#but damn Sea of Stars is AWESOME
milkpumpkin96 · 7 months
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So, my dad helped kickstart Sea of Stars—I miraculously (without the code) found the monument dedicated to him, my siblings, and I! It’s a BIG one!!!
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fairyhaos · 8 months
seventeen and which mythical beings they are
requested by @mesanthropi ^^ physically held myself back from going on rants for shua's and hao's and jeonghan's pls (iykyk)
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vampire. formidable, mysterious vampire seungcheol from a powerful family name who lives in a huge, ominous castle and somehow manages to make sucking blood look sexy… shakes he's so fine oh my god. honestly vampire!cheol with glowing red eyes and an intimidating presence and the most smug fucking smirk in the world is such a vibe, and he also has the whole “i was born centuries and centuries ago” old hag thing down to an art
siren. specifically a mermaid-type siren that lives in the sea and has a pretty iridescent tail. water-dwelling being jeonghan just makes so much sense to me bc he has their fluidity and their peaceful and their mischief and also??? jeonghan with a shimmery mermaid tail and captivating siren voice???? i'd willingly drown myself for him actually, siren song be damned. he has the silvery voice of a siren and the ethereal looks to be one fr
wood nymph. bambi-eyed wood nymph joshua who communicates with the birds and tends to his forest and has flowers weaved in his hair and stars embedded around his eyes… the nymph!joshua obsession is Real guys and i am definitely a victim of it. curly haired joshua is just sooo wood nymph coded and i can see him as some soft-spoken, pretty being who lives in a birch tree and guides stray travellers when they get lost in his woods
witch junhui with his black cat familiar and his dented cauldron and his cottage in the middle of the forest!! witch junhui with his mini apothecary and his goofy-sounding spells and his eyebrow permanently half-singed bc his enchantments keep backfiring!! witch junhui with his soft spoken words and bright laugh and total kindness to everyone who happens upon his home!! witch junhui is so so dear to me and he really is just. a witchy little dude
shapeshifter. does this idea feed into his furry agenda a bit too much? yeah, it kinda does, but oh my god just imagine tiger shapeshifter hoshi who's part human but can turn into a large, big-fanged and bold-striped tiger at a moment's notice. he really just genuinely gives shapeshifter vibes, and every year he schedules one week where he'll traipse off into the nearest mountains and blow off some steam in his tiger form for seven days
dragon. okay so this is kinda not a humanoid mythical being, but wonwoo is soooo big friendly dragon coded. i can imagine him as a large, red scaly dragon, snoozing atop his massive hoard of gold in a secluded cave in the forest, little wisps of smoke coming out of his nostrils as he snores contentedly. that doesn't mean he can't be scary if he wants to tho, and can burn down any puny humans who try to steal his hoard in the blink of an eye
demigod. part-god woozi is just such a vibe okay, and he rlly does give off a hercules-type feel, where he can do inhuman things and seems almost untouchable in his awesomeness, even though he's right there in front of you. and he has a hatred of the gods and a mild tolerance for humans but at the end of the day, he appreciates and loves both for all that they do. (also in a percy jackson demigod sense, he is totally an apollo's kid and no i don't make the rules) 
fae. y'all know how far my fairy minghao agenda runs by now and like ??? can you blame me ???? the idea of sassy smol hao with fairy wings and a squeaky voice is cute and all, but also i just think he fits the idea of the entire tall, mysterious fae folk really well too. with his pointy fae ears and his shrewd gaze and his ability to say half-truths and riddles and give sage advice about how to live your life all at once, he really is very much a fae-like person. 
some sort of demon. he's so loud and bright and kind that, despite his huge presence and glowing eyes and the horns protruding out of his mess of fluffy hair, you don't even register that he's some dangerous, hellish creature before something happens and he just snaps, the air around him visibly darkening as he tears after the thing that caused him to lose control. he's so sweet and kind but so undeniably dangerous all at once. 
elf. i'm thinking lord of the rings elves, except i haven't actually watched lord of the rings but i have this idea of them being tall and rich and elegant beings, and it makes me think of dokyeom. he's just so pretty, and the elves rely on the natural elements to survive, right? dokyeom is just so sunbeams peeking through forest leaves, so little rabbits bounding through the undergrowth, so hand-whittled arrows and folk songs around a campfire and tall, tall, beautiful elves. 
will o’ the wisp or a sprite. he's endearing and mysterious, and once you gain his favour he's staying glued to ur shoulder for the entirety of your dangerous quest through the magical woods. he's very chatty and also very elusive, constantly flitting around in the air and disappearing in a wink of light before appearing on your nose once again. you can't tell if he's a help or a hindrance, but he's cute and bright and makes the journey a lot better
a smurf. smurfs count as mythical beings okay, and while ive never actually watched any smurf movie thing ever, i think vernon would make an absolutely brilliant smurf. they give off silly goofy weird adorable vibes, and that's basically vernon in a nutshell. also smol vernon with blue skin and lives in a mushroom looking house??? that's kinda cute and actually something that vernon might wanna do irl not gonna lie
nine-tailed fox. he's so mysterious and sexy and kind of dangerous but like. his unbelievable handsomeness kinda outweighs the danger. honestly i don't really have an explanation for this other than that the Vibes r there for some reason and he'd look so cool with those glittery wisps of magic threading through the air around him as his eyes glow a mysterious colour before he launches into a kdrama-esque fight sequence against the latest monster
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Title: Just Do It {One-Shot}
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Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Warning: Fluff, Cursing, Implied Smut,
Words: 5.6k
Summary: Lewis is practically the dead last to realize his feelings, feelings he’s had from the very beginning of your arrangement that was to be one night, then one afternoon, then just strictly FWB.
Note: Did anyone ask for this? Nope. I couldn’t resist the so damn adorable pictures of him looking so dreamy. Again, I wrote this with the reader from “One Night” in mind. At this point, I think I’ll just create a collection for them. LOL. Think I’ll begin with the rules you will see in this one shot.
As always, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy this!
If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!! 
***NOT Edited/Proofread***

The gentle breeze brushed against his face bringing with it the salt of the sea, the garlands of flowers that were strewn nearby, and the subtle scent of steamed lobster, and crabs. It had been an exhausting two weeks, and this was just what his spirit needed. A few feet away his eyes were locked on you as you danced with his niece and nephew. You effortlessly went between swan-like graceful and delicate twirls and dips for his niece then Star Wars-esq light saber swipes in the air to battle his nephew. You made it look easy. He always wondered how it was so easy for you. You had no nieces or nephews of your own and rarely interacted with children. When his niece bent over with one leg lifted behind her you mirrored her, and it was then his nephew saw his opening to attack. "Haagh!” He shoved his invisible imaginary lightsaber at you, but you did some impressive skip-hop turn that had you barely missing his attack to come around and swoop him in your arms then spin around swinging him like a carnival ride. He laughed and screamed while you laughed. His niece giggled, jumping up and down as she announced it was her turn to get the same treatment. You put his nephew down then took her into your arms and did the same thing. She giggled and hooted her enjoyment as you adoringly smiled at her. When you placed her down, she wobbled from the dizziness for a few moments then they were both off chasing you to the shoreline. Once there the three of you splashed water on each other laughing the entire time. It was clear you guys were having the time of your lives. The sigh of a content man fell from his lips. It was a sigh he’d released several times before today and usually always when he was with you watching while you were wrapped up in whatever you were doing. So basically, him being an obsessed stalker. "Oh bloody 'ell just do it already," a voice to his left said. Turning, he found his father's smiling face, a face pretty much identical to his own. "What?" "Just do it already. You know you want to; I know you want to; gracious everyone here knows you want to. So just do it." He crinkled his brow as he took in his father but once again you drew his attention. He smiled as you ran from them both as they teamed up on you trying to catch you. You were so good with them, and it was evident how much they liked you. It was just how he always wanted it between the woman in his life and them. "Earth to Lewis." He shook his head slightly and brought his attention back to his father who now had his stepmother just behind him and his younger brother on his left. "Sorry, what? Do what?" They laughed together leaving him completely confused. "Yeh, I’m lost." He raised his virgin pina colada glass to his lips and took a mouthful as they continued their inside joke. "I'll explain," his brother offered as his fiancé stood behind him. He took a swig of his beer and then spoke. "You and Y/N have been friends for years and everyone knows how great she is..." "I mean yeh, she's awesome,” he confirmed interrupting his brother. He nodded and continued, "Exactly so she is great in general and for you, and over the last I don't know a year and a bit, we've noticed a change in you and even in her." "That's...weird. What change are you talkin’ about? I don't know what you're talking about." "Of course not because you’re oblivious. Men," his sister chimed in joining the group. The women laughed this time while nodding. "Okay, get on with it, yeh. What change are you talking about?" "You're softer," his mother voiced. "More relaxed, the stuff that got to you before don't now," his sister added. "Christ just tell him. You’re acting like a lovesick bloke," his father spit out. Pausing, he tried his best not to look your way. Instead, he raised his glass again and took a long sip. "Uh-huh, there it is,” his sister teased. "You're madly in love with her and she's madly in love with you. So just do it, just ask her to marry you already so we can get some grandkids from you already," his father rushed out. He was fine until he heard the “marry you” and everything after. Coughing up a storm, he tried to get a hold of himself, but it posed a more difficult task than expected. "Is Uncle Lewis ok?" His niece's question was filled with concern. You approached him and placed your hand on his back and rubbed. "Are you okay? Slow down, slow down," you said as you rubbed his back. The action was soothing in more ways than one. The bout of coughing slowed until it stopped, and he was then left trying to take full breaths. "Slow breaths. There you go. What happened?" "Ehm! Mu-mu-must have swallowed too fast," he croaked. You cupped his jaw and looked him over. "You're sure you're okay?" Your thumb gently stroked his cheekbone and just like that he was lost in your touch. The urge to lean into your hand was strong and just as he was about to do just that, four pairs of soft eyes and smiling lips caught his attention. His parents and sister watched with "I knew it" and adoring looks on their faces. Damn it, he thought as he looked back at you. "Yeah, I'm all right. Thanks." He gave you a small smile that you returned before he stepped back giving his attention to his niece and nephew. "I'm all right. I promise. Show me those fancy moves, little ballerina." His niece smiled then began dancing for everyone as they watched with smiles. She loved the attention and had everyone wrapped around her finger. As he watched her he tried to figure out just when you'd started to affect him like this. When had your touch been like soothing and heated hot stones? When had your eyes become such endless pools of stars to him? When did this begin? How did he not even notice? Glancing at you he found you smiling and sipping your drink. He for sure knew it wasn't virgin and had more alcohol than needed in it. You looked so good with the warm glow of the light bathing your skin and thanks to the very lite sheen of sweat you looked iridescent. The long maxi dress you wore that had two deep splits at the thighs fit you perfectly hugging the full globes of your breasts while showing off your tempting curves. God, you were beautiful. Your eyes slipped to him and locked on his. The look you gave him was a mix of something he'd seen plenty of the last year and something completely new, something that made his heart beat faster and his mind wander to other things like a flower-lined path along a white sanded beach with you in a white dress as your long intricate Spanish style veil wafted in the air while you walked to him. At the same time, the two of you flinched as if you'd had the same vision down to the wide smiles on both of your faces. That's crazy he thought, shaking the idea off. You averted your eyes as a confused look washed over your face. Or was it? Was his father right? Were you in love with him? 
"What the actual fuck was that Y/N?" You stared at yourself in the mirror for a few moments then dipped down to splash cold water on your face. After you caught Lewis' eye on the beach as his niece showed off her dancing skills, the visual you'd unexpectedly had of him standing at the end of a flower-dusted path dressed in beach-appropriate neutral colors while you walked to him atop those flowers in a sexy and chic gown of white, you couldn't get it out of your head. Anytime your eyes met you saw it. When he touched you, you saw it. Even when you were sitting with his family laughing or leisurely gazing out to the darkened sea you saw it. "Where in the hell did that come from?" You stared at yourself as if the answer would come to you in the mirror. You sighed and hung your head. It felt like it came out of left field. Ok, yeah your relationship had drastically changed thanks to your impromptu request for one night of filth and debauchery, a night you were convinced would be enough but wasn't in the least. Yeah, that night opened Pandora's box for the two of you prompting you to establish a friends-with-benefits arrangement with clear stipulated rules for the both of you to adhere to. Rules that over the last year had been broken time and time again. You thought of those rules again. 1) No sleepovers past one night. That rule had been broken 2 weeks after you’d made it when you visited him in Barcelona for a race weekend. A weekend where he had waaaay too much energy and you had waaayyy too little self-control.
2) No personal gifts. Shattered after a month when you woke up to a gorgeous diamond tennis bracelet resting between your breasts after a night of sinful indulgences with one another's bodies. He’d said it was just something he picked up but he thought of you when he saw it. 3) No dates or date-like things. Yeeted into the stratosphere after a month when a day after you'd gotten that tennis bracelet Lewis surprised you with a rented out restaurant where he cooked you dinner in the kitchen and you ate surrounded by candles until the wee hours of the morning leading you to break the next rule. 4) Only fucking, nothing more. That night the sex felt like more than sex, it was more than fucking. It felt like a transference of self, of energy. The way the two of you stared into each other's eyes as if you never wanted to look in any others spoke of more than fucking. The way he slowed his strokes to take his time with you rather than pounding you into the mattress screamed planting a seed. The way he kissed you and held your hands with your fingers entwined as he passionately and hungrily moaned your name into your ear megatroned yearning and felt like lovemaking. The way held you through the night with your bodies still connected sealed the moment with an air of permanence. Just fucking never stood a chance. 5) No intermingling lives. Kicked down so many times in so many ways. You spent Christmas with him and his family just 4 months after you'd set the rule. Since then, you hadn't stopped. Your friends were already his friends, he showed up and supported your work events and career every chance he got. He came by to take care of you when you were sick, as did you for him. You’d been intermingled since the very beginning. 6) No possessiveness or jealousy. What a joke. New Year's proved that. Dressed in your sexiest you partied together flirting up a storm and teasing one another until you began getting attention from a futbol star that was also in the building. With every drink he sent your way Lewis got grumpier and grumpier. By the time he'd come over to spit his game, Lewis was downright pissy and didn't care about showing it.
When he interrupted your conversation to bring you a drink, he wrapped his arm around your hip to pull you close and it was there he kept his hand. When he left the kiss he gave you on your cheek was practically half on your lips. You found it funny though you knew in any other circumstance you'd have popped off at the mouth for the display. That night the way he pounded you into the mattress confirmed it all, he was trying to stake a claim. 7) No more than 5 hookups a month. Laughable. It only took 3 months for both of you to lock the door on that rule. In the beginning, though you found yourself wanting him more often than not. However, you controlled and distracted yourself to keep to that no more than 5 times rule. However, around the 3rd month, you found yourself with more free time than you expected and that was your first flight out to see him for dick, which he was overjoyed about. Since the first time was so easy, you found yourself flying out for dick appointments often and was even shocked when he granted you time out of his normally jam-packed schedule to fly out to you for the same appointments. 8) No unplanned visits or expectations He'd broken that when he came by your place after flying back home. It was a night you were entertaining some business associates. He'd apologized about it and felt bad, but his presence probably made it easier to get what you wanted from the bunch. They were so starstruck it was hilarious. That night you didn't even have sex you stayed up talking easily breaking the next rule. 9) No intimacy. The major break happened with you after he'd had a struggle-filled week in a new season, and you'd dropped all your plans to cook his favorite dish and go over to his place to distract him and comfort him. You ended up letting more than enough intimate words slip as you let him rough you up. He called you his true peace and you silently agreed he was that for you as well. 9 rules that never stood a chance from jump. 9 rules that as you stared at yourself in the mirror you deduced paved the way for that visual to infiltrate your mind. A thought gripped you then, a thought that stole your breath. "Am I...have I...do I?" You couldn't even finish the sentence out loud without your heart racing. "Oh god." Had you broken the 10th rule too? Your eyes were wide with horror. "Everything okay, Y/N?" You saw Lewis' sister standing behind you through the mirror. You did your best to cover everything you were thinking and feeling. "Yeah! Ehm, sorry. I mean yes, I'm fine. I'll be right out." She smiled then nodded and turned to make her way out. A few seconds passed and she came right back. "Okay, you don't look all right. Wanna talk about it?" Again, you stared at yourself. Did you? Could you to his sister though? "Um...uh..." "I'm a good listener," she coaxed coming to sit on the sink counter. You turned off the water then slowly dried your hands. "It's nothing really just... thinking." "About Lewis?" "What?" You nervously giggled while fanning her off, "Nuh-uh, no." She laughed and shook her head. "Wow. They say opposites attract but you two are just alike except one is a man the other a gorgeous woman." "What does that mean?" "It means neither of you seem to know what you have while you have it." "What do we have?" "You tell me,” she coaxed. "Nothing. We have nothing. We're friends." "Just friends?" "Pretty much," you answered. The look on her face said she didn’t believe not one bit of that. Shit, you were pretty disbelieving right now too. She sighed exaggeratedly then spoke, "You look at each other too long and too deep to be just friends. Why are you the only friend here? No Miles, no Daniel, no Andrew, or your other mutual friends. Just you. Why have you been around my children regularly? He is protective of them and doesn't allow anyone he doesn't consider family around them. Why have you been to Christmas, Easter, family BBQs, trips, and bday parties? Why have you been up and down the paddocks? Why is your nickname around the team the queen of the paddock? Why does he seem like less of a stubborn ass lately? Why can he now easily change his schedule and fit time in for R&R when before he was a workaholic? Why has he turned down attention from any and all other women that aren't you?" You began to panic and worked overtime to keep it in. You turned back to the mirror and took several slow breaths. She hopped off the counter then put her hand on your shoulder. "I doubt you've ever been just friends and I doubt you will ever be just his friend." She walked out of the bathroom leaving you standing there practically quaking. You felt as if she'd pulled the pin out of a grenade, left it on the counter then escaped leaving you to deal with whatever happened next. "Holy fuck." By the time you got a hold of yourself and made it back to the ladies, you felt more composed. You sat, listened, talked, and laughed with them for a while longer and enjoyed their company. It was always nice being with them. They were sweet and kind and always made you feel like part of the family no matter what. After another hour or two, you said your good nights and walked through the villa that Lewis had rented toward your bedroom. Halfway there you paused, it was also a room you shared with Lewis. Since you arrived there had never been a discussion or assumption that you'd sleep anywhere else. You could have kicked yourself in your own ass at this point. "Seriously Y/N" You continued on your way while distracting yourself with the view. The house was quiet, telling you everyone was most likely asleep or getting ready to be. You wondered if he was already asleep. When you walked into the bedroom you found the bed empty and not turned down. Approaching the window, you saw him sitting by himself with his phone in hand. You assumed he was doing a little work before bed. Deciding to give him some time, you went to take a shower. You took your time leisurely washing yourself and your hair while your mind drifted trying to understand what was happening. Yes, you'd felt like things had shifted but you hadn't dwelled on it enough to decipher what had shifted or why. You'd put everything in a box and put the box way out if reach. Now that box was overturned, and you had to sift through it. You saw everything in a new light and found yourself picking apart actions, conversations, looks, touches--everything. By the time you came out of the shower nearly an hour had passed, and Lewis was still on the beach. After pulling on your robe and wellies you walked out onto the balcony and took the stairs that led to the beach. The closer you got you could see he was still on his phone. Shaking your head. you came up on him and slipped right onto his lap. Without needing to be told or reminded, his hands slipped around your waist as if on instinct. "Woah," he mumbled. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" He smiled softly then closed an eye as he faux calculated. "Uh...1am" "Close to 3. What in the world are you doing?" "Nothing just enjoying this," he said motioning his head around. "It is nice, but I don't believe you. Which big booty Judy caught your attention on IG?" You took up his discarded phone making note that he wasn’t stopping you or hurrying to hide something. When you looked down you found a picture of the two of you that you hadn't seen before. You both were asleep on the beach. You were lying on your back which Lewis laid on your stomach with one of his legs thrown across both of yours. His arms were wrapped around you hugging you to him while your hand was in one of his, fingers laced. It looked so domestic, so natural. "Who took this?" "My mum. She sent it to me." You stared at it a little longer taking extra notice of the feeling of calm within you. Clearing your throat, you plopped his phone onto the table behind you then wrapped your arms around his neck. "What're you thinking?" "That nothing says you're part of the fam more than sneak shots." He snorted then stared at you. "Is that okay with you?" "What? Sneak shots?" "Being part of the family." You stared and thought about your answer. "Sure. You know your family is great." He nodded slowly. "Why you're not okay with it? Want me back in my lane asap?" "No. I'm actually more than okay with it. I've been sitting here thinking a lot about the last year and you and me. I know that we made an agreement and set rules and agreed not to cross the line." He stopped then sighed, but he didn't continue. "Uh-huh. I hear a but." "Let's take a walk." He stood with you in his arms but then let you slide down his body. The two of you walked down the beach hand in hand enjoying the quiet crash of the waves onto the shore and the warm breeze. Five or so minutes of silence passed before Lewis spoke again. "Do you realize we've broken every rule we established?" You sighed, "Yep. All but--one." He stopped but you continued to walk until he pulled you back to him. Your body collided with his and eyes locked. "Which one is that?" "Uh—well--ya’ know--not to fall in love." Lewis' hands slipped to your waist. "I'm afraid I broke that one," Lewis slowly said. Somehow your face remained expression free. Somehow your internal panic didn't rise to the surface. Somehow your poker face was immaculate when you were steadily freaking out. "I fell in love with you, Y/N. I--I don’t know when it happened or even how. I can't even pinpoint a particular day or situation when it did or when I knew it because tonight was the first night I realized it. Tonight, watching you with my niece and nephew I realized I'd fallen head over heels for you and that realization scared me but not because of why I thought it would.”
His eyes were wild and blazing as if he were on fire or felt a searing urgency to get this out.
“It was because me realizing my love for you that is in no way shape or form platonic made me scared you didn't feel the same way. It made me terrified that I'd gone and fucked this up. Fucked us up. I hope to God I didn’t ruin us and how good we are together, but when my father said to just do it already and ask you to marry me so he could get grandkids it hit me all at once like a train barreling into a narrow tunnel.”
His hold on your hands became tighter like he wanted you to really understand what he was saying. You were so lightheaded right now it looked like swirly stars were falling around him. Was it because you were practically holding your breath? Realizing that you took a deep breath that sounded ragged. Your body swayed backward but Lewis was there to steady you.
With a large hand cupping your cheek, the balls of his fingers pressed just behind your ear, a soothing move he’d learned instantly calmed you. You released a slow breath and he continued, “I want that. I have always wanted that but couldn't trust it with anyone, couldn't see it with anyone. I see it with you though. I want that with you.”
Holy shit, you thought, and his fingertips kept pressing.
“I want you to have my last name, I want you wearing my number around the paddock cheering me on, I want your belly to swell because of my child.”
The hand he that was holding yours drifted to your abdomen and gently rubbed making the butterflies there flit around more prominently. Your panic only increased as your body reacted to every single bit of him.
“I want to cuddle in bed together, Christmases, Easter, Thanksgiving, all vacations. I want intimacy, I want unplanned visits and all the expectations, I want possessiveness and even some jealousy, I want more than 5 hookups a month, I want all month every month, I want to intermingle the shit out of our lives, I want dates, so many fucking dates, all the romance you can stand. I want to give you a personal gift every day no matter the occasion, I want so much more than fucking. I want to make love to you every night, every afternoon, every morning for an eternity of sleepovers. And holy fuck I hope you want that too because I don’t think I can let you go. I don't think I have the strength to know you're in the world and we’re not together, that you're not mine." Your panic had turned to complete and utter fucking freaking out. Still, your face must have said otherwise because Lewis did even more as if you weren’t a flight risk and a commitment-phobe that would run screaming down the beach. You were all those things. He then dropped to one knee before you. "I know it's sudden and I know completely out of left field, but I love you Y/N. I'm in love with you and I know for a fact it's been longer than a year since I've felt this way. I know before we started this friends-with-benefits scenario I had always felt something for you something I knew if ever started would never end. I love so many things about you. Even the things that drive me crazy I love, like your flightiness, and your indecisiveness, your stubbornness, your argumentativeness, your ability to keep people and me at arm's length without giving anything away to how you feel or what you think. Even these things I love because they make you so uniquely and perfectly you.”
You were convinced he had to be able to hear your heart pounding over the crash of the waves. The way it thumped inside your chest was so fast, so brutally fast you felt like it was seconds from giving out.
“I love you and I don't want to waste any more time. I don't want to pretend anymore or even act like I feel less than I do or try to make myself feel less. I know I don't have a ring right now and I am so sorry about that. I wish I'd planned this better because you deserve sky writers and fireworks and every extravagant and romantic thing for a proposal, and I swear I will get you the biggest most expensive rock if you say yes. I promise but I have to get these words out for the first and only time in my life. Will you marry me?" Your panic and freakout turned to complete hysteria. You screamed long and loud then slapped your hands to your face like in the Home Alone movie. "Uh." You covered your mouth and kept screaming muffling it, but it was still loud enough to echo over the barren beach. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my fuck! Are you serious? You're not serious. There is no way you're serious!" "I'm dead serious." "Are you drunk? High?" "No. Completely sober." "Oh my god Lewis! What the fuck!” "I know." "Oh my god!” You could not believe this. For some reason, you felt like this was a prank but there was no one around, just the moon as a witness. You turned from him needing a little movement and space. You looked to the ocean and took a few breaths then turned back to him completely restless. "You're for real." "For real, for real." "You're not kidding." "No." "You mean it? You want to get married." "I do." "To me?" "Only you" With panicked and wild eyes, you gripped your head still unable to fathom how you'd gotten here from where you were or how in the world your heart was pounding so hard at the prospect of this future. You were in complete and utter shock and disbelief.
Staring at him kneeling in the sand before you in his black shirt light wash pants, for the first time you allowed the protective walls you had around your heart to fall. You allowed yourself to just feel without thought or worry of if you should. You let your heart speak for the first time in damn near a decade. He was right you'd broken every rule. Every single rule. "We really did break every single rule huh,” you recounted. "We did."
The way he stared at you with his eyes so clear and filled with so much emotion showed he was so open. You could break him or build him up and he knew it and was willingly giving you the authority to do whatever you chose. This man who had so many trust issues who was jaded due to his career and fame and everything that came with it was kneeling before you and giving you this power over him, spilling his heart, and begging for you to catch him and love him in return. God, he was beautiful.   "Ask me again." "Will you marry me Y/N? Spend the rest of our lives breaking even more rules with me. Please." You didn't know you had tears in your eyes until you felt them rolling down your cheek. "Yes," you said barely above the waves. Lewis' eyes widened with disbelief. "What?" "Yes," you repeated, your voice shaky. "Wait. Are you serious?" You nodded. "You're not fucking with me right now?" You shook your head as the tears kept coming. "For real?" You nodded. "For real for real." "You're not drunk, or high right now are you because that would suck to wake up tomorrow with you not remembering this." "I'm sober." "You mean it? You want to get married to me?" "Yes." "Y/N--,” he began on a breathy emption filled whisper. "Yes!”
You shouted so loud it echoed around. "Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Lewis lit up, then leaped to his feet to pull you into his arms. "Oh my god,” he croaked out before his lips crashed to yours. The kiss was wild and frenzied as his lips and tongue devoured yours. When he pulled you back to look into your eyes, you saw the glisten in them.
"You want this?" "Yes." "You feel the same?"
Your yes wasn’t enough, he needed the words, craved them. "I do. I love you, Lewis. I'm in love with you." It took a few moments of him searching your eyes for your words to sink in and when they did, his smile was so freaking adorable you wanted to melt. Your lips met and began a passionate kiss but then you heard loud cheering behind you. Both of you turned and found his whole family standing out back by the pool watching, clapping, and cheering. Your eyes bugged as the realization hit you that you probably had seen. Lewis cupped his mouth and hollered out, "I did it! She said yes!’ They cheered louder and you laughed burying your face in his chest trying to disappear. However, he held you close not allowing you to miss one second of his family’s happiness and excitement. "Just engaged sex here we come," Lewis lowly sing-songed. Snorting, you corrected him, "I told you we are not having sex anywhere near your family. Ever." Lewis pulled you flush against him lacing his hand behind your back, so you were trapped with no other choice than to feel his growing need press against your belly, "Come on, it's a special occasion." Momentarily you got lost in the feel of him but quickly cleared your throat and shook your head, "Nope." "We have orders from my dad to give him grandkids. How am I to make that happen if I can't even put them in you?" You snorted again, "I'm sure he is not expecting kids 9 months from now." "Hey, dad!” ”Yeh?" "When do you want them grandkids?" "Asap!” Your jaw dropped as embarrassment filled you. You tried to pull away from him so you could hide behind him, but Lewis would not allow it. "Oh my god." Lewis laughed, dipped down then threw you over his shoulder and ran down the beach. You knew he would try every seduction method in his repertoire and then some to make you change your mind and you knew you would only be able to hold yourself back for so long before you were begging him to fill you up like a gas tank.  You had every intention of making him work for it tonight. He had to know now what he was in store for in this eternity he wanted with you. After all, what was one more broken rule to start a lifetime together?
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tanoraqui · 1 year
I love your world building! Your name ideas are awesome. Love the idea of Indis being a true prophetic mother name
Belated thank you! Also, sharing my thought process on that one because it's a very classic Silmarillion headcanon origin: it bothers me that Indis's name means "bride." I hate how it reduces her to a feminine trope - at "best", only here to have a troubled marriage; if you're a staunch Fëanorian, a femme fatale homewrecker. I immensely dislike how this is, in fact, an fairly accurate description of her role in the story...
Which is deliberate on Tolkien's part! The "canonically correct" way to ameliorate this misogyny (though neither erase nor excuse it) is to remember that this whole text is a mixture of history, legend and myth passed through multiple storytellers over thousands of years, translated and re-translated and interpreted through the eyes of elves and men and hobbits and men again, until even if this person ever actually existed in the history of Middle Earth - IF! - "Indis" probably wasn't even her epessë, much less her commonly used name. Probably her name got ink blotted on it at some point, or mixed up with someone else's name, and the next Númenorean scholar to rewrite the text followed the Archetypal School of historical interpretation and decided to name her "Indis" because of her role in the story...
But this, too, bothers me. Because I love the framing device of these various books, I love the historian-given dubious canonicity of literally every detail of The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and especially of The Silmarillion. But! We need some solid canon upon which to hang all our headcanons, so it's imperative to retain a delicate mental balance of knowing everything could be made up (more than it already is by being fiction!) while also adhering to as much as possible as something that Really Did Happen - and names are pretty solidly in the latter category. I mean, everyone has multiple and for those who don't, we tend to make more up, but a belief in the basic premise of the text is necessary in order to function in any fandom, and "names of characters" is pretty "basic premise."
So it's impossible to ignore that her name is Indis; and it's impossible to ignore that the name "Indis" is closely connected to her place in the narrative, more than most characters, and that said place is uncomfortably non-feminist - you can round out her character all you like, but you have to admit that her role in the story is to be the Second Wife and Mother whose acts of being a wife and mother cause trouble! That's a fact! And it's not great! And the name "Indis" isn't helping because if she was named anything but her literal narrative role, that would be characterization! She could be noble like Artanis, she could be of the sea like Eärwen, but she's not! She's just "bride"!
...so, I redeem this by making this definition of her life deliberate within the text - and not just by a future Númenorean scholar, but by Indis's mother. (Female! O! Cs!) Furthermore, names of prophecy are implicitly grand (even if they're not necessarily either good or bad). It makes being a bride itself feel more active - and why not! Do Indis's acts of love and marriage not change the fate of the world just as much as Lúthien's? Consider that Indis's act of marriage is so important that it echoes back through the Great Music to be known by her mother as she held the future bride as a babe in arms. Consider a mother holding her child under stars beside a lake and going, "damn, this kid is gonna have ripple effects. I should add a bragging warning label."
Also, if you accept the headcanons that
a) most Elvish languages treat "sex" (physical) and "marriage" (soul-bonding) as basically synonymous; and
b) Indis spends thousands of years in the Second/Third ages patiently and stubbornly figuring out how to Make It Work between herself, Finwë and Miriel, such that all three of them can marry with genuine all-around mutual love unto the end of days, for peace among the still-troubled Noldor but mostly for happiness for herself and those she loves most (also an act of bride-ship worthy of prophecy, note) -
then you can with a straight face imagine Indis saying, "I fucked my way into this mess and I'm going to fuck my way out of it."
Feminist critique + consideration of canonical historicity + elaborate headcanon web = sex joke! Now that's good fandom!
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13leaguestories · 3 months
I just tried out the Sea of Stars demo and your writing is so damn good as usual, such a compelling story. I really liked Tsering and feel so conflicted about forgiveness/revenge 😭 I wish I knew more about his reasons behind it. I want to shake him violently, beat him up and kiss him. Unsure about the order. All your stories are so emotionally engaging it's both awesome and kinda painful 😂
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Gee golly, Anon, don't make me blush lmfao.
You'll learn more about his reasonings and you can come to your own conclusion. Not so much his reasoning but his way of going about it (I guess) is one of the reasons I love him so much. So, we'll see if you decide he earns a bullet or a kiss.
Alright, I shouldn't be cheesing this hard. Excuse me.
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athetos · 1 year
Got the true ending + the super duper final secret in sea of stars and damn what a fucking good ass game. I had way high expectations for this one and it managed to hit all of them. For real if tears of the kingdom didn’t come out this year it would be a shoe-in for my goty. Definitely the best chrono trigger inspired game I’ve played, absolutely nails being a tribute without banking too hard on nostalgia or being tacky, and is original with enough twists and turns to keep you invested. The graphics are awesome, music is beautiful, the combat is engaging, the connections to the messenger really got to me, the designs are great. Lots of quality of life features that the jrpgs that influenced it lacked so that’s always welcome, with the addition of the relics you can turn on and off it’s very accessible difficulty wise but can also provide a challenge if you so desire. Truthfully one of the only criticisms I have is that while I liked Zale and Valere, they were pretty one-note and didn’t have much else going on personality-wise and were pretty interchangeable. It would have been cool if they had more features to distinguish them because it feels like you could read me any line of either’s dialogue and I’d have no idea which said it. As it is the rest of the cast way outshines them which is a bit of a shame. I could see Garl being a “creator’s pet” a bit too even though I personally adored him, but I can see why he might get on other people’s nerves for taking precedence over zale and valere. I love a good sidekick with no magical prowess to speak of who is unfathomably loyal and upbeat, though.
Overall I highly recommend, also play the messenger too. You don’t need to have played the messenger to play sea of stars but it’s also a fucking fantastic game that combines nes platformers in the style of, say, ninja gaiden with metroidvanias and has gorgeous art, some of the wittiest dialogue I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading, and a perfect difficulty curve.
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bookaddict24-7 · 8 months
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35. Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Meryl Wilsner has done something that I rarely see in romance and automatically earned them a five star rating: a anxiety-free age gap romance that could have been super messy but was surprisingly stress-free. I know that a lot of readers like the messiness, but I found MISTAKES WERE MADE refreshing.
First, I'd like to thank my coworker for recommending this awesome read for me. I have this thing where I start craving a new book and I ask a coworker to find me something and if it sounds good, I'll buy it and try it out. This was an A+ recommendation.
I really enjoyed the character growth on both sides and how both were imperfect and jaded by past relationships. They worked off each other really well--even if it was sometimes the blind leading the blind.
I LOVED the friendship between the one FMC and her childhood best friend. It was so healthy and I loved that their friendship wasn't sacrificed for the sake of plot. It's like Wilsner saw all the tropes I disliked and decided to do the opposite. Also, props to the other best friend (the daughter of the second FMC). She surprised me a lot.
Also, the SPICE. Phewwwww. This was a SPICY book. Just, wow. Was not expecting it, but I thoroughly enjoyed it LOL.
I love a good age gap and this delivered. Everything was respectful and I just loved it so much.
36. Okay, Cupid by Mason Deaver--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I realized, as I started the audiobook for this one, that I've somehow read all of the books Deaver has written (not including the anthologies). Knowing this, I'm not entirely surprised that I enjoyed this newest one, OKAY, CUPID. It was unique, cute, and had some super introspective moments.
I loved how incredibly diverse this book was and how it explored some pretty important topics. Deaver has a way of creating characters that have a lot of heart--even if they are sometimes heavily misguided (which also fits because these are teenagers.)
The concept of the MC being a Cupid was so fun--especially when they are trying their hardest to get their love targets into the perfect opportunities for a love match. The little tricks and the tips the MC receives from their best friend made me think about how, if any of it were real, people all around the world would be thinking about someone they couldn't truly remember somehow getting them all together.
Okay, the concept had some holes (I do wish we had a bit more to go off about this Cupid Alt. world because it was such an interesting idea) and I think it was glossed over a bit too much. I did like that ending though!
My heart belongs with Cal, though. What a loveable himbo.
37. Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I didn't write a review for this one.
38. The Secret of Red Gate Farm by Carolyn Keene--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I love how all of these mysteries fall into Nancy Drew's lap and she's just like "Sure, let's do this dangerous thing!" and her dad is like, "Sure honey, have fun!" and the police is like "Good job, Nancy!" when we know damn well that in real life, Nancy would be a nuisance to the police and her dad would either be grounding her or popping tums every thirty minutes.
LOL. Listen, even though I have been enjoying these books, the level of teenage invincibility that Nancy and her friends have adopted throughout the various mysteries has been entertaining.
Anyway, I enjoyed the mystery of this one. I found I liked the multi-levels to the mystery and how everything was revealed at the end. I also liked seeing Nancy with her friends--they're truly ride or die.
I'm excited for the next book because it's where we meet her famous boyfriend for the first time!
39. Our Lives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield--⭐️⭐️⭐️
Much like the waves that beckon one of the MCs to the ocean, the themes in this book are like waves that beckon confusion (for me). There were various storylines happening (between the past and present from the pov of one character, and the past from the pov of the other character) and when I thought I was starting to get a grip on where the story was going, something else would happen to confuse me.
The friends who've read this have loved it, I'm straddling the line of thinking it's genius in its ability to cause chaos, and thinking that this was a beautifully written story that amounted to...a hand cupping water that slowly seeps out through your fingers until you have nothing left in your palm. One part of the ending made sense because we were leading there, but the other part was so confusing and gave me nothing. It's like that meme that says "Yes, girl, give me nothing!"
I could feel the palpable grief, however, and I did love the way the grieving process was described. Despite the confusing nature of the book, Armfield can write. There is no question about that.
I almost DNF'ed this a couple of times, but was curious about why my friends loved it so much.
Was my review confusing? Was my writing all over the place? Welcome to my experience reading this book. LOL.
40. This Wretched Valley by Jenny Kiefer--⭐️⭐️⭐️
On the surface, THIS WRETCHED VALLEY is incredibly intriguing and captivating. You have a group of "researchers" entering haunted woods that are known for the people that go missing within (according to the waitress). Then you have a series of creepy events that lead up to the eventual death of these younger people (not a spoiler, it is literally the first chapter). Like I said, on the surface, this book holds a ton of potential. A collection of things kept this book back from being higher rated by me, but let it be known that I still had a spooky good time.
One of the things I wish was done different was how the author kept pointing out what the character saw and what was the reality. I'm going to be real honest: I would have preferred to fall into the madness with the characters. I don't need to know that the character sees a clue of something and then have the author tell me something like "if the character had looked deep inside themselves, they would have noticed that this didn't make sense." Or, the characters will be walking through some creepy spot and the author would pop in to say "if the character looked down, they'd see that there was nothing there."
Let me fall into the monologue. Trust the reader to know that the characters are probably tripping hella balls. It's fine.
Other than those instances, this book was fun. It made me want to read THE RUINS. These characters were all unreliable and super flawed, but I liked how the author slowly made them worse and worse as they fell under the spell of the woods and land.
41. Dead & Gone by Charlaine Harris--⭐️⭐️⭐️
It's interesting to see how far Sookie has come as a character. I found that this book was a little all over the place and the romantic interests in her life (old and not so old) were all coming out of the woodwork. There was one redemption arc I was never expecting. In retrospect, I wonder if this was just an outward sign of what Sookie is and the events of this book. Maybe her appeal was heightened?
I do like that one character brought up a situation Sookie is falling into like a fly caught in a spider's web, even if that character acted a little out of character. He was a total dick.
Overall, this was entertaining as always, but not a favourite of mine. I think a lot was happening (like a certain reveal, which I loved) but at the same time, it just felt purely chaotic. And Sookie, to me, was acting a bit different than usual. I'm staring down the last four books in the series, so who knows what comes next!
Have you read any of these books? Would you recommend them?
Happy reading!
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captainsvscaptains · 1 year
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1 - Any player can build a wooden boat. It's color depends on the type of wood used. A boat can be occupied by two entities, they can be used to transport mobs, players, or a chest.
2 - It's Kirby transformed into a submarine. He shoots torpedoes. He's Kirby! He's adorable!
3 - The Lemurian ship was created a long time ago by the Lemurians (Lemuria is pretty much the in universe version of Atlantis or smth). It does not have sails unlike the other boats in universe. It can only be controlled by Adepts (people with psychic powers), by using a Black Orb to amplify their psychokinesis. There are three Lemurian ships in game, but the one used by the player belongs to Piers. After a while, magical... er, enchanted psychic wings are attached to it, which allows it to hover briefly. Later you also get a cannon!
4 - it’s a pirate ship! the captain is a strong buff lady who once killed a sea dragon with only a claymore and is DEFINITELY a lesbian. she used it to fight a giant sea god literally hundreds of times her size. she used it to smuggle a criminal wanted by the literal GOD of a country to safety. the rest of the crew are also mildly insane and every day I wish they weren’t npcs so we could learn more abt them. AND they commit tax evasion <3
5 - owned by captain caviar cookie, crew of mostly children, not sentient, usually doesn't take passengers
6 - A switcher from the Star Fleet. He's just nifty tbh. Bro has seen some shit. i love him. his voice is kinda gender ngl.
7 - Sentient taling ship owned by Pirate Percy. "YOU HAVE...TO GO...INSIDE"
8 - Physical manifestation of the Argo Navis constellation and summoned by the constellation witch to traverse the ocean. It's fucking beautiful and also has ancient mythological roots
9 - It's shaped like a whale that's so awesome! Like don't you just want to get in it??? If I had a ship I'd make damn sure it was shaped like some kind of creature.
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Okay, this is nuts but I'm all in. What's the recipe?
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Hold up, what about the Hydralion? That's a sea monster that's alive and well. I know because it flamethrowered me in the face several times like an asshole. I would be 100% onboard with hunting it down and killing it, and this way, it wouldn't even be out of spite!
...of course, seahorses don't have scales; They have an exoskeleton made of bony plates, which is similar but not the same thing. But we can burn that bridge when we get to it. The important thing is that it would allegedly be part of our Borrowed Time tasks and therefore we can bring Garl with us.
So that's Water. Fire ingredient is....
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That sounds like a challenge to me.
No, for real, you can't say shit like that and then not expect me to want to go fight it. I've been challenged now. I want, no, need to kill the lava monster.
Earth component:
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Malkomud, obviously. Unfortunately, the molekin inexplicably decided to stop studying earth magic because they like using pickaxes instead. I still can't figure that one out. Fortunately, neurodivergent kids with hyperfixations are nature's remedy for the proliferation of ignorance.
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We'll have to be sure to tell cartographers that. I'm all for it, but the word needs to be spread. Things get names just by being called that and having people tell each other that it's called that until it enters common vernacular.
We can start with Mirth and spread it from there.
Alright, last ingredient: Wind.
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Shit. Once again, I feel like I know that name. Zephyr? Zephyr.... Like the Watchmaker, I think it's come up in passing before but never been dwelt on.
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Because we're making a volcano-sized dish, obviously. Have you ever met the Sleeper? That thing's continentally huge. It makes y'all look shrimpy by comparison.
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All snakes are carnivores, Garl. But I'll agree to pretend otherwise if you'll agree to pretend that seahorses have scales. This is a good plan.
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Damn right, you don't. It might seem simple but this is the Most Blessed Mortal so you fucking watch your tone. If anyone can cook conflict-ending volcano bread, it's this man.
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Ooh, new doodad. Guessing that opens the locked door east of town.
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Have you not been paying attention? Garl has a Charisma score of 25. That's 5 points higher than you're allowed to put it, but he has one because he's just that awesome. This has been proven time and again.
Fate demanded that Garl must perish because if he lived to cross the Sea of Stars with us, he would be able to persuade the Fleshmancer into ending the war and retiring peacefully over the span of a ten-minute conversation. Probably in Mirth!
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...what do you mean, you don't have a lot of time? I was of the understanding that you had "However long it takes to complete the task provided you don't stray from it" length of time.
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I hate this. I hate that we're splitting up. I don't want us to split up. This is the opposite of what I said we should do last night. But I also said you're in charge so... FUCK. >.< Why do you tear my heart to pieces like this, Garl?
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Zale's responsible for bottling Zephyr... whatever that means. I'm sure I know but I can't recall.
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Absolutely. I called dibs. Council doesn't think we, as a group, can handle the lava monster? Joke's on them; I'm about to solo that thing with my raw, unbridled lunar might.
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I also wanted to slay the Hydralion out of spite but honestly I'm satisfied as long as the fucker gets what's coming to him.
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Why do you tear my heart to pieces like this, Garl?
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Roping the villagers into it too. I like that plan. I was wondering how we were going to grow enough crops for an entire volcano oven. Magic dew is a solution for the time but the quantity was still asking a lot of a handful of people who've never farmed before.
Well. Boss man's given us our marching orders. Let's head out. This will definitely be one for Teaks's journal.
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
One Piece Chapter 1089 - Initial Thoughts
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It has been months
We've had awesome side quests and painstaking breaks, but now we return to Egghead for the Egghead Island Arc. Though at this rate we may just need to rename this the 'Incidents Arc' considering it's one incident after the other.
Still, we miss our sillies, so let's not wait any longer
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
Nami is savage for the cover page, 'no thanks I already saw the stars' XD
I didn't even notice Sanji in the window the first time around
To recap though before we get to the chapter; Luffy and Lucci are fighting S-Bear, Bonney is going through Kuma's memory bubble, Shaka and Pythagoras are dead, Usopp and Lilith are stoned by S-Snake, Franky is partly stoned and chasing after S-Snake, Nami, Brook, Edison and Sanji are fighting S-Shark, Jinbe and Stussy are in the weapons area, Robin, Chopper and Atlas are exploring the organ regrowth area, S-Hawk is pursuing weaker targets but is being pursued by Zoro and Kaku, and Vegapunk is in the prison with the kidnapped CP agents next to Shaka's dead body and York. Sentomaru is rounding up Mark IIIs against the remaining CP forces in the main island, while most of the navy are outside with Kizaru and Jay Garcia Saturn. All goods? Let's gooooooo!
Starting at Foosha with the headlines involving Garp
Oda once again repeating our thoughts pointing out that MIA does not equal dead
Even iconic mayor Woop Slap isn't worried
But jail for iconic mayor Woop Slap for accidentally yelling at Makino's baby
Does Makino's baby have a distinct laugh? TCB reads it as kya ha ha but that's mainly women or Dellinger and I doubt either are the daddy. Then again did we ever confirm that Makino's baby was even a boy?
They apparently recognize Luffy from the papers though, I wonder if there's something instinctual *nonchalantly pushes ShanksxMakino agenda*
Also Makino calling Luffy 'Big Bro Luffy' to her child because dammit she raised those boys too!
Final mention because I have to soak in every moment of happy Makino I can because she is lovely and I will not take any slander towards her
Dadan is tearful though, I mean Morgans has painted Luffy as a kidnapper and now Garp's MIA, she has gone through the ringer
Hold up is that Fake Nami?
Earthquakes and Tsunamis across all four blues, these poor civilians
Iceburg, Tilestone and Pepe Lulu too? Oh god Water Seven don't need another Aqua Laguna
Hina and Momonosuke are noticing it too
Oh this is because of Lulusia
Wow...what a hole...kinda feels familiar doesn't it?
Vegapunk's tech is based off of Ancient Kingdom tech, so what if the Mother Frame is the same? What if Enies Lobby was the original Lulusia
Oh and the Sea Level has risen 1m, that's not great
Oda's tackling Global Warming
The World Government just fucked up the entire planet, drowned and displaced several millions people, and wiped out an entire nation just to test a fancy superweapon
Beaches gone, so no Okamas can chase Sanji across it, Top Gun cadets can't play volleyball, the Seychelles gone!
And god damn if you flood Foosha and any harm comes to Makino there will be fisticuffs
Also I fear very much that the World Government will blame the Fish-Men for the flooding
Plus if Wano ever opens its borders that water level is gonna rise even more
The fleet at Egghead notice it too
'More than enough firepower to put a buster call to shame'
1 in five ships are warships (20 out of 100), 30K marines, 9 Vice Admirals and Kizaru
Some of the vice admirals look familiar; Doll of course but I'm pretty sure on her left is Doberman, the bottom right could be Strawberry, wouldn't rule out one of them being a Giant either
The latter still chatting with Sentomaru, feasting on oodles of noodles, despite on different sides, as Sentomaru reprimands attacking the sea beasts and for wanting to kill Vegapunk
Kizaru still is very much an 'orders are orders' guy, in spite of the brief panel of him hanging out with the two
It's true though that everything in this incident is a net loss to the WG, but they also confirm with Sentomaru that CP0 failed
Saturn is still here keeping his presence under wraps
He at least approves of Morgans' headline, while getting the true facts
Oda's back at it with the silly doodle faces and the map levels
The Navy are pretty in the dark though; they still think all the Punks are alive, and that they are using the Seraphim
10 Members so far *sighs longingly at Carrot4Nakama agenda, before sifting to ViviReturns2Nakama agenda*
Even had to do a doodle of Hattori the Pigeon
Concerned with them highlighting that the Dome is at 100% gotta watch the numbers
Saturn is weird though; he hears that the Egghead researchers and citizens are accounted for and he goes 'sink them' but he hears that Bonney is on the island and goes 'ah, we have no use for her, but she's just a little girl so leave her be' like dude what?
Someone's calling Marejois from Egghead
One of the Navy members reminding Kizaru that he can listen in on the call with the Black snail on his wrist that's been there since his debut
York has made the call, and naturally is annoyed why the WG intended to kill her too
I mean the Gorosei do have that loophole: they want Vegapunk dead and York is a Vegapunk, though York does point out that if they had any interest in the Void Century they wouldn't have sold the others out
After citing the Seraphim as the reason for her survival, conversation turns to the massive fleet
Ju Peter however goes into the goods; they wanna know if York can replicate the Mother Frame
Does that mean that it's a one-time thing or are we doing scorched Earth?
York can, it's requested by 'someone' likely Im, their workplace is in Egghead
York introduces the terms of the new deal; no touching the lab, and the celestial dragon deal is still on, but also one more thing: save her from Luffy
Ah the crew are all here!
York has been conversing under threat of blade
Nami's packing heat and gets it, Luffy's packing meat and gets nothing XD
Usopp - looking cool with the anime shades flash - and Franky are quite unstoned as well, plus Vegapunk and Bonney's here, and Lucci seething at the back
Strange though, no Kaku, no Stussy, no Lilith, no Edison, no Atlas, no Seraphim, also no Caribou but we never know where he is...guess the spread's not big enough for them but most egregiously NO ROBIN!?
Oda, sir, we need to talk about your breaks, we just came back from 5 weeks of breaks spread between 2 chapters and now another break? Thought the eye surgery was supposed to alleviate this
Well we got our sillies back: for one whole panel XD
It was a really good chapter still, but it's more one that makes me concerned for the rest of the world; we've got two gaping holes in the ocean that have fucked up the natural world, islands have sank, earthquakes and tsunamis are happening all across the world. I wonder if Aqua Laguna was caused by the hole that made Enies Lobby if this is what happened to it. I think what makes me most sad about it is that it cannot be undone, at least not in a way that won't further fuck something else up, the only caveat is that the quakes probably will affect the Red Line's structural integrity.
This does still feel like the calm before the storm, but it also seems that the game of Among Us has resolved off-screen, so I hope next chapter(s) we track back to that first before continuing with this Siege on Egghead. An important note is that Kizaru's been listening in on the conversation, so he has more context to go by.
Also, forgot to mention on posting, this is the first time the Straw Hats have interaction with the Gorosei, they know their voices now, they know their intentions, that's a big deal.
But yeah, another break kinda sucks given that we just came back from one, plus it means more waiting -_- the only plus side is that this final saga will last longer - though who really believed Oda when he said 5 years back in like 2021-22?
1090 is next though, and Oda likes round numbers so expectations are high.
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averageanonymous · 9 months
"Angel, what've they done to you..?"
His gaze lifts slowly to meet mine. Not that beautiful blue of stars and seas. Not the eyes that I have imprinted in my mind, burned there like a brand after centuries of shared memories. Those eyes are gone. These eyes gleam a deep lavender, lit from within. There is no recognition in them, nothing of my angel behind them.
"Crowley, I presume."
My heart cracks. His voice is at once achingly familiar and chillingly foreign. There are soft overtones that make me think of wind chimes and undercurrents like rushing water. He tilts his head. His hair - longer than I've ever seen it, curling around his ears and at the nape of his neck - catches the light and shines like the sun on fresh snow. He analyzes me for a long moment, his expression carrying nothing more than passing curiosity.
"I'm told that you, serpent of Eden, spent a considerable amount of your time on Earth striving to damn me," he pauses, sighs with something like disappointment, "I think I expected..." a vague wave of his hand, "...more."
This is my first post on Tumblr. I came here because I was suffering after watching Good Omens S2 (Yes, I am a little behind). I like to write, but I am not very good at it and even worse at finishing anything I start. However. This seems to be a good way for me to just get these ideas out of my head (they are taking up too much space!) and share them without having to necessarily finish the concept. I might dive deeper into some and post them on AO3 where I tend to lurk. Maybe. Probably not. You never know. That said, if someone reads it and feels like expounding, that's awesome! Send me a link 🥰
This particular blurb came to mind after seeing this amazing piece by @dragonmouth
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sodomyordeath · 2 years
LORNA SHORE - Pain Remains III: In a Sea of Fire (OFFICIAL VIDEO) Taken from the Album "Pain Remains", Out October 14th, 2022 https://lornashore.lnk.to/PainRemainsID
Director, Cinematography, Editor, Post-Production Effects David Brodsky for MyGoodEye : Music Visuals
Producer, Cinematography, Editor Allison Woest for MyGoodEye : Music Visuals
Song Production/Mixing/Mastering Josh Schroeder for Random Awesome Studios
Lighting Director Adam Pernick
Assistant Director Robb Brown
Grip/Electric Lindsey Fehr
Led Wall Tech, Add'l Lighting Matt Kester Justin Goreschak Kyle Johnson
Screenplay Written by Adam De Micco
Production Assistants Zach Jabine Sean Santiago Giovani Shirley Denny Tats Chris Lloyd Robert Fell Joseph Tocco
Location Manager Josh Balz Rob Hunt Chris Merrillo
Starring Peter Welch Laura Newman Brian Feist
With Holly Cieczko Jill Crawford Matt Jenkins Shawna Kester Thomas Knott Pink Lloyd Brandon Ossint Carmen Randazzo Eric Ross Christina Vazquez Teresa Whitehouse
LYRICS: Cursed by this apparition Destined to take its place A ceaseless existence born of my dream state Manifested and pressed into sand You’ve long been cemented Distracted, impacted by the weight of the world If this is everything then I don‘t want to cut the swathe Let the flames rise and bury me within this fog, An echo, a murmur - A broken melody I let go of my life but you were just a dream
I’ll throw myself into the fire and burn away Ridding this flesh of burden and pray I suffocate
I’ll salt the earth in this crimson blaze This world will burn in my fall from grace Witness the death of God Hear the devil‘s choir as I leave the stage in a sea of fire
If this is all I am then what’s the point of pacing life Everything that I made became a waste of time Expressive, depressive I‘m caught up in a lie Decisive, enticive I’d rather fucking die
I’ll damn this world to a sea of flames Forsake the ground and let it bury me You were nothing but a shackle Now I can breathe Let this fire rain down and bury me in a sea of flame Forsake the ground the let it bury me Let this fire rain down and damn this world
Fuck this existence Bring me back to where it all began in the fall Wake me up before i lose it all
This is my epilog - my soliloquy Take this broken melody straight to the grave
Dancing like flames After all that I’ve done I’ll salt the earth and disappear in a sea of fire
Note: "Pain Remains" is definitly in my top 100 records of 2022 list and I'm sure at some point we will look back at this lineup as we look at the days when Ronnie James Dio was in Black Sabbath.
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Wonderful Maldives Honeymoon Package Tour from Kolkata
It is obvious that every human being has a dream for a beautiful and memorable honeymoon after marriage. So, they think of the place and start planning for those beautiful moments long before getting married and even before they start to date each others. In fact honeymoon has its own craze because it happens once in a lifetime. So, here are NatureWings - we help to make your dream come true by providing a beautiful and customized Maldives Honeymoon Package Tour from Kolkata with a price you have heard never before.
Maldives is one of the most beautiful and sought after honeymoon destination with world class amazing resort, overwater villas, blue oceans, soft sandy white beaches, fresh and clean air, water activities and damn tasty food. Take a dip with your loved ones in the turquoise waters, fell the smooth sunny vibes with sipping on a beverage. Oh yes – it's amazing, it's wonderful. During your Maldives Honeymoon Tour Package from Kolkata, at night set down on the beautiful soft beaches and witness the unmatchable beauty of twinkling stars, feel the cool fresh breeze and get lost in the happiness that fill your soul and heart with full brim. Feel every second of magic moments in this beautiful island.
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During Maldives Honeymoon Package Tour, you can engage in lots of activities like scuba diving, snorkeling, swimming, fishing, water skiing, windsurfing and kite boarding etc. Enjoy world class massage at exotic spa here. It’s a medley of romanticism with lots of happiness and activities. In fact Maldives is the best destination for intimate moments, loaded with God gifted flawless natural beauty. Apart from sheer leisure you have ample time to get proximity with nature. Maldives being very less populated, tourists and honeymooners who seek for tranquility and solace full of romance can enjoy their time full extent. Maldives is awesome.
Maldives Honeymoon Tour Package Duration : 3 Nights 4 Days
Destination : Malé, Maldives
Pickup & Drop Point : Velana International Airport [MLE] | Airport Main Rd, 22000, Maldives
Transfer from Airport : Speed Boat / Sea Plane [Depending Upon Package]
Altitude of Malé : 1.83 m | 4.1755° N, 73.5093° E
Hotel Category : All 4 Star / 5 Star Category Bouganvilla Resort / Beach Villa / Water Villa / Standard Deluxe Room
Maldives Honeymoon Package Inclusions :
03 Nights in Water Villa All Inclusive Meal Plan [Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner] Male Airport - Resort - Male Airport transfer by Speed Boat All Taxes [Except GST & TCS]
Q. NAME SOME OF THE BEST ISLAND FOR A HONEYMOON IN MALDIVES? Maldives has lots of islands that boast extravagance lifestyle. Among them some of the best islands are - Veligandu Island, Hulhumalé Island, Alimatha Island, Biyadhoo Island, Maafushi Island, Fihalhohi Island etc.
Q. IS A PASSPORT MANDATORY FOR MALDIVES TOUR? Yes, a valid passport is required to visit Maldives. You can acquire on arrival visa during your Maldives Honeymoon Trip from Velana International Airport.
Q. HOW MANY DAYS ARE BEST FOR PLANNING A MALDIVES HONEYMOON TRIP? Depending upon your budget and tour plan a 4-5 days trip is perfect for make your honeymoon memorable. You can also opt for 3 Nights 4 Days Maldives Honeymoon Tour also.
Q. IS MALDIVES SAFE FOR THE TRAVELERS? Yes, Maldives is one of the safest places in the world. As most of the tourist travel to isolated island, so crime rate is negligible there.
Q. IS THE WATER SAFE TO DRINK IN MALDIVES? Yes, It is safe to consume packages drinking water during your Maldives Tour.
Q. IN WHICH LANGUAGE WE CAN INTERACT IN MALDIVES? English is the common language to communicate in public, airport, hotels, restaurants in Maldives.
Q. ARE THEIR ATM'S ON THE CAPITAL CITY/ISLAND OR ANYWHERE ELSE IN MALDIVES? In Maldives, you can locate ATM's only in some places in Malé. There are no ATM facilities in any Island or resorts.
NatureWings Holidays Limited DGK - 417 DLF Galleria Newtown, Kolkata West Bengal 700156 098300 13505
Website : https://www.naturewings.com Package URL : https://www.naturewings.com/packages/maldives-honeymoon-package-tour
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/naturewingsholidayslimited Twitter : https://twitter.com/NatureWings Pinterest : https://in.pinterest.com/naturewingsenq/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/naturewingsholidays/ Youtube : https://youtube.com/c/NATUREWINGS-HOLIDAYS Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/naturewings-holidays-limited Tumblr : https://www.tumblr.com/blog/nwings About.me : https://about.me/naturewings
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13leaguestories · 1 year
Sometimes in Asks, you mention how you sometimes don't like what you write or are second guessing yourself, and that truly sucks cause I absolutely love it all. Every chapter of Superstition is amazing, every route of ToA is beautiful, Sea of Stars is engaging and Insight and For the Crown are awesome.
I hope you know just how amazing, beautiful, engaging and awesome you are <3
You have no right. No right whatso-fucking-ever. Like who told you it was okay to send this? HUH? But no, Anon, thanks. I actually needed to read this when I read it because damn does this little brain goes. 10/10 to all those with anxieties because this shit be tiring.
But truly, thank you Anon. You're beautiful and have a great day.
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Thoughts on GMMTV 2023
Unrelated, I'm going to change my icon on both this and my sideblog soon.
I wish Drake Laedeke and Jimmy Potiwihok had a series together. I'm still not over the lack of Waikorn from Bad Buddy. I haven't finished Vice Versa yet, but so far, I'm not really seeing much chemistry between Sea Anukoolprasert and Jimmy, though, Sea seems to be a good actor.
One thing I really focused on in the trailer for Last Twilight is Jimmy's character wearing a sign that said 'Guide Runner'. That's awesome. I'm curious if there are such a thing in real life.
And I'm still puzzled why Thai and Japanese series sometimes have things written in English. Sure, I'm always glad when I can read something for myself, but I don't think these signs where added just so English-speaking watchers could read them.
I'm so glad Offgun has another BL series, and it's nice to see both characters are all grown-up in this one, though, I don't object to the prevalence of university Thai BLs. I wish the midnight series would come out already.
It'll be interesting to see Perth Sukumpantanasan in a darker role. I never really saw Ae as a particularly rough character, though, he wasn't above throwing hands when necessary. But he had a line himself about how he wouldn't start anything but he'd damn well finish it.
Aside from the Bad Buddy special, I'm not sure whether I'll be watching Ohm Chittsawangdee's shows or not. From what I've read, Ohm wants darker roles, and I'm glad he's getting them. He is definitely talented enough to pull them off.
However, I think he's one of those performers that I only want to see in a certain type of role.
Matthew Goode is a great actor, but the thing is, whenever his character is supposed to be likeable, I'm all in. Whenever he's playing a jerk, he does a great job, but I just find myself not wanting to watch this character.
With no disrespect to Chris Hemsworth, I'm not sure if he's a good actor or not. Having not seen the first or fourth yet, my favourite Thor movie so far is Ragnarok, in what might be irony due to the fact that's the one Marvel movie I cannot pronounce, and I liked him for the few minutes he was in the first Star Trek reboot movie.
What I am sure of, though, is: Good actor or not, I just don't enjoy watching him when he's playing jerks, grim characters, and/or outright villains.
I am interested in seeing Ohm playing more restrained/quieter characters. As much as I enjoy him in bouncy/cheerful/outgoing roles, I was impressed with some of his subtle acting on Bad Buddy.
It's just, I don't think him playing a truly tortured character or an outright villainous one would vibe with me.
I'm glad First Puitrakul and Khao Ratanakitpaisan will be back together again. I loved them as Akk and Ayan. I do hope that, someday, Fluke Gawin will be paired with First again, however.
I know nothing about Book Plookphol and Force Srisang. I tried watching an episode of Enchanté, and it simply couldn't get me invested. Then, I read some spoilers, and I just don't think I'm ever going to be interested in that show. I hope everyone interested in those two actors will enjoy their new show.
It'd be great if the trailer for the Cherry Magic remake would drop already.
I have extremely mixed feelings about it. I love the original, and I'm usually not opposed to remakes. When it comes to the leads, until I see the trailer, I can't truly form an opinion; Tay Vihokratana and New Techa-apaikhun were fine in I'm Tee, Me Too, and aside from watching a little bit of Dark Blue Kiss, I haven't seen them in anything else.
I'm hoping I will like the Milk Vosbein and Love Limpatiyakorn series. I'm sort of a Inkpa shipper, but compared to Patpran, that couple wasn't as fully developed. I do think it's interesting how, based on the trailer, Milk is playing the less confident of the two while Love is playing the vibrant, outgoing one. In both Bad Buddy and Vice Versa, Milk's character has been the cheerful, social butterfly whilst Love's has been more introverted and almost mousy.
And these are my thoughts so far.
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tomorrowillbeyou · 2 years
things that i still cannot get used to.
1. big massive fucking mountain literally outside my window. ?? ok its a hill but its a mountain to me bc i came from a fucking plain full of farmers fields???? and its just right there with like rocks and shit and its so close i can SEE people on top of it like every day??? and go there in like 5 minutes? what is this earth
2. THE SUN???????????????? as in the fucking tabloid not the star at the centre of the solar system . is just sold here like no big deal . god damn i know i can't apply the impact of shit on specifically the places where i grew up to some random other place and expect people to care but do people really not care here?????????? Damn.
3. cannot buy alcohol after 10pm . it doesn't affect me so much because mostly instead of drinking i just sit in my room thinking about mcr but there have been times when im at a party and they run out of drinks and im like cool let's go get some more. oh wait no. like we went to tesco once and they had literally barricaded the whole aisle 😭
4. NO SEA ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️NO BEACH☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️😢☹️😢😢😢😢ok technically yes there is but im mad it isn't like a 2 minute walk away its simply not right to separate people from the beach and the like mirror pools in wet sand and wading birds and the turbines and oil rigs and big ass cargo ships glittering in the distance and sandstorms blowing down the road and stinging your eyes and smell of salt and ice creams and buckets and little crab shells and mermaids purses and the spiky ass marram grass on the dunes and btw the SUNSET WHICH ISNT EVEN OVER THE SEA HERE ITS OVER THE LAND BC OF FUCKING? BEING ON THE WRONG COAST????? ok rant over i cried bc my lecturer showed a picture of the sun setting into the ocean.
5. this is actually a positive one so many shops and i can literally buy anything i could possibly imagine (except for good salt and vinegar crisps apparently) and i now have to walk 1 minute instead of getting a 30 minute train to get boba so that is awesome. and i can decide what i eat like completely which has its good and bad side i guess. also 1000 different cafes i used to have like 3 choices of where to go w my friends if we wanted to celebrate something, we could go to 1 of like 3 cafes in town, the park or the beach and now it's like you could do Anything.. but they are soo expensive
6. it rains so much and i feel like the sky is not nearly as nice looking or interesting as back home but that's probably because i can't see the sunset from my window anymore and don't leave the house as much so idek about that one
7. sandstone looks way different here and i have to be honest it looks like ass. it looks like they nerfed red sandstone because it was too powerful and awesome. like it doesn't have any of the fire + deep rusty red + powerful aura + streaks of like 100 different shades of orange in it and its literally completely smooth and not even a little bit worn or eroded in any kind of interesting way . and the colour is like tea with too much milk in it SAD! and like every single building is made of it how depressing.
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