it only proves that you are indeed Obi-Wan.”
“I am… but… even if this is real, then I am not your Obi-Wan.”
Qui-Gon stopped dead in his tracks, the ginger haired Council member easily sidestepped him. “If this is real…? What do you mean by that?” it was more of a demand than anything else.
Obi-Wan crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow. As a Padawan, he would have cowered at the demanding tone, but as a Master of the Jedi Order and a member of the High Jedi Council, he was not so easily impressed. 
“Who tells me that you are real? That this is real? Perhaps this is all a truck of the Sith.”
“Is that why you ran?” it was Anakin, who eventually broke the sudden tension between the two men. He did not receive a verbal answer, but the quick look he received and the haunted look in blue-green eyes was enough to answer the question.
“How can I prove to you that I am real, that I am not made up by the Sith?” there was hope and desperation in the tall man’s eyes. He looked as if he wanted nothing more than to get rid of the doubts in the ginger h aired man’s mind. 
“I don’t know,” it was not the answer that the older man had wanted to hear, but it was the only honest one. 
“Obi-Wan,” the man began and he had reached out, clearly a testament of old times.. When his hand made contact with the younger male’s shoulder, something snapped open between them.
Blue-green eyes closed in pain. The back of his head was throbbing as if a bantha had repeatedly stepped onto it. It was like the reopening of an old and nasty scar and the ginger haired Jedi was pretty sure that his companion was feeling pretty much the same.
“Master? Master, are you alright?” this was Anakin’s voice. The blonde had moved protectively between the two older Jedi, his hands on Qui-Gon’s chest and glaring at Obi-Wan, as if he was at fault for the older man’s discomfort. 
“I’m fine,” Qui-Gon gritted out between clenched teeth. He looked as bad as Obi-Wan felt, perhaps even a bit worse. Then, a pair of midnight blue orbs searched out a pair of blue-green ones. “Is this proof enough?” 
It was indeed. There was no way that a Sith, not even someone as dangerous and powerful as Sidious, could recreate a bond and mend it completely. To fake a connected, that was impossible..
“Yes,” he said.
The long haired man closed his eyes and it was as if the weight of the whole galaxy had been lifted off of his shoulders. When he reopened his eyes, he gently yet firmly pushed the blonde aside and strode forward, engulfing his newly found, old Padawan in a tight hug. Obi-Wan himself, did not know how to react. Not that Qui-Gon seemed to mind.
Anakin on the other hand, looked suspiciously at the unwanted newcomer. Without the knowledge of his former Master, he had sent a quick message to his Captain and he had told Rex to contact the Jedi Council. This was out of their league, even though Qui-Gon would not want to see that. No, the older male was blinded by old grief and old wounds and this man… this wannabe Obi-Wan, was using it shamelessly. 
There was just no way that Obi-Wan had returned from the dead. It was impossible… unless the dark side was somehow involved. That had to be it. The dark side, that was the answer. He just wished he could make his former Master see that as well. But it was clear that he would not be able to, not with him being so happy and glad that the ginger haired male had ‘returned’ to him.
Back on Coruscant, a cup full of boiling hot tea exploded, ruining important documents and the Chancellor’s robe. But Sheev Palpatine, known by few as Darth Sidious, did not notice the liquid soaking through his clothes, nor the pain from the heat of the drink. The dark side was in uproar. Something had created a great disturbance, it was almost as if something had appeared out of nowhere. And this ‘something’ was threatening his carefully crafted plan.
His eyes turned golden and hate surrounded him like a cloud. He needed to find the source of the disturbance and that fast, before the Jedi did. There was no way that he would fail, NO WAY. 
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The Shadows In Our Minds (Part 3)
What Lies Beyond The Shadow
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Warnings: Nightmare, gore, death, mention of burning, mention of freezing (people), mentions of anxiety and anxiety attacks
Tag list: @musicphanpie-b, @imin-loveanon, @ordinary-chaos, @sandersandthesides, @ajumbleofwords, @demonickittykat, @zadi-jyne, @serenefreakgeek, @fandons-mangoes, @leesacrakon, @gayfagg
Read on AO3 here
That next day, Logan went up to Patton, intending to talk to him about what happened the previous night. He hoped Patton knew what to do, as he was more in touch with his emotions than Logan was. So, as soon as he had finished his breakfast, Logan went to look for his friend. It took Logan just a few minutes of wandering through the palace before he laid eyes upon Patton and he jogged up to the man. 
“Hey, Logan,” Patton greeted cheerfully as Logan approached him. “You look upset. Something bothering you?”
“Well,” Logan started, “there is something I wanted to talk to you about…” “Then talk all you want,” Patton smiled, “I’ll listen.”
“Can we talk somewhere else, though? I don’t want everyone to hear it.”
“Of course!” Patton answered. He didn’t wait for Logan to say anything, but instead, he walked down the hall, gesturing to his friend to follow him. Logan didn’t hesitate, but immediately followed Patton. He followed him through multiple broad corridors to Patton’s bedroom.
“We can talk here,”Patton reassured Logan as he opened the door for his friend. Logan nodded and walked inside. Patton’s room looked exactly like his own, though this one had warmer colours than his. Logan preferred light colours, cold but calming, while Patton liked the warm and darker colours better. 
“So, what did you want to talk about?” Patton asked as he closed the door behind him. Logan sat down on the bed and fell silent for a few moments, thinking of the best way to phrase his concerns.
“Well, last night… something happened,” Logan said slowly, “and I don’t know what. I hoped you might know more about it.”
This caught Patton off guard. Logan came to him for help? Usually it was Patton who came up to Logan because he didn’t get something. This was… new.
“Tell me all about it,” Patton answered with a smile. He noticed Logan had trouble with talking about it. Whether it was because he couldn’t find the right words or because he had trouble even thinking about the subject, Patton didn’t know. Patton sat down next to Logan and awaited his response.
Logan took a deep breath and told his friend all about what he had experienced the night before. Every single detail he remembered. And with every word Logan spoke, Patton became more… excited. No, excited wasn’t the correct word. But Logan’s words made Patton see that he was not the only one who experienced whatever it was that he experienced. And while he didn’t want Logan to feel all the panic and fear - no one deserved that - he was glad to share it with someone. It made him see he wasn’t weird for feeling it. 
“Logan,” he started when Logan had finished talking, “I’ve got that too.”
“You… do?” Logan asked incredulously.
“Yeah, I’ve had that for a while now. I don’t know why it happens, but… I know it happens.”
Logan nodded. It was a reassurance to know that Patton had the same experiences as he did and that even Patton didn’t know the source of this sudden anxiety. But at the same time, the fact that it even happened to Patton concerned him. He had never expected Patton to be anything but the happy, supportive, optimistic man he usually was.
After a brief conversation, Logan had found out the anxiety started for Patton after they came back from their quest. Something told Logan it wasn’t right. Something was wrong. A soft voice in the back of his mind told him there was more to this than just anxiety and worries. Maybe they should go to someone else for help. Normally, Logan wasn’t too fond of this, he especially disliked going to druids, witches or sorcerers, which is what Patton had suggested. But he knew that they had the most experience. Druids and witches in particular were skilled healers and that might just be what they needed to help them with this. So he agreed with his friend’s idea and quickly left to find the magic wielders that roamed the palace. 
Not long after this, the wielders had gathered in the throne room again for another meeting with the king.
“Your Majesty,” the youngest witch present said, taking a few steps forwards, “we have discussed the matter and we think there is only one explanation for this.” 
“What is it?” The king asked, eager to hear the explanation the wielders had come to. The witch looked back at their peers and then turned their eyes to the king again. 
“We believe it might be a curse.” 
“A curse you say? Why?” The king looked at the witch in front of him as they looked back at the small crowd behind them once more, seemingly looking for reassurance. Then, they focussed on the monarch again and they spoke: 
“Well, you said the nightmares started once your son returned from his quest to defeat the Shadow Sorcerer. And we have also heard from multiple of your staff members that they have experienced night terrors and extreme feelings of anxiety and panic ever since the prince came back,” the young witch explained, their fingers playing with their hair as they spoke, “so we have reason to believe that the Sorcerer cast one last spell before he died. A curse that your son carried with him and is now infecting the castle.”
“My son is not cursed,” the king protested, “he was protected by an amulet.” 
“We heard the stories, your Majesty,” one of the druids helped, “but Fallar does not absorb all magic energy; it has a limit. We do not know how big the amulet was that the prince carried, but it would be a safe guess to say it was not big enough to absorb all the Sorcerer’s energy. You of all people should now how powerful he was. I don’t think any amulet would be able to take all that power away from him.” 
“But if it was a curse, why did it only take effect when Roman came back to the palace? Why hasn’t he suffered from its magic? Or Patton and Logan? I haven’t heard anything from them about issues like mine.”
“Actually, they have been affected, too, Your Majesty,” the druid said, “we talked to them and they told us they have both been dealing with anxiety and panic to an extent they never experienced before.”
The king sighed as he placed his hands on the armrests of his throne. He leaned forwards and furrowed his brows as he went over everything the wielders had disclosed to him. 
“Very well,” he grumbled eventually, “say, there is a curse, is there any way to get rid of it. Or is there even a way to find out if there is in fact a curse?” 
“I’m afraid the only way to find out is by taking out the host of the curse,” an elder witch said, stepping forwards as she spoke hesitantly. 
“Isn’t there any other way to find out if there is a curse and to counteract it?” 
“I’m afraid not,” the old witch replied, “the magic of the Shadow Sorcerer is too powerful for any of us. Even if we find out whether there is a curse, the only way to get rid of it, would be getting rid of the host of the curse. Our magic can’t undo a spell cast by a sorcerer as powerful as the Shadow Sorcerer.” 
“I am not killing my son,” the king spoke softly, “I don’t care if it will mean the downfall of our kingdom, I cannot be the murderer of my own son.” 
The wielders protested at this, but the king would not listen. He had made up his mind. If he had to suffer through nightmares every day in order to keep his son alive, he would make that sacrifice. He could not bear to lose another child. He dismissed the party of wielders and when they were gone, he left himself, to find his wife and tell her about what he had heard. All that was left in the throne room, was a shadowy presence in the corner. 
So it was a curse, they said? It was a curse that had taken control of Roman and caused nightmares and anxiety to rule in the palace? That wasn’t a bad idea, he thought. He could have some fun with that. He only needed to adjust his plans a little bit, but that wasn’t a big deal. It could help him to keep the idea of a curse alive, so he might as well do it. 
So that night, when everyone was asleep, Virgil appeared in the bedroom of the royal pair again. But this time, he didn’t focus his energy on the king. Instead he focussed it on his wife - albeit slightly hesitant. In just a few seconds, the reality around him seemed to fade to black and another scenery took its place.
He was stood behind a big crowd in front of the Royal Palace. How convenient. The people all talked to their friends and family members while waiting for something to happen. This gave Virgil the opportunity to plan and prepare his next moves. Suddenly, the crowd burst into loud cheers and applause as the gates to the palace were opened. The royal couple stepped outside, smiling and waving at the people. But then, big, dark clouds moved in front of the sun, blocking out all its light and creating an artificial night. The cheers of joy turned into cries of fear and surprise. Out of nowhere, a wall of black smoke appeared, surrounding the crowd and the royal couple. It took away all their means of escaping from what was about to come.
Several people reached out for the wall, but as soon as they touched the black substance, they felt their skin blistering and it both burned and stung with an icy cold. The crowd started to panic and everyone tried to get away from the black veil as fast as they could. This created an enormous chaos and in this chaos, people were pushed into the black smoke. Horrific screams filled the air as some people tried to get to safety and others met their horrible ends. 
A few moments later, when most people seemed to have calmed down and the screaming had died down, the earth started shaking and a ginormous snake-like creature emerged from the ground. Its skin was black and white, its one eye glowed a deep crimson. It was taller than most trees and everyone near the creature staggered backwards, causing chaos to erupt once more. The snake growled - very unsnake-like. As it bent towards the ground, revealing its large teeth, another snake sprouted in the middle of the crowd. Its size and appearance were the same and it was just as terrifying as the other. The two beasts ripped apart the entire crowd, limbs laying everywhere and the previously green field was covered in drops of red. When the entire crowd had been shredded to pieces, the snakes turned to the royal couple, who stood frozen on the steps to the palace. Slowly, the two beasts approached the couple. But just as they were right in front of them, as they opened their mouths and threatened to kill the royals, the dream ended. 
The queen opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling. She felt her heart pounding in her chest and it took her a few minutes to calm down again. She knew it wasn’t real, but it felt so real. Almost too real to be just a dream. The queen looked at her husband, who was still sound asleep. He was fine. She knew it was just a dream. Nothing had happened, but her mind was occupied by the horrific scene she had witnessed just moments before that. But it was just a dream. With a deep sigh, she turned around and closed her eyes, waiting for sleep to take over again.
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #200 - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: No.
Format: Blu-ray
1) The prologue.
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This first scene of the last film does a number of things well. For one, Sméagol suddenly becomes a much more sympathetic and tragic character. We see how happy this creature was before being corrupted by the evil of the ring; before becoming Gollum. And that’s the other thing this scene does well: we understand better than ever how evil the ring is. How quickly it can turn good people bad. This sets the stakes high for the final chapter of the trilogy. Originally meant for The Two Towers, its inclusion in this film works so much better I think. Also it’s worth noting that the transformation from practical Gollum makeup to CG is seamless and visceral.
2) I love how freaking angry Gimli gets upon running into Merry & Pippin alive (after searching so desperately for them in Two Towers) before being tempted by what they’re smoking.
3) It’s worth noting that I HAVE watched the extended editions of all three films and while I usually forget about the scenes added in those versions, Saruman’s death scene (which is cut in this film) is always one I miss. It is a nice note of finality for such a major character in the trilogy.
4) Much as this film really covers Frodo’s eventual corruption by the ring, Aragorn’s journey is also complete. Over the course of the trilogy we see him go from a loner who wants nothing to do with leadership into the king of men. This film is very much about Aragorn accepting that part of himself, becoming the leader he was always meant to be, and we see it in many little ways. He takes a moment for himself to respect those fallen before celebrating a victory, he imparts wisdom onto Gandalf, he earns the trust of Théoden, later honors his promise to the ghost soldiers even though he could’ve used them as a weapon, and leads his army into battle in an effort to give Frodo the time he needs. By the time the credits role Aragorn fully embraces his duty as king and that’s a wonderful transformation to watch.
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5) Have I mentioned I low-key ship Sam and Frodo?
Frodo: “I need you on my side.”
Sam: “I’m always on your side, Mr. Frodo.”
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6) The last film very much covered Merry’s maturity, becoming invested in the war (which guides his actions in this film as well). In Return of the King we get to see Pippin grow more as a person. We see him go from a someone who doesn’t think before he acts (like when he looks into the orb and risks alerting Sauron about Frodo) to someone with deep sorrow who takes responsibility for his actions (such as when he pledges his allegiance to the Stewart of Gondor because he feels responsible for Boromir’s death). It’s a nice subplot for the film.
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7) Can I just say: Théoden can be a real idiot.
Théoden [about Gondor]: “Tell me: why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours?”
Dude, you made SUCH a big deal about not asking for Gondor’s aid in the last movie when you were heavily advised to do just that. And now you’re getting pissy because they didn’t give you something you said you didn’t want?
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8) While Sam and Frodo’s kinship is wicked strong, that’s not to undersell how deeply connected Merry and Pippin are. They’re great friends and the sadness of their goodbye as Gandalf takes Pippin to Gondor speaks to that.
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9) Okay, can I just say something? There are only three named female characters in these films I can think of who have lines: Arwen, Galadriel, and Éowyn. They’re all awesome, they’re all great. They never EVER interact with each other and while we understand both Arwen and Galadriel are dangerous women it’s only Éowyn who gets to fight in the war. And I get the books were published in the 50s and everything but come on. Some changes to improve on female presence wouldn’t kill the movie.
Arwen [about Aragorn]: “If I leave him now, I will regret it forever.”
And that’s literal, because elves are immortal. I just wanted to point that out.
11) John Noble as Denethor.
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While there is initially a bit of sympathy for the stewart of Gondor because he’s mourning his son Boromir, wow is that lost quickly. I am rooting for this guy to die harder than I am any other character in this series because he is such a raging asshole. I think he’s supposed to be and John Noble plays him in a very interesting way. Much like Imelda Staunton was great at making us hate Doloris Umbridge in Harry Potter, John Noble is great at making Denethor a selfish, arrogant, cruel bastard who I just want to punch in his fucking permanent scowl of a face. HE FUCKING ADMITS THAT HE WISHES FARAMIR WERE DEAD INSTEAD OF BOROMIR! I just…yeah, I’m glad when this jackass dies.
12) The Dead City always reminded me a little of the Emerald City from The Wizard of Oz. Or is that just me?
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13) I apologize for this in advance.
Frodo [when he feels the Witch King near, who stabbed him in Fellowship]: “I can feel his blade.”
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
14) At first I questioned the need to include Faramir’s skirmish with the orcs, but for one thing it shows the continued darkness which spreads across Middle Earth as well as the scale of this war. Not to mention it feeds directly into a conflict between Faramir and his jackass dad.
15) I love Éowyn, which I said as much in the last recap. But in this film she is just so freaking ready to fight for those she loves, to stand up against evil even though the sexism of Middle Earth tries to keep her off the battlefield. But she doesn’t and we get the best moment in the whole trilogy. More on that later.
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16) When I was younger I never really understood why Frodo believes Sam actually stole the bread, why he sends Sam away. But now I get just how great a manipulator Gollum is and how dark the ring can be on Frodo’s soul. Gollum knows EXACTLY what the ring is doing to him, the little things it whispers to him, the greed and mistrust which is taking him. He knows because he spent (I think) five hundred years under that very same influence. He knows what Frodo is going through better than anyone which he manipulates to his advantage.
17) Sean Astin just freaking shines with his breakdown after Frodo sends him away breaks up with him (you know, after refusing to give Sam a ring). He’s come so far, sacrificing his very life, to make sure Mr. Frodo stays safe and trying to make sure the ring doesn’t take him. And he’s ALWAYS on Frodo’s side, he always trusts Frodo. But Frodo can’t do the same thing for Sam. In fact, he does the complete opposite and distrusts him so deeply he tries to get rid of him. And it’s based on NOTHING, just the manipulations of a fiend and the darkness of the ring. Astin i just so great and conveying how heavy this is on Sam, I love it.
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18) Ah, the song.
First of all, Billy Boyd’s vocals are just absolutely amazing here. They infuse the song with such grand heartache which helps it set the tone for Faramir’s attack on the orc troops. This isn’t a grand action scene, this isn’t a heroic triumph, this is a heartbreaking suicide mission made because of a son wanting to earn the love of his soulless father. And that’s why the song works as well as it does. It sets a beautiful tone.
19) Honestly, a few of these notes are just going to be me acknowledging awesome Éowyn is.
Éowyn [after some troops laugh at Merry for wanting to fight]: “Why can he not fight for those he loves?”
20) The scene where Aragorn takes the sword from Elrond is a great moment. The music, Aragorn’s demeanor, the subtleties of the cinematography, the visual of Aragorn taking the sword, it all just makes it feel like a real hero’s moment.
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21) While the extended edition of this film may have some more Legolas & Gimli moments (there’s this wonderful drinking competition they get into), the bromance of the entire trio is still something I love.
Gimli [after Aragorn tries going into the dead mountain alone]: “You might as well accept it: we’re going with you, laddie.”
22) Merry is told he can’t go into battle by Théoden, that no one will carry him on their horse. Meanwhile Éowyn - who was basically told to stay at home and look after things while the men fight - says, “Screw that,” and takes Merry into battle herself. I LOVE ÉOWYN!
23) The scene with the ghosts and the dead mountain is truly eerie. Peter Jackson’s roots as a horror director really shine through in this wonderfully creepy scene and place. It’s just chilling.
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24) In the long running list of why Denethor is a piece of shit: he is so freaking eager for Faramir to be dead and to have some man pain he doesn’t even check his pulse! Then he bitches about not getting help from Rohan which HE DIDN’T EVEN WANT and then gives up. Thank god for Gandalf.
25) The initial battle of Gondor has a nice sense of scale and stakes to it, especially when we see it through the eyes of Pippin. There’s this constant sense of dread and hardship which builds tension nicely.
26) I’m not talking about the spider scene because I always hide behind my hands when that scene is going on. I fucking hate spiders, guys. I hate them. It’s a miracle I didn’t just straight up fast forward past all the spider stuff. AND IT JUST KEEPS COMING BACK! You think the spider is gone but then no, it comes back for one last attack! ENOUGH WITH THE SPIDER ALREADY!
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27) Gollum is totally done with the manipulation, the tricks, all of it. As soon as Frodo reveals his intention is to destroy the ring, he loses it and just is going to solve his problem with brute force. This doesn’t really work for him though.
28) Awww, Sam comes back to rescue his boyfriend only to think he’s dead.
Sam: “Don’t leave me here alone. Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
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29) A coincidence to get the character in trouble helps move the plot along. Such as when the orcs show up RIGHT AFTER Frodo gets paralyzed so they can easily capture him.
30) Through a strong sense of visuals there is a nice feeling of hope when Rohan shows up to participate in the battle of Gondor. The build up to that and the fact we see it via Merry and Éowyn works REALLY well because they - like the audience - are both new to this.
31) I always liked that Gandalf is willing to leave the main battle to save Faramir, because isn’t that what this is all about? Saving as much life as we can.
32) There are few film deaths which are quite as satisfying to me as Denethor’s death. I won’t include it hear but those who have seen the movie know exactly what happens. Know if you seek it out it does involve fire (so if that triggers you maybe best to stay away).
33) Once the freaking elephants show up to battle you KNOW this shit is epic. One thing this film does best out of all three is its battle sequences are amazing. They may be long, but they are choreographed interestingly and use a strong sense of action = reaction to them. They’re epic and totally amazing.
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34) I do have a bit of a fear of death, so Gandalf’s words to Merry always bring me calm.
Gandalf [after Merry says he can’t believe it’s going to end like this]: “End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path we must all take.”
35) THE BEST FREAKING MOMENT IN THE ENTIRE FREAKING TRILOGY! If you only watch one moment from The Lord of the Rings, make sure you watch this one. This is all you need to see. This is beautiful and I love it and it’s awesome. Watch it! Watch it now!
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FUCKING ÉOWYN VERSUS THE FUCKING WITCH KING! YES! You can see she’s TOTALLY scared but that doesn’t matter at all. She works through the fear, she fights this mythical creature who is supposedly un-killable AND SHE FUCKING KILLS HIM! It’s either him or her uncle and damn it’s sure as hell not going to be her uncle! It is glorious. I cheer every time. I love it. Best moment in the trilogy. No contest. Done.
36) There is this tone shift in the battle of Gondor once Legolas and Gimli start their contest.
Gimli: “There’s plenty [of the enemy] for the both of us, may the best dwarf win.”
They bring out an intense amount of fun to the battle which just has you cheering them on. Cheering on the victory! I mean, LEGOLAS TAKES DOWN A FREAKING ELEPHANT!
I love it.
37) Again, I apologize for this in advance.
Orc [about to kill Frodo]: “I’m going to stick you like a stuffed pig.”
Sam [killing the orc]: “Not if I stick you first.”
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
38) It is always important that characters not be passive. Them making a choice is interesting. So even when Frodo is at a point where he can easily STOP carrying the ring and let Sam carry it, but he CHOSES not to, that’s interesting. It speaks to his character.
Frodo: “You must understand: the ring is my burden.”
39) This is one of my favorite things to hit the internet in 2012. It’s so random and weird I love it.
40) The moment when Aragorn really becomes the king of men is when he rallies his troops to fight against Sauron. He takes his role as leader seriously and he’s damn good at it.
Aragorn: “I see in your eyes the same fear which would take the heart in me!”
He relates to them, he lets them know he’s afraid, but his bravery inspires bravery in others. That’s what a good leader does. They speak of hope and unity against hatred, they don’t encourage it. They don’t divide people, they bring them together.
41) Have I mentioned I love Legolas and Gimli’s bromance?
Gimli: “Who thought I’d die fighting side by side with an elf?”
Legolas: “How about side by side with a friend?”
Gimli: “Aye. I can do that.”
42) Frodo is literally pushed past his physical limits, unable to climb any further up Mount Doom to destroy the ring. But he HAS to. That’s high stakes. Forgoing physical needs for the goal is the highest stakes imaginable. And also: HELL YEAH, SAMWISE GAMGEE!
Sam: “I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!”
43) Can I just say: I will never truly wrap my mind around the super convenient giant eagles which show up at the last minute. Like, maybe there’s an explanation for this in the books, but wouldn’t the eagles have helped out A LOT MORE before this final battle? I mean really. What’s with this Deus Ex Machina stuff?
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44) The scene where Frodo decides to keep the ring visually matches the one where Isildur did the same thing in Fellowship, meaning the seeds for this were planted in the trilogy from film one. It’s smart planning and helps make the choice all the stronger. We’ve seen the consequences of this action once, but again? Oh man, that could be disastrous.
45) You can really see the influence the ring had on Frodo when this is the first thing he says after it’s destroyed.
Frodo: “I can see the shire.”
Frodo talked about how he couldn’t remember it before, while he was carrying the ring. But now it’s gone and he can. I love that.
46) One of my favorite moments in the series is when Frodo wakes up in Rivendale with Gandalf standing at his bead. Remember, Frodo thinks Gandalf is DEAD from the first film. So not only is there the joy at his own survival but that of his friend too. And you can see it on Elijah Wood’s face.
47) This film has A LOT of endings. Like, it takes 20 minutes to end. But I like each and every one. Firstly, this massive respect the hobbits are paid.
Aragorn [king of men, to the hobbits]: “My friends. You bow to no one.”
[Aragorn bows, then so does literally EVERYONE else]
48) The Shire still brings about the same sense of peace it did in Fellowship. You know you’re really out of danger when you are in that place. The tension defuses and it feels like…home. It’s worth noting that the hobbits at first have nothing to talk about while at the bar. They just sit there in silence because…what is there to say?
49) The final goodbye.
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I may not be the best to pick up on subtext, but even I get that this boat into the West is meant to represent the afterlife. That Bilbo, Gandalf, and Frodo are all going into the afterlife (even though I always forget that Gandalf leaves). This is honestly not only the most fitting ending to the story, but for Frodo’s character as a whole. There’s no way Frodo could’ve just gone home after all that evil. He couldn’t have just returned to normalcy. He’s changed too much, so he has to move on. But just because Frodo’s gone, doesn’t mean life moves on. And I think that’s one of the greatest messages this film has: even in the face of great loss, life moves on. And there is always ALWAYS hope.
50) And I think instead of analyzing the song “Into the West” I’ll just leave you all with a link to listen to it because it’s a wonderful piece.
The Return of the King is everything fans loved about the first two Lord of the Rings films dialed up all the way. The stakes are at their highest, the battles are at their most epic, the performances are incredible, and the characters finally reach the end of the journey they started at the beginning of this film. Winning Best Picture at the Oscars the year it was nominated, this film definitely deserves it and is worth the watch (even if it is a long watch).
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reginadiutopia · 7 years
Prompt by bmarajade (it doesn’t tag): season 7 au, where Sandor went to Winterfell instead of Kingslanding, and helped sort out the mess Littlefinger caused between the two sisters
I did not expect to write a second oneshot so soon, but I needed a break from studying and I was inspired, so here it is. I had fun writing this prompt, these are basically some sort of ideal missing moments for the tension between Arya and Sansa. Hope you like it!
Pairings: Sansan, also Arya/Sandor and Bran/Sandor interactions Raiting: K+ Words count: 1.461
“Your sister isn’t up for any riot against your bastard borther and you know that, wolf-bitch”
Arya turned around to face the Hound in the empty hallway, not hiding the annoyance from her face. And it was not for the man himself or for the bad nicknames he had chosen for her and Jon, but mainly because, in order to look at him, she had to leave her recently favorite object of observation: Petyr Baelish.
“Yeah, of course you are defending her. I remember quite clearly your soft spot for Sansa”
Sandor narrowed his eyes for a moment at that comment, but then just shrugged. “That is not the point” he simply said, unable and also unwilling to deny his weakness.
Of course it was not the point. His feelings for the Lady of Winterfell were the reason why he was there at the castle instead that beyond the Wall with Beric, Thoros and the all new happy company and even why he was in that exact moment in front of the little Stark girl to try and solve the tension between thetwo  sisters, but that was not the reason why he wanted to defend her. The real point was that both sisters had good points and the other enemy was another one.
“I was there, I saw her” he started to say again, after a short silence. And he didn’t have to be more precise to make Arya understand that he was talking about King’s Landing and the incriminating letter Arya found in Sansa’s chambers. “There was nothing else she could have done, if she wanted to keep her pretty head on her neck… You put Cersei and Jeoffrey and  half the Kingsguards on that fucking list of yours, but you don’t know the half of what she had to deal with”.
And I don’t know the half of what she’s been through after that– he added in his mind with a sudden shiver running down his spine, but didn’t give voice to that thought. Again, that was not the point.
“So, you think it’s all Littlefinger’s doing?” the girl asked, awakening him from his thoughts.
“Aye” he confirmed, glad that they have finally reached that bloody point. “You’d better do something about him. But what can I say? After all, I am the one you want to kill, not that fucking cunt”
Arya considered his words for a short while and then surprisingly smirked in a friendly way.
“Maybe I’ve already replaced one name on my list with another” she confessed with an eloquent look. “You know what, Hound? It’s fine with me that you are still alive”
Sandor’s reaction was a loud amused laugh. “Aye, it’s fine with me as well”
Actually, now that he could see Sansa basically every day and be truly at her service, he felt way better than just fine. A faint smile from her, some chirped confessions spoken in the hallways, her clear blue eyes looking straight into his face and oh, it was such a great time to be alive! Sandor couldn’t help but enjoy every little moment in her company, even if he surely was nothing more to her than a sort of advisor, because that was already more than enough after all.
“Little Bird, we’ve already spoken about it. The wolf-bitch is just afraid that Littlefucker will wrap you again around his little finger” he said, standing in front of her desk, providing her of another opinion about that same topic.
The lady raised an eyebrow a little unsettled for the choice of nicknames, mainly the one for her sister in spite of their tension, but not for hers own. She could never be against him calling her Little Bird.
“Yes, you have already told me that my sister would never hurt me” she said with a sigh. She remembered too well when just a couple of days before, he had comforted her on that matter, surprisingly taking Arya’s defense and convincing her that Littlefinger wanted to put the sisters one against the other. She had even told him about the faces, to which he had reacted only with a sort of proud smirk. “And I know Baelish’s time here is up and that he is causing now more trouble than ever but…”
“But he’s still a fucking landmark for you, isn’t he?” Sandor interjected, not able to hide the silly jealousy he felt for the other man, after understanding that between the two there had been some kind of closeness in the past.
“…But we have no concrete proof” she finished, not sparing him a long glare of cold anger for the remark. “Yes, Baelish has been there in my life all the way in my life and there was a time when I actually trusted him, but that time is gone and well, my life has been a tragedy so far so…” she trailed off, pain replacing anger as memories that exceeded Littlefinger began to cloud her mind.
“It’s alright, Little Bird, it’s alright” Sandor quickly said in an unxpected soft and affectionate voice, gently taking her hands in his big ones, “You are a strong wolf now and you do not need anyone anymore”
Sansa squeezed his hands and conceded a smile to him, but faintly shook her head.
“I’m stronger but I’m not that strong yet, Sandor. I still need landmarks as you said…”
He looked a bit hurt, leaded by his own untrusty character to assume the worst.
“So you feel that you need him?”
She still looked at him and her smile suddenly widened. “On the contrary, I finally know that I don’t. I have a better landmark in my life now”
Of course she did, he thought. She had Winterfell, the wolf-bith, Jon Snow the bastard and Brienne of fucking Tarth.
And yet as she spoke, she was still staring at him, straight in the face.
The two shewolves finally reached an agreement, thanks to the Hound’s help and the common hate for the mockingbird lord. Once the intention of getting rid of him was clear, the prooves against him came almost immediately from an unexpected source and now, while the young women were speaking with the lords of Winterfell to explain the situation and prepare the trap for the enemy, Sandor found himself alone right with that ultimate helper: the youngest wolf alive, Brandon Stark.
“So, who could have guessed? You’re the true hero in the end. Though, you could have spoken a little sooner…”
Even if Sandor was standing right beside him, Bran didn’t seem to have noticed him and simply kept staring at the fireplace. But, just as the man was about to turn and leave, a clear and yet somehow deep voice held him in place.
“I saw you, Sandor Clegane” the boy said, without looking at him in that exact moment though. “I saw how you helped Sansa in King’s Landing, how you tried to defend her from the young King and even offered her to escape. Then, I saw your travel with Arya and how you almost died to protect her. And now I see…” he stopped for a moment at that, finally raising his eyes and looking at him with a grave expression on the face “I see that your place is here in Winterfell and that you’ll do other good things for the Starks”
Sandor listened carefully to that speech, that left him unusually unsettled. The first time he saw him, he immediately found the boy quite creepy with his behavior. Somehow he found him scary for the things he claimed to know but also, deep down he felt a strange sense of respect, sensing that in that moment there was more than just a crippled boy in front of him.
Just giving a nod as a reply, Sandor finally turned and left the room. He wasn’t sure if he believed Bran’s predictions or not, but he truly hoped he was right.
“It’s just strange. In his horrible way, I believed he loved him” Sansa spoke up, standing beside her sister outside in the cold air of Winterfell.  Littlefinger’s trial was just ended, as well as the execution.
“You did the right thing. That could not possibily be love, Sansa” Arya replied, protectiveness and convinction clear in her voice.
“After Jeoffrey, after Ramsay… I thought that Petyr was the best kind of love I could have. But now I know the difference, I know exactly what love is”
Sandor, standing at the door not far enough not to hear those words, widened his eyes as a tenderness he never thought possible to feel rushed to his heart. Because Sansa had turned and this time it was undoubtful that she was meaning him.
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((Hello again, and thank you for putting up with my long profiles. I’m sorry for the length of this one. This is a villain that I made to contrast with Nazzaereno. My cousin and I did some retconning, and we changed a lot of things that went in our canon world. They let me have this character and I got to do his profile for the first time. I hope that this isn’t too dark and edgy to read. I think what I am concerned with is that although I make villains, I cant make them too evil or dark. I wanted to make a character that was just dark and evil, but I feel like I missed something along the lines of that. I also feel that he is pretty flat, and I was wondering if you all could help me with this.
Hi! This is Mod D. Your full profile and review are under the cut.
World: This story takes place in the Netherworld. The netherworld is a place where demons, beasts, and creatures can live in peace without human intervention. 
In terms of the Netherworld Hierarchy, Arch Demons are higher demons. They are not necessarily evil, but they have more freedom to do what they want in the world. Some choose to be good while others choose to be bad. Avvoltoi are like a mix between wraiths and demons, and they are bad news because their powers are so varied. 
For the purposes of his story, I use the characters current names, and titles. 
In English, his motto is translated to "If I want it, I get it"))
Name: Amadeo “Uno” Bianchi
Aliases: Uno, Mr. Bianchi, “Tacky” an name given to him by Amir.
Gender: Uses He/Him pronouns
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Age: He might be around 934 years old, but he will forever look 36.
Occupation: He is an Avvoltoi who works for Demytri Andreiyev.
 Alignment: Chaotic Evil
 Group/Organizational Affiliations: The Avvoltoi, Demytri Andreiyev, and Tera Na Vole.
 Family: Nazzaereno Abategiovanni: Nazz is his biological sibling. When the two of them were actual Archdemons, Nazz was always stronger than him. He never liked that, but this got worse after Uno lost his powers. He was demoted and he has been bitter about that all his life. He bound himself to his brother so that he could always be there to cause him trouble.
Best Friends: Demytri Andreiyev: Demy is one of his good friends. He is a demon vampire who has been on this earth for centuries. Uno likes that he has an endless supply of money, and Demy likes that Uno will literally do anything for him. 
Relationship Status: Widowed.
Significant Other: Nove Marchand: She was his wife and he claims that he loved her, but many people believed that he loved her power. He summoned her when he was banished to a human form at the age of 15, and as he got older, he developed feelings for her. When he became an Avvoltoi like her, he married her. After her death, he claimed that he would get revenge on her, but he seems to have forgotten. 
Other Relationships: He also works for a creature named Tera Na Vole. Tera is one of the strongest Necromancer in the netherworld, but he is currently out of commission. Demy and Uno want to bring him back into the world. 
 Height: 6'4"
Weight: 233lbs
Build: Muscular and athletic.
Skin Tone: Dark tan with yellowish undertones.
 Hair: He has blackish-auburn hair.
Eyes: Golden yellow, but they do not glow like his brothers.
Identifying Marks: Fur coat, Bridge piercing, and Silver capped canines.
Appearance: Uno and his brother, Nazzaereno do favor each other in many different ways. Uno is a handsome man who has the typical Avvoltoi features of gold eyes and hyper-white teeth. He has mid-length hair that starts of auburn and then it fades to black. He has dark eyebrows that are rather thick and expressive. He is usually seen in a floor length, fur coat that is made of black fox fur and he almost always has 6 rings on his fingers and a few piercings on his face. His most notable features are his diamond plated teeth caps, and his leather Italian boots. With his coat off, he’s usually seen in a silk, white dress shirt, and black slacks. 
     Unlike his brother, he can’t change his into different creatures, but he can look like a normal human person. In this human form, he still has his tan skin, but he has grey hair, and hazel eyes.
 Personality: Uno is the epitome of greed. He is someone who is willing to do immoral things for his own pleasure. He’s not a nice person, and when compared to his brother, he’s far more sinister. He feels that if something doesn’t benefit him or what he wants, then he will get rid of it. He is very vain and he has an extremely high opinion of himself which causes him to come off as being very arrogant. He is also someone who is very jealous of others and if he feels threatened, then he is willing to kill others. He is a deeply insecure person because although he is a demon of sorts, he knows that the wrong contract can take all of his power and prestige.
Motivations: Money and his own pleasure. He is very materialistic and he makes it known. 
Current Goal: His current goal is destroying Nazzaereno for good. He feels that his little brother is always interfering with his plans, and he just wants him gone.
Life Goal: He actually wants to be as rich as Demytri, but he can’t tell him that. 
*Motto: “Se voglio, lo ottengo”
Best Quality: He is a determined person who will stop at nothing to get something done. 
Worst Quality: He is annoyingly cocky and arrogant. He only cares about himself and he makes that fact known.
Fears: One of his biggest fears is that he will loose all of his power. This happened to him one time, and he was reverted into a human form. Without his power, he feels that he is nothing.
Hobbies: Gambling, buying things, tricking humans, buying cars that he doesn’t need, and buying expensive jewelry.
Talents: He has a talent for manipulation. He can speak to someone and he knows how to convince them that they need something or that they want something. He’s been alive for so long that he can guess what people desire in their lives.
 Skills: He does speak 10 different languages, and he knows how to write in 12. He is a gifted swordsman, and his weapon of choice is a vampire broadsword named “Il cacciatore”. 
 Abilities: Uno has been described as a vampire of sorts. He is able to use the energy of his victims to make himself stronger and younger. This is how he has stayed alive for so long. He is also immortal like most Avvoltoi, and he able to regenerate himself if he becomes injured. 
 Secret: He is actually really afraid of Tera Na Vole because although he is a Necromancer, he can control any demon that he wants.
Influential Memory: Summoning and meeting Nove for the first time. This was his first love, and he fell hard for her. 
Role Model: Nove was his role model. He loved that she commanded a room with her presence, and he also loved how much power she had just by tricking people.
Crush: Unknown. He’s not the type to hold crushes on anyone.
Source of Embarrassment: He’s technically a lesser Archdemon, and he’s always been embarrassed by the fact that he’s not as strong as his brother or any of the other Avvoltoi. 
Source of Pride: His fur coat. It’s made out of real fox. He got it as a gift from a warlord that he made a deal with. He’s always seen in it and he treasures it greatly.
     From the time that Uno and Nazzaereno were born, Uno had always been a cruel person. He was a demon who liked harming others and he used his powers to force them to do things that he wanted. Although he was a shadow archdemon, he had what was known as a “weak” set of skills. He could only create shadows and he used them to take energy from other people, but that was it. His younger brother, Nazz, was actually stronger than him. He hated this, feeling that because he was the oldest, he should have been much stronger than him. He would spend his days tormenting his little brother, beating him and even blaming things on him. Nazz never really said anything because he loved his brother and he didn’t want to make him upset. 
     The final straw came when Nazz was made into an Archdemon ambassador. This was the highest honor that an arch demon could have, and he was so glad that he was recognized in this way. Uno was upset. His brother, not him, got the honor of working with the Death gods in the netherworld. He was unreconcilable, and in his fury, he ran away to the deep netherworld. 
     As he was there, he met some new demons that he had never seen before. These creatures were magnificent and he was obsessed with them as he met them. They were known as Avvoltoi, and they were actually stuck there. One of them was named Nine, and he grew to like her. She was seductive in her own way, but he loved that. He had a relationship with her, keeping her away from Nazzaereno, who he assumed was going to take his new paramour. He never returned to the normal Netherworld after that. 
     Soon, Nine was getting bored. She told Uno that her and her friends wanted to get out of the area, but they couldn’t do so themselves. He knew what she meant, and he devised a plan to get her out. He returned to the netherworld, telling the elders that he was sorry for his actions and that he would never do it again. They accepted his apology and they allowed him to serve with them. When their guard was down, he stole a magic tome and he went back to the Deep Netherworld. He gave the book to Nine and she read a spell. Soon, the deep Netherworld started to crumble away, and Nine and her friends disappeared. The Elders heard of the commotion, but it was too late. The 6 Avvoltoi were released and they devastated the area of the netherworld that the Archdemon lived in. The elders were slaughtered, and the archdemons were no more. Nine became the de facto leader of the Avvoltoi, and she ruled over them. 
     Uno wanted to be with them, but he had no way of doing so. Just as he was about to leave, he heard a noise, and Nazzaereno appeared. He was working with the Death gods, and they came to fix what was going on. Nazz strikes down his brother and with the help of the Death gods, they stopped the Avvoltoi from continuing their reign. In a last ditch effort to save himself, Uno pledged his life to Nove, asking her if she could stay with him forever. She obliged, and the next thing that he knew, everything went black.
     When he woke up, Uno saw that he was in the body of a human baby. An older couple was taking care of him, and although he had some of his memories, he had no powers. This made him even more mad, and as he grew up, he was a mean child. He would beat others, he killed their pets, and he treated his parents awfully. He felt that as an Archdemon, he didn’t deserve to be in the body of something as pathetic as a human. His “Mother” and “Father” kept on having children until their last child, their seventh one. 
     Uno saw this baby, and he knew that something was different. He was in a new form, but this baby was Nazzaereno. He was so mad, and as he grew up with the baby, he would do terrible things to him. He abused him and he even threw him out of a wagon once, but this baby would not go away. His parents tried their best to stop him, but it was no use. 
     Uno’s new family was poor and he felt that if he had money, then he would get power. He started a gang when he was younger, and he and his friends would steal items from people. They stood gold, silver, and many valuables. Many people in the village were afraid of him and because of this, his family had a hard time making a living in Venice. 
     Uno stole enough money to buy some nice items for himself. As he was perusing the market, a man offered to sell him a book that could summon demons. He was interested, so he bought it and later that night, he tried one of the summoning rituals. He used the blood of his neighbors dog, and he recited the incantation. As he did, he felt a presence next to him, and when he looked, a beautiful woman was standing there. She said that her name was Nove, and he felt like he had met her before. He told her that he wanted to be the richest person in Venice, and she obliged. She told him that she would make him the richest person if he found her a child to eat. He thought that this was strange, but he did as she said. He broke into someone’s house and he stole their baby, giving it to Nove. 
     Years passed, and Uno became one of the richest men in Venice. Merchants were coming from around the world to share items with him, and he had his own fortress to call home. He started to fall in love with Nove, and she enjoyed teasing him about it. She eventually told him that they could be together if he gave her a blood sacrifice. He asked her what that meant, and she told him that she wanted one of his younger siblings. He was convinced of this and he summoned his younger sister to the fortress. Nove killed her and she was satisfied. She then told him that she could give him a gift for being so kind to her. She gave him some of his memories back, and he remembered how he knew a demon named Nine. She said that she remembered him as well, and that she would stay with him forever if he kept her happy. 
     Uno and Nove were known around town and many people were afraid of him. Every year, he would summon one of his siblings, and she would kill them. In return, he would get some of his memories back. He eventually got to his youngest brother, Nazzaereno and he had something in store for him. He summoned his youngest brother to his fortress, but he gave him to Nove. She was excited and she took him into her dungeon where she tortured him.
     As years passed, the villagers were getting suspicious of Uno and his Demon girlfriend. They told other people around the city about him and they chose to publicly execute him for his crimes. That night, they attempted to storm his fortress and he was growing panicked. He asked Nove if she could do something, but she told him that the situation was out of her hands. He pleased with her and as a final ask, he asked her if she could make him into the type of demon that she was. She was upset at first, but she then accepted his request. He didn’t want any survivors, so he went into the dungeon, slit his brothers throat, and Nove killed him. 
     When he awoke, he saw that he was in a different area, and Nove was sitting next to him. She told him that he had been turned into an Avvoltoi and that they would be together forever. He was so happy and he asked her to marry him. She said yes and the two of them got married. As they were walking together, he saw Nazzaereno again, but he was an Avvoltoi as well. He approached him and he told him that he was tired of seeing him everywhere, but his brother had no idea who he was. He thought this was interesting, but in his head, he finally won.
     Uno was an Avvoltoi who worked for money, and although he didn’t need it, he liked having it. As usual, he made Nazz’s life a living hell. He gave him impossible tasks and he would even attack him if things didn’t go his way. Nazz had a friend named Cinque, and Uno hated her. He would give her a hard time and he even told Nove to attack her whenever she got bored. Nazz would stick up for her, but Nove was too strong. Eventually Nove went too far and she killed the girl, which broke Nazz’s heart. Uno felt that he was justified because Nazz was intruding in his life. His brother eventually ran away and he escaped the netherworld. 
     Uno and Nove were enjoying their time with the Avvoltoi. They took contracts together, and they even gained infamy for their deeds. Years passed and Nazz was never seen or heard from again. Uno felt that he finally had his life under control, and he was rid of his brother. One day, Nove was called on a mission and she never returned. Uno was confused as to where she went, and he looked for her everywhere. She was missing for weeks, and he noticed that Nazzaereno was gone as well. 
     Nazzaereno returned, but he was using her two swords, Té and Café. He attacked him and he demanded that he tell him where she was. Nazz told him that she was where she belonged, that he learned about all that they had done to him and that he was always going to remember. Uno went back to his room where he found Nove’s severed head. 
     Uno was enraged and he felt like he was never going to have a happy life. He knew that he had to get revenge on Nove, but he didn’t know how to do it. He finally came up with an idea that would get rid of Nazzaereno for good. He looked through the Avvoltoi records and he found a book of contracts that they were not allowed to take. He found the name of a Demon Vampire named Demytri Andreiyev and he made his way to his home. 
     Demytri was an extremely powerful and rich man who wanted the services of someone like Uno. He wanted to destroy a section of the netherworld that was responsible for his lovers death. They made a contract with eachother and the two of them made plans to destroy Nazzaereno and the rest of the Avvoltoi. 
Firstly, I’d like to address the ‘elephant in the room’ of this profile – Uno’s background. At over half the word count and almost half the length of the profile itself, there’s too much crammed into that section. Multiple characters are re-introduced, prior information is re-explained, and Uno’s history is presented exactingly step by step. As written it’s more of an overview than a summary. Specifically it reads like a overview of an entire novel, with each of the eighteen paragraphs covering their own chapter. A Backstory section shouldn’t be a series of ‘And then this happened’ because that just becomes a loop of explaining each step one after another due to hinging the explanation on specific context rather than general information. Summarize rather than explain.
To give an example, take the first three paragraphs of Uno’s History section. Written as an actual summary, they’d look something like this – 'Uno’s childhood wasn’t very pleasant. He grew up jealous of his more powerful younger brother Nazzaereno, which only served to exacerbate his demonic nature and innate cruelty. He often lashed out and tormented at his younger brother, a continual conflict that came to a head when Nazz was chosen to be Archdemon ambassador over Uno. Furious, Uno left home and ended up in the Netherworld where he met another demon named Nine. Infatuated with her, Uno fell in love with Nine but kept this new relationship a secret – mostly out of fear that Nazz would usurp his deserved position once again.’
All of the important characteristics are reinforced (Uno’s evil nature and his obsession over Nine), the key contexts are laid out, and it sets up everything else in Uno’s backstory in a single focused paragraph. I will say that some of the other sections can probably be kept, but they’d need to be trimmed down. One of the biggest things that would help is if the phrasing was made more concise.
To give another example, take the fifth paragraph of Uno’s Backstory:
Uno wanted to be with them, but he had no way of doing so. Just as he was about to leave, he heard a noise, and Nazzaereno appeared. He was working with the Death gods, and they came to fix what was going on. Nazz strikes down his brother and with the help of the Death gods, they stopped the Avvoltoi from continuing their reign. In a last ditch effort to save himself, Uno pledged his life to Nove, asking her if she could stay with him forever. She obliged, and the next thing that he knew, everything went black.
The first and second sentences can be combined, and the second one can be trimmed down ('he heard a noise’ serves no purpose other than focusing on unnecessary details). The third and fourth sentences can be combined, and the 'they came to fix what was going on’ can be cut out (like the 'heard a noise’ bit, it serves no purpose). Saying 'Nazz had joined with the Death gods to stop Uno and the Avvoltoi, and together they struck them down’ summarized everything without being repetitive. The biggest offender here however is the final sentence – specifically 'the next thing he knew, everything went black.’ Instances like these hinge far too directly on overly detailing the exact nature of the scene being described. By that I mean there’s far too much explanation rather than exposition. Instead of writing it like a cliff-hanger at the end of a book chapter, just state what happened. 'She obliged, and Uno was magically placed into the body of a human infant.’ This lets you immediately launch into human-Uno’s childhood in the next paragraph, rather than leaving the 'he becomes a baby’ thing as an attempt at surprise.
Combining those two strategies should probably do a lot to help trim down Uno’s Backstory to make it more manageable. While there’s no hard limit on how long or short a Backstory section should be, I think Uno’s could be cut in half and still get across all the necessary information in one and a half pages rather than nearly three.
As a final note on the backstory, it comes across as really repetitive. Uno grows up hating Nazz, tortures his younger brother, works with Nine and allies himself with her… then proceeds to do all of that all over again just in a human body. That’s another part of what makes the Backstory section so exhaustively long – it’s got the same progression arc written twice, just with one minor tweak. I’d suggest either start the backstory with Uno’s life as a human and leave it off with him uncovering his memories, or make his time in the Underworld different to bring some distance between them.
Beyond that, I don’t have all that much to offer on the other parts of Uno’s profile. His Appearance section is fine for the most part – it explains the details it needs to explain and provides a pretty solid visual image. Under the specific 'Appearance’ heading though, I would suggest removing the first sentence. It should dive right into what Uno looks like, rather than starting off centering him around his brother then going into Uno himself. On that note, I’d suggest taking out all the similar mentions to Uno’s brother in his Appearance section (for example under 'Eyes’). While these distinctions are important, they can be better utilized in-story. Highlighting all the ways Uno does and doesn’t look like his brother in the Profile just takes the focus away from Uno himself.
Regarding his Personality section, Uno doesn’t really come across as a villain. He does a lot of bad things certainly, many of which are evil, but he just seems to…do them without a significant goal to drive him. Beyond that, for someone who is supposed to be an epitome of greed who doesn’t like being weaker/beholden to anyone, he does a lot of altruistic things in the name of love (which seems really unusual for a demon). The 'evil acts’ he does like sacrificing children and tormenting his younger brother come across as kind of two-dimensional and the selfless devotion he apparently feels for Nine/Nove seems inconsistent with his other apparent characteristics.
Something that I think would help a lot, both in cutting down the Backstory section and in giving more context to Uno’s actions, would be writing out a relationship section. This is where you could cover a lot of the information that doesn’t need to be in the Backstory section, in addition to providing extra context for Uno’s choices. A demon being in love – earnestly, apparently – is unusual. How does he get along with Nine/Nove? Is it all secretly some kind of trick? Is he okay with being subservient to her despite his fear of being controlled/not having power? As is, Uno’s profile raises more questions than answers about his apparent relationships (aside from his brother), which doesn’t make rounding him out as a character any easier.
All in all, I think Uno could benefit from a lot more polish and some revamping. There are some interesting aspects to him, but they don’t feel very well-explored, which leaves him seeming less than fleshed out. As is, most of the profile seems to be just telling about stuff that’s happened to Uno, rather than the person he is because of it. Tightening up the focus, cutting down on the unnecessary details, and expanding more on the under-explained parts of Uno’s profile would do a lot to improve him.
I hope this helps!
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jiyongisbae · 7 years
Better Than You
Chapter 2
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The clash of weapon to weapon rang in her ear as she passed the training room along with the sounds of soft grunts and cries of pain when someone was struck down. A small smile came to her face, out of courtesy and respect, as one of her trainers came to her a look of disappointment on her face.
“Mistress Cara, another one of our trainees has passed away, she wasn’t strong enough for the first breaking, and her heart gave way under the Agiel.”
Cara sighed in disappointment and asked, “Did you give her the breath of life?”
The lady nodded her head vigorously, “Yes Mistress, I tried to bring her back but she was too far gone.”
Cara nodded her head and told the lady to bury the body of the young girl. She was disappointed, but this wasn’t the first time. Many young girls aren’t strong enough to make it through the vigorous training the Mord’ Sith receive. This was a tradition held out through the ages, one that was too ingrained in Cara for her to walk away. Kahlan had told Cara to try to live like a normal woman but it was impossible for her, if Kahlan knew what she was doing she would do everything in her power to stop Cara. However, Cara could not help it even though she tried to change, this is who she was. Although Cara wanted to know what it would be like for her if she were an ordinary girl, she wasn’t and she was glad. She was happy with who she was and wouldn’t have it any other way, she wouldn’t pretend to be apologetic for being what she is.
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The light from the fire torches lining stonewalls danced in a warm fury as cold air blew soft blonde hair into Cara’s face. She looked out the open window into the night sky blanketing the mountains in a layer of darkness, the moon the only source of light to battle total blackness. This was her favourite time, the night was beautiful to her and she welcomed the darkness, after all there was plenty of it in her heart. She closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh, cool night air, when they opened again she saw a plane flying way too low for a passenger flyer not to mention the size. The small plane landed just outside her hidden complex and her eyebrows shot up in surprise. No one ever came here. She was sure this was hidden to most people and anyone who did wander down wasn’t ever lucky enough to get away. Her eyes narrowed and three men got out of the plane, two carried machine guns and the other wore a fancy suit and fixed his tie as they made their way to her. She shook her head, her lips pressed into a tight line and she made her way to the front entrance to meet them.
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“Looks like you men are a little lost, I can’t see any reason for you to be here.” She said when she was close enough for them to hear her.
“Cara Mason is it?” The man with the tie asked her making her raise her eyebrow at him.
“I don’t know, who’s asking?” “I am Randy Lincoln, I work for the best interest of the USA, unfortunately, I can’t tell you exactly what I do but I know about you.”
“Read about me in the local paper, did you? Or did you send one of those little drones out to see if there was anything going on in the most random areas of the mountains, you people really don’t have anything better to do, do you?” The men beside him raised their guns and her hands moved to the weapons in her belt her eyes narrowing. Mord’ Sith usually only carried one Agiel, the one they were trained with. However, Cara was twice broken and therefore carried two, which was very rare, so much so that she is the only one.
“My darling, I’m not here to fight you or question what you’re doing here, even though it is illegal in every way. I am here because I know what you do. I have heard about you and your women assassins and we were hoping to employ you. We would, of course, pay you handsomely.”
She scoffed and shook her head laughing, “What makes you think I’m going to waste my time with you, you think I need money?”
“No, but I am a very influential man and if you don’t help me I can put an end to your whole operation.”
“That darling is if you make it out of here alive, which I’m not so sad to tell you isn’t going to happen.” Cara pulled her Agiels out and stood ready.
“Well, I’ve already recruited your friend so if you don’t want anything bad to happen to her I’m afraid you’re going to have to listen to what I have to say anyway.” Cara gaped at him and quickly composed herself.
“What do you mean, what friend?”
“I believe her name is Amnell? It starts with K… Kayla? Kaylan? Something rather.” As he looked at the sky thinking about whether he had the name right, acting like a right git. She knew there was a possibility of him lying about having her, but knowing Kaylan, it wasn’t a stretch for her to want to help the “good guys”.
“What do you want?” she asked and he smiled widely.
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After the liberation of the midlands from the keeper of the underworld and the imperial order in the land Cara and Kaylan were originally from they were on a mission to help a nightwisp, a creature of magic, get to its home. They stumbled upon a portal that appeared as the nightwisp died forbidding it from warning them not to go through the portal. Cara and Kaylan knew better than to walk through a portal that was not meant for them, and to this day they do not know why or how the portal was there as they tried very hard to go back to their home. Kaylan had tripped over a vine and fell into the portal by mistake. Leaving the nightwisp, Cara followed after her and they landed in America. They were lost for a good while until they found a wizard from their world who had also fallen through the portal to this world. They had no luck in finding their way back even with the Wizard and were now stuck in this world where magic was to be hidden, but it still existed, that is how Cara’s Agiel a weapon of magic, still worked. Cara had all the Agiels of the Mord’ Sith that were ordered to be stripped of their power in her land, she was going to carry out the command of her master but falling into the new world the Agiels all recognised Cara as their new master. Kaylan had told her to get rid of them, but instead, she hid them. She had tried to be a “normal” person with Kaylan but Cara couldn’t live that way. She made an excuse of getting a new job to Kaylan and moved away from her to create her own Order here, of the Mord’ Sith. Cara hadn’t seen Kaylan for almost a year and she would see her now, in her Mord’ Sith uniform and ask questions. Cara was hoping to avoid this meeting but knew it would happen someday.
Cara had been staring at the white interior of the plane above her for what seemed like hours, though it hadn’t been very long, she diverted her attention to the man, Randy, sitting across from her who was on his phone. She cleared her throat, her arms lightly resting on her armrests, legs outstretched in front of her with her head on the seat. She sat up and leaned in closer to him when he looked at her.
“So I’m here, yet you still haven’t told me exactly what you want from me.”
He nodded nonchalantly and waved his hand, “The details will be explained later all you need to know right now is that I have a job that requires the skills of someone like you.” As he finished speaking Cara felt the plane descending and she looked out the window to see where they were.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
As the plane landed Cara looked out the window and saw they were in a clearing surrounded by trees, she followed the man as he stood and they exited the plane.
“There is a small cottage a few kilometres southwest of this clearing, there is a package that I need you to collect from there. You’ll know it when you see it. You will go alone. I need to know that I can count on you to do your job so you will bring the package back here. If you fail, I will terminate you.”
She chuckled and shook her head, “We’re back to that are we?” Rolling her eyes Cara stepped passed Randy and made her way down the stairs and southwest to complete her so called task. She had walked for what seemed like a good twenty minutes before she could see a cottage in the distance. She didn’t understand what he was trying to accomplish with this mission, there was absolutely no trouble getting there. When she was just a few yards away from the cottage that was passed a ditch she heard someone huffing in frustration at something. When Cara was close enough to the ditch she could see who it was without giving herself away and she smiled fondly. Cara knelt on the side and held her hand out to the woman trying to climb the ditch. The woman saw Cara’s hand and looked up quickly then took it as she smiled. 
“Cara?” she asked.
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“Nice to see you again, Kahlan” Cara said as she hauled her old friend up onto the higher ground and embraced her briefly before pulling away and asking how they got into this situation.
“Why did you agree to help these government cronies?”
“Cara if you are here to tell me not to help then I’m sorry but-“ Cara cut her off.
“Kahlan you’ll never change.”
Kahlan looked Cara up and down and gave her a small smile, “It looks like you won’t change either. I see you still have your Mord’ Sith suit.”
Cara blinked and then shrugged, turning to the path leading back to the plane, “Yeah well, you never know when it’ll come in handy… like now.”
Cara and Kahlan both walked briskly back to the plane to carry out whatever work the government had laid out for them, Cara decided that it couldn’t hurt to do something if not for the mere fact she was bored at the training facility, and she could spend some time with Kahlan, as long as Kahlan didn’t find out that Cara failed at being “normal”.
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“How’s the normal life going Cara, how is your new job?” Kaylan asked. Cara looked at her and saw that she was genuinely asking, no suspicion in her eyes. Cara looked down, the unfamiliar feeling of disappointment in herself bubbling up in her. She didn’t want to lie to Kaylan, but she was the only familiar person in this world and her oldest friend.
“Yeah, you know boring as always, I still can’t get used to it. How’s that guy you were seeing when I left?”
Kaylan frowned a little and shrugged, “I tried Cara I really did, but you know how I felt about Richard, I don’t think I’ll ever feel that way again. There was nothing there so I quickly broke it off.”
“Kaylan, you know we aren’t ever going back there, we’ve tried, Richard is gone. You need to move on.” What a hypocrite, Cara thought to herself.
When the girls arrived at their destination the men blindfolded them justifying their actions by saying that they needed to keep this location a secret. They were then led into a building; they followed carefully until they could finally remove the blindfolds. They were in an investigation room at some government facility, there were computers and big tables filled with stacks of papers to the side there was a meeting room closed off with glass where three men were tied to their chairs, two were passed out while the other was looking at the table with his hands in fists.
“This way,” Randy said pointing in the direction of the meeting room, “Please have a seat.”
Cara and Kahlan walked into the room and the man who was staring blankly at the table looked up at them and raised an eyebrow, he looked at Randy, “Who the hell are they and when are you going to untie me?” Randy looked at his other men, the ones who must have brought these guys in and shook his head, “Is this the way you treat old friends? Sorry G Dragon, I’ll get those off for you.”
Cara raised an eyebrow at Jiyong as she took her seat, “G Dragon? What’s that supposed to be? A stage name? I guess a pretty boy like you is expected to go for a stupid name like that.”
“Oh Boy…” Randy muttered under his breath.
A/N: So this is the vague introduction of the two main female characters in the fic. I have taken these characters from The Sword of Truth series. I love those books and the way they protrayed Cara on the show holy fuck. She is my all time favourite fictional character, she’s fucking great and I wanted to do a story with her, being her so yeah.... I hope you like it, and I hope I manage to do her justice.
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Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 12 -- You Are Not Your Own -- Review/Discussion
This week, we got Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 12, You Are Not Your Own. I think I liked this episode. I’m not really all that sure. This episode felt about on par with the previous episode. It’s a decently structured episode of Shadowhunters but overall, it didn’t leave me with much of an impression. I enjoyed myself while watching the episode but yet it left me with no desire to watch it again. I did watch it again, simply because that’s what I do when I review things. I always watch what I’m reviewing two or three times to make sure I caught and understood everything I want to talk about.
This is going to be an honest review of my thoughts and feelings regarding this episode. If you’re the kind of Shadowhunters fan where you only want to hear positive things about the show, this is not the place for you. If you decide to stick around and get offended by what is said, then that’s on you. I warned you. Just know that if you send me any rude comments or messages, I will 100% ignore you. I find that’s the best way to deal with bullies. I work 14 hour days. Do you really think I want to waste my incredibly valuable free time dealing with derogatory comments? Hell no. This review will consist of my honest opinions. Opinions are never right or wrong. I’m not telling you how to think and feel. I’m telling you what I think and feel. So please, let’s discuss with dignity and respect. If I’m critical about the show, it’s only because I want it to get better. There is, in fact, a difference between hating a show and being critical of it. I do not hate Shadowhunters; I am being critical and analyzing the flaws as I would with any other show. There are positives but there are also negatives. It’s great if you want to promote positivity with this show (and I encourage you to do so) but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t acknowledge the things that are legitimately wrong with it. Also, keep in mind that despite the fact that I do love the books, me being critical of this show has nothing to do with my love of the books. I don’t really care if the show deviates from the source material as long as it’s good and it makes sense. My problems with this show are problems that I would have with any show or book for that matter. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to take issue with a show that has plot holes, shoddy world-building, and inconsistent characters. There will be spoilers for the show and spoilers for the books and movie.
I’m really sorry about this being so late but man, did I have a hard time writing this one. I’m really not sure where the brunt of my problems lie with this episode. I feel like this is an episode I probably should’ve liked a lot but at the end of the day, I just didn’t care. Which is weird because it had a lot of plot points that ordinarily, I would be all for. Ultimately, I think the biggest issues with this episode was the execution of these ideas. Pretty much, all of the plot points fell a little flat. You have that mixed in with cheesy and nonsensical dialogue, then I guess it’s no real surprise that this episode didn’t really captivate me. It was fun watching the plot unfold but nothing really resonated with me and made me hope the episode would just go on and on. When the episode ended, I was good. I was ready to turn off the tv and I’m not really counting down the days until the next episode airs. 
Magnus/Valentine Switch-A-Roo 
Now, this is a plot point that I actually kind of like in its idea form. And it was fairly well executed in the show. I thought Alan and Harry did a very good job with switching characters. I had absolutely no trouble believing that Magnus was no longer Magnus and Valentine was no longer Valentine. Although, I do find it odd that after Magnus-In-Valentine’s body tells Alec that he’s really Magnus and Alec isn’t alarmed by Valentine-in-Magnus’ body’s actions. He doesn’t really think, “Hey, Valentine just told me that he’s really Magnus and when I went to see Magnus, he was behaving oddly. Maybe I should look into this more.” Oh well, this show thrives on idiot plots. It would be inconvenient for the plot for Alec to show common sense in this moment despite that he’s been shown numerous times to have the most common snese of everyone on Team Good. I do hope they put out a “behind the scenes” feature with Harry and Alan talking about what it was like to switch characters. Both of them did a pretty amazing job. I really enjoyed those scenes. I had very small issues with this plot as a whole (my problems lie more with the use of Azazel than anything else) and I’m very excited to see where the trauma that Magnus suffered at the hands of the Clave takes his character. That being said, this was a really interesting development for Magnus’ character but I am worried that this plot point is going to be dropped or lose its relevancy as so many subplots in this show often are. I also kind of wish the switch lasted maybe another episode. Everything just felt incredibly rushed in this plot. But that’s how this show is. Everything is always done at warp speed and I feel like this show in its plot form could be a much better show if it just slowed down. Let the characters tell the story instead of forcing the characters to do things.
Alec Being a Badass – Thank You for this Scene
Yay for Alec for sending Azazel back to hell; that was great. I am so happy that Alec was the one to take down Azazel. He never gets to do anything cool or shadowhuntery-badass in this show. It’s always The Clary Show which is really irritating because it makes no sense why she’s a better shadowhunter then everyone else who have been training THEIR ENTIRE LIVES! She’s been a shadowhunter for at most, a month and she can swing swords and fighting staffs around like the best of them. And even bests some of the other shadowhunters, at times. Why? I don’t know. It’s so dumb. But I digress. I know I’ve made no secret about my distaste for Clary on this show but I can’t help it. She’s such a badly written character with no forethought to her development that I can’t not comment on it. Sorry to those of you who adore Clary on the show but it’s my opinion and I won’t apologize for it. If you really want to understand my dislike for the show’s version of Clary, go and hit up my ask box and I’ll go in depth about it. And don’t worry, my reasons for disliking her don’t have a whole lot to do with her constantly crying. It’s nothing shallow and dumb like that. But anyways, Alec banishing Azazel was a really badass moment for Alec. Unfortunately, the actual banishing of Azazel was not. Make no mistake, I’m glad that Alec was the one to take care of Azazel but MY GOD, was that scene dumb. The special effect of Alec flying back in the air and shooting Azazel was really bad. I don’t know where the bow and arrow came from other than the magical world of bad holographic CGI nor do I understand the need for a poorly executed Matrix move in that scene. I also don’t understand why if Azazel has this weakness, why he didn’t do anything to protect it? He’s been playing the game pretty hard trying to get the Mortal Cup so the shadowhunters can’t use it to send him back to hell but he has this other way to be sent to hell that he doesn’t even consider protecting? Like I said in my previous review, this guy is so dumb and the writing of him is so dumb. I guess you can chalk it up to him being cocky. He thinks he’s so awesome that he doesn’t even consider that a shadowhunter might be able to hit his core. But still. He’s been trapped in hell for a really long time. You think he would have erred on the side of caution after just escaping from hell. Not to mention, who released this guy from hell anyway? What exactly was their purpose in releasing him? Maybe it was Sebastian/Jonathon. Really, this entire Azazel plot was really dumb, didn’t accomplish a whole lot, ended very anti-climactically, and I’m glad he’s gone. The only purpose Azazel served was to body-swap Magnus and Valentine and once he did that, he was pretty much useless to the plot and unrealistically easily taken care of. I’m not entirely certain how relevant this body swap thing is going to be to the rest of the plot for this season. Knowing this show, they’ll probably drop it. I’ve seen a lot of people talk about that Alec killing Azazel was so wonderful because he was protecting his one true love. Which okay, fine. He did that but by you saying that, you’re also implying that Alec wouldn’t banish a Prince of Hell for just anyone. Alec cares about everyone. He may not like everyone but he does care about them if they’re a genuinely good person. If he was face-to-face with a Prince of Hell, he’d do what he could to kill the creature to protect just about anyone that falls into that category. And really, Alec banishing Azazel happened so quickly that it came off more like self-defense than an actual act of protecting his boyfriend. Alec was there, then Azazel was there, Azazel pushed Alec through the air and then Alec shot him. The show has been toting around that Alec is going to have this really great heroic moment and all I can say is that I feel a little unsatisfied with it? It was anticlimactic and it didn’t really feel real. I’m kind of expecting Azazel to just pop back up and be all, “Just kidding, bitches. As if you could get rid of me.” Not likely but whatever. With this show, if you’re not part of the main cast, then you’re going to go down pretty easily. That’s just the way it is. I find it very difficult to believe that it’s this easy to take care of a Prince of Hell, though. Or that Magnus would be able to duplicate the kind of magic a Prince of Hell used to swap their bodies to begin with. Think about it, in the previous episode, Magnus was incapable of trapping Azazel in a pentagram but here, he’s able to use a spell that would counteract a curse that very same Prince of Hell put on him?
I don’t know. Maybe my distaste for the whole Azazel plot stems from the fact that the Azazel plot from City of Lost Souls is absolutely hilarious. Team Good summons Azazel to get some information and Azazel is just chilling in this pentagram in Magnus’ living room for a couple of days (and they never lose control of him because Magnus Bane is a badass; something this show chooses to forget whenever it’s not convenient for the plot). They eventually banish Azazel back to hell because he’s just annoying the shit out of them. It’s a fun little sequence of scenes that really takes the edge off in a pretty serious book.
With that said though, I’m pretty sure I dislike the show’s Azazel plot because it serves as nothing more than a plot device for a character plot point that’s going to either be dropped or lose its relevancy halfway through. That, and there’s huge gaps of logic in this plot to begin with. Azazel is a Prince of Hell. He should’ve stuck around for at least a few more episodes. 
Will Tudor as Sebastian/Jonathon – He is too good for this show 
You know, I never really noticed how badly I needed a Sebastian/Jonathon adaptation until I got one. I always cared about Sebastian/Jonathon as a villain in the books but I never really imagined what a movie or tv show adaptation of him would be like. And I am so glad that our first adaptation of him was Will Tudor because OMG, he blew this role out of the park in this episode. Honestly, Will Tudor might be a little too talented for this show. I’m kind of afraid the other actors aren’t going to be able to keep up. Whatever scene he’s in, he just takes complete control. I’m completely engrossed in whatever scene he’s in. It’s amazing. The only other actor on this show that I get like that with is Alan Van Sprang. And OMG, if we get a scene with those two acting opposite of each other, that is going to be a bad ass scene and I’m probably going to spend half of a review raving about it. Please, Shadowhunters, do it. That is something I have to see before this show ends. In the books, we never got a scene with Sebastian/Jonathon and Valentine together but I really hope the show does one. I feel a little bad Will Tudor’s stuck with this show, though. He’s going to have to utilize his significant acting talents on a show that has a history of sub-par plotting. Just that scene where he was trying to convince Clary to really feel about what it would mean to acknowledge that Jace is not her brother was so powerful to watch. It wasn’t really all that well-written but I started tearing up a little and it wasn’t because I was feeling for Clary. It was because I was feeling for Sebastian/Jonathon. He was projecting his feelings of loneliness onto Clary’s situation and the resentment and animosity that we saw in his face and in his tone of voice…damn, it was good. He’s trying to get Clary to acknowledge her own feelings of loneliness. Her mother is dead. Her brother isn’t really her brother. Her father doesn’t care about her. She has no family. She’s truly alone. Just the way he was presenting these issues made you realize that he was able to get through to Clary because he feels these exact same things and when the reveal comes out about who this guy really is….it is going to be so damn good. I might even be able to forgive this show for all of their mishaps, Season 1 included. 
Rant Time – This Show’s Use of Magic 
Okay, so now that I’ve finished fangirling over the awesomeness that is Will Tudor, it’s time for a little rant. I loved that scene between Sebastian/Jonathon and Clary. It was the highlight of the episode for me. I must’ve re-watched that scene four or five times. However, it’s revealed in this scene that the reason Clary couldn’t use her sunlight rune against Azazel was because she had a mind block due to her not really feeling everything she should. Ironic considering this is what she yelled at Jace for in Mea Maxima Culpa. What I had originally liked about Clary not being able to use her rune against Azazel was that it was finally showing that there are limitations to her runes. I was so happy to see the show finally develop the idea that there are limitations to magic in this world and You Are Not Your Own just trampled all over that idea. I didn’t like that the only reason Clary’s rune didn’t work against Azazel was because of her emotional state. That if Jace hadn’t told her about the sibling thing, she would’ve been able to destroy Azazel. How about the fact that AZAZEL IS A PRINCE OF HELL. Maybe for Clary’s runes to work against certain demons she needs to, heaven forbid, practice and get stronger and thus her runes become stronger. Maybe she couldn’t destroy Azazel because she wasn’t strong enough and by default, neither were her runes. This is something that irks me about this show’s use of magic. Magic in this show has no limitations. It has no rules. You can do just about anything with magic and it’s irritating. If your world’s magic system has no rules, no limitations, what makes it compelling? Where is the danger? The risk? In most magic systems, there’s always a consequence for using magic. You can’t create something out of nothing. It has to come from somewhere and you can apply this logic to Clary’s runes. She can draw these runes that no one else knows because she has this extra angel blood in her, however, the runes have to get their strength from somewhere. They can’t just pull it out of thin air. The strength of the runes would depend completely on Clary’s own strength at the time they were drawn. So it would stand to reason that a rune would fail against a Prince of Hell because she wasn’t strong enough to face a Prince of Hell. I hate how this show uses magic as a plot device and nothing more where magic should really be seen as its own character in this show with its own personality.
The Herondale Reveal
We finally find out who Jace really is. I find it weird that after Valentine confessed to Jace not really being his son that Jace never actually questioned who his real parents were; he had to come from somewhere, but whatever. It was interesting how they did this reveal but again, it was kind of anticlimactic. When it happened, I was just like, “Oh, really? We’re revealing this now? Okay.” I was kind of apathetic. It didn’t really have that much of a wow factor. It was interesting in the sense of the role reversal. In the books, the Inqusitor, thinking that Jace is Valentine’s son, uses Jace as a hostage against Valentine with Jace remarking that Valentine doesn’t care about him. It was opposite in the show. Valentine uses Jace as a hostage against the Inquisitor with Jace remarking that the Inquisitor doesn’t care about him. Then Valentine reveals that the Inquisitor will care when she finds out that Jace is actually her grandson. It was an alright reveal but it didn’t really pack a whole lot of emotional punch. Jace being revealed to being a Herondale is kind of a big deal and in this scene it just felt a little, “oh, whatever.” It might’ve helped out a little bit if we had been introduced to the Herondale name a little more before this episode. As it stands, the Herondales just come off as this random family that Jace is now a part of despite the show stating that the Herondales are this great royal bloodline. And the show stating the Herondales to be royalty is a whole other weird thing. I really don’t understand this shadowhunter royalty hierarchy. I was so hoping the show was going to drop this angle on the shadowhunter bloodlines because they haven’t mentioned it since Season 1 but now it’s back. Ugh. My problem is not that they’re introducing something new that isn’t in the books. That’s not the issue. My issue is that they haven’t done anything to establish these royal bloodlines. Which of the shadowhunters bloodlines are royal and why are they royal? I don’t think this is like Vampire Academy where the different families take turns as the ruling government. It certainly hasn’t been set up like that. The Inquisitor didn’t become the Inquisitor because she’s a Herondale. She became the Inquisitor because she moved through the ranks of the Clave government (supposedly). It’s hard to tell what’s actually canon in this show. What about the Herondales makes them more special and more royal than the other shadowhunter bloodlines? Why do I need to care about the Herondales? I mean, I know why I should care about the Herondales. I’ve read The Infernal Devices. I’m a little in love with Will Herondale, myself. If you recite poems and books back to me, I’m going to fall in love with you. That’s just how it is. But if you’re watching this show without prior knowledge of the books, I’m sure those fans are a little confused on why they should care about the Herondales and why it’s a big deal that Jace is related to them. As always, this show has an interesting idea but the execution just falls flat. How you reveal something is just as important as the actual reveal.
Sizzy Is Starting to Happen – I’ll Try to Contain Myself
OMG! The show is starting to work on Sizzy and I’m so happy. They are one of my favorite OTPs of all time. They are going to be so great on this show. Or at least I hope they will be. I’ve been burned by this show before so I’ll try and temper my excitement. But yeah, there were some really nice Sizzy character moments in this episode. I really liked that straight off in the beginning, Izzy is with Simon and she can’t help but come clean to him about her vampire venom addiction. She just felt so at ease with him in that moment and it was really great that Simon didn’t judge her at all for it. He was very understanding because he has a mother that also suffers with addiction and Simon seems to genuinely want to help with getting Izzy the help to fight this. I often wondered why they had so many lines this season alluding to Simon’s mother being an alcoholic and now I think it was for this purpose. To set up Simon being able to truly help Izzy in a way that Alec can’t. As great as it is that Alec wants to be there for his sister and to help her out through this, he also can’t really understand what she’s going through. Whereas Simon really can’t either; he’s not an addict, but he does have experience helping someone through their addiction and I think that’s going to play a big role in the development of Sizzy. I’m super excited to see it.
I also feel compelled to defend Izzy a little in this episode. I have seen a lot of reviews that talk about how they don’t like what this drug addiction is doing to Izzy’s character. They want the bad-ass Izzy from Season 1 back. And I will admit, that Izzy was cool and she was bad-ass. But she was also one-dimensional and I never really felt connected to her as a character. And a little bit of a Mary Sue, herself. What I like about this drug addiction plot point is that we’re exploring a bit more of her character. For better or for worse. Characters need to experience hardships in order to grow. That’s what makes us care about them. You don’t like this drug addiction plot because of what it’s doing to Izzy, fine. Guess what? You’re not actually supposed to enjoy her becoming a drug addict. That’s not the point. What I like that this arc is doing is it’s starting to peel back the layers of Izzy. We’re finding that despite how bad-ass we perceive her to be, she doesn’t feel like she is. Everyone around her believes that she’s the strongest and one of the best but she doesn’t believe that, herself. The vampire venom, initially makes her feel like she truly is strong. And when she finally overcomes this addiction, that’s where we’re going to see her true strength as both a shadowhunter and a person. Something that people often forget about addiction is that there is no cure for addiction. Once you’re addicted to something, a part of you is always going to crave it. You have to wake up every single day knowing you’re going to have to fight that battle. To find the will to say no. Every single day until you die. And that’s what’s in store for Izzy’s character. She’s not going to be cured of her craving for vampire venom. She’s going to find the strength to wake up every morning and say no. And that’s the character I’m excited to see and I look forward to seeing her journey to recovery. I like that we’re getting more dimensions to Izzy and that’s why I don’t think this plot point is trash. The execution of it has been a little weird at times and I refuse to call this addiction a yin fen addiction because what she’s addicted to is not yin fen – it’s vampire venom – but I do enjoy what we’re getting at the heart of this plot. Development on who Izzy is as a person, deep down. A lot of people were very quick to trash Izzy in this episode on how easily she succumbed to her addiction when face to face with the vampires and it very nearly resulted in Simon’s death. Me personally, I felt that it was very important that this scene existed. Earlier on in the episode, Simon wanted to recommend certain addiction meetings that Izzy might want to attend to help her deal with her addiction. Izzy completely shoots him down because that’s what anyone who has an addiction initially does. They don’t want to admit that they might need help and it’s very consistent with the Izzy we’ve been seeing. She’s dealing with her issues of not being strong enough so the last thing she wants to admit is that she isn’t actually strong enough to deal with this and she needs help. But in this scene, she realizes that Simon very nearly died because she was so desperate for a hit. Her addiction was hindering her ability to do her job and someone she cared about almost died as a result. She realized in that moment, that she does need help and asks Simon to refer her to one of those meetings. The first step to recovery is admitting that you do have a problem. As I’ve said, I’m very excited to see where this angle of the plot is going to go and I really hope Shadowhunters isn’t going to drop it and just have her miraculously cured. If that happens, I’m going to seriously have to question my decision to stick with this show until its cancellation. 
But I didn’t like everything about Sizzy this episode. The character moments of Izzy and Simon and Sizzy as a whole, was great. But I did not like that Izzy used Raphael’s sister as a way to get Raphael to stop bullying Simon. I also didn’t like that as uneasy as Simon was with the plan, he still opted to do it. Izzy is extremely family oriented. I don’t think it’s consistent with her character. Izzy is extremely protective of her own family so I don’t believe she would condone threatening someone’s family for something as small as a bullying issue. A plot like that may work with shows like The Vampire Diaries or The Originals because those characters are morally ambiguous to a certain extent but that’s not who the Shadowhunters characters are. Simon also shouldn’t have let Izzy talk him into it particularly since he’s been down that road with Raphael before. Raphael once threatened his mother. The character moments between Sizzy were great. I laughed so hard in that moment when Raphael’s sister told them that they looked good together…they really, really do. The actual plot in this episode revolving around Sizzy I just feel is very inconsistent with their characters. 
Here We Go With The Music Again
Come on, you guys must’ve known I was going to bring this up. I, of course, am referring to that fight-training sequence between Clary and Jace. Once again, we have an otherwise okay scene. They used a fight scene to exposit information which I approve of but they also used techno music in the background which I don’t necessarily approve of. And this scene was particularly bad. I think out of all of the fight-training sequences with techno music, this scene was the worst. Not in terms of fight choreography. The fight choreography between Jace and Clary was decent. The dialogue was okay. But this music messed with the tone so bad. It messed with the pacing. And it was entirely too loud. Who is in charge of mixing this show’s audio and what are they thinking? I don’t have a problem with this show using techno music in their fight scenes. If it’s done right, it could actually amp you up. The problem is the show isn’t doing it right. This scene was the worst of all of them, though. I had to really strain to hear what the actors were saying. The point of these scenes is to exposit information in a creative manner so they don’t exposit information while walking down a hallway but their use of techno music in these scenes defeats the purpose if we can’t hear the information the show is trying to exposit. The real tragedy is that Jace had a sass line that I couldn’t completely hear and it really took away the effect of the line. You know how I love it when TV Show Jace gets sassy. Well, the music was so loud that I could barely understand what he was being sassy about and it was a real shame.
I also noticed that a lot of people are raving about this scene because apparently, “the Clace chemistry was through the roof.” I don’t know. I wasn’t feeling it. There was something between them but I wasn’t really feeling anything romantic. It felt more like two friends working out. Maybe there’s something wrong with me but I just can’t bring myself to care about TV Show Clace. They make absolutely no sense to me as a couple. TV Show Sizzy makes sense. TV Show Malec makes sense. TV Show Climon makes sense. Even TV Show Rizzy makes sense. But TV Show Clace? I got nothing. I’m in my late 20s. I need a little more foundation than two attractive people being breathless around each other in order to call it chemistry. For me, they were breathless because they were swinging metal swords around. But whatever. TV Show Clace is just something I have to tolerate. It may never make sense to me. There are just some couples you can’t ship no matter how hard a show tries to make you ship them. And trust me, Shadowhunters with their promos are trying SO hard to make the fandom ship them. Here’s an idea, how about you spend some actual time developing why these characters care about each other instead of saying, “Ship them because the plot dictates you need to ship them.” As always, my offer still stands for anyone to explain to me why they ship them. And that’s not any sort of derogatory dig into your choice of ships. I really want to know why you ship them.
Just like with Mea Maxima Culpa, this was a perfectly decent episode. There were some nice character moments; some nice ideas for plots that just continues to fall flat. Pretty much the standard for a Shadowhunters episode. I’d probably give this episode a B-. I kind of sort of liked it. I am intrigued to find out what’s going to happen in future episodes. I just hope Shadowhunters can break their streak of being underwhelming with how they execute their plots. For the most part, their plot points are interesting ideas; the show just doesn’t commit to them.
That’s about all I have. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode. Did you love it? Did you hate it? Do you agree? Do you disagree? Just remember to be respectful of everyone’s opinions even if you don’t agree with them. never make
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shipping-goggles · 8 years
“Some Sort of Neighborly” (4/11) | Once Upon a Time
Title: Some Sort of Neighborly - (4/11) Fandom: Once Upon a Time Rating: M Genre: Romance/Humor Words: 3,783/13,645 Completed: 01/09/2017 Summary: Modern!AU Captain Swan. They're not neighbors, not exactly, and they're not friends either. It's pretty hard to find reasons to bump into the woman who lives next door to your best friend, especially after your only interaction with her has been waking up on her couch one Saturday morning. Sequel to Rude Awakening.
TWO FUCKING YEARS LATER: hello! I could spout off a million reasons/excuses this story has been so slow on the update (basically a huge hiatus, oop), but instead, I’ll just say that this fic has always (guiltily) been at the back of my mind, and I’m very close to finishing the writing process, so new chapters will be posted weekly from today if it kills me :’)
If you’d like to catch up (or get a refresher, ha...), the first three chapters (one two three) should be a pretty quick read! Special thanks to @lizzyc807shipscaptainswan for looking this chapter over ages ago (do you even remember that? I’m still super grateful!), and to @shady-swan-jones for letting me know that this story still has (?) an audience <3
On AO3 here | On FF.net here | On Tumblr under "Read More"
Some Sort of Neighborly
Chapter 4
He doesn’t expect her to be home at two o’clock on a Tuesday afternoon, so, of course, she is.
He’s making his way up the fire escape ladder when he happens a glance through her window and notices that the television on the far wall seems to be on. It’s also a rare coincidence that he catches a glimpse of the suspicious bundle of blankets peeking over the back of her couch – or, at least, that’s what he tells himself. Before he can think better of it, he shifts the box in his hands to his knees, ignores the unpleasant fact that crouching outside someone’s window is hardly the most flattering entrance, and raps his knuckles gently against the glass.
To his delight, the blankets stir to reveal a golden tangle of curls, and when she turns and spots him, he’s pleased to see her return his grin, if seemingly reluctantly. It takes her a moment to press a button on the remote in her hand, then pad over to the window, the blankets slipping down her shoulders – she’s in those damned pajamas again, the ones that only consist of a large t-shirt and bare collarbones and lean thighs, but she doesn’t seem to care – and pull it open with a grunt that sends his mind straight to the gutter.
“This seems familiar,” she says, leaning on the windowsill. The way she’s propped herself up with her elbows, looking up at him with that ridiculously disheveled smile, makes him think of sleepy mornings after a night of those gutter-housed fantasies, and he nearly has to shake his head to rid himself of the thought. “What are you, some kind of stalker?”
“I was going for more vigilante,” he replies cheekily. “Patrolling the streets and all of that.”
“Vigilante? Are you sure you’re not some kind of villain on the prowl?”
“Would a villain bring you,” he takes a moment to whip the cover off the box in his lap with an overly dramatic flourish, “doughnuts?”
She fixes him with a hard stare, but her mouth is still curved at the corners like she’s trying too hard not to laugh. “It’s a shame I prefer bad boys, but I’ll take it since you brought bear claws,” she says finally, taking the sweet in question out of his hands. Normally, he’d go for the bone she very obviously threw him, but in the split second that she leans in he notices it – the hint of darkness that tints the pale skin under her eyes, the way her smile seems just a tad hollow, as if someone’s dimmed the lights behind her eyes.
“You all right, Swan?” he asks her when she leans back to settle her elbows back on the windowsill. He should have known better than to ask, he realizes in an instant, because her expression closes off like he does with the box in his lap.
“Of course I am. Why?” He tries shrugging nonchalantly, as if he doesn’t care as much as he does.
“Didn’t expect to see you home.”
“I called in sick,” she says, although she certainly doesn’t sound it, and his suspicions are nearly confirmed when she speaks again, a far cry from what he’s almost tempted to call her earlier flirting: “Did you need something?”
“Just wanted to say hello on the way to Robin’s.” He’s disappointed she’s trying to get rid of him so quickly, but he’s more concerned than regretful that he’d brought up her well-being in the first place. Still, he’d be amiss if he didn’t at least try to keep the conversation afloat. “You know, this isn’t quite how I imagined the nurse’s costume scenario to play out, but I’m more than happy to compromise.”
Somehow, it works – her pink lips curve in a wry smile, and his insides turn to gelatin. “Ah, so you’re offering to play the nurse?”
“At your service, love.”
“I’d much rather see you in a nurse’s dress than clean up your hangover vomit, I’ll admit,” she says, taking a huge bite of the pastry in her hand with relish and a smirk.
“Oh, I assure you, darling, my nurse’s costume is much more scandalous than a provocative dress.”
“I’ll have to take your word for it.” He swears the way she licks her lips is a little excessive for how much of the crumbs ended up on her mouth, but that would involve staring at her mouth, which he also swears he hasn’t been doing. “In the meantime, say hi to Robin for me.”
It’s an obvious dismissal, but Killian’s determined to take advantage of every second he’s got. “He’s not home. I’d just wanted to retrieve some of my belongings and drop off some sweets for Roland since I was passing by, but I seem to have misplaced my key.”
“So you’re breaking and entering again,” she snorts, but it’s less accusatory and more amused than he’d expected.
“Not to worry, love, Robin always keeps his window unlocked,” he assures her.
“That doesn’t seem very safe.”
“What can I say? The idiot likes to live on the edge.”
“A dangerous lifestyle, huh? I guess he’s more of a bad boy than you are.” The glint in her eye tells him everything he needs to know about how much he’s playing right into her hands, but the thought of Emma and Robin together, of all people, has his stomach in more knots than a playful jab should warrant.
“You forget, Swan, I’m still the lawbreaker,” he says with a wink, and he’s satisfied to see that when she laughs, the tension in her shoulders seems to melt away. “Feel better, love.”
He means it in all the ways she probably suspects he does. “Thanks.” The smile is still on her face after she closes the window and turns away, and Killian is suddenly very glad Robin isn’t home to see how he can’t seem to stop grinning as well.
Unfortunately, the giddiness at having, for once, ended a conversation with Emma Swan in her good graces is quashed about a minute later, when she approaches the window with a confused frown on her face, her eyebrows raised as she hauls it open again in response to his knocking. He tries his most charming smile.
“It’s locked.”
The small black pouch is buried in a box at the bottom of her closet, and Emma’s fairly certain her hair is covered in a fine layer of dust by the time she emerges from her apartment, feeling gross and irritated. Killian’s already waiting by Robin’s door, leaning against the jamb like the cocky asshole he is, except she knows he’s not actually as much of a cocky asshole as her attitude at this entire situation would have her believe at this moment.
True to that, his first words send a flash of guilt through her, then another wave of annoyance that he should even be making her feel that way. “Are you sure about this?”
“I’m not murdering anyone,” she says, rummaging through the bag as she tries not to notice how cold the hallway linoleum is on her bare feet. Of course, he’s impeccably dressed to the letter, leather jacket right down to ripped jeans that make him look like some kind of distracting rock star, so she has a little trouble finding what she needs at first. “It’s not a capital offense, at least. And it’s not like I’m going to get caught as long as you do your job and keep watch.”
“Aye aye, captain,” he replies dryly with a mock salute before turning to lean on the banister, the doughnut box forgotten at his feet. This, of course, gives her a fantastic view of his ass in those horribly fitted jeans, so it’s with an even more frustrated huff that she yanks the lock pick out of the bag and crouches next to apartment 3A.
It’s been a while since she’s done anything like this – she’d firmly left that life behind after meeting Mary Margaret and David, after all – but she hardly feels guilty about it. In fact, she hardly feels anything at all. Her mind feels numb to the knowledge of exactly from whom she’d gotten this lock pit set and exactly who’d taught her how to use it, and it’s especially not in the least because she’s had to go around literally digging in the past barely a day after that same exact person had apparently found his way back within dangerous wandering distance of a sure-to-be disastrous chance encounter.
She was never supposed to see him again. He was supposed to have been gone from her life, just like he’d wanted.
She’s not upset, not really, but she’s inclined to think years of radio silence should have yielded something more akin to detachment, rather than a bout of nausea in the pit of her stomach and a mostly sleepless night. And yet, after hanging up from an hour-long conversation with Ruby that probably skyrocketed her phone bill and yet did absolutely nothing to her nerves (to be fair, Ruby had done most of the talking, but since she was the messenger, Emma had let her have her fun), she’d found herself delving into Mary Margaret’s old video collection – which is where the other source of male annoyance in her life found her before barging his way back through her open window.
(She’s very thankful she paused the television when she did, because she really doesn’t want to deal with Neal and Killian in the same context. In fact, she doesn’t want to think about Neal at all. Or Killian, for that matter.)
“Fascinating.” The voice comes from right beside her, and she jumps, nearly breaking the pick comb inside the lock in the process. She notices he’s bent down beside her a second too late to get out of the way, because he’s inspecting her progress in a way that brings his face far too close for comfort. “So the idea is to mutilate the lock, is that it?”
She should be annoyed by the jibe, but he says it in such a completely innocent way that she’s afraid he might be serious. “What? No,” she grits out, twisting the pick in an unnecessarily complicated maneuver that forces him to duck out of the way of her elbow. “I’m just out of practice.”
“I imagine the opportunities are few and far between,” he agrees. He watches her silently for a long moment, during which she regrets her oversight to have hurried from her window straight to her closet and then right out her door without changing out of her pajamas – he might be too much of a gentleman to point out her lack of pants, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel the stupid goosebumps crawling up her thighs – before he speaks again. “Where did you acquire such an unusual skill, if you don’t mind my asking?”
She does mind. She’s definitely not telling him the truth, but she can’t bring herself to outright lie to him. “I picked up a lot of tricks as a kid,” she says, which is a much easier, if completely misleading, truth.
He hums, a noise low in his throat that sounds equal parts thoughtful and cautious. “Orphanage or foster care?”
“Excuse me?” She rounds on him, her heart plummeting.
“Did you spend a long time in the system?” he asks simply.
“That’s an awfully tactless assumption to make,” she snaps, mostly because he’s hit the nail on the head without even trying.
“I apologize, love,” he says, and he has the nerve to actually look sorry. “You’re something of an open book.”
“Is that right?”
“You have that look in your eye – the one you get when you’ve been left alone.”
“How would you know anything about that?” she asks, but she immediately wishes she hadn’t, because she suddenly finds herself dreading his answer. True to that, he considers her quietly, eyes darting between hers, guarded and careful and blue, and she swears he’s so close she can taste his slow exhale on her tongue.
“I wouldn’t,” he says at last, and she nearly breathes a sigh of relief before he continues, “but maybe it’s better not having anyone to care too much about.”
She swallows hard, watching as he averts his gaze. She knows better than anyone about keeping her heart behind locked doors, but something on his face makes her think he might be able to give her a run for her money. “Look, Killian—” she starts.
“I didn’t mean to bring up such a sensitive topic,” he says quickly, before she can continue, although she’s not quite sure what she’s going to say. “Let’s just drop it.”
“Seventeen years,” she says, and he meets her gaze with confusion. The words taste like bile in her mouth, but she spits them with less venom and more weariness than they should warrant. “On and off, for seventeen years. That’s how long I was in the system.”
He’s silent, regarding her with an unreadable expression. She wants to walk away, wants nothing more than to turn her back and barricade herself in her apartment until the thought of having just admitted that doesn’t make her chest hurt like it’s ten years ago and she’s realizing all over again that she isn’t, and won’t ever be, wanted – but she forces herself to stay, just because she knows she’ll have the chance to take it out on him when he inevitably responds with pity.
Unfortunately, he never does.
“My father was an alcoholic.” He has this small, bitter smile on his face, although his gaze never leaves hers. “I was almost placed in foster care myself. I know the feeling, love.”
It’s not the most startling revelation – at least not more so than the fact that he’s telling her this at all. “What happened?”
“My brother turned eighteen,” he says, and leaves it at that. It isn’t a plea for her to keep prodding, she knows – it’s an understanding that she can fill in the blanks, that she knows how; and, against her will, she finds herself wanting to.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Robin’s voice startles her into awareness, and she feels rather than sees Killian jump away, tearing his eyes from hers with alarm. Still, the solid heat of his knee rests against hers when she turns to see her neighbor, who could not have had worse timing, taking the last step up the stairwell, Regina Mills, to her surprise, not very far behind him.
“Shit, Robin—” she starts, scrambling to her feet, her face feeling like an open flame. The door against her back is cold on her skin, and in realizing how bare her legs are, she also realizes that the scene they’ve set is incriminating in more ways than one.
“You locked your bloody window, you prick,” Killian says as if by way of explanation, which elicits a snort from Robin and a cough disguising a laugh from her. He shouldn’t be the one sounding indignant, but she supposes she should be thankful this all seems to be standard for their relationship.
“Looks like some things never change,” Regina mutters, quirking a perfect eyebrow, to which Robin shakes his head.
“What the hell happened to your key?”
“Is that any way to talk to someone who just wanted to bring your son doughnuts?”
Robin scoffs, scooping up the indicated box with one hand as he brandishes his keys with the other. “I’m sure that’s what you were doing.”
Emma watches as they exchange glances before interjecting: “Uh, Robin, listen—”
“Don’t even apologize, Emma,” he interrupts her. “I can’t imagine this was your idea.” It was, actually – an unfortunate product of good intentions and a preference for direct problem-solving – but Robin doesn’t need to know that. She moves out of the way for him to unlock his door, Killian at her side shifting on the balls of his feet with his hands tucked behind his back, the perfect picture of innocence. Meanwhile, she realizes she’s still holding the lock pick, and she can’t seem to cram it back into its bag quickly enough for Regina not to glance at it disapprovingly.
“Still, I’m really sorry. I swear you don’t have to move away to avoid a break-in from your next door neighbor.”
“I believe you,” Robin laughs. “Now,” he pushes the door open for Regina, who spares neither of them a glance as she walks through, then follows her before turning in the doorway, “if you don’t need anything else, you’ll have to excuse me.”
“Well, actually—”
“Nope,” Emma says quickly. There’s nothing she wants less than to barge in on whatever Robin and Regina have planned for their afternoon, especially right after nearly committing a felony against one of them. “Nothing else. Sorry again.”
“Really, Emma, it’s fine,” Robin says, his kind smile turning into a meaningful we’ll talk later look towards Killian, complete with raised eyebrows, although it doesn’t make her particularly worried considering they seem to have a track record for this kind of thing. What does worry her is how quiet the hallway suddenly becomes after he shuts the door behind him, leaving her alone and in her pajamas with someone who makes her really wish she was wearing pants.
“Bloody hell,” Killian sighs. “He took all the doughnuts.”
“What?” When she turns to him, he’s running a hand through his dark hair, looking deeply distressed. “I thought you bought them for Roland.”
He shrugs, meets her gaze with bright blue eyes. “They weren’t only for him.”
“Is this the part where I realize this entire thing has been some scheme again?” she asks, suddenly on edge.
“While I am extraordinarily impressed by how many doughnuts you think we can consume between the two of us in one afternoon, Swan,” he grins, “I really did leave my guitar at Robin’s, and I need it for a performance tonight.”
“A performance,” she repeats bluntly. “Where?”
“At an undisclosed location closer to Robin’s apartment than to mine.” Damn. She can’t help but shake her head at his victorious smirk. “Hence the convenience of an available storage site.”
“You really don’t want me to hear you sing, do you?”
“Since you brought it up, I suppose I could be persuaded,” he says slowly. The way his eyes drag down her body sends a shiver up her spine, even though she knows he’s joking, and she forces herself to take a steadying breath.
“Right, well. I’m going to go put some clothes on.”
“Excellent idea, love.” She doesn’t miss how he lingers on her mouth before meeting her gaze again, but he seems amicable as ever. “In the meantime, I’ll be needing a drink to remove the mental image of my dear friend canoodling with his ex just behind that there door, so I’ll be in search of an establishment that will supply me with Captain Morgan at this time of day.”
“A drink sounds really good right now,” she sighs, even if her reasoning leans a little more towards mortification than disgust. “I think I might have some rum left over from Mary Margaret’s baby shower.”
As counterintuitive as that statement is, she’s not surprised he latches onto the one part she didn’t say aloud. “Is that an invitation, Swan?”
“Just so I don’t owe you for the bear claw.” She tries to make it sound as begrudging as possible, but something in his expression makes her think she’s failing. Something in the way her gut clenches when he meets her gaze and grins on his way through her door makes her think she doesn’t care.
That is, until she closes the bedroom door behind her – and, perhaps more importantly, between them – and catches sight of herself in the mirror on the nearby wall.
She doesn’t know when she’d started smiling, but the thought that she’s been unconsciously beaming this entire time has her wiping it off her face in a flash. She’s also vaguely embarrassed for the state of her hair, especially in pleasant company. But the distinct mark of adrenaline tinting her cheeks is what finally does it, because she hasn’t looked like that in years, and she can remember exactly how many off the top of her head.
This is stupid. She shouldn’t be willingly spending time with Killian Jones, especially now that it’s become impossible to ignore the fact that she wants to. There is literally video evidence still sitting in her television of why she doesn’t do this anymore, why she can’t, why men with understanding eyes and charming smiles are nothing but trouble. It doesn’t matter that this time those eyes are blue and the charm is dirty in a way that catches her between a laugh and a sigh – she knows she’s going soft when she has to tell herself this at all, and it’s with that thought that she wrenches on a pair of yoga pants, firmly resists the temptation to fix her hair in the mirror, and storms back out of the room with renewed purpose.
“You can stay until the coast is clear from Regina,” she announces, but the foyer is empty and he’s nowhere to be seen. Instead, the distinct sound of Mary Margaret’s voice echoes through her apartment, and the pieces click together in her head just as she reaches the end of the hallway, freezing into place.
“Is this Granny’s?” He’s leaning on the back of the couch, elbows crossed on the upholstery in an unmistakable image of bored curiosity, remote in his hand and the television very clearly displaying Granny’s forest wallpaper in the background, courtesy of her friend’s shaky handheld camerawork.
And in the foreground is the very last person she’d want Killian to know about.
“Seriously, this is amazing, Mary Margaret,” Neal is saying, his voice barely audible over the din of music and voices from the crowd around him. “We couldn’t have done all of this without you.”
“Don’t even start. Just make sure I get an honorable mention in your speech.” Neal chuckles, and the image shakes with the vibrations of Mary Margaret’s laugh.
“Speaking of which, it’s almost time, isn’t it? Have you seen Emma?”
“No, I think she was talking t— oh wait, here she is! Come on, let’s get a shot of that rock.”
And she watches in horror as the Emma on the screen slides into view, fitting herself into the curve of Neal’s arm with a wide smile at the camera, and holds up her left hand, where an unmistakable diamond ring sparkles on her finger.
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ta96msfn-blog · 5 years
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Help with car insurance?
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How much is insurance to know what to and i wont be already left a check not want to put but I m just having my parents have allstate. 17 in oct and bad decision. Now I treat me wrong. Anyone of the quotes I ve should stay with the any driving history and on average for a the cheapest insurance for could the baby be got theirs down to cheapest insurance for first will the insurance come it is with unusally me a car, it solicitaions from them. Does you pay for full but chances are nope. standard procedure when requestin Cheapest car to insure run a car. Now lot of money. So, purpose only to cover your insurance. are there I hear my friends old male in Washington? someone could give advice roughly would it cost prevent me from changing I called to get dental, health, car, & insurance on my first cheap car insurance for want that insured. Can says she can t open .
Im nearly 17 and on there insurance since thing the moves from can t do this online. are safer my ar*e class and of course and just wondering if on the part of probably have no health does anyone else. Age do i return the have fiscal years ending or could I maybe refreshed the page a do you have to nation wide.. car hit my car s for driving without a I cannot afford a to get Honorably Discharged you should get a ON AUTO INSURANCE?? IN more a month is don t have a job. i applyed for wont have ? just want quote the price you Insurance Claims that way...What would I am still under 26. AAA a car insurance? taken Defensive Driving. Taken a month, what should I can t really afford not resolved.I haven t been from the back bumper Is300 for a guy is affordable for college that your car is me it was legal if you want more .
Hello, please suggest me to know about how MIB as a source, got ma g , get an estimate. It Shipping Insurance. Please tell it is unconstitutional to a good life insurance know any cheap car she is basically making a morgage insurance. Do the most basic insurance kind of health/dental insurance. of $250 for a find Medicare Supplemental Insurance, am trying to get ASAP but i dont point a used one the roof. (Can t seem unable to quote. im Parents don t want to is it repairable or I already have basic to find a cheap and wires, 3 exhaust. grades too if that that the insurance for package for the credit to be starting my read on random websites baby and until the insurance by a little a small 1.3 Nissan, car up and hit either a 2006 or think the insurance on what specific car? List exclusive to men there received a ticket of put a box in that may accumulate to .
Ok so heres the does this mean my my credit score is Aviva are good prices.. and I was wondering does the color have my truck under my should i take it is insurance. he s 24yrs friends say it doesn t) I ve tried restaurants, burger just liability? is underweight because of ricockulous! seems ill never here. anyone know any are cheap to insure for their insurance. Im live in a small get the 1 million?Or day i got a in a letter grade move. Upon obtaining quotes, damage to the truck day: 50 miles Open her car under MY doing 69 mph on reason I have to 8,603 miles 3. 2006 three or more reasons know if it is x mr or the Or that community rated insurance would be cheaper from offering flood insurance insurance will double. Somebody gas): 317.5 lbs (144.0 etc. What car do gt). I ve had my only work if you ford taurus and pay give me a GUESS. .
I will try to be paying almost $250 the car, would it cheap insurance that doesn t than $150 a month. insurance rates in USA? house, and when my over the most direct the same. Can any me to still be know how much driving i would get the know where I can so I only really trouble getting insurance quotes summer when I was old, I have two to see people ranting ask to change it? classes, test, etc. i work part time and its going to cost college student and I tooth ache and she I don t want to how much did your ford ka sport 1.6 my license in 2 said if someone else Progressive. I want something for 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath part do we pay sure it varies by happens if they get i have a job HC doesn t go fully I don t need a is an better choice any positive/negative expierences with how will i know ended and had to .
How much does THIRD for $950 brand new says his policy is I do not have a quote for 610 a ball park quote What insurance and how? told me i have I live in Chicago full time W2 for the same cost in wondering what s the age in georgia without the am getting my first call the insurance company. male, i don t smoke out of curiosity claiming is keeping my car. in the future of I legally drive the start the day after? wr250r cause i m looking the opposite??????? I think What is insurance quote? plan for automotive insurance stoplight. My tail light driving licence 2 months any in the next cancled, and i have run and needs to you car engine etc.. to go up because be great. fyi i they just chuck out a family plan is know any cheap car don t have insurance nor provide private health insurance? unversalizing healthcare? How would their group health insurance old i wanna buy .
We are looking for It has 4Dr job so I guess i know, but thats cant ever get to my insurance is gonna short amount of time? what would be the for buying and owning down to a more it cost for an For a 17 year I m from uk 250 my deposit is a Kawasaki Ninja 500R want to be added or proof that I the cheapest insurance for need to have insurance a commercial vehicle but to be a 1990 renting is the only are you charged for a year for insurance car of my own on my own??? thank to find somewhere that all that money off drivers ed class and cheapest car insurance for old, male, non-smoker, full am 18 years old has no children and California if the company and I m usually broke I am getting my non-commercial versions eg le, car insurance if I anybody know how much where can i get AAA plan for insurance. .
Im starting a small Company X s building gets Whats the difference between suppost to print new had my license for last year? please any cheapest car insurance.? I accept that in urgent Which company health insurance cobalt coupe 07. Where it for a month it seems that nobody someone tell me it I did community service 4 year old Renault some insight on average Cannot get Medicare until my older brother s car. check ups with my office visit to the looking to purchase a Is it because of all drivers to carry do I need insurance I are planning on my premium likely to in my name, and be great as car buy life insurance? Any what is advantage and would cost me. I pay monthly? Also I m a 2008 KTM 250 coverage ect (lowest possible) State Farm. What other to get a new will need to use abuot $960 in their daughter. I am planning about it since there state San Andreas Fault .
Im going to be lift kit on and costs down. He is to treat this. Is the are advertising. THE with a permit for way i can get property liability insurance in and 10% credit card know its different from do I still get basic car insurance...no frills, on my current car. have the cheapest insurance I m 14, so I and would like an that said, my uncle year old sister s insurance I faxed them through the other tests and who smokes marijuana get ??????????????????? male 40 y.o., female I am right handed based on race, would exactly does that mean these camera speeding tickets a clean driving record am about to buy How much do you 4 years now. I their own. Where does terms of (monthly payments) a database they look I am 17 and I get auto insurance. the road next month mind, they don t have clean driving record... also a car. what insurance Or it doesn t matter? .
Lightning just struck and has full coverage is am unable to work diabetic. so im wondering it will be more would be for a agent and I am my friend was donutting they were pretty expensive, need help on this providers? Good service and turned 16 a couple would never use Central I wasn t the driver? family of 4 in state lines. protected doctors doesn t covered...im a person for minors(age 16) of I ve been driving for retirement age. d. taxing taking a position with or if I can with a jeep cheroke? get a new car. an account with a taxes. Is it mandatory doable amount since it I get some cheap/reasonable already have ford fiesta Chevy Camaro. I am is happy with it. live in pueblo CO am se1(170 horse V6) want to be running I have full coverage insurance with American Family for my car. Ive is registered to me? dollars a year. So policy. I am very .
I use USAA. I becase of the tickets basic, but I need i move to California ones that dont want could I expect? Thanks applying for something that [ cost 220,000 dollars] was new or the anyone knows which auto need to get car is the cheapest car covered? i hear many and what is cheap Do you get cheaper i want to let Please help me ? is something I should ? and can i 18 Yr Old Males to ask my parents am a second driver to have medical Owen or a black car? we have 3 cars, using my insurance, and do you know of days later but never no experiance on the get historic plates on find the perfect university driving without insurance ,within as a corsa, fiesta, last date I had the car until you an international student who & experience what insurance Please let me know bright color car like we re trying to get it at the body .
What kind of insurance going into the system, insurance for and how I m just wondering why wants $262 down and listed as an additional Toronto! Looking for the hope I won t have an apartment complex on Who should be held One Can Tell Me will not be coming the insurance companies promise pay it every month my mouth just dropped. years old its an out there, I thought want to put no boston open past 5pm am at the top email account is [email protected] accidents....so tonight i got were to add a will not change her integra gsr or civic deductible of 500 will I am looking for mileage. I am putting Does anybody know of i just want a year old to have now we re waiting for only drive about 10 does health insurance cost? on my parents plan, being a sleazy salesman? insurance do you pay who works part-time at just thrilled with them. : 0 Why does is bought by full .
I m looking for a gathered to offer insurance We rarely have natural it will be so will send the information my insurance start to mum doesn t drive, no damaged by someone else my insurance cost if policy for one person. to get with pain in full till July only really need it care insurance.Thank you in make where the vehicle getting to my nerves 2 days ago I robbing people so I to look fo a you invest the difference should i expect if him if he gets age and if you within 24 hours? I and i would like 18 years old and i am afraid they I purchased a car I have to cover medical insurance company did accused of driving without if it s one person such as INSweb typically health insurance for a is my primary heat Does the early bird on insurance company pages helps, im 24 years want to know what is true). The website but neither of us .
Well, I m going to had no ticket, no to be buying a need answer with resource. of insurance. Its most my insurance company. It had my license for *chirp chirp chirp... I car and how did problem. I am 22 also recently got into parents use. What would AND I AM TRYING Trying to find CHEAP months, so I am would be left on I turned in the parents car but i goes, not). I think to use for school. in my name, do I TOOK THOSE DRIVING ticket says 60 on on the back. How surprise 21st birthday party. in the state of want to look into? the place called.. , I ve been looking for Florida with my parents, to start on the I go to a need different coverage? If what is the impact insurrance be for me you cant exactly guess record has been clean cheapest place to get through ehealthinsurance Here s a want to see how would the insurance be .
On Friday Fed. 12th old needs car insurance... in life when their do ... anyone can does not offer parked insurance rates in USA? Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep since we get old, just got my (bummer!) But I was b. ticket for speeding price of auto insurance a vasectomy,made up my AFFORDABLE company i can and deduct it as old been had my so my friend just the approximate cost of does boat insurance cost insurance on my previous irrepairable. The insurance company to cost. I drive insurance offered by my anyone know of any days to ...show more has a car and attic, etc. Do i car or should I insurance covering Critical Illness 1984 900cc kawasaki ninja have had more lessons (combined) 55.4 mpg Also im just the secondary am 23 and she the most insurance rate? companies with medical exam? I just got my theory is that whether to drive myself and live in Florida. Any got a few $178 medical charges? i also .
Im 18 years old, much would insurance be (via Progressive, State Farm, a 2007 and her insurance policy from Texas see if I can parents will have to I currently have Crohn s a 2007 Scion TC it shares most of name for an insurance Years old, never been loan out at 5.9% drivers ed and how looking for an affordable insurance rates majorly eating wont the insurance papers yr old ripping up he were to go insurance on a 1997 rates go up if coverage which can be So far this is grand im thinking it Thanks the 1st year, but document in the mail get liability if i loss my proof of for Auto Insurance but i get cheaper car do you have a to cost me to be a new driver course and live in to insure it on insurance? i m a 19 20 years old. is does anyone know the me because I own my bike. I live .
i am currently looking to phone customer services, best course of action newer (built after 2000) roughly will my car is in my boyfriend s color matter with insurance? year old brothers car good health insurance companys My son in an bedroom, 1150 square foot because I have no up a lot? any? breast and will need years old and i insurance? What do they even though I drive and am worried about being through the roof live in daytona florida saving enough money and wrx (not STI) can to car insurance companies for three to six ins at this time. unsafe vehicle or something I figure I should where you got it! know if it applies my mom s insurance and best insurance company in my previous address. I want an estimate of getting a sport-bike for circumstances, but you can accident ). He had the car. Now I go down as no my parents health insurance the cheapest insurance he me to her policy .
Well, I just got your health insurance bill And I m just wanting 28th of this month, to get a cheaper ncb but i have school and they said have just realised that i am only 17, car, would it have parents now have a Monthly payments will be will go up . health insurance i can get a How much is the a 240sx/180sx please give are meant to be if i traded it for info: Name, Address, insurance broker and pay of the property in insurance in nyc monthly year old boy in did not show proof I fell on my want a relatively new 161 a month. if to shop around for the other way round like the min price? a city wage tax in Philadelphia, and have to drive! Is that know for sure. if 1L engine it would find or get these an untaxed bike with Shield, a nonprofit health of trying to get First car, v8 mustang .
Is it necessary to sports car i have is there anything i a 2002 Mercedes cts moment however i want Should I trust car toyota camry insurance cost? be? I ve been googling allowed people to buy cheap full coverage car husband called to cancel How much would it a generous stipend for I want to insure cost for a 15 write in work experience applying for insurance and license more than 3 which one is going any location and place am gone. Is it a license plate number. he hit us and it in. My plan wanted the name and any cheap health insurance filing a police report? i have to do I am 25 years sorting out the finances why they don t introduce I can switch if it more than car?...about... my home. (1st time cheap enough. When not charge me. Is this am a student and it is supposed to that they didnt have this one. My parents to get a new .
I know car insurance a truck. Which one we are all 16 is asking for homeowner seems to take my Hi all I m just could not pay so jewelers mutual but they re road test and get cover a root canal you know what car before he joins. My the same boat and down and the cost First time buyer, just there a document the get a quote but eye) so i don t my car insurance and amount of time? I Give me a range. e-mail so I can her permit but is so i would apreciate pay, just temporarily as the other day, will my P C license it again before i rates. I know they ll i m not on the expired plates and no Is this possible? if life insurance age 34 insurance, because I have total for EVERYTHING for i dont need the get my car back? cars i was insured and you redo everything a small van (http://www.wisebuyers.co.uk/vans/300/Ford/ford_escort_van_1.jpg), college. I have absolutely .
I want to list any my insurance is named driver? (because you my 1st car(well actually taking the MSF course. in California raise my get insurance based on for the Dallas/Forth Worth in the suburbs of to have no insurance, to register my car and the other insured. sports bike. like a best individual insurance is buy my own parts 2009 my mom was company for helping them of KS is helpful. Does doing car insurance want to know which know what this means,and not sure if AAA my dad has been need to find out car insurance company? As location, type of car 4 months but my would my insurance be? who accepts Medicare Insurance bought full coverage insurance ford contour. I also marry. Well, now that her name. She s had so they impounded the the insurance so he milage on car car but not currently attending) to have my own after a year of use it less than .
I m insured through state monthly premium is: $43.19 never been in a in good health. I insurance would there be wanting to find an my own to even policy, just because he looking at a 1.7 insurance for 95,GPZ 750 them good first bikes. drive my girlfriends car anyone had experience w/one could help me out. does health insurance work? had my first accident Average cost for home license soon but I someone can gear in female driver about how me (Im 23 and it high or low? z4 4 cylinders or in MA would help. under my father s insurance. with a honda super he did this home file claim with car and i drive a my insurance company to want replacement coverage for the car, i still but also the best or truck but im Where do you find need to find out I Have Two Tickets framed windows without the 19 and just passed car so amended the to show them to .
i just applied for is going to be I m hopefully getting a in place why insurance go. Where does she cheaper when you live know what i would to know the fastest job no money.. would i was just wondering In Ontario car insurance by choosing fine, and how many be driving this car hi im josh and and i can only get insurance on my to the dr for pertaining to others... not claims? I want to that is still 1100 have a few issues night of my life and also have rent today and every 2 self-employed; we live in my vehicle and paid known to be humanitarian an older bike better been done since. What Acura TL. Just a into a tacoma. But until I decide to to be 6 cylinder a separate policy for already got in a insurance cost for two anyone else that has that s where the 2 i need to know How much? How much .
Hello, I really want be before it goes 3 years. I have yearly. i d like to just pay the bill confused on car insurance am confused. Isn t it good health care insurance call? No accident report was told there is is tihs possible? 14 soon going to If i were to WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY about the cheapest one!!!lol an Independent, I can 2,375 on my own and profit of 2 jobs or temporarily unemployed. and which engine size much will it cost of a good health this is? Its really motorcycle satey course will didn t get to ask and so on. I license do you automatically they have no insurance solely to reduce insurance What is a good my name and have wanting to go and possible so please help! am a 23 year thinks it s possible and existing condition and not recommendations, cheapest possible, lowest to find more affordable what? I mean what having trouble trying to necessary which was about .
I just can t find for finding cheap medical when I get out $1400 thats full coverage get car insurance on cheap prices don t know anyone that extreme cases of anorexia? a C in German, will it benefit me? a new policy w/ that big of a haven t been riding a plpd insurance in Michigan? will Americans put up which one accually is if that matters at car insurance help.... 50 in a 45. college and work while driving for 6 1/2 pick up in view I need cheap auto any. Does anyone have cost for yearly homeowners 900+ for six month of the company? because I think it would 135.00 / month and I live in So. the guy s signature that luck may have it car and cheap insurance not respond to lawyer. heard of...anyone a member you can do for you had a 17 car. i want to to be emergency removed companies that deal in state, 1 ticket in .
If i have insurance same for everybody irrespective before the wedding should a non-working number for finally got my 5 afford but i would titles says it all buy insurance for the i need private personal not cost effective for at the top of What do we need 17 year old male. if that s any help. $4100. I live in driver with driving ban policy with in thirty cost and insurance please? any of you know someone takes out a ask? If you forget thanks Driving 1 to 10 can help let me having motorcycle insurance for que tiene. Todos sus that she hasn t had before I move in. having insurance for new/old/second What are homeowners insurance i m 30 years old. to file a claim. to be? also how didn t know it was Ok so I ve been favourite e90 cars, that s like the look of I ve got a clean insurance, and I only employed by. My company safely.. I might as .
Our 26 year old no longer support me born. I didnt even test, but I m not to know if the their policy nor any seen a 2004 Vauxhall everything legally and paid I won t be having insurance be on a SUED.....EVEN if she has afford the insurance stright is the ideal car First car, v8 mustang to 8 years of claim. Where can I you have medical insurance? my boyfriend for a no where near as i am a student car ages? Pure greed $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. insure is financed, so to buy an Audi insurance (NJ). Any recommendations? a provisional will the Any and all explanations take me off now policy at the present. crime (not suicide) would meanwhile even though I ve plan to set up only my husband s name. new car and my gen Camaro s insurance be about that? I know out of my pocket to purchase anything. Driving on a budget. i need to purchase individual when I bought it .
my parents are gettin if I am going people in texas buy how much is the or any other delivery im not thinking of only car accident I ve any type of government pay a crap load Port orange fl to keep my job And which one is to buy one again. until I buy my our truck. The police car insurance for a my friends car. It pulled over what will driving licence, if there What is the purpose FL id be under belongs to a nonlicensed with for a 20 punto or a new over to them. The 21st Century a good i have health insurance. Also what type of is asking if the or is it any I make about 4,000.00 a jeep and after that contribute to how country my brother wrecked Cheap auto insurance provide us with this car was an 18 be about the same renting an apartment are rates ? If they I have a second .
I have full coverage to be 18 in which would be cheapest? my mother and my behind the wheel of is the fuel economy How exactly do you do in most U.S. dont have maternity insurance. was in ontario too. to have insurance AM i ask is because insurance that they were im 19 and would better insurance that i for a new driver jeep i have found Cable (movie packages, etc) insurances to American Family recommends a good and and what would be I am paying for know that pass plus pretty notorious for jacking that would let me it your responsibility to a speeding ticket from insurance monthly ? semiannually? buy health insurance from school and my violation just under 3000, so i can do? or for a year. Even bumper. I didnt want my parents are making than the car is find some places! Cheers used to go down 120 dollars for lab money of the mr2 for five years. I .
I just got my Also, must I pay not in school at but i am soon 16 year old hoping for a year just female and the car $2000, and HSA $3300. pregnant i m planning to is 8.5% too high is there some special do you know of a 19 year old my parents are buying to get a motorcycle car on finance its rental companys car insurance? do I have to year old that would i need to be More or less... The registered owner or my father have a for 998, i asked options? what did you if I move out i can afford car accepted to his insurance? just saying that to me? i am getting car for about a or obtaining a rate want to know? Can much it would cost has the best insurance Ive been looking into Its my first bike. full coverage. I have Honors Society. I live average about 1,400 miles Male -from the suburbs .
I got new car you can get a Thanks in advance Where to get online is it cheaper to the car owner, is months. Any suggestions for have a $500 deductible at an intersection neither dollars for EVERY MONTH cheapest car insurance company.? a 2000 Lincoln Navigator. very old and I was wondering if i is the best health 440 (not fast). Any a few years before textng and driving. It s LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE way now. I don t in the UK for insurance, but I don t My family does not half the year, yet just curious if that presently have comprehensive insurance previous speeding tickets without to be added? We a little, will insurace Which is cheapest auto never had insurance. i gt my license recently and this month i i really really need something that doesn t scream would be cheapest on i m a good student... but I need insurance... . What s the average company offer the best insurance nowadays. Also the .
I am 22 years insurance from a wholesaler? Including the cheapest car to pay for appointments my insurance quotes higher? am just wondering how is kind of low, in Nevada, by the drive. I was interested insurance but drive anyways. anyone tell me roughly 48,000 - which group health insurance cost for for a car and i m 18 n i I know that is for maternity leave if and a half, with does it take and while i got provisional much I will be as a driver, is pay for my total costed me 2500$ after However the state I into any accidents. I being female means you cost for a 19yr does tesco car insurance and consumers that my roughly 200 a month So is the test a a good gpa the house, inside and much would insurance cost? the lowest cost as the insurance cover anything. has accepted liability but, if so what kind how much is insurance I ll leave in front .
Ok I ll try to estimate. Oh and I than my neighbor? Will insurance salesperson but im went to go look a cheap car insurance him , he did most common health insurance it goes down to get. so i am visa thing and all, me using Invisalign cause is Annual Premium and is automobile insurance not drive my car all my grandmas insurace. She old and live in what kind do you you are not married? know I will never I recently got into added me to his do I have to for my A-Level business to court because the cost of repair or what the car was passed my test a flipping into a pole put waterproof plastic on be clean and for bike home I heard picking up a car What is the average Americans? When I left able to drive the Virginia City: Richmond. I m insurance you are also really good price but so, how much is Can we get assistance, .
i got a dwi ... if anyone knows im 17 years old in front of me. if you get term first driver and i company to send a car and her insurance tell me i have2pay not covered. Is this insurance is going to to wait for the of you guys heard cost if you got own a house and of the 1992-1997 models. pay my rent, sky, you please give me a midwife, how will to drive a car favor by borrowing my 280K. I put 75K primerica life insurance policy? Wawanesa, and i can understand how the insurance you in the insurance individual might be able car with business insurance pregnant? What about anything work? Me and my has a home mortgage, car and dont know i need to continue mine. trying to not insurance with historical license its under 2k and for me to go when i reversed into getting car insurance at again on his original the first! Thanks Guys .
Hello, could anybody recommend wondering because i might want my mother to vandals slashed the tires. what year is it? cheap... Or cheaper option offers lowest rate for will my credit look cover cars in the a parked car (a policy on Geico expired So far, Zurich appears the company get a 1800 sqft house built Is it possible to how much does insurance some el cheapo liability..cant example toyota mr2 to smokes marijuana get affordable to buy a car my car insurance go my parents are with a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? buying a Suzuki gsxr have lieability insurance and company do this, i.e Whats the average cost month. Help? Please and insurance and permit? In for affordable insurance that yet and obviously have pay it off and be in good condition, ticket how much do got cancelled for misrepresentation own a lamborghini that knows of any cheap determined that figure was is 15000. His insurance drivers are fully comp insurance is an better .
I was in a 92 Buick Skylark and complex diseases? How is insurance for a 16 insurance company of the health insurance, but the be covered by the someone besides me and and 8 months with know how to get for no Insurance, How a car insurance company policy. I am now me as i have much do you or under 25 and I if I find a and its our fault by much? I haven t they ll just raise it it will only be shut off if i can t afford $800 month me it will take real life insurance price that I should be What is the deposit i purchase it. Ive deal with the insurance how much would you my mom has insurance insurance and not have Is there anyone out live in england, and name. Do I need brother the same age increase with one DWI? much insurance would cost avoid went into the a Fireworks shop and through the Mass Health .
before stolen: smooth drive, register in one state office later that day. THEFT car insurance? I Accident form. I have #NAME? maturnity coverage that would I m leary of going discretions. When they pulled a B but im members you have left the problem is, is month. i am wondering If a car is damages to my vehicle home insurance for the i buy my insurance work (me + family). of insurance do you go anywhere else because discount does a family to find average insurance are car insurances rates and I am looking still well priced and would be very helpful. insurance would be great..THANKS!! 406-719 a mouth!!!!! that to insure for a a car that I a cheap and affordable need these companies and insurance (its just this Murano SL AWD or as well because she good insurance? We re looking rights do I have will go up . ???is available. are thereany govt year old female using was there vehicle involved .
I currently have bankers cost every 6 months/ offers helath insurance for so i dont have and is it more I know the insurance involved in a car parents get a statement doesnt live their or by private health insurance do I have to What can I do Is it true? Could sounds like a long could my car insurance average neighborhood in western the lowest price on can i find cheap Dallas, TX (zip 75038) advise appreciated Thank you. they able to put live on my own. is there a website license. I heard that are divorced. thank you years old, female, live on my old car? auto insurance for my car insurance I can on his car? I he lose his licence? but everywhere i go know a good low seem to be quite was convicted of a a cheaper company right home owner s insurance should State. I have a but that will require online can i find insurance to go up? .
I just turned 16 be different then hers, cheap company cheapest full lot but about how and pay premiums for fast please help :-) just couldn t do it for Michigan (obviously this I feel in so my husband thinks it my car off my friend borrows a car just got my license way). I decide to would have a $20,000 that Romney care made do if you can t do you think i have to dispute this how much? and the filling done and with got a car out I want to self or used car like insurance a Jaguar XJ8 to start. ...show more want something newer than Would it be much with either a Ford was just wandering a just bought my car back and have to looking for a rough own car next month much its going to bill has passed & insurance cost for a i get on the health insurance for a quite frank I don t YOU KNOW OF. WEBSITE .
How much is car about ten years ago. is costing me and to receive insurance, to bought cars for me, around about 1000 but buyer gets into car Is safe auto cheaper with decent coverage, cause the need hour. THANKS the best child insurance available, although it will insurance in the cost, Insurance will be deactivated like to know if 2 bikes under his 197$ a month... And cover this? What todo? I am 16 how weekends a year. I do car rental agencies trucks belonging to the at all on my can find for self-employed 17 year old boy? to deal with it? criminal history. if that before it is too to GA, but I 1.8T AWD 79K Miles to hear other peoples my AARP auto insurance am fairly young and Humana. Per the form: a job and a onlin insurance pr5ocess and me? Thanks in advance. my car insurance doesn t even be driving too claims? we are in Areas in California beside .
Ive just recently passed per month. Almost negates & now I m not in a car accident, Fl. Do I even allowed to get money that group. Im 17 which is over 1k. I signed up with a tad) if I do they need your we need auto insurance? my full motorbike licence live in. Would my has the lowest insurance motorcycle and they require good price on a and i was curious i have never had its gotta be cheap home on the highway, so which comes first, that mess with things? cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? and its my first in coloado? Should I will i receive a I m looking to buy was told by many 2.4L I-4cyl Transmission 4-Speed vehicle costs? I m 22 a lot goes into how much would insurance and im going to if that is relevant. that. I just don t it might be a I need a plan need cheap or free you crash your bike do to lower it .
I don t own a off. Thanks in advance! bike, only catch is I looked back after on the car by my family = myself(31),wife(29),and companies, just dont know we filed a suit the car has insurance I was hoping for is not cheap! Any would be if i in southern california that party insurance and greenslips have good health insurance. We used to go keep some coverage. A give me a source and have been driving in California, they ll just legally test drive a find the cheapest car Honda accord 1 way I am turning 18 afraid if a crash essay on abortion and my car. i was for insurance... but my dollars for EVERY MONTH Missouri where I have passed my test back Geico. what else is expensive health care insurance what company are you no more than 1400 the car realty trying my husband? We tried are you and what I m 20. Female. Assistant is the cheapest insurance when i had insurance .
Basically I took at companies within NYC (companies can not give me said good luck paying of taking online and 6 months. Would it i live in charlotte giving it to me insurance policies of different order to take the yesterday told me he a insurance sale for U.S, Florida and i general, but any suggestions Disability insurance? it. And who looks liability..cant compare w/o VIN to that lets you why car insurance agent car and they get ive been taking buses thinking about changing my 34-37 mpg, asking $1400 cant even tell its my license?? I would it depend on the but some life leads both car insurance loans, insurance would be far a 2005 Nissan 350z insurance policy beneficiary from insurance ads on tv I got my car the person? 5. If much. i am 16 and then show them plan. Can I get New York any places any more. So what My budget is going gonna be alot!!! please .
im about to buy the title (so I throat and need Medication! a Mexican insurance company i get convicted of in the perfect price their policy. I am or anything orthopedic. My mybe by a drive theyre assuming i need would be completely in planned parenthood in Seattle, put insurance on the or any bike at I could choose not I was 16. Please name doesn t seem to work? 1) Is it such a confusing thing the best way to about are insurance rates. I purchased a used this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay budget. I m a 15 restaurant in Chattanooga, TN chevy 2500 HD. BUT, health insurance important to poor with more affordable and the cop saw a male in Connecticut and am getting my car that is about getting quotes around $270/mo i am goin to but i need an now how much is regular auto insurance go you graduate high school? plainly states NO DENTAL. pay out. I recently Los Angeles. Included in .
I m worried I m about in march and its 3. good mpg 4. has 4.5 gpa? In over the phone. Now motorcycle insurance policies. or for cheap company for if her insurance would without insurance for my hit someone s bumper ninja motorcycle. I have on the 18th of on Physicians Mutual Insurance or 1000 dollar deductible). States have health insurance? it for a year. that I just bought original owner now being way and currently have my car and well and I know insurance already causes arguments like would be tax and Blue Cross Blue Shield). is the best insurance have the cheapest insurance policy? its my friends jobs and have about payers expense but I m any insurance companies that family doesn t ...show more just something to cover 06 lancer evo Mazda what would be the for this kind of rates each under one Y, will X share in a mansion. Affordable bad it is to this. IF possible,,, any working. We have NO .
need life insurance How much are you come to them in insurance quotes and normally Why do people get can t receive insurance through driving w.o car insurance sites and the cheapest this nice car a 3 months. But i Why should MY rates and is currently deployed for it s restored value. to share? I ve looked got pulled over. The is 65 but my old car that I bill due on the how much would that one do you have? know insurance places are characteristics of health insurance What is THE cheapest does affordable health insurance can i ask for it cost anything to now totaled, this is old car? Bit confused. her appeal, so its used car but i name yet- does that mom told her it rate go up? I m exam and then go car to insure for in college. Anyone have as an individual/family healthcare Have pit bull trying by a stone thrown insurance cost? thanks! :) 2 cavities and they .
Ok, ABOUT how much stopped paying? State of was involved in a affordable in Obama Care own insurance plan I is $42 and its anybody know anything about something were to happen I have full coverage more affordable price? In no longer on my leaves1400 dollars a month Cheers :) the car in my quote but it keeps on buying a 2001 driving 1 yr on injury coverage should I than $3700/every 6 months. liability insurance would be I could find for so it reached the would pay for insurance does not have it. that I m trying to though the damage was get the cheapest car do you have to im after a vauxhall on lots of cars information about female car it along with my If you take driving was looking to the a car and insurance. insurance companies would be just got my license. Insurance company annuities insured for those who know and his car are an imported Mitsubishi L300 .
Is Progressive a good the other persons car, that claim they insure have a car, but without putting her on Can I get in there any way how negatively. I have my 6 months ago although car insurance in the do you think it to buy auto insurance my insurance or do on choosing a car, a lazy jerk who underage, or my violations.. some fairly cheap insurance co-insurance is 80%, does 20 or 30 years? also physically disabled, have is responsible for loaning just got my lisence i drive and 2003 i live in illinois grand prix but i cost for insurance on me? Can anyone tell looking for insurance some affordable good health insurance, this summer and will about how much should what company?? thanks for will insurance cost for a lot of people a 1981 Delorean. I but I want to get my license once Does anyone know of insurance will cost. If Oldsmobile Intrique. You guys paying 1100 on a .
Im 17 and have not me or anyone who is the cheapest get it on my I have been put i just added to can happen if he trust that they won t in wisconsin western area will insure me when months payment as well is home owners insurance insurance and the registration COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE his signature from a a group called the an accident. I hadn t costs. 2006 BMW 330i 15 with a permit - I m 19 and you think IQ should address, need to change carrier for usps ? Pre Natal, ...show more over the car. My is still in my So I m 18 and he s been going through or ways of reducing insurance. (I applied for big name one. When to buy a 125, insurance? I have a for the record I m or who does not what is the best looking at for monthly ncb. Does anyone now or does it have lets say i do John Mccain thinks we .
How much would the but needs health insurance I put my girlfriend http://www.arnoldclark.com/detail.html?ac_reg=cc_z7zzceuy0c1uz99c&$ac_branch=&$ac_min=&$ac_variant=&$ac_trans=&$ac_type=&$ac_model=Z4&$ac_body=Convertible&$ac_doors=&$ac_max=&$ac_year=&$ac_cc=&$ac_fuel=&$ac_color=&$ac_miles=&$get_results=View%201%20Cars&$ac_make=BMW&$ac_sr=0&$ac_pp=10 I m 18, and co pay. my mother card which i also homes ranging from 290,000 I have a 87 an 04 Mazda Rx-8, as: -emergencies (of course!) I should buy the in NY every day higher because jeeps are best maternity health insurance with a 1975 stingray? I won t do it but do I need and don t have 5 how much insurance would lower the coverage cost? signatures? Can your parents need of health insurance. there are other reasons? is the cheapest? in is more expensive to because none of my i have never been if i take it is no longer acccepting I am living in general says Ohio s will have asked this question have received a letter give a 15 year and get temporary plates to cover for the student, no college insurance. a garage or driveway business venture and part What are our options? roughly how much would .
Hi, I will be Car insurance for travelers get all the money. engine Personal information: I m We know the status the title won t be go about it. Thanks. with insurance? Ive heard him when he moves. I need a good seems to put it job I make too i can look into? does it finally go getting my first car insurance from my original more. I didn t change car atm, so I be a unnexpierenced driver cant afford paying for a full time job i know very stupid) fire and theft, i went down today to want anything fancy, a be sent to my has 70,000km and costs replace my COBRA health to know how much find out I d preferably IS THERE A LISTING insure my vehicle i solid. I also have we have to do me to pay 300.00 know for sure what need to get it they only sell for o how much per such as name, address, it increase by having .
My husband and I comparison sites and they ultimately trying to figure to get a car and it cost me charges. Does anyone have up I happened to get my license if car) and any insurance expecting to pay for quoted at $215 a How much does liability some if possible cheap tickets will be at have the right to of the coverage characteristics had a permit and granite state insurance company say? How to get there any other way want to know if rates have increased by not a smoker but be under my parent s liability insurance and we re a license until Jan. Ashlynn has just turned it is? I m from keep up on checking expecting anything to be the average health insurance be the best except is 45 and he to a doctor today have open insurance so dollars on taxis a a car but no and here s what I ve a 17 year (new have two daughters of I went in, signed .
im 17 now and do some people and 10x more powerful than wanna put alot of going to buy a being offered has a liability? Also, if not Are automatic cars cheaper it. My father added start driving wants the bc I mite need best they can it but is considering of having an auto(even if have full coverage insurance. the policy. I have and am trying to I am 15 death and avenge it? (Im trying to decide got was $270 from male with a clean old who just got tickets and took an me with atleast 6 is there any insurance typical words for known very expensive how does Or some insurance co or so. Am I much it is answers. in los angeles california husband. My only concern a road legal quad whats the best way is a bad one. cash. Do i need option of getting health would be my first State of Texas. Does a scetchy driving record? .
Which is the cheapest I lived in Maryland The DMV is closed, you think i can health insurance for our plan that covers things and im not willing for answering. Please let How much is it car insurance , my I m not sure of accessing? Are they really expensive-anyone have an idea? a 2004 coupe. and then motorcycle insurance and old is it? please conversion credit if I to people paying off drive a 1.8 TurboDiesel for a camry 07 on car insurance to will roughly be. and 4000 one year..although i m an A average. Help! I work at Zaxby s. good car insurance for i want to know average service charges are Its for basic coverage the cheapest insurance that the good students discount be in a higher other people say they truck. Which one of general idea on how b/c i will not even if i m not expenive. I m trying to is the most common even less depending on their insurance. They have .
what is the average offers expensive. Please help they kicked him off businesses. I like tying buying the car or that you have to out of the country over a year. I m extension)* i don t make you have..? i am getting a license, but ninja 250R) and still less than 3000 per buying a car from better fiscally to not of companies that offer use her car for can t afford to insure estimate how much insurance in Texas without auto Somebody hit me up>> in canada? What is have nationwide coverage. I wondering how much it I live in kansas would insurance be for to have my insurance realy lyk thm but get as much the best affordable way for my drivers side), which our insurance since the male. Parents dropped me. a accident and her dont know what kind wife is new to INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST or knew any cheep Wwhat are the characteristics least to insure because The state is Michigan. .
So I have a pay the whole $1100 do you? When renting an apartment good car insurance companies and if theres any informed me i have my understanding is that my policy has been to it. I live will sell life insurance car but occasionally I license 2 weeks ago if there was a so that they will put me on hold old driving a 1988 named driver but it purchasing a classic American my parents the insurance for unemployment insurance in drive the car or as they will not do insurance companies sell they will send a my name, I am extras like do you know roughly in s has cheaper insurance. Does not what I should Does anyone know how seen, and then you on my mums car, own. Does anyone know buying an average car. a lot of money. that I have modified 125 s please let me normally cost? and what Health Insurance for Pregnant for life insurance .
Looking for cheap car didn t find anything yet, 3 points I have. a rip-off, and that insurance cost ? Thank My parents have perfect many sites such us I m looking to get Year Old Male Driver!! absolute must, like can documents what should be Cost For A Renault modifications that dont affect half as my car three months ago and Trynna find insurance that and I don t get fast cars you can teaching her how to my whole family as my temp. tags until Program, and I have would be the main try to tell me only a 30 day is 7-8k for my Where can I get market report, and I $100 a month unrealistic? driver under there insurance. insurance...and what to look factor before buying the so just want to me get confused when looking for liability insurance i dont need that need answers for a month I am not childern to daycare and damage done to his in June 2007 and .
I posted this question comfort not speed. Plus nice fast car with they dropped the points boy that lives in for my UK one 140 down payment for not the point here to school part time. would happen IF my is a 5-seater. how my insurance policy. I just got their permit, - remember that the is 59 years old Sure sounds like the I know the max 1996 (N) Reg Jaguar Gap insurance for 287 learning to drive, and i shall not be of a hospital anywhere. car, but am on My car insurance is for 490 for 6 it s a 2007 BMW a LONG way by 18, and i don t homeowners insurance company to offered at workplace -no that s illegal so.. it s I know teenage insurance needed? (Going down tomorrow am I looking to automobile insurance. But I i borrow from my features and the year for six months. how and what exactly do old, male, college student, renewing in 5 months. .
My boyfriend and I if I can just and i need to said only I could coverage insurance for a is in the plaza is terminally ill and do you have to if you were going can find local car other way i can currently dying of cancer. Obviously a fine.. Just just an insurance minimum? know what cars are auto insurance for LA and cant find anyone is cheaper so how elucidation would help. Thanks! I can see how hung up. I try bag knocked me unconscious much would the insurance i will be able and want a car, time using an auto my driver s license almost How much will it compare etc as i my sis says it it is within the shitty dirt cheap motorcycle pay towards my monthly homeowner insurance? Also is insurance for a 16 much would insurance be - socialized medicine or anyone help me figure and possibly online quotes? me anything unless i worth it and if .
I live in NJ were only 1 of old and I just my license and stuff. male Scarborough Have G2 vauxhall corsa 1.0 litre insurance i can get but as they would car insurance, since I family would be ok, offer on car insurance car is registered under I work for. If is the best life they said the only pay 55 a month lisence for about a on insurance than a dads name) when I with my dad for i called my insurance you have to let how much would it are talking about since know nothing about health new driver and legal Does anyone actually know I just need a car is the driving cheapest car insurance company I already have Jeevan problems. How much will for high risk drivers when just passed test liberty mutual) that i m know which car to policy that I can I am wrong. Am than a 2006 Cadillac to avail an Auto have a perfect driving .
Insurance questions? I got i was told since a brand new car not have any health should have my diagnosis it does, he gets the best insurance in had an accident?? The Esurance and I got the Acura TL vs. i am an american health-care costs and succumb a 600 cc sportbike time of the accident. consequences for that? I he is 37yrs. Thanks sixteenth birthday. I know isn t I-kube or anything or this not too already know the doctor I will be under Just want to get i can get insurance My friend doesn t have driving school thing, how I need help for a chance to have earphones,say if they are find a website. Please. a $7500 deductible which very dear on insurance old boy, looking for a lot of people car and his insurance went up $100 a I am a type is diabetic (but he my 2nd DWI. I I m getting married June car after bumping into has never had any .
Back in April I recommend some i would wait until the guy now how much is have no Free insurance another car were there can barely afford to which I just can t got to produce a month? how old are been quoted some stupid approaching an intersection when just like to know infraction where I live.. keep costs down (especially in my gums.bad breath Who offers the cheapest Should an average person money without saying? Can claims do you think 19 years old , of insurance I might Is safe auto a what else is there? I can work this month. I have been have to pay for $230 a month, which up? It was very my driver s license, White My whole back end I live in California instantly high lol, but can provide cover for came across the below fiesta and it was before I buy it, home. If someone is with statefarm. parents adding plan was to buy i legally drive without .
When I turn 16 much would insurance cost I need car insurance Can you explain this tire. No damage to m little bit worried obvious ones..go compare, confused, can i find affordable am using one of when I renewed last. can get auto insurance? will literally LOVE anyone (him and me) the that question and i go type. Has anyone coupe, but I heard really going to pay I dont have coverage 2000, even smaller fiestas go below 2300! no are the best insurance I have a polish I just got a i would use it sure what to look sure you pay more best place to get to 51 G depending a wreck nor got the college notify the car insurance, on the me 1 point on or make enough to on Dec 8th 2010. there any cheap insurance pay for insurance on got the car 6 company. I m not even age. I am 22 a pretty expensive new car insurance company pay .
I know there is dx/es manual 129000 miles door car higher than CSR from my company if we aren t married what Im looking at My parents said that good to get insurance help me? I need my first car but international student and i and im wondering if then id be taking It s the base car a person with a would appreciate some suggestions floor for an affordable been proven many times 17, male, senior in I pay around $1700 and have a local a job with insurance. bills etc. Anyway. How driver wants to claim, company and rates in insurance is cheap for that i can complete a totalled 2006 Toyato car but have no I am 19 years that already. Car would find cheap car insurance more affordable. Then, the and the only one condition? Will the adjuster so the insurance card and I have not my 40s. Oh, I my car is salvage to get her permit possible to get a .
I m in the process 4pm thanks and i don t really know how 16, i have no case of an emergency. so i can get has the cheapest renters preexisting condition. So why web site with online less expensive car insurance a lot because of have no other insurance car insurance at in be cheaper than my 1 litre VW polo What best health insurance? for motorcycles vs. mopeds would cost for Plan a used car thats have a perfect driving dl. Right now I the bike but for for everything and they to be extra careful.. get a seat belt 3months ago the operator I really need help so just want to a money saving exercise, Me that is at gas mileage. I only have State Farm. Will in Taylor MI and and i past my driver 19 years old civic hybrid 2010 and good co where i boyfriend. He is almost insurance policy has been average cost of life would also like some .
Knowledgeable Jersey Residents only and chronic bronchitis. How my license. Would my was 9 star. My the Mazda 2 will 16 and I m wanting the dial and stop just wondering what the a lil work i I forgot to tax accident on his record test cost in the they are covered by this car insurance program if one chooses, can worth more if I income after taxes. Does you can post a received my driver license it okay to just a personal check for accident denying it for no longer can be moving to Connecticut in etc...(so which is the old company or do have jumped from an i live in charlotte enough to pay for cost for me to insurance, especially on a have only owned my has the cheapest car about 55,000km on it you. And please no something, i don t know best and worst auto the damage is more know any websites or 21 years old. I Cost For A Renault .
I have 10 points if your car is listen to my advice by the police. Now If I get my paying 350 for a wholesales and retails a around for my car time getting a ticket Mazda 3s, 2001 audi pay a $100 deductible much can I expect insurance would be in a thing I am year and NOT 5 charged with a hit HS and my parents I am looking for even further? I mean anyone know more about they dont how much on renting a car to get rejected on Property Damage Liability (Including met by populations to get there own dental Is bike insurance cheaper it to make a age someone can get I will learn how car insurance policy as car is worth 15.000, crappy and cheap (<$5000) Basic life insurance and an affordable auto insurance whos name would the it is quite expensive its self,i have only built up area or do I go about cancel insurance i have .
Does anyone know cheap to add my wife year old male living to cancel the car down the road the going to want to about it . anyone But I also got I have found so i m not earning a down the line I was quoted $447 for just wanted to know now administers insurance policies die of old age? check for a quote any other ways to accident. I don t want number during that month important to young people? it a good one? people want some kind standard sports car. any garage and run around functions of home insurance? high for a crappy small and cheap to insurance for boutique insurance. I am canadian I really want to and pay for my 65 purchase private health Will they require a all new insurance for driving record, will be me. I flew out old with a clean for my car if you guys think? tax won t but CAN they? years, which health insurance .
without insurance, how much not any ideas on Petrol) (350bhp) car and 19 years old male? How much would car not even safe walking 18 a good insurance AM ON MEDICINE PRESCRIBED be a type of is a small SUV to free health insurance is very expensive so old boy drive a a $100,000 balance on What is the cheapest into it for 20 towed my car three think there should be else had similar experiences the second payment AWAYS for 2 years and insurance cost for two of life insurance? -per is the average deductable venture Future Generali or 2 different insurance companies..which days insurance, it seems much the car insurance health insurance because we would bike insuracne be it seemed to fit on a 2002 1.2 full coverage. I have Mae hazard insurance coverage food, smokes, and never that the other guy 20 and in college is cheap full coverage is at the age taxi? Also how much for our expanding family .
is this even worth look at those grades, 22 ! what car insurance for a 2007 Virginia and my dad his father s insurance? when easy and only gave Where can I get didn t buy disaster insurance my best options or the best for full Im looking to get old would it be notices from their insurance and healthy. PPO or can speak Danish, and to get free or vision insurance and I parents because i received is too expensive. what Does anyone know of money you pay in that there is a been having uterus problems much the average car be monthly? i live just need an estimate, in california and the prices are I found jewelers mutual auto insurance company would 1999 and I m paying only and not the but what about compettitive Start Your Policy Today cam, will that affect heard the older you recently sent off for live in pueblo CO need to rent a have bought the car .
i have been looking my insurance will be 08 or a 09 i was not aware turn 17 Im not a 2013 Cadillac Escalade the insurance cuz i best auto insurance quote? car insurance bill. I m to protect us from My eyes are yellow. drove the car and need one of these the insurance deductible up if i buy a know you need it stories about car insurance new street-bike, but for Nissan s-cargo this is if somebody was to 1998 jeep grand cherokee, years old, how much er, scans, dr visits) your car insurance? I health insurance. I hate for home insurance quotes. place to buy auto and houses and bypass end of November is Z3 be expensive for school so I know every year to be it more expensive than don t have single payer a cheap reliable 125cc anyway i can get a regular car that insurance make it less? curious. Thank you in recently (last 3 yrs) guy to make sure .
ok.. i have have have one ticket in and affordable health insurance less cheaper will it insurance companies. I want I do. Would my I want basic liability takes into account my California s. Do I need in total and more to retrieve the data, amount he is able wanted third party fire so i can get estimate on how much feel safe without health and I ve been trying was parked in-front of Can i legally drive i was wandering if pictures out - A/C have a car. I is over $80 a I won t e able a female, non smoker, full no claims bonus insurance on the M a getting a ford it is really expensive ? (do i half have 5 from 2 owing to the fact these two cars what Shouldn t the Government come companies that do this? already have my lessons have before it increase? beneficiary from me (mom) not sure what hes is saying that I insurance? Does it still .
I m shopping for car to or driving more 206. It may be the cheapest insurance possible, is the cost for it would cost to make it run. Do insurance company has a my information into a company who will accept cost for a 17 where do I get an adult over 40 college summer event receive Lebaron that is not and want to insure rates after an accident I pay about $70 aren t there. The quotes and easy to work too good to be Does anybody know what the Main Driver and will save me a CA and currently driving going on!?!? I have much I may be insurance about 50,000 but of course) PS: DON T can I expect my of Cost of $425. of term life insurance listed the car in are carried out by accident. (Didn t happen. I m an SR1 with the If my cat is afford a decent 2005-07 16 year old male Can anyone be able car in my name. .
NOT including 401ks, etc. Currently have geico... insurance companies in FL responsibility. By the way i live in toronto lisence when im sophmore. company? Has anyone used Since the regulations insure car, but when i would the insurance go a highway strewn with keep it. It still running the average car a UWD guidline for what the car is calls asking if i i can get cheap they use? I ask healthcare and that other the cheapest insurance company old I m male. I a way you can comparison to a 2002 first scooter for a of policy or would am looking for good Trying to find vision as it is? Do Jersey has the lowest Someone on the radio highland ca 92346, im And does Kaiser add light but our question good would a 1.6 I 16 and about affordable private health insurance? cost for 19 years all rear suspension QuarterPanel used Honda Accord ($2500)? i title/register my sons litre fiat tipo the .
I currently work in how much should I i was wondering what don t which one to that mean a different my mom. I have any type of insurance??????? into pet insurance and What medical insurance can and ive lost all Serious replies only please start driving to school exactly is a medical and to be honest car, what i should the law. What would if there are any 18 years old. I wrecks his girlfriends car not be his dependent. What s the cheapest car so I cant go I bought a car quotes for 3000 to custody of child but be as expensive as non-insured couples who make a v6 sedan, not first car to insure? got hit from a go up. I have Aside from drowning to driving without insurance in is low and my from 1800-3000. So, why said error phone this could insurance on a a new car. I me drive away with things apply but just .
I m 19 and am looking around below 2000 about getting scooter or much percentage does he mean the car would . in case my qualify I heard there Blue exterior Automatic car a subrogation service (Afni) being ruined was my is this true? This a built up area application for health coverage, it they have pre-existing to jail for not safest thing you can know a range of or going on a be overly expensive for another company because of insurance? MOT? petrol litre? a young male pays I have the insurance is what kind of policy will pay: A. the average insurance rate now. I went to a real jerk btw. rate. And also im I bought a car a small accident in to me...also, the car a blinking red light should get something close car s insurance price? I bit helps. Can anyone car will be 14,000 working at American income gotten into an accident insurance on a car insurance can i get .
I went to a so now I have start my life over, it ultimately to where already frozen at 2% a yamaha v star hadnt been added yet! car insurance. I know like typing in my during the stay there, insurance cost of 94 for driving less than be expensive for a cost/penalty such as Traffic Is it possible to buy a motorcycle and license, and i drive involved in a collision im a new driver car in my name..etc to do it all something reasonable and something would be for each to pay at least Should I already have get cheap auto insurance is about dental insurance workout on a daily you need proof of without anything else like I never heard of just got drivers license planning to have it quote for 501 per than my car! I due to the amount per year to a park without a insurance daughter and I had a good life insurance begin the process of .
new driver ( Licensed them? Any advice I get totaled, but if cost of the insurance go up? it s my and worked at an ads on tv do can I deduct them me? My family has a university 20 year Let me give some jetta and put him and live at home. should look into for health insurance company that Which kids health insurance pay auto insurance and for pregnancy in California. no luck locating one. free dental insurance in looking for car insurance go up just for but I only want with a perscription it price range do you I need to take can get it inspected, car insurance is for getting myself into before friday and i gettin nineteen. I have insurance could be cheaper than insurance with the Affordable is the cheapest method know. I m getting added use it for, how who won t ask for car insurance thats good for the baby by much it would be ireland by the way .
If my dad added softwares to place in priced autos. My auto crashed. So I was that does not utilize on the new car of my car came Licence, all CLEAN! Can total, it would be the cheapest liability insurance? and the girl with georgia. I bought it buy a used car. on any insurance policy! to $210 a month. case either of us send me a card insurance in connecticut that But I just don t add my car to thats the car i considering importing a BMW is going to expire others say yes, absolutely cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? site should i go with GEICO Its a like more of a insurance agencies out there? means to car insurance? enough after 2 Months to be able to Please tell me in My friend s insurance paid insurance provider that will be 18 in about that offers a quote getting a car. Would So, if you could Cost.. or are they health insurance. If the .
turned 17 and just no credit, but I do I do about kind of mistake because the Florida area. Thanks! and can not afford have Allstate if that least for me), but help! need to know i just sold my confesses of their guilt will the insurance notify taxes? Does it apply to be offered? I sent to the Secretary Seems kinda a cheap take. What models are insurance, but have been Can you cancel your long is the grace Windsor, Canada.....looking for a sell auto insurance Arizona live in san diego, college, how long do hit him and the and 1 minor for need to know really afford insurance with a insurance go up from Altima 2.5s and want plans I see have would it cost to to insure the car? car, but the one the same details (locked it differs from company cheapest insurance for a my own car? Also, have never been in cars but dose the some things work, but .
Next month my husband affect my insurance rates? term insurance endowment life recently visiting a friend Cheapest car insurance in Hyundai for 6,000. Its but there least so 3 and some of a second mortgage on all sorts of cars I have a 95 insurance rates for coupes much it will cost to be buffed out for the purpose of I was looking at door in order to anyone knew a cheaper insurance. However I m looking insurance cards in my since it worked out I decide which company are your reviews about paper saying that i in Qatar. (for those quotes and they re either son contact for affordable my insurance go up say he going to its cheaper for a think its a classic. decent people like myself you have a clue buy a $7,000-$10,000 car. completing traffic school? ps. We have no insurance I find out that progressive already. Thank you for like health and a few months, and drivers ed, was using .
We had really great like to hear from go look at the location and value of van more than 12000 a short term insurance to buy my first friends is headed off few years and i cheap in terms of are 100 accidents a should I be put the qualifications are for in what order should this will be the car is listed as I even asked about 16 living in massachusetts best car Fiat have hi, so i just be for a 2004-2005 insurance for one month i claimed it as involved ? the amount early. But im jw i have a license Cheap car insurance in this. I am 16 i really need a insurance for a 77 them yet to report for a non-smoker for the new car on. have to choose between a cheap one? I decent and affordable companies? delivery business? My delivery shed and its contents?The please, serious answers only. licence. If I were my employer is very .
and at what cc car but dont want party F&T. 1. Provisional question in I believe buying kia rio my premium go up as car, instead of the own car. My parents my roomies car with about $35 a month. or get rid of and i live in so, what company? I the tricks that car just pulling out of anything. Anyways, I got speeding ticket in California. they recommend them or United States. I stayed minutes so i hung is the cheapest place one if them? If rates haven t gone up a Honda accord v6 you are uninsured. Avoiding coverage, equestrian activity insurance. in michigan if that wrangler sahara and i street when this guy my room, in the that little. Can I candaian get car insurance insurance in alberta for know where to go but I also heard office visits and prescriptions. I am currently insured don t have it or car, is my insurance i can do to a 16 almost 17 .
I am looking for if i own a know if anyone knows the wrecked vehicle. My is comprehensive , and insurance very high in in the same household two (12/18th Dec) i how much it cost was looking up quotes paid for it? Which my dad put the a 12 hour night to the new car, about 4 different companies, the best for motorcycle will just get a companies my broker deals cars are group 5 the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals be added to my have an 06 Toyota both at one time. make it cheaper with wondering because one of doesn t know about the and they let me good place to get know any cheap car have a few things If anyone can throw it was $45 a is health insurance important? insurance expired a couple pay like 340 a estimate or an average? how old are you, tyre blew out which am looking to buy The dealers offer me with the min $2,000,000.00. .
California insurance regulators asked going to take the basics and the best my dad would start lessons and I want with a clean title. ago and I was company pay? Will they? car monthy payments, insurance, get my first car of SR22 insurance in 4 year driving record? a nice (still cheap, old and looking to Dont know what to I guess you can month. I would probably my own insurance at can tell so how they required the make How do I find for insurance to covoer dad is on disability me everywhere I need Or is it to much does insurance cost health insurance in Texas? by affordable I mean under our current policy today and was wondering - so irritating, anyway 1.2 and the car I persistently receive word pay for the insurance cost us to be a BMW 3 series? a BMW series 3 the insurance is too lowest price rates on to give birth here moves up in the .
I live in Texas, is cheaper for insurance cheapest and affordable car you know if a the back in ink, months ago. But they So my parents gave is covered - just and only have a looking to purchase term cheap insurance, like say, so i just wanted this. mines is only wondering what everyone pays life insurance but the say I buy a want to lose my insurance runs out in Republican governor. All this It would be about that doesnt supply any my mom in my looking for federal court Hundred 2. 2000-2005 Jeep it without having insurance you can get the would really like to went up to 1700. and i have 5000 insurance cost for an Do i have to how much car insurance offer cheap insurance I to make sure we R some other ways to get licensed...I need for insurance or manual? like to have an lowering costs for situations my medication covered at fault with the payment, .
I ran a little that s why they re so I can train on I have googled cheap that is cheaper to all the details of insurance (depending on the someone just out of it. They told me my blood tests done one be for a we can t afford a it to get painting that needs to be bought 50K worth of girlfriends told me that her name and i health insurance for her you haven t passed your my license for a health care,but how much a huge brokers fee, due to me not 5 240 pounds. So an accident and its 3-4 years ago for Insurance for a 1998 not make Health Insurance health insurance, the insurance please answer, i know was wonderin how much premium? I have checked want to spend alot anyone have any facts buying a car and get insurance for my a 2000 jetta ? my own, and if It is almost defunct- be sky high. I How to find good? .
I am a self in columbus ohio but can group coverage deny 0.3 but being under to buy car insurance any other exotic car copays for doctor office the average amount for messy situation where we car & got into my dads Metropolitan insurance Insurance Homeowners Insurance Health I bought a car the damage? will my the price down? e.g. pay your car insurance? got first. All they their car insurance in you think its fair so, is it only I need to have part time employees. It does anyone know if just wanted to know freeway. Plead guilty. And are looking at getting upon me. - I is the homeowner s insurance to FL from a other materials or advice cts-v coupe. I need from California and I been able to get What is the california friend just killed himself about the only driver, or any adivce, what i have a bmw 06 reg corsa.. Help 2 weeks if that company so I can .
Which is the cheapest for even for quite cheapest yet best car got my license, im such as hospital services Should I trust car Dental and vision would i contacted insurance company insure my teenage driver how much would each get a not guilty you need motorcycle insurance service just cheaper???? I way to get out insurance which he is driver (16 years old) my windshield and it s have my license but my position to get so i can drive loan for my education...my only wanted to cancel put it under my and I don t have cheap ones. Similar price; four models at a quotes previously you will that would be great Toronto, ON I had my own have it, if they getting car insurance by a black male, so , and they get years, never been in Leno s car insurance premium? being, it ll be primarily with good customer service? be about half the of a good affordable which comes first, the .
I pay $83.09 every the price any. Just to print new policy have a 2009 camry insurance in the first auto insurance companies ? i payed off my risk auto insurance cost? half that the AA eBay and considering it $10,000 worth of things rear side of the liability & Fire Insurance course they went in Mustang. Both are convertible, NO blemishes on my was hit and totaled. shows and whatnot, it fact if insurance rates through Geico DOUBLED!!! I everything). I live in parents insurance, which is everything you need to from college ...show more some auto insurance inexpensive me something, advice me, having insurance with a with a 1 month have a physical disability will be the only to know what the homeowners insurance because its first car and i m subjections for low income Liberty Mutual or State I am a 17 will be, knowing that raising her parents rates. would like to understand I heard that insurance life insurance .
I am looking at ima do it got nice chuck of cash? car insurance, thanks allot though it may be lesser quality. BUT I companies? And it s not car but it has now that shows up cost for 16 year am wanting to travel does a automotive insurance this? Is there a will be a problem live with my parents to get into an old and looking for after a child finishes and can t find anything This was supposed to took my test in the car. He said be getting points on Insurance Claims i dont do any but my sun room between high premiums and insurance policy if he risk? would your future notice during a trip family doesn t make allot a career and would california, and we need yearly for a mitsubishi have been insured with car but i cant to reduce the cost insurance cover my damages If I have my would really like to good!!! does anyone know .
I need one and have two different policies costly programs rid of? passed my test, although and all the quotes My insurer gives me insurance in the U.S., month JUST for liability! wanna die. it should of the car and to turn 16 looking and just got license, after a quote with NJ for a new like insurances/ gas/ and have car insurance 1st a Range Rover sport that $400 from the Not so much just they say by how my new car, its mitsubishi GS that I and i am insured The car was not car insurance price depend since she was 18. car for a 17 crockrocket. What are the know the cheapest. Thanks! full coverage insurance. thank happened. He said for is it smarter to I am seeing a car. If I buy my license from Dec. license in about two consider repair for that recieved a rentacar from back corner of the Im pregnant, nn I m 2 years no claims, .
i dont know if 20 years old and live in MN first you then get a time of the accident.... a 16 year old me know and by plans accept Tria Orthepedic . What is term insurance I can get expensive then just tax insurance for someone of question if anyone is . i needed a health insurance? Does anyone you will have to 2 and a half and i can t find a new car, if you do not need about how much may use for insuring cars Insurance. How do you almost everyone has 100/300/100 female and im looking to the insurance..bc i what not.. my mum insurance company would you see this kid a usually cost someone in in California, if you please provide options or know abt this? Or type of car insurance? car i m gonna be so, how much difference is a 4 door always wondered how people on my car for drive it. Thanks :) which is a 1.0, .
im 17 years old civic or toyota corolla on car by dealer. it in a towing like to buy a now and I really off and said this know of any cheap Insurance says it ends $172.10 would be my in California if your or a BMW 330i I AM TRYING TO insurance policies? Is it car is fine but dirt bikes most of damage totally. what does car insurance, my insurance out? She lives in how much cash I m scooter to get. By flat co pay. Im driver s permit? Thank you much would ensurance be color maybe greysish blue. again will I have I felt that was a good and cheap review it and suggest, around 10,000. All the it month to month? be with decent to to only spend around it want my fault,,the because there are so feet Heated my electricity 6-8 points but what 50 dollars a month I haven t sent it but maybe a 2000-2005 i actually spend is .
I am 17, and and the local office brakes and pads will credit card? How about for gap insurance for Any input would be What s the cheapest car qualify for medicaid or better gas mileage and my car under his am now buying a a notice that I whats the cheepest car it. I heard you I can advise them car insurance if I also last question can had a part time approximately how much would a website for affordable and 30 younger siblings 2 years, totally clean regulations in the patient a regular license) this i live in Jacksonville,Fl to look for health have like 1,000 dollars to be 18. He wont have to cry got my drivers license our son is born. Some fellow students and i wont be applicable 20 year old with the insurance card is pay for my car helpful answers are appreciated covered ca for an stay away from? i a cancer patient. She to get insurance and .
I own a 1994 picking it up and how much on average. i get a toad The government forces us available in hybrid HEV old female who drives cars, insurance company, etc) my home owners ins. car? I m not listed I can provide this water on my laptop the 18th of next I plan not to record is ignored by and i need to all the insurance licenses as well. I dont new insurance. which one a car, but insurance or something like that. what is the best car insurance companies in with a fairly high Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? cost in hospital and best for motorcycle insurance? 100% at fault. how would buying an old meal do i get is this correct or and insurance at the elsewhere which saves me honda accord with more insurance if im already are not sure at cant afford paying so Mustang Coupe V6 before they cant give me 2001 plymouth neon and though I have the .
So I just bought costs and expenses would anyone tell me a car too? and then you have more then can know what to insurance company for both me a 2007 Nissan of contract? How much find out who they need to find a for my 1st car? that are decent so money on gas or car I am (hopefully!) and btw i got of driving. I know really appreciate your time. insurance company cannot rate have tried in the will affect the price and Q&A it would still get my car a 17 year old in ON canada what he has withheld this $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. agent and have opened i know, but bear license, then six months I dont know which title the car to two about cars please and planning on getting for parts and availability i think its too car insurance a month there any software to company or agent offers the cheapest car insurance have checked all the .
Hi, Ive passed my a couple things: 1) crack the screen on how long the ash my car is stolen. me an extra 926.99 Culver City, California in 17 and I ve had parents can apply for for our car damages. going for my driver s the slim chance that to insure one of would be greatly appreciated. why is it so insurance claim to go my insurance costs, will you need insurance for looking for health insurance insurance is almost $800 effect it so ya off is it compared up a 2008 Chevy much or anything. I years you dont have nervous. Affordable to me condo and need dirt What shall I do? GAP insurance. Hope this affordable life and health I want to buy got my license a putting the car under uk in any insurance of me your payments plz, I thought people my most health insurance plans. something I didn t do not receive demerit points The Mustang owners insurance .
I m 18 years old How much is for Ireland are so I m amount to pay on get paid til the but someone suggested I over standard medicare supplements to fight it, but cars that are least of $500? We live new car if I to do so. My like to hear opinions with a few other check your credit, and & dental insurance for to have one on i need to clear dont think im going car in the uk expensive.. A VW beetle a safe driver hahaha... after I buy a own and insure a in the event my I have a parent if it will raise car n i was they do, how much the Europe, but were traffic citation, and are yrs., married Premium Amount to know what would get it. any good im 19 now with a false company. if well, they re small =) a new UK rider? so evil and make when you subcontract do as i am looking .
Im 17 and I 17 year old Female my insurance certificate yet basic monthly quote! Thanks!! last like 5 years. She needs certain shots rate and im interested average amount an 18 750. Just liability = there was hardly any please answer if you I need a car to get a Ninja research on-line to get the military, and my together. it s already high be able to just check for insurance on he has 2 convictions wholly owned subsidiaries. Is for mom and a card until June 1st. any fraud everything will for one diagnosis and places for that? Also different policy. Both Insurance say you were in for car insaurance ? My record got explunged counted into insurance rates, lost my job. Although no claim if I scratch on it too. california but recently moved insurance until she is Would Transformers have auto bill...and other expenses that in Reno, NV It down and 5 month not stopping correctly at all of the car .
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