#but also in general a very nice feeling i didn’t even notice was gone
lilgynt · 1 year
also L for the dub of my mom being nice about confirming i look okay and then forcing me to eat when i was putting it off ✊😔
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rollinouttahere · 1 year
Yandere Strawhats + Ace x Isekai Reader
2.2k words
Part 2
Yet again, this fic is inspired by @lovelybrooke ‘s Isekai reader stories.
I also want to say thank you for all the support and kind comments on the last story I wrote! I’ve actually been working on my own yandere one piece fic that I’m hoping to start posting in a few days give or take, so if you like what I’ve written so far, keep an eye out for that! All future writings are gonna be posted on my writing blog @rollinouttahere-writes​ so go follow that blog if you’re interested!
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Trying to act normal and inconspicuous in the One Piece universe was a far from easy task. Being the massive fan of the series that you were, it was damn hard to not give away that you knew all about the crew that was so generously letting you stay with them after appearing on their ship with zero explanation.
It became even harder to stay lowkey when Ace temporarily joined up with the Strawhats. All you wanted was to hug that man and tell him how loved he is and that he deserves to live just as much as anyone else, but you really couldn’t say or do any of that without looking weird. You’ll just have to settle for being extremely nice to him, which was very easy.
Ace himself was already an easy guy to get along with (now at least), but he was noticeably very interested in you. You couldn’t blame him, what with Luffy almost immediately outing your insane situation to him. He seemed incredulous at first, but warmed up to and accepted the story way faster than you expected. It didn’t take long for his questions to go from feeling like an interrogation to being genuine.
You were so busy soaking up the attention from such a beloved character that you almost missed how jealous your crewmates were getting. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were taking it the best. Chopper probably because he was still so new to the crew that he wasn’t all that bothered by one of them not paying as much attention to him. Usopp was too busy building Nami’s weapon to concern himself with it too much. Meanwhile, Luffy was just so happy to see Ace again that he didn’t really notice that you were spending a lot of time with him. That, and he would usually be hanging out with both of you anyways. 
The others though, oh boy did they not like this. Nami was the most blatant about it, straight up glowering at you and Ace whenever you two were too close for her liking. You’re pretty sure the only thing keeping her from up and dragging you away from him is Luffy dismissing her complaints and telling her to stop fretting over it. You love being a part of their crew, so she should quit worrying!
Sanji and Zoro were both vying for your attention in their own ways as well. Sanji suddenly wanted more help around the kitchen, insisting that he needed an extra pair of hands now that there was another mouth to feed. Given that Ace’s appetite was on par with Luffy’s, you could understand the desire for help. Zoro’s attempts were considerably less convincing. One time he wanted you to spot him while he was working out, making you laugh right in his face at the mere idea that you would be able to help him with the ridiculous weights he lifts. His face had gone bright red after you pointed it out to him, prompting him to walk away immediately, much to your amusement.
Right now, though, you weren’t with Ace. Him and Luffy were busy doing something and you didn’t want to butt in on all their time together. Instead, you were ogling Ace’s boat that was currently tied to the side of the Going Merry.
You absolutely loved the design of his ship, it was such a clever idea to use his devil fruit ability to power a steam engine and make what looks like a tiny sailboat function like a jet ski. It didn’t appear in the anime too many times but everytime it was on screen it looked so cool. 
“I wonder what it’d be like to ride that,” you quietly mused to yourself.
“Wanna find out?”
You almost jumped out of your skin at the sudden arrival of Ace. He laughed at your reaction, not a care in the world for the near heart attack he just gave you.
“Oh my God, Ace, you scared the hell out of me!” You lightly slapped at his shoulder, your other hand resting over your now racing heart.
He laughed some more, “I could tell, and I’m sorry about that.” He didn’t sound even vaguely sorry. Ace elbowed your side, “But seriously, do you want to go for a ride?”
The offer had you staring wide-eyed at him. Then the boat. Then back at him again. “Really? Are you sure?” You were desperately trying to keep your cool and not show how insanely excited you were about the idea.
“Of course! I wouldn’t have offered it if I wasn’t. Come on,” he hopped up onto the railing and held his hand out to you. You didn’t need to mull it over, eagerly taking hold and stepping up with him. As soon as you did, he wrapped an arm around you and was ready to jump down onto his boat when Nami started yelling.
“Woah, woah, woah, what the hell are you two doing???” Nami, who was previously pruning her trees, had abandoned the activity entirely in favor of sprinting over to where you were and grabbing onto your leg.
“(Y/N) wanted to try riding my boat, so we’re going for a little joyride, that’s all,” Ace flashed Nami a dazzling smile, not at all deterred by her interruption.
“No way! What if they fall off? That thing doesn’t look safe at all!” Nami was now pulling on you, trying to get you down from the railing.
Ace held on tighter in response, “It’s perfectly safe, it has to be. I’m a devil fruit user, remember? (Y/N) isn’t, so really, I’m in more danger on that than they are. It’s fine.”
You could tell Nami was ready to argue more, but thankfully Luffy piped up, “Don’t worry about it Nami! If Ace says it’s safe then it’s safe!” Luffy, who was perched on his special seat at the bow, came bounding over, “But I wanna go next!”
“Sure thing, Luffy, we’ll be back in a bit,” Ace was quick to jump down with you in tow, not wanting to give any of the other Strawhats a chance to object. After untying it from the Going Merry, he knelt down slightly, “Hop on my back, you’re not gonna want to have your feet down there when we get going.”
Not wanting to get set on fire, you obliged. If you weighed anything to him, he didn’t show it, simply standing up straight as soon as you were on. “Ready?”
You excitedly nod your head, holding on tight to Ace in preparation. It was a good thing too, because he decided to immediately start at the leisurely speed of what felt like mach 7. A shriek emits from your throat as you take off. You think you can hear Nami yelling something again, but couldn’t make it out over your own screaming and the noise of the steam engine roaring to life.
Ace laughed loudly at your reaction, but did slow down slightly, “Sorry about that, I just wanted to get some distance before anyone else tried to stop us.” One of his arms let go of your leg and tugged at your arms around his neck, “But would you mind easing up a bit? I won’t be able to take us back if you choke me out.” 
“Oh oops, I’m sorry!” You immediately loosened your arms and readjusted them. Accidentally strangling Ace was not something you wanted to do today. Or any day really.
He simply shrugged it off, telling you not to worry about it. It’s not like you could really hurt him. “I’m gonna speed up again, you ready for it this time?”
The second you confirm that you are, the boat lurches forward, cutting through the waves like nothing. Now that you weren’t panicking, you could properly take in the experience and thoroughly enjoy it. 
The wind was whipping through your hair and sea water misted the air, droplets clinging to both yours and Ace’s hair. He hit a particularly big wave causing the boat to go airborne for a moment before crashing back down. You found yourself laughing and cheering as Ace continued to show off, which only egged him on more.
After a while, Ace slowed to a stop and let you down from his back. “C’mere, step up on this,” he stepped to the side and motioned for you to step up onto the front of his boat. His hands rested on your hips to keep you steady, presumably not wanting to get chewed out by Nami if you came back sopping wet. 
“This is one of the best parts of being at sea,” he was staring straight ahead. “Sunsets out here are something else, you don’t get a view like this on land.”
He was completely correct, it was beautiful. Orange, red, and pink hues colored the sky and reflected gorgeously in the ocean. It was a breathtaking view, one you would remember forever.
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, quietly admiring the view with nothing but the natural sounds of the ocean around you. It was nice, very peaceful. 
“What do you think about staying here?”
You tense at Ace suddenly speaking. “Like staying out here a little longer?” As lovely as this was, the others were bound to get antsy if you stayed out after dark.
“No, I mean staying here in this world,” he stepped closer to you, wrapping his arms fully around you and resting his head on your shoulder to be able to see your face. “It’s nice here, right? Why not stick around? I know Luffy wants you to. Hell, I’m sure the rest of the crew does, too.”
You were taken aback by this statement, and weren’t really sure how to respond. Sure, it could be nice here when you all weren’t being hunted for sport by marines, but this wasn’t a place you could see yourself staying long term. That, and you had a life back home, you couldn’t just throw your friends and family to the wind like that.
Sucking in a breath, you searched for the nicest way to say all that. “It is nice here, but I have to go back.” You could feel his posture stiffen behind you, “Don’t get me wrong, you all have been super nice to me! It’s just that I’ve got all my friends and family back home and I miss them terribly.”
“Your family?” Ace said this so quietly that you weren’t even sure he was saying that to you. Abruptly, he straightened up, “I know! If you want a family so bad you can join the Whitebeard pirates!”
What? You joining the Whitebeard pirates? You already feel inadequate enough around the Strawhats, you can’t imagine how pathetic you would feel around those people. Of course, it would be awesome to get to meet them, but you want to keep to yourself as much as possible since you will eventually have to go back home.
While you were thinking, Ace kept going, “Pops would love you, I just know it. We haven’t gotten another sibling in a while, everyone would be psyched to meet you.” His once comforting hug was growing tighter by the second. Suffocating even.
“And you already have friends with my brother’s crew, so that’s all taken care of!”
“Ace, ple-”
“Of course, I’m your friend too, but after you join I’ll be your big brother!”
“ACE!” Your yell startled him, mercifully making him let go of you. You take the opportunity to inch forward and create some distance, however minute.  “That’s,” oh, how to put this without hurting his feelings, “that’s very kind of you to offer, but I’d rather stay with the Strawhats for now.”
“Oh…” You don’t even need to turn around to know how disappointed he was by this declaration. He chuckled awkwardly, “I’m sorry about that, looks like I got a little carried away there.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” frankly, you just wanted to go back to the ship after that. The atmosphere was uncomfortable now.
After a few more seconds of silence, Ace cleared his throat and spoke again, “We should probably head back now, it’s gonna be dark soon.”
You were quick to agree and clambered onto his back, “Yeah that’s a good idea, Nami would throw a fit if we stay out much longer.” She’ll probably be mad regardless, but still.
Ace got his boat going and began the trip back. The Going Merry was a lot further away than you’d realized, it was so small that you could just barely make it out in the distance. You internally cringe, your crewmates are no doubt unhappy about you being this far away.
Despite the distance, you couldn’t help but notice how slow Ace was going compared to earlier. It’s like he wanted to drag this out for as long as possible. You decided not to call him out on it, not deeming it worth it.
“I’m not giving up, you know.”
“I’ll drop it for now, but I’m not giving up on you joining Whitebeard’s crew. Just… think about it, okay?” Ace’s voice was quiet, just barely loud enough to hear over the engine. 
The rest of the ride back remained dead silent, giving you plenty of time to mull over what just happened. It felt so… Weird. Out of character, really. He’s known you for, what? 24 hours? If that. Yet he’s trying to talk you out of going home and seems dead set on replacing your family with his own. Granted, everyone’s been more clingy than you thought normal, but this was downright bizarre. 
You really need to find a way home, and fast.
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fever-project · 2 months
I’m not DEAD, Daniel (2904 words) by FeverProject Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms, Danny Phantom Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Danny Fenton & Wild (Linked Universe) Characters: Danny Fenton, Wild (Linked Universe), the rest of the LU gang are also there but they aren’t important Additional Tags: This isn’t crack but it sure is silly, very much so for me, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Tired Danny Fenton, Wild (Linked Universe) is a Little Shit, might be ooc hopefully not, Misunderstandings, just a little bit Summary: DPxLU crossover because I couldn’t help myself. Surprised I didn’t do this earlier considering gestures at my everything Wild has an encounter with the Ghost King. It is definitely an experience.
Uhhh fanfic, yeah. I’m going to explode. Art
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Enjoy 👍
Wild was bored. Which wasn’t exactly a rare occurrence, but it was one that he hated. It was night time now and he was supposed to be asleep, just like everybody else in the inn. But he wasn’t like everybody else, he already slept for 100 years straight, sleeping was only useful to him if and when he wanted to be more healthy. And sleeping every night was generally considered to be healthy, but Wild didn’t care, he needed to move.
Out the window he went, quiet as a mouse. Hopefully no one would notice he was gone, and that he would be back before morning came. But there was an entire forest nearby to explore, and he felt like he could-no, should explore to his heart’s content. The wilderness called to him, beckoned him in. That’s what he kept repeating to himself in his mind anyway, as a way to reassure himself, that as a hero who had saved Hyrule, sneaking out at night and potentially worrying the other heroes wouldn’t be a stupid thing to do. Zelda would’ve thought otherwise, and he knew that, but tried not to think about it too much.
The forest was mostly quiet, save for things like the chirping of birds and crickets. The faint rustling of trees was like music to his ears. There was a light breeze, which felt nice against his face as he ventured further into the forest. He tried his best to walk in as straight of a line as he could, to more easily find his way back. He really wished his Sheikah Slate worked properly in this time, maps made everything much easier. But then he would have to go searching for those towers, and while as fun as they were to activate, took up far too much time, much more than he and his group were currently willing to spare.
Wild was suddenly on edge. That odd shapeshifting, Lizalfos-looking, portal opening thing was still out there. Not to mention the black-blooded monsters that thing infected. Wild sighed as walked, now paranoid and frustrated. After a few moments of that, he finally gained enough brain cells to figure out that he should probably head back. With another sigh, which was more of a groan, he spun on his heel, turning around to make his way back to the inn.
Soon enough, something in the air…shifted, he couldn’t tell what. An oddly familiar yet unnatural feeling enveloped his senses as the sky started to turn into an odd shade of pinkish purple. The few clouds up in the sky, only a slightly lighter shade than the sky itself, swirled around above him, as the space in front of him split. Wild felt his heart drop and his breath leave his body as the rift continued to grow. Green glowing light bleed out from it, lighting up the trees and grass and him. Something was happening, something bad, and it was targeting him. He stumbled back, he had to, he had to get away and yet. And yet. It was calling to him. It was scaring him, the world behind the rift hated and loved him all the same.
Wild had to escape.
Wild tried to breathe, in and out, slowly, calmly, he looked for a way out. Trees, there were only trees and more trees and bushes and grass and even more trees-slowly, in and out, his breathing, his breath. He was alive, and he was going to make sure he would stay that way, bright green portal notwithstanding. The portal was growing bigger, quickly, but not as quick as Wild’s mind was when it was panicking. Maybe that meant that panicking was a good thing. Wild almost stopped panicking completely once he realized how stupid that thought sounded. His panic swiftly returned when a white boot stepped out of the portal. When matching white gloves also came out, Wild went to get out his sword and shield, fumbling with his slate as the person emerged from the rift, it closing behind them soon after.
“Excuse me?” The person asked, their words 
echoing, despite the conditions for that to logically happen simply not existing here. Wild stiffened, having only gotten his sword out. But he knew deep within his soul that it wouldn’t be very effective against the higher being standing before him. Yet his grip tightened despite that. He wouldn’t run away, not now, he would try his best to fight this being off if he had to. And if that failed, he would retreat, tactically.
The being was dressed in an odd black and white outfit, having tan skin and white hair. Their bright green eyes, glowing body, and their crown that was literally on fire were very clear signs that this person wasn’t anything he’s seen before. Not to mention the hovering. And the portal they just came out of. And the weird voice-and Wild needed to start focusing on the situation at hand.
The being raised their hands up defensively, “Hey, put down the sword, I’m not looking for a fight,” they said, “I’m just. Looking for someone, yeah.”
“Uh huh,” Wild dumbly nodded, keeping his eyes on them.
“Right, okay, let me just-“ they looked around, suspicious at their surroundings, “-okay, don’t tell anyone you saw me, or that you saw this. Actually, it doesn’t matter, forget what I just said.”
Wild nodded again, watching as a ring of light came out of their waist, enveloping them as they donned a more hylian appearance. They had even odder clothes on in this form, baggy and worn. Their skin was paler and their hair was pitch black. They looked like death in the form of a teenage boy.
“Are you Death?” Wild asked blatantly. Listen, he was curious, he need to know this. The being raised an eyebrow at him, confusion evident on his face. “Like,” Wild scrambled to rationalize his less than rational thought process, “I don’t know, you seem scary? And corpse-like? Are you dead? Am I dead-well, no, I can’t be dead, that would be silly, ha. But are you?”
“Well I am the Ghost King, king of ghosts,” they said plainly, with a shrug, “Name’s Danny, Danny Phantom, and that’s really all you know about that. Listen-“
“Aren’t you like, twelve?” Wild knew they probably weren’t twelve, but this ‘Ghost King’ guy looked pretty young.
“What? No! I’m not twelve, I’m like-“ they pouted, like a twelve year old, snapping their fingers in thought, “older than you!”
“Oh yeah, I’m-“ Wild stopped, wondering if it would be smart to tell the Ghost King that he’s technically one hundred and seventeen years old. “I am at least seventeen! And I look like it as well.”
“You’re the same height as me.”
Wild looked at the ghost, glared at them, walking a bit closer to them. He placed his hand on top of his head and moved it forward, towards the Ghost King’s head. His hand brushed against their hair, but it clearly didn’t reach the top of their head. Wild grinned, well, wildly at the sight of being taller than them. They looked unimpressed.
“You’re the one acting like a twelve year old you know,” Danny scoffed, pouting.
“Says the pouter.”
“Look, can you just help me find this guy, since you’ve clearly calmed down now.”
“And why should I?”
“I’ll make your afterlife terrible otherwise.”
“Fine, I’ll help, gosh,” Wild was probably going to help anyways, he liked helping people. He just wanted to be annoying. “So, who and why?”
“Great! So, I’m looking for this guy named Link,” oh no, “Clockwork-he’s a time ghost, don’t worry about him-told me that he was hoping around other times with other guys also named Link.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Well-okay, you’re annoying so I’m just going to ignore that-“
“Time isn’t real.”
The two stared at each other, and Wild both wanted to punch himself in the face, and thought he was the funniest man alive. Danny seemed to think the same way too, with their bewildered expression suddenly turned into one holding back a lot of laughter.
“Al-alright, that was good I’ll give you that,” they chuckled, “Anyways, I’m looking for this specific Link because they’re supposed to dead, and I’m supposed to like-do something about that. I think I have a picture of this guy that Clockwork gave me, hold on.” They stuffed their hand through their goddess forsaken chest, and rummaged around like their own body was a mere storage container. Wild was instantly jealous of them. Sure he had his Sheikah Slate, but it wasn’t a part of his body.
Wait, Danny had a picture of him. Oh no, they were going to kill him. He didn’t need them to say word for word that they were going to kill him, but Wild didn’t know what else they could do to him. He needed to be on his toes and hone his quick reflexes in order to survive this ordeal.
“Annnd-nope, that’s my thermos-here it is!” They pulled out a piece of folded paper, and just as they started to unfold it, Wild snatched it from their hand and shoved it into his mouth.
“Wha-WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!” Danny shrieked, hands on the side of his head, horrified.
“‘Cause,” Wild responded in a muffled voice, chewing the paper. Tasted inky.
“Okay, you are definitely the weirdest person I’ve ever met, an I know a ghost who whole personality is boxes, just boxes. Actually, I don’t think he’s that weird compared to some other fruitloops I know of-but that doesn’t matter, spit that out!”
“You are acting like a twelve year old-no, even twelve year olds wouldn’t do this, you’re five.”
Wild gasped, photo smushed to the side of his mouth, in between his cheek and teeth so it wouldn’t fall out.
“You’re just mad I’m right.”
“Nah uh!”
“Then how about you spit that out, like a normal, seventeen-you’re seventeen right?” Wild nodded, “Right, like a normal seventeen year old would, or I’ll phase it out of your mouth by force.” Wild did not like sound of that. So he spit out the photo, the slobbery mess falling onto the grass. Even Wild was grossed out by what he had done. Danny clearly was.
“You’re going to have to unfold that yourself, I’m not touching that,” Danny looked sick.
“Yeah, that’s fair, I’ll do that,” why wasn’t the paper metal, then he could use his Sheikah Slate to pick it up. Good thing he had some spare gloves stored in it, so it was fine, it’s fine. He started to unfold the paper, Danny peering over his shoulder, both with matching disgusted expressions. Wild was right about the contents of the drawing. His face, blast scars and all, was right there. Wild looked at Danny. Danny looked at him. Wild wanted to punch them in face and run off, but they are a ghost. But Wild still slowly raised his free hand into a fist, retaining eye contact.
Danny began to speak, “So-“ Wild swiftly punched them in their face, and skittered backwards, trying to look for a way back to the inn safely. The ghost had stumbled back, clutching their face in pain.
“Huh, so you can punch ghosts,” Wild noted.
“You can definitely punch this ghost,” Danny rubbed their hurt nose, “Didn’t even get me a chance to speak.”
“Please don’t kill me.”
“I’m not going to kill you, that’s not what I’m here for.”
“Bet you feel stupid now, don’t ya?”
“A little bit, yeah.”
Danny sighs, pinching their nose, not in pain this time, but annoyance. “So,” they started again, “what I’m trying to do is get you on the ‘Supposed to be Dead but Came Back Anyways’ census. Basically, the name’s a work in progress.”
“And…I’m supposed to do something about it?”
“Kinda? Look, just sign here, and I’ll get out of your hair.” They pulled out another piece of paper out of their chest, with already had a few other names on it in neat little boxes. Wild couldn’t read any of those names, but Danny probably could.
Wild’s face scrunched up, trying to think about what he should do next. They hadn’t really explained their reasoning for any of this, so he still didn’t trust them too much. Maybe this was some elaborate ruse to kill him.
“Will me signing this ‘census’ give me any benefits-will it give you any benefits?” Wild pointed accusingly at Danny.
“Well, are you dead?”
Wild groaned, “I’m not DEAD Daniel,” Wild threw his hands into the air in frustration, “Just use your stupid ghost words to explain to me what I need to do and why.”
“Okay,” Danny squeaked out, “But first off, name’s just Danny.”
“Uh huh.”
“And secondly, I’m doing this because there’s a bunch of ghost legal jargon where your name was already listed on both the ‘dead,’ and then also the ‘not dead’ list after you came back to life. You signing this will help fix that.”
“…Aren’t I time traveling right now?”
“Yes, but it’s still good to note down who had came back to life. Please just make my life easier, this is themost stress inducing part of my job I’ve ever done.”
Wild was starting to feel a bit bad now. So now, with a better understanding of the situation, he took the paper from Danny’s hands.
“Here’s a pen to write with,” Danny gave him a pen from their chest.
“Can all ghosts store stuff in their bodies?” Wild asked as he wrote down his name in the next free box, adding on his title of ‘Hero of the Wild’ in the same box, just to specify things.
“No, but I sure can,” they said with a big smile.
“That’s so cool.”
“I know.”
The two laughed a bit as Wild returned the paper and pen to Danny.
“Well, sorry for not explaining my motivations fully, I’m a bit…tired, ha ha,” Danny rubbed the back of their neck, clearly embarrassed.
“Yeah. Sorry for punching you.”
“Now I’m going to go take a nap. Or sleep for once.” A ring of light enveloped Danny yet again, returning him to his more ghostly form. Then he turned around and held out his hand, before cutting the space there, opening the bright green portal.
“See you in the Ghost Zone, Link! Eventually!” They waved as they stepped into the rift.
Wild waved back, “That sounds pretty ominous, but okay!” Danny laughed at that as he went all the way through, the portal closing soon after. Now Wild was left all alone in the woods.
He needed to get back to the inn.
It took him some time, but he eventually found his way back to the inn. In through the window, as quiet as a ghost, he was back in his room. He flopped down onto his bed, mentally exhausted. He would’ve rather been bored than have had dealt with…whatever that was. Not really, but Wild was certainly ready to go to sleep now, and pray that he wouldn’t have to meet that Ghost King ever again. Not because he was scared, but because he was a bit embarrassed about what happened. He acted a bit stupid there. But none of that mattered now. All that Wild had to do now, was to sleep.
“Has anyone seen the champion yet?” Time asked, looking over the group that were all hanging around the inn’s dining room.
“Nope,” Warriors said with a pop, “He’s likely still asleep.”
“But I’m hungry,” Wind whined, “Captain, do you know how to cook?”
“I know how to make things edible and nutritious,” Wars plainly answered, receiving a few groans from various Links.
“We could just have the food they serve here,” Twilight suggested.
“Champ’s better,” Four retorted.
“How about we all wait a bit longer,” Time said, “It hasn’t even been half an hour since we woke up after all.”
They all muttered their agreements, and choose to occupy themselves with taking count of their resources for the time being. A few more minutes passed before Legend noticed something.
“Hey guys, I think I see the champ coming down right now,” Legend pointed at the staircase, and the other heroes scrambled to see their resident chef stumbling down the stairs.
“Are you doing alright?” Hyrule asked.
“You seem exhausted,” Sky added.
“Ye-yeah,” Wild yawned, stretching his arms, “Ghost problems and all that stuff.” He set out to make some food for his companions, who were looking at him with confusion and concern.
“Ghost problems?” A few of them asked at once.
“Is this place haunted?” Wind looked around with an excited grin on his face.
“Nope, but I sure got haunted in the woods out there,” Wild waved in the vague direction of where the forest was, “Now I’m going to make something to eat, want some?”
Of course they wanted some, food was important. They continued to ask questions about the ghost, but Wild didn’t answer, he didn’t feel like it. Maybe in like, two days he would. But for now, he just wanted to eat some Vegetable Risotto, maybe with a few Endura Carrots thrown in as well. Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to deal with that Ghost King again anytime soon. At least, hopefully not before this time traveling adventure ends.
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thegr33nc0met · 5 months
Yandere Husk who’s liked reader for a while (transmasc reader) where reader gets tipsy and giggly and does the thing (“heyyyy, hey! Guess what!? I like Husk but shhhhh 🤫 don’t tell him! It’s a secret!”) and he’s just ??? bc he didn’t think they liked him like that (they are good at hiding feelings)
Also general HCs would be nice 👀😙
Thx, hope ya have a great day!
Yandere Husker Headcanons ♥︎
TAGS/WARNINGS: NSFW, Yandere behavior, TransMasc!Reader, murder, scenting??, messy bulletpoint headcanons, other character cameos, alastor being alastor, not beta read
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♥︎ the first time Husk saw you was while he was an overlord. he was at a bar or casino, gambling away as one does - when he saw you.
♥︎ let’s get one thing straight: Husk doesn’t believe in love at first sight. but when he saw you, he felt his face heat up (unpleasantly, might I add) and his heart thump sickeningly against his ribs. at that time, you worked at said bar.
♥︎ Husk wouldn’t approach you immediately. even while he’s an overlord, in the mentality of “I get what I want when I want”, he’s still him. He doesn’t believe in love, and he doesn’t do one night stands. so it’s… difficult for him to get to you.
♥︎ so he does the next best thing - stalking watching you of course! it starts off small; watching you from across the room, glancing up at you from his cards every few minutes. he’ll be there before you clock in, and he’ll watch when you clock out and follow you when you walk to your car. he’ll start to sit closer to the bar every night. he’ll have his men act as discreet bodyguards for you, just making sure you’re safe and keeping tabs on you without the effort of him trying to talk to you. sometimes he’ll go himself, watching from a safe distance while you’re at the grocery store or your preferred restaurant with friends.
♥︎ he’s gone into your apartment a few times. he likes to look through your jewelry, admiring a few of the simple chains he’s seen you wear. he puts one on and wears it while he roams the rooms, always making sure to put everything back exactly where it was found. he’ll snoop through your pantry to see what kind of snacks you like or if you’re running low on food. his favourite thing though is stuffing his face into your dirty laundry hamper. he hadn’t meant to the first time, per say — he just smelt you and followed the scent. he sits there as long as he can, crouched on the floor with his face rubbing against your clothes, purring up a storm (though he’d deny it until the day he double-dies). he has to be very careful not to leave any fur behind.
♥︎ one time when you’re put on waiter duty, you serve his table. he can’t bare to take his eye off of you, in your stupid apron and black slacks and black button up that was undone just enough for his to see the margin of flesh between your neck and chest—
♥︎ for fucks sake, he felt like a hormonal teenager as he ripped his gaze away. it was just skin. as you place the mugs down on the table, his eyes slowly drifted back up to you. he noticed you were wearing one of your chains - his favourite chain on you. he clears his throat, leaning back and swinging an arm over the back of his chair as he gazes up at you with half lidded eyes.
“so, what’s a guy like you doing in a place like this?” he asks sleazily. you pause for a moment, so briefly that no one would have noticed if they weren’t watching you.
“working,” you reply firmly as you place the last mug down, being used to mediocre pick up lines from equally mediocre men. you didn’t care that he was an overlord. you were working, and it wasn’t worth it.
his heart sunk at your tone. he immediately straightened up. he didn’t say much else the rest of the night.
♥︎ he did get braver the next night, sitting right at the bar. you tried to ignore him really, only taking his order before busying yourself with other customers and anything else you could think of. it was a slow night, so when you wiped down the same glass for the fourth time in an attempt to look busy, he struck up a conversation. you were only slightly annoyed at first, but he was charming. he remembered one of the posters on your wall from your apartment and casually brought it up into the conversation, trying to learn your likes interests. you two quickly became close after that. he loves to hear you ramble about the shows you watch or the music you like.
♥︎ if anyone hit on you at work or made you uncomfortable, they were quick to disappear. you did notice the low growl in Husk’s throat when a shark demon hit on you one time, but you chose to ignore it.
♥︎ he sat at the bar every night, letting you watch his poker games when you weren’t too busy. he was a winner, a certain gleeful glint in his eye whenever he beat someone.
♥︎ but as we all know, he didn’t always win. your heart sank when you realized what happened, The Radio Demon’s smile wider than when he first approached.
♥︎ you didn’t see Husk again after that. for a very long time. not like you cared much, though! it’s not like you were starting to care about him or anything!!! nuh uh no way no sir not me.
♥︎ you see a hiring advertisement on a flyer for the Happy Hazbin Hotel, so you show up, hoping they take walk-ins. you hesitantly knocked on the front door, hearing what could only be the sound of… hoofs..? clopping closer from inside the hotel. the intricately designed door quickly swung open and you were face to face with the Princess of Hell herself, Charlie Morningstar, greeting you with a blinding smile.
“hi, i saw a hiring advertisem—“ before you can finish, you’re being yanked through the threshold.
“ohmygoodnessitssonicetomeetyou!wehaventhadanyonerespondtoouradvertisements—” she rambled at the speed of light, practically bouncing up and down as she pulled you farther into the foyer. she quickly started introducing you to every her eyes landed on - Vaggie, Pentious, Niffty, and…
his back was turned to you, wiping down a glass, but you could recognize his fur anywhere.
as you stepped closer, he could smell your familiar pheromones. it hit him like a punch in the nose. he paused his ministrations on the cup, whipping his head around in the direction of your scent.
“Husk?” you say softly, his yellow eyes wide as he stares at you, disbelief written all over him.
♥︎ your absence was not… taken well when he first had to leave. with the mix of losing you and his soul being tied to the infamous Radio Demon, he lost himself. he became more dependent on booze and his entire personality was like it was zapped to nothing. he just felt numb and mildly irritated from time to time.
♥︎ a tired smile broke out across his face. it was like a warmth was lit in his eyes, a warmth no one else had seen before. “hey, kid,” he said, his smooth voice soothing.
♥︎ so of course you got the job. especially after Charlie saw Husk light up at the sight of you. she hoped your presence would help warm him up to the rest of the group.
♥︎ everyday during your lunch break was spent sitting at the bar. it felt different with him being behind the bar instead of you. you spent everyday catching each other up on how you’ve both been the past few years. it was difficult for him to open up, even to you. Angel Dust and Sir Pentious would join the two of you every so often. you pretended not to notice Husk’s shift in demeanor when Angel would flirt with you. obviously you shut the spider down every time, which leads to a beautiful friendship.
♥︎ so the thing is with Angel Dust, it doesn’t matter how good you are at hiding your feelings - he can sniff out sexual tension like a detection dog.
Husk notices you and Angel getting closer. he tries not to get jealous. he really does because Angel is his friend.
but you’re so much more.
♥︎ Husk wants you all to himself. everyday when your shift at the hotel ends is the time of the day he most dreads. what if you’re going back to a partner? wouldn’t you have told him that though? he couldn’t be sure. so Husk, using his wise old bartender role, encourages you to move into the hotel. it would be free of charge, and plus, potential redemption involved AND more time with your friends.
so ofc you listen to him. just for the free rent. not to be closer to him nuh no way☝️
besides, living in the hotel is easier than worrying about your apartment getting broken into or blown up everyday.
♥︎ no matter how many times you tell yourself you didn’t miss him that much or that you’re only moving into the hotel for the free rent, your feelings betray you. every time you sit at the bar, you feel your face heat up and heart beat sporadically. but you easily keep it hidden beneath the surface, making sure your voice doesn’t waver and your gaze doesn’t linger. you try to keep conversation as normal as possible, avoiding any flirty remarks your heart (and other parts) is begging you to say. you didn’t want to risk making him uncomfortable and losing him. you weren’t even sure if he’d go for a guy or even a trans guy for that matter. so you, uncommittedly, decided to keep things platonic.
♥︎ Angel nearly lost his mind watching the two of you interact. in private he’d encourage you to go for it. you relayed your worries to him and even though he wanted to go full middle school mode and tell Husk you liked him for you, you made him promise he wouldn’t.
♥︎ one night after work, you’re sitting at the bar. maybe it’s been a long day or maybe you’re just not keeping track of how much you’re drinking, but it gets you to the point of loopy giggling. you’re all smiley towards Husk as he pours you another drink, cackling out a slurred “thank you, my liege.”
he just watches you, trying to contain the toothy grin that threatens to overtake his moody demeanor.
“ughhhhh, husk is so hot,” you sighed out. the cat man nearly choked on his own spit when the words spewed from your drunken mouth. you reached forward from your swivel seat, leaning over the bar and grabbing the poor confused old man’s face. your vision swam as you attempted to make eye contact.
“hey, guess what? i like Husk, but shhhhhh,” you slurred, pressing your index finger over his lips. “shush, don’t tell him. it’s a secret,” you said, deadly serious, before breaking out into a fit of giggles. he’s staring at you with pure awe and shock, admiring your flushed face and blown eyes. he couldn’t help but smirk then, letting his demeanor crack just a little.
“sure, kid. i’ll keep your secret,” he says before swiping your glass and leaving it to the side for later (definitely not gonna lick the rim where your mouth was). “alright, let’s get you to bed,” he said, walking out from behind the bar and reaching for you.
“noooooooooo,” you whined, laying your head down on the bar.
but he ignores your protests, looping his arm around your back and under your arms to keep you steady as he guides you to your room. he’ll gently lay you down and take your shoes off for you and waits to leave til you fall asleep before leaving some advil and a cup of water on your night stand for you (he definitely doesn’t steal some random junk out of your trash nope).
♥︎ the next morning (afternoon, really) after you’ve sobered up and gotten your hangover under control, is awkward to say the least. you try to avoid him after the embarrassing revealment of your feelings for the man, but it’s hard to do when you’re literally working just across the room from him.
♥︎ the two of you eventually talk when you decide to put on your big boy pants and be mature about the situation (aka when Husk notices your change in behavior and corners you). it’s at first an awkward and uncomfortable conversation, but once he admits his feelings, things get a little easier. he doesn’t tell you how he’s been obsessed with you since day one, though. that is something that will take years of building trust (and assurance you won’t leave him) for him to ever tell you. but for now, you settle on a first date to a quiet little restaurant.
♥︎ if Husk didn’t know you were trans before you two started dating, he genuinely would not care once you told him. i don’t think gender is something that plays a role in his attraction to people, like i’m pretty sure he’s pan. not that he’d ever put a label on it. all that to say, that doesn’t mean he would fully understand. he’s an older guy and he’s seen a lot of different people, but he’d still need a little help figuring stuff out and try to be a little more sensitive and aware of gender and sexuality.
also i think if you do testosterone injections that he would help you if that’s something you’d want. i think he’d be curious about it either way, where the to take injections, cream, or the pill.
♥︎ as stated before, Husk really loves your scent. your natural scent. if you’re the type of guy that wears super strong axe or old spice with names like “manly musk” or “sasquatch semen” he is pouring that shit down the drain and tagging along next time you go shopping in hopes of encouraging you to pick something a little bit less strong for his sensitive nose (or try to get you to ditch it altogether lmao).
he takes every chance to bury his nose in your neck and inhale your pheromones. when you two cuddle together, his nostrils are basically suctioned to your flesh. he loves sleeping in your bed rather than his own because it smells entirely of you. he purrs so loud when he gets to lay with his face against your skin.
i also think that because he’s a cat, he scents you. like he’ll rub his face against your jaw and wrists. he wants others to know you’re his and he is yours. just know that you two will always smell like each other you cannot get away from it✋
♥︎ as for other physical touch, i think he’s very casually affectionate. he’ll keep a steadying hand on your back or firmly hold your hand in his. he expects you to accept this touch but is a little bit of a hypocrite because he’ll stiffen his posture at an unexpected touch from you and it’ll take a moment for him to relax.
all wings in the hellaverse are sensitive idc idc. like the softest touch to his wings will get him squirming around trying to keep his breathing under control. the most sensitive part is where the wings meet his back. if you’re giving him a massage and touch there, you’ll have him grunting and groaning beneath you, gripping at the sheets of your bed.
♥︎ i can’t explain it but i just feel it in my heart of hearts that Husk is an incredible kisser. he knows when to be gentle or when to be rough. he knows how and when to use his tongue👀
♥︎ he’s a switch i’m sorry i legally have to speak my truth and push the switch Husk agenda. i think Husk is pretty vanilla, but he’s very open to trying stuff out with you. he makes up for his vanilla preferences by being the best with his tongue and fingers. that man is a master of cards and you think he’s not gonna be good with his hands?? for shame…
♥︎ he’s a groaner, y’all. i don’t think he’d be super loud. he’d be too prideful and cover his mouth with his hands if he thought he was being loud, muttering a soft “fuck…” under his breath. but that isn’t anything you can’t fix hint hint wink wink.
♥︎ like i said before, if you get hit on or someone makes you uncomfortable, then he takes them out. it used to be behind your back, but if you two are out and someone tries flirting with you or disrespects you, he’ll knock ‘em straight in the jaw before a card is flying into their eye. he is very protective. you are his top priority. he’ll do everything in his power to make sure you’re safe.
in the same vein of protection, Husk will often wrap his wings around you to shield you. he likes doing it when you’re walking side by side, hand in hand. even if it makes you anxious because it blocks your peripheral vision, he promises to keep you safe and that it gives him peace of mind.
♥︎ he still continues his weird, secretive behavior after you two get together. he still stuffs his face in your laundry when you’re not there and he’ll put on your jewelry (but never asks to borrow it?? for some reason???) until he hears you coming up the hall and he’s scrambling to put it back in place before greeting you at the door with a tender kiss.
♥︎ 1000x more cautious with alastor. husk knows anything he does around the deer man also affects you and your safety. so even when he wants to scream his head off and grab the Radio Demon by his lapels, he only takes a few (million) steadying breaths and does as he’s told.
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aight that’s all i could think of. I’M SO AORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO PUBLISH!!!!! i have the attention span of an amoeba so it took me some effort to sit down and write.
also! to everyone else that sent in requests before this one, I STILL PLAN TO WRITE THEM! I’ve just been fixated on Hazbin Hotel and felt the urge to write this first.
n e way… hope y’all enjoyed!!🫶
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rainbowchaox · 11 months
Purgatory Pissa Masterpost Part 1:
Look guys Missa hasn’t streamed again since day 1 of the event! So I was thinking to make it easier for artists and fic writers to remember canon moments. And I am HAVING thoughts. And feeling the need to yet again be “normal” about my favorite cubitos.
Let’s be honest. Philza was so happy to see Missa was online it was adorable. In Philza POV he practically started the zooming into Missa from the top of the wall. HUSBAND SPOTTED! And the amount of joy between them seeing each other again! THEY MISSED EACH OTHER SO MUCH!!!
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Then Missa! Finally got a little brave and practically demanded Philza to give him a HUG. And guys I squealed watching it live. And philza immediately GAVE his husband a hug. And then tubbo immediately was like “are you guys gonna kiss and shit?” And PHILZA broke. Like HMMM why you hesitating why the confusion. Like DO YOU WANNA KISS HIM YOU REPRESSED CROW-
Then we also have to talk about THAT scene. The scene where quite frankly Missa just stared at his husband pecs as Philza canonically flexed- causing Philza to quickly get shy. Missa is so down bad that even I was like “MISSA PLEASE!”. This is the same man in the same stream where he legit called a painting of Philza “papacito” which I learned is like the Spanish version of “daddy”. Which Missa was very judged by his own chat for. It was hilarious. Cubito Missa was a different breed of simping and yearning this stream. I wish I made all of this up, but nope IT HAPPENED CANONICALLY. AND THEY EXPECT ME TO BE NORMAL?!?
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But what everyone should focus on the most is when cucurocho said quesadilla island was a paradise. Mr Simpfonia himself immediately agreed because and I quote “Philza is here”. THIS IS BIG! Because EVEN Missa knows the island is horrible. Chayanne is gone for Void Sakes. BUT ITS PARADISE TO MISSA BECAUSE HE LOVES PHILZA- I’m so normal about this dudes. Because even spiderbit can’t say the island is paradise because they met each other on the island, but Missa casually says it like it didn’t rewrite pissa warriors brain chemistry. Something something Philza is comfort and safety to Missa. He loves Philza so much. Truly a bleeding heart with loyalty so strong it’s titanium.
And can we all talk about how Philza when they were separated waved goodbye to Missa when Missa back was turned? Philza doesn’t show affection through words. But by actions. Something something he is already missing Missa. The tsundere crow. JUST ADMIT YOU LOVE HIM-
Also Missa before all of this showing off his aquarium apartment. And casually says “The point is so Philza doesn’t notice so we can stay close to him” BITCH ITS PHILZA AND MISSA FOR A REASON! Did you forget the double bed?!?!!!? Pissa love each other so much it’s slowly becoming a obsession. Not to mention mISSA in general hauntings Philza thoughts (dude checked the map to see Missa when he died-) we get it Philza you love him and are sad you got spilt up. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE YOU NEVER GET TO SEE YOU HUSBAND AND MISS HIM-
Another great moment is when Missa heard his own team mates saw Philza and immediately was possessive and protective DESPITE THEM ACTUALLY BEING ON ENEMY SIDES was like “No don’t hurt my man”. Missa wants his husband to be safe. And nice to know his possessive streak is healthy as ever. Philza is HIS man. I swear Missa we get it- YOU LOVE HIM. THEY MAKE ME CRAZY. And guys it was a experience watching Missa POV. Because he was ignoring all the death and chaos in the chat BUT the moment when Missa saw Philza die his whole face changed expressions. Philza was the only death he reacted too I ain’t lying.
Now for the best part of the stream, Missa causally entered the VC of red team. And I quote “I’m not part of your team but I wanna tell you I love you guys”. PHILZA IMMEDIATELY SAID I LOVE YOU BACK. Of course everyone else was suspicious of Missa being so nice and called him a manipulator while Philza immediately was like “No he wouldn’t do that”. PHILZA TRUSTS MISSA SO MUCH-
LIKE WE UNDERSTAND! You guys are always on each other minds. We were fed so much! And I can’t wait to see what other cute pissa moments we get in the future- I hope you enjoyed my rambling essay. I feel like there should be a masterpost of pissa moments in case anyone needed a refresher! Will make Part 2 once we get more cute pissa moments!
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xiaosonlybeloved · 11 months
Hi! Saw your requests were open and I wanted to ask for Heizou and the Hanahaki prompt, please? 🙏🏼 you try your best to hide it from him but being the genius detective he is, he figures it out. I’d love to see how you write it!
Melancholy -Heizou
featuring:- Shikanoin Heizou, fem!reader, brief mentions of Kujou Sara tags:- Hanahaki AU, angst, hurt/no comfort, brief mentions of blood a/n:- im so so sorry anon for writing this so late! But here you go, and i hope you like it :) thank u for requesting! (i think it would kill me to actually write fluff for once)(also if i made a taglist, would you guys sign up?) wc:- 2.5k
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‘He knew.’ You realised with a sinking heart as his firm eyes searched yours for answers, a hint of disbelief and concern in them. He’d figured it out.
Everything started out small. It always does.
For you, it started the very day you two met, little by little. You’d needed someone to help you find and retrieve some books from your treasured collection that had gone missing, and good old Detective Heizou was the one assigned to help you.
He didn’t take long to draw you in. The charisma and confidence in his voice, the intelligence and wit sparkling in his eyes with a hint of mischief, the amusement dancing subtly across his face. Everything about him pulled you deeper in. Not to mention, you were incredibly impressed at how efficient he was at his job, despite his carefree, playful attitude- within 24 hours, each and every one of the missing books had been neatly stacked in a pile along with an apology letter from the thief, and Heizou had returned them to you, with that charmingly cocky grin of his. You’d thanked him profusely then, and he’d waved it off as just helping out a bit. He even refused to take payment, insisting that if you really wanted, you could repay him with a nice lunch or dinner.
Since then, your ‘friendship’ with Heizou only grew.with time.The next time you met, it was an accidental encounter in the streets of Inazuma, and then you’d repaid him with that promised lunch. After that, you two just seemed to bump into each other more often, or perhaps you both just noticed each other both. More than a year passed, and you two were fast friends.
Just friends.
You didn’t know when those pesky feelings started to develop, but they did, taking root in your heart like a bug. And your poor heart cracked a bit more everytime Heizou called you his best friend with a grin, or when he casually flirted with random people, your emotions covered with an airy smile that betrayed none of what you felt, unfortunately for you. If only he knew…
“[Y/NNNN]!” Heizou called over to you with a grin as you stood talking to the owner of one of the flower shops in Inazuma, running over as if to give you some great news. Your heart jumped a bit to see him again, even if it had only been less than a day since you last saw him. “What is it now, ‘Zou?” you chuckled. “Which uncrackable case have you cracked now?” He stopped right in front of you, breathless. “Guess what? Kujou Sara confessed to me! Can you believe it? The high and mighty, proud general Sara?” He was laughing. 
You raised an eyebrow, trying to mask your surprise and disappointment. She got there first, huh? “Well? What did you say?” “I said yes, of course. Now boom, we’re dating.” Heizou replied easily.
You took in a deep breath, feeling like a hundred knives had been stabbed into you. But you needed to hide it, because Heizou was still looking at you expectantly, awaiting your response.
You’d always be his best friend. Not his lover.
This cold truth seemed to sink into your heart, as you controlled your facial expressions, making an excited smile that probably seemed very fake to the sharp eyes of someone like Heizou. You quickly followed it up. “Dang, I never thought I’d live to see the day when you actually dated someone! Man alive, am I surprised.” Heizou laughed again, his eyes crinkling, driving the wedge deeper into your heart. “Never thought I would too.” Then looking at his phone, he apparently remembered something as he quickly said, “Oh darn, I totally forgot I had to meet up with a client right now. See ya around, [Y/N]!”
You smiled sadly as he ran away, your heartbreak now visible on your face. You return your attention to the store owner who looks at you curiously. “Sorry, Ma’am, but I won’t be needing the flowers anymore. Could you please cancel my order?” The lady looked at you in sympathy as she nodded, probably having figured out who you were planning to confess to.
Back at home, you suddenly doubled over in a coughing fit, your lungs hurting.
You’d stayed holed up at home for the next few days. Believe it or not, it actually wasn’t because of your broken heart. You’d fallen ill, and it greatly annoyed you. You kept coughing your throat out, and it wasn’t stopping. You did go about your normal routine for the first few days after Heizou told you, but then it got bad and you started staying home. Your friends often visited you, keeping you company. With their presence, you did seem to get a bit better.
So why was it that Heizou coming over out of concern for you always made you cough more?
One evening, he’d come over like always, with some medicines this time for bad coughs. Looking at his worried face at your deteriorating health, you wondered just how cruel it was for him to be always looking out for you, never knowing what you felt for him or what being with him did to you. 
Unfortunately, it was in front of him that your illness grew worse- you started coughing out blood, him panicked and trying to help you. 
Once you were temporarily better, he was insistent on staying the night with you to make sure that you didn’t get worse, but you made him leave reluctantly to get some rest. Immediately, you seemed to breathe a bit easier, even though your throat felt like there were vines practically growing in it. With that came an inkling suspicion of why you weren’t getting better. But it couldn’t be that, right? 
Then, a week later, you coughed out your first petal, confirming your worst fears.
Purple hyacinths were known to mean sorrow, longing, etc. 'How fitting.' You thought bitterly as you ruminated upon your less-than-ideal situation. You’d known for a while now that you held strong feelings for Heizou, but you never thought it would actually develop into Hanahaki. Damn it… What do you do now? You had to at least confess to Heizou for a chance at surviving, no matter how slim. But that would be very hard to do, considering he’s literally dating. That thought brought a bitter taste in your mouth. The other option would be to get the surgery, but it would mean removing Heizou from your life for good, but you weren’t quite keen on doing that. If not… You’d die.
No. You would most certainly not allow yourself to die for a failed love. Sure, you really loved him, but there was no point in throwing away your life for someone. 
As you were thinking about this, there came a series of soft but strong knocks at your door. With a sigh, you dragged yourself down the stairs to see the visitor, noting that the knocks didn’t sound like Heizou’s or anyone else. 
When you see the person at your doorstep, your eyes light up after a long while. “Kokomi!” You exclaim as you run to hug your old friend. You’d been forced to part with her after you shifted from Watatsumi Island to Narukami Island, but you’d regularly kept in touch. Kokomi frowned as you led her into your home. “You’re ill, aren’t you?” “Yes indeed, Doctor Kokomi.” You tried to joke. Kokomi narrowed her eyes at you. “You smell of blood. What sickness do you have? I can heal you.”
You hesitate for a moment, unsure of whether to tell her or not. Not because you don’t trust her- she’s probably your most trusted confidante apart from Heizou, but because you’re a bit afraid of her reaction. With a sigh, you say, “Hanahaki.”
You could see it in the way her eyes fell. “Who is it? Heizou?” She asked, immediately understanding. You sighed in affirmation. “Can you heal me?” This time, it was Kokomi who was hesitant as she responded, “... I do know how to conduct the surgery, but there’s no other way out unless you confess and he accepts.” You grimaced. “Can you please keep this a secret from Heizou for now? I’m still thinking on what to do.” She nodded, looking resigned, but said, ”Alright, but you need to decide fast. To me, it looks like your illness is already quite severe. There is a certain stage beyond which the surgery cannot be conducted and the only option is to confess or die.” You nodded. “Thank you so much, Kokomi.” A while later, after you two had caught up with other topics, she left to go to the hotel she was staying at, giving you her address and telling her to come see you immediately if anything happened, along with some medicines for delaying the growth of the hanahaki.
While you were chatting with Kokomi, Heizou was flipping through books on diseases and illnesses. Needless to say, he was worried sick on seeing that it had been weeks and your condition had only grown worse. 
On a different note, he had just broken up with Kujou Sara that morning. Things just weren’t working out, and he wasn’t interested anyways- he just wanted to try things out. So now, he had more time to find something to cure you. 
He groaned as he went through the list of symptoms. He had a feeling that he knew what was wrong with her, but he was too afraid to admit it. ‘Heavy persistent coughs that slowly deteriorate to frequent bloody coughs, along with a feeling of being unable to breathe. In the last stage, which is almost certainly fatal during the later phase, the victim coughs out flower petals symbolic of their situation, along with blood. When the flower petals change into full blooms, the surgery cannot be conducted anymore, and the disease becomes fatal.’
His heart sank- his worst fear had been confirmed. You had hanahaki. He hadn’t yet seen you cough out flower petals though- so there was still time. He’d talk to you about it today, unsure of whether you knew about Hanahaki or not. 
He also wondered who it was who was dumb enough to not accept or return your feelings. He would, in a jiffy.
You sigh a little, enjoying the cool breeze hitting your face after so long. You were going over to pay Kokomi a visit, taking this as an excuse to get out of your house, which had started to feel cramped and stuffy. But of course, your moment of pleasure just had to be interrupted by another bout of flowery coughs as you hurried into some street corner to ensure that no one sees it. As you hurriedly stuff the purple flower petals with red, bloody edges into a bag you were carrying, a voice calls out to you that made dread settle in your heart.
Heizou stands there, staring directly at you and the bloody purple petals in your hands. 
‘He knew.’ You realised with a sinking heart as his firm eyes searched yours for answers, a hint of disbelief and concern in them. He’d figured it out.
“You didn’t tell me it had gotten this bad.” Heizou said quietly, stepping closer to you. “I didn’t want you to know.” You murmured a response, looking down at your feet to avoid his stare, his eyes still looking at you in disbelief. “Why? Why, [Y/N], why? Who is this person?” 
You gulp under his stare as you debate whether to tell him or not. Yes, you knew he was dating Sara but still… You were on your way to Kokomi’s anyways. The opportunity had presented itself, you should take it. 
“It’s you, Heizou. You’re the one I love.” you whisper as you look up to meet his gaze.
You wish you hadn’t. Then you wouldn’t have seen the way the disbelief in his eyes changed into shock, surprise, and denial.
It was clear as day to you- Heizou didn’t return your feelings, you were dumb for thinking you had a chance.
You ran past him straight to Kokomi’s, wanting to escape. On the way, you could feel another round of flowers coming up your throat, but you held them down till you reached your destination.
Meanwhile Heizou stood still, shocked at what had transpired, a hand outstretched in the direction you had ran.
It was him.
As his brain finally processed things, he was still in disbelief and shock. He had been smart enough to figure out that you had hanahaki, but much too dumb to realise who it was directed towards. It was then that he forced his body to run, to search for you.
Late into the night, he still had no idea where you went, as he stood in the desolate streets of Inazuma, hands clenched.
More than a year had passed since then, and he had no clue of your whereabouts, or if you were even alive or dead. Everytime he thought of you, regret and guilt filled him as he cursed himself out.. If only he’d told her his feelings instead of hiding them like an idiot. If only he’d run after her immediately. If only he’d figured out your feelings faster. If only, if only…
He was in Watatsumi Island for a new case, although his efficiency at work had decreased over the last year. He thought he might as well take some time off for himself, give himself some time to recuperate quietly. 
But it seemed fate had other plans for him, as his eyes fell upon a figure in the woods of Watatsumi Island, one more than familiar to him.
His heart jumped into his throat as the figure straightened, then turned to look at him. “...[Y/N]?” He ran towards you to engulf you in a hug, but stopped short on seeing the expression on your face. There was curiosity, but not an inkling of recognition.
Ah. So that’s why he didn’t see you anymore. You’d taken the surgery and moved out.
“Oh, do I know you? May I help you? I see you are new here.” You said with a kind, polite smile, the one that you usually reserved for strangers.
His heart and fists clenched as he realised that you had no idea who he was anymore. As he realised that once again, he was too late.
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Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening me (platonic)
Tagged: @the-dumber-scaramouche (asked to be tagged and I shall do so for the next parts)
Gonna do a chapter for each round of Ragnarok
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Within an arena that touches the clouds
Ancient stone’s that laid untouched for centuries and stood strong against the tests of time
Lays the new battleground that shall determine humanity’s fate
And in it is also you
There’s still at least a month of preparation and training before the events actually start but despite that it’s filled with hustle and bustle
Gods and humans fill the halls
Some of who you even recognize and give you happy waves and pull you aside for saying hi
It’s surprisingly nice despite the circumstances
It’s been so long that people of all kind had been gathered to such an occasion
But as minutes ticked on
And you got some of your favourite snacks due to the large concession stands with various amounts of food from various places
You end up heading deeper into the building
It thins out and you end up at the area for the human fighters
And then you open up the door to the lounge area where you see the faces of several people you recognize
And a few you hadn’t had the pleasure of yet meeting until this point
“Hello everyone, some of you may recognize me and some I haven’t yet met. I’ve gone by many names but just call me y/n”
Of the few you didn’t initially recognize in the man with shirt golden hair
Oh and no clothes with only a leaf covering his di-
Unlike the others you weren’t really shaken by his lack of clothes
During your long life you’d seen much of the human body
Your desensitized to it so you go up and give the man a hardy handshake and he does so back
Turns out he’s Adam
The first human
Father to the entirety of the human race as you knew it
Adam in all ways encompasses what you believe are humanity’s strong suits
He is kind and compassionate
Along with determined to protect not only his people but also his family
Your upfront with not being a human and being created by a god but Adam doesn’t see you any differently
Your like him and Eve
Created by the gods themselves
The only difference is that your creator cared
You didn’t notice it at first but he slowly finds himself caring for you as if you were is own child
A sentiment that had surprisingly has only happened till now
Despite your thousands of years of living this is the first time you’ve been adopted
Like there was one time you were training with Lü Bu and got injured
You were in the process of healing it before he stopped the fight and pulled you aside to check if you were ok
He seemingly forgot you can’t really die and had panicked thinking the wound would kill you
Even started getting out the gauze and glaring at the laughing general before you explained you were alright
He isn’t embarrassed though
Even keeps wrapping the wound just in case
It feels nice to be cared for in such a way
You love your father Hephaestus very much but it’s also nice having another father figure in your life
Both treat you in a caring and gentle way
As if you were glass or some ancient artifact
(Technically you were one and so was he)
Adam also introduces you to his Wife and Sons who welcome you to their small but loving family
Eve is affectionate and loving
Always showering you with praise as you show off your abilities or knowledge
She makes sure your well fed despite not needing food
And she can’t help but pinch your cheeks
As the only mother figure in your long life she takes it in pride
Oftentimes dragging you away from training to smother you in care and compliment about how your such a brave soul
Despite replying you don’t have one she disagrees
Saying that in her mind you don’t need one to have one (if that makes any sense)
You’d rather not admit it but you melt at her affection
She’s in every sense of the word warm
It reminds you of those cold winters night where you’d end up by the fire
Or a nice summer’s breeze
Adam seems to find the sight funny since your a immortal being
One who’s walked the earth for more years than people can imagine and yet his wife was reduce you to figurative mush when she pays your head and calls you a nickname
Someone that has seen both the good and bad of humanity time and time again
That is now helping her bake a pie as his sons argue about what was a better nickname for you
It’s odd to people looking in but makes sense to everyone in this small bubble
Cain and Abel are rambunctious but loveable brothers
They like to cheer you on and playfully fight with you
One or the other usually has an arm wrapped around your shoulder as they laugh at some joke the other made
The two have a lot of petty squabbles that you now end up being in the middle of
It’s fun
Especially since most conflict in your time has always resulted in heavy bloodshed
Whilst theirs is light hearted and leads to one proclaiming victory as the other sulks in the corner
Both love hearing your stories
Even more so about how the world has evolved so drastically
It’s fascinating to them both especially as so many places developed their own cultures that are so different from the others
As the arena begins to fill and time ticks down for the event to start the three of you end up buying shit tons of food
All of which are from different times periods and places for them to try
It ends up becoming a fun game for them as they guess the Irgun of which country the snack came from
Which leads to you then explaining its history
Neither would admit it but both had glared at quite a few people when they stared at you with a certain gaze
It happens enough times that both kinda now go on figurative guard duty when walking about with you
Admittedly they know you can definitely handle yourself
But your now their big sibling
And that means no creep is gonna be messing with you
Especially since you seem to attract quite a few weirdo’s due to your ageless beauty that leaves you stuck looking at least 25
You definitely pull the “older sibling card” a lot on their asses
Which makes both their father and mother laugh
They are the complete family you never had
Full of warmth and laughter as Adam looks on with a proud smile
Though Adam hates the gods he finds Hephaestus to be an exception once he does meet the man
For your father is cordial and kind to both him, his family, you and the other fighters
As you, Cain, Abel and Eve cook dinner he pulls the god aside
And both talk as they look upon the sight of Abel and Cain having a playful battle as you laugh with Eve
It makes the god tear up a bit
Happy that the man had given you what he couldn’t provide you with
Adam in return thanks Hephaestus for creating such a wonderful person and caring for humanity
And Hephaestus thanks Adam for giving you the full family he couldn’t provide
It’s something odd to say the least especially as Adam can’t help but give him a handshake and invite him to stay for dinner
Your father agrees, sitting down beside you at the dinner table as Eve pulls out his seat for him with a kind smile
Cain and Abel immediately begin asking the forging god questions making him laugh at their enthusiasm
They make him feel welcome
At home
Who knew that away from his lonesome forge would he find a place that accepted him
Humanity’s first humans to be even more ironic
Adam offers the god an apple which appears from the sky and he accepts it
Soon laughing as he bites into its flesh saying that it’s a bit bitter for his taste
Lü Bu had been a figure you had heard about but had actually never had the chance to meet
So it’s safe to say your rather excited
And he doesn’t let you down in any shape, way or form
He’s battle hungry just like a certain Norse deity who you luckily hadn’t run into yet
He makes for a good training partner
Especially since he pushes you to your limits and has you focus on your main strength without relying on your powers
It often leads to many cuts and bruises but a sense of accomplishment filling you
Something that hadn’t happened in a long time
And you suspect it hadn’t happened to him either from the barbaric smirk that stretches across his face
100% the dude who breaks down your door at 3 am to ask you about stuff you’ve seen or experienced
You don’t really sleep so you don’t mind but you are concerned for poor Cheng who was dragged along half asleep
He finds your stories of war fascinating especially at the mention of things like guns and cannons
You feel as if compared to the rest he doesn’t care about how things had advanced
If it isn’t weapon related
It’s odd to you that he’s purely driven by battle
But you aren’t the one to judge so you stick to what he likes
Some part of you keeps your friendship with him at a relative distance
Partially due to your experience with befriending men like him
Those who are hungry like him are always unsatisfied
It leads them to more and more bloodshed
And though your are no innocent person you don’t like battle that includes bystanders
His army on the other hand are some that you befriend
Cheng especially since despite being a solider he is a man of good heart and honour
How the young man found himself in Lü Bu’s army
Unlike his superior he finds your stories of the future fascinating
Especially as the world leads to more peaceful times
You drink with him and the other soldiers and sing songs with them that had long been forgotten
Kojiro is actually someone you’d only met once but it’s certainly a sight to see him again
Despite how everyone else appears as younger versions of themselves he’s old and grey
A sight of which makes you giggle a bit as you greet him once again
Despite meeting him once you both greet each other like old friends
Which others look your ways confused especially as you both explain that he asked for a battle and you royally kicked him ass
You both can remember it like yesterday
A lone mountainside road on a mid autumn’s day
A breeze making the veil trailing you flutter in the wind as you ready a weapon against him who smiles
Knowing he’ll lose but elated anyways
And when he fell against the ground with a few seconds of challenging you he laughs with that of pure joy
You both went your separate ways afterwards and now reunited
Like that day oh so long ago the two of you train often
Helping him brush up on his skills and get better as he sees how much you’d experienced since then
All these battle leave you and him winded but smiling
Laughter filling the training ground as the two of you sit down and have some tea
Adam patching up the old swordsman as you share stories to distract him
Fresh brewed tea being sipped as techniques of how he could improve are shared
Most would find this somewhat demeaning but he just smiles
Saying how he’ll take it to mind next time or chuckling as he says “I knew I should’ve used a better stance”
He ends up hanging around the other Japanese contestants quite a bit
Partially due to the shared culture but also since he can better recognize their fighting
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t mingle outside them
Qin shi Huang is someone he ends up befriending along with Adam and Simo
He enjoys modern day snacks and foods but holds a soft spot for spicy foods
Which leads to you and him having competitions as Eve makes some extra spicy foods for the two of you to gobble down
He won’t admit it but he finds it nice that you remembered him of all people
You’d met so many amazing and interesting people in your life yet you greet him like a friend despite meeting once
Despite him being the best known loser in history (a title in which you argue with him over)
Out of most of them your actually quite happy to introduce him to you father who he regards with respect
The grey haired man greeting the ash tinged and ember trailing man who created you
Both eat sweets with bean paste and talk as you leave them to their own
Much like mythology and history both are looked down upon and both have taken different ways to deal with it
You now find the older appearing man conversing with your father or getting him some food he’d thought he’d like
It’s sweet
The moment you introduced yourself to the newcomers and walked through that door Qin shi Huang is basically throwing himself at you
Your welcome your old friend with open arms
Letting him swing you around in joy as the former emperor and you laugh in joy
His eyes traveling down to the bracelet still tethered to your wrist, as beautiful as the day he gifted it
Throughout the entire tournament and it’s wait time your old friend sticks with you
Much like his time alive he is boisterous and prideful but his company was one that you had missed for many millennia
Through you he learns of what happened to his empire
How it continued on into a nation that still lasts even today as other crumbled
How his army of terracotta soldiers still stand to guard him in death and the wall despite its age has yet to fall
Now a wonder and landmark that many travel just to see and walk along its path
He learns of its misdoings as well but he knows many were made by his influence
By his decisions of bloodshed that still seems to stain the remnants of his aged empire
The emperor also learns of your travels since his death
How you sailed the 7 seas and ran your own ship, climbed the highest mountain in the world and stood at its top, swam to the deepest depths of the ocean where light had never touched its sandy floor and ventured through the harsh jungle terrain into unknown territory
It’s honestly Aw inspiring to him how much you’d done
Sure you had done these feats over a thousand or so years giver or take (along with nothing being able to kill you)
But it’s still amazing to him how much you’d seen
How much you could do within the span of eternity
But with that comes the realization that eventually you’d run out of things to do
But he brushes the though aside as the two of you engage in a feast with him and the other emperors that came after him
You sit the closest at his side and the others stretched along a long table filled with foods ranging from his time to later on
Sometimes for fun the two of you wear your clothes from when he was still alive
You wear your old robes as does he
And the the two of you prance around the coliseum as he points at something and has you “explain!”
The two of you always end up laughing until crying by the end of the day
He’s basically attached at your hip but you don’t mind at all
You’ve missed him for so long
Dinners with Adam’s family end up frequently with Qin joining as well
He ends up getting along well with Cain and Abel
The three of them joking as Eve and Adam place down a fresh meal
His whole “I’m emperor” thing can sometimes get on people’s nerves so you sometimes have to end up being a middle man
He does it partially to piss people off and cause he thinks it’s fun
It kinda is
Until he wants to pull that shit on the gods and you have to drag his ass away from their area of the arena
His is basically jumping for joy when Chun Yun gets to finally meet you
For a long time you’d only ever hear stories of the fiery woman so meeting her is actually really intriguing
Especially since she jokes that you must’ve had your hands full with dealing with him for years
That in turn makes him whine as she gives you a handshake that return wholeheartedly
She’s his only other impulse control other than you and by god does he need it
Unlike you though she’ll chew him out for doing something stupid, you call it a mom thing
When you talk with her in private she tells about how she raised him
And how she’s glad he met someone like you who became a true friend to him
Something he always needed
In return you thank her for making sure he made to actually survive
your father definitely meets the two of them at some point with how close they are to you
He’s pleasantly surprised with how the two greet him with normality
There’s respect but no formality that he got from Kojiro that would eventually fade as the two got closer
It’s just off the start they treat him as if he were a normal person
He appreciates it along with the fact they don’t stare at his deformities
Nor do they think of him lesser because of them
In fact it seems they think of him higher because of them which initially confuses him
So when he asks about it both the emperor and his past body guard explain where Qin grew up
How on the streets of a place now long changed many people were born had later gained disabilities and survived anyways through their strength and determination
Qin always respected them despite the fact they still hated him
Perhaps because just like him they persevered despite how others wanted to push them down
In many ways the two bond over the fact they were (and in some ways still are) considered useless
How they were repeatedly kicked down over and over yet got us just to spite them all
Hephaestus finds Qin to be fucking hilarious and the two find themselves cackling over stupid shit your father would make
Chun Yan also gets close to your dad as does her child whom spends his time playing with the toys your father makes for the young lad
It’s fun especially for Hephaestus as he makes small little wind up gadgets and toys
Qin now gives your dad ideas that somehow turn out really well which is funny to see
Especially as his ideas are “you know what would be cool?, a giant flying lamp for moths to follow” and Hephaestus is like “bet”
When seeing Jack again the English gentleman offers you a polite wave as Qin excitedly hugs you
It’s later on that he comes to you and the two of you share a nice time alone
Unlike the others Jack is nocturnal partially due to his uh…hobby so he spends the midnight and early hours with you
It’s was during those times you’d always felt lonely so you enjoy the company
He makes some tea and you both end up talking for hours
Topics ranging from the competition to what you did after he died
What you’ve seen
Who’ve you met
It’s all good fun especially as you explain your “wild days” in the 70’s or 80’s when you’d met and toured with some popular bands and singers
Sometime he talks of what his afterlife was like
It intrigues you a log since you can’t exactly experience death
The one place you’d never get to explore
A place where everything was eventually supposed to end up at yet you were the exception
Even gods could die yet you couldn’t
You remain like a stubborn sore
Out of the human fighters your kinda the only person who talks to him
Everyone else kinda gets creepy vibes from him
And it only gets worse when they find out he’s a killer
He also plays into that imagine as well so…yeah your the only person not fucking terrified of him
He doesn’t mind though
Quality over quantity as they say
May or may not watch Shakespeare movies with you
He hates the 90’s Romeo and Juliet film with decaprio
Doesn’t make it better when you mention the fact the actor dates girls who could potentially be their father age wise
It reminds him too much of the grimy old men who would prey on young and impressionable girls
Something you have to sadly explain still happens much to his displeasure
One thing he does enjoy though is how accessible stuff like imported foods and goods are
He now has the chance to try the various tea’s and treats from other countries that used to be fairly expensive
What makes it even more fun is that you usually have some fun story to go along with said treat
Probably ends up enjoying stuff like phantom of the opera and silence of the lambs
But to be honest he has a soft spot for stuff like low budget horror films
Just the low quality gore and bad acting makes him chuckle
Especially as you tell him the “rules” of a horror film
The two of you now make a small tradition as the days tick down for the tournament to start by watching a film a night
Your father finds Jack to be an odd fellow but one who engages in interesting conversation
Someone who was also looked down on in life
Hephaestus knows he isn’t the best person
He’s made mistakes
Been complicit in his brethren’s bloodshed of the humans he had come to love
So in some sense finding someone who is also not a good person but in some sense tries to do some good is therapeutic to him
That he is equally flawed inwardly just as humans are
Cause unlike other gods he had come to realize how both are more alike than they are different
“Gods?, I don’t exactly like many of them. But perhaps meeting them in person could shape my view”
Loki is one god whom seems to find you by complete accident yet seems to find amusement in trying to fool you
It doesn’t work
And that leads to him trying harder and thus not leaving you alone
You swear that he sticks to you like fucking super glue
Doesn’t help that he keeps nagging about how the gods are better
Your a feeble human
Blah blah blah
Your soooo ready to defeat a gif in battle just to see his expression
And how he had be intentionally annoying someone who could easily deck him across the world with a simple slap
Though despite that he is somewhat fun company
Despite how annoying he can be he also gives you ample opportunity to see the view of the other side
And it leads to discussion between the two of you as you move a chess piece across a board
Your knight taking one of his pawns as he makes an annoyed scowl
He makes a comment about having the power to take you out with a snap of his fingers
But you remind him that he won’t
And that makes him grumble as he makes his next move
It’s odd…but you come to enjoy his company just as you do with others
Perhaps at some point he began enjoying yours since he invites (more like drags) you to the god portion of the arena
Into his current room as he bitches about Odin and nephew Thor
The mention of which makes you hold down an amused chuckle
His room has a lot of snake imagery
Along with snacks as he sits down on a chair and rips open a bag of chips
Continuing on his argument about how Thor is such a sour puss and that if he has to deal with odins ravens again he’s gonna-
He pauses when he hears you laugh
for once he goes silent
You ask what’s wrong and he replies that he’d never heard you laugh before
Let alone seem amused by him
You simply reply that you wouldn’t hang out with him if you didn’t enjoy his presence
No matter how annoying he could be when breaking down your door at random times
You think that you may have fried his brain from saying you voluntarily wanted to be around him
Perhaps he feels as if people put up with him rather than enjoy his jokes and jabs
You can’t help but notice that insults towards you have steadily stopped after that
You swear Thor saw you once and then he’s on you like a bloodhound
Brunhilde had to help you after you were hiding from the red head via hanging onto a chandelier hoping he wouldn’t look up
And now that he knows your seemingly “revived” for the competition he’s hunting you down
He wants to fight you again
To feel that rush of finally having a good battle
He now looks for you in the crowds of humans and gods
Looking anywhere for your signature hat and trailing veil
Not knowing your hanging out with Loki who has a room beside him
He swears to his father that he’s gonna get that fucking battle with you
His fathers crows tease him about this
How set he is in fighting some random human he met centuries ago
But he doesn’t let up
You spend a majority of the waiting time for the tournament sneakily slinking through the halls of the colosseum
Trying to get to the human only training area where he would not be permitted into
You don’t think that would really stop him but you know for a fact Brunhilde would be pissed if he did so
Is gonna be reallly mad to find out that he ain’t the one fighting you
The time for battle now approaches and the first fight is soon to begin
Near Brunhilde and Göll you sit in their shadow covered private area for watching
Looking out onto the crowds of people who cheer
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diabolikwriter · 2 years
Nga yawne lu oer - Chapter 4
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Recom! Miles x Na’vi/Avatar! Fem! Reader - Chapter 4:
Sentences in Na’vi will be outlined like this: Nga yawne lu oer
Warnings: Strong Language! Racism, torture (kinda), (y/n) needs a hug, violence
Word Count: 1441
Chapter 4: Torture
                                                   (y/n)’s POV
When you awoke again you weren’t in the interrogation room anymore, no, instead you were strapped to a very uncomfortable chair, and in front of you stood, what you would come to learn, the most disgusting and cruel person you would ever meet. Said person, also called General Ardmore, was a woman whom looked down upon all things related to Pandora, and she was so self-assured and ignorant of what she was dealing with, she kinda reminded you of Parker and then with a twist of Quaritch. When she saw that you were awake, she looked at you so cruelly, as if you were a bug that she was just itching to squash.
“I would prefer to just get into it, but for the sake of you having once been a human being I will ask nicely this one time. Where is Jake Sully?”
 “I will never tell you where he is!” You hissed at her, and she in turn sneered back.
“How savage. Who would have thought that someone with the relationships you had and the bright future, would turn into such a savage.” She then went down the few steps leading up to the platform on which you were strapped to that uncomfortable chair, not to mention the thing that was around your eyes. “Turn it on, the savage has chosen.”
The screens that you just had managed to notice turned on and started spinning fast around you, and you knew what this was. It was a machine that Parker had gushed about, something about psychological torture while scanning the brain for memories… which meant.. do NOT think. You hissed briefly before staying silent and closing of from the world around you.
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You didn’t know how much time had passed, but you had a long time ago started feeling the strain and toll this took on your brain, and not to mention your eyes. But you hadn’t given up and you just kept your mind blank.
More time passed and your head had started hurting really bad, your mind was spinning, and the flaw in this machine was so apparent. It had tired you out, you couldn’t even form a thought, your mind and brain had ‘shut down’ from exhaustion. A bit longer passed and then you felt something wet glide from your nose and over your lips. Blood. And then an excruciating pain exploded in your head before you opened your mouth and let out a bloodcurdling scream.
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                                           Miles’s POV
You had passed out form ‘lack’ of oxygen, and you had been gasping in his arms and he had not hesitated pressing his mask to your mouth and even unconscious you gulped the air down. A few minutes had gone by with him just sitting and holding you before the doors opened and some medics, a couple of scientists and even a couple of soldiers walked in.
“She passed out from lack of air.” He informed, and when one of the recoms, Brown, came in his ears pressed to his head and his tail flicked.
“We’ll make sure she gets the air she needs, but the General has requested her presence.” Answered one of the scientists. As if on cue Brown stepped forward and reached out towards (y/n), his Darlin’, it doesn’t matter what she has told him about that nickname, it doesn’t matter that he isn’t the same, he loved her exactly the same way Human Miles did, and he did not like were this was going. But he couldn’t his at Brown he wasn’t a mindless savage, so he reluctantly let the other recom take her, but he hissed low under his breath “Careful.”.
“Of course, Colonel.” Brown whispered back.
Brown carefully lifted her up in his arms and carried her out of the room.
“Where are you taking her?” Miles asked one of the scientists.
“The general wants to interrogate her, before it’s too late and Sully tucks his tail between his legs or will start targeting us more violently. She wants to be one step forward him.” With that the scientist left to catch up with the group containing his Darlin’.
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An hour or so had gone by and Miles had gone to the Recoms’ quarter, he had just exited his room when he could hear Z-dog and Wainfleet talking, he went closer and could see that they were completely ensnared in their conversation.
“That’s so cruel.” Z-dog said, her ears tucked against her head and her tail had wrapped around her leg.
“Yeah, but it’s kinda in the job description, I just didn’t think that they would do it right now, not with how she apparently had passed out shortly before.” Wainfleet spoke low and Miles felt the dread in his stomach.
“I know. And I know that she’s one of those savages now. But we all remember her. And you know how dear her sister were to me.” Z-Dog sighed and Miles had heard enough he stepped forward and cleared his throat.
“Where is she?”
“Colonel!” Yelped Wainfleet, Z-Dog stood beside him looking troubled.
“Where. Is. She?” Miles bared his teeth.
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Fuck. Shit. Crap. Miles was almost running towards the place they were interrogating his Darlin’.
When he came into the room he saw multiple people standing around, and he saw you, restrained to a chair, and in front of you was the general, calmly questioning you as if she weren’t slowly killing you. Miles froze, you were completely unresponsive, but when you nose started bleeding, and when you let out that horrible scream, he’d had enough. He knew Lyle was behind him, making sure that nobody stopped him and so he jogged forward and slammed his fist on the off button. He quickly calmed himself down and put on a façade of indifference. And turned to the General who was looking up at him in annoyance.
“Colonel, why are you interfering with my questioning of the hostage?”
“General with all respect, I would like to question MY hostage by myself, and besides I don’t think driving her mad and putting her in excruciating pain will help that much.” Miles was seething on the inside, and out of the corner of his eye he could see her head lolling forward. That Bitch had overdone it.
“Colonel if I may remind you, this isn’t the woman you were engaged to, you are not even him she was engaged to.” General Ardmore said as Miles freed his darlin’, from the restraints and lifted her into his arms, her head tucked safely against his chest.
“I know General.” Miles did not know, she might have been permanently transferred to he avatar form and he might only be ag big and blue clone of human Miles Quaritch, but he loved her just as much as the last time he saw her, but he wasn’t about to let the General in on that secret. “But the memories of the Colonel tells me that this kind of treatment will not make her cooperative, she was always a stubborn woman.” That Miles knew to be true, memories flashed of all the times she had vehemently refused to do something because of her stubbornness and a smile almost made its way towards his lips, but he managed to keep it down, to keep his cool.
“Very well. But you better get something out of her, or else I will put her back in the machine, and next time I will not stop.” Warned General Ardmore.
“Of course, general.” Miles saluted and made his way back towards the recoms living quarters.
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Miles had placed her on his bed and had wiped her face with a wet cloth removing the dried blood and tears from her face, when he was done he caressed her face gently before walking out of the room. When he walked into the living room he saw Brown stand up and made his way towards him.
“I’m so sorry Colonel, I didn’t know that they would put her into that machine before we made it to the room and they asked me to place her in the chair.” Brown tried to explain himself, but Miles saw red and clenched his fist before raising it and smashing it into his face, and he kept on hitting Brown in the face snarling while doing so.
“Colonel!” Yelled Lyle, and he, Ja and Mansk pulled Miles back and restrained him with great difficulty. “Colonel, you need to calm down.” Said Lyle.
Miles did reluctantly so, and sagged against the men restraining him, he looked at Brown and said threateningly. “You will not touch her ever again.”
@ratchetprime211 @mechformers @iwishiwas-anita @iskamr @yumuramma @isabellekenway @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed​
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aero-dienamics · 1 year
Generation Loss || The Ler of the Cabin
Summary: As Ranboo continues exploring the cabin, he finds a new friend. He helps him escape in hopes of leaving this place together.
Word Count: 3823
TW: Swearing ????
Authors Note: GAHHH DAMN !!! Thanks for all the support!!! My like goal for each fic will probably be about 35 likes in 3 days to keep me going!!! I just didn’t expect you guys to like the first one so much
Fair warning, this fic is VERY lee!sneeg heavy for no reason in particular.
Part 1
⚠️ This is a sfw tickle fic!! ⚠️
Finally, back on track.
Now that the Slime man was gone, Ranboo could continue his search for some exit. He took a deep breath to steady himself after the encounter. Since he now regained free roam of the cabin, he decided to take a good look at the gameshow room. The first thing Ranboo checked out was the walls. He somehow never noticed that they were covered in slime, making the room feel even more claustrophobic. He looks up to see the ceiling also covered in gunk. That's just unnecessary.
Shaking off the disgust, he continued to walk around, finding more slime-covered objects and eventually just an entire jar of slime. Ranboo knew he would throw up if he looked at anything else. He was desperate to find a way out of this strange place. As he walked to the room's exit, he saw another door in the corner of his eye. Ranboo decided to go up to it, quickly inspecting it. Thankfully, there wasn't any goo on it.
"I might as well," He sighed, slowly turning the doorknob and opening the door.
Stepping through the door led Ranboo into yet another new area, but this time it looked more like the cabin's main room. It was a type of storage room, but the only items in there were antique kid's toys. "What the hell? What is this place?"
With nothing else to do and nowhere else to go, he decided to look around. The first item that catches his eye is an old dollhouse. Its presence felt oddly familiar to him. He walked around to the front of it to see a normal-looking house. Something about it seems familiar to him. In the bedroom of the dollhouse, there was a small lock. It was closed, which isn't helpful, but Ranboo puts it in his pocket anyway.
His curiosity was piqued, and he continued to check the corners of the room, finding creepy dolls and a lot of cobwebs. He even finds a white towel on one of the shelves. Considering the room's dirty, the towel was surprisingly clean, so he took it.
The last object he found was a letter opener. For something that opens notes, it was surprisingly sharp. With that, his pockets were completely full. Ranboo was about to press on with his search, but something unexpected happened.
"Yo, yo, wait, who is that?"
Ranboo turned around quickly at the sudden noise he just heard. He thought he was alone.
"Hello?" Both Ranboo and the voice called out at the same time, both equally confused. Ranboo initially thought it was the Slime Demon, but the tone of this person's voice was different. It had a much softer edge to it.
"Where are you?" Ranboo questioned, trying to pinpoint the source of the voice.
"Duh, I'm in here," The voice said very matter-of-factly.
"That's not very helpful…"
"You know, the cage in the corner, there's a tarp…"
"Cage…?" Ranboo slowly pinpoints the source of the voice to a small cage in the corner of the room. He removes the tarp to see another person. It wasn't the slime demon; it was someone entirely different. It was a man in a blue and white hoodie and a grey ballcap. He seemed friendly enough.
"How the hell were you looking all the way over there?" The man spoke in a semi-annoyed tone. Ranboo shrugged.
"I don't know, I don't have a good sense of direction. Who the hell are you?"
"I'm Sneeg, nice to meet you," Sneeg smiled happily, sticking his pinky through the grates of the cage for Ranboo to shake.
Ranboo hesitantly and carefully shook Sneeg's pinky. The masked man tried to smile back with his eyes, but it was obvious he was nervous. "You as well. I'm Ranboo. Have you been trapped in there all by yourself?"
Sneeg chuckled nervously. "What? No, I'm not alone in here. Don't you see my friend Frank here?" Sneeg pointed to the skeleton next to him.
Ranboo raised an eyebrow, observing the lifeless skeleton. "You mean that skeleton right there?"
"Skeleton? What are you talking about? Frank is very much alive," Sneeg said, picking up his skeleton 'friend.'
"He looks dead."
Sneeg gasped at Ranboo's audacity, covering Frank's 'ears' to shield him from Ranboo's harsh words. "Shhhh, he's very self-conscious."
"Frank… that name is so familiar. I think that slime guy killed him."
Sneeg's eyes widened. That was probably the most appropriate and only response to a mention of that man's name. "Slimecicle? You interacted with him too?"
Ranboo is slightly glad he isn't the only victim. "Yeah? What'd he do to you?"
"Well, he made me play this game show, and when I got the first question wrong and spun the wheel, I got tickled for a day straight. Then he put me in this cage because I passed out."
"Jesus Christ. That's horrible."
"Hey, it could be worse."
"What could be worse than getting attacked and then being put in a cage?"
"Being put in two cages."
Ranboo let out a half-hearted chuckle, feeling the weight of their shared experiences. "Yeahhh, alright, cool. I'm gonna try and get you outta here." Ranboo backed away from the cage and knelt down to the lock that was holding Sneeg. The only things he has in his pockets are the three keys he 'used' to enter the last room, a letter opener, and a lock. He initially tried using the keys, but when that didn't work, he just started yanking on it. "No, that didn't work... uhm."
"I don't know what to do. All I have is this lock." Ranboo pulled out the lock he found earlier, swinging it around his finger before presenting it to Sneeg.
"Wait, what kind of lock do you have?"
Ranboo looked down at the lock, squinting at the label. "It says it's a master lock."
"What kind of lock is on my door?"
"… A master lock as well."
"Just kind of slam them together. The easiest way to open a master lock is with another master lock."
Ranboo shrugged and complied, having no faith that this'll actually work. He used all his strength to smash the lock on the cage with the other lock. To his surprise, the lock opened and fell to the ground.
"I'm surprised that worked." Ranboo slowly got up before opening Sneeg's cage. "Be free."
"Eh, I'm too scared to go first. Frank, you gotta test the waters for me." Sneeg picked up Frank and pushed him closer to the exit.
"I swear to you, it's fine, just come out."
Sneeg ignored Ranboo and threw Frank out of the cage, looking around to see if anything was going to attack him. "Frank! Is it safe?"
This whole ordeal made Ranboo realize he just found another eccentric person. "… I think everywhere is safe for Frank."
After a few seconds, Sneeg finally decided to join Frank, slowly stepping out of the cage and taking a deep breath of freedom. He turned to Ranboo with a grateful smile. "Thanks, man. I was stuck in there for so long."
The man stretched his body before picking Frank back up and holding him in his arms like an Amazon box. For being locked away for god knows how long, The man looked surprisingly well-kept. He didn't have an odor and he didn't look dirty. Well, at least he wasn't covered in slime.
"So, how long have you been in there?" Ranboo asked, expecting Sneeg's answer to be a short period of time.
"A month or 6," Sneeg said nonchalantly, acting like it was normal.
"Yep. I've just been chilling in there with Frank," Sneeg responds, putting Frank on a little toy horse in the room. "Don't tell Frank this, but if you didn't come sooner I would've ate him to survive."
Ranboo nods slowly, no longer feeling safe around the new person he found. ".. ok… I'm gonna look for more items… you... do you…" He said as he slowly walked to the other corner of the room to pretend to look at stuff.
Sneeg notices a giant box in the middle of the room, opening it and looking inside. "Why is there such a big box in the corner of the—"
"AHA!!" Slimecicle pops out of the box in the corner clumsily and awkwardly. Ranboo yelps and Sneeg looks at him in surprise. How long was he in there? Ranboo didn't see him come in, so he either just appeared, or he had to be in there for a while.
"I see you've fallen for the oldest trick in the book! AHAH.. ehh, hold on.” He looks at himself in proximity to Sneeg, realizing that he can't reach him.
"Uh, can you come a little closer, Sneeg? I need you to stand right here on this inconspicuously marked X."
"Oh, no problem!" Sneeg said happily, taking a big step closer to the slime demon. Ranboo looks absolutely befuddled.
"AHHH!" Sneeg screams, but he doesn't run; he doesn't even make an attempt to move. Ranboo is clearly signaling for Sneeg to get out of there, but it's like he isn't paying attention. Ranboo felt semi-responsible for the man he had just let out of a cage, but he didn't know what to do.
"I gotta get extra goopy for this," Slimecicle said, shaking his hands quickly. After a while, the amount of slime on his hands became noticeably more prominent, and it looked greener.
Slimecicle reaches his extra slime hands up to Sneeg's neck before spidering his fingers across his sensitive skin. Sneeg immediately and scrunched up his neck.
“Ohoho my gohohod, gross!” Sneeg reaches up to Slimecicle's hands to try and pull him away, but all that does is get more slime on him.
Slimecicle scoffs, pretending to look hurt. "You guys are so rude. Calling me gross. You deserve this!"
“Fuhuhuck, Ihihim SOHOHORRRY!!” Sneeg's laughter raises an octave in surprise as Slimecicle's hands move down to Sneeg's shoulders, squeezing and pinching them to his heart's delight.
"WELCOME TO THE GHOULDOM! YES!" Slimecicle manically laughed like an evil villain as he continued to tickle Sneeg.
Ranboo doesn't wanna watch, but he can't look away. It was highly flustering to watch, especially since he imagined how it would feel if it happened to him.
“RAHAHANBOO, A LIHIHITTLE HELP?” Sneeg reached out to Ranboo, allowing Slimecicle to sneak his hand under Sneeg's armpit and start quickly and gently scratching his fingers on his soft skin. This caused Sneeg to throw his head back in ticklish agony.
Ranboo quickly backed away, adverting his gaze and avoiding the situation. “Nooo… sorryy…. No thank you."
Slimecicle shook his head in disappointment. "What an asshole. Can't believe you wanna help that guy. I can fix that, though!"
Ranboo felt terrible for not helping Sneeg but didn't want to get involved. He thought if he kept his distance and maybe ran in a few seconds, he'd be fine. But before he could finish contemplating his bail, Slimecicle let Sneeg go. Fortunately, Sneeg looked the same (except he was now covered in a bunch of slime), but there was something different about him. Something off.
"What did you do to Sneeg?" Ranboo questioned, trying to sound intimidating. His tone just came off as fearful.
“Sneeg is no more, Ranboo! This is EVIL Sneeg!”
The only thing that made Evil Sneeg different from regular Sneeg was that his hat was now backward.
"GET HIM, SNEEG!" Slimecicle cheered Sneeg on, looking happy and proud of himself.
"Hey, buddy? What're you doing?" Ranboo's voice quivers as he takes a step back, a wary expression on his face. Sneeg, a mischievous glint in his eyes, wiggles his fingers at Ranboo, sending a shiver down his spine. Before Ranboo can protest any further, Sneeg pounces on him with surprising agility.
Ranboo's protests turn into muffled laughter as Sneeg begins to kneed his fingers into Ranboo's ribs. He squirms and wriggles, desperately trying to escape the relentless onslaught. "Sneheheeg! Snahahap OUT ohof ihihit!!" Ranboo's words come out in gasps between bouts of uncontrollable laughter.
But Sneeg, under the influence of the slime, seems impervious to Ranboo's pleas. He smirks, his fingers dancing across Ranboo's sensitive ribs.
"Sneeg can't hear you, Ranboo! He's under the influence of my slime!" Slimecicle exclaims with an evil laugh, his voice dripping with mischief and amusement.
Ranboo's laughter mixes with frustration as he struggles against Sneeg's relentless tickles. "Why ahahahare you soho strohohong??" He manages to giggle out, his breath hitching with each ticklish sensation. No matter how much Ranboo pushed on Sneeg, he wasn't strong enough to push Sneeg off of him.
Sneeg's grin widens, enjoying the playful power he holds over Ranboo. "Why are you so weak?" he teases, his fingers precisely finding every ticklish spot. Eventually, Sneeg's fingers found their way to a place that Ranboo couldn't seem to avoid: his belly. Ranboo tries to protect himself, but Sneeg's fingers easily slip under his defenses and onto Ranboo's belly, slowly tracing little circles on Ranboo's skin.
The tickling continues, unabated, as Ranboo's pleas grow louder and more desperate. "SNEHEHEHEEG! GEHEHEHET AHAWAY!!" His voice strains with both laughter and a plea for mercy.
"No can do, Ranboo!" Sneeg replies, his laughter intertwining with Ranboo's. Ranboo grabbed his towel from earlier and began wiping the slime off his head and shoulders. It was a bit hard to concentrate, but eventually, Ranboo got enough goo off of Sneeg to make him stop.
Ranboo sighed in relief as Sneeg sat up, looking confused. He flipped his hat back around, turning to the slime demon.
"NO, HE'S TOO DRY!" Slimecicle cried out in dismay. He looked over at the edge of the box and down at Sneeg. "How do you feel, Sneeg?" Slimecicle questions.
Sneeg shrugs and gets off Ranboo. "Fine."
Slimecicle rolls his eyes and sinks back into the box. "Shit."
Ranboo pats Sneeg on the shoulder. "Glad to have you back, Sneeg," He says before noticing how much slime was on Sneeg's shoulder. He just kind of wiped it off on his pant leg.
Slimecicle, who was looking disappointed, sat awkwardly in his box.
"Can you close the box?" He asked sheepishly.
"Oh, yeah," Sneeg complied, closing the box on the demon.
"I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME!" Slimecicle calls out as his voice fades away.
Ranboo chuckles and shakes his head. "He said that last time, and he still hasn't gotten us."
"So, what now?" Sneeg says, shrugging.
Ranboo thinks for a second, "I guess we try to find a way out of here. The only door that I haven't opened is that side door up front."
"Then let's go."
Ranboo leads Sneeg back through the rooms of the cabin before arriving in the room he originally woke up in. They stop at the chained up door, stuck on what to do next.
How are we gonna get these chains off this door?" Sneeg pondered, his fingers running along the cold metal links. The chains seemed impenetrable, their presence a barrier to their escape.
Ranboo joined him, studying the chains with a thoughtful expression. As he reached out to touch them, an unexpected surge of energy flowed through his fingertips, causing the chains to crumble and fall to the ground with a resounding clatter. "Oh, well I guess that worked out," he remarked, a mixture of surprise and relief evident in his voice.
With the obstruction removed, they pushed open the door, revealing a dimly lit bedroom beyond. The room exuded an eerie ambiance, with antique furniture draped in faded fabrics and shadows dancing along the wooden walls. A picture of what appears to be the slime demon was hanging on the wall. Sneeg stepped cautiously inside, taking in the peculiar atmosphere. "Oh. It's a bedroom?" he mused, his voice laced with uncertainty.
Ranboo followed suit, his eyes scanning the room's decor. "I wasn't expecting this," he admitted, his gaze lingering on an ornate mirror hanging on the wall. Its reflective surface seemed to hold secrets, whispering enticingly of hidden mysteries.
Sneeg's attention was drawn to another peculiar feature of the room. "Does that wall look real to you?" he asked, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the smooth surface before them. It appeared almost too perfect, devoid of imperfections or cracks.
"No, not really," Ranboo replied, his curiosity piqued. He rummaged through his pockets and produced a letter opener, its gleaming blade catching the dim light. "Here, I found this letter opener earlier. Maybe we can use it to slice it open," he suggested, extending the tool towards Sneeg.
Sneeg hesitated, a touch of concern in his voice. "Do we have to cut his wall, though? That seems rude," he voiced his reservations, mindful of the potential consequences.
Ranboo's response was firm, laced with determination. "He locked you in a cage, Sneeg!"
Sneeg groaned, hesitatingly taking the letter opener from Ranboo. "I don't want him to be super mad, though," he admitted, a hint of worry tugging at his features.
"Just cut the wall, Sneeg!" Ranboo urged, his voice betraying a sense of urgency and impatience.
"Ok, ok, jeez. You don't have to yell at me," Sneeg replied with a playful pout, accepting the responsibility. He took a deep breath, steadying his hand, before guiding the letter opener's blade towards the seemingly illusionary wall.
The blade made contact with the wall, and with a swift motion, Sneeg sliced through the deceptive surface. A split-second of anticipation hung in the air before their eyes widened in awe and disbelief.
"It looks like nothing's in there—OH MY GOD," Sneeg exclaimed, his voice a mix of astonishment and terror. A monster suddenly emerged from the darkness, grabbing him from behind. "HELP ME!"
"WHAT IS THAT?! IS THAT A SHARK? Maybe it's a pickle? No, it looks more like a lobster…" Ranboo's bewildered voice interjected, attempting to make sense of the horrifying sight before him. His words, a mix of confusion and nervousness, betrayed his attempt to cope with the terrifying situation unfolding in front of him.
"YOU'RE NOT BEING HELPFUL RIGHT NOW!" Sneeg's voice trembled with a mix of fear and frustration, his plea for assistance growing more urgent.
"SORRY! Sorry! What do you want me to do?" Ranboo stammered, his voice laced with anxiety as he struggled to gather his thoughts and find a solution.
"I don't know, just try and get me Ohohut- RAHAHANBOO!!" Ranboo was confused why Sneeg was suddenly giggling, but he looked down at the monsters hands to see they were poking all over Sneeg’s belly.
"Oh god, is it—of course it is." Ranboo immediately turned around and looked away, pretending to not notice the fact that the monster was tickling Sneeg right in front of him.
"Ranbohohoo, help me!!"
In a panic, Ranboo stammered, trying to convince himself that leaving was the right decision. "Nooo… I'm- I'm good. You got it. I'm gonna go!! I'm totally gonna go get help!" Ranboo says, giving Sneeg a thumbs up as he backs up.
"You totally got this!!" Ranboo's words, though intended to be encouraging, held a hint of self-doubt as he made a hasty retreat, leaving Sneeg on his own. He sped walked back into the main room, letting Sneeg's screams of laughter leave his ears until it finally faded away.
Ranboo was fine, but he felt wrong for leaving Sneeg alone with a monster. This was the second time he turned his back on him, and he didn't want to do it again. "I feel bad. maybe I should go back…." Ranboo then slowly steps back into the room he left Sneeg in, ready to face anything that might be in there. Yet, there was nothing.
"Sneeg? Helloo?" He called out, hoping for a response. Ranboo was met with nothing but silence. He looked at the hole in the wall, seeing no one around. Despite his better judgment, he walks into it.
"Sneeg…?" He calls out one last time. But, instead of finding Sneeg, he sees another familiar face sitting in a chair in front of him. Ranboo knew precisely who it was. "Ahhh, Jesus."
Slimecicle got up and turned to the other. It was apparent he was seething with anger and hate. "YOOU. You made a gross-ass hole in my wall. You fucked with my- my sharkiklester."
Ranboo tried to defend himself, his voice tinged with exasperation. "I didn't hurt it! But jeez, that thing needs to be put in a cage."
"A cage, huh?" Slimecicle scoffed, beginning to walk towards Ranboo with ferocity. "When I'm done with you, I'm gonna put YOU in a cage. AND THEN MAYBE I'LL PUT YOU IN ANOTHER CAGE!"
"Yeah, I'm not doing this again." Ranboo began to walk away, but Slimecicle grabbed him by his shirt.
 "I don't think you have a choice."
Ranboo pushes the demon off of him before wiping some slime off of him. "Look, Slimecicle, I'm not trying to fight you right now."
"That's all too bad, isn't it?? Get over here!"
Ranboo tries to protect himself, but it was too late; Slimecicle had Ranboo in his slimy clutches. Ranboo almost immediately started squirming around, knowing too well about what’s about to happen next.
"Please, I can't do this again!"
"You should've thought of that before you fucked with me!" Slimecicle then began digging his fingers into Ranboo’s armpits.
“Wahahait! Dohohon’t!” Ranboo started giggling as soon as the Slime Demon touches him, not being able to contain his laughter from everything he’s experienced today.
"You should be lucky I'm not covering you in Slime!"
“Thihis is juhuhust as bahahad!” Ranboo started thinking of ways to save himself, but his train of thought was suddenly cut off by a bunch of fingers poking at his lower back. “GAHAHAHA! WHAHAHAT THE HEHEHELL??”
"Oh! That's a new spot! I didn't think this spot would be that bad for you, but here we are!" Slimecicle says proudly before quickly scribbling his fingers against Ranboo’s back.
"FUHUHUCKING STOP!" Ranboo squeals through a mix of cackles and snorts.
"Oh, now you're cursing? How out-of-character of you." The Slime Demon says smugly, not letting up in the slightest.
Through all Ranboo’s struggling, the towel he had earlier started slipping out of his pocket. A great idea rushed to his head. In one swift motion, he grabbed his towel and started wiping the slime off of Slimecicle, making sure not to miss a single spot.
“AUGHH DAMN IT!” Slimecicle screamed, releasing his grip on Ranboo as he did so. The masked man didn’t stop for one second. He kept going until the demon was no more; Slimecicle was now just a green stain on a towel.
"I think… I killed a man.” Ranboo said in a shaky breath, laying on the ground. “Thank god."
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Your One True Nemesis
Chapter 26: also on AO3 Masterlist Here Arkham!Riddler x Female!Reader, word count: 1.3k oh gosh is it possible that an idiot genius can... change? even ever so slightly? and be... not nice... but... human? :o 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: don't get too excited he's still a walking disaster, pining sort of, lil bit of tension
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“Taking a break?”
The sudden sound of Edward’s voice, intrusive in the moment of peace you were experiencing in the work room, made you jump slightly. Looking up from what you were working on, you offered him a smile.
“I was just thinking… it’s nice to see that not much has changed down here.”
“Of course not. The goal is still the same.”
“To beat the bat.”
“Exactly, it’s only natural. Creatures known to prey on bats include hawks, owls, some spiders, falcons and, of course, me.”
Smiling at his ridiculous statement, you ran your fingers along the work bench, scattered with what you were sure were the same scraps of metal and wires as has been there when you left.
“You act as though you’ve been gone for years.”
“It kind of feels like it. Time flows differently when you can see the sun rise and set. Down here it’s all sort of… continuous.”
Turning, you found Eddie standing close to you, staring intently as you spoke.
“Well, that’s how I like it. Don’t be tempted to make any grand changes.”
Eddie made his way over to the workstation he had graciously, but not without constant complaining, set up for you the day after you had returned to the sewers. He’d been insistent that you start working right away to earn your keep, or he’d turf you out again, and this time he wouldn’t be there to save you like the heroic and generous overseer that he was.
“How much have you managed to…”
His eyes fell to the table where you had pieced together several of the small remotes he had instructed you to complete. You smiled, feeling smug at the genuine surprise on his face.
“Well… don’t get too proud of yourself. You’ve barely even begun to complete this work. If I’m to keep that idiotic detective occupied long enough, Gotham needs to be riddled with my puzzles.”
Giggling at the pun, you realised quickly it was unintentional when a small smile crept up at the corners of Eddie’s mouth. He clearly didn’t want to admit that he was pleased with himself, but you could tell he was noting it down mentally to use at another point, with an audience he deemed more deserving that you were. As he took stock of the work you’d done, he noticed his notebook, left open at a page where he had been scribbling riddles. Beside it, a sheet of scrap paper where you had been writing the answers. He placed his fingers on it, shifting it to the side and tilting his head to read the words you had scrawled on the page, trying to stifle a smile that was still very obvious. It made your heartbeat irregular, seeing him respond positively to something you had done.
“I was… I was just trying them out… to see if I could get any of them right. They were a nice break from the work.”
Maintaining his expression, but letting the smile come out slightly, Eddie lifted the sheet from the table and looked back and forth from it and his notebook.
“I suppose a ‘well done’ is in order. When I tested that riddle on one of my childhood bullies, he simply could not solve it.”
Your smile beamed out, a tingling sensation passing over your body as he locked his eyes onto yours.
“Not even on pain of death could he grasp the answer. But you’ve managed it on a break. I suppose you’re perhaps ever so slightly smarter than I gave you credit for. But you’re still just as bad at your job as you used to be.”
Picking up one of the remotes you had made, he inspected it closely, prying the back off and tugging at the wires which came loose immediately.
“I mean… it would have been ok if you hadn’t yanked them out.”
“Nonsense. Shoddy workmanship. You need to be more careful, you need to be better.”
“Well, you need to be kinder.”
With a grimace, Eddie closed his eyes, mentally counting to three before opening them again.
“I refuse. You came back knowing what it was like down here.”
“That doesn’t mean it can’t be better though?”
With an exasperated but soft sigh, Eddie turned from you, still speaking as he fiddled with the tools that lay scattered on the wall shelves.
“I don’t see how it could be better. It was fine the way it was. Perfect, even.”
“Oh yeah? The back and forth bickering and unresolved sexual tension made this the perfect living arrangement.”
The words had come out of your mouth before you could stop them. But it was the truth. And you were glad to finally mention it.
“There was no… there is no unresolved anything. We are colleagues. Nothing more, nothing less. Surely, that is the best way to go forward.”
You hated to admit it, but it probably was. He really was right about everything. And even though he wasn’t willing to admit to the slightly deeper meanings, or hidden feelings, behind everything that had happened between you before, at least he was willing to try and move past them. Not the result you wanted, but anything to make things more tolerable. It was better than nothing. It might even be positive. A new positive start.
You were so hopeful things could be different that you were willing to forego what you really wanted. To be with Eddie in a pleasant capacity, even if it meant there were no sexual elements, was good enough for you. It had shocked you how much you had missed him while you were working for Oswald. You didn’t want to run the risk of losing it again. So you nodded, agreeing with him.
“Good. Now. You solved those ones, but those were easy. Those were the preliminaries, I hope you understand that. Had I known you were going to attempt to solve those, had I so wished to force you into mental exhaustion, you would have failed before you had even begun to comprehend the first riddle on that page. If you’re keen to expand your mind, I can show you the full extent of my brilliance. I can write some more puzzles for you, to keep you entertained while you work on the menial, yet seemingly challenging, tasks I have laid out for you. Does that sound… appealing?”
With a soft smile, you nodded. Grateful that he was trying to extend something to you, even if you weren’t sure what it was. A gift? A challenge? To express that he cared or to show you he believed in you?
“Wonderful. By the end of the week you’ll be in awe at my superiority. I won’t be going easy on you, not now that I know you are…”
He hesitated, unsure if he wanted to continue, but he knew he had to.
“… capable.”
It wasn’t the greatest compliment in the world. But you would take it.
Eddie shifted awkwardly as you smiled warmly at him, made uncomfortable by even that small display of kindness. He turned on his heel and left the room. You were colleagues. Colleagues. He couldn’t let himself fall back into old habits. This was as far as it would go. He could challenge you mentally, offer you a pat on the back. But he couldn’t find himself falling into the trap of caring.
It was too late though. He was already considering what level of subliminal messaging he could incorporate into the riddles. Something that hinted towards a suggestion of intimacy, or to his agreement to a physical relationship, but that could be denied if it backfired or he came to his senses.
If he left it wide open, he could deny everything. To you and to himself.
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pernillemagda · 1 year
The impatient feminist - Are women worth less than men? With Emma Holten and Pernille Harder
The podcast in general is about feminism and this episode’s question is “Are women worth less than men” Pernille are talking about the time when they had to strike against DBU after the euros in a short feature
She's also speaking in the 17th minute about how Magda opened her eyes that she shouldn't accept the way they were treated and the importance of equality/feminism.
49:00 – They had asked Pernille about how she felt in the period after the Euro 2017 where they had reached the final and the time after that where they had to strike to get better conditions on the National Team.
49:05 – It was hard to feel the resistance from DBU (Danish football federation), and how little they really cared about us, luckily that has changed. We had to fight hard for conditions that were fair, we didn’t wish for extreme things, and I was really disappointed after we had just won silver in euros.
49:35 – It was something that really took a toll on me while I still had to fight for it and stand up for ourselves, it was really hard when we were told that the match against Sweden was cancelled, and I never thought it would have gone that far
50:00 – There definitely was a lot who supported us, but also many that thought we were, ohh, now I have a Swedish word snåla (yes, she really said that 😂), many thought we were greedy and just wanted more and more and that we didn’t deserve more than that we had.
50:27 – Sometimes it feels like when we get something, we have to be grateful, even though it should be things we always should have had. We should have had the same conditions as the men, but we have always been treated as a second priority and in that way, it feels like we always have to be more grateful for actually getting things.
50:48 – “Ohh, it was really nice you could get this match in Parken, you really deserved it” – Yes, but when will we get it again, in three years? Of course, we were grateful, and it was a really good experience, but it should also be experiences like this we should go for.
52:05 – It shouldn’t be such that it’s a “present” every time it happens. For DBU it would also be a great signal to send that men and women are equally worth. It would also mean a lot to all the young girls in the U-national teams and even younger girls that DBU sees equally as men and women.
After Pernille is off, the hosts talk about how people find the women greedy when men get millions by playing on the national team. It should be an honor to play for their country and then everyone should just get a small amount of money for doing it, and then the primary income should be from the clubs, but then the honor to play for the national team and amount of money you get from it, should be the same for all genders. They also notice that it’s never talked about men should have less in wages so that women could only get a little more.
(Overall men vs women in jobs) They talk a lot, like Pernille, about how women should just be “honoured and happy” to reach certain things, and they should be very careful to ask for “too much” because then the men or those with power can just turn the back to them again.
The hosts tell how Pernille “only” wished for better circumstances and more respect, they (the Danish NT) 100% did not ask for the same standards as the men, it would never come on talk.
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flightfoot · 2 years
I don’t blame the class for not believing Adrien tbh. Adrien didn’t think Lila was all bad until recently. And he was so oblivious to Chloe’s abusive bullying to his classmates to the point where it was frustrating. He even made Marinette feel bad because the class celebrated the bully leaving, and I guess Adrien thought they were all jerks for doing that. Now as Marinette’s boyfriend he all of a sudden picks up on this? This is why I wish he and Marinette grew closer as friends before starting dating. Because at least they understand each other where the other is coming from
*sighs* Adrien hasn't been oblivious to Chloe's bullying. Seriously, where are you even getting that? Even back in Origins, he was trying to discourage her from doing that, and trying to minimize the impact, by scraping the gum off Marinette's seat. And back in Kung Food, when Marinette presumes that Chloe ruined her Uncle's soup, he agrees it's likely.
Alec: I'm sorry, Cheng Shifu, but I'm giving you a zero, too, which brings your score to 0.8/10 -- the lowest so far. Celestial Soup will therefore not be in the hotel's menu this year, and you will not be named "World's Greatest Chef"! (Adrien and Marinette are still feeling sorry for Wang Cheng Sifu)(The "World's Greatest Chef" logo flashes, and Marinette notices a flower petal fall from Chloé when she gets up) Marinette: This isn't right, and I'm certain Chloé's got something to do with it. Adrien: I'd like to say you're wrong, but I know her only too well.
He also tried to get her to at least attempt to be nicer to people in Despair Bear, and in Malediktator... well, this is the actual transcript.
Adrien: Hey, what’s going on here? What are we celebrating? Marinette: Chloé’s gone! She’s moving to New York! Adrien: Chloé left…? For good? Marinette:(still excited, not realizing that Adrien is not sharing everyone else’s enthusiasm) Yeah! Isn’t it great? Adrien: Uh… no. I think it’s terrible! How can you celebrate a thing like that? Marinette:(frowns) But, Chloé’s a total brat to everyone. She was useless anyway. Adrien: Nobody's useless, not even Chloé. When I was little and wasn't allowed out, she was the only friend I had. Marinette: Ow— well, uh… shoot. Adrien: She left angry and unhappy. I can't celebrate that. (walks off sadly)
Look. Adrien is really nice and sees the best in people, and generally functions off the philosophy of "try to talk to people to get them to change". He sees the best in people, and generally doesn't advocate or is okay with hurting someone if he sees any other option - and he did know Chloe when she was little, and they were friends. He doesn't like her attitude now, but that doesn't mean he's okay with just throwing her under the bus. He hasn't given up on her.
But he DOES still try to lecture her when she's being mean to others, like in Queen Banana. It just doesn't work.
If your qualification for "noticing bullying" is "gives up on the bully completely and treats them as only an enemy to be defeated", then yeah, by that definition, he's oblivious to her bullying. But that's a bad definition. Adrien isn't under the illusion that Chloe isn't a bully, he just doesn't think that means she's irredeemable, at least not yet. He's very compassionate, plus he has a history with her, so he's holding out hope for her to get better. In the meantime, he's not going to join in on purposely hurting her or celebrating something associated with her feeling hurt, but he also isn't under the illusion that she's some perfect angel - he knows how mean she is to the other kids and is frustrated by it, and generally tries to help mitigate her actions when he can.
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Independent Excursion 2: Academic Reflection of Malls and its Employees.
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Dream Mall is the biggest mall in all of Taiwan and it’s located in Kaohsiung, directly accessible by a 30 minute train ride on the lime green line, so of course, I had to go. 
Coincidentally, I spent both of my free days in the city doing just that! The first instance was with Faith, where we traversed through all the floors one by one, hitting every single pop-up shop we saw on the way, and continuing Faith’s turtle stack, which was progressively getting more and more out of hand by day. We must’ve spent around 5 hours there, which led me to falsely believe that we had gone through at least a solid amount of the mall. Nay, it hadn’t even been a quarter of the way through. The mall had so many different wings that we had missed and even a pretty outside area I only got to briefly explore when we were taking the train of shame back at night. 
The second time around, we went with Andy, who ended up being Faith’s bag carrier for the whole 6-something hours we were there. I really wasn’t feeling well that day so I spent most of my time there blindly grabbing onto a boba keychain on his backpack and letting the two of them lead the way. Because I was mentally (and visibly) tired, I didn’t really buy a lot this time around, which is really impressive considering my borderline shopping addiction. 
Since Day 1 of being in Taiwan, I’ve noticed that the sales staff here are a bit, no, way more aggressive than their American counterparts. I’m a person that finds it really hard to say no, especially if someone’s taking time out of their day to approach me (and even if I know it’s just a part of their job description), making malls more stressful to me than they should be. Ever since Faith got socks forcibly tried on her and I got swindled into buying a 900 NTD umbrella, I’ve been on guard more than ever, ready to say “bu hao yi zhi, wo men bu yao” and run off with Faith. 
I always feel bad whenever I do this, though; they’re always so nice it’s almost deceptive, and I’m not alone in feeling this way. According to a study conducted by Lee, N., Beatson, A. and Lin, Y-J. (2010), salespeople in Taiwan are described in both positive and negative characteristics (from snobbish, forceful, false to clever, patient, and kind), a stark contrast to a 1995 study of Americans’ perception of salespeople which was far more negative. It seems that Taiwanese people are both way more empathetic towards employees and also better at being employees in general. 
While I can acknowledge how good at their jobs they are, it was still a terrifying prospect for my wallet being around them. For the first few days when it was just me and Faith exploring the malls, it seemed as if the salespeople were inescapable; hiding around the corner ready to jump me with a mouthful of information about vacuum cleaners. I wondered if it was something about me that screamed “I’m a tourist, please scam me!” and while a large part of it definitely was, it was also because we fit the descriptor of the target audience of malls.
A study conducted by Yang Ho-wen (2005) found that the average mall shopper for Taiwan Sugar Mall, a mall similar to Dream Mall, was “travelling further, younger, having short residential durations, single, with a higher educational level, higher personal income, and more concerned about parking facilities and store loyalty card scheme/coupons/promotional activities.” While I certainly don’t have a high personal income, with the way I present myself, I certainly understand why a shopkeeper would be keen to approach two young adults carrying large bags of stuff. Still a bit offended at how hard I got clocked, though.��
Self check-outs are also very sparse here in comparison to in the States, forcing me to interact with cashiers for even the most mundane of purchases, a slight inconvenience I was shocked to have experienced in Taiwan. It might be my close mindedness speaking, but I had assumed that progression inherently equaled convenience and that there’d be way more self-check out style systems in the country. I hadn’t seen a single self check-out lane in my entire time here but according to the Taiwan News (May 6th, 2023 edition), they’re slowly integrating them into the fabrics of daily life. 
Despite this, I don’t see the prevalence of sales keepers going away. The hospitality and eagerness of the people here have definitely been one of the key highlights of my trip and I can’t imagine a Taiwan without it, even if it meant a few more victims to a twenty eight dollar umbrella scam going on in Shin Kong Mitsukoshi.
Chen, Y.-H. (2011) ‘The service quality and Consumer Behaviour Analysis in Taiwan’, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 25, pp. 16–24. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.10.524. 
Service is our second name - Taiwan’s Amazing Convenience Stores: Taiwan news: May. 6, 2023 10:30 (2023) Taiwan News | May. 6, 2023 10:30. Available at: https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/4883503 (Accessed: 07 August 2024). 
Lee, N., Beatson, A. and Lin, Y-J. (2010) ‘Stereotypes of Taiwanese salespeople at the service interface’, Int. J. Services Technology and Management, Vol. 14, Nos. 2/3, pp.217–232.
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grimmmviewing · 7 months
S1E9: “Of Mouse And Man”—A (Watched 2/29/24)
“It’s people’s lives falling apart—What’s left when the good times are over. It’s the death of dreams.” – Hank, doing his best True Detective impression, describing a junk shop
My feelings about this episode of Grimm evolved very much like how they did for “Game Ogre,” with a sense that it just got better over the course of the runtime. The difference is that “Of Mouse And Man” has noticeably fewer issues that ultimately undermine its more interesting aspects for me. Further, while “Game Ogre” has noteworthy elements that mostly work within the full context of the series—and this episode does have some of those too—“Of Mouse And Man” also tells its own more complete and compelling fairy tale story using the fantasy and procedural elements, similar to “Bears Will Be Bears” and “Let Down Your Hair,” which is what pushes it even higher.
It starts with just some competent little bits of execution, like the tense opening scene with its orange and sickly green lighting, which is a sort of signature color scheme for the series. There’s a shot from inside the dumpster where the body du jour is… dumped that has the lid closing at night and then, without an obvious cut, opening again on daylight and a garbage truck.
Hints of mouse-ish-ness in an episode about mouse people are also seeded consistently throughout: Both the Marty and Natalie roles feel like they were cast looking for actors with a somewhat mouse-like appearance, and the Natalie character’s last name is even “Haver” “straw,” but she’s not actually a Wesen and is a symbolic rather than literal mouse. There’s an exchange between Nick and Juliette at one point where he calls raccoons “rodents,” which Juliette argues is untrue and says “We’re all mammals here.” As a second body is being dragged to a second dumpster, we see a sign on said dumpster literally depicting a mouse. During the climactic engagement with Marty at his junk shop, there’s a large doorway that looks very much like a giant traditional mouse hole, with the ragged edges along the wall as if it were chewed.
When Marty is really finally feeling himself and he takes Natalie out to dinner, he says, “You got to think bigger, Natalie. The only thing that’s holding you back is you,” which is fun dramatic irony since he’s obviously talking about himself too (or even primarily).
The choice to have each of Marty’s victims briefly turn into his father is a fun visual twist that starts so subtly that I wasn’t even sure what I was seeing. I noticed that the first victim’s face looked different at one point in the opening, but then I thought it must have just been some quirk of the lighting or something when the corpse looked normal later. It becomes more obvious and prominent as the episode goes on, culminating in Marty seeing that same face on every man at the restaurant where his final breakdown begins. This scene ends up being genuinely unsettling in a way the show’s fleeting horror elements often aren’t. It doesn’t feel like an original concept, but the way it builds all episode is very nice and works well. That Marty ultimately becomes abusive toward Natalie—a woman he wanted to save from domestic violence initially—and then sees himself as his father in the junk shop mirrors during his standoff with Nick and Hank just makes for such a satisfyingly complete-feeling arc.
“I know who you are,” Nick says to a felled Marty, by which he means a Wesen, but Marty is too far gone to understand and takes it more generally, tragically: “Oh, no, you don’t. Nobody does. Nobody knows me.”
“At least I know who you are,” Juliette says to Nick as well at the end. Which is more dramatic irony, perhaps in more than one way at once, since A) she’s doesn’t, actually, and B) it echoes that earlier line that we heard but she didn’t.
It’s just all really good! The domestic violence is described but not depicted, which makes this not as queasy (in maybe a bad way) as it could have been. And there are still other fun details or elements as well, like a chatty landlord character and especially like Juliette doing her own little investigation into who’s spying on her house and Monroe ending up in a surprise B/C plot that ultimately affirms his own agency as well—that he will continue working with Nick because he wants to and not because he’s been pressed into it. If there’s a negative in there somewhere, they probably could have explicitly connected Juliette’s extreme vigilance and desire to protect herself and Nick back to Oleg Stark attacking them in their home in the previous episode to make this feel more powerfully like character development for her.
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kotonoba · 10 months
ISYT (Jushiro/F!Reader) Ch. 43
Sorry if there aren’t many detailed things to go on since I’m sure most of the time, it’s Jushiro stressing over locating Aizen and Reader doing her best to support him in his endeavors. It’s juicier during the abduction of Orihime, anyway. Totally not because I started writing the modern AU.
The day following Halloween, you were sore all over; while you did manage to crawl to the bathroom to get yourself attended and dressed for work, you did notice a lot of bruises and bites. Jushiro made sure his work was evident, and you tended to thoroughly enjoy the holiday. Since you were in his division, he gave you the day off. 
You could hardly leave the Ugendo without people staring at you, so you omitted to leave the Ugendo until all the bites and bruises were gone. But Jushiro wasn’t that nice, yes, he was very nice. But not when marking you from top to bottom whenever he had the chance to. And if he didn’t, he made sure to give you plenty of public displays of affection. There was nothing in the Gotei 13 rulebook or whatever that says PDA was not allowed, but you got too shy to look anyone in the eye. Even Shunsui gave you two smug grins, teasing Jushiro, attempting to harass information out of you when Jushiro was not near you. Although your former captain did help you she was also a gossip girl and wanted to know the details. This opted to stay either in the Ugendo or near Jushiro whenever you two were working. 
You never got to know the Ryoka’s. Still, Rukia did, as she did “go to school” with them, and several seated officers and two lieutenants did accompany Rukia back to the material world to help them with the influx of Hollow appearances. 
What’s worse was the sudden appearance of humanoids with Hollow appearances and powers called Arrancars. 
Your lover spotted your curiosity when you found time to sit with him as he watched Rukia and the orange-haired girl spar in the division training ground. You heard an airy chuckle from him as he pulled you into his embrace, “Don’t be shy; if you’re going to sit with me, why not let me hold you?” 
It was a nuzzle to your cheeks before a kiss to your neck. You uttered a soft moan before shying away from his attention when you felt the reiatsu of another lieutenant approach the two of you. You recall he was in the Ninth division, but you were never close to anyone but Jushiro. Ever since your brave outburst to your colleagues, nasty rumors have ended up spreading. Although Jushiro tried to stop it, his not attending the Halloween event fanned the flames more. But you acted like it didn’t bother you. 
You kept your eyes to yourself. You watched the two spar as Jushiro held a small talk with Hisagi-kun. You knew everyone’s name, but that’s all you kept to yourself; you didn’t bother correcting them when they mispronounced yours or assumed you didn’t know theirs. 
Perhaps Jushiro knew what you’ve been hiding, that you’ve avoided interactions, or he’s asked for your location only to know that no one kept tabs on you; the only ones you’ve truly interacted with were Kyoraku, Unohana, and Rukia, but those people were the only ones who did try their best to speak to you. Perhaps he knew all along; that’s why he told Hisagi that you were good at describing feelings and things in general. 
That caught your attention, especially when the tattooed male said, “really? Please help us out when you have the time. I never knew how to approach you since most of my advances were minimal, or you’d outright avoid me.” 
You blinked a few times, “really? I’m sorry, I just assumed that people didn’t want to interact, so I tried not to force it on them to be respectful,” one hand gripped Jushiro’s sleeves tightly because you were nervous about interacting with others, the other scratched your neck uncomfortably. 
Jushiro noticed your unconscious nervous fidgets and nudged you gently, “you can go follow him, I’ll be back at the Ugendo by the time you come back.” He smiled, you knew he wanted you to get out more, and you appreciated that he was willing to be the mediator amongst others to get you to socialize. 
“Alright, I’ll see you when you’re home?” You questioned, as you got up from his embrace. He nods with a joyous smile, like a mission accomplished, placing a kiss on the back of your hand before watching you follow after a fellow lieutenant to talk about the Seireitei news. 
Cloudy's AO3
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
hello there. I love your blog and I’ve gone through your Astro observations and they’re really cool and relatable. I’d like to ask, what do you think about a Taurus sun, Scorpio Moon, and Scorpio Mars lady? with an Aries Mercury. what are the things that would possibly piss her off and what are the remedies to smoothening conflicts with her? how is she likely going to be when she’s real mad?
and what do you think her relationship/friendship with a Libra sun, Sagittarius Moon, Sagittarius Mars, Scorpio Mercury would be? thank you very much.
Heyyy thank you so much!!🥰
Now without further ado let’s get into it!✨
Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, Aries mercury, Scorpio mars (f) & Libra sun, Sagittarius moon, Scorpio mercury, Sagittarius mars (m).
• She’s very honest, strongly opinionated, a sweet soul and a hard worker!
• She probably doesn’t really open up much about her past but doesn’t mind listening to her partner’s rants.
• Probably might get irritated easily because of her Aries mercury.
• I think what would piss her off would be a flighty, insensitive partner that often beats around the bush or holds back instead of saying what he really wants to say.
• Also, people who can’t keep their promises or can’t commit!
• To get back in her good graces a man would have to go out of his way and do little things for her like cook for her, maybe buy her a nice necklace, share his snacks with her, ask if she wants to cuddle with him and they’ll watch a movie anddd let her know he cares for her and didn’t mean for things to get out of hand.
• Maybe even smooth-talk her and shower her with affection & attention.
• She’ll probably like a man who isn’t afraid to be vulnerable with her!
• When she’s really mad though? I imagine her to maybe have a passive aggressive vibe and be the ignoring/cold shoulder/silent treatment type after arguing.
• She’s probably fiery in general but she’s also very sweet and even if it doesn’t show she’s very caring!
• I think her relationship with a Libra sun/Sag moon/Sag mars/Scorpio Mercury guy would probably be a harmonious sweet union.
• I think he’d trust her because he’d notice how straightforward and honest she can be.
• He’d be the fiery “tough love” type and probably see her as bold, sort of nonchalant sometimes, funny and very loving!
• She’d probably see him as an honest, charming, sort of analytical, impulsive, protective type.
• I feel like they’d be each other’s biggest supporters in everything!!
• They might both be into romantic comedies.
• She might be very artistic and into fashion or really good at acting while he might be very into sports, traveling and cars!
• The down side to this union would be his need to shut her down in arguments if he thinks she’s being overly emotional or his need to constantly be out and about all the time.
• On his side, he’d probably see her as a person who starts arguments over everything because she’s always very vocal about things.
• She on the other hand might see him as somebody who lacks responsibility and might hate that he’s the type to walk away from conflict/responsibilities.
• Sexually it might be loads of fun! The Sag mars brings excitement and passion to the shy yet freaky Scorpio mars and the Scorpio mars might want to cuddle up after sex!
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