#but I won't be engaging with anyone who is trying to change my mind
backslashdelta · 2 years
Hi! Could you explain your thoughts more on Klaine, I believe you said they’re (your thoughts) are complicated?
Hey anon! I’ll be honest, I don’t want to get too into the specifics, but I can explain my feelings a bit broadly, and hopefully this will answer your question.
I want to start off by saying that Klaine is a very well-developed relationship, especially for Glee, so there is a lot to consider there. I really like their story, I think they’re both interesting as individual characters, and their relationship with each other is also interesting. They’re in my top 3 ships, I’ve written fic and made gifsets about them, I just generally have a lot of love for them.
All that being said, because they have so much development and screen time, that also leaves more opportunities to find problems with their individual characters and their relationship. And I think we all know that the writing on Glee wasn’t always the best, so there were issues there, but there were also issues between Kurt and Blaine just by virtue of them being human and having flaws and those flaws sometimes clashing. That actually makes them more interesting to me, because complex and nuanced characters and relationships just give you so much more to think about, so I’m certainly not saying that I wanted their relationship to be picture perfect, nor am I saying that any relationship should be picture perfect, because everybody is going to have issues sometimes.
However. With Klaine in particular, I personally think that they were different enough to be ultimately incompatible – or at least, not compatible enough to make it worth being with each other. I think the effort they would need to put in to make their relationship work isn’t worth what they’d get out of it after all that time, they would spend most of their time being unhappy, and I don’t think they should have been endgame. And to be clear I think that this is on both sides; it’s no secret that Kurt is my favourite, but I’m not trying to put all the blame on Blaine here, I think there are reasons on both sides that make it ultimately not the best relationship for either of them.
Now, obviously canon disagrees with me, because they got therapy and they grew and learned to be happy together and got married and were having a child together five years later. They love each other and that is, canonically, enough for them to be able to make it work and it’s worth it. I’m not really interested in that argument because this isn’t about what is or isn’t canon, this is about my personal interpretation of and feelings about what’s presented on screen. I’m not here to tell people they’re wrong for thinking Klaine are meant for each other or anything, and like I said earlier, I love the ship, I’m a content creator and Klaine is the focus of a lot of the things I’ve made, so I’m not trying to say they’re a terrible ship. I just have complicated feelings about them because of how much screen time they have and what was shown to us of their relationship, and that’s not something that really becomes and issue for any of my other main ships since they aren’t canon and don’t have anywhere near the amount of screen time.
Another thing I suppose is that in general I’m not a huge fan of the “high school sweethearts” trope. I find it unrealistic. Obviously it does happen sometimes in real life, but I just think it would have been a more interesting story (to me personally, not necessarily objectively) for them to be each others’ first in so many ways, but then as they grow up they aren’t a good match anymore, and they move on to new people who are a good match. But at the same time, I also recognize that this is not real life, it is a television show, and sometimes you want to keep your characters together and have a happy ending, or you just plain don’t want to bring in new characters for something like that, or whatever other million reasons they could have for ending it the way they did. So, again, I’m not trying to tell anybody that I’m correct, it’s just how I personally feel about it.
I just have really strong, really conflicting feelings about them, and if I started getting into all of the details I would never post this answer, and even if I did I’d probably get hate for it and I don’t really want to deal with that. It’s actually the reason I got into fandom; I finished watching Glee, and I was so pissed off about Klaine that I started reading Klaine fanfiction to try to fix the issues that I had with them. And of course that led me to the larger fandom community, and I started writing, and well, here we are. So, maybe that will give you a hint as to just how strong those complicated feelings I have are!
#hiding the rest under a cut because I want to draw as little attention as possible lol#this really is just personal opinion I'm not trying to convince anyone they're wrong I'm just sharing my thoughts because I was asked#and so I'd like to ask that nobody tries to convince ME that I'M wrong either please#this is fiction and we are all entitled to our own interpretations and this is mine#the way I interpret this show brings me a lot of joy and that matters to me more than interpreting it the 'right' way#especially since there is no one true 'right' interpretation#anyway I guess I should tag this#it's not really anti but I would like to be safe so:#anti klaine#normally I would tag something like this with the characters but I don't really want it showing up in either of the tags#and it's not anti either of them it's just saying I don't think they should be together so I don't think it warrants anti character tags#so I guess I'll just not use any character tags. please let me know if you think I should for filtering purposes#glee#ask#mine#anonymous#my opinions#also I turned anons off again because I don't want to deal with potential hate for this even though I think I'm being pretty reasonable#if you genuinely want to have a discussion in good faith you can send me a non-anonymous ask#but I won't be engaging with anyone who is trying to change my mind#simply because I participate in fandom because it brings me joy and that conversation would not#this is a lot of disclaimers I'm sorry#but also when I originally started drafting this answer I had two paragraphs straight of just disclaimers so. I think I did pretty well
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bohbee · 1 year
Dateables reacting to MC getting hit!
Warnings: Strangulation, Hitting, Death, Implied Torture?, Bruising, Blood, Stitching
Notes: This is iffy but yeah, this won't be getting proofread.
Part 1
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Clicking of silverware, sipping of drinks, and soft chatter could be heard in the Palaces dining room. It was a feast to celebrate the engagement of The Lord Diavolo. Many nobles came to share their congrats, there was at least 30 figures at the elongated dining table. The night was coming to an end, and people started going back to their residences, leaving only a few others in the Palace.
"Excuse me," a voice behind you said, you turn your head softly to see an elegant looking male. He slightly bowed down "If you don't mind, could I talk to you in private? I wish to share my congrats." He asked, seeing nothing wrong with it you excused yourself and lead the male to an empty hallway.
His blue eyes peered into yours, his demeanor completely changing. "Y'know, Lord Dia and I were very close in the past." He said, you irked a little at the nickname, but let it slide. His face was painted with a scowl, "Very close, might I add." You furrowed your eyebrows in a confused manor, Diavolo never mentioned dating anyone before. The male walked closely to your body, "That was until a little human showed up. Stealing my spotlight, taking the gift of eternity. Which was supposed to be MY gift."
You stood your ground, heavily irritated by the male who was claiming that he was born to be in your place. "You don't get to choose what he wants." You said, trying to keep back your snarky remarks. His palm met with your face, causing you to stumble backward. "HES MINE!" He yelled before pouncing on you, his hands on your throat constricting your airway. He didn't get far before being tossed aside by the now smiling butler.
"It would be in your best interest to not lay your hands on the Lords significant other." Barbatos said as he slowly walked over to you, carefully assessing your injuries. The male got up to dash out of the palace only to slam into your Fiancés chest. Diavolos' golden eyes were filled with rage when he saw your body on the ground. He quickly grabbed the pleading male, "You will suffer the consequences of your actions." He muttered darkly. He motioned Barbatos to take him away.
Once Barb pulled him to the basement, Diavolo rushed to your side. His eyebrows furrowed as his irises held pain and sorrow. "I am deeply sorry, my love." You shook your head with a small smile, his hands slid under your body, lifting you up bridal style. "No need to apologize for the actions of someone else." You kissed his cheek softly and moved your head to the crook of his neck.
The two of you sat in his room for the rest of the night, talking and laughing away. You invited Barb to join the two of you while playing some games, leading you guys to have a very fun game night.
(Bonus: Lucifer answered the call from the royal butler, excusing himself from the dining table with his brothers. His eyes widened, "Excuse me?" His tone was cold. "I will be there immediately." After hanging up the DDD, he brought himself to the dining table, "I will be going to the Palace. There was an assassination attempt on MC. Please stay here for their safety." The brothers stared in awe but nodded. The poor dude was obliterated to say the least.)
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You ran to the palace, tears streaming down your stinging face as the rain drenched your body. Soft sobs emitted from your throat. You knocked on the palace doors in urgency. No one was chasing you anymore, but it was still frightening. The door opened, and your boyfriend stood at the door, his usual calm eyes now filled with worry. He ushered you in, pulling you to the infirmary.
He sat you down on the chair and grabbed some medical supplies, "What happened." He said calmly, though his voice held true rage. "Some lowerclass demons..." You choked out a sob, your boyfriend walked over and started to softly clean the gash on your eyebrow. "Go on, dear. It's okay. I am here. There's no need to be frightened anymore." His voice was sincere as he deeply gazed in your eyes, waiting for you to tell him what caused your injuries. "I don't know what caused it, I got a high score on the exams, they got pissed?" You winced softly at the small stitch on your face, a sorry emitted from his lips.
"I understand. This will not happen again. I will have to report this to the Lord. Would you be comfortable joining me, my love?" You softly shook your head against the idea. "That is perfectly fine. Go ahead to my room and change, I'll be there soon."
After a while, your favorite butler came back with a tray of your favorite foods, "You didn't have to do all of this, Barb." You muttered with a soft smile. He only shook his head. "I would do anything to ensure that my doll is happy."
You spent the night in his arms, both of you sleeping peacefully. He finally has found his time stopper.
(Bonus: Diavolo nodded at the words that his butler said. "Go ahead and be with them. They need you more than me. I will be holding a halt on the school until we find the suspects." Barbatos nodded at the Lords words, thanking him before leaving. The next week, school was out for an unexpected break, and when it came back, four students were never to be found again.)
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You stood shocked at the pain on your left cheek, Simeon stood in front of you, his angelic form out in a protective manor. Scaring off the offensive demon, Simeon quickly went to his normal form and turned to you. "MC?" He said softly, not trying to startle you. His soft gloved hand grabbed yours, you looked into his beautiful eyes with admiration. "How are you fee-" his attempt to ask you how you were doing was interrupted. "You're beautiful." You blurted out at him, his eyes widened at the compliment. "My sun, thank you for the compliment, but that is by no means what we should be focusing on."
He softly dragged you to Purgatory Hall. Luckily, everyone was out and about. Letting the two of you have some alone time, it was silent, the rooms air was thick. "Simeon, what's going on?" You whined out, trying to grasp him from his thoughts. He let out a sigh before looking back at your face, frowning at the small bruise. "Dear, I couldn't protect you from being hit. I am supposed to be your guardian angel, yet I couldn't save you...." His fingers slightly traced your bruise before he pressed his lips on the injury. The dark mark on your face immediately started to heal at his delicate lips.
"Sim look at me." You said softly, his blue irises looked into your eyes. "You just healed me with a kiss. You didn't know that was going to happen. You're still my guardian angel, but most importantly, you're my boyfriend." You smiled softly, hugging his chest. "Plus.... your wings literally lit up half the fucking area." You giggled softly, his lips went into an endearing smile. "You truly find it that beautiful?" He asked you, and you quickly nodded your head. "Well, it's all yours."
(Bonus: the rest of the Purgatory Hall made it back, shocked to see Simeons wings. All of them other than Raphael gasped. "What's the occasion?!" Solomon asked, Luke nodded quickly, doing cute jumps. "Ah, there was an incident. They saw my form and loved it." Simeon said softly, laughing at Luke's reactions. "What incident?! A pesky demon, I bet!" The kid said, causing you to nod. "Yeah, he hit m-" your mouth was covered by your boyfriends hands. You peered up to the other three, Luke had an out of character dark aura, Solomon had a torture book floating around him, and Raphaels spears were out. Shit.)
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His eyes locked onto your unconscious body, he looked up only to find one of the demons he has a pact with. "Uh,- Sir it was just-" the demon was thrown to the ground immediately "silence." Solomon's voice said, deep and scarily, using the pact to his advantage, people gathered around. "So I assume you don't know who they are, hm?" He said with an amusing tune, his brown eyes piercing into the demon's eyes. The demon shook his head vigorously "Well. Too bad."
The air around the sorcerer got thick, his eyes glowing with magic. "Let this be a message to everyone, Never. Ever. Lay your grotesque hands on, my spouse."
The demon was quickly eliminated, Solomon lifted your limp body and ran to Purgatory Hall, once he made it inside he quickly placed some healing spells on your body. The large bruise on your face shrunk, and he furrowed his eyebrows softly, kissing the now small bruise. "I will never let anyone lay their hands on you again.... sleep well, my beloved."
When you woke up his eyes shot towards yours, "Hey hey, how are you feeling?" His hand grabbed yours, "I'm alright, uh.. what happened?" You asked with a groan, causing him to have a small smile, "Don't worry about it okay? It's all taken care of now." His thumb ran across your knuckles, "Come on Luke was worried sick."
(Bonus: when you walked out of Solomons's room, the sweet smell of the living room filled your nostrils. Hundreds of baked goods filled the space. "MC!" The blonde angel yelled, before launching himself into your arms, "You're alive... grr I swear I'll.... I'll get those demons to pay!" He said, he let out a soft sigh before grabbing a plate. "I uh.... stressed bake I made you your favorite......*)
:) what's your favorite dessert? I like plain cheesecake
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qqueenofhades · 3 months
what's been particularly vile to me is this group of white online leftists who insist that anyone who cares about more than this one issue for the election is a bad person, like, as if us black and brown people are making up reasons to be afraid and not.....believing the gop when they say they are coming for us. believing trump who has said previously that he does not bluff, that he will do the things he's said he will do (i hate what social media has gone to the word gaslighting but it feels like gaslighting. we lived through four years of trump. we saw the damage. stop treating us like we're being dramatic). it must be great to not have to worry about that i guess? "life won't change under trump" is such a telling admission because maybe theirs won't but mine will. and so many others' will.
and it is often again these (white) online leftists that love to call anyone who disagrees with them a white liberal (derogatory) because they know it would be racist (bad) to be this shitty and condescending to poc but they don't want to actually listen to anything black and brown voters are saying. it's easier to just call us white liberals and throw our opinions out, to ignore the work of black people for decades to gain the right to vote, to disregard the weight of telling them to not do that. it's genuinely appalling. they care so much about racism until it's time to engage with poc who have different opinions than their online echo chambers, then we're just stupid liberals with terrible opinions like..... wanting to live. not wanting four more years of trump. so sorry for that.
sorry for this vent in your inbox, i'm just so fucking tired of white people trying to rewrite history as if trump wasn't that bad. he was for my family and countless others and i am terrified for what's to come if he wins.
The thing about (the often-white) Online Leftists is that they have become just as much as a radicalized death cult as the diehard Trumpists. If you don't want to die for The Revolution and/or sacrifice your life, friends, family, the rest of the country, etc., then you're Insufficiently Pure and must be Purged. (Which I think is just complete BS, as none of them could actually handle sacrificing anything, but it's increasingly the only kind of performative rhetoric that is acceptable in leftist-identified discourse spaces.) This is functionally identical to "if you aren't willing to lay down your life for our Lord and Savior Donald Trump and the Great White Christian Nationalist Dictatorship, you're a liberal cuck," but with the names and justification changed. It doesn't change the underlying radicalization, nihilism, and insanity of the premise.
Another thing the Trumpists and the Online Leftists have in common is that they are busily rewriting just how bad Trump was in order to serve their Ideology. Ever since January 6, 2021, the Republicans have thrown everything they have at revising and whitewashing any suggestion that it was an "insurrection," and the Online Leftists have done the same, in an attempt to "prove" their insane point that Trump "would be better" than Biden. This is embodied in the recent ultimate-brainworm-nonsense maximalist-online take that "Biden has to lose so the rest of the world will see that the US rejects genocide!!!" That's right, the message that the rest of the world would take from Biden losing to Trump is that the US rejects genocide. Never mind if Trump literally wants to commit all the genocide possible and to install himself as a fascist theocratic dictator. In the deeply twisted minds of the Online Leftists, this is the only possible interpretation of Biden's loss, so they'll push for it as hard as they can! The Trumpists and the Online Leftists, at this point, are working pretty much in concert to damage Biden for similar insane reasons and get Trump elected. Etc etc., one Nazi and ten people at the same table is eleven Nazis.
Like. Sure. Four years ago, when Trump was president and people were dying by the thousands because he didn't want to wear a mask because it smeared his bronzer, just to name literally one of the terrible things he did every single day (and not even mentioning how much worse a second term would be) we were absolutely better off. Super-duper great. (Sarcasm.) Either that or "there is suffering and evil in the world and the only solution is to drastically increase the suffering and evil for everyone and to destroy what progress we have managed to make because It Does Not Fix Everything Now" is an absolute moral imperative, and either way, yeah. I'm calling bullshit.
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morallyinept · 5 months
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I've seen a number of posts from people in the fandom lately saying they wish they were able to make friends, or they're not sure where to start in making friends...
Some are scared or anxious to reach out and others are overwhelmed simply by how many of us there are in this fandom.
And it gave me an idea! 💡
So, here's my thinking...
If you're someone who is struggling to make friends, or wants to reach out, but isn't sure how or where to start, Marcus and I are here to help, aren't we, Marcus?
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Excellent! Knew you were the man for this! 🙌🏻
So, what I'm proposing is that anyone - and it can be anyone, writer, reader, artist, silent lurker - who wants to make friends with someone, either comments on, or reblogs this post.
If you only like this post, I won't count it as your confirmation to participate. You can leave something simple like an emoji if you'd prefer not to write a full comment, but I need to know you're genuinely interested, and a like doesn't really tell me that...
Then, I shall collate all of the user names and match you with someone to talk to. A bit like pick n' mix, they'll be something for everyone! Or speed dating...
And we're not talking numbers here, you can have hundreds, thousands of followers and still feel lonely. So no matter how big or small your blog is, or what you contribute to the fandom, you're welcome to participate.
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Don't worry, Marcus and I will look after you. 😊
I'll then post the pairings so you know who your match is! Then, you guys can reach out and talk to one another and hopefully start a friendship over something you have in common. I mean, we all have Pedro in common, so this would be a great place to start, right?
If you're someone who is keen to make new friends with other like minded people, don't be afraid to reblog or comment on this post. Then in about a week's time, I'll post the pairings.
☝🏻I'll try to match you with someone who shares similarities based on your profiles too, so please ensure you have your age listed at least.
And please be willing to engage with your pairing. This will only work if you open yourself up to talking to someone new. It's a new year, let's start with a new friend! 🥰
And if you could share this and signal boost, I would be incredibly grateful! 😘
Let's create some great friendships!
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☝🏻I understand if you'd rather not participate, it can be scary putting yourself out there. You can always DM me if you have any concerns, or if you have changed your mind about participating later. You're safe here. 🖤
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acewritesfics · 5 months
Pretty Blue Eyes | Jay Halstead
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Request: From anon
Fic Type: imagine
Warnings: Fluff. Arguing. Formally titled those pretty blue eyes.
Word Count: 1,148
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A loud knock at her apartment door interrupts Y/N from the movie she's just begun watching. Sighing, she sets the freshly popped popcorn on the coffee table and walks towards the door, wrapping her cardigan tightly around herself. When she opens the door, she is surprised to see Jay standing there, an angry expression on his face. He storms into her flat before she can say anything. 
She shuts the door as she turns around to follow him inside her small living area, confused and worried for her partner. 
He was in a good mood when she left the district earlier this evening, laughing and joking with her. She can't think of anything that would have made him angry in the time between then and now. He told her that he was going home to do nothing for the rest of the night. 
"Is everything okay?" She speaks up softly, unsure of where his head's at right now. 
"No, it isn't," his voice is filled with resentment and anger as he glares at her. She never imagined she'd be the one to face his unsettling glare he one gives suspects when he isn't taking any of their crap. 
When he reveals what he's angry about, she is overcome with guilt. "Voight just informed me that you've asked to be transferred to the homicide unit at district 27." 
'Shit,' is the first thing that comes to her mind. She wasn't sure how she was going to tell him that she had requested the transfer, but she didn't expect him to find out through Hank, who was refusing to sign the paperwork. S Shaking her head and lifting her palm to her face, she massages her temples, feeling her own anger at her boss. She should have anticipated him to going to Jay to persuade her to stay with intelligence. 
"Were you planning on telling me before you left?" His irritation was still evident in his voice.  
"Of course, I was," she tells him, her voice raising slightly. "Hank is refusing to sign the papers, so I don't know what's going to happen." 
"He doesn't want you to leave, and I don't want you to leave either," he confesses, his voice also rising. 
"Well, I have to," she frowns, her arms folded across her chest as if attempting to create a barrier between them, knowing he won't stop there. 
"Did I do something to make you no longer want to work with me?" 
"Of course not," she says, shaking her head. "You're the best partner I've ever had, and I trust you more than anyone. You've always had my back; you're honest, entertaining, and loyal. Even when you're being a pain in the ass with your Halstead sass." 
"So, what's the problem?" He shouts in frustration, his eyes still filled with anger and confusion. 
"The problem is…" she stops to take a long breath in and out, trying not to become overly emotional. "No one else can make me feel the way you do, and I hate that." 
Jay's stare changes to a shocked expression in an instant, his blue eyes wide and his mouth slightly ajar as his body is frozen in place. When he does not respond, she continues talking. 
"I hate it because I had one rule: never fall in love with someone I work with, especially my partner," she reveals. 
Everyone was aware of her 'no dating in the workplace' rule and where it stemmed from. Fresh out of the academy she'd been paired up with a cop who had left the academy two years before her. She'd fallen hard and fast for the guy only to find out he was engaged to a civilian. She broke it off as soon as she found out, but it was messy, and she ended up transferring to district 21. It took her three years to move up to intelligence where she was partnered up with Jay.  
The day that she met him, she knew she was screwed. After a week of working with Jay, she asked Hank, who she'd known since she was a kid since he worked with her father, if she could be partnered with someone else. Hank refused, having seen how well the two work together.  
Y/N tried her hardest to put distance between her and Jay but as they got to know each other on a personal level as well as a professional level, she knew she couldn't stop it from happening and all she could do was try and deny it. It seemed to be working out for her until Jay got shot multiple times in a shootout with a drug cartel two months ago. He almost lost his life, and it terrified her. Knowing she couldn't be with him, because she thinks he doesn't feel the same and even if he did there was Hank's dislike for in-house romances, she thought her only option to move past these feelings would be to transfer out and put actual distance between them. 
"You came along and drew me in with those pretty blue eyes and that smug little smirk," she laments, her arms at her sides. "And then I got to know you and worked with you, and you were so frustrating but also so kind, protective, and caring. "I was in love with you before I realized it, no matter how hard I tried not to be." 
Jay wraps one arm around her waist and the other on her face. His soft pink lips crash into hers in a passionate kiss as he pulls her body up against him. As she leans into the kiss, Y/N's eyelids close and her arms go over his shoulders as she gives into the feelings, she's tried so hard to deny. 
When the kiss is over, they are both out of breath. He kisses her on the forehead, leaving his lips to linger there for a moment.  "Don't go through with the transfer." 
"I have to," she sighs, smoothing his coat and concentrating on that so she doesn't immerse herself in those blue eyes she adores. "You know Hank dislikes workplace romances." 
"As I said before, Hank doesn't want you to go," he reminds her. 
"When he finds out about this, he could change his mind." 
"I doubt it," he says, taking a step back to look at her. 
"What are we going to do?" She wonders aloud, a little unsure. 
"Talk to Voight, keep it professional at work, and take it one day at a time," he says, as if he's given it much consideration. "But right now, I'm going to tell you that I love you and kiss you again," he adds, dipping his head to the side as he leans in. 
"I love you, too," she murmurs as their lips meet again in a kiss, this time softer and more tender than the first. 
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TAGGED: TAGGED: @mrspeacem1nusone - @halsteadbrasil - @allisonargent144 - @rainydayteacups - @alexxavicry
To join my tag list, fill out this form: TAG LIST SIGN-UP
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decolonize-the-left · 7 months
Real talk
You know it's funny, the way liberals sound saying "if you don't vote blue then you're allowing project2025 and fascism" sounds just like an abuser saying "it's not My fault I'm hurting you, you're the one who didn't wanna talk to me"
Like actually you could just vote 3rd party. That's an option. Like 63% of Americans would. Most. The majority would.
In fact!
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You know what this means?
It means now is the time if you've wanted a 3rd party president. Those are good polls for this early in the campaigns. 20% is a lot of votes.
For perspective: 33% would be the even divide between 3 parties.
Which means the only people in the way...are in fact Democrats. The singular people unwilling to sway from their shitty party.
The rest of us are fed up and are just waiting for an actually good candidate
"if it had votes" they say, holding the votes hostage. Not even all Democrats would have to vote 3rd party if RFK is gonna split republican votes too 👀 just the progressive Dems probably
Like nobody even WANTS Joe. People say it, social media says it, polls say it.
Why are y'all arguing if you meant it when you said "if third parties had more support, I would"
Now is objectively the best time to try risking it.
And before y'all something: Bernie started out by having events in peoples backyards.
You know who made him big? Fill stadiums?
Progressives. Leftists. Socialists.
So don't tell me that we can't do it or there's no chance of it's unrealistic when it's already been done before.
The only reason he lost is because Democrats scared voters with threats of fascism to settle for a conservative democrat. Cuz they said she had the "best" shot of fighting trump.
And you know what happened? She lost. And she wasn't even commiting an active genocide.
But you think that people will stay loyal to the party of the guy currently being referred to as Genocide Joe and Genocidin' Biden?
And Democrats (before at least) agreed on Hilary- progressives wanted Bernie but Dems wanted Hilary, you know? But even those people are now swearing they're never voting for Joe specifically, that they don't know Who to vote for but it ain't blue.
....and I see y'all still trying to push the same tactics and rhetorics expecting it to work the way it has before and no. Y'all can learn right alongside Israel that you're gonna have to step your propaganda game up for that. Cuz we aren't buying it. I'm even making this post half out of posterity to say someone called y'all out.
Wake the fuck up.
Anyone further right than Bernie Sanders does not stand a fucking chance; has no business running. This is me telling you, telling any dem listening.
Just like we meant it when we said we'd rather Not Vote than vote Hillary, I mean I'd rather not vote than vote Biden.
Please don't take this as an invitation to harass me or change my mind. You won't. You wont gaslight me into consenting to genocide. You aren't going to change a LOT of minds. People have watched that genocide play out on our phones for a month. Some of us have fundamentally changed as people and renewed our values and humanity.
And humanity is more important than comfort. Than Democrats.
And this year that won't be something we compromise.
Listen to yourselves ask us otherwise, do you hear yourself? And each time you ask, understand our resolve is stronger because it shows how little you care for human lives.
Understand that's why you'll lose the vote and election. Not because anyone split the vote by exercising their right to vote in a democracy, but because your party is undeniably supporting genocide and it disgusts us to even think about supporting that same party.
For those undecided:
Learn about Claudia de La Cruz. She supports Palestine and her party has organized events for BLM, for Palestine, against ICE, etc. They're politically active, aware, engaged, and on the ground. Most importantly, they have not ever funded or committed genocide. As far as I know they also actively challenge bigotry of all kinds meaning they also fight for women's rights, queer rights, and civil rights.
I think if we rallied behind her like we did with Bernie this would be a piece of cake for her to win. She just needs the voices of support online to get the ball rolling.
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kookie-doughs · 7 months
Daddy Cupid: The Fake Boyfriend
Modern!Smoker X Reader
-When your father grows weary of your single life, he takes it upon himself to play matchmaker. With him knowing the entire city, he embarks on a mission to find you the perfect match.
Chapter 1: Please please pleaseeeeee
"So you ruined your date?"
"He didn't show up! This isn't fair! It's not my fault he stood me up. I'm not going on another date," you retorted with a glare.
Your dad, instead of showing his usual worry, wore a sly smirk. "Don't worry, you won't have to go on any more dates."
You frowned, "Really? That fast?"
He smiled mischievously, "I mean you're going to get engaged. You don't have to go through those dates anymore, right?"
You blinked, taken aback, "Wait what who huh????"
"Engaged. You're going to get engaged to someone I chose for you. I was approached by a friend, Linlin. She said she wanted to marry off her son."
Your dad's words left you stunned, and your mind raced with a million questions about what he had in mind.
You shook your head vehemently, still processing the information. "I'm not getting engaged to a complete stranger. This is ridiculous."
Your dad remained unfazed, "Well, you will be if you stay single. Linlin got a lot of proposal offers, and I've already submitted your name. She's going through the list, and you'll have to respond in a week or two."
Your frustration was apparent as you retorted, "I'm not even a prime candidate? No, thank you, I'm not going to get engaged like this."
With a knowing look, your father suggested, "Maybe if you go on some dates, you'll find somebody before Big Mom announces you as her next daughter-in-law."
You could hardly contain your anger, "You are a despicable old man."
He chuckled, "Well, it better be a great man then!"
You felt utterly defeated after your conversation with your father, and the thought of returning home was too daunting. You decided to contact Buggy, asking him to meet you at Smoker's place instead.
Fortunately, Buggy was nearby and arrived at Smoker's apartment before you did. You both let yourselves in, even though Smoker was not at home at the moment. The familiar surroundings of his place offered some solace. You immediately began sharing the events of earlier to him.
Buggy was clearly shocked by your revelation. "No fucking way," he gasped in response.
You respond, exclaiming, "Yes fucking way. I'm going to... AHHHHHHH! WHAT AM I GONNA DO, BUG?! I DON'T WANNA GET ENGAGED! ESPECIALLY NOT TO A CHARLOTTE, HOLY SHIT!"
You paced around Smoker's living room, anxiety coursing through you.
Buggy brainstormed possible solutions. "Is there like a way to change this? Maybe tell Big Mom you don't wanna get married?"
"We both know Linlin doesn't care about us. And Dad said if I meet someone, he'll cancel the engagement..."
"So, you have to date someone?"
"Yeah, in a week! I'm not gonna find a guy I can date in a week, Bug, I'm over! I'm gonna be a wife! I'm gonna be Charlotte Y/N!!" You could feel the panic in your voice as the reality of your situation sunk in.
Buggy then smirks and interrupts you, saying, "You don't have to date date someone."
You were taken aback. "What? Yes, I do, Dad would—"
"No, listen to me," Buggy said, trying to explain his plan. "You can fake date."
"Fake date? Buggy, if you're gonna try fooling my dad—"
"OKAY! So you can fake date. Find someone who'll pretend to be your boyfriend."
"My dad isn't dumb. He's going to know... especially if it only took me a week to find a boyfriend. Crocodile and I took 5 months before we put labels," you grumble.
"What about me? I'll pretend. We've known each other for a while, Rayleigh would let it slide."
"No, you suck at acting. You can't tell a lie for shit, Buggy. You'll end up pissing yourself in front of my dad," you grumble.
"What about Shanks?"
"He's a whore. He wouldn't be allowed to date anyone for a while, I can't do that to him."
Buggy leaned back in his chair, looking thoughtful. "Alright. So, no to me and Shanks, but we need to find someone who can convince your dad without raising suspicion. A good actor."
You both pondered for a moment. Your mind raced through the list of potential candidates.
As Smoker entered the room, your very serious discussion came to an abrupt halt. You and Buggy exchanged knowing smirks, and he gave a subtle nod.
"What the hell are you both doing here?"
You sauntered over to Smoker with a teasing smile and casually rested your arm on his shoulder, batting your eyelashes at him.
"Smokey, would you like to be my boyfriend?"
His response was short and simple. "No."
Undeterred by Smoker's initial refusal, you continued with your playful insistence, pouting and using your best puppy-dog eyes.
"Smookeyyyy, pleeeease! Pretty please with a cherry on top!"
You clung to his arm, swaying gently and wearing a playful smile.
"Why would I date you?" Smoker questioned.
"Because you love me, and I'm pretty?" You responded with a hint of mischief in your voice, flashing him your softest smile.
He grumbled, pushing you away as he crashed on the couch next to Buggy.
"Tell me what's happening," he sighed.
You and Buggy began retelling the events, explaining the impending arranged marriage and the need for a fake boyfriend to ward it off. Smoker listened, his usual gruff expression softening as he comprehended the situation.
"You're worried about Shanks' love life but not mine?"
"Well, you don't have one. So, pretty pleaseeee, just a few months." You grinned.
"Wait, how long is a few months?"
"About 5 to 6 months!"
"Isn't that like half a year?" Buggy blinked. "Why do you need it that long?"
"We can shorten it if needed, but that's the maximum duration we'll pretend to date. It depends on how long it takes to deceive my dad..."
Smoker raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "And what's in it for me?"
You grinned mischievously. "I'll owe you one, Smokey. Whatever you want, within reason, once this is all over."
Buggy chimed in. "And I'll make sure you don't have to pay for any alcohol during the entire time you're 'dating' my dear friend here."
Smoker sighed, rubbing his temples. "You're both a pain in the ass. Fine, but the moment this is over, I don't want to hear a word about this ever again."
You cheered and hugged Smoker, who grunted in response. It seemed like your plan was coming together, though you couldn't help but wonder how well it would work out.
"I'll be in your care, darling~" You cooed.
"I'm already about to break up with you." He hissed.
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twig-tea · 7 months
Liminality in Last Twilight
Here are the two main definitions of liminal:
of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold [or limen]: barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response
of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition : IN-BETWEEN, TRANSITIONAL
(the above phrasing from mirriam-webster).
Hopefully y'all are already picking up what I'm putting down; this show is all about that liminal space both these characters are in when they meet, and the limen of Day's vision is a major moment already highlighted in the trailers. I thought it would be useful to track those moments of liminality and see if they have significance/if this lens adds to my understanding of the show. After EP 1, I'm pretty confident this is intentional and adding value to at least my watch, so I'm committing!
Incidences of liminality in Last Twilight EP 1
Start of the series is Day waiting for his game to start; that liminal space right before the game begins
Similarly the first time we see Mhok is on that trolley thing under the car; a tool used to move from one space to another
Mhok is placing sequential bets, living in that liminal space before the game ends and money is owed
The uncertainty around Day's health in the game; where he can't tell what's happening, and is transitioning from playing the game to unwell and needing to leave
The first instance of limen represented to the audience via blurry camera, when Day looks up at the lights
Porjai unable to get out the words to Mhok about what happened to Rung, and the extended liminal space of not knowing what happened to his sister
The liminal space of having been locked up and now free but still not free from having a record
Also just undergoing any job search especially while unemployed is liminal space
Day trying to get a caretaker/adjust to his new life
20% vision: a defined limen for Day's sight
The car in the garage waiting to be paid for; refusing Mhok's decision and extending it for another 6 months
Day and Mhok meeting for a second time in the elevator (a liminal space)
Day waiting for a cornea transplant, with an unknown amount of time before it will happen (if it happens at all)
Day and Mhok meeting for the third time in another liminal space, this time the middle of the street
Another instance of limen represented to the audience using blur, this time of the street and of Mhok's face (thank you to @pondphuwin for your post that made me go back to notice this)
Again, when Day offers Mhok the job, Mhok makes a firm decision and is to told to think about it more--he keeps getting thrust back into liminal space
In Mhok's flashbacks, he thinks back to moments of liminality: the car, the job hunt, and then being told not to let opportunities pass him by
Tagging the ol' ephemerality squad as well as folks I've seen post about this show or who I've spoken with about this show so far, because I want other thoughts on this, but no pressure. I won't tag anyone who doesn't engage with this idea in any future posts unless you ask, and I won't mind!
@chickenstrangers , @clara-maybe-ontheroad , @colourme-feral , @distant-screaming , @lurkingshan , @neuroticbookworm , @rocketturtle4 , @slayerkitty , @thatgirl4815 , @ranchthoughts @waitmyturtles , @wen-kexing-apologist, @bengiyo, @heretherebedork, @respectthepetty, @my-rose-tinted-glasses
Whether or not you want to follow along, I would love help noticing the visual instances of liminality because I tend to not process visual changes well and it means I don't clock a lot of visual things. So please tag me in anything like that, even if you don't want to be tagged!
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my dysphoria has been very bad recently and i have found it very difficult to do things like showering, changing and sleeping especially. ive been over wearing my binder a lot because i find it very difficult to bring myself to take it off, and i keep wearing it for 30+ hours at a time which i know is bad but i currently have no other alternative and not wearing one feels worse than the pain i get by overwearing. i hate wearing sports bras and ive run out of transtape, i have ordered more but it probably won’t be coming for another couple of weeks. i don’t know what to do because i don’t want to damage my body severely, is there anything else i can do?
Lee says:
As you know, wearing a binder for extended periods can lead to severe health issues, including respiratory problems, rib fractures, and skin conditions.
When you feel like doing something that's harming you physically is your only option to cope because your dysphoria is that intense, you should look into getting a therapist.
Frequently binding for 30+ hours isn't a sustainable option and finding alternative coping strategies will be easier with professional help to help you deal with what you're doing through.
Two posts that might help with your specific questions are Staying clean and coping with shower-related dysphoria and Dysphoria when you have to sleep and those two posts really cover most of what I have to say on those subjects so I won't reinvent the wheel by typing the same thing but I encourage you to read both links.
Apart from that, in the next couple of weeks as you wait for your TransTape to arrive (And start the process of seeking a therapist!) here are some strategies you can try doing:
1. Layered Clothing:
Wearing loose, layered clothing can help obscure the chest area. Consider wearing baggy shirts, jackets, or vests to help reduce the visibility of your chest.
Luckily it's fall time (at least here in the East Coast) so it's starting to get a little bit cooler, some days, and I wear a sweater (at work) or sweatshirt (when at home) like 100% of the time just because I'm always cold and it's also an Autistic sensory friendly thing for me too.
See more: Body neutrality
2. Distraction Techniques:
Engage in activities that take your mind off your dysphoria. This could be reading, drawing, journaling, listening to music, watching movies or TV, or any other hobby or activity that you enjoy and find absorbing.
Engage in self-care activities that actually make you feel good about yourself, not just doomscrolling social media. And for those times when you are on social media, if you're currently following anyone who makes you stressed/unhappy, stop following them. It's your feed and you're in charge!
But if you find that it's hard to do the necessary activities of everyday living because you find yourself spending most of your time engaging in distraction techniques, and you're falling behind on homework/work, that's another sign that you need additional support from a mental health professional.
3. Grounding Techniques:
Practicing mindfulness can help you stay present and reduce distressing thoughts, but the kind of nebulous meditation stuff never worked well for my ADHD brain.
Guided meditation
15 meditation tips
How to do progressive muscle relaxation
Body scan relaxation exercise
Mindfulness skills and worksheets masterpost
Imagery self-help
Relaxation audio
Safe-place visualization
I found specific things like grounding exercises, like the "5-4-3-2-1" technique (identifying five things you can see, four you can touch, three you can hear, two you can smell, and one you can taste), can help divert your attention from dysphoric feelings if you're having a Moment. This type of strategy is useful when you start to notice yourself spiraling to try and re-center yourself.
Soothing grounding exercise
Physical grounding exercise
Mental grounding exercise
Grounding techniques
How to make a grounding box
Grounding exercises
How to ground and center
4. Stay connected:
Connect with in-person and/or online LGBTQ+ support groups who understand what you're going through. Sharing your feelings and hearing from others who have similar experiences can be comforting and it can help you to learn new coping strategies and things to try.
In general, avoiding isolation is important. Join a club or volunteer for something, join a sports team, hang out with your friends, etc. Just don't stay alone in your room. Get out of the house if you can, or invite people over or have video calls or phone calls if aren't up to being out and about. Just stay in contact with people.
See more: Motivating yourself to socialize
5. Set Alarms:
Consider setting alarms or reminders to take off your binder and give your body a break. Even short breaks can help reduce the risk of injury.
Here are some links that may help in general:
9 strategies for dealing with body dysphoria
How do I deal with dysphoria?
20 Small Things To Do When Gender Dysphoria Gets You Down
25 Things I Do To Make My Body Dysphoria Feel Smaller and Quieter
More on coping with dysphoria
Dealing with dysphoria
A post with suggestions for coping with dysphoria
Take care of your mental health
8 tips for managing dysphoria and mental health
A coping tip
Disablity-friendly dysphoria tips
Dysphoria that prevents you from leaving the house/doing activities of daily living
Your feelings are valid, and it's essential to find ways to manage your dysphoria that prioritize your health and well-being. There isn't a secret dysphoria cure I can share with you, to be frank it just sucks sometimes and there's not a lot to do about it but you gotta find a way to cope and keep going and stay safe.
Eventually it gets better-- you either find a way to cope more effectively and manage the dysphoria and/or time just passes and you grow older and eventually find a way to access surgery, but either way you will eventually become an adult who is managing life somehow and overall doin' okay and yeah there's hope at the end of the tunnel so please keep going!
You deserve care, support, and understanding, even if your family isn't able to provide that right now. And again, apart from the two links that I started the response with, the main advice I have is that you should ask to speak with a therapist (even if you are closeted and don't tell your fam that it's gender/binding/dysphoria related) and just let them know that you're struggling with your mental health in general.
Please reach out for help if you need it, and consider seeking medical attention if you experience severe pain or discomfort from binding. Good luck!!
As some of you may have noticed, our blog has been around for a decade or so and some links may be broken because we're all busy etc so pls let me know if something is wonky in a post I'm trying to link to!
Followers, any advice for anon?
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resowrites · 2 years
Hitch - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry and his girlfriend hit a bump in the road…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Girlfriend!OC
Warnings: angst, fluff, relationship difficulties/argument, language, pet names, nondescript OC body type/appearance, brief allusion to smut, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 1630
A/N: Hi folks, still not back in the writing groove but gave it a go and this was the result lol Sorry for deleting the last request, still having a crisis of confidence but I appreciate all interactions (especially as it helps me figure out blog direction). Not sure how often I’ll continue posting atm but feel free to send requests etc. - R x
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Hitch - oneshot.
"I just want you to tell me why."
"Henry, do you not think if there was another reason, I’d just say so? Especially if it meant not having this conversation again?"
"So you honestly expect me to believe that you won’t get married simply because don't want to?"
"Yes! I said as much not long after we got together, why did you think I’d change my mind?"
"I dunno, I thought maybe you were trying to protect yourself. I know being with someone like me will never be straightforward, but why is marriage an impossibility given how long we've now been together? I've never done anything to make you doubt me or my love for you." She sighed and placed her hands on her hips, struggling to comprehend how watching some dreadful reality show about matchmaking had led to their current discussion. 
"Henry, I really can’t have this conversation again. I've told you my reason why and won't keep repeating myself. Goodnight." Henry dashed between her and the living room door.
"Darling please, we need to talk about this. Surely you can appreciate why I’m confused? You won't attend premieres with me, you don’t often travel with me. I respect that you're your own person and want to be out of the spotlight at much as possible, but now I'm worried you don't feel the same way about me anymore."
"Henry, you already know that isn't true. For fuck's sake I take care of everything each and every day don't I? Your house, your personal affairs, even your dog! I live in the middle of nowhere for you, I get abused every day worldwide for you, and I can't even walk down the fucking street without the risk of being photographed - all for you! Why would I do any of that if I didn't love you? I've never wanted your money, connections, or anything else, and yet here you are questioning me!" But her anger only served to rile him up further. 
"Well, I wonder why! You sound pretty resentful even though this is our house, our dog, our fucking life! For God’s sake I thought we were past this, what else can I do to prove that you're my priority?"
"I'm not resentful, that's my point! And we didn't choose this house or other aspects of our life together but I'm still here, still dedicated to you. What else do I have to do, to prove that?"
"So that would help? If we moved, chose a house together?" She clasped her forehead, exasperated.
"Ugh, no! I love this house because you chose it, just like I love you. Now let me go to bed." Henry blocked her path once again.
"No, please… I'm just trying to understand. You forget that I know you were engaged before, so is it that? You love me but you were in love with him?"
"Or the experience just confirmed marriage isn't for me. If I'd lost the person I loved most, why would I settle? I'm hardly the type, am I?" He searched her eyes.
"But if it's inconsequential to you why can't we do it? I just want you to be my wife, you know fine well I'll never hurt or leave you!"
"Except I don't! No one can. I don't want marriage because I don’t believe it's a vow anyone can honestly make. You might wake up tomorrow and decide you don't love me anymore, or next week you could meet someone who makes you realise you never did. I'm sorry but having to get divorced just adds insult to injury and I won't do it to myself. I refuse to."
"Oh, darling." Henry tried to move in for a hug but she swiftly raised her hand.
"Stop it. Whether you accept it or not, I continue to be here because I love you, and I'm sorry you think I haven't done enough to make that clear."
"And I'm sorry you think I don't love you as much as you love me." A look flashed briefly across her face.
"When did I say that?!"
"Throughout this entire conversation! So I was right all along, you think I'm just a selfish prick who wants to have his cake and eat it. First it was your father, then your ex, and now me. I'm just the latest in a long line of disappointments, aren't I? What do you want me to do? Give up acting? Will that be a big enough improvement for you?" There was no mistaking the look on her face anymore.
"How dare you. I've always respected what you do--"
“She said sarcastically.”
"Oh whatever, all this really comes down to is you not being able to control me any further than you already do." He stepped back a moment, turning around only halfway when he was ready to speak again.
"You don't really believe that?"
"Either way, I'm never getting married or having children. If that's too much for you then, I suppose... our relationship is already over." Her eyes were distraught and Henry rushed forwards, gripping the sides of her arms.
"No, no. Please, don't say that. I'm not losing you over something like this. Having children is different and besides, I don’t want to share you with anyone else," she felt her heart pinch. "I'm sorry, Okay? I'm just hurt, but I'll get over it. Yes, I'm old-fashioned, I find it hard that you don't let me spoil you, or that we have to take turns paying for holidays. You even have to pay for the upkeep of this place!”
"Yes, because you bought it despite us both living here, why can't I at least contribute?" He finally let her go, sighing as his head dropped down.
"I just want to care of you."
"And you do! Which I'm grateful for and is the reason I do whatever I can to take care of you as well. Marriage gives me the ick, alright? I'm just not lovey-dovey, sue me."
"Bollocks. You spend ages cuddling Kal, cooking for me… do you know you even cuddle up to me at night after you've fallen asleep? I try and stay awake just so--" his voice caught in his throat, "I don't miss it. We don't have to have a wedding, though you seemed to enjoy Mark's and Claire's...”
"I'd enjoy myself at funerals if they had open bars." 
"Well, what if something happens to me? I need to make sure everything's taken care of."
"We can go to a solicitor for that." Henry rubbed his jaw.
"What if we make it just us? We don't have to invite anyone other than the witnesses." She pondered the suggestion for a moment. 
"How about we have a civil union?" He scowled.
"What, where you don't have to change your title, surname, or even be called my wife?"
"Henry that's my last offer, take it or leave it. For fuck's sake why can't I just be your partner? That's all I've ever wanted to be..." She swallowed back her tears but practically fled the room. Henry just stood with his head in his hands. Neither of them slept well that night.
The next couple of days passed uneasily, not that she didn't try her best to make things better. She still didn't want to give in to Henry though, no matter how bad it felt not to. She thought she’d sacrificed enough for them to be together. If she said yes to this, then what would be next? It was as she was curled up on the sofa, letting such thoughts churn over and over in her mind, that he came and sat down beside her. After a couple of minutes, he gently took her hand. "Listen, I've thought about what you said and I think I finally understand. With that in mind, I'd like you to accept these as a promise that we'll belong to each other for as long as possible and as best we can.” He looked at her knowingly while pulling two velvet boxes from his pocket. “I got you the same promise ring as mine as I know you don't like anything sparkly, mine's just wider cos I've got big hands and need it to last. You don't have to be a Mrs or take my surname either, though I know you don’t like yours so I thought maybe you could anyway?" His hopeful eyes were met with the mischief in hers.
"But your surname’s awful as well!" He snorted.
"Fair enough, I know it's a nightmare changing everything by deed poll anyway. We can wear the rings on our right hands if you want, so... what do you think?"
"I'll accept it on one condition," she teased, though the tears in her eyes were plain to see.
"Which is?"
"You get down on one knee." Henry stared at her for a moment in disbelief but soon hurled himself to the floor, grinning as she presented her right hand. He took his time, making sure to slide the band on carefully. Once that was done she grabbed his and as gently as her patience would allow, twisted it over his finger. They beamed at each other before he leaped to his feet, pulling her with him so they could kiss and embrace. His heart felt like it was about to burst. "You know, if I'm not your wife then what will you call me?"
"How about 'wagon?'" She giggled and swatted him on the arm. "What about me?"
"Hmm, let's see... what else begins with 'w?'" He roared with laughter, planted another kiss on her mouth, and swept her up into his arms. She knew they were headed for the stairs before he even turned round.
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howlingday · 5 months
I am a man of my word.
Dark knight soul stone Au
The bridge between realms, how quickly it changed for people's hope to escape to a trap. Ruby, Yang, and Blake got launched off. Even Neo fell, and Jaune almost lost himself when he saw her first. However, it was the request of Penny that sent him over the edge. Cinder had ambushed them, and Weiss was holding her back but failing. He didn't want to, he swore, but her request....with a heavy heart fulfilled her last request and let out a blood curdling yell as dark energy explodes from him.
Hearing the yell Cinder would knock Weiss away and try to reach Penny's body only to be met by a slash of energy and a distorted voice: "We meet again, false maiden....and this time I promise you won't survive" said 'Jaune' (Fray) giving her a deep cold look that promised unending pain.
First / Previously
The battle grew silent, if only for an instant, as a cry of anguish erupted in the center of the battlefield. Eyes fell to the young paladin holding a blade coated in blood over a very still Winter Maiden. Jaune had killed Penny, and it was in this act that he shut himself out. If it were anyone else, this would have been a resignation of his life that would only end in, well, his end.
"How sad." A dark voice said through the lips of a kind man. "Guess it was too much for him. But don't you worry, Cinder," red eyes burned with dark glee at the Fall Maiden, "I'll be more than happy to fill in." He broke into a sprint towards her, blade and shield at the ready. "And there's no way in hell I'm going to let Jaune stop me this time!"
Winter was still reeling from her interaction with Penny in her mind before coming to. Thankfully, Cinder was just a woman show and she was already engaged with Jaune Arc, leader of the technically fugitive team. Still, there was something different about him, like the man fighting the enemy Maiden wasn't the same man she fought with before. Swooping in, she provided backup to the huntsman already involved. However, she was met with a sword clashing with hers.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Jaune asked with fury in his voice and indignation in his eyes. "This is MY fight! MINE! Stick to your damn job if you wanna keep your life!"
Rather than argue, Winter swallowed her pride and continued with the evacuation. Landing next to Weiss, who was kneeling next to Penny, she places a hand on her shoulder.
"She's gone, Weiss."
"I know." Weiss murmured. "And I shouldn't be distracted. Not when someone so dangerous in still active."
"It seems Cinder is distracted, however." Winter nodded. "But I don't think we can get to the relic without angering Jaune."
"I'm not worried about Cinder." Weiss stood, turning from Penny's lifeless form to the fight above them. "As of right now, she isn't the most dangerous opponent."
"No?" Winter followed Weiss' gaze to Jaune, whose sword had been shattered. However, this did nothing to deter the dark paladin. She gulped. "What should we do?"
Weiss gave a chuckle. "I never thought I'd hear you ask me that."
"I've never been in this scenario. Have you?"
"This will be the third time." Weiss admitted. "And I still don't know how to bring Jaune back."
At this, Jaune rocketed down to their level, knocking the two aside and causing Penny to roll off the edge. Smoke hissing from his body, but his aura still shimmering, he pushed himself to his knees with a feral growl. Cinder readied a huge fireball above and was ready to launch it.
"Even like this, you're still no match for me!" Suddenly the fireball died as her Grimm arm twitched violently. She let out a scream, unaware that Winter was now closing the distance. Jaune was about to join her when he felt something hold him down.
"Get the hell off of me!" He roared.
"Jaune, snap out of it! This isn't you!" Weiss pleaded.
"Of course not!" He tried to break free. "I'm not Jaune! I'm BETTER than Jaune! I'm the reason Jaune is still alive!"
"But you're not Jaune!" She argued. "And throwing yourself at Cinder isn't going to help you win this! You need to stop and think!"
"STOPPING AND THINKING GOT YOUR FRIENDS KILLED!" He finally broke free, horrible red eyes wide and directed on her prone form. "And I'M not going to stand around and get beaten by that-"
In a blink, everything went white. In an instant, everything changed. Taking the full brunt of the attack to his side, Jaune fell unconscious on the floor and the last thing he saw was Weiss flying over the edge and a voice screaming her name.
And then everything fell to black.
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lonleydweller · 9 months
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🌹BTAS Jervis + Arkham Two-Face with a teen who has autism 🌹
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Choose these two as I haven't written for either of them yet! Sorry this took forever. Keep in mind this is all based off my general information on the topic and personal experiences with being neruodivergent! This may not apply to everyone who has autism or other forms of neroudivergencey. Was admittedly rushed a bit at the end because I was excited to post something again.
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!Warnings!: slight insensitivity mentioned in Two-Face's Part
Mad Hatter
●Well, well, even if does take him time to adjust that's just fine! Out of the two he's probably the more informed. After all.. he had to take quite few classes about the human brain. Otherwise how would you hypnotize and control something when you know nothing about it? That simply won't do!
●He'll do his do diligence to do some research if need be, but he prefers asking you personally. After all it's a spectrum! He wants to know how it affects you specifically.
●He won't treat you any differently however, he's simply learning so he can make sure you're comfortable and he dosent trigger any sensory overloads. Learn how your brain works He'd hate to make you uncomfortable!
●Have a hyperfixation? Need to info dump? Special interests? He'll listen to it all gladly. Making sure to listen and engage in the conversation so you know he's listening. He may even pick up a few of your own interests as his own. Hell also most likely feed into them by stealing getting you merchandise, gifts, books, ect relating to the topic. Of course Alice in Wonderland will always reign supreme in his mind.
●He'll be over the moon if you allow him to info dump and ramble about Alice in Wonderland! He can ramble and ramble for hours on end, sometimes leaving little room for conversation.
●When it comes to sensory issues He'll do his best to accommodate you in whatever ways he can. Unless told not to by you yourself.
●If you ever get a sensory overload he's quick to hand you his jacket or hat to hide in and pull you away from whatever is causing it to a much calmer area. He'll give you as much space as you need to calm down! He'll also try his best to avoid causing them himself as well, if a noise he's making or texture is bothering you do tell him!
●If you have any stimming movements or tics, he may be a bit curious but for the most part won't bat an eye or make a fuss! It makes you even more unique after all.
●If anyone makes fun of you or sees you as lesser due to being autistic, he's fuming. No worries, he can certainly change their minds!
●He's pretty good in terms of being a father figure.
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●Now Harvey and Harv aren't entirely ignorant or unaware of what autism is. However, compared to someone say like Jervis, they don't know as much.
●Expect some occasional insensitive comments. Mainly from Harv. He doesn't even realize anything he's saying is insensitive or hurtful. However if you take time to talk to them and explain to them why they shouldn't be saying it, they'll make sure to be more mindful.
●Like Jervis, if he wants know anything else, he'll just ask you. What better source could they get? He won't treat you much differently than he did before. They'll accommodate your needs like they did before. You're still their kid, whether it be adoptive or biological!
●They don't quite get the whole hyperfixation thing. Sure each of them had hobbies, interests, but they've never been all they've thought or talked about. Sometimes they'll get a bit lost in conversations, especially if you're rambling about something neither of them knows anything about. Regardless they listen, he tries to relate, try to get where you're coming from and be engaged.
●If he sees something relating like a show, subject, or whatever in a window shop they'll happily snag it for ya while they're doing their usual crime runs.
●With sensory issues you might haft to remind them occasionally what triggers you and when you're overwhelmed or experiencing a sensory overload. He's quick to have his men, or himself, depending on situation, usher you away from whatever is distressing you. They'll probably end up getting you some noise canceling headphones, weighted blanket, ect, ect. Whatever helps you!
●He's a bit taken off gaurd when you stim, whether it be jumping in one place, shaking your fists, flapping your hands, ect. However they'll get used to it pretty quick.
●If anyone ever pokes fun at you, mocks you, or makes any comments- what do ya know suddenly they're acting all nice and keeping their distance, definitely not out of fear from an altercation!
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lostcauses-noregrets · 8 months
A few words about trolling and harassment
I've had quite a lot of asks recently about how to deal with trolling, hate and negativity in fandom. There are too many to answer individually, so I hope you don't mind me answering like this.
Sadly trolling and hate is nothing new, it's always been a feature of fandom, and the Eruri fandom is no exception. Because the Eruri fandom has quite visible and popular artists and writers, I think it tends to attracts more trolls than you might expect for such a small fandom. It's also noticeable that incidents of hate and trolling always increase when the whole fandom becomes more active in the run up to anime season releases. Trolling can happen at any time though, sometimes it's a single sorry individual with no life, too much time on their hands, and no imagination to do anything more creative.
Being targeted by trolls can be understandably upsetting and I know that some people get really anxious and upset by the low level ship hate that buzzes around in the background. So how to deal with it? It might sound trite but the best thing to do with trolls is ignore them. Trolls are desperate for your attention, so don't give it to them. I know that's easier said than done though so my advice is that if you can't resist responding, do so with humour. Trolls rarely appreciate being laughed at. I have a strict policy of ignoring all the anon hate I get here on tumblr, but occasionally I get an ask that is too hilarious not to share, so I post it on twitter for everyone to point and laugh at.
Dealing with disingenuous fans can be a bit tricker, as it's not always easy to tell when someone is arguing a point in good faith or if it's bait and they're just trying to start shit. Like trolls, bait is best ignored. Don't let them hook you in and don't argue back, it's not worth wasting your time trying to change their mind. You won't. Just walk away. Spend your precious time on something that you enjoy instead, like reading your favourite fanfic, or creating something new for your fandom. And whatever you do, don't engage with ship hate and ship wars. Leave others to enjoy their ship, and you focus on enjoying your own. Shipping isn't a competition; it's not something you can win or lose. If people are bringing negativity and hate into the tags block them, and curate your timeline to minimise their visibility.
If you find that trolling, harassment and fandom discourse is making you really anxious and upset then you need to disengage. It's vitally important to establish your own boundaries and to stick by them. Don't hang out in spaces where there are people who will upset you, block and report obvious trolls, and mute anyone who brings negativity into your fandom spaces, even if they're from your own side of the fandom. Don't feel that you have to engage with the fandom at large. The best advice I've ever heard is that fandom is best enjoyed with a small group of like minded weirdos who you can share your kinks and headcanons with and who you can bitch to in private. Its sound advice and it's worked for me for years.
Way back in 2018, my friend and fellow Eruri fan @valisi-clark did a fascinating survey of why people send Anon hate. The anonymous responses they got were really eye opening. if you're interested you can read the whole thing here: Anonymous Hate Survey.
I can also highly recommend this beautiful post from @ladymacbethsspot with solid practical advice on how to deal with all kinds of bullying and harassment.
I hope this helps folk to navigate fandom's stormy waters. If anyone needs to get anything off their chest, my ask box is always open. I can't respond to every ask I get, but I do read them all.
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thyandrawrites · 10 months
To my bnha mutuals / followers
Hello! You probably noticed I've been posting/sharing less and less bnha stuff on this blog, and I'm now making the fandom change official o/ I am not reading the manga anymore, I will likely only catch up once it wraps up to get a sense of closure, but I don't see myself talking about it or engaging with the fandom anymore. I have a couple of active wips but since they're still unposted I don't see myself getting the motivation to finish those, either. I'm sorry for disappointing anyone who was hyped about my todosibs fic in particular. That one's still on my mind but trying to force myself to finish it while I'm not feeling it made me hate the process, so I'm unsure if I ever will. I doubt anyone cared that much about it, but if you did, I might just give you a link to read the unfinished draft 🤷‍♀️
That said, if you wanna unfollow now that I'm posting about bllk 24/7, I totally understand that, and no hard feelings! Please don't feel any obligations to stay if that's not your cup of tea. I'm a supporter of curating your online experience, and if we're friends, we can still chat in other places, like discord. Just, you do you. It's okay.
If you choose to stay, my bnha stuff will stay up, so you are welcome to revisit my meta (there's a list of tags in my meta index) or my writing on ao3 when you want. Just don't expect bnha stuff from me moving forward. At most there might be reblogs, but tbh the series doesn't interest me as much anymore, so there won't be many.
If you read till here, thank you for your attention and please have a nice day/night. If you ever interacted with me during the past 6 years, thank you for making this fandom so fun to be in 💙
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pantachorei · 16 days
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@nepristoynyy asked: "Doctor Ratio! If you may, I have a proposition for you." He is giving his kindest, warmest, most charming smile (may be rubbing his hands together). "I greatly admire your endeavors to extinguish ignorance from the world. However, as much as your grand intellect comes by, I wished to propose you a project which will not even take much of your time compared to the good it would bring. As you may know, sex sells. A lot of people will not listen to anything anyone says unless they are attracted to them, as they do not seek mental stimuli the same way those who fully engage in scholarly ends do. This is where our talent combined come in. Look at it. You, a bathtub... t a s t e f u l n u d e s ! Both in the celebration of the beauty of the human shape. An entire zine with on top of full high resolution two-pages details of the body you work so hard to maintain, long previews of your essays. Think about it Doctor, the pictures draw the others' eyes due to your charisma and influence AND motivate others to keep their body in shape. By the latter, the endorphins they create through exercise stimulate the brain and give energy to push on scholarly pursuits! And as they peer, they can read essays which they would have never sought after usually, waking up their curiosity as important knowledge is spread across the galaxy! So what says you, Doctor~?"
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he   took   a   deep   breath   in,   and   exhaled   it   fully   afterward.   people   truly   seemed   to   try   his   patience   as   of   late.
there   were   multiple   instance   in   that   proposal   that   plainly   destroyed   whatever   interest   the   scholar   could   potentially   harbour.   he   lost   him   at   sex   sells   already,   anyway.   judging   by   the   way   he   talked,   one   might   even   assume   him   to   be   an   ipc   associate,   though   ratio   had   denied   far   too   many   such   proposals   in   the   past   to   assume   any   of   them   foolish   enough   to   offer   another   such   'collaboration'.
❛   flattering   as   i   am   sure   this   is   meant   to   be,   no.   those   disinclined   towards   scholarly   pursuits   won't   suddenly   change   their   minds   at   the   sight   of   my   naked   body.   perhaps   you   should   consider   more   conventional   means   to   line   your   pockets,   in   the   future.   ❜
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Tackling a few of my most recent experiences wiwth the internet. Don't read if harassment and racism trigger you. I don't mean harm, this is supposed to be a safe space. Comments I deem negative will be deleted so that others feel comfortable just going around and say whatever.
1. Shipping
I completely understand people's worries with Punkflower but guys, instead of worrying about non confirmed ages, can we worry about kicking out actually problematic people off the internet doing stuff to real life minors? Miles was 14 when I was 14. He is now 15 and I am 18, I still love Miles the same way, ans that doesn't compromise my morals.
A person's ship between characters doesn't say about their morals entirely. Of course, sometimes it's undeniably creepy, like characters clearly presented as parental figures being shipped with kids that were supposed to look up at them. That's weird, don't do that. Or, idk, thinking it's a good idea to jerk your dog off. (I saw documentaries, those who do too knkw what I am talking about)
Point is, pls don't harass people who don't mean actual harm. Hobie's uncomfirmed age range shouldn't cause as much hate as it does. I disagree with nsfw from time to time because it is weird, but I mostly see couple-y stuff with a few jokes, and honestly? I absolutely adore it. I encourage you to try it. I used to absolutely hatee on people who ship any characters slightly older with whatever character the topic is. I would literally try to gate keep the whole fanart community cause "She's a minor, STOP!" and honestly it was stupid asf. I'm not telling you to encourage it, just don't be mean about it. It feels stupid. If you don't disagree, and the post isn't causing harm, just don't engage.
2. Shameless racism/harassment
Recently I've faced people both in and out of omegle who seem particularly shameless, feeling safe around their little homes thinking ol' mean me won't mind. I am using this opportunity to expose a particular someone who seems very keen on being weird. I grew up around weird guys, and I often identify them easily, but for some reason I pushed the lil gut feeling away. If you have the same problem, pls listen to that feeling. It's there to avoid situations that might be upsetting.
Starting with Omegle, people seem very comfortable with racism (and search of minors to flash them). I receive jokes indicating they want me to be shot, find me ugly, make faces of disgust, call me a slave, etc etc. Not to mention I even found teenagers joking about beastiality being 'awesome'. Kids rlly need to get supervised, cause I am telling y'all, some were barely 14.
Now, I had an interesting interaction on instagram with a Miles Morales account. He came to me cause I was rping as Peter and invited me in his server on discord. I got the gut feeling from his habit of trying to flirt with Gwen profiles and spamming pictures of him in a suit. For some reason, some people have a pattern of spamming pictures when they want praise and always require attention from specific people, and I know this cause I've been harassed over this before. Days later, I was matching with my bff as an anime couple so I changed and he realized I'm born female. He asked me to be rio instead, without knowing my age, and went ahead and offered 'fun', and that 'I can't tell anyone'. What happened essentially is that I called him out, he said I was disrespecting him, I blocked him, so he made a new account to cuss me out and threaten to report me. I feel indifferent about it, but if you have anyone with similar behavior, save yourself the trouble and block them. (His discord is 'dmoney520' so avoid interacting w him pls)
3. Sexualizing a content creator
I don't mean Dream, or corpse husband, or whoever tf. I am talking about a poor 16(ish) year old called Eddie who makes content for the fact he sounds like Hobie brown, and he has people saying shit like "wanna get pregnant?" The guy just started worrying about whatever the place he lives in worries around this time.
It's honestly creepy how people will actively harass punkflower creators but then barely notice a full ass guy who is still deemed a minor regardless of what American law says getting weirdass comments from people they don't even know. Literally flabbergasted at this discovery. Not mad, just genuinely upset.
These people often forget that websites can track their activity and its hilarious to me, so whatever. This was my report on my feelings after a week of internet, and honestly? I wanna delete it. My punkflower AU happy ending is coming so if that's what you wanted, great!
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