#but ISN'T IT PRETTY TO THINK we were fated to be together anyway?'
idsb · 1 month
Yogurt boy because of the invisible string lyric and then he just became yogurt boy cause well there was nothing else going on
I actually used to follow a blog who PRE breakup in early 2023 had said wow he hasn’t booked a role in a year, what does he do like is he auditioning or what and someone was like, he’s just doing his side hustle which is working at that yogurt shop and it was like 5 people but it stuck with me and that’s all I think when someone refers to him as yb even though it’s 100% born out of invisible string and some people making jokes about Taylor comparing her sitting in a park writing songs probably on break from a studio session and he’s at a yogurt shop selling yogurt as a teen meanwhile she’s a country superstar in the making and I guess they felt she was trying to force a string 😭
I'm absolutely rolling at "what does he do" dhjfjgkshkg that aspect of this is extremely funny
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bravo4iscool · 5 months
Levi Baby🖤
The way I adore you for pairing Simon with a Chubby girl. I bring a thot to you if you're interested:
Bodyguard!Simon Ghost Riley x chubby f!reader
- He's newly retired , gets asked for a favor from Price for a friend's kid
- Said kid is a mid 20's thicc woman who is all business since she's a lawyer in Human Rights and involved with the UN.
- He thinks she's going to be a snob based off looks bc girl loves to dress and she does it well, she observes Simon as he is. Brooding, Haunted and Self Assureed with a drizzle of dark humor but loyal.
- They get off on the wrong foot [Simon was being an irrational ass forgetting his manners and respect], reader isn't scared of him and doesn't take lightly to being disrespect3d for no apparent reason.
- They're holed up living together under the radar since the thr3at to reader was pretty big seeing it was world leaders
- They're going to have to learn to live with each other, where Simon barks orders - reader is anamused and calmly condescends. He can't even get annoyed bc she's antisocial and a houseplant but he's trying
- doesn't help that he's so.so attracted to her.
*make this as suggestive as you want (give ghost heart attacks with her choice of home clothes please. We know he's touch straved, emotionally constipated and needed a therap session.
Make her stress him out by confronting all of that in her short fiery demon way please.
I hope your new year is sweet Love💋
oh lord. oH LORD. how can you write this and not think about me fainting😭 THIS IS- URGH- AMAZING AHHHQGACQGQVQZQZAVQ!!!!
i hope i can do this justice😭 normally i try to imitate simon’s accent but bro… i was just too tired to do it now, so i hope you can forgive me for that🥲
not really happy but i tried my best :) also not proof-read!
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“There’s no but’s!” Simon argues while almost dragging you—his protégée—along the hallway inside the safe house. “You’re in danger and it’s my job to protect you!”
“I’ve been perfectly fine on my own before,” you argue, trying your best to wriggle away from his grip. You hated it when he manhandled like that.
He turns around, his eyes fiercely staring down at you and you feel like they’re piercing through your soul. “Have you ever had the Taliban threaten you, huh? Or fucking ISIS? I don’t think so; so stop whining and follow me!”
You want to argue with him, tell him he’s not allowed to talk to you that way but damn, you knew he was right. Ever since you started working for the UN you’ve been threatened—you were getting used to it—but only by small groups not someone like the Taliban.
“We’re gonna stay here until the threat is eliminated for not serious anymore.” His statement leaves little room to argue but you’re itching to say something anyway. It’s wasn’t your nature to just shut up. You were a lawyer, you were used to arguing.
You grimace as you force yourself to accept your fate. You didn’t want to but in the end you knew Simon was right. So, you follow him, an annoyed look on your face. You hated it when he was right.
“It’s only temporary,” he grumbles as he kicks a door open and pushes you inside. “It’s not like I want it, okay?”
You only roll your eyes, throwing a halfhearted ‘whatever’ at him and inspecting the room he hauled you into. “This is where I’m gonna stay?” you ask him, a slight hint of defeat in your voice.
“Pretty much, yes. I’ll be on the other side of the hallway,” he explains, leaning against the door frame. “In case anything happened, of course,” he immediately adds; just so you don’t get a…wrong picture of this whole thing here.
“We got wifi here?” is you next questions when you turn to look at him, your arms crossed in front of your chest.
“No wifi. No contact to the outer world,” is his answer and you feel your blood start to boil.
“You have to be kidding me! How am I supposed to work then?” You throw your hands in the air, letting out an angry huff. “You can’t just cut me off civilisation!”
He only shrugs. “I can and I will. Work can wait, alright? Your life is more important now.” Again his voice leaves no room to argue but this time you won’t take it. You put your hands on your hips, looking up at him.
“You think that’s how it works? Then, please Lieutenant Riley,” you spit out his rank “fly over to the dozens of war criminals and tell them to stop too! Oh wait-“ you act shocked. “That’s not how it fucking works! You can’t expect me to sit still and look pretty while the world drowns in injustice!”
“Would make things a lot easier tho,” he mumbles under his breath while pushing himself off the door frame. “Just…do something that doesn’t require wifi or anything like that, alright?” Before you can even think of an answer he leaves, shutting the door behind him. Why the hell was he treating like some little child?
“How old is she?” Simon wants to know as he hands his old Captain the picture of you back. He’s sat on a chair, his legs spread, one arm resting on the back rest.
“Mid 20s,” Price answers, placing his folded hands onto the table. “She needs security and her father’s not really…trusting the usual companies; and since you’re nearly retired I thought you could use the job.” Simon holds Price’s gaze and nods along. “He trusts me, therefore he trusts you. She’s a lawyer, heavily associated and involved with the UN and human rights.”
“What are the details?” Simon slightly tilts his head, curiously raising his eyebrows.”
“24/7 protection. The full package. You’ve done it before,” Price explains and Simon once again nods along. “Before you take the job tho-“ he pauses. “She’s, well… she’s a lawyer Simon. You need to know what you get into.” The Captains gaze hardens, his back straightening. “She won’t like that she’s on protection detail, therefore she’ll be treating you like that.”
Simon only smirks, flipping his well kept coin between his fingers. “There’s nothing I can’t handle John. I’ve met people like that before and I was perfectly fine.”
Now Price was the one smirking while shaking his head. “I know and I don’t question your abilities but she’s a civilian—the one you’re protecting. You can’t handle this the way you’ve handled other subjects before.”
“I know what I’m getting into,” Simon assures in a calm tone definitely not knowing what he was getting himself into.
“Fucking hell,” Simon mutters when he first sees you. You’re walking straight to you office—the one he was sitting in—involved in a heated talk with that seemed like your secretary.
He’s able to make out single words but well, his hearing wasn’t the best anymore after nearly 20 years of military service. And now he thinks he probably should’ve stayed in the field.
The way you’re waking and talking and dressing just screams ‘snob’ at him. He slightly lowers his head to gaze at you, once again playing with his coin. Maybe he should’ve declined the offer and taken on the underground wrestling instead. Would’ve been more fun for sure.
As soon as you spot your guest you send your secretary away, bracing yourself for the following conversation. You weren’t a fan of getting security and you definitely weren’t a fan of the fact that it was a friend of your father’s friend and he—apparently—was everything but easy.
“Lieutenant Riley,” you greet him, extending your hand to him. When he stands up to his full height you slightly crane your neck; the professional smile still on your face.
“Ma’am,” he greets in a gruff voice, the skin of his hand raw and calloused as he return the handshake. “Pleased to meet you.” He isn’t. He just wants to leave but he brought this on himself so he needs to finish it now. ‘One year’, he told himself. ‘Then I can quit.’
“I can only return the pleasure,” you smile, clearing your throat. “Would you mind sitting down at my desk?” You ask, pointing towards said desk. “I think it’s easier to discuss business over there.”
Simon agrees, towering over you as he makes his way over to one of the chairs in front of the desk. You take place behind it, carefully straightening your blouse. He needs to warn himself not to stare. Fuck, why were you so pretty? A pretty little snob…
“This has to be taken seriously!” Simon raises his voice at you, successfully blocking the door of your office.
“This is nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” you argue with him, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “So please, Simon, let me get out of my office and back to work.”
He huffs, “Not a change. You’ll be staying here until the threat is cleared.” He glances over his shoulder, loving and hating the fact that you had a glass office. “Are these bullet prove?” he asks, looking at you again.
You sigh, “No.”
“We’ll have that changed,” he immediately answers and you start to shake your head.
“We’ll have nothing changed! You weren’t hired to renovate my office!” You walk towards him. “Now, Mr. Riley, please step aside so I can continue working.”
“Not happening.” He straightens up to his full height, expecting you to back off but you do the exact opposite. You swat your finger at him, looking up.
“I don’t care what you think, you will stay here; if you want it or not.” His voice is stern and stoic and you need to do your best to not full on scream at him.
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that,” you hiss, your index finger jabbing his chest. “I can make my own decisions, I’m a responsible adult. So don’t you dare talk down to me that way!”
When Simon doesn’t make a move you let out an angry huff and shake your head. Then you turn away and stalk towards your desk. “Fucking military man,” you curse under your breath, ignoring the way he stared you down.
You stare at your open suitcase, debating what to wear. On the one hand, you kinda were on your own, on the other hand, Simon was with you.
You were comfortable in your body—no question—you actually kinda liked the extra cushions but sometimes you felt like Simon was staring at you. Like he wasn’t able to take his eyes off of you and that made you…feel something. Something you were afraid of.
“Ah fuck it,” you say under your breath, fishing out some shorts and a shirt. You could care less about what Simon thinks. You both are only work related. Nothing else.
You tap down the stairs, walking straight into the kitchen. “You want something to eat?” You ask Simon, glancing at him when you hear him enter.
“You willing to make some?” he jokes, expecting you to say ‘no’ but when you say ‘yes’ his eyes widen and he pauses for a second. When you notice it you let out a small chuckle, opening the fridge and multiple cabinets to see what you could make.
“Any friends that’ll miss you?” he asks once you place a plate in front of him, looking up at you with curious eyes.
You shake your head, “Nope. Not really.” You sit down opposite of him, grabbing your fork. “Too busy to have friends.”
He tilts his head, blindly picking up the food either his fork. “No boyfriend?” He knows you don’t have one. You have no dates, no flings, nothing; but he wants to hear it from you. Maybe then his fantasies wouldn’t be so forbidden…
“Please,” you laugh. “We’d be divorced before we even married.” You take a sip of water and look at him. “I don’t have time for relationships and that kind of stuff. I have a target to pursue. Ain’t no time for distraction.”
He only nods in an understanding manner, playing with his beer bottle. “And you?” you ask. “You got someone?”
He shakes his head. “Nah. I’ve got you to deal with. That’s enough.” He smirks when he sees your facial expression, letting out a low chuckle. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for,” he continues joking. “But no. I don’t have anyone. Never really had.”
“Oh…” you say in an almost pitiful tone and he hates it. It not that he couldn’t get someone. He just didn’t want to. That’s a big difference. “Well not really different for me,” you then snort, slightly grimacing. You had this one guy ask you out for prom but that turned out to be a bet rather fast and after than you decided to not to date in school or university anymore.
Yeah sure, you were more chubby than other girls but that doesn’t mean that you’re not lovable, right? By now you were comfortable in your body—you were in your mid 20’s—but sometimes you felt yourself slipping back into the insecure girl you once were. The one who thought that no man would ever lay his eyes on her in a lustful or loving manner.
Simon’s itching to say something; to ask why you don’t have anyone… You’re perfect. You’re nice—even if he hated to admit it. You’re pretty, you’re so fucking soft… Did the men around you not see that?
“Simon?” You wave your hand around in front of his face, chuckling when he slightly flinches, his pupils blow. “Are you alright?” you carefully ask, eying him as if something was wrong.
But he only clears his throat, “Yes. Everything’s fine.” Then he hastily stands up and nods at you. “Thank you for the food.”
You watch after him as he leaves, a frown on your face. Was he really okay or was he just lying to you?
Simon on the other hand was probably turning red as a tomato. How could he allow himself to slip like that? Fuck, he needed to keep himself better under control.
As soon as he reaches his room he shuts the door and leans against it while opening his pants with shaking hands.
He had a—growing—problem and he needed take care of it. Now.
Approximately one week into the lockdown Simon finds you in the living room, crouched over a bunch of files and documents.
“What’s that?” he wants to know, looking over your shoulder.
“Work,” you simply reply, taking notes and pushing the papers around. You were so close, this close to finally finish this case but something was missing and it stressed you out.
He slowly nods, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “And how did you manage to get these files?”
“I’m a lawyer Simon. I have my ways and connections,” is your plain answer and you can basically feel him tensing behind you.
“What if they give away your location,”
“They won’t.”
“How can you be sure?” He tries his best to be calm but god, you were testing his nerves. He gave you strict orders and you were supposed to follow them.
You turn around with an annoyed sigh, looking up at him. “Because my father brought me those. You think he would sell me out to the enemy? I doubt so.”
You raise your eyebrow, waiting for any other complaint by him but be only looks at the files behind you, then at you again. “Maybe check the mission reports of the special forces.” With that he leaves you alone, more than confused.
You know why Simon told you what he told you when you find what you need exactly there. The mission reports were sitting somewhere beneath everything else because you didn’t pay much attention to them; in the end they were the solution.
Now you could finally link the crimes to someone and with that to the government or the military at least.
The next time you see Simon you almost jump into his arms, thanking him over and over again. “Now the case is finally closed,” you tell him with a big grin on your face, completely forgetting that you’re usually not so happy when around him.
Simon just awkwardly pats your back, pushing you off him and ignoring the burning desire deep within him. He knew it was risky to give you a tip but you were struggling and he didn‘t like that. He just hoped that you wouldn’t ask him why he knew that you should look at the mission reports. Once you knew that he was a war criminal this job would be over. And while you certainly were a pain in the ass sometimes he felt a very present attraction towards you.
Simon realises he’s a goner when he wakes up one morning and sees you walking around in a shirt. Just a shirt, as far as he can see and it does something to you. His hands are itching to touch you and he finds himself excusing himself more and more to the bathroom.
And you? You started to notice the kind of power you have over him and it makes you boast with pride. You, a chubby little lawyer in your mid 20s, has him, an almost 40 year old retired military Lieutenant, wrapped around your little finger.
After that you decide to play a little game. Wouldn’t hurt, no? Just subtle touches. Brushing his arm when you walk past him, patting his chest when he helps you with something, your legs touching his whenever you sit beside him.
He tries to shrug it off but you can practically feel how worked up he gets and how hard it is for him to keep him shit together; and that fuels you only more. How long would it take for him to break? To crumble beneath your touch, huh? You wanted, no, you needed to find that out.
Simon knows what you were doing. He isn’t stupid but he hates it. How was he so weak that you were able to play with him like that?
After a week, maybe two of you dancing around him he has you caged in against the kitchen counter, towering over you.
“What makes you think you can just play with me like that, huh?” he asks in a low voice, his eyes scanning your face for any reaction. “You think it’s funny? Working me up like that every day?”
You try not to be intimidated—or turned on—by him but god, he’s just- you don’t have any words for it. He’s tall, broad and fucking strong. You once got a look at the muscles under all his clothes and you weren’t the same after that. Nu-uh.
“I thought you like it,” you reply with a cocky grin, trying to overshadow your uncertainty. “Do you want me to stop?” You blink at him, acting all innocent and pure. In the corner of your eye you see his grip on the counter tightening. Oh, you had him where you wanted him.
A ‘bloody hell’ is all you get before his lips crash down onto yours and he heaves you on top of the counter. His hands find their way to your hips, scarred fingers tracing them and squeezing, wanting to pull you even closer.
The moment his lips touch yours you forget everything else. This is want you wanted—needed—for weeks. And lord, that man knew what he was doing.
You weren’t a fan of him dragging and pushing you around but right now? Right now you couldn’t wish for anything else. You bury your hands in the dirty kind strands of hair on the back of his head, gently pulling at them which results in him groaning in your mouth.
“Take me to the bedroom and maybe I’ll stop teasing you,” you breathlessly tell him once he breaks the kiss only to kiss you again immediately making you all hot and tingly.
You can feel him smirk against his lips before they trail down your neck towards your collar bone. “Ain’t gonna take you anywhere love,” he whispers and you’re able to once again feel him smirk against your skin. “Gonna fuck you right here on that kitchen counter. You want that?” he looks up at you through hooded eyes, which makes you swallow.
“Words love, words.” His tone is playful even tho you can see the desperation in the way his hands move all over your body, letting you see stars already.
“Yes…please,” you almost choke out, feeling like everything you want to say is being swallowed my your throat again. You’re unable to talk.
“That’s what I wanted to hear,” Simon teases, straightening up to kiss your lips again, cupping your cheek. “Gonna take good care of you,” he promises. “I’m gonna show you how a real man treats you,” he swears and you can feel a familiar but also unfamiliar heat building in the pit of your stomach.
(i got scared to write the rest👍🏼. i’m sorry, i’m still new to writing smut😭)
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hell-drabbles · 22 days
Mock-up Card 1
Basically it's just an L Card with the Embittered Companion and Lucifer working together because my brain is stuck on that for some reason? It's weird. Anyways, when you activate the Ultimate Skill of this card, you switch to either Lucifer or the Embittered Companion. A sort of, two-in-one card. Embittered Companion is all about dealing damage while Lucifer is all about healing. There's a boost to their ATK for a good while after switching. Don't ask about the numbers, I didn't think of them at aaaall.
Also I don't have it in me to write prose right now, so here be lines!!!
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[First Encounter]
YOU: Hey. It's been how many years? You know, since I last took up a weapon to chase people away? It's pretty nostalgic, honestly. LUCIFER: …are you already forgetting what you promised us? YOU: I'm not gonna charge in head first, you two. Get off my ass.
[Level Up]
YOU: What I lack… LUCIFER: I'll make up.
YOU: It would be nice, to have less lives lost. LUCIFER: But all we can do is continue on, until the very end.
[Ultimate Skill 1]
YOU: Go ahead and take a nap, Lucifer.
[Ultimate Skill 2]
LUCIFER: Sit. Rest. You're bleeding.
[Upon Death]
YOU: I'm still shit at keeping promises huh? LUCIFER: It's not your fault. Let's go.
[Victory 1]
YOU: Glad to see you've been focusing on the task at hand, Ra-on. Well, battle's over, so you can do whatever the hell you want.
[Victory 2]
LUCIFER: This is something to celebrate about, isn't it? …yes, you'll be invited to the party.
LUCIFER: A mortal body such as their's does not deserve to have injuries like this. Keep quiet, they'll wake up. I know they will.
[Lobby Interaction 1]
YOU: It's kind of funny to me that, after all that, my normal body hasn't really changed one bit. Still the same strength, still the same weaknesses. LUCIFER: It doesn't make it any less remarkable to me. YOU: So you and Ra-on say. Well, I've been in this body longer than anyone, so I wouldn't know what to be impressed by. Everything about this body is just uninteresting to me. Doesn't make me any less happy that I'm back in it, though.
[Lobby Interaction 2]
YOU: Hmm? What are you staring at us for, Ra-on? We that good of a sight? …happy, huh? Yeah, I suppose Lucifer and I make each other pretty happy. Don't discount yourself though, buddy. Wouldn't be in the place that I am without your help.
[Lobby Interaction 3]
LUCIFER: Your hands. Let me see them. YOU: Huh? Alright, but why? LUCIFER: Ra-on told me you forgot about your blisters. YOU: Oh. Oh! No, yeah I did forget. Whoops. But hey, at least I'm wearing gloves this time around, so they're not that bad. None of them popped, so they should heal nicely.
[Lobby Interaction 4]
LUCIFER: If you wanted to destroy Heaven, would you? I wouldn't blame you if you answered 'yes.' YOU: …maybe a younger, more freshly wounded version of myself would've said yes, but as I am now, no. The fate of Heaven is not mine to control. I can only control the distance between me and that place. Besides, I'll hold onto hope that the angels will eventually weed out that sickening need to be superior.
[Lobby Interaction 5]
LUCIFER: Shh. They haven't rested well last night. Whatever it is you want to ask, save it for later. Hmm? Mm. Yes, they're… still haunted by everything. Not even in sleep can they be allowed to escape. A curse that not even my powers can relieve.
[Lobby Interaction 6]
YOU: You know, I haven't heard the name Solomon in a while. Did you finally put your foot while I was away, Ra-on?
[Lobby Interaction 7]
YOU: Another angel almost snatched me up today. Even in this human form they hate so much, they still want to whisk me up right back to that suffocating cradle. Thanks for the warning by the way. LUCIFER: While we were all once siblings connected through our love for God, I won't allow them to repeat that torture. If I must make my words absolute, then I will.
[Lobby Interaction 8]
LUCIFER: Have you adjusted yet? YOU: To what? LUCIFER: To your lack of extra limbs. To that body of yours. Is there any pain? Any noises that want to invade your eyes and ears? YOU: …There's nothing. Sometimes I'll feel like I'm missing something, but it's all blissfully silent.
[Lobby Interaction 9]
LUCIFER: Do you have no intention of staying here? YOU: I have no intention of ever forgetting you, Lucifer. But, I can't stay here. This is not my home. Our home, is right where Minhyeok is. Where our beloved earth is. Hell is nice, but I'm pretty sure Ra-on and I miss the comfort of our home's air.
[Lobby Interaction 10]
YOU: Lucifer? LUCIFER: Yes? YOU: If, one day, I decide to visit, would you welcome me? LUCIFER: …always. A small visit, or a promise to dedicate our existences to one another, I'll welcome it all the same.
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au-sonic-smackdown · 5 months
AU Sonic Smackdown - Round 1, Left Side
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Bound by Fate AU belongs to @midnightshard06
Old Man Sonic AU belongs to @wereh0gz
Read more about them under the cut!
Bound by Fate-
Sonic in this au is born as a werehog, but really has no idea why. He just rolls with it, but this does limit his friendship potential. As such he's kind of a loner, not that he acts like it. He's rather outgoing, and can talk to anyone really. Definitely leans on the sassy side, particularly with people he's comfortable with. Though he finds it hard to trust people due to bad experiences when in his werehog form. A lot of people don't take kindly to him at night so he tries to stay away from people as best he can while transformed, and he doesn't like to stick in one place for too long. At some point he meets Tails and the two mutually help each other out (Tails saving him from a group of hunters that were trying to kill him and Sonic helping Tails gain a better reputation in the town he lives in). The two are close even if Sonic isn't always around. Eventually Sonic and Knuckles run into each other, Knuckles trying to take out Sonic due to a misunderstanding. Though the two end up bound together through prophecy shenanigans and have to save the world as a team.
Sonic's abilities are pretty standard fair. Sonic during the day has the super speed and all the stuff to come with it. Though he is a bit physically stronger since some of his werehog strength tends to leak over. At night it's mostly standard werehog stuff with the exception of the stretchy arms. He can however sense nearby dark gaia monsters and gaia temples, and him and Knuckle's bond let them know were each other are at all times.
Old Man Sonic-
It's the Sonic we all know and love! ... Except he's long overdue for retirement.
He's gained the "gift" of immortality thanks to the large amounts of Chaos Energy, Dark Gaia Energy, and other godly energies he's absorbed over the years. You could say he's something of a demigod now, capable of running at extreme speeds (of course), commanding the winds, and even turning himself into a beast!
Now at the ripe old age of 215 and heavily scarred in more ways than one, he wanders the world fighting off evildoers and stopping world-ending calamities just as he did in his youth. He's not alone, though, as he has help from Tails, Shadow, and even Silver on occasion. He may not be as spry as he used to be, but he'd never allow his world to fall into the wrong hands, even if it means pushing himself far beyond mortal limits and dying time and time again. It's not like death is permanent for him, anyway.
While Sonic still retains the title of "hero of Mobius", he doesn't interact much with the public anymore. In fact, he's seen as more of a myth now, and almost the entire world (except for Tails, Shadow, and Eggman Nega) thinks he died from natural causes long ago. He tries his best to keep his identity and immortality secret, going by different names on the off chance he runs into someone.
Unfortunately, the worst possible person who could know about his secret is already well aware of it, and is always hunting him down to capture him and see what makes him tick...
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maleyanderecafe · 5 months
Hi! I've been craving some yandere content that's not manga, webtoon, manwa, etc. Do you have recommendations that are movies, tv shows, maybe some kdrama too? Just not manga, anime and the sort.
Sorry this one took a kabillion years to answer. Back in October, Cherry and I basically had a yandere movie month where we would just watch a bunch of movies that were labeled as Male Yandere movies because horror month (which is unfortunate for me because I don't really like horro movies). Anyways, besides the short list here that has some TV shows, here's some stuff we watched. Some of this will be later put in as recommendations, probably on Tuesdays.
Hush Little Baby- we're going to start out with some lifetime movies because they're low calorie and turn off brain fun to watch. About a neighbor kid who comes in to babysit the main character's kid only to cause problems to the entire family.
Swim at Your Own Risk- another lifetime movie. About a swim team girl who has a fling with the swim couch after taking a break with her boyfriend. Things go wrong as the swim couch gets obsessed with her.
You Belong to Me - another lifetime movie. About a lady who finds out that someone is stalking her and tries to figure out who it is after they try to murder her boyfriend.
Addicted/Obsessed- Addicted is the korean movie and Obsessed is the English remake. About twins, one of which is married to the female lead, where they both have an accident. The husband dies, however, the other seems to have been possessed by the husband.
LadyHawke - older movie, but the yandere is the main villain. About a main character who escapes prison and finds a couple who is cursed to turn into a wolf and hawk respectively during the day and night, fated to never be together.
Well Intentioned Love- Chinese drama, though the yandere portion only really shows up in the first season. About a girl who has lukemia and has to have a contract marriage with the only person who can give her a doner bone marrow match. Driver is best character.
Disco Pigs- Pretty surreal movie in some cases. About two childhood friends, Pig and Runt who love each other as Pig becomes more and more obsessed with her as the movie goes on.
Labyrinth - I probably won't write a recommendation for this one because the yandere portion really only shows up in the song, but it's still a fun movie with David Bowie. I even read the comic for it just to check but the yandere portion seems to only show up in the song.
The Boy - I actually watched this with another friend that was obsessed with wallmen, but its a pretty fun movie overall. I think most people know this one though. About a lady who moves in and babysits a doll while trying to escape her abusive ex.
Within - also another movie I watched with my wallmen obsessed friend. About a family that moves into a house that turns out to be haunted in one way or another.
What If…Dr. Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands? - Sorcerer Supreme in general in general seems like a yandere since his entire goal is to just bring back Christine at all costs. He also just generally shows up in other episodes of the What If? Series.
Heathers - I heard the movie version isn't nearly as yandere, but the musical version is for sure.
Phantom of the Opera- I'm kind of cheating with this one because it's like one of the OG male yandere stuff, but hey, if you haven't heard or watched it yet, well you know.
That's about it for now since usually Cherry and I don't watch a ton of movies. Might change after a while, but we'll see. Maybe in February we'll try to have a tv drama month to watch stuff.
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silawastaken · 3 months
I love seeing people compare music to their favourite characters and go like 'oh yeah this verse might be this character... and then this one is the other one... and then this little bit here is them both honestly. Or something like that' because I HAVE gone through every taylor swift song on evermore and folklore and compared it to skk. Sorry to be autistic on the writing account, but this is a fanfic writing account and I'm writing my second novel length fic about them so what did you expect.
folklore/evermore are very canon skk, and verge into fanon and some songs are the reason for very specific head canons, or some of the ways I write the way they perceive each other. 1989... DON'T GET ME STARTED OMFG HAVE YOU EVER LISTENED TO BLANK SPACE? I THINK IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO NOT HAVE AND OMG IT'S SO SKK CODED LIKE WTF. I HAVE VERY FIRM OPINIONS ABOUT WHICH LYRICS ARE THEIRS. Also the vault tracks literally exist what more do you want from me. 'i think about jumping off of very tall somethings just to see you come running and say the one thing I've been wanting' okay dazai pack it up you did that already, beast exists. 'i call my mom sister she said that it was for the best remind myself the more i gave you'd want me less' yeah yeah chuuya we know he left you get over it, it wasn't personal(think that line could go for either of them but the other line 'the way you faded till i left' feels more Dazai personally). Plus suburban legends. For personal reasons I struggle to listen to song without SPIRALING FUCK YOU THAT ONE PERSON SEHDHSSJNS but very skk as well 'we were born to be national treasures' is very soulmates of them. And out of the woods screams them in fanfic when they try to get better. Red, straight away all too well. They both remember it all too well. All too well skk cover with switching vocals anyone? The last time. The one with gary lightbody. Underrated song, is my favourite on that album, and SO THEM. 'this is the last time you tell me ive got it wrong, this is the last time i wont hurt you anymore' because they're fated to be together and are constantly drawn to each other and yet keep HURTING EACH OTHER RAGH. also 'we are never getting back together' is pretty funny and nice when applied to them. also state of grace. any taylor song with a mild drop of religious imagery is them cause yeah. but 'i never saw you coming, and I'll never be the same'... okay pack it up, we don't have time for your yearning. 'you were never a saint' (dazai abt chuuya) 'and i loved in shades of wrong' (bc hes toxic and doesnt know how to healthily like people) 'we learned to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts' (bc they continue anyway and stick it out, living with the pain of being bad for each other because of how deeply they care). I almost do. Dazai after leaving. moving on to more religion, holy ground. 'for the first time i had something to lose' 'and i guess we fell apart in the usual way, and the storys got dust on every page' AAAAAA IT'S THEM. Can't really speak on debut- but I've listened to our song and picture to burn and if picture to burn isn't a vengeful chuuya idk what is. BOY OH BOY SPEAK NOW.
excuse me. one moment.
Mine- literally a skk au
Sparks fly- 'the way you move is like a rainstorm and im a house full of cards, you're the kind of reckless that should send me running' that entire verse screams dazai's fascination with corrupted chuuya, and the whole song is well yeah
back to december- dazai when they reunite just trust me on it just trust me on it. the repetition was intentional, that's how serious i am. 'i go back to december all the time' 'I got back to december to make it all right'
speak now- might just be me but it really makes me think of teen skk in fanfic harbouring urges to ruin the others relationship for 'some reason. I don't know, seeing him with her just... irks me'.
the story of us- first verse is chuuya, second verse is dazai, and the third is them both because they're LOSERS and they LOVE EACH OTHER and FUCK I'm CRYING NOW. 'id tell you i miss you but i don't know how' EMOTIONALLY CONSTIPATED BASTARD.
enchanted- self explanatory. for more context, i really think it's from dazai's pov in this case, could probably be both, but dazai fell first and harder so it's really like god he's been in love ever since he got kicked into that wall he wants him around forever. He held Chuuya's hand in the fight with rimbaud and then had all those close moments in the manga and went home to lie on his bed kicking his feet and giggling don't lie. (god im still crying this isn't helping)
better than revenge- they're both pretty vengeful idk it makes me think of iwsynttr for some reason
haunted- chuuya pov. 'i thought i had you figured out, something's gone terribly wrong' 'stood there and watched you walk away from everything we had' they're so sad, but the general idea of chuuya thinking he has figured out dazai and knowing how he thinks and then dazai just leaves suddenly and he's like 'Wow! I thought i knew you. How do i forget this'. 'wont finish what you started' bringing chuuya into the mafia then leaving it.
last kiss- 'you told me you love me so why did you go away' chuuya pov again oh god it hurts why am i doing this to myself? 'never imagined we'd end like this, your name, forever the name on my lips' yep yep ow.
LONG LIVE.- LISTEN. TO. THE. SONG. AND TELL ME IT'S NOT DAZAI AND CHUUYA. I COULD DO A WHOLE ANALYSIS ON JUST THIS SONG. 'promise me this, that you'll stand by me forever, but if god forbid fate should step in, and force us into a goodbye...please tell them my name, tell them how the crowds went wild, tell them how i hope they shine, long live the walls we crashed through, i had the time of my life with you' FUCK IT'S DAZAI AN HE'S IN LOVE WITH CHUUYA AND DOESNT KNOW ODAS GONNA DIE YET, JUST THINKS HE DOESNT GET TO KEEP ANYTHING HE WANTS. FUUUUUCK. THEY'RE IN LOVE AND DAZAI WANTS IT REMEMBERED PLEASE I'M SO SAD.
anyway, i can't pretend I'm normal about skk anymore i haven't even covered fearless, reputation, lover or midnights please somebody encourage me to actually write full things dedicated to each album and the most fitting songs from said albums please i'll do it and plus i need to actually gather proof for my autism diagnosis appointment so this would be a good way to to that probably. anyway yeah this'll never make it out my drafts lol
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earlgreytea68 · 6 months
From that Kerrang interview, about their first meeting at the end of the hiatus: “It was tense, actually, as we hadn’t talked to each other in a long time and there were all these old grievances.”
This poor man cannot decide which version of his history he wants to believe lol. Was it tense because you hadn’t talked or was it just a lil break and everyone was cool and friendly the whole time, Patrick?
hahahaha I saw that statement and immediately thought of all of our hiatus discussions.
I think I can save Patrick a little bit there, though. I think it is pretty settled from the various accounts of that time period that Pete and Patrick made up first and then decided to get the rest of the band back together once they'd hashed out their relationship some. I think it's also been stated enough times that it seems true that the hardest person to persuade was Joe and that Patrick spent hours on the phone with him convincing him to come back. So I actually think Patrick's statement in the Kerrang interview of "it was tense, we hadn't talked to each other in a long time" might have been about his relationship with Joe (and possibly Andy, although that has always come across as more easy-going). Maybe, in fact, a lot of what seems like contradictions in what Patrick says about the hiatus are him talking about two different relationships and not being clear in that.
I think a lot about that post I saw about how soulmate-y Pete and Patrick are, like, regardless of any romantic attachment, their story is just too intertwined for them to be anything but fated creative partners. Their relationship has seen its share of fraught exchanges but mostly born from the intensity of that star-crossed soulmate bond, tbh. That feeling of inevitable magnetism between them, like they're not finished without each other and make up a whole person, also means that Patrick and Pete are probably both very serious when they can say simultaneously that they talked almost never during the hiatus but never stopped being Pete&Patrick. Like, that silly, ridiculous thread that binds them could never have been snapped by something so simple as a little while not talking. And they seem to elementally have known that, too, that no matter how far they might try to wander away from each other, they would always eventually snap back and be waiting for each other. Which is not to say that they don't clearly put time and effort and care into their relationship with each other, but it is to say that they exist on this different plane that, honestly, probably no other person in the universe but the two of them can truly comprehend, and so it makes sense that when they talk about how it works, it's all over the place to the rest of us but perfectly unremarkable to them. Patrick barely knew Pete's kid but also never stopped being Pete's best friend: of course. How could it be otherwise???? They're Pete&Patrick.
The other part of this is that I really respect and praise and am impressed by Joe and Patrick and the work that they both clearly put into *their* relationship. Because Joe isn't part of that star-crossed fated soulmate thing. He was on the outside of that looking in, which was obviously a painful place to be. And Patrick couldn't rely on that soulmate bond to make up for the hurt feelings of the hiatus. Pete&Patrick called each other up and boom, started writing songs together again, of course they did, it's written in the stars for them. Patrick and Joe really had to work together to make it back and it's so lovely that they did it because now look at them making each other laugh every single night on stage.
But, anyway, this is to say that when I think about how Patrick tells the story of the hiatus and is kind of all over the place, it's starting to make more and more sense to me when I think of how part of the story of the hiatus is Patrick and his weird fanficcy creative soulmate life partner twin destiny person, like, that part of the story probably will never make sense to those of us who don't have one of those lol, they just interact on a level and in a way that the rest of us will never get. And they're even very straightforward and upfront about that, and still it's always amazing to me when I realize where it crops up.
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
Ryu for the ask game?
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Omg thank you all for asking this character I totally didn't specifically ask to be asked about and who I love a perfectly normal amount giggles and twirls hair
Favorite thing about them: He really strives to be good. Good at something, anything, but just good. He constantly fights against his own narrative and I find it very admirable. He was doomed from the start to fail and I feel like he knows that, and I don't know how he finds the strength to keep trying anyway but he does and it's really neat. Maybe his skull really is too thick to listen to the words of a predetermined fate. Just the whole thing about being the tragic character of all time is very compelling to me. Also, his inherently meaningless seeking a validation to live he shares with Atsushi makes me like him for reasons similar to Atsushi.
Least favorite thing about them: MMMHHHH,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Like I really like his flaws, I'm happy he has them, I wouldn't like him the same if he didn't? But at least I can safely say it's someone I wouldn't like to deal with irl lol.
Favorite line:
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brOTP: GIN AND RYUUNOSUKE!!!!! They make me go insane. Holding hands while working in the darkness fr. Being lonely together. Someone who's seen you at your worst FOR REAL but still hasn't abandoned you for some unfathomable reason. I don't know what goes through your mind but I see your eyes and they're the same as mine. Also mmmmhhhh sskk. Chuuaku. Kyouka and Akutagawa though I'm not sure that can count as brotp. Lucy and Akutagawa.
OTP: Sskk is like, pretty cool if you ask me <3 Imagine a fully rotten individual who was never meant for anything but killing and making people suffer since they were born, loving someone. Imagine the “I will kill you” being replaced by “I will love you”. But also imagine being so deeply interlaced with another person, your existence just can't escape the other. Destined to be together and destined to fall apart at the same time. I'll never be able to move forward until I've denied your very being but if you die my existence will stop having a meaning. Don't tell me what to do. I will follow you to the end of the world. I will kill you. I will die for you. I just think them <333 Chuuaku too, have already spent countless words on them but. Finally a ship that's real and relatable. Finally something that doesn't feel ethereal and idealized and distant and untouchable, but real and stained and messy and human. What if I didn't understand you but I wanted to. What if we walked together home. They're neat <333 Other Akutagawa ships I vibe with would be Akutagawa × Beast Atsushi, Akutagawa × Tachihara, Akutagawa × Kajii, akuatsulucy...
nOTP: 🤨🤔🧐
Random headcanon: I think he's numb to pain. And I don't mean it in the “oh no he suffered so much he's used to it at this point :((( ” pitying way, I mean it in the “he's felt such very strong spikes of pain in multiple occasions, his pain detectors just gave out” way. The “he won't notice a wound because he just can't feel it” way.
Unpopular opinion: In the last period, it's been bugging me a little how Akutagawa and Dazai's relationship is portrayed in fancontent. It's just always so black and white, while actually I feel like there's so much nuisance to it that just gets lost in fandom. Yes, the way Dazai treated Akutagawa was horrible and inhuman. Yes, to an extent Dazai thought highly of Akutagawa's abilities and cared for him. Yes, Akutagawa was victim of Dazai's heavy abuse. No, Akutagawa isn't entirely subject to Dazai, he explicitly gave his consent to an hard training (which, I reiterate, doesn't justify it at all; but does give more nuisance to the whole situation) and did oppose him in multiple occasions. I just think sometimes Akutagawa is framed as this helpless damsel in distress and Dazai as this inhuman monster whereas their relationship is indeed unhealthy, but still so much more complex than that. And just, really, I feel like portraying Akutagawa so helpless in Dazai's hands makes him a disservice? Even though in canon he said to be willing to kill Dazai on multiple occasions, has punched him more than once, has told straight “no”s to his face. I just think... People tend to make Akutagawa a lot less aware than he actually is. Here, there it is, that's what really troubles me. Akutagawa does know Dazai hurt him. He does know Dazai's treatment of him was cruel, and unfair. He is aware of what Dazai did to him. That just can't stop him from seeking his approval, even against his will. But to think that Akutagawa is blind to everything Dazai did to him does him a disservice, because he really is not that stupid or with completely null self-awareness. The fact that he tends to run after Dazai despite knowing how much he's hurt him is just further proof of how complex and human-like Akutagawa's psyche is. Also, he does NOT like reading. All my homies hate booknerd Akutagawa.
Song i associate with them: Well, I associate with him songs I definitely shouldn't associate with him alcfjyalfiygaslfiya. One song I always listen to that infallibly makes me think of Akutagawa although it really DOES NOT fit Akutagawa is Patchwork Staccato by toa, with its delicious sewing symbolism and words of toxic codependent relationships and the line you, I'd really rather you just stop existing I just can't help but link to him. Or Vampire by DECO*27, which. self-explanatory. but really shouldn't be associated with Akutagawa. On the side of songs that do fit Akutagawa, Tokyo Teddy Bear (AKUTAGAWA SEWING SYMBOLISM MY ULTIMATE BELOVED) and Lost One's Weeping (“Who stained that heart black? Who was it? Who was it!?” “Can you untie the rope around his neck? Can we keep going like this? What're you gonna do? I don't care anymore!” “But why does this lump in our hearts // Say we want to disappear? Say we want to die?” “Can you remember the dreams of your childhood? Who threw those dreams in a ditch? Who was it!? You know who it was! When are you going to grow up!? What is a grown-up anyway? Who has the answers? What're you gonna do? I don't care anymore!”) and basically everything from Neru. And Rolling Girl by wowaka, obviously.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga: The one above LMAO. I. Really like that scene and think it's the most beautiful climax Akutagawa's character arc could have ever had. Here's my second favourite though:
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Favourite illustration: There's a lot of beautiful ones...
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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BUT ALSO this please don't make me choose. And various anime screencaps. I feel like I'm cheating but maybe it's unethical to ask from me to pick a favourite Akutagawa picture in the first place.
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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bonefall · 9 months
time to dump a whole bunch of clanmew translations on you!!!!
Stemcurl- Prryemarreoopa, this is a really long one but I really like saying it for some reason. I imagine they would get a nickname like Squilf, but I could not for the life of me figure one out lmao
Dropletbreak- Kipimkerroch, technically this should probably be translated as Dropletshatter, but I prefer -break! it's meant to evoke that very first raindrop that splats right on your nose and makes you think 'well. it's definitely going to rain.'
Lightflood- Anelalm, there's not a specific word for flood, but I think -wave works pretty well here!
Basilsnap/star- Mwelkaygurga/Mwelshai, so apparently basil doesn't grow naturally in the UK??? you learn something new every day, I guess? anyways I just replaced it with spearmint, since it's in the same family and looks at least a little bit similar.
Shadedance- Horrlshigashig, the 'danced' here isn't exactly what I wanted? I was looking more for a 'trembled/swayed,' since his name is supposed to be like the shadows of leaves on the forest floor, but I couldn't find anything in the 'movement' semantic field...
Flickerfate- Swarfssamep/Swarforrmep, these (to me) would be translated the same way in English, but they have very different meanings. 'fate' as a suffix is a bit of a weird one, but it was originally granted as an Honor Title due to their affinity to see omens in fires; it eventually turned into a Dishonor Title for fun story reasons that I won't bore you with lol.
Nacreclaw- Solyskkachit, this one is... interesting. There's no word in Clammew for nacre (probably because they don't live by the sea and wouldn't see it), so I attempted to combine 'solyss' and 'sek' into a sort of compound word, and ended up with 'solysk,' so, there we go?
Oh I love these, absolute MVP goes to Dropletbreak, that's such a neat image! On Prryemarreoopa, I think that a good nickname would be Prryoo. It takes a piece from both the prefix and suffix, and keeps that "fun to say" vibe from the full name.
New words;
Flood = Worrl Translates directly. (Note: a syke, mawss, is a stream that floods seasonally.)
Basil (Clinopodium vulgare) = Pomba (Heart + Flower) An important astringent, used to speed up heartrate, help a cat cough up phlegm, and even treat mild infection. In times of excess, it's even used for making yellow dye! Has orchid-like, delicate little purple flowers. You were probably looking at the wrong type of basil! Basils in the family Ocimum (such as sweet basil) don't grow in the UK, this is the historic type of basil used as medicine.
Plant Movements
I think I see what you're looking for with Shadedance, and this is a good area to expand in I think. I'm going to give you a bunch of words for the movement of plants, from the perspective of Clan cats.
Twanged/Twanging/Will Twang = Ookooau/Ookooa/Ookoo SPECIFICALLY the unnatural movement a plant makes when an animal interacts with it. It's the tremble of a branch as a squirrel runs on it, or the bow of a flower when a fat bee grabs it, or the spring of a twig that a sparrow perches on. A plant that is bearing the weight of a creature.
Rolled-Together/Rolling-Together/Will-Roll-Together = Shalalshe/Shalashe/Shalshe AN IRREGULAR STEM, watch out! The wave-like movement of wall grass as it bends with the wind. Also used metaphorically, for when you ALL move together. "SHALSHE!" is a full sentence on its own, a command, that the entire group you're referring to should move as one.
Sway = Hayyssassa/Hayyssass/Hayyssa The gentle movement of plants in wind.
Tattled/Tattled/Tattling = Cha'ha'hach/Cha'ha'ha/Cha'ha The odd, irregular dancing of rain or hail on leaves or roofing. Like English, this word can also be used for "telling on someone" or "giving something hidden away," because you may not know it is raining except for the tattle of the den above you. Also used by tunnelers when they could tell something was above them, based on the sound of pawsteps.
Rattle = Shewshioo/Shewshi/Shewsh The violent shaking of leaves and branches under high winds; arbitrarily different from "sway" from the fact that it makes listening difficult and stops the singing of birds.
Collapsed-Swayed/Collapsing-Sway/Will-Collapse-Will-Sway = Goorraoa/Goorrao/Goorra WHEN THE WIND IS SO STRONG IT'S MAKING THE TRUNKS GROAN. VERY powerful word, because it will also describe the sway of the roots in the ground as they're pulled by the tree. The ground might literally dance. Also applied emotionally to a cat whose "world is shaken," swaying as if they might collapse, from news so powerful it's making them dizzy. I don't know how to put the power of this word into English so I just made it red lmao. The grass it-bows-together, the oak it-collapes-sways. I would use this for Honor Titles.
Rustle = Kish The sound plants with leaves make when shaken. Compare to Russ, the word for leaves AND the sound they make when wind gently passes through them. A bonus for you.
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
So there was a lot of talk the past two days on my feed over Rory being right to turn down Logan's marriage proposal in S7....which is completely the rational take as both of them were under 25, they'd never discussed it before, Logan is going to crash and burn by trying to rush right into marriage, home ownership, and financial independence at the same time at the ripe old age of 24 (slow down, my man, there's a recession coming in two years), Logan said he'd factor her plans into his and then does the exact opposite and she didn't want to break up with him over the issue....and oh yeah, she didn't want to and it's not like the disaster of her parents failed reconciliation a few months prior to that event could cause her to be wary of the institution in general. Sure, her career devolves on its own years later and Logan becomes unavailable as a legitimate prospect to her years later because he decides to become a character in an eighteenth century novel with the whole "I have to marry this heiress to please my dad even though my heart is stuck on another, whatever shall I do? Oh, nothing, apparently, the narrative says I'm doomed no matter what"...but hey, maybe all of those things would have happened anyway, and it's still not a reason to force yourself to get married when you don't want to.
However, can we talk about how weird this episode is? Why is Rory leaning on her mother for advice at this point, who has gone through a failed engagement and a divorce (to two different men!) in less than a year and Rory was upfront with thinking the marriage was a bad idea? Why is Christopher whining about Logan not asking him first, given it seems that he hasn't contacted Rory on her own since the divorce because he STILL is unwilling to do much of anything parental unless Lorelai is involved? Why is there no discussion of Luke attending this graduation, even as a suggestion that's dismissed? What is even up with Logan's "my way or the highway" attitude? That isn't how he's acted all season and he and Rory have had disagreements and been able to deal rationally with them. And finally, what is up with Luke and Lorelai taking so many steps backwards? Lorelai is frustrated that Luke isn't making a move when she's going around telling everyone that serenading him isn't a big deal, what did she think was going to happen? Luke very logically tells her that Rory marrying her college boyfriend seems like something she should carefully consider (gee, it's not like he and Lorelai both have ill-fated spontaneous marriages in their recent past or anything that could inform his thoughts on this matter) and Lorelai decides to make that entire conversation a metaphorical moratorium on their relationship and conclude that Luke isn't willing to consider marriage again? (Uh, maybe this issue isn't going to be resolved in one conversation, hon). And finally, Lorelai tells Rory that if she doesn't immediately want to marry someone the first time the issue comes up, she should just accept that she's never meant to marry that person and the discussion is forever closed! I'm sorry, Lorelai, that is TERRIBLE ADVICE and maybe ease up on the projecting here.
This episode was written by Jennie Snyder Urman, who would later go on to run Jane the Virgin. She also wrote the Luke/Lorelai car shopping episode, Lorelai and Christopher's breakup episode, and the episode where Lorelai tells Rory she's gotten married and Rory and Logan fight over the magazine article she writes. I think she has good takes on both couples in the past, so it's bizarre to keep why they're so off kilter here. I get it that they wanted Rory to be single by the end of the season and not get Luke and Lorelai back together quite yet but it's just...a really sour way of making the narrative orient around rom com miscommunication and kind of taints the back half of the last season, which was otherwise pretty stellar.
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
I think my asks are getting into your inbox late somehow. maybe that's my internet or it's probably just tumblr being tumblr BUT ANYWAY. yeah...this is going to be so so bad. And I get Pocket got triggered hearing his voice and lo and behold Joana is still following him like a puppy because I truly do think there's no interaction between those two anymore apart from her trying to get his attention and him just always trying to get away (or maybe i'm putting too much fate on Brenan). And I usually don't mind Pocket fucking her feelings away, like I'm not saying it's the healthiest way to cope but go and do your thing. But, and correct me if i'm misremembering this, isn't he just a tad bit too young for her? I mean, he's legal and everything and it won't really matter if it's just a quick fuck if you really think about it. But why do I have a bad feeling about it? Like is this guy to be trusted or is there something fishy going on here? Or could that just be me being paranoid? LMAO. I can't explain it but I just really have a baaddd feeling about it.
I stated in my previous ask about Hydra being connected to the strip club somehow and well, I was right again. Though, my theory on them experimenting on these women could still be wrong tho and i really hope I am. But, again this is a theory, if Juniper is actually a Hydra agent, Pocket just put so many people in danger by blurting out that they now know Hydra is connected to the strip club. Like so many things could've gone wrong with that IF she is in cahoots with them. But, she also could just be an annoying bitch all on her own lmao.
But ah, Beatrice calling in. I mean there's really not much for me to say about that small cameo. The part were he still calls her "my girl" though is both sweet and a little annoying sometimes lmao. Like, i don't think he's still understanding the weight of what's he's done thinking that he still has a chance with Pocket. Maybe he's just highly optimistic, which does reinforce the fact that there's really more to what happened. OR it could also mean that no matter what, even if they're never getting back other, she's still going to be his girl in his eyes. It's bittersweet in it's own right.
I can already feel the slope declining, like things are going to go downnn and Pocket is going to spiral so bad. I really don't want it to happen but all odds are against her favor right now on top of her not thinking with a clear mind and is running high on strong emotions so there's not much we can do. That's all I have to say for now, you're amazing as always! Lots of Love!
— Jnon 🤍
Another Jnon! My day is good!
There is definitely no interaction between Bucket and Cunthage right now. She's pursuing, he's fleeing. He knows he's probably too late to salvage things with Pocket, but he's staying away, anyhow. And Bad Decision is DEFINITELY too young for her. By, like, 14 years. Granted, she's about 70 years too young for Bucky, but still, lol. Nothing fishy going on with him; he just looks enough like Bucky if she squints (while wasted) for her to fuck her feelings out. I confess that I did consider bringing him back for an altercation at the club, but it ended up not making it into the final draft. Too bad, though-- it would have involved him encountering her with his friends while she was performing, and him trying to take some form of revenge, but who's in AC by that time? Bucket! And he beats the shit out of poor Brandon. But, it ended up not fitting, so it got cut :( Regrets. And the whole "my girl" thing? It's definitely the second one. He's pretty sure at this point that 🎵they are never, ever, ever... getting back together 🎵 But she's always going to be "his girl," the one that got away, in his eyes. Granted, without that little bit of insight into his mind, it just comes off as cocky and possessive. He'll explain himself later.
Love you oodles!
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minquiec · 10 months
My 5k word essay on why I like bringing pain and suffering to the two idiots I love dearly (A thesis)
[alternative title being: me ranting abt jipunk for 2 hours straight im kiddingg]
So like
At this point I'm pretty sure most people can tell I enjoy pulling angst out of nowhere for absolutely NO reason necessary other than pain heeheehaahaa well it ain't gonna stop 😁 CAUSE TRUST THAT I will make sure every au I ever make of these two end in numbingly tragic angst one way or the other 🦅 jkjk they won't all be that bad it'll just have varying degrees of sadness
I actually do have a reason for never giving them a happy (canonical or implied) happy ending ☝️ the thing abt me is every detail or like choice I make in character design/relationship/etc is that it's always intentional (most of the time) like there's always some kind of corny reason behind it bc I'm jwndkwjd insane and just think too hard abt two characters that don't even exist.
So like so like
I am an absolute loser for tropes like 'in another life' or 'in every life' or just anything among those lines. Like genuinely it does smth irreparable to my brain it's not even funny.
And basically the thought process for jipunk was like they're LITERALLY from different universes which quite literally means they can't end up together bc it's just not possible. But tbh the whole multiverse logic and how it works is up to interpretation cause y'know it's just a movie but personally I see it as smth pretty impossible for lore sake and stuff HAHSHA
So because the 'original' jipunk (atsv versions) can't end up together, I decided to go and think
"WHAT IF THEY ARE THE EPITOME OF 'ill find you in every universe" BUT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM END IN THE SAME WAY (never ending up tgt)"
Cause for the different au's each of them is technically a different reincarnate in different worlds with different lives.
And like going back to when I said varying levels of sadness: what I meant was in some aus they'll be literally universes apart (which in itself is already sad asf) but in other aus they could live in the same world but their lives are like perpendicular lines because they'll meet and then never cross paths again (BECAUSE this is what their fate is supposed to be if we base it off their atsv counter parts: they were never meant to be bc they're from different universes)
In the long run they do have a happy ending
(longass run bru)
So there isn't a proper timeline for which universes 'happen first' bc that just doesn't make sense but
The modern au where it has the convenience store
Is their happy ending
Endgame au fr
Cause if you think abt it right (this is a headcanon), hb isn't the type of person to fall in love based on looks.
Yet in the modern au he ends up crushing on a silly little employee of the convenience store he goes to.
And like it's just this pull he can't understand for the life of him??? Cause it feels so shallow to him to like someone bc he thinks their pretty
Little does he know
So after they get tgt in the modern au, I'm thinking of this one moment where he kind of figures it out/sort of/not really but he is just like
"idk what it is but it feels like I've spent lifetimes with you"
And I realized just now but omfg the comic I made where he drunk confess and goes 'I liked you first'
Soulmates idc idc IDCCCC
Took the quote I love you in every lifetime and RAAAAANNNN WITH IT
I enjoy tragic love stories tm
This isn't delusion anymore this is derangement
They r so dear to me
They are my kdramas, they are my bridgerton, they are my therapy this is how I cope.
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symbioticsimplicity · 9 months
In Another Life
Shuake quick fic based on this post by @arcsin27 thanks for passing on the brain worms!
As the door swung closed behind Maruki, an oppresive silence filled the little cafe Akira had long since begun thinking of as his home. 
It wasn't the first heavy silence he and Akechi had shared, but he was all but sure it would be their last.
The thought filled his head with noise, thousands of thwarted plans and half uttered pleas coalesing into static behind his eyes. Trapped, just like every other feeling he kept locked behind his teeth. He'd kept hundreds of things to himself by now, he was pretty sure he was an expert.
And yet, when those glaring red eyes turned back to him, that tightly held control freyed.
"Don't tell me you're actually considering taking that asinine deal." Akechi scoffed, as though the mere idea were beneath discussing, as if he weren't going to--
"If we don't you're going to--"
The sharp stare his rival sent him cut the words off at their knees.
"If you fold to such a trivial threat, perhaps you were never worthy of being my rival in the first place." He near spat, "To think, the famed leader of the Phantom Thieves would be so easy to manipulate."
Akira clenched his teeth, all those unspoken words piling up in his throat until he felt choked with them. He wanted to argue, to rage, to do something other than just stand there and let Akechi win. But everything he could say wouldn't tilt the scales, no if anything it would only convince Akechi he was truly in the right.
"I--" His voice broke, and he couldn't figure out what to say anyway so he left the sentence there, glancing away as if the future was looming just behind Akechi's head.
"You are." Akechi snarled, as though the thought alone was enough to insense him, "Kurusu, I'm aware you hardly listen to anyone, but if ever there were a time, listen to me now."
Akira couldn't bring himself to look at him, but that didn't seem to be stopping Akechi.
"If you take this deal, you will be going directly against my wishes."
"You want to die?!" Akira snapped in an uncharacteristic show of anger.
"I think I ought to!" Akechi growled back, "You're the only one who doesn't seem to agree!"
Akira reeled back as though struck, but quickly recovered, "Of course I don't."
"Right, of course, how silly of me to forget. You're the hero, you don't think anyone should die, no matter how monstrous." Akechi rolled his eyes, "You're half as deluded as Maruki."
"Is it...is it really so wrong?" Akira whispered, unable to utter the words with his usual confidence, "To want a second chance?"
He forced himself to look back to Akechi, finding him scrutenizing him with that stare of his. The one that made Akira feel like a bug pinned to a wall. 
"I know you've thought about it," He continued when Akechi made no move to speak, "What would have happened if we'd met sooner. What we could have been like if not for--"
Akira's hand sought his hair but ended up pressed against his forehead instead as the thought tried to sweep him away. It wasn't a new fantasy by any means, in fact it was probably the very one Maruki had plucked out of him that saw Akechi standing here right now. 
It changed every time, whether they were playing chess or in the debate club together, from rival schools or fast friends, it hardly mattered. Akira just wanted to be by his side, to compete with him because they wanted to, not because God or Fate or whatever was forcing their hands. He wanted the same quiet evenings they'd already shared, and the kinds of outings he had with the rest of the Thieves. And in the small hours of the night, he could admit he may even want something more...
"It doesn't matter." Akechi's cool voice shattered the sugar spun daydream, "That's not for us. It isn't who we are, Akira."
The use of his first name hit like a physical blow, leaving Akira reeling as he looked back up into Akechi's eyes.
He looked tired, far more so than Akira himself felt. Resignation was etched into every shadow falling across his face, in the looseness of his muscles and the blank stare he met Akira's own startled one with. 
"But it could be." Akira breathed, desperation curling around the syllables like a living thing all it's own.
Akechi's eyes closed and for a moment Akira could have sworn he heard him pray for patience. 
"No, it couldn't. No matter how good the lie, it would still only ever be that." His contempt twisted the words until Akira could feel the barbs of them digging into him, "Would you really rather swallow some shallow immitation than to-- than live with my memory?"
Akira heard what he didn't say, of course he did. It was something he'd noticed about him early on, when he'd first realized how much of Akechi's outer self was a mask. He spent so much time editing himself, trimming away the pieces others would doubtlessly find objectionable, forcing himself to condense into the narrow box he was expected to fill, until he had a well contructed front he could use to fool the entire world. Everyone except Akira himself. 
If he took Maruki's lie it would be like he was putting Akechi back in his cage himself.
He wished they were at the gym so he could throw a punch or something. 
Instead he swallowed down the ugly neediness bubbling in the back of his throat. 
"You're right." The words tasted like the bitter herbal tea Takemi had given him to help him recover from one of her harsher clinical trials, "It wouldn't be the same."
Akechi took a deep breath but looked no closer to being relieved, "Then you've come to your senses?"
Akira nodded, "I know what needs to be done. I'll do it but-"
Akechi's eyes narrowed, his frown deepening instantly, "But?"
"I'm not strong enough not to be a little selfish." Akira said to his shoes, "If this is going to be it- would you stay with me tonight? Please?"
He knew Akechi would hear what he didn't say, the same as Akira had for him earlier. 
Don't make me let you go without ever having had you to begin with. 
For a moment he only stared. Akira could see the thoughts racing behind his eyes, could almost hear them as he read each micro-change in his expression. It was an art that had taken him a long while to learn, but it had been worth every moment. 
Finally he sighed, some of the manic energy that clung to him disappating as his posture sagged infinitesimally. 
"I suppose I do still owe you a duel."
Akira's knees nearly gave out but he managed to keep that little bit of dignity intact and nodded instead.
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me, I have every intention of winning this time." Akechi smirked, "Unless of course, you enjoy the taste of pavement, in which case, you're welcome~"
Akira heard it for what it was, an offering of a distraction. One Akechi could more than likely use just as badly. Selfish as he was being, Akira could at least recognize how hard it had to be to argue for his own destruction. 
So he took a deep breath, and let Joker rise to the surface to meet his rival.
"If you can, I'll personally write you a Thank You note." 
The fire that had been absent Akechi's eyes since he walked in rekindled, redoubled even. Without the vineer of civility he'd affected for so long, his expressions were much more extreme. Akira would be hard pressed to describe this one as anything short of 'bloodlust'.
"I'll take it with me to hell." Akechi growled.
Akira winced, but only just barely. He himself was guilty of making light of his own 'death', he could hardly fault Akechi for doing the same.
"Inokashira Park?"
"Thought you'd never ask." 
They fought until the sun went down. 
It hadn't been hard to find an isolated spot, not with the weather so cold. There was hardly anyone around, and even fewer who seemed to care about a pair of teenage boys roughhousing. 
Despite this fight taking place outside of the metaverse, neither boy had taken it any less seriously than their first. If anything, Akira felt like Akechi was fighting harder than their first time. It reminded him of the first time they'd played billiards without Akechi using his non-dominant hand. He was always good, but unleashed he was a force of nature, all snarling teeth and vicious blows until Akira could hardly keep up with him. 
It was beautiful in the same way bloodspatter could look like a painting. Not something most people would ever see, or appreciate if they did, but Akira couldn't help but to be in awe of him.
When he found himself pinned to the pavement, just as Akechi had promised, he couldn't even find it in himself to be disappointed.
The other was above him, panting and a little brused, grinning like a coyote with a fresh kill between it's jaws.
"Ha!" He crowed, "I knew those healing spells were the only thing keeping you-"
"You could have killed him." Akira interrupted.
Akechi's smile didn't fade, but confusion crept into it, "Whom?"
"Shido. You could have killed him. You're stronger than he is, even in his ruler form." So why didn't you?
Akechi flinched back, though the action caused him to sit heavily on top of Akira's stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of him a second time.
"I wanted revenge, Kurusu, not mearly to kill him. It wouldn't do to let him escape into the comfort of death before he knew why exactly he was being targeted in the first place."
Akira nodded, "So it's because you're a drama queen."
Akechi looked so affronted Akira raised his hands to block the blow he was sure was coming. A good thing too, as Akechi's knuckles connected with his wrists seconds after he'd raised them.
"Shut the fuck up, that's not it at all!"
"It sounds like it from where I'm standing."
"You are not standing!" He hissed back, grabbing Akira's offending wrists and pinning them down beside his head, "You are lying on your ass, soundly defeated and you ought to have more respect for your current predicament!"
Akira could have wiggled his leg out from beneath Akechi, barred it across his stomach and kicked him off of him, but that would have required higher thought, which he was sorely lacking. His focus had been stolen by the pressure on his wrists, across his hips, against the tip of his nose where Akechi's own was currently pressed as he growled at him. It was the closest they'd ever been, Akira was sure, and from here he could even see the light clumping of the mascara he hadn't previously been aware of his rival using. 
His breath came hot against Akira's cheek, his pulse thundering where his palms met Akira's wrists. He was just so alive it made Akira's heart ache all the more to remember that soon, too damn soon, he'd be gone.
"Goro..." He whispered, his voice pitching oddly as he struggled against tears, "I don't think I can do this."
He could see recognition fire in Akechi's eyes, could see the effect the use of his first name had in the way his nostrils flared, his teeth gritting. He could also pinpoint the moment he decided to toss it all to the side.
"You said you would." 
"I know."
"You aren't allowed to lie, you're supposed to be the hero."
"I know."
"Then promise me, instead." Akechi didn't move back, but to Akira's surprise moved closer, "If I give this to you, you'll do what needs done without hesitation."
He swallowed almost compulsively, his eyes rivoted to Akechi's as if pulled by magnets. Despite the rage that seemed to have made a permanent home there, his gaze was still steady enough to be calming. The center of a maelstrom, a river in a desert. 
"I..." Akira was not weak, nor was he selfish, despite how desperately he wanted to be this time, "I promise."
The words were little more than a breath, but he could feel them bind to something deep in his heart. It was not unlike when he made a deal with someone, and the realization had tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
Akechi must have felt it too because for a moment he softened, as if Akira's promise truly brought him peace. It was stupid, worse it was evil that something like this could make Goro Akechi smile genuinely for the first time in months.
Akira didn't have long to bemoan it however, as seconds later that smile was pressing against his own lips. 
The most shocking thing was that it wasn't shocking at all. It felt like a foregone conclusion they simply hadn't had the time to discuss before, but one that was inevitable nonetheless. From Akechi's hands cupping Akira's face, to Akira's finding Akechi's waist, it was almost as though they'd finally found their way back into their own narrative, the one they'd been forced to abandon all those quiet nights ago. The natural conclusion of a perpetual motion machine designed to stop on doomsday. 
Akira didn't notice he'd begun to cry until he could no longer breathe through his nose and had to pull away.
"Goddamn it." He swore, tucking his face against Akechi's shoulder, "Goddamn it!"
"I would point out that that seems to be part of the problem, but it seems redundant." Akechi sounded no better than Akira, his own voice straining to stay scathing and failing miserably.
"I hate this." Akira allowed himself the honest admission, "Why'd it have to be like this?"
"Born cursed." Akechi muttered, his own face buried in Akira's neck, "I've always been unlucky."
"One more thing we've got in common." Akira squeezed his eyes closed, "At least...at least I'm not going to have to wonder."
"Would you have spent your nights sleepless otherwise?" 
It was supposed to be a joke, but neither had it in them to make it one at the moment.
"Yeah." Akira's hold tightened, "Already have."
"Over little old me?" Akechi chuckled, but the sound was humorless, "I would have thought the great Joker would have far more important things to occupy his thoughts."
"You overestimate how much I actually plan." And underestimate how much I care about you.
"It's... it's comforting to know at least one person will miss me." 
Maybe was because he knew Akira couldn't see him, or maybe it was the impending eleventh hour getting to him, but the admission was so heartbreakingly honest Akira could hardly stand to hear it. While he knew Akechi didn't have family, and he saw how quickly he disappeared from the public's thoughts, it had yet to register that he may be the only one to actually mourn him. 
"I'm going to miss you for the rest of my life." Akira held him as close as he could, feeling Akechi's heartbeat thudding against his own ribs from the other side despite the layers between them, "Who else is going to keep me on my toes?"
A wet laugh broke from him, messy and honest and a little deranged, "Selfishly I hope you never find an answer to that."
"Me too." Akira agreed, "I'd rather just wait to see you again in the next life."
"Disgusting." Akechi's tone sat in opposition of the way he finally relaxed against Akira, "Do you really believe in that nonsense?"
"I've ridden around in a bus that was also a talking cat, rencarnation doesn't sound that implausable."
"I hope it's true." Akira answered anyway, "I'd-- I'd like to live beside you. For real this time."
Akechi didn't anwer, but his hands clenched tighter where they were bunched into the fabric of Akira's jacket. 
Akira didn't mind the silence this time. It was heavy, but it wasn't oppressive this time. He'd found an emergency exit for the things he'd long left unsaid, and though he was no closer to feeling at peace with any of this, he did feel less regretful. 
With Akechi's shoulders now relaxed, Akira could see the sky above them. It had gotten dark, with a few of the most tenacious stars fighting to be seen through the city's light polution. It looked the same as it ever did here, murky and washed out, not like the sky back home. Yusuke would have said something about the way beauty could still be seen even in the least condusive circumstances, but Akira wasn't put together enough to attempt the thought. 
"Yeah, Goro?"
"Earlier, you asked me if I wanted to die." The words were so subdued, if he hadn't been holding him, Akira would never have thought they'd come from Akechi, "I told you that I thought I deserve to."
Akira didn't say anything, but Akechi wasn't looking for him to.
"I've done a great many horrible things in my life, most without remorse, as they were all in service of my ultimate goal. I still don't regret most of them, even those perpetrated against your friends. I'm a monster, and I know that. I've made peace with it. I always thought I would die at the end of all this, pragmatist that I am, I never made a single plan for what I would do after Shido was dealt with." 
"Where are you going with this...?"
"I'm not a man with a future, I never have been, so when you asked if I wanted to die... the answer was obvious to me. Of course I should die. But...that isn't what you asked." Akechi breathed out a long, heavy breath that made Akira's neck tingle, made his eyes flutter a little, "I don't... I don't want to die."
He sounded so small, so young, so unlike himself that it made Akira's chest ache, made him yearn to comfort him. There wasn't a thing he could say to make it better, for either of them, so he turned as he usually did, to action when words failed him.
He pressed a kiss to the top of his head, then to his temple, then his forehead as he could reach them. He was trembling, or Akechi was, but he couldn't tell the difference at this point.
 He wanted to tell him that dying wouldn't fix the things that he'd done, or that he'd only done them because of Shido, or a million other platitudes he'd see right through. But even if he could make his mind connect with his mouth again, he knew Akechi well enough to know any of those would only sound like pity to him. The best he could do was to hold him while they processed the latest addition to their heaping plate of misery. 
"This second life of yours'..." Akechi eventually spoke again, "What would it look like?"
"A lot like this." Akira managed to force through his choked off throat, "But, you know, happier."
Akechi hummed, his hands now mindlessly rubbing against Akira's sides in a way that made him suspect the only thing he regularly showed affection to were probably dogs.
"You'd still want to fist fight me in a park somewhere?"
"Definitely." Akira nodded, "You need it."
"I need it? If someone were not there to kick down your ego every so often, you'd never fit through a door again."
"Same goes for you, Mr. Ace High School Detective." Akira nearly snorted, "If I had a ten yen coin for every time I heard a group of girls screaming about you, I could have just paid off Kaneshiro outright." 
Akechi rolled his eyes so hard his whole body moved with him, "I think they mistook me for an idol."
"You're pretty enough to be."
"Have you always been this shameless a flirt, or is this some new feature I've been unlucky enough to uncover?" Akechi sounded exhasperated, though Akira could feel his face flush from where it was still pressed against him.
They continued on like that, trading barbs and bodyheat until it was too cold to stay out any longer. Akira nearly managed to put tomorrow from his mind when Akechi allowed him to take his hand as they walked back to the train station. 
The world had a sense of vertigo to it that had little to do with the liminal space of a late night train ride. There were too many factors for Akira to pick just one, but it resulted in a subdued ride that faded into a subdued walk, broken only by Morgana's screeched complaints about how long they'd been gone. If he saw their hands, still entwined at their sides, he kept blessedly quiet about it.
Well, until Akechi followed Akira into Le Blanc.
"What is he still doing here?" Morgana groused, "Go home, tomorrow is going to be busy."
"I was invited to stay." Akechi said archly, dropping his jacket over the back of one of the barstools. 
Morgana threw a betrayed look at Akira who was busying himself making them each a bowl of curry, as they'd missed dinner.
"Uh, earth to Joker?" Morgana hopped up onto the counter in front of him, "That's a terrible idea! In case you forgot, he's literally shot you in the face before!"
"Don't care." Akira easily answered, hip checking the fridge closed.
Morgana couldn't have looked more shocked if he tried, contrasted sharply by Akechi's sharp smile.
"Oh, I like this side of you." He needled, "Rebellion suits you."
"Hold on, back up, wait wait wait!" Morgana shook his head, "What's gotten into you, did he brainwash you?!"
Akira set down the food, taking a deep breath to calm himself before turning back to the black and white cat. 
"No. He didn't. I know the risks, Morgana, thank you." He replied evenly, "But you heard Maruki earlier. This...this is probably the last time I'm going to get to see him."
"You should be doing cartwheels about that!" Morgana shouted, big blue eyes wide with disbelief, "I know you're sentimental but jeez!"
"He was my wish, Morgana." The words came out a bit sharper than he meant for them to and he forced his usual calm to come to him, "Out of all the things Maruki could have used to try to keep me from fighting him, he picked Akechi. Think about that for a second."
It took almost a full minute, in which time Akira got both himself and Akechi dished up. He was opening a can of tuna for Morgana when a slow, pained 'Ooh' reached his ears. 
"Okay. I get it now. I can't say I understand or...approve, but I get it."
Akira hummed to himself as he sat down beside Akechi.
"Wait, where is he sleeping?"
Akira looked down over his glasses at Morgana, taking a purposeful, slow bite of his food.
"Right... I'm going to Futaba's." 
With that, the little cat popped up and all but ran to the door, jiggling the handle down to let himself out. 
"I had no idea Morgana could be so considerate." Akechi chuckled, "I think you may have scarred him for life with those insinuations of your intentions with me."
"Who's insinuating?" Akira took another bite of his food. 
Akechi froze mid bite, but recovered himself quickly enough that someone else likely wouldn't have noticed it at all. As it was, Akira was paying enough attention to even catch the light blush that painted itself across his cheeks.
"Bold of you to assume I'd be so easy, Kurusu." Akechi quirked a brow, his expression otherwise flat.
"Bold of you to assume I couldn't win you over anyway." Akira retorted, bouncing the verbal tennis ball back into Akechi's court. 
"You have that much faith in yourself, huh? You of all people should know how stubborn I can be."
"You want to make this a bet?" Akira fought to keep his expression as neutral as ever. 
Akechi's smile flashed across his face, like a knift glinting in the sun. 
"Generally a safe manipulation tact, but you're going to have to do better than that." He sat back, folding his arms.
"Before we get into this arguement, I'm going to need you to be sure you can handle the reprocussions of losing it." Akira countered, mimicking Akechi's posture but with the addition of folding his legs at the knee.
Akechi's brows made for his forehead in a brief moment of shock, but he quickly brought them back under his control. 
"I think I can handle anything you throw my way. Surely if nothing else, I've proven that by now." 
Akira nodded, a smile gradually blooming across his face as he sat forward.
"Alright then." 
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cafecourage · 6 months
Pinky Isn't Suffering
Chapter 2
Previous chapter - Next Chapter
Reminder these chapters happen between Enno cant get their crap together on @luimagines
Being a wolf in the desert is torture. Yet here Twilight was, in wolf form, waiting in the scorching heat of the desert. Luckily, the wait was almost over. After buying the things they needed, losing Pinky for a moment, then annoying Wild and Enno to buy the amber earrings she had pointed out, Twilight now had to wait here with Pinky outside of the city while Wild and Enno picked out a Voe outfit.
The upside is that the sun was shining. The downside was that there was a man staring intensely at Pinky. Twilight was keeping an eye on this man for many reasons. Mainly for how he treated Wild when he was in the Vai outfit. It was clear that he was trying to create a game plan on how to approach her, but every time he would step close, Twilight let out a deep growl as a warning. The guy could come over but it’s not gonna look pretty.
A warm hand went through his fur. “Don’t worry too much Wolfie.” Pinky said crouching down to give the giant wolf pets. His tail started to wag as he leaned into her touch. “Aren’t you a cutie.” 
Despite the distraction, he was still glaring at the man to stay away. 
“He won’t bother us.” Twilight knew that in theory but there was a deep need to make sure Pinky wouldn’t get harassed. “When we get back, remind me to give Twilight his gift.” She pushed up his face to give a small kiss on his forehead.
Twilight's mind went blank. He couldn’t even be mad that she got him something. Not that he could think anyway. Her kiss made almost everything his attention was on disappear. All his focus was now on how her hands felt through his fur and how sweet her voice was.
“Aw, is wolfie being a good boy?” Wild came out finally with Enno who looked like they were suffering.
“You guys got everything?” Pinky finally stopped her attack and gave Twilight space.
“Yep! Let’s get back before night time.”
The cool air made the track back to the oasis a lot faster and less grueling. The only downside is that as the night goes on the closer it becomes below freezing. Twilight couldn’t feel it but judging by his traveling companions he knew it was starting to settle in.
This had already been a long day. When they returned to the rest of the group it seemed the general agreement was to sleep and restart tomorrow. Which everyone was more than grateful for. 
“Wanna cuddle with me Wolfie?” Pinky had asked when they all were heading to the inn. “Come on, it must be cold for you to be out here.” She says almost herding the big dog into the inn with her. Twilight didn’t know how to say no as a wolf. So he just accepted his fate and followed her, silently ignoring other link’s stares.
It was gonna be a long night and Twilight hoped that Wild wouldn’t kill him.
The adventure moved on whether they wanted to take a break or not. A few days had passed since the ‘island into a hot desert’ disaster. They had dropped into Time’s Era for a bit and were a half day's trip away from Lon Lon Ranch. Everyone was quite happy to hear that. The mood of the group only dipped when they were jumped by a group of monsters.
A group of monsters with two Wizzrobes from Wild’s time. There wasn’t time to really make a game plan. Hell, there were too many to actually get to the Wizzrobes. The upside was that the monsters were all normal so far. As the monsters thinned out Twilight took a step back to assess the situation. Everyone was handling themselves and it was clear that they wouldn’t have any trouble. But their problems stemmed from the two spell casters in the back.
Unhooking his crossbow and taking out the Hawkeye mask, Twilight went to get cover. This was their best bet to take those guys out unless they wanted to keep plowing through monsters. Taking aim at one, he waits until there is an opening. He learned that these Wizzrobes in particular like to stop moving when they are about to set off an attack. So as soon as it stopped and started chanting, Twilight hit the trigger.
A second too late.
The Wizzrobe in question got off his attack before the arrow shot it through the head, killing it instantly.
The magic from the spell, however, went straight towards Wild.
“Cub!” Twilight tried to warn the other hero who was facing the other way.
It hit the younger hero, triggering a bright white light and puff of smoke instantly.
Twilight didn’t even register that it happened twice on the other side of the battlefield. He was too focused on getting to Wild’s side.
Pinky beat him to Wild, scooping something up in her arms. When he could clearly see the cub, it was a shock to see a small toddler resting in his sister's arms. Twi crouches down next to her. She looked up at him as if he could answer her question. “What do we do?”
Twilight sure as hell didn’t know. He had never seen a Wizzrobe set up this kind of magic before. “Hyrule! We have an issue here!” He called their resident medic. Luckily, Legend took care of the other Wizzrobe who was nearby a knocked out Sky and Warriors.
Goddess, they were lucky that the fight was over now.
Settling down in a camp further away from the battleground, it was time to assess the situation. Wild, who thankfully was fast asleep, was quite obviously turned into a child, while Warriors and Sky seem to just have different behaviors then normal. With their cook down, Twilight stepped up to make pumpkin and fish cream soup.
The game plan now was to get to Lon Lon ASAP. Mostly because they all knew how Wild was as a teenager. He would only be worse as a child.
Or he could have been relatively tame as a kid. Twilight was confused, holding the small hand of Wild’s while said boy also held Pinky’s hand happily. Twilight didn’t actually know what he was expecting. But something as calm as the kid skipping in the middle of them two was not it.
“Will there be horses at the ranch?” The child looked up expectantly at Twilight.
A familiar warmth bubbled up. “More than you can count cub.” 
He gasped and then looked up at Pinky. “Can I play with them?”
“Um...” She was trying to think of the right answer to tell him. Horses could be dangerous around a child, however, Malon used to tell them about when she and the old man were younger and how they played with the horse. “You will have to ask first.”
Wild pouted. “Are we almost there?”
“Yes, we are very close actually.” There was something about this whole situation that was happening between the three of them that made Twilight feel...weird…
He had already made peace that he might like Pinky. Hell, it was the first thing he felt when he saw her. He liked her. He thought she was adorable. He liked how her laugh was light and twinkled like a fairies chime.
Yet having a child between them, having to take care of said child between them... it felt more domestic than what he had been used to lately. It got Twilight thinking and he didn’t even know where to start searching for these answers.
“Is that it?” The cub’s voice startled Twilight out of his train of thought as his hand was now free from the child’s grasp. Wild was pointing at the ranch in the distance. “Is it?”
“Mhm!” Pinky was natural with her responses. It made Twi almost jealous, he felt a bit out of touch with the babysitter he was in before his adventure. “Are you excited?”
Ah... Well…
If she were having fun with it. He can’t help but play along.
Apparently, a shrunken hero and two new faces didn’t phase Ms Malon. In fact, when they had approached the entrance of the ranch, Wild had wiggled out of Pinky’s grasp to run up to the older woman, asking if he could play with the horses. Malon, the amazing woman that she was, smiled and showed the child the way to the pen.
The child was in awe seeing the animals roaming around. Twilight took everyone’s stuff off of Epona and brought her into the fence in an area to socialize and rest. “I’ll watch over him.” He gestured to the wild child.
“You can handle it?” Hyrule looked dead on his feet but still was concerned. He has been trying to reverse the spell. “I can help watch him-“
“Oh hell no!” Enno linked their arm with Hyrule, Legend on his other side.
“You’re resting” Legend scolded and the poor boy was dragged off. Twilight would feel bad but Hyrule needed to be taken care of. He looked around for a moment to see where everyone was going. It was as if everything already knew what role they had to play as they took up residence at Lon Lon Ranch. Pinky went inside with Malon to do who knew what.
“I’ll take your stuff in.” Time was already collecting everything before Twilight could refuse. “Keep your eye on him.” He nods his head in the direction behind Twi. Panic shot through and he whipped around to see Wild climbing the fence to get into the pen…
While the door to the pen was still open…
“Cub no!” Twilight practically ran to the child, Time’s soft laughter was ignored. He quickly scooped up the child.
Wild squirmed in Twilight’s grasp “I want to play with them.”
“You can! But don’t climb over the fence.” He lightly scolded, putting him down. “Come let's go through the entrance.” Instead of walking with Twi hand in hand, Wild bolted to the open entrance. “Cub!” He sighs as he followed behind.
It was interesting to teach Wild, of all people, how to be around horses. Twilight always considered him one of the most knowledgeable about them. So when Twi felt comfortable sitting back and watching, it felt nice to watch the kid running around with the pony’s.
“Mine if I join you?” Twilight looked up to see the old man approaching him. Twi looked back at Wild and shook his head. Time sat in the grass next to his successor. “How are you feeling?”
“About what?” Twilight honestly had a lot of feelings about this matter but nothing concrete to point out. “Wild becoming a kid? Or...”
“Or.” Of course the Old man chooses the hard answer to his question.
“Well...” Leaning back, he takes a moment to gather his words, sorting things out and getting the most important to the foreground. “How do you know when to stop?”
“Adventuring, setting down and just...” He waves one of his hands to everything around them “living.” It felt weird to know that they could have something like this. A peaceful life. A place you feel like you can return to no matter how much you’ve changed. Twilight loves his family back home. Yet every time he went back to visit it felt foreign to him. The village he knew never changed, but he did and the man that exists now couldn’t belong there.
“I never thought about settling down much after my adventure.” Twilight admitted out loud at last. “I just thought that was how my life was supposed to be. Traveling around, helping where I can...”
When Time knew Twilight was done talking he finally spoke up. “It helped having Malon by my side.” He faced the scene in front of them both too. “Having someone there that welcomes you home no matter what, it makes you feel normal despite the trials that prevented you from getting there in the first place.” Old memories of the past were filling the older heroes' minds, reminiscing on the past of what was and what could have been in another timeline. “It was her and her father that welcomed me here and got me to stop traveling so much.”
Twilight hummed in acknowledgement, soaking everything his teacher had told him. His mind wandered to the people back home, the fear of them rejecting him felt almost silly now.
... He wanted to write Uli... Homesickness was starting to eat at Twi.
“I think Malon and Pinky are almost done with lunch by now.” Time slowly got up. “How about we gather the cub and head inside?”
Twilight took a moment before getting up himself. “Yeah.”
They both walk up to the small boy, trying to wrangle him away from the horses. Twilight didn’t think it would be so difficult. And yet it only took the mention of food to get Wild excited to go inside. “Mom!” The kid let go of Twi’s hand as soon as he stepped foot inside of the kitchen where Malon and Pinky were. Instead of running to Malon like Twi expected, Wild was latched onto Pinky’s pants. “Guess what me and dad did!”
Did...he just?
Twilight and Pinky share a look, both equally red faced and embarrassed. “W-What did you and Twi do, Wild?” She bent down to Wild’s height, who was practically bouncing.
“He taught me-” Twilight couldn’t even hear the rest of the kid’s sentences. The thought of Pinky listening to their child excitedly tell them about their day was too much for him. It was something Twilight really wanted in his future. All of this. A home he felt comfortable to come home to. A family he helped built.
A life he can live peacefully.
He had those all before…
So is it possible for him to have it again?
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meimeiherokitten · 10 months
It isn't discussed enough how desperate, panicky, and crushed Aziraphale sounds when he cries "I need you!" to Crowley. He assumes Crowley doesn't understand that they can be happy together and fix the system as a team, that Crowley could make stars again, that Heaven could be truly good once more. While we and Crowley may know how awful Heaven can really be, Aziraphale still believes in the good of Heaven. Even with that belief, I think he also knows it will be hard, terrible, painful work to bring it to the level he believes it will be. But he still will fight because that is who he is. And he wants the love of his life to stand with him.
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It's easy to forget Aziraphale was a warrior, that God saw fit to grant him a flaming sword. Aziraphale has proven himself over and over as a protector and a fighter. Yes, Crowley saves him a lot, but, as the scene with Maggie and Nina in the bookshop shows, he LETS Crowley save him. Aziraphale knows Crowley loves him and that Crowley shows his love by rescuing him, so he allows him to do so. He is perfectly capable of saving himself when he wants to. But in that warrior nature, he understands the danger involved in what he is about to attempt. 
And he is terrified. 
Aziraphale may come off as naive, but he is absolutely not. He just wants to see the good in everything. He isn't naive. He's hopeful. Sometimes to a fault, but it's there nonetheless. But he is cognizant that Heaven is pretty terrible -maybe not to the extent Crowley is, but he knows- and that changing the system may very well be the end of him. He knows he could -and most likely will- die in this attempt to bring about change. And now he thinks he will do it alone.
And the love of his life, the one he hoped would stand shoulder to shoulder with him to affect this change, his support, his one-and-only, and his knight in tarnished armor… is leaving him. Running away to hide, from his view. Now he has to put on a brave face and walk into the jaws of a monster all by himself. 
It's a plea, almost as desperate as the kiss he is about to receive. The courage falters and the walls come down. "I NEED you!" Please don't let me face this alone. Please don't leave me.
No, he doesn't understand Crowley's reasons. And they are on completely different pages as far as communication goes. So that plea, while heard, doesn't come through as what it should be to Crowley. They both completely missed the message on what they were both saying and now they must face their respective fates alone. Aziraphale certainly said some pretty terrible things to Crowley (don't get me started on that "second in command" line), but hat doesn't mean he feels it any less. While Crowley is angry and hurt, Aziraphale is frightened to death.
Aziraphale is so scared. But he's going to do it anyway. He cried out "I need you" and the one he needed just walked away.
That smile we see at the end? Well, there is nothing more dangerous than a warrior who has absolutely nothing to lose.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
I recently saw a theory about the Elucien bond being fake or missed assigned.
This is what it said:
The cauldron lie because when Elaine was made AZ was dying and so it picked the next suitable male.
Also; feyre and Nesta describe the bond as a tug on their soul whereas Elain describe it as a thug on her ribs.
I call BS.. pardon my French, because there is so much more that debunk this however what are your thoughts?
First, what kind of bullshit system would mating bonds be if they were randomly assigned simply because one person was injured? 😂. If that's the story we're going with than why was Feysand made mates while she was human, with a mortal lifespan and near starvation at certain points?
Mating Bonds aren't randomly given, they are decided well before people are even born (we have proof of this in the TOG series). New mates aren't assigned in adulthood just because one person from the pairing is injured. Azriel wasn't dead despite his injuries and I'm pretty sure the system that decides who is paired with who isn't going to randomly look at a bleeding guy and go "hmmmm, there's a chance he's not making it, on to the next random Fae male within Elain's vicinity!".
I think this is yet another attempt to discredit the Elucien bond because for all the cries that Elain doesn't want a mate and how Elucien's don't respect that, I think the bond still a worry for them considering SJM is a Fated Mates author.
This is how Feyre once described Rhys pulling on their bond:
I was pulled from sleep by something tugging at my middle, a thread deep inside.
If Feyre can feel a tug in the general area of her stomach ("her middle") or possibly lower since middle is probably more in the area of your intestines and she turned out to have a legitimate mating bond then I feel confident that Elain feeling a tug near her ribs (which protect the heart) is a bit more romantically coded and would also indicate her bond with Lucien is real.
The only time the bond is described by Nesta or Feyre as a thread between souls or something merging them together is when the bond is consummated:
until I felt and saw and smelled that bond between us, until our scents merged, and I was his and he was mine, and we were the beginning and middle and end. We were a song that had been sung from the very first ember of light in the world.
The golden threads shimmered and sang, and she couldn’t take it, the music between their souls, the feel of his body on her and in her, and—
Since Lucien and Elain haven't been physical (yet), we're not going to have the same kind of language in reference to their bond. Lucien went a bit feral over Elain being taken back to the NC. Mor used her gift of truth on him. Az can scent the bond. Elain and Lucien both felt the bond snap at the same time. Feyre used her demati powers to slip into Lucien’s mind and confirmed his feelings and instincts towards Elain as being sincere.
Not only would it be really odd for SJM to have to turn around and explain how every single person was rendered completely clueless for multiple books by this supposed false mating bond but what would the point of it be?
"Your bond is fake".
"Oh, thank goodness! I'm so relieved we spent the last two years feeling angst and confusion and guilt over the past loves we thought we were betraying, all for nothing! Now we're free to be with who we want even though we could have been with whoever we wanted the last two years anyway since we really didn't spend that much time together in the first place. Let's shake hands and part ways, sorry about all the discomfort and tension!"
It just makes no sense and I get they're trying to pull a TOG storyline to make a mating bond between E/riel a possibility but no villain is trying to have Lucien or Elain swear loyalty to them because they're so distraught over the loss of their mate who was never actually their mate. Lucien and Elain aren't really talking so what does a fake mating bond add to the plot? Not only are they not talking but they're both spending time with the character who some claim are their "true mates". Which again, doesn't make sense if the goal was to keep them away from their "true mates" 🤦
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