#but I can make some hemp clothing
froggiefemboi · 2 months
I just noticed that my country has legalized weed And I have looked up and my place is in the legal area of planting and smoking weed
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dragon-ascent · 3 months
Rex Lapis wants to devour you, so you prepare yourself accordingly.
You sigh, tugging at the stray threads on your hemp tunic. Never would you have thought such a day would arrive - but your god is a dragon, after all. You should consider it an honor he desires to have you for dinner tonight.
Tightening the rope around your waist, you pause. Actually, should you even be wearing any clothes at all? Wouldn't that make it inconvenient while he's eating you? Or perhaps the fabric adds a zing of extra flavour, who knows.
Or maybe he'd like to undress you himself while he dines.
Taking a look at yourself in the reflection of your water bowl, another thought crosses your mind - should you season yourself? Rub some spicy pastes all over? Rex Lapis didn't say anything about that, only that he wanted you for dinner. So before you can overthink it further, you make your way to the elaborate den the deity resides in.
The lofty dragon, coiled up at rest, perks up when he catches sight of you making your way to him. His eyes shimmer with excitement, and his long whiskers seem to have a mind of their own as they dance about. He eagerly leads you further inside, mentioning how he has been looking forward to tonight.
Now that you're here, you're starting to get cold feet - but it's too late to turn back or do anything about it. His dinner table - your chopping block, ostensibly - lies in wait.
Upon the stone table is a wide array of dishes - rice, pastes, breads, pickled and fermented vegetables, some broths... wow, this dragon certainly intends to make a feast out of you, huh?
Gulping, you pensively ask, "Will it hurt? Or will you kill me first and then eat? I don't want to die painfully..."
Rex Lapis, taken aback, nearly knocks over a decorative plant when he turns to you. "Whatever are you alluding to?" he asks, lowering his head so his gaze is level with yours.
You blink. "You...said you wanted me for dinner."
There's a long pause within which an entire generation could live and die. Then, Rex Lapis speaks.
"My dear, when I said I wished to have you for dinner, I meant as a guest."
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trulyhblue · 4 months
If you write for her, I will not be opposed to a Kerstin Casparij one because I have the biggest fattest crush on her. Maybe a fan keeps showing up in the fanzone (an area of the Joie stadium where a selected few are allowed to meet the players, but it's random each time and should make it so its different every time so everyone gets a go.) And nobody knows why she's there or how she keeps getting chosen but the players find it funny and make sure to get round to her every time. But Kerstin always spends a particularly long amount of time with her, until it's revealed that she's pulling strings and getting the girl in every time just so she can see her. (You can either do it where she does it because she likes her or because they're dating, it works with both and I'm not sure which one I want more.)
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Kerstin Casparji x Reader, Lauren Hemp x Platonic! Reader, Esme Morgan x Platonic! Reader, Man City WT x Reader.
Warnings: fluff, coarse language, established secret relationship
A/N — Thank you for this request!! Love it so much. Will definitely write more for Kerstin if anyone is willing to send in some requests!!!!!
You had met Kerstin in a bakery down the road from your house. When you first saw each other, the woman nearly tripped over her own feet. You were surprised by the shock on her face like she was starstruck by being in a metre of your presence. You gave her a friendly smile, hoping your open ambiguity would keep things humble.
It was during your final exams, the ones where you needed to pass so that you could continue your degree. You were very passionate about what you did, and sitting down in a quiet coffee shop with your headphones on and books open was your idea of being productive.
Kerstin, on the other hand, had the impression that you didn't want to talk to her.
Which, well, to be honest, you were in the middle of studying, but you gave no clear indication of what she thought you were thinking.
Instead of going about her day — she should've been at training twelve minutes ago, but it was only media day so they could wait — she slowly sauntered closer to where you sat, pretending to be interested in the decorative flowers that embellished the cafe. You watched her out of the corner of your eye, smiling at her piss-poor attempt in remaining discreet.
You were dressed in very basic clothing, similar to hers save for the Manchester symbol embedded on her jumper. Only one ear was covered by your headphones, meaning that Kerstin would be heard loud and clear if she plucked up the courage to speak to you — which she was trying to do now. She thought you were the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen, and she was surrounded by women almost every single day of her life. You looked extremely immersed in what you were doing, which should of been an indicator of apathy but it only lured Kerstin in more.
She wanted to know everything about you. Your name, you favourite colour, what you did, what you loved, who you loved—
It sounded a bit creepy, so she shook off her thoughts and focused deeply on the flowers. The woman was staring at her screen distantly, aimlessly typing away on the keyboard with a mug by her side.
When she realised you had caught her staring, she buried and swallowed down her pride. “They are nice flowers, don't you think?” She asked, her cheeks burning a vibrant red as if she had just run a marathon. You noticed her accent, one that wasn't accustomed to Manchester, and nodded like you cared about the topic.
“Yes, but I think they are fake.” You replied, smiling wider as the woman’s flustered state only grew in size when she caught sight of the very fake-looking plants.
“Oh.” She gulped, shoving her hands into her pockets. She's so stupid, she thought to herself, she’d blown her chance of even talking to this gorgeous stranger by talking about some stupid, fake plants.
You wondered whether the woman would continue the conversation she started, but the silence that followed was a pretty good indicator that she was audibly stumped on what to say.
“They are pretty, though.”
“Like you,” Kerstin spoke without thinking and instantly regretted it. She slapped her hand across her mouth, nearly walking out of the coffee shop, packing her bags and moving back to the Netherlands. “Fuck, sorry. That just— erm, came out. Sorry.”
You took off your headphones, pretending to act offended, raising your eyebrows and sighing. “You don't mean it?”
“What— no, no, you are so pretty. Like, beautiful, gorgeous. That's why I'm here. Well— yeah, I saw and thought you were pretty. I didn't mean it like that. You're probably smart, too, but— erm, yeah.”
The look of remorse almost made you feel bad, but your amusement — and somewhat endearment — overturned your hesitancy.
Instead, you laughed, took a sip of your drink and smiled, hoping it would calm the woman’s nerves.
“You worry too much.” You said, moving across the booth you were sitting on, offering the space beside you for her to sit down. She did so without delay. “I'm not someone you should waste your worry on.”
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” Kerstin answered wholeheartedly, pleased when she noticed the blush that dusted your cheeks. “I would rather worry about you than anything else for the rest of my life.”
You laughed, crossing your arms over your chest. “You don't even know me.”
With a push of confidence, Kerstin wrapped an arm over the back of the booth, scarcely missing your shoulder. “If you’d let me, I’d like to.”
It was from there that you and Kristen started to hang out.
Seven months had passed, and you were now completely and utterly in love with the woman. Kerstin was an externally affectionate person despite her introverted persona. She loved showering you with compliments, giving you everything you needed at exactly the right time with just the right amount of love and devotion.
You found out she was a football player pretty early on in your relationship due to the tight and busy schedule the girl had, including her diet, exercise, and all of that. You weren't a massive football fan, but going to your first game a week into knowing Kerstin made it seem to find a way into your heart.
Your girlfriend wasn't the only one to give compliments. You had your fair share in making sure the Dutch woman knew how much you were enamoured with everything she did. It took you a while to get used to her career and the publicity that came with it, but you found pleasure in knowing that once you got back to your shared apartment you could tell and show her just how much she made you feel so so proud.
It was in mutual agreeance that you both wanted to keep your relationship under wraps. Your feelings for one another and how you cared for each other were one of the highest concerns in your relationship, and by keeping your love between yourselves, you've found that it worked better overall. You didn't want to indulge in a media presence, and Kerstin respected that.
Kerstin was fine with putting herself out onto social media, but when it came to you, she wanted to make sure you were comfortable at all times.
Because of this, you both came to the decision that at games, you wouldn't sit within the family and friends section, and instead, in the crowd with the fans.
You were among the group of fans that were guaranteed to meet the players after the match, whether it be cause they paid more or if they were chosen randomly by officials. For many weeks, people just assumed that they were lucky or could just afford to pay the extra money to be seated in the same section. Both you and Kerstin found it amusing when fans would wonder why you were always the first one to be greeted, or why you knew her.
After a month of this recurring theme, some of Kerstin’s teammates started to notice.
Surprisingly, Lauren, who wasn't the most observant, caught sight of it first.
“Do you know her?” She asked Kerstin after a game against Everton, watching the Dutchie make eye contact with you from where they were signing shirts.
Kerstin looked at Hempo, a blush running across the bridge of her nose.
Shrugging, she thanked the last fan, handing back the pen. “She's a friend of mine.”
Lauren’s eyebrows furrowed. “Then why isn't she in the friends and family section?”
When Kerstin didn't instantly reply, silenced by the prodding questions she was receiving, a distant idea clicked in Lauren’s mind.
“She's your girlfriend?” She sounded, obviously a little too loudly since the Dutch international nudged her warningly.
“Alright, nosey, keep your voice down.” She snapped, pulling the girl away from the crowd. “You can't tell anyone, alright. It's still pretty new.”
Lauren’s eyes widened in alarm, not exactly thrilled with the commitment of keeping a secret. “Does Jill know?”
“Why would Jill know?”
“I don't know, I didn't think I’d be the first person to find out,” Hempo replied, looking back at you. “Can I tell someone?”
Kerstin’s eyebrows furrowed. “I just said you can't.”
“Yes, I know, but I'm terrible at keeping secrets,” Lauren whined. “Please, let me tell Jill, at least.”
“No, because Jill will tell Viv and Viv will tell Beth, and Beth will tell literally everyone.” She quipped, only half-heartedly digging at the Arsenal girls. She watched Hemp sigh like a child, looking down as if the burden of her knowing was too much. “You can tell Esme but that's it.”
That was how the first people found out about you and Kerstin. When she told you that night, you weren't necessarily fazed. It was bound to come out at some point, and you’d rather Kerstin’s teammates find out from her than the internet.
Unfortunately, though, the rest of the girls weren't afforded the same luxury as Esme and Lauren.
All of the girls at Man City couldn't believe their eyes when they found out Kerstin was in love.
Well, to be fair, they weren't quite certain this was true. Lauren and Esme saw it first at the next game against West Ham, watching their teammate smile cheekily at the girl in the stands when she should've been stretching.
Sandy mentioned the Dutch International’s love-sick countenance to some of their teammates over lunch a few weeks later, promoting Hempo and Es to spill their not-so-long-kept confession.
None of the girls knew who Kerstin was talking to — or even if their suspicions were acclimated, but Sandy, Esme, and Lauren all made it their mission to keep their lips closed.
Sandy was the one to come up with the pact, yet the demanding eyes of Roebuck after an endurance training session set her tongue loose.
Lauren wasn't at all happy. Esme ended up spilling the secret to Mary as well, meaning the secret was already spreading across the team.
Meanwhile, fans were growing more and more suspicious of you and how you managed to steal the attention of Kerstin after each and every game.
The media surrounding you two got so big that Kerstin’s national teammate Viv called her one day asking what was going on.
Kerstin knew Lauren and Esme had told at least half the team by then, including Jill, who had run up to you after a game and pretended to flirt with you just to annoy her teammate. Viv was quick to point out that if she wanted to keep your relationship private, putting you in the midst of cameras and media attention wasn't the most suitable option.
You ended up deciding that if you were to stay in the crowd, both of you needed to be willing to make your relationship more public.
It had been seven months of concealing your obvious love for one another. Pretty much the whole team knew about you, and it only took fans a quick video of the two of you looking at each other to piece the clues together. You were both mature enough to keep your private lives private and social lives up to your discretion.
You made the decision to share very minimal parts of your lives together without spelling it out. This meant that you could hug your girlfriend for that little while longer in front of everyone. You could kiss her and not look around to see if anyone was looking. You could tell yourself that Kerstin was yours and you were hers.
But you didn't need public knowledge to make you feel loved by her.
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kerstincasparji — bit of a charmer ✨
viviannemiedema — ❤️
laurenhemp — love that bakery
*liked by kerstincasparji and yourusername
esmemorgan — busy girls
^ wosofan — SHE KNOWS
maryfowler — 🐐
user23 — is she dating the fan??
^ manchestergirl — if you mean the girl in the stand then yeah I think so
jillroord — ew cooties
^ viviannemiedema — shush
^ jillroord — no 😍
user7 — why does she sit in the stands and not in the family and friends section
^ laurenhemp — that's what I said 🫢
yourusername — charmer, huh?
^ kerstincasparji — idk, some pretty girl called me it
^ yourusername — didn't you call her beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, talented, incredible, out of this world
^ kerstincaslarji — she likes to think so.
^ user12 — IS THIS HER??????
^ arsenalwosoxx — THEY HIT THE PENTAGON
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southangel · 3 months
Hi! How's it going?
Can I get some headcanons about the main four with a twin sibling!reader? How would the dynamic between them and people around them look.
You can choose if they're identical or fraternal twins. 
Main 4 Being their Twin Sibling
Warnings: none
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Notes: Platonic, gender-neutral as well! Will be fraternal twins, since identical twins are typically the same gender. A little rushed, wrote most of this late at night.
Stan Marsh
Being Stan’s twin would be fun, I think.
You’ll obviously look similar, but not so similar to the point where people bombard you guys with questions.
You would be the older one, by about a minute, and you would definitely tell all his friends about it.
He hates you for it.
Since you’re related to Stan, you’re also related to Shelley, meaning you both get attacked by her.
Luckily she’s a bit nicer on you, only because you’re friends aren’t as annoying as Stan’s.
You don’t really hangout with Stan and his friends unless they need you as a backround character for a game, otherwise you would be with your own friend group.
Your personalities are very similar, people could probably tell that you’re related by just that.
I feel like Stan would be the type to scam you out of favors, but quickly feel bad then do something in return for you.
You used to both walk into school together, but after moving onto the farm and having to wear those Hemp shirts, it was embarrassing.
You both agreed that two people with Hemp shirts walking together was more embarrassing than one, so you split up.
You would be friends with Wendy, since gossiping about Stan is so fun for you both.
Imagine you and Stan both doing homework together, staring at the worksheet before eventually giving up.
You guys played Terrance and Philip on the TV afterwards, so it was okay.
“Tell me if Wendy says anything bad about me, please?”
Kyle Broflovski
Being Kyle’s twin sibling would be interesting.
Kyle would be the older one by about 3 minutes, but he isn’t obnoxious about it and doesn’t care.
Kyle tends to be the smarter one, so he wouldn’t mind tutoring or explaining every bit of work to you, you steal his answers when he isn’t looking.
You used to hang out with Kyle and his friends, then Cartman started going after you as well even though he hasn’t before.
If you ever get a partner with a stable relationship, Kyle would be happy for you, but I feel like he would be a little jealous since his romantic luck is absolute shit.
You guys are the types of twins where everyone can tell that you’re siblings, and it’s super annoying getting asked the same questions everyday.
Sheila would probably make you guys share a room, and you both hate it.
I know she would be the type of mom to dress you guys up in matching outfits when you guys were younger as well.
You and Kyle would be the type of twins that talk at the same time, doesn’t matter if you say the same things or not.
It’s so bad that some people swear you can mind communicate, you wish.
The only bad apart about being Kyle’s twin is that you’re practically engaged in everything he does, which is really annoying.
“Mom, do we really have to be matching?”
Kenny Mccormick
I think having Kenny as your twin sibling would be really nice.
Although your household and environment at home really isn’t great, you both still make the most of it.
You guys might share clothes, not often though.
Kenny is older than you by 5 minutes, bigger gap than the rest, but he genuinely doesn’t care.
You guys don’t really look alike that much, so it’s only when they realize the last names are the same that they notice you guys are siblings.
It’s a good thing nobody notices though, or else the questions would be a hassle.
You and Kenny would definitely each take turns taking care of Karen, hanging out with her or getting her small things from time to time.
I feel like Kenny sees you as the other half of him in some way, not because you’re his twin, it’s because you’re his twin.
He would take you down to work at City Wok, so that you guys could make some extra money.
You and Kenny both payed half and half for that Sony PSP, using your saved money from City Wok.
You guys fight over the PSP daily, not bothering to make some actual working time distribution on the device.
You would definitely find Kenny cheesing all the time, in the act.
All you do is walk away because you don’t really care, you just hope he doesn’t get into too much trouble.
“Do you like it, Karen? Me and Y/N saved up for it.”
Eric Cartman
Cartman definitely hates you, partially.
You’re his twin, and he sees that as a terrible thing because of how he exaggerates having to be stuck to you all the time.
You DEFINITELY don’t look like Cartman, at all.
Maybe there’s only some similar features, but you should be glad to not look the slightest similar to him:
Cartman would make fun of you for being to nice, than start screaming at you once you become annoying like him.
He can’t make up his mind over anything, and it only makes him angrier when he thinks about how you’re older, only by a minute.
You’re embarrassed about being related to him, but at least you kind of secret information to blackmail him with if he ever gets too annoying.
Liane let’s you guys do whatever you want, as long as you and Cartman are together most of the time.
You guys are forced to become partners all the time in projects and school assignments, and you almost always are the loudest ones in the room because of your arguments.
You genuinely feel that living with Cartman is like hell on earth, and you can only assume he feels the same but with amplified hatred.
Sometimes it seems like he likes you though, it’s weird.
One time you were coming back from a sleepover and he came to hug you, talking about how he missed you sooo much, he made you do his homework in return for being affectionate.
If you ever get a love interest or partner, Cartman is already on his way to asking everything about them.
It’s not like he cares, he does, he just wants to know who you’re really talking with.
He’ll probably be really weird about it for the first week, then get over it and start being annoying once more.
“You took a really long time at that sleepover, now go do my homework.”
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minecraftbookshelf · 11 months
hello this is an invitation/request to ramble about textile production in rivendell vs the swamp in the arranged marriages au I am very curious about this thank you
Most of this is going under a cut because it is going to get a bit long and rambly and is 100% as much an info-dump as it is a worldbuilding post.
the TLDR is Wool VS Linen
The majority of Rivendell textiles are wool-based.
They do import some silk from the Overgrown but that is reserved for special occasions and items. Mostly silk threads are used for magical stitching and silk fabric as a center lining for leather and chain armor.
Almost everything else is wool.
Most of their wool comes from sheep but they also have llamas, rabbits, and goats that all are domesticated for this purpose. (Wool as a term refers to any fiber obtained from an animal, even if some of it is technically hair, for textile purposes it is wool)
Most of their export is sheep wool, they have, in fact, increased their sheep herds specifically to accommodate export in the recent decade or so as they open their borders and form alliances beyond the Overgrown.
Wool is an incredibly versatile fiber. It's water resistant and thermal properties make it ideal for the snowy mountain terrain of Rivendell's territory. It can also be made into fabric so fine it is literal gauze. It can be felted it can be knitted it can be woven. Saying Rivendell's textiles are almost 95% wool does not accurately convey how varied those textiles are. Generations of Rivendell elves have spent their ~500 year long lifespans coming up with new things to do with wool.
And its not just from sheep.
Rabbit wool is most commonly used for items like underclothes or baby clothes and blankets.
Llama wool actually comes in two distinct forms, because Llamas have layered coats. Originally they were used as beasts of burden but were also, over the generations, bred for fleece as well. Their rougher outer coats are used more for things like rope and cordage, the inner fleece is similar to rabbit.
Llama is also the least common wool, since it takes about two years for a llama to regrow its coat after shearing and they aren't exactly the most space efficient of livestock. The fleece is one of the luxury exports sold mostly to foreign nobility who want to feel fancy and brag about their "exotic [insert item here]". The outer coat fibers are mostly sold as cordage, which is excellent quality and in high demand in the seafaring nations. (This is also due to elvish craft-magic, more on that later in the worldbuilding-focused section)
Goats are a full range from coarser fibers to fine soft ones. It functions much the same as sheep fiber, just with a lower yield. Goats are primarily used in the outer villages of Rivendell in the highest, sheerest cliffs where they are more suited to the terrain than their moor wool-laden cousins.
The Swamp:
Most Swamp-made textiles are linen.
Mostly made from flax and/or hemp. (Yes, that kind of hemp, go ahead, make the jokes.)
(Hemp grown for fiber is a different variety than hemp grown for more recreational reasons. It has a much lower THC and the plant itself is a lot larger. I'm not saying they don't grow the other kind, and use it medicinally, but it isn't relevant to anything I will be writing. If that's your wheelhouse you are welcome to take this and run with it.)
Linen is a lightweight and absorbent fabric that is ideal for hotter climates so it is very common to see in the Northern kingdoms. It's absorbency does mean it dirties and starts smelling fairly quickly but it is also a very resilient fabric that takes washing well. It also has the default state of "wrinkled" which, to someone accustomed to other types of fabric, does lend itself to looking rather unkempt. (You see where I'm going with this.)
Like wool there is a wide range of fabrics, ranging from the ultra fine and soft to coarser, more Textured pieces. (basically, the underclothes to sail canvas range) both flax and hemp, especially the latter, are also used to make cordage and hemp in particular is often used to make macrame and beaded jewelry, irl and in the Swamp. Fishing nets are also a common product.
Textiles are not a notable export of the Swamp so there is less to say there.
IRL flax linen makes up some of the oldest surviving fabric and clothing samples, dating back thousands of years.
Flax fibers are not elastic, they don't stretch and shrink while worked with and don't have a lot of give. This does make working with it in the process of fabric making somewhat difficult and requiring a lot of skill. The resulting fabric though is incredibly durable so its a trade off.
The Mostly Worldbuilding Portion
This is just going to be a bunch of disorganized bullet points really
A significant portion of the flax used by the Swamp from linen production is grown and harvested in Helianthia and brought to the swamp for manufacture. This is actually the primary threat Mythland represents, (you know, besides rampant destruction and harassment along the border) is interrupting that trade route. They do also grow their own but do not enough for what is needed.
Elvish magic is almost entirely based around fiber arts. Embroidery, knot-work, charms stitched into seams and knitted into the very makeup of a garment. Wool and Gold. (gold-thread embroidery is powerful stuff) A side effect of all of this is that when small Xornoth started setting things on fire and small Scott sneezed frost it was a pretty solid indication that their magic was a bit more directly divinely sourced.
Related, elvish rope is reliable. It doesn't degrade or break or even cut easily. (This is straight from Tolkein but it works too well not to poach)
Elves build things to last, a single elf-made garment can last for several human generations. At least.
Net making/repair in the Swamp is one of those community tasks that a lot of people sit down together and do while socializing. Almost everyone has at least the basic skills required.
Generations worth of irreplaceable historical tapestries were lost when Xornoth burned down the Rivendell palace during their coup and every time the weavers and artisans and historians of the kingdom remember that they come very close to being assassinated.
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hwspirilovebot · 9 months
I believe this has to be asked at some point, what is Antonio and Piri's relationship like?
Our internalized racism (thanking Spain for uniting the ethnolinguistic groups to form the PH, Islamophobia and prejudice against Indigenous people, desiring Western validation too much, viewing ourselves as not Southeast Asian enough due to Catholicism overpowering Hindu-Buddhism, etc.) toxic machismo (patriarchy and all its consequences and misogyny and the huge support for authoritarian politicians), hypocrisy (of the Church and everything else), and a lot more can trace its roots from the Spanish colonization of the Philippines
But for Spain, era solo otro día.
The Philippines was not Spain's most profitable colony, and there are even instances of people saying it's a waste of money. Credit goes to @sweaty-clouds for these excerpts:
With the constant typhoons that damage crops and the lack of spices which Indonesia is blessed with (to be fair, Mindanao had cinnamon but Spain failed to conquer most of it.), the Philippines was better off as a trading hub for Chinese goods bound for Acapulco and Europe. Ultimately, it was the missionaries that insisted on keeping the country (that's another can of worms), and in terms of foreign policy, and the Spanish empire needs to have a hold in Asia.
I can imagine Antonio comparing Piri constantly with his peers and being disappointed but still keeping him for Christianity's sake. He rarely visits him and leaves all the work to Mexico (Nueva España, then) until Mexico became independent and Suez Canal was opened which made travelling from Sp to Ph became faster.
Piri would ask how come his neighbors are productive and Antonio would blame him for being lazy rather than Spain's late industrialization and dependence on the mining of silver and gold in exchange for Chinese goods.
Jose Rizal criticized this Spanish style mercantilism: While we see all the walls of London covered with advertisements of the products of its colonies, while the English make heroic efforts to substitute Ceylon tea for Chinese tea, they themselves begin with the sacrifice of their taste and their stomach; in Spain, with the exception of tobacco, nothing from the Philippines is known: neither its sugar nor coffee, hemp nor fine cloths, nor its Ilocano blankets . . . . The most commercial and most industrious countries have been the freest countries: France, England and the United States prove this. Hongkong, which is not [equal to] the most insignificant [island] of the Philippines, has more commercial movement than all the islands together, because it is free and is well-governed.
But I am in no way an Anglo-Saxon apologist. They are fcked up too. This has to be pointed out because there were instances in PH history where some Filipinos would rather be a British colony in the belief that the success of Hongkong and Singapore can be imitated!
The PH economy did become less restrictive when Spain lost its colonies in the Americas (deserve!). Many were afforded the right to study in Europe, hence, the ilustrados and enlightened thinkers like Jose Rizal, Marcelo del Pilar, etc. With enlightenment, comes the desire to be independent.
So, Antonio tries to be . . . more amiable with Piri. Piri appreciates it since he wants his respect but he wants equal status (as he should), equal rights, and often criticizes the church. Little Piri wanted to be the favourite and would often pray the rosary and the novena, hoping it would make him the apple of Antonio's eyes, but teenage Piri ain't taking any shit anymore because if God exists, they would favor David and not Goliath.
Then there's the Spanish-American war.
Now I heard Spain was more sentimental about losing Cuba (whether it's real life or Hetalia canon). There's the Generation '98, but it was never about Piri alone. It was about the fallen empire. Their relationship remains strained throughout the 20th century, especially when some upperclass Mestizo families in the Philippines supported Franco and were leaning towards the Axis powers, but the Philippines was trying to take in more Jewish refugees. Learning the Spanish language was also no longer required, and more attention was given to learning English since there's more job opportunities (and also, Hollywood).
Perhaps in the recent decade, Piri and Antonio are more cordial and diplomatic for the sake of trade relations and business. The Arroyo administration was active in that regard. Filipinos, nowadays, would joke about fighting Spaniards and while we do acknowledge the lingering colonial mentality and how fcked up colonialism is, we're not hostile to Spaniards. There's also this anecdote from a former teacher and her interaction with a Spaniard who said something along the lines of, "I learned about what Spain did to the Philippines, and I'm sorry. But it was the Castillans who did it! Not me, I'm from Catalonia."
But since Piri (and Filipinos) is canonically sassy, he would have visited Antonio in the midst of his financial crisis and asked, "Can I get a discount in Zara as colonial reparations?"
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outsideratheart · 2 years
“You’d make a cute elf.” with lauren hemp
A/N: Day two of the Christmas advent calendar.
You didn’t want to spend your day off at the CFA doing a Christmas photo shoot but as one of the faces of the club you didn’t have much choice. The only upside was that quite a few other players had been asked to do it too, included in this group was your girlfriend.
“Cheer up Scrooge, it’s one photo shoot” Lauren teases as you enter the facility.
She had been using this nickname ever since you told her that she couldn’t put the tree up until December. It might also have something to do with the fact that you don’t care for Christmas. It wasn’t that you disliked it, it’s just that you didn’t get as excited as everyone else.
“So you’re telling me when we get home you’re not going to beg me to get the Christmas tree out of the loft” you asked your girlfriend whilst greeting the staff.
“Oh I am but I was doing to do it anyway, this photo shoot has nothing to do with it”
She was persistent, you’d give her that.
There were racks of clothing, all Christmas themed, most likely items that will be on the City website for the holiday season.
After a few hours you had lost count how many photos had been taken or how many outfit changes you had done but what you did know was that you were ready for home.
You get told that there will be a break so you grab some food from the catering table and catch up with Alex who was telling you about her New Years plans.
She soon loses your attention as you see Lauren walking over with a mischievous grin on her face but that wasn’t the thing that stuck out the most. She was dressed as an elf and held what looked like a Santa outfit.
“No” you say before she even gives it to you.
“Y/N you are our captain, we are your players therefore we” she points to Esme and Chloe “are your elf’s and you are our Santa”
She pulls you up out of your seat.
“Y/N” she pouts and wraps her arms around your neck.
You meanwhile look around to see your team mates staring, watching the rare interaction between you and Lauren.
With one look of her puppy dogs eyes, she has you in the palm of her hand and she knows it.
“You have too much power over me Lauren Hemp”
You quickly steal a kiss only for her to hold it a little longer. Her action earning several cheers and whistles from the girls around you.
When you have the Santa suit on, you admit to yourself that you don’t look that bad. At least whoever bought it did so in your size so it fit.
“I’d make a good Santa” you check yourself out in the mirror then you see Lauren standing behind you doing the same thing “in fact I would even say a hot Santa”
Lauren rolls her eyes at your cockiness.
“Yeah, sure, whatever you say babe” she turns you around so you can see her properly “what about me?”
“You’d make a cute elf” you tell her.
“Only cute?” Lauren pouts.
“The cutest and you’d be Santa’s favourite elf” you send her a wink. 
“I should hope so” 
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bonefall · 1 year
Snowbird Ann here: x_x I have Fennel growing in my front yard. That stuff...it tastes like black licorice and it's stringy like celery. But when it goes dormant, it leaves stalks that would be great building materials. Med cat/builders could get a fresh stalk, soak it in water to make it bendy and shape it into whatever. If I remember I'll go out and snap a picture of the dormant Fennel tomorrow.
Fennel is actually suuuuuuuuper useful for dozens of reasons. It's related to parsley and has been naturalized all over the world because humans find it so useful.
The cats could use it for:
-Funerals This herb can be STINKY. This could absolutely be one of the funeral herbs that elders rub onto the deceased, especially since it's non-toxic.
-Cooking It's full of fiber meaning it can be a good supplement even for cats, if not consumed in excess. It's also got potassium, manganese, calcium... They can't taste sweet but that licorice-y flavor would come across just fine. It's actually used in sausages a lot.
-Alcohol If your Warriors drink responsibly. And know how to distill. Mead made from honey would still be easier but fennel was used for health tonics in the middle ages... and then eventually got used to make absinthe.
-Insect repellent This one's actually huge because the OTHER big bad bug buster is mint... and all mint is toxic to cats. This is a really good non-toxic insect repellent for warriors next to lavender.
-"Toothpaste" Not like, a PASTE but, a sort of... sticky mouthwash poultice. Fennel's actually super good for oral health, eliminates bad breath, and fights plaque buildup; and remember, Our Friends Mint & Co is toxic to cats. You can make it into an oil and help a warrior with a gum problem. It's especially good at fighting streptococcus, which is one of the most common infectious bacteria in wild cats.
-General medicinal purposes Helping clean eye infections is just one medicinal use, fennel is useful for all sorts of ailments. It's anti-inflammatory, it's antibacterial (but not as good as honey), can help with digestion...
Historically it's also been associated with helping to treat colic in babies and estrogen-related issues like menopause and milk production, which is actually NOT proven with modern studies... but I think the idea is just cool enough to hand wave the science away, I would use it just to have an herb for colicky kits. It's weird that colic has never shown up in canonical kits before!
Building use?
Probably not. You've noticed it's stringy-- that's actually where fennel gets its name. Fennel = Foenum = Latin for Hay. It's more like hay in consistency than twine and would be too soft to build with.
For strong material, you're just gonna want plain old wood. Twigs, branches, anywhere you can find fennel you're also going to find bushes or trees that'll make better beams.
For twine? Skip the fennel entirely with its short stalks and just get some tall grass. Or, if you've got long-haired cats, they can make yarn out of shed fur if they collect enough of it. Better yet, if you've got access to flax? Then you're REALLY cooking with fire, that bad boy can be made into fabric, rope, clothing... Don't even get me STARTED on industrial hemp, you could weave reality itself out of that popstar. Paper, clothes, canvas, shampoo, lamp oil, rope, bombs, you want it? It's YOURS my friend--
TL;DR stick to the herbal uses for fennel. You're better letting dormant fennel re-grow because it's better in the paws of your medcats than your warriors.
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We're makin leaps and bounds with this whole sustainability thing since we moved from our apartment a few years ago. Whenever i feel like im not doin enough I lay out all the tiny swaps we've done on the table
we no longer by styrofoam cups and reuse the ones we have
We no longer use plastic plates, we either use glass or compostable ones (and throw the compostable ones in the compost)
Our building has solar panels for electricity
Our soaps are zero/low waste
My mother and I started our loc journey so its much easier to find all-natural, plastic free hair care
I use reusable pads
I don't buy new clothes often if at all, 4 shirts in the last 7 years
3/5 of us eat strictly plant-based bc we're vegan,
We have an indoor hydroponic system growing leafy greens, tomatoes, peppers and fruits, and we bought seeds in bulk. We're planning on swapping rockwool cubes with reusable and compostable hemp fiber cubes
Since the hydroponic system is so bright, and the led lights last for 5 years at a time, we use the living area lights much less, opting for natural sunlight if the hydroponic system is not enough or is off.
We have a bokashi indoor compost bin for food scraps, and an outdoor cold compost bin for the scraps that cant go in the bokashi bin to make our own soil
We started a kitchen garden, and a pollinator/tea garden, and as of 2023 we now have a plum tree, a grapevine, two blackberry bushes, 5 reusable grow bags, 4 big planters and 2 big raised garden beds, lookin forward to fruits and vegetables in the spring, summer, fall and winter. We're planning to buy one more steel raised bed to ensure that we are cycling through what we're growing each year to limit pest-control methods, even neem oil, and planning on purchasing a lot more perennials and native perennials/annuals.
This fall Im gonna purchase a mushroom growing chamber kit for more low waste vegan meat alternatives and to add some healthy mushroom soil to the compost cycle
Our laundry detergent is environmentally safe
Our washing machine is water-efficient
We have a fridge with a water filter for cooking and drinking water
We have reusable grocery store bags
Im gonna try to grow lufas next year to replace our kitchen sponges and steel wool scrubbing pads,
Our property is small, and our neighbors are not as social/gungho about bartering or Co-Op food gardening,
but I'm proud of wat we've done so far, and I can do a lot more, and I plan to do so, so any advice would be welcome
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kinfriday · 1 year
It’s hard to know how to feel as I’ve been going through the history of the Viking age peoples.  
On one hand they were profoundly inclusive, traveling the world, inviting other cultures to trade, and even including some of them. People with Persian DNA have been found in graves, along with rings with Allah inscribed upon them.  
What’s more we have written firsthand accounts, some of the only surviving, of Viking funerary rites from traders, and many historians now believe that the ancient Silk Road had its western terminus in Scandanavia. 
While gender roles seemed to have been strictly enforced, women still had the ability to own property, or serve as warriors. There even seems to be evidence, though it would be easy to read too much into it, that the Vikings were comfortable with a type of non-human identity in some.  
In a vacuum all of this sounds amazing. Here we have a warrior culture, that also traded and welcomed others and had at least some degree of respect for women as they ventured across the world.  
Truly, they must be a model of 9th century progressive values and ideals.  
Not so fast...  
While, to a degree welcoming, worldly, and inclusive, our spiritual ancestors were also, at the very same time, terrible people. A bulk of the slave trading in Europe came from the Viking World. Rape, and the murder of children was an acceptable war tactic, and virtually anything could be done to a person one owned, even up to murder, with little to no consequence.  
Human sacrifice to the Gods was common and means of justice were shockingly brutal.  
None of this existed in a vacuum. The Christian kingdoms of this era were at least as bad, and in some ways worse, as were the Romans. You aren’t going to find a human society that is without its horrors, and if you read the legends, even the Gods do reprehensible things.  
As I’ve grown in my knowledge of the legends, I find it interesting that, from my perspective, Ragnarök was a preventable tragedy. Loki’s three monstrous children are bound, but the why is at best hazy, and with Fenrir it’s an outrage.  
The Gods feared the great wolf, but nothing that survives ever indicates he was a threat. Perhaps we should trust the wisdom of Woden here, perhaps he had some foresight, but all we have from the legends is fear, and it is his binding that sets up the great cascade of events that culminate in the death of the Gods themselves.  
I wonder if one of the reasons Loki went after Baldr, was a result of Woden binding Loki’s son unjustly.  
One might be surprised to see such sentiment from me, but the Gods call me to be honest, and the one thing they never claim to be in all the legends is perfect, nor do they claim to be unchangeable.  
As said, they even face death, which is an ultimate form of change, perhaps the most necessary kind.  
I say this because I realize I am not so different from the ancestors. While many might see my actions as progressive, or even virtuous as a vegan, as someone that strives to go fair trade with her clothing, chocolate and bananas etc. Striving isn’t good enough, is it?  
I’m writing this on a computer that was built with conflict minerals, it’s unavoidable. Most likely some ten year old child working his fingers to the bone mined the cobalt for my fancy electronics.  
Migrants denied any pathway to legal or easy immigration into this country are exploited to grow my food. Some of my clothing was most likely made in sweatshops.  
We like to think that we’ve come far as a society, and we have. We now keep our slave labor, our exploitation of others firmly out of sight while we pat ourselves on the back for wearing hemp and shopping at Whole Foods, judging those that came before us with a type of virtuous horror.  
And it’s not fair to them, and it won’t be fair to us when, five or ten generations down, they look at us as brutal savages either.  
I don’t think anything can make many of the actions of our ancestors right, or understandable, but I think to honor them properly we must look at them with honesty and as lessons of what not to do, how not to be, as much as how to be.  
I see this with the Gods too, and the chronicling of their savagery and past mistakes recorded in the mythology. Woden is not the same God that he was a thousand years ago, he has grown and changed. I am deeply convinced of this. What’s more, the culture that interpreted, or misinterpreted his actions is now gone, and we’re left with our, in some ways, more progressive time where we can forge new relationships with these High Ones.  
Nothing is static, nothing will ever be perfect, but in every era, every time, there were at least a handful, some known, some unknown, that bucked the trend, that sought to be better than the world they were raised in and went beyond what they were given.  
There were people who freed their slaves, fought for justice, or never kept another human being because it just felt wrong. There were noble warriors who never harmed a child or violated a woman in a village.  
They may have been few, they may have done their good deeds under a cloak of eternal anonymity, but we have the same choice.  
I can’t stop it all, but I can stop some. I can’t keep myself from benefiting 100% in the privileged position I exist in, but I can use that privilege to shout from the rooftops and intervene for those that have none.  
We are our deeds, in totality. Much is made of being a warrior in many modern heathen paths. Well, I feel my war is within, and against every systemic cruelty that exists in the world.  
It may be my Jörmungandr, it may be the end of me, but as long as I’m working to do better, and be better, than I feel I am honoring the Ancestors and the Gods.  
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pinksoullesswench · 6 months
Cute, cozy ways to survive winter
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- buy a winter-ish tea to warm you up in the morning and the evening. You can also make your own mix (I love cranberry and elderberry)
- take vitamin D3 to boost your mood and prevent seasonal depression
- take beta carotin to have a glowy, tanned skin even without the sunlight
- get a good quality jacket from a material like wool or hemp (eco), and yes, it will cost a lot, but it's worth it. It keeps your warmer than any cheaper jacket and will last longer. A tip from a broke girl: I started to save up money in June. Also I search only in second-hand stores. I also recommend a faux fur. You can already find nice finds for 90€
- few times a week, make yourself a little bath for your feet. After a cold day, pour hot water into a bowl and put some nice bathing salts or etheric oils, I usually do smth that smells like pine trees. Super relaxing and warms your feet ^^
- read winter-ish books. They help to romanticize the cold time and make the season much more special
- get yourself a nice thick pair of socks that you will enjoy wearing during the winter
- dress warm. I have a special thermal set that I always put under my clothes. Avoid wearing jeans, for they will only make you freeze. Wear thick sweaters (I love cashmere, I bought one cheap in a second hand store), or long warm skirts or dresses (they make me feel girly and special during the cold time) remember, when you buy expensive, good quality clothes keep them in natural colors so they're universal and timeless. Remember: the time of cute outfits is over, now we're in the survival mode
- you can add yourself some color with pretty gloves and hats. I love wearing slavic scarves during the winter to honor my heritage
- when buying a shower gel, perfume, shampoo or body lotion peak smells that remind you of winter. I go for mandarine/ orange scents 😊🍊
- drink vitamin c in the morning!!!
- choose a thicker cream for your face, nothing water-based. Your skin needs special care and protection during the winter. I have an acne prone, oily skin, and I still choose thicker creams, so don't be afraid to do the same. My go-to for winter is a levera cream for sensitive skin and a black cumin seed oil. I also like products from PinusVital.
- uv still exists during winter so don't forget a sunscreen!
- decorate your apartment, room or house with winter decor. I'd defiently focus more on winter related things since they will last until March. Christmas things tend to be thrown away much quicker after Christmas. There's so many cute ideas!
- get yourself a sun clock. It's a lamp you put by your bed, which imitates the sunshine. It's especially useful in early mornings since we humans aren't programmed to be waking up in full darkness. It helps to wake up your body :)
- get yourself a bunch of candles and light them in the evening. Element of fire has always been crucial for our ancestors during these trying times
- every single week plan to do something new. It can be finding a new song or new album, going to a restaurant or a coffee shop you've never been to before, learning something new, visiting a place you haven't seen yet, trying out a new recipe, even taking a different rode back from work/school, write a new poem, start a new book, watch a new movie, keep yourself entertained by little things
- out of the same principle, try to redecorate or change placement of furniture from time to time. Our brains get easily bored and especially during winter it can be very depressing. Brains need the change to stay healthy and fit
- especially during cold times, a community is really important. Even if you're an introverted person, it doesn't mean you should stay alone all the time. Humans are social beings, and we need contacts to one another. During winter months and long evenings, loneliness can be very hard. Try looking for a local book club or knitting club or any other club you'd enjoy. Download Bumble BFF it's an app that helps you to find friends! Volunteer at your local senior house or even your local dog shelter. Being constantly alone has literally never done anyone any good.
- burn incenses to boost energies in your household (any time it's needed, of course if you believe in stuff like this :) ) I recommend orange incense (brings luck and happiness)
- spend time outside. During the week I barely have time but every weekend I try to go on a walk possibly out in the nature. Your mental state regulates this way. Just 15 minutes of walk outside each day can boost your mood. Believe me, it comes from a person who struggled a lot with depressions.
- don't forget to eat well. You burn more calories during the winter because your body uses lots of energy to keep itself warm. Eat regular, well-balanced food portions. I love vegetarian food magazines that offer amazing seasonal recipes, so you cook with vegetables and fruits that actually grow during the winter. I think it adds more magic and meaning to the season to cook with seasonal food.
- wake up early. And early can be different for every person, but sleeping in every day is not proven to be healthy. Sleeping in causes chronic diseases, slows down your metabolism, and can cause social problems. Of course, there's nothing wrong with having one slower day, but having a crazy sleeping schedule can get you in sleep debt that will not result in anything productive.
- pick projects you want to accomplish during winter like for example my projects are: learn about local birds and mammals, make a little house in my local forest, learn how to diy fairy houses, learn how to knit :)
❄️Remember that winter time is the time to slow down and relax. Look around at nature and see how everything is seemingly dead and waiting for the spring. Don't worry if you're not being great all the time or constantly achieving new milestones because it's totally fine to calm down after many months of work. I know that the capitalism convinced us that we should always work, no matter what, but I just want you to remember that nature intended otherwise and of you're more tired and sleepy during these months that's totally normal. Just be kind to yourself.❄️
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such-a-barbarian · 4 months
Weekly Tag Game!
I've been MIA on vacation with the family, so I've missed a few of these. But I am now back in the land of ice and snow so figured I hop on this one quick! Thanks to @francesrose3, @juliakayyy and @jrooc for this week's tags and to all the lovelies who tagged me last week in things I didn't respond to. 😝
name: Kell
age: closer to Noel then Cameron
star sign: a non-believing Aries
your first language: English
second language: I can speak a grade 9 Ontario level French, which basically means I can say very useful phrases like "I am a pineapple in a library".
favorite lip product: The Body Shop has a line of Hemp products including a lip balm that I am a big fan of.
the best food dish you can make without a recipe: My hubby is a big fan of the meatballs I make. I also make a pretty mean hidden veggie mac and cheese (the things you learn with toddlers at home...)
If you drink tea, what kind? I have a cup of Tetley orange pekeo every morning.
If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? I do not drink coffee
favorite thing to watch on youtube right now: Besides Gallavich scenes on repeat? My top watched channel is the Try Guys. 🤷🏻‍♀️
favorite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: Honestly, probably Buzzfeed. lol
favorite item of clothing right now: My oversized bright pink hoodie from my local independent ice cream shop, with the most adorable ice cream logo on it.
favorite item of clothing in 2012: probably also some type of oversized hoodie
three movies you recommend: Not really sure if these fit the 'fandom' category but my 3 fav movies of all time: The Princess Bride, Best in Show and The Newsies.
your favorite concert: This is tough, I've seen a lot of great shows! But many moons ago when my hubby and I were first dating Everlast came to a music fest in town. My hubby is a huge fan so we went together and it was a miserable day, pouring rain and cold, but we had SUCH a good time. Cause of the rain it was a pretty small but mighty crowd and Everlast was awesome. It is just such a good memory for me!
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Nope. This is the only fandom I have ever really participated in and it's been lovely!
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? Please see above
the best tv show you watched last year: Schimgadoon! Just finishing season 2 now and I am so very sad season 3 wasn't picked up.
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? I will never be over the fact that Arianna Grande was cast as Glinda in the Wicked Movie when they could’ve had Dove Cameron.
a ship you’ve abandoned: I was super into Belle and Shawn from Days of Our Lives back in the day. I read a bunch of fanfic, but never really interacted in the fandom. But once the original actors left the show and I grew out of high school they lost appeal to me.
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? haha. share with who? on tumblr? probably 10 - nothing would shock any of you. With a random person in my everyday life...probably zero. haha
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?) I am tattoo free and at this point in my life will mostly remain that way.
what fandom do you wish was bigger? 🤷‍♀️
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? Definitely. The worst for me was How I Met Your Mother. It still makes me so mad.
have you…
swam in an ocean? Many times. Just last week in fact! Thank you, Mexico!
ever been vegan/vegetarian? Nope, we try to do meatless Monday in our house to mix things up but I enjoy meat too much to go full vegetarian.
gone skinny dipping? yup. It is a backcountry camping must!
gone skiing? A ton! It's been a few years since being pregnant/having babies isn't conducive to skiing, but I adore it. It is my favourite winter activity!
been to a convention? nope.
I’ll tag @tanktopgallavich @transmickey @callivich @zutaralesbian @iansw0rld @krysmiss @lupeloto @catluvver118 If you feel like it this week!
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oneatlatime · 11 months
I got bored today and started daydreaming. The results:
In Bato of the Water Tribe, Aang haybends. Obviously he airbends a bunch of hay, but let's dig into haybending a bit.
As I understand it, Hay is a bit of an umbrella term for a bunch of animal fodder-producing plants, which means that haybenders bend more than just one plant; they can bend a bunch. That implies that they are bending what plants are made of rather than a single species or genus of plants. Hay is made of cellulose. Cellulose is what (I think) practically all plants are made of, and there are some bacteria that deal with it (?) as well. Biology class was a while ago.
What things are made of cellulose?
How about natural fibres? Cotton, hemp, flax/linen, burlap. (Not animal fibres or petroleum-based ones.) A cellulose bender could therefore bend all natural textiles (and blends so long as the natural content is over some percentage threshold, but I have yet to see evidence of petroleum or plastics in Avatar). It would certainly be useful in a fight if you could make your enemy's clothes trip them up/detain them. Everyone wears clothes made at least in part of fabric. Unless you rock the all leather look or just never wear clothes, you'd have no way of protecting yourself from a cellulose bender. Imagine the wedgies. Imagine how much easier it would be to put clothes on squirmy toddlers if the clothes were on your side.
What about making textiles? Would a civilisation that could cellulose-bend even bother inventing the loom? Imagine the heights of artistry that would go into cloth where each and every thread was conducted into place individually and simultaneously. I bet they could produce cloth while holding their threads floating in the air. A bender wiggles his fingers and what look like piles of tangled thread soar into the air and arrange themselves into a paisley-patterned button-down. Can you imagine the quality of tailoring you could accomplish if you had power over individual threads? Would you even invent sewing or tailoring if you could shape each individual piece to fit, then join them without seams? Can you imagine the implications for embroidery?
What about paper? Would a cellulose-bending civilisation ever invent ink? They could bend cellulose into paper, then instead of writing/printing text on paper, they could bend the cellulose in the paper into the shapes of the letters. Might not be faster than regular writing, but certainly more economical than how we currently produce braille books. You could literally throw the book at your enemies. Bend whole libraries.
Wood is made of cellulose too. Wood houses, carts, ships, bridges, all would be manipulable. Wooden shaft on the enemy's spear? Tie it in a knot. Woodcarving would be possible without tools. Who needs carpentry when you can bend a house out of a forest? Could you bend a bowl out of a tree and then put it back after dinner? If your cart had wooden wheels, could you propel it? If you're camping in the woods, could you bend a grass or branch hammock and then put it back the next morning? Could you obscure your tracks?
Can you imagine what a beast a rope-bender would be in combat? Canvas is made from hemp or cotton; a sail-bender could ground a whole fleet of sailing ships. A seaweed bender could ground propeller ships. You could knit without needles, crochet without a hook, open the curtains without getting out of bed. You could weave a basket on the spot, so long as you're near grass. Near-infinite biodegradable packaging at your fingertips. You could juggle coconuts without touching them.
And what about applications on plants that are still living? For more benign uses, imagine shaping your garden with a wave of your hand. Make vines climb trees, tree branches go where you need shade, weave elaborate living fences from shrubs. You could make a tree grow in the shape of a chair, then cut it down and use it in your dining room. What about forests? Could a cellulose-bender make a forest get up and walk? If you needed to move your herd to a different field, instead of a sheepdog or a cattle drive, could you just bend the wooden fence with the animals still inside and shuffle it to new ground? Hunting would be easy - just spot what you want to kill and then turn all the surrounding grass into snares.
And this isn't even touching the implications on agriculture.
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shortiecos · 1 year
Eco friendly cosplay (Save the environment and your wallet)
Before I begin this post, I want to aknowledge that yes, changes made by individual people  won't do much to save the planet in the long run, and yes we should really hold those big corporations that singlehandedly cause 70% of emission accountable. However, that doesn't mean that we can just go around using products that harm the environment all willy-nilly, and we should do our best to keep our impact to a minimum. The same goes for us cosplayers. I know cosplay is a fun hobby. Some of us use it to escape reality, other to find gender euphoria in it, some people just like to act and this is their way of showing that talent.  But we can't deny that our hobby causes a lot of environmental stress, and we routinely use materials from highly environmentally damaging industries. Let's have a look Fabric we use is often synthetic. It's  made from petrochemicals. EVA foam and thermoplastics are oil byproducts as well. And after that intense, environment-damaging process, most of us only wear the cosplay a few times, before we move on to the next big thing.. How can we change things, while keeping the hobby fun and affordable?
 Shop in your own closet first. Many character actually just wear casual clothes that any random person can own. Check to see if you maybe already do. 
You don't? Oh well. I assume you got a family and/or friends. Check their closet! After that? Thrift thrift thrift! There are so many hidden gems in thriftstores. Altering clothes is also a great way to start your sewing journey. And even if you don't find the clothing item or prop you're looking for, maybe you'll find something else that's useful. Like a leather jacket that yo can use to make those leather accesoires! 
Don't make a new costume for every event. Make a handful that you love, aand wear those to the ground. It'll save you in money and materials, and you will also experience less stress, concrucnhing to try and finish your cosplay in time. I'm not saying you can never make a new cosplay, just do it less impulsively.
 See which parts of your cosplay you can recycle. Maybe you can modefy that one skirt, or paint over the gun you made? See if you can make it work for your next character.
Does everything NEED to be perfect? I know you want to be as accurate as possible. But do you have to reprint that 3D printed sword twice just because it was slightly off? Or do you need to recast that gem in resin 20 times just to get it perfect?  No you don't Do you NEED to make a mock-up dress? I know the materials are expensive, and you don't want to waste any, but what are you doing with the mock-up materials after? 
Continuing from #3, take a look at your fabrics. The entire textile industry is a mess. It's polluting, and often poorly regulated. And not just the synthethic  ones. Even natural fabrics can be bad.  Leather tanneries are awful, and cotton is one of the most chemically intensive crops in the world (still both better than synthetic counterparts) Try hemp, linen, or wool instead of cotton.
Find alternatives for your props. They don't have to be EVA foam and plastic. There are many substitutes. Cardboard, paper mache, recycled wood. Hell, even hotglue instead of resin. Or use things  you already own. Old water bottles can be a great base for sci-fi gubs for example. Be creative! 
Make things work for multiple costumes. An old example that I once used on my instagram: @pretzlcosplay took her Gnar dress and corset, made some new accesories, and poof!: a Cubone cosplay!
Don';t buy a wig for every new cosplay. Ok so this one is common sense I think, and I don't think anyone does this but I had to put it here anyway. That one black wig you own? It;s Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Kirito, Kageyama, Levi Ackerman,  Rin Okumura, and on you go. The same goes for most unnaturally colored wigs. Just look up a few youtube tutorials on wigstyling, and that one wig can be a hundred different characters.
 Buy secondhand cosplays. Loads of cosplayer sell their old cosplays, sometimes even including the wig. You can look on instagram, usually people have story highlights for things they're selling, but facebook is a great way to start too. They got loads of swap/sell groups for cosplayers. Sometimes there are even event son cosn where you can swap cosplays.
If you're a frequent crafter (whatever the reason) try to buy things in bulk. Not only will this reduce your cost over time and decrease packaging waste, but if you often order materials online, this will also reduce your environmental impact as you'll contribute to fewer emissions that come with shipping. 
 Buy samples Buying samples is a great way to know for certain whether the material is the right colour, has the right feel, the right texture, etc.  without having to do a full buy of the material. Same goes for wigs. Most wigsites have colour rings you can order, giving you a small sample of each available colour.
Keep your scraps Maybe you'll find use for them in a future project. Or maybe you can trade with friends. Save your scraps if you're a big DIYer
14. If you have the money, buy the eco friendly version. Technology has come a long way, and we have great substitues for most things. However, these are often more costly then the old (plastic) version. If you have the extra money to spare, please do buy the eco friendly alternative, like the eco friendly fillament for your 3D printer.
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thestudentfarmer · 10 months
Hello everyone!
With monsoon in swing (well not really, we're I'm at we've had exactly 3, 5 minute rainfalls. Far more dust storms than anything) and it being August now im looking towards what I'll be growing for fall/winter this yr.
So far ive cleaned out the garden and plan on picking up new manure to top off the established beds soon.
Started doing checks and fixes on temp fence as well as checking my lines. (One busted, pictured below)
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Selected some plant varieties, For this upcoming season.
As well I'm looking into how many I need per person, some use/storage methods and planning adjustments to future recipes to accomodate for what's grown.
Started cleaning out the floral bed to toss herbs and edible/medicinal flowers and pollinater attractors in since the heat killed off much flowers this year and the frass took over. Debating on if I will dig up all the tubers, roots and corms to redistribute along the bed differently or just leave them.
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The sweet potato vine has gone mad-lad recently. Soon I will pick leaves and vines and try a few recipes out :) I'm hoping they will be as delicious as a sweet potatoes. If so they'll be a perma grow item on my journey of sustainability as I have literally planted, set up a sprinkler and just let it go all on its own.
With the storms going on one of the long term tarps peeled back, for those who saw what I started with this is what it looks like beneath now!
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Unfortunatly, I'm not likely to be rid of this grass forever anytime soon as even just tiny bits of it can cause infestation. Part of why for the beds we dug down, tarped/paper/cardboard lined the beds and refilled with entirely new soil material. With cool weather in the future I want to attempt to dig up a few more beds for both household eating and hopefully to trade with a few of the neighbours for some of their produce :)
I'm also going to try my hand at making curtains for around the house this week. The ones at store don't have anything cotton, hemp or otherwise not full of plastic or cute patterns :( plus I've some fabrics I bout for quilting/attempt at clothes making on discount that I've since realised I won't get to using for some reason or another so for now, curtains they will become :)
Short update this week~ I hope everyone is able to get into their garden/farm this week, or able to work on their sustainable, low waste or eco journeys!
🌱☘️Happy homesteading and a great week to all! ☘️🌱
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dresshistorynerd · 2 years
Opinions in hemp cloth/fabric? I saw one of your post talking about polyster vs cotton/wool/linen
Hi! Thank you for the question! When I was writing that post/addition, I actually forgot the existence of hemp (not that it's among the most important natural fabrics today (sadly)). And when I went to check some sources to make sure I didn't get things wrong, I learned that cotton also gets stronger when wet, which I had previously learned the other way around. (I had gotten it wrong in that post too.)
Hemp is an amazing material. It's very similar to linen in it's properties, in some regards even better. Like linen it's extremely breathable, so great for hot weather, and antibacterial, so it doesn't smell easily and when against skin, keeps it cleaner too. It has even better water absorption abilities than linen, which is why it doesn't feel wet even when it has absorbed a good amount of sweat or water in general. Like linen (and apparently cotton) it gets stronger when wet too, which makes washing and sanitizing it without damaging it easy. It's also even before getting wet super strong, the strongest plant fiber there is. It even has one ability linen doesn't have (nor most plant fibers) it's UV resistant, adding to it's great abilities for summer use.
One thing I didn't mention in that post about linen, which makes it still very relevant, is that growing linen is so much more ecological than growing cotton, which requires a ton of fresh water. Flax (the plant linen is made of) grows very easily in fairly harsh conditions and doesn't need fertilizers, which are often damaging to the ecosystem. However, hemp does the same and better. It's very resistant to pests, so doesn't need extra pestilence that could have adverse effects to the ecosystem, and unlike most other monocultural farmland, it even enriches the earth, keeping the earth resistant against erosion.
All of these properties are why it was used for sails and ropes for millennia. Its very long and strong fibers allow it to be made into very thick canvas excellent for sails. Hemp canvas was also used for stiff interlining. But it got me thinking, why isn't hemp often talked about in clothing history (except in the fact that it was the first plant fiber to be woven into fabric)? It has such obviously excellent properties, which surely would have been attractive to pre-industrial people with limited resources. After looking around I found couple of explanations.
Hemp was indeed used widely for clothes, especially in rural setting. Since it became the first plant fabric in central Asia, it was the primary fabric for clothing in China till the introduction of cotton around a millennium ago. It was used in Europe too since the Goths introduced it in antiquity. However in historical texts (at least in 16th-18th century) hemp cloth is also often referred to as linen and it can be hard to distinguish if the fabric written about was actually made from hemp or flax, since they did make fairly similar cloth. There was a limiting factor too for more widespread use of hemp, since it's processing into fabric was labour intensive, which got better in Industrial Era, when some of the most labor intensive parts were able to be mechanized. It was though very easy and cheap to grow, and needed especially little attention in summer, when farmers had most work. Because of it's enriching properties it also could be grown in the same plot year after year. For these reasons it was often grown in small quantities within small-scale farming even when large scale farming was becoming more common. It's perhaps where the rural association came from, as it was likely grown for personal household textiles and not for selling.
Though there was of course larger scale farming of it and records of selling it by merchants after feudalism started fading, even if the labour intensive processing made it less profitable. Apparently one of the most popular usages for hemp in clothing was men's shirts, for upper and lower classes. Sailors also often wore hemp clothing as it was so excellent and durable in all the conditions that would come across at sea. Hemp also was not as fine as linen, and while very fine hemp was soft and as linen softens in use and with every wash, it still wasn't quite as soft and fine as linen could be. So especially upper classes, who wouldn't need the maximum practicality and durability, would opt into linen, which was still very practical and durable, but also a bit more comfortable against skin.
At the time, when labour was plentiful and relatively cheap compared to land, hemp was still profitable. Entering the Industrial Era this started to change as industrial production requiring less human labour was much cheaper and therefore left more profit margin, so the capitalists now controlling production would greatly favor materials that could be produced industrially. While the processing of hemp became less labour intensive with mechanization, it was still much more labour intensive than cotton for example, which was the first thing that was industrialized. Hemp production was still fairly wide through 19th century and to early 20th century, even if declining in it's share of the clothing production like all the rest of the natural fabrics (except cotton).
But then the war on drugs happened. Now the hemp typically used for clothing is not exactly the same used for weed (there's different strains and then male and female and it seems complicated and I don't know that much about plants), what I read it doesn't have at least very strong psychoactive qualities unlike those used specifically for weed (though there was some overlap). Of course that didn't stop growing hemp being banned very widely, leading the hemp fabric production to plummet in the latter half of 1900s. Growing hemp has become easier now, but the prohibition still create hurdles for farmers. Which sucks a lot because it's such an amazing material and with modern mechanized processing it's cheap to make (and can be made to be really soft) on top of being excellent quality and gentle to environment.
So I guess my opinion is hemp is great we should make more of it instead of cotton and especially synthetic fibers and legalize weed.
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