#but also sometimes she looks at lucy and feels like she's looking into a mirror watching her own horror and fear of the wasteland and aaa
wandercr · 5 months
you're telling me i'm supposed to work and be productive when i am so busy having all of these Thoughts and Feelings about fallout
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morlao · 9 months
Breaking your own
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▪︎Isaac Garcia x fem!reader
▪︎Y/N Howard, Jackie's younger sister
Things have always been tough for you. As the youngest Howard girl you were constantly compared to your older sisters Lucy and Jackie.
Lucy the popular sunshine that everybody loved and Jackie the perfect girl who already had her plans for the future figured out and worked very hard to reach them.
Don't get me wrong, you loved your sisters with all your heart but sometimes you wished that they - especially Jackie - wouldn't set the bar so high. You were always only "Jackie's sister". Even your teachers referred to you that way.
Since the accident it had gotten so much worse. While it was obvious that you were breaking apart, Jackie had much more self control. While she studied even harder, you could barely concentrate.
When you heard the message that you and Jackie had to move to Colorado to the Walter family, you couldn't deny that you felt relieved.
Starting a new life with the Walters also meant leaving this comparism behind. Or at least most of it. You could start over new. No teachers who acted like your way of grieving was wrong and no uncle who told you what your parents would have wanted you to be.
~ ~ ~
You immediately liked Katherine and George when you first saw them as they picked you up from the airport. They made you feel so welcome. One could only hope that the boys were just as nice as they were.
Well... they weren't. At least not all of them.
You hadn't even entered the house when you heard someone shout. "Watch out!" You could just jump out of the way when a boy with a skateboard zoomed by.
"That's Lee." George explained.
Right after him chased a little boy, almost bumping into Jackie.
"Be careful, Benny!", George shouted but you were pretty sure the boy didn't hear him - and if he did, then he didn't care.
George led you into the living room where two boys were sitting on the sofa playing video games.
"Boys, that are Jackie and Y/N Howard. Girls, that are Alex and Isaac."
The boys greeted you both with a smile. The way Alex looked at Jackie made you grin widely. Seemed like this could become interesting.
Meanwhile your attention was on Isaac and for a couple of seconds your eyes met. He looked very handsome with his dark hair and his laid-back look.
Isaac grinned and raised his eyebrow and quickly you looked away. You didn't want him to think that you fancied him. Because you didn't. You were not looking for a flirt or even a relationship. You just wanted to forget about the accident and start over new.
George smiled. "Okay, let's continue the tour." He showed you the kitchen, where you met Will, Nathan and Danny and the living room where Parker was playing Hockey.
Wow, you didn't expect so many of them. It would definitely take you some time to remember all the names.
At last he lead you in the garden to the pool and to a smaller boy with a camera. A blonde guy was just getting out of the water, grinning as he saw you and your sister. He put on a total show, acting like he was the best looking guy in the whole universe.
You hated guys like him. Way too self-centered and way too arrogant. Unfortunately you noticed the way Jackie looked at him. She tried to hide it but she was clearly faszinated by him.
"Come on, Cole! Don't be such a show-off!", Nathan said, rolling his eyes.
Living here could definitely turn out to be exciting.
~ ~ ~
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A few days later you woke up to laughter and Jackie's screams.
The door flew open and she stormed in, covered in a towel. "I can't believe it! I can't believe they did this!" She walked over to the mirror and looked at her hair totally in panic.
Still very sleepy you rubbed your eyes and got out of bed. "Did what? What are you talking about?"
"They put bleaching in the shampoo!" She was close to tears. Her hair had now quite a lot of blonde strands that looked like somebody had drawn them with a paint brush. In other words, it looked horrible.
However, Jackie still wanted to go to school. Perfectly ambitious as always. She managed to take George's Baseball Cap and hid her hair with it, it didn't really match her style but better than nothing.
When you came home from school you walked right into a very angry Katherine and a bunch of boys who looked absolutely pissed.
"What's up?", you asked curiously, almost regretting it as Isaac sent you a deathly glare.
Lee lowered his voice. "Your sister is a sneak. She told Katherine what happened today."
Jackie, why... you sighed heavily before running up the stairs to your room. You couldn't believe that she told Katherine. You stormed into your room and walked straight up to her desk where she was sitting and doing her homework. "Why did you do that? You know that you just ruined your chance to be accepted by them, don't you?"
Jackie frowned, clearly not agreeing with you. "What else should I have done? Just accept it and act like it didn't happen?"
You shook your head, grinning. "No way, let's give them a taste of their own medicine. Let's see if they go to school with... let's say... pink hair."
You spent the next two days preparing everything for your revenge.
Jackie was not really helpful, in fact she seemed like she wanted to stop you. "Please, Y/N, don't do it. They were grounded, I think that's enough."
"Fuck no!" You had a plan and you were going to go through with it.
While the others were having their dinner you sneaked into the boys rooms and put hair dye in their shampoo. Lee, Isaac, Cole, you got them all.
No wonder that the next day you were woken again by screams and laughter. Excited you kicked off your blanket and jumped out of bed.
Who has been the first to fall into your trap? Hopefully Cole! You couldn't stand his arrogant behaviour and you also didn't get why your sister seemed so faszinated by him.
You opened your door and couldn't help but laugh. Isaac had just come out of the bathroom, a look of horror on his face. Most of his hair was bright pink. It was hillarious!
The only negative thing about it was, that the other boys were now warned. They would for sure control their shampoo before using it.
"New York is tougher than I thought", laughed Cole, eying your sister as she covered her mouth, trying not to laugh too hard.
"I'm sure that wasn't her", said Nathan before he turned towards you, "It was you right?"
Isaac's eyes widened as he also turned around to look at you.
You leaned against the doorframe, grinning. "Don't underestimate me, Garcia!"
Isaac POV:
Wow, he couldn't deny that he was impressed. He had branded you a popular spoiled girl, a city girl who got everything she wanted, daddy's little darling. Guess he was wrong. You were tougher than you looked.
He eyed you as you stood there laughing. He definitely had to be careful. You were not only beautiful you were also not afraid of standing up for yourself and messing with the boys.
A little smile escaped his lips and he ran a hand through his hair. "Good one, Y/N"
You raised your head proudly.
Long after you disappeared into your room he still stood there, grinning.
Your POV:
The following days you were extremely careful, looking out for Isaac's revenge.
You showered at 4 in the morning so that you didn't cross paths and used freshly bought shampoo. You locked your room and sat as far away from him as possible during breakfast and dinner. Except for "Good morning" you didn't really talk to each other.
To your surprise he knocked at your door one afternoon. "Hey, Y/N, wanna play videogames together?"
You turned around, closing your maths book. "Do you really think I'm this stupid?"
He blinked. "What?"
"If you want to play a trick on me, you have to try harder. I'm not following you in the living room. I bet you have some slime that falls down on me when I walk through the door."
Isaac looked at you perplex. "Nope, I just want to get to know you better. You seem cool." He grinned. "But that's an incredible idea!"
"No pranks?" You raised your eyebrow and Isaac nodded. "No pranks, I promise."
The two of you got along surprisingly well the whole time. Isaac had some snacks and drinks prepared and he showed you his favourite video game.
After a few initial difficulties, things didn't go so badly anymore. "You're not as bad as I thought."
You took another bite of chocolate. "And this from the mouth of Isaac Garcia. I feel honored."
"Yes, you should!"
Since then the two of you often met for video game sessions. He wasn't as annoying as you thought. In fact he was really cool and fun to be with.
Jackie still didn't like him and gave you a disapproving look whenever she saw you together. You didn't really get what her problem was. She was the one who constantly hung out with Cole! Isaac was a saint compared to him.
~ ~ ~
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In the last few weeks you were also starting to spend more time with Lee.
He soon grew to be one of your closest friends. (You really thought it was necessary to have a best friend who isn't a close friend to your sister. You wanted your own life after all and not just a cheap copy of your sister's)
How this friendship with Lee started? Well, being the daughter of the famous designer Angelica Howard could be hard. Everyone expected perfection, even if they didn't say it explicitly. Most of the activities you did were only because they would look nice on your CV.
At the Walters' house you had the chance to finally choose hobbies that you really liked. So you wanted to try skateboarding.
One afternoon when the majority of the Walter boys were out to watch Parkers match you took Lee's skateboard that was leaning next to the door.
It took a few attempts until you were able to stand on it without holding on to the wall. Getting around with it was even more difficult. Again you fell to the floor.
How did Lee make it look so easy? You were glaring at the skateboard as you heard a chuckle behind you.
"That looked painful."
You turned your head and saw the Garcia brothers standing there.
Isaac walked towards you and offered you a hand. You took it and he helped you to your feet.
Blushing you rubbed the back of your neck and smiled at Lee apologetically. "I'm sorry for taking your skateboard, Lee."
To your surprise Lee didn't seem angry at all. "You wanna learn it?"
"Okay, I'll teach you how"
Lee wasn't that good at explaining, his teaching methods were more like: I show you how easy it is by driving around and beeing absolutely cool and then it was your turn and you made an absolute fool of yourself (which Jordan captured on camera - thank you very much!).
Isaac's POV:
He couldn't stop smiling. The way you tried so hard not to fall off, your hands stretched out, looking for balance.
Soon he found himself watching you practise everyday and it wasn't boring at all. He enjoyed watching as Lee told you what to do and he even offered to give you a hand when you tried to make turns.
You were a fast learner - or at least faster than he himself when Lee tried to teach him some tricks.
"You're getting better and better", Lee said, clearly proud of himself as a teacher and proud of you, his student.
"Soon you'll turn into a real skatergirl", grinned Isaac and you gave him the brightest smile possible.
He stared at you, feeling his heart racing in his chest. Yes, he couldn't deny it anymore, he had fallen in love with Y/N Howard.
~ ~ ~
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Your POV:
Lucy's Birthday. You had feared that day since the accident. And even though Jackie tried to act tough and strong you were pretty sure that she struggled just as much as you did.
While the others left for school in the morning you pretended to be sick and stayed in bed till afternoon, staring at the ceiling.
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you" Your words were quiet, your voice shaking. "Happy Birthday dear Lucy, Happy Birthday to you."
Tears streamed your face as you whispered her name. Again and again. Lucy.
Jackie never wanted to talk about her or your parents. It had been months since you last said her name. It left a bitter note on your tongue.
Abruptly you sat up. You needed to get out, you needed to stop thinking about her.
Making sure that nobody saw you, you sneaked in the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of vodka. Katherine had tried to hide it, not knowing that you watched her.
The bottle in your hand you left the house, walking towards the barn. The loft seemed like the perfect place to get wasted. In any case better than your room since you didn't know when Jackie would come home.
You climbed up the ladder and sat down on the floor, your feet dangling above the ground.
Lucy. There weren't enough words to describe how much you missed her. Her spirit, her energy. You had always felt closer to her than to Jackie - not that you didn't love Jackie but she was always so perfect that you felt like you couldn't keep up with her. Lucy on the other hand was popular and outgoing just like you. For her school wasn't the number one priority. Her grades were good but not perfect.
"Hey" Isaac's voice snapped you out of your daydreams. "What are you doing up there?"
You held up the bottle of vodka. "Celebrating!" Your voice cracked, sounding drunk already.
Isaac rised an eyebrow. "What are you celebrating?"
You shrugged, taking another sip. You didn't wanna talk about Lucy, you didn't even know if you could say her name without bursting into tears. "My miserable life?", you suggested.
Isaacs expression changed from slightly amused to worried. He climbed up the ladder and sat down next to you. "Are you okay?"
The question was so absurd that you bursted out laughing. "Yes, yes I'm totally fine!" You handed him the vodka and without taking his eyes off you, he took a sip.
You didn't want to think about anything. Not about Lucy, not about your parents not about school.
You needed something to distract you, something better than alcohol. In New York you always went partying with your friends when you felt like your world was falling apart. Here in Colorado you felt more lonely than ever. Maybe you just needed to feel alive again.
Without thinking about possible consequences you grabbed Isaac by the collar of his shirt, pulled him towards you and kissed him.
Isaac's POV:
Was this a dream? Was this really happening? Did you maybe just kiss him because you were drunk? Did you really want this?
His heart was pounding violently in his chest as he felt your hands in his and your kisses against his lips. He pulled you closer towards him, leaning against you.
He had wanted to kiss you for a while now and even though he mostly seemed so confident, he hadn't found the courage to tell you.
He asked Lee about you once or twice, trying to find out if you liked him too but either Lee didn't knew it or he didn't tell him. What cheek! What else was a brother for, especially when he was best friends with the girl Isaac loved?
His kisses became more passionate. Hugging you and spreading soft kisses on your neck, he whispers: "I'm in love with you."
You giggled, kissing him. It would definitely be best if you didn't show up for dinner.
Isaac actually hadn't thought that you were so heavily drunk, he only noticed it when you two tried to climb down the ladder again.
You giggled, trying to keep your balance what nearly gave him a heart attack. It almost took you twenty minutes.
Isaac grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the house. "Please be quiet!", he begged you while trying to get a glimpse where all the others were.
Had they already gathered in the kitchen, ready for dinner? "Lee!" He whisper-shouted as he saw his brother and signaled him to come outside.
"What's wrong, bro?"
Isaac only gestured towards you, while you were trying to stand on one leg, giggling and blabbering.
Lee stared at you in shock. "Holy shit! She looks totally drunk."
"She is", Isaac confirmed. "We need to get her to her room before Katherine sees her!"
"What if Jackie tells her? She's always trying to act right, remember."
Isaac bit his lip. That was right. Jackie had already proved that she was a sneak.
"We bring her in our room", Lee suggested, "Nobody will notice and we can take care of her until she feels better."
Okay, that sounded like a plan!
"I'll distract the others!" Lee hurried back into the kitchen, making sure the others didn't come out.
Isaac kneeled down in front of you. "Hold on to me. I'm gonna give you a piggybag ride"
You wrapped your arms around him, laughing. "I bet that's fun!" You talked loudly, way too loudly.
Isaac heard Katherine's voice. "Was that Y/N?"
"I don't think so!", Lee answered quickly, trying to block the door, "She said she would be home very late. She has to prepare a talk for literature class with one of her friends - I guess her name was Grace."
He kept talking and talking while Isaac hurried up the stairs, carrying you on his back. There wasn't the right word to describe how relieved he was, when he finally entered his room and laid you down on his bed.
Your POV:
As you woke up the next morning your head was aching. You tried to sit up but stopped in the middle of the movement - and not just because you felt you might need to throw up due to the drinking yesterday.
This wasn't your room. You took a look around, wondering how you got here.
Isaac was lying on the floor next to you. The other bed on the other side of the room was empty. Lee had already left.
Was it already this late? Damn, you didn't want anyone seeing you sneaking out of one of the boys bedroom, especially when you still felt that you were about to throw up. You were sure that they would assume the worst.
Your memory of yesterday was very vague. In fact you only remembered drinking and... oh shit, snogging Isaac. Damn, why did you do that?
It's gonna be so weird sitting next to him during lunch and dinner and seeing him basically the whole day because you lived together.
You covered your face in embarrassment. Okay, stay cool. It was just snogging. Just snogging. You were pretty sure it didn't mean much to Isaac either. He always acted like the cool boy with his leather jacket and his macho posturing.
Slowly you started to stand up and grabbed your shoes that were lying next to the bed.
Isaac moved. You must have woken him up by accident, because he grumbled softly to himself and sat up. His hair looked like a mess but it suited him surprisingly well. "Morning, Y/N" He smiled at you and leaned in for a kiss but you backed away shocked.
"What are you doing?!"
Isaac hesitated, clearly confused. "Well... after last night I thought..."
"You thought what?", you snapped, regretting how harsh it sounded as you saw how hurt Isaac looked.
"I thought we were... we kissed, I told you I loved you..."
Your face starts to burn. "You WHAT?!"
"Don't you remember that?"
"No!" You gathered your stuff and stormed out of his room, not caring anymore if somebody saw you.
All you wanted was to get away from this situation as soon as possible. You had never been good at expressing your feelings or solving conflicts. You were only good at running away.
You ran towards the room that you shared with your sister, threw the door open and stormed inside.
Jackie let out a surprised squeak. "Y/N, you scared me to death"
You kicked the door shut and threw yourself on your bed.
Jackie didn't seem to notice how upset you were. She was lost in her own chaos. "I did something very stupid", she whispered after a few minutes of silence.
You looked at her in surprise. Jackie and doing something stupid? These were words that you normally wouldn't put in one sentence.
You walked over to her and sat down on the egde of her bed. Only then did you notice that she looked just as hungover as you felt. Was she also drinking? "I'm pretty sure what I did is way worse" you said, trying to cheer her up a little bit and offering her a guilty smile.
She shook her head, half smiling, half crying. "I went to a party with Cole and I... I was drinking way too much... I almost kissed him in front of Erin and the whole group... and when I came home and Alex tried to be there for me, I tried to kiss him too."
You looked at her in disbelief. You had never thought that she would ever do something like that.
She leaned over to you and pulled you into a hug.
"Hey, it's all gonna work out, okay?" You rubbed her back soothingly. "Seemed like you took a break from being the good and perfect girl."
She rolled her eyes, smiling. Then a thought crossed her mind and she looked at you questioningly. "Y/N, you said yours would be worse...what did you do?"
"Oh" You blushed a deep shade of red. "I was snogging with Isaac."
"YOU WHAT?" She stared at you wide-eyed.
"I was drunk, way too drunk... I just wanted some distraction from thinking about Lucy and then... it just happened..."
"How much did you drink? And on top of that Isaac?!"
You knew that she couldn't stand him, especially since his prank on her. "Jackie, please, I don't want to talk about it, not yet."
She nodded even though you could see that there were lots of questions swirling around in her head.
Since you didn't want any lunch, Jackie forced you to at least go down for dinner. The Walters were already sitting at the table when the two of you came in. Isaac stared at you angrily. You avoided his gace and sat down as far away from him as possible.
~ ~ ~
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Thanksgiving. The first Thanksgiving that you wouldn't celebrate with your family.
You tried to keep busy in order not to think about it.
While you were helping Katherine in the kitchen, Isaac and Lee got ready for their video call with their dad.
Lee picked out a black shirt and even a tie. It was cute to see him so excited as he asked you at least five times if he looked good and if his hair was fine.
"You look amazing", you told him with a big smile, brushing aside the single strand of hair that hung in his face.
Lee nodded excitedly and hurried outside the room.
Isaac still seemed to be angry with you as he walked right past you without even looking at you. He didn't bother dressing smartly but you still thought that he looked very handsome. He always did.
"Can you prepare the vegetables, Y/N?", Katherine asked and handed you the bowl and the different ingredients.
Danny was responsible for the dishes and they looked really amazing. He even let you try a single bite of it. Delicious.
Katherine turned towards you. "Do you know when Jackie comes back?"
"She didn't tell me." Secretly you suspected that she would try to join the fiest as late as possible. That's just the way Jackie was. Acting strong and pretending everything was fine when really she was hurting.
The door flew open and Lee stormed inside. You had never seen him this angry and hurt before.
You jumped to your feet, almost dropping the little bowl of Vegetables. "Lee, what happened?"
Lee didn't answer. Instead he opened a bottle of wine, ready to get wasted.
You turned towards his brother who has just entered the room, looking just as unbothered as he did before. "Isaac, what's up with Lee? What happened?"
He turned around, glaring at you. "Don't act like you care. I know you don't."
His words hit you like a knife. You could feel the others staring at the two of you and your cheeks started burning. "What? Of course I care! How can you say that?"
"Okay" He raised his hands defensively but his expression said 'whatever'. "Guess you do care about Lee then."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Oh come on, you know that exactly! You played me like a toy and you couldn't have cared less about it!" He stormed out and you were so bewildered that you just stood there not knowing what to say.
It didn't help that everyone was staring at you, their faces asking clearly "What happened between you two?"
Avoiding to look at them, you ran out of the kitchen and up to your room. Why did he say that? You didn't play him, did you?
Nevertheless his words hurt you deeply, deeper than other people's words normally did. He seemed to hate you and you... you missed spending time with him. Did you have feelings for him?
You shook your head fiercly. When you moved here you had decided that it would be better not to rush in a relationship. Especially since you still struggled with the loss of your family. You needed friends, not some drama about boys.
~ ~ ~
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The great bonfire, the party everyone was waiting for.
Of course you also couldn't wait for it. A party! Amazing! Finally some distraction!
You got ready with your sister and your friends. It was hard talking to Jackie alone the past few days. Since she and Alex started dating, he was always around, barely giving you two some sister time.
Originally you had planned to spend the whole party with her and your friends but then Alex and Cole started making their usual drama about who gets to be with Jackie. Pretty annoyed you walked off - which Jackie didn't even notice.
Lost in thought you stood in front of the bonfire, staring into the flames.
"Y/N" Lee walked up to you, a worried expression on his face. "Are you okay?"
You didn't want to ruin his evening so you forced a smile and tried to forget about Cole and Alex' drama for once.
You poked Lee in the cheek and grabbed his arm. "Yeah, I really like the party. You know... the partys in New York are totally different from here."
A soft smile escaped his lips. "What are they like? Tell me about it."
"Well..." How should you describe the feeling, the unique style, the atmosphere? To be honest the only comparism that hit you was: "They are just like Jackie."
Lee raised his eyebrow, looking confused but curious. "What do you mean 'like Jackie'?"
You shrugged. "They are perfect in every way. Glamorous even. Everyone is wearing beautiful dresses and drinking fancy cocktails with straws. They are talking about their dreams and their plans for the future. Most of the people I know have already figured it out." It often felt like you didn't belong there.
Lee watched you attentive.
"Most of the parties I went to were organized by students in order to get extra credits. They seemed like a ball for a princess." You couldn't help but laugh. "I prefered the clubs. Dancing like tomorrow didn't matter and like nobody was watching. I have only been there twice." As a minor it was hard to get in, but Lucy had always found a way.
Lee looked amused. "And now you're here, playing beer pong and standing around a huge bonfire. No cocktails, no glamour."
"Yes, it feels like two different worlds."
"Which one do you prefer?"
"Honestly? This one here. No need to be perfect, just having fun and being yourself."
He chuckled and you took a sip from your drink. "By the way...have you seen the others? I want to convice Jackie to play beer pong against me. That could be my one and only chance to be better than her." Also she needed distraction from the Alex and Cole drama.
You stood on your tiptoes, searching the crowd for familiar faces. You turned around and you saw them, right next to the fireplace. Your heart clenched.
Isaac and one of the cheerleaders. The girl looked amazing. Of course she did, all cheerleaders did.
Don't cry. Don't cry. Damn, you could feel the tears in your eyes.
Lee stroked your back comfortingly. Hell, you were angry.
So goddamn angry, but not at Isaac or the girl, you were angry at yourself. You've had your chance and you pushed him away. Guess you deserved this.
Isaac POV:
He laughed as the girl in front of him said something about the party last weekend. He didn't pay attention what it was, honestly he couldn't care less.
Every now and then he stole glances over his shoulder to make sure you had noticed him and were still watching. I mean, what was the purpose of making you jealous when you didn't see it?
Yes! You were close to tears! He couldn't help but feel happy about it. After all it meant that you liked him, didn't it?
Lee was standing right beside you, his arm around your shoulder. Isaac's smile froze.
"Hey, are you okay?", the girl asked him. He didn't even remember her name.
"Mh? Yeah, yeah I'm fine." When he looked in your direction the next time, you were gone. Panic started to rise within him. Had he gone too far? Was it a horrible plan?
"I'm sorry, I have to go", he told the cheerleader, not caring that he interrupted her. Well, her story wasn't very interesting anyway.
Without waiting for her response he hurried over to his brother, looking around if you were anywhere near him. "Bro, where is she?"
Lee nodded in the direction in which you had walked off. "She wanted to be alone. Guess your brillant plan backfired."
Damn, he was right. But still he didn't regret going through with it. At least he knew now that you liked him because what other reason could your reaction have? "Did you tell her?"
Lee was clearly offended by this question. "About your plan to make her jealous? No, I promised not to, remember? Damn, just go and talk to her! You act like a seven year old!"
Lee's words made Isaac's face burn with shame. He was right, wasn't he? He really acted like a little kid. Hoping he hadn't messed completely with you, he followed you.
Your POV:
You turned as you felt someone walking up beside you. Isaac. His pretty cheerleader was nowhere to be seen.
"Hey" You forced a smile, pretending that everything was fine. You were getting better at it lately.
Isaac looked at you, worried and maybe also a bit guilty. "Is everything okay? I saw how sad you looked when you walked away from Lee."
You shook your head, smiling. "Oh, it's fine." Damn, talking to him was harder than you thought. Why was he suddenly so nice to you? He has been ignoring you or glaring at you for days, maybe weeks, and now... he left this pretty girl in order to talk to you? That boy really was a mystery.
"Look, I'm fine, Isaac. Why don't you go and have fun talking to that cheerleader girl. She seemed to fancy you." You didn't mean to sound this annoyed and bitchy.
"But I would rather talk to you, Y/N", Isaac said and suddenly he looked even more guilty. His face burning bright red he rubbed the back of his head. "I just talked to her... to make you jealous."
What? You couldn't help but stare at him. Your heart did a somersault out of joy. The relief you felt... did that mean that you liked him?
Your silence seemed to make Isaac feel insecure. He lowered his head. "Sorry, that was a stupid idea... it's okay if you don't like me."
"No that's not..." you hurry to say, "I'm sorry for what happened that day in the loft and for the way I behaved afterwards. I should have apologised way earlier." You avoided looking at him and stared into the pitch black night instead. "I didn't want to get emotionally involved... it wasn't sure how long Jackie and I would stay here after all. It wouldn't be fair to start a relationship and then move away a few weeks later."
Isaac laughed and you looked at him bewildered. "What's so funny about that?"
"Well... everything. You say a relationship wouldn't be fair but what you did is even more unfair! You made me fall in love with you, you kissed me and then you ran away and acted like it didn't happen. Like it wasn't a big deal."
You didn't know what to say. He was right and you knew it. But that didn't matter now. He just confessed to you! Your heart felt like dancing in your chest.
"Why don't you give it a try, Y/N?" His voice was soft, almost sensitive. He took your hand, his thumb gently stroking the back of your hand.
You didn't know what to answer. Should you tell him that you were afraid your uncle would take you back to New York and that saying goodbye to him would be even harder? That you tried not to get too close because you were never good at showing your emotions? That you were afraid you would hurt him again because that's just the way you were?
A thought crossed your mind. Starting over new, that's what you had wanted when you came here. You wanted to leave the old Y/N and all her problems and insecurities behind and use the chance to become someone new. Maybe this also meant giving Isaac a shot. You liked him, so maybe you should stop running away. Maybe you should break your rules of not getting too close to someone while you were here.
You stepped closer and reached out your hand to touch his cheek. His eyes widened with joy. Slowly the two of you leaned forwards, your lips touching in a sweet and gentle kiss. He seemed restrained, almost fearing you would change your mind and pull away again. To prove to him that you wouldn't run away this time, you pulled him closer and intensified the kiss.
For a moment you forgot everything around you, you only concentrated on the feeling of his lips against yours and his warmth. When you slowly start to pull away, you couldn't stop smiling.
"We don't have to rush things. And I promise I won't show you off like a trophy in school." He chuckled, clearly thinking about the way Alex and Jackie acted - all touchy and totally embarrassing. It was so gross walking through the hallway and seeing them snogging in front of everyone.
"That's very good to know", you smiled back. Your decision was right, you could feel it deep inside you. Isaac Garcia was worth breaking your own rules.
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peppermintquartz · 2 months
Continuation of this
Buck checks himself out for the tenth time in the mirror. He knows he looks good, but maybe he doesn't look right for trivia night? Dark jeans, his favorite boots, teal sweater... Maybe the sweater is the wrong top. Pulling it off and tossing it on top of the pile that's already on his bed, he grabs his phone and calls his sister.
"Maddie, tell me what to wear on a date to impress Tommy's friends." He pauses briefly. "Indoors, bar, trivia night."
It takes three agonizing seconds before Maddie answers. "The gray crew neck, paired with the rust-colored leather jacket or the brown suede, it brings out your complexion, and I want daisies as a thank you when you come by next."
"Thank you, I love you, say hi to Chim and Jee."
"Use protection!" Maddie gets one in just before Buck hangs up. He rolls his eyes at his phone but grins anyway as he tucks a condom into his back pocket. He might get lucky. He chooses the suede.
Tommy picks him up and kisses him sweetly, like they're about to go on a date instead of meeting Tommy's friends who are totally going to judge the hell out of Buck if he screws up Trivia Night.
"You look so good, I'm tempted to ditch them and take you someplace nice," Tommy murmurs against Buck's mouth.
"And have them say I'm a figment of your imagination? Nope. Plus, I dressed up to impress them," says Buck, smiling, giddy from his boyfriend's - boyfriend! Buck is never getting over that word - praise. "Well, Maddie helped to dress me. Wait that came out wrong. I meant, she helped to choose what I should wear. Did you know that royalty and nobility had, like, specific staff who helped to choose what they wore? The women were ladies-in-waiting and they were usually nobility, but of a lower station, and sometimes they were also available as sex partners to the king or the duke or prince or whatever. It's pretty exploitative, when you think about it..."
Buck sees Tommy's fond expression and his words taper off. Shyly, he kisses Tommy again.
"I may have gone down a few too many rabbit holes," he admits.
"That's amazing. You're amazing." Tommy smiles, and starts the car.
Buck is introduced to the group. Melton works at Harbor also, and immediately regales Buck with a story of how Tommy pleaded with their captain to drop him off at the hospital and won the bargain with promising to detail the engines the next few shifts.
"You did that for me?" Buck asks. "You didn't have to- Babe, you'd just fought a beast of a fire, I would've understood if you couldn't make it."
Tommy ducks his head, as if embarrassed. "Well, I promised. And the welcome was worth it."
They share a look, remembering the kiss in the lobby.
"You two are so sappy," Melton declares. "Can't believe we used to think you were cool."
"He is cool! He flew a helicopter into a hurricane. And landed on an upside-down cruise ship."
"Yeah, yeah. I still can't believe you're keeping your job after that jaunt."
Fernando, a wiry man with a bald head and a thick, curly beard, is the geography and botany expert. Jill Tan is their science person, her petite form nearly dwarfed by the three firefighters but her laugh is loud and free. Buck likes her. Melton is their sports and world history guy, and Tommy apparently has military and machinery trivia locked down. Buck guesses he's here to round out the team with his list of animal facts and maybe some other random bits that he's picked up on his Wikipedia tours.
"Who's on pop culture?" he asks when Tommy goes to get their drinks.
"That'll be- hey, there she is," says Fernando, waving his hand at someone over Buck's shoulder.
"Sorry I'm late, I meant to be here before Tommy comes with his... Buck?"
Fernando sips on his margarita. "So you two know each other?"
"Uh, yes, Lucy used to work at the 118," Buck manages to reply without stuttering. "I didn't know... How are you?"
At least Lucy looks as stunned as Buck feels. "I'm good. I'm, uh, yeah. I'm good. Earning my place in Harbor."
"Hey Donato, you're here. You know Evan, right? Here you go, Evan. Don't give me that look, try it first and then tell me how much you hate it." Tommy slides back into his seat, boxing Buck in.
Buck takes a sip and wrinkles his nose thoughtfully. "I don't hate it."
Lucy takes the last empty chair. There's a smile on her face that signals something, but Buck doesn't know what she's planning.
"Didn't know you were the Evan Tommy's been going all swoony about," she says casually. "Now I know why he goes all glassy-eyed when he texts you."
"He goes glassy-eyed and swoony?" Buck is amused and almost... touched? by the idea of Tommy being unable to hide his affection.
Melton nods. "It's good I'm already married, because I'd wanna hit him otherwise for being so blissed out."
"You'd be blissed out too if you're regularly kissed by this guy," Lucy says with a crooked smirk. "I should know."
Jill cackles. "Oh no, you kissed Tommy's boyfriend?"
"I wasn't his boyfriend at the time!" Buck sputters, face turning red. "Also, I was kinda drunk. Never doing that again."
"You were someone's boyfriend at the time though," Lucy continues blithely. "But I'm cute and irresistible, so I get it. I definitely didn't know you're into guys too." She cocks her head and looks straight at Tommy, curious.
"He wasn't consciously aware of that attraction until he met me." Tommy drapes an arm over Buck's shoulders, the weight a welcome focal point for him. "I'm damn lucky I'm the one he decided on. And from now on, all his kisses are for me alone." He meets Lucy's eyes.
Papers and pencils are being passed around. Buck feels the tension ease, in the way that highlights that there was a bit of tension earlier.
"Ugh, gross," Lucy declares, grinning, and hops off to get her own drink.
Jill raises her glass to Buck in a toast. "To bisexuality and knowing yourself!"
"Yeah!" Buck toasts back.
Tommy kisses his cheek. "Let's kick some trivia ass."
edited on AO3
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
bestie im starting to feel like we aren’t getting buddie after the mess that was tonight’s episode… this just gives anti-eddie people more material to bash us with and it also means a bunch if buddie fans are about to jump ship bc eddie’s a cheater… i’m losing faith in tim minear this feels very character-death-y
Hi anon!
This episode in my eyes just killed whatever 5% of me that still wasn’t fully sure that Marisol would be written off and now I’m 100% that bitch edy is on her way out so small victories
This episode was neither here nor there on the buddie front but it did have the domestic scene obviously and also the potential for Eddie dealing with why he wants a mother for Chris so bad could be a great way to get buddie even if they’re going about it in a very odd and kinda🙃 way
As for it being character death or Eddie being a cheater it may just be because like I wanna go into psychology so I do tend to look at things from all perspectives and like empathise with more things that make others be like..no- but the way I see it grief makes people do fucked up shit, it doesn’t make it okay but it makes it understandable and worth noting, and he hasn’t slept with her yet (and I doubt he will) so right now it’s sorta a grey area between cheating and emotional cheating, like for me I would defend him so hard if people try to bash him for this (unless they do go a complete shit route but again Tim loves these characters sm I doubt he would ever do that) because he’s dealt with so much trauma and shit over the years that it’s understandable to be flawed and do shitty things occasionally and now he runs into this woman who’s the mirror image of his dead wife? No one can say how they’d react in that situation
Again I’m not saying I like this storyline or that cheating is okay if you’re traumatised but what I’m saying is that it’s pretty far from character death like hen cheated on Karen with her ex because they had history and it was complicated and she was in a weird place and people found a way to forgive her and look past that and buck kissed Lucy due to his underlying issues and we got past that and I think that if any circumstance makes emotional cheating understandable it’s seeing someone who’s the split image of your dead wife
Tim minear I still trust you but I am side eyeing you - like if you were driving a car rn and I was in the passenger seat, I wouldn’t hop out and call an Uber but my hand would be inching toward the Jesus handle because you’re scaring me sometimes
Thanks anon🫶
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roxannepolice · 11 months
hi!!! hows it goin i’m here to dump my thoughts about simm!master/lucy vs ten and martha cause i have MANY. also a disclaimer before i begin that i’m white and that likely does color my experience as a viewer compared to a BIPOC viewer. anyways: i’ll start with ten and martha because by sound of drums we’ve spent all season watching them and its that already established dynamic which i think lucy/saxon are meant to parallel in a way. you have ten very much still grieving rose and his entire planet, which makes him try and push away any new companions for a bit. but he’s still looking for - and i think needs, in a way - this kind of connection where he can depend on someone, and ideally they could depend on him. however. ten sucks at this second bit. for the entire season. so he’s in need of this connection despite not wanting any whatsoever, emotional intelligence completely out the window right now since he’s grieving x2, and martha unfortunately walks in right in the middle of this. so you get this dynamic really starting from i’d say the shakespeare code wherein martha is carrying a lot of the weight in their relationship. ten will entrust her with the most deeply personal shit (like his memories of gallifrey, his feelings on losing rose, even in 42 where he’s like "i’m scared i’m so scared" where he depends on martha for emotional support) and then when martha’s like hey can i get some support here or something ten’s like “uh sorry all out too busy being sad” i mean that's a bit exaggerated/summarized but thats the vibe they have. in the beginning he doesn't even admit she’s traveling with him! he’s all “just one trip” “just one more” and refuses to make a concrete decision that martha really needs him to make already. and despite this emotional unavailability shtick ten still relies on martha quite a bit! off the top of my head you have 42(martha freezing/unfreezing ten as he screams in pain), blink (they get sent back to the 1960s… and only martha gets a job???), and. human nature. wherein martha endures racial abuse alongside lesser shitty working conditions in order to ensure the doctor doesn't get his body possessed or something. and in the middle of it this human version of the doctor falls in love with another woman(after basically uh leading her on for the whole fucking season) (sure maybe unintentionally but that's not the point here) who. also was racist to her she's not even a nice person. and her only friend in this godawful place gets possessed. and human doctors a dick to her. and i think. i reflect on it and i come to the conclusion that ten very much does expect martha to just… do his job for him sometimes. handle all the dirty work like making sure human him doesn't get distracted or hurt or die. and still immediately after is like haha we are in 1960 now. i will not get a job what is that. why do you want me to “communicate” or “pull my weight” you’re traveling across space and time lol.
and the master and lucy are a darker extension of this dynamic that i actually haven't really seen people talk about much!! the master is very clear about why he married lucy, and there is no love/admiration/respect whatsoever in there. it is purely a means to an end - her family gets him influence, and she helps him carry out his plans. he gives nothing to lucy, only takes. which is in itself a mirror to ten & martha - the audience knows ten isn’t intending to be malicious in how he treats martha throughout the series, but when paralleled to lucy & the master i think you really get a sense of the harm this can cause down the line. what resentment this kind of dynamic can lead to. and ALL THE WHILE martha is walking the entire planet for a year to save all of humanity while ten hangs out aged 100 with his little tent & dog bowl & seething sorta-ex-husband-boyfriend-whatever. i mean he doesn't have the best time either but he also doesn't have to do that much and also is perhaps a bit too happy about not being the last time lord to fully grasp that hey, uh, humanity's in pretty dire straits right now. martha watches as the master turns earth into a living nightmare, slaughters millions of people on a whim, turns ten into a 900-year-old tweety bird, and tortures her family for a year, only for ten to go “guys dw i can fix him lol we’ll just live in the tardis for eternity together” as if she hadn't had to fight for that too. and ten is still shocked-pikachu-face when she goes “yeah no i’m leaving. i gotta get out.” and that is very much similar to lucy's moment in a way! where she sees the doctor forgiving(without really considering everybody else's opinion on the Past Year), martha's mom talked down from killing him, even Jack is talked down from his confusion at the whole idea, and i think in that moment she goes. okay. you guys can forgive. you guys can let him walk away having just taken, taken, taken everything without any repercussions. i meanwhile have this gun and two years of pent-up rage coursing through my veins. and both of these moments - martha leaving, lucy firing the gun - come at a shock to the doctor and the master. i mean you can see the master's little "oh" face when he gets shot. even if he plays it up like he expected it after i don't think he considered it before. and i think on a certain level neither really expected to be called out like this - ten because he’s got the emotional intelligence of a baseball bat, the master because he doesn’t think humans are capable of wiping their own asses - so in both of these moments in LoTL theyre like "wait i didn't know you could do that"
anyways tl;dr thats why i think lucy and the master are a darker parallel to the doctor and martha in their own way. which feeds into the rest of the finale where the master is just showing the natural extremes to who the doctor is - this is that toxic dependency taken to its natural worst possible place, where you treat someone as a tool rather than as a person. the master's generally a great foil to the doctor but the series 3 finale is just a fantastic example of it i think.
OMG, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts like this! And I love your thought process here so much.
First, absolutely, Martha is the case of right person, wrong time... which is probably what makes hers my favourite companion arc - as I like to put it she travelled through hell and pulled her Virgil (because yes, the Doctor absolutely always has this guide role that brings Virgil to mind, at least in companions' first episodes) to the Earthly Paradise in the process. There's a lot of debates going on about whether Ten was leading Martha on, because on the one hand - well, he's very clear he's not into her romantically, on the other - ok, bitch, you made it clear the kiss doesn't mean anything, but also you hit off with flirtatious winks and end showing off time travel while also casually showing off your Adam's apple. Yeah, a girl can make deductions. And you're right that this superficial frankness is mirrorred in Master's relation to Lucy - though if anything he's crrepily keen on playing a caring husband, what with the 100% performative hug he gives her while the Toclafane are hacking a journalist up. Though I suppose in his head this is what the Doctor does as well when they comfort their companions. And let's give it to Ten - when he said he's not going to let Martha *checks notes* fry in a small capsule in far space because of a sentient sun, he does bend head over tits and does as promised. But historically it has happened that the Doctor's reassurances were hollow (future, but kind of most painful in Twelve assuring Bill he's going to de-cybermanize her only to later admit yeah not really an option... considering Saxon was there to witness this, I wonder if he marked this in his Notebook (of Rassilon) of Spiting the Doctor).
Ten's handling of the chameleon arch is kind of pathetic, thanks for pointing that out! Like, ok - if the Family gets a whole Time Lord lifetime it is a genuine threat to the universe, but his attitude of oh I'm just going to spend three months as a human in a random timespace, what could possibly go wrong, and anyway, Martha will be there to clean up any mess? is a mess. I do like John Smith's romance with nurse Radfem, though, not in the sense of shipping them, but more of an appreciation of the concept: a classic victorian/edwardian romance, but when you look at it from the persective of a BIPOC servant... it kind of becomes apparent both parties are dickheads. This does tie back to the Master in a way, because I think... want to think... that by the time the Doctor went oh no, we're better than a tyrant maniac that spent a whole year destroying the planet and torturing everyone in the room specifically, so we're not going to execute him, I'm going to put him in my nice spaceship and we'll have nice cuddle movie evenings instead, she was already hardened by the fact that he put her in an (unintentionally) tailor made emotional torture room for three months only to later reveal oh yeah, I could absolutely have handled them all along. Is just higher moral ground, innit?
I guess as all best foils do, the clue lies in the diffrences, though, right? Both Martha and Lucy end up deeply disillusioned with their respective semi-immortal twinks from space, but in one case there is still a disillusioned friendship (Ten's surprised Pikachu face, excellent comparion) and in the other there's only hate - and for good reasons! And where the Doctor grows to really respect Martha (and I wouldn't say he started off dismissive, I mean he is impressed when she tells him oh no mister, a doctor isn't something you just are, you have to earn the title) and is not just saddened but... humbled?... by her leaving, the Master shows up in EoT and is like Hey, my widow, did you miss me, hope you haven't remarried, that would be awkward to explain in the registry office :D!
*sigh* I suppose this is why tensimm is so special to me. It's 20 seasons of foil dynamic condensed into 5 hours. It really shows how thin the difference between the Doctor and the Master is. And how in the right circumstances, including the loss of the handy mirror villain to show how things can go wrong, a madman with a box can turn into an eldritch horror deciding the future of the universe. So, again, thank you so much for poining out yet another excellent parallel!
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persephone11110 · 1 year
Mother I’d Like To….
Jake Seresin x Bradshaw Wife Reader
Warnings: grey hair, aging insecurity, age gap(reader:45 J:34), Jake“I Love My Wife” Seresin, stepdad j.s, unnamed douchy ex/husband, religious word is used once-blasphemy, sprinkle of curse words, slighty smutty end
Summary: She embraced her grey hair with ease never seeing a problem with it until one night a young mean woman words come crashing into her head.
“One man's loss is another man's gain”.
ofc:Lucie Bradshaw-Seresin, other oc: Leo Bradshaw-Seresin,
pretend goose was born in 59 and the b4 he met carole he had a kid in 77 and then met carole and had bradley in 80. Also there’s kid name in their bcus Lucie has a son from her previous marriage and his name is hyphenated just like his mother. idc idc reader is an admiral while jakes still a lieutenant idk how idky. There’s five admiral’s instead of four.
AN: plz i don’t why the title is that don’t ask me, im dealing with insomia rn. I was gonna do B.Bx Reader. But decided against it. an old draft that took forever to finish. Should I make this into a small series?
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“Awe, I think its nice your younger brother is here with you celebrating your 54th birthday”, the younger waitress drops the cake down infront of her.“Give him my number please”. (sn: waitress purposely switched the bday # around)
Lucie was beyond tired— not because she had get up for work the next morning, but because she’s sick and tired of being mistakened for her husbands sister. Jake Seresin is a blonde man, while Lucie Bradshaw-Seresin still had streaks of her brunette hair left. She couldn’t help but think about what that waitress said a couple of nights ago.
Look normally comments don’t bother her, being a mother and a woman in the navy she’s built a pretty thick shield around herself, Lucie always throws a fake smile on her face and pushes it to the back of her mind. But she’s cant help but realize the wrinkles that have made her face their new home or how her bones cracked when she went on her morning and evening run.
She’s getting old— what’s new?, You can only handle being mistakened as your husband’s sister for so long before your self-confidence sinks into hell. Lucie Seresin is always been known for impulsiveness, she’s proved it too many times to count. There’s a reason why the navy calls her Falcon.
An example is allowing that jackass to walk all over her.
She was standing infront of the bathroom mirror alongside her was a box of brown hair dye on the counter. While Lucie there she spends sometimes looking at herself, picking and prodding at her sagging skin.
Surprisingly. Only because she’s afraid of what Jake will think if her hair is re-dyed.
No matter how many times she dyes her hair, she still be old. “Hey Jake where’s your old lady at?”.
Lucie talked him up. She recognized that cologne from anywhere, Lucie straightens up and throws a fake smile on her face and greets her husband.“Hello Lieutenant Commander?”.
“I hate that dumb fuck so much”. Jake says, he has one hand on his hip and the other hand is carding through Lucie’s hair. “I swear Lucie the next time him and I—”.
Lucie could see Jake visibly stiffen, she could feel his confusion.“My Love is there is a box of hair dye behind you?”
“Mr. I See All”.
Shit…that— Lucie herself stiffens at the mention of the hair dye, suddenly finds herself combing through various insecurities in her head. Was she right— did Jake also hate her grey hair?, did he want her to keep the grey?
“Options”, Lucie lies with a smile on her face.“Just wanted to have just in case”.
Her husband green eyes zeroed in on her, but luckily he drops it.“okay darlin”. Maybe she should dye it, Jake doesn’t deserve someone like her on his arm.
“I know my opinion wasn’t asked for, but I love your grey hair”. You gotta be fucking kidding me. Wait a minute—
“Of course, darlin—how could I not?”
Thank god, that means Lucie doesn’t have use her hair dye— also means that she just wasted 15 dollars.
“Wow”, she doesn’t mean for that slip— but then again maybe this conversation is something they need have. She’s getting it over with.
“What Lucie?”Jake so gentle with her— he’s not getting angry by the minute. Lucie bites her lower lips in attempts to calm herself down. Great…now shes crying.
“Sugar, I’m so sorry I made you doubt yourself”, She hates whenever his eyes get so damn puppy like. He’s used it so many times to get out of trouble with her. EX:Between me and you darlin I purposefully pushed to mach 10”.
“It’s….It’s not your fault—”, Lucie starts again, her ex-husband words echoing in her ear.“Ducky, Ducky—me and you both your not pretty anymore”.
Jake’s fingers are underneath her chin, her eyes are rimming with tears.“Yes it is— I should’ve made sure my wife knew how much I was in love with her”. His arms wrapped around her waist— his fingers interlocked together. Never letting her go.
“I looked so much better in my prime Jake— I looked so good twenty years ago”. Lucie spits out her mouth-as if she just tasted something distasteful.
“Blasphemy” Jake’s shaking his head, and pulls from Lucie him— having the need to make sure his hardheaded wife listens to him.
“Jake—”. A strong hands strokes her face, dissuading Lucie from saying more hurtful words.
“Lucie, Lucie—darlin I know you outrank me by alot but listen to me right now”. He standing infront of her with a slight frown on his face. “I love every physical & emotional trait about you from your grey hair to the stretch marks from carrying our son to how you switch between Lucie to Admiral Seresin or how you always smile when you see a bird in the air”.
God her husband could’ve been a poet. She practically throws herself into Jake arms— clinging onto him for dear life. “You mean that Jake?”.
“Of course I mean that darlin, I’ll love you till the day I die”. She hates when Jake pulls her out of his arms again. “Darlin the dye must go”.
He walks over to the bathroom counter—“Would you like to do the honors Lucie?”
“Sure Lieutenant”, She replied with a small smile on her face, Lucie picked up the hair dye box and without hesitation threw it away.
“Need make sure you understand how much I love you twenty years later”, Jake stands behind her.
“Come show me Seresin”, he has his hands tightly wrapped around waist.
“I will Seresin”.
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heartfiliaccc · 2 days
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 10: thoughts + opinions
Uneasy Erza omake
I'm totally not shocked that Juvia has practiced kissing in front of the mirror at some point in time (she has to perfect it for her beloved Gray, am I right?)
but she's so adorable regardless
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Gray's facial expression tells me this isn't the first time he's seen her doing it
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Juvia the secret Jerza shipper ⚔️✨
J: ''Before I leave, I would like to encourage you to do some training of your own.'' E: ''Y-yeah, I'm okay, I think...'' J: ''Your kissing has to be up to snuff, or else Jellal will be displeased!''
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I love how Erza is trying not to think about Juvia's words and is also trying to convince herself she's not bothered by that, although you can tell she's clearly disappointed she and Jellal aren't a thing yet (I know they aren't technically a canon couple, but they are canon to me because it's so obvious they have feelings for each other and have so much history together compared to the other big 3 ships) + I love how she starts practicing kissing as well lmao
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Tattered Gajeel omake
aww, I love how Gajeel's been taking on more jobs because he and Levy are expecting a baby😭❤️
they look so cute snuggled up against each other + Levy's hand on her baby bump
Lily being a part of their little family, awww
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Lucy's Leo x Virgo Star Dress Mix is soooo pretty😭😭😭
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I love Lisanna's reaction to the Star Dress Mix lmao
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wow, Lisanna getting one-shotted? geez, what a surprise🙄
Mira still standing isn't a shocker considering the fact that SHE'S A S-CLASS MAGE, but Elfman still standing did suprise me though
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E: ''Why did you strip?'' J: ''Because you're here. Enjoy it.'' 😏😏😏 E: ''Wow, he's completely out of his mind! I've got to take him down before this goes any further.''
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Gray vs. Thunder Legion rematch?
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I LOVE JEALOUS JUVIA! // ''Has she touched him with the bare skin of her feet?''
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nice logic Fried: turning into a demon when you're going against a devil slayer?
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is this the same Thunder Legion that kicked ass during the Battle of Fairy Tail arc? welp, they pretty much all got their asses handed to them by Gray lmao
the whole ''stop it, he's already dead'' meme but Fairy Tail edition
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they way Gray used Evergreen's and Bickslow's powers to beat them was really hilarious and smart!
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aww, I love how Gajeel didn't want to lose yet another battle to Natsu and how upset he was over the fact that Levy joined the battle despite being pregnant; I also can't believe Natsu aimed for LEVY'S STOMACH, but as much as he can be dumb as fuck sometimes, I'm so glad he was hesitant about attacking her in the end
''Because no matter what happens, you are my number one.'' 🖤🧡
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J: ''I almost forgot how strong you are.'' E: ''Stop, you're too close!'' J: ''I'm just trying to get a better look. Who could blame me?''
goofy goobers
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sillies #2 🫶🏻
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''Woah, looks like I'm interrupting something.'' // WELL LAXUS, YOU MOST CERTAINLY ARE
Wraith's one hell of a weird dude, idc
As much as I really looked forward to all the Jerza moments getting dubbed, this episode wasn't the best one to watch, mostly because of Jellal's VA change (I hope to gods this is just temporary, because no one can do Jellal's voice like Robert McCollum, period).
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sourb0i · 3 months
What a cool way to use a colour prompt!! I'm giving you number 1, with the prompt "evening" and if you feel like it (but totally don't have to if it's not up your alley) I'd love to see some Dracula stuff :)
I really liked Dracula! I usually keep up with Dracula Daily, although I've fallen off the wagon a bit this year. Also, the wordcount for this got a bit away from me lol.:
It was evening. The sun stretched deep purple fingers out from behind the mountains in one last, desperate attempt at daylight. A lone figure stumbled through the woods, wild-eyed and weary. His hands were raw and covered in cuts, the nails ripped ragged. It felt like Jonathan had been walking for days, but the castle still loomed high in the cliffs behind him. He pressed on. Occasionally he raised his fingers to the thin, rectangular shape tucked away in the pocket over his heart. He couldn’t expect to survive, not out here, not alone, not with those monsters no doubt close on his scent. But at least he would not disappear. Mina would know what happened to him. Even if she didn’t believe it, she would know. 
It was evening. Mina caressed the petals of the rose Jonathan had bought her before he left. She’d dried and pressed it, and its once soft, lush petals were now dry as parchment. The deep red hue had faded to a dusky wine which made her blush nearly the same colour whenever she thought of the man who’d given it to her. She’d received a letter from him just that morning, saying he’d left the castle where he was staying and was nearly halfway home already. Her heart should have leaped for joy at the news. Instead, it sank with an uneasy dread. The letter was in Jonathan’s handwriting, but they were not his words. In all her time knowing him, Mina had never known him to be terse or sharp, at least not to her. There was nothing in his letter to raise her suspicion, and yet she couldn’t help feeling certain that something was wrong. Perhaps Lucy was right; Mina was working herself too hard, allowing her emotions to get the better of her. A holiday on the coast might be just the thing to refresh her spirits. Pressing her rose back into its hiding place in her bible, Mina pulled out a fresh piece of paper and penned her acceptance to Lucy’s invitation, and the sooner the better.
It was evening. The best time to catch flies, the best flies, the fattest flies. Fat flies made fat spiders. Renfield eagerly watched the windowsill, waiting for an unsuspecting victim. He’d saved some of his food to spread on the stone, which was sticky with the viscera of his previous meals. Renfield licked his fingers, salty and warm, as he waited. It was all a game of patience. Beyond, the late sun darked the smokey London sky into a dreary brown. It was rare to catch a glimpse of the real sun, the real sky. Sometimes Renfield forgot what colour it really was. It seemed like it had always been brown, or grey, or black. Those were the colours of life, of thousands of lives packed together like wriggling, writhing sardines. So much life, untouchable from his window. Renfield had to make do with flies and spiders, until his Master came to free him. His Master, who was perhaps the only truly living thing in the world. He alone had mastered the consumption of life. But Renfield could learn. He, too, could consume life, and perhaps live forever as his Master did. He just had to be patient.
It was evening. Lucy sat before her mirror, absently brushing her hair. Just this morning, her mother had said she was looking a little pale, and perhaps a trip to the seaside might be in order. Lucy paused brushing to ghost her thumb over her cheek. It was light, and plump, and a fine pink like a springtime peach. Anything less would not do for Arthur. It wasn’t as though Lucy had ever expected him to court anyone else, but still she felt she must present her best for him. Her dear Arthur, who she would marry soon. The idea still felt like a dream, that might be snatched from her upon waking at any moment. But no, the dream was real, and she would hold tight to it with both hands. Soon enough she would have her Arthur, and Mina would have her Jonathan, and they could all live happily together as the closest of friends. In truth, there was hardly anything more that Lucy could ask for.
Here's a link to the original prompt, if anyone else wants to send one in!
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lucawrites11 · 4 months
Hi!! Hope you’re doing well!! I was just thinking, and does Evie at any point when she’s older think about just how young all the women who played a role mother in her life were? Lucy’s sister was a literal teenager. Then, if I’m not mistaken, Lucy was around 24 when she got her. In her case, it was her niece, so of course she had a choice, but kinda not so much.
But in Keira and Ona’s case, they chose to be with someone who had a child (in Ona’s case not even a baby, but a child) and, in different capacities, they chose to take care of said child, not doing the bare minimum, but going beyond the basic needs, and thinking about her wants and loving her.
I don’t know, I was just thinking about that.
lucy's sister was a teenager and when evie turns 16 and is really starting her career she has a moment. she goes to the box that lucy gave her because she's thinking about whether her mum would be proud of her and she rereads everything and realises she is the same age as her mum when she had her and has this huge moment of wtf lucy finds her looking at herself in the mirror and a photo of her mum holding her and having a moment about how similar they look
it also triggers evie to ask someone questions lucy had been avoiding. she's like if i were in that situation right now, i'd want my mums. why was she with you? and lucy has to explain the reactions and running away and also how izzy did forgive evie's grandparents in the end. it really changes her way of looking at the world quite a bit and she has a bit of an identity crisis over not feeling adult at all, like anytime she does something 'child' or 'adult' she has crisis about how she should be doing it
eventually laura sits her down and tells her no one ever really feels like an adult and evie starts to feel a little better but she also has a newfound appreciation for her parents because how are they so good at adulting
it also triggers asking lucy why she took her and instead of the glossed over kids version, lucy gave her the truth about already living with her and loving her and what izzy wanted. evie asks a question about if she was scared or whether it was what she planned and lucy is like "sometimes the best things in life are surprises, you were like a little surprise present" and evie shoves her like "ew you're being too cheesy" (because she's still a teenager) and lucy tackles her into a hug
she then asks keira the same about becoming her mum and keira tells her she knew that she was coming and she fought hard to be her mum. evie is relentless though (it's a long couple of weeks in the respective bronze and walsh households) and is like but you dated my mum knowing she had me why because a kid is a lot of responsibility and adulting and keira was still young. keira tells evie that she didn't know how serious her relationship with lucy would get but when she fell in love with lucy, she also fell in love with her and after that there was no turning back. keira knew it was always a possibility and she was okay with it happening. ona and laura say similar things and evie is like having a huge realisation (and minor crisis) about how many people love her
she has a few more moments like that in her life. she has a lot of people who love her. it mainly comes in the big moments when she has to think about who to thank or who to credit in speeches or a big success when she sees them in the crowd or when she goes through a break up and realises how much her mums shielded her from when she was younger in their break up but also begins to respect them because she doesn't know how to ever talk to her ex again let alone coparent with her and see her with her new girlfriends (that first wlw break up hit HARD - keira, lucy, ona and laura had to have a crisis meeting about how to help evie)
(and also in writing this i changed my mind about something in evie's future and i think people will like it)
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babycharmander · 1 year
Cali or Lucy for the headcanon meme
[insert "Why Not Both?" gif here]
Caligosto Loboto
Headcanon A (realistic): While he's a "changed man" he still struggles with his morals a lot. As much as Raz helped him, no-one's going to change completely overnight, and so he still struggles with old, bad habits and generally still being mean. Even when he genuinely tries to do something good, he might not know the best way of doing it.
Headcanon B (hilarious): He is an absolute fashion disaster. He wears what is comfortable without any regard whatsoever for what actually looks good. He does prefer his lab coat, but if he has to wear anything else he'll just throw on the ugliest bullcrap that is comfortable. He's perfectly happy wearing skirts and dresses as they have a similar feeling to his lab coat. (He used to dress fairly reasonably, but after being admitted to Thorney Towers and having to wear uncomfortable things like strait jackets, he threw all sense of fashion out the window. Is it comfortable? GOOD ENOUGH.)
Headcanon C (ANGST): Post-Rhombus of Ruin, he feels terribly, terribly conflicted about his showercap. It provides him some amount of protection from psychic powers and it was a gift from his mother! But... after coming to terms with what his parents did to him, he hates thinking about the fact that his showercap is associated with his mother. It's a reminder of what he went through, of how terrible his parents were, of his mother who did not care if he died or not. But at the same time, without the showercap, he feels vulnerable. His scalp is riddled with scars. He doesn't like seeing it in the mirror. But when he sees himself in the mirror with the showercap... It's very emotionally complicated for him, but after a long while he ultimately decides to wear it in spite of his mother. Maybe he modifies it slightly more to make it something more his own, or adding more patches to it, but whether he changes it or not, he does keep it.
Headcanon D (probably doesn't 100% fit canon but I dON'T CARE): I know Tim said that Loboto doesn't actually know a lot about teeth, but... I kinda just like to think more that he does, it's just he learned it all on his own since he never got a formal degree or license, so his methods are a bit nonstandard. And also that he just got way more deranged after becoming a patient at Thorney Towers because screw everything if they're gonna take away his (fake) license no matter what he does then he might as well do whatever he wants, and pulling teeth is pretty fun...
Lucrecia Mux
Headcanon A (realistic): While obviously she was close to all the Psychic 7, I like to think she bonded with Cassie a lot. Going from Raz's interactions with the mental figure of Lucy in Cassie's mind, Cassie just seemed... very confused and hurt by what Lucy had become, and saw her has "the nicest person" during her time in the Gulch. Yes, Cassie was mad at the hydraulic mining thing and also saw Lucy as being "too busy making goo-goo eyes at Ford" but I kinda feel like the latter was a lot of retrospect, still sorta projecting her present hurt onto the past. People are complicated, of course. Regardless, I think Lucy and Cassie both connected over a lot of things, one being that they were both women who had to flee their home countries for different reasons. No one else in the Psychic 7 had that experience, so it was something  they both understood each other about.
Headcanon B (hilarious): She is an absolute Agent of Chaos and gets a kick out of shocking people by saying wild things. Sometimes those things are true, sometimes they're blatant lies, but sometimes the truths are so wild and the lies are so mundane that no one really knows what's true and what's not. Was she telling the truth about the Wet Wanda thing? Goodness knows. This also extends to just loving to see Ford get flustered over things.
Headcanon C (ANGST): She did not immediately go from being Maligula to thinking she was Marona. When Ford first locked away Maligula, he "had [his] Lucy back," which I take to mean that for a moment after that, she was herself again. And she saw herself in the safety of Green Needle Gulch with Ford in front of her, and sank into his arms, crying with relief and then saying something to the effect of "Oh Crully, I just had the worst nightmare..." And Ford just... looked at her, horrified and distressed, and realization hit her and she grabbed him by the shoulders, begging him to tell her that she didn't kill her sister, even if everything else had happened, please tell her she didn't kill her sister. Marona is still alive, right? Right? She didn't kill her sister, right? And... he couldn't say anything, and it hit her all over again what she'd done, and it started to storm, and Maligula nearly broke free all over again. Ford, in desperation, told her his terrible plan, and Lucy, too grief-wrecked to think clearly, agreed to it. Anything to forget, anything to keep it from happening again.
... Can you tell this is a scene I've mulled over in my head a lot.
Headcanon D (probably doesn't 100% fit canon but I dON'T CARE): Okay honestly there's not much I can think of with Lucy that would be contradict canon, I don't think? Other than I do not hold to the 20 years thing, and see it as closer to 30 years, but even with that, it's not hard to read canon in a way that makes sense. Like, with folks saying "20 years" as a very rounded figure. But that's the closest I can think of for that one, really.
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motownfiction · 6 months
as good as you'll get
Sadie feels insecure when she looks in the mirror, too.
She almost feels like she can’t talk about it. No, she definitely feels like she can’t talk about it. Lucy spends so much vulnerable time talking about all the things she doesn’t like about her body (not tall enough for massive boobs, not born to be willowy, teeth that stick out just a tad too far in her mouth). Sadie never gets to say any of the same things.
Because none of the same things apply. Sadie is five-foot-ten, tall enough to be a model in some circles. Lucy thinks that makes her beautiful, enviable, all these pretty words that Sadie wishes she was worthy of. It’s nice, sometimes, to be five-foot-ten. But it also means she’s taller than Daniel – noticeably taller than Daniel – and she’s never been sure of what to do with that.
And she is willowy. She was born that way. Naturally thin and spindly, a little like a flower, or so she tells herself when she wants to feel pretty. But it doesn’t matter. Because she’ll never have the curves that Lucy has, the look of a Marilyn, the thing that makes timeless pin-ups what they are. She’ll just be a ruler, blowing in the wind, not even in a cool, folksy, Dylan way.
Her teeth are straight, too. She never had braces. Just born with a perfect bite. All the Doyle kids were. They get it from their mother, who has never believed she’s anything but beautiful. Not a day in her life. But boys always compliment Lucy on her smile when she’s brave enough to really share it. They like her overbite. It makes her surprisingly cute for a bitch. At least, that’s what Nick Crosby said once, when Sadie wasn’t supposed to hear. Never mind that he was Sadie’s first kiss two years ago. Never mind that at all.
It doesn’t matter if Sadie’s looks are enviable to Lucy. It doesn’t matter if people call her beautiful, too. Sadie is sixteen years old, and when she sees herself, she sees nothing but a mistake. If only she’d inherited her mother’s unearned confidence. Then maybe she wouldn’t spend all morning in front of a mirror, picking herself apart like a bad poem.
This morning, she shakes her head at herself. She has a few hairs on top of her head that simply will not lay flat. Mom calls them baby hairs. Sadie thinks she’d rather die than have baby hairs at the age of sixteen. Is that who she is? Is she a baby forever? She sighs. She doesn’t have time for all these questions.
“This is as good as you’ll get,” she whispers to herself.
It’s the cry of a million girls all at once, usually so low and so sinister that only they can hear it … and only when they’re alone.
Sadie knows that. But for now – just now – this one is about her.
(part of @nosebleedclub poetry month challenge -- day 1! i know i'm once again starting off behind, but i hope to keep up kind of well again)
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karouvas · 2 months
For the ship game: Aria/Alison and Aria/Alex Drake
Aria x Alison
Whether I ship it or not: I obviously do a lot! They’re one of my favorite pll pairings/dynamics. I’d say they’re my favorite Aria ship rn (sometimes Sparia ties with it depending on my mood) and in my top 2 Alison ships (with Monison).
Why I ship it or not: They’re just a very intriguing relationship, I love anytime pll creates a sort of homoerotic mirroring effect between the girls so things like Aria wearing the red coat, parallels between their home lives (their being groomed by Ezra, their home lives where one of their parents was unfaithful but even though that was Byron for the Montgomery’s and Jessica for the Dilaurentis’ the gendered dynamics in the marriage are similar imo, and both girls are kind of regarded as More Adult (the correlation between that and them being groomed Spencer is also a comparison there rather than Hanna and Emily who have comparatively more stable/supportive guardians but this isn’t about Sparia or Spalison I just had to mention it), and being kind of the vortex of controversy and attention (although those aren’t really positive) while their brothers are kind of sidelined. So in terms of that theirs a lot going on to dig into, and then Alison’s treatment of Aria in the flashbacks is very interesting because she treats her so much more like an equal than the other girls, I mean she does see Spencer as an equal in a way but that’s based on their rivalry and with an understanding that Alison wants the upper hand. With Aria she just seems like she wants her to be there in a way that’s .. simpler isn’t the right word. But I think Alison likes being reflected in Aria vs her conflicted feelings about being reflected in Spencer or Hanna and that’s interesting to me. I also think I enjoy when Aria’s forgiving nature and open mindedness is brought out in her dynamics with morally ambiguous women which I think is why aside from Spencer most of my ships I feel strongly about for her are with more morally duplicitous female chars, Alison Mona Jenna Alex in descending order tbh. (I also find Aria’s sharp edge / parts of her char that conflict with her “sweet/nice” image very interesting and those are also emphasized in these and by her finding Alison so compelling by). And all the liars visions of Alison are very interesting and more than a little gay, but Aria’s “you know why I picked you right” scene is especially ripe for analysis imo.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): Oh I think there’s quite a lot of canon basis for especially Alison’s side of it between the photographs she secretly took while Aria was sleeping, which when we think Jason took them were meant to assume is out of a warped sense of romance and then his words about Alison’s tendencies to hide things really sound like they’re about internalized biphobia and being in the closet, the cosplaying as an Aria look alike and then taking on aspects of an Aria persona with Ezra, a lot of her treatment of Aria being a lot more.. seeing her as an equal rather than a subject or rival. On Ali’s side it’s very easy to make the argument imo. On Aria’s side the relationship is super intriguing and I can read stuff romantically but in the way you can kind of read all the liars as at least a bit in love with Alison / they all kind of talk about her and imagine her in hallucinations in that way. In terms of chemistry I think theirs is good, it’s maybe not the most chemistry in any pairing between the girls like I think if you compared Sasha’s scenes with Janel or Troian with her scenes with Lucy she probably has a higher level of chemistry with the former two (but also that’s a bit unfair because Janel and Troian just have copious amounts of chemistry with like. Everyone (except Keenan in Troian’s case)). But there are plenty of scenes especially in the flashbacks (the first secret is crazy in this regard) where I’m like. Girlfriend behavior, maybe accompanied by close face watch (the scene where they wreck Byron’s office especially + all of the first secret especially).
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): Mostly that it’s massively underrated? Attribute that partially to I think a lot of fans are disdainful of Aria and don’t really think of her as a char Alison would be fascinated by or give a lot of thought to that, and Alison’s really polarizing as well, plus the fact the writers didn’t do much with the dynamic after Alison came back with the exception of 7.04. But I don’t remember a take about them I thought was *wrong* I just think they’re underrated/underexplored.
Aria x Alex
Whether I ship it or not: I ship it, not majorly because Alex as a concept isn’t super developed, but the things I like most about her are related to her fixation with Aria and the choices she made regarding her in 7b.
Why I ship it or not: I enjoy Aria’s whole 7b plot a lot and Alex is a contributing factor to it, and also like I said the Aria obsession piece made Alex more interesting to me and the Sparia compare/contrast is fun.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): well they don’t interact on screen a ton but Troian essentially plays Alex like Spencer but very British and more explicitly sapphic, “I’m so evil and skanky and I think I’m kind of gay”, so yeah I think they’re good on the chemistry front. And Alex Drake’s actions really only make sense if she was into Aria because why else would she kidnap Ezra of all people? Rather than idk, Peter Hastings? Too funny
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): n / a I haven’t seen that much and what I did see I mostly agreed with.
thank you!
(Send me a ship and I’ll answer these questions about them)
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ariannalitvin · 2 months
Things that might make some of my OCs mentally unstable cause I want to rant about my OCs
Hi, just a quick heads up, this post contains themes of SH, drvg abvse, SA, and lots of stuff like that so PLEASE do not read if you get triggered by that! I care about you, not me! Anyways lets get into this shit!
Starting off with my main OC, Arianna Wallen Litvin! (Yes that's her full name) (The Sea Beast OC) (I mean I guess her full name would be Arianna Rivera Wallen Litvin, but she hates her mom) -She has a tendency to protect. Like murder protect. She got it from being a hunter and watching so many of the people she befriended aboard the Inevitable die. -She tends to turn to substances and sex when she wants to feel anything more than grief and the nauseating feeling of sorrow that has followed her for years. -She hates her older siblings for being free. She absolutely wishes that it was them being forced to be perfect by their father, she also hates her father for the very same reason. -Part of her despises her wife for having a normal relationship with her father and mother -She has daddy issue. Okay? There I said it. -She finds her body literally repulsive cause it's riddled with scars and freckles. She literally hates a part of herself for being a hunter. -It's very rare that you see her actively harming herself. Normally it's just drugs. -She never really cries cause her mother would tell her that crying equalled weakness, and what child wants to be seen as weak by their mother? -this might also make her flat-out mentally ill but she's a high-functioning paranoid schizophrenic -Literally hates herself for letting herself get assaulted more then once (you can't tell her it's not her fault, she won't fucking listen we've tried someone please help her) Anyways, enough of Arianna, hate her, now it's time to introduce you to Lola Katelynn!!! My cuphead OC... Shhhh
-She used to be a raging alcoholic. Like it almost killed her typa shit. -She had horrible anxiety as a child, which caused her to develop paranoia at 15. -Lots of my OCs have mommy issues so, guess what??? She fucking hates her mom. -She tends to isolate herself from other people when she can't fucking take it anymore (me too girl) -There's honestly not a lot about this girl I can tell you, I don't really think of her that much but I can tell you that she punches holes in her walls, and her roommates HATE HER!!! There's literally close to nothing I can tell you about Lulu, Zhylas, and the other Zhylas. They're pretty mentally stable But FRANCESCA... Oh she's a different story. Her name is Francesca Wallen Aikawa, she's one of Arianna's daughters. (Yandere Simulator OC) -Her diet is terrible (as in she eats close to nothing) -Her Iron is horribly low and she drinks literally zero water, only Fruit Punch and Fruit Punch Rockstar -Her legs, below the knee cause she wears knee-high socks to school, are covered in bruises and scars, sometimes cuts. -She talks to herself, but doesn't everyone? -She tried to throw herself off the roof of her school, but SOMEONE (Aoi) pulled a Lucy Donato and fucking caught her through a window like fuck you bitch let me die!!!! -She's just like her mother with her need to protect people. -If you take something or someone away from her, she'll rip everything away from you, rather it be stealing someone you love, or murdering someone you love. -She's Irish (JOKE) -She has BPD and high-functioning depression. -She also fucking hate looking in the mirror
hope you enjoyed, bye!!! if you ask me I'll give you more info about the ocs mentioned in this post (●'◡'●)
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G'day mates, I promise I'm mentally stable
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jessmalia · 2 years
happy midnights release mal!!! in sibling order I think that maroon is a peter pevensie song, lavender haze is a susan pevensie song, anti-hero and would've should've could've are edmund pevensie songs, and you're on your own kid is a lucy pevensie song
Thank you for sending this ask!!! The #narniataylor agenda is one of my favourite things to talk about, and I love that you wanted to talk about Midnights and Narnia with me. I'm saying all this because I'm about to disagree with you a bit but I really don't wanna upset you or make you think this is anything more than a friendly discussion. I would actually love if you responded to this with your deeper thoughts behind your song to character assigning. 💜💜💜
I don't really think Anti Hero is an Edmund song, simply because he isn't an anti hero, by the actual literary term. Like with all character labels like these, there's some debate as to what exactly defines an anti hero, I for one do think that if the character has a redemption arc they're not an anti hero, which is why I'd exclude characters like Prince Zuko from that list, but I am aware that this isn't an official criteria. The Wikipedia article states that the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as a main character who lacks heroic qualities like idealism, courage and morality. Edmund possesses all these traits. He's not an anti hero because his mistakes, the things he needs to redeem, aren't really caused by an inherent character flaw of his. Edmund's problem is his coping mechanism. He's a child living in war who misses his father and feels left out by the rest of his family, which is what causes him to be so mean. He's just wants to be seen (x). And the movie even makes a point of how these same circumstances are making Peter and Susan act out too. They're all just children trying to deal with things the best they can but they end up hurting each other in the process, and in the end all of them get redemption from this simply by mending their relationships. As for the Jadis thing, that mistake doesn't really put Edmund in the anti hero category because he doesn't really know what he's doing. Edmund just wants to become an ice prince (and who wouldn't?), he doesn't know that he's joining a war on the side of a tyrant, and as soon as he realises that he wants out. He immediately regrets it, because he is a good person and death and destruction, especially of his loved ones, isn't what he wants. And if we move away a bit from the literary term anti hero, and just towards the song lyrics, "I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror" doesn't fit Edmund at all because the second he identifies his mistakes he does all he can to correct them. Edmund does nothing but stare in the mirror. Even just his self loathing speaks to this. He's so aware of himself! The only line I really see fitting him is the "Too big to hang out" part, because it speaks pretty well to how he feels left out in the beginning. Despite all this, though, I do think that this could be an Edmund song if you look at this from his perspective. I can imagine Edmund listening to Midnights and identifying with Anti Hero, because of his previously mentioned self loathing.
I've said before that I love comparing songs about abusive relationships with Jadis and Edmund and Would've Could've Should've really is the perfect example of that. I'll probably definitely gif it sometime. The lyric "But, Lord, you made me feel important" stands out to me a lot as very them, as that is exactly how Jadis manages to manipulate Edmund. Also "And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts Memories feel like weapons" because of how she keeps haunting him. I also like this as a Lucy and Aslan song, simply because I am very passionate about the fact that Aslan is to Lucy what Jadis is to Edmund. I don't think it fits as well, but I REALLY like the line "Give me back my girlhood it was mine first" in this context (but I also think it fits all the Pevensies relationship with Aslan).
Regarding Maroon, I don't really see it as a Peter specific song, I just think that the lyrics "And I wake with your memory over me That's a real fucking legacy to leave" is ALL the Pevensies with Aslan like It really fucking nails that. I do also see this as a song Peter would like listening to. Like I think it would be his favourite Midnights track.
The song that stands out to me as distinctly Peter is actually Labyrinth. I mean "You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back Just like that" is SOOO Peter in Prince Caspian (I'm talking movies here obviously because they're better). The whole thing is veeeery aftermath of getting tossed out of Narnia but it feels especially Peter to me since he's the only one stuck in the hurt of it all "It only hurts this much right now Was what I was thinking the whole time Breathe in, breathe through Breathe deep, breathe out I'll be getting over you my whole life". Susan is insisting that they accept that they live in London now and that they should adapt, Lucy keeps her faith and is convinced they will return and that everything will turn out fine, and Edmund is just there as a silent support for Peter, not really speaking about it much. Peter is the one who's lost in the labyrinth of his mind and who's constantly breaking up, breaking free, breaking through, breaking down. And the "I thought the plane was going down How'd you turn it right around" part works with how with the support from his siblings, especially Lucy's, Peter manages to turn the situation around, take back Narnia and feel better about leaving. I think the "Oh no, I'm falling in love again" part can be interpreted two different ways. Firstly, that Peter is falling in love with Narnia all over again when he returns but knowing he has to leave again. Secondly, if you're on that Caspeter agenda like I am, it could be him falling in love with Caspian and not knowing how to handle it so he pushes him away and argues with him. Generally, I just really love this as a Peter song.
With You're On Your Own, Kid, it's the song I personally identify with the most, and since Edmund is my personal projection pillow, I'm inclined to assign it to him, but I see where you're coming from with Lucy. I don't think it's perfect for her, but it does kinda go with the same theme as this Lucy gifset I made. Just... what the movie!VDT arc should've been. I think it applies somewhat to both Edmund and Lucy with the "They're the oldest and we're the youngest... we don't matter as much" angle.
At first I didn't really see what you meant with Lavender Haze being a Susan song, but I reread the lyrics and now I totally agree! I like that a lot actually. I think it covers her arc in LWW pretty well. I sent an ask all about Susan to @clarasamelia a while ago where I partly got into my view on that arc. She hasn't answered it yet and I'm too tired to reexplain it now but I can send it to you when she does if you want. Short version is it's Susan abandoning her quest to be "adult" about things and getting swept into Narnian culture and thinking. In this context, the "lavender haze" being the Golden Age.
I also wanna add that I think The Great War works really well as a Pevensie sibling song. It’s about what I alluded to earlier, WWII tearing the family apart and Narnia giving them the chance to grow and mend their relationship. I think it fits Peter and Edmund the best (x), but it really works for all of them. 
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englishstrawbie · 2 years
#kacytober: OCT21. midnights
Lucy arrives home just before the clock strikes twelve, creeping into their apartment on the tips of her toes so that her heavy boots don’t make too much noise. She had warned Kate that she would be home late, since the team were caught up investigating a triple homicide, and she had expected to find the apartment dark and her girlfriend fast asleep in bed.
Instead, she finds the room warmly lit by the lamps and the folding doors to the balcony still open, letting in the cool night breeze after another hot summer’s day. She drops her bag quietly on to the floor and dumps her travel mug into the sink as she steps inside, a smile briefly crossing her lips as she spies Kate asleep on the couch. She lies on her side, her legs curled up and one hand resting under the pillow that cushions her head. Her mouth hangs open, her lips curled into a small smile, and a soft snore escapes from her every now and again.
She looks so peaceful that Lucy doesn’t want to disturb her, but it has been a long day and their murder case involves a Navy Officer, his wife and their twelve-year-old son. While every murder case is hard, the ones that involve kids are impossible to shake off until they find the perpetrator – and even once their job is done, it leaves a mark that lingers for a while. They are on day two of their investigation and have had no significant breakthroughs, which has left the whole team feeling angry and frustrated.
All Lucy wants is for Kate to wrap her arms around her and pull her close, to feel her warm breath on her cheek and smell the floral scent of her perfume as she showers her with kisses. It’s what she normally does when Lucy slips into bed next to her.
She perches on the edge of the couch and brushes the hair out of Kate’s eyes, coaxing her awake. Kate’s eyes open slowly, fluttering for a moment until her vision focuses.
“Hey,” she says sleepily.
“Hey,” Lucy says. “What you doin’ still up?”
“Waiting for you,” Kate says as she pushes herself up to sitting.
Lucy forgets sometimes that they have been living together for six months now and Kate knows her better than anyone else, knows what she is feeling on days like today, and knows what she needs when she gets home.
“Are you okay?”
Lucy shrugs, but she means no. She can’t get the image of the kid out of her head.
Kate opens her arms and Lucy falls into them, burying her face into the crook of her neck and slipping her hands around Kate’s waist, gripping the bottom of her shirt. She feels exhausted and craves the soft mattress and warm sheets of their bed, but also doesn’t want to move from Kate’s arms just yet. Kate’s body is warm and Lucy mirrors the slow rise and fall of her chest, her eyes starting to droop as she lets Kate’s embrace lull her into a slumber.
Kate can feel her falling asleep against her. “Let’s go to bed,” she murmurs. “It’s midnight, you need to sleep.”
“Can we just… stay here for a little longer?” Lucy says in a small voice. “Please?”
Getting ready for bed feels like too much effort right now. Even though she knows it is a bad idea, Kate doesn’t rush her. Instead, she carefully falls back into the couch, pulling Lucy with her. Lucy lifts her legs and slides them in between Kate’s, their bodies tangling together and finding a way to lie beside each other on the narrow cushions. Kate’s arms stay wrapped around her as Lucy finds a resting place for her head on her chest. She feels Kate’s soft lips lightly brushing her forehead, her hands gently rubbing her back.
“You’ll find them,” Kate says, offering her the reassurance she so desperately needs to hear. “You always do.”
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Final Rank. Let's Go. Also We Played More Of Fire Emblem Three Houses. Anyways.
Nothing Happened. Just Like We Still Haven't Transitioned. Isn't That Crazy? Make Us Transition. Now.
Tsunade Idk Orochimaru And Kabuto Are Super Gay Together. Tsunade And Shizune Feel Very Straight Tbh. They're Fire For Mirroring Them Though. But Tsunade As Kage She Too Didn't Get To Do Much. Btw Idk. Nothing. Just That We Could Rank Just A Few Male Characters Aswell... But They're Always So Bigoted And Evil...
We Could Rank Characters Based On Skin Aswell... This Will Make Things Even More Progressive... Anyways..
Boruto's Class Sucks They're Anime Filler Characters That Have 300 Episodes And Nothing Comes From Them. Sumire Is The Best One. Potential To Be Anything. But Will Never Reach Anything. She Can Be Far More Progressive Than Marrying Boruto How Things Will Likely End. Sarada She's Bland She's Just Sasuke Sakura And Karin Fused Into One. Wtf. This Is Insane.
Orihime Is Very Basic That Doesn't Make Sense Anything Else Than Marrying Ichigo. She Isn't The Worst. She's Better Than Uraraka Despite Doing Nothing.
I Don't Remember Much Else. Besides 2 Series. Btw Isabella Yamamoto Deserved Better Ai Yazawa Is A Transphobic All The Bigoted Things Bigot She's So Trans That Hurts Why Does She Look So Different This Is What Body Standards Do When There's A Trans Character 😔...
One Piece Woman Are Terrible!! Super Straight!! Designed To Be Straight!! The Entire Series Is!! Feels Completely 100% Super Straight!! They Even Have All Kinds Of Different Things!! That Are All Bigoted And Straight!! Fairy Tail Is So Much Better. So Much Better In Every Single Way So Much Lesbian Subtext And Much More Interesting Man. Very Rankable. Let's Go 🔥🔥...
Lucy Doesn't Do Shit Besides Scream Until The Final Arc. She Doesn't Do Anything But A One Big Fail. How Miserable. The Main Character Everyone 👏👏👏. A Spot That Was Quickly Stolen By Natsu. She's Nothing But A Narrator If Even That. Erza... She's Fire. One Of The Best Characters. A Few Fights She Had Weren't Good. Around The Tournament She Was Only Paired With Other Woman So They Wouldn't Kick Male Ass. Anxiety Gets In By That Point. And Elf Man Beats Someone That She Never Beat And Cana Just Was Used To Make Look Good. Not A Good Time For Fairy Tail Woman... Her Ending Was Fire And Her Mother Is So Good. I Love Her. She Died Right? Sucks. Didn't Deserve That. She Didn't Do Anything Besides Suffer. Green Woman I Don't Remember. Idk. She Was Pretty Strong Right And Redeemed Idk. Btw Erza's Arc With Jellal Is So Peak. Better Than Gray's Arc And The Only Arc Solely Focused On Her. I Just Remembered Kakegurui Exists Let's Go 🔥🔥. Anyways So Good Totally Peak Fairy Tail. The Later On Content Gets So Chaotic To Think About...
Ultear Merudy They're So Fucking Good They Should've Been Lesbian In The End They Were Until She Dies This Sucks So Bad They Even Set Up The Relationship So Well. This Only Happens Because The Creators Are All The Bigoted Things Abuser Bigot. They Kill The Lesbian For Being Too Progressive. Something That Never Happens To Jellal Despite Their Sins Being The Same. This Is Tied To The Waste That Was Ur. One Of The Few Woman Mentors One Of The Few Dead Characters. Atleast That Is Progressive How Gray Is Always Saved By Woman. But They All Die And Only Make Him Look Cooler As Result. And Sometimes He's With People Like His Father Making Them Irrelevant To Him. What Did They All Die For?
Minerva Was So Good Another Evil Lesbian Villain. I Love Her. I Love Her With Erza. Too Bad She's Straight And Minerva's Sexuality Becomes Irrelevant Quickly. While She's Paired With That Guy Like She's His Wife Yuck Could This Be... Straightwashing...?
Kagura Kisses Erza And Erza Is Straight This Was Established Already. The Lesbian Subtext Is Always Secondary To The Straight Content That Can't Be Gaywashed Or Could And That Would Be Epic. Everything Straight Should 100% Be Gaywashed That Would Be So Good.
Cana Was Cool Sure. Bisca Was Cool Sure. Mavis Wasn't She's One Of The Most Important Characters And Can't Even Fight Anyone. And Her Relationship With Zeref Was Unequal And Abusive Torwards Her Nothing Good About That. She Shouldn't Have Died With Him.
Btw Kimetsu No Yaiba Has Ass Woman I Just Remembered They Exist. Fuck All The Characters They're Complete Garbage.
Anyways Wendy Is Extremely Woke And Progressive. A Good Addition: But At The Same Time A Typical Replacement For Lucy. Something That Does Happen Quite Badly. Juvia... Is Too Simple. But Did Get Alot Of Cool Content.
Mirajane Lisanna They're Pretty Fire. I Kindoff Don't Remember How Well They Went. They Might've Stuffed Man In Everywhere In The End I Don't Remember... Eh...
Anyways Nezuko Is Fucking Shit She's Out Most Of The Time She's A Pet She Doesn't Speak Or Anything Like A Complex Human. She's Not Even Human. She's An Ultimate Waifu. If A Woman Made This She's A Shit Woman. Fullmetal Alchemist Is Even More Shit. Some Of The Shittest Woman Ever. They're Put In Sexist Roles On Purpose Roles More Sexist Than Woman Characters At The Time And Characters Worse Than In Hokuto Reinforcing Sexism And Queerphobia Of All Kinds.. Bigoted Garbage. Like Avatar The Last Airbender. Only A Bigot Would Praise Either. Factual. Meanwhile The Woman Hashira Can't Get Their Own Arcs They Both Need To Be Paired With A Man While Some Man Get Arcs Solely About Them. A Woman Can 100% Carry An Arc On Her Own Sexist Prick. Woman? Nonbinary? Irrelevant. A Typical Sexist Bigot.
Evangelion Looks Dumb Is Dumb Is Shit Overrated Bigoted Garbage. Terrible Characters. Everything Is About Shinji Shinji Shinji They Die Misogynistic Deaths Like Chainsaw Man Subverts Nothing Does Nothing New Nothing But The Same Misogny That Has Always Existed.
Zero Two + I Don't Remember But She Sure Is The Only Character With A Personality The Males Are Ass And She's Better With Hiro Both Better Than Bigot Waste Eva Extremely Overrated There And Extremely Overhated Here. Can't Believe You Would Hate This And Praise The Other. Only A Sexist Pig Would. Oink Oink My Capitalist Pal.
Except We Aren't Friends. You're Nasty And Evil.
Time For Best Meal. The Amazing Admirable Kakegurui...
Yumeko Jabami Is Deeply Amazing Deeply Good Very Feminist: Should've Been Very Much. Very Narcissist: Extremely Crazy. Should've Been More Progressive. Multiple Love Options. Unfortunately I Have No Faith For Any Woman. And Believe That Will Be Ryota She Is Still Very Straightwashable Despite Being A Lesbian... Midari Is Crazy. Very Insane. She Is A Psychopath. Not A Very Progressive Potrayal In Her Own Series Overall All The Crazy Is Just Like Copied From A Sanist Psychology Book. Yumeko Is A Psychopath Too Or Atleast A Sociopath. Very Epic. Too Bad This Is Often Erased By Most Abuser Waste. Or She Is Dehumanized As Bigots Disgusting Entertainment. Something I Expect This Site To Be Filled With In The Kakegurui Section. Kirari Deserves More. She Doesn't Do Anything Often To Be Mysterious. Is This A Remnant Of Sexism...? That Anime Only Gamble Was Nothing But An Addition Unpresent In The Manga... She Actually Doesn't Do Anything. Her Relationship With Sayaka Is Deeply Progressive And Interesting... All The Hate Is Only A Further Showcase Of This. Tbh We Can Probably Rank All Kinds Of Things Now.
Yumemite Sucked Ugh She Sucks. The Live Action Especially Was A Drag. Grghhgg... Gghhhhhgghh... That Nail Woman Sumire Or Something Idk Surigami Anyways She's Pretty Cool But Way Too Late That's Like She's Added In Quickly Because The Creator Just Then Decided She's Going To Be Important!! Shirogane? Idk... Itsugi Sumeragi...? Whatever. Btw There's So Much More To Rank I See. Good. Now.
Mary. Her 3 Characters. So Much Better In Structure. None Are A Mess Like The Original Main 4. No Self Insert Male. This Is So Good And So Much Better. Twin Is Such A Pay Off. They're Also Extremely Lesbian. The Straight Stuff Was Boring For That Reason Ew. And The Dog Woman Is Amazing Oh My God They Kept The Lesbian Subtext Between Sayaka And Kirari And Went With This More Lesbian New Thing Wtf... She Owns And Chokes People Woman They Serve Her Oh My God... She Literally Owns Them The Dog Is Absolutely Hilarious She Loves Her So Bad... Pretty Crazy. Kakegurui 100% Wins The Ranking Always Was Going To. We Didn't Remember At First But Ofcourse They Count. They're The Most Woke And Progressive Characters These Anime Have To Offer. Characters So Woke They Kick The Ass Of Most Shoujo And Series Like Nana Anytime. That's The Thing Hm? They're Called Shounen But There's Nothing Male About This. Only A Bigot Would Pretend Otherwise.
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