#but I am lazy and I was worried if I tried to combine the two memes it might be too many layers
disasterhimbo · 1 year
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idreamofvengeance · 9 months
12th January 2024
So I had an interesting and horrible experience today that I must speak about. I am currently looking for Vorellix and haven't taken it in a few days. My dad is assisting me with it for which I am very grateful because he is a doctor and has experience in this field.
Last night we were speaking about the front gate and how I needed a key for it. It was not the end of the world but we had discussed this many times before. At the moment the back staircase is unstable because the wood is being replaced. Only I use it all the time so it is hard to explain to people why it keeps causing me injuries. But the person who added the wooden boards to it was lazy and didn't want to mix cement. What he did was just add a few wooden planks as support and built a staircase over it. It was unstable and always creaked, sagged and wobbled.
I would always hurt my left Achilles tendon on it and eventually my parents agreed to redo it, for which I am very grateful. This brings us to today.
When I woke up, I took my ADHD medication and put some clothes in the washing machine. Then I tried to go upstairs through the front entrance and veranda. I was afraid that my mum had not left the key on the gate. When I got there, I noticed that the key was indeed not on the gate. This made me fly into a rage that I felt I didn't have much control over and things spiralled.
I was banging on the gate hoping that someone was there to open it for me even though I knew that nobody was there. Then I went back down the stairs, and started slamming the gate at the bottom of the staircase until the latch bent backwards. I tried to secure it in place and continued going back downstairs. I opened the other gate, the circular padlock is not something I really mind but when I'm stressed it becomes annoying because there are so many locks and doors and gates. So I slammed that gate shut. I latched the stable-style door and then I was faced with another door and gate combination. I unlatched that gate and then kicked that stable door in frustration. Thankfully it didn't have a lock that was slow to get through. Then I walked into the downstairs area and was met with another stable door. This one had a latch on the wall that was loose and because it irritated me to open and close, I started kicking the bottom part of the door until it was in pieces. I felt so angry with myself for doing that that when I climbed up the broken staircase and got inside the house, I started banging another stable door against the wall until it broke in half. This sudden shock calmed me down a bit and I realised that I had broken two doors and damaged another, as well as a gate.
I felt so stupid and pathetic and hopeless and out of control for doing that. And the worst part is that because I had heard my mum's car leaving, I was worried that she had not left the key on the front door's gate and I should rather just go upstairs through the back staircase. And if I had done that, then I could have avoided all of this unnecessary rage and other negativity.
I am feeling a bit better now but still like what the actual fuck. I must speak to my psychiatrist about this. I always think about the term "violence without a victim" because I know I have a tendency to slam doors. And when I was younger (school age) to throw objects. Apparently I also used to get into fights as a primary and pre-school age kid and hit older cousins when I was a few years old. So this is a thing that goes back. I have a tendency to respond really badly to things like this. As an adult I know that I won't do that but I am still really upset with myself for reacting so poorly. I really do try to be good. And yesterday was such a good day.
I feel better now, what is done is done. But for fucks sake, I wish I didn't do these things.
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giuliadrawsstuff · 2 years
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Ain’t No Mountain High Enough 
Drawing and song drabble for @elmundodeflor​ 
I combined our two tweets into one, hope you like them. Thank you for being an inspiration.
I’ve decided my drabble Modern AU Hange has tattooed sleeves inked with Titans, cause I love tattoos too much.
Also Erwin is a musical fan cause I am and I HAD to add some musical songs to the repertoir.
Slight Mobwin in sight too hehe @littlelasagne​ I’m looking at you hahah
Listen, baby, ain't no mountain high
Ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough, baby
If you need me, call me, no matter where you are
No matter how far, don't worry, baby
Just call my name, I'll be there in a hurry
You don't have to worry
'Cause baby, there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, baby
The lyrics rolled on their lips like they were the most natural thing in the world.
Levi hated karaoke, he hated his voice, he hated the attention. Yet, somehow, when he was with Hange he always ended up doing it. No matter which song it was, he always had fun with them. They had a magnetic field around them that attracted him so strongly he was unable to say no to them. And he loved their voice so damn much (and the puppy eyes when they begged him to sing with them) that he always complied.
The first time it was Don't Stop Me Now at Miche and Nana's wedding. Levi had been sitting lonely on a table, legs dangling from its edge. He didn't dance, he couldn't. His legs froze each time he tried or wanted to. But then Queen's song started booming and Hange came had come rushing to him. They had pulled him into the crowd to sing with them and he had just melted into it, voice and body moving in sync with Hange's as if they were a whole.
After the wedding it was Hooked on a Feeling in Levi's car while he was driving them home. And from that moment on every car ride was like a karaoke, they turned on the music and started singing together, voices higher than the singer's, mimicking the lyrics.
That's when everything changed.
From cars they extended their singing to house cleaning, one of Levi's favourite past times. Hange was always the lazy one when it came to house chores, but Levi soon discovered that singing helped them being productive, so any excuse was good enough to make them sing in order to clean their house or his together.
Any tool was useful as a microphone, be it the broom, the cleaning detergent's bottle or the mop. They'd swirl together around the house singing like crazies. When using the vacuum cleaner they'd swing their hips in tune to I Want to Break Free, taking turns with it, the other laughing their guts out at the scene.
They found out one of the pubs near their houses held a karaoke night once a week, so upon Hange's insistence they attended every once in a while, often joined by Erwin, Miche, Nanaba, Moblit and the others.
They'd all sing in turn, on their own or in couples. Moblit drunkenly sang Total Eclipse of the Heart each time they went, ending up crying like a baby at the lyrics. Erwin would hand him a whole packet of handkerchiefs and he'd blow his nose in them sobbing until the next singer came on stage. Miche and Nana sang A Whole New World dueting every Disney song they knew by heart and finishing it with a passionate kiss to seal the happy ending.
They both would sing with Hange too, Miche songs like Hakuna Matata or Rubber Biscuit, Nanaba sharing the lyrics of I'll Make a Man Out of You or I Need a Hero.
Erwin would often join on stage in choruses when needed, all the while singing from his spot at the table, uselessly trying to involve Levi. He went for songs like Aquarius or Greased Lightning, the latter dueting with Moblit. He had a not so secret thing for musicals and he had spread it around all of them, irreparably infecting them with that passion.
On his part, Levi sulked in a corner, arms crossed over his chest, scowl always in place. Each time Erwin or Miche tried to make him engage he'd grumble an angry no, almost biting their fingers off if they insisted too much.
He fucking hated that loud place, he hated the voices singing out of tune, he hated his voice. That's why he didn't like to sing in public. Yet each time Hange asked him to join them on stage he said yes. He just couldn't say no to them. If he tried, their hazel eyes would widen, lower lip slightly trembling and an annoying "pleeeeeeaaaaase" would come out of their mouth, until he accepted with a theatrical groan. Hange always answered with a happy squeak hugging him tightly and sometimes kissing him on the cheek.
Maybe that was why he couldn't resist them. Their puppy eyes, their laugh, their cries of joy, their arms around him, the way they grabbed him when they sang together at home, their hand in his when they walked in town, their ice cream stained face when they licked it with too much greediness, their enthusiasm when talking about their job or the last movie they watched. The list was endless. And it was only growing longer by the day.
That night the pub was only theirs.
Erwin had rented the room to celebrate his birthday and he had requested karaoke as a fundamental requirement. Purple and blue lights darted on the stage as Hange and Miche sang Dancing with myself, Crocodile Rock and Don't You Forget About Me.
Petra, Oluo, Nifa and the others danced in a corner, singing together.
Then it was Moblit's turn with Heartbreak Hotel (Erwin providing him tissues once more when he slipped off stage drunkenly wobbling his way to the table) and again Hange with Nana, singing I Won't Say I'm in Love, Miche and Erwin behind them doing the Muses' chorus.
This time, Miche and Nana dueted with Don't Go Breaking My Heart.
Off stage, Hange fixed themselves a drink and brought one to Levi too. They sat on his lap cooing at how adorable Miche and Nana were together. They clinked their glasses together, then each took a sip of their gin tonic. As the duet ended Hange jumped off of his legs and darted to Miche's side to sing Crazy Little Thing Called Love.
Damn, they didn't get a moment's rest. And paired with Miche they were unstoppable. One arm slunged over his shoulder, shouting the songs.
He felt a pang of jealousy at all the times Miche got to sing with Hange instead of him. He did sing with them every day while cleaning or in the car but somehow it wasn't the same as sharing a stage. Again, he hated the attention, but he'd do anything to stay a bit more with Hange, to make them laugh that way. Even karaoke.
As if they'd heard his thoughts, Hange ran to him once again. "Leviiiiiiiiiiii" and he knew his moment had arrived. He feigned indifference at their cry, let them approach and sit again on his lap. They circled his neck with their arms, pleading for him to sing with them and Miche let out an amused snicker.
"C'mon Levi it's our turn, you can't stay here scowling all night, it's Erwin's birthday you can't refuse. Erwin and Miche chose our song. Plus you have the most beautiful voice, it's a shame not use it. Pleeeeeeaaaaase."
He turned Hange down a couple of times but then they fished out that damn pout he liked so much and he gave up, letting them take his hand and drag him up on stage.
As soon as the music began he regretted it. This fucking song. He should have known. He never should have let Miche or Erwin choose. Those morons. They knew. He didn't know how, but they knew. And they took pleasure in torturing him. Making fun of him. Fuck them. He'd give them what they wanted, he wouldn't give them the satisfaction of refusing.
They started singing together, even though it was a duet they both liked singing everything as one, they'd always done that with every song.
Remember the day I set you free
I told you, you could always count on me, girl
And from that day on I made a vow
I'll be there when you want me some way, some how
'Cause baby, there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, baby
As soon as they picked up the pace everything changed. It was just the two of them, singing. The others disappeared, the stage, the pub, everything. It was just him and Hange and their voices singing together as one.
Oh no darling, no wind, no rain
Or winters cold can stop me baby
No, no baby, 'cause you are my love
If you ever in trouble, I'll be there on the double
Just send for me, oh baby
They both started dancing too, leaning into eachother, intertwining their free hands together, looking into eachother's eyes. Hange smiled the widest smile ever and it seemed to get wider with each word, he could see their eyes beaming. They were happy, they were having fun and he was a part of it. In fact, he was one of the causes. And he couldn't be more pleased about it.
My love is alive, way down in my heart
Although we are miles apart
If you ever need a helping hand
I'll be there on the double just as fast as I can
Suddenly he realised how close they were to eachother. Their faces were inches from one another, noses almost touching. He could smell the gin tonic in their breath. And as it always happened with Hange, the things that usually disgusted him (like the sticky smell of alcohol breath), didn't. He felt his face grow hot, in fact he was probably purple at the moment.
Reality slammed back on him, he could hear Miche and Erwin snickering loudly from one of the tables, and Nanaba slapping Miche on the back telling him to let them be, a soft knowing smile on their lips.
Face burning, he turned his attention back to Hange, they were still looking at him, a nice bright pink spreading on their cheeks too. He wondered if it was the gin tonic's work or the singing. He was pretty sure his wasn't. And the blush didn't seem to want to go away, no matter how much he tried. Instead he kept turning redder, blush soon reaching his ears.
Don't you know that there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, baby
This fucking song was going on forever. And the funny thing was that he didn't want it to end. He wished they could just keep singing, even if it meant staying pepper red forever.
Hange swirled away from him, pirouetting on the stage. Their tie flapped around them, rolled up sleeves showed the Titan tattoos inked on their arms. Their hair was still in the usual half ponytail but was getting looser with each song, sticking in every direction. Their glasses kept slipping down their hooked nose, often fogging up because of their rising body heat.
They were a fucking mess.
And they were fucking handsome.
Don't you know that there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough
Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough
With the final verse they took his hand again and pulled him towards them, embracing him.
His arms naturally curled themselves around their neck, his face once again brushing theirs. He could feel his cheeks and ears on fire, burning with a nice tomato red tint.
His heart was threatening to burst out of his chest.
He could hear Hange's heartbeat too, pounding against him, their hot breath tickling him.
He glanced up at Hange and that was it.
His lips crashed onto theirs, he grabbed their ponytail to pull them closer, throwing the microphone away and hugging their neck tightly.
After a split second of pure surprise, Hange answered his hungry kiss, hands fumbling at his hair. Their microphone fell to the floor too and they embraced his neck, scraping at his undercut.
A loud cheer came up from the audience. Miche and Erwin shouted a super loud "Go for it", Nanaba screamed an "About time you two", while Moblit gaped at them. The rest of the guys whistled repeatedly their approval.
When they finally parted, they were both scarlet red, panting.
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myherowritings · 4 years
order’s up!
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— Osamu gets a big order of some rather strange rice ball combinations an hour before closing. He doesn’t expect that he’d find the customer who ordered to be so damn cute.
pairing: miya osamu x reader word count: 2,387 genre: fluff, post manga timeskip
a/n: first haikyuu fic and aHH it was so fun to write ,, i didn’t expect osamu to be my first but here we are and tbh i am not mad~ ;) FJSDHKJ hope u enjoy!!
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“One unagi onigiri to go-- Your order’s ready!”
A middle-aged man stood up from his seat at the waiting area and headed over to the counter, thanking Osamu for the fresh onigiri and making brief small talk. As the man left, Osamu looked at the customer next in line, thankful there was only one person in here so close to closing time.
“I’ll be with you in a moment,” he stated when your gaze met his, lips quirking up to give his best customer service smile.
You nodded with a warm smile of your own before looking down at the phone in your hands, murmuring what he thought sounded like “salmon, plum, beef, extra green onions, heavy on the seasoning.” Now, he liked to think there were no rules to onigiri, but part of him did hope you wouldn’t ask for all those ingredients in one gigantic, imbalanced rice ball. Maybe you were reciting a large number of individual orders.
He shrugged. Money was money, and all onigiri was good onigiri when made with his special Miya love. Miya love that was specific to Osamu in particular, of course. Atsumu could never recreate it even if he tried-- Not that he ever tried. The day he tried in something other than volleyball would be the day Osamu said he was the worst onigiri chef in Japan.
In other words, never.
Osamu hustled over to the cash register and you took that as your cue to step forward, hands fidgeting with your wallet and cellphone.
He smirked to himself in silent amusement. A shy one, were you? By now he had lost count of all the nervous and fidgety costumers he had gotten at his shop, but to allow them to stay that way simply wouldn’t do. If his patrons weren’t 100% comfortable in his care--well, as comfortable they could be in an onigiri shop--it meant he was doing his job wrong.
As the owner of Onigiri Miya he wanted to make sure every customer would leave with a smile and a desire to come again soon. That was how he built rapport and got so many regulars after all.
“I can take your order whenever you’re ready,” said Osamu in a slow pace, encouraging you to slow your rhythm as you tapped your fingertip restlessly against your protective phone case. Were you in a hurry? You seemed rather antsy, but he went on. “There’s no rush here.”
There was less than an hour until closing and he figured you would be the last customer of the day-- Meaning there was no reason not to slow down. As much as Osamu appreciated how lively his hometown could be, he also enjoyed quieter moments like these.
Not everything had to be so loud. Not everything had to be moving so fucking fast all the time. And he learned that in some instances, he could just control the pace himself.
Your worried chatter brought him out of his musing. “Are you sure? Because I know you close soon and I really didn’t want to come in so late but the guys are still down over a loss and said this was their favorite comfort food,” you said, eyebrows furrowed in a tell of concern. “It’s kind of a big order, so if you need to start cleaning up for closing I can just go to another store-- Sorry for imposing!”
He blinked. He thought he just said there was no rush to imply he wasn’t worried and you shouldn’t be either, but you didn’t seem to pick up on that.
“Hey, you’re not imposing,” Osamu soothed, somewhat alarmed at your apprehension. “You said someone was down over a loss? You on a sports team?”
Losing sucked. Osamu knew this firsthand.
Sure, in hindsight it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, but while it could sure feel that way sometimes. If it was bad enough, it could take a few days to really get over and grow from it. So hearing that Onigiri Miya was someone’s comfort food that could help cheer them up on days like those… That certainly gave him reason to puff his chest up a little more.
“Yeah! Well, kind of.” You moved your head side-to-side as if unsure of your answer. “I help assist the volleyball team at my university. It’s my last year in school and I’m sure all of the other fourth years are bummed too.” Catching the small frown on your face, you stopped yourself before it spread, clearing your throat. “But it’s okay! At least we all had fun. And now they’ll be getting some of their favorite food to cheer them up-- If you’re still taking orders, that is…?”
He nodded. “‘Course I am.” Osamu flashed you a grin intended to make your worries disappear. “What kinda store owner would I be if I couldn’t make your team their pick-me-up food?”
The two of you shared a look before you tore your gaze away, biting your lower lip to hide your smile.
“Thank you, then,” you murmured, unlocking your phone to what appeared to be a notes app.
Osamu picked up his pen with a short hum. “Ready to take your order when you are.”
“Right.” You stared at your screen in concentration before listing off what you had written. “Can I have three salmon onigiris with green onions, two umeboshi and mentaiko with light seasoning and ginger, one tempura and unagi with green onions and sesame seeds and heavy seasoning, two…”
As he noted your orders, some arguably stranger than others--not that he should be one to judge, what with his own peculiar preferences--he made a mental note of how cute your voice sounded and tucked it away in the depth of his mind. Was cute the word for it? He wasn’t exactly sure, but he guessed that sounded okay enough. There was something about hearing you talk that made Osamu want to hear more, even if it was just a list of onigiri ingredients.
He huffed. Weird.
When you finished he repeated back your order, affirming it was all correct.
“Great, so I’ll be with you in about 15 to 20 minutes with your order ready,” he informed as he held the paper with the dishes he had to make. “You can have a seat at one of the tables ‘til I return.”
You nodded at his words but hesitantly opened your mouth. “Erm-- Wait!”
He looked back at you, mere steps away from the cooking area.
“Is it just you working at this hour?” you asked, standing with your hands folded behind your back as you craned your neck.
“Yeah, we don’t get many late customers on a Tuesday night so I’m the only one closin’ today.” Osamu gave you a curious once-over. Bright eyes, nervous yet playful smile, cute outfit-- Damn, he sure was using the word cute a lot today. All in relation to you nonetheless. “Why?”
“Are you sure the order isn’t too big for you in this hour?” Once again, you were fretting. He reckoned he ought to teach you some relaxation techniques and tips of how to be less...selfless. “Do you need some, uh, help?”
The corner of Osamu’s lip twitched upwards. Help? What were you planning on doing if he said yes? Learn the basics of food safety and onigiri-making in less than 20 minutes so you could assist him in making your order?
Something told him that was, in fact, what you were ready to do.
“Stop stressin’, sweetheart,” he said with a tsk, not bothering to hide his amused grin. “I’ve handled bigger orders than this. You just rest your pretty little head and I’ll be finished before you know it.”
Though you still looked concerned, you nodded and sat down, probably figuring you would be more of a hindrance in his onigiri-making flow than anything else.
“Don’t miss me too much-- And don’t even think of saying sorry or anythin’ like that!” His tone was teasing but he meant what he said. You were a customer at Onigiri Miya and he wanted no patron of his to be worrying this much if he could do anything to help it. “The store’s still open and I’ve no issue taking your order. ‘Kay?”
You blinked. “Okay. I… Thank you, uh, Miya-san.”
“Just Miya’s fine.”
“Right. Miya. Thank you.”
He sauntered off into the kitchen to get started with your order and as he went through making your onigiri, he hoped you wouldn’t still be feeling bad about a big order that wasn’t even that big compared to others he got. Besides, you had already paid for the order. There was no point worrying after the transaction went through.
Osamu soon made his way down the list of rice balls and, just like he promised, popped his head out of the kitchen along with three, full takeout containers in record time.
“For the cutest customer here tonight-- Order’s up!”
You perked up at the mouthwatering smell of his onigiri, pressing a hand to your stomach as you hummed. “I’m the only customer here tonight, but since your food smells so yummy I will choose to let that comment slide.”
Holding the bag of takeout in front of his, Osamu smirked at your surprisingly steadfast composure. You didn’t get flustered at his unabashed compliment like he thought you would, and for some reason that made you seem even more appealing.
As you accepted the order, he quipped, “Only customer here or not, you’re still the cutest.”
You wrapped your fingers around the handle of the takeout bag, the edge of your pinky brushing against his thumb. “Hmm, then-- I guess you’re definitely the cutest worker here tonight, even though it is by default.”
Osamu laughed, both in amusement and in happiness after finally getting you to feel comfortable in his shop.
“A compliment’s a compliment and I’m not above being the cutest by default,” he said with a lazy drawl, watching as you set the onigiri bag on the counter in front of you while easing into a conversation with him.
“As if you would ever have to win by default. You seem much too handsome and talented for that.”
It sounded like you were flirting. Were you flirting? He noted the mischievous glint in your eyes and the way you lingered in the store instead of leaving once you received your order.
Yeah. You were so flirting.
“Oh, nothing.” He smiled secretively but wouldn’t expand on what he said despite your questioning look.
You narrowed your eyes. “Sure, okay then.” Your fingers wrapped and unwrapped themselves from the handle of the to-go bag, like you didn’t want to leave just yet but didn’t know what was left to say. “Well-- Um, thank you for the order! I’m sure this’ll cheer the team right up.”
“And you as well, I hope.”
“Of course. I haven’t even tasted it but it already has.”
Just being here already has, is what you seemed to say. Osamu rather liked that implication.
“But… I still feel kind of bad for ordering all this so close to your closing hours,” you said sheepishly, rubbing the side of your neck like it had a knot. “I’m sorry.”
Osamu waved his hand at your words. “Please, what do you have to apologize for? Making me do my job?” he asked cheekily, his sideways grin showing teeth. “You shouldn’t feel bad.” He noticed the way you brought your lower lip into your mouth with uncertainty and he continued, “But if you still do...there is a way you could repay me and soothe those worries.”
You looked up, eyes widened. “How? I’d do anything.”
Dangerous words coming from such pretty little lips.
He adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves, unintentionally bringing your attention to his forearms. “Let me treat you out this weekend, yeah?”
Your gaze followed his hands as you nodded. “Yea--” You blinked to snap out of your daze and he stifled a laugh. “Wait, wait! Shouldn’t I be the one to treat you?”
“What kinda gentleman would I be if I were to ask you out on a date and tell you to pay?”
Maybe Atsumu would’ve made his date pay for their meal and activities of the day, but Osamu wasn’t him. Osamu had class.
“A date?” you parroted. “As in one with me? And you? Together?”
There wasn’t anyone else in the store he could be asking. Nope, just you and your awkwardly cute self.
Osamu nodded in affirmation. A date is just what he was asking you out on. “Well, only if you want, of course.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to contain the wide smile that threatened to spread across your face. “I wouldn’t mind a date with the cutest worker here tonight,” you teased, looking around the store before meeting landing on his face. “I still want to be the one to treat you, though. It’s the least I could do.”
As happy as he was that you didn’t reject him, he didn’t give. “Don’t worry about treating me-- Your company’s a better treat than money could buy.” You snorted at his pickup line and Osamu silently cursed his brother for saying that line would always work. And then cursed himself for believing it. “Look, I’ll pay. I insist.”
“I insist too.”
You held each other’s gaze, neither one wavering. He seemed to realize you weren’t going to give in, but he wasn’t planning on it either. He huffed, shaking his head, entertained. “Okay, then. How ‘bout we rock-paper-scissors it when the day comes?”
“Fine by me,” you laughed, hiding the bottom half of your face with your hand. He wanted to hold it in his so he could see the full smile you were covering, but Osamu decided he could save that for another time. “But don’t think you’ll have an easy win! I’ll have you know I play a mean game of rock-paper-scissors.”
“‘Course you do, sweetheart.”
And he didn’t doubt that at all.
As strange as the orders were and as nervous as you may have been at the start, Osamu found himself rather fond of you. Was working overtime worth it just for a date with a cute costumer?
Yeah, he decided. It was.
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a/n: y/n’s vball team waiting for their comfort food after a bad loss while y/n and osamu are just there flirting after hours: 👁💧👄💧👁
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waka-chan-out · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering (if you do headcanons) if you have any Inarazaki smut headcanons? Pls I love them sm
NSFW inarizaki headcanons
oh, i absolutely do headcanons. thank you for the message!
unfortunately i haven’t read the manga so i don’t know all of inarizaki’s players, but i’ll do the boys i feel comfortable with
post-timeskip, obviously
includes: miya atsumu, miya osamu, kita shinsuke, suna rintori
content warning: mentions of edging, overstimulation, praise kink, degradation, hair pulling, a bit of somnophilia, hickies, semi-public sex, handcuffs, oral, weed. nothing too crazy.
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miya atsumu
- We’ve seen how this man acts on and off the court. He’s so into dirty talk it’s not even funny.
- I feel like he likes being praised but is certainly not opposed to a little degradation if it feels right in the moment. He’ll definitely be doing a combination of both to you, calling you his “pretty little whore” and the like.
- He loves getting his hair pulled. Like, groaning against you as he eats you out and you yank on his hair until you genuinely start to worry, loves it.
- You are his favorite alarm clock. Please give this man head to wake him up. He will never be the same.
- He’s a biter, folks. Prepare to have hickies all over, all the time.
- Quickies are his favorite thing on the planet. One time he had two games in a day and rushed out during the break saying it was a family emergency. Really he just drove home, fucked you, and made it back in time to play.
- You can absolutely get Atsumu to sub for you, but it’ll take some extra effort. We all know he’s such a brat. What does it? Overstim. He comes hard in your hand and you keep going and he nearly blacks out, begging you to stop but refusing to use your safe word. It’s the first time you’ve seen Atsumu run his mouth that much without something to say.
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miya osamu
- We’ve seen how he serves. All I can say is: edging. This man will lay on his side next to you or have you between his legs with your back leaning against his chest and gets you to the brink over and over until you’re squirming and begging him to get it over with.
- He’s a little lazy, but in the best way. He doesn’t exert his energy when he doesn’t need to, so he loves when you ride him. When you don’t, he’ll lean his head against yours or pull you close to him from behind and never take his hand off of your clit.
- Not really into sexting, but one time when you were away for a while he called you and just asked you to talk to him. Didn’t take long for you to figure out he was getting off just listening to you speak. He will deny it until he dies but you’ll never forget it.
- Very patient so begging doesn’t work on him. If you’re in the mood and he’s not he’ll just ignore you or say “no” and wait for you to move on. But the secret weapon you discover accidentally . . . if you suck on his fingers he will collapse. It doesn’t show so much on his face the first couple of times, but his breathing falters just a bit and he tries to look away, face bright red. It ends with you caged underneath him every time. Do not attempt unless you intend to wake a beast.
- I might be the only one, but I don’t think Osamu would hook up inside Onigiri Miya. Too many health code violations. However, when he’s in the back office counting the register? You’re free to get down on your knees and relieve him after the stressful day. He’s also definitely asked an employee to take over for a bit just to pull you out to his car and rail you. Yes, it was dark, but there were people coming and going from the parking lot. Your knees were wobbling by the time he was done with you and it put a big smile on his face as he held the door for you on your way back in.
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shinsuke kita
- I love this man.
- Kita feels a bit more submissive to me, but when he’s in charge he’s extremely particular with every move he makes. He knows exactly how to touch you to get the reaction he wants. Be patient and let him work and you’ll come unraveled in his arms
- Won’t ever ask you for favors, so often times gets pretty pent up. He just needs you to lay him down and tell him you’re going to take care of him. He doesn’t want to depend on you to calm him down in that way, but something about getting head relaxes his whole body for a week, so he’ll never turn you down.
- Favorite position is missionary. This man kisses you through the whole thing.
- After your first hookup, he was laying next to you, eyes blown wide, face flushed, hair messy, breathing heavily. He turned over on his side with a smile and asked if you wanted to meet his grandmother. You laughed at him but he was dead serious. He was so infatuated with you that all he could think about was introducing you to all of his family and friends.
- You brought out handcuffs once and he blushed every time he looked at them. Once you actually put them on him he was so good and listened to everything you said. He was breathing heavy and had pink cheeks for an hour after but he tells you all the time about how much he really enjoyed “that time we used those things on my wrist” and how “we should really do that again sometime.”
- Surprises himself with how much he likes giving up control. Doesn’t think he’s terribly kinky but you pull his hair a few times and call him a good boy and he absolutely melts. He’ll do anything for you if you tell him he’s doing a good job.
- This man doesn’t really moan. He whimpers. He’s all yours and makes that abundantly clear. It takes a lot of trust for him to act like this with anyone, but fuck it, he loves you. He’d do anything just for you to grab his jaw and tell him what to do one more time.
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rintaro suna
-  Definitely starts out as friends with benefits with anyone. Likes to have a level of trust with a hookup but not a level of commitment.
- He absolutely smokes and is touchy feely when he does so. He’s called you at 3 am for hookups on multiple occasions. Also, shotgunning.
- Makes the prettiest faces when you give him head. He doesn’t know you’re watching because he has his eyes closed, but with his face screwed up and brows furrowed, you don’t think he could possibly look better. Especially when he covers his mouth to stifle a sound that comes out as a groan, he just looks so desperate and fucked. He thinks you’re just being nice for offering it so often, but really you just can’t get enough of him.
- Likes taking naps with you. More specifically, likes waking you up from naps with a gentle finger and a flick of his tongue. You always stretch as you begin to stir, grinding your hips up into him in a way that drives him crazy. Your breathing starts slow and heavy but quickly turns into gasps. He savors every moment of it, obsessed with the way you squirm when he wraps his arms around your thighs and gives you nowhere to run.
- Similar to how he feels about Kita, he doesn’t like how put together you seem to be, even in the bedroom. It’s like you’re holding something back. So, one night, he focuses entirely on you. He uses his hands and mouth and himself and even a toy to get you reeling, shaking and whimpering with tears plastering your cheeks. That’s the view he’s been waiting for. He can’t stop himself until you’re so fucked out that you can’t open your eyes or mutter anything but his name. He realizes he’s in deep when his first instinct is to wrap around you, brushing your hair off your face lazily and kissing your forehead.
1K notes · View notes
Don’t decline too many times
Pairing: soft!dark!Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: The local gang leader is always nice to you. But is there an ulterior motive behind it all for his niceness?
Warnings: Alcohol consumption (voluntarily), asks about pregnancy, abduction
Word count: about 3000
A/N: This is my entry for @stargazingfangirl18​ Siri’s 5K Soft Dark Challenge. A big congrats on your milestone and thank you for hosting this challenge, I enjoyed writing for it! I chose general prompt number 5 (“The leader of the local gang doesn’t like it when you tell them no.”) for this. The dividers are made by the awesome @firefly-graphics​
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You sat at the bar, a small bowl with olives and peanuts in front of you. You had asked for a caipirinha and shortly after if the bartender, a female redhead, could get you some snacks. She said she could, but she also cautiously probed if you were pregnant. No, you weren’t.
“Well then, I can offer you olives and peanuts.”
You nodded, and now the quite unusual combination of a fruity and sweet drink and olives and peanuts found a home in you. You had your elbows propped up on the bar, back straight and eyes on the bar top. The bowls with the snacks were gone quicker than the drink and the bartender kept both coming. Eating way quicker than drinking helped with that, apparently.
You didn’t know what number drink you were on when you were approached the first time that evening. Although night would be a better term.
“Miss? I- uh- I’d wanted to ask-“ The guy who now sat on the stool next to you stumbled over his words, but not because of alcohol in his system. He didn’t slur, he talked normally.
You saw a tattooed hand clasp the guys’ shoulder. “I don’t think you’re in the right place, buddy. Leave the lady alone.”
“Why would I-“ The guy turned to look at whoever had his hand on his shoulder. “Oh! I’m so sorry, Mr.-“
“Yeah, yeah, I imagine you are. But you’ll be even more sorry if you don’t move now” The other growled and the guy got up so quickly, he almost face planted away from the bar.
“Uhm, thank you? You know, you didn’t have to, he wasn’t bothering me. I could’ve dealt with him” You said to the brown-haired man.
“I know. But this isn’t what this is about.”
“Then what is ‘this’ about?” You were a little irritated.
“You’ll see. Enjoy your night, miss” He gave a small salute and went back into the crowd. You tried looking where he went but quickly lost him, although the bar wasn’t as packed as it could be.
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Steve looked over the bar patrons from the mezzanine level of the bar, that housed his private booth that could be seen, and was supposed to be seen, from below but no one ever found the staircase until they were explicitly shown where it was.
His night was going nice, no big problems in the last days, the bar was filled and his new favorite person had just walked in. Alone. She made a beeline for the bar and after a short conversation, got what she wanted from Natasha. She didn’t move much throughout the night and he was happy to just watch her.
Steve sipped on his own drink. He wondered what she drank. He’d have to ask Natasha for that. He took another sip and swallowed harshly. Someone sat next to what would be his. Normally, he’d be lenient with that, especially if the bar was packed almost too full but for one thing, it wasn’t. Secondly, you didn’t seem to want any company tonight. Just to be left alone and drink.
“Buck?” Steve looked up.
“On it.”
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A few days later, you were out grocery shopping after work. It had been a long day, full of demands you couldn’t meet or weren’t even supposed to fulfill because they didn’t fall into your department. And right as you could finally leave for the day, your boyfriend Chad had called to let you know he came home to an empty fridge and if you couldn’t pick up some fresh vegetables. But only from that one organic store. And only the freshest produce of the freshest.
How were you supposed to get literal farm-to-table produce when the delivery truck for that particular store only came twice a week and only ever in the morning? You asked and just got an exasperated sigh from Chad. So here you were, paying for the groceries and leaving the store.
You stepped out of the store and almost collided with someone. The person just kept on walking, apparently not even noticing how you wobbled and the bags in your hands almost slipped out of your grasp. Just as you thought everything would tumble and you’d have wasted that money, you felt hands on your elbows, steadying you.
“I got you, don’t worry.”
You didn’t recognize the voice. You turned around and did a double take. You looked up at Steve Rogers, the leader of the city’s gang, just known as “The Commando”.
“Th- thank you. It wouldn’t have been good if I had spilled all this.”
“What would you have spilled?”
“Fresh vegetables for tonight’s dinner.”
“All that just for you?” Steve seemed genuinely curious and confused.
“Oh no. For me and my boyfriend, Chad.”
Steve took the bags from your hands without asking. “Mind if I walk you home? It’s late and these bags look really heavy and that’s not even touching your normal bag.”
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not, I’m offering.”
“Thank you, but it’s not far, it really isn’t necessary” You declined.
“Alright, well have a nice evening, miss” Steve raised his fingertips to his non-existent hat.
“You too, thanks.”
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Several weeks later, you laid on the couch with Chad with some mindless trash tv show playing in the background. He had his arm around you. You looked at him. He didn’t look back at you, but maybe he was just captivated by watching something that didn’t require much thinking after a long work day. Well, you wanted to do something that also didn’t require much thinking. You started kissing up and down his neck until he turned his head.
“What are you doing Y/N?”
“What does it look like?” You grinned.
“I’m too tired right now. Tomorrow?” Chad groaned.
You removed yourself from him and sat up again. “You’ve said that for weeks now! I also have needs and I don’t want to use my vibrator all the time. I want you.”
“Well, I can’t change how tired I am!” He raised his voice, despite or because of his tiredness, you didn’t know.
Shortly after, you went to bed. Unsatisfied and feeling like you had been shunned.
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Just a few days later, you were frantically searching for a clean and decent shirt you could wear to work. You really couldn’t show up to work in a graphic tee shirt.
“Chad, where are my clean shirts?” You yelled through the appartement.
“In your wardrobe?! Like always?” He yelled back.
“No, they aren’t! Didn’t you do the laundry?”
“No, why would I?”
“Because it was your turn!”
“Well, I forgot. I’m sorry, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, always sorry” You grumbled so he couldn’t hear and pulled a unicolor long sleeve shirt from the wardrobe. That would have to do.
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It was a Saturday and you were in the mall, trying on clothes, maybe you’d buy some shoes. You wanted to treat yourself. Chad was gone for the weekend and you’d had a stressful week at work. You had found so many things you were packed with two or three bags in each hand plus your handbag over your shoulder. This had been an extensive haul and you couldn’t be more happy about your new treasures.
You carried several bags to the entrance to then get on home when you saw the revolving door wasn’t working. You groaned. Awesome. When you entered the mall, they had still worked and of course, today had to be the time you also bought something voluminous that you couldn’t just transfer from one hand to the other to open the door that was still working. While you thought about setting half the bags down and just walking twice or holding the door open with your foot, someone from behind you reached around you and opened it for you.
“Oh. Thank you!” You turned around and saw a familiar face. Steve Rogers.
“You’re welcome.”
He tipped his imaginary hat when you and all your bags were through the door. You turned and could see him still hold open the door with an older lady thanking the “Young man” and walking off.
“Do you want me to walk you to your car?” He offered.
“No, thanks I got it from here.”
Steve tipped his “hat” again and said his goodbye when you went in the direction of the parking lot.
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You had reservations at a nice Mexican restaurant with Chad for this Friday evening. There was nothing to celebrate, you had just agreed to go out again, because you could. You were excited for it, an evening with good food, talking, no needing to take care of anything except getting home and a nice evening and then a lazy weekend until the work week started again. Now it was Thursday.
“Chad? Friday is still happening?” You sat at the breakfast table and Chad poured himself a coffee.
“Yeah. Work shouldn’t keep me longer than expected.”
“Alright, we’ll just meet at the restaurant, then.”
Friday came, work went down without any incident and you went straight to the restaurant. Granted, you were a little early, but you’d rather be early than late, which would have been the case if you had gone home beforehand.
“Excuse me? I have a reservation for Y/L/N, for two people. I know I’m a little early, but I thought maybe…” You trailed off.
“My colleague will show you to your table, you can already take a seat and wait for your company. I’ll send them over once they arrive” The receptionist said.
“Thank you” You smiled and followed her colleague.
At the table, you texted your boyfriend. Just a simple “I’m here a little early.” After the waiter brought a water, your phone still didn’t ping with a text. Twenty minutes later, you sent a second text. “Hey, you coming? Our reservation is for this time.” Now would’ve been the time your table was reserved for. No answer. 15 minutes and another text later, there still was no answer.
“Miss, do you want to order an appetizer or wait for your company?”
“I’ll wait for him, if that’s okay.”
“Yes, of course.”
Thirty minutes, another text and another visit from your waiter later, there still was no sign of Chad. Just as you felt tears of rage pricking your eyes, your waiter set a dish of panna cotta with fruits on the side in front of you.
“On the house.”
You smiled gratefully. At least panna cotta would soothe some of the rage you felt.
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At home, there was no sign of Chad. You went to bed alone, feeling a storm of different emotions ranging from anger to sadness.
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You woke to clanging in the hallway. It sounded like a person stumbling, trying to get back up and failing. That could only be Chad. Especially at this hour. You remembered once, pretty early on in your relationship how he had stumbled in just like this after a night out with his boys when you didn’t want to come with. You had helped him sober up and then you both had spent a nice day in with Chad nursing his hangover.
But this was different. This was your boyfriend, first blatantly ignoring or forgetting your date night (you didn’t know which would be worse), no matter if it went along with a special date or not, and now he didn’t even hide what he had been doing instead.
“Hey babe? Can you- can you help me?” He slurred.
And in that moment, you snapped. Still sitting in bed. You couldn’t do this anymore.
In the hallway, you saw Chad entangled in your and his winter coat. However he managed that.
“No. No, I will not do that” You crossed your arms and looked down at him. “I’m done. This is the last straw.”
“What happened babe?” The confusion was evident on Chad’s face but you couldn’t see if it was from the hangover or just general confusion. And either way, you didn’t care.
“Several things. Over quite some time. But this, this takes the cake. We had a date. We wanted to meet after work at this restaurant we’ve talked about. And you didn’t show up! You didn’t answer any of my texts! It got so bad, the staff there gave me a free dessert! It was humiliating! And don’t you dare tell me you lost your phone; you’re glued to it!” You shook from your anger.
“But you got free dessert!”
How could anyone miss the point so badly? You wondered.
“Go. Go and only come back to get your stuff. Otherwise, just leave me alone.”
You threw on clothes quickly, grabbed your keys, bag and purse and left. Down on the street, you just started to wander around aimlessly. You ducked into a bakery for a to-go breakfast and coffee, you went to the park, to a hole in the wall pizza joint for lunch, just meandering through the city.
Now it was evening. You looked up to actually see where you were and were surprised to see you had walked all the way from the park you had been in during the afternoon to the bar of the city’s main gang.
You remembered all kinds of rumors and stories about the gang, sometimes just about one or two members, even if the story didn’t tie directly in with the gang. But no matter the stories or rumors, they all boiled down to “They’re dangerous, stay away from them and their localities!”.
But the first time you had been in the bar, everything was nice, it had seemed cozy and like you were welcomed even if no one knew you. Hell, the bar lady had asked you if you were pregnant, like she wanted to protect you! And Steve, the actual leader of the gang, had been nothing but nice to you. Offering to help you and still not inserting himself forcefully into situations when you said no.
You entered and looked around. For a bar, it was pretty early and you only saw a few patrons. You went to take a seat at the bar again and greeted the red head with a smile. She smiled back and continued cleaning the glasses. A while later, she got to you.
“Caipirinha, olives and peanuts again? Still not pregnant?”
“Yes and no. And how do you remember what I ordered? That was weeks ago!”
“I’m a barkeeper. Simple as that” She smiled.
“Uh, could you keep them coming? At least for a while?”
“Something happened?”
“I broke up with my boyfriend today. Then wandered around and now I’m here” You shrugged.
“Alright. But I reserve the right to cut you off when I think you had enough.”
“Okay. But you won’t cut off the olives and peanuts?”
She laughed, throwing her head back. “Yes, I’ll keep giving you food.”
You smiled for the first time today. “Deal.”
The rest of the evening went by in a more or less haze of snacks, alcohol and the mix of hurt at your ended relationship but also the rage when you thought of what kind of behaviors of Chad made you end it all.
The barkeeper didn’t cut you off, which probably was related to you basically inhaling olives and peanuts. Hours later, you paid, slipped the redhead a big tip and a big smile and made to get home.
Almost right at the exit, you were stopped when you felt a hand on your elbow. You turned your head to tell whoever touched you off, but slight confusion furrowed your brows. Wasn’t that the guy from when you had been here weeks ago who kept that other guy from (probably) asking you out?
“Can I help you?” You asked.
“Actually, you can. Indirectly at least.”
“I’m here to ask you if you’d like to come with me to up there” He nodded his head to the mezzanine level. “to meet someone.” He emphasized the ‘someone’ in a way that made it clear that ‘someone’ was special. In one way or another.
“Why would I?”
“To experience something, you wouldn’t otherwise.”
“No, thank you” You weren’t in the mood for something new. You wanted to mourn and rage at what you left behind and burrow yourself under blankets with pints of ice cream at home.
“Alright. Have a good evening, miss” He tipped his head and went off into the direction of, supposedly, the stairs to the mezzanine level.
You went home. You were surprised to see Chad had actually gotten his stuff out of your appartement. At least one pleasant thing had come out of the morning, in a twisted way. In the living room, you did exactly what you wanted to do. Eating all the ice cream you had in the freezer and basically becoming a blanket burrito.
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When you woke, you felt blankets around you and a softly pulsing headache behind your forehead. You opened your eyes and blinked. And blinked. You turned your head. And blinked again. Slowly realization trickled in. Something wasn’t right. You weren’t where you were when you’d went to sleep.
Whatever you laid on was soft and big. You could turn your whole body and roll around. You could move and you could orientate yourself in your body. You looked down and saw you were still in the clothes you had worn to the bar. Right, you didn’t put on pajamas before going to sleep.
Just as you sat up on the bed, you heard a door open. You turned your head and couldn’t believe your eyes.
“Just the one.”
“I just want to take care of you. Is that so hard to understand?”
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ashren · 2 years
hhhhng I want answers to all of them for everyone BUT, how about:
Why did you give them the name they have? What is the in-universe reason for their name?
What inspired you to create your oc?
Does your oc have any notable skills or good personality traits? Why did you give them those traits? Why do they exist in-universe?
Which canon characters (if any) do the oc have bad relationships with? Why those characters?
Share a random piece of trivia about the creation of your oc. Examples: scrapped ideas or changes you didn't expect to make.
For Peter and Ren? No pressure to do 'em all, I'll be excited for any combination :)
AHHH thank you!!! I will absolutely Ramble on about my ocs so don't u worry heheh 💞
Why did you give them the name they have? What is the in-universe reason for their name?
Ren: I think I've actually answered this some time, a LONG time ago, but dont @ me i answer differently now LOL. In universe, he picked the name Ren because it's a shortening of Loren, the name of his Uncle who had the farm. The IRL reason for the name is because I see a lot of cool names at work and I write down my favs hahaaaa ((side note, i forgot until way after i created him, but the first guy i kissed at college was named Wren. I did not go anywhere.))
Peter: SOOO you get some bonus Calvin facts here too! Oringally Peter and Calvin were kind of the same character that I turned into two different guys. I had called them Peter kind of as a place holder bc I was reading a lot of Spideypool at the time, and well. You know what happens with placeholder names. Then I redesigned them both, and the demon felt more like a Calvin to me, so vampire boy got to keep the Peter name! In universe, Peter's original last name was something generic like Brown or Smith idk but once he was bit and Maggie started calling him Peter V. Pyre as a joke, it kinda stuck. (Later on, Florence ends up taking the name Pyre as well. Makes things a lot easier for everyone, and she says it feels more 'her')
Ok this is already long so I'm gonna put the rest under a cut!
What inspired you to create your oc?
Ren: My baby boy was my Outer World's Captain! That's how he started, my first play through was as "Ash" but only in name really. Then I finished the game and was like must consume fanfic, which then lead to me developing Ren as his own Boy. I had been working on a lot of lore for Ash and my Fallout 4 OCs! Then I was like "Ohhhhhh no,,,,, sorry my children Ren's my fav right now"
Peter: Cowboy Vampire. Needed one. Also a lot my ocs starts as loosely veiled self inserts so they tend to all be a little similar in like,,, body shape and size so I was like... Beefy cowboy vampire???
Does your oc have any notable skills or good personality traits? Why did you give them those traits? Why do they exist in-universe?
Ren: He's really good at like, being stealthy, because that's how I TRIED to play TOW the first time. I am impatient, so Ren get all the patience I don't have LOL. In Universe I ended incorporating it into his backstory- he's got a bit of a criminal background and learned how to get around unseen and unheard during that time. It helps that he's a small boy :3
Peter: He's got some fun Vampire ~abilities~ that probs vary from story to story bc im too lazy to stick a set of rules. Stuff like being able to see in the dark, and like, idk he's got some good reflexes. Also a heightened sense of smell. Bc of reasons. All of those are just cuz its fun tbh! I also have him being a really good shot with a pistol BEFORE his transformation, so with his reflexes as a vamp he's near unmatched.
Which canon characters (if any) do the oc have bad relationships with? Why those characters?
Ren: In TOW Canon, aside from the obvious, he's got a rough relationship with Max for... most of the story lol. For a while he'd ONLY travel with Max if Parvati was with them as well. She's the only one he wasn't constantly arguing with. Max's "violence is the immediate answer to everything" attitude reminds Ren of some not so great ppl in his past, and after Fallbrook, Max is on Ren's shit list. Max becomes more tolerable to him after Scylla, but Ren still never gets as close to Max as he does the other crew.
Also Lilya Hagen specifically bc she tried to "poison" him once.
Peter: I haven't really figured out a lot of details, but at least in the beginning, he and Calvin have a... tense relationship. Peter wouldn't consider them friends for a while, a work partner maybe. Calvin likes to push Peter's buttons and Peter doesn't really understand at first that Calvin is just having fun. Calvin IS a demon, though, so they know exactly what they're doing. ((Bonus fun fact: Peter is actually legitimately older than Calvin. Peter was born in uhh some time in the 1790s? and Calvin was born in 1933))
Share a random piece of trivia about the creation of your oc. Examples: scrapped ideas or changes you didn't expect to make.
Ren: Ren was supposed to be a lot younger at first! Originally I had him ~25 during the games events, but then as I developed him more i was like.... what if.... older??? A lot of that was inspired by my need to give Felix someone older than him that WOULDN'T fucking betray him in some way. So, you have my love for Felix to thank for Ren's age In turn, because I made him older, I ended up having a lot more time to play with in Ren's pre Halcyon life, which created Johnny.
Peter: Peter's still pretty new so there's not too much I haven't already talked about BUTTT a little peek into the future of Peter's story, I did end up expanding on the Maggie/Peter relationship, and it's part of Peter's eh origin story now~
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Analysis of the “Fundy’s Mind” Stream: A Showcase of Repressed Memories and Repressed Insecurities
Hi! This is going to be… something. Funny how I focus on this rather than my research homework, but I have a MASSIVE Fundy brain rot right now and I’d love to share my thoughts on Fundy’s newest stream. Fair warning, I am not the Messiah, so don’t take everything as fact. I’m open to constructive and objective discussions in replies or in DM’s, so feel free to hmu!
All of this is /dsmp and /rp by the way!
Heavy trigger warnings for derealization, parental neglect, neglect in general, self-deprecation, self-neglect, low self-esteem, death, manipulation, abandonment, loneliness, trust issues, torture mention, blood mention, and broken friendships.
Word Count: Approximately 10k.
Before we begin deep diving into the mind of Fundy, I do want to emphasize two major themes of this stream: 1.) Fundy’s insecurities, especially when it comes to abandonment and trust, and 2.) Fundy’s future predicting abilities. A ton (but not all) of statements uttered by the books and Fundy himself tend to have double meanings that apply to both of these themes. 
We can further discuss the future predicting powers later, but to give a little background on Fundy’s insecurities: Fundy is notorious for heavily depending his self-worth on the recognition other people give him. Despite his immaturity, a lot of Fundy’s character is rooted in being heavily underestimated. This could be observed during the Pet Wars when his safety was constantly being threatened by Sapnap, inevitably making him lose a duel against him. Another way we can see this is through Wilbur’s early treatment of Fundy where he constantly infantilized him because Wilbur believed Fundy was a child incapable of being independent. This caused Fundy to appeal a lot to any type of compliment from any person- it began with Quackity ensuring him that he will gift him a lot of cookies if he votes SWAG2020, then to Schlatt complimenting him to the point that Fundy almost gave up on spying and siding with Pogtopia, then to the Butcher Army where he unhesitantly followed Tubbo and Quackity’s lead no matter how many times they made fun of him. While he revels in any type of recognition given, oftentimes, those who seem to care for Fundy tend to leave after he grows attached to them; first with Wilbur, then Niki, then Schlatt, then Eret and Phil, then Tubbo, Ranboo, and Quackity. In the Dream SMP, Fundy is very lonely and has dealt with abandonment issues left and right, but typically, he never does anything with his loneliness, as the last time he lashed out against someone who left him, nothing positive really came out of it (this is when he got mad at Ghostbur). 
(Everything else is under the cut! I worked so hard on this, so please read it if you can, it’d mean a lot!)
So, with all that laid out, I want you to keep this all in mind as it is important for understanding why Fundy feels the way he does in the stream.
Now, let’s begin the analysis. First off, I believe it is important to denote the title and the tags of the stream. The stream is titled “Fundy’s Mind”, so we have to denote that this isn’t merely a dream sequence- the stream is meant to explore the complexity of Fundy’s mind. This includes his thoughts, insecurities, repressed memories, and so on and so forth. Additionally, the stream is tagged “Permadeath”, something different from what Fundy typically tags his streams. There is no clear explanation as to what this could mean, but the possibilities are:
It is hinting that the death system in the Dream SMP could be rigged, and someone is messing with the semantics of death and how it works.
It is hinting that someone will face a permanent death, and most fingers are pointed at Fundy as this is his stream. If not a permanent death, he might at least lose one of his canon lives which was hinted later on in the stream (will discuss later).
It is hinting that he was killed by the end of the dream. Not really a solid theory as we don’t actually know the repercussions of killing someone who is actively dreaming, but it is a possibility.
A thing to question at the beginning of the stream is if the entire introduction was part of the dream or not. Seeing how Fundy has the same inventory from this to the next scene, it is plausible, but I don’t think it provides anything if it were a dream. 
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Anyway, other things to denote are Fundy’s hotbar! First noticeable thing would be the 38 baked potatoes. The website angelnumber.org explains that 38 means:
“The combination of these two numbers makes the number 38 a number which signifies joy and optimism, courage, finding creative ways to materialize abundance, reality, etc.
The essence of the number 38 in numerology are different kind of relationships, such as romantic ones, business partnerships, teamwork, cooperation, diplomacy, etc.
Number 38 people have a talent for dealing with people in a caring and creative way. They are born team-workers. They need interaction with other people to fully enjoy their lives. They are usually optimistic and have a gift of inspiring others to action.”
So far, the number 38 is viewed to be positive. It signifies financial success and cooperativeness, which is interesting if Fundy’s future arc potentially ties to working with Quackity. To further add onto symbolisms regarding success, dreamastromeanings.com says the following:
“If you dreamed of baking or roasting potatoes, that dream is a good sign. It usually indicates your finances increasing over time.
Possibly you have made some investments and now you are beginning to reap the fruits of your efforts and risky activities.”
“If you dreamed of holding a potato in your hand, that dream is a bit of a warning. You might soon receive some lucrative opportunity, possibly work related.
It is advisable to think fast and accept it because you might not get a second chance.
It could also indicate that you are a bit lazy when it comes to taking chances and missing opportunities because of that.”
Both explanations refer to business opportunities and possible investments. If we combine both the explanation for the number 38 and carrying potatoes, we can assume that Fundy will be receiving a business opportunity that would be too good to miss. These explanations also imply that nothing too negative would occur, but instead, Fundy can achieve success through this business opportunity. The only arcs in the Dream SMP which I think could provide a business opportunity would either be 1.) a new warden at the prison, 2.) new member at Snowchester (low odds), but the most likely occurrence would be 3.) Quackity offers him a position at Las Nevadas. With the Quackity smiley face at the end of Fundy’s stream, we can safely believe that the job opportunity at Las Nevadas would be the most likely occurrence.
Another explanation for this is that because the 38 potatoes were brought from the seemingly real world, it could possibly pertain to something that had already happened in the past. This could possibly allude to L’Manberg, especially when the explanations behind 38 potatoes are presented to be more positive, something the current Las Nevadas arc isn’t.
Second thing to notice about the hotbar: Fundy is currently at level 5, with his EXP bar 1/18 filled. To reach level 5, one has to gain 55 EXP, and to reach level 6, one would need to gain an extra 17 EXP. If the bar is merely 1/18 filled, 1/18 of 17 would be 0.94, which when rounded off, is 1. Add 1 to the extra 55, and we would approximately get 56 EXP. The website angelnumber.org says the following:
“The number 56 symbolizes teamwork, coexistence, family, relationships, adventure and expression of freedom.
Number 56 people have diverse interests, some of which they have an in-depth knowledge of and some just general understanding.
They try different approaches in relationships, trying to keep them alive. If everything they’ve tried fails, they simply walk to another relationship.”
This could mean a lot of things. The second sentence could imply that Fundy doesn’t fully comprehend the complexity of his mind. Some parts, he may understand, some, he does not at all. This could imply that there are also more secrets hiding in his mind that we couldn’t get to see. The third sentence is more interesting as Fundy’s entire character arc involves him and his broken relationships with other people. It’s a quite accurate description of Fundy, describing how he desperately tries anything to make a relationship work, and if it fails, he could easily befriend other people even if there is a possibility that that relationship would fail like the previous. 
If we ignore the number of EXP, we can merely focus on the number 5, which means the following:
“When angels are sending you number 5, they want to encourage you to have hope and to be ready to accept all the changes that are coming. Also, if number 5 has appeared just at the moment when you have been thinking about something important in your life, this number could be the answer or the solution for your problems. You should pay attention to number 5 and think of its secret meanings.
If number 5 keeps appearing by your side, it means that changes are already happening in your life. If they have not happened yet, don’t worry. They are on the way and you will feel them in the next couple of days or weeks.”
This can be connected to both the EXP number and the stream as a whole as Fundy begins to accept the gravity of his abandonment issues instead of suppressing his negative feelings towards it. Throughout the stream, Fundy is shown rejecting the idea that he is being neglected by others, but by the second half of the stream, he rejects it less and less. This could be the change the explanation is referring to as Fundy realizing his negative feelings towards his abandonment issues are valid and he needs to take them more seriously rather than brushing them aside. 
With number symbolisms finally aside, we can begin analyzing the actual sequences! Fundy is seen to be approaching his “Not A Secret” Base with a sigh, asking chat if they can go to sleep so that he can go to sleep too. Fundy immediately doubts the possibility of the others in the server following through his request until Ranboo responds with a simple “okay” while Niki responds with “yiss, am asleep”. Fundy quickly flashes the members list on the screen, showing us that only Niki and Ranboo are online on the server before he showcases his new bed, claiming that he likes it.
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Two interesting notes about this: 1.) he decides to sleep, which is odd enough in the Dream SMP, and 2.) him having three new beds despite only using one of them. For the first point, I’d like to refer you to what Fundy said at around 26:08:
“I just gotta sleep and then, it’s gonna disappear! And then everyone is gonna appear out of a bush and they’re gonna be ‘Surprise!’, and I’m gonna be like, ‘You guys…! You’re always pranking me, you’ve always been there for me. Every single time… except sometimes… when I needed you the most.’ I just go to bed, I just go to bed, and none of this ever happened.”
While I understand that he is referring to the dream, I also believe that this statement would be one of those types I mentioned earlier that may have a double meaning. While “I just go to bed,” could refer to him wanting to sleep and wake up from this horrific dream, it could also refer to how he easily shuts down to his abandonment issues and goes to bed instead of handling it head first. Knowing this, him going to bed in the first scene could imply that he is in this type of  abandonment predicament, especially when we connect it to the second point. The color orange is meant to represent joy and warmth, and even without the symbolism, we all know orange is Fundy’s favorite color. He sees these three beds and says that he likes them, but I can’t help but feel like the other two beds are meant for two other people. I don’t think Niki and Ranboo being the only other two people on the server is coincidental; they have to relate to the two extra beds in some way.
Niki and Ranboo are two prime examples of close friends Fundy had before breaking off after a misunderstanding. Niki fought with Fundy after he had to burn the flag she made in order to gain Schlatt’s trust, while Fundy fought with Ranboo after Doomsday when they had conflicting beliefs about neutrality and sides. After both incidents, Fundy never really made his way to apologize, but Fundy has awkwardly met up with these two after a certain point. With Niki, he was forced to team with her at the beginning of the November 16th War, joking around with her and Eret, while for Ranboo, Fundy had to talk to him and Philza when they were joking around in the SMP. The meet ups definitely relieved some tension, but it never fully resolved the conflict Fundy had with both characters, so there was never a chance for him to rekindle the close bonds he had with both Ranboo and Niki in the past.
Fundy going to his favorite beds with two extra spots next to him could represent how he does cherish the friendships he shared with Niki and Ranboo, but never has the guts to actually bring back things the way that they were before. So, instead, Fundy sleeps, not wanting to think about them any further.
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When he wakes, Fundy checks his inventory before exiting his base, saying “Uhm, I don’t actually-” until he cuts himself off once he spots the desert. I don’t actually know what Fundy was supposed to say here, but because he checked his inventory beforehand, I believe he was trying to say “I don’t actually know where my things are,” but I could be wrong. To be fair, this isn’t too important, so we don’t have to focus on that. What we can focus on is the misplaced desert that was obviously not there before Fundy slept. We can easily infer what deserts could symbolize in dreams, especially when it comes to loneliness and the feeling of being deserted, but for better insight, consider what dreamstop.com claims about deserts:
“A dream of a desert is about something that is devoid of any feelings or care for you. It is all about them and nothing about you. Does someone show you a lack of respect? Is there someone or something in your life you dislike and adds no meaning to your life? Do you feel invisible? That no-one cares about you? Deserts represent an empty, barren place you may be trying to fill.
Desert dreams may appear when a relationship or friendship breaks down, or when you feel totally alone. You may have moved recently and have not yet made friends. You may feel homesick for all you left behind.
Being lost in a desert refers to your feelings that a situation is hopeless. You may have a problem you feel no-one cares about, even though you tried to reach out. You may feel there was no support and are feeling hurt and alone.”
You don’t need much analyzing to connect these meanings to what Fundy is experiencing. The setting of a “desert” merely pads the idea of Fundy being incredibly lonely to the point of him believing that he has nothing left to lose. Back in Doomsday, he was an optimistic nihilist, claiming that he doesn’t care much about what occurs from this point onwards as long as he can have a little bit of fun. On the stream where he created the Cube, he claimed that most people hated him anyway, so the least he could do was to make himself so hateable so other people could unite together in their hatred of Fundy even if it meant Fundy would have no companions left. Let it be known: Fundy is incredibly, incredibly lonely, and he is miserable in his loneliness, especially when his self-worth depends on how much people recognize him.
Another thing this desert could be eluding to would be Las Nevadas as it is set in the desert. I do think the desert’s main purpose is to showcase Fundy’s loneliness, but the connection to Las Nevadas is plausible.
Additionally, the dark skies Fundy sees doesn’t really need much of an explanation either. I couldn’t find a website exactly defining what it means to find a dark sky, but most of them speak of it as a negative thing, often symbolizing something terrible to come. I don’t think I need to explain that part, so we’re moving on.
Fundy is, understandably, very confused about this entire predicament. He quickly moves around his base to figure out what is going on, even messaging in chat to see if anyone would respond. Climbing up the ladders, he stands atop his base, spotting the silhouette of the Camarvan from afar. He continues to be confused, claiming he has no idea why he’s here in the first place. He claims he is “freaking out”, continuing to ask questions about where he is, and why the sky turns dark. He denotes that he isn’t at least completely alone as bunnies swarm around the desert. He begins to follow this sandstone path, every few blocks or so passing a fence with a torch stood atop it.
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Here, we can infer that Fundy seems to have never seen this place before, or has no recollection of it entirely. Fundy doesn’t seem to be immensely freaked out just yet, especially since he hasn’t asked any questions about how no one is there, mostly focusing on his location and asking what the place is about.
Fundy then asks why the van is here, then zooms in on the nametags he sees at the back of the van. It is notable that something nametagged “Fundy” is shorter than another thing that is nametagged “WilburSoot”. Fundy tries to reach out for them but is unable to enter the van.
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We can easily infer that this scene was meant to represent Fundy’s childhood in L’Manberg when he was being taken care of by Wilbur. Despite the lack of silhouettes, we can easily determine that Fundy is young in this scene because of how his nametag is in a much lower position next to Wilbur's, implying that whoever owns that nametag is much shorter. We can denote that by the beginning of the L’Manbergian Revolutionary War, Fundy was, in fact, a child. 
Another question some of you might ask: why is the Camarvan here in the first place? While I believe it could be representative of the part of Fundy’s mind that tackles past memories, I do think it also serves another purpose which I will explain later.
Moving on to the next scenes, Fundy continues following the sandstone path while typing in chat, asking if anyone was actually there. He gets confused by the path for a moment, wanting to go to the ominous building, before realizing that the path does connect to the building, it just swerves a little to the left.
It is notable that when Fundy cried out for help, he doesn’t call for a name in specific-  he calls out for ANYONE. The fact that he is calling out for “anyone” could denote that he doesn’t have any close friends or family members he would want to specifically call out for. 
Continuing on, Fundy follows the path to the building, still very immensely confused about where he is. Opening the door, he sees that the inside descends into an underground room with its flooring made out of chiseled quartz blocks. Fundy gets scared at first, immediately closing the door, looking back in, and going back out once more.
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Fundy denotes that there is absolutely nothing out here as he walks around the building. He then gains the courage to descend the staircase, wondering what it is, and at the bottom, there are a lot of misplaced sandstone blocks with small lights illuminating at certain corners. The path leads to the left, showing 10 pieces of red carpet on the floor, and 8 pieces of yellow carpet on the table. He approaches the wooden table before looking to his right, spotting a skull on the floor next to a piece of redstone, which I believe is meant to resemble blood.
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I don’t think we really need to research a skull to check what it might represent, but my theory so far as to what the skulls mean in each building would be that it’s meant to represent Fundy losing a canon life. I don’t know if this was intentional, but the corner room where the skull is somewhat reminds me of the Final Control Room with the redstone in the middle representing the button. That is, after all, where Fundy lost his first canon life. 
One of the theories I subscribe to is that the skulls in these buildings are meant to foreshadow Fundy’s death before he ever reaches it. Earlier in the day, we saw Fundy pass by the Camarvan with a younger Fundy which could possibly imply that they haven’t gotten to Eret’s betrayal yet, but the skull creeping up at the corner could represent that it is, in fact, coming. How this ties in to the entire future predicting thing, I will explain later, but for now, keep an eye out on the skulls.
Terrified of the skull, Fundy opens the chest and hesitantly picks up the book and quill inside of it. He opens it and is introduced to another Fundy writing to himself. Other Fundy claims that they’re not exactly the same person, but this Fundy is a part of the real Fundy. Other Fundy claims that Fundy cannot trust this place as it is not real, then begins saying that Fundy himself is not real repeatedly. Fundy’s heart rate suddenly increases when he sees the words “wake up” appear slowly in the book, and after page 34 is shown, Fundy wakes up to a new day in the dream world. 
First thing to denote is that the book has 87 pages, and 87, according to affinitynumerology.com means as follows:
“The numerology number 87 is a number of family, organization, and prosperity.
It's also a number of harmony and idealism, the ideal generally related to a harmonious and prosperous family relationship.
87 has parental instincts. It assumes responsibility for the welfare of others it considers to be family.”
The explanation implies that Fundy longs for family and cares deeply for those who he considers as his family. As much as he hated Wilbur after he died, Fundy still continuously expressed how much he needed Wilbur to be there. He is absolutely attached to anyone who poses as a possible family member, especially to those who he views as parents or guardians. Even outside of Wilbur, he is still practically attached to Phil, even if Phil refuses to consider Fundy as family. Fundy also got immensely angered by Eret when she didn’t show up to sign his adoption papers. I’d even say his attachment to family would even reach people like Sally and Schlatt. Fundy has a tendency of casually talking about Sally, and whenever a character talks about eating salmon, Fundy becomes deeply offended. For Schlatt, Fundy kept Schlatt’s netherite sword after he died, considering it to be an “heirloom”, something that only gets passed down onto different generations of the same family. Fundy is incredibly attached to the sword, and whenever he loses it, he’s absolutely desperate to get it back. As much as Fundy gets abandoned, he still deeply appreciates a lot of his family.
87 is also very reminiscent of one of the books in the Inbetween. A lot of the phrasing in the books are actually quite similar to the Inbetween, but we aren’t sure if Fundy and the Inbetween are directly affecting each other or if these places merely work in similar ways. The main similarity between Fundy and the Inbetween is that it involves something related to time travelling, so the similarities could be pointing towards that rather than imply that Fundy is directly affecting the Inbetween all together.
Secondly, the book stops at Page 34. The website angelnumbers.org express the following:
"Most likely you are leaving your projects unfinished because of fear for their destiny after you finish them.
Will they be rejected or accepted by others?
Because you would rather not find out that and possibly have your ego hurt, you consciously or subconsciously sabotage your work and leave things unfinished.
When this number starts appearing in your life frequently, it is a reminder to acknowledge you have a problem and start dealing with it.”
This is very reminiscent of the paragraph I made earlier discussing Fundy’s relationship with Ranboo and Niki- and this could honestly apply to any other relationships Fundy has as well. Besides Fundy’s relationships, this explanation could apply to Fundy’s hesitance of finding out the truth of his mind. Earlier on in the streams, Fundy is immensely confused about the dream, not wanting to discover its truths at all. This eventually changes on the third day, but we’ll discuss that in a bit.
Another thing I’d like to discuss would be the identity of the book authors and why they wrote the books the way they did. I’ll explain about this more in-depth later, but I do believe that another Fundy is, indeed, writing these books. As this was set in Fundy’s mind, it’s quite impossible for anyone who isn’t Fundy to be meddling with the books. What we can denote, though, is the reason as to why these books were created in the first place. The book itself seems to be harmless at first, quite inviting towards Fundy in the first few pages, but once it had to introduce what this world is, it seemed to hesitate. There were a couple of disjointed pages, as well as blank pages, before it began claiming the world wasn’t real, and that Fundy wasn’t real. It turned a complete 180, which seemed to be very odd to me. In past events of the Dream SMP, derealizing statements like this tend to be tricks of the mind, but these statements seem to be intentionally put there by those who wrote the book, especially since later on, we see another book completely give up on saying these triggering statements, saying that “It’s not going to work.” (32:05). 
What this implies is that whoever placed these statements are attempting to scare Fundy in some way, possibly heightening his insecurities and terror so that he can be truly terrified of the place. The constant statements of “you are not real” may not only refer to the Other Fundy trying to make Fundy spiral downwards in derealization, but it might actually represent how neglected Fundy feels to the point of feeling invisible, to the point of feeling that he “isn’t real”. But why is this Other Fundy trying to scare Fundy, and who, specifically, is the person behind the writings, you might ask? This question will be answered later on when we go more in-depth with the other books, as the bigger picture is very much needed instead of explaining it all by the first book.
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Fundy wakes up in his base once more, evidently confused. We don’t really know why he wakes up in his base, and why the world changes every time he wakes up, but let’s just say this is all part of his dream to make sense out of it. This time, he sounds more broken, and definitely more unhinged. He calls out for any other member in the chat, telling them that whatever they’re doing is not funny. This is the first we see of Fundy believing that the others may actually just have been pulling a prank on him. He opens his chests frantically before venturing outside once more. He claims that he doesn’t believe the book, saying that this dream sequence feels pretty real to him. 
This time, Fundy puts a bigger emphasis on asking why he is alone, and why nobody seems to be here with him. Fundy seems to be more shaken up by the idea that he’s alone over the idea that he does not know anything about where he is at all. He approaches the van, and when he zooms in, he sees that Wilbur’s nametag disappeared. 
Transcript of this following scene:
“I knew you were there. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no- you can’t fool me! No, I knew you were there Wil. You were there, right there! Where did you go? Are you being- he’s being funny. This is funny! This is great. Aw, this is amazing- it’s just a prank! It’s April Fools soon- that’s why! Oh, I’m just being pranked… right?”
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Now, this was… sad. This is one of the other statements that could have a double meaning. Fundy insisting that Wilbur is supposed to be there could not only be him comparing this day to the previous, but it could also imply his true feelings towards Wilbur, especially since he’s disappeared for a good portion of Fundy’s life. Fundy believes Wilbur is supposed to be there for him, but the reality is that he wasn’t. Instead of facing reality, Fundy concludes that all of this was a harmless joke instead of believing that Wilbur might have possibly left him.
Fundy attempts to enter the van once more, but his attempt doesn’t work. He then follows the path on the side directing to the ominous building only for him to realize that it has gotten closer.
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The building getting closer to the main base actually has a lot of symbolism behind it. The building itself stores a lot of secrets, especially when it comes to the truths about this world and the different insecurities Fundy has repressed. Those writing the books have laid out all these secrets in every single book found in this building. The fact that it’s underground is meant to represent that these secrets are meant to be hidden in the depths of Fundy’s mind, but the fact that the building is getting closer to the main base makes it feel like 1.) the stored secrets about this world that Fundy may have forgotten about might finally seep into his consciousness, making him aware of them next time he wakes up, and 2.) the insecurities Fundy repressed deep down are seeping out more and more as it reaches the main core. Once it’s there, Fundy won’t be able to reject the truth about his abandonment issues any longer.
Fundy nears the building, still quite nervous. He opens the door, and the layout of the inside seems to be slightly similar to the previous day, but there are small details here and there that are different. Instead of 10 red carpets, there are 6, and instead of 8 yellow carpets, there are 6. Additionally, the skull seems to be closer, this time directly next to the table.
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While the carpets were quite subtle, I do think it symbolizes a certain decrease of something. Red symbolizes the color for passion and love, while yellow is meant to represent happiness and positivity. Earlier, we saw that Wilbur disappeared from the Carmarvan, so the decrease of rugs for each color could represent Fundy’s love and happiness decreasing.
For the skull itself, I don’t know if I’m right, but this is what I infer from it: On the first day, we saw that Wilbur was still standing next to Fundy in the Camarvan as the first skull underground was still very far away. On the second day, when Wilbur was gone, the skull got closer, standing next to the table instead of it being far away. I theorize that if the skull is closer, then a canon death has already occurred in the time period the day wants to present. The first day presents a time where Wilbur was still taking care of Fundy, so Eret’s betrayal may not have happened yet, hence why the skull merely stayed hidden at the corner. On the second day, Wilbur has actively left Fundy, similar to the period after L’Manberg’s independence when Fundy had to partake in the Pet Wars alone. During that era, the betrayal has already happened, which is why I believe the skull is much closer this time. 
Continuing on, Fundy opens the book and begins reading. From this point onwards, I do want to go more in depth with each of the books, so I’ll put transcripts here and there with my thoughts added onto it after each transcript.
“Hi me!
Welcome back!
Yeahh, second time here? or third?
not entirely sure”
So, this is confirmation that this might not be the first time Fundy’s having dreams like this. A good question to ask is if the book was written a long time ago and has presented itself the same way it does right now, or if this book was written recently. I don’t think the stream gave a definitive answer, but it is something to keep in mind.
“Listen to me Fundy
and you should trust me because,
well you know why
There are two things you can do right now
Walk back to your base, jump in bed, fall asleep, and you will wake up as if nothing ever happened
Or you can keep reading…
And I will tell you what I know”
The book pauses for a bit then continues saying “You are not real” ten times, “You dont want to know the truth” fifteen times, and spams “WAKE UP” until the 38th page, a number we analyzed earlier because of the 38 baked potatoes. 
For the book itself, whoever is writing the book seems to be a bit hesitant when writing. It doesn’t seem to want to explain what this place truly is to Fundy, and as much as it clarifies that they are, indeed, Fundy, they never expound on how they were able to write these books and why Fundy should trust him. Other Fundy saying “you should trust me because, well you know why” is actually quite ominous, and I can only think of two reasons as to why they would say it: 1.) Other Fundy is implying that Fundy can trust him because he is, in fact, the same person, or 2.) Other Fundy is hinting that Fundy trusts too easily as seen with the people Fundy trusted in the real world.
Additionally, the Other Fundy seems to emphasize on the fact that they WANT Fundy to go to sleep and wake up in the overworld. They phrase it so that sleeping once more is the more logical option, while they basically scare Fundy with the other option, evident by his quickened heartbeat. The Other Fundy seems to know about the intricacies of this dream and its world, but seems to be very hesitant to tell Fundy about it. The continuous threats imply that the Other Fundy doesn’t want Fundy to know the truth at all.
Basically, this Other Fundy knows something, something our Fundy doesn’t know about, and wants to emphasize that it is something horrific. He will do whatever he can do so that he can stop Fundy from knowing the truth, even if it means he has to scare Fundy.
Additionally, to me, it feels like “WAKE UP” could possibly have two meanings. If the underground structure is meant to represent things that Fundy constantly represses to the back of his mind, not only would the secrets of his dream reside there, but his own repressed insecurities may reside there as well. The way Fundy treats the truth about his dreams is actually quite similar with the way he treats his insecurities- he tends to reject its existence and pretend that everything is normal. This dream isn’t just a dream, it’s an exploration of Fundy’s mind, and telling Fundy to “WAKE UP” doesn’t just refer to not knowing the truths about the dream, but it could also refer to Fundy not knowing the truths about his own insecurities hidden deep in the depths of his mind. 
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Fundy wakes up, breathing heavily. He paces around his room before opening the door frantically, seeing that he is still stuck in a desert. He begins to laugh, repetitively telling himself that all of this is a “joke”. He continues questioning why he’s still in this dream, and when he opens the door, he sees the ominous structure observably closer to the base. He claims that he’s actually stressing out, and Fundy goes on a tangent about this dream and reveals a bit about his insecurities:
“They’re toying with me, they’re toying with me. They’re actually- everyone is toying with me- they are ALWAYS TOYING WITH ME. Everyone is! I’m always being played with. Why? Why always me- no! Why does it always have to be me? Every single time. I don’t wanna- (sigh). I don’t wanna keep dealing with this- I just wanna- no- do I just… Do I just… Do I just go up here and listen to- wai- okay. The book said I have two options: I can wait here until it’s night time. Wait until the sun sets and I can go to sleep, and when I go to sleep and wake up, none of this is real. None of this is gonna- it’s gonna disappear. None of this is real, none of this is real, none… It’s not real, it’s not real, I am currently not real, this is no- how is this possible? How is this- wha- how did- how… None of this is real. I am not real. All I have to do is wait for midnight and just sleep, and all of this would end, right? All I have to do is… wait until night time and then… it’s all gonna be over, it’s all gonna be done. 
I just gotta sleep, and then, it’s gonna disappear. And then everyone is gonna appear out of a bush and they’re gonna be ‘Surprise!’ and I’m gonna be like, ‘You guys! You’re always pranking me… you’ve always been there for me (sniffs). Every single time… except sometimes… when I needed you the most. I just go to bed… I just go to bed, and then I wake up, and none of this ever happened. And we’re gonna go back to my old life where I have fun and join parties and join groups and only see them disappear in front of my eyes as I start to get attached to them. Y-yeah, that’s- that’s- that’s the choice I’m making. Go back to that... (sigh). Just… or you know…”
LOTS to unpack here, and I’ll go one by one explaining certain aspects of this because it’s not just something that showcases Fundy’s insecurities.
Firstly, interesting how Fundy believed that the book was toying with him like how a lot of other people do. That’s what makes him afraid of the book- the feeling of being pushed around. The book is actively trying to use Fundy’s insecurities against him in order to make him more and more afraid of the truth. This is interesting because Fundy is known to be ignorant towards his actual issues (just look at his monologue), but the Other Fundy seems to be acutely aware of them. I will explain why he is aware of them later on.
Secondly, this is the most observable point, Fundy seems to be aware that he is quite frankly, alone, but tends to ignore it. He copes with his abandonment issues by treating his abandonment like a joke. He believes that every single person who’s left him did it as a prank. Even if he laughs at this idea, he is also evidently hurt by it. It hits even harder when you realize that Fundy is quite the dependent character, often sucking up to any person who gives him recognition. If Fundy depends on others to dictate his self-worth, how do you think he thinks of himself right now when he literally has nobody?
Putting emphasis on Fundy’s loneliness is going to be interesting because I do think some characters in future arcs are going to exploit that. If Quackity is going to use and manipulate Fundy the same way Sam does, then there would be no doubt that he will use Fundy’s loneliness against him. Even if it’s not Quackity who approaches Fundy first- even Bad, Sam, Dream, anyone, really, could use Fundy’s loneliness against him, which will make for an interesting plot point.
Lastly, not a lot of people spotted this, but this monologue also gives us insight as to why Fundy continued looking for the truth about his dreams instead of staying in his base and waiting for night. When talking about what to look forward to once he wakes up, he talks about how much “fun” he is going to have. Slowly, you see his denial start to dwindle as he finally admits that people leave him just as he gets attached to them. As much as Fundy wanted to wake up from this horrific dream, he realizes that, once he wakes up, he has nothing to look forward to either. That’s why he hesitates when he says “Yeah, that’s the choice I’m making,” because he realizes waking up isn’t as ideal as it seems. This is why Fundy immediately goes outside afterwards with no hesitation- Fundy has nothing left to lose, hence why he chooses to venture forth. Fundy is driven to do things because he feels like his life is purposeless anyway.
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Fundy then begins to head outside quietly, zooming into the ominous building while walking right towards it. He then detours for a moment, walking towards the right of the building, and approaches a giant crater filled with obsidian and blackstone.
The explosion could symbolize two things:
Any of the L’Manberg explosions. With the obsidian and blackstone combination, my guess is that this is either the first Doomsday event (L’Manbergian War of Independence) because of L’Manberg’s walls, or the November 16th War because of Schlatt’s Podium. Why the big amount of blackstone and obsidian? Well, I’m not so sure when it comes to L’Manberg as its walls didn’t have obsidian, but for the November 16th war, I do think that the abundance of blackstone and obsidian is meant to represent how Fundy is reducing the November 16th war to Schlatt’s Podium. This can be alarming as he was the one who made Schlatt’s Podium, so reducing the war to that one building might symbolize that he blames himself for the war.
Another theory, which is the theory I subscribe to more, is that this is actually depicting an event in the future that we haven’t seen yet. Namely, the prison. If you zoom in on the explosion, the block pattern is quite reminiscent of the block pattern present in the prison.
While I’ll mostly discuss Fundy’s future predicting powers later, I do think that there’s a possibility that Fundy saw a vision of the future, unlike the past two days where he saw visions of the past. The prison might possibly be nuked in the future.
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Fundy then proceeds to walk back towards the building, repetitively saying “no”. He claims he needs to find out, sounding more determined than before. For this, even if the explosion could represent many things, I do think Fundy is generally reminded of the explosions he had to witness throughout the history of the Dream SMP. Perhaps he believes that finding out the truth could prevent more explosions from occurring, perhaps he figured out that this was the prison and he needed to know why it exploded, perhaps him walking away from something that’s reminiscent of real life represents his choice of wanting to learn more about his dreams rather than sticking to anything similar to real life. 
Moving on, Fundy enters the building, saying he wants to know what’s going on. The underground room seems to have changed a bit, as the chiseled quartz floors changed into quartz bricks. The place also seems to be littered with end stone blocks and bricks. The place is much darker as well, and the carpets on the floor and table seem to be gone entirely. Two skulls can be observed near the table.
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My brain actually can’t reason as to why the end blocks were there, or why the quartz blocks changed. My guess is that the end stones will eventually connect to a future plot point relating to the End, but again, I’m not sure. The carpets being gone could represent that the love and happiness (red and yellow) that Fundy had disappeared completely. The dishevelled state of the room could represent that the secrets being held inside this underground room are finally breaking free as its confines tear down more and more. 
Now the skulls- if we go by the theory I presented earlier, then the skulls are meant to represent canon deaths. If the skull was tucked into the corner, then that means death is to come, but if it’s near the table, then I believe the canon death already occurred. If two skulls are next to the table, then it could imply that whatever time period the day is set in should be around the time Fundy loses a second canon death, which hasn’t occurred yet. Again, this is all speculation, so I might be overthinking, but if the explosion is meant to represent the prison getting nuked, then there’s a possibility Fundy would lose a canon life before the prison gets destroyed.
Now, onto the juicy bit: the book. The book reads as follows:
“Hi. again.
...Why are we so persistent
...Why are we so stubborn
...You have been here before, but you keep coming back
You dont want to know the truth
It will hurt you
I dont want to be hurt again
YOU dont want to be hurt again
The book tries scaring Fundy by spamming “WAKE UP” across multiple pages.
“It’s not going to work, huh..
Listen to me Fundy…
Your mind is not safe…
You are not imagining this…
This place might not be real…
But he is.
Spare yourself.
I need you to listen carefully.
Do not join him.
Whatever he asks of you.
Do NOT join him.
his plans aren’t as nice as they sound.
his intentions aren’t what you think they are.
he will use you
he will destroy you
everything you ever loved
everyone you ever cared about
do not join him.”
Before I explain this book, I think it’s best to also note down what was said in the next book as well so I can better explain what’s going on.
“note to self
I just wrote this book to remember who I am
To remember what is happening
All the books I just found are indeed written by me
Listen to yourself
You suffer from a very odd illness
You suffer from a form of insomnia, within your own dreams.
Now the effects of this aren’t really known, and even I don’t fully know what is going on.
but let me tell you
somehow, this world, these actions and events, are linked to reality.
things that happen in these so-called “dreams”, tend to leak into the real world
they will actually happen.
you might wonder how exactly this is a bad thing.
the ability to predict certain events from happening, sounds pretty cool.”
Fundy then stops reading the book, seemingly overwhelmed by the influx of information. Analysis time, boys, time to unpack what this all means.
Firstly, I believe that this dream has happened before. Multiple times, actually. If certain “events” in the dream are meant to predict the future, then the moments involving the Camarvan on the first two days could imply that Fundy has seen this place before during the L’Manberg era where he could’ve predicted Eret’s betrayal and the loss of his father. If we think about it, the books could honestly be given to Fundy at any time period and it would work. Look at the entire section of the book describing someone who Fundy can’t trust- this “him” person could honestly be… anyone who abandoned Fundy? If the book hints at someone who might possibly hurt and use Fundy, then Eret, Wilbur, Schlatt, and Dream could also be considered. These people were nice to Fundy at first before betraying him one way or another. There is a possibility that this dream has warned Fundy about these people in the past, only for Fundy to forget about the dream. What about this time though, who is this “him” that’s going to betray Fundy during this time period? Well, the easy answer would be Quackity, but Bad could be a possibility as well. With the hint towards Quackity at the end, I do believe that Quackity would be the main suspect, but it’s also good to keep an open mind as we don’t know much of who Fundy’s involved with in Season 3.
Now, why would Fundy be able to forget about the dreams, though? I do think that whoever is responsible for writing the books are doing their best to prevent Fundy from uncovering the truth. Who do I think are the book authors? Well, I don’t think they were lying when they said that they were Fundy. I believe that, just like the Dream voice in Ranboo’s head, the Fundy that writes books would be some sort of conscience or subconscious in Fundy’s mind. This part of the mind holds certain memories repressed by Fundy, as well as some of the insecurities he chooses to ignore. They are aware of all of Fundy’s past visits of this dream, and they know the dangers of it, which is why they want Fundy to not uncover the truth. 
The signed book claims that whatever Fundy sees in the dream will seep out into reality. Knowing this, I believe Fundy’s subconscious is trying to prevent Fundy from seeking out the truth to prevent these future visions from happening in real life; this especially applies to events that involve Fundy possibly being hurt. There is a possibility that this Fundy has seen past Fundy’s discover events like the Camarvan and the loss of Wilbur occur in dreams way past before it occurred in real life, so they feel afraid that our Fundy would uncover more and more truths that would become reality. While we don’t know if Other Fundy’s beliefs on future predicting is true, this gives us a better understanding of why they want Fundy to go to bed and wake up. (Additionally, the Other Fundy has placed emphasis on saying that the truth may hurt Fundy, so there is a possibility that these future events might involve something that heightens Fundy’s insecurities more. That’s why this Fundy seems to be so aware of Fundy’s insecurities- they have witnessed Fundy’s insecurities being used against him in certain visions.)
For the memory thing, so far, I believe a part of Fundy’s mind is actively suppressing all the memories Fundy has of his dreams. Fundy already represses a lot of his insecurities, so using Fundy’s insecurities against him might actually enable them to keep Fundy’s memories about the dream locked in the corners of his mind. The place where the book is kept in is underground, after all, but we do have to keep in mind that the building is getting closer and closer to Fundy’s main base. This could symbolize that Fundy will remember his dreams more once he wakes up.
So basically, so far, Fundy has dreamt this dream multiple times in the past, and during each dream, he witnesses an event in the future that could possibly happen in real life. Fundy’s subconscious, or possibly past versions of Fundy, are trying to warn future Fundy’s to not uncover too many truths about the dream as they believe this could possibly manifest terrible events to happen in real life. To get Fundy to go back to bed, they try scaring Fundy, using his insecurities against him, only this time, Fundy is a bit more disobedient because, again, he feels like he has nothing left to lose. 
Another theory I have which I’m not 100% sure about is that this Other Fundy, as much as it has good intentions, may have committed a mistake when they tried to get Fundy to bed by using his insecurities. If anything in the dream may happen in real life, them heightening Fundy’s insecurities might pass over to the real world as well. While scaring Fundy could prevent him from uncovering the truth, it might’ve also been a double-edged sword as Fundy is more aware of his insecurities more than ever.
Continuing on, Fundy decided to leave the building, seeing that it’s night time. He sounds relieved knowing that he can sleep and that he can wake up from this dream. He celebrates for a moment, throwing the book away, but then he hesitates, saying he wants to know the truth. He picks the book up again but doesn’t read it immediately, claiming that he could just sleep instead of knowing the truth.
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Fundy seems to revel in the idea of waking up for a bit until he mentions how much of a “blast” he can have with everyone once he wakes up. After mentioning this, he immediately picks up the book with no hesitation. This is the second time Fundy is shown to be motivated in finding the truth about his dreams because of him realizing how unfun the real world is. Again, Fundy is seen to be motivated by the fact that he has nothing left to lose, and as much as he is scared of this dream, he seems to prefer finding this world’s truth over going back into the real world where he’s practically alone.
Moving on, the book continues:
while this might be the case of dreams…
this is also the case for nightmares…
this is your last warning Fundy
please… for the both of us…
just wake up”
This part of the book simply affirms all I’ve theorized about earlier. The Other Fundy hints that some events that Fundy might witness in his dream would be detrimental to Fundy, which is why he doesn’t want Fundy to continue exploring. He knows that Fundy will possibly manifest an event that will ruin him in real life, so he wants Fundy to sleep instead of accidentally manifesting his demise.
Fundy then wakes up once more, complaining that this dream never ends. He goes outside, seeing a black, hooded figure slowly turn around and chase him. With a quickened heartbeat, he runs up his stairs to sleep in a black bed placed on the roof. Fundy screams as we see the hooded figure approach, and the screen fades to black. A white smiley face reminiscent of the one on Quackity’s skin appears on the screen as casino slots sound effects play in the background.
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Now, what do I make of this? Well, firstly, we gotta point out that his bed at the end looked EERILY similar to a gravestone. A lot of websites claim that sleeping in a gravestone or seeing a gravestone could indicate change, especially when it comes to overcoming one’s sadness or problems. In a literal sense, we can think of it as something foreshadowing a future canon death, especially if we think that the person chasing Fundy is the grim reaper.
Speaking of that person, I do have a couple of explanations as to who this person is:
The person is death themselves, the grim reaper. This is the common conclusion everyone believes in, especially when we consider this “him” person possibly hurting Fundy, and that second skull in the underground room. Quackity is the main culprit for now, especially with that smiley face in the end, but there could be other possibilities! Like, what if someone takes Fundy’s canon life before he joins Quackity, which is why the smiley face only popped up after Fundy’s dream death? Mayhaps someone affiliated with Quackity might be doing the dirty work for him, so Bad, Sam, Dream, and anyone, really, could be responsible for Fundy’s future canon death. Moreover, the fact that this death occurs affirms the beliefs of the Other Fundy. The Other Fundy merely wants Fundy to be safe from possibly manifesting his demise in real life, but Fundy’s curiosity got the best of him, and in the next sequence, he was killed, proving that the Other Fundy was right in saying that Fundy should’ve just slept.
A theory I made up which I’m not 100% sure of is that this figure is actually Fundy’s subconscious trying to get him to sleep. When Fundy was being chased, we heard a quickened heartbeat, and where was the only other time we heard that? When Fundy was reading the “WAKE UP” and “you’re not real” messages from those books. We can view this as the Other Fundy’s attempt in trying to get Fundy to actually sleep by using another scare tactic against Fundy. And well… it did work! Because Fundy was afraid of this figure, Fundy went to sleep. There is also a possibility that this occurrence is what makes Fundy forget about the dream because his subconscious got a hold of Fundy and forcibly made him forget, but I’m not 100% sure about that one yet.
Lastly, the face! That should already allude to Fundy possibly joining Quackity’s lore, and with the “38 potatoes” symbolizing business opportunities, I expect Fundy to be joining Las Nevadas as a possible employee. Quackity does, in fact, prey on people who are insecure, and can easily get them to do whatever he wants because of his words. If he can get Sam to give him the tools needed to torture Dream, Quackity might exploit Fundy’s loneliness into making him do whatever Quackity wants from him. 
Another face that this could possibly connect to is the face in the Egg lair! While I’m leaning more towards Quackity because of the casino sounds, I do wanna say that the Egg and the Eggpire could possibly be connected as well, especially when the Egg could provide Fundy anything he wants. Just like how Quackity could prey on Fundy’s insecurities, the Egg preys on those who feel like they’re missing something, so as much as Fundy could be manipulated by Quackity, he could also be manipulated by the Egg. Additionally, business opportunities could apply to the Eggpire as well as they’ve contacted Purpled in the past to assassinate Puffy, so who’s to say they won’t try adding Fundy to the Eggpire?
TLDR; This entire stream showcased both Fundy’s insecurities and Fundy’s future predicting powers and how this “Other Fundy”, aka his subconscious, wants him to repress them because they believe that if Fundy uncovers the secrets of his dream more, then Fundy would accidentally manifest his demise in real life. Additionally, Fundy is very lonely, making him vulnerable of being used in the future because he is desperate to get any type of recognition from anybody. In summary, be afraid of Fundy’s future lore streams, be very afraid.
Even when I finish this, there’s a lot of questions to ask about this stream that I want you to keep in mind:
How many times has Fundy encountered this before?
How does Fundy forget all the information he got from the dreams?
How does Fundy write to himself?
Why is there so many details connected to Karl, and what does it have to do with time travelling?
Why does Fundy return to his bed every time his heartbeat quickens when reading a book?
Was the first scene part of the dream or not?
Could the underground room’s structure actually mean something?
And there’s probably more, but just saying, keep an open mind about this entire stream because there’s definitely a lot more to uncover.
I want to reiterate: I am not the Messiah, so don’t take my word as the truth and the absolute truth. I’d love to hear your thoughts about Fundy’s stream as a lot of it could be up for speculation! The entire thing is filled to the brim with symbolisms, so there could be a lot of interpretations to consider. If you enjoyed this, feel free to like and retweet because I worked my ASS off with this one. 
Special thanks to the following:
Fundy and any of the Dream SMP members because that stream was INCREDIBLE. Go give them your love and support.
kingjem for always being there whenever I want to discuss any ideas I have about the Dream SMP. One of the smartest bitches I know, go follow them.
To all my betas who reviewed this document since I have a TON of grammar mistakes (thanks English): prismartist, bootsforthebootsgod, Finni_june (twt), ender-hyperfocuses-on-things, and Dngertosociety2 (twt)
And to all of you who like this post and would share it to other people! All support is appreciated. :D
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fantasywritings · 3 years
I Promise - Hwiyoung x reader
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Genre: fluff, a bit of angst
Pairing: reader x Hwiyoung
Requested: yes! festival prompt list- fluff prompt 20" Talk to me, I'm here for you" + angst prompt 15 “you’re beautiful, you’re so beautiful” “you don’t mean that” “I do”
A/N I combined two requests because they suited well together , I hope it’s alright!
The past few days seemed like one endless night. the room was silent, but your thoughts were so loud.
Worthless, lazy, disappointment
Surrounded by the shadows of you dark bedroom as you curled up into your blanket.
Ugly, not enough, a loser.
You tried to shake off from these words as you tightened the grip on your blanket.
This period of life was hard. Confusion, overworking yourself. All of which led to self hatred and lack of satisfaction from what you had to offer to this world, and more than this, disappointed from the person you grew up to be.
Youngkyun, your partner who often seemed like your only friend out there, was busy with his own things, you couldn’t bother him with those thoughts you had, besides, you thought it would be complete nonsense to him.
It felt uneasy, knowing the only person out there who truly understands you, might not be able to understand this time.
Interrupting your thoughts, the door opened slightly, making you jump in your place. Panic rushing through your body, you didn’t want anyone to see you like this. Tired, messy hair, no makeup.
“Kyun?” You peeked your head out of the blanket to meet his tall figure who was slowly entering the room.
“You weren’t answering my calls, I came to check up on you” he said as he sat at the edge of your bed.
He was right, you didn’t know how to talk to him. You knew he was working hard and didn’t want to burden him with your problems, besides, you didn’t know how to approach him.
“Sorry” you muttered out
Not being able to look at him in the eyes due to the embarrassment of looking the way you did at this very moment. Unattractive as you thought, but this kind of thought didn’t even dare to cross his mind, not once, and especially not today.
“It’s okay love, I was just worried” he said as he he gently caressed the side of your face.
Youngkyun has noticed something was wrong, you didn’t smile at his touch as you usually did, instead, you just let out a sigh.
“What's on your beautiful mind?” He asked, moving closer so you can rest your head on his chest comfortably.
“Talk to me, I’m here for you” he said in a soft tone. The sounds of his heart beating helped you relax as you pondered if you should open up to him about the concerns that were suffocating you.
You remembered that Youngkyun stated before that communication is key, and if something was wrong he wanted to know.
You took a deep breath as you thought of the right words to express your feelings.
“I feel like a loser” you finally let out, he hummed softly, knowing you were not done with what you had to say
“I feel like a loser, a failure, a disappointment”
“Love” he interrupted your monologue to place a kiss on your temple
“I don’t want you to think that I am invalidating your feelings, but I really can’t agree with you”
Youngkyun is a genuine guy, true to his words, and so you wanted to believe him, but the self hatred inside of you was stronger.
“And I feel ugly.. unattractive” as soon as you said those words, he looked so puzzled, which immediately made you worry.
“I’m sorry to burden you like this” you were worried this kind of self deprecation will make him want to distance himself from you. Maybe now that you brought it up it changed how he sees you.
“It’s never a burden, you are my other half, if you are unwell, I am unwell too. just like when you’re happy, I am happy too” this time his tone wasn’t soft, it sounded serious. It seems like your feelings and well being has a deeper meaning to him than you imagined, but it wasn’t enough for you to stop doubting your worth.
“you’re beautiful” he said as he kissed your temple
“you don’t mean it” you wanted to believe him but your mind was tearing you apart. Kyun saying one thing, but your mind constantly making you doubt it, making you wonder if he actually meant it, or said it to avoid hurting your feelings.
“I do” he said, his lips still attached to your temple, breathing you in.
As he disconnected his lips from your forehead, he moved his hand to brush the hairs out of your face.
“You are my world. I mean it. Whole heartedly” He said, making your heart flutter.
“This really bothers me, is there a reason you feel this way? I want to help you, we need to tackle the root of the problem”
His words making your heart warm, you were thankful to him for being a part of your world. Hell, he would even fight with your silly mind for making you have those thoughts if he had to.
“I’m not ready to talk about it yet, I hope you understand” you said, to which he nodded, understanding.
“Whenever you are ready, I will be here for you” he said before attaching his lips to yours, softly.
“I promise”
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yoonjinkooked · 3 years
Chemistry | JHS (6 (pt 1))
Part 6 - Just Do It
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(pls ignore my old URL, i’m too lazy to change it now RIP)
Pairing: Hoseok / Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: FWB, university AU, smut
Warnings: blonde Hobi (yes, that’s a dang warning), heaps of dirty talk, public groping, lots of sex discussion, them being responsible adults and getting tested before doing it, cursing, drinking. It ends on a bit of a cliff hanger cause this is just an intro of the smut fest that the next chapter will be Also, IMPORTANT: the ‘Spring Cleaning’ party that I am describing is fictional (that I know of at least) and I BEG OF YOU, please don’t mix your drinks. Just don’t. It won’t end well. Don’t mix drinks, don’t drink and drive, don’t drink what a random person gives you and never ever ever leave sight of your glass. Please. Drink responsibly and stay the f away from it if you are underaged. That also means you need to stay the f away from this story, too 💜
Word Count: 3k
Summary: After a few years of being immune to Jung Hoseok’s charms, you suddenly fall into them, head first. All it takes is one night, too much alcohol and a lot of balls.
A/N: Again, DRINK RESPONSIBLY! The smut fest part 2 is coming super fast (no pun intended). Unedited, so please forgive me, I needed to get this shit out to you and i just need more Hobi. these are drabbles after all lol
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“I’m clean,” Hoseok informs you with the widest grin possible. “Got the results emailed this morning. 100% clean and ready.” 
 You don’t register his words at all - first of all, he had startled you, appearing directly in front of your path, probably seeing you from afar, making your way to the study hall where the first class of your day takes place. And on top of that, you are way too shocked with his appearance to even bother understanding the words he was telling you. 
 “You’re… you’re blonde,” you mumble as you stare at his hair, wondering if it’s your mind playing tricks on you. Sunlight makes hair lighter, doesn’t it? It doesn’t make it almost platinum, though. Looking him over, you realize that nothing else has changed - still the same height, still the same weight, still his signature casual but colorful clothing - but the blonde is there and it’s magnetic - it’s impossible to look at anything else before your eyes are glued to his new hairstyle again. It suits him so damn well. If someone had told you he’d look this good blonde, you wouldn’t have believed them. 
 “Oh, yeah,” he waves his hand off, laughing, as if it’s a completely irrelevant thing. Honestly, to him it might be, but not to you. “More importantly, I am clean,” he repeats his earlier words and this time around, you do get to properly register them, as well as the meaning behind them. Clean. Safe to have sex. No worries in that department. You should be overjoyed but not only are you still hypnotized by his sudden change of looks, you’re also refusing to focus on that particular information. 
 It’s weird - you did stuff, discussed even more, agreed on everything. You blushing at him informing you that it’s finally safe for him to fuck you and finish inside you is weird. 
 “You’re blonde,” is all you can say, and it earns you an eye roll from Hoseok. 
 “Oh come on Y/N,” he whines. “If you’re going to be like this just take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
 “Hey!” you snap, smacking him on the shoulder in retaliation, which only makes him laugh. “Have mercy on me here, give me a moment to get used to this new look of yours. If I showed up with a completely different hair color, would you be able to focus on anything else?” you demand, absolutely positive that he’d be equally as lost as you are. 
 “If you telling me that you’re clean and we can finally fuck, yeah, I wouldn’t be focusing on hair, even if it had all the colors of the rainbow in it,” he answers honestly. 
 “Okay, okay, we get it, we’re on the same page - you’re stupidly hot, clean and want to fuck,” you laugh at him, although you would be a fool to deny that it’s getting to you - the way he is so upfront about liking you and being attracted to you is impossible to ignore - it makes you feel a lot more confident than you have felt in a long while. 
 “Oh Y/N, you know me so well,” he acts as if he’s genuinely touched and it’s this reaction that makes you melt and laugh. No matter the hair color, no matter how casual he references his intention to get his dick inside you, it’s Hoseok. And that’s all that matters. “Seriously though, we both have our results so whenever you’re ready, if you’re still up for it…” he doesn’t finish the sentence but the raise of his eyebrow says it all. 
 “I’m not missing out on that piece of ass if that’s what concerns you,” you joke, looking him up and down as you speak. It’ll never cease to amaze you how he can whisper the dirtiest things to you, or even say them casually out loud, but turn as red as a tomato when you do the same thing. “What are you doing tonight, do you have any plans?” you ask. 
 “Aren’t you going to Namjoon’s?” he frowns in confusion. “Spring Cleaning party season?” he reminds you and starts laughing immediately, probably at your look of realization mixed in with disgust. “Is this about Namjoon or about the Spring Cleaning party season?” he laughs. 
 What you guys refer to as spring cleaning is exactly what it sounds like - all the leftover alcohol that somehow managed to survive the past year is gathered in one place in the ‘bring-your-own-booze’ manner. It’s usually a mixture of hideous drinks and half empty bottles and once it’s all gathered, you make it even worse, combining it into borderline poisonous mixtures. Everyone attending and everyone drinking does so on their own responsibility, fully aware of how the night might end. 
 A year ago, it was still fun. Now, you know you’re too old for that shit. 
 “It’s about both,” you answer Hobi’s question in a whine. “I don’t wanna deal with wasted frat boys who’ll spend half the night throwing up and Namjoon is insufferable.” 
 “Namjoon is one of your best friends,” Hobi laughs. 
 “I know - that’s why I’m well aware of how insufferable he is,” you grunt in annoyance. “I know it’s tradition and all but can we skip all of that? Coochie in exchange for avoiding a party we’re too old for anyways?” you suggest. 
 “Wait,” Hoseok’s eyes widen and you can imagine a lightbulb turning on above his head. “You think Namjoon’s insufferable?” 
 “Incredibly so, yes.” 
 “And you want to make his life a living hell in retaliation?” he continues asking. 
 “Absolutely,” you reply in a heartbeat, despite loving Namjoon like he was your family. You adore him but you cannot stand him at times and ever since this little thing with Hoseok had started, he had not stopped teasing you. It’s time for him to suffer. 
 “Hear me out,” Hoseok moves closer to you, as if he is about to share a conspiracy theory that no one except you is allowed to know about. “How about we go to the party and stay there a bit - laugh at the idiots, dance to bad music - just a regular Thursday. And then, when the shitshow starts, and it will start, we go upstairs and seal the deal?” 
 “You want us to fuck in Namjoon’s house?” you start laughing. 
 “Is there anything that would annoy and traumatize him more than knowing two of his closest friends fucked in his house?” he points out. 
 “Yeah, if he walks in,” you burst out laughing. “Honestly, sold. Fuck it.” 
 “I plan to,” he wiggles his eyebrows at you in the most sleazy manner possible - jokingly, of course. He knows he has you hooked and he can play around with it. And you’ll love it. 
 “Ugh, stop doing that,” you laugh, smacking him on the shoulder again. “Don't try too hard, you already have me, blondie.” 
 “I look that good, huh?” he laughs, hitting the bullseye. 
 You don’t answer that question - you offer him nothing more than a smile and a shrug before you slowly walk past him and make your way to a class you’re probably already late for. He knows you enough to realize that to you, yes, he does look that good. And you cannot wait to find out what other things he can do to you, hoping that the movie is as promising as the trailer was. 
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  Standing across the room, Hoseok keeps his eyes glued to you, the same way he did from the moment you entered the house. You aren’t hiding from it either - you make direct eye contact with him, smiling in a knowing manner as you listen to whatever it is that Taehyung was yapping on about. You tried to listen - you really did, at first. But the problem is that Hoseok’s very presence demands your attention - it’s something you can’t control. If he’s around, if he’s in the room and if you have this feeling of the two of you alone knowing something, knowing this secret about what’s going to happen tonight - no one else stands a chance, not even your friends.
 “Are you seriously ogling Hoseok while I’m asking you for relationship advice?” Taehyung sounds exasperated and you feel guilty - even more so when you realize that the only reason he did manage to get your attention was because he had mentioned his name. 
 “Ugh, I’m so sorry Tae,” you don’t try to defend yourself, knowing you’re guilty as charged. “My mind is a mess, I’m a useless friend. I just… can’t focus on anything else,” you admit sheepishly, not really wanting to go into details. They know that something is happening and that’s it. You don’t want to share more, neither does Hoseok, nor do you think any of your friends is particularly thirsty for details. Except perhaps Jimin, but tough luck for him. 
 “Then go!” Tae urges you and for a moment, you think that he is angry at you - the urgency with which he said it makes you wonder if he’s pissed with you for not listening to him carefully - but when you look up at him, you see his signature smile. He’s not angry - he’s cheering you on. “Go and get your guy!” 
 You want to  sigh, roll your eyes and remind him that Hoseok is not your guy - but in a weird, fucked up way that only you and him understand, he kind of is. It’s you he’s looking at - not any other girl, and there are plenty. It’s you he’s had his eyes on ever since he first saw you - it’s you he’s waiting for. 
 So you go for it - the same way you did the night it all started. Without thinking twice about it, you approach him, walking through a crowd of people to get to him - his eyes follow you every step of the way, standing straighter as you finally get to him, mere inches separating the two of you. 
 It’s electric. The feeling between the two of you, it’s purely electric, making you wonder if he’d burn to the touch if you were to reach out. In your mind, he always was the epitome of the Sun, so it wouldn’t be no surprise. You notice his smile despite not breaking eye contact - he smiles at you with them too, the signature wrinkles appearing on the edges. 
 “Well, don’t you look lovely tonight,” he tells you, giving you a quick once over. “Black has always suited you.” 
 “Now’s the time when I say something quirky yet charming like, ‘it matches my soul’,” you joke, laughing along with him. “Thank you - I had to dress in my finest, seeing as it’s a special occasion after all.” 
 “Is it?” he laughs. “I thought it was just a Spring Cleaning party.” 
 “Hoseok…” you shoot him a warning glare. 
 “I’m just messing with you,” he laughs, pointing out the obvious. “Can I… kiss you?” 
 This question takes you by surprise - you have decided to be public with whatever the hell this thing is - simply to avoid confusion, especially since you’ve agreed that you won’t be sleeping with other people while this deal of yours is standing. It’s a nice surprise, though - the fact that he still wants to ask, the fact that he is making sure that you are comfortable with it - whether it’s with the kiss itself or it being in public. It warms your heart to know that even though you had never planned any of this with him, he ended up being the right choice. 
 “Hobi, honestly, we’re past the point where you need to ask,” you admit, wanting him to know that you’re not going to back out and that you do feel comfortable. 
 He says nothing, instead deciding to kiss you immediately. It’s slow and gentle, lazy and languid, in a way that shows no rush or urgency. It’s obvious that he is enjoying it, and so are you, every move of his tongue against yours, every breath of yours that mingles with his. To the two of you, the rest of the room no longer exists - the sounds toned out, the people long forgotten. It’s almost as if it’s you and you alone - and the rest of the world doesn’t matter. You move your body closer to his, anchoring your hands around his neck as you press against his front - as you have found out, making out with Hoseok has plenty of merits, and one of the bigger ones is simply the feel of his body against yours. 
 His hands wander, slowly and likely aware of the audience around you - it’s highly unlikely that anyone spared you more than a glance, but despite what it feels like in your mind, you are definitely not alone. So when his fingers graze your ass, he doesn’t grab it firmly like you know he’d like to - he simply rests his hand there, with pressure that promises that there’s more in his mind than a simple touch. You know very well that if the two of you don’t slow down soon, he’ll pop a boner in the middle of Namjoon’s kitchen and even though you’re hardly keeping this a secret, that would likely be a bit too much for him to handle. 
 With your mind heading in that direction, you begrudgingly stop the kiss, but you don’t move too far away from him - your hands still around his neck and his hands still on your ass. For what seems like minutes, neither of you says a word, simply looking at each other, your eyes scanning the face of the other - the way his lips are wet and how he nervously licks at them, the way his cheeks also changed shades (and you know alcohol is not to blame for it) and the glint in his eye that likely mirrors yours, with both of you knowing what’s in the other one’s head. Tonight is the night, the night you will finally seal the deal. 
 And if all goes well, start something that will make you explore things and areas you dared not speak of, much less try them before. All of it, from the sweetest and most romantic to the nastiest, kinkiest shit imaginable - you want to do it all with him and it’ll start tonight. 
 “So...” You start, in what you hope is a sexy voice. “Are we going to go and piss Joon off by fucking in his house?” you ask, making sure that the sexy voice you’re trying to use is also low enough for no one else but him to hear. You take it a step further, pressing your lips to his ear, whispering. “I want to suck you off before I ride you until I can no longer hold myself up. Then, I want you to fuck into me with all that strength you have and fill me up, watch the cum drip out of me and then watch me finger it back inside my cunt.” 
 Pulling away just in time to see him swallow a lump, you move one of your hands from around his neck, down his chest and stomach, very slowly, before grazing it over his already noticeable growing dick - you don’t tease him more than that, knowing that even though you might not feel them, you likely do have eyes on you by now - you simple careers the area where his jeans are starting to stand out, a sign of his eagerness that completely mirrors the way your underwear is sticking to your core. Both of you are horny as all hell and if you don’t act on it soon, you’ll jump his bones right here, right now, on Joon’s kitchen sink. 
 “How ‘bout I use my fingers to push the cum back inside you and when it dribbles out again, I eat you out until you want to scream my name but you can’t, ‘cause you’re sucking on my fingers, licking every drip of cum left on them?” he suggests and you for a second, you think your knees are going to give out and you’ll fall flat. You don’t, likely because he still has his hands pressed to your backside. 
 “Oh, I’d want nothing more,” you shamelessly admit. 
 “Then we’re not doing it here,” he announces, laughing at the immediate sulky reaction it elicited from you. “Don’t be like that, it’s better if we go to my place,” he chuckles at you, gently squeezing your butt. “I want us to enjoy the night, go for as many rounds as our bodies can take and then do it again in the morning. We can’t have that here while some freshman is doing a keg stand and anyone can walk in on us at any second. We can piss Joon off later - but it’s the first time we’re gonna do it and damn it, I wanna do it right.” 
 “You wanna do it right?” your eyebrows rise. 
“I could stand here all night and list all the things that I want to do to you, and you to me, and still remember more on the way home - and we’ve already discussed a bunch. I want to treat you good and give you the best fuck of your life - I promised as much and I want to deliver. We can fuck in Joon’s house any other day, honestly.” 
 “Do you want to… use something tonight?” you ask, pressing your hand against his crotch a little bit harder this time. “I have some toys back at my place but we won’t be alone there.” 
 “Nah,” he shakes his head immediately. “I have my cock, mouth and fingers - I don’t need much else to make you want to never do anyone else. We’ll have plenty of time for all the toys - and when I say all, I mean all. I’d go for anything with you.” 
 “If you keep talking like that, I’m just going to cum right here, right now,” you admit. 
 “While that would be a sight for sore eyes, I have other plans. Let’s go,” he takes you by the hand and away you go, making your way through the crowd, not caring if anyone notices how quickly you’re leaving or how you’re walking hand in hand. 
 You simply don’t give a shit, at all. All you care about is Hoseok right now - his dick, mouth and fingers and all the things he plans to do with them. 
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highqueenofelfhame · 4 years
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An: I’ll add tags later, i just wanted to get this posted because I’m like pretty happy with it, it’s alright. So i hope you guys enjoy! I’ll also attach links and stuff later, I’m posting this from my iPad and i just am too lazy for the tagging process. Me wants to sleep. This is part of the Disney au! Shoutout to @tangledraysofsunshine and @punkassbookjockey26 for the help on this one! This is mostly fluff (i know, how wild) but don’t worry i’m working on some angst for you soon. Fafs update soon too! I’ve already started on it and I’m going to keep working on it as the week goes. Thankfully it’s an easy chapter for me to write bc i have plenty of OG stuff to pull from. Okay, anyway! Enjoy!!
With every second that ticked by, it was getting harder and harder not to rummage through his belongings like she lived there. Even worse was that Rowan was sneaking glances at her with a smirk on his lips like he knew she wanted to. It made her scowl, a frown line appearing between her eyebrows as she glared into his back.
“I’m making you dinner, and you’re still finding a reason to be unhappy with me?” He asked her, putting down the spatula and turning to lean against his counter. The man looked criminally good in an ivory cable-knit sweater and dark jeans, an outfit combination that Aelin had never seen him in before. Thinking back on it, she was positive that when he wasn’t in a costume at work, she had only ever seen him in jeans and a t-shirt. There was also the single flannel he’d worn on Halloween, but all of that was simply incomparable to how he looked now.
“You said dinner would be ready ages ago.”
“I said it would be ready in half an hour when you got here, which was twenty minutes ago. I still have ten minutes before you get to hound me about lying.”
“Maybe if you’d prepared an appetizer…” she teased, hoping with every cell in her body that he knew she was kidding. When Rowan had said he wanted to cook her dinner, she’d been floored. The only meal that she could successfully make was breakfast, and the options were limited. Additionally, she couldn’t remember the last time a romantic interest had cooked for her at all. Probably Sam several years earlier, and it had been so bad they’d relented and settled on drive-thru burgers instead.
Rowan’s eyes narrowed at her, and she knew she’d missed the mark with her joke. The date had been going well so far; not much could have been ruined. He’d kissed her hello once, or four times, then told her to make herself at home. Rowan even had a beautiful arrangement of kingsflame at the table in the dining area. Their banter had ensued as it always did, casual teasing comments. Until she went too far. Obviously.
He turned his back, and Aelin tensed, moving across the kitchen to get to him. Just before she touched him, he turned back around, eyes widening almost comically when his elbow nearly hit her temple. Without her boots, her footsteps had been near-silent on his hardwood floors.
“I’m sorry,” he chuckled, fingers brushing her temple where his sweater had grazed her face. “Hi.”
“Hi.” With their dinner sizzling in the background, she was sure that he could hardly hear the soft whisper of her voice. That didn’t seem to matter because Rowan leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, short and sweet and leaving her wanting more. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Rowan’s brows knit together, green eyes tracing over every feature of her face before settling to meet her gaze.
“Being… me? Teasing? I don’t know. This is a date, and you’re so nice to be making dinner, and I shouldn’t be--”
“Aelin,” he laughed. “You wouldn’t be you if you weren’t busting my balls for something. I don’t think we would be us.” At the mention of them as an item, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth to ward off the embarrassingly large grin that was threatening to take over her face.
“That doesn’t mean I can be rude,” she grumbled, earning another smile from the man in front of her.
“You aren’t.” Rowan turned away from her for a brief moment. When he faced her again he held half of a cookie in his hand. “You just get hangry.”
She stared at the small offering in his hand before accepting it with a smile. Not only was he making her dinner, but it seemed he had also baked her double chocolate chip cookies. It made her heart squeeze in an almost painful way, but she took the cookie and nibbled on the corner. Whatever recipe he had used was perfect. It only made the rumbling in her belly worse, but she was determined to finish it without chocolate smeared all over her mouth.
“I’m almost done with dinner. Go snoop. I know you’re dying to.” Aelin wrinkled her nose, and Rowan was quick to kiss the tip of it, despite her failed attempt to swerve. Not that she wanted him to miss, really. Aelin wanted to beg him to kiss her until she was physically sick and couldn’t stand to feel his mouth on her body ever again.
The apartment was simple. It had one bedroom and an open living and kitchen area. Rowan had a small table that could seat four between the two rooms. It was sparsely decorated but had a few personal touches here and there that provided a glimpse into Rowan’s life. She walked around the living room, noting the pile of books stacked neatly next to the TV contained some of her favorites. She hadn’t pegged Rowan as an avid reader, but she realized that despite working with the man for the past two years, there was still so much she didn’t know about him.
And she realized, more than anything, that she wanted to know everything.
Furthermore, she’d been right about the books stacked on the coffee table. They were travel books, some of them with tabs and post-it notes sticking out of the sides. With a sly glance to the kitchen, she perched on the edge of the couch and pulled the biggest of them with the most annotations toward her, flipping through the pages to see what all he had bookmarked.
One of the first pages was a map marking all the parks and their major attractions. It seemed Rowan had a key for himself, little stars, triangles and squares marking various locations.
“The stars are my favorite places I’ve been,” Rowan said, pulling her gaze from pages of mountains and canyons and over to his green eyes.
“Is this what you do when you aren’t working?” Aelin closed the books and restacked them neatly on the table. Rowan was carrying two plates of stir-fry over to the table. In a few steps she joined him, sliding into the seat beside his.
“When I can, yes.” She was so hungry that she merely nodded, taking a too-large bite of food and meaning at the taste. Rowan’s eyebrow quirked while he took a bite of his own, and to avoid speaking with a mouthful she gave him a thumbs up.
“So good,” she reiterated after she swallowed, clearing her throat.
“I’m glad you like it. I was worried you wouldn’t.”
“It’s food. I like food. And you baked cookies,” Aelin reminded him, popping another bite in her mouth. The tickle she seemed to be developing in her throat worsened, forcing her to clear her throat again after she swallowed. Actually, the tickle was becoming an insatiable itch that she tried to chase away with water. She had no luck. “Is your um— is your throat itchy?”
“No…?” Aelin tugged on the collar of her shirt, nodding her head instead of responding. Rowan leaned over to brush his fingers along her cheek, worry settling in the wrinkle between his eyebrows. “Are you allergic to anything?”
“Gods, my mouth is itchy,” she mumbled, mostly to herself, while she downed the rest of her water so quickly a drop slipped down the side of her chin.
“Aelin. What are you allergic to?”
“I’m not allergic to anything,” she insisted, despite the way her tongue felt undeniably too big for her mouth. Rowan had already left the table, though, disappearing through a door off the living room and coming back with a small white bottle. His phone was also now in his hand and the numbers his thumb was pressing looked a lot like 9-1-1 from her vantage point.
“Take these,” he said softly, holding two pills to her lips that she opened her mouth for and downed with Rowan’s full glass of water.
“That’s dramatic.” She nodded at his phone. “I can breathe fine. My mouth is just itchy. And my tongue is a little too big.” To prove a point, she stuck her tongue out. Rowan’s eyes were saucers and he was ready to hit the call button.
“Your tongue is twice the size it usually is!”
“Did you do this on purpose? Is this getting me back for the syrup?” Aelin was kidding. Half-kidding, maybe, but kidding all the same. When she spoke, drool dribbled down her chin that she wiped at with the collar of her shirt. The whimper that sounded in the back of her throat wasn’t voluntary. It was their first date and she managed to drool on herself in front of him. Aelin Galathynius was the epitome of cool.
“This is not getting you back for the syrup.” Rowan’s voice was sharp, if still soft around the edges while he watched her carefully. His thumb was still dancing over the call button, but Aelin refused to be carted out of his apartment on a stretcher. She took his phone, locked it, and held it hostage in her lap while he fussed and mumbled about how big her tongue was. “What are you allergic to?”
“I didn’t know I was allergic to anything,” she swore again, grabbing his water for another long drink.
It went on like this for several minutes: Rowan listing the ingredients for the stir-fry that she may not have had before, or maybe she’d not had it in such a long time she forgot she had a mild allergy to it. MSG, soy, celery, sesame, carrots, on and on. He ran through everything twice before Aelin asked him to please stop, she had no idea and listing them over and over wasn’t going to spark a memory or knowledge she didn’t have.
The signature frown he wore most of the time was all the more prominent the droopier her eyes got; the effects of Benadryl were hitting her harder than she cared to admit, but her throat wasn’t as itchy and her tongue was feeling closer to normal. Rowan held both of her hands and guided her to his bedroom. Aelin wanted to make a joke about how this wasn’t what she’d had in mind, but she was too sleepy to find the words.
Rowan undressed her, pulling her jeans off before guiding her to sit on the edge of the bed. The duvet was softer, fluffier than she’d anticipated him to sleep on, and she wanted to burrow down into it as he replaced her shirt with one of his own. When he pulled back the blanket, she crawled under and didn’t settle until he laid down with her. His sweater was soft beneath her cheek and she felt like she was cuddling with him on a cloud. Gods, his bed was so comfortable she wanted to sleep in it forever.
“I’m sorry for ruining our date,” she mumbled, tilting her head back to look at him beneath heavy lashes and heavier lids.
“I’m sorry for accidentally almost killing you.” Despite the way his lips were turned down, there was amusement hidden in his words. Aelin smiled and tilted her head back enough for him to take the hint: she wanted to be kissed. A half smile spread across his lips and he kissed her gently, fingers brushing loose strands of her hair behind her ear.
“This isn’t how I imagined our date ending,” she grumbled, ducking her face down into his sweater. Rowan chuckled and Aelin knew that it wasn’t what he had in mind, either. “I thought I would end up in your bed but not to sleep. I mean, maybe after you fucked me senseless, but I didn’t think we would be skipping that part altogether.”
“I didn’t think I would make something that had flare up an obscure allergy you didn’t know you had, either. So I guess we’re both surprised.” Aelin snorted, sitting up enough to tug on the side of his sweater. Rowan took the hint, sitting up to pull the sweater and his shirt over his head. While in the process of undressing, he stood and pulled his jeans off, too, tossing them over the back of a desk chair in the corner of the room. Aelin swallowed, eyes dipping over the expanse of golden skin he’d exposed.
Her eyes caught on a scar on his lower abdomen, zeroed-in on the trail of hair that disappeared into his briefs. It dawned on her then that she hadn’t seen him completely naked. At work, they saw each other in various stages of undress while changing costumes, but the only time they’d had sex had been a quickie in Lorcan’s bathroom. They’d both been mostly clothed for that. She was making it a goal to see him entirely naked in the next twenty-four hours, because he looked so good like this it was unfair.
“Maybe I’ll feel better when I wake up,” she said, breathlessly. Rowan grinned, a dimple appearing in his cheek that she didn’t see often enough.
“I’m counting on it.”
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seungminotes · 4 years
Broken Noses and Potted Plants (pt.1)
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w.c. ~2k
warnings. some cursing I believe, gender neutral (please notify me if anything suggests otherwise!)
desc. high school au, love triangle w/ student body president! seungmin and reckless and lazy! jisung
a.n. hello! I am getting back into writing! this will be part of a series updated weekly, for now please enjoy part 1 and tell me if you're liking it? any and all feedback appreciated.
For someone as lonesome and timid as you, Kim Seungmin was what you'd call your savior.
Him being Class President and the longest standing place holder of the first rank of your grade, you would think he was the solitary and studious type of person. No one would think such a straightforward and driven student was so popular and well-liked as he was.
You being only second to him, knew it was difficult enough to balance academics with a few simple extracurriculars, imagine having a social life on top of that, it made your head spin.
And yet, somehow Seungmin managed to do it all. He was class president, captain of the baseball team, and on the officer committees of at least five clubs and honor societies. On top of all that, he was one of the most popular and well-known students in your year.
Sure, Seungmin had lots of friends and acquaintances, but some he would consider a lot closer than others. You weren't really one of those, let’s face it. You knew that much.
In fact, you and Seungmin were mostly just "friends" for the academic benefit of it all. You'd sat near him all year long, were his vice class president, and were also in numerous of the same honor societies. It just made sense that you'd be at least academically close, a lot more would get done that way.
For instance, you two would often study together at the school’s library after classes, specifically on Fridays, when no extracurriculars were occurring to keep you busy. Lunch time was strictly student government briefing for you two. And in the time between lessons, you’d regularly check each other’s classwork and homework for each other, catching any errors either of you made before it was time to submit, not that Seungmin made many errors anyway. To say that you two spent a lot of time together would be a bit of an understatement.
Despite all this time though, you could hardly say you really knew Seungmin, at least not on a personal level. You knew he always preferred chicken at lunch, and how math was undoubtedly his best subject, whereas he struggles a bit more with language. You knew he was an amazing leader and how his decisions were always very well rounded and well-received amongst the student body. You knew he was an exceptional baseball player.
But that was about it really. Yet you somehow still managed to develop some huge crush on this guy. This boy who would never feel the same towards you surely, because you two were merely classmates with similar goals and no intentions of building upon this acquaintance-like friendship.
Knowing this, you still sometimes tried to get closer to Seungmin, you really did, out of the sheer possibility that one day he may notice and you’d have an implicit agreement of friendship at the very least.
One of these attempts was made with the founding of the club you’ve always wanted the school to have, but were sure hardly anyone would join unless prompted to do so.
The morning you had asked Seungmin to take into consideration a new club proposal, he had initially rejected it quite harshly.
“Who would join this?” he smiled. To be quite honest he had found the idea of a gardening club maintaining potted flowers and vegetables on the school’s old rundown rooftop greenhouse to be pretty wholesome, but did not think it held quite the right formality to be taken as seriously as other clubs if presented to the rest of the student government. Everyone was way too stressed and busy with exams to waste time playing with dirt.
He eyed the proposal form meticulously, looking for the student’s name, but to no avail.
“Who submitted this?” he asked, looking up from the table for the first time since lunch began.
“I just thought it’d be a nice stress reliever for everyone,” you replied, now feeling a lot less confident than when you had slid the piece of paper in front of him.
Your shy look told Seungmin he had probably hurt your pride just now, something that he would never mean to do on purpose of course, and now he felt the remorse creeping up on him. Perhaps the club wouldn’t be such a bad thing, he thought over. Maybe tweaking the name just a bit would make it sound more worthwhile to students.
He sighed.
“Put your name on it and change the name to an Environmental Awareness Club, something along those lines at least. We can present the idea at today's meeting.”
Headstrong and confident as always, Seungmin brought a smile to your face as you reached over into your bag to fish out a pen and correct the form.
Seungmin had always been this closed off and serious, never speaking informally to you, and never wasting his words, he was the most concise and careful speaker you had ever met. And for some reason this only drew you in. His big brain energy was just that attractive.
On the other side of the table, Seungmin took notice of your surge in mood and smiled to himself, relieved to have boosted your spirit.
The board hardly agreed to the proposal until Seungmin cut in and beautifully explained the benefits of gardening and plants on stress relief and the ideologies of being environmentally conscious at your age.
After that everyone was pretty much sold on the idea with just one condition. Miroh High’s new Environmental Awareness Club would have to be established in time for the annual club fair in two weeks. Meaning, recruitment of leading members, supplies and set up on the rooftop would have to be set by at least next week to be considered for the school’s extensive list of beneficial extracurricular activities for students.
The condition was enough to falter even Seungmin’s confidence. He was unsure if you’d manage to do all that on your own in just a week, especially with your rather quiet tendencies, he doubted you could recruit many students in such a small amount of time.
He looked over at you, almost as if asking for your approval, to which he caught your lingering gaze on him, a look he had never seen coming from you. You slightly nodded your head once in agreement to the ruling and Seungmin politely shook his head towards the rest of the government board members, bowing as he took his seat once again.
Seungmin had made your dream gardening club a hopeful reality, you just needed more people now, that was the only problem. Still, you imagined having Seungmin join and coming along to your gardening club, gently taking care of a flower. No, a vegetable, you decided. Seungmin would prefer a vegetable, it’d be more practical of him.
The day following your ‘environmental awareness club” approval was a Friday. Your designated study session with Seungmin was as always to take place in the library after classes had ended, only today he had opted to stay behind a bit and insisted you meet there in thirty minutes instead.
“I’m helping Han with cleaning duty today, so I’ll meet you there,” he explained, before he stood up from his seat making way for the desk behind you.
Behind you, a certain Han Jisung had sat for the last 3 years of school in which somehow you two were always assigned the same classroom and the same seating order, you in front, him right behind you.
Today Jisung was dead asleep, as he usually was after a math lesson. The sight made you smile, Seungmin lightly shaking his friend awake as a very disoriented Jisung began to stretch and groan from his interruption.
Jisung was actually a very close friend of Seungmin’s. Very unexpected given their contrasting qualities. Sometimes opposites just attract huh. Seungmin could never sleep in class, for instance, while Jisung might as well have brought a pillow on the daily.
You knew Jisung wasn’t exactly the most driven student either, but his rank had miraculously never sunk below 10, he was just naturally smart that way. He also never bothered with extracurriculars much, claiming music was all he cared enough for to ever sign up for. Overall, Jisung was an unexpectedly exceptional student with lazy tendencies and not much academic ambition, a striking polar to Seungmin.
After watching the scene unfold, you stood up yourself and made your way towards the vending machine to pass the time waiting for Seungmin before heading to the library. You decided on a small bag of chips and two cookies. You also decided to save one for Seungmin, even though you weren’t supposed to eat in the library, you figured he could save it for afterwards or something.
Unbeknownst to you, Seungmin would later take this small offering in a different light.
Because you see, Seungmin had experienced a fair amount of admirers in his time and had been used to the small gifts given to him by more brazen ones before. In combination with the lingering gazes he felt you giving him both yesterday and now today, he was worried the same was occurring once again. Only this time he didn’t know to go about it. Usually he would simply refuse their gestures with a polite apology and it’d be enough to kindly reject them. But he was unsure this time. Not because he felt anything of the sort towards you, no, Seungmin was much too busy for romantic gestures and feelings to eat up his time, but rather because you were simply so close to him. Not in the personal sense, but in the academic proximity sense of closeness. If he were to “kindly reject you”, would you avoid him like his other past admirers often decide to do? That would make a lot of student government stuff difficult. He suddenly wondered if he could have led you on at all, had he been too kind towards you lately? His racing thoughts spiralling into a mess of ‘what ifs’ were fortunately cut short.
“Are you alright Seungmin? You haven’t finished the problem set yet.” you inquired. Seungmin was usually the one to finish long before you, especially if it was math.
He’d looked over at the fully scribbled page of your workbook, realizing his distraction.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
“No problem,” you replied, glancing towards our watch briefly. It was just nearing the time the school’s library closed and you had planned to leave a bit earlier to make a quick trip to the plant nursery just a few minutes off your route home, you had thought your study session would have ended by now.
“Do you need to go,” Seungmin voiced, noticing a slight impatience in the bounce of your knee.
You thanked Seungmin’s impeccable attention, you couldn’t find it in you to excuse yourself when he still hadn’t finished.
“I’m heading to the nursery today for some supplies for the club,” you unconsciously checked the time once again.
“We can look over the answers Monday if you like? I got a little distracted today…” Seungmin trailed off.
It was unusual for Seungmin to trail off his sentences and get distracted and for a second you worried for him and wanted to ask if anything was bothering him.
Only, you stopped yourself. You didn’t know Seungmin like that. It would be inappropriate and insensitive to ask him something like that, right? You decided it was best to let it go, everyone has off days after all. Even the amazing Seungmin isn’t immune to them.
“I’ll leave first then,” you offered, bidding him a polite bow of the head before slinging your bag over our shoulder and making your way out of the library.
Seungmin watched you walk towards the door, unconsciously biting his inner cheek, he felt... worried, that was the best fitting word, he would say, only he wasn’t completely sure that was what the heavy weight in the pit of his stomach really was.
When you had disappeared down the hall, Seungmin slumped his head down onto the table heaving a deep sigh.
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
When Stars Ignite - Chapter 21
HPHM Rockstar AU
A/N: That's a wrap on Part 2 everybody! It's going so fast, wow. We will take a very short break with publishing while we put Part 3 through the final edit stage, but don't worry, it won't be that long as we're actually almost done writing the whole (!!) fic. Very grateful you're on board with us! The lovely KC (in mention) belongs to @kc-and-oc
General Warning: This whole fic has a general warning of being NSFW / 18+. We will give specific warnings for every chapter in itself, but several adult themes will be more or less present in every chapter, may it be explicitly or in mention. These include sexual topics, drug abuse, (ab)use of alcohol, smoking and a whole lot of cursing.
Specific Warning: (more or less) graphic depiction of explicit NSFW content - do NOT read if under the age of 18!
Find the masterpost here, the previous chapter here and the next one here. The songs featured before every chapter can be found on this pretty badass playlist here.
This work is a collaboration with @the-al-chemist
Taglist: @slytherindisaster @night-rhea @carewyncromwell @thatravenpuffwitch
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You're second hand smoke, second hand smoke
I breathe you in, but honey, I don't know
What you're doing to me, mon chéri
But the truth catches up with us eventually
~ Fall Out Boy - Irresistible ~
When she woke the next morning, it took Lizzie some time to come to grips with where she was. She reluctantly opened her eyes and immediately regretted it; the room started spinning around her and she groaned from the white hot pain in her head.
But her head wasn’t the only thing that hurt; she felt shattered to the bone from the strain of doubling on shows the day before, and she could tell her muscles would be aching like hell before long.
With a heavy sigh she turned her head and frowned at the sight of a familiar shock of black hair next to her. Her frown deepened as she tried and failed to recall last night’s memories.
The last thing she remembered was her sweet-talking the barkeeper into selling them one of the many bottles of whiskeys on display behind the bar where she and Orion had crashed. They had shared it on their way home; maybe the combination of alcohol, complete exhaustion and fresh air hadn’t been the best one after all.
Lizzie rolled onto her stomach and brushed her tangled hair out of her face. She cursed under her breath as the dizziness hit her again; she placed one hand against the headboard of the bed and steadied herself until she didn’t feel like she was in a boat on a rough sea anymore.
The air of the room was cold against her bare skin, making her pull the duvet up around her. She bit her lip with a hint of bad conscience as she watched Orion’s peacefully sleeping face; she had no recollection of last night, neither of hooking up with him or joining him in his room in the first place.
With the warmth of her body suddenly gone from his arms, Orion seemed to be pulled from his dreams as well. He sighed sleepily before opening his eyes. Raking his fingers through his black hair, a smile spread on his face.
“Good morning,” he muttered drowsily, his voice still hoarse from sleep. “How long have you been awake?”
“Just a few minutes.”
Lizzie propped herself up on her elbows and reached for her phone to check the time. It was a lot later than she would have thought; she should have already been in her own room for ages by now.
“Bloody hell, how much did we drink last night?” she muttered as she dropped the phone again and snuggled back into the pillows.
Orion laughed softly. “Me? Not so much. You? Well…” he chuckled, “how much do you remember?”
Lizzie felt the heat rising to her face. “Not that much, to be honest,” she admitted sheepishly.
Orion placed a hand on his chest and feigned a hurt expression. “And there was me thinking last night was special.”
Still red in the face, she swatted him playfully. “You didn’t make that much of an impression if I don’t even remember it.”
He caught her wrist and held it with no effort at all. “Don’t worry, I’m just kidding; nothing to make an impression of. You actually fell asleep on me.”
Mortified at his words, Lizzie buried her face against his chest. “I am so sorry,” she said, the vibrations of her words against his ribcage making Orion laugh.
“Don’t worry, it’s alright; we were both really drunk and really tired.”
She raised his eyes to meet his. “No, it’s not alright.”
Her expression suddenly shifted as her eyes began to sparkle mischievously. She put her hand on his chest, her fingers tiptoeing lightly across his skin.
“That was incredibly impolite of me,” she purred into his ear, making Orion hold his breath. “Let me make it up to you.”
He smirked at her, his thumb running over her lower lip. “We do have some things left unfinished.”
Her eyes flashing, she gave him a short yet passionate kiss before she slowly started moving downwards, her lips and tongue drawing patterns on his skin that were feeling like a trail of fire.
Orion’s smirk vanished from his face as she reached her destination and wrapped her lips around him. His breath hitching, his head dropped back into the pillows and he had to stifle a low moan. When his breathing became more and more ragged, he gently signalled her to stop.
Lizzie looked up at him questioningly, the corners of her mouth twitching into a smirk as she saw the glazed expression in his eyes.
“You alright?” she asked innocently.
She made a disappointed face when he moved out from under her. That quickly changed, however, when he reached out and pulled her to him for a kiss that left both of them breathless.
“That’s a two-way street we’re going down here,” he mumbled between kisses; her hands roaming his body made it hard for him to concentrate on forming a clear sentence.
“You’re not the one who has to make amends,” Lizzie hummed against his mouth.
The feeling of her skin against his was all Orion could think about. His hands ran down her ribcage, over her tattoo and waistline until they came to rest on her hips.
“Then let me decide how I want you to do that.”
The grip on her hips tightening, he pulled her onto his lap and Lizzie moved along on instinct. When she lowered herself on top of him, Orion leaned his head back against the headboard, trying to breathe deeply to not get overwhelmed by the feeling of her.
He waited until she was ready, taking in the sight of her. Her messy hair was spilling over one of her shoulders and he saw the muscles in her toned arms work as she held onto him for support. They made eye contact, and the look in her blue eyes was intense, the smile on her face making them shine. It wasn’t the usual flirty smirk he knew from her, but a lot softer; if Orion hadn’t known any better, he’d called it almost shy.
Her hand went to his face, her thumb running over his unshaved cheek before she leaned in and kissed him.
“Ready?” she whispered, before she started moving on top of him. They immediately found their common rhythm, being well attuned to each other after all these months.
Time seemed to slow down as they moved against each other, everything else fading into the background. All Orion could concentrate on was their synchronised movements, his head spinning from the scent of her and their mingled breaths as Lizzie kissed him again and again.
All his senses were imbued with her as he held her close. It wasn’t long before Orion felt her tensing under his hands. He relished the feeling of her head against his collarbone and her fingers dipping into his shoulders as she rode out her high. Still moving, he felt her lips on the sensitive spot where his shoulder met his neck; when her teeth nipped the soft skin, the momentary flash of sweet pain was enough to send him over the edge as well. Hanging on to the feeling of his release, he only hugged her closer.
Their movements slowly came to a halt as their breathing calmed. Orion kissed the top of her head as Lizzie climbed off him. She smiled and leaned against him, her head nestled into the crook of his neck as his arms went around her.
They sat like this for some time, neither one of them speaking, just enjoying the closeness they were sharing. Orion was on the point of dozing off, his fingers drawing lazy circles on Lizzie’s arm, when a sharp knock on the door brought him violently back to the here and now.
“Oi, heads up, lovebirds,” Skye could be heard a moment later. “Dad’s on the way, so you might want to get dressed and get Jameson back to her own room, I’d say.”
With a curse, Lizzie jumped out of the bed, gathering up her clothes that still lay strewn all over the floor. She was only half dressed when another knock sounded on the door. This time, it was Ethan’s voice on the other side.
“Orion, are you up already?”
Lizzie and Orion shared a panicked look. The only way out was blocked by Ethan and hiding in the bathroom was not an option, in case he would want to come in.
Ethan knocked again and Orion looked around the room for a resolution to their problem. When his gaze fell onto the small wardrobe, Lizzie crossed her arms in front of her chest, mouthing a silent “No way”.
Ethan was waiting in the doorway with raised eyebrows when Orion finally opened the door. Everybody knew he was an early riser, so Ethan had probably expected him to be awake. Nonetheless, Orion tried putting on his best sleepy face.
“Sorry, did I wake you up?” Ethan said, before a knowing grin spread on his face. He shifted slightly, trying to peek around Orion into the messy room behind him.
“Am I coming at a bad time?” he grinned.
Orion leaned against the doorframe, effectively blocking his view. “Not at all.”
He knew there was nothing compromising Ethan would be able to see from where he was standing, but his tousled hair, lack of shirt and the red mark on his collarbone were telling a story of their own. Ethan had been part of the business for far too long to not come to his own conclusions.
“No shame in taking a groupie to your room after a show, mate,” he laughed jovially, clapping Orion on the shoulder. “We all did it one time or another.”
Orion’s face remained stone cold. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Still laughing, the former rockstar shook his head. “If you say so.”
His face grew more serious as he continued, “Just make sure not to stir up any hopes in the poor girl. That never ends well. Getting too involved can get messy, believe an old stager.”
“If you say so,” Orion echoed his words, making it very clear that it was time for Ethan to leave.
Taking the hint, Ethan stepped back from the door. “You don’t happen to know where Lizzie is, do you? No one answered when I knocked on her door.”
“I’ve literally just woken up,” Orion replied, his voice not betraying his rapidly beating heart. “Maybe she’s on a run with Skye?”
“No, I just saw Skye going downstairs with Erika.”
Orion shrugged. “Then I don’t know. Maybe just text her?”
“Yeah, I’ll do that,” Ethan mused, “anyway, I just wanted to let you know that the band meeting is in half an hour down in the breakfast room. See you then.”
He turned on his heel and marched away, so he didn’t see the relief flickering across Orion’s face as he shut the door again.
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t hide his smug grin when he opened the door of his wardrobe. He found Lizzie sitting on the board above the shoe rag, folded together as tightly as she could manage. She stared at him glumly.
“That’s not what I imagined hiding a groupie in my room would be like, but I guess you’ll have to make do,” he laughed as he helped her climb out; all the while, she was muttering curses under her breath.
“You call me a groupie one more time and I swear, you’ll rue the day,” Lizzie grumbled and poked her index finger into his chest, making him grin all the wider. She had shrugged into one of his shirts to cover herself up; it almost reached down to the middle of her thighs, the curves of her breasts barely visible through the open front she was holding together with her hands.
“Stop staring,” she rolled her eyes at him. “You heard Ethan, don’t get too involved with the groupies,” she huffed, but Orion heard the laughter in her voice.
Lizzie shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you shoved me into a cupboard, seriously. I need a moment to cope.”
Orion took her hand and pulled her towards him; she just looked irresistible in his shirt and not much else. “How about I apologise properly?”
With a laugh, Lizzie broke free of him. “Greedy today, aren’t we?”
Ignoring his question, she flashed him a crooked smile as she walked past him into the direction of the bathroom, her hips swaying a lot more than they needed to. She paused at the door and looked over her shoulder. “That shower is awfully large for one person alone, don’t you think?”
She shrugged out of his shirt and casually let it drop to the floor; she didn’t even bother closing the bathroom door behind her.
Orion stared after her for a moment before running his fingers through his hair, smiling to himself.
One day, that woman would be the death of him.
Their little shower detour had taken longer than expected and all the others were already assembled and waiting for them in the breakfast room. Lizzie hated having to make them wait even longer after Orion had joined them before her. She didn’t exactly have regrets with how her morning had gone so far, but she knew neither of their friends would be particularly amused that she was so late.
She put on her best apologetic smile as she stepped into the room. As expected, she was greeted by a very pissed looking Ethan, who wanted to know where the hell she’d been.
“Out running,” she mumbled, “got lost on the way, sorry.”
Rolling his eyes, Ethan continued elaborating their program for the day. They would be leaving Birmingham as soon as everything was packed up and would move on to their next location. They were set for Liverpool next, before moving on to Manchester.
Lizzie had been looking forward to returning to Manchester ever since their U.K. tour had begun; it was always nice coming back to the place where everything had started.
She was only listening to Ethan’s roundup of the last few days with half an ear. Although she felt a lot more awake than before, her head had started pounding again and she didn’t even have her first cup of coffee yet. She eyed the cup in KC’s hand wistfully, the smirk of her red-headed friend as she brought it to her lips not lost on her.
As soon as Ethan was done, Lizzie got up and made a beeline for the gleaming coffee machine on the buffet table in the middle of the room. She was just waiting for her latte to run through, when Andre joined her.
He wasn’t saying anything at first as he helped himself to a chai latte, but the disapproval seeping from him as he looked her up and down was palpable.
“You could wear anything and look fabulous in it, sweetheart,” he muttered under his breath, “but do you always have to nick his shirts? They’re so plain.” Coming out of his mouth, it sounded like an insult.
Lizzie almost choked on her coffee at his words. She was still wearing the casual button-up shirt she had found in Orion’s wardrobe but wore it open, the ends tied together at her waist to make it look a little more inconspicuous; she hadn’t had the time to get to her own room and get changed.
Pretending she had burnt her mouth, Lizzie grimaced and blew against her cup. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Andre looked at her dismissively. “Don’t you, now? Let me tell you, darling, I would know any piece of your wardrobe under a thousand. I tend to pick them out for you, remember?”
He turned to her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, but his face was serious. “Don’t get all spooked, I don’t care what you guys are doing. You know me, I’m for love all around, whatever kind, it’s a beautiful thing,” he made a fluttery movement with his hands in the way that was so typically Andre, “but we all know how it is in this band.”
The smile that had appeared on his face vanished again and he looked at Lizzie intensely. “Just take it as a piece of advice from an old friend. Be a little more careful. So far, you’ve been lucky, but we wouldn’t want the wrong people to find you out.”
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ineloqueent · 4 years
a night in
Brian May x Fem!Reader
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synopsis: your plans for christmas turn sour when you fall ill. but at least you’ve got Brian there with you.
warnings: swearing
word count: 2.2k
The end of December was approaching at a pace which could only be described as rapid, and christmas was lurking around the corner in a rather sinister manner, given that you had hardly got anything done in the weeks leading up to it, and were now facing the daunting task of wrapping presents, decorating the tree, and baking enough reserves of biscuits to last the presence of your sweet-toothed family.
It was the day before christmas, which really did not bode well for either you or your boyfriend. You both had yet to pack, having felt almost nothing but reluctance toward the idea of going to visit your family— you because your family, as much as you loved them, often drove you up the wall, and Brian because he had never met your family, and was nervous for the occasion to finally arise.
Typical Brian.
He worried about everything. It was quite sweet, really, the way he worried about your family not liking him, because Brian was just about the best thing ever to have happened to you, and with his humility and his kindness, his cleverness and his wit, you could not imagine anyone seriously disliking him.
Except for when he left. That made you quite upset with him. Especially on the mornings where he had to get up early, and left you alone in bed without a source of warmth.
But for this morning, at least, he still had yet to get up, despite the multitude of things on your combined to-do list.
Instead, the two of you lay intertwined with each other, soft breaths and soft skin and mouths.
Brian was warmth, and you pressed closer to him, tightening your grasp around his impossibly slim frame, breathing in the smell of his hair and his skin, strawberries turned musky with sleep, like Turkish delight offered on a wintry day— some semblance of a fairytale was interwoven with his curls, with the blushing pink of his lips, and the contrast between the two.
He shifted in your arms, a sigh falling from him the way that the first snow of the year always falls— peaceful, gentle, almost tentatively— the way he’d kissed you the first time.
You remembered it as though it were yesterday.
You’d been sitting beside him on the grass of Hyde Park, the lazy summer sun circling overhead, and you’d pushed your sunglasses up atop your head, and glanced over at Brian.
He’d smiled at you, and you’d sighed, lying back on the grass. Brian had followed suit, and the two of you had gazed up at the sky in tandem, watching the clouds turn about the sky like the whitewash of the sea, becoming and undoing themselves all at once, fluctuating between infinite numbers of shapes which appeared to your imagination as animals or plants, people and inanimate objects.
“This is how life should always be,” Brian had said.
You’d hummed in agreement. “No responsibilities, no schedules, just the sky and the world beneath it.”
“And you.”
“Me?” You had turned your head to face him, your fingers knotting in the grass as your pulse elevated by no intentions of its own.
“Mmm.” His curls had fluttered in the breeze as he’d nodded, his hazel eyes turning your legs to caramel beneath you. You were glad you were not standing.
“Kiss me.”
He’d opened his mouth as though to say something, but then seemed to have lost all ability to do so, and pressed his lips together.
Slowly— so slowly you thought he’d change his mind halfway and leave you lying motionless on the ground, unable to move for how closely Brian Harold May had been to kissing you— he raised himself to his elbows, and moved to hover above you.
His exhale touched your lips before his own did, and you shuddered involuntarily. Then, he leaned down to you, and overlapped your mouth with his, breathing into the kiss in a manner which set goosebumps prickling along every inch of your skin, scattered asunder the butterflies in your stomach till their wings tickled along every part of your body, like a sparkler catching flame.
Your hand slid to cover the nape of his neck, sinking into his ringlet curls as you pulled him to you and became nothingness beneath his touch, dissolving as his fingertips brushed your waist, his tongue your lower lip. And god— he was good at this.
A small sound escaped him, and you parted your lips and let your shoulders sink into the grass. You drew Brian with you, kissing him, kissing him, kissing him, so many times you thought you’d never stop, because you never wanted to be without this feeling again— this feeling of him.
You remembered that kiss this morning, as he wrinkled his nose in his sleep, and you traced your fingers from his temple to his jaw, before brushing over his sternum, and trailing down the centre of his chest—
His eyes flew open and he grasped your wrist, his breath coming sharp and short.
Your heart seized.
As though waking from a dream, he relaxed, a sigh scattering his curls briefly away from his face, before they fell back into his eyes. You smiled fondly at the sight, and Brian bit his lip shyly. He was still shy, shy at the affection offered to him, after all this time. Some part of him still doubted he was deserving; you could see it in the dip of his mouth, the downward flick of his eyes, and pink rising in his face.
“Hello,” he murmured.
“Hello, Brian,” you whispered back, and kissed his collarbone.
You lingered, and felt his breath against your forehead, the beat of his heart upon the place where your cheek had come to rest.
“Not getting out of bed today?”
He chuckled, the sound humming over your skin. “No visiting family, then?”
“You’re my family.”
“Oh, my love—”
“Shh, go back to sleep.”
Brian frowned. “As much as I hate the thought of getting out of bed right now, we really must, if we’re to catch that train.”
Nestling into him, you whined, “But you’re so warm…”
Brian’s frown deepened, a crease appearing between his eyes. “As are you,” he said.
Then at once, he pushed you away, sat up, and pulled you up with him. You blinked dazedly, as Brian shook his head. “God, you’re warm,” he muttered, and pressed the back of his palm against your forehead. His eyes widened suddenly, as both his hands came up to cradle your face. “Christ, love, I think you’ve got a fever.”
You blinked. “What?”
He shook his head again. “You’re ill.”
“But what about—”
“We are not going anywhere.”
Brian scoffed, “Absolutely bloody not.”
You fought for control of your mind, which seemed suddenly cloudy, in the wake of Brian’s realisation. “But I’ve bought presents, and baked biscuits, and I promised my mum—”
“There’s no such thing as late presents,” said Brian, “and the biscuits we’ll eat ourselves, and your mum will understand that you’re sick and not to leave your bed until you’re feeling better.”
You grew suddenly despairing at the thought of spending christmas in bed, with nothing to show for the wasted time, and you said desperately, “But Brian, I can’t not— what about— oh, I’ve ruined everything.”
You felt suddenly rather overwhelmed, fisting your hands in the sheets. He was right, that was for certain; you felt so very cold, though he insisted that you were warm, and yes— that was a sweat breaking out on your neck, tingles starting down your spine. And you were tired. So, so tired.
And then you were blushing, that Brian should have to see you like this— pathetic, weak, and not entirely pretty, at that— deal with you like this.
You ducked your head. “Please don’t feel obligated to stay here with me. I’m sure I can take care of it, be better in a few days’ time…”
“You, my love, are entirely ridiculous, if you think that I am going to leave you here for a single second, in this state.”
Your blush deepened at his words, but if Brian noticed, he said nothing.
“I don’t—”
“Shush,” said Brian, rising from your side, before pulling on the pair of trousers previously discarded by the bed. You pressed your lips together immediately at his insistence, and he swept around the side of the bed, kneeling by your side. “You’re going to stay right here whilst I make you a cup of tea and phone your mum, and then we’re going to do everything in our power to get you on the mend, yeah?”
You nodded silently, biting your lip. A distinct sense of shame still weighed upon you.
At your nod, Brian nodded as well, and stood.
You bowed your head and resigned yourself to a miserable christmas.
But then suddenly, Brian’s lips were at the shell of your ear.
“And just for the record,” he whispered, “you couldn’t ruin anything if you tried.”
His fingers brushed the nape of your neck before he dropped a kiss to your hair, and departed the bedroom for the kitchen.
The cup of chamomile tea had not gone down easily, but with thirty minutes of sipping the hot, warm, then lukewarm, liquid— and no small amount of coaxing from Brian— it was done.
He took your temperature after that, and grumbled disapprovingly, until he saw your downcast eyes, and stroked a hand over your head.
“Good girl,” he murmured.
Then he reached above the bed and drew the curtains shut, before undressing again and crawling back beneath the duvet and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you against his chest and kissing the curve of your neck.
“What can I do for you, love? Anything you need, just tell me.”
But all you really wanted was sleep. And Brian there with you.
“Just…” you started. “Just hold me.”
“I can do that,” Brian said. “I’m very good at that.”
And you slept through to dinnertime.
When you awoke, Brian was gone, but you could hear him singing in the kitchen, and a lovely smell wafted through the flat to your bedroom.
He returned with a bowl of soup, which he assured you was fresh, because he had just made it. He sat with you whilst you ate slowly, your movements still as lethargic as they had been in the morning. But he stayed by your side, eating his own soup as he kept you company, combing your hair with his fingers, clearing away your bowl when you eventually finished.
He then took your temperature again, tutting like a mother hen. He urged you take a shower to ease your aching muscles, and you complied, whilst he exchanged the sweat-matted sheets of your bed to clean ones. When you slipped back into bed, the cotton was cool against your skin, and your heart swelled with gratitude for Brian and his attentiveness.
You fell asleep quickly, and though you awoke throughout the night, Brian was always awake too, there to sing you back to sleep, or talk or read in comforting tones until you drifted off again.
But when you eyes opened christmas morning, Brian was nowhere to be found.
Until he was— sitting beside you on the bed, smiling softly.
He held out a mug to you, and involuntarily, you cringed.
He laughed. “It’s not chamomile tea, today,” he assured you, and you sighed in relief, because you had never particularly liked chamomile tea in the first place, and after the events of yesterday, there would be no redemption for it, ever.
“Hot chocolate, to celebrate,” he said. “Happy christmas, my love.”
Letting you take the offered cup, Brian clinked his own against yours.
“Happy christmas, Bri,” you responded, sleepily but happily, and he smiled again, and it warmed your heart to no end.
He blew on his hot chocolate before taking a delicate sip, and as you drank as well, you could not help but stare at him, at this beautiful being who, for presumably no reason at all, had chosen to love you.
“What?” he said, when he noticed you looking, and you chewed your lip.
“I really want to kiss you,” you answered.
Brian set down his cup on the bedside table, and leaned close to you.
“No,” you pushed him away gently, “I’ll get you sick.”
Brian rolled his eyes. “Oh, fuck it,” he muttered. “I love you.”
“I love you—”
He silenced you with a kiss, drawing you in with a breath, nipping lightly as your lower lip so that you all but melted into his arms.
And you kissed him and you kissed him, and in an infinite cycle, he kissed you, until the world fell away, its colours softening to sunset pastels. And you floated away, awash with the sort of love you had never thought possible, before you had met Brian.
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phoenix-downer · 3 years
hey there just wanted to ask if you know any sokai fanfics where Sora meets Kairi's grandmother I have been searching for a long time and can't find anything
Hello and thank you for the ask!
I actually wrote a scene from one of my fics a few years ago that featured exactly this! I'll share it under the cut, but I'd also encourage anyone who has written about this as well/knows of a fic where this has been written about to share too!
(I have read a fic where Sora spoke to Kairi's grandmother's grave which was very moving, but I figured that wasn't quite what you were looking for. I'll be happy to share a link though if you're interested.)
(from Those Who Dreamed, Chapter 40)
Kairi took a big bite out of her piece of apple pie. The warm apple combined with the cinnamon and ice cream was as delicious as she remembered, and she sat back in her chair and sighed in contentment.
What better way to spend a lazy afternoon than with her grandmother? The only thing that would make this better was if Sora was here, too. But he was talking to the Restoration Committee about some things and hadn't arrived yet.
"You know, Kairi, I think this is the best pie we've made together yet," her grandma remarked, patting her mouth with her napkin.
"Maybe it's the apples." She'd picked them up from the market this morning, and they were some of the ripest, most delicious looking apples she'd ever seen. They proved to taste just as good as they looked, too—crispy and sweet with just a hint of a tangy kick.
Her grandma shook her head and smiled. "It's not the apples, dear. It's all about the magic touch."
Kairi set her fork down. "The magic touch? What's that?"
"The heart behind the cooking is just as important as the methods you use. Even the most delicious recipe can taste terrible if it's made with coldness or hatred. And even the worst recipe can taste good if the one who made it really cares about you."
She shared a story about the time Kairi's grandfather had tried to make her cookies. It had ended disastrously, but it was the attempt that counted, and in the end they'd eaten the leftover cookie dough together and had had a good laugh about it.
"Find someone you can laugh with, and you'll lead a happy life," her grandma finished the story with.
"Yeah." Sora's laughter as he'd held her during their return to Destiny Islands echoed through her mind, and she couldn't help but smile.
Her grandma put her hand over Kairi's and gave her a knowing look. "Is there someone on your mind, dear?"
As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. She excused herself from the table and raced to it, throwing it open and launching herself into Sora's arms.
He laughed as he caught her, the sound like music to her ears. His scent was as wonderful as ever, the same saltwater and sun mixed with his natural musk.
"Did you miss me?" he teased as she took a deep breath and sighed happily. She found his hand and looked up into his eyes. There was something older and wiser in them now, but he was still her Sora, just like he'd promised.
"Ready?" she asked.
She led him through the house to where her grandma was waiting. He squeezed her hand, and she squeezed back.
A little. I just… I really want her to like me.
Don't worry. She will.
They went through the door of the dining room together, and her grandma was sitting there waiting for them, a freshly cut piece of apple pie set aside with a big dollop of ice cream on top.
Kairi cleared her throat and put her free hand on Sora's arm. "Grandma, this is Sora."
Sora bowed his head. "Nice to meet you, ma'am." His voice was higher than normal, but he managed a small smile all the same.
Her grandma looked up. Tears shimmered in her eyes and she wore a radiant smile. She reached for Sora's face, and he knelt so she could touch his cheek. His smile melted into something more sincere, more heartfelt as he put his hand over hers.
"So you're the one who's been my Kairi's light all this time," her grandma said. "It's so wonderful to finally meet you, Sora."
"The pleasure is mine, ma'am. Kairi talks about you a lot. All those stories you told her when she was a kid, about the light. When I was having a hard time, they cheered me up, too."
Her grandma gestured for them to sit down. "I'm glad to hear that. The light is always deeper than the darkness, and my Kairi's light is the brightest of them all."
"Yeah," Sora said as he settled in one of the chairs and Kairi took the one next to him. He found her hand and held it under the table, and she gave it another gentle squeeze.
"And do you know why that is?" her grandma continued. "It's true that she has a heart of pure light, but there is a reason it shines so brightly."
Sora tilted his head to the side. "Why's that?" But he glanced at Kairi because they both already knew the answer.
"Because she is so dearly loved." Her grandma's eyes softened. "I'm not wrong, am I? You do love my granddaughter, don't you?"
"Yes," he said, simple and heartfelt and without any hesitation. "More than anything."
Kairi leaned against his shoulder and sighed. Hearing him confess his love for her still made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Maybe the light inside her heart really did grow brighter with his affection.
Her grandma smiled that radiant smile again that made her eyes crinkle.
"That's all I ask. Take care of each other, or should I say, keep taking care of each other. Always find something to laugh about together, and you will know happiness." She looked from Kairi back to Sora with all the affection only a grandmother can provide. "You have my blessing. Go and start your new journey together." Then she paused, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she pushed the plate of apple pie closer to Sora. "But not before you've had your pie."
"Yes ma'am," Sora said, finding a nearby fork and digging in. "Don't mind if I do."
As they all laughed about that, Kairi just took a moment to bask in it all. The two people that meant the world to her, finally meeting after all this time.
She couldn't have asked for a better way to begin her new journey with Sora.
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nbaczynskifilm · 3 years
Surfs Up, Chicken Joe and other things
Let me firstly begin with how my two classes are going.
Film Adaptation- Our shoot is about three weeks away and Im starting to feel the stress. The locations have not been sorted out yet which is my main worry but hopefully by tomorrow we will agree on specific locations and have them sorted. Most of my work is paper work and organisation which I don't really enjoy doing since although I am efficient and slightly neurotic Im not very good at sticking to a routine/ schedule. Although I am happy to have tried out the role of a producer, before third year where Ill be sticking to camera and lighting (as I do think that my strengths lie within those categories).
Documentary Film- The shoot is next weekend! I still need to work through a thorough list of what I definitely want captured and asked. I have a vague idea of what type of questions I am going to ask, I want all of them to provoke abstract thoughts and creative answers to further the mystical nature that I am trying to capture within the film. I have definitely decided that the films main focus will be the magical essence of the space and how the past has created it. It will focus on isolation and the buildings connection to nature. Hopefully with this film we will find the voice of St Peters Seminary.
Surfs Up
This film is what I want most films to be. I recently viewed it with my mother in Spanish (as I am casually learning it). And I must say there is an essence to it that I thoroughly enjoy.
The mockumentary style combined with surfing penguins is genius. I really doubt that there is a better sports documentary out there. If I was making a sports documentary my first inspiration would be this.
There is something that I cannot help but mention. Whenever I think about it I begin to sweat and convulse in fear.
The chicken problem.
This world is confusing...its very mysterious. We see that most of the population seems to be penguins and yet there are characters that are not penguins, better yet not all characters are birds. This leads to a lot of questions as we only have three characters in this film that are not penguins...why? Why is the world predominated by these flightless ice birds?? Or why is the world not JUST penguins?? Surely that would make more sense? The addition of these characters feels sinister...theres something not right about the combination of these animals and the writers make it even weirder with the introduction of Chicken Joe.
Chicken Joe is a constantly stoned chicken that is an absolute god at surfing. Like seriously he is one with the waves, what a sight. He is the "best friend" of our main protagonist Cody (they've only known each other like 3 days). When him and Cody start getting to know each other we find out that Chicken Joes dad is dead. What happened to him? HE WAS MADE INTO FRIED CHICKEN AND EATEN. HE WAS EATEN. What does this mean? Why is there such a thing as fried chicken if these chickens are fully sentient civilians??? WHO IS EATING THE FRIED CHICKEN??
We see that at least on this island there are no "predators". All of the animals that aren't penguins are smaller and are not a threat to penguins...this means that penguins are on top of the food chain. PENGUINS EAT CHICKEN. Don't believe me??? When chicken Joe and Cody share a squid snack, Cody tastes it and says "it kinda tastes like chick-" and then stops as he realises that chicken Joe is a chicken himself. This means that Cody KNOWS what chicken meat tastes like?? Where did he even get to eat a chicken?? Is this such a popular snack in this world? Of course you can say that its just a lazy joke by the writers BUT I don't think people who can think of a surfing animated penguin mocumentary could possibly stupid. That raises a question, Why?? I genuinely do not understand, all I do know is that this world is TERRIFYING, chicken Joe lives in a society where his peers eat his species. No wonder he is always stoned! He was probably riddled with fear before weed fried up his brain to no return. Chicken Joe seems to have convinced himself that chickens are not being eaten. Even when being boiled alive he seems to be clueless. Such a terrifying concept for a kids film! And yet original and layered.
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