#but Space dad must remain calm
lovelykhaleesiii · 2 years
Hello!! I was wondering if I may ask an aemond x reader request where his kid was getting bullied and then eventually gets hurt. And it can be modern aemond or not. Thank you !! Your writing is incredible !
Dad!Aemond does things to me, he’d be so protective of his bubs. I may have gotten carried away…
But thank you for your kind words anon x Hope you enjoy!
Lead by Example.
PAIRING: Modern!Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader.
WORDS: 1,250.
WARNINGS: mention of bullying, fluff, swearing.
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There was no doubt in your mind that your son was not okay. At the mere age of 7 years, you’d already noticed a palpable shift in his behaviour, from the happy, bright boy that he was to now isolating himself from the rest of the family. He had a tiresome, sad look on his face as the days wept by. You found that he’d stopped engaging with the toys that he so desperately would beg for your husband to buy, losing interest in his hobbies that he shared with Aemond and your eldest.
And you were not alone in observing this. Aemond and yourself, had been made aware of the bullying your youngest son had been enduring at school. The teachers had arranged for you both to come in a few weeks prior to the school, as you discussed the ongoing torment your poor son had been going through, which he rarely made a commotion of. Your son was much like his father in some ways, meek and quiet, he was too to himself, and would push away his emotions to the side as though they were nothing.
To your knowledge, you knew that Aemond also had a troubled childhood. Unable to fit in like most boys, he struggled with himself for a while, and always sought the approval of others, outdoing everyone, even himself at times. He did not take this lightly.
“Who are they?” Aemond snapped, his fists curling tightly as he tried to pace himself.
“They are boys just a year above Luke’s grade. We understand your concern, although you must know we are handling the situation currently. We are getting in touch with the boys’ parents to discuss certain consequences.”
“That’s not enough-” Aemond hissed.
“Let me chat with them,” He urged, you snapped your direction towards him glaring, as your hand reached over gently towards Aemond’s in an attempt to calm him.
He’d managed to catch your attention, as you pulled away from the evidence of your son’s torment. Terrible notes being passed around, degrading Luke and everything about him. Yes, he was smaller than an average boy of his age, and he was much more introverted and kinder than most. But these were qualities you clung to about your son, he was precious to you.
“Aemond please- The school will do what they can for now. Is there any possible way we could keep the boys separate from Luke. Just so he can ease himself back in?” You politely suggested.
“That would be a little too difficult, unfortunately. However, we can definitely urge the teachers on duty to keep an eye on Luke, to prevent anything from escalating or starting. In the meantime, we encourage you both to support him, we have a counsellor in the school if Luke wishes to talk to someone.”
“This isn’t good, Y/N… This isn’t enough.” Aemond uttered furiously, on the drive back home. By the stoic look on his face as you’d left the administration office, you knew he was far from satisfied of the school’s response to their son’s situation.
“Aemond, I know sweetheart-” Your hand reaches to caress his hair, as Aemond stiffens his grip on the wheel.
“But they’re on top of it. Once they get in touch with the other parents, repercussions will be laid. We just need to be there for Luke okay?”
He remained silent during the ride home, and you gave Aemond his space. This topic was delicate to him, as he too grew up with constant bullying. He was neve good enough, always pushed aside. No one should ever have to feel the neglect that he’d gone through, so you knew it pained him to know his own son was having a taste of the life he’d tried so desperately to erase.
“Aemond, please don’t freak out baby.”
“What? What’s wrong, are you okay? Are the kids okay?”
Despite your helpless warning, the panic set in Aemond’s tone. He’d just returned home from work, and you had the responsibility to tell him of an incident at school regarding Luke.
The phone call you’d received during day, made your heart sank like no other. “It seems Luke was caught up in a violent brawl on the school yard, he’s stable and settled right now in the nurses’ office, although he may have a broken nose. We urgently advise you or your husband to collect Luke, and seek medical attention.”
You hang up the phone without hesitation, and bolted.
As you hastily were directed to where Luke was crouching over the chair, his little, trembling hand gripping his bloodied nose.
“Mum!” He sniffled, his arms instinctively wrapping over you as he embraced you warmly.
“Oh baby, keep the pressure on your nose till the bleeding stops, okay.” You redirected his hand.
“My love, tell me what happened. We’re going to the doctors, you tell me everything.”
“We’ll be on top of this Y/N, rest assured those responsible for your son’s injury will be held greatly responsible and punished as befitting.”
You simply nodded and thanked the principal, before taking Luke’s bag over your shoulder, as your free hand held his shoulder, guiding him to the exit.
“Aemond, the doctor said he is fine. Not a broken nose, just some slight trauma that should heal in the next month. But please, don’t freak out okay.”
Aemond stormed past you, into the living room where Luke had been laying on the couch, mindlessly watching his favourite cartoon, where you told him to rest.
“Dad!” He yelled, trying to stand before Aemond stopped him.
“No, no you rest my boy. Who did this to you?” Aemond questioned, as his large hand cupped his son’s face, some bruising beginning to set against the skin of his tender nose. Luke looked up towards you carefully, trying to gather your approval of what to say.
“Aemond, it was the same boys. But please, the school are dealing with this as we speak-”
Aemond sprung back up, before turning towards you, an angry look on his face.
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Y/N. You really believe that?”
“Language, Aemond!” You hiss, turning your gaze from Luke to Aemond before gripping him to guide him into the hallway.
“Y/N, they’ve taken their time, and look what’s come of it. I’m going to speak to the parents myself. I’ll handle it how I see fit.”
“Really, Aemond? You think intimidating them will be the best way to go about this? What about the example you’re setting for our son?”
“That he can and should defend himself by any means, yes.”
You give him a defeated look, rolling your eyes.
“Look, I’ll speak to the principal to arrange an meeting with the other parents and we can express our concerns there. No need to escalate matters or do anything you’ll regret. Please, Aemond.”
Your hands remained gripped to his sides, your eyes widened to plea. You knew Aemond could never deny those doe eyes.
His hesitant “fine” would suffice.
“But I’m teaching him self defence, we’re putting him into a combat sport. No son of mine will ever be tormented like that again.”
You smile weakly, nodding your head in agreement. You knew Aemond’s intentions meant well, and you wanted Luke to gain some confidence. His father was an outstanding example of how well he turned out after what he’d endured and you knew the same was possible for Luke, so long as you remained a family.
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dark-tvwoman-w · 4 months
Hey hey hey!!!!! guess what? WE JUST FINISHED THE ANTIDOTE!!!!! For your brother, your dad put demon essence inside of angel essence!!! That’s why it spread, once the source of the corruption is healed, the other infected will be healed as well!!!
(DARK TVWOMAN: this is wonderful, I'm glad my brother had been healed)
(DARK TVMAN ELDER: Ah thank you for helping heal my son, I feel like I owe you an apology for breaking his body, but just because you helped doesn't mean you're my friend
Oh I hope you and your friend are ready to get punched again for going through my stuff again *punches Silver and Lana Luna and sends them flying out of the ground for the 10th time*)
(DARK TVMAN WARRIOR: finally I'm free, to be honest, this antidote tasted terrible 🤢)
(DARK TVWOMAN: dad stop sending them out of the earth!)
(Me: and here we go in space to look for these two again, by now Silver must be dead)
After finally creating a cure for DARK TVWOMAN's brother, everyone was happy until one day:
(DARK TVMAN WARRIOR:*corruption appears again*what do you mean I hadn't taken the cure how is it still here in my body?!)
DARK TVMAN WARRIOR runs to his father to show the corruption on his arm, but instead of getting desperate his father remained calm and started to explain
(DARK TVMAN ANCIÃO Look, the antidote I was preparing wasn't to remove the corruption from your body, that would be impossible, it's for the corruption to be controlled.
What happens is that corruption is part of our body, incredible as it may seem, without it we will never exist*a corruption begins to appear on the old man's arm*
Look, I'm also corrupted, the only thing I did was make you have control over your corruption and no longer feel pain from it.
Look DARK TVWOMAN is also corrupted I am corrupted you are corrupted, only your mother is not corrupted since she is an angel, so don't worry about anything everything is fine,ok)
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pointycorgiears · 24 days
Mihawk raised his eyes to Talon who was frowning at his palm. He drew the pair of tweezers back and waited for the child to settle again before poking at his skin with the tiny instrument once more.
After another unsuccessful attempt, he sighed. "It seems this last shard of glass is too small for me to extract. It will have to remain until it comes out on its own."
"You're just going to leave it in there?" Talon asked, alarmed and confused.
"Yes. I can't grab on to it. It will come out in a few days. I will put a bandage around the area so it doesn't get disturbed."
Talon peered closely at his hand. "But, how will it come out?"
"Your body will push it out. New skin will grow around it and force it to move."
Talon stared at him,eyes wide. "Are you sure you can't take it out? What if you just cut it?"
"We are not going to cause anymore unnecessary damage. You will have to be patient."
"But I want it out now! All my other repairs are done! That's not fair!"
Mihawk blinked, minding his patience. "Then you should think twice about barreling into a glass window as a surprise attack next time there's a raid. You haven't yet learned Armament Haki to coat yourself. You are fortunate none got into your eyes."
Talon frowned as he turned his eyes away, glaring at the floor and grumbling "I don't need it...nothing can hurt me..."
"Except the smallest shard of glass has now given you a splinter. You need to learn to defend yourself against passive hazards and injuries."
Talon shaped his index finger on his other hand into a sharp blade. "Are you sure it won't come out?"
Mihawk quickly but gently placed an adhesive bandage over the splinter before the child could be tempted to act. "Not right now, but with time it will," he said softly. He took Talon's other hand in his own and the blade disappeared. "Things such as splinters are a fact of life. If we're not careful, they can become embedded in us, and even though most of the time they are just an annoyance, sometimes they can be painful. So you must be vigilant. You were made to be near invincible, but none of us can ever truly know what lies ahead in this vast world."
Mihawk squeezed Talon's hand, then let go and stood to begin putting the rest of the medical supplies away. Talon watched him, Mihawk's words turning over in his head. He began to wonder...
"Do you have a splinter, Dad?"
Mihawk paused in what he was doing and looked at the boy. "Not presently," he simply replied.
"Oh, I thought you had one of the painful ones. Did it come out already?"
Mihawk raised his brow. "I haven't been unlucky enough to receive one in a very long while. Why do you ask, Talon?"
"Well, you've been frowning a lot lately. Like something is hurting you?"
Silence, as Mihawk shut the first aid kit and a realization dawned on him. So, he hadn't been concealing his emotions over the past few days as well as he thought.
"I'm sorry if I alarmed you, Talon," he sighed, kneeling back down in front of the child and gazing at him softly. "There was something in the newspaper the other day that...upset me, and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind."
Talon perked up. "What was it? Was someone captured? Did something bad happen!?"
Mihawk raised his hand in a calming manner and taking the child's again. "No, no. Nothing bad has happened. There was an article recently that mentioned a name I hadn't heard in a very long time. Someone I thought I would never see again."
"Who was it? Was it someone mean to you?"
"No, quite the opposite actually." Mihawk stared at the Seraphim boy, his clone. His son. They were a small family, but one nonetheless. Talon deserved to know about the rest of his family history. "I think it's time I told you about your uncle."
Mihawk guided Talon to the common room in the main tent. The others were currently out and about, thankfully leaving the two of them alone in the large space. Mihawk sat on the green sofa, rummaging through a stack of newspapers on the stand next to it, and then inviting Talon to come sit next to him. Talon squished himself into Mihawk's side, excited to see what his father had to show him. Mihawk found the days old paper he was searching for and flipped to page that had sent him reeling with emotion a few mornings ago.
"This here," Mihawk pointed to an article at the bottom of the page that highlighted an art festival. Several different names were in bold letters. It was small, barely taking up four inches of space in the corner, but Talon recognized one of the names immediately.
"Dracule Harrier," Talon read aloud without prompt from Mihawk, "graciously honored at the Diamond Moon Festival for his smithing skills and supreme craftsmanship of the sword, Kingfisher, Dracule's personal weapon."
Talon then peered up at Mihawk. "That guy is your brother?"
Mihawk solemnly nodded. "Yes."
"How come I have no data about him?"
Mihawk sighed. "The last time I saw my brother was when we were just children. My parents took him away with them when they abandoned me, and I grew up with your Grandma Moro instead. I wasn't sure if he was even still alive, so I knew nothing about him. The government had no reason to believe he even existed and no need to gather information about him. Their focus was solely on me."
Talon tilted his head, confused. "So then, this is the first time you've read about him? Why did it make you upset? I thought he was nice to you?"
Mihawk hung his arm around Talon's shoulders and squeezed him closer. "He was very nice to me. I had two older siblings, who were mean to me all the time. They didn't like me. They thought I was cursed because of my eyes. However, my little brother, Harri-," Mihawk had to pause as he said the name aloud, the first time he'd done so in years, and cleared his throat, "Harrier was my only friend. We would play together and pretend to sword fight. He always shared his food and treats with me. He made sure I wouldn't get in trouble with my parents so they wouldn't be mad at me. He was a very good little brother."
"Why did they all leave you?"
"They didn't want me," Mihawk said quietly, his yellow eyes casting downward. "They did not like my eyes, and they refused to love me because of it. Except for Harrier. So they took him away from me."
"Do you miss him?"
Mihawk tilted his head, gazing at Talon. If anyone else had ever asked him that question, he would deny even knowing who they were talking about and how dare they make such sentimental assumptions about his well-kept emotions. Looking at Talon was akin to looking in a mirror though, and he couldn't hide from himself. "Yes. I do."
"Is that why you were upset?"
"...I suppose so."
Talon leaned into his side, wrapping his wings around Mihawk's midsection. "I miss my brothers and sisters too."
This was certainly a different kind of bandage, wrapped in the boy's arms and wings.
Talon lifted his head to look at his father again. "Does this mean you are going to go find him? Can I come with you?"
Mihawk shook his head, but gave a soft smile. "I do not know if that is possible, but...if I so decide to make that journey someday, I will absolutely have you by my side."
"I want to meet him! He has his own sword, so he must be good like you!"
"I'm sure he would be delighted to meet you too." Mihawk squeezed him once more, then motioned for Talon to stand. "However, right now, it's best you go get ready for bed. I will be there soon, after I find the others and lock up this place for the night."
"Okay, Dad!" Talon hopped off the couch and scampered down the staircase, muttering about how he can't wait to meet his newfound uncle.
"Brush your teeth!" Mihawk called after him as he also stood, the newspaper still in hand. Before he set the paper back on the stand, his gaze lingered on his long lost brother's name, and then fell on the title of Harrier's sword.
There was something he did not reveal to Talon, so as not to excite the boy, or worry him. When they were still together, Mihawk and his brother made it a point to look out for each other. They both knew the terrible things their parents and siblings were capable of, mostly at Mihawk's expense. So they developed their own way of communicating while under the scrutiny and oppression of their parents. They created hand signals and code words that only the two of them knew. Harrier had always been a secretive child, trusting only Mihawk with certain information since the time he learned to talk.
Even though he had lost track of his sibling after being abandoned, it wasn't a stretch for Mihawk to assume that specific personality trait had never changed.
It had been years. Not once had his brother's name appeared in papers, documents, or word of mouth since they'd been separated. Until now. And it was so blatant. Printed in bold, yet small enough that it was still hiding in plain sight. Then there was the name next to it. The name that once told the young Mihawk that his brother needed to hide from mom and dad for awhile. He could hear Harrier's then tiny voice whispering in his ear, "Brother, I want to go see the kingfishers at the river today."
Brother, I need help.
Mihawk set the paper down. His frown returned as Harrier's old words cut him like a shard that was stuck in his memory.
His brother was trying to reach out to him.
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Calm Cool and Collected 5...
...That's what Miyamoto was trying to be while seeing the older red eared slider at his door. It was well into the after noon and quite hot, so instead of the old warrior style look that Miyamoto had seen him less than a week ago, Leonardo-san wore an unbuttoned guayabera and board shorts that were a bit shorter than expected. Miyamoto felt a void in the turtle’s presence as Leonardo-san was missing his large prosthetic arm. 
“Hi Mr. Usagi, I hope I’m not interrupting you” said Leonardo-san holding up the remaining part of his right arm as if the phantom part was to be placed behind his head in a laid back manner. 
“Not at all. Welcome, Leonardo-san. You just missed Yuichi, he was in such a hurry after training.” Said Miyamoto, who just noticed the the large amount of bags hanging off of the older turtle's left arm. “Come in and have a seat , I will help you set your bags down,”
“Thank you, just wait, one moment,” Leo said turning down to Raph, who was at the bottom of the flat’s stairs, “Hey bro, I have something to do, you can do some shopping if you like, here use Don’s credit card, I don’t think they’ll mind.” He tosses the card to the alligator snapping turtle mutant. 
Leonardo-san was much taller than Miyamoto realized, a good half foot taller than his friend Gen, the bounty hunting rhino, and maybe a bit broader. Standing across from the turtle was the only time he felt small talking to someone.
It felt a bit ridiculous to have a crush at his age, being in his late 30’s. Then again his love life was complicated and he was treading uncharted waters openly asking out a man. He has had close encounters with other men but something about Leo-san was different.
 Maybe it was that he was next in line to be head of his family, the Hamato Clan, which was odd because the ancestral Hamatos were human like their cousins, the Hikiji clan. Maybe that was the case, he was related to an enemy, however Miyamoto also had close encounters with a neko ninja clan member named Chizu and…. The rabbit mind trailed off, a trait all Usagi’s share, given the conditions.
“Hello, Earth to Space Usagi.” Leo-san said, waving his left arm in front of the samurai, snapping the rabbit from his trance, “Oh good, anyway thank you for inviting me. I really need a friend my age. I don’t know if I can listen to Dad Draxum’s lecture on calligraphy.” 
Yes, Friends…
“I like calligraphy.” said Usagi. “Its a beautiful discipline…”
“As it helps one focus on the art in ones words and the words of ones art.” Leonardo-san and Miyamoto. Leo continued as Miyamoto stood impressed, “Thats why samurai must also master the are of the brush as they do the sword. Thats what Draxum said anyways. So you fancy yourself a Samurai.” 
“I don’t know, do you fancy a samurai.” Responded Miyamoto.
“Oh” Leo said, his eye markings a bit redder than before. Though Miyamoto thought he somehow insulted the turtle. 
“Chikushō. This man wants a friend, not a cheap replacement for his dead wife” Thought Usagi. In a hurry, the older rabbit gestured to the low table, “Here take a seat while I prepare tea.”
The technology of this age never ceases to amaze Miyamoto, staring at the electric kettle on the counter, he gasps in awe seeing how fast the water is boiled to the perfect temperature for tea. Despite his attention focused on the kettle, he could tell that Leonado-san shared the same fascination from across the room. 
“Is this your first time seeing an electric kettle in action” said Usagi
“Oh, nah, my dad had this old kettle he would always use and it turn out to be an evil helmet of an evil suit of armor so we had to destroy it, I got him an electric one, lets just say Donnie made it evil too.”
Miyamoto’s deep chuckle resonated in the flat, “I’m guessing the purple one and the blue one give you the most trouble,” bringing the tea to the low table. 
“Yeah, they are twins after all, and I should know I was a twin too.” said Leonado
Was is a very common word here
“I never had any siblings of my own but there was a boy in my village, Kenichi, who would cause as much trouble as one, he later became village magistrate after my father passed, then he married Mariko, my childhood sweetheart…”
Leonardo-san made an audiible gasp, “ YOUR childhood sweetheart, whoa, I would have never done that to Donnie.”
“Donnie, isn’t that the name of your son.” Miyamoto cocked his head in confusion before understanding, “Oh Donatello is named after your brother.” 
This must have struck something in the older turtle as a bit of pain flashed across his face. Miyamoto then reached over from his seated positon to place a hand on his shoulder and said, “I’m sorry for your loss,”
“If you did this everytime you hear about what I lost, might as well keep your hand on my shoulder,” Said the turtle, then he places his hand on the rabbit's shoulder, “I’m sorry for your loss. I could never imagine losing a son,”
“It hurts me more that I wasn’t there for him as much, Kenichi was more of a father to him than I” replied Miyamoto, his ears drooped down in regret.
“Wait, he raised your kid.” Leo said in shock.
“Guess I got back at him some how for marrying Mariko.” the rabbit chuckled throught the sadness. 
“You sly dog, does that mean Yuichi is Mariko’s too?” Asked Leonardo-san, shaking Miyamoto a bit .
“No,” said the rabbit flatly 
“Me and Don were like that too… Not in the way that our dad placed his egg in different baskets like you” 
“What do baskets have to do with my previous love affairs, speaking of which, do you mind if I ask what Madonna was like?” Usagi questioned. The turtle loosed his playful grip on the rabbit's shoulder. 
What was she like indeed, know one knows,
Catching a glimpse at the TV placed in the living room the low table was located, Leonardo found his answer, “She loved telenovelas.” Leo lied looking straight into Miyamoto's eyes. The word confused the rabbit, Leo’s heart began to race with excitement given this opportunity to finally share with someone his love for the genre.
Leonardo continued his mission to teach Miyamoto the fundamentals of telenovelas and hispanic television, grabbing the remote and sweeping the rabbit off his feet in order to plop themselves onto the sofa. This small but astonishing moment took the rabbits breath away. 
“Do you know spanish?” asked Leonardo-san. Miyamoto, still silent out of awe, shook his head. “Well its a good time to learn,” Leonardo continued. Flipping through the channels he found one that he had yet to finish.
Despite not understanding the language yet, he understood alot through Leonardo-sensei’s riveting commentary. Now both rabbit and turtle are hooked on the show's curious plot involving twins, forbidden love, clones and what honor means in one's culture. Before they knew it they spent two whole hours curled up against one another.
The chime of Leonardos phone told them that their time together was up. “Oh, Raph's back, looks like I have to go, you understand right Miyamoto”
Miyamoto nodded, “If you must, I had a wonderful time with you and…” He froze, trying to figure out the puzzle of his love confession, yet out came his love language, acts of service. “Let me help you with your bags.”
Now Leonardo-san was gone
Miyamoto stares at the doorway for a bit longer. “I should have told him.” the rabbit said to himself.
Raph was waiting outside of the apartment with the rest of the groceries. Leo-san offered to hold the more than he had already and Raph let him. She knew something was up with him, and it was a bit alarming how he knew a lot about her. Leonardo was the first to know Raph was genderfluid, even before she came out to him. 
Raph despite being in her late teens and towering over most people at six feet, Raph felt comfortable acting like the younger sibling for once around Leo Sensei and that still means calling him out. “You like him don’t you.” She said.This statement caused a very obvious “What! No…” Come out of Leo-san and him almost dropping the groceries. 
Raph continued, “Come on, You can tell me, and it's really obvious.”
“Like your crush on Cassandra”
“Shhh! How do you know about that!?”
“ I’m from the future, remember.” The older turtle chuckled, “To be honest I was kind of jealous when you married her and then became a parent. I always felt like I could never fit the role you had in Jr.’s life.”  
This made Leo-san tear up, remembering how happy his Raph was when she saw Casey Jr. for the first time. The time they taught Casey parkour, that was the day he lost his last baby tooth. All those milestones that Raph witnessed before her life was cut short around the time Casey turned twelve. But this Raph didn’t see death in her future, what she saw is what she said out loud, stars twinkling in her eyes, “We end up together.”
“Yeah, When you're ready to tell her, tell me and I’ll be your ultimate wingman.” Leonardo-sensei said. Once they reached the entrance of the lair, Raph stopped him, offered to carry the rest of the Groceries and said “Go tell him big bro.”
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vibratingskull · 1 year
Hiya! I saw the reuniting s/o and it got me thinking. Since a decade had passed. Could you do a Thrawn reuniting with his kid (son or daughter reader you can choose) scenario, the child was maybe 10-12 when Thrawn and Ezra were taken away. How would he react since they are all grown up. They were taken in by the surviving members of the empire…..their mother didn’t make it.
He would be so proud to see his kiddo all grown up! Look at you go !
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He looks at you intently, silent. Perfectly still, awaiting for you to present yourself.
But you know.
He recognized you at first glance.
“... And his apprentice, Shin Hati.” Morgan finishes.
Thrawn presses his lips, nodding slowly at the mercenaries, acknowledging their existence and slowly turns to you.
“And this young person here?” He asks, gesturing to you.
“Y/n.” you answer before Morgan, earning a black look from her. “I came from the Mitth family, maybe you heard of them?” you ask, ignoring her.
She never used your complete father’s name, she must not know it, as her non-reaction to the Mitth suggestion infers.
“I, indeed, have heard of them.” He recognizes humbly. You exchange a look of mutual understanding.
“The prisoner is Sabine Wren.” Morgan tries to win back the upper hand of the conversation.
“Now that is a familiar name.” He nods with a little smirk. “You are quite right, she will be of great use to us.” He turns to Morgan “I will have a discussion with each of your mercenaries later, make sure they remain available.” and he walks away, hands clasped behind his back, followed by his troops.
You start following as everyone else when Morgan seizes your arm.
“You think you’re clever, right?” she snarls.
“What’s wrong, old hags?” you spite back. Your relationship with Morgan Elsbeth was never great with your tendency to rebellion, but you think she realized your blood bound with the Grand Admiral and sees her place threatened. She didn’t buy your story of a traveling Chiss lost in space; it seems.
“Whoever you are, you won’t rob me of the glory that is rightfully mine! I am the one bringing back Grand Admiral Thrawn and reintroducing the Empire.” She greets her teeth.
“My congratulations, then! You’ve succeeded, now rest assured my goals won’t interfere with your glory, you got what you wanted and I got what I wanted. Now,” you pull out your arm for her grip violently “Let me go before I punch you.”
“Calm down child, you’re no threat to me.”
“I gain this armor by killing a mandalorian with my bare hand, it is not an old witch that will scare me.” You bite back and walk away.
What an old bag! She could succeed and soil this happy day for you. You hurriedly enter the room assigned to you and lock the door, awaiting for Enoch to come for you.
You're graced by his back as you pass the door. He’s observing a map, surely of Peridea.
“Grand Admiral, the last mercenary has arrived.”
“Thank you captain, you are dismissed.” He simply says.
Enoch nods and leaves in silence, leaving you alone with your father.
He turns towards you with gleaming eyes. He looks at you up and down with a thin smile, but without approaching.
You shrug.
“You keeped the best for last?” you try humor.
“We can say that.” He says proudly “How tall you are now. I still remember holding you in my arms.”
You nod.
“I’m sure you can still do it.”
He chuckles, opening his arms.
“How good it is to see you again, after so long.”
You walk to him, smiling frankly and hold him tight. He squeezes you in his strong arm, pressing you against his heart. Finally reunited...
“Hello, dad.”
“Hello, my dear.” He parts with you and holds your face “You look so adult now. It warms my heart to see you grown up like that.” 
“You’re pretty good too for your age.” you sting with a smirk.
“Ha! Do not tell me, I am getting old. Tell me rather, where did you find that Mandalorian armor?”
“I won it from his former owner. With panache and maybe a concrete block on the head.”
“You will tell me the complete story later, En'tisan'sasi, I am sure it is a delight. Tell me, where is your mother?” He asks with eyes shining bright, full of hope.
Your stomach sinks, you hoped he would wait at least a day before asking. You bite your lips, lowering your head.
“Mom is…” you start, searching your words “Mom… Didn’t make it.”
He seems taken aback, looking into your eyes to see if you're playing with him. But you are the most serious you’ve ever been.
“It is an… unpleasant news.” He manages to whisper.
“You mean painful?”
“Yes… Painful. Exactly. I…” He appears disoriented for a second. “Let me sit down for a minute.” He walks to his desk chair, you follow him in case he loses balance.
“So… She’s dead.” He says calmly.
You gulp.
“She fought valiantly.” you assure him. “To the last second she hoped and worked for your return.” You lay a hand on his shoulder.
He’s clearly affected, but his expression remains peaceful, stern and… determined. He grasps your hand and squeezes it. You see revenge burning in his red eyes.
“Her sacrifice was not in vain because we are finally reunited, En'tisan'sasi. Now, we will come back and take what is ours. For her.”
You nod, looking in his eyes.
“Yes, for her.”
En'tisan'sasi - Kid
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riewritten · 2 years
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SUMMARY: Your encounter of grief with him—despite it being the very first time—felt way too familiar. This familiarity peaked when you started dreaming of a young him standing frozen before a tombstone, all inside an uncanny world built by walls. AO3
TAGS: family death, wholesome comfort. tons of comfort.
WORDS: 4.5k
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i think my old readers have alr noticed but this is my 4th attempt of inserting a parallel universe in my story. apologies, it's just that—my goodness—i'm so into this trope and i'm having so much fun exploring it in any way i could 🤭
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The walls of the hospital hallway stood utterly cold but the tiles were much more. Your lower back was roaring, perhaps begging you to spare it from further despair by sitting properly on the waiting bench in front of you instead. But to feel the ache of your muscles is to feel something aside from the dread of the situation at hand. With that, you persisted.
Hugging your knees and staring blankly at the shoe of some random stranger sitting in front of you, a random thought came: why does the greatest bereavement you just experienced in your life feel so familiar? Are you getting a bit too disoriented that you’re starting to think the familiarity is due to seeing his feet?
“It must hurt sitting like that. There's a lot of space beside me." said the stranger who owns the limb as he remained in his position on the bench.
He actually arrived way earlier if you remember correctly and his voice somehow made you snap out of your ponders. The waiting area for patients' visitors is almost empty now—no, it really is empty. Only the two of you are left aside from the nurse overseeing the counter.
"I'm sorry. What time is it?" you observed his features and realized that he was completely out of it as well. He was looking at you but not really. He was uttering words but not in any way connected to them. His eyes were dead blank and calm.
“10 PM.”
More importantly, he seems to be in a different place, just as you wish for yourself as well.
“Are you with someone?" 
And perhaps I could be in a different place just as he is.
“No, not really.” he pondered for a while. “Not anymore.”
Or maybe not.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” 
Just as you were about to think of another attempt to sneak your mind out of here, you saw your father's doctor walking towards you. The way his face looked almost had you stand up and run away, even get hysterical so he wouldn’t say whatever he was about to say. You shoot the blonde stranger a look—perhaps one asking for help—but of course, he wouldn't be able to do anything for you.
When the old doctor finally halted and you had no choice but to look up he said, “I’m sorry. He had a do-not-resuscitate order prepared. That’s all we could do. You may see your father in a bit.”
“He had one?”
“I know this is hard for you, young lady. I’ll go back to check on you in a while.”
You propped your forehead on your knees and started gripping your hair hard—all without a word.
“Seems like we’re both fatherless now,” he spoke again after a while.
"What the hell?" you almost blurted out but you tried to give him the benefit of the doubt; maybe he was still out of it.
"I'll be off now. I offer my condolences to your father." and attempted to stand up but oh, your lower back surely sought revenge.
It seems like he noticed it as well but didn't move. Instead, he asked, “Do you smoke?"
“My father was. Look where it got him.” 
“Sorry. I didn’t mean that.”
You attempted to stand again. A hiss was let out when you finally got to kneel. Realizing it was perhaps an invitation for some company, you replied, “I’d like to drink something cold, though. I could go with you as you smoke, I guess?"
There, he finally reached a hand to help you stand up. It's as if he wasn't planning to do so until you agreed, “Perhaps you could tell me more about your dad as I smoke."
"Yeah, as you smoke…" Is he really serious? Should I just go home?
"I’m quite interested to end up the same way as him.”
“Your humor is a bit weird.”
“A bit,” he teasingly clarified. Seems like he’s self-aware then, “Apologies. I’m a bit out of it.”
“I see that well," and you understand; you reached for his hand to help yourself up, “I could give some tips, I guess.” then grabbed your bag on the floor.
Just as you were about to walk, however, the doctor called your name from a distance again, “I suggest you see your father for one last time, young lady.” 
You froze, bit your lip, and it seemed like your newfound company also waited. "Do you want to see him?" but your lack of an answer—as well as your chest heaving quite heavily, wide eyes, and pursed lips—was enough for him. "I could offer a bit of help."
I could be in a different place just as he is.
You nodded flatly then. He held your hand and casually walked away.
The doctor called you again but the blonde interposed, "The help I could offer is to urge you not to turn your back. If you shoot that doctor a look then you'd definitely be forced to that room even if you don't want to."
You definitely don't do this to strangers but if they offer something they know you need, you'll have whatever that is at your disposal.
You held his hand tight; the blonde heaved a small hum without turning, "I'll take that as a yes."
Perhaps it wasn’t just your father who wanted to escape; that’s why you understood it so easily. Still, that doesn’t mean you can’t hate him for it—for not talking you out of it. Your little mind hopes your father could see and hate you as well, just so it’d be fair somehow.
“Sorry for grabbing you out there.” he tossed you the cold drink he bought from the convenience store nearby. His treat for agreeing to his brief company.
"Thanks," you opened the can, “but I made you do that without even asking for your name.”
“Erwin,” he replies with a stick in his mouth. He lights it up and then talks again, "Yours?"
You told him your nickname instead to be safe, then shifted your attention to the surroundings—curled up beside the open parkway and the night breeze moistening up your nose. Maybe it wasn’t a good choice to opt for a cold drink. However, just like earlier, Erwin seems to be a sharp one. When he saw you rub your hands together in the cold, he took the drink back to his grasp.
“Hey, you said you’d treat me.”
After a huff of smoke and a bit of a curl on his lip, he gave you a spare stick, “Smoking could ease the cold. Try it.”
It was your turn to smile, in a teasing way this time, “You’re asking me, one who just got a parent dead presumably due to smoking, to go and try one?”
"Well," he shot the stick a short look, "if you don't want it then—"
You grabbed it with the lighter, put it in your mouth, and attempted to light it up only to fail.
"Is this broken?"
Erwin stifled a laugh and held the lighter, “You have to inhale as you light it. Go on, inhale." you did as you were told and he was right. It really did. However, a quite violent cough followed suit.
"What is this? My father died for this?"
"You'll understand soon."
"Tastes fucking crap," you didn't throw it away, though. You just tried again until it's not cough-inducing anymore.
"I haven't said it yet but I offer my sincere condolences for the death of your father," Erwin mused when both of you finally settled on the place. He was leaning on a wall while you were seated on a parking block.
For a while, only the sounds of cars honking down at the main road could be heard. He was right; the cigarette could bring warmth, so warm that your eyes started heating up. A sob followed suit. Erwin didn't speak. Somehow, his composed demeanor made you quite conscious, "Aren't you going to cry as well?" 
The gentleman landed his coat on your curled-up figure. The gesture made you look up—surprised—but his face was what caught you instead. It was colder than the wind, way more dead than earlier. "I'm rather feeling angry right now. Too angry to cry," 
"I tend to break down into tears when angry, though. Still, thanks for that. I really needed to get out of there."
"Do you want to escape?" Erwin inquired and you nodded, "wanna do it with me?"
Your mourn was momentarily replaced by confusion. It was night, nearing midnight even. "Uh, no? why—" would you think I'll agree with that? "—I mean, how are we supposed to do that?"
"In any way you think of."
"I assume this is the last time we'll see each other."
"Not if we do otherwise."
“You seem to act so comfortable around me, young mister. Do you know me?”
“Do I?” he weakly asked, obviously it wasn't intended for you. He seems to be pondering about that too.
Honestly, if not for that familiarity, you would’ve walked away right after his inquiry.
"If this night passed, I wouldn't want to meet you again. It's not personal. It's just that I encountered you right after he died and if I would want to escape that occurrence, you're included in it."
"Right. I wouldn’t want to remember this night too. Perhaps if we see each other again, we could try doing that." he fixed his composure and bid farewell, "Keep the jacket. Try not to smoke again, though. I was just kidding earlier."
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That made complete sense. If he was on this very scene, it's needless to say that he needs to be forgotten too.
But that wasn't the case for you since then. You get nightmares from that night—the voice of that old doctor, the cold hospital surface, the frustration for the dead who belittled you by not talking about significant matters which left you lost on how to move on, and more.
However, the scene also shifts into a completely different event. There was this little you standing in a vast cemetery. Then a young blonde was doing the same on a tombstone beside. The sun was striking so bright. You were wearing a completely uncomfortable dress while the boy had an all-black suit covering him. The tremendous sweat formed on his body might be from shock or grief.
"Seems like we're both fatherless now," you mused at him grimly.
He didn't give you a response but you felt his glare as if asking "What's wrong with you?" When he realized you were out of it and a bit younger than him too, he just asked, "Do you have any parents left?"
"Mom. Home."
"Where do you live?"
"East border of Trost."
"You might not be that far away from my home, then. You'll end up instigating a fight if your thoughts are that lost, too." He faced you then, "I could accompany you if you want."
You shot him a look of surprise. You were sure he was the same as you are, if not more. Is this kid trying to be that flashy concerned stranger to another kid in bereavement—wait, no, that's not it.
"You could be honest and say you don't want to look at his grave anymore. I mean, I'm of the same disposition."
Somehow, you felt him sneer a bit, "Don't put it that way." yet he didn't deny it.
You thought Erwin would stay as that—a lone boy appearing in your dreams. You thought your mind might be projecting grief towards him because he was able to give you a tiny bit of solace when your father was announced dead. This assumption was enough to get over it quickly no matter its recurrence.
However, when you came back from your leave of absence, there he was—a new student in post-graduate, taking the same History degree you’re in as an undergraduate.
"Mr. Smith will be one of our primary resources in the research," said Petra, one of your block mates.
"Which one?"
"The archives about political prisoners and state-sponsored killings."
You shot your eyes open while the blonde remained unperturbed.
"I'm rather feeling angry right now. Too angry to cry," or so he said during that night. With your hands turning cold and a lump forming in your throat, you looked sideways.
"Do you know each other, perhaps?"
"Yes, we met at—"
"I don't—" want to remember such a dark phase in my life again. "W-we met once but I don’t remember much of it."
"I see. I hope you get along, then. You're aching to graduate already, after all."
You forced out a defeated smile at the lady then shot Erwin a look again, this time with a half-smile. You reached a hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Erwin."
"Again, indeed." He returned the gesture and somehow, you could see a glint of amusement in his features.
Much more unluckily for you, a college night out commenced a week after. You tried not to come but your friends were defiant. They thought you needed to unwind after months of isolation. You begrudgingly agreed, quite annoyed as they couldn’t understand your isolation is the unwinding itself.
"Come on, drink!" Keiji, a mutual friend, urged you. Your friends were as tipsy as he was. Their noise, space, lights, and everything else started to overwhelm you.
Petra shoved a fried chicken in your mouth. "Come on, don't be a party pooper! Aren't you stressed with school, too? You just came back. You must be as stressed as we are if not more!" then suddenly waved, "Oh hi, Erwin! Looking great there!"
She was indeed drunk. She’s not calling him Mr. Smith anymore.
“Your crew asked for the resources the other day but nobody gave me any contact. I figured I'd have it now so you could start working on it tomorrow."
The redhead gave you a mischievous glint then; blood in your face flushed out. You quickly chew the chicken before talking but Petra swiftly grabbed your phone, unlocked it herself, and flashed it to the man standing.
"Sure! Put it here!"
It might be subtle, but there goes the hint of amusement again. Was that because of what you've said before—that you wouldn't want to see him again if you were to escape what happened? Was the circumstance amusing for him?
With your mood ruined, you decided to let this night pass defeatedly, hoping no one will bug you for the next few days. Only to have your patience tested with them getting more aggressive after a while. Erwin was at a different table, perhaps the youngest one—the only student, even—in a circle full of other faculty and researchers. He seems to have a great reputation himself despite being too young. That area seems a bit tranquil too as no one would dare dancing on top of the table in front of them.
You were on the verge of erupting.
Until a text came.
Erwin: You seem to be in a quite unfortunate situation again, aren't you?
You shot his table a look. He averted his gaze away as soon as you did.
You: Every single time we cross paths.
Erwin: Do you want to escape?
Your lip curled. Quite a smart one, doing a silly parallel to the first occurrence you turned his offer down.
You: Unfortunately.
Erwin: Wanna do it with me?
You: Can we?
Your phone rang a few seconds after that. When you shot a glare he just nodded, urging you to answer.
Even before you could ask, he spoke through the line, "Pretend as if a household member is calling you home."
You snorted.
"Who's that?" Petra inquired.
"Yes, mom?"
"Great," Erwin hummed, satisfied. "More."
"What? A burglar came into the house?"
"Wait, that's a bit—"
"Tall and blonde? Goodness gracious," you gasped, "sounds like someone I know!" Then you swiftly grabbed your stuff. "Okay okay, I'll go home now. Don't do something dangerous, okay? Bye, mom."
"Sorry, an emergency came up," you flashed Petra a smile but realized it was a bit too wide.
"Do you need help?"
"No, no. I'll just update you through the phone. Take care on your way home, guys."
"Take care! That blonde thief must go fuck himself! People these days, seriously!" 
When you took a look at Erwin again, he was stifling a laugh. You smiled and mouthed a "thank you."
Afterward, a message beeped again:
Erwin: This isn't a free service this time.
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One of the staff in that bar was Petra’s father, and upon going to the back of the building you heard him being badly berated. The boss was even taunting him to call her daughter from upstairs so she could see what miserable of a man he actually is. 
You sat on the ground hidden as you know better than to interrupt. A young fellow like you, let alone his daughter’s friend, would do more harm than good if you were to make yourself seen. Punishing yourself for being a despicable bystander, you etched every syllable and reeked authority in your ears, tormenting yourself with further guilt just as you deserved.
The surprise in Erwin's face upon seeing you made you aware of your sobs. As he couldn’t take his entrance back, he just offered you his handkerchief and sat quietly one meter away.
“Is this man someone you know?”
“He's my friend’s father.”
He watched the commotion for a while as he grabbed a stick from his pocket. “Do you need help?”
“What for?”
“I drank a bit tonight and have the ability to get your friend’s father out of that.” Erwin put the stick in his mouth and added, “Seems like his boss will be taking another hour, after all, now that he just started crying.”
 “Shut up." You choked on your tears with a chuckle, "Are you trying to volunteer in creating a scene? You want to beat him up?”
“Beating him up would only aggravate his desire for his opponent's torment. His type would be best shattered through words.”
“You gonna shout at him, then?”
“I can shatter people without shouting,” then he noticed your hands trying to steal a cigarette from his pack. “You're smoking now?”
“Guess when I started doing so—gum and candies? You’re keeping gum and candies in a cigarette pack?”
There you realized that the thing in his mouth is a lollipop. "I've quitted for a while now." He put it out briefly to establish it, “But attempting to steal a cigarette from someone you met once but barely remembered? How blunt.”
The tone was supposed to go off mockingly as he knew well you never forgot that night, but you were rather distracted with his features illuminated by the moon and old lamp—how divine he looks and how familiar the sight is, just as if you've been seeing it since forever.
“You followed me here so I thought you wanted to be friends again.” 
“Told you what I did isn't free service this time.” Despite the shame, you still accepted when he offered a spare lollipop. “Anyway, since you don’t want me to actively interfere…” then suddenly threw a medium-sized rock at the boss. 
"Who the fuck was that? Do you have a death wish? Fuck, I'm bleeding!"
 Both of you remained hidden nonetheless.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“You owe me additional payment for that.”
“Young sir, I think you’re way richer than I could ever be.”
“I'm a working student with dead parents," he countered, "and I won't ask you to pay in cash.”
“Oh! Your jacket, then?" you gasped, "I almost forgot!”
“You have it with you now?”
“Hold on, I’ll just—”
“Then wear it.”
“I was actually contemplating offering you my sweater right now. Your attire makes me cold on your behalf."
“Sorry,” then realizing something, you forced out a giggle. “This is the same one I wore that day.”
"I noticed.”
“But I have other clothes in my wardrobe, to clarify.”
“It's understandable, though. That one looks great on you.”
That’s what you thought as well; the same reason why you weren’t able to burn it despite the desire to unaffiliate yourself from everything that night. You hid the slight fluster by wrapping yourself with his sweater, “Sorry for flashing you one of my crying faces again.”
“You can tell me the reason why, if you can.”
“I used to witness my father getting the same treatment, just before his body tied him down to the bed for good. The world isn't too kind to people when their purpose is risked, no matter how pitiful their circumstances could be. I only witnessed it two times and on the second one I almost knocked his boss out. He berated me and I realized that it's more detrimental for a geezer like him to have a kid attempting to protect."
"Are you afraid of what Petra's father would think of you if you had butted in?"
You curled your brows, "I didn't tell you he's Petra's dad."
"She was the one who recommended this place for a night out."
"Oh, did she?"
"You should hang out with them more. I can see how earnest they are in bringing you back to them."
Despite the appreciation, you realized you couldn't do that much yet. "I don't think I was concerned at what he would think of me but rather how it would make him feel. You see, my father wasn’t crying while being nagged, but he did while talking to me, shouting that I didn't help him at all."
"That's how a child who loved their parents would respond. He belittled your capability to be someone he can rely on."
"Not that I don't understand him."
"I know you already empathized with why he acted like that. I'm telling you to have the same attitude for yourself."
You flashed him a genuine smile in gratitude.
In the brief moment you were with this man, you thought nothing could genuinely surprise him; but he paused, just as if he didn't expect that at all despite his flattery that cannot be paid with measly smiles. 
"You should flash that more."
"What is?"
"That face."
You snorted, "Maybe smother me with more validation, just like that and the earlier one."
"A job I'm very much willing to partake in."
It'd be futile to hide your fluster if this persisted so you asked instead, "Would you mind telling me about your father next?"
"This isn't about me, though."
"It is, now."
"I'm saving that for later."
"When? Why?"
"You're the one to conduct an interview with me so we don't need to rush on that matter, don’t we?"
The daunting realization came back.
"Was your father… killed that night?" His expression darkened so you added, "Sorry, I’m sorry. We don't have to talk about it."
"I wouldn't accept your group's offer if I'm not fine talking about it."
But still, it wouldn't be fair for him—not when he was such a decent company. You changed the topic yet again, hoping the breeze wouldn’t take away the tiny solace amidst heavy dispositions. "You know, ever since that night, I've been dreaming about the tomb of my father lying in a completely different cemetery. Strangely, it was placed next to your father's and you're standing beside me. We're both kids in medieval outfits."
"Are you saying I left too much impression that my presence invaded your dreams?"
"Yeah. How charismatic of a man who offered cigarettes to a lady who had her father dead by such."
The boss and Petra’s father already took their leave, scared that the rocks would persist, hence Erwin didn’t hold back his genuine laugh. You realized it was the first time he did in your presence, let alone anyone you saw him with. 
"It's my pleasure to endear a beautiful lady despite bastardic gestures, then."
"Why did you quit, though?"
"Well, you said it was fucking crap. Eventually I deemed cigarettes as fucking crap too."
You huffed a chortle in exchange, "How charismatic of me to rattle a fine man with my bastardic words."
"Don’t be surprised. I’m sure you’ve done that a lot."
"You're too kind with your words."
"I was trying to ease the cold for you."
You savored the breeze by closing your eyes then. 
Back then, you thought he was just a mere stranger to pull you out of some unwanted place. Now he seems to have the potential to subtly convince you otherwise too—that you don’t necessarily have to get out of places you don’t want to be in. If there’s this grief, you could actually sit with it. You could hold its hand and wait until it's done shouting. You wait until it’s willing to be picked up and talked to.
"Ah," you hummed pleasantly, "I feel much better. Tell me how I can pay for this unfree service."
"I'm new to this town and quite in need of help to get accustomed to it. You're the only one who could do so, given that you've been here since birth."
"Stop fooling me. You have a very huge circle to choose from."
"You're gonna pay me back by pretending to be fooled." Finally, he stood up and reached his hand to help you out.
You scoffed, punched his hand away, and stood up yourself, "You should’ve just told me you want my company more."
“I figured you might get easily bored with too awfully blunt men. Oh, and one more thing."
"Tell me more about your dreams."
"Are you that amused that your presence stuck on me?"
"Of course," he didn't even hesitate. "I'm curious at how creative your mind could get."
"We have lots of things to talk about. Spare me the shame."
"Sucks to be you," Erwin mused as both of you finally started walking, "because that was the most pleasant thing I've heard in a long while. I don't think I'll stop bugging you with that."
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this was supposedly a one-shot but i'm not quite comfortable publishing a 10k word stuff in one overwhelming chapter. next and last chapter will follow suit.
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meruemhq · 2 years
Feel My Heartbeat Pt. 6
The Sully’s marui pod bustled with anxiety as Neteyam burst through the Marui curtains, with an unconscious Kiri. Horrid images flash through Jake’s mind's eye. His feet move on instinct to retrieve his eldest daughter. He cradles her in his arms. Jake gave her body a one-over for any visible injuries. Neytriri hurried to clear a space in the center of the living area.
“Neteyam what happened?!” Anxiety chiped at Neytiri’s voice. Her shoulders slump forward as she ran her hands along Kiri’s side. She fought to hold back tears.
“She had a seizure at the Spirit Tree.”
Awke reassured a crying Tuk. Lo’ak stumbled in, heaving from his run to the marui pod. He had heard of the commission and raced his way home. Awke watched as Neteyam stands in the corner twirling and wringing his fingers together, a deep frown burdened his brow and his tail stood stiff. She knew how much he must be feeling at the moment, remembering how he reacted when Lo’ak went missing.
She walked towards him and places a reassuring hand on his arm. His arm muscles flexed under her hand, not expecting to be touched. He looks at her. His yellow eyes which as normally so bright are now clouded with worry. She give him a comforting squeeze and smiled.
“She’ll be okay”. His gaze softens just a tad. He removes her hand from his arm. His rejection stung. She expected him to remove her completely but is pleasantly surprised when he holds her hand between both of his hands.
A few hours pass and Awke, Kahe, Neteyam, and Lo’ak sit outside the entrance of the Marui with their feet dangling to the water below. The atmosphere was still stiff, as Kiri had yet to wake up.
“Our Dad called some of his sky-people friends to take a look at Kiri” Lo’ak spoke. “They are scientists - they’ll be able to help.”
“Say-in-ets?” Awke mussed. The word felt foreign on her tongue. Neteyam held back a chuckle as he rubbed a thumb on the back of her hand.
“They study everything around us like plants, animals, people, and cultures.”
“So like Tsahik?”
Lo’ak hums in thought. “No not really. But close.”
A strange chopping sound rode in from the distance. It was the Human “Gun Ship” that Lo'ak had mentioned was coming to help Kiri. As the strange metal bird nears the village - the warning alarm is sounded. Neteyam is tasked with keeping the curious villagers away from the strange thing. From the mouth of the metal beast, a forest Na’vi dressed in unusual coverings and an actual sky-person followed Jake into his Marui.
Awke takes in the appearance of the sky-person. He was so small, his head barely grazed JakeSully’s hip. And that Na’vi accompanying him looked to be from the same clan as Neteyam and his family. As they walked to the pod they speak the sky person language. Or English as Lo’ak said.
In tow they carried foreign tubes and structures made of metal and glass. Awke remained outside with the Sully kids and Kahe. Although not being able to hear the going ons in the room, she can see that whatever they were doing was not working. Awke said a silent prayer to Eywa.
From the conner of her eye Ronal and Tsireya made their way across the woven pathway with a tray of medicines and tools that the Tsahik uses in her work. Awke is relieved to see Ronal. If those sky-people couldn’t help Kiri then the only other option would be Eywa. Although Ronal stepping forward to help the Sully’s was rather shocking, Awke was grateful for her assistance, she is sure that Neytiri is as well.
Jake and the other two guests are speaking amongst themselves a few feet away. She couldn't understand them, but from the expression painted across Jakesully’s face and the quick glance between Neteyam and Lo’ak - she knew it wasn’t good.
Shouts and prayers to Eywa broke through the small opening of the marui.
Kiri had awakened.
After things had calmed down in the passing days, Awake and Kahe spent more time with the Sully’s. Awke had been made aware that Kiri would not be able to connect with the spirit anymore. Without asking she knew how much this had pained her. Although Awke had previously chosen not to visit the tree, she still had the ability to go - but Kiri is cut off from her ancestors completely. Awke couldn’t imagine being separated from her Grandmother permanently. Awke racked her brain for ways to help her - settling on telling her stories of the Hulanta clan that she was taught by her grandmother. Although it wasn’t much, Kiri appreciated the company and tales. She would often ask questions about the vegetation and medicine used. Awke did her best to provide answers. Awke had begun to notice how much time she spent with the Sully’s. It was scary to see how much of herself she was allowing them to have access to. But, this is the most she has ever felt at home in Awa’altu. And yet somedays she felt as if she were walking on thin glass - one wrong move and she’ll lose the home she made.
All this time spent with the Sully’s also gave Awke time to be with Neteyam. They spent time exploring the vibrant reef around the village. As they swam around in the open waters, a school of Txampaysye swam around them, casting an ethereal blue glow on their skin. They look at each other and smile. Awke gestured for Neteyam to grab one. As he does Awke assisted him by maneuvering the txampaysye onto his back and connecting his kuru. Awke retrieved her own and connected to it.
“Follow this way.” She signed.
Awake moves to swim further away. Neteyam softly tugs on her tail. She turned to glare at him. Neteyam laughed at her expression, making him accidentally swallow seawater. Awke held back her own laugh as he frantically swims to the surface. —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Sully’s Awke, Kahe, and Tsireya had just completed a short fishing trip. Awke and Tuk and been in charge of cleaning and cutting the fish while Lo’ak and Tsireya went looking for ingredients and were tasked with Kahe and Neteyam kindling the fire and grilling the fish.
As they all sat on the beach eating the grilled fish, Awke pounds various fresh and dried herbs in a wooden bowl, mixing them with a blend of spices that Ronal had been harvesting. She dips her piece of fish in the sauce and holds the bowl out for Neteyamto taste.
Neteyam looks at it apprehensively.
“It is good.”
Neteyam holds the bowl and dips his fish in it. The sharp blend of spices shoots up through his nose, clearing his airway. He doubles over with a fit of coughs.
Awke laughs and pats his back. “Can’t handle spice Forest boy?” —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Neteyam walked to meet Awke at her usual spot near the beach Mangroves. But this time Awke instead of peacefully lounging on the mangrove roots she is anxiously pacing on the sand. A hot anxious feeling filled in Neteyams gut. He hurried along the sand to her.
“Are you okay?” Neteyam cups her cheek, caressing her temples. Awke presses her face deeper into his hand and smiles. Neteyam lets out a sigh of breath he didn't know he was holding. Awke steped away from him, taking his hand in hers. She takes notice of their size difference but makes no comment.
“Come I want to show you something!”
She pulls him along with a surprising amount of strength, he stumbles a little.
“Where are you taking me?” They are both a mess of laughs and giggles as she dragged him along past the beach and into the mouth of the jungle.
“To my special spot.”
Awke takes him through the jungle with practiced accuracy. As they climb over the last fallen log, they reach a clearing near a shallow cave opening. The rock formation is large enough to huddle two or three people. Daylight shines in from the canopy opening, and shadows of trees dance along the ground mimicking the swaying of the tree leaves. The grass in the middle of the area was flattened and a patch of burned sticks laid over the side of the clearing, Neteyam realized that this place was regularly visited.
“I come here when I want to clear my head away from the village.” Awke guided Neteyam by the hand through the last section of branches. “No one knows that I come here.”
She sat on the flattened grass. Netyam followed and sat next to her. He held onto her every word intently. She looked around the secluded area with a gentle smile. “Not even Kahe knows.”
A small voice of nerves spoke to her. This was the one spot that she had fully to herself. Somewhere she came to release her emotions without worry. Now, she had just exposed her most vulnerable place to Neteyam - an outsider.
“Why me?”
Why him? Why this strange forest boy? When he first showed up on the sand banks, she was annoyed by his presence and perplexed by his strange stare. Now she found comfort in his close proximity. His stares made her cheeks burn. He was calming. But he was unnerving. He was new and unknown. And he was Neteyam.
“Because you’re special.”
As the eclipse rolled in, they lay on the grass, gazing up at the stars and heavenly bodies through the jungle canopy. The lit fire kept them warm.
“My father came from the stars.” Neteyam pointed out to a distance skylight. “That one right there.” Awke had witnessed how proud Neteyam was of his father, and how proud his father was of him.
“He came from the star of the Skypeople?” A shadow fell over Neteyams face. “What was it like there?” Neteyam quirked his head at her in surprise.
A small wrinkle twitched at his lips.
Neteyam told her all that he knew. He told her of the tall structures made of metal. He told her how they had killed their great Mother.
Awke shifted closer to him, laying on her side. She absorbed all his words like a lifeline. His eyes had a bright gleam as his hands wave along with his story. She liked his side of Neteyam. Calm. At ease. Without the heavy load, he carried every day. She wished that he can stay this carefree.
“My parents died in the war with the skypeople.” they had shifted closer. Awke’s head repositioned to rest on his shoulder. His arm wrapped around her middle holding her pressed against him. ‘For body heat’ he had put it. “And my clan was displaced.”
He presses her closer, burying his face in her mop of dark curls.
“I’m sorry.” His voice was short, clearly not knowing what to say.
“There is nothing for you to apologize for.” She pulls back to look into his eyes. “It was the will of Eywa.” he opens his mouth to respond but she stops him.
“If it was not willed then we would not be sitting here now under the stars together.” They were na’vi from different clans, clans that never contacted each other. Sure, once she had felt a bit of resentment for her situation, but not anymore.
The next day Neteyam takes her deeper into the jungle on the promise of a quick flight. Awke had her objections, of course, she grew up among the rippling tide. She was a diver. As far as she knew she wasn’t made for the sky. But Neteyams bright smile worked its annoying magic on her.
They journey on well past her secret cave and onto the rock formation near the outer edge on the opposite side of the island. They both scale to the top of the formation and come across the area where the Sully’s have left their ikans.
Awke looks and them worryingly. She has never seen one so close before. They look much larger in person. Neteyam sensing her discomfort gives her hand a reassuring squeeze. “You’re safe, I promise.”
“If this thing eats me then I’m haunting you for the rest of your life.”
Scoffing, Neteyam gently pulled her along to his ikan, which stretches its wings and rumbles in joy at his visit.
"You won't be eaten.” Neteyam petted and scratched at its eat, tossing a fish that it happily goggles up. “And she’s not 'it', she’s ‘iheyu.”
“‘Iheyu” Awke repeats.
If possible Neteyam smile grew. For a split second, Awke wondered if his face hurts.
He pulls her forward, placing her between himself and ‘iheyu. A firm hand rest on her hips as Neteyam guided her other hand to ‘iheyu’s snout.
“Let her smell you.”
The ikan’s warm breath tickled her palm. Awke’s grin threatened to split her face. as ‘iheyu nozzles into her open palm.
“I believe she likes you.” Neteyam laughed.
“I would hope so. I’m trusting her with my life.”
In quick succession, Neteyam connects tsahelyu and saddles on ‘iheyu. He holds his hand out. Awke hesitates for a second, but builds up the courage and allows Neteyam to lift her up, positioning her in front of him, held strongly between his thighs and ‘ihelyu. He wrapped a hand around the handle of the harness on the staddle and held her waist in a warm embrace. Her face burned with heat.
“I’ve got you.” His breath caught against her ears, surely painting them a darker shade of purple.
He adjusted the visor on his brow. With a call ‘iheyu dives off of the cliff side. A burst of vertigo hits Awke as they make a quick descent. An uncomfortable bundle swirled around in her stomach. Her lunch from earlier threatened to return to her plate. Her eyes shut as they near the water below. With a jerk of his hand, ‘iheyu follows Neteyam's command and levels out.
“The first flight is always the worse.” Neteyams arm feels warm against her skin. His fingers made small soothing circular movements along her hips. “You can open your eyes now.”
She slowly opened her eyes and his greeted with one of the most beautiful sights she has ever seen.
“Neteyam….woww.” They glide higher, giving them both an aerial few of the village. “It's beautiful!” A few villagers are out, and looking at them in confusion or wonder. “Everyone is so small.” They both laugh.
Being in the air is a completely different sensation than diving in the ocean. The ocean has weight. But the air is weightless, to Awke it feels as tho she is gliding through nothing. It's a frightful experience, yet so beautiful and incanting.
Something takes over the pair as they glide across the ocean. Flying low enough to spray water onto each other. Both Awke and Neteyam are in a fit of laughs and giggles. Being with Neteyam was so freeing. Having him here, being with him here, set a fire in her chest that she couldn't describe. She never wanted to leave. She never wanted him to leave.
Did he feel the same? What were all these feelings anyhow? Why did it hurt when she couldn’t spend time with him? Why did it burn and make her angry when the other village girls tried to gain his attention? There was no way that Neteyam burned for her. He came from a family of status. His Father was the great Toruk Makto, the former leader of their clan. His Mother was beautiful and fierce. Why would someone so special as Neteyam have these indescribable emotions for someone as simple as her? Was it wrong for her to hope that he did? Oh, how much she hoped he did.
Neteyam guided ‘iheyu to rest on top of a rock formation at Three Brother’s rock.
Awke took in the sight before her. The ocean stretched so far. The home that Eywa made for them was so vast. From JakeSully’s stories, there was so much to see and experience. So much for her to see.
A thought hit her. Neteyam rode this very Ikan to travel from the forest.
“Neteyam.” Awke called.
Hearing his name he ‘hmm’s in response. His fingertips continue tracing invisible patterns on her skin. She squirms at the feeling.
“Do you think you can carry me to visit my old village someday?”
Neteyam paused his caressing to pull her closer to his chest. Her face and chest erupt with that similar burn.
“I’ll take you where ever you want to go Awke.”
He placed a sweet kiss on the back of her ear.
Stay hydrated and make sure to rest up <3
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themculibrary · 1 year
AU - Time Travel Masterlist 2
Links Last Checked: May 23rd, 2024
part one
3 Steps Back (ao3) - RavenOfRao pepper/tony T, 135k (WIP)
Summary: In Peter’s professional opinion, the world had gone to shit.
When Tony had snapped, bringing back half of all life and stopping Thanos, everyone thought that the world would go back to the way it was. But nothing ever works out so nicely, does it?
When Peter is given the chance to go back and save everyone, he is sent back to before Civil War. All alone, Peter must find a way to save the avengers, and the world. Shit.
all the ways in which we won (ao3) - jbsforever T, 13k
Summary: Four months after Tony’s funeral, Peter comes home to find a mysterious box on his desk. The universe, it seems, is done waiting for him to move on.
It gives him another option instead.
Ásgarðrian Galdr (ao3) - Valerie_Vancollie T, 479k
Summary: What if Loki was able to warn his past self, so he did not lose control during his regency and was able to act as he normally would? What if he had been able to remain calm and in control of himself, and the situation? “How?” Loki demanded. “Betrayal,” his future self stated simply, rage clear in every syllable. “But you must control your reaction and come to see me, or you will repeat my mistakes and we will miss an opportunity to take control and alter things in our favor.” It would have changed everything.
Been There, Blown That Up (ao3) - GwendolynStacy T, 68k
Summary: After Loki’s defeat and his fall from the portal, Tony starts preaching about a murderous purple titan out to get them in the depths of space.
Wait. What?
On the other side of the universe, Nebula loses her cool approximately two seconds after laying eyes on Thanos and finds herself on a wild chase through the galaxy. Now, where exactly was that pathetic piece of rock Terra again?
Born Of The Same Impulse (ao3) - GwendolynStacy T, 82k
Summary: Barely five minutes into the past and Tony has already taken care of Ultron, thus prevented Sokovia, thus – hopefully – made sure that the Civil War would never happen. All things considered, he was doing pretty well!
Then he just had to look up his fellow superhero turned time traveller on the internet.
Iron Through Time (ao3) - Genuka tony/stephen T, 44k (WIP)
Summary: Waking up in the middle of the Expo battle because the Infinity Stones thought it would be a good laugh was not how one Tony Stark thought his day was going to go. He had just snapped his fingers and expected it to kill him. Being tossed right back into combat with outdated armor, panicked civilians, and Jarvis sounding in his ears was disorienting. At least he had Rhodey and a baby Spiderling who would believe him?
Oh who was he kidding, this was a disaster! But Tony Stark would be damned if he wouldn't take advantage of this latest weird twist to his life!
Hi ho Silver away!
Look to the Past to Find Your Future (ao3) - Stuckonstuckony (adoctoraday) bucky/tony E, 46k
Summary: Tony takes a detour to the 40’s after defeating Thanos thinking it’ll just be a quick stop before returning to the future. And then he runs into Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes and everything changes.
Never odd or even (ao3) - memoriaeterna T, 80k
Summary: Time. Space. Reality. It’s more than a linear path. When faced with the impossible, magic does the unthinkable. Now bearing the words of their worst enemies and greatest allies as the markers in pursuit of three different ends, the question is whether they can accomplish what they came back for without jeopardizing each other?
Or: A group of time travelers unintentionally ending up in the same past to fix three separate future problems is a recipe for disaster.
Peter and Morgan’s 40-Year-Long-Day (ao3) - thisMarvelousLife T, 26k
Summary: Morgan is far too clever for her own good. She knows that the infinity stones can do anything, so surely they’d let her see her dad again.
Peter never planned on using the stones, he just wanted to keep Morgan out of trouble.
(The time-travel fix-it fic in which Tony lived his life with his kids from the future showing up at random intervals thanks to time stone shenanigans)
phoenix (ao3) - OnlyForward pepper/tony, tony/stephen G, 39k
Summary: tony stark comes back to life after everyone’s memory of peter parker disappears in the battle at the statue of liberty. he’s the only one who remembers peter, is decidedly not happy about the fact he’s the only one, and promptly vows to fix it
yeah it’s a no way home fix it fic ft. irondad and spiderson okay
the reactions of a dead man (ao3) - agloeian T, 67k
Summary: Loki wakes up in the past with all the knowledge he needs to stop Thanos ever coming to power in the first place. This somehow doesn’t stop him from getting into trouble.
A Post-Infinity War Time Travel Fix-it Fic.
Time Falls Away (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight bucky/tony, steve/peggy M, 79k
Summary: The Battle of New York: Tony flies himself and the nuke through the wormhole and when his suit shuts down and he starts to fall, he knows he's going to die.
But then he wakes up in an alley in Brooklyn, two strangers staring down at him in confusion and Tony is sure he is dreaming when he shakes hands first with pre-serum Steve Rogers, and then Bucky Barnes.
Trapped in 1942, Tony befriends Steve, and falls in love with Bucky but America is at war, and Bucky and Steve ship out to join the cause.
Tony knows all the stories about the Howling Commandos and knows what’s coming for the soldiers, and has to live through history as first Bucky falls, and then Steve disappears.
Tony is left alone in the 40's, crying himself to sleep in the house he had shared with his best friend and his lover.
But then he wakes up on the pavement in New York, the Hulk roaring in his face, Steve staring down at him, and he has to wonder if it was all a hallucination. When Tony fell through the sky, did he fall through time as well? Why does Steve act so cold towards him? Were he and Bucky really that happy together?
Did it all really happen, or is Tony in love with a life he can only have in his dreams?
to memory now I can’t recall (ao3) - Etharei steve/bucky E, 102k
Summary: While on a mission storming a HYDRA facility, James Buchanan Barnes touches one of the many strange alien devices collected by the Red Skull. He does this, in fact, twice— in the past, and in the future.
Next thing he knows, Bucky Barnes is opening his eyes in the 21st century, which is full of great gadgets and coffee, and at least includes his old pal Steve. (And, inexplicably, a different Stark.) Meanwhile, the Winter Soldier finds himself in the middle of World War Two, helping Captain America hunt down HYDRA (which is at least familiar), pretending to be Bucky Barnes (which is not), and figuring out the very noisy group of soldiers who call themselves the Howling Commandos.
Try, Try Again (ao3) - mak5258 pepper/tony, mj/peter N/R, 89k
Summary: Peter fell asleep headed to orbit in 2039 and woke up fourteen again the summer of 2015, given a chance to try to change the future. (Basically my spin on the time travel fix-it. Forewarning that there are character deaths, but they mostly come back.)
We Will Foresee Obstacles (ao3) - blackwatchandromeda (avenris) T, 11k
Summary: Post-Endgame fix-it fic because I refuse to accept that part. Contains plenty of Ironfam, with a healthy dose of May, Ned and fake time travel science.
Whatever it Takes (ao3) - StarryKnight09 T, 89k
Summary: Peter’s struggling to cope after the loss of Mr. Stark. Everyone keeps telling him it’ll get better and that he needs to move on, but Peter doesn’t want to. He can’t envision a life without his mentor. So when an idea comes to him, he doesn’t hesitate, no matter how crazy it is. He’s going to get Mr. Stark back.
“What exactly are we going to do?” Ned asked. “Whatever it takes.” Peter answered.
Wish We Could Turn Back Time (ao3) - Girlinpink44 pepper/tony T, 64k
Summary: With a snap of his fingers, Tony Stark finds himself with the chance to change everything. Armed with foreknowledge and his found family, can he figure out a way to stop Thanos before he snaps? They say hindsight is 20/20 and Tony is about to find out how true that really is.
Z to A (ao3) - memoriaeterna wanda/vision, pepper/tony T, 88k
Summary: The moment of disorientation was nothing compared to the next thing he saw. He was standing in the midst of an airport, looking directly at a girl with the familiar red leather coat. The mutual recognition was instant. Leipzig. Or, Peter and Wanda sent back in time to stop the inevitable. Good news: they are not alone. Bad news: who and from when.
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Ch 5: Tell Me More
Entry from the journal of Corvus Addams, Volume 9, page 247:
Today I received a letter from one Enid Sinclair, a young woman belonging to the Sinclair Pack that resides near the Pacific Ocean. I was surprised, but not entirely unaware of their bloodline. According to the poor girl, she remained a crescent moon to this day at the age of 20. The letter dictated her grief and struggle with her inner animal, and asked for help in finding some form of remedy to this condition. I must admit that I was intrigued to read that the change still hadn't occurred for the young wolf yet, but she wouldn't be the first to never experience it at all, and certainly won't be the last.
I must admit I'm curious though, surely the answer can be found in one of the gargantuan texts resting beneath my very feet, yet I find myself getting lost in the library lately. At some point I managed to aggravate the damnable room and now it keeps putting the tome I'm searching for in a new place to get back at me. Petty, but I can't argue with the effectiveness. For the time being I will give it some space to calm down and allow the inquisitive young minds of the family to patrol the stacks in my stead.
May their luck be far greater than mine this last month.
Fucking library.
The Adams group had disappeared from sight after crossing the cattle guard so they could 'be prepared' for Enid and her family's arrival for dinner together. Esther, her sweet mommy dearest, hadn't shut up about how much the entire place creeped her out. It had taken 30 minutes of a strained look and a long winded rant before her mom had finally gotten it all out of her system and just left for the room for her and her dad. Since the blonde genuinely couldn't think of anything to say, well aware she'd be shushed if she tried to defend it at all, she chose to follow in her father's well worn path and kept her mouth shut. The simple fact was that Esther didn't care, and she couldn't. Anyone with a mom like her could understand, if you ever did anything wrong once, then you did everything wrong for eternity after that. She'd tried arguing with her mother, setting boundaries, even flat out ignoring the yappy old wolf before. Not that it ever worked. As long as she stayed quiet around her mom it would be okay, but her shoulders fell with a heavy sigh, and she began unpacking. But there's really no avoiding her this time, I'm the reason we're here in the first place.
Enid still hadn't wolfed out yet, and the closer her 25th birthday became, the lower her chances dropped each day of being able to shift at all. One sunny afternoon she'd walked across the pack territory to visit with her Aunt Viv and just started offloading all of her anxieties in flowing piles of nonsense words and sobbing into the older woman's arms.
"I'm always going to be the runt, the screwup. Why is it taking so long, why can't I be like the rest of you?" she'd cried against her Aunt's maroon sweater.
"Everything happens when it's supposed to kiddo, don't worry about it so much. Your wolf will have wrinkles before we even get to see her," Viv had smirked back. That had made Enid laugh for the first time that week. Viv was Esther's sister, but the two couldn't be more different if they tried. Where her Aunt could make a comment about appearance, it was to make fun of Esther in the way you would make a face after a pun. Esther was like the schoolyard bully who could just look at someone and start picking on their deepest insecurities.
The alliance had technically been her Aunt's idea, because only a house as old as the Addams might have some idea on how to help her, or the resources to try at the least. Enid had been given very specific instructions to follow when she'd written to Corvus, following the procedure she'd been told and addressing the Keeper with all the respect she could put into words. His response had come fast and with welcoming, open arms. He agreed to the meeting and offered to host as well, saying this way any and all ingredients or rituals they might need would be ready or at least achievable. However, he refused to explain the reasoning behind the partnership to his own family, that was the one condition. He explained something about having dog-eared a page on accident, but she couldn't make sense of it really. So a Sinclair would have to own up and inform the dark-eyed Addams family themselves.
She'd been surprised when her mom didn't immediately spill her guts about Enid being a disappointment to the first person she saw. Normally that was like her favorite hobby. The thought made her temper flare, and anger like a storm roiled beneath her skin, thunder echoed in the hollows of her chest, and her blue eyes became alive with electricity.
She was so sick of being treated like this, like a package delivered to the wrong house, with nothing but her inside. Esther had decided long ago to forget that package in the attic, funnily enough the attic actually was Enid's bedroom. Despite their house holding two extra bedrooms on the first floor. Out of sight, out of mind. The anger quieted and was replaced by a silent, weary acceptance.
Her room in the Addams old house was really pretty though, so there was that. Each wall was painted in a deep lapis lazuli that reminded her of the Nightshade library somehow, the dark hardwood floors creaked beneath each step and were highlighted by the soft golden light of a small chandelier overhead. But the bed, ohhh the bed. Enid would steal it and take it home if she could. It stood central to the large room with a commanding sense. A large four poster bed frame carved out of mahogany, with thin white curtains hung between each poster and swaying in an invisible breeze, draped across the bed was a thick comforter stitched with twisting shades of red and golden trim. Nightstands of the same wood stood guard on either side of the bed, and on the opposite wall was a tall wardrobe that rested near the door. Every time she tried to put her clothes inside, it would spit them back out like a poltergeist was ransacking the place. Rude.
Enid decided to give up for now, her screaming shoulders and pounding head from the drive demanded she took a nap, and how nice did that sound when you were in a comfy bed with the smell of nutmeg, apples, and cinnamon floating down the hall from where Corvus had set a simmer pot on top of the woodstove? Because to her it sounded like heaven. Next door she could hear Malachi fighting with his own wardrobe, and smirked at the long stream of Greek curses he shouted after a loud bang.
She'd just rest for a minute, close her eyes and fall away into a nice little nap before she had another panic attack from the Addams heir looking at her like an amusing new toy. Her eyes closed, and darkness came quickly as the chandelier candles went out with a swinging breeze. I wish my house was like this, I could get used to it.
And with that, her consciousness drifted off into another world, where everything was okay, and she never felt unwanted.
Meanwhile, on the Addams section of territory, Wednesday had ensconced herself into the library once again. She was browsing the selection of journals more than doing any specific research, the stacks of books reminded her of home, and her fingers traced the spine of each journal as her eyes scanned and processed the names of her forebears. Three entire bookshelves were taken up by journals from each of the Keepers previous to Corvus, lining the back wall in soft leather and the smell of sage that clung to everything out here. All of the journals Corvus had already finished sat behind the glass of a locked cabinet, bound in hardback with coffee brown fabric, his name was filigreed down the spine as well, but each volume also had a large number near the top. So far he'd put near 8 of them down here, and each was thick as a thesaurus. Perhaps later she would ask his permission to read the first volume, something to do in her spare time while they weren't busy. Picking the lock would have been easy enough as long as it wasn't enchanted, but it seemed a sort of invasion of privacy she didn't find exhilarating as she typically would. Corvus was family, and he was powerful, so she left well enough alone, for now.
The library reminded her of the one inside Oxford University, she'd toured once when considering attending college before she had decided no author worth their salt needed to attend classes in a language they were already proficient in.
Thing crawled along the shelves nearby, keeping pace with Wednesday in case she needed anything from him. The decayed fingers drummed against the wood and created a sort of staccato rhythm that her mind followed, thoughts coming and going from her mind with each tap tap tip tap as she entered a half trance and allowed her mind to open to the room at large. That was until Thing tripped over himself and smacked into the shelf below. The homunculus' nails must have been getting a bit long, she'd allow him time to tend to that before dinner tonight so that he appeared presentable, as presentable as a severed hand could be at least. The easy quiet continued around them, above her head the raven could hear heavy footsteps clunking across the floor one level up, and she decided to leave for now, with any luck she'd get Corvus to open his case and get into the nitty gritty of her family before tomorrow morning.
"Thing, let's return to the room and get dressed. For now I can't do much here other than sort by name, I need to know which family members either were werewolves or were partnered to one before I can make any ground on this." A thumb went into the air and thudded against the shelf in agreement before he jumped down and scampered across the floor behind her. The door closed behind them with a low click, and Wednesday took a deep breath. Why are we here, what do these predators want? And why won't Corvus say anything?
The rest of the family home was bustling and alive, furniture pushed itself to the sides to make room for a large dining table that descended from the rafters, already draped in white with black lace edging it. The smell of venison and a dozen herbal spices wafted through the rafters, and poking her head down the hallway she could spot Corvus in the kitchen with a black apron tied around his waist as his knife sailed through the air and diced onions, garlic, celery, and fresh parsley. Floating just next to his head was a bottle of red wine in a decanter that swirled in hypnotic and easy spirals.
A moment later her and Thing were climbing the stairs to the second floor, almost being barreled down by Pugsley as he ran past with a "Sorry!" before he jumped down the last flight of stairs to climb along all the floating furniture. Wednesday entered her room and sat down at the temporary desk before her, glancing at the clock to estimate her remaining time to get ready. 4:17, she had about two hours before dinner. Just enough time to write her observations down and try connecting some dots about the odd situation both families now found themselves in.
It had been troubling her for a few weeks now, leading up to this day. It just didn't make sense, what could one of the most common forms of outcast want with the infamous Addams? Their circles crossed on very few occasions, she'd only ever met Malachi once at a dinner party when she was 10. A marriage proposal then? But that's not how her family operated, and almost everyone knew it. An Addams never disgraced themselves by marrying for politics or power, their love ran deep and true like the Mississippi River. It couldn't be for financial aid, she'd done the research and discovered the whole pack lived on 20 acres outside of San Francisco and contributed to a construction business under the same name.
So why? What do you want? Her mind flashed back to the blonde, Enid, and how she had seemed less on edge than her relatives. Wednesday had taken note of all their behavior, and the only other suspicion she harbored was toward the mother, who had kept glancing at Corvus like he might say something he shouldn't whenever he spoke to Enid. There was something clouding the other woman from her psychic reading though, possibly a talisman or charm of some kind, the aura around her was too powerful to be a spell.
The same question hadn't been sitting on her parent's mind as heavily as it did her own, they seemed more than happy to welcome any newcomers to the Addams fold so long as it strengthened the family.
"No matter what they wish for, we'll get what we desire first," her father had said, "because they called on us, we have all the leverage. Before they know it we'll be toasting in respect of a new companion and sharing in the profits of their business. Never work for what you can take, my little viper," he'd winked and all she could do was roll her eyes.
Credit where it was due, Gomez had made deals with actual demons before and had seemed to get the better of them. She was not of the mind for business, but exchanging his singing voice for a more charismatic charm seemed more than fair to her. Aside from his incessant cat wailing while he showered and recited french opera that the family now was forced to endure.
Her thoughts began to do a tail spin before she wrenched them back together in neat rows, now was not the time to allow her thoughts to wander like that. Whatever happened tonight, she would be getting some answers. It didn't matter if she had to take wolfsbane to someone's nose and force the truth out.
From one of the nightstands she could hear Thing begin to clip and buff his nails, the gentle scraping in the quiet room was murder, and she savored in the unease that grasped her shoulders. But then her eyes shot open and a wretched grin exploded on her face. But what if I make it more interesting than that? What if I just have some fun and see where that leads me? No overthinking or rules, pure reaction versus action, I'd have a real challenge for once.
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subtletruamadumping · 10 months
I entered an online writing battle for fun. With only 4 days to write a 2000-word story with a randomized genre, key element, and specific plot point, this is what I came up with. It's not necessarily my favorite thing I have written. I feel like there is a lot missing, but I was pretty nervous about going over the word limit. I have a few days left to work on it and about 400 words to work with, but I'm on vacation right now and my brain is dead lol.
Written November 3rd, 2023
Elliot’s hair stood on end as the lights above began to buzz with uneven surges of electricity. That was a good sign. The fact that Harper still hadn't shown up was a bad sign. She would be here. Elliot knew she would. She did her best to squash that twinge in the bottom of her stomach that brought back all her past failed attempts. All the times she had put her trust in the wrong person.
Harper was different.
Elliot knew it.
She took a breath and rubbed her eyes to calm herself. The cool breeze, the only breath of air in the entire enclosed city, gently rustled her clothes. This space between, the official barrier between the upper and lower levels, was the highest up into the city Elliot had ever been. It was also the lowest Harper had ever been. It was where they had always met. This was the highest point Elliot had ever been in the city while it was the lowest point for Harper. This uncanny edge of both of their worlds bore all the stories they swapped, the problems and troubles they slowly revealed to the other, and the plans for how to show the city for what it truly was.
If everything worked out as they had intended, the two of them could pull off a feat that could have far-reaching effects on the entire city. It was a risky plan, but one that they felt confident could send a strong message. They wanted to turn off the lights of the city. Not all of them. An electrical error could be the cause of that. They had planned out specific rooms and levels that would remain lit, showing off the lower levels where people were living in poverty and squalor. The upper floors would be forced to pay attention and acknowledge what life was like for many of their compatriots.
Well, that was the plan.
The light flickered again, even going out for a brief second before coming back on. That must be why Harper was late. She needed to take care of her end of things on the upper levels and seemed to still be working on it. She should be here any minute. Harper wouldn't let her down. She never had, before.
As Elliot waited, her eyes shifted from one end of the empty space to the other. She was uneasy, unsure if they were being watched or followed. Even the thought of getting spotted by the security on the upper levels had marching around made her squirm. It was a good plan to tamper with the lower-level lights, first. After 9 every night, they were forced into a blackout, and no one would notice if certain wires had been cut or crossed. Not until the big reveal.
Elliot started as the door leading towards the upper levels gave a soft beep and was cracked open. Harper peeked out and took a quick look around before smiling when she saw Elliot. There was a smear of blood coming from her nose and a cut on her lip instead of her usually pristine face. Elliot blinked and hurried over in concern.
"What happened?" She threw her arms around Harper's neck after she came completely out into the hallway. "Are you okay? What did your parents--"
"I'm alright. Careful, the door." Harper reeled from the awkward weight and Elliot looked down to see her foot propping the door open. "We have to hurry. Dad found me messing around with the lights upstairs."
"Was your dad the one--"
"Hurry, we have to finish it. He's probably headed to the Governor's quarters right now with a million security guards." Harper wriggled her way out of Elliot's grasp and kicked the door open wider "Let's go."
"Will your mom--"
"It doesn't matter."
"But, your brothers--"
"That's over, Elliot." Harper put a hand on her shoulder and furrowed her brow in seriousness. "I can't go back to them, no matter how this turns out. Even if I hadn't been caught by Dad, there was no hope for me going back to that. This is my life now. Helping people who need it instead of turning a blind eye and pretending everything is okay. Maybe one day, they will understand that. Maybe this will help them understand. I chose to leave them behind to make a difference. Which we need to do. Now."
The long, white, sterile hallway that spread out in front of her made Elliot pause. The smell that bled from the more wealthy area washed over her, making her feel incredibly out of place. It was like nothing she had ever smelled down in the lower levels. The time she had first smelled it on Harper had been a surreal experience. Elliot clung to that little bit of familiarity to brace herself. Harper wasn't like the people she had met from the upper levels, which gave Elliot hope that their plan would do something.
It wouldn't fix everything, but it was a step in the right direction.
She walked past Harper holding the door open for her, taking her first-ever step into the upper levels. She didn't get to savor it at all. As soon as she was inside, Harper closed the door, grabbed her by the hand, and started hurrying down the hall.
The twinge in Elliot's stomach was building to full somersaults. The lights overhead were flickering more aggressively, occasionally plunging the girls into complete darkness for a few seconds at a time, their footsteps echoing eerily around them. When Harper finally came to a stop in front of a large, metallic door Elliot's heart leaped into her throat. She was staring at an electrical closet, the one that would mark their success or failure in this endeavor. She was surprised that it looked the same as the ones in the lower levels. Harper gave Elliot a nod and motioned for her to open it with her ID card. As the door clicked open, they both drew a deep breath.
This was it.
Elliot felt her blood roaring in her ears as they both stepped inside, closing themselves inside. Harper was the first to jump into action, but Elliot soon came out of her trance to help. The idea of Harper's dad having discovered they were up to something had replaced her usual apprehensiveness with a flurry of action. She would be in a world of trouble for these things, just like Harper was. They knew it was dangerous. They had known there was a good chance their lives would never be the same.
That could go both ways, though.
Things could change forever for the good. That was the point. Elliott could feel her pulse pounding as she worked, knowing this could be her last chance at justice for herself and everyone like her who had grown up on the lower levels with no chance at making their lives better. She and Harper occasionally bumped elbows in the tight space, but it didn't last too long. They had both done the brunt of the work separately. They were working in such a flurry of motion; that they were done before they realized.
"That's it?" Harper asked, still looking around and moving wires to make sure nothing was forgotten.
"I think that's it." Elliot said breathlessly, "I mean, we won't know until we see it, but--"
"Then, let's see it." Again, Harper took her by the hand. Now dragging her out of the electrical closet, it was clear where they were headed next. The ultimate darkness was only cut back by a beam of light cutting in from a window at the end of the hall that Elliot hadn't seen before. They ran towards the light, almost throwing themselves against the window as soon as they came to it.
Harper gasped out loud.
It was horrible.
It was beautiful.
The pitch black gave off a mournful and cold feeling. It felt like smoke closing in around everything, only beat back by the flood of light emanating from strategically picked windows. The big, wide widows of the worst of the workshops. The ones that had to be opened up when the machines started smoking so much that the workers couldn't breathe. Instead of an inviting scene to fight against the darkness, it simply punctuated the feeling of horror.
The dirty, dingy rooms clearly showing the squalor of the lower levels spent their days in were on full display. The rats and bugs that weren't afraid of anything scampered around. Elliot's own sleeping quarters were illuminated, her family willingly giving up their dignity to show the disgusting condition that was usual for the lower levels. Elliot was looking down at what they had done. Her poor mom looked up towards the upper part of the city.
She felt Harper squeeze her hand and looked over at her. She was still looking down, but her eyes almost seemed glazed over, unable to believe what she was seeing. Elliot had described it to her, but this was the first time she was seeing it with her own eyes. It was the first time most people in the upper levels would see it. A direct attack on the propaganda they had been fed their whole life.
Elliot had always thought they would never change. That nothing in the city could ever change. That it would be an endless cycle of suffering and shouting into the void, with no one to hear them. Harper had listened. Not only that, Harper had done something. Her family disagreed with her views and inflicted their own suffering on her because of them. It gave Elliot hope, however, seeing that there was a chance to get through to people who wanted and could do something to help. With Harper and people like Harper, by their side, the future could truly be…
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writerleo86 · 1 year
Terravenger - Season 5: Part Two - The Cyberian Empire First Encounter - Episode 416 (Do Not Copy)
   Inside the Principal's Office on the second floor of the Midas Academy, the teenaged Sarah Granger along with her father had met with the principal who sat at their desk.
   The principal was an older man with light skin, green eyes, and short black hair. He also had a large scar on his right cheek. He wore a light-blue shirt with the top of a silver outfit was over it. He had different-colored designs coming from each shoulder of the top. He also had on a pair of silver pants with a long golden protector around each ankle. He had on a pair of black boots. And a golden MAF badge was placed on the front left side of his top.
   He began speaking to Granger and her father as both travelers -- Cheetah and Mercury -- stood behind the blue-haired girl.
   A shocked Cheetah gave a large smile and cried "Hey! It's Sidney!"
   The calm Mercury shook his head and replied "Yes. It appears he was the Commander of the Midas Armed Forces at the time. That would mean that the general was one Derrick Scorpio."
   "I heard stories about dat old bloke," implied Cheetah. "Scorpio was lion-like. He's loyal all around!"
   Mercury responded "Commander Ravenstone spoke highly of Scorpio along with his accomplishments as the school's commander, also as the city's general. And he was indeed a powerful and talented warrior."
   Sidney gave a welcoming smile and informed Granger "I would like to personally welcome you to the Midas Armed Forces. We as the teachers and the students will perform whatever to make certain you have everything you need during your stay."
   "Thank-you Sir," said the father.
   And Sidney told Granger "If I am not available, you Sarah Granger can always speak with our counselor or Lieutenant Forman."
   "Forman?" questioned Cheetah. "Dat's Lieutenant Stone's maiden name?"
   "Christopher Forman," reported Mercury. "He was the uncle of Lieutenant Claire Stone."
   "Damn!" commented Cheetah. "Small world!"
Terravenger -- Season 5: Part Two -- Episode 416:  First Encounter -- The Two Gods of Midas
   During the afternoon, the teen Beau Ravenstone walked to the parking lot at the front of the Midas Academy. And standing by his right side was his friend, Sirbo Kaballa.
   "I heard Grendel's havin' a party tonight," implied Beau.
   "Oh?" asked Sirbo.
   Beau gave a soft laugh and replied "I'm goin' there tonight. I think Engana's gonna be there too. And maybe Marty."
   An emotionless Sirbo faced forward as he responded "Pass. I would never be presented as another you -- a slacker."
   Beau laughed once again and said "Yer no fun Sirbo! Yer always distant! It's like yer in yer own little world!"
   "I can care less for such trivial things," answered Sirbo. "I rather remain in my studies, as should you and Engana. There is no hope for Grendel."
   Meanwhile, Cheetah and Mercury both remained spaces behind the teens.
   "Grendel?" questioned Cheetah. "He runs da races Griffin went to, right?"
   "Elliot Grenadier is his true name," Mercury described. "He was a student at the Academy until he left prematurely during his sixth year. But today, he is a helper of the Midas Armed Forces. He recently assisted us against the Machines."
   "I know," claimed Cheetah. "He saved some people at Ultra Lights with Simms and Hodder. He's a hero right now."
   After that, an adult walked toward the two students.
   Beau found the individual and cheered "Hey Dad!"
   It was a younger Abraham Ravenstone. He was a tall man with fine skin, brown eyes, and short brown hair. He wore a long-sleeved gray shirt, black pants, brown socks, and black slippers. And he held his leather black coat over his right wrist.
   Beau hurried to him and asked "What yer doin' here?"
   "I got out early," replied Abraham. "I came to pick you up. Mom is taking us all out for dinner tonight."
   "I was gonna hang out wit' Grendel!" Beau informed his father. "But havin' you home's better than some party! I'm in!"
   "We must follow him," ordered Mercury. "Perhaps that will be the time the memory from this event had vanished from the Commander. We must proceed now."
   Cheetah turned his head away and replied "I wanna stay wit' Granger for a bit. She's da one dat tell Sidney dat dem Machines' gonna show up. Dis is probably da day."
   Mercury shook his head and responded "Very well. Meet with Granger first. But you will alert me when something occurs."
   "How can we get in touch wit' each other?" asked Cheetah.
   "You are right Mr. Hall," Mercury replied. "You will find me using your great speed and sensing ability."
   Cheetah shook his head and said "Okay, I know yer scent. I'll just come find ya."
   Sometime later, Cheetah found Sarah Granger sitting alone at a table in the center of the Academy's cafeteria. Granger read from a textbook while writing some notes in a spiral notebook.
   "So she's a bookworm," Cheetah implied.
   He stood behind the seated Granger and stared into the textbook she held with her left hand.
   "She's takin' an Astronemy class?" Cheetah commented. "I forgot she's a history and space buff. Da Commander's was spot-on!"
   Then Cheetah sat at a table which was behind her. And he continued to watch over the emotionless student.
   When the sun started going down, Granger placed her books inside her black backpack. And she headed out of the cafeteria as Cheetah followed her.
   "Dat gal!" commented Cheetah. "She ain't tired yet? She's definitely a bookworm!"
   Cheetah remained behind her as Granger arrived at the Marion Library.
   "Headin' in for books?" thought Cheetah.
   Once she hurried toward the short sidewalk that led to the front doors of the library, a figure fell to her from the sky. Granger pounced back to dodge the assault.
   This was a soldier with a black mask over their head. The person wore a long-sleeved black shirt underneath a black flak-jacket. They also had on a pair of black cargo-pants and short black boots.
   The soldier faced the student and began their attack.
   "Da hell's dis?" cried Cheetah.
   First, the soldier blew toward her and gave out a quick chop using their right hand. Granger stepped away from the strike and threw out a high Right Backhand attack. The attacker began blocking her two right hand strikes using their right wrist. The soldier soon placed their left ankle forward to block her low Right Front Toe.
   Second, Granger gave out a front Left Palm strike. The mysterious soldier blocked that attack using their left wrist and struck with a downward Left Punch. The girl blocked the attack using a rising Right Knee. And she struck the chest of her opponent using a slanting Right Palm attack.
   Next, the soldier gave out an Inside-Turn Right Foot strike. Granger caught their foot with her Left Hand and pushed her opponent away using a mid Right Side Palm.
   After that, the student gave a three-hit assault to the opponent using a front Left Mid Palm, a high Right Front Palm, and a mid Double-Palm thrust. The last attack made the enemy crouch down.
   Then Granger performed another three-hit combo using a ducking Right Backhand, a turning Left Mid Open Palm, and a front Right Mid Punch. And the soldier fell face up on the ground.
   Granger hopped toward her enemy. And she tried to finish by throwing out a front Left-Handed Chop.
   A male voice cried in a Russian accent "Hold on a moment!"
   The girl stopped her final strike. The soldier slowly stood up and faced Granger.
   The voice told her "Sarah Granger. You have done well."
   And the appearance of the soldier changed after a puff of smoke blew around them. The person was now an older man with fair skin, brown eyes, and a large body. His long dark hair was tied into a low pony-tail. And he had a thick beard along with thick eyebrows. He wore an outfit consisting of a long-sleeved brown top and long brown pants. He had a thick brown cuff around each wrist and a silver belt. He also had on a pair of short black boots. And he had a golden MAF badge was placed on the front left side of his zipped top while another golden badge was on the other side.
   Granger lowered her hands and cried in a soft voice "Who are you? And why did you attack me?"
   "You are quite a fighter," He implied. "You certainly know how to defend yourself."
   Cheetah cried "Dis guy! He's..."
   Granger wrapped her arms in front of her as she asked "Are you a member from the Midas Academy?"
   The humble man gave a big smile and introduced himself.
   "I am Derrick Scorpio. I am the General of the Midas Armed Forces."
   "You?" cried Granger. "You're the head of Midas?"
   "Indeed I am, my dear," He answered. "I meant you no harm. I just wanted to test you."
   "Test me?" repeated Granger.
   "Mm-hmm!" replied Scorpio. "I wanted to see if you had what it takes to perform your first mission. And you passed. Well done, Sarah Granger."
   "I'm going on a mission for Midas?" questioned Granger.
   "Certainly, if you accept," said Scorpio. "You would be with two more students. And you will have a captain who guides your small team."
   Granger lowered her arms and responded "Of course Sir. I accept with no problem."
   "Great to how it,"
   Scorpio turned away and told her "Be ready to head out on the first day of next week."
   Granger quickly bowed her head and said "Yes sir."
   Scorpio finally walked off as Cheetah responded "So, dat was General Scorpio. He seemed like one of da real good guys."
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handelplayssims · 2 years
Our roommate came back! Prehaps from work! With Lobster Thermidor! Fancy. And something he would bring back because I believe it’s the fancy fish restaurant he works at. Time to google to see if it keeps fine...for 2 to 3 days! That’s good enough for Sims standards! Into the fridge with ye!
Anyway, Johnny’s whim of wanting to make a friend remains, even if I redirected his aspiration focused thing into getting that charisma up initially. So let’s introduce ourselves and befriend our roommate! He’s sad so Johnny is just gonna overwhelm Valentino with jokes. Hmm. Wasn’t able to affect his mood before he trotted off. Alas!
And Johnny’s music tastes are now adjusted to like Backyard, aka casual country, music. ...he strikes me as that type! Anyway, decided to go out and prank someone….and now he’s hysterical. Great. Wonderful. Lovely. SAVE.
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JUST AS HE CLEARED OFF THE MOODLET TOO! By the by, this has aboslutely happened before. Anyway, I have Joaquin pop a confident potion. Why? Because confident gives him a real good chance of pleading with Grim to let Johnny live.
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...nah. We’re reloading here. IT WAS JUST BEFORE THE MOODLET EXPIRED. JERK! Right, this time, we’re going to take a nap. Calming down at a mirror still pulls a risk of death by hysteria, as typed out before. CAN’T DIE IF YOU’RE SLEEPING! Right, then he woke up and was more sucessfully able to calm himself down. Nice. Right. That’s two wants done for Johnny so let’s get some work on on his charisma for his aspiration.
Meanwhile Joaquin woke up and wanted to listen to Electronica. As ya do. And just as I begin to wonder what else to do, we got the notification of work in an hour. That’ll do. Joaquin goes off to work and Johnny gets his charimsa up to 25%. Good enough for me! After getting a supper that was unsatisfying for Johnny, (he has that fame quirk of only wanting excellent food) we can finally turn attention to his whims again. And he wants to cloudgaze with Zoe Patel. But first, we must go somewhere with a partially cloudy sky! Surely it’s somewhere.
...turns out no. Not really. Outside of sunsnow. Which I shall take to mean is somewhat cloudy anyway! So it’s off to Newcrest and it’s bowling alley bar. Which I walk behind to to go and get to the green space behind. Johnny gained a great reputation in getting a stronger relationship with Zoe so everyone is going to love him! Everyone! Anyway Johnny is sleepy so it’s back home and back to snoozing for him.
Ahp. Joaquin got off of work and got that fear of a dead end job. And I mean to be fair to him, he is at the pinnacle of his career as a musician. Anyway, the whim to pull pranks is his and so we pull a prank. On our vampire dad Mario Caliente. His other whim is to cloudgaze with Dominic Fyres which...eh, it’s nighttime. Too late for that. I simply set him to make and release another media production song and work the dj table for two hours before getting that 10 hour sleep until bed time. So that means,
Neighborhood Watch!
Myron Hope in the Hope household has died. Myron got a little too angry and exploded.
Windenburg: The Sorenson household recently moved in.
Damion Carabajal in the Carabajal household has died. Damion went to sleep with the fishes.
Tiffanie Krueger in the Krueger household retired from the Retail Employee career.
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The dad shiro one shot was so good! Thank you! Whenever you get the opportunity, I think it would be so cute, especially because Baby Keef seems accident prone, if he could bonk his noggin as like a 6 year old. Maybe while he's at the park with Shiro or something because having an unconscious lil boy would probably freak Shiro out and I love that kind of stuff. You're so talented. Hope your day is good!
Aww what a cute little prompt! Keith was very accident prone up until about age 17. He took many tumbles, falls and hits as a kid. And of course Shiro always worried (more so the younger that Keith was) but he was a military man so that’s gotta count for something right? I hope you enjoy this and thank you nonny! I hope you have a great day too! I love when you guys send in these asks! I’m working on another one that will hopefully be published tomorrow about Lance, Keith and Shiro!
It turns out that Keith enjoyed daily visits to the park.
Shiro was surprised after the first few visits when Keith seemed to enjoy going to the park, and Shiro was just thankfully that he could get Keith out of the house and exercising. But apparently the boy liked the outdoors, especially considering this park was secluded with trees and plants all over.
Shiro was more sad that he couldn’t bring Keith to the park every day, but between school and Shiro’s work there just wasn’t enough time in the day to always go to the back. Shiro was lucky that Keith didn’t throw a fit like many other kids at six-years-old might, but that didn’t mean that Keith didn’t brood. However, Shiro tried to make it so that they could go to the park, every weekend. Sometimes it was just Keith and Shiro and other times Shiro brought along Lance, Hunk and Pidge and occasionally Allura and Coran would join them (though Shiro made sure to never leave Coran in charge of the kids, ever again).
Today was one of the days that Shiro had invited the other kids to come along with him and Keith, much to Keith’s excitement. Although, Keith wasn’t about to let Lance and the others know that. No, no. He would instead look like he was annoyed by their presences and then continue to scowl.
Shiro simply shook his head at Keith’s antics but knew within a matter of minutes that Keith would be sure to include his friends in all of his activities such as who could build the biggest sand castles, who could swing the highest, who found the best hiding spot. Shiro noticed that Keith tended to play competitive games, not that there was anything wrong with that, but Shiro couldn’t help by maybe suggest some better games.
At least the kids were having fun.
At the moment, Keith was helping to apply hand sanitizer onto Pidge’s from the hand sanitizer that Shiro kept in his “Dad Pack” which was really just an outdated fannypack, as Lance had called it so delicately. Shiro’s expression was more one of reluctance than any sort of annoyance.
Lance was currently trying to shove Hunk up the small slide they were closest too and Shiro was thankful that there were hardly any kids there. Lance and Hunk didn’t seem to be making any progress in the six minutes that they had been trying while Pidge and Keith were washing their hands.
“C’mon Hunk, use your legs!” Lance grunted as he turned around to try and shove Hunk up on his back.
“I am! What do you think I’ve been using?!” Hunk cried, touching the tip of the slide with the barest parts of his fingertips.
“Try harder! You’re a leg man!” Lance said, face slowly turning red as Keith and Pidge finally finished. However, they and Shiro simply watched the two struggle.
“I’m a leg!” Hunk screamed, using the extra boost in his energy to leap off Lance and grab the edge of the slide. Lance toppled backwards from the momentum, falling flat on his back while Keith doubled over with laughter. Pidge’s lips twitched in a grin and Hunk finally managed to pull himself upright, before pounding his hands against his chest and yelling in victory. Shiro shook his head despite the cautious looks thrown their way.
“Me next. me next!” Keith scrambled up after Hunk, shoving past Lance who protested loudly at the movement. Lance was quick to jump after Keith, on his other side and race up after them.
“No! Me! It’s my turn, you jerk!” Lance yelled as he and Keith reached the top at the same time.
“Boys.” That was all that Shiro had to say before Keith and Lance’s shoulders had both slumped and the two nodded carefully. Thankfully neither had continued with their argument, but instead once Pidge had joined them, the four were racing off through the playground together. Shiro couldn’t help but smile when he noticed that they had all held hands with one another.
“Pidge, what’s your ETA?” Lance whispered loudly, with one hand pressed against his ear as if talking through an imaginary communication device.
“We’re in.” Pidge said just as loudly. She and Keith were both crawling across a wobbling rope bridge. Lance was hiding out on top of a swirly slide while Hunk was standing at a wheel that was attached to the side of the playground.
“Good, Hunk, how’re we looking from the front?” Lance continued, eyeing invisible targets. Hunk nervously continued twisting and turning the wheel.
“I-I dunno guys. I don’t see anything.” Hunk stated and Keith rolled his eyes.
“Since when did we make Lance the leader?” He mumbled under his breath and Pidge shrugged.
“Ah, the most handsome, dedicated and best pilot is the only one who can be the leader.” Lance grinned as he formed a pose that clearly showed off what muscle he had.
“Exactly. Why are you the leader then?” Keith continued, while Lance cried out defensively. He stomped against the sliding pouted with arms crossed over his chest, while Keith snickered and even Hunk managed a smile at the display.
“Stop being such a sourpuss Keith! It’s bad for the mission!” Lance argued loudly while Keith sighed. He and Pidge were just about to stand up on the wobbly bridge when it all went downhill. Pidge had eagerly decided to jump off the bridge and onto firmer ground, with Keith right behind them. However, the force of Pidge’s jump ahead of him made the wobbly bridge even more unstable. Unfortunately for Keith, that meant stumbling backwards, which was a small handrail.
And Keith had managed to fall through the bars, onto the ground below.
All of the air left Keith when his body hit the ground, and it only took seconds before the six-year-old found his vision going black and the last things that Keith heard was Pidge, Lance and Hunk screaming out for him.
Shiro had been enjoying the time at the park. He’d managed to get through a couple of chapters of his book, while constantly looking up and listening to the kids. They were never out of sight and they were old enough that Shiro was able to stop hovering over them the entire time. Though, they were due for a snack break in the next few minutes.
Shiro had closed his book and was about to call them over when he heard the scream.
In less than a second, he was on his feet (book forgotten) and he was sprinting to where he could see Hunk, and Pidge on the playground. As he got closer and closer to them, he could finally make out two figures on the ground. One was rocking back and forth, clearly panicked as their arms flapped wildly. The other was lying motionless on the ground.
It only took Shiro less than a second to realize that it was Keith who was motionless and Lance who was on the verge if panicking. By the looks of it, Pidge and Lance weren’t too far behind him.
I only looked away for less than a minute! How did I let this happen? Shiro could feel his guilty conscious creeping in on his thoughts and the idea of slight panic never seemed so real than it did in that very moment. All Shiro could even begin to think about was that Keith was on the ground. Unconscious. Unmoving. Possibly hurt.
“Keith!” Lance, Hunk and Pidge all stared with bright, big and teary eyes as Shiro sprinted over to them before kneeling beside Keith’s prone figure. It was even more worrisome that Keith didn’t even so much as flinch when Shiro dropped down right beside him.
“Keith, sweetheart? Can you hear me? Sweetheart, please open your eyes?” Shiro practically begged. His hands hovered over Keith’s prone body, shaking with fear, and unsure of what to do. Do I move him and risk it if he’s hurt his neck? Should I check for a pulse? What if there is no pulse? What if he’s not breathing either? Why haven’t I checked his breathing? What do I do?
“Keith, sweetheart? Please open your eyes for daddy. Please. Please.” Shiro begged once more and he heard Lance and the others beginning to shuffle beside them. Normally, he would have tried to get them to give Keith some kind of space, but Shiro wasn’t exactly in the best of minds at the moment.
“Keith. Please, sweetheart! Just open your eyes for daddy. You’re alright. You’re alright.” Shiro’s hands shook again as they stayed above Keith’s body. Even his prosthetic was shaking.
“I’m sorry Mr. Shiro! It’s all my fault!” Shiro heard Pidge yell from behind him. Despite the adrenaline and fear that was running through him right now, Shiro could feel his heart beginning to break for the little child. Oh Pidge. If anyone is at fault, it’s me.
Shiro’s mind was racing a hundred miles an hour and his heart was seconds away from leaping out of his chest. What do I do? What do I do?
“Please Keith.” Shiro whispered, voice cracking and yet Keith still did not move.
Calm down daddy. Shiro’s wet eyes blinked rapidly when he could hear a tiny, familiar voice floating into his head. His hands froze over Keith’s chest and his eyes widened. You need to calm down, it’ll be okay daddy. Just take a deep breath and calm down. You were trained in the military to act calm and take in the situa-t-ion.
Slowly, Shiro could feel his hands beginning to shake less and less. The world around him became less muffled and he could understand the noises that surrounded him much better than before. He could hear the other children crying all around him, as Lance tried to kneel next to Keith. he could see the small rise and fall of Keith’s chest from where he was laying.
Patience yields fosus. ‘Member that.
Carefully, Shiro took a deep breath and put his regular hand over Keith’s neck, where he found a steady pulse beating under his finger tips. Once more, Shiro released a breath he hadn’t realized that he had been holding.
“Lance, Hunk, Pidge.” Shiro finally spoke up, noting the way that his voice had remained calm without hesitation. He looked up from Keith’s slack face to meet the teary stares of the kids. Gently, He gave Lance a pat on the shoulder. “I know you must feel bad, all of you, but this wasn’t your fault. It was simply an accident and there was nothing any of you could have done to prevented it. We all get hurt.”
When he noticed Pidge opening their mouth to speak, he smiled softly. “It’s alright Pidge. This wasn’t your fault. Keith fell and it was an accident but he’s going to be okay. He just hit his head and it knocked him out. Keith will be okay. But I need you all to give him a little space, okay? Can you do that for me?” It took a few seconds, but eventually all three kids nodded and slowly Lance moved to stand by Pidge and Hunk. Thankfully, none of them left Shiro’s line of sight.
Just as Shiro was turning back to his son, he found Keith stirring and Keith’s cheek brushed against the tips of his fingers. Calming his frantic heart, Shiro forced himself to keep quiet as he looked down at his son, who was beginning to shift. He’s able to move all of his limbs which is a good sign. I haven’t felt any swelling yet.
Keith began to blink tiredly, until his eyes slowly opened half-way to look at Shiro. Shiro had never been so glad to see those beautiful blue eyes that reflected violet in the sun. Shiro carefully maneuvered his body so that it blocked the sun when Keith opened his eyes.
“Daddy?” Keith frowned in confusion when he tried to sit up. He was gently helped up into an upright position, where Shiro immediately began to poke and prod at Keith’s back, neck and head for any sign of injury. Other than a large lump on the back of Keith’s head, he seemed to have escaped with little to no injuries. Not even a bruise.
Finally Shiro felt like he could breathe again.
“Oh Keith, thank goodness my little star!” Shiro smiled softly and stroked Keith’s cheek.
“Daddy? What’s going on? Why are you here?” Keith asked tiredly and Shiro smiled.
“Do you remember what happened?”
Keith’s frown deepened. “No?”
“You fell off the bridge! That’s what happened! You fell right off and hit your head until you were asleep and it was all my fault!” Pidge pouted with big fat tears rolling down their cheeks. Shiro’s stomach churned at the small child’s guilt and he attempted to comfort them, as he pulled them over to Keith. However, before he could speak, Keith had wrapped an arm around Pidge’s neck before pulling them on top of him. Shiro jumped, quickly holding Keith and Pidge upright.
“Not your fault!” Keith huffed. “It was an accident so stop blaming yourself, it’s gross.”
“But I made the bridge wobbly!”
“It’s called the wobble bridge for a reason, Pidge. You explained why but I got bored and didn’t listen.” Keith said with a dramatic sigh. Shiro took that as a good sign that Keith would be more than just fine. Quietly, he began to grab an ice pack out of his “Dad Pack.”
“It was an accident. And if you blame yourself one more time, Ima make sure Zarkon gets you.” Shiro snickered at the horrified look on Pidge’s face and the squawk that they made. He was quite surprised when Pidge hugged Keith once more and Keith did not push them away as usual. When Shiro was just about to put the ice pack on Keith’s head, he felt Hunk and Lance both sprint past him before glomping Keith. Of course, Keith protested loudly, with a fake roll of his eyes, but deep down Shiro knew that Keith was touched by all the hugs.
“Aw, how cute.” Shiro snapped more than one picture of the cuddle pile before applying the cold pack to the back of Keith’s head. He grinned when Keith shot him a grateful smile and winked. Then he scooped all four children into his arms and held them close.
“Cuddle fest!”
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unknowntoyou2205 · 2 years
Scared and alone 12/12
Info: Y/n and Sky recover from the sedative and realize that the school is now in danger.
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The clearing was quiet after Bloom left the scene to help Beatrix. Sky and y/n remained still on the ground till finally, here was movement. Sky groaned as he squinted his eyes, opening them in confusion. Slowly, he begins to stand up as he recovers from the sedative. before looking around groggily for y/n. His eyes widened when he seen her still passed out on the ground and allows him to collapse beside her, shaking her.
"Y/n, hey y/n." "What?" Y/n groaned, starting to come out of her sleeping state. "You okay?" Sky asked in concern, helping her stand up. "Yeah, fine, where's Bloom?" "I dunno, but we better get back to the school, Rivens been trying to get in contact with me." Sky stated, wrapping an arm around y/ns waist to help her. "Yeah okay." Y/n agreed, before they made there way back to the school.
Y/n groaned, rubbing her head as she sat on the sofa in the dorm room. She looked up as she seen Aisha, Terra, Stella and Musa walk into the room, followed by Terras dad. Realizing they were about to get a lecture when Harley started talking, she slowly made her way out of the dorm, into the hall way.
She sighed as she seen the lights start to flicker. Looking around in confusion, y/n begins to move slowly along the corridor, trying to see if anyone was around. Hearing a noise, her head whipped around only to hear it again. The sound causes memories to come flying back to her on the dreadful night.
"Run, y/n, run." "Mom." "Go to the barrier." "Y/n" "Dad." "There gone y/n" "No." "Y/n" "Y/n"
Y/n gasped as she came out of her mind, only to see Dowling standing in front of her. She looked at the headmistress with tears in her eyes, confusion written over her face.
"Y/n, are you with me?" Dowling asked. "Yeah, umm, I'm here. I heard, a noise, a..." "Burned one, yes, they have got into the school, and I'm sorry to say but possibly the frozen ones too." "No." Y/n breathed, fear written over her face. "Y/n, you need to control your fear, it's the only way to overcome this." "Where are they?" "I dunno, but the students are all heading to the court yard, house so they'll be safe, come with me to them."
Y/n nodded at the headmistress before brushing her hand through her hair, following her teacher back to the other students. Her breathing hitched slightly as she seen the crowds begin to form. She stopped to breathe, catching a glance at Sky rushing towards Harvey with Sam struggling to stand up. Realizing he was injured, she snapped her head to the attention of Dowling as she began to talk to the students.
"As I'm sure your aware, burned ones have infiltrated the barrier, and the school. For some reason the magical wells which power everything at the school have failed." Y/n looked around, catching Skys eyes as Dowling continued to speak. "Frozen ones have also managed to access the school. I managed to contact queen Luna before they did. She understands the gravity of what's happening here and the solarian troops are on their way. We're barricading all entrances to the courtyard. We are safe for now but we must prepare for the reality. That they may infiltate the space before help arrives."
Y/n gasps as she realizes the danger this school is in. Sky shakes his head and mouths at her to 'stay calm', unable to reach her at the minute. She whips her attention from Sky to Silva, who she seen watching her from the distance. She sighs and starts moving away from the area, heading towards Dowling when she seen Bloom talking to her. She stands there as the teacher and red head talks before Dowling moves towards the court yard, preparing to protect the school if necessary.
"There here for me, you know." Bloom stated, speaking of the burned ones. "I didn't realize it at first, but now I do. But the frozen ones are after someone else, someone who they deem weak after everything they've been through." "Me?" Y/n realized, causing Dowling and Bloom to look at her. "Yes, y/n, you. I realized that when they attacked your parents, when they went for you in the forest but didn't come near me, Silva or Harvey. Which means that I need to protect both of you the best I can." Dowling stated, glancing at her two students. "I can help." "I think you have done enough. If you want to help, go help the other fire fairies weld the court yard shut." Dowling stated, moving away from the two.
Y/n and Bloom look at each other and start moving towards where all the students are preparing for battle. Y/n watches the specialists begin to barricade the doors as Bloom moves towards Sky. She watched in awe as the students worked together for what could potential kill them with a wrong move.
"Hey." Y/n turned her head to the sound of Skys voice, "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Y/n stated, lying slightly. "Hey, it's going to be okay. We will get through this." He stated, placing a hand on y/ns arm. "Yeah, I just, uhh, the memories coming back are a little overwhelming. You know, not too long ago the frozen ones attacked my parents for me, apparently." Y/n stated, looking down sadly. "Hey don't say that." Sky sighed, placing a hand on her arm in comfort. "Well it's true, ain't it. I'm the one there after Sky, I'm the one who should of been injured or dead, not them. They were just protecting me." "Hey, stop that. They wanted you to live, it's what parents do. Even if we don't agree with it sometimes, there always gong to put us first." "Yeah, sure, that doesn't stop what happened to be my fault." Y/n stalled near the end, realizing something. "Y/n..." "Look I have to go." Y/n stated before pushing past Sky and following Bloom, ignoring him calling her name.
"I have an idea, but I need your help." Y/n stated determinately to Bloom. "What is it?" Bloom asked in confusion. "The burned ones are after you right?" Y/n stated causing Bloom to hum in agreement, "And the frozen ones are after me." "So..." "They want us so therefore would follow us anywhere we go right?" "I'm not following." Bloom stated in confusion. "We're gonna give them what they want, and end them." Y/n stated, stopping and looking at Bloom. "So your saying we lead them to us?" Bloom asked, finally understanding what's happening. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying." "Alright, you head on out and I'll meet you there, I'm going to get help."
Y/n nodded with a smile before rushing off towards the exit. In her rush she bumped into Riven who turned to look at her with a glare before realizing who it was. Realizing her look of determination, he grabbed her arm.
"What are you planning to do?" He asked with worry. "Don't worry about it, it's going to be okay." Y/n stated before pulling away from him and heading for the exit.
Walking out of the school y/n realized the extent of what she was going to do. The use of magic to end the frozen ones. That amount could lead to serious inflicted injuries or severe loss of energy. But she had to finish them, the school needed to be safe.
"Hey." Y/n got knocked out of her thoughts as Bloom walked towards her with Aisha and Stella. "You ready?" "Yeah, let's do this." Y/n nodded before they heard the sounds of burned ones and frozen ones in the distance. "I'll cover you Bloom incase needed." Aisha stated, glancing at the fire fairy. "I'll watch y/n, light can melt ice." Stella spoke causing y/n to shake her head. "Stay back, I don't have full control, I could hurt you." Y/n stated. "Okay, from the distance." Stella nodded before Bloom and y/n walked towards the direction of the enemies.
Y/n took a deep breath as she walked a small distance away from Bloom, shaking out her hands as she prepared to use her magic. Her eyes widened in slight fear as she seen the frozen ones coming her way. Her mothers voice came into her head as she tried to relax 'keep a clear head and you can achieve anything,'. She exhaled slowly before he widened her stance and summoned her magic. Realizing the amount of magic she needed to summon, she looked at Stella and Aisha who nodded at her before she allowed it to take control of her. She looked down as she began feel herself float up before she closed her eyes, allowing her magic to wash over her body. Extending her arms, she felt the feeling of ice coldness travel through her veins and begins to panic slightly at the feeling.
Hearing her voice being called she turned in the direction to see Bloom looking at her. The fire fairy nodded at her in encouragement causing the ice fairy to take a deep breathe before nodding back. Feeling some sort of growth on her back she turned back to see white ice like wings begin to form. She allow herself to land lightly onto the ground before turning to the frozen ones with her eyes shining a bright white. Quickly, she through some ice towards the frozen ones and smirked when she realized it worked before continuing it.
As the last one becomes destroyed y/n sighs, out of breath from the extent of her magic. She tries to calm down from the events but realized her wings left, but her magic wouldn't. Her eyes widened in fear as Bloom realizes and starts slouching towards her.
"No stay back." y/n called out in fear. "Stella, use your magic." Aisha instructed the light fairy princess. "I'm trying but she's too strong it won't let me." "What are we supposed to do." Bloom asked tiredly. "Shut up your making her worse." Stella snapped at the fire fairy, realizing that y/n was near hyperventilating. "Well what do we do then." Aisha asked. "Everyone stay back."
The three fairies turned around to see Dowling coming towards them. They looked down and parted ways to allow their headmistress to get to their friend. Dowling heads towards y/n, and seeing the young fairy step back, she puts her hands up in surrender.
"It's okay y/n, this will help." Dowling spoke, showing an injection in her hand. She slowly moves towards and injects her with the sedative before her student could react, catching her as she fell. "Will she be okay?" Aisha asked. "Yes just the fear took over, she just needs to rest. Bring her to your dorm area, you need to rest as well bloom. That deal of magic can be tiring." Dowling stated before heading to examine the bodies, leaving the students to bring their friend back to rest.
Y/n slowly woke up, blinking rapidly as she sat up from her bed. As her eyes adjusted to the bright morning light she looked around to see Dowling sitting beside her.
"Hey, your awake, are you okay?" Dowling asked, worried for her student. "Yeah I'm fine, did it work?" Y/n asked, remembering what had happened. "You mean you using all your magic despite the fact that you dont have full control yet, yea, it did" Dowling stated, trying to be strict but showing how proud she was of the young fairy. "Sorry, I just, wait around when I knew they were after me, I couldntt let anyone else die because of me." Y/n looked down slightly before looking up when she heard Dowling talking. "It's okay, it's over now, and despite the fact that it was incredibly reckless, it worked, Alfea is safe and so are you. Your parents would be proud." Dowling stating causing y/n to smile slightly. "I think I might walk around for a bit, find Sky." "Take your time and rest, I finished classes early so everyone can recover from yesterdays events, so should you" Dowling stated and y/n nodded as she got up and left.
Y/n made her way out of the school building, haven heard voices outside that sounded similar to Sky and Bloom. Seeing them sitting on the ground she made her way towards them before sitting beside him. Sky turned to look at her when he felt her sitting beside him before saying bye to Bloom as she left to talk to Dowling who was watching them from the distance.
"There you are" Y/n joked, nudging Sky gently causing him to push back gently. "Here I am." Sky joked back, smiling slightly, "Heard you went all fairy last night." "Is that a good thing or a bad thing to hear?" "I mean it's pretty cool to hear that about you." HE smiled, looking her in the eye. "For the first time in a long time I felt like myself, like fully myself." She stated, allowing him to keep eye contact before glancing over his body, " Are you wearing the same clothes you were wearing last night?" She asked causing him to look away, "What happened?" "I'm fine I promise." e tried to assure her. "Sky." Y/n warned causing him to sigh. "Turns out my dad didn't die a hero." "What do you mean?" Y/n asked in confusion, haven heard the story of Skys father multiple times from both Sky and Silva. "Silva and him got into a fight about the burned ones, and things happened leading to my fathers death." Sky explained, looking ahead at the school. "Sky I'm so sorry." "Hey it's okay, at least now I know the truth." "Sky."
Y/n placed a hand on Skys shoulder in comfort causing the specialist to turn his head to her. She smiled slightly and brought her hand up to brush it through his hair. He glanced a her hand before bringing his own up to tuck a piece of stray hair behind her ear causing y/n to blush and look down.
"Sorry." She chuckled causing Sky to laugh and take her hand, "I guess it's just you and me now" y/n stated. "Yeah but that's something I've thought about for awhile." Sky stated causing y/n to look up in confusion. "What do you mean?" "This"
Sky leans forward and places a finger under y/ns chin. Y/n watched him carefully as he moved towards her slowly before placing his lips on hers. She smiled and kissed back, placing a hand behind his neck before they pulled away, the two smiling softly.
"I'm guessing there's a reason for that." "There's a reason for everything y/n" Sky stated before placing an arm over her shoulders and moving her closer to a side hug.
Y/n sighs in content as they sit in silence, staring ahead and enjoying each other company.
Later on in the evening, y/n stood at the entrance of the school after waving goodbye to the girls from the winx club dorm. Bloom had asked her to join them but she decided to stay with Sky so they could work out what they wanted to be and try to work on controlling her magic better.
The young fairy watched as Sky and Silva walked towards the school, talking. She smiled at them as they came closer to her before moving down the steps to join them.
"Congratulations y/n, you saved the school." Silva smirked. "And almost killed them when I nearly lost control." Y/n stated causing Sky to wrap an arm around her waist and kiss her forehead. "Ah that's to be worked on and will come in time." Silva stated, eyeing the two together, " You two together?" "We're working on it." Y/n smirked, glancing at Sky who laughed under his breath.
The trio stood together before hearing cars pulling up on the peddles, gaining there attention. Y/n frowned when she seen the royal flag in front of one of them.
"Why are the solarians here?" Y/n asked, glancing at Silva in confusion. "I dunno, I told them the attack was over." Silva spoke, equally as confused, as they moved towards the cars that came to a halt. "What the hell is going on." Sky asked, moving for his sword till y/n put a hand on his back. "Sky." Silva warned.
They watched on as the soldiers got out of their cars adn moved towards them. Y/n's eyes widened when she realized that they had there swords at the ready, before she balled her hands into a fist incase needed. Her hands started to freeze over as the queen stepped out of one of the cars and moved towards them.
"The queen." Sky stated, brushing against y/ns arms when he seen ice forming on the ground. "Your majesty." Silva spoke, nodding his head. "Saul Silva, it is with a heavy heart that I must put you under arrest." Luna spoke with authority. Y/n looked at Sky and Silva to see there faces drop in confusion. "For what?" Y/n asked for them. "For the attempted murder of Andreas of Eraklyon." "Attempted?" Sky asked in confusion before the sound of a door was heard. "Hello Sky." A man with a beard spoke in a ruff voice. "Dad." Sky breathed out in shock.
Y/n shoke her hands and grabbed Skys hand in comfort as he watched his father in a state of shock before her attention turned to Silva as soldiers started to surround them. THe two students were pushed out of the way before two soldiers came over to them and took a strong grip of their arms, separating them and preventing them from stopping Silvas arrest. They could only watch as the headmaster of Alfea was lead to a car and brought away.
As the car could be heard in the distance y/n looked around to see Beatrix now standing with Queen Luna. Seeing the red haired fairy looking into the distance y/n looked to see Riven and Dane standing with the rest of the Solvarian troops. Riven caught her eyes and smiled at her friendly but she just looked away, moving back beside Sky and squeezing his hand, leaning her head on his shoulder. Sky looked back at her slightly as the Queen walked towards them.
y/n grabbed Skys hand in comfort as he looks at his father in shock- her attention turned to Silva as the soldiers moved closer to him- they pushed her and Sky out of the way- two soldiers keep a hold of the two students as Silva is lead to the car and drove off- y/n turned her head to see Beatrix looking and turned in her sight to see Riven and dane standing with the solvarion soldiers- Riven catches her eyes and looks at her with a slight smile but she just turns away, squeezing Skys hand and leaning her head on his shoulder- Sky looks back at her slightly as Queen walks towards them.
"Things are about to change around her, for the better." She stated to the two of them before looking at y/n "Starting with your control, I would hate for them to be taken away."
Sky pushed y/n back slightly, looking at the Queens back with a glare as she moved to instruct her troops. The two stood in silence as the front of the school slowly cleared, unsure of what to do next.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
... Okay, so hear me out. Supposedly, one of the best green flags in a relationship is pets liking someone... So. I must present the idea: the submas Pokemon choosing suitable S/O's for their masters... Like "No dad. This is the one. Thank me later."
mmmm cute. my cat is too friendly to be trusted with this however.
You knew better than to walk the streets this late, but you were left with no choice after missing the last bus home. Few people remained out this late, leaving an eerie feeling as you travelled in your apartment's direction. The city was usually bustling with life during sunlight hours to an annoying extent. There was no sense of personal space as you walked among hundreds of other people and pokemon. A sudden sense of paranoia overcame you as an inexplicable shiver ran down your spine. The pace of your walked turned to a brisk jog. Every movement brought the feeling closer and closer. You were about to break into tears. Why was this happening?
Not paying attention to where you were going, you ran directly into another person. The ground never came, as whomever you hit managed to catch you both. “Chandelure… You know better than to do things like this. Apologise to them right now,” the person's voice was loud and authoritative. You pulled yourself away from the person and turned to look behind you. The luring pokemon itself swung happily side to side with a happy cry. It used its supernatural aura to shove you back into its trainer.
The trainer, you realised, was extremely handsome. Strong, distinct features with piercing, silver eyes. His blush was quite cute, too. The forced contact had him completely flustered. “I am terribly sorry about all of this. They are usually not like this…” the ghost released a gleeful, eerie song. Your panic was long forgotten as you wondered how to get his number.
Chandelure was unsure as to why Ingo did not appreciate their matchmaking. They knew you were perfect for their trainer.
Your walk to your train had become an awkward one. Never had you realised just how long it took to cross the station until a Galvantula had decided to stalk you. Attempts to shake it off your trail had failed, despite your best efforts. The spider was extremely persistent as it kept up to even your near running strides. Why had it decided to make your afternoon commute so awkward? At this rate, you were going to miss the train. The thought of missing work terrified you, as it would likely mean you would be fired.
Stress and anxiety nurtured an ugly flower of emotional turmoil until you finally broke down. You slid down against a wall and pressed your face into your knees. Why was the world being so cruel to you right now? Hiccups echoed against the walls of the station as you experienced wave after wave of raw feeling crash against the beach of your mind. The Galvantula pressed its body into you and vibrated, calming. It was too mild-mannered to be wild. What had happened to its trainer, you wondered.
“Oh no. Did something happen? Are you injured?” A soft-spoken voice called out above you. Your eyes peeked out from the barrier of your legs to see an amicable face smiling at you. You shook your head and begged him to leave you alone. His brows pressed together while his grin faltered. “I can't do that. It's my job as a Subway Boss to assure all commuters have a safe travel. And my Galvantula refuses to leave your side,” he explained, and you laughed pitifully. Of course, it was his pokemon.
Galvantula was proud of their matchmaking skills, as Emmet beamed at you during your casual stroll through the park. Emmet, naturally, understood what the electric spider had on their mind, leading him to you.
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hollyharper · 3 years
Arranged- Damien x Female Reader Part 2
You fidget with the folds of your dress during the elevator ride. The dining room is crowded. You stick to the outside until you find your parents. You tell yourself that you should still be mad, but you can’t stay that way, not when you're trembling so. They’re standing by one of the buffet tables, deep in conversation with a dark haired man. You know you’ve seen his face, but can’t place it, until a red-head takes his hand and leans against his shoulder. You recognize Barbara Grayson immediately. The man beside her must be her husband, Richard Grayson. Your mom gives a comforting smile as you approach.
“This is y/n.” She introduces you.
Mrs. Grayson smiles. “I’m so excited to finally meet you.”
“You’ve heard about me?”
“Quite a bit. Your parents speak very highly of you. You were Valedictorian and prom queen?”
“It was a small school.” You reply.
“Humble too. Your parents said you were smart and pretty. But, their descriptions fade in comparison to you.” Mr. Grayson smiles as he praises you.
You blush and duck your head to hide it. 
“It was an honor to make your acquaintance.” Mr. Grayson nods his head to you. “I’m going to wait for Damian in the lobby, Babs.” He tells his wife, before pulling away for her.
Across the room, glass shatters. “Helena, be more careful!” Someone scolds loudly enough to fill the space.
Mrs. Grayson sighs. “And I better keep the girls out of trouble.”
“Have fun with that.” Mr. Grayson teases.
“When will he be here?” You ask, once both are out of earshot.
“Any minute.” Your dad states.
To give yourself something to do, you pour yourself some punch and try to name the people around you. Jason Todd stands to your left. Next to him is a dark haired girl. Maybe Helena Bertinelli. You’re not sure. You scan the room again. You pick out almost the entire Wayne family, from Selina and 7-year-old Helena to Bruce Wayne’s cousin Kate Cain. Bruce Wayne himself walks in. Damian Wayne struts beside his father. As in every photo, his expression is that of arrogant boredom. They greet other guests and slowly come your way. Your mom steps forward to meet them. Mr. Wayne greets her with a one arm embrace.
“It’s been too long, M/n.”
“It has.” She smiles.
“Y/n.” He gives you a courteous nod.
Bruce Wayne knows your name! You can’t believe it. Damian eyes you. He’s even more attractive in real life. In games with your friends, you can vividly remember calling him your celebrity crush, right after you had been told your first choice, Robin, didn’t count. You never would have guessed you actually meet him. His green eyes burn into yours.
“Mom,” You start to ask again when your assigned husband will come.
Your mother prompts you forward. “Introduce yourself.”
“That is her, correct?” Damian asks his father softly.
Bruce Wayne nods. Damian meets your eyes and extends his hand. You tremble as you take it. Instead of shanking it, he presses a soft kiss to it. His lips linger as he meets your eyes. You dip your head but don’t dare pull away. Both Mr. Wayne and your parents smile. Is this even real? Out of the corner of your eye, you see them slip away. This is him. It has to be. Damian bites his lip. 
“I'm Y/n.” Your voice shakes.
Going into this you didn’t expect to be so scared.
His face softens some. “I am Damian.”
“I know.” You choke out.
He arches an eyebrow. You shouldn’t have said that.
“Come.” He speaks softly and offers his hand. 
You refuse it, but follow him out a set of double doors and onto a patio. The door shuts and you’re alone. His expression relaxes. 
“Tell me about yourself.”
“I-i…” You stumble helplessly.
“You don’t be nervous. I won’t bite.” It was supposed to be funny, but his face remains straight, and loses the humor. You falter more, then just bite your tongue. He tries to smile, probably to calm you, but his face can’t form the expression. 
“How did my parents arrange this?” You whisper.
“Your mother was a friend of Father’s when they were children. She contacted him before your 17th birthday. He agreed to an arranged marriage because it would be “good for me”.”
“Good for you?” You echo faintly.
He nods. “It would make me “more stable” and “hopefully teach me to be more level-headed”, etc.”
You giggle slightly. 
“Father said you would be a ‘“good fit” for me. I was told that you’re calm.”
Calm? Your mom had always been telling you to calm down. He had been told you were calm? Damian pats the bench next to him. You consider sitting across, but that would be too aggressive. You sit on the far end of the bench. After his openness, you find it easier to have a conversation with him. You find that you both enjoy art. He shows you photos of his work, and you can’t help but be blown away by his talent. Each brush stroke radiates with life. His faces are so life-like, even in photos you can see their chests rise and fall. As you leaned over to see the small screen, He wrapped an arm around your waist. You freeze at the touch. He lightly rubs up and down your back, until you settle back down. His voice quiets once you're closer. You continue to keep a conversation, but your eyes start to flutter shut. He brushes a hand over your hair.
“I’ll walk you to your room.” This time when he offers his hand, you take it. 
Damian easily guides you through the crowd. Friends and family continuously stop you, but he makes each interaction short, and soon you’re standing shoulder to shoulder in the elevator. He walks you to your door and pauses.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” You whisper, fumbling your keycard. It’s as if he’s a stranger again. 
“Goodnight. Sleep well.” He tacks the last part on, almost nervously.
You smile and unlock the door, but slump against it when it closes.
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