#but also please do not take this as an attack on any other opinion
chaoslynx · 10 months
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So for those of you who are anime only and/or haven't read the actually "Perfect Day For Bananafish" story by J.D. Salinger, Meredith's version here in the manga is far more accurate to the actual short story than what he says in the anime. ("If you see a bananafish at sea, you'll suddenly feel like dying.")
If you're anime only, you might have also wondered why Ash (who's later portrayed as a bit of a bookworm) has never heard of this story. (We'll assume that he never Googled it because of the manga taking place when Google didn't exist and the anime not wanting to deal with the plot hole lmao.)
There are a couple things I want to point out with this. First, what Ash is outright saying: "I was always more into Hemingway. A short happy life." This is uhhh not subtle. Ash is pretty clearly expressing his desire for exactly what happens at the end of his own life -- his life is short, but he finally finds happiness. And if you think that Ash is referring to a life that is short but entirely happy, keep in mind that "The Snows of Kilimanjaro," which Ash describes in the show, was written by Hemingway. Here, when describing Hemingway's work, he's talking about that leopard. He already knows he's gone too far to turn back.
This is in contrast to the protagonist of "Perfect Day for Bananafish," whose story more parallels Griffin at first glance: a war vet who gets out of a psychiatric hospital and dies after being "rescued" but not fully by a child, never really recovering from his experiences. However, as the namesake of the manga itself, we of course see Ash in the "Perfect Day" story as well -- especially in that Ash willingly walked toward his own death (as did the "Perfect Day" protagonist) whereas Hemingway's "Kilimanjaro" protagonist dies of infection against his will (more similar to Griffin -- or, alternatively, Shorter).
Both stories end in a protagonist dying prematurely, but Ash directly tells us that he's actively seeking out a short, happy life, rather than a drawn out one. To quote the second ending theme, RED by Survive Said the Prophet: "If I decide to burn instead of fading out ..."
If you've been following me for any time at all, you know that I disagree with the message that the end of the Banana Fish manga sends with Ash's death. That being said, I do think that it's what Ash wanted, and what he told the readers that he wanted from the very start. I simply think that Ash was incorrect about it being too late for him to turn back, and that it's irresponsible for the Banana Fish manga to end without him realizing that.
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mr-ribbit · 5 months
this isn't meant to soften or reduce the objective transmisogyny + additional hate action going into this, but since the people running these harassment campaigns are acting like they're literal baby children who need their hands held to understand anything, maybe this needs to be said:
what you're doing and how you treat trans women on this website is fucking MEAN. if you want to sit there and honestly convince yourself that you're *not* a transmisogynist or a transphobe or a misogynist or any other type of bigot - like if you genuinely believe that and are confused why people are calling you these things - then maybe we need to start from little primary colored building blocks and tell you that you're being fucking mean and rude and actively harmful to real people who read the things you say. im not sure why we need to start off with "trans women have feelings" - just kidding I know exactly why we need to - but maybe you don't.
no matter who you're talking to, do you honestly think accusing someone you do not know of being a pedophile, en masse, behind their back /and/ in a public forum, is a reasonable way to treat someone for making a tumblr post about video games or political opinions? even if you strongly disagree with the post, you think someone deserves to be treated like that by people they don't know? take a second please and sincerely imagine how that would feel. wouldn't it be scary? wouldn't you wonder who the people were who thought this about you - if they're people you know - if they're just a few people that will continue saying mean things to you forever or if there are thousands of people who choose to dedicate their time and energy specifically to making you feel bad? if you accidentally write a post in the wrong tone or unknowingly interact with a shitty person, that there are uncountable people that will keep track of that just to hurt you later? that's fucking horrifying
and to zone in on what's specifically happening here: do you think randomly accusing people of being pedophiles or sexual abusers has no effect on them? like a lot of you tend to excuse yourself in these discussions by saying "I didn't actually see the context of what they were saying" or "I didn't see that they apologized already" or "I didn't actually understand the post was a joke" or whatever other kneejerk response to make sure *you* aren't seen as a bad person. do you realize that makes you look even meaner? you didn't bother to actually follow up on a thought you had about someone before sending them hateful messages or making public accusations about them? those actions are harmful whether or not you like the victim at the end of the day.
believe it or not some people you send this shit to are survivors of abuse themselves, or have their own historical personal reasons to be weighing in on a touchy subject. when you baselessly decide it's ok to call someone an abuser of any type, that person is probably *also* disgusted by whatever horrible shit you're accusing them of. as someone that hates these things as much as you do in order to attack someone for them: what do you think it's like to have complete strangers think that about you? how many eggshells would you walk on if random people thought so little of you that they were ok doing this?
it's mean. it's heinous, cruel bullying, and if you genuinely think you are not doing it from a place of transmisogyny or hatefuk bias over the victims' identity, then you need to understand that that's not an excuse. "i didn't even know she was trans" ok, it was still mean to call her a pedophile with 200 of your closest friends in public. "im trans so it can't be transphobia" ok it was still mean to assume someone was endorsing abuse when they were talking about being accused of abuse. "i didn't see the post where she said it was a joke" ok it was still mean to actively harass someone without bothering to look into the full context.
at the end of the day, yes, obviously I still think you're all transmisogynist assholes who are clearly willing to gang up on a woman who has nothing to do with your problems simply because she dared to speak on them. i think you're bigoted and unwilling to examine that if it means giving up your vitriol against someone who doesn't like your favorite video game or whatever excuse of the week. but like even if you were just doing it for love of the hate game, it's fucking weird heinous shit and i hope you're happy having that be a central part of your life
to be clear: im not transfemme and if I'm overstepping or talking over anyone please let me know. im not speaking for anyone's actual experiences except my own, which is the experience of being angry at how much literal bullying and harassment I see excused on this so-called progressive queer blogging website
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idontevrnknow7 · 7 months
cannn I request a Jax x fem reader nsfw!! With Jax having a breeding kink,, due to him being in this weird digital version of heat, due to him being a rabbit, also reader is Ike very girly so skirts and stuff!! Also.. Jax begs , yuuuup!
ofcccc!!!! sorry it took me a while to post I had a lot of school to catch up on but now I'll post more on!
includes:fingering, biting, breeding kink, Jax is in heat
It's annoying going from a normal man to a rabbit in a digital world who goes into heat. Jax hates the feeling of always being hard and the urge to hump his pillow as he thinks about someone. You, in your skirts and girly stuff, just thinking about him fucking you drives him crazy. “God why am I like this?...” he laid on his bed until he heard a knock at his door. “Crap” he gets out of his bed and tries to make it not noticeable that he was hard. As he opens the door. It's you, “Hey Jax! are you coming to the activity today? Caine wants you to!” as he looked you up and down, wearing a skirt and a pink top on. ‘God she would look so good with my seed in her’ he thinks as his cock gets even harder and feeling that he could snap at any moment.
 Jax sighed "ugh fine I guess..." jax walked behind you as he was in his thoughts thinking about you of course. After the activity he started to walk back to his room trying to get away from people before they noticed something was wrong. "Jax wait up!" ad Y/N rushed next to him. "what do you want Y/N?" Jax looked down at you "Well wanna come to my room? I have a new outfit and I need your opinion" Jax looked away for a sec "ugh fine only for a second" Y/N then walked to her room happily with Jax trailing behind her
after she got her outfit on and showed him, "um you look good I guess....but um I need a favor from you" you looked up "yes Jax?" as he looked up at you "i-i need you doll, look what y-your doing to me.” You blushed as you can see his bulge through his pants "Jax....are you saying you want to do...it?" Jax blushed and looked away “yes....please”..... Jax pleaded until you nodded to help him with his heat, since you did like him. Jax got up and pushed you on your bed.
He was breathing heavily and reached up your shirt to feel your breasts. You yelped as he squeezed. “Hha jax-” he attacked your neck with kisses and bites leaving a bunch of hickeys that you would have to hide from the others. "@#$! Y/N you're so pretty with those hickeys on you. Now they will know that you're mine ." he then took off your skirt and panties and shoved a finger inside you "hah jax~" you moaned out his name and he then added another finger then you moaned as Jax bite your inner thigh leaving it bruised but not hard enough to break the skin. hearing you moan made his cock twitch in his pants as they began to be very tight around his cock as it was throbbing from not having attention. you felt knots in your stomach about to burst until he took out his fingers "h-huh? Jax?". as you looked at him in disappointment "can't have you cum yet doll~"
he then took off his overalls and stroked his cock a few times to get it ready to enter your cunt " you know how long I've been wanting to do this" as he lined up his tip at your wet folds. “Looks like it will be a tight fit…..you can take it though right? “ then his hips began to push forward as his tip harshly made its way past your walls. “Hhha…its…huge…jax-” 
“f-$#@” as he began to slam his hips forward “look what your doing to me doll…” as he was pounding into you. Already feeling ready to cum into your pretty cunt. He went down and sucked on your tits leaving bite marks all over your chest "god your so p-pretty when you moan my name" As he continued to pound into you as knots were increasing in your stomach about to burst. “J-jax im about t-to- '' you were interrupted by you moaning as you released your orgasim and jax still kept going until he started to get sloppy notifying you that he was super close. “G-goddamn…y/n i-im about to cum” as he finally slammed into you as he released all his warm cum into your tight cunt, filling you up. Then he got off you and laid next to you. “Geez doll you made me feel so much better for now heh.” you turned over to look at him “i didn't know you could go in heat. Or had a thing for breeding” he looked away “yeah….maybe you can help me for now” as he smirks at you. Jax pulled the covers on top of you ad him and cuddled 
Kinger bursted into the room “JAX Have you see-.” as he just stares then slowly turns around. “oh um...i'll….just…go…..”
A/N: Thanks for the request! I know it might be a little crappy but its my first time writing so! I hope it's good:) have a good day/morning/night.!!!!!!
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python333 · 5 months
soft spot — python333
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synopsis you've been having a bad day, and ghost feels like being extra nice to you. plot twist you're an age regressor and him being so nice is NOT helping.
relationships platonic agere cg!ghost & gn little!reader.
characters ghost.
word count 6.7k.
warnings a victorious reference, age regressor reader, usage of c/n [call sign/code name], 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself]
note please feel free to attack me as much as you want if this is inaccurate. i don't even care if it's not constructive criticism. i am begging for everyone's thoughts and opinions on this!! this is also the longest oneshot i think i've ever written!
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“Having fun there?” 
You turn in your seat and find Ghost leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and one eye slightly wider than the other—an indication that his eyebrow is raised. 
“Not really,” You answer, setting down your gun. You’d been disassembling it, trying to take your mind off of the slowly growing headache that’s been building up for the past few hours. You don’t think it’s a migraine or anything, but it still bothers you greatly. 
“Yeah, no, I can tell,” Ghost chuckles, pushing himself off of the door frame and walking over to you. He eyes your gun for a moment, the magazine already removed as well as any live rounds left in the rifle ejected, and the bolt locked to the rear. You were only maybe a quarter of the way through your disassembly, even though you started around thirty minutes ago. 
For some reason, you woke up upset today. You were too tired, you felt awfully sluggish, and there was a throbbing pain clustered in the back of your eyebrows. So, in short—you were reasonably very upset. It showed visibly in the way your eyes twitched every so often, and in the way you felt the need to pinch the bridge of your nose to distract you from the pain that was still building up behind your brows. 
“What’s going on?” He asks, leaning on the table. 
“I have this headache that won’t go away,” You respond, sighing as you move your gaze from your gun to Ghost. You can barely see it, but from his eyes you can tell that his face scrunches up beneath his mask. He knows a thing or two about bad headaches, being someone who frequently gets migraines himself. 
“Have you taken any meds for it?” You shake your head ‘no’. Ghost holds up a single finger in a ‘one moment’ motion and rummages through the pockets on his tactical vest for a moment, before he pulls out a small bottle of ibuprofen no bigger than his palm. He hands it to you. 
“Here.” You blink at it for a moment. 
“Thanks,” You take the bottle gingerly and Ghost nods, watching you as you struggle with the child-proof lid for a second before getting it open. You shake out a small tablet, one the size of a low-dosage aspirin, and pop it into your mouth. You don’t have much of an issue dry-swallowing it, and it only takes one attempt before you successfully swallow the tablet.
“You’ve been feeling pretty bad this whole week, haven’t you?” Ghost frowns underneath his mask. 
You think for a moment before nodding, “Yeah, I guess. I think it’s mostly just stress.” 
You know it’s not just stress. 
For a while now, you’ve used something called ‘age regression’ as a form of stress relief. You don’t know exactly when it started, but you do know that it was before you were recruited for the 141. And originally, you made a promise to yourself that you wouldn’t regress while on base, and you kept that promise for maybe a month before you broke it. 
You think it was Ghost that was the trigger, actually. You can vividly remember the first time you regressed while on base; you had just finished talking to Ghost, and he called you something—you think he called you something similar to ‘kid’—that made a flip in your mind switch immediately. You can remember excusing yourself from the conversation quickly, leaving your lieutenant slightly confused but otherwise unbothered by the strange action. 
And, worst of all, you can remember being in your quarters and practically burrowing under your blankets. You were curled up into a fetal position, trying to fight the urge to suck on your thumb or at least chew on something, but ultimately lost the fight and succumbed to your urges. You spent maybe a few hours like that, wide awake when you just wanted to try and sleep it away, thinking about that interaction you had with Ghost over and over again. 
You’re not stupid. You know that Ghost has some sort of soft spot for you—albeit, you don’t know exactly how soft that soft spot is, but it’s definitely soft. Soft enough that he goes the tiniest bit easier on you compared to other recruits, soft enough that he spares you more time than he does for others, and the most obvious of all—he initiates most of your conversations. 
Contrary to popular belief, he’s not the scary super-soldier most people think of him as. Sure, maybe he is kind of scary, and maybe his mask does jumpscare you when you’re doing missions in particularly dark spaces sometimes, but other than that he’s not scary in the slightest. If anything, he’s awkward. Awkward enough that he’s almost never the first person to talk to someone—except for you, of course. You don’t know why he acts so differently around you, but you don’t complain about it. 
“That’s rough,” Ghost looks down at you with concerned, empathetic eyes, “Sorry you’re so stressed. Mind me askin’ why?” 
“I don’t, but I also don’t know why I’m so stressed,” You huff out, even though you know the answer completely. You stand up, “I think it’s just me being sleep deprived. I’ve been having the tiniest bit of trouble falling asleep lately.” 
“You should’ve told me earlier,” Ghost tuts, “I have melatonin.” 
You give him a confused look. “You do?” 
“‘Course I do.” 
You blink at him for a moment before sighing, “Could I have some then?” 
“What’s the magic word?” You give him an unimpressed look, ignoring the way the words make your stomach twist, and his eyes crinkle in a way that lets you know that he’s grinning under his mask. 
“Could I please have some melatonin?” 
“The magic word was lotion, but I’ll let it slide,” Ghost hums, “There’s some in my office. I’ll grab it for you later.” 
“M’kay,” You look over at the door, unintentionally zoning out as you do. Your vision goes unfocused as the throbbing pain behind your eyebrows grows and something else grows inside of you. 
Jesus. Why can’t you choose any other time to get the urge to slip into a younger mentality? Why does your headache have to make everything worse for you? Why does Ghost have to be so nice and helpful? 
“Hey,” Ghost frowns, tapping a finger on your shoulder to snap you out of whatever trance you’re in, “[c/n]?” 
Oh God. 
Your eyes—that you try desperately to keep neutral—meet Ghost’s, his eyes soft and his eyebrows dipped downwards in a confused manner. His eyes are searching, flitting over you, trying to find something. The way he looks at you makes you want to squirm, and you can’t help but just slightly shuffle in place. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asks, voice as concerned as his look. That should be the breaking point for you, but you remain as big as you can be, and nod affirmatively. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You try to assure him, hoping you don’t sound as nervous as you feel, “I think I’m just a little tired.” 
Ghost doesn’t look convinced. 
He puts a hand on your shoulder, the act like a hammer putting another dent in the wall you had put up. The leather of his glove is warm even through the thick material of your shirt, and it feels like hot metal against your cold skin, the clothing covering your shoulder be damned. 
“You can tell me if you’re not okay,” He tells you—what is he doing? Does he know something I don’t?—while his thumb starts rubbing circles into your shoulder, “I feel like you’re more than a little tired.” 
You stay silent for a little bit. You don’t know how to explain yourself, the words seeming to liquify and leak right out of you, making you speechless. He seems to notice this, sighing and letting his hand slip down to your hand, holding it and giving it a quick squeeze. 
“I think,” He looks around for a moment before turning back to you, “that we should head to my office so that nobody can bother us, and then you can tell me all about how you’re feeling right now. Does that sound okay?” 
You nod wordlessly, not trusting yourself to talk with how heavy your tongue feels, and you let Ghost lead you back to his office. It’s only a hallway away, but that’s still enough time to overthink everything that could possibly happen. How does he know something’s wrong? What gave it away? Did I do something bad? What did I do? Wh—
The creak of his office door opening snaps you out of your thoughts, and Ghost steps aside to let you enter his office first. Hesitantly, you take a few steps inside, and you hear the door click shut behind you as Ghost walks in. He takes your hand again, making you look at him as he guides you to a chair. 
You sit in the chair that’s in front of his desk, and he quickly drags out the chair that’s behind it so that it’s right next to yours. He sits down. 
He’s looking at you expectantly. 
“Uh.” You’re not sure what to say. He’s looking at you so reassuringly, it’s hard to keep yourself sitting upright. 
“I know something’s wrong,” Ghost says, leaning forward the tiniest bit, “I need you to tell me what’s wrong so I can help you.” 
He’s got to have at least some idea of what you’re experiencing, You think, trying to form some sort of explanation, He’s being so… weird? 
You swear there’s some other word you could use, but your vocabulary feels so limited, and you would mentally curse if you could because you know that now your explanation is gonna sound weird. You can’t use the words you want, you’re gonna be forced to use simple words, ones that can’t convey exactly how you feel. Words that—and it physically pained you to admit this—were childish. 
You can explain your situation. Just, now it would be more… blunt. And short. And also you’d feel like killing yourself afterwards. You won’t, obviously, but you can predict that you’ll come very close to doing so.
Okay, I have to say something because Ghost is looking more and more worried the longer I stay silent. 
“I feel…” You trail off for a moment, trying to get your thoughts in order for the next two seconds to actually say something that makes sense, before continuing in a far less confident tone, “… small.” 
The moment the words leave your mouth, you regret it. Ew. Ew. Ew. What. Why? Why that word? It leaves a sour taste on your tongue and yet you can’t think of any other word that would better suit how you feel. Still. Ew. 
Your thoughts are a jumbled mess ranging from fleeting thoughts of disgust to thoughts lodged in the back of your mind begging you to go anywhere else just so that you can stop having to have this conversation. This conversation requires words bigger than you have access to, and a sort of control over yourself that you can’t grasp. You can feel your hands twitching, wanting something to hold onto, anything to keep you distracted from the overwhelming urge to just regress. 
Ghost blinks. He didn’t expect that answer. 
“Small?” He repeats in a questioning tone, eyebrows furrowed, “I mean, compared to me, I guess you’re kind of short—” 
“No, no, not like short small,” You try to clarify, feeling just slightly discouraged by Ghost’s confused words, “Like…” 
You struggle to find the words that properly describe how you feel, only finding words like small and little in your current vocabulary. Your findings are making you increasingly upset, and you can feel your face start to grow hot with frustration and embarrassment. 
Oh my God. 
“Like…?” Ghost nudges your knee with his, trying to encourage you to talk, “I’m not leaving until you tell me.” 
There’s still a level of care in his words, no matter how confused he seems, and that adds all the more struggle to your predicament. Not only do you not want to tell him, but you can’t describe how you feel in a way that’s acceptable for someone your age to describe anything. At least, not in a way that you deem acceptable for yourself to describe anything. 
You’re far too old to be describing yourself as small. 
“[c/n]?” Ghost nudges you again, and you blink at him. Your eyes are flickering all over his mask, going anywhere but his eyes, since eye contact with anyone would make everything significantly worse for you right now. 
“It’s just—” You try to take a deep breath but your breath hitches. Everything is starting to make you feel so frustrated, and you’re starting to think that you might just throw a tantrum if you can’t do at least one thing right. You try to find the words you want to use but your throat is disobediently closing on you. Your mind feels like straight mush, and the quickly softening look that Ghost is giving you isn’t helping you at all. 
To your horror, in your inexplicable inability to talk in the way you normally do, you let out a small whine. It sounds obnoxious to your ears, and worst of all, sounds like something a little kid would do. 
You put your head in your hands, the quickly reddening skin of your cheeks getting cooled by the cold of your palms as you try and hide your face from Ghost. You can picture how he looks right now—somehow more confused than earlier, possibly annoyed, weirded out—and all those mental images make you bite your tongue to prevent another noise. 
“What was that?” You don’t answer him. 
To your non-answer, Ghost sighs, and you think, This is it, this is where he kicks me out of his office, oh my God I’m gonna get dishonorably discharged and he’s gonna give me a really mean look on my way out—
“Look at me.” You shake your head negatively. 
“Why not?” He sounds so confused, it makes you want to cry. There’s still a level of worry in his voice, and it adds to the fog that builds up in your brain. 
You move your face just slightly up so that your eyes peek out from above your fingertips, your hands covering the rest of your face. Ghost reaches out both of his hands, and ever so gently removes your hands from your face, uncovering your red cheeks and your lips—the lower of which quivers, like you’re about to cry. He notices this quickly, and you can practically feel the level of his worry shoot up. 
He doesn’t say anything, instead just holding your hands in his for a moment, before he sets them down into your lap. He looks at you, concerned, and asks, “Is it hard to talk right now?” 
You nod. His gaze shifts to his computer, and then back to you. 
“I’m gonna go look a few things up really quick, okay? I’ll just be right over there,” He nods over to the space behind his computer, “and I’ll be right back here in a few seconds.” 
You reluctantly nod again, and Ghost gets up from his seat. He grabs the back of the chair and drags it back around behind his desk, sitting down in it and powering on his monitor. It turns on almost immediately, much to his relief, and he goes to his browser and searches up a few things. You can’t tell what he’s searching up, only hearing the clacking of keys and the occasional final click that indicates that he’s hit the enter button. 
He stays there for maybe a minute or two. It’s a long few minutes, and you can feel yourself slipping more and more the longer he stays at his computer. And the more you feel yourself slipping into that younger mindset, the more you start to crave Ghost’s attention. 
The way his eyes are glued to his computer starts to irritate you. You’re aware that he’s doing something important, he must be, because why would he be so intent on looking something up otherwise, but still—you manage to feel the tiniest bit jealous of the computer. You know you’re too far gone when you can’t find it within yourself to realize that you’re jealous of a computer. 
Your eyes linger on him and he must notice this because he looks up from the screen of his monitor and looks over at you. As if he can read your mind, he reassures you, “Just a few more seconds.” 
But you said you were gonna be back in a few seconds a few minutes ago. 
You don’t voice your thoughts. Instead, you nod, because God forbid you annoy Ghost with your need for attention now when he’s being so patient with you. He looks at you for another moment before going back to his computer and looking something else up, this time with a little more fervor. 
Another few seconds pass and, true to his word this time, Ghost stops and gets up from his chair. He walks over to you, and your eyes follow him intently. He kneels down in front of you.
He looks hesitant to say something to you. That’s a first. That adds to the exponentially growing blob of fear that lives inside your mind, one of the only things that’s still prominent in the fog that conquers your brain. 
“Are you…” You feel like you know what he’s gonna ask you. You’re bracing yourself for the question, and he looks like he’s bracing himself just to ask it. 
“How, uh,” He’s trying to find the right wording, and you’ve never been able to relate to him harder than you do in this moment, “How… do you feel right now? How old?” 
How old? You don’t really like that question. As much as you like that you’re now getting attention, you’re starting to remember how little you actually enjoy this type of attention. The question is pretty vague, but at the same time so specific, and you’re almost ashamed to know exactly what the answer is. Or, at least, you would feel ashamed if there was room in your mind to feel so. 
“You said you feel small, right? Not like short small, just small?” He sounds more unsure of himself now, and you don’t think you like seeing him so reluctant to say something, “I looked up what it means to feel like that. Took some time, but I got to some person’s… website, and the person who wrote it was talkin’ about feeling like that. Something about regression, feeling a little bit younger than usual?” 
He’s being so awkward about it, and while you typically find his awkwardness funny, now it’s anything but that. 
“Uhm,” Your voice comes out as a mumble and you see Ghost perk up at it. You don’t know what to say. For a moment, you’re silent again, before you get over your embarrassment for a quick two seconds and force yourself to say, “Four.” 
“Four?” Ghost asks, before quickly realizing, “Right. Four. You feel four?” 
You nod, and your hands instinctively start moving back up to cover your face. Ghost swiftly grabs them, keeping his grip gentle as he keeps them from reaching your face. 
“Hey, don’t try to hide again,” He says, tone softening as he holds your hands, “everything’s fine, okay? Do you— what, uh— do you need me to do anything? Do you want me to leave you alo—”
“No!” You quickly answer, a little surprised by your own volume, before you clear your throat and answer in a much more quiet voice, “Don’t leave me alone.” 
“Okay, okay,” Ghost’s thumbs rub across the back of your hands, a soothing gesture that makes you the tiniest bit more relaxed, “what do you need?” 
You sniffle, and you can see an immediate look of panic cross Ghost’s eyes. You don’t know how well he is with crying children, and don’t want to impose such a situation on him, but you also can’t stop the tears that begin to well up in the corners of your eyes. 
“Hey, don’t cry,” He borderline begs, “everything’s gonna be okay, okay? Please do not cry. Take a deep breath.” 
You try to take a deep breath, you really do, but your breath just hitches and gets caught in your throat. It only makes you more distressed, adding to the urge you have to just disappear. Ghost notices your failed deep breathing and lets go of one of your hands, before taking the other and holding it to his chest.
You can just barely feel his heartbeat, his thick tactical vest and gear in the way of it, but you can still feel it. Ghost takes a deep breath, holding it for a second or two before slowly exhaling. 
“You copy me, okay?” He tells you, his words an order but his tone suggesting otherwise. He takes another deep breath, this time hoping you’ll follow his lead, and you do. 
You try to breathe with him, your hand on his chest helping, but your breath keeps getting caught in your throat. Ghost notices this, but continues his breathing anyway, hoping you’ll catch on soon. You do, thankfully—after a few more attempted breaths, you finally manage one almost identical to Ghost’s. The next few after that go similarly, and that’s when Ghost decides you’re alright to take your hand off of his chest. 
“I need you to tell me what to do,” He says, keeping your hand in his hold, “or at least tell me how all of this works. I want to help you.”
 You really don’t want to tell him what you need right now, but you also don’t think you have a choice. 
Wordlessly, you stand up from your seat, balance just slightly off-center before you quickly get your footing right. Ghost watches you, not moving, before you tug on his hand to try and urge him to get up as well. He obliges, getting up. 
“What—” You interrupt him by taking another step forward and letting your head thump right into his chest, ignoring the itchy uncomfortable feeling of his vest against your face. You don’t bother to wrap your arms around him to at least try and form some sort of hug, preferring to just smush yourself into him and hope for the best. 
After a moment of stunned silence, he wraps his arms around you. 
“You mind if we move behind my desk so I can look up some more stuff on all of this?” He asks, voice quiet, “Unless you want to just tell me?” 
“Desk,” You simply mumble into his vest, making him nod. 
“Alright, but you’re gonna have to stop hugging me for a second,” Ghost warns you. You reluctantly step away, and Ghost smiles softly down at you, bringing his hands away from your back and instead holding one of yours. 
He leads you behind his desk, and lets go of your hand before sitting down in his chair. Pausing, he quickly realizes you have nowhere to sit, and thinks for a moment before getting back up. He drags his chair just slightly to the side and looks back at you. 
“Sit down,” He nods to the chair, “It’s only gonna be a minute or two, alright?” 
You nod, hesitantly moving to sit in the chair, not really liking how far away from Ghost it is. It's not that far, You try to rationalize, I’m gonna be fine. 
Ghost can see your hesitation and tries to work as quickly as he can, grateful that he didn’t turn his computer off earlier, typing away on his keyboard. You don’t care to see what he’s looking up, more focused on looking at the time on his monitor. 21:44. 21:45. The time ticks by and even though it’s only been a few seconds you already want Ghost’s attention again. His attention has actually turned into good attention, and that’s the type of attention you’ve been craving for the past week. 
The clock reads 21:47 once Ghost is done, and he powers his monitor off this time, the small whirring the device makes dying down to a low hum before going completely silent. He turns to you, and somehow can sense that you need more attention. 
“Am I not paying enough attention to you?” He teases you, making you conflicted on whether you should be annoyed by the teasing or happy you’re finally getting attention. As if he can read your mind, he chuckles, and kneels down to your level. 
“I’m gonna give you as much attention as you need, alright?” He promises, “I just need you to stay in this room.” 
Ghost watches you nod non-verbally, and it only adds to his softening expression. 
He’s always had a soft spot for kids. He knows that you aren’t technically a kid, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still see you as one. You’re young for someone in the military, much less someone in this 141, and now that he’s found out that you’re an age regressor, that you’re a little—well, that doesn’t help how he sees you at all. 
He thinks that maybe the reason he has such a soft spot for kids is a few encounters he’s had with them in the past. He’s seen far too many in compromising positions while on missions; positions like being held hostage, being held as prisoner, or just generally being mistreated or even just living in bad conditions. 
He looks at you, and he just sees another one of those kids. 
He sees how you act around him. He’s not stupid. When he talks to you, you’re actually engaged in the conversation, compared to when anyone else tries to talk to you—maybe excluding Price, or Soap, or Gaz, heavy on that maybe—you’re more likely than not brushing them off every chance you get. You’re standoffish with everyone else, but with him, you’ll always accept any conversation he initiates. 
He can also see the way you look at him. It’s like you’re looking at your idol, or your savior, the way you look up at him. He can see that curious glint in your eyes when he tells you about a recent mission, or when he tells you anything, really. He can see when you try to mimic how he holds his weapons, and when you try to copy his techniques. 
He remembers catching you one day in the shooting range trying to mimic how he aims at the targets—looking through your scope with one eye closed, the other focused only on the dot centered on the scope, taking a deep breath in and out before shooting, and keeping the gun exactly like that even seconds after the shot’s been fired. 
In fact, the copying has gone from guns to melee weapons recently. Ghost swings only his forearm when he uses a knife, thumb resting on the very end of the knife’s handle, and entire arm stiff as he does. He does a slow windup when behind someone, a fast one on the off-chance that he’s in front, and buries the weapon to the hilt in whoever’s flesh he’s penetrated. He’s already seen you do the same on a recent mission. Not only that, but he caught you using a knife almost identical to his. 
And now, you’re still looking at him like that—except, different. Sort of like how a kid might look up to their parents. 
“What do you feel like doing, kiddo?” He asks, hoping the pet name isn’t too much. 
From the way your eyes light up, he suspects it isn't. 
“Mmm…” You hum, thinking for a moment, before requesting, “Coloring?” 
“Coloring, huh?” Ghost looks around for some blank paper and some sort of marker or pen thick enough to act as one, but can only find some highlighters. He turns to you, frowning, “Sorry, but I don’t think I have any paper, kid. Anything else you wanna do?”
You shake your head, and Ghost is just about ready to jump off of a bridge before you point to his arm and repeat, “Coloring.” 
He looks at his arm for a second, confused, before he remembers a conversation the two of you had a month or so ago. 
“If you ever wanna get tattoos, I know a guy in Brighton,” Ghost said, reclining his chair back so that he can lay down in it. You were sitting across from him in front of his desk, fiddling with one of his pens. 
“Good to know,” You hummed, “You have any tattoos?” 
“Yeah,” You perked up at his admission, and he sat up for a second to roll up the sleeve of his shirt. He wasn’t wearing his usual gear, only one of those standard issue army-green shirts. 
“Here,” He pointed to a large tattoo covering his whole arm like a sleeve, a few designs you could point out to yourself being a skull, a few Roman numerals, and some kind of scythe. 
“Very emo,” You commented, making Ghost snort, “I like it.” 
“I’m glad,” He rolled his sleeve back down. 
There’s a lot of blank space in the tattoo, despite it being a sleeve, and he can already tell that you mean you want to color in that space. He thinks about it for a moment, a fleeting thought of is that even safe? crossing his mind before he ultimately decides that he doesn’t care and would rather kill himself than see you disappointed because he denied your request, his own health be damned. 
“Alright,” He hums, grabbing a few highlighters from a mesh cup on his desk in the colors pink, yellow, and blue, “Go for it.” 
You give him a small smile and if he cared about if he’d get ink poisoning two seconds ago, he sure as hell doesn’t care now. You gingerly grab the highlighters from his hand, your grabbing not too secure and sort of clumsy but secure enough that the markers stay in your hand.
You hold them with both hands, and it makes Ghost realize how small your hands are—sure, you could hold the highlighters with one hand, but he’s glad you aren’t because now he can admire just how small you are as a whole. 
You set the yellow and blue down on his desk, making sure they don’t roll off for a moment before uncapping the pink and hesitantly holding out a hand for Ghost’s arm. He rolls up his sleeve and obediently holds out his arm for you, watching curiously as you press the cold tip of the highlighter to his skin. You’re starting by coloring in the skull a neon pink, much to his amusement, and you’re starting in the dead center of its forehead. 
You’re so much more quiet than you usually are when you’re little, and you’re so much more hesitant, it makes Ghost want to just wrap you in a blanket and keep you safe and in his sight forever. 
Your tongue slightly pokes out from between your lips as you concentrate on coloring in Ghost’s tattoo, making him grin beneath his mask. The ink of the highlighter doesn’t stay within the black bounds of his tattoos at all, but he doesn’t care one bit, and he doesn’t think you care either. You finish up the skull quickly, and move onto the scythe that’s right next to it, this time capping the pink highlighter and grabbing the yellow. 
Ghost is pretty sure this is gonna stain his skin for a day or two, but he couldn’t care less.
He can’t help but notice how much more relaxed you look in your regressed state. More at peace, he should say. There’s no longer a hunch in your shoulders, your eyes aren’t twitching from your headache, and you’re not bouncing your leg like you usually do when you’re sitting down somewhere. It’s like any anxieties you had pre-regression had evaporated, like slipping into a younger mentality had taken away most of your worries, if not all of them. 
He also can’t help but wish he could see you like this more often. Not necessarily the regressed part, but the relaxed part. Well, maybe the regressed part too. You’re being such a sweetheart right now, he doesn’t think he’ll be able to live through this experience. 
“You having fun there, darling?” Ghost asks, his grin evident in his voice. The corners of your lips quirk up at the pet name and you nod silently, and now Ghost is starting to think you’re actually trying to kill him. You’re being so uncharacteristically shy, and you’re being so quiet, and you’re just being so sweet. 
It seems you’ve moved onto the blue highlighter now, coloring in the last bit of his tattoo. He doesn’t think he’ll ever wash it off—or, at least, he wouldn’t if he had a choice. He knows that he has to shower sometime soon, but surely he can put that off for a bit, right?
Once you’re finished with your coloring, you cap the highlighter, and set it down next to the others you’ve discarded. You turn Ghost’s arm the tiniest bit towards him so that he can see your work better. 
“‘s it good?” You ask quietly, watching intently for Ghost’s reaction. He looks over your coloring job and hums approvingly. 
“It’s amazing, I love it,” He assures you, smiling down softly at you, “You did great.” 
You seem to preen at the praise, and you take your hand off of Ghost’s arm, moving to put in your lap. You’re keeping yourself very contained, Ghost notices, Why? 
He’s snapped out of his thoughts when he hears you yawn, and you quickly move to cover your mouth as you do. He’s reminded that it’s almost twenty-two hundred, and while that usually wouldn’t be an issue for him, it’s an issue for you. You originally came to the 141 as someone who had a sleep schedule almost as fucked up at Ghost’s, but soon developed a habit of going to sleep somewhat early considering the training you had in the morning. So, now you get tired anywhere from eighteen-hundred to twenty-one hundred. After that, your only goal is to find somewhere to sleep. 
“Sleepy?” You nod tiredly, making Ghost coo, Ghost, the man who quite literally haunts some people’s nightmares, coos at you, “Aw, of course you are, sweetheart. Pretty sure it’s way past your bedtime by now.” 
“Nuh uh,” You deny, making Ghost chuckle. 
“‘Nuh uh’?” He asks, amused, “What d’you mean ‘nuh uh’?” 
“No b’dtime,” You shortly elaborate. 
“Ohhh, okay,” Ghost feigns realization, “You think you’re too big for a bedtime, huh?” 
“Mhm. Way too big.”
“I dunno about ‘way’ too big,” Ghost hums, checking to see if the highlighter on his arm has dried before he pulls his sleeve back down. “You seem pretty little to me.” 
“No,” You whine, dragging out the ‘o’, “Not lil’.” 
“Hmm… you sure, kiddo?” Ghost asks, “So if I ask you if you need to go to bed, you’re gonna say ‘no’?” 
That makes you hesitate, and Ghost almost thinks he’s won, before your own pettiness wins and you nod affirmatively. He raises an eyebrow at you. 
“Alright, well, you’ve gotta sleep at some point,” He says, crossing his arms as he leans back in his chair. 
You think this over for a second, and he watches as you look over him for a moment before looking down at his lap, then looking back up at him. He can already tell there’s some sort of plan forming in your mind.  Wordlessly, you get up, and Ghost does nothing to stop you as you decide to just plop yourself down into his lap. You straddle his thighs, moving until you’re sitting comfortably on him, and then let yourself slump forward so that your face is resting in the crook of his neck. It takes him a moment to process what just happened, before he laughs lightly and wraps both of his arms around you to keep you in place. 
“Oh, okay,” He grins, resting his chin on your shoulder, “you just wanna cuddle with me until you fall asleep? Is that what this is?” 
He feels you nod against his neck, and his grin grows as he rubs one hand against your back, trying to soothe you to sleep. He doesn’t say anything else, not wanting to distract you from your attempts to sleep anymore, simply letting you stay slumped against him. Your breathing wasn’t too fast-paced to begin with, but as you relax even more in his arms, he can feel your breathing even out. 
You’re falling asleep fairly quickly, and the only complaint he has is that he didn’t get to spend nearly as much time as he wanted to with you while you were awake and regressed. 
Once he’s sure you’re barely awake, he murmurs, “You’re such a sweetheart, you know that?” 
You don’t know how long it’s been since you fell asleep, but you’re woken up by the slight rustling of clothes, and then you feel yourself moving up. 
Your mind still feels foggy and you can tell you’re still somewhat in that younger mindset of yours, but now you’re significantly less bothered by it than you were before. You’re awake enough to be aware of what’s happening, always having been a light-sleeper, but not awake enough to know exactly what’s happening. You don’t dare open your eyes, and try to keep your breathing even—though that isn’t much of a challenge. 
That headache that had been building up earlier has fully disappeared, thank God, and you no longer feel the tension in your shoulder that you’d been unconsciously carrying. 
You can sort of feel someone’s arms snaked under your back, and you know that you’re being moved somewhere. Quickly, you remember that it’s Ghost carrying you, and that you had fallen asleep on him, much to your embarrassment. Or, at least, it would be much to your embarrassment if you had the mental capacity to feel embarrassed about that right now. But you feel so comfy and so safe that it really doesn’t matter to you right now. 
You can hear the clicking of Ghost’s boots against the concrete floors of the hallway, and he’s carrying you off somewhere; you imagine that somewhere to be your sleeping quarters. He’s walking pretty fast, not hurriedly but still at a somewhat fast pace. 
Soon, he reaches a stopping point where he has to awkwardly put one leg up to support your back on his thigh as he quickly reaches one arm out to turn the knob of the door to your sleeping quarters and pulls that arm right back to support your back again. He sighs as he puts his foot back down, kicking open the door and walking in. 
He’s quick to reach your bed, and he pauses as he considers what to do. You can practically hear him thinking, wondering how he’s gonna get you under the covers while he’s still carrying you, and for a second you think about showing him you’re awake so that things are easier for him before he sets you down on the bed. 
He pulls the covers up and stops when he reaches the part your body covers, and picks you back up, before dropping you right back off where the blankets have been pulled away. He pulls the covers back over you. 
After a few moments, you think he’s left the room, before you hear the rustling of fabric and feel him leaning down. He gently presses his lips to your forehead and pulls away after a second or two, before quietly mumbling, “Night, kiddo.”
He stays there for a moment before you hear his footsteps leave the room, and then the door clicking shut behind him as he leaves the room entirely. 
You’re quick to fall asleep after that.
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drizztdohurtin · 3 months
BG3 Tiefling Headcanons
[ masterlist ] [ wip list ]
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PLEASE note: sections 01 and 03 are headcanons made by the rest of the community that I essentially "subscribe to" and include in my personal lore of the game, so to speak, AND my writing! sections 02 and 04 are the ones that I came up with <3 and, of course, if you particularly enjoy any of them, feel free to use them!
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any topics in the community HCs that are bold are things that I elaborate on in other sections of the post
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Section 01. Community HCs:
For the tails: I definitely agree that the middle-most section of the tail is the most acceptable place to touch, like family and friends might pull on it or something
I also love the idea that tiefling partners intertwine their tails!! if a tiefling is with a non-tielfing, they might wrap their tail around other parts of their body idly
love that the base of the tail is completely off-limits to everyone except romantic partners, and that it is quite sensitive around that area
However, I do have a disagreement with a popular tip-of-the-tail hc (see section 02)
The last thing about tails is that they communicate body language!! and I'm sure many of you have seen the comics about this, and I would definitely agree that both consciously and subconsciously, tieflings use their tails to express their feelings
Horns: I completely subscribe to the idea that the skin around the base of the horns is sensitive, but not the rest of the horns (see section 02)
I ADORE the idea that tieflings can pur!! I haven't seen many opinions on this hc, so I will give my opinions in section 02
I have seen a few people comment about this but no specific headcanons for it, so I will include it here: tieflings have a higher body temperature than other humanoid races! (see sections 02 and 04)
Section 02. My HCs:
first things first, I made an entire tieflings purring post because I couldn't fit all of my hcs for that on here.. and let's face it, it deserves its own post
the popular tip of the tail hc that I disagree with (respectfully!!) is that the tips of their tails are sensitive. this ties into why the rest of the horns aren't sensitive - the purpose of features like horns and tails with sharp or blunt ends is for combat/defense. when a body part is used for defense or for making attacks, it wouldn't make sense for that part of the body to have a bunch of nerve endings!
I'm not saying that I think tieflings actually use their horns or tails to fight, but just stating that that's what those features are anatomically meant for, so it's unlikely they'd have much feeling in their horns and the end of their tail
their elevated body temperature is just another one of their infernal traits. I think it's noticeably higher than other humanoids, similar to if you touched the back of your hand to someone with a high fever, but it's their entire body
they don't need as much clothing in the cold weather because of this, and they are very comfortable for other humanoid species to cuddle with <3 (and other things.... lets go section 04!!)
this very well could be something that others have brought up before but if not, I believe tiefling babies would be born without horns and their horns would come in during the teething process - and it would be equally uncomfortable as, if not more than, teething
to add onto that, the horns they grow as babies only continue to grow throughout their life, they never "fall out" or get replaced, so it's a very big deal if a tiefling breaks a horn (on top of how bad it would hurt)
they are to smell hormonal changes, only in their partners - and this is true even if a tiefling is dating a person of another race
TECHNICALLY pheromones as we know them are only detectable within one species, but this is my house and I say fuck it, they can smell changes in their partner no matter their race
if a tiefling's partner was about to start their period, or was about to ovulate, their brain would just kind of know
it would take a little while into the relationship for their body to fully be able to identify each smell, but it would happen gradually the more time they spend together
with that being said, however, they wouldn't magically know if their partner was pregnant unless their partner has been pregnant before then yes they would remember the scent
if it was their first pregnancy, they'd just register that they had a new smell, but wouldn't instinctively know why
my last one is really out of nowhere but tieflings don't get body odor 👍 they still have a natrual scent and they still sweat, they just don't get stinky like the rest of us
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Section 03. Community HCs
let's talk about cocks: RIDGES !!!!!!!!!!! (section 04)
big fan of the infernal markings on their dicks
this is something I've seen only a few times in my days as a tiefling smut connoisseur, but the idea of their dicks being shaped a little different compared to other races like elves or humans (I haven't seen much overlap/agreement about this so I'll give my opinion on shape in section 04)
100% agree that the base of the tail would be an erogenous zone, as well as the skin at the base of the horns
I've seen a few honorable mentions of the "mating bite" used in tiefling smut, and I'm here to say: what a great idea (section 04)
the mating bite isn't just a little nip, btw, it's a full-on clamping down on their partner kind of moment... might draw blood if you want it to hehe
Section 04. My HCs
a quick thing about the dick ridges: they are only visible when erect, and the harder they are the more prominent the ridges
their dicks are very commonly curved upwards and the shaft is, on average, thicker, and the tip is pointier than elven/human penises
on to my FAVORITE, possibly the best thought I've ever had: tiefling cum is hot
it's not hot enough to burn you by any means, but because their body temps are already raised, it's gonna be very noticeable for non-tieflings
the heat of their cum would probably be a very satisfying, pleasurable sensation for non-tiefling partners of a male tiefling
but aside from that, imagine the possibilities for those of us who have painful menstrual cramping, I see a lot of potential here y'all ☝☝☝
Since this is my house and I can say whatever I want, I also think that they don't go soft as quickly as the other races, and have shorter refractory periods
and just because I said so, they also ejaculate in larger quantities, which means their orgasms last longer
okay the "mating bite"..... my take on it is that it's used as a dominance thing, rather than an actual mating bite - keeping same-sex couples in mind
whoever is more dominant in that particular moment, or maybe in general, no matter the sex of either participants, may take some of their partner's skin between their teeth and bite down
the more intense the sex is, the harder the bite will be
my favorite time for this is when one or both of them is about to cum <33333
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Thank you FOR READING <33333 I hope you all enjoy this as much as the purring headcanons
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286 notes · View notes
bellamybellamyblake · 5 months
Violet Eyes, Red
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rhysand x reader (pretty sure it's gender neutral - there might be a "she" i missed while referring to you from the original draft bc second person pov is not how i write)
you and your mate reunite after feyre defeats amarantha and this is the fallout of what the bitch did to him.
aftermath of SA - i can't really tell if it's graphic which tells me it is, loose description of a panic attack, PTSD, please let me know if I missed anything. guys, please, if these topics are triggering for you, don't read this fic. i am not responsible for your media consumption, but i also don't want to throw you headfirst into your trauma.
Word Count:
literally broke my own damn heart with this one. rhys' trauma is so ignored and that needed to be rectified. rhys might be my second favorite bat boy, but he's still a lil baby who needs to be protected
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The human girl had beaten her - the woman of his nightmares - once and for all. At the first moment he could, Rhysand winnowed. After fifty years, he knew there was only one place he could go. After all, it was the last Sunday of the month, and that Sunday was the day he and his mate reserved just for themselves. The High Lord and Lady would not conduct any business on that day.
You'd spend most of your day on the balcony. You'd serenade him with the piano. You'd fly around Velaris - creating patterns in the air. You'd cradle each other in your arms. He'd sketch out a new drawing - trying and failing, in his opinion, to encapsulate your true beauty.
One day, he broke that promise, that vow you had made, and went to what he thought was a simple trade meeting. That morning was the last day he saw you, and he still couldn't live with himself.
Those memories alone kept him breathing at times. When Amarantha stole his bed, his body, his hope.
Then the human girl showed up, and he tried to help her. Wanted to give her what she needed to beat the beast he didn't think he'd ever escape. But he had lost the will to pray for it. To the cauldron, to the Mother Above. Despite his pessimism, she persevered. The girl had won. And then he was free.
He was on the balcony before he could even think about it. After a quick glance around, he realized it was empty. At first, he felt a pulse of disappointment, but with the realization of how long it'd been, he breathed deeply. How could he expect you to keep up the tradition? Fifty years of solitude on those Sundays would have made him mad if your roles were reversed.
At the thought, he allowed himself to feel the mating bond. It had gone cold the moment he winnowed away all those years ago, but now it was as beautiful as he remembered. The pull of another person at the end of a tether, forever binding them in the purest forms of fate.
But he heard your thoughts, and he almost broke down in sobs at the sound of your voice in his head. Please come home, my love. I don't know how to do this anymore. Please. The last word, you were begging. Your inner voice, the one he had to get used to living without, was broken. Pleading for him to return - despite everything you'd probably heard.
And with that, he took action, winnowing to every room in the house so he would find you as soon as possible. He knew you were close; your scent wasn't stale. It was fresh, clinging to every piece of furniture you owned together.
It was the last room he checked, his office, where he found you. You sat in his desk chair; the leather more worn than he remembered. But the sight of you stopped him from rushing to you. Nursing a bottle of wine, you slouched on your elbows, hands in your hair, as more thoughts streamed through the bond.
I'm losing myself, Rhys. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I can't let myself believe you won't come back because that- that will ruin me. What she's doing to you, what she's making you do. I don't even know a fraction of it, but I can't stop it. I- I can't protect you. And I hate myself for it. 
He was watching you as you sent the words down the bond, the bond that had been desolate for half a century. You run your hands down your face, not looking up from your wine, the third of many you planned to drown in.
Just get through it. Please just- just survive. Do what you have to do to come home. I'll be here. I love you. My mate.
You'd only allowed yourself to talk to him once a month. Initially, you would try to send him something every day. Thoughts, images, songs you'd learned, prayers for him. You never heard anything back, and it slowly started eating away at you. It shattered your hope every time you didn't get a response.
You'd heard the rumors, Amarantha's whore, he'd been called. Every time you heard it, it ate away at you more and more. As if he would choose that - choose to warm the bed of another when you were waiting for him at home. You knew him better than that, and you winced at the thought. He wouldn't choose it, but would she force him? Was she that much of a monster? 
You had to shake that thought away for the thousandth time that night, downing the rest of the glass. As you reach for the bottle, nearly empty at that point, a hand wraps around your wrist. The touch is gentle but firm - stopping you from drinking more, but not rough enough to hurt. Instead of startling at it, the wine slows your instincts. You can only stare. The tattoos on the dorsal side interweave into vines under the sleeve. Vines you know, vines that you've held, vines that have and will continue to have free rein of your body.
Faster than you thought you were capable of, your eyes flew to its owner's eyes. Violet. The most ravishing violet. Violet you'd feared you were forgetting.
With a new urgency, you pulled yourself to your feet, your hands flying up to his face without thinking. One on his cheek, the other on his neck, pushing, pulling, grabbing, unsure if it was your mind playing tricks on you.
In your desperate touch, you missed the way he flinched.
His hands. Mother Above, his beautiful hands were on your neck too, placed at the sides. When your mind would play you for a fool, it would never let you touch him, let alone allow him to reach you. But there he was, and you could feel him. You tugged at the bond, finally noticing it was warm and delicate and sweet and serene and everything you wished you knew how to describe. 
He breathed your name, barely a whisper. "I'm home, my darling. I'm home."
"You're here." The words barely escaped you, and you couldn't stop the tears. He didn't hesitate a moment, pulling you in for a frustratingly rare and fierce embrace. You clung to each other for dear life, tighter and tighter and tighter, like he'd disappear if you let him go. Frankly, you weren't convinced he wouldn't. "You're really here."
You stood like that for a while, holding each other, when he ultimately pulled away first. "Rh-Rhys, don't go-"
"I'm not," he promised, his voice raw, kissing your forehead. He took in every inch of your face. "I just wanted to look at you. My mate."
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Since Rhys had been freed by the human girl, nothing had been normal. Not that you expected it to be, but you didn't anticipate just how awful a recovery for him would be. He couldn't share your bed, and you didn't mean that in a sexual manner. He couldn't sleep with anyone else in his room - if he had even been sleeping at all. He could barely stand to be touched. You knew he wanted to be able to let you, but every time you seemed to blink, he would flinch.
You had suspicions about what went on under the mountain, but you had no idea it would be so evil.
He stood before a cabinet, staring blankly into it, lost in a memory - a memory he'd been refusing to share. You understood why, but something in you told you that you needed to see. Not just for curiosity's sake but to know how to help him. Even if it was past your pay grade.
"Rhys," You called quietly for the second time. You didn't want to touch him, shock him back to reality. The fear of that setting him off more held you back. With a harsh and sudden breath, he fearfully glanced at you and around the room, forgetting where he was for a moment. "You're at home, Rhys. You came home."
"I'm sorry," He rasped, ignoring your words. His hands pulled at his hair, and you were nervous he'd start ripping it out. He backed away from you, so far away he was caught by the wall. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Your own formed at the sight of his tears, but you couldn't conjure up what he'd have to apologize for. "It's okay, honey, you're safe. It's okay."
"I didn't- I didn't want it. I swear on my life, I didn't want to."
You shook your head, not understanding. But you knew asking what he was apologizing for was the wrong thing to do. You could see it, the shame, the regret, the blame. "I know you didn't."
He squeezed his eyes shut, buried his face in his hands, and sank to the floor. He kept murmuring apologies, pleading for your forgiveness. "I betrayed you, you have to- you have to leave me."
His words shocked you, and now you were the one that flinched. "Rhysand, look at me." He visibly shrunk at the command, pulling his hands away from his face. "As far as I'm concerned, anything that happened...there...is the furthest thing from your fault. I know there are things you can't tell me, and that's okay. I'll be here when you're ready-"
"I can't!" He bellowed. "You'll never forgive-"
"Show me the memory." You demanded, your voice quiet but assertive. But you wouldn't push too hard if he was adamant about keeping you out. You knew. You knew. Based on the way he had been acting, what had happened. But you also knew he needed to show you. So someone, fucking someone, would tell him it was out of his control. He couldn't govern everything, even if he was the High Lord of the Night Court. The words hurt as they left your lips. "Because I can promise you that I will."
You weren't a daemati, but you could see him battling with himself. Debating, if showing you what really happened, would bury him deeper under the surface or pull him back up for air.
Eventually, he released a rare sob and a barely audible "Okay."
He showed you the first time, how he just laid there like a statue as her hands took everything for herself. Then, the fifth time, when she started demanding he respond, pretend he wanted it. Then, the eleventh time, when his body started reacting. Then, by the next time, he had stopped keeping count.
He showed you, whether he meant to or not, how he prayed for it to end, prayed for someone to rescue him.
How he had been praying for you.
With the confirmation of your theory, you squeezed your eyes shut, trying and failing to hold back the tears. The angry tears, wishing you could've been the one to rip her throat out. Tears that enraged you because that was not Tamlin's kill. Furious tears because that wasn't even your kill. Devastating tears because your mate not only had to play a character for so long, but he had to endure being called her whore. Like he had any fucking say. 
Overwhelming tears because your mate was in pain and there was shit all you could do about it.
"Can I touch you?" The question shocks him, but he nods without thinking, confused at the request. You slowly lift your hands to his cheeks, brushing away his tears with your thumbs. "There is nothing for me to forgive you for. I know you didn't want to do any of it."
"But I-"
"Bodies respond to stimulation whether it's wanted or not. It's how we work." You explained slowly and carefully, keeping direct eye contact. "You forget, sweetheart. I can hear your thoughts when you show me a memory."
"I've-" His voice caught, putting his hands on your wrists, rubbing them up and down your arms until they got hot. "I've been so scared. That it's still happening. That all of this is going to go away, that she's not really gone, that I'm not really here, and this is just another tactic-"
You shake your head, finally pulling yourself together to say what you've wanted to say for weeks. "I swear on my life that I will never let anyone hurt you like that again. I will spend eternity protecting you from her and anyone like her. And if you forget that this is real, just ask me. I'll tell you."
His eyes darted between yours, furiously blinking. Violet eyes, red. Pleading craving begging praying.
"Is it?"
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22foramen · 2 months
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_____________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊
┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . Personal
┊ ┊ ⋆˚  Astro Observations #1
✧. ┊      
⋆ ★
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DISCLAIMER! This post is based mainly on my natal chart, personal experience and opinions, so take what resonates and leave what doesn't. I also included acquaintances' charts and their perspectives and confirmed my observations with the help of astrology databanks (celebrities' birth charts). If one (or more) of the observations in this post happen to be similar to other creators, please inform me, so I can tag their page. I am open to questions, opinions and debates. I do not own any of the photos on this post, they are just for ✨aesthetic reasons✨. Thank you for reading my post and I hope it will help you heal & find yourself💞.
+18? TW!
Everyone can have an addiction, it is not limited only to the 12th house Lilith placement. But we can conclude that Lilith in the 12th house person is more inclined to get addicted to escapism than being dependent on the subject of addiction.
Let's say both the 12th and 8th house Lilith can deal with 🌽addiction. 8th house Lilith has a wound surrounding power and control, so they will search for a coping mechanism that will prove to themselves their own power and autonomy. For the 12th house Lilith, this is about a fear of perceiving the reality they are in (dissociation). Their wound encircles the toxic environment they live in, so they indulge in the most satisfactory and 'safest' type of escapism according to their circumstances.
Lilith in the 12th house combined with noticeable 6th house placements can indicate prominent awareness towards their addictions or their ways to escape reality. That type of person who smokes but is fully aware of the consequences it has on their body. It makes sense because the 6th house is work, self-improvement and health-oriented (perhaps with health difficulties), therefore Lilith in the 12th house here can be a bit of a challenge in this lifetime, so they might be more motivated to heal. I think we can consider this dynamic not only for the 12th-6th houses but for all opposing houses.
Having the Moon and Neptune in the same house might indicate an "illusion of comfort" in childhood, especially if the moon is badly aspected. It can be pinpointed to a confusing relationship with a parent; being gaslighted maybe. The house can represent in which area the confusion is/was. If this happens in the 10th house, there also might be a 'single mom' dynamic here, whether both parents were there or not.
Taurus Rising with Scorpio Venus looks best when confident. Their eyes are very fierce when focused on their goal or task. Big cat energy🐅. They are like wild cats waiting for the right time to attack their prey 😩. 10/10 Certified mommy vibes. Period 💅
Both the 22° Saturn and 22° Sun indicate a restricting father/paternal figure.
For the 22° Sun, the impact is 'more personal' and it affects their confidence and identity. These people's personalities might have been repressed in their childhood. In terms of how they have been repressed, we should check the Saturn placement and/or the Saturn Persona Chart.
For the 22° Saturn, the experience is more 'detached' in comparison with the Sun person. The individual might have a more grounded sense of self than the Sun person, but the Saturn Return period is going to be crucial. This can also imply a change in careers or finally healing something in regard to their career because Saturn rules Capricorn rules Medium-Coeli.
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flowerandblood · 7 months
» The Greed «
[ modern! mafia boss ✦ Aemond x female ]
[ warnings: sex content, smut, angst, domination, degardation, toxic and possessive behaviour ]
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» The Golden Cage Special Chapter «
Aemond wants to be the only thing occupying his girlfriend’s thoughts. Although he expects her to pass her exams with good results at university, he also makes sure she doesn’t forget her priorities and responsibilities − namely him.
This work was created as part of a series The Christmas Drabbles which will consist of ten drabbles taking place after the events of some of my favorite fanfictions. Each of them is concerned with one feeling that dominates the characters at a given moment. This is my little gift to all my fans.
Word counter: 1.400
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
Her father was furious when he found out she was moving to Aemond. He said he was an insane, ruthless and dangerous man, that she would never be safe with him, but she had made up her mind. The moment they decided to be together she understood that she was taking a risk, a certain discomfort that would always be part of the relationship.
His bodyguards stayed in a special room downstairs of his house, ready to react at any moment. After Luke's death, he and his relatives had become targets for attack and she knew that every time he left, he might not return.
So even though she knew what he had done, what kind of man he was, when he reappeared in the doorway of their bedroom she would throw herself into his arms in despair, feeling her heart pounding hard, he always smelled of cigarettes and smoke.
She could hear him hum contentedly as he snuggled his face into her neck with satisfaction, his hands embracing her body with ease, his lips whispering a barely audible "Missed me?".
Her words weren't enough for him, he needed a response from her body, his fingers checking her condition between her thighs wanting to make sure she was wet enough to satisfy him.
If she wasn't, he tormented her, sometimes for hours lying between her legs with his face pressed against her heat. He was teasing her clit with his nose as the tip of his tongue with slow movements accompanied by a loud click of her moisture rubbed the point inside her from which her body trembled in his hands.
Even as she studied for her exams at University, which he expected her to perform well in, he made sure she knew what her priorities were.
She could see it in the look in his eyes, amused, teasing as he sat across from her in his chair with a drink in his hand, sipping from it, toying with the glass in his palm until she lifted her gaze to him.
"What is it?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, though she knew perfectly well what he wanted, what he needed to prove to himself.
He answered nothing, his healthy eye only glowed as he took another sip from his glass, swallowing it loudly, licking his lower lip. He hummed under his breath, tapping his fingers on his wooden armrest.
"Are you well prepared for tomorrow's exam?" He asked lowly without taking his eyes off her, and she sighed quietly, putting her textbook aside, looking at him disapprovingly.
"You don't care." She said lightly, more stating a fact than wanting to hear his opinion. He snorted, reaching for his glass again with his lips, taking a quick sip from it and setting it down on the table beside him with a loud clatter.
"Of course I care. I want you to get the best grades possible." He replied sternly and coolly, and she laughed under her breath.
"So that's why you sit in front of me and stare at me expectantly, taking satisfaction in knowing you have my attention?" She asked cockily knowing her remark would infuriate him, she saw his pupil dilate, his iris practically black, his lips tightened into a thin line.
He didn't like it when she suggested he might have any weakness, even one for her.
"Come here and kneel." He commanded coldly, in a matter-of-fact, low tone that sent shivers through her. She swallowed loudly, knowing she was just balancing on the edge.
"No." She said confidently and he stood up, walking over to her. She snuggled her whole body into the couch she was sitting on, terrified, his hands on either side of her head, his face bent over her.
"You like to fucking get me off balance, hm? Test how much patience I have." He growled, turning her onto her stomach, aggressively, confidently sliding her panties off her thighs, exposing her buttocks from under her dress.
She breathed loudly knowing that this was what it would lead to, it always ended like this, his frustration with her and the fact that she was standing up to him wasn't because he was annoyed by her attitude, but because it turned him on, the fact that she was the only one he couldn't break, that she was taking what he was giving her even if he was brutal.
She drew in a loud breath and stifled a moan, not wanting to give him the satisfaction when his hand slapped her hard on the spot between her thighs, lifting her by her hips so that she had to lean forward. She swallowed loudly hearing the sound of his belt and zipper being undone, his loud, sharp breath.
"− you love it when I do this, don't you? − when I show you who has the last word −" He hissed, running his hand over her womanhood, spreading her moisture that slowly began to flow out of her.
He knew it was too soon, usually he would have caressed her with his tongue until it was leaking out of her. However, now he wanted to punish her, the head of his throbbing, swollen cock pushed mercilessly against her tight entrance, forcing her to fit him inside her.
Her body shuddered involuntarily, trying to pull away, but his hand in her hair, pressing her cheek against the couch and his hand holding her hip effectively prevented any of her movement.
"− no − fucking take it −" He growled, with a sure, deep thrust sliding deeper into her, she cried out loudly, clenching her fingers on the fabric of the couch, squeezing her eyes shut, feeling both pain and pleasure at the same time.
Immediately he imposed a fast, intense pace on her, deliberately rubbing the point just above her entrance each time, she pressed her lips together to hold back what wanted to burst out of her throat.
"− what's that? − my little birdy want to moan like a little slut she is? − hm? −" He mocked, panting loudly along with her, the slapping of his thighs against her buttocks accompanied by the increasing click of her juices, his cock stretching her walls rooting into her with increasing ease.
"− fucking look at you − you're not so sassy anymore when you're filled with my cock − babbling little baby, is that it? −" He gasped amused, speeding up, his hand slipped between her thighs, teasing two of her most sensitive points deliberately.
Despite her pride trying to clamp her mouth down a mewl of delight and surprise erupted from her throat, her body shook with a shudder of pleasure, her heart pounding like mad. He chuckled lowly, hearing this.
"− that's what I was fucking thinking − a babbling, sobbing little baby − that's what you are − made for me only to cum inside her whenever I fucking want to −" He hissed the last words almost in fury, imposing a fast, brutal pace on her, pressing her cheek against the couch with all his might, their bodies slapping against each other loudly, both of them moaning and panting on the edge of their fulfilment.
"− come on − you have to cum first −" He growled, and when she shook her head, he slid out of her, surprising her completely, and turned her onto her back, pushing her buttocks closer to him.
He knelt in front of her, thrusting into her again with confident deep movements of his hips, looking down at her, the tip of his cock each time he slid into her again rubbing the point inside her from which a loud cry of despair escaped her lips, her hands trying to keep him away.
"− come on − give it to me − please, baby, please −" He exhaled looking at her almost pleadingly, she felt a strong shudder shake her at his last words, her head tilted back in a loud surprised moan caused by how strong and pleasurable her orgasm was.
"− little birdy −" He mumbled out looking down at her with slightly parted lips, some kind of tenderness and affection in his gaze, his eyebrows arched as if in pain.
She saw him clench his eyelids in pleasure, giving in at last and he cum inside her with a sigh of relief, his thrusts more sloppy and slow when at last his seed spilled into her.
He lay on top of her, crushing her with his body, heedless of her discomfort, his face pressed against her cheek hot with exertion.
"Don't leave me." He whispered, and she stroked his hair, closing her eyes.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
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omenarchive · 1 month
Bell's Hells Level 13 Analysis
Welcome to level 13! The Omen Archive is excited to be able to start providing level up analysis for Bell’s Hells, and we hope this post (also available on our site) will be the first of many. By necessity, these analyses will be stepping slightly more into the realm of conjecture and opinion than most of our work, so please keep that in mind.
Before we get started, there is one point of interest for this level up that applies to all the Hells, so we would like to touch on that first before we get into the character-by-character analysis. At level 13, all of the characters get a proficiency bonus bump up from +4 to +5. This will be particularly impactful for the characters sporting expertise—Chetney, Dorian, Fearne, Orym, and Imogen—whose doubled bonus will be going from +8 to +10 for those skills.
Barbarian 13 HP: +10, total 132 ASI: None
Unsurprisingly, Ashton continues to barrel down the pure barbarian track at full speed. With no decision between an ASI or a Feat and no new path feature, level 13 is not a complicated one for Ashton. His main boon is that he now has a second brutal critical die, which, as a reminder, allows them to roll extra damage on critical hits.
Next level up, Ashton will be getting a new Path feature, which is extra fun since as a homebrew class, we have no idea what it might be—hopefully we’ll find out quickly!
Blood Hunter 12/Rogue 1 HP: +5, total 108 ASI: +1 Wis
At level 12 in Blood Hunter, Chet has forgone an ASI in favor of the Fey Touched feat, increasing his Wisdom by one and gaining Misty Step and one other unknown 1st level divination or enchantment spell. Bane, Hex, and Bless are all on the table and have often been clutch for other party members, but may be redundant choices for that very reason. We like Compelled Duel for Chetney. It would allow Chetney to keep his quarry in melee range and protect the squishier members of the party, much the same way Orym has done with his Goading Attacks. Archivist Shadow would also love if he were to take Silvery Barbs, but they say that every time it’s an option.
The sneaky little gnome gets sneakier at level 13 as well, with the proficiency bonus increase at this level bringing his stealth up to a solid +12 with expertise. His second expertise skill, sleight of hand, is now up to +12 as well. With the added benefit of his +5 Gloves of Thievery, functionally Chetney now gets +17 on sleight of hand checks.
Bard 13 HP: increase unknown, total 112 ASI: None
Welcome back to our humble bard! Despite knowing the least about Dorian’s build overall, since it has been quite a few levels since he was last on screen in Kymal at level 6, we do already know the 7th level spell he has taken, Forcecage. Had Astrid not Counterspelled it, she would have been trapped and unable to cast spells outside of the cage. While she could have attempted to Teleport out, she would have needed to succeed on a charisma save of 16 or else waste the spell slot entirely.
At level 13, Dorian’s Song of Rest die bumps up to a d10, giving a nice little boost to Short Rest healing that the party could very much use, since long rests have proven to be very hard to come by in recent episodes.
Dorian is one of the Hells that will see the strongest boost from the across-the-board proficiency bonus bump, as by level 10, Bards have four abilities with Expertise. We know that Dorian’s level 3 Expertise choices were performance and athletics, and because of his (failed) persuasion check on Opal in Episode 92, we know that he chose persuasion for one of his level 10 expertise abilities. This means that, barring any additional proficiencies gained via feat between levels 6 and 10, he now has expertise in one of his remaining proficient abilities: acrobatics, deception, or sleight of hand. While Imogen’s higher charisma score will likely make her still the face of the party in situations demanding persuasion, taking expertise in deception would actually make Dorian the better liar, with a +13 to her +10. Acrobatics and sleight of hand would however also both be fun boons, so they can’t be counted out as options, especially since while Fearne does have proficiency in sleight of hand, her midrange DEX means that despite her delight in thievery her bonus is only a +7, which Dorian would double with expertise. There’s something entertaining about the idea of Dorian being the second-best thief in the party when his first scene in the campaign featured him being incredibly stressed about Fearne’s pickpocketing.
Druid 10/Rogue 3 HP: +4, total 83 ASI: None
After another foray into Rogue last level, Fearne is back on the Druid track, bringing her up to Druid 10/Rogue 3. That gains her an additional 5th level slot, and increases Mister’s HP to 55. The party-wide bump in expertise makes Fearne’s ability as living lie detector even more significant, with her insight now being a +15. And, although Imogen taking on expertise in persuasion last level means Fearne is no longer the most persuasive party member, she’s still no slouch, with her bonus now up to +13 with expertise.
The biggest new thing for Fearne is that she now has her 10th level Circle of Wildfire feature, Cauterizing Flames. Whenever a Small or larger creature dies within 30 feet of Fearne or Mister, it creates a small flame that Fearne can activate as a reaction when a creature enters its space, up to five times per long rest. The activated flame will do 2d10+5 damage or healing to the creature, whichever Fearne chooses. With the Hells down a cleric, having another avenue for healing that doesn’t require precious spell slots is quite useful, even if it requires a creature die under specific circumstances first. The Archivists would love to see her use this new feature in conjunction with the explode-and-drop-form aspect of her Titan form. A well-placed explosion of this kind could turn several low-level enemies into potential healing motes, or could effectively create a minefield around Fearne to deter other enemies from entering melee range.
Fresh Cut Grass
Cleric 13 HP: +7, total 113 ASI: None
Bell’s Hells are missing out on a lot with Fresh Cut Grass cut down, and not just because of his sunny disposition. Level 13 would have given FCG access to level 7 Cleric spells, including such hits as Planar Shift, Firestorm, Divine Word, Regenerate, Resurrect, and Temple of the Gods.
Temple of the Gods in particular would have been a boon to the party, as they have been in near constant motion and have neither a home base nor another moving headquarters to replace the Silver Sun. The ability to bunk down somewhere safe and protected from divination spells like Scrying might have let the Hells slow down and rest more often. We suspect that Sam might have chosen to make the temple oppose undead or fey at least once, just for the drama of making Laudna or Fearne roll to see if they could even enter the temple, but that bit of potential trolling will be put to rest with FCG. Rest in peace, little carebot.
Sorcerer 13 HP: +7, total 83 ASI: None Sorcery Points: +1, total 13
Imogen’s Skill Expert feat, chosen last level up, makes the party’s proficiency bonus uptick this level especially potent for her persuasion skill, bumping her up to a whopping +15. Her deception, another skill she relies on heavily, has now risen to +10 with proficiency.
Imogen also now has her first 7th level spell slot with a lot of interesting possibilities. The two most obvious choices from a utility perspective would be Teleport or Plane Shift, but given that the Staff of Dark Odyssey gives access to Teleport, less consistently accessible though it may be, Laura may have chosen otherwise. Our initial thought had been that she likely would pass on Plane Shift as well, since FCG would have had access to it on the cleric spell list. However, now that we know via the Episode 94 Cool Down that Laura has not yet picked her 7th level spell, Plane Shift may be back in the running. The Hells did pick up a Fey-attuned rod amongst Ludinus’ things in Molaesmyr, so Imogen taking on this spell would allow them more stable access to one of their strongest allies and safest havens in Nana Morri and Ligament Manor. She could also use it on unwilling creatures to dump them in a hostile landscape.
However, it is entirely possible that Imogen will go again for a heavy hitter damage spell, and there are some doozies here we’d like to discuss.
Crown of Stars is an interesting option. It would give Imogen some decent damage dealing via bonus actions, improving her action economy, and since it stays active for an hour, could continue to be effective over multiple encounters, something that would give it a much longer span of utility than most of the higher-damage 7th level spells. However, as Crown of Stars also sheds bright light, it would impede the party’s sneakiness while active, and sneakiness has often been their go-to approach. It also requires a straight attack roll for each mote, unlike most of the other damage spells available at 7th level, which instead require saves. A failed save generally means half damage, but a failed roll would have no effect. There is thus a risk with this spell that on a very unlucky day, it will do no damage at all.
Whirlwind, meanwhile, would fit Imogen’s storm aesthetic without modification, and would provide both decent AOE damage and battlefield control, as the whirlwind cylinder can be moved 30 feet along the ground as an action, sucking up Medium or smaller objects and forcing creatures to make DEX saves against damage and STR saves against being restrained. However, it also feels a bit like a stronger and more expensive Hungry Torrent, which she already has and can cast psionically. Finger of Death is a classic but seems less her style; we are more inclined to expect her to take a reskinned Fire Storm or Delayed Blast Fireball, both of which can be brutal AOE damage dealers. Of the two, Delayed Blast Fireball may be the better choice, simply because Fire Storm is available to Fearne as well, and Delayed Blast Fireball charges up by 1d6 per round as long as concentration is maintained. Sneaking it into an enemy formation before a battle even starts could turn difficult encounters into mere mop-ups.
However, there is also Power Word Pain, which might not do direct damage but provides some very, very significant debuffs. Reducing an enemy to 10 feet of movement plus giving them disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws other than CON saves is brutal, even if shaken off after a round. This spell would be particularly useful against high level casters, too, forcing them to succeed on a Constitution check—not usually a strong suit for casters—to even get a spell out, thereby potentially wasting slots. With the Weave Mind, Ludinus, and much of Ludinus’ forces being casters, this could be an absolute ace up the sleeve of a spell. We’re inclined to favor it or Plane Shift as the choice for Imogen, but we’ll have to wait and see if Laura agrees!
Sorcerer 10/Warlock 3 HP: +8, total 177 ASI: None Sorcery Points: +1, total 10
Laudna took an additional level in Sorcerer this go around, bringing her to Sorcerer 10/Warlock 3. She gets both a new cantrip and an additional 5th level spell. The spread of 5th level spells is quite interesting. Far Step would allow Laudna to get herself out of harm’s way without provoking attacks of opportunity, which could be very, very useful, particularly since her spell sniper build thrives on keeping distance from the field of battle—something that has been hard for her to do given how often the party ends up fighting in close quarters. Seeming, meanwhile, would be very helpful for the party’s stealthier endeavors, as currently only Fearne is able to alter her appearance, and Bell’s Hells are increasingly recognizable to their enemies. Hold Monster would allow Laudna to work in concert with the melee members of the party to decimate a single target and could potentially turn a deadly enemy into a comically quick kill. Dominate Person seems slightly less appealing knowing that Dorian is packing Geas, but remains very useful. Enervation would provide a nice little bit of leech-like self-healing, but has the same downside that plagues Witch Bolt, in that getting the full effect of the spell uses up the player’s action each turn to activate it again, limiting their other options—though this can be mitigated somewhat by Laudna’s ability to Quicken spells. Cloudkill, Immolation, Cone of Cold, and Insect plague are all available as high-damage spell options as well. We would favor Far Step or Hold Monster for Laudna, but Marisha may surprise us!
Additionally, a 10th level in Sorcery gives Laudna access to another Metamagic option, for which Marisha chose Empowered Spell. Since Marisha has shown a lot of understandable frustration over bad rolls over the course of the campaign, Empowered Spell is a nice choice for her. It will allow Laudna to spend a sorcery point to reroll up to five damage dice, allowing her to make sure her fireballs and eldritch blasts hit hard.
Despite playing coy during this level up about whether she will continue with sorcerer levels going forward, we’re inclined to agree with her level 12 commentary. Marisha stated then that she thinks that there’s nothing left for her in Warlock. That is a fair assessment, not because there’s actually nothing left in Warlock, but because it would take a few levels to get there. She would not get her next Otherworldly Patron Feature (the admittedly very rad Grave Touched feature) until Warlock level 6, and she would not get her fourth Invocation until Warlock level 5, meaning that she would face a few level-ups where all she’d get would be an (admittedly nice) ASI and access to a couple of level 3 warlock spells. As the party’s only magic user with Counterspell, and given how much she’s started relying on Fireball, the extra spell slots the Sorcerer track provides make more sense for her style of gameplay. She’s invested heavily enough in Sorcerer over Warlock so far that at this point it just might take too long to make additional Warlock levels worth it, particularly since she is now locked out of the Warlock 11 feature Mystic Arcanum.
Fighter 13 HP: +14, total 144 ASI: None
Much like Ashton, Orym’s pure fighter track makes this a very straightforward level up. The Tough feat continues to work nicely for Orym, bumping up his HP by an additional 2 points over the 12 he would have gotten without it, and he now has an additional use of Indomitable per long rest. As a reminder, Indominable allows Orym to reroll a saving throw that he failed.
Orym’s expertise in perception combined with his Observant Feat and his Sentinel Shield means that his passive perception is now at 33—rising even further above the previous player character with the highest passive perception, Vex, who capped out at 30. It’s wild to think about, but theoretically, if Orym chose to max out his wisdom via ASIs, by level 20 his passive perception could be 37, at which point we assume he will in fact be able to just read Matt’s notes.
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beezlebubs-art · 26 days
Piacere, space, whatever you go by, you said you wouldn't mention anyone from this, or at least that was what the deal was, I hope you were told about it. We'd not mention you, as long as you wouldn't mention us. But you did, so a new callout post with new points, people defending you don't really do a good job. TLDR: they blame everything on mental health, takes little fault for hurting people because of said mental issues, vents to people decently younger than them constantly, and they demand boundaries, but get extremely upset when anyone asks for them to do so for them.
NOTE I didn't directly see any of this, I'm doing this to defend my friends because, no offense, they are kinda letting themselves get walked all over. If anything is wrong please tell me. Do not harass anyone in this situation, no one deserves it.
First up a recap on the first situation with a new moral because talking to your friend made it more obvious what the issue was, you blaming mental health. My friends silver and JJ banned someone from wheezle's easel for in their mind being toxic, the other mods including piacere and their friends didn't feel the person was that bad, but instead of voicing that they went on a rant at how they were never listened to. Even when given an opportunity to unban the person piacere went on about not being listened to while actively ignoring their attempts at giving them an input. They caused my friends to have anxiety attacks and cry, yes they apologized, but only after saying my friends were horrible people. I don't know how you go from that to sorry in a few days and mean that apology. Proof under this, and another situation and perspectives of other people on them.
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Now for the new situation i heard of, they were in my friend's server, velon's, and they'd do their constant venting. They were asked to not mention suicide so often and got really upset. More stuff must have happened because like, everyone there says how they would make them super stressed out with how often they'd beg for attention and do things like make sex jokes with people who were uncomfortable with it. Here's people's opinions on it and also i'd check out Typhoonclade's post on them here for more opinions.
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Generally they'd vent everywhere around like 16-18 year olds as an almost 20 year old. they'd constantly cry about not getting attention while they got a lot of attention from at least half the active members in our server. And also a lot of weird sexual stuff that granted is hearsay to me but tbhI don't care anymore, there's no way two unrelated people have similar stories. Here's some other stuff of them being mean about people and attention seek-y I have.
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Piacere, you won't read this tbh, but just get off the internet, its clear you can't handle it, and you hurt people, for everyone's good, please just get offline. I know real life sucks for you, you'd say it a lot man, but its not an excuse to hurt people who aren't doing anything to you. Just, idk what you should do, other than leave the wider internet.
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
what about you is a threat to other people? why do people try to tear you down?
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• pile one •
cards: 9 of pentacles, strength, the fool
your self esteem and self confidence has people THREATENED, pile one. well and thoroughly intimidated. you guys seem to hold a lot of self value and self control. you live your life according to your own set of morals and standards and you ensure to prioritise these things. you’re someone who’s able to control your ego extremely well because you have a lot of trust in yourself, your own decisions, and your own opinions about situations. there’s an energy of moving through life with fearlessness. you have a strong sense of loyalty to yourself and to your self improvement, so you don’t let yourself stray away from new paths in life if you feel called to do so - regardless of what others may think about your decisions. you’re viewed as someone just doing your own thing and building your own life. you seem to be content and you seem like you’re living life in the way that you want to. there’s also an energy of constant maturity - if people were to not see you for a year, meeting you again would be meeting a much more developed person than before. any petty or immature behaviours or mindsets are constantly assessed and transmuted by you. the immature things that people would be able to hold against you are things that they can’t hold against you a couple of months afterwards, because you would have already come to terms with any immature behaviour. you’re extremely self aware which is where this ability to successfully tame your ego comes from.
cards: the tower, 8 of wands, the empress
people will try to tear down your self esteem by blindsiding you out of nowhere with behaviour that’s clearly devaluing to you. it’s like they’re trying to change the amount of value that you see in yourself by devaluing you randomly. it seems like you’re someone who doesn’t put that much emphasis on many other people anyway, so this probably doesn’t hurt you as much as these people intended it to. and you still seem to sit tall on whatever figurative throne that these people themselves have put you on. there’s a lot of your divine feminine energy that’s attacked when people try to tear you down. you may also experience people attacking you under the guise of being someone loving or caring towards you. but your intuition seems to be extremely strong, leading you to recognise the intimidation that these people feel from you. so it’s almost like you put up the necessary boundaries to make these people’s negative energy backfire on them. they always end up in rubbles from their own jealousy/envy while you’ve managed to stay protected.
if you’d like a private reading, please read my pinned post 💞
• pile two •
cards: ace of pentacles, 5 of wands, the hanged man, 3 of wands
what’s threatening about you is that you know how to see past the bs. you know how to go within and tune into your intuition to see whatever it is that you need to see. and if you don’t like what you see, you move on. this ability to pause, to be by yourself, and to listen only to your own intuition is what allows you to be grounded and build stability in your life and connections with others. it also seems like people don’t want to argue with you at all either 😂 you often use logic and practicality in the points that you make, meaning that you’re always a few steps ahead of others. this intimidates them. you might also have uncommon or unusual opinions that make a lot more sense than typical opinions on certain topics. you’re someone who takes an unconventional path in many areas of your life, finding success with those paths and finding a lot of blessings and value in them. you might even make money in an uncommon way. i heard “no competition” in relation to that so whatever you do, you’re extremely good at. this might even be part of your main life path, and blessings arrive when you follow this purpose that you’ve found for yourself. people who are intimidated by you are intimidated by how you seem so sure of where you’re heading and what life will look like for you in the future - even if you feel the complete opposite. you just seem enlightened about life and your own life purpose, so you stick to it - despite the conflict that other people may bring to you about this. you actually experience the most conflict when you’re taking steps towards your life purpose/destiny (check your natal chart for your north node placement and research what this means for you). whenever you step into that energy, people who are intimidated by you will try to cause issues to stray you off that path. but you have a great intuition, and i feel like you already know how these people feel about your level ups.
cards: the empress, the stars, page of swords
the empress came out in pile one, in the same section of their reading. the way that people tear you down is by attacking your divine feminine energy. but it seems like with you, people may attack your physical appearance. knit picking at both your looks and achievements. i just heard that some people might also treat you like you’re being suspicious - asking invasive questions. people might get reckless in general with what they start saying to you, because you seem so perfect to these people. and it’s like they’re digging for dirt about you that they could go and gossip about and negatively affect your reputation with. with the star, they might try to outshine you in social situations - particularly with conversation because you guys are a great conversationalist. that’s how you attract a lot of people to you easily. your words hold weight in a way that people need and they get attached to hearing you voice your opinions and speak. this page of swords gives me hating ass energy. i’m seeing someone evil eyeing you and staring daggers at you as you’re having a conversation that the other person is clearly enjoying or invested in. the people who try to tear you down might be people who aim to look, behave, and appear perfect in any way possible. your beauty is a source of envy, so a lot of people who are insecure af about their physical appearance feel like you’re major competition - to the point where they’re not even competition to you. you outshine them with your beauty. as well as your brains. you’re not just a pretty face. i’m getting that for those of you who are feminines/women, other feminines or women who try to be pick mes (what they believe men want them to be) are often the envious ones around you. the ones who probably think that playing dumb is cute, until they see a man/masculine that they want the attention of being swept up in your conversation and your mind and intelligence. so they start to emulate. people who tear you down stay trying to copy you. the way that you speak, your opinions, the way that you view situations, the way that you heal or help people, the way that you dress. anything. you’re a natural healer. your energy is healing. and these people who try to tear you down try to trigger the more unhealed aspects of you to, again, attach some dirt to your name. this is always unsuccessful though, because you’re so in tune with yourself. stay doing whatever tf you’re doing because it’s clearly something that a lot of people put up on a pedestal and are threatened by.
if you’d like a private reading, please read my pinned post 💞
• pile three •
cards: the hermit, knight of wands, knight of cups
the way that you can be in solitude and go into a deep, introspective mode is threatening to others. you do so much soul searching in order to figure out the lessons that you need to learn. you could have an old mind or an old soul. with a childlike and loving spirit. you’re deeply missed when those who you have a connection with don’t see you. i heard that they feel like they’re talking to someone with the most amount of childlike wonder, but also the oldest, most valuable knowledge at the same time. the way that you can temper yourself in connections - not getting attached recklessly and quickly - also intimidates people for some reason. the mystery that surrounds you seems to be linked to your introversion, but also your knowledge and philosophies. you can focus on what you want or how you feel and just go for it. these moves are in silence. behind the scenes. and you seem to be on a steady path of figuring yourself out and improving yourself every time someone sees you. you’re dedicated to finding motivation, love, and dependency on yourself. for yourself. others who might struggle to build their self esteem views your self improvement as a threat because they compare themselves to you and feel as though they’re a mess compared to you. or way more immature. even if they’re older than you.
cards: 8 of wands, the magician, 2 of pentacles
honestly, pile two, i feel like people are prevented spiritually from trying to tear you down. they might try their shit once or twice, but there’s something that manifests in their life to show them that they tried the wrong one. you guys have karmic energy on your side. when people do try to tear you down, they do it in such a sudden way. this is similar to the way that people try to tear down pile one. people will try to switch up on you and then get hit with that return to sender. they try to either change or completely end your ability to manifest. your valuable resources - whether that’s time, money, energy, etc. because they know that if they drain these things, they’re putting a blockage in your path for you. judging by the wise energy that i get from you, you could experience a lot of people relying on you for advice. the ones who don’t reciprocate that energy when it’s needed are the ones who want to drain you. it’s like they’re trying to take your intelligence, your knowledge, to use as a way to get onto the level that they view you on. they might also become very invasive. i’m ngl, some of these people could try to put some type of magick or witchcraft onto you. but the scales are always balanced. they try to fuck with your balance in your practical life in some way, so when that return to sender is activated, that’s what they experience for themselves. especially with their money and practical aspects of their day-to-day human life. you don’t have anything to worry about in terms of people who try to tear you down. they’re never successful.
if you’d like a private reading, please read my pinned post 💞
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AITA for asking my mother not to do certain things?
Let me start off by saying i'm homeschooled. I've been homeschooled my entire life. I don't have any friends offline, so I've pretty much come here to ask for outside opinions from my friend groups (online).
Prefer not to state ages, if that's okay. It makes me uncomfortable.
I have ocd, suspected autism, and either auditory processing disorder or misophonia (we're not sure which.) as well as a plethora of other issues. my mother is very aware that i have ocd (she has it herself) and i've mentioned misophonia to her several times. she doesn't know about my other mental issues, as for reasons you're probably going to see here, as i don't feel comfortable or safe telling her. (or, i've tried, and she doesn't listen, or tells me i'm "being dramatic.")
my ocd is quite crippling, to the point i've tried medication, herbal tea (chamomile seems to work a bit!), asking friends for advice, and even asking her for advice. as of the last year, it's had a grip on my life and has been quite a problem for me. i'm unable to do things i want or need to a lot, and especially struggle doing most things, even basic tasks. i'm unable to see a therapist/counsellor or psychologist/psychiatrist for personal/financial reasons.
a lot of my triggers (well, not exactly triggers for the ocd, but they stop me from doing things.) revolve around sound, especially people talking. whistling is a major trigger for my misophonia/apd, as are other high pitched noises.
my mother has a tendency to watch tv a lot, and i often ask her to not do this when i'm trying to do certain things, as it makes my ocd a bit worse, and it's often rather loud. (please note i wear headphones a lot of the time for sensory issues.)
however, when i ask her either to turn it down, pause it temporarily, or ask her to turn it off for a bit, she has a tendency to get mad/upset. to the point of throwing a bit of a fit over it, in a way that to me seems a bit attention seeking (in the bad way). she says things like "fine, whatever." and flaps her arms about dramatically or slaps her legs, or she says "i don't even wanna watch it now, it's ruined."
i'll go ahead and say she's a bit self-centered in a lot of ways. for years she has said i've "targeted" her and "treated her terribly" even though any time i was (to her) doing these things, i was usually defending myself or telling her to do something that she needed to do that had been requested for days/weeks/months/sometimes years. i also have a tendency to ask her what she's doing, either out of genuine curiosity, or because she has done something strange to me that i didn't understand. which she gets mad over.
she also gets mad if i ask if she's coming over here (i have a tendency to walk/pace in certain areas to music, it helps with stress/adhd/also helps me write/act things out. she is very aware of this and this isn't really a problem.) or ask how long she will be over here. she seems to think me asking this is telling her she can't come over, or desperately trying to get her to move. admittedly sometimes i DO want her to move, but 90% of the time i am just asking so i know if i need to move to a different area to walk or just stop temporarily.
sometimes when i am having a particular peak in my ocd/anxiety/whatever else, i ask her not to talk for a moment/few minutes, either so i can do something i need to, or because i'm afraid it will make it worse. she'll either get mad about this, or go on a tangent about "not catering to me" and saying things "the real world doesn't work like this, and nobody cares that you have ocd/issues." she has a tendency to take my issues as a personal attack on her, when in reality i would ask anyone to stop for a moment.
she has a tendency to belittle me in a sense for it. i've tried to explain some of it to her (without revealing details of my trauma she doesn't know about, as most of my ocd is linked to severe ptsd.) and she says it "doesn't make any sense" and i "need to stop" and i "need to just make myself stop." she has ocd, and knows compulsions are not always rational, and yet still says these things.
part of my desire not to go to a therapist is because of her. she claims they will either try to put me away take me to another home/put me in foster care, or drug me up on medication that will make me dull. (the other part is more personal, and unrelated to her, but to my aforementioned trauma.)
one of the things i especially ask her not to do is whistle, or make a few other certain noises (eating loud, using nail files around me, etc) because they are especially triggering to me. she'll either blatantly refuse and say i "don't get to tell her what to do" or i don't "control her" (please note i am just asking, but when i DO specifically tell her to stop, it is because she either already knows this sound is triggering to me, or i've already asked, and i'm losing my patience.) or she'll do it louder/more just to trigger me further (my father also does this. sometimes as a joke which in some ways is worse.) or she'll go on the "not catering + nobody cares" tangent again.
i know my ocd and other issues can be a bit interrupting, but i don't ask huge things of her or anyone else. all i ask is for them to not make certain sounds around me, temporarily ask them to not do something/stop doing something, or ask them to do it a bit quieter for me. please note she has the ability to watch tv/videos on other devices with headphones easily, she just chooses not to. and worse of all, they treat it like it's not interrupting to me, when it affects my everyday life in ways far worse than asking/telling them not to do something.
it makes me feel unwanted and unappreciated, and i'll admit, i've contemplated....not existing, if you will, many times over this issue and others.
i just don't really know if i'm asking too much, or if they're just being shitty. i want outside opinions on this.
so, AITA?
(id put a tl;dr in here, but i don't really know what to put. feel free to do it for me. also, i know this was kinda long, but i needed to put some extra things in, sorry if thats like an inconvenience or anything!)
(adding my sideblog here so i can get notifs, @ocdaitathrowaway)
What are these acronyms?
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invpulse · 7 months
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I haven't seen a lot of discussion about RSD when it comes to ADHD discussions, so I thought I would do the honors since it's been affecting me for many years and I'd like people to know more about it!
I have had a diagnosis for ADHD but was never told- instead learning I had autism through therapy but still having some behaviors that I could never explain that just Happened.
I learned I had ADHD over the summer, and with that, severe rejection sensitive dysphoria.
before reading, please keep in mind that this is mostly talking from personal experience and some skimmed research! not experiencing RSD doesn't mean you do/don't have ADHD, and it may not appear like how it appeared for me. I don't only have autism + adhd either, so those may also contribute to any differences! ^^
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RSD is the immense emotional pain after being criticized, rejected, or even teased (ignore my misspell in the panel). This rejection can be real or perceived, and we react like this because it hurts.
The pain can manifest as aggression, bringing on symptoms of depression (thoughts of s/h, isolation, demotivation, etc) and anxiety/panic attacks.
it can cause physical aliments like the above. For me, it causes my heartrate to skyrocket, heart palpitations, the feeling of being in a crisis, and extreme shaking to occur along with stomach pain.
(In fact, right now I'm going through it because making a post talking about this, despite having & dealing with it, makes me scared of other's opinions on it.)
RSD can also take the form of avoiding situations, people, or conversations where rejection or criticism is very possible.
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Like other types of dysphoria, it is out of our control and hard to manage. It can last from days to weeks to months, all depending on both the trigger* and the individual.
I had a RSD episode that was on-and-off for a little over a year or two; getting more tame and bearable as it slowly drifted and stopped haunting my mind with the incident.
Compared to the other times my RSD was set off, this moment was a rather big moment in my life and ended up permanently changing me moving forward - which can be the reason why it lasted so long.
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Despite how unbearable it can get, there are some ways to cope with it & lessen the effect it has.
Communicate - If you need time to process something that's told to you, you should say so (as difficult as it is). Tell the person(s) involved about your RSD, how you need time to digest information like this and take some time to relax. Trying to respond to the information while going through the head of the dysphoria will be very rough and might not be what you truly want to say.
Distract - This is really useful for me personally! Do something that grabs your attention or occupies your mind. One of RSD's main symptoms is rumination, thinking of something over and over again. I usually listen to music, draw, or play a game that won't frustrate me - like minecraft! (i'd say rain world but some of you would call me a maniac /lhj)
Perspective - This may require some communication, but it can really help and connect with others. See what the involved people thought / perceived, explain, talk. This doesn't always have the chance to end in rainbows and rekindling but at least you understand. Sometimes simply hearing the person explain their own side is enough to ease my RSD, being able to have someone explain themselves to me so i can understand them better.
I also wanna point out the "don't take it personally" thing that people try to use to deal with it isn't something i agree with since we're going to take it personally at first regardless. Later on, not really, but you're trying to cope with the symptoms... telling someone (or yourself) that they're too sensitive & over-reacting is the worse thing you could do.
With time, you can even begin to build up your 'armor' and be able to sustain yourself in situations you might get hurt in. Of course, some things may be able to sneak past and hurt you more than you expect, but at the end of the day, you're trying your best to go about it the best you can while taking so many blows. you're doing great.
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OK i dont have a lot more to add so if anyone else would like to talk about their experiences, please feel free! Character showcased here was my beloved fursona Shiki! i'm just a little neurodivergent + black artist from new york :]
hope you enjoyed it! sorry for the long post </3
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
hey have you ever made a post about what changes you would make to bnha to make the story more cohesive and less *gestures vaguely*
Hi @trulyisawesome 👋,
Great question! Please be aware that there's some spoilers below and that some of what I have to say may be an unpopular opinion.
It is also rather disjointed as this became a bit of a rant / brainstorm.
So here's a list of what changes I would make to MHA.
Give Bakugou proper consequences - such as having Aizawa expel him right away as soon as he makes to attack Midoriya. It would highlight the message straight away that bullies and abusers can't be heroes as well as the fact that power isn't everything.
Change Izuku's hero name to Dekiru - not Deku. I know some people like the reclaimation of this insult but I'm not one of them. Having Bakugou's insulting nickname meaning 'worthless' be instead changed to Dekiru meaning 'you can do it' fits more with Izuku's character. How he is an underdog who despite the odds never stopped trying with his dream.
Make Shigaraki Tomura the 'rival' as well as the 'villain' of the story. Think about it. What are rivals in these Shonens meant to do? To challenge the Protagonist and inspire them to become stronger. Bakugou in canon just tears Midoriya down relentlessly calling him "Deku" and calling the OFA holders "worthless nobodies" there's nothing inspiring about that. However - Shigaraki. He definitely could challenge Midoriya (both in views and power) and inspire him to become stronger. He's also shown to think of Midoriya constantly (separate to AFO's influence which is huge) so Midoriya could easily challenge (both views wise and in terms of power) and inspire him. Plus more interactions between these two would have done them wonders.
I would have Midoriya be the one to be kidnapped by the League rather than Bakugou. With Shiggy constantly thinking of him I believed this would happen, that Shig would try and fail to recruit Midoriya upon finding out he's a 'late bloomer'. It would also make a contrast between that moment and Izuku trying to save Shigaraki later because at that point they've both reached out to each other. And the whole narrative of 'saving Shigaraki' feels less forced.
Build up Shigaraki either as the main villain taking up AFO's villianous legacy like how Izuku is taking AM's heroic legacy or build up his redeemability by having him question what he was taught by his 'Sensei.' Either of these routes would be better than the inner child that is crying B.S. It neatly sidesteps all of the fact that Shigaraki canonically does not feel remorse or wish to change for any of deaths he caused. It is poor writing to try to redeem a character by throwing a pity party for them because they have suffered rather than addressing 'Do they want to be saved? Do they want to do better and change?' With Shigaraki, he wants to be saved from All for One but does he want to change or feel regret? Canonically, no. He uses Nomu's with no guilt. He kills people with no guilt. All he wants is destruction.
Don't redeem Endeavor - here's the thing. When Hori went down this route several things went wrong. Shoto lost his relevance as a main character and it became 'the Endeavor Show.' So instead, I would explore Shoto's POV growing separate from his Dad as well as reconnecting with both his siblings and his mum again as well as exploring their autonomous POV's. In canon, Hori scapegoated both Dabi and Rei to shift blame off of him which was a mess and muddles the messaging. Endeavor is meant to the symbol of the corrupt heroics 'redeeming him' undermines that.
Make Stain have a point. A controversial opinion but Stain in theory does have a point because there corrupt heroes (*cough* Endeavor *cough*) however the heroes Stain is shown to hurt do seem to be those he should like I.e Tensei Iida (who in the Spin Off Vigilantes is shown to be a good hero.) Give Stain targets that make sense I.e make a hero who is being corrupt, doing bad and being bad and have Stain hurt them. At the moment he just appears to hunt those that aren't All Might and dont emulate him.
Show Heroes / The Hero commission being corrupt more. Sure we have 'the optimist and murderer' Hawks as an example, Nagant who is in a few chapters but this corruption is meant to be a systemic issue. How the HPSC ruled and how the heroes have to bow to them is never fully explored I hate that (I actually wouldn't mind these guys being the actual bad guys of the series and the villians being the ones speaking out against them.)
I would establish Nagant as a character earlier. I would have Izuku be a fan of hers and I would have Hawks be mentored by her to support her place in the story and the impact of what happens to her by showing established characters effected by her and care for her. Since canonically it feels like Hori dropped her in the story out of nowhere.
Don't make Geten a Himura or reveal this earlier. Again. What was the point of this revelation? I could have seen this and been more open to it if it were revealed in the MVA arc. I would either have Geten rant maniacally about the purity and strength of the Himura Ice perhaps to parallel Endeavor's lust for power while Dabi stares at him shocked or not go down this route at all. Since now, it feels out of place and shoe horned in out of nowhere. And the incest stuff... I get that this sort of thing would happen in a world of quirks but what does it add? Rei is now canonically a product of incest - and what does that do? Narratively wise it nothing at all except give Rei's situation a whole other layer of ICK.
I would not give Dabi ice. What was the point of that revealation? His whole suffering comes down to the fact that he wasn't born perfect. That through Endeavor's quirk marriage he was born with a quirk that didn't suit his body and constantly harmed himself with his fire. Yet even so Touya used and continued to train his fire because Endeavor built up his sense of self as only his successor / how good he was with his fire then tore that away. Giving Dabi ice as a reaction to his near death state does what narratively? Shows Endeavor should have kept hurting / training Dabi when his quirk starts to hurt him? The whole point of Dabi's story should have been that he shouldn't have to be born "perfect" to be worthy of love yet the narrative robs him of that.
I would also either erase Dabi's kill count entirely or I would have it so that he accidentally killed those in the orphanage with his escape. And counted them in his 30 kills. This move I feel like would make him more sympathetic. It feels like Hori gave Dabi a kill count of random civilians to undermine him / his point against Endeav. Having him blame himself for the deaths of those in the orphanage (and them be a majority of his 30 kills) helps his redeemability because it proves despite his words that he still feels things and is in fact emotionally repressing things due to trauma.
Build up Toga Himiko as a sympathetic villian from the get go instead of a "Blood Yandere" or just make her a full irredeemable villian. With Toga from the start I would give her internal conflict about killing others, give her guilt about taking lives to feed her addiction to blood, make her try not to take lives /her killings accidental before she loses more and more of herself to the thirst for blood which then Ochaco could 'save' her from by reminding her what she wants is genuine connection/ help. Or I'd have her be a full unrepentant villian that needs to be stopped.
Explore the full consequences of Twice's death on the League and proper rammifications for Hawks. Or Don't kill Twice - redeem him instead. I like Twice, I feel like he's one of the best and most sympathetic villains Hori has ever written. Therefore I am miffed that canonically the League's feelings (outside Toga's) haven't been explored on Twice's death when they all, even Shig and Dabi, seemed to be fond of him at least. I am also annoyed that Hawks isn't even looked down on for this decision and didn't lose anything. No one is sideyeing him for deliberately stabbing a mentally ill man in the back? He gets his wings back despite Dabi burning them off? Or instead of killing Twice I'd have him be captured by Hawks instead and receive therapy.
Explore the process of the creation of an intelligent Nomu. I would either make Shirakumo 'alive' somehow being making Kurogiri an alter of him which the Doctor tortured out of him then brainwashed. OR I would explore Kurogiri's internal thoughts realising that he is a sentient corpse and exploring a full identity crisis for him, still wanting to be a hero and reconnect with his old friends but also wishing to save Shigaraki from AFO. That would be more powerful than what we got.
Give Nedzu, Momo and all the intelligent characters back their brains. Hori doesn't write intelligent characters well, everyone does what he wants them to do for the sake of plot. I would have them tackle the problem and put their characters first when they think things through and make the plot bend to them rather than vice versa.
Make AFO a proper threatening villain and a consistent threat or replace him as the main big bad. - Not sure how to elaborate but some of AFO's decisions in the recent arcs have been laughably stupid to the point of extreme annoyance. So I would either write him off after Kamino or keep him a consistent threat.
I would also explore Dr Giraki / Ujiko as a big bad alongside AFO and the horror of the Nomu condition. These are puppeteered corpses! People's dead bodies! And yet the heroes even upon knowing this are still kicking them around like volleyballs. There's no attempt to save the High ends even after realising Kurogiri's condition. So I would change that. I would have the heroes want to treat these creatures with respect. And only kill as a last resort.
Make Nedzu an actual character. Nedzu has a very interesting premise, a creature, who hates humans, with a very high IQ in charge of a school. Why is this? Because Hori said so in canon. I would actually explore why - does he actually want control and influence over how some of the most powerful heroes will turn out like - I think yes. So I would explore his morally grey tendencies and flesh him out.
Allow all the 1A girls to be both useful and intelligent. Momo especially has an OP quirk, an OP intelligent stat yet Hori never allows her to be as useful or intelligent as she should be. Jiro, Hagakure and Froppy also have OP quirks - yet they are under utilised and unexplored in what capabilities they could do.
Make Aizawa less of a bad teacher and more of a hardass with a heart of gold. (This will be an unpopular opinion.) I am firm in the belief that Aizawa's methods are deeply flawed and canonically he is not a good homeroom teacher at all. I would remove his 'expulsion record' (doing that would literally ruin lives even with the retcon of it only being on paper because that black mark would stay there.) I would change it instead so he moves the classes he deems to have no potential to Gen Ed so that there is no black mark nonsense and the students with potential could earn their way back into the course via the sports festival. I would change the "logical ruse" nonsense which would only breed trust issues in his students IRL to him being straight forward with the goals but having the activities have secret targets too (like the whole concept of hero points in the entrance exam.) I would also erase him falling asleep all the time because that doesn't support the notion that he cares about these kids. These changes would lead to him being a better teacher and would make more sense canonically as his teaching methods are meant to come from his trauma around Oboro's death.
I would either erase Aizawa's mentorship with Shinsou entirely or I would have Shinsou get further into the sports festival and earn his way into 1A that way. Canonically we see Eraser help and mentor Shinsou more than his own students (even the ones who actually need help!) So I would change this by removing the mentorship entirely or having Shinsou join 1A having earnt a spot via the sports festival and having Aizawa help him catch up with everyone else.
Shinsou. I would have him actually be treated as a villain in his backstory. I know we are all used to fanon Shinsou but canon Shinsou isn't abused. Isn't even really bullied bar from a rather justified wariness of 'that quirk is great for a hero. Just don't use it on me, ok?' Which doesn't inspire sympathy if anything it makes you wonder if Shinsou had believed he could coast into the hero course on his powerful quirk and is bitter that he couldn't do that. So I would have him be literally called a villain (literally have his quirks similarities to that of the villain Dictator be called out), I would also have him train outside his quirk to make him more sympathetic. Izuku did with his analysis. Shinsou canonically didn't train at all.
Tone down or Erase Mineta's perversions. I get this is a shonen so there is nearly always a character like this however with Mineta's 'comedy' Hori always goes too far and makes him appear like a budding sexual predator (thankfully he seems to be growing out of this in the later arcs but still.) I'd turn it into him trying and failing to flirt rather than groping people.
Have Midnight only make saucy comments to her peers - this I don't feel like needs further elaboration but the fact that Midnight had said she was turned on by things the students did (even though it's a persona) felt ick to me especially as this character is meant to be a teacher. I would explore her deeper as a character and juxapose her off duty 'more reserved' character vs the hero 'saucy' persona. And have her warn the girls about sexualisation in the hero industry 'women need to use their bodies / sex appeal to get ahead.' Which this new generation of heroes could change that.
I would either not kill Midnight at all or give her a heroic and impactful death. I hated how Midnight died off screen by a meaningless mook, only to be mentioned once again by Mic for Aizawa to shut him up about it. I hated how from here her relevance in the teacher OG friendship group essentially ended as Hori shifted focus hard to KurOboro. I hated how the impact of her death on the students that found her wasn't explored. Midnight died grievously injured and on her knees, Hori didn't bother to even give her a death scene. I would either not kill her at all or have her sacrifice herself heroically to save her students and fully explore the impact of this on everyone.
Explore the UA teachers / how they teach outside of Aizawa and All Might. The series is meant to be 'my hero academia' - So where is the academia? I would have some of the other teachers teaching styles explored as well as the students learning things that come in useful for hero work other than fighting. I.e first aid, villain psychology, quirkless hand to hand fights - all things that would come in useful as a hero other than being good with their quirks. I would also explore these teachers more as characters because I'd love to know more about Vlad King, Mic, Midnight, Thirteen, Ectoplasm and Nedzu.
I would have Endeavor always remain second to All Might. Endeavor in my opinion never deserved the number one spot, he instead deserved to fall from grace after being outed as an abuser. I would have All Might after losing OFA go full 'Iron Man Might' and remind Izuku that he showed Toshi how great of a hero he was without a quirk so Toshi is now taking inspiration from him and showing the whole of Japan how power isn't just from Quirks. It would show AM and Izuku's mentorship and the bond between these characters nicely.
I would either erase Nighteye from the story entirely or change his personality entirely and have him bond with Izuku over being an AM fan too. This I'm not sure if it needs explanation but Nighteye being a bad friend to AM, a bad mentor to Izuku wasn't needed. Aside from his role in Mirio's life and saving Eri he wasn't needed in general- especially not to bring down Izuku's already critically low self esteem.
Eri is too OP - it's narrative breaking. If she can rewind things why hasn't she rewound All Might back to his prime health? Why hasn't she given Aizawa back his eye and leg? Why has Eri only gave Mirio back his quirk? Can she rewind the dead? These are all questions Hori has left dangling because he couldn't be bothered to think of them before he thoughtlessly slotted her into the narrative. I would give her hard limits to her Rewind (such as only being able to rewind a few years or one part of the body at a time) and the drug that Overhaul uses be her power plus trigger to enhance it.
I would leave Mirio quirkless and have him be an awesome hero without Permeation. It would do wonders for the narrative if after losing his quirk Mirio kept working toward being a hero anyway. It would be interesting for both Midoriya and Aoyama to react to this. And for Mirio to have a big brother relationship with Midoriya.
I would give Izuku a proper support group. (I feel like this will be an unpopular opinion.) Class 1A should have been perfect for this role however Hori having them unite with Bakugou against Izuku in the 1A vs Izuku mess, Hori never bothering to develop 1A's friendships most people in 1A don't feel like Midoriya's friends. So I would change that and have them be more of a found family.
I would narratively foreshadow Yuuga as the UA traitor. Yuuga being formerly Quirkless and the UA traitor came out of nowhere. So I would foreshadow it by having him bond with Izuku over "being a late bloomer." I would explore his hesitancy to make friends through this too so Izuku and he would unknowingly bond over a shared Quirkless past. I would also have AFO explode him like he did with Nagant upon finding out Yuuga's treachery. I wouldn't kill Yuuga but this act would make the stakes much more personal for Izuku.
I would narratively develop Midoriya's family. We know so much of the Todoroki's yet so little of the Midoriya's it's criminal. So I would develop both Midoriya Hisashi and Midoriya Inko as people and show the impact of their parenting on Izu. Show Izuku calling his Dad 'overseas' . As well as drop hints about DFO (because I do like that theory but Hori hasn't built up to that well.)
I would tell the stories of the OFA holders instead of having them be plot devices. We know so little of the OFA holders, their motivations, their personalities it's criminal. So I would develop them and tell their stories of what it was like to hold OFA in their time as well as explore First as an actual character. What was it like for each of the holders in their time? Who were each of the holders to each other, all mentees and mentors or best friends, partners? Were any of the holders 'bad' or 'redeemed villains' it looks like everyone was all good which is a waste!!
I would give All Might a proper support group. Think about the people who know his OFA secret, Midoriya, Gran Torino, Nana, Nighteye, Nedzu, Detective Tsukauchi and Recovery Girl. Out of these people; Nana has tragically died in front of All Might, Midoriya is his successor and a child in need of his support and the other four (everyone else except Detective Tsukauchi) supports All Might poorly. (Especially Gran who AM is shown to be afraid of to the point of shaking!) Detective Tsukauchi is the only one who I think actually is shown supporting AM the most. So I would add more supportive characters to AM's circle (like Mic who is shown to be a very good, supportive friend and Inko who is Izuku's mum and is also shown to be a kind and supportive lady.)
I would keep the coherent clear problems in society such as Quirkless Discrimination and Mutant Discrimination shown throughout the story. Hori does a poor job with tackling his themes so I would show more how Quirkless (other than Izu and Aoyama are treated). I would also show Spinner taking offense when Dabi calls him "Lizard" as well as the Police chief taking offence when Shoto calls him a "Mutt." And have more instances like this.
I think this is all the ideas I have for now. Please let me know what you think.
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suplicyy · 27 days
"Wanna Be Your Muse..."
Artist!Reader x Karasuno [Part 2]
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Summary — He discover by chance that you love drawing him, maybe even too much...
Characters — Tanaka, Ennoshita, Sugawara, Asahi, Daichi.
— Fluff
— Gn! Reader
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You've been together for a month now, and him going to your house and vice versa was starting to become a routine. That day, he was the one who went to your house to spend the afternoon.
You were in your room watching a series, when you said you were going to the bathroom and left the room, leaving him alone there. While you were gone, he watched your room, looking at some posters on the wall, books on the shelf, a notebook open on his desk... – a notebook? - he thought. You usually left your desk tidy, so it was rare to have anything "dropped" on it.
He knew it wasn't good to see your things without permission, especially when you weren't there to let him or not, but he thought about taking the notebook and putting it on the shelf with the others. So when he went towards your desk to get the notebook, he didn't expect to see some drawings of him.
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Tanaka Ryuunosuke
This man is in love with you more than ever, but now that he has seen your drawings, he is already sure that he would spend the rest of the days of his life with you.
I swear, he almost passed out right there.
As soon as you come back from the bathroom, get ready, because he will praise you until the end of the day (but it's not like he doesn't do this every day, but on this particular occasion his compliments would increase by 100%)
At that moment his eyes almost turned into hearts.
Whenever you would do some of his art, he would offer to be your model; doing poses, gestures, expressions, everything you can imagine.
Chikara Ennoshita
He honestly never thought you would draw him. Among so many things you could observe and put in your notebook, why him?
But other than that, he was quite happy, his cheeks turning pink and an affectionate smile appearing on his face as he watched your artwork that you made with so much affection.
When you got to the room, he would tease you in an affectionate way.
He would try to help you with his opinions when you were in doubt about something.
Draw on paper or digitally? What colors to use? He would try to help you choose these and many other questions.
Sugawara Koushi
He would be so proud of you, I swear.
That definitely made Suga happier than he already was (he always say to you that just being in your company is enough to make him happy).
He would give you lots of kisses all over your face as a thank you!!
There would be times when he would see you drawing, and Suga would sit next to you with a sheet of paper and a pencil and try to draw with you. Even if his aren't as pretty or detailed as yours, you'll have fun together.
He would definitely paste the art you gave him on his bedroom wall. And he would always look at them when he was feeling down as a way to cheer him up a little (and it almost always works).
Asahi Azumane
Someone call an ambulance please, he just had a heart attack...
I'm serious, he was so nervous at that point that at any moment he could let out a not-at-all-manly scream.
Asahi would definitely keep your drawings for life, and always checking them out from time to time.
And if you asked him to draw him someday, he would say yes but he would definitely be a blushing mess.
And I don't know why, but in my mind Asahi is a pretty great artist. He would also draw you, but he would never have the courage to show you because he thinks you won't like them or because they aren't good enough.
Please give him some kisses and praise his drawings, he will be extremely shy about it but his heart will warm with so much love!!!
Sawamura Daichi
He would find the drawings very cute!! If you saw his expression when he was looking at the drawings of himself, you would see a big smile on his face.
Daichi would give you the most comfortable hug you had ever received in your life, and kiss the top of your head affectionately.
He already knew that you drew, and even saw you doing some of them, but he didn't imagine that you would draw him too.
I imagine he would ask you and Yachi to make posters for the volleyball club, with you doing the arts and her doing the designs!
And one of the reasons he did this was not because he wanted to show everyone how well his partner draws, no way... (yes, he did!)
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A/N — I barely started writing here and I already disappeared, I'm really sorry guys!!! This week has been really busy for me, so it was a little difficult to finish this one...😭😭😭
And also... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!! I never imagined that in such a short time so many people would read what I'm posting, I'm really very happy!!
— Read part 1 [here] !
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yandere-fics · 3 months
Lady Selene
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♡ "My dove, can't I be forgiven for a few indiscretions when I merely thought I was doomed to not have any companionship for a thousand years?" ♡
She's an aggressive and needy yandere, nothing is wrong as long as it's between mates and you should just forgive her because she's your mate. She is also secretly very worried you'll take off on her one day because of her horrible reputation. She thinks she was completely justified in having a few flings over the years, even if some of her exes were complete bitches, she just didn't want to be alone while waiting for a soulmate who might never show up knowing how much the other gods hate her. She'll do anything to keep her dalliances from reaching your ears though if she can help it and if not she was already planning on killing anyone she slept with in the past just to make sure you know she's changed her ways since meeting you.
♡ "Soulmates should call each other by their names should they not, it would greatly displease me if you were to call me by my title.... hmm though i would prefer you would call my name a bit sweeter than that, it will have to do for the moment." ♡
Her title is Lady Selene, goddess of the werewolves, she would be very upset if you didn't call her by her name though, would hold you in place and only release you once you call her by just her name, will melt if you call her a sweet nickname like Selly or something of that sort.
♡ "I'm almost 800 years old my dove, I became goddess shortly before the war began, I am the youngest of the gods." ♡
She killed a large majority of the minor gods during the war and was the instigator in the war to begin with since she couldn't control her temper. She was cursed to not find her soulmate for a thousand years as punishment for causing the whole war so she decided to sleep around for awhile cause she thought she would just clean up her act closer to when she was actually going to meet them but the other gods decided it would be an even worse punishment if she met her mate when she wasn't expecting it and didn't have time to clean up her reputation so they lifted it early without telling her.
♡ "My dove, I would never have eyes for anyone than you again, I swear my liaisons with those other women meant nothing." ♡
She's a lesbian and she slept around alot before she met you.
♡ "Job? I'm a goddess, I need no job, I simply do as a please, occasionally I train the pups who want to guard the temple. Simply put, my attention can all go to you." ♡
She does nothing useful as a god except once a year she visits the city for a month or two for diplomacy cause if she didn't she's terrified The Boss would wipe her out for attacking the city during the war but other than that she can focus the entirety of her time on you and she would like you to do the same and will be sad if you don't do the same since soulmates are the most important thing in her opinion even though she didn't really treat it that way before she actually met you.
♡ "I have a fondness for sparring on occasion, it never hurts to stay honed even if those around me can't keep up with me. I also have been known to enjoy alcoholic beverages from time to time. The thing I would say I enjoy most however is you." ♡
Before she met you she also enjoyed sleeping around and picking fights, but now that she actually has you she tries to avoid conflicts and running her mouth because she wouldn't want her fellow gods to make her look like a fool in front of her mate more than they already have. Yes she blames them for her looking like a fool even though it's her own actions that led to this.
♡ "I dislike fools who reject the mating bond and pursue people who are not their destiny. I also dislike when my dove denies me what is rightful mine, your affection." ♡
She doesn't realize how hypocritical that is, after all it's not like she enjoyed any of the people she slept with, it was merely to kill time waiting for her true mate and she thought you would never know because she could hide all the evidence closer to when she was actually going to meet them. Despite the other gods hating her guts, she doesn't hate them, she might not be fond of them especially since they did this but at the end of the day prior to the war when she went a bit crazy slaughtering thousands, they used to be close friends. She does hate The Boss.
♡ "I can do a myriad of things for you, dove. That's the beauty in being with your soulmate, someone who isn't your soulmate could never do what I can do for you." ♡
She's particularly adept at hand to hand combat. She's not as good at tracking because there was a lot of burning during the war and it really fucked up her nose, if she has an item of yours or is very intimately familiar with your scent though then it'll only take her slightly longer than the rest of them to come find her. She's still great at running, it only fucked up her sense of smell but her lungs themselves healed up.
♡ "You're not allowed to leave me, soulmates STAY together, forever. So get your pretty ass back over here and let me love on you." ♡
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