#but also not bc i'm like. oh yeah that's right the Running Themes
ichorblossoms · 7 months
@magnolia-sunrise was talking abt their oc voices and asked me abt mine so i'm gonna ramble abt that under the cut yeehaw
for the most part they have unique voices in my brain, whether or not i a) have voiceclaims for them b) can articulate what those voices sound like c) can actually write them with different voices is another story but i'm giving it my best shot jfjdjjdjf
grimm- i answered this ask awhile ago and said i didn't have a voiceclaim for them and that was not entirely true bc the beginning of this song to the ~30 second mark is closeish to what i image their voice to be like. i found this song abt a month before i created honeybee so it's Embedded in my mind as a honeybee song despite it only partially fitting hdfgklfhd (timestamped where the lyrics begin)
basically low with a slight raspiness? breathiness? grimm definitely speaks with more of a drawl/twang/cowboy accent than this singer tho (its singing voice is NOT like this at all btw). it also might have some sort of almost-lisp or sound like it's talking around smthin in it's mouth bc its got bonus fangs and its jaw likes to act up
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bc of said fangs it doesn't move it's mouth much when talking so that results in a sort-of mumble. concise when they talk, but not clipped unless the situation calls for it. they'll hold a conversation just fine but they're defs someone you can have a whole conversation with and only realize after the fact that you still know almost nothing about them. also will deliver jokes with a deadpan
yarrow- their voice has actually changed a bit from my initial perception in that ask bc i'd say their voice is actually more mid-range and not low, just a guy who's been on t for several years. don't have any refs off the tops of my head, but they have a situational/varying accent depending on who they're talking to, having grown up in a metropolitan area but moved to a rural one later on- smthin that ranges from a slight drawl/twang to an "average" western american accent. VERY expressive and prone to rambling and talking too fast- he's not unsure of himself when he speaks, just has a lot of thoughts all the time, so he'll backtrack to other ideas and restate things and trail off adhd-style. good at being social, and lot of his charm comes from being polite/knowing when to be nice. has definitely adopted a philosophy of "it's okay if i'm weird because people are fine with it if you're nice"
some bonus writing of these two
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depending on whose pov the chapter is from i do try to make it sound like their voice/thought process but i am very much of the first draft and don't know what i'm doing ✌️✨
bc they've existed in my brain for so long, most of the ttw characters also have Voices and i wanna ramble abt them too hehe
serena- originally roberta colindrez' performance in alice isn't dead was The Voiceclaim for her but not quite anymore; i think there's defs a quality to her voice in that performance that aligns with serena's voice, but nowadays i imagine her voice to be a little bit lower and rougher (also timestamped)
she's pretty terse when she talks, but serena's funny bc most of her external standoffishness really is just an awkwardness that comes across as more bitchy that she'd like. but also she is Very sarcastic and has a low tolerance for ppl being dumbasses around her, so how fortunate she is to be in the company of chucklefuck 1 and 2 (pyrithaea and vance) for most of the story.
pyrithaea- there's a line in marigold by mother falcon that i animated a few years back and it's pretty solidly Her Voice. higher-pitched and can get annoying to some people, esp bc she talks a lot and too fast (also adhd style). very expressive and at times dramatic when she talks, doesn't have a full-blown "valley girl" accent but it's there
vance- the music video for still feel by half alive has been very intertwined with vance's whole vibe for like six years, and the lead singer's voice is pretty in-line with how i imagine his voice, except vance's voice might sit in his chest a bit more, if that makes sense? also talks a lot, not as fast as rithaea, but more prone to saying things that don't quite make sense hfgkfdhg. also very expressive and dramatic and gay with hints of that same valley girl accent
leon- actually funny bc the best voiceclaim i have is fucking. gerard way. raspy and kind of nasally and grating
always kind of sounds like their smiling regardless of if you can hear them. also the fucking laugh in this video is their vibe. not their laugh all the time but
skylar and phil don't have as-solid voices yet. skylar's defs smthin androgynous and phil...sounds like a zombie but idk if i want undead and raspy or smthin more light and ghostly yet
bonus ttw writings hehe
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xxlady-lunaxx · 8 months
I like your scars | {SaneGiyuu}
Theme: Fluff :3
Note: Yk that one audio? Smth that goes like, "I like your scars" 'M-Mine?' "Yeah." 'I like your smile!' 
or smth but i forget the whole thing 😭
Anyways, partially inspired by that, and some videos I was watching earlier
-They're already dating!
-Probably OOC Giyuu bc the videos influenced me to make Giyuu so sassy 😃
-Also a little Nemi insecurity :3
-...and slightly OOC Sanemi at some points because... they're both shit at being fluffy when it comes to words, so at this point this is just what I want to say to a future lover but somewhat in their personalities... 😋
Giyuu rest his forehead on Sanemi's, their breaths interweaving together. It was silent as the two lovers lay together in a single futon, holed up in Giyuu's house as snow fell outside; the temperature dropping by the second.
"Giyuu?" Sanemi asked, after a beat.
Giyuu hummed in assent, his hand resting on Sanemi's jaw, his thumb tracing the scars on his boyfriend's face. "What is it?"
"Does my appearence not hinder your ability to... stay attracted to me?" Sanemi murmured uncertainly.
"Not at all. I like your scars," Giyuu said, a small smile brightening his face. He placed a loving kiss on the scar running across Sanemi's cheek.
"People tell me I'm scary when they see me. They run away. I can't assure people as well when I'm on my missions given of how they react..." Sanemi paused. "No one minds your presence, though. It's comforting."
Giyuu laughed gently, shaking his head. Sanemi watched him carefully.
"Sanemi, people think I'm too quiet. People say you're too loud. They say what they want, but their opinions don't matter, do they? I think... you shouldn't listen to them. They don't know you. You're kind and pretty and cute," Giyuu said, booping Sanemi's nose. "Either they're too traumatized by the demons to notice or they've got something terribly wrong with their eyesight."
Sanemi rolled his eyes. "But as you said, it's their opinion. How is your opinion so different from theirs when so many of theirs is... negative? And I'm not cute, by the way," he said, huffing.
"Hmm, I think you are. You're just proving me right," Giyuu said. "And, to answer your question, it's an opinion, remember? Theirs may be highly defective but trust me to say that I believe my words truly. What I say may be different than others but what I'm saying is also how I feel, how I see you and what I think of you. I love you, Sanemi, and nothing can changed that."
There was a silence for a minute, one of processing as the Wind Hashira pondered this.
"Mm... Then, I like your smile," Sanemi said finally, his voice quiet.
Giyuu chuckled softly, shaking his head in wonder. "And where might that have come from?"
"You kept complimenting me!! If I didn't compliment you, I'd feel bad," Sanemi whined.
"Fine. Why do you like my smile? Kocho-San says it's unsightful and that I shouldn't smile much," Giyuu said, frowning slightly.
"Well, Kocho's opinions are also deeply flawed then. I think it's wonderful. And more so by the fact that I rarely get to see it." Sanemi kissed him tenderly, as if he had to be careful, else Giyuu would break. "But if you smiled more often that would be just as lovely. You look so alive when you smile."
"Do I look like a dead fish when I don't?" Giyuu teased. 
"Nah, you're still adorable when you don't," Sanemi insisted. "Where the hell did 'dead fish' come from, though?"
Giyuu shrugged, moving to wrap his arms around Sanemi. "Some of the other Hashira have called me that before, I think. You did too, no? Before we started dating?"
Sanemi groaned. "Noo, don't remind me, I feel so bad about that..." 
"Don't be, I really was—am?—like one. Also, you hated me then so... sort of justified. And I did conspire ways to get back at all of you when I was particularily upset," Giyuu said, smirking at the thought.
"Oh? That makes me feel so much better," Sanemi said sarcastically. "What were these conspiracies, then?"
"Eh, stupid shit. Mostly just insults."
"Right. I didn't hate you, by the way," Sanemi said. 
"No? I thought you hated me with a, and I quote, 'burning passion,'" Giyuu said, giggling. 
"Oh, fuck off... No, well, I was irritated with you but I didn't 'hate you with a burning passion,'" Sanemi said with a sigh. "I hate myself for saying that, it was so cringy."
"Mmhm, it was funny," Giyuu murmured. "You know, after it all happened and I looked back on it. Why'd I annoy you, though? Was I that irritating?"
"Nah," Sanemi said, conspiciously not elaborating.
"Then... what?"
Sanemi grumbled, slinking down under the covers, his head obscured by the blanket and Giyuu's arms. He nestled himself into Giyuu's embrace, resting his forehead on the Water Hashira's chest. 
"You were so damn cool," Sanemi murmured, his voice muffled by the clothing. "I admired you so much it hurt. I pretended to hate you because it made it easier to cope with the fact that I liked you."
Giyuu raised an eyebrow at nothing, tucking his chin in to look down at the bundle of Sanemi wrapped in his arms.
"That's... cute," Giyuu said, laughing suddenly.
"Hey!! Don't laugh!" Sanemi said, jolting up, his face flushed as he bonked Giyuu lightly with his head.
"I'm sorry!! I'm sorry, I just can't imagine you admiring me. Or, like... Liking me at all. Before, at least," Giyuu said, pulling Sanemi up to his level again. 
Sanemi averted his eyes, his cheeks dusted pink in embarrassment. "Fuck, I was falling for you," Sanemi mumbled. "My ass couldn't admit it, though." 
"Well, it all turned out well," Giyuu said, kissing him. 
"Mhm, and now I've got a hot ass boyfriend who's never going to let this fact down. My money's on the fact that you'll bring it whenever you have a chance just to embarrass me," Sanemi said, pouting. 
"Awee, but you get so flustered easily, it's too cute not to..." Giyuu said.
"Hmm, right. Tell me how you fell for me," Sanemi said confidently, wanting Giyuu to be humiliated as well.
"Let me think back a bit," Giyuu said, resting his head on Sanemi's, closing his eyes. "I think... a couple months before I asked you out."
"How did you decide to ask me out, thought? Were you contemplating it for months?" Sanemi asked, laughing. 
"No, I wasn't going to tell you until..." Giyuu paused. "I don't know. I had this... spark. I think it was something you said."
The Hashira went silent again, lost in their thoughts. 
"Was it the time some bitch came and asked me out?" Sanemi asked, after a long moment. "A week or two before you asked me, some... demon slayer girl? She went up to me and asked me out. Fuck, I turned her down in an instant because my mind was on you, of all people... And she was ugly."
Giyuu snorted. "She was not, don't say that, Sanemi," he chastised.
"She was!! Especially the way she ran off crying after—don't tell me you feel bad for her? She literally avoided my eyes when she asked. You, on the other hand. Your ass walked up to me all, 'Hey Shinazugawa, wanna go out?' I'm going to be honest, you took me so off guard." Sanemi sighed, reminising. "It was a good type, though. You were so confident, somehow. Like, your eyes stayed on mine the whole time and were so..." 
His voice trailed off in thought and the silence slipped back into the room for a second.
"I wasn't confident, really. But I do think it was the fact that you turned down the girl that I asked you out finally. Partially, at least. I was hopeful because you'd turned her down, and... she was, you know, female? I was hoping it was because you were attracted to men. That, and I hadn't stopped loving you after several months," Giyuu concluded. "I guess I gave up on trying to rid the feeling."
Sanemi rolled his eyes. "Months," he scoffed. "I'd been trying to stop loving you for a fucking year. Hell, I just pretended to myself that I didn't like you. Good job."
"Eh? For what?" Giyuu asked.
"If you hadn't asked me out, I would've pretended I hated you for the rest of my life," Sanemi said, almost annnoyed at himself. "I'm a coward sometimes."
"Sometimes?" Giyuu teased.
Sanemi glared at him. "Alright, enough talk, let's sleep," he said, wrapping his arms around Giyuu's waist and closing his eyes.
"Hey, it's not my fault you started the conversation in the first place!" Giyuu protested, though he had a smile wavering on his face.
"Oh, fuck off. How did I start it?!" Sanemi complained. 
"You asked if your scars made me not like you," Giyuu said, kissing Sanemi's forehead.
"Mm. I forgot."
"I know."
Another lapse of silence drew on (this is getting annoying, isn't it....) and for a moment, Giyuu assumed Sanemi was falling asleep. 
But then he said, "And if you're wondering, there was nothing that made me ask you that. I was just... looking in the mirror yesterday."
"Oh." Giyuu paused. "But you look... gorgeous. What, was the mirror broken?"
Sanemi, whose head had been previously smushed against Giyuu's chest, looked up. "It was working perfectly fine, that's why," he said. "I can't bear to look at myself sometimes. Reminds me what I've gone through."
"Hmm, think about instead how much you've braved through, then? Or lived through? And you still look hot as hell??" Giyuu said, grinning slightly.
"Yeah... no. And... I didn't brave through shit. I literally just told you that I'm a coward," Sanemi deadpanned.
"We were talking about a completely different thing!!" he insisted. "And you did brave through it. It's not really being all fearless, it's about overcoming it."
"Look at you, being all wordy and practical," Sanemi said, grumbling. "Fine, if you want to give me a pep-talk, I'll accept it so you don't continue."
"Alright," Giyuu murmured. 
"Let's sleep now, 'kay? I want rest if I have to do my missions in dead-winter," Sanemi said, closing his eyes again as he rested his head against his boyfriend's body.
"Mmhm, love you, sleep well," the ravenette said quietly, placing another kiss on Sanemi's cheek.
"Love you too."
« Word count: 1685 »
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fanatical4creation · 9 months
This post contain sensitive topics, such as sexual themes, s/a, abortion and others similar to these. This post is intended to PG-13 audiences such as my account, so you're warned, if you read this post even if you're not the target audience then it's your fault, not mine
INVERTED!Underlust (Fanatically Underlust)
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Uuuuuuuuuuh, let's talk about the elefant in the room of my brain. To begin with, i've sorta re-written Underlust as i like, so i call this version of mine "Fanatically UnderLust".
These characters are the main ones btw...
Uuh Grillby and Sans are a canon couple, just like the og UL.
Paps and Mtt are also a canon couple, but they got some drama going on bc Paps is uuh, addicted to drugs and uuh..y'know, so they're in a complicated situation. Also Paps is like a cupid and goes around the multiverse making couples, i guess... it rarely happens tho.
Mtt runs a Quiz show (hooray!) that broadcasts for the whole multiverse, a lot of other people also participate on it, the most current wuest is Paps.
Grillby had christian parents and he has this whole arc of "bro let me live my life sucking dicks", it's awesome. He's like the song Collared by Vane lily
Alphys and Undyne don't got THAT many things going kn, just.. just being happy lesbians, and that stuff of homophobia
Alphys has the main lore of F.U.L, Luster a.k.a Gaster is sort of an asshole and does a lot of s/a, and uuuh she's his main victim, this also complements mtt's lore, he's been created specifically for Luster, for... y'know, Alphys scape... god this is awful lets move on.
Undyne is also like a popstar thing, y'know verosika from helluva boss? That's her, but nicer.
All of the characters has at least an level of hypersexuality
The FUL cast needs to use masks and have all of the preventions against an contagious thingy (like that 2019 virus) when they're in contact with other universes. it'll be explained furthermore...
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The dreemurrs, omg, i like them ngl, specially Toriel, she just deserves love, man.
Alright... uh.. Frisk and Rosie (btw just notice i wrote flowey instead of Rosie, i'm so sorryakbdksjakak)... i mean, they exist that's for sure, in FUL Frisk sacrifices himself to free the monsters, i mean.. Asriel isn't here to save the day... but Hopeful ("Dream Sans") saved everyone aren't they the best?
Asgore is an interesting one, he's also addicted to drugs like Paps, but i have to say, this drug monsters from FUL takes are something else, it's the cause of everything. But i'll explain it furthermore.
Also, Asgore is sort of a religious guy, yup! You read me right. The first human brought a bible with him, and oh god he believed it, i mean i can guess he already was a religious guy before the war but now he's THE religious.
^^^(Btw I'm not blaming all christians or believers of another religion, it's just a stereotypical character, i'm using bad believers as character/example not good believers)
Asgore participates from that school i mentioned in the underfell post, i don't remember the name, but yeah.
Btw Frisk, Rosie and Toriel are a happy family! Instead of Frisk wanting to leave he just stayed with Toriel, oh wait i need to let this clear they're like mother and son okay don't get things wrong hold on. Oh yeah Frisk still has no gender but... i mean he just wants to be called as he/him that's all
Frisk is slightly affected by the Lust contagious thing, that's why he has fat thighs and some large upper format.... sorry. I tried to make him have both of genders characteristics.
Attention. Asshole characters ahead
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Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, i don't like them at all, but they're the main villain and all of that shit so they're important.
Alright.. uuh, y'know Underlust reinmaniged by @/zirkkun Lust Syrup? Now imagine it 10x worst. Yup, that's what this human's soul is composed of, it doesn't have a name so just call it substance.
Basically the substance multiplies itself (it's almost alive) and smelling, entering in contact or digest it could infect you and alterate you completly, and also give you human traits like 5 fingers, yup, i have this headcanon where monsters has 4 fingers and humans has 5, just a way of differentiate the both species more
And Gaster... uuuh, he fell for the human's temptations and he's like..... theirs.... pet, i guess..??? But i mean, i like to think gaster is still not innocent, being too close to the literal font of the Lust would change him to be eventually what he is now
Don't worry they're in prision, forever... i Hope
Underlust by: @/nsfwshamecave-pb
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thegeminisage · 6 months
it's star trek update time. last night* we watched, well,
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pics taken moments before disaster ^
sighing deeply. ok. *i'm typing this at fuck o clock so technically it was earlier today but this post will go up while i'm at work. anyway here we go:
dark page (tng):
i don't want to talk about it.
rules of acquisition (ds9):
me having to watch this after dark page must count as some kind of cruel and unusual punishment
i was hoping ds9 could make me like the ferengi. i think whoever wrote this episode was trying. dax's little pro-ferengi speech. sure. and here's this ferengi woman, fighting for acceptance and change in her own way. yeah. fine.
unfortunately i think the episode undercut its own message a little in two ways: firstly, by having kira and dax getting groped nonstop without kira getting to break any fingers. like, non-ferengi women won't and shouldn't tolerate that, but for some reason in this episode they do...? i was especially steamed on kira's behalf; at least dax didn't seem to care as much. like, shouldn't the point be that that behavior is UNacceptable, instead of "oh it's not so bad once you get to know them"? and secondly, i think the impact pel made on odo was a little understated. the only real hint we got at him seeing a new way of things vs just him trying to protect himself was him offering pel the money to start a new life with, for free. you could tell because of his acting chocies there was a lot happening under the surface - like, he's always trying to get his own ass out of the fire, but he seemed protective of PEL rather than his own interests in several scenes there, particularly ditching his bar - but we didn't get to see most of the stuff that could ACTUALLY have been interesting bc we were too busy watching the nagus feel people up and eat bugs ha ha quirky fun! now THERE'S a guy that belongs on tng! extremely unendearing. you can win me over to um. some characters. but not this guy.
i was VERY surprised they let quark and pel kiss when quark was under the impression pel was a dude. not only was it a really funny "i thought i was GAY ping" moment, it also feels weirdly...progressive...? for 1993. along with dax assuming pel's in love with quark while ALSO still assuming pel is a guy. even though they kind of ruined it later
actually, the more i think about it the more pel reads as a trans man. is it right to categorize someone as trans when really they're just trying to get out of horrifically oppressive gender roles? maybe not, but the way quark managed to be super homophobic and misogynistic to pel at the same time ("you didn't kiss me" ok self-gaslighting king) feels so much like transphobia, and the way quark utterly rejected pel because of what she (he?) IS even despite the bond and chemistry they'd formed, AND dax, also trans, seemed to clock pel pretty quickly as being Some Kind Of Queer Like Me...i am Seeing
like, pel is all, hey we can run away together! fuck gender roles, who cares if i wear clothes! and quark is straight up like I Would Care. his internalized Whatever is keeping him from being happy with someone he clicked with, whether that's for a single night or an entire lifetime. there WAS a queer theme here. it was almost more about being queer than it was about sexism, except it wasn't actually about either of those because they fumbled the landing a little bit plus i feel like some censorship was probably happening and so the whole thing wound up being muddy. i did like quark's lisa simpson stare at the end though. girl, mood
TONIGHT: tng's "attached" and ds9's "necessary evil" I KNOW IT'S AN ODO EPISODE i'm very excited
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crimeronan · 1 year
re: raine and hunter bonding over their belos-flavoured trauma, how do you think they discuss palismen?
this is brought by the reveal that raine's violas, like the head of it, is their palisman. but that viola has been smashed open TWICE. we know from owlbert that having a staff cracked hurts, so having what is essentially 90% of your body ripped open has gotta hurt. (hypothetically it might not work the same way but shhh)
palisman are an extension of the self, so to me its a representation of how raine has worked themself to the bone for this revolution, literally becoming a tool of progress. parallel this with hunter and flapjack, as the latter allows the former to be something more than a tool of the empire, a real boy with hopes and dreams.
both of their palismen were hurt by belos, in different ways.
im thinking that if the fox didn't have a staff pre-belos, it was among the first things hunter made when he got his carving technique down. something something moving on something something if not for flapjack at least for someone else.
does this make sense? i am but a seething pot of Themes and Connections
i'm really liking the idea of raine's palisman getting to spend some time running around doing silly fox antics and getting into low-stakes trouble once belos is gone bc they've been in disguise for so long that getting to be silly is a Relief. in parallel to raine getting to breathe and relax for the first time in Ages after making sacrifice after sacrifice after sacrifice and being tortured for fuck only knows how long.
also very fond of the mental image of raine's fox often scampering off to be a nuisance to hunter specifically. probably others too like eda and luz and darius and the CATS but hunter more consistently than the others. and the concept that the fox has been left without a staff after damage to the viola is making me crazy
because i IMAGINE that raine's fox keeps gravitating toward hunter out of concern and recognition of his grief, the same way the other palismen do. and i imagine that hunter ranges from irritable to grudgingly accepting of this, because it's very difficult to resist a cute creature who keeps winding around your legs and/or neck like an obnoxious cat. and then upon realizing there's no staff, hunter's entire annoyed demeanor vanishes Immediately, like:
hunter: ...you're hurt??
and then hunter chases them all the way back to raine, whereupon the convo is just like
hunter, clearly having an epiphany: okay but. you guys shouldn't be dealing with stuff alone. there are people who'd want to know
raine, clearly Deeply pained about being called out: i wish this was not so obviously something you need to hear yourself so i could argue with a child instead. ok. perhaps you are right.
hunter: yeah. i am 🥰
and then yeah hunter carves a new staff when he's confident enough. i think it would take a while bc he'd be nervous about screwing it up but raine and their palisman are both incredibly patient so that's fine
incredible content thank you.
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A3! reading club: act one (chapter 1-6)
(cw: talking about parental neglect and abuse, orientalism, one mention of suicide)
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Hey, ten out of twelve isn't bad, all things considered! This very well could have gone down in October. Also, since it's February (March if you wanna be generous), does that mean everyone in Harugumi's slightly younger than their Year One ages now? Ack, timelines are confusing.
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Izumi casually talking about how Yukio neglected her and following it up with "well, it was probably because he loved this theater so much!" is. Oh, girl. No wonder she snapped when Sakyo suggested he'd abandoned Mankai, because if he hadn't loved it, then why did she have to go through with that?
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I'm not versed enough in Japanese particles but I recognize "daijoubu" and Tsuzuru watching this trainwreck unfold and saying something along the lines of "are you guys, like, okay?" is extremely funny.
Then we get to Sakuya and Masumi's family situations, which. From a meta perspective, it makes sense to want to give your minor protagonists the freedom that having parents limits. That's why the trope of "young protagonist in kid's spec fic media is conveniently an orphan" is so common. (was? I think it's becoming less common now.) The problem lies in the lack of willingness to follow through with the emotional conflict it creates, or resolve said conflict in a satisfying manner. Sure, I'm assuming they weren't starved or physically abused, but being treated like a burden when you're a child is still fucking traumatizing! Basically I think Izumi Sakuya and Masumi should start a union. And I'm glad later chapters go the reasonably more toned-down route of "my parents have a reasonable amount of trust in me to make these kinds of decisions".
Also, can we talk about Sakuya and Masumi, because they're one of my favorite brotps here. The way Sakuya appoints himself as Masumi's surrogate big brother? He's so eager to potentially share a room with him ;-;. (personally I hc that Ms. Sakuma was expecting another child before the accident or whatever killed them, so Sakuya's been a big brother without a younger sibling all this time </3)
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Wow, that doesn't sound like a metaphor for anything! You're right, Izumi, why would you go the easy route of taking something prepackaged and guaranteed when a bunch of wildly different spices can create a delicious meal if you know how to utilize them right?
Am I grasping at straws here. Probably.
The little ka-ching sound effect is adorable.
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Tsuzuru, I'd think "antagonist" should be near the top of the list...also, there's plenty of plays that have been pulled off with two or three actors. Just put on "night, Mother" or something. (Joking. Don't look up night, Mother if you're sensitive to themes of suicide.)
"Tsuzuru, you picked this troupe because it had a dorm, right? ...Then maybe our best bet is to focus on more people in your shoes."
"People in my shoes? In other words...."
"The homeless?"
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he's literally doing the 😔 face i'm on the floor.
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HE'S HERE! Funny how Izumi's right about Citron not being a regular tourist right off the bat. He may not be from another troupe, but he's definitely "in character" right now.
Also, oof. Citron's my second fave in Harugumi after Sakuya, but it's glaringly obvious how much of his character is rooted in orientalism. Sure, maybe it's an act, but why is he talking about how "shameful" showing skin is when his top is (conveniently for us) THAT low-cut.
On another note, I know people have pointed out his distaste for pig's feet as evidence for headcanoning him as Muslim, but I haven't seen anyone point out how he calls Veludo Way a "mecca" of theatre. Like yeah, mecca can just mean hub, but...why didn't they just say hub? Words Have Connotations. I'm not saying this coding is good or bad, it's just a neutral observation.
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AND HERE'S THIS BASTARD (affectionate)
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Oh, Kasumi! (insert pointing reaction pic bc I've run out of photo space.) It's Kasumi, guys! :D
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papirouge · 10 months
I had bad experiences with some of those trad wife accounts on IG in the past as well, mostly how many of them downplay rape and consider a rapist to be a baby’s father when I had to correct them and call those men a criminal that should be locked up for the rest of their life for harming women. I’d get called a liberal a lot (lol) with that stance (I don’t know why they’re so willing to protect rapists) despite also wanting to fight for babies unborn and born and stronger criminal prosecution for rapists, but there was this weird underlying theme of submissiveness and how women needed men (even the violent and dangerous ones) with them that made every interaction feel like a fetish. Or that maybe their boyfriend or husband (with a rape fetish?) was actually running those accounts
With that other anon that felt defeated, I’d say to pick and choose your battles. I learned that mostly for online. It’s getting harder to ignore how many false Christians there are polluting the church with their degeneracy and violence. But their apathy and clout chasing on social media will produce no good fruits. We see that already with how many false Christians are rejecting Christs teachings for being too soft now. They want to create a new false idol out of their insecurities but out of the likeness of Christ yet, their idol will be vicious and cruel towards everyone that isn’t them.
You will know your people by their works. There are true considerate pro life Christians who will never forget Palestine and are trying to do something to help those there 💕🇵🇸 god sees our hearts and your intentions
Oh girl, I've been accused of being a leftist, a communist, an islamist, a conservative tradfem pickme, countless times... I'm too left leaning for the average Christian on this hellsite, but I'm not enough progressive to be accepted by actual leftist xD I'm not a political person anyway so I don't care the slightest about whatever people put on.
Yeah that anon felt quite defeated and reading my reply, I felt like I didn't encourage them enough (girl, if you're reading this I'm sorry 🙇🏾‍♀️). But the thing is, since I don't attend church I struggle to realize the extent of feeling letdown by their own local church community, which sucks. I'm a VERY individualistic person and know that we can't save people - only God does. You perfectly said it: we have to pick and chose our battle. Profess truth wherever we are, and let go if it's rejected
I'm a very small blogger and sometimes feel discouraged by people with much bigger communities but using their influence for the worst, bewildering young Christians, etc. But years ago, God clearly told me to "do my part". That's what I do. God keeps talking to me and reassures me He's still there so I know I'm good and He's still backing me up. That's why I'm so serene whenever people attack me for my theological statement. Whenever they do I'm like "when was the last time God spoke to you?" "When was the last time that you asked God to open your eyes and see the truth in who you are, whatever you need to fix in your life, etc.?" bc if you did, God would've shown you I'm right. I know bc God shown me through dreams/visions when some Christians with a public voice were anointed by him
"They create an idol out of their own insecurities"
You are absolutely right anon. That's one of the best indicator of genuine Christians vs opportunists. Opportunists won't be changed by the Word of God, they will twist the Word of God to fit their own bias. I don't know about you, but becoming Christian changed me. It changed some my beliefs to the core. But the opportunists? they will twist the Bible in any way possible to NOT change their ideological stand because they are uncomfortable with the idea of moving thrm5. That's how you have Christians defending murder, racism, stealing (not paying owed taxes), etc. They might read the very specific passage condemning such acts, they will constantly find ways to deny them. Interestingly, they will have no problem acknowledging other passage that confirm their bias, such as those condemning homosexuality or adulterers (very handy to dunk on sex posi women/liberals they obsessively hate)
"you will know your people by their work"
Yes, yes and yes💞 I think it's interesting one of the people (who got mad at my post calling out the hypocrisy of pro lifers sleeping on what's happening on pregnant women & babies in Palestine) told me that prolifers didn't owe me to speak up about what fit my politics, when first of all, caring about the wellbeing of newborn and mothers are the staples of the prolife fight -those are not my "politics"- so it makes sense to paint out the complacency of so called prolifers regarding the struggle of said mothers and newborns in a war ridden area🤔, but also, as a Christian, I believe we do owe something, not to me, but God.
The "Saved through faith alone" slogan unfortunately deluded Christians into thinking their actions, or lack, didn't have consequences. They do. Ananias and Sapphira were Saved - God still killed them for their disobedience. Jesus talked about "fruits" and Paul about different sort of crown we earn in heaven based off our work/how we conduct while on earth.
Resisting AND denouncing evil is part of the basic lines of being Christian. We're lucky the antichrist has yet to come and we can still freely condemn evil as we see it, but it's like it was already too much to ask for some.
God definitely listen to our prayers : a few days ago, there were call to pray for the rain to come so Palestinians can drink, and rain eventually came. God is good 💜✝️
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iamthunderhearmehowl · 10 months
Halsin's Daughter Headcannons PT5: ✨️Names/Personality/Druid Subclass / Theme Songs ✨️
Oh wow. We're on prt 5???? Am I obsessed? Or am I basically making a new DND character to play in my next campaign 🤫🫣
Either way, I want you guys to enjoy this as much as I am.
So I have 4 names lined up and a poll going on. The poll and all other posts related to Halsin's Daughter can be found here.
And may I just say that ya'll are going to make this hella hard for me bc everytime I look all the names are tied lmao.
The names:
Armelle - Means Bear
Faeryl - I think this one is super cute
Haelra - Similar to Halsin
Khalees - Not gonna lie, I got this one from a name randomizer
I'll make another post in 7 days letting yall know the winner. Could I have easily just flipped a coin and name her? Yeah but that's no fun!
I'm still working on this one so bear with me (hahaha i hate myself lmao)
I think she would be really quiet. Hiding in the background, she normally wouldn't speak unless she is spoken to. She tends to keep to herself
Although she is a natural flirt and naturally charming; part of her knows that it's a defense mechanism. She's like this because she HAD TO be. She had to survive her life in the underdark and that meant winning her mother political favors via seducing people. It was survival for her.
She's actually really klutzy. She always knocks something over. IDK man she's like either super unlucky or just a bull in a china shop.
Dead ass would just be walking and minding her own buisness and her shirt would get caught on a door and she would fall backwards and accidently set the place on fire
She's also kind of a day dreamer. Most people would see her and think about how elegant she looks sitting at the tavern table with her legs crossed nicely, thoughfully staring into her cup
In reality - she's thinking about eating chocolate in her wildshape as a wolf. Would she die or would she just have really bad diarrhea????
Her thoughts are literally your google search bar at 3 am.
When she finally gets comfortable around people, she is a gem to be around: She's pretty funny + a mess.
Walking chaos honestly
Favorite phrases: "Why the fuck are you the way that you are?" "For what reason???" "It was an accident I swear" "You have 2 braincells"
She's not as serious as her father; but she did spend most of her time with Mol and Arabella who are both pretty mischevious and witty
Now once she has a mission or job to do it's a whole different story: Home girl goes 0 to 100 real quick
She uses wild shape to her full advantage
If she's getting chased on rooftop she'll just jump off and change into a crow in mid air
She'll also wildshape into a wolf and run at you at full speed only to change her self back right as she stabs you
Druid Subclass:
I'm still looking into this, but I think I would make her either Circle of Dreams or Circle of Wildfire.
I can see circle of dreams because she would be good aligned. And it's easy to see her playing with Pixies in the underdark as a child.
Circle of Wildfire would make more sense because again this girl is just walking chaos. Like I said in previous posts she sees natures balance as chaos itself. What is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly. So Circle of Wildfire would make so much sense for her.
Again I am working on it but let me know what you think ❤️
Theme Songs:
This is honestly just for funsies.
HD's Theme Song: ⤵️⤵️
Dammon + HD:
lol can you tell that I'm a Sleep Token fan? Anways that's all I have for tonight! I'll be back for part 6 as soon as I can!
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narastories · 2 years
Hi! For the Salty Ask List, how about 11, 27, and dealer's choice if you'd like - by that I mean answer the question you most reblogged the List hoping to answer lol. Outlander or Dresden Files, unless there is another series or media you're just dying to talk about 😊😘
Heey :) You know what? I think I'll answer this one with Outlander, it's fitting the questions ^^"
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
BJR, for sure. I think out of all the villains I ever latched onto he's the most hated by their fandom. Obviously, I know people who love him and we've both written fic with him but if you look him up you'll just naturally run into people foaming at the mouth xD And it's sort of warranted, but still... If you have a character like that with a plot written *like that* don't be surprised that some people will be into it. I think he's wonderfully complex and fun to explore in fic, but I also accept that he's a walking red flag.
Alternatively: Frank. With him, the hate is really disproportionate to what the actual character had done. I'm taking Frank Randall away from the fandom until everyone learns to appreciate him like they should :P
27. Least shippable character?
This is going to be mean.
But this is supposed to be salty. Right?
Yeah, yeah. It sounds strange. The canon revolves around a ship containing her. We've also written alternate ships, it's not impossible. There are tons of fic but hear me out: for a protagonist, she's extremely hard to put into an interesting ship. Usually, the protagonist is the *most* shippable character and she's... Canon is, well, there. And then you can get creative in fic but then you're going to play whack-a-mole with her questionable traits and illogical life choices and constantly need to patch up the plot holes and make it work somehow. She's just. Frustrating.
For once I actually wasn't hoping to get any particular question so I picked one that fits the Outlander theme.
Bonus: 10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Bees. BEEEEEEES. The fucking Bees.
I've talked about this a lot, but it doesn't change the fact that there isn't a single arc, plot, or even just MCD that turned me off so much and so violently as that book. I still haven't read more than a few chapters btw. From time to time I'll think oh maybe I should read it properly, just on principle. And there's Willie and wouldn't I want to at least read Percy's and John's scenes fully? Potential for fix-its? But then every single time I come to the conclusion that it would be a waste of precious time to do so.
Maybe I could give the audiobook a go and just zone out while I do something else... Except I hate to spend even one audible credit on it bc fuck DG.
Anyways, salty asks got salty lol
Thank you for the ask though <3
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clonehub · 2 years
Starting the finale!
It's been quite an uneventful journey I will say!
Oh muffled volume! You don't get that often. The coolest was when mace had his moment in s1
The pause in this clones when he says Kaminos been destroyed :(
"and I will be left here on my own" :((((
Damn crosshair is really down
Oh he's up
Why was it not in AZs instinct to help 😭
I wonder who taught her to swim
Damn is crosshair really this stubborn
This almost sounds like I think the clones theme from tcw??
Yeah being this deep underwater.....nah
"all those missions together and you threw away" bitch BE SERIOUSSSS
"soldiers follow orders" notice how he didn't say "good"
Ok crossie baby part of the reason they're all nearly dead is bc of you you know that right
They looooove shoulder bumps in tcw
Kinda crazy that AZ can just weld through two feet of metal
No this was driving me insane. All this running bc you knew y'all was finna drown now that you're on the ocean floor in a cracked tube you want to WALK
How is this the finale and they really had to slow this shit down 😭
"something on your tiny mind, wrecker"
See look. Wrecker getting the emotional development that everyone should have been getting simultaneously
But tech essentially saying Crosshairs severe and unyielding personality is in his nature is rubbing me the wrong way. It's like. Essentialst idk. Like a long that same thread of eugenics that's been undergirding this show more than an actual plot has, saying oh well Crosshairs never going to change he simply cannot help it. Form one PoV this could be tech being just as uncompromising as crosshair is. Another is the contrast between tech and wrecker as a mind/heart thing which theyve been semi doing for this season. But also does this not essentialize his fascist tendencies too. Nooo he can't help being a fascist or having a personality that lends itself toward authoritarianism it's in his nature and you cannot change nature. Which kinda goes against the whole choice thing Hunters been talking about up to this point. Idk.
"understanding you does not mean I agree with you" this line annoys me sorry it just sounds like. Every Single -Ist and -Phobic person I've come across who's like "yeah I ~understand~ you but I don't have to agree!!" Babygirl I think actual understanding at least on the level as deep as ideology (or in my case various positions of marginalization) would require......nvm I can see here that there's two ways to understand "understand" but also the line is still corny soz
Ok if there's a problem why did you stop walking.
"run!" You should been doing that--
Man Crosshairs run was so dumb
Az was strong enough to carry fives I'm sure he could lift omega up some of these places
Stop calling them defective lmao
"you take things too personally" stay on topic crosshair let's talk about the empire leaving you for dead 🧐
"kamino regs the Republic" wild wild wild
"the empire will control the entire galaxy and I am going to be a part of it" see how he's a fascist guys
Why is he having headaches
LMAO not even omega gave up on him
They've got buttons on the inside?
Oh btw omegas 10 which means tbb is like. Probably 7 if she remembers them being created.
AZI :(
I mean at least they have him now 😭
This is the whitest they'll look in this series
"we want different things" I mean. Yeah. But like fascism is kinnndaaaaaaaa
Second use of the word brother in this series lmao
This Forgive a Fascist ass plotline
You don't get a lot of characters with bangs
Quite uh. I guess uneventful as a finale all things considered.
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tigirl-and-co · 1 year
20. A boss you think is really cool
Hmmm... that's an interesting one! I'm gonna answer with a few different bosses, bc 'cool' could mean a lot of different things
Cool design + concept: Blizzeta from Twilight Princess (her 2nd form also has what's probably my 2nd fave boss theme of all time)! I also like the in-story context for her boss battle so much! (spoilers for Twilight Princess) We know already that the mirror shards are a corrupting force, and earlier we see that the Goron Chief was corrupted by the Fused Shadows. But here we see, via freaky ass cutscene, a character we liked get corrupted in front of us- it's no longer a generic 'beat the bad guy' boss fight, it's a 'saving the innocent' battle with personal stakes! and the cutscene that initiates her battle? Iconic. Everyone in the fandom knew NOT. TAKE. MIRROR. I also have an attachment to her for very personal reasons haha. But yeah her design fucks hard, I wish the combat was as interesting as the rest of her schtick.
Cool (I admire them): Cynthia from pokemon gen 4 are u kidding me I wanted to be her SO BAD as a kid. She wiped the floor with me so many times. I made a sprite edit using her as a base when I was like 12 and used it for an avatar. If I can remember the name of my old forums I'll post it.
Cool as in 'has stuck with me': Honestly a lot of the OG Luigi's Mansion ghosts are cool bc they're like... just people, and it's real wild that the first boss of this nintendo game is somebody's dead mom. But Bogmire stands out for being kind of surprise creepy. I think about it a lot. What's its deal. Yeah it's the personification of the house's misery or whatever, but what does that MEAN. I was like 5 or 6, playing this game, and I go to a hidden graveyard and knock on a big cool gravestone and initiate this battle. For little me, it was the right mix of creepy but engaging. I was nervous but not terrified. I would buy a Bogmire plushie.
Cool as in 'I look forward to it when I play the game': The darknut minibosses from both Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Yeah the Wind Waker one isn't that tough now that I have a big grown up brain, but it's still neat, and WW Darknuts are my literal all time favourite enemies to fight in any game ever. I never pass up the chance.
The Twilight Princess one, though? Holy shit. I replayed the game like 2 years ago, and that bitch STILL kinda freaked me out! YEAH you can cheese him with the bomb arrows if ur a little bitch, but if you do a genuine bona fide sword fight? That shit's fun as hell. There's this unnameable dread when you first enter that room. You can feel in your BONES that that suit of armor is going to come to life and whoop your ass.
Cool as in most badass/dramatic: oh yeah it's gotta be the Wind Waker final battle. Everything about it RULES. (SPOILERS) You're having a desperate sword fight for your life, a 10 year old kid who left home a month ago vs an ancient warlock who was so powerful the gods themselves had to seal him away.
He won, btw. Like Ganondorf literally wins in WW. It takes KoRL stepping in to DROWN BOTH HIMSELF AND GANONDORF to prevent Ganondorf from getting his wish. So you're trapped in a room, water pouring in on all sides, against a man who... doesn't even hate you. He's just doing what must be done. He could have killed Zelda, but he doesn't. He puts his sword away and backhands her instead of running her through. He's 100% just playing out his destiny. You aren't the one who defeated him the first time, you're just some kid who was dragged into this by a ghost.
And when you kill him BY STABBING YOUR GODDAMN SWORD INTO HIS HEAD, he laughs quietly before delivering one of the most iconic lines in Zelda history. Like that whole battle, from opening cutscene to the final, is so intense. So fucking intense. I'm convinced they couldn't have gotten away with half the shit they do if the game wasn't so cutesy. Easy Teen rating.
Cool as in Best: WW Molgera is 10/10. The fight itself is fun and satisfying! Molgera has a KICK ASS design! It's a fantastic and mood-setting opening cutscene! The sound design on the boss is freaky in all the right ways! It's a UNIQUE boss battle! She's got the greatest boss battle theme in the whole goddamn series and I'll DIE on this hill! She was so scary I cried while watching my dad play when I was little, and once I got to her battle on my own I not only remembered her, it took me two days to work up the courage to face her, and I felt like an absolute fucking badass once I did! In that moment, I fell well and truly in love with video games. I was Link, a child facing down an ancient wyrm, terrified but pressing on.
Also, in the original GCN version of the game, the hitbox on her tongue doesn't go away when she starts flying, so you can hookshot it and force her back into the sand.
Thank you for the ask, doubly so if you actually read all of this haha <333
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sureuncertainty · 1 year
today has been a Day and it's literally only 12pm
(tw for vomit mention below for any fellow emetophobes that follow me i'm gonna talk in detail about what happened bc I need to get it out somewhere so please be careful but i'll put it under a read more too)
Basically my Worst Trigger happened today (aside from me being sick myself), a guest was violently sick in front of me, and not even like. directly in front of me and thank god not on me, and i also did have warning so I was able to step away, and not be like. completely blindsided by it. but i thought I could handle it, and so I did not, as I should have completely removed myself from the situation. so.
but i did see it. and hear it. and it was a lot. like oh my god. and like listen, i literally cleaned up vomit when I was custodial and that was fine, but it's really the actively watching it happen and hearing it happen that set me over the fucking edge
and ofc i'm around my coworkers so i have to act normal, and I was like hm, i should probably leave the area (and i'm having this through process literally AS the guest is actively vomiting again and again) but then i'm like nah everything is fine my emet is better now so i'll just process it later. and the guest just. kept throwing up. and i kept hearing it. even if i wasn't seeing it. but i couldn't stop from looking at it a few times and i did see it i saw a lot of it and now it's permanently imprinted in my brain but ANYWAY
i finally was like okay i literally cant be here, and left the area, to run into a custodian which was really fucking lucky so I told him about it and i maintained my composure here, i was like cool i'm fine everything is fine and then I ran into another coworker who could obviously kinda see what was going on. and i was like hi yes i can't be around that. and she was like yeah. valid. i don't like being around it either
and i'm like hahahaha yeah definitely that's definitely my thing it's definitely a normal thing and not a debilitating phobia that's affected me my entire life and i thought was getting better and i guess it is but today it went right back to Full On Panic mode bc my coworker (bless her) took me to the side and she could tell i was starting to freak out. and i'm trying to keep myself from freaking out, like it's fine, I'll freak out later, I can hold this in, it's fine. I tell her I have emetophobia. she starts to try to distract me, so she asks me about the tattoos on my arms, I start awkwardly telling her about Silence Agenda, but I can't think, I can't focus on anything I'm saying and then I don't really remember exactly what happened after that, since I definitely dissociated a little bit, but it was one of those panic attacks where I couldn't breathe and my entire face went completely numb, like, it was BAD. i haven't had one like that in a long long time.
thankfully my coworker was really good and helped me kinda breathe through it, and she clearly had experience with this kind of thing, and a coordinator showed up (bc of the guest issue, which ofc made me feel even worse bc wow now you gotta go comfort the cast member who's having a panic attack bc of an already bad situation that you also have to deal with)
and overall the entire thing was mega embarrassing, and no one made me feel bad about it, but I kept (and still keep) thinking about how i should be fine with this i'm supposed to be okay, I work at a theme park and i used to work in custodial and it NEVER affected me like this before, even though this was obviously a different situation, and everyone else was fine, like they were grossed out but able to keep doing their jobs, and I was the one who fucking lost it and so there's that whole level of shittiness on top of the regular shittiness of being in a triggering situation at work
so yeah. i'm not doing well. i ended up coming home early and i'm supposed to go to a concert tonight and probably will but i was already anxious about it and now i'm just like. wow. i'm so pathetic. anyway. thanks for reading if you read thru this
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knowlessman · 1 year
boruto next hero macadamia idfk (bnha) s2e13-15
if bakugo doesn't have a body count by the end of this series I will be amazed
I wonder if shinso shows up again. cool guy.
"it's only morning but I'm already tired" damn, I don't think that's supposed to hit until after high school -- iida why are you running in the rain
"I had some elementary schoolers suddenly tell me 'don't worry about it'" ah, sero 'XD poor guy -- asui why are you like this 'XD
wait so they do just leave school early to become superheroes in second or third year? : / that's… uh, a bit something -- todoroki got how many offers? there are that many individual super agencies? -- wait people WANT to try to manage bakugo's unmanageable ass? 'XD they did see the Hannibal Lecter setup, right?
"they're probably all because of my dad" I mean. you did freeze the entire stadium. people notice that. people in outer space noticed that, I think.
think I know why I've never heard of Mina's superhero name
huh. woulda thought Invisible Girl'd been taken. I guess it's only been a few generations
"Shoto." …okay -- wonder if there're fics where shoto eventually escapes out from under his dad's name and the whole hero thing entirely and he just becomes a blue-collar worker. get the feeling he'd like that
(ingenium's name) …huh.
(deku) yeah, had a feeling -- "and in that moment, katsuki bakugo died, and I, the villain God Explosion Murder, was born"
tokoyami: "he who follows two hares catches neither" so true bestie. (discreetly adds that to a quotes file bc I actually do like it)
also tho tenya didn't go with Emergency Exit : [ darn, I liked that name
Stain, or by his old name, Jeff the Killer -- hm. so iida might be on a revenge path. : /
new OP mid-season? not clickbait? huh
"judge me by my age, do you? mm?"
okay, let's find out what Six-Time National Jeaning Champion's deal is -- wait is Best Jeanist actually Bayonetta in disguise -- personality makeover, huh. well, I expect we'll see how that goes
who's Ninja Misty? (some other kid interning at the same place as Quiet)
wait did Todoroki just go with Endeavor's agency? : / I don't think they outright said it
(deku trying to wall-jump) I foresee property damage. and/or "it's 5 AM, quit humping my wall!"
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"no it's not. are you okay?" 'XD something tells me he's not gonna wanna hear about your previous microwave-based epiphanies either
fantasy AU end theme? yooo! also dang but these alt costumes for todoroki and bakugo are on point -- screw soul eater's alt fashion endings, I want more AU endings, this rocks
new OP isn't bad I guess? idk
the subtle naruto-esque flutey flute when he went under the couch 'XD
"Full Cowling"? and it looks like the manga and different subs translate it differently. Think I kinda like cowling's connotation (that it apparently has) of a covering for a jet engine or whatnot, but wever
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'XD if this doesn't push bakugo to villainy I dunno what will
oh yeah, Mojo Jarjar (idk I can't get over the brain thing but can't pick another character to combine Mojo with). how's he getting on, then -- starting to feel like those lips are visual shorthand for something but idk what, and also dunno if I wanna know what : / anyway so yeah, I guess Facepalm/his boss can just produce Nomu's maybe -- so, he's kind of a chimera? or something
okay so facepalm and jeff the killer made up I guess
iida you only even have super speed in your legs, and no weapon. how're you gonna kill a guy?
dolphin man's okay (the guy iida's interning with, whatever he's called).
…not sure whether to blame the translation but none of these villain's motives are making any sense -- why IS this dub so quiet -- "jeff the killer has been lowering the crime rate, whether because heroes are getting more conscientious or out of fear" ??? the sub didn't spell out the "or out of fear" part and put "conscious" rather than "conscientious" but this still doesn't explain much. are heroes just reporting fewer crimes? is Stain also targeting criminals even though he's only been clearly stated to attack heroes? are they saying most heroes are corrupt and are committing most of the crimes (something like that did happen in, idk, Denmark or somewhere else Over There)? -- "heroes are working harder because of the murders, the hero killer is also a hero breeder" oh, so he's actually just raising the global wanted level. so a bored GTA player is apparently a good guy. …well, at least I know what the premises and conclusion are now. and can switch back to the version I can hear at normal volume -- hell, where the dub says "heroes are working harder because of the murders," the sub says "heroes are working hard to bring down the cost of food." …is this a fan translation I've been reading here? : |
ohey so there are more of the - …that one with wings isn't Kacchan's old classmate is it. couldn't be, right? -- pretty sure that big one is literally a Resident Evil Licker wearing pants
well that one's eyes are in sideways, so I guess the mid-size one dodges copyright
"a scarf as red as blood… weapons all over your body… you must be Ryu Hayabusa! have you seen Stain anywhere?" wait he's not the red scarf guy? "Strider"… huh. -- "I don't even know who you are. and I'm going to forget you again before your body stops cooling"
beh. cliffhanger or no, it's quarter to 4.
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bredforloyalty · 2 years
hi, im the anon from like a couple days ago. srry that im just clogging up ur inbox widhd but i dont rlly have anywhere else 2 talk abt it. ive just been privately indulging in my like.. Weird Thoughts which is nice but god it would be so neat to just be able to talk abt them w someone else ?? and like. im sure theres someone online i can ramble abt it to but i dont know where to look and considering these r like. pretty Freakish thoughts and concepts i also run into the chance of maybe coming across like actually malicious ppl so thats discouraging me from looking too. i dont know. its just a struggle sometimes. u can absolutely feel free to ignore bc im just rattling along but yea 😭
do you think its okay if i write dark/mature stories abt teenagers set in high school? like in the style of ginger snaps. im a teenager myself and ive been rotating this plotline in my head that involves themes like murder/sex/drug use/etc. and all my main characters are my age. im just worried that once i become an adult and actually write it maybe people might think im being weird towards teenagers ?? i dont know. just been thinking abt this a lot
oh my god anon i totally forgot to answer those other asks from a few days back.... SO SORRY ABOUT THAT i relate i feel you but most importantly, you can message me!!! if you'll make do with lil old me lol but if you're talking more generally about just messaging anyone, i get that too... it's uhm it's weird internal struggles most of the time, for some of us, when you're like uh, like this 😔
and about writing, let me just preface this by saying that i'm not a writer and i'm not very wise and i'm not an authority on this, i know everyone knew but i wanted to emphasize lol. so yeah i appreciate that you asked me and i think whatever you think is appropriate for you to write is appropriate! what you feel is right is right, believe in your ability to tell what's correct morally and what's not and to tell what fits your story best and have the courage to write what you really want to write :)
there's stuff like abuse and power dynamics that i'd love if people treated with care, like when deciding how to portay it, but even with those it's like, i don't believe viewing a fucked up dynamic through rose-colored glasses is harmful in itself... or that it can't be very touching art if it's not spelled out clearly that this is an unhealthy unbalanced relationship, and for survivors especially or people who are intimately familiar with fucked up, i think.. what am i saying. i KNOW the ""romanticization"" angle can affect survivors deeply, in a catharsis way and not a re-traumatized way i mean hxsgcy so that has real merit in fiction in my opinion
you know how they say great art disturbs the comfortable and comforts the disturbed or smth like that? i know it's hard and sticking by your own moral code (that might go against social norms) has to be learned and practiced, and the backlash that comes with challenging taboos is never exactly a walk on the beach but i encourage you to go for it and try to forget about what certain people will think! there will be stupid malicious interpretations always but you're not writing for those people, you're writing for the people that Do get it!! who will get it, when they read it, for those that see you and understand
anyway yes you're not clogging up my inbox and my dms are open, feel free to hop in there if you want to talk to someone and be certain you're not going to be judged💓💓💓
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benevadeca · 2 years
Finished invincible (2021) and it was good I fucking literally called it with the oh he's probably some weird paternalistic alien white man's burden kind of bitch. +Unreliable narrator abt what his planet is like. Only thing I didn't get was why he killed the guardians other than them being impediments to his weird vague alien backstory but then. Well.
As an attempted deconstruction of the super hero genre I was kind of hoping they'd go into alien biology a bit more bc hey. Kind of weird these aliens just happen to look exactly like humans but with powers!
I was thinking either it's a guise to assimilate better to a home culture or it was a 1 in a billion case of convergent evolution (which would rationalize the hey why do these greater powers even give a shit abt earth in the first place) but nah.
I mean I guess it did kind of do it with like. The aging lifespan thing but it felt like it came out of nowhere like the parents going on vacation and his "it was uh 2 years ago?" It has been 20. Like and this has never come up??? I'm assuming Debbie knew but hey maybe bring these things up to your son the mixed kid who you were unsure which biology his body would prioritize!!! I feel like this could have been an. Additional point of contention he could have with his teen angst / sense of alienation identity crisis. And also his het plot interpersonal / relationship issues. Like it's a good plot point but it came kind of way late for the impact it's supposed to have. Idk keeping it as something he also knew but we the audience weren't specifically privy to until hindsight. Whatever the opposite of dramatic irony is. But it seemed kinda like he was also surprised by this information which UHHHH guys pls.
Also OK I know it's supposed to be an edgy deconstruction that shows the reality of what a superhero world would be like but it seems like it rly teeters the line of just gratuitous violence. It's super late so words bad but uhhh superhero genre being a power fantasy thing, how would a world where power cannot completely be state commodities and the state response to that, the willingness to use violence before even attempting to establish communication, etc etc.
Like it seemed to attempt to tackle some of these but kinda uh. Not consistently with its messages. Like w eve I'm so glad they tackled the yeah it's so much better to use ur bomb ass power to tackle real human issues instead of only immediate stuff. Not just protecting the right to survive but to live and live WELL. But also like pls more of the common people and the interconnectedness of life or something idk idk. Still felt deeply entrenched in that individualist American kind of storytelling.
Like eve going off and putting out wildfires ohh!! That's great but actually wildfires can be an important part of the way ecosystems self-regulate. Naturally occurring and controlled fires are good things!! Or her giving life to those farmers barren land. OK but did u talk to them beforehand. OK but are they even prepared for harvest. Is what they're growing even like. Long term beneficial to the land or community. What about the important and necessary work of talking to people at the ground level. People who know the land and their own needs and how to work towards them VS run and gunning them with momentary assistance instead of helping them work to establish the groundwork necessary for self-assurance and mutual aid.
Like themes like this would be the direct antithesis of what Omni guy stands for w his survival of the fittest imperialist eugenics nonsense and how none of that "progress" and "civilization" makes sense in the face of the inescapable interconnectedness and commonality of life. And yeah I know the superhero comic genre is not know for subtlety or nuance in their metaphors but come on!! If you want yr edgy show to show the dark grit reality it must show the tenderness and potential of reality as well!! Balance people!
Grace's character does the best at it but even then kind of generic and weak. Debbie too I suppose but well.
Other things uhh. Wish the gay best friend got a little more idk what or how but the entire college episode seemed. Idk smth abt it did not sit right.
The entire robot thing sure was weird huh. Like they rly said and here's a robot experiencing robot racism or abelism or smth, who is consistently not seen for who he is and othered and we're gonna explore what defines personhood and what standards do we need to justify needless harm just bc another party might be unable to feel it, or too small for it to matter. Except no he's uh. A human guy or something. The cloning thing they did w those blue guys was cool tho ig.
Love the demon detective guy too bad they said nah ur too OP and also give weird meta abt the state of death and dying to this show we don't have room to handle in our already cramped narrative space. Begone my dude 🔥 👋
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plutothe-pup · 2 years
hello. pip obviously! piplo! moon donkey! greg/nemo!!
I accept no arguments for these take them as you will.
Pip: 78. If Walls Could Talk - 5 Seconds of Summer
Some things are meant to be secret and not to be heard So if I tell you, just keep it and don't say a word Yeah, when the doors are all closin', it's bound to get loud 'Cause all these bodies are hoping to get addicted to sound If these walls could talk I'd hope they wouldn't say anything Because they've seen way too many things 'Cause we'd fall from grace, we're falling Yeah, we'd fall from grace If these walls could talk
Now I know what you're saying. This song is about people shacking up. Yes. It's also hinting at keeping your mouth closed and 'Pip's the gossip Queen' yes yes, but hear me out. He's out here airing everyone else's dirty laundry, but always trying to keep his own under wraps, and quite frankly I think it's just the irony of the cycle. Plus I think if there's one thing Pip might not want to be the talk of the town it's whatever messy 'romance' he's got going on rn. The real romance (his crushes, his kisses with Jeremy, etc) not the fake projected stuff. Plus it's a banger.
Piplo: 2. Bad Omens - 5 Seconds of Summer
I cried in your dark brown eyes for the thousandth time 'Cause you love somebody I died when you left that night for the thousandth time 'Cause you love somebody else I tried to stop the door as it was closing It was closing Can't help the way I keep ignoring every omen Every omen Heaven knows I should let go It's nothing that I don't already know
We go 'round again, we jump back in bed That's what you do when you love somebody These bad omens, I look right through them That's what you do when you love somebody
Tell me this song ain't them. Again, we have to ignore the 5SOS banging themes, and instead redirect to the fact that PIP HAD ZERO REASON TO LET THIS STRANGE MAN STAY IN HIS HOUSE. HE IS A WALKING RED FLAG. Not to mention that every time that Milo has done something stupid, Pip might get upset. Might get mad. But then he just forgives. Moves on. CAN'T HELP THE WAY I KEEP IGNORING EVERY OMEN.
Buddy just ignoring his gut feeling about housing a criminal murder because - that's what you do when you love somebody. (else)
Moon Donkey: 43. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own - U2
I'm not going to list all the lyrics I find fitting because there's a lot. Like 80% of the song.
This is one of my favorite U2 songs (obviously bc it's on here) but I would call it a Moon Donkey song too. It's one of those songs that's about wanting to help someone you love but feeling helpless to do so - which sometimes (...more than sometimes) I feel like Jun and Greg feel, even if they don't realize they're helping each other much more passively than they think. Just the act of them being together and supporting each other does more than words or actions, because truly sometimes you can't make it on your own and you just need a FRAND.
Technically this is the version that is on my wrapped so - you get that one.
Ooh. This one was HARD - mostly because Greg and Nemo are more of a background established relationship than anything else and also because of my SONG CHOICES. Hm.
I will give them...
47.Starting Line - Luke Hemmings.
In and out of focus, moments that I keep Something for the pain and something so I sleep Won't you comfort me? Warm the air that I breathe Visceral in doses, hiding in the seams Standing on the sun and I don't feel a thing Won't you comfort me? Take the fear I don't need
I wake up every morning with the years ticking by I'm missing all these memories, maybe they were never mine I feel the walls are closin', I'm running out of the time I think I missed the gun at the starting line
Tell me, am I broken? I can never leave Biting on my tongue and checking if it bleeds Oh, is it lost on me? All the things I believe Something like an omen I can never keep Moving on and on, so very bittersweet Is it lost on me? All the things I don't need
I feel like it just encompasses a struggle that they both kind of go through together (but separately), and don't actually discuss. The feeling of not being good enough. Not working hard enough. Not doing enough. The ongoing struggle of being left behind in a lot of aspects of life.
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