#but at the same time idk what happens once this is all over :(
myownprivatcidaho · 3 years
ok look but. man this is actually really sad alright. like i feel like im just now starting to like. sort of fit in at the acting studio and this is after TWO. YEARS. of being there. and then next school year im gonna transfer and i wont be there anymore. like nothings ever stayed the same for a long time in my life nothings been consistent long enough and once i feel comfortable enough to open up things fucking change and i miss people and then i change and they change and even if we see each other again everything's changed and nothing is the same. ive never had a consistent genuine friend in my life for more than one year. always always always its just when im about to get comfortable that things change and i have to move on. its been like this since i was a kid ive never been able to just have one thing that made me happy that was consistently going to be there no matter what. its all so unstable its like once the foundation settles its time for it to get torn up again for new foundation to get laid and im TIRED of this.
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lesbiancarat · 3 years
wait i just realized that when jeonghan and cheol have to enlist is the Exact same year as when nu'est has to enlist
#i knew it was going to be close but i didnt realize it was the Exact same year#i thought there was 94 liners in nuest but no apparently theyre all 95 liners except aron (whos american)#for anyone wondering 95 liners have to enlist by/at the end of 2022#i think this makes it even more likely that svt will have staggered enlistment#bc if svt enlisted all at once plds would literally only have josh jun and minghao (and nana) DHFKGJ#(bc ik someones gonna ask yes vernon has to enlist bc kr doesnt allow dual citizenship for adults so vn would have had to choose..#it doesnt make sense for vn to choose american citizenship so vn = kr citizen = has to enlist)#oh wait aron would be their too sorry dhfkfj#but pledis is also planning to debut a new group in 2022 and it might be good timing for them to focus on building the new group#ive talked about this before but personally i do prefer the idea of svt enlisting all at once bc its over quicker#+ we could have the potential to see Josh jun and hao promote as a subunit and/or do solo activities#(like jun actor... it would literally be the perfect opportunity 👀)#but honestly i think staggered enlistment is way more likely and probably is smarter from an overall marketing standpoint#bc u still have the majority of the group together at any given moment#but idk i love the idea of foreign line having like a hot girl summer for 2 years while the other members are away DNGKGJ#sorry ik enlistment makes a lot of people upset but i just think its interesting to think about#i guess partly bc i feel confident that svt are gonna get through enlistment whole#ik for a lot of groups enlistment marks the end of their careers for various reasons but i really dont see that happening for svt#like i will miss the members while theyre enlisted but it will also just be interesting to see what happens#djkfjf ok ill stop talking now#melia.txt
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risaonda · 3 years
firefox has such weird little glitches 4 me all the time and i have no idea how 2 even try 2 tackle them...rip
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one-winged-dreams · 3 years
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oflgtfol · 4 years
its so weird because like. the whole quarantine thing still doesnt feel real. i dont know how to describe it because like, holy shit this is the start of the fourth week of online classes, and in a way it is getting to be routine now, but it’s like. normal life feels so far away, like the fact i used to? walk around on campus? attend physical classes? talk to people other than my family with my voice? it doesnt feel real. and how my mom goes out to buy food and she comes back and tells me how literally everyone is wearing face masks now, and how i just saw someone walking in the street wearing a mask, how my brother needs a mask to go to work.. how a few days ago a car parade came down my block for all the local teachers to wave to the elementary school students, how theres no airplanes anymore, how i havent driven in weeks. how theres talk of the fall semester being online, and the spring classes im taking were already moved online, so there isnt an end in sight to this beyond the potential brief break in it over the summer before it likely comes back in the fall. how all my friends are nearby again but we cant see each other, and we have to do a zoom call for my friend’s birthday because we cant go to her house like we normally would. how i was going stir crazy for the first few weeks of this but now its my new normal and i can barely remember the Before. its just . right now is so weird and yet its also like, it doesnt feel any different from before because it doesnt feel real, period.
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toytulini · 5 years
Like why does it seem to just be the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over of some random youtuber ive never heard of, that i dont care about, that everyone idolized and celebrated, put on a pedestal, over and over,
woke points out the ass! Iconique! We stan, until we dont. Until we regret to inform you that the duck is racist. Maybe we stop idolizing the ducks as perfect. Maybe we just treat ducks like ducks, and it wont be so shocking and awful and unexpected (somehow) when the duck is racist, because its just another duck, it was never a fucking king
And this is so vague isnt it? But does it matter? Bc it just keeps happening, doesn't it? We can just keep copypasting this same shit, everytime another celeb fucks up, until, of course, its the one we stan, i guess.
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girasollake · 2 years
always her | s.h.
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
a/n: hi this is the first blurb thing i made and i hope you guys like it, im sorry for the mistakes (if there are any) because english is not my first language<3
summary: steve goes to the reader’s house and she can’t do this anymore, jealousy consumes her
warnings: some curse words, sad ending? idk
type: angst
requests are open<3
She sighed opening the door for him.
“You’re late.” she stated letting him into her house. Small droplets of water were falling down from his messy hair.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. It’s just that Nance needed my help wi..”
“Nance? Is she more important than your girlfriend now, huh?”
“No. (Y/n) just listen to me for once.”
“No Steve. I’m done listening to your bullshit. You are always late for our dates, meetings, shakes, everything. You are always late because of her! You two broke up months ago and since we started dating I’ve been feeling like you are still with her and not me! She’s always more important! But she wasn’t the one helping you this semester! I was! I was the one who was there for you when you needed me! The last few months I was always by your side supporting you! And you can’t do the same for me. “ she sighed, her lips trembling. “I thought that this behavior of yours, of being obsessed with Nancy fucking Wheeler would change over time.”.
(Y/n) laughed helplessly looking straight into her boyfriend’s eyes. He just stood there, his mouth slightly open, eyes filled with confusion.
“But I was wrong Steve, and stupid. This will never go away, because you don’t love me. You love her. And I feel like I was just a replacement. A stupid fucking toy you think you can use just because she is not interested in you anymore! She always needs your help but she’s never there for you! Haven’t you noticed that? Haven’t you noticed that she’s just using you and your good heart?!”
Tears were falling from her eyes, her lips swollen and her nose getting more red with each minute that passed.
“You’re overreacting. Did something happen? You know that I don’t like fighting with you (Y/n)”
Still confused he stepped closer to her. He wanted to hug her, to let her cry out all the emotions bubbling up inside her. She moved away from him.
“I want you to tell me the truth.”
“What truth?”
“You know what I mean Steve, don’t play dumb.”
He shook his head from side to side.
“Do you love her?” she asked him a simple question and yet, he hesitated.
An uncomfortable silence covered the whole room. The only sound being the rain, the creaks in her old home and their breaths. Mostly hers.
She chuckled and unclasping the necklace he had given to her two months before she threw it at him.
“Leave.” the anger could be felt in her voice.
Steve shivered and looked at the door. He wanted to say something but he couldn’t think of anything. He wanted to disagree with her, to tell her that he didn’t love Nancy, but it was too late. Before he left he threw one last glance at her and walked through the door. When he was outside she walked into the kitchen and grabbed her mother’s cigarettes. (Y/n) had quit smoking long ago but it felt as if this was the only thing that would keep her calm at that moment. She went out to the backyard and after she finished her cigarette she broke down crying, memories of Steve flooding her mind.
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genshinluvr · 2 years
Overprotective with a Hint of Jealousy
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You knew that the men are protective over you because many things happened to you while you were in Teyvat. Even though you knew they were all protective of you, you couldn't help but have an inkling feeling that a certain someone isn't as nearly as protective of you as they are with someone that no longer exists.
Note: This is just a series of unfortunate events that happens to you in the fic LMAO. I had to throw in some angst and jealousy in this fic because I've been in the mood for some angst lately. Although, this isn't technically considered angst. I have been in the mood for some angst or hurt/comfort kind of fics, so, if you see a lot of them being released, that's why. Also, thank you for over 700 followers! :D I honestly didn't think that many people would follow me or be interested in reading my fics hehe. Seeing you all loving my stories makes me really happy! ^^ To my new and returning readers, I post on AO3 as well, so, if you have an AO3 and see a work similar to this, it’s me (Aaliah_exo on AO3). I don’t post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: You get hurt a lot in this fic (idk what's up with me and wanting the reader to get hurt. I don't like causing the reader pain, but I do love it when men are in pain (emotionally)). The overprotectiveness is on the men's end while the jealousy is on your end.
Word Count: 6.3k
Part two of Overprotective with a Hint of Jealousy can be found here: Insecurities and Jealousy [Zhongli focused w/ smut].
It’s pretty evident that the men are protective over you. They hover around you like a ruin hunter, ready to strike anyone or anything that poses a danger to your safety. Think of them as a bodyguard who is madly infatuated (perhaps even madly in love) with the person that they’re protecting. You knew how protective they were over you, but not to this extent. Whenever the men are sparring with one another or having a duel, Zhongli and Thoma would put up a shield around you to prevent you from getting hurt by any stray particles (or even weapons) that can come flying your way, which has happened before.
“It’s showtime!” Itto announces, swinging his claymore at Childe. Childe rolled out of the way as Itto barreled towards his direction. Rocks and particles were flying all over the place as Itto swung his claymore at Childe. Itto and Childe were having their daily spar, and everyone was gathered around to watch and see who would win between the two. Since both Childe and Itto are competitive, they have a scoreboard to keep track of who has won the most.
“My Lord, who do you think is going to win this time?” Thoma asks, sitting down beside Ayato as everyone sat idly by to watch the spar between the oni and the 11th Fatui Harbinger.
“I would say Itto, but with the way Childe is flawlessly dodging Itto’s attacks, I believe that it’ll be Childe that will come out as the victor,” Ayato replies, sipping on his boba.
“Ha! You hear that, Itto? Even Lord Ayato says that I’m going to come out as the winner of today’s spar!” Childe boasts, smirking at Itto widely. Itto smirks and launches himself at Childe. Childe dodges Itto once again before turning his bow and arrow into daggers; he twirls it around in his hands before combining them to make a polearm.
“That’s cool and terrifying at the same time,” Venti commented, nervously laughing as he watched Childe twirl the hydro polearm in his hands elegantly. 
“Oh, that’s terrifying.” Itto laughs nervously. “But I’m up for the challenge, Harbinger!” Itto grins widely, getting into position as Childe slowly approaches Itto while calmly and elegantly twirling the hydro polearm.
“Just don’t injure one another.” Baizhu sighs, shaking his head in disapproval. The last time Itto and Childe sparred with each other, one person would be more injured than the other. It’s gotten to the point where Baizhu wasn’t even surprised to see if it was either Childe or Itto walking into the med bay (there’s a med bay at the abode just in case) or Bubu Pharmacy covered in scratches and bruises from head to toe.
“I don’t think that’ll be guaranteed.” Diluc rolls his eyes, leaning against the pillar. 
Zhongli nods his head with a soft exhale, “Knowing Childe, he will push past his limits, and his thirst for blood will blind him.” 
“Why is he always bloodthirsty? I have never seen Scaramouche act like Childe before.” Gorou laughs nervously, twiddling with his thumbs as he watches Childe and Itto try to land a hit on one another.
“He unleashed Osial and almost drowned Liyue. He has always been deranged.” Xiao huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh? How interesting. I wonder how a mere mortal like him is able to unseal an ancient god and wreck havoc on the entire region of Liyue.” Kaeya hums, stroking his chin with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh, don’t we all?” Scaramouche asks, looking over at Zhongli from the corner of his eyes before looking over at where Childe and Itto were battling it out.
Kazuha approaches the thirteen men, looking around the abode with confusion on his face. “Have any of you seen [Y/N] today?” He sits down beside Gorou.
“[Y/N]? I didn’t see them today.” Albedo murmurs, gazing down at his sketch pad as he tries to sketch out the scene in front of him— Childe and Itto battling.
“I assume they’ll be out of the abode soon. After all, it is still early in the morning.” Dainsleif spoke up from where he stood.
“Oh, right! I forgot that it’s still early in the morning.” Venti comments, scratching his chin before his lyre appears out of thin air.
“Who spars this early in the morning, though?” Thoma asks, shivering when a cool breeze blows on him and the others.
“The real question is: why is Ayato drinking boba at this time in the morning? It’s a little bit too early for boba, don’t you think?” Diluc raises his eyebrows at the head of the Kamisato Clan. Ayato chuckles in response, sipping on his boba nonchalantly.
“Oh, Diluc! It’s never too early for boba.” A voice spoke up, grabbing the others' attention. You walked over to where they sat and sat between Ayato and Thoma with your own cup of boba in your hands. “I believe it’s the best way to wake yourself up in the morning! Especially since the one I’m drinking right now has a lot of sugar.” You take a sip from your cup.
“Oh? What flavor is it?” Kaeya leans towards you, gazing at you with curiosity.
“Lavender melon milk tea with sakura!” You chimed, taking another sip from the cup. “Although, lavender melon milk tea with sakura boba is not my go-to flavor. I much prefer osmanthus oolong milk tea; it’s frothy and really good.” You added.
“Then why drink something that isn’t your go-to flavor?” Xiao raises his eyebrows at you.
“Because we ran out of the recipe for the osmanthus oolong milk tea.” You sulked, taking another sip of your boba with a small pout on your face. “Don’t get me wrong! I like the lavender melon milk tea with sakura! The only issue that I have with it is that it’s just really sweet. Although, I do need some sugar to wake me up a little, so I might as well drink the lavender melon milk tea with sakura.” You said, stirring the boba with the straw.
“As you can see, Mister Diluc, [Y/N] has refined taste when it comes to beverages. You can drink boba at any time of day.” Ayato says, humming with satisfaction as he takes a long sip of his boba.
“We bond over boba.” You commented, smiling as you continued to take a sip of your boba happily. “Ah, since I missed the first part of the spar, who’s winning so far?” You ask, looking over at the others.
“So far, none of them has landed a hit on one another. Both Childe and Itto kept dodging one another.” Kazuha says, squinting his eyes as he watches Itto and Childe run across the field while trying to hit one another. 
“I didn’t think sparring could be so boring until now,” Scaramouche mutters, rolling his head to the side with a soft sigh.
“Especially when it comes to that bloodthirsty Harbinger.” Dainslief comments, closing his eyes.
“It almost seems like he’s holding back…” Gorou trails off, trying to keep track of the battle between Itto and Childe.
“Childe? Holding back in his battles? How peculiar.” Baizhu chuckles softly, shaking his head with his arms over his chest. Baizhu leans back in his seat, watching the spar between the oni and 11th Fatui Harbinger on the giant field in the abode. While it was early in the morning, Baizhu was surprised to see how energetic both Childe and Itto were.
“Perhaps he is, but his bow and arrow did turn into hydro daggers, which he combined the daggers to make them into hydro polearms,” Albedo mutters, continuing to sketch on his sketch pad.
“And what does that mean exactly?” Thoma asks, tilting his head to the side while his eyebrows furrowed with concentration.
“It means that Childe’s not going to hold back anymore and that things are about to go down.” You commented, shaking your cup around before looking at the clear cup with a small frown. “Aw man, I ran out of boba already.” You muttered, a faint pout appearing on your face.
“Oh? You finished your drink already? You just got here not too long ago with your drink!” Ayato chuckles, raising an eyebrow at you.
You sighed dramatically, “I know, right? I need to stop drinking boba so fast.” 
You got up from your seat and started to walk back to the mansion to throw your empty cup away. As you were walking away from the field, something whizzed past your face, stopping you in your track. You felt a sharp sting on your cheek; blinking in confusion, you reached up and touched your cheek. You looked down at your hands and saw the crimson color of blood. You slowly turned your head, only to see Childe’s hydro polearm stuck to the tree.
“Watch out!”
Before you could react, Dainsleif yanks you back and into his arms. You stumbled and watched Itto’s polearm come flying and stabbing into the ground where you once stood. Your eyes widened in fear, looking over at Childe and Itto like a deer caught in headlights. Zhongli stood in front of you and Dainsleif, his back facing you and the others. Zhongli had his arms over his chest, looking at Itto and Childe with disapproval. 
“What did I tell you two about being careful when sparring?” Zhongli hissed, his amber eyes glowing with anger.
“Yeah! You two could have gotten [Y/N] killed!” Gorou exclaims, rushing over to your side to check and see if you are okay. Childe panics at Gorou’s comment before running over to your side. He pulls you out of Dainsleif’s grasp, cupping your face in his hands as he presses your cheeks together. The look of fear and worry was evident in his eyes.
“[Y/N]! Snookums! I’m so sorry! I didn’t think that my weapon could slip out of my hands like that!” Childe exclaims, wiping the blood off your cheek with the pad of his right thumb. You winced at the stinging sensation before giving Childe a weak smile.
“It’s okay, Childe! It’s not like you did it on purpose or anything like that.” You reply, placing your hand over his.
“How did that claymore slip out of Itto’s hands, though? It doesn’t make sense since he’s wearing gloves.” Diluc gives Itto a disapproving look as Itto pulls his claymore from the ground.
“Listen, man! Sometimes, things just come flying out of our hands no matter how hard we grab hold of something.” Itto says, strapping his claymore to his back.
Dainsleif rolls his eyes, “Well, be careful next time! You could’ve gotten [Y/N] killed.”
“You’re hurt because of me!” Childe frowns, his eyes zeroing in on the cut on your cheek.
“For someone who is so prideful in being the “strongest,” you sure are careless,” Scaramouche commented, smacking Childe upside of his head, causing the ginger Harbinger to scowl at him.
“You’re lucky that the dagger didn’t penetrate [Y/N]’s skull. If it were to do so, I would’ve killed you.” Xiao glares at Childe before pulling you out of Childe’s grasp and handing you over to Baizhu.
“Let's patch up that wound, shall we?” Baizhu gives you a small smile before escorting you to the mansion.
Diluc sighs softly, “We’re just lucky that this will be the only incident where [Y/N] got a minor injury.” 
Kaeya hums in agreement, stroking his chin with his right hand. “Let’s just hope that this will be the only time.” 
Kaeya leaned against the pillar while the others around him murmured in agreement while nodding their heads. To be frank, everyone thought that the whole sparring incident was going to be the only time where you would get injured or be put in harm's way, but they were wrong. And so were you. For some reason, your luck seems to have gotten worse ever since you almost got your head cut off by Itto’s claymore and Childe’s hydro polearm.
You were walking around Liyue with Scaramouche trailing after you. The both of you were supposed to go to the market to buy some ingredients for Thoma, but then something caught your eyes as the two of you were approaching Liyue Harbor. A beautiful glaze lily, all by itself.
“Ooh! Pretty glaze lily!” You gasped, quickly approaching the lone glaze lily. 
As you were just about to pick the glazy lily off the ground, the ground beneath the glaze lily lit up red. Scaramouche grabs you by your shirt collar and pulls you back into his arms; the two of you stumble to the ground as a pyro whopperflower appears in front of you where the glaze lily once stood. 
You and Scaramouche later returned to the abode with the bottom of your clothes singed and burnt. Scaramouche had a deep scowl on his face while you had a small pout on your face while muttering about being betrayed by the appearance of the glaze lily. While Thoma was disappointed that you came back to the abode empty-handed, he didn’t question as to why you didn’t get any ingredients for him after seeing both your and Scaramouche’s appearance. 
There are days when you want to explore all of Teyvat (mainly Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma) with the men! Ever since the whole sparring and whopperflower incident, it has made the men quite protective of you. You weren’t too sure if they were overprotective of you because you almost got killed or if it was because of your bad luck. The men stuck by your side practically 24/7 outside of the abode, regardless of the actual reason. Some choose to stick by your side at all times, whether you’re in the abode or out of the abode (Childe).
“Can we explore this abode? I’ve always wanted to see what an abandoned abode looks like in person.” You said, pointing at the abandoned abode in Liyue.
“I believe that it’s best that we don’t explore an abandoned abode, especially one that was once owned by a god,” Zhongli says, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Once owned by a god?” You muttered, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion before it dawned on you. Guizhong. The abode that you wanted to explore used to be owned by Guizhong before she passed away and turned into dust. Quite fitting for her title. The God of Dust truly became dust herself. “Oh.” Your expression immediately soured.
“Yeah, never mind then.” You rolled your eyes; you turned around and walked away. Zhongli furrows his eyebrows in confusion at your sudden negative attitude, walking away with a dark cloud looming over your head.
“What just happened?” Venti asks, scratching his cheek with a questioning look. 
“Not sure, but [Y/N] doesn’t seem too happy about not being able to explore an abandoned abode that was once owned by Guizhong, the God of Dust,” Albedo says softly, watching you walk away.
“We should go after [Y/N] just in case something happens,” Kazuha says softly. The others nod their heads in agreement before walking after you. You continued to ignore the sounds of their footsteps right behind yours as you looked around the scenery. While you don’t hold any distaste for the deceased God of Dust, you couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy at the thought of her. Guizhong this, Guizhong that. Guizhong is highly intelligent and is a very close friend of the former archon, Zhongli. Very close friend.
“Uh! [Y/N]! I don’t think you should go there!” Childe hollers, watching you walk further and further away from them.
“Yeah, yeah. Stop babying me; I’ll be fine!” You waved off Childe’s warning, continuing to walk to wherever you pleased.
“No, really! You shouldn’t go there! It’s not safe!” Gorou exclaims.
Despite you being a good fifteen yards away from where they stood, they can hear a faint sarcastic scoff coming from you. Again, you continued walking wherever you desired, not heeding their warnings.
“What’s up with them?” Scaramouche scrunches his face up with annoyance, continuing to trail after you with the others around him.
“[Y/N] is clearly upset that Zhongli wouldn’t let them explore Guizhong’s abandoned abode,” Xiao replies, sighing softly.
“Is [Y/N] really upset about that, or are they upset about something else?” Kaeya cocks his eyebrows at Xiao.
“What would [Y/N] be upset about?” Venti asks, looking at the cryo vision holder curiously.
“It’s a little bit obvious as to what they’re upset about,” Diluc says, sighing softly.
“Listen, it may be obvious to most of you, but it’s not obvious for me and a few others!” Itto says, crossing his arms over his bare chest.
“Well, Itto, some of us have brains, and some of us don’t,” Ayato says, looking over at Itto with a faint smile on his face. Before Itto could open his mouth to say something, he was cut off by the sound of your loud yelp.
“Oh, dear archons.” Thoma quickly rushes over to where you once stood moments before you disappeared. Thoma looks over the edge to see you sliding down the cliff. Well, sliding would be an understatement. You were tumbling and rolling down the steep cliffside.
“Where’s [Y/N]!?” Kazuha asks, running over to where Thoma was standing.
“Tumbling down the cliffside!” Thoma states, pointing over to where you landed. You groaned in pain and lay on the ground. While tumbling down the cliff, you were pretty sure that you had a sprained ankle along with possibly being covered in bruises and scratch marks.
“And you didn’t go down there to prevent them from getting any more injuries?” Albedo asks, looking at Thoma in disbelief.
“How was he supposed to go down the cliffside without getting hurt himself?” Baizhu sighs, crossing his arms over his chest with a frown on his face.
While the men bickered with one another, Dainsleif helped you get back to the top of the cliff where the others stood, still arguing with one another. Dainsleif was giving you a piggyback ride. He was holding onto your legs while you had your arms wrapped around his neck.
“Are you alright?” Dainsleif asks softly, glancing at you over his shoulders.
“Yeah, I am.” You sighed, resting your chin on Dainsleif’s shoulders, closing your eyes as he approached closer to where the others were standing.
“[Y/N]! Are you okay!?” Childe asks, running up to where you and Dainsleif are.
“You’re not injured, are you!?” Diluc asks, his eyes scanning you for injuries. Aside from your disheveled look with a tiny pout on your face, which makes you look adorable. You reminded him of a kitten in a way.
“I’m fine.” You muttered, tightening your grip around Dainsleif.
“[Y/N], we told you not to run off and to be careful. What did you do? Ignore our warnings.” Zhongli scolds you, crossing his arms over his chest with a small glare. You huffed and looked away from Zhongli, burying your face into Dainsleif’s back. You weren’t in the mood to talk to Zhongli, let alone hear him scold you as if you were a disobedient child. Granted, you did ignore their warnings and did end up getting hurt in the end with your recklessness. 
All because you found out that the abode you were wanting to explore belonged to the woman that once meant the world to Zhongli. Zhongli would never care about you as much as he cared about Guizhong. Never. Of course, he would care about you, but only to an extent. You feel your heart clench in your chest. Dainsleif felt his back getting damp, only to realize that you were crying. Dainsleif couldn’t decide on whether you were crying because you were in pain or if it was because of Zhongli.
Dainsleif rolls his eyes before huffing, “Enough. Let’s get back to the abode and get [Y/N] some medical attention.” He pushes past Zhongli and the others, tightening his grip around your thighs.
Once everyone had returned to the abode, you received medical treatment immediately by both Baizhu and Albedo. Your eyes were swollen, your cheeks were bright red, and your eyes were bloodshot. It was clear as day that you cried. Even if the men were to try to ask you if you were okay, you would ignore them and limp away with Dainsleif by your side. The person that you were ignoring the most was Zhongli. Every time you see him, you would bury yourself against Dainsleif’s side with your face pressed up against his chest as if you were trying to hide from Zhongli’s gaze.
“I wonder what you did to make them upset, Mister Zhongli,” Childe says nonchalantly, tossing a berry into his mouth before chewing on it.
“Yeah! I’ve never seen [Y/N] ignore Zhongli like this before.” Gorou speaks up, his eyebrows narrowing slightly.
“They’ve never avoided Zhongli, ever,” Xiao murmurs.
“Zhongli isn’t the only person that they’re ignoring,” Kaeya speaks up, sitting down on an empty wooden stool near the bar.
“They’re avoiding all of us.” Diluc sighs, frowning at the thought of you ignoring them after the incident. 
“Could it be because we’re too overprotective of them?” Ayato asks, looking up at your closed bedroom door.
“That can’t be it! [Y/N] likes it whenever we’re protective of them!” Venti shakes his head at Ayato’s question.
“But not when we’re overly protective of them,” Kazuha interjects, a tiny frown appearing on his face.
“It’s quite obvious why [Y/N] is upset.” Baizhu chuckles dryly, shaking his head. It was obvious! Why weren’t the others getting the hint? Specifically Zhongli. Not only did Zhongli make you upset by mentioning Guizhong, but he fueled the fire by scolding you right after you had taken a tumble. The only bright side was that you weren’t terribly injured. You only got scrapes and bruises. You did sprain your ankle, so you ask Dainsleif to help you around the abode while ignoring others around you that had offered to help you. Specifically Zhongli himself.
“Well, they need to tell us what’s wrong. If it’s about the stupid abode, then [Y/N] shouldn’t be getting upset over not being able to explore something as old and vacant.” Scaramouche grumbles.
“Perhaps it’s something that relates to the abode that upsets them,” Albedo says softly, looking over at Zhongli from the corner of his eyes. Zhongli still didn’t get the hint and continued to contemplate what could have caused you to be upset with him, other than scolding you and stopping you from exploring an abode that was once owned by Guizhong.
Days have gone by, and it was like you were testing out how protective they are over you. Or, well, it seems like you were testing out their patience instead. One time, you came back to the abode after leaving to shop for some groceries, only to come back with an arrow stuck on your shoulders.
“What happened?!” Diluc gasps, running over to you, gently grabbing you by your uninjured shoulder.
“Treasure hoarders.” Was what you’ve squeaked out before collapsing into Diluc’s arms, dizzy from the amount of blood you’ve lost. Diluc picked you up bridal style before rushing you to the med bay where Baizhu and Albedo were. Baizhu and Albedo nearly had a heart attack at the sight of you being covered in your own blood, with an arrow sticking out of your shoulders.
“Dear archons, what happened?!” Baizhu asks, immediately rushing to your side with medical supplies in his hands.
“Treasure hoarders.” You breathed, your head resting against the crook of Diluc’s neck, eyelids feeling heavy.
“You didn’t have anyone accompany you in Teyvat?” Albedo asks, pulling on latex gloves.
“Well, Zhongli offered to accompany me, but I declined his offer and left.” You sighed, wincing in pain when Albedo gently tugged on the arrow.
“It’s really stuck in there.” Albedo hums, looking over at Baizhu.
“What do we do? Pull it out or get it surgically removed?” Baizhu glances over at Albedo, who is deep in his thoughts.
“Pull it out!?” You shrieked, jerking up from your spot, looking at Baizhu and Albedo with wide eyes.
“Pull what out?” Thoma asks, walking into the med bay while munching on his Dango. Thoma’s eyes fall on your shoulders; Thoma’s Dango falls out of his hands at the mere sight of blood on your body and an arrow sticking out of your shoulders.
“I’m okay! Just another day in the life of [Y/N].” You squeaked, giving Thoma a strained smile.
Long story short, Albedo and Baizhu ended up yanking the arrow out of your shoulders. You have never screamed so loud in your entire life that you were sure that it shook the whole mansion. Sadly, whenever you let out that loud, agonized scream, it attracted the attention of the others who weren’t there to witness it. Like last time, Zhongli gave you a disapproving look that reminded you of your parents.
“You wouldn’t have gotten hurt if you had allowed me to accompany you.” Zhongli sighs.
“Well, maybe I don’t want you to accompany me and would much rather have someone else protect me instead.” You huffed, crossing your arms across your chest before wincing at the sharp pain that shot up your injured shoulder.
“Yikes,” Venti mutters, his eyes widening at your response to the ex archon.
“Ouch.” Kaeya hissed, watching the quarrel between you and Zhongli unfold.
“If [Y/N] said that to me, I would’ve cried myself to sleep,” Itto commented.
“They didn’t even say that to me, and it hurt my feelings,” Ayato whispers to Itto, Kaeya, and Venti.
“You’re still upset with this old man not allowing you to explore the old crusty, dusty, vacant abode?” Scaramouche asks, cocking his eyebrows at you. You rolled your eyes in response while Zhongli glared at Scaramouche.
“I think we should leave [Y/N] and Zhongli alone for them to talk it out,” Kazuha says, getting up from his seat.
“No! Don’t leave me alone with him!” You exclaimed.
“[Y/N]!” Xiao gives you a look, but you ignore it.
“Hey, if [Y/N] doesn’t want to talk to Zhongli at the moment, then let’s not force them to, alright?” Gorou speaks up, his eyes scanning the room.
“I believe that [Y/N] is just tired, and their injury is causing them to be irritable. They should get some rest.” Dainsleif says, helping you off the bed. You immediately attach yourself to Dainsleif’s side, your uninjured arm linked with Dainsleif’s arm. You failed to see the expression on Zhongli’s face after your protest of being left alone with him. Zhongli felt his heart throb in his chest painfully as he watches you and Dainsleif walk out of the med bay, completely ignoring his presence and stare. 
You have bad luck when it comes to being outside of the mansion. You almost got killed by Childe and Itto’s weapons, you took a tumble down the side of a cliff, and you got shot in the shoulder by a treasure hoarder. If bubble wrap were to exist in the world of Genshin Impact, you were pretty sure that the men would wrap you up in bubble wrap to prevent you from getting hurt. What they didn’t think about was that you could get hurt in the mansion too. You were helping Thoma make dinner for everyone else.
“I’ll cut the onions.” You said, grabbing the purple onion from the vegetable bowl before peeling the skin off the onion.
“Here’s a knife to slice the onions.” Thoma hands you the knife with the handle facing your way. You reached over to grab the knife before placing it down on the wooden counter. After peeling the onion’s skin off, you began cutting the onion. You ended up regretting offering to cut the onions because now your eyes were stinging, and tears were running down your face. Instead of stopping to give your eyes a break from the whole onion ordeal, you persevered. 
“So! What are we having for dinner?” Itto and Gorou walk into the kitchen, sniffing the air.
“Wow! Smells really good!” Gorou exclaims. He peeks over Thoma’s shoulder to see what Thoma is cooking.
You wiped the tears off your face, your eyes squinting as you continued to slice the onions. Your eyes stung so much as the tears that were rolling down your cheeks like an endless stream.
“What’s the matter, [Y/N]? Why are you crying?” Diluc asks, grabbing your attention from the cutting board.
You laughed, “Nothing’s wrong, Diluc! It’s the onions that are stinging my eyes, causing me to shed a tear or two.” You wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. “I hate onions sometimes.” You sighed, tossing the slice of onions into a medium-sized bowl.
“You had me worried for a second. I thought you were injured again.” Kazuha says, gently nudging your side with a teasing smile on his face.
“Oh, Kazuha, I appreciate that you worry for me, but I’m not injured.” You poked him lightly.
“Thankfully, or else the funeral consultant over there will hurt someone if you were injured.” Kaeya comments, tilting his head over to where Zhongli stood.
“We’ve seen Zhongli angry before, but I don’t want to see how angry he can get.” Childe comments, taking a big bite out of the sunsettia in his hand.
“He’ll probably throw boulders like how he did that to me in the past. Isn’t that right, blockhead?” Venti asks, looking over at Zhongli with a teasing smile on his face.
“Throw boulders?” Scaramouche asks, glancing over at Xiao.
“Don’t ask.” Xiao shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“You know, I wouldn’t mind witnessing Zhongli throwing boulders at someone.” Ayato comments, biting down on his boba straw with a smile.
“I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes before….” Dainsleif says, giving Zhongli the side-eye. Zhongli looks at Dainsleif; the two held eye contact for a while. You and the others around you can feel the tension between Dainsleif and Zhongli. You pursed your lips before continuing to do your task of helping Thoma cook dinner. The kitchen is quite spacious, but not enough to fit over ten people in the room, with furniture and kitchen appliances in certain areas of the room. For some reason, everyone wanted to stay in the kitchen while you and Thoma tried to make dinner, thus making the kitchen a little bit cramped.
Gorou, Childe, Itto, and Xiao were chasing each other around (well, Xiao was cursing at Itto to not run in the kitchen) the kitchen. Thoma was carrying a pot of boiling water when Itto and Childe bumped into Thoma, causing the pyro vision wielder to jerk forward, spilling almost the entire pot of boiling hot water onto you.
From then on, everything was a blur to you, and you didn’t know what else happened afterward. All you could remember was your arm, your body, one side of your neck, and your face burning. You didn’t remember if you screamed in pain or if you reacted in any particular way because when you came to your consciousness, you were in the arms of Zhongli.
“It hurts, it hurts so much.” You sobbed; your body was shaking from the immense pain you were feeling. Your arm and legs were dark red from the scalding hot water. Diluc, Kaeya, and Dainsleif were scolding— no, yelling, at Childe, Itto, and Gorou while Xiao stood where you and Zhongli lay.
“I’m going to kill them,” Zhongli mutters, looking over at Childe, Gorou, and Itto with a glare.
“Take [Y/N] to the med bay,” Baizhu says.
“Carry them there immediately because I’m afraid that if we don’t get [Y/N] treated right away, their tissue and cells would be destroyed,” Albedo says, examining your reddened skin.
Zhongli didn’t speak to anyone after that incident, and he wouldn’t leave your side, even if you’ve thought about avoiding him. But you couldn’t do that, especially right after you saw the expression on his face while you were getting your burns treated. Now you have bandages wrapped around the areas that were burned by the scalding hot water. You were forbidden from stepping foot into the kitchen if Itto, Childe, and Gorou were present. You were pretty much bedridden until you were able to do everyday tasks without wincing in pain. Doctor Baizhu’s orders and Albedo’s order as well.
“Looks like Zhongli and Thoma will have to put a shield on you at all cost to prevent you from getting hurt,” Venti commented.
“Seems like it.” You sighed, laying down on your bed with a weak sigh.
“How are you feeling?” Kaeya asks, sitting down beside you as he tucks your hair behind your ears.
“It still hurts. I don’t really remember what happened when the water spilled on me.” You muttered, gazing down at the nude color bandages that were wrapped around your legs, arm, neck, and torso (which were covered by your shirt).
“You screamed so loud that glass shattered. You went into shock and nearly collapsed to the ground, hitting your head on the table. You were lucky that Zhongli was immediately at your side the minute he heard your bloodcurdling screams.” Ayato says, his eyes scanning your injuries. How many times were you injured within the span of a week? One was enough, but it seems like your luck seems to have worsened after the whole Itto and Childe sparring incident.
“I’m so sorry for spilling boiling hot water on you, [Y/N]! If I held onto the handles more tightly, it wouldn’t have spilled all over you.” Thoma’s bottom lips quivered as tears began to pool in his eyes.
“No! It’s not your fault at all, Thoma! Please don’t blame yourself!” You squeaked, grabbing onto Thoma’s hand, giving him a comforting squeeze.
“You never gave us a reason as to why you’re upset with Zhongli,” Xiao spoke up from his spot. You sighed and sat back on your bed, scratching the back of your neck, only to end up scratching the bandage.
“I…. got jealous that Zhongli still cares about Guizhong even way after she had passed. I wanted to have someone to care about me as much as Zhongli cares about her long after she’s gone.” You reply, tugging on the loose thread of your shorts.
“I’m sure he cares about you too, just as much as we care about you,” Diluc says.
You shook your head, “I’m talking about if I were to return to my world. No one will care or remember me long after I’m deceased. I don’t have a lover who cares about me as much as Zhongli cared about his deceased lover.” 
“Guizhong isn’t Zhongli’s lover; she was his close friend,” Childe comments, looking at you quizzically.
“Either way, I’m never getting that. Ever. I’ll just be forgotten, as usual….” You trailed off with a sigh. “Speaking of being forgotten, I don’t think anyone in my world noticed that I had mysteriously disappeared.” You muttered, your shoulders slumped at the realization.
“All I’m getting from this is that you’re going to choose Zhongli in the end,” Scaramouche comments, earning a scoff from you. You shook your head and closed your eyes. Ever since you arrived in Teyvat, you’ve already been through so many things. But this week and the previous week were strange. You kept getting bodily injuries that could have killed you, yet you somehow survived all of these strange and dangerous events.
“As if I’ll be choosing any of you in the end.” You said, earning collective gasps from the men. “Oh, wow, I worded it wrong. I didn’t mean it that way!” You smacked your forehead with the palm of your hand.
“I meant that I don’t know if I’ll be returning to my world or if I’ll be stuck here forever. I’m hesitant about “choosing” who I want to be with because what if I end up returning to my world?” You ask.
“Why choose when you can be in a relationship with all of us?” Itto asks.
“I honestly don’t know how that is going to turn out. Some of you are possessive more than the others!” You exclaimed, looking over at Childe and Zhongli, who avoided your gaze with a faint blush on their cheeks.
“I believe that we’re all possessive over you in some kind of way,” Gorou says. 
“Some of us might not show it, but we’re quite possessive. Even if some show it more than the others.” Kaeya looks around the room, making eye contact with certain people in the room.
“I think it’s cute that you guys are protective over me, but maybe dial it back a little?” You ask, giving them a pleading look.
“I don’t think that’ll be possible, dove.” Kazuha chuckles, shaking his head.
“You endured many injuries within a week; I believe that we should keep [Y/N] at the abode at all times.” Ayato declares. Everyone (except for you) immediately agreed to Ayato’s suggestion.
“If it keeps [Y/N] out of harm's way, I’m okay with that,” Zhongli says, sitting down on your bed beside you.
“Are there any objections?” Dainsleif asks, looking around the room for any protests.
“Yes, me! I object!” You whined. “I need to go outside once in a while! You can’t just keep me in the abode for a long period of time!”
“If it’s to keep you safe, we will do it,” Zhongli says.
You groaned and plopped back down on your bed, the top of your head hitting the wooden headboard of your bed, making you cry out in pain.
“Well, it looks like we’ll be getting rid of that headboard.”
Note: It's insane how I kept getting ideas for new fics when I need to make more parts for other fics hahaha. I'm trying to update at least once a week for you all to read and enjoy. I am nearing the end of my second year of college and will be graduating soon, so, I'm hoping that I can start accepting requests once I've graduated! As for my schedule, once my third year of college begins, I'll have to think about that more since the semesters are way shorter at universities. This note will always be at the bottom of my stories: I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for "Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader" and my overall taglist: @xxkatsusjinsux, @urcatbf, @plumpkie, @jgydeservedbetter, @crazyrichdaughter, @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff, @patata52, @honeybedo, @thedivinepriestress, @pencil-of-ashes, @samarill, @bakuhve, @skyelightwood, @mikiwylds, @yukima, @chaosinanutshell, @emperatris-rinaka, @stygianoir, @neilify, @dogloveri23, @ksjjkthpjm, @jaisithebird, @ayazaraxia, @hello13576, @mouchie, @emerald-smile, @jixlem, @the-blob-fish, @jiminscarmex, @permanent-antipathy, @xiaosfirstandlastwife, @angryhope, @beepboopisguilty, @margraveth, @the-dendro-archon, @bananazzzen, @goldeneclipsedragon, @ehjane, @hey-comrade-hold-still, @thelost-in-time, @girlvrs, @kryloxen, @ayolk, @tomansimp, @seppyco, @universal-rose, @seymp, @lordbugs, @c-camellias, @chihawari, @who-is-saylynn, @lilliansstuff, @zhongloml
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tsunaaism · 2 years
Inertia | Yandere!Childe x GN!Reader
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Warnings: Toxic relationship, cycle of abuse, mental breakdown, anxiety attack, slight religious themes, not proofread, what is this, childe being a lil’ bit ooc, depression, being the only person childe has loved, begging, ok idk what else to put. poot.
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What is it?
What is it that made him feel like this?
This unexplainable feeling coursed through his head: dread, like zaps of electricity running beneath his skin, muddying his mind; his ability to utter words gone as if his voice box was stolen. He tries to calm down, inhaling the air that carried your lingering scent, but his thoughts betray him—laughing at his stupidity, at his naivety.
A chuckle escapes his lips. He grips the roots of his hair in frustration, a scream threatening to spill past his throat. You’re not here. You left. You truly left him alone. His brow furrows, his chuckles morphing into a laugh. Of course you would leave; you’re too good for him—a gift from God for the little good deeds he’d done—or perhaps a form of pity for what he’d gone through. For once, he was content with life. He was grateful for what he had, what he could do, and for you.
Though it was short-lived. He supposes God isn’t kind, that maybe he doesn’t deserve happiness—
God doesn’t exist. Who is he kidding? He’d never believed in someone that could save him until he’d met you. Perhaps you are his God. The way you talk, your overflowing curiosity, your subtle smiles, and your hazy, lidded eyes every time you met his gaze—just fuck, just how is he going to live without you?
But why? Why would you do this? Maybe you were being manipulated, he thought. By your own mind, perhaps. You would never leave him. Ever. He knows you well; the person who worried over the smallest wounds over his skin and cared for every little bad happening in his life would NEVER leave him. Perhaps you were kidnapped? He looks around, but what had left of you was an empty, lightless, disheveled room. Void of anything, like the feeling that started to creep into his mind.
“(Y/N)!” He screams, desperate for any signs of you. A little rustle, a hitch of a breath—anything. Please. He couldn’t do this without you, “Please, darling. Please don’t do this to me. Please.”
You swallow the bile that had risen to your throat. It's pitiful that you’re a slave to his words, and that he’s a wreck without you. You watch from afar as the ginger’s shoulder droop, a silent, choked plea leaving his form; the strong fatui warrior no longer existing, leaving a lonely shell only you recognize.
Do you love him?
The question hangs at the back of your mind. He needs you. But Childe doesn’t have the healthiest mind, and you know that better than anyone. Is it worth it to go through that suffering—to have him do whatever he thinks fit so he could ‘protect’ you—to have no control over your life? All of that, just to hold him in your hands? To calm him down, retelling the same words,
“I’m here, Ajax. I’m here. It’s okay. Everything is fine. Everything is fine.”
And you return yourself to the same cycle.
“(Y/n)?” He sniffs. Doe, teary cerulean eyes stare at you—they glimmer with hope, before a strong pair of arms hugs your form, “Don’t… don’t do this to me. I’ll.. go mad. I’ll go mad.”
But you already are, you silently repeat, you already are. You stroke the ginger’s head tenderly. It’s a cycle you can’t escape; a tunnel with no end.
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A/N: Yes, i’m sorry for not posting lately. i am,, currently facing finals and all i can remember is thermodynamics formula (help). HOWEVER! i do have a lot of drafts so.. i’ll spoil you soon? 
if you’re curious, i do have a yandere childe series draft. i’ll publish it later <3
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1K notes · View notes
oneirataxiahiraeth · 2 years
idk if ur taking reqs but u should write another kai fic featuring the innocent girl bad boy trope 💭
The Price of Hatred
Pairings : fem!reader x heretic!kaiparker
Warnings : swearing, mentions of death, mentions of violence, kai being a little shit, smut, hate sex, degradation, pain kink, breeding, scratching, fingering, choking, switch!reader, mentions of alcohol not proofread but to be fair I never proofread, dubcon (they have consensual sex but there’s no verbal verification on either end)
Word Count : a little over 5k
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You could feel the heavy tension in the space as you walked in. Damon pacing in the living, fire blazing as bright as you've ever seen it. He was mumbly something to himself before he noticed your presence. Bonnie and also were nose deep in two separate grimoires searching for spells that could get then out of the current predicament that they were in.
"Where is everyone?" You asked, a slightly breathless tone in your voice. Your heart was racing at the thought of something bad happening to your friends. It was a terrifying thought, you hadn't felt something like this since Bonnie was stuck in the Prison World.
"Caroline is with Jo watching Elena. I haven't heard back from Stefan, and Ric is at home researching or something." Damon explained, pretty shaken up himself.
"What happen? All you sent was a vague texts."
"I don't know. She just started... coughing up water? Like she was drowning or something." He ran a hand through his hair trying to contain himself. Bonnie looked up from her studies, stress evident in her own eyes. "Kai put her under a sleeping spell which seemed to have stopped it... but he doesn't know for how long." He explained.
"Water?" Your eyebrows furrowed. "Like how she-"
"Yup." Bonnie sighed. "I said the same thing." She stood from her spot in the old leather recliner in the corner. "Which doesn't make sense because Kai already siphoned off the barrier on mystic falls." Her arms crossed.
"So what the hell is it?" You asked and she shrugged.
"I have no idea." She shook her head.
"I might have some idea!" Kai spoke from the couch. The grimoire in his hand, him laying on the couch as if he was just some light read on a normal day. Truth is, he didn't really care enough for Elena to be stuck on the couch searching for ways to save her life all day. But once he heard Damon say you were on you're way... he suddenly had all the time in the world.
You didn’t like him. It was very evident. You never made it a point to be kind, or even patient with the man. Which wasn’t surprising, none of your friend group liked him much. But there was something different with you. The hatred you spewed onto him wasn’t the same hatred anyone else gave to him. You, Y/N, was known as Mystics Falls Sweetheart. The kindest soul you’d ever meet. You don’t hate anybody. Kai being the exception. The way your tone could switch automatically when speaking to him and then saying hello to a stranger or familiar face on the streets.
Because of this, your friends feared, like many other demons they’ve faced that you’d except this demon and force everyone else to see past his multiple killings and find the person underneath. You’d had a gift for that. Changing people and their perspectives. Which is partially why your friends made it a point to inform Kai of all the things they’d do to him before ripping his head from his spine if he were to harm even a hair in your head. You were off limits. Nonnegotiable. Not that you’d go for him anyways, seeing as you hated him so much. But come on, this was Kai… when did he ever give up on a good challenge?
"There's a spell that allows a witch, of course, to kill a vampire, the same way the died the first time. It's very simple to cast, with a little of same elements that kill said undead creature the first time and some animal blood and weird sigils..."
"So you think a witch is trying to kill my girlfriend?" Damon scoffed in disbelief.
"Or a group of them." Kai added. "Spell does take a lot of energy. You'll either need one strong witch... or bunch of witches."
"Like the flock of heretics roaming around mystic falls..?" You questioned, earning Kai's full attention.
"Precisely angel." He hummed a sweet smile to you which you rolled your eyes at, returning your attention to Damon.
"Lily is having her little Heretic babies get back at you for Malcom." You concluded.
"What? That's not possible." He scoffed.
"Really? You took away someone important to them, so their taking away something important to you... makes perfect sense. And there's multiple of them. It wouldn't be hard to complete the spell with all that power."
"Okay fair, but wouldn't they need to know how she died first? The book said to complete the spell you'd need elements from how she died in the first place." Bonnie chimed in.
You looked to Damon expecting a response from him. You hadn't the pleasure of meeting these psychopathic vampire witch hybrids terrorizing your hometown yet. Thankfully.
"Don't look at me, I didn't say anything! To any of them." Damon defended himself. Kai tenses a bit at the conversation, which you noticed. Damon seemed to follow your narrowed eyes glare back to the siphon was trying to tiptoe away out of the room.
"Kai." Damon growled sternly causing the brunette to pause in his movements. "What. Did. You. Do."
    "Okay... but you can't be angry at me." Kai groaned, throwing his head back childishly as if you're friends life wasn't on the line. "It was so long ago and I was like way out of it-"
    "Malachi." You said sternly, capturing his attention. His eyes shot to you, a tingle running down his spine at the glare in your eyes. If you wanted to hurt him you could. He knew that for a fact. "What did you tell them."
   "Relax, angel" he smirked at you. "It was after you-" he pointed to Bonnie. "Left me for dead in the prison world. Those mangy little mutts used me as a personal blood bag. And you all know how I like to talk... they needed entertainment, and there I was. Just funny and left to waste away."
   "You told them about how she died." You groaned, running yours hands over your face.
   "Actually I told them how all of your undead dead friends bit it." He shrugged you all were seconds away from snapping him in half. "Hey, I didn't know they were going to do something like this when you pissed them off." He reminded.
   "He's right. There's no way he could've known." Damon scoffed.
   "Does that mean we can't still kill him?" Bonnie tilted her head to the side.
"You'll be cleaning blood out of the carpet on your own." You commented. "I'm going to find Lily... or Valerie or Nora or any of those heretic freaks terrorizing us. Maybe I can talk to them. Get them to focus on something else." You sighed, turning around before, Damon vamped in front of you.
   "You are not going anywhere. In fact, you will stay in this house. Bonnie and I will go." Damon mentioned and your eyebrows furrowed.
   "I'm not staying here." You scoffed.
"Somebody needs to watch big mouth over here and make sure he doesn't tell anyone else's life threatening secrets to our enemies." Damon explained but you shook your head. "I'll find Lily, and Bonnie will be my back up. Just in Case." He winked at the witch.
   "I'm not babysitting him."
"Don't think of it as babysitting, think of it as.... You not getting yourself killed." Damon grinned.
   "What do you mean? Out of all of us, I'm the only one who hasn't done anything to these guys. They'll be much less inclined to murder me than the two of you!" You fought, but nothing seemed to stick.
   "Sorry, kid, not today." He shook his head. "Bonnie." He spoke, sending her a soft look, earning a head nod.
    "Already done." She replied.
"What? You know I hate it when you guys do that." You're eyes narrowed.
   "I put up a barrier spell to prevent either of you from leaving this house until we get back." She mentioned and your eyes widened.
    "You wouldn't." You glared, receiving an evil smile from the pair.
   "It's to keep you safe." She shrugged. "We won't be out long. Be good. And if he bothers you. Just kill 'em'." She shrugged, her and Damon turning to walk out of the door.
   "Bonnie!" You walked after them. Body being forced back as you tried to follow them out the front door. "Damon!" You banged on the barrier, only to be pushed back a few feet. "This isn't funny!!!" You called, the pair ignoring you as they found their way to your car. "Those fuckers swiped my keys!" You growled.
   "Ooo princess, you need to watch that mouth of yours." Kai teased from the living room. Unfortunately for him. You were stuck together. Meaning he was about to be on the receiving ends of all your current anger. 
   "I will rip out your tongue and shove it so far up your ass you'll be able to taste what you had for breakfast 3 days ago." You scowled, his lips quickly formed a small 'o' shape, eyebrows furrowing in disgust.
   "That's... pleasant." He shook off the thought.
Your eyes rolled, and you stalked off towards the kitchen. The only thing you could think of right now was food. You were a stress eater. You know it was rare for the Salvatore's to keep any actual food in the house, but you'd be able to make something with nothing, it was almost specialty.
    You scoured the fridge, finding heavy cream, cream cheese, spinach, and some herb that smelled like thyme,  a few eggs, and a block of Parmesan. Alfredo. You could easily make Alfredo. That was simple enough and you could angry much you're heart out until they got back. Unfortunately for you though, you weren't the only foodie in the house. Unfortunately, you weren't the only person charmed in the house. Kai found his way in, fully set on doing whatever he could to bother you. Almost like it was his own personal mission. And it was.
   You were Y/N Y/L/N. The infamous. You were basically a legend around here. You were a badass Vampire Hunter who could resist any compulsion. Even in the midst of being tortured by a Mikaelson. You had a family, which you moved far away from this place the moment you got the chance. A mom, a dad, and a brother that was only a few years younger than you. You're friends held you on the highest of a pedestals. You were basically untouchable. And kai just so happened to wanted to see just how untouchable you were.
   "You know, we've been playing this game for a while now, y/n. When are you going to give it up?" He sighed dramatically, taking a seat at the island where you were working on chopped through the spinach.
   "When are you going to find someone else to bother?" You mimicked.
   "When you finally look me in the eyes and admit how attracted you are to me." He hummed a bold statement. You're eyes rolled and you nearly broke out in laughter. There was no possible way he could have been being serious.
   "Attracted to you? No. More along the lines of violently repulsed." You corrected.
   "I find you're resilience very sexy you know."
"You're sick."
    "Thank you." He smiled.
"I meant in the demented, mentally corrupt kind of way." You grimaced.
   There was a look in his eyes that was absolutely disgusting to you. Dark and playful, like he was enjoying the banter you were so dreading. This was the man who hurt your friends beyond measure. Walking around like he was free man. After he became a heretic you're urge to kill him was through the roof. Nothing but the simple words of 'he useful' from Damon kept you from it. But if Bonnie were to ever ever give you a look of permission, you'd have his head in a basket presented to her with pretty flowers and a happy birthday card.
    "You know, I'm very skilled in the culinary department." He brought up through the momentary silence you happened to be enjoying. "Allow me to help?" He asked, but you ignored him.  "Also, red wine." He hummed, wiggled his fingers, pulling a bottle, an expensive bottle, of red right off the counter behind you and into his hand with just a thought. "Great stress relief." He smiled. "And it goes amazing with cheese. And pasta." He winked.
   "I'm good." You deadpanned.
"You certainly are... something." His eyes raked over you. "Just a glass? And I'll be quiet. Promise. As a witch I'm connected with the earth. I'm able to feel the negative stressful energy your radiating and honestly it does not feel good." He shook his head. Snapping his fingers, and in an instant two wine glasses appeared right in front of him.
   "Then leave." You suggested.
"But then how would I be able to see that pretty face of yours?" He asked.
    "From the hottest pits of hell."
"If it's as hot as you then I won't stand a chance." He flirted, but you weren't all that impressed. Kai was no dope one of the most attractive men you've ever seen. But he was an arrogant asshole. He didn't care about the lives of others, he saw the entire world disposable. And while his physical beauty may have been stunning, his insides were as ugly as they could get.  And you'd be dealing with his ugly insides for possibly hours until Damon and Bonnie returned. Great.
   "Just pour the fucking wine, Kai." You groaned making him smiled.
   "As you wish, princess." He smirked, popping open the bottle.
   It only took 30 minutes and one 1 glass of wine before you felt yourself loosen up a bit. Your shoulders relax and you even let your guard down just enough to turn your back on Kai to grab some seasoning from one of the drawers. It took an hour and 2 glasses of wine before you let kai help you in making the homemade pasta. To be fair, you didn't really know how, and you were totally just going to wing it. Kai showed you how to knead the soft dough, and how to cut your fettuccine.
   "Your hands are really soft." You soft, as he showed you how to work your palms in the dough.Truthfully, it was a simple innocent moment. There was nothing to be read into it.
   "I moisturize." He shrugged, joking... sort of.
  It took an hour and a half and 3 1/2 glasses of one and 1 giant sobering shared bowl of pasta because neither of you felt like doing so many dishes later, than you begin to notice what a gorgeous shade of blue his eyes were. And how when he wasn't being a complete asshole he was actually kind of funny. And it took one disgustingly long gaze into each other's eyes before he made his move.
   You felt his lips touch yours, softly at first. The sweet of the wine mixing on both of your lips. His hand, on your waist, as he pressed his lips a bit harsher onto yours. Before you could think about what was going on your lips pushed back into his. You let this foolery go on for about 30 seconds before your mind snapped back into reality. You pushed him away from you, quickly wiping your lips in hopes that would erase the sin you just committed.
   "What the fuck was that?" You glared at him.
"That was you... being attracted... to me." He smiled, proving his earlier point.
   "You kissed me." You made clear.
"And you certainly kissed me back, angel." He replied. "I wouldn't have pegged you for such a good kisser, but with lips like those I shouldn't gues-" you hand stung his cheek. His head turning to the side at the force of your hit. If he didn't have vamp healing, then that would have definitely left a mark. Hell, with the force you put into that slap it would've left a mark regardless. "Ouch." He blinked a few times before looking back to you. "Honestly that was kind of hot."
  "You're so- ugh!" You growled.
"Your only angry because you like it. And you know you did." He fired.
   "I would never like kissing you." You spoke as if it was the grossest thing in the world.
   "Your tongue said otherwise." He commented.
"You're delusional." You scoffed. "We kissed for like 2 seconds. It was a moment of weakness. And it won't happen again." You said sternly.
    "You trying to convince me or yourself?" He smirked. You swung to slap him again but this time he caught your hand, yanking you closer to him.
   "Let me go." You growled.
"You are so hot when your mean to me, you know." It was almost as if he was mocking you. "It'd be even hotter if you just admit that you liked me." His grip didn't falter no matter how hard you were trying to break free of his grasp.
    "Fuck you." You scoffed. "You are evil. Literal scum on earth. I would never like you. I fucking hate you." The look in you eyes betraying every word for some reason. Your eyes darting back and forth to his lips, painfully obvious. You mind occupied with how strong his scent was and how it was fogging up every thought you had.
   "Say it like you mean it this time." He chuckled.
"I hate you." You repeated. The amusement in his eyes refusing to fade. "I hate you." You spoke again pushing it into his head. You kept repeating it until he shut you up with another kiss pressed to your lips. For a second your lost your train of though before pushing him away again. You just glared at him, your wrist still in his hand.
   It was like their was a silent deal being made. Silent agreement of attraction before your lips collided again in a more animalistic matter. Your hands holding his face to yours. His hands traveling down your body, lifting you up from the back of your thighs, allowing your legs to wrapped around his waist. He carried like it was nothing. A faint whoosh of cool air against your skin and you felt your back hit the wall. You let out a breathless moan as your mouths continued to work against each other, no rhythm or goal in mind just sloppy lips moving against each other.
    You felt the air again, and this time you were both upstairs, you back pinned against one of the old painting on the wall, his sloppy eager kisses trailing down your neck. You head thrown back as you reveled in the feeling on his warm lips against your cool skin. This was wrong. But he felt so good against you. One time. One time, wouldn't hurt. And that's all it would be. Worthless meaningless sex. Just something to get your mind off of everything. That's not so bad... right?
    And with one more use of his vampiric speed you were both in one of the empty rooms, your feet on the ground again. Back pressed to the door. Both of you shoving the clothes off of each other, eager just to be naked. Every time kai would nip at a bit of skin of your neck you would release a soft moan that only spurred him on further.
    "Still hate me, angel ?" He chuckled, as you both broke apart to lift his shirt over his head.
    "More than ever." You spoke breathlessly, eyes scanning over his scarily toned body. "You work out?" You ask, as him just snapped his fingers and made you shirt disappear without fail.
   "A bit." He smirked, hand going to wrapped around your throat, forcing your lips together. You moaned a little to loudly for your liking at the pressure of his hand around your neck.
   He guided your backwards to the perfectly made bed, bringing your to the edge of it before using some of his stretch's for toss you on. You went straight to you knees, lips colliding again as he stood at the edge of the bed. His hands roaming everywhere. Leaving trails of goosebumps along your arms and back, and earning moans as he kneaded the flesh of your ass. Your hands traveling down to his boxers. His jeans discarded somewhere by the door. Your hand, stroking the growing bulge in his boxers. You couldn't say you weren't surprised at the size of him. Usually when guys are douchebags it's because they are compensating for something... he, clearly, was just an ass to be an ass.
You let out a soft gasp as he pushed you back. Your body colliding with the soft fluffy pillows. His body climbing on top of you quickly. Your legs spreading, to allow him in between them. His crotch grinding down into yours adding the friction you were desperately craving.
"Oh the things I could do to you right now." He growled, tongue tracing one of the veins going up your neck.
"Do you ever shut up?" You grumbled, forcing his face back to yours, lips shutting him up before he could get another word in. You had shivers running down your spine, back arching into his chest.
"Have I mention how hot you are when you're mean to me." He groaned against your lips. His hand traveling down your body, fingers slipping past the bone of your panties. His smile widened at the feeling of his fingers being coated in your arousal, you felt the change in his features, and you pushed his face away from yours for just a moment.
"What?" You're eyebrows furrowed as he chuckled.
"Don't hate me so much right now do ya?" His eyebrow raised, fingers pressing down on your clit earning a moan.
"God, your such a dick." You moaned, feeling as his middle finger slid slowly into your cunt. He watched as you're face twisted in pleasure as his finger pumped in and out of you, not caring enough to ease you into it. He was using his strength to stretch you out with just a finger, his pace brutal as sent butterflies fluttering through you. Your moans and the wet lewd sounds of his finger fucking into you were just euphoric.
   He inserted one more finger, earning a louder moan. One of your arms sprawled out next to you, fingers digging into the duvet, gripping it as harshly as you could, the other wrapped around his shoulder, nails raking along the skin on his bare back. His middle and ring finger scissoring you open quickly, making sure to get you nice and prepared for what he had in store.
   "Fuck kai." You're moan was high pitched and you were unable to control yourself, actually. He grinned at the way his name rolled off of your tongue, like it belonged there. It sound so natural, and almost just like he had imagined it. Your back arched of the bed, his chest blocking you from going any higher, breathing began to become shaky. You cried as your orgasm ripped through you with no extensive warning. You're legs a bit shaky trying to close, but his body was in the way. You're hoops bucking into his fingers as he refused to stop, watching the way the pleasure took over your face.
   "Kai stop it I can't-" he shushed you, only pumping his fingers faster earning a soft cry as your nails dug deeper into his skin, nearly breaking through the surface. He hissed with both pleasure and pain, his effect on you only driving him further.
    "You can be louder than that right?" He teased, fingers hitting into you harder until you felt a second wave a relieve wash over you. A scream of his name earned a cocky smile as he removed his fingers. 
     He brought his finger up to you mouth, but you only glared at him.
   "Open, and suck my fingers like the good little slut your going to be for me." He demanded, his body weight shifting to his knees so his other hand could grip your chin. Your mouth opened and he forced his fingers in between your hot puffy lips. You follow instructions for only a moment before shaking your head, denying him the satisfaction. "Don't be a fucking brat." He kept his fingers in your mouth, pushing them a little further in, only sliding them out a bit and repeating the mouth, fingering your mouth, while he held your chin in place. "Knew that pretty mouth was good for something other than being a bitch." He chuckled, as you whined around his cum coated digits. 
   He removed his fingers, once he felt you cleaned them off fairly well, tapping your cheek for a job well done. He smiled down at you mockingly, as you glared, again...
    "Fuck you."
"What did we say about that language?" He faked him disapproval, lifting himself off of you. His hands pushing apart your legs further than they already were. Your panties still covering your soaking core, ripped off in a single second.
   "What the fuck-" you felt a slight sting on your cheek from his hand colliding with the skin. It was hard but it was enough to shut you up. And make you wetter just from the feel of it.
   "I said to watch you're fucking mouth." He gritted through his teeth. "We certainly have a lot of work to do, don't we?"
   "This is the only time you'll ever come close to touching me again, so you better make it worth your fucking while." You growled, his hand wrapping around your throat again, earning a moan.
   "We both know this definitely won't be the last time." He spoke confidently. "Gonna fuck you so good, you won't even be able think about anything but my cock." His words had a venom that made your skin crawl with excitement. And you hated every bit of how good he could make you feel. It was making it harder to convince yourself this would only be a one time thing.
   "God, you really do talk so much." You groaned.
"I have a nice voice, why not use it." He grinned.
    "Or you're just trying to distract me from the fact that your barely going to last 3 minutes." You fired, not caring much about his feelings at the time. His features darkened at the comment. A shot at his masculinity? That was low. Probably meant to piss him off. As was everything you said.
    He mumbled a series a curse words, immediately lining himself up with your entrance. The angry red tip of his cock, slowly pushing into your cunt, causing your jaw to fall slack, a silent breath escaping as he nearly pushed all the oxygen from your lungs. Hands gripping the fabric underneath you naked body, as your legs wrapped around his waist, keeping him closer to you.
    "All it took was my cock to get you to behave?" He tsked, basking in the feeling of how tight your cunt was gripping him. He wasn't even all the way in yet, and you were already falling apart. "Should've known you just needed to get laid, angel. Probably would've fucked that attitude right out of you ages ago." He pulled his hips back before snapping them back into you. Forcing his full length in your curb without warning earning a pained cry. Your hands went to his his back, nails automatically digging in.
   His hips repeating the assault, drawing the most erotic moans from your throat. You shut your eyes, head going back in ecstasy as you tried not to think about the repercussions you’d face from this later on, but someone wasn’t having it.
“Open your eyes.” He demanded. “Fucking look at me.” He growled, your eyes snapping open, as his hand wrapped around your throat. His finger squeezing the sides, barely enough to restrict your air flow, but enough to send a pulsing euphoria straight to your clit. “Look away or close your eyes again and I’ll stop.” He glowered. Your breathing was shaky, every time you tried to take a breath his cock pounded into you making you loose progress all over again.
“F-fuck you” you managed to squeak out, not daring to break eye contact, even as watery as they were getting.
“Such a fucking cunt.” He moaned as you felt the way your walls were convulsing around him.
“I fucking hate you.” You spoke again, mainly for yourself, but to really make sure it got through. “So fucking much.”
Your nails raked across the skin on his back, drawing out a deep redness which healed fairly quickly. The pain lasted for a second drawing out a loud moan from the siphon, causing his hips to stuttered. You of course noticed the obvious affected it had on the sick mind.
“I’m gonna- fuck, harder.” You moaned, feeling your orgasm approaching rapidly. For once in all the times you’ve known the heretic he actually listened, hips pulling back and pounding into you harder. You eyes rolling back as you tried to keep them open. A series of mindless moans escaping as your body began to vibrate, waves of pleasure beginning to break through your walls.
“Go ahead, angel, cum on my fucking cock.” He whispered into you ear. Shivers down your spine added to the pleasure. Your chest arching into his, the water in your ears spilling down the sides of your face. “I know you want, so be a good cockslut and cum for me, alright.” Though it shouldn’t have had the affect it did on you, his lips so close to your ear, hand around your neck, and cock hitting your g spot at a godly force, pushed you over the edge. You cried out his name once more, legs shaking as he continued fucking into you.
“S-shit I c-can’t-” you cried, making him grin at the helplessness in your eyes. So innocent, and sinful, a perfect blend of heaven and hell.
“Shhh…” his next hand just covered your mouth. Your loud moans being muffled. His hips hit into you one more good time before you gasped, moaning out as you felt him spilled his white hot seed spilling into you cunt. Filling you like nothing you’d ever felt. Your hands slipping down to his biceps gripping them as he milked himself out in your cunt, before pulling out, watching as he spilled out of you a bit.
He removed his hands from your mouth and throat. Still breathless, his used his fingers to push the white contents back into your cunt, earning a soft moan, just as you heard a door slam. A car door.
Bonnie and Damon were home.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” You growled, knowing there was no way you could make yourself look decent enough so that they wouldn’t pick up on what the two of you were doing.
“Right in time.” He smirked as if this wouldn’t have gotten the both of you killed.
“Get the fuck off of me.” You pushed him a way, sitting up quickly, feeling his cum travel down a little two quickly. “Fuck, Kai.” You growled.
“Most people would be thankful, I couldn’t waited until they were at the door to finish.” He spoke, shuffling off the bed, picking up his boxers kicked on the floor, and sliding them up his legs pretty quickly, hoping his bludgeoned wouldn’t be evident through his jeans.
“You heard them coming?” Your eyes went wide, and he let out a chuckle.
“This whole heretic thing has its perks. This vamp hearing man, it’s crazy.” He shrugged as if it was emo big deal.
You shot out of bed, finding you jeans on the floor, seeing as he ripped your panties you were praying to got that you could hold in everything until you got home.
“You’re such a fucking prick.” You grumbled, chastising him for his reckless behavior. Scrambling around for your clothes. Grabbing your shirt and pulling it over your head before head swiftly out the room door with kai also fully dressed right behind you as you heard the front doors knob jingle.
“Weren’t complaining about it when you were cumming around my ‘prick’ a few minutes ago.” He laughed which only pissed you off more.
The front door opened just as the back of your hand collided with his cheek. The sound loud and even made Damon flinch as he walked through. He quickly turned to Bonnie who was wildly amused by the situation.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have left these two alone together in the same room…” he pondered.
“You’re back now, meaning the barriers down right?” You spoke, walking quickly towards Damon who held You’re keys in his hand. Bonnie shook her head, trying not to catch the wrong side of your hand next. “Good.”
As you walked past you snatch the keys from Damon’s finger, slamming the front door behind you.
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queenscodex · 2 years
prompt 10 with best boy jade! 😍
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First time they see you cry
Charatcers: Jade, Lilia
- Gender Neutral Reader
- Headcanons & Scenario
700 followers event
Combining the two since it will be easier on my part- idk what was going through my head when I wrote Lilias part aaaa Also anon you are so right! Jade is best boy, fight me on that 😤
not proofread, this week has been t o u g h -
Jade Leech
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Jade is super in tune with the things around him. So chances are, he was able to pick up on any subtle body language that pointed to signs that something was bothering you or were stressed.
And when notices these, he is quick to ease whatever is bothering you. So when he discovers you crying for the first time, he is surprised that he didn't notice anything prior. And although this is his first time witnessing you cry, he already has a good grasp on what to do. He is gentle, his priority is make sure your okay above all else
Jade keeps his distance at first, waiting for you to invite him into an embrace as you cry it out. He understands that some people dislike being touched during this state- and since this is the first time, he's careful to not upset you further. And if you do allow him- with his gloved hands, he will gently wipe the tears with his fingers, caressing the cheek gently.
Jade is quick to reassure you too. Crying in itself takes a lot mentally from someone and the feeling is only amplified when it's in front of someone else- often feeling pathetic or a burden of such. He is quick to tell you that there is nothing shameful about it and that you didn't 'waste his time' with such worries
Although Jade wasn't expecting for you to be crying, he is glad that you trust him enough to help you through it. And once you're feeling better, he'll ask the cause of your troubles- it's up to you whether you disclose that information, however, Jade will find out somehow and make sure it doesn't happen again.
Jade's normally calm and stoic gaze was replaced by a surprised one as he stood in the doorway of your dorm.
He came in searching for you, noting that you seemed rather blue lately and wanted to know what was plaguing your mind. First he knocked on the door that separated him and the room you were in. He was a gentleman after all, it would be very inappropriate to step into another's private quarters without permission.
" Jade…?" A meek answer came from the other side, recognizing the tune of his voice. Your voice on the other hand sounded weak, low as though you had just woken up; but it was also shaky and cracking. Crying.
With worry starting to bellow within his chest, his hand instinctively grabbed the door handle- however, he stopped himself before he opened it." May I come in?" His voice remained the same, masking any dread his system was feeling.
He was met by a wave of silence, only the cold air kissed his ears. After a few prolonged seconds he was met with, " yeah." Your reply was meek as your last, all strength disappearing from your voice and replaced with cries and a puffy face. Jade entered the room, his eyes widening at the sight in front of him.
You sat a few inches away from your bed, your hands buried in your hair as countless low sobs escaped from your quivering lips. Your face was puffy and red, crystal-like tears dragging along the features of your face. You were crying. A scenario that Jade has not yet witnessed up to this point. He was always aware of what you were feeling, including the anxiety dwelling inside you. He was always quick to reassure you of any worries that plagued your mind- though somehow he had slipped and you paid the consequences. Slowly, Jade walked over to you, crouching down a bit away. " What's the matter, my pearl?" His voice was as soft of silk, holding nothing but gentleness as he studied your face.
You felt the words become trapped in your throat, only causing you to squeak out. The action caused more tears to fall, your face burning up from embarrassment. Jade made no reaction to this, instead he waited until you were ready to reply. Even as the urge to pull you into a hug poked at him, he remained still.
" C-can I hug you?" You said after a few minutes of sobbing. The words came out more like a babble, poorly stitched together in almost incoherent words. Meanwhile your hands made a foolish attempt to wipe your tears away which were only replaced by more.
"Of course." Jade's arms went to your waist as you crawled into his embrace. Your face went to bury itself into the crook of his neck, your tears staining his clothes- but Jade paid no mind to that, ruined work clothes was the least of his concerns. As you sobbed into his shoulder, his grip around you only tightened, part of him wishing he could soothe you with a snap of a finger. " Let it out, all of it." He whispered against your ear. And you did, tears streaming down your face and soaking up into his clothes.
I must look pathetic, the thought made your lips quiver. " I'm sorry Jade, I never wanted you to see me like this." You choked, your tears slowly ceasing to an end finding comfort in his embrace.
Prudently, Jade pulled you away from his shoulder, meeting your gaze with his mismatched eyes. Your face was still puffy from all the crying but only a few tears lingered on your cheeks. With one his hands, he gently traced his gloved fingers along your skin. His touch felt feathery but collected the reminder of the tears, cradling the crystallized forms with care. " It's not pathetic at all, it takes a lot of strength for one to cry. Don't be ashamed, if anything I am happy you confided in me with your troubles." His words were tender and scarce of any lies. It was genuine.
With his fingers still grazing against your cheeks, you found yourself leaning into his touch, your eyes fluttering close as sleep started to overwhelm your body. " Rest now, I'll take care of everything else." He murmured against your ear, easily lulling you to sleep. Meanwhile his eyes were fixated on the door leading to the outside world, silently plotting to eliminate the cause of your troubles and worries.
Lilia Vanrouge
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Like Jade, Lilia can tell when you're feeling down. He is attentive to your body language and overall behavior, noting signs that indicate you're overwhelmed. He also likes to keep an eye on you throughout the day, making sure no one is giving you a hard time
Although he has been around for many years and had seen and experienced various heartbreaks, it never fails to punch him in the chest when his partner cries for the first time. While he is able to mask this well, you may be able to catch a flash of worry and surprise on his face when he finds you crying
Despite that Lilia is quite good at soothing people with simple gestures and words, each tender and full of care. The first time he keeps it serious, his playful nature being paused; he doesn't want to patronize you and come off as not caring by being a tease
He attempts to maintain a calm face though the entire thing, hoping to keep the atmosphere as cheery as possible- as well as not stress you out further, however it's easy to tell he's worried.
He listens to your troubles, voicing bits of advice when it calls for it. Lilia also has patience, he will stay in that spot for you to cry out for as long as you want. Because this is the first time you cry in front of him, Lilia is sure to express that he loves you regardless of how 'weak' or 'pathetic' you are for sobbing over something 'minimal,' enforcing that as your partner he is willing to hear you vent about your troubles no matter how big or small
As a fae, Lilia has become accustomed to seeing the world change with each passing year due to his longevity; remaining ever so curious to what new surprise the humans may come up with. As for himself, the bat fae had experienced many things over the thousands of years he had walked the earth. For one he fought in a war, a general of the queens gaurd- even receiving a medal for his honorable deeds. Lilia also held the responsibility for nursing the queens kin among other young ones who he took under his wing. Perhaps he may appear on the history books one day.
Although Lilia had witnessed and adapted to the changes, the one thing he has yet to grow familiar with is the sight of the people he loves let out a sob of despair. It always caused his heart to crack in some way, though he is easily able to hide it with a single blink of an eye.
And there you were, crying in your room with many tears streaming down your rose-colored face. Lilia had stumbled upon the scene when looking for you, however he wasn't expecting this. The fae had always had a good eye on you throughout the day, he was attentive to your emotions- wanting you to be free of worries. So why were you sad? What did he missed?
Hesitantly Lilia approached your weeping form, crouching down as his hands went to rest on your shoulders. " Y/n? What's the matter, my dear?" He asked. His voice was deprived of his usual teasing tone; instead, it was more serious but still ever gentle- soothing to your ears as tears rolled down your face.
"Lilia-?" You called out meekly, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. Even his face lacked the playful grin that would tease you about wanting a kiss. Rather, his lips were drawn into a firm line, his crimson eyes starring into your own, looking for answers. As much as you wanted to reply, you couldn't stop a wave of tears to fall from your face, your lips quivering as you weep. Silently, Lilia pulled you into a hug and you didn't resist, seeking refuge within his embrace.
" What is causing you so much pain?" He asked, listening to your muffled cries against the fabrics of his shoulder. His hands worked on rubbing shapes along your back, his mind becoming a bit fuzzy. He was always use to taking care of a crying Silver or Malleus when they were younger many years ago; however, that was when they were young. And you weren't a child, you're the person he calls his partner, and now your fighting some demons of your own and Lilia wanted to soothe you, to cradle you and make you forget all the pain.
You didn't make a reply to his question. Instead you pulled away and glanced into his eyes shyly. "Can… can we just stay like this?" Your voice was just above a whisper, barely hitting Lilias ears. The fae smiled, that made you feel better.
" You never have to ask." Was all he said. Sheepishly you rested your head against his shoulder again, the last of your tears soaking into his shirt. All that was left was your puffy face along with with the little hiccups that choked at your throat.
" I'm sorry." You mumbled. " I never wanted you to see me cry, and the reason is pathetic too." Embarrassment and guilt was starting to eat at your chest while your eyes squeezed shut as though trying to forget happened just seconds ago.
Lilia shook his head. " My dear, there is no such problem that is I will overlook. Even if it was 'pathetic' as you claim it to be, I will still place my full attention onto it." He gingerly pulls you from his shoulder once again, this time a smile dawning on his lips. Meanwhile his fingers went to caress your puffy cheeks lovingly. With the tears no longer blurring your vision you could finally take a good look to his face. Although he held a smile, it was easy to tell that he worried, almost hurting in some way.
"Seeing you in pain greatly weakens my beating heart." He admitted. A little smile found its way to your own lips, his words kissing away the remeants of your worries. Although his expression remained the same, Lilia could feel his heart beat faster. All he knew was that he wanted to protect you from the cruelties of the world, wishing to see that smile on your lips again and again.
" Ah, there's that smile I have fallen helplessly in love for."
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iheartyouyou · 2 years
Alright, bet | Eddie Munson
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Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Word count: 3.5k
warnings: angst, cuss words, not proofread (yet!) and maybe more. idk
Summary: Steve bets you to date Eddie Munson until the end of the school year.
Authors Note: I’m so sorry if this is bad
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“You see that guy over there?” Steve asks, pointing to a guy with long, disheveled hair. He looked like he was around the age 18, and he was with a group of boys.
All of them were wearing the same shirt that read “Hellfire club”.
“Yeah?” You respond, quirking an eyebrow at Steve. 
You guys made a bet. You didn’t know what the bet was about yet, but you told him what you would want if you won and what he would want if you lost. 
Steve looks at you, leaning against his car. The two of you were in the school’s parking lot, waiting to pick up Dustin and that’s when he suggested the bet.
“I want you to date him until the end of the school year.” He says simply.
“What?” You shrieked. You weren’t about to date some random dude for free cassettes from Steve’s work.
“What? You too scared?” He taunts, looking back at the group of boys.
“No. I— I just… I don’t want to date some random high schooler for cassettes.” You say, looking back at the boy. You had to admit, he was weirdly attractive.
Steve shrugs. “Free movies for life? Including the ones that haven’t been released yet.” He proposes. He knew that you had been wanting and waiting for Karate Kid ll to come out, knowing this would finally convince you to agree to the bet. 
Your eyes widen, a smile growing on your face. You already knew what he was talking about. “Really? You have it? Why didn’t you tell me?” You gush, doing a little dance.
“Not supposed to tell costumers about unreleased movies… does this mean you’re gonna do the bet?” He asks.
You look back at the boy, your eyes softening. “Fine.” You look back at Steve. “What’s his name?”
“Eddie Munson.”
You had a few steps to your plan. 
Introduce yourself
The next time Steve went to go pick up Dustin after school, you tagged alone, in hopes of seeing Eddie again and introducing yourself. Luckily, he was there.
He was wearing the same thing, except he had a jean jacket on. 
Steve pulled into the parking lot, ready to get out and find Dustin. You stop him though, telling him that you wanted to say hi to Mike and Lucas.
You make your way to the group, fixing your hair along the way. Dustin spots you, immediately saying goodbye to his friends and running into your direction. You frown. “He—“ You start. “Y/N, I’m really tired. We were planning a big campaign today and I don’t really wanna do small talk.” 
You furrow your eyebrows. “Uh— okay.” You look back the group of boys, noticing that Eddie’s eyes were already on yours.
You were about to wave at him before Dustin grabbed your arm and started dragging you towards Steve’s car.
You roll your eyes. 
The first part of your plan failed, but that’s fine, you’ll just try again tomorrow.
Introduce yourself… part 2
You were going to do the same thing as before. Go to pick up Dustin with Steve and introduce yourself to Eddie, but then the imaginable happened.
“Hey, Y/N?” Dustin says from your front door step.
It wasn’t a rare occurrence to see him on your doorstep, but to see him and Mike together, standing there with pleading eyes, that was a rare occurrence.
“What’d you guys do this time?” You groan.
“We need your help. We need you to fill in for Lucas for tonight’s campaign. It’s a really big deal for Eddie and he won’t reschedule it and we really need a sub. Can you please, please, be our sub.” He begs.
At first, you were gonna slam the door in their faces, but then you realized that this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself to Eddie.
“Fine, but only this once.” You mumble, rubbing your face. They cheer in excitement, praising you for agreeing to help them.
You know how to play DnD. You used to play it with Mike and them in his basement, but after everything happened you stopped, too scared to summon a demogorgon.
“We actually found a sub for Lucas!” Dustin shouts excitedly.
“You did?” Eddie asks, surprised. Nobody in this town really played DnD, so it was shocking that they found someone willing to play.
Dustin nods, turning around to see you walking with Mike a few feet away. Mike tried to convince you to wear the dumb shirt they wear 24/7, but you refused.
Eddie and Dustin watched as the two of you argued, slowly walking side by side.
You two make your way to where everybody else was.
“I’m no—“ You start but Mike elbows you, signaling you to shut up.
Dustin awkwardly coughs. “Eddie, this is Y/N. Y/N this is Eddie.” He says.
Eddie takes in your outfit. The loose jeans that were folded up on the bottom, your shirt and slightly rid up your stomach, exposing it. The black converse you were wearing, the necklace that fit perfect around your neck. Your wavy hair was down as well, the way i—
“Nice to me you, Eddie.” You say, holding your hand out for him to shake it.
He smirks, shaking it. “Welcome to the team.”
After celebrating a win of defeating vecna, you waited patiently outside for Steve to pick you up. You ranted to him about filling in for Lucas and he offered to pick you up after.
You thought everyone left, but you thought wrong.
“I thought you left already?” Eddie says, startling you. He chuckles at your reaction, leaning against the wall beside you. You and Eddie actually got along, the two of you were cracking up jokes during the game, even though it was very serious to him.
“No.. I’m waiting for my ride.” You say, tugging on your shirt.
“Steve?” He asks.
You turn to look at him, confusion evident on your face. “How’d you know?”
“I see you guys hanging out a lot.” He says.
“You do?” A blush started to settle on your cheeks of the thought of him noticing you before the two of you officially met.
He hums. “Steve Harrington.” He laughs, shaking his head. “Why’d you fill in for Lucas anyways?”
You thought about it for a moment. You wanted to tell him it was because you had nothing going on, but you decided to just tell him the truth. What’s the worse that could happen?
“I actually only came for you.”
He furrows his eyebrows, pointing a finger to himself. “Me?”
“Yeah, you.”
You opened your mouth to say something else, but Steve’s car quickly pulled in. You push yourself off the wall you were leaning on. “Well, that’s my ride.”
He doesn’t say anything, he just watches as you open the car door, but you turn around quickly. Steve mumbles something about you closing the door because you were letting cool air in and that it was freezing out there.
“Why don’t we hang out?” You offered, smiling.
Get to know him
You drummed your finger against the kitchen counter, watching as Steve poured himself something to drink. 
“So… you guys are like… friends?” Steve asks, taking a seat on the kitchen stool next to you.
You sigh. “I’m supposed to be meeting him at the park tomorrow.” 
“The park?” 
Steve laughs. “I think you might be winning this bet.”
You got to the park shortly after Eddie did, he was sitting on the bench.
“Hey.” You say from behind him. He swings around to look at you. “Thought you were gonna bail.” He says, laughing.
“Why would I bail?” You ask, taking a seat next to him. 
“Cause’ I’m a freak?” He says, questioning you and himself.
It was your turn to laugh. “What do you mean? You’re no freak.”
“I’m the school’s freak. Thought your lil’ boyfriend would’ve told you.”
“Boyfriend?” You had confusion written all of your face.
“Mr. Harrington.” He mumbles.
You gasp. “You think I’m dating him? That’s the funniest shit i’ve heard all day, he can hardly pull a girl these days— they all run from him.” 
“That’s ironic. He had girls falling over heels for him in highschool.”
You quickly change the subject, not wanting to talk about Steve’s love life. You already had to deal with Steve ranting to you about his hook ups, you didn’t want to talk about them with someone else.
“School freak?” You question Eddie. He didn’t look like a freak to you— yeah he had unbrushed hair and would wear the same thing everyday, but that didn’t mean he was a freak.
“Eddie “the freak” Munson” He quoted.
“You’re not a freak.” You say, trying to sympathize with him.
“I’ve gotten held back, twice. I’m a 20 year old in highschool.”
“You’re 20?” You shriek. You didn’t mean to sound like you were terrified of him because of that, it just came off as a surprise. It looked like he was 17-18.
“Is that bad?” He asks, frowning.
“N-No! It’s just… you look younger. I wasn’t expecting that.”
“How old are you then?” He asks, looking at the swing mysteriously swinging by itself.
“You could’ve fooled me for a 17 year old.”
Finally make a move
You and Eddie hung out a few more times over the next few weeks, but the end of the school year was coming up and you needed to make a move. An actual move.
Yeah, you flirted with him every time you guys hung out but that wasn’t actually making a move.
So, you decided that you would confess your feelings for him tonight. 
You invited him to a party, a first he refused but after a bit of convincing, he agreed to go. Usually, he didn’t go to parties. He would always get kicked out or humiliated, but just seeing the sparkle in your eyes when he finally agreed to go, he knew he made the right choice.
You and Eddie decided that walking to the party would be best since his trailer was close. And that’s what you guys did, you walked over, stopping at the gas station to get a few snacks, and you guys made it in less than 10 minutes.
Eddie actually didn’t get kicked out or embarrassed. He was quite surprised actually. People did give him dirty looks, but would immediately stop when they spotted you next to him.
You guys shortly found your way into the upstairs bathroom, hoping to get away from all the drunk people.
The two of you were sitting criss crossed apple sauce across from each other. 
Now would be the perfect time, you thought as you watched Eddie rant about all the drunk douchebags downstairs.
“Eddie?” You mumble, interrupting him.
He looks up at you, nodding at you to continue.
Were you really about to do this? What if he rejected you? What if he only saw you as a friend? Or even worse, a sister? What if there was someone else? You did see him hanging out with that cheerleader a few times. Were they dating? All these thoughts were running through your mind that you completely forgot that Eddie was still there, waiting for you to continue.
“I like you.” You blurt. You immediately cringed as you realized what you just said. No turning back now.
He smiles. “I like you too.”
You sigh. “No— like… I like like you. Like a crush type of like.”
“You have a crush on me?”
“Y-yeah..” You confess, looking down at your hands that were in your lap.  
He starts to laugh. “Does Y/N Y/L/N actually have a crush on me? A freak?” He teases.
Was this his way of rejecting you? 
Your cheeks start redden with embarrassment. You should’ve just let Steve win the bet. You didn’t want to pay him a hefty amount of cash, but if that meant avoiding the embarrassment of being rejected, you would.
You quickly stand up, adverting eye contact. “Shit. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that— that’s really embarrassing. I’m sorry… I’m sorry.” You turn around, opening the bathroom door and getting ready to make a run for it when Eddie stops you. “You didn’t let me finish.” 
How could you have been so stupid? Your massive ego thought your could’ve easily won this bet. Shit, it wasn’t even about the bet anymore. You actually really liked Eddie. 
You turn back around to face Eddie, still keeping your eyes on the ground. 
“What were you gonna say? That I’m just a friend? That I’m just like a siste—“
He cuts you off by pressing his lips to yours softly. It was perfect. His soft, but slightly chapped, lips felt just right on yours. It was like two puzzle pieces fitting together.
He pulls back, making you finally look at him.
“Does that answer your question?” He says softly, holding your gaze.
Instead of responding, you pull him back in, kissing him deeply.
And the final step…
Date him till the end of the school year
Everything went perfectly to plan.
You and Eddie were happy. 
Very happy.
He introduced you to the hellfire club, even giving you a shirt. (It was his, but he just said he’ll get himself a new one.) He invited you to every DnD campaign, claiming that you were his good luck charm.
You guys were inseparable, attached to
the hip. 
I don’t think there has been one night since you confessed your feelings that you have slept alone. 
Everything was perfect. 
Or so you thought.
“The last day of school is tomorrow.” Steve says as he throws a movie cassette into
the cardboard box he was holding.
“I know.” You say excitedly. The bet completely erased your mind. Summer meant that you and Eddie would have more time to hang out, go on dates and do plenty more. 
“I guess you win this bet.” He shrugs, turning to look at you before looking back at the shelf.
You gasp. “Oh, shit. I totally forgot about that.” 
The bell rang, letting the both of you know that someone walked in. 
You do a little victory dance, realizing you won. “I guess I get free movies for life! Including Karate Kid 2. Don’t forget that, Steve.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I honestly thought you were gonna lose.”
“Lose? This was so easy! All I had to do was introduce myself, get to know him, and confess my feelings! Who would’ve thought I would be dating Eddie Munson because of a bet?” You laugh. Everything sounded insane to you. Maybe you should just pay Steve, if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t be with the love of your life. Yeah that sounds cheesy, but Eddie is the love of your life, he had to be. Who else could it be.
Steve swings around, mouth opening as he was gonna say something but it immediately closes as he looks at something behind you.
You place your hand on your hip. “What?”
You turn around. “Looks like you’ve seen a ghost…”
Your face drops as you realize Eddie was standing right behind you. He looked angry, but sad at the same time. His eyes were glossy and he was holding a movie.
“H-hey babe!” You say, giving him a fake smile.
“Don’t “hey babe” me.” He says, dropping the movie and storming out of the store. You run after him, screaming for him to stop.
“Eddie! Wait! I can explain, please!” You shout.
He stops abruptly, causing you to bump into him. He turns around to face you, tears were running down his face, he aggressively wiped his tears.
“Explain what? How I was just a bet to you? How you thought it would be funny to date me? Did you think you would get a kick out of dating the school’s freak? I actually loved you! I gave you everything and—and I was just a fucking bet? A bet!”
Tears were now running down your face. You reach out to touch him. “Edd—“ He pushes your hand away, surprising you and even him. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
“Let me explain. Please!” You beg.
“No! All I was to you was a bet.” He shouts, throwing his hands up to tug on his hair.
“I’m sorry.” You say, trying to reach for him. He pushes you off. “You’re fucking dead to me.” 
He walks away, leaving you standing on the sidewalk, a sobbing mess. 
“Eddie!” You scream, trying to get him to come back but he doesn’t. He continues to walk, hastily rubbing at his tears.
You showed up at his trailer a million times. Each time, his uncle answers the door claiming Eddie was out or was busy. 
And so, you did the only reasonable thing.
You convinced Steve to come with you to stake out Eddie’s trailer. Yes, it’s kind of creepy but you just had to make sure he was alive and well.
“How long are we gonna be here?” Steve asks.
“Until we see him.” You say.
Steve brought along a pair of binoculars from the last time him and Dustin tried to find a evil Russian in the mall. They failed, miserably. They thought some yoga teacher was one because he had a duffle bag.
Steve suddenly looks through the binoculars, gasping. You look at the trailer, not seeing a sign of Eddie. “What? What!” 
“Chrissy. 5 o’clock.”
“Who’s Chrissy?” You turn to look at the supposed Chrissy, realizing it was the cheerleader Eddie used to hang out with. 
“Holy—“ You snatch the binoculars from Steve. “What the fuck is she doing here?” 
You watched as she approached the trailer, knocking on the door. The door opened to reveal Eddie. You sigh in relief, he was alive and… well.
Did he already move on? Did he like her? Were they dating? Did you have any chance of getting him back? A million questions were running through your mind, all of them self doubting you.
She walks in, Eddie slamming the door behind her. 
What if they’re watching movies together? That’s your guys’ thing. What if they’re cuddling? That’s your guys’ thing. What if they’re making out? That’s your guys’ thing? What is they’re fucki—
“What the fuck are you guys doing?” Max says, pounding on your side of the window, making you scream.
Max starts laughing, holding her stomach. 
You roll down the window. “You scared the crap out of me!” You shriek. 
“Sorry. It’s just— you’re out here in a car, watching Eddie. That’s creepy.”
“We—“ Your cheeks start to redden. “We weren’t watching him! We we’re just, talking.”
“Whatever.” She looks back at Eddie’s trailer. “That girl has been here everyday for the past week.”
“Really?” You eyes widen. 
“No.” Max starts laughing again, knowing she was right about you stalking him.
You roll the window up, annoyed with her.
You know the cartoons where a lightbulb will just appear above their head, signaling that they have a idea? Yeah, well that’s what happened to you.
You rolled the window down. “Wanna make 20 bucks?”
“Hello?” Max shouted, pounding on Eddie’s door. It was close to 11 at night, and she was freezing.
Eddie swung open the door, worry written all of your face. Max cringed. Gosh, he looked horrible. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his hair was even worse then before.
“Is ev—“ He starts.
“Eddie! Oh my god! Can you help me move mattress? I can’t move it by myself and my moms not home.” Max pleads.
“A mattress?”
“Yes! Sorry, I’m just very weak. Can’t move anything without help.” She says, grinning.
Eddie groans, grabbing his jacket quickly before following Max over to her trailer. 
Max walks in, leading him to the closed door of her room. “You can go in. I’m gonna go take my shoes off real quick.” She rushes off before he had a chance to reply. Shrugging, he walks.
He stops dead in his tracks when he sees you. “Oh hell…” He turns back around, but the door slams in his face and locks.
“Hey.” You mumble, slowly approaching him.
“What do you want?” He says bluntly, turning back around to look at you.
You took in the messy hair, the dark circles underneath his eyes, the missing matching bracelet from his wrist. Your heart broke.
“I’m sorry.” 
“You have a 14 year old kid lock me in here so you can apologize?” 
“You weren’t answering your door. I needed to talk to you.”
“You’ve outdone yourself Y/N!”
“I know. And I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that— you mean’t— you mean way more than a bet to me. At first, I just thought this was gonna be easy. That i would be able to ditch you, but I just— I couldn’t. You’re the best thing that happened to me. And, and, I—I don’t want you to leave me. I really messed up and you don’t even h—have to forgive me, I just.. I love you so much.” Tears start forming in your eyes, you quickly wipe them away, sniffling as you did so. “I really just want y—“ 
He wraps his arms around you, taking you by surprise. 
You hesitantly hugged him back. You didn’t want to cross the line. “I’m sorry.” You sob, squeezing him tighter.
“I love you too.” He whispers, kissing the top of your head.
How did you get so lucky?
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cellophaine · 2 years
hi! i was listening to take me to church LMAO & i was wondering if i could request a smutty/steamy matt murdock x reader? he’s obv daredevil but he calls the reader his angel, he’s a good catholic boy but has a bit of a dark side if yk what i mean ;) idk how itll all tie together i’ll leave that up to you, ur the best thank u !!
Adore You
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Warnings: oral sex (f receiving), hints of sub/dom, unprotected sex, some religious images (I think), my confusing writing.
Author's Note: I'm so sorry this took so long :( I'm not sure if this is exactly what you had in mind. I just took the song along with your request and ran with it! I hope you'll enjoy it regardless!
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GIF is not mine
Was it possible to worship an ordinary human being more than God himself? Matt pondered the question, knowing the answer to be the same every time, no matter how hard he thought about it. Even though there was nothing about you that was ordinary. You lit up his fiery world in a way that the burn felt like a sweet kiss, enlightening him in ways that only you knew how. His breath hitched when your presence made itself known to him, the familiar rhythm of your heart, the alluring scent that could only belong to you. Matt was entirely captivated by you. The thought of someone occupying his emotions and thoughts day and night should scare him, but it didn't. Instead, it gave him a foreign sense of happiness. And peace.
Despite being woven deep into the web of his own thoughts, the moment your arms found their home around his bare torso, his focus shifted to you. Matt placed the soapy plate into the sink, wiping his hands on the nearby rag before turning around, trapping you in his embrace. The whirlwind of thoughts in his head died down into silence as you sealed your lips over his, the blissful contact took over his mind, and all he could think of was you, you, you. Matt leaned in closer, trying to deepen the kiss, but you didn't allow that to happen. He stopped himself as he could feel you pulling away; an unwelcoming feeling of loss clawed at his chest. He could feel the delicate touch of your fingers on his jaw, caressing, drawing on his once distracted mind.
"What were you thinking, love?"
Matt's hand came up to grasp your hand, moving it up just enough so he could press a soft kiss on the inner of your wrist. He felt the calmness of your pulse echoing his own, sighing deeply. Happily. Being with you, Matt felt like he could surrender his will to you, so he could fall into the safety net you cast for him.
"I was thinking about you."
His answer sent goosebumps down your skin, making you feel like the next breath couldn't come soon enough. You were constantly amazed by the effect he had on you, just as much as you have on him. This was something of love, of affection. It was also of giving up control when either of you needed it, in the way only you two knew and trusted.
Your hand travelled down his torso, tracing the scars, ghosting over his crotch. His breath sharpened, his eyes blinked slowly at the fleeting touch.
"I'm right here. Why don't you stop thinking about me …."
Matt let out a strangled moan as your faint touch became something else. A gentle grip, up and down, making his clothed cock harden at every movement.
"… and fuck me instead?"
You whispered hotly in his ear. You didn't miss the way he swallowed hard, audible even to your normal hearing. Your lips slightly lifted at the corner, knowing you had him right where you wanted him to be. Mentally, of course. Physically? You preferred the bedroom.
You shredded the little clothes you had on, slowly, dropping them at your feet as you made your way to the bedroom, with Matt hot on your trail. You could feel his hand searching for you, following your movement, but you dodged it every time, causing him to miss you. Finally, turning around, you threw the last item of clothing at Matt, watching him catch it in his hand with ease.
"I didn't say you could touch, Matt."
His eyes fluttered, his tongue darted out to lick at his upper lip hungrily, desperate for even the barest taste of you. How sweet and wicked it would be to torture him a little bit more, but you were getting impatient yourself, and Matt could sense that too. He made confident strikes towards you, gently pushing you down onto the bed. You crawled backward, making space for Matt as he climbed onto the sheet with you. His hands found your legs, caressing them fondly, urging them to open for him. You could feel your resistance giving in too easily as you parted your legs slowly. Matt used it to his advantage, putting your leg over his shoulder, lowering his mouth to press wet kisses on your inner thigh. You bit your lower lip to hold back the whine as his kisses turned into small bites, peppering your skin with his faint teeth marks.
He gave a final lap of his tongue close to where you needed him most; his voice sounded hoarse with lust, making you feel a new wave of a desperate need for him all over again.
"Can I taste you, my angel?"
Even at his most needy state, his unsighted eyes glossed over with need, he still waited for an invitation. No, permission, for he knew he was in your control. Utterly and completely.
You exhaled softly before unleashing his need with a command.
"Go ahead, love. Remember …"
Matt dipped his head eagerly; his hands went to palm the globe of your ass, only to stop short as you muttered the rest of your demand.
"… no touching."
He felt his cock throb at the way you took what you wanted from him, and even though not being able to touch you would be torturous for him, he willingly followed your order. He put his hands down on either side of your hip, clutching the sheet tightly instead. At the least, he was granted the privilege to indulge in the taste of you, which made him more than happy.
You threw your head back, unable to hold back the filthy moans that escaped your mouth as Matt pressed his skilled mouth over your cunt. No gradual buildup, no coaxing. Just pure, merciless strokes of his tongue along your slit, penetrating your entrance. Your hip bucked up onto his face, and he groaned out in displease as your involuntary movement made it harder for him since he couldn't hold you down. You breathed shakily, willing yourself to stay still so he could get more of you. So he could get what he needed from you. He fucked you with his tongue as he ground his crotch onto the mattress, desperate for friction. Your eyes rolled back as he alternated between sucking, biting and licking, intent on making you come. Your constant sultry moans turned into breathless pleas as you could feel how close you were to release; your hand tugged on Matt's soft hair in the hope of keeping him there because you were so, so closed.
Matt didn't plan to let up, only increased his relentless pace on your sobbing cunt. You cried out loud with his name on your mouth as you came; your thighs shook at the intenseness of his mouth on your sensitive cunt. Matt hummed happily at the gush of your come, slurping up everything you had to give.
You pushed yourself up with your elbows, didn't let yourself or him recover as you crawled on top of Matt. Pushing his boxers out of the way eagerly, you sunk down onto his cock, moaning out loud as he filled you up, stretching you out on his thick cock. You stilled your movement, couldn't move just yet as your vision got fuzzy at the edge at the fullness. Matt was breathing hard under you; his knuckles went white as he clutched the sheet so tightly you thought he could tear it clean off from the sheer strength. His lashes brushed his flushed cheeks, and you thought to yourself how nothing could be prettier. Until he opened his mouth and moaned louder in abandon, uncaring of his neighbours as you started to move up and down on his cock. The sound and the sight worked together, messing with your Matt-drunk brain to fuel the fiery desire you felt, making your pussy clench harder around him. You braced your hands on his chest, looking down at him. The tips of your fingers curled to gain support as your momentum grew wilder, creating faint pink jagged lines that were eager to vanish, only to be brought back just as quickly.
Matt's hands struggled to keep still, so he acted on his desperation, moving them to grip your thighs. But his satisfaction for the skin-on-skin contact didn't last long as you immediately moved them to the mattress, keeping them still on the sides of his head. You put some pressure on your grips, ensuring that he stayed put. Matt whined; you couldn't believe your ears. His frustration at the loss of contact shaped into strangled, almost inaudible groans as you circled your hip, shutting him up.
"What did I say about touching?"
You breathed out the stern words, leaning forward to put more pressure onto his wrist while the swerve of your hip only grew more vehemently. You could tell he was close by the way his face contorted in pain and pleasure, the way his lips parted to make way for a string of incoherent pleas and begs. You were close too, but you wanted to punish him for his little defiance. Just a little more.
You ground your hip just the way you knew he liked, dragging another throaty groan from him, only to lift yourself off of him with his tip so close to your entrance. Matt felt like the air was punched from his lungs, completely breathless and gutted at the loss of your sweet cunt.
"My angel, please …."
You lowered yourself to take in half of his length, only to pull out immediately. Matt whimpered softly; a string of please, please, please escaped his full lips, which were glistening with saliva and your cum. Your core squeezed at the sight. So lovely, so vulnerable. And just for you.
"I said no touching, love. You're just begging me to use that silk restraint on you, hm?"
His lust-glazed eyes fluttered, his brows scrunched up at the denied pleasure.
"Speak up, love."
He swallowed hard; his voice shook with need. His abs pulled taut at the continuous teasing from the occasional dip of your cunt onto his cock.
"Please … have mercy on me."
You smirked, enjoying this state of his.
"I don't you think you deserve that, Matt, considering how you have disobeyed me tonight."
You lowered your head, kissing and sucking at his throat enough to draw blood underneath the surface of the thin skin, creating a perfect love mark. It was high enough to peek out of his work shirt, evident enough to show your claim on him.
"Maybe I'll have to gag you as well after I tie you up …."
Your hands squeezed at his wrists as an emphasis. You whispered into his mouth; the air between you was thick with lust, arousal, and trust. And a hint of challenge.
"… so you can't scream in frustration because you can't touch me."
You took his hand in yours, dragging his index and middle fingers from the tip of your chin, down to your throat, slowly, tantalizingly, stopped at your breast. You pulled his fingers in an unrecognizable pattern, letting him feel a fraction of your softness. You sighed softly, feeling turned on at the little game you played. Underneath you, Matt was utterly out of sorts when his fingers brushed against the hard nipple, and you let out a euphoric moan at the sensation.
The hold your other hand had on him loosened as you lost in the game, and Matt took advantage of your distracted state. With a swift movement, the situation was reversed. He had you pinned under him now, with your hands bound together by only one of his hands, while the other roamed freely, indulgently down your body. He finally reached the final destination, hooking your leg over his waist.
"I will gladly take the punishments."
His sly smirk was all you could see clearly before your eyes squeezed shut as he started thrusting into you with full force. Your cries were barely contained in your throat; the heady sound only made Matt drunk even more. Drunk on how you wrapped yourself around him so tightly, drunk on the way you moaned his name like it was the only thing you knew, drunk on the feeling of your flesh underneath his hand at last.
The sound of skin on skin mixed with unrestrained moans was loud, brutal and sinful. Matt was lost in you, letting your sweet arousal cleanse his soul, absolving him of his sins. Your lovely cries sounded better than the choir singing at the gate of paradise, better than anything else, for you were his salvation, his own Heaven. What else could a sinner do at the altar of you, of his angel, other than kneel and worship?
That was what he did, giving you all the praises of how good you felt around him, how he could get lost in you forever and not be afraid. Finally, the snaps of his hip into you became too much for you to hold off your release; the deep strokes dragging in and out of your needy cunt made you see stars. You kept your eyes on him as you came; your core pulled on his cock, coaxing his own release. His mouth fell slack as he came inside you with a broken moan, painting your inner wall with his seed. The hot fluid dripped out between your folds, trailing down to your ass and the sheet below, even with his cock plugged in deep. Matt let your hands go, and you immediately wrapped them around his neck, pulling you down, welcoming his weight on you. You tucked his head snuggly into the crook of your neck as Matt sighed happily with your proximity. You tugged gently on the soft strands of his hair, whispering in his ear:
"I hope you're ready for your punishments, love."
Matt shuddered lightly before responding meekly, his voice hoarse and full of anticipation.
"I'm more than ready, my angel."
Taglist (open): @stanfordscrush @cc13723things <3
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natsglorifiedsimp · 2 years
Never say no to cuddles
Summary: Idk I'm just cuddle deprived's all
Taglist: @diaryoflife @xxromanoffxx @lissaaaa145 @fxckmiup
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One thing Natasha learned in your guy's relationship is to never say no to cuddles.
You may be asking why?
It's cause you are the one whose love language is not physical touch. You were more into gifts and affirmations. Give Natasha gifts when you come home and say she looked pretty even when her face was littered with dirt and bruises.
Natasha however loves language is physical touch. She liked being hugged and hugging back. She liked going out with her hands on yours. Even when she's the big bad assassin that everyone is scared of she is the softest person when she's with you.
So how do you guys adjust to your different love languages?
Well, it's easy, both of you had to compromise.
When sleeping Natasha will always be the small spoon and you'd be the big spoon. You're the one who always holds her when she's sleeping and she simply holds your hand.
Physical touches weren't really your thing but you never hated it. You weren't just big into it.
But today tho you wanted cuddles and you never know how to ask because Natasha always makes the first move when it comes to cuddles and you, asking only happened once in a lifetime.
Natasha however was busy. She's been roaming around the house looking for the paperwork she lost that is desperately needed by Fury.
She entered the bedroom with you on the bed looking at her with an amused smile while Natasha's brows were furrowed thinking where could she misplaced the paperwork she's been looking for.
Natasha scattered the table and opened and closed the drawers with an annoyed expression on her face.
She was really getting frustrated by her brain by not knowing where could it be and her head was aching to the amount of strolling the house and double checking if she missed anything.
"Baby, I want cuddles" you softly whispered not really knowing if she heard it.
"Not now, baby." She said rather politely despite the evident irritation in her voice.
"Okay," you said. Not saying you were mad she declined but well it took courage for you to say that and you really hated the fact she rejected it.
You settled on sleeping with a pillow and clutching onto it, ready to go to sleep.
It took Natasha hours to find the paperwork but she did find it and made sure she had it in a place where she can find it.
Now exhausted and feet hurting she settled on her side of the bed and ready to comply with your wishes earlier.
She draped her arms around your torso and pulled you close to her making you awake by the sudden movement.
You felt her arms around you and decided not to let her go that easily after declining your ask for cuddles earlier.
"Nope" you popped the p and removed her arms around you and scooted away from her.
You can feel the evident pout on her lips. "Why?" She whined.
"No cuddles for you buddy" you teased and clutch a pillow.
Natasha scooted closer to you and put her arms around you again, you did the same thing earlier but this time you were on the edge of the bed trying desperately not to fold with her cute whines.
"Babyyy" she whined again, pulling you close to her.
"Okay fine" you stubbornly surrendered. "But I'm not in the mood to be the small spoon anymore," you said turning over to face the redhead.
She happily squealed a 'yay' and moved closer to you to rest her head in the crook of your head. You draped one arm on her torso and the other to her head to keep her close.
"Did you find what you were looking for?"
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i-just-like-goats · 2 years
Ranpo x Reader Fluff
Summary: a gift always finds its way on your desk.
Warnings: none that I can think of. idk Ranpo’s a bit ooc but I’d like to think he’s a bit clueless when it comes to his own love life
WC: 0.8k
Main Masterlist
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You stared at the singular mochi on your desk. It was the fifth sweet this week. Without fail, something sweet would find itself on your desk every morning.
“Morning.” A tired Atsushi walked into the office with a yawn.
“Coffee’s on your desk,”
“You’re a lifesaver,”
You nodded at him as others walked into the office. The mochi sat in your desk drawer to be consumed later in the day. 
“Hey Ranpo. Mind if I sit with you for lunch?”
“Not at all, go ahead,”
Truth be told, you just wanted to spend some time with the man you admired. With such a smart head, charming personality and kind spirit, how could you not fall for his many attractions? You sat down next to him with a smile but frowned once you saw his lunch.
“Sweets and snacks for lunch? Really?”
“It’s not often, I do eat proper food for lunch normally. It’s just, I was too distracted to make myself lunch,”
Ranpo may have omitted the fact that he didn’t have time in the morning to make lunch because he was too busy contemplating what sweet to get you. It was a hard decision too. Mochi or dango? Both were very excellent treats, it was too hard to choose.
“Just make sure you bring a proper lunch tomorrow. For today, you’re lucky that I have a spare,”
You may have omitted the fact that you purposely made an extra lunch to give to him. Lucky for you, he didn’t have one, which allowed you to escape any awkwardness. A perfect opportunity presented itself and you took advantage of it.
“Thank you,” he said with a grateful smile.
The two of you continued to eat in a comfortable silence. You took the mochi out of your pocket and looked at it with a small smile.
“Would you like to split it with me?” You offered.
“Oh, thank you for the offer, but I have plenty.” Ranpo held up a box of the same mochi you were holding in your hand.
You opened the packet ready to eat it but stopped. You looked at Ranpo. He turned his head to look back at you with a slightly raised eyebrow.
“Is the mochi from you?”
The sudden question made Ranpo’s eyes widen and a few droplets of sweat formed on his face.
“Yes.” He hung his head in shame as though he were admitting his guilt to a heinous crime.
“Oh, thank you,”
To Ranpo’s surprise, you happily took a bite out of the mochi.
“It’s delicious,” you praised.
“I don’t know. You bought it,”
“No, I mean, how do you not have any questions for me? You’re just going to accept it?”
“You looked nervous when I asked about it, so I decided to not go further. Besides, I would feel guilty and end up revealing something else in return,”
“Thank you,”
“It’s no problem,”
The following day, another sweet found its way on your desk. You smiled. 
That same day, a full lunch box found its way on Ranpo’s desk. He smiled.
“Thank you!” You shouted across the office simultaneously.
And the same happened over the next few days. It became a routine for the both of you. Today was slightly different, Ranpo was sitting at your desk.
“I hope I’m not intruding,”
“Not at all,”
You sat next to him and both of you ate.
“You’re a really good cook,”
“Thank you. I really enjoy seeing and eating the sweet treats you leave for me,”
“It’s no problem,”
The two of you settled back into the comforting silence that you were both accustomed to.
“You know, I didn’t ‘accidentally’ make another lunch that day,”
Ranpo tilted his head.
“I made it because I wanted to give something to you. I admire you so much as a colleague,”
“Is that it?”
Ranpo’s confused face turned into one of panic when you looked taken aback.
“Sorry sorry. I was just expecting something more, but that’s just me being hopeful. The reason that I give only you sweet things every morning is because I admire you too. Just. In a different way,”
“Oh thank goodness. I didn’t want to insinuate anything without knowing your feelings. That makes this slightly easier. Ranpo, I like you romantically,”
“I like you in a romantic way as well. Would you like to go on a date tonight?”
“I would love to. Let’s take a break from my cooking shall we?”
“Yes. Wait no, I love your cooking, but you should take a break,”
You giggled as he fumbled over his words. Being bold, you pecked his cheek and continued eating as though nothing happened. Ranpo’s heart beat faster and his ears were redder than before. He did nothing but smile happily at his food. You were in the same state as him. Just two happy fools with feelings that would turn into love.
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chrisevansredbelt · 2 years
pairing: bucky x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, NSFW, mentions of pregnancy, lactation kink, boobies, established relationship (bucky x reader), lmk if there’s more.
ermmmm idk how like the spacing on tumblr works but it makes me wanna start throwing up and crying, i’m sorry if it bothers u trust me i’m just as annoyed
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(gif not mine!)
Sitting at the table with all your friends at another one of Tony’s parties was nice. It was both yours and Bucky’s first ever party since having a child a few months ago. The parties continued in your absence but were obviously no longer a priority for you or Bucky now that you had a bundle of life to care for.
This one, however, was quite special. It was Tony’s birthday.
Lavish as ever, the party consisted of a three course meal. You almost wished you were pregnant again so as to not feel guilty for eating so much, but once you saw that everyone was pretty much in the same boat, you no longer cared.
Not only was this the first party since having your baby, it was also really the first time leaving her alone in general. Of course, she wasn’t alone alone. She was being baby-sat by Sam’s sister, Sarah. You both had your worries about leaving her alone, whether it was Sarah, Steve, or even Queen Elizabeth, you just worried.
You missed her dearly as well. Right about now, she’d be getting ready for bed, probably still full of energy with her father trying desperately to tire her out, but was probably only fuelling her even more.
Snapping you out of your thoughts was the sudden ache in your boobs that came and went every now and then due to your pregnancy. The pain was bearable at times, but it was when you started leaking that it was a problem… such as now.
With Bucky and the rest of your friends all engrossed in some story Steve was telling, you quietly stood from your chair and excused yourself to the bathroom.
Bucky gave you a look of slight concern- something he had grown accustomed to ever since you fell pregnant- but your hand caressing his shoulder told him not to worry.
Even though, he probably should.
The walk to the bathroom only seemed to worsen the pain, every step just making it worse. As soon as you shut the door to the private bathroom, you locked it before pulling your tits completely out of the confines of your dress.
“Oh, God.” You groaned at the pain. They had noticeably swelled and were just aching to be… milked. Grabbing a few paper towels from the dispenser, you dabbed around your nipples to get rid of the wetness.
You knew it was no use, seeing as they just started leaking again and would probably continue to do so until you could probably pump them.
You debated stuffing toilet paper down your dress and over your nipples but knew it would probably show through the dress and also need changing every few minutes. And besides, the pain was only getting worse.
The party hadn’t even really started yet. You hadn’t even sung happy birthday to Tony yet or cut the cake. He probably wouldn’t care if you or Bucky left, but you want some of that damn cake because you know it’ll be the best damn cake you’ll ever eat until Tony’s next party- you couldn’t wait that long.
Opting for your last resort, you pulled up your phone and flicked Bucky a message.
‘Help, please 😥 Bathroom.’
The use of the emoji would let him know that you weren’t in immediate danger- which you had mistakenly worried him for once before. Bucky had thought you were in serious trouble once when you had sent an ‘SOS 😰’ message while at a different party. He had freaked out not knowing where you were or what had happened. When he found you, you were fine and just wanted to leave the party. He was a little angry with you for getting him so worried, to which you defended yourself with ‘Buck, if I have enough time to search for and choose an emoji, I’m not in danger’.
The knock of the bathroom door, followed by Bucky’s soft, “Honey?” Caused you to momentarily pull your dress back up and at least make yourself decent before opening the door and pulling him in, shutting it behind him and locking it.
He looked at you worriedly, but raised his brows once you had pulled your dress back down.
“I don’t have my pump and they hurt so bad.” You quickly explain, resting your head against his shoulder tiredly.
“O-okay, what should I do?” He asked, not quite knowing what exactly to do in this current predicament, “You can’t like just squeeze it out into the sink?”
“It hurts when I squeeze it out like that.” You sighed. You knew what could solve this issue immediately. You knew from the moment you walked into the bathroom and saw how swollen they had gotten. Taking your head off Bucky’s shoulder, you ran your hands down his chest, straightening his lapels out of nervousness for what you were about to ask. “I need you to-“ You looked up at him now, “To suck on them.”
He opened his mouth to speak as he looked over you, but no words came out.
Instead, he guided you to sit atop the counter, helping you up in the process, as he became level with your tits.
He was obviously no stranger to your boobs. You had a child for Christs Sake. But you still felt oddly foreign to this kind of intimacy.
All your thoughts had washed away when Bucky had closed his mouth around your left nipple (the one he knew you despised). He was cupping both so delicately as to not hurt you, but you shut your eyes in pure bliss as you felt the release and the pain slowly dissipate.
Running your hand through his long strands, you massaged his scalp gratefully as he finished up on the left side.
“Compliments to the chef.” He said, wiping his mouth and you gave him a hazy smile, trying not to give in and laugh at his stupid comment, “It’s actually really good. It’s like sweet.”
“Shut up and keep going.” You shook your head with a smile. You were still in pain from your right boob and you wanted it gone immediately now that your left was satisfied, “It feels so nice not having teeth sinking into them for once.” You noted as he softly sucked where’s your baby would, unknowingly of course, use both her gums and now her gradual teeth on you. You should never had said this though, because Bucky thought it would be funny to softly bite down on your nipple, causing you to jolt and accidentally tug on his hair, “Ow!”
He continued sucking until he felt you fully relaxed in his hold. He knew your body like that.
“Better?” He asked as he pulled away, grabbing a paper towel to wipe you down.
You nodded, leaning back against the mirror as he cleaned you up, “Thank you.”
“Anything for my girls.” He places a kiss to both of them before pulling your dress back up to cover them.
Well, there was one thing you knew for sure. You had married the right one.
Oh and also, maybe to always carry a pump with you. Just in case Bucky’s not there.
*+ Epilogue +*
After the incident in the bathroom, you and Bucky had since settled back at your table, still awaiting the cake as Tony went off mingling.
Besides, everyone needed some time to make space in their stomachs for more food.
“Drink?” Bucky asked you, standing up out of his chair.
You looked up at him and around all the other men who had seemed to be standing and taking drink orders.
“Just a refill?” You asked, offering your empty glass to him. Though you were no longer pregnant, you didn’t really feel like drinking and instead opted for raspberry lemonade. Taking your glass, not missing the knowing glance he sent your way, he and the guys fled to the bar to fetch more drinks, leaving you and the rest of the girls at the table.
You kept to yourself as the others talked, admiring your husbands suit for the night as he ordered the drinks.
Only, you were so immersed in the back of his head and ass that you barely even realised that your table had gone silent and almost everyone was looking at you.
“You two are disgusting.” Natasha spoke, breaking you out of your thoughts. Though her words sounded spiteful, the smile on her- and everyone else’s- face said otherwise.
You were utterly confused.
“What?” You ask genuinely. Slightly panicking that you had unknowingly orgasmed at the sight of your husband or something.
Natasha scoffs as Wanda, Maria and Carol smile harder, “You leave the table with your boobs a double D cup, come back a D. And Bucky won’t stop licking his lips and staring at your tits.”
“Fuckin’ trained assassin.” You shook your head in disbelief that she had figured you out purely based off of the size of your tits and Bucky’s not-so subtle behaviour. “I didn’t have my pump.” You defend to the rest of them, but they all just playfully roll their eyes. “Well when one of you have a baby and start leaking on your favourite dress at a big party, don’t expect me to offer my pump.”
“Are you referring to an actual pump or Bucky?”
my first ever fic, pls leave feedback or requests!
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