#kickstarter crypt
milkpumpkin96 · 7 months
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So, my dad helped kickstart Sea of Stars—I miraculously (without the code) found the monument dedicated to him, my siblings, and I! It’s a BIG one!!!
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vintage1981 · 1 year
Amicus Productions is Back! Exclusive to Kickstarter!
Amicus Productions is Back! Exclusive to Kickstarter! CAMPAIGN - http://kck.st/48nSSos
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When Amicus Productions ceased making films in the 70s, it signified the end of a distinguished creative journey led by Milton Subotsky. His legacy bestowed upon us timeless classics like Dr. Terror's House of Horrors, Tales from the Crypt, Asylum, and The House That Dripped Blood.
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Amicus Productions symbolized a golden era in British filmmaking but its closure signaled a poignant turning point. As Amicus dissolved, other esteemed establishments, such as Hammer and Tigon, soon followed suit. But what if we had the power to turn back time? What if we could resurrect the spirit of Amicus?
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Our goal is to restore Amicus Productions as an independent British Horror Studio that values its history and fans. Our initial objective is to produce a new film that encapsulates the essence and style that made Amicus Productions legendary.
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By championing atmospheric storytelling, practical effects, and a profound respect for horror writing, we plan to transport you back to the golden age of British horror. Restoring Amicus is not merely about reviving a film studio, but it's about rekindling a passion, honoring a rich heritage, and reminding the world of the power of independent filmmaking.
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In order to achieve this, we need your support to make In the Grip of Terror, the first Amicus Productions horror film in 46 years. By backing our campaign, you'll receive more than just a movie; you'll also help us to rewrite the history of horror by resurrecting a much-beloved Horror Studio.
Together, we have the power to bring Amicus back to life.
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1-50thofabuck · 4 months
Trading Card Cases & Outdoor Encounters III
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I ordered some trading card cases for my various decks, such as the two Outdoor Encounter decks that I have. Looking at it though, isn’t it odd, the amount of space left? It’s almost exactly 2/3rds full.
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As if there’s room enough for just one more deck. If only I had Outdoor Encounters III.
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So, heck with it, I got the deck. It fits perfectly with just enough room to make it manageable.
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Outdoor Encounters III includes a new kind of card: locations. It’s kind of odd to switch up and add a new card type in the third and last. I’m wondering if they ran out of ideas for the normal encounters or if they just had a brainstorm and decided to add them. They fit well, though, and don’t seem at all out of place. Once shuffled together they certainly don’t feel anomalous. 
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Random dungeon entrances are great. I personally love the idea that dungeons are so common you can just stumble across entrances like in a Legend of Zelda game(at least the ancient ones I grew up playing). Have some dungeons prepped for when the PCs come across one, or use all the various cards sold by Philip Reed to randomly generate one on the go! (Or using your system of choice. As I mentioned I didn’t opt for the dungeon generation cards because I have random dungeon gen stuff coming out my ass backwards. Choosing which one to use or finding a way to cobble them all together would be a greater and more amusing challenge for me.) 
I also like that the locations are given the standard “hostile,” “indifferent,” “friendly” labels just like encounters with monsters/NPCs. They also include a fourth label, “abandoned,” reflecting that it’s less than indifferent - which could go either way. I’m just guessing that’s a difference - I’m not really sure how a strange outcropping with a dungeon door is “indifferent,” compared to another dungeon entrance which is “hostile,” or a glowing pyramid filled with corpses and treasure or an obelisk carved with learnable spells being “abandoned.” I would think perhaps the pyramid would be “indifferent” since it has treasure, but also a chance of afflicting PCs with a disease. At any rate, these labels don’t matter too much to sit and split hairs about the differences. The text description is what’s important, the label simply being a quick reference.
Reed has a specialized box for such cards as a Kickstarter, which I supported as in a previous post. I ordered that and a number of other decks. Whether I move these three to that one, or use that one for others, we’ll see when they come in. Perhaps I’ll post an update with images of the card box after construction, the new decks and so on. Apparently the decks are in and Reed is waiting for the actual card boxes, which I imagine will be in soon.
One thing I’ll say, his Kickstarters go from funded to product-in-your-mailbox fast. 
Never would have imagined way back when I was messing around with his 4C RPG(a Marvel Supers retroclone, and a public domain system like ours!) that all these years later I’d be spending on all these other products, but what can I say, the man produces quality. 
In other news - 
While we continue to proofread and pretty up “the Hypogeum of Hate,” our upcoming free adventure module set in a fantasy Celtic Scotland, we’re looking for playtesters to play another upcoming module, “the Blind Leading the Blind,” set on a tiny island in the same area. Fae, fomorians, wild enchanted items, cultural clashes, conspiracies and ancient secrets abound on the Enistis, beginning with this lost dungeon the PCs uncover. As they discover clues hidden throughout, should they survive long enough, they will realize that the dungeon was not lost but sealed away in the hopes that those who built it would not rise and bring terror to the entire island. Because this was the stronghold of the Soliform Order of the Knights of the Lord’s Keep, who brought back the dark secrets of immortality they had found and used them - until the day the forces of Order shut them away, secretly, in the dark. There they wait for the PCs to free them - just as their book of prophecy foretold…
One thing players liked about the original version of this adventure when I ran it long ago was that it contained almost no “intelligent” monsters. Giant insects, slimes, aberrations, rodents, bats, hazardous plants and other unintelligent but dangerous creatures gave the module a more disquieting and unnerving feel, driving home the emptiness and desolation. I hope you all will like this as well, and that it makes the intelligent monsters, once PCs unleash them, all the more frightening.
There are various “paths” PCs can take to complete the adventure, which could give the module an amount of replayability. As there are items meant to help with different scenarios and situations within, and these can be found in several orders(or not at all), it almost has a “Mega Man” like number of choices, should the PCs figure everything out, that could make it fun to replay to try tackling these challenges in different orders, or even “shuffling” items and perhaps monsters to produce such replayability. Simplify the system and you might even have a board game - anything’s possible! You think this is a good idea? You like it? Contact me! Think it’s dumb? Let me know!
If anyone is interested in playtesting - by participating in play through the Penny Thought Exchange Discord server(and maybe Roll20?) or by running it yourself for your own friends, please contact me here. Send a PM if you wish. Thanks!
And thanks to Philip Reed for the many years of high-quality, cost-effective releases! It was the 4C System that helped me rediscover the old Marvel system, which I hadn’t played in forever. 
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brokehorrorfan · 4 months
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Pixel Elixir has launched a Kickstarter for its fifth wave of Terror Kitties enamel pins. Expected to ship in October, you can get your paws on them for $11 each.
Designs include Friday the 13th: A New Beginning, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Fog, Ghostbusters, Hellraiser, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Beetlejuice, Tales from the Crypt, I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Ring, The Babadook, and Terrifier.
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sparrowrye · 27 days
Announcements 📣
So there it is my little devils. 76 chapters and 7 months later, we have finished!
I have some unique shoutouts but stick around because there’s more info at the bottom!
@feral-fox-crypt / @wendigonamecaller - for being my first author friend! I know I’m not active on the discord but I’m still glad we made it together!
@jgabriel1920 - for your amazing villain OCs. Blackwater was by far my favorite villain I’ve ever written and creating lore for Judah/John was fun! Thanks for our plot development chats too :)
@soggyfern - for kickstarting the creative juices and brainstorming my next story with me!
@liz776 and @flamingoblubber - for your constant reblogs of my work. You’ve helped spread the word about my story!
@martinys-world, @papas-ghoulette, and @vvollerie - for your wonderful, steadfast comments!
@mcntsee @blubugg13 @serenity-songbird @az--zy @direbatattack and among the others who've already been @'d in this post - for your OCs who helped flesh out the story. I enjoyed the challenge of writing a character I didn't come up with!
Of course, can’t forget my anonymous 🥩 who was there to submit in depth thoughts about my work early on, giving me the courage and inspiration to keep going. Hope you enjoyed your meal :P
And most importantly, to the ~65 individuals who liked each of my posts. And especially to the ~16 who watched and waited for the climax parts to come out in real time. Without your likes, I would feel alone. Thank you for the support!
****and if I missed you, please message me! But I'm pretty sure I got everyone
Now, sappy stuff aside.
I’m not done writing delicious Alastor works, BUT I do plan on making them significantly shorter than Demi Demon. I love novels but man, that was tough. I’m trying to focus more on longer chapters in fewer amounts. I’ve got work, my masters, friends, a side project, and my own WIP I’m trying to finish too!
At some point this week, you will get another announcement revealing the title, vibe, and summary of my next story. It’s currently being hammered and plotted so I’m going to wait to finalize everything before I let you know. My only hint: take a look at the results of all my polls
Lastly, I’m going to put this in a different post so people can always access it:
I. Want. Your. Opinion.
Specifically on Demi Demon.
I want to become a published author and I believe fanfiction is a way to play around and develop experience/skill for writing and storytelling. So I’m asking all of you to return the favor and submit an anonymous form where you’ll tell me your thoughts (good and bad) on Demi Demon.
When the post is up you can access it HERE
Also, keep checking my pinned post. I make small little changes every now and then :P
Again, I’m so SO grateful for all of you. Your support, no matter how big or small, has truly helped me finish this novel. I was going through a lot these past months and your support helped me through some dark times. So thank you!!
Enjoy the peace as we transition stories because I’ll be back to make you love and cry all over again!
~ Sparrow
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squirmydads-creations · 2 months
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Today's story comes from a Reaper Bones miniature that I received as part of the 2012 Kickstarter, and a little resin potion bottle that was tossed into one of my Etsy orders as an extra gift.
The young lady is a Relic Hunter, who digs up dead bodies in order to reanimate them and question them about missing ancient artifacts. Unfortunately, her quest into the crypt from before the dawn of time only yielded a small potion bottle.
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rpgsandbox · 7 months
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Swyvers is a light-weight set of rules married to a full set of tools and tables for running a game in the chaotic sprawl of The Smoke, its many districts and The Midden. What a city it is — corrupt officials, looming war, rogue sorcerors, monsters below and nobs above. Violence rests as thick as the smog, nothing is sacred and it’s always bloody raining. 
Swyvers is a game about bastards. You and your gang of criminals scarper through heists and sewers, stalk through the filth of The Smoke and, if you’re lucky, you’ll make it out with a few extra shillings. The whole of this city is your filthy, sickly oyster. 
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Player characters are not heroes, they are not saving the world, they are trying to dodge the gallows in as much comfort as they can while giving the two fingered salute to the Crown. But hey, robbing the rich never hurt anyone, right?
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This 'n That
Rules and lists of all the tools, weapons, lodgings, dodgy business investments, and hired goons any self-respecting Swyver should be familiar with.
Rules for dogs of all cut and calibre.
Death and dismemberment!
How to have a proper funeral for your mates.
'Orrible diseases.
Bloodsucking aristocrats.
Accurate time keeping records.
How to spend your spoils on carousing for XP.
Getting into deep trouble for your wild nights out, including gambling debts, dogfighting, and jealous lovers.
Take on apprentice Swyvers (Putterers), lead them on heists, and train them to take your place in the event of your inevitable sticky end.
Fences: who they are and how they'll profit from your terrible life choices.
Rules for bribes, leverage and blackmail!
A system for attracting the attention of Knotland Yard, who will, over many sessions, form a case against you and put a stop to your wicked ways.
A complete selection of terrible adversaries including agents of the church, ghouls, hussars, vampires, average humans, and bears.
... and complete rules on generating your own city of 'The Smoke'
The Smoke is the greatest city in the world, the beating heart of an empire. It is filthy and sprawling like a burst pustule left open to weep besides the iron-grey sea. It does have a name, but only the nobs and learned-readers know it. Beneath slumbers The Midden – the interconnected passages of built-over streets, basements, tombs and hidden lairs where criminals lurk, beasts squat and lost wealth resides. An enterprising fellow with a sledgehammer can traverse in any direction they please – not that they’ll like what they find. It is rife with corpse-thieves, cellar-breakers and enterprising businessmen shunned in sunlit places. The rich of The Smoke honour their dead with elaborate crypts, whose morose edifices encroach ever further into the slums – the trap-smiths of The Smoke do fine business from their craft, and the fences keep the money flowing thanks to enterprising tomb robbers.
Every group of Swyvers will have their very own Smoke. The GM starts a campaign by generating the city, starting from a core of districts: the Royal Gaol, the Palace, the Mayoral District and the Docks. From there they follow along Swyvers' generation tables to flesh out and, potentially, endlessly expand their rotten city. 
You will have a unique engine for running your own Swyvers games!
... and a unique and innovative magic system
Magic is not a known factor to the vast majority of the denizen of The Smoke. Rumours of witches abound, but specifics are thin on the ground. 
To cast a spell, put briefly — the caster plays blackjack. 
... and a starting adventure!
A starting adventure is included to get Swyvers moving and involved. Usually they’ll be planning their own heists and crimes, rather than having a justification like this one. Engaged players are happy players and great criminals.
In Blue Cheese, Left to Rot the party rob the Lindsore Estate, uncover their ivy-choked secrets, liberate their ancestral valuables, and maybe solve a few problems and make a few friends or enemies along the way.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, March 7 2024 6:00 PM UTC +00:00
Website: [Melsonian Arts Council] [facebook] [twitter] [instagram]
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
Vaguely Summarized WIPs!
I was tagged by @gummybugg (here), and @tabswrites (here)! I already did this one recently for my current main WIP "Of Starlight and Beasts", so I'll do one for "Enchanted Illusions"!
An assortment of different lives go terribly off the rails and there's only one jerk to blame
Dark magic is certainly an unusual way of proving a point. It's also a good topic to discuss over tea.
"Hello, we're new in town and it gets so much worse -"
Stealing blackmail info from the authorities with the homies.
Local girl tries to get her necromancer bf to chill tf out. Its a work in progress (:
Crashing at a teenage vampire's castle. He's surprisingly happy about it.
"Will someone please explain to me what is going on?" (part 1) - tearfully brought to you by an older brother yet again on the verge of a mental breakdown
Lots of stabbing, shooting, and running. Also, let's jump off a train
Screwed up family secrets and hella uncomfortable dinner parties
Assassination attempt gone wrong and top ten ways to kickstart Harriet's revenge arc
Vampire fails successfully at "How To Human". Thinks he's nailed it.
Confessing your undying love to your gf at a crypt. Special edition.
Gaston wannabe makes things dangerously uncomfortable and gets yeeted an express ticket to the afterlife
Turns out that making a deal with the eldritch, soul-consuming, clearly immoral demon lurking in the decrepit catacombs of the city while throwing a pity party half a decade ago has ✨consequences✨and you should've seen them coming
"We made things a lot worse and now it's everybody's problem, but at least we've got a plan. I think. Look, okay, it's 10% of a plan -"
Tagging: @mk-writes-stuff, @eccaiia, @the-ellia-west, @memento-morri-writes, @little-peril-stories, @littleladymab, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @doublegoblin, @oh-no-another-idea, @cowboybrunch, @ybotter, @thepeculiarbird, @crowandmoonwriting, @your-absent-father, @rickie-the-storyteller, @jasperygrace, @jay-avian, @willtheweaver, @saltysupercomputer, @winterandwords, @autumnalwalker and OPEN TAG
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goodshipskypirate · 2 months
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Kickstarter Crypt, gotcha.
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athetos · 1 year
The Crypt in sea of stars is such a wonderful idea. Honestly I would have loved to have been able to support it on Kickstarter to get a memorial. There’s so many cute messages and statues, all the ones that actually are memorials are genuinely so sweet.
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anim-ttrpgs · 1 year
Gauge of Interest: Historical Post-Apocalypse Fantasy Campaign Setting
We at A.N.I.M. have had the idea for writing and publishing a campaign setting book for use with fantasy setting RPGs(any edition of D&D, Pathfinder, Mythras, Mork Borg, etc.) that would take place in a well-researched and historically accurate early 15th century, assuming that a cataclysmic earth-shattering apocalyptic event happened some time in the 14th century, and also that elves and dwarves and many of the other Tolkien-derived fantasy peoples exist, as do monsters. It would feature unique and interesting takes on many of these concepts, perhaps most especially the drow, and how they fit into a recovering medieval world.
War, plague, and cataclysm has more than decimated the population. Crypts sit unconsecrated, leading to the rise of roaming and moaning undead hordes, and tunnels packed with shrieking malevolent ghosts. Trade routes wind overgrown and unguarded across the landscape, beasts and bandits crouching behind every rock and tree. The fields go unplowed, instead prowled by unnatural creatures born of experimentation and new unearthly magics that have risen in the new world. Once prosperous fishing villages sit abandoned, the sea having sunken into the earth. Trained militiamen return home only to find where once their villages stood is now barren waste, and, rich of arms but poor of shelter, find themselves faced with the choice to turn to robbery, or form a free company—but who’s to say they have to choose one or the other? There is much to be earned or taken by anyone who can hold a spear.
War on any large scale is unthinkable, and peoples that were once bitter enemies set aside their quarrels to bring hope to an injured world. This setting is post-apocalypse, the apocalypse came and went, and now society is rebuilding, and there is a chance for a relatively normal life for most.
The adventure hooks in the setting would largely revolve around small-time mercenary companies of 3-30 warriors, muscle for hire traveling around doing odd jobs that usually involve some manner of violence, such as clearing the way through haunted crypts so a group of monks can reconsecrate them, driving off dangerous monsters so that the fields can be safely plowed and famine averted. Generally an emphasis on adventures and dungeon crawls that are not just “go to where these goblins or orcs live and smash up the place because it stinks and they suck.”
These mercenary companies would, obviously, be the adventuring parties, but with a place in society that isn’t just the nebulous “adventurer”.
This post is a gauge of interest for that idea, because a full campaign setting book would be fun to write, but also a ton of work and requiring way more art than we could ever produce in-house, meaning it would definitely need its own Kickstarter. We can’t commit to this if we don’t think anyone is going to buy it. Either way, it’ll be a long time, because we still have plenty of work to do on other projects.
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llyrawren · 5 months
actually, screw it, y'know what? post outta nowhere of all my critiques of re:tbg. i don't wanna obsess over this game too much, it's good to know when pieces of media you like have flaws. starting loadouts: just made my last post on them, but. yeah, there's a lot of repeats. in base game this isn't the case, but with director's cut, literally half the characters all have the knife-handgun-spray combo. dear god, please, i beg thee for variety, sherwin character balance: on the topic, this. i'd say it knocks it out of the park for about 75% of the characters, they're all fairly well-balanced, but some just reek. kenneth and a. chris are way too strong, enrico feels way too bland, and a. brad makes my bones feel bad with how bad he is. good for the most part, but there's some slip ups tile art: i'm happy to say that this is nowhere near as bad as launch re2:tbg's tile art, and it makes more sense than that to have darker tiles, given the setting. but they still feel just a smidge on the dark side, and could have used just a bit more brightness to them. story clarity: spoilers ahead for re1's story. this is genuinely my biggest critique of the entire experience, and it's totally flavor-filled; 9 times out of 10, it translates re1's story pretty well, but there's some minor stuff that just irks me. it's not made clear that lisa trevor's mom is in crypts b's coffin (maybe a bit of flavor text in the opening saying the coffin has 'jessica trevor' written on it), taking away just about all of lisa's backstory, the weirdness surrounding the helicopter in the helipad's intro text, and the fact it isn't made clear where the rocket launcher comes from in the helipad, just to name a couple weird moments. it's extremely minor stuff, but i feel it sort of takes away from the plot of the game, which has some really good moments. director's cut: in terms of the playthrough, the story stuff was my least favorite part. for the entire board game, and everything outside of it, this is my least favorite part. tl;dr, the director's cut expansion, which triples the character count, doubles the enemy count, adds a boatload of new modes, and generally makes the game feel more complete, is completely kickstarted exclusive. i know sherwin and the gang are looking into getting it as a sfg store exclusive, but there's really no excuse for kickstarter locking this crucial of content. it just makes the game feel less complete for those buying it after the fact. basegame and the two story expansions are perfectly fine, but i seriously wish that it was better, that this vital of stuff could be accessible to everyone without resorting to stuff like tabletop sim or forking over cash to resellers. i don't hate this game, i hope i've made that exceptionally clear with my posts about it. i honestly adore this game, and i might make a counter 'stuff i love about it' post when i have more energy, but i wanted to just get this out there. like i said, it's important to be critical of the stuff you love, so it can grow and improve in the future. it sucks to make a huge textpost like this, but you gotta do what you gotta do. despite all this, i adore this game, i just wanna get this stuff out there.
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permafrown · 5 months
ok. irene churchill beloved gotham s/i semi-official chain of events.. below the cut
SO HOW THESE THINGS GO DOWN (in most variations)
-> irene churchill moves to Gotham after getting their Mortuary Science degree, picking up a job at the GCPD morgue (rent's cheap, they get to move away from home, job pays well.. life is good!)
-> shortly into the job they get a case file with all of Gotham's villains for them to study up on, and what to expect, since they're not in the loop.
-> one of these files is missing, funnily enough, and it's Scarecrow's, so Irene doesnt know about him!
-> a few months later, halloween rolls around and The Event* happens, and they find themselves infatuated with Scarecrow, thinking he's just a scare actor at the time LMAO
-> shortly after they track down Jonathan Crane, asking him questions about the fear-related crime. not because they knew he was scarecrow (though they might've had an inkling) but because if anyone in this town could answer any morbid curiosities they had regarding fear toxin, it'd probably be a psychologist.
-> this causes them to hit it off! and irene gets attached
-> until.
-> ANOTHER scarecrow attack happens that actually lands him in arkham, and Irene learns through a news segment that jonny is scarecrow.
-> and they're just kinda like. "uh oh." because someone's. feelings did NOT go away
-> they take the confiscated fear toxin from the GCPD and use it to start their own experiments, specifically modifying it to bring back the dead (a la reanimator)
-> the science behind this is some like mumbo jumbo about the fear component being strong enough to kickstart the brain. it's not real but its gotham so we're gonna say this works
-> they are successful, but only at making aggro zombies since the juice puts the undead in a constant state of fight or flight
-> so, they make a modified serum that would HOPEFULLY restore the person to their former self.
-> they never actually get to test this though because for one reason or another, Irene is killed !
-> their body is not buried in gotham, instead sent back to their home state for identification and all that other jazz
-> their new serum is used to bring them back, presumably by their family, and they spend a while back at home getting used to being 'alive' again
-> when they return. they're a new man!
-> they overthrow a city-wide event to announce their resurrection, along with a demonstration of their re-animation juice, and that's their humble villain beginning
-> their lair/hideout is a crypt on the outskirts of Gotham. btw
-> I do think Irene carried their feelings about Jonathan with them to their grave, and hoped that well, since they were alive again, maybe those feelings were buried with them the first time.
-> but they WEREN'T and it agonizes them to no end.
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1-50thofabuck · 4 months
Card Crypt, A Storage Box for RPG Card Decks by Philip Reed — Kickstarter
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I already bought deck 3 of the Old School Encounters about a month ago. Didn't take me long. I did it because I bought a couple of card holders and one looked like the third deck would just about fill it perfectly. I took pictures and was going to talk about it but haven't been up to it. I'll get to it, along with the other things I've promised. Finalizing a map for the upcoming module - maybe I'll post it when finished. I made it myself so it's not going to look great, but I never claimed to be a visual artist. (The module will be free so you get what you pay for, you know?)
Anyway, the Card Crypt looks awesome, and there are upgrades offered, including one with all three of the Old School Encounter decks(I called it didn't I!). That one is only $85, which is a good deal.
I went for the one with the deck of systemless dungeon encounters for $40.
The $60 one with dungeon generation cards would be good if I needed something like that but I have quite a number of resources for that kind of thing. Maybe I'll write an article at some point about one of them that I've used almost my entire life.
For $85 you get the one with the three OSR encounter decks, and for $142 you get the lot. Which is also a great deal if you don't have any of the decks and can use all of them.
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Okay, so this is going to double as a recommendation, but I just recently played through a new game called "Sea of Stars" (I also Kickstarted it; the code for my contributor location in the Crypt is 255992), and one of the characters (my favourite character) is a ninja who uses portals when fighting.
One of her special attacks is to make two portals on the ground, then bounce between them and throw daggers at the apex. So I just had this image in my head of a Horse Miraculous user doing something similar.
Oh dope though
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Sea of Stars with crypts & Mirth!
The new classic JRPG Sea of Stars has a lot of fun ingredients. In this part we get to start with some town building fun. I hope we can get a great place going!
There is also a cool area for the Kickstarter folks (me among them) to take a look at. Mixed bag of fun stuff. : )
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The town of Mirth is born!
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