#but I'm keeping those for another fic that'll be about them
writing-hat · 1 month
Out of curiosity what inspired you to write bbnb?
(turned out longer then I thought so it's under the cut (I don't wanna clog people's dash ajeskgsjre))
I'll be honest it was not. the good kind of inspiration since it was during a relapse. I think it's obvious I wasn't in a good place when I started writing this fic fklselgersh I just happened to be rewatching ninjago at that time and s6 happened and I was just. ew. what a fucking creep that guy Nadakhan is.
also what the actual fuck is this season. anyway.
BbnB was just supposed to be something off the side, blow off some steam, publish that for the feeling of liberation and boum yknow done (I really hope you didn't read the first version because it was. awful. and horrible. cuz I really just wanted to write something messed up and gory with no good ending whatsoever to cope agersgkd)
but then yknow i felt like this wasn't fair to Jay (my fave of the show have you noticed) and not fair to the people reading either, or even to me, and I remembered how much missed potential there was for that guy
and I just understood that if anyone could get out of this situation it would be Jay and yknow I love his character so much and have been frustrated with how the seasons had been treating him those last years (not mad, frustrated is all, I still really like his character in those seasons!!) that I needed to remind myself in some way of how badass that guy is
like come on! this is jay walker!! the guy that discovered everything first every time! the one that thinks outside the box! and the one reasonable when the situation demands it!
also lightning HELLO?! There's so much going on here!!!! His powers are so fucking overlooked I swear there's just SO MUCH to be done with all of that (I'm still not done exploring his powers in bbnb and in other fics I have so. many thoughts about that (too many? maybe))
so I'm gonna give him what I couldn't have and hope for the best for that guy lmao, while turning him in my head like the blorbo that he is for an indefinite amount of time
by the end of this fic, I want to Jay to have grown, and getting better at understanding himself, and thus understanding his powers. He's the lightning master baby! and he's forever going to be super cool!
but aha it will take a while and I have no idea if I'll manage that.
But I'll try!
Thanks for the ask! and sorry for the super long response akfergkserg see you around anon!
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sanguineterrain · 3 months
for the dc prompts you reblogged:
can i request jason todd x reader "someone likes being pinned down" + A flirting with B while sparring to throw them off their tracks
where reader is also a vigilante??
thank you so much 🩷
very sexy prompts thank u 😌
jason todd x gn!reader. r and robin!jay were friends, r doesn't know jason is alive/red hood but jason knows r is a vigilante. r's alias is 'nocturne' (if that's already in use oh well lmao). fighting/sparring, jason is mega in love with you as usual!!
all fics at @sanguinelibrary
"Still blindly following the Bat, huh?"
You land in a crouch on the rooftop, just like how Nightwing taught you. The Red Hood doesn't look at you, digging through two duffel bags. He doesn't even draw his gun, like you've seen him do with virtually every other vigilante in Gotham.
You wait, ready to spring into action. But Hood doesn't stop what he's doing. Slowly, you rise.
"What... do you mean?" you ask.
"I mean, why are you traipsing around Gotham as a bat-adjacent? Who are you s'posed to be anyway? Goth Bat? Alternative Scene Bat?"
"I'm Nocturne," you say, shoulders rising to your ears. Rude. You thought the chunky boots and star over your suit's eye mask were inspired.
Red Hood lifts a hand. "Don't get me wrong, I dig the threads. I'm just surprised B didn't have an aneurysm over the sequins. Then again, Discowing did do it first..."
Your first two meetings with the infamous Red Hood have been similar in that he's never very concerned about you stopping him (ouch), but he also isn't callous or cruel with you like he is with the other vigilantes.
Case in point: the last person who cornered Hood on a roof was Red Robin. Hood shot him in the shoulder before he could land.
In short, he's perplexing as hell.
Batman's forbidden the rest of the team to confront Hood without backup. And you're technically not supposed to be on patrol tonight. But if you can intercept Hood, that'll be a huge win.
Hood keeps on packing the duffels. You hesitate, then step forward.
"Get away from the bags," you say. "I won't ask twice."
Hood looks at you. "Nocturne's a pretty cool name, I'll admit. And I like the boots. But I still think you oughta call it quits."
He zips up the bags, stands, and kicks them to the corner of the roof.
"Because you're just that unstoppable?" you ask, hands curling into fists.
"Yeah. But mostly 'cause I know you're made for so much more than this, sweetheart."
And that is the third and perhaps most bewildering thing about your encounters with Red Hood: you've gotten the creeping feeling that he... likes you.
Which is ridiculous, and if you ever breathed a word of that to anybody, Batman would probably check you into Arkham.
You take another careful step forward. Hood leans against the railing and folds his arms.
"This the part where you apprehend and hogtie me for innocently packing a duffel bag?" he asks.
You glare. "Innocent? I know you're making a weapons delivery because I know you've been waiting for Batman to be off-planet to make it."
"Clever. Told ya you're too good for this," Hood says. "Should be in college with those smarts, not playing maid for Batman."
"Are you lecturing me?"
"I'm advising you as your friendly neighborhood drug lord. Lecturing makes me sound like a guy who's got too much money and too big of a savior complex to understand that the way he fights injustice is fundamentally flawed."
"Sounds personal."
Hood laughs. "Honey, you have no idea."
You strike.
Hood parries your first attack easily, which you expect. The truth is that whoever trained Hood cut no corners and you're still relatively new at vigilantism. It's only by the grace of God that Hood hasn't left you to bleed out on a roof.
You kick his shin, but Hood turns on the instep and blocks. You go for his shoulder, where his armor separates to give him more movement. But Hood's ready for that too, and he catches your arm.
"Gotta keep that right arm up," he says. "Surprised no one's trained that outta you yet."
You elbow Hood in the throat. He coughs and lets go.
"Like that?" you ask, muscles tense with adrenaline.
Hood makes a sound that might be a laugh, still choked from your hit. "Just like that, honeylove. Good job."
"I don't need feedback," you snap, immediately going back in for another hit.
"Sorry. I'll make this quick then. I do have a delivery."
On the next strike, you advance, using a technique Nightwing drilled into your head for bigger opponents. Hood goes down and you land atop him.
"Oh, that's a Nightwing takedown if I've ever seen one," Hood says beneath you.
You're close enough that you can hear his breathing through the decoder. Pride swells in you at taking him down. Not even Batman has managed such a thing.
Hood is warm and big. His shoulder span alone dwarfs you. When you'd seen him from afar, fighting Batman or Nightwing, you'd been terrified.
But now, perhaps stupidly, you feel comfortable. Annoyed, but safe. Something about him reminds you of home. Makes your stomach flip in a good way.
Which is terrifying.
"You're coming with me," you say, reaching for your cuffs.
"If only. Unfortunately, you've forgotten a teensy weensy detail, dearest."
Hood bucks you off, legs first. Your feet fly into the air, which allows him to flip your positions. You wince, preparing for a concussion upon impact as you go down. But Hood cushions your fall and neatly rolls you over. Your back is pressed into the concrete, hands locked over your head. Hood's weight holds down your hips and legs.
He looms over you, easily holding you down. Your face grows hot.
"How did—" You squirm in his grip. "I had you!"
"Weight distribution, sweets. Tell Al—one of the Bats to add weight to your boots. They keep you light on your feet, but you were depending on them too much to hold me down, and we ain't evenly matched there."
You thrash in his grip. "Hood, I swear to fucking—"
"Easy. Don't sweat it, sweetheart. You haven't been doing this for very long. That was a good takedown, regardless. I'm impressed."
"Screw you."
He hums. You can tell he's smiling under the helmet. "Sorry, I forgot. You don't like feedback."
Hood strokes the inside of your wrist. You aren't sure he's aware he's doing it. His grip is firm but light. He's not trying to hurt you. Your pulse is in your throat.
For a moment, you're both still. Hood seems caught in a trance, like even Superman couldn't tear him away from this moment. From you. And it's not that you're afraid, you're just... you're...
"How do you know so much about me?" you blurt, because it's puzzled the whole team. "You been spying on me?"
"'Course not. Unlike your boss, I respect privacy. No, I did research. I recognized you from when you'd hang around that second Robin. Shrimpy little guy. What'd ya even see in him?"
The grief overtakes you before you can control your mouth.
"You don't know anything about me or him," you spit. "Don't fucking talk about him. He had more skill and goodness in his pinkie than you'll have in a lifetime. And you could learn a thing from him about changing a city. He'd tell you that fear alone never works."
Hood is quiet for a long moment. Then he speaks.
"Where's your distress signal?"
"Why would I tell—"
Hood shifts over you, cutting off your reply. He pulls a ziptie around your wrists. They're not even a little tight. You could probably slip out of them if you had five minutes.
"I know you're not s'posed to be out tonight," he whispers in your ear. "'S not your patrol night. Good thing you're my favorite."
You nearly swallow your tongue. "How do you—I don't—"
"Uh-huh. So you be good from now on, yeah? Wouldn't wanna have to keep tying you up like this."
You lift your chin. "We'll switch positions soon enough."
Hood snorts. "Okay, I know you heard how that soun—"
"I heard it," you say grumpily. "Just get on with it. Jerk."
"As you wish. Distress signal?"
Hood presses the button under your collar. Your breath hitches as his gloved fingers graze your neck.
"Oh? Does somebody like getting pinned down?"
"In your dreams."
Hood laughs. He zipties your ankles last, then sits you upright against the railing.
"Not too tight, are they?" he asks. "I know you've got a circulation problem."
You squint. "You seem to know a lot about me. Not fair that I don't know much about you, Hood."
"'S just business, honeylove," he says, scooping up his duffel. "Now I don't wanna see you in a suit anymore, comprende?"
"Or you'll what? Shoot me?"
Hood pauses, eerily still. He turns those glowing white eyes upon you. Your heart picks up.
"No," he says, so serious it startles you. "But someone else might. And I don't want you to face the same fate as your good friend Robin."
He vaults over the railing before you can respond. Your head thunks lightly as you lean back and wonder if you're really just business to the Red Hood.
(pt 2)
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
mary's song (oh my my my) , quinn hughes
note, this fic is part of the "taylor's version" series, but all the pieces in that series are stand alone. a side note, i might use the whole song or just a quote for the fic. i also might not use the entire verse. just depends. sorry if that's confusing. feel free to ask questions. another note, okay i haven't touched this series in literally a year, but i will try to write it more. i'm still excited about it and want to write it! so, i'm starting out with a popular player so you all get excited lol pair, quinn hughes x reader summary, a fic based on "mary's song (oh my my my)" from taylor swift's debut taylor swift album. warnings, none :) word count, 2494 words
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she said, "i was seven and you were nine" i looked at you like the stars that shine in the sky, the pretty lights and our daddies used to joke about the two of us growing up and falling in love and our mamas smiled and rolled their eyes and said, "oh my, my, my"
You lived right down from the Hughes family. Your parents were good friends so you spent lots of time with their family growing up. So, growing up you, your brother, and the Hughes boys would have tons of playdates and would go to the park together.
Growing up so closely with them, little Y/N did develop a crush on her neighbor Quinn. Everyone around you, all the adults, could tell. Kids weren't exactly subtle with their feelings.
One summer night, you were all in your backyard, post-barbeque. All the adults were sitting in lawn chairs, watching the five of you play. Well, it was more like Quinn, Jack, and your older brother Y/B/N, were playing and you were sitting in the grass watching all of them while baby Luke was asleep in his mom's lap.
They were trying to play a game of hockey, but the numbers weren't even. No one wanted to be goalie, so it was just one on one on one, "This would've been easier if you'd play, Y/N." Your brother pointed out.
"Leave her alone," Quinn spoke up in your honor.
"Yeah." You butted in, glaring at your brother.
Your dad chuckled as he watched you watch Quinn's every move, "What?" Your mom asked.
"Y/N. She's always watching Quinn." Jim and Ellen looked over and saw you watching Quinn.
"Can you imagine if those two ever got together?" Jim joked, sharing a laugh with your dad.
"That'll be the day." Your dad clinked his beer with Jim. Your mom and Ellen shared a look, before rolling their eyes and shaking their heads.
take me back to the house in the backyard tree said you'd beat me up, you were bigger than me you never did, you never did take me back when our world was one block wide i dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried just two kids, you and i oh my, my, my, my
"Come on," Quinn called after you. He knocked on your door one day after school and told you to follow after him. So, you did. You ran as fast as your legs could take you, but you still couldn't keep up with him.
"Come on, you're so slow." Quinn groaned, slowing down for a second, "If you don't run any faster, I'm gonna beat you up." You couldn't tell if he was joking, so you stopped running.
"Y/N, what're you doing?"
"You said you were gonna beat me up." You narrowed your eyes at him.
"Cause you're moving too slow." He whined, "I wasn't actually going to beat you up. I was just joking."
"Well, it wasn't funny." You started running again alongside him before you finally made it to the treehouse in the Hughes's backyard.
You and Quinn finally made it to the tree and looked up at the treehouse then looked back to each other, "You go first." You pushed him up in front of the ladder.
"No, you." He grabbed your arm and shoved you towards the ladder.
"You." You managed to get your arm back and push him back in front of the ladder. He finally cracked and began climbing up the ladder. Once he was halfway up, you began your descent up.
Once you were both up, you sat down on the ground together, "So, why did you bring me up here?"
"Just wanted to hang out." He shrugged, "We always hang out with Jack and Y/B/N. It's never just the two of us."
"Well, what do you want to do?" You asked, posing a good question.
"Truth or dare?"
"It's not fun when it's just the two of us." You frowned.
"Then we'll just have to think of really good truth or dares," Quinn stated.
"Fine." You crossed your arms, "I dare you to..." You pursed your lips as you thought about it, "... kiss me."
"Kiss you?" Quinn repeated.
"Yeah." You nodded.
"Well..." Quinn hesitated, "Okay." He shrugged and leaned in, lips pursed. When you realize he was serious, you quickly stood up and climbed down the ladder of the treehouse as quickly as you could.
"Y/N? What the heck?" Quinn called down.
"I have to go!" You shouted, running all the way home and shutting the door loudly when you got home.
i was sixteen when suddenly i wasn't that little girl you used to see but your eyes still shined like pretty lights and our daddies used to joke about the two of us they never believed we'd really fall in love and our mamas smiled and rolled their eyes and said, "oh my, my, my"
Somewhere in between the playfights, childish dares, and first days of school, the five of you grew up. Your brother and Quinn had graduated the year previous and were getting ready for college.
Y/B/N, being the responsible older brother, was in charge of driving you to school. So, on the morning of the first day of school, you both walked out to the car.
"Hey, Y/N, Y/B/N!" Ellen hollered, "Why don't we get a picture of all five of you together?"
"Mom," Jack whined.
"Just one photo," Ellen reassured. You all got into position and smiled, "All right, see, you're all done." She turned off the camera, "All right you three, have a great day." She kissed both her kid's heads before hugging both you and your brother.
"Bye, Q." You waved.
"Bye, Y/N/N." He waved back.
"So, what're you gonna do with all your spare time now?" Ellen asked, watching as the four of you drove off.
"Probably sulk 'cause Y/N's not gonna be around." Jim joked.
"Shut up." Quinn tried to hide his laugh as he made his way back inside the house.
"Y/N and Quinn, sittin' in a tree." Jim teased, following Quinn inside the house.
You smiled to yourself as one of the little girls in your neighborhood chased a boy around the yard, "Proposition for you." You jumped when you heard Quinn and quickly turned around to find him joining you at the picnic table.
"All right." You nodded.
"You go on a date with me."
"Oh, yeah? And what do I get in return?"
"An awesome free dinner paid for by me." He flashed you a smile.
You pretended to ponder it and think about it, "I guess that sounds nice."
"You guess?" Quinn balked.
"I guess." You shrugged watching his reaction shift from excited to confused, "I'm kidding." You then watched him break out into a nervous laugh.
"Oh, cool." He tried to play it off as if he wasn't freaking out inside.
Your parents were, once again, sitting in lawn chairs, watching you and Quinn awkwardly flirt, "Our babies are growing up." Your mom spoke dramatically.
"All grown up." Ellen nodded.
"Never thought he had in him, I gotta admit." Both your dad's kept talking and laughing about how you and Quinn were finally getting together.
take me back to the creek beds we turned up 2 a.m. riding in your truck and all i need is you next to me take me back to the time we had our very first fight the slamming of doors instead of kissing goodnight you stayed outside till the morning light oh my, my, my, my
When Quinn would come back from school, he would always come over in the early hours of the morning and he would whisk you away to the place you had designated as your spot.
"Shooting star." You pointed up to the sky. You were both laying on the hood of his car, looking up at the sky. You looked over at him, only to find that he wasn't looking up at the sky but at you, "Why aren't you looking at the sky."
"Cause you're my whole world." Your heart soured and turned your head to the side so he wouldn't see the shy smile making its way onto your face.
"You sure know how to make a girl feel special, Quinn Hughes." You leaned into him. He only hummed, pressing a kiss to your head as you continued to look up at the sky.
You had little spats before, tiny disagreements here and there, but your first fight, it was something you never wanted to experience again.
"Are you serious right now?" You spat.
"I just don't get why you're making such a big thing out of this." Quinn shrugged.
"Quinn, this is big. I was gonna introduce you to all my friends and you just didn't show up."
"I'm sorry, I just lost track of time." He shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants.
"What do you want me to say?"
"Anything!" You shouted, "I want you to give me a better explanation than you just forgot."
"It's the truth!" He raised his voice.
You scoffed, "I'm done." You raised your hands in surrender.
"What do you mean "you're done"?" Quinn asked.
"I mean I'm tired. We're going in circles and getting nowhere, so I'm gonna go home." You rubbed your eyes and headed for the door, "We can talk in the morning."
He stared at you, silent as he tried to figure out what he was gonna say next, but when no words came out, you walked out the door.
The next morning, you woke up and didn't want to move," Good morning." Your mother knocked before entering.
You groaned, turning away from her and trying to go back to sleep, "Before you fall back asleep, just thought you'd want to know there's someone waiting for you on the porch."
You quirked a brow before pushing the covers off and making your way out to the porch of your house where Quinn was laying, asleep, a couple blankets thrown across him.
You stared at him frozen, "He was here all night."
"How do you know?"
"Heard someone on the porch last night, came out this morning, and saw him." Your mom explained before closing the door and giving you both some privacy.
You sat down on the step next to him and just watched him for a second before gently waking him up, "Q." You whispered, shaking him gently.
He moved, rubbing his eyes, before opening them and locking eyes with you, "Hey." He yawned.
"Hi." You smiled, "Heard you were here all night."
"Yeah." He stretched a little before sitting up and giving you all his attention, "I didn't really like the way things ended last night."
"Me either." You sighed.
"I'm really sorry, Y/N. I really did lose track of time, and by the time i realized what time it was, the dinner was over, and I know it's a sucky excuse, but it's the truth."
"I might've been a little harsh. There's another get-together in like a week..."
"I'll be there." He cut you off with a firm nod of his head.
"I know you will." You smiled, reaching over and squeezing his hand.
a few years had gone and come around we were sitting at our favorite spot in town and you looked at me, got down on one knee
After you had graduated from college, you moved up to Vancouver with Quinn and got a job at a hospital. You both got into a nice comfortable routine.
During the break, you went home to visit family and celebrate the holidays. Before you could even breathe, you were both wrapped in a million hugs by both sets of parents.
"It's nice to see you too, Mom." You chuckled, hugging her.
"How's work? Tell me all about it." You were whisked off to the kitchen table where Ellen quickly followed and you were soon immersed in a deep conversation about all the gossip you had missed while you were gone.
After dinner, everyone retreated to their own spaces so you and Quinn headed out to the treehouse that was somehow still standing in the Hughes' backyard.
"I can't believe this is still standing." You laughed as you climbed to the top.
You laid back and looked up at the stars, "We used to come up here all the time, remember?"
"How could I forget? We'd come up here and you'd tell me all those crazy facts about the solar system."
"I knew you probably didn't understand anything I was saying, but you being there, it was sweet." You leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"Listen, I have a proposition." You smiled.
"All right." You nodded.
"Marry me." He stated.
Your eyes widened and your mouth opened in shock, "Are you serious?"
"So serious." He nodded, pulling out a ring box from his pocket and popping it open.
"Quinn Hughes..." You couldn't find the words you were so speechless.
"What do you say? You and me forever?"
"God, of course. Is that even a question?" You tackled him in a hug, "You're crazy." You laughed, letting him slip the ring on your finger.
take me back to the time when we walked down the aisle our whole town came and our mamas cried you said, "i do", and i did too
Quinn felt like he was going to explode with nerves, "Dude, calm down." He looked out into the crowd and literally everyone you knew was there. Every grandparent, aunt, uncle, former coaches, current coaches, teammates, former teammates, everyone.
"This is worse than my first game." He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.
"You're gonna be fine." Jack reassured, flattening his tie, "Just breathe." He took another deep breath, "There you go."
"All right." He shook off his nerves the best he could and stood straight at the front. The music started and the doors opened. The bridesmaids and groomsmen walked in, then everyone stood.
He felt his breathing hitch as he saw you walk in. You smiled at him and every nerve in his body, he felt it disappear instantly. You met him at the altar, and kissed your dad on the cheek, watched him shake Quinn's hand, then handed your bouquet off to your maid of honor.
The reception felt like it went by too quickly, "Do you Quinn Hughes take Y/N Y/L/N to be your wife?"
"I do." Quinn nodded.
"And do you, Y/N Y/L/N, take Quinn Hughes to be your husband?" You could hear both your mothers' crying and being comforted by your fathers.
"I do." You nodded.
"Then by the power vested in me, you may now kiss." You couldn't help the smile on your face when you both leaned in for the first kiss. You linked hands as you made your way back down the aisle, big smiles on both of your faces.
my taglist: @huggybearmylove43 @jostful @papacarter @2manytabsopen @alo-delmar @radiantroope @annie170315 @hamilton160 @ohpuckyeah @prettytoxicrevolver @bowen-power @kidlnthedark @mitchymainer @bitchin-belle
add yourself to my taglist!
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richeeduvie · 18 days
Can someone please explain to me the whole baby thing? And dog bone au? And all these aus im so confused
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This is asked every five months and I'm happy to explain it each time! I'll put it in the pinned post! This is a long one so sorry yall
So Dog and Bone is the title to the AU for a self-insert x Roman Roy fic compilation. There's no actual series yet…sorry, I know! How long has it been? But these fics range from entire one-shots that center around a plot that can lead into another one-shot/drabble, with the content of said piece becoming important to the whole AU, to just cute, fluffy or smutty drabbles and blurbs. Most of them are based on requests. Your request could become a big part of Dog and Bone!
Baby is the name for the self-insert. Fics will flip from a second person to third person POV, so you'll see her referred to as 'Baby' a lot. I don't consider her an OC because there's no and will never be a physical description of her and to be honest, I only started to referred to her as Baby so I could write third person POV fics when I'm lazy and don't want to go heavy in internal monologue, which is what I do for second person POV fics. I never use 'Y/N' for her or any self-insert. But many see her as other people and not themselves and I love that too!
Personality-wise, you'll find her to Roman's soulmate. Although she is still a victim of being out-of-touch due to her wealth, she's managed to be kind and respectful and just something that Roys don't have outside of her. She's the ultimate nepo baby with Logan just giving her some vague career path at Waystar to keep her around. She mostly works in marketing and spends her days with Tom and Greg. So, the story of DAB (lol). Baby is the childhood best friend of Roman (and Shiv). In the AU, Baby's biological father was Logan's best friend and business associate. She met the Roy family when she was five and when Roman when almost seven. She was meant to be the best friend of Shiv, but Roman stole her one day when Shiv when to get more toys and baby Baby was on the swings. His sister is still pissed about this to this day.
Nothing much has been mentioned of Baby's bio dad just yet, but it was a one-time thing (so understandable is yall don't remember) that we see Logan giving Baby the medal her father gave him after his funeral. He's dead and apparently fought in a war, or maybe just liked collecting medals as much as Logan did.
So, facts about the dead dad:
Maybe was a veteran
Was hinted to have given Baby an eating disorder
Died when she was eight
Possibly kept her away from her mother
Logan's her godfather, but it was Frank to take her in after her dad had passed. Frank ON TOP!!!! PAPA FRANK!!! Baby's mother is very distant and she's really only seen her for a few holidays throughout her childhood. I've always imagined her to be those wealthy hippies feigning spirituality and did maybe try to get Baby in terms of custody, but didn't try a lot - not even after Baby's father died. So, Baby gets to stay with the Roys with Frank being her guardian. With this, it's just co-dependency and possessiveness growing.
Roman and Baby don't really have friends outside of each other. They do everything together and eventually start doing relationship sort of things together. They take each others virginities. Roman gets panicky and painful in the muscles if Baby has to leave him for more than three days. It's great, but nothing's official.
They live this way until Roman gets with Tabitha.
Now, you may be thinking 'Why does he begin a relationship with Tabitha if he's so possessive and seemingly satisfied with the situation he has with Baby?' Well, I have two fics that'll help you to explain Roman's stupidity:
Why Does Rome Still Date Tabitha (They Don’t Have Sex, but Still) Kendall Wins!AU Confession
The latter of the two is a bit more personal and truthful for Roman. It can be noted that as much as I am a GerriRoman supporter, their relationship does not happen in the DogandBone!AU. Only because one, frankly, I don't know how to or have the desire to thread it throughout the story because I already kept Tabitha's plotline…which is Roman's downfall. You will see. And two, you'll find that Roman and all of the Roys, really, have a lot of themselves changed all because they have one genuine friend that's cared and loved them since childhood so that big part of Roman's plotless plot-time in canon is gone here. Grace didn't happen as well because Jesse Armstrong said so lol.
As I said, the genuine friend line applies to all of the Roys (excluding Logan, except for his AU…), but it really applies to Kendall. Going back to the point where Baby and Roman are fourteen/fifteen and fifteen/sixteen, he gets sent away to military school. I made it so he's only there for two years to which Logan just doesn't care to send him there anymore because I want Baby and Roman teenage puppy and needy love for as much as I can get it. During this time, Kendall has this belief, this kindness to take in Baby when she's at her loneliest.
and…so…Kendall and Baby's whole thing?
The link above sums up their whole situation but I'll elaborate a bit more here because there's Tern Haven. Tern Haven happens in the OG!DogandBone!AU and KendallWins!AU, the grooming situation happens in every AU.
Of course, Roman comes back and Baby sobers up for the most part and leaves groomer Kendall's ass in the dust! It's when Roman starts dating Tabitha decades later that Kendall, who never actually made a move on Baby, brings hell and tragedy to the family. Baby's not so keen on continuing to have sex and the weird thing she has with Roman as he is with Tabitha around, so she becomes lonely and thoughtful in the need to reconnect with friends, maybe start dating herself. She's there during Tern Haven and can't go to Roman's room to hang out, Tabitha's there. She doesn't bother Shiv and Tom, she could talk with Frank, maybe? Maybe, but she makes her way to Kendall's room.
And whatever high horse Kendall put himself on for not doing anything with Baby, maybe not being in love with her - or at least having no awareness about it, whatever was starting with Naomi, it's gone when Baby enters that room.
Again, Tern Haven happens in Kendallwins!AU and the OG!AU. The only difference is that after, Roman is either successful in pulling Baby away from Kendall, or he isn't. This is where it can get confusing as it can with all the AUs because there's so many little splices of moments within content that really helps you understand how things happen but I can say that the Kendallwins!AU is just sad, scary, and dark.
But enough of that!
After Roman's successful in getting Kendall away from Baby, he immediately breaks up with Tabitha and they heal from what happened. Kendall declines quickly during this. Logan dies and they get married after the GoJo sale. They have Baby Jr. On occasion, we'll have fun and write them having two more kids, Baby Jr Jr and Roman Jr, but they aren't canon - or they at least would get a canon fic like Baby
FICS TO HELP: Romulus Sneakers | Dad Frank feat. Baby Roman Call Them Brothers Back in Town Bone and Her Heart Roman’s a Friend Stealer While you were sleeping Touch Me (I'm Sick) Date Death | Part One Date Death Part 2 Babied (He Loves It) Violet, Blue, Green, Red To Keep Me Out Phone Call Home Baby Baby in “I went to Market” Baby in ‘Too Much Birthday’ After the GoJo Sale Telling Roman She's Pregnant
Baby Jr is an unrealistically perfect angel of a child that belongs to Roman and Baby in their AU and was born a preemie with a slew of health problems, but because I love her so much, it's becoming a running joke for her to just exist in every AU, somehow. if Baby's there, Baby Jr's there. She's named fittingly. You'll see her a lot in smaller blurbs and fics. Another running joke is that she hates Kendall in every AU, though she's barely mentioned outside of the OG! and Loganwins!AU.
Baby Baby's First and Last Day at School Bear Baby Jr! Baby Jr Doing Something Dangerous Connor Taking Baby Jr Fishing Baby Jr seeing Baby Roman with Glasses
They aren't mentioned a lot anymore because we don't get so serious about them and it was more just to have fun with the story, but the OG!AU does have some variations to how the plot goes. You have Baby and Roman having Baby Jr before season one where Tabitha and Tern Haven are things that obviously never happened:
If Roman Knocked Baby Up Logan Bullying Baby Jr YoungBornBabyJr!AU With Roman Forcing Baby to Marry Him Roman Drunk and Loving If Roman Knocked Baby Up in Their 20s If Baby Jr was Little in The Pilot Logan’s Baby Jr Favoritism Where’s Your Daughter?
Then, you have Baby dying and Roman killing himself to leave Baby Jr an orphan: Come Time, Baby Jr Missing Mommy.
Or you have Baby AND Baby Jr dying to leave Roman killing himself after his last moments of suffering…which, I can't find, but do we really want to read that?
If you don't want to suffer, it can end simply as a nightmare Roman had in the night. Here's another Nightmare Blurb.
Listen. I CANNOT be the only person who has consistently written for Logan. I CANNOT! But I do and Baby is unfortunately the victim of a joke turned into a horniness for an old, old man.
Logan doesn't actually have a fic establishing the Loganwins!AU. Everything that's longer than a blurb are moments that already take place after they've gotten together. Tern Haven does not take place here because it appears that this…intimate relationship takes place before season one. Roman doesn't get together with Tabitha in this AU because he's really fucked up about his soulmate having sex and marriage with his…Dad. His abusive Dad. Baby Jr does exist here! This started as a joke to get people grossed out over old man Logan cock, I played it so I was DISGUSTED to appease any requests that were sent in. I really was. I don't know what happened. But a lot of what is written expands past Logan x Reader and more about the AU itself, which happens with Kendallwins! and the OG!AU too.
FICS TO HELP: THE OFFICE CONFRONTATION Mondale The Second Baseball Sick Baby Jr Mom(my) Siblings and Baby Jr Buzz off! Sister Shiv Recital Alone Baby Jr How Does The Relationship Begin? How Does Logan Propose? Are Baby and Roman Still Close? Pregnancy Announcement in the AU They Bought a Cat Who's Baby Jr's Godfather? Panty Stealer Roman's Twitter Argument
You guys are lucky I can't find the smut fic I wrote. But it's here on this blog. Somewhere.
Nvm here it is my bad: Reflections.
There's the Loganwins!AU, then there's the Affair!AU, which was established pretty recently. It's where Baby begins an affair with Roman while she's married to Logan and Baby Jr ends up being Roman's daughter, not his little sister. As much as I have accepted my great enjoyment in indulging the Logan lovers, I do think this is Baby at her most Succession.
She gets the benefits of being Logan's wife and his favorite wife, a cute daughter, Roman at her heel, whining for her to really be with him but knowing he'll never leave her at her denial. She's horrible, a whore. A baddie winning.
FICS TO HELP: Baby Jr being Roman's Daughter Roman and Newborn Baby Jr Baby in the Affair!AU Roman revealing she's his to his siblings "Dada" A Slight Confrontation How does it start? In Dad's Bed
So, I explained most of it above, but these are the fics to help understand just how messed up DogandBone!Kendall is. He's a different man, guys.
(Also Stewy was there. Stewy was her friend. A flawed twenty-something year old who didn't care enough to separate himself from Kendall when noticing the red flags of him and Baby, but he denied, denied, denied. But he also gave Baby some sense of being…ya know, a kid…cause he saw her as a CHILD)
Tern Haven:
Tern Haven EXTENDED TERN HAVEN More of Tern Haven (…Yay…)
Ken's Groomer Era:
Sleepover Drugged Up Heart Does Baby go Clubbing With Kendall? The Birthday (Big One) Kendall being Confused That Baby's Not Jealous More of Ken being Confused That Baby's Not Jealous Sleepover 2 Kendall's Birthday Gifts....
The Aftermath:
Smacktalking During Too Much Birthday Bad Bit
There's more, of course. There's always more.
After Tern Haven, Kendall has Baby. He's won Baby. He gets more addicted to drugs while making her dependent on them. He turns her into nothing - and just for him. He's scary and paranoid when it comes to Roman. A variation of the AU would be the Babydies!AU, where she accidently overdoses after he leaves her alone. It's a lot. This is not a fun AU, guys. But I like to write it!
Housewife Thing Waystar Press Conference Accusing Baby Jr of Not Being His Roman Trying to Get Baby Back From Kendall A Slight, Brotherly Confrontation Daily Does of Horror (Heroin) Mention of Heroin Handsy Baby and Kendall and Pills Panty Stealer Brother Roman's Dick Pics Saying Roman's Name Flower Delivery
No Time Needled Memories
Shiv's AU isn't even a win!AU, technically. We haven't really dabbled in the idea of her winning. Just more of her yearning, but all in all, this woman wants Baby soooo badly. Too sad she has the guilt of being a woman. And her father. And Tom. And the denial hot on her skin.
Calling Shiv Shiv
Apparently the man can get obsessed and they haven't even kissed in his AU, yet. Fitting considering the shit he pulls with Greg. It's Baby at her most guilty due to her friendship with Shiv.
I give crumbs and only crumbs. But we're getting something started with Wedding Bells (Part One)!
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.
I hope this helps! xoxo
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We've Got Tonight (Paul McCartney x Starr!Female!Reader)
Find Part Two Here
A/N: WOW, is all I can say. The alarming support from those of you reading my work is driving me to write more than EVER right now! I cannot say thank you enough, y'all. Your notes and comments inspire me, so please keep it up if you wanna read more from me!
I'm about to bless y'all with some McBeardy angst, so I hope you all enjoy!!
Also, this fic was inspired by Bob Seger's We've Got Tonight, so I highly recommend listening to the song before and/or after reading this one to get into the vibe of it.
Summary: Paul is in his lonesome after a break up. So are you. You decide to keep each other company.
WARNINGS: ANGST, but it gets sweet in the end. Mentions of cheating, low self esteem. Suggestive actions, mentions/insinuation of sex, but no smut (that'll be saved for a bonus part 2 if anyone's interested in that.)
There is mention of the Beatles' extended family, so if I have any incorrect info in here, I apologize in advance; I didn't want this to become too much of a history lesson.
Also, like my other fics, this one is a NOVEL, so please read when you have a good half hour+ of free time :)
I don't wanna rate this a T, but there is no smut in this, so please just be aware that there is sex mentioned/insinuated, so PLEASE just read at your own discretion. But most of all, enjoy!
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Paul was sitting on the sofa in the den, alone with the lights out. He was staring out the window at the night in silence as he sucked down another cigarette and sipped at another glass of scotch.
It was late enough that the world around him was dead sleep, yet he was wide awake, and alone with his thoughts.
He broke it off with Linda. She was a sweet girl, and no one was really quite sure why things ended between them, but they all knew it was a mutual agreement.
Paul really hadn't been taking it well, though. He hadn't been sleeping right for almost a month, and he stared drinking a little more. He didn't want anyone really knowing, which is why he did it in his lonesome.
He wasn't necessarily by himself, because the rest of the Beatles were upstairs in their collective rooms asleep; but what made him feel alone was that alongside the bandmates in their rooms were their families and wives. And Paul just didn't have that.
Usually he would have been rather vocal over something that bothered him so much, but the band felt like recently they'd been clashing, so he wasn't wanting to bother them with something like that.
While Paul finished the final puff of his cigarette and put out the butt in the ashtray on the coffee table, his head snapped to the entrance of the den, where he caught sight of a silhouette in the threshold.
You stopped in your tracks when Paul made eye contact with you. You supposed he'd heard your footsteps.
From what you could tell from the light of the moon shining in through the window, Paul seemed worn out. He rubbed the side of his face with his free hand before wordlessly nodding to you in acknowledgement.
"... I'm sorry to intrude. I didn't know anyone was still awake. I was just needing a drink," you explained quietly. You'd met Paul a few times here and there-- you had to, with Ringo-- or Rich-- your brother, being one of his bandmates and all.
Paul was always kind when you interacted with each other, but you could definitely tell something was a little off about his behaviour this time around.
Rich did mention Paul's break-up to you briefly, but you were going through your own separation, so you were in your own head with your own problems. That's why Rich offered to bring you along with him, Maureen, Zak, and Jason on this trip with the rest of the guys and their families, so you could get away from thinking about your ex.
Unfortunately, the unfamiliar space put you in the same position as Paul; wide awake, in the middle of the night, with a racing mind.
"'S alright," he sighed before drinking the rest of the scotch in his glass and raising to his feet. You watched him move around the room to the alcohol cabinet right outside the kitchen.
He refilled his glass right to the top before wordlessly grabbing a second glass out, tossing in a few ice cubes, and filling it three quarters of the way before sliding it over to you.
Your eyes widened a little, considering you'd actually come down for some water, but maybe this was a sign you were going to want something stronger.
"... Should've asked you if you even like this stuff," Paul stated apologetically when he realized how gentlemanly he was not being. You smiled sadly at him, but picked up the glass anyways.
He matched his glass to the same level as yours before you both gently tapped them together. The sound of the glass chimed for a moment before you and Paul raised the drinks to your lips.
The scotch was harsh, and you surely made an unflattering face as you took a sip, but Paul didn't say anything to you, as he was too busy staring at the ice swirling around in his own glass.
"... What're you doing up so late, if you don't mind me asking?" You asked after a moment of silence, and Paul's big brown eyes met yours for another quiet second as he thought about what to respond with.
He pushed his tongue into his cheek before shrugging and mumbling into his glass, "thinking."
After taking another sip of his drink and staring off into space for a moment or two, he bit his lip, gesturing over to you with his glass.
"And you?" You shook your head, realizing it was your turn to scrounge up an excuse for being wide awake at such an absurd time.
"Can't sleep," you lied.
Paul frowned, motioning you to the sofa he was just sitting on to invite you to sit for a while. After a moment of pondering whether you should really go back to your room, you made up your mind and headed to the sofa, Paul following suit.
There was just something about the way his dark eyes gazed into yours, and behind them was this sadness you just couldn't ignore.
Before he took a seat, you were able to get another good look at him. He was in black jeans, and a green sweater; his day-clothes completely contrasting your pyjama set. He'd grown his hair out since you saw him last, and now he was sporting a full beard.
You always thought he was a good looking guy, but now, without being blinded by any bias, there was really no denying how handsome Paul had become since you seen him last.
In fact, it felt like every time you ended up seeing him next, he always seemed to look better and better, and you weren't quite sure how that was possible.
Paul took the seat right next to you, and he set his drink down on the coffee table, clasping his hands together, elbows on the thighs, and hanging his head.
"To be honest with you... I went through a separation about a month ago. And I don't seem to be handling it well." He finally sighed, turning his head so he was looking at you again. He unclasped his hands and ran his fingers through his beard a few times.
"I'm a romantic, y'know, and I'm not a fan of being so lonely." You nodded your head a little at his words. What was tough was that you didn't have anything encouraging to say to him because you were in the same boat.
Paul swallowed when you remained silent, and then he cleared his throat. He scratched the back of his head nervously as he leaned back into the sofa.
"I'm sorry, I know it's late, and you're probably just wanting to head to bed." He gave a little head nod of understanding as he rubbed his eye with his finger. "You're not here to talk to me about my problems."
It was your turn to set your drink down on the table, turning your attention to him again.
"Well... will that help make you feel better, perhaps?" you watched Paul's eyes meet yours again, and he pressed his lips together tightly in thought.
"... I don't know if there is really much to say," he said after a moment, reaching for his glass again.
"Thank you, though. Was very kind of you to offer somethin' like that."
After he took another sip of his drink, he gestured to you again with his glass.
"... Ringo sort of mentioned you were going through a separation too... You doin' okay?" Paul tried his best to be as inclusive as possible, but it was all rough stuff to talk about, so he treaded carefully.
"I mean..." you trailed off for a moment before responding with a simple, "I'm angry, above all else."
You were honestly taken aback by Paul's question. Rich wasn't necessarily the greatest person to receive comforting advice from, especially when it came to this separation, since he thought so highly of your ex, but you perhaps weren't telling him the whole truth.
But you were definitely surprised he even mentioned your pain to anyone else, let alone his bandmates.
"Kept a lot of heavy things to myself for a long time, it just became exhausting." Now it was your turn to reach for your scotch, still cringing at its strength as you took a generous mouthful.
Paul waited a beat before asking, "would talking about it with me maybe make you feel better?"
"... you really care to know that stuff?" You asked gently for clarification. As mentioned, you and Paul weren't close, you could probably count on one hand the amount of times you met him prior to this moment...
And this was heavy stuff you were seemingly about to share, and you really wanted to make sure he was okay with that.
Paul nodded his head without hesitation, and offered, "'s the least I can do for you for keeping me company so late."
You sighed a deep breath, and took a few more sips from your glass before putting it back down, curling your legs up to your chest, and began.
You told Paul about your ex. You told him about how you were with him for five years, and watched him slowly fall out of love with you, sleep around, and how you struggled with self-image and self-worth for a long time.
You also mentioned how you were the one to leave, but he had no idea you had any strength to do so, so he tried for a long while to guilt you into going back to him.
The difficult things to talk about made you a little more emotional, so you breathed your way through it slowly as to not cry. The drink Paul poured for you was helping you relax at least.
Paul was more than patient with you, and you were grateful for that. At one point during the lengthy conversation, he lit another cigarette, and began offering you drags throughout your story to calm your nerves.
You took those offers graciously, and thankfully.
"... I don't know. I just lay awake every night, wondering if there was something I could have done different so he didn't do what he did."
You were staring out the window with Paul now, taking in just how many stars you could actually see from the den. He took his final puffs of his smoke, the thin silver waves swirling in the air above the both of your heads.
"Sounds like he didn't cherish you enough when you were around," Paul debated gently, shaking his head and putting out his cigarette end in the ashtray next to the others. He picked up his scotch again before mumbling against the rim,
"He's not worth it."
You pulled yourself from the trance of the tiny lights outside to wipe remnants of silent, salty tears off your cheeks, and you used that moment to glance over at Paul, whose nose was still deep in the glass. When he pulled the drink away from his mouth and swallowed, you parted your lips to speak.
"... was Linda worth it?" You didn't mean it in a rude way, but you hadn't met her personally, and you wanted to pry Paul just a tiny bit.
He smiled, but it was bitter. You figured you struck a nerve, and before you could apologize for what you said, he answered simply, with tears glossing his own eyes,
"Yes. She was."
You tilted your head a little and frowned, trying to understand what drove them apart.
"It was just never the right timing. She was ready for things I wasn't in the beginning, and then down the road, when I was seemingly ready for those things, she wasn't. And I didn't want her wasting her time on a life she didn't wanna live, y'know?"
"So she's the one that got away," you mused gently.
"Indeed, she was." Paul nodded a little before finishing the rest of his scotch in his glass, leaning back again, and cradling his head in his hand as he looked at you for another quiet moment, resting his glass in-hand on his thigh.
"... I'm not a bad person, am I?" Those watery eyes never disappeared, and you had to break his sad gaze, opting to reach out and rub his shoulder comfortingly.
"Hey, no. Wasting your time, or her time, like the way my ex did to me, would have made you a bad person, Paul. Saying good bye was the right thing to do."
"Well, I wish that made me feel better," he mumbled, dropping his own gaze to the space between the both of you. He pushed a stray tear away before he thought you could see it, and then scratched at his beard again. You guessed that must have been a habit of his out of stress.
"Something about her made me feel like she was the one. Like we were meant to share the same story; but we always seemed to be on a different chapter,"
He sniffled, but only once. "That being said, was I perhaps too lovestruck in the end to want to believe that her future was meant to be shared with someone else?"
His voice carried so much sorrow, and you knew he needed some kind of advice. It took you a moment or so to find the right words to say to him.
"... Knowing my ex wasn't right for me and the reality of me leaving doesn't make me feel any better. At all." You offered to Paul, before adding,
"... But why should the expectations of those we chose to take out of our life dictate the way we behave today?"
The words that came out of your mouth were surprisingly wise, and you watched Paul's eyebrows knit together as he absorbed what you said.
He focused his sight to you again, a more determined look on his face. Paul knew you were absolutely right. He was a charmer; romancing people was his thing.
There was no denying Linda was special, but when he realized he really had no commitment in romancing her anymore, he finally understood that it was his own thoughts holding him back.
Even if it took him a little longer than expected, he knew you were right. He would recover from this.
"... I think you just opened my eyes and made me realize something... Thank you, y/n, really." He reached up with his free hand after a second, fingers grazing your own hand still on his arm in comfort, showing you his gratitude for your words of advice.
You smiled a little, glad you were able to help him somewhat through his times of trouble as you pulled your hand away.
Paul stood up again, retrieving his empty glass from the coffee table before facing you fully, a more genuine smile beginning to pull on the corners of his mouth, but it was still rather sad.
"I'm grabbing a refill, you too?"
Your sight drifted to your near-empty glass on the table.
Why let tonight go to waste? End so soon?
"Please," you asked, grabbing the glass yourself, but Paul began to tut at you as he grabbed the glass from your fingers.
"Please, I'll get it for you," he insisted, and you watched his slender figure move around the couch to head for the alcohol cabinet another time. He filled them only halfway this time, and on the way back he made a brief stop at the record player near the entrance of the den.
Soft classical music rang out quietly from the player once Paul dropped the needle down onto the vinyl, and he returned to his spot next to you with your two drinks. You thanked him quietly as he passed the glass over to you, and he leaned in a little, raising his drink between the two of you.
"Hello to... new beginnings," he began slowly.
"And Goodbye to false finales," you finished, your glasses tapping together again before you took yet another sip of the drink.
Paul matched your movements, his eyes watching you, even when you turned away to gaze longingly out the window for a moment, basking in the feeling of the gentle music flirting with your ears.
Sure, you and Paul could have went on for the rest of the night discussing your heartbreak, but you decided to drive the conversation elsewhere.
You sighted back to him after a while, his sight unwavering from you. Your eyes locked for just a beat before you decided aloud with a gentle nod,
"... you know, that beard really suits you."
Paul's eyebrows shot up, and his face darkened a little as he bit his lips between his teeth almost nervously.
"... Think so?"
You'd never seen him lack so much confidence when given a compliment before, but instead of pitying him, you almost admired his innocence.
It sounded like he needed to hear a compliment like that.
"Yes," you laughed airily, raising your glass up for another drink. Paul couldn't bite back his smile anymore, so he copied you to mask his lips. You then gestured to your head with the point of your finger as you swallowed the alcohol back easier and easier each time.
"Your hair, too. I think it's a nice length."
Your kind words made Paul feel warm and fuzzy inside, and he placed his scotch back down on the table.
"Well, thanks, Love." He rubbed the back of his neck, and laughed weakly. "I call it my 'Don't View The Mirror For Three Weeks' look."
Paul paused in his moments of self-deprecation to realize he should have maybe complimented you back. He took a second to take another good look at you as he decided what to say, exactly.
"... Y'know, the last time I saw you was a few years ago, now."
You thought for a moment on that. It had been a while since you'd seen him last. You nodded your head as you recalled the day.
"You're right, it has been some time. Christmas, 1966." John and Cynthia had hosted this massive holiday dinner, and everyone's extended family was there.
You were single at the time, and spent dinner conversing with Paul's sister, Ruth, who was at least fifteen years younger than you. There was no introduction made by Paul, she just walked up, introduced herself to you, and made a friend by herself.
She went on and on about school, and music, and how the potatoes were her favourite part of dinner; and you paid attention to everything she had to say, responding with your own opinions and jokes to keep her feeling included amongst the adults at the table.
And Paul, who was seated next to Ruth, couldn't help but overhear your conversations throughout the evening, and he found it rather charming that you treated Ruth with such respect despite her young age.
And after dinner, you and Ruth danced together almost the whole night. She eventually went over to do a little dancing with Paul, and you watched as she bounced around excitedly with her brother, who, for just a moment, locked eyes with you across the sea of dancing guests.
You remember giving him a shy wave with a smile, and he sent a wink back your way before returning his attention to Ruth, spinning her around as she squealed happily.
"... I'm rather fond of that evening," Paul stated simply, the reality of your melancholy evening strongly contrasting with the memories of the wonderful night.
Now you and Paul weren't so young, and this time he was noticing the little lines under your eyes, indicating the dragging march of time slowly catching up to you both.
"And, even after all the years that have passed... you still look as lovely tonight as you did then."
You blushed at Paul's compliment, biting back a stupid grin as you repeated the words in your head.
"And I admire your ever-present kindness," he added on, and you knew he really just meant he showed appreciation for lending him an ear in his time of need.
"More people need to be like you."
"I don't know what to say," you said honestly, settling for a gentle "thank you," in the end. Paul just nodded, unsure if there was anything to say back.
"You know..." you paused for a second, watching as Paul went for another sip from his glass. "It was quite a shame we never got a dance in that night together, just you and me."
Paul was mid sip when you said that, so you continued on.
"The music was great, everyone was in high spirits, and I was maybe too shy to approach you myself and ask you to dance with me. So I guess that's on me." You scratched your elbow as you announced your rather dumb confession to him.
Paul, who was nearly done with his drink now, waited a moment or two in thought, before rising to his feet, and wandering back over to the record player, scotch still in hand.
You tried to watch his movements over your shoulder, but it was really dark. All you knew was that he was changing the music.
The classical tune cut, and the player began to drawl a much slower, more recent song; one you hadn't yet heard.
Paul turned on his heel as he reapproached the sofa, taking the final sip of scotch he had left in his glass before placing it back down on the table, and reaching his hand out for you to take.
"Well, let's not let this dance wait any longer, then, yeah?"
You froze for just a moment, Paul's outstretched hand hung in the air for a few seconds, and your sight moved up to his face, where you noticed his confidence falter just a little.
"Again, I know it's late, and I know your plans for the night surely didn't include me..."
"But, still, here we are." Your words came out almost effortlessly. You finished your scotch as well, and when you finally put your hand in Paul's, he squeezed your fingers gently, that warm upturn finally returning to his lips.
He guided you slowly over to the windows so you weren't in so much darkness, the moonlight still shining just enough for you both to see one another; and when Paul decided he could see your face much better, he let his other hand drop to your waist, watching as your own hand rested on his forearm.
You both shifted from side to side to the beat of the music, and you stared absentmindedly at the small space between you both.
"... You okay?" He asked you quietly after a minute, and you looked up at him, cheeks reddening as you realized you could feel his breath fanning your face.
"I've realized just how long it's been since I last danced with someone like this," you mentioned sheepishly, and a little smirk pulled at the corner of Paul's mouth.
"You don't have two left feet, y'know," his tone was almost teasing, and you smiled back, glad he wasn't feeling so much sadness anymore.
Paul then added with a little shrug, "'Sides, I wanted to dance with you that night, too. But I'm very glad I have the honours now."
Paul began turning with you in slow circles together as you continued to sway, and you took a moment to decide your next words carefully.
"... I suppose what I'm trying to say is that it's different when you're dancing with someone who actually wants to dance with you. It's just... it's really nice. So thank you, Paul."
Paul let go of your waist for a moment, and raised your clasped hands above your heads so you could twirl under his arm.  When you did just that, and faced him again, he pulled you just a little closer than you were before, your torsos flush as his hand snaked slowly to the small of your back.
"Thank you," he mumbled back, quietly. You weren't entirely sure what he was thanking you for this time, but you never asked.
Instead, you shut your eyes and opted to rest your head in the crook of his neck as the hand you had on Paul's bicep slid upward so your arm circled around his shoulders, in a half embrace.
And then you felt Paul tilt his own head down as if to envelope you more. You'd be lying if you said your heart didn't skip a beat when he did that.
Paul then began to hum the lyrics of the song, quietly, as if you were the only person in the world who was meant to hear it. Both yours and his eyes were closed now as you two basked in such a beautiful moment.
Two lonely people, finding comfort, and peace in each other.
Paul raised your clasped hands closer to him so he could rest them against his chest. You could actually feel his heartbeat pounding against the side of your hand, which made you a little nervous, but not in a bad way.
Paul stopped moving you around in circles, but the swaying never ceased. He lifted his cheek off your crown after a while, and you couldn't help but open your eyes and raise your gaze back to his face.
Paul smiled so sweetly at you, and you watched his eyes shift ever so slightly from left to right as he looked back into yours. His eyebrows then worried for just a moment before he opened his mouth slightly as if to say something, but no words came out.
Your shifting finally slowed to a standstill, and you opened your mouth this time to speak, yet you found yourself in Paul's very position.
There was nothing to say.
You watched as his gaze softened on you, and you weren't sure if it was the drinks, or the lack of sleep, but it was like you could almost feel the gravity around you manipulating you to move just a little closer to him.
And he must have felt it as well. Paul's head began to drop slowly, and it wasn't long before you met him in the middle, your lips coming together in a very soft, and very unplanned kiss. The both of you kept still, almost as if the smallest move would have frightened the other away.
You were both holding your breath as well, and Paul pulled away from the kiss first, arm still wrapped around your back, hand still clasped in yours.
He was staring at you in awe, as were you, eyes wide, and lips still slightly parted as you both processed what exactly just happened.
Paul still couldn't muster any words, nor could you, for that matter; but he could definitely read your gaze. Your eyes were almost begging him to do that again.
And that's exactly what happened; your lips came crashing into each other again after only another second.
You weren't stupid, and neither was he. You both already knew this night was going to become something else entirely. You were craving the touch of someone, and you didn't even have to tell him.
You could just tell with the way he was moving his mouth against yours, and the way his body was flush with you, that he was wanting it just as bad.
Paul's hand finally let go of yours so he could lace his fingers into the hair at the back of your head, and your own hand slid around to his back. He tried pulling you even closer, but it just wasn't possible.
You sighed quietly as you kissed him again, and again, and Paul's hand unweaved itself from your hair as he cupped your face before breaking the kiss off again, another troubled look on his face.
"Ringo'll kill me if he knew I was--"
"Paul, please. I need this," you didn't let him finish his sentence. You didn't really care what your brother thought of anything, and you assumed, deep down, Paul really didn't care either, because he dove back in for more kisses as soon as he could.
His hands cupped your jawline as you gripped his sweater in your fists at his chest. You parted your mouth slightly and just melted into Paul's arms when he swiped his tongue along your bottom lip.
You moaned lowly against him, ears ringing, and all Paul could think to do was blindly shuffle you backwards towards the sofa, but instead, you felt the coffee table hit the back your legs, and you nearly stumbled back. The glasses, once filled with scotch but now only ice, shuffled against the table's surface at the force of you bumping into it.
Paul ended your kiss once more, one of his hands leaving the side of your face to circle around your hips quickly so you didn't fall back. He smiled at you when he knew you weren't going anywhere, offering you a teasing, "maybe you do have two left feet, Darling."
That wonderful pet name made your flesh rise with goosebumps, but all you could mumble to him was, "Just shut up and kiss me, Paul."
Without hesitation, he did just that, which felt like an eternity to the both of you since the last one.
He, still blindly, yet carefully, directed you around the table and to the sofa. Paul, with his hands holding your hips, was the first to sink down, but encouraged you to straddle him as soon as he was fully seated with an encouraging tap to the back of your thighs.
It was your turn to pull away now, your dominant hand resting flat against the centre of Paul's chest as you gave him a good once-over, feeling his heartbeat beneath your palm.
Paul was leaned back, lips parted and shining, assumably from the spit you'd been exchanging, and his eyes almost twinkling at you in adoration.
Your heart was full of something you hadn't felt in a very long time, and it was all because of this sensual interaction.
You reached out with your other hand and ran your thumb over his bottom lip, his shallow breath fluttering gently against the skin on your fingers. You tilted his head up and kissed him again, and your fingernails just couldn't resist playing with his beard any longer.
Paul's grip on your hips tightened when you started doing that, and when you decided to take your other hand off his chest and start playing with his hair, he let out a very low groan against your lips, and to both of your surprise, his hips bucked up involuntarily against you.
He gasped at his own actions, and you pulled away to view the look of apologetic shock written on his face. His cheeks and neck were flushed, and his eyebrows were bent in worry, again.
"I-I promise I didn't mean to..." Paul's voice carried a hint of... shame, almost. You watched as he nervously toyed his bottom lip between his teeth as he tried searching his brain for something to say, but the effects of his drink and your sweet attention had him grasping for any type of clear thought.
But all of his attempts went completely out the window when you lowered your hips down and rocked them back against his, his head falling back against the sofa as his eyes rolled, a guttural moan rumbling from deep within his chest.
It was absolutely apparent that Paul's jeans were lacking the room they'd possessed a few minutes prior, and when you repeated the circular motion with your hips again, feeling him hard against your core, you were rewarded with another low growl from him.
"W-wait," Paul uttered weakly after a second, arms and fingers tightening at your hips to keep you from moving around and teasing him again, as much as he didn't want you to stop.
"I want this so much. I want you so much," he began, taking a beat to rake his eyes down your body as his tongue swiped against his own bottom lip. His gaze flitted back to your eyes, and he swallowed nervously.
"I don't want you to do this if you aren't, y'know..." you waited for him to finish his thought, and his round pink cheeks seemed to flush just a little more.
"If you're not okay with it."
You took a second to think on his argument. You and he were relatively fresh out of troubled relationships, and you both seemed to be hurting from the aftermath of said relationships...
But you were so lonely, too. And, to each other, you were simply beautiful, and respectful people, offering your... company... in a time of isolation for you both.
And it wasn't like there was any label for what you two were, either. All you and Paul needed was to feel wanted-- to feel loved.
And only if you could experience such a feeling for one more night in your life, Paul was offering now. And you were going to take it.
"I want this moment to last, Paul. If you're okay with making me feel wanted again, I am more than comfortable doing the same for you."
You could see him visibly relax when you said that, relief washing over his features as he reached a hand up to caress the back of your neck and bring you into a single, sweet kiss. You still couldn't get over how gentle and polite he was still being about all of this.
"We should really... go to my room," Paul suggested quietly after pulling a fraction of an inch away from the contact. You nodded your head, sighing "okay" as Paul closed the gap between you both just once more, only for a peck.
He let go of your hips and he reached for your hands instead, fingers intertwining slowly, and affectionately. You slid out of his lap, and Paul rose to his feet, guiding you without a hurry towards of the threshold of the den, where you stood to greet him unexpectedly just an hour or so before this moment.
The 45 on the record player had since finished playing the song, needle spinning needlessly in silence. Paul briefly resituated the player before continuing your journey one step at a time towards his bedroom, the heart in your chest beating erratically.
You climbed the stairs together, one dragging step at a time, and Paul led you around the corner of the hallway, pausing at the first room on the right. He glanced over at you, hand on the doorknob as he gave you another look. One that was asking a final, "are you sure?"
You placed your free hand over Paul's without a sound, and together you opened the door. He pulled you in for one more intimate embrace, lips on yours again before he pulled you into the dark room, gently kicking the door closed behind him.
And that night, you stayed with Paul. Hand-in-hand, bodies entwined, souls healing, loneliness fading away, and hopes of feeling whole again finally returning.
Being awake in the middle of the night had never been so gratifying.
A/A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this! like I said, I can always whip up a part 2 regarding what happened behind those closed doors, so lmk if you're interested in that at all! Thanks for the support again and stay tuned for more works!
(If you wanna be added/ removed from any of my lists, please message me and let me know!!)
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
I have seen your masterlist and (ignoring the soon top come) it needs more Leo fluff fics (read the rest multiple times already; some good freaking work)
If you don't feel like it that ist perfectly fine. I really just wanna throw something in here:
2k12 Leo ist pretty traditional so how would he be with the complete opposite as a s/o . Like "If your gotta, throw that katana" kinda vibe.
Anyhow, love your writing! Keep up the great work.
Have a lovely dayyy ok thx byyye<3
Sure, sorry for taking so long!
TMNT 2012 Leonardo x Reader - Unconventional
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Summary: Leo grows to care for you, despite your lack of respect for tradition.
Warnings: Angst
If nothing else, you irritated Leo. He had spent hours arguing with Splinter, trying to appeal his decision to train you to be a kunoichi, fruitlessly, obviously. Those around the terrapin couldn't understand his distain for you. You were intelligent, out going, and determined, all traits that were well received in any other situation. In all honesty, Leo didn't understand it either.
"How's that lock coming, Donnie?" the leader asked his brother, a bit nervous.
"It'd be coming a lot faster if you'd quit asking about it." the tallest turtle snapped back, his tongue peaking out in concentration.
"Well, I'd love to just let you be," Leo responded rolling his eyes, only being halted by the need to defend himself from the android attacking him. "But currently I'm the only thing standing between you and the Kraang."
"So helpful." Donnie scoffed as he continued to struggle with picking the lock. He glanced over his shoulder to scan the room, finding you in the far corner, with your own set of problems. "(Y/N)! Come help me!" he shouted, instantly grabbing your attention.
"What's up?" you asked, skidding to your knees, behind the shield of Leo's shell.
"Can't get this lock open." he said, frustrated. "I need you to hold these two plates open so I can get into that control panel."
"You want me to stand here and hold this open for you? Don, I've gotta go help fight!" you argued.
As you both bickered about the importance of your time, Leo's eyes narrowed as the enemy forces suddenly drew back. From the other side of the room, a bay slowly began to open, giving an entrance to the room for a behemoth of a bot, which stomped into the room. "Um, guys? Maybe stop arguing and pick the damn lock?"
"Shit," you muttered, glancing back to see the new threat. "Donnie, I've got an idea-" You rushed to pick the last two arrows out of your quiver before plunging them into the panel, effectively securing the the plates open.
"That'll work." Donnie snickered, before getting back to it.
Now that one problem was solved, you had another entirely. Scanning the battle field, you found Mikey lying on the floor toward the center of the room, seemingly incapacitated, and Raph standing over him attempting to hold the menace off. Leo had since began to charge into combat with the droid, carving off bits of scrap metal wherever possible. And there you stood, lacking a weapon, but filled with passion to help your friends.
With little thought, you swiped Donnie's staff and back up before taking a running start and using it to vault yourself into the air. As predicted, you landed close to the monster, hanging from it's right arm. Leo's eyes widened as he watched you scale the thing as if you were climbing a tree. "What the hell are you doing?!" he shouted up at you, imagining all the ways you were going to fall off and hurt yourself. You ignored him, simply sitting at the back of the giant's neck, and doing anything you could to pull out as many parts and wires as you could.
While you did, the leader's attention shifted to the crevice that was opening with a fit of steam in it's chest, revealing a cyan glowing sphere. Donnie, now finished with the lock, turned to inform the team on his victory with guaranteeing their way out when he noticed the light, eyes wide. "Leo! That's the power cell, if you shut that off, the whole thing'll go down!" he shouted at his frozen brother, while patting himself with anything that he could throw, but turning up empty. Your ears perked hearing this. You had an idea.
"Throw one of your swords, Leo!" you called from the droid's head, dodging it's attempts to reach you. "Maybe if you throw it like a dart, you can hit the cell!"
Leo could feel his eye twitch with your interference. That's not how these tools were used and you should know that, but before he could protest, his younger brother piped up in agreeance. "Wait, that's actually not a bad idea. If you can throw it at precisely and 183 degree angle, it should be a direct hit, more than powerful enough to destroy the cell."
With reluctance, and a bit of distain for you and your ideals, Leo did as suggested, and just as predicted, the hit turned the tides of the battle in his favor.
Back at the lair, after the fight had ended, and everyone's wounds were tended to, you, along with most everyone else were sitting in the living room relaxing and filling Mikey, Splinter, and April in on what had taken place. You were coated in honey glow listening to Raph regale the story, showering you, Leo, and Donnie with compliments- a rare occasion. "Oh, yeah you shoulda seen it, Mike. (Y/N) was sittin' on the back on that thing's neck just diggin' in, it was crazy!"
You modestly brushed it off as he began going into the details of Leo's finishing blow and you stood up to get a drink from the kitchen. You decided to treat yourself to some of Mikey's orange soda, pouring the off-brand liquid into a chipped glass, likely one of many that Splinter had salvaged from the trash.
"You shouldn't be drinking that, you're still in training, remember?" you jumped at Leo's stern voice, nearly dropping your drink before sighing.
"I think after the day we've had, I can cheat on my diet a little, right? Besides, you're all still in training and splinter lets you drink soda." you dismissed with a nervous laugh, hoping he'd drop the tough guy act. Sadly, he didn't.
"That's the problem with you."
"Excuse me?" you prodded, cocking an offended brow.
"You have no respect for us or our heritage or how we do things." he said flatly, crossing his arms and leering down at you, something he always did instill that he was superior.
"Heritage? Leo you're a fucking turtle. Being a ninja is separate from that. Anyone can be a ninja with the right amount of training, that's why Splinter chose to train me and April."
"You're not a ninja." he spat coldly turning to walk away. "You don't care about any of the principals that ninjutsu holds."
You felt tears prick your eyes. Why is he always so mean to you? It's so unfair, you do whatever you can think of to impress him, but he's always so disgusted with you. Sniffling you catch his arm to pull him back. "What is this really about?"
He freezes for a moment before relaxing his shoulders. "You don't do things the way they should be done, and yet you still get all the positive results. You use our tools like toys and still end up winning. It's disgraceful."
"Yeah well, my ideas kinda saved our asses today, so I guess your opinion doesn't really matter, now does it?" with that, you pushed passed him, making sure to shoulder check him on the way out of the kitchen, before sitting back down with your friends.
You pretended not to notice as he stared at you from the island, hunched over the countertop. He thought about how he treated you, usually much worse than he intended. It was hard to ignore how he was feeling, and he figured that maybe, blanketing it with hate might help. But if that's the case...why was the ache so much worse now?
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kinosternon · 2 years
Walthrough: Reposting your old FFNet fics to Ao3
In light of recent rumors that FanFiction.Net might be receiving little/no ongoing support, and could suddenly disappear one day with very little warning, I wanted to offer a resource that might help preserve another fic or two. Just in case.
I'm already keeping a private collection of favorite fics from FFN that I can't bear to lose, but this tutorial isn't for saving other folks' fic. Instead, this tutorial is for people who might want to republish their own fic to Ao3 in a streamlined, relatively painless way.
Using these steps, I was able to upload an entire 16-chapter fic, with all the correct original formatting and without doing any fussy HTML editing, in about an hour. (And that was while making up the steps as I went along!)
What you'll need:
A link to your old FFNet account URL OR the those of the fics you want to save (no login necessary)
Access to a working Ao3 account
A web browser, permission to download zipped HTML files, and an unzipper (most computers have these by default)
How to save your fic for posterity:
Copy the link to the first chapter of the fic on FFN that you want to save. (Right-clicking the title of the fic on your profile and choosing "Copy Link" will do this.)
Go to https://fichub.net/ and paste in the URL. Press Export, then click "Download as zipped HTML." This saves your entire fic at once, no matter how many chapters, with formatting intact. Everyone thank the team who made this tool, because it's amazing.
Navigate to your downloads (or click on the pop-up that'll probably appear) and open the zipped HTML file. It will probably open in your default browser on its own, but you might need to tell it to open by right-clicking the unzipped file and choosing the desired browser. The resulting file should have all the chapters of the fic laid out one after another, with clear breaks between each chapter and the original HTML formatting (including section breaks).
Post a "New Work" in Ao3. (Can't import with FFNet, sadly, which is why this tutorial exists.) Add the title, relevant tags, and summary. (I used my FFNet summary with a note that the fic is crossposted.) Backdate the fic if desired by choosing a publishing date from around the time the fic was written.
Here's the magic part: Switch to Rich Text Mode in the "Work Text" field, then copy-paste the text from your first chapter into the Rich Text Mode window. (Note: You may see the stray space appear around italicized/bolded text, and an extra line break tends to appear between section breaks. Otherwise, though, the formatting is generally very well preserved.)
Optional detail: Hit "Preview," then "Save Draft," then "Add Chapter" to avoid posting any of your chapters till you have them all set up and ready to go.
Side note 1: Don't put an endnote on the end of your Chapter 1. Or if you do, go add a chapter 2 first, and then go back to add a chapter 1 endnote. Otherwise it'll end up at the end of your fic instead. It's a fixable outcome, but an annoying one.
Side note 2: If you use a pseud to post, you'll need to be careful to select the correct pseud for each chapter you upload, or you'll end up being listed as the author twice, once under each pseud you selected. If you notice this happening, it's because you've missed switching one in one or more chapters. This is fixable by checking the author listed under each chapter heading using the "Entire Work" button and keyword searching the username you're trying to get rid of.
While I didn't find a way to post all chapters at once, you can do it pretty quickly in the right order, without skipping, by doing the following steps in a loop:
Press "Entire work" at the top of the page.
Use your browser's "Find in page" function for the text "post chapter".
Hitting the "Post Chapter" button that appears.
Just continue the loop until there's no more "Post Chapter" buttons.
Once your chapters are all uploaded, you're done! Congratulations.
A final note
I know that this latest rumor might be blowing certain hints of FFNet's siterunners' inactivity out of proportion. I know that Ao3 isn't everyone's favorite (though I don't agree with most of those people). And I know, most of all, that some folks would rather some of their older fics not see the light of day anymore, for whatever reason.
But look. I'm a trans guy who used to be a teenage girl who (enthusiastically) wrote Twilight/Doctor Who crossover fanfic. I get it, and yet I'm still managing to stun the part of me that cringes long enough to preserve my stuff, because I think that fic should survive whenever possible.
There are options to help make the cringe factor more manageable. Use a pseud for your older stuff (like me), or to minimize any connection to your current account, you can use the Anonymous collection or the Orphan Work function as soon as you're done posting. Do whatever you need to feel comfortable.
But remember that every creative work is a victory just for existing. Please, if you can, find it in your heart (and your schedule) to preserve your work. Past!you worked hard on it, after all. And besides, you never know who might stumble across it someday exactly when they need it.
(PS: Please let me know about any other FFN preservation efforts, by the way! Hopefully this is all blown out of proportion, but you really can never be too careful.)
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heymrspatel · 3 months
🌟 weekly tag wednesday 🌟
i haven't done one of these in a bit, but i wanna jump back into them! so yoohooo let's gooo! i was tagged by @darlingian @metalheadmickey @mybrainismelted @too-schoolforcool @firecrxtch @lingy910y @sgtmickeyslaughter and @juliakayyy 💙✨
how is your day going?: good. comfy. i woke up in a very cute mood! although, it's another slow one, i've been feeling very time warpy and floaty lately.
are you okay?: yea. yea! i'm at a nice little plateau 🥰
what is your favourite shade of your favourite colour?: blue like the deep ocean. green like the deep forest.
are you single?: 🙂
are you happy about that?: 🙂
what age do you feel in your brain?: definitely not like i should be in my 30s lol it's funny, i was talking about this the other day. about how covid hit when i was 29 and i don't feel like i've aged in the meantime. but at the same time i feel decades older.
do you feel like the good times are behind you or ahead of you?: hmm i think this is one of those "it can be both" type of things. lots of good behind me, lots of good ahead of me (i fucking hope!)
do you have a best friend?: yessirrr
did you have a childhood pet?: yea! i had two little budgies. one green, one blue. we also had a little kitty.
do you sing or whistle around the house?: oh my god, yes... i don't whistle. but, look, i think there's a song always bouncing around up there and i just gotta at least hum it sometimes. and if music is playing and i know the lyrics, i'm singing.
do you light candles or incense?: i do! i love candles very much. a big plus if they've got those wood crackling wicks!
are you busy Friday night?: nope. i'm busy saturday night though!
if you were a circus performer which act would you be in?: uuhhh me perform? n-no... i shan't. but i do like that aerial silky thingy!
what is your favourite outfit?: this depends on the day! but usually it's a colorful top, ripped blue jeans, combat boots, and a leather jacket. hoops, buncha rings, and watch. some eyeshadow that'll make my eyes pop and a berry colored lip.
what's the last thing you created?: completed? my wedding boys. wip? i keep reworking a sketch for the gift exchange.
what is your favourite fic or book of all time?: my god i don't know! all time is a lot of time and i suddenly forgot everything i've ever fucking read!
what are you looking forward to?: some time off work in two weeks! seeing my friend on saturday! feeling the sun on my face!
what can put you immediately in a better mood?: a little quiet time. perhaps a nap. being silly with people that i trust.
do you like hugs?: i do i doooo! but like i really gotta want to and trust you lmao
what is something you wish people understood about you?: i'm just a little meow meow, you know? small and round and soft, with the sharpest little claws you've ever seen!
feeling a little shy tonight, so i'm skipping the tag! but, still, if you're reading this, i'm giving you a teenie tiny little leaf 🌱
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sinningtamer · 6 months
Not sure if you’ve answered this before but what are your favourite fics and ships?
Love all your art btw! <3 Thx for all the food!
i might've years ago, so let's go again! i'm gonna answer this question as only NSFW/kink related, otherwise the list would be way too long haha
alright let's start with the obvious: ParviII is and always will be my #1 one ship, even when I dip in and out of the fandom a lot (i feel the term OTP is super outdated these days? but if there was one ship i could use it with it's them...)
so obviously i'm gonna say Talking Body and Payment and Payback by @sparxwrites. because. you know. how can i not. oh yeah, Good Vibrations is also a classic. hiii sparx, i'm sorry for picking your older fics, i just have such a bias. they've written a ton of great stuff over the years though, so go give the account a peak! there's something for everyone, especially if you like darker stuff.
...speaking of accounts with a lot of content who lurk around here, shoutout to @pawpunkao3. lmpᴇarI is one of my favorite ships, and they're still such a rarepair somehow?? anyways I think about Between Bedrock and a Hard Place at least once a week tbh. A New Religion That'll Bring You To Your Knees is fantastic, and i have a soft spot for I Spy (even tho i didn't watch too much empires). again, another author with a whole arsenal under their belt, so don't just take my word for it and check the rest of his fics!
back to lmpᴇarI being a rarepair... @thatstoomuchsoup has Chicken Soup for the Soulbounds (okay it's more pearI-centric but they're both there) and is another blog that specializes in some of my kinks and these fandoms. same with @anon-teddy's content, gotta give a shoutout to full. this is also making me realize i haven't sought out enough poly S0up Group or GᴇmpuIse/PᴇarIgem fics...maybe i'll get back to you on that...
there's a bunch of good explicit trᴇᴇbark fics, but i said i was gonna keep this list concise, so the only one i'll specifically point to is how to deal with your supernatural lust for blood (and other things) in a completely normal and god-honoring fashion. for...reasons. also because it's good!
edit: oh my GOD i realized two seconds after posting this i completely forget to mention @also-an-art. go read (this is) hungry work and honey don't feed it right fucking now. i've read both of these in full (pun intended) multiple times they're that amazing. it's rare that the plot is just as good as the horniness, when i tell you i lost my mind at some of the development in these. also hot and dirty (like the la air) is a guilty pleasure. AND it introduced me to a song that ended up being #20 on my spotify wrapped LOL (RPF warning on that one! trust me tho)
let's get to my other bias, shall we? RᴛSpiff and RᴛS00t don't....have any explicit fics. nor does poly lᴀds. CMRᴛ does, though! I'm kinda picky about how people characterize them, but play it cool and Every Stumble and Each Misfire are lovely (note that the second one is also blatant RPF! don't say i didn't warn you o7)
speaking of lᴀds, if you follow me on main, you know i got into Bᴀnᴀna Bᴜs Sqᴜᴀd just last year (I'M SORRY, OKAY, DON'T @ ME-) you'd think getting into an old fandom late would mean a ton of great smut fics, right? to be honest, i haven't found many that i care for, but maybe i'm just picky... however, i remember your lips, they're the ones i miss, and smoke in your lungs, your lips on mine are SO GODDAMN GOOD i'm not even mad it's only those two i like because i could reread them 20 times. god. such fun characterization. shame the author orphaned them because i badly wanna read more of their stuff.
this is the part where you go, spirit, do you read anything besides (mᴄ)yt fandoms??? and i go, not really.............well, sort of. i like 0verwatch! and M0icy!! Reciprocity is a delightful PWP long fic. i'm also not really an omegaverse guy, but Water Me has such a good take on it i fell in looove.
okay, i'm gonna cut myself off here, enough though i could probably name dozens of more fics if i sat and thought about it. if anyone i tagged wants to be untagged, feel free to reply here or shoot me an ask/dm!!
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liveontelevision · 2 months
Hey! I'm currently writing a fic rn, and I thought I'd ask you about a few things, just for help..
So, number one, how do you depict your characters so well? And I mean that as in how do you make them seem so real and almost exactly like the show? I'd love to know
Secondly, what's your best advice for making things flow together and sound smooth? Instead of choppy bits and 5 different events happening at once?
If you could answer these, I'd be so grateful 🙏🏻 if not that'd completely okay. Either way thank you for taking the time to read this :]
!!! I'm!! Literally so flattered you want tips from me omg
Ok well, when it comes to writing for specific characters, I don't know what else to say than consume all the media. A lot of little ideas and details I use were inspired by comics or other fics that I've read. If I'm in the middle of writing and I get stuck I literally just scroll through hazbin content on here. And for dialogue, when I rewatch the show I try to keep in mind how characters talk to eachother and (in Lucifer's case) little reactions that you might not notice unless you're purposely looking for it.
Another thing I do is try to write like little bios about characters (kind of that practice makes perfect idea) but it's great to have those little choppy bits if it helps you get a feel of the character more! For the reader, I actually just try to base it off my little oc I made when I first started writing. Mentally, it helps me keep track of what kind of character the reader is from fic to fic. That all takes some time to develop but I really think it helped me in the long run. And for Lucifer, I have a pretty structured idea about what kind of person he is and what his relationship with Lillith was like, and I make sure that doesn't change between each fic. Technically that does limit me to Lucifer fics but ngl I'm not mad about that
When it comes to flow, my stories actually do start out as a bunch of choppy blurbs! I'll like write down in my notes intrusive thoughts throughout the day and try to connect it with details that'll just make it flow more. For the Demon Barber, I wanted to play with the relationship between a demon who's known Lucifer since he was with Lillith. And I had another blurb about touch starved lucifer who loves being pampered by some kind of cosmetic reader. So I combined it, even if it's the smallest details, it really fleshes it out. Once you get a super vague idea of what you want, it's easier to come up with those little blurbs. It's literally how I start all my fics, so you're definitely already in a good spot already if you have some little ideas you wanna expand on.
Some little, unrelated, tips: When I wanna write a big story I use my laptop and for some reason that puts me in a mindset for better writing. Keep an eye out for repeating phrases and google synonyms if that's the case! And honestly rereading it over and over again really helps. Like even the really small details, trying to connect A to B can literally be as easy as adding a sentence or a dialogue.
I hope any of this helps and it didn't just come out as a bunch of gibberish! I'm seriously so glad you like my stories, and I'm super excited to see what you come up with!
If you have any other questions or wanna shoot some ideas by me pleeeease message me I'd love to chat more often! :D
Happy writing, babe! ❤️❤️❤️
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nerves-nebula · 9 months
Hello 👋 I love ur TMNT AU 💕 which is saying something because I usually avoid angst like the plegue. Especially with such heavy topics. I usually find that most AUs like this are just angst for the sake of angst with no other purpose except for shock value. But this AU is very well written, thoroughly thought out, and is very realistic in the interpretation of how abuse and violence effects children growing up. Other types of "angst" AUs and fics usually have me unreasonably angry and annoyed with how they practically glamorize abuse. While ur stuff has me feeling sick and disgusted (a positive thing really! Those are the feelings ur supposed to have when reading stuff like this.) because of how absolutely RAW everything is. Abuse is messed up and leaves its mark on u that'll effect u the rest of ur life. It fucks u up mentally, emotionally, socially, as well as physically. It is an ugly part of life that you quite elegantly bring to light with ur wonderful storytelling and art! Wonderful job! 💕
i mean you probably like it because it's not really an angst AU, if i'm honest. The point isn't that everything sucks or that people are in pain, that's just kind of a part of it? i dunno if that makes sense. I really appreciate that you like it, but I'm also kind of weary to put down other AU's.
I get where you're coming from with not really vibing with angst AU's, I don't really get into them much myself. they can seem gratitous nad pointless if you don't find them interesting on their own. But I think they're going for something a bit different than i am.
I think there's value in both creating and seeking out unrelenting trauma and horror and torture and pain in your fiction. Some of them can feel a bit stale or tropey at times but if those are the tropes you like then hey, you're probably have a great time!
I don't get bent outta shape about it cuz at the end of the day, it's just something some people do in their free time for fun and to express themselves. I like expressing myself with lame comedy about dark situations and bitter comics about not being allowed to die, haha. but if some ppl wanna draw gore and suffering then like, more power to them i guess!
THAT BEING SAID, I do genuinely find this flattering, that you like something that deals with dark themes even when you usually don't. it's like, AWWWW!! little old me?? and I don't want you to think I'm lecturing you or anything, I'm just giving a response I think is relevant. you're frustration makes total sense if you keep hoping or expecting one thing and getting another and it's just NOT what you wanted haha.
So yeah, thank you <3
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zeawesomebirdie · 6 days
for the fic ask game :D 🙌 🥘 🦗
[for this ask game here]
Thanks for the ask J!!
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of? I'm giving you two paragraphs, one from a posted fic and one from a wip >:)
From Distractions, Distractions [brudick, rated E, underage]
Bruce Wayne was not the kind of man who hid from others, particularly not when he had something he needed to discuss with them, regardless of what Alfred might say to the contrary. Yet he had spent the majority of his day in the Manor rather than in the Cave, even though Dick had the day off from school and had announced at breakfast that Bruce was welcome to come down with him. No, he was not the kind of man who hid, but at the same time, he was also not the kind of man who could picture himself walking down to where his partner was likely turning cartwheels, nor could he see himself telling Dick just why his costume needed changing.
(yes that is the very first paragraph shhhh I've never been more proud of an opening before 😌)
And from a brudick wip I'm writing for @ful-crum in which Dick and Bruce fuck in the Cave and Dick mistakenly believes that they'll be able to be together now, only for Bruce to ghost him for two months straight
That was the crux of it, in the end, the grit of sand that irritated his heart into submission: that night of The Incident had been a one-off, and it was obvious that Bruce had meant nothing by it, no matter what Dick thought would come of it. And that was fine, or it would have to be; after all, Dick had had a few one night stands before, and while it wasn’t his preference, he could understand the appeal of such things to people like Bruce. Dick was just going to have to take the L, then, because otherwise he was going to mope his sorry ass into nothingness, and then what would become of him? It would have to be fine, there was no other choice, even if he was going to remember that night forever as one of the rare moments he and Bruce were truly a team again.
🥘What wip are you most excited about? Um, well, does all of them count?? Because I really don't think I could choose just one to be most excited about, honestly. The closest to actually being finished is another little insomniac!coldflash one shot for Stories I Tell Myself When I Can't Sleep, after that, the aforementioned brudick fic for @ful-crum is the most complete, and I've got half of a 5+1 Dick fucks Bruce to distract himself from his emotions written, and for the brubarry Old West!AU I've got all of Bruce's arc plotted and half of Barry's arc at least planned. And then beyond that, there's a dickjay gameboy fic and a 5+1 times Riddler saves Robin!Dick in the works, both of which I'm also excited for (and don't even get me started on the three wips I have for Bad Things Happen Bingo, one of which is for MASH, one for Star Wars: Legends, and one for Gunsmoke). Which one I'm most excited about depends on my mood and my energy, I suppose (yeah that's a non-answer, sorry!)
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around? Mostly in sequence, but I keep a notes doc for every longfic so that I can jot down scene ideas whenever they occur to me!! Though with the insomniac!coldflash one shots, those I'm writing out of order bc they really weren't meant to be more than a one-off thing, and I'm still plotting the whole longfic that'll eventually give context to the one shots; that's just not normally how I do things, normally I write pretty sequentially ^.^
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deadheaddaisy · 5 days
🩷 Pink: Do you find a certain character (or characters) easy to write? More difficult -- and if so, do you avoid writing that character (or those characters) when possible?
So far I've really only written Malcolm and Hoshi, and I find them incredibly easy to write since I'm taking their canon characters and what I perceive as said character dynamics, and then just - tweaking. Based on interactions in the show.
More difficult? That'll probably be when I get to T'Pol and Archer, particularly the latter. I have a WIP that includes them and Trip, and I think I've done fairly well, but I'll need others who know them better to advise me (yay beta readers!). I guess Trip might also be a bit difficult, at least unless I focus on him as Malcolm's friend. I may also be riffing off fanfics I've read where I really like their iteration of Trip. So no, I don't necessarily avoid writing characters - I just haven't needed them in my fics as yet.
💛 Yellow: Do you ever alter, highlight, or de-emphasize certain canonical traits in a character? If so, why and describe how.
As I said above, I take canon Hoshi and Malcolm and tweak them slightly based on interactions during the show. There was also a great conversation on a Discord server recently that articulated what I could not, which is that they recognise kindred spirits in each other because both grew up somewhat isolated - him with a disapproving father, her as a language prodigy who was tutored instead of schooled.
Hoshi is also often mischaracterised as being afraid throughout the series, which is patently not true. You try being thrown out of Starfleet after breaking your Commander's arm, becoming a professor where you have some autonomy, returning to Starfleet to go into space when you were never planning to, and relying on this spaceship that is constantly under attack to keep you safe from the vastness of space?
She overcomes her fear in Fight and Flight and saves the ship; steps up in Sleeping Dogs (and impresses Malcolm with her determination about the torpedoes), she insists that she can handle being left with Tarquin in Exile - and uses her wits to outsmart him; she tries to get back to the bridge when she's clearly injured in Minefield.
Plus Hoshi was a sass machine from day one, particularly with T'Pol. She's mischievous, and funny, and she wants to learn, and Malcolm knows that. She's not out to waste his time, and he appreciates that about her. And she soaks up his lessons and his insights, even after the incident in the mess hall. She understands that he's not always great at social skills, and doesn't let the incident put her off befriending him.
And Malcolm is a very encouraging person. He'd be a good teacher (and he is, to the extent that by Season 3, Hoshi is taking over phase rifle training for the villagers from Marauders). He encourages Travis, he encourages Hoshi, he's not afraid to admit that he's a little worried about using the transporter in The Andorian Incident but he encourages his staff member who expresses concern. He very likely took the flack for the snowman so Travis would have a fun first experience with snow, and he is, of course, already friends with Travis from Broken Bow.
He's also far more in touch with his emotions than people think - how he dealt with Shuttlepod One and imminent death was pragmatic and aimed at helping those left behind - hence the letters - not being pessimistic and railing against the unfairness of it like Trip. Also I don't understand why people think he's the difficult one when Trip can't handle his own emotions. But that's a rant for another day.
Yes, he loses his rag with Hayes, but after over two years of having your security and tactical concerns dismissed, wouldn't you be angry that someone from a lower rank is suddenly being listened to instead of you? By your own captain?
ANYWAY. That's my long-winded way of saying that I write those two from a somewhat different perspective than is shown on the screen, and also in a lot of fanfic. They're not the stiff-upper-lip Brit and the shy and frightened ensign they're made out to be. They're good at what they do, they strive to be better, they're in touch with their emotions (and use their words like adults), they're friends and confidants (including with Travis) and - in my fics at least, and in deleted scenes - there was a little spark between them. So that's how I write them. Competent adults who learn and grow throughout the series.
Thanks for the ask!
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siriuslystarbucks · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks to @mycupofrum for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
915, but only 426 of those are for HP >.<
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter is the big one! Marvel is second (but idk how much longer that'll be true for since I don't like any of the recent stuff), and there's a bunch of little ones that I have WIP's for but don't finish much of
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
My top 5 aren't HP, so here are the top 5 that are for Harry Potter :D
It's Always Been You- James/Sirius, 2k Teen
Mister Potter, I Presume?- James/Sirius, 900 Gen (this is the first fic I wrote for the imagines blog!)
Moving Seats- James/Sirius, 2.4k Teen
In Hospital- James Potter/Harry Potter, 3k Explicit (this used to be my highest kudos fic for years lol)
Five People, Two Relationships- James/Sirius, 3.6k Teen
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! ...most of the time. Every so often, I'll leave a note on a fic specifying that I'm not going to write anything else for it but someone will leave a comment asking for more-- I don't always feel like responding to those :/
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
They're both James/Sirius: either I Know You which is canon-compliant, or Should Have Been Me where Sirius was the secret-keeper, got killed, and James is the one to find his body :(
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh geez I write so much fluff I'm not sure I can narrow that down. Throw a dart and you can hit a fic with a happy ending
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I do sometimes, but I delete those comments when I get them, so I tend to forget about them until it's brought up in conversation lol
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes-- though I didn't used to
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and I hope it stays that way
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, and it makes me grin every time
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, and I'm not sure it's for me-- so stressful to try and keep up so the other author isn't waiting on me
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
James/Sirius!!! I love them! They made me into a fanfic writer!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Can't Help Falling In Love-- it's an unpublished, modern soulmate AU for James and Sirius. It's not an instant happy relationship once they figure out they're soulmates, which is why it's so hard for me
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Angst T.T i do my best but it's haaaard
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I only know one language, so it's a stylistic choice that I am not a fan of :/
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter! Like I said earlier, wanting more James/Sirius made me a fanfic writer :D
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Oh geez. Probably The Old Best Mate because who doesn't love a fic where someone comes back to life?
This was so much fun! All the names that immediately come to mind for who to tag have already been tagged, so this is just an open tag for anyone who wants to do it. Have fun! :D
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asherloki · 2 years
I have a cute little idea for a request… could you maybe write a fic about Steven or Layla or the reader (your choice) teaching Marc how to carve pumpkins? I feel like he never learned that and he needs someone gentle and patient to teach him
Moon carved pumpkin
Marc Spector x reader
A/n :- thanks for the request, I chose marc x reader, happy halloween!
Tumblr media
It was the beginning of fall in London, as Steven is the one who actually stays and works there, marc never had a chance to know how huge fall season is to you, with celebrating Halloween and carving pumpkins. You were dating Steven for a few months now then marc came, he wasn't someone whom you adored from the beginning like you did to steven but you knew he's actually nice, doesn't shows it. You and marc got along pretty well after that. Been a few weeks you moved to steven's rusty dark flat, making it look bearable but sorting stuffs and putting more lights. It was fall season's beginning so one day as you went to shop, you felt overwhelmed seeing pumpkins at the market. You couldn't help but buy one to carve and bought another for marc. You knew he has never done these so you were excited to teach him. You walked towards your flat trying to be okay even after the chilling air was whispering in your ear a little too loud.
"marc? Are you in ? I'm home!" You called and he came out of the washroom.
"welcome back darling, what's in these bags , looks so heavy"
"these are pumpkins"
"great I love pumpkins"
"do you like carving them too?" You asked raising one brow.
"wh-what?" Baffled he was.
"i know" you said giggling "you've never done this before, baby, Halloween is coming up and you have to try carving pumpkins, it's freaking fun"
"you mean those faces you guys do on these?" Asked him, in utter confusion.
"yes, you can do any kinda creativity on these,upto you! So? Wanna try?"
"Guess you can ask Steven" said he
"he has done these probably but I want marc Spector to try it, come on Mr Spector pretty please?"
He can't avoid your puppy eyes so he sighed and said, "okay, as you wish your highness"
You both sat together with carving knives in hand and each of you with a pumpkin. Marc tried to make a line of the triangle eye of a Halloween pumpkin but his hands shaked as he has never done anything similar to this before.
"not happening" he said,
"it would, see me doing it before you try, maybe that'll help" saying this you showed him how to cut a triangle. "Okay? Now try"
So he did and it was more an imperfect hexagon than a triangle. "It doesn't look so similar" he said.
"it's okay try the other eye" you encouraged. While doing the other he cut a wrong line and hot mad,
"I am too stupid to do this" said he fuming.
"Marc Spector keep calm" you scolded "if a man can put a cresent blade on a jackal's chest then he can do this as well. Why are you getting upset darling I'm here right? I'll teach you" saying this you held his hand. And did triangles on your pumpkins, the other eye, nose and it was time for the mouth, "now the mouth can be tricky, it has creepy teeth but trust the process okay" you did do a good job carving that mouth holding him.
"now can you do it?" You asked
"i hope, I can but what if...." He couldn't complete it. You interrupted by saying.
"I'm here, I'll fix it, just don't give up" you said which encouraged him. Except for the mouth he didn't need much help. You made a cresent moon on the forehead of the pumpkin he was carving.
"what was that for?" He asked smiling
"to make sure he knows who carved him" you replied.
His pumpkin looked decent only when it wasn't beside yours, yours was marvellous.
"see it looks good" you said,
"if you say so baby" and kissed your cheek
"do you think you can make another one, I mean can Steven?" You enquired.
"he can , might be skilled as well" he replied
"then I'll but another one for him tomorrow as well" saying this you put your head on Marc's shoulder and admired both of your creative pumpkins placed together.
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bluebunnyears-08 · 1 year
I’d like to ask if I can give a writing prompt?
Its a sequel to the story of where Nine has replaced Tails in his Prime universe. I don’t know if you are already working on one but I have an idea with a few little prompts.
1). Sonic is unable to really speak after a shock like that being unable to express anything as his heads a mess.
2). Nine goes on about what they can do together and today, showing what he has already invented on the table. - it can be what you want it to be he invents maybe something fun or it could be a weapon he shows off like a kid showing off a drawing to a dad or brother.
3). Sonic collects himself for only a little and shakes himself a little to reality. “Saying thats great buddy I-I need to just go for a run toooo clear my head”
4). Nine is sad of course but he thinks he’s got all the time in the world to hang out and he can enjoy his isolation for a little while longer and the more serene surroundings and fresh air. He’ll say something like “ok later bro” or “alright but lets catch up I want to know everything else about this world” with a lot of pep like the old tails.
5). Sonic immediately makes a break for it to an isolated location and gets all he’s feeling out in a kind cry scream that sags out at the end and he tries to collect himself after trying to keep himself together.
6). Back to Nine he’s happily sitting in his metal tails made chair when Amy drops in wondering why sonic left. How Nine acts towards her is up to you.
I hope that it wasn’t too long or irritating
Of course, it's ok! I'm sorry it took a while to see this answered, I've been going through some stuff and my mind has been in a fog. However, I don't plan on writing a sequel or a continuation to that fic, I wanted to leave what happens next to you readers, and it seems from what you've written it worked!
I'm very happy you liked that fic, and even more glad it left what happens next in your mind. Another thing is that I didn't originally come up with the fic, as it was a prompt request I merely fleshed out. So I can't really claim ownership of it.
So I can't expand on that fic due to those two reasons, but I can respond if you want to what you think would happen next.
And don't ever worry about a prompt being too long or irritating, send whatever prompt you have no matter how long it is. The only catch is that it'll take a longer time to write, but other than that, there's nothing wrong with any request.
Yes, I can see Sonic being shocked, mainly because the person in front of him is technically his brother, so he wouldn't know how to go about it. I slightly disagree with Sonic being angry or furious, he'd be more shocked and conflicted than anything, and while he will be horrified and against what Nine did, he wouldn't really yell or scream or antagonize Nine. Due to Sonic's interactions with Nine and knowledge of Nine's past and his probable emotional maturity, he wouldn't understand, but he could never truly hate or yell at Nine. A concerned scolding or a disappointed stare is probably the worst that'll happen.
And yeah, Nine is too happy and blissful to notice Sonic's shock and horror, just happy to be with Sonic and in a world he dreamed of. And he'd probably show off a gun or something that'll help Sonic with Eggman, very reminiscent of a child showing a parent their drawing. Nine is still a kid after all. A broken, emotionally exhausted, and traumatized kid, but a kid nonetheless.
Yeah, I can see Sonic understanding not just the situation, but he takes note of Nine's fragilely joyful state, so he's careful, not wanting Nine to be upset or angry, so he'd just make up an excuse to go out for a run.
Nine would be disappointed, but he'd never force Sonic to do anything, as seen when he allows Sonic to go back and help the rebels despite clearly wanting Sonic to stay. Not to mention now nothing can separate them, and they have all the time in the world in this paradise of a world. And I can see him retaining the pep and cheerfulness of the original Tails, now that he doesn't have anything to worry or be pained about. He is still a Tails after all.
And Sonic would be heartbroken and horrified at what Nine did, reducing his baby bro into nothing but a mere trait, what Nine was. I don't think he'd scream, not really, he'd most likely just shut down and focus on his swarming thoughts silently as various flickies wonder what's wrong.
Nine would be indifferent to Amy like he was to the others. She'd come in to find him sitting on a makeshift chair he used his tails to make. He'd tell her Sonic went for a run, mentioning Sonic's habit of 'running around everywhere'. Amy would then ask what he was doing which Nine would be short and blunt, explaining what he was building, not having the same shine in his eyes as when he was explaining it to Sonic and his voice being rather flat and bored. Amy would notice this and ask if he's ok, to which Nine would simply tell her he was fine, getting annoyed when Amy asks if he's sure. He then snarks back at her in annoyance, which would take her aback, then Nine would catch himself and apologize, stating that he has a lot going on in his head about inventions he needs to finish and work on and just needs some time alone, asking Amy to leave him alone to work. Amy would still be concerned but would comply, leaving the fox to tinker with his work as he fantasized about all of the things he could do now that he managed to follow Sonic back to Green Hill, his tails wagged behind him in excitement and joy.
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