#but I think I'm actually gonna be able to clear out my old ask box
mummybearmusing · 1 year
Realised I never really updated re the chat I had with dad bear in regards to the meeting we were called into at school.
Longgggg update alert ⚠️
So the talk happened a few weeks ago and we talked like an hour.
He didn't directly blame me for anything, when I told him how cub can be he was like I don't know why here he talks himself out of it at his.
* He thinks we were called in so they could tick boxes.
* He thinks home school link worker is saying stuff to make her seem like she's doing her job
He doesn't think teacher shares many of the same another staff member raised.
* He thinks a lot is bs.
* He is adamant cub isn't with him/isn't there/elsewhere like he is with me.
* He said he thinks someone has been putting ideas in his head/words in his mouth because that triangle v thing was so odd a thing to come out with and everyone he spoke to about it said the same.
* He defo wasn't told about theELSA, doesn't even know who she is or why he went to talk to her, it turned out it was actually cubs y4 teacher who suggested it but ELSA was seeing other children last year so it was just a wait list thing.
* He said just because he's not smiling all the time doesn't mean he's always sad either.
* He said if anyone asks anyone repeatedly they're okay maybe they're going to start questioning that maybe they aren't.
* He said cub knows how to call someone in an emergency, even me, if nanny has a fall or what not but they're getting old it's just life (when I suggested maybe he don't wanna be with her cos he's worried she could fall while he's in her care as shes very unsteady on her feet)
I suggested he told me what time he'd be back each time and I'll get him dropped for then
I suggested that I dropped him back at 8 and not 7 Fri/Sat if he DOES have to work any lates.
I also suggested when he finishes not too late he picks him up from mine instead each time, like he's done before (he did a few weeks back but I had the weeks mixed up and he was here to pick him up at half 5 but I thought I was dropping him back at 7..oops..he was in the bath..doh)
* He said nothing regarding us will be like it used to cos he's old enough to understand now and things are so different now.
* He said soon he's gonna want his own life and space and we'll both potentially be rejected within the next few years.
He also said in 10 years time for example we'll barely need to see each other or speak..probably sooner than that.
Plus side of the conversation.. he's still saying same secondary school so I think cub is mistaken about his feeling he keeps having that he wants to move them to his gfs.
Oh he also said he doesn't know what they're going on about his confidence/self esteem for or his emotional wellbeing because if he had issues with any of them
A) he'd have seen it more
B)he wouldn't be able to play rugby and volunteer himself as leader like he did earlier.
C)he wouldn't spot classmates in the park and bolt over to them
D)He wouldn't have made friendly with a random kid yesterday in at laser tag because he'd be too shy or withdrawn
I told him the friends to enemies.
I said I know it was never plausible for us to be friends but I wanted to make it clear I've never thought of him or considered him my enemy..without him I wouldn't have our cub and I bloody love that kid.
I told him about kicking off and refusing to move from the bus stop cos he didn't wanna go back and he was like he don't kick off.. I was like I know that which is why I was like wtf and suggested I drop him back either later or straight to him or he gets him from here
If he does it again I'll call dad bear.
Its been suggested by several.
He needs to hear it first hand.
(I don't think he gets the coke bottle analogy or masking)
I suggested he gets the masculine side of our cub because he's his dad bear and maybe he wants to be tough around him and I get the softer more emotional side or his feminine side because I'm mummy.
Maybe it's hormones cos he's that much older now and it could just be he's so tired where he's so busy is what he suggested..didn't suggest a break from anything though.
So big conversation.
Lots discussed and like I said..
I tried.
I put things across.
I stayed focused on our cub.
I was honest
I don't know if anything properly sank in but I definitely took what school said far more seriously.
0 notes
#im looking through all the asks from the old blog I want to get through and I'm... surprised#1) not quite as many as I thought. I think I was conflating ones I haven't done yet with ones I want to redo because they're horrible#and 2) I could have sworn I had palette memes to do#I know I got a couple asks that gave me choice between characters and I think I might be thinking of those#they're all poses and outfits both of which mean full or partial bodies#which I think is the reason why I started procrastinating for so long that I forgot them#I'm hoping to get through all the sketches for them today so I can start working on them for real#several of them gave me ideas to make full (or at least bigger) illustrations with them so they'll probably still take a while#but I think I'm actually gonna be able to clear out my old ask box#although I have a couple text based ask prompts in my old drafts and I might just skip those#I seem to be having a much easier time finishing asks on this blog#but I've only done palette and expression ones on here before and I never had a huge problem with getting those done#it also probably helps I haven't gotten that many#for the record I have all the asks I've ever gotten on this blog done and posted#(except for the one saying they like my icon and one making a joke about something I posted but I'm talking more about ask prompts)#so on the off chance that you sent something and you never saw a response it means I didn't get it#feel free to send it again (although I doubt any asks got lost)
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My Bookworm
Steve Harrington x Female reader.
Authors note- hey all you cool cats and kittens. I’m back but with a special story this time. It’s my first time writing for Steve Harrington and I really hope you enjoy it. 3.6k words
Warnings- heavy spoilers for pride and prejudice yall I’m sorry but also like it’s been out for awhile so I’m not too sorry. Pretty fluffy.
Summary- when Steve meets the new librarian he finds himself in a reading challenge.
As Steve leaned on the counter of the family video just like every other day he found himself growing sleepy as he leaned his head on his hand. Only to be startled awake by the sound of the door swinging open. Hoping it was a customer only to find Dustin Henderson.
“Hey Steve!”
“Hey Dustin.”
“What time are you off today?”
“3. Why?”
“I need a ride to the library.”
“Oh so you can go see your new librarian friend that you think is so much cooler than me cause she knows about all your books and stuff. Yeah no thanks.”
“Oh come on Steve you need to stop being so jealous when I have older friends.”
“I am not jealous, Henderson.”
“Then give me a ride to the library. You don’t have to come in with me. I just need a ride.”
“Cool I’ll just hangout next door at the arcade while I wait for you to get off work”
Steve watched as dustin made his way next door to the arcade as Robin came out from the back with a box of tapes.
“Any customers yet?” Robin asked as she set the box down on the counter next to Steve.
“Nah it was just Dustin coming to ask for a ride to the library after I get off work in an hour.”
“Oh you’re going to the library?”
“I just said that.”
“Can you pick me up a copy of Wuthering Heights? I need it for class and I totally spaced it.”
“Why do I have to check it out under my name?”
“Cause I have to stay till closing tonight and the school library didn’t have any copies of it so I need one from the public library.”
“Fine I’ll get you Wuthering Heights but you owe me one.”
Steve and Robin spent the next hour rewinding the tapes and placing them back in their cases before it was time for Steve to get Dustin from the arcade and head for the library.
The library was just as quiet as Steve had expected it to be but it made him feel uneasy nonetheless. Dustin took point and walked up to the counter setting his books there and ringing the little bell on the counter.
Upon ringing the bell you emerge from the back room with a copy of pride and prejudice in one hand and a half eaten apple in another despite the sign behind you that said “No Food or Drink allowed”.
“Ah if it isn’t my favorite little library patron. Come to gather more knowledge, have you?”
“Why yes I’ve come to return these and then I’ll go grab some more to check out.”
“Well how about you go look for those books while I get these checked in. And how about you?” You said as you turned to face Steve.
Steve Harrington had been frozen in place as soon as you walked out of the back room with your book in hand.
He had never seen you before and didn’t know you were well… stunning is the only word that came to Steve Harrington's mind and when he realized you were speaking to him he felt as though his brain would short circuit.
“Uh hi I’m Steve Harrington” he reached a hand over the counter to shake your hand and you obliged.
“Well Steve Harrington it’s nice to meet you finally. Dustin here has told me a lot about you. What can I help you with today?”
Steve cleared his throat and retracted his hand away from yours gently.
“I'm uh actually looking for a book called Wuthering Heights or something. My friend needs it for a project.”
“Ah, follow me. That’s gonna be in our gothic fiction section under B for Brontë.”
Steve was amazed to see that you didn’t even need to think about it. You just knew where it was immediately like some sort of magic trick.
As you walked him to where he needed to be he was able to catch a whiff of your perfume. You smelled like vanilla and old books and it’s like Steve Harrington had finally found his favorite smell.
Grabbing the book off the shelf you hand it to him and he holds it gently. Walking back up to the counter you prepare to check him out and Steve realizes that he doesn’t want this to end.
“So uh how come I’ve never seen you around Hawkins before?”
“Oh I’m new to Hawkins. Just moved here.”
“Ah that explains it. Where ya from?”
“Oh I’m just from Indianapolis. So not too far.”
As you stand there checking out the book to Steve you can’t help but feel his eyes boring into you. You can’t really pinpoint why he would be staring and it’s making you nervous. Did you have something on your face?
Nonetheless you check the book out to Steve and hand it back to him and Steve stands at the counter waiting for Dustin.
“So how about you Harrington? I may be new but how come I’ve heard so much about you from Dustin but haven’t met you till today?”
“Oh you know I’m just a busy guy who doesn't really have a lot of time for the library these days.”
“Too busy for reading” you fake a gasp and hold your hand over your chest as if you’re in pain.
“Alright alright yeah yeah I’m not the biggest reader.”
“Only people who aren’t good at reading say that.”
Steve scoffs. “I’ll have you know y/l/n I’m an excellent reader.”
“The book you checked out today isn’t even for you Steve.”
“What’s that got to do with anything?”
“Maybe you checked the book out for your friend because you can’t read.”
You’re both laughing now but Steve still takes it as a challenge.
“Fine, recommend me a book to read and I’ll read it in 2 days. That’s a Harrington guarantee.”
“A Harrington guarantee…hmm alright deal. If you read Pride and Prejudice within two days and come back here to me and you can describe the plot you win.”
“What do I win?”
“What do you want?”
Steve thought about it for a moment.
“How about I’ll tell you what I want when I win?”
“Sounds like a deal to me” you reached your hand over the counter to shake his hand and he obliged. Sealing the deal.
Dustin walked back up to the counter with a stack of 6 books.
“Henderson, you know the rules. 5 at a time.”
“Yep” Dustin counts out the books and skips one to pretend there’s only 5.
You count the books and count 6 right in front of him. Making Steve laugh.
Dustin leans over the counter. “My mistake. However I am on a curiosity voyage and I need my paddles to travel. These books. These books are my paddles.”
“5 at a time Henderson. You know Claudia will kill me if she catches me checking out extra books.”
Steve turns to Dustin and grabs the book.
“Here just add it to my list. I’ve already got a book for Robin anyways and you have to check me out Pride and Prejudice anyways.”
You get the books checked out to the boys and watch out the window as they walk to Steve’s car. You couldn’t help but hope to see Steve again sooner than planned. That Dustin kid was right. Harrington had amazing hair.
Steve Harrington made it his absolute mission that night to read that book. He barely slept as he read it but he found himself becoming so involved in the story that he didn’t care.
The next day at family video Steve sat at the counter like normal but instead of being on the verge of falling asleep he instead had his nose in a book. That’s when he heard the bell to the shop ring and walked little Dustin Henderson once again.
“Steve! I need another ride to the library today.”
“One of the books I got is totally not what I thought it was. It said it was about radio tower communications but it totally is more about military style when I need civilians.”
“Okay fine I’m off at 3 again today.”
Dustin walked out the door and over to the arcade to wait for 3 o’clock.
When 3 o’clock arrived and it was time to head to the library, Steve found himself rather excited at the prospect of getting to see you again so soon.
As you sit in the library with your head in another book you don’t even notice when Dustin and Steve walk in and set the book on the counter until Steve clears his throat.
You turn your attention to him quickly.
“Oh hi guys. Back so soon?”
Dustin taps on the book.
“Yup just here to return one.”
“Wrong book?”
“Well I’ll get this checked in for ya. Steve, how's the book coming along.”
“It’s great! No idea why Elizabeth is interested in that Wickham guy though. Seems like a total tool to me. If you ask me she should end up with someone more like Darcy or Mr Bingley.”
“I’ve never even considered Elizabeth and Bingley together. It’s totally clear Bingley and Jane are meant for each other.”
“I don’t know I think a smart girl like Elizabeth could gain a lot from Bingley’s charm”
You scoff as you finish checking in Dustin’s book.
“Well Harrington I think by the time you finish it you’ll have a different opinion.”
“How about you, what book are you reading now since I’m reading this?”
“The Vampire Lestat. It’s the sequel to Interview with a Vampire by Ann Rice. It’s pretty good so far.”
“I think I’ve heard of that one.”
“Maybe you’ll have to give it a read next.”
“Maybe I will.”
Steve was leaning on the counter and had a flirtatious smirk on his face that was quickly replaced by a startled expression when Steve felt a foot step on his own and looked down to see Dustin standing on his foot. Upon looking up at Dustin, Steve could tell there was something Dustin wanted to say.
“Well your book is all checked in Dustin and Steve I took that extra book Dustin got yesterday and moved it to his account instead.”
Before Steve could respond Dustin was taking the lead.
“Well y/n it has been lovely to see you yet again but Steve and I have to get going.”
You attempted to say goodbye but Steve was already being dragged out of the library by Dustin as they made their way to Steve’s car.
Dustin didn’t say anything initially when they got in the car. Only when they were stopped in front of Dustin’s house did Dustin decide to speak.
“You totally like y/n.”
Steve had a bewildered look on his face.
“I do not!”
“Really then why are you reading that book?”
“It was a challenge Henderson.”
“Oh and really what’s the prize?”
“Get out of the car Henderson.”
“I’ll find out tomorrow when you go back to the library to finish the challenge.”
“Okay fine so what if I like her what’s the big deal?”
“That’s all I needed to hear.”
And just like that Dustin was out of the car and on his way inside leaving Steve alone once again.
Once again Steve stayed up all night trying to finish the book but to no avail. He did however bring it to work with him and spent all day reading it just in time to finish by 3 pm. Dustin hadn’t come into the store today to ask for any rides and Robin didn’t need to return her book yet so this trip was solely for Steve.
Steve got in his car and headed to the library. When he walked in he rang the bell on the counter but received no answer. He started wandering around the library and found you in a corner stacking books. He was about to call out your name until he heard your humming and noticed your swaying. As you turned slightly he could see the Walkman on you and decided to just stand there for a moment.
Steve’s heartbeat started to quicken as he watched you and he didn’t quite understand the feeling. The only time he’d felt close to that was with Nancy. So how could it be he’s feeling this with you when he barely even knows you.
As you turned a bit more you saw someone out of the corner of your eye and you yelped. Jumping back, dropping the books in your hand, and tearing off your Walkman sending it to the floor.
Steve couldn’t help but giggle at how cute your yelp was but immediately rushed over to help clean up the mess that he now felt responsible for.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. Just didn’t want to interrupt your little music session there.”
“No worries. I’m not actually supposed to be listening to music when I stack books. I just wasn’t expecting anyone right now.”
Steve helps pick up the books off the floor and stack them on your cart. He then picks up the Walkman and examines it to make sure it isn’t broken. He then holds the headset up and tries to hear what’s playing.
“Tears for Fears. Nice.”
“Thanks. Felt a bit inspired.”
“Really? Head over heels kind of inspired?”
The question made you blush and you began to stutter out and answer before Steve chuckled and held up a hand to stop you.
“I’m messing with you.”
What Steve didn’t know was that you were listening to that because of him. Ever since he walked into this library he’d been weaseling his way into your heart and you couldn’t quite get him out of your head. Not like you really wanted to anyways.
You gather the cart of books and push it up to the front counter. You stand behind the counter while Steve leans on the other side and sets his book on the counter.
“So did ya finish it?”
“Every word baby.”
Baby. The words made your cheeks flush.
“So who does Elizabeth end up with?”
“Okay and who does Jane end up with?”
Steve huffs. “Bingley. But I still stand by my point that Elizabeth and Bingley could have given it a chance. I mean Bingley is the one who gets Darcy to even look at Elizabeth at the ball in the first place.”
“Ignoring your point. Who does Mr Wickham end up with.”
“Oh don’t even get me started! Wickham running off with Lydia was disgusting. I mean what the hell was that?”
“I know right? Wickham. What a horrid man. Well Harrington I believe you’ve finished the book. I’ll get it checked in for you. What did you want as your reward?”
Steve gave a fake cough to clear his throat.
“Well uh. I was thinking. How about you let me take you out sometime? Maybe if you’re free tonight?”
Your eyes got very wide and the smile on your face grew impossibly wide. You tried to contain your excitement as much as possible.
“I am actually free tonight. I get off at 5 if you wanna come back and pick me up?”
“How about I just stay till 5 and hangout. Maybe help you shelve some books.”
“I’ll agree to you hanging out but I’m afraid I can’t have you work for free. You can just watch me shelve.”
So he did. For the next hour you and Steve got to know each other as you stocked books and Steve was absolutely amazed. You hardly had to look or stop and think to find out where something went. It was like magic because you just knew where it went.
Steve was also amazed with how smart you were. The words you were able to work into everyday conversations astounded him. It almost made him glad that you hadn’t gone to Hawkins high. He knew you guys wouldn’t have hung out back then and he thinks that’s a downright shame.
As 5 pm rolled around you closed up the library and walked out with Steve. As you walked out the evening sun was shining in your eyes and you winced slightly, holding up a hand to shield yourself and it made Steve laugh.
“Bookworm not used to sunlight?”
“Something like that I suppose.” You gave him a light chuckle back.
You didn’t mean to walk ahead of Steve but you did and automatically made your way to his car without him having to tell you which one it was.
“How'd you know which one was mine.”
“Oh I saw Dustin getting into your car the last few days from the window.”
“So you were watching me huh?”
Yet again you try to stutter out an answer and Steve laughs at how flustered you get.
“Calm down calm down i'm just messin with ya.”
Steve opens the passenger side door for you and you get in. Steve then makes his way around to the drivers side and situates himself before leaving the parking lot.
As you sit in Steve’s car listening to the radio and making small talk it dawns on you that you have no idea where Steve is taking you. But you choose to just have some faith and trust him. Luckily it works out as Steve pulls up to your favorite cafe in town.
It’s a couple doors down from Melvalds where you see Joyce Byers from time to time. Either Steve Harrington is a stalker or he sure knows how to pick a date spot. As you get out of the car and make your way to the cafe you decide to tell Steve that.
“This is my favorite cafe, you know. I come here at least 3 times a week.”
“I’ve actually never been here before but a friend of mine said you might like it”
The truth is Steve asked around and Nancy actually told him that she’s seen you there a few times and he figured you’d probably like it for reading.
As you walk in and sit at a table the waitress come up to the table.
“Hi y/n! Would you like your usual?”
“Yes please.”
“And for the gentleman?”
“A black coffee.”
“I’ll get those right out for you two.”
Steve turned to face you.
“Well I guess that proves it. You are a regular here.”
“What can I say? It’s great for reading.”
“I thought you might say that.”
The waitress came back with both of your coffees and gave you a slight wink that Steve didn’t catch. You immediately started blushing and attempted to hide your face by taking a sip of your drink.
“So Steve, what's your favorite book?”
Steve thought about it for a moment. Putting his first to his chin he pretended to make it look like he was deep in thought about it before turning to face you once again.
“Pride and Prejudice.”
You laugh hard and set your drink on the table.
“Is it the only book you’ve ever read or something?”
Steve scoffs and takes a sip of his drink before setting it on the table.
“No but this amazing girl recommended it to me and now I think I’ll associate her with that book forever.”
His words left you breathless and speechless. Steve took the opportunity and reached across the table to hold your hand.
The rest of the date goes pretty much perfect. Steve is a gentleman who makes you laugh and looks at you like you’re the only girl in the world. He listens to every word you say as if he’s on the edge of his seat.
When the two of you finish a few cups of coffee and the sun begins to go down Steve pays for the coffee and tips the waitress before the two of you head out of the cafe. Steve opens the passenger door for you and proceeds to drive you home per your instructions on how to get there.
Upon arrival at your home, Steve exits the vehicle and opens the door for you once more. Walking you to your front door hand in hand.
“Well thank you Steve I had an amazing time tonight.”
“So amazing that you might want to go see a movie with me this Friday?”
“I think I’d like that a lot.”
“I’ll pick you up at 8?”
“That sounds good to me.”
You turn towards your door to open it and then back to Steve. He’s standing so close to you and you just know if you don’t do it you’ll regret it.
In one swift motion you lean up on your tippy toes and pull Steve into a kiss. At first he gasps in shock and when you try to pull away he only deepens the kiss. When the both of you pull away to catch your breath you’re smiling like idiots.
Steve watched you turn and walk inside and he turns and walks to his car and all he thinks about on the ride home is what book he’ll read for you next.
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mminttae · 3 years
Clandestine | 02
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-> Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x reader
-> Genre : tattoo!artist Jungkook, mafia! JJK,mafia au, bloody!missions, slight violence, got secrets they can't tell, angst, romance, Jungkook's part time job is flirting, sad (backstory), Y/N is strong!
-> Summary : who would have known that just doing a part time job at a night club would lead you to the tattoo artist Jeon Jungkook's messed up world. One letter related to the secret comes out of your mouth you'll be laying in Jungkook's arms but alive or not, that's not guaranteed...
-> Word Count : 4.286 K ( A/N: I’m increasing words )
-> T/W body language, killing, curse words and intimacy are included in the story (you may read if you're comfortable with these)
Part : 2
<< previous chap
.・゜-: ✧ :-playlist -: ✧ :-゜・.
Jungkook's mouth opened and closed like a goldfish. Even if me saying that line didn't flatten him enough I knew the nickname did as it always have been doing. It was clearly visible that he didn't expect me to be this bold suddenly. But he being himself smirked after a couple of seconds as his hand snaked up to grab my wrist pulling me more closer "Sure princess.. Do you want to go to the trip now? " His tongue rolling over his bottom lip as his piercing doe eyes holding so many thoughts looked at my lips then to my eyes.
"I don't want to interrupt but the trip has to be postponed "Jimin interferes in the moment, his eyes narrowed and only looking at me as if scared that the younger guy would throw him out if he locked eyes with his. Making a 'tch' sound Jungkook raises his eyebrows at Jimin in a manner that reads he's asking why postpone. I yeet his hand which was holding my wrist and get off from the table clearing my throat while fixing the skirt and apron. Jungkook clearly disappointed for not being able to hear my answer gets up from the seat while putting the black leather jacket around his shoulders. Jimin and Taehyung following him gets up too grabbing their bags. Jungkook walked up to me while fixing his bangs with his index finger.
"Gotta go princess a client's waiting" Nodding I proceeded to walk away but I could hear Jungkook saying with a sad dramatic tone. "Atleast act that you don't want me to go". I'm afraid I won't be able to because I myself don't know what this client of yours gonna do if you don't go on time. Is the person waiting even a client or not? Knitting my eyebrows I look back only to meet with strangers taking up the seat. The three tall mesmerizing men with inks on their body not to be seen anywhere. I don't know what's going on in that foolish yet extremely clever brain of yours but...
Be careful Mr. Artbook..
Mid summer yet the night breeze is able to run shivers down your spine. Not a single soul in sight.
10 at night maybe the shopkeepers closed down the shutters and went to bed. Not many shops here in this area to even begin with. The only workshop's bell which rings here is the Jeon's Tattoo corner which has been ringing from the morning today , seemed to have stopped in the evening but now making its sound again. "Argh I should really break down this bell "
With an annoyed expression the black haired guy opens the drawers searching for a fresh towel. The tall man who just entered the shop walked past the desk table, turning the door knob and allowing himself inside the cozy room. His loud footsteps on the wooden floor telling Jungkook that the guest has arrived.
"Where were you? I waited here for five minutes then went inside the nearby plant store to kill time"
Taking off the long coat the tall silver haired guy walks up to the chair positioned in the middle of the room beside the various tools. "Sorry hyung, Taehyung and Jimin wanted a new tattoo so went to hear out their designs"
Jungkook says, eyebrows knitted while he fishes out the stencil of the beautiful clematis he has drawn beforehand of the leader's arrival. Smiling to himself he walks up to the seated boss whose like a big brother to him, he puts the stencil aside. Taking out a black rubber band from his pocket he takes his hair and ties it up to a small ponytail before taking out a drawer full of tattoo needles and inks. "Heard that Yoongi started boxing classes with you"
The older male speaks as his lip corners slowly moves upwards. Jungkook giving out a laugh says, "Yea Yoongi hyung be moving like a turtle. "
The thought of his hyung boxing and whining that it's hard is enough to make the little one giggle. Taking out a small wooden stool with one hand as the other one was holding the tattoo gun, Jungkook sits himself beside the strong looking man who rolls up his shirt's sleeves revealing all the different type of arts and words of different languages tattooed on his arm.
"Need chewing gum?"
The younger one asks at the thought that it might hurt but the older one replies plainly that he's fine after all his skin had been coming in contact with this gun for a long time now. Jungkook nods before resting the needle on the free space on the top of the man's biceps before starting to draw on it, the awestrucking clematis. "Was thinking of getting a lip piercing but not being able to get it cuz of the adults in the house"
The man says while his dimples makes visits to his cheeks.
"The exact same reason why am postponing on getting an eyebrow piercing"
Jungkook replies as he carefully moves the tattoo gun sideways on the man's bicep.
"So when are you planning on telling your sister?"
He asks as the silver haired guy closes his eyes once realizing what Jungkook meant.
"When the time's right.. "
He replies, slowly opening his eyes his gaze meeting the ceiling.
"But first we need to pinpoint Mr. Choi's location"
Replying with a small and quiet yes Jungkook draws the details on the flower carefully.
"Seokjin has been checking the cctvs regularly and the only thing he found was the black hyundai stopping at a night club at exactly 7pm every Tuesday and Wednesday"
"What's the night club's name? "
Jungkook asks as he draws on the small leaves.
"Hell's night club"
With just the mention of the night club's name Jungkook's hand stops moving as his eyes widened. "Isn't that the club you often visit with the others? "
The silver haired man asks making Jungkook quietly nod his head. If the most feared mafia in the country slash his team's biggest rival had been going to the exact same club at the exact same time as his how come he never saw the familiar old man's face? He thought.
What kind of person does the man disguise him as that even Jimin who encountered him multiple times doesn't notice. "You should be careful and try to see your clients faces carefully and see if they match that old fart's face or not"
Jungkook humming a response continued on giving the clematis it's final touch. Finishing the tattoo he removes the gun making the silver haired man sit up straight and fix his shirt.
"You know what to do right?"
Jungkook asks referring to putting on Vaseline ointment on the tattoo and stuffs. The older guy nods while fetching his coat. "I'll get going then. Thanks for the tattoo kook"
Jungkook simply nods his mind stuck in a different topic. Putting the equipments away and tidying up the towels as the older guy leaves the shop and disappears into the darkness of the night in the empty alleyway, Jungkook couldn't help but think about what you were up to. His mind stitching up different negative thoughts together.
"If Mr. Choi is really going to that club then he must have seen Y/N always talking to us..... What if he does something to her? " Jungkook asks to himself and the next thing he does is take his bag, turn off the lights, lock the doors and run off to meet you.
• -
"I'll be off then"
Bowing politely you take hold of the two big disposable bags and huff out a breathe when you realize how heavy both of them were. Kicking the back staff door with your leg open the first thing you see is Jeon Jungkook leaning on the wall infront. His hair tied up in a small ponytail, a bag hung around his shoulder and inked hands resting inside his jeans pockets. His eyes falls on your hands holding the disposable garbage bags, sighing he walks up to you.
"I thought your job was to serve and take orders not bring out garbages" You looked down at the bags in your hands while saying, "I was coming out anyways it's no biggie"
You flashed him a small smile but his eyes looked worried and his face tensed. You wondered what happened but didn't dare to ask thinking that he will only answer with 'none of your business' . Yes Jeon Jungkook unknowingly says harsh things without thinking when he's tensed. Jungkook takes the garbage bags from your hands and put it beside the door when his eyes lands on your right hand which was bandaged. His eyes widen and he quickly took your right hand examining it while asking
"How did this happen? Are you okay? "
Embarrassed you put your hand away from his warm ones and answer while smiling, not making eye contact
"It's okay I'm fine these kind of injuries are meant to happen if you work in a bar." Jungkook not convinced took your hand again now keeping it infront of him not letting you pull it back. His eyebrows knitted . "You were totally fine this evening tell me what happened". Chewing on your bottom lip you look down, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
"Y/N tell me what happened.." Jungkook says once again this time his voice laced with concern as his hands caressed your hair. You were actually a bit taken aback at how the always dominant voice of Jungkook is making its way to you in a concerned and soft way.
"A drunk guy harshly pulled my hand wanting me to sit beside him but I fought back and he suddenly let go of me making me loose my balance at hit the edge of the glass table behind and that's how I got this"
You say while looking at your bandaged hand which was now resting in jungkook's warm palm. He softly held your injured hand and lower down a bit to meet your height. Looking at your eyes he said
"Tell me who did this. Tell me who did this to you I'm gonna fucking kill him"
In a calm soft voice but the last part obviously didn't come out in a soft way. You laughed and pushed him a bit away from you. "It's okay am fine don't overreact he was drunk" But Jungkook not buying the answer walked closer to you and again with a serious tone asked you . "Tell me how he looked like"
Knowing that he won't let go of the topic unless you give him a proper answer you sigh, rolling your eyes while describing the drunk man you happened to meet inside the club. "He had small eyes , a sharp nose and dark stubble on his face and.." You trailed off thinking what else did the man have but Jungkook interrupted asking in a quick manner
"Did he have any sort of tattoo on his wrist? " Replaying the moment inside your head you widen your eyes a bit and nod your head, "Yea he did.. Was that a crown? A crown maybe"
Exactly knowing who that drunk man you encountered was Jungkook's chest sank at the thought that the old man touched you with his dirty hands. Gulping down the saliva that formed in his mouth he without thinking pulled you to his chest engulfing you in a hug. He wasn't sure why he felt like protecting you but he wanted to . He wasn't supposed to feel this way now that he set his mind on the plan his brain made up on the way here but..he did. He wanted to make sure you were safe.
Widening your eyes at how Jungkook suddenly hugged you, your mind went blank. There's no doubt in how fast your heart was beating. To be honest to yourself you were actually frightened when that man tried touching you in an ill manner but now being in Jungkook's arms you felt safe. You felt safe when he was around. Jungkook's arms around you got tighter as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck.
So this is how you gonna play it Mr. Choi
He thinks.
Flashback 5 weeks back
Stretching your arms you give out a small yawn before grabbing the books from the table and making your way out of the auditorium. Walking while looking at your  surroundings you didn't notice the tall man standing infront of you. Too immersed in the same old paintings hanging on the walls you hit something hard making the copies and books in your hands fall down. Without looking up at the person you bumped into you quickly said 'sorry' while kneeling down to pick up your supplies. The tall gentleman kneeled down too helping you with picking up your stationerys. You got up, the man following you soon. This time facing the guy properly as both of you made eye contact you were about to say thank you when your voice abruptly decided to not come out.
The man had soft long black hair .The kind of hair you would want to play with all day. His baby doe eyes staring at you, his lips parted. The oversized hoodie he was wearing made him the grizzly huggable bear image more.
As your eyes scanned him from head to toe, your lips a bit parted, the guy not being able to control his laughter at how cute you looked when your eyes went big as if you saw something really interesting and you'd like to study that thing more, he gave out small giggles making you quickly close your mouth and look at him. Noticing how every students in tha hall were staring at both of you, you shifted your weight from one leg to another leg uncomfortably. But the guy's Adorable bunny smile didn't go out of your notice. His eyes wrinkled as he tilted his face and asked you softly
"You okay? "
Blinking couple of times you nodded your head making him shyly scratch his nape and mumble 'thank god'. Your lips automatically curved up when your eyes landed on the ID card hung around his neck
"Jeon Jungkook"
Once realization hit you that you were now standing infront of your college's hearthrob while looking like a whole mess which you didn't care about that much until you bumped into him, your cheeks got tinted in a light blush. Pulling your lips in you tilted your head a bit to the side making your baby hairs fall over your face.
"Hey kook!"
A loud deep voice entered the ears of the people standing in the hall making them turn their heads to the two seniors waving their hands at Jungkook's direction, a big wide smile plastered know their face. Jungkook takes out his bracelet covered wrist from his pocket and waves at them. Jimin running towards us and wrapping his arm around the tall guy's shoulders he notices me and flashes me a smile
"Hey Y/N"
Waving your sweater paw at him as a hey you smiled. You met Jimin and Taehyung a couple of times before in some group works with seniors. You not really interested in gossips of the college noticed just a few days ago that Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook are the well known hot trio of this college.
Jungkook repeats your name to himself before looking at you once again , smiling while saying
"Sweet name"
His sweet honey voice saying your name was enough to melt you. If it was any other guy right now you would have simply said thank you for helping you pick up the books and walk away without saying anything but surprisingly Jeon Jungkook made you stop. "I'm hungry didn't have breakfast this morning" Taehyung whines while holding his tummy earning a slap on his head from Jimin. "we are going for lunch wanna join us? "
Jungkook asks you making you widen your eyes at the sudden invitation and Jungkook earning some smirks from the seniors beside him, Jimin elbowing his arm while wiggling his eyebrows. Jungkook simply rolled his eyes at his hyungs before looking at you for a reply. You glancing at your silver wrist watch said "I would love to but I should get going. I have some stuffs to do"
Jungkook quietly nods his head before flashing you a smile.
Is he always smiling?
You thought noticing that he had been smiling since the moment both of you met. "Y/N's always studying hard"
Taehyung says earning a nod from Jimin making you shyly scratch your nape.
The Brunnete haired approached you giving you a pat on your shoulder before saying "Study well but don't forget to have lunch okay? "
You flashed him a smile while nodding. Jungkook waving his hands at you as a 'bye' walked past you with the two boys. You looked back at three of them noticing that two of them were wearing hoodies and one of them were wearing full sleeved tees.
It's so hot these days why are they wearing hoodies on top of tees?
Shaking your head you quickened your pace and quickly got out of the college grounds. Walking to the bus stand while looking around at the cozy coffee shops on the streets you keep glancing at your watch from time to time to make sure that you're going on time or not.
Now here's a secret about you that no one knows
You're a student at an art college but you are also a student at a law school. Your father runs the family business of electronics. Yes the electronics company ranking the second best in the country out of all the other electronic companies, which he wants to hand over to your big brother after he retires. Your mother always wanted a child of her to be a sculptor. Borning late in the family with the talent of art you were forced to study this subject whereas you were interested in prosecution, catching criminals and stuffs. What you were most interested in were being a mafia or an assassin but you gave up on those dreams and decided to study law. Your parents only giving their all attention and care to their first born, didn't care about you that much. The only thing they wanted from you was becoming a great sculptor and bringing praise to your family.
After nights of confusion and judgement you decided to study in the law school that you got admitted, secretly with the money your grandparents left you. Your grandparents left some money for you and your brother before passing away and thankfully they were enough to pay for your study books expenses. But maintaining time for your law school as well as the art school was hard but you managed to make time after dropping off from some extra courses of the art college without telling your parents. But it was hectic. Your college hours starts from 7 am. And you have classes till 9am then a break at 9:15 am to 10:30 due to dropping off from some extra class. Your law classes starts from 9:30 so during the break you quickly leave the grounds and head off to the law classes. Then you return to the art college at 10:20 when it's a break at your law school. Then once again when it's a lunch break at the art school you head off to the law school while munching on some snacks, obviously not getting time to have proper lunch. And when it comes to events you had to make up excuses at the law school for not attending as your parents would obviously not skip their daughter's presentations.
It would be more hectic from today cuz you just applied to a job at a night club. There's a course for learning shooting at the law school but you don't have enough money to pay for that so it's time to earn some money.
Stretching your arms while getting up from the seat you had been sitting on straight for 2 hours, you give a yawn before taking out a scrunchie and putting your hair up. All the classes for the day are done. Putting the back pack around your shoulder you bow at the teacher before leaving the school premises. Walking inside the bus and sitting on one of the seat you take out your phone and start typing to your mother , 'Mom I'll be late tonight as I got some extra lessons. Don't worry for me and you don't have to send car I'll come by bus'
"No one's gonna worry about me though"
You say to yourself while letting out a small laugh and looking out at the window. Everything vanishing from your sight at a fast pace as the vehicle picks up its speed upon seeing the empty road. Some of the street lights flickering due to not being fixed for several days now. You take out the 'guideline' paper of the bar you're gonna work in from backpack, going through the structure of the building in your mind and remembering all the rules explained to you yesterday when you went to apply for the job. This night club only seemed to be safe for you to work in now. By safe means you would have no worries of the common students who spends time in bars and clubs to see you. If anyone recognizes you then it's game over. Plus the pay is high too.
The phone screen lighting up as a notification popped up you unlocked the phone before seeing from whom the text is from.
Bro: heard you're coming late at night should I pick you up from the way while coming home?
"Geez already told him?"
You say to yourself once realizing that your mom told your brother to pick up but your brother being nice asked if you want to be picked up first or not. Smiling at his text before typing your reply It's ok you don't have to come. The office is far away from my college anyways. Get home safely.
Waiting for a few minutes to see his reply which you didn't get you turned off your phone and put it inside your bag. Looking out from the window thinking why he didn't reply when he saw your text whereas usually he would try to come pick you up, being the 'protective' brother. You got down from the bus as soon as the bus came to its stop. You walked for a few more minutes from the bus stop till arriving at your destination.
Hell's night club
It's been only five minutes of you serving drinks but you're already tired. How can a human body and mind work for 13 hours straight without any rest. You did mess up some tables a couple of times for which you were now getting a scolding from the manager. You looking down bowing slightly while your hands in front of you.
"Miss Lee Y/N did you properly see the table numbers today? "
The old man asks to which you nod. "Then why are you messing up? " He asks in a raised voice making you flinch and quickly mumble a sorry. You lift your head up a bit to see the old man sighing while pinching his forehead, clearly visible that he's angry. "I'm letting you go as this is your first time don't make mistakes anymore"
He says making you bow and say
"Thank you"
He looked around trying to see if any waitresses are free. Sighing at how there's no one free without counting you he gave you a look before handing you a tray of various kinds of drinks. "Take this to table no. 14. And  do not  make any mistakes. They are regulars here I don't want them gone" Nodding at him you set off to find this table no. 14 . Noticing how your skirt got up a bit you tried pulling the skirt a bit down with one hand as the other one was holding the tray, you quickly withdraw your hand without fixing the skirt upon seeing the tray tremble in one hand. Quickly holding the tray in place and scanning if any drinks were spilled, you sigh in relief. You looked back to only lock eyes with the manager . He staring straight at you with his cold eyes. You gave a small awkward smile and walked towards table 14.
The table no. 14 seemed to be surrounded by many big men. All had some sort of tattoos on them. A familiar man sitting in the middle holding a pen and scribbling something on a notebook. His inked arms full on display as the silver earrings were still being able to shine despite the dullness in the scene. His long bangs falling before his eyes not letting anyone see the face beneath it.
You quietly approached the table and when you raised your eyes from the ground to the man sitting in the middle, your legs automatic came to a halt and your breath hitched.
Jeon Jungkook right there was sitting. The table in front occupied with various weapons and him sitting like a whole five course meal, fingers playing with the dangly earrings
This is totally not what I expected
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Mist | Choi San | Chapter 2
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Pairing: Choi San x OC (Seohyun)
Genre: supernatural (ghost), romance, high school
Trigger Warnings: paranormal, death mentions, violence
Words: 7.2k
Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my original character and the story. I do not own any gifs or pictures used.
Full story on Wattpad (don’t spoil here if you read there too)
chapter directory
A few paranormally uneventful days passed. Seohyun hadn't exactly opened up to the group of boys that she was now able to call friends, but she was slowly getting there. It was hard not to smile when one of them cracked a silly joke, and harder not to laugh when they had a battle of wits.
She was slowly getting used to her new school. She was past the stage of being a new kid and the students in her class had stopped giving her those looks. She was unnoticed, and she loved it.
Today, like every other morning, Seohyun got ready for school, tying her hair in a half ponytail, peeking out of the window to check if she should wear her glasses or cap today. She had to hide her eyes somehow, they always betrayed her. She didn't want anyone to think she liked to stare into the space. But then she shrugged and tossed her glasses in the bag, wearing her cap as she went to the kitchen.
Her mother was a very busy woman and she liked to spend almost all her day in her office. She was rarely home even if she had a day off anyway. So Seohyun just made herself some coffee, munching on some cookies as she waited for the coffee to become cool enough to drink.
"I still don't get why you let the housemaid go," Jiwoo popped out of nowhere and twirled around the kitchen.
"Well, I didn't entirely let her 'go'. She still comes by on the weekends, you already know that."
"But still! What's wrong with having food everyday?" Jiwoo pushed her dark red hair back as she tsk-ed at Seohyun.
"For one, I wanted to learn to cook, and the food she made was always too much for just me. I always had to throw it out or give it to someone before it went bad. Mom's never home to eat anyway."
"I actually hate your mom, no offence," Jiwoo looked at her and Seohyun shook her head, "I mean, what kind of a mother is she?"
"A woman married to her work with an abnormal child, I kind of understand why she's like this," Seohyun muttered.
"Nah, you're not abnormal. You're gifted. And you don't appreciate it enough."
"No offence, unnie, but ghosts are the company I'd rather not have," Seohyun rinsed her cup and placed it on the rack, taking her school bag and locking the door.
"What's wrong with me?" Jiwoo asked.
"You're one of the better ones, but only because you had temporary amnesia before you died and you still don't know who exactly you are and why you're a ghost!" Seohyun snorted at the weirdness of all this.
"You think I'd ever be able to recall? Or just be stuck with you forever?" Jiwoo asked.
"I'd rather you try to move around and find out who you are instead of making me look like I talk to myself."
"Ah, you pain me, child. It's all because you have new friends now and don't care about me anymore. Right, catto?"
The black cat, which Seohyun hadn't noticed earlier, meowed in response.
"And, here comes the pretty one," Jiwoo grinned and Seohyun looked in her direction to find San coming their way.
"Pretty one? Seriously?" Seohyun shook her head.
"I mean, they're all pretty, but I like this kid more-"
"Hey," San gave her a smile as he meowed to the cat, who gladly jumped in San's arm when he put them forward.
"This little-" Seohyun stopped, and San laughed. "She never comes when I ask!"
"She likes me more, it seems," San rubbed her forehead and she purred, and they walked in comfortable silence to school the rest of the way.
They almost reached the gates of the school but something Seohyun saw from the corner of her eye made her stop in her tracks.
It was a ghost, yet it was something else. It wasn't someone who had died recently for sure. The man, the ghost if you could call it that, was bitter.
"You okay?" San asked, looking in the direction Seohyun was looking in. To him, it seemed she was looking at a wall.
"Yeah, I-I'm okay. Why don't you go ahead? I'll be right back. I should take her too," Seohyun picked the cat from San's hand, "We don't want her roaming around the school and getting scared, do we now?"
San raised a suspicious brow at her, but nodded as he reluctantly went in.
The man tried approaching Seohyun first, but she motioned him to follow her and went to the backside of the school, where surely there would be very few people walking by at this time.
"State your business," Seohyun said, and the man actually looked taken aback, if his eyes could display some emotion.
Truth be told, Seohyun was always scared dealing with men ghosts and older ghosts in general. Since ghosts could touch her, they were as much of a threat to her as humans. And these old ghosts, the ones with skin that looked grey, almost as if the ghost had started decomposing too, were usually not in their right mind.
"I have waited decades to find the mediator," the man's eyes gleamed rather wickedly.
"Mediator?" Seohyun asked. A rather fancy term for someone who could see the dead. "And why did you have to wait decades?"
"Let's say the mediator supposed to sort my death out met with rather... unfortunate circumstances," the man cleared his throat but his voice was still hoarse as he said, "You have to come with me."
"Well, if you waited decades, can you wait a few more hours? I have school, and please do NOT disturb me during my class," Seohyun made sure her tone was polite as she said this, but the man grunted. Before he could try anything, she muttered an awkward bye and walked swiftly to the gates, letting the cat go. She didn't realize she'd been holding the cat for comfort.
San, who had just witnessed Seohyun talking to thin air from the other side of the road, sighed loudly as he walked slowly to the gates.
San hadn't meant to follow her, but he turned around after a few steps of walking to the building, hoping to offer to come along with her, but when he saw her stop in the middle of the road and look as if she was actually talking to someone, he paused. He knew he shouldn't, but he watched her. And he did not know what to make of it.
Was Seohyun crazy? Didn't look like it. If she was, she did a damn good job at hiding it. When San finally reached class, he saw Seohyun chatting with Jongho. Perfectly normal. Or was she?
San said nothing as he sat in his spot, but he felt her tap his shoulder. He turned around and she asked, "I thought you went to class, where were you roaming around?"
San stared at her light brown orbs, coming out of the trance when she blinked. "I just wanted to walk around a bit."
He saw her frown but then she nodded and went back to chatting with Jongho. San turned back in his seat, and throughout the classes, he kept wondering if that was the reason why she covered her face or eyes.
When school ended, Seohyun said she had to go somewhere and said bye. San made an excuse too and started to follow her. He was going to see for himself, what she was gonna do.
San knew it was impolite to do this. And he knew if she found out, she'd really be angry with him, maybe never talk to him again. This was supposed to be her secret for sure. She would probably never tell any one of them. He wasn't even sure what it was.
Seohyun led him to an abandoned warehouse, and he heard her say, "Why bring me here?"
She paused for a few second, looking around as if for help, and San ducked quickly behind the boxes before she could see her. He couldn't hear her now, but he did get bits about how it was creepy of 'him' to bring her to this place without warning her, and he didn't miss how she kept looking behind her, as if she was waiting for someone to appear or just didn't want to keep doing this.
Who was this 'him'? Her imaginary friend? A ghost? San shook his head, and got on his feet when he noticed her go inside the warehouse.
San crept up behind them, and couldn't believe what he saw.
The locked door somehow unlocked, somehow the chains fell and the door magically opened wide in front of her, without Seohyun having even moved a finger.
What was happening?
Seohyun was asked to come in the warehouse and she couldn't ignore the roaring of her gut that told her something was going to go really, really wrong. She had such a strong feeling some years ago too, and she had barely gotten away from her life then.
All her nerves screamed at her to run, anywhere, just not go in. Where was Jiwoo when she needed her? Seohyun was kind of furious how she was never there for her.
Seohyun watched the old man walk in, looking around, and before she entered, she turned her head once hoping she would see Jiwoo-
Instead, she felt her heart sink as she saw none other than San, attempting to hide as their eyes met.
"Come in now, don't keep me waiting," the man grumbled, and Seohyun shouted an okay to him before she looked at San, hoping to warn him with her eyes as she put a finger to her mouth, telling him not to make a sound and motioning him to stay where he was.
Seohyun went inside, her heart slamming against her chest. This wasn't supposed to happen. San must think she's crazy or worse. Her mind made a mental list of how many ways this could go wrong.
"I used to think mediators ran in the family. But the one who was supposed to help me, he did not have any offspring. I spent so many years in ignorance, not knowing that it was completely random. Just like god picking up a needle in the haystack."
"Cut to the chase. What do you want with me and why bring me here?"
"I have forgotten why I died. And I want to move on. But I can't because I don't remember why I am still here. Someone told me there were various other ways to move on... Let's say I had to try."
As soon as Seohyun saw the growing smirk on the man, she knew it was time to run the hell away. But several bottles came flying at her, and she barely dodged them as they crashed on the wall next to her.
"You don't have to do this! It's wrong! I help dead people move on, there must be a way other than stupid violence-"
But the man waved another hand and now the boxes came flying at her. She was grabbed by the arm and pulled against someone, and she sighed in both relief and horror as she saw it was San.
"Are you stupid! You'll get hurt!" She yelled at him. He just took her hand and ran towards the shelves, hoping to hide from whatever it was that sent flying objects in the air. He almost dragged her until he was sure he was quite away from whatever it was.
"What the hell is happening?" San asked through his teeth.
"Why did you even follow me? Are you stupid?"
"Who is it?" San's grip on her wrist tightened as his eyes searched around.
"It's a ghost, San. Do you believe me?" Seohyun asked, waiting for a snide remark.
"From what I've seen? Sure," San muttered, and Seohyun wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic.
"He's near. Let's move," Seohyun said, and this time, she grabbed San's hand as she led him through the various shelves that lined the warehouse, glad they weren't empty.
A blast shocked them, making them jump in the air as they realized the shelves were collapsing one by one.
"Shit, shit, shit!" Seohyun ran, San matching her pace and she ran her eyes around, finally finding a place to hide. It was a narrow passage between huge containers. Seohyun looked at her options. The man was blocking the entrance so now they could just hide and pray for help or... die. If that's the worst that was to come.
Seohyun dragged San with her to the narrow passage, both of them barely fitting in the small dark place. Now they were side to side but San's body was still half out, so Seohyun pulled him closer, until he was almost in front of him. Since the passage was so narrow and short, there wasn't much gap between them.
San was a bundle of nerves and all, his heart beating wildly. "What's going on-"
"Shh," Seohyun whispered, putting a hand on his mouth to shut him up, "I'll explain everything later, I promise."
San nodded, taking off her hand from his mouth but not leaving it. Seohyun was too busy concentrating on where the man was to notice it. He saw her wince, and she looked at San with apologetic eyes.
"If something happens to us, I'm sorry, San. I'll do my best to save you. The man-the ghost is after me. I don't know why," Seohyun sighed, and San squeezed her hand assuringly.
"I'm with you. Nothing will happen," he whispered, thinking he must sound stupid to say that. But it must have given her some sort of assurance. She put her head on San's chest, sighing again.
The two of them heard the sounds of things getting destroyed alright, Seohyun hearing the man as well, and Seohyun almost cried in relief as she heard Jiwoo whisper her name.
"I can teleport you, but what about him-"
"Either we both go, or we both stay," Seohyun said firmly. She wasn't going to leave him alone.
"Go where?" San asked. Seohyun told him her friend was here and she could help.
Jiwoo looked at Seohyun and a slow grin appeared on her face. "There is something I could try..."
"What?" Seohyun narrowed her eyes at Jiwoo.
"What if I teleport you, but you're still holding San? Would he come with us?"
"I don't know, unnie..." Seohyun trailed, but an idea stuck to her. "It's the same as when I have something with me right? A bag, a cap, something. But that's objects. What about actual humans?"
"Remember when we accidentally teleported our cat once? It was holding on to you and you had forgotten. What if this works?"
Seohyun bit her lip. It was worth a try. "If it doesn't work, promise me we'll come back to San right then."
"But your body can't handle too many teleportations-"
"Promise me," Seohyun insisted, and Jiwoo rolled her eyes as she nodded. "Hurry up, he's closer."
"San, listen to me carefully," Seohyun said. "You know what teleportation is, right?"
San wanted to ask her if now was really the time, but he said yes- from the movies, and she continued, "I'm gonna attempt to teleport you along with me. My friend is gonna do that. You have to trust me."
"No way," San muttered, sighing deeply.
"Yes, you were stupid and brave enough to follow me, so yes, we are teleporting. I've done it before, but I've never teleported someone... normal with me, so this might not work. So if I disappear, and you're here all alone, I promise you, San, that I'll be back within a minute, okay?"
"How am I supposed to make sense of all you're saying?" San's eyes were helpless.
"Just... trust me. I won't leave you alone. I promise. Now, I have to, er, hold you, so she can teleport us. Gotta make sure I take you with me..."
Seohyun heard Jiwoo snicker, and she passed her a death glare. San, tempted to roll his eyes, held her hands.
"I'm afraid I'll have to hold you tighter. You see, when we teleport, we tend to lose what we're not holding tightly..."
"Oh..." San left her hands, and Seohyun muttered 'here goes nothing' as she wrapped her arms around San's waist, surprised that it was so small.
"Hold me tightly, and no matter what, do not let me go, you understand?"
"Yes ma'am," San said as he bent down to place his chin on her shoulder and bring her closer. "This okay?"
"Yes," Seohyun realized she was holding her breath, so she said, "Take a deep breath, San."
San did so, and Jiwoo smirked a little, watching two scared children hug each other. She came forward, holding Seohyun only, and did her magic.
San felt his stomach twist and turn, saw a million colourful stars, almost got nauseous but his only comfort was Seohyun so he held her tighter and shut his eyes. He didn't open them again until he landed on hard ground, his back aching with the impact.
He opened his eyes and saw... nothing.
He wasn't sure if he was blind or not, but he looked down and saw Seohyun half on top of him, attempting to get up, and he realized he had his vision all right.
"Where the hell," Seohyun got up, "are we?"
"I guess your body could only attempt a half trip," Jiwoo said, and San instantly turned at the voice, making eye contact with the red haired girl.
"That's the ghost friend that teleported us?" San asked Seohyun.
"You can see her!?" Seohyun asked, and San looked at Jiwoo.
"I wasn't supposed to see her, was I?" He raised his brow, and Seohyun looked at Jiwoo.
"Hey, kid, nice to officially meet you," Jiwoo said, holding out a hand to him so he could stand up. San tried to take it, but his hand passed through Jiwoo's hand, and he gasped.
"I guess you can only see then," Seohyun bit her lip as she looked around. "Is this where ghosts come when they... move on?"
"That's where I come when I'm not on planet Earth," Jiwoo said, "It's like another plane, you could say, another dimension overlapping ours, except this one is for ghosts."
"What now? Should we try again?" Seohyun asked, coughing a bit.
"You should take a breather first. Your body can't handle it," Jiwoo nodded at her and Seohyun sat down on the ground, putting her head over her knees as she brought them closer, shivering a little. Jiwoo was right, something was happening to her. Like a cold coming to her.
"Is she okay?" San asked Jiwoo, and she shrugged. San ran his fingers through his hair as he looked around, finding no source of light that illuminated the area around them.
So Seohyun wasn't crazy. Somehow, though it made no sense, she could see ghosts, she could touch them. San looked at Jiwoo and opened his mouth to ask something, but then thought against it. Now was not the time.
"I know you have a lot of questions," Jiwoo commented, "Let's try to get out of here first before we have the talk."
"Has she... ever brought someone here?" San asked.
"This is the first time she came here too," Jiwoo said, "Usually when a ghost teleports her, it's quick and efficient. Much like you see in movies or books."
"We should get out of this place quick. I don't want him to come find us here," Seohyun said, getting up.
"Are you sure you're okay? Can you make it back?" Jiwoo asked.
"I have to," Seohyun said.
Jiwoo nodded, and Seohyun looked at San for permission. San came forward and they both held each other tight as Jiwoo attempted to teleport them again.
This time, they landed on soft grass, but the impact with which they did sent them rolling a bit. San's breath was knocked out of him and he coughed loudly, gasping for breath. As soon as he recovered, he looked for Seohyun-
Seohyun was bent rather awkwardly, and it looked like she wasn't moving. San and Jiwoo both rushed to her, straightening her body. Jiwoo checked if she was breathing.
"She is breathing. She must have collapsed from being tired, don't worry, it's happened before too," Jiwoo assured him.
San sighed, looking up at the sky, wondering what he had gotten himself into. He looked around, finding the place familiar.
"Is this... the park near our school?" San asked Jiwoo.
"Yes, I tried to teleport us as close to Seohyun's home as possible, but looks like we could only make it till here."
"What if someone had seen us appear out of thin air?"
Jiwoo laughed. "They'd probably run for their lives. You'd be aliens."
San smiled a little at that. That's exactly what he would have thought if he had seen Seohyun.
"So are you... Seohyun's friend?" San finally asked.
"You could say that. I'm older than her so she always calls me unnie, but I keep telling her to call me Jiwoo."
"Then I'll call you noona," San smiled, making Jiwoo grin.
"She helps ghosts move on. When someone dies and they have unfinished business that they just can't leave behind, they sometimes choose to become ghosts until they get done with that. Seohyun helps them do that."
"That must be hard..." San wondered if it was always as bad as this time.
"It is, but what happened today is not a common occurrence. The man she saw today, he's been dead for a good while and has forgotten his purpose here. I once heard the other ghosts talk about him too. Ghosts like that, you have to avoid them. They're bitter, and usually mean Seohyun harm."
"So now... I can see you, does that mean I'll be able to see other ghosts too?"
"You'll find out soon," Jiwoo said.
Seohyun woke up with a gasp, her eyes wide. Jiwoo helped her sit up, and Seohyun muttered 'water'. San quickly opened Seohyun's bag and fished out her bottle, which she drank hungrily from, some water spilling down her chin as well.
"Slow down, kid," Jiwoo patted her back. Seohyun emptied the whole bottle, wiping her chin, then felt something run down her nose.
"Nosebleed. Do you have tissues?" Jiwoo asked and Seohyun shrugged, looking upwards and holding her nose. Jiwoo searched through her bag but San took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Seohyun.
"Does this usually happen?" San asked.
"No... it's the first time," Jiwoo admitted. Seohyun nodded too. "When we accidentally teleported the cat with her, she became dehydrated, but that was it."
Seohyun wiped her nose, looking at Jiwoo and she gave her a thumbs up.
"I shouldn't have followed you..." San shook his head, "It's because of me that-"
"You shouldn't have, but I'm kind of glad you did. Jiwoo is unreliable as a ghost friend and who knows what would have happened to me if you were not there? I could have died," Seohyun said nonchalantly.
"HEY!" Jiwoo smacked her arm but Seohyun ignored her.
"But look at you-" San was cut by Seohyun putting her hand up and saying, "I need food, and I mean NOW."
A few minutes later, they were watching Seohyun hungrily gulp down noodles and fried chicken. San had stopped eating midway just to watch her eat with a speed he hadn't ever seen before.
"Are you sure you're even chewing?" He asked, and Seohyun glared at him.
"The food is not going anywhere, Seohyun, slow down," Jiwoo laughed, "seeing you eat like this is making me wish I could eat too."
"Okay, mom," Seohyun said, finally slowing down. They ate the rest of the food silently, then Seohyun decided she'd like some coffee. They decided to walk her home as she sipped on her coffee and answered San's questions.
"Have you ever told anyone?" San asked first.
"Never. My mom only knows because she's, well, my mom and it's weird when a little kid sees stuff nobody else does."
"And what has she done about this?" San wasn't sure if he should have asked this.
Seohyun sighed, "She tried to 'help' me, but then she decided avoiding me was the best way. So now she's married to her work."
"And your dad?"
"He's never been here in the first place."
"Oh..." San faltered, but saw Seohyun shrug. "You can ask me anything, San. You deserve an explanation. Don't hesitate."
"Why can you see ghosts?"
"I don't know that either," Seohyun smiled as she looked at the sky. "Born this way?"
"Would you have ever told us?" San asked. Seohyun stopped walking at that, and faced him.
"To be honest, I've never made friends, San, because of this reason. That someone would find out. They'd never believe me, they'd think I'm crazy. So I don't know if I would have told you guys, ever," Seohyun paused, "But you found out, and you witnessed everything. What do you think?"
San scratched his neck. "I think you're right. I don't think any of us would have believed you. We'd have dismissed it as a joke. But now that I did see everything... It's different now. I hope you understand that."
"You sure you don't want to, I don't know, ever talk to me and all?"
San smiled. "You think I'd abandon my friend just like that?"
Seohyun couldn't help but stare at San, his sharp eyes that grew warmer every time he smiled, how they slightly curved.
"I want you to know that if it was anyone of us, and they had seen what I had seen, they would have never abandoned you. We don't take our friendships lightly."
"That's... good to hear," Seohyun finally smiled. "Do you think they'd believe us if we tell them?"
"They'd need some convincing, but yes, they would. Do you want to tell them?"
"Not yet," Seohyun said, "When the time is right."
San nodded, and squeezed her hand. "If you're ever in danger, you tell me, okay? If you need anyone, or anything, you tell me, got it? You don't have to face this alone anymore."
Seohyun almost cried right there, but she held it back, squeezing his hand back and nodding. They walked a few minutes until she finally reached home.
"Thank you, San. For everything." Seohyun smiled at him, and this time it was a true smile. San was actually taken aback. It felt like she had truly smiled for the first time, unfiltered.
"Anytime," San managed to say, and watched her go in. He took a deep breath, trying to shake off the image of Seohyun smiling, but found himself smiling too.
Meanwhile, Seohyun collapsed as soon as she entered, and she allowed herself to cry, both happy and sad tears, happy that someone finally understood her, and sad that it hadn't happen earlier. Jiwoo sat down with her, silently rubbing her back.
Seohyun almost slept in the next day, only woken up for school when Jiwoo threw her off the bed for 'sleeping like a sloth'. She couldn't exactly blame her. Seohyun had been so tired that after crying her heart out, she'd only had the energy to change before she collapsed on her bed and slept without moving an inch.
"My whole body hurts like I did some major workout," Seohyun mumbled as she tried running towards school, but gave up. She'd just walk.
"I don't recall you having such after effects after a teleportation," Jiwoo wondered.
"When it's just me, I'm only drained a bit. Like running. But even when I took the cat accidentally, my head hurt a lot. This time it was a whole human."
"Maybe because they aren't meant to be there," Jiwoo shrugged, meowing at the cat who appeared out of nowhere as usual. "Sometimes I think you might have transferred this teleportation thing to your cat too."
"Except 'I' can't teleport. You ghosts can," Seohyun corrected. She'd be lying if she said she hadn't tried teleporting herself home from school. How cool would that have been?
Jiwoo picked the cat and quickly passed it to Seohyun so no one would witness a flying cat. Seohyun draped her over her shoulder so Jiwoo could play with her. As they were walking, they saw San standing in a corner. He waved, then joined them.
"Hi noona," he said, and Jiwoo tried poking San but her hand went through him.
"I guess you can still only see," Jiwoo shook her head, continuing to pet the cat.
"You can touch the cat? And she sees you?" San asked, curiously watching them.
"Ever since we accidentally teleported her, I can touch her. But I'm pretty sure she could see me before too. All cats can, I think."
"Were you... waiting for us or something?" Seohyun finally asked.
"I was. I couldn't sleep last night, truth be told. I kept thinking about what happened. In fact, I'm surprised I didn't freak out..."
"I'm more surprised about that," Seohyun admitted.
"Meanwhile Seohyun here slept as soon as she reached home and I had to wake her up for school too," Jiwoo flipped her hair dramatically. Seohyun scoffed at that.
"You must be very tired... Are you okay?" San asked.
Seohyun nodded, and before she could say something they heard someone calling their names. It was Wooyoung and Yeosang. They joined them, Wooyoung putting his arm over San's shoulder as he said, "You're early today. You usually come in last minute."
"I woke up early today," San said casually, his eyes darting towards Seohyun unconsciously. Yeosang noticed that, trying to stop the smile creeping on his mouth as he looked between Seohyun and San. Seohyun gave him a warning glare, one she made sure was strong enough.
As they waited for class to start, Seohyun was resting her head on the desk. She couldn't quite believe the fact that someone now knew who she was, and was not disgusted or freaked out by her. She couldn't stop wondering what the future would be like, what if this group of boys would really get her to warm up to them, and how they would react if they found out.
San turned around in his seat, a frown growing on his face as he noticed how tired she looked. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Just very, very tired," Seohyun sighed, lifting her head.
"What if the ghost-man comes here?" San asked.
"Oh. I'd totally forgotten about him..." Seohyun bit her lip, "Well, he knows better not to make a scene in front of people, so chances are he won't."
"Chances? That ghost was dangerous!" San hissed, "What if he does come here?"
"Jiwoo must be out on watch. She'd warn me." Seohyun said, and San looked a little relieved at that. "It's not like the ghost can hurt you, so don't worry."
San rolled his eyes. "I'm worried about you, stupid."
"Oh," Seohyun paused. "You don't have to. I'll be fine."
San tsk-ed at her, turning back in his seat. Seohyun stared at the back of his head. Yunho dragged his seat towards Seohyun as he said, "You both are getting along rather well."
"Well," Seohyun slumped back in her seat, "he keeps talking."
Yunho laughed at that, "He's been thinking of names for your cat too."
"I won't approve if I don't like it. He knows that, right?"
"I'll give a good name, don't worry," San turned back in his seat, having overheard the conversation.
"I don't have much expectations from you, to be honest," Seohyun said casually, tucking her hair behind her ear, "I think Jongho there could give a much better name. He looks like he actually uses his brain."
Yunho and San looked at each other and giggled at that. Her observation was true. Jongho was infamously known as the 'only braincell' of the group. Yunho told her that, which actually made her smile.
"See? I know how to spot the smart ones."
"Who do you think is the most dumb one out of us?" San asked, attempting to make puppy eyes so she won't pick him. Seohyun looked at each one of them slowly, then said, "I haven't talked to you all much, but Wooyoung looks like he doesn't really like to use his brain."
The pair of them laughed so loud at that, catching the rest of the boys' attention as Seohyun tried to shut them up. But they were in tears, slapping their thighs as they laughed.
"Can the both of you stop? San you're second dumbest, just so you know."
That just made them laugh harder. The boys slowly came to them, muttering how they wanted to know what was 'so funny that they were howling'.
"She thinks the smartest one of us is Jongho, and the dumbest is Wooyoung," Yunho finally explained.
Wooyoung was laughing at first until he realized and yelled "HEY!" Jongho giggled, looking satisfied.
"Your brain processing is just a bit slow, that's all. No offence," Seohyun muttered.
"I mean, she's not wrong..." Hongjoong made an impressed face.
"Where do I stand?" Mingi asked, "I'm the second smartest right?"
"From below, yes," Seohyun said, making them all laugh. They all insisted that she rank them, and then they'd tell her if she was right about this.
"I don't actually think you're dumb, okay? This is just a joke, don't take it seriously-"
"I know, we all know," Wooyoung assured her, smiling warmly, "carry on."
"...Okay," Seohyun hesitated a bit then started, "Hongjoong is smartest obviously but Jongho is quite smart too? He seems more mature. Then Yeosang or Seonghwa, San somewhere in the middle depending on how awake he is, not sure about Yunho, but Mingi and Wooyoung... well they're pretty close. Because they don't like using their brains..."
"Most of it is accurate," Hongjoong agreed, "Yunho is more lucky than smart."
"Ah.. must be nice to be god's favourite," Seohyun scoffed. "But hey, I like Mingi and Wooyoung. They make you all laugh. That's more important."
Mingi and Wooyoung clapped at that, finally approving.
It was finally after school, when San insisted on accompanying her to her home so she would get there 'safe', that they encountered the old ghost right outside her house.
"Get behind me" San protectively pushed Seohyun behind her.
"I appreciate the gesture, San, but this won't work. Use your brain."
"Oh... Right," San scratched his head and Jiwoo, who had also been with them the entire time, stepped forward.
"We can talk this out like civil human beings and ghosts. Then you can decide if you really want to kill Seohyun."
"NOONA!" San shouted in disbelief but she dismissed him with a wave of her hand.
"Very touching, all this, but I agree, we can have a normal conversation," the old man said.
"How long have you been a ghost exactly?"
"So long that I have forgotten my purpose, girl," the ghost snickered. "I heard from some older ghosts that killing the mediator by our own hands would make us move on."
Seohyun saw San and Jiwoo both tense. "And you thought you'd check?"
The old man nodded. "The mediator before you... Some other ghost killed him. It was some sort of revenge. He was supposed to help me."
"I could help some other way, because killing me doesn't really sound like a solution to me... Like, think about it. It doesn't make sense."
"Are you sure you aren't saying that because you don't want to die yet?" The old man smirked.
"Oh please," Seohyun faked swagger, "If I had an option, I'd kill me too." San shook his head at her.
"Very well. I'll hear you out."
Seohyun explained that she knew an old shaman who helped ghosts with no purpose to move on. It took some convincing and death threats to Seohyun, but she finally made him realize that it might be his one and only option now, and that he should just 'stop being a pain and move the hell on'.
"If it turns out to be a scam, I promise I'll come for you, whether it helps me move on or not."
"Please do," Seohyun replied nonchalantly. The ghost signaled to Jiwoo and they disappeared.
San turned to see that Seohyun was now leaning against the wall, wiping sweat from her forehead as she sighed in relief. "Nice acting."
Seohyun looked at him once before drinking from her water bottle. She had noticed the disapproval in his voice. She stared at him when she was done, and he stared back for a good few seconds before he finally sighed loudly.
"How can you be so... stupid at times like these?"
"How was that stupid? I talked to him and poured sense into him. And it worked. I don't see the problem."
"Does your life mean nothing to you?" San asked.
"San, chill, it was just acting-"
"Those ghosts can touch you!" San was louder this time, making Seohyun flinch a little, "They can hurt you like any other human, hell, they can hurt you in worse ways than that! How can you be so relaxed when gambling with your life?!"
Seohyun watched as San ran a hand through his hair frustratingly, clearly holding himself back. His whole body was tense, his jaw was set and he was not having any of it.
"Are you done?" Seohyun asked, making sure it came out soft. San shook his head.
"I've been seeing ghosts my entire life. My mom took me to all sorts of people for help. You think I don't know how dangerous it is? I learned from the worst. And I'm old enough and experienced enough to know how to handle rogue ghosts like these. Trust me on that."
"I know you are, Seohyun," San admitted, "I just hate it when you talk about your life like it means nothing. Like you'd have no problem if something happened."
"Let's just say I haven't had something I'd like to live for yet," Seohyun said.
San locked eyes with her. "I'll make it change now."
"There's so much to life. I know you haven't had the best life, but you have people you can rely on now. And I'll make sure you'll have something to live for."
"What do you live for?" Seohyun asked, curious.
San smiled. "My parents, my grandparents, my friends. And myself."
"Doesn't it... get too much? Living for all of them... must be hard. And boring."
"What's hard and boring is when I had nothing to live for," San said, "When life became repetitive, and I didn't really love anyone, including myself. But now... I have something to look forward to. And no matter if it gets hard, I'll have people to lean on. So ask yourself this, Seohyun. Is it hard living like me or is it hard living like you?"
San knew his words had crossed her, so he locked eyes with her for a second longer before he waved and left for home, leaving Seohyun wondering if she really had wasted all her life repelling people, and if it really had been a wise decision.
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spooky-mister · 3 years
So I am definitely continuing I Am A God when I have the time, but for now, have a tooth-rotting Spiralshipping fic <3
This fic is set the morning after Zeke was supposed to meet his dad for takeout/Will claimed to be sleep training his son.
Also this is my first time writing for these characters so be nice :)
One Of The Good Ones
Fandom: Spiral from the Book of Saw
Paring: William Schenk x Ezekiel Banks
Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff
Word Count: 1,545
Potential Triggers: None I'm aware of. Feel free to comment <3
Spoilers?: Yes
One Of The Good Ones
What happened to dinner with his dad?
William Schenk slowed his steps to a stop as he gazed into the meeting room, appreciating the sight of Ezekiel Banks asleep on his work with a soft smirk of amusement. It was a good thing he was the first in. Zeke's fellow cops didn't seem like the sort to let him get away with sleeping on the job - even if they weren't worth half of Zeke's integrity and dedication. Will sniffed, glancing over his shoulder before slinging a large flask of coffee under his arm and meandering over to the table. He shuffled to a stop beside Zeke's sleeping form before huffing a laugh and tapping the detective's shoulder.
"Hey, Banks," He mumbled, voice gruff with fading sleep. His schedule didn't leave much room for rest. "Wake up, partner."
Zeke reacted with a near comedic intensity, dragging an audible laugh from Will as the rookie took a step back. Zeke cried out and thrashed his arms, soon setting his eyes up on Will with a mix of relief and embarrassment.
"Shit, Man - don't do that!" Zeke scolded, running his fingers through his rough hair. "Never wake a man while he's sleeping! Jeez…"
"Yeah, well… Better me than Fitch," Will retorted in good humour, hesitating before setting himself down next to Zeke. "Are you okay? What happened to dinner with your dad?"
"Old man cancelled on me," Zeke explained as he rubbed sleep from his eyes. He looked exhausted, Will noticed. How long had he been sleeping? “Came back in to work the case. Must have gotten too comfortable."
“You could have called,” Will offered with a frown, setting down his flask and letting his bag slide off of his shoulder. “We could have worked the case together.”
“What about sleep training?” Zeke muttered in response, eyes drifting to Will. Will paused at that. Right. His… Family. He didn’t have time to retort before Zeke spoke again. “You worked hard yesterday - you deserved a night off. Enjoy your family while they last.”
“You’re just a beacon of romance and optimism, aren’t you,” Will teased, appreciating the glimmer of a smirk received in return. “Well… Thanks. Did you at least get to eat last night?” Zeke’s hesitation didn’t seem to bode well for Will’s throw-away concern. Will arched a thick brow. "...Zeke?"
"I was gonna order something in," Zeke reasoned. "I left the takeout my dad ordered at his place so he had somethin' when he got back. But then I guess I-"
"Fell asleep," Will finished for him, taking in the sigh and the nod as Zeke started shuffling through papers again. Will was feeling oddly involved in this minor inconvenience. Why did he feel so compelled to take the mantle of caretaker? Zeke was an adult. Older than him, even. But Will felt the draw to guard and care for his partner as a skilled gardener would cultivate a flower they planned to pluck. "Well, that's no good. How are you supposed to lead an investigation on an empty stomach?"
"Jeez, mom - I don't know," Zeke huffed a laugh, looking Will over. "What's got in your head all of a sudden - I can take care of myself." Clearly. "If you hold the fort, I'll run out 'n grab a… Coffee and grilled cheese or somethin'."
"No need," Will sighed as he hiked his satchel up onto his lap. He could see Zeke's puzzled expression as he rifled through before drawing a plastic tupperware - still beaded with hot steam. He hadn't been able to let it cool before leaving for work. He sniffed and set it in front of Zeke with a fork and his tall flask. "...Homemade frittata," He explained with a gesture of his hand towards the box. He smirked at Zeke's baffled expression. "I made it for me, but… Y'know, I actually ate last night."
"...Nah," Zeke shook his head, pushing the food back towards Will. "I ain't eating your breakfast, Schenk. I-" He paused when Will put a firm hand on the tupperware, locking eyes as the younger detective slowly slid it back in front of him. He bit his tongue before letting out a sigh and popping the lid off of the plastic. "Thanks," He muttered, taking hold of the fork and poking around the fried egg and vegetables.
Will watched Zeke's apprehension with muted amusement for a moment before speaking up. "It's egg," He explained. "Egg, cheese, spinach, garlic… It's nothing bad, Zeke. I'm not trying to trick you." He got a kick out of the look of minor embarrassment on Zeke's face, chuckling.
"I didn't…" Zeke went to defend himself before sighing and scooping a large piece of frittata onto his fork. "Thanks, Schenk." He shovelled it into his mouth, chewing it with a hum.
"Will, please," Will reasoned, watching the detective's changing expression with a growing smirk. The 'Mmm' sealed the deal as Zeke wiped his mouth with a hand and reached for the flask. "Good?"
"Shit, man - that's… You made that?" Zeke raised his eyebrows and pointed at the frittata. He was baffled at Will's confirmation. "Jeez… You really are the full package, huh? Your wife must love you."
"Yeah… Maybe," Will mused with a smile, admiring Zeke as the man ate. Part of him wondered why he'd even developed that lie… It just created one more barrier between himself and Zeke. But he couldn't go back on it now. "Maybe I can cook for you again sometime."
Zeke hummed in agreement, slurping down the breakfast with only half a mind on his manners. "Haven't had many homemade meals since mom left," Zeke explained between mouthfuls, sensing Will's sudden tension. "Knew the number for the pizza place before I was potty trained."
"Just… You and your dad as well, huh?" Will mumbled, watching Zeke closely. "Yeah… I know how that is. But my dad wasn't… Around much by the time I got to middle school - I learned to take care of myself." Was that giving away too much about himself? No… If anything, it was pulling Zeke closer. He could tell by the familiar concern in the detective's eyes.
Zeke floundered for a response for a moment. He was never good at conversations like this. The feelings were difficult to process… So instead he turned his attention back to his meal. He scooped up a forkful and switched his gaze to Will. "You wanna share?" He asked, an attempt to change the subject. "Today will be pretty intense… You wanna get fuelled up."
Will moved to hesitate, but… this was a moment of tenderness. Of sincerity. He could tell this was Zeke’s way of letting his guard down, so he smiled. "Sure," He agreed, leaning towards the fork. Zeke seemed taken aback by the movement, clearly expecting Will to take the fork, but he quickly adjusted - moving the fork to Will's mouth and watching the young detective take it into his mouth. It was weirdly intimate… Or maybe it had just been a while.
Will pulled off of the fork and knitted his brows, chewing through the mouthful of warm eggs. He shrugged slightly and reached for his flask to wash it down. "I've made better," He commented before flooding the taste out with coffee. He tried not to focus on Zeke’s scoff.
"Made better, huh?" Zeke muttered, turning his gaze away from Will and digging his fork into the tub. "Might have to prove that one, man - this is pretty fuckin' good…"
Will perked up at that and smirked. "...Are you inviting yourself round for breakfast, Detective Banks?" Will teased, biting back a laugh as he watched Zeke's face drop. He let Zeke fight for a retort for a moment before shaking his head. "I know what you meant." Will was just indulging in a little wishful thinking.
Zeke cleared his throat, pushing around the rest of his breakfast with a fork before offering it back towards Will. "Uh… Thanks, Schenk. I needed that." He offered before getting to his feet. He could feel a growing, undefined tension between them… And he wasn't a fan.
"Will… please," Will corrected, licking his lips as he watched Zeke readying himself to leave - probably to get his own cup of coffee. But… Will didn't want him to leave. He swallowed dryly, leaving Zeke to gather up his jacket and step away from the desk before quickly reaching for the man's wrist. He met Zeke's puzzled expression with apprehension. He… Wasn't completely sure why he'd done that. "I'm… Glad you enjoyed the frittata. Sorry." He moved to pull his hand away.
Zeke smirked, chuckling softly and reaching to playfully ruffle his young partner's hair. "Man, don't say sorry…" He hesitated before leaning over and delicately pressing a kiss to Will's head. "You're one of the good ones, Will… Now get to work."
Will bubbled into giggles as Zeke gently batted the back of his head on his way out, unable to stop the colour in his cheeks or the grin on his lips. Shit - did Zeke really just… He felt like a giddy school girl. And as he glanced back to watch Zeke leave, he could have sworn that he saw a smile to match his own on the senior detective's face.
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doexoeyes · 4 years
Of Finches & Firsts
Ok so here’s a fic I actually have on Wattpad and AOO3 but I decided to bring over here. On those sites I wrote a character for this story, but on here it’s gonna be Draco x Reader ♡ Only thing to note is that your last name in this story would be Finch (so to make sense of the title and some other little parts of the story) as well as you’re a Hufflepuff. Sorry to the other houses,I adore you all but Draco and a Hufflepuff is just to juicy to pass up (in the first book he literally say’s they’re the worst) so just trust me when I tell you that it’s all for the story. Anyways I hope you enjoy and if you’re interested in reading the original, here are the links:
Archive Of Our own link:
Wattpad link:
Summary: "A Hufflepuff? Crushing on a Slytherin? Sounds like the start of a terrible joke to me, but ok." You’ve harbored feelings for Draco Malfoy since your first year at Hogwarts. Secretly, of course, and very much from afar. But when you’re finally taken out of your role of being a background character in his life, will it be what you always wanted, or what you wish you never knew?
Chapter 1 ♡ Chapter 2
Chapter 1: The Firsts Of Many
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The first time you ever saw Draco Malfoy was at the sorting hat ceremony your first year at Hogwarts. You thought he was striking upon first sight, with his silver grey eyes contrasting with his nearly white hair. You knew he would leave a lasting impression upon whoever looked at him, and you very much envied him for it. You felt like you were as plain a Jane as they came, especially when compared to him. You couldn't keep your eyes off of him for the rest of the night, drawn to, not just his features, but the mysterious aura that surrounded him.
When your name had gotten called for the sorting, you were incredibly nervous for many reasons:
1. For the house you were going to be sorted into that would shape your life for the next 7 years.
2. For the several hundreds of eyes watching you go up the steps.
3. For the white haired boy who you seemed to have developed the tiniest little crush on.
Thankfully, you made it up without tripping and making a complete fool of yourself and were pleasantly surprised to find out that the house you'd be sorted into was:
"Hufflepuff," the storing hat declared, and a thunderous applause followed suit.You smiled, looking towards the table with the yellow cladded students as they cheered and waved you over. You couldn't wait to tell your father, who was a proud Hufflepuff himself, that you were now one, too.
When it's Draco's turn to be sorted, you made sure to pay very close attention. A small silly part of you wanted to cross your fingers and hope that he'd somehow be sorted into Hufflepuff just like you.
Of course, that was a very optimistic wish.
"Slytherin," the hat announced, and all those hopes quickly came tumbling down because if there was one house you knew you weren’t going to be able to fit in with, it was Slytherin.
There went your chances of being potentially noticed by Draco Malfoy.
Letting out a sigh, you were able to manage a small smile as you clapped for the boy along with the rest of your fellow schoolmates.
You spent the entire year making new friends, learning spells, studying up for exams, and never having the opportunity to talk to Draco, your only regret of the year.
For Draco, his first year at Hogwarts consisted of him developing the reputation of being the school's bully. Most of his antics we concentrated heavily on Harry Potter and his friends, but he truly didn't spare anyone that wasn't a part of his Slytherin crew.
Still, this didn't lessen the small crush you had on him since the day of the sorting. Despite his actions, you really felt that the boy was much more than what he projected to the world.
The first time you ever got to talk to Draco Malfoy was during your second year, when you had accidentally run into him as you rushed to your potions class.
You were too busy worrying about making it in time to class, really not wanting a reason to make Snape chastise you, that you had forgotten to pay attention to your surroundings. A disastrous recipe for running into someone, which was exactly what ended up happening.
"Hey!" he said with a grunt as his books fell from his hands.
You, mortified, hardly even noticed it was Draco at first, as you immediately leaned down to pick up his books.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I'm a complete klutz. I should've been paying more attention, I just-" as you got back up from the floor, books recovered & in your arms, you froze as your eyes made contact with his striking silver ones.
"Yeah, you definitely should have! Next time, try not to run into your superiors, first year," he said in distaste, brushing off the sleeves of his robe.
You stood there, shocked into silence, feeling your cheeks warm and mentally trying to coach yourself through the moment.
Take a breath, don't sound so nervous.
"A-actually, we're in the same year. I...umm...I first saw you at the sorting, but we had History of Magic together. I sat a row ahead of you," you corrected, biting your lip.
He tore his gaze away from his sleeves and locked eyes with you again, a chill going down your spine.
"Really? Strange. I don't remember you. Then again, you Hufflepuffs are so forgettable," he stated with a roll of his eyes. 
"I'll take those," he said as he grabbed the books from your hands and walked off.
Just like that.
 No 'thank you', no apology. Not even an offer to walk you to class which you happened to share this year as well.
You watched him walk away, cheeks definitely as red as Gryffindor's robes at this point, feeling dejected and absolutely embarrassed. You always imagined what your first conversation with Draco would be, as pitiful as that sounded, but in your head it definitely never went like this.
You ended up late to potions class and got lectured by Snape in front of the whole class, including Draco himself and wondered if he remembered who you were, or if he once again erased you from his head and permanently labeled you as a 'forgettable Hufflepuff'.
The rest of the year went on as normal after that, nothing too special.
The first time you really understood what your feelings for Draco Malfoy were was in your third year, on the train ride to Hogwarts.
You watched from the window as the train passed through the lush scenery of grand trees & clear blue skies, hands fiddling with the sleeves of your sweater. Your best friend, Mauve Ambrose, was seated beside you, gossiping about potential romances ("I think Ginny is head over heels for that Harry Potter kid and everyone knows it. Except, you know, that Harry Potter kid.") and who was to have the 'biggest glow up' of their entire year group ("My money is on Longbottom. Remember that I called it, ok. I want a witness to prove that I said it first.").
Hearing the candy trolley pass by, you perked up and politely excused yourself from your friend, walking out of the compartment. Your eyes searched for the trolley, determined to make it to it before the last of the chocolate frogs were taken, and caught it making its way towards the back of the train.
When you approached the trolley, you waited for the attendant to continue on along with one of the students as they picked out a box of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. Once the attendant turned towards you, you smiled wide, ready to request a chocolate frog, when you felt someone approach from behind you.
"A chocolate frog for me, yeah? And make sure it doesn't have Dumbledore's card. I have like 10 of that old bat," said a familiar, snarky voice.
You turned and your breath immediately caught in your throat; it was Draco Malfoy.
"You're in luck, there was only one left. Although, I can't really confirm if this one has a Dumbledore or not..." the attendant said, handing him the box.
You frowned a rather sad frown, disappointed. Perhaps one would blame the Malfoy boy for taking your turn (you did get there first after all) but in truth, he wanted what he wanted and he wasn't afraid to get it.
In your mind, all was fair in candy and war.
"Hey, aren't you the girl who ran into me last year? The Hufflepuff?" he asked, eyes looking you up and down.
You felt so small in his presence. Although you were both about the same height your first year together, he towered over you at this point in time.
"I...y-yeah. That's me. Umm...my name's Y/N, actually. And congrats on the frog. I came to get one but you managed to get the last one," you said, trying to keep it cool on the outside when on the inside you were a mess of nerves.
You really wanted Draco to like you. Not in a big, important way, no. Just enough to remember your name, at least.
He continued on staring at you silently, even when you finished talking. His gaze felt like a microscope on you and you could feel your cheeks heat up.
"You have weirdly shaped eyes," he says bluntly after a moment and you really wished you knew a spell that would have the floor swallow you whole.
"Umm...." you were unable to come up with a response.
You wish you were witty or funny or charismatic, but socializing did at times become quite difficult for you, and you weren't gifted with a quick mind or a sharp tongue.
"Anyways, I'm gonna go enjoy my frog now," he said as he walked away.
You were not surprised to feel the slight sting of tears forming in your eyes. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down. You hated the fact that you were actually so sensitive. Your parents tried to make you feel better about it, stating that it just meant that you had a big heart.
“Well,” you thought, “if having a big heart meant it was easy for me to cry, then it didn't seem like a very good thing to have”.
Keeping your tears at bay (at least until you could sit down and put your sweater over your head so no one could see), you walked over to your compartment.
It was when you were nearly there that Draco's head popped out from his compartment's sliding door, startling you. You let out a small yelp, putting your hand over your mouth almost immediately after.
"Here, have this," he stated simply, as he reached his hand out towards you.
To your surprise, it was the chocolate frog box Your eyes widened, staring at it before cautiously retrieving it from his hand, switching your gaze back to him.
"I only wanted it for the card, and it's another stupid Dumbledore one" he claims, and before you could say anything, he slides the door shut, leaving you standing alone in the middle of the walkway, chocolate frog in hand.
It was then that you noticed that the box had its wrapping still in tact, meaning it was never opened in the first place.
Once you made it to your compartment and sat back down in your seat ("Nice! You got Celestina Warbeck," Mauve stated excitedly as she opened the box for you), You realized that your little crush on Draco Malfoy had turned into an actual one.
The first time you ever got to experience what it was like to fall in love with Draco Malfoy was in your fourth year at Hogwarts, a few weeks before the Yule Ball.
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
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PART 12 | previously: part 11 | masterlist
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader
ratings/warnings: swearing
synopsis: When UA’s hot heads, Katsuki Bakugou and you, are forced to put your hatred for each other aside and plan the third year Prom, things end up getting a little heated...
a/n: hi hi!! ahh im so sorry for getting this out later than expected! i had finals this past week so i was pretty busy, but all good now :)) 💕 enjoy xx
twelve: wear this please
After you had fully calmed down, Iida helped you carry the remaining boxes from the basement over to the venue. The rest of your friends were already there to lend a hand.
“Sorry I'm late guys. Um okay, I need about four people to help set up the chairs and tables and about four people again helping with decorations. Everyone else can help with cleaning. I can take care of the other stuff,” you explained. Your friends nodded and dispersed among themselves. You went up to the balcony in hopes of setting up the lighting system as best as you could.
The balcony was dark. You looked down at your friends. You watched as Iida and Deku speedily set up the tables and chairs. You saw Mina and Aoyama argue over the order of the streamers. Soon, another scene caught your eye. Kirishima was arranging the tables as well, placing the tablecloths and centerpieces in their desired places.
Then, the one person you didn’t want to see most of all entered the gym. Bakugou stomped over to Kirishima, grabbed him by the collar and led him outside the gym. You watched as Bakugou left with Kirishima.
Uh okay then...
You sighed. Silly of you to hope that he would come talk to you after what happened. Still, your focus needed to be on the dance, not Bakugou.
You finished organizing the lights before heading back down to the main floor. You waved your friends over.
“Thanks again for your help everyone. No way I would’ve been able to get this all done in time by myself,” You said.
“We were happy to help Y/N!” smiled IIda.
“Well, everything looks pretty good. I’m just gonna do some final touches. You’re free to go and get ready,” you explained. Your friends nodded.
“Are you sure you’ve got this Y/N? I don’t mind staying back to help,” insisted Deku. You shook your head.
“No that's okay. Anyway, I want some stuff to be a surprise for everyone,” you insisted. Deku nodded, leaving with the rest of the group.
You looked around the theatre, rubbing your eyes. You took a deep breath and began to set up the photo booth.
[One week earlier]
“You know what we should use the leftover money for?” Bakugou looked at you, raising a brow.
“What dumbass?”
“A photo booth!”
“That’s stupid,” groaned Bakugou. You huffed. You went over to Bakugou and stood behind him. You held a magazine and placed it in front of Bakugou’s face, your arms resting on his shoulders.
“We wouldn’t get a shitty one. We could do an open photo booth where you have one backdrop and an actual photographer. Look how cute.”
You had the magazine opened up to a life-size prop heart. The heart lit up with those old-school Hollywood light bulbs and it was a vibrant shade of red.
“I think it would be a good finishing touch. People could take pictures in front of it with their dates or friends and make stupid memories. We could even get some lowerclassman to take the pictures,” you explained.
Bakugou took the magazine from your hand to take a closer look. You left your arms on his shoulders.
“I can’t really say no to you can I?”
“Fine, if it makes you that happy, we can get it princess,” he said. You gave Bakugou a squeeze.
“Thank you Katsuki!”
You stared at the silly prop piece. At the time, you were beyond excited for it. You thought it would really tie the decorations together. Now, it just reminded you of Bakugou. This whole Prom reminded you of him. Crazy how one second you were on top of the world with him and the next you’ve hit rock bottom. Maybe three hours had passed since you overheard Bakugou in the common area. Maybe five? Regardless, you were ready for today to be over. Maybe things going back to normal was for the better. After all, that's what you expected what would happen. You just didn’t think it would hurt this bad.
You dragged the large prop over to it’s designated area. You pinned up the gold ‘firework’ backdrop behind it and set up the camera stand. The banner reading “My Emotions Feel Like Explosions When You’re Around” hung up on the backdrop. You read that sentence about ten times. What annoyed you most about it was how it taunted you. Those words. Those words perfectly described how you felt about a certain someone, and you hated it.
We really just had to pick the longest title possible.
You finished organizing the small details, making sure everything was nicely in place. You checked the time. It was a little past 4pm. The dance starts at 9pm. You were supposed to meet the girls in your class to get ready together. You locked up the theatre and headed back to the dorms.
“There you are! We were gonna start getting ready,” said Mina as you entered the dorms.
“Mina, we have like five hours. Why are you getting ready now?” You asked.
“Pictures and dinner are at 7, so really we have about 3 hours,” explained Mina. You sighed.
“Okay okay I’ll grab my stuff and head down.” You went over to your room but stopped in front of the door.
What the…
In front of your door there was a small clear box with a note on it. When you realized what was inside the box, your heart dropped a little. You sighed, and picked up the box. Inside there was a corsage made with black and white roses.
The note read: ‘wear this please’.
Your eyes began to water a little and you couldn’t understand why. You entered your room, still looking at the corsage and note. ‘Wear this please’. The ‘please’ ending the sentence is what threw you off. The note was typed, so there was no way to tell from handwriting. Why would they say please? If it were Bakugou who wrote it, it would make more sense for him to write ‘wear this dumbass’. But who else would think to give you a corsage, and one that matched your dress. You wiped your eyes, setting the box down on your nightstand.
God damn it Katsuki.
You regrouped yourself and started to grab everything you’d need to get ready. You picked up your dress, makeup bag, shoes, and the little clear box. You weren’t sure if you would actually wear it, but you thought there is no harm in bringing it.
You stepped outside your room with all your things, seeing that your friends were waiting for you. You all had decided to get ready together in the dressing rooms that the school uses for plays.
“Alright, let’s go ladies!”
You set down your things on the dressing room counter and hung up your dress.
“Y/N, I love your corsage!” smiled Mina, pointing to the small box.
“Oh uh thanks. Decided to get myself one,” you lied.
“Okay, I need someone to help me curl my hair!” said Momo. You laughed.
“I can help.” Your friends all began to get ready. Makeup, hair spray, and perfume filled the air. You were never one to care too much about dressing up but something about doing it with your friends put a smile on your face. You continued to curl Momo’s hair and looked around as your friends pampered themselves.
All this for a 3 hour dance?
“I hope they play a few slow songs,” gushed Uraraka.
“Not like you’d have the guts to ask anyone to dance though,” teased Jirou. Uraraka crossed her arms.
“Maybe I will!”
“Slow dancing is so awkward,” you laughed.
“I think it’s cute,” said Uraraka.
“Jirou you do know Kaminari is gonna ask you to dance,” joked Momo. Jirou laughed.
“If his hands stray for even a second you can bet he will be short-circuited for the rest of the night.”
After you had made yourself ‘Prom ready’ it was time to slip on your dress. You loved your dress, it was your favorite thing about this whole Prom situation.
“Zip me up?” You asked Momo. The zipper glided up your back, securing you in your dress.
“This dress was made for you Y/N, you look stunning,” smiled Momo. Your face got warm.
“Says you, you look gorgeous.”
“We all do!” Cheered Mina. Everyone looked picture perfect.
“So? Ready to go?” asked Jirou. You looked over at your clear box. You took it, opened it, and slipped the corsage over your wrist.
“Yup. Let’s do this.”
[taglist CLOSED: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @bokutory @complimentaryhugsgirl @cloudswriting @kriswu46 @neodnyl @evivn1 @jazzylove @mileven-reddie @whalerus @misssugarless @random-fandom-girl-24 @fanfiction-and-stress @ushiwakatrash @minhoswife @addictofsupernatural @the-shota-king-masayuki @freyafolkvangr @fourteenow @tamaguchi @lalayy @athenarosaline @blxck-coffee @katsukibabe @thatonegeekchick @that-chick212 @bibly @nxynxy @theunknownrandom @flustered-blue-eyed-sex-muffin @94potterhead @moonlightaangel @katusukisbitch2000 @secondchoicealwaysandforever @salsaedx @ukaisgratefulwhore @lucyheartfilias-wife @lanaxians-2 if your name is bold I couldn’t tag you]
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Doppelganger" *Part 25* !!Finale!!
Okay I know this took two days but remember when I said I was NOT going to make another chapter? Well I had to just fit multiple chapters into this last one. Because dammit it will STOP HERE.
Except for the epilogue.
So here it is, I hope the anticipation and the hype doesn't ruin it for you, I did my best!
Also thank you so much for coming on this ride with me, it's been the longest one yet! I'm going to miss Pinguino and Raffi, but they'll be fine.
Part 24
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It was finally the night before your wedding day. The day you had been waiting for since you had first kissed Rafael, if you were being totally honest. You were staying at Chloe’s due to the whole traditional “not seeing each other” before the wedding; it was the first night you had spent away from Rafael since the whole “Nevada” debacle. You wanted to prove to him and yourself that you could spend one night without him cuddling you like a toddler afraid to sleep in their own bed. But the more you drank during your “last girl’s night” the more the demons came out for you. Before you knew it you were hiding in your old bathroom dialing Rafael’s number.
“Baby aren’t you--” He started to ask you but you cut him off.
“Do you still want to marry me?”
���Ay dios,” You heard him chuckle. “Si, mi amor,”
“¿Estás seguro?” You asked worriedly.
“Yes carino,” He said very seriously. “I am very very sure,”
“...Okay,” You said in a small voice.
“Now go have fun and tell Chloe not to let you drink anymore, comprende?”
“Si,” You rolled your eyes. As you came out of the bathroom, you were greeted by Maria who was now in your former living room...for some reason.
“Hey babe, so Maria came by for--”
“I came by to ask you a favor, mija,” Maria cut Chloe off.
“Oh um--” You tried to act more sober around the only mother figure you’d really been around since forever. “Yeah sure! What’s up?”
“Well, I know we haven’t known each other that long, but Raffi is basically my son, so I consider you like a daughter,” She smiled sweetly at you, and you were suddenly aware that she was carrying a box with her.
“Oh, well that’s very sweet of you Maria,” You tried your best not to look uncomfortable.
“My husband Felipe and I,” She explained as she opened the box. “We were never able to conceive children ourselves,” She pulled out a very ancient looking, very detailed veil from the box.
“This veil has been worn by many generations in my family, and if I can’t pass it onto my own daughter, it would be my honor to give it to you to wear tomorrow,”
“Oh, Maria,” You did your best to hide your disgust for the veil, looking at her teary eyed smile. You glanced over her head and caught Chloe’s gaze; she was making a face that mimicked how you felt. It was like one of those fruit hats women wore in movies or commercials, only white and frilly. But what could you do?
“I’d be honored to wear it,” You nodded sweetly. Maria threw her arms around you with a tearful cry of joy. Behind her Chloe waved her arms wildly like “what the hell are you doing?!”. You could just shrug like “what else am I supposed to do?!”
“Bless you, hermosa,” She kissed you on the cheek as she stood up to leave. “Now I’ll leave you ladies to your fun,” She smiled and waved as she walked out the door.
“...What the hell?” Chloe couldn’t help but erupt in giggles as she properly examined the monstrosity.
“Shut up,” You tossed a pillow at her. “What was I supposed to do?! She was asking me to carry on her family name, or something,” You looked at the door where she had left; although you were still pretty drunk so you half remembered the conversation.
“Well if Rafael marries you while you wear this, you know it’s true love,” She snickered as she put it on you and turned you towards a mirror above your key ring holder.
“Oh God…” You threw your hands over your face and fell onto the couch face forward.
“Hey hey hey, don’t wrinkle it!” Chloe continued to tease and giggle. “That thing probably came over in some old Cuban woman’s raft,”
“I hate you,” You muttered through the cushions.
“You’ll hate me more if I don’t get you in bed right now,” Chloe shook her head with a laugh and a bottle of water. “But first, drink this. We don’t want you hungover on your big day,”
“Thanks mom,” You took the water and headed to your room, leaving the veil on the couch.
The next day Chloe woke you up by jumping up and down on your bed yelling “IT’S YOUR WEDDING DAY!!!”
“...Jesus Christ Chloe,” You grumbled. “It’s too early for this,”
“Too early?” She scoffed, plopping right on your butt making you grunt. “Nonsense. It’s your wedding day!!”
“Which begs the question why you’re so happy about it,” You raised a suspicious eyebrow.
“What? I can't be happy for my best friend to get her happy ending?” She feigned offense.
“....Uh huh”, You continued to give her the look.
“And the fact that my bridesmaid’s dress makes me look like a classy pornstar?” She added.
“....An oxymoron, but go on,” You waited for it.
“....And the fact that every eligible lawyer and cop are gonna be at this wedding?!” She finally exclaimed.
“There it is,” You nodded your head with a roll of your eyes as you threw on some clothes to go downstairs.
There was a limo waiting outside Chloe’s apartment for you and her. You hesitated getting in, remembering the last time you were in one of them. Chloe decided she’d do a ‘sweep’ for you. She jumped in and slid down the seats, squealing in delight.
“All clear babe! Check out what the husband left you!”
You cautiously slid in the limo to see Chloe pointing to a mini bar/fridge full of sweet pastries and champagne.
“Good lord,” You shook your head with a smile. “Chloe maybe we--” You were starting to say maybe at least wait until 11 am to start drinking, but she had already popped the champagne.
“Here,” She grabbed orange juice from the mini fridge. “Mimosas, the breakfast drink,”
You just stared at the drink she was trying to hand you; orange liquid in a champagne flute. You closed your eyes and told yourself the mind elixir was bright orange like Fanta, not orange juice. You took a deep breath and slowly accepted the mimosa, sipping it. See? You were fine. Everything was fine.
As you pulled up to St. Michael’s you saw it was swarmed with cameras, reporters, and people in general. It looked like a circus. You saw the crowd and silently wished you had said screw tradition and had Rafael there with you. But you were a big girl, and you had Chloe.
“...Can we get out somewhere less...this?” You nervously asked your driver.
“Absolutely ma’am, I’ll find a private entrance. No problem,”
“Thank you,” You sighed in relief.
After driving around the church a few times, the driver finally found a side street blocked off. He informed the copper he had you in the limo, and the cop waved your limo inside. Chloe jumped out of the limo while holding your hand, nearly breaking your arm.
“Oh! Wait! Hey Jeeves, can we get those pastries and mimosa’s in the lady’s bridal suite?”
“Chloe his name is not--”
“It’s fine, ma’am,” The driver chuckled. “I’ll make sure the refreshments are delivered to your dressing room,”
“You’re a doll,” She blew him a kiss before she continued pulling you through the huge building like she knew exactly where you were going.
“Excuse me, where do we go?” Chloe asked a random man in a suit.
“Oh, it’s you Ms. Y/N!” The man pulled out a camera and began snapping photos.
“Oh my god--- What is WRONG with you people?!” Chloe shoved him aside and took you down another corridor. Finally you reached a doorway that was guarded by two armed guards.
“Hi, do you know--”
“Right this way,” One of them took your hand. “Mr. Barba is already inside getting ready,” He nodded to the door as you walked away. You wanted so badly to swing open the door and jump into his arms, but you knew you had to stay calm.
“Great!” You did your best to smile at him as he led you and Chloe down the hall to another doorway. He opened it to reveal a huge room with a vanity, a changing wall, two long body mirrors and a lush couch. Two sinks lined the wall and a room with a toilet was behind it. Yours and Chloe’s dresses were hanging on the changing wall, and sitting on the vanity were your treats from the limo.
“Weee! Look at all of this!!!” Chloe clapped her hands and giggled wildly as she danced around the lavish room.
“I mean, it is nice--”
“Nice? God I wish I was getting married here!” Chloe sighed as she poured herself another mimosa.
“Well, if you ever find a man I’ll look into it,” You teased her.
“Uh I think you mean WHEN,” She pointed out. “And I think the ‘when’ will be by tonight!”
“My wedding reception isn’t a singles mixer, Chloe,” You rolled your eyes.
“Well of course not,” She shook her head. “It’s a BALL!”
“Oh good god,” You groaned with a small laugh as you poured yourself a mimosa and downed it.
“Whoa there killer, let’s slow it down there,” She gave you a look. “Wouldn’t want you stumbling down the aisle in front of a million people,”
“...Do you think you’re helping?” You asked her in an annoyed tone.
“Sorry, sorry,” She apologized as there was a knock at the door. Chloe answered it to see two women carrying makeup cases and hair tools.
“We’re here to get you ready, Ms. Y/L/N,” One of them smiled at you.
“And her maid of honor, right?” Chloe jumped in.
“Uh...if that’s what the bride wants,” The other one looked at you with a wary stare.
“Yeah that’s fine, actually please do her first by all means,” You waved them over to the long sink wall and vanity.
“You’re a good friend,” Chloe put her hands over your face with tears in her eyes as she smiled.
“...You’re ridiculous,” You patted her head sweetly before she sat in the vanity, ready to be made over.
While Chloe was being turned into a princess, you walked over and admired your dress that looked like it was made for one. It was a long, cream white colored sleeveless dress with intricate cubic zirconia diamonds sewn into the bust. It was the simplest dress Chloe had let you pick. Suddenly you remembered the cornucopia veil, it was sitting on the couch in the box Maria had brought it over in. You pulled it out and put it on; when one of the stylists saw it she gasped.
“Oh, ma’am, I don’t know--”
“My...mother, asked me to wear it,” You stopped her.
“Right,” She nodded uncomfortably while Chloe tried not to laugh at the disgusted faces they were clearly trying to hide.
After what seemed like hours, you and Chloe were finally done in full make up and up do's. One of the ladies picked up the ancient headwear and tried positioning on your hair as best she could. She took several tries, using hair pins and hairspray before she finally stepped back.
“Lovely,” She smiled as she stepped back to admire her work. You looked in the vanity mirror to see your finished look. The headdress felt like it weighed five pounds, but it was intricately woven into your hair, there was no getting it out now. You longed for the moment Rafael would rip it off your head as soon as you were alone in your honeymoon suite...or, y’know before then.
“Well we’ll see you out there ma’am,” One of them nodded as they gathered their stuff and scooted out the door, leaving you and Chloe alone once again.
“Well,” Chloe examined your head. “At least you won’t lose it…” She was cut off by a knock at the door. You started to open it when you recognized those eyes.
“Rafa!” You slammed the door and yelled through it. “What are you doing? We can’t see each other before the wedding, it’s bad luck,”
“Baby I think we’ve gotten all the bad luck already out of the way,” He called through the door. “And I really, really need to talk to you,”
Your eyes widened in panic as you looked at Chloe, who sprung into best friend mode. “Calm yourself, I’m sure it’s nothing…” She walked over and put her hands on your shoulders.
“Stop freaking her out counselor, are you planning to run? Tell me now so I can get out there and tie you to a chair,”
“What? No! I just-- Y/N please will you open the door, por favor?” He sounded seriously distressed, and he used his secret weapon: speaking in spanish.
You sighed and slowly opened the door, revealing Rafael in a gorgeous black and white tux, and the tallest top hat you’d ever seen.
“Well well well, Mr. Monopoly, don’t you look spiffy?” Chloe snickered, causing you to hit her while Rafael made an even more distressed face.
“I knew it, god it’s awful,” He sighed as he took it off his head and walked inside the room.
“So why are you--?” You started to ask.
“The mayor said it would ‘look better on tv’,” He scoffed in disgust.
“Oh Jesus--” You rolled your eyes. “Baby why didn’t you just tell him--?”
“Because that stupid fucking contract we signed said we would go along with everything he said for the rest of this whole shit show!” He growled at the mess he had gotten himself into. The mayor knew damn well how much more “favors” he would ask of him before he signed that contract, he just knew it.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better…” You pointed to your own head. Rafael’s worried expression turned into a relieved smile as he finally noticed the bird’s nest on your scalp.
“...Maria sprung this on me last night,” You pointed to it. “At least you can take yours off,”
“...Well, that does help a bit,” He half smiled as he examined your ceremonial headdress.
“Is that it mi amor, you’re freaking out over a hat?” You put your hand on his face.
“Well our children are going to see these photos! Videos! Our GRANDKIDS! They’re going to think their grandpa was a huge douche,” He cried overdramatically.
“...Is this what it’s like to be with me? Because I don’t love it,” You teased him.
“I’m serious, Y/N! This isn’t funny!” He gave you a pitiful pout.
“...What else?” You gave him an expectant look.
“What else?”
“All of this over a hat?”
“...Alright fine,” He sighed as he sat down on the lush couch. “I know what I said about all that mattered was me and you standing across from each other but--”
“But?” You gave Chloe a worried look.
“But I also wanted someone else,”
“....Who, Olivia?” You rolled your eyes.
“No!” He exclaimed. “No, my childhood priest, Father Hernandez,”
“Oh,” You said with a relieved sigh. “Well, baby why don’t you just--”
“Because they’re being super particular, stupid Catholics!” He got up and started pacing.
“Apparently THEIR priest Father O’Shannon is ‘assigned’ to this place. God forbid anyone dare replace him,” He grumbled as he continued to pace.
“So you--”
“And it’s just the last straw on top of all of this bullshit, all this bending. I can’t do it!!” He threw up his hands in frustration.
“....Baby, breathe,” You stopped his pacing and pressed your forehead against his, your own personal calming gesture.
“God I guess it is true what they say,” Chloe suddenly spoke up, causing you both to give her a perplexed stare.
“In a couple when one person starts to go off the rails the other one instantly becomes the calm rational one,” She gestured between the two of you.
“Hey, I am NOT--” He protested.
“Baby please,” You shook your head. “I almost forgot how high strung you were until this moment,”
“High strung?” He took offense. “What are you talking about?”
“You forget that I worked for you,” You giggled.
“I’m high strung at work?” He asked. The question caused you to erupt in laughter. “What?! Am I?”
“Oh no sweetie, you’re totally mellow,” You smiled sarcastically.
“How am I--?”
“Think about how much coffee you drink at work, Rafa,”
“I don’t see how that is relevant,” He huffed. He loved his coffee, so what?
“...Mmmkay,” You chuckled, kissing his cheek.
“Well whatever, kettle” He made a pouty face.
“Fair,” You chuckled. “But we’re talking about you right now, pot,”
“Hey, I think I have done more than my share of helping you through your little ‘episodes’, it’s your turn!!!” He crossed his arms like a kid.
“Oh really? ‘Episodes’?” You replied in a snarky tone. Chloe sensed the rising tension and sprung into action.
“Okay! I think that’s enough, Pot. Kettle.” Chloe stepped in between you. “You’re clearly both too high strung for this conversation,”
“He started it,” You stuck your tongue out at Rafael like a five year old.
“Okay now let's not turn on each other, then the terrorist headwear wins,” She pointed to the hat on the vanity and your head.
“....Well do you have a solution, Gandhi?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Actually,” She smiled proudly. “I think I do,” She grabbed her phone and began typing something into google maps.
“You wanna share with the class?” Rafael asked as he gave you a look, like you were supposed to understand her crazy.
“.....Have you seen The Office?” She asked them, then glanced at you with a knowing look. Your face turned into a huge grin as you realized what she was implying.
“Chloe, you’re a genius,” You grabbed her in a hug.
“I know,” She nodded with a cocky smile.
Chloe popped her head out of the door, making sure the coast was clear. When she was sure, she motioned to the two of you out and down the hall towards the back door where you left the limo. You and Rafael got in, and Chloe began to shut the door when you stopped her.
“Aren’t you coming?”
“Someone has to vamp!” She pointed out.
“You're a good friend, Chloe,” You gave her a kiss on her head.
“I know,” She said boastfully. “Just hurry, my bubbly personality can’t hold them off for long,” She slammed the door and you were off.
“...Fucking New York traffic! Estúpido tráfico de mierda,,,” Rafael began muttering under his breath. His childhood church in the Bronx was at least thirty minutes away with the busy Manhattan traffic. You put a hand on his knee to try and soothe him, but he was extra wound up by now. It reminded you of when you were just his assistant; he’d get this way when a trial wasn’t going his way and he felt backed into a corner. The worst days you’d seen him have at the office, where he’d suddenly take off for hours in the middle of the day….
That gave you an idea.
“Baby,” You snapped him out of his internal ranting monologue. He turned to you with a dismayed look.
“I’m sorry, carino,” He apologized, taking your hand that was placed on his knee. “I know I’m--”
“Can priests marry people outside of their church?” You simply asked him.
“....Like a closer church?” He looked at you in confusion.
“.....Actually, I was thinking somewhere closer,” You bit your lip with a smile as you took his phone and typed in an address that linked to the driver’s phone map. He glanced down at it and gave you a huge smile.
“You’re the best,” He gave you a huge kiss as the limo made a U-Turn.
Luckily Father Gonzalez used a bike for his transportation, so he was able to make it through traffic pretty easily. He met the two of you outside Central Park pretty soon after you got there.
“I appreciate you doing this for us, Padre,” Rafael hugged the priest tightly. “I didn’t want anyone else marrying us,”
“Claro, Rafael,” He smiled. “Of course! I was hoping St. Michael’s would have a change of heart, pero--”
“You know Catholics,” Rafael rolled his eyes.
“Si,” He nodded. “They’re almost as stubborn as you!” The padre chuckled. Then he noticed you.
“Ay, Rafa,” He gestured at you. “es este su prometido?”
“Si,” You nodded. “Soy su prometida,”
“Ay bien! Ella habla español!” Father Gonzalez smiled brightly. “So are you two ready?”
“Si, Padre,” Rafael nodded. “But first, we need the right backdrop,” He grinned as he took your hand and walked into the park.
It was the middle of the day on a Saturday so the park was full of families playing, joggers, street artists and the like. Luckily for you however, nobody seemed to want to see the penguins today. The enclosure was almost empty except for one elderly couple.
“Witnesses!” You beamed at Rafael as you calmly walked up to the two and tapped the woman on the shoulder.
“Excuse me,” You smiled sweetly. “Would you-- my fiancé and I, we’re supposed to get married in this huge chapel down the street from here, but it was just all too much circus so we snuck away so that we could just get married in our favorite spot here and--”
“Baby, too much detail,” Rafael laughed. He loved it when you would ramble on about something when you got excited, but you were on a time crunch.
“...Right,” You blushed. “Anyway is there any way--”
“You’d like us to be witnesses, dear?” The old woman smiled brightly at you.
“Yes, if you wouldn’t mind,” You smiled gratefully.
“Of course not!” The man with her chimed in. “Y’know, back in our day, we had to get married in secret too,”
You suddenly noticed that they were an interracial couple; a white woman and a black man. Your smile faded a bit as you thought of the hardships they must have been through, just to be together, similar to you and Rafael.
“Okay, we’ll do the fast version of this, mijos,” The Padre opened his Bible and began to speak, but looked at the two of you.
“Actually, you know you’re going to do this whole spiel in a little while anyway, why don’t you say your vows in your own words while you can?”
“Oh God,” You muttered, then gasped. “I’m so sorry! I--”
“It’s fine, senorita,” He nodded.
“I just...I’m not great, with the speeches and the speaking in public thing,” You twirled the one piece of hair hanging from your updo in your hand nervously.
“I mean, we’re not exactly in public, amor,” Rafael smirked.
“You know what I mean!” You hit him playfully. “I just...I want it to be perfect,”
“If you speak from your heart dear, it will be perfect,” The old woman assured you. “Just look into his eyes and say whatever it is you’re thinking,”
“....Well, maybe not ‘everything’,” The old man added with a laugh, giving you two a raunchy look. Good lord.
“Okay,” You took a deep breath and took Rafael’s hands, looking into his gorgeous green eyes.
“I...um….” You looked down nervously.
“Hey,” Rafael cupped your chin to look at him. “It’s okay, mi amor. It’s just me, it’s just us. Just like I said,”
“Just us,” You smiled, then began to start again.
“Rafael,” You took a deep breath. “It’s...it’s hard for me to make some big speech because the truth is, when I look into your eyes I forget everything. Every wrong decision, every hurdle we’ve been through, it all just...fades away, when you look at me,” You squeezed his hands tighter.
“You have done so much for me in so little time. People probably think that we’re insane because we’re committing our lives to each other after only really knowing each other for a few months, but the truth is it feels like a lifetime. I feel like I was born loving you, I just didn’t know it until I saw you,” His eyes were starting to water as your voice cracked with your own tears.
“I know that I have put you through so much grief, so much pain and...doubt,” You paused, wiping a few stray tears. “But you have never, not once, abandoned me. You’ve stuck through all of my crazy, all of our shenanigans--”
You glanced over at the old couple who were grinning ear to ear. You didn’t want to get into all the psycho drama you and Rafael had been through in front of total strangers, but he gave you a knowing look when you said ‘shenanigans’. He knew what you meant; because of course he did. You were connected.
“I’m actually really glad that you had your ‘freak out’ because for one it made me look like the sane one for once,” All of you chuckled. “But also, because it got us our chance to get married our way, in our spot,” You gestured to the cave around you.
“I remember the very first time you brought me here, I thought that it was done. We were done. I thought that our one perfect day was going to be just that-- one perfect day,” You began to choke on your words again as you thought back to that very first day, the day you “magicked” him.
“I never in my wildest dreams thought that--'' You glanced at the Padre and the couple again. “That we’d….start, again here,” You exchanged another knowing look.
“And I certainly never thought you’d propose to me in this place-- with a flash mob, no less!” The Padre and couple laughed in surprise, Rafael began to blush profusely, but you put a hand to his red cheek.
“Literally every single beginning we’ve had-- it started right here,” You wiped more stray tears, already knowing the woman back at the church was going to have to re-do all of it.
“And now it’s starting again-- for the rest of our lives,” You sniffled while Rafael wiped more tears from your face and then his own.
“...Okay I’m done,” You took a deep breath in and out as you smiled at Father Hernandez.
“Alright well then Rafa--”
“Oh wait!!!” You suddenly interjected. “Also, I love you,” You make an “eek” face. “I can’t believe I left that out,”
“...I’m pretty sure that whole speech was an ‘I love you,’ dearie,” The old woman patted your back with a reassuring smile.
“I agree,” Rafael nodded. “And to be honest-- I don’t think I can follow that,”
“Oh come on,” You rolled your eyes. “It wasn’t that great,”
“No it wasn’t great,” He shook his head. “It was perfecto,” He took both of your hands in his once more. “...All I can say is, ditto,”
“Ditto?” You laughed. “Real romantic, Rafa,”
“Well I can’t think of anything more than what you’ve already said!” Rafael shrugged with a laugh.
“Well, except this: You say that I’ve put up with you, and never abandoned you, but neither did you,” He pulled you closer towards him.
“You’ve put up with me plenty, and you could have walked away plenty of times. But you stayed with me. You fought for me. And I will spend the rest of our lives trying to be good enough for you, not the other way around,”
“You’re already good enough for me, Rafael,” You bit your lip as you tried your hardest not to kiss him before Padre said you could.
“Can I kiss her yet Padre?” Rafael read your mind.
“Calma, Rafa,” Padre chuckled. “Do you have rings?”
“Shit, the rings!” Rafael groaned. “Sorry, Padre,” He quickly apologized.
“Wait...baby,” You turned around and looked down at all the decorative stones that lined the bottom of the tank. You picked two up and handed one to Rafael.
“Pebbles,” He smiled at you. “Like penguins,”
“Ah, well then…” The Padre shrugged, having no idea what was happening but went along with it anyway. “I guess, exchange the pebbles now?”
You giggled as you placed your pebble in Rafael’s hand, then he placed his in yours.
“Well then, I guess by the power vested in me by God and the state of New York, I now pronounce you man and wife,” He shrugged with a smile. “Now you may kiss her, Rafa,”
“Gracias, Padre,” He grinned before pulling you into a passionate kiss, a kiss rivaling many of the kisses you had exchanged in this cave before now.
“Now, if you three would like to attend a circus, we’d be glad to have you,” You glanced at your three witnesses.
They looked at each other with confused glances, then shrugged and followed you and Rafael back towards the limo.
As soon as you pulled back behind the church, the Padre and the couple were shown to seats by one of the security guards while you and Rafael walked back to the bridal suite. Chloe ran up to the both of you before you could make it here, Rafael’s top hat in her hand.
“What the hell, you guys?!” She hissed, then realized you were in a church so she made a sign of the cross and kissed her fist.
“They’re about to start rioting!” She added.
“Sorry, sorry, Chloe,” You kissed her cheek. “You’re a good friend,”
"I want you to realize you've said that three times now,” She smiled proudly. “Be sure to tell all of your sexy eligible lawyer friends that, Rafael,”
“I’ll be sure to slip it in every conversation later, Chloe,” He smirked as he gave her a kiss on the cheek as well.
“Alright now take this magic hat and get down that aisle before the mayor actually kills you,” She shoved the top hat in Rafael’s hands and shooed him through the hall and towards the doors of the sanctuary.
“Alright,” She focused on you. “You ready to do this?”
“I mean…” You gestured to your messed up make up and the veil falling out of your hair.
“Aw crap,” Chloe grimaced. “Ok, well looks like you’re getting the Chloe special,” She went and grabbed her purse from the bridal room and pulled you into the ladies room.
After a few minutes you reemerged with perfect make up and the veil reattached to your hair like a nest. Hey, you just had your perfect ceremony. You could last a few more minutes with this thing.
“Alright, now you’re ready,” She brushed you off and opened the sanctuary doors to signal the piano to start playing the Bridal Suite.
The doors opened and Chloe took your hand as you both walked down the aisle together. The flashing lights and bright red dots from film cameras were starting to overwhelm you as you walked, but you focused on Rafael.
He was at the end of all this erratic tunnel of people gawking at you like a zoo animal. You just breathed in and out and kept your gaze locked into his; his smile was like a bright beacon in the darkness. Finally you reached the altar and he took your hands in his. You felt safe again; you’d always feel safe in his grasp.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…” The priest began to speak, but the only thing the two of you heard were each other, speaking volumes to each other with just your looks. It was just like Rafael had promised: Just you and him.
And it would just be you and him, forever.
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castielific · 4 years
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Title: Fancy and the tramp
Story status: Complete, 8 chapters
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Dean/Castiel, Alternate Universe, Fake boyfriends, pretend relationship, homeless!Dean, rich!Cas, family, angst with a happy ending, temporary breakup, getting back together, coming out, past!homophobia, self esteem issues, Dean Winchester has a sexuality crisis, first time, homelessness, bed sharing, pining
Sex tags: anal sex, switching, bottom!Cas, bottom!Dean, first time, frottage, marking, blowjob, fingering, barebacking
Special warning: Contrary to what the title may presage, there are no spaghettis in this story. 
"Okay, let's be clear on one thing from the start. This is not a lifetime movie and I'm straight, so no falling in love, get it?"
"I get it, Dean," Castiel nods.
Well, that's it then, apparently Dean is going to a fancy engagement party with his new fake boyfriend. What a weird day. 
Link to AO3
Chapter 1 under the cut:
"Come on Ricky, you owe me that money!" Dean says on his phone, taking a step forward when the line of the coffee shop shortens. 
"I don't owe you shit, Dean. You still owe me the last three months of your rent," his ex landlord says on the phone.
"And I'll pay you, you know I will. But to get the money, I need a job, and to get that job I need some new clothes and-"
"Yeah yeah, I know the deal. You think no one has told me that one before? No bueno, man, I'm keeping your deposit," Ricky grumbles. 
Dean groans in frustration. "Come on, all I need is fifty dollars so I can buy a pair of pants without any holes in it. You give me fifty, I get the job and I pay you back, how does that sound?" he tries to negotiate. 
"Like a fucking lie," Ricky spits just before hanging up.
"No Ric-fuck!" 
The woman in front of him in line sends him a dark look. Dean rolls his eyes at her. Like she hasn't heard worse before. 
Ricky was his last shot. It was a long one, he really does owe that bastard some serious money. Guess he can kiss the job interview at two goodbye. It's some kind of assistant job. It sounds easy enough, buying coffee and picking dry cleaning and stuff. It was still a long shot anyway. Dean's only real job experience is being a bagger boy when he was seventeen and it lasted about two months before his dad decided to move them further east. 
So far, he'd always managed to get by doing repairs or cleaning at gas stops and motels. The older he gets and the harder it gets to find that kind of random job. People are more willing to give a few bucks in exchange for manual tasks to a kid than they are to a nearly thirty years old guy. Now they just tell him to fuck off. 
And since it's always been casual and off the book, the only official work experience he has is the bagger thing. He doesn't even have a high school diploma because he dropped out long before that. Not exactly a stellar resume. Which explains why he hasn't found work in eight month and is currently living in his car. Thank God he has Baby. 
He had been too ambitious thinking he could get his own place. It could only pay rent for about five months before he went broke. He's never had a home before, and had no idea that having an apartment cost so much. In motels, you don't exactly have to pay for water or heat or utilities. There was a bunch of stuff he hadn't planned for that ate up the last of his meagre savings. Ricky threw him out after three months when Dean couldn't scrape up enough money to pay rent anymore, putting a violent stop to Dean's pipe dream of living a normal life. He hoped it would be simpler to get a job if he had an actual address, had even thought about scrapping up enough to maybe get his GED. He's not sure what he's going to do now. 
He's always wanted to be a mechanic. If his dad ever taught him anything, it was how to take care of the Impala. John taught him all the basics and Dean got the knack of it. As a teen, he spent days reading car magazines and working on the Impala, trying to learn as much as he could about how cars worked and how to repair the different parts. He knows enough by now that he could easily work in a garage, but he's got no diploma, and hasn't found anyone willing to hire him on faith alone. 
The line of the coffee shop shortens again, the barista asking her order to the goody-two-shoes in front of him. Dean looks regretfully at the display of sandwiches. He searches his pockets and only comes up with three dollars. Of course, the cheapest piece of food cost four dollars. Dean sighs. Guess just a coffee will have to do today. 
He won't have another choice but to go to the soup kitchen tonight. He hates it there. The food is crap and he wants to punch the prancy people serving it. They always try to give him some Jesus bullshit with his food, like Jesus is ever gonna put a roof over his head and find him a decent job. Neither Jesus nor God nor whatever gives a crap about him. Not that he blames them. Hell, if they exist they're probably not big fans of the guy that used to slip into church as a kid to pick the lock of the donation box
"Just an americano, please," Dean says regretfully when the barista asks for his order. At least it will keep him warm and fill his stomach for a short while.
Halloween just went by and the weather is becoming really cold. He should use the last of Baby's tank to go as far south as he can before winter really hits. He probably won't get farther than Wichita though, and the thought makes him shiver. No one wants to get stuck for a winter in Wichita. Maybe he could go and see if he can make a few bucks at the nearest motel, that kind of place always needs a handyman's help. He hasn't tried the one on Corn Street yet. He's noticed only two lights are still working on their sign, he could offer to help with that. If he makes fifty bucks, he might be able to reach Austin. 
Dean stops on the sidewalk in front of the coffee shop, pondering if he should walk to the bar a few streets down or the motel. Sometimes Benny, the owner of the bar, lets him use the sink in the back to wash up. If he's lucky, he'll even get some leftovers from last night. It's generally just some stale pretzels, cold fries on good days, but it's still better than nothing. He's got two cans of beans and a car with an near empty tank to his name right now, so he's not picky. 
Dean takes a look at his watch. It's eleven thirty already, the leftovers are probably already in the trash at Benny's. The motel is probably his best bet. 
"I'll give you a hundred dollars if you pretend to be my boyfriend." comes a hoarse voice, way too close to his ear. 
Dean jumps, nearly spilling his coffee on himself. He spins to the right to face the man who just talked and is met with a pair of clear blue eyes. Way too close again. He waits a second for the man to take a step back as he realises as close Dean turning brought them, but the guy just continues to stare at him, head slightly tilted to the side. He's wearing an oversized trench coat over a dark blue suit that looks expensive. He's so close a gust of wind makes the bottom of his coat brushes Dean's shin. 
"Dude, personal space," Dean reproaches, taking a step back. "And fuck off, I don't swing that way," he adds, not meanly. It's not the first time he's getting hit on by a dude. Sadly, not even the weirdest. He's strictly into chicks though, so no dice.
"Two hundred bucks," the man insists. He looks ready to fall on his knees and beg, eyes going wider and wider as he throws a panicked look to the right of Dean's shoulder. "It won't take more than ten minutes and all you have to do is nod along," he begs, making Dean wonders if he's in danger somehow. Maybe he has a stalker or an abusive ex? 
Dean follows his eyes to a woman coming closer. She's very elegant in a grey pantsuit and a long white fur coat as she walks straight toward them. He can feel her eyes judging him even from thirty feet away, looking at him from head to toes. If he wasn't already self-aware of the number of holes in his jeans, he would definitely be under that gaze. 
"Five hundred dollars," the other man whispers just as the blond woman reaches them. 
"Castiel, dear, you should have told me we would have company, I would have notified the restaurant," the woman says, sending a clearly disapproving look toward Dean as she deposits a kiss on the other man's - (Castiel, apparently, what kind of name is that??) - cheek. 
"Mother, let me introduce you to my boyfriend," Castiel says, looking ill at ease. He's obviously not a very good liar. 
Dean blinks a few times as their attention turns toward him. Castiel seems to be trying to communicate something with his eyes, and Dean frowns in incomprehension for a moment before he gets the hint. 
"Huh. Dean. Winchester," he finally says. "Ma'am," he adds when she just continues to stare at him like he has grease smeared all over his face. He's pretty sure that she wouldn't want to touch his hand if he were to offer it to shake, so he doesn't. 
"Naomi Novak," she introduces herself. "What a delight to finally meet Castiel's new companion," Naomi says, her deadpan tone contradicting her words. "Of course, I would have preferred not to be ambushed by such an announcement. Castiel, you know, that Le Délice hates it when we change our reservation last minute. Who knows if they will even have a table for three," she declares, already composing a number on her phone. 
"It's okay, mother, Dean won't be joining us for lunch."
"Oh, is it because your attire isn't appropriate?" Castiel's mother asks, looking at the holes in Dean's jeans and the big leather jacket that used to be his dad's. "I assure you they won't say a word about it if you're with us," she reassures. 
Dean squirms a little, wondering what the hell is even happening. Ten minutes ago he was buying a coffee and going at his day like a perfectly normal person (well, albeit a homeless and jobless one). Now, his fashion sense is being criticized by the mother of a man who is pretending to be his boyfriend. Did a piano fall on his head or something? Has he finally lost his mind?
He looks to the man beside him. He's scratching the side of his neck in nervousness. The move makes his coat fall a little over his wrist, revealing a freaking Rolex watch. Dean looks back to the woman, eyes sliding on her diamond earrings and the huge rock around her neck. 
You know what? That's not okay. His stomach has been crying for food since last morning, and he's what? Supposed to help this stranger by saying no to free lunch at one of the most prestigious restaurants in town? Fuck no. He's gonna eat like a king and make a few hundred bucks off the back of those rich assholes. 
"In that case, it would be my pleasure to join you," Dean announces with his most charming smile. 
"What?" Castiel can't help but bark. "But y-your work thing?" he tries, sweating. The round panic eyes are back. Dean sends him his best shit eating grin. They both know he now either has to invite this stranger to lunch or reveal the lie to his mother. The guy is trapped and may as well continue to play along.
"It's not as important as a chance to finally get to know your mother, honey," Dean answers. "He's told me so many nice things about you, Naomi. Can I call you Naomi?"
"Of course, dear," Naomi says. She looks a little wide eyed too, probably thrown by Dean turning on the charm to the max.
"Perfect! We shall go now, we don't want to miss your reservation. I do hope it won't be too much of a bother for them to add a chair to your table," Dean says. He should probably tone it down with the pompous tone, because he nearly added an English accent here. 
Naomi leads the way, and Dean is going to follow when a hand grabbing his arm makes him fall a few steps behind. 
"What the hell are you doing?" Castiel hisses.
"Acting as your boyfriend?" Dean says innocently. By Castiel's glare, he's not fooled. 
"I asked you to nod silently for ten minutes, not to do method acting for a whole meal," he reproaches. Naomi sends a look behind her shoulder and Castiel smiles at her like there is no worries, indicating for her to lead the way, 
Dean shrugs. "I had some free time."
"I'm not giving you more money than planned, if that's your goal," Castiel says with a suspicious squint. 
"I'm fine with the five hundred as long as you're also paying for lunch," Dean says, wiggling his eyebrows as they walk toward the restaurant. Something passes on Castiel's face that Dean can't quite identify. The other man stares at him for so long that it's a wonder he doesn't trip. He finally relents with a long suffering sigh as they enter 'Le Délice'. 
Apparently, Naomi Novak is prominent enough that they don't mind changing her reservation after all. They're seated at a table near a legit indoor fountain. Dean is looking around, trying not to let show how impressed he is by the place. The walls are made of stone and covered in frescos that he always thought you couldn't see outside of a church or castle. A waiter gives him a leather covered menu and Dean opens it eagerly. After a few niceties to Naomi, they're asked what they want to drink. Dean has an inkling that he probably shouldn't ask for a beer in an establishment like this. 
"Same for me, please," he says after Castiel ordered some wine with a name Dean can't pronounce. At least, he hopes that's wine. Who knows. Hell, in this place the bottles of water are probably more expensive than his usual brand of beer. 
Dean starts to second guess his decision when he realizes that the menu is in french. What is it with rich people and France? He just wants a damn steak, how do you say that in french? Is there even steaks here or is it just frog legs and snails? Oh god, he hopes not. 
"I think I'll take the duck today," Naomi notes. "Nobody cooks it better than chef Francis. How about you Dean? Have you ever come here before?" There is a mean glint in her eyes that says she knows perfectly well he hasn't. Hell, from the side eyes he got from everyone as they crossed the room, everyone here knows he's not from their world. There are three holes in his jeans, threads hanging from the bottom and his dad's leather jacket probably should have ended up in the trash about three years ago. Even now, it's still too big for him and the sleeves are so scruffed that they're nearly paper thin. The original dark brown color has turned to a light beige in most places from wear. His scruff is just the bad side of too long now, and he hasn't had a haircut since April, strands starting to fall into his eyes. At least, he's wearing his best plaid shirt and managed to wash up last night, so he's not smelling too rank. Why would Castiel pick him out of all the people in the street at that moment to play his boyfriend? It makes no sense at all. From the guy's obvious discomfort as he hides behind his menu, he probably realizes it. 
"Actually, Naomi, duck sounds like a delicious idea," Dean says, voluntarily ignoring her question. To be honest, he’s never even eaten duck before, but it's poultry so it probably taste like chicken. You can't go wrong with chicken, right? His stomach certainly likes the idea, gurgling so loudly that he has to hide it behind a cough. 
Castiel ends up ordering some fish and soon their drinks arrive. Dean barely has time to sip at his red wine before Naomi pounces. 
"So, tell me everything, how did you two meet?"
Dean nearly chokes on his drink. Castiel seems to gulp down his whole glass. 
"We met at a coffee shop. Dean was in line in front of me and we started to talk," Castiel explains, not quite meeting anyone's eyes.
"How quaint!" Naomi exclaims, clasping her hands in delight. "I'm just sorry that you didn't tell me about it sooner, Castiel. How long have you been keeping this charming man a secret?"
"Not-," Castiel clears his throat, "-not long."
"Well, it's nice to finally meet you Dean. I sure wish this luncheon will give me the chance to learn everything about you."
Luncheon? Who even talks like that outside of Downton Abbey?
"I do hope I'll get to keep some mystery, we wouldn't want this guy to lose interest," Dean says with a wink. He pats Castiel's hand on the table. Should he hold it or something? How open on PDA are gay people those days? Not that he knows more about how heterosexual couple act in public anyway, especially in those crowds. It's probably safer to keep the PDA to a minimum here. 
"You have to at least tell me some things. For one, what career path are you on?" She looks like a shark circling her prey. 
"I'm a mechanic," he lies. He'd rather stay as close to the truth as possible. It's a little unfair that Castiel is letting him do all the talking when his initial demand was that he stayed silent, especially since it's his skin that Dean is apparently saving, but the guy looks like he's swallowed a potato whole. 
"Oh, that's...interesting," Naomi says in that insincere tone of hers. She looks like he told her he was fucking children’s corpses every full moon. He's two seconds away from telling her that he's actually jobless, penniless, and homeless, just to see her face, when Castiel intervenes. 
"How is Anna's engagement party coming on?" 
Thankfully, this seems to be a subject Naomi loves because she tells them about every aspect of the future party all the way through their meal. 
Duck, as it turns out, is actually very good. It's more like red meat than chicken, which is a great surprise. Although, Dean isn't a fan of the way rich people put tiny quantities of food in very large plates. He eats all the dinner rolls and scrapes every single bit of sauce out of his plate, yet he's still hungry by the end of it. He nearly starts crying when the waiter asks them if they'll take dessert and Naomi declines. He's starting to wonder if that little piece of duck was worth sitting through lunch with her. 
"That sounds like you're turning this into a wonderful event, mother, Anna must be delighted," Castiel compliments. 
"Oh, you know your sister," Naomi waves it off. "It sure feels like a nice opportunity to introduce your new beau to everyone."
Dean frowns. What's a beau? Is that him? That's not him, right?
"I wouldn't dare take any attention away from Anna," Castiel tries to refuse. 
"Don't be daft, you know your sister won't care. Everyone will be so happy that you've finally found-" she passes a long look, over Dean, like she's doubting anyone would actually approve of him. She certainly doesn't seem to, "-someone," she finishes lamely. 
"Oh shoot, I don't think I'm available that night," Dean tries to play off. 
"I'm not sure I've told you the date of it yet."
"Cas did," he says. The other man perks up at the surname, but whatever, 'Castiel' is a mouthful. "And I have this huh work thing, you know? Bummer," Dean says with a fake pout. 
"What kind of 'work thing' can a mechanic possibly have on a Saturday evening?"
Dean tenses up, pursing his lips. "One he can't get out of?"
"Nonsense, you're coming," Naomi brushes off. And that is that apparently. Shit. There is a vein about to pop on Castiel's forehead. "Castiel, dear, you look a little white. Was the fish okay?"
"I-Yeah-I-Actually, do you think we could possibly cut our lunch short? I am indeed feeling quite unwell."
"Of course, my dear," Naomi says, leaning forward until her hand touches his forehead. "You're as clammy as a fish. I should come home with you, and make sure you're okay," she announces, taking her napkin off her lap and deposing it on the table, ready to stand up. 
"No!" Castiel stops her, a little too brusquely. "I-Dean will take good care of me, don't worry," he says, getting up and grabbing Dean's arm so he does so too. Dean follows his lead, all too happy to get out of here. "Stay and enjoy your tea, mother."
"If you say so," Naomi says, sending an unsure look at Dean, obviously upset at being brushed off in his favor. "Call me this evening, or I'll worry all night."
"Of course, mother," Castiel acquiesces, kissing her cheek. Dean hovers behind him. Is he supposed to kiss her too? Wave hello? Shake her hand? 
"Dean," she says as what is apparently a sufficient goodbye. Thank God. "I'll be sure to see you on Saturday," she reminds just as they're walking away. 
Cas turns on him as soon as they're outside the restaurant. 
"What was that?!" he asks, not quite yelling. He starts pacing, rubbing a hand through his already pretty ruffled hair. 
"You owing me five hundred bucks? Dude, you're lucky I don't charge you more for the fresh hell I just lived through."
"You went through hell? You?!" his pacing gets faster and Dean has an idea that if he stops pacing he might punch him in the face. 
"That's what you get for asking this kind of stuff from a perfect stranger," Dean shrugs, pushing a pebble with the point of his shoe. His red sock is peeking out from a tiny hole near his big toe. It's such a contrast to how grand everything and everyone looked in there. It's making him feel like shit. He's maybe feeling a tiny bit guilty for trapping Castiel like that too. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, albeit one with a psycho mom.
Cas turns on him, eyes glaring and mouth open in what will probably be a flow of reproaches. He stops himself before he says anything though, seeming to deflate. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe instead, shoulders falling. "I'm sorry. You're right. I should be thanking you. I have no right to make you any reproach when I brought this on myself."
"It wasn't so bad, though, was it? I mean, I think I sold it?" Dean asks, a little hesitant. He even used pedantic talk and everything. 
"You did as well as could be expected."
"That's not much of a compliment…". 
"I shouldn't take more of your time," Cas apologizes, taking his wallet out. Dean goggles at the amount of cash in there. 
"You really shouldn't have that much cash on you, that's, like, asking for trouble."
Castiel squints at him like he's wondering if that means Dean is gonna rob him for a moment, before he hands him a wad of cash. 
Dean's eyes bulge out, "That's way more than five hundred dollars."
"There's also an advance in there to buy some clothes for the engagement party."
"The what now?" Dean blinks dumbly for a second until his brain catches up to what is happening. "Dude, no, I'm done!" 
"You were the one to push it so far in the first place," Castiel reminds. Accuses, really. 
"I just wanted to eat fancy food, okay! Not, like, go steady."
"There will be lots of food at my sister's engagement party," Castiel tries to persuade. Badly. 
Dean gives him a nonplussed look. The cash feels heavy in his hand. He's never had so much before. This could help him get a new start. What's a night of playing Downton Abbey compared to the many many nights he might not have to freeze his ass off in the backseat of his car thanks to it?
"Why are you even doing this anyway? And why would you choose me? Do I look that desperate for cash?"
"No," Cas says after what's definitely a too long pause. Dean scowls. "You were in front of me in the coffee shop line. I heard you talking on the phone. You said you needed some cash to buy a new outfit for a job interview. Begged, really."
"Where the fuck do you get on listening in on other people’s conversation?" 
"I didn't listen, I just heard."
"You know, what? Fuck you," Dean spits, "I don't need that bullshit in my life right now." He has enough cash to get to Austin and replenish his stock of food, even buy some new clothes. At least this way he can keep his dignity rather than being insulted by a bunch of rich assh-
"Please," Castiel begs, following him as Dean storms away. "You don't understand…"
"Oh I understand perfectly," Dean says, stopping and turning around so brusquely that they nearly bump into each other. "You think you can shit on other people from your high horse and that they'll still do your deed for a few hundred bucks. Well, I'm not your freaking puppet, man."
"I have never shitted on any-" he stops himself with a frustrated groan, before turning on the puppy dog eyes. "Dean, please. Listen to what I have to say at least?"
"I know what you're gonna say. I've seen that movie before, Cas. You're going to bring me to that party, so you can parade me around like I'm some earned price or some shit. Meanwhile you get to appease mommy dearest and the clan of hyenas putting pressure on you to find a husband, while still having the satisfaction of giving them a huge fuck you by bringing a guy like me instead of the golden boy they're dreaming of."
"I-" Castiel stops himself, pursing his lips. "That's actually not that far from the reality."
"Of course it isn't. Told you, I've seen that trope before. Except this is real life and your plan sucks, so you can keep your money and I'll keep my dignity. Just grow a pair and tell them all to fuck off, will ya?"
"You sure do like saying that to people," Castiel sulks. "Are you sure you can't do it for me?" 
"Oh believe me I would love to tell your mom to fuck off, but I like my balls attached to my body, so that's a hard pass."
Castiel laughs slightly at that and Dean can feel his own anger start to abate at the sound. "Good self-preservation instinct on your part," Cas mumbles. The puppy look is still there, except now it's making him feel like he's kicked the puppy.  
"You know, we're in the 21st century, right? You shouldn't feel pressured to the point of inventing a boyfriend. Who gives a shit about that nowadays?"
"My family does," Castiel answers in a long sigh. "You don't get it, how could you... I have three brothers, Dean," Castiel explains. "Two sisters. My little sister, who is just nineteen, just got engaged. I was already seen as the irremediably unwed one and now I…," he pauses, sending a nervous look at Dean, looking ashamed.
"Oh come on. How hard can it be? You're rich, objectively good looking. Do you have weird kinks or something?"
 "I-I wouldn't know. I've never even been in a relationship before," he confesses, looking at the ground.
"When you say 'relationship', you don't mean you've never…" Dean inquires. Cas' cheeks redden, and Dean blows like he just got punched. "Wow. That sucks."
"Yes, it's very pathetic."
"What? Eh no, it's not pathetic. Surprising, yeah. But, to each their own, you know?"
Cas inclines his head like he's not sure he does know. 
"I'm sorry I tried to drag you in all of this. You seem like a good man. You don't deserve-"
"-to be served on a platter to your family?" Dean asks, searching Castiel's gaze until they exchange a smile. 
"Yes. That." The man is still looking dejected. The money is still in Dean's hand. That duck really was good. Damn it.
"The food better be freaking awesome," Dean relents with a frustrated grunt. Castiel seems instantly relieved. "And you're not pretty woman-ing me," he warns, pointing a finger at the other man. "I'm choosing my own clothes and I don't give a shit if I don't know which fork to use for fish."
Castiel's head is tilted and he's blinking owlishly, like he doesn't understand a word that Dean is saying. Figures. He's not sure how he could convince anyone that he's this dork's boyfriend, honestly. Naomi certainly looked like she wasn't fooled. 
"I'm sorry for the way my mother behaved toward you. I assure you, being yourself will be amply sufficient to the task."
"Dude, the way y'all talk, where do you come from, Victorian England?"
"I-I don't think I have English ancestry, no. Why?"
They blink at each other for some time. 
"I must be a freaking masochist."
Cas' face scrunches up even more in incomprehension. 
"Okay, let's be clear on one thing from the start. This is not a lifetime movie and I'm straight, so: no falling in love, get it?"
"I get it, Dean," Castiel nods. 
Well, that's it then, apparently Dean is going to a fancy engagement party with his new boyfriend. What a weird day... 
You can read the rest on AO3
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Fucks not Found
One, but not done [END]
Ch1 Ghosts | Ch2 Florence | Ch3 A Matter of Seconds | Ch4 I need a Backdoor | Ch5 Die Hard | Ch6 White Flag | Ch7 Haunt the Living | Ch 8 One, but not done [end]
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Seven sighed as One disappeared when it was time to pack everything "Is he always like that or is he just being purposefully annoying?”
“How the fuck would I know?!” Three slammed a crate on the ground, holding his back like an old man.
“Who?” you were all packing the mission’s gear in the Haunted House.
“Purposefully, no doubt!” you chuckled.
Later you knocked on his trailer door,
"Old man, we have to talk,"
"Let me guess, you want a bigger trailer so you and skater boy could go at it, not gonna happen,"
"Hum .. not exactly, look I know it's the first rule you told us about, and we broke it, actually 4 of us broke it. We're human One,"
He sighed "I just.. need you to be focus on the job."
"We are fo-.."
"Getting shot prove that you were focus," he threw his phone on the desk
"Alright you got a point,"
"These numbers are for your own safety," he stated angrily "but I guess now it's all fucked up."
"Not necessarily, I mean, now we all know each other better, we have better bonds,"
"Tell me about it," you smirked at his saying "... actually don't," he furrowed his eyebrows as you chuckled.
"Think about it," you pointed out as you were stepping out "this team, could do so much more,"
He nodded and something snapped.
"Hold on," he rummaged through a drawer to finally hand you a silver key, his eyes changed for a second “Might be cliché but he would have been proud.”
Smiling slightly at One, you left to open your brother's safe.
There were photographs, a few envelopes with the same cachet and a P/O box address on it.
One of the photographs, in black and white yellowed by the time showed your Mamma and Papa at your age in front of the Coliseum, looking happy as ever, the warmth of their smiled enveloping you instantly. Another one with your Mamma in swims wear gracefully sat on the sand, holding both of you. You were so tiny, wearing terrible hats and frowning at the sun. You found yourself laughing, a tear landing on the envelope’s corner behind the pictures.
Setting aside those pictures, you flicked the envelope open. Eyes scanning the document multiple times you were not sure what you were reading. Palm against your agape mouth, you read the main text.
 “Dear Anonymous donator,
We would like to thank you for all these years of generosity. Your help has given access healthcare to people in dread need of it. With the help of caring people such as yourself, we have been able to afford the construction of a new volunteer centre, which will provide a facility to help maximize the amount of lives we can save.
Your last donation in date had us all profoundly touch and grateful.
We will never not be thankful enough. We wish we had a name to put on the facility’s wall. But we respect your privacy and so we’ll stop asking from now on.
All proceeds of your donations advance our lifesaving mission.
Thank you, dear anonymous donator.“
The tears blurred your vision until you couldn't see through it. He had found his anchor.
You cried, not of sadness but of proudness. For you he was still the kid throwing stones on the neighbor’s roof, the one who couldn’t sleep on stormy nights, the teen who cried when his crush rejected him. He was your anchor for years.
One paid you much more than you needed to live. You assumed now your brother had donated the payment. And all these years when he worked multiple jobs... it all became clear.
"You were the better twin, baby brother!" You mumbled to yourself.
Weeks later the Donations continued yet the anonymous donator had a found an alias.
Passing by the pool you stopped once more before leaving the scorching desert until One would need you.
Weeks ago you brother was laughing at you on the other side of this very pool, these memories were gold now, they didn’t make you sad anymore, you grinned remembering him holding his chest while laughing on the ground, little fucker.
“Hey luv,”
“Hey,” he sat next to you on the edge of the empty pool
"So we're out?" His hand snaked around your waist bringing you closer.
"Not for now," you smiled thinking about this time spend with this weird squad, eager for a new operation.
“So where shall we go until next,”
“You're ready to stick with me? Are you mad?" He laughed as you touched his forehead for any kind of fever.
"Banged my head a few times yeah, but I'm pretty sure I'm mad...about you."
"God you spent to much time around One." He gently reached for your jaw turning your head to him, the blush creeping on your cheeks not helping to hide that you actually liked that he was ready to come with you anywhere, he leaned in for a quick kiss.
The warm air and sounds of busy streets of Italy passing through the ajar window woke you up. Looking at your watch on the bedside table you immediatly turn your back to it, snuggling back into Four's chest. Too early. The night was short.
"What do you say about Transylvania?" he mindlessly ran pattern on your back with his warm fingers.
"For what? Vampire retreat?"
"Hiking, but I can bite" feeling his teeth of soft spot on your neck you squirmed.
"Aouch, alright, we'll go to Transylvania tomorrow. I got to see my brother first."
He nodded, his smile sliding off.
"I'm...I'm not really comfortable with...mourning," he played with your fingers on his chest avoiding your look "I ..uh.."
"Calm down babe," you straddled him, the sheet sliding down your bare body "I'm not asking you to come with me." You chuckled at his concerned face, and his lost of attention at the sight of your naked body.
He sighed, "You know he was like a brother to me..." you tilted your head watching him
"That would be weird.." you removed your hands from his
"shit no not a brother," he caught your hands putting them right back on his chest" a .. a best friend,"
"Stop talking," you leaned in, enclosing his lips with yours. His hands immediatly reached your tighs, you felt a shiver ran his chest as your finger brushed his skin from his throat to his navel. A firm squeezed on your thighs made you giggled, he was so easy to trigger.
He sat up, one of his arm tightly set around your low back while the other snake to your back, his hand holding the back your neck. A lovely mess of tangled limbs in silk sheet was all you were. You pushed him back on the bed, holding his hands up his head.
You nibbled on his earlobe, and chuckled when he groaned at the ministrations trying to fight your hold on him. He could easily removed himself from your grip, guess he wouldn't this time.
Finding your way down his neck, chest, navel ... taking your sweet time until you reach the point of no return. He gasped, his head lolling back on the pillow "God I love Italy,"
“Ciao brother” cross seating at the grave of his fake death, there were flowers already with a cup of mochaccino beside it, you laughed, only One person could have done that. Glancing at your own grave, you shivered at your name engraved in the marble stone.
You recall the all mission as if your twin was there listening to you, “This one is for you, and the next, and the next.” You breathe in feeling tears coming up, “I kept your cross," you scoffed, "you can thank Four for that. As long as I have it, I’ll have you, mammà and papa with me promise.” kissing the cross you left a single tear rolled down your face.
One knew how to be a ghost, perfectly, no one could trace him, anyone but you. .... The gps tracker in his watch helped. If he knew, he’d probably wouldn’t be happy, but hey he is your cash source can’t lose an eye on him.
“So, that’s your secret!” looking at the little boy in the playground whom looked like the man beside you.
“Shit! He jumped
“Hey,” you grinned leaning on the grid, sliding your shades down.
“Aren’t you supposed to be OUT of Italy?” he groaned
“It’s my homeland One, what’d you expect?” you pointed at your wig and shades “Disguise,”
“It’s always better than Three’s in Vegas,” He joked “You’re kicked out, it’s immediate,” He stated, not even believing it himself.
“Yeaaaah, I don’t think so,” you nudged his shoulder. A ghost of a grin appeared knowingly.
"Do you follow everyone, or are you my private stalker?"
"You really wanna know!?" You shifted on your two feet, he got the idea that everyone had a stalker in the name of Eight.
"Cleavers," you used his own line
"Shut up," he answered tired of your shit, resulting in you laughing a bit too loud.
Regaining a sense of calm you felt he was still uneasy about you seeing his son. “Your secret is safe with me old man,” He nodded a tight smile on his lips, and somehow he knew he could trust you.
“Haunted house, in a week.”
“Noted.” Saluting with two-fingers you took a few steps back still eyeing him with fondness, proudness, maybe not just a cash source in the end. He flicked you off, a bright smile spread on your face.
“Where’s Four by the way?” he called out
“Somewhere on the roofs, he can’t help it.”
He lifted his head, you took this time to disappear around the corner.
Calling Four you stumble upon his voicemail “Skater boy, you better bring down your cute ass. We’re heading back to the Haunted House in a week. Mission 2 is coming. Love ya!”
A week later
"Please don't,"
"One, I only hugged her for a second," you rolled your eyes. Five was still holding your shoulders.
"Tell me you're not going to freak out everytime two of us are close,"
Two had a grin on, Five was being clingy on purpose. It had been a month since you've seen everyone, except Four and One. You had missed everyone, Five especially, after the parkour lessons, the incident on the yacht you had become close friends.
"Hey squad," Four let his skate rolled until it hit a wall. He reached you kissing your cheek, then sending you a wink as he took a seat next to Three. You eyed One, holding a laugh, Five carefully removed her hands from around your arm. Four looked dumbfounded as One sighed, staring at you. He then flung his arms in the air.
"Fucking Millennials!"
Thanks to everyone who read, liked, commented on Fucks not Found. It was fun to write, let me know what could be improved, I'm still working on my english that's why everything is not perfect and quite limited. Looking forward a new story. Thanks again.
A/N: don't forget to double tap if you liked it. 🙏
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
the chain on your neck; 
full masterlist
Pairings: Steve Rogers x female!reader 
Word count: 2,291
Warning: too much fluff probably 
Summary: Steve Rogers came home to you after a delayed return and brought something special for you. 
a/n: i was listening to call it what you want by taylor swift (well, it would be pretty obvious for my swiftie followers lol) anyways, i was really inspired by the line “i want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck” and that to me, has always been one of my favorite lyrics of reputation. also, the title was inspired by that exact line from you are in love. so here’s a steve rogers fic predicated on that line! hope you like it. please leave a like and comment. ❤
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It was 9.30am on a Sunday morning in New York. Normally, you would take your sweet time to stretch in your bed and turn slowly to the other way around to gaze lovingly at your boyfriend. It was a rare sight to see him in such a serene state, so you didn't have the heart to wake him. It was lovely to see him without the wrinkles on his forehead and furrowed brows because he was carrying so much on his shoulders. His duties as Captain America, the missions, the battles, the reports, the urgent late night calls, the miscreants had clearly took a toll on him.
And you being his girlfriend, it was crystal clear to you how often he would put on a facade to be the backbone of the Avengers. Because, everyone is relying on him. There were innocent folks that needed his protection. There were little kids looking up to him. He didn't have the luxury to pour a couple tears to lay off some steam or have a mental breakdown in public. He had to be strong and steady.
Often times, when the fight really did a damage on him and it was written all over his face, he would try to hide it away from you. You knew he needed you, you knew he needed your comforting touch to ground him. He wouldn't ask for it though, he would simply undress himself out of the grimy suit and wordlessly wrapped himself around you. The feel of your skin against his kept him sane throughout all the worst missions he'd ever gone through.
So when you had the chance to just take a minute and enjoy this brief moment of life simply letting your boyfriend be... Human, you cherish and savor every single second of it.
That's your usual Sunday morning routine. But not today, today you woke up in a cold bed alone because the love of your life had gone to another mission in Prague four days ago, and he was supposed to come back last night. You were feeling grouchy because you didn't get your morning cuddles and kisses and Steve's morning cuddles and kisses were like coffee to other people. They need their morning boost to start off their day.
Delayed returns were part of the job. There was always unexpected incidents that required immediate attention of whoever took the mission. And the behest is that, you do not come home before the mission was truly taken care of.
So instead of sulking all day in bed, you leisurely check your phone and send him a good morning text. You figured that it would ease the feeling of missing him. You knew better than to wait around for an instant reply. You were not allowed to check your phone under any circumstances during missions unless you are safe and sound in your hotel room. So you decided to get yourself out of bed and washed your face and brushed your teeth.  
After your daily morning routine, you went to the kitchen to cook yourself some early meal. Nat, Tony, Wanda, Vision, Rhodey and Clint were already there in the middle of their breakfast. They greeted you in your not-so-cheerful state.
"Good morning, kid." Tony was the first one to speak up.
"Hey Tony." In an indifferent tone. You just weren't in the mood to socialize because you missed your boyfriend terribly, and you just really wanted to spend your Sunday morning with him.
"Someone's in a grumpy mood." Natasha spoke up. The woman was always too good in seeing right through people.
"Not really, I'm just hungry." You retorted. Again, with that disinterested attitude.
"Hungry for some food or a certain super soldier, cause I've seen you hungry for actual food y/n, it wasn't like this."
"Okay! You're right. I'm missing my boyfriend and I'm so goddamn worried. He hasn't contacted us since last night, when he was supposed to come home. I texted him this morning and he still hasn't answered. What if something had happened to him and he wasn't able to send a message? What if he got stuck somewhere where he can't find a signal? What if he-"
"Sweetie, I think you are getting yourself too worked up. Just take a deep breath and eat some breakfast, yeah? I'll make you some coffee to ease your nerves." Wanda politely interrupted you. Out of all people, she knew exactly what the feeling was like. Aside from being able to read people's minds, she had actually lost so many of her loved ones, so she understood your overwhelming fears.
You put your head in your hands and took a deep breath and exhaled. You were getting too worked up and you needed to clear your head because freaking out is clearly not going to solve anything or give you any answers. It's not going to turn whatever situation Steve was stuck in and provide you a call or a text from him out of nowhere.
And you didn't realize how hungry you had been until your stomach started to make some growling noises that told you you needed some nourishment.
"Yeah, okay, I'm gonna cook something up."
Just as you pushed your chair back and stood on your feet, Friday's voice alerted everyone from the tranquil state of the room. "Captain Rogers, sergeant Barnes and Mr. Wilson are about to land in 5 minutes."
As everyone in the room had realized what was happening, they all immediately got on their feet and ran to the where the helipad was placed. You, on the other hand was overwhelmed with a sense of relief and joy. Because your boyfriend has come home and in one piece. You were about to see his beautiful sapphire eyes again and you couldn't wait any longer. You wanted to be the first one to welcome him home as soon as he lands.
As the quinjet landed on the ground and the door opened up wide, revealing your boyfriend and your friends, Bucky and Sam on his sides, walking out limping but still with that warm, familiar smile on his face because he finally saw you. Four days had felt way too long for being overseas from you.
He instantly ran as fast as he possibly could to you and grabbed you by your waist and carried you off the ground in a tight embrace. He buried his face in your neck and inhaled your luscious scent. You couldn't see his face because you were also burying your own face in his neck, but you could feel him smiling so widely because he was home and you were in his arms now.
"God, I've missed you so much, baby."
You moved your face to the front of his and pressed your foreheads together.
"I've missed you too, baby. So fucking much." You sniffled. In that moment it was just you and him, because you had been without each other for way too long to have a care about anything else in the world. Four days felt like four thousand years. It might seem dramatic but that's what happens when you are madly in love.
"I know baby, I know. I'm here now, it's okay." He kissed you, it was brief but it held more meaning than words. You closed your eyes as you relished in the feeling of him. Pressed up against you and tangible. Not a looming presence in your room, not a ghost in your dreams, not a whispered name in your prayers.
He put you down as threw his arm around your neck to keep you close. You both walk in each other's embrace to your room. Luckily, he didn't bring home any severe wounds that would require an immediate & extensive care. He could go straight to his own bed, take a warm shower and change into his pyjamas so he could lie in his cozy bedstead with you. Really, that's all he really wanted right now.
Steve Rogers was a man of sentiment. Not a lot of people saw it but, it's factual. You were lucky enough to witness the way this man displayed his affections and the way he'd never let you doubt his love and loyalty a single second. He was an assertive and a solemn leader to the team, especially when he had to save the world and faced the government. But you knew his tender heart way too well to let it affect you behind closed doors. You love him for the man he chose to be even when he didn't.
After you both wash yourself off the dirt, you put on one of his hoodies that literally swallowed your smaller figure. You looked so tiny and adorable in his shirts, he never minded that he'd often have trouble finding a certain shirt. It was always his hoodies, sweaters and old shirts that he rarely wore anymore. If she claimed it, then it's hers. No room for argument. Not that he'd try anyway.
She was drying her hair with the hairdryer in the small mirror of her bathroom when he walked in with nothing but his sweatpants on, he stared into her beautiful eyes in the mirror with a smile. "I got something for you."
"Yeah? What is it?" She smiled back at his reflection in the mirror.
He pulled out a lovely navy blue box with a silver ribbon on top of it. It made her turn around with an inquisitive look. She moved her eyes directly to the box in his calloused hands. He opened the lid cautiously, fearing that she might not like the surprise. Because even Captain America is still scared of rejections, he was trained for orders and enemies, but no one taught him that the little, sickly guy from Brooklyn would be rejected by  a lot of women who couldn't see him past his appearance. And certainly, no one  prepared him for the rejection from the love of his life. His past fears are clouding his mind and taking over his emotions before she even said a word.
The navy blue box revealed a beautiful piece of jewelry, specifically, a golden vintage necklace that hang up the letter "S" in the middle of its rounder. The red rose adornment on the left side of it only added the exquisite intricacies to it. And the antiquated piece of leaf on the other side enhanced more of its charm.  She couldn't help the desire to touch the charming piece with her own fingers. She delicately curled them around the rustic chain, deliberately picked them up closer to her sight; she was charmed by it.
"Do you like it?" Steve spoke up timidly, as if he was doubting his own choice, he really wanted her to like it. He nervously stared into her eyes, waiting for her answer.
"I love it, Steve." She returned that restlessness expression on his handsome face with a fond smile. She loved it. She truly loved it and she meant it. She wasn't even faking it to spare his feelings, she genuinely became attached to it even if she hadn't even hung it around her own neck yet.
"Where did you get it from?" She continued. Her curiosity knocked on the moment.
"There was this local gift shop in Prague, it looked really old and small but still had its own charm, you know? I was walking around one night..." He looked distant for a second. "Couldn't sleep, the mission really carried a weight that day. I just kept walking, taking in the fresh midnight air until I found the shop... It drew me in."
Steve's face changed from an agitated expression to pure delight. He couldn't wait any longer to see it encircle the shape of her neck, so he asked; "do you want me to put it on you?"
"Please." She turned around to face the mirror again and waited for Steve to unclasp the hook of the necklace. She could feel his warm, steady breath on the back of her neck and this is the kind of intimacy not a lot of people talk about, but oh, how much it mattered in the moment.
When the necklace was on, she took her time to soak it in, how divine it looks on her now, she didn't think she could go anywhere without this necklace being a part of her. She pressed her thumb on every inch of this necklace, it really is a part of her now.
He is now wrapping his bulky arms around her shoulders and put his head right on the right side of hers. He looked at her reflection in the mirror. "You know why I chose this necklace?" He left a swift kiss on the right side of her neck where he was just resting his head on.  
"Because it's the closest thing to your heart, and that's where I'm always supposed to be."
She didn't realize tears had started brimming in her eyes, the tenderness and sincerity in his voice made her realize just how lucky she was to possess such love him, and to have that love returned in if not, a greater measure than she ever hoped for.
"I love you, you know that?" It was rhetorical, she knew damn well  that he had it ingrained deep in the back of his head that she loved him. Desperately, utterly and irrevocably.  And so did he to her. It was more than a mere declaration but rather a vow, that it would be bounded to their souls for eternity. In sickness and in health, for better or for worse, 'till death do us part.
"I love you too, angel."
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
"'First' day" : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
"'First' day"
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Chapter Summary : Yirina is now officialy an MI6 agent working with Park and they both planning their moves for their new mission.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3100
I couldn't believe it with all my might but today.....I was given a new chance in my life, a new chance to be able to redeem myself further and all of that was thanks to Park herself, the one I'm loving so much right now. Now, I was no longer acting as an simple ex-Perseus agent, helping the CIA & the MI6 in their fight against Perseus like a free-lance mercenary but now, I was Yirina Grigoriev, an MI6 agent specialized in cryptography & on the Special Operations along with Park. I was now an full member of her Majesty's Secret Service......I never thought that would be happening but here were are....the KGB, Perseus and now.....the MI6.
When I left the meeting room, having met in person the two directors of the two british organizations and literally the Prime Minister herself, I was so relieved, so happy, so amazed by the events that I was feeling indebted with the MI6. If they gave me that chance, I have to give my best to not deceive them....to not deceive Park herself. I'm owing my entire life to her and she owes her life to me, it's time for me to do my best.
Once we were out, we returned back to her office where I could sit back on that chair and my body was still chilled by the news I just had in me. While Park was putting her box back in the drawer she found it, I looked outside, observing the view of the city.
"Thank you, Park." I breathed, lost in my thoughts. "Thank you for giving me an chance."
"You know that I had to do it." She affirmed, closing the drawer, looking at me with her left eye. "By giving you an job in the MI6, I'm protecting you from any attempts the CIA can do on you."
"They can try now, I'm waiting." I scoffed about it, putting my arm on the chair armrest.
"I'm pretty sure that Hudson would be so pissed off by hearing that." She exclaimed before she got sit back on her desk chair.  "Guy maybe want your head but he know that he will have the whole MI6 against him if he do a thing."
"So, everyone in here knows of my identity ?" I asked as I was looking a bit curious when miss Thatcher said that I had a troubled past.
"Well, for an part." She started, putting her arms on the desk. "It was better than we didn't mention the brainwashing part." She continued, having her eyes trying to look away.
"You had your reasons, I don't want to put an scare to those I will be working on with." I admitted, it's already for me difficult to deal with my past, I don't want to make it harder if everyone is knowing on my brainwashing. "I guess that now, you're my superior ?" I joked.
"Oh, Yiri...." She whispered as we both joined hands together on the desk. "We're on the same level and we're taking our decisions as a group." She looked at me, her eyes moved.
"You're looking so lovely." I said, focused on her eyes.
"And you too, I love your redhead hair...." She confessed, looking at it, even the part with my scar on it.
"My god, if there weren't that ban on people like us here, I would have jumped on you on that desk." I expressed, resisting the urge to really do it actually.
"Mmhm....seems a little bit cliché, darling." She smirked at me as we slowly start to get closer above the desk. "Cliché but sounding very exciting." She added before we share a kiss on the lips, my first as an MI6 agent.
"We are going to do this, aren't we ?" I asked her and she nodded at me after we broke the kiss.
"Pretty sure we're gonna do this." She affirmed before we decide to go back on our respectives seats, now trying to refocus back on the actual situation. "So at first, we need to return back to West-Berlin to get the remaining of our stuff at the safehouse."
"And once we got it, where do we install ourselves ?" I asked and she rolled her eyes, making me think and I know that the place was already chosen by her "We're staying at West-Berlin, right ?" She nodded, biting her lips.
"It will be in a MI6 safehouse that isn't some sort of warehouse with an dorm but more like an house with bedrooms....like in the New Orleans." She replied, reassuring me a little.....even if we had to return in that city. "It's sure that we ain't going to stay permanently there."
"Of course, if Stone do this moves somewhere else, we're moving..." I guessed, making me have hope about our mission. "About the team we will have ?" I questioned her
"I will call them once we're fully set in that new safehouse but we will be only 4." She responded and I was reassured, I don't want to have too many people around me in that safehouse. "It will be mainly 2 of my friends.....including Greta." She showed me the group picture of her desk "The other would be him." She pointed the man with a small beard, looking at the same age of ours.
"What's this name ?"
"Garrett Donovan, I'm sure that you will like him." She replied, winking at me.
"I can say that your friends can become mine, then." I suggested and she was happy to hear that.
"Excuse me ?" It was the voice of a man that knocked at the opened door of her office. By looking at him, he was an member of the MI5. "Miss Grigoriev ?" He asked for me.
"Yes ?"
"We learned that you had some skills in cryptography and we wanted you to have a look at this." He walked next to me to give me an piece of paper that was encrypted as hell.....but it was my code I created in Perseus. "We received this in the morning from our usual mysterious source."
"Do you have a pen and a empty paper ?" I said, causing Park to find me quickly what I needed before I decided to get myself to work on that message.
I took a deep breath at looking at the encrypted message and I launched myself. Thanks to my knowledge on cryptography and to the fact that this system was the one I created, I could be able to decrypt it in no time and during the decryption, I was feeling observed by Park and this man but it wasn't troubling me at all as I was focused on having this message fully readable for someone who don't know anything on cryptography.
"Done." I breathed as I was finally finished with that message, I took only 5 minutes to have it done.
"Wow, that's very fast." The man exclaimed, amazed by the time I took. "What does the message is saying ?" He asked me.
"Apparently, Stone has been seen in an Perseus warehouse.....in West-Berlin." I looked at Park, rolling my eyes at talking about another Perseus warehouse. "The message mentioned exactly what is this warehouse usefulness and where it is." I then looked at the man "Who is this R. ?"
"It's the initial our mysterious source is using." He replied.
"You said that this mysterious person is someone that came often, does this person is sending you willingly these messages ?" I asked him, mentioning what he said earlier, he nodded at me.
"Yes but we don't know why they're doing this." He was looking as someone trying to look in his mind but nothing could help him to clear his mind. "I can't help you with that."
"It's okay, you just gave us a perfect start." I told him with an smile.
"I'm glad to have helped." He then start to walk away before looking at us "Goodbye, ladies." He closed the door behind him, leaving us with Park.
"I'm already loving to work in the MI6." I confessed to her who make a discreet laugh to me.
"Told you !" She affirmed before taking her dial phone in hand, a secured one. "I'm going to ask for our safehouse to be ready." She winked at me. "It's time for your first day within the MI6."
After that, she picked up the phone to call her contact that will set up our safehouse in West-Berlin and honestly, I was quite nervous to return back to this city. I thought that we will just go there to take back the remaining stuff we left there and then, maybe fly back here with an new safehouse but now, with our new piece of intel we got thanks to this MI5 agent, our first mission is of course located in West-Berlin and again, it was an warehouse that we are going to strike, like in my first days one month ago....all over again.
Once Park was done with her call, I helped her packed up some things in a new bag, especially things about Stone and our recents moves against Perseus, and after that, we took our respectives bags and we decided to left Century House in her car to return back to the airport where we could take the same private plane before leaving London behind us to go back to West-Berlin.
During the flight, I wasn't going to take a rest since the travel will not last long, making us arrived in the german city in 2 hours at the middle of the afternoon. Instead, Park took with us some old messages about that mysterious R who started to sent the MI5 encrypted message a year ago in February 1983 and what Park told me about them, each time, it was always correct. This mysterious person inside Perseus group is helping the british secret services for a year now, explaining the success the MI5 & the MI6 had on these operations, explained by Park.
I was wondering of something : my system is still used by Perseus...so is Perseus has been able to train someone to take the lead after my supposed death...or one of my friends has took the lead...it's impossible, all of my friends wanted to flee Perseus, no one would have ever wanted to stay with that guy and it couldn't be Freya at all, she wasn't an expert on it and cryptography need a lot of training.
There weren't anything else for to see except for the message I have decrypted in Park's office, leading us to another Perseus warehouse and finally, we arrived in West-Berlin at 4 PM, landing at the Tempelholf Airport, the one I almost got breathless with Freya and saved Park. We didn't stay any longer in here before getting on our way to the E9 safehouse for the last time in my life, I really hope to be the last time.
"Last time, Yiri....Last time...." I whispered to myself once we were arrived at the safehouse as Park let me drive to get here, after I insisted to do it and she helped me with the direction.
"Woods & Mason must be there." Park exclaimed as we could see the garage door of the safehouse open with an car in front of it backwards, its trunk opened. "Come on, let's get inside." She added, closing the door of her side before we start to walk inside.
"Look who is there." It was Woods standing next to Adler's old desk, having finished to talk to a man before he moved to get to us. "How was London ?" He asked to both of us.
"Pretty good." I replied with an smile, shooking hands with him.
"Where's Mason & Sims ?" Park questioned him as she was looking around inside to find them.
"Mason is already settled in the safehouse we're having in Ukraine as Hudson told us that he had a lead for us." He shook hand with her. "Enough for all of us."
"Uhm....we need to tell you that we're not coming." Park said to him, making him confused at hearing this. "MI6 has given me the order to form a team to track Stone."
"Shit, I almost forgot about that guy." He breathed, thinkful.
"I'm taking Yirina along the way, away from the CIA." She then looked at me with an grin "Show him." I knew what she wanted me to show and I took my credentials in hand, showcasing it to him.
"Say hello to the MI6 agent Yirina Grigoriev !" I scoffed as he looked at me with wide eyes, surprised by that.
"Damnit...." He looked away for an second. "It's an big occasion you got here."
"All thanks to me." Park proclaimed, proud of herself as I was proud of her. "Should avoid Hudson to do something against her or he will have the whole MI6 against him."
"He already have pissed off some CIA guys like me..." He joked, making us laugh about it. "So, how things will happen ?" He questioned Park.
"Well, since your team will be focused on having Adler back and ours to neutralize Stone, we can cross intels with one another if for example, we found something on Adler." She explained to him who nodded. "By the way, do you have anything new on that lead Hudson told you ?"
"Said that the CIA was able to maybe track down an agent that was there in that mall, couldn't tell more." He replied, not sure of Hudson infos about it. "Guess you're staying here at West-Berlin ?" We nodded to him slowly. "At least, it's not here you're staying, we're abandoning the place once you got your things back."
"Yes and anyway, I hate that place....bring too many bad memories." I whispered before I looked over his shoulder to see Sims, sit at his old desk, not looking happy and Woods saw me.
"Sims is still mad over yesterday." Woods exclaimed to us, taking a quick glare on him. "Better to leave him quietly for the moment."
"Okay, we will get our things and we will be out of here." Park said before she start to walk to her old desk with me.
We started to take a look for the last time around the safehouse before we worked on getting Park's belongings in some boxes and put it into our car. In fact, we came only for her own belongings as I didn't have one when I came back here, it was her who gave me everything. During the multiples travel we had to do between her desk, the dorm for her clothes and the car, I was thinking about a lot of things that happened here...mostly bad things on me and the only good things I had was with Park & Lazar.
"Finished." I was putting the last box inside the car after spending more than 30 minutes to have everything in it, she did have a lot of things in her possession.
"I'm gonna talk about some details with Woods, you can stay in the car or take a last look inside if you want." Park exclaimed before she walked back inside to get to Woods as I closed the car trunk.
I didn't know what to do apart from staying near the car to do nothing so I decided to go back inside, the place was looking more empty now : the dashboard was no longer there anymore, the Dark Room was closed down and all the desk hads nothing on them. As Park was discussing with Woods, I could see Sims, still alone at his desk and even Woods told us to not talk to him, I decided to get to him.
"Sims ?" I said in a low voice, getting next to him, seeing him holding an old picture of him & Adler.
"I heard that you got promoted into the MI6, congratulations." He told me in a passive voice, not sounding happy I can say.
"Listen, I'm...."
"You what ?" He started, cutting me straight "You're sorry ?" He added, looking at me with an raised eyebrow
"Yes." I whispered suddenly ashamed to have maybe put him into that state.
"I can't believe that you let that agent go away and allowing Stitch to get his hands on Adler." He complained, the story about me letting Freya free was inadvertently told by Bulldozer after we came back at Fort Dix and now everyone was aware of it.
"Hey, it's not my fault that Adler has gone berseck against him." I spoke up, almost raising my voice but keeping it down, not wanting to get angry for real. "He should have evaluate the risk of it."
"And ?" He looked at me, almost angry.
"And what ? What do I need to tell you more, Sims ?" I asked him, confused. "Adler nearly got everyone killed."
"Maybe...." He pronounced, sounding like if Adler's life was suddenly more important "You could have save him but you didn't do a thing." He removed his eyes off me back to that picture he was holding in his hands. "You preferred instead to have a talk about your 'old best friend'." He said, mimicking like Bulldozer.
"She was not my old best friend...." I took a deep breath. "She was my old fiancee." At hearing this, he looked at me slowly, almost troubled at this but still keeping his anger towards me.
"Even with that, that doesn't change a thing : Adler is in Perseus hand." He affirmed at my face.
"Listen, we will save him, Sims." I admitted, not even believing that I was going to say that.
"Pfff...." He muttered "We both know that you don't give an fuck about Adler and what happened yesterday was a proof of it."
"For an part, you're right !" I raised my voice, finally getting my thoughts out. "I don't give an fuck about Adler like he did the same for me." I pointed to myself. "He treated me like shit and you did nothing to counter him." I sniffed as Sims nearly stand up from his chair to face me. "I'm doing the big part of the work but what I got is 'you could do better' or 'is this it ?' as a reward."
"Yirina." I could hear Park voice coming behind me, calling me out.
"You need to know that I'm not happy to have to go save Adler's ass but we have no choice so act like everyone will did : save your friend like I'm trying to do with my own !" I confessed to him before I looked around, holding back my tears as I didn't want to get angry with Sims, to look at Park.
"I'm finished with Woods, we can go now." She affirmed, gesturing at me to follow her outside.
"I'm coming." I told her before I gave a last look to Sims. "I'm trying to save my own life aswell as Adler's one, think about it." I finished with him, looking away from him as I got next to Park, holding my anger inside of me as I don't want to be angered now...
"Let's get out of here, this place is making me sick !"
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chronicbatfictioner · 4 years
Exchanges and Compromises - Chapter 11
Details, details, details. For someone looking like a pro-wrestler, complete with the dress-up gimmick, Jason Todd - the Red Ghost - turned out to be a very good listener and paid attention to details. He listened quietly as Oracle put out the proverbial lay of the land.
"So to make it clear and recorded redundantly, Talon was an enforcer with the Court of Owls; supposedly the entity that controlled all of Gotham, consisting of the 'builders' of Gotham as well as the 'money' that built Gotham. This guy Bane just out of the blue came to Gotham and killed the members of the Court and Talon's teammates. And now he claimed to be Dr Thomas Wayne's son, and therefore Bruce Wayne's half-brother." Jason recited. "Are the Waynes a member of the Court of Owls?"
"Not according to the database Talon gave us." Oracle replied. "Evidently, the Court had... harassed them to join, but they have repeatedly refused. And by 'repeatedly' I mean over like, three generations of Waynes."
"Yeah, I didn't think so, either. Talia wouldn't have... well, associated herself with Bruce Wayne, otherwise." Jason agreed. "Ra's didn't like to share control with a random group of people who have assassins as doormen. The public disruptions would have been too overwhelming."
"So the Waynes have made an actual tangible alliance with the Al Ghuls, I presume..." Tim commented. "Corporate-wise, the Al Ghuls owned almost half of Gotham, while the other half belonged to the Waynes. Yet they were in different lines of businesses that if the two families were to unite by means of - say, marriage - it would definitely fit the description of a monopoly."
"You're a corporate goon, aren't you?" Jason remarked. Tim preened a little.
"Kind of. I run a much-smaller family business." he admitted.
"I'm... not sure if I should consider it cool or horrific." Jason commented. "What's the business line?"
"Generic meds." Tim replied, and then stopped himself. There were a mere handful of generic medication companies in Gotham, and he might have given away his own identity.
"Ah, cool, then. Generic meds for poor people? Did you leech off the prices?" Still, Jason's disarming smirk and seemingly innocent questions were too inviting to not be answered.
"Of course not! I'm a hero, aren't I?" Tim replied coyly. Jason seemed satisfied with the answer.
"Cool, then. Anyway, to answer your question, yes, there were business deals between the Al Ghuls with the Waynes that are limited to the form of businesses either parties would do. And yes, you're right. If or when Bruce Wayne passed without any other heirs, Damian would own both conglomerations and would have been a form of monopoly. There were... contingency plans to avoid that." Jason elaborated. "But if Bane is a son of Thomas Wayne, he would have inherited half of the Wayne Enterprises, regardless."
"I sincerely hoped that Bane was not Ra's 'contingency plan'," Oracle intoned.
"I've never heard of his name until now." Jason clarified. "And I know all of Ra's associates and agents. Visible or otherwise. And Talia's. But for the issue with the Court... you people think that the Waynes bankrolled Bane to eliminate the Court of Owls."
"We suspect. We haven't found evidence to support or deny it." Oracle said. "You're quick."
"I'm not slow just because I came from Crime Alley, thanks." Jason retorted. "And I'm starting to realize... if I - on behalf of Damian - am staying at the Wayne Manor, I might be able to look for evidence thereof."
"Really quick, I wasn't even going to suggest that yet," Oracle replied glibly.
"And if they were innocent - because of course, we all believe in the 'Innocent 'til Proven Guilty' adage - then you can ally with the Waynes to indict and/or remove Bane out of the equation." Jason continued.
Well, Tim was impressed.
"That's it, in a nutshell."
"I hope you have a contingency plan in case your plan goes sideways..." Jason sighed.
"...you technically have nothing to lose," Tim assured him. "You'll have an escape, where you can bring Damian to a place that is both reinforced and semi-publicly visible; you'll have the Birds of Prey as your backup. And if - in a scenario where Bruce Wayne did not accept Damian, you'll still be welcomed here."
"Why? Just because I'm a Gothamite or what?" Jason challenged.
"Because..." Tim sighed. "Okay, look. I see it more as for Damian's sake, right? If he's accepted, and you don't want to help us, that's fine. We'll figure out something else. But if he's... denied his father..." he shook his head, pushing out the images of himself as a 12-year-old who'd just received the news of his parents' death. "...I know what it's like to lose a parent through violent means, alright. I don't... I'd rather Damian not take the path I took."
Jason's smile looked more like a snarl. "Now that's noble, Stray. You don't want Damian to be a thief like you, but you forgot who you're talking to. I grew up here, in Crime Alley, until my mom died. My dad was gone years before. I lived on the streets, had a box for a bed for weeks. That's the kind of life you won't want a ten-year-old to have to face."
Tim chuckled uneasily. "Okay, that's fair. But considering he's the only heir of the Algol Enterprises, I doubt he'll end up on the streets, am I wrong? Not to be insensitive, but there's a reason why Talia chose you to take care of him, and that wouldn't be the muscles or the pretty face."
That was a logical explanation, so Tim thought, but he could swear that Jason was blushing - even under the tanned skin. He shook his head lightly, and said, "No, I'm also his legal guardian unless his biological father files for custody; and am in charge of the Algol Enterprises," He scowled lightly. "...in spite of the fact that I don't like the corporate world in general. Damian is actually more than smart enough to supervise the companies, but he is still a minor. His signatures should always be accompanied by mine."
"Good system," Oracle commented. "I don't see you as someone easily persuaded if you don't believe in the matter."
"I believe in fairness and assisting those in need, not feeding those in power," Jason muttered. Then sighed. "For now, though, I'll need your help to fend off the League of Shadows. There won't be any steps taken toward your goal if Damian is assassinated."
"That, I believe, I can help. It's not gonna be pretty, but..." Dick remarked, stepping out of the bedrooms. "Boy's sleeping like a log. I mean, literally like a log: on his back, straight-backed and all." He added when Jason's eyes found his.
"You know how to contact your... uh... friends?" Tim tried, cringing, knowing how Barbara felt for violence.
"You thinking about rising the other talons?" Barbara must be cringing, too.
"Unless you can think of utilizing Superman or something, I don't see any other way..." Dick argued.
"Wait," an epiphany suddenly hit Tim. "I... hold up, let me think..." he raised a hand, stopping the questions he knew would be coming out of both Jason and Dick's mouths. A half a minute later, it hit him in the full picture. "Wasn't Green Arrow trained by the League of Assassins, too?"
"Oliver Queen, you mean. Yes, he was." Jason confirmed. "Funny dude, all sass and pretending to be no-brain. Shiva trained him--" Jason suddenly stopped.
"Does he know you?" Tim asked.
"He should... he got in just about a while after I did. I'd trained with him before Talia sent me training elsewhere..." Jason replied, and then his face brightened. "You scary-scheming little shit..."
"Green Arrow opted to use his skills as a hero, protecting those who can't protect himself. I know he's good - a little unfocused in a hand-to-hand and more reliant on his bow and arrows, but he's good." Tim pointed out. "And he has his own group of 'family' - all fighters for good. I'm sure he'll be happy to help us." he hinted to Oracle, deliberately pointing to Oracle as the decision-maker of the 'group'. With the way Dick was glaring at him, Tim knew that he was following Tim's hints - and not mentioning that Tim could have asked aunt Dinah for Oliver Queen's help. Dinah has been dating him for a good long while, after all.
"I'll put out feelers," Barbara stated. "Jason, do you have inklings or list on who we might want to chase after? You mentioned they're covert, and about half of the identity of people rounded up by the GCPD earlier were locals."
Jason shrugged helplessly. "They don't usually trust digital stuff for this... membership thingy. Not especially for foot soldiers."
"I think I can figure out how to sift them out..." Tim commented, ideas after ideas churning through his mind. "Want me to come over and powwow, O?"
"Yes, sure. That'll be great." Oracle replied, even with the metallic voice modulator, Tim could sense the relief.
"Okay, you wanna come with?" he asked Dick.
Dick shook his head. "Not that I'm guarding you or anything, 'cause I'm sure you can figure out how to get out without me noticing, anyway. But I'm... I'd prefer if the boy wakes up, he'll still see me, you know? So he's convinced that he's not... being abandoned or anything."
"That's sweet, but I agree. Do you mind, Jason?"
"Having another body to stand guard? Not at all. I'll need to shut my eyes for a few, anyway." Jason replied with a small smirk. "Would've been nice to shut-eye with a warm body next to me, but hey, beggars can't be choosers," he added blithely just as Tim got up and walked away.
Tim paused, turned, and blew him a kiss. Because that's what mama Selina said you should do when someone openly flirted with you if you also want to flirt with said someone. Jason's smirk just got bigger but didn't give any more reaction.
Tim continued his exit, his mind partially mapping out his plan to clean out the League of Assassins from Gotham; the other part mapping out his plan on to figure out if Jason was as compatible as he suspected.
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existing-on-cloral · 4 years
Brooklyn's Night Terrors
A Steve Rogers X Reader Fanfiction
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The pretty scientist working to eradicate a vigilante villain catches the eye of the former Captain America. He jumps back into the time machine, becoming young again in order to live out a new life with his best friends, and perhaps her.
Paradise has a price, however.
The tracked vigilante kidnaps Sam Wilson and leaves the shield for Steve to take up one last time. Reluctantly, Steve takes on the mantle of Captain America once more as he teams up with his old pal Bucky Barnes and the beautiful and deadly smart scientist.
"Lust can cloud the mind, but love makes it clear as day."
Chapter Three: Hero's Duty
Steve takes up the shield again. His scientist isn't impressed. Nevertheless, he instructs her to pick up his backup soldier.
The room he had been escorted to was tiny, with only a couch and a coffee table. Steve assumed it was some sort of break room for employees. He definitely needed a break after hearing the news on Sam.
"Mr. Rogers?"
Steve jumped, spinning around to see you standing in the door way. "Oh, hello," he said. "What can I do for you?"
You held out the package you had been carrying. "Agent Carter asked me to bring these to you." Your eyes shone in the lights of the room, giving off an almost magical feel to them. When Steve stepped closer, however, he saw that your eyes were brimming over with tears.
"What's the matter?" he asked, digging around in his pocket for a handkerchief.
At this, you dropped the package and burst into tears, hiding your face in your hands. Steve stopped his search immediately and tilted your chin up. "Don't hide your face," he whispered. "Tell me what's wrong."
You sniffed, dropping your hands to your sides. "It's just... Sam and I went out for coffee and we stayed out all afternoon. When we were... when we decided to leave, Sam... Sam offered to take me back to the compound." You looked Steve dead in the eye, stepping closer to him. "Then she appeared."
Steve tugged you over to the couch and sat, pulling you next to him. He put his arm around your shoulders and, finally finding his handkerchief, wiped away your tears. "Who appeared?"
"The Blue Reaper," you choked out, clutching at Steve's hand like it was a lifeline. "She was after me, I know it. She shot at me but Sam took the dart instead." You sobbed into the handkerchief. "Typical. The first guy Sharon sets me up with that I actually might like, and he gets kidnapped."
Steve's heart dropped into his stomach. "Oh, I'm so sorry," he managed, even though his throat was constricting and he feared that he may never be able to show his face to Sam again. You liked Sam.
You liked Sam.
Still, Sam was his best friend, and he couldn't just let him stay kidnapped for the purpose of keeping you close. "I promise," he started, then remembered how easily he had broken a promise to a woman before. But he couldn't turn back now. "I promise that I will do my best to get Sam back."
You threw your arms around him and your cries quieted. "I believe you," you whispered.
Steve relaxed, stroking your hair. "Oh, I almost forgot. What's in the package?"
You laughed. Steve loved your laugh. "Open it," you said, retrieving it from the floor and handing it to him.
"It's not gonna jump at me or anything, right?" he joked, taking it and tearing off the brown paper. He pulled open the flaps of the box and froze. Inside was his old uniform, not the one from the 40s, but the one he'd been wearing when he went into the past.
"If you're gonna wield the shield again, you need a proper suit." You patted the box's side, smiling down at it fondly. "You probably don't remember this, but before S.H.I.E.D. collapsed, Tony asked me to help him design some upgrades for the team. I added the magnets to your suit, as well as Natasha's."
Steve pulled the suit out of the box. "Well, if I'm gonna find Sam, I gotta get to it. New York is a big place." A thought began to form. "Maybe I'll need some help."
You crossed your arms, staring him down. "I appreciate your promise... and your bravery and loyalty towards your friends... but don't you think you deserve a break? Give Bucky the shield, and he can work on the red in his ledger."
He gave you a look. "Sam's my friend, and I chose him to take the shield. If I have to use it to get him back, I'm perfectly fine with taking it up one last time." You still weren't convinced. "Besides, Bucky's done so much for me. It would be wrong to ask him to fight again when he's just gotten an opportunity for a break."
"So then, who's your backup?" You fingered the fabric of the suit, refusing to meet his eye.
"Well, I was hoping you'd come with to look for clues, DNA samples and the like." Your head snapped up and you stared at him, eyes wide. "It'll be okay. I'll protect you."
You shook your head. "It's a good idea, and I'd be happy to, but I meant, like, people with super stuff who can actually fight." You stared down at yourself, wishing you were a little stronger so you could at least use a gun or something.
"Don't worry." Steve gave you a smile. Not a Captain America smile, a Steve smile. Your heart warmed immediately. Steve patted you on the shoulder. "I'll give you an address, you go pick him up. Can you do that for me?"
Could you do that for Steve? Um, yes you could.
"Any way I can help," you promised. "Just know, I'm worried. You deserve a lifetime of rest since you spent a lifetime fighting for the world."
Steve sighed and stood, fingers moving to the buttons on his shirt. "I know. I also know my friend's in danger." He undid the top button and slowly worked his way down.
"What... What are you doing?" you blurted. Steve turned, realizing what he was doing.
"I was going to put the suit back on," he said, shirt hanging open, revealing more of his chest than you ever thought you'd see. Captain America indeed...
"Oh." You turned your head away. "I'll just... I'll just go." You stood, scrambling for the door.
"Wait," Steve said. He tore off some of the brown paper and pulled a pen out of his shirt pocket. (So he was one of those men.) "Here." He scribbled an address on the sheet and handed it to you. "Go pick him up, and call me when you've got him and he's safe."
You took the sheet, but your brow furrowed. "I don't have your phone number."
Steve nodded to the paper. You looked it over, and noted that he'd scribbled his number at the bottom. "Thank you."
Before he could actually take his shirt off, you left, slamming the door behind you. Everything that had just happened hit as you hurried to pick up one of the company cars. Steve had a. Partially undressed in front of you and b. Given you his phone number. You shook the feeling of excitement off, reminding yourself that it wasn't fair to Sam.
Find the backup, call Steve in a business-like manner, and save Sam. Easy enough.
You drove into the heart of New York City, passing through different neighborhoods as your GPS beeped out directions. It began to turn you further and further into strange neighborhoods, ones for people that had been displaced by "The Blip" as the news was calling it. You stopped outside of an apartment building and headed in, making sure to double lock the car. Paranoia was a part of being an agent and a scientist, but locking the car until it beeped was, to you, common sense.
The building had no security, no front desk, just a list of people that lived there. You found the name you were looking for and headed to the second floor. The actual apartment took a little longer to find, but you had experiences with apartment buildings, having lived in one yourself after college. Finally, you were knocking on the door of what you hoped was the correct apartment.
A woman opened the door, propping it open with her hip as she leaned against it. "Can I help you?" she asked.
You pulled out your badge from S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and introduced yourself. "I'm looking for your nephew."
She sighed, pushing her hair out of her eyes. Her face twisted in concentration, but she finally turned back and called out, "Peter? There's someone here to see you."
Behind the living room, a door opened and a young man stepped out. He carefully closed the door behind him, but not before you saw the legendary Spider-Man suit laying on his bed. He came over to the door, clearly in no hurry. "Hi," he said, voice timid. "I'm Peter."
You extended your hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Peter." You said your name in return, and he shook your hand.
"Are you going to arrest me?" he asked. For a second, you thought he was joking, but then you saw the fear in your eyes. He reminded you of yourself when you were his age. Scared to leave your house for fear of failing.
"No, Peter, I'm here to help." You held out your badge once again. "A friend of mine is in trouble, and... Well, let's just say Captain America wanted some backup."
Peter's eyes widened. "Can I go?" he asked his aunt, tone changing from scared to excited, just like that.
She sighed, ruffled her nephew's hair, and said, "Go get your suit. And be careful."
He ran to his room, throwing the door open and stuffing his suit into a backpack. Within seconds, he was back at the door. "I'm ready."
You thanked his aunt and led Peter to the car, opening the shotgun door for him. Once you got in the car, you locked the doors and started the engine. "I'm sorry for what happened in London," you said. "For what it's worth, I don't think you're a bad guy."
"That means a lot," Peter said, reaching for his seat belt. "I really appreciate it."
Then you remembered your promise to Steve and picked up your phone, inputting his phone number quickly and then hitting the call button. Realizing you didn't want to kill Peter because you weren't paying attention to the road, you put the phone on speaker. He picked up just as you were pulling out of your parking spot. "Hey, Steve," you greeted him.
Steve immediately asked, "Did you get him?"
"That's Steve Rogers!" Peter interrupted. "I thought he was old and that Mr. Wilson was the new-"
You cut Peter off quickly. "Yeah, I got him. He's excited to be back in the game." Glancing at Peter, you watching him bounce in his seat, clearly eager to talk to Steve again.
Steve laughed. "I can tell. Get him back to the compound and we'll get started searching." His tone warmed. "Be careful."
"I will," you promised. "Bye, Steve." He told you goodbye, and Peter hit the end call button for you.
"So he's back? Is he Captain America again?" Peter fired off questions one after the other, not giving you any time to answer. "Are you guys dating?" He stopped. "Sorry, that was probably really personal. It's just nice to be trusted for once."
You smiled. Peter was the most enthusiastic superhero you'd ever encountered. And he was nice, too. "Um, he's back to normal, but he's just Cap for a while, until we get Sam back. Sam's been kidnapped," you added, the fact that you hadn't even told Peter what was going on hitting you. "And, um, no, Steve and I are not dating."
Peter giggled. "Okay," he sang, turning to the radio. "Can I play some music?"
"Have at it," you said. Peter immediately pressed the on button. A beautiful melody played through the speakers.
"I want some rock," he muttered, messing with the tuning dial. "Where-" he stopped on a news station that was releasing the "newest information on the whereabouts of Mr. Peter Parker, accused of being the murderous vigilante Spider-Man". Immediately, he shut off the radio and slumped back in his seat. "They get closer every day," he mumbled.
Your heart swelled with sympathy for the young man. He had been through so much already and he wasn't even (technically) eighteen.
"Well, we'll just have to move you for a little while, then," you said, turning your head to smile at Peter. He smiled back, but then his eyes widened and his shorter hairs actually stuck up.
"Watch out!" he called, pointing to the road. You turned and almost screamed. Standing in the middle of the road was a soldier with a mask on, but his bleach-blond gave him away. Even worse was the symbol painted on the leather harness crossing his chest. It was a skull surrounded by snake heads.
"Hydra," you choked, just before Quicksilver shot out your tires and you skidded to a stop. Quickly, you pulled out your phone and, slamming on the gas even though that would screw over the wheels even more, you called Steve.
"Steve!" you screamed when he picked up. "Steve, I'm pulling out of Queens, a soldier just shot out my tires but I have to keep driving."
You could hear the clink of the shield as he ran. "I'm on my way! Tracking your car. Who was the soldier, do you know?" Smoke began to leak out of your engine and you coughed, doing your best not to inhale it, but Steve needed to know.
"Our fears have been confirmed," you panted, gesturing for Peter to put on his mask and get ready to fight if need be. "The Blue Reaper figured out the time machine and-" you broke down into coughs as your body fought the smoke filling the cabin, "-she's wasting no time. She brought back Quicksilver. Even worse, I was right."
"What do you mean?"
Taking a second to steady the car, even though it was about to crash, you finally got out. "The Blue Reaper works for Hydra."
In the split second before the car hit the building up ahead, Peter grabbed your waist, punched through the car ceiling, and swung you up to the top of the nearest safe building.
Down below you, the car burst into flames, but Quicksilver hadn't noticed Peter's rapid ascent. He ran up to the car, stopping before the flames could touch him. After a moment, long enough for you to open the sound magnification tech on your phone, he turned and said, "Targets are both dead. I'll go after Rogers next."
Your heart stopped.
With trembling fingers, you send the audio to both Steve and Director Fury.
"What are we going to do?" Peter asked, fear apparent in his eyes even behind the mask.
You squinted into the street, watching Quicksilver disappear at top speeds. Though you had never had the personal pleasure of meeting the Sokovian speedster, you did know his sister, and you were one of the only people unafraid to approach her after his death.
"Call Wanda. We need to get through to him and sway him to our side if possible. And we need to stop the Blue Reaper from bringing... back... anyone else..."
With these brave words, the smoke you'd inhaled overtook your adrenaline and you passed out.
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
Hey I saw you were offering fluff and I'm a hoe for Prinxiety, only if you feel motivated too though! Love your writing xxx
So, this may not be what you meant, but… I watched The Unicorn Store the other day and I loved it, and one of the characters’ names was literally Virgil. So in a slight mix-and-matched fashion, here’s that :D
The Store
Pairings: Prinxiety, Moceit (Paternal Royality, Paternal Roceit); brief moment of analogical if you squint.
Warnings: Self-doubt, reference to possible hallucinations; reference to abuse and miscarriage; also, minimal editing
Word Count: much longer than intended 4,434 words
Read on ao3
Roman, dearest Roman, grew up with a deep love for unicorns, and rainbows, and all things glitter. His imagination let him have wild and beautiful adventures with his pet unicorn. His name was Steve.
He drew him, over and over, hoping that if he just nailed it perfectly, his parents would understand, and finally see himBut while Pat and Dee indulged his stories and encouraged his art, it was clear they’d never really understand.
They did send him to art school though
He wanted to love it, wanted to meet all those people who thought like him, who saw the world like him
Unfortunately what he found was a mentor who’s best-known work was a photography series called Stick in a Box
In the final evaluation, they were asked to make a self-portrait
Roman’s classmates had beautifully composed but tiny charcoal drawings of themselves, lined up in neat 8.5x11 boxes
Roman’s drawing was technically perfect, too. But it was a charcoal of a unicorn on a hill, surrounded with stripes of purple, yellow, pink, green, red that stretched off the box, off the canvas, and onto the wall itself. As a final touch, he said a wish to himself and blew on glitter
Unfortunately, his mentor was… unimpressed. And Roman became an art school dropout, back in his dads’ house, shifted to the basement because his room had become a home gym
His dads were still supportive, though. They knew he’d bounce back. But it didn’t always help when they’d talk about “now that you’ve tried that” and “finding a new path”
Also, they kept bringing over their neighbor, Emile, who was Roman’s age. Emile has just started working with them at their retreat service for troubled and at-risk teens. And it’s not that Roman didn’t like Emile, it just felt like… they were prouder of him than their son the failure.
Okay, maybe Roman did dislike Emile.
So in a fit of… jealousy? Desperation? Roman announces he’s joining a temp agency. He’s going to have an office job. So, Dad, Papa, please make sure to purchase plenty of pens and graph paper as he will need them now. He even borrows Pat’s old office clothes. A bit outdated perhaps, but he’s professional now.
He starts at the ad agency/communications firm and damn does he look the part, he’s sure. Even if his work is boring. Even if the people are very caught up in very small concerns.
In the middle of the very, very beige cubicles, and the very, very dull conversations, Roman finds a letter. It has his name on it, spelled in glitter and rhinestones. And it invites him to The Store.
But he’s… he’s being professional now. He’s a businessman. He doesn’t care about frivolity like glitter. Right?
When the second letter arrives, still with his name, still with the same address, still with no signature… well, it might not be smart but he can’t help it
He goes to the address to find a lone, flickering neon sign that says The Store. He walks in to an elevator that has no buttons, but descends on its own. He walks through a pink-lit hallway to a curtain of rainbows, and finally emerges into a grand old room that’s been…. transformed. 
On one side: a gate closes off a clear space. On the other: several grand tables are arranged with fruit and hay bales. The back wall has a long bar and freezers of ice cream. And in the middle, a man stands with a slight smile and adjusts his bright purple tie and the shiny satin matching suit jacket.
“Welcome, Roman!”
“How do you know my name?”
“I’ve been expecting you, of course. Though you are late, by several days. It’s rather impolite not to respond to an invitation immediately, you know.”
“What is this place?”
“It’s the Store. And I am the Salesman.” Roman notices what definitely looks like long strings of tinsel in the man’s dark hair.
“What kind of store?”
“The kind that sells  that and only that which you need”
“Which is?”
“Roman, don’t be ridiculous. You know what it is. You’ve known your whole life.”
The Salesman flicks on the huge screen above the door. Footage of graceful horses under rainbows, horses in meadows, horses sleeping… except they all have a beautiful, spiral horn in their foreheads.
“Unicorns?! You have real, actual unicorns?”
“Yes we do. And I contacted you specifically to make you this offer: we have a unicorn, just for you.”
Roman starts to tear up.  "Really? You do? For me? I was right, all this time? Oh my goodness, can i see her? Him? Them? Do unicorns have genders?“
“They do, if they want them. Yours isn’t here yet: you need to prove you’ll take good care of them first. A unicorn isn’t just a pet, you know. They’re a commitment. They will love you forever. Can you keep one safe forever?”
“I think I can,” Roman responds, though he’s still jittery and very glittery.
“Excellent! Here’s the first requirement, then,” the Salesman responds. He pulls out a shiny folder.  In it is a description of “Sheltering and Feeding Your Unicorn”
“Do you have space to accommodate a unicorn? Can you feed one? To qualify for unicorn ownership, you must first demonstrate that you’re able to provide for them.”
Roman thinks of his basement room with a wince. “Uh, not yet. But I will!”
“And can you demonstrate that you’re stably employed, able to continue providing?”
“I will do that too.”
He heads off in a whirlwind of giddy and righteous energy. He’s getting a unicorn. He’ll do whatever it takes!
First stop is the hardware store. He finds a man in the lumber section.
“Hello good sir! I am in the market for lumber.”
“Whatcha building.”
“A stable.”
“How big’s the horse?”
“Uh, not quite a horse, but um. Bigger than a pony, but you know, they can probably become whatever size I need them to be. Um, just your average small horse, I suppose?”
“Where you buildin’ it?”
“My bedroom”
The man stares, then picks up his radio. “Virgil, please report to the lumber department.”
“Will he be able to help me?”
The man doesn’t answer, just rolls his eyes and walks off
Roman wanders until he finds the worker with the nametag “Virgil”
“So, are you the builder?”
“Uh, what?”
“The man said you could help me.”
“Yeahhh, he definitely just said that to fuck with me. I’m not really a carpenter, I just do stock.”
“Well, you know more about it than me! Maybe you could try?”
Virgil stares down at Roman earnest smile, then finally sighs. “I mean, I’m gonna get paid, right? Might as well.”
He’s then the first to point out that Roman’s… ‘pony’ won’t want to live in his basement.
But in the backyard, there’s the slightly-rotted ruins of Roman’s childhood castle. It’s not structurally sound, but the space is good. And maybe some of the wood is salvageable. Roman starts kicking in the walls for good measure, and Virgil, with a strange fascination bordering on entertainment, joins in at his urging.
The hardest part is keeping his parents from asking about Virgil’s visits. Roman is very tired of being reminded that among his many failings, he doesn’t even have a partner. And the eagerness with which Dad and Papa ask about the ‘young man’’ who keeps visiting kinda makes it obvious they hope that’s why. In Pat and Dee’s defense, they’re not trying to be pushy. They just saw the conspiratorial smiles Roman kept flashing Virgil, and the bemused but amused smiles Virgil returned.
But Roman’s getting a unicorn. Who needs a boyfriend when the unicorn will love him more than any human ever could or has.
Roman returns to The Store. “I’m building a stable, and I have an appointment to go buy hay. What’s next?”
“Ah, good. Now that you’re building a home worthy of a unicorn, you need to ensure the full environment is appropriate. Here, hold this.”
The Salesman hands Roman a spiraled cone. It feels like ivory, but is far too heavy.
“Is this…?”
“Yes, a horn. They’re fragile creatures, but the weight of caring from one is all too real. Will your unicorn be surrounded by support and love? Is there a healthy family environment for them to come home to?”
Roman realizes that he’s not been on… particularly good terms with his dads. And it’s probably not all their fault. So he volunteers to join a weekend retreat: rafting and camping with the kids. And Dad, and Papa. And Emile
If there’s one thing Roman can say for Emile, it’s that he’s a really great trier. He’s not particularly good at paddling. He volunteers to pitch a tent on his own and…. Well. It got up eventually.
Roman’s helping two of the teens assemble their own tent when Pat calls out to get ready for Truth Circle. The girls snort  under their breath but call back to say they’re coming. 
“What’s truth circle?”
“Ugh, it’s so lame. It’s going around and sharing and they want it to be some deep shit. But I make up something every time and they can’t tell.”
True to her word, the young woman, sitting around the campfire, tells a tearful story of how her mom cut up all her tube tops and she just misses them, so much. A young man says he’s "so tired of assumptions just because i like loud music, and like knives, doesn’t mean i’m gonna attack my English teacher! I like my English teacher." 
To each pronouncement, Pat and Dee nod seriously, occasionally offering "Thank you” and “Good share”
Roman just feels worse and worse, knowing that all of these kids are probably laughing at his dads on the inside, so when they ask if he’d like to share anything…
“I’ve been working really hard lately, trying to improve my life,” he starts, and Pat and Dee are beaming, holding hands. “I really want to make it all worth it, you know? Because growing up, people kept wanting to not play with me, and every birthday I wished for the same thing: someone to love me, unconditionally. And I know I’ve been flighty, and selfish, but I’m finally at a turning point where all my hard work feels worth it. And It’s because I’m finally about to get the one thing I’ve always wanted: a unicorn.”
His dads’ faces drop. “Uh, kiddos, we’re gonna have a quick lil mini family circle over here, okay? Emile, you want to lead some campfire songs?”
Pat is the first to speak. "Ro, I was so happy when you told us you wanted to come, but this is just rude. This weekend is for the kids, why can’t you pretend to take it seriously?”
Dee puts a calming hand on Pat’s shoulder. “Roro, your dad’s right. If you wanted to make jabs at us for not getting you a puppy, you could have done that at home.”
Roman tries to explain. “No, I mean it, I’m working on getting one. I’m making a good home for it and everything. I wouldn’t lie about this!”
“Oh, and you didn’t lie about 'Steve’ eating all the cotton candy all those years?”
“That doesn’t count, I was a child!”
“And yet you’re still acting like one”
Roman is practically crying with frustration. “You know they’re the ones lying, right?” he whisper-screams. “All those kids. Just making up whatever bullshit they think you’ll accept. And I sit here, actually telling the truth, and you don’t believe me!”
Dee sighs. “We know they lie, Ro. Of course they do. Her mom beats her,” he gestures with his head to a girl. “His father passed away suddenly. Xe had a miscarriage. They just got out of an emotionally abusive relationship. They all lie, outrageously, and then suddenly one day they’re telling the truth because they trust that now no one will believe them when they’re actually vulnerable. But we know, and we’re there when they do.”
“Is that the problem?” Pat asks softly. “Were we just bad enough parents that you’re doing the same thing to us?”
“No, of course not!” Roman insists. He’s properly crying now. “I’m trying to tell you…” He trails off, seeing their disbelief. “Fine. I’ll just… go. You guys can adopt Emile instead.”
In the background, Emile pops his head up. “Did someone call me?”
All three shout back, “NO!”
Roman stares at his dads for another moment, helplessly, then stomps off.
He fucked up. Now there won’t be a loving family environment. Now he’ll never get his unicorn.
He gets home and glares at the rainbows and Care Bears and streamers in his room, then starts bagging them up. All of them. All of the old drawings, and paints, and especially the glitter. Plus the hay he’d lovingly dyed rainbow, and the huge amount of carrots.
He throws them all in bags and goes to toss them in the backyard, when he can no longer hold it back and starts to cry. All these hopes he’d been building. All his childhood dreams coming true. All for nothing.
He hides in the grey basement all weekend, staring at the dumb assignment about a dumb vacuum for his dumb job. He was urged to make a pitch for the ad campaign, unless he wants to stay a temp forever. And even if he can’t get his unicorn, he’d like to create something again. But a vacuum? a “mystic” vacuum? What even is that.
On Sunday afternoon, he hears power tools from the backyard, and drags himself outside to tell Virgil he can stop working on the dumb stable now. But Virgil hasn’t just finished the stable. He’s decorated. 
And it is an explosion of color.
“Oh my goodness gracious,” he breathes, looking at all the rainbows painted up and down the walls. Drawings are pasted all around, with strings of tinsel everywhere. “Are these… my drawings?”
“Uh, yeah, you put all the materials out here, isn’t that why?”
“Did I put all these in those bags?”
“Well, no- your dads saw what I was doing and brought out their favorites of your art to add”
“They… like my art? But it’s all the unicorns, I thought…”
He brushes away a tear. His original drawing of Steve is here, a big red heart with a very spiky stick figure. And so is his high school masterpiece, a photorealistic unicorn rearing in the sunset.
Virgil scuffs a sneaker against the ground. Like the stable, he’s a little technicolor, splats of paint on his pants and shoes and face. “Do you like it?”
“Like it?”
“I… you made an art show of me. Of all I’ve done over the years. And you didn’t give up on this ridiculous project. Thank you, Virgil. I love it.” He stares, and suddenly grins. “Hey, any chance there’s some glitter left over? I have an idea.”
He prepares a gorgeous, glitter-filled presentation for the damn vacuum, and even makes it a demonstration of how well it works in one go. It’s the Mystic Vacuum. It’s dreams coming true. It’s an experience. 
But the working world does not care if employees are going through a coming-of-age realization. Cubicles are immune to your thinking-outside-the-box thinking. The 'safe’ presentation of terribly restricted gender norms gets the ad.
He comes home, a little crushed, but Pat’s there waiting for him.
“Papa, I fucked up. Again. I just… really suck at being a grown-up”
“Did you go for it, though? Did you try?”
“Did you care about doing it?”
“Then you’re doing great, kiddo. The most grown-up thing you can do is fail at something you care about.”
Roman sniffs, and hugs Patton tightly. “Thanks, Pop Star”
“Now, do you want to hear what Emile did?”
Roman struggles for a moment. “I’m trying very hard to be grown-up, but I really don’t.”
“No trust me. You do.”
Roman eyes him warily.
"When we were coming back from the campsite, he got tangled up in his own life jacket. And fell into the water because of it.”
“Mmmhmm. And… I may have taken longer than I should have to get him out because I had to not be laughing when I pulled him back into the boat.”
Roman chuckles, then laughs, and Pat’s laughing too.
And suddenly, Roman notices something.
“What are those on the wall? Are those my paintings?”
“Oh those? Yesirree!”
“Did you just put them up?”
“Of course not. They’ve been up since you sent them home in freshman year, sweetie.”
“…you didn’t help Virgil just because you felt bad?”
“Oh honey, no. We’ve always loved your art.” Patton ruffles his hair. “We just want you to be happy.”
Thanks to Pat, Roman shakes off his setback, and when he sees a call from Virgil, he picks up eagerly. They go out for dinner, Roman still in his glitter from the presentation. And it is… wonderful. Virgil is sarcastic and witty, and only ever seems to mock Roman with the same level of skepticism he gives literally everyone else.
Until he finally asks, “So, now that it’s done, when are you getting the pony?That’s the big secret, right, you’re actually buying a pony?" 
And Roman smiles and says, "Almost.”
“You see, I’m getting a unicorn.”
And Virgil stares a moment. Then he cracks a smile. “Cute, I get it. Like the pictures.”
“No, for real!” Roman tells him. “I’ve been working on this so that I can get a unicorn. I mean, I don’t know if I’m back in the running, but I think I fixed the family environment too so, hopefully.”
And now Virgil goes still. He’s concerned. 
“Um. So, where is this unicorn coming from?”
“The Unicorn Store,” Roman responds matter-of-factly.
“Uh-huh,” Virgil nods slowly. “And that’s definitely a real place.”
“Yeah, I’ve been there several times. It’s lovely, and the Salesman is wild.”
Virgil’s eyes are a little bit bugging out of his head now. "The Salesman?”
“Yeah, he gave me the steps I need to get my unicorn. Place to live, nice environment, prove i can support them, you know. Like pet adoption, but better.”
“You gave him your financial information? Ro, I know you’re really excited but… this sounds like a scam.”
“Why does no one believe me? It’s real, I swear. There’s even a hay-staurant.”
“…you say you’ve been there? Can I come see?”
“I don’t see why not”
But when they get there, nothing seems right. The entryway sign is gone. The elevator still moves, but it doesn’t open to a pink hallway. And in the room… the decorations are gone. The Salesman isn’t there. The screen is missing. And Roman… starts to doubt. Virgil isn’t surprised, but he’s worried. Roman looks so heartbroken… did he really believe in this? A grown man, thinking he’d actually get a unicorn?
“Ro, we should go. If you need help making sure that guy hasn’t used your info to, I don’t know, buy random things, withdrawing money… I can help.”
“No,” Roman insists. “No, he’ll be back. I’ll stay.”
“Roman, c'mon, don’t do this…”
“I know what I saw!” he shouts. “It was real!”
“I don’t doubt he did a great job with the showmanship, Ro. I believe you. But he’s clearly gone now, and… it might be time to assume he’s not coming back.”
Roman doesn’t turn, and Virgil sighs. He keeps hoping Roman will relent, but if there’s one thing he’s already learned about this man, it’s that he’s stubborn. So he leaves alone. And Roman waits until he hears the elevator leave to break down.
Virgil, walking out, feels something in his shoe. He checks - it’s hay. Rainbow hay. But he expected that - it was a scam, right? A well-done scam. He walks on.
Roman goes home and finds himself just sitting in the stable, dejectedly. It’s so lovely, and it made him so happy but… He knew he was a daydreamer. Had he really fallen for such a ridiculous thing?
Dee and Pat find him together, and sit with him in the stable. 
“It’s really well built,” Pat comments.
“And your art is lovely,” Dee says, fondly tracing a unicorn horn on the wall.
Roman sniffs. “It’s just a catalog of mania at this point. My slow descent into madness.”
Dee hugs him around the shoulders. “Roberry, you’re not crazy. You have a spark that is just… so unique. No one could hope to match the way you view the world. Hell, even I can’t. Neither can your Papa. But that doesn’t mean you’re wrong. It means we’re just limited.”
“Is this some of that feel-d trip stuff you tell the troubled teens?”
Dee grins. “Nah, they never believe the sappy shit. This is just for you.”
Roman wipes his eyes. “I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment.”
Dee and Pat object in one voice. 
Dee continues, “Hun, you are so loved. By us, by the people who meet you… You’re joy, Roman. You remind people of joy.”
“And that boy seems to really like you, too.”
Roman groans. “He definitely thinks I’m crazy.”
“Give him a chance, okay?” Pat asks, patting Roman’s shoulder. “He might surprise you.”
“He built this, didn’t he?” Dee asks, gesturing around. “He’s gotta like you at least a little.”
The next day, Roman goes back to the hardware store, looking for him. He searches every department, and all the back rooms he can sneak into, but nothing. No Virgil. He ends up sitting in the backyard, glaring at the stable, but still… hoping.
He’s interrupted one day by a very tentative knock on the back gate. And Virgil comes out, looking sheepish. 
“Hey, sorry, I didn’t mean to disappear…”
“I was looking for you at the hardware store?”
“I got transferred, actually. Turns out having a full construction project to my name means your boy got promoted. I’m… sorry, about the store. I shouldn’t have left you so abruptly.”
“It’s okay. And congrats.”
Virgil sits in the stable next to Roman, and smiles when Roman leans over on his shoulder.
He’s about to suggest they get coffee when Roman’s phone starts ringing.
“Congratulations, Roman! He’s arrived!”
“Who is this? Who’s arrived?”
“The Salesman, of course. And your unicorn. He is here in the store, waiting for you.”
Virgil stares at the phone. “That’s him?” he mutters. “Here, if he’s a scammer, let me talk to him, okay?”
“I… you’re sure? He’s there?” Roman asks. His heart is in his throat. What if it really all had been true? What if Virgil scares him away? “I came by, and you were gone…”
“We don’t set up the full store for just anyone, Roman. It’s not for him. It’s just for you. But you need to let me know if you’re serious about this unicorn. If you don’t want him, there’s a woman who’s qualified who needs him just as much.”
“I’m coming!” Roman interjects. “Don’t give him away, please! I’ll be there as soon as I can!”
He jumps up and is practically sprinting to the car, Virgil barely able to keep up. 
“Roman, can I at least come with?”
“Yes, sure, just don’t tell me not to go,” Roman says, practically vibrating with excitement.
The decorations aren’t fully back, but the sign outside is, at least. They descend through the elevator, and this time… the hall isn’t empty.
“Ah, Roman! You made it! And I see you brought… a companion,” the Salesman says, eyeing Virgil suspiciously. “He will, of course, have to stay out here while you meet him.”
“He’s really here?” Roman asks breathlessly. “My…?”
“Your unicorn, yes. I called you to say so, did I not? He’s right through those doors.”
“And I can meet him?”
“Yes, of course. You don’t have to take him home - as I said, another woman also needs him if you don’t want to anymore”
Virgil outright staring at the Salesman’s outfit. It’s blue today, all satin and rhinestones and tinsel. But still with a nicely-tied tie. The Salesman looks back, and adjusts his glasses. “Salutations.”
Roman approaches the doorway slowly, and eases it open. Rainbows spill out as he walks in, letting the door close behind him.
He is…. beautiful.
He’s there, in real life. A huge, graceful horse with a pearl horn and a shimmery mane. He wickers at Roman’s approach.
“Hi,” Roman breathes. “You’re… oh my god, you’re here. It’s Mr. Unicorn, right? Do you care?”
The creature nods.
Roman feels tears rolling down his cheeks as he reaches out a gentle hand to caress the beautiful thing’s nose.
“I’ve waited for you for so long. I wished for you every birthday. I would close my eyes and think 'send me someone to love me, unconditionally, for me.’" He smiles wetly. "I called you Steve.”
“And I…  I worried so badly that you weren’t real, because I needed you to be real. I needed you to really, really love me. But…” Roman looks into a pair of soft brown eyes, huge and understanding. They feel… familiar. 
“But I can’t bring you home with me. Because there’s a woman out there who needs you more than I do. And you are going to love her, okay? You’re going to love her and support her, and never judge her dreams. You’re going to make sure she knows you love her. And… and you make sure she never feels alone, okay?”
The unicorn nods, and nuzzles Roman’s chest. He wipes his eyes. “I’m going to hug you now, is that okay?” Another nod.
Roman throws his arms around the equine neck, breathing in the strange mix of lavender and sugar and sunlight that is the unicorn’s scent. A hair from the mane gets stuck to him, and easily breaks off. He tries to give it back, but the unicorn shakes his head. A memento. Just for him.
He turns to go, and sees the Salesman has entered, and brought Virgil with him. Virgil is staring, open-mouthed.
“Mr. The Salesman- I can’t take him. Please give him to the woman you mentioned, okay? She earned it, right?”
“She did. And since you no longer are a client, you can just call me Logan.”
Roman wipes his eyes, but holds tight to the single hair. “As long as he’s happy.”
“Will you be?” Logan asks. His face doesn’t betray any emotion.
Roman walks to Virgil’s side, and takes his hand. “Yeah, I think I will.”
taglist:  @residentanchor @royally-anxious @bewarethegrammarpolice  @jemthebookworm @arandompasserby  @sparkly-rainbow-salt @astral-eclipse​ @thelowlysatsuma @adorably-angsty @max-is-tired @almostoveranalyzed
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