#but also now that I'm thinking about it I think most flavours of ice cream would pair well with most toppings
Hello, could you write a story about the reader working in a small shop on boardwalk?
Pizzeria, cafeteria, hotdogs stand or something similar.
Dwayne goes there every day to see y/n. The boys are teasing him about it because he's buying stuff he doesn't like just to see y/n.
Y/n is perhaps scared of him because he doesn't talk much and just stares most of the times they see each other. But also has a crush on him, because i think it's obvious why xd.
I'm definitely not low-key in love with this idea? Absolutely not. No. (Hope you like this!💜)
Also, my requests are still open, so feel free to send me an ask :)
If Laddie hadn't been begging for an ice cream cone, he would have never entered the shop. The Ice Dream was a brand-new store selling all kinds of frozen treats. The outside was painted in a bright yellow pastel colour - that probably looked lovely during the day, but was a rather ugly colour by night - and the inside was also a bright, pastel coloured fever dream. Definitely not a store Dwayne would have thought of entering of his own. But Laddie had asked, and he would do anything to make the kid happy.
"Hi, what can I get -" You stood behind the counter, starting cheerful but slowing down when you saw who entered. You didn't know who it was, but damn- he was hot. "You...?"
"Can I have a strawberry and a chocolate scoop?"
Only now did you notice the kid walking behind the man, who silently nodded. As you made the order, adding a bit of sprinkles after being asked, you noticed that he was staring at you. With a shy smile, you handed the young boy his ice cream before turning to the man. "Can I get you anything?"
He shook his head. "I'm good."
After he paid, he left the store, listening to Laddie exclaim that this was the best ice cream he ever had. Dwayne smiled, but couldn't help but think about the ice cream seller. They were cute, kind - and somehow, no matter what he did, he couldn't get them out of his head. So the next day, he went back to the store, taking Laddie along as an excuse.
"What's your favourite flavour?" Laddie asked you as he looked at the dozens of flavours, ready to be scooped.
"Blueberry," you answered, "but this orange lemon ice cream is also really good."
"Can I have those then?"
You smiled and nodded, once again noticing how the man - whose name you didn't know - was looking at you. Today, he looked kinder and a bit more approachable than the day before, but not by much. He was still rather intimidating. "You sure you don't want anything?" You asked, but he had already paid and left the store. You waved at the boy as he left, seeing the man smile. You sighed - he was really pretty. And scary.
The next day, Marko had picked up on Dwaynes plan of going to the Ice Dream again.
"What, do they sell bloodfavoured ice cream or something?"
"Nah, he just likes the one working there, right?"
"So?" Dwayne looked at Marko and Paul, shrugging. "It's not any of your business."
"It is when you're crushing on them." David piped in, causing Dwayne to sigh. "I don't have a crush. There's just something intriguing about them."
"Sounds like a crush to me."
The others agreed. Dwayne shook his head as he went to the store. This time, Laddie had just given him an order ("Please bring me the bluest and greenest ice cream they have?") while he waited in line for the carousel.
You looked up as the bell above the door rinkled. "Your kid must really love ice cream," you said with a smile as you wiped the counter. "What can I get you tonight?"
Dwayne gave his order, and you quickly made it for him. "That will be two fifty. Or," you shyly smiled, "we can do one fifty and a name?"
"Dwayne." He said, taking the cone, giving you one last, very intense look, and leaving after dropping five dollars on the counter. You hadn't even had the time to give him your name. But, you knew his. Dwayne. You hated to admit it to yourself, but you spent half your day just looking at the door, hoping he'd come in again. Luckily, for you, he did. Just never during the day.
In the days that followed, he showed up practically every night. Sometimes, with Laddie, sometimes without. Every time, he'd buy a cone - and you were certain that he'd never tasted a single bit of ice cream. Either Laddie ate it or some of the other guys he hung out with. So, after a week, you decided to confront him.
"Hey, I've got a question for you," you smiled as he entered the store.
"Just tell me if I am right or not. I think you don't like ice cream. Am I right?"
"So, why do you come here every night?"
He was quiet for a moment before answering.
"To see you."
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Wanna do some small research of what characters favorite ice cream flavor?
I somehow think Gun is Vanilla or green tea flavor type of guy. Surprisingly.
Then Goo is Chocolate or some weird combination flavor type of ice cream.
Saaaaam, I've been putting this off because I don't wanna research ice cream. But I will give you this Gun + Goo crack fic. Which also lets you know their ice cream preference.
Gun Park + Goo Kim: Ice Cream
More silly shenanigans
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"What's that?" Goo asks, face inches from Gun's hand.
It is very clearly ice cream. Scooped round and placed in a little cardboard cup. There was even a mini spoon to boot. Nothing adventurous about it. Gun doesn't bother to respond, choosing to ignore him altogether.
They walk along for a few more paces, a few precious moments of peace before it is broken by the most obnoxious whine.
"Where's mine?" the blonde sulks and Gun's fist twitches. It would be so easy to reach out and smack his face.
Gun had asked. He had very specifically asked if Goo wanted anything, out of some misplaced goodwill, and he replied that ice cream hurts his teeth.
Technically he didn't explicity say no, but was that supposed to be some riddle Gun had to decipher? Some childish little game? Well he wants no part of it.
Goo doesn't let up, bizarrely invested and halting them both.
"What flavour is it? Is it vanilla?"
Inching closer, as if it was something worthy of inspection, "It looks like vanilla."
Nose now almost touching and taking a deep inhale, "Smells like vanilla."
"Maybe tastes like vanilla?" Goo darts forward to take a chomp just as Gun whips it out of reach and shoves his head aside.
"Let me have some!"
Gun looks at Goo, lip curling. Absolutely no fucking way. "Get your own."
"Hmph. Fine."
Gun keeps an eye on him, in case he tries anything. After a few more moments, his partner's attention seemingly elsewhere, he takes his first bite.
There it is.
"Fuck you." Goo deadpans.
Gun, distracted, with a spoonful halfway to his mouth gives Goo the opportunity he is looking for.
The tub, cupped casually in his palm and grip slack, is slapped with overwhelming force.
It flies through the air, content spilling, and lands with a splat over 20ft away.
As the final insult to injury, Gun doesn't taste the remaining spoonful. The violent smack offsetting the intended trajectory, ice cream sliding off and falling onto his shirt instead.
Then, melting quickly, it drips down onto his shoe.
"I don't even like ice cream!" Goo cackles after watching everything unfold. As if this has all led to the funniest punchline ever.
Gun glances down at his spoon. That would probably hurt if it was jammed into an orifice somewhere. He's usually prefers bare knuckles, but this would do. It feels right.
Readjusting his grip and now holding it like a weapon, "I'm going to kill you."
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muckmagister · 6 months
ANOTHER RAPID FIRE QUESTION ROUND!!!!! on the condition that it cannot help you escape the deserted island, what is one thing you would take to a deserted island? what's a book that changed your life in high school? what's your ideal job? what's your favorite ice cream flavor? what's your favorite place you ever visited and where would you like to visit someday? what's your favorite video game? again i can't think of any more questions but if you have something you would like to say. well. you can say it. bye bye 💖💖💖
oouhh my god that's a tough question to start with. like the boring answer would be some sort of multi tool but i suppose anything that helps me survive would eventually also help me leave. it'd have to be like. a ball. or some other sort of small nicknack that i could easily keep on me to play around with, oH or my childhood plushy. or actually like a lil instrument like a harmonica to learn that'd be cool. yeaah so like a rubiks cube or a harmonica or my plushie ^^
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was like the only thing i read during middle/high school that wasn't required reading for a class it's fantastic. ok well it wasn't the only thing i read but it's the only thing i've reread like 5 times by now lmao. it definitely helped stoke my imagination and interest in physics with the dumbass sci-fi fkjdksjs
wuuuh i haven't thought too much about it but i think ideally i end up in some sort of pure mathematics research position; i imagine i'm also gonna end up teaching at a uni somewhere at the same time, which isn't bad honestly even though i'm an awful teacher ^^ i just love talking about and trying to explain that stuff. i don't know exactly where my passion comes from but it's just. sure i've always been good at it but more than that it's exciting! it's so exciting to learn about! maths isn't invented, it's discovered, and we're discovering it! and it's so complex and so stupid. it's embedded in everything and exists wholly outside of it. i also like philosophy lmao
ok ok, so. good. proper. vanilla icecream. like chocolate with fudgy bits and stuff is incredible, fruity/berry flavoured icecream is awesome too. but there's a reason vanilla became synonymous with default and it isn't because it's boring it's because it's the best. but yeah only if it's good, shitty vanilla icecream sucks ass. it's also incredibly close to be entirely honest i DO like a good berry icecream. but the simplicity and delicacy of vanilla just does it for me most of the time
i don't think i have a favourite place- i haven't traveled enough yet😭 the furthest i've been from home was just sydney and the gold coast and it was like. different but the same, all just australia still but somewhere else. but i've always wanted to tour through europe and japan and some bits in south africa and the americas and other places too though. i need to see everything
AHH terraria probably??!!!?! it's so hard to say but really terraria is probably the game i've played the most in my life. otherwise plazma burst is an old flash game that's close to my heart because of nostalgia. and cause it's fucking awesome still tbh. OHH and the henry stickmin games!!!! also nostalgia but they also fucking rock still. and then there's the basic answers like portal and skyrim because of course. i cried when i finally beat portal 2, it was literally one the first games i ever played on the xbox 360 we got when i was like 9-10 years old, and like, i'd get stuck at bits and not play for a while at a time so it ultimately took some two years to get through but when it happened it was just. ough.
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curestaarlight · 1 month
Sure, I'll bite.
What are your headcanons about the Link Click trio's favorite ice cream + hot beverage + cold beverage and why. :)
thank you for the ask!! also i have indeed started reading third time's the charm and !!!! already hitting me in the feels
ok SO I'll go character by character:
qiao ling: for favourite ice cream I'm generally thinking fruity/refreshing flavours, though more specifically (maybe because of one of her official arts i saw recently) strawberry! but she might also be picky with what makes Good strawberry ice cream and plays it safe if she's buying from a new place. probably vanilla, i feel like one can't really go wrong with vanilla.
as for drinks, i like the idea that QL and LG enjoy tea together. QL will shuffle over to the studio after hours and do a face mask and LG will prepare them tea (always non-caffinated, because QL says she's too sensitive to caffeine lately at night), and they'll drink it and enjoy each other's quiet company. LG probably reads while QL does some scrollingon her phone.
finally for cold drinks, we already know that boba runs are a common occurrence at the studio, but i bet QL also really loves trying out novel iced-drinks. I'm thinking caramel iced lattes, strawberry chai iced, green energy smoothie 3000, etc. drinks with really long, convoluted names, that are kind of a fad but that's ok!! let her have fun with her silly little drinks!!!
cheng xiaoshi: i think, contrastingly, CXS is a big fan of the ice cream flavours that can border on sickly sweet, depending on the place. he likes chocolate, and cookie dough, and those ice creams loaded with lots of other sweets inside them. mind you, i don't think he has ice cream like that regularly or he'd definitely get sick of it, but when the opportunity arises trust he'll be asking for all the extras and sprinkles.
for hot drinks—CXS likes coffee! i don't think he Always liked coffee, because it's such an acquired taste especially when you're younger. during uni he probably got into it in the quest to stay up and meet those damn deadlines lol. so he grew used to drinking it from there. he either: takes his coffee black but with quite a bit of sugar (which LG tuts at him for) or he has it milky.
his cold beverage of choice....he kind of gives me standard iced coffee + extra sugar + chews on the leftover ice cubes after lmaoo. he also does indulge QL when she drags him to a pop up shop to get a limited time Novel Iced Beverage.
lu guang: doesn't like ice cream 😞 if it's really hot he'll have ice lollies/popcicles and if you held him at gunpoint and told him he HAD to choose, he'd choose vanilla. however, he will sometimes have spoonfuls/a bite of CXS's ice cream. Occasionally. more often than he'd willingly admit. CXS always makes fun of him, saying, "you don't even like ice cream, so why are you suddenly so eager to have mine?" (he never stops him though)
hot beverage: i did go over this a little in QL's section hehe, but let me elaborate! i think LG prefers tea, but has a robust beverage routine, in which he'll have black coffee (no sugar. ok sometimes maybe a teaspoon. but only Sometime) with his breakfast. then in the evenings he'll have his tea (sometimes with QL). I like to think though he mostly has green tea, he really likes oulong. CXS pokes fun at how devoted LG is to this routine of his, and in turn LG will lecture him about how having caffeine after a certain hour is bad for him and really, he ought to be drinking more tea for its health benefits, etc, etc
cold beverage: because we know that LG doesn't like overly sweet things, but likes boba, i can't help but to think he enjoys most forms of iced tea. like he'll make himself homemade iced tea during the summer and have it all throughout the day!
ok ok im done now apologies this is so long-winded i am nothing if not overly detailed about my blorbos
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theatrescribbles · 8 months
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Vanilla Ice Cream
When Lily gets ill, who better but her co-Head Boy to take care of her.
Inspired by the songs "Where's My Shoe" and "Vanilla Ice Cream" from the (in my opinion, underrated) musical She Loves Me.
@jilymicrofics Feb challenge Day 3: Care (yes, I know I'm late) (932 words)
Read on A03 (or below)
“Lancelot!” proclaimed a boy with unruly black hair, and the portrait to the Head’s Common Room swung open. The boy did not waste a second to climb through the door and to reach the red-haired (and also red-nosed due to all the sneezing) girl stirring on the sofa, a blanket covering her, with a flask of probably-now cold tea and a huge box of tissues on the table in front of the sofa.
“Oh good, you’re awake” he said “How are you feeling?”
“Bit better, head’s still throbbing a bi-choo!” The boy smiled down at her. He couldn’t believe how adorable she was, even when she was ill; even when her hair went in all directions and was frizzy, even when her nose was as red as said hair, even when despite the red nose, the rest of her skin was almost ghost white and there were dark circles under her eyes; even with all that she was still the most beautiful thing in existence.
He's loved taking care of his very ill friend; he would do it for the rest of their lives if she let him.
The girl looked around to the window outside, and must have noticed the sun was on the verge of setting….
“Oh Merlin! What time is it?!”
“Nearly half past 6. Don’t worry, I’ve brought you up a snack-“
“WHAT! Why didn’t you wake me up before, Ja-choo! I’ve got to go for rounds! I can’t be late for the first Heads-round of the year!” Lily stood up threw off the blanket and started rummaging around the floor, though he swore she swayed a little bit while doing so. “Where’s my shoe?!”
James looked at her bewildered, pushing his glasses further up his nose. “Lily,” he said calmly “Do you honestly think you can go on rounds tonight? You look awful.”
“Of course I ca-choo!”
“You’ve been asleep all afternoon, you’re still in your pyjamas!” Very cute ones he would add too.
“I’m much better now”
“You sure about that?”
“Of course I am! Where have you hidden my shoe?”
“I think you should lie back down Lily-“
“Don’t just stand there, help me find my other shoe!”
“You can barely stand up. You’re still shivering”
“Don’t lie to me James Potter, where’s my shoe?!”
“Evans, you’re hysterical! Sit down!”
“I will not sit down Potter until I have found my God-damn shoe!!”
Right, James thought. That’s it; and before she knew what was happening, James picked her up, almost flinging her onto his right shoulder. Lily struggled wildly against him, kicking ferociously and batting her fists against his back.
“Put me down Potter! RIGHT NOW!!”
“No way Evans. Not until you realise that there is no way you would be well enough to step out of the common room door, let alone go and do your usual rounds all over the school!”
Almost instantly she stopped kicking and almost seemed to sag into his shoulder.
Well that was it then wasn’t it? She knew when to give up. Almost instantly, Lily felt herself being gently dropped from James’ hold back onto the sofa, laying her down. He draped her tartan blanket back over her, and she felt an instant warmth from it. She hadn’t realised just how cold she had been without it draped over her and she left out a huge shiver.
“I’m sorry” she whimpered quietly. “But who’s going to do rounds if not me-choo!”
James laughed. “Don’t you worry about that Flower. Anyway, I’ve got you a present.”
“Have you really? I bet its homework”
“Better than that! I know this is your favourite flavour, so here you are, sorry if it has melted a bit…” And from his robes, James pulled out a tub of vanilla ice cream and a spoon. A little bit of colour returned to her pale face, blushing from her cheeks.
“Where did you get this?”
“Kitchens. One of the House Elves served my parents before we set him free to help Dumbledore here. So I always like to pop down occasionally.”
He handed down the tub of ice cream to Lily, coincidentally brushing her hands. She started looking at the packaging on the ice cream, gingerly turning the tub round and round in her hands.
“When I was little” she said “My mum always used to give me this when I was under the weather. That’s why it’s my favourite” She took the spoon from James hand and took a small scoop of the now very soft ice cream. It was delicious.
“Thank you James”
He beamed down at her.
“Now, you get plenty of rest and eat, you’ll feel better. Oh, and don’t worry about a thing, I’ll take care of everything” He bent down and gave the top of her head a light kiss. “And you’re welcome.” He got up, dusted down his robes turned around but paused.
“James are you ok?”
“Under the weather?”
“What do you mean?”
“What does ‘under the weather’ mean?”
Lily laughed. “It’s just a Muggle saying. Sorry, I shouldn’t blurt them out like that, I forgot you don’t always understa-choo!”
James sent one last smile her way before heading out of the portrait door hole.
Lily reached out for the ice cream again and started eating, and with each mouthful of sweet vanilla, she felt a little better, she could feel it; though by the time she got to sleep, there was something that still bugged her – she still couldn’t work out why her head was tingling just as much as her tongue….. She was simply stunned!
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sixzeroes · 10 months
(teaser) boundaries.
summary | love knows no bounds—but the truth is, love needs to learn when to not cross the boundary and when to just let go.
information | alpha!mark x beta!reader(f); friends-to-strangers?-to-friends-to-lovers, a/b/o au, tba; profanity, tba; 0.7k words for teaser.
status | still writing.
warning!! the actual fic is going to contain renhyuck (typical abo dynamic) and a hint of jeno x karina (both betas), so if you do not like it when idols are paired together, i suggest steering clear of this fic! thank u 🫶🫶 also, currently at ~5k words but i'm projecting this to be ard ~7k at most lol !
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mark lee: You busy?
The next time you see Mark, it’s two days later on a Friday evening. 
“Hey, sorry for texting you so late.” His voice is warm, contrary to the cool autumn breeze. It’s nearing ten p.m. but annoyance is the last thing on your mind. “What were you up to?”
You stick your hands into your sweater pockets. “Nothing much. Doing some readings. You?” 
Mark brushes his bangs back. “A dinner party with the BCSA execs. I managed to leave before they headed out for round two at someone’s house.” 
“You didn’t feel like going?”
“Nah.” He shakes his head. “I’d rather be hanging out with you.”
Okay. You don’t ask about Renjun. 
Neither you nor Mark say anything for the first few minutes of the walk, simply following the main path on campus. It’s serene, with a few students here and there, and several raccoons hiding out near the garbage bins. The streetlights dimly illuminate the route but it’s enough to wade through the darkness. You can hear Mark humming the tune to a song you don’t know. 
“This reminds me of middle school,” says Mark. “I remember walking you home one night, after a bunch of us decided to go to the beach.” 
You remember as well. “Yeah, and then you ended up sleeping over because it was one in the morning.” A soft snort leaves your nose. “My dad was shocked to see you on the couch the next day.” 
Mark chuckles at the fond memory. “Are your parents well? I know our mothers contact each other from time to time, but I haven’t seen them in ages.” 
You lightly massage your nape. “They’re doing good, I guess. My mom’s still working as an anchor for CBC, but my dad switched companies recently. He’s working at some well-established realty firm now.” The two of you turn left. “How about yours?”
“Mm, they’re good too.” Mark grins. “They’re still working at the same law firm. I think they’re dead set on staying until their retirements.” 
“That’s cool,” is all you can think of. 
“Yeah. Hey, want some ice cream? My treat.”
You spot CCOMAZ, the reputable ice cream brand everyone is always raving about. The last time you had it was in first year and frankly, you don’t remember how it tasted. “Sure, but I can pay for my own.” 
Mark holds the door open for you. “It’s okay. My treat since you agreed to hangout with me at ten p.m.” 
Your lips quirk into a small smile. 
You end up getting the lavender honey flavour, while Mark goes for the caramel one. It’s a little pricey, considering it’s a small, family-owned brand, but it tastes good nonetheless. 
“Oh, I gotta go.” says Mark, reading a text from his phone. “Renjun forgot his keys and Chenle is at a retreat, so I need to let him in.” 
The omega is mentioned briefly but something in you churns. A thorn pricks the corner of your heart; feels like guilt, although you’re not sure why. It’s not like you have a crush on Mark or anything, so Renjun shouldn’t feel threatened. 
Whoa. You stop yourself for a second. What’s with the escalation?
“Y/N? You good?” 
You glance at Mark, whose face is painted with worry. You breathe out a response. “Yeah, yeah. Sorry, got a brain freeze. I’ll, uh, see you in CLST, I guess?” 
Mark frowns. “No, let me walk you home first.”
“But Renjun?” 
“Renjun can wait in the lobby,” he shrugs. 
You’re a little concerned at Mark’s comment but choose to not dwell on it. Instead, you jokingly push him towards the bus stops. “Just go, Mark. I live on campus, so I’ll be fine. You shouldn’t keep him waiting.” 
The frown never leaves Mark’s face, but he relents and nods. “I’ll see you on Monday, then. Get home safe. Text me when you’re home.” 
“Okay mom,” you tease. “Thanks for the ice cream!”
Mark beams from afar. The imagery blends in with the numerous memories you have of teenager Mark, dressed in his school uniform, bidding you goodbye after dropping you off at home. For the first time in years, you wonder what it would’ve been like if the two of you never grew apart.
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Okay, so. The saga from my last couple of posts. About this spreadsheet that I made:
I've looked into it more. And by "looked into it more", I mean, mostly, that the British guy I know has further explained to me what the cultural differences are, between Britain and America, in the definition of a milkshake. And I'm going to assume we can roll in Ireland in with Britain on this one, as I've not been able to find any differences from some Googling. So I'm going to assume that when David O'Doherty and Andrew Maxwell say "milkshake", they mean the same thing that British people mean by it, which it turns out is a completely different thing than what I mean. Maybe especially so twenty years ago. Apparently they have more actual milkshakes there these days.
But in 2002, apparently, most places did not make milkshakes. They made "flavoured milk". And called it milkshakes. And one of those flavours was chocolate. But they didn't call it chocolate milk. It was a milkshake. I straight-up did not believe this until I was sent some screenshots, which I shall now pass along:
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The last post in that second screenshot is all you really need to see, to explain the situation. I didn't find it myself when I tried Googling this, because I was looking up things like "What do they call chocolate milk in Britain?" It hadn't occurred to me to look up what they're calling milkshakes. Because the answer is chocolate milk. They're calling chocolate milk milkshakes. And once I'd read those Reddit posts, I did understand the concept. But I still got sent one more screenshot to really drive the point home in a way that I found rather upsetting:
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What the fuck? None of those are milkshakes. But more than that, none of those are necessary. It's not just that they don't say "chocolate milk" there. They say "flavoured milk", and it can be strawberry or banana flavour too. In milk. Why? Why would you have that? I do not like it.
So that puts an entirely different spin on the whole Edinburgh situation. My British friend has confirmed for me that, in Britain, it would be normal to go to a diner and order chocolate milk in a glass, even if you're over the age of 9. That would actually be more normal than ordering a milkshake, like an actual milkshake with ice cream, as most places didn't have milkshake makers. So when David O'Doherty says they got made fun of for drinking milkshakes, he means they were just going out after late shows and drinking chocolate milk.
Obviously I tried to look up the menu of the actual diner they went to, to see whether they offered "milkshakes" or "flavoured milk" and what flavours were on offer, but the place closed down in the years before restaurants all started putting their menus online. I do have a Google Earth screenshot of it from 2005 archived data:
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They advertise: Cafe. Bar. [Alcohol] license. Meals. Snacks. Drinks. "Till late". It sure looks like a place where I might go for a milkshake. Not just to drink chocolate milk.
I mean, the main thing this changes is I think I'm on Glenn Wool's side now. The story of the Chocolate Milk Gang has been framed as the comedians who went to bars to get drunk after shows making fun of the CMG nerds for drinking milkshakes instead. Like an 80s high school movie with jocks and nerds, only with more cows getting destroyed.
For the record, from all accounts this sounds like friendly joking around (with the exception of David McSavage, who is the worst person in the world), I don't want to start any retroactive claims about genuine animosity from twenty years ago. Look, there are adorable pictures of them all playing football (and/or rugby) together at what I'm pretty sure is MICF in 2003:
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Back row, left to right: Danny Bhoy, Dave Gorman, Dan Antopolski, don't know, Glenn Wool, don't know, Lee Mack, don't know, Jason Byrne, Adam Hills
Front row, left to right: Charlie Pickering, Daniel Kitson, David O'Doherty, don't know, Noel Fielding
You can also see Glenn Wool in this clip from Late 'n' Live on August 19, 2003 (a week or so before Cowgate night), with Daniel Kitson compering a fight between Jason Byrne and David O'Doherty, and Glenn Wool really throwing himself into the role of DO'D's manager:
See, look at this adorable screenshot, with 8 pixels per inch, of David O'Doherty jumping into Glenn Wool's arms to celebrate beating up a bubble wrap-clad Jason Byrne. Do these guys look like enemy nerds and jocks from a high school movie?
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(Actually, now that I look at that, it absolutely does look like it could be the end of a high school movie where everything gets out of hand in the school auditorium.)
However. Here is Glenn Wool at MICF 2003:
That guy, I have to say, does look a lot like the guy in the high school movie who bullies the nerds. He's even smoking on stage with... I mean, I think there might be a tiny trace of irony to it. But not really. Mostly unironically smoking on stage. I mean... this guy does look like someone who would take a kid's lunch money so that kid couldn't buy any milk at school that day:
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Because that is what happens when you take a schoolkid's lunch money - they don't get their chocolate milk. Because that is where you find chocolate milk - in a school. You don't go out and drink it in a diner at 2 AM on a night out. I'm not saying you have to drink alcohol. It is very admirable that some comedians chose to either entirely abstain from alcohol, or at least to drink it at reasonable levels instead of succumbing to the pressures of showbiz substance abuse. But that's where you drink something like milkshakes. You don't go out for chocolate milk.
And that is where I come back to my new conclusion that actually, I think I'm on Glenn Wool's side. Because first of all, if I saw my friend going out to a diner late at night just to order chocolate milk, I would call that person "chocolate milk" for the rest of their life. And if that person tried to tell me, a Canadian, that their glass of chocolate milk is actually a milkshake, then I would definitely call them "chocolate milk" for the rest of their lives, just to really drive home the point that that is absolutely not a milkshake.
What I'm saying is, Glenn Wool's right, they were a bunch of nerds, and that is not a milkshake, and I'm glad there was a Canadian on the scene to say so. The name "Chocolate Milk Gang" - maybe it was never about a style of comedy, or a cabal of professional crossovers. Maybe it was just a Canadian looking at what the people in Edinburgh called a "milkshake", and saying, "absolutely the fuck not."
(Note because tone is difficult to convey via text: I am obviously kidding, chocolate milk is good for you and you should drink it wherever you want. I mean I would genuinely make jokes about it for at least five years if a friend of mine ordered that in a restaurant, but only in an entirely friendly lighthearted joking way, and only if we were close enough friends to have the sort of relationship where we lightly make fun of each other for silly things like that. Obviously anyone who spent their twenties drinking anything besides alcohol did a much better job than I did of being a person in their twenties. And I would not, even in the most lighthearted, jokey way, make fun of someone for abstaining from alcohol. But I would do that if their alternative of choice was chocolate milk, because that's the thing they give you at school lunch. Thank you for reading this clarification that I hope wasn't necessary, but I was worried I might come across as a genuine bully if I don't get the difficult-to-convey-through-text tone correct. Bullying is bad. But also, chocolate milk is not a fucking milkshake.)
...I've asked my brother if he knows Glenn Wool, and he said no, so unfortunately that potential avenue for finding out the truth for sure is shut down. But I'm sure it's out there.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Hello I hope you are well. I was hoping to request. Please excuse my English, it is not my first language! I hope for a Steve or Eddie story where they are build themself up to ask the reader on a date but when they are about to do it, they overhear someone else asking the reader on a date and decide not to. They do not hear the reader’s answer and in later conversation, they mention it and are jealous but reader says they said no. With a happy ending. Thank you kindly
Warnings; Angst, fluff.
Likes or reblogs are always appreciated 💞 I don't give anyone permission to copy my work ❤
Eddie had been hyping himself up for a few days, he has been planning to ask yn out for a while and it was only in the most recent days that he decided to go for It.
Come on Munson you can do this he tells himself, you survived a demo bats attack that should have killed you, this is easy!
Easy? Yeah, right.
He approaches her and sees that she is talking to some dude who used to be on the basketball team in high school and he freezes when he hears them ask her out.
He doesn't stick around to find out her answer, he knows what it will be. He should have never built himself up to ask her out in the first place.
An ache burns in his chest and he heads into Family Video to chat with Robin and Steve.
"Hey, so did you ask yn out?" Robin teases and he sighs and shakes his head. Steve frowns as he places some vhs tapes on the counter.
"Dude! We coached you all day!" Steve says exasperated.
"Someone else got there first, some jock from high school. Didn't stick around to see what she said because I know what the answer will be anyway. It was a stupid idea"
That's the end of the conversation and he doesn't want to hear any more of it, he pretends not to hear Robin say to Steve sadly.
"I was so sure she liked him, Steve"
Yeah, he thought maybe Robin was right too and it hurts like hell that she wasn't.
Eddie was meant to meet her for ice cream, he couldn't believe that she wanted to try ice cream in October when it was starting to get cold out but how could she resist the new Halloween flavours?
Pumpkin cheesecake, Toffee apple and sweet plum sounded amazing and she couldn't wait to try them.
Unfortunately, Eddie didn't show but Jordan from the basketball team in high school did.
He had asked her out and she said no. Truthfully Eddie was the only guy she wanted.
To her surprise, she finds Eddie in Family Video and he looks miserable for some reason.
"Eddie. What's up with the no-show? I was waiting for you like a complete idiot?" she asks him confused and he turns to her shrugging.
He seems off, not his usual self and she has no clue what is wrong, she looks to Steve and Robin for help but they shake their head indicating they are not getting involved.
"You looked busy" is all that Eddie offers and she wracks her brain trying to think why he would sound so upset.
If he showed up then he would have seen Jordan talking to her and asking her out. Shit...
"Eddie" she begins again and his beautiful doe eyes flash with something she can't place.
"I saw you with Jordan and I didn't want to bother you when he was asking you on a date" it clicks in her mind then that he is jealous and she gently takes his hand.
"Eddie I told Jordan no, I'm not interested in him at all" he perks up when she says that and a little smile works its way on his face, showing off his cute dimples.
"Really?" she nods and moves closer to him, gently placing her hand on his chest.
"Yes, because you see I am very much into someone else. Handsome, a metalhead and a Lil dramatic, he has such pretty eyes and I love how passionate he is about D&D, I'd also really love it if he could kiss me right now"
He does wasting in no time as he pulls her into his arms and his lips meet hers.
"So...since you're free tonight sweetheart, do you want to go out with me?" She beams and kisses him again.
"I'd love to Eddie, you still owe me an ice cream date too" he nods and kisses her tenderly.
"As you wish princess"
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nearestend · 8 days
assigning fragrances to my (canon) muses. for funsies because it's my favourite activity ever, also utilizing my favourite website of all time, wikiparfum. continue reading if you'd like to see me infodump about perfumes. this is completely unnecessary. like many other things on my blog, none of this really matters, but it matters to me.
if you would also like an unnecessary perfume analysis for your muse, go ahead and give this post a like and i will get back to you with a customized presentation.
amanda: i highly doubt mandy is wearing scents at all, i don't think she cares for that. but i'm giving her one anyways because i can. (it was extremely hard to find one i felt suited her though.) inexcusable evil by toskovat. now, i have never actually smelled anything from this brand and i think their bottle design and logo both kind of suck, but based off the description of the fragrance, this might be mandy's. the descriptions i found for this on both wikiparfum and the brand's website are WILD. one of the top notes is gunpowder. heart notes include burn accord, iodine, and blood accord (LMAO???). i mean, i did purposely look for one that has blood accord, but i didn't expect to find any because that's not like, a popular scent. and then base notes are actually normal things like olibanum and sandalwood. also has cypriol, which gives a smoky, woodsy scent, which is the vibe i wanted for her too.
amy: this was also quite hard because amy is most definitely picky. she'd go for something very elegant and classy that is out of her price range, but she saved up all her money for. yellow hibiscus by jo malone is probably her style, which i also love because jo malone makes some of my favourites. it's very femme, but technically unisex, which i think is neat because i could also see laurie wearing it to. (i can see them sharing the same fragrance. they're that kind of couple.) it's very green and floral (hibiscus, rose, jasmine) and quite citrus forward. most importantly, lime! for the most obvious reasons of all (amy canonically loves limes). it's a really bright, fresh, sunny, and radiant scent, all very fitting for her. also my backup option for amy was bergamot by malin & goetz, but yellow hibiscus is way more fitting. i also considered going with something from the brand fragonard because that's a personal favourite of mine (i was gifted a set of them once and they are very nice), but couldn't decide on one in particular.
cameron: yes, i know the best we'll probably get from cam is that she puts on deodorant. i'm still giving her one anyways, because that's the whole point of this post. not going to bother with trying to find era accurate fragrances though, that's too much work for me. i really want to give her spacewalk by demeter fragrance library, both because it's cheap (cam is not spending more than $45, guaranteed) and because it's inspired by space! which according to an astronaut, smells metallic. (shoutout to the spacebike chronicles.) i do feel the need to include a high end option anyways, so odeur 53 by commes des garcons. it's got ozonic notes, which give it airy, metallic, and aquatic elements, as well as chlorine undertones.
camille: okay so i'm realizing that very few of my muses would wear perfume. i mean, camille is simply too depressed to bother, but again, this is not going to stop me. i decided on black vetyver cafe by jo malone. definitely something she would never buy for herself, but maybe she would wear if someone gave it to her. this one's got coffee, which i think she would like because coffee is her favourite ice cream flavour. there's also coriander, which makes it a bit sharper and peppery, while also green and fresh. warm notes of sandalwood, nutmeg, vanilla, ciste labdanum and woody vetiver. overall, very earthy and autumnal.
connell: he probably starts with something inexpensive from banana republic (either classic green or classic acqua). he's a simple dude, mostly just wants to smell fresh. if i'm going to give him something fancier (we can always say marianne got him a christmas present or WHATEVER), then i'm giving him skin by clean reserve. it's described as tender and intimate, with notes of honeysuckle, orange blossom, musk, and skin accord (which is basically just their way of saying it smells like an intimate embrace). it's all about intimacy, babeyyy.
harry: i have to give him rainbow bar by 19-69, for so many reasons. it's not just the name (and you know, the gayness of it all), but that's a huge factor. the fragrance is inspired by the rainbow bar on the sunset strip, which is pretty synonymous with sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. harry's role in adam's story is very much a representation of desire, intrigue, and the seductive nature of all the aforementioned elements. there's a warmth to this scent that's both comforting and mysterious. i really wanted to find something with notes of whiskey (taking into context, not only harry's introduction, but also his death), so this really fits perfectly. this might be the most "character accurate" choice on the whole list.
jess: i'm not even going to bother giving him something fancy because it feels wrong. smoky and earthy palo santo play by hawthorne is like $50 and that's literally like the maximum i can see him spending lmao. it's got notes of oakwood, sage, palo santo, and guaiac wood. very earthy and smoky, hints of tobacco and whiskey. because you know that boy smells like cigarettes and old leather and pretentiousness, but like, in a cheap way.
jia-yi: i chose fresh honeysuckle by fresh, despite the fact that it's discontinued, because fuck it, she can time travel anyways so that doesn't matter. honeysuckle also happens to symbolize nostalgia and memory, which is fitting. there's additional notes of fruit (peach, plum, blackcurrant bud) and florals (cyclamen, magnolia, ylang-ylang). honestly, i'm just kind of hung up on the fact that it's discontinued because this scent was SO good.
kate: there are so many options i wanted to go for with kate, but i think i have settled on realist extrait de parfum by ilk. it's categorized as being both a woodsy and a watery scent, which is primarily what i was looking for with kate in mind. (because like, weather and rain, you know.) it's got a bit of floral (rose, everlasting), a bit of citrus (yuzu, bergamot, lemon), wood (cedarwood, vetiver, olibanum), with the warmth of amber and pepper. it's described with concepts such as crisp mountain air and rain, appropriate for everyday and casual use. she's not formal or fancy and would want something nice, but versatile.
orla: she's a footballer, so i have to go with something athletic. i'm not like a huge fan of most "luxury sport" fragrances and like yeah, it's not about me anyways, but i don't think orla would be either. she's not someone who would care much about that even if she had the means to, so we're going with something pretty simple and affordable like team five by adidas. technically, it's for men, but she also does not care about gender. it's very fresh, fruity (green apple, lemon), and herbal (basil, pine needles, peppermint, clary sage, lavender) which i think are all scents she'd like. absolutely none of these words mean anything to her; she likes what she likes and doesn't overthink its meaning or importance. her other choice was hot wheels dino by jequiti, which she would 100% buy with no trace of irony whatsoever.
sydney: i felt the need to pick something with cherry notes because of course, the cherry donut that marcus named after her. 18-12 by ormaie is just that, as well as notes of almond, sandalwood, florals (rose, violet, heliotrope), fruit (lychee, bergamot, mandarin) and clary sage. it's quite fresh, youthful, and summery. i like her having sort of a fun and bright scent because her job is just so stressful and sometimes depressing, she needs something to uplift and contrast against all that.
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ngkiscool · 9 days
A pointed question
My entry for @jewsinfandoms #8 Appreciating Loved Ones
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"Are you coming, Adam?" Brian looked at his friend, waiting him to join The Them. They heard there was a new ice cream flavour arrived at the shop, raising the variety into four flavours, and wanted to test it.
"Go ahead without me, I have to… help my mum with something, yeah," answered Adam, looking as close to embarrassed as they ever saw him.
"Is everything OK, Adam? Last week you also had to go home early, around this time of the day." This time the speaker was Wensleydale, sharp as ever.
"If you are in trouble and need help with something, just tell us. You know you can count on us," Brian added seriously, a stranger expression on his usually smiling face. Adam was touched, it was not often that Brian suggested something that might delay him from getting food.
"Everything is great. Even better than great," he assured them before they will decide to barge into his house and question his parents. That was the last thing he wanted. No escape now, right? Might as well just tell them. "The thing is, that after last summer, I started to learn something new, that's all."
"You managed to convince Anathema to teach you? That's not fair, I've been asking her since then!"
"No, it's something else," answered Adam truthfully.
Pepper gaze sharpened in alarm. "Are you hearing voices again?"
"Nothing like that either, don't worry. It's just that after all that happened, I started thinking." He ignored the obligatory snickering and continued, "I'm learning religion."
"Oh, I did that too, read a whole book about it when I was ten. Actually, almost 72% of Earth is ocean region," Brian contributed interesting information.
The Them mulled over this fact for a few moments, until Pepper broke the silent. "Which religion are you studying? There are so many of them."
Adam moved in inconvenience, not sure how his friends will react to his choice. Well, in for a penny and all that. "I talked with Crowley, and he told me the basics of the big ones, and Judaism is the one I'm interested in the most."
"Why?" The others asked in unison.
"That's exactly the reason," smiled Adam. "He said that I love to ask questions, and debating is a big part of Judaism, so it will be the perfect fit."
That required some more time to digest, followed by more questions. Finally, Adam had to put an end to their conversation. "I'm sorry, but I don't want to be late for the meeting with the rabbi. What don’t you come with me, so we can all learn together?"
His friends eagerly agreed, never missing a chance to ask adults hard questions, such is how old God is, why cucumbers don't have taste and what is the benefit from a prayer, and Adam breathed in relief. He tried to hide his interest in Judaism from his friends, fearing their reaction, and now his heart warmed with the quick way they accepted his new interest. He should have known better and trust his friends. From now on, he swore to himself, he will never doubt them again.
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nanoa1foryou · 8 months
Okay, I can see a problem with Vox Populi and Mikael Gabriel.
This is just a really uncomfortable song. But I'm gonna talk about it. And I want to hear your takes on it.
I wonder if the song would really carry as much weight if the writer didn't have some controversial opinions of their own. Coming from a writer who know that what they think is not generally considered the norm, and in some cases could be harmful, it adds a context to accepting other people's opinions in a proper live and let live kind of way. Coming from someone who's most controversial take is their favourite ice cream flavour, that point wouldn't really be as strong.
Also, since a lot of people brought up the covered tattoo a a reason Mikael is somehow bad, I don't think that's a strong argument. Someone having shown and publicly admitted that they have learned from a mistake or developed their understanding is a good thing. That case puts a lot more context to the message of "attacking people over opinions won't really get anyone anywhere".
On the other hand, hearing someone with all kinds of wild takes ranging from weird bullshit to conspiracy theory territory saying "we're not gonna shut up" and "stop being sheep" is just vittuilu, in the worst way. Like yeah, that's not really enjoyable to listen to. Nor is it good writing. It's just intentionally provocative, which defeats the stated message of the song.
Also, "All opinions are equally wrong" could be taken as a dog whistle for various groups. That's not a great, especially if the song is meant to unite people.
So, this song has some really shitty parts to it and some really insightful parts to it. Do I think the song is shit? No. Do I think the song is great? Also no. It is catchy and has something to say. That message isn't entirely positive, but it could be.
At the end of the day, I believe people have the right to voice their opinions on issues, even if those opinions are considered bad or disagreeable. But you can't just say whatever and expect people to be fine with it. your opinions will affect the people around you and how they treat you, so just saying "Don't hate me, it's just my opinion" has it's limits.
But this is getting off topic now. What I will say is that I hope it doesn't win, because none of this would translate to the general international audience because they would be missing like 90% of the context of the song. Hell, I think the context will be missing for majority of the Finnish audience as well, because all of it contained to xitter and rumours.
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Hello, love your work btw, it's tied with another fic series for the number one slot of best fics I have ever read, anyway what are your headcanons on what flavour of ice creams the ninja+ your ocs would like, and what are their reactions to the Dairy Dragon? Do they love it, hate it, or meh about the fact that the flavours are named after their villains? Do they even like the ice cream in the first place? How traumatised is Lloyd, post s5 after they name an ice cream flavour, 'the mango morro'. What are Jay's and Nya's reactions when they find out the flavour 'Bananakan' exist? Are the sprinkles and toppings named after the ninja then? Also wouldn't it be funny that while the rest of ninjago gets destroyed by a villain (for the umpteenth time), the Dairy Dragon still stands cuz its that good even the villains love it? Anyway, have a great day/night.
Well thank you!!! I'm honored to share such a flattering title!! :'3
But now, what we all came here for...ICE CREAM THOUGHTS GO
Kai: Is not a huge ice cream guy but will still eat it when the opportunities arises. Pretty meh about the Dairy Dragon; all ice cream places are the same to him. Is a little wary about the villain flavors and generally avoids them. Likes lemon + berry flavors primarily, but will try something wild like a chilli pepper flavor or a spiced chocolate and wind up utterly addicted. Has a topping called "Kai Krunch".
Jay: Loves ice cream, but likes Ice Planet more than Dairy Dragon. Flipped his shit upon seeing the Bananakhan flavor (especially because Skybound events aren't erased this time around ahahaaaaa), but is also amused by the fact it's a banana-flavor. He likes ice cream that has "Stuff" in it, like cookie dough, brownie pieces, fruit bits, peanut butter bites, cheesecake pieces, candy crunches, pop rocks, etc, etc. It's about the texture for him (...and he tends to get Kai Krunch loaded on top of everything, but don't tell Kai that)
Cole: Love ices cream, indifferent on Dairy Dragon. Amused by the villain flavors and thinks there should be more, but will not say that to anyone's face. Like sorbets and sherbets the most as he had those for dessert a lot while growing up, but otherwise isn't all that picky. Has a flavor called "Cole's Rocky Road", which is just Rocky Road, but it's very popular Jesse buys it by the carton
Zane: Indifferent on Ice Cream and Dairy Dragon; much prefers ice pops as a frozen treat. He does make a habit of tasting the villain flavors just to see if they're accurate lmao. Has no real partiality to any flavor, but makes Ninjapolitan his go-to, since its four flavors are based on him and the Core Four (which is cherry, (blue) raspberry, blackberry, and french vanilla).
Nya: Likes ice cream, liked Dairy Dragon until Bananakhan became a flavor (she was always more of an Ice Planet gal anyway), aaand is a huge chocolate ice cream junkie. The "Nya Special" is literally chocolate ice cream filled with chocolate brownies filled with fudge and covered in chocolate syrup and fudge sprinkles, and just looking at it is enough to put even Lloyd into a sugar coma.
Lloyd: Loves ice cream and Dairy Dragon, but is the vanilla fan. "You can make vanilla into any other flavor, but you can't make any other flavor into vanilla, and plus vanilla is always good by itself", is his motto. Hates the villain flavors and is especially put off by Mango Morro and is a little bitter about how popular it is snksnknsnk. "Spinjitzu Swirl" is actually a flavor based on Lloyd specifically, which is essentially a green-colored cake batter flavor with frosting (...which exists and I have had it. It is to die for).
Jesse: Prefers frozen yogurt to ice cream, not that he won't eat ice cream. Likes mystery flavors or not knowing what he's going to get, because he likes being surprised (in this specific instance lol), and finds the villain flavors to be a bit distasteful. Also really enjoys Ninjapolitan and Spinjitzu Swirl. Lowkey slips in some suggestions for a "Fruity Fuchsia" flavor. The time will come, he's sure of it.
Antonia: Ice cream is like her favorite treat ever, but doesn't even discover Dairy Dragon until way later on and kicks herself for it. Doesn't mind the villain flavors, but thinks they could be more creatively named. Is a Buttered Pecan kind of gal, but otherwise just gets whatever she's in the mood for. Is also a strong advocate for making "Fruity Fuchsia" a thing, but for different reasons.
Harumi: Used to like ice cream a whole lot, but the novelty wears off over time. Will still go to the Dairy Dragon if Antonia's egging her on about it. Likes strawberry the most, sometimes shares in Kai's penchant for spicier flavors...but is also unfortunately a huge fan of Spinjitzu Swirl and Ninjapolitan (she tried the latter out of spite) and there's literally nothing else like it in the world so she has to get that specifically if she wants to indulge RIP. Would also actively boycott Fruity Fuchsia if it existed hgdhsfhfs
Miranda: Not crazy about ice cream but certainly isn't going to turn it down either, especially if it's from Dairy Dragon (which Nelson gets her hooked on). Surprisingly has simple flavor preference, as her go-tos are mint chocolate chip and cookies & cream. Also has a whole list of idea for future villain flavors that they could and should use (such as Time Twin Tropicana, Pythor Punch, Mechanic Marble, Overlord Overload, and a Garmadon popsicle with gumball eyes)
Olivia: Might be contradicting something I said previously but she tends to avoid ice cream—the cold is really sensitive on her teeth. She can force herself to eat it but it's not usually a good experience. She does, however, like chocolate-flavor almost as much as Nya does, and can manage some salted-caramel flavor on occasion as well. Attempts to destroy the Dairy Dragon once or twice just to figure out how it manages to stay standing throughout everything lmao
Pixal: Does not like ice cream at all, but can be encouraged to at least try a bite or two, but will never go overboard with it. Therefore, indifferent to Dairy Dragon. Can stomach some vanilla on occasion, but like Zane, would probably go for a fruity ice pop first.
Skylor: Has not really had the chance to indulge in ice cream until getting off the island, and then the Dairy Dragon winds up becoming one of her favorite spots. As with her drink preferences, like a lot of the more tropical flavors (pineapple, coconut, dragonfruit, etc) and finds things like chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry a bit bland. She can get behind citrus flavors, however. Really hopes they don't make a flavor out of her dad—she's already got enough bad publicity to deal with.
Bridget: An Ice cream hater, somehow even more than Pixal.
Sunni: Is lactose-intolerant and probably shouldn't even be eating ice cream but that's not going to stop her from indulging in Ninjapolitan or Spinjitzu Swirl snksnksnksn. Would also probably die if she attempted to eat the "Nya Special", and very loudly attempts to boycott Bananakhan (with reluctant help from Samantha).
Harleigh: Not a big ice cream fan herself, but is lowkey waiting for them to make an ice cream flavor out of Ronin (for better or worse)
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writing-whump · 1 month
Referring back to your chocolate cake / stomach ache post 🙈
What is the favourite dessert of your OCs?
Have they ever been sick from a dessert?
Haha you remember! That's so sweet, nonny ✨️
I really like this question, it's giving me ideas again 😂
Let's see desserts they are all the most likely to overeat on:
Isaiah is so disciplined in everything, so hard to catch him off guard. The most likely for him to get sick from is too much coffee in one day (not good for the heart either oi) and mint chocolate. He loves that stuff, don't put it near him or he will eat the whole package in one sitting.
Seline is very partial to honey roasted mixed nuts. She loves that taste so much she will eat the whole thing without realizing. And milk chocolates with fruits and nuts are a similar temptation.
Matthew and rice pudding, esp if Isaiah makes it. How is he supposed to stop without trying all the flavours? Doesn't help it has milk in it and its so sweet, creamy and comforting. Milk is the most likely offender to Matt tbh, he watches out for it now, but this is irresistible.
Hector is not really a sweets person. He enjoys salty things more. Just don't let him anywhere near spice.
Arnie and milkshakes with ice cream during summer. Omg he loves that. He is also wary of them, since they are easy to mess up in summer and make him sick (got sick numerous times on trips from the ice cream or ice cubes or just badly handled milkshakes). Wary yes, but if you put them in vicinity...
Dylan is more into Oreos and M&Ms. Very easy to get sick from, esp now that he takes care to eat proteins and healthy foods to be in top condition.
Don't think Rip has a favorite anything, he didn't have the capacity to let himself enjoy some meals more than others. I'm sure Dylan will go on a hunt for his fave dessert once he finds out about this.
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ashxketchum · 9 months
Mimato- “Nothing is as cute as you scrunching your nose.”
Thank you so much for sending in more requests!
I'm still stuck on two ideas for the Pokeshipping one so I decided to get done with Mimato first, hope you like it!
Post divider by @/cafekitsune.
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Prompt: “Nothing is as cute as you scrunching your nose.”
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Yamato liked to think that he was a patient person, even if people often told him that he was not. In his eyes, it was a difference in their perception of the meaning of the word, since for Yamato it meant being able to keep his cool in situations where every inch of his sanity would be tested. There may be proof to suggest that he did not in fact, often react as coolly as he would liked to in such situations, but still, considering the people that surrounded him, Yamato was a fairly patient person.
Except when it came to Mimi.
Unfortunately for him, not only did she know about this weakness of his, but she also knew how to take full advantage of it for her benefit. He was aware that the two of them perhaps spent more time competing over petty things than most couples, but it was hard for either of them to turn down a challenge when it was a matter of pride. For instance, tonight’s competition, in retrospect, could’ve been avoided if Yamato had just admitted that, unlike Mimi, he wasn’t too fond of eating ice cream in freezing temperatures, and would’ve much preferred a warm cup of coffee to keep him company during their nighttime stroll. But instead, what happened was Mimi remarked that she wanted to eat ice cream the minute the first drop of snow greeted them and Yamato scoffed at her, chiding her for such a joke considering the weather. He regretted his words instantly because the moment Mimi looped her arm with his and looked up at him with a smirk playing on her lips, he knew that his fate was sealed.
That’s how the walk that was supposed to focus on admiring the festive illuminations around where they lived, turned into a ‘who can finish an ice cream cup without complaining first’ competition.
All things considered, Yamato thought he was doing a good job of holding his ground so far. Since when they’d left home, he hadn’t anticipated this glitch, Yamato promptly left behind his gloves, assuming that he’d keep his hands stuffed in his coat pocket through the walk. But now, not only was his mouth suffering every time he took a bite out of the cold treat, his hands were numb from holding onto the chilled cup. It took a great deal of strength for him to keep his teeth from chattering every time he raised a spoonful of vanilla ice cream to his lips and a cold gust of wind blew past, showering his face with tiny balls of snow that were otherwise falling peacefully. It was almost as if everything around him was working together to ensure he’d lose.
A sideways glance told him that Mimi, on the other hand, seemed content with herself. She was known for having the oddest food cravings so eating chilled food while it snowed was only just one such hobby of hers. Her hands were snugly covered with gloves, her head with a woollen beanie and her neck with a thick muffler, she had no trouble gulping down spoonfuls of her bubblegum flavoured ice cream. Knowing that out of the two of them, she was the slower eater, Yamato risked his lead in the race to observe her for a few minutes, and to his dismay, neither did she shudder when the wind blew nor did she flinch after biting into the ice cream. In other words, even if he had the advantage of speed, she clearly was more calm and collected than him.
Slow and steady wins the race, a voice at the back of his mind reminded him. Yamato swallowed a defeated sigh and turned up his nose at the sight of Mimi eating her ice cream peacefully. Directing his attention back to the cup in his hand, he slowly scooped out another spoon of the ice cream and after giving himself a little pep talk in his mind about winning, he shoved the spoon in his mouth in one swift movement. His eyes squeezed shut automatically as the cold sensation passed from his tongue through his throat. He could feel his favourite curse word rise at the back of his throat, but he controlled himself by taking a deep breath and clenching his face tightly in order to keep the discomfort at bay.
“Nothing is as cute as you scrunching your nose like that when you know you’re about to lose,” Mimi said, breaking the long silence that had settled between them from the minute the clerk handed them their ice cream cups.
“I’m not going to lose.” Yamato gritted his teeth as he shot her a glare. He wanted to intimidate her with a stern expression but his attempt was rendered futile when he ended up struggling to stifle a sneeze instead.
“Are you sure about that?” Mimi laughed as she moved a step closer, “I’m certain you’re ten seconds away from sneezing.”
“The contest is for judging our ability to not complain,” he said, averting his gaze to his ice cream cup, “A sneeze is a natural bodily reaction, not a complaint.”
“Well, it could be considered as your body’s way of complaining about the cold.” She taunted him with a grin.
When Yamato only rolled his eyes at her words, Mimi took a larger scoop than usual of her ice cream cup and slowly brought the spoon to her lips, making sure that Yamato was still watching her, she licked the spoon clean in slow motion, expressing her delight over the taste through very vocal and loud exclamations that made his jaw drop.
“Stop trying to slow me down!” Yamato snapped at her, shaking his head to get the sight of her tongue curving against the spoon slowly out of his mind. Reminding himself that the competition mattered more right now, he craned his neck forward to peek at her cup and triumphed internally at the sight, “We’re evenly matched as of now.”
But his relief only lasted a second since the sneeze that he’d struggled to hold came back with full force, giving Mimi the chance to poke fun at him again. He could see that she was struggling not to laugh too loudly when she handed him a few tissues she’d pulled out from her coat pocket. Grateful for the help, Yamato dropped the urge to glare at her for looking so happy. He wiped his nose in a rush, wondering if Mimi would use this chance to quickly finish the race, but to his surprise she waited patiently until he was ready to start eating again.
“Aww, if you give up right now-” She took another step forward, standing close enough for him to get a taste of the warmth emanating from her body. She let her words hang in the air for a moment as she looked up at him from under her lashes, a very coy smile playing on her lips that stretched wider when she noticed that she had all of his attention. Tilting her head to the side, she spoke in a slow, inviting tone that made Yamato’s toes curl with anticipation.
“Then I know of a very nice way to get really warm, really quickly.”
He didn’t hesitate to admit to himself that any other day and he would’ve played into Mimi’s hand like a lovesick fool. But lately, she was the one winning more often and his pride had started to take a hit. So even if the flecks of snow stuck to her hair were begging to be dusted off, even if her cheeks were red with cold and begging to be pressed against his palms, even if her lips were parted perfectly and begging to be enveloped in a kiss, Yamato turned his eyes away and said a little prayer in his mind.
Channelling the restlessness that he felt over not succumbing to Mimi’s tempting suggestion, into motivation he licked his lips and took a deep breath, steadying the ice cream cup in one hand so he could use the other to scoop up all the remaining contents at once. He squeezed his eyes shut and opened his mouth wide, shoving the large spoonful inside without hesitation. Of course, it took him a lot of effort to keep a fairly straight face on as the cold sensation hit his teeth, his tongue and his throat, but with newfound determination, he managed to gulp down the ice cream without a single noise escaping from his lips
“Ha! I win!” Yamato shouted as soon as the difficult ordeal was over and he opened his eyes to find Mimi still taking slow bites out of her own ice cream cup. His gloating grin faltered when he noticed that she looked irritated, rolling her eyes at his declaration.
“More like I let you win, out of pity,” she said flatly, shooting him a pointed look. She reached a gloved hand forward and grabbed the now empty cup from Yamato’s hand, stalking away from him towards the nearest dustbin with a huff.
For a minute, he waited for her to come back so they could resume their stroll but when he noticed her walking back in the direction of their house all by herself, Yamato stuffed his cold hands in his coat pocket and jogged forward. Not only did she lose the competition, but Yamato had even managed to turn down her request for a kiss so no wonder Mimi was sulking. He tried to bury the smile that was playing on his lips as he caught up with her, grabbing her arm so she would stop and turn around to face him.
“A loss is a loss, Meems.” Yamato smirked when he saw the confusion flicker in her brown eyes as he pulled her closer, leaning down to whisper in her ear, “Did you expect me to let you go before I got to claim my prize?”
He didn’t give her a chance to reply by crashing his lips against hers. Sighing into the kiss when his cold fingers threaded through her hair and soaked up her warmth, Yamato didn’t notice when he knocked her beanie off her head. He was unaffected even as a gust of wind passed them by when he felt Mimi smile against his lips and she looped her arms around his neck, fully leaning into him to share her body heat just like she had offered to earlier. He let his hands travel from her hair to her cheeks to her back, delighted with the way it arched under his touch. He wrapped both his arms around her waist with such force that she was pushed closer into his chest and a soft moan passed through her lips. He could taste the sickly sweet bubblegum flavour she had chosen all over her tongue but surprisingly it didn’t bother him, only made him eager to taste more of Mimi.
But the thought that they were still standing in the middle of a road eventually invaded their minds, urging the two of them to break the kiss. Breathing heavily, Yamato leaned his forehead against Mimi’s, eyes closed shut as he allowed the blood that had rushed to his head to settle back down. He heard Mimi chuckle softly, so he opened one eye to take a peek at her.
“You know, what’s funny? I don’t really feel like I lost.”
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Thank you for reading!
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dangerousduckcloud · 1 month
6, 19, 30, 39, 40, 44 And I'm still trying to figure out what the time difference is between us, heh
🍞 anon
Hiii bread anon!!!
6. Age you get mistaken for
So I don't want to be that kind of person but I do have a baby face, although I feel it's mostly cuz I've never worn makeup and I rarely do it, which helps me make me look younger, anyway, in 23 but I've been mistaken for a minor, although never a specific age.
19. A fact about your personality
I'm quite comfortable with being silent, if I'm with someone and not talking it doesn't mean I'm angry or bothered, I just prefer to get lost inside my head.
30. What I hate the most about work
Right now it's the commute, I'm wasting around one to one and a half hours of my life just on the commute, however I like to see the bright side that I'm not working 10 hours a day like some friends, I only work 5, sometimes less.
39. My favourite ice cream flavour
I'm going to be basic, but I love vanilla!! Like most kids, I used to love chocolate, and cookies and cream flavours, but I've come to love the basics (also I shouldn't even be eating chocolate in the first place for health reasons...)
40. Who I wish I could be
Honestly? There's no one I wish I could be but myself, I know, kinda cringe buuuut, what I do wish is that I could be the version of me that does not give up when the slightest thing goes wrong, I wasted so much of my youth not focusing on my hobbies (writing, drawing) because I gave up at the slightest of errors.
44. A random fact about anything
Most people think comics were invented in the early 1900s, or even until the mid 1900s, however, they could literally be traced back to cave paintings. But comics as we know them today began taking form in the 1700s.
I know this because I did a research about comics :D (which got published!)
About the time zone, right now is 23:10 where I'm at
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infinitethree · 1 month
ahhhhh I'm glad you like the drawing Innit!!! Sorry for taking you on an emotional rollercoaster there, I didn't think you'd receive all of those at the same time.
Your opinion does matter! Or it should, anyway.
Also, dont apologize! You can't control when you hear what we say. I'm happy to be with you when ever I can :D
We do see alternative timelines. Some of them! They tend to play out differently than this one. I'm sorry, I didnt realize mentioning it would bring your mood down :( You deserve better than this Daz.
I'm glad you're liking the food!! If you want anything specific next time, let me know! I think I'm going to give you something sweet and something savoury each time so you don't get tired of one flavour, yknow?
*gives Innit an ice cream sandwich and some spaghetti with meatballs*
*as always, head pats and hugs if it wants them*
Also, not to make the same mistake as before with completely different uhh tones, but I figure you should know what's going on! If its not censored, that is.
Aster made a deal with the Showmaster to see parts of Daz's past in exchange for a wish. As in he literally sees them- in Daz's head or from a 3rd person view. He can't see or hear you though! (If Daz talks with you, Aster just doesnt know what he's doing.) But I figured you might want to know!
*another hug if it wants*
Innit hums in happiness, scritching the raccoon as it revels in the experience of Daz’s despair.
They both know that Aster won’t tolerate this new development. Once he knows about Innit…
Ah– but Asher just said that he doesn’t know! Meaning that Innit possesses an utterly vital piece of information that the bastard doesn’t.
It…can grapple with the idea that this Daz is the worst Daz at another time. Currently, its focus needs to be locked in on caving the ground underneath the traitorous asshole its trapped inside. 
It eats its food, a nearly manic grin stretching its lip wide.
Time for the bastard to pay the price for his countless crimes.
There’s only so much that Daz can take.
The Observers, the Scribe, being forced to reveal himself, Aster’s deal– he can only be backed against the wall so far before he can’t take any more.
So…he doesn’t.
The problem, he reflects, is that Aster has a streak of nobility. Even once he learns about Innit– which he might have already, honestly– he might think there’s something that can be saved in the ruined husk that is Daz and his admin side.
Maybe he won’t; maybe he’ll simply do his fucking duty and strike him down.
But if he doesn’t, Sanctuary and the people he gives a shit about will be in danger.
That’s not an option. Not when Daz has always known he’s running on borrowed time.
How many times has he escaped impossible situations by sheer fucking luck? How many times has he defied fate, defied the long scythe of Death herself…?
Well, he’s reached the end of the line.
From the moment he devoted himself to this place, he decided to hold nothing back. His own safety and sanity were small prices to pay for the sake of everyone else.
The greater good, and all that.
So…what is his life to add to the pile? What is his life worth, when he would die in a far more brutal way if Sanctuary were to be ruined because he was a coward?
He’s even made it easy for them– a manifesto, of sorts. He’s left statements, plans, even a will behind. Some of it was existing, but others he’s drawn up over the last day or two.
Unfortunately for Aster and the rest, Daz knows them far too well by now.
They’ve likely already approached Day, or at least are getting ready to do so.
Time is running out. Daz knows that the likelihood of them having a good chance at stopping him only skyrockets the longer he waits.
His last acts are to put his most precious possessions on his bed, on top of the suit he’d like to be buried in.
His shield ear cuff– the real one, the second one ever made that he’s kept hidden; the cuff that represents Tubbo…
The necklace from Raine.
It feels like something in the wreckage of his heart crumbles as he stares at his pseudo-claims, and he murmurs, “I really am pathetic, aren’t I?”
What kind of admin has so little of real value to his name, huh? What has your sociopathic bullshit and all that effort actually gotten you, in the end?
Not much, not directly. But it was never about him, not really; by the time he came to Sanctuary, he was already a lost cause.
Huh. Maybe Dream’s pre-insanity mentality did more damage than he thought. For the good of others, damn your own misery– that was always the ethos Dream had lived by.
What a nasty thought to linger with him.
He sighs, going into his closet to be sure he doesn’t look too fucked up. He needs to sell this, after all– has to sell this lie just long enough to make sure he’ll get this awful form of victory.
As he looks at himself in the mirror, he gives himself a bitter quirk of a smile. Just in case, he hums, “I wonder if you’ll get this eventually? Well…don’t blame yourself too much. It’s not your fault you’re outclassed, stupid, and naive.”
Thankful he’s had his rooms shielded from San, he wraps his knuckles against the mirror. “Fuck you, though. I hope my death eats you alive. You, of all people, should have known not to pry in my head.”
Twisting his face into a cheerful smile, he laughs, “Wish me luck! I’ve got a date with a very powerful Lady, and I’m terribly late. It’d be rude to keep her waiting any longer, yeah?”
With that, he goes to meet the only person he can turn to in this checkmate. The only person who he can count on to act the way he wants, the way he needs.
The other Tommy is in his bookbinding workshop when Daz teleports over. He wiggles his fingers in greeting, asking, “Hey, big man– got a minute? I wanna talk to you about something.”
Theo blinks at him in surprise. “Hmm? Yeah, what’s up?” “Oh, not here. It’s kinda…well, I mean– you know how it is,” Daz laughs. “I have a good spot– mind if I teleport us?”
The guy gets up, seeming a little awkward. “Yeah, sure. Uh– still fuckin’ weird you’re an admin, y’know?” “Oh, it’s been weird for me too,” Daz hums as he inputs the coords to a place that’s near and dear to his heart.
There’s a low whistle as Theo surveys the Council HQ. “Shit, this place is nice. When’d you make it?”
“Years ago.”
He can tell Theo immediately catches the way he’s dropped his mask. The guy seems confused, so he laughs softly. “Oh, Theo…it’s really funny, y’know?” “...What is?”
“How stupid you are.”
Wings flaring as Daz advances, he smiles with far more menace than he should be capable of. “You and everyone else! I mean, gods– did you really never suspect me? That I could possibly be more than I let on? Poor, weak, innocent Daz, needing to be sheltered and protected…none of which are true.”
He advances into Theo’s space in the blink of an eye, expression twisting into a sneer. “I knew I was an admin, Theseus. I just hid it, because there was no point in catching anyone’s attention with it! I mean, fuck– admins are nothing but trouble. I hid my true self because I liked having that power over all of you. It was funny to watch everyone be so kind and considerate, unaware of just what kind of person I really am!”
Theo’s expression is stony. “Everyone but Aster. He fuckin’ realized, n’ we ignored him.”
Daz throws his head back and laughs.
“Aster, that fuckin’ traitor! I hate him, I hate everything he stands for. I hate his stupid fuckin’ face, his stupid fuckin’ voice, even his stupid fuckin’ morals! But, the funny thing is…we’ve been working together, you know?”
He forcibly directs Theo’s attention to the table in the center of the room. “This place is the headquarters of our little club– the Council of the Star. He’s lied to you, Theseus. He’s kept my true self hidden from you, because I tricked him into thinking I could be useful.”
A growl rises up from the back of his throat as he digs his nails into Theo’s upper arms. “But he betrayed me. He made a deal with the Scribe– the entity at the head of all of this bullshit with Observers and questions– to pry into my past. So…I’m ruining his life.”
Voice wavering, Theo tells him, “You’re fuckin’ lying.” “Think about how often Aster disappears for hours at a time. He’s been here, Theseus– helping prop up my lies.”
Theo wheels on him and snarls, “The fuck are you even doing all of this– what do you get out of fuckin’ telling me now?!”
Laughing, injecting a very real edge of hysteria into the sound, Daz tells him, “That bastard sees my thoughts, my memories, my past. It’s only a matter of time before I’m removed from Sanctuary, you know? So, like I said, before that happens…I’m going to destroy his life.”
Fury twists Theo’s expression as he takes his sword out. The air gets heavy and Daz’s heart soars. “Go on, then,” he mocks, arms flung wide. “Stab me, you won’t! You’re too much of a fuckin’ pussy, blinded by your own arrogance n’ stupidity!”
Relief sings through him as the sword moves with blinding speed.
The truth about Sanctuary’s respawns is that they aren’t actually infinite– you can still very much die. The secret is that, instead of a hard system tied to lives, it’s tied to something far much ephemeral.
It’s tied to your will to come back.
Sickness can override it in some cases, yes, but the far more dangerous factor is that if you don’t want to live…you can very much die.
And if you choose to die, that means that you can choose to be killed.
Theo wouldn’t be overly aware of this, of course. Why would he be? It’s not like he’d be haunted by the funeral of someone who gave up more than two years ago.
In this moment, Theo is lashing out in a way he’s been able to freely do many times before. He has no idea that this single thrust will kill him.
That’s the point. Theo’s sword will strike true, and he’ll be left only with Daz’s posthumous assurances that this is the only hope for Sanctuary.
The only hope for Lee.
But the sharp sound of metal on metal rips him from his final plan. Fury twists in his heart as Aster stands between them.
The traitor snarls, “You fucking sociopath–” “Step aside,” Theo snaps at him, teeth bared. “I’m not fuckin’ letting this go!”
“He’s tricking you, Theo!” “N’ you’d know all about that, huh?!”
Aster steps forward, shouting, “You stupid’ fuckin’ bastard, he’s trying to get you to kill him!” “Good! Maybe a fuckin’ sword to the–”
Grabbing his shirt, Aster yells, “Permanently!”
Gods fucking damnit. Seething, Daz says, “You really can’t just let me have my way, huh? Traitor.”
“You are a selfish coward–” “Me? Me?!”
Daz stalks forward and rips Aster away from his friend. He spins him around to the ground, yelling at him, “Your short-sighted mercy will damn all of you! One person– one fucking person, a person you don’t even fuckin’ like! I’m a broken, ruined husk of a person, shambling around by sheer force of will. I’ve been dead since before I ever set foot in this fuckin’ server!”
“You’re not cursed, you dipshit–” “Hah!” “You’re just fuckin’ unlucky! You really think nobody would have noticed if you were cursed?!”
Fury boils in his blood as he tries to stomp on Aster’s arm to break it– but the bastard just moves away. “Everyone who I love suffers; everyone who loves me dies! Of the body, of the spirit– it’s still a death!”
His attention snaps to Theo, whose face is ashen. Cooly, he says, “I’ve been training Lee. He’s been getting attached. His heart is big like that, you know? Big enough to love even a monster who’s lied to everyone for years.”
Aster tries to interrupt, “Daz, don’t you fuckin’ dare–”
“So,” he says, smiling at Theo and ignoring the idiot at his feet, “That’s why I need to die. If I’m alive, Lee will be ruined. Sanctuary will be ruined. And, well– everything is falling apart anyway. I can’t afford for all the work I’ve done to be wasted like this.”
Aster suddenly lets out what sounds like a sob. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” the bastard gasps, face ashen.
He must’ve seen something Daz wouldn’t want him to see, then.
“Aster–?” Theo seems concerned, wings flaring at his friend’s blatant distress. “Keep you fuckin’ mouth shut,” Daz growls, but Aster talks anyway.
“Will, he left a will– and all his– the shit he cares about, he doesn’t even have his cuff on–”
Theo suddenly grabs him and reaches for his neck. Daz glares at him but doesn’t bother stopping him. He knows Theo is searching for the necklace– Theo, above all other non-admins, understands the significance of an admin removing their claims.
The guy reels backwards, looking sick. “You don’t have your fuckin’-- the necklace Raine gave you.”
Rolling his eyes, he shoves his sleeve up. “Or my memorial cuff, no. I don’t deserve them anyway.” “Deserve?!”
“I’m a failure of an admin and cursed to boot. Even those pseudo-claims are more than I ever was worth.” His gaze flicks to Aster, and he scoffs, “I’m sure he can tell you more.”
A failure to the end! Incredible, just– how kind they try to be. They really don’t believe you’re as ruined as you are.
He knows.
Innit purrs, But it’s not too late. It wouldn’t be hard, just a few moments…you have a knife, you know how to pierce someone’s heart. Wouldn’t that be the fate you deserve? To die just like Tubbo did, to refuse their attempts to save you?
…That’s always an option, yeah.
But now that things have devolved this far…maybe he can just– tell them.
Finally, finally, finally rip off his mask and let them realized just how hopeless he always was. Useful, for a time, sure– but not someone worthy of their mercy.
The beast inside him chuckles, Since Aster already knows about me, you might as well just twist the knife in further. If Theo knows about me…well. It’s not like you can’t convince him that something with my knowledge who wants to see everyone here, especially his precious little brother die screaming– that I’m not a ticking timebomb.
Tell them about your biggest sin, Daz. Tell them about how they’ve had a prisoner trapped right under their noses this entire time, screaming for anyone to please not abandon it.
I bet DayDream would hate that. I bet even Lee might think less of you.
As little as Daz wants to listen to his admin side…it’s making several very, very, very good points.
He calmly sits down in his usual chair and looks to the bastard who’s backed him into this corner.
“Go on, then. Call for Day, so we can get this over with.”
Theo jolts a little. “The fuck do you need–” “They were already planning to drag him into this. And neither of you are admins, you won’t understand me. You won’t understand why I’m not worth saving.”
He idly messes with his earrings, murmuring, “It’s pathetic that I can’t even do this the way I wanted. I’m trying to protect all of you in the only way I can…but you don’t get it.”
His attention flicks to Theo and he scoffs, “There’s so much to lose, and so many more people who have something to live for. Clinging on to me when my death would fix so much…you really are stupid.”
Theo slumps down onto the stool that Lee has been using. Funny how he doesn’t question its presence here. “Stupid enough to almost fuckin’–” Grief and pain twist his expression and Theo looks away. “...You didn’t fuckin’ care about how I’d feel about killing you, did you?”
“Feeling hurt is better than everyone dying. I left an explanation, anyway,” Daz sighs, watching as Aster taps at his com.
Hate burns in his chest at how similar that asshole truly is to Dream. They’ve both ruined him in the name of protection– both ripped him open and committed a horrible, unspeakable violation of his agency and wants.
Aster sinks down next to him, in his usual seat. “Hate me as much as you want– I won’t stand by and let you die in a stupid self-immolation that will only cause more problems than it could possibly solve.”
“I don’t need your permission to hate you. Watch your fuckin’ back, traitor– I’ll make your life a living hell,” he seethes.
Tell him, you bastard. Confess your crimes, your sins!
He will, it just needs to be patient–
The noise makes him clutch his head and snarl, “Shut up! I won’t have that conversation twice, you fuckin’ asshole! Shut up, shut up, shut up–”
“Daz?! The fuck’re you–” “What’s going on, what are you–”
Tears burn at his eyes from the agony of his mind being clawed at, and he sobs out, “Innit, it’s Innit, fuck, you should know by now–!”
The screaming stops, and in the silence, he sees Aster’s expression of confusion suddenly shift into one of horror.
Innit, laughing in glee, crows, and now he knows! Watch as he learns everything about me– watch as he realizes how big of a monster you really are!
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